#(and also my mother's health got bad last year & had to take care of her even more but i managed to find her a place in a good nursing home
hithelleth · 1 month
— 15 Questions for 15 or maybe 5 or 6 Friends —
I was tagged by @figkeele last week and tonight I don't feel like going to sleep yet (which is a GREAT idea) and haven't done one of these in a while, so here we go. Thank you!
Are you named after anyone? My dad.
When was the last time you cried? On Tuesday while reading Archangel's Lineage (Guild Hunter #16) by Nalini Singh. No worries, everything ends well, but one scene made me cry like rain. In felt very cathartic, though. A girl needs a good cry once in a while.
Do you have kids? No.
What sports do you play/have you played? None. Too sick for it.
Do you use sarcasm? Nah, never. Why do you ask? /s
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Voice/tone or IDK, vibe? *shrug*
What’s your eye color? Green.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. Life's hard enough, thank you very much.
Any talents? Writing? (Haven't written in... too long, though). Singing? (Same.)
Where were you born? To quote the mayor: in the most beautiful city in the word. :P
What are your hobbies? Reading, watching TV, crocheting.
Do you have any pets? Sadly, not currently.
How tall are you? Super tall, a whole meter and a half. :P
Favorite subject in school? Geography.
Dream job? I sort of have it? I've been completely quiet about it as not to jinx it, but last year I began work rehabilitation at a primary school with part-time teaching individual students and part-time doing admin and it turned into tentative government-subsidised employment this year... I like it a lot and I'm hoping really hard that becomes something more permanent. Cross your fingers, please! And don't envy me, it's still hard AF (health-wise) but if I have to work to live I'd at least like to do something I like, such as this.
Tagging (no pressure if you don't wanna do it): @wellwhataboutme, @eveningspirit, @stargazerdaisy, @jadedbirch, @abedsmessedupmeta, @zoi-no-miko and anyone else who wants to do it.
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doberbutts · 6 months
Curious about something you mentioned in your post last week, you said that in your opinion all drugs should be legal and I’m curious about how that would be a positive at all? Like I get weed bc it’s pretty harmless but when I think of drugs I think of cocaine and heroin, which have destroyed so many lives. If it was widely available wouldn’t that end up hurting more people than helping? That’s just my opinion but I’m curious on the other side
I do think all drugs should be legal. This is said knowing that addiction runs in my family and that the only reason my older sister is my *sister* is due to drug use and addiction. Otherwise she'd be my cousin.
Making drugs illegal does not stop people from getting high. It does not stop drug related crime. And it certainly does not stop drugs from tearing families apart.
Addiction is a symptom of a larger problem. Solve the problem and the addict problem goes away. Solve the addict problem and drugs stop ruining lives and destroying families and creating massive amounts of drug related violence. Places that have roled out decriminalization strategies effectively have seen an overall reduction in crime rates across the board, a reduction in recreational drug use, and a reduction in bloodborne illness like HIV. Creating safe needle exchanges as well as safe places to get high with medical staff onhand has also created a locale where very few people die from overdose.
Most people hear "decriminalize all drugs" and think I mean a free-for-all. I don't. I think the drug market should be regulated. I don't think you should be able to get ketamine or heroin over the counter at a walmart like you can get asprin. But I think it's time to stop putting people in jail for getting high.
My aunt tore her life and her family and her health apart for years while she was addicted to heroin. My sister, her daughter, needed to be removed from her care due to the amazingly bad choices she made as a mother due to her addiction and her prioritizing drugs over the health and safety of her daughter. My aunt has had multiple heart attacks from the damage the constant drug use did to her body.
My aunt is more than a decade sober and do you know why? It's not because she got a wakeup call when her daughter was taken away, because at the time she willingly and freely signed her over to my parents because that got her "out of [her] hair". It's not because she had a heart attack, because she went right back to it the moment she was out of the hospital. It's not even because she spent time in rehab and prison, because the moment she was out she was using again.
No, my aunt got sober because her life changed. She was put on a better pain management plan. She got out of her shitty marriage to her shitty husband. She completed some education to make her more hireable so she didn't have to rely on less than safe means of paying her bills. She reconnected with my sister and reforged their relationship once she was 18. She bought her own house. She found love with someone who didn't give a shit about her past and brought out the best in her.
My aunt was a deeply unhappy person. Heroin made life more tolerable for her. Until she couldn't tolerate life without it. Until she'd do anything, anything, to get her next high.
A lot of addicts are addicts because they are self-medicating for something else and their drug of choice has chemical properties that makes their brains crave it more. If you fix the "deeply unhappy" part, you create a healthier environment for that addict to take control over their life again. Without it, they are far more likely to continue to relapse.
Knowing this, why would I then want to add the threat of prison and jailtime- life-ruining things themselves- to an addict's list of concerns?
Look up rat park sometime. In the rat paradise, drugged water was freely offered, and occasional a rat here or there would take a hit or two, but rarely enough to even get high and almost never habitually. Addiction literally didn't exist even though the rats were taking addictive substances. But the rats in cages, seperated from each other, with no enrichment, crammed into small spaces and stressed to hell? Those rats took hit after hit after hit until they overdosed and died. The addict rats were deeply unhappy. The drugs were their only escape. The paradise rats had to be lured in with sweetened drugs to even consider and even then they rejected them. The caged rats did not need sweetner, even though the drugs made the water bitter.
If we can see such a stark difference in rats having their needs met vs rats experiencing isolation and stress, what would happen if we showed human addicts the same consideration?
I think a lot better results than continuing to jail deeply unhappy and desperate people for doing the only thing they can think of to cope.
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spacecowboyhotch · 5 months
In Plain Sight: Tiana
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summary: nathan does his best to support you.
pairing: nathan bateman x f!reader, f!reader’s mother (Tiana)
contents: this entire series is 18+, sick parent, parent death, grief, panic attacks, existential crisis, support!nathan
wc: 1,360
an: this one is a bit heavy so do heed the warnings. we also jump around in the timeline so it is important to have read previous parts or it won’t make much sense. be gentle with yourselves on this one
in plain sight masterlist | TIONB | planted | little hamlet
3 Weeks before To Atomize*
The day you told your mother about Nathan was one of her last good days. Many, many bad days came after. Celia— her nurse— sent you the usual report before you left to go home. It said that your mother had slept most of the day and gotten a burst of energy.
When you got home that day, she was propped up, watching some soap opera with mild interest. Seeing her genuine smile when you walked through the door had made your heart flutter.
You made her favorite tea, and brought a book to read though you really had wanted to talk to her, not at her. With working, taking care of your sisters, and her health you found that you didn’t get to do that much anymore. Talk with your mother, hearing her thoughts and opinions, her praises and suggestions. Feeling her intentional love. You crave it.
“Have you told your sisters?”
“No— I will. I wanted to tell you first.”
Her brows raise and teasingly she murmurs, “You’re serious about him.”
“I am,” You say through a laugh.
Her smile is so warm, like the sun, the corners of her eyes crinkling, “You love him.”
“I’m not sure yet.”
“But you could?”
“I could.”
“Don’t be afraid to.”
“That’s easier said than done, mama.”
She sighs patiently, shifting more on her side so that she can look directly at you, “Does he love you?”
You grow warm under her serious gaze. You don’t particularly like thinking about Nathan feeling more deeply for you. He’s assured you that he’s in this for the long haul— that he’s ‘spoken for’ but words and actions are very different things. He hasn’t done anything to show he words aren’t true…yet. “I think so. He acts like it.”
“Then let him.”
“When you find a man that treats you the way you’re meant to be treated, you can’t be scared, darling.”
“But it’s scary.”
“You’ve done so many scary things in your life. You’ve watched my health fluctuate with a brave face. You’ve raised those girls out there. And now you’re on the cusp of falling in love. A beautiful girl with a beautiful heart. Everything will work out how it’s meant to.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’m not. Isn’t that more reason to grasp it while you can?”
“I don’t know mama, this is all so existential.”
“Promise me something.”
“Anything, mama.”
“Promise me you won’t waste the time. If you want him, if you love him, then don’t waste any time. When the time comes, let yourself as openly and honestly as you possible can. Promise me?”
“I promise.”
Present Day (5 months after Family Dinner)
Nathan’s voice pulls you out of the haze that you seem to always be slipping into now that your mother is gone. It’s hard, not wanting to escape into memories so that it feels like she’s here.
You give him a wane smile, “Hey.”
“I’ve been calling you,” He says softly, sliding onto the couch beside you.
You sigh, shaking your head a little as if that’ll clear the fog, a task that you imagine will take years. “Sorry, I’m just…”
“I know, sweetheart. It’s alright,” He assures you, draping an arm behind you on the couch. His brows are pinched with worry— an emotion you’re still trying to get used to seeing on his face.
You sit up on the edge of the couch abruptly, looking around. Where’s your phone? Your laptop? “Wait, what time is it?”
“Almost 4.”
“I wasted my entire day here?”
“You didn’t waste it. You said you wanted some space, I gave it to you.”
“But this is the only day of the week that I stay this long anymore. You didn’t have to give me that much space.”
“There’s next week and the week after that…and the week after that. I could keep going but I hope you’re understanding our situation here,” He teases gently, running his hand over your back.
You lean out of his comforting touch, feeling guilty. “It’s not, I should be cherishing my time with you. Who knows when—“
He cuts you off immediately. He’s had this conversation with you multiple times since your mother’s passing. He doesn’t want you to focus on him— but on yourself and your sisters, on getting you all through this. “Hey, uh uh, don’t do that. Don’t go there.”
You’re already there. You’ve been there for weeks now. All you can think about is life slipping out of your grasp. Of not having the words or the feelings to make the time dwindling in front of you feel like it's enough. Your chest feels tight, and you scoot further away from him trying to keep yourself centered. Its futile attempt, everything’s all out of whack, you can’t find your balance, your emotions sway and crash around you unpredictably like the waves of a seastorm.
“But, it’s true. I could lose you today or tomorrow. I could lose you right now, you could have some fucked up brain vessel or something. You could choke o-or fall o-or– and Philippa, Emma–”
He cups your hands in his chest, brown eyes soft and desperate as he tries to calm you down. “Honey. I need you to take it down a notch and breathe, you’re gonna give yourself a panic attack.”
“I don’t— I can’t—“ You gulp frantically, feeling your breath grow shallow.
“She was sick,” He whispers, pulling you flush to his chest. “She was sick, sweetheart, there was nothing to be done. I’m healthy, I’m here— so are your sisters. We can get them check ups every month, get them checked out by oncologists as much as you want. Whatever you need to make you feel alright.”
“I feel like I’m going insane. How can having less to do and worry about make me insane?” You say through tears.
Nathan hates seeing you like this. He’s never hated anything more than seeing you in pain. He wishes he could take it away— he would do anything, pay any amount of money, invent any program if it meant that you could have some reprieve.
“Stop. You’re not insane, you’re grieving. Studies say there’s no right way— trust me I’ve looked high and fucking low for a methodology— but you’ve gotta take it as it comes, sweetheart. I’ll be here, right beside you the whole time.”
You’re quiet for a long time, letting Nathan hold you. He rocks you side to side, brushing soft, tickling kisses across your temple and forehead. You focus on the rise and fall of his chest, allowing your breathing to mimic his own. He’s warm and solid against you. He’s right here. Living and breathing and talking right beside you. He’s right here.
Finally you say, “I don’t want to take it as it comes. I want to feel okay again.”
“If I could make it so baby, I would,” He whispers, squeezing you a little tighter.
“I know. I’m sorry. Thank you Nathan.”
He cups your face, guiding your gaze to his own– its unyielding and firm. No nonsense. “You don’t apologize to me, alright? Ever.
He’s been more like that since your mom’s passing. More directive and firm, guiding and caring for you in ways that were necessary before. It’s exactly what you need right now. And sometimes, it has those butterflies settling in your stomach and heat simmering in your veins.
You refocus on him where your gaze had gone a little blurry. “Not even if I accidentally knee you in the nuts?”
Nathan pretends to consider your ridiculous question. “I shouldn’t have had my nuts where your knees are.”
“You may be the closest specimen to a perfect man.”
“I mean it honey, don’t apologize to me for this. I won’t accept it and I’ll yell you every single time.”
You raise a brow at him, “Yell?”
“You’ve never yelled at me, not even when you were just my boss.”
“Maybe I’m exaggerating,” He allows, grinning at you mischievously.
“You are.”
“Maybe I’m not.”
“Trying to keep me guessing?”
He presses a chaste kiss to your mouth, and then another and another, addicted. “Always, baby.”
nathan taglist: @missdictatorme, @hon3yboy, @runa-falls, @campingwiththecharmings, @toracainz, @steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, @jdbxws, @crispysublimecupcake, @sub-aro, @faretheeoscar, @cupidysm, @whentheskyispinkandabitblue, @nova-ivy541, @sparkypantelones, @veritable-trash, @mangoslushcrush, @thhriller, @tenderhornynihilist, @queerponcho, @redcake333
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AITA for agreeing to be a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding even though I think she's making a huge mistake?
(Emojis so I recognize it 👰‍♀️💍🤵)
So my (24F) cousin Anna (21F) got engaged at the start of December. This was really surprising to me because the last time I saw her at Thanksgiving she was just starting to get back into dating via tinder after a couple bad breakups, and she wasn't actively seeing anyone yet. When I got home for Christmas break, my mother told me that Anna had gotten engaged to and moved in with her new boyfriend, Evan (~22/23M), an army guy she'd met three weeks before and that no one but her immediate family had even met yet.
Our family has always been pretty close, and this was concerning for a lot of reasons. 1) she literally just had a nasty breakup with her rebound boyfriend after a nasty breakup with her last long-term relationship, making this guy her 4th serious boyfriend this year, 2) she historically has very bad taste in men, every boyfriend she has ever had had treated her horribly and she ties her entire self-worth up into how her boyfriend sees her so she's literally never been single for more than a couple weeks since high school, 3) her older sister (28F) literally just left a 13 year abusive relationship with the guy who started grooming her when she was 15 and he was 28, 4) the groom is about to ship out for a 9 month deployment a month after their March wedding and military men are notorious for cheating or divorcing on long deployments, 5) she wants her dream wedding in March (giving us only 2 months to plan and fundraise), despite her parents already being in tight financial straits bc they started building a house right before unexpectedly needing to take in and help provide for their eldest daughter and her two kids and both my grandparents (who live with them) having sudden drops in their health to the point where my grandfather probably will pass in the next couple months and my grandmother could pass at any time (though tbf, were pretty sure no one has told Anna this since my grandparents don't want to scare her and her mom's in denial).
I also just really don't like the groom bc the one time I met him he made a ton of racist and homophobic jokes despite there being multiple black and queer family members present, but if that were the only thing I could probably bite my tongue since I don't think that's something that bothers her or anyone else in the family. I'm just really worried about her, since it seems like she's been going through something for a while and I know how hard this is on my whole family, especially my grandparents, since we all are really scared about what's going to happen to her if things go wrong and considering the circumstances, that's a good chance this will go wrong.
I want to make it clear, I do really want this to work out for her. She's head over heels in love and he seems to care about her too. I just don't expect it to go well and I've said as much to anyone who asked how I feel about it.
Here's where I could be the asshole: Anna's really having a hard time with the entire family telling her this is a bad and impulsive idea, feeling like everyone who has a problem with it isn't supporting her. She called and asked me to be a bridesmaid, specifically because "you've always looked out for and supported me even when no one else did, so I really want you to be my bridesmaid." I told her I would love to be there and support her however she wanted me to, and I fully intend to be the best bridesmaid I can be because I want this to be a happy memory for her and to take as much stress off her and her parents as possible. But now she thinks I support this marriage when I definitely don't and have been open about that with both our moms as well as her sister (the maid of honor), my SIL (also a bridesmaid), and my brother (a groomsman), all of whom are in the same boat.
So, am I the asshole for agreeing to be my cousin's bridesmaid while thinking she's making a big mistake?
What are these acronyms?
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
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Actually, I might have too many reasons.
I'm afraid it has been a really difficult few years for me and my family.
Our beloved corgi, Otis, developed a terrible condition (degenerative myelopathy) that made him lose the function of his back legs. Once his quality of life diminished passed the point where he could no longer experience joy as a dog and only had hardship and suffering to look forward to, we had to put him to sleep.
In February, despite taking painstaking measures to stay safe, my entire family contracted COVID and I also developed a kidney stone at the same time. Unfortunately, my mother was on medication that made her immune system pretty much useless. She died a horribly lonely death in the ICU. The last time I got to speak to her was over the telephone, with a nurse holding the phone up to her face. She was confused and scared and could not breathe despite being on two different breathing aids. All she could do was ask if my dad and I were okay. She was more worried about us than herself. Then they had to put her mask back on and she kept trying to talk even though I couldn't understand her. All I could hear was the fear in her voice. I tried to tell her how much I loved her one last time, but I have no idea if she could hear me.
She lost consciousness soon after and never woke up. Eventually her heart gave up and she passed. I only got to see her once briefly through a glass door. Her body was still alive, but she was already gone at that point. Just an unconscious vessel attached to machines.
My father has kidney failure and heart failure. He is being kept alive by dialysis 3 times per week. He hates going and it wipes him out every time. We hope he has a year or two left, but it's impossible to know for sure.
I am his caretaker even though I am also disabled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Narcolepsy. I do my best to make sure his needs are met. My brother has been almost no help at all. A few friends and my aunt come by every once in a while to help with chores, but it's pretty much just me alone taking care of the both of us.
I have no idea where I am going to live if my dad passes away. I have no plan. I have no energy to make a plan. And that fear makes it hard to sleep many nights.
Then I was having these horrible stomach issues and lost nearly 30 pounds (in a bad way). The discomfort got so bad at one point I became suicidal. My dad feared for my life and so he called the police and EMTs. They admitted me into the hospital. After 2 days in the ER, being stuck in a small room because they had no other place to put me during COVID, I was finally admitted to a psychiatric ward for observation. Weirdly my stomach issues started improving and my suicidal thoughts passed.
I'm honestly not sure if I would have taken my own life if I had not been admitted. But I will say those two days in a tiny ER room did not do much to improve my mental health. It is sad that in this country with all its resources, there is no such thing as urgent mental healthcare. They just stick you in a room and make sure you can't hurt yourself as you wait in line to get the actual help you need.
Thankfully I was able to adjust some medication I was taking and resolve my stomach issues. That seemed to relieve me of my dangerous thoughts and I have been okay in that regard ever since.
My dad had a serious infection in July that placed him in the hospital. He lost the ability to walk, his heart stopped briefly, and he started having horrible hallucinations. At one point I wasn't sure if he would ever return to reality. Nothing he said made any sense. Thankfully once they treated the infection and he got decent sleep he returned to lucidity. But he had to go through brutal rehab in order to walk again (with a walker and only short distances).
He was in hospital and rehab for over a month. After what happened to my mom, I promised myself that my dad would not be alone in the hospital. So, no matter how bad I physically felt, I pushed myself to visit him and be at his bedside every day and all day until they kicked me out. It was grueling for both of us, but I don't know if he would have recovered if I hadn't been there. Partly because I kept his spirits up, but also because I was able to get him better care as an advocate. I had to push to make sure he got the tests and medication he needed and saw the doctors that could help him. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
The only bright side of his hospital stay is that we rediscovered our love for St. Louis Cardinals baseball. We bonded over it and ended up watching every game. We were very sad when they were quickly eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. But it was a magical season as two fan-favorite players were playing their final season and they had amazing and emotional sendoffs. (Albert Pujols and Yadier Molina) It is my hope that my dad has at least one more baseball season left in him.
My health took a serious downturn earlier this year. It happened on the very same day that my best friend Katrina came to visit from Florida. I got so sick I could barely appreciate her presence when she was here. I had been looking forward to seeing her for a very long time and my stupid chronic illness ruined it. I was counting on that visit to give me a mental health boost.
I recovered a few weeks later, but my health has never been the same. I had to adjust to a new normal and adapt and find ways to take care of my father despite being further impaired.
I also lost my last creative outlet--writing. I enjoy researching and writing long and humorous political essays, but since my health declined further, I have not been able to write like that ever since. I'm really hoping I can regain that ability, but I'm unsure if that will happen.
One of my best friends is trans and I have many trans friends and followers and I am just really scared for them right now. The laws that are being proposed and passed are unjust and cruel. I have never witnessed such an effective campaign of hatred in my lifetime. I mean, I know there has always been hatred of the marginalized in every era of modern human existence, but this seems to go beyond just the conservative hate-mongers. It is not couched in subtext and dog whistles. It is overt and very "out loud." And I'm seeing people who claim to be progressive join in this hatred.
They are suddenly super worried about sports they never used to pay attention to. They think bathrooms are suddenly dens of danger despite trans people existing long before this concentrated hate became popular and bathrooms being perfectly safe beforehand. And now people believe that helping trans kids with proper healthcare is akin to child abuse. They think accepting trans kids is "grooming."
I see Twitter and Reddit threads filled with transphobia and it often brings me to tears to see people openly and comfortably hate the people I love so much. They hate people who have no tangible effect on their lives. People who just want to exist and be respected.
I just don't know how people can hate my friends so much without even knowing them.
Also, I'm just... really really lonely. All the time. It feels like a constant punch in the gut. I miss seeing and hugging my friends. I miss romantic companionship. And I've got a 20+ year streak of being sexually frustrated and am completely unsure how in the world to address that.
And finally, I decided to watch The Handmaid's Tale which is just full of rape and sadness. I figured I'm already horribly depressed, so a show probably isn't going to do much more damage. But it is still a tough watch.
That's the major headlines of my depression.
I'm just trying to survive and find little ways to cope. Mostly I am leaning on my support system and amazing best friends to keep me propped up and functioning.
Best I can do right now.
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tears to shed iv - simon 'ghost' riley
masterlist // masterlist call of duty
requested: no, but requests are OPEN! request: x
A/N: last part! hope this makes up for the sad ending last part <3
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4
wordcount: warnings: ooc simon (like, very ooc), corpse bride au, she/her reader, happy ending
An arranged marriage to unite two worlds. But no one would have expected that it would bring together the living and the dead.
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Your parents were much happier to hear that they were up in the social ladder now than that they were to hear that you had come back. Lord and Lady MacTavish also could not care less - as long as they got money, they would be set.
It is not like life with Johnny was bad. Not at all, actually. You had fun with him, and he was someone you feel comfortable with. He is so trustworthy, funny, and nice. It truly could have been so much worse.
The years pass, new people coming to the town, other people leaving. Babies are being born and elderly people are passing away. You aren't scared of death anymore - you have lived in it, you have loved in it.
Marriage to Johnny is like marrying a best friend. Both you and Johnny found out quite early on that you did love each other, yet more like friends or family instead of lovers. Not that you thought the other was ugly, mean, or uninteresting. It was just platonic, but to be quite honest, you did not mind.
You could be on the street, or worse, married to a horrible person. Lucky for you, you are 'stuck' with Johnny. Every single day felt refreshing, always going on trips or eating a delicious dinner. Your mother and father barely came to visit, saying they were much too busy with their new way of life. Lord and Lady MacTavish were also not seen very often, always far away, enjoying the money they now had.
Years seem to fly by.
The older you get, the faster time goes.
Your body is becoming weaker, the people around you have left, and the house feels much too big for only two people. It is winter now, and sickness is going around, a sickness that had also gotten the better of Johnny.
You sat by his side, his body covered with endless blankets, coughs coming from him ever so often.
"You are burning up," you mumble, your hand on his forehead.
He does not respond, only looking at the ceiling before finally turning his head to you. This is the most movement he has gone through this entire week. Johnny stays quiet for a moment, blinking slowly before licking his lips.
"Is the afterlife scary?"
"No," you softly say, taking hold of his hand, "It is fun, free, careless. You will have your own place, and you can have endless drinks at the bar. It is colourful and bright."
He hums, his hand softly squeezing yours as he looks past you.
"I think I would like to go there."
Your breath hitches in your throat, tears burning in your eyes as you look at him, bringing your other hand to his cheek.
"You do?"
Nothing but a hum yet again, his eyes looking past you.
"Will you find me there?"
You nod, pressing a kiss to his hand.
"I will."
"Can you promise me something?"
Your heart feels heavy.
"After you find me... Also find Simon. That one man from years ago," he whispers, coughing, "If it... If it truly is as you said, then please, find him. Live the life you couldn't live now."
"Johnny," a tear falls down your cheek, "You are acting as if my life with you was not good."
"Oh, lass, we had a wonderful life. But the afterlife you describe... It is your second chance. Take it, please."
One last promise you make to him. Through sickness, through health, till death do you part.
"I promise you, Johnny. I love you so."
"And I love you."
After one last breath, one last blink, he leaves you. Leaves you behind as you did that one night, though you know he will not come back. More tears fall down your cheeks as you press a soft kiss to his forehead. Another friend lost.
You then spent months alone. No visitors, no Johnny, no parents.
It was weird.
The world seems so grey, so bleak, so colourless. There is nothing for you here. You eat just to eat, you read just to read. Everything seems meaningless. Another night where you go to sleep in a cold bed.
But this time, when you wake up, you feel different.
Your bones don't hurt, your limbs don't feel heavy, your hair doesn't feel brittle. Instead, you feel lively, weightless, free.
"A new arrival!"
Is the time finally here?
You open your eyes, the lights very bright, and you nearly can not believe what you see. It's the bar, the people, the music, the drinks.
You quickly turn around, coming eye to eye with Johnny.
You nod slowly, a smile forming on your face as you fling your arms around him.
"Oh, Johnny!" You pull away from him for a second, your hands on his cheeks, "I can't believe it! Oh, you look so young."
He does not nearly look the same as when you last saw him. His skin isn't wrinkly, his eyes are bright, and he has the same silly haircut.
"Says you," he grins, holding out his cup to you, "You look as mighty as ever."
You look at his cup and back at him. You are actually here. But, if you are... Is Simon here as well? Johnny still has a smile on his face, taking a swig from his beer. He knows what, or rather who, you are looking for.
"Go on," he nods his head to the exit, "We will have eternity to celebrate that you're here. Go, we can talk later."
You press a kiss to his cheek, nodding as you lift up the bottom of your skirt, walking up the stairs that lead to the outside of the bar. You are met with a mirror, right next to the door. You look so much younger, almost as if no time had passed. Dressed in a nightgown, your hair done up, looking youthful as ever. The age when you first got here, gone back in time, just like Johnny.
The roads, the coffins, the lights - all are exactly as you remember them being. You have dreamt of taking this exact walk dozens of times, clenching onto the dogtags that you had yet to take off. Now, you actually walk there, the tags tight in your hand. A left here, straight, and then...
You are so absorbed by your own thoughts that you do not register the person in front of you. You yelp, nearly falling over, but catching yourself by holding onto a crate.
"Oh, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"
You look up, you know that voice...
"I can't believe it!" He laughs, pulling you to him to give you a big hug, "You are here! Oh my god, wait until Simon hears about this. You are going to give him a heart attack!"
"Where is he?"
"At home," he backs off, nodding his head into the direction of the house, "Hasn't been out too much. Kept his mask back on, been in a real mood for a while. You know, he never got over you."
He still thinks of you?
"Neither have I," you whisper, looking up at the man.
"Oh, I know," he only shrugs, "Johnny and I have become well acquainted over these months. Sadly haven't been able to really talk to Simon too much, but I think that might change."
The two of you continue your way, only a few doors away from the love of your afterlife. What if he doesn't want to see you? What if you are not like how he expected? Maybe he does not wish for a life with you.
"Don't worry your little head, Y/N," Price whispers, stopping at the door, "I will leave you be. Come by the bar later?"
You nod, sending him a smile as he leaves you alone at the door. What now? Do you knock? You feel nervous, yet you don't feel the pounding of your heart or the sweat in your hands. You are excited, though you can't feel the butterflies in your stomach.
A soft knock on the door.
Was it not hard enough? What if he isn't home? What if he didn't hear? What if he acts like he doesn't hear so he doesn't have to answer-
"Price, I told ya, I don't want to go to the-" the door gets ripped open, revealing the masked man you have thought about each and every day, "pub."
"We don't have to if you don't wish to, Simon."
"Wh... Is that you?"
He grips your cheeks tightly, scared that if he lets go, you will disappear. His eyes scan your face, the rest of his face hidden behind the skull mask he wore when you met him. You nod as much as you can, but the tight grip barely allows for you to move. Within a second, you are in his arms, his arms around you and his head on top of yours. Even if you wanted to, you could never get out of this embrace.
"I can't believe it. You are here."
"I am here," you confirm.
"I have waited each and every day. Price told me your husband came here before you did."
You nod.
"He did. But he made me promise him something."
What did he promise? Should Simon be scared? Are you only here to say hello, only to never see him again?
"He wants me to have a second chance. To life my... afterlife, the way it was intended. With you."
He slowly lets go, looking down at you with big eyes. His tags still around your neck and you looking like an angel. Is this real? Someone, pinch him, though it will not work.
"With me?"
"Johnny and I were friends. Best friends, even," you whisper, holding onto Simon his hands, "He told me to find you, Simon. And, if you will have me, I would want to spend this eternity with you."
That is all that he has ever wanted to hear.
So, he gets down on one knee.
"Death made us part, but now brought us together," he kisses your knuckles, "May I ask you to be my wife, for now until forever?"
One hell of a way to ask you to marry him.
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thisisthinprivilege · 11 months
(please publish this anonymously; I don't want my health details out under my name)
I went to the campus health center today. I'm really nervous about going to doctors, because I've had bad experiences with several before, and so I rarely go. But yesterday I got a UTI, so I had to go. 
And I was treated amazingly. No dirty looks. No sighs and snide remarks (last time I was there, it was "Looks like you're too heavy for the scale. How much do you weigh?", with a rolling of the eyes). Just compassionate and friendly medicine. My blood pressure was very high when the nurse took it the first time - but when I said I have normal blood pressure, and I was just feeling nervous from the clinical environment, she not only listened, but took it two more times over the course of the appointment (it went down to high-normal the second time, and perfectly normal the third time! If she had kept my first number, my medical chart would have falsely shown me to be suffering from high blood pressure, when actually I'm fine.) When talking to me about the UTI, she didn't attribute it to my size (my mother, when I told her I was going to the clinic: "Well, fat girls get those a lot because they're too big to clean themselves properly"), instead talking to me about my habits and realizing it was probably because I spend long hours studying and sometimes forget to drink enough water and/or take bathroom breaks. And the kicker - in a twenty-minute appointment, she didn't mention my weight once. Not once!!
Afterwards I sat outside waiting for my bus almost in tears, because I'd been treated like a human in a healthcare environment. From the nurse - who was amazing - to the receptionist to the pharmacy techs, everyone was nice and caring and didn't make me feel like shit once. And what does it say about thin privilege, that this was literally the first time in my life as a fat person - 10 years - that I was able to experience that? Before today, I couldn't imagine having a good doctor's visit, without being shamed the entire time (and made to feel like whatever was wrong with me was attributed to my size). Now I can, and it's made me realize just how horrible the usual way is.
Thin privilege is not fighting back tears after a doctor's visit because you can't believe that healthcare professionals treated you well.
(Also intersects with white and class privilege.)
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bonefall · 1 year
Do you have any plans for Moth Flight in your au? I always felt like she had a lot of potential, but her super edition…. Oh it’s bad. God forbid a disabled, young, single mom try to raise children and have a job at the same time. Too bad there was no one to help her when things got stressful, like you know, her clanmates… No women should have a job and children at the same time ever again.
If it wasn’t obvious that was sarcasm, Moth Flight’s story has awful implications. But! In BB Clerics Not being allowed to have kits wasn’t a law until the Ripple Era, it used to just be a personal vow and was a bit taboo. So I’m interested in of Moth Flight still had something to do with the creation of the vow itself? And just in general if you have any plans to fix her story or if you’re just throwing the whole thing out. (Which would be completely understandable.) I just think there IS potential there in her story, especially in BB where the Clerics Vow is actually ACKNOWLEDGED to not make sense and be bad. It could be interesting for the idea to rise from such a hyper specific, awful situation. The Clans having altered her story so much over the years that it went from the truth, “the first Cleric was a young, single mother of four, trying to raise her children while morning her husband and convincing the other Clans that they needed Clerics. The odds were against her.” To the perfect, Cleric’s Vow supporting lie, “the first Cleric had kits. She was unable to balance raising them and caring for her Clanmates. She taught the Clans a valuable lesson, a Clerics first and only duty should be healing and worshiping StarClan. Kits only get in the way of that duty.”
Idk, I just feel like there’s still an interesting story to tell somewhere through all of Moth Flight’s super edition’s bs. In the hands of a better writer who doesn’t ACTUALLY believe that Moth Flight’s genuinely tragic life means that all women who have jobs can never have children or get married again.
There's HUUGE overhauls here. I spoke about it eons ago during the last wave where I was discussing my changes to BB!DOTC, but let me give you the fragments thus far.
It's VERY different. Get ready for Moth Flight to be a completely different character.
She is no longer the child of Wind Runner. In fact...
She's the daughter of Wind Runner's shitty ex, Branch
Moth's other dad is Cloud Flight (prev. Cloud Spots). Since the Great Battle, Cloud has been wandering between the 5 groups as a sort of traveling doctor. It's a lot of work, there's only him and Dapple and an overwhelming amount of cats who need his skilled paws
So Moth Flight has always been a bit detached from people. I want her to actually have ADHD this time around, instead of it vanishing when it isn't convenient.
She kind of has Military Base Kid energy, hopping place to place with unresolved mental health issues. She probably bites ppl because I love weird girls
"papas can i bring my leeches" "honey no"
Cloud really wanted to train her to be a Medic the way he is, but... she has to learn how to do it her own way.
Branch doesn't help he's a goof and mostly interested in playing games with his baby.
I want to portray Branch as someone who's flighty, not another example of "before the Tribe cats came we were uncivilized heathens without society"
I also don't like his original narrative purpose to give Wind Runner trust issues that don't matter. If she had trust issues, what exactly was all that "please let me join ur group" about??
BB!Wind Runner is a breakaway from the River Kingdom, and the leader of the loosely united Moor cats. She created the Wind Coalition and is its intense, notoriously ruthless leader
So something eventually calls Cloud to do his work for the Wind Coalition
Branch: *SWEATS*
Cloud Flight: "..............branch. what did you Do"
Branch: "youre not allowed to be mad at me"
Cloud Flight: "tell me what you did and then we'll see if im mad at you"
The take might be controversial, but I do like the way that Windstar has problems with Moth Flight for no reason. I wanted to preserve it while removing it being yet another case of motherly child neglect, and more of a case of Wind Runner holding unfair grudges. I think it's good drama
Moth Flight's love of nature, herbs, and the natural world eventually prompts her to follow a Hairstreak Butterfly to the Moonstone. It leads her through the winding tunnels, a path that only Clerics will know how to navigate in the future, to the shimmering chamber in the middle.
Through her special connection to StarClan, drawing off the early cultural view of their ancestors as nature spirits (the fact that they are star spirits is a Park Cat contribution and all 5 leaders have their lives by this point), Moth Flight is able to come into her own as a holy speaker and healer. She begins to blur the line between holiness and healing, marked by how Clanmew has only one word for both concepts.
Hairstreak Butterflies also become known as a "herald" type of butterfly. I could get into the linguistics of this, but the old Tribemew word for moth/butterfly becomes the Clanmew word for sacred butterflies.
Micah is not supremely important anymore, but he's there. He doesn't become a healer in MFV, he's just Moth's mate.
But things begin to go wrong when her kittens are born.
All four children are born with a high connection to StarClan, just like their mother.
She takes it on herself to train them, as Cloud Flight had done with her, wiser from understanding that they would learn in their own ways.
Dapple and Cloud Flight never have this connection to star spirits, and they're growing old. Cloud is ready to retire, Dapple dies in some way before she's able to train a replacement
It begins to cause panic in the groups. It was bad with only two healers, but now everything is stretched even thinner.
SkyClan, notoriously violent, is the first to make the move. Skystar was not above the practice of Kit Stealing, taking Misty's kittens and giving them to Petal Claw for her loyalty ages ago.
Kit Stealing wouldn't become common until the creation of the Law of Loyalty, which is only a few years away, but it did exist before then.
They want a Mothkin kitten.
The Wind Coalition, of course, moves to fight and protect them. They call on ThunderClan, who can usually be relied upon
ThunderClan's request... they also want a Mothkin kitten. They need doctors too.
The River Kingdom and ShadowClan are also moving to take a kitten
EVERYONE needs a doctor, and they will fight and kill to get one. They all begin to realize... if they don't separate, there will be blood. People they love will die, and they'll be ripped apart anyway
Moth Flight, seeing this, BURNING with sorrow and fury at the violence of the Clans but knowing there is no other option, tells her children to make her a promise.
"That there will be no Mothkin after you. That you will never take a mate, or give your kidnappers more children. That you will remember that they were willing to kill their own families to steal you, and that you will be loyal the pursuit of life, virtue, and your sacred ability to heal above the cruel commands of the treacherous Clans."
Having accepted this, the family calls for an end to the fighting. Each child chooses a Clan to go to, and has their name changed.
ThunderClan: Spider Flight -> Spider Flight (no change)
SkyClan: Honey Flight -> Honey Pelt
RiverClan: Bubble Flight -> Bubbling Stream
ShadowClan: Blue Flight -> Blue Whisker
They're being shuffled based on which Clan they go to because it always bothered me that their names don't match their Clans, and also Spider Paw going to RiverClan when he has a phobia of water is insulting and I said no
So, TL;DR, this is a completely different story because DOTC is the one arc that I don't value "fixing." It needs a complete overhaul, imo.
This one would take place after Thunderstar's Justice, which immediately follows the First Battle. In terms of timeline, first is Hollyleaf's Century, 30 years later BB!DOTC begins and lasts several years, a few months after the First Battle begins Thunderstar's Justice, and then Moth Flight's Vow follows a year later.
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naviculariis · 1 month
Okay so. Serious post time. I'm gonna put this entire thing under a cut, but I'm also gonna post some TWs here: medical malpractice, uncertain diagnoses, family trauma / drama, grief, anxiety rambles???
But I am gonna take like. A semi-hiatus, just so I can catch up on what I owe.
I haven't talked about this over here, or on Tumblr in general. Only one person who follows me here knows about this bc we're friends on another platform.
Y'all have noticed, my days don't follow a set schedule. I've been unemployed since my campus suddenly closed with very little warning back in '22. Immediately after that closing, we took a small trip to MS to be with family for Christmas, and that trip was... Bad. And on the 1st of last year, I had an accident- i was taking down Christmas lights and fell and busted open my head. I had an untreated, late diagnosed concussion thar no one really... followed up on, and have had slight memory loss even now from it.
So I couldn't work until my head healed up from that.
But that's not the medical thing. That is my mother. In October 2021, my mother went in for a routine stint placement that resulted in loss of almost total blood flow to her left leg for 36 hours. They almost had to amputate, she almost died on the table twice, she was hospitalized for a year. ( we've tried the legal route, but because the doctor never admitted fault on paper, he cannot be held liable & suing hospitals is... Difficult. Even though she has permanent damage, can no longer feel anything below the knee, and has to wear a brace to walk. ) My mother already had a weak heart to begin with due to years of smoking + cardiac disease. This was the first nail, essentially. This damaged her heart... a lot.
Back to the concussion. 4 days after my concussion, she had a massive heart attack that nearly killed her. She flatlined twice on the table. It was after this that we got confirmation that she is in congestive heart failure. My grandfather died from it. It's
... It's hard. We don't know which stage she's in because her cardiologist won't tell us, but we think she's in stage 2, or maybe 3. We don't know. But because of this, I am the one who takes care of 95% of everything around the house & outside. I do lawncare, I do the planting, I do the garden. She can do a lot, still, but when her heart gets going- it's painful. So I've been her caretaker since 2021 when the initial accident happened.
My grandmother is nearly 90 and has... Many health problems but somehow is also doing better than most folks I know. She's a mystery. And my aunt had a double knee surgery but somethings wrong with her knees, and they think the surgeries rejected, so she can't get around well or drive longer than an hour away. My grandmother no longer drives & isn't renewing her license. My mother can drive, but we don't want her to unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
So I'm the only one who can drive them around.
I have my own medical issues [ anxiety, depression, type 1 diabetes, cracked tailbone that never got treatment & is giving me hell for that- ]
So. Basically. A lot of my time isn't my time. And when I do have free time, I do try to write and chat as much as I can. At night, after I get mom to bed, I call my partner warner and we get a few hours together and then we have to go to sleep bc we're in a ldr & their timezone is an hour ahead of mine.
... I'm rambling.
It's just. It's hard sometimes. And a lot of the time I sort of sit on my back porch and cry because I'm doing this- physically- alone. Literally everyone else is 4+ hours away across the state. Or 9 hours south on the Gulf Coast, or 7 hours south in Louisiana.
I do try to stay on top of things the best I can, I really really do, but things slip through my fingers. I'm gonna try my best to get all caught up over this coming week, I think. But if my responses are delayed for threads, for discord messages- chances are, I'm busy with one of my lil ol' ladies.
On top of all of this, I live in a town of less than 900, the nearest city is 45 minutes in any direction, and the nearest BIG city is 2+ hours in any direction. Finding a job that isn't in Healthcare is impossible. And I have nothing against those who are in healthcare- I applaud you. But all of my trauma can be tied back to hospital ERs and any time I step foot into a hospital, I immediately have anxiety & can only hear the night we learned about my dad. So I physically cannot force myself to go into that field.
Which is... a whole other thing, this is getting too long. But I've been searching for a job for the past year and a half, have had 5 interviews, each one ended with "thanks for interviewing! However,". It's hard.
So I just.
My plate is a lil bit full. But I love writing. I love the rpc. It'sa comfort and a joy and I love meeting new friends and making new connections and I want to do this as long as I can but sometimes things get a little slow. That's all.
... anyways yeah. Semi hiatus. Cool.
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millerflintstone · 9 months
Back in August of 2019 when my sister passed away, one of my cousins in Guatemala took my mom in. My mom was 79 and had not been taking care of herself. My sister had not been taking care of herself or my mom either. This cousin lived two doors down from my mom and sister. Unfriendly and I stayed with them when we visited in 2020 before the pandemic hit. This cousin lived with her mom and uncle (my first cousins - my mom's oldest sister's kids), and her two boys. They were 17 and 10 at the time.
This cousin is a couple of years younger than me. I am eternally grateful that she and her family were able to take care of my mom. At that time, I had been scheduled for a hysterectomy where we weren't 100% sure if the findings were just going to be just endometriosis or endo with cancer because I had been bleeding a lot. In the time it took me to heal, a global pandemic started. When I was finally able to get to Guatemala, my mom's medical team advised against her traveling at the time because of her COPD and other health concerns. Then, the pandemic caused lockdowns so even if she had been okay to travel, she didn't get the chance to do so. My mom passed in 2021.
All of this backstory is to share that part of me did feel super responsible for helping my cousin when I could. I mean, how do you repay that kind of generosity, right? The big thing she helped with was getting the house my dad bought my grandparents transferred to my mom's name. It was in my sister's name. HorribleAunt initially wanted to be able to "help" me in getting things fixed because she wanted her grubby hands on it. I completely shut her out. The house got transferred into my cousin's name and my mom's name. Now that she's passed, it's my cousin's now as far as I'm concerned and I'm glad the legal steps went through. I wanted that house to stay in the family for family that needed it. It's not in the best shape but she has improved it.
I was able to continue to help out them out financially after my mom passed until I quit my job last year. I had to let my cousin know I couldn't continue and explained my burnout and depression that just cumulated after the past 5 years. We eventually also had to let them know we couldn't share our Netflix account anymore because of the password thing they did and also because we were cutting costs.
A couple of weekends ago, she messaged me for money because her youngest was at the clinic due to severe constipation. I had to break down some of our current debt to her because while we are better off than she is, it honestly wouldn't take a whole lot of bad things happening for us to be in danger. We're not in immediate danger, but we're also not the answer. I was able to help a little but I didn't divulge the minor jobs I currently have or the job offer I recently took.
Then last weekend, she asked me if in the future she thought I'd be able to help her come to the States. I was honest and told her I absolutely could not promise that right now and had to redefine our financial concerns just for ourselves. She has no concept of the expense of life in America. She suggested her selling the house and looking for something smaller but I told her not to look into that. I had gone looking for the possibility of a different house for my mom and sister years ago and was surprised to find that at the time, the prices were not much different than in GA and that it would just be another expense.
I was talking to Unfriendly about it and he also agreed for them to not sell the house to help us.
This cousin was diagnosed with BPD so I'm not sure if she was off meds and having an episode or what. She seems to want to escape her life (don't we all?) but I am not the answer to that. I finally feel free of the obligation I felt towards my mother and sister. I'm not continuing that on. I don't want to feel that ever again.
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dropintomanga · 1 month
My Mother Saved Me
I got to spend some time with my mother yesterday for an early Mother's Day celebration in New York City. Before then, I was in deep thought about something that happened to me about 23 years ago. It's something I haven't really talked about and it involved my mom to a huge degree.
I was once hospitalized because of my mental health issues and if it weren't for my mom, I think my life would not be where it is right now for the better.
When I first got my diagnosis of clinical depression at the age of 17-18, I leaned into a bit too hard. Or more like I wanted to not do anything at all. One time at the first university I went to, I talked to a counselor and told them I heard voices. I mention this right now because now that I think about it, I don't think I was really hearing them. I think it was just thoughts instead of voices.
But I leaned into the "hearing voices" motif a bit too hard. In 2001, a year after my diagnosis, I tried switching colleges and still felt out of it. I felt so depressed that I decided to get voluntarily hospitalized. I don't know why I did it, but I was so worried I would kill myself. So off I went into a hospital. There I was surrounded by people much worse than me mentally. It also led to a pseudo-revelation - I don't think I really had it that bad because I was actually optimistic during my time. I eventually was discharged after about a week as my mom fought to get me out with determination.
I thanked my mom yesterday for what she did in 2001. But the story didn't end there. I found out that my mom fought hard because she personally saw what the hospital unit I was staying with was like. She saw the number of people with SMI (serious mental illness) and felt that I really shouldn't be there. My mom told me she was horrified. She even told me that the doctors above were saying I was writing stuff that I wanted to kill/hurt others when that wasn't true. My mom never believed what they said. She was worried that doctors would drug me and force me into bad treatment solutions. She said she signed a release form saying she would take full responsibility for me if things went south (spoiler alert: they didn't, even though I did have a close call).
As some of you who follow this blog know, I've been more critical about what constitutes as mental health care. I've been listening to perspectives from people with mental health conditions who get hospitalized and end up worse after. People who are supposed to help didn't/couldn't do their jobs. We got a hotline number, great. But a lot of people don't know the full truth about how broken the mental health system really is behind closed doors.
And I think about the statement "It's okay to not be okay." I dislike that statement because if that were the case, then we wouldn't be throwing a lot of the mentally ill into jails, prisons, and/or the streets. Certain mental issues (bipolar disorder/schizophrenia/psychosis/etc.) sadly are ignored.
I could have been one of those people if it weren't for my mom. I know I stressed her a lot and feel like I haven't done enough. But she has seen how much I've grown mentally over the last few years. I strongly have been questioning my own response to my circumstances decades ago as a mental illness. I don't want to pretend that ignoring trauma/vulnerability/dependency is going to make me stronger. My mom has noticed this.
I have a lot of empathy and good amount of compassion from my experiences, but I believe some of it came from my mother. I noticed how many friends she has and how she's helped various people over the years.
I know some of you have all kinds of thoughts about Mother's Day, but for me, I'm lucky to have the mother that I have. Someone who allowed me to be myself, stuck with me through my bullshit, and saved a naive version of me who didn't know that they needed to be saved.
I hope you all have someone like that in your life because even as we get older and wiser (I'll use recent events of My Hero Academia as an example), we're still all children deep inside who need maternal love of some kind to truly make us flourish. Mothers are the real heroes we truly need.
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hi. im having a really bad day. (cw for mean parents, academics)
my mother’s really mad at me because i’m approaching 30 and still unmarried and still without a master’s degree, and today she basically confirmed im a failure 😖 she knows it’s largely because my mental illness was untreated until this year, not that it matters. 🤣
can i request a quick drabble/scenario for how levi would respond/react to a reader going through this? just a sentence is enough! i’m at wit’s end right now. (turning to fanfic about my comfort character for help. 😭)
feel free to ignore if it’s too much! i get it, just typing this was way too much emotionally for me too. LOL
hi nonnie! i'm so sorry, i got this last night and was too out of it to write this 😭 i hope things at least feel a bit better or less intense today
this is also something i've dealt with—my dad literally just revealed to me the other day that he thinks my life is still a shitshow jkalfsd
notes/cw: mentions of mean parent, academics, self-loathing, levi being sweet and blunt at the same time because it's levi, just sweetness :3 word count: 880
You tried to put on a smile for the sake of your boyfriend, but it felt next to impossible. After all, how could anyone smile after their parent openly called them to chastise them for things beyond their control? It didn't matter that you were struggling with your mental health, it didn't matter that the pieces just didn't line up for you to live that "traditional, prescribed path", all that mattered was that you didn't do it.
You told yourself you didn't care. You told yourself their opinion didn't matter—but part of it still did to you.
You hadn't eaten properly all day. All you've had was a mug of coffee and a piece of a potato chip that you've nibbled on throughout the day to test to see if you could eat. You couldn't. You tried your best to hide this, but you already knew that it was next to impossible to hide anything from Levi. The man was stupidly observant.
"What's going on?" Levi asked as he pulled up a chair next to you.
"You've been chewing on that damn potato chip all day and you haven't moved out of that chair in hours."
You glanced down at the chip and then up towards Levi, looking straight into his intense, gray eyes that had a worried look within them.
"Oh, have I?" you asked, genuinely unaware of how long you had been stuck in this position. Your phone was next face down next to you after you had flipped it upside down upon hanging up on a phone call from your mother, in which she had oh-so-kindly decided to provide you a report on her analysis of your life.
Levi glanced over towards your phone and then at your state. He sighed.
"It was your mom again, wasn't it?"
Your eyes slightly widened upon that question.
He knew. Levi always knew. No matter how much effort you put into hiding whatever it was that was bothering you, Levi always seemed to read straight into your soul.
You averted your gaze and nodded.
"Yeah...It was."
"What'd she say this time?"
It took you a while to respond.
"Just...the usual," you mumbled. "How disappointed she is that I haven't really finished school, or how I'm not even married yet, and that I'm-"
You took a shaky breath as you felt your emotions building. You felt like a lump was building in your throat and that your eyes were heating up. You gripped onto your leg in a desperate attempt to keep yourself together, especially in front of Levi.
"That you're what?" Levi asked gently.
"She basically confirmed that I'm a failure," you said, with your voice barely above a whisper as your felt tears building at the corners of your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak again, but Levi was faster.
"Do you seriously believe that?" he asked. The question was harsh, but his voice was gentle and instead of a frown, he only looked at you with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"You heard me," he said, never taking his gaze off you as he grabbed your chin so that he was looking into your eyes.
"Do you really believe that?"
"I-I mean, she's right in that-"
"Right about what?" he asked again, challenging you.
"Well, I still don't have my Master's-"
"You had to withdraw because of your mental health condition," he said, before prompting you to go on.
"And I'm still not married-"
"And you really think that it's impossible to be happy or successful without it?"
You didn't respond. You knew he was right.
"Next?" he asked again, confident that he was going to succeed in invalidating everything your mother decided to throw at you.
You fell silent.
"I know you're trying to help, Levi," you whispered, "but I'm sorry if I can't find myself believing that I'm not a-"
You felt your lower lip quivering as the emotions began to boil over.
"-a f-failure," you said quietly, your voice breaking.
Levi wrapped his arms around you, pulling your head against his head.
"You're not a failure," he whispered. "You've been dealt unfair cards, and you've come so far despite it. It's her loss for not recognizing that."
You took comfort in listening to his heart beat as you buried your face into his chest.
"You're not a failure," he repeated. "If you want to finish school, you'll get there. If you don't, that's okay too. Just because you've struggled with your mental health doesn't mean you're deficient."
He pulled away so that he was looking into your eyes before gently flicking your forehead.
"So quit pitying yourself," he said, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he saw the pout that formed on your face. "You're capable of more than you know."
You rubbed at your forehead. Levi pulled you into a gentle kiss shortly after, with one hand gently placed on the side of your face. He lingered there for a few seconds, before resting his forehead on yours.
"Never doubt yourself, love," he whispered.
He gave you another quick kiss before standing up.
"Now, let me whip you up something to eat, so you get some food in you other than coffee and that damned potato chip."
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shrinking-but-shining · 3 months
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Hey Lovelies,
TW: death, abuse, loss, mental health
My night and also today were difficult. A little past midnight I got the news that my best friend had passed away. This did not come as a surprise to me. I had distanced myself over the past years, because I couldn't see her suffer and die in the way she did. She was beyond helping (which means even though she wanted help, she couldn't actually work things out to get better).
I had to move to another city for work.
After the last time I visited her, I just couldn't do it anymore. She had collapsed in the street and begged me not to call an ambulance. For me this was an extremely triggering situation and it caused me to step away from her for a while and I noticed how bad I was feeling in our relationship. Never did she give me reason to not feel immensely loved, but I couldn't be myself anymore. This was my thing to work through, but I slided more and more into the role of a caregiver, not being able to speak freely or be myself. Feeling more and more helpless, because no matter how hard I tried, nothing helped.
I tried to make sure she knew how much I loved her even after I left and I hope she did.
Still I lost the only person I ever felt deeply loved from.
I tried reaching out to people today, which is much more than I usually do, because I tend to isolate myself, when my mental health gets bad (see my Tumblr for example).
I got support from some people, which I am very, very grateful for. Thank you very much, on case you find yourself in these lines.
I wanted to share that for me, the world got a little darker last night.
This wonderful woman, who got mistreated so badly again and again, that she only lived to be 35. The most loving and caring person I've ever met (who couldn't care for herself, because she never learned it), who couldn't be the teacher she wanted to be so desperately. Who couldn't become the mother she wanted to be so desperately. Who loved life more than anyone I knew, but wasn't allowed to enjoy it and live it freely. Who cannot feel the sun on her face today. Who I really hope was able to see herself through my eyes, even if it was just for a glimpse.
I wished you had met her.
I'm very grateful I was allowed to be by her side for a while. I hope she will forgive me for not staying. It would have killed me. I know that. I know I couldn't stay and yet I feel guilty, feel like I should have given her more of me.
I know her death means, she is not in pain anymore. It means she can sleep without the nightmares. I want to feel that she is finally free. But right now it feels as if the part of me she's taking with her is so big, I might lose myself.
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starjxsung · 1 month
hiii bb. i hope you’re doing good <3 do my long-ass asks bother you?
but anyways! no, i feel you so bad. i usually fell asleep at like 2am and had to wake up at 6 for uni. and that’s really damaging for your health. i’m still getting used to it but magnesium and melatonin have helped me a lot with my insomnia. but im super lightweight in terms of taking pills so ill just sleep for a whole day if i take them together. so maybe you can look into that if you haven’t already. my mom’s a pharmacist so i got all the pill/supplement intel😅
i’m really sick of the insane amount of promos for this song as well. changbin posting a pic with him🙃🙃. i was like changbin honey angel baby ily but no. but i’m glad that a lot of people were commenting info about zionism and palestine under the picture <3 but so many others were supporting it🤕
im really sad that a lot of stays are boycotting silently too. education about these topics is so important!!! i’ve seen a lot of asks and comments about people who didn’t even know that ch*rlie p*th was a zionist or even what zionism is and when educated, stopped supporting the collab. there’s so many people who are unaware about the situation so shining light on the reasons can really change perspectives.
i love those pictures of momo sososososo much. she’s so bunny coded im obsessed. we r all momo stans here <333
my bf’s best friend came back from a trip to japan and he brought me a super cute hangyodon keychain. (he brought my bf a really really awesome studio ghibli greatest hits type of cd, i wish i took a pic to show it to you </3)
kuromi was like 5th which is consistent to where she was last year. i’m glad to see that other characters like pochacco and pompompurin are getting love though!
ily bb! i hope you’ve had the best weekend. and happy mother’s day to your mom & you 4 birthing queen momo 💘
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(this is tofu literally helping me work on the presents and being a gift herself <3)
Hi my angel! Your long-ass asks get me through the days lately. They don’t bother me in the slightest !! 🫶
Thank you for all the wise pharmacist intel !! I will absolutely look into that. I need to hold myself to a better routine and be better about turning my phone off at night, but I always end up answering asks when I’m supposed to be sleeping and it’s just as therapeutic to me as rest is. It’s a constant battle 🫠
The Changbin pic 🤕 like skz never even use their instagrams all that much and all of a sudden we’re getting SO much stuff at the worst time possible ?? Where was this energy when I cared enough to interact with it 😭 the W Korea magazine covers too lorddddd everybody on my instagram knows I collect Felix magazines like a full time job and I had a few messages asking me if I’d seen his new covers. Had to politely share a story about why I’ll be quiet on my Felix shrine for a little bit 🤕 it sucks. Also absolutely agree with you about the education thing- I mean this has been an ongoing issue for 76 years now, but to pretend like it’s not EVERYWHERE since the escalation starting in October is just ignorant. It takes a few minutes to read through articles! People make tik toks! There are infographics! There’s so much information and to act like you don’t have time to do basic research is so silly.
Momo loves you right back 🫶💘!! She’s currently sitting in my window meowing at bypassers in my building and she’s very popular
Also the hangyodon keychain!!! That is so sweet of him oh my god!!!!!! I love love looooove hangyodon 🥹
Kuromi placing 5th makes so much sense if we’re going to give pochacco and pompompurin a little love too! Sanrio supremacy 🫶
PLEASE SEND TOFU ALL MY LOVE……. She is so cutie I’m so obsessed with her (and you) I love you angel!!!!! I hope you have the best weekend 💕💓💗🩷💘🫶👼 happy Mother’s Day to my favorite cat mama anon 🐱💓
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verndusk · 11 months
15 Questions - 15 Mutuals
Thank you so much @freesia-writes for the tag!
I guess this is a good opportunity to introduce myself and give a little bit about me since I never really did, haha. Not intended to be so secretive - but also not used to sharing so much on social media! So the answers to the questions are below!
Were you named after anyone?
Yes! I'd rather not reveal my legal name but I was named after a Polish jouralist, writer, and traveller! When it comes to the name Vern - the story behind that is a little funny, at least to me! I was browsing chickensmoothie.com and noticed a pet with a randomly chosen name "Verndesk" - thought it was cool, but also thought "Verndusk" would sound a lot cooler! And it does, so that's that. :)
When was the last time you cried?
Ah, a few days ago. I was imagning scenarions between my OC's. Specfically the padawan Towa, she survives order 66 but at the cost of her master, as it typically goes. She survives alone for years, living in shame and fear - until she sees one of the clones from her squad who defected. They're my babies, okay? I can get emotional over them... (T⌓T)
Do you have kids?
Nope! I am 19 and can barely take care of myself, no thank you! Though my mother and grandmother had their first child at 20... looks like some family patterns will be broken!
Do you use sarcasm?
Yeah... It's a little counterintuitive for myself since I have a hard time figuring out when other people are sarcastic to me - but I love to dish out some sarcasm. oops.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Is "the vibe" a valid answer? I actually try not to look at people and avoid them when I can, my autistic ass hates (irl) social interaction when it's not needed.
What’s your eye color?
I have slight heterochromia, both my eyes are mostly green, but one is paler than the other - though it's not really noticable unless you look at me closely... it runs in the family actually!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! I can handle horror okay but I prefer a good resolution at the end.
Any special talents?
I guess that depends on what "special talent" entails? I can move my ears, and bend my fingers up in a funny unnatural way. Does remembering obscure knowledge aboun niche subjects count as a talent?
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Art (kind of obvious), cooking, gardening, gaming, and writing!
Have any pets?
My cat Poppy, she's 2 and I love her with all my heart. She's a little bitch but it's not her fault. We got her as a kitten, and my whole family has been smitten by her! She's a void kitty! Fun fact, I named her after the poppy flower because her fur is black like poppy seeds, she wears red collars like poppy flowers, and has green eyes like poppy stems - also born in November (1st), which in the UK is known for it's poppies in rememberance of veterans. :)
What sports do/have you played?
Not many... dyspraxia be damned! But I did enjoy cricket and badmintom at school - I love watching volleyball games from time to time though!
How tall are you?
5''4 :)
Favorite subject at school?
Art, History, Psychology, Criminology! I can't pick just one, honestly!
Dream job?
Psychologist! Planning to go to university after this gap year to study psychology - hopefully become a therapist in the future. I would love to work with younger people especially, since I know that was the age I was most affected by my mental health, and would follow in the footsteps of my own therapist that I had when I was a teenager. I want to be the person my younger self would have needed.
I don't think I actually have 15 mutuals to tag, so if you see this and are mutuals with @swarovski-yoda (that's my main haha), feel free to also participate! I am very bad at tagging games (especially on twitter) and inbox chains but I do see and appreciate all of them!
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plinko-mori · 2 months
share your theory about mori's past with that oc of yours- kenkichi aizawa
Excellent idea!
I'll use a lot of facts from the Vita Sexualis book, the life of the real life author and some headcanons of mine 🫶🏻
The structure of this is: Ougai (Rintarou) Mori and Kenkichi Aizawa (OC) are friends since they are children, have adventures together
First it will be how old they are and what's the lost important thing that happened
6: They meet each other, Kenkichi asked him «isn't it pathetic for a man to pick up flowers?» and after that they get to know each other
7: Rintarou and Kenkichi talk about how adults are scary by showing books difficult to understand (porn pictures) and how dirty (bad hygiene) they are
8: They start learning Dutch and French together, comparing each other with an animal (Mori a seagull and Aizawa a raven/crow)
9: Based in those animals, they give each other nicknames to call each other since Mori hates his name (Mori becomes Ougai and Aizawa becomes Karasu)
10: They get surprised by the fact that girls don't have a penis, find it curious and important to not hurt them while playing
11: They move from Tokyo to Yokohama, got disgusted by a kid who wanted to go fishing in the manor garden pond, got annoyed at girls who were always whispering in a mockery way at him... But met a very good friend: Waniguchi
12: Ougai confessed how he almost got rapped last year, clarifying where his "suicidal behavior" that started a little ago comes from
13: Waniguchi helps him a lot even if he's clearly exhausted with his family business, Ougai starts using a military strategy to understand how to socialize, also Mori graduated from a school like the genius he is and introduces himself like «Ougai Mori»
14: Wanaguchi kills himself, affecting Rintarou's mental health and actually tried (more than once) to kill himself
15: Ougai always got bullied, now gets bullied a lot more, and has a deep chat with Kenkichi about society
16: Mori got into a letters University with Kenkichi
17: Mori loved the hygiene of a girl and shared it with Aizawa, although Kenkichi is more worried about how Ougai's relationship with his parents are getting worse everyday
18: Mori doesn't want to get married and his mother is mad at him, they fight, Kenkichi is there for him
19: Ougai didn't have the best relationship with geishas because they expressed bad a fact, but gets graduated from military with Aizawa
20: Mother called her son Rintarou invalid and he's planning to go away. Rintarou definitely changes his name after his father agrees with her. Mori's trust in his parents is completely broken and from now on he's Ougai Mori
21: Ougai travelled to Germany with Kenkichi after those two got recommended by their German teacher, studied there, and met Elise
22: Ougai got experience at the military because of some issues that were happening in Germany, healed many people, although was "very problematic and had a knowledge above a student"... Kenkichi traumatized Elise too
23: Mari Mori is born, life is more happy for Kenkichi and Ougai. Although Kenkichi is full of stress because he writes too many things for the company he works in
24: Ougai becomes a military doctor boss after all the good things he has achieved even if he has scared the people above him
25: Ougai is forced to go back to Japan, Kenkichi takes care of Elise. The friends stop communicating
26: Yosano and The Great War happens normally, while Kenkichi takes care of both Elise and Mari
27: Ougai is clearly traumatized after the war, his mental health is horrible, Kenkichi wants to help him but the influence of Natsume not letting Mori go to Germany makes Karasu hate him
28: Natsume hires Fukuzawa like Mori's bodyguard since the adult childish man started to go back to kill himself or prepare scenarios where he could die
Note: I'm not sure where or when Mori could have met Natsume, sorry
After that... Well it's the canon, although in my AU, Kenkichi makes Mori go to Germany and Aizawa becomes the PM boss
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