underture · 2 years
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo 🐋 | 이상한 변호사 우영우 (2022) Ep 11: Mr. Salt, Ms. Pepper and Attorney Soy Sauce
Park Eun Bin almost breaking character
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mintytealfox · 6 months
I'm wondering if the letters mentioned in the Fool's Gold deducts happen to be some of Norton's birthday letters... Like, the one mentioned in Shrewd might be the fourth birthday letter... And the one mentioned in Gloomy was the first birthday letter... Just a thought.
Oh damn you're probably right 👀 (my thirst for new letters blinded me LOL) Especially how the one is titled 'UNSENT LETTER' and the other is 'OLD LETTER' (with the letter, in shrewd, being compared as yellow and brittle, that is one old af letter like one that would have been given to his dad, and was signed simply as Benny oh my gooosshh) BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣
If that is Benny's unsent letter then that might mean that was stuff found with Benny's things and 'abandoned' which makes me think that Benny is hella dead already (OR just threw it all away cause Norton peaced the hell outta there). Which also makes me wonder if he never-- -chokes- wait a minute, is that all stuff he had for Norton but never gave to him?? Including the quilt and he never gave it to Norton when he was a kid?? What the? Makes me think the dad had died and BENNY NEVER WENT TO CHECK ON NORTON OR CHECK UP PERSONALLY, THE FUH?????
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I can try and throw the benefit of the doubt and say something like 'maybe he was in a mine far away (but is sounds like they worked at the same mine), couldn't get away from work and 'his family'? He does mention 'our children' so maybe?' but it I DON"T KNOW! I feel like if he wanted to check in personally he WOULD HAVE 😤
Now I just see Norton reading that letter over and over again once he learns to read being like 'who is this benny who promises hope but never shows? I want to eat cake and wear nice clothes....' From as soon as he could read having the promise of hope but wondering where the hell is the guy who promises it. Then finally getting a letter from that Benny guy again AGES LATER??? WHAT THEEEEEEE
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mangoposts · 4 months
chris standing there naked wondering wtf is happening like 🧿👄🧿 🦵🍆🦵
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jessiesjaded · 6 months
44,77 & 14 👀
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sayonaradumbass · 9 months
le-boid asked:
"Scoot over! You're on MY side of the bed-" // For meowth because we had a mighty urge to bother--
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Meowth glowers over his fluffy shoulder, tugging the blanket hard--
"YOU move your feathery butt over! You're takin' up all my space!"
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huntedvideo · 1 year
[ THEY’RE A 10 BUT … ] but mothman is single.
send ' they're a 10, but... ' and finish it in the inbox.
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' you've known mothman is single this whole time and you haven't told me? ' finley places his hands on his hips, looking as if he's disappointed in mason. ' it's because you know i'd leave you for him, isn't it? greedy motherfucker, '
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hawkinsborn · 2 years
#is the redheaded nightmare
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❝  yeah,  but  i'm  your  favorite  nightmare  rick  the  dick.  ❞  said  with  the  utmost  affection.  +  @ricklipton​
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askmurderplier · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
When I made a blog for myself I never expected to gain chain letters-
Still.. nice sentiment~
I actually don't really have many people I would send this too...
two maybe three... It's hard to send letters to the third one being that he lives in another dimension and all but Frosty and Anti are two of the nicest people I've met. Ji-Yoon can't get letters but he's a busy guy anyway~
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lockedtowers · 3 months
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i’m really waking up to andrew co/splaying j/efferson and h/ook icb
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glnkgoleaves · 9 months
weird shit like ginko deciding which world has the best milk
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Biggle boggle bugglebum
I hope you lock the door just in case you weird lazy woman
You get real fucking weird when you're sleepy
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hyakunana · 22 days
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I hate the sewers . jpg
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mushiewrites · 2 years
well you see....long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked 😵‍💫
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had one of my staff say they deserve a week off and a paid spa day cuz their tummy hurts
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mercytaught · 2 years
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methvapes · 5 months
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house party nearby im bringin weird guys that 1 post where it was like draw your 2 cumfort characters together
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