#(also im level 30 now)
wellthatschaotic · 21 days
neurotypicals are so frustrating,, i keep forgetting that "can you do x" means "go do x"
#yesterday i was At Work#i opened alone (we are so fucking understaffed)#at like 945 (coworker came in at 10) these two women-#who until now have done NOTHING managery. they have walked around and talked to each other and asked questions#come up and in a pissy voice like um why hasn't group started#i say i'm the only one back here#'well can't you start ONE group?'#no...im the only one back here#'can you start individuals?' yeah i'll ask [host lead]#(annoyed voice) 'um why do you have to ask her?' because i'm not a lead so she's in charge?#(angry voice) well WE are GENERAL MANAGERS and we are TELLING YOU to do SOMETHING like START INDIVIDUALS#like. chill i am literally just some guy and i am the only guy back here#i also feel its worth noting that apparently since they caught me in the hallway they assumed i hadn't been doing anything#when in reality i hadnt sat down since i got to work. all i did was doing things. there is more to my job than Watch Dogs. especially when#im the only guy doing any of the anything#and i couldnt start individuals immediately because i had to do spot cleans. because i prioritized Not Letting Dogs Sit In Their Own Shit#before dog getting some playtime#like. yes i am a Lower Level Employee. yes i havent worked here that long. but i have worked here longer than you#and im gonna take a wild guess that i care about the dogs more than you#also worth noting that i got no breaks that day (if you work a 6+ hour shift you get a 30 and a 15 at my work)#so i sat down for a total of 5 minutes and that was to take a piss#for context. i worked 7 hours. 6:15am to 1:15pm.#so i have a Bad Feeling about these new general managers. really hope im wrong and this is a one-off thing but. ohhhhh boy
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plinchy · 2 months
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Dragons dogma 2 is fun
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bright-and-burning · 2 months
today (and the next two days) i get to learn more GIS stuff yay MAPS!!!!! yay COORDINATE SYSTEMS!!!!! yay DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!
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carcarrot · 9 months
i did tell you people i met a they might be giant right.
#I DONT THINK I DIDDDDDD like an insane person i left out one of the most bonkers moments of my california vacation#saying it now makes it seem like im making this up and the following story will seem made up but dude just trust me.#im fucking. ok sunday morning the morning of Thee Concert and i (used to waking up at 4-5 am) have been awake on and off since like 6 am#my friend? asleep.#now i enjoy waking up and falling back asleep for a couple of hours however by like 9:30 im starving i need BREAKFAST#like the very nice friend that i am i dont wake my friend up i let him sleep and leave him a message on my open laptop screen#because the fucking hotel room doesnt have a pad of paper?? so i leave my modern post it note of a message#saying that im going out for croissants and coffee#because im an idiot i severely misjudge how hot it's already gotten in los angeles in july#ive chosen to wear jeans (bad idea) and a long sleeve flowy black shirt (worse idea)#i also dont look my Greatest because my friend had been telling me dont wash ur hair before we curl it for the concert!!!#so this is my hair after flying in and everything the day before (It Needs To Be Washed)#im following google maps to the coffee place as i brave the streets of los angeles on a sunday morning#hollywood boulevard around the chinese theatre is insane btw. insane. but being from new york i am unfazed (well. a little fazed)#i am Sweating. its already gotta be 80 degrees. im also reaching critical hunger levels. but i continue on my journey#google maps leads me down a sidestreet and tells me to turn down some alley and im like well thats not right.#so i turn to go back the way i was headed and find another way to get to the coffee place#as i turn and head back up theres a guy going down this same block heading in my direction#i look at him and im like hey that guy kinda looks like oh my god it actually is him. mr john l of tmbg fame#and so i have a split second decision of like do i sayyyyyy something do i just ignore him while geeking out#somehow i decide to be bold and im just like gdjgmm hi excuse me i recognize you uh do you mind if i could get a photo#he was very nice and suggested we move into the shade and i took the photo trying to turn off google maps before i did#and i was like aa im seeing you in concert 2nite love your music thank u! and we went on our way.#i think i kinda like. stopped for a moment before i went on to the cafe and was like. that just happened??????? insane. but it gets better#i do finally get the coffees n croissants btw and get back to the hotel after melting in the heat#and my friend who likes tmbg better was losing his mind once i finally told him#so the following morning after our spars concert insanity we have breakfast at a diner and then head back to our hotel#and he's wearing a tmbg shirt he got and im in a spars shirt and as we're walking back a car horn honks near us#AND ITS BOTH THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS IN A CAR and they say hi and are like we like your shirts!#and my friend and i are like losing it but trying to be cool and like oh thabk you we loved your show hi! so theres my insane story
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vnknowcrow · 6 days
Really want to change my sole, Raymond to romance maccready in her story instead of danse because I've just fallen out of love with the paladin but there's a small problem that she is 38 and I feel like being 38 and old and mature n shit is really baked into her character and I don't think I can reasonably change it to like 26 without that certain amount of maturity feeling less real to me? I just get this weird taste in my mouth when I imagine a 38yr and a 22yr dating that is a me problem definitely but it's still there
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risingsunresistance · 9 months
also i finally focused a bit more on my combat setup. went back to 2/4 necron and 1/4 maxor since they added the shadow assassin cloak so i have the speed i want with just the boots (i used 2/4 maxor just bc 1/4 wasnt fast enough for me to do what i wanted) and i recombed my pants
my damage went up slightly
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astranauticus · 10 months
a handful of chinese songs that give me big robit energy
translating cpop songs is like my second favourite hobby so it's frankly surprising I haven't made this post sooner
Him - Floruitshow (马 - 福禄寿)
I've talked about this song on here before but this is the 3.7 song for me
the second chorus is definitely MR-SN but i like to think of the first chorus (Let me take a good look at your visage as we count down the time till the curtains’ close. Forgive me for holding back my voice so soon, do you know, in your graceful escape, all I see around me is disaster?) as VR-LA during the flashback sequence
specifically 'all I see around me is disaster' because yeah not wrong
'This time I’m not here to bring you home' just kills me like the please please take care of yourself because I can't be there with you anymore of it all
'Oh spring, oh warm sun, please come sooner, grant him a smooth and safe journey' same point, just the desperate plea for the universe to protect VR-LA because he can't do it himself anymore
How can I make you stay - Floruitshow (我用什么把你留住 - 福禄寿)
(conveniently I have actually done a full translation of this song!)
definitely one of the Maxim songs of all time
"You’ve believed that you can let your life pass in numbness, but [...] why do your tears fall in the moment of letting go?' YEAH because we've seen so many times how Maxim keeps trying to convince himself that he can stop just caring but it never works
'You say don’t fall in love, yet you’re unwilling to let go' same point, this man is in such denial about how he just can't stop caring
specifically the second verse feels a lot like Maxim waiting for VR-LA to return from Tu'narath
'You stay silent, holding onto starlight as you wait through your darkest hour. Your mind is struck, when familiar murmurs pierce your ears once more' aaaAAAAHH
the bridge (?) as a conversation between VR-LA and Maxim, VR-LA inviting Maxim to see the beauty and wonders of the world ('Do you want to see the sea of flowers blooming?', very 4.5 wedding invite honestly) but Maxim's trauma just would not allow him to take that risk ('If none of them come back, then who should I live for?')
fun fact the second version of the bridge in my translation ('You must stay to see the flowers bloom' onwards) is exclusive to that live performance of the song so it's not in the spotify version i linked here. as for which version you think fits Maxim more.. well.
Borrow - Mao Buyi (借 - 毛不易)
finally banging out a translation for this song was kinda the inspiration for me to make this post actually
the tldr of this song is that it's an unnamed/unidentified speaker asking to borrow various small things for the sake of somebody else (like 'an inch of frozen sunlight' to provide warmth in a cold world) so you can probably see where i'm going with this
'A simple ‘we have plenty of time’ etched into the soul to prepare for the chance of forced separation' ouch ow okay
'Those blown apart by these winds will say that they never loved deeply' / 'There is a sincerity that cannot be blown apart by this wind' DX-TR betraying the old crew vs VR-LA fighting through so much just to get them back
'There are tears that cannot be washed away by this rain' this line just haunts me. like in general
'An acre of land for him to call home, an ordinary life for him to live' as MR-SN watching over the old crew like I can't be there for you but I hope you will find peace and a home...
#rolling with difficulty#rwd starship#rwd professionals#my feel good hobby! as opposed to art: my feel bad hobby /j#im actually learning to play how can i make you stay on the guitar right now its a lot of fun but ow my fingers#ive also found a score for him but its super outside my skill level so we'll see how that goes#bmadd11 my beloathed#/also/ working on a little something based on that song but that wont... come into play for at least the next few weeks so#its an absolute monster of a project and school has started so i dont have high hopes for getting it done soon#i dont think i got to mention this on the actual post for borrow but ive literally been spinning that song in my brain since like 2020#genuinely. i've been thinking about how to translate that song for upwards of 3 years#grammar is just weird sometimes#i was gonna include let's go wandering by bibi zhou but i couldve SWORN i wrote a translation for that song before i just cant FIND it#spent 30 minutes hunting for the doc in my drive thats 30 minutes of my life wasted#but 'lets go wandering with a smile because we carry our home in our hearts' just fucks severely#also considered including forget your sorrows when the flowers bloom by zhou shen#bc im not gonna make a cpop post and *not* try and subject more poeple to zhou shen#but like that songs vibe is too... cottagecore to really make a good point there im just obsessed with one specific line#'If my memories are stolen and I forget all my love; I'll say to you “Hello!”#post amnesia vrla to the old crew??? the 'i dont know you. id love to get to know you again' of it all????#did this instead of my programming homework :|
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gorgynei · 10 months
banged my head against a wall for around 2 hours (trying to beat the calid godskin apostle) before realizing im not using the greatest build. im switching from a blood infused uchi to the bloodhounds fang. on top of just being a great weapon it also helps to learn the curved greatsword moveset before i get morgott's sword later on
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
is knives closer to brad than luida? does she remind him of rem too much?
So much to say about this one and please re-ask it (or I'll rb it) further down the line when we know more!
I can say now that Knives hero worships Brad a bit while he's closer to actual friends with Luida. Which doesn't necessarily equal closeness either way. I think you can tell this already by how often Knives thinks about what Brad would do and what he would say if he was there. They have a very unique relationship that's probably my favorite in the fic, and it was hard to write so I hope it lands how I want it to land.
It's interesting writing a main character of Trigun who's not obsessed with Rem. Knives was more mature than Vash, and as happens frequently in families with a high needs kid like Vash he got a little promoted to part-time caregiver (he also promoted himself, to be fair), so he had a more mature relationship with Rem than Vash ever did. So he's not as obsessed with her pacifism, which means that Knives is pacifist for different reasons in a different way. In a. You know. 'Cold turkey' way.
I never got much chance to explore this, but Vash is absolutely still obsessed with Rem. I couldn't see any situation where Vash didn't do exactly what he thought Rem would want. Which severely affected me writing him because that means that he has to have a baseline level of Space Alien Scifi Insanity for that to be part of his mental schema for the world. Jonestowning a city and telling himself that Rem would want him to do that means that this baseline level has to be extremely high.
This fic was. Really tricky. So tricky. Very tricky. I'm proud of it but MAN you still have to wonder if you did what you wanted to do.
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nejackdaw · 4 months
Thinking about that time in our first campaign my character's dad (adoptive, a very important baron) almost died.
Apparently, he was supposed to. He was not supposed to survive contact with the lich. Don't even ask me how or why we got to the lich, genuinely all I remember is panicking because all of a sudden he had like five hit points and as the party schemer I had two thoughts that erased my awareness of everything else: (1) MY FUCKING DAD (2) THIS LICH IS GOING TO KILL US.
See, my job is finding ways to get us out of things, and as a wizard, I was well equipped to handle that. Except thought one, "MY FUCKING DAD," took priority over EVERYTHING ELSE. My little wizard was orphaned and down his only brother. This guy was all he had. His whole world. World's #1 dad.
... And the lich almost one shot him. He was collapsed on the ground and struggling for breath. This did not register as a cinematic moment to me because I was PANICKING. We roll initiative.
The lich rolls highest. I'm frantically looking through my notes to see what's available to me. Tries to kill me, too. Counterspell.
My turn. Throwing ALL CAUTION to the wind, plan only vaguely half formed, I run up to the baron and tell the DM I'm going to drag him back to the party.
"Your speed is halved from carrying him. You can't make it in 15 feet."
There's dead silence. Everyone is waiting for my response. Seconds of silence. "What are you going to do?" (DM speak for "please hurry up.")
"... I'm a tabaxi. I can make it in 30."
I double my movement speed and drag him back there anyway, to the confused relief of the party. Our sponsor (MY FUCKING DAD) is safe for right this second, but how are we going to fight a LICH?
"Anything else?"
"... I have a scroll of teleport in my bag. And I'm within 10 feet of everyone." Most importantly, I'd DUCKED BEHIND A WALL OF BARRELS AND CRATES so the motherfucker couldn't see me to counterspell.
There's dead silence for a few moments. The voice chat proceeds to blast my eardrums with excited cheering and laughing. The DM and I both pull up the spell. "Roll for it. Where are you going?"
I roll a 99. We vanish from the lich's lair and are deposited, battered, bleeding, without guidance, in the charred, crumbled ruins of what had been the baron and I's residence. (It had not been that way until very recently. It was news to me.) There's relieved silence. There's an emotional reunion in what remains of our living room. I cast Tiny Hut in a defensible corner of the ruins after we all chat and we get what sleep we can.
(The DM would later confess that the baron wasn't supposed to survive and he had to change his plans now lol. We were supposed to be cut off from all resources at that point. My dad showed up in the final fight since he'd survived TWO murder attempts [ig the BBEG was the third lmao] and, well. I schemed then, too.)
#dnd#LET ME TELL YOU#the utter SILENCE. after 'you cant make it'#my heart was POUNDING. there was NOTHING to me other than this situation i was blind to the world#the DESPERATION when i remembered im a tabaxi and YES i COULD#but there were still other variables i had to account for#positioning. THE LICH. would the spell even work? where would we end up? we were out of almost everything#would i just drop us into another danger and it was all for nothing?#UGH#'i can make it in 30' i have never sounded so determined about ANYTHING in my LIFE#other schemes include 'suggest spell the enemy wizard give me his spell focus'#(he was too high level for us to fight but they wouldnt run. session ended mid combat and i spent the week plotting)#(roughly the decision was 'well he thinks were friends [charmed] and im ALSO a wizard so he wouldnt see an issue')#(dm had the spell wear off as soon as i grabbed it and we. two WIZARDS. played tug of war with the staff)#there was also 'i dont think we can destroy this magic rune about to explode but i can turn the table its on to ash'#not to mention 'hey i dont think we can fight that giant. phantasmal force loser' (we were in a narrow mountain pass)#(we were apparently supposed to fight him. the dm just had him show up when we went to go BACK through the pass)#update: it was phantasmal KILLER not force. i needed the fear effect so we could escape. i got the names mixed up#also i won the tug of war and proceeded to never use the magic item#now. the fully charged staff of power. well. thats a different story#rip the bbeg#oh this is. a long post i should add a read more#also on the slim off chance one of you recognizes this post no you didnt im not here
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
psst for my stream regulars
How does the idea of me starting streams at like 1:30PM (EST) sound. i’ll still plan to run them to like 5:00PM (EST) but now its more definite it’ll actually end then opposed to accidentally going on until like. 7:30PM (EST)
Also im on mobile so i cant make a poll so you gotta let me know through like a comment or somethin ok ty
#snap chats#maybe end even sooner at like 4:50 idk point is how does this sound...#ik everyone shows up for the 3:30 time but im also wondering if 1 is just really too early for some people#maaaaybe 2 if not ???#reason for the time switch is that my moms starting to like. actually use our gym equipment now#and all of thats in the basement. Where I Hang Out#and she’s been getting home just a bit earlier nowadays so im tryig to play it safe#i dont want this arrangement to be permanent and if things go my way for once it shouldnt be#but just for now..#if its not alright then i’ll prob have to pause on streaming for a bit#not forever just. A Bit until i get some personal things sorted#‘personal things’ Wow So Im Not Oversharing For Once leave me ALONE its a complicated situation so we’re going with Personal Things#ok im gonna enjoy my walk. or try to#my therapist is making me take my blood pressure daily and yesterday it was like#149/107 or something and i was like ‘yeah i might as well have high blood pressure’#luckily. or unluckily to me i just took my blood pressure wrong#‘snap how the fuck do you manage that’ I Am Very Stupid. I Am An Idiot Even anyway i didnt know i had to sit POINT IS#took it today and it was actually a Normal reading but man it Would Not be unbelievable if i had HBP#when my dad was with my mom he had HBP all the time and as soon as he got out he was at a normal level... lol...#ok enough rambling bye#im lying I Had That bout myself cause theres a stereotype with filipinos#where bitches just Cannot Say Goodbye like fam will say ‘bye’ and talk another ten minutes and i keep proving it true ENOUGH#BYE FR THIS TIME PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW WE FEEL BOUT THIS TIME SHIFT
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zouisalmightie · 4 months
#im going to use these tags as a way to beat my soul about my job so if you come at me you’re a bitch and i hope you stub each individual to#i finally realized why im unhappy being a teacher and it’s because i don’t care about the future of these kids more than the cursory#‘I hope theyre ok’ you would feel for any stranger in the world#like i want to harm to come to them but i truly don’t care about them#like the kid that sleeps in class ? my thought is finally he’s fucking quiet the kid that’s got a 2% and doesn’t pay attention im like#whatever like im not motivated to get them motivated and if I wasn’t the kind of person that cared about her work id give them worksheets#for the rest of the year making them silently work while I r ead books all day#like I feel like at the beginning I did the calling home and the tutoring and the flipping over backwards to get as many of the kids to#their reading level and ensure they’re getting a great history lesson that’s going to reach every student and now im like#this is the lesson and if you like it great if you don’t idc you can pay attention or fail it’s on you#and part of me feels bad like I should want to dress up like x figure and get them engaged by doing xyz and like I just don’t want to#it’s like what’s the point im going to engage the same 9 kids in each class while the other 21 pretend to#pay attention while they’re texting under their desk and then they’re going to try to google or use ai the answers#and im like…. whatever i dont care turn it in don’t turn it in whatever#ik too young to feel this apathetic about teaching and it suck but also oof I don’t care#I want to quit at the end of the year before my apathy turns into hatred I’ve seen teachers that hate hate the kids and that can’t be me#like even if I stayed for 30 years it wouldn’t be me but the idea of it scares me#I don’t want this job to change who I am as a person but it’s taking away my care for the younger generation#I don’t hate them or wish them ill but I just genuinely don’t care about them or their progress or anything#it’s scary#anyways im rambling idk im just having a bad day ill see this tomorrow and be like wow girl get a snickers cuz this isn’t you#but rn that’s how im feeling
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abyssaldyke · 9 months
Every school office lady in the world should make a hundred thousand dollars a second
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rubys-domain · 9 months
maybe sumeru being the fucking massive nation that it is is a blessing in disguise. so i always have a place to do chill exploration when i get sick of my artifact luck
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i have almost 2 million mora just off exploration#all the better to fund my journey to triple crowned lyney#also i'm sitting at tree of dreams level 30 right now#since i'm not getting any dream solvent from weeklies#i figured i should just farm dendro sigils and get 1 dream solvent plus a bow billet for a guaranteed r1#also also#since i got sayu on main while trying to pull for freminet#(yeah risky move i know. but i have no self-control okay. plus i'm still at like 20-ish pity and i'm on a 50/50)#(anyways.)#i've been using her in my exploration team obviously. and i've been leveling her so she can be an actual healer at the same time#so once again i need maguu kenki drops. which i was dreading#but i took my lyney team to fight it#and oh boy#it was almost /easy/#i think it took less than a minute to beat. which is a first for me#and this is with 5/4/4 talents and 2pc 2pc berserker/glad and a level 80 ibis piercer#(granted his supports are actually fairly well-built which helps a ton but still)#(also jsyk im just using the ibis piercer while i grind to get midlander bow billets okay. i obviously know its not a great weapon for him)#(and i don't have to say anything about my marechaussee luck i hope)#tangent,but i tested out teams in the sumeru weapon mats domain because i honestly forgot what was in there#and turns out that just benny and kazu are enough to clear it. yeah. just the two of them. lyney didn't even have a chance to deal damage#on the one hand,that's great for friendship farming. on the other hand,bruh.
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Ruler reached....
OK! So....my Tricolor binge! It wasn’t AS bad as I thought it’d be at first. I had a good time.....but....here’s the thing.....
I understand WHY mirror match Tricolors exist, I guess....Now that there’s a mode where you’re guaranteed to play them rather than waiting like before, it makes sense why they’d prioritize getting you in games ASAP, even it they’re mirrors. People just wanna play. I get that.....but.....h-here’s the thing.....
I don’t think it’s cool to go outta my way to play these cool things that’re supposed to be the main draw of Splatfests, only to be rewarded with barely any clout from a sizeable number of my matches? I think that’s kinda dumb!? I wanna play Tricolor, but I also wanna help my team consistently, and I shouldn’t have to CHOOSE!
Like I said, it wasn’t ALL mirrors. I did get a few matches against the other teams. It’s just that I don’t like getting, like, four mirrors in a row. Especially since I’ve been playing well today. I don’t like being rewarded with scraps for that. XD
S-sorry for ranting.....I....I just- I’m not sure how cool I am with this. I wish it was possible to get Tricolors from Open, just not guaranteed, like before, and the guaranteed option (with the possibility of giving you mirrors) is just another option for players who just wanna play. I-I dunno if I’m in the minority on that, but.....yeah. That’s just how I feel....
Now, on to how I’ve been doing.....MUCH better than I expected! I played about half-and-half charger and Splatana Wiper, and surprisingly, I got a lotta good matches with my charger! O.O So much for it being bad at this....Um, maybe I just got lucky, but still.....
There’s one thing to note tho: Y’know how players always complained about how hard defending is? Well, now that I’ve had the chance to play a good bit of both positions back to back.....
I officially think defending is more fun than attacking. I’m sorry. I’m scum. XD
I dunno why, but I had a better time defending! I consistently felt more safe and secure doing that, with both weapons, while attacking was more of a crapshoot. Maybe it’s Mako, maybe it’s just my playstyle lending me to feel less pressure with more teammates, maybe it’s just good luck with teams, but yeah, defending got me better results. I think I only won a single-digit number of matches on attacking teams (not counting the times I came second).
But overall, even tho I had too many mirrors, I had a blast for the most part! And even with the mirror problem, I think that’ll be something I’ll get used to. Like....maybe it’ll be better for me to not spend a whole session in Tricolors again? But rather, just a few matches in a row in-between regular matches? It’s a thought.....but I enjoyed binging it today, so no regrets. XD
Maybe I’ll come back one more time before the fest ends, and do some regular matches to make up for lost clout. Depends on how I’m feeling later.
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
grinding in TWST en sucks sm now that ik what grinding in TWST jp is like
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