#(and i don't wanna deal with any drama in that regard)
dudeshusband · 11 months
i'm going to make a little server and if you wanna join, go ahead. if not, that's okay.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/15/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Samba; Guz; Lube As A Crew; GLAAD Awards; Fan Spotlight; Ari Azure's Renew As A Crew (Act Of Grace); Big Gay Energy Podcast; Cast Cards; SchadenFreude; Watch Parties; In Soup Now; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== Samba Schutte BTS ==
Samba was kind enough to grace us with more BTS today. Some pictures and a lot of videos!
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CW: Fake Blood and Gore
Video 1: Vico Freaking out over the outfittings
Video 2: Cursed Ship On Deck
Video 3: Revenge Crew Jumping On Deck from Back
Video 4: Bloody
Video 5: Geo-met-ery
Video 6: More On Deck
== Guz Khan ==
Guz Khan's got some upcoming shows! If you're in NYC or LA, feel free to check him out this April! Tickets
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== Final Lube As A Crew ==
It was a fun and sad day with our crewmates over at @astroglideofficial. The Social Media conductor was having a lovely time, but obviously was bittersweet with it ending. Here's some highlights from the watch party. To see more visit their twitter. If I get some time this weekend i'll try to put all the lube as a crew stuff together on the repo so you can see it all, just not gonna get to it tonight. I tried to get the timeline in order.. if not, apologies!
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So in case it comes up.. there was some drama with some other fandoms regarding GLAAD today on Twitter. The TLDR; version is, some tweets went out regarding how disappointed we were about Ted Lasso winning out over Our Flag Means Death for Outstanding Comedy Series. Somehow, Yellowjackets fandom, who won a different category Outstanding Drama Series somehow got the idea that OFMD fans were complaining about Yellowjackets winning. It was corrected multiple times by multiple people but they kept coming. So yeah, twitter being twitter, not a great time. Sending love to @koneko_army and any other crewmates who had to deal with it.
If you wanna see the GlaadWinners visit The Hollywood Reporter
If you really wanna see the whole thread, you can visit Koneko's Twitter but honestly I don't recommend it, I wasn't even part of it and it stresses me out reading it.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Ari Azure's Renew As A Crew =
Ari Azure's Renew As A Crew (Act of Grace) song came out today!
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= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
New Big Gay Energy Podcast dropped!
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= Cast Cards =
Our crewmate @melvisik has spotlighted one of our dearest friends Dominic Burgess this time! Starting to round out the collection! Thanks hon!
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== Schaden Freude ==
Still trending downward! Great job fam!
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== Watch Parties ==
Mar 17th: The Boat That Rocked AKA Pirate Radio Watch Party
7:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
Mar 18 - Mar 22: Wrecked Season 3
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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== In Soup Now ==
In Soup Now is back! Post your soups/stews/recipes with!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Another week has passed. I really hope it wasn't too hard on you-- and if you're off to work tomorrow too, that you get some semblance of rest soon. Sometimes it feels like we're too small to make a difference, or we don't know enough, or we're not pretty enough, or we're not strong enough. Or we're not enough of something, whatever it happens to be. But you know what? You do plenty. You are plenty. You are plenty beautiful, and plenty strong, and plenty full of life, and plenty knowledgeable, and you make plenty of a difference. You make a difference every day, in our lives, and the lives around you. I hope you get some rest and tomorrow you get to see even a glimpse of awesome you truly are. Take care lovelies <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is DRINKIES!
Darby Gif Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif Courtesy of @caribbean1989
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redjadethewriter · 5 months
My take on Blank The Series:
Age Gaps, GL, and Trauma
To make a slow-burn romance interesting to watch, especially with age gaps, regarding WLW relationships, we need many elements.
First, we need a decent cast pair. Second, we need believable performances from the actors who play these complex emotional characters. Third, we need drama. We need a reason behind each action and dialogue exchange between the characters. This is where the story becomes important. We have the characters' story and the plot of the major stuff going down. The back story of the two main characters is the most important to flesh out more than the side or supporting characters.
I'm just going to say it: I'm impressed by the performance of the two actresses who gave life to these characters.
Lately, I've had several coronaries because Thai GL has turned me into a Junkie for their content more than my own countries' versions of sapphic relationships. And they are making age-gap relationships so much more compelling to watch.
The premise is as basic as it comes in terms of story arcs. Actually, I agree with some people that "Blank" and "Gap the Series" were gender-swapped stories. Usually, a wealthy older man falls in love with a young girl. So, now we have an older prominent woman falling in love with the young girl instead, but they made it more tender and somewhat light-hearted. I understand this is an adaptation of a naughty novel, which is fantastic. I write naughty, too. But the series is more tasteful. It focuses more on the crucial aspects versus the naughty.
By the way, I enjoyed the playfulness in both the shows. It's nice to have playful flirting involved versus extreme seduction right out of the gate. Both shows remind me how a romantic relationship or even pursuing a special someone can have a silly, playful approach. It doesn't have to always be serious and get to the sexy stuff. As an older Lesbian, I have a similar playful nature when I'm allowed to express it. Thus, I feel for the older characters willing to become playful with their much younger romantic partners.
However, there's one thing I can relate to since I'm in my late 30s. Is the extreme insecurity of being romantically involved with someone younger than you? In Blank the Series, the age gap difference is 16 years. I'm glad they raised the age bar because it would've caused a lot of issues.
It's funny because I was the girl in my early 20s who hooked up and dated older women in their 30s. The age gap was not 16, but 13 years between me and the older women I had short-term relationships with. So, watching the interaction between Khun Nueng and Anueng, oh my gosh, right way, I thought Khun Nueng was in trouble in so many ways.
Now that my position in life has switched and I'm a similar age to the women I used to date, I understand the complexities they went through. You just only know once you experience it for yourself. Insecurities around age are an enormous factor in reality and in this story. More than the woman loving women aspect or even the drama of others accepting the relationship. Really, the destruction comes from the older woman who can't deal with falling in love with someone younger than them. When you sprinkle trauma on top, with a side of keeping a facade or reputation, it can get chaotic super fast.
Not only did Khun Nueng become attracted to Anueng quickly, but she couldn't resist turning Anueng away, no matter what. The actress performed those rigid responses really well because, in reality, I would have to visit a chiropractor to break my body. The tension alone of repressing my desires would turn me into a ball of knots. Especially if I had no willpower to turn away the person. Ugh... I don't even wanna think about that. Because knowing my karma, something would put me in that position in life. I even resist dating any women in their early 30s. In the late 20s, I will say to the sky, "F***...Why me?" I'm like that anyway each time I fall for a woman. "Oh, f***...Why me?"
I have to sprinkle some satire on this topic because I can already see that the root of every decision and action Khun Nueng makes is based on that insecurity. Internally, she doesn't want to believe Anueng when she constantly says she only wants to be with her and loves her. It doesn't matter how often it's said; it is something that Khun Nueng must overcome regarding age-gap insecurities.
In the ending scene of episode 6, I reacted, "You totally just wanna keep piling on the torment, don't yah?" It's clear throughout the six episodes that she's in love with the girl. She can't even admit that she gets jealous. And oh my gosh, older adults' actions regarding jealousy are more diabolical than younger people. Actually, the older you get, the more sinister it gets. The passive aggressiveness turns up. Believe me... The sky is the limit on tactfulness and mind-f***ing when women get vengeful. Oh, my gosh... I still love women, regardless. LOL! Sweet as poison.
Khun Nueng's stoic demeanor is just a mask. She represses her emotions and vulnerability. Khun Nueng abides by stoicism, which rarely benefits emotional growth. We witness this when she refrains from showing anyone her weakness, so she doesn't cry in front of people, even at her grandmother's wake. When she finally ends up alone and breaks down, Anueng shows up, and Khun Nueng feels safe enough to break down in front of her. Which is hard to do that. I also have a stoic facade, so I recognize that bullshit a mile away, and I know exactly how hard it is to repress grief. Once it erupts, it hurts like hell, but I knew Khun Nueng was fully F*** because there's really no turning back with that kind of intimate exchange they had.
I can't wait for season 2 to see how that bites her in the behind.
Obviously, I don't want Khun Nueng to suffer anymore, but through her mistakes and emotional and mental anguish, she will learn what or who is truly important to her because she's dumb. Just because we are in our 30s or late 30s doesn't mean we are free from stupidity. She definitely needs to make better choices and stop playing so many mind games to protect her ego. She needs to learn to be more upfront about her feelings and wants.
Hopefully, we get that.
I have faith they will.
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absolutebl · 5 months
any other high quality bls like itsay?🥲
Okay, to start, none of the below posts have been updated in a while so I would add these 2022-2023 offerings:
Eternal Yesterday *
The Eighth Sense
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us*
Moonlight Chicken
Sing My Crush*
Tokyo in April is
I Feel You Linger in the Air
ALSO, currently airing Unknown and Gray Shelter.
With regards to ITSAY I am not your huckleberry but here's what I got for ya...
And pulling from the "moody arthouse smackdoodle" list in this post about BL's dark side:
Your Name Engraved Herein (Taiwan 2020 Netflix) - this movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
Goodbye Mother AKA Thua Me Con D (Vietnam 2019 Netflix) - like YNEH this is a great movie but it deals openly with homophobia, bashing, family trauma and social acceptance. 
For Love, We Can (Hong Kong 2014) - an indie movie about parental homophobia, light/dark pairing, and (of course) HIV. 
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit. 
Pornographer movie series - AKA The Novelist, Mood Indigo, Pornographer Playback (Japan 2018-2020) emotional manipulation, cheating, obsession, seduction, May/December (age gap AKA younger/older), kink, touch of necrophilia, explicit.   
Method (Korea 2017) - May/December, actor idol pairing, that should have been everything I wanted in life but it’s more about the actor cheating on his wife and their weird “artsy” relationship and frankly, I hated this. And I don’t say that lightly. 
Itsuka no Kimi e (Japan 2007 YouTube) - okay this is basically about a college student who saves this boy from drowning and then gets embroiled in his, and his identical twin’s messed up lives. It goes very weird.
His the series AKA I Didn’t Think I Would Fall In Love (Japan 2019) - boy goes to visit his absent father ends up kinda homeless on the beach gets adopted by local family falls in love with the boy working and living with them. Lots of long drawn out glances. 
Innocent (Taiwan 2021 GaGa) - mental health, childhood trauma, actually kinda sweet. 
More on ISTAY et al here.
* are ones that I don't recommend if you have the same taste as me, but I DNF'd ITSAY so, you calearly don't have the same taste
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shenlis-spear · 5 months
⇢ starring: zhao liying, lin gengxin
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If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. (I'm talking about The Legend of Shen Li)
Let me preface this by saying I'm biased. And it's been a million years since I tried to put my thoughts into writing so this is gonna be all over the place and long-winded. And probably wouldn't make any sense. So here it goes.
I really enjoyed The Legend of Shen Li. Do I love it? With all my charred heart. Do I think it's the best drama this year? It's still April. It's hard to say. Are Shen Li and Xing Zhi the best power couple? This shouldn't even be a debate.
Honestly, I didn't even plan to chase this drama while it's ongoing because I binge watching drama is what I enjoy best. However, I was bored. And The Legend of Shen Li's trailer looked interesting. And my heart still needs healing from the mess of an ending that is Princess Agents. I needed closure. So I started watching the drama, and boy oh boy did it drag me down one hell of a roller coaster ride of emotions every single night. (No, I'm not complaining.)
However, before I talk about the things that I really loved about the drama, I have some things to say about the stuff that kind of irked me. Because no drama is perfect (unless it's Nirvana in Fire).
So let me get started on the things that I feel like the drama could've done better.
Musical scoring - the OST's? Chef's kiss. However, they way they're putting music on the scenes are a hit and miss. Most of the time it just distracts me from the scene and I just get bored with the mv-ish scene. I wish cdramas especially custom ones would stop this. I don't need 5 mins of the leads staring at each other in all angles accompanied by a really nice song. I'm here to watch a drama. Although, I kinda did get used to it in the latter episodes (specifically ep35-38) because I definitely needed a minute or two to process the emotions.
The progression of the story - One thing. I'm confused. Not to the point that "I don't understand the plot confusing" but still confusing nonetheless. There was no consistency in the scenes and the dialogues. (Ex fishing village). There was no flow. I feel like someone messed up the storyboard and when they edited the scenes they were also confused. Or maybe this is the issue of the translation of the dialogue? I don't even know. Still, I definitely think this part could've been done better.
The internal monologues - sigh when I said the thing I love most in dramas are their dialogues I don't mean what's happening in The Legend of Shen Li. The characters just talk (or think?) too damn much I can't keep up. They're supposed to be the characters whom their actions should tell the story but the way they're narrating the whole plot to me is just so jarring. Am I watching a drama or listening to an audiobook? Sometimes I can't tell. I wish they'd tone it down but it just got worse with the later episodes.
The camera - this is just me being nitpicky but there are some random camera angles especially the spinning ones that probably is supposed to make the scene dramatic but all it did was make me wanna vomit.
This is not in any way, shape, or form hating on the drama because I genuinely enjoyed it. I've deluded myself into waiting for a Princess Agents S2 but I got a better deal and had Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin to reunite in a new project which is better in my opinion because Princess Agents is a hot mess. There was really no saving that one.
So moving on to the things I like! But like, where do I even start?
First of all, Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin. Chemistry so good, they had to be casted in another drama. Everything about them was just so perfect for the drama and the role. Could not ask for a more perfect casting than them. The 7 year wait was almost worth it.
The WOMEN! - so much room for improvement regarding the characters but I loved that the women were not treated as damsels who always needed saving. I have to say 5 1/2 braincells were working throughout the drama, 2 from Shen Li, 1 from You Lan, 1 from Jin Niang Zi and 1 from Shen Mu Yue (1/2 from Xing Zhi because he's too unbothered if it's not related to Shen Li).
Shen Li - might not be the best female character in cdramaland but I think she can hold her own place. She's stubborn, a bit reckless but she's loyal and righteous. She's a strong woman without being a stereotypical cold and ruthless strong woman. Shen Li is a strong woman at the same time also a mad woman in love. She does not have to be one or the other. The more I write this the more I'm falling in love with her character. You just don't find a character like her. She is Shen Li. A capable general. A strong leader. An empathetic comrade. A respectful student. A woman in love. She is not just one of them but all of them.
Lin Gengxin is pretty believable playing as an ancient god. He has that air around him that screams your highness. He played the lofty and aloof Xing Zhi to perfection.
And what can I even say about Zhao Liying? As always miss ma'am played Shen Li perfectly. Whimsical, stubborn, in love and devasted in love, you can feel all those emotions just watching her eyes.
It has angst but not too much that we as viewers would spend multiple episodes pulling out hair of frustration about the misunderstandings and accidental killings. (Not a shade to any specific drama but just to the xanxia genre in general). It has the perfect balance of angst, romance and comedy. You laugh, cry and giggle all in one episode. The comic relief scenes are naturally funny and doesn't feel forced. Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin's comedic timing are 👌.
The conflict was handled maturely and the confession was direct but still heart fluttering. Throughout the drama, they both got their heads perfectly placed on their shoulders.
The last episode! Let us talk about the last episode because when has a drama provided that kind of fan service just making one whole episode of shenanigans and fluff. After going through the angst, the reward that is the last episode is just too good and definitely worth all the tears.
Also, can we talk about Dong Jie's guest role? I know miss ma'am is good but when I tell you I cried for a minute because of her story arc? Just hands up and mic drop. So so good!
Now that all of these are out of my system, hopefully I can move on to the next obsession, whatever that may be. I'll still probably watch episode 39 on a daily basis though. It's just too enjoyable and it makes my day. Will probably, revisit this "review" in the future and update it because I'm aware that at this point it's not making a lot of sense.
RATING: 9/10 REWATCH VALUE: 10/10 definitely would watch again! ACTING: 10/10 CATEGORY: GUILTY PLEASURE
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lilblucat · 1 year
Quick question!! So with the recent episode of MD out (I'm not sure if you've seen it yet, but if you have you could answer this if ya like) are you worried for how the show is gonna handle the love triangle between Uzi, N, and V? Because ship wars are still going on at least over on Twitter and Envy shippers are going crazy and insane, plus it doesn't help that some of them are toxic (not saying that Nuzi shippers aren't toxic too, because they are) but, I'm worried that these shipping wars are gonna get worse and heck, it even concerns me that shipping could end up ruining the show..just look at shows like Miraculous Ladybug + Star Vs, but Star Vs is a huge example because that show was pretty much ruined by shipping and it also ended up making Starco feel rushed at the end..I've seen people point out that the love triangle is common in Liam's work so maybe I'm missing something. But, are you worried for how this love triangle will be handled in the end and do you think it could ruin and mess up the show?? Also, which couple would you say you're rooting for (When it comes to Envy and Nuzi, at least) and who do you think works better as a couple? I don't wanna cause any shipping drama, but I was wanting to ask this question because it's been on my mind, it also gave me some concerns..because don't be wrong, I'm someone who enjoys and adores shipping and has fun with it, but there is something that I never wanna see is to have a ship take over the story entirely, you know what I'm saying?
Anon, this is not a quick question lol.
Idk I don't think the love triangle is gonna be all that important going forward. It felt like there was going to be some love dynamic between Uzi, N, V, and Thad but as of episode 5 I think that's all mostly scrapped now. Thad is completely irrelevant and it seems like episode 5 cleaned up the romantic plot threads between N and V.
Episode 5 is... weird to talk about regarding the romance threads in the series. Like yeah, it does offer some Envy moments, but then once they remember everything they go back to their dynamic up to this point. V immediately wants to hurt Uzi while N is much more excited to see Uzi again than react to V's quick embarrassed blushy moment. The events of this episode and the lack of any shipping merch for N and V kind of seal the deal for me that Envy isn't happening. Episode 3 went all in on the shippy vibes between N and Uzi on the marketing, so episode 5 not getting any for Envy just feels like proof to me, honestly.
However, most of the marketing was about N and Uzi, and while they are the main 2 characters, it feels like this episode was meant more to progress their dynamic along than N and V's. N had been saving Uzi from something every episode up to now, and this was finally Uzi's turn to repay the favor and boy do I have things to talk about regarding that. Uzi having so much ability to really mess with N, but Uzi ultimately not doing any of that because she wants what's best for him. Which, you'll notice is what V also wants, but the difference is Uzi actually communicates with him while V seems stuck on what her own idea of that is. Like, Uzi clearly has a crush on the guy, but even though she's seeing his past with V and how close they were she doesn't take any action to make him stop remembering things. She actually encourages him to uncover as much as he can, which he thanks her for at the end. I don't know how to put it, it's just such a risk she took even though she knew it was the right thing to do and I just really like that aspect of her character this episode.
Anyway, that wall of text is to explain my reasoning behind what I have to say on the state of shipping after this episode. I think the endgame ship is going to be Nuzi because I see no meta reason to ship otherwise. That's literally the only ship with merch behind it and it's the ship Glitch and staff seems to like the most art of. I feel that going forward, the show will end up going that route with these characters and people will either have to accept that or drop the show if shipping is really that important to them. And tbh, Liam's works aren't that focused on shipping anyway. There's probably going to be romance, but it won't be a tumor on the show. I haven't read any of his stuff yet where it felt like the romance threads were hurting the story tbh. That's another point for Nuzi tbh in that pretty much all of his main 2 duos have the most ship tease in his writing. I would not compare his writing to those other shows because Liam's writing is so distinct and has its quirks. Also, Murder Drones is written by a single person compared to these network shows which are written by many people, which is how you get these convoluted romance plots in the first place.
People are gonna be toxic, that's just a given and especially so because the main two ships in this fandom are at odds with each other. Once the show commits to one, I think things will chill down. I will say though, all the stupid discourse I see about Disassembler/Worker ships is pretty bad and misinformation keeps this a hot topic in the fandom. It's not a problem, yet people keep making it one and I cannot understand how this happens lol.
And yeah it's probably obvious but yeah I'm Team Nuzi. I've just always felt like Liam was aiming for it anyway plus I have a feeling that if the genders were swapped, Envy would be no where near as popular as it is. I get the appeal of Worker Envy, but Disassembler Envy is a whole different beast where V's treatment of N is still completely unaddressed. That's not to dis V exactly, but I think people forget that she remembered much more than N prior to episode 5 and cared enough about him to try to keep him safe from the Solver shenanigans. Her methods for doing that, however, definitely need to be addressed at some point. Like again, people forget that she didn't do all that because she didn't remember, she did that because she was traumatized and ended up hurting N because of her actions. Regardless of why she did it, she's still very harsh with him and hasn't made any steps to fix this. Also again, not to dis her as a character, she's obviously made these choices out of trauma and I think that's pretty realistic.
N also has baggage that V's presence gets in the way of, but since he's been with Uzi for a while he's been getting through it. When separated from V, N learns to grow a spine and respect himself. I think V can learn and grow too, but only if she takes a leave from N to get her away from the living reminder of her traumatic past. That's why I'm personally not into Envy in the current time, they cannot reconnect in the same way anymore, they are simply too different from how they were back in the past. Reconnection means a whole new dynamic, and at this point I don't think romance is in the cards for this new dynamic.
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bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
Hello, it's me again! I'm the one who sent you question about 'which captain are married'. Your answer was really genius, I read it thoroughly though it's just your headcanon 😂 Just adding some information, believe it or not in this damn Bleach Jet interview there's also one question frankly asking 'Do you have any details about Shinigami's income? Like their monthly salary, allowances, etc'. (Which I thought this as a very hilarious question because 'WHY SO RANDOM??' 😂). Then you know, Kubo gave a very detail information, including the nominals of the salary and how each captain had their own mansion as an allowance. Just like a normal company. I'm pretty sure they also manage anything regarding bereave or insurance lol. I'm just curious which Squad is responsible for accounting and finance. Or they probably have their own financial divisions outside of Gotei 13? Well never thought about it before 😂
THE SALARY THING IS ONE OF OUR FAVORITE PARATEXTS LOL. Who would want that information, you ask? The target audience is VERY much us. I legit think it's one of the first things I looked up when we were first returning to Bleach. Bleach fills the workplace drama space on my dance card; of course I wanna know what the payscale is!
Each division is probably responsible for tracking its own finances and submitting them to Central 46 as the Soul Society equivalent of the IRS (Internal Revenue Service, for non-USians). Yumichika, for example, definitely does the books for 11th. No one else in that division has even ever seen such a book. 
What I wanna know is how the budget proposal process works. Prior to the start of each fiscal term, does each Division submit their past and proposed budgets? Do they go straight to the 46 for closed-door deliberations/rulings, or does a version also need to be reviewed and passed at a captain's meeting before heading up to 46? I ask this because I think it would be absolutely torturous for them to sit through such a meeting, which naturally means I want them to have to.
I don't know what the citation is for this, but the Bleach Wiki mentions that captain's meeting decisions are made unanimously. I feel like that can't possibly be true, unless a unilateral "well, Yamamoto said so" counts as "unanimous" (though the AU where the Gotei is committed to an anarchist governance style is also appealing to me, LOL). But imagine a captain's meeting where they had 13 budgets to review and pass: There's a Q&A period. Each captain has a time-limited amount of time to suggest friendly or unfriendly amendments and/or to plead their case about whether the budget should pass or fail. You can yield time to other captains, or move to extend time (though this then also has to be voted on by all the captains in attendance). Speaking from personal experience, this process can take literal days. Just imagine. IT'S HORRIBLE I LOVE IT. 
Other things I wonder (under the cut):
-- What factors determine what the Gotei's overall operating budget is? Are they fully funded by the noble houses? Do they accrue wealth by any other means? How does the Soul Society macroeconomy even work. 
– What’s the deal with this mansion that each captain gets? Where are these mansions located? Is it like the White House, and there’s a bunch of historical rooms with names like The Sakura Sitting Room? Is there a hallway with portraits of all the past captains that you have to walk past every morning on your way out the door? Even better, what if they don’t each get a whole mansion, but only a wing of a mansion? Then they all have to live together, Big Brother style. Central 46 is always watching.
-- Does the Gotei have an endowment? Have they invested in the Tokyo Stock Exchange? What about the Rukongai Rice Futures Market?
-- Are there ever special funds/one-time line items that need to be voted on? Was post-TYBW reconstruction back-burnered until the next fiscal year because they Had to Do the Budget First because their extant emergency response funds got exhausted after the FIRST invasion?
-- Are the Divisions automatically funded equally, or if they write a really good budget proposal can they be awarded more money? Is the only way to get more money to officially declare and register a specialty with the Central 46 Office of Division Specialties, like the 9th and Seireitei Communications, and the 12th's lab budgets? Outside of the regular budget allocation periods, are there earmarked funds/grants to which divisions can apply separately? Are you only allowed to take state money, or can you apply for grant-type arrangements with noble houses or non-Gotei entities? What about gift funds? 
-- Why are damages from the captain's personal salary and not the division budget? Did someone just tell Komamura and Hitsugaya this, but it's not actually true and they're the only ones who think this? Or does this suggest that the budgeting within the Gotei actually has no procedure and nothing is actually funded at all, because none of the founding members considered that a military organization represents an operational scale that does not actually translate 1:1 with an individual's personal finances??
-- Regarding individual salaries: Do people get annual raises even if their position stays the same? Like, if you're an unseated shinigami for 500 years are you paid the same on Day 1 as on Day 182,625?
-- How do people pick up their salaries? Is there a physical paycheck? Cash monies? Credits? Is the currency the same in the Seireitei as in Rukongai (is it used EVERYWHERE in Rukongai, by every one)? Rukia using credits on her phone from Living World-side bounties, so some portion of their commerce is digital… but is that only in Living World lol.
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bebx · 4 months
Hey there! I hope you are doing well. I don't mean to bother you again as you are gonna figure out I am the same person who asked about your unexpectedly but hopefully temporary drifting away from ST sub fandom hehe. So I decided to do my homework and see if you probably left some clues or hints regarding your hiatus from it before but unfortunately I couldn't find any unless my dumb@$$ missed it despite thorough research as if I was looking for easter eggs in a deeply layered show like ST. My search report :- It had been going well on your side even when there was a drought in HC contents but slowly it lost the 'momentum' which I feel you played a key role in wonderfully building up yourself, ironically right at the moment of D-day which honestly feels like if reality had tv drama like loopholes lol.
So all I have now is what you last said to me that you are busy with stuffs and other things like hyperfixation on a character from Harrow series { although I haven't watched it yet but based on your enthusiasm which mostly resonates with my own interest, I have added it in my watchlist :) Cuz Bingo I can't tell you how happy I was when I found you with the same sentiments as mine after watching Damsel! } plus point is you did mention how he is certainly still in your heart and you are planning to make more posts and fanfic about him in future. So I decided to wait, months passed with more tempting Henry Creel info pouring while I still kept up with *patiently waiting for my favorite Tumblr user's ST fandom era to resurface as well as coexist with her new obsession of Harrow series*, so that one hyperfixation won't have to be sacrificed for another still worthy subject of hyperfixation :) Hence it has been quite an introspective and empathetic time but now I am like "okay at least lemme just ask her how she has been and what exactly is the status", to stifle my other apprehensive thoughts forming with the passing time as well as disappearing silver lining( as there is no sign of either Henry or JCB these days at all lol apart from Jamie Bower World Domination post) out of overthinking.
I always felt your contribution to this fandom has been immensely valuable and even though others may or may not have been enough reminding you that as I can see I am probably the only anonymous seeker regarding digging this matter up, I miss you and your blogs about it. I have mostly been a lurker kind so I never interactively participated in any discussion or thread but I have always inwardly appreciated people with a good taste of art. So even if anonymously, this is a great deal to me, sharing my wish embedded in vulnerability. *nervously chuckles* Idk if this is a stretch but given how what Jamie manually allows to be displayed on his tagged section had most of your posts, tells me that he must have subconsciously felt your absence lately too. The fact that this is true tho, makes it a reasonable theory.
So now after hopefully doing a great job at explaining the deep context behind my "ask away" here are the main deal of questions xD;-
How are you, once again? (I don't want to pressurize you into rejoining it earlier than you planned according to your life and schedules uk. Besides I don't wanna interrupt your balancing of multifandom fascination.)
Is there any particular reason behind this seemingly complete "switch off mode" which you can share? ( because my Spidey senses keep feeling it's more than what it is, could be false alarm tho) Could it be potentially because Stranger Things is so addictive, it is not possible to keep a track of its updates while continuing with hyper fixating on other fandoms?
If the aforementioned fear is unfounded, then here are my other theories and questions, have you stumbled upon the TFS spoilers of any kind?
If no, are you planning to watch it LIVE soon or later? (as the canon play is gonna stick around for a long time) is this why have you been avoiding discussions as they would involve major spoiling of the experience?
Or are you planning of watching it whenever it streams on Netflix as technically it just has to one day?
Have you been weakly following any ST S5 leaks? ( as we finally got a very *greatest leak of all time* kind of leak not even exactly 24 hours ago lol) [to tell you the truth- this is exactly what triggered me to get some clarifications from you, as despite knowing that I would open your page only to be greeted by Harrow, deep down I felt maybe you would say something about it because it directly involves JCB and it's quite making waves already.]
Did you check out the VR Game released this February?
Or are you taking a complete long break for a while because once S5 release date inches closer, there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years anyways? haha ( ngl this is my most optimistic theory I am clinging onto)
(optional question xD) Am I seriously the only one approaching you by bringing this old buried fascination or others have felt the same way too and they express their perplexity in your inbox instead?
(anyways I will be very grateful if you respond to my plethora of mystified emotions even though I think it would secretly answer to many other lurkers like me who found a sense of kindred spirit through you but are too busy abiding by their lurking policy)
hi, I’ve been looking at this for…. a while, because… oh my 😅 I understand that it’s been so long since my Stranger Things era, and I know some of my followers follow me for my Henry / ST content. I just didn’t know my silly ST posts actually have this much impact that they stay in people’s memories even after it’s been a long time. so this ask actually brings back so many memories. and I really appreciate that you’re still sticking around. really. I had to take a moment to just sit here and stare at this ask in my inbox and go “whoa” — but it’s a good kind of whoa. I am touched that you still remember, because gosh how long has it been since my ST days!
to answer your questions, I am fine and I am doing well. thank you. I didn’t mean to “abandon” my interest. and I AM still interested in the show. I still love Henry, even though I don’t really talk about him on here anymore. it’s funny because a part of me is kind of sad that I don’t talk about him on here anymore? to tell you the truth, anon, I don’t exactly know why? I mean… sure, my blog currently focuses on something else, but I never really stop loving Henry as a character. this sounds extremely cliche, but it’s the truth. I still love him and I still think about him and those time I spent writing fics about him.
I don’t know if there’s any particular reason behind this, according to you, seemingly complete "switch off mode" on my blog. but there’s no conspiracy theory or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about? I just kind of focus my attention on something else, for the moment, but again, I still do love Henry. just because I don’t talk about him here like I used to does not mean I love him any less. rest assured. he’s still in my heart.
I haven’t stumbled upon any real TFS spoilers, but that’s probably because I don’t follow many blogs that talk about it so it rarely reaches my dashboard anyway.
and I don’t live near the place where the play takes place, so unfortunately I don’t see myself traveling there to watch it live, as life has been a little busy for me here to take that kind of vacations. but I would have loved to. if the time were right. I do look forward to streaming it when or if it becomes available on Netflix though.
I haven’t been following ST leaks much, I can’t see “weekly” because I kind of just look at them if they reach my dashboard here or my twitter’s/X’s timeline. but I don’t actively go search for it nor do I avoid it for fear of any potential spoilers either. but I did just see the leaks you talked about, and I’m actually very excited. it actually reminded me of my fic “Salvation” — I’m not sure if you’ve read it, but yeah. gosh I am genuinely very excited.
though I haven’t checked out the VR Game. I mean… I don’t really play video games so that might explain why.
and no. I’m not “taking a long break” because I think there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years after season 5 is released. I don’t even know why I’m “taking a break” except that my mind has just been focusing on something else, currently.
also, yes, some people have asked, and I haven’t had the chance to answer them (I’ve been meaning to, though), so this might be the answer they were looking for as well? there’s no “real reason” behind my lack of activity when it comes to ST fandom, except that I’ve been focusing my attention on something else lately, but that doesn’t mean I love the show — or especially Henry — any less. I still am a fan of the show and of Henry. and I still love Jamie with all my heart, obviously. I still keep up with him and his music and I am so incredibly proud of him as an artist and a person.
I am super excited to see Henry again when season 5 drops. I don’t know when or if my hyperfixation will come back, so I wouldn’t wish to make any promises. but what I can say for sure is that, even though it’s not exactly a hyperfixation, I still love Henry just the same. I hope I will start making lots of posts and writing fics about him again one day.
last but not least, I will always love and support Jamie in everything he does. and he will forever be my source of happiness that keeps me going when things are difficult.
I also want to thank you for reaching out. it means so very much to me. if there is any further matter you wish to talk or discuss with me about, you are very welcome to drop by my inbox anytime.
(and yes, I still love talking about Stranger Things and Henry here. anybody is more than welcome to drop by my inbox to talk to me about Henry — who knows, it might re-spark that hyperfixation within me…)
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rinhaler · 5 months
Since we are talking about my favorite subject👀👀
Does Sukuna ever oversteps if the reader is in a mood and forgets even though she is young, she's not a kid??
Bc I mean everyone has its moments and sometimes you just feel like being a bitch (at least once a month for me lol) Do you think he ever drags the older bf act to far?? Or gets a little condescending with her?? Orrr says something that might be true but without any filter?? Bc girl the daddy issues bit WAS A LOT, I loved every sentence of it but I felt soooo called out😭😭 Like damn
Idk if my question is too confusing but I feel like they are both too stubborn for their own good and sometimes in relationships that brings tension (also I love drama ngl) and you have to add that Sukuna has the emocional intelligence of a brick
I think he probably does it intentionally more than accidentally to be honest. He's really not a dumb guy and thinks about everything he says and I'm sure he's already figured out how much the reader values her intelligence and it's a huge part of her confidence.
Her biggest insecurity with herself in regards to Sukuna is her lack of experience. He's all too aware of it, too, even without her saying so. He clocked it from the moment they met and she's never really bothered to tell him otherwise. So I think he'd be a little condescending about that if he was feeling particularly hostile with her.
I think the times he'd accidentally treat her like a 'kid' is when he's actually being nice. Like offering to do stuff for her if he thinks she isn't capable and like overly explaining stuff. He definitely wouldn't mean any harm but she'd probably get wound up by it.
It's hard to think of examples but I hope you get what I mean 😭😭 he can be mean and condescending purposefully and that's the more likely scenario he'd do it. He isn't dumb enough to do it accidentally, more like unintentionally in a certain scenario.
They are both extremely stubborn you're right about that LMAO and I think he likes that about her a lot but then he is just as bad so he's confused why they clash and aren't working but then like.. DUDE YOU'RE JUST AS BAD!! He's very complex, I could write all day about how he'd handle and deal with certain circumstances but I don't wanna talk your ear off.
Generally, he isn't that in touch with his feelings but he knows what he wants and he's always gotten what he wants before and the reader won't be an exception. He's patient but proud. And he's an old school macho man so he isn't really gonna beg or grovel to her.
Definitely will be interesting to see how their relationship develops with their personalities being the way they are!
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osc-confessions · 1 year
I want to make an object show but without the object and show aspect do you understand me or am I insane?
- ⭕
Actually no let me explain this before I sign off- so I was playing gasa5 (not a typo it's a gasa4 fangame) as one does and I just kinda sat there thinking about my own story when I picked up an item and the icon for it was some random object oc (or it looked like one) and I got reminded this fandom exists so I thought back to an old spite-idea ("I can fix hfjone I swear" type deal) and now I wanna make a hfjone-esque story that maybe leans into the meta side more (personal preference also it got dropped for pure story which- good for them but also damn theme go byebye :C) but I'm awful at doing assets or just drawing objects as a whole so I would somehow need to do humans in an object show vibe buuuut uh no I don't want competition Or well I do but strictly the aftermath of one that went hfjone-style except a tad different I can't articulate it sry but uh yeah I think at that point I'm just writing smth so unrelated to the OSC that it isn't an osc related project and therefore any digs or references to it won't feel right :/
YOOOOOO I am thrilled and honored to have received this ask, as someone currently working on their own object show for a year and a half!!! I will provide as much insight as I can!!!
You absolutely don't need to follow the competition format to make an object show. I would love to see more media that branches out and redefine the genre in new ways. People went wild over shows like The Nightly Manor or Modern Objects for the one episode it existed, so you'd 100% have an audience for it too.
If a show in the traditional youtube style isn't your preference, or within your artistic abilities, I'm delighted to inform you there are many object show-adjacent formats you could use for your project, such as object comics, object camps and even formats I haven't seen in the osc before - who says you can't make an object audio drama, for example?? When choosing a medium, it's important to select one that'll serve the story you have planned, but there are options in that regard!
And as for diverging from the osc entirely, to make your thing? If it feels right, go for it! I also write for a webtoon that's completely unrelated to anything osc - that's been super fun for me to do as well. What you're describing sounds awesome no matter what categories it falls into. If you do make it, I'd love to watch it (or even potentially help with it - dm me at @fract-all if you'd like! /nf /lh)
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
just a generic head up / psa regarding what's been up on the dash this past week now that i've had time to better understand:
i'm 30. i'm an indie blog. unaffiliated with any rpc. i barely have time for rp, and i certainly don't wanna come back to dumpster fires on the dash after a long day of work.
after reading what's happened, i've made my decision and am only following those that make me feel comfortable.
rp to me is a hobby. it's supposed to be fun. & there's no need for all the added pressure and stress of what this hellsite causes. everyone deals with this kinda stuff in their own way, this is mine. so! i'm gonna continue being my slow ass self, but as my rules state: i'm not here for the drama. just wanna write and have fun!
for some cute: have this adorable picture of me & hubby in epcot on our honeymoon ft. chip!
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smores100 · 2 years
yeah im not crazy about a love triangle either but i feel like there's no point in worrying about it at this point bc it's gonna happen anyway lol hopefully it's done in a satisfying way that leaves room for other storylines, my only concern is how they're gonna fit all that drama in 6 episodes without rushing it but we'll see! i'm happy to get those characters back
same, i can sum up my feelings about love triangles in general with 'UGH', but like i said if done right they don't necessarily have to be a bad thing. in this case they're so young that being with somemone else could be a learning experience for him in different ways. it could also solidify for him that wille is the only one for him, and do the same for wille regarding him. there might be some delicious angst and pining, that's always fun! well, when you know the outcome is good, which i really don't see any way in which they don't end up together eventually, they're 100% endgame.
so really, it's all about the writing for me. if they convince me it's needed and adds to the story, that it helps develop simon's and wille's characters and their relationship, if it's executed well, then i could be ok with it. so i'm just hoping for the best bc i want to believe the writers know what they're doing and won't fuck things up just for the drama and shock value. there's so much love and care put into this show so hopefully they won’t let us down.
also i get your concern, there's all these characters and they each have their own dramas to deal with, but i guess it depends on how the season ends for each of them? it's like while watching s1 you're thinking 'how are they gonna resolve everything??' and the answer was 'they're not!' unless this is the final season then they could take their time with all the drama and leave stuff to be resolved in s3. i just hope they manage to balance everything in a good way and not just have nonstop drama the entire time + that we still get plenty of wilmon interactions despite the situation b/w them being the way it is.
like you i just wanna see them all again, we've been waiting a long time for it and i miss them and i know they're gonna kill it :)
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autumnrory · 4 months
was so sure i would finish rereading this fic today and i'm close but it will have to wait till morning i guess
i liked some aspects of it but some of the drama was a little overdone but i DO appreciate that based on the comments they wrote eleanor in a shitty wan and it was edited at some point to be someone with a different name and appearance and everything and honestly like. i know it's fiction and especially with AUs it's different than implying that this person is Like That irl but when it comes to the actual famous people it's like yeah okay you can take some liberties but using actual names of their non-famous friends, family members, etc when writing say, an abusive parent or otherwise atrocious actions i'm just like JUST MAKE UP A NAME like don't do that to some random person who happens to be connected to a famous person so yeah it was nice that they changed that and i didn't even know the whole time i just thought it was an ofc
and literally like the first time ever it was not horrible to the closeted character (at least that i can remember because i've reread a lot and i have a lot to go but considering how common it is to make them selfish and cowardly for not coming out i think it is pretty fucking standard in 1d fic in particular and like. any and all gay fiction in general too lol) like there were other issues of course but basically harry was frustrated that nobody could know about them among other things but they worked it out and then louis decided to tell his mom, then it basically got fucked and he couldn't tell her and harry was so kind about it and louis was worried about holding him back and harry assured him he wasn't and i was just like. holy shit between AUs and "canon" 1d fic NOTHING i've read recently has been like that. not every fic has anything to do with coming out ofc but a good portion of them do and a lot of the time at least one of them is famous and like even MORE understandably coming out is a big fucking deal and it's just always always always so awful and "how can you not wanna come out for me, hiding is the worst, blah blah blah" like why don't you just not date a closeted person you dumbfuck you knew what you were getting into SO anyway it was very refreshing in that regard
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kickshell · 1 year
#𝙆𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙇 an independent & private & selective blog for michelangelo hamato from teenage mutant ninja turtles. ROTTMNT influence heavy + a mix of canon / headcanons. written by reynard, 25, he / they. personnals dni !
rules under the cut .
#1 - mun . reynard, he / they, transmasc , 25. i am from france so english is not my first language and i may not share the same timezone. activity will depend on a day to day basis. discord is available for mutuals on request !
#2 - content . primary verse is based off rottmnt for the most part, with influence from other iterations as well as headcanons. there will be aus / verses such as the last ronin.
content warning applies for any verse. there will be themes such as body horror, violence, blood, angst, mental illness and disorders, difficult childhood. not everything will be tagged but if you need anything specific to be, do come to me so i can tag it ! i use the following format: " cwname // ".
as for posting style, i use small icons, a small font, bold, italics and colors. trying to keep it to a middle-ground, however i can change it up for our interactions if you have troubles with any.
regarding other's posts, i don't care whether you use icons or not, nor about fancy formatting. just keep it readable, aka cut your texts, and don't use overly whacky fonts. i'm not big on purple prose, either.
#3 - following & interacting . crossovers with dc / marvel, other iterations of the turtles as well as any modern verse muse will be welcome ! duplicates are a-okay with me, i just don't follow these first. ocs are fine too, provided you have at least a basic bio. i am mildly selective in my following, keeping to blogs i wanna see on my dash and / or interact with.
i will interact with mutuals only ! as long as we follow each others, feel free to send in memes, unprompted asks or starters or anything, really.
personal blogs can follow, but will be blocked if interacting with any posts. it just messes things up.
#4 - shipping . i am open to shipping. and that includes all sorts of dynamics ! love to explore a bunch of these. i am fine with pre-established stuff too, provided we discuss it beforehand. though, it must fit into the other present rules.
romantic ships are not off the table. however i'll only romantically ship mikey with muses into his age range ( and again, that don't go against other rules ) and will stay selective about it.
any ships require chemistry foremost. including betweens muns, as i would much rather be able to discuss things out !
#5 - no-nos . anything in this section is not up to debate. nor will i feel the need to justify myself.
no suggestive content or lemon. michelangelo is a teen so don't get weird ! absolutely no incest / tcest.
no tolerance for drama, and i'd rather stay away from callout posts unless they serve more than petty purposes.
no bigotry, queerphobia, racism, or any sort of hate or what have you. general etiquette and common sense applies: don't be a douche.
#6 - mains & exclusives . well, i don't actually deal in exclusives. i am down to interact with multiple version of a single muse, though they'll be independent from each others. on the other hand, i may consider affiliates later down the road.
mains are a thing. it needs to be discussed first ! once we are mains, you basically allow me to break into your inbox anytime, tag you, post unprompted interactions, yell about our muses in dms. and vice versa.
#7 - credits roll . for all graphics i use the psd zone 6 by andsaintsources with some tweaking. icon caps are from the shows or comics.
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fiddler-sticks · 2 years
(I’m the “aphobic” anon 🙄) okay maybe ick wasn’t the right word, I apologize for that. It IS a trigger. I was hesitant to use that word because I didn’t want to make a huge deal about it. Btw I’m sending this ask just because I’m very upset at the idea of being labeled an aphobe (I’m asexual), I don’t care anymore about the tagging I’m just going to block you after sending this
Not to air out my drama, but I do kinda feel like I have to prove myself to you because I’ve been following you for a loooong time— as a demiromantic person, I’ve only ever loved one person in my entire life, for years and years. That person hurt me and blamed the fact that they’re aroace (which they didn’t tell me when they asked me out), saying that they treated me badly because they could never in a million years love me and that it was anger-inducing when I expressed my love for them.
Anyway, Cole is my favorite character in any media ever, and is my comfort character. I’m so sorry, but people headcanoning Cole as aroace is a trigger for me and always sends me spiraling remembering that relationship.
Before you yell at me again, I KNOW that that was just one bad experience, and It did not make me aphobic. I’m not uncomfortable or triggered by asexual aromantic people in my life (of which there are many, like half my friend group), just when that label is connected to my source of comfort. I don’t treat my aroace friends any differently; in fact I’ve never spoken to anyone in my life about this trigger of mine. Lol that’s probably another reason I mislabeled it at first, cause this is literally the first time I’ve ever opened up and tried to ask for boundaries regarding it lol
I’m demiromantic and asexual, since you asked, but I identify strongly with a lot of aroace sentiments (hence I don’t wanna block that tag) because I may as well never experience romantic feelings; that one emotionally abusive relationship was my only ever bf and I’ve never loved anyone since
Don't know why I'm responding to this since you have me blocked now anyway.
I never called you aphobic, and I never yelled at you. Reread what I said if you need to. Your experience sounded like it sucked and I'm sorry that that happened to you. I'm also sorry that you felt the need to part ways over this, but Cole being aroace is something that brings me joy and I'd rather not tag every little thing about the headcanon.
Well, I guess all I have to say now is goodbye. Sorry if I sounded over-composed, because if I'm not, I'm going to rage. Just know that I have all the respect for you, and if you feel blocking is the right path, go right ahead. We all have a right to tailor our online experience to our likes and dislikes. 👋
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minyare2906 · 2 years
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Title: Futsu ni koishite | Ordinary Romance | 普通に恋して
Author/Artist: Terashima Rating: +18
Summary: Even when he was in school, everyone told Fukawa how banal and ordinary he was. As a temporary employee, he’s been working hard to obtain a full-time post. Suddenly one day, the most prominent employee of the company, Subada, urges him to come work for a new business he’s going to launch. It surprises Fukawa, but, in the end, he decides to accept the offer hoping to change himself. Only after that, Fukawa learns Subada is in fact an “exceptional” man who somehow gets an unusual quantity of affection from anyone around him.
An ordinary life…  It was what Fukawa was supposed to have.  But as he knows more about Subada, Fukawa’s life, and eventually his feelings, begin to change…
Chapter 01A Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 01B Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 02 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 03 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 04 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter 05 Read online: Gdrive
Chapter extra Read online: Gdrive
Volume 1 Download: Mega
Note: Hi there? Good morning! How are you? I really hope you’re all well in those difficult times.
First,I wanna thank each and every one of you for the diffusion of the “ask” I did regarding Hanakoi. Thanks to that (and the bunch of messages I sent looking desperately for chapter 50), we have 3 chapters that I’ll have cleaned as soon as I can and I can gladly leave my anxiety aside for a while.
Okay, on to the project that we have for you today. I was surprised when I saw that this cute project was not taken by any group, considering how cute it is. Well, surprised and happy because that meant that we could do it. I love clueless dorks, and this manga has quite a bit of that. It’s in our usual cute line, no big dramas, nice drawing… I hope you’ll like it as much as we do!!
I have to create a button to gather all of our projects, like we have with Hanakoi, to make it easier for all of you to find them. Plus, I've decided what to do about Mangadex, chapters will be available there a month after our official release, to try and stop having the chapters uploaded to aggregator sites the day after I upload the link here. Keep in mind that if it brings trouble, I'll stop uploading to Mangadex again, sorry. So please, don't upload to aggregator sites, that may bring us legal problems and may lead to us going private or stop scanlating completely.
Idiot as I am, I had a countdown downloaded from the mangaka’s twitter (@terashima_), but I forgot to do it… So you’ll have it as an extra page at the end of the volume, as curiosity ;)
I’d like to say that I won’t take requests for the time being. I have loads to clean and will have loads to typeset so I won’t have time to take another project sorry T_T
I’d like to thank @gwarp for letting us use her raws, really easy to work with them, thanks so much. To Adamay for her wonderful translation, let’s send her lots of energy and love, she needs it all this days. And to Toshirodragon for her patience when dealing with me, for dealing with my pushiness, and for reading every chapter over and over to make it the best version possible.
And to all of you for your continued support!
Enjoy, see you soon ;)
EDIT: There was a problem with chapter 1, so I've changed the drive link and updated the mega link, because I noticed that the presentation page was in Japanese, I didn't do it right. I still don't know what was the problem with chapter 1, all the files were in the drive but when I opened it without being logged in, not all the pages were showing. I've checked again and they're all there, but if any of you still have problems, please contact me ;)
EDIT 2: Okay, the problem with chapter 1 still persisted in mobile devices, so I've deleted the folder and divided chapter 1 in 2 folders, to see if by putting the pages that didn't show up in another folder, the problem is solved for everyone (fingers crossed). Again, I checked and the pages are all there, both in my tablet and my laptop, but if you can't read there, contact me, I'll try and find another solution ;)
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