#(I’m getting better! it’s just repetition! big fan of repetitive movement)
Have to skip flamenco classes tomorrow. Overestimated just how much my hips and knee could take doing the Fight Club yesterday and am now In Pain
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skittlespizza · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
Anyone who writes, feel free to consider yourself tagged!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
104 works
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
225,304 words! I write a lot of short oneshots…
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Roll with It, Pathologic and Team Fortress 2
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The One Road that Leads me Home - queerplatonic Gepard/Sampo
I've Fallen in Love (and it's better this time) - Blackbeard/Stede fic.
Play Destroy - Ted/Am crackfic
a log of rebellion, bug, paranoia - Spy & Scout fic
Je t'aime tellement fort; Toi qui me fais si peur. - Spy/Sniper oneshot
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try really goddamn hard to! I’m not good at it though…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
City of Mud - Clara gets a really sad ending in this one…
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings! Save me (I am swallowed by the guilt of this) is probably the happiest ending I’ve written for Clara.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yep! JRWI fans do not like gore!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mostly wrote smut for the TF2 fandom– I prefer f/f smut but I’ve written more m/m smut because of the nature of tf2. None of it is normal vanilla really by the way… I guess my current surgery/gore fics could be smut if you weren’t a coward.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Uh, HLVRAI and Lain!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! It was one of my Pathologic ones. Due to Pathologic being a russian fandom, I’m sure a few of my fics have been translated without my consent which like, whatever, but I know for sure one has been…
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope… I don’t think I’d like to either.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Anna/Lara have my heart but I also really enjoy Falin/Marcille, Arthur/Viv, Kianbecky and Fizzfangs. I also like Sniperspy but my love of it has died down with the TF2 fixation sort of ending as it did.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The sequel to City of Mud… it meant to be a trilogy focused on each healer, I only got the prologue (Clara’s) done and until the Pathologic fixation hits me like a truck, don’t expect a sequel. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
Gore! Writing gross things and well- as weird as this sounds, smut. Writing smut genuinely improves your writing because you need to think outside of the box to write it and so it’s not bland and boring…
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and movement really… I try not to be repetitive about the way characters move but it’s difficult to not be when it’s so fucking difficult to explain the ways that someone picked up a cup or something. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I can speak some decent French, so when I wrote for TF2 I had Spy speak some French! Other than that, I try not to use other languages though I do use some of the fictional Pathologic Language called the Steppe Language. Most Patho fans know some of it (kheerkhen, bayaarla, aba, amaa tat, tiimel daa) so it’s not a big deal and canon compliant lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hmmm, I’d say it was probably Undertale? I didn’t post much for Undertale but I did start fanfic writing with- good god- Hamilton. On Hamilton Amino specifically- jesus christ- but then I got into Mystic Messenger and then Danganronpa and well… I got pretty popular in the DSMP fic writing community and even hosted a pretty big event called (fucking hell) Wholesome Week where it was kinda just a nice week of cute prompts.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
100% it’s the collab fic with koiisure and dawnlotus for the jrwi big bang, one more soul to the call! For me the use of art just makes it… so goddamn good. Also it’s about Rachel, Dickman and Becky- my favorite characters in BITB tbh! 
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robin-buck1ey · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for autistic Robin?
Yes I do! So fun fact about me first, I’m also autistic, and got my professional diagnosis 4 days before vol 1 came out!! So I was super duper excited to see Robins autistic traits since she was already a favorite of mine (And now ronance is a special interest and hyper fixation so these are implied ronance )
-Part of the reason she loves learning new languages, besides them being a special interest for her, is that she gets to vocal stim on words by repeating them or stretching out certain bits and if anyone questions she can just play it off as practice
-When Robin masks she is much more sarcastic which is why we see her relationship change with Steve in s3 to s4 because they grow much closer and Robin feels safer to be her true self
-Nancy at first didn’t understand why Robin was so uncomfortable in her clothes, but later on she starts to see Robin react to different textures and realizes that Robin is just more sensitive to them and never again forces Robin to wear anything she isn’t comfortable in
-Robin has a big fear of driving since it can easily become overwhelming and doesn’t trust her coordination but Steve and Nancy both understand and are happy to give her rides
-She takes Nancy with her late at night to go sit on the swings at the park, because she loves no one really being out, no one to judge her, Nancy being her favorite person to be around, and they talk about whatever for however long, while also getting that sensory input from the moving swings. She does similar with Steve but instead his pool, she doesn’t ever want to force Nancy to go in the pool so swings are better.
-Robin is a big pasta and overall carb lover. Nancy knows this too. Whenever they go out to eat Robin always orders the same thing, and whenever Robin hasn’t eaten or is sick Nancy knows just what to make for her :)
-Robin isn’t a big fan of meat, she’ll eat it, but she’s picky about what type of meat and she never has much desire to eat it
-Robin likes to organize the movies at Family video, Steve never complains because it’s less work for him to do, and for some reason he can’t figure out, Robin loves doing it
-Steve and Nancy are the ultimate Robin protectors. They love Robin whole heartedly and won’t allow anyone to make Robin feel like she’s worth any less than she is to them
-Robin is normally very touchy and she’s very picky about who she will be touchy with. However when she’s comfortable with someone’s touch she enjoys cuddles and hugs because of the pressure stimulation
-Robin always doodles on stuff whenever she’s trying to be quite or needs some sort of stim to channel her energy into (Nancy let’s robin doodle on her, Steve doesn’t trust Robin not to draw something immature)
-Robin bites and picks at her nails as a stim but it sometimes becomes harmful so whenever Nancy notices Robin doing so she holds her hand to stop her, and rubs her thumb on Robin’s hand for a little before stopping so Robin can do it instead, since Nancy noticed that repetitive movements bring her at ease
-Crazy good memory when it comes to facts or random little details, but not so great when it comes down to a task she’s supposed to remember, like getting something out of the toaster or a direction someone gave her earlier
I’m gonna have to stop myself here otherwise I’ll be going on and on, who knows maybe someone will want more and I’ll make a second post :)
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emmymaehereeeeee · 2 years
Okay, but cuddling with Elvis after a bad day (on your end) and it turns into him gently fucking you while telling you how much he loves you- I'm w e a k 🥰
“What’s wrong little lady, hey- hey, no don’t you turn your head and look at me.”
You turned to face your husband, “Nothing- I’m fine.” But in fact, you were not fine, you had made the mistake of going out shopping by yourself, and with being married to a worldwide famous musician, you are bound to get some backlash. You were met with harassment from women and girls, telling you that you were “a no-good whore who doesn’t deserve Elvis” you tried to let the words not hurt you but they did. 
“Darlin’ please, tell me what’s going on?” Elvis pleaded with you, you looked up at him, “People are saying that- that-“ He pulled you closer to his chest.
“Darlin’ you are my everything, you know that? I love you so so much.” He said placing soft kisses from your forehead down to your sternum, looking up at you, “This alright with you?”
“Yes, please.” You said, moving your hands down to his belt. He glanced up at you, a small smirk, intentions clear on his face. 
Slowly the two of you rid each other of your clothes, your mind soon forgetting the hateful comments and words from his so-called fans.
“You’re so gorgeous, love you so much.” Elvis said, thrusting in and out of your pussy, you held on to his shoulders, “Elvis, Elvis..” You looked into his icy blue eyes, forgetting everything about the day, all that mattered was here and now, and his name became a chant falling from your lips. 
“Yeah, keep saying my name, that’s right, you’re mine, such a pretty little thing.” He lowered his head to the crook of your neck, sucking lightly, you elicited a moan. The worst day of your life was all better. 
Usually, Elvis was fast-paced, but today he didn’t want to rush through this, he wanted to make sure that you knew how much he loved and appreciated you. The repetitive movements of his voice slipping in and out of you built up a fire in your lower abdomen, burning incessantly, a yearning, a strong desire. You felt yourself come undone, your vision was soon specks of color, and you felt him pull out, a tinge of sadness at the loss of contact soon met with the feeling of his hot cum across your stomach and your breasts. 
“Lord, I- honey.” Elvis was trying to form a sentence but you can tell that he was just as out of breath as you were. “Hang on sugar, let- lemme get you a towel, wipe you off.”  He said, still laying down.
You turned your head to face him, smiling with pure adoration, how did you get so lucky? He is handsome, kind, musically gifted, great in bed 😏, and an overall amazing person. You broke the silence of your thoughts, “Hey, hon, can I get that towel?”  You said softly.
“Yeah- yeah, I’m getting.” He fumbled with the covers before tossing them aside and walking to the bathroom, “Hey mama?” He said, poking his raven black head of hair out of the doorway, you hummed in response, “You want me to run you a hot bath, I got all the stuff for you?” He said a big smile on his face, you nodded, moving to get out of bed, and he hurried towards you, towel in hand.  “Uh-Uh, you stay here, ima wipe you down, and then I’ll help you into the bath, you got that?” He said, a stern yet playful look in his eyes.
“Thank you, Elvis, I couldn’t ask for a better person to spend my entire life with.” You said.
🍁 anon thank you so much for always filling my ask box with these amazing asks!!
💜Emmy Mae
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Possibilities [Tom Hiddleston x Reader]
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Title: Possibilities Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Female!Reader Word count: 3k Published: 6 July 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Warnings: Mention of food and alcohol Summary: Tom and you have been friends for a long time and because of that same reason you value your friendship more than to ruin it with some silly feelings. But the event you attend together offers you some surprises that might change your relationship forever.
Tom Hiddleston and Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Real People Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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Events, galas, award ceremonies. You weren't a popular actress nor a famous singer, or social media influencer. You had a simple 9-5 job that would hardly ever get you into these events. But regardless of your status in society, you were known and not because of any talent you possessed that could have made you famous, but because your best friend was none-other than Tom Hiddleston.
You have been friends for years, you adored everything about the man. He was sweet and kind, always polite, but just as playful. It was a friendship you felt lucky to be in, a friendship that you held so close to your heart, it would have broken every little piece of you if it ever ended. Often, you found yourself staring at him with a little smile in the corner of your lips, watching his every move, the way he joked around with his co-stars on set, the way he exercised in the gym for a role, the way he winked at you with a mischievous smile as he caught your eyes on him.
"Do you need my autograph?" he asked with a wide grin as he opened the door of the luxurious car he booked for the event. Once again you have forgotten your eyes on him— his dashing looks, the perfectly fitted suit, the playful twinkle in his eyes. He never stopped teasing you about it.
"Shove off, Tom," you nudged him as he got out of the car and held out a hand for you, waiting for you to accept his help. So, you did. Wrapping your fingers around his hand, you let him help you out of the vehicle as you rearranged your stunning dress and ran your hand down its length to remove any creasing. Cameras were flashing, reporters' loud voices filled the pathway to the entrance, a long red carpet leading your way inside the building towering over you like a modern castle.
"If I didn't know better, I would think your interest in me goes beyond friendship," he chuckled as he held his arm out to you, waiting for yours to be placed over his, his eyes following every little movement of yours. A sudden rush of heat travelled up to your cheeks, your breathing slightly laboured as you tried to calm your heavily beating heart. He was not wrong after all. It's been years since you have been harbouring these feelings, but you hadn't had the heart to confess them. Tom was more important to you than to ruin it over some silly feelings.
Sometimes, when you caught Tom's eyes on you, watching you intently, a soft smile spread across his face, it made you think if maybe, just maybe he was harbouring similar feelings towards you. But the idea was quickly swept away by your doubts, the thought of such an amazing man falling for you seeming impossible. You knew your worth, you didn't write yourself down, but Tom has always been perfect in your eyes, and you couldn't imagine him wanting you even if at times a certain silly part of your brain whispered otherwise.
"I love your healthy self-confidence," you finally gathered your ability to be able to reply, earning a comical huff from him. You have been trying hard, to deny your romantic interest in him, but rumours about the two of you have become a reoccurring news and it didn't help your case to shove your feelings in the back of your mind.
"Ready?" He asked as his gaze turned towards the red carpet. Heaving a heavy sigh, you nodded and murmured a 'yes' as a response.
As soon as the cameras started flashing, hundreds of photos of Tom and you being taken, you conjured a sweet little smile that the tabloids loved. You were always nervous when it came to these events. It was Tom's job to answer some of the questions journalists asked of him, which meant they were to ask about your relationship. It was becoming repetitive, making you feel uncomfortable. The questions themselves didn't bother you but repeating over and over again that the man you have fallen for is merely a friend, felt like a stab in your heart, each time you responded.
"Tom! Tom!" One of the reporters shouted his name and he led you to the side of the red carpet, halting right beside the metal cordons. Questions were flying around, photos had been taken, but you didn't concentrate. Your senses were heightened as Tom pulled you in his side, his arm now wrapped around your waist, gently, but firmly holding onto you. Looking up at him, you studied his face, his ice-blue eyes focusing on the reporter, an excited smile across his face. He seemed so relaxed, so collected, meanwhile even events after events you were still nervous. As though he could feel it, he turned to you with a soft, reassuring smile, giving you a nod, silently asking if you were alright. For others, the movement could have easily been missed, but to you, it was like an earthquake, shaking your heart, making you fall even deeper for him. In a reply, you nodded and offered him a smile as you squeezed his hand that rested on your waist.
"So, Tom, this might be a bit more personal, but everyone has been talking about the two of you," he started, and your eyes immediately darted towards the man. You knew the question, heard it a thousand times already, so you prepared your heart to give the same reply as always. 'We are just friends,' you repeated time after time, hoping they would finally understand and let you be, but they didn't seem to budge. "You have been friends for a long time, and your fans have been talking about how close the two of you have become. Do you think, maybe in the future, there's a possibility for romance to blossom?" He asked with an expectant expression, a sly smile in the corner of his lips.
"As we have said before," you spoke up, ready to reply as you always did, "we—"
"You never know what the future holds for you, there are many possibilities" Tom cut in with a mischievous smile, your eyes growing wide as you looked up at him. Tom chuckled at your expression as he leaned down and kissed the top of your head. "Tell me I'm wrong," he arched a brow questioningly, his words starting your heart off at a faster pace, your cheeks feeling warmer under his intent gaze, those blue eyes you often found yourself lost in.
"Well—, I mean I can't argue with that statement," you replied, feeling slightly awkward. A confused smile started growing wider on your face as Tom led you away. "Why did you do that?" You asked as you finally stepped inside the building, his arm still resting around your waist as you headed towards a large room filled with all sorts of foods and drinks, people dancing in the middle, the dim lightning offering a rather intimate mood. "You just created even more gossip," you scolded him, but seemingly he didn't mind. He led you to a table where his name was printed on a nametag and pulled the chair out for you before he took his seat beside you.
"I didn't say anything," he smiled at you as innocently as he could manage, the corner of his eyes crinkling.
"You did. Exactly because you were so secretive, people will want to read between the lines. They will think there's more to us than friendship," you huffed as you hid your face in your palm and heaved a heavy sigh.
"And is that so bad?" He frowned, earning the same expression from you.
"What?" A silent scoff left your lungs. "What are you trying to say?"
"Is that such a big problem if people think we are together?" He asked, his confident tone stunning you.
"Of course, not. I don't care what rumours are being spread about me, but I don't want them to gossip about you," you reached for his hand on the table and wrapped your fingers around it, giving it a gentle squeeze. His expression stayed emotionless; you couldn't read him entirely, but you knew he seemed off.
"I will go grab us a drink," he said as he stood up, leaving you frowning. You weren't sure what you said that made him upset, and regardless of trying to put on a straight face, you knew he wasn't happy with your response.
You watched as he walked over to a small table filled with the most delicious looking cakes and a couple of bottles of champagne, ready for the guests before they brought out the main course. Tom grabbed a battle of champagne and two glasses, filling up both halfway, before he placed the battle back into an ice bucket.
"What is it?" You asked as he returned and gave you one of the glasses.
"What do you mean?" He asked, taking a seat beside you.
"We've known each other for quite a long time. I can read you like an open book. What's bothering you?" Trying to get him to open up, you shuffled closer to him, your chair scraping the floor, turning heads in your direction. "Oops," you scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, earning a chuckle from Tom.
"Very subtle," he mocked you.
"Don't change the subject Mr. Hiddleston," you raised a questioning brow, a tiny smile hidden in the corner of your lips.
"Nothing is bothering me," he added, but your suspicious gaze didn't falter. "I'm being honest, darling," the sly little fox knew his nickname for you would make you soften up and he used every opportunity to say it when he felt cornered.
"Fine," you squinted. "But we aren't done! I'm not blind, I can see something is on your mind."
"Yes, ma'am, I can't wait for this conversation to come back around," he mocked you once again, making you huff as you gently punched his shoulder.
Throughout the night, said conversation was forgotten, the alcohol consumption rose, the amount of people dancing around the room grew, meanwhile others sat at their tables, trying to digest the previously served delicious meals. You couldn't deny that you had a good laugh with Tom and his co-stars from all sorts of movies he had been in. It felt like a little family, people coming together to just have a joyous time.
The way Tom smiled at his friends, praising each other, before turning to mock one another forced your eyes to rest on his excited features. He looked so alive, so happy and the feeling of the man you loved being in his element meant everything to you. Tom was radiating enthusiasm and you couldn't look away as you watched his ever-growing smile, his nose scrunched up at an unexpected subject, his head falling back as a loud laughter erupted from his lungs. He was always handsome, but when he was happy, it filled you up with a certain warmth that you couldn't explain. Like you always wanted to make him happy just to be able to see that cheerful smile spread across his face.
He turned to you, catching your gaze on him once again. His arm sneaked behind you, pulling you closer and leaning down to your ear. "You are staring at me again," you couldn't see it, but you could feel his smile spreading wider.
"I like to see you happy," you shrugged with a soft smile as you leaned back to be able to meet his gaze. His smile faltered, but his eyes softened.
"Dance with me," he said as he offered his palm to you, and you placed your hand in it.
"I take no responsibility for broken toes," you said with a silent chuckle as you followed him to the dancefloor.
"Don't worry, darling, it's worth the injury," he mirrored your expression as you stopped in the middle of the dance floor. A slow, romantic song started playing in the background, his arms finding their perfect position around your waist as yours sneaked around his neck.
It was a slow and peaceful dance, not requiring much knowledge and talent. You just enjoyed each other's presence, gazes meeting, smiles forming, swaying to the slow rhythm of the music. You didn't speak a word, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. It never was with Tom. A soft smile, a quick glance, a simple gesture meant more than thousands of words when you were with him.
You laid your head against his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat, taking on a quicker pace just like yours did. "I miss you when you are not with me," he spoke for the first time as he leaned down and kissed the top of your head. You didn't move away; his embrace was too comfortable, and you couldn't care about people watching you.
"I always miss you. You are the one travelling all the time after all," you chuckled lightly, not wanting to ruin the moment.
"I could be only a mile away and I would still miss you," he replied as you pulled back a bit to meet his soft gaze, but there was no smile present across his handsome face. As the song finished, you found yourself standing in front of him, slightly confused about the conversation. "Do you want to go to the balcony? Have some fresh air?" He asked, taking on a more cheerful expression, but you knew him more than to believe it was genuine. In a response you nodded and linked your arm with his.
Following him through the sea of people, you finally arrived at the balcony, looking down to a smaller version of a park, a water fountain standing tall in its centre. You leaned against the rail as you watched the trees battling the silent wind, fallen leaves being blown across the walking path. Tom joined beside you, his eyes following the same direction as you did before they halted on your face. "You are being strange tonight," you spoke up, feeling his gaze resting on you before you turned to him, meeting his eyes.
"I'm just thinking," he added with a half-hearted smile.
"About?" You asked as you reached for his hand resting on the rail and placed yours on top of his. He turned his palm upside down and lifted your hand, hinting a small kiss on your knuckles as he heaved a heavy sigh. "Tom talk to me," you squeezed his fingers reassuringly, his eyes watching you, not leaving your gaze for a moment. "You have been rather quiet around me," you added.
His whole body turned to you, as though he was focusing his complete attention on you. Reaching towards you, he brushed your hair to the side, gently tucking it behind your ear. You leaned into the touch involuntarily, only realising your actions when he caressed your cheek with his thumb, before moving down and running it across your lips. The feeling burnt you, starting your mind off in a very dangerous territory, one that you have been avoiding. 'He is your friend' you tried to remind yourself. But once the tip of his thumb brushed along your lips once again, you couldn't stop yourself. Stepping forward, you placed your hands on his chest, steading yourself and rose on your tiptoes, pressing your lips against his.
Your own bravery surprised you, but Tom didn't seem affected. As soon as your lips met, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer. He didn't hesitate, he wasn't surprised. He just held you, gently running his lips along yours, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. But as much as you wanted to enjoy the moment, realisation hit you. You were kissing your best friend. You gently pushed him away, stumbling back from the force, covering your mouth with your palm. "I'm so sorry," you breathed, panic rising in your chest. "I have no idea what happened, I don't know why I did that, I'm so sorry," your words were rushed, your heartbeat loudly pulsing in your ears.
But Tom's gaze twinkled. A soft, warm smile grew wider across his face as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm not," he said as he pressed his forehead against yours. "I've been wanting to kiss you," he breathed as he closed his eyes momentarily, slightly shaking his head. "I've been wanting to tell you how much I love you; I've been trying to gain the courage to say it out loud," he scoffed. "I'm a fool for dragging it out for so long, but I love you," his voice shook as he said the words, but his arms tightened around you, safely holding you against his chest. It took you a second to understand what he meant, that your feelings weren't unrequited, that he has been harbouring the same feelings you have.
A heavy sigh left your lungs, as though a weight fell off your chest. Your lips curved into a smile as you placed your hands on his cheeks, running the tip of your thumbs across his jawline. He mirrored your expression whilst leaning into your touch, planting a small kiss on your palm. "I love you too," you replied finally," the words rolling off the tip of your tongue easier than you expected. "I love you so much," you giggled, wanting to repeat the words over and over again, until you finally understood that it was real, that you weren't dreaming. "You never know what the future holds for you, huh?" You asked, repeating his words from earlier in the evening, earning a loud chuckle from him. "So, is this one of those many possibilities?" you raised a single brow.
"Could be. I have a couple more ideas," he said, his soft smile turning into a confident grin.
"You are terrible," you gently hit his chest as you grabbed his suit-jacket and pulled him down to you, meeting his lips halfway, smiling into the intimate moment you have been craving for so long.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
Taglists; Send me a message if you would like to be added :)
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twicecorner · 3 years
NSFW Tag Game
Roleplay in the boudoir isn't strange. Some of your partners even get costumes. Of course, some of those costumes see more use than others. Now you can't help but get at least a little horny whenever you see someone dressed like that. Who was it that forever changed how you see these ones?
How it works:
Go to “Random.org”.
Click on “Lists & More” and then “Lists Randomised”.
Enter the names of 18+ people/characters.
Use the first 8 to find out who really loves these outfits.
Tagged by @nsfwporty ; idk who to tag sooo if u see this and wanna do it go for it !
A/N: i added another category so I could get all 9 Twice members in lol I hope that’s okay. I also did the same sort of thing as @sinswithpleasure with the lil scenarios jumping between real life and purely roleplaying situations :) also sorry its so long and may sound repetitive.. I haven’t done something like this before TT
Police Officer - Nayeon
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“You have the right to remain silent,” Officer Im Nayeon said, as she handcuffed you to the chair. “I already told you everything I know. I don’t know where she went, she knocked me out, took my car and left.” Nayeon slammed her fists on the metal table. She thought for a moment before saying, “Maybe there’s a way to get something we both want. I’ve been seeing you eyeing me ever since I walked in here.” You were confused as to why she’d bring that up, but you couldn’t help it, with a body like that and who doesn’t love a woman in uniform.She stepped out of the room for a moment and came back in with a totally different mood. Nayeon pushed your chair back and lowered herself onto her knees, unzipping your pants and pulling out your cock. Officer Im started to slowly stroke your length with her long, slender fingers, bringing it to stand at full attention. Your wrists were handcuffed behind you and the metal dug into your skin at her touch. Soon she brought her mouth to your tip and began furiously devouring your length. 
You watched and moaned as your rod moved in and out of Officer. Im’s wet mouth, “Fuck I need more, Officer.” Your attempt to jerk your hips in tandem with her movements failed when Nayeon completely removed her mouth from you. “You know, you’re not half bad looking and you have a nice big cock. But you’re gonna have to do better than that if you wanna cum. ” She stood up, picked the small handcuff keys from her pocket, jingled them in your face, and walked towards the door laughing to herself. “OK wait! Before she left she may have mentioned a possible place or two she was heading to.” Officer Im stopped with her hand on the doorknob and spun around. “Now, we’re getting somewhere.. Tell me where she is and you’ll be released.. In more ways than one.” She said, returning to the spot on her knees in front of you. She started deep throating you fast, you were impressed at her skills and also a little worried about who could have been watching from the one-way glass, but that soon left your mind when you felt yourself nearing your edge. Nayeon’s tight throat closed around your length and with a few more bobs of her head you were seeing white “Oh fuck! She’s at her old dorm, Officer” You moaned loudly, releasing yourself and painting her throat. After swallowing your load Officer Im stood up, took off your handcuffs, said thank you and left the room without any other word.
Doctor/Nurse - Momo
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You’d been sick for about a week with a little head cold and your girlfriend, Momo, was doing all that she could to take care of you, practically acting like your personal nurse. Finally feeling better, you were relaxing in bed when you heard a knock on the door before Momo, dressed in a makeshift nurses outfit strutted in. “It looks like my little Y/N is feeling better! Would you like a lollipop for being such a good patient for Nurse Momo?” You both laughed.‘“No, but I can think of something sweeter that I want right now.”
 “And what would that be?”“I need the nurses special medicine to make me feel even better” You said smirking. Momo knew exactly what you meant before walking over to the bed hiking up her skirt and taking a seat on your face. Instantly you licked up her slit and gathered all of her nectar on your tongue. Momo always tasted so sweet. You ate her out, tongue fucking her and she planted her hands on your chest before grinding down on your face. She was a moaning mess and reached down with one hand slipping it under your sweats and began stroking your cock fast. You were both nearing your edge and with a few more licks and sucks at her clit she released her juices all over your face, at the same time you let go and let yourself erupt all over her hand and your stomach. “Maybe you should be sick more and I could be a nurse more often.”
 Maid/Butler - Tzuyu
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“Your dinner is ready, Sir”, “Thank you Ms. Chou.” 
You sat at the small dining table looking out at the nighttime Seoul skyline from your apartment. Both you and Tzuyu liked the idea of one day living a lavish, wealthy lifestyle, and some nights you decided to roleplay around that idea. Tzuyu stood next to you in a classic maids outfit. “Ms. Chou, actually I think I’d like to start with dessert.” “And what would you like, sir?” You quickly got up from your seat and grabbed her waist pulling her in for a passionate kiss. “You” 
Without wasting any time you picked her up and sat her onto the dining table with her long legs, hanging over the edge. You licked your lips as you pulled off Tzuyu’s panties, like unwrapping a piece of candy. Making your way to her center, you planted kisses up her thighs and pushed her skirt up. “Your desert is ready and waiting, Sir” she said, breathily.
You instantly tore into the delicacy before you, hooking your arms under her legs and around her hips to pull her body closer to you. Tzuyu was always sweet, but in her maid fit, she seemed even sweeter. It was like eating the finest fruit tart from a Michelin star restaurant. “Ms. Chou you taste so good” You say between licks. You sucked at her clit and lapped up her juices. She moaned and grabbed handfuls of your hair, pulling your head further into her. You began tongue fucking her, “Oh Sir, right there, that feels so good oh f-fuck im gonna cum, Sir” Within seconds of sucking and licking she squirted all over your face. You drank up as much as you could, some dripping from your chin when she finally released your head from her thighs. “Mmm, Ms. Chou, you’re the best desert on the menu.”
Fairytale Character - Sana
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Sana was always a fan of playing dress up, especially in the bedroom. She came out of the bathroom in a short, tight green skirt with a purple bikini top on, her red-orange hair completing the look. “It looks like Ariel finally got her legs” You laughed. “Now all I need is my Prince Eric for a true love's kiss” She said, smiling and sauntering over to you. Sana blew you a kiss and you playfully acted along catching it and putting it to your lips. “Come here, then Ariel, I can give you a lot more than a true love’s kiss.”  You pulled her in for a kiss as she sat on top of you. Your lips danced together while your tongues fought a fierce battle.
Before you knew it clothes were off, and Sana was on top of you bouncing up and down on your cock. The sound of skin slapping skin rang out through your room. Your cock slid in and out of her hole easily, it was practically drowning with how wet she was. “Oh fuck, I’m so close princess” You groaned, your swollen length pulsating inside of her. “Me too!” she said bouncing harder and faster, your hips matching her rhythm.
Suddenly Sana leaned forward, “I want my true love to kiss me while I cum all over his big cock” The second she said that and her perfect lips met yours, you both reached your edges, moaning into each other's mouths and riding out your orgasms. 
CEO/Boss - Jihyo
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Being the CEO’s secretary had its perks, sure the rest of the office made fun of you for practically being Park Jihyo’s pet, being at her every beck and call, but there was a damn good reason for it. Park Jihyo wasn’t known for just being a great boss, but with a body and a mind like hers, anyone would gladly take the same position as you. It was a Friday night and you were both staying late to finish preparing for a board meeting next Monday. “Do you have all the copies ready Y/N?” “Yes, they’re all on the conference table, the bottles of water and pens are also ready.”
“Always one step ahead, that’s what I love about you.” You had to admit you’d be lying if you said you’d never fantasized about taking your boss, especially when she showed up looking the way she did. Jihyo sat at her desk chair and swing her feet onto the desk, “Ugh this week has been so stressful, thank God we have a weekend coming up”
“Ma’am.. I hate to remind you, but you have a schedule for both days of that said weekend”, “Fuck… I can’t even have a moment to relax or get a massage.. I don’t remember the last time I had one.” You don’t know where your confidence came from but you sprung out of your seat and stood next to her, “I think I could help with that, boss” You said, snaking your hands onto her shoulders. Jihyo seemed to relax under your touch as you rubbed your fingers into her tight muscles, “Oh yeah that’s good, right there” She said, practically moaning, as you kneaded a knot in her shoulder. You could feel the warmth build up in your groin as your member came to life hearing her. “Fuck it.” it was like you blinked and there you were standing behind your boss who was laid against her own desk, her jacket and bra discarded, her pants and underwear pulled down to her ankles and her heels still on. Similarly your shirt was also gone and your pants were pulled down, your thick cock running between your bosses ass cheeks. “Don’t just stand there, Y/N, fuck me already.” “Yes, ma’am” you said, plunging yourself into her warm depths, she was suffocatingly tight and wet. You took a few slow thrusts at first then, “Harder, you little shit. I’m not paying you overtime if you aren’t putting in the work.” You’ve never seen Jihyo like this, but quite frankly you liked it. Both of you were relieving built up stress and you were happily pounding into her. You pulled her hair so her back was flat against your chest and you ran your hand around to grab at her tits. Massaging her tit and pinching at her nipple drove her over the edge and you had to hold her up as her legs buckled. Jihyo’s pussy pulsated and you erupted inside of your boss, her walls milking your worn out cock. The two of you fell onto the desk, “Shit, boss that felt so fucking good.” “It looks like we might have to do this more often, baby.”
Devil/Angel - Dahyun
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It was Halloween, you and your girlfriend, Dahyun, were at a friend's party. She insisted you dress up in a couples costume, but didn’t plan on looking for one until the very last minute, of course the only one left at the story was the devil and angel. Dahyun kept bumping her wings into everyone while you both danced but you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her. The white dress fit her well and there was something about the whole getup with you as a devil and her as an angel that was slowly turning you on. You grabbed her hand and brought her to the bathroom and lifted her onto the sink. She was about to take off the wings and halo, but you stopped her. “Keep them on. I wanna fuck my little angel.” Dahyun moaned at your words as you pierced her to the hilt with your length. “Oh God, yes” She moaned, throwing her head back and wrapping her creamy legs around your waist. Her heavenly pussy squeezed against your cock, her arms around your neck and gripping onto the plastic horns that adorned your head. The whole situation was sinful even if only halloween costumes. An angel being fucked by the devil, red and white flashes of movements, sounds of skin slapping skin. Dahyun was usually a conservative and quiet girl when it came to sex, but it seemed this situation also had a major effect on her. She was a moaning, mewling mess underneath you while you pounded into her. “I’m gonna.. Gonna cum” barely a whisper in your ear. “Cum for me, angel.” Dahyun’s body shook and convulsed with pleasure as she reached her peak. You held on to her and slowed your thrusts as she rode out her orgasm on your cock. You were close too and Dahyun knew it. She recovered and hopped off the sink, getting on her knees in front of you. She pumped your cock mercilessly, twisting and gripping it, massaging your aching balls until you erupted and painted her face. Spurts of cum shot out and marked her angelic face.
Athlete Coach - Mina
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It was a normal day at the gym for you, you were a seasoned gymnast and had daily practices in prep for the Olympic Qualifiers coming up. When you got into the gym there was a group of girls also “practicing?” Although it wasn’t normal gymnastics, but rhythmic gymnastics. Gymnastics that also involved hoops, balls, and dance. You didn’t think much of it and went to the uneven bars to warm up. You lifted yourself up and from the peak of your pull up, someone caught your eye. The main dancer, it seemed, was standing in the middle of the other girls. She was wearing a black shimmery outfit demonstrating some move with the hoop above her head. She was elegant and seemed to know exactly what she was doing with every move of her body. After your practice you went over to find her. She was practicing alone in one of the dance rooms, “Hi, I’m Y/N I’m one of the gymnasts here, I haven’t seen you here before.. But your routine was really good!” 
She shyly smiled and looked back at you, “Hi Y/N, my name is Mina, Myoi Mina. I’m actually a ballet dancer, but the girls asked for my advice on their routine so I’ve been helping them prepare for the tournament. I’m glad you like it. I liked your routine as well, you sure know how to catch a girl's attention with all of those flips and such.” You laughed nervously, thinking maybe it was too obvious, but regardless you did catch her a few times staring at you too. “Haha yeah your moves were cool too, I don’t even think I’m that flexible enough to pull that off.” Mina took her chance with that. “Here let me show you.” She brought her leg straight up doing a split in the air, you gulped and your eyes trailed her body. “Holy shit” You said under your breath. She wasn’t wearing any panties… “Are you just gonna look or are you gonna help me, help you. I’ll teach you what you need to know about flexibility.”
Soon you were full on fucking in the empty dance studio, watching yourself in the floor to ceiling length mirrors as Mina showed off just how flexible she was. First you pounded her standing up with her leg straight in the air over your shoulder, next you had your way with her up against the mirror, her legs wrapped around your waist, contorting her body in all sorts of way to bring you both pleasure.. Mina kept surprising you with positions, downward dog with her back deliciously arched, on her back with her legs pulled up against her torso. She came a handful of times but was adamant about you finishing in what she thought was the perfect position. Mina returned to her standing position with her leg above her head, she loved watching herself in the mirror and she loved it even more to see herself getting pounded into. You grabbed her hips and pushed her against the mirror, her juices were already dripping down her legs from her splayed lips.”Cum inside me, I want to feel you inside of me while I dance.” You were sent over the edge and released your seed deep inside of the gorgeous dance teacher.
TV Show/Anime Character - Jeongyeon 
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You and Jeongyeon had just finished watching the kdrama Mine and she had gotten pretty into the characters and particularly their style. Mine was about these women who are in the process of finding themselves and their own loves, however, the part that captured Jeongyeon’s interest was their lavish chaebol lifestyle. Of course it caught your interest too, the idea of being able to wear fancy clothes and drive a nice car with a mansion was always a fantasy. One night you both decided to test drive this fantasy for yourselves. You both got dressed in what was about the fanciest attire you had in your quaint apartment and went out for a dinner date. You had dinner at a nice steak restaurant where you had to make a reservation in advance and even have your car valeted. Dinner was amazing, considering the price, but it was worth it.
The drive home is when things began to heat up. It was about a 30 minute drive, feeling bold after some wine, you slid your hand over the gear shift to rest on Jeongyeon’s thigh. “That was a wonderful dinner, wasn’t it Ms. Yoo?” “Yes, it was, I say we go back to the Cadenza [a house name from Mine] and have some fun.” You slowly moved your hand up to just rest over her covered center. She held her breath as she grabbed your hand and pushed it towards her. You rubbed her through her panties and she did the same to you, stroking your covered length to life. “I don’t know if we’ll even make it home.” You said, taking a turn and drove to a secluded lookout point the two of you used to frequent in your younger days of dating. “I bet even the fancy and rich decide to get down and dirty sometimes” She said, while you hopped into the backseat.  Jeongyeon pulled off her panties before climbing to the back and straddling you. 
You pulled down your pants and let your erection spring free, until Jeongyeon lowered herself to the hilt. “You better not get any of your filthy cum on this dress. It’s expensive.” She said, pointing a finger at where your bodies were connected. “Don’t worry it’s expensive too and it’s not going anywhere but inside of you.” You said, grabbing her hips and starting to thrust up into her. She started bouncing on top of you and you both became moaning messes, erratically slamming your bodies together in the small space of the car. “Fuck I’m close” Jeongyeon moaned, “Me too” You replied, between thrusts. As your cock slipped in and out of her, you shifted your position ever so slightly and started hitting her g-spot exactly on point. “FUCK! Right there!” Jeongyeon’s orgasm caught her off guard as her movements slowed and her pussy pulsed around your cock, “Cum with me, baby.” On cue, you came pushing your dick as far as it could go inside of her, her pussy clamped shut around it milking you and not letting anything escape. As you rode out your orgasms she leaned into your ear and said, “You’re Mine.”
Waitress/Waiter - Chaeyoung
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“Here’s your usual Y/N!” Chaeyoung smiled as she placed the plate of chicken and waffles and a cup of coffee in front of you. You were a regular at this diner near your house and for as long as you can remember, Chaeyoung had also been working there and serving you. She had this certain vibe to her that was different from anyone else in the town, from changing her hair color with the seasons, to having the most unique and fashionable outfits. The two of you had known each other for so long and you had a special relationship, one could call it something like a friends with benefits type deal. You finished your meal and Chaeyoung came with the bill. “You want the regular tip or the special tip today, Chae?” “The special.” She said, smirking. She told her coworker she was going on break and went into the storage room. You followed her a minute later. Chaeyoung was significantly smaller than you, but she was still able to push you and pin you up against the door crashing your lips together. “We gotta make this fast before the boss comes back.” You swiftly unbuckled your pants and picked her up. 
The only perks of having to wear a uniform for the job was that the uniform was only a short skirt. She moved her panties over to the side and you ran your tip through her slit. “Mmm fuck, you’re already so wet Chae.” Before she could answer you slipped inside of her and started pumping in and out of her warm cunt. It wasn’t the first time fucking in the storage room, nor would it be the last, but every time it was exhilarating. The threat of getting caught, of people hearing, knocking over stock shelves or brooms, made it even hotter than it was. That’s what Chaeyoung was, a daredevil, she pushed the limits. She certainly was no stranger to pushing you to your own limits, “Cum inside me Y/N, I want it. Tip me good, maybe even some extra for special service. Fuck, you’re so deep.” Her words sent shivers down your spine and your knees almost buckled as you came and painted her deepest insides with your seed. She loved being filled, the sensation of thick spurt after spurt being let out inside of her sent her over the edge too. Chaeyoung came, clinging onto you, digging her nails into your back. You let her down once you both recovered and cleaned up. “I think that tip will last me at least the rest of the week… Come back soon!” She waved before straightening her skirt and leaving the room.
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delimeful · 3 years
not always what they seem (3)
warnings: remus pov so lots of brief mentions of gore/violence, some NSFW comments/innuendos/saucy jokes, dissection mention, miscommunication, minor injuries
the song remus so graciously performs for everyone is "a gorey demise"! :)
Remus kicked his legs absently as his alien carried him through the giant halls of... wherever the hell they were. A spaceship? Some sort of research facility? Maybe probing was still on the table.
He was pretty sure at this point that this was real, if only because if it was one of his night terrors, there would have been at least 35% more death and gore by now. Maybe 40%.
And it wasn’t like there hadn’t already been prime opportunities at basically every moment, with how small and crushable they were in comparison to each of the aliens! If the three of them were the protagonists, by slasher movie standards, two of them would have to be grotesquely killed by the end. He wondered absently which of his fellow abductees would make a better Final Survivor.
His attention immediately switched tracks as they reached a stopping point, and Logan settled their hand down on a giant, metallic table. Remus rolled off onto the surface and sprang up to his feet, rubbing his hands together maniacally. “So, what’s first?”
The alien’s big fluffy ears twitched, but they didn’t do more than glance down at Remus before tapping at a smooth blue surface and pulling up extensive diagrams. Well, if the alien wasn’t going to bring the experiments to him, he’d bring himself to the experiments!
He trotted across the table and skipped onto the blue surface, ignoring the windows and symbols that flickered into existence behind every step. If they didn’t want him walking all over the alien version of a touchscreen, they should have kidnapped him with shoes! Or broken his legs, like very literal theatre fans.
Logan didn’t lift a hand to stop him though, their head tilted curiously like a feral cat seeing something small and breakable to maul. Remus dialed the probability of it being a night terror up a few percentages, and then turned to look at the diagrams anyhow.
Ah, yes, pictures. The universal language.
He had no idea what most of the creatures depicted were or what the labels attached read, but the drawings themselves were clear enough: bodies posed neutrally, no clothes, and some parts of them exposed to show muscle, bone, and organ.
“Hm,” Remus hummed, consideringly. “These are either dissection diagrams or some really gory pornography... Either way, I’m so down.”
He flashed the alien a double thumbs up, and flopped down on top of a diagram. Logan reached over and messed with the touchscreen for a moment, and then reached even further and returned with a long, narrow utensil, black and pointed at one end.
They set the point of it directly next to his torso without even bothering to press the rest of him down, and Remus wondered if the alien expected him not to thrash around while he was being dissected. Maybe aliens had technology that deadened nerves as they cut through them! He’d always wondered how long he’d be able to survive a vivisection.
Logan moved the utensil, and Remus’s body twitched in adrenaline-fueled anticipation despite feeling exactly nothing. He craned his neck to see what was going on, and blinked.
A line stretched across the touchscreen where the utensil had slid across it, shadowing the curve of his ribcage over what looked hilariously similar to graph paper.
The alien was tracing him.
“Oh, come on!”
Logan’s tail swayed in curiosity as Remus began to make louder versions of those little noises that made up the aliens’ language, accentuated with a hand gesture. The motion made it harder to get an accurate outline, but the main point was to get basic measurements anyhow, so Logan didn’t try to stifle the little creature’s movements.
He absolutely didn’t want to disrupt the odd casualness with which this one treated him, so different from Virgil’s earlier twitchy terror and even D’s careful consideration of their every movement. While quite rowdy in nature, Remus seemed the most unconcerned with the situation, only showing aggression when one of the others had been grabbed without warning.
The tiny aliens were certainly a puzzle. D had given Remus’s name for them, perhaps indicating a social hierarchy, but Remus was also the largest between the three of them and had been completely unfazed by any teeth baring or tackling from the other two.
He prodded the tiny alien lightly as he finished and saved the measurement, and when that garnered no response, he curled fingers under them and lifted them up securely. Remus ragdolled petulantly, seeming oddly mopey. Perhaps the measurements had bored them?
Hopefully, the maze would provide a little more enrichment. Logan had made the deeper areas quite tricky, after all.
Patton was very delicate with how he handled D.
He’d tried to be careful with Remus, too, but they’d seemed pretty intent on trying to bite off little chunks of his suit, and attempt to scale dangerous items, and generally make Patton feel a little wonderment at the fact that the tiny creature had managed to survive long enough to make it to them.
With D, it was much easier, because the alien moved slower than the other two, with a purposeful grace. It seemed Patton didn’t have to worry about D throwing themself off any available high surface just to see if Patton would manage to catch them in time, at least.
He carefully shifted his hand to his research desk, and D adjusted the cuffs of their borrowed overlayer before stepping off of his hand.
Despite D’s languid movements, something about their body language seemed much more mindful than Remus. The pause as they took in the landscape and the ambient writing scrolls scattered across the table before deigning to turn and look at Patton, it felt almost... calculated. As though they were thinking about every move to present a certain image.
Patton reminded himself that there were plenty of aliens that didn’t feel as strongly as Nilhae about the authentic self, and these aliens in particular had more reason than most to hide themselves. They were tiny and vulnerable here, stripped from their homes and families, and  by all appearances, Patton and his teammates were the ones responsible.
He wasn’t sure he’d be eager to share his unfiltered self if he was in their situation, either.
Patton clasped both sets of lower hands together determinedly. The solution was the same regardless of if he wanted to fulfill his responsibility as a researcher or make any progress in befriending these little guys: they needed to communicate!
He pulled out two sets of the common alphabet, one printed and one imprinted. He wasn’t sure which senses were the keenest for these aliens, which ones they used for their own language systems, so it was best to cover all his bases.
D studied the printed one curiously, but seemed less interested by the imprinted one. Perhaps the materials used for touch-reading were different for them? Patton moved his hand closer slowly, allowing them time to protest, and held a digit out.
After a short staredown, D set their tiny hand atop it, and Patton guided them both to the surface of the imprints. The symbols were oversized for their tiny digits, but they seemed to get the idea, running their hands over the carved bumps and glancing back and forth between the printed letters and the imprinted ones.
Patton cheered internally, and then flicked a finger in the air to get D’s attention.
“Wait here please!” he enunciated carefully, and then held a hand out, palm-down, to indicate that they should stay put.
D kept their expression carefully neutral, not twitching in any way Patton could read, which made sense, since this was the first time Patton was using these words. Hopefully, context and a few repetitions would help them puzzle the meaning out.
He dipped his lowest arms in a polite be-right-back, turned, and left the room.
It didn’t take him long to duck in and out of the few rooms that held the items he needed, though he seemed to accidentally give Virgil a bit of a startle, going by the wide-eyed look the alien shot at him as Roman greeted him briefly.
Every hand full, he returned to his space, and found D standing in almost the exact same spot, shoulders loose and relaxed, attention remaining on the printed alphabet even as Patton walked closer.
He set each item down, earning a casual glance from the alien, and discreetly checked the heat register for the desk’s touch surface.
Sure enough, the past few moments showed recordings of small footprints that traced the perimeter of the desk, checking every possible side of it, likely for an easy way down. Then, they swiftly headed back to the center of the desk and settled back in place, close enough that it would appear they hadn’t moved at all.
Patton’s mouth twisted unhappily; he could teach the aliens as many words as they wanted, but if they didn’t trust them enough to even show their discomfort with the captivity, real communication would be out of reach.
They had a long way to go.
Remus whistled cheerily as he was carried back to the communal room, Logan’s padded fingers forming a more secure grip around him than before. He didn’t get squeezed to death or anything, so the alien probably wasn’t too angry with him. Or they were just contemplating a more painful method to murder him.
The other alien, the one with the freaky-awesome bug mouth and the rude grabby hands, was still in there, seated by the designated Gawk-At-Humans platform. They made some greeting noises at each other, a couple of which Remus imitated to himself, mangling the vowels in the back of his throat.
As Logan got closer, he could see Virgil standing surprisingly close to Grabby, and even better, the kid was all in one grumpy human-shaped piece. He jumped down from Logan’s hand before it was completely lowered and laughed as he felt his knees pop uncomfortably.
Logan made a warble-chirp of probably-disgust-maybe-concern, but Remus was swiftly distracted by the emo appearing at his side between one blink and the next, as though he’d teleported. He circled Remus like a starving wolf, his lips pulling back slightly as he took in the bruising around his shoulders. “What’d they do to you?”
“Well, he didn’t dissect me, which would normally be an automatic fail in the mad scientist gradebook, but,” Remus paused for emphasis, “I got to trash the electronic version of a horror movie corn maze, so I’m pleased as prostitutes!”
“He put you in that maze? I knew that thing was unsafe, holy shit—,” Virgil moved to put himself between Remus and Logan like he himself wasn’t just as squishable as Remus was.
“It seemed OSHA-approved to me! Before I smashed through all those walls, I mean.” He admired his scraped up hands with a cheek-stretching grin. “It’s much less boring now, with all the fun and sharp metal scarecrow sculptures I put together to jumpscare the piss out of future contenders!”
“An alien put you in a trap-filled rat race and you made modern art?” Virgil asked, successfully distracted from whatever horrific war crimes he was inventing for Logan in that little lemming brain of his.
“Can’t have anyone beating my time!” Remus confirmed cheerily.
“You— I. Ugh. Whatever!” Virgil threw his hands up, and then grabbed the front of Remus’s shirt and dragged him further from the two aliens like a bully stereotype from a low-budget teen coming-of-age movie. “Listen, the other one— Patton? They came in here earlier without Dee. I’m worried about— my hoodie.”
Remus would have made fun of the emo for his slip-up, but he was too busy imagining Dee splattered across some distant spaceship flooring. “That alien hardly even touched me,” Remus countered for both of their sakes. “For someone with so many hands, the guy sure didn’t want to get handsy.”
“You used that one already,” Virgil told him, unimpressed. “Get better hand jokes.”
“I’m better at jobs.” Remus wiggled his eyebrows, and received a muted smack on the shoulder for his efforts. He glanced back at Grabby automatically and found both aliens watching them, neither taking umbrage with Virgil smacking him like a cat annihilating a moth. “What happened with your xenomorph?”
“Terrible movie to compare us to,” Virgil muttered, but he glanced over his shoulder at Grabby without any of his earlier terror. Grabby waved at him like some kind of people-pleaser desperate for connection. “Pretty sure I just went through the same ordeal as one of those endangered birds scientists catch and release. Weighed, measured, photographed against my will.”
“Did you at least get a colorful tag to attract more bitches with?” Remus asked, lifting his ankle up in example.
“I would have bitten them first,” Virgil replied sourly. “I didn’t spend my whole adult life avoiding all government interaction to get slapped with a house arrest anklet now. Especially not a colorful one.”
“They’re not that bad as long as you can ignore the beeping,” Remus assured him, and then paused to contemplate. “...All government interaction? Did you get sold to aliens for being a tax evader?”
Halfway through Virgil’s resulting spluttering fit, Patton trotted through the doorway, Dee sitting on one of his hands looking just as untouchable as always. He stepped gracefully onto the table’s surface once Patton’s hand got close enough for a smooth dismount, and said something in the alien language, apparently fluently as all three of them worked themselves into a tizzy over it.
Dee turned to them with an expectant look, and they wandered over to meet him like peons to their tyrannical king, or rotting driftwood in a river.
“Congrats on the Klingon!” Remus grinned salaciously. “Did you know the ship name for the most homoerotic characters in Star Trek is Kock?”
“Shut up, it is not,” Virgil said, like a nerd. “But seriously, you know what they’re saying?”
“Yes, completely, I learned an entire language in one session,” Dee snarked back, rolling his eyes. “It’s not like short phrases such as ‘thank you’ are much easier for non-native speakers to pick up naturally or anything.”
Remus interrupted Virgil’s answering hiss with a very important query. “Did you teach them any swears?”
“No,” Dee’s eyes flashed in warning, “and you won’t be teaching them any either. Or any English at all. The longer we keep our conversations incomprehensible to them, the longer we’ll maintain what little privacy we have left. I’ll share the alien language with you both, naturally, so you can report to me on what they say when they think we’re not listening.”
Remus and Virgil stared at him for a long moment before exchanging glances.
“I can’t believe you accused me of tax evasion when Dee is right here,” Virgil complained, earning himself a sharp look from the man in question.
“Who told you about that?” he hissed, and then visibly remembered that they were in space and so it probably didn’t matter. He adjusted his cuffs, which looked absolutely ridiculous from a guy wearing a hoodie instead of a suit. “Ahem. Regardless, we’re learning their language, not the other way around. If they have half a brain between the three of them, though, listening to me teaching you will be enough for them to pick up on some English. We’re going to need a distraction.”
“You had me at ‘between the three of them’!” Remus announced suggestively, making Virgil fake-gag next to him. “Leave it to me!”
Dee seemed completely content to let him wreak his havoc, grabbing Virgil and sitting down near the back of the table, the side where the aliens weren’t.
Remus strode up to the three giants confidently and cleared his throat pointedly. When that didn’t work, he screamed at the top of his lungs instead. That worked no matter where he was!
“Alright, everybody sit down, quiet down, listen up,” he started brightly, spreading his arms wide. “I brought you all here to recite the annual obituaries. Like every year, we’ll start with A and we’ll end with Z…”
Patton blinked, absolutely entranced as Remus belted out words to an invisible tempo.
The little creature’s vocal chords were stronger than they looked, because their melody came out loud and clear, with accompanying charades that Patton could make absolutely no sense of.
Once they had wound down to the last words and then silence, Remus looked up at them expectantly.
“Wow, that was so beautiful!” Patton cheered enthusiastically.
Remus’s eyes rolled up in what was probably an exaggerated expression and not a medical condition, and they clapped their hands together pointedly. Patton hesitantly mimicked the motion, and then more confidently when Remus visibly perked up. Eventually, he was using all three sets of hands for maximum clapping.
Logan and Roman followed suit, clapping to congratulating the abrupt performance while whispering about the implications of it between each other. Remus folded over in a deep bow that was probably an accepting gesture, and then took a deep breath.
As they launched into another song, all three aliens fixated on them, one of the two humans at the other end of the table smacked a palm against their face, utterly exasperated.
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All fans are equal but some are more equal than others. NOT.
There’s been quite a few people in the fandom lately getting very stressed, feeling they’re obligated to constantly be on the defensive re: their fandom choices.
Apparently, whoever has a different opinion about a character or a ship must be said character’s/ship’s stan i.e. overzealous and/or obsessive, i.e. not an objective viewer. Even worse, they must be a dreadful person, who condones a number of moral offences that said character/ship perpetrated (or is thought to have perpetrated). Because, of course, the only acceptable reason for appreciating/enjoying a fictional character or dynamic is their morality. And, by that reasoning, fans who support the correct character/ship must be better fans and better people.
Nothing is more ridiculous than the notion of the objective fan. An “objective” fan is called a “viewer”. You and I, Riverdale friends, we are not just viewers. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have created blogs and dedicated hours of our lives to a fictional couple from an extremely mediocre show. We are still undoubtedly capable of critical thought and objective analysis but we are also aware of our own emotional investment in the show. (Or, at least, one hopes). As a fandom, we engage in activities that exist independently of the show. Fandom is a space of free expression. No one gets to play the higher moral card here. Needing to loudly tell everybody how wrong they are? That’s not the sign of an objective viewer. That’s the sign of a viewer who is also extremely invested, just for different reasons than I am.
Are we seriously holding the morality card over people’s heads for a show that used a poc woman’s pregnancy (Toni) as the means to retroactively establish trauma for a white male (Kevin), all the while touting it in every media possible as a woke response to the BLM movement?!
Are we seriously holding the canon card over people’s heads for a show that treats its 5th(!) season as a tabula rasa?! If the Lodges new backstory in 5x12 shows anything, it’s that s5 is not a time-jump. It’s a reboot.
There are so many people “enlightening” others on their inability to understand canon …
Seriously? That’s the hill you’re willing to die on? Canon Riverdale? You think that people don’t understand what they’re watching? That they’re interpreting canon incorrectly?
No, but seriously: canon for a TV show consists of what the characters say, what the characters do and how the actors portray them. Does this really apply to Riverdale?
Let’s take Donna for example.
Canon explicitly tells us Donna did what she did to avenge her grandmother. At the same time none of her canon actions were against the people who were actually responsible. So, riddle me this, fandom friends: why did Donna do what she did, as per canon?
Let’s try this another way:
Donna is a psycho bitch. Both in terms of Riverdale’s canon (the writers’ intention) and real-life criteria. To create a tag that reads “Bonna for ever uwu!” is deranged.
On the other hand, her character is (like a lot of Riverdale’s characters) an inconsistent caricature. Canon uses ridiculous dialogue and a lot of the Bonna scenes are cartoonishly enemies-to-lovers tropey. To create a tag that reads “Bonna for ever uwu!” is hilarious.
This doesn’t mean that Bonna is a canon couple. It does mean, however, that a Bonna crackship is based on Riverdale’s campy and over-the-top canonic writing.
A viewer who thinks Bonna is disgusting is not more “objective” or more “correct” or more “true to canon” than a viewer who thinks Bonna is funny. Nor are they a better person for it, and this cannot be stressed enough.
Similarly, who is canon Cheryl?
1. Cheryl is an absolute bitch: if a privileged student was calling an actual homeless boy a hobo in your real-life school, you would neither think her a queen nor use “hobo” affectionately in your tags, comments etc.
2. Cheryl is a deeply traumatized person: her father killed her brother, her mother killed half the town and forced her in conversion therapy, she attempted suicide and more.
(Note #1: this more does not mean more than the other Riverdale characters).
(Note #2: nor is it an excuse for her rudeness, affectionately called “mood for chaos” by the writers).
3. Cheryl is also a caricature of the archetypal mean girl who’s there for laughs and meta comments. She’s not to be taken seriously.
4. Cheryl is lgbtq+ representation …
5. … who canonically shits on other lgbtq+ characters.
6. Cheryl is one half of Choni, who are canonically presented as an uber couple.
7. Choni is also, as per canon, a couple with an acute power imbalance (cough!gaslighting!cough) that visually very clearly panders to the male gaze.
But most importantly:
8. Cheryl canonically is not the sum of her parts. The different facets of her character do not intermingle in any meaningful way.
Was Betty kissing Archie specifically a sore spot for Jughead?
Canonically no [2x14]. But, also, canonically yes [5x03, 5x10].
Are there seriously fans that are astonished that Betty is making some highly questionable choices while investigating?! Did they just discover Dark™Betty/Killer Genes Betty? That is canon Betty! Was it ok before because she was then smooching Jughead instead of giving him the cold shoulder? Honestly, the only newly outrageous part of s5Dark™Betty is the fact that she still believes in “killer genes” despite having spent 4 years at Yale …
As for liking/disliking Betty and morality …
Look, I’m going to be very honest: I am NOT particularly enjoying s5 Betty. And it’s not because of b*rchie.
S5 Betty has 99 problems but the sexcapades ain’t one.
For me, it’s the fact that she’s turned into s1 Alice 2.0. But surely that’s not news either? Ever since the first info about the time jump, everyone and their mother have been speculating about the teens becoming their parents …
Just because Jughead is better written (and written to be more likable), it doesn’t make him more worthy of redemption. Just because the writers are keeping Betty’s redemption “secret” (insert eye roll) for their big reveal in the season’s penultimate episode, it doesn’t mean she won’t have one.  
Simply put, the writers have made Jughead more likable. He’s still the underdog. He’s the only character in Riverdale actively trying to deal with his trauma, since the very first post-time jump episode (working at Pop’s explicitly to fend off the debt collectors). He has scenes with a new and extremely likable character (Tabitha). He has the only new plot line (the Mothman). Said plotline is narratively already tied to both his unknown past and the town’s destruction by Hiram. His behaviour is explicitly explained, even as his recent trauma remains unknown. He’s transparent.
In comparison, s5 Betty is traumatized but not the underdog. Her trauma (TBK killer) is both known to us and a repetition of previous storylines, which makes it narratively less exciting. She is completely disconnected from any other storylines. She comes out as being judgmental and self-interested: telling Tabitha Jughead’s not her business while previously accepting his help? Berating Polly for lying while not keeping in touch and lying about her own life (TBK)? Please note: I’m not saying there isn’t a reason behind her behaviour, just that it comes out in a negative way.
You don’t like Betty’s current behaviour? You don’t consider trauma a good enough excuse? Cool.
You feel sorry for what she’s going through? You consider trauma to be a valid explanation for her behaviour? Also cool.
Personally, I don’t give a flying fig, either for Betty’s trauma or Jughead’s. Because, even though Trauma™ is s5’s actual mystery plot, narratively speaking, trauma never affected the plot of the past 4 seasons, nor s5 trauma will affect future plots, once revealed. And you know what? That is also cool.
None of the above is better.
And just because I’m not enjoying Betty right now, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want her to overcome her current situation or that I won’t cheer for Bughead like a River Vixen on fizzle rocks, once they reunite.
This thing though, where people are made to feel as if they owed anyone in the fandom an explanation about why they like the things they like, because, somehow, their preferences are a reflection on their character or their cognitive abilities to read a TV show? This is a joke.
There is no “wrong” way to consume any show, let alone Riverdale, with its fractured format, its short-term memory and its see-sawing characters.
Look, everybody’s here for their own reasons. For most people this is a place of escape. No one’s escaping better than the other, because of how they enjoy their teen TV show ... 
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
Two faces of the same coin
Pairing: Tenma x ghost-looking! reader. Part 2
Part 1
Here we go! Enjoy! 💕
You were used to people reacting a certain way when seeing you since you were young.
Be it your pale skin, eyebags or voice, you ended up not taking it too personally as you grew up. After all it was a general statement you didn't have the best sleeping pattern, and that your hair and posture needed to be worked on. Still, you enjoy peaceful time alone -no glances or scared whispers- although you had to admit this boy had broken a record.
After even frightening you from the intense shriek that came out of his throat, in a poor attempt to run away from you he had stumbled and crashed into a chair so hard you were now wincing as he fell to the harsh floor.
Ouch. Concerned, you approached the groaning teen in pain. “Are you-?” Tenma didn't let you even finish. Violently shaking he turned his back on you, curling into a ball.
“This is not real, this is not real, this is not...!"
He kept mentioning words like curse and death in between, and you could only stare back trying to process what was happening. "Sorry If I scared you. I was-”
“I won't say anything!" he kept on pleading, refusing to open his eyes "I really-REALLY don't taste good please just let me leave!!"
It wasn’t working. You decided to get up from the floor, which only made Tenma pale even more at the sound of something moving.
“I won’t, uh- do anything.” you hesitated. “You, uh, hurt your head right?”
The loud and repetitive pleads died slowly on his lips, and as he opened one eye to glance your way he might have as well. Pale face, somber looks… you both stood in silence in the empty room for a while, you waiting patiently.
He seemed to find again his voice, or at least enough for you to hear. You brushed the dust off you as he flinched at the sudden movement, still on guard.
"I'm, uh- I'm not a ghost." You took out your student card, your name and student photo -equally terrifying some would say. "See?"
An uncomfortable silence filled the air.
Tenma stares at you for a long moment. One could practically see the wheels turning in his head, trying to keep up. And then, just as quickly as he had paled, the color red made way to his face.
Right. Great answer.
You tilted your head while putting the student card back in your pocket. Maybe he hit his head harder than it looked? “So... what are you doing here? Not that you can't, I guess. I also like it here even though we are not supposed to but- you know. You surprised me a bit too."
Tenma's eyebrows knitted together as he slowly stood up from the floor, not understanding what you were saying. The adrenaline rush was leaving him and could feel himself starting to calm down a little, finally letting his guards down.
“What do you mean. I-Isn’t a library a normal place to work?”
“Yeah. This is the old building though. The new one is on the opposite side..."
You waited patiently watching how Tenma breathed in once again, crimson becoming more and more intense as seconds passed. You had never seen anyone behave like that and he hoped the ground could swallow him about right now. “I... I knew that! I knew that I was just looking around because uh- I’ve never seen this place before!”
“It is rusty.”
More awkward silence from you both. Tenma looked at you and at his pile of books. You looked at them too in reflex, not understanding why a student could have so much book carrying around. "Sumeragi... Tenma?"
"Don't look!" said leader troupe was quick to hide his name, though he was well aware it didn't matter at this point. He tried to avoid your gaze. Shit. Shit, shit, shit last thing he needed today. "Just- don't tell anyone. I'm serious!"
Without sparing another second glance at you and still feeling his face burning, he took everything and left.
His forehead hurt.
One week later
“Why do we have to do this every time?”
“Come on! Don’t tell me you’re afraid to lose?"
“I am not afraid to lose." Tenma frowned at the other two members of mankai. The three were sitting under the shade of a tree in the courtyard, something they took as a routine whenever they didn’t use the cafeteria. Background laughs and conversations could be heard from students around the patio, enjoying their free time before the bell rang and called them back again to their respective classes. He huffed. "This is stupid."
"Got it!" Taichi moved around his arm dramatically "Ready…? Rock, paper, scissors!”
Three hands presented their results with different reactions altogether.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Aw yeah, paper is the best! It's your turn to go buy drinks Ten-chan!”
“I wanna strawberry juice.”
“Soda for me!”
“Tsk,” Tenma squinted his eyes at his hand and sighed, getting up and dusting away grass from his uniform, taking their coins. “Fine. Strawberry juice and a Green tea.”
“H-hold on, I said soda!”
“I’ll get going.”
“Ten-chan I was joking please!!”
It had been a few days after the library incident and so far, he hadn't heard any weird rumor of him- to which he counted it as a big safe considering the situation. Weird, but safe.
“Oh come on.”
After buying Taichi’s and Juza’s drinks, Tenma kept shoving his hand into his pockets, cursing at his emptiness. He was sure he had brought his wallet with him to school… maybe he left it in his room after all? A sigh left his lips, wondering how long would his bad luck last.
Until his exams passed maybe? He hoped not. He had managed to get Tsumugi to teach him at night after a few days of begging his homeroom teacher, revising together all concepts that Tenma couldn't seem to grasp. It had been embarrassing to let him check all his late school results, but at the end of the day it was Tsumugi. And well, Tsumugi was fine. Unlike Itaru, he was always-
“Excuse me.”
Tenma covered his mouth at the close sound of the eerie voice. A shiver definitely running from the last strands of hair until his very own toenails.
Yeah, finding you blinking at him- too close for his taste- took all the strength he had to not scream in public. He stepped back from you. his heart practically on his throat. “W-what are you doing!?”
“Ah, sorry. Thought talking louder would be better. Didn't mean to scare you”
“UH?! I-I wasn’t scared! I-uh, I was just surprised!" Even in plain daylight of the hall in comparison to the sinister darkness of the old library room, Tenma still felt like he was talking to a- Well.
A ghost.
You took a step back away from him too, pointing your forehead “You don't have a bump anymore.”
He touched his own forehead unconsciously. Right, Igawa had made a fuss about it when he saw it. Thanks to Omi’s ointment though it was already almost not existent though. He always worried too much.
“I’m glad.”
"Uh, thanks."
Very much opposite to your physical appearance, your voice while husky and kinda odd, was calm. It made Tenma feel weird, though it was probably because you kept staring at him. Why didn’t you go away?
“Are you... a fan? Do you want like, an autograph or something?”
You pointed behind him. "I was just waiting for my turn.”
His cheeks grew warm self-consciously, moving so you could insert your coins.
“I’m guessing you couldn't find more coins for three drinks,” You suddenly commented looking at the drinks in his hands. Ignoring his confused face, you crouched down and picked the drink, turning to him. "You complained kinda loud so... here. Not sure if you'll like it but I think it's good."
"What? I don't need it."
“It’s fine. Take it as an apology." you shrugged offhandedly. You placed it on top of his other drinks and turned once again to the machine. "It was my fault I scared you anyway.”
Tenma stared at your hunched figure while you got another drink. "Then," you waved your hand slightly and left the place quietly to who knows where.
He didn't even manage to wave back. What had just happened?
“Oh man...”
“Tenma-kun, are you okay?”
Students' whispers made him come back to his senses, losing sight of the path you had walked out. “What?”
“Did that person say anything weird to you? You know, like threaten you or something.” they pointed to where you left
“Uh- no.”
Some sighed relieved while others stared at the machine, as if you might have cursed- somehow.
Tenma frowned. It was true it hadn't been the smoothest conversation, but saying you might have tried to do something to him felt wrong. "Why do you all say that?"
"Ah? Mmm well..."
"Just look at them I guess."
"Yeah I don't know man. Gives me the creeps whenever they walk around. As if our school wasn't already scary inducing."
"Whoah, that's so mean."
"Are you saying you don't think it's true?"
"Tenma-kun, if you have time want to come have lunch with us? We..."
As they kept talking, Tenma looked down, the drink you had bought in his hand; Chocolate milkshake.
"It was my fault I scared you anyway.”
Later on
“Stupid old library...” he found himself growling for the umpteenth time "Should have just leave it be."
Another week had passed before he found the courage and once again, adventured himself around the old halls, carrying one chocolate drink.
I must have gone crazy.
Tenma just didn’t wanna be in debt with anyone. Yeah, that was it. Even if you scared the soul out of him, he had somewhat gotten the sense that you weren’t all bad -although your memories still left him trembling- and if there was something he hated more than anything, it was people making assumptions of others. He learned it from Mankai. Especially from his own troupe.
“Are you lost again?”
However old habits are hard to break.
“Dammit! Do you always need to talk like that?!"
"It's my voice, can't help it." You two had found each other at the corner of the hall. Tenma wasn't sure if this counted as good or bad. "…Do you need help to find the new library? I can draw you a map if you want me to”
“I-I was just about to do it, I don’t need-!”
“Ah- you should be careful not to crash on a chair again. Some are really old“
He placed the two drinks on the table making you blink, not sure how to react.
The awkward silence stretched, and Tenma felt his own cheeks heat up. "D-don't misunderstand, I just don't like to be indebted and I really didn't need that drink last time okay?"
A few seconds pass by. And then. Then he hears your laugh.
“You’re a really nice guy you know.”
His stomach jumps and doesn’t say anything for a while. Embarrassing. He felt his face was going to light on fire. He tried to focus his attention on something else- Not that he enjoyed it. The place itself wasn't comfortable looking.
“...Why do you hide here anyway? It doesn’t help with, well,” he didn't finish the sentence, feeling it sounded wrong -even though it was kinda true.
“I wouldn't say I hide" You hummed mindlessly while opening the drink, giving it a go before turning your attention back to him "I found it a few months ago while looking for a place to study. People overreact when they see me, so I’ve been coming here. I think it’s a pretty chill place myself.”
Tenma stared at you. At your dark eye bags and messy hair. You could definitely get a role in any horror movie you might want for sure. Yet there you were, happily drinking a chocolate milkshake in the old side of your very own high school.
“...You are weird.”
You laughed again. “For someone who’s supposed to be scared but still frequents the same place, I’d say the same about you.”
When I said it was gonna be a long request I meant it.
Have a wonderful day! 💕
Part 3 soon!
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feliix · 4 years
Beck & Call ✦ MYG (18+)
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✦  Pairing: Yoongi x Reader ✦ Word count: 1.4k ✦  Rating: M  
✦  Genre: smut, crack, a tad bit of fluff, FWB!au
✦  Summary: All hell breaks loose when your brother calls you while you’re in the middle of hooking up with his best friend
✦  Warnings: PWP, explicit smut, creampie, phone sex (but not the kind you’re thinking of), Yoongi has a big dick
✦  Requested by my bby @hobiance​ ‘requesting one yoongi + vodka pls’
✦ A/N: Thank you to the lovely @namjoonsdove​ for helping me come up with the title and @jintobean​ and @hobiance for helping me figure out the banner for this sucker ily all ♡
✦ Written for the BHQ Drinks and Drabbles game hosted by @bangtan-dreamland​
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“Fuck,” you moan as Yoongi drives his hips into your ass, “right there.”
Hooking up with your older brother’s best friend was never in the cards, well, not until you actually started hooking up that is. Yoongi was a good fuck, nothing more. Relationships weren’t exactly your thing, and even if they were there was no way in hell Jin would ever approve.
Yoongi’s large hands grip your hips as he thrusts into you from behind, his length reaching deep inside you from the angle he was holding your body. You hadn’t been at it for very long, but sex with Yoongi was always a relay rather than a marathon. Several quick and variating rounds just worked so much better than one long one. That way it was easier to take the emotions out of things, just scratch the itch (or many itches), and go your separate ways.
You’re pushed forward with one noticeably harder rut, your face meeting the mattress as the force from Yoongi’s thrusts deepens. A string of curses leaves his lips as his tip swipes past your cervix, the size of his length reaching new crevices each time he’s inside of you.
“So close,” you moan as your eyes clamp shut, focused on reaching your sweet release. To your demise, your focus is soon cut short. A bright light illuminates the room from his bedside table, quick and rapid vibrations following soon after.
Yoongi’s head cocks up immediately as he focuses on the name of the screen, his eyes widening a bit when he sees the caller ID, “Its Jin.”
“I’m not answering that,” you pant as his pace begins to pick up in speed, your breath soon leaving your chest.
“If you don’t he’s just gonna call again,” Yoongi grunts between thrusts, not slowing his movements one bit. Answering the phone was a bad idea, but bad ideas were kind of Yoongi’s niche, or else you wouldn’t be in his bed right now.
Without pulling out he reaches over you and to the side, grabbing your phone placed on the nightstand beside the bed. With just one tap of the screen, he was accepting the call, placing the phone to your ear.
“Jinnie, hi!” You speak in the sweetest voice, trying your best to mask the lustful tone that had taken over your voice just seconds prior.
For Yoongi this was just a game, seeing if you could last being railed by him while you were on the phone. It was the anticipation that got him off, knowing that the person on the other line had no idea what was going on.
“Hey, I just wanted to know if you were going to be home for dinner? Are you still at Chaeyoung’s?”
“Yep! OOF–”
Yoongi smiles as his hips thrust into you with such force, knocking you forward just inches away from the bed frame. You look back at him with a sneering look on your face, agitated with his antics, but that wasn’t enough for him to stop.
“Everything alright?”
“All good! I just uh,” you stutter as your brain wracks for a response, “I tripped!”
“Oh? Okay well–”
“Actually Jinnie this isn’t a great time to talk I’m in the middle of something, can I call you later?”  Your lip worries between your teeth as you try to suppress a groan, knowing you wouldn’t be able to last much longer and refusing to have an orgasm while on the phone with your brother.
“Well actually I was–”
“Okay great! See you at dinner bye!”
And with that you were snatching the phone out of Yoongi’s hand, ending the call and tossing your phone back off to the side. “You did great,” Yoongi praises as he squeezes your sides in reassurance. Heat rises to your cheeks instinctively; you’re thankful that he can’t see the small smile creeping onto your face in the position that you were in.
“Don’t get all soft on me now, Min,” you retort as you arch your back to give him a better angle. That high you were just inches away from had faded, but you were desperate to get it back.
A deep chuckle rips from his throat as his hands tighten on your waist, increasing his pace again to satisfy you. Focused on getting back on track you rock your ass backwards, hands gripping the sheets to give you better traction.
Yoongi’s movements were beginning to slow and become more forceful, the sounds of his skin colliding with yours and the deep moans echoing from his throat filling your ears. Your chest heaves deeper and heavier with each of his movements, soft whines bubbling past your lips. 
Lewd sounds fill the room as the squelch from your arousal begins to drip down your thighs. “So wet for me,” he groans, teeth clenching as you squeeze tightly around him. The familiar knot in your stomach was finally beginning to make its way back to you. The repetitive tap of Yoongi’s tip deep inside you had you too far gone. With one powerful thrust, you were coming undone around him. Your legs soon begin to shake, the force from your orgasm too strong for you to handle.
A gentle scream escapes your mouth as you ride out your high, Yoongi’s pace only quickening to grant himself an orgasm of his own. The familiar tingling sensation begins to rush through your veins as oversensitivity starts to set in. When your eyes slam shut all you can see are stars, small white blotches blinding your vision as your pussy continues to spasm around him.
Yoongi’s thrusts persist through your orgasm, leaving your legs shaking and all you can offer is the tightening spasms your pussy. Your clenching around him rapidly, milking him for everything he’s worth.
You aren't even able to catch your breath as your orgasm begins to subside. Yoongi is too busy pounding into you, his hips meeting your ass with a slap as he bottoms out.
He doesn’t have to pull out, thankfully you’re on birth control. All that's on your mind is being filled to the brim with Yoongi’s cum. You’re aching for his release, squeezing your core as hard as you can to ease it from him, “Want you to fill me up.”
The grip he holds on your waist tightens, his face scrunching as he focuses on chasing his high. With a few especially hard thrusts he was collapsing over you, holding you close as his cum paints your walls. His heavy breathing fanned over the back of your neck, the perspiration from your body’s mixing like a sexy sweat cocktail.
Yoongi’s body relaxes as he pulls out of you slowly, a trail of cum following in its path and dripping down your thigh. The weight of Yoongi’s body flops down onto the mattress next to you as he lets out an exhausted grunt. Your actions follow soon after, extending your limbs out and laying down to rest your muscles. You know you didn’t have much time until you had to get home. Jin would be there to ask questions if you kept him waiting much longer.
“Come back after dinner?”
Your ears perk up at his words as you rotate your head in his direction. It was odd for you to see him more than twice a week, let alone twice a day. For a moment you’re convinced your hearing things, but by the relaxed look on his face and sparkle of his eyes, it was hard to tell.
“A-after dinner?”
“You could spend the night,” he starts, his words beginning to quicken as he grows anxious at his offer, “if you want to.”
Yoongi’s cheeks begin to grow read as he waits for your answer. It was never his plan to make your situation a serious or permanent thing. But after months of sneaking around, those underlying feelings had begun rising to the surface – he wanted things to be permanent.
An awkward silence fills the air as he awaits your response. A thick gulp travels down his throat, his fingers searching for a loose string or anything to fidget with to ease his nerves.
“I want to,” you say very matter-of-factly, the expression on your face holding true as you try to read his. His face was already red and worn from all the action earlier, but the pink blush creeping onto on his cheeks was due to something else.
“I’ll be back,” and with a soft kiss that you place to his blushing cheek, you are on your way out.
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‘Beck & Call’ is copyright 2020 @parksfilter​, all rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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alittlebitgoofy · 3 years
the only proof i need is you (taywhora)
it is finally done, i've been wokring on this since the ukd tour started but we don't need to talk about that, it's kind of a sequel to my older canon compliant fics but can be read sepereatly. love my dear mina for always betaing shit I send them, an actual icon
title from proof by Paramore bc that song got stuck in my head as I was tryna get a title, enjoy :)) ao3 link
Tayce relished in the energy she got from this, after so long away from gigs the euphoria wasn’t lost on her. They were lucky, finally able to experience the dizzying highs of such public notoriety.
The heat didn’t help things— of course, they’d get stuck in a heatwave during a cross country tour. The amount of sweat, makeup running by the end of the show, outfits sticking in places they shouldn’t. It was a nightmare, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything
Her attention was pulled back to reality by the laughter of her friends, using silly Instagram filters on each other to amuse them. They stumbled towards her in a flurry of giggles, knocking into her arms and almost sending her falling over into the crowd. A’whora raised her phone to Tayce, erupting into laughter at the way the screen contorted her face into something unrecognisable.
“Are you done with those?” Tayce asked, gesturing to A’whora’s fries while his attention was laser focused on his phone.
Before he could answer, Tayce plucked a chip anyway, putting it in his mouth much to A’whora’s chagrin. He huffed, eyes narrowing at such an act of treason.
“You hound!” He swatted at Tayce’s arm as he reached for another. “What happened to yours?”
Tayce lent in further, smiling fiendishly and chewing obnoxiously loud. “Ate them, like, ten minutes ago. You’ve been staring at your phone for the past hour and they’re gonna go cold, missy.”
“I’m eating at my own pace!”
“You eat slower than Lawrence picks up choreo.” Tayce grinned, his heart warming at the way his friend pouted, arms crossed — he was too cute when he got all riled up.
“Don’t involve me in your lovers' spats!” Lawrence hissed from across the table, laughing at the way Tayce’s eyes narrowed. He knew Lawrence was only having one of those stupid more-than-friends jokes, but any implications of their relationship being anything other than professional made the room seem a little too tense for his liking.
“She’s right, you two argue like an old married couple.” Bimini chimed in, resting their head on their hands like this was an everyday event.
“This isn’t an argument, a crime has been committed and you two are bystanders letting such an act go unpunished!”
“It’s a fucking chip.”
A’whora glared at Lawrence for such a comment. It was his chip. Tayce had his own, he could deal with himself. He had a bad habit of eating things that weren’t his and flirting his way out of any repercussions. He’d buy A’whora more of something most of the time but the annoyance was justified after a year of having his food stolen.
Bimini let out an exasperated laugh, the idiocy of the pair never failing to be both amusing and tiring. They bickered like children sometimes but there was a layer of deep connection under it, two people so strong in their unity that nothing could break them apart.
Except a chip apparently.
They slid their own half eaten pack over, not likely to eat the rest anyway. It would be worth the quiet of Tayce settling down with more food for a little while. They missed the peace of them all being passed out from a long night’s show.
“Tayce, you can have the rest of mine, just leave her alone.”
“Let the whore have her own food, you hound.” Lawrence huffed, Tayce snickering at the moniker. It made him raise an eyebrow, nodding before turning his attention back to his fries.
It was hilarious seeing him get so riled up but there was a small pang in Tayce’s chest, he genuinely was a bit upset about having his food taken, it was a constant that always riled him up no matter how much Tayce replaced. He slid a few fries over, secretly enjoying the bright smile that took over A’whora’s face, giving a thankful nod.
Tayce felt the repetitive movement of the car slowly lull him to sleep, they were all too tired to do much of anything, passing out in the back of the tour bus in full drag, not even the energy to take it off before going to their hotels. A’whora was next to him, head leant against his shoulder. He looked so peaceful, making it hard to believe he’d been performing in the horrid heatwave an hour ago.
Bimini was on the other side of them, by the window. They’d curled in on themself, contorted in a way that couldn’t have been comfortable. She’d have to laugh when they complained of back pain the next morning. Lawrence was beside them, stretched across the seat between him and bimini. It was strange to see everyone so low energy, though Tayce himself felt it. So many shows in such quick succession, his body wasn’t ready no matter how much preparation went into it.
A bump in the road jolted him back to attention, though the rest of them were long gone from consciousness. At least he thought. His attention turned back to A’whora, taking in all of his features without the prying eyes of anyone. Something about the sight of him, head reclined on Tayce’s shoulder looking like it was the most comfortable thing in the world, it made his heart warm.
Those feelings still went unsaid, he wasn’t ready for a lot of things, A’whora knew that. He knew with time he would open up, it just took patience and love.
Tayce’s energy was electric, his constant bouncing and talking leaving the others in the tour bus in a similar state.
Long drives were boring, he had to make it more interesting somehow. A’whora and Lawrence exchanged a look as Tayce set up an Instagram live, mentally preparing for the chaos that would surely follow.
Lawrence was half amused and half mortified at the act that followed, A’whora cheekily shaking her ass on the camera, much to the amusement of the viewers, Tayce slapping it as if it was no big deal. He’d probably come to regret that later but the moment buzzed with the excitement for their next show, the tour in general, and the euphoria of touring with some of his best friends.
The rowdy energy kept up for the rest of the day, Tayce rarely lost his buzz as A’whora had come to learn, it was a blessing until it was late and she was ready to go out when all he could do was pass out in the hotel room.
They had to share this time due to availability, acting like it was a minor inconvenience when it was all they wanted now, to feel the comfort of someone going through the same grueling thing as you, waking up next to Tayce was euphoric. Something about him took the best, happiest feelings out of A’whora and left him a gooey mess of love and laughs.
Though Lawrence was catching on, or so Tayce claimed he thought, confiding in A’whora knowing even he could keep this secret. He knew better than to say something like that, Tayce’s vulnerability was difficult to keep, any sign of trouble and he’d close right back up for a long time to come.
“Oh, there are the lovers.” He boldly prodded the pair, erupting into a laugh as Tayce scowled. The atmosphere was too tense for 9 am, the previous night out leaving him in a precarious state of trying to balance a normal act and a vicious headache that only a kiss from A’whora had managed to vanquish.
“Well what crawled up your ass and died?” He followed up, Tayce’s glare frosting over in a way that truly worried A’whora. He was not happy and he didn’t want to sit in a car all day full of tension. Where was Bimini in this mess?
“It’s too early for this shit, settle down.”
His voice seemed to reason more with Tayce as he got into the car, quickly pulling a’whora beside him. Bimini came out a while later, apologising for the wait. None of them ever seemed to be on time, it was almost as if they took it in turns this tour.
Their presence brought some much needed peace as Tayce started perking up through the journey, still oddly quiet but much better than wanting to bite Lawrence’s head off this morning.
“A’whora! God, hurry up!” A shout came from Bimini as they prodded her to change faster. Damn costumes, never easy to get off in a hurry.
Tayce watched it with muffled laughter, the misfortune not enough to need intervention but much too amusing to leave alone.
Lawrence shared in her amusement, though had no problem commenting on her time wasting.
“I thought I was the slow one, the whore’s got us all beat.” She commented, the room erupting in laughter much to A’whora’s annoyance.
“Stupid fucking outfit! Tayce?” The complaint was followed by a pleading whine, her eyes starting to tear up with sheer frustration.
Tayce obliged, walking over and unzipping the outfit to let A’whora out, grabbing her new one and sliding it up her body, slowly as to allow her to get in without rushing.
A’whora felt herself almost quiver, the feeling of Tayce’s hands running down her back taking her back to—
Nope. She couldn’t do this, not during a show. Keeping this secret would eat her alive by the time they got finished with this tour but she could enjoy the little moments they had, as inconspicuous as possible.
“Talk about sexual tension.”
“Oh fuck off Lawrence.” Tayce shot back. Before any more words could be exchanged they were rushed back on stage for a group number.
Thank god for Tayce.
Tayce let himself fall onto the bed with a loud groan. It was incredible being able to perform for huge crowds and meet their fans but this was a new kind of exhaustion. He felt the need to hibernate for the next week. Beside him, A’whora flopped down, a similar sigh leaving his lips.
“I can’t wait to get home, I’ve got a face mask and a few packs of percy pigs waiting for me.”
“Is that all you ever think about? You better share, missy.” Tayce teased, a tired grin spreading across his face, elating his boyfriend who rolled over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Only if you ask politely, or maybe you do something nice for me.” The last part came out in a purr, their faces so close Tayce swore A’whora could feel the heat rising off his face at the insinuation.
It wasn’t like he couldn’t play along, flirting and calling his bluffs. But this was more intimate, the two of them, together. No one else, no need to worry about keeping it down so their roommates wouldn’t find out. It was a flash of a possible future. The pair of them working, joking, and loving together.
It dawned on him then, cuddled together without a care in the world after the most exhausting two weeks of his life. This was what he wanted, he didn’t care what other people thought. Something melted away without him realising, leaving his heart bare and ready for the taking though A’whora always let him set the pace.
“I love you, George.”
He froze. Did he hear that right? Did Tayce just say he loved him? Tayce, the one who could never let himself be vulnerable, much less admit his deepest feelings.
“I love you too.” He choked out, sounding more shocked than he knew possible. Tayce couldn’t help but laugh, he wasn’t expecting it but that reaction was nothing less than adorable. He pulled him into a soft kiss, enjoying their closeness before they both drifted off, hardly ready for the travel and fatigue of tomorrow but safe and cosy in the presence of each other.
He could get used to this.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #146: Medusa (Lancer)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making the mini-dusa, Medusa Lancer. In this build, Medusa is an Eldritch Knight Fighter, and only that. Sadly Flesh to Stone is a little to high-level to get, but we’ll make it work.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: The closest thing we’re getting to a Tiamat build.
Race and Background
Having been kicked out of godhood by Athena, Medusa is the ultimate Hermit, giving her Religion proficiency. We’ll also switch things up and give her Acrobatics proficiency for sick anime flips while fighting.
Like her sisters, she’s also a Yuan-Ti, giving her +1 Intelligence and +2 Strength, thanks to Tasha’s. She also gets Darkvision,  Innate Spellcasting for the Poison Spray cantrip and unlimited uses of Animal Friendship on snakes. At third level you can also cast Suggestion once per long rest. All these spells use charisma to cast. You have Magic Resistance and Poison Immunity as well, the former giving you advantage on saves against magic, and the latter making you completely immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
It’s a shame you aren’t Small, but no race is perfect.
Ability Scores
Even if you’re wearing armor it doesn’t cover much, so make sure your Dexterity is pretty high. After that is Strength, which actually becomes your highest stat after racial bonuses if you’re using the standard array, because you’re swinging around a giant scythe and you aren’t a monk. Third is Intelligence, you know more than you let on and that’s the stat your eyes are attached to. Your Constitution isn’t amazing, but it’ll be plenty. Your Wisdom is kind of low, but we’re dumping Charisma. You just are not a people person, and you’re easily bribed with sweets.
1. First level fighters get a Fighting Style, and Thrown Weapon Fighting makes your scythe and chains a little more deadly, adding 2 to its damage rolls. Drawing the weapon can also be done in the same action you attack with it. You also get a Second Wind, letting you heal yourself as a bonus action. Your goddess core might protect you, but it’s important to pace yourself too.
You also get proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as two fighter skills. You’ve been on your own for a bit, so Survival is a good pick, and your character arc starts with you not being a fan of humanity, so I bet your Intimidation rolls will get a workout.
2. Second level fighters get an Action Surge, letting you slap an extra action onto your turn once per short rest. Copying an anime is always hard to do in D&D, but this’ll make it a bit easier at least.
3. As an Eldritch Knight, you get a Weapon Bond, letting you summon a weapon to your hand as a bonus action. You also can’t be disarmed while you’re conscious, but you’ll be throwing that thing around so much it probably won’t do much.
The big draw of the E. Knight, however, is the Spells you can cast with your Intelligence. Most of the spells you get will be abjuration or evocation, but that doesn’t stop you from getting Booming Blade and Mold Earth as cantrips. The former makes your scythe a bit scarier, and the latter is one of the few things proving your legitimacy as an earth goddess. You also get Mage Armor, because let’s be honest that outfit doesn’t count, Snare for some quick and dirty immobilization, and Longstrider to make yourself a little more mobile.
4. Speaking of mobility, use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Mobile feat, making you 10′ faster per round and making it so you can ignore attacks of opportunity from creatures you’ve tried to hit this turn.
You also learn the spell Protection from Evil and Good, making it harder for the gods to continue to ruin your life. Gods: not even once.
5. Your Extra Attack lets you attack twice per action, or four times with your action surge. Chains aren’t that deadly a weapon, it’s more about the quantity over quality.
6. Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence for stronger spells. Trust me, you’ll want them.
7. Seventh level eldritch knights learn War Magic. If you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can then use your bonus action to hit somebody. How nice of them. You also learn the first of the two “none of the spells from 2nd level really work for you so we’re taking things that could reasonably be construed as Not Magic” spells, Enhance Ability, which lets you try a bit harder to gain advantage on one kind of ability score check. If you pick one of the physical scores, you also get a little bonus for your troubles.
8. Use this ASI to bump up your Strength for stronger scything. You also learn the one good 2nd level spell, Hold Person, forcing a wisdom saving throw (DC 8+proficiency + int modifier) on a humanoid, or they become paralyzed for the duration of the spell, up to a minute. They get to remake the save each round, but we’ll get a way to deal with that in a bit.
9. Before that though, you’re going to be Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once per long rest! Your wisdom save’s looking a little weak, but we’ll patch it up in a bit.
10. Tenth level eldritch knights get an Eldritch Strike, giving creatures you hit disadvantage on saves against your spells for the next round. That means hitting people makes your hold person work better, and hold person makes your hitting people work better. It’s symbiosis.
Your war magic is so powerful it almost makes True Strike not useless, and you also get the second NOTSF2LRWFYSWTTTCRBCANM spell, Arcane Lock. It’s a lock, just pretend you’re carrying a lock around for some reason.
11. I hope the Extra Attacks aren’t getting too repetitive yet, because you’re getting another one this level! Now you can attack three times an action, or six times a turn with action surge.
You also learn the spell Thought Shield, because I was so tired of second level’s nonsense I turned to the UA to pad this out. For eight hours, one creature you touch can’t have their mind read, and it has advantage on saves that would determine if it’s lying. If people could figure you out, you wouldn’t be a god.
12. Twelfth level fighters get another ASI, and this one is making us Resilient, giving you +1 Wisdom and proficiency with wisdom saves. Actually getting magic cast on you is for plebians.
13. Your second use of Indomitable per long rest isn’t that flashy, but what is flashy is getting to use third level spells, like Intellect Fortress! For up to an hour, the creature you target has resistance to psychic damage, and gets advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves. You already have advantage on most of those saves thanks to magic resistance, but now you can pass that onto a chosen champion as well. You could also use that third level slot for hold person, to hold two people at once.
14. Let’s make your magic even stronger with another ASI going right into Intelligence. That should make your eyes almost inescapable! You also learn the spell Haste, doubling your movement speed, adding 2 to your AC, and giving you most of an extra action each turn for the duration of the spell. You have to take a bit of a nap the turn after it ends, but the fight should be over by then.
15. Fifteenth level eldritch knights get an Arcane Charge when you use your Action Surge, letting you anime teleport behind someone immediately before or after your second action, to make sure the enemy knows it’s “nothing personnel, kid”. 
16. Use this ASI to round up your Dexterity and Wisdom for better saves and a higher AC. You also learn Counterspell, because your scythe is literally sharp enough to cut magic. I’m sure Medea isn’t jealous at all.
17. Seventeenth level fighters get an extra use of Action Surge and Indomitable. Not much else to say about this level. You’re just you, but better.
18. Your last eldritch knight goody continues the trend of “you, but better” with Improved War Magic, letting you attack as a bonus action after casting any sort of spell. Hit some people, action surge, cast hold person on them while they’re weak, then hit them again for more fun.
19. Use your last ASI for more Constitution for better concentration and more HP. You also learn the spell Stoneskin for even more defense, giving you resistance to physical damage types.
20. Your last level gives you yet another Extra Attack, giving you four attacks per action or eight with action surge. You also get your last spell, Protection from Energy, which can give you resistance to one type of damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder, for up to an hour.
Normally hold person’s “save every turn” weakness would be an issue, but thanks to eldritch strike you can use it effectively for crowd control. Hit people, freeze them in place, then hit them some more!
You’re also pretty mobile, with 40-50 feet of movement and teleportation making it hard to pin you down for retaliation.
On top of all of that, you’re strongly resistant against magic, with ways to cheat spell saves and reduce damage even further with Protection from Energy.
Using daggers, scythes, and whips to represent your chained weapons is fine and all, but it does mean all your attacks only do 1d4 damage. Even paralyzing your enemies for guaranteed crits isn’t going to make you scary.
Eldritch Knight spell slots only go up to level 4, so you won’t be able to cast Flesh to Stone. Maybe the big you can do it...
Your mobility spells, Hold Person, and protection spells all use concentration, so you’ll only be able to do one of those at a time.
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benichi · 3 years
Hi! I’m a big Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons fan, but I haven’t got a copy of PoOT yet. I was wondering, what do you think of the interactions with characters around the town? I heard they have been criticized for being kinda flat and repetitive. What do you think? Any other cons you would say of the game?
Thanks, much love ✨
Hey there :) I’m a big fan of the series as well and it really saddens me to say that the game is rightfully being criticised. I’m probably going to make a review where I go into more detail.
But as for your question yes - the social aspect is very bland and boring. Especially compared to the most recent entry Trio of Towns which was an absolute joy in that regard. I loved all the characters in ToT with their distinct personalities, one heart event was funnier than the next and there was  s o    m u c h  content when talking with the villagers. I went into the Town(s) every day so that I wouldn’t miss a thing the people there said.
Pioneers of Olive Town is the exact opposite of that. Sometimes I don’t visit the Town for days or only go there to buy stuff but don’t really talk to anybody. I also haven’t really been wooing the candidates, which is very unlike me, who usually always woos everyone to see all the heart events and dialogues. But that’s the problem - there’s just not much there. Most of the time you’re greeted with nothing but “Hey” “Hello” etc. sometimes you will get some new dialogue after probing for a while, but even those are usually not great. The heart events are very short, even the fact that you get one event per heart doesn’t make up for that. Plus they also come across very boring and rushed.
I feel like no matter how hard I try I just don’t really get to know the Characters on the deep level you usually do in HM/SoS. Which is a shame because that is one of my favorite parts of the series. A lot of things about the game feel rushed and the social aspect is where you notice it the most. It seems like they were struggeling with the camera/perspective because especially the events and festivals feel very stiff. Like they wanted as little movement from characters as possible. The character models don’t blink so they give you that odd death stare. They also do weird moonwalk like movements during cutscenes. No kiss during marriage. No heart dialogue. No reverse confessions/proposals. A lot of “No”s.
I hate to say it but this game unfortunately doesn’t feel much better from the poor copy Harvest Moon games Natsume keeps pushing out. The gameplay is more fun I’d say, I commend that they tried some different things there and I am having fun with my farm. But I am very much missing the social interactions and the game just doesn’t give me that nice fuzzy feeling I usually get from the series. I’m not invested in the characters and I don’t know if they can fix this. Especially for an anniversary game it feel like they took a lot more steps back than forward. The only good thing is that they seem to be acknowledging the fact that they messed up in that regard. I hope they can at least remedy some of what has been done but I wish we weren’t even at this point. Story of Seasons is a big comfort game for me so I hope they can do better next time.
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Forgotten: Part 3
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During one of the BAU’s most difficult cases, Luke meets a dedicated journalist who is committed to fighting for the underdog. Reluctant to trust the authorities at first, she finds a friend in the compassionate FBI agent. But as they draw closer, the challenges only grow with fear, hostility and a relentless unsub whose attention turns to her…
Masterlist (x)
AN/ FINALLY here’s Part 3! I hope you enjoy reading it. Apologies for the long wait and for the terrible writing (I’m so out of practice!). But we’re starting to get to the good stuff, so please do let me know what you think. What are you most excited for? Is there anything you’re dreading? x 
“Thanks for the welcome.” Prentiss said, her eyes scanning the board pinned against the wall. “It’s good that we can get started as soon as possible.” She flashed the local police chief a reassuring smile as he nodded in acknowledgment.
The BAU were well adapted to setting up quickly and in this particular case it had been stressed, by Linda Barnes herself, that time was of the essence. With the media frenzy outside the station, it was clear why the FBI brass wanted it resolving sooner rather than later too.
But, of course, the BAU would be paying it the same due diligence they did all their cases.
“Reid, if you could get started at the ME’s office?” Emily asked. “Tara and Matt, if you could take a look at the crime scene?” Her colleagues nodded in agreement.
“I’ll get one of my detectives to take you out there.” The police chief told them, gesturing to an officer stationed outside the window. “We’ve had a presence at the scene since the body was discovered in an effort to keep prying eyes away.”
“Thanks Chief. I’m sure that it will be helpful to get the insight from your officers too.” Matt replied, a small smile on his face as he and Tara left the room, closely followed by Reid. All were keen to get started on the investigation.
Emily watched them depart before turning back to the chief. “Myself and Agent Rossi are eager to speak to Lara’s family. Would it be possible to arrange a meeting?” The chief grimaced, her name clearly a reminder of the pressured situation he was facing.  
“Sure. It might be better for us to go to them though. They’re not big fans of the media circus outside.” He explained. “Can’t say I blame them…”
Prentiss nodded in agreement. “Thank you for your cooperation chief.”
He cleared his throat and stood up a little straighter. “Of course. If there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“Do you have any information about the other cases that have been reported recently?” Luke asked, one hand resting on the back of his chair and the other skimming the pages of the report Garcia had sent across.
With gruesome details of five other bodies found along the same stretch of highway, it certainly hadn’t been light reading. And, even with Garcia’s superb sleuthing abilities, she still hadn’t managed to track down much information about the victims themselves. Hopefully the local PD would be able to shed more light on the situation.
However, as soon as Luke glanced up to see the tense posture of the chief, he realised he’d made a mistake.
“Other cases?”
JJ frowned at the defensive tone of the chief. Hostile police forces were something she definitely didn’t miss having to deal with as Communications Liaison. “The other women who were found dead in the same area. Our technical analysist found striking similarities between-”
“Similarities?” The Chief scoffed, his unkind expression promoting Luke’s back to stiffen. “We have the body of the most influential woman in the city on our hands Agent Jareau. If you think that’s a comparison-”
Thankfully Emily decided to intervene, cutting his undoubtedly offensive comment short. “We believe these cases may be relevant Chief.” She turned to JJ and Luke, skilfully avoiding further confrontation. “I want you two to head to the local newspaper office to interview Y/N Y/L/N. See what you can find out from her.”
“Y/N Y/L/N?” The Chief asked incredulously, shaking his head. “The journalist?”
“Chief, you called us in to help. Let us do that.” Prentiss replied firmly “At the BAU we study criminal behaviour and have to investigate all of the evidence we find.”
“Do what you like…but, if you ask me you’re wasting your time, time we don’t have to spare.” He declared, his eyes narrowing slightly before he stood up. “If you’ll excuse me Agent Prentiss, I’ll arrange that meeting with the Hughes family.”
The team exchanged knowing glances as the Chief stormed from the room.
“It looks like we’ll have our work cut out for us here.” Rossi murmured quietly. “Lucky us.” His sarcastic comment prompted a few wry smiles from the group, but all knew the implications were serious. Working with a reluctant local police force was less than ideal, especially when trying to stop a serial killer.
 You drummed your fingers against the wooden desk, the repetitive thud offering a little comfort as your heart thudded nervously. In your years reporting, you had experienced many adrenaline-fuelled moments – both ones you’d rather forget and the ones you savoured. It was the excitement and frustration that pushed you on and made you determined to continue the pursuit.
But the possibility that something might finally go right? That things could change for the better? That seemed to be the most nerve-wracking of all. Hope was dangerous.
As you sat waiting for the FBI to appear, all you could think of was each of the families you had come to know over the years. Each one carrying an agonising burden of loss. Their lives had been forever changed by the actions of another. Their futures stolen.
Did the FBI agents know about their stories? What would they be like? Would they even care? Or, did they just have to be here to alleviate concern about the most recent high-profile victim?
You felt terrible thinking of Lara Hughes that way. Of course, you didn’t begrudge her case receiving attention. Every single victim of crime deserved their story to be told and justice to be served. However, the intense media and police attention on her case alone, just seemed to serve as a painful reminder of the disparity ‘different’ victims received.
Behind every case that crossed your desk were loved ones left behind in desperation and sadness. A pain that no one else seemed to recognise or even cared to listen to. Sometimes families would even confess that the isolation and sense of neglect could feel as terrible as the murder itself. Almost as if their loved one had been killed for a second time when police explained there were ‘no credible leads’ and that the cold investigation was a ‘stretch on resources’.
A frown crossed your face as you glanced at the pile of case folders stacked neatly on your desk.  You saw every victim as a person and it was difficult to understand why others couldn’t afford them the same courtesy.
Despite all your dealings with the local PD, you still couldn’t decide why they seemed so reluctant to cooperate with the investigations. Was it simply a misunderstanding? Or was there a deliberate refusal from some to help those deemed ‘beneath them’?
Fortunately, you were snapped out of your gloomy thoughts by your boss’s sudden announcement.
“Y/N, there’s a call for you. They arrived.”
 “Why’s it this difficult?”
JJ frowned in confusion as she glanced over at Luke. The two of them had arrived at the newspaper offices and were waiting in a quiet room for the local journalist to arrive. However, it seemed like her colleague had a few questions of his own on his mind.
Luke sighed quietly, his gaze dropping on the file clutched in his hands. “Why don’t local police want to investigate these cases? Or at least be open to the possibility there’s something bigger at play here?”
JJ flashed him a reassuring smile. “Trust me Luke, I’ve had my fair share of reluctant PDs. They’ll come around eventually. It’s just fear that holds them back.”
Luke gave her a small nod. “I hope so.” He shrugged his shoulders as he leant back in his seat. “At least we’re here now.”
His thoughts were interrupted as the door opened to reveal a young woman stood outside, files balanced carefully on top of what appeared to be a very well-used laptop in her arms.
“I was told that the FBI wanted to speak to me? I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
 You silently cursed yourself for the nervousness that had crept into your tone, your voice unusually high as you stared at the two agents sat at the table. Despite your dealings with law enforcement in the past, this time with the FBI’s involvement it felt incredibly serious and you couldn’t help but find their presence imposing.
What if the local police had already cast doubts upon your investigation? What if they were just here to box tick? How could you let the families down again?
Your heart thudded uncomfortably and your hand drifted towards the strap of your bag, twisting it in an effort to distract yourself from your nerves. The man’s eyes narrowed slightly as they followed your movement. Of course, they were profilers after all.
“Ms Y/L/N? It’s nice to meet you. I’m Agent Jennifer Jareau, otherwise known as JJ.” The blonde women explained. She gestured to her colleague sat beside her. “This is Agent Luke Alvez.”
You nodded in acknowledgment, finding yourself taken aback by how normal they both seemed. It wasn’t the straight-laced government officials you had been expecting. Agent Jareau appeared younger than you would have imagined. Her eyes kind and expression relaxed.
“Thanks for making the time to see us.” Agent Alvez said, his voice deep and oddly soothing. His dark curls framed his face and his brown eyes seemed to radiate warmth as he flashed you a small smile. “Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”
Definitely not what you had been expecting…
  An hour later and the conversation was still in full flow. You had been hesitant at first in an effort to suss the agents out and determine their motives. But after the initial pleasantries it hadn’t taken long for you to realise that both seemed like dedicated agents that were deeply committed to their jobs…and justice. With that reassurance, you had been happy to review the details of each case, your own investigations and even discuss the cooperation (or rather lack of) from local police.
However, unfortunately JJ had been briefly pulled away by a phone call, calling a temporary halt to the interview. Luke gave you a small smile as he pointed towards the coffee clutched tightly in your hand. “Black? I’m impressed.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Trust me, in this job you need it. Before all of this I used to be a caramel latte girl.”
He chuckled quietly at your joke, folding his arms as he leant back in his chair. His eyes seemed to soften as he glanced at you in curiosity.
“Why do you do it?”
You froze for a moment, the question momentarily catching you off guard. It wasn’t something you had ever been asked before. As a journalist, you were so used to talking about others, it seemed strange to discuss yourself for a change. But judging by what you knew of Agent Alvez so far, you knew he’d understand your answer.
You bit your lip as your eyes lifted to meet his. “To show someone cares.” You gestured at the files littering the table and the photographs staring up at the two of you. “These women and their families deserve that as much as anyone else.”
He nodded slowly, his eyes surprisingly gentle as he stared at you. “I completely agree.”
For the first time in a long time, you found yourself believing that someone else cared too.
@ssaic-jareau, @alvezstan, @exceptionallytiredzombie, @illegalcerebral, @captaintightpants58, @abitofeverythinggg, @sociallyakwardb, @notsomellowmushroom, @afuckingshituniverse, @yourwonderbelle, @crimeshowtrash​
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inoobwriter · 3 years
Life At U.A High School: Part 3
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Summary: After remembering the deal you did with Mr. Aizawa, you now face against Bakugo. A little intimidate by him you still try to give your all. Will you win against him? Or will you lose miserably and lose the deal as well?
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Main Pairing: Midoriya x Bakugo x Todoroki x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k words
Art Cover by Me
Read Important notes & Chapter list (Click here):
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Part 3:
"Hi! I'm F/N L/N! It's very nice to meet you Eraser Head!" You said as you introduced yourself to Mr. Aizawa
"Eraser Head?" Mr. Aizawa looked at you with one eyebrow going up.
"Urk-" You said covering your mouth, "Mr. Aizawa! I meant to say, Mr. Aizawa!" You said standing up straight and clapping your hand together.
"I'm surprised you know my hero name." Mr. Aizawa said turning around.
Principal Nezu had secretly made an arrangement for Mr. Aizawa and you to meet before your first official day here. Probably to get acquainted with the school and each other.
"Why wouldn't I? I know all the things there is to know about you!" You said as your fangirling came out of you, "You are very cool sir! The way you use your quirk and the way you let your hair go, it's gorg-" You said cutting yourself off, "Awesome!"
Mr. Aizawa still looking away from you responded, "Listen I'll get straight to the point since I still have a lot of work to do too. I don't think you are worthy of being in here."
You looked at him as you heard those words.
"I'm pretty sure you heard the news about the attack on the school and not to mention the Hosu City incident. Are you sure you want to join in during the middle of the year? Not to mention the fact that you'll be in danger but you are already behind as it is."
You looked at him as he said that, I-"
"How do I know you won't drag the rest of us down?" Mr. Aizawa asked looking straight at you.
You flinched at those words and then looked down at the floor, thinking of an answer to say to him.
"Go, home kid. Try next year at the beginning of the school year." And with that, he walked past you heading towards the door.
"I don't know." You said still looking down at the floor.
Mr. Aizawa paused as you said that.
"I don't know if I'll get in the way or not." You clenched your hands and turned around to face him, "But I refuse to be a burden to anyone!"
Mr. Aizawa frowned turning around to face you, "It's not that simple just because you say you won't be, doesn't mean-"
"I won't leave! Not until I get to at least prove myself!" You said looking at him straight in the eyes, "Hero's are supposed to always help those in need even if you're not as strong or skilled as other heroes! I might not have the full knowledge as the rest but I proved that I could at least hold on my own in the exams! So shouldn't that mean something!?" you screamed at him.
Mr. Aizawa glared at you.
After you calmed down you realized what you just did and started to panic.
"Uh- what I meant sir was that-"
"Huh?" You asked confused.
"One chance." Mr. Aizawa said walking out the room, "If you can't convince me that you won't be a burden to us then you're saying your goodbyes to this school."
And with that Mr. Aizawa had left the room leaving you alone in there.
***End of Flashback ***
'L/N.' Mr. Aizawa thought while looking both at you and Bakugo, 'Show me what you're really made of then.'
"Begin." He said firmly.
Bakugo started blasting himself towards you at very high speed.  You froze at the sound of his explosions. As you saw red fire coming out of his hands, a women's voice echoed in your head, 'Y/N!'.
'N-no.' You thought as you were trying to force your legs to moves, 'Not now!'
"What's the matter!" Bakugo yelled as he was ready to use his right hand to send you off with a blast, "Don't tell me you're giving up that quickly!"
Instinctively you open a portal in front of you. Bakugo quickly tried to dodge it but because of his speed, he went inside the portal. You quickly open another portal facing down exactly 3 yards away from the ground making Bakugo slam himself against the ground.  You left relief that he was away from you that you drop down to your knees trying to calm yourself down.
'So it's true then.' Mr. Aizawa thought, 'L/N is afraid of fire.'
You grabbed your head trying to focus, 'It's not fire! It's not fire! It's not fire!!!'
You remember watching the sports festival on your computer the day it was broadcasted. You were amazed at how many talented people were showing off their strength. You were more amazed at a brunette girl who kept charging at a blond guy. You were shaking in your chair as you saw him being crazy and violent towards the whole competition. You had so much respect for her because she kept trying even though it was obvious that she was going to lose.  
'I wish I could be like her...Uraraka' You remembered as you clenched your hands, 'Because she was brave...unlike me right now.'
"Tch." Bakugo got up trying to regain his balance, "That's all you got punk?"
He then quickly blasted himself again towards you ready to anticipate your next move.
'As long as you never give up on your dreams it can come true!' The words echoed in your head.
'No!' You yelled at yourself internally, 'I won't-'
You stood up and looked at Bakugo's eyes, "I won't let you bully me!"
You quickly made a portal and moved it in his direction forcing him to get in.
Everyone was a little surprised though Mr. Aizawa was still unfazed by this.
"Wow!" Present Mic yelled, "L/N can apparently move them as well! What a surprise! Honesty this girl keeps surprising us more and more."
'According to the sports festival he's really a nutcase but he's very intelligent.' You looked up at the sky, 'He'll probably think I'm going to do the same thing twice.'
You open another portal in the air facing upwards this time, 'Got to keep me unpredictable!'
Bakugo pops out of the portal except he was prepared to dodge the ground so he maneuvers himself to glide to the sides only to be confused that he was in mid-air.
'Now!' You stretched your hand out as you open another portal forcing him to go back in and slamming him again on the ground with another portal.
'I purposely made my previous battles seem repetitive to make myself seemed predictable and lower their guard towards me. So far it seems to work.' you thought smiling to yourself.
"ENOUGH!" Bakugo yelled as he was getting pissed off more than he already was.
He put both his hands down where the floor was and started making a lot of explosions causing a big ball of smoke to cover the whole training ground, blocking everyone's version.
"Wow! Bakugo has gone impatient to the point where he's going stealth!" Present Mic said trying to see what's in front of him.
'Shut up!' Bakugo thought closing his eyes, 'Focus! Where're that stupid loser's movements!'
Bakugo heard in the corner of his left ear a bunch of people coughing and talking, he obviously assumed that was the rest of his stupid classmates. He grits his teeth as he tries to listen to your movements until-
"THERE!" He ran up towards where he heard you moving around quickly.
You turned around to where you heard his voice but only to be punched in the stomach.
"GOT YOU, YOU MORON!" Bakugo yelled smirking at you being in pain.
You coughed up blood as you pushed him away making a portal under you to fall on. You then teleported a few yards away from him since you couldn't concentrate well on your quirk. You turned around to see Baku coming towards you with his hand ready to give you another punch.
"TOO SLOW LOSER!" Bakugo said punching you on your waist where you had been previously hurt.
You screamed out as you pushed him away. You then started to run away from him.
"WHAT'S THE MATTER NOW? NOT SO TOUGH NOW EH?" Bakugo said laughing at the fact you were trying to run away from his grasp.
'You need to calm down!' You thought to yourself.
You started to run away from him as you hold your waist trying to breathe for air.
"Oh, no will L/N will ok?"
"Don't you think Bakugo is going too far?"
"Why isn't Mr. Aizawa stopping him?!"
Midoriya turned to look at Mr. Aizawa seeing if he would stop the fight but he did nothing.
'Is he really going to let this side?!' Midoriya thought as he turned around to look at Bakugo. Thinking about your fight with Bakugo reminded him of Uraraka's fight with Bakugo. How he knew Uraraka wasn't as strong as Bakugo but she still managed to put up a fight till the end.
'Is that what your thinking Mr. Aizawa?' Midoriya turned to look at him again, 'Do you think she can lay a hand on him?'
'Now L/N, how are you now that you experiencing danger?' Mr. Aizawa said looking at you pitifully running away, 'Not so easy now that you feel it first hand.'
Mr. Aizawa closed his eyes and turned around, 'This is the type of burden I was talking about. The type of being in danger and knowing that there's no one to help you. Knowing you can't do anything except admit defeat to your opponents...Well, it's shame really. I kinda liked your quirk, it would have been a great asset for your defense but you still lack the knowledge of focusing in a dangerous situation.' He then opens his eyes, 'A weakness like that will get you killed on the spot.'
"WHERE YOU'RE RUNNING OFF TO?" Bakugo yelled at you
'Oh right.' Mr. Aizawa said turning around, 'Better call off the fight now.'
He then looked at you... smiling?!
Everyone looked at you wondering why you were smiling like an idiot.
You pull your hand away from your waist and looked at Mr. Aizawa's eyes, "Don't go celebrating when you haven't won yet."
Everyone flinched at your words, wondering what trick you had up your sleeve.
"Ohohoho~ Does L/N have a plan that she hasn't revealed to us yet?" Present Mic said always narrating the battles that were happening right now.
"You see Bakugo. I have been a fan of class 1-A for a while now. I mean come on, you guys are the coolest and strongest first years of the school so far." You said putting your hands up, "Obviously I did my research before passing my exams for your class."
Midoriya, Bakugo, and Mr. Aizawa froze at what you said.
'What does she mean she did the research? On who? On what?' Midoriya thought pressing his finger on his chin.
'Research? On the students? But even with that, there's no way she could read each and every student here especially since they improved tremendously ever since the sports festival happened.' Mr. Aizawa thought as he gave you a sharp gaze.
'What is she thinking?' Everyone thought.
"SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!" Bakugo went flying towards you and you smirked making him stop in place.
"I GOT YOU NOW!" You yelled as you made a portal underneath you falling in it again.
'Quick! Look for the farthest distance away from me.' Bakugo thought as he turning around looking for you. He knew that whenever you teleported away it was because you were trying to get a safe distance between yourself and your opponents.
'You're the type that I hate the most too.' Bakugo thought gritting his teeth, 'Always thinking your hot shit and when you finally have the chance to prove yourself, you hold back.'
Then he notices you coming down from the sky and as he gets ready to aim he suddenly sees another portal made under you then as if he wasn't confused enough he notices a lot of a portal appearing around him all in mid-air, not once touching the ground.  All of them being angle to a certain degree.
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As you fall you looked at Bakugo's eyes for a split second giving him a smile as you fell into the portal on the ground. Suddenly Bakugo felt a swift air coming from the back of his neck, he turns around only to see you swiftly entering another portal. Then he felt another breeze on the left side of his face only for you to again enter another portal. You quickly kept getting out of a portal and entering a portal making yourself faster as time went on.
"Oh, I get it!" Midoriya said putting his fist on his other hand, "That's really a genius move."
"What is it Midoriya?" Uraraka said turning to face him.
"Yeah explain it to us already!" Kaminari said waiting in suspense.
"Basically L/N is weirdly bouncing off her portals!" Midoriya said sparkles in his eyes.
Everyone looked at him weirdly as they didn't understand what he meant and Midoriya sighed.
"L/N is traveling at a high speed through her portals," Todoroki said walking up to the rest of his classmates, "When she fell off from mid-air just now, she did that to pick up speed. I'm not sure how her quirk works but it looks like she can transfer over velocity through her portals."
Midoriya looked at him, surprised that he joined in on the conversation.
"Just like how she managed to shoot out your tape Sero." Todoroki looked at him
"Don't remind me of that," Sero said sulking,
"Oh sorry." Todoroki turned around.
"Yeah, he's right. Look at the portals they aren't facing straight out. They are angle sideways either up or down. If they were facing straight she would have been shot out straight and lose her velocity causing her to fall flat on her face." Midoriya point to the portals.
"Ooooh yeah! I get it now!" Kirishima said amazed at the discovery
"So basically she's constantly falling and therefore adding more speed to herself and eventually with all that speed she'll hit Bakugo at the last minute. Very smart." Asui said looking up
"A good tactic but not a great one, in the long run," Iida said adjusting his glasses.
"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked
"While yeah constantly falling and angling her portals to gain speed is smart but for how long?" Iida said looking at the scene in front of him.
Everyone then realized what he meant.
"L/N is gaining speed but also it's affecting her body. How long before it becomes unbearable for her. Or better yet will she even manage to get a hit on Bakugo before she's forced to stop this." Iida said concerned, "Even I have my own limits of going high definitions of speed."
Everyone looked at you exiting and entering portals. Wondering whether your plan was a good idea or not, after all, you only have one shot. And Mr. Aizawa was ready to see the results of this battle.
'Shit! She's moving too fast!' Bakugo thought looking around. Bakugo was always a strong confident person who always went head-on into fights. He wasn't good at dealing with multiple things at once and you knew this.
'Just a few more turns!' You thought, 'Got to get him quickly before he gets time to react.'
You looked at Bakugo as you were constantly teleporting to different places.
"Oh, man! A lot has happened today even though it's still the first day at U.A High for L/N! Will she succeed in her plan? Or will she fail miserably?" Present Mic said hyping up the final conclusion of this battle.
'You have my thanks, Uraraka.' You thought, 'Without your brave plan at the sports festival. I wouldn't have known he hated obstacles moving around him. Class 1-A also has my thanks, without them, I wouldn't be able to calculate the distance between each portal I put out here.'
You smile, 'I know that even if I do get his bandana or not. I would have lost the bet.'
'If you can't convince me that you won't be a burden to us then you're saying your goodbyes to this school.' Mr. Aizawa's words echoed in your head
'Even if I beat Bakugo I won't have enough energy to deal with Midoriya...I lost.' You thought.
'Thanks, class 1-A.' You suddenly opened a portal facing directly at Bakugo, 'For welcoming me into your class warmly.'
Then you exit the portal facing Bakugo at full force causing a big explosion that smoke came out and blocked everyone's view at the scene. You instantly fell unconscious.
3: The Burden (End)
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Part 2
Chapter List
Part 4:
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needletail · 4 years
Nintendogs vs Nintendogs + Cats: a review and comparison.
There’s no doubt that most people want a new Nintendogs game for the Nintendo Switch. But when I see these posts, very few of them are referencing the 3ds variant of the game, but rather the original ds version that everyone continues to know and love.
The addition of cats is Nintendogs + Cats’ most notable feature. It was, while cute and fun for a short period of time, notably worse than its predecessor. But why is that? The formula stayed roughly the same, but the charm didn’t quite hit.
Before we dive into this: these are my opinions on the games, and personal comparisons. Every person experiences things differently, and will likely have different opinions.
We can start with breaking down the original Nintendogs. The graphics have not aged well, but the charm and entertainment factor have. While replaying, I found that the general ambience and the music used endeared me further to the game, and I wanted to play more. The half hour timer on going for walks was frustrating (as was the stamina system), but it otherwise engaged me more to figure out where I wanted to go. The map feels surprisingly big with so much to do, and the side-scrolling walk screen keeps the mystery alive in what you’ll encounter. The competitions were fun and the voice recognition system may have been even better than the 3ds incarnation. The only thing that really suffered were the graphics - but this game is 15 years old and this was advanced for its time, so we can let that slide. The dogs can be a little strange to look at at times, but they’re expressive and distinct, which is what matters in a pet simulator.
The information you can take in is optional, but an exciting part of the game for those who are interested. Your dog’s profile is detailed but easy to understand, going as far as to tell you what it ate last. There’s something so charming about it being displayed as if it were a document you had in front of you - it brings another element of immersion into this sim.
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[Image ID: a photograph of the informational sheet on Nintendogs. It includes the name, gender, breed, trainer, time together, coat, hunger, thirst, and things eaten. The trick list and contest results are also on this screen.] 
From cars passing by to horns in the distance and dog barks from somewhere vaguely nearby, the sound design of Nintendogs is audibly aged, but still strong. The few tracks spread in the game are iconic, and stay in my head a lot longer than I’d like to admit. 
The competitions are another huge highlight of the original nintendogs. The banter between the hosts, Ted and Archie, is something that continues to be remembered. Everyone’s seen the line “you make me feel like a man, Archie”, and the banter they keep up in each competition is less like a mindless tapping chore and just more entertainment. The settings are surprisingly realistic - less so on the obedience, but the ring set up for agility certainly is. The balance between realism and fun is another part of why Nintendogs appealed to all audiences. 
Agility is my personal favourite event, and the same goes for a lot of people I’ve met. There’s a level of interactivity here that isn’t met by the successor (something we’ll touch on later). Guiding your dog over hurdles and through tunnels, and later having to balance speed with accuracy - it’s an event that keeps you, the player, engaged. It becomes a sort of fine art once you hit the Championship level, as your dog, by that point, is likely going to be very fast and have a mind of its own, often trying to predict which obstacles it’s going to go through. 
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[Image ID: an angled photograph of the starter agility training course. The dog is laying on the green, and the hurdles and tunnels are in view.] 
Disc is in both versions, and is fun in its own way. I, personally, don’t tend to use the disc competition - in the original Nintendogs, the projectiles can be a little speedier than you intend them to be, and the dogs are a little too determined to hold onto their toys. But, with a well-trained dog, this event can be as fun as anything else. In the original, you didn’t have to contend with the other dogs - something that I’ve grown to appreciate over the years. But, like with the event that removed Agility, I’ll be looking at how the changes fared later. 
Obedience is held on a stage, and is a fun event for people who take the time to train their dogs. Your dog can typically learn three or four tricks a day (depending on the dog), and between the tricks listed in the Obedience Guide Book and the unlisted tricks that your dog can learn, you can usually blow the competition out of the park. It definitely requires the most time and effort out of all of the events, and it can be frustrating if your dog suddenly stops listening - but the rewards are surprisingly good. It’s always fun to have a well-trained Nintendog, if only because showing them off when I was a child was my favourite thing to do. 
Obviously, competitions are the main money-makers in these games. Tackle a solid few of them, and you’ll find yourself able to afford another dog or two. Though your room is limited to three dogs, there’s also a Hotel to keep some other dogs in. As time progresses and you gain more of a bond with your dog(s), you’ll unlock more breeds. 
Something that went over my head when I was a child was the method to unlock Jack Russells, specifically. You need to find an incredibly rare book - something which I don’t ever recall doing, and still haven’t. I found this information via the wikia, so I’m not too sure how accurate is, but it is an interesting breed to lock behind a time and patience-based method. 
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[Image ID: an angled image of a German Shepherd laying on its side. In the corner is an idea bubble.] 
Overall, Nintendogs is a solid and fun pet simulator, and it’s clear why so many people have such good memories. The dogs are filled with personality (even being expressive enough to show you when they’re angry vs happy), the competitions are engaging, and though the format will become stale after playing daily for a long time, it’s always a fun game to come back to after a period of time. 
Which is why it’s unsurprisingly that it gained a sequel.
I remember being ecstatic when Nintendogs + Cats was shown in advertisements on television. When I got the 3ds, I also got a copy of Nintendogs + Cats. The Golden Retriever version, specifically, but I do own all three. For some reason? As people got bored with it, they usually gifted me them. 
At first blush, it’s almost as charming as the original. The graphics style handles much better than the original, with slightly more realistic movements, and less cardboard-y models. I much prefer the Nintendogs + Cats models to the originals, for obvious reasons - though their movements can be a little repetitive and strange at times, and a lot less expressive than the originals. But that said, I much prefer the Kennel system of petting and exploring the dogs and their behaviours (limited as they are) before you adopt, and I enjoy sorting through colours or getting unique colours/patterns. The rare white variants used to be my obsession, as a child. 
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[Image ID: a german shepherd holding a present in Nintendogs + Cats. The model is significantly better than the original Nintendogs model.] 
Immediately, though, there’s a lot less ambience in Nintendogs + Cats. I play with my volume up all the way, and it’s typically just my dogs and cat making noises. I miss the cars going by and the general background noise that the game can provide. It feels just a little too silent, and the music tracks are repetitive and unmemorable for the most part. Obviously sound design don’t make or break the game, so I won’t harp on this point for too long. 
The gameplay is...fine? I’m not a fan of petting a shadow of my dog, but I understand they did that for 3D purposes (something which most people didn’t use, to the point that the 2DS was made. I play on a 2DS). The camera control is an incredibly nice feature to have, the showering minigame is a little more thorough. They didn’t really add anything to the care features, though. If anything, they took away a lot of experiences - reading the care books and instead guiding you through the tricks one by one instead of as you want, forcing you to learn a specific set of tricks before you can move on to the next ones. The game is far more hand-holdy, which can be frustrating at multiple points. But, hey. There’s cats! Let’s talk about the cats. 
What’s their purpose? Not much. Which is fine, although they take up a slot in your three-pet designation. As cute as the cats are, they definitely got done dirty. There’s three selections to choose from (Standard, Oriental, and Long-hair), with multiple colours, but not much depth beyond that. Obviously, the cats were just a cute addition - I do like having my little cat wandering around the house with my two dogs, and I know from past experiences that once you bond with the cat, it’ll go out and get presents for you if you leave your ds on. Gaining affection with the cats is very slow-going and if you’re someone who likes your pet simulations to be more interactive, it might be wiser to stick with the dogs. I’m not complaining against the addition of cats - it just could’ve been done much smoother, with better mechanics enabled. Be it adding some breeds and a proper grooming minigame to maintain them, or the ability to train them but have them be much harder than the dogs. There were many ways to put cats into the game, and I just don’t think they hit as intended. 
So, how did they do with the competitions? Well. 
The short answer: they’re pretty bland, and a downgrade from the original.  The long answer... 
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[Image ID: a white cocker spaniel chewing on a banana lure.] 
In the competitions, there’s no more Ted/Archie banter. It’s just Ted. Doing his thing. I honestly do not read the text for this game, and instead tap quickly to progress to the events. 
Replacing Agility comes Lure Coursing. I’m not sure about other countries, but that’s an incredibly niche section of dog sporting here, and it’s also notorious for being...very boring. And in the game, it lives up to that. Instead of guiding your dog through obstacles, you wind the cog of a lure and honk it to get the dog to follow it. Sometimes you honk it to get them over hurdles. I have to admit, I usually space out when I’m training my dogs with this - it’s an easy moneymaker once you’ve trained them up to Nintendogs Cup level, but it’s easily the most mind-numbing event. Anything would’ve been better. If they didn’t want to implement Agility, there are other dog sports that could’ve suited well; guiding your dog through the Flyball course and using its name to bring it back until it could do it on command (maybe even utilising a team of three, for reason as to why you can have up to three dogs), or sledding, using your dog to pull a lightweight sled (on wheels) through a course in a race against other dogs (or, again, even using your trio). There could have even been scenting sport in which you teach your dog how to scent and go off to find a mark, or herding. The point is: lure coursing is the most unengaging thing to put in a game. 
The Disc competition barely changes, so I won’t say much. I don’t particularly enjoy having the other dogs in the ring to compete with as it becomes all too easy for them to interfere heavily with your own dog, but I understand why it was implemented and know that a lot of people enjoy it. I prefer the throwing speed and the control you can have over the disc, and will admit that overall, the Disc competition is generally improved. 
But then you come to the Obedience Trial. AR Cards are mandatory. You don’t have a surface to put your AR Cards on, or lost them years ago? Then you can’t do it. I actually ordered AR Cards, having thrown out my old ones due to damages and general...lack of use. As of this post, I have been unable to play the Obedience Trial, so I can’t say much on whether the system has improved. I do know that AR Cards can work on a laptop screen or something similar, but the 3ds camera is pretty horrible and can glitch out, making it unreliable for screen-based AR cards. Unfortunately. 
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[Image ID: a white cocker spaniel standing on an AR Card.]
The walking system is fine. I love being able to go to different routes (as limited as they can be - but the original was no saint to repetitiveness once you knew the whole map), and I like having to go between grass patches, with a chance for a surprise present. I think the addition of the BARC stores are a cute touch, and the Miis walking their own dogs are cute, too. The interactions between your dog and theirs is based on your dog’s personality as well as theirs, which makes sense - but there’s basically three outcomes. More than the original, but meeting with other dogs tends to be to see if you can backtrack when you’re near the end of the walk by having them invite you to the cafe or park, or to get presents from Streetpass miis. I like the cone minigame to test your control over the dog and its leash, and as a rule, I just...like it. It’s relaxing. I don’t prefer it over the original, but I don’t prefer the original over it. They both have their benefits and downfalls. The biggest upside to + Cats’ system is that you can take your dog on as many walks as you want. 
Interactivity isn’t really a thing, with + Cats. Whereas in the original you could legitimately piss off your dog and it would bark and snarl at you for a while before you regained its trust, this game doesn’t punish you for much. I poked and prodded at my dog for a while, and it didn’t really do much for me. This is a game where you sort of just have cute looking models that hold up surprisingly well for their time, and that’s it. There’s not much game to the game, as it were - and that’s from a game where the gameplay was limited as it was. 
Adding multiple accessories to your pets is a very nice addition, albeit expected. Overall, though, the gameplay has been significantly dumbed down and while I understand that kids play it, my generation played Nintendogs as small children and we got by just fine. It’s a very intuitive game, and it’s almost insulting how little Nintendogs + Cats thinks of its audience. 
Another nice addition to Nintendogs + Cats, though, is body type for your pets. There’s a few that your pet can be: underfed, skinny, optimal, plump, and overfed. I usually have optimal dogs, but apparently plump and overfed dogs run slower and as such they do poorer in competitions, which is a pretty neat feature to have in-game. 
In the short of it, Nintendogs + Cats is fine, but Nintendogs (the original) is Good. I have a lot more nostalgia for Nintendogs which may cloud my opinion, but playing it in 2020 is still fun, and I’m especially happy to play the Agility competition.
For an interactive pet simulator with fun competitions and plenty to do, Nintendogs is the way to go.  For a pretty enough game with simplistic gameplay, Nintendogs + Cats is the way to go. 
Both games have their perks, but I certainly have a clear favourite. If a Switch edition of Nintendogs ever happened, I’d much prefer the original style with some of the quality of life changes made in the successor. In the end, it’s all up to what you’re looking for in a game - but as someone who’s looking for a fun time, I’m a sucker for the originals. 
(Note: I have not played the knock-off Nintendogs for Switch, and would appreciate input on if it’s worth buying or not. Reviews are poor at best, as far as I can tell, though.) 
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