#(This whole band was daft. Love them.)
reflectismo · 2 years
There’s no hard feelings or anything, but you just don’t hang around with your ex-wife. We’ve completely finished. ’Cos, you know, I’m just not that keen on John after all he’s done. I mean, you can be friendly with someone, and they can shit on you, and you’re just a fool if you keep friends with them. I’m not just going to lie down and let him shit on me again. I think he’s a bit daft, to tell you the truth. I talked to him about the Klein thing, and he’s so misinformed it’s ridiculous.
— Paul interviewed by student journalist Ian McNulty for the Hull University Torch, May 1972 [From The McCartney Legacy, Volume 1: 1969 – 1973 by Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair (2022)]
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apomaro-mellow · 23 days
Whatever Stevie Wants 7
Part 6
The week leading up to Corroded Coffin being back on the road was filled with family time. Steve wouldn’t be without his mates the entire time, there were a couple of dates on the schedule where it was decided he’d take a plane out to meet them. They’d be in California, recording the stuff they’d been working on in their downtime and then promoting said album on the usual circuit. That included a few performances on some talk shows.
Steve already had his calendar updated and was counting the days even though they hadn’t left yet. But then the day came and Steve couldn’t scent them enough. He had his arms wrapped around Gareth, rubbing their cheeks together.
Eddie was sitting on the floor, both of Violet’s hands in each of his, watching as she wobbled on her legs, clearly trying to figure them out. She hadn’t taken her first official step yet, but Steve felt that it was incoming.
Eddie looked her straight in the eye. “Vi, I love you but if you take your first step while I’m gone, you will be disowned.”
Steve giggled against Gareth’s neck. “I don’t think you’ll have much control over that.”
“I can try!”, Eddie exclaimed. “Daughter of mine, don’t have any milestones. Stay exactly the way you are until I get back, okay?”
Jeff rolled his eyes as he bounced Vanessa in his arms. She was fighting a nap. They all finished saying their goodbyes, the band getting in a ride share and heading to the airport. Steve waved until they were out of sight. 
“And they’ll be gone for a while”, Steve said before taking a sip of his drink. He was nursing a mocktail while his mother sipped on some wine.
“You’re going to take care of the girls on your own? Our offer to hire a nanny still stands”, Margaret reminded him.
“Thanks, but we don’t need a nanny. There’s still Eddie’s uncle and Jeff’s mom. We’ve still got the twins outnumbered”, he joked.
He had met her for an aperitif. It was the sort of thing he would have been expected to do before striking out on his own and living the struggle life. And now he could that again since he had four sugar daddies.
“Still, for the sires to be absent for so long-”
“Please. Please don’t act all high and mighty now. There were whole weeks when I didn’t see dad. Or you.”
“But you weren’t alone. You had a professional. She was probably better at child rearing than even I.”
Steve didn’t even engage. He knew she couldn’t name any of the nannies who had ever watched him. But she let that part of the conversation go, turning it instead to whatever networking his father was doing. Steve didn’t care. But he knew it was important to his parents and he was trying to keep that olive branch extended.
So when she invited him and the twins to visit, he accepted. His parents were currently staying at a villa belonging to a friend. The twins were old enough to handle some light travel. And it would give Beatrice and Wayne a week off from raising their grands.
“How long will you be staying?”, Eddie asked, his voice coming from the speaker of Steve’s phone.
“About three days”, Steve said. “Give or take. It’s not like I have anywhere to be.” He was in the middle of packing his own suitcase. The girls’ things were already packed away in a separate suitcase.
“Um, did you forget that you’re supposed to be cheering on your favorite band when they blow the roof off the Shaney Harris Show?”
“Oh? Is Daft Punk performing?”
“Ha ha.”
“That’s not until the week after. I’ll be there. I promise”, Steve said, closing his case. And he still intended to call or text often and he had been doing since Eddie and the others left. Losing the physical part of their relationship tugged at his heart, but the trade off was seeing pictures of them in their element. 
Beatrice helped Steve buckle the girls into their carseats and Wayne packed up the trunk. He said his ‘see you laters’ and then he was off. Violet was the most talkative, babbling to herself while watching the scenery go by. Vanessa slept for most of the ride but once she woke up, she started vocalizing too. Sometimes it seemed like an exchange but mostly they were competing against each other.
The trip took a couple of hours and even though it wasn’t that arduous, he was glad when he arrived just to get the girls out of their seats for longer than a diaper change. The villa wasn’t as big as the Harrington estate that he’d grown up in. But it had similar qualities. It was lavish and extravagant but had no personality.
When he drove up, it wasn’t his parents that came out first but a middle aged woman in soft clothing. He was confused as he got out of the car until he saw his mother appear.
“That’s Eleanor, you can give the children to her. And Javier will take your bags.”
Steve was about to question who when a man suddenly appeared by the trunk. He let out a sigh as he hit the button to open it but kept the back doors closed.
“Mother, I thought this was a visit.”
“It is.”
“For me and the girls. I don’t need to leave them with Eleanor. No offense, I’m sure you’re a lovely woman.”
“Nonsense. She lives for it and it’ll give you and I time to catch up. I can show you around”, Margaret said.
Steve crossed his arms. “I’m not leaving my pups with a stranger.”
Margaret scoffed and rolled his eyes. “At least let her help you bring them inside.”
He could concede to that and he entered the villa, holding onto one carrier while Eleanor carried the other. The next few days went about as Steve expected. He couldn’t come down to meals in just anything. No, he tried that with just a shirt and jeans and his mother started to set out clothing for meal times. Button ups and slacks.
His mother also had several little outfits for Violet and Vanessa. They were cute, if cumbersome. Big, fluffy dresses as if they were dolls. Steve put them on once to humor her and take the pictures, which he sent to his pack. But they weren’t the best sort of fashion for infants who were learning to crawl and determined to learn to walk.
Steve was starkly reminded of the life he’d left behind when during the second night, he put his pups in the sink to give them a bath.
“Steven Philip Harrington!”, his mother gasped. “What are you doing!?”
“Trying to wash two very slippery otters”, he said, momentarily forgetting who he was talking to.
“In the sink!? Have some dignity. That’s what Eleanor is for.” Her hand was against her heart like the shock was that much for her and Steve suddenly had the image in his head of her literally clutching a pearl necklace around her neck.
“I’m capable of bathing my own children”, Steve said while Vanessa splashed around. He was rinsing Violet off and in his focus, he didn’t see the look his mother gave.
The rest of the visit was similar to that. Despite saying they wanted to get to know the girls, his parents kept trying to pawn them off to Eleanor. They said they wanted to learn more about him and his new life and pack but every conversation was like they were trying to squish him back into the box he’d been in before leaving home.
Steve sighed as he laid in bed, bringing a handkerchief that Eddie had scented to his nose to ground him. He was fine. He had a pack that loved him, pups too, and friends. Robin had literally compared the girls’ dress pictures to American Girl dolls. Even he had to admit they were adorable.
But tonight was his last night here. By this time tomorrow, he’d be back in his own nest. 
The morning sun filtered through the window and Steve woke up with the birds singing. He yawned deeply and rolled over. Two seconds later, he realized how odd it was that he woke up to sunshine and bird song and not two pups crying. His mother insisted that there was a perfectly good nursery in the villa with fine cribs and Steve had relented.
He preferred having his pups close in a new environment, but he at least had a baby monitor to let him know when they needed him. But he didn’t hear anything. Steve rubbed his eyes and sat up. It wasn’t impossible for them to still be sleeping peacefully, but he’d feel better once he had eyes on him.
But as he got out of bed, he felt a wrongness. He rubbed his eyes again and his vision cleared and he wasn’t in the guest room at the villa. His breath got short as he was met instead with his childhood bedroom.
“No, this can’t be happening.” He opened the curtains and saw the same view he had for the first eighteen years of his life. His breathing got short. “My pups…my babies.”
He nearly tore the door open and rushed out, opening every door, trying to find them. “Vanessa! Violet!” He knew they couldn’t call back but he was also in panic mode.
“Steven, cease this racket”, his father said, already dressed in a suit for breakfast. “Now come on, your mother is waiting.”
“Why am I back here? Where are my pups!?”
“Don’t raise your voice indoors!”, his father roared, finger in Steve’s face.
Years ago it would have gotten him to submit. But not when his daughters were nowhere to be seen. He would tear this house apart if he had to.
“I’ll scream and shout until someone calls the cops! How did you get me here? Why did you bring me here and where. Are. My. Children?!”
“Honestly, can’t we have a quiet morning?”, Margaret complained, coming into the hallway. “You’ll see your children in time Steve. Now get dressed for breakfast and we’ll talk.”
“I’m not-!”
“You heard your mother.” Layton put an arm around her shoulders and they walked down the hall towards the stairs and Steve wanted to scream, to rip his hair out, to take an axe and destroy everything. But he couldn’t do any of that until he knew where his babies were. He went back to his bedroom and checked for any of his belongings. The clothes he’d brought weren’t here, nor was his cellphone. And the corded phone he used to have in his room was gone too. 
He fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands, allowing a few sobs before noticing the outfit hanging on the door of his closet. A pale blue button up, khaki pants. He took a deep breath and stood up. This was insane, even for his parents. But he would endure it for the sake of his real family.
Part 8
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cyber-corp · 1 year
I know basically nothing about Daft Punk. Could you tell me a bit about them and why you like them?
Daft Punk's whole public image is that they are robots that make robot music with robot instruments (drum machines, synths, etc).
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But the thing is is that the music they make is so full of life and joy and love that it couldn't possibly be made by one.
You can tell they have a high level of respect for the artists that inspired them (Get Lucky features Chic guitarist Nile Rodgers, a band they loved in their formative years) and the ones they inspired (their last ever credit on a song was 'Overnight' by Parcels in 2017, an electropop band they adored). They really are just two best friends sharing their love for music with the world.
So if you do the homework, you'll find the discovery that Daft Punk might just be human after all.
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P.S best song
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hot take: nothing happened in india, nothing happened in the new york apple trip. paul didn’t reject john and john didn’t reject paul. there was no great conversation that led to a rejection. and john was not checked out of the band in 1968 even if he did bring in yoko to the studio. like even in get back, he does not seem checked out at all. a bit strung out and without sleep, sure. but like this man had energy, he was about playing with his boys. im not saying he completely liked being a beatle. there were things he was completely over with, as were all of them including paul. the mega pressure they were constantly put on, they were all tired of it, and it didn’t just come from one band member. mlh for example kept on emphasizing this the whole way through, im sure that was a burden for all of them - plus he would never shut up about it. even george though everyone likes to pretend he was done with the band too. there’s literal interviews of him in 1970 and 1971, heck even in 1973 talking about playing with the group. can we stop pretending paul was the only one who cared about the group and affected? i see this on twitter and tumblr, from old heads and newer fans and if you really look into it, read the interviews, watch the videos, it’s a completely different story altogether. now if you want to say they were tired of the format they’ve been operating under for the past 8+ years, yes completely I’ll give you that, but even paul was at that point too, it’s why he suggested to go back to the small intimate venues, get back to performing live. john was even discussing doing something similar in the early 1970s even though he called paul daft about the idea lol.
i guess i’d just like more nuanced takes on this site, and i feel like we had it on here in past, but recently it’s been more biased or geared towards the overly looking at everything through a shipping lens. but i just feel we lose some great insight when we do that. and people can post what they want, sure, but then when a post gets passed around like it’s gospel and makes it’s way to twitter or some other site like it’s facts, i just don’t see the point. like that one post about the mclennon hug at nme and paul shrugging john off. it made it’s way to twitter and i had a friend of mine ask me was paul always such an ass to john? what?
sorry for long post. you said hot takes and i just kind of went with it. appreciate your thouhhts!
Oh my goooooooood re: the NME hug thing. Also love that twitter is still copying tumblr though, we are the moment <3
I agree with most of your points. I do think India represented some shift to John, but I don't think that means anything specific happened with regard to Paul. Like, maybe! He definitely upended his life almost directly after returning from that trip and seemed disappointed it hadn't fixed his problems, and Paul could easily have had something to do with that (because Paul was important to John and a big part of his life!) but that doesn't necessarily mean a specific thing happened between John and Paul. I do get how that one convo in Get Back could be indicative of something. Generally I think the usual McLennon interpretation of that dialogue is plausible enough, but it's just by far not the only possible interpretation (and also people like CONSTANTLY forget Paul was always scheduled to leave early. maybe that upset John, but still).
I think the shipping lens is a worthy one to consider, but usually this stuff has tons of facets and I agree with you that it seems we're seeing less and less of those other facets and also more and more sharing of context-less factoids. It's hard because you don't want to barge in on every post and "spoil the party" (haha !) but it's also frustrating to see people sharing unconfirmed stuff as if it's a fact. And some people just don't take this stuff very seriously, I know, but, every time you check the notes, it's clear some people really do.
I think the number one thing I wish we had more of is interrogation of sources. Honestly, one of the least compelling pieces of "McLennon evidence" to me is people super peripherally involved with the Beatles or even biographers comparing John and Paul to a married couple. It's interesting and worthy of examination that John, Paul, and Yoko made this comparison; it's somewhat eyebrow-raising that Francie Schwartz, who got to watch them from up close for a short period but also clearly had an axe to grind + comes across kinda self-important, made this comparison at times; on the other hand, I literally Do Not Care if Bob Spitz or Ruth McCartney invoked this image lol. That's barely worth more to me than someone on tumblr posting a pic of John and Paul and saying Don't They Seem Gay Here?
ANYWAYS, is there any particular topic you think would be worth a more nuanced discussion, anon? :)
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honourablejester · 5 months
Tagged by @theoutcastrogue to press shuffle on my general listening playlist 10 times and relate the results. Thanks!  
I don’t have spotify or what have you, I usually listen to music on youtube on my laptop. But I’ve got a couple of playlists I’ve made, and if I shake them a bit, what comes out is:
Konya Wa Hurricane, Kinuko Omori/’Priss & the Replicants’. (It’s the opening song for the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series, the cyberpunk anime series of the 80s. In universe, it’s a song by one of the main characters and her band, aptly named Priss and the Replicants, which I love).
Sin City, Meredith Brooks. (I’m pretty sure this was from/for a Nic Cage movie, let me look this up, yes, Snake Eyes. But it’s a good noir sort of a song. “Change the names to protect the guilty, you’ll never leave Sin City … where you are king”).
Short Change Hero, The Heavy. (I’m 90% sure I first heard this song on a TF2 machinima, but it’s such a cool vibe for a post-apocalyptic western sort of deal. “This ain’t no place for no hero, this ain’t no place for better man. This ain’t no place for no hero to call home.”)
Power of the Night, Terrence Mann/’Johnny Steel’. (I’m starting to realise I have a lot of songs from various soundtracks on my lists. This one is from Critters, supposedly from the in-universe rockstar the alien hunters take the shape of. It’s a pretty sweet rock song though, and I do love Terrence Mann).
Keep the Streets Empty For Me, Fever Ray. (An eerie, drifting track that I think is about urban emptiness. Great thing to listen to at 4am on a thin night).
Labirynt, Zbigniew Preisner. (Again, if you want something drifting and eerie and vaguely unsettling. I cannot for the life of me remember how I stumbled across this, but it’s beautiful).
Spanish Train, Chris de Burgh. (Spanish Train & Other Stories was one of the tapes that always came on car journeys when we were kids. Chris de Burgh is one of the things from my childhood that really stuck. I love his story songs. Spanish Train is a fabulous little folk tale about god and the devil playing poker for the souls of a damned train).
Splitting the Atom, Massive Attack. (I found this because of the video, because the video is wild. A slow pan through a fractured black glass city to find the bizarre source of destruction at the centre. But the song itself is also great, a slow, dark, threatening rhythm. I also like their song Angel, and it’s also on my playlist).
Fancy, Reba McEntire. (I do not, as a general rule, listen to much country music, but I do like a few by Reba McEntire. This one is dark, about a girl whose mother sells her into prostitution because they desperately need money, and the woman the girl became coming back later after she’s made a life for herself to forgive her for it).
Starlight Brigade, TWRP. (This one was, again, because of the video, but it’s such a fantastic video. If they made a whole damn show of this, a-la Galaxy Rangers, or an animated music video move a-la Daft Punk’s/Leiji Matsumoto’s Interstella 5555, I would absolutely watch it. And the song itself is a fantastic synthy cheerful unabashed sci-fi cheese, and I love it).
I'm too scrambled for tagging right now, but anyone who wants to showcase their weird music choices, feel free to blame me!
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Jung Wild Grenzenlos (2022) - Paul Landers (with translation)
ARD/MDR documentary from 2022 about the 1990's era with Paul Landers, with an attempt at translation by me 😊.
The 90's to me where the good old days in a sense that things evolved that one didn't know before. Musical directions emerged that didn't exist before. Youth movements that didn't exist. All of a sudden there was Grunge. Cool shit! Nirvana I heard on the radio and thought: Man what kind of good music is that! And one thought it would continue like that forever, and now looking back, one knows that is was a beautiful phase really, of change and of innocence and freshness.
There was this euphoria and i remember that it had a some anarchic traits, because the cops in the East could leave us, they weren't responsible for us anymore and the West cops didn't know us and didn't really know how to deal with the East-people and because of that there was a little Fool's freedom. Was a really lovely time.
<at a clip about the band Think about Mutation> 'Think about Mutation' initially were even ahead of us. They already had the principle of sequencer, machines and guitars. They already discovered that before us. At a concert we were pretty impressed by them in a musical way.
West alcohol i thought was really good, all the various variaties opened a whole new dimension.
Maybe that Paul Landers pretty soon would be on stage with the band Rammstein. Forged from the wild growth of the Post reunification period, they practised at the East Berliner Knaack club and initially only play half full shows. But that changes quickly: German lyric, celebrated teutonics, Stage fire: the media foams of anger.
The claim really was that we only do what we like, without looking in any specific direction, just "Lets go, we want to make trouble and we want to be extreme". We didn't care whether anybody liked it, at all.
Then the flame ignites, soon they fill every stadium all over the world. Six east-guys become the biggest band in the world. With thanks to the 90's.
Rammstein is clearly a 90's band, but visually and musically. Ofcourse we think, we move, we mirror the sign of the time, but we are a 90's band, definitely.
Bobo, alias Christiane Hebold, steers the chorus of Engel
We were friends really. Then the idea was born for me to come in the studio and try out a few things as background. Paul sang the first parts of Engel to me and i thought "Sounds abit like 'Silly'" and he said "'Silly' is cool, sing it like that".
The state-supported bands had a similar experience as the 'Ost-schrippen' 1) for the first time they weren't needed.
In the year 1991 almost a third of East people were unemployed. Especially women and men over 40 could step down.
My father was at the Academy of Science, and in the West there already was an Acadamy of Science, so they threw him out right away, whoop!, with one swipe. My mother too, whoop! Both in the party, for them initially it wasn't that great.
Paul Landers at the time plays with Feeling B, and the band creates a funny little song from the desolate situation. "Ich such' die DDR" (I'm looking for the GDR) becomes a hit in the scene in 1993. Many want to forgive the old regime and crawl back in the warm nest.
'Ich such die DDR' was a joke, because somehow it was funny, Whoop! the GDR, the country i was born in, is gone. Daft at first, but also interesting. A country, Whoop! nothing left. And an ambassador really has to pack his bags because his country is gone. He can go home. Somehow we thought it an interesting theme.
Feeling B didn't find the GDR again, and because of that, are soon history.
Feeling B's motive was to mess around a bit, be a bit cheeky, explore the East limits, those were very narrow, so pretty easy to explore, and when those were gone, at first i felt dumb. The main reason for our musical existance was gone somehow. It was all a bit...it felt stale, like an old beer.
In the east i liked the east, and in the west i like the west. Because of this i don't have 'Ostalgie' 2) in a sense like the others may have because maybe they noticed that is was pretty great looking back, and the West wasn't as gold as they thought it was. For that reason i never went to a 'Ostalgie' party.
1) 'Ost-schrippen' are a kind of breadroll that was very familiar in GDR bakeries, but were quickly replaced by the treats from western bakeries (there are bakeries now that sell them again)
2) 'Ostalgie' is a wordplay that is often used, made of 'Ost' (the East) and 'Nostalgie' (Nostalgia), it describes a longing for East Germany when things in the West didn't turn out as fabulous as the seemed from East perspective before East and West Germany were reunified in 1989
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
Great news for most of you: @rivetgoth has summoned me to choose ten of my favorite listens of September ‘23. Expanding the time span to thirty days meant holding out until the end of the month just to be sure. Picking out only ten was easy to do, and whether you like me or not, you’re gonna’ have to deal with it.
Your winners are:
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#1: Replacements, The: "Unsatisfied" #2: Cult, The: "Rain" #3: Chemical Brothers: "No Reason"
This group of three is what happens when you’re following a mutual who’s super-obsessed about music. @tewz is an open book with plenty of audio and music video posts for the taking, plus a couple of Spotify playlists to rifle through. (Stay for the cat videos, too.) She’s my go-to and because of her, I had easy assembly of one of my recent radio broadcasts.
A fellow dee-jay asked me to fill-in for him not long ago. Now I had a double-broadcast (four hours) to set up. I had enough reserves from her to pull it off, so The Replacements’ “Unsatisfied” and The Cult “Rain” made the cut. Chemical Brothers: "No Reason" reminded me why they retained a feverish fan base to begin with, going all the way back to their “Setting Sun” days. Dare I say it reminded me of Daft Punk? Really, I thank her for everything music-wise she’s given me, ever.
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#4: Crime Of Passing: "Off My Shoulder"
I love everything about this track. Unmistakably reminds me of Diat and the rest of the record follows with goth rock, post-punk / d.i.y, and coldwave. As a whole, Crime Of Passing displays a great style, aesthetic, seriousness, and urgency; all coming together and consistent as a gloomy yet smoking-hot nine-track album.
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#5: Yfory: "Chwaer Pwy?" #6: M(h)aol: “Therapy” #7: Es: "Emergency"
I did an all post-punk / d.i.y. broadcast last month. One portion of the show had me group together female-fronted bands from Europe. That block started with Germany’s Maraudeur, continued on with Scotland’s Breakfast Muff, and then these three. Anyone paying attention knows that Europe (and especially the UK) is giving every other city scene a run for their money.
Also from Germany, Yfory struck me with their album cover (If anyone can identify that typeset, do let me know), their fluid Welsh lyrics which is new to me, and their great craftsmanship; hence "Chwaer Pwy?". I went with “Therapy” from feminist band M(h)aol because it sounds so rough. It’s the Irish equivalent of Guerilla Toss’ “Eraser Stargazer Forever” which sweeps the floor of everything. (If you really want to set yourself on fire, listen to “Period Sex”. Wow.) And, I got excited for new sounds from England’s Es. I played their opener “Emergency” at least 20 times and I still haven’t figured them out. That’s a good thing. Fortunately, the hopeful sounds of “Emergency” follows towards Less Of Everything and far away from Object Relations, and that’s from Flora Watters on keyboards, who is that special ingredient that makes Es. Their uniqueness pushes them near the very top of post-punk / d.i.y.
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#8: Mamalarky: “Green Earth”
No way! What is this?! As if Palm’s Dog Milk and Mr. Elevator got a room, fucked, and made this. And I don’t know why I’m also equating Todd Rungren’s “Hello It’s Me”, maybe Peter Max, and other late-Sixties / early-Seventies standards in the mix, but this sounds amazing. It has that lo-fi, drowsy, malfunctioning feel with a wondrous charm to it. It’s really beautiful.
Now get this: “Green Earth” is on the environmentally- conscious The Eleventh Hour: Songs for Climate Justice compilation (and later Pocket Fantasy: B-Sides), and then you can clearly hear vocalist Livvy Bennett breathe in and inhale before singing each verse. Get it? Any song that can transport you to a new, undiscovered world is a unanimous winner in my book.
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#9: Blonde Redhead: “Melody Experiment” #10: Tan Cologne: "Visitation"
To describe these in one word: inexplicable. They can be a soundtrack to a future world that could very well be possible, but in the same measure possibly not. These would fit right in with the annual ‘second chance’ broadcasts I do to end the year. ‘Second chance’, meaning, songs I enjoy but simply don’t fit into a specific category, so they have one all of their own. Think Erasers’ “Easy To See”, Mega Bog’s “Maybe You Died”, New Chance’s “Real Time”, Lily’s “New Fries”, and Il Quadro Di Trosi’s “Sfere Di Qi”.
“Melody Experiment” from Blonde Redhead sounds unreal to me. I still don’t believe it even exists. If it does, it’s the definition of ‘slick’. Sonically, it has wavelengths of “Corrections” from Phil Western and a breath similar to Pixel Grip’s Rita Lukea. Don’t ask me why I came up with that. To each, everyone’s own. Tan Cologne’s new single had to be influenced by Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood “Sand“; the all-encompassing heat during the pending sundown on a blazing-hot Summer day. These final two picks I’ve already heard at least thirty times, and I plan on hearing them thirty more.
Good news: I tag no one. As always, play at your own risk.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
👀 so did you isten to any good and new music in april
i was gonna hold off and wait until jessie ware's album released tonight to make this post but i THINK im gonna want to do a mini live-blog of that album and this post is already massive enough as is sooo
April Faves!
Newly Released:
"High Life" by Bloc Party. Fun vibes. Very relaxed and I think is quite great for the warmer weather and driving with the windows down. Great riffs in this song.
"Dead Wood" by Enter Shikari. Enter Shikari is a weird band for me because I was SUUUPER into their original demos that you could download off like... mypace? And then I forgot they existed. Until this album? So that's CRAZY that they're still here it's been 15 years since I cared about them. Anyways, this song is like... kinda theatrical and WEIRD but not in a theatrical way. It has a bunch of string instruments and a sense of foreboding, I like it. One of the more "for beginners" track on a fairly experimental album. Need to listen to the album more cause I'm unsure if this is my favorite. "Bloodshot" is a great combo of more high speed electronic influences crashing their more hardcore influences. Dubstep energy without the dubstep.
"Be the One" by Bree Runway and Khalid. Radio friendly song of the summer. Vocal chemistry off the charts. Just sweet and soothing.
"GLBTM (Studio Outtakes)" by Daft Punk. Made me cry. I miss Daft Punk so fucking much. Beautiful instrumental.
"冷たい風 (30 Universe Ver)" by Penicillin. Jrock, if you couldn't tell by the Japanese title. It's okay if you don't like listening to non-English music but plEASE listen to the guitar shredding at ~2:27.
"Angel" by Shygirl and Fatima Al Qadiri. ETHEREAL AND HAUNTING.
"Coup" by Frost Children. Earlier, I made a post about how my music taste is getting worse... this album and this song inspired that post. The Medic Droid meets 100 Gecs. Just stupid electronic music it's EMBARRASSING. "Angel's Thoughts" is also an electro banger.
Choosing a song off the new Buck-Tick album is hard. It's all a banger to me but I suppose I really love Namonaki Watashi and the contrast between the way the instrumental feeling like it's sparkling and the strong emphasis of his vocals. Scarecrow is also great, just has a nice intensity throughout the whole thing.
"Midnight Dreams" by Ellie Goulding. Putting out a disco-inspired dance album in the same month as Jessie Ware was BRAVE but I think this album is pretty refreshing. It's just extremely proficient at being... a dance album Ellie Goulding would make, y'unno?
"I'll Remember for Me, I'll Remember for You" by Yaeji. An odd choice from this album, since it's more an interlude than a full song. But I just love that it's this moment of calm on an experimental, erratic and yet there's a creeping sense of... wariness over it all.
"D N D" by Apink. The only Kpop on the list so far?? Grown women showing off vocals while feeling like cotton candy.
"Vinglevingle" by Heize. More kpop except it has more a 2010s eurodance vibe but like... matured.
Came out 3/30 but that is April to me. "Zodiac Killa" by Jean Deaux. This is the type of song to play during a montage of a woman driving across the country, running over men, stopping to ransack jewelry stores, before reuniting with her lover, another woman on horseback.
Honorary Mentions:
"Say it to Me" by Otto Knows. It's a dance track. You know how it is.
"She Don't Mind" by Karencici. I could see Tinashe doing this song except it's largely in mandarin, so like... if Tinashe could sing in mandarin. Talking about Tinashe, it's not her best track, but "Who's Taking You Home" with Kyle is solid enough and also from this month.
"Isumad (Lakim Remix)" by Cookiee Kawaii. I liked this entire album but I choose this one just for having a run time over 3 minutes, a rarity for her! Funky remix. Another take on a nostalgia sound but modernized perfectly.
De De Mouse put out multiple releases, they're good. Check out De De Mouse in generic if you want like... annime OPs/EDs ramped up by funk and other more experimental influences.
Technically came out 3/31 but WHATEVER. "Vampire" by Kvi Baba, the Trigun Stampede OP guy.
Not Released in April:
"Writhe" by Daine. 100 gecs but more emo.
"Over You" by Daddy DJ. Sorry... Daddy DJ really is just like... comfort music at this point. Peak 2000s dance music.
"Mercurial" by Silica Gel, a korean rock band. Love the vocal effect for this song. Just love the resonating nature.
"Wings of Time" by Tame Impala, the song they did for Dungeons and Dragons. Throwback roooooock sound. Blare it with the windows down while driving past a beach at sunset. Trust me it's a vibe.
Revisited a looot of Utada this month. "Michi" remains a bop that stuck with me this month. Just good, mature jpop. Not alone not alone not alone!
Rest in Peace Ryuichi Sakamato. There's many songs to really attribute to such an influential figure but sometimes all you need is a straightforward song like Rain.
"Broken Mirror" by Boom Boom Satelittes is some Jrock tha tFUCKS
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
hello! this is for the match up event :)
I'm genderfluid (he/she) and bisexual
I would like to be matched with a papa
I'm 5'7". I'm a bit chubby. I have brown eyes and brown shoulder length hair and bangs. I usually wear jeans and t-shirts with my favorite bands or horror movie characters on them. I also have glasses.
I'm pretty awkward and prone to oversharing. I'm a good listener, though I can't for the life of me comfort anyone. I'm super clingy and sensitive. I make stupid (and usually sexual) jokes all the time and it's a huge relief when people laugh at them. I love being around people I'm close to but I require some alone time at the end of the day to stay sane lmao
In my free time, I enjoy playing games (like stardew valley or minecraft), listening to music (bands like rammstein, TV girl, fleetwood mac), baking, watching movies (my favorite being the texas chainsaw massacre), and reading.
Trivia- I collect records and stuffed animals. I love sea creatures very much. I also have two guinea pigs (cheese and milkshake)
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is... Papa Emeritus IV
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You got chatting when he saw that you were wearing a t-shirt for a band he really loves. He squeaked excitedly and then asked you if you had ever seen them live.
He finds out they are touring soon and asks you if you want to come with him. It's a really fun night and he is a total gentleman (an endearingly awkward one)
He will happily sit down and watch a film with you, he has a whole collection.
He can also tell when you need some alone time. He'll give you a kiss on the head and then leave you in peace. He'll be waiting for you curled up on the sofa playing games, you can cuddle up next to him whenever you want.
He loves your two guinea pigs. He is incredibly fond of them and thinks they are just so adorable. He introduces them to his rats and thankfully they all get on really well.
Whenever you are baking, if he's not at work, he'll walk up behind you and wrap his arms around you. "Can I help at all Caro?" he says with a kiss to your neck. He is actually some help, but he is more there as he enjoys hanging out in the kitchen talking to you.
To him it's not oversharing, he is glad you can be open with him. He loves cuddles and showing his affection.
He always laughs at your jokes, then he'll tend to tell one equally daft and often suxual. You both get the giggles. Sister once found you both collapsed on the floor in hysterics, laughing so hard it almost hurt.
Written by Nyx
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strangedisciple · 10 months
8 20 and 22 for the music ask game ?!? :]
im gonna do these out of order because i want to ramble :p
hmmm. i. kinda wanna show a load of them instead augh
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(in order: julian casablancas, justice, daft punk, the voidz, tame impala & the strokes!)
22. i just saw the prettiest motorcycle on the way to school tell me one song you’d blast on a motorcycle while driving one
hmmmmm.......... phantom but both parts because they're one song to me 👍👍
8. tell me about your favorite band. go on infodump for me.
oooooooo...... the tame impala hyperfixation is back so. very much going to talk about them!!!!! big ramble incoming so it goes under the readmore
anyways the studio albums are all just kevin parker with occasional assistance from his friends!!!! that's where the whole "oh did you know tame impala is just one guy" things come from. EXCEPT WHEN THEY PERFORM LIVE!! this is the live band (kevin is first on the left!)
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anyways. tame impala has 4 studio albums and an ep, and a few non-album singles!! there's the tame impala ep (2008), sundown syndrome/remember me (2009), innerspeaker (2010), lonerism (2012), currents (2015) and the slow rush (2020)!!!!
out of all of his releases so far well. i couldn't pick a favourite but i love love love innerspeaker & the tame impala ep!!
one of the things i find most interesting is the tours, because of the range of songs they actually play!! i love that they do actually play songs from all of their albums, and that they play basically my favourite tame impala song ever as an outro before the encore (its. runway houses city clouds)
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omegaplus · 1 year
# 4,481
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Top 10 Of September 2023.
Great news for most of you: @rivetgoth has summoned me to choose ten of my favorite listens of September ‘23. Expanding the time span to thirty days meant holding out until the end of the month just to be sure. Picking out only ten was easy to do, and whether you like me or not, you’re gonna’ have to deal with it.
Your winners are:
#1: Replacements, The: "Unsatisfied"
#2: Cult, The: "Rain"
#3: Chemical Brothers: "No Reason"
This group of three is what happens when you’re following a mutual who’s super-obsessed about music. @tewz is an open book with plenty of audio and music video posts for the taking, plus a couple of Spotify playlists to rifle through. (Stay for the cat videos, too.) She’s my go-to and because of her, I had easy assembly of one of my recent radio broadcasts.
A fellow dee-jay asked me to fill-in for him not long ago. Now I had a double-broadcast (four hours) to set up. I had enough reserves from her to pull it off, so The Replacements’ “Unsatisfied” and The Cult “Rain” made the cut. Chemical Brothers: "No Reason" reminded me why they retained a feverish fan base to begin with, going all the way back to their “Setting Sun” days. Dare I say it reminded me of Daft Punk? Really, I thank her for everything music-wise she’s given me, ever.
#4: Crime Of Passing: "Off My Shoulder"
I love everything about this track. Unmistakably reminds me of Diat and the rest of the record follows with goth rock, post-punk / d.i.y, and coldwave. As a whole, Crime Of Passing displays a great style, aesthetic, seriousness, and urgency; all coming together and consistent as a gloomy yet smoking-hot nine-track album.
#5: Yfory: "Chwaer Pwy?"
#6: M(h)aol: “Therapy”
#7: Es: "Emergency"
I did an all post-punk / d.i.y. broadcast last month. One portion of the show had me group together female-fronted bands from Europe. That block started with Germany’s Maraudeur, continued on with Scotland’s Breakfast Muff, and then these three. Anyone paying attention knows that Europe (and especially the UK) is giving every other city scene a run for their money.
Also from Germany, Yfory struck me with their album cover (If anyone can identify that typeset, do let me know), their fluid Welsh lyrics which is new to me, and their great craftsmanship; hence "Chwaer Pwy?". I went with “Therapy” from feminist band M(h)aol because it sounds so rough. It’s the Irish equivalent of Guerilla Toss’ “Eraser Stargazer Forever” which sweeps the floor of everything. (If you really want to set yourself on fire, listen to “Period Sex”. Wow.) And, I got excited for new sounds from England’s Es. I played their opener “Emergency” at least 20 times and I still haven’t figured them out. That’s a good thing. Fortunately, the hopeful sounds of “Emergency” follows towards Less Of Everything and far away from Object Relations, and that’s from Flora Watters on keyboards, who is that special ingredient that makes Es. Their uniqueness pushes them near the very top of post-punk / d.i.y.
#8: Mamalarky: “Green Earth”
No way! What is this?! As if Palm’s Dog Milk and Mr. Elevator got a room, fucked, and made this. And I don’t know why I’m also equating Todd Rungren’s “Hello It’s Me”, maybe Peter Max, and other late-Sixties / early-Seventies standards in the mix, but this sounds amazing. It has that lo-fi, drowsy, malfunctioning feel with a wondrous charm to it. It’s really beautiful.
Now get this: “Green Earth” is on the environmentally- conscious The Eleventh Hour: Songs for Climate Justice compilation (and later Pocket Fantasy: B-Sides), and then you can clearly hear vocalist Livvy Bennett breathe in and inhale before singing each verse. Get it? Any song that can transport you to a new, undiscovered world is a unanimous winner in my book.
#9: Blonde Redhead: “Melody Experiment”
#10: Tan Cologne: "Visitation"
To describe these in one word: inexplicable. They can be a soundtrack to a future world that could very well be possible, but in the same measure possibly not. These would fit right in with the annual ‘second chance’ broadcasts I do to end the year. ‘Second chance’, meaning, songs I enjoy but simply don’t fit into a specific category, so they have one all of their own. Think Erasers’ “Easy To See”, Mega Bog’s “Maybe You Died”, New Chance’s “Real Time”, Lily’s “New Fries”, and Il Quadro Di Trosi’s “Sfere Di Qi”.
“Melody Experiment” from Blonde Redhead sounds unreal to me. I still don’t believe it even exists. If it does, it’s the definition of ‘slick’. Sonically, it has wavelengths of “Corrections” from Phil Western and a breath similar to Pixel Grip’s Rita Lukea. Don’t ask me why I came up with that. To each, everyone’s own. Tan Cologne’s new single had to be influenced by Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood “Sand“; the all-encompassing heat during the pending sundown on a blazing-hot Summer day. These final two picks I’ve already heard at least thirty times, and I plan on hearing them thirty more.
Good news: I tag no one. As always, play at your own risk.
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cookie-shmookie · 1 year
🎶✨when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 5 of your favorite followers🎶
Oh hai hello hiii! Thanks for sending ask!
Since I have MASSIVE problems with choice, I'm gonna list 10 songs in no particular order whatsoever. I also wont send this to anyone back because... ug.... lazy... And I hate to choose favorites. And besides you don't want to have this ask back at ye for a weird loophole of ask memes.
I completely sidetracked...
Cookie's unorganized and chaotic playlist!(with unnecessary descriptions and thoughts)
Ah! - Jeon Yonghyeon - The whole Mignon soundtrack hits my very sweet spot of techno stuff. And it also EXTREMELY fitting the anime itself, oh the vibes <З
Storyteller and N.S.F.W. - Daisuke Ishiwatari & Naoki Hashimoto - I'd put ALL Guilty Gears OST here if I could, it's just THAT good, but these two just... Resonate with me idk :D8 (Also Drift, but...... Ah..........)
Riot - Hollywood Undead and Revolution - The Score - Hooooly Molly, these songs makes me feel so.... Rebellious! I want to start shit up!
The Wolf - SIAMES - I ADORE their music videos, they're very stylish and have so much meaning in them! Also other songs are very cool too!
ANY Sonic OST made by Crush 40 - Blue Bastard holds me hostage for 20 years and I Crush 40 have a very special place in my heart. I can talk a lot about how influential Live and Learn was for me in childhood or how Sonic Heroes' (my most fav game of this franchise) What I'm made of... was my most fav song for a VERY long time, but I'll spare the rant, lol.
Red Stars - The Birthday Massacre - Not particularly favorite song from this band (that'd probably be Kill The Lights or Happy Birthday ) but oh the RAW... They're also were my first, like, Gothic band I really got into in my teen years.
The more sad/calm songs that wont be for everyone's consumptions:
Breezeblocks - Alt-J - Ah yes, Alt-J... I absolutely adore this music video and the song itself resonates with me on... personal level. That's all I'm gonna say. :")8
Scary Love - The Neighborhood - I love The Neighborhood, a lot of their songs are in my playlist, this one (with Crybaby and Daddy Issues) is my top favs tho. They're like a epitome of my edgy cringy almost-emo teen age era with their songs. I also cant believe they got THE Tommy Wiseau to play in this vid, that's WILD.
Gooey - Glass Animals - Glass Animals are THE band to play on bground while getting absolutely stoned out of your mind bwahaha. I mostly listen to them because I like the... vibes? of their music. Very relaxing.
Sedated - Hozier - Ohhh, Hozier.... DONT turn their songs when I'm around ESPECIALLY when we're drinking together, I WILL cry my eyes out due to some issues and associations they bring to my mind :"З8
And stuff that didn't made it to the list mostly cuz I can't choose favorite and ran out of space:
Daft Punk
Mystery Skulls
Linkin Park
Die Antwoord
Darren Korb (Specifically his Hades and Pyre soundtrack)
Disco Elysium OST
The Cure
Various old-timey songs that make me feel very fuzzy and nice
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lousyadult-vinyls · 2 years
A peak into my college soundtrack, just for funsies!
I’ve been listening to a lot of the music I listened to in college from around 2013 - 2016 these last few days, and while some of you may know me as a midwestern emo connoisseur, it was college and I was experimenting with new sounds! (Also, there weren’t many notable midwestern emo releases during this window worth noting aside from Modern Baseball and Mom Jeans, imo) The sounds of a lot of the bands I loved during college have matured and shifted with time, there is something about the sound from a decade ago is so comforting and nostalgic and essential to the core of my existence. And if you’re wondering exactly what kind of music college me was listening to that could have altered my brain chemistry to the point of shaping my current personality, please read on.
2013 gave us AM by the Arctic Monkeys, The 1975’s debut AND The Neighbourhood’s debut, Paramore’s self titled album, Melophobia by Cage The Elephant, Wolf by Tyler, The Creator, Random Access Memories by Daft Punk, and both Lorde’s debut album, Pure Heroine AND Haim’s debut album, Days Are Gone, and Chance’s Acid Rap just to name a few. All in ONE YEAR. But this wasn’t just any year to me, it was my FRESHMAN YEAR of college. You just know with a soundtrack like this I was making awful decisions.
And how can 2014 follow up an act like that you might ask? With none other than Lana Del Rey’s Ultraviolence, which kicked off the whole “2014 core” aesthetic and inspired many a teen to pick up cigarette smoking for the first time. And, as if we weren’t depressed enough at that point, 2014 also gave us Hozier’s self titled debut. That year we also got Catfish and the Bottlemen’s debut The Balcony, Salad Days by Mac DeMarco, The Growlers’ Chinese Fountain, SZA’s debut album, Glass Animals’ debut album ZABA, new J Cole, Courtney Barnett’s debut album, Modern Vampires by Vampire Weekend, Childish Gambino’s Kauai, and so much more.
2015 came in hot with a new album from Lana Del Rey, and Halsey’s Badlands that sent every manic pixie dream girlie absolutely spiraling and Tumblr has still never fully recovered from it. That year we also got Art Angels by Grimes, Currents by Tame Impala, To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar, GO:OD AM by Mac Miller, Depression Cherry by Beach House, a formal introduction to The Weeknd’s haunted strip club sound with his album Beauty Behind the Madness, Tove Lo’s debut album, a second Courtney Barnett album, new Twenty One Pilots, and new Florence and the Machine.
Lastly, 2016 brought us Mitski’s Puberty 2, a second The 1975 album and a second Catfish and the Bottlemen album, Skin by Flume, Blonde by Frank Ocean (we all cried SO much), new music from The Growerlers, Chance’s album Coloring Book, Post Malone’s debut album, Khalid’s debut American Teen, Starboy by The Weeknd, How to be a Human Being by Glass Animals, Awaken, My Love! by Childish Gambino, Rihanna’s ANTI, Views by Drake, and Lemonade by Beyoncé (which took another 3 years to release on Spotify and Apple Music).
In my opinion there has not been, musically at least, a finer time to be a college student trying to figure out the world around them on their own for the first time. That being said, I did need years of therapy after college to work through some of the trauma I inflicted on my own life, which was greatly fueled the music I was listening to at the time.
TL;DR: Don’t do anything mentioned in The 1975’s songs while your brain is still developing unless you already have a therapist lined up. But even then, you probably shouldn’t.
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twinhood-2dot0 · 2 years
A Shallow Dive into Sampling, Remixing, and Covering
Before we begin, I will define these words. My definitions are mine alone and there may be official ones, but I’m going to be sticking to mine.
Sampling: Taking a part of another song and using it in key elements of your songs.
Remixing: Taking a song and remaking elements such as melodies and basslines.
Covering: Recording of a song with minimal lyrical or musical changes.
So, I’m a huge fan of sampling, but many consider them copying. Hank made a video on it, which you probably have already watched but I will link it nonetheless.
I think of sampling as writing a love letter to a song. Take Avicii for example. I consider him a master of sampling. Yes, I know, I consider him a master of music, but my favourite things in his songs are his samples. 
So, his first big hit and also the anthem of Tomorrowland, the biggest music festival, as voted by fans, Levels, is a song he made, just to sample Etta James’s Something’s Got a Hold On Me because he loved it so much. I don’t think you can get any closer to a love letter. (BTW you don’t have to listen to the whole songs, just the parts I link)
(Tumblr doesn't wanna abide by timespants so just use the link or listen to the whole song (highly recommended))
(Dumb rule apparently only 10 videos are allowed per post so I will use spotify where relevant)
Here’s Levels
And here’s SGHOM (this one works the sample is at the beginning)
My favourite song of all time, Dear Boy, samples Hymn by Jonas Knutsson Band, a jazz song. He made a prog house bop out of a jazz song.
Dear Boy (Timestamp)
Hymn (Beginning)
There’s a ton more examples, but listing them all would take a ton of time, but here’s one last one.
Kygo, Avicii, Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Beginning)
Sting - Shape of My Heart
I don’t think this shows lack of creativity, I think it does the opposite. I never would have heard these songs if Avicii did not sample them so I got him to thank for that. Moving on, we have Daft Punk, one of Avicii’s biggest inspirations, no idea if he was inspired to sample by them too. (I’m sorry I circled back to Avicii but that’s just how it is with me, I’m sorry.) 
Daft Punk samples lots. And I mean lots. I don’t think lack of creativity even applies here because the samples are creative in and of themselves. Here’s a 2 min video (I’m sorry but you need to see this):
Here’s a song I love that has been sampled a lot.
David Martin - Can’t Smile Without You:
It’s been covered by Barry Manilow and The Carpenters, but I want to focus on the samplers here.
Daft Punk - Instant Crush:
And also by Marshmello in Leave Before You Love Me:
Now, onto remixing. I don’t think I have much to say here, I think everyone knows what remixing is, but anyways, I’ll provide an example (Trying my best to not link an Avicii song but he does make the best remixes even if they’re very few). While in the process of writing this I was watching a video of Daft Punk samples and they even sampled the Apollo 16 and 17 missions apparently. 
Okay let’s get back on track. Kygo in the space between his 2020 and 2022 albums released a lot of covers/remixes of 80s songs. Kygo, Whitney Houston - Higher Love:
Whitney Houston - Higher Love: https://youtu.be/DbmiyLe2OnY
I cannot for the life of me find Whitney Houston's cover on Spotify, so enjoy the original Steve Winwood one:
I call this a cover/remix because according to my definition it should be a remix but the naming of the track seems reminiscent of covers. If it had a different singer I’d classify it as a cover but no, it’s Whitney Houston with Kygo instrumentals so it’s a remix in my eyes. (Also footnote, Higher Love was originally performed by Steve Winwood, covered by Whitney Houston and remixed by Kygo.) Kygo also got big by posting his remixes of songs on Soundcloud, so here’s one of them, it’s an Ed Sheeran one:
Kygo's remix is an unofficial one he posted on Soundcloud so no Spotify :(
Ed Sheeran - I See Fire (Kygo Remix): https://youtu.be/F3o1izxjCkM
Ed Sheeran - I See Fire: https://youtu.be/2fngvQS_PmQ
Imho this is the third best remix ever made behind Avicii's best.
Anyways, moving on to covers. Jasmine Thompson is a famous cover artist, and made a cover of Ain’t Nobody. I guess Felix Jaehn liked it and made a backing track for it. Here there’s new instrumentals and new vocalist, but nothing else has changed.
Felix Jaehn ft. Jasmine Thompson - Ain’t Nobody: https://youtu.be/5j1RCys4R0g
Chaka Khan - Ain’t Nobody: https://youtu.be/-Ro8-ngA8gs
The next song is an ABBA one! This is a unique case in that I love both versions equally. Again, new instrumentals, new singer (I think?), same melody, same lyrics
ABBA - Gimme Gimme Gimme: https://youtu.be/XEjLoHdbVeE
GAMPER & DADONI - Gimme Gimme Gimme: https://youtu.be/OR5jsmDTUrc
I’ll sign off with a hilarious song I discovered. It’s a song about a girl who’s in utter denial about her breakup. I know I shouldn’t be laughing but holy hell the level of denial:
NOTD, Nina Nesbitt - Cry Dancing: https://youtu.be/Qp-UbtDVf7I
Okay, that’s it from me, I tend to ramble on, sorry, see you on thursday!
(Oh wow I overshot by about 5 times damn, the shallow dive turned out to be pretty deep also this took a lot of effort please appreciate not the post it's pretty much a rant but the embeds took effort and also the last minute edits scrambling to somehow get this done by 12 even though I had most of the content ready days ago this is literally the only thing I can get done on time ok thank you bye i'll stop talking now see you)
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6, 17, 24 and 28!
Always love these music asks, you have such a good recommendations ^u^
Awww thanks! I'll be sure to pick some good ones then :3
6 - a song that makes you want to dance: ALL MY FELLAS - Frizk. It's a nice, goofy song that it's hard not to groove to. Definitely recommended!
17 - a song I would sing in a duet in karaoke: Reichenbach Falls - Kingfisher. This one's not a band many of you will have heard of but please give them a listen. They're a local act who are just starting to make it big--I remember I found out about them from a flyer they put up around town advertising their music. This song's upbeat and would be really fun to split between two people and sing.
24 - a song by a band I wish was still together: Veridis Quo - Daft Punk. Man, I miss these guys more every day. They were absolute mixing geniuses and all of their songs are great for dancing. Another good song by them and the one their breakup video was set to: Touch. (If you look for it there's also the Epilogue version which is just the clip of it they used in the epilogue rather than the whole song)
28 - a song by an artist with a voice you love: In the Woods Somewhere - Hozier. I mean, shoot, could I have put anyone else? The man sings like a siren from myth. This song in particular got me through some dark times.
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foxgloveinspace · 8 months
pasted from my notes app:
okay i am compiling all my thoughts in a note as i watch lmao
1. love the dog. he’s adorable
2. journey!!!! separate ways- what a good fuckin song
3. now eurythmics?! this movie has a killer soundtrack. i did a jazz routine to sweet dreams once upon a time. it was so fun lol
4. the weird white robot-y ladies are giving me hardcore like, austin powers vibes lmao
5. hahahaaaaa mr orange guy… i like his helmet
6. oooooh there’s multiple orange guys. they both have cool masks/helmets. something about being unable to see the face and yet totally understand the emotion fuuuuuucks me up
7. omg this is going to get long i’m so sorry i’m like a quarter through the movie 😅
8. very good fight scene choreo, that always makes or breaks a show for me. poor choreo is painful to watch, but this is good! i like
9. umm. I’m guessing dad is the bad guy. he’s kinda shady lmao (oooooooh it’s a dad clone. love clones. they always throw wrenches in plans)
10. lmaoooooo dad so disappointed sam only has a dog and no gf 😭
11. haha is that a daft punk cameo? not my cup of tea in terms of music but that’s pretty neat
12. OH MY GOD MICHAEL SHEEN I LOVE HIM. he plays the most insane characters- and also the sweetest (aziraphale in good omens 🥺)
13. okay ngl i keep hearing “rinzler” and thinking of the rizzler and i can’t stop laughing about it 😂
14. LMAO HE JUST BONKED THE DUDE. i love percussive maintenance, that’s how i fix my car
15. oooooh i love a good “i was a good guy before i was evil and i remember” moment. Good shit
that was really good! i honestly didn’t remember any of it from whenever i watched it but that was dope. i can definitely see how you’re so invested in the story! now i’m pumped for your fic whenever it comes out 😂🥰
Answering all of your notes.... under a readmore so this isn't too too long, haha
1). Yes!!! Marv is so cute!!
2). I love that song so much.
3). yes!! the sound track is really good, but you won't find those two songs on it haha.
4).I've never seen that movie, so I'll take your word for it, haha. They are really interesting and I am intrigued by them lore wise, sad we don't get more about them in the movie (idk if theres more in the tv show? I haven't watch it yet cause it got canceled and ended on a clif hanger, but I should).
5/6. yes!! orange guys!! I love all of their designs, except for Jarvis (Clu's assistant), I know they where going for like.... hes weird and kinda cringe, but they could have done his design way better.
7. No worries!!
8. yes! the fights are good, and I think even tho Sam is like, a newbie to it, it still feels realistic? like the guy base jumps, I feel like him knowing how to fight is reasonable.
9. yeah that whole scene is so?? trippy haha. (I now, of course, only watch Rinzler doing his thing in the background when I watch this scene haha)
10. YESSSS ugh, I feel like he's more so disapointed that Sam isn't giving him much to go off of?? to Sam this is still the guy that abanonded him, but to Kevin this is his kid that he hasn't seen in so freaking long (time works differently on the grid, not to get super into it, but one year our time is 50 years grid time. So Kevin has been on the Grid for over 1k years.)
11. DAFT PUNK DOES THE WHOLE SOUNDTRACK hahaha. Sorry, they are my og masked band and I still love them so much <3 (Legit I've only been listening to sleep token and daft punk for the majority this month). So all the music in the movie? was them, and that's why they where in it! really cool to me haha.
12.YES!!! he's such a good actor, shape shiftier I swear. His design is so cool, and I like Zeus as a villain. He's so interesting and I want to know morrrre. But we'll never get it oof.
13. LMAO
14.Yes, Kevin bonking that guy is so freaking funny. I feel bad for the program, but like. i love that scene. It's such a callback to the first movie, when Kevin was a cocky little shit, and I love it so much.
15. Tron in that scene breaks my heart.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!! Like, I just.... legitimately can't express how excited I am that you liked it??
and yes... my fic..... I was working on it when I got your ask.... Rinzler and Sam are interacting... and I am... LIVING. HAHA. So little has happened it feels like, and yet... 18k... whooooo boy. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being my longest fic ever oof.
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