#i dunno that would be funny i guess
detshin · 10 months
I have a serious question guys.
(We're not talking about the organization. Just Gin. Because he's possibly the FACE of it all.)
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samarecharm · 5 months
I miss goro. Bring his bitchass back
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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You ever have an idea and then you cannot REST until you've drawn it? 0_0 godlike power, unshakeable optimism, it just kinda made sense! (also my best friend said Gran Torino would be Phil and I screamed 😂😂)
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#registeel#and now this guy is maybe a bit less interesting. from this standpoint‚ i mean. the eyes being just dots make it a little hard to like#feel *connected* to them when they're ffp'd‚ y'know? i feel like it's kind of a reductive angle. which is why i zoomed this one and the last#one out a bit. so you can see a bit of the rest of their body. it's maybe less funny but would it really have been funny to just see 7 red#dots on a gray background and have to read the tag to know it's registeel? i dunno. maybe. maybe it would've been. but i like this more#maybe the explanation is that i'm taking these pictures myself. i personally know all these pokémon and have to ask them if i have permissio#n to take these pictures of them. but registeel said i couldn't get too close. so we settled with this. hehe yeah that's why :) hehe :)#anyway. you now have the aegis cave theme stuck in your head#hi it's me from the present. saturday morning. in yesterday's queued post i came up with the idea of maybe doing a monotype run of a pokémon#game. i don't know which one yet but i wanted to do water-type. but i was like. maybe i'll liveblog it on my main blog. yesterday#and today i came back and saw those tags as i was queuing up today's 'mons and i was like��� hell maybe i could stream it if enough folks are#interested. but if anyone is then i didn't want to wait that long for the queue to get to that post bc that's gonna post on like. august 18#and class for my last semester of college Ever starts back up on august 21st and i don't. know if i want to start another pokémon playthroug#h that close to classes starting. especially not one where at least one (1) individual out there might be waiting for it So i put 'em here#they'll still be on that post but. they're here. just in case someone out there is chronically bored enough that that's something they'd be#interested in. y'never know there's a lot of folks here#anyway i will now queue up kricketot. see you then… or i guess see you whenever if you like send in an ask or a message or smth…
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sysig · 23 days
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Nice healthy obsession you got there (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#DAX#ZEX#SU#Scribbles for maximum speed and minimum prettiness lol#How! many! layers! deep! can I go!!#I have been well-out from Steven Universe for a heck-while now - stopped around Off-Colors I think? I haven't been back since 2017ish y'see#Something-something pick up Vargas drop off Steven Universe (there was a few months of crossover but it's a whole thing w/e w/e)#Anyway! Lol#It was lurking dormant for This Moment is what I'm getting at#Just needed to stew on SCII for five years and then all the feelings'd come up lol#It is still so funny to me that I drew Max and Dex before ZEX and DAX - whenever things come full circle like this it tickles me#I've already written up a Whole Thing about my alien-faves so that'll be a thing soon enough lol#For now! Silliness! I mean - more silliness lol#Those /are/ ZEX and DAX but?? I guess?? with the body-snatched version but they'd be gems?? I don't know either lol#I put in the caption that DAX would be a pearl but honestly he feels like he'd be an opal or something#Can't say labradorite that's too indulgent but he'd be so pretty! Those hidden depths and flecks of green <3#I feel like ZEX would be something clear and beautiful :) So - not a green quartz lol but something pretty and important!#I dunno I've forgotten many many things about SU gem types haha#Also silly how I put ZEX in the Pearl position - he just Seems It y'know ♪#I mean Max would too lol#But no DAX is the obvious Pearl here - her songs were always my favourite <3 Discounting that she was always my favourite ahem lol#I have Always Always loved It's Over Isn't It <3 A full mournful song for her ugh it's so gorgeous ♥#I've been trying to learn the Italian version because it is So pretty <3#Thank goodness the comments weren't disabled under the Italian upload so someone was able to post the lyrics#So nice to be able to see them! And the words genuinely flow so beautifully they're really fun to sing ♫
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thedreadvampy · 10 days
my therapist spent today's session making Faces at me about getting an ADHD diagnosis
I can honestly say I have never seriously considered the possibility of seeking an ADHD diagnosis but she might not be a billion miles off
I was describing how I get "fizzy bored" where I have no energy or ability to move and nothing holds my attention but I feel like my bones are trying to vibrate out of me with the desire to be Doing Things and she was like 🤔 and I got onto the fact that I often need to be doing 3-4 things at once to ease into focusing on one and she was like 🤨 and then I mentioned how I find it really difficult to start doing things but once I'm in it I'm super focused and she was like 😌 have you considered the possibility of an ADHD diagnosis?
and so I explained that I don't really see the point because even though, unlike EDS and autism, a diagnosis could suggest an actual treatment, I don't really feel like anything I've described is disabling me cause I have the tools to manage it now most of the time and I feel Fizzy Bored WAY less often these days. and she was like 🤨
and I was like yeah to be fair actually I did use to think that about chronic pain, trauma and having shit eyesight and doing something about them did really change my experience. and she was like 😌 and I was like and actually now we mention it the fact that I sometimes for NO REASON AT ALL simply put off doing things even though they would be really easy to do and I want to do them for LITERAL YEARS is maybe. A thing that it might be nice to change if I could. And she was like 🤔 and I was like OH FUCK I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GENUINELY CONSIDER THIS POSSIBILITY AREN'T I?
anyway after talking a mile a minute and overrunning by 15 minutes I then got a quarter of a mile away on foot and realised I'd left my glasses on her table. she opened the door I went HEY SPEAKING OF ADHD
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cvbullshit · 2 months
I have a CV AU idea
Night of the Museum AU
The Museum in question is a multi fandom Museum that houses all the CV characters plus more(as a lot of other characters from other media and stories do exist as well, just not in the household), I just need a name for the museum- BUUUTTT-
Since Redwolf and I's OCs will also be part of the museum, we need nightguards, which gave me a great idea! I'll have some of my Tumblr moots/friends be the nightguards!
@papermaster @liliallowed @thatidiotutartist
If you're interested in being a part of the AU, let me know! Feel free to also draw yourselves as night guards for the AU, also feel free to suggest names for the museum.
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tsa-smth · 1 year
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@666herescared, I might’ve made a weird and a normal fanart for Imaginary Shadow Dad
Link to the Chapter 1 of Imaginary Shadow Dad
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 months
#its sort of funny. i think my medication is working pretty well. i feel stable in a way i never really have before#is it the dopamine stablizer or is it my ion channels? whos to say. it doesn't matter. but it also doesnt change some things#the ways i think and react negativly to change. but it makes it easier to deal with. i still experience this strange dispaire on the#weekends or anytime im not working. i think the oddest thing is thst i dont think ive ever been this consistenly sad#not in a depressed sort of way. just a passing thoughts make me tear up sort of way. it doesnt feel out of control. it just feels like a#prelude to grief i guess. bc my mum is still in the hospital and its so hard to kno what that means from halfway across the country#my sisters are both home right now. they both live within 3hrs of where we grew up. one sister lives in the city my mom goes to for#treatment. so they have the opportunity to see her more than me. i dunno if they do tho. we dont really talk. i dont kno if they're as sad#as i am. if im overreacting bc i cant physically see what's happening. what the feeling is in the room. not that she would probably complain#shes the suffer in silence type. my dad keeps texting us pics of our shitty lil sunroom that hes redoing#to make my mum a lil sanctuary. he must be sad too. its his wife. hes staying with her in the hospital rn. i dunno its so weird#when i talk to my counselor she assumes i find out info thru calls or talk to my sisters abt it and i gotta b like nah we dont really talk#i get my info thru text. i havent talked to my parents on the phone in like a month. i dunno we just dont talk. so i dont kno how to reach#out and be like yo so whats up? shoulf i plan on coming home this summer for a bit?? like???#this is the disadvantage of leaving thr place where you grew up. probably when i finish my phd i should move closer to home#somewhere in the Appalachian mountains maybe. somewere in the eastern deciduous forrest. somewhere with thunderstorms.#but thats years from now. who knows what ill b doing. for now im just sad and tired and i dont quite kno what to do in the short or long#term bc im feeling the weight of my mental limitations rather intensely. but maybe im just being self limiting#whatever. i dont have a dead mum yet. shes not even on hospice care. things are just uncertain and dont look so hot#i just dont see how it can get better from here when chemo gave her secondary blood cancer and shes still full of tumors#i dont think im being that dramatic. it just objectively seems not great for survival#unrelated
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camellcat · 5 months
sighing I've got this creative writing class yeah? and it's, like, whatever, y'know. but I'm coming to realize I have an issue I would've literally never fucking expected in that I can ONLY write doctor who fanfiction. every single prompt we're given I write AT LEAST one.
and I can't write about anything else unless I write a doctor who fic first. it's like a need like if I don't get it out of my head and onto my screen I'll explode and never be able to write again. this most recent prompt I wrote two separate fics and was forced to turn one of them in cause I ran out of time. what the hell
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nebulastarss · 1 year
Imagine if the baby Mario games were semi-canon in the movie, so the reason that the brother's family wasn't immediately freaking out when they see them again (ignoring the attempted invasion and ass-kickery) is because they vanished thrice when they were actual toddlers and turned back up completely fine
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Hello there. As you may not know, but I’m on a Great Western kick as of late. My main question is: Do you happen to know any of City of Truro’s sisters? Or if he remembers them at all?
Also, do you know if Duck still keeps in contact with his brothers and sisters? It would be very interesting if he did.
I didn't know. I better catch up on your blog soon and see what kind of journey you're on! I love to see people doing G.W.R. research dives—it's all so big and intimidating to get a handle on.
It's hard to fathom Truro not remembering his siblings. Same with Duck not keeping in contact! I feel like it's a safe bet they both have proper family feeling.
I really need a round-up or a masterpost of Duck's surviving siblings, honestly. I know there are several. And that there used to be at least one more who was dissembled in preservation to donate parts to another... but without knowing the lay of the land it's hard to start building too headcanon on top.
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samarecharm · 6 months
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Fake Dating for an event but make it Makoann
MAYBE its preparation for Shidos palace? Getting intel on some people on his hitlist before infiltrating for real?
Originally Akira was willing to take Makotos place, but there were concerns that someone would recognize him through the makeup. “Shido KNOWS your face; we cant risk that.”
Futaba doesnt go for very obv reasons (agoraphobic), but also, she needs to have a live feed of everything being said incase they need to leave the event early. And Haru cant go bc shes the daughter of Okumura; she would be recognized immediately. Makoto is simply the best choice given the (unfortunate) circumstances.
Normally, they would joke about Ann’s acting; but shes a model and she knows how to act appropriately in these kinds of situations. Its not an act, its her Job, and its kind of wild for Makoto to see her effortlessly mingle w so many important and intimidating people without a care in the world. Makoto finds herself less stressed about the event because of it, and perhaps even a little emboldened 😳
Bonus Doodle under the cut (drawn before the images up top)
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#persona 5#makoann#ann takamaki#makoto niijima#arts#funny bc it started w me trying to make some very nice and simple outfits for ann#and the dress n clutch looked really nice. like nice enough to be a unassuming outfit to wear at a fancy event#and like. i DONT have a legit place i could see this happening ingame; shido was kind of last minute#but then. i dunno. i feel like futabas hacking skills were pretty underutilized in the game#shes sneaky but thats about It#i need her making up fake credentials and IDs for her team#and making vip invitations for them to get wherever they need to go#yeah they have haru bc shes rich but WHY make her go through all that?#if anything i feel like she would be helpful to give futaba some people to search#and businesses owned by those people#anyway. rambling#i had a version of that second image w makoto resting her hand on anns butt bc shes so short and ann is Big#and ann teasing her for it#but decided against it bc i think makoto would be so paranoid about accidentally grabbing her ass LMAO#also. i guess TECHNICALLY they would be drinking. but they are also pretending to be in their 20s#as like. up n coming investors or whatever. so ann is like ‘makoto this is one time where i need u to not be a narc.’#imagining makoto carrying a full cup w her the entire event bc she almost audibly gagged when she sipped the alcohol#ann just takes from her cup from time to time bc shes just like that (shares food n drinks w ryuji and akira all the time)#but makoto is like. good lird. indirect kiss.#its made more apparent when anns lipstick stains the glass a bit#makoto: what the hell did i get myself into. jesus.
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marclef · 9 months
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here we go bois! a little busy today but finally got this done. and so, the first character the random generator has graced me with drawing?
happy Yoshi friend :)
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honestly just think these guys are real cute. appeal to my long-standing love of both reptiles and Frogs that. definitely hasn't had any impact on my likes recently. not at all.
also he's pink because i'm a manly man whos favorite color is pink.
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phonification · 5 months
went through the skaianet files rabbit hole trying to figure out who dadberts father was because i wanted to draw him as a kid. what is going on
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romijuli · 5 months
Honestly the funniest thing getting into a3 has done for me is that now I know way more than i ever expected to learn about translation, both amateur and profession, and it’s fucking FASCINATING. I wonder if I might’ve considered doing it as a career if I’d looked into it when I was younger…
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