#(also. as much of an asshole Charles became.. he deserved so much more. look how they've massacred my boy.)
headroom-moods · 1 year
Finished reading TSH and all I can summarize is that as soon as it hit book 2, it immediately turned into an IASIP episode, Charles LITERALLY turned into Dennis Reynolds, Francis got the Clive Durham treatment, and Henry and Richard became an implicative version of Hannibal and Will (*clears throat* cue Richard recalling Julian’s mention of Achilles and Patroclus, followed by his dream synopsis meeting Henry again.. Seriously never beating the Achilles and Patroclus allegations LMFAO.)
As for Camilla, she genuinely became the most normal out of all of them (thankfully). Good for her.
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thecringeler · 3 years
Not Allowed (Part One)
But anyway, please enjoy this and excuse my shitty grammar/spelling
“Where did you want this again?”
Linda turned around to the familiar voice. “Oh over there.” She pointed to an empty corner of the apartment. Susan nodded and carried the box to that corner.
Linda had called Susan in a mist of a crying meltdown, telling her that she was leaving Felix and moving to Hurricane and she asked Susan to help her pack. Even though Susan had just gotten off work, she said yes, and drove her here.
And now here they are…
All alone in an apartment she rented.
Damn it, it wasn’t even a good apartment.
She could hear everything her neighbour’s did, the bathroom was the most disgusting thing she ever saw, and it smelt horrid. But it was something in her budget and allowed cats, so she couldn’t complain.
She suddenly felt a fluffy present rub against her leg. “Ah, speak of the devil…”
A red fluffy tom-cat mewed at her. Linda smiled and picked him up. “Hello Todd~” she scratched his head. Todd purred in response. 
“How’s  the little weirdo?” Susan walked over to where Linda was holding Todd, noticing the tom cat.
“He is doing fine!”
“Well, he threw up in my car, so I hope so.”
“Heh- yeah, sorry about that-“
“Eh, I forgive him.”
Susan scratched his ear as well. “He is too cute for me to be upset with~” 
Linda looked up at Susan. They had quite a height difference, with Susan being the taller one. And… she was close to her. She noticed Susan had an arm around her shoulder, almost pulling her closer to her. It made her feel a certain way-
She pulled away from her grip. “Anyway-“
She let Todd go to get used to his new temporary home. 
“We should take a break! Well, mostly you-“ she chuckled. “You… did the majority of the work..” Susan scoffed playfully. “I try, I try.”
Linda felt the temptation to straighten her hair under Susan’s gaze. Just to look nicer. She held her arms together, not knowing what to do with her hands.
“Well, we can get some alcohol! I stole some of Felix’s collection.” She pulled out a box full of alcohol. 
“Linda Thompson!” Susan laughed. “I never met this part of you! Stealing alcohol from your ex?”
“He deserves it.” She said matter-of-factly. “Now: pass me the corkscrew.”
The other woman rolled her eyes and looked through the boxes of utensils. “Christ were is this damned thing-“
“It’s under the steak knives.” Linda said;  pulling out a Charles Shaw red wine. 
After a few moments of searching, Susan FINALLY found the corkscrew. She mumbled a mixture of swears under her breath and got up to sit by Linda, handing her it to her. “Thank you.” Linda responded.
She placed the screw part  into the cork of the red wine, making sure it went in deep, and pulled.
“Holy moley-“ this was harder than she thought. 
“You need help?”
“No im go-“ with that: she pulled off the cork, making a huge mess on her shirt. She scoffed. “That was my favourite blouse! Agggggh…” Susan chuckled.
 “Quiet you.” Linda sighed. “You pour the glasses. I’ll be back.” 
“K. Can do.” Susan gave her a playful wink. It had no romantic and especially sexual hint to it, but it made her face feel warm still.
Linda speed walked to her bedroom. It was messy, still having boxes unpacked. She didn’t trust the wardrobe. She had noticed mold on the bottom of one of the drawers, and she wasn’t going to risk ruining all her clothes so they wouldn't get wrinkled. 
She grabbed a red blouse out of a box labeled “shirts/blouses” on it with black marker. Obviously. Linda sighed and took off her ruined blouse, and replaced it with the new one.
She walked out, and Susan was waiting for her with a glass of red wine. She smiled. 
Linda sat down beside her. They both deadass decided to just drink on the floor, on a dirty ass yellow mat. She looked over at Susan’s half empty wine glass.
“Christ, you drank all that in a few minutes?”
“It’s good wine! You should have a sip” she passed Linda’s glass to her.
“Oh. Okay..”
Linda placed the glass to her lips, taking a sip. It… tasted like wine. Honestly; she could never tell the difference between any types of wines. It all just tasted the same. But Susan waited for her response.
“It’s… wine-“ she laughed nervously.
Susan gave her a hearty laugh, downing her glass right away. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
Linda's face turned even MORE red. “Um I guess-“ she played with a lock of her hair. “Why-why do you ask?” Susan shrugged. “You just look cute.”
Linda downed her glass immediately, hoping if she got drunk it would make this experience less weird for her-
Susan laughed at the face she made. 
“I’m not used to wine, okay??” She passed her glass to her to refill it. “Felix usually drinks it all-“
It felt weird to talk about Felix, but it also made her feel better, in a strange way.
“Years of being married to an alcoholic asshole! God, I wasted my life. Remind me to never do that again-“
Susan laughed again. “Heh. I'll try.”
Linda took a swing of her glass. “Oh boy the shit I have on him!”
“Do tell~”
“Okay so-“ 
The two women shit- talked about Felix for about 5 minutes. Both of them had years of shit on the man, and hoo BOY DID THEY NEED TO RELEASE IT. Both of them became drunk, laughing and clinging onto each other. They slowly got more… touchy with each other.
It was mostly Linda leaning onto her in a sort of romantic way. Like holding onto Susan's arm while settling her head on her shoulders. 
“You know…” Linda sighed. “I don’t even remember the last time Felix kissed me… And sex, that was non existent-“ She laughed to herself, taking another sip of wine. This was her fourth glass. Susan just listens to her, having her own fourth glass. 
“……” Linda looked up at her. Gosh… Susan was so nice… she was smart, kind, honest, and.. 
“You… you are handsome.”
It was time for Susan to get flustered. “Wha-“
She traced her strong cheekbones with her thumb, and Susan seemed to melt in her hands. She even grabbed Linda's hands, and kissed them gently. God this was making both of their stomachs flutter. 
Then Linda decided to rip off the bandaid and pulled Susan into a kiss.
The kiss only lasted a few moments.
Linda finally let her go, holding Susan’s shoulders tightly. They spent a few moments just looking at each other. Red lipstick smeared on Susan’s lips. 
“OHMYGOODNESSIDIDNTMEANTODOTHATIMSOSORRY-“ she let go of Susan’s shoulders and almost fell backwards. Her face was fully red, but it wasn’t like you could tell: she hid her face in her hands, too ashamed to even look at her.
Though Susan was in a state of shock.
“I- um-“ that was the only thing she could say. Her brain was fried, while Linda was apologizing over and over again.
“I’m so so so sorry I don’t know what want through me that why I don’t drink I guess heh but seriously I’m not gay or anything you are just really handsome and everything and sweet and you were so close-“
She only stopped by Susan kissing her again. 
Linda’s hands hovered over Susan’s waist, not being able to move her body. Her face felt on fire- Thi-is was wrong-
But despite every nerve in her brain telling her to stop, she kissed back. She felt hands go through her curly hair. Her own hands were wrapped around Susan’s lower back.
The mixture of the wine and Susan’s own taste made it seem so much more pleasurable. 
But slowly, it started to get more passionate. Hands would claw at hair and skin, trying to get as much of skin friction. 
It slowly got… erotic. But Linda didn’t stop. She didn’t want to stop it. It got so far that Linda had let her into her bedroom.
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bubbashawn · 4 years
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author: Here’s my first completed request!! Also this is day 7 or 8 of me posting in a row so I’m patting myself on the back. Hope y’all like it and yes it mentions the “pr” stunt w/ Camila so don’t attack me
synopsis: You overhear something you should’ve known all along. But why does Shawn care? He’s the one who threw 5 years away. Throw in a New Year’s Eve Party and everything is bound to go haywire.
warning: requested by anon. Forgive me I swore lol but really it falls in my brand so 2k of angst to fluff :)
“Baby, I love you.”
“Yeah well maybe you should’ve thought about that before Miami!”
“It’s all a PR stunt, Y/N. I don’t get it! Why is this such a big deal to you? That all means shit to me! You know that!”
“Because you didn’t tell me, Shawn,” your eyes started watering but you ignored them, “because I had to explain to my family why your tongue was down some other girls throat and I didn’t know how to because you didn’t tell me!”
Shawn knew a fake relationship would go haywire, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to love you right if he was pretending to love some other girl. Shawn knew what would happen and yet here he was. Standing, begging, in front of you to stay with him because he didn’t think he could ever lose you.
“Honey, you know I love you.”
“Saying I love you isn’t going to fucking fix anything!”
It was true. He loved you so much that he didn’t consider that you’d end things, not when you were so in love with each other. His stupid ego was causing havoc while you cried in his kitchen with your key resting on his counter.
You loved him too much. This hurt too much.
You had that key since he first bought his condo, he remembered the two of you moving him out of his family home. You also used to have a key for there. The two of you had met back in Pickering before Handwritten, before Vine even and your relationship had guided the two of you through your rising fame. You were the one constant in his life, his love for you the only thing keeping him grounded through it all.
“I’m done. I won’t be made a fool and the paparazzi probably will be here soon, so I’m just going to leave.”
“Bye Shawn, have a nice life.”
You felt arms shift around your waist and your eyes snapped open. It was just a dream. Except it wasn’t because it wasn’t Shawn’s arms wrapped around you or his cologne covered pillow your head rested on. It was your boyfriend’s.
Not Shawn’s.
Collin must have noticed you shift in his bed because his crystal eyes were staring down at you. He had the sharpest blue eyes you had ever seen, a stark contrast to the familiar hazel.
Collin Bradford had been perfect.
He was what any girl like you could dream of. He wasn’t famous which was foremost the best because you didn’t have to deal with a rivalry about who’s better. He understood your strange hours and never complained about the red carpets or photographers. He was happy to let you take the spotlight. ENews was obsessed with him, not that you blamed them, Collin was by far the most attractive man you had been with since Shawn.
Collin Bradford had been perfect, until he wasn’t.
Once he got comfortable in the relationship he started letting all the new attention get to his head. He became flirty and arrogant. He was the golden boy of Hollywood and he always claimed to love you, so you let him stay in your life. When the cheating scandal happened you let him back in. And the 2 after that. Funny how you let him make you seem like a fool when you’d broken Shawn’s heart for the same reason.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. What time is it?”
“Almost 6. Do you need to get up?”
“Mmm,” you hummed in agreement, “I’ve got that interview with Spanish Vogue in three hours.”
Carol, your stylist, would kill you if you weren’t sitting in front of her within the next hour. You rose to your feet ignoring the ache that Shawn always massaged out of your back.
“Want an espresso?”
“No, don’t bother,” you smiled back at him, “let at least one of you enjoy a morning in bed.”
“Want to get me one?”
“Sure thing.”
“You’re the best Baby,” his face was hidden in his phone before you could say another word. That was his way of saying he’s done with this conversation.
You walked out of the bedroom and hurried to make your boyfriend his drink before scurrying back to place it by his head. He didn’t acknowledge you.
“We have Hailey Bieber’s New Year’s Eve Party tonight. You still want to come?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there.”
You were out the door by 6:10, accustomed to the tight schedule. It was two and a half hours when you noticed a 6’2” frame with curly hair towering over you. You didn’t dare look up until you saw his swallow tattoo emitting an unwanted gasp from your throat. Carol looked at you weirdly but your eyes were trained on pointed Chelsea boots that were hesitantly shuffling towards your seated figure.
“Y/N,” he sounded the same, honey smooth like the rest of him, “Y/N?”
Your gaze lifted from the ground where he stood, up his body and past the undone buttons of his shirt until you stopped on the hazel eyes from your distant memories.
“Wow, Hi,” he was staring, “it’s been what, 2 years?”
“Just about. 2 years at the end of next month.”
Shawn didn’t pay attention to the nervous quake in your voice and if he did he didn’t make any moves to soothe your mind. He just remained mere feet away and looking down at you.
You hated that you could see the love behind his irises. He had put you through so much even after you left. Shawn hadn’t broken up with Camila for another 8 months after yours. That’s why you didn’t run back to him.
“Wha-what’re you doing here?”
“Oh, um I have an interview about my new work.”
“I heard about that. Congratulations by the way.”
He was still staring and watched you shift off the chair to stand before him. Shawn wasn’t paying mind to how close you two actually were until the air between you was mixing. You took his breath away, literally.
“Are you still with that asshole, Charles?”
“Charles? You mean Collin?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Then yes, yes I am.”
“Why? Didn’t he cheat on you?”
“Keeping tabs on me?”
He was growing frustrated with your stubbornness.
“Believe it or not, I still love you, Y/N. And I hate seeing you get hurt, especially by some guy who doesn’t deserve you!”
“And who deserves me? You? Shawn, the whole reason I was in this relationship to start was to get you out of my head,” your eyes were tearing up just like that night years ago, “because believe it or not, you hurt me first.”
Carol, bless her soul, gave an apologetic smile towards Shawn for interrupting your conversation and began walking you towards your interview.
“Honey, you okay?”
You nodded your head trying to piece your mind together before some poor interviewer talked to you.
“It was hard not to listen in,” she smiled softly, “but if you want my thoughts, I think he was telling the truth.”
You looked into her eyes searching for answers that you already knew.
“He loves you, Y/N, and I think you love him too.”
With one final look to make sure her observations got through to you, Carol opened the door and guided you towards your manager.
The interview went fine and before you know it, it was over. You spaced out one too many times, you were sure, but it was over and done with. A photo shoot followed so you would have a cover image on Spanish Vogue and before you knew it the sun was setting.
After a long day filled with too many people and the run-in with Shawn, the last thing on your mind was New Years. You had honestly forgotten about it until you got a slew of texts all talking about the plans for the evening. Everyone was going to show up around 10 and the night would progress from there.
You, however, wouldn’t leave the Vogue building until 11:20.
“Your dress is in the car so you’ll have to change in the back which is why I made sure the car would have a partition. And Collin can help you, okay?”
Collin would not be helping if you had a say in anything.
“Thank you, Carol, enjoy the holiday!”
“You too.”
You slipped into the Bentley waiting by the glass doors ignoring the flashes of cameras. And quickly pulled your dress from the door before turning to your boyfriend expectantly.
“Go up to the passenger seat.”
“It’s not like I haven’t seen you strip before,” he chuckled, eyeing the silky minidress in your hand, “is that even a full dress? Like I’m actually going to let you walk out of here in that.”
“Go to the fucking front and you haven’t had a worthy opinion about anything in the last 8 months because you cheated on me so get out.”
He glared at you but didn’t have any excuse. What could he say to you? Sorry? Collin hopped out ignoring the questions and the shouts about his scandals and sat in the front next to your driver. He glowered even more, if that’s possible, when the divider screen went up.
The party was in full blast by the time you had arrived. With only ten minutes until midnight everyone was bustling to reach their lover or any stranger with a decent pair of lips. Everyone was drunk, and if not absolutely hammered then tipsy. Not one person was standing without leaning on something for support.
“Collin, I’m ge-”
Your boyfriend who was minutes ago standing behind you was now leaning against the kitchen counter between some pretty girl’s thighs. His lips sipping from her solo cup before latching on her neck. Shocker.
Shawn was surely the only person aware of his surroundings and though no one else paid mind to you slipping into the party looking absolutely gorgeous except him. No one noticed the asshole behind you sneaking off to fuck some model. No one noticed your unsurprised yet hurt expression.
No one noticed except him.
He’d be lying to say he hadn’t been watching the front door since he arrived, looking for your familiar face. He was elated when you walked through the door because despite the fact that every time you two spoke it resulted in a fight, he still missed you. Had Shawn been a man with any common sense he would’ve shut down the whole pr relationship concept before it even became a possibility. But he hadn’t and then he lost the most important person in his life.
He made his way through the crowd offering friendly greetings to the drunk party goers before he was standing feet away from you again.
This time however your eyes didn’t shy away like they had earlier that day. No, they watched his gaze flicker across your entire being drinking you in.
“Hi,” your voice was breathless.
“Hey,” his hands found your waist.
“Are you drunk?”
“No,” he smiled before repeating your question back at you, already knowing the answer.
“Are you drunk?”
Shawn’s lips were pressed against your own and he tasted the same as when he was 16. It was like his eyes, pure honey, just so undeniably sweet. You wondered how you didn’t wander back to him like an addict during your 2 years of deprivation.
“Happy New Years, Baby.”
His mouth latched to yours again not wanting to pull apart longer than he had to.
“We still,” you whimpered when your lips separated again as he looked down at you, “we still have to talk about this. About us.”
“As long as there is an us, I’ll talk to you forever. And you have to break things off with that asshole.”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed against his lips.
“You’re my honey. You’re my sweet, sweet honey.”
“You sure you aren’t drunk?”
“Not drunk,” he couldn’t help but smile against your lips, “just happy. Really fucking happy.”
permanent tag list: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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echotrinityme · 3 years
Foolish Chapter 7: A Reveal and A Rescue
Rupert groaned and he opened his eyes, however blinding lights caused him to close them. He tried to sit up but pain quickly shot up and he force to lie back down.
"Hey, he's awake." said a voice, and a bunch other voices followed suit.
He opened his eyes and saw his vision was blurry cause he saw blurry figures, he rubbed his eyes and saw the blurry figures were Charles, Ellie, Galeforce, and Dave. The Bukowski twins were also there, they heard what happened so they went to med bay to check up on Rupert.
"Hey Rupert." said Charles, calmly but his face and eyes suggested he was not calm.
"Price." said Galeforce, firmly. His voice sounded angry and Rupert looked at him in fear. "Mr. Panpa told us what happened, is it true?"
Rupert looked around everyone and spotted Dave standing a few feet away from him, he was all bandaged up and was given a new set of clothes cause his old ones was matted and dirty. He was also looking at Rupert, his face was full of sadness and disappointment.
"Yes." replied Rupert, nodding his head and he felt an amount of guilt and remorse.
Why did he let Henry get kidnapped? Does part of him is still angry at Henry and letting the Toppats take Henry as revenge?
"Why?" questioned Charles, lowly. He was trembling and giving Rupert the most hostile glare that anyone has never seen before.
Rupert recoiled in fear and shock, he never seen Charles this angry before. Ellie also looked angry while the twins had confused looks on their faces, Dave and Galeforce had disappointment looks on their faces, Rupert sighed sadly and he knew he was screwed no matter what.
"I...don't know." admitted Rupert, sadly and softly. Everyone groaned angrily and Galeforce shook his head in anger, he was very disappointed in Rupert.
Rupert wondered if he should tell them about his relationship with Henry in the process, but with all of this happening he should tell them. Rupert knows everyone will either hate him or do something much worse.
"Guys...there's something else I need to tell you." said Rupert, he sat up as he spoke. Everyone glanced at him, they wondered on what he's gonna tell them.
"I sorta...been using Henry." muttered Rupert, he bowed his head down in shame.
"What do you mean you been using Henry?" demanded Ellie, in anger.
"I have been sleeping with him."
"WHAT!?" everyone said in unison.
"And he sorta developed feelings for me in the process but I broke his heart."
Everyone calmed down for a bit but now were pissed off at Rupert. Calvin, who was listening to the whole conversation silently panicked. That night, he found Henry crying while trying to find a place to do pranks had his heart broken by Rupert. He also took Henry back to his tent and spent a passionate night together, Calvin felt remorseful about that night.
"That's...really bad Rupert." said Charles, trembling. He wanted to punch Rupert but refrained himself from doing it, Ellie also wanted to punch him.
"How long have you guys been doing this?" spoke Dave, for the first time since the conversation started.
"Before I quit the police force, our first time was in my police car..." admitted Rupert, shamefully. His face turned red and he put his hat to hide his face. Dave was surprised at that statement, he never thought Rupert could do that for a while now.
Rupert explained more on the situation and let's just say if looks can kill, he'll be already six feet under. After he was done, he wanted to die. Charles and Ellie wanted to beat the shit out of him, Dave and Galeforce were disappointed in him, and the twins were neutral. However, Rupert noticed Calvin was more nervous as he told the story.
Rupert wanted to ask him something until Charles left the med bay swiftly, Ellie followed him soon after that. Galeforce stiffly tells Rupert to rest and left the room, the twins had to go to do some chores. Dave was the only one there but he wasn't looking at Rupert, he was rubbing himself as he was cold. Dave finally glanced up at him and he stared at him in annoyance.
"I know he was thief and he caused us a lot of trouble...but what you did to him was wrong." murmured Dave. "He didn't deserved it. And you know it, don't you."
"Yeah." replied Rupert, sullenly.
Charles and Ellie worked with the General to come up with a plan to get Henry back, while Rupert rested. Dave went back home and with Jacob Rose, everyone by now had heard what happened and now Rupert is getting glares from everyone including Charles and Ellie. Konrad is trying to be friendly to him but Calvin was being nervous around him.
In a few days, they finally figured out a plan, however they were worried for Henry. What were they doing to him? What do they want with him? Charles wanted to just go and smash his helicopter but he knows that won't work, he was still angry at Rupert for using Henry like that.
That explains why they were so awkward with each other before, and it makes sense why Henry wouldn't tell them about this. He was probably embarrassed and Rupert did admit that he fallen in love with him, yet Rupert rejected him but why? Did Rupert already had feelings for someone else?
He sighed dejectedly, he will have to ask Rupert later.
Meanwhile with Henry, he was sitting in the same cell that Dave was in before. He was laying down on the floor, sobbing silently. As soon as he was in the airship, he was met by the leader the clan; his name was Reginald Copperbottom. He knew him cause he overthrew the last leader, his dad Terrence Suave. Apparently, Reginald knows him by his crimes but not by his dad.
He wanted him to join them but he refused, so to punish him for refusing him, he put him to a cell. His eyes stung cause of his excess crying, he ceased his sobbing and wiped his tears dry. When Right Hand Man told Reginald how he managed to get Henry, Reginald mocked Henry for his naivety. He even called him a fool to be in love, Reginald apparently looked into his private life and found that he was being used by Rupert.
"Hey." said an monotone voice. Henry stood up to see a Toppat member wearing a tophat but had headphones jammed through it, he was wearing a poker face expression on his face.
Henry glared at him but quickly turned away from him, the Toppat sighed and he unlocked the cell door. He step inside and Henry took a few steps back, he got a good look of the man in front of him. He was also wearing a more fancy suit but not as fancy as RHM's and Reginald's, he was in the Higher ups but not as high.
"My name is Burt Curtis." he introduced himself. "I'm the Head of the Communications."
Henry didn't say anything but kept glaring at him, Burt sighed again and he sat down on the floor. Henry paused then decided to sit next him, they didn't say anything for a few minutes.
"You're not the only who experienced that kind of pain." murmured Burt, as he closed his eyes.
Henry glanced at him and saw that he was shaking in anger and sadness, he was actually showing emotion. He clutched his fist and Henry thought he saw a tear coming from him, he was still shaking.
"There was this one guy...he was the perfect guy. I wasn't always this emotionless, I fell in love with him and vice versa. I thought we were the perfect couple." wavered Burt, he was trying not cry and Henry could hear in his voice.
"However, he started to change...he became more like an asshole and not the man I fell in love with." he continued, "He started to use me like that guy did to you, it got to the point that I felt like a piece of crap. I wanted to die and kill him at the same time, he kept lying and using me."
"The nightmare finally stopped after he got killed during a raid. At first, I felt nothing... which I should feel something but I didn't, then a couple days later after that I felt a lot of emotions like sadness, anger, happiness, hatred, and spite. I was happy that the relationship was over and sad and mad cause he died before I can do anything."
Henry was listening to him and he felt pity and sadness for the Toppat, he wondered why he was telling him his story.
"After that, I decided to never fall in love again and to keep my emotions inside to keep myself from getting hurt." choked Burt, he was silently crying but stopped himself and he resumed his poker face.
He stood up and went to the entrance of the cell and wiped his eyes quickly. He turned to Henry who was staring off into space and opened the door and closed it, locking it.
"Just think about what I said." said Burt, leaving Henry all alone to contemplate his choices.
Just then he heard sirens and a familiar sound of a helicopter, and he smiled for the first time since he got captured by the Toppats.
Btw I didn’t say this back in the Wattpad but the backstory for Burt actually...happened to me. I don’t want to go into details but that dark time traumatize me.
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amouthfulofforevers · 4 years
For the shyan week’s free day, I decided to make a rec list with my favorite shyan fics I’ve read so far. All these writers are fantastic and deserve all the kudos and comments, I love all these stories!
Fics with a star on the side are big favorites of mine.
if you go down to the woods by Siria | T |  1,752 Words | ☆
The footage shows Ryan Bergara walking into the woods.
The footage shows Ryan Bergara walking out of the woods.
Like You Want To Be Loved by poetdameron | T |  16,535 Words | ☆
"Settle down with me", Shane says without thinking and as Ryan looks at him with wide open eyes, all he can think of it's how many of Ryan's secrets he knows, how Ryan likes his coffee, and the fact that he has loved him since the moment Ryan first looked up at him and smiled.
Early Morning Conversations by idonthavelungs | G |  594 Words
Sleeping in a dead person’s bed in a house that’s probably haunted doesn’t exactly make sleep come easy.
Horror and Chill, Baby by Squeakyshroom | E |  6,206 Words 
Ryan won't chill, so Shane gives him a helping hand.
Or: Ryan's straight but not when Shane touches him like that.
Let the Sunshine Burn Your Eyes by YogurtTime | E |  6,577 Words | ☆
An innocent man of taste and leisure, Ricky Goldsworth, just wants to check into his hotel room, but gets into an altercation with the concierge while a mysterious gentleman in expensive-looking clothes watches nearby.
Kismet. by poetdameron | E | 18,625 Words | ☆
Everyone is born with Gifts. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t ask for it.
Shane never thought he would meet the only person in the world he can touch without killing them, let alone fall for him.
un poco loco by sanjariti | T |  2,468 Words
(told in a linear date timeline)
In which Ryan Steven Bergara loves Shane Alexander Madej so much, he plans their one-year anniversary gift 6 months in advance. But what sort of gift requires so much planning?
And they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates) by Squeakyshroom | E | Chapter 5/5 | Complete |  25,690 Words
Shane and Ryan are roommates who fuck, but with rules.
(Now if only they'd stop breaking all the damn rules)
Por Favor, Sweetheart by carrieonfighting | T |  7,859 Words | ☆
Two dorks raise a baby and don't even realise they're doing it together until it's too late
Alternatively, Ryan Bergara is Trying His Best Thanks
Thursday: Turquoise Taupe by shaniacbergara | G | 3,142 Words
Shane Madej’s hometown is…well, a little bit different than most. He and Ryan take a trip there.
When It Happens by Anotherlostblogger | E |  8,790 Words |☆
At some point Ryan and Shane stopped being just friends. That tension has been there just thrumming under the surface, waiting for the right moment to be released but it’s like a valve, slowly turned so it starts out trickling until they’re caught in the overflow.
in the drift by lorena_estrella | G |  624 Words |☆
After losing his brother in a Kaiju battle, Shane never thought he'll trust anyone again. Then Ryan happened.
Pacific Rim AU
ready if it happens with you by sarcasticfishes | E |  4,319 Words |☆
It’s not a thing. Ryan’s just a little… touch-starved. Intimacy-starved.
Shane passes behind him when he’s sitting at his desk, idly touches Ryan’s shoulder, thumb brushing the curve of his neck — and goosebumps erupt down the length of Ryan’s arms.
In His Brown Eyes by poetdameron | E | 9,866 Words
As a kid, a shadow lived in Shane's room that became his friend. All he can remember of it, it's its beautiful brown eyes.
As an adult, Shane meets Ryan and his beautiful brown eyes that are familiar.
Collide by needywitch | E | Chapters 2/2 | Complete |  35,310 Words |☆
Ryan is desperately in love with his best friend.
I Don't Want to Sleep Alone by Anotherlostblogger | E | Series | 3 Works
After Ryan gets really shaken that night at Yuma, Shane is left to deal with the aftermath.
Rough water by heyghouls | Not Rated |  9,092 Words
Ryan's apartment gets flooded. He doesn't have anywhere to live in the meantime but it's a good thing his good friend Shane lives close to the office. Shane happily offers him a home and the boys are forced to face their unresolved sexual tension.
One apartment, two boys with raging attractions towards the other and one undeterminated stay. What could go wrong?
Playing It Cool by poetdameron | E |  27,494 Words | ☆
Ryan needs a new roommate, Shane needs a new place. They both work in the film industry, like the same weird crap, love the same movies, and would die for pop corn. It's a blessed match!
There's only one tiny detail Kelsey may have forgotten to tell Ryan about Shane's acting job.
universal truth by lorena_estrella | G | 276 Words
Shane has no idea how he got so lucky but he isn't complainig either. For the next thousand years, all he wants is to love Ryan
Old Sins Cast Long Shadows by MercurySkies | E |  15,442 Words
Sin /sɪn/ noun 1. an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. 2. any thought or action that endangers the ideal relationship between an individual and God. 3. any diversion from the perceived ideal of human living.
And Longer If I Can by poetdameron | T | 6,315 Words
After Shane makes an "odd" question, Ryan can't stop thinking about the possible implications of it, obsession over the one conclusion most likely to (not) be: Shane is breaking up with him sometime soon.
Thank you, Satan by Squeakyshroom | E |  7,426 Words
Ryan breaks his arm and Shane takes care of him. It’s not weird...until it is.
Or: Ryan wants Shane. Shane wants more.
won't you ride on my fast machine? by ElasticElla | M | 1,678 Words
“So? Lovers’ quarrel? Work gone wrong? Bad family barbecue that ended abruptly when you accidentally came out by making a pun about your poor math skills?”
“That’s way too specific to not be real,” Ryan accuses.
A Ghoul's Guide to Life, Death & Afterliving by MercurySkies | E | Chapters 21/21 | Complete |  57,013 Words |  ☆
'Shane was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that, to quote ‘the’ Charles Dickens with an emphasis on the 'dick'. They didn’t tell you the great Victorian novelist was also a grade A asshole in high school but then again what do they tell you in high school? Shane Madej was dead, as dead as one disembodied soul standing seemingly above his own corpse probably can be.'
(a moment) by thisissirius | M |  1,437 Words
ryan is shivering when they get back to the motel
contrapposto by spoopyy | T |  7,301 Words |  ☆
Ryan works in a museum. Shane doesn't understand art. They fall in love.
meet me halfway by poetdameron | T | 12,346 Words |  ☆
In a world where everything changed over the night, Ryan and Shane's minds connect miles away, making Shane the man of Ryan's dreams. Literally.
the summer is ended and we are not saved by anarchetypal | E |  1,733 Words |  ☆
Ryan drops the holy water gun with a shout and stumbles back, fueled by blind panic as he turns and sprints past their sleeping bags for the attic door.
Behind him, he hears Shane sigh almost calmly despite his flesh still burning. “Don't— C’mon, seriously, do we really have to make this a whole thing— You've seen horror movies, you know how this is gonna—” Apparently still annoyed, he breaks off, and the door in front of Ryan slams shut on its own.
Ryan skids to a stop and reaches for the knob, rattling it ineffectively. “Shit, shit, shit—”
“So many horror movies,” Shane says, voice much closer now, and Ryan spins around. “I’m just saying, can we not make this a thing right out of TV Tropes, you know, that’s just boring for both of us.”
162 notes · View notes
wackygoofball · 5 years
Gwenspiration: The Wacky Version Vol. 3 - The Moodboards
So, here I go again parading myself and tooting like there is no tomorrow.
As people still brave enough to follow me on Tumblr will know, I do a lot of moodboards, or at least I call them such. Others call them collages or storyboards or pictures with random text. Either way, for me, moodboards became a neat tool to somehow capture story ideas not yet anywhere near a level that I could write fic about them - or serve as inspirations for fics I am actually writing.
And it gives me opportunity to hoard unhealthy amounts of Gwen and Nik pics, in the name of moodboards. And science. And stuff. Whoozah!
So yeah, in this post, I want to share some of my personal favorites. A lot of them actually, because I can’t decide, really.
I will start off with a group of moodboards which took inspiration from the Marvel universe, since the Marvel universe was my gateway into the more active parts of fandom.
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An all-time fave is the Iron Man AU... I mean, what not to love about a JB AU with Jaime as sassy Tony Stark and Brienne as the not-taking any shit from you army doctor, am I right? But yeah, seriously, Jaime *is* the Tony Stark of the GOT universe, and I can’t be convinced otherwise. And neither should be you.
Also, the Iron Man suits just totally fit the color scheme for both, which made creating the moodboards all the better for me. Jaime and Brienne were made for armor, now in medieval or modern times, let’s not kid ourselves.
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Another Marvel fave has got to be Captain Westeros. Because if there is a female GOT Version of Steve Rogers, it’s gotta be Brienne of fuckin’ Tarth. This one is really close to my heart because it gave me a lot of feels coming up with plot bunnies for it, and the tragedy of those two people missing each other in time over and over again, always trying to protect one another, only to end up on opposite sides because of the machinations of others... *sigh*
And I mean, one guy loses an arm. The other is blond and strong... I don’t make the rules but this delivers me enough material to re-imagine this as a JB AU... so yeah, I do kinda make the rules after all. Anyway.
Since I realized that this post’s gonna get even looooonger, I decided to make a cut here and put the rest below, so not to have you scrolling for five hours.
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Although it’s not the most popular moodboard amongst my followers (you brave people, I can’t parade you enough for staying through the madness lol), I really, really love that Fantastic Four moodboard and the concept behind it. And I just know a lot of effort went into making Valyrian Steel Brienne, which took all of my three computer editing skillz brain cells. But yeah, here again, I liked to play with the idea of them not admitting to their love until shit hits the fan and then they hide behind that because... drama, angst, feels, pining, yadda.
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And we go from Marvel to DC little quick. Because Brienne is, most certainly, a Wonder Woman. Nuf said.
Now, let’s move on to other big movie franchises that give me all the JB feels:
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Jurassic Park (aka Valyrian Park) evidently holds a special place in my heart because JB fighting dinosaur-dragon hybrids and kicking ass while being disbelieving about what was bred out in Valyria thanks to some certain someones to rescue Brienne’s adoptive daughter Arya is just... a thing? For me anyway.
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More down memory lane, I don’t know how often I watched the LOTR movies, suffice to say it was a lot a lot. We had the extended versions DVDs of the first two and basically it was the one thing to watch when nothing was on (which was the case a lot). Either way. JB in MIddle Earth long after the days of Frodo et al. - why? Because I just loved the idea (and aesthetic) of Jaime as a ranger and Brienne as a knight of Gondor working in disguise. And Hobbipod. I mean, Pod as a Hobbit. Come the fuck on. And Tyrion as an asshole wizard. What could possibly go wrong? This moodboard was very time-consuming as I had to do a lot of edits (pointy ears, tiny up people, smudge Brienne’s face on a lot of Boromir and Faramir images, smudge Jaime’s face on a lot of Aragorn images, you name it). So yeah. No matter its popularity... I dig it. Despite not having read the books yet (I know, shocking), I continue to ogle at the idea and go like: Must. Write. But. Must. Resist. Either way. Mood.
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So yeah, I grew up watching these movies a lot, too (I grew up watching a lot of TV, period). And when Gwen was cast as Captain Phasma, I got a lot of JB juices flowing as a result. Mehe. I found it was a fun idea to play with, to basically *kill* Phasma so *Brienne* can come into play and assume her identity. And a rundown Jedi!Jaime who’s lost faith in himself and everything else safe for his partner in crime/resistance is just... I needz. So you gotta cope with it. I still adore this concept a lot even if others may not. :)
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This one’s just... gah. Feels. And I really liked the color scheme lol. And I watched Horse Whisperer A LOT. Because of feels. And horses. And Honor is a horse and he deserved better than be barbecued at Highgarden, dammit.
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The No Reservations AU definitely has to be in this post because I live for this dynamic. Brienne taking care of the girls, not knowing how, though, constantly doubting herself while always trying to be perfect and composed, not just in life but on the job as well. And Jaime being the laid-back guy who’s just a darn good chef but may carry his own baggage of problems that keep him from his happy ending story is just... mah jam.
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This one was a lot of fun to do because you don’t really think about Erin Brockovich when you say Brienne of Tarth in terms of character. But when you scratch away the boob jokes and the differences in where they come from, what you find are two hard-working women who fight for justice, so I found that close enough. And it was excuse enough for me to go down the lane of biker!Jaime because... dayum.
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Music and Lyrics is an all-time guilty pleasure romcom of mine. It’s so light and easy and I kind of love how everyone is basically a bunch of awkward losers. All the more perfect for Jaime as a singer (we need that in our lives after the infamous video Nik was in to sing to us about global warming...) and Brienne as the unexpectedly gifted songwriter. What I like about the moodboard per se is how the color scheme turned out because it’s all warm and bright and... makes me happy.
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Very much in contrast to the former stands this one. I still love the overall mood of it and I dig the story idea because I dug both The Prestige and The Illustionist because they presented something dark yet very different, which made it all the more appealing to put into a moodboard for me. While not the most well-known moodboard of mine, I keep going back to it time and time again to basically lust at all the illusions and magic and drama. And blue butterflies.
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What is there not to love about a Pacific Rim AU for JB, am I right? Right?! JB ain’t just compatible when it comes to the Drift, yo, that’s all I’m gonna say. Reasons why I like the moodboard a lot is that it’s very different, flashy colors, gigantic robots, and I was mostly alright with how the edits turned out. It is tough to get images that fit the angles, yo.
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Jumping back in time once more, I really adore this one even though it’s not one of my popular moodboards. I dug the fusion of elements from Cinderella Man while granting Brienne as the female lead more space to develop as a character and make her a badass sniper nurse who is about to get her doctor’s degree. And Jaime doing anything to make it work because he owes her a debt (and his love) by boxing his way to their shared life is just... nice.
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Another supposedly lesser known moodboard is this one, though I really adore it for its premise and the amount of work I put into it (all the giffing and moodboarding). I also found use for that image of Gwen with what looks like the veil of a nun, which was probably what had me inspired in the first place lol. The plot bunnies revolve less around Se7en and more the novel El ùltimo Catón (2001) because it has a nun solving a mystery revolving around Dante’s works. But Se7en gives us the Seven, which is a delicious parallel too hard to ignore. For me at least. If only I knew how to write crime, dammit.
Now, to  move more into the serial (smooth transition from serial killer to serial TV shows, I know, I know) way of life, here is some moodboards inspired by TV shows (although some have since gotten movies which I also took inspiration from... yadda):
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Childhood memory galore. I spent many weekends watching The A-Team with the whole family. When the movie came out, I was happy about the feels it gave me (and the “you spin my head right round” scene still cracks me up more often than it should). Either way. I found it absolutely necessary for Jaime to be Face, for Tyrion to be Hannibal, for Bronn to be B.A. and cuss at everyone and everything and Brienne giving us the strangest genderbend of a Howling Mad Murdock. It added some angst, which I always need because I am a thirsty hoe for it. In case no one noticed yet. Ha.
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This one is very remotely inspired by The Bletchley Circle and the Imitation Game (because both feature encryption and one features Charles Dance already, yo.) I just really dug the idea of Brienne being so good at this because she is such a straight thinker but being underestimated because “she a woman.” And of course her not being done just encoding messages but getting into action, very much to the dismay of the stupid soldier wanting to defend the bae from harm. What could possibly go wrong? Right. A lot.
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Then. Elementary. Let me count the ways in which I love that show... ALL THE WAYS. And I really dig it as a JB AU. I have so many thoughts and feelings, I can’t even begin to tell you. I especially had my fun basically making Jaime Sherlock without making him really Sherlock because that guy was the one who taught him how to be an investigator before disappearing and fucking up his life for bad. And Brienne as the army doctor turned sober companion turned private investigator turned love interest is just too delicious to ignore.
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Pants down I mean hands down, this may be the actual favorite (currently) amongst them all for the plain reason that I also grew up watching that series and still watch it and keep obsessing about it. Ever since Discovery launched and has since given me both joy and grief, I found myself intrigued by the premise of a JB Star Trek AU where Brienne would be standing *with* the Klingons during the war around the time Discovery takes place, and Captain Jaime Lannister having lost far too much to this war already to truly trust anyone, even less so a woman who ran to the Klingons, for what it seems.
You would not believe how many ideas I have for a fic based on it. You wouldn’t believe that I basically have a sequel to that fic already in mind. And you would definitely believe, knowing me, that I am nowhere near writing that fic. But a fangirl can dream and moodboard, right? The moodboard was such a fun way of going about it, not only for the edits but because I could sneak some secret Klingon messages in there. :)
Now, on to the last part, which are the moodboards not inspired by movies or TV shows primarily but really just spewed out of my wacky, wacky brain:
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This has a special place in my heart because it combines military and the traumas it comes with for JB and.... the aesthetic of farming. And both finding a kind of peace they didn’t know they were looking for as they struggle to adjust and find their way back “to normal” after the horrors they have both seen in war. And did I mention the aesthetic? And Jaime in plaid? All dirty and sweaty? Do I have to say more?
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Why this one? Because it combines angst and romance and falling in love twice because DESTINY. And paintings. I love me my artist AUs. So that was my go at it, combining it with the “mystery” to be uncovered about what history Jaime and Brienne actually share as he tries to put his memories back together.  Also. This moodboard gave me opportunity to try out new filters and create JB paintings. :)
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This one’s gotta be on the list since I also added the Horse Whisperer. Now it’s Dog Whisperer Jaime and Brienne who won’t give up on her dog who’s seen some shit in the warzone (as did she, but Brienne will put it all aside for her doggish best buddy, of course). While it’s not a very popular moodboard of mine, I really enjoy the premise of it and how the dynamics can so easily change between the two of them if you see it in comparison to the Horse Whisperer AU. Also. I just really think Jaime is a total pet person.
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Another lesser known moodboard, I’d assume, but I really dug the premise of it (still do), and it was intriguing to do some edits to make Jaime’s hand *truly* golden lol. With people having developed strange mutations which aren’t nearly as much fun as they are in Fantastic Four AUs. What I liked about it was the idea that Brienne would have a kind of mutation/ability that links to the mind, since she is such a physically strong fighter that she may rather rely on that than on her own mind, fearing that she cannot control that with discipline the same way she can train her body with it. What unites the two is their strong wish to protect the people in their care, in a world on the verge of collapse forcing two unexpected allies together (okay, I totally expected it, but they didn’t). Either way. Much love for this one. :)
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Aaaand the last one (not of all the ones I made but the ones I picked for Gwenspiration). I really, really, really adore this one because I was so happy with how the aesthetic turned out and how the colors all match. And I dig the premise. Like holy moly do I dig it deep. Jaime and Brienne both serving in military, but on different fronts, and almost accidentally ending up writing each other letters? I mean... the PINING. And Brienne having to decipher Jaime’s chickenscratch. Yeah no, but for real. I just love the idea so much. That they are both committed to the cause while also yearning for a home, for peaceful times, for sweet, sweet love. And them meeting up and acting like stupid teenagers, only for drama to keep hitting because. It’s eh me angsty Wacky.
Either way. I dig the premises of a lot of my moodboards (in fact... basically all of them or else I wouldn’t be making them, I guess). I spared you listing all of them, though I listed a whole damn lot already. Moodboards are an awesome means for me personally to visualize and (re-)imagine. And since quite a few people seem to continue to be onboard with them, I am all the happier to keep making them.
That’s all for today.
Much love! ♥♥♥
*flies away*
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reddeaddenial · 6 years
Hi friend! May I request 38 with Micah? Thanks a lot! 💚
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
Micah x Reader Part 1
[Part 2]
Word Count: 2051
Welp this turned into an angsty reader x micah somehow lmao. I’m gonna retcon some minor stuff after Guarma cuz it makes no sense imo but i dont think it’s too noticeable lol This got really long for no reason and I’m very sorry. I tend to write ramble when I’m not sure where I’m going with something so this just sorta happened haha
Abandoning Shady Belle was a quick and panicked mess. You packed as quickly as you could, you knew you and the group couldn’t dawdle. Couldn’t have time to mourn. But it felt like like abandoning the old camp was also abandoning the others who they had to leave in Saint Denis after that horrible bank robbery gone wrong.
Good people died. Hosea… You adored Hosea like a father. Took you into the gang near a year ago when you had no where else to be. Lenny. That poor boy didn’t deserve the end he got. And then the others according to Charles, smuggled themselves on a boat. A boat that no one has heard about since. But there was mentions of an awful storm not a day later and everyone feared the worst.
That was a good portion of the gang missing and it was an awful blow to morale in their new camp in Lakay. Dutch, their slowly unhinging leader. Arthur, probably the most realistic voice of reason and right hand to Dutch. Javier, the group salvaged his guitar, but was left unplayed in a corner of the camp. Bill, they made sure to take all the horses, even those without their riders now; but Brown Jack was growing increasingly restless without the usual attention and pampering from his owner.  
And then there was Micah. And honestly, no one in camp made mention of missing his presence. Or any comment at all. At least not around you. Because for reasons that they and even some days you could not comprehend, Micah and you were sweet on each other.
Well maybe sweet wasn’t the right word. More of a tolerance. That tolerance started with holding your ground over Micah’s aggressive and rude talk to you and the others. Your quick witted back talk seemed to annoy him at first, but it then became the norm for you two to just banter. It was an amusing show to some, with how quick tempered who bother were and constantly clashed, but it kept Micah from harassing others in camp mostly so no one seemed to care. But then things…changed after a party at camp one night.
Too many drinks. You ending up in Micah’s lap, playfully arguing with him. Next thing you know, you’re both kissing heavily, much to the shock and disgust from those who noticed. After that, things were different yet… not. You would still shout and fight with each other. But more often than not after, Micah would yank you behind some trees or tent and fool around. A lot. What can you say? The man was an asshole but he was very skilled in other areas.
But what was most shocking and just a secret between the two of you, was just the normal conversations when alone. Stories about past robberies, or life before, complaining about Pearson’s food. It was small things, nothing earth shattering. But those tiny quick moments seemed to bring you both together more than any fooling around did. He wasn’t a nice man, you couldn’t fool yourself that he was even if you tried. But you liked him. A lot more than you should have. And you hoped to think the feeling was mutual.
But now the bastard had gone and got himself lost in a boat at sea. And you were more torn up about it that you ever thought you’d be. In a sense you were grateful no one made comments, good or bad about Micah Bell. Most days you could just go about camp chores without thinking too much on him. The times you did though.. He was probably dead. Dead and gone but no one would care. You cared. You cared enough to cry into your pillow some nights. You hated it, Micah would have called you out for being such a whimpering weak willed thing for crying. You cared and you hated that you did.
It took several days and nights but with a lack of hearing his name around camp, hearing his voice, you were getting better. Not over it, but you were more focused on keeping the rest of the group alive, helping Sadie and the others where you could.
But then, one day Arthur Morgan walked right into Lakay. Looking a bit worse for wear but he was alive. And according to him, everyone was. Dutch, Bill and Javier. And Micah. You didn’t know how to feel. Ecstatic at first but… Now you were just mad. Furious. You wanted to punch that fool. No. Shoot him in the damn leg so he couldn’t go wandering off on boats and getting shipwrecked in god damned fucking Guarma. Really? Guarma?!
The group could feel your storm of emotions and wisely left you be. They knew how you got when you were in one of your Moods. A day or so later, Dutch and the others showed up to camp, exhausted looking, but alive and breathing. And there he was Micha Bell. Alive. Not even looking in your direction and antagonizing Sadie and the others. You scowled, hating at how hurt you actually felt by it. You stalked off, going to find a place to cool down before you caused a scene.
About an hour later you wandered out of your hiding place in one of the wagons and walked about looking for the fiend that had an unfortunately tight grip on your heart. There he was, on the porch overlooking the swamps leaning back lazily in a chair. Alone. Good. Maybe you could both just… talk.
You walked across the porch, the taps of your boots across the rickety floor made your presence known as you stopped beside him. “Micah.”
Micah looked up at you with an unreadable expression, and just looked away indifferently. “What you want y/n?”
Ouch. You took a steady breath trying to keep your growing pent up anger from bubbling over. “Think you know Micah Bell. Haven’t seen you since that nightmare of a robbery in Saint Denis.”
Micah snorted and crossed his arms. “So? What, you here to check up on me?” You almost needed to physically restrain yourself from reaching for your gun to… to do anything. Anything to just get him to even fucking look at you. You swallowed your pride though and answered him honestly. “…Yes.”That had him looking at you again, but you caught a flash of genuine surprise in his eyes before it was hidden with indifference again. Which confused you all the more when he said “It’s no concern of yours. Now how about you run along and go chat up someone else? I’m not in the mood with putting up with your usual shit.”“Why are you acting so-?!… I thought you… and me…” Dread was filling your gut, the emotions of all the awful things that have been happening these past weeks were really messing with you right now and Micah acting so indifferent. You knew there was a good chance that he didn’t give a shit about you. You knew that the little bonding moments could mean nothing. You knew all of that, but your heart was being shot up into little pieces right now. You had only yourself to blame. You knew… but you had hoped. “You and me what? Thought you were smarter than that y/n.  Got more things to worry about than your pining.” “Pinin’?!” There is was, a crack in the dam keeping your anger at bay. Your voice raised a bit, eyes narrowing. “I’m the only one that tolerates your shit attitude in this damned gang! Sure you can shoot a gun, but if it ain’t for that. No one ‘round here woulda hesitated puttin a bullet in your head with the way you go on!”Micah scowled and stood up from the chair, facing you completely. This argument was different from all the rest you both had before. You could tell how the way he was looking at you. Something changed in him. Was it from the incident at Saint Denis? What happened in Guarma? You weren’t sure. But whatever cruelty he held back on you was let out full force in his next few words. “I never asked for you to tolerate me! Never asked for your company. Never asked for you to follow me around with your simperin’ feelings.” He stepped closer, getting in your face with a sneer and completely shattered your hopes in two quiet sentences. “You’re so easy to read now y/n it’s borin’. How ‘bout you wander off and go do something useful, and if I need your services, I’ll give ya a holler.”
That was it. You saw red, behind your damp eyes. You roughly pushed Micah’s chest away, making the man stumble back and hit the porch railing. You went for you gun. Micah’s eyes widening in shock as he realized what  you were doing. You had only just began to aim, when you noticed from the corner of your eye an outreached hand whipping out and grasped your wrist tightly yanking your pistol out of your grasp. You glowered at the man who only tiredly looked at you in disapproval and sympathy. “You need to calm down y/n. You’re lucky I got here when I did.” “This don’t concern you Arthur Morgan. Hand me the gun.” You spat out glaring between Arthur and an oddly silent Micah. “Look y/n, as much as I’d love to see this sack of shit dead you-” “Then hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself!”
“-You can’t be doin’ that. We need every workin’ hand here to keep the gang together. We can’t ourselves killin’ each other when we have a whole lot of problems out there tryin’ to kill us!” He raised his voice over your own, trying to get you to see reason. And you did. Arthur was always good at that. After a few moments of silence you nodded. You sniffled and glanced at Micah, who was just watching you warily like he’s never seen you before. Squaring your shoulders, you collected yourself and took a deep breath. Enough of this. You were better than that. So much better. And definitely better than Micah fucking Bell. “You don’t get to talk to me. You don’t get to be near me. And you sure as hell don’t get to touch me. You… You are not worth this Micah Bell. I’m just sorry it took me this long to realize it.” And just like that, you turned your back to him and walked past Arthur who was still holding your gun. Micah didn’t say a damned thing. This was probably the quietest you’ve ever heard the man. He let you leave without a peep. You walked to the absolute farthest part of the camp away from Micah, leaning against a tree, wiping your tears. You were done with crying over that lowly snake of a man.
You turn your head and see Arthur awkwardly shuffling there and your lips upturned to a faint smile. This man was awful with trying to cheer people up but offering your gun back was a good attempt. “Promise me you won’t shoot em? At least not yet.”“Promise. I’m… sorry you had to hear all that, had to butt in.” “It’s fine. To be honest, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Bright side, looks like you scared him quiet with that act. Wonder how long that’ll last though.”You gave a bitter chuckle and you both looked out at the fading sun through the gaps of the trees. “I’ve been a fool. But he’s an even bigger one. He’s gonna regret makin’ so many enemies out of people.”Arthur huffed a laugh and crossed his arms. “Don’t I know it. Till then… you ever feel like you’re about to get trigger happy on him, just come my way alright?”“Thanks Arthur… You’re a good man.” You smiled softly, hearing his quiet grumbles of denial. Lord that man couldn’t take a compliment. But you felt… better. Lighter. As much as you hurt right now in this moment, you knew you’d come out of this stronger. Arthur mentioned Dutch, Bill and Javier would be here soon as well. The gang together again, you could all move forward, get back on track. Lay low, earn money, and get the hell outa here. You could do it, you were a survivor. And no heartless Micah Bell was going to stop you.
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thorne93 · 6 years
The Office thoughts...
So I’m on my second watchtrhough of The Office.... I have seen both Parks and Rec and The Office twice now. I used to think I liked them the same, but I’ve known for a while I prefer Parks and Rec. 
Okay, first off, The Office has very little characters that are just... nice? 
Michael: always causing problems for others in the office. He constantly remarks about how ugly the women are in the office, except Pam who he objectifies
Pam: plays too many pranks on Dwight, is kind of rude to Michael, kind of not nice to Karen
Jim: plays too many pranks on Dwight, plays on Michael’s naivety, barely tries to work hard. The night Pam had her art gallery thing, Jim could have gone, but he didn’t.
Dwight: kind of a goody-two-shoes, he claims to be loyal to Michael but goes behind his back twice. Once, when Kelley is rude to Jim (the 2nd in command while Michael is gone), Dwight says “that’s no way to talk to your superior”, but about 3 episodes later, he calls Jim an idiot immediately after making co-manager
Stanley: constantly shows insubordination, dry, he’s loud and rude if someone bothers him
Angela: all around a bitch. She’s controlling on the PPC, she calls Pam a whore when Pam literally wears cardigans and button ups but barely says anything to Kelley who throws herself at everyone in the office and the same for Meredith, or herself, who was sleeping with 2 dudes at once, and lying to them both about it. 
Oscar: makes way too much fun of Michael
Kevin and Toby are okay I guess, they don’t do anything to outright hurt anyone. 
Creed doesn’t do anything to anyone
Phyllis: unless she’s insulting someone, she’s not happy.
Andy: brown noser, but other than the anger management thing, he doesn’t set out to hurt people 
Charles Miner: total asshole
David Wallace: it’s hard to say something about David. He’s professional, but he never really gives credit to Michael that he deserves. Their branch does the best, consistently, but when Jan tried to sue DM, he said about Michael “what do you want me to say, he’s a nice guy?” I get that Michael is kind of an idiot, and he lets stuff slide for him, but he also ignores the fact that Michael must be doing something right. I know he brings him in and asks for that on one episode but more often than not, he sort of patronizes him. 
Jan: Selfish bitch that used Michael, a lot, who didn’t deserve it
Ryan: is a fucking idiot, and asked Michael to come talk about his company, after slandering their name
Kelley: is rude, obnoxious, insubordinate, and just acts all around like a toddler
Roy: total dick
Now, some things I don’t get. A nice moment in the Office is never just... kept that way? 
Dwight goes to comfort Pam after she sees Jim and Karen dating or kissing or something. He says “Who did this to you? Where is he?” --- This is sweet. He sits down, puts his arm around her, and comforts her -- this is also sweet. But then, he ruins it with “You must be PMSing pretty bad.” Like, Dwight doesn’t seem like he would say this. I know he’s goofy, but he’s also been with a lot of women, and he’s raised on a farm, I don’t think he would be this “aloof” and blame her crying on PMS when he’s been around her for YEARS and never seen this.... So they ruined a sweet moment. 
The wedding between Pam and Jim - I really hated that they went off and got married on a boat. I get they wanted it to be “just them” but.... that’s kind of what the wedding is for???? Why plan all of that, do all of that, be about to go on the altar, and then just say “eh, fuck it, we’ll go on a boat and forgo all of this”? It didn’t feel sweet it felt.... forced? 
Every season after Michael left is just shitty. Not because I loved Michael or he’s my fave character (he is fucking funny though, albeit obnoxious), but because there was like constant turnover and weird change -- 1) Robert California just sucks.... I love the actor but the character is just out of place, weird, makes no sense.... 2) Erin is way too ditsy and airheaded and she strings Andy along. 3) Andy is having a crisis because his family is broke, but like, he’s employed? So why the huge meltdown? 4) Erin starts to date a kid that looks 10-20 years younger than her 5) the 2 dudes in the back (Zach...and something else, i think?) just don’t fit, at all. 
I don’t like it where after Jim and Pam are dating, Phyllis on TWO occasions says “you can’t just do X for the person you’re sleeping with.” That’s rude and demeaning. 
I don’t like where after Michael Scott Paper Company dissolved, that everyone wanted Pam and Ryan to give their clients back. On one hand, they didn’t become extremely good salesmen, they just had really low prices. On the other hand, technically, that’s the whole name of the game. They got those clients by selling them a better price for the same product, they should’ve gotten to keep them.  
I didn’t like that Jim went to David Wallace for the idea of promoting him to branch manager and Michael to regional. Why didn’t he go to Michael first, then they go to David? I know he doesn’t trust Michael, but going to your immediate supervisor, instead of over his head is always better. Because then they became co-managers and it was a nightmare. 
The episode with the raises didn’t make much sense. apparently they only had so much money in the budget for raises. Well, either give them out as small bonuses for everyone, or go by seniority, or give everyone a small raise, but Jim just saying “it’s going to the sales team” felt really biased. No manager is going to do that. 
If anyone else things of anything, feel free to add it in!
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sobasically · 6 years
Hey guys! Muse here! And it’s time for your daily dose of Greek mythology.
So everyone has at least a basic understanding of the Greek pantheons. They all live on mount Olympus and are lead by lightning god Zeus and wreak havoc on the earth with their antics. But there’s a shit ton more to the Olympians than meets the eyes.
So what exactly are the olympians? The answer isn’t as straight as you’d think it is. For one thing, the olympians can get hurt and die like any other human. They are victim to the same vices as any other person. The difference is they don’t have to face the consequences. They ‘die’, they reform. They get hurt, they heal. They do something shitty, meh. Olympians will be olympians. In essence, they are humans minus the limits. 
Frustrating right? The Greeks knew this. But they couldn’t say anything about it unless they wanted to have their life royally fucked over. Kinda like politicians :D
Anyways, there were 12 main olympians. Technically there’s 13, but more on that later.
First you have the original siblings:
Zeus: the youngest and most powerful. He is the god of the sky and weather. Zeus is the most hyper masculine asshole you will ever meet. He could be fair and stuff but usually this was just because his antics caught up with him. Most of the time he was a horny, competitive, burn your eyes glowing hypocrite. This dude saw someone hot and thought “damn I’ll tap that.” And he did. Against their will. And it always resulted in suffering for everyone else. You can’t stop him. Believe me, the gods /tried/. 
Then there’s Poseidon, god of the ocean, fertility, and horses (in his pre-Hellenistic incarnations). Poseidon is similar to Zeus in that he is also horny as shit. But he was 8 times more violent and petty. You do not want to piss him or his many many many many many many many children off. Just look at what happened to Odysseus. Of all the gods you don’t want to piss off- and dammit you do NOT want to piss off the gods- Poseidon is number 2 on the don’t list. (Hera is #1 on this list for reasons to be discussed later)
Hades is the king of the dead and the eldest son, therefore the rightful king of Olympus. Yeah, according to Greek law this dude should be ruling. But, because Zeus sorta saved their asses from their dad and Hades drew the smallest straw he has to rule the realm of dead people. No he isn’t the ‘god of the dead’ and does not judge them or kills people. He just rules them. Nothing else. He keeps order in the land of the dead and that’s it. Apparently he’s really good at it. The Greeks were terrified of him. (If only he ruled Olympus. Maybe stuff wouldn’t be shitty)
Then you’ve got the sisters
Hera, wife of Zeus, goddess of women and marriage, queen of Olympus, Craziest bitch alive. Does that sound harsh? No, it isn’t. She’s fucking insane. Hera has a serious jealousy problem. Her husband is always cheating on her and she can’t punish him (believe me, she’s tried.). So she does the next best thing to calling out her husband. She makes his victims lives literal hell. His lovers are smited, cursed, driven mad, and his children face the same (though often unsuccessfully). Don’t even think of looking at her temple the wrong way otherwise you will SUFFER.
(If I die suddenly after this. You’ll know who did it.)
Demeter is one of the more chill olympians. She’s goddess of the harvest. When she’s happy, people prosper. When she’s not happy... everyone starves. It’s not so terrible though. When she lost her daughter she traveled the earth performing miracles and stuff. She’s one of the gods that have an entire cult to her, the Elysian mysteries. She was one of the ones who inspired the idea that death is a drab thing, that one can be reborn. Long story short, Demeter/Hades for Olympus rulers 2019.
Finally, you have the lesser known, oldest sibling, Hestia. She’s the goddess of the Hearth and is an eternal virgin (by choice). Not much is known about her. But from what is, she’s a kind hearted and fair person. 
Then you have the sorta related but not Goddess:
Aphrodite, Goddess Of Beauty, love, lust, and being petty bitch #2. Born from Nut-SeaFoam (her name means that, fyi), Aphrodite is a sexy boobed (seriously this is constantly mentioned), Golden/flower dyed haired bitch. She gets jealous easily and flirts with everyone. Like, she’s done a shit ton of horrible things. And everyone has the hots for her. The olympians tried to contain her with marriage. The problem is they married her to the least attractive god and  assumed she’d be ok with that. She wasn’t. She cheated with Ares. On a side note: she’s also a war goddess. Like, she can fight and win. Don’t piss her off.
On to the children.
Ares is the only child of Zeus and Hera. You can really tell by his sexual appetite and uncontrolled rage. He is the god of offensive war. As in running into battle covered in blood half naked because you are so pumped up for war that you are also horny. He is notorious for not thinking things through and being a bit of a coward when someone displays even slight superiority. His sorta sister Athena has to drag him in by the ear and remind him that to win a battle you have to think things through. Which is why people like her more.
Athena is the goddess of wisdom, crafts, and defensive war. She was born in armor screaming a war cry... from Zeus’s Head. (She could technically be the daughter of Metis, Titaness of Logic and first wife of Zeus, since he ate her.) She is a daddy’s girl and brilliant strategist. She’s chaste and organized. Many generals trust her as their patron. Athena is actually described as being a bit androgynous. She does happen to have a bit of a superiority complex, like most olympians. But as long as you take her counsel seriously and don’t try to rape her you’re good. 
Hephaestus is son of Hera, born from her thigh, and disabled god of metalworking and the forge. Like, he has a limp. Now he isn’t ‘ugly’ per say. He isn’t Olympian attractive by far, but I like to think he’s average man attractive. Of course, Hera was disgusted by his affliction and flung him from Olympus (“this bitch ugly. YEET”-Hera). Interestingly enough, the olympians still rely on him to make their weapons and stuff. Hes clever, he figured out how to catch his wife cheating on him. So the dude gets more shit than from the Olympians than he deserves. 
Apollo and Artemis are the twin archer gods of the sun and moon. 
Apollo is god of the sun, music, poetry, divination, and rational thought. He’s incredibly attractive and yet does not have a lover. In fact, his luck with lovers is.. non existent. Either they die, reject him, or turn into trees (not that that bugs him too much). When he isn’t consumed by loneliness, he is busy writing songs on his lyre and reciting poetry for the muses. He’s also incredibly athletic, and was known to play discus a lot (not as much after the incident). 
Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, childbirth, and wilderness. She is incredibly chaste and demands the same from her followers. She loves animals and children and hanging out with her ladies. Artemis is described as this tall, muscular lady. Amazon’s probably looked up to her as the ideal body. For the most part, she was pretty decent, a bit of a stickler for her rules but still.
Then you have Hermes, messenger of the gods and trickster. This dude is the definition of a little shit. He’s constantly pulling pranks on heroes and the gods. He’s even the patron of thieves. Don’t shoot the messenger though, just cause the dude is snarky doesn’t mean what he says isn’t true. Hermes is the direct voice of the gods. So you have to begrudgingly listen to him. Fun fact: he was able to talk as a baby. 
Last but not least is Dionysus. Dionysus is god of wine, (ceremonial) madness, and Death (in early incarnations). He also has a cult of his own. But they are less friendly and more horny. Dionysus is this chill dude who casually emits this maddening vibe. His hobbies include drinking, partying, and making women eat their sons. He’s a youthful looking man who occasionally has horns. He was basically the Greek version of Charles Manson. Hestia gracefully stepped down to let him become the final and most recent addition to the olympians. 
Naturally, there are many many more gods and many many more stories about why and how these gods became the way they are and stuff. But this wouldn’t be a summary blog if I droned on about all of it would it? So I stop her, stay tuned for more on the gods and their adventures, from Greece and beyond. 
Ciao! -The Muse
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lightandwinged · 7 years
My parents took Sam overnight, so Kyle and I got to squeeze in one last weekend of movies before the twins get here (no, we probably won’t be seeing Solo, and the new Avengers movie is making me dizzy with the sheer size of the cast. Like what are they all going to do, step up and say their names and then go drink a coke?). This translated to us seeing Black Panther finally and also catching A Wrinkle in Time. 
So thoughts!
Black Panther first because we saw it first and I have less to say about it by merit of it being awesome but also not based on my favorite book of all time.  I feel like I’d read somewhere that they had enough extra footage/scenes that the director’s cut was four hours long, and that was the impression that I got here. It was a great movie with a great story, but you could also feel the quiet, slower moments missing from the overall racing to hit all the plot points. Which isn’t to say that the pacing was bad, but more that you could tell they had so much story they wanted to give the audiences but didn’t know if we’d all sit through it.
To which I say: look, I sat through 12 hours of Lord of the Rings, I can do this. Just put an intermission in and we’ll all be fine. There’s not a TON to say that hasn’t already been said: it’s an awesome film with incredible visuals, an obvious final draft, and something to make you cheer and feel hopeful. I think my favorite part, more than anything else, was the effortless camaraderie between the main cast, where you felt like these really were people who’d known each other all their lives and loved each other all their lives, rather than people directed to scream, “You were my brother, Anakin!” at each other when no evidence led to such a conclusion. 
If I had one critique, it would be that the emotional story arc involving T’Challa’s acceptance that (a) his father wasn’t perfect and (b) Killmonger had some good points was never really resolved; or if it was, he never talked about it. I got really frustrated during the scenes around Killmonger’s death, where Killmonger got all the lines and chances to explain himself, and T’Challa was just silent and stoic. His only line was to say, “Hey, we can heal you,” but no rebutting of Killmonger’s point that he’d just be getting healed to spend the rest of his life imprisoned. I felt like the arc would’ve tied up more nicely if T’Challa could even have offered him a chance at redemption and greater healing than just physical.  BUT we can’t have extraneous villains running around in time for Infinity War, so. 
Everything else was delightful, as I expected it to be, and it’s 100% deserving of the accolades and money it’s getting. I hope it also opens the door for more Afro-futurism as a genre in the future because GOD I love those visuals and that entire genre of storytelling. 
Meanwhile, A Wrinkle in Time. I have to take a breath before this one because it’s a lot of thoughts because this book has essentially been part of my psyche since I was 7. When I say it’s my favorite book, I don’t mean that I just enjoy it; I mean that it’s part of me, that it shaped who I became as a person, that I re-read it multiple times a year and can sometimes quote it.
The trailers had me a little wary and a little excited; the latter because I was having one of those rare moments where you see the things you’ve visualized for years come to life and OH MY GOD IT’S SO EXCITING! The former because you could see how Disney-fied this was, and I don’t mean in the snooty “um, actually? The Little Mermaid ends with the mermaid dying? And nobody lives happily ever after?” way (if you’re one of those types, feel free to fuck off). I mean more in the “LOOK AT ALL THE CGI WE CAN USE TO MAKE THINGS THAT AREN’T REAL!” way, which
Okay, as a book, A Wrinkle in Time is very quiet. The story takes place largely through dialogue, internal and external, and even its climactic sequence is more intimate and less in need of flashy visuals than in need of a delicate hand understanding the themes. In a conventional sense, I understand the need to have those flashy visuals because you’re not going to sell investors on a film with the visuals described in the books (at least two of the planets they visit are so covered in fog that you can’t see a damn thing). And you’re not going to sell investors on a film for the 8-12 crowd that’s quiet, intimate, and heady as opposed to EXCITING! GOOD FOR MERCHANDISE! OPRAH!!!
But the trailers came out ages ago, so I’ve had time to adjust to the movie leaning more towards the flashy exciting side of things than the quiet, intimate side of things (note: I think a 100% book accurate adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time would end up in the same category as those Oscar bait films where two middle-aged men sit in the same room for three hours and talk about their lives, but you legit can’t sell that to tweens). 
Accepting that gave me more space to enjoy the film, and I concerned myself wholly with whether or not they got the themes right. I’ve never been the type to go in the direction of “HARRY POTTER’S EYES ARE GREEN NOT BLUE” or “CALMLY!” or anything like that. If your film understands the theme of the source material and gets some details wrong, I give you a high-five. 
And they did get the themes right. I knew they would from the first couple of scenes, which focus on the development of Meg’s relationship with her brother Charles Wallace as opposed to like. Establishing setting and setting up the plot. Everything about the first chunk of the film focuses on that relationship, so by the time you reach the climax, which has always been about that relationship, it culminates beautifully, and you do feel like you’re seeing things brought to their logical--if a bit weird--conclusion. 
(here I should point out that the book is exactly as weird as the movie, minus a few changes here and there)
So accepting that it’s weird and that it’s an interpretation rather than an adaptation, I really did like it quite a lot. I had a few points that made me tilt my head or giggle, and I’ll talk about those first before diving into what I really liked.  First off, the elephant in the room: Oprah. She plays the character of Mrs. Which, and in the book, Mrs. Which has the fewest visuals of the three Mrs. W’s because she’s not very good at taking on a physical form and doesn’t like to do it. She shows up first as a shimmer and then, briefly, as a “witch” in the stereotypical Halloween costume sense of the word (because it’s a PUN! Get it??? Witch/which?). That’s a lot harder to get across in a visual medium like a movie, so it makes sense that it was changed up here.
But then there’s the fact of Oprah.
Oprah here is... Oprah. She’s not Oprah playing a character (as she did in, say, The Color Purple). She’s just Oprah. And this film’s interpretation of Oprah is that she’s (a) at least 60 feet tall, probably taller; and (b) a life coach. This... is pretty much how Oprah is in real life (I assume she’s about 60 feet tall), so the part of Mrs. Which isn’t so much Mrs. Which as it is Oprah. Oprah, the magical 60 foot goddess of life coaching. Sure.
(this made me giggle. A lot. I’m sorry, but it’s just a little too on the nose)
I’m trying really hard to remember other points that made me tilt my head or giggle, but there weren’t many--at  some point, I just sort of accepted any oddness and went with it. I did have a struggle with the responses of the teachers and Principal Jenkins as they were interpreted. In the books, Principal Jenkins ends up being a major player and is also a MAJOR asshole. In this, he was kind of... nice? Like he was nice, but he didn’t really fit in the modern setting. A principal who’s being actually nice in a modern setting doesn’t just say, “Look, what would your father say about you punching Rowan Blanchard in the face when she’s being a heffa?” He recognizes that (a) there’s been a behavioral problem since the father disappeared four years ago, so (b) maybe we should get this kid counselling?  But he didn’t do that, instead walking this weird middle ground where he’s being nice for a 1960s principal but kind of flat for a 2018 principal, so???
The other real nitpick was that Calvin just... didn’t have anything to do. In the book, he suffers from that problem as well, once using his apparently godlike language skills to try and get through to the possessed Charles Wallace, but here, he mostly exists to give Meg some compliments and fall down. I imagine most of his directions in the script were something like “CALVIN: is there.” He had to be included because he’s a major player in the books, but it felt... he could’ve done more, basically. Is what I’m saying. 
In terms of things I LIKED, the list is a lot longer. 
I liked the reinterpretation of Camazotz as the birthplace of evil and more of a hell instead of just a weird robot planet where everyone bounces balls in sync all the time. The book Camazotz is a place of slowly mounting terror, but it also would’ve taken a REALLY long time to get to that point in the movie, so it made sense that they redid it as literal hell. It was that visual shorthand needed to drive the climax to a more understandable point than Meg just being in a room yelling at a disembodied brain. 
Speaking of brains, IT (here called “The IT” because we don’t want to be confused for killer clowns; also a merging of IT and The Black Thing, because there’s something highly tone deaf about calling the source of all evil the Black Thing) had a cool reinterpretation as well. I didn’t appreciate that the climax had a lot more action in it, but reinterpreting a giant brain as literally being inside a giant brain and fighting off evil synapses was a nice touch. Just having Meg yelling at a literal disembodied brain would’ve been... odd, visually, so this was a good cinematic change for me. 
I appreciated that the film gave a reason for Meg’s difficulty tessering--it wasn’t just something that she was bad at but rather something that was tied in to her difficulty accepting herself as herself. She jokingly asks Oprah at one point if it’s so bad that she wants to emerge from the tesseract as someone else, and considering that tessering as an act is wholly dependent on the mind, it makes perfect sense that you’d need a strong sense of self to come out of it easily. Once she’d gotten to a point of accepting herself, she was able to tesser with ease, and I appreciated that.
I enjoyed Zach Galifinakis as the Happy Medium, and the adult supporting cast were all great. And I really did like that the father wasn’t perfect, that evil!Charles Wallace’s calling out of his faults was accurate. He did leave his family in search of a greater destiny, and he knew he had, and he regretted it. And Meg was able to forgive that, when all was said and done, and that was--again--awesome. 
Overall, it was a finished draft, and though it wasn’t a perfect film, it was pretty good, and I give it a solid B+. A few changes could’ve brought it to an A, maybe more, but as it stands, it was pretty great. If you can embrace weirdness, cope with Oprah, and deal with a book you loved having things changed from the source material, I do highly recommend it.
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upryarising · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
NATHANIEL DAWSON - TAKEN BY JENN Age: 34 Portrayal: Aidan Turner Alliance/Occupation: The South (Double Agent)/Socialite  Relationships: Charles Dawson (brother), Sebastian Gray (childhood best friend), Madeline Vardon (former interest), Anna Lenix (interest), Virginia Beauford (leader), Victor Crandon (cousin), Howard Prior (best friend)
everyone @ nate: ur an asshole
nate: tell me something i don’t know! *finger guns*
childhood bestfriends with seb gray!!!!
their parents used to have heart attacks whenever they got together b/c trouble always!!!! followed!!!!!!
nate: i was such a bad influence on him it was awesome
honestly loved seb so much and they had fun but seb also kept him from doing anything too reckless
when nate’s family took up with vardon and become super wealthy, nate flung himself into his new life!!!!
loved the wealth and the prestige and the ~ease of it all
spent his days partying and drinking and flirting with pretty girls
honestly will flirt at anyone!!!!!
has had more meaningless flings than he can remember
only falls in love with girls who hate him????
nate: idk what i expected
tried to get with madeline when they were younger
tried to be nice to her but still came off looking like an ass????
she never liked him and ended up getting with seb instead
nate (again): idk what i expected
was a little brokenhearted and jealous at first tbh but ultimately he realized that he was happy for them and that they were two of the best ppl he knows and that they deserved each other
nate @ lina: it would have never worked out between us, love
kind of drowned himself in his other life tho for awhile
reached out to seb again, however, when he heard that vardon was trying to get lina to marry him, instead
helped them escape the north for the south
it was that act that lead nate to realize how blind he’d been and how selfish
so much was going on around him and he was just too caught up in his own little bubble to notice or care
eventually became a double agent for the south
virginia took to him super quickly!!!!! (everyone was surprised given his southern routes)
he’s become one of her most trusted advisors in just a few short years
acts like he doesn’t take any of this seriously tho (altho deep down he takes this sooooo seriously he just doesn’t know how to act like it????)
nate: everyone here is so uptight – can’t we plot murder and rebellion and still have fun with it????
everyone: ….
has become interested in anna lenix
she also seems to hate him
nate (yet again): idk what i expected
likes getting her upset tho??????? is always cracking jokes and flirting at her and all she does is yell at him???
slightly afraid that she’ll snap 1 day and just straight up murder him ???
nate: i could think of worse ways to go
enjoys flirting with virginia but has no idea that she is actually super into him
only virginia and anna know that he is a double agent
he didn’t want anyone else to know b/c he didn’t trust all of them
anna thinks they shouldn’t trust him for that but it turned out to be a good plan, otherwise he would have been found like beatrice was and turned over by jack lewis
did secretly seek out veronica though, and let her know that he was helping
mostly he just wanted to go to her on behalf of charles and tried to get her to think about getting back w/ him if he could bring him over to the southern side
loves his little brother so!!!! much!!!!!!!
honestly thinks that he’s a much better person than he is (but not everyone agrees tbh)
was able to negotiate his safety with virginia – charles remaining unharmed, no matter his offenses, was his #1 requirement when signing up for this gig in the south
but he does have people he cares about on both sides???
like his BFF and now current hostage howard prior
afraid that he’s gonna end up hurt?????
nate of the few people who knows about howard’s secret wife charlotte and has kept the fact that they are married and she could be helpful to them from virginia
does feel like his life has purpose now but still feels like he’s not a great person?????
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This is a Bias List. Because I am Biased, and also a Follow Forever. For reasons. Mostly that April hit a milestone and that’s friggin’ amazing in my book.
So I have to start with @darcywho who has been my main and exclusive Darcy since... well actually since I took April from the private rpc into the independent rpc something like four or five years ago. I know Mariah IRL (and will soon be living within easy driving distance of her)-- and basically. Mariah is bombtastic. She’s hella smart and funny, and when I’m having a crappy day (or given how the beginning of this year went, a crappy year) -- she texts me incessantly to talk about what Darcy is doing, and what April and Darcy should be doing, and I have so much character history, and Important Events, and developmental experiences just from talking and writing with Mariah, that I honestly don’t think April would be the character she is, without having had Darcy’s mitigating influence. We’ve just done so much that we’ve reached a point in our friendship and writing relationship where I literally feel as if Mariah could write April, and do her justice and vice versa. If y’all don’t follow her already, you should get on that because seriously, she is the absolute best take on Darcy Lewis that I have ever encountered in the Marvel RPC, and I know the PC rp com is going to jump down my throat for ‘making comparisons’-- but again. THis boo is my main and exclusive Darcy Lewis, also I do whut I want. @scarsearned MANGOOOOO. Okay so funfact; this brat used to have a diff url and we chat on dis/cord and it STILL took me like three days to realize on tumblr they were the same person. I FOLLOW YOU ON FOUR BLOGS MANGO. THis is what you signed up for all those years ago. I’m sorry. SO TO THE POINT! Mango has a bevy of blogs she runs, I met her when she wrote almost exclusively on Rummers here, and what I say ‘met her’ I mean I started sending her asks talking about Brock Rumlow, reread her rules and realized she had a password, at which point we were already talking over Skype, and then I sent in her password and she teased me relentlessly for it. (I deserved it, I’m a total goob)-- Mango is right up there with Mariah in terms of IMPORTANT character development shit. Mango writes a CANON DIVERGENT Brock Rumlow, and has put so much time into developing him, I think Marvel should give her a fuckin’ job. She’s also like... insanely smart. I say this as someone who likes to play at being really intelligent. Mango talks and I feel like I’m back in grade school and I want to hide myself away in shame. So obviously it’s no wonder we ended up shipping. (Actually no, I still have literally no idea how or why THAT happened tbqh I’m a fuckin’ potato) -- but Mango and Mariah go hand in hand because I introduced them and now their Brock and Darcy are inextricably linked forevermore as siblings and it’s fuckin’ A Plus. @russkiyuragan YET ANOTHER PERSON I MET BECAUSE OF MANGO. But also hella quality child of canon OC. Like, legit we started talking because Mango dragged us into a group rp and it turned into us mutuall talking about character development and now basically Seamus is one of April’s smols. Even though he really ISN’T one of hers. She’s basically claimed him as a child who needs mothering and dammit she is going to give him all the mothering ever. Even if he doesn’t need or want it. AND BASICALLY THEY ARE A FUCKING SWEETHEART WHO NEEDS ALL THE FUCKING LOVE because they’re really insanely smart and super sweet and friendly and I heart them. @phxtxn PHIL!!! OKAY SO I MET PHIL IN A CLOSED RPC FOR-FUCKING-EVER AGO. And immediately Genis and April butted heads. (He destroyed like half her office, ruined a couple PRICELESS books and then offered to buy her lunch in apology. Suffice to say April was less than impressed) -- except over the years, they’ve gotten really close. Occasionally Phil and I delve into the divergent canon where April and Genis actually end up romantically involved but it always ends in heartache because April is bad at being happy and Genis is bad at... well.. mitigating April’s more extreme bouts of self-loathing. BUT they are exceptional friends and Phil has a fantastic knack for finding the fun and funny in every situation and driving April absolutely UP A WALL. Phil’s also another rp partner I dragged into the collective with Mariah, because I like it when my writing partners all write together because I’m a spoiled princess. Phil’s a total sweetheart though and his Genis Vell is motherfucking spot on. He’s spent a lot of time with the character and it shows, but he also understands pragmatic, human interactions from a writing sense so it’s always a joy when we write together or chat. @askprofessorx NAAAAYYAA -- Naya’s another of those rpers I sort of. Grew on. Like a fungus. I wooed her with poetry first and then introduced her Charl to April and what I consider to be one of my more beautifully painful plot ideas. It involved time travel and the overhanging possibility of April dying. And because April was from the modern era trying desperately to get back, it was that much more painful when she started developing connections. And basically Naya and I plotted everything out over IMs and asks and now we have the most ridiculous tiny person ship in the history of ridiculous ships and Naya’s Charles is like... the cornerstone of my favorite Charles’s. She’s got this beautiful grasp of our fave telepath’s charming flirtatiousness and paired with the very Serious way he views morality and the world, which combined with April’s general cynicism (and it should be noted, our mutant verse involves April being a touch-telepath who can’t actually touch people without destroying their brains because control? what is that)-- and you have an April experiencing her worst fear. Which is not being in-control of herself. It’s beautiful and Naya is beautiful bean. @iremembereveryonethatleaves AHAHAHA Lilo was the first  ‘child’ April ever like. Accidentally adopted. And it happened entirely because of my age of aquarius verse, wherein instead of April seeking out Charles Xavier, she looked for Magneto instead. She found him. And his kid. And I literally have no idea WHY OR HOW April ended up becoming surrogate mom to Lilo since there’s no rational reason for Magneto getting along with April who is a cynical, borderline nihilist with Serious Rage Issues. But-- April and Lilo. Mommy and daughter and just. LITERALLY ALL MY HEART AND LOVE FOR THIS PERSON WHO MADE WRITING MUTANT APRIL FUN AND NOT PAINFUL. Until you (you asshole) made it painful. I still go through our tags to read all th angst, and I didn’t do it half so well as you and Tori did so.. @actually-i-prefer-magneto frick me so apparently I did my mutant crew in a triumvirate.  The flipside of the age of aquarius verse, where April found Magneto instead and became part of his Brotherhood. Because who wouldn’t have a need for a hyperpolyglot, with genius level intelligence and touch-telepathy? Magneto knew what he was getting out of the bargain, I just don’t think he expected April Miller. TBQH. Nobody ever expects her which is great, and this basically started as an incredibly painful, probably tragic plot that I had (sort of) intended to result in April’s death and it didn’t go that route. Like. At all. probably because these two babes understand that good angst is hard to come by and with the persistent low-hanging threat of April’s head getting blown off, or even worse, her returning to her own time, it meant that every interaction was always charged with a lowkey kind of desperation and tension.  Even when Erik and April got that ‘happy’ ending. It took an actual fucking lifetime to get there. And the best thing about Kristy is that she’s smart as fuck, I seem to surround myself with people who make writing look easy, and whose ability to thread together a long arching plot is so absolutely bafflingly amazing I am often struck stupid. @captain-outoftime AaBbbbYyyyYyy. So like- I met Abby through Mariah. Abby is the Steeb to Mariah’s Darcy. They’re hitched. It’s great. April helped Steve propose to Darcy even though April seems to have a PERPETUAL ISSUE with Steve Rogers that defies all explanation. IDK-- it’s probably something to do with the fact that April is a giant pain the ass and a tiny, fight-y blonde? WTF knows. Steve tolerates April. Abby tolerates me. Abby is a goddess. Beautiful, smart, funny as fuck, and like. Constantly busy. How she manages to balance RL shit with rp is beyond the scope of my ability to grasp yo but she’s the bomb-diggity. @americanasitgets MOTHERFUCKIN’ GABBY! My DC babe. Light of my liiife, fire in my loins, (not really but I was on a roll yo) -- I also met Gabby because of Mariah. And Gabby’s Clark. Gabby’s Clark is made of fucking sunshine okay, and the best part is, is that we’ve had like a sustained rp universe where April harasses Clark and doesnt know he’s superman, WHILE TASH-TRALKING SUPERMAN TO CLARK’S FACE. It’s comedy gold. Poor April. But I love Gabby, because she’s smart as shit and fuckin’ hysterical, and will literally snowball crack scenarios over IM into the wee hours of the morning. Even better, I’ve found someone whose as bad at keeping track of threads as me. (I say, as I eyeball our New Krypton thread that’s been in my drafts folder for like. Six months. Oops). @talonscourt D I KNOW THROUGH MY TIM BLOG-- but who I first met on April and then promptly FORGOT ABOUT because I’m a total dipshit. D writes Jason Todd, April surrogate son. This is a recent development. Tim loves Jason, April loves Jason. D is amazing as Jason. D is like... my platonic lover from Narnia. They’re smart as hell, and incredibly sweet even when I’m shit at keeping in contact because my real life is a hot-fuckin-mess and I’m always sick and on the verge of nuclear collapse. I would be TOTALLY LOST WITHOUT YOU. @galaeus Echo. As written by the ever talented Amy who I’ve known since April’s very first incarnation. Which... is a long ass time, Amy’s seen April through several character developments and rewrites, and has legit known April as a character since like. Legit. Post Tim. When April was a baby.  Echo is April’s other southern, raised by a pageant queen biffle. They shoot the shit together, Echo is also legit the only person in existence whose allowed to give April nicknames, or turn April into a diminutive. Amy’s basically like... hands down the reason why i never gave up on writing an Indie female OC, and that’s because Amy’s a boss and she also happens to be a spectacular writer, both in the RPC and in real life. @agentharrisonofshield and last but not least, this girl. Right here. April has like... a bevy of Awesome Girl Squad frands. All of whom are infinitely more talented and bad ass than she is, like. Legit. April’s smart. but in a fight? She’s basically cannon fodder by comparison. She just isn’t built for the field. April and Viv became friends because they got locked in a closet together. I’m not sure HOW that happened, but now they get together and chat in other languages and April feeds her, and basically this s the woman April goes to when she wants someone shot. I literally love all the headcanons we’ve put together and that Agent Harrison is invariably the first ‘shield agent’ April casually mentions outside of Echo, in threads of mine. That’s how you know you’ve found an awesome rp partner and friend. When their own characters start casually infiltrating your threads in the form of namedrops.
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lizzysnotes · 7 years
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NATHANIEL DAWSON - OPEN Age: 34 Alliance: The South/Double Agent Portrayal: Aidan Turner Relationships: Charles Dawson (brother), Sebastian Gray (childhood best friend), Madeline Dawson (former interest), MELANIE LAURENT (interest), Virginia Beauford (leader), Victor Crandon (cousin), DAN STEVENS (best friend) 
everyone @ nate: ur an asshole
nate: tell me something i don’t know! *finger guns* 
childhood bestfriends with seb gray!!!! 
their parents used to have heart attacks whenever they got together b/c trouble always!!!! followed!!!!!!
nate: i was such a bad influence on him it was awesome
honestly loved seb so much and they had fun but seb also kept him from doing anything too reckless 
when nate’s family took up with vardon and become super wealthy, nate flung himself into his new life!!!!
loved the wealth and the prestige and the ~ease of it all 
spent his days partying and drinking and flirting with pretty girls
honestly will flirt at anyone!!!!! 
has had more meaningless flings than he can remember
only falls in love with girls who hate him????
nate: idk what i expected 
tried to get with madeline when they were younger
tried to be nice to her but still came off looking like an ass???? 
she never liked him and ended up getting with seb instead
nate (again): idk what i expected
was a little brokenhearted and jealous at first tbh but ultimately he realized that he was happy for them and that they were two of the best ppl he knows and that they deserved each other
nate @ lina: it would have never worked out between us, love
kind of drowned himself in his other life tho for awhile
reached out to seb again, however, when he heard that vardon was trying to get lina to marry him, instead
helped them escape the north for the south
it was that act that lead nate to realize how blind he’d been and how selfish 
so much was going on around him and he was just too caught up in his own little bubble to notice or care
eventually became a double agent for the south
virginia took to him super quickly!!!!! (everyone was surprised given his southern routes) 
he’s become one of her most trusted advisors in just a few short years
acts like he doesn’t take any of this seriously tho (altho deep down he takes this sooooo seriously he just doesn’t know how to act like it????) 
nate: everyone here is so uptight -- can’t we plot murder and rebellion and still have fun with it????
everyone: .... 
has become interested in MELANIE LAURANT
she also seems to hate him
nate (yet again): idk what i expected
likes getting her upset tho??????? is always cracking jokes and flirting at her and all she does is yell at him??? 
slightly afraid that she’ll snap 1 day and just straight up murder him ???
nate: i could think of worse ways to go 
enjoys flirting with virginia but has no idea that she is actually super into him
only virginia and MELANIE know that he is a double agent
he didn’t want anyone else to know b/c he didn’t trust all of them 
MELANIE thinks they shouldn’t trust him for that but it turned out to be a good plan, otherwise he would have been found like beatrice was and turned over by jack lewis
did secretly seek out veronica though, and let her know that he was helping
mostly he just wanted to go to her on behalf of charles and tried to get her to think about getting back w/ him if he could bring him over to the southern side 
loves his little brother so!!!! much!!!!!!!
honestly thinks that he’s a much better person than he is (but not everyone agrees tbh) 
was able to negotiate his safety with virginia -- charles remaining unharmed, no matter his offenses, was his #1 requirement when signing up for this gig in the south
but he does have people he cares about on both sides???
like his BFF and now current hostage DAN STEVENS
afraid that he’s gonna end up hurt?????
nate of the few people who knows about DAN’S secret wife JENNA LOUISE COLEMAN and has kept the fact that they are married and she could be helpful to them from virginia
does feel like his life has purpose now but still feels like he’s not a great person????? 
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libarygoldfish · 5 years
Dead until you awake - Hamilton fanfiction, Ghost AU (Chapter 1 )
Author :
I really want to post this fic somewhere and have it back up on some part of the internet. This is a collaboration between me and my dear friend Trinnie. I love it with all my heart. So please don't insult our work if you somehow found it and read it.
Warning: Major character death, graphic violence
Category: M/M, F/M, Multi
Fandom: Hamilton (Lin Manuel Miranda)
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, Charles Lee (Li), Ling Li,
Relationship: Alexander Hamilton & Charles Lee (Li), Karin Simons (OC)/ Charles Lee (mention/post)
Additional tag: suicidal character, drug use, accident, embarrassing violation of privacy, parental issues, college failure, teenage pregnancy, attachment issues, etc
Chapter 1 :
Alex raises a middle finger to the man who drove him and his wet carton boxes to his new accommodation. It was a makeman following orders from Mr. Schuyler, helping Alex one final time before closing all his doors to the Schuyler family. Great. Another way to rub it in his face that he was never part of it anyway.
He looks at the small townhouse with its yellowing front yard and spider-webbed windows with a sigh. It is unbelievably cheap and strangely free of any negative feedback. Once Alex thought he had seen somebody said the place was haunted, but then the comment was deleted within an hour. Seems like the website has a good filter with spam content then.
He knows for sure he’d feel very alone in it. Such a big home for no one but him. Alex normally would get angry at this moment, angry at Eliza’s impassive expression and the way she gladly turned from him with a hand on her slightly swollen stomach. He’d get angry if he has the energy for it.
But he doesn’t. Everything is taken away from him: his education, his job, his girlfriend, his child growing in her stomach, and now his anger. His life is a spilled glass of water. And he wants to break the glass.
The floor squeaks when Alex starts carrying in his boxes. As if there is a second pair of feet walking with him but Alex pays no attention. He observes the heavily hanging webs across the furniture and upper corners, almost like thin veils of invisible brides. It’s a nice place to die, nobody will probably find him for a long time.
He wonders if the bottle of bromethalin rodenticide will be painful once Alex gathers enough courage to use it.
He enters the bathroom and is happy to see the taps still work. But the old water leaks a color brown and he leaves it open until it looks safe enough. The bedroom seems to be less dirty other than a few webs scattered on top of the neatly made blanket covering the bed. He simply flings it to the floor and lies down, closing his eyes for sleep to naturally come and claim his idle, unenergetic body.
Ten years, this is his 10th year stuck in this awkward position. He hasn’t get out of this haunted house since 2008. Everything seems to get bigger and fancier over this decade, but he’s still that 21 years old Charles Lee. He thinks while remembering what it was like when this new kid moved in a week ago.
People who rented this house would always move out before their one year contract reached an end. They would curse at the owner through texts, trying to leave a comment on their website, or even collecting evidence about him. They have never succeeded to get any attention, you can see their plans fall apart by those new ones filling into their empty spots. Nobody knew that being noticed was harder than they imagined.
Take this new roommate he has as the example. This ponytail-teen seems to be ignoring his present from the very first second. This boy, whose name clearly is Alex based on his email account and how most of his friend address him in that flat-touchable phone. “ Alex” hadn’t even seemed to notice he have a ghost roommate. No matter how much noises and signs he makes with every part of the house.
Shaking window? Alex simply gives it a glare before he continues his meaningless small paragraphs ( who even would spend that much of the time to debating on a website that you can only type 140 words ? ).
Disrupting the signal so that the youtube site would play a video which screams out his name? His emotionless new roommate only texted what happened to a guy named John.
Not even with his best trick that makes everyone “ realized” they have a nonhuman roommate. Alex, or more correctly, one of the worst roommate he ever had in this house ( Burr won the worst place easily, but this guy feels worse than him in a way). Charles can’t believe he just wiped those words off without a flinch, those words he spent hours and precious energies on… what a monster he is facing here.
And a monster deserves to be treated like one, he has to use that forbidden way to communicate with Alex.That way he hadn’t had a chance to do since 2009.
“Hi, Alex, I’m your ghost roommate Charles Lee. Can you please pay more attention to the fact You HAVE a roommate and he’s NOT a human? How can you possibly ignore every sign I gave you? Anyway, please stop ignoring my present cause I… really need your help on something important... please stop pretending you saw nothing, or I will keep typing on your thin computer and that flat-touchable phone. ”
He types down everything he wants to shout into Alex’s face while the boy is writing another long paragraph about something he doesn’t give a fuck. All he needs is this asshole to notice him, and at least do something about it.
Honestly? Comment section fighting is now the only thing that keeps Alex alive. It’s small and unexpected, but Alex had nothing else to look forward to when he goes to bed every day. It drags him out of bed, although he only changes places by sitting on the dusty desk. Still, progress is progress. Even if it’s tiny and insignificant.
Alex hasn’t even cleaned the place ever since he came here. If he’s going to die very soon, why bother cleaning it? He remembers he once was the most hard-working employee and what did it cause him? His education. Maybe his sanity is also out of the question. Which is why he’s seeing the pointer blinking and blinking as the keyboard types on its own. Alex raises his hands away but the stream of words continues nonetheless.
“Hi, Alex, I’m your ghost roommate Charles Lee. Can you please pay more attention to the fact You HAVE a roommate and he’s NOT a human? How can you possibly ignore every sign I gave you? Anyway, please stop ignoring my present cause I… really need your help on something important... please stop pretending you saw nothing, or I will keep typing on your thin computer-“
Interesting. But this says nothing. Alex thinks this website has such an interesting AI to respond to him. He thought AI’s would never admit they’re not human. Unless they have come up with a roleplaying model, then that’s very understandable. He decides to give it a try.
He simply types back. “Why should I pay attention to this non-human roommate? If he’s staying, isn’t he obliged to split the ownership payment with me?”
“Why should I pay attention to this non-human roommate? If he’s staying, isn’t he obliged to split the ownership payment with me?”
Can a human be more… insensitive about what just happened to him? On his computer? Charles Lee is certain that he made those keyboards typed themselves in a normal human’s eyes. Are the technologies really that advance right now? But things are still going by his plan, this one is still communicating with him.
He dislikes how this new human has no respect or fears toward him...but he remembers how great a human interaction felt like, and how much does he miss it.
So he continues sucking up battery power from Alex’s strange computer while writing down his reply to explain the situation. Jokingly trying to convince his new roommate why he doesn’t need to pay the rent.
“Are you really asking why a ghost doesn’t need to pay rent? …
Here’s why I don’t need to pay anything. First, I don’t need any place to do anything I need to. For example, I’m sitting in the same spot you are now, in a thick layer of dirty blankets. do you feel my weight or anything on you? No? great. See my point?
Second, this is MY house. Well, technically my grandma’s now, cause I leave it to her after I became a ghost.
… Should I start proving I’m a real ghost now like those weird comedy movies? “
He crosses his leg after he finished the reply, saving some additional energy he got from touching/possessing Alex’s device. Today seems to be a bit, no, so much fresher than these ten years (not physically, of course, his house is still dusty like a winter storm). To have another person to truly communicating with is… unbelievably happy. Not like he doesn’t enjoy alone time and watching others living their own lives. He’s dead, he shouldn’t have any desire to be and live like other humans. He should be moving on from this.
He won’t be one of those people who can’t move on.
Alex blinks. It’s a bit harder to tell if this is an AI that hacks into his computer or not. But then he remembers the writing on his mirror. The way his video game specifically chanted over and over in a demonic tone.
Definitely a ghost then.
“Are you a ghost of a Revolutionary general?” Alex now asks aloud. He tries not to feel stupid. But then he’s seeing a blurry silhouette, the glitchy motion around this figure.
Could it be that the more he believes in this being, the more of it he would see? Alex recalls the theory from an old movie he saw.
He opens up a Word document and types in.
“How did you die? Why didn’t you go to the afterlife? Is there an afterlife at all?”
[Fin-fucking-nally!] Charles shout out after hearing Alex’s questions. Feeling terribly happy about his new roommate’s recognition of his identity. He starts typing out his replies after calming down from that shouldn't be existed excitement.
“ That would be cool and sad if I’m from the 18th centuries. But no, I’m just a regular college fuck-up from 10 years ago. “
He can't help but imagines how terrible would it be if he's here since 1776, that kind of ghost is definitely one that can’t move one, 10 years isn't that long when compared to centuries of existence.
He continues typing in his reply after thinking about them for a few minutes.
There’s nobody to tell him can he tell a human that or not… But since this isn't a classic horror film interaction, why not telling him about it? Not like it and privacy matters that much anymore.
“ Wow wow, slow down my dude, that's some... long-story-short questions you just asked. But before I answer any of those, I need to know would you help me out or not first, a simple yes or no. Because, you know, those questions are awfully personally to a ghost, to a stuck one like me.
Alex shakes himself awake at that reply. It’s been a week since he moved in and Alex hasn’t gone outside at all; he didn’t eat much and is still counting on the fridge stock. He hasn’t interacted with anyone, which may have caused him to forget very basic manners. He forgot he has just asked someone, a former human, how they died.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to offend you. What do you mean by “help out”? What will this help entail? I pretty much have nothing to do for now so time’s not a concern.”
Alex smiles bitterly at his own reply. Time was something he never had before. He enrolled in college with an unbelievable amount of financial aid, his name too innocuous for filtering. After that, he learned that uni had never been the highschool endgame, the movie ending he imagined. No, it was a storm of progress.
He balanced between study with finding enough dough to feed himself. It went well until Alex was wrought with illness after spending 14 hours a day outdoors in January running errands. He lost precious time for his work, his study and was brought into the care of one Eliza Schuyler. She was doing Meds but helped out her Nursery friend who couldn’t attend her practicals. Eliza was drawn to his hard work and scathing humor, the way his speech naturally flaunts.
She just didn’t know that the downsides to him were sleepless nights, a frayed mind and a man desperate to rise above his station.
She realized too late when her belly swelled and she had to hide from her sisters by staying over at his place 24/7. The nights she couldn’t sleep with his desk lamp on and the cackling of his keyboard, her feet aching which prevented her from seeking relief from the morning sickness. The way Alex tried to do work from home to tend for her needs went underappreciated. They were sketched in different shades of pencil gray, smudged in terrible condition. Both missing schools, both not working enough to sustain themselves and both miserable. Both failing uni and there was no salvation but to retake the year. Scholarship ripped away from Alex and his chance of regaining a similar one is a number with many zeros behind a dot.
One of them had a family to fall onto, the other did not. And he would never do. And he will soon make a child fatherless with the bromethalin waiting in his bag like a ticking time bomb.
He stands up from his former position, taking few steps to face that kid who smiles bitterer than how he should in his age. Not like he’s that much older than him, but he knows what other kids look like at his age, at least how they look like at 2008. Replying him further with a sarcastic tone between his sentence doesn’t sound like a good option at this moment. Charles decides to write his answer with a different kind of tone he was planning to use.
“ Non taken, it was good enough that you are curious than furiously trying to kick me out…”
He remembers the first few families who seem to care about him at first. Our little girl has an imaginary best friend, they said. How cute, he like a dog just like her, they awed. He wants her to let him be IN her body, they screamed. Totally ignored is the reason behind his intention to possess her, only looked into the things that conquered over their minds. Most humans who didn’t get scared treated him like a pest. forgetting who is the real owner and who’s the new *guest*.
“ ...that help relates to my afterlife. To answer your one of your question, Yes, the afterlife does exist. Even though I haven’t been to my own afterlife yet. But I can feel it... like that company you always want to get in, but you just not qualified... ANYWAY. I, clearly still stuck in between. This means I still haven’t moved on, I still have regrets I NEED to fulfilled… I know we just start to know each other for couples minutes, it’s fine if you don’t want to help me at all. “
He tries to look Alex in the eyes, saying out the help he needs while typing it down.
“ Can I… Possess you? And maybe borrow your thin-Computer for a day. I just need to find her, I mean, finish that things I can’t leave behind … I won’t overdo it, of course, even I know too much possession can kill a human. “
Alex blinks and rereads. Blinks some more. Traces the line with his finger. So his battery level has decreased almost by half. He quickly imagines how being killed by this will be like; probably feeling drained and tired until you suddenly drop dead like a shut-down PC.
So it’ll be a sort of death in your sleep kind of way...suddenly the bromethalin seems a tad ridiculous. Alex’s having an easy way out, and it comes unexpectedly almost like everything else in his life.
“So..Charles? Why are you asking for permission? Did you almost kill someone when you tried to possess them?” He asks to find out if there’s really a guarantee of death should this possession business be real.
“ Well, it’s a tradition. A routine we need to follow if we need to possess a living thing. Like… inviting a vampire into your house? “
Charles types back with a sense of relief but misunderstands Alex’s reaction to his response. He only catches his reaction of him touching the decreasing battery level.
“To be honest, I have never really possessed a person more than an hour before. I heard about how possession kills a health human though. And killing someone with this… unfortunately *power* isn’t my intention.”
He lies down on the ground, pretending he can feel those dust on the floor again. Like what he used to do when he wanted to avoid his parents’ meeting. Sleeping on the cold floor with AC running whole night always made him sick enough to not seeing anyone, but still able to do his works.
Alex for a moment cannot see the blurry figure anymore and panics a bit. He hasn’t seen it lying down.
“Wait? Where are you?” He calls. “I’m curious, how do you know you are poss- how do you know you have successfully possessed someone?”
“And how will possessed death be like, I wonder? Is it like brain dead or stop-breathing-dead?”
“ I'm on the ground buddy. Already missing me without even seeing me clearly?”
He didn’t get up from the ground but stay in the same position, typing out his answer with his head this time. One of the few good things about being a ghost, you can type with your mind. Which lower the rated battery dies out, but still takes a lot of battery power out fast.
“I’m glad you are getting serious now, cause your computer is dying faster than I thought. Well, I would be able to control your physically. Kinda like your 2nd personality in some way, you would still be able to interact with me internally??
…and the ...um, death? It would be like a brain dead situation. I would be slowly draining your brain, human’s natural energy source, where we have most of the electric signals going on. That’s probably an important reason why a ghost need consent to possess anyone. We are basically slowly sucking up your life juice. “
“...how can I trust you to control me?” Alex asks, shuddering. This sounds like an out-of-control situation and that’s something unacceptable for Alex. No way. Not after the downward spiral he and Eliza were helpless to escape.
“Can’t you do what you’re doing now? Like…” Alex looks to the ground, not seeing the blurry figure very well so he pins his gaze onto a particular spot. “Like...not be in my body but still using my life force?”
John’d criticize him for his need to control everything. But Alex thinks once you’ve reached such a low point as now, your complex is of the least concern.
He wonders if Charles needs to keep his ghostly state a secret.
“Well, that’s not how human possession works, unfortunately.“
He replies to Alex with a smirk on his face, chuckles lightly from how easy human imagines possession would be. Why would he be controlling those machines than humans when humans are so much more efficient?
“ I figured out that we can only control lifeless subjects distantly, but not any lives who have a thought. Do you know I even have to negotiate with a bird if I want to possess it? Yes, I tried E V E R Y T H I N G . “ And he can’t understand any of their words no matter how hard he tried.
“And I’m only a regular ghost who barely managed to keep my energy wave together, forcing a living being to be fully under my control… would possibly break me apart. So yeah, you totally don’t need to worry about me doing anything you don’t want. I would be like your subpersonality, who doesn’t have enough power to push you away from the spotlight? “
For a moment, Alex isn’t going to take the risk. But then he sees himself in the phrase “tried E V E R Y T H I N G” and does a double-take. He knows very well the feeling of having done everything and still ends up alone. Defeated. A failure.
That feeling of loneliness, helplessness and trapped is what he sees in this ghost friend. He has nothing to lose. And even if he dies from this, maybe Charles can take over his body. And live a better life than him.
It’s a win-win.
“You’ve got yourself a deal. How do I give consent?” Alex asks into thin air.
Charles can't hide his smile when Alex really agree with this … Is he truly going to give his consent to use his body? Dear god, I promise I won’t kill this innocent kid and use his body as little as possible.
“OMG, you are giving me your consent ?! ...Here, repeat this sentence after me till you can see me laying on...no, sitting on the ground with my favorite sweater. “
He sits up and tries to make himself looks less messy, someone is going to look at him clearly with giving him consent. At least Alex would see a ghost with a fixed hair. A good first expression would probably make their face to face interaction less awkward.
“ repeat after this till you see me: I, Alex (your full name), agree to let Charles Lee possess me at my free will. Not because of outside force or threat by the ghost who is going to take control of my body temporarily.”
“If something goes wrong...Nah, I mean, who is there to miss.” Alex chuckles carefreely and repeats the phrase written on his screen.
“I, Alexander Hamilton, agree to let Charles Lee possess me at my free will. Not because of outside forces or threat by the ghost…” A drop of sweat trails down the side of his face. Alex is really reaching the end of this sentence. He has forgotten what it feels like for his heart to beat this fast, for him to feel the liveliness of expectation, “who is going to take control of my body temporarily.”
He shuts his eyes.
A connection suddenly appears right after Alex finishes his sentence. Charles can take control of Alex’s body without any barrier now. But he wants to wait till he finally can see him in the eyes. And make sure he still agree on doing it afterword.
“Alright, I think we have built that route for possession now… can you hear me? “
He asks curiously, trying to calm himself down from talking to a real human in five years. Hoping Alex would be able to hear him.
“ Do you… regret your decision now ?”
Alex’s eyes open as he is startled by the sudden voice in the previously quiet room. Following the direction of it, Alex sees a young man sitting on the floor.
A handsome face, symmetrical and nice to look at if not for the way blood is dripping over the left side of it. His ghost, Charles Lee, is wearing a large sweater with the faded writing of a university name. His skin is translucently pale, so pale that the dark eye bags are as pronounced as eye make-up.
“You are...Charles?” He reaches out to touch the ghost’s shoulder and it felt as if his hand passes through a block of ice. It’s a numbing feeling, strangely calm. If death is actually like this, Alex doesn’t see why he has anything to fear.
“No. I don’t regret it.” He offers his hand for a shake. “Not at all.”
“ Yep, I’m your local-very-dead ghost roommate, Charles Lee. “
He puts on a more relaxing smile when Alex start asking him questions instead of getting irrational about his present, he did meet a better human this time. Better than the last human who tried to kick him out with holy water (which was only a waste of money).
“ I’m glad that you didn’t freak out meeting me. You know, I don’t exactly look like a normal human. Do I give you a good first expression? Like my style so far ?”
He shakes Alex’s hand with his most steady handshake, greeting his temporarily human in a manner he hasn’t use for ages. Can’t help but gets exciting about having this opportunity enter his life, well, dead-life.
“ Are you sure you are ready for a possession though? I don’t feel you have enough energy for it. “ He asks after shaking Alex’s hand, noticing the condition of his current stage isn’t as good as he imagined before their connection.
“Let’s roll with it. I’m probably the best chance you’ve got.” Alex brushes off Charles’s concern for his health. “We’ll start soon. I’m gonna help you free yourself from regrets.”
Even though Alex is still living with his.
“ … Let’s start this tomorrow, I insist. We need to give your body some time to get used to our connection. “
He pats his new human on the shoulder and tried his best to still looks exciting. Like this connection between them only means the possession, nothing more.
But he knows nothing more about it, this is a completely new experience for him too. He has no idea what might happen next.
“both of us need some charging right now. Possession would work the best with a fully rested body. “
And so they slept.
0 notes
tessatechaitea · 5 years
New Titans #108
I can't believe we had to wait 108 issues for Marv Wolfman's take on the trauma of rape!
The advertisement on the inside front cover is for the movie Blue Chips and I've never hated past everybody more. Shaquille O'Neal starring in a movie directed by William Friedkin with the tagline, "In your face." Maybe I'm judging this movie too harshly simply because my first thought was, "What fucking world were we living in where we decided Shaq needed a movie career?" But then, he's playing a basketball player in this movie so he probably nailed the role. I'm sure there's no difference between the way he performed his role and the way he answered press questions after a game. And I guess he was kind of funny and charming, so what Hollywood bigwig wasn't getting on the horn and yelling at casting directors, "Get me Shaq! I've got a script here for a basketball movie and he'd be perfect! Also maybe throw this genie script at him!" Anyway, the Internet and Roger Ebert seem to think this movie wasn't too bad so maybe this isn't a hill I should die on. Not that I haven't died on a whole slew of hills that weren't worth dying on. Maybe not as many as Deathstork fans but I've still had my share. I don't remember any of those hills because I purge my memory of all the times I acted foolish so that I can continue to believe I'm the epitome of the perfect human being. Also, maybe I shouldn't trust Roger Ebert's judgment as much as I do seeing as he began his review with this word: "Alot". Unless that indicates he despised editors too in which case I'm back to being his #130,503,227th biggest fan! The issue begins with Starfire visiting Councilwoman Alderman in an insane asylum. Kory is dressed in torn rags because fuck you. You don't deserve a comic book that makes sense if you stuck with New Titans this long! My first thought was, "Is this a nightmare?" But I skipped ahead a few pages so that I wouldn't write a bunch of shit that didn't matter when it was revealed to be a dream and I don't think it is a nightmare. My second thought was that Kory broke in to confront Alderman but Kory mentions things the guard said to her, and references waiting for the guards to open the door leading to Alderman's cell. So she went through the proper channels for a visit and nobody seemed to care she was barefoot and wearing a torn sheet that was skimpier than her superhero costume. But then I remember this is a comic book from 1994 and even when a hot female character is dealing with the trauma of rape, the artist still must cater to the male gaze. You know how many comic book drawings of dead female heroes I've jerked off to?! I mean, obviously it's zero! That was meant to be hyperbolic and satirical!
So sexily satirical!
Comic book fans think they have it rough now, what with Tom King portraying Batman as a man who might actually have to deal with the psychological trauma of his entire life in ways other than beating criminals nearly to death. Back in 1994, we had to deal with poor misunderstood and tormented Raven turning into a rape monster just like her father! It was a hard lesson! Thankfully, the only people who had to learn it were the assholes who still kept buying The New Titans after the Wildebeest story arc. Nightwing arrives to save Starfire from more trauma induced by Alderman's ranting. He appears in full costume because men are allowed to be dignified. Although, technically, with the way artists draw characters in spandex, Nightwing looks more naked than Starfire. Starfire yells "Kynasf'rr!" and blasts through the wall, leaving Nightwing free to think about how Alderman said he was always second to Batman. I mean, Kory's pain is terrible and Alderman taunting her about a possible Trigon pregnancy is terrifying but second to Batman?! Below the belt, crazy lady! Phantasm makes an appearance to say, "Trigon's seed has returned to Earth!" So now I'm thinking about Trigon's ejaculate, so thanks for that, Marv Wolfman! You dirty pervert!
Based on these two articles on the front page, I'm guessing nobody at the Globe knows what "landslide" means.
Beast Boy and Dr. Sarah Charles have a grieving session while packing up Victor's things in whatever space Victor kept his things. Garfield decides to remember things so that Marv Wolfman can show that Garfield has learned a lesson about inspiration and hope from Cyborg. Gar says, "Only [Cyborg] never complained. He just kept going on, even after what happened to Sarah Simms. Even after he realized he was going to die. He just took things as they were and changed what he could and accepted what he couldn't." Maybe I'm the one remembering things wrong but I felt like Cyborg was constantly complaining! He was constantly angry at his dad for turning him into a machine. He was constantly upset at his robot life because it didn't allow him to fuck his romantic partners. He was always saying "Booyah!" because what else is there to say when your body is a constant and painful reminder that you'll never again be human and you're bound to live a life of loneliness? I mean, I could be remembering wrong. And anyway, this plays much better. You want the dead guy to have left some kind of meaning filling the void his presence has left. Also, Garfield needed this moment to grow the fuck up. It reveals too much about my inner character so I won't discuss the scene where I identify too strongly with Pantha's grousing about the Beast Boy/Dr. Charles scene just before Red Star almost beats the shit out of her. Those two are definitely about to fuck, right? Roy Harper discovers that his bosses at Checkmate have found a non-Dayton Industries corporation to begin design Titan weapons systems and that corporation is run by Alexander Luthor. Not Lex Luthor! Alexander! The one with red hair and the beard. The one that was fucking Supergirl. But not the real Supergirl! The Supergirl made out of slime or computer data or something. I don't have a real clear memory of these post-Death-of-Superman Superman family histories! And finally, Starfire travels to South America — the Tamaran of Earth, I guess? — to undergo Kynasf'rr. I don't know what that is but I bet it's sexy. New Titans #108 Rating: B-. I almost gave this issue a C+ which is worse than a B- but feels more positive because our perceptions of things, as humans, can be fucking stupid. I was hoping for Marv to really plumb the deaths of Starfire's tragedy but instead he just scripted a few pages of Starfire nearly naked while Alderman tries to convince her to let Raven rape her again. Marv doesn't even spend much time on the Titan's grief over Cyborg since he had to deal with a bunch of Titans' bureaucracy over their current leadership and membership problems. This seemed like an issue where Marv could have really flexed some emotional writing muscle but he spent only a few pages superficially glossing over the Titans' grief and pain. The Letters Pages! Jeff DeMos of New York, NY, gave me a good laugh when he wrote, "Why is there a periodic need to overhaul a character that will 'change (them) forever?' Has Cyborg really become so boring and dated? Has he exhausted all possible storylines?" Why, yes and yes, Jeff! Thanks for asking the truly important rhetorical questions! The editor's response to those obviously rhetorical questions was another good laugh: "Cyborg never became 'boring or dated.'" Ha ha! I suppose that statement is true if you consider Cyborg has always been boring and dated which means he could never become those things!
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPY SATURDAY OF ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL ‘PATRIOTS!!🔥🔥WHO'S🔥🔥READY🔥🔥FOR🔥🔥ANOTHER🔥🔥DANK🔥🔥AF🔥🔥RECAP🔥🔥I hope everyone is enjoyin’ this lovely Saturday afternoon! This is yooo girl /u/Ivaginaryfriend back at it again with a weeks worth of only the spiciest of content for you 'pedes! Before we begin, if you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those at this link here!Let's get this recap started!Sunday, July 15th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:There hasn’t been a missile or rocket fired in 9 months in North Korea, there have been no nuclear tests and we got back our hostages. Who knows how it will all turn out in the end, but why isn’t the Fake News talking about these wonderful facts? Because it is FAKE NEWS!Heading to Helsinki, Finland – looking forward to meeting with President Putin tomorrow. Unfortunately, no matter how well I do at the Summit, if I was given the great city of Moscow as retribution for all of the sins and evils committed by Russia... ... ...over the years, I would return to criticism that it wasn’t good enough – that I should have gotten Saint Petersburg in addition! Much of our news media is indeed the enemy of the people and all the Dems... ... ...know how to do is resist and obstruct! This is why there is such hatred and dissension in our country – but at some point, it will heal!Congratulations to France, who played extraordinary soccer, on winning the 2018 World Cup. Additionally, congratulations to President Putin and Russia for putting on a truly great World Cup Tournament -- one of the best ever!(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS Melania are wheels down in Helsinki, Finland...photo via motorcade en route to hotel...(Retweeting Secretary Pompeo) Landed in #Finland for #helsinki2018 where @POTUS & Prez Putin are set to discuss US/Russian relations. POTUS meeting is in the interest of US national security. It’s critical that the leaders of the US & Russia engage on important matters between our two countries. @StateDeptReceived many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together and to get them focused on financial obligations, both present & future. We had a truly great Summit that was inaccurately covered by much of the media. NATO is now strong & rich!President Obama thought that Crooked Hillary was going to win the election, so when he was informed by the FBI about Russian Meddling, he said it couldn’t happen, was no big deal, & did NOTHING about it. When I won it became a big deal and the Rigged Witch Hunt headed by Strzok!Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:NYTimes Admits "Trump Got From NATO Everything Obama Ever Asked For"Kate’s Law Which Would Increase Penalties for Deported Illegal Aliens Who Try to Return Easily Passed the House by a 257-157 Vote Last Year. The Bill is Still Sitting on Mitch McConnell’s Desk who Never Brought it to the Senate Floor for a Vote. Beyond Disgraceful.Prince Charles refused to meet Trump during his UK visit, so instead here are some pics of Charles meeting his close friend serial Pedophile and Satanist Jimmy Savile for one of their many holidays together in Scotland.Trump 2020, outside groups raise $32.7 million in just 3 months, small donors rulePresident Trump spots his little brother Robert in the crowd.. a very nice moment🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Sunday gunday Londonistan edition"The left doesn't hate white people or men"Build. The. Wall.Beautiful as alwaysMonday, July 16th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to a Key Administration PostPresident Trump Attends Breakfast with the President of the Republic of FinlandPresident Trump has a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the Russian FederationPresident Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Visit FinlandPresident Trump Holds a Joint Press Conference with the President of the Russian Federation🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:It was an honor to join you this morning. Thank you!Joint Press Conference from Helsinki, Finland:Thank you Helsinki, Finland!As I said today and many times before, “I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.” However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past – as the world’s two largest nuclear powers, we must get along! #HELSINKI2018I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace, than to risk peace in pursuit of politics. #HELSINKI2018A productive dialogue is not only good for the United States and good for Russia, but it is good for the world. #HELSINKI2018Will be interviewed on @seanhannity tonight at 9pmE and @TuckerCarlson tomorrow night at 8pmE. Enjoy!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:THIS FUCKING TIMELINE: PUTIN ACCUSES HILARY CLINTON OF ACCEPTING $400 MILLION IN ILLEGAL RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS DURING THE NEWS CONFERENCE!!!MY PRESIDENT: “Nothing would be easier politically than to refuse to meet, to refuse to engage, but that would not accomplish anything... I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics."Putin just offered to let Robert Mueller come to Russia and question the 12 military officers he claims interfered in the US election. Mueller won't take him up on it. Mueller won't investigate the DNC server. He won't interrogate Assange. He won't even go to court for indictments he's made LOL"Peace Talk Between Nuclear Superpowers Offends America's Assholes And Morons"Yet another amazing #WalkAway.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:TBH I found this hilarious.EverythingThis was expected no matter what came out of the Trump-Putin summit. Fresh, Extra Tasty Liberal Tears!!Kudos to the Pede who made this...Treeeason!Tuesday, July 17th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration PostsTen Nominations Sent to the Senate TodayFirst Lady Melania Trump Visits Belgium, United Kingdom, and FinlandPresident Trump Meets with Members of Congress🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I had a great meeting with NATO. They have paid $33 Billion more and will pay hundreds of Billions of Dollars more in the future, only because of me. NATO was weak, but now it is strong again (bad for Russia). The media only says I was rude to leaders, never mentions the money!While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way - the Fake News is going Crazy!Thank you @RandPaul. “The President has gone through a year and a half of totally partisan investigations - what’s he supposed to think?”The economy of the United States is stronger than ever before!The meeting between President Putin and myself was a great success, except in the Fake News Media!The Democrats want to abolish ICE, which will mean more crime in our country. I want to give ICE a big cheer! Vote Republican in November.“Prosperity is returning. Donald Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do as a candidate, now as the most effective president, the most successful president, in modern American history.” Thank you to the great Lou Dobbs!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:inhales HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!San Francisco begins registering illegal aliens to voteMcCain: If you object, you work for Putin. Paul: I object. walks outBest president ever! 🇺🇸🇺🇸EXPOSED: Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran, Worked As Obama and Brennan's Envoy To Iranian Regime - Big League Politics🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:It's all Communism until you get the munchiesDoing the Lord's workInteresting breakdown of events.CNN's Andersen Pooper calls President's Russia performance "disgraceful". Well, more than 100 million Americans hired Trump to think out of the box, pursue peace and stop endless wars. Who the fuck are you?When the domreddit gets brigaded all night but pedes start waking up and logging in to T_DWednesday, July 18th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration PostPresident Trump Hosts a Cabinet Meeting🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki. Putin and I discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. We got along well which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. Big results will come!While the NATO meeting in Brussels was an acknowledged triumph, with billions of dollars more being put up by member countries at a faster pace, the meeting with Russia may prove to be, in the long run, an even greater success. Many positive things will come out of that meeting.. ... ....Russia has agreed to help with North Korea, where relationships with us are very good and the process is moving along. There is no rush, the sanctions remain! Big benefits and exciting future for North Korea at end of process!Congratulations to Martha Roby of The Great State of Alabama on her big GOP Primary win for Congress. My endorsement came appropriately late, but when it came the “flood gates” opened and you had the kind of landslide victory that you deserve. Enjoy!“A lot of Democrats wished they voted for the Tax Cuts because the economy is booming - we could have 4% growth now and the Fed said yesterday that unemployment could drop again.” @foxandfriends @kilmeadeSome people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!3.4 million jobs created since our great Election Victory - far greater than ever anticipated, and only getting better as new and greatly improved Trade Deals start coming to fruition!Brian Kemp is running for Governor of the great state of Georgia. The Primary is on Tuesday. Brian is tough on crime, strong on the border and illegal immigration. He loves our Military and our Vets and protects our Second Amendment. I give him my full and total endorsement.Thank you to Congressman Kevin Yoder! He secured $5 BILLION for Border Security. Now we need Congress to support. Kevin has been strong on Crime, the Border, the 2nd Amendment, and he loves our Military and Vets. @RepKevinYoder has my full and total endorsement!The two biggest opponents of ICE in America today are the Democratic Party and MS-13!(Retweeting Alex Azar) .@POTUS has made clear that it’s time for drug companies to put American Patients First — Novartis halting its prescription drug increases is a step in the right direction and a win for American patients.A total disgrace that Turkey will not release a respected U.S. Pastor, Andrew Brunson, from prison. He has been held hostage far too long. @RT_Erdogan should do something to free this wonderful Christian husband & father. He has done nothing wrong, and his family needs him!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Rand Paul calls out commie Brennan as "the most biased, bigoted, over-the-top, hyperbolic, unhinged director of the C.I.A. we’ve ever had."“House Democrats steal new slogan ahead of midterms” FTFYHouse GOP Pins 167 Democrats With 'Abolish ICE' Vote - 167 Democrats abstained or voted against a resolution praising the ICE agency - So they support Murder & Mayhem committed on Legal Residents & Citizens by uneducated 3rd world criminal thugs? - Pelosies Sainted Tainted AngelsTammy Bruce: "These people said tax cuts were going to start Armageddon. That the end of net neutrality was going to literally kill people. That Trump meeting with North Korea would lead to WWIII. Now a summit press conference is treason." Fucking hysterical (and often-wrong) fascists.Transgender prisoner who was put in a female jail despite not having sex-change surgery ‘sexually assaulted four women inmates before being moved to a male prison’PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Press Beating🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:UMM... Yeah...Democrats announce 2018 slogan: “For The People” . You know what to do, pedesIncredible NEW Emotional TRUMP 2020 campaign AD #REDWAVETrump has 52 million followers on Twitter and we have less than a million on here??? GTFO RedditFlashback: Michael Moore inadvertently creates the best Trump campaign speechThursday, July 19th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Hosts the Pledge to America's Workers EventExecutive Order Establishing the President’s National Council for the American WorkerOne Nomination Sent to the Senate Today🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Thank you to Novartis for not increasing your prices on prescription drugs. Likewise to Pfizer. We are making a big push to actually reduce the prices, maybe substantially, on prescription drugs.The Democrats have a death wish, in more ways than one - they actually want to abolish ICE. This should cost them heavily in the Midterms. Yesterday, the Republicans overwhelmingly passed a bill supporting ICE!The Fake News Media is going Crazy! They make up stories without any backup, sources or proof. Many of the stories written about me, and the good people surrounding me, are total fiction. Problem is, when you complain you just give them more publicity. But I’ll complain anyway!The Fake News Media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are pushing so recklessly hard and hate the fact that I’ll probably have a good relationship with Putin. We are doing MUCH better than any other country!“Trump recognized Russian Meddling MANY TIMES.” Thank you to @foxandfriends and @FoxNews for actually showing the clips. The Fake News wants no part of that narrative! Too bad they don’t want to focus on all of the ECONOMIC and JOBS records being set.Really big jobs meeting today at the White House! 3 P.M.....proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems...but they can ALL be solved!“Trump recognized Russian Meddling MANY TIMES”SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Ron Paul: We Can Tell Trump-Putin Summit Was A Success Because "Neocons Aren't Very Happy"AMERICA FIRSTSouthern Poverty Law Center Finally Admits Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen Wasn't a Right-Wing TerroristU.S. Election Meddling: Nationwide Voter Fraud, Importation of 15M Foreign-Born VotersGallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia" - Almost not at all!Holy shit, Mueller gave podesta immunity. The pedo is gonna walk.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:“For the People”The Onion wrecks CNNTo commemorate the DNC's new slogan, I made a meme. Hope you guys like it. ☺Learn the Difference!Found on r/funny, but I think it's much more fitting hereFriday, July 20th:TODAY'S ACTION:Pledge to America's WorkersPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to a Key Administration Post🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:My deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those involved in the terrible boat accident which just took place in Missouri. Such a tragedy, such a great loss. May God be with you all!China, the European Union and others have been manipulating their currencies and interest rates lower, while the U.S. is raising rates while the dollars gets stronger and stronger with each passing day - taking away our big competitive edge. As usual, not a level playing field... ... ....The United States should not be penalized because we are doing so well. Tightening now hurts all that we have done. The U.S. should be allowed to recapture what was lost due to illegal currency manipulation and BAD Trade Deals. Debt coming due & we are raising rates - Really?Farmers have been on a downward trend for 15 years. The price of soybeans has fallen 50% since 5 years before the Election. A big reason is bad (terrible) Trade Deals with other countries. They put on massive Tariffs and Barriers. Canada charges 275% on Dairy. Farmers will WIN!(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) “Senate GOP breaks record on confirming Trump picks for key court”(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) “Former Harvard law students praise Kavanaugh in letter”(Retweeting Dan Scavino Jr.) “More Winning: American Jobless Claims Drop to Lowest Level Since 1969”So important. Should have been done years ago!Will the Dems and Fake News ever learn? This is classic!I got severely criticized by the Fake News Media for being too nice to President Putin. In the Old Days they would call it Diplomacy. If I was loud & vicious, I would have been criticized for being too tough. Remember when they said I was too tough with Chairman Kim? Hypocrites!(Retweeting Ivanka Trump) .@WhiteHouse National Council for the American Worker together w/ the private sector is working to equip students + workers w/ skills they need to succeed in the jobs being created across our Country & ensure America’s workforce remains the BEST in the world #WorkforceDevelopmentThe NFL National Anthem Debate is alive and well again - can’t believe it! Isn’t it in contract that players must stand at attention, hand on heart? The $40,000,000 Commissioner must now make a stand. First time kneeling, out for game. Second time kneeling, out for season/no pay!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Admins Are Cool With This.AFTER ATTACKING CONSERVATIVES, DISNEY FILMMAKER’S TWEETS REVEAL RACISM, HOMOPHOBIA AND ASSAULT AGAINST CHILDRENBenghazi Hero Kris Paronto Goes NUCLEAR on Crooked Hillary After She Accuses Trump WH of Not Defending AmbassadorOcasio-Cortez Claimed Unemployment is Low Because "Everyone Has Two Jobs", But the Facts Show the Exact Opposite - Multiple Jobs and Hours Worked Are at an All-Time Low. And That's Not Even How Unemployment is Measured. Remember Folks, She Has a College Degree in Economics LOLMaxine Waters backers burn stolen American flagJames Gunn Fired as Director of 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:When you're hesitant to post on T_D because you'll be banned from other subsIf T_D didn't exist I would delete my reddit account and forget about this shithole websitePoor Whoopi. Her rage and contempt has made her blind to her own condition. Sad!Do the doSaturday, July 21st:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) - almost unheard of. Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client - totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:RAND PAUL: "Trump Derangement Syndrome has officially come to the Senate. The hatred for the President is so intense that partisans would rather risk war than give diplomacy a chance."Refugees From War-Torn Syria Now Fleeing New Jersey Because Of High Taxes And ViolenceIncredible Liberal TeacherI'm sick to my stomach. More Hollywood pedophilia... Michael Ian Black has got to go.ICE Just Arrested Dozens of Illegal Aliens in a Sanctuary City, the Majority Have Serious Criminal Records - According to Pelosie they are all future PhD's in her Tainted Sainted Angels groups - Better than Citizen's & Legal Residents by far🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:"A Small Moment of History Captured Outside of the White House This Evening."The family functions get lit tho!People in the sixties vs todayLol I’m dying 😂BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣WEEEWWW What an INCREDIBLE week!!Without further ado; a few jams to get your head bobbing this lovely Saturday;SlideInside OutEvery MorningStory Of A GirlShimmerMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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