#(I hope you feel better hun.)
rivers-of-styx · 5 months
I love them. If they wanted me to love them as their closest friend i would. I love them in the way the suns yearning for the moon comes no where near as close to as much as i yearn for them. I wish i could just hold them in my arms and tell them everythings okay and that Im here for them. My heart aches when i feel that they are upset with me, my body yearns for their touch in a way it hasnt for anyone elses ever. I want to marry them, to become their wife, to become one with them, to merge our souls together into one so we are never apart from eachother. I want them so badly it hurts that i can not have them in physical contact with me at all times. My every waking moment is filled with thoughts of them, of us, on dates, just lounging around an apartment, stargazing together, sleeping together cuddled up under a blanket all day as we just let our stresses fade away into nothingness. The love i feel for them is beyond words, beyond my own understanding, and yet i will pour my heart out for them over and over if it means i get to see them happy.
@genderfluid-carmen-sandiego <3
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sakkiichi · 1 year
I lost 50/50 with jean in pity 85 aya,I hate jean.
NOOOO OMG 😭😭 dear it’s so felt to hate a character that ruins your 50/50 always 😭
i still hope you get the character you want 🥺 i’m not sure if it was hu tao or neuvillette but i really do hope you get them before the end of the banner…
i’m hugging you tight 💞 trust me, ik what it feels like to lose the 50/50 at hard pity… 😔 i’ll manifest super strongly for you in the time that remains !
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uarethere4iam · 2 years
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on and send this to ten of your followers who makes you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! ♡
I don't have any good icons of my fc to use for this but thank you so much Koobie. <3 I'm glad I can give some happiness to others.
Also I'm mutuals with maybe twenty or so people (going by muns, not their blogs if they've got multiple), so I feel like it would be a bit silly to just go down the list and send everyone an ask with the limit only being ten an hour.
So if we're mutuals, please take this as a sign of having telepathically sent you good vibes. <3
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rosesnbooks · 2 months
Astrology observations #5🖤
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🌜I wrote these for fun, based on how i see these placements. i'm not a professional! hope you enjoy these🌛
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⭐cancer placements allow themselves to feel their emotions. they may get annoyed by the intensity or the amount of them, but they process them fully, and this makes it easier for them to move on. random thought but writing letters to people they like may be something they do or did as kids haha. they're very romantic
⭐some aries venuses have obsessive tendencies when they have a crush, and they get frustrated a lot if they think they can't/shouldn't pursue them. they enjoy the tension, but they don't want it to last too long because they dislike not being in control, and having feelings for someone leaves them feeling too vulnerable. that's why they try to move on if they can, but it takes work. when they do find someone, they become really clingy but they still need freedom when it suits them
⭐mars in libra avoid conflicts and try to be reasonable about everything, but if they think you crossed a line, you'll see why aries is their sister sign pretty soon. once they tell you off, you'll never see them the same way, so underrestimate them at your cost
⭐having stelliums can be interesting. it for sure puts a lot of emphasis on the influence of that house on your life, and i found that it can be both positive and negative since they face lots of challenges related to their house but also many blessings. those who have stelliums kind of embody multiple characteristics simultaneously
⭐sun in the 11th people glow when they are with their closest friends. they also tend to dream big and care a lot about the world. their friends usually help them in their future goals. they feel a bit different than people in their hometown/country, mostly because they cannot be tied down to a single culture because they enjoy different things, which usually makes them quite open-minded and tolerant. they can be picky about the people they let in super close though
⭐mars in the 6th can procrastinate a lot actually, but they get things done. may get sudden waves of high energy and get things done rapidly and extensively. they expect a lot from themselves regarding their ambitions and aspirations. they try to improve themselves in any way most of the time, but they should also accept their current state if they want to evolve and love themselves. they need to watch out for their moral perfectionism too. it's okay to make mistakes as long as you apologise and strive to change for the better
⭐i've found that virgo mercuries can be really direct, even if they are shy or don't talk much around strangers or acquaintances, they have their moments. super funny too
⭐north node in cancer struggle with accepting their vulnerable side. they hate feeling like things and people can evoke strong emotions in them. they want to be more detached, but those that work on themselves find it very rewarding once they embrace their strong emotions. they can also be really reliable, practical, and thoughtful
⭐fire+water combinations in birth charts-i am sending you a hug. i know exactly how difficult it is to keep all those emotions under check, and that you need a lot of understanding and rest to function. use those emotions and passions well hun, you are strong and capable. you have a lot of empathy and wonder inside of you
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⭐capricorn sun/mercury have a dry way of texting. their humor is difficult to read via text and they simply are not fans of texting, and it shows lol
⭐aries mercuries are not always available online and they may come and go when they're online, but they'll answer all of your messages one by one with lots of enthusiasm. they also like to send memes and joke around a lot
⭐virgo mercuries are not fans of texting and they can answer you after a couple of days or so even if they really like you. similarly to aries, they'll make sure they answer everything and they also pay attention to every detail you mention. very sweet really. their humor shines brighter in person
⭐taurus moon are very capable. they may prefer rest over anything else, but their patience and dedication to the things they need to do is really cool. they are calm most of the time so it's nice to be around them, just don't disrespect them and everyone will thrive
⭐taurus venus men can be really possessive. even if you like such behavior, some can go to extremes and try to control how you feel, think, and behave. they have a specific image of an ideal partner and they want you to fulfill it
⭐libra venus tend to care about how they look and present themselves so they put lots of effort into that. they also have standards when it comes to beauty and some expect others to dress and look well, whether they know them or not
⭐women with venus in aquarius-you may be attracted to men who are mysterious and act like they're special. just be careful because there are so many toxic ones out there who want a relationship but not truly, because they don't want to dedicate themselves to you and maybe plan on using you
⭐pisces moon can feel like they're drowning in their own emotions sometimes because they cannot control them easily and they tend to give in. if they like to portray themselves as a martyr these emotions can get out of hand because they let those emotions lead them which influences their mental health and relationships. those who are developed process these emotions and try to figure them out and let them pass. they can learn a lot about themselves and others this way. creative outlets can be of help to process this
⭐leo moon need to watch out for hurting people when their ego is hurt because they can lash out and make lots of damage. take a second to think whether it's worth it or not, since there is no point in trying to "win" in a fight with someone you love
⭐pisces mars can be too forgiving, especially to those they care about. don't let people walk over you dear, no matter who they are. nobody deserves that kind of treatment
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thank you for reading!🤍i also offer paid astrology readings, so check out my blog for more info
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tweedlydumbtweedlydoo · 2 months
oh, baby | Tyler Owens x reader
Requested by anon / Summary: You’re pregnant with Tyler Owens baby. Lots of fluff. 
A/N: My first Tyler Owens fic. I hope you all enjoy. Also, the lack of Tyler Owens gifs is very upsetting. 
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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This one moment was about to change your entire life. You were terrified. Would you be a good mom? Would you be able to make a good enough life for the little growing blimp inside you? Your thoughts were running a million times a minute. Wondering how this would affect the rest of your lives. How this one moment just changed the rest of your life. 
You slowly sat on the edge of the tub, in shock, the positive pregnancy test in your hand. Your mind drifted to Tyler. Oh god. His tornado wrangler YouTube channel had began to soar in popularity. He and the team making a name for themselves. He had millions of views and a huge fan club. What would this do to his career? 
“Hey hun-” Tyler knocks on the door, jolting you from your thoughts. His hand jiggles the door finding it locked. He furrows his eyebrows, you never locked the door. “you alright?” 
“Y-yeah!” You rummaged underneath the sink, hiding the test under some towels. “One sec.” 
You knew Tyler was getting ready to leave, a few storms brewing before this upcoming weekend. You exit the bathroom and met with Tyler’s hard chest, “You leaving?” 
He peeks behind you, concerned and curious, “Yeah, why’d you have the door locked? You never lock the door.” 
You shrug, playing it off. You could wait to tell him when he got back, “sometimes a girl needs her privacy.” 
He hums in response, not completely believing you. However, he didn’t want to press you. If there was something bothering you, you’d eventually tell him when you were ready. He could respect that. He slips his arms around you, tugging you close against his chest. He was a mix of sweat and that musky sandalwood. It was calming and heavenly. “I’ll be back in a couple days. You gonna be able to hold down the fort?” 
You nod against his chest, tightening your arms around him, “I can.” You lift your head to stare up at him, “You better come back in one piece.” 
He chuckles with a nod, “Yes ma’am.” He presses a soft kiss to your forehead and then your lips. “I will call you when we get to the hotel.” 
You walk him out to bid him and the team goodbye. Shielding your eyes from the sun, you watch him drive down the driveway. He hangs his hand out the window, waving goodbye. You return the wave, saying a silent prayer for a safe return of him and the team as your hands find your new growing womb. “He’ll be back.” 
You’d spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to tell him. You’d called one of your girlfriends in tears, wondering how to tell him. Worried you would be ruining his life. She reassured you, “Tyler isn’t that kind of guy, y/n. You know that. He’s going to support you and be excited for this next step.�� 
You heard the slam of the screen door, “Tyler must be home.” 
“Call me later.” 
You throw the blanket off you, meeting him in the foyer as he’s taking off the boots. “You’re home early?” 
He smiles at the sight of you, but frowns when he notices you’ve been crying, “Had a feeling I needed to come home to my girl.” He crosses the foyer to you in only a few steps before gathering you in his arms. 
At the first feel of comfort, the flood gates open, sobbing into his chest. damn hormones. 
“Oh baby..” He squeezes you tighter, cradling your head against his chest, “Talk to me.” 
You take a few seconds to console yourself. His large thumb wipes your tears away, waiting patiently for you. 
You gather yourself, taking a deep breath before you meet his eyes, “I’m pregnant.” 
His large hands cup your cheeks, his eyes light up, full of hope, “Yeah? You’re pregnant?” 
You nod and hiccup a sob, beginning to rant, “I’m so sorry-you’ve just started your YouTube channel and you guys are so successful now-” 
“No no no- Shhh.” He pulls you in a comforting hug, “This is incredible. I couldn’t be any happier.” 
He holds you against his chest, slowly rocking back and forth as you calm down, “I knew something was bothering you. I just had a feeling.” He kisses your hair, and then makes you look at him, “We’re gonna be parents.” He's hesitant, but places a hand on your stomach, “you’re gonna be an amazing mom..” 
You waddled into the room to find Tyler painting the wall of the nursery. His hat on backwards, jeans and shirt stained with paint. 
“How’s it going in here?” You take a seat in the wooden rocking chair, sighing in relief. Those stairs were beginning to take a toll on you. Your growing baby leaving barely any room for your lungs to breathe. 
“Almost done.” He sets the paint brush down, hands on his hips he admires his work around the room. “all I got left is this wall.” 
You rub a hand over your bump, wincing as you adjust yourself in the chair. 
Tyler noticing your discomfort, immediately is at your side, full of worry, “It’s not time yet-” 
“No no,” You laugh, “Just some discomfort. I’m fine.” 
He visibly relaxes, “He can’t come early. There’s way too much to do around here.” 
You roll your eyes, “It also could be a she.” You and him agreed to wait until the birth to find out the sex. He was convinced it’s a boy. 
“Daddy instincts.” He gets on his knees in front of you, hands on your stomach, “It’s a boy. I know it.” He flashes his pearly white smile at you. “a baby boy tornado wrangler.” 
“I think it’s gonna be a girl.” You shrug, “mommy instincts.” 
“We’re gonna prove your mommy wrong,” He says to your belly, “Right off the bat, you and I. I’ll finally be right on something.” 
Of course, the baby kicks at the sound of Tyler’s voice. Tyler grins, “See, he agrees.” 
“You’re screwed.” You whisper softly to Tyler. After hours of labor, you and Tyler finally welcomed your baby into the world. He’s seated in the rocking chair next to your bed, his bundle of joy wrapped softly in a blanket. --- a pink blanket. 
“There’s two of us now. You’ll never stand a chance.” You reach over and caress his arm. 
He looks at you with tear-filled eyes, “She’s only a couple hours old and she’s already got me wrapped around her finger. She could ask me for anything and I’m going to give it to her.”
“Like I said,” you say with a smile, “you’re screwed.” 
Comments, likes and reblogs are always welcomed and greatly appreciated. :)
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signedkoko · 8 months
Signed with Love - Hazbin Cast
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely readers! Its valentines/love letters from your favourites 🖤
Characters - Adam | Alastor | Charlie | Cherri | Husk | Lucifer | Lute | Pentious | Vaggie
Series Parts Overlords & SIns - Here! Helluva Cast - Here!
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Sup bitch,
Looking for a valentine, cupid told me ur my soulmate, so how about you be mine?
You know I love teasing ya babe, but really, I got a reso for that restaurant you love, I'd tell you what to wear but the less the better.
Lova ya hot stuff
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Salutations my lovely doe!
Another opportunity to show my dear just how much I love them, what more could I ask?
I'd offer my cooking, but I know you don't have quite the palette for venison. Instead, I've prepared a private dinner, catered to by a lovely cafe a good friend of mine runs.
I'll be there to get you at half past two,
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Hiii ❣
I hope you don't mind me asking but I REALLY wanted to be the one to ask if you'd be my valentine?
I haven't decided what we should do yet, I was thinking rock climbing, or how about a fancy dinner? Ahh I have so many ideas! We can talk about it later!
Thinking of you always,
Charlie (Morningstar, Princess of Hell, Manager of the Hazbin Hotel (now booking!!), potential valentine of you!)
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Heya girly,
I'm not one for holidays, but I know you reallllly wanted to try this one out. So! be my valentine?
I'll bring you to that great viewpoint I hang at, maybe show you how I make some of my arsenal. Just dress comfy, it's going to be a lot of moving!
You better be swooning already!
Your favourite 💣
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I'm thinking this year we could try something new. As stupid as it sounds, will you be my valentine?
I've got a stack of rental movies and one empty ass theatre room. Still sure no one realized we even have one, but what the hell, right? Let me know what you think and we can go pick up some drinks before.
Looking forward to it,
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Hiii ❣
I know you told me not to go crazy this year, but how could I not! So, valentine...
I left a bag with this note, it's got a few outfits for you to pick that will match mine! Just be ready by 6 tonight, we've got a lot of stops. Drinks, dinner, a performance at Ozzie's, and a reserved spot in my bed tonight.
Happy valentines day,
Yours truly
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I pray this letter reaches you,
Maybe you don't expect it of me, but you deserve to feel as special as everyone else this valentines.
So, I've got a surprise dinner set up for us this valentines. If you are willing, dress nice for four tomorrow and I can take you for a flight before it. Just don't wear anything that might fall off.
Your angel,
Lt. Lute
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Dearest serpentine,
It would be ever so joyous to accompany you this valentines, if that is okay of course!
My egg bois have insisted upon serenading us and treating us to a nice dinner in my war machine. I promise you it is in prim and proper shape for such a day.
Yours sincerely
(Future) Overlord Pentious
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Hey hun,
You've talked a lot about valentines recently, and while I know we said we'd overlook it, I feel like you deserve to know how much I love you.
When you get the chance, I've got a bottle of wine and a free night to decide what we want to do. Just swing by after eight?
See ya valentine,
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Authors Note - Ahahaha can you tell I don't write Adam much? Either way, part one of the valentines series 🖤 If you don't have a valentine this year, please allow me to be yours! Or let me know which of these folks you'd accept a letter from 🤭
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abbyshands · 6 months
i need more sub ellie omg that was so good
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PALESTINE LINKS | before engaging !!! | click before you fic ♡ | m. list | join my tag list!
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♡ a/n; this is an old req but !!! finally getting around to it so let’s hope this suffices. been having breeding kink brain rot the last few days so this was more than necessary <3
♡ pairing; sub!ellie williams x dom!fem!reader
♡ warnings; ellie calls reader mommy/mama/ma'am, use of a dildo, choking (r!receiving), sweet degrading (pretty slut, sweet whore), praise, nicknames for ellie (hun, baby, sweet girl, pretty girl), titty sucking, huge breeding kink, reader refers to dildo as her cock/dick, dildo is referred to as reader's cock/dick, etc
♡ synopsis; you had been out on patrol, all fucking day. so, when you're finally back home, finally back in ellie's arms, she's not afraid to show you just how much she missed you.
♡ wc; 1.6k
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she said “fuck me like i’m famous,” i said, OKAY.
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ellie had all but jumped into your arms as soon as you had gotten back from patrol, face buried into your neck, hands around your body. she was needy, your poor baby, pent up all day from you being gone.
and you couldn't just leave her like that, could you?
you were kneeling in the midst of ellie's legs, spread wide open for you, her pretty pussy soaked as you pumped your black dildo in and out of it. ellie's head was cocked backwards, auburn hair messy over the pillow as small whines escaped her lips.
"m- mommy, fuck," she cussed as her body squirmed, her hands rested on your hips as her face went pink. "please, can you, fuck, need you to, mmm," she spluttered. she couldn't properly get her words out, not when you were fucking her like this.
but you wouldn't let her off that easy.
"what, baby? c'mon, use your words for me," you rasped, beginning to rub your thumb over ellie's swollen clit as you forced your dildo in and out of her cunt. ellie let out a small groan of annoyance as she bit into her bottom lip.
“f- faster, mommy. c’you move faster?” ellie whined, pale green eyes wide and dilated as ellie looked into you. and if moves could speak? she'd be fucking begging.
you take it upon yourself to force your cock deeper into ellie's cunt, causing a mewl of your name to escape her lips, her body jerking. you can't help the smirk that crosses your face when it happens, and, of course, it only encourages you to give her all that she's asking for.
“mhm. whatever my pretty slut needs,” you hum, pumping your black dildo in and out of ellie's pussy as fast as your hand will allow you to.
ellie's response is quick as her head falls back into the pillow behind her, because just like that, you've got your girl right where you want her. “f- fuck! feels so, fuck, good. don’t stop, mama.”
“not gonna, hun. nah uh. gonna keep fucking this cunt ‘til my baby’s making a mess all over my cock, yeah?” you rasp, and now, you move closer. you move so you’re hovering above ellie on your knees, while managing to make your access to her cunt even better than it'd been before.
“mmph, y- yes, mommy,” she whined brokenly, clearly liking the view of you on your knees. maybe a bit too much, but not that you minded at all.
ellie only grew more desperate, more needy, as time went on. you'd be concerned she was being a bit too loud, to the point where people outside of your shared home could hear you. if you gave a fuck.
“god, shit,” ellie moaned as she reached her hand out to grasp your neck, veiny hands closing around it in a somewhat rough grip. you let out a groan of your own once the pressure seeps into your skin, your eyes shutting in pleasure in no more than a second.
“oh, would you look at that. is mommy fucking her girl dumb? god, such a sweet fucking whore," you praise your good girl, even if the rasp in your tone makes you sound pretty whorish yourself. "all cockdrunk for me when i’m only using my hand. must really like mama’s dick, hm?” you tease.
ellie nods eagerly in response, like you'll suddenly fade away if she doesn't. she forces herself to look into your eyes just to drive you crazy, and she does. "mmm, y- yeah, w- want you to, fuck, put a baby into me, mommy. canfeelyousodeep.”
well, that was new. and ridiculously welcomed.
you and ellie had had talks every once in a while, about what it would be like to have a baby, if you could. who would get who pregnant, who could handle it better. silly discussions of the sort that were usually just that: silly. but now? fuck. you hadn't known it would go to your girl's head like this. you hadn't known how much it would go to yours.
and what kind of person would you be to not oblige?
“is that right, hun? need me to fuck a baby into that pretty little pussy of yours?” you voice, and the words come out easily, as if you've said them to ellie over and over again in the past. ellie's brain seems to click right there, because she enables a moan so pornographic from her lips, it's criminal. illegal.
ellie doesn't have enough time to find herself embarrassed by what she's just said. she's too damn needy, too wet, too far gone, to really say much at all. barely, she manages to mutter a few words in response. “mmm, yes, please. s’all i want. you’re all i want," she says, and it's obvious her words are genuine. she needs you. no one else. just you.
“such a good girl. god, so fucking tight. pretty hole’s just begging for me to fill it, huh?" you groan, her words making you ravenous, and her whines making you crazy. you move in closer to ellie, your lips a mere few inches away from hers, before going on. "wanna be filled in mommy’s cum so bad, don’t you, yeah? my pretty slut needs me to fill her up?"
ellie's speechless, pausing, just to whimper as loud as she can, her eyes rolling back into her head as she begins to feel your index rubbing her swollen clit. you give her her time, fucking her into submission as you wait for her to become coherent once more. and when she does? 
you know she's a wreck for you.
“y- yes, ma’am. so bad. please, i’ll be so good for you. s’good, just, just—please," she splutters out finally, voice broken, whiny, and goddamn desperate, and all you could think about was how pretty she was. too pretty for her own good. and just to cap it?
she was all yours.
“i know you will. such a pretty little slut for me, hm? needy girl. gonna make you a mama, yeah? just like you want,” you rasp.
but you’re nowhere near done.
“god, my sweet whore can’t get enough of me, huh? let me use this pretty pussy all day if i wanted to. how long have you been craving me, baby?”
ellie’s way too quick to answer. “all day, mama. patrol’s too long, fuck. could barely manage," ellie easily obliges your ask, and you can't help but chuckle, nor can you help what you do following.
but ellie doesn't seem to mind.
you bend down from your knees and use your lips to latch onto one of ellie's pretty nipples, which is rock hard for you. you've got her moaning easily as you swirl masterfully around her breast, all while your attack on her pussy never ceases. “poor girl. probably getting yourself wet, pretty legs all pressed up, body begging for some release," you say, words coherent, as your lips remain on ellie's nipple. "well, don’t worry, hun. mommy’s here to take care of you. right?”
ellie nodded eagerly, her hand remaining on your neck, but now being on the back of it. words failing her badly, she can only manage a broken, little, “r- right.”
maybe if you were feeling mean, you'd make your girl say a little bit more than that. but right now, from the way ellie was looking up at you, to how fucking soaked she was? you decided to be a bit more generous than usual.
your movements on, in ellie's pussy, and your lips on her nipple, make it impossible for her to hold on for much longer, as you knew it would. actually, it'd been your goal from the jump. her grip on your neck grows rougher, and you know you've got her now. “fuck, mommy, so close, s’close. can feel you in me, fuck," ellie whines.
“i know you can, hun. gonna fill my pretty girl up, yeah? make a fucking mama out of you like you want," you groan as you feel her fingers close around your neck's back, cutting off more of your oxygen, and sending a rush of butterflies down to your own cunt. "just keep being good for me. give you as many babies as you want.”
“mmph, as many as i want, mommy?” ellie whimpers. oh, does she like that idea.
you smirk, adoring the way ellie's words flow so prettily from her lips. adoring the way only you can make her feel like this; how the gorgeous brunette below you was yours and yours alone. “mhm. whatever my baby needs? she can have.”
and, finally. . .
“f- fuck, m- mommy, gonna cum. please, can i cum?”
you quicken your pace, moving your hand as fast as you possibly can as you force your dick in and out of ellie's cunt at a goddamn sinner's pace. it's only then that you decide to allow ellie's body to have all it's been begging for. “mmm, ‘course you can, sweet girl," you rasp, easily. "c’mon. make a mess for me.”
she doesn't need much more than that.
you have ellie finishing in seconds once you give her permission to, and the brunette girl is gorgeous as she buries her face into the pillow, voice a whiny wreck, your name falling from her lips. her back arches up into your hand as you talk her through her orgasm, your own face growing warm as you watch her fall apart for you.
“oh, fuck, thankyou, thankyousomuch," ellie hurriedly moaned out as her rear side came back down to the bed. her green eyes bored into yours as she panted, pale cheeks hot in a rosy blush. "you’re so fucking good. fuck.”
“y’think so, baby?” you smile at her, slowly but surely removing your cock from her cunt once you were sure she was fully pleased. ellie returned your expression, but it wasn't in the form of a smile, or a grin. she was smirking.
you knew full well what that was about.
“i know so. now, can i make you feel good, too?”
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reblogs are very much welcomed (get it?) <3
divider creds !
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cherubfae · 7 months
accidentally shrunk! || hazbin x reader
with alastor, lucifer, husk, angel dust, & vox
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tags: gn!reader, ftm!reader for angie, fluff, comedy, established relationships,
He is quite amused by the whole ordeal, if not a touch worried for your wellbeing. You're utterly tiny, capable of sitting in the palm of his hand like a tiny doll. His claw gently nudges your cheek, tilting your chin up. Using his own magic proves to be futile. After several attempts he's still unable to change you back to your normal self. He isn't sure why his powers don't seem to be taking effect.
Alastor doesn't let anyone else touch or hold you. Legit will hold you in his hand above his head should Vaggie or Charlie try to get a better look at you.
"No, no, no," Alastor clicks his tongue. "I'm afraid I'm not comfortable in letting my dearest love be held by anyone but me. Surely, you understand." He gives you a little smile, his thumb gently stroking your head.
You aren't a little toy and the last thing he wants happening if Niffty mistaking you for a roach, so he prefers to have you sitting atop his shoulder, his head, or safely tucked into the pocket of his waistcoat with your tiny little head poking out to watch the world around you. As much as he finds you adorable and vulnerable in this state, he does prefer you as yourself. He'll probably head to Rosie first, he wants nothing to do with Lucifer. She always has her ear to the ground and he's certain he'll get you returned to normal soon.
Well, that's new. Lucifer is easily able to turn you back to yourself but he wants to have a little fun first. He lifts you up and presses little kisses all over your face, giggling to himself when you press your hands to his rosy cheeks.
"Can't help it, sweetheart! You're too cute!" He gently nuzzles your cheek, placing a loving kiss to the top of your head. He'll shapeshift himself into a mouse and pretend that you're a little fairy about to battle for Narnia.
When he finally turns you back, he is relieved. He much prefers you as your lovely self where you're able to snuggle into his side and hold you properly to his chest, sharing many kisses between you two.
Shit, this ain't good, but at least yer havin' fun, baby. Husk sighs, leaning his chin against his paws. His yellow eyes flick back and forth in amusement as you treat the bar counter like your own slip-and-slide, watching as you spin around on the shiny wood with a small squeak.
Husk catches you with his tail before you can slide off, lightly placing you back on your feet mirroring the grin you give him. "I'm glad you're having a good time but we gotta figure out how to turn ya back, hun." He leans back against the stool, hoping Charlie has found something or someone who may be able to offer some help.
Charlie, on queue, comes rushing down the stairs holding a light pink pearlescent vial in her hands. "Let's try this!" She stands triumphantly, proudly holding out the vial in her hands. "A drop or two on their head should bring them back to normal height. I have a feeling this will work, but as Plan B we can go to my Dad!" She beams.
Husk nods, giving you a tiny peck on top of your head that only serves to make Charlie coo. Placing you on the floor, Charlie uncaps the vial. A shimmery fuschia-purple liquid smelling of sweet berries oozes out and gently drops onto your head.
A whoosh of pink and yellow unfurls out and soon you're standing before them as mostly yourself. Your hair is now a dyed vibrant pink. Across the room, Alastor who is casually reading the newspaper, snaps his fingers and poof! Your hair is back to normal!
"You could've helped them this whole time?!" Husk hisses, fur bristling. Alastor hums, taking a sip of his black coffee, "Hmm no, just their hair. Good thing they're back in one piece, yes?" He grins. "Too bad you didn't play a little cat and mouse with them. That would have been a sight to behold!"
Angel Dust
As adorable as you are, Angel is fuckin panicking. He's not quite sure what to do and he's terrified of someone accidentally stepping on you. "Okay, baby, I've got ya, hang on!" Angel places you on his chest fluff, his hand holding you in place. Upon returning to his room, Angel begins to pace, wracking his brain for some sort of quick fix.
Depending on how long this magic lasts, Angel will 100% want to play dress up with you and have you try on cute outfits or perhaps make a cute little dollhouse for you. He's too scared of crushing you in his sleep so until this wears off, he doesn't want to risk anything happening to you. He's also worried about Niffty mistaking you for a bug, so when he's out and about, he keeps you close to him at all times. If he has to leave and can't take you with, he instructs Vaggie and Charlie to look after you.
"Do not let Niffty or the Egg Bois around them, got it?" His stern eyes are narrowed, making an expression that he's watching Sir Pentious. "Keep the Eggies in line."
What the fuck? He blinks, a jolt of electricity nearly short-circuiting himself. "Babe, what the fuck happened to you?" Vox scoops you into his hands, holding you to his chest. He's doing his best not to panic, convinced this is another one of Alastor's stupid fucking pranks. (Alastor has done absolutely nothing. However, Vox swears any inconvenience that happens to him is caused by Alastor's hands.)
Thankfully whatever has happened wasn't permanent. A tiny explosion of sparkles and a poof blue dust has the futuristic demon stumbling back, sighing when you're standing there at your normal height with a hand pressed to your head.
"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?" Vox presses, grasping your hand and pulling you into his lap. He's cupping your face between clawed hands checking for any sign of injury. "Was it Alastor?" You shake your head, coughing out some blue sparkly dust.
"Nah, got caught under some pollen demon's magic on my way to HQ." You grumble, leaning your head onto your boyfriend's shoulder. Vox sighs, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Ok, ok, well, you're back," he grumbles. "Don't do that to me again."
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dearsnow · 2 months
12:29 AM
- your normally sober husband comes home drunk out of his mind after a party, and you can’t say that he’s any less sweet. (robert “bob” floyd x wife!reader, fluff, honestly one of the cutest things i’ve ever written, ⚠️ obviously heavy themes of alcohol and being drunk, sexual innuendos but nothing graphic)
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word count: 1,502
a/n - i haven’t written a fic with a timestamp as the title in… (checks old blog) over three years?!? in any case, i hope you guys like drunk!bobby as much as i do <3 he’s definitely an emotional/clingy drunk imo.
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It’s not often that your husband stays out late, and it’s not often that he doesn’t text you while he’s out, but you trust him. He’s not the type to get blackout drunk or come home stumbling through the doorframe. Robert Floyd is a clearheaded and strong man.
Well, he looks neither right now, as he’s supported by Jake and Javy’s arms, glasses slipping off the bridge of his nose and a dopey smile brightening his face. Jake looks at you apologetically— as apologetic as he can get for a situation that’s likely his fault. “Sorry, hun.” He huffs, shifting around Bob’s weight. “There were a few too many fruity drinks ordered, and I guess he didn’t realize they were full of alcohol.”
“You guess?” You ask, rubbing the space between your eyebrows with your fingers. The two more sober men lead Bob into your bedroom, half-dragging him. They lay him down on your shared bed with a softened thump that has him groaning on top of the sheets. “I can’t believe you guys.”
Bob went out with the rest of the squad for some coworker’s promotion celebration, and he promised to come home perfectly sober, as always. He doesn’t even need to promise, if you’re being honest, because that’s just how he is; the most levelheaded person in the room. He would stay until it was socially acceptable for an acquaintance to leave, then he would head home and help you cook dinner to your favorite old school tunes. You never expected to see him shitfaced at 12:29 AM.
Javy shakes his head as he steps around you, taking Jake for a clean escape. “We tried to warn him. I hope he feels better in the morning, but until then, we’re gonna have to leave him with you.”
You sigh, eyebrows just as pinched as they were before. For the first time ever, you’re scared that Bob is going to die in his sleep, and the thought frustrates you to no end. “Thanks. It’s so great that he’s drunk out of his mind, but I have to give you credit for getting him here in one piece.” Your tone is sarcastic enough to get the two men cringing in shame, but you also know that without them, he might still be at that party.
Jake pats you on the shoulder. “Good luck, soldier. You’ll need it.”
With that, Javy and Jake walk out of your bedroom, past your living room, and out of your house like they couldn’t wait to leave. As you hear them close the door, you look down at your husband.
He’s still conscious, thankfully. His eyes are slightly unfocused, he’s blushing like a madman, and he’s groaning lightly, but he’s not completely gone yet. You brush the damp hair away from his forehead and he whines just a bit.
You quirk your eyebrow in confusion. “Yes?”
“I… have a wife. Y’ can’t touch me like that.” He mumbles. It feels like he’s looking past you. Despite everything, you feel like laughing.
You adjust his glasses on his face and lean over him a little more, fully in his field of vision. “I am your wife.”
His eyes widen like he’s seeing you for the first time, and he smiles crookedly. He tries to sit up, but only manages to prop himself up on one arm as he takes in the sight of your face. “S’ pretty. You’re really my wife? My girl?” In combination with the slurred words of someone down in the cups, the slight southern accent he took so much time to push away is coming back as he speaks to you.
“Yes.” You confirm, kissing him on the cheek. He somehow smiles even wider and reaches out to touch the apples of your cheeks.
“Love you. I missed you.” He mumbles. “Spent that whole party wonderin’ when I could see you again.” He flops back down onto the springy mattress, throwing his arms up. He moves with the precision of a toddler, his limbs seemingly coated in lead. He almost smacks the glasses off his face as he motions to you with grabby hands.
“I missed you too, honey. Can we get you into your pajamas? I’m sure you don’t want to sleep in jeans and a polo.” As you ask that question, his fingers are already attempting to pull the shirt off of his body. It doesn’t work very well, considering he’s still laying down, but you appreciate the effort. “Sit up, my love.”
He sits up, winking at you heavily. It’s more like a slow blink with how long it takes him to do it. “Can’t wait to get me naked?”
A laugh escapes your mouth, and you smother the rest of your giggles with the heel of your palm as you gaze at his slightly crestfallen face. He’s funny when drunk, apparently, even when he isn’t trying to be. It’s like seeing him completely unhinged with none of his usual, careful filters. “Sure. You need to be in some state of undress to get your pajamas on, anyways.”
His face falls into a slight pout as you help him unbutton the top of his polo and slide it up his chest. He seems to notice how your hands hesitate when meeting the warm, taut skin of his abs, and the pout fades instantly. “Like it?”
“I always do.” You hum. He does have a great body, one that you’ve found to be extraordinarily hot. Strong arms, tight muscles, and yet a gentleness in the way his hands hold yours. Right now, though, it’s a bit of a problem as you’re attempting to get his jeans off. He’s still sitting, and you think you could lift weights for ten years and not be able to pull them out from under him. “Can you stand, Bobby?”
“Gladly.” He sings. You help him stand, supporting a bit of his weight. He seems to find a little bit of his footing as his other arm presses into the wall, allowing the both of you to shimmy his pants down his legs and kick them to some unknown corner of the room.
You gather his neatly folded pajamas, a soft shirt and some plaid flannel pants, and help him put them on. Luckily for you, he’s been revitalized by your touch and is a little more helpful now. He’s still moving awkwardly and shifting around like he’s constantly trying to get his balance straightened out, but it’s better than nothing. It would be hell to get him to do anything other than dress, though, so you settle for just getting him in bed. His dental hygiene routine will have to wait.
You lay him back down after he’s dressed and pull the blankets up to his chin, kissing his forehead gently and tucking his glasses in your dresser drawer. You’re already ready for the night (the perks of thinking he would come home three hours ago), so you slip in bed next to him. He immediately pulls you into his arms, his body comfortingly warm. He’s always run just a little hot, which is amazing on cooler nights like this.
He sighs contentedly before moving to stare directly into your eyes. “Y’know,” he starts, “I can’t sleep without your arms ‘round me, and your legs ‘round me, and you breathing all sweet on my neck. ‘M up all night when I’m deployed, at first anyways. My carrier roommates hate it.”
You shift just enough as to where your body is clutching on to him as tight as possible, and he hums in relief. It’s like the little tension that he was holding dissipated entirely. “I’m sorry, baby. That must be hard.” You soothe.
“Payback gave me his pillow once so I could wrap it in my arms, but it didn’t help. He threatened to ‘come up there n’ cuddle me himself’ if I didn’t stop moving.” He scrunches his eyes closed at the memory. You do your best to suppress another bout of laughter, but he makes it even harder when he shivers like he isn’t covered in three layers of blankets and you.
“Did he ever follow through?” You ask, pressing your lips together to stop from smiling. Bob shakes his head.
“Thank god he didn’t.” He utters. You turn to shove your face into your pillow to muffle your expressions. He just keeps his eyes closed, completely unaware of the fact that you’re losing it next to him.
When you finally come up for air, he is drifting in and out of sleep. “Love ya. G’night.” He whispers. It’s so soft that you almost start laughing again.
“Good night, Bobby. Love you too.” You say, kissing his cheek. You click off the lamp on your bedside table and snuggle deeper into his grasp.
He’s going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning. At least he’ll have his wife, breakfast in bed, and an aspirin to take care of him.
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Taglist: @seitmai
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God ever since reading A Gilded Cage I cant get the thought out of my head of a part 2 where Reader doesn't see Jason for a few days after the revelation. Like maybe he thinks he's being kind and giving us some time to process, maybe he's on his angst again, or maybe some outside factor has taken his attention so the only time he's able to visit is while we're asleep.
And the whole night of the reveal feels like a fever dream when we wake up but there's a blanket draped over us and a fuzzy little kitten purring up a storm on our chest (in my heart his name is Bean (short for Toebean)), so we're at least kind of sure it happened. But as the time passes with no sign of Jason our certainty begins to wane and until we finally get fed up and write on the notepad the first thing we've asked for since that night: "You."
Or something like that idek okay I've been over here clawing at my walls frothing at the mouth I never really even liked ak!Jason before reading your stuff and now I'm feral for him and its all your fault and I'm not even mad about it
A Glimmering Collar
AKA Part Two of this series. Ahh, nonnie, you literally cooked with this. I love when my fics inspire people enough to keep thinking on them! Seriously, ty for dropping these ideas in my inbox cause I had nothing going on in my brain for a part two initially. Hope you enjoy!
~2.6k words
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You wake up to something tickling your nose. Your body feels heavy, your mind even more so. Nothing in you is ready to open your eyes, to face the fact that last night could all have been a dream. That he isn't– that was just a dream.
Something soft flicks your nose again, and you force your eyes open. You blink hard once. Then twice. It's a kitten. It's tiny, and it's sitting by your face. Every few seconds, its tail sways and brushes your nose.
Oh. You sit up slowly, trying not to frighten the small thing. It looks at you contently over its shoulder and meows. The kitten stretches as you stare at it, then plops itself directly on the blanket resting over your lap.
Huh. There's a blanket you definitely don't remember grabbing sprawled over your legs. You carefully reach down to pet the kitten's head. Your heart melts a little when it nuzzles your fingers and purrs.
You look around the room slowly. Nothing else looks different. The notepad is still in place, but the kitten and blanket all point to one thing. Last night was real. Jason is alive. Jason is the Arkham Knight.
You're trying to wrap your brain around that when the door flies open, nearly making you jump out of your skin.
"Good morning!!" A flurry of voice call from the doorway. Your eyes widen as three brightly dressed people strut their way into your apartment, "Are you ready for your shopping trip, hun?"
"My– excuse me?" You stumble out, tucking the kitten to your chest as you stand.
They giggle, and one of them steps forward, "Your shopping trip, sweetie! And spa day, of course. Oh, ha, we haven't even been introduced, have we? I'm Krystal with a K, she's Destini with an i and he's Robbi also with an i."
Robbi huffs and walks up to you to pet your kitten, "Why can't you ever introduce Destini second? She can be Destini also with an i, ya know."
The other girl walks up to you as well and picks affectionately at your clothes, "Because it's alphabetical that way, Robbi. Now you better go get dressed, we have brunch reservations and mimosa plans!"
"I– sorry? What?" You ask, eyes darting between the three of them. Whatever this is, you can't keep up. You've barely processed Jason kidnapped you, and now you're supposed to go get a massage and drinks?
"The boss wants you to go out," a flat voice cuts in. You're the only one that stiffens at the sight of two large men stepping through the door.
Krystal speaks up, "We're here to make sure you have a good time! And Mack and John are here to keep us safe!"
"Mack and John," You echo weakly.
"Your body guards, silly," Destini chirps, ushering you to your room. She plucks the kitten from your hands, "Now get dressed! Wear something nice!"
You stare at the door as she shuts it. What just happened? You hear them chattering happily in the kitchen, idly talking about pregaming your shopping trip.
Your whole mind is a mess, and you sluggishly get ready, thoughts whirling. You've barely talked to soul since you were kidnapped, and now you have five new names to remember, a kitten, and a day out.
You're not exactly sure if you should be unsettled or grateful at how quickly Jason worked to get you what you asked for. By the time you've opened your bedroom door, Krystal, Destini and Robbi are passing around a flask, and playfully trying to get your 'bodyguards' to drink it.
You wonder what they must think of all this. Who they think you are. You're struck with the realization that Jason must be paying them to entertain you today.
You don't get to linger on the thought before Robbi hooked his arm with yours, dragging you towards the door, "Let's gooo, the brunch place we're going to does the best pineapple mimosas. Or cherry, if that's your thing."
"Wait," Mack– or John, you're not exactly sure which one is which– stops you, "Boss wants you to wear this."
The girls and Robbi coo in awe when Mack opens a box, revealing a glittery, jaw-dropping choker. You waver at the sight of it. It's not that it doesn't match what you're wearing. You'd dressed up like Destini suggested, but it feels like some kind of trap.
You reluctantly pick up the necklace, eyeing how it catches the light, "Is it– are sure it's safe to wear this out?" Safety isn't really what you're concerned about at the moment.
You're more worried about the crushing weight that this means more than you understand.
John nods once, "There won't be any problems."
Krystal happily plucks the necklace from your fingers, and before you have time to argue, she drapes the necklace around your throat. "It's beautiful, hun. Just like you. Let's go get you something to eat," her voice is soft, measured, and full of so much understanding it makes you want to cry.
You don't know much they know, but when she hooks her arm with yours to guide you out the door, you have a feeling there's more awareness than their bubbly attitudes let on.
The day ends up being wonderful. Being around people, out under the sun (the sun Gotham does get), was rejuvenating. You had fun, joked, smiled, and for a day, it was almost like you didn't have a prison cell to go back to.
The food was delicious, the spa relaxing, and you didn't have to carry back a single bag. Krystal had flashed a black card at every payment, every place ever could want to shop at, reassuring you it's all been taken care of.
But the time you've collapsed on the couch, exhausted but content, the uneasy feelings from this morning are gone.
You settle on the cushions to wait for Jason. To thank him for listening or to yell at him for still keeping you here, you're not exactly sure yet.
But he doesn't come, you fall asleep in your expensive necklace and pretty clothes with one hand petting your kitten. He doesn't come the next day either, at least not while you're awake, but Krystal, Destini, and Robbi do.
Your friends, the people being paid to entertain you are nice, perfect even. They're exactly what you would have asked for.
Your kitten is perfect too, it cuddles with you at night and nuzzles under your chin after you're left alone, when the unease finds its way back to you.
It's been days since you've seen him. It's starting to feel like a lifetime. You know he comes back after you fall asleep, he moves things. You think it's his way of showing that he listened, that he came back because you asked.
The notepad, the one you haven't written on since that night, shifts closer to you on the glass table if you sleep on the couch.
The glimmering choker gets pulled out of the drawer every time you try to put it away. Your kitten has a growing collection of toys and things to climb on.
It's obvious he's visiting, so why won't he let you see him? Day five of dancing around each other breaks you. You want to see him, want to talk to him, and understand. You want Jason.
Your hand shakes a little, when you go to write on the notepad, and when you wake up the next morning, the paper is blank again.
You wait. You wait some more. All day you wait for him. No one else comes. It's strangely quiet, with just you and your kitten. You've just about given up, collapsed in your bed, when the glowing whites of his helmet catch your attention.
You sit up quickly and throw your legs off the bed as you stare into the doorway, "You came."
"Did you mean it," he asks, any emotion he's feeling hidden by the aggravating modulator.
"Mean what," You question, standing off the bed to walk closer to him, "Will you take the mask off?"
He doesn't move for a moment, just takes in the sight of you. The silence that drags almost makes you regret the question, but he carefully pulls off his helmet, "What you wrote. That you wanted me."
"I– yeah, Jason. I haven't– it's been days since I saw you," You only notice mid sentence that his hand is reaching for your face, it makes your voice waver. "You never answered any of my questions," You finish weakly.
His hand stills and he drops it, "Questions. That's what you wanted?"
You nod a little, searching his face for any hint of what he's feeling, but he gives nothing away.
He sighs softly, and looks away, adjusting his helmet under his arm. You think he might look disappointed, "I can't give you the answers you're looking for."
"Why not," You question softly, worried to push him away.
Jason turns his focus back to you, "I just need you to stay here. Please," he sighs out your name, and his hand twitches as if to touch you, "Don't fight me on this."
"That's not fair," You mumble, "Why am I here, Jason? You know I would have listened if you came to talk to me instead of– this."
Silence falls again, and he steps past you into your room. He sets his helmet on your dresser and picks up the choker resting on the wooden surface, "I wish you would wear this. I picked it out for you."
"Jason," You start, tracking his movements.
"I know," he cuts you off, "but I told you, you don't need to understand anything." You stiffen when he steps back towards you and guides you to turn around.
The air leaves your lungs as his gloves brush over your skin. He sets the necklace around your throat, and even after it rests heavy against your skin, his touch lingers.
"You just need to stay here. It's safe. I've given you everything you've asked for, and everything you haven't," Jason says softly, stepping out from behind you. His gaze lingers on your neck for a moment, and the stifling, unexplainable feeling sets back into your gut.
Your words stick in your throat. There's a sense of danger, one that doesn't make sense. Jason wouldn't hurt you. Not the Jason you know. But is this the Jason you know? The thought makes you want to tear the choker from your skin and throw it at him.
"It feels like a collar," You say quietly, and your breath hitches when his gaze snaps go yours, "I mean, it's pretty. Really. But, it feels– like it's more," You stumble out.
He nods slowly, and he doesn't stop himself from touching you this time. His fingers trace the choker, linger over your collarbones, brush along your pulse, "Maybe it is."
You blink at him, every thought flying from your brain, "What?"
He hums softly, hooking a finger under the shiny jewels to draw you closer, "Does that scare you? Knowing that you can't leave? Knowing that no matter how pretty these are, it's just another way to keep you?"
"You wouldn't hurt me," you say instead, it sounds like you believe it, but you're not sure if you're trying to convince yourself or him.
"I don't want to," He admits, fingers leaving your throat to trail up your jaw, "but I probably could."
"I don't believe that. I remember–" He tuts, tapping your cheek. Your heart drops when you realize he's mirroring where his own brand is.
"I'm not what you remember," he says firmly, before whispering your name, "I'm not that Jason. Not really."
"Then who are you," You ask, even though you don't want to know the answer. You want to pretend he's still something you know.
His eyes dart over your face, then back down to the necklace, "I'm still Jason. But I'm also the Arkham Knight."
"What does that mean," You push, reach up to grab his wrist, demanding his attention, demanding real answers.
"It means that you stay. It means that I give you what you want. Everything and anything except leaving," he says, voice lowering to something kinder, gentler, "it'll make sense eventually. You'll be happy here. Safe."
"Will that make you happy?" You ask, fingers tightening on his wrist. Half of you wants to pull him away, stop him from tracing patterns over your cheek, but the other part of you wants to press his hand closer.
Something flicks in his eyes at your words, "Yes."
"Will it keep you safe?" You murmur, eyes locked on his.
He doesn't answer, clenching and unclenching his jaw for a moment, "Safety is an option I don't have."
"It could be, if you wanted it," You say, dropping his wrist. It must be true. Even with all the secrets he's keeping, his evasive disappearing act, he could take off the armor. Leave behind the new symbol engraved over his chest.
He laughs a little and swipes his thumb under your eye, "I'm glad that you don't understand. It's good, that they didn't twist you into something unrecognizable."
"Understand?" You prompt, unsettled by his laughter.
"That they need to pay. All of them do," he smiles a little, it's a mockery of the one you remember. Jason traces the choker one last time before stepping back.
"You're leaving," You say, not a question, a statement of fact. He's leaving, without explaining anything again.
"I am," he affirms, moving to grab his helmet.
"I want you to stay," You breathe out and he freezes in place.
He exhales softly and faces you again, "You don't know what you're asking."
"I do. I want you to stay," You repeat, reaching out to push his helmet back towards the dresser.
"And then what?" He asks lowly, a warning, "What do you expect to happen?"
It makes you waver, "I– I don't know. But it's what I want."
It's another long moment of nothing before he answers, gesturing towards the bed, "Go to sleep."
"You'll stay?"
He nods at your question, unceremoniously dragging the chair from your desk to your bedside.
"Is that going to be comfortable–" You begin, settling yourself in the bed.
"You're overthinking it," he mumbles, waving at you to lay down. You do, watching as your kitten jumps into his lap, curling up like this is something that happens all the time. (You have the feeling it is) "Have you named him," he asks quietly.
"The kitten? Mm, no. Wanted you to," You say softly, carefully not to unsettle either of them.
"I wouldn't be good at it," Jason protests, eyes flicking between you and the kitten.
"I don't mind," You murmur, "anything's better than 'kitten'."
He pauses, so quiet and still you think he won't answer, "Bean," he mumbles, reluctant as the newly appointed Bean cuddles into his armor.
You smile, "Bean's a good name."
He doesn't answer, seemingly engrossed with watching the kitten.
You take him in for another moment, memorizing his face before closing your eyes. It's not an accident that you leave your palm open and face up by the side of the bed.
There's no more pleasantries exchanged, no sweet goodnights or the gentle touches against your face you've grown used to. But just as you finally start to drift off, as darkness finally draws you to rest, a warm, rough hand weaves itself into yours and squeezes.
Part Three
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r-evasser · 2 years
Starter for : @coinquinatvs
Vera enjoyed late night swims, well.. more so the fact that she could afford a beach side house that had a pool, even a walk way to the beach. Multiple floors and a deck on each of them.. When she was human, she could have never dreamed of having a life like this.
Soon her thoughts snapped to the sound of the sliding door. Arms rested on the concrete, peaking up to Paul from the pool with a small grin. "So you finally decided to join me?"
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obae-me · 9 months
The Reunion We Deserved
I said I would do it and so I did, all in one night, one sitting, fueled by nothing but determination, random inspiration, and spite. I re-wrote and created my version of what I would've liked to see at the end of Nightbringer Season 2. Is this a bit dramatic? Yes? Is this the kind of thing I wanted anyway? Yes. I want sobbing, I want people being pathetic, I want emotion, I want it all. So, if that's what you were hoping to see for lesson 40, I hope this can ease some of that anger we had.
Spoilers ahead for Nightbringer since this is quite literally my "remaking" of the ending, which includes in-game references to later lessons!
TW: Blood mention, injury, angst.
Word Count: 4,391
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Tears pricked your eyes as you looked upon the several smiling faces of the demons you had come to care for. At the beginning, all you could think of was returning to your home, your time-line, your brothers. You had coped thus far by constantly reminding yourself that these were not the same people you had come to know. But now… after delving into their souls, reforging the pacts, fleeing down the different circles of hell to save one only to nearly lose them all… they’d found their way into your heart once more. How could you? How could you leave them so easily? And tell them to their faces that you’d meet again soon when you knew it was a lie. It might be soon for you, but it would be nearly an eternity for them. Not to mention that the way Solomon and Barbatos described it, this was almost like another universe… Would another version of you show up for them? Or would you leave these particular brothers for good?…
Feet frozen in sorrow and anxiousness, you could only look at them and cry. What were you feeling in this very second, now that you were on the cusp of what you had worked so hard for? The way back home was right above you, the air and magic inches away from sucking you up into it’s mystical vacuum. Your precious family, your home was one step away. So why did it also feel like your heart was being torn from you? “I—“ Your words choked up in your throat. You were tempted to tell them everything right there and then, spill the burden you had been carrying on your shoulder this entire time.
“It’ll be alright,” Lucifer spoke up, seeing your worry, but exuding nothing but confidence himself. “I gave you my blessing after all.”
“Plus, with the Great Mammon’s pact, you’re hella lucky! You’ll get home with no problems, I’d bet on it! S-So you better not make me lose, got it? Get home safe…and happy.”
Levi shook his head a little. “You’d bet on anything wouldn’t you…” But then he turned his head back towards you, nearly just as bold as Lucifer in this one moment. “If someone like me can have courage, you can too. Don’t worry! You’re just like a Main Character! You have indestructible plot armor!”
“Did everyone already forget the white dragon I helped summon?” Satan scoffed. “Their safety and success is guaranteed. So don’t give us that face,” he addressed you.
“Besides!” Asmo perked up. “If anything happened we’d all come rushing to save you! Just like we did for Lucifer. If we can do that, we can do anything! Oo, I just said something real dashing just now! You better take that to heart, hun!”
Beel nodded several times. “You have Luke’s wish egg too. I also made wishes over my eggs at breakfast this morning. I wished for you to always feel healthy and full and loved. And that we’d get to see each other again soon.”
“Those eggs might’ve tasted magical Beel, but they weren’t really…” Belphie looked up his twin as he shook his head, but then he shrugged, coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t worth explaining. “Hey,” he stared at you. “Don’t waste your energy crying now. You’ll need all your strength for your journey. I won’t forgive you if you leave too sad.”
All their words ended up making you laugh, the smile across your face twitching as you worked to force out trembling words. “You all better be kind to one another.” Someone behind you was tugging on your arm. “And make sure you don’t tease Luke too hard.”
“Come on,” Solomon whispered softly to you, tugging you a little harder, making you take a few steps back. The rift in space-time started to roar, attempting to drown out your voice as you struggled for these last few seconds.
“And make sure you all remember to eat and sleep properly. A-and, tell the others at the ceremony that I love them. I… love you all so much.”
“We have to go…” Solomon’s voice sounded tense, like he was nearly ready to cry himself, only keeping himself strong for you. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he nearly hoisted you back himself. Before you left, you reached into the pocket of your pants, fishing out the letter that you had written alone in your old room, what seemed like forever ago now, the one still stained with old tears. You tossed it to the ground in front of you, hoping they would read it, hoping it would help…them live without you.
The last thing you heard was a chorus of cracking voices, getting cut off before they could tell you they loved you too…
And then you were gone. A harsh and forceful wind seemed to suck all the air from your breath. It was almost as if you were being plunged underwater, several forces of pressure from the thousands of years you were swirling past was threatening to crush you. The only sensation you were aware of was Solomon’s. His arms were holding onto you tightly, continuing to mutter spells over and over and over again to keep you safe, expending all of his waining power to push you both through the folds of reality and out on the other side.
Gravity. Disorientation. Falling. A heavy weight slammed against your chest so hard, you wondered if your ribs cracked. The back of your head hit something firm. Everything went black for a while.
After who knows how long, your eyes opened again, staring straight up into the Devildom sky, the shifted stars more familiar to you. Your head was splitting with pain, your breath a wheeze as you glanced down to see Solomon’s limp body keeping you pinned against the ground.
“S-Solomon?” It took a short while for the panic to settle in. “Solomon!” After a moment of struggling, you managed to get him off of you, setting him on his back in the grassy plane you had been spat back out onto. His face looked drained. A chant left the base of your throat, using the last scrap of magic you had to give him a spell to reinvigorate his body. His eyes shot open, coughing as he rolled over onto his side, pushing himself up onto his arms before he fell down again. “Take it easy!” Together, using each other as support, you both got back up to your feet.
“I’m sorry…I had meant to deliver us right in front of the House of Lamentation, but…”
“You did alright,” you assured him, rubbing his back to keep his dizzy mind conscious. “A bit of a rough landing, but we’re alive…” But then, the better question was… “Are we—“
“There you are.” A calm voice manifested itself as a demon in front of you. Barbatos stepped out of a portal, his expression nearly as neutral as ever, except there was something in his eyes that was shining, a strange tremor to his hand that was completely unnatural for someone as him. Then he frowned as he took in the state of both of you, his nostrils flaring as he took the both of you with him, each with one gloved hand. You were pulled into a much less chaotic rift this time. Although the jolt was still enough to nearly cause both you and the sorcerer to fall back to your knees. Before that could happen though, you were shoved into a bed.
The guest rooms of the castle appeared the same as always, but something in particular felt nostalgic, like you’d just returned to a childhood home. Solomon appeared to be ushered into a bed right by your side, both your minds too rattled to resist, as the butler threw open the guest room door from the inside and summoned nearly every Little D in the entire building. “I need human medication, bandages, two sets of pajamas, the herbal tea I set aside in the kitchen. I need the oven preheated, the counter prepared, two trays set, and need them all done within the next two minutes.” There was a very subtle raise to his voice, the seriousness of his tone sending a chill down your spine and sending every Little D scattering for their lives. Barbatos spent one second observing them flee before he dissipated once more, getting wisked away through another portal of his own making.
This all felt…so surreal. Perhaps it was the pain that you were in that was making it feel like a dream. Like you’d wake up in Cocytus Hall and be right back at square one. And yet, something in you was missing that place… that house that you had just started to get used to. The furniture and things both you and Solomon had bought to make it your shared home. But your real home was here. Well, hopefully here.
You wouldn’t get your hopes up over anything yet. Not until you got to see them.
Barbatos returned before you could even begin to ask Solomon about any of this. A whirl of varying shades of green caused your vision to do somersaults as you were quickly fretted over. Salves and bandages were wrapped around your torso and a damp cloth gently touched the back of your head. That splitting pain resurfaced, joining forces with an added stinging. Maybe it was your body going into shock, but you could’ve sworn you heard a shaky shush coming from your current caretaker as you were cleaned and patched up quickly. Luckily, it wasn’t too much longer after that till the aches went mostly away, your head clearing up again as a set of your own pajamas were settled at the foot of the bed, a silver tray stretched over your lap and propped up on two stands. A small plate with a single pastry sat in front of you, along with a bitter smelling dark-green tea that you could tell you’d rather avoid imbibing.
Swiveling your head to the side, you saw Solomon leaning back against the headrest and a few pillows, a bit more vibrancy in his eyes, although those intense dark circles were hard to miss. He was okay. Thank…everything.
“Eat. Drink. Both of you.” The butler stood between the beds, realizing he’d spoken quite against his normal demeanor, he cleared his throat, his palm pressed between his collarbones. “Phoenix’s Breath Tea. You’ll both need it to recover. I apologize for making you both consume something so distasteful, but I’ve found it goes down a bit smoother paired with something sweet.”
A single whiff of the hot beverage in your hand was enough to make you cough, some sense burning in your nose. You settled the cup back down, taking a deep breath, trying to get your head on straight. “Barbatos… Are we…?”
The butler’s eyelids fluttered slowly. “You are,” he stated, his voice quiet, almost in awe. “You’re home. Back in the world you belong.”
A lump immediately formed in your throat, pushing the tray forward and turning to get out of bed. “I need to go. I need to see them, I—“ Before you could get one foot touching the ground, you were wrangled back into bed.
“I’ll fetch them. I swear you won’t have to wait too much longer. But you must drink the tea and you must take a moment to recover. If the others were to know the state you both were in right now, the castle would be torn—“
A banging sound ripped through the room like a gunshot. The guest room door was busted completely off it’s hinges, the wood of the frame splintering, the door soaring across to the left and fully embedding itself into the wall like a dart stuck in a board. If it weren’t for Barbatos’ inhuman skills, you’ve spilled the tea and dessert all over yourself. The royal attendant audibly sighed, sweeping himself to his feet and holding his arms out, his demon form manifesting, wrestling back a writhing and screaming black mass.
Your eyes went wide.
The mass stopped fighting, going rigid, stepping back to form seven different individuals. Three more non-hostile forms stood back in the wrecked doorway, two white, one red.
The bottom of your lip trembled as an overwhelming surge of joy and despair and relief and guilt all flooded out of you in tears. Your fears were pushed away. Your soul seemed to click back into place, like you’d been the last puzzle piece just waiting to finish the picture. “I’m home…”
Chaos erupted in the castle guest room. A few cracking wails nearly burst your eardrums. Asmo’s arms were the first to wrap around you, mascara running down his cheeks in large inky trails, but he didn’t seemed concerned in the least. Kisses lined your face with each sharp intake of breath, too shaken to even speak, he could only address you in his cries as he clutched onto you, trembling. His hand stroked your head, his breathing stopping for a moment when he saw the damage the landing had caused. This only caused him to whimper and cry harder, his thumb running over the outline of your features, running the back of his fingernails over your cheeks.
Levi was stuttering incomprehensibly. As he fell to his knees, he clutched at his head, going through an entire panic attack. He clawed at his chest, tearing gashes into the front of his clothes, looking up at you behind large welling tears as his tail wrapped around his entire torso. Mist filled the entire room as he continued to shake and cry so fervently he couldn’t even stand.
Luke was quite a ways away, holding onto Simeon’s clothing as he screeched out painful genuine child-like cries. The Angel curled over him, shushing him, getting to his own knees to hold the fledgling to his chest, assuring both the little angel and himself that you were okay. You were alright. Miracles had brought you together again. They didn’t have to worry any longer. The sleepless nights, the endless nightmares, the never-ending cold grip of sorrow could go away. He spoke this mantra- this prayer- over and over again, taking deep breaths between the words, blinking rapidly as he had to sway him and his charge back and forth to keep themselves both at ease. The older angel took the occasional glance over Luke’s shoulder, muttering a thankful blessing on repeat every-time he locked with your eyes.
Satan was thrashing around the room, screaming wildly, out of control, ready to beat Barbatos and Solomon for making you arrive in this condition, for not bringing you sooner, for not telling them sooner, for— Eventually, after getting thrown around the room a little, he ran out of things to be angry for. All it took was one look at your face to calm him down. He approached carefully, angry at himself, angry at whoever it was that took you away, but trying to keep himself together. Satan gingerly pulled Asmo off of you, turning Lust over to Solomon. Clearly, he’d been worried about his other pact-mate, hugging the sorcerer and crying a little more softly into his shoulder. Meanwhile, Satan reached a hand out hesitantly, like you were a feral cat he was trying to pet, worried you’d run away. His hand brushed through your hair and settled at the side of your face. Once he realized you weren’t going anywhere, his arms pulled you to him, pressing your face against his shoulder. “You’re here. You’re here again. You’re—“ His voice went hoarse, like he was losing it, like he’d been doing nothing but screaming for the entirely of your absence. Soon his words were nothing but faded squeaks, trying to portray his words but unable to. He simply held you instead. Then he tore himself away from you, heading over to the back wall and punching holes into the structure till his knuckles turned bloody.
Someone crawled onto the bed. Belphegor peered at you with an almost blank expression. His hand reached out, touching your knee, flinching as soon as he made contact, like the very act of him doing so would hurt you further. You could tell that maybe he felt like some of this was his fault, like he’d deserved the pain of having you be sent away from him, like if he did anything wrong again, you’d vanish for real this time, How many times could you come back from the dead? How close was he to losing you entirely? For good? As soon as his warmth mixed with yours, he collapsed on the mattress, curling up at your feet. He gathered the blanket towards his face, the end of his tail twitching erratically. His sobs were silent but violent, the entire bed shifting and bouncing as his body convulsed, his chest pounding as he broke down. Every once and a while, he would become extremely frightened, needing to gasp and look up to ensure you were real. You weren’t a dream. He pinched himself, shook his head, even almost bit at his hands to snap him out of this vision. But you were really here. He would curl back up and continue to cry.
White hair bobbed in front of your vision, two hands going to your shoulders and shaking you, pinning you against the headboard, fingernails careful not to dig themselves into your skin as they gripped your body. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Huh? Huh?! Do you have any idea what you put us through?! What you put me through?!” Mammon growls and screams shocked you.
“Mammon.” Lucifer’s voice settled as a stern warning, but something about it seemed weaker than usual.
Greed ignored him, continuing his rant. “You were just gone. Gone! You know that?!” He shook you again, careful not to rattle you too much. “And what am I supposed to do about that, huh?! What did I say?! I said—“ His voice cracked, trails of moisture streaming from his eyes and over his lips. “I said,” he repeated, “if you’re ever in trouble, you have to let me save you. What part of that didn’t you understand?! How dare you get taken somewhere where I can’t reach you?! How dare you?! How dare you?!” His voice continued to raise in pitch, sounding more and more unstable with each accusing question. Then he slumped, his forehead pressing against your chest as his hands held onto your shoulders tighter, almost bruising them, fearful of letting you go. He began shaking you a few times more, each shake meeker than the last. “How dare you. How dare you… How… W- What was I supposed to do if you didn’t come back?… The world is nothin’… I’m nothin’…”
Beel came over and helped his older brother to his feet, allowing him to sit on the side of your bed as Mammon furiously used the back of his wrist to rub at his cheeks. Gluttony stood over you, looking down with a wide close-lipped smile. “Welcome back.” He leaned down, pressing his cheek against yours as his large arms wrapped around the back of your neck. He took in the scent of you, burying his face into the crook of your neck for a moment. His body didn’t shutter, didn’t make noise, but you felt a few warm tears of his drip onto your skin. He silently and secretly teared up for just a few moments before he stood back up straight, gesturing to the tray with your items on it. “Eat, please. It’ll make you feel better.” The sixth-born took a few steps back to let you breathe, and as he moved back, someone else moved forward.
Lucifer stood at your bedside for quite some time in silence, looking down on you with a rather unreadable expression. He had a frown, eyes squinting like he was upset at you. He scanned you over, his brows furrowing, his jaw clenching. He refused to move, refused to say anything, refused to look you directly in the eyes. You moved forward a little, grabbing his hand, holding it in yours. All the sudden, the tension released. His eyes widened before his eyelids lowered, glancing at you past the vulnerable shimmer past his irises. Wrinkles of stress deepened in his forehead as his whole face contorted in agony. He held your hand tightly, bringing the back of it up to his lips. After that, he pulled you against him, his forehead pressed up against yours, his wings in his demon form acting as some sort of visual blocker, as if he couldn’t stand to have the rest of the room see how he was acting right now. He rubbed his face against yours back and forth, one small touch away from cooing, his hands caressing the sides of your neck, feeling your pulse, hearing your breath, taking in every detail and confirming to himself that you were indeed in his arms again, alive and mostly well. “You’ve come back to us,” he whispered, the end of his nose touching yours as one of his hands cradled the back of your neck. “Back to me.” His breath was hot as he panted for a moment, taking a deep breath and speaking in a hushed tone. “I had nearly begun to entertain the thought that…”
You pulled him closer to you, letting his head rest on your chest as you reached around to his back, grasping the cloth of his clothes in your hands. “You know I would fight through all the layers of hell to get to you.”
That seemed to resonate with him, but you weren’t quite sure he remembered that you were speaking quite literally. All those adventures…the things you’d all learned. How lost were they?…
However, Lucifer simply smiled, laughing a little, squeezing you before laughing again. “Yes, if anyone would do such a thing, it would be you. I shouldn’t have doubted you.” He straighted, fixed his clothing, lowered his wings, and moved further back into the room, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger as he paced towards a back corner.
Levi had finally soothed himself enough to move, walking on his knees towards the bed. His hands were fidgeting with every part of his outfit. Eyes puffy from crying, throat raw from his collapse earlier, he kept himself from speaking. You managed to smile down at him and wipe away the last few of his tears. His lips shook again before he lowered his head into your lap. Face-down in the fabric of the blanket, he kept shaking his head. He didn’t stop until your fingers ran through his hair. With a forced gulp, he eventually vocalized words. “I missed you… I was- was- was so scared I would…”
“Lose you.” Belphie sat up in bed, ignoring the fact that his face was now a mess. He scooted closer towards your side on the bed. “We thought we lost you.”
The youngest was able to say what none of the others could. Full silence washed over the room as the reality of the situation fully seemed to hit them, their shock slowly starting to fade.
Diavolo strode in, everyone moving out of the way to allow him to have his own time with you. The corners of his eyes crunched in happiness. His tight and broad shoulders sagged. Both of his large hands scooped up one of yours, bringing your touch to the side of his face. He closed his eyes, almost appearing as if he might purr any second. As he opened his sight back at you, a fire of positivity and excitement lit within him. “A party! We must throw a party! A welcome home celebration! This is…this is… a joyous day.”
At first, the others seemed confused. Then, one-by-one, small determined smiles spread across their faces. The sorrow melted and gave way to pure uncontrollable elation. People hugged each other, danced around the room, cheered, bounced, came back to kiss you, came back to hug you, nearly passing you around the room till Barbatos barged back in and took your hand, bringing you back to bed.
For a while, you assumed he would shut the idea down entirely. But then, the butler grinned. “I figured you would all say as much. Some preparations are already being made. In the meantime, we should let these two rest. They’ve had all too much excitement today.” Barbatos pulled the blanket back over your legs, readjusting the tray and giving you a biting glare that told you you wouldn’t be able to get out of drinking that god-forsaken tea. “But after that, we will celebrate. We will take every day and night to cherish you, and make up for the time we lost.”
Most of the brothers tried clinging to you, demanding they get to stay, but Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, and Simeon managed to corral the desperate demons and one small angel out of the room.
But before they all left, you shouted. “Wait!” They all turned, worried that something was wrong. However, you smiled, happy tears running down your face this time. “I love you all. So very much.”
“I cherish you with every fibre of my being.”
“There ain’t nothing more priceless than you.”
“E-Everything is so much more fun with you here with m-m- us…”
“I…don’t want to even try to imagine a world without you in it.”
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, hun, is as charming as you.”
“Our family isn’t complete without you in it.”
“You belong with us. End of story.”
“You are one of the most precious beings the three realms has ever known.”
“I find myself discovering new things to enjoy every moment I spend with you.”
“Listen, you are a shining beacon in the night. Know how special you are.”
“You teach me so much! If it weren’t for you, I might still be scare— I mean, dislike demons!”
“My dear apprentice… We couldn’t have gotten home without you. You deserve the world. I will stick by you no matter where you go. And you deserve to know—“
“How much we love you too.”
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froggibus · 5 months
hiiiiiii i just wanna say i love ur work so much. i was wondering if i could request a jason todd hurt/comfort fic. i recently had a really scary experience outside of a bar, and it has been taking a toll on me. maybe something like reader and jason fight over something silly, and then something like that happens to reader and he comforts them after and feels bad about the fight before? with a lot of fluff and reassurance. maybe he gives them a bath or something:) THANK YOUUUU
Never Let Me Go - Jason Todd
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Pairing: Jason Todd x gn! reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, angst -> fluff
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: after an argument with Jason, you're left to fend for yourself outside of a bar
CW: attempted assault, attempted SA, chasing, slight violence, dissociation/shock (reader), arguing, alcohol, hurt/comfort, pet names (Jason calls reader baby/hun), bathing together, jason is snarky at first
sorry this took so long! really hope you're feeling better, but if you (or anyone else reading this) ever need to talk, my inbox is always open <3 i talk about my own struggles with ptsd on this blog, and i want everyone to be able to feel safe enough to talk about theirs, too
i tried to keep the assault scene short and brief, but i've also added cuts before and after in case anyone would like to skip it.
(title slightly based on this song)
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“You know that stuff is pure sugar and no alcohol, right?” 
You roll your eyes when Jason gestures to your drink with a look of distaste, hiding his snark behind the rim of his glass. You’re tempted to remind him that the foamy beer he’s pounding back has even less alcohol than your Cosmo, but think the better of it. He’s in a bitchy mood, and there’s no point making it worse.
He’d gotten into a fight with Bruce the night before, and had practically gone on a rampage through Gotham’s underground. The anger radiated off of him still when he’d showed up at your apartment an hour earlier, even after he’d flashed you a tense smile and planted a tentative kiss to your lips.
You’d told him at least three times since then that he didn’t have to come with you—given the bar was around the corner from your home, and you could stumble home from it drunk, backwards and in your sleep—but Jason had insisted. As if you ever thought Jason would be able to relax knowing you’re out at a bar in the heart of Gotham, despite your assertions that you would only be having a couple drinks and maybe some chili fries.
You swish your glass around, watching the raspberry coloured booze slosh on the sides. “We can go home if you’re not feeling up to this,” you say gently. “I don’t mind.”
He gives his broad shoulders an irritating shrug. “You wanted to get out of the house, we’re out of the house.” 
Though he doesn’t say it, you can hear the unspoken words crackling through the air. What more do you want from me?
“But do you want to leave?”
Jason’s eyes narrow, black pupils forcing out imperial blue. “I go where you go.”
It takes more effort than you’d like to admit to resist tugging at your hair. Though it’s been years since he lived in Wayne Manor, and even longer since he studied under Bruce, the lessons he learned have never left him. Including this form of aggravating, diplomatic speech where his answers gave no answers at all.
“Whatever,” you sigh under your breath, crossing your legs and tilting your body back to your drink.
Jason scoffs, “whatever? Really?”
“Yes, really!” You’re grateful that the mix of conversations and the drone of 90s rock are loud enough to cover up your rising voice. “I just wanted to get out of the house for once and you’re being mean.”
“I’m being mean?” There’s a cruel smirk on his lips. “The only reason I’m here is because of you, so that you wouldn’t have to be alone.”
“I never asked for that.”
Your heart races painfully in your chest. You’ve never liked arguing, especially not in public when the both of you have been drinking and especially not when Jason is already chafing under the expectations of others. It’s a nightmarish combination that leaves electricity sizzling in the air and everyone in the room on edge.
He chugs the rest of his beer, not even bothering to wipe away the tiny bit of white foam that catches on the shadow above his upper lip. “Fine then,” he grumbles, and tosses a fifty onto the counter. “I’ll see you.”
He leaves no room for protest, already barreling his way through the tables. By the time you’ve even processed what just happened, he’s already at the door, back muscles tensing beneath brown leather as he yanks it open hard enough to shake the hinges.
You wait until you hear the familiar rev of his motorcycle before ordering another round.
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It’s late by the time you decide to pay your tab and head home. Your phone has long since been dead weight in your pocket, but even if it weren’t, you wouldn’t have bothered to check it. There was a part of you that hoped Jason would come back, that he would apologize, but that part is about as dead as your phone is.
It’s brisk outside now, and cold rain sprinkles from above. The dark rain clouds block out the moon, dim flickering street lights the only light you can see. You take a long, deep breath that clouds the air as you release it, rubbing your freezing forearms. Home is just around the corner, but that’s still an eight minute walk. Minimum.
A groan slips past your lips as you lean against the outside of the building, peering into the dark streets for any sign of a cab. A rock skids across the ground to your left and you snap your head in the direction it came from.
A man saunters towards you, his body encased in shadows. “Need a ride?”
A shiver rises up your spine. You shuffle further to your right, trying to put more distance between you and the stranger. 
He doesn’t take the hint. He moves closer, purposefully slamming his boots harder into the ground to get your attention. “I said,” he repeats, “do you need a ride?”
“No,” you swallow hard, adding a quick, “thank you.”
You don’t know this man, but you despise him. You despise his imposition, the southern twang of his voice, the fact you’re instinctually polite to him so that you don’t risk pissing him off.
Despite your plea, he keeps coming towards you. “I reckon you do.”
The alarm bells in your head start to shriek. You shove off of the wall, stumbling only slightly before you regain your balance and take off down the sidewalk. It’s dark and though you can no longer see him when you glance over your shoulder, you can hear the pounding of his boots on the pavement behind you.
And then his cold, clammy hands lock around your wrist and tug you hard. You strain against his grasp, using your entire body weight to get away, to go anywhere but here.
He’s so close you can smell the alcohol on his breath, feel the warmth of his body. Not warm the way Jason is, but warm the way a fire you shouldn’t go near is. You cry out desperately. The bar is still within sight, someone has to come out, someone has to see.
“Why not just let me show you a good time?” He says, “I’m a really nice guy if you give me a chance.”
You drive your elbow into his arm and his grip loosens enough for you to tug away. You rip your wrist from his grasp, but as you do, you lose your balance and crash onto the dirty, wet Gotham pavement. With how cold you are and the adrenaline your heart is furiously pumping through your body, you barely feel the impact.
You can’t see the expression on his face as you drag yourself across the pavement, but you hear a low chuckle. You imagine it’s similar to that of a wolf zeroing in on its prey.
And then, a booming voice cuts through the darkness. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Jason sounds pissed, but it's maybe the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard. The most beautiful string of words in the English language.
The man spins on his heels away from you just in time to catch a harsh uppercut to the face. A loud crack reverberates through the buildings, and he goes down like a sack of potatoes on the concrete next to you.
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You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, looking up at Jason through your lashes. “You’re—how?”
“Oh, baby. Baby, baby,” he sighs, dropping to his knees on the pavement next to you. His new jeans are probably ruined from touching the ground—as are yours—but that seems to be the least of his concerns right now.
He cradles your head in his lap, his hands trailing up your damp, aching skin for any sign of injury. You shiver, closing your eyes and letting Jason hold you. The adrenaline flooding your veins has not yet diluted, and the calloused warmth from Jason’s hands is the only thing keeping you from floating away.
“I didn’t leave, baby, would never leave you. I was waiting around back when I heard you and,” he sighs, “I’m so sorry.”
His words are faint, so faint, and more gentle than you’ve ever heard him speak. Though he clutches you tightly to him, the feeling registers as barely a whisper. And then you’re on your feet, propped up against his side as he helps you back to where he propped his bike.
Your mind is somewhere else now. You’d have completely forgotten about your own body if it weren’t for the frantic, rhythmic shove of Jason’s heart against his ribcage with every step you take.
You’re not sure how you got back to your apartment, but you’re sure it was through no small effort on Jason’s part. Your waist is warm from where his hand rests—he’s refused to let you go for even a moment since he saw you on that pavement. 
You shiver violently even after you return to the warmth of your home. Jason had wrapped you in his jacket but even that did little to stop the shaking. 
He cups your face, a soft intensity in his eyes. “Let’s get you warmed up, hm?”
You barely react to his touch, or to his words. It doesn’t take a genius to know you’re in shock—Jason’s seen it more than enough times in his lifetime to recognize it at a glance. 
The shivering, that faraway and glassy look in your eyes, the way your lips move as if they’ll form words but no sound comes out. Your pupils themselves have almost doubled in size from the adrenaline coursing through your system. 
He’d take the crowbar a thousand damn times if it meant he would never have to see you like this. He would give away all that he has, and all that he is, to never subject you to this kind of pain.
“I’ll be right back,” he says, and starts towards the dark hallway leading to your bedroom and bathroom.
You let out a choked gasp—the most sound you’ve managed since earlier—and Jason whips around. Blue eyes snap to yours, looking more like broken glass through the tears catching on your own lashes. 
Don’t leave, you want to say. Not even for a minute, not even for a second. But your words fail you, and all you have to fall back on is a gasp of air and the tears in your eyes.
Jason understands, though. “Let’s go together, then.”
He grabs one of your hands in his, and holds your waist with the other. You walk like that down the hall, Jason holding you tight and guiding you to your bathroom. He helps you settle down on the toilet seat while he runs a hot bath.
Jason has you sit on the side of the bathtub, only your bare feet resting in the warm water. He sits with you, his legs on either side of your own and his arms around your waist. Already, the shaking has subsided and your eyes have started to clear. Relief floods his system, wiping away the guilt that’s been bubbling in his stomach.
He waits a few minutes, before saying, “let’s get you out of those clothes and into the bath.”
It’s posed more like a question, his fingers tracing inquisitive circles on your hip. He’s asking, you realize, if it would be okay for him to help you undress. If you’re comfortable being naked in front of him right now. The kindness of the gesture has your shoulders dropping from your ears.
“Y-yeah,” you manage.
Jason keeps his touch firm, steady, while he peels your dirty shirt over your head. He has you raise your feet above the water so he can help you with your pants and underwear, discarding your clothes in a pile on the tiled floor. 
He squeezes your shoulders reassuringly when he sees you hesitate at the side of the bathtub before finally stepping in and letting your aching body settle in the warm water. 
It’s an immediate relief. The chill your skin has taken on, the ice running through your blood, starts to defrost. 
Jason watches you relax into the warm porcelain, your impossibly tense muscles finally loosening. “Feeling any better?” He asks quietly.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble quietly.
He grabs a washcloth from the drawer beneath the counter. “Hey, none of that.”
“I just,” you take a deep, shaking breath, “if we had never gone out tonight, none of this would have happened and you wouldn’t have had to help me and—”
Jason splashes warm water over your head. “None of that,” he repeats. “I don’t want to hear any of that.”
“Nothing that happened tonight was any fault of yours.” He brushes the wet washcloth across your face, wiping away stray tears. “You did nothing wrong. I should never have left you, plain and simple.”
“It’s not your fault either, Jay.”
He strokes the washcloth over your forehead. “I’m supposed to protect you, hun. I didn’t do a very good job of it tonight.”
“Get in here with me?” You clutch his forearm.
He chuckles. It’s been a very, very long time since Jason Todd could comfortably fit in a normal sized bathtub, but for you, he’d do anything. He’s  gentle climbing in the bath behind you, propping his legs around the outside of yours so you can comfortably lay back on him.
It’s a cramped fit, it couldn’t possibly be comfortable for anyone—but Jason sucks it up for your sake. Despite the ways his knees ache from the angle he keeps his legs, it all feels worth it when you lay your head on his chest.
“Thank you for being here,” you say quietly.
He plants a gentle kiss on the top of your head. “For you? Anything.”
And you know he means it.
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Masterlist | DC Masterlist
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skteezcursed · 7 months
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❝0200❞ — s.mg
PAIRING. song mingi x afab!reader.
GENDER&WARNINGS. smut. idol! au. masturbation (both receiving). pet name (baby boy, pretty). cream pie (kinda?). unprotected sex (please don't). established relationship. a little bit of fluff. clothed sex.
SYNOPSIS. mingi had a long and hard day, so when he sees you in nothing but his oversized shirt on, he gets a little needy.
NOTES. english is not my first language. this is all @yukichan67 fault, 02am hard thoughts on mingi leaded to this so, hope you like it. bye ♡.
IMPORTANT. this is a work of fiction, it has zero intent on portraing how any of the people quoted here are in real life.
CREDS. dividers by cafekitsune ♡
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                He didn’t want to head back to the dorms, his day was long enough, he needed some alone time, preferably with you, so when he arrived at your place finding you in the kitchen with your legs bare and his oversized shirt covering only the upper part of your thighs, his tiredness soon vanished as his steps lead to you cleaning the kitchen counter, your eyes quickly went to him and a small smile appeared as he stood behind you locking his arms around your waist and burring his head against your neck.
                You knew his day was full, he had mentioned a few times through texts, so you wanted his night to be good, you wanted him to relax, so you prepared everything as such. A smirk appearing on your lips as you felt his hard form against your back, the outline of his chest and abs, finally, feeling his clothed cock already poking your ass covered by nothing other than his shirt.
                “Hey baby boy, feeling better?”
                He hummed against the skin of your neck, his hands wandering around your body, his left hand finding your braless clothed breasts as his right took time caressing the skin of your thigh, the trail his fingertips burning your skin, bringing the fire right through your already wet heat, you spread your legs wider as his fingers started to go on your inner thigh, anticipation already taking the best of you as you moved your ass against his bulge hearing him whine against your neck, open mouth kisses being left there as he bit on your sweet spot making you gasp.
                You felt your smile grow wider as his finger went up your thigh, feeling the cold tips finding your throbbing clit making you moan as his face detached from your neck, his fingers gently rubbing your clit before wandering lower in between your folds, teasing your dripping entrance as his left hand grab your neck pulling it back making you arch your back and lift your ankles, a smirk present as you felt his middle finger enter into your core just enough to make you mad.
                “No panties, hun? You wanna drive me mad?”
                “I just wanted to make something for you, to help you feel good after a hard day,” his middle finger fully entered your core making you gasp, his left hand wrapping around your neck and jaw, allowing him to kiss the whole right side, you felt his teeth and tongue burn on your skin, you know he’ll start leaving marks all over. “Aren’t my baby boy happy?” He groan as he entered you with another finger, his palm pressing against your clit while his fingers worked their way inside you, curling from time to time, making you slowly loose your mind. “Talk to me, isn’t my baby boy happy? What can I do to make his day better?”
                Your left hand helped you balance as your right went to your back, fingers gracing on Mingi’s abs as you heard him groan behind you, your hands going lower until it reached the waist band of his sweats, your fingers quickly found his hot leaking cock, fingers nimbly taking the precum to start stroking his length as his fingers nimbly curled and caressed your gummy walls, you could feel your whole body getting hotter as your legs started tremble for the position Mingi put you in.
                “You so dirty, waiting for me like this, in my shirt and no panties at all,” his fingers left your core and started to rub your clit vigorously as you squirmed against him, squeezing his cock from time to time trying to keep the pace as you heard his rapid breath against your ear, “good God (y/n) you are so perfect, fuck-”
                “Mingi, Min please,” you felt his fingers firm on your jaw as he took turns into fingering you and playing with your clit, you knew you wouldn’t last long, you squeezed Mingi’s fingers as the curled inside of you. “Mingi, fuck- please, please don’t stop, fuc-fuck please!”
                “So pretty like this, I’ll fuck you so nicely on top of this counter.”
                “Please Min, I need your cock, please!”
                You were on the break of tears as you felt his fingers leave you, but his arms wrap around your throat on a chokehold, your eyes rolled to the back of your head even if you clenched around nothing as you noticed Mingi’s movements take his sweats down, pulling your hand away, making you hold the counter with both hands as he tapped your hip so you would tilt it higher, moaning as you felt the tip of his dick in your entrance.
                “You gonna take so good, aren’t you pretty?” You nodded feeling the head on your entrance, his right hand squeezing your ass cheek as his arm tightened around your throat, you could cum at just that. “Words pretty, I need to hear how well you’ll take my cock, although we both know you always do, always so good to me,” he bit the base of your neck making you move, moving your own hips trying to get him inside of you.
                “Mingi please, stop teasing.”
                “Anything for you, my love.”
                At that his full length was inside of you, he didn’t even give you time to adjust as he kept thrusting, his grip on your throat along with the harsh thrusts made you see starts and a small screamed moan left your throat, as his fingers found your clit again you tried to get away of the overstimulation, but he forced your body against the counter and his finger pressed random circles around your swollen and sensitive bud.
                “Min-fuck, too much, so big, fu-fuck-”
                “You take me so well, this cunt is so fucking goo-fuck stop clenching so much, fuck! So fucking good, such a pretty cunt, made just for me.”
                “Just for you Min, all just for you,” the hold of his arm loosen up and you feel his finger hold your jaw, turning your face to him, glossy eyes started back at you, not different from how yours were. His fingers left your clit to lift your right leg in to counter, the new position made you scream at how it was hitting your cervix, “Mingi, fuck, please it’s so good, so fucking good please don’t stop.”
                The grin he sent your way almost made you cum on the spot, but he pulled your face back to him, sloppy messy and wet kiss as his thrust became erratic, he wouldn’t last long. Your left leg started to shake making Mingi hold your waist with his left arm, right hand found your clit again, small circular movements, tortuously slow compared to how his thrusts were.
                “Cum for me pretty, cum all over my cock, let me stuff you full,” you cried and felt your body give out as the heat wave hit you, legs trembled but Mingi did not let go, instead, he let your body fall on the cold counter, a contrast to how hot your skin was, but it was still welcomed as he started to thrust viciously, both his hands holding your waist and hip, you could feel the second orgasm build in, your hands quickly found swollen bud, act noticed by Mingi who chuckled, his voice was hoarse as he spoke again. “C’mon pretty, play with yourself, just like that, you taking me so well.”
                It didn’t take long as you felt the common warmth at the pit of your stomach, legs trembling again as your movements started to fail you, Mingi’s thrust even sloppier then before, both panting uncontrollably as he finally stopped, buried deep inside of you and you felt his seed slip inside of you. Your fingers lazily playing with your clit as you got out of your high. Mingi’s left arm quickly steadying you as he pulled out, making you groan at both the emptiness and how sore you were from the overstimulation, his right hand carefully taking your right leg from the counter as he turned you, facing each other, fucked out faces making you both giggle before he pulled you in for a tender kiss.
                “We should wash up.”
                “How about round two, baby boy?”
                You couldn’t hold a laugh at Mingi’s arched eyebrows, feeling his soft cock twitch and star to get hard again. You knew him well enough to know what to expect.
                “You think you okay for that, pretty?”
                “Haven’t you’ve been working out so you’d carry me and fuck me to the wall?”
                You bashed your eyelashes and chuckled as you noticed his shy smile creep in.
                “Who snitched?”
                “You boys are not the most quiet people, and you speak really loudly while on the phone,” your arms crossed around his neck, your fingers playing with his hair as he hid his red cheeks on the crock of your neck. “C’mon baby boy, let’s wash up and head to sleep.”
              “Whatever you want pretty,” he kissed you one last time, hands under his shirt caressing the heated skin underneath, his touch not helping one bit at that, neither did his cum running down your thighs, “shall we go now?”
                The small smirk on your lips was answer enough for Mingi to lower himself enough to hold your thighs pulling them up as so you could wrap them around him, you could already feel his half-hard dick touching slightly your sensitive bud, moaning against his lips as he started to take his pants off, hands firmly on your ass, before he put you down on the counter, his cum dripping from your cunt not seeming to be a problem, especially not when part of it was already on his almost fully hard dick, making your mouth water as he finished taking his clothes off.
                “Eyes up here, pretty,” you could hear him talk all day with that husky voice, but you still obliged, meeting his hungry gaze on you, “now shirt off, you can suck me off later, now I need you against the bathroom wall.”
                His shirt quickly found his other pieces of clothing as you spread your legs, his eyes wandering to your throbbing clit and the messy spot you left on the counter, making him rethink for a second and postpone fucking you against the wall. Your legs quickly pulled him close, lips crashing as you tangled your legs and arms to his body, left arm holding your waist as his right hand firmly held your left tight before finding your ass, one finger quick to find your entrance again, playing with it as he led you both to the master bathroom.
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general masterlist here ♡
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network: @cultofdionysusnet ♡
©skteezcursed (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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twiixr4kidz · 10 months
Hey I hear you do Ramona's Evil Exes x Reader so I have a Request I don't know if anyone ask this but the Evil Exes Reaction to their S/o wearing their clothes I got this idea from a boyfriend scenario on Wattpad and I thought it might be cute🥰
sorry it took so long to get to this :( i went on a hiatus and got caught up with a lot of asks so i'm finally getting around to finishing them all. hope this was worth the wait!!
matthew patel:
okay, we know mattie.
he's obsessed with literally everything you do and this is no different
when he sees you in his clothes, he MELTS
literally merges with the floor
"hey babe....... you uh, you look really, uh, you-"
he cannot get a proper sentence out of his mouth but just know he's going to be thinking about this FOREVER
lucas lee:
tch, whatever
just kidding HELLO O___O
at first he wasn't paying attention, but now.......
he's a pretty big guy so his clothes probably hang off of you
he acts very nonchalant about it but even the coolest skater boys have their weaknesses
this is his
he gets so handsy you're going to have to reprimand him
todd ingram:
this motherfucker gets so flustered
literally makes eye contact with you and he's STUNNED
"i see you went through my closet, huh?"
he will not stop staring at you
literally boring holes through your body because oh my GOD you look incredible
he's going insane
roxie richter:
"god DAMN!!!!!"
insert whistling noise
she will not stop complimenting you
insists that you keep whatever you're wearing because "it looks SOOOO much better on you!!!!!!"
also gets very handsy with you
in simplest terms, she's feeling you up
you're way too hot to keep her hands off of
you're a magnet and she's a bag of nails :3
kyle katayanagi:
"woah, hello there"
he's in deep thought
deep, DEEP thought
he's going to tease the shit out of you for this
but don't mistake that as him not enjoying it
he's eating it UP
ken katayanagi:
he doesn't say anything immediately
like he takes notice, but he's silent
sort of just smirks to himself
if you want any sort of reaction, you're going to have to point it out
"notice anything different?" "of course i did hun, you know i'm very attentive"
okay now that you've pointed it out, he's going to be annoying about it
constant teasing, "looks like somebody missed me"
gideon graves:
it takes a little for him to notice
"oh, nice shirt," he says, completely unaware of the fact that it's his shirt
actually it's the smell that makes him realize LMFAO
he wears a very specific cologne and when you walk by smelling like it, he's like "OH HELLO????"
slides over in his silly little desk chair, wraps his arms around your waist, and buries his face in your side
"never stop doing that" he mumbles
god he's so CUTE I LOVE HIM
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cheeseceli · 3 months
When they have a crush
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Pairing: ot7 BTS × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: headcanon, fluff
Request: types of dumb or random things bts members will do while they are crushing on someone and wants their attention?
Warnings: mentions of food at jin's
A/n: I feel like I'm getting better at making the layout of these posts :)
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‌This man ain't even trying to bring out his boyfriend material
‌He's going for the husband material
‌Cooks for you quite a lot
‌Always bringing you some lunch or just a few baked goodies (and never allowing the boys to eat it beforehand)
‌Runs errands with you because he "has nothing better to do" when in reality he's just desperate to be with you for a while
‌He even has "cleaning dates" with you😭
‌I see him to be a huge fan of domesticity ngl
‌So if there's anything he can do to bring out this side in your relationship, even if you're only on the friendship stage yet, you can bet that's what he's gonna do
‌And he 100% expects your friends to make the "you seem like an old married couple" jokes because !!
‌That's precisely his goal!!
‌Once he gets to know your family, he even wants your family to be expecting the day you'll both start to date
‌Jin is just the definition of husband material and he knows it, that's how he tries to make you look at him
‌Stick to the end and hear me out
‌I know how that sounds but I promise you it makes sense😭
‌Yoongi is the typa guy to be effortlessly (and questionably) funny
‌Like that one time the staff said "whoever has the ball wins" and he replied with "then we are all winners"
‌However !
‌He keeps on doing those jokes like he'd always do
‌But now he unconsciously looks at your direction
‌Would you laugh? Would you find it weird? Did you even pay attention?
‌If, after developing this crush of him, he notices that you actually laugh at his jokes
‌You can be sure he'll do them a lot
‌But it's so subtle you don't even notice he's doing it to make you laugh/have your attention
‌However, he does pay attention to you quite a lot so he can always be the first one to notice your smile growing
‌Endless excuses to see you
‌He will purposely "forget" his things at your place just so he can go back there (and forget some more things)
‌It's an infinite cycle
‌Sometimes he will accidentally leave his sweatshirts with you
‌And then he'll be like "could you give it back to me? We can go to that restaurant I was telling you about and then you can give it to me"
‌But then he will tell you that the night is cold so it's okay if you want to wear his sweatshirt while you're both out
‌And then he also forgets to take it back
‌Wow who would ever imagine this could happen
‌So now you both need to see each other again because he really wants that sweatshirt
‌Bro is still trying to grow the courage to properly ask you out
‌So even if you do catch up on his small antics, please engage on it
‌He just needs a little bit of impulse 😭
‌Whenever he wants your attention, he starts to talk
‌And with that I mean he TALKS
‌Won't shut up for a second
‌And he won't even make sense, bro is talking about the dumbest and more random things you could ever imagine
‌ "I wouldn't want to live in mars, it sounds depressing. Neptune sounds cool though, don't you think?"
‌Like?? How do you want me to answer to that hun😭
‌But it's kinda sweet because he becomes a professional yapper to gain your attention, but once he gets it he let's you do all the talking
‌He didn't really want to talk, he just wanted you to be there with him
‌So you can talk all you want, he will pay attention to every single word with a little smile on his face
‌Deadass stares at you
‌Not in a creepy way tho, just in a "please look at me I really want your attention right now"
‌And will keep on staring at you until you give in
‌Heavy on physical touch as well
‌At this stage of your relationship, everything is friendly of course
‌Because he is scared of letting you know he's in love with you💀 even if that's pretty much the whole point
‌He still craves a lot of your touch
‌Hugs all the time, holds and plays with your hand, the same goes to your hair...
‌Sometimes you can't even go somewhere without him following you like a shadow
‌Trust me, if he wants your attention he will find a way to have it
‌He will ask for it
‌Like, literally
‌I see him as a very straightforward person so he'll just be like "y/n pay attention to me"
‌Multiple times, until you actually do stop whatever you were doing and look at him
‌And his reaction will be like 😄
‌I see him doing this slightly more subtly when he's trying to get your attention from someone else
‌If he feels you're talking to Jin, for example, for a very long while now, he won't hesitate on sitting next to you
‌And kinda throwing himself on top of you
‌lmao scratch what I said, that's not subtle at all
‌But at least he doesn't say what he wants from you out loud ig
‌You think this man is competitive?
‌That's because you haven't seen him trying to impress you
‌Are you watching the dance practice? You can bet that Jungkook is giving 3 times his all
‌Are you watching the recording? Bro becomes Mariah Carey in two seconds
‌The boys' biggest fear is when they are playing basketball or something like that and you're watching it
‌They KNOW they are going to lose
‌It can be a 6×1, nothing is stopping him from impressing you like that
‌But if you're the one playing against him? He's probably gonna win the match no matter what, but he's going to be extremely soft at least!
‌Please do compliment him on how he was, he needs to know it was worth it😭
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you're rejected by your crush
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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