#i offered to cook food on the 27th for them as a thank you for having ne
littlecutiexox · 2 years
Christmas will forever feel unsettling for me
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lucas-koh · 4 years
Stitches - Bryce Lahela x MC XII
Parts 1-11 linked in bio!
Somewhat canon compliant.
Rating: M, mentions of medical misdemeanour, implied sex, language
Song: Do I Wanna Know (Live At The BBC) - Hozier
Word Count: 3367
Taglist: @lahellacute @lahamseiroshoe @anotherbeingsworld @fuseboxmusebox @choicesficwriterscreations @bubblelaureno @bratzlahela @eleanorbloom @bryceslahela @thegreentwin @kelseaaa || please let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from this list
Chapter Twelve: An Inconvenient Truth
So. Denial hadn’t been working. At this point Suki had to admit to herself her crush on Bryce. She had no clue what to do. She should end it, right? It wouldn’t be fair on him. He hadn’t signed up for this and they’d made it pretty clear they didn’t want this to happen.
Suki hadn’t had feelings for anyone in such a long time that it had never seemed possible to her. She’d never dreamed she’d end up feeling some type of way for Bryce Lahela. The moment she felt that déjà vu she should’ve run for the hills. Maybe in hindsight the whole thing was a mistake, but it was too late now.
She was laying there in his bed, on his chest, wearing his pyjamas. She definitely wasn’t doing herself any favours right at that moment.
She wanted to stay there forever, enveloped in his smell and his warm skin and the light breeze of his breaths on her forehead; the soft cotton of his pyjamas, the dizzying sensation of his arm on her waist.
But god, Bryce really hadn’t bargained for this. She had to get out of there before she drove herself crazy or overstayed her welcome. Or worse, drove him away. Because although it might not have been what was best for her after the revelation, all Suki wanted was to keep Bryce in her life.
“Thank you so much. Again. But I oughta get out of your hair.” She started to lift herself off him, dreaming up reluctance as his arm fell away from her.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want. You said you had today off too, right? You must be feeling pretty rough,” he chuckled.
“Thank you for offering but really. I should go home.” Should more than you know. Should for my own sanity. Should because it’s the right thing to do when it was me who fucked up.
Bryce left her to it as she changed out of his pyjamas – slowly, she was hungover as hell – and back into the clothes that were strewn across Bryce’s kitchen.
“I’ll wash your underwear for you,” he offered, as they had been caught in the crossfire of her vomit. She could tell it was a serious offer despite the smug smirk painted on his face.
Stop it! Stop it stop it stop it! “No, you won’t. I have a washing machine at home.”
She collected them from him in a plastic bag, how embarrassing.
Imagine making such a state of yourself? I’m twenty-fucking-eight years old and I drank too much because I was afraid to admit I might have some stupid schoolgirl crush on my fuck buddy? Have you ever seen anything more tragic? And now he’s fucking handing me my sick-soaked underwear in a plastic fucking bag. Like a fucking child. A child who threw up at school and had to go home early and get picked up by their mom. And now I can’t stop fucking cursing myself for putting myself in this position. If there was ever any moment at all that he maybe saw me as more than a fuck, that moment was lost now.
So Suki left, her head spinning and not just because of an asshole of a hangover.
Maybe it was just a temporary baseless infatuation. Maybe Suki shouldn’t have been jumping to such drastic measures…
So that - Suki’s denial and clinging on to the hope that she could find a way to continue this – was how Suki and Bryce ended up continuing to sleep together throughout the month of February. But the longer it went on, the more sure Suki was that this addicting feeling when she thought of him was sticking around. And it wasn’t fair on him.
She kept thinking about it, considering her options, making the excuse that she didn’t want to jump into the wrong decision. So yeah, she kept sleeping with him. And no, there was no way in hell Suki was admitting to Bryce that she was into him.
She’d been afraid to contact him after everything that had happened, the amount of embarrassment she’d caused for herself, but he was the one to reach out first. It surprised Suki that he even wanted anything to do with her after all that.
“How’s your hand?” He’d asked the first time since the incident, picking up her wrist and investigating the healing.
“It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt much any more.” The wound was scarring to scab and itch.
“It’s looking good.”
“I guess I have your skills to thank.”
“How many times have I told you?” He grinned, “I’m a talented guy.”
They’d become comfortable with one another, really comfortable, and the friend part of friend with benefits could no longer be ignored.
Suki’s problem? Bryce was impossible to get a read on. She had absolutely no idea to tell if her newfound feelings were reciprocated, because he was a huge flirt to everyone. And Suki wasn’t one to take risks. So she didn’t say anything, assumed Bryce felt the same as he ever had for her.
She was right, of course, but not in the way she expected.
A few nights into the month Bryce texted:
Scalpel Jockey: *sigh* i should call her😉
Bryce’s text was accompanied by a selfie taken in front of his toilet, wide grin and thumb up. So embarrassing. He’d been right about the blackmail thing, then. He wasn’t going to let the mess I was go.
Santa Fe: you’re not even using the meme right
Scalpel Jockey: well my toilet misses your mouth so be sure to come visit it tomorrow
Santa Fe: you think you’re going to get laid after reminding me of the most embarrassing night of my life?
Over-exaggeration. But it honestly sort of felt that way.
Scalpel Jockey: of course I will😏
Santa Fe: nope
Scalpel Jockey:👀😌🤨
The next day,
Santa Fe: fine. see u soon.
“Owwww somethings digging into my back!” Bryce yelped as he’d rolled away from Suki. He did some odd contortions to reach underneath himself and grab whatever was causing the grievance. “Suki, why the hell is your id badge in my bed?”
“Uh, maybe because you chucked it into the abyss a minute ago.”
He gave her a look with pursed lips. He rolled to his side facing away from Suki.
“Aww, you look so cute in this. All innocent and shit.”
“Give it back.”
“I mean it! Look at that little face,” he cooed, brushing the image with his thumb.
“It’s really not my best picture at all,” she groaned. What was it about ID card images which made them always turn out terrible? And then one is left with said image for potentially years to come.
“Suki, this says your birthday is January 18th? You didn’t say anything?” He turned to face her.
“January was so busy, I wasn’t that fussed.”
“You should’ve said. I would’ve celebrated with you.”
“Birthday sex?” She laughed.
“No, like proper birthday stuff. Whatever you like doing on them. And then maybe some birthday sex,” he added with a smirk.
“Eh. It was fine, I just got takeout.”
Bryce tutted.
“When’s your birthday, then?”
Suddenly he looked bashful and uneasy. “Um. November 27th.”
“Oh my god. You’re an idiot.”
“Nah. I’m a Sagittarius,” he winked.
“I can’t believe you were trying to make me feel guilty for not mentioning my birthday when you didn’t either.”
“We actually spent it together. That day I looked after Tommy. I had a great time.”
“Oh.” He had to stop saying things like that. It was terrible for her heart. “I can’t believe you let me set a random kid on you for your birthday.”
“I said I had a great time didn’t I?”
And god Suki’s stomach was having a party, an anxiety-ridden, nerves-on-fire, doubt-clad, smitten-as-shit party.
In no time at all It was Valentine’s Day. Not that Suki was paying any attention… or that she wanted to spend it with a certain god-like surgeon. She didn’t even need to mention it, the plan was just act like this was any other hookup. February 14th was just a day – the way we ascribe time only exists because of us; and therefore it’s just a normal hookup. Using existentialism to cure crush nerves? Surprisingly works.
Santa Fe: 👃
Scalpel Jockey: sorry sukes i’m sick🤒
Well. That was not what she was expecting.
But wait. What if he was faking? What if he knew it was Valentine’s Day and was worried Suki was trying to make a gesture and had to let her down easy?
Worse, what if he was spending Valentine’s with someone else? After all, they had agreed not to be exclusive. Shit. What if Bryce liked someone else?? She didn’t even think about it before and now she felt a bit sick. He was an insanely attractive guy – chances were even without time to meet people there would be plenty at the hospital falling at his feet. There was no way he hadn’t been asked out for Valentine’s.
Those worries were quelled by another text, a picture of Bryce’s legs in his bed and the TV at the end playing something. There was a small bag full of used tissues.
Bless him, he really is sick.
Suki knew what she had to do.
Clanging about in the kitchen she muscled up some veg-packed soup, a vegetable lasagne, and a vegetable stir-fry. She also blended a fruit smoothie. Then she packed everything into Tupperware and fit a couple of portions of each into an insulated container.
Suki marched over to Bryce’s with the insulated container full of her cooked meals and determination. God, I’m a simp.
When she arrived she knocked hard so that he could hear. It was a couple of minutes before Suki heard footsteps, then they stopped (presumably for Bryce to look through the fish-eye) before Bryce creaked the door open.
“Suki. Didn’t you get my text, I’m sick I can’t-“ his voice was weak and croaky, slightly nasal – and he definitely sounded ill.
“I know. I’m not here for that. I bought you these,” she held up the insulated bag.
“What is it?”
“Food. Meals. Because you’re sick and you can’t cook. It’s just simple immune-boosting stuff,” she held out the bag for him to take.
He sniffed loudly and opened the door wider. “Come in.”
She was going to protest, but for some reason she didn’t. The plan was just to drop the food off, not to come in. But when faced with the opportunity Suki’s legs carried her subconsciously. When Bryce opened the door up for her she could see him closer. Dark bags under his eyes, greasy hair, chapped lips. He was wearing sweatpants (similar to the pair Suki had tucked away in her drawer at home from Christmas), and a cotton t shirt. He looked rough. Somehow, he was still the most beautiful man she’d ever met. And seeing him like this wasn’t off-putting at all, it just made her want to look after him. Be there for him. Why am I willing to do so much for him? Liking people is a bit like giving away your soul, isn’t it?
“You get back into bed and I’ll heat one of these up for you. They should still be mostly warm, anyway.”
“Sukes, I’ll be fine,” he said nasally. The nickname sent Suki’s organs into overdrive. Because here he was at his lowest, referring to Suki with an affectionate moniker and sounding like a melancholic song.
“I kind of owe you, remember?”
Bryce hummed a nod, too tired for much else, and slunk back into his bedroom.
Suki busied herself checking all the Tupperware’s – they were cool enough to go in the freezer by then so she put all bar one away. She heated that one for a few moments and transferred it into a bowl with cutlery, planted that on a tray, and brought it through to Bryce.
He was in bed as Suki had instructed, old reruns of Criminal Minds playing on his TV. He smiled weakly when he saw her enter with the tray of soup.
“Thank you,” he said as she placed the tray on his lap.
“No problem.”
He took a spoon of soup and gulped it down gently. Then he turned to Suki, who was now perched lightly on the edge of his bed facing him.
“I’m not good with… seeming weak,” he said, looking at Suki intensely.
“You don’t need to worry about that. It’s only me. I vomited in your toilet.”
“Exactly,” he muttered, and when Suki was about ask what he meant he carried on, “this soup is amazing.”
They sat in silence with only the sounds of the TV as Bryce worked his way through the bowl of soup. Suki was too nervous to ask what he’d meant.
“Thank you,” he said as he finished the bowl. She took the tray from him and took it back through to the kitchen, washing everything up for him. She returned to Bryce’s room, noting beads of sweat on his forehead. Going into Bryce’s en-suite, Suki found a washcloth and soaked it with some cold water before giving it a squeeze.
When she returned to Bryce’s side she gently dabbed the washcloth over his hot forehead. He looked up at her, vulnerable, exhausted – very un-Bryce. She was ever so gentle as she dabbed the cool cloth over his skin. Then Bryce reached up and held onto her wrist weakly with his hand.
“Why are you doing all this?”
“Like I said, I owe you. I was hard work that night at yours.”
He seemed to accept this answer, and gulped a little as he let go of her wrist. She pulled the cloth from his forehead for a moment.
“I’m still nervous,” he croaked.
“You seeing me like this. It’s not exactly sexy.”
Suki’s nosiness was getting the better of her, and she knew now would be a good time to strike since there’d been an opening.
“The whole… weakness thing – that’s why you were weird about the surgery?”
“Yeah. Yeah it is,” he sighed, looking at Suki as though weighing up his options. He seemed to come to a decision and continued: “I already went through struggles with self doubt. My parents fucked up my whole belief in myself - it’s why I overcompensate now. It’s why I took the surgery thing so hard, I felt myself doubting my abilities. Well it was more like – less that I was actually doubting myself, because I know I’m good, and more that I was worried I would start doubting myself.”
“Yeah, that totally makes sense.” Suki was surprised he was opening up to her like this. She noticed how he mentioned his parents, but she’d let him get there when he was was ready.
“I’m sorry for not telling you at the time.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t owed the story. So what really happened? You got kicked off because of karaoke?”
“Uh, the other surgical interns kind of have it out for me.”
“Well… everyone liked me at first. You know, I’m a likeable guy,” he flashed a grin, a ghost of his normal megawatt smile, “but I think once they saw how competent and determined I was that changed fast.”
“Jealousy,” she scoffed, “So that’s why you don’t hang out with them any more?” Suki remembered how he’d avoided them at Halloween.
“Yeah. And there was a group of them spreading shit from the start about me, dangerous rumours that could get me fired. Saying I drink on the job, I have *ahem* sexual relationships with my patients, that I’m a terrible surgeon and only made it here because of my parents money which is...”
“Your parents are well off?”
Bryce’s jaw tightened. “Yeah, uh, people found out about who my parents are too.”
“Who are they?”
“Another time,” he bit his lip as though unsure, concern as he looked into Suki’s face.
“Okay- drinking at work, sex with patients? Where the hell did those come from?”
“Well I keep a few condoms in my locker, for you, that can’t have looked great after the accusations. I don’t know shit about the drinking. I guess it just sounded bad and anyone who has had out it for me just wants me to look incompetent.”
“Those fucking dicks.”
Bryce shrugged. “It shows I’m a major threat,” he gave her a smug grin but his heart wasn’t quite in it. “So all that stuff got relayed back to Dr Emery and the karaoke the night before was apparently the last straw. She didn’t want to take the risk in case it was true and gave my surgery to Ben.”
“Ben, huh?” She asked, a sudden iciness in her tone. Like, Ben ‘you like her?’ Ben? Digging into Bryce’s private life Ben?
“Yeah, he’s another intern - you probably don’t know him.”
Maybe not. But I’m about to.
“I know some Ben’s… what’s his last name?”
“Oh no, I don’t know him,” Suki smiled sweetly, dabbing Bryce’s head with the flannel again. She’d gotten the information she needed.
Bryce chuckled weakly. “I told you.”
“Yeah so, obviously Dr Emery investigated it all after that and realised that none of it was true. But by then I’d lost it anyway. The damage was done, you know? Sorry, I know I sound a bit ‘woe is me’.”
“Not at all. You can talk to me, seriously. Friends – remember? I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” And angrier than I’m letting on.
“I suppose I owe you an apology too. For shutting you down and running away when you tried to ask me about it. I’m just- it’s- I like being That Guy, you know? The one who’s got his shit together. The one who’s the expert surgeon. Who doesn’t let things phase him. Laughs everything off. The one who’s amazing in bed,” he looked at her with a look that was, if Suki didn’t know any better, nervous. God, it’s so weird seeing him like this. But my heart is completely breaking for him.
“If I’m-“ he continued, then seemed to change his mind, “what you need from me wasn’t that, so I didn’t want to mess things up.”
“By being human? You could never,” she smiled as she bought the flannel back to his face, but it was more an excuse to stroke her finger over his cheek comfortingly. Bryce’s eyes seemed to shut involuntarily and he moved into her touch, just letting it be for a while. He was still hot, but had a bit more colour to his face, so Suki felt she had helped at least a little.
Fuck. I like you so much.
This definitely wasn’t helping her whole predicament, because each word he’d said to her, each touch, each look on his face – and she was a puddle on the floor. Overwhelmed with the ache she felt in her chest at the whole situation. That something as ridiculous as jealousy – between people who’s job it was to help others for gods sake – had put Bryce in such a spin. And it seemed to her that losing the surgery was bad for him, but the way that affected his confidence and how he felt he had to be around her – that seemed to have affected him more.
He was too proud.
And she cared for him too much to be okay with seeing him like this.
Suki must’ve been cradling Bryce’s face longer than she’d realised, because he eventually started snoring quietly. His eyebrows now flattened on his face and looking more at peace than he had since she’d arrived. She was careful when removing her hand and placing a pillow up under his head. She placed a gentle kiss to his forehead, brushing against the cool damp area she’d been dabbing. Then she snuck into his bathroom to fill up a glass of water and collect some aspirin, leaving them on his bedside table for him before escaping his apartment.
Suki was on a mission, fuelled by affection and anger.
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Volomag and Vodka Part 6 Facetime
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
warnings: swearing, mensions of xenophobia, COVID-19, quarantine
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For Jay the worst part about quarantine wasn’t being locked up with Will, it was being away from Hailey. Intelligence had heard from her just as it was starting to get bad, that because New York was a hot spot, Hailey wasn’t going to be returning to Chicago for a while. This spiralled him into a mood, he was pouting all the time, looking at Hailey’s desk longingly, glaring at the temp. Jay had been staring out of the window, looking like a kicked puppy, and Kim was done. “Okay, that’s it!” Everyone in the bullpen turned to her, confused as she whipped out her phone and started facetime someone.
“Hi Kim, how’s-”
“Jay’s moping. Fix him.” Was all she said before tossing her phone to Jay. “Jay?”
He straightened his shoulders and his expression softened out the creases made by his constant frowning. “Don’t listen to Kim, I haven’t been-”
“Yes he has.” No one in Intelligence even had to look up, each and every one of them completely over his kicked puppy routine.
Hailey quirked her eyebrow at him in the teasing manner he loved so much. “Okay, so maybe I miss you a bit.”
He was met with a chorus of scoffs and eye rolls. “... Or a lot. It’s just not the same without you here, and you were supposed to come home a week ago. I know that it because of the pandemic and all...”
“Don’t worry, Jay I miss you a lot too.”
“Do you know a guy who goes by ‘OA’ from your Ranger days?”
“Yeah, we weren’t in the same regiment but we were in specialized training together. Why?”
“He’s the guy I’m partnered with. He’s nice, but he’s not you, so I didn’t really want to talk about him. But today we were talking at lunch, and I guess I’ve been pretty standoffish with him, so he thought that talking about himself first would help, and I guess it did. He told me that he was a Ranger and I asked if he knew you and he remembered you vaguely too.”
“What regiment was he in?”
“Oh, yeah, I remember him, he was skilled, focused, but he got a lot of shit because his family’s middle eastern, I can’t remember the region or country, but I don’t know if I was ever told. I didn’t ask. He was there for the same reason we all were, and I had respect for him we just didn’t work together much. So he’s your new partner?”
“Temporary partner.” Jay took a relaxing breath. Knowing that she meant it, she was going to come back. 
“So you talked to OA.” Jay felt a little guilty, but not much. He’d called some people, who called some people, who were able to give him OA’s contact info, and then he gave OA a call. It was nice to catch up but Jay was honest with the reason he called. OA had chuckled, “don’t worry Halstead, I’ve got your girl’s back.” Jay hadn’t corrected him, he was just relieved to put a face and name to who was working with Hailey. OA had teased him a bit, but overall just nodded at the worry in his voice and said “don’t worry, man. She’ll make it back to you safe and sound. She’s a great cop. She was a little rough around the edges when she got here, weighed down by something, but she’s evolved in such a short period of time. I’d vouch for her. I even heard my boss wanted to offer her a spot,” Jay sucked in a breath as his body went numb and started to sweat, “doubt she’ll take it though. She misses Chicago, her friends, and her family. She misses you.”
“Yeah, well, I needed to make sure that he knew what would happen if he didn’t keep you safe.”
“You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“I did have to do that, just not for you. For me. The world has gotten a heck of a lot more dangerous pretty damn fast, I needed him to know that you have to come home to me- us. That you’re needed here.”
“Tell him to stop yelling at officer River.” Is the only greeting she gets from a visibly cross Voight before the phone is straight-up thrown at her partner. “Hey there troublemaker.”
“He’s exaggerating, Hails.”
“I’m sure he is.” The sarcasm dripping off her lips was practically visible. It took Jay a moment to realize that he’d been staring at them and wondering how they’d feel against his or if he brushed his thumb across them, he shook his head before looking into her concerned, soulful eyes.
“How are you doing?”
“Pretty good actually, I mean I still miss you and everyone else like crazy, but because of the pandemic we were able to get a lot more intel on some of the perps we were after and less resistance because so many people in their circles are getting sick. We’ve even been able to make a bunch of high-profile arrests.”
“That’s great, but, uh, you’re not having too much fun in NYC are you?”
“Not even remotely. I can’t wait to get home to you.” His heart skipped a beat and then began to ache for her more. “Seriously, as proud as I am with my accomplishments at the FBI while I’ve been here, I’m really starting to resent this city. I just want to be home. With you.”
“I feel exactly the same way, I promise.”
“Upton, something’s wrong with Jay.”
“What do you mean?” Hailey looked terrified, the last time something was wrong with him he ended up getting kidnapped and shot. “Someone facetimed him earlier, and at first we all thought it was you... But then his face just changed, it became cold, unreadable. He answered the call in the break room, but he shut the door and the blinds. Ever since he’s been walking around like a zombie.”
“Pass him the phone.”
“Hey Upton.”
*Okay, he called me Upton, not a good start.* “What’s up, Jay?”
“Did you know that Erin was working in the same building as you?”
“I haven’t seen her at all, but I’d have to imagine that she at least works in the vicinity of the headquarters.”
“Well, she’s seen you. And, uh, apparently, she was going to talk to you but then your phone rang, it was last week when Adam-”
“Bought the wrong kind of chocolate for Kim, yeah, that was actually pretty funny. Sorry, continue.”
“Well, she uh, she stuck around and just eavesdropped on the whole call. It didn’t sit well with her apparently, because she called me this morning. She was I don’t know- unhappy? Pissed? But it was all just really weird, because of how she and I left things, and she said that she’s going to be keeping an eye on you. And not in a ‘hey your friend is visiting my city? Yeah, I’ll keep an eye on ‘em, don’t worry’ way. It was in a ‘I don’t trust this girl around my boyfriend’ kinda way. And I know that she’s fluent in Voight, so she’ll figure out pretty damn quick why you’re there, if she hasn’t already, and I’m just really worried for you.”
“That’s not all you’re worried about. I can tell. Spill it, Jay. You know you can talk to me.”
“She was acting like I cheated on her. And she said she still loves me, and I’m just upset she thought it was okay to talk to me like that, about that. I know I made some pretty big mistakes in our relationship, and I know that at least half of the fault falls on me, but it just made me feel dirty, and angry.”
Hailey’s face had softened, and honestly, it just made Jay’s day a thousand times better. “I don’t know if this will make you feel any better, but my time at the FBI has come to an end, and I’ll be getting on a plane to Chicago tomorrow afternoon. I mean, I’ll still have to self-quarantine when I get back for fourteen days, but at least I’ll be home.”
“... So what you’re saying is I won’t be able to see you in person for another two weeks?”
“Sorry, Jay.”
“Damn, just when I think my luck has changed.”
“I feel bad.”
“Don’t. Vanessa is fine, she’s been a good buffer between Atwater and Jordan, and Vinessa likes having another girl around. Plus there’s the whole Vinessa, Vanessa thing. They’ve been having fun.”
“I still feel bad.”
“Do we need to call her and ask her if she’s mad at you?”
“... No, she’d just yell at me for feeling guilty over nothing.”
“See? Nothing to feel bad about. How are you holding up?”
“I am bored out of my miiiiiiiinnnnnnd.” She groaned and fell back against her couch, pouting at Jay. He smiled softly, giving her a sympathetic and sad look. He knew how bad she felt, he wanted to see her too. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and just hold her.
“I’ve been taking the time to learn how to cook. Mostly with my grandmother’s cookbook, but I found some recipes online, maybe I could drop off some food for you.”
“What does Will say about your cooking?” She was smiling, knowing Will’s opinion on Jay’s cooking.
“Hey, hey, hey now, this conversation isn’t about him.” Jay was laughing, Will’s rants about his previously shitty cooking were widely known among their social circle. “I have gotten much better, I promise. I, uh, I’ve been learning some recipes that I really think you’ll like.”
“I look forward to it Jay, I really do.”
Hailey’s quarantine was almost over, and Jay was buzzing on the edge of his seat. Before work he’d dropped by with a bag filled with numerous containers of food. Most of it was old traditional Irish food, but he’d tried his hand at a few Greek recipes, hoping to impress Hailey. So when her bubbly face popped up on his screen, he jumped up and took the video call to the breakroom. “Hi Hails-”
“I love you,” his heart actually skipped a beat and his nerve endings heated up “so much right now. This food is AMAZING. And you made Greek food. Keftethes, Souvlaki, Spanikopita, and Baklava. This was so sweet, you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“It, uh, it wasn’t anything special. Really.”
“Thank you Jay. And, I meant it. I love you, Jay.”
“I love you too, Hailey. More than you know.”
“Guys, guys-”
“What is it, Ruzek. I know that we’re all starved for something to do since the commissioner put us all on grunt work after our suspension, but you need to stop just running into the room like you have news, man.”
“Yeah, what is it this time, the vending machines got refilled?”
“Upstead has sailed, they’re a thing! I just heard them talking! Oh, come on, guys. Atwater, you believe me right? Rojas? Voight?” They shook their heads, wondering if Ruzek had finally snapped after all the pressure they’d been under because of their suspension and involvement in the Black Lives Matter movement.
“Hey, hey, everyone, I just heard Hailey and Jay talking about how they love each other over the phone!”
“I’ll get their HR forms started.”
“Oh come on, you believe Kim and not me?”
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fmdxyoungjoo · 4 years
hi, so this is an offering for all four of my muses for the event post for any potential threads (especially the ones with prompts!) please press the like or directly message me if you’d like to plot for the event be it on discord or on joo’s tumblr right here.
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silhouette will be performing sixth sense, and joo’s voice isn’t exactly in the best condition for the high note in sixth sense ( potential thread for 3rd prompt) [dec 25th]
joo draws the red card and is part of the decorations team but everyone has forgotten how much of a two left feet + accident prone she is ( potential thread for 1st prompt) [dec 25th]
joo @ the holiday ball probably in a bath robe lmfao because there’s too many people for a swimsuit show [ dec 25th ;7pm to 11pm ]
dec 27th: she’s probably tired enough to just spend the entire day on the cruise ship so she’s free the entire day in her rooms here
dec 28th: joo is with the red team again and is working in the kitchens and thank god she’s not that bad at cooking in fact she’s actually good at it lmao the rest of the day she will be preparing for the concert with silhouette and being on stage before returning, probably exhausted by the end of things
dec 29th: she’s free the entire day, find her at the pool dipping her feet in the water because its hot, or in her rooms, probably catching up with sleep or working on her music because she plans to put out an album once more
dec 30th: this time she’s lucky to get the blue card and she’s going to get that free massage (pls her body is probably aching at this point lmfao) & pampering herself with that french fine dining
dec 31st : early in the day she’s with silhouette girls, preparing for the concert. the new year eve’s party she’s probably going to let loose a little so a tipsy joo might make an appearance....yeah...i’ll think on that again a drunk joo is a really...sigh. if anyone wants to find her, she will be there probably alone and drinking by herself slowly while admiring the night sky.
jan 1st : she will be at the fansign at the theatre with the rest of silhouette, waiting for her turn after 7rophy, and probably brushing shoulders with BEE since they’re up next for the fansign. the rest of the day is shopping in busan, probably going round to find little joys in eating (yeah yeah yeah she’s craving street food whatcha gonna do about it 😤
artemisia / sia :
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lipstick is going to be performing news, wild and lil’ touch and knowing sia she would probably either be late / lost somewhere in the ship / sleeping  in the most unexpected places. the loud sounds of the rehearsals are also going to or probably might get to her, and some might find her hiding away hands over her ears trying to re-balance her disorientation and sensory overload. she might run / brisk walk off the stage mid-practice because of it as well. 
the same night she’s performing with lipstick, but the rest of the whole time for the concert she’s going to be having a good pair of earplugs in her ears--misunderstandings could occur because she’s not very good at reading lips. 
dec 26: she gets lucky and draws a blue card. fits her perfectly, probably spends the rest of the day lying dazedly on the benches next to the swimming pool, or just lazy enough to get into the water, and just lie down and float. actually. she might even fall asleep while floating, based on what i know of her personality. in that case someone pls..wake her.
the swimming pool thing might also cause some fun in threads because sia could have walked out of the swimming pool without caring if her hair was all over her face (its probably grown to mid chest by now), and coming across her with wet hair across her face trudging round the corner can be quite horrifying
the same night she’s going to grab food, drinks for the holiday ball and spend her time trying to find a spot where no one comes round. maybe you come across her because you’re trying to hide too
dec 27: free day on ship. great. she’s going to sleep. or blast music and work on her stuff. or play games. come hit her up and find out.
dec 28: she gets a yellow card and probably spends her time trying to sneak off and away from actually doing the mission because no, she doesn’t like animals, and yes, its because they’re too noisy. her ears hurt and her eyes hurt please spare her for a moment, or don’t and drag her back to do the mission. she rehearses with the rest of lipstick girls in the evening--good luck, someone from lipstick hear her rant about the animals in the afternoon and calm her frazzled soul 
dec 29: free day again. again, sleep, eat, blast music, work stuff, play games...come hit her up.
dec 30: she gets a yellow card again and is attempting to sneak and mingle with the blue team. maybe you are perceptive enough to catch the usually presentless her, or you don’t and she smoothly integrates herself into the team. if she succeeds, she’s going to the bar to celebrate which is rare in all honesty, we might get a drunk or tipsy sia who knows. or just plain sober sia. who knows.
dec 31st: again she’s with the lipstick girls in the morning, and at the new years’ eve party in the night. again, she’s trying to sneak food and drinks out so as not to mingle in the party. she will be attempting to ninja her way to the observation lounge. 
jan 1st: she will be at the fansign at the theatre, brushing shoulders with fuse girls and gal.actic girls at their fansigns. her fans usually bring her rather embarrassing little hats for her to wear that’s too big for her so you might come across her wearing those and shuffling out of the theatre or something. 
she’s going to honestly just walk around. mainly if there’s anything of musical interest that catches her attention, she will go for it. 
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dec 25th: she’s going to be playfully getting ready with the rest of the bee girls for her performance, being the mood maker and the cheeky one she might purposely do some fun little antics to tease those around her and be playful with them
dec 26th: she get the red card and probably might cause more harm than good with decorations, though she’s pretty eager to help. who knows you might chance upon her getting caught in tinsel or entangled in the lights with no way to get out. the same night she’s going to be at the ball, probably eating and drinking and mingling with friendly people whilst being in the pool as well
dec 27th: free day out in taipei!! join her for street food!! she wants to eat all of the street food and shop at all the street markets she can find!! she especially wants to try the stinky tofu, so...good luck to anyone bringing her out she will insist on trying it lmfao
dec 28th: she gets the red card again :’) this time someone please make sure she doesn’t end up eating all the food she’s supposed to prepare. aly with cooking is always 85% eating and 15% cooking, she’s also not good at it at all so bear with her pls
dec 29th: she’s going to the card and game room, and the library, and the theatre and then the fitness centre she just wants to visit every place in the ship even though she doesn’t stay long in one place.
dec 30th: she gets the yellow card  and will try to mingle with the blue team. except..that she’s just generally bad at hiding her excitement ;;
dec 31st:  she’s probably eating at the ball, and then making a beeline for her room. by then she’s exhausted herself on the running energy for the past few days. she might fall asleep while eating, or doze while talking with someone
jan 1st: she’s going to brush shoulders with silhouette and lucid girls for the fansign at the theatre, and aly is known to be a bit wild when doing fansigns lmao so you might hear her hyping up the fans even while behind or waiting for your turn. aly energy at the beginning of the fanmeet: 150% , after the fanmeet: 150% and getting louder with bunny hats and flower crowns and just chattering non-stop (i’m sorry bee girls :’) she’s excited)
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dec 26: yeah, he’d rather be anywhere but rehearsing for alien. he’ll be distracted half the time or disappeared because he’s snuck away to watch over his gf. or he will aim to finish his rehearsal quickly and then go. 
he gets the yellow card and helps with the choreography of dance since its his niche. he’ll probably suggest some really cheer / hyped up songs that makes people feel like dancing upon hearing the song--that’s half the recipe of success he says.
holiday ball: do not disturb, thank you. he’s probably hovering somewhere close to his gf, watching over her and half heartedly talking to others. who knows you might see the warmer or actual side of him and not the dumb narcissistic side since he tends to be softer and more leaning towards his original personality when around his gf
dec 27: he’ll be at the fitness centre or the indoor pool, or you might not find him at all.
dec 28:. ...he gets a yellow card and will probably go around asking to exchange cards with others pls he’s kind terrified of the idea being around wild animals LOL animals remind him of his gf’s pets who detest him lmfao
dec 29: you won’t find him anywhere akjdgk this devoted person is off and away with his gf as secretly as he can
dec 30: he draws the red card. he hasn’t cleaned in a long ass time, but he’s willing to put in the effort as long as others do, and surprisingly you won’t see him complain but just diligently do his part.
dec 31: god he’s rehearsing with alien again. he’d honestly rather have time speed up in this part because his mind is preoccupied elsewhere. the new year’s eve party is going to be fun and blissful one, but he’s finally had the chance to fully relax and just be himself. maybe you’ll catch the flamboyant, loud ass prat version of him, or maybe the sentimental one. anyway, he’s staying up and finding his gf so that he can give her a new year’s kiss secretly because he’s romantic like that.
jan 1st: he will brush shoulders with origin members and decipher members, then appear at the theatre later on to watch from a distance and silently support silhouette. 
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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Kneading Love | Ch. 8 “Tastes So Sweet” 
a/n: thank you so much for reading this fic! I know it was a short one, but I wanted to keep it simple and this started out as something to get me inspired again. I’ve enjoyed writing these sweethearts, and I can’t wait to share more in the future. perhaps these two will make a comeback someday! as always, thank you @julesbeauchamp for making me the best moodboards! 
Chapter One |  Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven 
February 27th, 1947
The fire crackled quietly, and the warm glow illuminated the cottage. Finally, peace.
Claire sighed happily as she watched Jamie sit down at the other end of the sofa, immediately taking her feet onto his lap. His strong fingers curved along the insole of her foot, making her want to purr like a kitten.
She must have made some sort of sound, because Jamie chuckled, deep in his chest. Opening her eyes, Claire found him grinning at her, one side of his mouth drawn up in that mischievous way of his.
“Today was…” Claire paused, trying to find the right word to describe their wedding day.
“Perfect?” Jamie offered.
“Hmmm, yes,” Claire nodded. “Perfect, lovely, wonderful, and rather exhausting!”
Jamie laughed, and moved onto her other foot. She had opted for a small heel, but two inches was apparently all it took to make her feet throb — they’d been the first thing she’d kicked off when they walked in the door of their cottage.
“Aye, I ken what ye mean, a nighean,” Jamie smirked. “I thought we wouldna make it out of there alive!”
They had invited practically the whole village, as it was small and they wanted to celebrate with those who saw their love blossom. Because of the generosity of the village, they barely had to pay for anything. All the food was cooked by Jamie’s mother and her friends. The cake made by Jenny, the flowers obviously provided by Claire herself and neighbors pitched in decorating the backyard of Lallybroch.
It was simple, but it was perfectly them.
It had only been two months since their engagement, but neither of them wanted to wait. Their life was beckoning, and they bloody well wanted to get on with it.
“I suppose you didn’t grab any cake on the way out?” Claire asked.
“Oh!” Jamie stopped rubbing her feet. “Actually, I did. Jenny made a wee basket of food for us to bring back. All the pastries and cake ye could need, Sassenach. Shall I fetch it?”
“Yes please,” she licked her lips in anticipation. Jamie lifted her feet off of his lap and rose to go into the kitchen. Claire had managed to remove her shoes, but hadn’t gone so far to take off her dress yet — after all, you only get one day to wear it.
Jamie came back with the fully loaded basket, and a bottle of champagne, a rare treat. He had removed his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. He looked dashing in his Fraser kilt, and Claire couldn’t wait to get under it later.
“Any cheese?” She asked, moving to sit up.
“I think so, my wee mouse,” Jamie laughed, and dug around the basket until he found a square of cheese wrapped in cloth. He cut it into pieces and handed one to Claire who leaned forward and ate it straight from his fingers.
“Mmm,” she moaned, her eyes shutting at the taste of the sharp cheddar. “I didn’t realized I was starving!”
“We barely had time to eat wi’ the wedding,” Jamie said with a mouthful of bread. “Talkin’ to everyone, thankin’ them and such. At least we got a bit of the cake, and more now.”
“Jenny did a wonderful job with that,” Claire smiled. ��I know it was hard for you not to intervene,” she cupped her fingers under his chin, making him smile. “But, she was very happy to bake it for us.”
“Aye, I ken yer right.”
“That’s a sentence you can get used to saying,” Claire winked, and nudged him with her foot.
“My wife is always right,” Jamie grinned widely. “Except when she’s no’.”
Claire reached into the basket and picked up a piece of the cake, holding it in her hand, level with Jamie’s face.
“Ah, Sassenach,” Jamie eyed the sugary cake in her hand dubiously, his body shifting away. “What do ye think yer gonna do wi’ that?”
“I might eat it,” she looked at it. “Or I might just—“
Claire pushed her hand against Jamie’s mouth, the cake smearing across his lips. The light purple frosting made a streak across his nose and Claire sat back, laughing to herself.
“Sassenach,” Jamie stuck his tongue out, licking the frosting. “Whatever possessed ye to do that?”
“Because I wanted to,” she said, still laughing. Before she knew what was happening, Jamie grabbed a piece of cake and shoved it over her face. Gasping, and leaving her mouth vulnerable, Jamie slid two cake covered fingers inside.
Claire clamped down on his fingers and sucked the cake remains off. Jamie’s smile faded into a look of lust as his wife licked the frosting off, swirling her tongue around his long digits.
“Claire Fraser,” he said with a husky voice. “Yer goin’ to get what ye deserve!”
Jamie pounced on top of her, nearly knocking the basket to the ground. A shriek left Claire’s lips as they tumbled to the ground, his body pinning her to the hardwood floor, covered only by a warm rug. Closer to the fire now, the glow shined on Jamie’s face, highlighting the look of desire.
“You seem to have a bit of cake on your lips, darling,” Claire tried to laugh, but found it hard with the weight of her husband on top of her. But when she did laugh, her body pressed against his, and she felt an obvious hardness between his thighs.
“I wonder how it got there?” Jamie said softly, moving down to kiss her. It was the sweetest kiss that Claire ever had. Her tongue parted his lips, as her hands slid up to cup the sides of his face.
“I don’t have any idea,” she breathed heavily. “Better clean it off.”
“Hmph,” Jamie grunted, and licked her lips with the tip of his tongue, then moved to where the rest of the frosting covered her cheeks. He kissed her jaw and began to move her mouth to her neck, lighting sucking.
Claire’s hands moved to his back, sliding into the waist of his kilt. The heat of him — it drove her wild and she needed him in that moment more than she needed air. At the touch of her hands on his arse, he moaned and pressed down against her hips.
“God, Jamie,” Claire sighed, bringing his face back up to her lips. “Take this damn dress off of me!”
“I’ll be more than happy to oblige ye, Sassenach,” he smirked and rose off her body. She sat up and got to her knees. Moving behind her, Jamie began to undo each button, his large fingers working as quickly as they could. “So many damn buttons,” he muttered.
“It was just as much work getting into it,” Claire laughed, holding her hair out of the way for him. “But it was so beautiful. I suppose I won’t be wearing it again.”
“Why no’?” Jamie kissed the back of her neck quickly.
“Well, I can’t exactly do any gardening in a wedding dress, and wearing it to the shops would look quite funny,” Claire laughed, feeling chills run down her body from his kiss. “Maybe I’ll pull it out a few times a year just to remember what it felt like to wear it.”
“I think ye can wear it whenever and wherever ye like, Sassenach,” Jamie smiled, pleased with himself that he finished the last button. “But, I do think it would look a wee bit odd wearing it to the shops, so maybe just at home, ye ken?”
“Agreed,” Claire laughed. With the dress unbuttoned, she stood to her feet and turned to face Jamie. As she looked down at him, Claire pushed the sleeves from her arms and let the dress flutter to the ground around her into a pool of lace and silk.
His blue eyes drifted from her face, to her bare chest — no room for a bra with the dress. “Christ,” Jamie said softly as he drank her in. “Oh Claire,” he reached out a hand to her. “Ye truly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. If I havena told ye that enough.”
“I don’t mind hearing it again,” she blushed and sank to her knees. Her hands instantly went to the top button of his shirt, and she silently undressed him. Once the kilt was the only thing that remained on his body, Claire’s fingers began to tremble. It wasn’t like this was their first time together — God, Claire couldn’t even begin to count the number of times they had slept together, but it was more than her fingers and toes combined.
Jamie’s hands covered hers, squeezing firmly. “Ye’ve nothin’ to be scared of, a nighean.”
“I’m not scared,” Claire said and meant it. “I suppose it’s just all the emotions of the day catching up to me. We’re married, Jamie, really married!”
A smile brightened his face, one that lit her heart on fire. He kissed her gently, one hand cupping her cheek. “We are married, Claire Fraser. And I shall never tire of callin’ ye that. My wife.”
“Mmmm,” Claire melted against his lips. “Say it again.”
“Claire…” he kissed her cheek. “Fraser,” then her nose.
His hands slid down her body, feeling the silkiness of her panties which he began to push down her round arse, one of the many body parts he admired. “My wife,” he whispered into her ear as she lifted one knee at a time.
“My husband,” Claire said breathlessly, her head lolling to one side as he kissed her neck. His steady hand held her head up, intertwined in her curly hair. Gently, he pushed her down until she lay flat on the ground. It may not have been very comfortable, but neither of them was in the mood to move for the sake of comfort.
Jamie reached at his hips to removed the kilt, but Claire shook her head, grabbing onto the material tightly. “Leave it on,” she grinned wickedly. “Just for now… please?”
He chuckled and let go of the tartan, letting it fall back over her body. “It does look verra nice against yer smooth skin, Sassenach.” His fingers began at her neck and moved between the valley of her breasts, briefly circling her left nipple before moving down her stomach. “Like pearl.”
Claire couldn’t help but squirm as his finger tickled her, but she didn’t dare stop him. His fingers moved south, lightly over her ribs and around her belly button. Her breath hitched as he reached her mound of Venus, pausing to press down firmly.
“Oh God,” she moaned, already feeling a building sensation inside of her body.
“Later,” he said softly, his fingers playing with a dark patch of pubic hair. “I would like to kiss every part of yer body, taste every inch of yer skin.”
“Later?” Claire sat up on her elbows to watch him.
A deep vibration ran through his body and Claire felt it in her pussy. “I mean that now I dinna think I can restrain myself from takin’ ye hard and quick.”
“Ah,” she sank back to the floor, watching through thick lashes as he reached under his kilt and she got a full view of his erection. Jamie stroked himself, his eyes never leaving hers. She could see a drop of pre-cum on the tip and her mouth watered to taste him — but, later… as he promised.
His other hand continued to move down, skimming over her wet lips, collecting the moisture there and he palmed his cock with his now slick hand — slick from her. Claire felt like she would combust at any moment, and when his fingers slipped inside of her, she had to squeeze her thighs to control the tremors that overtook her.
“Can ye take me, Sassenach?” Jamie nearly growled. “Will ye have me?”
Reaching for him, she kissed him hard and a moment later, his fingers were replaced by his cock, filling her completely. Once he was rooted inside, he stilled, his mouth still crushing hers. The fire and the evening’s activity had made them both start to sweat, which actually made it quite easy for Claire to slide along his body. She wanted him, no, needed him, and she thrust her hips against his, desperate for him to move.
Move he did. Jamie pulled out of her until just the tip was inside and then thrust forward, making her body move against the rug. No doubt she would have carpet burn come sunrise, but at this moment, she didn’t care.
Her hands found purchase on his hips, clinging to the kilt as he began to pound into her. He was relentless and the power he usually contained was unleashed. Drops of sweat flicked down across her chest. The veins of his arms were begging to be kissed, licked and touched. The power behind his movements made her see stars.
“Oh God, Jamie!”
“Sassenach,” he cried out.
One hand moved to squeeze his arse, pushing him further into her. Angling her legs, she opened herself up for him, wanting all of him. Jamie bent down, pressing his chest to hers and kissed her neck. His thrusts were becoming more erratic and she knew that he was close.
But, a moment later he slowed, his hips becoming controlled and he lowered his mouth over her nipple, sucking until it stood upright. Claire’s right hand moved into his now sweaty curls, tugging as he sucked harder. A tingling sensation that started at her breasts spread throughout her entire body. Jamie made sure the other nipple received the same attention before moving to kiss her lips.
He then pushed back onto his arms, staring down at her, his hips still moving slowly. Their eyes locked, and for that moment in time, it was only the two of them that existed. It was as if time stood still, allowing them to savor the moment — the feeling of his cock inside her body, her hands on his back, the warmth of the fire like a cocoon.
“Please, Jamie,” Claire said, squeezing his arm. “I need you!”
“Aye,” he kissed her sloppily. “I need ye, Sassenach.”
His hips snapped once, twice, three times and it had Claire crying out in whatever language came to her first. Be it English, French or the bit of Gaelic Jamie had taught her. Jamie spilled inside of her, muttering a string of Gaelic words against her neck as he stilled like a corpse.
They were now covered in sweat, bodies slick with perspiration and the evidence of their lovemaking.
“Perhaps making love by the fire wasna a wise choice,” Jamie laughed against her chest, carefully pulling out between her thighs. He cradled her body against his, wrapping his arms around her back.
“Nor was the rug,” Claire hissed as his hand ran over her skin. “I’m afraid I’ve got rug burn.”
“Ifrinn,” Jamie muttered and pulled Claire against his chest so he could take a look at her back. “I’ll go get some of that wee salve ye used for my scratches. Is it by the bed still?”
“Yes, and bring a towel too,” she said as he got up from the ground. She heard something like material hit the ground and when she looked down the hall towards the bedroom, his kilt was on the floor. “A naked Scot running free,” she laughed to herself.
A minute later, Jamie returned, stark naked with the salve and towel. He helped her up and she laid back down on the sofa. “Now that ye say it, Sassenach, my knees are well chaffed.”
“Then put some of this on them too,” she replied, turning her head to face him. As she did, she came eye to eye with his cock, which twitched at her breath. “Hallo there.”
Jamie glanced down at her curiously. “Are ye talkin’ to my cock, a nighean?”
“It’s right in front of my face!”
Jamie squirmed as her hot breath touched him again. She tried not to laugh as his flesh began to harden, either from the air hitting it or the proximity of her mouth.
“Weel, turn yer head the other direction, Claire or I’ll never be able to get this stuff on ye,” he covered his privates with his hand until she turned to face the sofa.
“You’re the one who took off the kilt,” she reminded him.
“Aye, because it was soaked through and weighing me down,” he gave her arse a gentle pat, making her jump. “Now, lie still. Tis my turn to nurse ye.”
In the months she had known Jamie, she had tended to his wounds many times. And thankfully, she had made all the proper salves and potions for every occasion. Even in one instance, a lotion she had made for her hands had worked wonders as a sort of lubrication. Thinking about that instance as well as her husband’s length made her stomach twist delightfully. There was no promise of sleep tonight.
The salve melted at Jamie’s touch and soothed her back the moment he applied it. The rug burns were light and only covered the upper half, but still painful enough. It looked like the next few rounds, she’d be on top.
Once her back was coated, Jamie applied a bit to his knees as well. “Now, lay there until it dries.”
“Yes, sir!” Claire chuckled, feeling like she was back in the army.
With another swift pat to her bottom, Jamie placed the salve on a nearby table. He sat down on the floor, his hand coming to rest on the back of her thigh.
“Is it safe to look the other direction? I’m getting a crick in my neck,” Claire sighed.
“Aye,” Jamie smirked, his hands rubbing slow circles on her skin.
Claire turned her head the other way and smiled at him. “Much better, although I think I’d like you back on your knees.”
“Och, give a lad a moment to breathe,” he squeezed her thigh. “We canna all have yer stamina.”
“Hmph,” Claire huffed.
She didn’t want to wear him out too soon into the night, so she told herself to wait at least until the salve dried. Surely, that would be enough time, right?
“Are ye sure ye dinna want to go anywhere else for our honeymoon?” Jamie asked. They had decided to stay at their cottage, as Claire told him they wouldn’t be doing anything other than lying in bed for three days. At that, his eyebrows had shot up to his hairline before he kissed her.
“Yes,” she nodded. “We live in a beautiful area, and besides,” Claire’s eyes drifted down between his legs. “I don’t think you’ll be able to get out of bed once I’ve had my way with you.”
“Yer a vixen,” Jamie leaned over and bit down gentle on the back of her calf. “But if yer sure ye dinna want to go somewhere else.”
“No, I’m sure,” she smiled, reassuring him.
They were silent for the next few minutes, and Claire thought she might be about to fall asleep — with the warmth of the fire and Jamie’s fingers grazing over her skin. But then he spoke softly.
“Do ye think we made a bairn?”
“A what?” Claire moved to a sitting position on the sofa, swinging her legs to the floor.
“A baby,” he said. “Do ye think we made a bairn just then?”
She was shocked, but didn’t feel uncomfortable by the question. It was true, they had forgotten protection more than a few times. And Claire wanted children with Jamie, as many as she could bear.
“Perhaps,” she said, and a smile spread over her lips as she truly thought about it. Jamie moved between her legs, his hand reaching to splay over her stomach.
“I’d like to think we did,” he said softly. “I’d like a wee one. A small version of you and I.”
“I would too,” Claire agreed. “A bun in the oven.”
At that, Jamie laughed heartily. “Oh Christ, yer right!”
“I know of a way to make sure we get a bun in this oven,” Claire smirked, pulling him up and he sat beside her. She climbed onto his lap, his cock resting between her legs.
“Och, Sassenach,” he kissed her. “Ye really will wear me out.”
She brought her hand down between their bodies, stroking him slowly, watching as his eyelids fluttered shut. “But I’ll happily die in yer arms a thousand times.”
“Then kiss me, my husband,” Claire adjusted her legs, taking him in.
“I love ye, my petal,” he said before claiming her lips.
“As I love you, my bun,” she chuckled at the name and then began to rock her hips.
Together, they were sweet as honey. Their bodies in sync, forming one as they sank into each other.
It would be roughly nine months later that they would welcome a beautiful baby boy, named Brian after Jamie’s own father.
The baker and the florist fell in love, and with their love they made a life that was simply sweet.
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s-trawberryv-eins · 5 years
The Birthday
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The Birthday
Summary: Caroline Stark died in the snap that wiped out half of the population of the universe. She died two months before her 21st birthday. She was brought back to life in the October after what would've been her 26th. On the evening of what should be her 27th birthday, she feels as though she doesn't know who she should be anymore.
Warnings: Angst, loneliness, swearing. Not as sad as it seems though!
Please read here before reading!
Stark!OC x avengers
Word count: 3308
The Caroline Stark Series Masterlist
AUGUST 11th, 2024
As she lay with her head in Pepper’s lap, she made no effort to fight the hot tears that built up in her chocolate brown eyes. Delicate fingers worked through soft hair that spilled across her lap. Watching the girl with a look of heartbreak in her eyes, a sigh fell from Peppers lips.
“Please talk to me, baby.” Pleading with the girl in front of her, she felt at a loss. Having her daughter come back from the dead was a miracle; something she'd lost all hope for in the first few months after the snap. It never occurred to her the trauma Caroline now carried on her shoulders, however. Here they were, Caroline laying with her adoptive mother, sobs wracking her body on the eve of her birthday.
“How old am I, Momma?” Caroline had asked an hour earlier when she arrived at the Stark women’s quarters from the lab. Peppers heart broke for the girl, distress written clearly on every one of her delicate features. The woman said nothing, instead she simply sat on the couch and opened her arms wide for her daughter.
As it drew closer to midnight, the eldest Stark daughter couldn’t find the energy to be excited. She couldn't find the want to be excited. Tear stained cheeks red and puffy, eyes sore and bloodshot, the Potts woman wracked her brain for a way to cheer her daughter up, and perhaps salvage her birthday even the slightest bit.
“Am I 20 or am I 26? Because there’s a big difference, you know?” Stuttering through her speech, she couldn’t catch her breath. “Do you remember what we had planned for my 21st? Me, you, and Dad were gonna go to Coney Island? Fairground rides and hot dogs and a bonfire on the beach?"
“Yes, and then you were going to see Amelie and the others, and pretend it was your first-time drinking.” A sly smile crossed Pepper’s face as her daughters’ eyes widened comically.
“Dad promised he wouldn’t tell!”
“Tony knew?!” The brief silence quickly dissolved into giggles as the two women recalled the memories fondly.
“I know it’s last minute, but it’s really important!” Pepper spoke with equal parts frustration and excitement as she worked to pull her thoughts together. Caroline had long since fallen asleep on the couch, a blanket placed delicately over her sleeping form. After the less than cheery conversation the two shared, the CEO decided she knew exactly how to cheer the girl up.
“Barnes, I swear to all that’s holy this had better work!” Setting her phone down on the coffee table, she headed off to bed, knowing tomorrow would be a roller coaster of a day.
AUGUST 12th, 2024
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLINE” The loud girlish scream startled Caroline awake. Propping herself up on her elbows, Pepper met her eyes, offering her a sympathetic smile. Morgan, upon deciding she was simply not close enough, hopped up on to the sofa, all but climbing on top of her sister. A blinding smile and a big cuddle from the youngest Stark wasn’t a bad way to start the morning, Caroline thought to herself.
“Thankyou, baby.” Planting a kiss on her head, the scientist reached for her mother, who wasted no time in joining the sisters in their cuddle.
“We’ve got a surprise waiting for you in the kitchen.” Trying to muster up some enthusiasm was proving to be difficult, so she plastered on a fake smile and headed upstairs to change. Despite the early August sun shining down without relent, she pulled on a black sports bra and leggings, and threw her favourite black cropped jumped on over the top. Comfort over anything else, she decided. Jogging back downstairs, Morgan grabbed her sister’s hand and tugged her firmly in the direction of the communal kitchen.
Much to her relief, it was almost empty. As the three Stark ladies entered the room, they were greeted by FRIDAY, and Bucky Barnes.
“Good morning, Caroline! Happy birthday!" Thanking the AI, she placed Morgan on one of the kitchen stools before trying and failing to catch the Winter Soldiers attention, too engrossed in whatever he was cooking.
“I need to head to my office for a little while. Will you two be okay?” Kissing each of the girls on the forehead, they watched silently as their mother went off to work.
“Bye, Momma” Morgan piped up when Pepper was definitely out of earshot, earning a look of confusion from Caroline. “Uh…Uncle Buck?” Watching the soldier with entertainment, she reached out with tiny hands to grab a handful of napkins, throwing them haphazardly in his direction.
“UNCLE BUCK!” Spinning on his heels, cheeks flushed red and a lazy smile on his face, Morgan waved innocently. Receiving a wink and a high five from the soldier, a smile broke out across her face before she pointed at her sister. “It's sissy’s birthday.” The bluntness of her statement made him chuckle, but he simply nodded and motioned for the doctor to join him.
“Morning, Sergeant. What're you cooking?" As she rounded the corner of the island to have a nosy, he pulled her in for a sideways hug. Relishing in the feeling of being close to him, she hummed softly as he pressed a kiss to her hair.
“Happy birthday, doll. Pep told me that Tony always made pancakes on the day of; not that I've ever seen the man cook." A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips, the memory painfully bittersweet. The Winter Soldiers gesture left her heart fluttering and she made no effort to stop herself as she threw her arms around his middle.
“Thankyou, Bucky. It means more than you can know.” His surprised demeanour soon softened as he returned the embrace. Not feeling is necessary to respond with words, instead the sergeant tightened his grip on the girl, the pair enjoying the feeling of being so close.
“Smells like burning.” Morgan’s nose wrinkled as she inhaled deeply, her nonchalant comment sending the soldier into a panic.
“Your big sister distracted me!” Caroline rolled her eyes fondly but took her seat next to Morgan all the same, the moment being well and truly over.  Bucky plated up two portions of pancakes, toppings already set out before their arrival.
“Here you go! I’ve gotta run some errands with Sam, but I’ll catch you in a bit, yeah?” Sending a warm smile in the girls’ direction, he hurried out of the room. The sinking feeling of disappointment hit Caroline only briefly before her sister turned to face her.
"Are you and Uncle Bucky gonna get married?” taking the scientist entirely by surprise, Caroline struggled as a mouth full of pancake lodged itself in her throat awkwardly. After composing herself, she turned to meet her sisters’ eye.
“Where on earth did that come from?” The look on the youngest Stark’s face was one of complete innocence, as if she’d asked about the weather and not her sisters relationship status.
“You and Uncle Buck. You hug a lot and he makes your face red.” Pressing her hands to her cheeks, the doctor felt them grow warm as Morgan spoke. "Like that!” Shoving more food in her mouth, she tried to steady her heartbeat.
“If you must know, your uncle has made it quite clear that we are only friends. Now finish your food.” Throwing a piece of fruit at the small girl, she made it as obvious as she could that the topic was closed, despite the smile on Morgan’s face.
“FRIDAY, where’s momma?” The Stark girls had spent all morning in each other’s company,  wandering the compound and causing chaos, but they found that they were alone; with the exception of agents and officials they didn’t really know. Being a Stark had its benefits; Caroline had free reign of the compound, and the pair found that those that did catch them doing something they shouldn't were far more lenient upon realising who they were.
“She’s not here, Miss Morgan. Mrs Potts-Stark had to run a few errands. She’ll be home by 4.” A frown etched itself on to Caroline’s face, disappointed by her mother’s disappearance.
“Who is home then?” The AI created by Tony was all but a mind reader. It didn't matter how vaguely she was addressed, she always seemed to know what the team needed. Knowing that 'who' meant the team specifically, and ‘home’ meant their private living quarters, the AI responded immediately.
“Nobody, I’m afraid. It seems everybody is taking advantage of the peacetime, Miss Stark.”
Turning away from her sister with a huff, tears pricked at her eyes and that all too familiar lump formed in her throat. Yes, she’d requested her birthday remain a small, private affair, low key and homely. She hadn’t however, realised that this meant she’d be completely forgotten about. The sour taste in her mouth that appeared when she thought about this god-awful day was borne of confusion and grief and uncertainty. The last thing she wanted was to be completely alone.
As if sensing the shift in the room, Morgan took a gentle hold of Caroline hand, and began her trip across the green that separated the living quarters from her lab and workshop. The youngest Stark had access to the lab providing she was with an authorised adult; the measure had been taken after small hands had caused a rather large explosion when unsupervised - nobody was hurt, luckily.
Upon arriving in the lab, it took less than two seconds for Morgan to request her usual. “Do the suit.” Her statement offered no room for questioning, so Caroline planted her feet firmly on the pads in the corner of the room. Morgan watched with glee as the nanotech supersuit quickly covered every inch of Caroline’s body, travelling from the ground upwards. Inspired heavily by the Iron Man suit, she had used her fathers nanotech mark to create a stealth suit of her own. It lacked rocket launchers and the ability to fly, and she had changed the colour scheme somewhat; charcoal black with the iconic red of her father’s suit highlighting detail.
The changes were made to prove to everybody  - the public, the team, herself – that she is not taking his place; there would only ever be one Iron Man.
"You look like Daddy!” Awe poured out of her eyes, as if the sight before her was the most magical she'd ever seen. The comment hit Caroline straight in the heart, pride and love shining in her eyes.
The two played and tinkered for hours, loneliness only creeping back in that evening as the sun began to disappear. Morgan appeared restless, sighing and studying the clock on the wall with resolve, despite her inability to correctly tell the time.
“Miss Morgan, the little hand just hit 4.” Jumping to her feet, the smallest brunette yanked the goggles from her eyes, tossing them to the ground.
“We gotta go, Care!” Furrowed brows and delayed reactions caused Morgan to huff loudly. “I want juice pops, we gotta go!" Taking a stance behind her sister, Morgan began to push her sister with as much strength as she could muster.
“Okay, okay! I’m going! Stop pushing!” Failing to scold the child as she’d already raced off ahead of her, Caroline sighed, but picked up her pace all the same. Hearing the automatic doors open, Caroline ran faster, wanting to stop her sister from running off without her.
“Morgan! You can't just run off like that!" The two girls stood just outside the building, on the edge of the green. Only interested in her sister’s safety, Caroline hadn't yet taken in the change of scenery. "I was scared-" her words died on her tongue as she looked out around them.
The large expanse of grass had been transformed into what appeared to be a fairground. Fairy lights lit up the surrounding area, revealing a ferris wheel, and merry-go-round, and several other rides that sparked a heavy feeling of nostalgia in her heart. A popcorn machine and a hot dog stand and a fire pit with huge cushions and blankets surrounding it.
“What is this? Mo?” Her voice a breathless whisper as she spoke, tears pricking her eyes once again.
“It’s your birthday, baby.” A voice startled her, she spun around to find her mother and the rest of the team waiting. Her family.
“I KNEW ALL ABOUT IT.” Morgan made sure everybody knew about her part in the plan, the most important, she announced.
“Sorry for leaving you all day. We received instructions for mission not-so-impossible at two am.” Clint explained their absence with a bright smile on his face.
“We weren’t about to argue with Momma Stark here” Sam added with a wink. As she took in the overwhelming scene before her, she couldn’t stop the tears rolling down her cheeks. Two pairs of arms appeared around her, giggles filled her ears.
“Come on,” Wanda whispered, Nat smiling happily next to her.
“We made you your own Coney Island. Let’s go have fun.” Holding on to her two friends for a second or two more, she nodded her head, taking their hands in hers.
After 5 hours of candy floss and helter-skelter filled fun, the night had started to settle down. The group found themselves gathered around the fire pit, sharing drinks, snacks, and stories. The ‘adults’ – Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, and May – were ready to turn in for the night, only to find that Peter, MJ, and Morgan were perched a few feet off the ground in a hammock that Peter had cleverly created for youngest Stark, who was completely enamoured by her 'big brother’ and his spider-talent.
The Avengers were scattered about the pit, little conversations of all varieties taking place. Caroline, Wanda, and Sam were discussing an upcoming mission in Bucharest; Nat and Clint were taking turns trying to get Banners other half to join the party; Bucky and Steve were studying Steve’s phone as they tried to figure out how to queue a song that they liked.
“All I’m saying is, the four of us-“
“Stop saying that! There are three of us going on this mission!”
“Redwing is as much a member of this team as you or me, Maximoff. Don’t you forget it” Sam’s sassy response sent Caroline into a fit of giggles. After a few drinks, Sam became one of the girls; his snappy comebacks, bratty attitude, and overall lack of tolerance for anybody’s shit was impossibly entertaining. It definitely helped that the rest of them had a slight buzz too - even the super soldiers, thanks to Thor’s constant supply of Asgardian strength alcohol.
The warmth of the fire and the soft glow of the fairy lights brought a feeling of contentment to Caroline’s heart as she tuned out of her conversation to look around. She truly felt as though she was at home.
The fire had started to die down. Pepper had taken Morgan to bed, and Happy had taken May and Peter back to Queens. Steve, Banner, and Rhodey had also taken their leave, bidding the group good night and wishing Caroline a last happy birthday. The others stayed out, the drinks continued to flow, and the conversation did too. Natasha sat huddled in between Stark and Maximoff, the three exchanging private giggles and whispers, a conversation the boys were not privy to. As they discussed Caroline’s most recent (god awful) date, a very wobbly Bucky Barnes appeared in front of them, hastily shoving Natasha out the way to sit next to the birthday girl.
“Hey cutie.” After she’d stopped laughing, Wanda pulled her friend up and yanked her elsewhere, giving Barnes some time with Caroline.
“Hey Buck.” Beaming up at him, her mind flew to Morgan’s earlier comments. She’d long since accepted the fact that Bucky didn’t want her, but she couldn’t help the butterflies that refused to settle in her stomach when he was near.
“Sorry for running off so quick this morning. I wanted to stay, but these heroes needed my help setting up.” Shaking her head with a giggle, she insisted that he need not apologise, the pancakes were wonderful, and she managed with Morgan.
“I hear Morgan was asking questions?” His tone was teasing but his words tore the smile right off her face.
“Oh, uh – yeah,” she cringed as she spoke “I put her right though. Don’t worry.” Refusing to make eye contact, she missed the look of disappointment that passed over his features. Rubbing his hands on his thighs, Barnes sighed.
“Really messed up there, didn’t I?” Caroline’s head snapped up, brows furrowed. Bucky caught Natasha’s eye and nodded, which she took as a signal to drag everyone inside discreetly to give the two some privacy.
“What does that mean?” The Sergeant winced at the harsh edge to her tone, Hope dwindled in her eyes, along with uncertainty and fear. He’d broken her heart before, and she was impossibly sure that he could do it again if he wanted. “Bucky?”
“I was so cruel, that day in your lab. I never even apologised.” Now it was his turn to avoid her eyes. Her heart ached as she recalled the day he spoke of. "Didn't even say sorry. Because I am, Care. I am so sorry.” It’d never really crossed her mind. After their argument, she’d avoided him for a few days, trying to give herself space to heal. Things slowly returned to normal (especially after Bucky broke things off with his girlfriend), as if there'd been an unspoken agreement to forget about the whole ordeal.
Forcing a small smile and a nod seemed to be all she could manage to do. Nothing was said for a few moments, and whilst the silence wasn’t awkward, she did want to draw out her time with Bucky. Gently leaning into him, he picked up on the hint and let his flesh arm wind over her shoulder, covering them both with a blanket as he did so. Readjusting slightly, she positioned herself so that her back was against his chest, the two sat with legs stretched out on the giant cushions.
“So then, birthday girl. Did you decide how old you are?" His voice was a whisper, lips just barely grazing the shall of her ear. Inhaling sharply, she let herself fall deeper into his embrace, his arm shifting from the girl’s shoulder to sit firmly on her waist. The feeling left her dizzy, and she fought to compose herself. Letting her head fall back onto his shoulder, she closed her eyes.
“Yes actually, I did." Pausing to think for a moment, she searched for the right words; a challenge considering the tipsy haze making words difficult to find. Bucky simply waited for her answer. Pepper had explained her feelings, and he knew not to rush her.
“I’m 21. I’ve lost so much. Thanos took so much. I don’t think I should have to lose this too.” For the first time, the Stark girl didn’t feel like crying when talking about it.
“Well in that case –“ the softest of kisses was pressed to the side of her head “happy 21st birthday, Caroline.” Pulling herself from the soldier’s grip, she turned to face him. Just before she could open her mouth to respond, a loud crash followed by an eruption of drunken giggles sounded from behind them. Letting her forehead fall sharply against Bucky’s shoulder, he just chuckled and turned around to see what the commotion was.
Sam, Wanda, Clint, and Natasha were rolling around on the floor in their laughter, right next to a fallen popcorn machine. With a fond sigh, Bucky stood up and offered his hand to Caroline, pulling her up to join their friends.
It had truly been a tremendous birthday.
TAGS: @hailqueenconquer​
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hopehunted · 4 years
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“ 𝐔𝐆𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄. 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄, 𝐈 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐒𝐀𝐘, 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄. ” is that SHELLEY HENNIG? oh no, that’s 𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐃, born on the 27th of JULY, 2011. i heard SHE (CIS FEMALE) is a 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 in the 𝐖𝐘𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐀. apparently, they can be PERSEVERING and BOLD but also known to be MERCILESS and GUARDED. spends most of their free time battling a bone-deep desire to flee, probably smells like METAL. is that a bite mark i see?
character inspirations: laurie strode (halloween 2018), murder coat!rick grimes (the walking dead), din djarin (the mandalorian), bigby wolf (the wolf among us), kelly bailey (misfits), frank castle (punisher), spot (the good dinosaur), trilla suduri (star wars), stitch (lilo & stitch).
you can find jordan’s stats right here, where i’ve also put all her links. there’s a good bit of info there, so i’ll just be fluffing her out a bit more here! 
— 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ; 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘'𝐒 𝐀 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐑. CONTENT WARNING: the second-to-last bullet point of this section mentions pregnancy, postpartum depression, and infant death. it’ll be marked with ***.
jordan was born and raised in rural country, far beyond fedra’s reach. their community was overlooked by the government and denied entry to quarantined zones. they were left to fend for themselves — nothing but them, the land, and a dread so thick it filled the air like smog. 
her parents died quickly - no match for the changing tides - and their farm was overtaken by insurgents. suddenly, she became communal property. no, schrodinger's orphan: simultaneously everyone's and no one's ward. soon enough, a young couple would come to adopt her. it was good while it lasted, but jordan's luck is pure shit. family is quickly associated with the ephemeral: each caretaker having taught her something different before they pass or abandon her somewhere — all of them having made a promise they can’t or don’t intend to keep. some of them offer her their compassion's warmth, while others cut like a knife. she's a sponge: soaking up their essences until there was no more room for her, or who she may have been otherwise. 
above all, jordan learned how to make herself useful. she grew older and tougher in more ways than one. in a world intent on eating her alive, jordan fought to prove her worth, earn her place in groups, and for what bit of food and supplies they could scrap together. it was a life of grit, blood, and sweat: each moment clouded by the intrinsic need to survive, pushing out the fantasy of ever letting her defenses down. there is no order in the bush. jordan doesn’t know anything else — her life revolving around a fight, always. what moments of light she has are flickers in the dark ; moments she struggles still to claim are real. it’s easier to accept a grim fate than it is to hope for a brighter one. see, around these parts, hope kills quicker than a clicker.
time passed and jordan was a woman grown, just settling in to her twenties. for once, things we’re actually going well. their camp was protected, safe. it felt odd, she thought, this moment of peace. hope crawled into her brain through her ears and settled there, colonizing her consciousness. a tender friendship and string of bad decisions blossomed into something more; something that felt.. permanent. one thing led to another and suddenly they were expecting. jordan had never had a family before, not in a true sense, but she was excited to try. the idea of creating something greater than her was an exhilarating one, as though a string of good deeds could somehow right what was otherwise wrong in the world. she was excited to assume the role of a teacher, a leader, a caretaker. never before had she wanted anything more than that.
*** the storm passed and jordan realized she’d only been in the eye of it, momentarily untouched. the unimaginable unfolded before their eyes and jordan ventured elsewhere to a place formerly unbeknownst to her. it was a place for which there were no words, no understanding to be formed of a wound of that magnitude. jordan couldn’t bear to be present. memory had no mercy. her body, aching and sore and still producing sustenance, had no mercy. people would attempt to console her and it only made her want to bite. her partner was kinder than she deserved and it only made her want to scream her throat raw. she felt as though she’d shattered into a million pieces, the shards of her embedded in her very flesh, digging deeper with every step she took. at that point, there was only one truths to be told: jordan couldn’t stay.
it ends with this: jordan walks into the bush and doesn’t come back. she leaves nothing behind — not even a note or a whispered goodbye. she's just gone.
she’s twenty-six when the grizzlies find her: a trail of mutilated bodies leading them to a woman worn. misery has made a fiend of her: she’s harsher now, her hurt branded into the scarred skin of her body.
unsurprisingly, jordan fits right in with them. theirs is the only world she knows — she doesn’t notice the barbarism. if life is one long act of violence; what makes this any different? she takes to the work easily, proving her worth and earning the mark of the bear with ease. fremont lake is home, but jordan doesn’t trust it. she finds solace elsewhere, back in the woods. she’s happiest when scavenging or on a hunt, all too eager to keep herself occupied somehow. 
despite her efforts to be otherwise, jordan is a known figure in the wyoming militia. she’s a gun aimed wherever yen wants her: she’s brutal, decisive. jordan doesn’t flinch and she doesn’t hesitate. when there’s a move to be made, she’s typically one of the ones at the front of it. frankly, she’s no stranger to extreme violence. she bites and she scratches and she’ll use whatever is in her reach to win a fight. she’s not trained by any official means, but she has heart and will go for your knees every single time. it’s dirty, desperate, and merciless. you won’t leave a fight with her without a mark.
jordan doesn’t know how to deal with people being genuinely kind to her. she thinks there has to be a catch somewhere, that everything is a transaction of some sort. she’ll get nervous, flustered even. like, ‘what are you doing? is this a joke? stop looking at me like that.’ and if she does something kind, she’d rather die than be recognized for it. being tender? being acknowledged as a human being capable of contributing something of worth? gross. ew. too revealing for her, thanks.
she has a lot of survival skills knowledge. knows how to make do with minimal supplies and resources, and i mean that in the bear grylls doing nasty shit just to make it through the night type of way. she’s also an excellent huntsman. she can sniff out tracks easily and leaves no nook or cranny untouched when scavenging. she’ll climb and crawl through questionable buildings if there’s a chance for loot inside. you might want to watch your belongings around her, too.
her living quarters are bare, and you can’t tell much about her just by looking through it. having moved from camp to camp for a majority of her life, coupled with an innate sense of instability has pretty much dissolved any real sense of ownership she feels over things. she does like little trinkets, though. typically small animal figurines. she thinks they’re charming.
she can be a great friend, if you manage to get close enough. she's brazen, a surprisingly good listener, and always more than willing to lighten the mood. she may not laugh at your jokes, but she'll have your back, even if it costs her own. as it turns out, jordan can be very generous sometimes: she’ll shower you in attention and walk in your shadow, chasing the light you emit. deep down, jordan has a strong desire to please, and shows her love through acts of service. she wants to be needed, and needs to be useful to those she loves.
had coffee once and she hated it. too needy of a drunk to feel comfortable drinking. avoids the fighting pits. freezes up when someone touches her. can and will steal your flannel shirts.
first of all, when i say i’m genuinely down to do any and all plots i mean that. i don’t say no to anything lol and want to do all the things, whether it’s mega death angst or something that’s so sweet it’ll make my teeth hurt. gimme everything, pls n thanks!
i’ve purposely left some gaps in her history in order to leave room for anything we cook up. people she was once in a group with / traveled with way back when could be cool. little acts of fate are my favorite - imagine the reunions! whether they hated each other, were familiar, or were thick as thieves is all good with me. 
if anyone wants to pick up the ex she wanted to start a family with, then i’d be willing to discuss that! they could be from any faction [except for the purged, logistically]. doesn’t have to be the actual person that got her pregnant either. jordan checked out after everything that happened and ultimately left without any warning, goodbye, or anything. surely that’s gotta rouse some intense feelings, especially if they just so happen to come across her again.. as fate and its shit sense of humor would have it. 
jordan can have some friends.. as a treat. hehe. seriously, give her someone to shoot the shit with and to annoy the hell out of!
friends with benefits / one night stands could be interesting, especially since jordan doesn’t really let very many people that close to her. keep in mind though, she’s the type to fuck someone and then never speak of it again which is very well-adjusted of her. 
jordan gets bit pretty early on in game, and by that i mean literally in january of 2044, lol. so, having someone help her with her wound could be interesting. i was thinking it could be some quid pro quo type of deal where she asks them for supplies in exchange for whatever they want, but i’m down to discuss any differing ideas / alter it to fit our characters. jordan wouldn’t want them to know what the supplies was for, but the opportunity for them to find out anyhow could still arise because who doesn’t love some good ole drama? 
someone that does not vibe with her / she doesn’t vibe with could be cool, too! not everything is peachy keen, you know?
exes / almost exes are one of my weaknesses. getting so close to someone that you end up on the other side of them is so bittersweet. i need it. jordan is a difficult individual, so maybe this was a will-they-won’t-they type of situation that never went anywhere, or it was silent pining, or whatever else we think of is all good with me. can have been unrequited or not, too. could be a relationship neither of them can leave well enough alone, or one that makes it difficult for them to ever go back to being friends - maybe there’s too much bitterness to see past. i just wanna paint some angsty little trees, man. 
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kagethedream · 5 years
Kage’s Profile
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     general info ––– –
Full name: Kage (no one has learned his surname) Face Claim: Sebastian Stan Age: definitely older than 100 but younger than 300 Date of birth: December 27th Race: Ren’dorei Zodiac: Capricorn Chinese zodiac : Goat Gender: cis male Sexual Orientation: poly-amorous; gay Relationship status: Single
     appearance ––– –
Height: 6’0” Weight: 174lbs Build: slender, soft (almost androgynous) Eye color: varies Hair color: varies (currently deep blue with purple metallic undertones) Skin tone: the sort that can go from grey/blue to grey/purple; pale Distinguishing marks:several piercings to include- tongue, septum, lft eyebrow, nipples, dolphin (below the waist) Common Accessories: belt with hidden compartments; mug of ever filling (typically with bourbon or mead inside); several trinkets (he loves them and has many) Jewelry:
Rings- 4 in total; all magical
Necklaces- half a dozen or so, all with magical charms dangling
Bracelets- only 1; not magical with sigil
Body jewelry- some magical some not (see about for locations)
     personal ––– –
Profession: several- Nefarious Dream (brothel) proprietor; procurer; p.i.; magic manipulator; soul catcher; shady dealer (inquire privately) Hobbies: pyromancy, sex, drinking, drugs Languages: Thalassian, Orcish, Goblin, Common Residence: varies (due to frequent travel) Birthplace: Quel’thalas Religion: the Old Gods within the Void Patron Deity: one of the Old Gods, not to be mentioned Fears: the Void will move on and not take this world
     favorites/ themes ––– –
Favorite color: blue Favorite food: meat, cooked rare Favorite drink: bourbon or mead Theme song: I Surrender by All Good Things Favorite tv show: You (if tv were in the wow world) Favorite book: The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde Favorite animals: dogs Favorite season: Summer
     family ––– –
He doesn’t speak much about his family, though he has mentioned that the Scourge did take his father.
     traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between. disorganized / organized / in between. close minded / open-minded / in between. calm / anxious / in between. disagreeable / agreeable / in between. cautious / reckless / in between. patient / impatient / in between. outspoken / reserved / in between. leader / follower / in between. empathetic / unemphatic / in between. optimistic / pessimistic / in between. traditional / modern / in between. hard-working / lazy / in between. cultured / un-cultured / in between. loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between. faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
     additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
Smuggling goods? He might want a look to purchase some. Drug manufacturer? He’s always on the lookout for new suppliers. Looking for that high? He carries a variety of drugs on him at any given time. Need some diversion? Any sort of conversation is suitable. Looking for some company? If he’s not into you, then he’ll point you in the right direction. Into pain? Could be sexual or not, he offers sessions. House haunted? He’ll get rid of that pesky spirit for you, for a charge. Need a trinket enchanted? He’s your man, er... elf. Looking for a job and are willing to earn the coin he’ll pay? Ask him about Nefarious Dream. These are just a few of the ways you could engage him with role play. Thanks for reading! Looking forward to the character connections with this elf.
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amoliveiraofficial · 4 years
happy pride ;; averoe discord thread
WHERE: Kingsboro, New York
WHEN: June 27th, 2020
TIME: Early-mid afternoon
WARNINGS: So fucking adorable- and long. But mainly adorable lmao
CHARACTER FEATURES: Avery Chopra, Monroe Oliveira ( @monroephile ), Cleo Lopez
CHARACTER MENTIONS: Mars Slater (NPC), Zane Bishara ( @zanebishara ), Devin Stewart ( @devinxstewart )
PROMPT: Averoe celebrates Monroe’s 25th birthday during Pride Month in a very special way.
She was nervous. She was really, really fucking nervous. She'd been up all night trying to decide if this was the right idea or if it was too soon. But... When she thought about it, she knew in her heart and her soul that this was the right idea. Asking for Cleo's help, she had the older woman spend the morning with Monroe to take her to a couple of music shops with the offer to buy her anything and everything she wanted, as a birthday treat. While Cleo was distracting her, Avery got to work. With their landlord's permission, the girl was able to set up a small table and to decorate the rooftop, having a beautiful view of Kingsboro in the early afternoon. With vases of French marigolds circling the gazebo, the table decorated in Monroe's favourite colours while set up with chicken and waffles along with one glass of root beer and one glass of screwdriver cocktails for each of them. The rooftop gazebo was decorated with balloons and streamers in the DJ's favourite colours, a banner with the words 'Happy Birthday!' hung up. With Cleo texting her saying that she was dropping Monroe off at the complex, Avery was nervous. But so excited. She texted her girlfriend to see if she could join her up on the roof, telling herself to breathe. The moment she saw the shorter brunette, Avery beamed brightly and held her arms out wide while she stood in the gazebo next to the table with her lunch. "Surprised! Happy birthday, Monroe Eilam Oliveira."
it’s her birthday, wow, she hasn’t even planned anything for herself that day. usually she’d spend the whole day at home, doing the usual things as if it was just another day. she really wasn’t used to celebrating her birthday, not until she met avery. the girl definitely changed that, with something planned out for them last year, she was sure she has something up her sleeve again. but she wasn’t sure, instead, she had spent the earlier hours with cleo, roaming around kingboro with the offer of buying whatever she wants for her birthday. she kind of did take advantage of that, buying a new dj controller, that model she’s been saving up for months, along with a new pair of headphones. the older woman was that sister she’s never had, she was always there to look out for her and avery, and she’s very grateful for that. she didn’t want to bring up that she knew that she was being distracted though, to just have them carry on this little plan they have for her. once she was dropped off at the apartment complex, the dj tried not to rush upstairs, to the roof as the writer instructed her. “wow….you never ever fail too woo me, aves….,” she looks around the place, in awe of how it was transformed. she walked up to the other and pulled her close for a hug. “thank you….this is the best already. you’re the best.”
God... There she is... There's the woman of her dreams. Wow... Wow, wow, wow. Avery beamed so brightly, walking quickly to meet her and hold her in her arms. It was only for a few hours and she was the one who planned this in the first place... But god, she missed her. She missed her so much. "You're welcome, baby. I also made some cupcakes! Well... Attempted, is the best word for it... but they're downstairs in the kitchen. I didn't want to risk bringing them out here and potentially melting." Fortunately, the day wasn't super hot, but she didn't want to risk it. Pulling away, she moved to pull out Monroe's chair for her. "I made you your favourite! I tried to recreate that one pasta from the Cove that you like but... um, well, anyways." Clearing her throat, she giggled awkwardly. God, she has been in ten different theatre productions- try to act like you're not a nervous, awkward bean, for once! "Shall we, um, shall we eat? Oh, and Laurel's watching Mars! She promised to bring him back later. I just... selfishly wanted a few hours with you. Oops?"
monroe loves this certain...clinginess, the affection her and avery shares. their bond has only just gotten stronger when they've become official. it was nice to be back home with avery, cleo may have suffered an hour of two of her nagging while they were at various music shops. "cupcakes? the classic mocha cupcakes? i love those so much," she hums, giving her a cheeky smile. "i have a feeling you did great though, i'm going to love that pasta, i'm just sure. anything that's made for you is truly a chef's kiss," she reassures the other as she kisses her cheek. the dj hated the heat so much, thank god it's a little bit cold today, cuddling with avery after this would be perfect. monroe just loves how....warm and safe she feels in her arms. she's just looking for....mars, where's mars? "thank you--oh, i was about to ask," she chuckles lightly, sitting down. "though....i'm giving you permission to be selfish with me for a few hours. i'd love to spend time alone with you."
She knew that some people hated clinginess, that they absolutely despised it. Avery, on the other hand, loved it with Monroe. Loved how they always needed to be touching each other one way or another. Holding hands, holding each other, kissing, sitting on each others's laps; Any way they're able to be close to one another, she loved it. "Tried to," she giggled, cheeks turning pink. "They're... not very pretty... I had trouble decorating them... But I promise I tried my best! I really hope you'll like them." Avery just blushed even more by her sweet words. She touched her cheek, a dorky grin gracing her lips at the kiss. God, what has this woman done to her? She loves it. She loves her. "You're welcome. I knew she and Lissy were missing Mars, so it was a win-win on all accounts." Softly kissing her after she sat down and settled in, the dancer took her seat across from her. She instantly reached out her hand, heart eyes for Monroe. "I... I have another surprise for you. I mean, I was going to wait until after lunch... But I don't think I can wait any longer."
“i just know you’ve done great, baby, plus, decorating is really a hard task. i bet my taste buds would love them so much. i mean, you already make the awesomest chicken and waffles in the whole wide galaxy, i am very sure you did great on those too, and the pasta,  don't tell cleo this, but i know this is already better that the one at the cove." she winks playfully at the other. alright, she may be biased, but it's true, avery has been doing really great in the kitchen lately, both of them working around in the kitchen, she wanted to make more homecooked meals for them and for mars instead of ordering out, it's a form of bond for the family as well. "i mean....i don't blame them, mars is a little bit of a charmer. one look at those eyes and you're done for," she chuckles. she swore to make sure the little boy had the best things in the world, he and avery are her life now. and she wanted to make sure both are always safe and getting the good things they truly deserve. she raised an eyebrow at her next words. "hmm....another surprise? wow.... i've been having a lot of those today...."
"Baaaaaabe..." The brunette couldn't help it as she giggled, her compliments causing her to blush a bright red. It had been a joke for basically all her life about how awful her cooking was. It was honestly quite embarrassing, really. But Monroe... she was always so encouraging and kind, always bringing her up whenever she felt down with her cooking. While she has grown confident with cooking breakfast, other foods... Those made her nervous. But she felt better when they decide to cook together. "He most definitely got his charming ways from you," she mused, her grin becoming cheeky. However, her one minute of confidence soon vanish and she cleared her throat. "Um... Well... I... Um, h-here..." Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a medium-sized jewelry box consisting of a beautiful locket. She held the box out for her, hoping that she'll like it. Oh god... Please let her like it.
“maybe he got some from me, but it’s definitely from you, babe, you’re quite a charmer yourself, i mean….” she takes her hand close to her lips, kissing the back of her palm. “whenever i watch you at the cove you just….everyone’s eyes are on you. it makes me feel like tristan thorn, your suitor?” monroe knows the vibe in the whole restaurant anytime that the spotlight’s on her. god, why did she not realize shit at that point in time? what’s important though, is that they’re finally official, as most of their friends would say. she could remember them rolling their eyes at her most of the time when avery’s been brought up in a conversation. she sat there as she watches the girl getting something from her pocket, revealing what looked like a jewelry box. she takes it and examines the box for a moment before opening it, revealing a…necklace? no…it’s definitely a locket. “holy shit….baby…this is wonderful….,” she glances up at the writer in admiration.
Avery was about as red as a tomato at this point, her cheeks so red. "Our sweet, charming little boy," she mused. Her heart was beating past as she opened the box. She felt like she could breathe a little as she admitted her love for the locket. She reached out her hands to hold Monroe's. "It... It belonged to my grandmother," she explained, keeping her eyes on the girl. "When my grandfather proposed to her, he knew he wanted to do something special. Something unique. So... He designed that locket specifically for her... and he proposed to her with it." The writer took a deep breath. "Monroe Eilam Oliveira... This past year with you has been the greatest, happiest time of my life. Before I met you, I was... I was going through a rough patch. For five years, every day seemed to be a nightmare and all I ever knew was heartbreak and misery. Before you showed up, after things got bad with Luca and Max, I told myself that I was going to work on myself and focus on Mars. Become the person I needed to be for him. And then you showed up. And... And you helped me. Over a year now, I have grown in s many ways I thought would never be possible for me. I have laughed more, smiled more, have been more happy than I ever was the twenty years without you in my life. You have been by my side and helped me raised Mars, watched him grow from being a few months old to turning one, to now turning two soon. You have shown me that the world can be a warm and caring place. You have loved me, even before we realized that what we shared for each other was love. And I love you, Monroe. I love you so, so much. The past few days, learning about Zane and Devin being back... I know that we were both nervous there. All my life it seemed that whenever things are going good, something always comes to take it away. Not this time, not with us. I don't want anyone else, Monroe. All I want is you. I want to fall asleep in your arms just for us to wake up with you in mine. I want to share chicken and waffles with you forever, sharing screwdriver cocktails with you forever. I want to sing for you, dance with you, learn to cook more food with you. I want to watch Treasure Planet with you a thousand times with Mars and then a thousand times more. I want to take care of Waffles with you, give him a loving home. I want to go on adventures with you, whether it's something small as being in our own apartment or something huge as going to another country. I want to grow old with you, watch you grow as a DJ and as a cook while I grow as a writer and performer. I want... I want us to grow our family together some day. I want us to live in a house together some day. I want us to be grandparents some day. I want to live the rest of my life with you. I don't want to live in fear of losing you; I want to be able to know that I am never, ever, going to lose you. And for you to know that you're not going to lose me, either. You are my Roe, my baby. My babe, my darling, my sweetheart. My lioness, my bunny, my Tristan Thorne. You are my Jack, my Lula, my Jack of all trades. My Robin Hood, my pirate. My Aladdin... My Al... My Ali... You are my soulmate and the love of my life... You are the mother of Mars and the future grandmother of our grandchildren... I want you to be my wife." Getting up from her seat and keeping her eyes on Monroe, she got down on one knee. "I love you. I love you with everything I am and more. And I promise to love you more and more of every second of every day. I promise to love you for now, for tomorrow, for next week, for next month, for next year, for forever. I promise to love you for the rest of my life and for longer. I promise with my fingers and my toes. And so... With the promise of my love, I must ask... Monroe Eilam Oliveira: will you marry me?"
if you ever get to ask monroe who her first love is, she would instantly say it’s avery, not a second more to think. for the past quarter of a century of her life, for so many people that she’s met, interacted with, some of them she got to share nights with, they never had this feeling she’s shared with the writer. at first, would be mistaken as infatuation, but as time has passed, the pull she felt for her got stronger and stronger that monroe was struggling to put a word for it. for the past year that she’s shared the same apartment with avery and mars, she knew that these were the people she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, that they are already her family, before things even got to the state of being official. yet here lies the conflict, devin and zane. it was this force that made her worry a lot. the moment she and the other got official, she discovers about this….this man. a rich….talented, well-know artist. and she was just someone who mixes pre-recorded music, as some people would refer. she was scared that she’ll lose avery to this guy. though right now….knowing where this locket came from, the history behind it, and then the taller brunette going along with her speech, all the worries monroe had slowly dissipates, tears starting to form in her eyes as she watches her get down on one knee. it may look like they were moving fast, but somehow….this all made sense. they’ve always been acting like a couple for what seemed like forever, both of them are just that oblivious enough to notice. with her mind and her heart, she knew this is the right time. “yes….oh my god, yes….i will marry you, avery. avery marina chopra…oh my god,” she finds herself bawling, pulling up the girl close to kiss and hold her in her arms. “god, marry me right now, i…i don’t think i can ever wait….fuck—fuck i love you, baby. i love you so much.”
Monroe, unfortunately, wasn't her first love; But god, she's her true love. Her and Mars have given her a love no one else ever did. When she looked in her future, she saw them. She saw them being a family, hopefully even growing it some day. For the first time in her life, Avery could truly say that she was happy and not be lying. The love she shares for the two has been so pure and so wonderful, it felt too good to be true. But perhaps that was a good thing. Avery use to always run from the things that could be good for her. But with Monroe? With Monroe, she'd stayed. She'd get scared and worried she was awful for her; But then they'd get to talk and her fears would ended up being calmed. She loves her so much, she was crying. But god, she's happy. She is so happy and in love. She laughed joyfully when she said yes, quickly grabbing her in her arms to spin her around as they kissed. She could've sworn she heard fireworks. "Yes! Yes, yes, right now! W-We can go to the courthouse right now and, and get married there. Maybe we can do a big one in the future! I just... I just love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to start now." They've already been dating basically for over a year now: this was meant to happen. This is the right moment and time for them. She's going to become her wife. Giggling, she pulled her back into another kiss. "Happy birthday, baby... and happy pride?"
at the start of the month, getting married to her best friend, to her soulmate is something monroe expected the least, this hasn’t even come to mind. she was also used to things temporary, friendships, relationships, any form of bond she could list off of her mind that she had with other people. thought with avery, she’s become a different person as time passed. she was so contrasting to the old version of herself that was just so numbed up with the number of people who has left her in her life, even her parents have left her the moment she was born. with avery, monroe couldn’t bring herself to doing that, even the thought of it kills her, as if there’s a knife twisted in her chest, making her bleed endlessly. from the first time they had a disagreement, she never let the other go, instead of letting her completely leave, the two learned how to communicate over things like this together and in time grew into so much better versions of themselves. monroe giggles into the kiss as the other spun her around. “courthouse, yes, let’s go to the courthouse, the big wedding can wait, but the thing i can’t wait about is being yours for the rest of our lives, and so on.” she melts in her arms, rubbing their noses together. “happy pride….,” she giggles. “oh, what should i wear? i should—we should ask cleo for help about these things, hmm?”
If you had told Avery at the beginning of June that not only would she and Monroe have confessed their love for each other, officially get together, and get married of all things near the end of Pride, she would never have believed you. But here we are. And god, she couldn't ask for anything better. Ever since they met each other, things were different. Natural, warm, all just so right. Meeting her was like starting a puzzle and finding all of the perfect pieces, creating a masterpiece. This felt exactly like that. And now, they're able to move onto a bigger puzzle to create an even more spectacular masterpiece: their marriage life. God, the girl was buzzing with excitement. She's about to marry to love of her life, her soulmate, her other half. Not everyone was lucky to have that. "Perfect," she mused, giggling as she gave her soft kisses. "We should most definitely dress in something nice... I have that one white suit I've been wanting to wear or this one blue dress that's rather nice... Yes, Cleo! We should-... oh... Oh god, I have no idea how Cleo's gonna react. Should we ask her to be our witness?" The thought of the woman's reaction... She just knows she's going to need to hide their pans. "You're actually going to be my wife... I-I truly never thought that I was ever going to get married... And now, I'm going to get to marry the most incredible and talented and smart and beautiful woman in the world? I just... Whoa. I love you so much, baby."
monroe is really going to get married, on her birthday. god, she’s not going to ask for anything else. looks like 25 isn’t bad after all, when she’s spending it with the love of her life. “oh god, how should we tell our friends? should we tell them right now? or just….when it’s all done?” she had a giddy smile on her face. nope. she has no idea how weddings work. she’s been to two or three weddings, but honestly, she doesn’t have a fucking clue what went on the whole time. “oh, we have to….,” monroe hums, poking avery’s cheek while she was still in her arms. “i do want to see you in a white suit, if i’m being honest,” she winks, pecking along her jawline. “i do have two pairs of dresses in our closet, you want the black or the red one?,” she wiggles her eyebrows at the other. “you know….how about we tell her over the phone, and then ban her from the apartment…the pan threat seemed to be serious the last time,” she giggles raspily. “i never thought i was going to get married either….no—baby, sshhh. you’re the most incredible and talented and smart and beautiful between the two of us,” she leans close, rubbing their noses together. “i love you too, so so much. now….are you ready to call cleo?”
She's getting married at 21... That never seemed to be a possibility until now. But god, she's so happy that this is happening. That this has become a part of their life. That she was actually going to marry her. Then she brought up their friends... "Maybe... Maybe we should tell them when it's all done. Surprise them." She was worried about how they'd react. They were all very happy when they became official... But would they be supportive of them getting married so soon? She was hopeful. But she didn't want to risk them trying to change their minds beforehand. She giggled at the poke, grinning brightly at the beautiful girl in her arms. "Suit it is. Oooo... You are absolutely stunning in red, baby. You'd look so beautiful in both." Avery laughed, nodding at the idea. "Yes, that's perfect. I'm really not wanting to see her until we get to the courthouse." The writer held her closer, kissing her softly. "Nooo, you are. I'm ready, baby. Let's go get married, Monroe Eilam Oliveira."
“i’ll go get my red dress then, baby. though….i haven’t worn that one before, did i buy that one or did you?” monroe’s wardrobe has always leaned towards street wear, sometimes she would wear an oversized hoodie and cycling shorts whenever she’s just taking a stroll around town. she did save a few dresses; in case she has formal occasions to go to. in this case as of now, her own wedding. the trip to the courthouse was short, monroe glancing at avery for a moment and back on the road, taking her hand to hold whenever she’s got the chance. she used to despise this day, since it was the same day her parents decided that she’s not welcome in their lives. but now….now it’s going to change. it’s the day her and avery are officially going to be wives, just strengthening the word family. “who’s gonna have who’s last name?,” she looks at the other, asking that question that’s suddenly formed in her head.
"Ooo, I think that we got it together? Or maybe Cleo did... Either way, you're going to look incredible, like you always do." Avery loved her style, knowing that it was something the girl felt comfortable in and was happy with. Avery was more so of a boho/artsy girl herself when it came to fashion, but she did like to experiment every now and then. So wearing a suit for her wedding? Sounded amazing. Holding Monroe's hand with one and Mars's hand with the other (after calling her, Laurel had brought him back home- there was no way they'd do this without him), she thought about her question. "Is... Is it okay if I take your last name?" she asked almost shyly, smiling softly at her soon-to-be wife. "I'd love to be known as Avery Marina Oliveira." God, even just saying it as an example sounded so right. 'Cleo! Cleo!’ Mars cried out, the older woman walking towards them and scooping the one year old in her arms. Kissing his cheek and cooing softly at first, the blonde looked at the two with raised eyebrows. "Do I slap you both or hug you both? I'm conflicted."
“you look dashing in your suit, by the way—but we’re not switching roles, you’re still yvaine and i’m tristan.” monroe playfully teases the other. fuck, she really looks so good in a white suit, why hasn’t she suggested avery to wear this one before? though….this is appropriate for the occasion. she’s going to fucking marry the most wonderful girl (in all aspects) in the galaxy, she feels the luckiest. speaking of galaxy, their little space monkey looks handsome right now, and she couldn’t help but let out an aawww whenever she looks at him. sometimes, since she and avery got official, she’s wondered if even mars have seen something between the two of them that she hasn’t noticed at all. “of course, baby.” she was surprised, but in a good way. she was going to take monroe’s last name, and that made her even more excited. “i love the sound of that.” the moment she’s heard mars call for cleo, an awkward smile formed on her face as she approaches them. “well…it’s my birthday still?,” she chuckles. “so you really can’t say or do mean things to me….and avery.”
"Damn... One day. One day, I will get to top," she teased back, kissing her lips with a grin. Of course, she has grown to love their 'roles' and rarely jokingly asked if she could topped at some point. If she did, however, it was typically as a joke. Glancing back at Mars, her heart just burst. This was his first time wearing a little suit and tie and god, did he look absolutely adorable. His curls were unruly and he had a bright smile on his face, causing the girl to softly kiss his head. "Me too, baby," Avery giggled. Going from Chopra to Oliveira soon sounded so surprising but so fitting and just right. She loves it. God... She was just so happy right now. Not even Cleo's snark could dampen her mood. "Hiiii, Cleo. Thank you so much for coming to witness." Sighing, the older woman shook her head and hugged each girl while holding the toddler, who was rather fascinated with her hair. "Fine, but tomorrow? Fair game. Now... Let's go get you two inside and married." Despite her attitude, the woman was truly happy for them. And in fact... she even had a surprised for the two girls. But that was going to wait until after they're married.
"avery marina oliveira.... i'm the luckiest woman in the galaxy to ever be your wife, and also be the mother of mars. but before i start a speech in public, i should really stop now, we cannot be late to our own wedding." monroe exaggeratingly takes a sigh of relief when cleo said she's going to let her slide for today. "oop, good luck looking for us tomorrow though," she teases her in reply. the blonde is like one of the sisters she's never had. she knew they only met recently, but she already made an impact in her life, she became one of the few people monroe confides to, asks for advice, whenever it's career or personal-wise, she could really trust her. she does love annoying her, maybe tease her along with avery whenever they sneak around to one of the ship's hiding spots at the cove, sometimes they would even run off the moment she starts rambling in spanish. after that hug they shared with cleo, monroe holds avery's hand, intertwining their fingers. "are you ready to be mrs. oliveira, miss chopra?," she asks the taller brunette with a loving smile.
Avery couldn't help but to grin brightly as she said her new name. It sounded so perfect- she loves it deeply. Nodding, she laughed. "We most definitely cannot be late for this, my love." She kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer. Avery rolled her eyes playfully at Cleo, the woman giving out a grossed out reaction to her words. "Nope, stop right there," the blonde said, only causing the taller girl to laugh. Despite loving to give her grief, the performer truly appreciated the restaurant owner. The fact that came to witness for their wedding in spite of all of the shit they put her through to mess with her meant so much. The woman was like an older sister figure and she cared about her deeply. "Thank you," she whispered as they hug, causing a soft smile to grace the blonde's face. Looking at her future wife, she nodded with a grin before kissing her softly. "I was born ready, Miss Oliveira. Are you ready to become Mrs. Oliveira?"
“i know i’ve been ready ever since i laid my eyes on you.” monroe kisses avery softly before they entered the courthouse together. she doesn’t know that much about weddings, specifically this one, but she was aware cleo’s already taken care of it. she had only a little bit of knowledge, with how long should marriage licenses take, the fees, yada yada. before the ceremony started, both of them signed on necessary forms first (of course, while holding hands, as usual), then headed where the wedding presider was. they had exchange of vows, i do’s, and instead of rings, the locket was put on her neck by the taller brunette. maybe they’re just going to buy those rings tomorrow? they really do. “you may now kiss—the bride, yes.” the judge was chuckling at monroe not being able to wait, pulling avery close for a kiss. “that was hell of a first kiss as my wife, mrs. oliveira.”
It was perfect. The whole entire thing was perfect. Cleo paying the fees and taking care of things had been surprising, but once they were able to start the ceremony, everything had fallen into place. It was so hard not to pull her in to kiss her, her excitement only growing more and more. By the time she was able to put the locket on her wife, the grin on the face was bright and warm. She squealed excitedly as she was finally able to kiss Monroe, lifting her up in the air as she kissed her. "I couldn't agree more, Mrs. Oliveira," she giggled, bringing her back on her feet as she rubbed their noses together. Cleo had been sitting on a bench, holding Mars and watching the Oliveiras share their first kiss as a married couple. "Congratulations, you two," she mused, standing up to walk over to them as she held the toddler. "Well... I certainly hope you two are ready to celebrate- in about two hours, Amphitrite's Cove is going to become a birthday party and a wedding reception." Avery's eyes widened, taken aback by the older woman's words. "I- You- Wait, what?" A small laugh left her lips, the taller brunette looking at her wife in bewilderment.
avery has now taken her last name, she’s now avery marina oliveira, monroe eilam oliveira’s wife. her heart just leaps in excitement with the knowledge. “thank you, cleo i—i didn’t expect this woman right here would be my wife today, but i wouldn’t have this any other way,” she says, letting go of the taller brunette for a moment to hug her. the woman has witnessed enough of their relationship that others haven’t witnessed, she just knew the way they looked at each other, she is somehow one of the few people who has made her realize that she’s indeed, in love with avery. monroe was surprised at the mention of having a reception. “so….wow, you planned all of this?,” she asked with a hint of surprise in her voice. “i—i guess we should tell people right now, am i right?,” she returns back to her wife’s side. “oh my god….they are going to lose their shit about this, babe.”
Avery had her arm wrapped around the girl's waist, resting her cheek against the top of her head. On one hand, she wasn't surprised. Cleo has been one of the few people who has witnessed the more raw parts of their relationship even before they became official. Despite only knowing them for about two months, Cleo has bear witness to their relationship in ways others hadn't. But at the same time, the fact that she organized this... It was unexpected. The blonde just smiled warmly. "Planned it the moment you got off the phone with me and told me you were getting married," she admitted, chuckling at their reactions. "Everything should be ready in two hours. Guess you better let people know so that they can get ready and come celebrate with you two." The taller brunette laughed softly, tearing up. "I... Thank you, Cleo. I don't... I don't know how to repay you." Waving off her words, the restaurant owner shook her head and said, "No need- I got you two." Reaching out to take her son's hand, Avery grinned at her wife before kissing her softly on the lips. "We really should. And god, if we thought their reactions to us becoming official was extreme... We better get started, Mrs. Oliveira."
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2019 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Rules Post
It’s year number 12 of lovey dovey-buku contest art, and I’m back at it again. No secret categories, no surprise themes. These are just the two options you all voted on the most, this time around. Let’s do it!
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Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1:  The Way To A Mega Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach (Talent)
Content Requirements:
        * A pinup category focusing on Mega Man characters who are cooking, baking, eating, feeding their partner, lounging on or around supersized pieces of food,  or creatively wearing clothing that appears to be made out of aesthetically appealing food products. Basically, some sort of delectable food must be drawn along with at least one character.
        * As this is the talent category, judging will be based primarily on the overall composition of your piece and your artistic skills. How well can you bring delicious, appetizing food to life, along with your delicious, appetizing character(s)?
Who says robots can’t enjoy food? Certainly not Fully Charged Guts Man. XD
A popular proverb has long held that one can often fall deeper in love due to their partner preparing their favorite food or sharing a romantic meal with one another. There have been many instances of Mega Man characters who would likely operate in a similar fashion, due to their love for their fave dishes. Netto has his insatiable craving for curry, while his papa Yuuichirou’s palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, as he holds his fork waiting for mama’s spaghetti. Megaman Volnutt wants his sweets so badly, he’d kick a vending machine to pieces to get them, or bug the lady at Jetlag Bakery for those yummy confectioneries. Kelvin Stelar went a more healthy route and loved carrots as much as his wife’s homemade carrot gratin. And don’t forget the delicious cake waiting for Ashe or Grey in the fridge of Hunter’s Camp 4.
So, your task for this category is to draw the Mega Man character(s) of your choice tempting their Valentine with some delicious food. Some sweets for their sweetie, if you will. But the character you draw can be pretty tempting themselves, to go along with their treats. Create a tastefully seductive combo meal that will leave our mouths watering for more!
Now remember, as much as some of you out there might have first thoughts to draw some melons, bananas and glazed honey buns, this category is not meant to get explicit. No frontal nudity is allowed. So please follow tumblr brand censorship guidelines™ when creating your art, or it will be flagged, hidden from the public and not included in the competition. ;p
CATEGORY 2: Princess Sigmia Returns (Humor)
Content Requirements:
           * A Megaman character who takes the primary form of another, opposite gender Megaman character due to a magical crown/mystery tank/navigator’s headset/biometal/battle chip/etc. This character is looking for love this Valentine’s Day. How they attempt to obtain a date/partner is up to you.
           * As this is the humor category, judging will be based primarily on how funny your piece is. Consideration will also be given to a lesser degree on your creativity in combining your characters into a hybrid, and your overall design for them. But the point of this category is to make us laugh!
Following 2018’s hottest videogame art trend, that of the genderbent transformation of Bowser and crew into Princess Peach-looking alternate forms of themselves, it’s time to continue that spin with more Mega Man characters.
Looking to clean up real nice in the ultimate battle body for a night of love and romance, Princess Sigmia is ready to hit the club/restaurant/park/etc., and this time she’s brought friends.
Your goal for this category is to create the funniest romantic scenario this hybrid character can get into on Valentine’s Day. What made them use this magical, transformative item? What are the reactions of other characters to this newly made up character, who resembles someone they thought they knew? Let your imagination run wild, and draw most hilarious creation you can come up with!
There are no restrictions on what characters you merge, and no, you don’t have to stick with my combination of Sigma and Alia. You can base your transformations off of heroes or villains, minor enemies or main characters. It just has to follow the similar format of gaining the appearance of a familiar character of the opposite gender, while still retaining some characteristics of the original character. So, whether you create Mistress Ashebert, Mega Man VolBonne, Rainbow Cieldevil, Prince Praika, or Crimson Akane, the combinations are all up to you!
It’s the usual, ‘get-what-you want’ option, for the top 3 artists in each category. As always, if you prefer a cash prize through Paypal, and just need the money, that’s typically the easiest and quickest option to get your reward.
But like normal, I will be flexible and work with the winners to purchase Megaman-related prizes, if there’s something you’ve really had your eye on and would like ordered. Be it a Roll Caskett 4-inch Nel, Fully Charged figures, artbook re-releases, Mastermix issues, or some other trinket. If I can find it within your prize price range and order it to be shipped straight to you, I will do all I can to make it happen!
The winners for both the Talent and Humor categories will receive the following:
          *1st Place: $100 USD or an item(s) up to that value.
          *2nd Place: $50 USD or an item(s) up to that value.
          *3rd Place: $25 USD or an item(s) up to that value.
Since they have gone pretty well in the past, I once again will be offering participation prizes. Some might say a few of these are quite X-cellent prizes, in honor of X’s 25th anniversary this year. In order to be eligible for the participation prizes, all you need to do is enter a pic for either the Talent or Humor Category!
Like previous years, if there is a prize here you are NOT interested in, please note that when you send in your submission(s) to me. Otherwise, you will be automatically entered in the raffle for a chance at each of these items.
If you draw a pic for both the Humor and the Talent Categories, you can double your chances to win! (Odds of course, depending on how many others enter and also draw two pics.) You will be able to add your name into the drawing a second time for just 1 of these prizes.
Raffle Prize #1 – Rockman 8 Anime Cel (with Genga)
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Name a more iconic Duo. I’ll wait. This cel of Duo is a tight headshot from the midgame cutscene. After waking up, Duo sees the vial of Evil Energy by Doctor Light’s computer, crushes it, and proceeds to say “HE STILL LIVES!” before screaming in this frame and blasting off through the ceiling of Light Labs.
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This is almost quite certainly your last chance to win a Rockman 8 cel from me, so best of luck to all who want to take it home!
Thanks to a generous donation from @silentally, there are also 3 other pairs of raffle prizes (*pictures to be edited in and added soon):
Raffle Prize #2 – Set of Mega Man X Official Complete Works Artbook and a beaded Zero keychain
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Raffle Prize #3 – Set of a framed 3D sprite art piece of X���s iconic Vile battle, as Zero comes to the rescue, and a handmade Zero plush
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Raffle Prize #4 – Set of Tamashii Buddies Zero figure and a Zero emblem wristband
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When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
•   (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says.
•   (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1 or 2, or Talent/Humor
•   (Participation Prize Eligibility) – Just write “All” if you are interested in the chance to win anything. Write: “Exclude from # __” if you do not have interest in winning a particular participation prize.
In the event you are submitting your second entry, please specify which prize # you would like your bonus chance in the raffle to be put towards.
Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Pairing characters from different series is totally allowed. Same-gender pairings are completely fine. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world. It’s easier for me to get prizes to US entrants, because international shipping is complicated and pricey, but I’ll do what I can for you guys who aren’t in the States.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin's, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things as always, the better chance you have!
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed.
I'll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won't be in the dark about whether or not I've received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 by 11:59PM CST. *EXTENDED!* New deadline is Wednesday, February 27th, 2019. This gives you a little more than 5 weeks to finish your entry!
As usual, If you don't plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Cat. 1 (Talent) - @prar-draws, @larytello, @drewblossom, @bracedshark, subzeroiceskater, @irischroma, @papillonthepirate, SockMonkii
Cat. 2 (Humor) - @drewblossom (x2), @bracedshark, subzeroiceskater, 
51 notes · View notes
tommygunhazard18 · 5 years
EuroTrip 2019 Day Sixteen: Welcome to Padua 🇮🇹!
Today I slept in until 8:30 A.M., and then got up and ready for the day. I had some bread with cherry jam along with a banana, so I was eating pretty healthy.
We were trying to decide what to do today, but in the end we decided to go to a city called Padua (Padova in Italian). It is an older city with the 2nd Oldest university in Italy, which was very beautiful. To think this university is running since 1222, it is five times older than Canada which is crazy to me.
We went to see Saint Anthony church which was very nice, a church that has been running since 1382. Went for Bigoi Padova which is a traditional food in the north. It is like a short but thicker noodle, which I had beef and tomato sauce on top so I had to mix it.
We sat in Prato de Valle and ate the pasta, and just talked for a while, and getting Isabella to sign my flag. It’s been a project I’ve been working on, getting people around the world to sign it so it’s pretty cool for me. From there we walked around the city, even if it started to rain a little bit. We ate gelato in Piazza della erbe, and again sat and talked about life, the future, our past and much more. It’s been amazing to learn peoples stories in this trip, to get to know them better.
We met up with Ale at the station, but as we were walking I was told my friend from Poland going to Berlin to meet up with me on the 27th cancelled. Her schedule changed for school, so I was upset but nothing I could do.
We stopped in Piazza Cavour and Ale taught us about the Dungeons and Dragons dice, and have me two sets of them. It’s so great to be able to represent my friends hard work in my life, even if it’s just dice.
The train from Padua to Venezia Maestre was leaving at 8:47 P.M., so we had to make a mad dash for the train. It sucked to say see you later to Ale so fast, but for everything he’s done for me it’s been a honour to meet him in person. To get to meet him and Isabella in person, I felt like I grew so much closer to them than I ever would online and this feeling is amazing.
We missed the second last train home so we took a taxi and split the cost. We got home and Isabella’s parents asked if I was hungry, but when I said a little bit they ran to the kitchen. They cooked up some leftover peas and tuna from yesterday, and they kept offering food. Her parents are adorable, I love them so much and I’ve learned a few things in Italian:
Ciao - hello
Gratzie - thank you
Arrivederce - goodbye
Bueno - good
Bueno notte - good night
To Isabella and your family, this night was amazing because we all sat around the table and talked. Even when there were some language barriers, we could understand by body language and my small amount of French ability. You welcomed me into the home with open eyes, and for that I’ll be always forever grateful.
My final stop is Hamburg, and although it sucks it’s near the end, I do miss my dogs and my parents. Also, baseball season starts soon so I’m excited to play again!
More to come...
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0 notes
meimei-song · 4 years
say so
mei, sam, henry, and jack february 27th
Sam finished up his shower after practice and came rushing out of the locker room, looking at his watch. He swore under his breath as he realized that the dining hall already closed. Today’s practice ran long and most of hus other teammates were in the frat or didn’t live in a dorm so it didn’t affect them. He sighed softly and knew he would be stuck with a microwave dinner when he ran into Mei coming out of the girl’s locker room.
Mei almost kept walking until she noticed the teammate she almost ran into was Sam. A grin goes across her face, “hey, you headed home?”
Sam jumps a little as they almost collide and he gives her a small smile, “Sorry about that!” He shakes his head and shrugs, “Not yet. I gotta stop at the store for some delicious frozen Mac and cheese.”
“It’s okay!” She laughs and then her brows raise slightly, “Oh. Do you want to come to my parents’ for dinner instead? They’re really good cooks and they cook way too much for just the three of us.”
Sam raises his brows as he adjusts his gym bag on his shoulder, “Really? Would you parents be okay with someone like me coming over?”
Mei tilts her head to the side and laughs, “You mean someone really sweet and is my friend? They won’t have any issue with it.”
He smiles and nods his head, “Yeah? That would be great actually.”
“Okay, cool,” she grins and sends her mom a text to let her know Sam’s coming before leading him out to her car.
Sam follows behind her and smiles, “So what are your parents like?”
Mei smiles, “They are wanna be comedians and probably the nicest people you’ll ever meet. They’re competitive but also warm.”
He nods his head with a smile, “I like the sound of that.”
She laughs, "They are two characters, but you'll like them." When they get to the car she throws her gear in the trunk, "You can toss your stuff in here too."
Sam smiles at her and puts his stuff in the trunk before going to get into the passenger side.
Mei gets into the car and starts it up, "Do you like Chinese food?"
He shrugs his shoulder, “Well, I’ve only had it a few times here but I’ve always enjoyed it.”
"Then you're in for a treat," She grins and glances at him as she drives, "What's your favorite food ever?"
Sam smiles over at her, “I can’t wait.” He hums softly with a shrug, “I think pizza. Just plain cheese and pepperoni.”
Her brows raise and she grins, "Pizza is classic, you can never go wrong with it."
He grins a little and shrugs, “Yeah, you can’t go wrong with cheese and bread. I definitely can’t eat it too much during Tourney season though.”
She laughs softly, "Yeah, it can definitely slow you down."
Sam smiles and raises his brows, “Speaking of, have the guys been any better?”
Mei bites her lip, "A little. There hasn't been a drastic change or anything, but now I'll at least receive a pass every once in a while."
He wrinkles his nose and nods his head, “Man those guys are the worst.”
She nods in agreement, "Yeah. I mean, I've got the best players on my side at least."
Sam smiles and shrugs, “I dunno about the best player but decent humans, yeah.”
Mei laughs, "You are one of the best! And a great human."
He waves his hand slightly and shrugs, “Thanks. You’re even better than all of us. I don’t know how you run so fast, it’s amazing.”
She laughs loudly, "I go running with my parents a few times a week, they're still faster than me. Warriors, you know?"
He shakes his head in disbelief, “I wouldn’t even be able to keep up.” Sam laughs and shrugs, “My dad wasn’t very sporty so I have no idea where this came from.”
Mei glances over at him with a smile, "What about your brother?"
Sam shrugs one shoulder and smiles, “I mean he’s athletic but not really into organized sports.”
She nods a little, "Did you ever take fencing?"
He shakes his head, “No but I’ve wanted to.”
Mei nods and smiles, "I had to take it for a physical education course as a kid."
Sam raises his brows, “Were you any good?”
She laughs, "I was okay. I got a solid B+ plus in it."
He chuckles and nods his head, “B+ is pretty good! I think I’ll have to give it a try.”
Mei grins, "I think you'd be good at it, you're agile."
Sam smiles and raises his brows at her, “You think?”
She nods and smiles, "Oh, definitely."
Sam smiles over at her before looking out the window, “So you commute every day then?” How’s that?”
Mei shrugs and smiles, "It's not so bad, I don't live too far. And my room is in the basement and has its own entrance and bathroom and kitchenette."
He hums and nods his head, “Sounds like a great deal to me! Plus no roommate right?”
She grins and nods, "No roommate, it's soooo nice. And I get free meals."
Sam groans softly and shakes his head, “I’m so jealous!”
Mei laughs and smiles at him, "Well, you can come over after practice whenever if you want some food and to get away from campus."
He grins at her with a nod, “I might take you up on the offer from time to time.”
She grins, "I'll be excited to have your company." She parks her car in the driveway, "We're here."
Sam smiles at her before looking at the house, “Wow, it’s really nice.”
Mei smiles at him and gets out, “Thank you.”
Sam gets out of the car and puts his hands in his pockets as he continues to look at the house, “Have you lived in this house your whole life?”
She shakes her head and smiles, "No, we used to live with my grandparents. This house is relatively new, do you wanna go in?"
He nods with a smile and motions to the house, “Lead the way.”
Mei smiles and leads him to the private entrance to the basementher apartment space then inside.
He follows behind her and raises his eyebrows as they enter, “Wow, this is awesome.”
“Thanks,” Mei grins, “I’m pretty happy with it.”
Sam smiles as he looks around her place, “I can’t wait to get my own place.”
Mei smiles at him, “It’s luxurious.”
Sam chuckles and nods his head, “It’s really nice.”
She smiles, “Do you want water or anything?”
He shakes his head as he puts his hands in his pockets, “I’m alright, thanks though.”
“Wanna sit?” She asks with a smile, motioning to the kitchen.
Sam nods and goes to sit down, “So you guys lived with your grandparents?”
Mei laughs and nods, “Yes, and my great grandmother when she was still alive.”
He tilts his head to the side with a smile, “Sounds nice. Do you have a lot of family? Cousins or anything?”
She shakes her head and smiles, “No, just us.”
Sam smiles with a nod, “So pretty small family then.”
Mei nods and shrugs, "I have like distant cousins, but no uncles or aunts or first cousins. Or siblings."
He shrugs with a soft chuckle, “Siblings are overrated. My brother can be such a dick.”
Her brows raise and she laughs, "I don't know, I have overbearing parents to make up for it."
Sam chuckles and nods his head, “Yeah I guess everyone has a weird family.”
“Tell me more about yours?” She asks with a smile, tilting her head to the side.
He wrinkles his nose and shrugs a little, “I mean there’s really not much. There’s my dad and Henry. Well, I assume there’s more family out there somewhere but pretty sure they wouldn’t want much to do with us.”
Mei frowns slightly, “Why not? You’re incredible, you know.”
Sam gives her a small smile and shrugs, “Thank you. My dad’s family is very ashamed of him and honestly, I don’t even know if they know we exist or care really. He really burned a lot bridges.”
She shakes her head, “Your father’s actions shouldn’t reflect on you.”
He nods and bites his lip, “Yeah I know but unfortunately the reputation still stands.”
Mei smiles, “Not with me. And my parents think highly of you cause I only speak highly of you.”
Sam smiles over at her, “Well, you’re special. And not like most people.”
She blushes a little and shakes her head, “I’m your friend.”
He looks down and nods his head, “I know. I’m really happy about that.”
Mei grins widely, “Me too.”
Sam looks up at her a smiles, “You’re also a really good friend.”
She nods and smiles, “You are too. An amazing friend.”
He chuckles and shrugs, “Well, I try.”
Mei grins and moves over to him to hug him.
Sam smiles and wraps his arms around her to return the hug.
She gives him a light squeeze and grins, “You’re a good hugger too.”
He chuckles and squeezes her as well before pulling back, “Am I?”
Mei grins and nods her head, “Very good, and that’s just from one hug.”
Sam grins down at her, “When’s dinner?”
She checks the time and smiles, “Half an hour, do you want to go up now or stay down here for now?”
He glances around the room and shrugs, “Show me more about your space.”
Mei nods and smiles, “Okay.” She gets up and holds her hands out to him.
He takes her hands and grins as he follows her.
She grins and brings him around the flat, showing him the kitchenette, her private bathroom, and also her own bedroom. "I'm pretty lucky, I won't deny it."
Sam follows her as he shows her around, “Yeah this is great! It’s so nice and cozy. I like it.”
Mei grins up at him, “Thank you.”
He grins down at her before nodding to the couch, “Example...this looks incredibly comfy.”
She grins and pulls him to sit, “It is!”
Sam sits with her and grins, “Wow, yeah this is great.”
Mei smiles, “You can always come over and crash on it if you need to.”
He grins with a nod, “I appreciate the offer.” Sam sinks into the couch more, “I’m gonna need a couch like this when I move.”
She laughs softly and nods. They hang out downstairs until its time for dinner. Mei is a little nervous but her parents seemed to really like having Sam over for dinner and they were very polite, not asking too much about the isle or his family, but more about him as a person. After dinner, Mei takes Sam out to the backyard to show him the treehouse that she and her dad built when she was younger. "So, did you enjoy your first Song family dinner?"
Sam follows Mei out of her house after dinner with a small smile, “The food was delicious. I hope your parents didn’t mind I was over.”
Mei laughs and looks over at him, "Are you joking? They were so excited that I finally had a friend over. And they always make soooo much food."
Sam puts his hands in his pockets and chuckles, “Just making sure. They were really nice though.”
She climbs up into the treehouse and smiles, "Thanks. I'm glad you didn't hate every minute of being here."
He follows after her and shakes her head, “How could I? It’s better than my dorm.”
Mei plops down on one of the bean bag chairs she has up there and smiles, “Well you’re welcome to come whenever.”
Sam looks around the treehouse and whistles softly, “Well this is amazing up here.”
“Thanks, it’s my private hang out,” she laughs, “You’re lucky I amended the rules, it used to be no boys allowed.”
He plops down on the bean bag next to her and grins, “Wow, I feel special.”
Mei giggles and looks at him, “Just don’t go advertising it. I don’t want anyone to think they have the same privileges as you.”
Sam holds his hand up, “Scouts honor.”
She grins widely at him and leans back, “Whats your favorite dessert?”
Sam hums softly and slouches more into the bean bag, “I’m not sure. I don’t eat a lot of sweets. What about you?”
Mei looks at him in disbelief, “Whaaat? Well, mine is a Chinese dessert. It’s where you fry banana and cover it with caramel and cinnamon sugar.”
He raises his eyebrows with a grin, “That sounds amazing!”
She grins at him. “We’ll have to make it for you next time.”
Sam smiles with a nod, “I can’t wait.”
Mei smiles widely, “It’ll change your life.”
He nods his head in response before laughing, “It sounds like it!” His phone buzzes softly and he looks down at it, “Oh my brother said he pick me up so you don’t have to drive me back.”
Her brows raise and she nods, “Oh, okay. Is he on his way?”
Sam texts him back and waits, “Yeah. He said he’d pick me up on the way back towards school.”
Mei nods and smiles, “Okay. I’m glad you got to come over.”
He smiles over at her, “Me too. I like hanging out with you.”
She grins widely, “I like it too. And this time we didn’t even have to climb one million steps.”
Sam laughs and leans his head back slightly, “That was beautiful though.”
Mei smiles and nods, “It was.”
He smiles back at her and nudges his foot against hers, “Next time I’ll buy some dinner or something.”
She grins shyly and nods, “That would be fun.”
Sam grins at her reaction before he feels his phone buzz, “Oh damn he’s almost here.”
Mei smiles at him, “I’ll walk you out.”
He nods and stands up before starting down the tree house ladder.
She follows him down and then smiles as she starts to walk him to the front yard, “I’m glad you came over.”
Sam smiles at her with a nod, “Well, thanks for inviting me.” He follows her towards the front of the house.
Mei nods and smiles, “Of course. You’re welcome anytime.” Henry pulls up with Jack in the passenger seat just as Mei and Sam get to the front yard. “Get in, loser, we’re going shopping!” Henry calls out with a smug grin.
Sam grins at her and nudges his elbow against hers, “Thanks. You’re a great friend.” He quickly looks towards the car and narrows his eyes immediately at his brother. Jack gasps at Henry before laughing and looking over at the two of them, “Do you guys need anything? Some snacks? A condom?”
Mei’s cheeks turn pink and she laughs, “Oh my gosh. They’re funny.” Henry chuckles, “Come on, Sammy, introduce us to your girlfriend!”
Sam flushes deeply and rubs his hand over his face, “I hate them both sometimes.” He starts over to the car, “This is my friend and teammate Mei. Mei, that’s my brother Henry and his...Jack.” Jack grins and waves at Mei, “I’ve seen you around and at the Tourney games right?”
She follows him over to the car to introduce herself more properly and nods, “Yeah. You can’t miss me, I’m the smallest on the team.” Henry reaches across Jack to shake Mei’s hand, “It’s nice to meet you, Mei. Sam talks about you a lot... says you’re an awesome Tourney player.”
Sam glares at Henry and coughs a little bit, “Well, thanks for picking me up.” Jack nods at Mei with a grin, “I get it. But being small is fun, you can get into everywhere. Tiny people are the best.” She looks over at Sam and then back at Mei, “Are you busy right now?”
Mei’s brows raise, “Me? Oh.. I mean not really.”
Jack grins before nodding to the car, “Let’s get ice cream. Get in, you two cuties.”
She looks at Sam and smiles, “If you’re okay with it...”
Sam gives her a small smile before looking up at his brother, “If it’s okay with Henry, then yeah..why no?” Jack reaches over and squeezes Henry’s leg, “He’ll say yes, riiighttt?”
Henry nods his head, “Yeah, that’s fine.” Mei smiles at Sam, “You’re sure?”
He nods his head and opens the door of the backseat for her, “Come on.” Jack grins and claps her hand, “I have the best ideas sometimes. I think there’s an ice cream place around the block.”
Mei gets into the car with a grin. Henry rolls his eyes and laughs, “Don’t get too smug. Buckle up back there, and no funny business.” Mei laughs and looks out the window as her face heats up again.
Jack gently hits his shoulder with a laugh, “Leave them alone! Sam’s a gentleman.” Sam rolls his eyes and nudges his foot against Mei before mouthing “I’m sorry.”
She looks at Sam and smiles before mouthing back “It’s Okay.” She reaches out and squeezes his hand reassuringly. Henry glances at Jack, “Oh now you wanna stop joining in.”
Sam smiles as his cheeks heat up slightly. Jack shrugs one shoulder and smiles, “I pick and choose. Only you get the pleasure of my constant teasing!” She grins and leans over to nudge her nose against his cheek.
Henry groans and rolls his eyes, “Wow, I am truly honored.” He turns his head quickly and flicks his tongue against her nose. Mei watches them and giggles quietly to herself before smiling at Sam.
Jack gasps at him before laughing, “Not in front of the kids, honey!” Sam shakes his head with a laugh before whispering to Mei, “They are insane.”
He rolls his eyes and pulls into the parking lot. “Alright, everyone out,” Henry says after parking before getting out and going around to get Jack’s door for her. Mei giggles at Sam, “Yeah, but it’s amusing.” She gets out of the car.
Sam laughs with her and shrugs one shoulder before getting out of the car. Jack thanks Henry as she slips out of the car and takes his hand. “So what were you two up to?”
Mei smiles, “Hanging out in the backyard after dinner.” Henry grins at Sam, “Did you like it? Been a long time since you had a home cooked meal.”
Sam shrugged one shoulder and nodded his head, “The food was great. Beats dining hall food for sure.”
Henry ruffles Sam’s hair and laughs before putting his arm around Jack as they go inside. Mei smiles at Sam and fixes his hair for him.
Sam wrinkles his nose and tries to stop his brother.  He smiles gratefully at Mei, “Thank you.” Jack grins and leans into Henry’s side as they enter the shop, “Oh I’m so excited.”
Mei nods and smiles, "You're welcome." Henry chuckles, "What are you getting?"
Sam looks up at the options and puts his hands in his pockets. Jack hums happily and shrugs, “I want something super sweet. Like birthday cake or something with extra sprinkles.”
Henry makes a face, "I think I got a cavity just from hearing that order." Mei laughs and then looks at Sam, "Anything calling to you?"
Jack nudges her elbow against his side gently, “It’s just as sweet as me.” Sam shakes his head at the other two before shrugging, “I’m not sure. There’s so many options. What about you?”
He shakes his head and laughs, "Maybe they have a sourpatch flavor for you then." Mei hums softly, "I think the peanut butter cookie dough sounds good."
Jack sticks out at her tongue at him, “What are you gonna get?” Sam nods in response, “That sounds amazing. I think I’m leaning towards the coffee one.”
Henry looks up at the menu, "S'mores, I think." Mei smiles, "You can have a bite of mine if you want."
Jack smiles up at him, “Great choice. Will you share with me if I share with you?” Sam grins and nods, “And you can have a bite of mine if you want.”
He nods and smiles, "Of course." He steps up with her and nods for her to order first. Mei grins and nods, "Sounds great."
She grins and leans up to kiss his cheek as she goes to order her ice cream in a cone. Sam smiles at her before looking at the toppings, “Man there’s so many options here.”
Henry orders his ice cream, getting a chocolate dipped waffle cone and he tells the cashier he's paying for the four of them. Mei grins at him, "Just close your eyes and point."
Jack asks for some extra sprinkles before taking her cone from the worker. Sam chuckles and nods his head, “Go ahead, you order first.”
He rolls his eyes at Jack but smiles fondly at the same time. Mei nods and smiles, "Okay." she steps up and orders her ice cream in a bowl.
Sam waits until she’s finished and orders his own in a bowl.
Henry pays for the four of them and Mei raises her brows, "Oh, thank you, Henry." He nods and smiles, "You're welcome." He looks at Sam and nods with a wink before taking Jack's hand and pulling her to a table for four.
Sam goes to reach for his wallet until he sees Henry pay for them all. He takes his cup and nods at his brother, “Thanks.” They both follow Henry over to the table.
Mei sits down and smiles at Sam,  "What'd you end up getting?" Henry takes a bite of his ice cream before holding a spoonful to Jack's lips.
Sam sits next to her with a smile, “I got coffee and put chocolate chips and brownie bits in it.” Jack licks some of her ice cream with a hum before grinning at Henry and eating the spoonful, “Oh yeah, good choice, babe.” She holds her cone out to him.
She grins widely, "Oooh that sounds good. I put peanut butter cups in mine." Henry grins and breaks off a piece of his chocolate dipped cone, "Here you go."
Sam nudges his cup towards her, “Here, try some.” Jack takes the piece and eats it happily, “Yummm!” She smiles and licks more of her ice cream, some sprinkles falling on the table.
Mei pushes hers to him and grins as she eats a bite, nodding her head, "Very good choices, Sam." Henry watches Jack with an amused smile, "You're wasting your extra sprinkles."
Jack looked down at the fallen sprinkles and pouts, “Damn it.” Sam takes a bite of hers and hums, “Wow, I think I like peanut butter!” He chuckles and looks over the other two, “How’s yours, guys?”
Henry laughs and kisses her cheek. He looks at Sam and smiles, "Good, wanna try some?" He holds his cone out to his brother.
Jack wrinkles her nose before smiling at his kiss. Sam nods as he pushes his cup towards his brother and takes the cone to try a bite. “Mm..S’mores is good but Mei’s is better.”
Mei grins brightly and Henry finishes his bite of Sam's before taking his cone back, "Well, I'd rather get a root canal from eating Jack's than try yours again."
Sam chuckles and eats more of his ice cream, “I like it.” Jack grins widely and holds her cone out to Henry, “Root canal time?”
Henry wrinkles his nose but takes a small bite. "It's good, but definitely too sweet for me." Mei laughs and looks at Sam, "Aww, you both do that."
Jack grins as she shrugs and eats more of her own. Sam raises his eyebrows as he looks at Henry and laughs, “Yeah, I guess we do.”
"It's cute," Mei giggles and eats more ice cream. Henry holds his cone out for Jack again.
Sam smiles at her as he cheeks heat up slightly. Jack licks more of Henry’s cone before smirking over at the other two, “So are you two dating?”
Mei blushes deeply and her brows raise, “We’re friends.”
Sam widens his eyes and shakes his head, “Yeah, we’re friends, jeez Jack.” The girl shrugs innocently and licks her ice cream.
Henry laughs, “And you told me to behave.”
Sam chuckles softly as she eats his ice cream, “Are you two dating officially?” He points between Henry and Jack.
He shrugs his shoulders, "We've always been dating."
Jack nods in agreement as she reaches over to steal his spoon for another bite of his ice cream. Sam rolls his eyes and shrugs a little, “This ice cream is really good though. Good suggestion.”
Henry watches her and huffs. Mei nods and smiles, "It is, thank you for inviting me."
Jack grins and hands the spoon back, “Sure thing. Ice cream makes every night better!”
Mei laughs, "Not that I was having a bad one." She looks at Sam with a smile.
Sam smiles back at her and nods in agreement, “Agreed.”
Henry watches them and then looks at Jack knowingly.
Jack starts to eat her cone as she looks from them to Henry and giggles. “Cute.”
He laughs and rubs her back as he finishes up his ice cream. Mei smiles at Sam, "Want one more bite before it's all gone?"
Jack scoots closer and kisses Henry’s cheek. Sam nods with a smile, “Yeah, I’m definitely trying that next time.”
Henry looks at her and smiles, "Thanks for suggesting ice cream." Mei pushes her ice cream towards him and she grins, "I always try to get a different flavor every time."
She grins with a shrug, “Thanks for humoring me and actually taking us.”  Sam takes another bite of hers and hums happily before holding his out, “That’s smart. Want more of mine?”
He laughs and raises his brows, "When do I ever say no to you?" She nods and smiles, "Maybe just one bite." Mei takes a bite of his ice cream and nods her head.
Jack giggles with a shrug, “I mean never but you sometimes give me some grief.” She nudges her nose against his. Sam smiles and raises his brows, “Good?”
Henry smirks, "It wouldn't be on brand if I didn't." Mei grins and nods, "Oh, yeah."
She rolls her eyes and smiles, “Well luckily, I like it.” Sam grins and finishes the rest of his ice cream.
He laughs and nods, "Oh, I know you do." She finishes her ice cream and smiles, "That hit the spot."
Jack smiles and finishes up her ice cream. Sam nods in agreement, “Same. Thank god we had practice today and I don’t feel too guilty for all the delicious food tonight.”
Mei laughs and nods her head, "Ohhh, yeah. We work too hard to not indulge ourselves from time to time."
Sam nods in agreement, “You’re right.” He looks over at the other two, “What did you guys do before this?”
Henry looks at Jack and then back at Sam, "She made me go flying or whatever."
Jack grins and nods her head, “I wanted to show him Belle’s Harbor from above.” Sam widens his eyes a little, “How high do you guys go up?”
Mei chokes a little, "I'm sorry, did you say fly!?"
Jack laughs and nods her head, “Yeah of course. With pixie dust!”
She laughs and her eyes widen, "Oh, yeah.. of course.." Henry looks at Jack, "I don't know how high, probably as high as any of the towers. Maybe even higher?"
Jack nods in agreement and smiles, “Yeah, that’s about as high as the dust will let us go. It’s not like we can go to space or anything.” Sam chuckles and shakes his head, “Magic is crazy.”
Mei nods in agreement and laughs, “That must be so exhilarating!” Henry shrugs, “Its okay.”
Sam wrinkles his nose a little, “Sounds a little scary. How do you know it won’t just stop working?” Jack laughs and waves her hand, “That doesn’t happen. It’s the strongest magic out there. It works if you believe it will.”
Henry looks at Jack, “Stronger than Rose’s?”
Jack shrugs one shoulder, “Probably. I mean Rose is strong. But when the faeries use the pixie dust, it controls so much in Auradon that you don’t even realize. I don’t have actual magic in me, just this little bag of it.”
Mei laughs, “That’s insane. No one tell Rose that.”
Sam laughs and nods in agreement. Jack laughs with them and shrugs, “She probably knows at this point. I swear she’s always carrying that magic book, who knows what’s in it.”
Henry shakes his head, “I’m just glad Briar doesn’t have a hold of it.”
Jack nods her head and laughs, “He’s really a dick, isn’t he?”
Mei looks at them, “Oh, if I see him coming anywhere near me I take the biggest detour to get to where I need to be.”
Sam chuckles, “I don’t blame you. He’s a bully.”
Henry leans back in his chair, "Not that Rose is much better, but Ben's reformed her or whatever."
He nods and shrugs a little, “Yeah, both of them were known to tease me.” Sam chuckles and shakes his head.
Mei raises her brows and smiles, "Really?"
Sam shrugged and laughed, “I mean, they picked on everyone who walked by them especially on the Isle since there was no power except being evil. Poor Evie probably got most of it.”
Her brows raise, "Evie? I thought her and Rose were best friends..." Henry shook his head and let out a low whistle, "That wasn't always the case."
Jack also furrows her brow at them, “Really? I didn’t know that.”
Henry nods, "Oh yeah. Evie didn't invite her to her birthday party as a child."
Jack laughed softly before covering her mouth, “Wow, that’s ironic.”
He laughs and nods, "Yeah, and Rose's mom cursed Evie and her mom. It was a mess, but clearly they worked it out."
Sam chuckles and shakes his head, “There was just as much drama back in the Isle as there is here.”
Mei shakes her head in awe and laughs, "Crazy. I thought you'd all have faired a little bit better in that since you didn't have Eliza around."
He smiles at her and shakes his head, “Nah, the amount of nice people here make up for the Elizas of Auradon.”
Henry gags, "Fuck Eliza."
Jack leans her chin on his shoulder with a grin, “Don’t fuck Eliza. You can only do that with me.” Sam makes a face and rubs his forehead.
Mei makes a face and looks at Sam with wide eyes. Henry smirks, "Not in front of the children, dear."
Jack smirks and nips at his jaw. “Okay!” Sam groans as he puts his hands up, “Let’s go.” He chuckles and shakes his head at Mei before standing up.
She laughs and stands up with him. Henry gets up and holds his hand out to Jack.
Jack grins and takes his hand, standing up. “This was fun, right?”
Henry smiles and her and nods, starting to lead them back to the car, "It was. Good idea, Jack." Mei smiles, "Thanks again for inviting me."
Sam nodded with Mei, “Yeah, thank. It was fun.” Jack smiles and kisses Henry’s cheek quickly before nodding, “No problem.”
He leans down and pecks her lips with a smile. Mei watches them and then glances at Sam.
Jack grins up at him before going to get in the car. Sam gives Mei a quick smile before getting in the car.
Henry opens Jack's door for her before going around and getting in. Mei gets into the backseat with Sam.
Sam leans over to Mei in the car and lowers his voice, “Sorry, they are a bit crazy sometimes.”
Mei looks at him and smiles, "It's okay." Henry starts to drive back to Mei's house.
He smiles with a nod as he leans back into his seat.
She laughs and squeezes his hand for a moment. Henry looks at Jack, "Yours or mine?"
Sam gives her a small grin and squeezes her hand back. Jack hums softly and smiles at him, “We can do yours tonight if you want.”
Henry nods his head, "Alright. Sammy, am I taking you to your dorm?"
Sam looks up at Henry and nods his head, “Yeah, back to the dorm.”
He smirks, "And Mei, am I taking you home or you going to Sammy's dorm with him?" Mei's cheeks heat up and her brows raise. "Oh, home please," she squeaks out.
Sam blushes a little with her and chuckles softly.
Henry laughs and nods, looking at Jack and winking.
Jack grins over at him and shakes her head.
He grins and reaches over, squeezing her leg.
She smirks and puts her hand over his.
Henry parks in front of Mei's house and smiles, "It was nice to meet you, Mei. I'm sure we'll be seeing you around more."
Jack looks back at them and smiles, “It was so fun. We’ll have to do this again!” Sam smiles and nods, “I’ll walk you to your door.” He slides out of the car.
Mei grins and nods, "Definitely. Thanks again," she waves at them before getting out of the car and she smiles shyly at Sam.
Sam leads her over to her door and smiles, “Sorry for them. They are something else. But I had fun hanging out with you.”
She giggles and shakes her head, "No, it's okay, they're funny. I had fun hanging out with you, too."
He grins and shrugs a little, “See you at practice then?”
Mei nods and smiles, "See you at practice." She hugs him goodbye.
Sam smiles and hugs her back for a moment before pulling at away and heading back to the car with a wave.
She waves back before going inside.
Sam smiles and jogs back to the car, slipping in the backseat.
Henry smirks, "Did you get a goodnight kiss?"
Sam rolls his eyes at them, “We are friends.”
He laughs, "If you say so. You don't act like just friends."
He looks out the window and shrugs, “Well, you don’t have many friends so how would you know?” Jack raises her eyebrows and giggles softly as she looks over at Henry.
Henry rolls his eyes and looks at Jack, "Thanks for the back up, babe."
Jack giggles louder and shrugs, “I mean...you guys did seem to give each other cute little smiles, that’s all. You know the little smiles that Henry gives me.” She grins and squeezes his hand. Sam rolls his eyes, “You guys are so embarrassing.”
He grins and squeezes Jack's hand back and laughs. "Yeah, even if I don't have friends, which I do by the way-- I know what it looks like to flirt."
Sam shakes his head at them, “We weren’t flirting.”
Henry arches a brow, "You two were sharing ice cream."
He rolls his eyes and laughs, “So? It’s not like we were feeding each other.”
He hums and nods, "Yeah, you gotta save that for the second date."
Jack laughs and looks back at Sam, “Well even if you weren’t flirting, she kinda was. She may like you.”
Henry raises his brows, "Yeah, I saw those hand squeezes."
Sam flushes slightly and shrugs again, “We’re friends. Can we drop this conversation?”
He grins and nods, "Sure, buddy."
Jack smiles over at Henry and nods her head. Sam looks at them then out the window again, “Thank you.”
Henry smiles, "I'm glad you're making friends, though. She seems really sweet."
Jack nods in agreement, “Yeah, she’s great!” Sam smiles a little and shrugs, “She’s nice. And a really great tourney player.”
He glances at him in the rearview mirror, "How are the rest of the guys on the team?"
Sam wrinkles his nose, “As players pretty good. As people, some are shitty.”
Henry raises his brows, "How do you mean?"
He clears his throat a little and looks over at his brother, “They are kind of dicks to Mei and really won’t play with her even though she’s one of the best on the team.”
He glances at Jack and fights a smirk before looking back at Sam, "You sticking up for her then?"
Sam nods his head and shrugs, “As much as I can. I mean we really could go far in the championships this year with her.” Jack smiles at Henry, “Thats really nice of you to stand up for her. Those guys are idiots.”
Henry nods his head, "Are you the only one siding with her?"
He shakes his head, “No I think Ben and Nolan are trying to get the guys to come around.”
He shakes his head and laughs, "How princely of them."
Sam chuckles and shrugs a little bit, “If I was captain I guess I would be a little more stern than them though.”
Henry looks at him, "Tell them that."
He shakes his head, “I’m still an underclassman. There’s not much I can do.”
He shrugs, "Then I'll fucking talk to them."
Sam shakes his head more and waves his hand, “No, no, don’t do that. I’ll talk to them. I mean everyone knows how good she is.”
Henry pulls up to the dorms and raises his brows, "Okay. You better or Jack will probably show up and kick some of the guys' shins."
Jack grins and nods her head, “Give me names and I’ll hit them somewhere even more important to them than their shins.” Sam laughs at them and shakes his head, “Thanks but I got it. I’ll see you guys later. Thanks for the ride and the ice cream, Henry.”
He nods and smiles, "You're welcome. Let me know if you need to borrow the car anytime soon."
Sam nods with a smile before getting out of the car and heading into his dorm.
Henry looks at Jack and laughs, "Should we make bets on when him and Mei start dating?"
She squeezes his hand and giggles, “Oh god. I have no idea. They are really cute but really shy.”
He laughs, “I say three months tops.”
Jack laughs and raises her eyebrows, “You think that long?!!”
Henry nods and laughs, “Yeah, they’re too shy.”
Jack grins and shrugs her shoulders, “Yeah, that makes sense. Well, she seems less shy than him. I bet she makes the first move.”
He laughs and starts to drive them to the frat, “You think so?”
She nods with a smile, “You and Sam are very different but I still had to make the first move on you. Granted it was tormenting you into liking me but still.”
Henry dramatically rolls his eyes, “That’s not how it went.”
Jack leans over and puts her chin on his shoulder, “Okay how did it then?”
He laughs, “I wanted to fuck you. You were annoying. I got you to stop being annoying long enough for us to fuck. Then you were hooked ever since.” He smirks as he teases.
She nipped at his jaw with a smirk, “I wanted to fuck you so I annoyed you until you couldn’t ignore me.”
Henry shakes his head and laughs, “I almost whipped my cock out at a party in order for you to stop.”
Jack giggles and kisses his shoulder, “Oh that’s when I really knew I wanted you because you would’ve done it.”
He laughs loudly, “I’m just glad it worked out.”
She smiles with a nod, “Me too. You’re cute and fun.”
Henry smiles at her, “And I’m good in bed.”
Jack grins and shrugs one shoulder, “Thats true.”
He smirks and parks the car, “Thank you.” He gets out and goes to get her door.
She hops out of the car and thanks him before taking his hand.
Henry takes her hand and leads her inside. He almost bumps into Carson when they go in. “Watch where you’re going, Westgate,” she smirks. He chuckles, “Oh, Hey, CJ. Not sure how I could’ve missed you.” Carson folds her arms over chest, “Yeah, me neither. Where  ya been? Poker hasn’t been the same without you.” Henry chuckles, “I got tired of you taking all my money.” She laughs, “Think about coming back? We need a pretty face other than mine to distract the rest of the room.” Henry laughs softly, “I’ll think about it, later Ceej.” Carson nods and grins, “Later, H.” She leaves and Henry brings Jack up to his room.
Jack follows him inside and raises her eyebrows as they run into Carson. She narrows her eyes at the girl and Henry as they talk, feeling her blood start to boil as their conversation continues. She lets him lead them into his room and immediately lets go of his hand with a huff.
His brows furrow, “What’s wrong?”
She shrugs and sits down on his bed, “Nothing. You can go down and play poker with CJ. I can go home.”
Henry looks at her confusedly, “What? I just said I wasn’t gonna play.”
Jack waves her hand to shoo him off, “Go play.” She stands up and starts towards the door.
He shakes his head and takes her wrist, “Jack, stop, I’m not going to play.”
She pulls her wrist away and narrows her eyes at him, “Could’ve fooled me with how I just became invisible that entire conversation. I mean I saw how she was looking at you.”
Henry shakes his head, “Carson does not look at me any sort of way. And she’s just bad at talking to girls.”
Jack crosses her arms and shakes her head, “No. I know girls, I know how she was looking at you and you guys must’ve hooked up at some point. Now she wanted to rub it in my face because she hates me.”
He looks at her with his jaw slightly opened, “Carson is not like that, us hooking up has nothing to do with that conversation, Jack.”
She raises her eyebrows at him, “So you did hook up? When? Recently?”
Henry sighs heavily, “Two years ago, we’re just friends.”
Jack wrinkles her nose, “Carson doesn’t see it that way clearly.”
He shakes his head, “That’s not true. Jack, we were standing there holding hands!”
Jack shakes her head and throws her arms up a little bit, “It was like I didn’t even exist! She only had eyes for you! You are my boyfriend, not hers!”
Henry goes to counter back but stops when he realizes what she said. “I’m your boyfriend?” He grins slowly.
Jack widens her eyes slightly and opens her mouth to say something before closing it and narrowing her eyes, “You know what I mean. Whatever, I’m out of here.” She turns to open the door again.
He pulls her to him and smirks, “If you want me to be your boyfriend, that’s all you had to say.”
Jack makes a soft sound in surprise, “I didn’t say that.”
His brows raise and he grins, “Really? Cause you put a big emphasis on the words ‘my boyfriend.’”
She bites her lower lip and looks away from him, “Well...I don’t know.”
Henry pulls her into him more, “Jack..”
Jack keeps her eyes on his chest and slowly moves her fingers along his shoulders, “Yeah?”
He kisses her temple before whispering, “I’ll be your boyfriend.”
She looks up at him with a small smile, “Are you sure?”
Henry nods and smiles, “Be my girlfriend?”
Jack smiles wider and nods her head, “Yeah..I mean I can’t promise I’ll be great at it or anything. In fact, I’ll probably be terrible, is that okay?”
He shrugs and laughs. “Yes, cause I would have no idea if you were terrible or not. I’ve never had a girlfriend.”
She laughs softly and puts her hand on the side of his neck, “Okay...I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Henry smiles, "I might not be the best boyfriend."
Jack shakes her head and shrugs, “I don’t think so. I think you’re pretty great at everything you do.”
He raises his brows, "Really?"
She laughs and nods her head, “Of course. You’re the smartest person in the world. Pretty damn good in bed. You’ve picked up flying really fast! I don’t know I bet you could go play tourney right now and kick everyone’s ass.”
Henry tilts his head to the side as he looks at her, "I didn't know you thought so highly of me."
Jack shrugs one shoulder and smiles, “There’s no one else I’ve wanted to be my boyfriend or even whatever we were before so you had to know you were special.”
He moves his hands to her face and kisses her deeply.
Jack smiles and puts her hands over his as she returns the deep kiss.
Henry kisses her harder and steps closer to her.
She kisses him back for a moment before pulling back slightly, “I’m sorry for being crazy.”
He shakes his head, "You're not crazy."
Jack gives him a little look and laughs, “Yes I am. I was being jealous and I just..don’t trust Carson. I have nothing against her but I don’t know, it’s like I don’t know if she has a vendetta against me.”
Henry raises his brows, "Because of your parents?"
She shrugs a little bit and wrinkles her nose, “Well yeah she’s been cold in the past and of course I never cared and tried to get along now how she was just looking at you...I feel like she is going to try to hook up with you.”
He shakes his head, "She won't, and even if she tried, I wouldn't hook up with her."
Jack nods her head with a small smile, “Okay, I’m trusting you. But sorry for flipping out on you.”
Henry nods, "I forgive you. And it wasn't so bad, it got you to admit you want me as your boyfriend."
She giggles and pulls him down as she leans up to kiss him.
He grins and returns the kiss.
Jack smiles into the kiss and presses herself closer to him.
Henry picks her up and wraps her legs around his waist.
Jack giggles softly into the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck.
He grins and pulls back, "I love how little you are."
She plays with his hair as she smiles, “I love how big and strong you are.”
Henry grins and nips at her lower lip, "How do boyfriends and girlfriends have sex?"
Jack smirks and gently tugs on his hair, “Why don’t we find out?”
He chuckles and picks her up higher, "Maybe they do it just like this?"
She brushes her lips against his with a smirk, “Pressed against the door? And really rough?”
Henry nods his head and smirks, "Exactly." He sets her down to quickly start to get her clothes off of her.
Jack helps him undress then starts to work on his clothes.
He laughs as he gets clothes off before picking her up against and kissing her heatedly.
Jack grins as he picks her back up and presses her lips to his in a passionate kiss.
Henry kisses her hard and presses her bag against the wall.
She whimpers into the kiss and tugs on his hair.
He moves his hand to rub her center quickly as they kiss.
Jack moans into the kiss as she rocks her hips forward.
Henry rubs her eagerly and sucks on her tongue.
She gasps against his lips as she tugs on his hair.
He hums and massages her tongue with his as he teases her clit.
Jack whimpers as she moves her tongue with his and gently digs her nails into his shoulder blade.
He groans against her lips and pulls back to kiss down her neck.
Jack leans her head back against the door as she moans louder and slides her hand down his front.
Henry sucks on her skin to leave a mark as he rubs at her clit.
She moans his name and brushes her hand against his length.
He makes a small noise against her skin and kisses down to her collarbone.
Jack moves her thumb over his tip as she whimpers.
Henry groans and slips two fingers past her entrance.
She moans louder and rocks her hips forward.
He thrusts his fingers and sucks on her collarbone.
Jack moves her hand around his length as she whimpers, “Henry..”
"Jack," he mumbles against her skin and moans.
She grips his length and moves it up and down as few times.
Henry groans and looks up at her lustfully.
She leans forward and nips at his lower lip, “I want you.”
He nods his head and sets his tip as he entrance before pulling her hips down onto him.
She slides her hands back up to his shoulder as she whimpers his name.
Henry groans and starts to thrust his hips up into hers.
Jack cries out softly as she rests her forehead against his.
He looks up into her eyes and smirks, "You're so tight and wet for me.."
She lets out a moan as she tugs on his hair, “Only for you.”
Henry moans and pulls them away from the wall and smirks as he holds her tight and thrusts up into her hard and fast.
Jack rocks her hips down to meet his as she moans his name.
He groans and looks up at her, and he grips her hips to move them up and down with his thrusts more.
She grips on his hair as she cries out, “Don’t stop...”
Henry lets out a series of grunts and moves their hips harder and faster.
Jack tenses up as she cries out and closes her eyes when she hits her climax.
He thrusts his hips hard a few more times before climaxing with a loud groan, releasing inside of her.
She drops her head into his neck as she moans his name against his skin.
Henry whimpers as he pumps his hips a few more times before pressing her back against the wall for stability.
Jack slides her hands down his arms as she tries to catch her breath.
He kisses down her neck and pants softly.
She sighs happily and tilts her head to the side.
Henry groans as he pulls out of her and sets her down.
Jack whimpers softly then  leans back against the door with a smile.
He grins and kisses her jaw.
Jack tilts her head to the side as she laughs.
Henry holds her close and grins.
She wraps her arms around his middle and looks up at him with a grin.
He leans down and kisses her forehead.
Jack smiles and closes her eyes, “Cute cute cute.”
Henry chuckles, “I mean, I am your boyfriend.”
She grins and presses herself closer, “Yeah true. But always cute.”
He laughs and picks her up, carrying her to the bed.
Jack giggles and wraps her legs around him as they lay back.
He holds her tight and rubs her back before pulling the blankets over them.
Jack smiles and kisses his temple gently.
Henry smiles and closes his eyes, "This was a good night."
Jack runs her fingers through his hair as she closes her eyes, “Because you became my boyfriend officially?”
He nods and smiles, "Duh."
She giggles softly as she hums softly, “It was though.”
Henry smiles and holds her close.
Jack leans her head against his shoulder as she smiles, “Tired?”
He nods his head and smiles, "Yeah."
She nudges her nose against his, “Lets sleep.”
Henry nods and smiles, "Goodnight, Jack.."
Jack cuddles into him more as she yawns, “Goodnight...”
He rubs her back until they fall asleep.
0 notes
josephlrushing · 5 years
2019 Holiday Gift Guide: There’s Something for Everyone and for Every Budget!
2019 is quickly zipping by, and you know what that means — the holiday season is now upon us! If you’re now faced with trying to figure out what to get for the people on your gift-giving list, take a look at these items we’ve rounded up; we have something for everyone and for every budget!
The Activ5 is a $129.90 (and up) portable isometric fitness device that allows you to get in a workout regardless of where you are. Paired with a smartphone and the companion training app, you can reach your personal fitness goals in as little as five minutes per session in your home, office, or even sitting in an airplane (I’ve tried it!). This would be a perfect gift for anyone who is interested in fitness but has a hard time making time for it, and it’s great for those New Years’ resolutions to start off 2020.
Google Nest Hub Max
If you’ve been looking for a great ecosystem for your home that works with an unlimited amount of third party accessories, Google’s Nest products are a fantastic start, but most specifically the $229 Google Nest Hub Max. Great for the nightstand or even your kitchen, its built-in Nest cam can recognize your face to give you personalized messages, including how long it will take you to get to work, the weather for the day, and more. And if you are one to cook in the kitchen, you can follow Youtube recipes, or just play Spotify to set the right mood.
Ninja Foodi Grill
A do-all kitchen device that’s shown its value just in a few months, the $199.99 Ninja Foodi Grill is a perfect gift for someone who has everything else. Even if they have an Air Fryer, or a Sous Vide, the Ninja Foodi Grill is a 5-in-1 device that looks incredible on your countertop all while making your food be the highlight. The Food Grill is virtually smokeless, allowing you to Grill, air crisp, bake, roast or dehydrate your foods with ease. If you or someone you know is an apartment dweller but wants that char-grilled taste to their meats, or simply want to eat a bit healthier, the Ninja Foodi Grill is the device to have in your checkout bin.
Helm Audio True Wireless 5.0 Headphones
Named the most awarded headphone brand at CTA, the Helm Audio True Wireless 5.0 are the only headphones on the market that not only feature Qualcomm APTX with AAC low latency audio, but feature noise isolation, deep bass, Bluetooth 5.0, and a secure fit that doesn’t hurt after wearing for hours (averaging 9 hours on a single charge). Did I mention that at $89.99, they are significantly cheaper than any of their competitors including Jabra and AirPods?
Gourmia GCM7000 Coffee Maker
Whether you like to use Nespresso pods, Starbucks Verismo pods, or even your own freshly ground espresso beans, the $129.99 Gourmia E-Z Espresso Machine can handle it! The E-Z Espresso has four adapters so that one machine can do it all with two cup sizes. Brighten someone’s mornings and afternoons with a properly made cup of joe!
  Philips 3200 LatteGo Super Automatic Espresso Machine
For the espresso connoisseur in your life, the Philips 3200 LatteGo may be the way to their heart.  At $799, it’s not an inexpensive gift, but it makes a damn fine espresso as well as many other espresso drinks, including lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos all with the push of a button.  Our full review is coming soon, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t recommend it for the holiday gift giving season.
Soul Ultra Wireless
An affordable over-ear pair of headphones, the Ultra Wireless by SOUL Electronics are headphones whose sound and price will knock your socks off. At only $69, the Ultra wireless headphones boast 36 hours of playtime on a single charge, dynamic sound, and Bluetooth 5.0 for superb connectivity to your devices. These would be the perfect gift for a student in your family to have waiting under the tree!
Saxx Underwear 
Perfect for the man of the house, or even the active teen in your home, Saxx Underwear has been voted the World’s best underwear and for good reason. Saxx Underwear feature a “Ballpark pouch” to separate the “meat from the potatoes,” they feel incredible, they don’t chafe, and they won’t rise up inexplicably. You can pick up singles for as low as $25 a pair, or get a multi-pack for as low as $40.
Cleer Ally
Nowadays the standard for truly wireless listening is about 4.5 hours on a single charge. But what if I told you that there’s a pair of headphones that could get you through an entire workday without needing to be charged? That’s the $149.99 Cleer Ally. With ten hours on a single charge and touch-controls, the Ally are designed for every situation. Since they’re also IPX5 water and sweat proof, you can rock them in the gym; they won’t fall out thanks to the Freebit ear wings that give a secure fit so they don’t fly out when you shake your head.
Huawei Watch GT 2
Last year I reviewed the Huawei WatchGT, and I really enjoyed the experience. The $299.99 Huawei Watch GT 2 is the successor to that watch, and I’ve been wearing one for the past month — my review is coming soon. The Watch GT 2 builds upon the features I liked (like the 2 weeks of battery life), and it adds storage capacity for up to 500 MP3 songs to listen to during workouts, Bluetooth connectivity for calls at up to 150 meters, sleep tracking and analysis, and movement tracking with analysis. The watch looks great, and it’s a good fitness tracker with extra tricks.
Cleer Enduro 100
There are a lot of over-ear headphones on the market, but how many of them can boast over 100 hours of use on a single charge? Only one, and that’s the Cleer Enduro. Great for any audiophile, at only $179.99 the Enduro comes with Google Fast Pair, and the ability to be charged quickly with Fast Charge is also a highlight; ten minutes of charging will give you up to 13 hours of listening. Cleer Enduro’s lightweight design make these headphones great for listening in the office, or on the go. Definitely consider these for that family member who wants to tune out the world but often forgets to charge their cans.
This is the Poketo colorway.
Corkcicle’s long been one of my favorite ways to carry my hot and cold beverages every day. With the ability to keep items hot for six hours or cold for up to 12, the triple-insulated canteen or tumbler comes with over 25 different designs to fit you or a family member’s style; they are completely dishwasher safe and are modestly priced starting at $23.95. Personal suggestion: The Unicorn Magic colorway looks great, but if you’re feeling a bit artsy, grab yourself the Basquiat.
With plenty of days off around the holidays, get your football fan the 27th installment of FIFA for virtually all platforms including PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. With lifelike gameplay, at $59.95, FIFA 20 raises the bar by offering the new VOLTA FOOTBALL mode, that allows you to customize your player and gear to express their own personal style.
Hex 4-in-1 iPhone 11 Pro Max case
Yes, you can have it all! If you want an iPhone 11 case that can operate as a protective case, a folio, and as a wallet, you’re going to love the $99.95 Hex 4-in-1 iPhone 11 Pro Max case. It has 4-in-1 Functionality; you can use it as a Hybrid Case (Hybrid Case alone), a Wallet Case (Hybrid Case + Card Wallet), a Folio (Hybrid Case + Folio), and a Wallet Folio (Hybrid Case + Folio + Card Wallet). The Hybrid case even works with most magnetic car mounts and stands. The Card Wallet has 3 card slots with RFID blocking for fraud protection, and the offset magnet design allows for wireless charging when using the Hybrid Case. Perfect!
Madden 20
Even though we are more than halfway through the NFL season, there’s going to be plenty of opportunities to play the $59.95 Madden 20 over the Christmas Break when your favorite team isn’t playing. You can become the Face of the Franchise and control their NFL superstar’s journey starting in the College Football Playoff, competing against or with friends online or side by side. Players can take the league by storm, leading their team from pre-season to the Super Bowl at the center of every play. The brand-new X-Factor features let players feel the power of NFL Superstars, unleashing unique abilities that make stars feel like stars.
Traeger Pro Series 575 Pellet Grill
The $799.95 Traeger Pro Series 575 Pellet Grill combines a high-quality smoker with state of the art technology to create an amazing product. WiFi with WiFIRE technology will connect your grill to the internet allowing temps to be monitored and changed from a device anywhere in the world. The new D2 Direct Drive includes a direct drive variable speed fan and auger to compliment the Pro D2 Controller to provide consistency and precision which are integral in making great food. 575 sq. in. of cooking space should provide plenty of area to cook for the family or small party. Dad wants this.
NHL 20
Available for PS4 and Xbox One, NHL 20 introduces cutting-edge gameplay, revealing the next major innovation in RPM Tech-powered gameplay with Signature Shots. NHL stars now look and feel truly authentic with the trademark shooting-styles. New gameplay modes, including the battle royale-inspired Eliminator Mode, provide more ways for players to become kings of the ice. The $59.95 game is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Metomics designer building blocks are made from precision-cut anodized aluminum; they connect together to form creations that are only limited by the number of building blocks you have and your imagination. Metomics blocks are colorful, fun to build with, and they articulate so that you can pose your creations. There are multiple sets and colors available — this $69.99 kit is for the gold T-Rex 3-in-1; the same kit will also build a Mecha (robot-looking dude) and a sparrow. T-Rex plans are included in the reusable box; you can scan the in-pack QR code to access digital instructions for the Mecha and Sparrow. Also, if you buy before December 2, you can take advantage of their Black Friday deals:
• Get 20% off everything with code BLACKFR19• Free shipping on all orders over £65 / US$85 (automatically applied after other discounts)
The Sims 4: Realm of Magic
Something magical is brewing this holiday season in The Sims 4: Realm of Magic game pack ($19.95). Sims fanatics can step into the spellbinding world of Glimmberbrook and experience the magic this supernatural pack has to offer: master the art of wizardry by learning to cast spells, summon a familiar for protection, collect and cast spells, or create various potions on platforms such as Origin for PC and Mac, and consoles like the PS4, and Xbox One.
Ooler Sleep System
Using the latest hydro-powered technology, Chili’s OOLER Sleep system ($699) is one of the best holiday gifts for couples. The mattress topper allows you and your spouse to adjust their own side of the bed to their desired temperature. So if you sleep hot, but your wife wants her side of the bed to feel like a freezer, the Ooler Sleep system can do this with a simple tap of the control unit or through the companion Ooler app.
Braven Flye Sport Rush
A truly wireless spin on their popular Flye cordless headphones, the $79.99 Braven Flye Sport Rush not only do away with the cable but boast a total of ten hours of playback time with two additional charges in the case, totaling 36 hours. Available in Black, White, or Blue, these are great wireless headphones.
Braven BRV-X/2
If you know someone in need of a Bluetooth Speaker, Braven’s BRV series is a GREAT purchase for yourself, or a gift for someone else. The $99.99 Braven BRV-X/2 is one of the few speakers on the market that floats in water thanks to its IPX7 waterproof rating. Perfect for sitting poolside or a winter tailgate, you can even pair it with another BRV-X/2 speaker for room rocking sounds for up to 18 hours.
  If you’re looking for a larger speaker that is fitting for any Christmas Party this year, it has to be the all-new Soundboks. At $999, it’s not the cheapest speaker on the market, but you certainly can say its the loudest. The only PERFORMANCE portable speaker on the market, the Soundboks will blow you and your party guests away. With a swappable battery, you can keep the party going even when the juice is almost gone. Soundboks is also extremely durable, with its steel honeycomb grill, ball corners, and IP65 coating, it will easily fit in your car or trunk for easily transporting to a friend’s house for a house party.
V-Moda CrossFade M-100 Master – $249.99
V-Moda has long been known as “the high-fidelity headphone brand with a dynamic soundstage”, and there’s no better way to showcase that than with the $249.99 V-Moda CrossFade M-100 Masters. Co-engineered by Roland, the V-Moda CrossFade M-100s were created via crowdsourcing and fine-tuned by audiophiles, producers and DJ’s alike and the result is headphones that feature natural and active noise isolation, guaranteed fatigue-free listening for hours, a multitude of cables for virtually every occasion including a boom microphone which is great for phone calls and podcasters alike. It’s also worth noting that the V-Moda M-100s can be personalized with your name or logo so you can fully “Endorse” you or your brand. Now, if only your job gave these away as Christmas gifts!
Nomad Slim Wallet
Dad might tell you he doesn’t need a new wallet, but don’t believe him. The $59.95 Nomad Slim Wallet is a gift that eliminates a problem most men have — a bulging wallet that carries way too many cards. With the ability to hold four cards as well as space for cash, the slim wallet also comes complete with a quick access pocket for your ID or most important card. But what’s worth mentioning is that the wallet has a pocket that’s hidden and dedicated for a Tile Bluetooth tracker; perfect for that special someone who always misplaces their wallet in their jeans, they can easily find it using the Tile app on their phone.
Zippo HeatBank 9s
With a run time of nine hours and six heat settings, you can get warmth from both sides of the $49.95 Zippo HeatBank 9s hand warmers. Not only that, there’s a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and it can charge any USB device, truly a double threat.
Zippo Fight Fire With Fire
A new windproof lighter, Zippo joins forces with WOODCHUCK USA creating 10 unique designs including a brushed chrome lighter with real wood cedar emblems. Not only will you get a great lighter, but you will contribute to the restoration and protection of forests around the world by just purchasing one. The Zippo Fight Fire with Fire Collection ranges between $45.95-$62.95.
Anker Wakey
A fantastic alarm clock for anyone in the family, the $99.99 Anker Wakey not only comes complete with a wireless charger on top for any Qi-enabled device but has additional ports for your Apple Watch or any external device. It’s also one of the few Alarm clocks I’ve seen that has a built-in FM Radio.
A wearable neck speaker, the $149.99 Cleer HALO is great for someone who is always on the phone around the house, or that teenager who tends to lose their AirPods. With a great soundstage, the Halo is great for gaming; they pair easily to that new Nintendo Switch and with 12-hour battery life, it’s designed to give you all of the immersive sound a normal pair of headphones would give you without blocking your ears.
  Logitech MX Master 3
Logitech’s latest flagship in the MX Master series offers instant precision thanks to its new MagSpeed scroll wheel that can scroll through 1000 lines in less than a second. Great for a student, or even in your study, the $99.99 MX Master 3 is the most advanced mouse yet.
Blue Yeti X
Perfect for any beginning Podcaster or Gamer, the $169.99 Blue Yeti X is a USB microphone allows you to stream all of the things. With a new four-capsule condenser, you can get broadcast sound with a crystal-clear focus with each of the four pickup patterns. You can “switch between cardioid for recording and streaming, omni for conference calls, bi-directional for podcast interviews and stereo for immersive experiences like ASMR recordings,” with Blue’s latest microphone.
Jaybird Tarah
With six hours of battery life on a single charge, the $99.99 Jaybird Tarah is a great gift for the active person in your life. Designed for fitness, the Tarah is fully waterproof and comes complete with one-touch access to Siri or Google Assistant, allowing you to manage calls in the middle of any activity.
Jaybird Vista
A truly wireless headphone, the $179.99 Jaybird Vista cuts the cord completely, allowing 16 hours of battery life in-ear, with two additional charges from the case. If you’re running late to the gym, the Vista will give you an hour of playtime with a quick five-minute charge making these sweat and waterproof headphones a MUST-have in any gym bag.
Ultimate Ears myBoom 3
Probably one of my personal favorite Bluetooth speakers, the $179.99 Ultimate Ears myBOOM 3 can be personalized with a range of cool fabrics and patterns so you can truly make the speaker your own. The myBOOM 3 is made to order, and if you order now, the order should ship right in time for Christmas.
Jackery Explorer 500
A Do-All portable power station, the $499.99 Jackery 500 can charge ALL of the things. It will be a great emergency device for the car or as a home backup power source; the 518Wh lithium power station features three USB ports, an AC outlet, and a 12V car output, which makes this an item great for ANY circumstance. In bad weather, the last thing you’d want is for the power to go out and for your loved one to be unable to stay connected; the Jackery Explorer 500 will give your loved one (and you) peace of mind.
If you have aspirations of getting back in shape with the new decade approaching, the $88 Crossrope might be a great way of getting things done. Possibly the quickest way to burn calories, it’s said jump roping for 15 minutes with a weighted rope can burn up to 300 calories for you, and with Crossrope’s weighted ropes, you can easily get yourself in tip-top shape with their “Get Lean” starter set.
Nokia Beacon
There’s nothing worse in a home than spotty WiFi, and the $99.99 Nokia Beacon wants to be the solution for you and your family this holiday season. A whole-home mesh router, it works in tandem with your existing router, or separately if you opt to save a few bucks. Combined with the Nokia WiFi app, you’ll get intelligent WiFi coverage for your entire home that you can monitor anywhere, as well as send the WiFi code to your Christmas guest that you plan on hosting.
TCL 6-Series 4K TV
Photo courtesy of TCL
To go with that new Disney+ subscription, don’t you think you need a nice new ultra high definition TV? The TCL 6-series 4K TVs start at $529.99 giving you a lot of bang for your buck thanks to its great picture and its incredibly easy to use smart TV features with Roku built-in.  You can quickly and easily get that Disney+ app on your TCL and start streaming.
Vizio M-Series Quantum TVs
Speaking of great 4K TVs, here’s one that we plan to review in 2020.  The Vizio M-Series Quantum offers up 80% more color than standard 4K TVs while featuring brighter LEDs, 90 local dimming zones, and deeeeep blacks.  They also feature a 120Hz refresh rate so you can play video games to your heart’s content without the picture blurring. Prices for the Vizio M-Series Quantum TVs start at $349.99.
Vizio 36″ 5.1.2 Home Theater Sound System with Dolby Atmos
If you’re gaming, you’ll want immersive, surround sound audio to help you stop someone from creeping up on you.  Vizio is here to help with their 36″ 5.1.2 Home Theater Sound System with Dolby Atmos; it retails for $499.99.  This new soundbar provides immersive new dimensions of surround sound for cinema-inspired sound from every angle so you don’t miss a thing.
Crate Club Subscription
Crate Club is the perfect gift for the outdoors person in your life, featuring curated gift boxes chock full of tactical, survival, and outdoor adventure gear.  The boxes come in three levels, including Lieutenant, Captain, and General.  Lieutenant crates come with smaller gifts for the home or auto for $49.99.  Captain crates come with great gear for outdoor adventures, including hiking and camping for $99.99.  General crates are the holy grail of subscription boxes, coming with really cool and practical custom gear like lightweight bulletproof bag inserts, travel bags with hidden pockets, tools, and much more for $399.99 per delivery.
PureCo Socks
There is NOTHING like a good pair of socks, and PureCo does good … GREAT. Regardless of whether you’re playing sports or just need a bit of warmth while in the house on a wintery day, PureCo’s socks are available in multiple styles both long or short. All of their socks are created to prevent sprains thanks to their multisport halves, with grip zones that are great for athletes or anyone who wants a bit more comfort; they start at €30.00.
APL Shoes
A great shoe option for women, men or children — Athletic Propulsion Labs has created a variety of comfortable, affordable footwear that’s sustainable build quality and stylish aesthetic. I personally suggest the $250 TechLoom Breeze.
from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2019/11/27/2019-holiday-gift-guide/
0 notes
coconutseaways · 7 years
August 3, 2017 - one month to go!
July 26: We had a lovely French family stay one night with us. They arrived around 5 pm and they were taking the ferry at 7am. So it was a short stay but their two sons, 10 and 11, were so excited to be on the boat. They had huge smiles and were running up and down the decks. They were on a tight schedule to hike in Sao Jorge, so they couldn't book a sailing trip with us which I'm sure the kids would have LOVED. The kids were so funny, talking to each other through the little vents (dorade vent box). They were also taking turns sticking their face up against the windows on the outside trying to scare the one that was inside. We suggested next year that they sail with us and they seemed very eager. But it was an easy booking and it adds a little cushion to the wallet. Today we got one of our two 5lb propane tanks filled by the yacht shop. They use butane here, but are able to fill our tanks which have a different fitting then the European tanks. It was a bit pricy compared to our Nova Scotia fills which were $4.00/5lb compared to the €15.93 we paid today (ouch) but it means warm meals and hot tea. We made tea and started cooking supper and within a minute the propane ran out on our other tank. Talk about good timing. So we are cooking with butane now, expensive butane haha. This morning was a cloudy muggy day so we went for a hike up one of the big hills that overlook the beach Porto Pim. It was a trek up the stairs but the wind was cooling and enjoyable. I got some nice shots of the beach and surrounding area. By the time we got back to the boat...it was nap time. But first I made a nice big breakfast (because I was starving) of hash browns with onions and red peppers, scrambled eggs and some super greasy sausage that we have agreed to not buy anymore since it is so bad for us haha. They were a little salty for my liking so I'm okay with it. Plus meat at the butcher is SO CHEAP and fresh. We would rather take trips every couple days then have the overly preserved stuff. Then we napped while it rained. Which is the first real rainy day we've had. It was a nice nap 😴. We are checked out from Horta and heading back to Madalena tonight for a free anchorage rather than the extra €6. Plus we have an American guy checking in with us tomorrow night there, then he's hiking Pico the next day and night and then he's staying with us for another night. The next day (Sunday) we are sailing him over to Horta. He checks out and we have a Portuguese family of 4 checking in right after he leaves. It's a bit of a tight schedule but we will make do. I'm glad we bought extra sets of sheets for this occasion exactly. Thank you Walmart. (I miss Walmart sometimes). The stores are decent here and I know how bad Walmart really is, but the convenience is unmatched. Although I wouldn't want a Walmart to ruin these islands. We will be opening up our Caribbean Airbnb in the next couple weeks once we nail down our dates and a few other loose ends. Come take a vacation with us, because so far it's been amazing! All of our guests have left with smiling faces and memories/experiences that will last a lifetime I'm sure. July 27: So we had some bad luck that turned into good luck. We planned on leaving Horta yesterday and did our check out and got everything ready. We had dinner, a great pasta dish from Mike, and then there was a bit of misting rain. We thought about waiting it out, but instead decided to go before it got dark. So we put on our raincoats...which we haven't worn since the trip over. Just the sight of them made me think of that mission haha. Started the engine and was ready to go. Mike starts pulling up the anchor and she's hooked good on something. So, Mike gets a face mask out and dives down to see if it's wrapped around a rock or something (not the first time we've had to do this haha...the joys of anchoring). He comes back up and says it's under a huge old mooring chain that probably weighs 1000 lbs. Anyways, we turn off the engine because it might take a little while to get unstuck. Let me remind you that yesterday, was gray and rainy for most of the day. And similar in the early evening while this is all happening. Mike goes down and unhooks the CQR from the chain and I pull some of the rope up. But I didn't pull fast enough so it got caught on something. Mike had to dive again (sorry 😬) and this time one of the points had gotten stuck in a different link of the chain. A quick tug and she was free again and I hauled her up far enough that she wouldn't get stuck on anything. There was very little wind at this point so we were drifting very slowly and had lots of room. I went to start the engine right away and she cranked but didn't fully fire. When I went to try again...there was nothing. So...since there was clouds covering the sun all day, our solar panels didn't get much charge and we kept the fridge on pretty cold all day. Anyways long story short...the engine wasn't going to go until the next day when we could get some sun on the panels. So we dropped anchor again, and decided to hang out for another night. Today, we got up and had coffee, the sky was blue and the sun was bright. The batteries were fully charged and ready to go. So I went back to the port authority building to pay up another €6 for staying an extra night. I walked in and told them we stayed another night and I owe you some money (these guys recognize me by now. We've done a few check in and check outs while bouncing from island to island). They asked if we were going to leave today and I said yes, and he waved his hand and said don't worry about it. Sweet. A free night. So we started walking down the concrete pier to our dinghy, to go back to the boat. And a guy calls out from another boat Silver Cloud that Mike had said hi to yesterday. They are from Florida and here for a couple months like us and then maybe going up to the Med. We stood around talking for quite a few minutes when another guy walked up and excused himself and asked "do you guys like fish?" We all said ya, and he explained that they had caught a lot of fish, A LOT of fish and they were giving it away because they didn't have enough room in the freezers on the boat. We were just about to go anyways so we jumped in the dinghy and rowed over to the Brazilian boat that was giving out the fish. The guy saw us and said "you like blue fish?" We nodded, not knowing what it was and he comes over with this giant fish. It was about 2 feet long! I posted a pic of it with Mike. There was lunch and dinner and three meals the next day. It was super nice of them. I made an easy batter and fried up half the fish. The other half is in the fridge and we will probably BBQ it up. It's a lot of fish! So our bad luck of anchor/battery trouble ended up rewarding us today. Around 4 we started the engine, hauled anchor, and came to Madalena. It was a great little sail with just the genoa and we were here before I could even take a nap. We went for an awesome snorkel, found another octopus, some really pretty fish and even a school of barracudas. They are so sleek looking. We have a guest checking in tonight and then again on Saturday, hiking Pico in between, so we will be here until Sunday morning when we take him to Horta to catch his flight and we have 4 new guests check in. It will be a busy few days to say the least. After our snorkel we watched 4 optis sail out from here and head over to Faial. It's probably about 4 miles and there is some strong current and chop going across. Good for them. They had a crash boat with them just in case but ya. Super cool. August 1 So we have had a busy weekend and a couple days. First, on Thursday (27th) , we had an awesome American guy stay with us. It took a while for him to get to us but it all worked out. First the ferry he was on was a little delayed. Then he got off the ferry at its final destination and that was Sao Roque, and we were in Madalena. So then he had to take a cab which thankfully it's only about a 20 minute drive, but by the time we got to the boat it was almost midnight. I offered him some fish...since we have SO much fish 🐟 and then we all called it a night. The next day we took the day off to swim, snorkel and play some cards while he hiked up Pico mountain to spend the night in the crater, above the clouds. He came back for a night on the boat, after he got back down. The pictures he took up there were amazing. Sunset and sunrise were absolutely gorgeous and he got one picture where the shadow of the mountain was on the top of the clouds. So very cool. We sailed over to Horta that evening and had a good rest. He took off early in the morning to rent a car and check out the "new" part of Faial, which is on the northwestern side and was created by the volcano erupting in the 1950's. We wished him well and said goodbye. He was a great last minute booking and I think he really enjoyed a sailing trip and the experience to be on a sailboat for a couple nights. He left us a great review and I'm feeling good. Today, he sent me a photo of an entire shelf of cheddar cheese while he was at the grocery store. So jealous. So at 11AM after our American guest left, we had a great Portuguese family of 4 check in. They were so much fun and have done a lot of travelling so the conversation was great. We left Horta by about noon on Sunday, July 30 and headed for Sao Jorge island. It's about a 4-5 hour sail there with good wind so it was going to be a nice afternoon. Unfortunately, the northern swell was a little stronger than usual and the two sons were sick pretty much the entire time 🤢 I felt so bad for them. But we made it to Velas, and they got on land for a bit, had a swim, got some food in their systems and braved getting back on the boat. We had a lovely dinner of steak on the BBQ and I made a vegetable dish of red pepper, onion, garlic, carrots and corn (turned out amazing) and Mike made a coleslaw to create another great meal. We enjoyed the evening being tied up, which we haven't done except the one time on Pico in Lajes with the Belgian family. We knew the two sons needed a steady night if we had any hope of keeping them on the boat without being green. It cost a bit more than we expected, but it made all the difference for them. The next morning we headed out around 1130 and made our way for Madalena. This time everyone except the dad took medication for seasickness and they did much better! Thankfully the sea had calmed down quite a bit since the day before and there was no puking. It was a really nice 3.75 hour sail to Madalena and we anchored in our little spot between the fishing piers very easily. We were pretty well down the middle and the wind was light enough that I felt comfortable with our anchorage. We all decided to go ashore, go for a drink and hit the beach. Mike noticed that one of the crab 🦀 fishing boats were putting crab into a bag and selling it to a guy on the pier. So Mike rowed over and asked if we could get some and we managed to get 4 kilograms for €12. That got us 5 big crabs. I don't do crab, or lobster or shrimp 🍤. But we were also cooking some beef up and there was plenty. So we put the crabs on ice in a cooler box and went ashore. Our guests told us about the "most beautiful bar in the world", Cella Bar, which is right here in Madalena. Funny enough, Mike and I had walked to it on one of our long hikes and sat outside using their free wifi. We definitely noticed the shape and structure but had no idea of its stature. I posted some pics of the building and the inside on FB and Instagram. We had a delicious cheese board with bread and sausage along with some nice cold beer. It was a perfect snack at the perfect time of the day with absolutely great company. We headed to the beach and enjoyed a very refreshing swim. I was ready to jump in without changing because it was such a hot day and I was so warm. I resisted until I changed into my suit though and then took the plunge into the blue water. Oh I love swimming here. I put on a face mask and spent as much time as I could under the water where it was actually a little bit warmer than the surface. It's an absolutely incredible feeling to swim in the ocean and see all this life around you. Lakes are just not the same So needless to say, the guys had a feast on crab, cooking one at a time while they cracked and slurped all the meat up. I made a crisp green Italian dressing salad with cucumber and tomato which I got many compliments on. I also made homemade garlic bread on the BBQ which was sooo delicious. And sooo easy to do. One of the sons made a loud mmmm sound when he took his first bite, it made me laugh so hard. We didn't finish eating the crab until about 11:30. We had a nice coffee to top off the evening and saved the dishes for the morning. We were all awake at 8AM since that's when the first ferry leaves Madalena and blows its ridiculously loud horn for a ridiculously long time to make a point that it's leaving. I'm sure it's regulation, but oh man it's loud. We sailed back to Horta and ferried everyone ashore with the dinghy. I went first to check us in and Mike went back to get the parents and then the two sons. Just as I finished checking in the parents had come ashore. We were standing on the pier when a catamaran that was coming in called out to me "can you help" signalling he was going to throw me his dock line. I gave him the thumbs up and the two guys were coming in hot. I realized that the one guy was really stressed looking and then he yelled that only one engine was working and only in manual. This was going to be a tricky landing. Luckily a few other sailors were at the ready including a French guy with a running fender. He held a large fender along the concrete pier and was ready to put it between the point of contact to save the boat if it was going to hit. They tried to come in but couldn't get close enough so they did a circle. Then they tried to approach again, a little bit slower and got the harbour authority boat to push them sideways. They tossed their lines but both missed and they had to try again. The boat could have hit the wall twice but that French guy knew what he was doing. He saved that fibreglass from definite damage. We got the lines finally and with a little muscle got her tied up. It was definitely an adrenaline pumper. They were a French boat coming from Martinique and had made it in 16 days. I think they were glad to see people again and be stopped. We walked our new Portuguese friends up to the taxis and said our goodbyes and even a few tears were shed. They were amazing guests and they really had such a great time and so did we. I could totally tell how happy they were with their experience. Lots of hugs and a last wave and Mike and I headed back to the boat to start a big load of laundry. All of our sheets have been used so it's a lot of washing. I truly couldn't ask for better guests. We have been so fortunate to meet all these amazing people and have the greatest experiences with them. Anyways we are in Horta now for a few days with a German couple checking in for one night on the 3rd. We might go for a day sail but it's still up in the air and we will be spending the night in Horta. For now, we relax and get he boat organized to do it all over again! Still loving it though. One more month before we leave here. I can't believe how fast time is flying. August 2: So yesterday when that catamaran was coming in fast, another woman had come up beside me and she was at the ready to help out. I turned to my right where I thought one of our guests was standing beside me and said "one of his engines are out" and a different woman was standing there that I didn't realize had walked up and she replied "yeah, I heard." It threw me off for just a second and then we started talking while the catamaran circled around. I asked what boat she was on and she pointed to a GORGEOUS! Sparkman and Stephens North Wind 58' (58 feet!!) I said "oh sweet, we also have an S&S design, a Hughes 38'. She obviously recognized the name and we kept chatting a bit, telling me that she was looking for one crew member to Ibiza (don't know how to spell it) and she was leaving on Thursday. I told her I would let anyone know if I came across such a person. After the car was safely tied up, she went back to her boat and we walked our guests up to the taxis. It was honestly great luck that I turned and said something to her, not even meaning to, because this woman is super cool!! I told Mike about the S&S 58 and where it was on our walk back down. Then we went to our boat. Mike took the dinghy back to fill up with water, since that is our "washing machine" but was taking a super long time to come back. He had started talking to the owner of the 58 and talked about charters and her trip. Also about how she spent the last 3 months in Bermuda watching the America's Cup, which is the big prestige sailing race that's held every 3 or 4 years. And of course about the boat Nanami. He told her we would all go for a beer later that evening to talk more about everything lol. So we did our laundry and we headed over and she gave us a tour of the boat and OMG! You guys will not believe the amount of space and things in this boat, it is mindblowing. I'm completely awestruck! So first, the cockpit is massive. Split in two by the traveller, there is a big U shaped couch to sit on with a table that's a refrigerator. So much deck space to walk it's insane. Then you go down into the main cabin and to the port is another u shaped couch and table with a nice tv above it, to the right is the way to the "master cabin" nice big queen size bed, with a full bathroom. The shower is so nice! Trust me we know, because she offered us showers this morning and we both took up the offer eagerly. That is Mike's first real shower since before we left Nova Scotia. He's obviously washed with the solar shower since then, but even I caved and spent €2 in Velas with our first guests to enjoy a real shower. Then if you go towards the front of the boat on the starboard side is another big sitting area, and across from that a great galley with lots of counter room and an LPG stove and oven and even a microwave. She has a freezer and fridges and a water maker and oh my god the list goes on. There's a washer and dryer on board! Then two separate cabins with bunk beds in each; the bottom is a double and the top a single. Each cabin has its own bathroom and then a shower that connects the both with two separate doors! This woman has got it made! She is a very smart educated woman, who has worked all her life and has now shoved off from the States. A Phd in Physical chemistry and organic biochemistry, she is one smart cookie! She has done trans pacific races and all kinds of voyages. Wow wow wow. So we went for a couple big drafts of beer at Peter's Cafe Sport and listened to some awesome live music. We did a lot of talking and we have definitely made an awesome connection that I think is going to open a lot of doors for us in the near future. Today we did some more laundry and then headed over around noon for the showers. I had mentioned how well Mike is with woodworking and she asked him a question about the bed frame in the master cabin. The autopilot is under the bed and when it moves it makes an AWFUL loud creaking noise. Mike came up with an easy solution from his years of experience with wood building and what not. So the three of us headed to the Yacht Shop to get some long bolts to secure that sucker down and stop the wood creaking. Of course we got there when they were closed for lunch, so we made our way to the butcher, bakery, farmers market and the best part was the California Pizza place. It has a Route 66 sign and everything. The pizza was awesome 🍕 We ordered a large pepperoni pizza with coca colas and it was sooo good. With real Italian pepperoni and thin crust and it actually had pizza sauce on it which is what has been lacking on the other pizzas we've seen. Oh it was so good. We made our way back to the yacht shop, got the bolts and Mike did the job on Nanami. Sheri also asked if we could help her go up her mast so she could check her main halyard. Mike offered to go up and got some cool pics of our boat in the harbour and of Sheri and I on deck waving up to Mike. It was 88' above the water line. Which is like double our boats mast haha. So high up. Anyways. She was super appreciative for the help since she's leaving tomorrow and offered us showers in the morning haha. It is almost a pity we have guests because I would love to go sailing with her to the Med. and so would Mike. We could leave our boat here and then fly back but we have commitments already and we will stick to them. She is planning on coming down to Cape Verde and the Caribbean after us so I know we will meet up again down there. Tomorrow we will go over for coffee and talk with her crew member that arrived this evening from Germany. Mike wants to talk about their trip to Ibiza and routing and weather and what not before they leave tomorrow afternoon. Aug 3: The wind howled all night long with super strong gusts. I had a hard time sleeping because I was sure that we would start dragging anchor since the holding here is so bad. We held fast though and in the morning we were in relatively the same spot. A couple other boats had dragged and they lifted anchor and moved and re anchored to try to get a good bite. We went ashore to talk to Sheri and get her ready for shove off. Mike checked the weather with her and we pushed her boat off. I got some pics of her leaving the harbour to send to her. It's been an ugly gray windy day. I met up with our guests around 1, and let them know that sailing wouldn't be a good idea and the girl said that she was okay with that, because the ferry ride over had made her a little ill. So it's a night hanging in Horta, which I'm okay with because I can imagine how choppy the sea is right now. Anyways. I will keep writing how the days are. I am actually really looking forward to leaving these 3 islands and heading to Sao Miguel and santa Maria for a couple weeks and then hitting the high seas again. I see lots of complaints about the humidity in Winnipeg, but remember it's gonna be fall in a month. Check out Instagram and Facebook @coconut Seaways to follow our awesome adventures!
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michealkearns-blog · 7 years
Dinner At The Club.
There are various sorts of dining establishments to decide on, yet if you're trying to find an enchanting atmosphere these recommendations will definitely help you make the proper collection. My overview was actually Marjorie Gersh-Young's book Hot Springs and Hot Pools from the Northwest which offers instructions (including GPS works with) to most recognized warm springs in Idaho as well as surrounding states. This year, in an initiative to advertise a more healthy and balanced time within households, Summertime Palace has developed a different way in providing their homecoming supper. A best situation will be possessing a candle-lit supper in a private hotel, but that may be any place so long as there are actually marginal distractions. Liquify an envelope of jelly in very hot water and also contribute to pair of mugs from tomato extract. He generally obtains his very own breakfast as well as for dinner I correct him a vegetable or even salad with hen, turkey or even beef. I may merely see the potential son-in-law appearing for supper resplendent in a cooked chicken hat. The Imperial Feast Reunion supper is only on 7 Feb 2016 and also begins at 6:30 pm as well as sets you back $138++ each. To steer clear of the clutter of dealing with raw chicken during the night, this delectable supper dish is actually created totally in the house utilizing premade elements. Bite sized puddings including biscuits, mini , cupcakes, little scones can easily accomplish your supper efficaciously. Make use of the practice session dinner as a chance to thank all of them for constantly and also initiative they have actually put in. As an example, adolescents that eat supper along with their household are less expected in order to get jumbled in medications, liquor or even various other wrongful task. I devised the Metlund and Chilipepper hot water requirement systems due to the fact that this had very lengthy in order to get hot water. . In any case as far as theAFFI and also FFHOF is anxious Gerald Thomas is actually the maker from the Frozen Dinner. The cash thrown away on the supper could Strenght-Men20.Info possess been a lot far better used helping the impoverished; unless The One regards herself to become underprivileged also. This quote stems from Comey's summary of a face to face dinner he had along with President Trump at the White Home on January 27th. Katarina Reveche, a junior at Campbell Hall of North Hollywood, had a Christmas supper from pig chops and waffles. You could desire to load some devices such as jewelries and also chokers to wear on the official dinner. If you straggle to dinner you may not possess enough food items to eat or even there could be an area for you at the dining table merely considering that you were late. This is possibly the second very most popular present to offer to a supper gathering range as well as the most well-liked in this particular group is most likely the cheesecake with a close runner up being chocolate covered. Typically at the end from the Thanksgiving supper the bunch and the helpers are swiftly ladling leftovers right into numerous zip hair bags and covered containers. Robin orders the personnel not to, fuming as the wedding rehearsal supper started ten mins previously and also she is actually right now in a laser device tag surveillance workplace awaiting the authorities to come in. This is accordinged to my expertise as I prepare dinner for my partner that is overlooking teeth. A basic candlelight supper could be one of the best intimate presents you will definitely manage to give an individual on Valentine's's Time. The foods which are actually body fat cost-free and create you drop weight include clubs, soups, desserts, warm beverages as well as shakes.
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greggreaen · 7 years
Win a Sweet & Healthy NuNaturals Giveaway Package!
Want to win a super sweet healthy treat? Learn more about NuNaturals stevia and enter for your chance to win a NuNaturals giveaway package valued at $70.00!
WIN NuNaturals Stevia!
If you have been following the blog for a while now, you know I am a huge fan of using NuNaturals stevia in my oatmeal, smoothies, and tea. But I’m often asked, what the heck IS stevia and…. is it even good for you? Here’s the inside scoop on stevia and a chance for you to try some for yourself.
What Is Stevia?
Stevia is a plant native to South America. It is part of the sunflower family and its leaves are naturally sweet. In fact, the indigenous people used to chew them for their sweet taste and use them to naturally sweeten beverages. Stevia is unique among food ingredients because has 0 calories and it is 100-300 times sweeter than sugar in the same concentration. It comes in powder or liquid form and can be found in supermarkets or health-food stores.
Is Stevia Good For You?
Actually YES. Stevia is natural, unlike other sugar substitutes. It is NOT an artificial sweetener. It is a real food sweetener! The FDA approved the purified form of stevia as safe to use. Several studies have shown that stevia in its pure form (not processed products like Truvia or PureVia) may actually offer many types of health benefits.  It’s been shown to be safe without containing toxins or producing side effects in those who consume it. And because it’s zero calorie and doesn’t spike blood glucose, it’s a great sweetener for diabetics or others with blood sugar issues.  Recent research suggests it may help to stabilize insulin levels as well, and some studies even show that it can regulate blood pressure. A Japanese study (where stevia is immensely popular) found that stevia can help to prevent plaque buildup on teeth. In addition, stevia (like all plants) contains antioxidants, known to help fight free radicals that can lead to chronic conditions and cancer.
What is the best kind of Stevia to Buy?
I’ve tested at least half a dozen stevia products and found NuNaturals stevia to have the best flavor and price. NuNaturals NuStevia is Non-Bitter tasting, has ZERO calories, and does not effect blood sugar levels. NuNaturals products DO NOT contain aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, soy, yeast, what, milk, synthetics, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. They are GMO Free,  from sustainable agriculture assisting in making a healthy Earth. NuNaturals products are a safe choice for diabetics, people who follow specific diets (paleo, keto, candida, low carb), and a hit with figure conscious fitness fanatics.
NuNaturals has an extensive line of Stevia products that are 100% natural. I like to use NuNaturals collagen in my oatmeal and enjoy using their pure liquid stevia to sweeten my protein smoothies. I’ve sweetened tea with their peppermint liquid stevia and added fiber to dishes with their Oat Fiber. I’ve also tried their Dutch processed Cocoa powder for sugar free brownies and their Organic Green Banana flour for gluten free baking. The options to use their healthy products are ENDLESS,there’s even an all-star world wide recipe collection that NuNaturals has created online through partnering with healthy living bloggers. 
Here are some of my Favorite Healthy NuNaturals Stevia Recipes:
Collagen Overnight Protein Oatmeal (with over 40 grams of protein!). 
Paleo Protein Fudge
Easy Vanilla Protein Smoothie
Simple apple protein smoothie
Pre bedtime Smoothie with Vega® Clean Protein Chocolate Milkshake.
Vega Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.
Rainbow Protein Smoothie
I have so many great recipes to share, but I’m curious to hear what you want to cook up with NuNaturals Stevia! Want to enter this NuNaturals Giveaway and sweeten your life a little?! Here are the details:
NuNaturals Stevia Giveaway Details:
Who: Four winners from anywhere in the world (THANK YOU, NuNaturals!!)
What: Each winner will receive:
one bottle of the NuStevia Liquid
a bag of the NEW COLLAGEN
a package of the NEW COCOA POWDER
a 50 pkt. box of our NuStevia NO-CARBS Stevia Packets.
In addition, each of the 4 winners will also receive a FREE BONUS item. The total retail value of each package is $ 70.00!! 
NuNaturals Stevia Products
Does this Stevia make me look sexy? LOL!! I have no idea why I chose to go “Victoria Secret” pose with NuNaturals, but it’s too funny not to share.
That’s a super sweet deal! Here’s how to enter:
Follow @carolinejordanfitness and @nunaturals on INSTAGRAM
I will post the NuNaturals giveaway photo on 7/20.
Double tap and like the giveaway post on INSTAGRAM
Tag a friend in the photo comments on the INSTAGRAM giveaway post
Thats it! 4 lucky winners will be randomly selected to WIN this incredibly generous giveaway to try NuNaturals stevia products. This giveaway will run July 20-26th. Giveaway winners will be announced on July 27th at 8am.  Don’t wait – follow on instagram to double tap and tag a friend! This giveaway package is too sweet to miss out on! I can’t wait to share a little bit of healthy indulgence with you my friends.
Oh and BONUS! NuNaturals has generously extended SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on all orders placed on the NuNaturals website:  www.nunaturals.com for all of my blog readers. Use the DISCOUNT CODE of:  BLG1217  to receive a  -15% DISCOUNT on your entire order. This discount remains EFFECTIVE UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2017. Online ordering customers may also receive FREE SHIPPING to the CONTINENTAL U.S. on all orders exceeding $ 35.00 after discounts.
I’m so grateful to have partners that take such good care of me and my people. Thank you NuNaturals for the opportunity to share the sweetness online and off. I use NuNaturals stevia daily and stay sweet the healthy way. Looking forward to hearing what you think of my favorite way to sweeten up each day.
Love and smoothies,
Disclaimer: Although I received free products from hosting this giveaway, I was not compensated by the company in anyway to write this review. All opinions are my own and based on my general satisfaction with the products. 
My mission is to help you develop a positive relationship to self and exercise that adds to the quality of your life. Check out my list of services, stay connected about upcoming events by subscribing to my email newsletter, or contact me at [email protected] to discuss ways we can work together and live well.
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Something To Remember When You Feel Hurt, Sad, Lost, or Alone.
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Sciatic Pain Relief. Feel Better HERE. 
The post Win a Sweet & Healthy NuNaturals Giveaway Package! appeared first on Caroline Jordan.
Win a Sweet & Healthy NuNaturals Giveaway Package! published first on http://www.carolinejordanfitness.com
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