detshin · 1 year
I have a serious question guys.
(We're not talking about the organization. Just Gin. Because he's possibly the FACE of it all.)
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certifiedcoffeeaddict · 7 months
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do i Look normal about them
for the sake of the joke, we're ignoring the whole okiya subaru | akai shuichi | kudou yusaku | edogawa conan | kudou shinichi ordeal that episode 781 had going on, okay. that's just furuya coming to akai to file another complaint.
og posts are linked below the cut !!
otpbutmakeitspicy with i suffer from 'men are hotter banged up' disease (preach)
whatsappauntie with ever since i was a little girl i think might have been deleted since the link and qrts dont work
H1TWOM4N with punished for my jests (+1 for the image)
fic tagged as "trust me" i say as i drive backwards (fandom: spiderman)
link to drug dealer? no man. hug dealer. come here (via me because i don't know what rb etiquette there is)
clouis-loumentine with what is a rival (again, sorry, via me because the link doesn't work ??)
ft-an with called you bro but im kinda in love with you
teaboot with the found family
theft etc is from a fic i wrote. the title was not chose intentionally and it's not even for dcmk (actually 'i wrote' is a lie. its an abandoned little child, oops)
jessecase with the extreme cold alert with the recommendation to check up on your local elderly fbi agent
oate and the ongoing argument
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sonikudo · 6 months
What the actual fuck is happening to Detective Conan.
Man I'm not even talking about them making Shinichi and Kaito cousins which was indeed the dumbest not to say irrational decision they could've made on the new movie. I'm not even saying it as a kaishin shipper (Which I am) but as a franchise fan. First of all, it was an unnecessary thing to add, like, we could have lived without it. Second of all, talking about business, I bet there were people who only watched the movies and OVAs with KiD for the fan service that they have on them. Which confuses me because Gosho ain't stupid. He knew what he was doing, so why change now? He built all this tension and suddenly decided to let it die?
Also, Toichi being alive makes Kaito's history a lie. He became KiD because his dad was murdered (Which apparently he wasn't) and his mom knew????
While this could give Kaito's narrative more dramatic, when is Gosho going to develop that? He hasn't even finished developing Shinichi.
And making them cousins? The same thing happened to Akemi and Akai.
Because Gosho decided that the Miyano's and the Scarlet family were going to be important for the story after making them a couple.
At this point, I think that Gosho makes up p the plot as he makes the show. Like, at this point the only thing making the black organization unbeatable is the big ass quantity of money Gosho makes with the series.
But, my theory is that, well, nothing is eternal and the series is slowly dying. People are getting bored.
The sequence was starting to get annoying.
After 50 filler episodes we get some minimum plot. And when we think we are getting closer to the end, boom, new character who has more plot to be explored and shit like that. Happened with Akai, then with Eisuke, then with Sera and then Amuro, etc...
And while I get that those characters are important to the main plot, people get tired of waiting and not receiving anything for years.
And so Gosho has decided to make a bunch of plot related stuff.
Like taking Magic Kaitou out of his 7 years (I believe not sure) hiatus.
Like making a connection between the families of his two protagonists.
Which leads me to two theories.
Detective Conan is ending.
I genuinely think that the show won't last a decade more and Gosho is trying to finish it while he can.
And maybe detective conan will enter a hiatus while Magic Kaito gets new content.
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bastionbibi · 5 months
Question if it’s okay to ask: what is it that made Akai one of your favourites? Or at least someone that’s cool in your book
Man.... This is like asking why I love soup.  Ok, I'm not sure if I can stay coherent but I'll try, 
Ive been reading detco on and off since I was a was a wee child and even back then he was already one of my favorites because I like mystery, and he was the definition of that. 
And this way before the revelation that he was a good guy too. There was this moment of 'yeah, okay, this is it, he's the one (that im not gonna be normal about)'. Specifically, I fell in love in that one scene where he met ran on a snowy night, something about that scene was just so striking, especially something about him that, despite how intimidating he sounded or looked, didn't set off any alarms in Ran, that was the point where I knew there's more to this character, and that I love him. 
On another lighter note. I like his shinigami aesthetic, his one liner and lack of facial expression, I like his lonewolf tendency, how weirdly dependable he is and yet, he's not, in any way shape or form, charming. 
Like that time where he confronted Gin for the first time, he could've told Jodie and Conan that he had a plan to elude the BO but he didn't, he acted alone, he's extremely slow to trust but when he does, he pledge to them his true loyalty. I mean, Conan was just a child in his eyes (even though now he knows him as Shinichi), and yet since he decided to trust him, he never dismissed his words or treat him like a liability despite his 'age'. 
When he trust people, he cherished them in his own ways, and that's what I find commendable. 
He's ANNOYING. An asshole 75% of the time, we never got more backstory about him and Akemi because I refuse to believe this man with the personality as hard to love as the taste of blue cheese could land not 1 but 2 amazing ladies like cmon now. I hate how he treated Jodie but I have no doubt he would take a bullet for her if need be, I guess that’s why Jodie still likes him too to a degree but he didnt deserve her tbh (<- says the girl who will still reblog redstarling fanart whenever it crosses my dash). 
The same can be applied to his ‘rivalry’ with Rei, it doesn't matter what his true reason was, he decided that night, when he was holding the bleeding gun of a man he failed to save, he would keep the truth away from Rei and he stick by that decision till now, Rei did everything in his power to literally hunt him down over a misunderstanding and he didn't care, come hell and high waters and he will still keep Rei away from the truth because that's what he decided to do and he keeps his promises, especially ones made to himself. 
I suppose I like him because outside of 'work', while he keeps people on a distance, you don't have to second guess on where you stand, there's a sort of ease in that. 
As the story progresses, we get to see reasons as to why he ended up this way and that was pretty entertaining, seeing how affectionate he can be to his siblings and what happened in his past to make him go the extreme lengths of being an agent to another country and infiltrating a deadly organization etc, it fleshes him out, it makes me excited to see where he'll end up next. 
Also, he looks kinda handsome ngl 
ON ANOTHER NOTE!! He's also just- Really weird?? 
Like ok, sure, he faked his death like one would do but he came back from the grave as a guy 5 years younger with pink hair that's taking his masters?? Hello???? Has he even been to college before like I legit wonder if he knows how hellish a masters program is AND, I know this is based on a situation that's out of his control, out of all the personalities he can embody, he chose to be a milfy malewife who's always ready to babysit others?? Dedication to the bit is unmatched. 
(Also bc i hc him as conans dad and made a whole series about it, thats fun!)
(Anyway if youre in the gc dont u dare call me a simp i am not . ) 
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leonawriter · 5 months
I think that for every thing that I have a problem with Gosho for, there's something else that balances it out, somehow.
Like, his sexism comes from a time when a lot of those views were very normalised. In fact, a lot of it's still normal over there - all those times you see a female character go "I pretended to be a boy just to get respect for my ability and not told to focus on finding a boyfriend and getting myself married"? That comes up so much in so many anime/manga/games/etc because the sexism is that bad.
Gosho is so bad about the sexism. About having Sonoko's boyfriend victim blaming her for wearing "provocative" clothing, having the detectives constantly go "this can't be done with a woman's strength," having women going "I am a woman, and a police officer" (as in, specifically pointing out their gender)...
To my knowledge, up until Masumi Sera, the only female main characters were the love interests, and none of them have been detectives or able to take the stage in investigations. Ran gets too emotional, Kazuha seems to have no interest, Aoko most likely will become a police officer like her father, but hasn't shown any interest in detective work (or supporting either, say, Hakuba or Kaito in a major way) and Akako is... a witch.
Note, though, that I'm only counting the main characters, who are in the same age range.
The fandom has a habit of calling the quartet of Shinichi, Kaito, Hakuba, and Hattori "the Gosho boys" for a reason - and that's a very male set, while their childhood friends/love interests/what have you aren't in the limelight as much, because as said before, they aren't detectives.
Even outside of those eight, from just memory, I know that Haibara is a scientist, but although she's smarter than the kids one of the impressions she leaves is often "I trust that [Kudo] will solve this/save us." Which is fair and works with her character, but supports the sense that the girls have to rely on the boys. And of the FBI/CIA groups, the most marketed and memorable heroes are... Akai Shuuichi and Amuro Tohru. Not Jodie Starling.
And yet at the same time, Gosho does do something that I do very much appreciate - he's remarkably progressive in terms of not falling prey to only showing pale-skinned Japanese characters.
In fact, many of Gosho's characters, from protagonists like Hattori Heiji to Sonoko's misogynistic boyfriend Makoto Kyougoku, to various random civilians, victims, and criminals have different nationalities and skin colours.
Many witnesses and criminals aren't Japanese at all, may not speak Japanese, and tend to be treated with respect!
He also goes as far as to make a pointed note of how Japanese kids with foreign features can end up being bullied for their differences, as shown in a case I haven't got to yet in my re-read, where Agasa finds someone he knew from long ago, who was teased for having light brown hair. I think I even learned a lot about those sorts of things by reading the series back when!
But... yeah. These things even out. And it's important to bear in mind that for all I'm saying these things about his writing, I'm also going through a re-read with material written in 1999 still, and I do have to wonder how much I'll notice him having realised the fault in his way of thinking, changing how he writes characters, re-writing certain things to make them less offensive to modern sensibilities in the same way he replaces gadgets with modern counterparts.
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kugisakiss · 11 months
i just had before me Conan in hospital arguing with Heiji why his bounty is so small but then being like a cat caught a canary as he saw Shinichi is higher the Heiji
yeah! he'd be soo smug about it!
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it's free money
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hmmm conan being shot at is a regular movie event, the bounty though? that's new. ran and all the other "regular" people would worry about conan getting shot (again) etc etc. but mostly, i think rei would one-sidedly get into a pissing contest with the fbi (akai) on who can get rid of the bounties quicker
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that's still in shibuya arc right..? ok, still quite a bit away from culling games..
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ran's 17, she shouldn't be a mother already, she should be at the(karate) club 😭
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So I started my series about SaguKaiShin and Akai-Furuya-Shinichi household. So far it’s only an introductory one-shot but I’ll get there!
I’m playing it fast and very very loose with the canon-timeline around the Black Org – which will be more relevant in later instalments. The whole canon BO timeline still happens but I push it around some to suit the ages/ time skips I decided to use.
Basically, Conan gets to be 12,
Kaito, Saguru, Ran, etc. are accordingly 22,
With Furuya being 34 and Akai being 37 (32 as Okiya)
This whole thing hinges, upon other things, mainly on this post. But I also just happen to have opinions on these idiots, so. What I’m saying is, this will hopefully turn into a bit of a character study as I work my way through this stack of vaguely-connected ideas.
I fully intend to make Furuya aromantic in this and I stand by that I think Amuro is 100% gay, Furuya being 80/20.
Kaito is going to be genderfluid because he deserves to be a pretty girl, as a treat.
And just everyone aside from Furuya is autistic. Kaito and Shinichi AuDHD, obviously.
After spending almost 5 years as Conan, Shinichi can’t stand Ran (s)mothering him any longer. Looking for a way to get out without needing to get emancipated as a 12-year-old.
He also finds two boyfriends and happens to know two NOCs who could very well use some additional support and stability in their lives.
Well, as much as Akai, Furuya, and Shinichi offer stability to each other.
Basically: SaguKaiShin-Sandwich as entree to Akai-Furuya-Shinichi-Family
Shinichi gets a loving, caring, ragtag family that is willing to commit crime for each other. Reasonable amounts of crime, that is.
(Series title is because I called those three a sandwich, yes, and Amuro’s knack for sandwiches.)
I feel like these five have all the brain cells but if you ask for some common sense, any one person who isn’t completely enmeshed in the Current Mess Of The Day(tm) just sighs and offers you some coins. (Get it? Because common cents? I’ll see myself out.)
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birubilirubin · 2 years
*Warning: Brain hole + logic + speculation
Please Don't Repost Anywhere
 *Warning: Brain hole + logic + speculation
I made this analysis in between my postgraduate studies, so pls understand that the analysis is very messy, irregular, broken, and the pictures don’t include it
At first look at Haibara Ai's character settings.
The following content is mainly developed from Haibara Ai’s perspective.
If Akai Shuichi is the most unpredictable character in the entire show, then Haibara Ai is the most complicated and contradictory character in the show.
At first, when I saw manga and animation, my focus was mainly on the storyline. When I really wanted to write a character analysis, went back to the summary and suddenly found that Haibara Ai's character value had almost skyrocketed. The words to describe her feelings were simply extraordinary.
At first, let's look at the main characteristics of this character.
In terms of language skills, she is fluent in at least four languages: Japanese, English, Spanish, and Russian. In terms of professional knowledge: pharmacy, chemistry, biology, physic, astronomy, mathematic, computer programming, literature, politic, history, art history (and many more). She can shoot, drive (even in Haibara Ai's body), ride a Harley, has strong observation and alertness, and is intelligent and reasoning.
Compared to the other main characters, Conan was poisoned by Gin, so his main goal is to transform back into Kudo Shinichi and destroy the organization that made him smaller. Akai Shuichi entered the FBI to investigate the reason for his father's disappearance, and he found the organization and regards the destruction of the organization as the ultimate goal, which is also clearly explained. Agasa is a tool man, providing technical support for Conan to become a superhuman. Ran's goal was simple and clear, just waiting for Kudo Shinichi to return. Gin's ultimate goal is to find and kill all traitors, and complete the tasks assigned by the organization. The fate of these characters seems clear.
How about Haibara Ai ?. Her parents died, and her sister also died, she became homeless. As of now, there has been no official CP in the plot that could make her pursue a happy ending like Mouri Ran. I haven't found any solid plot evidence to prove whether she wants to return to Shiho Miyano, but at least in her life goal, she doesn't want to destroy the organization's plans, because in the first place, the power of the organization is too strong, and she can't handle it, and secondly, she has no intention of destroying the organization. Her level of fear is greater than her level of hatred, and she is always in a state where she just wanted to hide. 
Then what is the fate of Haibara Ai ?. 
Under the contradiction between the character setting of such a strong attribute value and the meaning of existence it is logical to bring up the self-contradiction of Haibara's character at an early stage. On the one hand, she was afraid of being persecuted by the organization, wanted to hide and run away, she wanted to live, but on the other hand, because she thought she had no one in this world, she hoped to use her own life as a price for the safety of the people around her. (Little Red Riding Hood, Full Moon, Train, etc). All of them have related plots that can clearly prove this point. Therefore, this kind of complex character design related to active survival and pessimistic death, can be considered the biggest contradiction of Haibara Ai's character. I wish she can appreciate her life more.
If this character is HE, then this contradiction is a problem that must be resolved in the future development of the plot. From the perspective of the initial plot, it seems that there is a long way to go, but the main path has come to this point, and some clues and hopes can be seen equivocally.
First of all, Haibara Ai will most likely has HE. So, she will have to return to Miyano Shiho in the end, then the next question is, where should she go after she transforms back?
Watching Higo, cooking for kids, scolding Professor. Someone mentioned this stage, Haibara Ai is already a bit OOC, but I think it's an inevitable plot. Because if she always only becomes Haibara Ai who is always sad like in the early stages, then she will never be able to reach the real HE.
Let's take a look at Haibara Ai's Harem:
Conan Edogawa
Among all CP Haibara Ai, Co-Ai is undoubtedly the most popular CP. It didn't take long for Ai to appear on stage, and until now the usual CP fights are still seen everywhere. First of all, I personally don't like this kind of couple, because Conan is a character who can match Ai in terms of experience, intelligence, and ability.
I went to the analysis of Co-Ai side looking for in-depth analysis post from Co-Ai's side, but I was a little disappointed that I didn't find the content that really convinced me, maybe this also had something to do with me reading it with Shu-Ai's preconceived thoughts, but after rational analysis, I still feel that there were too many loopholes.
In addition to the evidence and clues provided by Co-Ai, let me talk about my perspective on Co-Ai. For Ai's partner, for me as long as it's not Mitsuhiko in the end, I can accept everyone. In all elections, Conan is nothing more than a good candidate, but the probability is zero.
First of all, Conan has a clear official heroine, and the plot has come a long way. If the picture of Aoyama suddenly turns into Co-Ai, it will create a lot of holes, and quite a lot of bugs, and it is a problem for the Shin-Ran party to leave holes and tear the book, and it is expected that this manga will be taken off the shelf directly.
Let's see how Ai feels towards Conan. 
They met when Haibara Ai ran away from the organization and had no relatives. At that time, Ai was very vulnerable, sensitive, and had low self-esteem. Even though Agasa gave Ai a good shelter, he's not the same age as her, and didn't share the same fate, it would be difficult to communicate. At this moment, when Conan appeared by her side, Ai couldn't help but feel dependent. Later in the process of getting along, Ai discovers Conan's extraordinary intelligent mind abilities, and his high sense of justice, and began to be attracted to him, and both of them became victims of drugs. The good feeling here was just a good feeling, it was a respect and sympathy, because they have a common enemy and a common secret.
If Ai has a male-female relationship with Conan, she shouldn't be so free and easy to tease him. Instead, she will be sad and even jealous. Compare to when Ai mistakenly thought that Yoko Okino and Higo was dating, Aoyama emphasized it was just liking idols, but when it came to Ran, she was nonchalant, and sometimes made jokes, and she was more sympathized to Ran than Conan.
In terms of emotional intelligence, Ai is much more mature than Conan. In terms of personality, Ai is the queen of the iceberg, and Conan is the straight human type. No matter from which point of view, they are not very harmonious. Most of the CPs in this comic, Heiji-Kazuha, Shin-Ran, Makoto-Sonoko, Takagi-Sato, Shiratori-Kobayashi, are a pair of one strong and one weak.
Even though Ai is strong, don't forget that Conan is also arrogant, and when the two of them face each other. What will happen from this CP?.
It doesn’t need to explain.
Higo Ryusuke
This is a reasoning manga, the focus is on destroying the organization, Conan and Haibara will change back after defeating the organization (humans can't turn back time). Everyone can fall in love before the organization is destroyed. How many times did Haibara have to transform back into Shiho for a love story ?. It's very dangerous to change back every time just to make a love story with Higo. He has nothing to do with the main plot, and it is possible to fall in love with her when Haibara becomes her normal body, but will Aoyama write a love story like this after finishing the organization’s plot, after the main plot is completed??
 Amuro Toru & Hakuba Saguru
I'm going to cry writing this. At first lets talk about Amuro Toru.
According to the writer Amuro's character was originally black, but to be honest, when the plot got to this point, I still felt that Amuro was a little bit good and bad, unlike Gin or Shuichi, who were very clearly black and red. Then there are so many bugs. Although Aoyama said that if there was Char there must be Amuro, but why did the Gundam settings have to be copied like this. He's not enough to pay tribute by having Char ?. Why should he gave him another opponent to fight ? 
Amuro first joined Japanese public security to find out Miyano Elena, and Miyano Elena died 17 years ago. So, his investigation found that his first love was dead. Was Amuro pursued further investigations ?. He was trying so hard to disguise himself in the organization just because of orders from his superior ? ?
In addition, the first action of the Bourbon character, who had foreseen only to find the missing Sherry. This setting gave people a very far-fetched feeling. I don't know if this is my hunch, I have been always worried that there would be a major reversal of the plot one day, and Amuro will turn out to be two-faced. Because the reason why he joined the red faction really made his revolutionary position indecisive.
He clearly knew that Akai is a red faction, but he still wanted to capture him and hand him over to the organization for credit.
Compared to Akai's steady demeanor from start to finish, Amuro's appearance is somewhat less considered.
Moreover, after Amuro's appearance the target of the investigation changed again and again. First, Sherry then Shuichi Akai, then Conan and Sleeping Kogoro, and finally started checking on Sera.
So, what Amuro wants to do ?. Even though I have a feeling, he will join after being invited for tea, but it feels like something is wrong.
Although I found this character very shrewd, sometimes he did random things. Not many serious clues to be found, but the coffee just got better. Although he has many films, but in general so far, I personally felt that this character formation was quite a failure, although I have no opinion about him, after all he is also a character with all kinds of skills.
If it's purely to make money selling him, then I'm speechless.
Amuro's background is currently unknown, and the only information I can find that he is of mixed blood and has been bullied because of his hair color and skin color. It's similar to Ai, but other than that, the two have met a few times, and then no more. Unless Aoyama fills the hole for Amuro's background.
Next Hakuba Saguru. Ai-chan, how did your harem get to the next manga. He and Shiho had never met each other, even though both of them had similar appearances, the same temperament, and the same hair, but even if they were forced to match each other, they might just end up as long lost siblings in the end. (At this rate, then Miyano and his wife are suspended, and then they can draw 1000 episodes, and DC has become a series for life).
•        Moroboshi Dai
When I was a sweet niece, I didn't care much about CP, and I was just a passing reader, now that I've become an aunt. As I've gotten older, my perspective has changed a lot since I was young, and I have some new comprehensions about this character pair. If you have different opinions, you can discuss it together~
1. Judging from the setting of the entire story structure
First of all, in my opinion, Miyano Akemi only appears in one episode, the episode in which she is killed, of course this almost disproportionate role is the fate of all extra characters, but regardless of the main plot. Looking only at the story of Akai Shuichi, Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai, we will find that everything started after Miyano Akemi was killed and Miyano Shiho escaped from the organization and became Haibara Ai.
In movies, dramas, or literature, almost all authors will design a backstory for their characters, which is an indispensable content to make the character's image deeply rooted in people's hearts. But in Detective Conan, the past of Akai Shuichi and Miyano Akemi, we can hardly dig up any useful information. My guess is that there are two possibilities here;
First, the author is too mean, deliberately leaving a large blank space to appeal to people's imagination and taste. Of course, this is Aoyama's usual trick, but I personally don't think it is the main goal, because this manga is called Detective 'Conan', not Detective 'Shuichi'. It is clear that Shuichi isn’t the protagonist. If the deliberate concealment of their past was to whet the audience's taste, it would be a little excessive, and for readers who focus on Shin-Ran, if they don't really like Shuichi or Akemi's role, hardly notice Aoyama's little trick, could it be that he wants to whet the audience's taste if he doesn't explain it, or explain it, they don't care.
The original plot was like this:
Moroboshi Dai's rebellion → Akemi is killed → Shiho refuses to continue developing the drugs → Shiho is locked up by Gin → Takes the drug and turns into Haibara Ai.
In my opinion, if Shuichi and Akemi were an official couple, it would be more logical to see the following situation:
Moroboshi Dai rebels and takes Akemi away → Shiho is suspected by Gin → locked up by Gin → takes a drug and becomes Haibara Ai.
Why should the author let Akemi die? The reason is cruel, but very realistic: because Haibara Ai is the heroine, and the heroine needs CP, so Akemi must die.
I want to talk about Akemi's death, and most people seem to be confused whether Shuichi should save Akemi or not. I would like to have an opinion.
First of all, let's think about what the FBI is. It's the FBI, not the police, let alone the rescuers. In many American crime movies, FBI investigators play annoying characters. They are discreet and cold-blooded, and often start from completing tasks given by superiors, and do whatever they can to achieve their goals, so many people feel that they are completely inhuman.
In the Conan series, I don't know why the FBI is meddling business in Japan (originally they wanted to catch the silver haired killer who ran to Japan, but now they are meddling in the business of Japanese organization) but their essence as the FBI will not change. Their goal is to investigate and destroy the organization. In their eyes, Akemi and the organization are the same thing. In their eyes, Akemi's robbery plan was probably just an internal dispute within the organization. They just needed to sit on the sidelines and reap the rewards.
Let's take another look at Akemi's role, I still don't know exactly what she does in the organization. She's simple, kind, not a scientist, not a computer technician, can't shoot, doesn't understand espionage.
So no matter what her specific position is, we can be sure that this is an unimportant role, so is her role valuable to the FBI??
The reason is the same, because she is just an extra.
Then go to the main topic. Regarding Miyano Shiho and Moroboshi Dai, at this stage I use the name Moroboshi Dai. So, we focus on the relationship between them in the organization. Some are just speculation, as there was too little related content in the original manga, I can only push back the relationship between Shuichi-Ai . Thinking back to when Ai complained that Conan didn't save Akemi and burst into tears, we can see that Ai would be very sensitive and irrational in matters related to her sister's death. For the parties involved in the robbery, Conan was just a passer-by. Who determined that a smart person should save the lives of everyone around the world ?. Who says a detective has an absolute duty to stop people from doing stupid things everywhere ?. Ai is a smart person, she was really angry at Conan who points out that this incident was really an indelible pain for her.
As I had analyzed earlier, in Akemi's case, although Moroboshi Dai wasn't the direct cause of her death, it was more or less related to him. The appearance of Moroboshi Dai gave Akemi illusory and unreal dreams for the future. So, Akemi has a plan to rob and threaten the organization to take her sister away to find Moroboshi Dai.
Ai scolded Conan which had nothing to do with it, why wasn't she angry at Moroboshi Dai?. In the manga and animation, Ai remembered Moroboshi Dai several times, and she never even feels angry. Animation team added clenching action, maybe they did it without permission.
Original text (File 231)
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"I fell in love with you from the first time I met you"
Many Co-Ai parties believe that this is Ai who secretly confesses to Conan through dialogue in script rehearsals. Since the possibility of Co-Ai has been analyzed above, there is no need to dispute this perspective here.
Let's take a closer look at the content of the conversation,
"There's no mistaking it, she's starting to realize your true identity..."
"There's no point in tricking her anymore, it'll hurt her..."
"Why would you say such a thing to me?"
"Your eyes of justice can see the heart of evil, but you cannot see a woman’s heart"
"I fell in love with you the first time I saw you"
"Mr. Kamen Yaiba..."
*Brain Hole Warning :
Shiho: Exactly. She (Akemi) starting to realize your true (Moroboshi Dai) identity (in disguise).
Shiho: There's no point in tricking her... it’ll hurt her.
Moroboshi Dai: Why do you say such a things to me...
Shiho: Your eyes of justice can see through the heart of evil, but you can't see a woman’s heart ?
Shiho: I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, didn't you notice it?
Shiho: Moroboshi Dai?
This scene could also refer to Kudo Shinichi and Ran here, but doesn't everyone feel that the relationship between Moroboshi Dai and Akemi was even more similar ?.
From the original manga, we knew that Akemi was well aware of the fact that Moroboshi Dai was the FBI, so now think about it, Akemi as a simple person can figure it out, and Shiho who is very intelligent, won't she notice it?
Back to the content above, Akemi's death, Moroboshi Dai's big defection. Ai showed no anger or resentment towards him.
So my guess...
Could it be... Could it be...
Shiho was actually secretly in love with Moroboshi Dai back then ?. Shiho was 15-16 years old when her feelings of love began to develop. When she met a very good person, became her friend, said the promise of protection for her. Will she really... fall down?
In the plot proof provided by Co-Ai Parties, there was a lot of content in the early stages of animation (there are more than 100 episodes) At that time, Ai debuted not long ago. At this time, Aoyama added some suspicious Co-Ai plots, in my opinion there may be 2 purposes.
1. To test the market, because in the beginning Conan was a short story, Akai shuichi has not been made, and all CP was not fully formed, and maybe not many people are chasing Conan. The addition of Co-Ai was possible to test the audience to see which CP was more popular.
2. It might be a shadow for Shu-Ai.
So, because Aoyama still made at Ai suspected of falling in love with Conan even though Kudo Shinichi already has Ran, could it be that based on the story of Moroboshi Dai and Akemi what the writer wants to reveal is that Shiho was really in love with Moroboshi Dai at that time.
In the original it was known in the organization Shiho and Moroboshi Dai were friends, because some of Ai's memories were all good memories, but after watching various plots from Co-Ai, I suddenly found many doubts about the relationship between Moroboshi Dai and Shiho.
It was assumed that during the organization, Shiho secretly liked Moroboshi Dai, but Shiho didn’t know that Moroboshi Dai and Akemi were actually in a fake relationship. Since he was her sister's lover, she could only silently retreat backwards and suppress everything in her heart. Even though it's very sad, but that person is her sister, what can Shiho do ?
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The picture above is another plot proof provided by Co-Ai Parties. They analyzed that the dolphin here refers to Ran, and the shark refers to Ai herself. There's no problem with this, but don't forget, there's another girl who is like a dolphin beside Ai. If Shiho really liked Moroboshi Dai at first, but she didn't know that Moroboshi Dai was in disguise, facing a sister like a dolphin, Shiho would also feel inferior. As I said above, if you love someone secretly, you will feel sad and jealous in your heart. These two plots are noteworthy.
I think the part about dolphin and shark that is worth noting is that a large part of Ai's affection for Ran was a projection of her feelings for Akemi. That's why I assumed, in the early stages Ai stayed away from Ran because she was still running away from Akemi's death.
Brain Hole Warning
The first guess is that Shiho probably knew that Moroboshi Dai liked her, based on his promise of protection, but because of her sister, Shiho could only avoid facing her feelings all the time, stressing to herself that he was her sister's lover.
The second guess is that from his promise of protection, Shiho might suspected that Moroboshi Dai wasn't black, but Ai didn't know that Moroboshi Dai has explained his identity to her sister, and she didn't know he broke up with her sister 2 years ago. So, her description about him is still "sister's lover", not "former lover".
The third guess is that Shiho might have tought that Moroboshi Dai's caring attitude towards her was because her sister, Shiho might have thought that only bridge between them was her sister. Combining with the shark and dolphin theory, everyone likes dolphin, Shiho probably thought Moroboshi Dai liked her sister, so Shiho suppressed all her feelings. Then after her sister died, there was no connection between them anymore, but suddenly Moroboshi Dai (Okiya Subaru) reappeared beside Haibara Ai, and maybe Ai thought, could it be this person is by her side just because her sister's death. Seeing Ai's expression was a little sad in the chapter bubble,smoke. 
To prevent Conan from involving Ran in a confrontation with the organization, Ai is willing to help Conan hide his identity.
File 503 In order to prevent Ran from getting hurt, she was willing to put aside her indifference and high-handed attitude and begged bitterly.
File 820 When she faces threats from the organization, she will rely on Ran.
Source : File 423
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Therefore, file 251 and file 423 Ai deliberately avoided Ran, deliberately pretended to sleep, and said "Did I run away......" not because she liked Conan and was jealous of Ran, but because Ran was kind with her like Akemi, and when Ai saw Ran and her care for her, it was difficult for Ai to hide her sadness at losing her sister and accept that she lost her sister because of herself, and it was difficult for her to face Akemi's death.
"My sister did it for me..." In Ai's mind, Akemi lost her life because Shiho couldn't prevent her when Shiho had sniffed organization’s smell from her sister and knew her sister had committed a crime, and she held a strong sense of guilt towards her.
The author compares Akemi to Ran, who has a similar personality, bright and cheerful, implying Shiho's complicated feelings for Akemi.
This is also the first hint of the shark dolphin theory:
She is the dolphin that everyone loves, she is bathed in sunshine and warmth.
I was the shark that everyone hated, there was only cold and darkness around me.
Akemi is very bright and kind, everyone likes her, she lives a normal life.
Shiho loved Akemi, for Akemi she was willing to trade her freedom for Akemi's normal life, for Akemi she never mentioned the threat of the organization to her, she understood Akemi's feelings of losing her parents, she appreciated everything Akemi gave her, but Shiho also envied Akemi who had a bright life, could go to a normal university and make normal friends, get a lover, but Shiho could not have it all.
In addition, the attitude of inferiority that Haibara Ai faced in the early stages: "She is a dolphin, everyone likes dolphin." I don't think she's talking about Ran, but Ran's character reminds her of her sister and "that person". By the time that chapter Akai Shuichi had officially appeared, Aoyama must have made a Shu-Ai line and I think for Co-Ai arrangement, Aoyama might have had such an arrangement in the early days of manga, but after the Shu-Ai line gradually came out, Aoyama didn't play Co-Ai, and Aoyama never clearly answers, does Ai likes conan, he keeps the reader guessing.
Does Ai really like Conan?
In the original manga, Ai understood the unspeakable pain between Shin-Ran and never showed jealousy, and often supported Ran.
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Faced with Ayumi and Mitsuhiko asking her if she likes Conan, she never blushes to cover up for being exposed by others. Taking a closer look at the chapter, what image did Haibara think of Conan? Those are all pictures of Conan saved her or promised to protect her. According to this, what Haibara liked about Conan is a sense of justice, pursuing the truth, bearing pressure alone, and promising to protect her. (Like someone in the past)
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A little denial of the narrative trick, Yukiko said "Women will stare at a man if there is something on his face or they are in love with him"
In the photo taken by Akai's subordinates, Ai was looking back which means Ai already knew that someone was following them from the beginning, that's why Ai kept fidgeting and worrying, so she kept looking at Conan. So, Conan is not insensitive to Ai's feelings here, Conan can guess the emotional expressions of the suspects, Conan just can't guess Ran's emotional expressions, the girl he likes. So, Conan said "It's impossible for Haibara to fall in love" here it is true that Conan did not feel Ai seeing him because she was in love, but because she was worried about the people following them.
File 423
Ai's inner monologue "You still don't understand …... you don't understand anything...but I don't want you to understand..."
What do you understand? The author didn't write it out.
① If combined with the scene where Ai dreams of Conan protecting her, the meaning here is that I like you, but you don't know, and I don't want you to know.
② If combined with Ai deliberately pretending to be asleep to avoid worrying Ran, the meaning here can also be understood as “you” (referring to Conan) don't understand why I don't want to face Ran, you don't understand my feelings for my sister.
(Shiho is the character with the most complex emotions written by the author, with a variety of intertwined emotions, it is difficult to explain clearly from a single perspective.)
According to this, Ai projects her feelings for Akemi on Ran, and projects her past emotional experiences on Shin-Ran's feelings. She is unable to face Ran not only because of her guilt for not being able to save Akemi, but also because of guilt at her complicated feelings in the Dai-Shi-Ake emotional relationship, and Shiho chooses her own position in the emotional relationship with Moroboshi Dai, liked him secretly.
Combined with the shark and dolphin theory, the second layer of clues can be extended:
Moroboshi Dai is a good man, Akemi is kind, everyone likes Akemi, Moroboshi Dai must also liked Akemi, I won't tell anyone about my heart, I will secretly protect them with everything I have. (Similar to the emotional connection in Manga "Touch")
Combining the above details, it can be concluded that the author implies Shiho's past emotional experience in the same situation. In Shin-ran's emotional connection, Ai casts her own shadow, and in Conan, there are certain character traits where Shiho thinks of other person and projects her feelings.
What kind of person is that person?
Someone she fell in love with at first sight.
He is a person who has a sense of justice and bears too much pressure.
A man who promised to protect her.
It is one that she doesn’t want to say "goodbye" to.
A man who left beautiful memories but had left.
She could only hide her feelings for him and didn't want him to know.
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Haibara thought that Conan would confess when he received chocolate from Ran, but Conan didn't do it.
"The annoying man she is waiting for never showed up, I don't want to see her tears again, even though I have to leave her heart."
"You two are so painful..."
Specifically refers to Ran because she missed Kudo, she was sad, but she has to pretend to be strong on the surface, because Conan didn't want to involve Ran, he wanted to express himself, but he was speechless. Emotionally they were in pain.
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Looking at the case in chapter 379, Itakura's shogi playmate who has been friends for 20 years was the killer, this case explains that human feelings can change. Ran was worried about Shinichi who changed because she thought Shinichi was somewhere far away, then Akai Shuichi appeared, looking for Shiho, who had not met for 2 years. (So the girl Shuichi mentioned isn't closer to Shiho's situation than Akemi's?).
Seeing this case with Ai's monologue in flower language chapter 337, don't you have the same feeling?
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Haibara gave an inner monologue about flower life. This passage is translated into connotation — flower refers to feeling.
The feeling is fragile and short-lived. If not properly cared for, it will not be able to withstand wind and rain. Throughout this chapter, Haibara bemoans emotional issues, but this kind of relationship clearly doesn't refer to a family relationship, and it's clear that the emotion here express the emotional states of both parties. The fact that Haibara could expresses such emotions, largely indicates that she, herself had a similar experience .
Therefore, the emotion here implies that Haibara and Conan have the same emotional psychology, and there is an emotional object, for some reason, she just like Conan, can only keep her feelings for 'that person' in her heart.
File 371. The title of this chapter is “Red Trap”, look at "The Red Woman” Chapter, and Sera is Akai's sister. This is may be a clue.
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"No wonder you decided to give up, the memory of the person who doesn’t exist will remain forever, and the memory will remain in that person's heart forever... ".
The original text is "いなくなちゃった人" (The person who no longer exist). It doesn't just mean death. If following Conan's answer "I'm not dead ...", then the author can use the word “dead / passed away” (亡くなった/死亡). So, "The person who doesn't exist" here "The person who doesn't come back". It doesn't refer to the dead, nor refers to Conan.
This implies that there was someone in Ai's heart who left her with good memories, and that person has left.
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"That must be something she wanted to say, but couldn't say... Goodbye is a sad word that pierces the feelings together..."
Haibara expressed her emotions again. According to the background of the story in which this sentence was spoken, there must be an object that has left without saying goodbye.
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Ai remembered Moroboshi Dai. In fact, we all knew who Moroboshi Dai was. Why does Ai always have to add a "Sister's Lover" image on the left to emphasize.
My guess is that this might be an obstacle that Ai has never overcome, and this is also a place she was very worried about. It didn't matter whether Moroboshi Dai was a fake or real lover, he was the one her sister once liked.
Another point of the image on the left, since it is Ai's memory, it must be a sight she saw with her own eyes, since Moroboshi Dai had that expression in her memory, does that mean Shiho also knew at that time that Moroboshi Dai was not sincere? 
Even though Shiho was young, she was a very rational person. She worked in an organization, but in reality she had to keep her head down. I don't know if she ever thought about escaping from the organization, but if she found out that Moroboshi Dai wasn't black, it's possible.
I've written so much about this CP pair, and I'm going to summarize my brain hole that fat might beat.
If the guess above is my over-interpretation, and Shiho had no other feelings for Moroboshi Dai other than friends, then whether he is Subaru or Akai who appeared in front of Ai one day, they still had a long way to go. The key point is still Akemi, how Shuichi can make Ai cross Akemi's limits is the culmination of the relationship between the two.
If as I thought, even if there was a slight chance that Shiho had ever liked Moroboshi Dai, then the path would be easier for Shuichi in the future.
Next, let's look at the Miyano Akemi robbery case again.
Source 313 : Courage is a word of truth to raise one's spirit, it should not be used for the reason of killing someone.
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Most people probably forget about Aoyama's values. He doesn't like crimes for love or anything. That's why he doesn't really like and care about Akemi's character. She's just like the perpetrator in Conan's daily episode. Therefore, Aoyama doesn't like to pair her with Akai Shuichi which he is based on his favorite hero. So, a 'fake lover' setting was formed. 
Source: 13-15
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Even though she is Shiho's older sister, I personally don't really praise her much. Its three chapters in the manga when Miyano Akemi was alive, but as Shiho's older sister and (fake) Moroboshi Dai (Akai Shuichi) ex-girlfriend, her death still brings a big turning point for the plot, I personally feel that if the robbery act was done carefully- heart, there are many things that need to be explored. 
1. Judging from these few words alone, Miyano Akemi was about to commit a robbery, and the reason for the assassination as an accessory was because she wanted the two sisters to run away from the organization. 
2. As an extension of the first point: Although her deceased was very charitable, due to Shiho's good memory of her older sister and some plots in the memories of the FBI and Shuichi, everyone's comments about Miyano Akemi were mostly positive, but if Aoyama didn't mean to add additional reasons for her crimes (like the content on PS), I really don't understand the reason why Miyano Akemi committed the crimes, and I find it doesn’t make sense.
From multiple perspectives: She tried to get her younger sister who helps the organization’s research illegal drugs to leave the organization. This was the most normal explanation before Akai Shuichi came out. Prior to the robbery, Akemi Miyano obviously knew nothing about the organization. 
Personally, I felt that neither Shiho nor Moroboshi Dai would tell her anything about the organization. The strange question is, her younger sister was safely working as a researcher in an organization to develop drugs. Her life was not in danger. What was the reason for suddenly planning to leave the organization?. It is of course possible to fill this reasoning with other explanations. 
The first possibility is that her younger sister was forced to carry out human experiments by the organization and wanted to help her escape once she found out. This logic is basically nonsensical. Shiho obviously wouldn't tell her sister about this kind of thing, and her sister couldn't possibly be related to the organization. Everyone know this. 
The second possibility is that Miyano Akemi found out the truth about her parents' death. The truth may be that her parents didn't die, her parents were killed by someone in the organization, or her parents committed suicide for some reason. This also makes sense. She suddenly tried to escape from the organization, but it seemed impossible to explain without telling Shiho anything about her parents. (Besides, her older sister hid the tapes in the toilet in the designer's house which her younger sister couldn't find in a normal body state, and then Aoyama said her older sister just liked to hide things before she died) 
A third possibility, she was trying to avoid the organization from executing her and her younger sister as Moroboshi Dai's undercover accomplices. Of course, this is not the case in chapters 13-15. I personally think that this reason cannot be explained logically, because Shiho was an important scientist of the organization and Gin didn't say that he wanted to kill the younger sister when he killed the older sister. Can't Gin kill the traitor 2 years ago?. This is clearly impossible, unless Aoyama wants Akemi to be a black character (but according to his style, the probability is essentially zero). Akemi didn't always want to rob a bank to get rid of the black organization and clean herself up, and sees her accomplice kill the bank's security staff, watched A's accomplice killed B's accomplice, and gave B's accomplice a sleeping pill that was actually cyanide. Then the purpose of her running away was to request a reconnection with Moroboshi Dai who is an FBI agent (at least she knew he is a police officer from a certain country, right ?). Sorry, she's like the brain of love.
3. Sherry's position in the organization. Gin thought that Sherry was an important person and may have high status. However, to say that Sherry has an important position because of the main force in APTX drug research, and her limited contact with people outside the research institute is also fully explained. 
4. Miyano Akemi wasn't really dead. There seems to be no doubt that Miyano Akemi confirmed her death personally, however in Conan's presence her death was confirmed. Some people may make a fake death argument, but this is totally untenable. Conan lacks the ability to persuade the police and medical staff to play out scenes to protect her as a perpetrator (unless his identity was revealed). Either the APTX drug is a revival drug and can be used to revive Akemi, but this is pure nonsense. Akemi was long dead, and her body didn't know whether to be buried or cremated. 
Actually, when I review the time when Akemi robbed, I always complain about this character, because I really can't understand her. If there's no additional explanation, just for the purpose of releasing her younger sister from the organization, I really can't understand what people think of her? 
Although it's a bit twisted to say this: she didn't discuss the plan with Shiho, and Shiho didn't seem to cry to her older sister how difficult her life in the organization was, and the organization forced her to study dangerous drugs that she didn't want to learn (in fact, I always felt that Sherry was in the organization wanting to learn the drugs), Shiho was not in danger of life, etc. Miyano Akemi convinced herself and ran to rob the bank saying that she wanted to save her younger sister from the organization. I felt everyone was victimized because of her behavior. I’m touched. I don't really understand this character. However, since Shiho has always had a very positive perception of her older sister, I don't glorify Miyano Akemi, but I don't hate her either, but her fans are so annoying.
Looking at file 180, I have a little insight here:
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Initially, reading this chapter explains why Sherry realized that Kudo has become Conan, and describes the scene where the sisters meet for the last time. When reading it again, I found something very interesting that can be used as an analogy for some Akemi's actions that suddenly want to take out her younger sister for no apparent reason, this concerns the reversal of PS. There was a theory like this a long time ago, I just added a little material.
This is just speculation
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When reading chapter 1072, Akemi was very sensitive to other people's feelings, with a simple mind, she knew Moroboshi Dai didn’t love her, and Akai Shuichi is the obvious a double standard man. Therefore, how many percent chance that she knew about Shiho's feelings for Moroboshi Dai? 
From this I dared to guess that Akemi knew Shiho might like Moroboshi Dai.
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Looking at the text message in Japanese, Akemi used the formal language 'ます', and didn't use the subject 'I' 
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Then seeing from Akai and Akemi's conversation, Akemi used informal language. Isn't this a contradiction?. Did Akemi write this message to herself or for her sister happines? Or did Akemi write that message?
So, my brain hole about PS is that Akemi as an outsider who didn’t know anything about the organization or the drugs, suddenly with a self-confident determination of success wanted to get her younger sister out for no apparent reason, and Akemi might not be that stupid either, she must have known that when she robbed the bank, she would be imprisoned. So, why did she suddenly ask for a relationship with Moroboshi Dai, who is an FBI agent ?.
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The chapter title when Akemi appeared was 悪魔の女' "The Devil Woman", looking at the case of Shiratori who thought the female killer was his first love saying "Women can turn from angel to devil", it has the same feeling, doesn't it?. So, my interpretation is that women can become a devil because of love, but the "love" here is meant for Shiho not Moroboshi Dai.
James said because Akemi can't forget Moroboshi Dai, she wanted to leave the organization. I personally think this is a narrative trick. Looking at James' dialogues in the red and black chapters, his dialogues was full of the bombs.
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For example, James said Akai's relationship with the younger sister was 顔見知り(Not acquaintances, he only knew her face),
The difference between 顔見知りand 知り合い
顔見知り: they are not very close, only know each other's face
知り合い : he know her face and name, and have a certain degree of acquaintance with her.
The fact is Moroboshi Dai and Shiho were very close.
Next, James said "If the older sister doesn't succeed in the mission, the two sisters die". The fact is the organization never wanted to kill the younger sister. 
So, how much does the FBI know about Akai's past?
How much false information comes from the FBI?
How much truth can be trusted from the FBI?
How many narrative tricks are played on James and Jodie's dialogues?. 
Do you remember when she said she would return to the Dejima's house with her younger sister?. Looking at Akemi's attitude wasn't like a woman who hasn't moved on, she was very happy to prepare for her new life with her younger sister.
So, this hole in my brain about P.S is related to Shiho and Moroboshi Dai.
So, P.S can be in line with the content of the message and can be a reversal. The logic also can be in line with Akemi's "good sister" image and this logic can be in line with motivated Akai's decision to turn into Subaru and immediately come near to Ai. 
Jodie said the price of Akai's death was not comparable to Mizunashi Rena, and Bourbon also said Akai was a good hiding person, he could have hidden without wearing a mask.
Many readers think Shuichi confessed his FBI identity to Akemi because he fell in love. Personally, my guess is:
Seeing Scotch's death, Rye's promise of protection to Sherry, Elena's mirror that Akemi had but Shuichi didn't know about it, and the messages Akemi sent and he didn't respond it. That’s meant, Shuichi didn't pay much attention to Akemi, and has no emotional basis for her. So, it wasn't because he loved Akemi that he revealed his identity.
Remember, Shuichi was undercover in the organization for 5 years, he got the code name in 2 years. So, his contact with Shiho should be more often than spending his time dating Akemi. Akemi was just an outsider, how can she get Shuichi into the organization?, and the sisters rarely met. Maybe because of this, Akemi realized he was not like a real lover.
The most likely reasons are: Moroboshi Dai said the promise of protection for Shiho, based on Shuichi's morality as a red party, he must feel guilty, it's like 'I have used this person for three whole years', and he also wanted to protect Shiho, Akemi is her older sister. So, Moroboshi Dai had to explain to Akemi that he was just using her.
Moroboshi Dai broke up with Akemi, and the reason was an FBI undercover, which meant he was only pretending to be a couple because he was undercover. So, when it ended, Akemi had a hunch that Moroboshi Dai would go and separate from her, so Akemi burst into tears.
Seeing his attitude as Subaru, could tell Shuichi was a straight ball man, and the reason why Shuichi wanted to end it wasn't because he wanted to catch Gin. Seeing his dialogue he doesn't want to catch the members of the organization, Shuichi is smart, he must know that if he manages to catch Gin, Gin won't open his mouth. So, my guess is Moroboshi Dai did it to mislead the FBI, mainly because he wanted to protect Shiho. Moroboshi Dai dared to risk revealing his identity, not because he knew Akemi well, but because he trusted Shiho. So, Moroboshi Dai thought Akemi was not a threat.
The possibility that Moroboshi Dai never told information about Shiho to the FBI could be that he wanted to take Shiho out, so that Shiho would not be caught by the FBI. He wanted to hide Shiho from everyone.
In chapter 1072, many people speculated that Rum came to Teitan Elementary because Akemi revealed Shuichi's identity intentionally or unintentionally, it's possible that Aoyama is going to make a reversal of their separation 2 years ago, but I personally think the reason Shuichi's identity was revealed was due to Scotch’s death. After Scotch's death, it's possible that the organization was checked a lot of rats, and Rum was related 17 years ago case. How did she report Akai to the top members of the organization?. Her only contact was Shiho.
I personally prefer Akemi to have the setting of not knowing anything about the organization (not related to any important plot, she is only pulled when Aoyama wants to open a new plot like that drug introduction), her role is only as Haibara's older sister, just for Haibara, a naive woman.
So, the 1 billion Yen robbery was her first crime, then when she made a deal with Gin, she was sure she could fool Gin, but in fact she was the one who was fooled and didn't think she would be shot (That means she didn't know anything about Gin and how the organization works).
Therefore Akemi's mentality was not death, and PS is not a secret about the organization. If PS is the secret of the organization Akemi's mentality should have been prepared for her death by then. This has been explained before. I will explain it again.
A bit of denial from the perspective of many readers who think Akemi's mentality knew she is going to die. So, she wanted Akai to take care of her sister.
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Camel : ️ ️だから赤井さんに電話で今回の作戦に適任な人材はいないかと聞かれた時、自ら運転手役に志願して日本やって来たんです、死ぬかもしれないと言われてましたが、結果的には赤井さんの彼女を死なせてしまったのは私のミスが原因ですから
Camel : So, when Mr. Akai called me and asked if there was anyone suitable for this operation, I offered to be the driver and came to Japan. I was told that I might die , but in the end it was my fault that caused Akai's girlfriend to die.
Mr. Akai told me not to worry about that because she knew it (his identity).
彼女も覚悟していた: she also knew.
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覚悟 is a polysemy, one of the meanings : to be aware (気がつく), to know (存知).
The translations in English is : "she had already made up her mind about Akai".
Based on the context of the previous sentence, its mean She already knew it about (his identity)
覚悟していた > "She prepared for danger...." it is correct, but "Danger" here refers to Akai's FBI identity.
So it didn't mean that Akai said Akemi was prepared for her death, but Akai told Camel that there was no need to feel guilty. 
Camel thought, because of his negligence Akai's FBI identity was exposed which caused Akemi's death. Before Camel's identity was revealed Akai had already told Akemi his identity and Akemi realized it.
So, Akemi's mentality before the robbery mission was that she was very confident with full intention of success. She will success in leaving the organization and bringing her sister. So, there was no need to entrust her sister to someone else. 
If Akemi had a death mentality back then, she should have told Shiho she hid the tapes at her father's old house, but Haibara had absolutely no idea about the hidden tapes. So, it means that when Akemi success from the robbery mission, she thought she could take Shiho to her father's old house and give the tapes. After all, didn't Akemi think that after her death, her sister will suicide?
Then, there are also some opinions saying PS regarding the Miyano couple's fire case, if the premise is like this, shouldn't Akemi told this to Shiho instead of Moroboshi Dai?, because it was related their parents, and Akemi's mentality must also be a death mentality. This would be a logical bug .
Let's look at the side ball analogy: Sato, Takagi & Yumi.
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Then, what situations did Sato say this...
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"Don't make fun of him, hurry up and find a good man"
A very similar dialog is as follows:
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Brain hole:
In short, don't you think that the phrase "I’m fine" and keeps repeating it in Ai's memory, is rather meaningful ?. Then Akemi said "The only thing to worry about is you, Shiho". Could it be that Akemi saw Shiho's emotion change after Moroboshi Dai left ?. If my guess is correct then Ai's heart knot will be easier to open.
The Point is : Akemi is a normal girl without any plans or experience. She rarely met Shuichi at the level outside the organization, and had no chance to get to know Shuichi in depth (Akemi and Shiho rarely met). In this case, Akemi can clearly detect, the man didn't love her, he was just took advantage of their relationship, it can only show that Shuichi didn't make any effort to maintain their "relationship" from beginning till the end.
Akai Shuichi
Actually, whether Akai Shuuichi is Moroboshi Dai or Okiya Subaru, in their relationship with Miyano Shiho, they are just identities that can only exist at a certain stage. The name Akai Shuichi can represent the continuous entanglement of the characters' relationships from the past, to the organization, to the present, and even the future, thus becoming the highlight of Shiho CP's analysis.
Assuming that many people I've read before that the two did have a meeting in the United States, then based on the existing plot, I can make the following analysis.
In all Shiho CPs where Akai Shuichi's name is mentioned, it is inevitable to involve the so-called United States border. Currently, there is no sign of this in the plot, but I feel that most people, including me personally are likely to have this part among them, because I don't think Akai Shuichi knew the effects of the drug during the early days when he came to Japan, he only learned about the effects of Aptx when eavesdropping on Conan-Ai's conversation, he only knew Sharon was the ever-young Chris thanks to the disguise technique.
If the premise says Akai learned about Aptx from the Haneda Koji case, wasn't the effect of Aptx at that time killing not shrinking the body, the first case of Aptx was Kudo Shinichi and at that time Akai had betrayed and only Sherry knew Conan = Kudo. So when Akai caught a glimpse of Haibara on the street, he immediately recognized her and confirmed it in the full moon chapter when Vermouth called Haibara "Sherry", but if my guess isn't right, I'll get slapped.
The life trajectories of the two people seem to overlap on the timeline, and the overlapping period is the period of time when Shiho studied in the United States before returning to Japan, and Shuichi first arrived in the United States to join the FBI. Therefore, in terms of time, this conjecture is possible, since all assume Shiho's age when she returned to Japan was 13. Plus the clue from Elena's tape asking 11-year-old Shiho if she had a first love, and the clue was drawn in a large frame.
The first point is that Shuichi must have gotten to know Shiho unilaterally in the United States.
Shiho was sent to the United States before she could remember, but when the Akai family and the Kudo family met on the beach, Shuichi had not yet joined the FBI. At that time, Sera was about 6-7 years old, and Shiho was older than Sera. So when Shuichi met Shiho, Shiho had to be older than Sera's age, and she had to be able to remember things. In addition, Shiho's IQ is higher than normal people, and her mind is precocious.
If she knew Shuichi when she was in the United States, then when she met Moroboshi Dai for the first time, even if she didn't know his name, she should be able to recognize him immediately. However, based on the plot analysis, Haibara Ai remembers Moroboshi Dai several times, but does not connect with Akai Shuichi's character or American past, so if this conjecture is correct, then Shiho does not know the name Akai Shuichi.
Second point, I have two guesses about Shuichi Akai's acquaintance with Shiho.
The first guess is that when he joined the FBI, he started investigating the disappearance of Akai Tsutomu, and then quickly passed the Haneda Koji case, and followed the path to the Miyano couple and the black organization.
Regardless of whether he knew the relationship between the Miyano family and the Akai family at the time, as long as there were clues leading to the Miyano couple, it should not be difficult for the FBI to know the current situation of the Miyano couple. Shiho was just a little girl at the time, and had not officially joined the organization as a scientist. For the organization, there was no need to block the news, and the Miyano couple was dead at the time. Start with a living person. (In the episode when Subaru first appeared, he mentioned the case of checking the parents of the children)
So, after this conjecture, Shuichi should have investigated little Shiho when she was in the United States, since it was an investigation, of course he couldn't contact her directly. If the conjecture is true, then why his undercover target chose Akemi which can be interpreted as the fact that Shuichi's purpose of pursuing Shiho from beginning to end, but because of Shiho's age and her relationship with the organization. For reasons like closeness, he should start with Akemi.
But in fact, I personally prefer the second type of conjecture, which is that when Shuichi met Shiho in the United States, he didn't know her relationship with the Miyano couple and the Black Organization had any intersection at first, but for some reason, the genius little Shiho accidentally attracted Shuichi's attention, and since then has added a strong color to his memory just like the case of little Kudo meeting Shuichi on the beach. In the Ripple Chapter Shuichi has great respect for children.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
two of my most favorite ships have a lot in common - hitsuhina, shinran - childhood friends, shorter and younger(?) boy, insufferable genius types with warmhearted sweethearts, the girls have flower names, etc. etc.
and now I can’t help but compare shinji and hiyori with heizuha as well.
in a roleswap AU, ran and heiji would jive so well in squad 5. detective hitsugaya would be fighting against the black organization composed of aizen and gin. his bankai form would be shinichi in this au.
you could even fit ginran there with gin as akai since they were both moles even though they have wildly different personalities (funnily enough, the bo has their own gin, well if you believe the gin and sherry connection, rangiku could be the haibara in this situation who also shrinks along with hitsugaya and helps him out). in this au, unlike akemi, rangiku survives and it’s gin who dies. so many possibilities.
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coneedogawa · 8 months
saw your recent post and got a not so very good idea
imagine this, gosho boys with amuro and akai as very incompetent parents that enables more crimes in the household
and gosho girls with jodie and kir as not so much better parents, like they are good parents objectively, but would just let the girls do what they want and even cover for them
And then imagine when they all meet up, chaos 100
sincerely, your secret santa (sorry for the brainrot lmao)
Sorry for a late response. Been sick lately and resting alot. I appreciate the brainrot though lol.
I could definitely see a gosho boys vs girls situation arising from that lol. I would love to see more gosho girl + boy interactions. Like Shinichi and Kazuha, Heiji and Sonoko, Heiji and Sera, Ran and Kaito, Kaito and Kazuha, Shinichi and Aoko, etc etc. More group interactions in general would be so fun to see.
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catmaid-san · 2 years
Still feeling frustrated over Conan. Now that I read it again, Conan really is an ancient Manga huh...
Damn it, every single guy or girl must be paired up with someone!!! Why can't they leave a single cool oniisan or badass aneesan for the fans to hug for themselves! Ahhhhhhhh😫😫😫😫😫
Forget about Ran and Shinichi or Heiji and Kazuha because they're canon, and cute, and it's normal for MC to have Female Lead or Male Lead.
But literally every guy in Conan must have a girl, be it in the past, or will be there in the future.
Akai/Subaru --- has Akemi Miyano in the past and Jodie Starling for now.
Amuro/Furuya --- has some hint going on with Azusa Cafe Poirot.
Shuukichi/Meijin --- is Yumi's BF
Kaito KID --- literally replica of ShinRan with Ahoko Nakamori.
Shiratori --- Kobayashi sensei
Even Yokomizo Keibuu, the syounger bro got himself a new character, that pretty badass Police Captain!!
There's literally no one left for the readers to have,😭😭😭
As I've been used to modern Shonen manga, where there is a side character who can be worshipped by the readers because he's single, like Levi Ackerman, Gojo Satoru, Dazai-san, etc, I really feel like crying because every single character has their own pairing. There is no one left for this Otaku Lady to worship🤧🤧🤧🤧
There's this dr. Araide, but the guy has not show up for like, hundreds of chapters!!
The only cool guy left who has no pairing is one and only Gin-sama from the Black Organization!!! Chikushooooooooo😭😭😭
I really am going to root for the Villain this time!
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detshin · 2 years
Shinichi's comeback theory
I've said it before, (I tried to search for the post but can't find it sorry lmao) and now, with the news Gosho has given today about Shinichi being back pretty soon, I cannot stop thinking about it.
I've said that there's this very apparent... Antagonist pairs thing going on. Akai has Gin. Ai has Vermouth. And Shinichi has always been kind of against everyone, like- the organization as a whole, you know? And I still think it works that way... (I mean the ones to ruin his life were Gin and Vodka, etc.)
But then Kyoto happened. And Rum happened. And Rum decided that Shinichi was worth his time. Worth the effort of investigating him and finding out things about him.
And this is so important! No one before really cared enough. Gin says it all the time. He doesn't remember the people he kills. But Rum doesn't seem to think the same way.
He is after him. Rum has been the focus for so long now, and we should be reaching a resolution with his arc pretty soon...
And Shinichi is going to appear now. It is going to happen. For one reason or another. Now of all times.
So what if... Rum is Shinichi's foe? What if something really big actually happens with these two?
Oh no. I'm setting my expectations too high already.
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lesbianhidemi · 3 years
thinking..... if bourbon remained as a bad guy, rum probably wouldn't exist in the story
rum arc is basically just a redo of bourbon's if he was actually an enemy. the danger of having someone from the organization so closely is both present in the two arcs, except bourbon is an ally.
also with his intelligence (and being close to them), he could easily uncover their secrets like shinichi being alive. imagine what would happen if sonoko and ran are in poirot and they were talking about shinichi as if he was alive, and then not really minding if amuro hears since they trust him.
if bourbon was a bad guy, there'd be no need for rum and have him send bourbon to investigate about kudo shinichi. he'd do that on his own.
also, his motive to investigate akai's death would be different. instead of holding a grudge because he thinks akai killed hiro, he'd simply not believe he's dead because of many things that are suspicious about his death (akai coming to meet kir with no precautions, kusuda rikumuchi going missing, etc) and he's just smart and dangerous of an enemy. also another thing that could be his motive is the animosity between him and gin that he wants to one up him and rub his mistake in his face.
oh, and the confrontation between akai and amuro (if we still consider that to happen) would go so differently now that akai doesn't have something to hold against him i.e. bourbon being a noc all along.
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Hello, you don't need to do this if you don't want to but can you write about how akai and s/o would be with a child,specifically a son, like how he would raise him and how the child would be around others,like conan,furuya etc..
I adore your writing especially cause there isn't much for the detective conan series in general so your account becomes even more amazing.
Again you don't have to do this if you are uncomfortable or just not able to.
Have a nice day/night and stay safe.
This is so cute! And thank you very much, I'm glad you like my writing 💕 Just remember for next time to check if requests are open.
Akai x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: I went with a gn!child simply because I don't think there would be a major difference, this takes place after the Black Organization is destroyed
Tumblr media
He's going to spoil your child nearly as much as he does you
And they love him so much
Always jumping up to run to the door when they hear him come home
Very much likes to cling to both of your legs as you stand, stomach, waist, hand - anything they can grab and nuzzle into
The moment the child is in kindergarten you will learn to what extent Akai really loves the child
He misses them so much that he will pretty much immediately turn to you and ask for another one
He doesn't want a huge, but still lively and cozy family with you
I think, especially because his family is very...unfamily like? He really wants to have that with you. You know, the picture perfect stuff
A lot of love, a lot of affection. Very overtly so
The child can be incredibly cheeky sometimes, and to what extent comes apparent around Furuya
Though you have the sneaking suspicion that your snickering bf/husband has something to do with it
The child is so fond of their father that, while they do love the other detectives, they will always say that Akai is better
Cue to Shinichi and Heiji starting to disagree whilst Akai just laughs in the background
Afternoon family naps omg pls 🥺
Your head laying on his chest, body pressed against his, and the baby/toddler laying on top of him
Also: please stop Akai from trying to teach your just-being-able-to-stand toddler how to fight, i beg you
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colourful-void · 2 years
Void's Conan Log Pt. 1
So I started watching Detective Conan, as of writing this it has 1111 episodes, and I doubt I'll get through them all. I've never watched something this long before (I tend to watch pokemon by season, in its 120~ episode chunks) so it's new.
I wanted to make a log in the event that I do end up sticking with it, so I'd be able to look back on my thoughts and stuff. also maybe it'll be entertaining for old conan fans? I don't know much about conan at all, so going in spoiler free -ish will be fun! (will be spoilers in these logs tho up to where i am for others)
I'm not logging daily, only when I think something of note has happened, or I hit a milestone or something.
btw: I watched all of Zero's tea time before this, it looked neat. I know this is out of order, but i wasn't planning on watching conan when I watched zero's tea time.
Episodes watched: 1-6
Favourite Episode of Episodes Watched: Probably the Neon map puzzle one, I liked seeing the kids run around and the mystery was fun
Episodes where I could solve the mystery before it was revealed? Yeah! I solved the 6th episode's mystery with the poison coffee and antidote cake =D!!
Favourite Character right now: Ran <3 girlboss mode.
Things I Learned: Conan's the main boy, but his real name is Shinichi, he was shrunk by plot convenience drugs. The only person who knows this is the scientist he lives next to. The only person concerned about Shinichi's disappearence is Ran. Ran loves Shinichi and Shinichi loves Ran, but now that Shinichi is Conan, things are tricky. Ayumi likes Conan, but Conan doesn't feel the same for obvious reasons. Conan currently has three gadets, a voice change bowtie, cool shoes, and a mic in his glasses. The kids call themselves the detective boys which is adorable. Ran's father is a dirtbag. Shinichi's parents are just?? in america??? sure?? The series takes place in Modern for the episode release Tokyo.
Things I Know I'm Not Supposed to: Zero exists and he's really upset about a shuichi akai. is he the dead guy or the murderer? unclear. zero works in a cafe, but also as a detective, and also just a guy, and possible a contract killer for a shadow orginiation or something???? really unclear. He was taught to ride a bike by a scientist lady who also abandoned him. is this his mother? unclear. zero interacts with conan at a point, probably frequently.
Things I Wanna Know: Does Conan angst over being Conan? It's gotta be lonely suddenly being 6 when you used to be 17, all the freedoms you had are gone, socializing is hard, etc, and he presumably only had one friend to miss him??? Will Shinichi's parents ever come into play again? Will Ran realize Conan is Shinichi or is this a long running never solved thing? Does the plot really progress or is it like ... barely any different from season to season. Will Ran's dad ever become good at his job? Does Conan progressively become more accustomed to being Conan over Shinichi/ ever give up on his goal to find the orignization who did this to him and become himself again? DOES he become Shinichi over the course of the series?? probably not?? Will the series modernize itself over the course of its run as times change or be in an eternal 90's?
Notes and thoughts: I can really feel the 90's anime of it all, thought thats probably aided by the fansubs im watching (real tln nakama means friend vibes, but i love it for that). I like Ran a lot I hope she gets to kick more people. The music's super good.
And thats on Void's Conan thoughts!
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sinfulsachi · 4 years
Hellooooooooo~ just your random det question of the day 😂 lmao. Not super explicit but I'm curious, do you headcanon any of the characters having any birthmarks, beauty marks or moles, scars or something of the like in particular? And if so... Where? 👀 (Have a great day btw!💜)
Aah Det sorry for the late reply! Thank you for the ask 💙✨ Actually none of my answers are explicit at all so, much wow HAHA
Beauty marks huh? When I read this for some reason Eri first entered my mind. Yep. HAHA. I can’t help but entertain the thought that she has a faint little mole on her nape directly below the hairline. It’s sexy, made even sexier with the fact that she always has her hair up and wears corporate attire... it’s, I can’t find the right word but it’s uh, compelling. Alluring. Makes her look very sophisticated and sexy. it screams, hell, this woman is one powerful attorney. If that makes sense? HAHA.
Also I personally can imagine Vermouth having a beauty mark below her right eye. I think it perfectly accentuates her sharp and beautiful blue eyes and adds an extra oomph to her good-looking face.
Ran, my girl Ran, has a cute mole on the bone of her right wrist. :3 No meaning whatsoever. She just has. HAHA.
As for scars, surely our three bois Shin, Heiji, and Kaito have some. ;) It is 99.9% canon for Shin and Heiji to have that one scar on the abdomen near the navel where you drew them! Apart from that, there’s gotta be some scar somewhere on Heiji’s forehead probably hidden behind the fringes, because he’s a busybody like that since he was young so he kept getting flicked on the head by Heizo lol. 
Mm Kaito, the boy I headcanon with the most scars hahaha. Years of stealth and parkour resulted to this. He has a diagonal scar on his abdomen, on his left arm below his shoulder, a tender impression on his back because of his hang glider, a scar/stitch on his stomach for when he was injured in the Sun Halo case, below his right eye from the gunshot wound he received in Movie 3, etc. Srsly, it’s more unrealistic for him not to have those!
Scattered everywhere under that turtleneck, Okiya/Akai has lotsa scars too of course. Also Jodie, on her waist/hip area and thigh from the gunshot wounds in the Head-to-Head with BO arc.
I want to give one character a birthmark somewhere on the butt but I honestly don’t know who!! There must be someone! Do I give Shinichi one? LMAO
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