#(I’ve only had the book for a few days but IMO yes it’s worth buying: well researched so far.)
reflectismo · 2 years
There’s no hard feelings or anything, but you just don’t hang around with your ex-wife. We’ve completely finished. ’Cos, you know, I’m just not that keen on John after all he’s done. I mean, you can be friendly with someone, and they can shit on you, and you’re just a fool if you keep friends with them. I’m not just going to lie down and let him shit on me again. I think he’s a bit daft, to tell you the truth. I talked to him about the Klein thing, and he’s so misinformed it’s ridiculous.
— Paul interviewed by student journalist Ian McNulty for the Hull University Torch, May 1972 [From The McCartney Legacy, Volume 1: 1969 – 1973 by Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair (2022)]
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diteach · 4 years
2020 in review
I was tagged by @apeironaxiomaton to look back at 2020 and pretty much to try and not hate it so much! Thank you!!
Also I’m stealing the idea of putting everything under a cut, which I have never done in my life (and probably should start doing) bc it makes things neat as heck. Almost none of these are in a particular order.
Top 5 movies I saw this year:
Volevo Nascondermi by Giorgio Diritti - this movie is REALLY good AND I have good memories tied to the protagonist for Reasons I’m gonna cry bye (a shame that I’ve only watched this other excellent movie starring Elio Germano tonight bc it should be on this list)
Emma (2020)
The King’s Speech
Spirited Away or Porco Rosso - I had watched the first before and never the second so I think the fairer choice would be Porco Rosso but I’m not entirely convinced of it
The Wolf of Wall Street - look, I simply have a weak spot for stories that are so absurd they can be nothing but real (see “the other Elio Germano movie”)
Top 5 TV shows I watched this year:
Murdoch Mysteries - it will stay engraved in the first place of EVERY chart in saecula saeculorum and NO nothing can take its place I don’t care
Peaky Blinders
Alias Grace - which I was sure was a movie? I was so shocked to discover it isn’t like was it really six hours long what the
The Queen’s Gambit
Suburra: Blood on Rome - “The series was developed by Daniele Cesarano and Barbara Petronio for Netflix, making it its first Italian-language original television series.” I’ll be honest, some bits were a little bit hmm-inducing. Not the best tv series I’ve ever seen, but it managed to be fun and easy to watch. Suspenseful even!
Top 5 Songs:
So there’s a reason why Spotify said I’m an octogenarian this year and for as much as I complain about it... it’s right... Spotify’s right. And it will only get worse, I’m afraid. All the songs are from the same playlist which was my most listened to (and is the most interesting to share imo). I swear I have listened to other, newer things as well.
Shake That Thing by The Abe Lyman’s California Orchestra
Night Hawk Blues by The Coon-Sander’s Nighthawk Original Orchestra
Where the Sweet Forget-Me-Nots Remember by Merle Johnston and His Ceco Couriers (I’ve loved these flowers since I was a kid it was so nice to find a song with them in the title!!)
Dew Dew Dewey Day by Nat Shilkret
The Panic is On by Mezz Mezzrow And His Swing Band
Top 5 Books I Read This Year:
so this is embarrassing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I “bought” an insane amount of books and read a grand total of...like...t w o. It was actually like four and some short stories (which I hated and are therefore banished from the good boy list) so I’m gonna list my silly little titles and make my silly little comments about them all. From “””””best””””” to “worst” we have:
The Adventures of a Modest Man by Robert W. Chambers - I literally cannot shut up about this book and, yes, it is the one tied to this illustration, about which I equally cannot shut up about. It’s so horrible that it makes a 360 and comes back as good, but not before hitting you with a cardboard tube for a laugh and subsequently stabbing you in the kidneys just because it can. I think we can confidently state that we are in the “I didn’t say it was good, I said I liked it” realm. I have so many questions about this book. Why was it written? Was it taking itself seriously? Was it commissioned by someone? Why is it so gay but only if you know that the author is a man? Maybe it’s a parody? Was it an experiment made by the author to test his own skill? I know jack about literature, unfortunately, so grain of salt here but it made me feel strong feels. Not that I could identify any of them if you asked, but they’re definitely there.
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot - I’m counting this in bc what is a book if not a patchwork of silly little paragraphs anyway so yes, we have a collection of poems. Not only do I know jack about literature; as a matter of fact, I know jack about poetry as well! All I’m gonna say is: I like cute things, I like cats, the poems were cute AND about cats. I really liked it! I often find myself going back and reading again specific parts just for the delight it is to read them out loud! I also may or may not have named the cats you can adopt in Stardew Valley after some of Eliot’s cats. The movie Cats (2019) did one good thing: making me read this.
How You Can Keep Fit by Rudolph Valentino - Yes, that is correct. A book on fitness written (in English!) by silent movie superstar Rodolfo Valentino. It is less than 100 pages on real, actual exercises that the reader can replicate in the comfort of their own house with little to no equipment. With a sprinkle of old timey manly manner of speaking, a few anecdotes from the author’s childhood in ye merry Italian countryside, a dusting of precious advice against ice-cream, and a dash of genuine intrigue for these newly discovered “vitamins” everyone is talking about. Overall a fascinating read that I treasure dearly! Valentino also wrote a book of poems, which I am absolutely thrilled to read this year.
For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway - Hmm.. I have mixed feelings about this one. Whenever the original language of a book is English, I instinctively want to read it in that language. Because I can! And because that way I get to read exactly what the author wrote. If it was another language, I’d get a translation, make peace with the fact that selling my soul to acquire perfect knowledge of all things is morally questionable, and call it a day. Problem: I’m a sucker for old books. And old books I did find indeed. There were three books by Hemingway for sale, very pretty, and for an almost symbolic price too so I bought them. They are Italian translations from the late 50s and my plan was to go through one in Italian, one in English, and after that, decide in which language to read the last one. I believe it was a mistake for me to start with Italian in Hemingway’s case. He’s known for having a very, VERY peculiar style that is integral to how the novels are perceived and I feel like I've robbed myself of literal peace of mind. For as much as I found the story interesting, I could not ignore the voice in the back of my head that kept wondering “was it necessary to render it like this?”. It did make me feel feels and think thoughts, but honestly? It was partially for the wrong reasons imo. It’s one of those books you should read at least once in your life, I guess, so I’m definitely glad I did it! Surprisingly, it captured me more than I expected and trapped me into its little world. I could clearly imagine the scenes in my head, which hadn’t happened in years! I’m really excited to move on to the next two books and finally be able to say if I appreciate his style or not.
Top 5 positive things that happened to me in 2020:
Visited Rome and took a stroll around on my own (sort of) for the first time in my life. I had never seen it at night :) Right after that I celebrated my birthday and got some cute gifts, including sweets that were sent all the way from Australia!!
Managed to buy my mom a gift, which is possibly the only real Accomplishment of 2020.
Took a bizarre trip this summer (I know, guilty) and fell in love with Slovenia
Discovering I like textile arts kinda gave me hope for myself and for the future. I say kinda for I dare not think concretely of anything too positive lest it should be prematurely taken from me. I shan’t elaborate. It is what it is.
The last few months of 2020 really hit me hard whereas in the beginning nothing was too bad so it was nice to see the list growing and growing! So many tiny good things happened and it’s worth to cling onto them. I’m tagging @sonicysuchillydog, @nurmilintunen, @alfonzone and anyone else who’d like to participate!! “Tell them I sent you” lol. Guys.............if you don’t feel like going thru your 2020 feel free to ignore bc......I get it............................
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Survey #318
“what can you do, where can ya go, when your mama is a burnout, and your daddy is a pyro?”
Do you have your ears pierced more than once? Yeah. Do you use an electric toothbrush? Yes. When was the last time you changed in front of someone? Oh, I have no idea. That's something I avoid like the plague because I loathe my body. When was the last time you got high? Never. Do you get along with your parents? Yeah. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? None. Have you ever used a Ouija board? No, I don't fuck with that stuff. Have you ever met anyone who claimed to be a witch? Yes. Do you go along with prank-callers, or just hang up? I don't answer numbers I don't recognize to begin with. Would you ever tattoo a lover’s name onto your body? Nooooo. Do you own any version of Guitar Hero? I have a lot of 'em. Do you use mouthwash every single day? No. Do you know anyone with asthma? Yeah, my mom. Have you ever walked through a forest at night on your own? Uh, no sir. When was the last time you were in a graveyard? It's been many, many years. Do you know what an ‘AMV’ is? Yep, used to make 'em. How many items are in your recycle bin? (On your computer!) Oh yikes, probably loads. I haven't emptied it in... I don't know how long. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? A bird. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? Joker. Heath Ledger's is my favorite. Have you ever had a pet rock? No. How much do you weigh? Yeah, no. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Taking nature photographs. Have you ever lost your luggage at an airport? No. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster that actually scared you? I don’t do roller coasters to begin with. Have you ever gone in a sauna? Ugh, hell no. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? No. Have you ever had an eating disorder? No. Are you attracted to people outside of your race? Yes. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? No. Have you ever dated someone more than once? No. Best cough drop? Those creamy strawberry ones. If you have a pet, does it make a lot of noise? One's a snake, so she's silent as could be. My cat is generally quiet, but he has his times where he just walks around meowing, normally for attention. Are you a fan of eyeshadow? If I actually wear makeup, yeah, I like black eyeshadow. Can you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi? Absolutely. I don't like Pepsi. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? Done it before, didn't feel weird. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? A Silent Hill poster. Which of your friends makes you laugh the hardest? Girt. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yeah, as a kid. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. What was the title of the last song you listened to? So today I've really been digging dark synthwave/cyberpunk-ish music, and right now I have a playlist on that's currently playing "DNA War" by Absolute Valentine and Billy Mays. How far away is the closest Walmart? Not even five minutes. Can you do a backflip? No. Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? Well, Ozzy is the lead singer of Ozzy Osbourne, haha. When was the last time you went fishing? Not since Sara visited and we went catfishing with my dad one night. What brand of deodorant do you use? Secret. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes. Do you regret it? Nah. Who was the last person to buy you a drink? My mom, lmaoooo. Who was the last person to buy you dinner? Also my mom, haha. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? Juan's maybe like... 28 or something by now, idk. Have you ever run a stoplight? No. Have you ever dated someone & then dated their sibling? YIKES, no. That sounds miles beyond awkward. Are both your parents still living? Yeah, thankfully. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music, for sure. Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? No, but I do find those super cute. What gives you a quality of life? Not much nowadays, idk. What would give you a high quality of life? A sense of purpose, direction, and worth. Do you have any rugs on top of carpet in your home? We have a big one in our living room, yes. I don't get it. Do you have a mattress cover on your bed? Yeah. Do you hate taking naps during the day? No; naps are normal for me. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Maybe I'm biased, but I genuinely do think Mark for a multitude of reasons. He's just extremely likable imo and sincerely a fucking spectacular human being. Do you have any vinyl records? No, but I would love to collect classic rock and metal ones. Which serial killer(s) do you find most fascinating? I'm quite honestly not well-informed in serial killer stories. I think they're interesting, but not enough for me to learn about them. Have you ever visited any celebrity gravesites? No. How do you feel about archaeology? It's fuckin dope. Any animals whose behaviors you find particularly interesting? ALL OF THEM AHHHH!!!!! But I particularly love learning about social animals, like meerkats (mongoose in general, really), African wild dogs, wolves, etc. What are your thoughts on gun control? I don't support the idea of banning firearms altogether, but I am very much in favor of some reform. There needs to be a much, much more strict and complex system in order for you to legally own a gun, and I also support periodic "check ups" to ensure you still fit whatever criteria is laid out. "Bad people will still find guns;" yes, some most certaintly will, but you can't convince me that the numbers wouldn't decrease. It would take a serious villain to put so much effort into pursuing obtaining a firearm. Do you like animals better than most humans? Sure do. Have you ever had to block people online for harassing you? I've blocked people to prevent that. If you collect anything, what is your favorite piece of that collection? I cherish the plush meerkat Jason gave me most, probably; out of my Silent Hill stuff, the limited edition Revelation flyer I have in Japanese. Are you friends with anybody you didn’t like at first? Hi, meet my best friend lmao. Are there any musicians you didn’t like at first, but grew on you? Probably. Do you have any favorite books you’d like to have signed by the author? Not really. Well wait, Ozzy signing my copy of his autobiography would be pretty damn cool. Do you like any board games or card games? I'm not really a board game fan, but Magic: The Gathering is fun as far as card games go. What historical figure(s) are you most interested in? I'm not incredibly interested in any, but I do think Pharaoh Hatshepsut was a bad bitch. She was one of the extremely few female pharaohs, and if my memory serves me right, one of the most successful. Do you like Breaking Benjamin? I sure do. How many people of the opposite sex have you told you loved them? One. Have you ever had to change your phone number? Yes, because I was getting strange texts from numbers I didn't know. Have you ever played bingo at an actual bingo hall? No. What’s your favourite comic book/graphic novel? I don’t read any. What is something you take pride in? How far I've come as far as my mental illnesses go, particularly depression and PTSD. What’s the biggest magnet on your fridge? I'm not getting up to go look. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No; I hate lettuce on burgers, so. What brand is your vaccuum cleaner? Dunno. Do you believe in sex before marriage? Sure, but I don't believe it's a must for everyone. Plenty of people don't even want to get married. Be intimate once you're comfortable with the person, and be safe and smart about it. Are you for or against abortion? I'm pro-choice. Do you feel like you need to lose weight? It's fact that I need to. My body just doesn't want to, afuckingpparently. All I seem to be capable of is either maintain or gain nowadays. Is summer your favorite season? It's my least favorite, actually. Do you wear glasses? I'm basically blind without 'em. Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German. What do you want out of life? To feel like I made a difference, even if it's a small one. Do you ever get carsick? No. Do you groom your eyebrows? Not really anymore, no. Have you ever liked someone who treated you badly? No. When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? Oh boy, probably not since I had my cyst in I think '16. I was in so much agony and we had no painkillers, so I had to wake up Mom to go to Walmart to grab some. They barely even helped at all. God, I couldn't imagine dealing with that again. Were your last two kisses with the same person? Yes. Do you have alcohol in your house? I don't think we do right now, no. Do you have any personal fashion rules that revolve around your own preferences/body type (e.g., you never/always wear a certain color, sleeve type, or length of dress)? Yeah; I don't wear anything that shows my legs unless I shaved, but I will never wear a dress that isn't at least past my knees. Do you remember any celebrity whose style you admired when you were a teen? What do you think of that style now? Avril Lavigne was/is an ICON. I still think she looks badass. So, is it gif with a hard G or soft G? I used to say the opposite, but I say "gif" now. Apparently that's how the creator of the term says it anyway. When you are invited to things like wedding showers or baby showers do you tend to go or skip? What about graduation parties? If Mom is able to take me, I'll try to go to the first two if they're my closer friends. Do you like spicy chips? Oh FUCK yes. What’s the last movie you watched at a friend’s house? Elf with Sara's fam. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Mom's, yes. Dad's, only the month. Do you read your friends' surveys? Yep, I love learning about them. Do you know anyone with a glass eye? Not to my knowledge, no. Do you ever use the n-word? Absolutely not. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? I tend to like lip piercings. Do you prefer beef, chicken or steak? Chicken. Ever spent the night in a tent? Yeah, multiple times as a kid, "camping" in the yard with Dad, haha. What do you call your grandparents? I called both sets just "Grammy" and "Grampa." Have you ever cried while reading a book? Oh, certainly. How many college degrees do you want? I got none, and I'm not going back to college. Do you know how to play pool? What about foosball? Yes. Have you ever attended a professional sporting event? Yeah, hockey with my dad a few times. Do you own any jerseys? No. Were you born with naturally straight teeth? No; that's why I had braces. If you were the opposite gender, what name would you like to be called? Maybe like... Victor. Idk. Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I love both, but sour. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yeah. What is your favorite kind of soup? I'm not a soup person. Did you learn to type through a computer program for kids? Yeah. What do you take for pain? Advil/Ibuprofen. What is your favorite place that you’ve lived? My pre-teen and teenage years house: in the woods on a dead-end road and down a gravel path that everyone always missed when learning where our house was. The actual road itself had very, very little traffic, and there was a large expanse of cotton fields. I loved it and miss the house itself, but it's got a lot of bad memories rotting in it. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My niece and nephew. <3 Who is your favorite cousin? I don't have a favorite. We barely interact at all. Does one side of your family live in another state? Literally none of my extended family (or half-siblings) live in NC. What states did your parents grow up in? New York and Ohio. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No. Is there a good hospital where you live? God no. It is notoriously awful. When was the last time you were asked out? Did you accept or decline? Mid-2017. I aceepted. Does your job allow piercings or tattoos? N/A Do you want to get married? If so, what color will your dress be? Yeah. Probably white/ivory or black. Ever had a caricature done of yourself? How much was it, and were you satisfied with it? No. Do you like peanut butter and fluff sandwiches? No, I don't like the texture. If you got married and then got divorced, would you want to re-marry? Probably not. What’s your favorite amusement park? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Do you play video games? If so, what kind? Yeah. My favorite are horror games, but I also love me some story-driven survival games like The Last of Us, and then there's "kids" games like Spyro, etc. I like a looot of different kinds. Would you buy used clothes? I don't think so. I know it's easy to wash clothes and stuff, I'd just still feel kinda... grossed out by it.
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studylizziee · 5 years
Starting University
Having started uni last year, I can really relate to the anxieties/fears that people have towards the start of September. So I decided to make this post which is a compilation of tips and advice I’ve accumulated over my first year of university. I hope it’s helpful :)
What to bring
it’s a difficult thing to strike the right balance between bringing too much and too little, but my advice is to err on the side of too little, as you can always buy things you’ve missed once you arrive (the only exception imo being decorations for your room from home)
a doorstop is a must! when you’re moving in my literal number 1 tip is to have your door propped open virtually at all times - it makes such a difference because then people will just stop to have a chat, or wave and say hi as they go past, and it just sends a friendly vibe
things that will personalise your room and make it feel like your space. This was one of the biggest things that combated my homesickness, because I created a sort of safe space for myself. So for me this was cosy lighting with lots of lamps (I brought 2 in addition to the one my uni provided) and fairy lights, posters on the walls, books on the shelf, pictures of my friends, cushions and blankets, and lots of cute mugs 
in that vein, get some command strip hooks that you can stick onto the wall - I used small ones to put my fairy lights up and larger ones to hang my jackets on 
for posters and pictures for the wall, I used blu tack
keep the storage boxes that you use to move all your stuff in with (I put shoes in one, misc stuff in another), and drawer dividers are a really handy buy too (I used them to separate my underwear)
don’t forget important documents/ID like your passport and driving license. There’s usually quite a lot of admin when you first arrive so it’s important to have these kept safely with you
if you drink, bring some alcohol and a mixer you like for pres
a bumbag for nights out is pretty essential - it’ll keep your phone, ID, keys and money safe, as they’re difficult to steal from and far more secure than your pockets!
make sure you have a medicines bag stocked with paracetamol, plasters, antiseptic cream etc, because the last thing you want when you feel sick for the first time at uni is to have to go out and buy medicines
I brought earplugs because I like quiet when I’m trying to fall asleep, and halls of residence are not exactly known for that.. also, walls are thin
there are nowhere near enough coat hangers provided, so bring some from home
I also 100% recommend taking a bike to uni! I cycle everywhere around campus because it’s faster and good exercise, and I also sometimes cycle into town rather than getting the bus (& if you bring a bike, bring a helmet, front and back bike lights, and a D-lock! They’re worth investing in I promise)
lastly, I recommend that the first thing you do when moving in is to do a big food shop! I arrived on a Friday night and planned for my parents to take me food shopping on the Saturday, but I forgot I needed something to eat for dinner on Friday and ended up having a freebie pot noodle that was in my room...
What not to bring
shared items like a kettle, toaster, toastie maker, blender etc (until you’ve communicated with your flatmates)
before I came to uni, in august I think, a few of my flatmates and I made a group chat on facebook (unis normally make a fb page with your halls of residence and you can find your flatmates from there), and sorted out who’d bring shared items. It was really helpful because the last thing you want is 5 kettles taking up loads of space in the kitchen! 
if you’re not able to/don’t want to message your flatmates before arriving at uni, I still wouldn’t bring these items as you can buy them once you’re there if no one else has them (which is pretty unlikely)
a bin and desk chair - they’re provided
too many clothes/shoes: I know it feels like you’re going away for a really long time but try to think realistically about how many things you’ll actually wear. Instead focus on making sure you have lots of layers, and clothes for all weather possibilities
an iron - I literally never ironed once while at uni - and yes, that’s as a person whose course requires me to go on placements and look formal fairly regularly 
unless you’re an avid baker I wouldn’t bring baking equipment like scales/mixing bowl etc. I only had a measuring jug and a roasting tin, which was enough to make cookies ;)
Ah, freshers. The most over-hyped week(s) in existence. As an introvert, it was an exhausting period of time for me. Although I had fun meeting people and at the events I went to, it left me drained, and I also felt pretty anxious a lot of the time, especially during the first week. To be honest, I didn’t enjoy the whole freshers experience because it was, frankly, pretty overwhelming. Just remember that freshers is not at all representative of the rest of your uni experience, and it’s okay if you don’t love it.
Meeting people/making friends
I was equally excited and nervous when I moved in, and I was particularly worried, as most people are, about making friends. The first thing to say is that everyone’s in the same boat. Everyone is anxious to be sociable and make friends, especially during freshers, so make the most of this time to start conversations and get chatting with people. Although don’t feel you need to make long-lasting friendships during freshers - often people find that their uni friends aren’t the people that they hung out with in freshers.
Don’t feel pressured to go to loads of parties/nights out if it’s not your scene; there are other ways of meeting people, the biggest one being societies. My biggest regret from first year is that I didn’t try enough societies - I did choir and went to one netball training session (rip) because I thought I didn’t have time for anything else. I wish I’d taken up more opportunities and tried more things, because it’s such a great way of meeting like-minded people (and people from other courses)! 
When to leave your parents
This is a difficult one, and I know this was one of the things causing me the most anxiety. I’d read somewhere that you should just say bye to your parents when they drop you off and get on with it, because you have to grow up now. The truth is, everyone is different and needs a different amount of time in order to say goodbye. For me, my parents helped me move in on the Friday, and stayed the night at a hotel while I went on my first night of freshers, a pub crawl. The next day they helped me with my food shop/buying other things I needed before they left in the afternoon. I know both people who spent the whole first weekend with their parents, not coming to any freshers events, and people who said goodbye the minute they walked into their flat. Neither choice is right or wrong - just think about what’s best for you. I knew I needed a bit more time but simultaneously wanted to be part of the big first night, and I found a happy compromise for me.
Dealing with homesickness
I was really homesick for, I’d say, the first 2 weeks. One of my big mistakes was that my dad came up a week after I’d moved in to bring my bike (don’t regret that bit, my bike is great), and it was actually more difficult saying bye that time around. It was wayy too soon. My advice is:
give it a bit of time before you see your family
facetime/call home regularly to start off with, and over time it will naturally become less often. For the first week, I facetimed my parents every night, and after that it was every 2-3 days, and by the end it was every one or two weeks
get busy! the absolute worst thing you can do is isolate yourself in your room doing nothing, because it gives you too much time to overthink. Especially for the first few weeks, keep yourself busy and take advantage of all the events on offer
Things to make sure you do during the first week or so:
Even though freshers is super busy, it’s important to make time to do some bits of admin
Register at your university’s GP/health centre
Find out where the student support service is/the telephone number you can reach them on
Get a phone number for maintenance of halls because you never know when something might go wrong (on literally my first night the shower didn’t work)
Find the library, cheapest food shop, launderette, and explore campus
The academic jump
The jump from school to university can be quite a considerable one. It’s not only harder content, but also a different way of learning from what you’re used to in school, with much more reliance on independent study. Don’t worry too much about the first term, because that tends to be a sort of re-cap where they bring everyone onto the same page. Use that time when the content is not as difficult to 1) have fun and do lots of non-academic things, and 2) attempt to develop your style of learning. People underestimate sometimes the fact that you have to learn how to learn. So try different things and see what works for you, so that by the time you start the ‘real work’ you’ll be a bit more prepared. Tips:
have a system - by second term I decided that my system was to make a summary, somewhat condensed document of notes for each week, which I filed in folders for each module. This works for my course, but what the system is doesn’t matter - the most important thing is to have a tangible goal of independent work (usually notes) that you want to achieve 
keep on top of things - I was sooo bad at this in first year, and have resolved to change things next year... I would do my set work for the week, but I didn’t do my weekly summary notes until the end of term and it was a mad rush. It would have saved me so much pain to do it as I went along
pay attention to feedback and learn from your mistakes
lecturers are an amazing resource and they love their subject, so if you have a question ask them! (either in person after a lecture/seminar or if that’s too much send an email)
make friends with your coursemates - you’re all in it together and it’s amazing how much you can learn from each other
BACK YOUR WORK UP! it doesn’t matter if it’s an external hard drive, dropbox or google drive as long as it’s somewhere! 
bring recipes or a cookbook - these are pretty essential for when you’ve run out of ideas (or if you haven’t done much cooking before!). My friend got me ‘The Hungry Student Vegetarian Cookbook’ which was great, as is ‘The Green Roasting Tin’. I especially loved the concept of the latter because it’s so simple - put everything in a roasting tin and bang it in the oven
cook in bulk! this is my number 1 tip. Put whatever you don’t eat in tupperware containers and freeze it - then, as my flatmate said, you have prepared your very own ready meals
most people have heard of the ‘fresher five’ (5kg put on in first year), but this can so be avoided by making sure you have your 5 a day, not having takeaways too often, and not overdoing it with alcohol
as I said, don’t get takeaways too often - it’s tempting, I know, but they’re mega expensive so you’re better off saving it either for when they’ve got a really good deal on, or as a special treat
consider eating less meat - any meat of a good quality is far more expensive than vegetables are! I’m vegetarian and slowly becoming more plant-based as I cut out dairy, and among its other benefits it’s so much cheaper
making meal plans can be really useful - you don’t have to have an elaborate chart, but when you do your weekly food shop, plan what you’re going to eat during the week. This also helps reduce your food waste
freeze your bread! I got this tip from @muststudy, who has a great post on cooking tips linked below, but this is such a good idea to stop your loaf going mouldy before you can eat it
cook with your flatmates/friends - around dinnertime was by far the most social time in my flat, as we all congregated in the kitchen to cook and have a chat. If you have similar tastes to a flatmate, consider shared cooking! My friend and I virtually took it in turns to cook for each other, or we’d cook a shared meal together, and it made what can become a chore a fun thing to do
There can be a pressure for uni to be ‘the best years of your life’, and to be having a great time 24/7. It might be like that for you, but don’t worry if it’s not - it’s perfectly normal to feel sad or lonely at times. I definitely did. If you feel that way, reach out to people and don’t keep things bottled up. Try to make the most of opportunities, and enjoy this exciting and novel period of time in your life :)
Useful posts / websites:
Budgeting: how to manage your money at university by The Complete University Guide
Cooking: essential cooking tips for uni students by @muststudy 
tips for starting university by @quilavastudy 
tips for freshers week by @dxmedstudent 
What to bring to university checklists: one, two, three 
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beardedeldridge · 5 years
Anonymous ask that I accidentally deleted when I was attempting to post it.
went something like: “came across your blog by accident, found the blog helpful, new to all of this and asking for any advice, have a good day/night/living death”. That was it to the best of my memory.
First I’m so sorry anon for deleting your ask and for responding so slowly in the first place.
My response as it was intended:
I’ve sat on this one for a bit - sorry. Finally decided I would just sit down and type out my thoughts on my phone in the span of four cigarettes and then post it.
Just start somewhere - find something that blows your hair back for now. Pick one book and start there. Don’t fret about which path/tech is yours yet (or ever) - your first will most likely not be your last - tbh most of us end up a bit eclectic (no matter how much that word can be like fingernails on a chalkboard).
Just about any book you can think of can be found for free on the internet. My take on it is this: most occult authors claim to be practicians and explicitly state that their tech works. If you can’t afford a grimoire, think of it as a money back guarantee. Download the book for free and if it works then use it to afford the physical book and then go buy it. We as a community owe decent authors/researchers/translators, and there are tons of more grimoires/magick books/books on magick that need to be discovered, translated, and published. So if it works go BUY it. If you can’t find one feel free to DM me (no promises tho). My only request: read the work and if it performs as advertised then buy it down the road a bit.
Experience is more important than theory. Research but no more then a couple of weeks (give yourself a hard deadline) to make your first attempt, no matter how unprepared you feel. It won’t go how you think it will anyway.
Have a goal (not the lottery, not to become a college professor without ever attending college, not just to meet an angel/demon/spirit/god). Something lofty, attainable, and long term but that can be broken down into steps. That being said your reasons for doing this will change anyway but a concrete goal will serve you well even if you’ll most likely abandon it for your true-“er” reason down the path a bit. It will keep you focused and give you a way to track success (or lack there of).
You may not see any success at first and that’s fine. Don’t be afraid to try something if it seems like it should work but if brushing your teeth proves to not be magick then just consider it a learning experience and move on (side note: keep brushing your teeth anyway :)
You don’t have to have everything perfect put you have to have enough to make it work. (think of it like a scale, the more you’re able to tilt the scale toward the magickal the better the results). No one can tell you where the exact line of “enough” is - there’s just too many unknown factors and some of them have to do with the magician themselves. Always work to improve your craft.
It doesn’t actually matter why this stuff works. You’ll have plenty of years to theorize and come to insufficient explanations like everyone else. Think finite minds attempting to fathom the infinite, I believe it’s important that we try but ultimately we’re doomed to fall short. The human condition can be a real bastard.
No one has all (or maybe even any) of the answers.
Lot of this stuff can be pretty subjective.
Don’t romanticize your results.
Don’t pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing/saying. We all have our own personal Golden Calf (bias that color our conclusions). Don’t measure your results against other people (as long as you’re actually getting results). Results = the ability to affect the world around you in meaningful and purposeful ways using magick.
There are some really good “easier” or “safer” how to get started or magick-in-general posts on here. DM me what you’re interested in and maybe I can point you in the right direction but do your own research as well, you can find useful stuff even on tumblr if you’re feeling lost/overwhelmed.
Be practical - consider the time/resources/effort you have to throw at this - magicians are like magpies we chase every new shiny thing and sometimes bite off more paths then we can maintain at one time given the available hours in a day (I know I have). For instance, I don’t do work with ancestors or saints (planetary archangels may blur the line there but anyway). Am I interested in those? Hell yes. Do I have the time for any more practices? Nope. So if Saint Cyprian wants to work with me, he’s going to have to come visit and knock my socks off to a point where I’ll abandon something else. Only so many hours in a day/week. (Honestly I have two paths/techs that I actively pursue. There are a few others where I had some success in the past but moved on. I still use what I learned from those or maybe maintain a single working relationship from it but I don’t actively practice those on a regular basis).
Don’t do it for the fireworks - if you’re doing it just to prove “________” exists; that motivation probably won’t take you far.
Spirits are not your friends, they will not complete you, they shouldn’t be used as a form of escapism, they have specialized roles, use them for what they actually do well - that being said - they are not make believe, stupid, or mindless automatons, they are just weird/alien to us and we’re just dust in the wind to them - imo.
Specialize - pick one grimoire/tech and run with it. And when you do settle, pick a spirit you work well with and strengthen that working relationship. Use successes to build toward future greater successes.
Don’t give up - the going may be slow for awhile. If not awesome, but it’s easy to jump from one tech to another while looking for your first success, without ever doing the work to achieve any measure of success, like any other skill it takes practice/work/sacrifice.
Journal everything - not only will it be invaluable early on, that shit will be worth its weight in gold to you eventually. No matter how earth-shattering an experience is the memory of it will fade and dull somewhat and you’ll forget key things.
Always be skeptical of your unverifiable results. Some things are probably just in your head, taken out of context by you, confusing because you can’t see everything, something taking advantage of you, or you not being ready for the actual answer so you spin it into something you want to hear (human brains are real MFs like that)
Learn to research, be patient, think critically/skeptically, meditate, etc - master yourself.
**Yes i spell magick with a “k”. Why? Practicality, Agrippa, and Aesthetics tbh**
Just some general thoughts of mine on the subject. Thanks for the ask, sorry I took a while to respond and that I deleted by mistake. Feel free to reach out by dm or asks if there is anything I can help you with. Hope you’ll doing well and have a great day/night :)
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mad-madam-m · 6 years
Can you tell us your favourite romance books? While I'm at it I want to ask your favourite fantasy books too =)
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Literally anything by Courtney Milan - No, I’m not exaggerating. She’s one of the few authors on my “oh hey you have a new book coming out score let me go buy it on Amazon immediately” list. I don’t read them immediately because I save them for when I know I need a really good book, because I’ve never hated a book of hers. Some of them I like better than others, but they’ve all been great. Personal favorites include The Governess Affair, The Heiress Effect and The Suffragette Scandal. She writes both contemporary (the Cyclone series) and historical (the Turner series, the Brothers Sinister series, and currently the Worth Saga). Seriously I could probably go on about her books all day long, so I’ll stop there. They’re amazing and I love them all.
Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie - This book is hilarious and kept me up until 1 in the morning so I could finish it. The bet was great, the side characters were just as fun as the main couple, and I really liked how the happy ending showed that different people have different definitions of a happy ending: one couple had kids, one couple didn’t, and one woman never got married because she didn’t want to. In Romancelandia, where the happy ending almost always involves the hero and heroine getting pregnant, that was a really refreshing change.
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase - I know a lot of people are put off by the asshole alpha hero trope, and Sebastian…definitely fits it, but oh man, Jessica is more than up to the task of putting him in his place and it’s an absolute delight to read about. (SHE SHOOTS HIM BECAUSE HE’S A DICK. IT’S SO SATISFYING.) I flipping adore this novel, and I adore Loretta Chase’s work in general. If you’d prefer one of her books with a hero who’s not quite as much of a complete jerk, I’d suggest Miss Wonderful, Mr. Impossible, or Last Night’s Scandal (all of which rank just as high for me).
A Week to Be Wicked by Tessa Dare - Tessa Dare writes what I like to call “historical romantic comedies,” because her stuff always ends up making me laugh out loud. This one is basically a road trip AND a fake elopement as the hero (a notorious rake) and heroine (a bookish nerd) head to Scotland so that she can present her findings at a geological symposium and potentially win a prize of 500 pounds. It’s…so good, especially watching them fall for each other as they travel and how into it he gets because he sees how important it is to her, even if he knows nothing about geology. (I...actually ended up rereading this book as I was answering this ask because I picked it up just to remind myself of where they were going and...didn’t stop. >.>)
The Jade Temptress by Jeannie Lin - I’ll be honest, I read the first book in this series and I liked it, but I didn’t love it. In fact, I almost didn’t pick up this book because I was so meh on the first one. But boy howdy, I’m glad I did, because The Jade Temptress? Holy monkeys this book was fantastic. The heroine is a courtesan accused of murder, and the hero is the constable investigating the crime. It’s set in ancient China, the mystery plot is so, so good, and the tension between the two leads was delicious.
(Yes, these are mostly historical romances. What can I say, I like historical romances. XD)
The His Fair Assassin series by Robin LaFevers - This is a YA series and a little more alternate history than true fantasy, but the series is just so rich and fascinating. The characters are amazing, the political intrigue is just *kisses fingers*, and the way the stories weave together is just brilliant. The first two, Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph, are my personal favorites, but the final one is very, very good as well.
The Iron Seas series by Meljean Brook - Okay, this is steampunk more than fantasy, but I absolutely adored the worldbuilding in this series. Like. Wow. The steampunk world and the history she’s built out is just fascinating, and I’ve loved every glimpse I’ve gotten of it. The third book in the series, Riveted, is my favorite, but I haven’t yet read the fourth book or most of the accompanying novellas.
The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett - Pratchett’s satire is on point and he’s one of the rare male authors who can actually write female characters well. Personal favorites in this particular series include Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, and Witches Abroad. But honestly, just pick up a Discworld book and give it a go. The Night Watch series and the Witches series are the best places to get started, IMO, but I’ve yet to read a single Discworld novel that I straight-up didn’t like.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin - Oh man, first-person POV fantasy isn’t often something I’m into, but Yeine’s narration is just glorious to read. I ended up bingeing the last 60% of the book all in one morning because I just couldn’t get enough of it. I’ve also read the next book in the series, The Broken Kingdoms, and it was just as good. The only reason I’m not reccing the entire series is because I haven’t read the final book yet. But if it’s as good as the others, the whole series will be one of my favorite fantasy series ever.
The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger - Okay so this is steampunk, which probably falls more into science fiction, but holy shit I love this series so much. The writing style is like a more accessible Jane Austen’s and it’s hilarious (there’s a line in the second book that’s “Tea was a medicinal necessity at this juncture” and let me tell you, I quote that shit on a daily basis), and it’s a really interesting steampunk world with fantastic characters (including several queer characters). There are vampires and werewolves and Alexia, our main character, is curious in that she’s soulless—that is, she nullifies any supernatural creature’s powers as long as she’s touching them.
The first book would be classified as a steampunk paranormal romance, but the rest are more adventure/mystery. I’ve been slowly making my way through the YA prequel series (The Finishing School series; I’ve only got the last book left to read) and I have the first book of the sequel series sitting on my TBR shelf. Gail Carriger probably ties with Courtney Milan for my favorite author.
The Immortals quartet by Tamora Pierce - Tamora Pierce’s Tortall series (serieses?) was absolutely formative for me, but the two that stand out are The Immortals and The Song of the Lioness. Daine and Alanna are some of my favorite female fantasy characters ever, and they have fantastic stories and powers and lovely romances (some of which work out and some of which don’t). I can definitely see more of the seams in the series now that I’m older and I’ve reread them, but 15-year-old M does not care and 15-year-old M loved the shit out of these books. (Also let’s be real, the Immortals series is at least 50% responsible for my “I have no shame” with regards to age difference in OTPs. XD)
The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson - The magic system in these books is absolutely fantastic, and I love how he uses it and ties it into not just the world and the fight scenes, but the actual plot. The first book is actually a fantasy heist, and I loved the concept that this is set a thousand years after the chosen one failed to save the world. All the characters were so great and the story went in directions I didn’t expect. Also, there was a romance! And it was a good romance! (I’m…fairly used to male authors falling down on romance, and tbh that’s a solid part of the reason both Mistborn and Discworld are on here.)
One caveat: the series has a satisfying ending, but it’s not a trope I normally read, write, or rec, and this is probably the only exception to that rule I’ve found thus far.
God knows I’m probably forgetting some books---I’ve read a lot in these two genres---but these are probably the ones that have stuck with me the longest.
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Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
"Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can i go to talk about health insurance in az?
i tried to look up insurances online but im not finding what i need, or just dont understand it.. i want to know where i can walk in and ask a person face to face any questions i have.. i dont know anything about insurance""
Homeowners insurance vs. property taxes?
which typically costs more homeowners insurance or property taxes?
How much would a 2001 vauxhall astra cost for insurance for a 17 year old male?
No sites please i would like to know roughly how much... x
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?""
What car insurance provider is best In NC?
I am 18 and ready to get a car and insurance. I have responsibility's already and insurance is not cheap. I have a part time job and get anywhere from $150- $200 dollars a week depending on fluctuating hours. I need to know which insurance company is better an will provide a $250 deductible and not jack up the price too much. Which is better i understand that it is a matter of opinion but i need some opinions.
Insurance companies taking advantage?
is there a chance that insurance companies are taking advantage of obama-care and increasing costs more than they really needed? looks like a % of insured are getting hit but what is the % of uninsured or insurance denials that are now covered? any good stories?
Citroen saxo car insurance?
How much would this cost for a 17 year old male who has just passed his test?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets?
whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets full coverage?
How much will a long lapse in my car insurance coverage cost me (on average) when I try to get inusrance again
And by long I mean between 6-12 months.
""Ex has name on log book for car but i own it, it was put in their name for cheaper insurance, but now i want ?
The car back can I just take it
My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now?
Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me?
""Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?""
I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?""
How much is one day car insurance?
My friends and I are going to be taking a trip to a place about 3 hours away, and returning the same day. We're borrowing a car and the owner is asking us to cover one-day insurance. I've had some trouble getting some quotes and I was wondering what a ballpark range is? Less than $50?""
Health insurance question?
so i just got health insurance for me and my family for the first time ever and i dont understand what the deductible is, will the insurance cover anything until we pay the deductible?""
Funtions of home insurance?
what are functions of home insurance?
Best Profession For Cheaper Insurance Quotes?
what is the best professions to hold if you are after cheaper car insurance as i am currently self employed or free lance at least what could i stretch my job description to encompass and save some dough?????????
How much is car insurance per month?
Can you please tell me where can I find how much is car insurance per month on all insurers? Basically I want to find the cheapest car insurance companies.
How much will insurance cost for a 2009 kawasaki 250 ninja for a 16 year old?
i would just like to get an idea....i live in northern Ontario
State farm car insurance people?
I am writing to find out what my options might be-to see if you guys might have some feedback. Long story short-I was in an accident on 6/28, that was my date of loss, submitted the claim then, my car is in the process of being repaired-and it will be ready 7/23 which is ridiculous. Basically my renewal is up on 7/19-however, I wanted to switch to Geico. I have been with State Farm for 12 years and I am amazed at the service-or lack thereof-and their turn around time requirements. They are charging me $668.00 for the same exact coverage as Geico would for six months however, I've added towing/rental reimbursement with Geico and it's only $303/6 months. I have several policies with them, and should be getting a larger discount IMO. I've heard Geico is awesome with claims and have friends that have used them. I am writing to find out if I can switch during a claim process-has anyone else done this? Thanks!""
Insurance plans for family?
where can i get complete family insurance plans for lowest premium rates
What car is the lowest on insurance?
Im in the market for a new car and I need a car with low full coverage insurance payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
How to check a car has insurance or not?
All the information I know: car plate number, vehicle identification number and a expired Progressive insurance policy number. Can I still check my car current insurance online?""
Minor accident no insurance ?
I got in a minor accident I'm 17 my dad has insurance but I'm not under that insurance the cop showed up and just told me I had court there was no injuries what am I facing ? My car got chipped the other car was only paint scratches
Is $300 a month for six months too much to pay for auto liability insurance for an 18 y/o with no experience?
I just got my license. A quote for a '88 Honda Accord from Geico came up to about $300 a month for 6 months. Is this normal? If no, where can I get cheaper insurance. I live in ...show more""
What is the best place to find cheap autoinsurance for teens?
i am getting my licence soon so i will need car insurance. i will not be getting a car just using my parents car. is there any really cheap auto insurance that you all can help me find. thanks P.S. please and the link you found so i can click on it and check it out
Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?
Non-owner car insurance?
Where can I get non-owner liability car insurance for myself? I am 18 years old and my dad wants me to get this insurance because I don't own a car, I just drive my parents cars. I can find it on any insurance websites. Links would be nice =]""
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
How much would my car insurance on Porsche?
Hey I am 21 and passed my test last week. I am thinking of either buying a BMW Z4 or a Porsche Boxster [yes i know they are expensive] It will be a new one. I did not know but people were telling me it would cost thousands...really???? Considering that aren't that big. If my dad has a car i can't get on his policy but drive a different car???? Help...how do i make this cheaper.. I am not worried so much right now if it costs thousands but its going to be with me for atleast a few years and i will not know my position then.
How much does life insurance generally cost?
im looking for a life insurance policy, somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000,000, that ISN'T a term policy. in other words, when i die, however far away that is, my beneficiary gets 5 million. how much would that cost me?""
Get SORN first or cancel car insurance?
Hi, might be worth checking this thread out first: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiWBX1zk4PVIcYSG9D1wU2AhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130624061149AAg0TyU I've got the MOT done. But financially, still struggling. My Road tax notification came in and also got an insurance renewal reminder. Road tax expires on 31.8.2013 and car insurance on 3.9.2013 I want to get the car off the road so intend to go down the SORN route. Do I cancel my insurance first? Then get the SORN or vice versa or does it not matter which way I go first? Secondly, if I cancel my insurance, any likelihood I might get some cash back if they pro-rata the insurance for the year? Thank you.""
Why does my car insurance quotes do this.....?
when I first passed my test 3 years ago at age 17 my insurance was almost 6000 for third party only on a ford fiesta. this was the rough price for this make/model on all insurance companies i got a quote from. Two weeks ago i did a quote for a fiesta hoping its reduced in price (three years later, havent drove since i passed my test ) and third party only was roughly 2000 with all companies i tried and FULLY COMP has been roughly 900-1000 with all companies i have recently tried. so why is fully comp alot more cheaper than third party only? I Have tried quotes with lots of different companies and gocompare and they all came up really cheap. However, today I done another quote on a fiesta I was hoping to buy today, and the quotes have come up at between 1800 and 3000. All details have always been the same- all quotes i have done have been on a 1.2 ford fiesta. so firstly why is FULLY COMP cheaper than THIRD PARY and why has my insrunce suddenly gone from cheap to expensive within the last few days? thanks""
Car title and insurance help?
Here is my situation,my sister recently gave me a car but the title card has my dad's name on it.The plan was to put the car under my dad's name so I could practice my driving but my dad has not gone to the DVM to finalize it.I now have my license and debating on whether I should put the car under my name or just let my dad put the car under his name since he will be paying for the insurance.Another problem with the car title is the insurance. I am not sure if he should add me to his policy or get my own policy instead.I don't want him to be affected if I were to get into an accident.I am not a minor if that helps.""
Health insurance for baby?
Anyone know any health insurance companies that cover babies right after birth? I found out last night that my insurance won't cover my baby the second the cord is cut because I'm under my dad's policy and she is not/will not be his dependent. I do NOT want to go on government insurance, so are there any other companies that will cover infants from birth on? Thanks in advance.""
If you take driving school how much will your insurance rates drop?
If you take driving school how much will your insurance rates drop?
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need it ASAP""
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have a old car?
I want to buy a 1968 dodge charger and I heard that if it's like 25 years or older car insurance is real cheap is this true
Is it possible to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for US plated car ?
I have a US plated car (calif plates) not currently registered in the US, Not currently insured in the US. I am in mexico on FM2. Car has been here for over 4 yrs with temp permit. Is it possible to get insurance in mexico? For tourist policy I have been told car must have current US registration and insurance, For mexican policy I have been told need to have mex plates. Anyone with US plates been able to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for their currenlty unregistered un insured US vehicle in mexico? If so what is your insurance company. Thanks""
Auto Insurance?
I live in California and I got an Insurnace quote for a new car from a Insurence company that is out of state. Is there a difference between buy a out of state insurance policy vs. a policy from a compnay in cali?
Fraudulent car insurance claim against me?
hi my problem in a nutshell is my vehicle was hit in the rear while it was parked, when i confronted the driver we had an argument and the police were called no offences were committed and the police left after me and the other driver exchanged names and addresses. A month or so later i received a claim for neck injuries to the driver and his 2 passengers for approximately 20,000 for an accident that he said i drove into the rear of him which was totally false, i have witnesses which include the police officer who attended to the fact that the other driver hit my parked unattended car, i have lost my no claims bonus and i applied for a job as a driver which i did not get because of this pending claim, my insurance company have tried to contact the other driver who has not answered for a number of months and when i spoke to my insurance company i was informed that the other parties insurance company does not have the full story i.e they have not been told that he hit my vehicle and i have witnesses to prove that i am at a loss because i have been told it can take 3 years for the claim to close if the other driver does not answer any of the correspondence he receives. any advice please""
Where can I get cheap health insurance?
Where can one get cheap health insurance?
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
I know it's had to predict, but im looking to buy a bike soon. Im 18 years old, live in south-west London, have a full driving license for 1 year now. (some factors they might consider) thanks.""
""I just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance?""
i just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance""
Can my grandmother add my car to her auto insurance policy?
I have a car that's in my name, with no insurance. I wanted to know if my grandmother could simply add my car to her policy. I'm a 19 year old male, if that makes any difference.""
What are some affordable health insurance companies for young adults?
Im looking for some health insurance. anyone know of some good affordable companies?
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
How can I get an insurance quote?
I don't have my license yet, but I know what car I'll be driving. Is there a way to get a quote before I actually get my license?""
Would the insurance be too much?
My mom gave me her Audi TT RS this week because she bought a new car. The deal was I get the car but I have to pay for insurance and gas. So, will the insurance be a back-breaker? I'm 17 right now and I've had my licence for well over a year. I haven't been in any accidents or altercations with the law.""
Is homeowners insurance a complete scam?
my former agent admitted it was worthless as insurance and explained that i was buying it because my lender required me to do so. she could not explain why she did not tell me this when i bought the insurance.
Car Insurance?
If I hit a car that is totaled and the owner does not have insurance should I still go through my insurance company?
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?
Renters Insurance Liability?
If my neighbor has a fire that does some damage to my apt./belongings, will the neighbor's renters insurance cover my damages or will my own renters insurance cover my damages?""
Can still drive with my parents in the car even if I don't have car insurance and they do?
I'm 16 and I don't have insurance listed under my name yet. I have my license already. Me and my parents were wondering if I could still drive without insurance if they're in the car with me. We live in Arizona btw, if that helps. Thanks!""
How much is a ticket for not having car insurance in California?
Freeway Insurance just called me and told me that my insurance was not paid last month and that it got cancelled. I could swear that I did pay and my bank overview says I did pay. This is the second time they call me to tell me that. I think those ****** bastard just want money. So I'm just wondering how much a ticket cost because I'm gathering money to open another policy but with another Insurance company.
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student. i know my school provides insurance in case of emergency. but i am looking for something to help cover my prescriptions & doc visits.
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?""
""Bike insurance idea, would it work?""
As you know insurance for a 600cc sports bike for a 17yr old (male) is extremely high (I was quoted 9000+), however you may of heard of fronting, (putting someone with lots more experience and age as the main driver and putting me (17yr old) as a second driver) this apparently greatly reduces the insurance cost, however is a form of insurance fraud and is illegal. But I thought of a plan... You see I have my heart set on a honda cbr600rr, it is much cheaper than a 125cc bike that I would buy new only to buy another bike a few years later thus deeming the 125 useless, but what if I got the 600 and did make my dad (who is much older and more experienced) the main driver and me the 2nd, but to avoid it being fronting, he could use it when i'm not and I could force him to ride somewhere so ultimately he would have used it more so it wouldn't be illegal right? By the way he mostly goes out at night so it would not interfere with my needs.""
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
Which is the best insurance web site?
I just wanna which is the best insurance quotes website?
Which car insurance company is the cheapest in California?
i have a 1993 toyota camry xle v6 4D....im a single parent that has never been in an accident....and i'm going to insure with my son whose had a non at fault accident
What are the best health insurance companies with the best plans that covers everything?
Hello, I am in the State of Pennsylvania which is USA. What are the best health insurance companies with the best plans. I'm not happy with free, but people tell me I can't afford plans, and I still do it anyway. I looked at BlueCross. Well, both Highmark, Capital. Capital said they had a Senior PPO plan. I believe that's the name. They have a once year dental plan, but it doesn't cover anything else for the dental. They do have that plan for medical, vision, prescriptions, and the such. What companies, and what plan from that particular company would cover everything, but affordable? I am 29 years of age. I'll be 30 in January. I'm not qualify senior. I do have benefits coming for disabled Medicare of a disabled deceased record.""
Can i getmy licence removed and get my vehicle inspected and get my car insurance on the same day?
ok here is the dilemma im a marine stationed at camp lejuene and im going back to new york in a few days. i need to get my license and my registration, inspection and car insurance in a few days(like 3)will my license go right into the system so i can go call my insurance company (usaa) and get insurance on it the same day then go back to the DVM and get the car registration. thxs kinda freaking bout this""
How much average premium for Car insurance....?????
i need some basic info... about car insurance..in NJ STATE... record is clear and 3 years exp....need to know average range... Most of people paying.......
Will insurance be higher on a truck than a car?
my guess is yes, i even googled this and i couldn't find an answer, but right now i have a 92' Benz with 150, 000 miles on and im paying about $110 dollars because im still a student, but im getting a 99' Ford F-250 Heavy Duty Diesel Turbo, because im 6'2 and tired of a car, money isn't an issue i just want to know how much it will cost, im not getting a new one because i don't want payments right now""
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
How much will my idiot speeding ticket affect my insurance....?
I recently made a horrible choice to accelerate to 92 km and got a ticket for forty km over. Im with state farm in ontario and am wondering how much my insurance will rise consisering im a g2 driver. i currently pay 1800 a year and have.heard it will hit about 2600. Anybody have a knowledge of ths ? I need my car to commute to school and yesss i ****** up.. this is my first offence ever...
Will my insurance be notified for a texting ticket?
I have been driving for 3 years, and got my first citation yesterday for textng and driving. It's only $70, so I'll pay it off myself & not tell my parents (I'm 19, they pay for my car insurance since I'm in college and can't make enough money to pay for it myself). The officer said that the ticket will not give me any points or make my insurance rate go up. I was wondering if my insurance (Progressive) will be notified at all & the information be visible to my parents. This is in Maryland by the way. PS. I know texting & driving is dumb... I try not to do it, but since I'm fairly good at it, I have done it a lot. But after yesterday, I'm done.""
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What is the best priced auto insurance company for people who have been canceled due to too many claims?
These claims are all due to serious weather, vandalism, and theft.""
i'm a learner driver with my 1st car that im covering with 3rd party fire & theft since i'm not able to go out alone either my partner or dad will be with me while i drive but just say say for whatever reason they had to take over would they be covered to drive my car even though neither would be a named driver on my policy? They both have fully comp insurance for their own cars does this cover them?
Best insurance for just passed driver?
i need insurance for my car its a small engine and everything, i'm female and 17, does anyone know the best insurance to get as i know it's very expensive! thanks!""
""How much is a speeding ,no insurance,and without id ticket can cost in Augusta Georgia?""
my daughter was caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how much does the tickets total?""
Cheap car insurance for 18 year olds?
What type of cars have low insurance costs for young drivers and also which insurance providers have the best deals for new drivers? Thanks in advance!
Car Insurance - Where the car is kept?
I'm currently looking at insurance for my car, which will be kept where i live in a small private residence Cul-de-sac with a coded gate and CCTV. Will this come under as Locked compound or Private Property? Hope someone can help.""
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?
I just moved and need new car insurance. I also have no medical. Can I cover both through the same company?
I've heard that State Farm and Allstate are now offering some medical packages. My wife and I don't necessarily need a lower copay for normal doctor visits, but we'd rather not go bankrupt if something catastrophic happens; accident, disease, etc. Has anyone had good experiences buying health insurance this way? How much does it cost roughly for your plan(s)? Neither my wife nor I are currently working full time so we don't get health through our jobs. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
When you pay off a credit card is it better to reduce the credit limit or close the account?
I've heard that once you pay off a credit card you shouldn't close the account to keep a good credit score. I've also heard that even though one pays off his credit card reducing the credit limit is also not a good option for keeping a great credit rating. What is the best way to handle this situation if you don't really want the card around to prevent you from running the balance up, but also don't want to hurt your credit rating. Is there any way to find out what exactly affects one's credit score? Examples: Let's just say a website or book states something like filing for bankruptcy subtracts XXXX amount of points from your credit rating. Defaulting on credit card payments for XXX amount of months subtracts XXX amount of points from your credit rating. Paying off federal student loans adds or subtracts XXXX amount of points from your credit rating. Also is there anywhere that states how long certain things stay on your credit report?""
Third party fire and theft? car insurance?
hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks
Whats a good way to lower car insurance if your about to turn 16 and live in Las Vegas?
Hi! I'm about to get my license come July and I just found out I'm gonna have to pay for it by myself. Is there anything I can do to lower my insurance and what would be the best insurance brand to buy that good, not so pricey, etc. Thank you!""
My car insurance has been cancelled?
i need to know if i have to pay more or is the same amount in my billing if i pay for it this is for a car insurance the insurance company is aig
How long have i had car insurance?
Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?""
What can I do for health insurance for my child and myself?
I am contemplating quitting my job, which offers health insurance, to open a home business. I have been slowly building up my business and it's getting to the point where I have to either decide to quit my full-time job or stop developing my business. I have the potential to make much more with my own business than I do at my current job. Before I make the decision to quit my job, I am researching my options about health insurance, which is very important to me because my daughter has special needs and I do not want to jeopardize her health in any way. I also don't want to get myself into a tricky situation where I end up bankrupt because I get sick and don't have health insurance. I have contemplated taking COBRA after quitting my job, however that is very costly. My boyfriend and I toyed with the idea of him putting me on his health insurance as a domestic partner, but my daughter would not be included in that. We live in Minnesota and I'm wondering if MinnesotaCare would be an option for us, at least to tide us over until I can afford to purchase health insurance or my boyfriend and I get married and my daughter and I can go on his plan. However, I did read that to qualify for MinnesotaCare you must not have had insurance for the last 4 months and that's not a gamble I want to take. My daughter is already on TEFRA (MN disability health insurance) so I am wondering if she was dropped from my plan if TEFRA would cover her 100 percent. My worry about that is if another group health plan wouldn't accept her pre-existing conditions going forward because she would be off a group plan for more than 62 days. Does anyone have any ideas about affordable health insurance options that I should look into? Or know more about the HIPAA laws? And before someone suggests calling the state for information...I have and I'm waiting for a call back. Thanks!""
Do Different Car Insurance Companies Really Have Different Rates?
I keep seeing ads on TV which claim this or that car insurance company is cheapest. Are they really that different, or is this just marketing?""
How much will my insurance go down if i am on my dads policy ?
Hi i have just passed my test and obviously looking to get a car, i will be most probably having a friends car as he is getting a new one, its a 1.6 W reg Citroen saxo, if i have my own insurance (third party only) its around 3500.00 which is well out of my price range, if i did go on to my dads or moms policy, how much less would it be roughly, my dad lives in a nice area but did lose his licence for 3 months a few years back, my mom lives in a mediocre area but has no points and no history of any problems, i am 19 and i work as a clerical officer if that helps at all :S""
Insurance question?
if you are being sued for a car accident how much will the insurance company cover up to
Best/cheapest car insurance for new 20-something year old New York driver?
20-something New York driver - I need car insurance. If I get insured here, it's bound to be THOUSANDS (probably around 5) :( Who do you suggest I go with? How's esurance?""
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
How much for dentures upper and lower and mini implants to secure both of them with no insurance in ohio .....
no insurance
Cheap auto insurance in Nevada?
im looking for a cheap auto insurance in NV. ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? no accidents, new driver""
How should I go about getting car insurance? (20 years old)?
I have enough money to buy my first car, I'm going for a car with a small engine around 1.2-1.6. when getting insurance quotes however, the cheapest quote i've found is around 1700 quid. help?? surely i can get insured on my own car for less than this?""
In NY there is freelancers unions and other ways to get affordable health insurance. anything similar in SoCal
I want to start freelancing but learned that health insurance will cost me $1400/month. Anything creative I can do? Any unions or groups I can join in SoCal? Need PPO.
""Got my first speeding ticket, will my insurance go up?
Im 20yrs old if that matters.. And this is only my first ticket. I was going 80mph on a 70mph. Will my insurance go up? If u know please tell me. I have state farm.
Can I add my girlfriend to my health insurance if we live together?
Some states allow benefits for partners. Is this the same? I am insured by Humana (Open Choice PPO)
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
Is healthcare on medicaid health insurance decent?
my father has to take an array of medications every day for heart problems and high blood pressure. will these be covered? i hear many doctors don't take payment from medicaid, and that poor healthcare is offered through the program, instead of private practitioners, one must go to community clinics, etc. should my father go on medicaid, or is it not worth it?""
How do I register a restored classic car without a VIN?
What my question more specifically is, is- If I restore a 69 Camaro from the ground up, and the vehicle does not have a VIN number and no original parts, how do I register it? How does the DMV determine the year of the car is 1969?""
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
Cars that have cheap insurance?
im 18 and just passed my driving test, but unsure of what car(s) are cheap on insurance and road tax, is there a site i could go on to find the information i require?""
Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?
I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?
0 notes
artravelin · 7 years
Destination Wedding for Under SGD 30,000
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We just had our wedding two weeks ago at the beautiful Sri Panwa in Phuket with 30 of our closest family and friends. It was absolutely the dream wedding I’ve always wanted and with some detailed planning - we pulled it off for under SGD 30,000!
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The above is my favourite photo of our wedding - it truly marks what we wanted for our wedding - a small cosy group of people we love the most having fun!
Here’s a quick breakdown of costs! 
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And now for the details: 
1. Destination + Hotel
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It was love at first sight with Sri Panwa when I came across the photo above on Pinterest. On one of our trips to Phuket, I secretly emailed Sri Panwa to ask if we could do a site visit for our wedding planning. We were treated like royalty but most importantly the view at Baba Nest took our breath away. That said, I brushed it off as being too expensive initially.
So I went back to the drawing board and explored different locations - we were certain we wanted a beach destination that is close by and accessible - so we narrowed down to Phuket, Bali, Batam. Other considerations we had were: cost of flight tickets to destination, hotels available and type of food at wedding. In the end we narrowed down to Phuket as flight tickets to Phuket were cheaper than Bali, we preferred Thai food for our wedding and there were a lot more hotel options in Phuket than Batam. Once we narrowed down on Phuket, I started detailed research across different hotels in a complex spreadsheet. There were lots of cheaper hotel options, but ultimately we just couldn’t bear to miss out on the once in a lifetime opportunity to have our wedding at Baba Nest, Sri Panwa so we narrowed down to that and paid the deposit to lock in the date.
This was the wedding ceremony setup for our wedding day - absolutely stunning <3
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This was the dinner long-table setup at Baba Poolclub (note: there is a minimum spend to hold dinner at Baba Poolclub).
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And this was the outdoor area for after-party and sparkler send off.
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Note: We had special rates from Sri Panwa due to unforeseen circumstances hence please note that prices for Sri Panwa now will be higher.
2. Accommodation
We decided early on that we want to ensure everyone can enjoy our wedding as part of a holiday and have great fun! We also didn’t want our guests to spend too much money just because we would like to have an overseas wedding. Hence, we decided to sponsor 2 nights accommodation for our guests from Friday to Sunday as our wedding is on a Saturday.
Guests can also attend our wedding without having to take leave by catching an evening/night flight on Friday and flying back to Singapore on Sunday.
Sponsoring hotel nights made a lot more sense as it was logistically simpler to do so and we could arrange for transport. From my friend’s suggestion and our recee trip, we realised that Kantary Bay Hotel is right beside Sri Panwa which made it an idea location for guests accommodation. Guests could simply walk 2 mins to Sri Panwa entrance and catch the hotel tuktuk up to Sri Panwa - perfect! :)  
We also made a bold move to have an “angbao free” wedding. We did not want  our guests to have to pay anything additional as they would already have to pay their own flight to Phuket. Hence we communicated that their presence is our great blessings - and it truly is indeed! This turned out really well and everyone was receptive to the angbao free concept which is great :)!  
Lastly, to hold a wedding at Sri Panwa, there are minimum nights requirements for villa bookings - this is a significant part of the wedding costs. We thought we’ll take this opportunity to pamper our family and give them an opportunity to enjoy the amazing Sri Panwa so we went ahead and booked 4 villas for 2 nights each. We could tell that everyone absolutely enjoyed themselves in Sri Panwa so it was worth every penny!
Photos of our 1 bedroom luxury pool villa and my 5 pounds donut from Primark. We’ve stayed in our fair share of 5* hotels for work but Sri Panwa villas are absolutely stunning and in an absolute league of its own! The gorgeous photos already make me want to go back again!  
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3. Photography, Videographer, Hair & Makeup Artist
Now comes the tricky part of a destination wedding: photographer, videographer and makeup artist. This is another reason why I’m so glad we chose Phuket as our wedding destination! As it is such a popular wedding destination, there are no short of great talents in Phuket to ensure the most beautiful wedding! I much prefer to engage photographer, videographer and HMUA from Phuket for couple of reasons:
Familiar with the hotel - especially important for photos
High quality and value for money - I feel their quality is on par or higher than those in Singapore and at a more affordable price
I researched into many wedding blogs and articles of weddings held in Phuket (most of them are planned by wedding planners). A few key names consistently dominate the blogs/ articles which led me to believe that:
They are trusted by wedding planners
They are very professional and deliver high quality outcomes.
Boy was I right!! :) We were blessed with the most amazing team - strongly recommending all of them:
Photography: Nindka Photography - Wasin is amazing and I fell in love with his portfolio and feel that he can capture asian weddings very well
Videography: Gina Smith Photography - they do amazing photography and wedding planning too
Hair & Makeup Artist: Lisa Allen
4. Wedding Gowns and Shoes
This is my favourite part as the cost savings are off the charts on this one :D! I bought my two dresses and shoes for less than SGD250 and hopefully looked more than that!  
For wedding dress, I absolutely LOVE Galia Lahav (i blame pinterest) - All Galia Lahav dresses are gorgeous but unfortunately comes with a steep price tag. I mean look at THAT (Galia Lahav dresses photo below)
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So I scoured through Taobao to find my closest Galia Lahav equivalent - low back with beautiful lace and found this (picture below)! Nubbad - this even has a beaded thing at the back - and for under SGD100 including shipping - absolute steal! :D
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It didn’t turn out too bad, definitely looked wayyy more than it cost and fitted quite nicely! It wouldn’t be perfect fitting of course but I didn’t want to spend money on alterations. Still looked great in pictures so who cares anyway!
Next for evening gown, I knew I wanted a shiny sequin evening dress (yes i’m getai like that!), ideally rose gold - and yes there’s a pinterest for almost everything you dream of (see below). It’s just absolutely hard to find like full sequin dress in Singapore for a reasonable price. I looked around in stores a little and quickly gave up and turned my search back to Taobao.
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The thing is with Taobao - it’s figuring out what is the chinese search term for what you want. I realised the type of dresses i’m looking for is commonly classified under 主持人 (god knows why everyone is a host?!) and sequin is 亮片. It may be long and tedious but once you nailed the term it’s bingo!
Here’s what I found - it’s gold with beautiful sequins and the design looks flattering and for a great price of SGD60 (inclusive of shipping)!
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Now for wedding shoes - as you would follow by now. I constantly fall in love with things on Pinterest (it’s dangerous) and I absolutely adored these Ralph & Russo wedding shoes! Not only do I not know where to get them, I can only suspect these are super expensive :(
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Somehow I was looking through Carousell and found these “Big Tree” equivalents with the stunning details on the heels! Got them at a steal for SGD40.
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Also bought another cute pair of rose gold heels from Primark while I was in London - for like GBP 16 so decided to wear that with my evening gown!
Here’s both my outfits hung in our villa.
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5. Groom’s outfit
We looked for geek’s outfit at Zara and it helps that he is of good decent shape that we can just buy off the shelf and make some alterations for it to be perfect! I love his blue suit and it’s definitely cheaper than custom-making one. His white shirt and beautiful shoes are from Benjamin Barker and he got them for a good bundled deal!
6. Bridesmaid dresses & Groomsmen outfit
I had a simple criteria for bridesmaid dresses - that they have to look consistent and blue and I don’t want to have to worry about size of dresses so I opted for convertible dresses. These were more expensive than I thought and the blogshop I bought them from was a complete disaster - I ordered 4 and they delivered only 1, then they said they are out of the colour i want and asked if I would like a change of colour (what audacity?!), all this while spelling my name wrongly in whatsapp messages. Thankfully, the dresses looked great on my bridesmaids but that blogshop was a complete nightmare. I don’t even have such a bad experience with shopping on taobao and the dresses are cheaper too.
For groomsmen, I checked if they all had grey pants and white shirt (they did thankfully!) and bought them all blue suspenders from Qoo10 (SGD5 each! see photo below) to match the colour theme. The groomsmen all looked so good I was so proud :D
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7. Bridesmaids bouquet
Wedding flowers are expensive period. Once it’s a wedding, the cost of everything is marked up and flowers are the perfect example. For bridesmaid bouquets, hotel and florists all around Phuket were charging USD 70 onwards per bouquet (which is ridiculous IMO). We tried looking for places selling fresh flowers in Phuket during our recce trip but that wasn’t very successful. In the end, I went to Far East Flora to get a big bouquet of baby’s breath for SGD32, split them into 4 and tied white ribbon around them (see below). Each bouquet cost under SGD 9, a huge saving from USD 70 each. Of course it’s a big hassle hand carrying these and transporting them to Thailand - thank god Customs had no issues and even congratulated us on our wedding!
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I also DIYed the wedding vows booklet - cost $0.90 for the paper.
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8. Wedding Favours
I was also extremely proud of our wedding favours. Since it’s an outdoor wedding I was afraid the weather would be too hot hence i found these wooden fans from Taobao and bought them for slightly less than a dollar each. We then meticulously cut ribbons and tied each of them!
Inspired by this from Pinterest, I thought it would be lovely to have bubble wands for our wedding as it makes for a wonderful photo opportunity.
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While geek was in US for work, I found these Wilton Love Knot bubble wands on Amazon for USD 9 and shipped these to his hotel. He had no idea what I bought and was like -_- when he saw that they were bubble wands.  
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Tied these wands with blue ribbon and omg they looked so cute. Love how the wedding favours came together. Fortunately, we were blessed with such strong winds for our wedding that we absolutely didn’t need any fans.
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9. Decorations
Thank God for Daiso! We got most of our table decorations from Daiso - all the photo frames and the vases (we spray painted them with bronze paint from Art Friend for SGD 10) come up to SGD 14. I got the LED alphabet lights from a christmas gift exchange (thanks Sarah!) then we went to buy a “&” sign from Typo for about SGD 7. Got the battery LED fairy lights from Primark when I was in London for GBP 2.50 (!! they cost so much more here). We also bought a polaroid camera and 80 films from Qoo10 (~SGD141) to be our “guestbook” and “photobooth” so that guests can take photo.  
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Sri Panwa kindly provided us with some flowers and it looks beautiful!
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Summary: Our desire for a destination wedding meant that we had to organise 3 weddings (!!) which is really tiring.
ROM and wedding luncheon for extended family to fulfil my parents’ wish for 8 course chinese sit down wedding banquet. We kept it small to 50 people
Destination wedding for immediate family and closest friends in Sri Panwa, Phuket
Catholic wedding in Church
Ideally it would be great to combine church wedding and ROM to save time and cost so that we only have 2 weddings but unfortunately we didn’t complete our engagement encounter in time to do that. :/ Advice to all catholics - sign up for your Marriage Preparation Course (MPC)/ Engagement Encounter (EE) asap, these get booked out wayy in advance!
We have finished 2 of 3 weddings with only the church wedding left to go. We absolutely enjoyed our destination wedding at Sri Panwa and would not have it any other way. This does mean a few things:
The cost per pax is very high but for the people we love the most, we think this is very worthwhile. Everyone had a great time and a holiday and that was really what we hoped to achieve for our wedding! It also gave us the opportunity to talk and mingle with everyone at our wedding which we could only do in a small intimate setting like this.  
We are prepared to not “breakeven” on our wedding. We feel like weddings have evolved to be too calculative, I’m not even sure why the term “breakeven” is used for weddings because it sounds way too much like a commercial business. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with giving angbaos as a blessing, we just didn’t want our guests to think they have to “fund” our choice of an overseas wedding hence we opted for an angbao free wedding.  We examined what the “angbao” intention really meant and realised that our guests’ presence (travelling all the way to Phuket) is already our biggest blessings and we think that it resonated with our guests too
We have to prioritise what matters and what doesn’t - my wedding dresses matter a lot less than having a great venue that everyone can enjoy - this means spending as little as possible on my dresses (no Galia Lahav clearly) but spending enough to have our dream venue at Sri Panwa Baba Nest. We didn’t want to spend money on pre-wedding photography so we just DIY with a tripod stand and camera when geek was in San Francisco for work and I joined him for holiday. We decided that actual day photography was more important and would look more natural anyway.
We hope you find this useful especially if you’re thinking of moving towards a small intimate destination wedding! We had a great time and i took my colleagues advise to enjoy the moment - it was indeed one of the happiest moments our lives and everyone enjoyed themselves and that’s priceless! 
Venue: Sri Panwa, Phuket Guest accommodation: Kantary Bay Hotel, Phuket Photographer: Nindka (Wasin) Videographer: Gina Smith Photography Hair & makeup artist: Lisa Allen Makeup Artist  Wedding gown & evening gown: Taobao Bride’s shoes: Carousell, Primark Groom’s suit: Zara Groom’s shirt and shoes: Benjamin Barker Wedding favours: Taobao, Amazon
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thesixweekseeker · 8 years
Road to Hana
 The “Road to Hana” is on every must-do list for Maui, so I was not about to have some major FOMO and miss out on this trip. My best bud and his dad love it up there so they happily obliged and became my unofficial tour guides.  Since it’s about a 3-hour drive from where we are, we woke up at 5am to get a head start on the “tourists” and the sunrise. Since I was with these two experienced locals, I earned the shotgun spot, and just sat back and was prepared to soak it all in.  
For starters, the drive itself is like an amusement park ride (which is totally my jam).  As you drive along a road made for one car (not two), with tons of opportunities to meet another car head on around every curve, and also throw in the chance landslide encounter (one had just occurred a day or so before we arrived)… it becomes a windy little thrill ride.  Hands in the air like you just don’t care.
Luckily we made it unscathed to the first stop on our tour: Wai'anapanapa Beach, aka Pa'iloa Beach, aka Black Sand Beach.  A quick walk down the path takes you to a beautiful beach with (you guessed it) black sand.  The black sand was created by a lava flow several hundred years ago and the proper name of Wai'anapanapa translates into “glistening water” which is very evident from the pictures below.  It wasn’t really swimmable so we took a path above and alongside the beach to get some stellar views over the cliffs.  We weren’t sure how far the path went, but we walked about 0.5 miles in and got some of these views below.  Maybe next time we will go on a little Lewis and Clark expedition for the full mile and see what we find.
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 En route to our next highlight, we made a quick pit stop at Hana Farms.  Although there is no shortage of fruit and coffee stands on the Road to Hana, this one may be the winner.  The women behind the stand were super friendly and answering all of our annoying “what’s in this” questions with an extreme amount of patience as we were trying to decipher what was Six Week approved. Unfortunately their Macadamia Nut Banana Bread “voted best in Hana for years” was not on the approval list so I can’t weigh in on that ruling.  We did get the green light on their Macadamia Nut Pesto Hummus and that did not disappoint (includes everything the name says plus some basil and olive oil).  They also have a ton of homemade goodies including dried exotic fruits and jams, holistic healing goodies and a very legit coffee bar.
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 Moving on to our next beautiful beach: Kaihalulu Beach (known as Red Sand Beach).  If I wasn’t with my local tour guides, I would not have been able to find this beach … and that’s the way they like it.  It was a slightly intimidating walk down to the beach and we almost saw a guy bite it over the cliff, so make sure to wear something besides flip flops and get off your phone and focus.  
When you get to that first lookout over the beach, it’s absolutely stunning. Picture huge red cliffs, beautiful red (ish) sand, clear teal water, naked people… wait, say what?
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So yes, it’s a clothing optional beach (which I fully support) and I’ve experienced my fair share living in SF.  My only issue is it seems like it’s always the LAST person you want to see naked… and I’m just wondering when do I get the Kelly Slater look-a-like who wants to throw his board shorts to the wind and sit next to me versus “this guy”?  
Anyway, I had to do a quick conference call there, so I tried to go around to a little side pocket so I could avoid the distractions.  However, my new friend just decided to pull up his laptop next to me in his birthday suit and jump on his conference call to discuss philosophy and politics.  Go ahead and also cue two dogs stopping right in front of me to fully (and I mean fully) get it on, with the owner (topless chic) running towards me to try and stop it.  My conference call obviously went well.
Pepper is clearly vibin’ with this beach.
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After an exhausting day of sitting at beautiful beaches in perfect weather, we decided to go set up shop at our campsite. We went to Haleakala National Park on the Kīpahulu side (one of two drive-up camping options in the park) and got the best spot (IMO) in the very back away from everyone, but still close enough to get a great view of the water.  The campsite was small with no frills but it was completely surrounded by wonderful scenery.  If you have a Wrangler, Golden Retriever, hammock and a pop up tent – go chill here for three days.  (Three days is the max number of nights they allow at once and I guess you don’t need a Wrangler and a Golden – I just assume everyone wants the same things that I do.) 
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 While at the campsite, I learned how to make a version of Huli Huli (turn turn) Chicken – which was delish.  I also became very campfire savvy and learned that you can wrap sweet potatoes up in foil and put them right in the coals and you can also put a whole can of green beans on the grill and cook them straight up.  (You didn’t know that either.)  We walked off our din by taking a little stroll to see the sunset and I knocked out “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg - GREAT book and very applicable for The Six Week. 
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 I had some conference calls that next morning and I was able to walk down and take one right as the sun was rising – and it was hands down one of the best I’ve seen.  It was a moment where I realized that I was “in my office” working watching all of this unfold, and it made me beyond grateful for the choices that led to that present moment.  (Side note: you will learn that I geek out over the following: sunrise, sunset, waterfalls.)  
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We decided after sunset that we would get a jump start on the Pipiwai Trail to go see some waterfalls.  Go early (7ish) as it starts to get crowded by 9/10am.  The hike is roughly 5 miles round trip but it doesn’t even feel close to that.  Your hiking highlights include:
A massive banyon tree..
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A view of Makahiku Falls ...
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A trek through an enchanted bamboo forest ....
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And the grand prize… Waimoku Falls.  
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 My friend’s dad was talking to us about the vortex right above the waterfall.  He said there were only two in the world (here and in Africa) and it was meant to have vast spiritual powers and healing energy.  I did some quick research and it says this area is the Global Fire Vortex. This is said to govern liberty and they recommend coming to this space to meditate (during the Aries new or full moon) on fire, liberty and purpose.  I’m not sure what all I buy into, but there is definitely something very special in that space.  I instantly felt a complete calm rush over me and it was very therapeutic in a way.  
I could have and would have stayed there all day … but somebody had to go find her pot of gold.
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 After we got back from the hike, we decided it was tear down camp time, and we were going to venture the rest of the way around the island – Venus Pools would have to wait until the next Hana trip.  My bud made us stop at the Coconut Zen Cave on our way back, and if if you met the owner and saw his space, you would too.  I learned how to crack open a coconut and use a machete for the first time and somehow all appendages are still intact.  Also, putting some Tahitian lime juice (his recommendation) in the coconut water IS amazing and it makes a huge difference.
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 The ride back home from Hana was one of the highlights of the trip.  I was surprised to learn that most people don’t go around the backside of Haleakala, they just head back the same way they came.  “They say” the backside is more dangerous to drive on and less visually appealing, but I thought both claims were false.  I mean, there were definitely a few “we might die here” spots during the ride back, but alas, I live another day to write another blog.  
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 You need to make sure to save some room for lunch on your drive back so you can hit up Ulupalakua Ranch Store.  Since they were fresh out of elk (the go-to choice) we had lamb and venison burgers, but don’t worry, we had those wrapped in lettuce wraps so TSW approved.  After lunch, I convinced the crew to drive around the West Maui Mountains instead of the normal way home through town. It adds an extra 45 minutes but well worth the drive as the views are gorgeous – reminds me of some of the North Shore in Kauai.  
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 We made the complete figure eight loop of Maui within 48-hours and that final day I was able to watch an epic sunrise in Hana, hike to a stunning 400-foot waterfall in Haleakala Park and get home just in time to end with a beautiful sunset in Kahana.  Like I mentioned above, geek out central with those things, so all three in a row = my favorite day in Maui so far.
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Survey #288
“i never believed the devil was real, but god couldn’t make someone filthy as you”
When was the last time you drove or travelled for over an hour? Where did you go? Around a month back, I rode with Mom and my sister to my mom’s doc appointment. When you get old, are you going to let your hair go gray or dye it instead? Haha, I don’t see my desire to dye my hair wild colors ever fading. What genre was the last book you read? Was it any good? Fantasy. It was very good. Did you ever wear braces on your teeth? Yes. What’s your favorite condiment to have with sausages or hot dogs (or the vegetarian equivalent)? I just have ketchup and mustard. Which fictional character can you relate to the most? Is this a character from film, TV or a book? I dunno, there’s just so many to dig through. I’ve never felt a *strong* connection to any. Do you groom your eyebrows? If so, how? Not really anymore. Do you own any photo albums? Are they dedicated to special occasions or just a random selection of photos? We have old ones stored in a cabinet somewhere. I haven’t looked at them in a long time, but I think they’re loosely bound by time periods. What’s your favorite meal of the day - breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Breakfast, for sure. Who was the last person you texted? How do you know that person? Sara. She’s my best friend. What was the reason behind the last time you shouted or raised your voice? It wasn’t severe at all, but I raised my voice to tell Roman to stop clawing at the carpet. Are you a citizen of more than one country? Would you ever use that advantage to move abroad? No. Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? If so, which one is your favorite? I barely started The Fault in Our Stars, and that’s it. I’m quite sure I would if I actually read them, though. Are you a protective person? UM ONLY JUST SLIGHTLY. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No. There’s been very, very mild ones here, and the one “big” one (which, mind you, was only big enough to make the pool water barely tremble) that’s happened in my lifetime I wasn’t even home for; I was hours away at the zoo. According to Facebook outrage much more recently, my area experienced a teeny-tiny one, but I sure didn’t feel it. Are you a fan of penguins? Omg yes, such darlings. So intelligent, too. I particularly love emperor penguins. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. Are you a good painter? I’ve been told so. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? I’ve never been in this position. When was the last time you met someone for the first time? Ummm I dunno. Maybe Nicole’s ex? Have you ever cooked with crab or lobster? Could you ever bring yourself to kill a live lobster/crab? No and no. I hate the taste of both. Squishy and just… ew. Which fast food restaurant do you go to the most? What do you tend to order when you go there? Being the cheapest, probably McDonald’s? I usually get a double cheeseburger and small or medium fry. Does it bother you when dogs jump up at you? Does it bother you less if it’s a smaller dog? Nah. I mean their claws can hurt, but it’s all worth a dog’s love, haha. What kind of animal did you touch last? Was this animal one of your pets? I pet my cat Roman last. How would you describe your sense of humor? Have you ever offended someone when you were only joking? Seeing as I don’t even find myself funny, idk how to answer that. I don’t believe I’ve ever offended anyone with a joke. When was the last time you cried - what caused it? It was literally last night when I was really deeply thinking about stuff I’ve been running from. What’s your favorite flavor of potato chip? You can’t beat the original ruffled kind, imo. Do you prefer fruit or vegetable juice? What kind of flavors do you like? I love fruit juice, but you’ll never see me even try vegetable juice. I enjoy lots of fruit ones: mango (my favorite), pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, orange, apple… Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? How did you meet this person? If you mean via a call and not texting, that would be my psychiatrist. I met him during my partial hospitalization. He helped save my life. Who was your first celebrity crush? Which celebrity do you like now? Jesse McCartney /swoons. Now I’m a l l about Mark Fischbach like jesus fucking Christ lord- Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? It’s closed. What’s your favorite love movie? The Notebook. Afraid of heights? Kinda, yeah. Do you take a vitamin daily? Not daily, no, but I have to take Vitamin D once a week. Wal-Mart, Target, or K-Mart? Wal-Mart. Is K-Mart even still around? Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos; I don’t really like the latter. Are you patient? N O P E, not unless it’s really called for. Which are better black or green olives? I hate olives. Black aren’t as awful, though. Who was your high school crush? Ha, Jason surpassed “crush” by a lighyear. Have you ever had your computer or e-mail hacked? Did anything bad happen as a result? No to both, but I’ve had my Facebook hacked. Nothing too bad happened. Do you prefer the company of people or animals? Animals, for sure. I need human company sometimes too, though. When was the last time you went to the beach? What did you do there? A few years ago when Colleen and I were still friends. The water felt fucking incredible, so I swam a lot, and then I just chilled with her, her husband, and their then-infant son under the umbrella. I still got insane sun poisoning, though. What kind of milk do you prefer to drink (if you drink it at all)? 1-2%. Skim is gross and whole is too thick. When was the last time you wore some kind of fancy dress? That witchy photoshoot I mentioned in I think the last survey. Do you enjoy dressing up (ie. in suits or smart clothing)? When was the last time you did so? Ugh, no. Too much effort and usually not very comfortable. See above answer for the second part. What’s worse - being overdressed or underdressed? I think the latter would embarrass me more. What do you think would be the worst thing about being stuck in solitary confinement? Being alone with only your head for “sound.” And if you’re in solitary, odds are your head isn’t in a good place, so it just makes it worse. How old were you when you learned to tie your shoelaces? Idk, but I know I learned it the “wrong” way first from Dad. It always annoyed Mom because they weren’t tight enough, apparently. Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays? For the most part, honestly not really. I love SEEING places decorated, but hate doing it myself. So much effort for sometimes not even a month’s worth of enjoyment. Would you rather go into a restaurant or just go via the drive-thru? I prefer the drive-thru. Do you like having your teeth cleaned at the dentist? Yeah, even if there may be a bit of pain here and there. It feels nice afterwards. Have you ever had a gun drawn on you before? YIKES, NO. When was the last time you went to a petting zoo? I probably haven’t since I was a baby. How old were you when you first started using Tumblr? Have you had the same blog all that time? Idr, but I know I was waaaay late to the party. I’ve had the same since the start, though. Are you a fan of Reddit? What are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve never used it. Have you ever watched those YouTube videos of people popping their own spots or zits? Do you find them gross or fascinating? EW EW EW EW NO. They gross me the FUCK out. What’s a food you hated as a kid but love now? How about vice versa? Hmmm… I only know vice-versa, really. I loved peas as a baby, but now it’s a “fuck no” from me, man. Do you prefer socks, shoes or going bare foot? Bare feet, at least where it makes sense. Are you currently in the second story of a building? No; my house doesn't have a second floor. Who was the last music artist you listened to a song by? Ozzy. Have you ever written or drew something on a dollar bill? No. What was your favorite childhood game to play with your friends? We played lots of things, but I guess "Categories" in the pool probably wins. Basically the person on one end of the pool had to guess somebody on the other side's favorite in a certain topic, and if they guessed it right, you raced the other person to the opposite side. Whoever got there fastest was the next guesser. Where did you get your favorite pet from? My favorite pet of all time, my old dog Teddy, we got as a puppy from a friend of a friend. Her cocker spaniel had a massive litter and adopted the babies out. Have you ever called animal control on anyone? Not me personally, no. I think my mom did when our childhood neighbor's two rottweilers got loose and killed at least one of our kittens of the time; she was livid because it wasn't the first time they got out and attacked our cats, and of course us kids were absolutely devastated. I think they got off with a warning. Do you prefer wearing hoodies to coats? Yeah, especially slightly oversized. Is there anything written on the shirt you are wearing? No, it's just a black tank top. Have you ever been to another continent? No. Do you ever go out of your way to avoid someone? Not really. What was your last voicemail about? I don't even have a voicemail set up, so. Are you currently wearing a belt?I haven't worn belts since high school. How much was gas the last time you looked? I think $1.99. Is there someone who would support you no matter what? My mom, probably. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?I REALLY don't want to think about this one. Do you still get carded when you try and buy things you’re old enough to? I very rarely order one, but I don't really get carded for drinks at restaurants anymore. Do you know anyone fluent in a really uncommon language? Not that I know of. Do you kiss on the first date? This would depend on a lot of things. Odds are though, no. When was the last time you slept on something other than a bed? I've got no clue. How do you feel about the last person you shared a kiss with? I love her. Describe your current mood: Hopeless. Confused. Aimless. Exasperated. Just depressed. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I mean, somewhat, but also not really. I don't believe life exists by chance, so whoever/whatever made that decision obviously had some reason - but not for each person in particular, I believe. I highly doubt something/someone thought out extravagant stories for every single thing that lives. I believe we give ourselves a reason. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Absolutely nothing, off the top of my head. What were you doing 10 years ago? I woulda been 14, almost 15... so starting high school. I was in school with actual goals and confidence I'd do great in life, despite my depression being in full swing. Did you ever have a MySpace? Yup... Still remember Natasha Bedingfield's "Pocketful of Sunshine" was the song on my meerkat-slathered page too, haha. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I don't believe in breaks, period. You don't turn love on and off. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes, what’s your content? Yeah, but it's not one that seriously produces content. Its primary purpose is just to like, favorite, and rarely comment on stuff while having recommendations catered to my interests. I used to make GMV/AMV-type things and mostly Meerkat Manor tributes, as well as various MEP parts because BOY could I only accomplish very short videos. I no longer have "professional" video editing software (I'd always pirated it before, anyway...) nor the necessary motivation and patience to make them anymore. Are you a math person? Heeeeeeeell no. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? No to both. When do you think things will be normal again? Who the fuck knows. It'll probably be a couple years, at least. Do you watch anime? If I'm watching television, yeah, I like some animes. Do you like TikTok? Never used it. Do you ever miss Vine? YO Vine was fuckin FUNNY If you're in school, are you doing it on Zoom or in class? I'm not in school, so. But if I was and in-person classes were expected, guess who the fuck isn't going with how serious I am about social distancing. Lives come before education. Would you ever have a pet rat? I've had a handful, but I don't think I will again. Their cages require so much cleaning, and they need more socialization than I'm able to provide. I fucking adore them, though. Favorite memory with your best friend? It's weird, we've "seen" each other for only like, a month's collective time, and I'm not sure of my answer because there's so many. Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? No. Have you ever “dined and dashed”? No, I never could. Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? No. Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don't think so. Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? Fuck no. Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? N/A, but I wouldn't. Have you ever flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket? No. Have you ever lied during a job interview? Me? Social? People person? Well duh, of course I am. Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? No, that's awful. Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wouldn't want your parents to see? Actually no. Did you ever get fired and tell someone you were laid off? No. Have you ever turned in a school paper that someone else wrote for you? Absolutely not. I liked writing papers anyway and am very serious about creative honesty. Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF’s family? N/A If you were an employer, would you hire someone with your exact work ethic? Well, what's the job? Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? No. The only thing I ever did to his car was decorate it for his birthday lmao. Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? I don't think so, no. Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? No. Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? Yes. The guilt otherwise would be unbearable. Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? Ew, no. Have you ever held back a well-deserved compliment because you were jealous? I wouldn't put me past it lately. For yourself, would you rather have a perfect body or high IQ? I hate my body so fuckin much that I'll take the first, please. Have you ever used a false ID? Nope. Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I'm embarrassed to admit I don't HAVE a job. If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? Oh my god no, I'd have to stop to break the fuck down. Ever lie about you (or your kids') age to get a discount? Ha, I'm sure my parents would sometimes at restaurants when I was young. Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? A LOT. Have you gotten close to anyone recently? Not really. Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? No, but I can assure you it probably wasn't nice lmao. Have you ever gotten a D or F on your report card? Not until college. If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? No. What are you listening to? "Radio" by Rammstein is on atm. Have you ever fallen into a mud puddle? Maybe as a kid. But that might'a been on purpose, lol. Are you scared of spiders? To a degree. Like, I want a few tarantulas but will scream and jump five feet the moment I see a huge spider beside me unexpectantly. I think they are very, very fascinating and important, but I also prefer to give them distance. Unless I have a camera in hand, haha. Do you think that crying is a form of weakness? Absolutely not. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone? Yeah. Last person to call you? Some number from Mississippi??????????? Ever feel like you have been replaced? Oh yes.
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