#(and staring him down bc if he bitches about doing her laundry for her)
prodigal-upsiders · 1 year
Steve and the ulterior motive laundry
time to talk about steve’s own deranged bi little brain now. so, eddie wears a lot of flannel button-ups once he’s out of the hospital--they’re easy to put on and he gets cold easily while he’s still recovering. most of the shirts are at least a size too big, having come from the corroded coffin guys or the donation bins after most of eddie’s own stuff was lost when the trailer was torn apart. 
steve can’t help noticing that eddie, at home in worn-in flannel with rolled-up sleeves and too much room in the shoulders, looks really soft. he’s still quintessentially eddie, still bright and energetic as he gets better and the kids come around to see him, but steve’s around now for the quieter times in between. and maybe he can only see eddie curled up with the sleeves of his too-big shirts pulled over his hands, idly chewing on the buttons on the cuff as he reads the hobbit again, so many times before something in his brain is insisting that he owns lots of sweatshirts that he doesn’t wear very much anymore, that would also be too big on eddie’s shoulders and would keep him warm now that he’s getting able to wear pullover tops again.
and steve does the laundry in the house, because it’s his house anyway and it’s just something that he takes care of and he always ends up washing the random shirts and hoodies and socks that the kids leave strewn around anyway, it’s not a big deal. it’s just maybe a coincidence that all of eddie’s flannels end up needing to be washed on the same day. and he doesn’t have one to put on when he wanders into the kitchen and pouts because it’s cold. and steve’s not going to just let him freeze, but it’s a big house and it takes a while to heat, so when he tells eddie to grab a sweater from his own room it’s very casual and normal of him to do so. 
tells himself he can stay very casual and normal about seeing eddie sprawled out on the couch a while later, with one sleeve of steve’s old swim team hoodie pulled down over his fingers and the other sleeve pushed up to the elbow while he scribbles in one of his notebooks. eddie keeps chewing on the hoodie strings and steve is pretty sure that he should find that gross but instead he keeps looking at the way his name looks across the back of the sweatshirt, harrington a little rumpled up across eddie’s narrow shoulders, partially hidden where his hair is escaping from a messy bun.
and maybe it just takes him a couple of days to put the laundry away because of other reasons. but he doesn’t exactly complain when eddie keeps stealing his sweatshirts anyway.
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fairlyang · 5 months
Starstruck 🕷️
in which miguel is a famous singer that bumped into you, you only knowing who he is because your sister is in love with him
w/c: 11.4K
pairing:famous!miguel x latina!reader
tags: you despise his ass so bad, your sister is a borderline stalker, she makes you tag along to find him, he accidentally knocks you out, 18+ smut. journey starts after that, you forcibly follow him around, change of heart, making out, fingering
notes: this is one of my personal favs bc I loved starstruck the movie by disney sm, just made it mexican/latine 🫶🏼
"I just love Miguel O'Hara." I heard my sister say when I walked into the living room, staring dreamily at the tv.
I widened my eyes and felt one of them twitch, is this girl serious? Again?
I rolled my eyes and walked in front of the tv standing there on purpose, earning myself an immediate yell and groan, "Y/n!!!"
"Oh perdón Saraí, am I blocking your view of what's his name?" I say and give her a fake pout as her face distorts in pure annoyance. Score. (Sorry)
"Mhmm," she mumbles with a nod and continues, "Entonces muévete o yo te muevo hermanita." she warns and I just roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. (So move or I'll move you little sister)
Just then our parents walk in, my dad with our suitcases and my mom with some laundry she'd just done. "Ya agarren sus maletas." My dad said making me sigh. (Come grab your suitcases)
"Vengan agarrar su ropa para empacar." My mom calls out placing the laundry basket next to Saraí. (Come grab your clothes to pack)
"Nos vamos al aeropuerto mañana después de que salgan de sus clases." She adds making Saraí squeal, hurting my poor ears. (We're leaving to the airport tomorrow after you guys get out of your classes)
I open the fridge and take out the carton of orange juice, placing it on the counter then walking over and open the cabinet, grabbing a glass. I freeze watching Saraí take out my clothes and make faces at them. This girl-
"In less than twenty-four hours I'll be in California where Miguel lives!!!" She says excitedly making me raise an eyebrow.
I walk back to the counter and pour myself a glass. I take a sip while Saraí just keeps going, "what if he picks me up at the airport-"
I burst out laughing, the juice immediately spilling all over the place while I quickly shut my mouth and wipe the remnants off the side of my face. "Bitch why the fuck would he do that?!?" I say after calming down still giggling to myself.
She quickly turns to me and glares, "I'm like his number one fan, I follow all his accounts, listen to every single song and keep track of everything he's doing on his blog." I blink at how absolutely insane my sister sounds when she adds, "Te aseguró, el me quiere conocer." (I assure you, he wants to meet me)
Just then my mom walks in behind me and I turn to her desperately, "ya es muy tarde para ser la única hija?" (Is it too late to be the only daughter?)
"Si." She says not even turning to look at me. (Yes)
"Entonces por favor me puedo quedar?" I plead and she finally looks up from her phone. (So can I please stay home)
"Porque?" (Why?)
"Porque tu abuela no te ha visto en dos años y estás son tus vacaciones." She says and brings a hand up to my cheek.
My dad walks in and chuckles at my sad state, "y que jovencita va reclamar de ir a California?" He says and laughs. (And what young woman is going to complain about going to California?)
I sigh and shake my head, "pero tiene que ser con ella." (but it has to be with her)
Suddenly Saraí shushes all of us and leans in, her eyes wide as she turns the volume up on the Mexican news channel talking about this man.
I walk behind her and cross my arms against the chest watching the fucking news segment this dude got after getting awards at the Latin American Music Awards. There he was carrying four awards in his arms as he was giving a speech on the red carpet.
"Les quiero decir muchas gracias a los fans que me han apoyado durante toda mi carrera, los amo mucho." He says and shines a bright smile directly into the camera. (I just wanna say thank you to all the fans that have supported me throughout my whole career, I love you so much)
"Es tan increíble." Sara sighs and smiles up at the tv. (He's so incredible)
"Definitivamente no es increíble." I say and shake my head. (He definitely is not incredible)
"Um claro que si lo es, y si tu lo conocías como yo lo conozco, no dirías eso." She says turning her head to look at me. (Um of course he is, and if you knew him like I knew him, you wouldn't say that)
"Estas loca? Vivimos en Michigan, tu no lo conoces." I spit out and roll my eyes. This bitch is crazy. (Are you crazy? We live in Michigan, you do not know him)
"Pero lo se, yo sé todo sobre el." She says facing back to the tv. (But I do know, I know everything about him)
"I know where he works, eats, shops, surfs, and parties." She says and sinks into the couch.
I groan and walk out of the living room heading to my room, she's going to be so insufferable.
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It was the next day and I was stood by Saraí and her friend, Lina as I was telling her about going to the campus-wide dance one of the fraternities was holding soon. She laughed in my face and shook her head, "No estas invitada hermana." (You're not invited sister)
"Como que no- it's a campus-wide dance." I say and roll my eyes. (What do you mean-)
"Y tu no bailas- qué vergüenza." She says and elbows Lina. (And you don't dance- how embarrassing)
"You won't have to worry about that, I'll just be there to write for the school newspaper..." I tell her and roll my eyes.
"Oh..." She says and I chuckle. Bet she feels somewhat bad now.
"Oh vas a llevar tu cámara contigo a California?" Lina asks and Saraí turns her attention to her. (Oh are you gonna take your camera with you to California?)
"Lina, por supuesto que me lo voy a llevar." She says and grins. (Of course I'm going to take it)
"Porque todavía necesitamos más fotos de Miguel...." Lina says taking out a fucking scrapbook with a picture of said man and I feel my eye twitching again. (Because we still need more pictures of Miguel...)
Are all the girls insane???
"Hablando, caminando, cantando, bailando, moviéndose, respirando... todo posible." She adds and I was just dumbfounded. (Talking, walking, singing, dancing, moving, breathing. Anything possible)
They are insane.
"Porque están tan obsesionadas con este tipo?" I ask and they both immediately turned to look at me in disgust. (Why are you both so obsessed with this guy?)
"Este tipo?!?!" Lina exclaims, her eyebrows knitted in a deep cut glare at me. (This guy?!?!)
"Mhm. Ahora ves con que vivo." Saraí retorts and rolls her eyes at me. (Now you see with what I have I live with)
"Pobre de ti." Lina mutters making me laugh. (Poor you)
Saraí turns to me and gives me a smile, "Hermanita cuando estemos en California, tu puedes jugar lotería con abuela, pero yo voy a conocer a Miguel O'Hara." (Little sister when we're in California, you can play bingo with grandma, but I'm going to meet Miguel O'Hara.)
"Y cómo estás planeando hacer eso?" I ask and chuckle. (And how are you planning on doing that?)
Suddenly Lina opens the scrapbook and in the first pages is filled with notes, scribbles, hearts. "Pues hemos trazado cada uno de sus movimientos durante los últimos dieciocho meses." She says, acting as if this isn't the most psychotic thing ever imaginable. (Well we've traced every one of his movements for the past eighteen months)
"Yo sé cuándo y dónde es probable que esté cada segundo de cada día." Saraí says too casually. (I know when and where he's likely to be every second of every day)
"About the time we'll be leaving for LA, he'll be having his daily meeting with his managers." She says and they both sigh looking off into the distance. Freaks.
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"Do not fucking tell me you brought homework to California-" Saraí says looking at me dumb-smacked.
"No- I am reading, you should try it some time." I tell her and snort.
"I read-"
"These-" I start and turn behind me to grab one of her hundreds of magazines, "are fucking pictures, this doesn't count."
She gasps and quickly smacks my hand away, grabbing her magazine back. She gives me a glare and then looks out to the parking lot, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "Why are they dragging ass-"
"Ugh just get me a car so I can go meet Miguel O'Hara!!" She squeals and I look behind her and shrug.
"You can't drive." I say and she scoffs.
"Yes I can, I have my license dumbass." She snorts and I shake my head.
"No you can't, sign!" I say and point behind her.
She turns around and reads the sign that says you have to be at least 25 to rent a car from the specific rental we were by. And so sad she barely turned 23 a few months ago.... "What?"
"How am I meant to go out and about-"
"Y hacer que?" My dad asks, as he and my mom walk towards us. (And do what?)
"Llevar a mi hermanita de turismo!!" She says and quickly walks over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. (Take my little sister sightseeing!!)
"Creo que tu abuela tiene un carro que te puede prestar." He says and she lets go of me and sighs. (I think your grandma has a car you can borrow)
"Gracias a Dios." She mutters making me snicker. (Thank god)
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We arrived at my grandma's house and right as my dad parked my mom took off her seat left and got out of the car because grandma was on step stools cutting off leaves off a hedge which of course put mom on edge.
We all followed with her besides Saraí staying in the car, and grandma came down with the help of a man we haven't seen before. "Mija cálmate estoy bien-" (calm down I'm okay)
My mom stood behind her watching her as the man helped her down, "Héctor me estaba ayudando!" She says with a wide smile as she gives my mom a hug. (Héctor was helping me!)
When grandma pulled away my mom just gave her a look and she just innocently smiled then went on to give my dad a hug. I walk over to her and immediately go in for a hug, "Abuela te extrañe!!" I say and squeeze her gently. (Grandma I missed you!)
She hugs me back then pulls away bringing a hand up to my cheek, lightly pinching. "Yo también te extrañe mi angelita." She says and grins. (I missed you too my little angel)
She then turns to Saraí admiring grandma's 2012 baby pink Volkswagen Beetle. "Saraí la puedes usar cuando gustes." Grandma tells her making Saraí just nervously laugh. (You can use her whenever you'd like)
"No me van a encontrar muerta en esta cosa-" she says and groans, almost throwing a hissy fit. (You wont catch me dead in this thing)
"Entonces nos vas acompañar a jugar lotería?" I joke and she glared at me but it had grandma giggling. (So does that mean you'll be joining us to play bingo?)
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I walked into the room Saraí was sleeping in because grandma was saying she was pacing too much. "Abue dice que te calmes, que vas hacer un agujero en el piso." I say and she stops to look at me with crazy eyes. (Grandma says to calm down, that you're gonna make a hole on the floor)
"I just got off the phone with Lina who saw a tweet about a blog account who got a text about Miguel O'Hara. He's singing at Lyla's birthday party. I have to go-" she rants and I blink. Who the fuck is Lyla- actually it's better I don't ask...
"Good luck convincing mom and dad." I say and walk away from her doorway.
"Come with me." She says and I turn back around.
I scoff and shake my head, leaning against the doorway staring at her not a slightest bit shocked. "No."
"Si tu vas conmigo me van a dejar ir!!" She says and and I roll my eyes. (If you go with me they'll let me go!!)
"Y yo para que quiero ir-" I say then stop, "ya me hartaste de tu mentado Miguel O'Hara-" (And why would I wanna go? You've made me tired of your mentioned Miguel O'Hara-)
"I'll shut up."
"If you come with me and I meet Miguel, I'll shut up about him.... For the rest of our trip." She pleads and I bite my lip.
"Mejor por el resto de tu vida." I mutter and she looks at me expectantly. (better yet for the rest of your life)
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She drove us down to apparently some popular club Miguel was at and I really couldn't believe my older sister had stalker tendencies like this. It was absurd.
But not as absurd as fucking parking where it clearly says no parking zone. "Dude can you really not read??!?" I ask and she waved me off as she slipped out of the drivers seat and into the back to change.
"It's fine. If one person is in the car it isn't even parking it's just waiting." She says and I roll my eyes.
"Just get behind the wheel!!" She demands and i scoff.
I do so anyway and carefully maneuver to the drivers seat while she's singing to a song on the radio. God her not talking about him for the rest of the trip is not going to be enough-
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We hear a loud car engine and she quickly popped up from the back seat and looked over to the entrance. She gasps and quickly straps her heel on. "It's him!"
She quickly opens the door and gets out slamming it shut before opening it up again and peeps her head through. "Just stay here! Don't move a muscle." She says blowing me a kiss then slams the door shut again.
I hear her squeal and watch as she walks across the street to the front of the club. She walks over to some guy kissing his cheeks then poses for some cameras. Oh god-
I slap my hand over my forehead cringing at the sight then see as she tugs him away inside, but she didn't even have to wait in line so maybe this won't take so long....
A brunette following close behind them with an annoyed look on her face. I sigh and turn my body towards the steering wheel and changing the radio stations to not have to hear that man's voice.
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I look down at my phone and realize it's midnight and I've been sitting here waiting like a fucking fool for half an hour. I groan and grab my bag, I turn the car off and take the keys out. I open the door and get out, gently closing the door then lock it. I'll just quickly find her and we can go back home.
I get to the sidewalk and swing my bag over my shoulder as I make my way to the stoplight. I walk over to the street where the club was and mentally wish I hadn't agreed to this. The line was so long.
I get to the street where the back of the line was and roll my eyes. There has to be another entrance.
I make my way past the people and walk towards an alleyway right next to the club. Surely there's another entrance here.
I walk in the middle of the alley my eyes searching for a door when I finally spot one. I go to open it when the door hits me and I fall back onto my ass. "Fuck-" I groan and hold onto my head.
"Did I just hit you?" A voice asks and I roll my eyes.
"Nahhh the door hit me by itself." I respond sarcastically and roll my eyes.
"This is not good." The guy muttered and i scoff.
"For you or for me? Because right now this feels worse for me." I snap and rub my head slowly. Shit, that was gonna leave a mark.
"This is really not good." He mutters making me furrow my eyes in confusion.
Then the realization hit.
"You're Mig-" I start then a hand is covering my mouth before I can even finish.
"I will give you merch and tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name-"
I shove his hand away from me and scoff. "I don't want any of that shit-"
He lifts his hands up in defense and cocks an eyebrow up. "Okay.. I need to get you to a doctor...." He mumbled just then we hear a car engine and he carefully helps me up.
He then goes down and grabs my phone and keys before grabbing my hand. "What about Saraí-" I mumble and widen my eyes realizing I just left her.
"Whose Saraí?"
"My sister- she's in the club." I say and curse under my breath. She's gonna be so mad.
He holds my hand and leads me towards the car where a man gets out of the car and walks over to us, "Miguel what did you do-"
"Just help now and I'll tell you later Peter." Miguel tells Peter and lets me go.
Peter puts his hand behind my back leading me to the passenger seat and helps me inside the car. He leans down to look at Miguel and I just look back and forth between both men. "Who is this?" Peter asks confused wanting some kind of clarity.
"Seatbelt." Miguel looks to me and Peter hands it to me while Miguel places my things on my lap.
"Y/n." I say and take the seatbelt and buckle it.
"Pues mucho gusto conocerte." He says and I roll my eyes. (Well nice to meet you)
"Ningún gusto para mi." I mutter and Peter snickers to my right. This white man understands Spanish? (It's not nice for me) 
I look at Miguel and he just gives me a smile, his teeth were a bit crooked but very white. The crookedness was kinda cute-
Wait- what the fuck am I thinking?!
Then I feel my stomach gurgle and I widen my eyes, "I don't feel too good..."
"Don't puke on May I just got her fixed up!!" Peter says and I nod.
"Okay." I mumble then lean over to the side and puke my guts out.
After my stomach was emptied my throat felt so patchy and disgusting and I sat back up onto the seat and leaned against the head rest. "Not my favorite converse!!!" Peter groans and I feel bad but physically feel off.
"I'll get you new ones- close the door-" Miguel says and Peter complains some more but closes the door.
"Keys." He says and I hand them to him.
"Make sure her sister Saraí get home okay." Miguel tells Peter and hands him the keys to my grandma's car. Oh fuck-
"Don't tell anyone about this." He tells him and Peter waves him off look down at the mess on his shoes.
"What's she look like? What's she wearing?" He asks and I cough.
"Uhh like an older version of me... except with dark red hair and she's wearing a.... Mm oh dark purple dress." I say almost forgetting what she wore as if she wasn't making me look at every outfit she wanted to wear.
"What did she dress up as Starfire on purpose?" He joked and I chuckle.
"I should've made her wear green instead for Poison Ivy-" I say letting out a laugh then Miguel interrupts and turns the car on.
"Just find her and make sure she gets home, please." He tells Peter and then drives away.
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We got to a nearby hospital unseen which I guess was good for Miguel. I was sat in a bed looking at a light the doctor was making me follow. I looked at it left and right then she pulled away. "The scans came out fine and you look good to go." She says and gives me a smile.
"So she's okay?" Miguel peeps his head through the door and the doctor scolds at him.
He closes the door and the doctor proceeds to tell me I don't have a concussion which was a surprise to me considering I was hit on the head with a fucking door.
"Then why'd I throw up?" I ask and the doctor chuckles.
"Maybe something you ate earlier," she says then quickly adds, "or maybe just meeting this latoso." (Annoying fuck)
I laugh then close my mouth when Miguel pops in and glares at the doctor. I mean it shouldn't be normal that a doctor talks shit like this but I couldn't help but find it funny... plus was she really wrong.. "you have to know each other right? No way a doctor would just talk about someone like this." I say and laugh as Miguel walks in with his hands on his hips.
"My brother's wife." Miguel says and smiles.
"So I can go now...."
"Yes just make sure to ice it until you get home." She says and I nod.
She hands me an ice pack, smiles and excuses herself when Miguel's phone rings. And he just lets it ring. "No vas a contestar o que...." (So you're not gonna answer or what....)
Then he walks out leaving the door ajar and answers the call. I sigh and look down at the floor while I leave the ice pack on my head. How did this end up happening to me of all people?
Suddenly I see the doctor come back through the little window on the door and I see her telling Miguel something. That we can't leave because there's guys with cameras in the lobby...
How the fuck does a hospital just let those people come inside......
Then they start talking about a switcharoo and I sigh. This was going to be such a long night.
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They ended up doing the swap and we ended up with a rusty car that had us bumping up and down with every movement. And with every time he'd stop, our bodies would move forehead then harshly back. I groaned when my head hit the head rest and Miguel coughs. "It's not so bad..."
"Don't fucking lie." I say and laugh.
"Just listen to the engine it's fucked." I mutter, staying quiet to hear the rumbling.
"We'll be fine." He says and takes a hand off the wheel to wave me off.
Then there's a loud bang, almost sounding like a gunshot making me yell and hit my elbow. "Chingesumadre-" I groan and bite my lip. (Motherfucker)
"Cálmate!" (Calm down)
"No me digas que me calme- ya llévame a mi casa!" I whine and groan. (Don't tell me to calm down- just take me home!)
"Okay!!" I exclaim and smack his arm with my left hand.
"Que te pasa?!?" He yells and I roll my eyes. (What is wrong with you?!?)
"Nomas quiero ir a casa y ya!!" I whine and he groans. (I just wanna go home and that's it!!)
"I'll take you there!!" He says then quietly adds, "soon enough..."
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"What are we doing here?!?" I ask and he holds a finger to my lips for a second then grabs my hand leading me up the stairs.
"Oh so now you're hiding me-"
"Yes I am! Do you wanna be tomorrows main event for Univision?!?" He mutters and I groan following him up.
"Well no-"
"Pues para con tus berrinches y sube." He demands but I just comply. (Stop throwing a fit and go up)
We go up like three floors worth of stairs and we finally reach the top, "big ass house." I mutter making him chuckle.
He leads me to a bedroom and opens the door before letting me go inside. I sigh and go in, admiring the tall ceiling, color scheme, and decor for only a few seconds before I turn to look at him. "Be my guest- Ahorita vengo." He says and walks a step back then turns to look at me. (I'll be right back)
"Just stay put." He says and I roll my eyes.
I bring my hands up to my chest and fold my hands as if they're paws, "woof."
He groans and walks away closing the door behind him leaving me alone in this big guest bedroom. I shake my head in disbelief that this is my life and not my sister's. I didn't ask for this.
I sit down on the bed and put the ice pack on the bedside table. I then lay back on the bed, having my feet hang off the bed to not dirty these probably expensive comforter and blankets. I sink my head into the cloud like pillow and sigh.
Left alone with my thoughts I realize he didn't seem like an asshole or like he was acting a certain way for the tabloids, he seemed somewhat normal. Empathic, somewhat funny. And even I couldn't deny how gorgeous he was but with all the nonstop chatter Saraí has blabbed on about him for months on end I didn't wanna hear or see anything about him again.
At least after he takes me home...
He had the prettiest smile and thank god I had the urge to throw up before I let myself melt into his gaze earlier. God that would've been so embarrassing for me.
And his eyes.
Brown eyes but up close and in the light there were specs of light brown. Almost like a pool of honey. So warm and pretty.
Suddenly I hear some cheers and take notice there's a balcony door. I shrug and get up and walk over to it. Might as well.
I open it and walk out to the small patio and look down at what looks to be a party.... With Miguel sitting down in front of the pool playing the guitar. I was high up but because the crowd was so silent I was able to hear his voice clearly.
I mean deep down I knew I liked a few of his songs, hell maybe even had one or two saved in some playlist but actually hearing his voice, singing without a microphone or him wearing ear pieces to hear himself- it was mind blowing how he was able to sound almost identical.
Besides the occasional breeze rattling the trees making it harder for me to hear him. It sounded like he was singing the chorus and I lean against the railing and listen closely.
Love dovey lyrics, soft tone, nice strums of his guitar. Not too bad.
Suddenly he looks up at me and gives me that smile after finish the chorus, I try to ignore the way my stomach was doing flips and give him the smallest smile possible.
He looks away from me and back to the crowd making me let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I calm myself down as his strumming slows down and he hits the final note, instantly earning himself an applause.
I take that as my sign and I walk out of the patio and into the bedroom. I quickly fix the bed then walk out and head towards the stairs. I go down the stairs fast and careful, and after a good minute I made it to the main floor but there's already lots of people all around and mostly by the front door.
I freeze and look to my right to see a side door so I hope for the best and walk towards it. I open the door and slide in unnoticed only to be met with a garage and five different cars. Damn.
I sigh and walk in front of the cars not even sure how I'll get home. Lord this was such a long night-
Suddenly the door opens and I prepare for the worst which it was, being Miguel. God now he's gonna be thinking I was trying to be nosy on purpose...
"A donde vas?" He asks walking in and shutting the door shut behind him. (Where are you going?)
"A la casa? I think I've overcome my stay." I say and shrug. (Home?)
And I really don't want to explain all of this to my family...
"Alright pick a car." He says and motions to his variety of cars.
I scoff and roll my eyes then turn my head to the last car, a red supra. It looked gorgeous.
Well since he was offering...
I hear him laugh and I stride over to the car. I made my way to the passenger seat and I couldn't believe I was going to ride in a car like this... I mean me of all people?
He unlocks the car and I carefully open the door then hop in. The interior was so nice to look at and it even smelled nice, maybe it was new. I'm sure Saraí would know..
He hops in and turns the car on, revving the engine a little making my eyes go wide. Damn.
I didn't know too much about cars but I knew if they looked sexy on the outside and sounded like that then they were definitely good.
He opens the garage and asks me for the address which I happily tell him to get there as fast as possible but he said he wasn't planning on driving fast, which I thought defeated the purpose of practically having a race car but he said it was because he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. So dumb.
As if we weren't riding in a fucking apple.
He drives and we're sat in silence which I didn't mind so I can quickly think of an excuse as to why I abandoned my sister and not the other way around...
And to try to ignore my growing attraction to this man... because why the fuck did he have to look good driving?
I shook my thoughts away and pressed my now melted ice pack on my head, I won't turn out like my sister. I can't.
He turns the radio on and coincidentally one of his songs started playing. And it had to be one that I actually liked...
He hums the lyrics and I just turn my head to look out the window and mouth the words but making sure to not let out any noise. It was a decent song, a duet he sings with another artist that had such a beautiful melody and perfect guitar playing in the background.
Well I couldn't deny how pretty the song actually was, and he had a decent voice too...
But my way of thinking is different from Saraí, she is obsessed with this man and everything about him. But I can appreciate a song or two. To myself. And never out loud because I wouldn't hear the end of it....
We spent the rest of the car ride like that, except whenever a song that wasn't his, I'd actually start to quietly sing to it. I just couldn't bring myself to sing to his knowing deep down it'd be hypocritical of me to.
I finally saw the familiar street of my abuela's house and he pulls up to the driveway. He parks and we sit in silence for a few seconds. "Listen I was just wanted to apologize-"
"No need, it was an accident. It happens I guess." I say and shrug, undoing my seatbelt.
"Now you can go back to your lavish amazing life and I'll go back to mine." I say turning to face him and give him a forced smile.
He sighs and shakes his head, "eres tan difícil." (You're so difficult)
"No te preocupes, no me vas a tener que ver después de esto." I snarl and roll my eyes. (Don't worry, you won't have to see me after this.)
"Thanks for the ride and see you never." I mutter and open the door.
I get out and close the door shut without turning back and walk along the side entrance of the house.
I sigh opening the door and walk straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get myself a cold water bottle then open it before chugging half of it down when I hear a knock on the window by the front door.
I sigh and close the water bottle, leaving it by a coffee table before walking on over to the window. I move the curtain and groan, I quietly open the window and feel my eye twitch. "Leave-"
"I will give you five thousand dollars if you can do me a favor." Says the man who I didn't want to see ever again.
"It's not a favor if you're paying for it." I scoff making him grin.
"So you'll do it?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
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I open the garage door for him and as soon as his supra can go in he slides in almost making me scold him in case it fell down or something but I kept my mouth shut.
He parks then gets out of the car and walks on over to me, "you'll be gone before the morning, right?" I say and he just chuckles.
"No one will even know I was here." He says and I roll my eyes as I got on a step stool to reach for a blanket.
"I will unfortunately know." I say and hit it on his head making him groan.
"Thanks." He responds sarcastically giving me a face and catches the blanket.
"Is there anything I can wear para que los chismosos no me reconozcan?" He asks and I shrug, lazily pointing to the boxes behind him. (so the annoying paparazzi won't recognize me?)
"You can check inside those." I mutter slowly feeling the tiredness creep in. "But is this really necessary." I add and he just groans.
"You've got no idea." He says then opens the top one, going through whatever is inside until he picks up a black baseball cap that had a small Mexican flag on the side.
I recognize it and frown but then smile at the memories of my grandpa always wearing it when he's mow the lawn, or plant his vegetables. It was his favorite thing in the world and of course had to have his flag on it.
"Era de mi abuelo, siempre se lo ponía cuando arreglaba su jardín." I tell him and look at the hat in his hands. (It was my grandpa's, he'd always wear it when he worked on his garden)
"Oh- perdón-" he murmurs and quickly takes it off but I wave him off. (sorry)
"Esta bien- te queda un poco bien." I reassure and give him a small smile. (It's okay- it fits you kind of good)
My words versus my expression were somewhat contrasting one another but he just chuckles and puts it back on.
"So are you all good?" I ask and he nods.
"I think so." He answers and looks back at his car.
I'm sure he'll be sleeping like a baby in there...
"Alright well goodnight-" I start to say and was about to walk off when he grabs my arm.
"Y/n." I turn to look at him and he starts to smile, I swore his eyes were sparkling-
"Stop doing that." I say and shake my head. I need to stop too..
"Doing what?" He asks making me roll my eyes. He cannot be serious...
"Ya lo sabes- y más seguro se lo haces a todas." I start and then feel myself stuttering as well as feeling nervous. (You know it- and you probably do it to all the girls.)
"Les haces..." I say and motion to his face making him grin, leaning in, "esa cara y expertas que todas se enamoren de ti." (You do... that face and expect all the girls to fall in love with you)
I take a step back and cross my arms against my chest, "pero no va funcionar para mi, entonces vas a tener que soportar." With the final word I walk to the door and press the button to close the garage then walk out. (But it won't work on me so you'll just have to deal with it)
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It was the next morning and I had completely forgotten that Miguel slept in my grandmas garage until said grandma told Saraí that the news was doing a story on Miguel.
I rolled my eyes then quickly came to the realization of last nights events and ran to the living room beating her to it. I try to grab the controller until I feel her on top of me and her hands gripping the other half of the controller. "Que te pasa wey- you don't even like him!!!!" She exclaims and I let out fits of coughs to try to be louder than the tv. (What is with you- you don't even like him)
She screams in annoyance and shoves me making me land on the couch. She puts the volume up and excitedly looks at the tv, oh god...
"Lyla llegó a su fiesta de cumpleaños anoche sin su mentado novio. Aunque nadie lo vio llegar al club para la celebración, testigos confirman que Miguel O'Hara hizo una apariencia secreta para cantar para la casa llena de invitados." Says the reporter making me feel sick to my stomach. No one knows. (Lyla arrived to her birthday party without her supposed boyfriend. Although no one saw him arrive at the club for the celebration, witnesses confirm that Miguel O'Hara made a surprise appearance to sing for the full house of invitees)
"Testigos dijeron que el cantante se fue inmediatamente después de cantar una canción, nomás para reaparecer en su mansión de Beverly Hills, horas después, con una diferente chava." My heart drops to my stomach and I suddenly feel nervous and ill. (Witnesses said that the sunder left immediately after singing one song, only to reappear in his mansion on Beverly Hills, hours later, with a different girl)
How the fuck did they know????
My eyes were wide and mouth agape while Saraí next to me was just scoffing and shaking her head. "Mis informantes me dicen que está chava misteriosa tal ves le robó el corazón de nuestro favorito galán musical." I tried my hardest not to gag, especially since mom and abuela were still nearby but god did they really have to exaggerate that much? (My sources/informants fell me that this mystery girl might have stolen the heart of our favorite musical heartthrob)
I then look at Saraí and try to snatch the remote from her again but she yells and tries to get it back. "Que haces?!?" (What are you doing?!?)
"Lo quiero ver!!!" She complains and I just shake my head. (I wanna watch!!)
"Porque? Son puras mentiras y exageran todo posible!!" I say trying not to give myself anyway. (Why? They're all just lies and they exaggerate everything possible!!)
"Y que te importa?! Ni te gusta-" (and why do you care?! You don't even like him-)
"No pero para que quieres caer en mentiras de los reporteros!?!" I say and push the remote towards me but she wasn't budging. (but why do you wanna fall for the lord of those reporters!?!)
"Oigan!! Ya paren!" My dad yells but we still don't stop. (Listen!! Stop that now!)
Suddenly my grandma stands up and reaches behind her to grab her car keys, "ya se! Esta hermoso afuera, saquen el caro y vayan a la playa!" (Oh I know! It's gorgeous outside, take the car out and go to the beach!)
She threw the keys to Saraí who let go of the remote and caught the keys with ease, "gracias abue!!" (thanks grandma!!) 
She skips out of the kitchen until my mom yells at her, "Lleva a tu hermana!!!" (Take your sister!!!)
She groans and stomps her feet on the ground then walks off. My mom turns to me and gives me a look before nodding to where Saraí made her dramatic exit. "Ve." (Go)
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And just like that we had made our way to the beach, Saraí found a lucky spot really close to the beach. I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car. "Why are we in Malibu? Weren't we gonna go to Venice?" I ask and she rolls her eyes as she gets out and walks to the trunk of the car.
"Because Miguel surfs in Malibu." She says matter-of-factly earning herself a glare.
Jesus she's obsessed.
She gets the beach chair she got for herself and closes the trunk then locks the car. I follow her lead as she squeals and looks left to right. On the lookout.
"Today is the day- I feel it in my bones, he's here." She says and I just chuckle.
"Sure he is." I say sarcastically but she just ignores me.
"I'm praying he's not with Lyla, she's not pretty enough for him." She says making me laugh. Damn.
"I wonder what his eyes look like.... Like really up close...." She rambles and lets out a sigh.
"Chocolate brown. A really pretty brown." I imply but she just completely ignores me and runs off to a random direction.
I stand there watching her leave me and scoff. Sisters.
I sigh and take a look around the beach to see where I can sit and just chill without her nagging me about that man anymore.
Suddenly I see something familiar out of the corner of my eye and I look around me and see that no one has noticed what I have.
I shrug and stroll on over to a man sitting by himself next to an empty chair, "hey is this seat taken?"
I walk behind the chair and place my bag on the floor, taking a seat ignoring that he didn't respond. "Don't mind if I do." I tell the man and sigh.
"Esta tan bonito afuera hoy, no crees?" I turn to look at the familiar man who I ended up spending a lot of time with yesterday. (It's so pretty outside today, don't you think?)
He then shifts in his seat and I can't tell if he's recognized me or not but I'll have some fun with this. "Ay perdón estaba dormido- lo desperté?" I ask and smile. (Oh I'm sorry you were asleep- did I wake you?)
He shakes his head and looks down crossing his arms against his chest, as if a small ass hat and little sunglasses are gonna hide his big stature.
"No? Ah que bueno! Me puede poner bloqueador en la espalda?" I ask teaching over to my bag and pulling up a bottle of sunscreen. (That's good! Can you put sunscreen on my back?)
He then turns to look at me and tips his glasses down so I could see his eyes, then laughs and shakes his head. "Como sabías que fui yo?" He asks and gives me that smile I've now seen plenty of times. Jesus. (How'd you know it was me?)
"La cachucha." I respond and look up at my grandpas hat. (The hat)
"It smells like grass." He says making me chuckle.
"Might just be you." I reply and he laughs.
He gives me another smile before taking off his glasses and turning to face me, "what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? Go home." I joke and he sighs.
"I tried...."
He looks away and waves me off, "no lo entenderías." (You wouldn't understand)
I scoff and roll my eyes, "ahh entonces crees que eres tan especial que alguien normal como yo no podría entender que difícil es ser tu?" (so you think that you're so special that someone normal like me isn't able to understand how hard it is to be you?)
He laughs then shrug, turning his head to face me again, "hay diez carros de los chismosos afuera de mi casa." (there's ten cars filled with paparazzi outside my house)
"Damn.... That's fucked..." I mutter and refrain from saying something stupid.
He hums in agreement and we sit there in silence for a few seconds before he speaks again, "necesito un carro que ellos no reconozcan para ir a las casa." (I need a car that they don't recognize so I can go home)
I hum and fight the urge to offer our car, I couldn't even imagine him driving abuela's baby pink beetle. He definitely wouldn't fit in it anyway.
Then he looks me up and down, plotting something and asks, "que estás manejando tu?" (what are you driving?)
I grin and lean towards him, "oh you'll love it, it's a classic. Really pretty."
I bite my lip to not laugh and he smiles, "perfect I could pay you-"
"Stop- stop doing that-"
"Stop doing what?”
"Throwing your money around like that. Todavia me debes cinco mil por quedarte en el garaje de la abue." I say and he chuckles. (You still owe me five thousand for staying at my grandma's garage)
He smiles at me and I smile back, "give me your keys." I say and bring my hand up to him and motion for him to give me them.
"Why....." he asks and raises an eyebrow. As if he couldn't trust me.
I could've easily asked for more money... I really should've..
"Well if you're gonna have our car you can't just leave us without one." I say and he hesitates.
His face crunches up and it really looks like he's about to change his mind. He cannot be serious....
He reaches down to his pocket and grabs his keys, I open then close my hand ready to snatch em as soon as he gives them to me. He brings them up and right as I was gonna close my hand he pulls them away. I give him a look and he gives me one right back. "Okay listen-" I try to grab them but he pulls them back.
"She's a-" I try to snatch them again but he brings his hand up. Oh my fucking god-
"She's a three hundred and twenty horsepower-" he brings his hand down slightly and I try to grab it but again he moves it. This piece of shit-
"1998 model-" Hand comes back down and I quickly try to grab it but again no use.
"Brand new wrap-" He moved his hand making me groan.
"Look I love Gabi okay?" He says with such a serious look and tone.
He nods and I prevent the urge to roll my eyes at him, "you name your cars?"
He nods again hesitantly and I now grab the keys from his hand. I give him a look then roll my eyes getting up and walking over to where Saraí was tanning.
I tip toed to her which didn't matter because she had headphones on and eyes were closed. Perfect.
I grab the keys to grandma's car then slide in Miguel's keys before making my way back to him.
I motion for him to follow me and he stands up, jogging over to me as I lead him to his hot new ride. I walk us towards where the beetle is with Miguel on my tail and still on the lookout.
I then stop in front of the car and grin up at him, "Miguel meet Petunia."
He stops and blings his sunglasses down, face disgusted. "Bring her back within the next hour." I tell him and grab his hand, putting the keys on his hand while letting out giggles.
Suddenly he grabs me and pulls me down, hiding us behind the car while mumbling to himself. "How the hell did they find me-" he says grabbing my hand and making me follow him to be by the hood of the car.
"Oh please my sister found you easily and we're from Detroit." I mumble and he turns to look at me for a second with a puzzled look and I just shrug.
We then hear the sound of vans pulling up to the parking lots and doors opening with people talking. He lets go of my hand and takes his glasses off, "here put them on."
I take them and look at them for a few seconds before he gives me a look, "Now. And get in."
I lift my hands up in fake defense and put them on as  he goes to the drivers seat. I walk on over to the passenger seat and fix the glasses when the door opens and hits me in the face.
I fall back and I quickly get up to glare at him through the window, "you cannot be serious- quit fucking hitting me O'Hara." I hiss and he shoots me an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry- I'm sorry- get in- get in-" he mumbled and I roll my eyes, opening the door and hop in.
He then opens the glove compartment and goes through it, "what the fuck are you doing now-"
He shushes me and pulls out a scarf and hands it to me, "put this on."
"Just do it."
"Okay Nike sponsorship." I mutter and wrap it around my head.
He then starts the car and start to reverse, he propped his shoulder up and his head down then leaned over as if he had back issues. I bring the glasses to my nose and hold my breath, sinking int the sink as I felt and heard the paparazzi outside the car thinking he was in here. Which they technically weren't wrong about.
But nonetheless they groaned and pulled the cameras away from the car and us. Thank god.
After leaving the beach I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at him, "manejas como mi abuelo!" (you drive like my grandpa!)
He shifts and gets more comfortable, "Y tu te ves como mi abuela!" He jokes making us both laugh as I looked forward and to the highway while taking off the scarf. (And you look like my grandma)
"Necesito mis lentes." He says and I smile, shrugging feeling his gaze on me. (I need my glasses)
"No se... creo que me gustan..." I say and fix my hair, putting some strands behind my ear. (I don't know.... I think I like them...)
"Te los regalo... al rato." He says and I gasp. (I'll give them to you... later)
"De verdad?!?" I ask then quickly continue trying to mimic Saraí, "mis amigas nunca me lo van a creer que yo, tengo un par de Miguel O'Hara lentes que el mismísimo Miguel O'Hara se a puesto!!" (For real?!? My friends will never believe that I, have a pair of Miguel O'Hara sunglasses that have been worn by Miguel O'Hara himself!!!)
I then gasp and turn my body to face him, "me los firmas porfis?!?" I beg and he just rolls his eyes. (Sign them for me please?!?)
"Te crees bien graciosa eh?" He says making me grin and nod. (You think you're so funny)
"Que?" I tease and give him an innocent smile. "No pero de verdad si quiero estos lentes." I say and look at the dark maroon color of the frames. (What? No but seriously I want those glasses)
"Un huh... dámelos. Come on." He says and does grabby hands. (Give me them)
I sigh and take them off handing them over to him. "So how long am I stuck with you this time?" I ask earning myself a laugh.
"Until the paps leave the beach...." He says then turns to look at me, "let's go do something."
"Like what?" I ask and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Anything. What have you seen since you got here?"
"Nothing. I've been too busy following you around." I say and his eyes bright up.
"Really?" He says in a soft tone and I just playfully roll my eyes.
"With my sister... she idolizes you." I say and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
Why'd it seem like he was disappointed?
I shrug and continue, "I mean I couldn't care less about you or your city."
He gasps and shakes his head in disbelief, "I already knew you didn't like me but you don't have to take it out on Los Angeles. It's a beautiful city."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, yknow what, I'll be your tour guide."
"I thought you were going home..."
"Meh I'll just take the long way." He says and gives me that smile as he puts his glasses back on.
He turns the radio on and just to my luck his song came on. He gives me a grin and I just sigh, relaxing into my seat as he drives us to who knows where.
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He ended up taking me to Santa Monica Pier, Venice beach, Rodeo Drive to buy me stuff (which I wasn't complaining about), the walk of fame to see the stars of my actual favorite celebrities, to the Hollywood sign which was huge in person.
He had bought me a Polaroid camera while we were at the pier and ended up using all the film, and he bought me a two pack. Now I just had forty little Polaroid pictures in my purse along with other cute souvenirs.
We were singing along to the songs on the radio when I noticed he drove us back to his house. "Gonna keep me for longer huh?" I tease and chuckle, looking up at the huge mansion he calls home.
He smiles and nods as he parks in front of his house and unlocks the doors. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door getting out of the car.
I had shocked myself today, actually enjoying myself and letting myself not be so judgmental of Miguel as well as getting to know the real him. He was nice, very sarcastic and somewhat funny. But I'm not gonna admit that to his face.
I was appalled when finding out he wasn't narcissistic or rude and was actually chill and fun to be around. Again not admitting that to his face.
And he was a total gentlemen, opening doors for me, paying for everything even though I kept fighting him on it. It felt like a first date even though our circumstances were just odd and weird. And it technically wasn't even a date.
I followed him inside and he beckoned me over to his living room while he went to get us something to drink. I plopped down on the longer couch and it felt like a cloud.
Didn't even look too luxurious which was a green flag in my books. I laid back and sighed, what have these two days been?
How did this happen to me? And why was I enjoying it more than I thought I would?
Miguel comes back with two glasses and a bottle of wine, I laugh as he sets them on the coffee table in front of me. He pours both glasses and hands me one which I gladly took.
Free wine? Say less.
I take a sip then immediately take another, was pretty good...
He plops down next to me and I turn my body to face him, I couldn't even deny how attractive he was. Not that I did before but he just looked really good today...
Kept giving me that look with those eyes and that pretty smile flashing me his pearly whites that were the smallest bit crooked but still looked pretty.
I take another sip then place the glass on the table and put all my attention to him. "So couldn't get enough of me, you had to bring me back?" I tease and lean my side into the couch.
He laughs and shrugs, "Well I thought we had a fun day..." he says and scoots closer to me.
I nod and try not to react too much, if he moved just a tiny bit more his leg will be touching mine... and I wouldn't even mind.
"And I thought why not continue the fun..." he says and leans in, his face now much closer to mine.
I felt my skin grow warm and tried to calm my breathing. Why was he making me so nervous?
Did one day really just change my entire mindset on him?
"Surely this isn't the wine hitting you already right?" I tease in a softer tone, wanting some kind of reassurance I'm not imagining things. No way I'm delusional after the day we've had...
He laughs then gives me a smile, "it's definitely not the wine."
I hum and nod, my cheeks growing warmer by the second and I just prayed he couldn't see it. This felt so embarrassing.
"Is this okay?" He whispers and scoots until there was no more space between us.
His leg was touching mine and I couldn't trust myself to speak so I only nodded. He then reached over and placed his glass on the table before leaning back on the couch, turning to face me. Why did he have to look so good?
Even better up close-
My thoughts were cut short when I felt him place his hand on my thigh, touching my bare skin. I looked into his eyes noticing he was even closer now, my nerves never leaving my body. I look down to his lips and god I really wanted to kiss him.
As if thinking the same I was, he brought his other hand up to cup my cheek and leans in. I close my eyes and close the gap, kissing him gently. He kisses back instantly and I feel his hand squeeze my thigh then running his fingers up and down making me gasp.
He slides his tongue in and I gladly let him, bring my hands up to the back of his neck to play with his hair. I twirl some curls between my fingers then lightly pull on them, earning myself a groan from him.
I felt myself growing more needy, craving more and feeling the familiar heat rising down to my core so I squeezed my thighs together then pulled away for a second and nibbled on his bottom lip. I felt his hand graze my inner thigh, fingers slipping under my shorts making me let out a sigh.
He turned my head and attached his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses all over while his fingers kept rubbing but not where I needed them most. I tilted my head back and spread my legs to which he slid his hand up and to the zipper of my shorts.
He sucked gently on my skin then kissed it a few times before I felt his hands slip down. I let out a whine and buck my hips up, to which i then felt his touch right above my centre. I squirmed and was about to lay my head back until he grabbed me, moving my body and placed me between his legs.
His hands trailed down my legs slowly then came back up and to my stomach. Thinking he'd stop there I was left shocked seeing and feeling his fingertips work their way between my tits then back down.
I laid my head back against his hard chest and let out a shaky breath. He turns his head to kiss my neck and continue his grazing. I was already breathless and he's barely touched me, I needed him.
"Estas tan hermosa." He whispers in my ear making me whimper and squirm against him, now directly on his crotch. (You're so beautiful)
"Miguel-" I breathe out but cuts me off by pecking my lips softly.
I moan into his mouth then feel his fingers coming back up but this time he groped my tits with both hands. I whined and grind against him as he continues kissing me, leaving me a mess already.
He groans and squeezes them, fondling them in his hands as I kiss him back. Suddenly he brings a hand down, slowly trailing it down my body until he reaches the waistband of my shorts.
He undos it then quickly pulls the zipper down before quickly sliding his hand in and starts rubbing my soaked cunt through my panties. I feel my eyes fluttering as he moves his hand steadily while I bring my left hand to grip his left arm that was now pinching my nipple.
I bite my lip, moving my hips up and down, needing more. "Miguel por favor-" I breathe out and he just hums. (please)
"Dime que quieres nena, te quiero escuchar." He purrs into my ear making me whimper. (Tell me what you want baby girl, I wanna hear you)
"I- fuck-" I mutter and close my mouth with my right hand.
He was now rubbing circles over my clit, so fucking slowly. This piece of shit thought it was nice to tease me like this?!? As if he couldn't feel how badly I wanted this...
"Dime que quieres amor." He murmurs continuing his teasing pace as I buck my hips up but still doesn't change anything. (Tell me what you want love)
"Te necesito Miguel- por favor-" I plead and whimper when he slows down again. (I need you- please-)
"Me necesitas?" He mocks in my ear and I just nod repeatedly as he speeds up the tiniest bit. (You need me?)
"Pero todavía no haz dicho que quieres nena..." he murmurs and leaves a soft kiss on my neck. (But you still haven't said what you want baby girl...)
I felt my eyes flutter and a blush rose to my cheeks, why did he have to sound so perfect?
Just his words alone were enough to make me more wet for him. He was driving me insane.
"N-necesito tus dedos..." I whimper and spread my legs as he moves my panties to the side, "por favor fóllame con tus dedos-" I whine and he slides two of his long fingers inside without another word. (need your fingers, please fuck me with your fingers-)
I gasp feeling them fill me up, surprised to feel how thick they were. I felt my legs shake slightly while I tried to keep my breathing steady considering he was just starting. He was already filling me up so nicely and it felt incredible. "So tight and wet for me baby." He whispers and pumps his fingers inside me, my walls enveloping them.
He worked on my cunt almost expertly, curling them up making me arch my back against him. With his available hand he wrapped it around my waist, as if to make me refrain from moving. "Miguel- M-Miguel-"
He hummed and started going faster, I could feel my creamy juices slip down to my asshole as he went faster and deeper. I let out whines and closed my eyes when I feel his lips on my cheek then on my ear. "Such a pretty mess for me huh baby?"
I whimpered and couldn't help but clench against his fingers making me let out more whimpers. "S-so good-" I moan out and kisses my neck softly.
"I know baby, I know." He murmurs and goes even faster leaving me a moaning mess on top of him.
"Estas tomando mis dedos tan bien princesa." He praised making me whimper and clench against him once again. (You're taking my fingers so well princess)
"Te gusta que te hable así hm?" He teases and I open my eyes only to roll them and bite my lip. (You like when I talk to you like that)
Starting to despise him again, I hated his teasing but couldn't help but like it.
"Contéstame nena." He purrs in a low tone, that making my orgasm quickly approach. (Answer me baby)
"Si- si me gusta mucho- me encanta como me hablas-" I moan out and he slows down but fucks me deeper. (Yes- yes I like it a lot- I love way you talk to me-)
"Good girl." He moans and starts pumping his fingers faster again.
I whimpered and tried to buck my hips up but his strong arm didn't let me and just gripped me to stay still. I held on to it and laid my head back against his chest, then look down at the sight. His fingers fucking me effortlessly with my arousal being the main thing that's being heard in the room. "Aren't you just taking it so well baby?" He purrs and I nod, looking up to look at him.
I crash our lips together and he suddenly starts fucking me even faster making me moan against his mouth. He slides his tongue inside my mouth as I continue moaning and try to kiss back.
I felt the familiar feeling of my orgasm approach in the pit of my stomach as he continued fucking me fast as well as deep. "I'm gonna-" i murmur against his lips and he just hums, continuing with our kiss.
I glide my tongue against his but then stop, letting out whines and whimpers as my orgasm hit me hard with Miguel not stopping. "Fuck- Miguel!" I whimper feeling my legs shaking violently.
He lets me ride my orgasm and slows his pace down as he gives me light pecks while I try to catch my breath. He then pulls away after one final peck and leans his forehead against mine. Not able to keep my eyes open, I lean into his touch, a weak smile forming on my lips. "That was incredible." I say and let out a small giggle.
He nods and grins, "you did so good love."
He kisses me softly and I kiss him back the same way when I feel him slowly slip his fingers out of me. His fingers come out and I feel more of my juices slip down to my asshole, "oh my god baby-" he moans and brings his fingers up to our faces.
I grab his hand and lazily open my mouth, taking his fingers into my mouth and lick my arousal clean. I looked at him and innocently bat my eyes while he groans. I made sure to lick every drop before he finally slips his fingers out and crashes his lips onto mine.
I immediately kiss back and move my body to no longer be on his crotch but on the couch with my legs over his thighs. His tongue slid into my mouth making me melt as I felt one hand go to cup my jaw and the other to my thigh.
He rubbed my skin softly and I felt myself melt into his embrace, "you're incredible." He murmurs against my mouth making me pull away.
I lean my head against his chest as he now wraps both arms around my body, feeling shivers run down my spine. "No you are." I whisper and chuckle.
Then we just sat there in comfortable silence, I was listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair and my breathing was now back to normal.
"So do you like me now?" He whispers and I burst out laughing.
I then stop and shrug, "maybe a little bit..."
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a-vvenger · 2 years
the scoreboard girl
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(gif not mine but isn’t he the cutest! also i legit can’t come up with a better title)
summary: eddie goes to a balls in laundry baskets game but he isn’t watching the game
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
a/n: i literally hate this but i had to get it out. this popped into my head bc i run the scoreboard for my school sometimes and i was doing just that earlier tonight and was like boom idea. but i can’t write so here’s this piece of shit
my masterlist
dustin and mike were scared shitless of what eddie was gonna say when they asked him to move the campaign. so it was quite the surprise when he not only moved it but asked them if he could come with them to the game. they of course said yes just being thankful that he wasn’t angry at them. dustin had actually asked eddie for a ride since steve had a date he was going with. of course dustin took this opportunity to question eddie.
“since when do you willingly go to balls in laundry baskets games?” dustin asks.
“just because i think it’s stupid doesn’t mean it’s not entertaining,” eddie replies but dustin doesn’t buy it.
they pull into the parking lot and hop out. dustin noticed that eddie looked quite nervous. they found a spot in the bleachers once they got inside and sat down. the game had already started at this point.
dustin looked over at eddie and saw him staring at something. oh. not something, someone. dustin follows his line of sight to where you were, changing the scoreboard when one team made it or adding up the fouls when they were called.
eddie had seen you in school and thought you were the prettiest woman he had ever seen. you had a couple of classes together and he had heard you telling one of your friends that you were running the clock for this game.
you weren’t that popular. you had a close group of friends and you kind of were chill with everyone. everyone except jason carver. you and he had dated for a little while and it ended up with you being heartbroken and him being an ass, constantly.
that included right now. when you put the foul up on the scoreboard and he starts yelling at you. you were just going with the ref’s call. he should’ve been yelling at the ref not you. but he loved yelling at you for some reason.
“jason, shut the fuck up and go play the game,” you yell.
“you bitch, take that foul off,” he yells back.
“no, i do what the ref tells me to do, if you have a problem with that, talk to him,” you say pointing at the ref.
you were standing at this point, glaring angrily at him. his coach had called a timeout so you didn’t have to pay attention right now. jason mumbles something under his breath and goes to talk to his team. you roll your eyes and sit back down. when you look up you notice a pair of eyes on you.
eddie had watched the interaction between you and jason intently. it was obvious you were angry and uncomfortable. he was proud that you yelled at that douche though. it was quite attractive to be honest. he notices she’s looking back at him with a small smile so he smiles back. his attention is pulled away by dustin’s voice.
“dude, seriously?! you came here for a girl?! wait wait wait, you like y/n y/l/n!” he basically shouts and eddie shushes him immediately and tries to cover his mouth.
“shut your trap kid! i mean she’s cool i guess,” he says knowing full well he likes her.
he’s liked her since that one day when she asked him about DnD. they were sitting in class and one of his friends had asked if they were still meeting for the campaign later. she had overheard and was curious about how he planned his campaigns so he had explained his thought process behind it.
they had been kinda friends since. they talked in class but never hung out outside of school. but, there short conversations were enough for him to like her.
as he turns back to your table he can see you still smiling slightly but you’re also paying attention to the game which has started up again.
“dude you should talk to her after the game!” dustin suggests.
“no, no way man,” eddie says.
“why not?!” dustin exclaims.
“because,” eddie starts, “because she’s not into me like that. we’re more acquaintances than anything!”
“yea sure, that’s why she hasn’t stopped smiling since you made eye contact,” dustin says, his voice laced with sarcasm.
“what? no that’s not because of me,” eddie tries to rationalize. he doesn’t think anyone could like him for him.
“eddie when are you gonna realize you’re awesome and a girl like y/n would be lucky to have you,” dustin comforts him.
eddie sighs. maybe he should talk to you. i mean he’ll never know if he doesn’t try.
“fine,” eddie gives in.
dustin does a happy dance and now he can’t wait for the game to end, while eddie is dreading it. he also can’t help but worry about what jason said to you. he knows you two dated and he had heard it did not end well. so at least talking to you means he can see if you’re okay.
suddenly, the buzzer is ringing and lucas has sunk the game winning shot. eddie looks over to where you are smiling and excited. he watches you go over to lucas and give him a hug and a high five. you and he had become friends since you ran the clock for his games and he was the only one nice to you on the team. the rest of them taking jason’s side in the breakup.
eddie watches as you start to walk out after you clean up a bit and runs down the bleachers to get to you before you leave. he meets you in an empty hallway.
“y/n, hey,” he says and you jump slightly.
“oh hey eddie! what’s up,” you smile brightly at him.
“u-uh i- i saw you and jason yelling at each other earlier, are you okay?” he asks and you can hear the genuine concern in his voice.
“um yea i think so… im kind of used to it by now. it happens at least once a game. this one was worse since it was the championship game,” you say.
“that doesn’t excuse his behavior. you deserve better, im sorry,” he replies.
“it’s okay, eddie, thank you for checking on me,” you smile.
it’s quiet for a few seconds and you can tell he wants to say more.
“is there something else eddie?” you ask.
“um okay here we go. hope that henderson kid knows what he’s talking about,” eddie mumbles and you look at him confused, “y/n i think you are really cool and awesome. not to mention the prettiest person i have ever seen,” you blush, “and hopefully this won’t ruin our friendship,” he continues.
“what?” you interrupt him confused.
“i like you,” he blurts it out, “y/n, i’ve liked you since that one day you asked me about my campaign. i know this might be weird because we only talk in school and stuff. you can totally just ignore me after this if it weirds you out. i just wish i could get to know you better and i’d love to take you out. a movie, dinner, you name it i’ll take you. but no, honestly you’ll probably never speak to me again i mean i would never speak to me ag-“
you cut him off with your lips pressed against his. you catch him way off guard but after a bit he kisses back. it’s the best kiss either of you have ever had. after a bit you both pull away for air.
“i like you too, eddie munson,” you say and it was true. ever since that day he had asked you about the mystery novel you were reading.
a/n: if y’all want to send me requests for fics w any of the characters pls feel free and i will try my best!! i’m in a writing mood lol…
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nillabeam · 4 years
strange magic
synopsis: sex pollen quirk? sounds fake. until you realize it isn’t. it’s totally real. not only is it totally real but it’s effecting you AND your fellow pro hero, Ground Zero. 
pairings: bakugoxf!reader
warnings: it’s smut so 18+, language but that’s a given, slight violence and a brief blood mention, characters are also aged up
a/n: based on this request!! it’s a lot different than libido in terms of like, content lmao, but the situation is similar sort of?? idk hopefully it’s not completely terrible bc i felt like i was a bit rusty writing this?? also excuse my overall writing ability and bad grammar <333 also there’s like a little tiny bit of fluff at the end!!! 
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“Give up already!” 
Ground Zero barks, threatening sparks emitting from his palms. He was standing a few feet away from a woman, hysterical and clearly enraged by something he honestly didn’t care enough about to remember. Something about a cheating husband, maybe? Whatever, one thing he did know was that this lady just stabbed a guy in the middle of a popular park and if he didn’t hurry the poor cheating bastard would be dead soon. 
The woman pressed her heel into the victims chest, he yelped pathetically in response. “I said get away from me! This son of a bitch is going to get everything he deserves!” 
“Not happenin’ lady. Bastard or not you can’t just fucking stab people because you feel like it!” Ground Zero snaps back, he shifts his weight forward. 
“He has to pay! I’ll make him pay!” She screams, turning the knife in her hand, her heel digging further into the victims chest, it was becoming increasingly apparent that Ground Zero had to make his move soon. 
“Shut up and listen! Drop the knife or you’re gonna end up worse than that asshole!” He threatens, muscles tensing, ready to explode forward and overwhelm the woman if she didn’t comply. 
“I’ll slit his goddamn throat don't you da-” She’s interrupted by your hand gripping her wrist bending it backwards in an unnatural direction. The movement makes her cry out and drop the blade. She tries to take the knife back but a swift jab of your elbow to her nose sends her reeling backward onto the floor. 
“You bitch! That really fucking hurt!” Her hands grip her face, trying to suppress the heavy flow of blood now streaming from her broken nose. 
“Shut up! You should have listened to me when you had the chance!” Ground Zero is suddenly beside you, he extends a fist and you meet it with yours, resulting in a friendly fist bump. “Nice elbow, Rookie.” He comments, impressed.
“Nice diversion.” You reply, leaning down to restrain the woman. “The police will be here soon so we should help-” You’re interrupted by a strange purple mist clouding your vision. 
“What the hell is this shit?” Ground Zero asks, fanning his hand in front of his face, trying to push away the mist. “Her quirk?” You suggest, landing a quick precise blow to the woman’s neck, incapacitating her. The mist dissipates, having only reached you and the other hero. 
“Hope it’s not some kind of defensive response. Like poison or something.” You worry for a second before standing, waving the remaining fumes away. “It’ll take more than some fucking purple bullshit to kill me.” You squint your eyes at him, an amused smirk finding your lips. “That sounds like something someone who gets killed by purple bullshit would say.” You quip, amused despite the looming danger of being exposed to an unknown quirk. A devious smirk finds his lips. 
“If it kills me, it’s killing you too so I guess I’ll see you in hell, asshole.” 
“They said they’ll get back to us once they figure it out. Also they said we can go home but we have to stay put, since we feel okay, oh, and also to call if we suddenly feel like we’re dying.” You explain, clicking the comm. in your ear off. 
“Great. So we can die at home instead.” He mocks, rolling his eyes. You lift your arms above your head to stretch them, sore from a day of hero work. “I’m perfectly fine with going home early, maybe I won’t die and I can catch up on laundry.” You move past him toward the locker rooms, more than ready to change out of your hero costume. 
“Oi, Rookie!” He calls out. 
You turn to face him, still walking backwards toward your destination. 
“Good work today.” 
You can feel your cheeks heat up at the compliment. 
Once you finally changed into your civilian clothes you walk into the lobby, distracted, hand in your purse fishing for your phone. You smack into something hard. “O-ow.” You mumble, scrunching up your face in discomfort, hand reaching up to rub your nose trying to alleviate some the pain. 
“Watch it, Rookie.” 
The voice is familiar and you realize you’ve hit a person. More specifically, Ground Zero. Or Bakugo, as you knew him when the two of you weren’t busy being heroes. “Bakugo, sorry I was-” You un-scrunch your face so you could see properly. You should have closed your eyes and ran away instead because the sight in front of you would prove to be too much for your stupid brain to handle. 
He stood before you, bag slung easily over his shoulder, the fabric of his expensive looking dress shirt clung perfectly to his impressive chest and biceps. Your eyes trail down the length of his lean body, his other hand shoved into his dress pants, perfectly ironed, and the way they showed off his thick powerful thighs nearly had you drooling. It’s becomes painfully obvious that you’re ogling him. 
You’d forgotten there was a staff meeting earlier that morning and he was dressed nicer than usual. Yet, you’d seen him before all dressed up like this, so why was the sight of him making you feel hot now? 
“My eyes are up here, pervert.” 
His gruff voice snaps you out of your trance, you snap your head up to meet his fierce stare. Your entire face now covered in a thick blush. “I-I wasn’t looking at anything-” You lie, pushing past him. He takes a second to do some looking of his own, his eyes fixed on the swell of your ass as you walk away from him. 
You stand impatiently outside the agency, fiddling with your phone, trying to push the image of Bakugo’s perfect body our of your mind. You take a quick look over your shoulder, making sure the blonde hadn’t followed you out. The sound of a honk made you turn attention to the company car that pulled up ready to take you home and save you from your own embarrassment. 
Sliding into the backseat you offer a nervous smile, “S-Sorry thank you-” You’re interrupted by the force of someone pushing you into the space of the empty seat next to you. “Move over, Rookie.” The voice makes you tense, and you lose your balance falling back awkwardly into the empty seat. Your hands moving to tug the hem of your skirt down as not to expose yourself. 
“W-What?” You sit up properly, adjusting in your seat. “Get your own car.” Your tone laced with false confidence immediately ruined by his ruby orbs peering down on you. 
“Quit whining.” He snaps, shoving you further over with his large frame. “Drive.” He instructs and to your horror the car starts moving. You push against him with both hands, shoving him back over to his side. “Keep your dumb giant body over there.” He lets out an amused ‘tch’ and leans back in his seat. A stretch of awkward silence fills the air and it takes a second for you to relax in your seat. 
There’s an obvious tension between you two, it’s thick and heavy and it makes Bakugo’s chest tighten. He decides against his better judgement, to find out if you were feeling just as fucking needy as he was. 
Bakugo keeps his attention fixed on the window, but experimentally spreads his legs, his knee hitting yours. You take the bait like a fool. Shifting away from him, your mouth opens to lecture him about personal space but your jaw snaps as your eyes fix on the prominent bulge in his slacks. It finally dawns on you that he’s not even hard, he’s just that big. 
“Shit-” You mutter out loud. Panic covers your features at your sudden lack of filter and you force yourself to look up, not surprised that Bakugo’s glaring down at you. “Keep looking at me like that, Princess, and i’ll get the wrong idea.” The pet name makes you rub your legs together in anticipation, why were you being so desperate right now? Suddenly, you felt the overwhelming urge to rip those stupid pants right off of his body and slip his cock in your mouth. 
“I’m not!” You blurt out the obvious lie, covering your flushed face before smacking your head on the window in a feeble attempt to physically knock the sinful thoughts out of your mind. You were finding it increasingly difficult to focus on anything but the man beside you, he let out a dark chuckle at your embarrassment.
You glance over again and he rolls his hips slightly, purposefully, as he notices you sneaking another peek. “Oi!” He grips your face in his hand, roughly squeezing your cheeks together, you whimper at his force and you see his eyes widen a bit at the sound.
“What did I just fucking say, Princess?” You move your hands up to pry at his wrist to loosen his grip but he won’t budge. Your eyes betray you and you look down again. You swear his pants are even tighter then before and your tongue rolls out of your mouth at the sight, practically salivating.
“Oh fuck-“ Bakugo groans unable to keep himself from shoving his fingers into your open mouth. Your mouth shuts immediately and you begin to suck harshly against his slender digits. “Shit, you’re so fucking needy.” He began rhythmically pushing his fingers deeper into your mouth, eliciting a gag as he reached the back of your throat. You were actually drooling now, all over yourself and his hand, but you continue to take his fingers greedily. They actually tasted better than you could have imagined, they had a slight sugary sweetness to them. 
Pulling his fingers from your warm mouth, he watches as excess saliva drips out, you unable to stop it due to his vice grip on your cheeks. His gaze darkens at the sight and he’s looking at you with a hungry need that makes you rub your legs together. Leaning forward enough to feel his breath fan your face, he smirks darkly, chewing his bottom lip in anticipation. 
“Such a mess for me already and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He teases, his nose brushes against yours and you lean forward, whining when he pulls back just enough that he’s just out of reach. You clutch the fabric of his dress shirt in both hands, trying to pull him closer to you. “Bet you’d like that huh, Princess?” he asks, and you can’t help but nod like an idiot. You feel his grip on your face loosen a little. 
His tongue lolls from his mouth slightly, per his instincts and he leans in, unable to control himself any longer, ready to taste that cute mouth of yours when the driver clears his throat rather loudly.  
The two of you freeze, hyperaware of your surroundings. Bakugo pulls his hands away and you nearly fall forward. 
“We’ve arrived, Miss.” 
You wipe the spit off of your face as quickly as you can, and you stare at Bakugo in horror. “I-uh-” Your brain fails you as you try to form coherent sentences. Grabbing your bag from the floor you scramble out of the car shouting a ‘thank you’ to the driver as you leave Bakugo in the car alone, with his lewd thoughts, raging hard on and a very polite driver. 
It takes him a second to snap out of his daze fully and by then he’s already a few blocks down the street. “Fuck-” He grips the passenger and driver side seats and leans forward so he can see the driver. “Stop the fucking car.” The driver looks confused, “S-Sir?” Bakugo is looking over his shoulder through the backseat window and the tightening in his chest worsens as he continues to get further and further away from your apartment. 
“I said stop the fucking car.” He snaps again and the driver begins to slow the vehicle down to stop. But Bakugo being the impatient little shit that he is exits the car before it can even stop properly leaving the driver thoroughly annoyed and maybe a little bit flustered. 
He starts a normal pace once he’s out of the car but it’s not long before he breaks out into a full sprint toward your place. 
You’re clutching your chest, trying to calm yourself, but the urge to slip your hands between your legs to relive some tension overwhelming you. Every time you try to think of something besides the goddamn porno scene in the car your brain throws it right back at you. 
Just as you hike up the front of your skirt ready to finish the job yourself when violent banging on your door makes you scream pathetically in surprise. You throw it open immediately. It’s Bakugo. Thank heavens it’s Bakugo. His face flushed, thin layer of sweat glistening in the afternoon light. 
“You too?” He asks breathlessly. 
“Yeah.” You respond, equally dazed. 
“Fuck.” You say simultaneously.
You blink and his large hands are gripping your biceps to pull you toward himself and his lips crash hungrily against yours. He walks you both forward enough to shut the door behind him with his foot. His hands move to your waist and he spins you both around shoving you back against the door, his palms pressing against it, arms caging you in. 
“What are you doing to me?” He asks, there’s a mixture of jest and seriousness in his voice. He tugs his dress skirt collar open exposing more of his neck and chest in an attempt to cool himself down. 
Now he’s done it. You can’t help yourself any longer, and you lick a hot stripe up his neck, before doubling back to pepper desperate kisses against it. A low throaty groan escapes him and your fingers fumble as you begin to unbutton his dress shirt completely. He watches as you undress him, his tongue darting from between his lips wetting them before he leans down to capture you in another needy kiss.  Shrugging the shirt off of his body, he begins to unbuckle his belt. 
You pull back for air, eyes wandering to his clothed member, eager for to see him, to taste him. He can see it too, the want, the need in your eyes. It matches the look in his own, vermillion and glassy. Your self control wavers again and you drop to your knees pulling his slacks down with a few good tugs, they were as tight as they looked. 
Finally, his cock is free and of course it’s bigger than you thought, you take a moment to admire it before slipping it into your mouth. He hisses at the sudden warmth, both hands tangling into your hair, the dull pain against your scalp elicits a moan and you feel him shudder as he tries to compose himself. 
“Couldn’t wait to suck my-” His breath hitches, an unintentional whimper falling from his lips as you move to take the entirety of him, cheeks hollowing as you greedily suck his cock. His hips rut involuntarily and you gag around him, the feeling of your throat around his aching cock almost send him over the edge. 
Your movements are desperate and sloppy, moaning and mewling against him like his cock is the best thing you've ever tasted. You make eye contact and notice he’s having a hard time keeping his cool. His face flushed a dark pink, panting, low groans falling easily from him lips. 
You’re honestly quite pleased with yourself. 
With a sharp tug he pulls you off of his dick, excess saliva drips from your mouth and you look up at him confused. He presses the pad of his thumb against your tongue and you open your mouth wider for him. 
“You’re being such a greedy little slut.” He comments, a smirk finding his lips, his hands move to grip the front of your dress shirt and he pulls you up off of your knees, tearing the shirt in the process. The second you’re standing he pulls you into another kiss, hot and blistering. His hands searing against the plush skin of your chest, he lingers at the lacy cups of your bra before activating his quirk just enough to burn the fabric away.  The sound startles you a bit but the feeling of his hands expertly kneading at your breasts makes it hard to concentrate on anything else. 
He pulls one hand away replacing it with his lips, when he pulls away to give your other side the same attention his teeth lightly drag against the tender bud forcing a moan to spill from your lips. Your fingers dip down under your skirt to give your mess of a pussy some much needed attention. Your frustration is only made worse when Bakugo catches your wrist in his hand. 
“Did I say you could touch yourself, slut?” He growls, you look up at him, still trying to pry your hand out of his grip. “Then you touch me.” You command weakly, voice dripping with want. 
He can wait, he can. He’s trying to act like he’s completely in control. Like he isn’t burning up with desire, like he can hold out a little longer. 
He can’t. 
“F-Fuck.” He spins you around, pinning you against the door, thankfully you were able to put your hands up to keep from slamming your face into it. He pushes your skirt up and it bunches at your waist, you hear a loud ‘rip’ and he’s tossing what’s left of your panties on the floor. He teases the head of his cock along your dripping slit, you wiggle your ass impatiently. 
He finds purchase on your hips before sliding into your soaking core. “S-So fucking tight, shit..” He mumbles to himself. You cover your mouth stifling a groan as you feel his cock stretch you out. His fingers dig into your hips harder and you’re certain they’ll bruise. He gives a shallow thrust, and you bite your lip to suppress another moan. His hands move to grip your arms where they bend, pulling them back toward him.  
“I want to hear those dirty little moans, Princess.” You can't see his face but you can hear him smirking. You don’t have time to object as he begins thrusting into you, his pace brutal, your legs nearly buckle beneath you. But he’s strong enough to keep you steady. It doesn’t take very long for your orgasm to sneak up on you, each drag of his cock only worsens the feeling of impending pleasure building inside you. “I’m so close..” You whimper breathless, and he adjusts his grip. Both of your wrists are in his hand now, still trapped behind your back, his free hand moving to rub messy circles into your puffy clit pushing you closer and closer to your release. 
“Cum for me, cum all over my cock like a good little slut.” 
His skillful and calculated thrusts, mixed with his fingers teasing your clit and his permission to cum overwhelm you. “F-Fuck, Bakugo!” Your orgasm washes over you more violently than you were expecting, you’re a mess, whining and moaning incoherent praises. The feeling of you constricting so perfectly around his cock has Bakugo not far behind you, he releases your arm, and it hurts to move them, but you press your palms flat against the door as he adjusts himself his grip returning to your hips, his thrusts become more sloppy and erratic as he’s coming undone. 
“S-shit, Princess, I- haah- I’m close.” He nearly whines, you begin to push back against him, doing what you can to match his movements. “Cum inside, Bakugo.” You command, your voice is smooth and breathy. 
“Fuck-” You groan in unison as he fills you with hot ropes of cum, he falls forward a little, one hand on your hip the other against the door to steady himself as he rides out his high, his hips still gingerly thrusting into you. When he’s finished and you’re satisfied and full, he slowly pulls out, hissing at the overstimulation. 
You both take a moment, still processing what happened. Bakugo lets out an amused huff of air and your glance over your shoulder. 
Well this was new. 
Sure, Bakugo knew his recovery time was amazing but never instantaneous. You glance down nervously at his still fully hardened cock, eyes widening at the sight. You dare to meet his gaze, hazy and piercing. 
Without warning, Bakugo slides two fingers into your still dripping cunt, you whimper, pressing against the door with more force. He chuckles darkly and it matches his devilish smirk. You were suddenly hit with the realization that your night was far from over. 
“I’m going to fucking ruin you, Princess.” 
The two of you lie in bed, exhausted and completely fucked out. You’re nearly asleep, resting comfortably on Bakugo’s firm chest as he rubs slow, soothing circles against your soft skin.  
It’s interrupted by your phone, the loud ring tone makes you both cringe. He reaches to answer it, you open your mouth to object partly since it’s your phone and partly because the loss of contact but honestly you’re too tired to truly argue about it.
“Y/N’s phone.” He answers, voice slightly hoarse. 
“Oh yeah?” He glances at you with a smug smirk. 
“I think we’ve figured that part out-” You put two and two together and realize it's probably someone from the agency informing you on the unknown quirk you were both hit with earlier. 
“Yeah, thanks for nothing.” He says his tone slightly irritated. 
“One more thing, have whatever paperwork I need to document a workplace relationship on my desk in the morning.” He instructs and hangs up the phone. Your eyes widen a little and he thinks it’s cute how hopeful you look. 
You chew your lip a little, “Is that paperwork for us?” You ask weakly, and he rolls over so he’s on top of you, arms caging you in. 
“Of course it is, stupid.” 
Your nervousness disappears the moment his lips meet yours. 
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marswritingss · 4 years
miya twins w a best friend fem!reader
req: Hi! Can I ask headcanons about Miya Twins female best friend stay in their home for a week because her parents went on a business trip?
me: ofc! i love them miyas sm i love the platonic shit
warning: none! fluff (i guess??) and crack :))
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– they were your neighbours down the street
– i mean you met in the volleyball workshop (the one where they met aran too)
– but then you realised you were neighbours!
– at first you didn’t like osamu because you were kinda like atsumu so he would call you both dumbasses
– well
– at first you didn’t even like them
– they were too talkative sometimes and it’d stress you out while trying to practice your serves
– atsumu pt.2 smh
– so eventually you’d tolerate them bc i mean
– yeah
– it just happened
– and you’d talk to them in class and start going to their practices whenever you had a day off, usually on fridays
– you were inarizaki’s setter (setters are cool okay i’d love to play setter if i played volleyball don’t bully me) so it’d get competitive to see which one of you could set the best balls while osamu would be like bitch wtf with his wing spiker position
– did that make sense-
– anyway so yeah
– there was one time when they went to your practise and boy
– how tf do girls have so much strength like wtf aren’t they like 20 cm shorter-
– they were SHOCKED
– your ace almost scared them because of her strength
– go girl slam that ball into the floor
– now they go to your matches whenever they can-
– anyway so
– the point
–your parents had gone on a trip (i mean yeah lol)
– you were already used to it beacuse your mom was a manager for some artist and she was 99% of the time out and your father worked in an industry in sapporo, so he only stayed at home on the weekends
– this time they had gone to poland with da miya’s parents so you both stayed alone
– they weren’t alone because they had each other but you thought you’d be okay, it was only fifteen days
– the storm had another plans
– so there you were, in your house, curled up in your sofa without being able to even do the groceries you needed, calling your piss head of a bestfriend to ask him if you can stay at their house
– atsumu takes this chance to tease you
“y/n yer such a weakling”
“may i remind you my killing five service aces while you fucked up three of yours-”
“do ya want to come with us or not”
– osamu has to literally snatch the phone from his twin because he won’t say yes
– not that you were going to stay alone if he had said no anyway
“y/n please come i’ll go bald if i stay alone with atsumu for another fourteen days”
“also we fucked up the laundry and now one of my jerseys doesn’t fit” says atsumu in the back
“i think it’d fit you tho”
– so after ten minutes of packing some of your clothes you leave your house and go to theirs
– osamu tears when he sees you in their door
“yer my saviour y/n” he says kissing your knuckles on his knees
“ya hurt me samu” says atsumu
– when you’re settled atsumu suggests to play something
– so that’s how you ended up playing uno
– oh boy
– you guys are so competitive it’s a war
– why did you even go to their house-
“suck ass samu” says atsumu while taking two cards off the pile. 
“not my fault ya can’t lose without cryin’ like a baby”
“can we just-” 
“shut up y/n” says atsumu. 
– osamu might not show it but he’s as much competitive as his twin brother
– he’s just
 – silent
– but tbh he’s scary as hell
– like
– for real 
– he keeps this instense stare and makes you both shit your pants-
– at the end, you win
“a gift for you peasants” you say while you pull out your last card, a +4 card
“ya can’t do that” says samu. surprisingly, (or not tbh) he was willing to invent rules in order to downpower you.
– tsumu is about to agree when he sees that samu has a change color card
– this guy is now both annoyed and haunted by the fact that he has to either let you, the traitor who made him take FOUR cards, or his twin, miya osamu, the bad printed version of him, win
– it’s a difficult decission
– so he decides that he’ll lend you his benevolence and disagrees with his twin
– when you’re finished after almost punching osamu and him almost throwing you from the balcony atsumu has the audacity to say that he’s better than you now
“excuse me?”
“what ya heard. i’m so nice ya won thanks to me, i deserve to be the better setter.”
“we don’t even play together! or in the same league!” you yell
– you end up sleeping in the couch instead of the comfortable futon you’d have slept on if you hadn’t thrown atsumu your water bottle
– but it’s alright because osamu ends up making onigiri every two days for the two weeks you’re staying in
– anyway this is weird ion even want to reread it
– if there’s any incoherence (pretty sure there are a shiton) is because i made this in the span of three days
– rip
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the-black-birb · 4 years
scars [kuroo]
Pairing: Inked!Kuroo Tetsurou x Tattoo artist!Reader
Summary: Kuroo still holds on to the memories of his high school romance.
A/N: I wanted to write this piece as a birthday gift for @heccingdead bc she writes some of the best angst I’ve read!! But I feel like it got a little out of hand ahflashfslfakslfk also this was highkey inspired by @allywritesimagines and the idea of philophobia
Warnings: implied abuse, minor Kuroo x Daishou, strong language
Kuroo had always been proud of his tattoos, dancing over his body like a mosaic. In the year following high school, he’d gathered so many that at times he wondered if he had more ink than skin.
It was almost addicting, the feel of the needle buzzing over his skin leaving his senses numb. At parties they kept him grounded, always a topic of conversation. He’d trained himself to recall the stories of each – just enough that it wasn’t too personal – without even thinking about it.
He was always delighted to talk about his tattoos – in part because it meant talking about you. At first, it was just normal praise for the artist. “She’s amazing!” he’d tell his friends. “I definitely recommend her; she’s done all of mine.” Of course, he’d gush and fawn over the person who helped him garner so much attention.
But recently, his commentary was becoming a bit different. “She kicked my ass at mario kart,” he told Kenma, who just groaned. Beating Kuroo at mario kart didn’t mean much.
“Her rice cakes taste amazing,” he beamed when him and Bokuto got their weekly brunch. “She taught me how to make them but I can’t get them quite right…”
Bokuto nodded solemnly, taking in all of Kuroo’s excitement. “So, you’re whipped?” was his conclusion after the fourth brunch in a row Kuroo brought up his escapades with you.
“Huh?” Kuroo looked up from his omelet to Bokuto’s owlish eyes. “Nah, man,” he laughed. “She’s just a cool person, you know? Not many people can be artists and bakers and-“
“Gamers,” Bokuto finished, smirking at Kuroo. “You’ve said.”
Before Kuroo could protest once again, Bokuto (to his friend’s relief) changed the subject to ease Kuroo’s discomfort. But the words still lingered in his mind.
You were a lot of things to Kuroo. A business acquaintance at first (and the only tattoo artist near him that he could afford fresh out of high school) but recently a friend and confidant as well. It couldn’t be helped; if you were to hand draw each and everyone of his tattoos and hear his stories full and uncensored you were bound to become close with him.
But he knew there was more to it than that. He’d been drawn to you from the start.
“So why do you want to get a tattoo?” you’d asked him when he first went to consult you. At the time he had no idea who you were, or rather what you would become to him, and he had nothing to lose, really. Assuming this tattoo would be his last and he’d never have to worry about you again, he gave you the honest truth.
“I wanted to cover this up,” he pulled up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal his forearm and the large scar that adorned it. He expected you to wince at how ugly it was or at least show some sort of pity (people usually did, it was why he covered it up), but instead you stared at it like a painting. You didn’t have to say anything to him, for your eyes screamed beautiful as you gazed upon him like a miner finally striking gold. He wanted to shrink under your gaze, to become smaller and smaller. But you were so passionate he couldn’t look away.
“I’ve never done a tattoo over a scar,” you admitted (which wasn’t particularly surprising considering you were his age). “But I’d like to give it a shot. If you don’t mind me asking, how did this happen?” You didn’t miss the way Kuroo flinched away from you when you asked, but were polite enough not to bother him over it.
“Well, I got into a knife fight…” he started teasingly, deflecting the question. If he came up with enough funny stories, usually whoever asked would stop bothering him.
“Hilarious,” you cut him off with a straight face. “Give me the real story or don’t bother,” you asked, cleaning your supplies. There was certainly no fooling you. Kuroo swallowed, chest tight at the memory. Well, it wasn’t like he had anything to lose, except pride.
“There was an incident with a clothing iron,” he explained slowly, thinking back to it. “I got into an argument with my ex…” He tripped over his words. The scars was old news but his relationship status was still fresh in his mind. “…while I was doing laundry and lost track of the iron.” His voice trailed off as he gulped. You’d probably laugh at him or pity him or say something that made him want to get up and leave immediately, all ideas of a tattoo forgotten.
Instead, you kept rummaging through your supplies without faltering. “Must’ve hurt like a bitch,” you hummed, unfazed.
“So what tattoo were you thinking of?” you inquired, sitting in front of him with a blank paper and pencil and an excited smile that Kuroo would never forget. “Let’s talk.”
It was the start of an unlikely friendship. His first tattoo (a beautiful chain of red flowers, each representing one of his teammates from his old volleyball team) was gorgeous, so much so that he found himself coming back for more. To his surprise, you always asked him why he wanted a tattoo (although he supposed you already had to know the meaning in order to draw it so there wasn’t much use in asking) and he never hesitated to answer.
Except for one time, when he asked for a small semi-colon on the area behind his ear. He’d asked you for it out of the blue, knowing it was simple enough for you to sit him down and do it quickly. But his pale face and blown out eyes had you skipping the usual questions and consultations, choosing instead of make him wait until after you got off work to drag him back to your apartment where you could listen to him in the peace and quiet of a home.
He supposed that was when you two become more than just an artist and customer. You were eerily perceptive and so you’d already known plenty about Kuroo; you’d etched his whole identity into his body after all, but this was the first time the two of you allowed it to leave the workplace.
At such a brutally slow pace he hadn’t even realized it, you had seeped into all the cracks in his perfect exterior. In all his ramblings to you about this tattoo and that tattoo and what they all meant, you’d somehow become his crutch to hold him up while he fell apart.
It was his fault, after all, that he’d trust you with so much information. Every tattoo had a story, and he knew most of them weren’t pretty. Yet you always took them in stride, never making him feel like any less of a person.
He wanted (read: wished) that were reason enough to love you, but he knew that wasn’t true. He was a sob story in the making and you were electric. Your eyes made him feel like he was on fire, as if the world he’d been living in was a shitty blockbuster movie and you were about to make it an award-winning novel. You were addicting and loving and you made Kuroo hopeful. But he’d long given up on waiting for a happy ending. Even if Bokuto was right, you deserved better than him.
Still, that didn’t mean he couldn’t indulge in your friendship (or your rice cakes). A casual friendship was safe; he could laugh and joke and pretend you didn’t know why he still covered his arm with the scar even after covering it up or why he’d never quite see volleyball the same way again. As friends and away from your workplace, none of that mattered.
And so, he hadn’t hesitated in welcoming you into his home that same night even as Bokuto’s words bounced around in his head (he couldn’t skip out on movie night, after all. It was tradition!).
“What’d you bring tonight?” he asked teasingly. It was routine: after you’d found out Kuroo had yet so see a single one of your shitty rom coms, you took responsibility to make sure he saw every single one. You’d supply the movie; he’d supply the snacks. It was normal for you at this point.
“Ten Things I Hate About You,” you grinned, smile so infectious he felt the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
“It better be than the last one,” Kuroo quipped (the last one was pretty in pink and Kuroo just couldn’t wrap his head around why Ducky didn’t get the girl), but before you could retort he was off to his kitchen to prepare the popcorn.
Without invitation, you made quick work of setting his living room up for movie night. This, too, was part of your unspoken agreement, especially when he started leaving extra blankets and pillows out for you to work with. When he entered back in with cinnamon-coated popcorn (it was your favorite), you’d already had everything up.
He whistled, settling in beside you. “You’ve outdone yourself,” he observed. As always you grinned up at him, curling up into his side as he held the bowl for you to share.
“You gave me more to work with,” you responded, grabbing the remote to set up the movie.
Kuroo tried his best to relax next to you, but Bokuto’s words were still swarming in his head. He couldn’t like you, it was too dangerous. You were already everywhere, all over his body and in the food, he ate and the shows he watched. If he were to fall for you and if anything were to end badly, he’d be heart broken.
Too soon Kuroo’s mind was brought back to the end of high school, talking with Nohebi’s captain. Deciding to never talk to him again, covering up all traces of him from his body. Getting tattoo after tattoo to forget him and rid his body of all traces of him.
“You should leave.” Kuroo was speaking but he couldn’t hear his own voice.
You turned towards him, looking hurt but unsurprised. “What’s wrong?” you asked, hand squeezing his forearm supportively. He hated the look way your eyes looked at him. He wished you’d look at him with pity like everyone else did. It would’ve been so much easier if you looked at him like he was only a ghost of the past, the same way Kenma and Bokuto did whenever they stopped themselves from mention “taboo topics.” Like volleyball and Daishou and clothing irons.
But you didn’t pity him or baby him. Your eyes weren’t scared at his sudden outburst or worried to approach him. All he saw was understanding. You knew. Of-fucking-course you knew. You, who helped him cover up all his scars. You, who let him stay at your apartment whenever his started to feel too big for one person. You, who suggested he got a tattoo to remind him to breathe (4-7-8, written in your handwriting) and he took it.
Kuroo wanted to be proud of his tattoos, that covered his body as his own personal shield. He wanted to admire your handiwork and relish in the way he could forget about who he had been before them. But he knew they were simply reminders of unseen scars. He swore he was healing while he bled out, haunted by memories of the past.
“Whatever’s wrong, you can tell me,” you told him, voice like a promise. He knew it was true, that he could tell you and you’d coddle him while he cried and make him feel like the only person in the entire world. He knew you were magic; you could tell by the way his muscles tensed that something was wrong. Your electric eyes saw him.
But all he could think about was a steaming hot iron and the apologies that followed. He pictured empty apology after empty promise and letting it excuse pain and tears too many times. He could barely recall how difficult it was to unwind himself from a web of being loved only when it was convenient, how it took him months to realize something was wrong.
Kuroo knew being with you would make him feel loved, but he was so damn scared he couldn’t love you back. He couldn’t bare the thought of using you in the same way he had been used.
“You should leave,” he repeated, pulling his arm away from your touch. He wished he could linger in it, but he was certain too much and he’d be addicted.
He wanted (read: hoped) you would argue with him just a bit. Tell him you wouldn’t leave him alone like this and pull him towards you like they always did in your shitty rom coms. But they were actors who knew what came next, and you were real. So real that he could reach out and hold you close and so selfless that you knew when it was time to leave.
You didn’t say anything to him as you backed away, grabbing your things. Kuroo was frozen in place, worried if he moved that he would forget the warmth of your hand on his arm. He knew he fucked up, but he could handle that. He made mistakes all the time. It was easier this way, he was sure.
Until you were one foot out of the door, looking back at him. “You know,” you whispered, eyes looking somewhere far away from his apartment. “You’re not the only one with baggage.” Your voice trembled. “Even if you were, it’s lighter to carry it together.”
Kuroo wished you had slammed the door shut behind you so he didn’t have to sit up straight, only to see you were gone. Even without you in the apartment, your presence was everywhere. All over his body and in his damned pillow fort and in the cinnamon spread over his popcorn. Even when you were gone, he was still with you.
He rolled his head back, not sure what to do. Numbly, he found his way to his phone to send a quick text to Bokuto.
You were right.
Right about now he’d usually think about getting a new tattoo, maybe text you to spitball an idea. He sighed as he leaned back into the blankets you had so gleefully set up for them to share. “I guess that’s not an option anymore.”
None of it made sense to Kuroo. His last breakup was liberating, like a breath fresh of air, and here was on a Saturday night about to watch a romcom to forget about you. He was certain it was some sort of cruel irony that it was only now he was starting to realize how hurt and in love he’d been.
He wondered (read: prayed) if he’d find salvation in you yet again.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
[NOTE IN THE BEGINNING BC I DONT WANT TO FORGET UDHFBSNF- heyyyy it’s meeeeee eheh and iVE ACTUALLY BEEN DRAFTIJG SOME DIFFERENT OUTFITS FOR FUMIKO bc i wasn’t a super huge fan of the one i gave her,, so maaaaaybe that can be what shuichi’s gift from tsumugi is👀 i will try and sketch something quickly after this— but you can do whatever you want with shuichi and tsumugi i don’t mind!! it only reminded me and i wanted to see >:D idk man i haven’t made ocs in *forever*] ok back to the actual thing-
fumiko finished up her ice cream, making sure her mouth was clean before putting her mask back over her face. god, she was so tired of this mask. according to monokuma, they were all going to die after tomorrow, weren’t they? did she really want to die with it on? sighing, she got up and brought her bowl to the kitchen, spotting shuichi and the tall, blue-haired cosplayer tsumugi whispering to each other. kirumi took the bowl out of her hands, and she lingered for a moment, just staring at the two. was he trying to get back at her...? wait wait wait— what was she saying? she’d be a hypocrite if she felt upset over him being so close with another girl, so she pushed the feeling down, exiting the kitchen and leaving the dining hall.
she went outside, shaking her head as if that would send her frustrated thoughts flying.
“oooowwwwwwww, you hit my face with your hair, you big meanie!” fumiko jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of a voice. she looked over to see kokichi with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. she giggled, he was pretty funny! well, to her, at least. she fell (agAIN) into the grass when he pushed her a little too hard yelling, “you’re it!” she smiled, getting up from the ground and immediately chasing after the boy. they played for a while, and during that time the girl had tripped and fallen plenty. by the end, her hands and knees were all scraped up and a little bruised, but she didn’t even notice. “hmm, seems like you’ve passed my first test, fumiko.” the mask-wearing girl tilted her head in confusion. “i’ve been considering making you a part of my top-secret organization... but there’s a few more things i have to see first.” he grabbed her by the wrist and took her to the picnic tables, sitting across from her.
kokichi then pulled a knife out of god knows where, which didn’t concern fumiko when it probably should’ve. he spun the knife around with his fingers before stabbing it in the table. he then proceeded to take it out, put it back in, take it out, stab again— you get the idea. he was playing the knife game. he looked up at her (totally not to see if she was impressed) and immediately stabbed his finger on accident. it hurt like a bitch, but he couldn’t let anyone know that kokichi ouma felt pain; especially not fumiko.
the girl rushed over to the other side of the table, sitting next to him. what do i do, what do i do?! she thought to herself. she couldn’t seem to remember what shuichi did when she had cuts, so she panicked. in a split second, she lifted her mask and brought his finger underneath it, putting it in her mouth. that should stop the bleeding, right?
so, fumiko sat there, sucking on a strangers finger like an idiot. she was trying her best, leave her alone. kokichi didn’t even know how to react, not expecting this in the slightest. he had truly been caught off guard by her action. maybe that was fumiko’s real talent; her ability to embarrass anyone that crossed her path.
-teapot anon (do i still sign?????? i will bc it feels wrong not to)(aLSO idk what’s with kokichi idk if he’s interested in her or some shit i just wanted conflict bc they were getting too happy and i couldn’t allow that)(also NO i was going to punch you from a place of love, not boredom </33)
After explaining his plan to Tsumigi, he watched her expression carefully to make sure he couldn't detect any confusion and uncertainty. "... Do you think you can do it?" Tsumigi nodded cheerfully, "Of course! You gave me a lot of freedom, so I think I can whip something up!" Tsumigi cheered, before dropping her shoulders as she smiled sheepishly.
"Ehh... 'Whip' may be an understatement, actually. It'll probably take a day or two to finish this up, and not only that, but I need you to get Fumiko's measurements."
Shuichi's head perked up, eyes brightening as he remembered something. "Oh, I-I still have her dress! Would that help?" She looked at him weirdly; a guy like him, had Fumiko's dress? She never really took him for a stalker or a perv, but she'd be lying if she said she hadn't been second-guessing herself.
Thank god Tenko hadn't been there to eavesdrop on their conversation; Shuichi would've been a dead man.
"... You... have her dress?" He flushed a deep red, shaking his head frantically in denial, "N- no, we- I swear we didn't-" She looked at him with an expression of nothing but disbelief, to which he groaned softly at, "... Why do I try... I'll just go get it and drop it off at your dorm." He sighed, leaving the kitchen shortly, his brows furrowed as he noticed Fumiko had left.
He felt slightly bummed that he didn't get to see her go, or even follow her, but before he could fret about it any longer, he shook his head and made his way to his dorm in search of the dress Fumiko had left in his laundry basket. Plus, she needed space from him.
Kokichi stilled, face going blank as he let her suck on his finger. 
Slowly, but very violently, had an angry red blush rise up to his face, starting from his toes to the top of his head, his whole body felt incredibly and alarmingly warm. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck— What the fuck is happening—’
"Y- you— Uh- N- nishishi...?" His laugh sounded forced and more like a question if anything. It was official; Fumiko had broken Kokichi. "My finger, you're-" Should he pull away?? Did... did he even want to pull away?
Suddenly he wasn’t so sure of himself anymore. What was he supposed to say when a girl started sucking on his finger? Kokichi couldn’t find it in himself to be nonchalant about it and laugh it off.
But he had to try.
“Miko-chan~ I think my finger stopped bleeding now, so you can let go of it now, Nishishi!” Forcing on his best, slightly woozy grin, he managed to force out a genuine-sounding laugh.
Taking his still-bleeding finger back, his face remained red and he couldn’t seem to look at Fumiko in the lens anymore, as he had been too focused staring at the finger that had previously been in Fumiko’s mouth.
He wondered if he was supposed to be flattered by the fact Fumiko had shown some care for his well-being; sure, the care had been her saliva but it was the thought that counted, right?
Even so, he didn’t seem to speak more of it— well, more like, refusing to speak more of the event. Distracting himself of his own embarrassment, he decided to toy with hers, “Ehh? Were you worried for lil’ ol’ me? You were, weren’t you? I could see the panic on your face from earlier, don’t lie~” Wearing a mocking smirk, he pretended as if he hadn’t just flushed like a Japanese school girl seconds ago— though there still had been light pink dusting his cheeks; the one remainder of it all. The betrayal.
“You were in more pain than me, and I was the one who actually stabbed myself.”
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years
You still have any thoughts about the enemies to lovers au? We left off at a pretty fraught moment
what a fraught moment indeed. i thought i could take after druck and just leave everyone hanging for news, but unlike druck, i actually came back bis bald wtf does that mean bitch anyways
more enemies to lovers au
Sara sends Matteo a voice message early in the evening, and it takes Matteo an hour, two beers, and a joint to work up the courage to open it. 
“Hey, Matteo. I- uh, I just wanted to say, that like, I was really shitty when I- well, you know. And I wanted to say that I’m sorry, and that I wasn’t thinking about- about you and like, what that would do to you. And that was- just really shitty I guess. I hope you can forgive me... Okay, that’s it. Bye.” 
She sounds sad, like she was on the verge of tears almost, and Matteo felt something mean and angry sink into his skin that made him want to scream, made him want to throw something, and say some choice words that wouldn’t be appreciated by anyone involved. He wanted to send something back that was loud and biting that said i don’t believe you, that said fuck off, that said oh, now you’re sorry?, that said you’re only saying it because David’s got involved. what about me? why weren’t you sorry when it was just me? why am I second place to my own feelings?
He didn’t though, send any of those messages. He left her on a read, even though it took all of his power to not send something back that gave her the message that he wasn’t interested in her apology, not now, not when he didn’t think there was anything genuine in it. 
Leonie messaged him, too. Twice over instagram of all places, even though he vaguely remembers that he has her number from when Sara’s phone died one time they were out and Sara demanded that he text Leonie with some slurring in her words to meet them at some place and was able to rattle her number off from the top of her head. 
sorry for outing youi would take it back if i could
Matteo did respond to those because there was something chilling taking over his hands and his fingers, making him start to shake all the way down to his knees, and red was blurring the edges of his vision, filled with rage and frustration and something else entirely. Disbelief, maybe. Insult, most likely. 
fuck off, he types out fast and sends it, seeing that she reads it immediately. He watches her start typing, and then stop, and then start again. 
can we talk? She asks, and starts talking again. i kno that sara wants to talk
And Matteo starts messaging back so fast that he wasn’t even looking at the letters anymore. 
i dont give a fcuki have nothing to say to uor heru had months to apolgizur only doing this bc of davidand i dont give a shit about ur insincere apologiesso jsut fuck off and leave me alone
He opens his chats with David and ignores the sweet and smiley messages that had been sending each other over the weekend, when they looked at today filled with promise and hope for starting something that would end up tasting like a hot fudge Sunday or marshmallows melted by the fire. He starts typing out some messages, but deletes them just as quickly to start something else, just as bitter and sour sounding as the last one, until he settles on the movie was good too bad u werent there.
And David comes online as soon as he hits send, and it takes him a second to start typing. 
can I come over? 
For a second, Matteo almost wants to say no, he can’t, that he didn’t want to see him right now, just to be a little bit of a jerk, but there was another part of him that wanted to fight right now, wanted to scream a little and make a scene with someone there to watch, wanted to show his anger in more than a couple of texts with bad spelling. So he sends his address and throws himself into his chair and lights up another blunt while he waits. 
It doesn’t take too long for David to get there, not long at all, and after a few minutes, Hans is pushing his door open to stick his head in. “Butterfly, there’s someone here to see you?” He asks with a sad little smile like David might have already spilled the reason why he was here, and for some reason, it makes Matteo angrier, makes his hands start shaking just a little bit at the thought that David is telling his business to everyone in hearing range. 
“Yeah,” he says through gritted teeth, and Hans frowns a little bit. 
“I’ll be right across the hall, okay?” He says like it’s a question, though it was more of a reminder and walks away, leaving the door open enough for him to see David standing there behind him with his hands shoved in his coat pockets and his shoes still on. 
“Hey,” David greets as he pushes the door closed behind him. 
Matteo doesn’t say anything, just stares at David and takes a drag of his mostly finished joint. 
“So, I, uh-” 
“Talked to Leonie and Sara? I know,” Matteo interrupts. “They messaged me. Apologizing.” 
“Leonie says you told her to fuck off,” David says with a tilt of his head, and it looks like he’s trying desperately to keep his face neutral, even though Matteo was making no such attempt. 
“Yeah,” he says and takes another drag. “I don’t want her fucking fake apologizes.” 
“They’re not fake,” David responds, still trying to keep his face blank, though his mouth kept quirking to the sides like it was getting more difficult.
Matteo scoffs and gets up to stub out the joint in a mug with the others. “Yeah, right,” he starts. “If they were sorry, and I mean for real, they would’ve fucking reached out months ago.”
David looks like he was feeling a little defensive all of sudden. “They just didn’t understand-”
“Oh, don’t give that bullshit! They understood just fine what they were doing, and the only reason that they’re even fucking saying sorry now is because you got involved. They’re not fucking sorry for what they did. They’re sorry that you’re mad at them,” Matteo interrupts and throws an arm out towards him. 
“Well someone had to get involved,” David spits out. “And you weren’t going to do anything about it.” 
“Fuck you,” Matteo spits out. “This was none of your fucking business. You had no fucking right to get involved. You weren’t even here when this happened!” 
“Sorry for giving a shit then! Jesus!” David throws his arms out, and takes his hat off to tug at the strands of his hair. 
“If you gave a shit, you would have asked what I wanted before you went out- fucking- I don’t know,” Matteo says and scratches at his face. “Airing my dirty laundry or some shit.” 
“I didn’t air your laundry or whatever,” David argues, looking a little less angry and a little more tired. “I went up to them and asked if they sent the video. And they both were like of course not, we wouldn’t do anything like that. And I said that’s good because it’s a fucking shitty thing to do and that I felt awful all week because of it and that I had to leave my last school because some asshole outed me and, fucking, ruined my life there. I told them it fucking sucks when someone tells something that you weren’t ready to tell and how about the kids there laughed at me, and stared at me, and asked me shitty fucking questions all the time. And that, you came over when the video came out and were there for me and are really sweet to me. And it’s good to have people support you.” 
And Matteo looks at him for a minute, trying to read the way that David was holding his gaze like he was serious, and exhausted, and something else mixed in there that seemed a little sad. “You said all that?” Matteo asks. 
“A little more eloquently the first time, I hope,” David says with a shrug. 
“Oh,” Matteo says, feeling like he was simmering out a little bit.
“I didn’t tell them to apologize or anything,” David says, stepping closer to Matteo and reaching out to gather up his hand that was still scratching along his jaw and down his neck as Matteo was trying to look at the puzzle now with a new piece. 
"Oh,” Matteo repeats, and David sways closer just a little bit. “I still-,” he starts and stops again. 
David hums and starts playing with Matteo’s fingers so they have something to do instead of creeping into his hairline and tugging. 
“I still don’t want to talk to them,” Matteo breathes out. “I’m not ready to... to forgive them. I guess.” 
“That’s okay,” David says quietly, and Matteo leans into his space to rest his face against his neck. “That’s okay, Teo,” he repeats and wraps an arm around Matteo’s back. “You don’t ever have to be ready if you’re not.” 
“Sorry for yelling at you,” Matteo says. “I just feel.. I don’t know.”
“I get it a little. I feel I don’t know sometimes, too.”
“And what do you do? When you feel like that?” Matteo asks and hugs him in close. 
David cards his fingers through Matteo’s hair, and it feels too nice for this moment, it feels like something out of, feels like they were being sprinkled in powder sugar even though the words they were just throwing at each other were dosed in gasoline, just ready to ignite at any moment. “I run away, just try to escape the whole world and never come back.”
“I don’t want to run away anymore,” Matteo mutters and clenches onto David’s elbow. 
“I don’t either,” David responds, running his nose down his side of Matteo’s temple. 
Matteo sighs into it. “We were supposed to go on our first date,” he says. 
“Yeah,” David says, and Matteo can feel the movement of his lips on his cheek. “How about we just take a nap now and try again in the morning?” 
“A new leaf.” 
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vanaera · 5 years
You Will Feel A Flash of Red
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Synopsis | Seokjin colors your life with his outrageous ideas and unnecessarily wild adventures, along with his stupid mission to always scare you whenever you run into each other. Against your better judgment, you’ve already started to entertain foreign feelings in your heart concerning the certain boy. And it doesn’t help you already get scared easily without him adding his shenanigans in the mix. You just want Seokjin to stop…making you feel too much all at once. Genre | Fluff, semi-crack Characters | Seokjin x Reader (College!AU bc I’m soft and my uni life is mundane af) Wordcount | 2.7k A/N | Hi hons, this is something short and fluffy I came up with while I’m resting from my recent 21k-wordsmash-work Daffodil Rings. Hope you like this!
               Everything can be colorful if you will them enough to. Grocery shoppings can be filled with oranges and greens that warm you up as you push past the cold airconditioned mart. Laundry days can be cooled with the tranquility of blues and whites that coax your eyes to relax from such a fast-paced week. You learned to make this your coping mechanism ever since you started associating colors for everything that lived in your grey, mundane life.  
               Your study table and work station are your usual pliant canvases to your color imageries. However, your biggest coloring book has to be the people that surround you. For instance, your bestfriend, Park Jimin, is a golden drizzle of yellow for his unfailing optimism whether it be finals week or rush hour dashes. Meanwhile, your other friend, Kim Namjoon, is an inky indigo for his strange concurrent displays of placidity and chaos wherever he goes.  Your roommate, Wendy Seon, is an easy magenta for her innateness to attract attention wherever she goes. Unlike her, Min Yoongi, your batch representative, was a hard-to-determine cream white for his introvertedness and tough-bitch acts. But among these people you have met, there is one who stands out like a sore thumb: Kim Seokjin.
               Kim Seokjin is a friend of Namjoon and you only knew about it when you shared a general education film class with him in sophomore year. He was easy to say…a different story from anyone you’ve met.  
               “You’re Y/N, right?”
               Your eyes flit to your left to meet the eyes of the boy seated next to you and you nodded slowly. How did he know you? Much more your name? You’re sure you’ve never met him before and you’re much surer you’re someone everyone can easily miss.
               “Namjoon told me your name when I asked him about you. I’m Kim Seokjin,” he offers a hand. You shook it slowly, your head tilted to the side, still bewildered as to how he knew you. Unfazed by your questioning stare, Seokjin grins. “I didn’t know you’re also taking this class.”
               “I…I like films so yeah,” you shrug.
               “Me too!” Seokjin chuckles. He leans closer to your seat. “You’re in the biochemistry program right?”
               Your forehead furrows. “Excuse me?”
               “Oh, I am in the biology program and I saw you going out of the lab when our class was about to start in the same lab. Your blue scrunchie gave you away.”
                Your hand deftly reached up to your ponytail and Seokjin laughs. “Don’t worry, you look cute with it,” he waves off and the furrows on your forehead only grow deeper. What is this man spouting about? Is he outright hitting on you–  
               The door swings open and the professor barks the usual morning greeting. Your thoughts were immediately halted. A few minutes is all it takes for everything to settledown into a metronome of students whispering across each other and pens scribbling notes. You wouldn’t have found yourself bothered again by the strange man sitting beside you if Seokjin didn’t just open his mouth to say the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard in your entire life when the professor asked everyone what names they would like to be called in class.
               “Señorita. Call me señorita.”
               Needless to say, the class erupted into a hysterics and you’re left wondering for days (and oddly irritated) why everyone finds it so funny to bring that scenario up again and again until the next two weeks.
               Such small timeframe is also enough for you to say Seokjin’s a mess.  But oh, everyone will disagree. They will say “Oh my God, how can Seokjin be a mess? He’s like the university crush and he has damn good grades and have you seen him wearing those goggles during lab hours?! He’s the only one handsome enough to pull it off as a fashion statement! ” in their wistfully annoying voice. First of all, you don’t care whether he’s good in what he does or he has a really good-looking face. What else but a mess will be someone who’s all-over-the-place?
               Some days, Seokjin is a calm sky blue you can actually have fun with talking about film what-ifs and chemistry memes.
               “Yo Y/N, imagine if The Princess and The Frog was remade and instead of a frog, the prince is a pterodactyl.”
               “I don’t want to imagine that.”
                “The solution of the plot will still work though. You can’t kiss pterodactyls though, but guess what?”
               “I don’t want to guess.”
               “C’mon, just play along!”
               “Fine, what?”
                “They will peck you!”
                 “Have you ever wondered what Australia will be called if it suddenly finds itself abundant of silver.”
               “No. Leave Australia alone.”
               Seokjin doesn’t hear you and bursts out “Agstralia!” He guffaws at his own joke and you can’t help but snicker at his priceless face and laugh at yourself in pity for finding it even remotely funny.
               When his laughter dies down, Seokjin goes again, “Then what if it’s filled with copper?”
               You don’t want to answer him, already biting your lip in silent laughter.
                 Most of the days, Seokjin’s a fiery orange of fireworks who drags you into the wildest rides of your life with his ever loud, but oddly inviting, “Yo, Y/N!” Like that one Monday afternoon he coaxed you (in some goddamn way you dumbly agreed to) to scavenge for some specimen of Bermuda grass to see it under the microscope and check if it has any semblance to the Bermuda Triangle (of course it has none). You accomplished nothing that day but run around like cockroaches with no heads when an old woman chased you for trampling on her “garden” which is just a plain expanse of grass. Or that one Wednesday morning he asked you to accompany him in his dorm just in case he managed to summon a demon when he tries to cook using an old Latin cookbook he found in some thrift store. You didn’t summon anything that day but you ended up with you two getting summoned by the condominium’s landlord because Seokjin accidentally set off the unit’s fire alarm.
               There are also times when Seokjin’s an endearing bloom of pink. Like those days when his hand casually brushes against yours as you walk side by side to your film class and he’ll send you one of his goofy smiles. Or those weekends where he’ll accompany you to study in the library, helping you make flash cards for your upcoming long quizzes.   Seokjin makes you feel warm at the slightest of stares and lingering gazes. Especially in those nights where he lays his head on your shoulder as you watch required films, and he’ll stare at you while doing kissy faces when you tell him his head is too heavy.  You never knew you would be able to fill something, no someone, in such a delicate color you know you have already started to reflect on your cheeks just at the sight of him.
               But all of that gets ruined because Seokjin always, always, makes you see blazing scarlet everytime he carries on  his life mission to scare you whenever you meet. It started when your professor assigned your class to watch The Shining for a horror genre essay and you, like the scaredy cat you are, begged Seokjin to watch it with you. Of course you didn’t tell him you’re not too fond of horror films, afraid of being called out. Obviously, it only takes one stare at your curled up form for Seokjin to put two and two together and realize you’re such a…coward. And of course, like the obnoxious boy he is, Seokjin takes advantage of such knowledge and decides you need a little spice in your life–a spice you didn’t really need, nor will ever need in your entire life.
               Whenever you’ll meet him on the corridors of your film class, Seokjin is now nowhere to be found. Instead, he’ll demand you to answer a quick survey first, a condition for him to show up, and you, like the exasperated idiot you are, answer it just to get on and over with it.  Like always, you end up screaming at a scary video mid-answering the questions and you never learn your lesson.  Everytime you’ll pass by each other in hallways, Seokjin bellows a loud “Boo!” with a thunderous clap of his huge ass hands and you always jump in shock like a cat on her hackles.  You never knew how to expect the shits he pull up because Seokjin always changes his patterns. One day, he even pulled up a Scream mask by your locker just right after you closed it shut, making you scream as you fall on your bum.
               At the end of the day, Seokjin always makes sure to apologize and assure you that it’s just his way to bond with you. “I just can’t get enough of your priceless face” he snickers and you start to chuckle too at his attempts – because even if you’re scared, his shenanigans actually helped you, in some way, get less scared of horror film jump scares.
               However today–today is a different straw.
               It was nine o'clock in the evening and you just got out of your building after an org meeting. The campus gate you usually take in your commute home was already locked closed at eight so you have no choice but to take the other gate–the one on the far left boundary of the campus. All would have been fine about that gate if you hadn't read the Facebook freedom wall post concerning it yesterday. Apparently, some student was jogging around the route towards the gate every night before he goes back to his dorm. In the entirety of his jog, he hears footsteps behind him that he didn't mind at first– until he passes by a guard who greets him and asks him what's he's doing alone so late. When he glances to the left, there was actually no one following him.
               At the thought of the Facebook post, you grab the straps of your bagpack tighter. All is well. You just have about twenty meters to go before the gate and after that, you'll get on a bus. Just a little bit more and–
               Step. Step. Step.
               Jesus fucking Christ. You bit your lip and walked faster. Your steps are frantic and you could feel cold perspiration start to form on your nape. You could feel yourself tripping on your shoes anytime soon but the only thought running in your mind now is outrunning the thing behind you.
               However, the steps behind you also quickened its pace.
               Fucking shit. You break into a run. You don't care about social conventions nor how ridiculous you probably look right now with your eyes teary, mouth dry, and hair frazzled. All you know is that you have to get OUT of there.
               But your effort is not enough because just five steps in, a hand shoots out behind you and you have nothing to do but scream. Scream, drop down, and cry.
               “Leave me a-alone please. Just let m-me go home. I'm to-too young to die!”
               “Yo Y/N. It's me, Seokjin.”
               You cried harder.
               In the next second, you feel him squat down and gesture toward your arms, tightly corded around your knees with your head still buried between them. But you didn't move. You can't move. Your fingers are still shaking, and your heart won't stop pounding too fast. And you feel like any second right now, you're about to explode.
               “Y/N, I'm sorry I scared you. I just saw you going out and I have something to say to you before you go home.”
               You couldn't hold it in. You pin Seokjin with the meanest glare you can muster. “WHY DO YOU HAVE TO COME AT ME LIKE THAT THEN?!”
               “I was just running after you! You were walking too fast and you didn't see me so I–”
               “I thought you were a ghost! Jesus Christ!”
               “A ghost?” Jin sputters before breaking out into a loud guffaw. “I'm so handsome to be a ghost. Seriously, Y/N–”
               “It's not funny anymore you know,” you whisper. Seokjin's chuckles immediately die down. “Can you just stop,” you hiccup, “scaring me everytime we meet? It's not good for my heart.”
               “I...I didn't know you felt like that,” Seokjin mumbles and he looks down, rubbing his nape. “I...I thought you were also having fun because you always laugh after it.”
               “It was fun,” you admit, “but it's also scary. I'm a coward you know. I have my limits.”
               “I'm sorry,” Seokjin mumbles. But before you can reply that it's alright as long as he doesn't do this shit again, he has already cupped your face in his hands, leaving you no choice but to look at him. Look at him in all your snotty glory.
               Seokjin however, doesn't seem to care. “I'm sorry I scared you that bad. I would not have started doing this scaring thing if I knew it will end up with you breaking down. I'm sorry I didn't know you get scared this bad. I don't like...making you cry.” At this, you feel his thumbs pressing on your cheeks and wiping away the tears that have streaked down in your panic. You can't move, this time for a different reason. You can't feel anything but the presence of the boy in front of you. His warm, beautiful eyes that only look like that when they meet your eyes; his much warmer hand that feels too big on your face–big and secure enough for your hand to hold with an assurance he’ll never let go. His cheeks are rosy, just like his ears and you feel oddly elated it has grown pinker just in five more seconds of staring at his eyes. And his lips–pink and plump and looking so soft–fills your senses into sensory overload that you honestly feel you're heating up like a boiling kettle by now.
               Good for you, Seokjin doesn't question your frozen stance and silently helps you up on your feet. “Sorry’s not enough. I'll make up for what I did. C'mon.”
               Before you knew it, he's already steering you away from the gate and back into the campus. And now at ten thirty, you find yourself munching on a strawberry ice cream cone with Seokjin beside you, your knees bumping into each other.
               “Why do you do it anyway?”
               “What do I do?”
               “Scaring me,” You answer, wiping your lips.
               “Are you...still angry about it? I'm sorr–”
               “No,” you wave off, “I'm just...curious, yeah. I've never had someone doing that to me and you're probably the only one crazy enough to do that. I'm just curious why you do it in the first place.”
               “Well, you already said it," Seokjin chuckles. “No one has ever done it to you yet. So I did.”
               Your brows raise, your forehead furrows. "Wh-why?”
               “Because I want to be different when it comes to you. I've seen you goofing off with Jimin on hallways and–I don't know why, I just get this feeling that I have to be unique when it comes to you.”
               “Why? I mean," you sputter, "I don't require you to be…different to be my friend.”
               “I just want to. It feels good that I get to be the wild adventure of your life. It feels good that I get you to look only at me like that–begrudging but curious, skeptical but willing, and," he smiles, "cute. Especially when I get you to laugh.”
               You look at him, mouth agape, but Seokjin just laughs and gestures you to eat your ice cream because it's starting to melt. You oblige, but you can't help but let your eyes linger on the boy next to you. The boy you didn’t know was like the biggest hotshot of your batch but was the one to actually remember you from the crowd just by your favorite scrunchie. The boy who used to be your greatest dilemma but now the best highlight of your life. The boy that annoys you to no end but oddly makes your heart flutter at the same time. Seokjin, the boy you can now begrudgingly admit you're definitely crushing on. Because you know there's no other answer to the overwhelming, warm flash of soft red you feel on your chest whenever you're with him.
               You know you're right because after that night, you start to associate Seokjin mostly with red. Fresh roses, picnic dates, heart-shaped promises, sweet laughter, cherry kisses–a plethora of everything your heart started to long for.
 A/N | HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST GIRL @sophrosinn!!! Thank you for being a stable shoulder I can lean on in times of problems, for being a great listener to everything I rant about, and for being one of my bestest friends who never failed to support me in my dreams.  (Thank you for also comforting me when I broke down in our live news presentation in our media literacy class. I’ll never forget that). I never imagined you’ll be one of my few friends I get to keep ‘til now since it’s only two years ago we got to really, really talk with each other. Remember how we just used to pass by and greet each other in our freshman until 11thgrade year in high school? Such a great plot twist. Time sure flies fast when you’re with the best people. Meeting you is surely a blessing. I wish you more amazing years ahead of you and may you accomplish all your endeavors. I love you!
P.S. I hope you liked this fluffy fic hehe this idea started to bother me ever since your birthday started to near. And yeah, I HAVE to include the pterodactyl joke because it’s your and Jin’s trademark uwu
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. Reposts, modifications, and translations of content are not allowed without direct permission.
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jon-daddy-dominus · 4 years
Kitten's Collar
Chapter, 5
Her room was still pretty dark when Alexis opened her eyes. There was a dim glow, sneaking in passed the edge of the curtain, letting her know that the sun was starting to rise. She reached over, and pulled the charging cord from her phone. She was surprised at herself, this was the first time in forever that she was actually awake before her alarm went off. Unlocking her phone she seen the message notification.
""" Good morning Gorgeous! 😊 I hope your dreams were as sweet as you. I have to accompany my boss out of town today, and he's funny about us being on our phones while on the clock. So, I just wanted to let you know, that if you message me, and I don't respond right away. I'm not ignoring you, and I will reply as soon as I get a chance. I won't be back until very late, or possibly early in the morning, but I'll be thinking about you the entire time! You didn't say if you had to work today, or not. If you do, have fun, and although I realize it gets you better tips, try not to flirt anymore than necessary, please. If you don't have to work, relax, and enjoy your day off! I can't wait to see you again, Sweetheart! TTYL """
She read his message, and when she'd finished, cupped her phone, pulled it down to her chest, and layed there smiling at the thought of him. He could be such an ass sometimes, but god he was so sweet! She thought. She pulled up her schedule to remind herself if she had to work or not. Even though he wasn't there, she could imagine his reaction to her not having her work schedule memorized. "Alexis... seriously? You can do better than that Sweetheart." She laughed to herself at how well she impersonated him in her head. She tried saying it out loud a few times, but couldn't get her voice low enough to sound like his, and it kept coming out sounding more like a talking baby doll when the batteries are going dead. Which made her laugh even harder. She thought about what Clint had told her, and decided she was going to impress the hell out of him the next time he came over. So she jumped up, threw on her comfy leggings, and a t-shirt, and began picking her clothes up from the floor.
A few hours had passed, and she was on a roll. Kitchen was spotless, bathroom was spic and span, bedroom was fit for royalty, and the living room looked like something out of a furniture magazine. Now all she had left to do, was vacuum, run to the laundry room, and go to the grocery store, and she was done.
The laundry basket was a little heavy, but that was probably because she had nearly two and a half loads stuffed into one basket, because she was the one trip queen! She made her way to the laundry room, and got way too excited that there were two washers available, so she could do both loads at once, and she probably had enough time to run to the store before they finished. Then she could put they groceries away, and vacuum while the clothes were drying, and everything would be done, except the folding. She was so proud of herself, she had to tell someone, and she really wanted to tell Clint, but she also wanted it to be a surprise when he came back. As she stuffed the washer full she decided to just tell him she had straightened up a bit, that way he'd be really impressed when he actually saw everything she'd done. But what if he wasn't impressed? What if he didn't even acknowledge all her hard work? After all, he seems kinda anal about that stuff, like what if he's just like, "Do you expect me to congratulate you? When this is something you should be doing anyway?" She was going to be pissed! As a matter of fact, she was already a little mad that he wasn't impressed in her imagined scenario. What the hell was wrong with him? How dare he not tell her she did a good job? Or that he was proud of all the effort she'd put in? She slammed the washer lid down, and the bang broke her train of thought. Wow, really? I'm wondering what's wrong with him? What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm mad at him for something I made him say in my own head! How crazy is that? She shook her head, and laughed it off, as she set the washers, and headed out to the store.
He seems pretty old school about everything else, I bet he'd be really impressed if I cooked for him. She thought, as she wandering down the aisle. I wonder what his favorite thing is? I'll just text him and ask. No dumbass, he already told you his boss doesn't like them using their phones, so he's probably not going to answer until after you get home. Then you're going to be mad that he didn't respond quick enough. Just get something you think he'd like. He likes all those cowboy movies, maybe he's a meat and potatoes kind of guy? What about vegetables? Does he even eat vegetables? Broccoli! He ordered broccoli at the restaurant dumby, you know he likes that!
She picked up a couple of steaks that she thought looked good, baking potatoes, and a head of broccoli. She stood in front of the beer cooler for a few minutes, wondering if there was any particular brand he preferred. She tried to remember what he was drinking when they went out, but her memory was a little fuzzy. I'll just get a bottle of wine, and make tea. That's what he got himself from chick-fil-a, so that should work.
As she stood in line at the check out, she heard a voice call out from behind her, "Aye beautiful wassup?" She pretended like she didn't see him, and smiled as she slid her items closer to the register.
"Aye sexy. You need some help drinkin that wine?" The guy laughed.
She turned around, and the guy was standing so close that she had to tilt her head all the way back, just to see his face. The smell of cheap body spray filled her nose, before she could take a step back. "Thanks, but my boyfriend's gonna help me drink it." She said, turning back to the cashier.
"Oh you got a man. Where's he at now?" The guy continued.
"Umm... he's at work." She replied, trying her best to be polite, and not show how intimidated she was.
"You wanna hangout for a little while? I got that fire." He offered.
"No thank you. Like I said, I'm seeing someone."
"Yeah, but he at work. We can chill, and he ain't got to know." The guy said, smiling.
Her patients had run out, she had had enough. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but I've already told you, I'm seeing someone, and I'm not interested. Will you please leave me alone?"
"Well, fuck you then bitch! Ain't nobody want you no way. I was just trying to be nice and give yo ugly ass some pity dick!" He snapped, as he pushed passed her and stomped out the door.
"Oh my god. I'm sorry, that was so uncalled for." The cashier apologized.
"It's hard to believe that guys actually think that shit is going to work. I mean, seriously. Did he think I was gonna say, "yeah! Follow me home strange, creepy, random guy. I'll give you some of my wine and you can give me an std!" She laughed shaking her head, as she swiped her card in the machine.
"I know, right? It's pathetic, how unimpressive their pick up game is. But you handle that pretty well." The cashier nodded.
"Thanks. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't sure what he was gonna do when he started yelling. People are fucking crazy!" Alexis laughed, trying to hide her relief that the guy had left.
She walked into her apartment, and began putting the double arm load of bags down. She went back to the laundry room, and switched the clothes over to the dryer. After the groceries were put away, and she had vacuumed, she retrieved the laundry and began folding it. Other than dishes, this was probably her least favorite part of cleaning up. Not so much the washing, and drying, but the folding, hanging, and putting away is what she hated. While she folded, she thought about the asshole at the store, and how rude he was. He reminded her of her ex, and what a shitty boyfriend he was. What the hell did she ever see in that guy anyway? He was a complete bum. He couldn't get a decent job, because he refused to stop smoking weed long enough to pass a drug test. But even when he had a job, he never had any money, so they never went anywhere unless she paid for it. And his clothes, he was worse than a woman about his clothes! He had like ten pair of sneakers, and god forbid any of them accidentally got scuffed. He'd whine like a little kid for days! Then she remembered the time at his parents house, when she jokingly bent the bill of his new cap. First he got so mad, she thought he might actually hit her, then when they got in the car, he cried, he actually fucking CRIED! Over a hat, what a little bitch! She burst into laughter when she remembered, that when she caught him cheating, she sent his side chick a video of her burning his collection of sneakers, and caps, just so she knew what kind of pussy she was dealing with. Alexis laughed so hard her stomach started to hurt, and she knocked over one of the piles of clothes she'd been folding.
"Shit!" She yelled, still cackling to herself, as she picked the them up and headed to her room to put them away.
Alexis looked around the living room, and kitchen one more before grinning with pride, and sitting down to relax for a bit. She picked up her phone, and seen she had no new notifications. So she decided to message Clint.
"""Hey hot stuff! 😍 Wht u up to? I didn't have to work today but I got a TON of stuff done around the house! I also grabbed us a few steaks for when you get back. I'm not gonna blow u up bc I dnt want u to get in trouble. So have a good day. Can't wait till ur back! 😘"""
She sat there staring at her phone for a few minutes, hoping he would respond, but decided she was going to take herself a well earned nap.
Her phone pinged a few hours later, waking her up. She wiped her eyes, and stretched her arms, and legs out as hard as she could, causing her neck to crack, making a loud popping sound. It felt nice, and she rolled her neck around a few times before opening her phone to see Clint had responded.
""" That's awesome Sweetheart, I'm proud of you! 😊 Thank you for not "blowing me up" lol Somehow I don't think Dale would appreciate it much. We're on our way back now, we stopped for a bite to eat, but it'll still be a few hours before we're back in town. So, probably not until 1-2am, and I still have a few things to do at home. Can we do supper, tomorrow around 6? I really want to see you, and taste test your cooking skills! 😁😂"""
She smiled at his message, but it faded pretty quickly from the disappointment of reading that she wouldn't see him until the following night. She wasn't just disappointed, she was actually kind of mad. She wanted to see him, and now she had to wait a whole day.
"""😕 I was kinda hoping you were coming over here when you got back.😔"""
""" I know I said I wasn't gonna blow you up but I want you to come over when you get back to town."""
""" I'm gonna wait up for you sooooo you better come see me! The spare key is under the flower pot on the right, in case I fall asleep. 😁😊""""
""" So are u gonna answer me?"""
""" Hello?"""
""" K """
It was a little after one am and Clint still hadn't messaged her back. She stomped into her room, threw her phone on the nightstand, and flopped down on her bed. She jumped back up, ripped the covers back, and flopped back down. She snatched the covers up over her hard to show the empty room how angry she was. She checked her phone one last time, before shoving the charger in it, and throwing it back on the nightstand. She pulled the covers up tightly around her neck, and pulled her legs up close to her chest. She thought she heard her phone make a noise, so she reached up to check it again. When there was nothing, she dropped it back down, pulled her arm back under the covers, and closed her eyes. She was almost asleep when she felt someone watching her.
"Alexis." Clint called out from the dark.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years
Dating Jeon Jungkook
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Dating jeon jungkook wow you scored bitch
why don’t we start with how you met
2 am convience store
you wanted some ramen
and he needed more coffee since he was probably going to be working in the studio all night
too lazy to go back home (same reader, same) you sat at the counter and ate your cup of noodles listening to some music from a random playlist on your phone
the bell rang signaling someone else entered the store
you paid no mind to the boy wearing the black face mask and sweatpants. he wasn’t more attention grabbing than your ramen
wow savage
however, he took notice of you
he often came to this store and usually no one but the clerk was around
you broke his normalcy
i know how rude of you to not know this was his convenience store that he didn’t own
at first he was puzzled
then he started to recognize how pretty you were
dont say otherwise reader you fuckin gorgeous
anyway...for once he decided to not just grab a bag of coffee and just buy a cup
he set the cup on the counter and slid into the seat next to you
obviously you were like
dude wtf who are you why you sitting here you feeling rapey go away with your creepy mask pervert
so you do the natural thing
you move to the next seat
good job reader stranger danger is no goddamn joke
Its 2 am
you look over at him to see him just fiddling with his cup
was he talking to someone else?
there was no one else in the store
Usually I'm the only one here at 2 am. I'm Jungkook, by the way
he pulled down his mask to take a sip of his coffee revealing the rest of his face
screw stranger danger this guy was unbelievably beautiful
Its 2 am. why are you here
he smiles and turns to look at you
I'm just looking for something to find
i nodded. Hot. Deep. Aesthetic. Did the man sing and shit rainbows too?
What about you
I came for the ramen. Simple things in life.
he laughed showing off his smile
the two of you ended up laughing and talking for the next hour
No! I'm really not lying! She can't eat bread if its cut diagonally. It's so weird!
he laughed again before looking at you for a moment
I'm severely fighting the urge to ask you our right now.
it took you my surprise
Well I already lost twenty minutes ago. You wanna go out sometime?
Anyway let's get on to actually dating kookie
literally the biggest fluff ball ever
he never really had time to date when he was a trainee so he makes up for it when he is with you
he legitimately loves doing all the cheesy couple things
golden maknae doesn't care what his hyungs think
you can not get this boy off of you
Jungkook let me go for a sec, I can't breathe
Who needs air when I have you
I do. I still need air
loves to hold your waist
not really a hand holder, but will always have an arm around your waist
bringing him snacks when he is working late at the studio
having all of your firsts in the studio
boy needs a break get him out of there
likes working with you either in his lap or in the room
jokingly recorded you in the booth one time when you wanted to try it out
thought your voice was really pretty so he saved it and used it as a back track for one of their songs
all of your dates either happen late at night or at your place so paparazzi wont catch you
he accidentally met your parents after three months of dating
he came over early one day since he had half a day off and he just walked through the door of your apartment
immediately froze seeing to people he didnt know (you went to the kitchen to get something)
legit thought he walked into the wrong apartment
your parents thought he was a creep or a thief so they shouted for you as he started to back out
you had to reassure him that everything was okay and then introduced him
your parents absolutely love him
still call him the door creep occasionally
he was so nervous the whole time
all this boy wanted to do was come home for cuddles after a long day and then was met with the pressure of meeting your parents
he has the worst luck
couldn't help the bunny smile from creeping onto his face when your hand slipped into his under the table to reassure him
you guys have the most supportive relationship
everytime something good happens to you at work the next day there is a bouquet of flowers on your desk
a year and a half into the relationship he moves in with you
always offering to pay to get a bigger place
shutting him up and telling him you like the place now
does this thing where he purposely leaves dirty coffee cups everywhere so when hes half asleep he just has to look on the bathroom counter and grab a coffee cup to refill
pisses you off so much
every week or so going around the apartment with a laundry basket and collecting all the cups
found one in the shower once
he is so confused the next morning when there isnt a new cup by his shoes in the closet
the process just restarts
doesnt actually get a chance to talk to you about coming out to the public
happened on accident
you guys were always super careful when you did go out at night
you made a snack run to the convenience store at about 3 am and made sure Kookie was wearing a mask
but the man just loves you and wants to pda
pulled down his mask for a second to kiss you in the chip aisle
pulled away to see some girl with her phone out taking a picture
when she saw you noticed she took off
kookie was so stressed about the whole thing
he really didnt want you in the media until he was sure army would be okay with it
rushed back to the studio which caused a fight
ended with him apologizing and telling you he loved you for the first time
You make me so angry sometimes. All I want to do is protect you because I love you so much
you kinda just stood there in silence
he clearly knew what he said
he was staring back at you calmly with his head in his hand
bout to respond when Jin knocked on the door and asked jungkook if he left his worldwide handsome water bottle in the studio
shut the door in his face
laughing you hugged him wrapping your arms around his midsection
I love you too you idiot
next time I'll keep my mask on I promise
I'm stapling that thing to your face
AnYWayy back to life with kookie
likes to walk around the house in literally just sweatpants and cartoon socks
Makes you wonder if it's wrong to think hes hot because he literally is wearing socks with hello kitty on them
Yes the bitch has multiple
sleeps on his back naturally and likes to sleep with your head on his chest
that person that talks during movie or tv shows
but it's always like relevant and sparks a convo about the cinematography or the screenplay
once the relationship is out he does pda a lot less but you two go out more
he does this thing when you're standing in line where he will latch onto the sides of your shirt and rest his forehead on your shoulder or in the crook of your neck
sends you bts memes daily
also the type to having burping competitions with you
he also keeps a standing record of who wins
before international tours you helping him with his english
You buy him one carton of banana milk for every five answers he gets right
not like your fridge isnt stocked anyway
literally you are dating a child
but it's amazing
brings you to award shows because he wants you there as his good luck charms
calls you 'little bear' bc you are soft like a teddy bear and he likes your cuddles
has no shame
literally called you that in front of not only paparazzi but BANG PD
back hugs for days
likes playing with your hair
helping him dye his hair late at night in the bathroom
when guests come over they always comment on how cool your sink is because it has the like marbled pink color
Yeah thanks Kookie
Yeah ireumeun jungkook
boy is such a meme
loves couples costume for Halloween
most questionable one was when you went as sully and boo and he carried you on his shoulders the whole night
Kookie calm your tits you can have my candy bar
literally you love this boy so much
I just made myself uwu with this
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save me
summary: Y/N is trying her hardest to get out of an abusive relationship without telling anyone. However, she can’t always hide the bruises, especially from her best friend since childhood, Ben Hardy. Once he finds out, he tries his best to help her out without her getting hurt.
a/n: so this part will actually be a little filler chapter. just some sweet stuff with gwil and ben. i have so many ideas for this already i just need to stretch this fic's timeline out first bc i dont wanna drop the bomb just yet ;)) (ALSO PLS REBLOG OMG)
warning: mentions of blood, slight angst, fluffy ben and gwil, mentions of physical abuse, cussing
word count: 1.5k
You, Ben and Gwil all left the cafe and separated to your vehicles. Gwil had gone to the market to get snacks and movies for a relaxing movie day at Ben's house. It sounded like heaven to you because you haven't had too many relaxing days in a long time.
You and Ben got into the car, Ben sliding into the driver's side, you hopping in the passenger side. The car drive was silent, but not uncomfortable. Ben gently held your hand as you stared out the window, a small smile pressed on your lips. Music was playing softly in the background from Ben's phone.
You didn't really listen to the music until a particular song started playing. 'Who Needs You' by Queen. This had been your fucking anthem and perfectly represented how you have been feeling lately.
"I make it half by six, you come at seven. Always trying to keep me hanging round." You softly sang under your breath. Ben knew this has been your favorite song for awhile now. He turned his head towards you, a grin peeking on his lips. He brought his hand to the radio, turning it up just for you.
At this point, you were belting the lyrics, the both of you. It was a calming song but you and Ben were singing like it was a heavy metal song. You really took this song to heart and sang with a taste of anger in your voice.
You belted the last lyric, not even feeling the angry tears flooding down your face. Luckily you had arrived at Ben's, so there wouldn't be such an awkward car ride.
As soon as you felt Ben's car come to a safe stop, you bolted out of the car, running to the door. You unlocked it with the key he had given you a while back. You left the door open for him and sprinted upstairs. You spotted the familiar door and ran into the room. Locking the door, you slid your aching and shaking body down the wooden door.
Who knew just singing a simple song from the 70's would have your emotions attacking you. Anger, rage and sadness boiled inside you, threatening to spill out. You locked yourself in the guest room, hoping to prevent you from saying or doing something you'd regret.
Your back was stinging, causing you to bite your lip harshly. Tears slid down your cheek, a mix of pain and anger. You stood up gently, holding onto the wall as support. Slowly making your way to the vanity mirror, you noticed blood peeking through your light blue jumper.
Your eyes went wide at the sight, causing more salty tears to spill. You dropped the material from your hands and fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. With each sob, pain shot through your back, making you weep more.
Ben chased after you, worry filling up inside him. Gwil had shown up not even a minute after the two of you did. He noticed Ben rushing into the house, so he knew something was up. He jogged up to the house and walked in, closing the door behind him. He set the bags on the kitchen table and followed Ben upstairs.
Ben stood in front of the guest room door, an ear planted on it to hear you. Both of their hearts broke with each sob that left your mouth. Your bawling filled the silence that lingered throughout the house.
Ben and Gwil looked at each other, sadness and worry caked on their face. Ben bit his lip and knocked gently on the door, hoping you'd open it. You heard the knock and slowly retreated from your position on the floor and opened the door.
Mascara streaks covered your under eyes, resembling a raccoon. You sniffled and moved out of the way so Ben and Gwil could walk in. As they did, Ben noticed the blood stain that was once a few little spots was now EVERYWHERE.
Ben turned towards you and lifted the blood stained material above your head, taking it off for you. You were going to yell at him, but you couldnt speak without wanting to bawl.
"Y/N, what happened...?" Gwil asked so gently and obviously heartbroken.
Ben looked to you, asking for permission to tell him. You simply nodded and looked to the ground, embarrassed for some odd reason. Ben sighed deeply and turned back to Gwil.
"It was her boyfriend, Trevor." He spoke with anger tracing his voice. Saying his name felt like venom on his tongue.
Gwil's expression changed in the snap of a finger from soft and gentle to pure anger and rage. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He had almost the identical reaction that Ben had.
"That son of a bitch. He's gonna a fucking get it." Gwil growled, causing Ben to nod in agreement. You shifted awkwardly as you were just standing there in your exposed upper body.
"Sooo, are we just gonna talk about Trevor or are we going to clean up my fucking back?" You snapped. You were still riddled with anger, but you were also in fucking pain.
"Yes, Yes I will help you clean that out but it's going to hurt."
"Used to worse." You mumbled as you turned to walk towards the bathroom. Ben and Gwil looked at each other, shaking their heads at your comment.
"Somebody like her, let alone anybody, should go through what she's going through." Ben muttered to Gwil, who nodded his head in agreement and followed behind Ben to the bathroom.
Ben cleaned up the gash on your back and was just about to cover it up. "I think it'd be better if we wrap it up, like around your body." You nodded and grabbed the bandage wrap, handing it to Ben. Gwil removed the shards of glass as he has better handling skills than Ben. There weren't that many pieces, it was pretty easy to clean up. You didn't even hiss when Ben sprayed hydrogen peroxide on the wound, or when he had to wipe all the blood and shit out of it. Really shows how much pain you're used to.
Ben took the wrap and gently placed it on the wound and started wrapping it around your body.
"Tighten it, it won't stay if you don't."
"I don't want to-"
"You're not gonna hurt me any worse."
Ben inhaled sharply and tightened the bandage and sealed it off. You sighed deeply, realizing that your shirt was ruined. You were starting to feel awkward, standing there in your sports bra. You crossed your arms over your chest and smiled sheepishly at Ben.
"I'll grab you your over night clothes you keep here."
You nodded and closed your eyes, heading pointed upwards. Ben left, leaving you and Gwil alone. It was an awkward radio silence until Gwil finally broke it with a awkward cough.
"So uh, how long has this been happening."
"About a year. Started after we hit the six month mark, he started getting aggressive for no reason. Until that reason was because of drugs and alcohol. He cheated on me while absolutely shitfaced. When I tried to leave him, he went in on me. Busted my lip, gave me a concussion and had a bruise on my back the size of fucking Texas," You let out a shaky breath, Gwil was about to interrupt you until you continued. "Ben noticed, and I couldn't tell him. I fucking lied to my best friend of over 20 years because of my manipulative boyfriend. He had me thinking we'd live a better life one day, and he told me Ben would get in the way of that. My dumbass self fucking believed him," You laughed dryly. "I finally told Ben the other day, and God he was so upset with me. You should have seen the look on his face. It broke my fucking heart, Gwil. How could I just lie to him for a year? How could I let myself be such a fucking shitty relationship for two years? How could I be so fucking stupid?"
Tears spilled from your eyes for the millionth time that day. Gwil gently pulled you into his embrace. You couldnt help but lean into his touch, practically melting into him. Him and Ben always gave the best hugs.
"Come on, love. We've got a relaxing day ahead of us. I'll stay the night and the three of us will have a good time."
You simply nodded, your nose rubbing against his chest. Ben walked in, looking at the two of you. He walked over and placed a soft hand on your shoulder and planted and kiss in the top of your head.
"Change and we'll be downstairs, making popcorn and getting ready."
With that, the boys left, closing the door behind them. You slipped out if the leggings you were wearing into the pajama shorts you left here. You slid your arms through a tshirt from some random vacation you and Ben had gone on. You threw the leggings into the laundry hamper and sped downstairs.
The three of you spent the night, joking, laughing, eating your body weight in popcorn and pretzels and most importantly, relaxing. You turned your phone off, not giving a damn if Trevor called.
tag list: @benhardyisdaddy @monochromedeacon @queenbbarnes @haileylansley @shesakillerquueennn @onexlittlespark @zcars777 @loveandbeloved29 @beatlezrcool @likeit-or-leaveit
perm tag list: @benhardyisdaddy @haileylansley @queenbbarnes @beatlezrcool
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bellamyblak · 7 years
also, some theo/thiam headcanons: theo choosing to go back to school to finish senior year with liam is completely voluntary. as in, he has enough credits to graduate, he just wants an excuse to stay in beacon hills that isn't 'liam dunbar'. liam finds out in the middle of lacrosse practice; theo is a little shit and likes to commentate liam's practices bc it riles liam up, and one day coach gets really annoyed and yells at him to just GRADUATE ALREADY (1/5)
STOP EJDHEFJREF I’M LAUGHING SO HARD. i totally can picture coach yelling for him so graduate. like ‘u bitch ass out here being a shithead like it’s y’alls foreplay but not on my field NOT with my team captain. u heard me raeken’.
also theo wanting an excuse that isn’t ‘liam dunbar’ is so petty. love love love that. my lungs JEHEJFF.
obviously, liam corners theo after practice and demands to know what coach meant, and theo knows that the cat’s out of the bag – liam already knows, and he’s just asking for confirmation so theo gives it to him. and liam is PISSED. he doesn’t speak to theo for a week, and honestly it’s the worst week ever for both of them (and for mason and corey, who are tired of dealing with their shit). on day 7, liam comes home to an empty house after lacrosse practice (2/5) 
listen i’m only reading one at the time, i’m doing my commentary as i go and the tension god. help. they are truly so extra. one wek of silence bc they cant be honest about how they feel.
no one’s home, theo’s truck isn’t in the driveway, and when he runs up to their shared room, theo’s clothes are gone. he’s two seconds away from a full blown panic attack when he hears the familiar hum of theo’s truck. it takes him a few moments to register that theo’s here, that theo hasn’t left, and then he’s running down the stairs, almost bumping into theo who’s carrying a load of fresh laundry, frowning when he spots liam’s mildly-panicked expression (3/5)
JHDWEFHERF STOP. he went out to do his laundry and liam was planning a rescue mission already. u could hear his heart break. liam’s life flashed before his eyes.
“what’s wrong?” “i thought you’d left” “i went to the laundromat. your washer’s broken, remember?” “oh” there’s silence for a moment, and then theo sets the laundry basket down, never once taking his eyes off liam. “why would you think i’d leave?” liam finds he can’t meet theo’s gaze, opting to stare at his feet instead. “thought you finally realised how dumb it was to stick around” “without saying goodbye?” “i’ve been a dick to you the past week” (4/5)
THESE PINING FOOLS. ‘without saying goodbye’ stop im crying.
bh my ‘theo goes back to school bc he can and not bc he has to’ hc stems from the fact that if malia, who spent half her life as a coyote, can graduate then so can theo dammit. also, theo’s always given off the vibe of being smart, not exactly gifted like lydia, but he’s just really well-read. books were probably the only constant companion in his life, growing up with the dread doctors and all. basically, what i’m saying is that theo is a closet nerd.
listen i never thought about theo going back even knowing he could graduate already. i always thought about him going back bc i love he idea of him and liam finishing school at the same time, but now i wholeheartedly take this as my hc. 
also i 100% agree. he really gives off the smart vibe. and it makes me so sad bc you are probably right, books were probably the only thing the dread doctos had laying around. some bio books about mutations and dna. others about species. and theo would grab the books when the doctors were done with them pretending he wanted to be in on what they were doing, , and not bc he wanted to learn more for the sake of it  but he was in fact looking for an escape and books were the only company he had.
now im sad. i love our closet nerd.
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ghost-town-story · 4 years
... The more I sit here and am allowed to think, the more pissed off and upset I get
Rant blog status reinstated!
So firstly, I’m not happy about getting kicked off campus. But social distancing shit, whatever I guess, whatcha gonna do. 
But no. My fucking mother takes the goddamned fucking cake rn. 
We got the email about being kicked off around 4 pm eastern time, Monday. My mother. This fucking woman. Calls me and insists I pack my stuff and get off campus by Tuesday morning. Packing is normally at least a few days ordeal, especially since I hate packing and it always stresses me out a bunch. But done in little spurts, okay I guess, more doable. 
But noooo I have to get out by Tuesday. Fucking. Morning. And this woman actually has the gall, the fucking gall to halfheartedly suggest I start out Monday evening since I’ve gone nocturnal. 
I tried to tell her there’s no fucking way, but she wouldn’t fucking listen. So she hangs up, and I go down the hall bc I desperately need a hug by this point, and she’s a sweetheart but the only roommate available is a gangly skinny girl and not the type of hugs I need. (really, boyfriend would be ideal, but at the time he was in Colorado visiting his sister). And I end up breaking down on huggin friend’s couch bc I hate packing, and I don’t feel like I can pack up a year’s worth of shit in about 12 hours. 
Mom eventually calls me again, mostly just to tell me “yeah you need to pack up and get back tonight, your roommate can grab the 1-2 bins remaining.” And she refuses to listen to me saying “hey, it’s a solid 2 loads in my car, it’s not gonna be 1-2 bins”  “But it fit all in your first car!” “My first car was a fuckin beast, literally the largest car in the lot freshman year. Fred is definitely shorter, definitely less trunk space, etc.”  “Well Y can get the last few bins.” “It’s a lot of stuff!” “It won’t be that much” JUST FUCKING LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT FFS
I was so stressed and crying that huggin friend stole my phone when I was texting my boyfriend, and had him call me so I could maybe stop crying. I miss my boy. Hearing him was good tho.
I’m packing up my stuff in the bathroom when I remember. I store my empty bins at my brother’s place (2 hrs north). I double check with him and call my mom back “I can’t leave tomorrow. It’s too much to pack, and some of my bins are at Brother’s.”  Despite all this, despite me literally breaking down and crying on the phone, she refuses to listen, to give me an extra day, to bring half my stuff up to my brother’s (and therefore eliminate most of the need to have my roommate take my stuff) and grab my extra bins. Nope, gotta get out.
I was staring at my room, halfheartedly packing and trying to figure out, and just sobbing out loud. I thought remaining roommate was gone at dinner, otherwise I would have tried to be quiet. But she had gotten back without me noticing, and when she poked her head in, I couldn’t do it anymore and just kinda. Fell to the ground crying and apologizing. She’s a such a sweetheart and I feel bad for probably worrying her (and possibly waking her up in the middle of the night with packing noises)
I texted my roommate about this. She basically said, “Wtf, what she’s asking isn’t possible.”
Same thing from my boyfriend. 
My mom kept texting me, asking how things were going, basically ignoring my subtle requests for more fucking time. At one point she said “Hang in there”. I sent a screenshot of that to my roommate and boyfriend and asked, “Is murder acceptable?” Roommate said a solid yes. Boyfriend offered to let me live with him. (cept 2 hour parking and I already got one ticket from that :P)
Mom texted around 10 pm, asking if things were fitting in the car. I wasn’t even remotely to the point of packing the car. I was basically at break number 2 of mandatory “sit down, have something to eat, and rehydrate after crying so damn much”. I think I had one bin completely done (out of what ended up being like. 6 bins? plus assorted bags n stuff) and was mostly done packing my clothes, but like. slow going. Especially when packing is stressful and you keep getting overwhelmed woot woot
I put off a fair number of things bc of panicking about time and simple emotional capability to do so. Sorting out my dishes, unlofting my bed, grabbing my band shit from the music hall across campus.
At some point in the night, I had to lay down, because my body decided “hey, you know what would be great right now? Period cramps, minus the blood.” Which, thank fuck minus the blood, but also it meant I had to spend a solid half hour/hour out of commission bc it hurt so damn much to walk around and try to pack. But I had to keep going, even though the pain came back when I stood up again.  
Mom texted me at 7 am if I’m awake. I hadn’t slept. 
We have housekeepers, and they got there around when I was finishing loading up. I stopped and chatted for a bit (nobody had told them what was going on), and nearly started crying again because it was just so damn shitty. Everything’s so damn shitty. 
So I got on the road at about 8 am, and get to driving for a bit, but about 1.5 hours in I’m doing bad. I can barely keep focused, despite drinking probably half a bottle of Mt. Dew by this point, so I pull into a rest stop and text my mom “Hey, I forgot my shampoo/conditioner/toothbrush stuff, and also I don’t think I can get home safe.”
Does my mother tell me to take a nap in that rest stop? Nope Does she tell me to find a hotel or motel there and take a nap/sleep and try again tomorrow? Nope Does she tell me I can go back to school, sleep through the day, and try again tomorrow? Ha ha fucking ha.
Nope. She calls me, and proceeds to tell me to keep driving, and that she’s going to stay on the phone with me so I don’t fall asleep. 
I yelled at her quite a few times, when she was being fucking stupid about all this shit. She had the fucking gall to be pissed that I pulled an all nighter, when that’s what was fucking necessary to meet her stupid fucking deadline. 
At one point, I made a new driving playlist so hopefully it would keep me awake better while I wasn’t on the phone (being serenaded... awake? by the lovely voice of Tilian lel (lots of DGD and his solo work on that playlist. Also ATL. Fuck yeah ATL. anywho)). And right after I made that, she ended up calling me before I was driving yet, and I rejected it bc I really wanted to finish my text to the dear bf, and then I started driving, thinking she’d call me back and chew me out for ignoring her, but surprisingly nope. So I just jam out for a bit, and eventually start yelling at myself bc of dumb writing ideas (the original story rewrite... lol) and I end up texting my roommate (while driving... shh) “Hey, feel free to call me if you want to hear me ramble on about writing” So after a short phone call from mum where she hung up to let me drive through a city, roommate calls, and I end up spending the last few hours of my drive rambling at her and mutually bitching about the shitty situation this leaves us in. 
When I get home, my dad (a doctor) is wearing a mask, apparently at my mother’s request. He also mentions that we probably shouldn’t be in the same room, according to her. I am also forced to strip everything and shower basically immediately. K, fine, I do so, Dad makes me dinner (despite Mom’s probable disapproval), and I stay awake just long enough to toss my laundry in the dryer. It was a close thing tho. I nearly fell asleep waiting for the washer to finish. And so I pass out at 8 pm central time (9 pm eastern)
Mom, during all this, has fucked off Up North to our cabin, my final destination.
Wednesday, Mom makes me leave our place in the Cities at 11 am to get up before weather gets worse and all that jazz. Once here, I’m allowed freedom for as long as it takes to help mother move shit so I can fit my car inside a garage, then I take the bare minimum inside (my electronics, stuff that would explode if frozen (like pop (and my Smirnoff Ices shh)), travel toothbrush I somehow have and hairbrush), and I’m immediately quarantined to my room and the bathroom down the hall. 
So here I fucking am. Bored as shit and pissed the hell off
I needed more time. But no fucking way Mom was going to let that happen. 
I could have gone up to my brother’s. But noooo I had to come all the fucking way home, only to be shoved in a room for two weeks.
I could have taken care of all/most of my shit by my fucking self (dishes are debatable, would need basically the whole apartment to sort those out), but nope, can’t take enough time to take a trip up to my brother’s apartment 2 hours away, no way.
Nope, instead I have to suffer a panic attack for basically 16 hours, then nearly kill myself driving, because I can’t stay one fucking day more, because I have to get my ass up here just to be basically shoved in a room and left alone for 2 goddamned weeks. Nope. Can’t fucking make sure that moving out, usually stressful on its own, is as calm as we can make it in these trying times. Nope. Gotta just fucking nearly kill the kiddo instead to comply with my stupid whims because I can’t fucking listen
I’m pissed.
Especially since I was almost 100% sure I was gonna block her everywhere and go full no contact with this bitch after college.
But now I’m stuck here for the foreseeable future! Yay! Can’t see that going badly! 
(I’ve already texted the anonymemers to call me so I don’t go crazy and actually punch her. We’ll see how that goes. The desire has been kinda strong all afternoon.)
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andyl394 · 7 years
Natalia Kills - Problem
Summary: You weren’t a good girl, you were a problem - as the team always said to him -, and Bucky knew that, but he simply didn’t care.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1,764
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT, unprotected sex (even if she’s eager, protect her beaver), oral sex (Female receiving), female riding, dirty talk, no plot at all, fluff at the end(?)
A/N: WELL, HERE AM I, FINALLY. This is from @becaamm ‘s song challenge, and yes, It took me a long time, bc, life. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this and wish me good luck (I’m in a week of tests). BTW, I’M TRYING TO FIND TIME TO DO SOMETHING IN 12th JUNE, BC IS VALENTINE’S DAY HERE IN BRAZIL, SO, WATCH OUT! Oh, Yeah, I actually found this music: against the sea and I’m fucking loving it???? IDK, it’s what has been calming me these days, just like Halsey’s new album. | I’m posting it again bc apparently, people weren’t being able to read it? 
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“I’ve told you already, pal. That girl is a goddamn problem.” Steve whispered when he saw Bucky nearly drooling over you walking around the kitchen in your PJs, that consisted in a boxer from one of the boys that ended in your clean laundry and an old over-sized band T-shirt.  
“Yeah, you did. And again, I’m ignoring you.” He smirked at you from the other side of the counter, leaning his elbows on it and looking down to your legs. “Nice boxers, Doll. They look exactly like the ones I lost.”
“Well, sweetheart, you should take more care of your laundry if you don’t want to lose it.” You winked at him, finally finishing your coffee and grabbing it before walking slowly past him, stopping only to whisper next to his ear “And if you want it back to badly, you should take them out of me.” Bucky felt chills walking down his spine straight to his core when you bit on his earlobe, but the only thing he could do was moan silently and turn his face at you, staring directly into your eyes.
“Don’t tempt me, Y/N.” Smiling widely at his low growl, you looked straight into his blown pupils; you could only see a thin stray of blue with the effects you caused on him.
“Only if you don’t tempt me, soldier.” You would’ve continued your little flirt and tease if Steve didn’t clear his throat in discomfort, causing Bucky to roll his eyes, finally remembering his friend’s presence on his other side. “See you at Tony’s party. Captain,” You saluted Steve in a mocking tone, as always, before smirking at James, turning on your heels and walking to the corridor, saying from over your shoulder “Sergeant.”
He physically shivered, rolling his neck and closing his eyes at the memory of how your lips felt on his ear.
“Gosh, she’ll kill me.”
“I do agree with that… She will get you killed.” Bucky rolled his eyes once again.
“What do you mean with that, you punk?”
“I mean what I said. You’re easily distracted when you’re with her, the scar on your hip is a prove of that, jerk.”
“It was one mistake of mine, not her fault that those fucking pants looked so fucking good on her.” He groaned again, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
“Jesus Christ, go jerk off, for fuck’s sake.” It was Steve’s time to roll his eyes and get up, leaving Bucky chuckling behind.
And he thought that you couldn’t tempt him more than usual.
But there you were, in all your grace with a long and dark dress falling from your waist like a black cascade.
“You have a little drool, you know, falling from your lips.” Bucky lowered his gaze at Sam, glaring at him as he laughed. “Of all women, you had to gawk over the problematic one. You know you can’t control how she makes you her toy, right?”
“I have no idea of what you’re talking about, bird-man.”
“I think you do, tin-can.” You looked over your shoulder to James, giving him a dirty smile and a wink. “And I can’t even blame you. That girl has no salvation, know why?”
“Because there is no salvation for a bad girl.” He groaned under his breath, watching you get slowly closer to them. The whole room seems to darken and the only thing lighting and standing out was you.
“And for bad boys.” You whispered, noticing that Sam was no longer there to be a third wheel.
“Hm, and where did you hear that I was a bad boy, ma’am?” His hands sneaked to your waist, pulling you agonizingly slowly to him, you allowed yourself to run your fingers through his chest, playing with the buttons and breathing heavily with his lips next to where your ear and neck connected.
“You see, your drunk pal likes to chat and talk about the 40’s a lot.” Bucky lifted his eyes to a very drunk Steve next to a laughing Thor.
“And what did that punk said to you, huh, doll?” You bit your lower lip, holding back a grin and backing away slightly to look into his eyes.
“Some stories, I liked a particular one in which you loved to save damsels in distress?” He chuckled, making circles with his thumb on your hip, but his breath hitched when you pressed yourself even more on him, licking discretely his neck until your lips got close to his ear, and you saw him shivering with you breathing next to his sensitive skin. “Don’t you wanna save this dirty little damsel?”
Bucky was surprised that he had self-control enough to gently pull you to the elevator, but it didn’t go unnoticed to you his locked jaw and hard bulge.
As soon as the doors closed, you were pressed against the cold metallic wall, his hands on your thighs as you jumped and wrapped your legs around his hips, ignoring the tearing sound that your dress made and moaning when he kissed harshly from your chest to your jaw.
“If you want me to stop, you better tell me now, doll,” Bucky whispered, his lips ghosting over yours, that hypnotic and dizzy sensation you always felt when looking directly into his eyes had grown, making everything seem stronger.
“Shut up and put these pretty lips of yours to better use, soldier.” He smirked, finally connecting his lips with yours as you tugged on his dark locks and Bucky moaned when you pulled harder, walking blindly into his room, accidentally knocking some stuff down in the hallways.
You chuckled when he finally found his room, panting when he pinned you down on his bed; you sat down, not breaking the kiss to take off his suit jacket, groaning in frustration with the many buttons on the shirt.
He gasped when you popped it open, ripping out the buttons.
Almost in revenge, he finished ruining your dress, laughing at your grumbles. But soon, the laugh turned into a groan when Bucky got a look into you in your black underwear, making you smirk at his reaction.
“Will I have to start alone, Soldier?” He hissed, taking your hands out of his chest and pinning them above your head, his lips ghosting over your chest, drawing gently the ends of your bra; he was teasing and you knew, but you couldn’t control the moan when he gave a hickey on the soft skin of your breast.
“Looks like someone is eager.” His low voice on your sensitive skin as his human hand sneaked into your panties made you growl in pleasure and Bucky hummed to how wet you were. “All of this for me?”
“All of this because of you.” You moaned, throwing your head on the pillow, rolling your hips on his hands, before you could get any closer, he took his fingers from your aching core, kissing you again and opening your bra, letting it fall on the mattress.
Gasping when he led his lips to your nipple, you tugged on his dark locks, hearing him moan and lift his eyes at yours.
“I want to eat you out.” It was the only thing Bucky said before licking down your stomach, taking your panties on the way after asking for permission; you sucked all the air you could when he licked your inner thighs, leaving hickeys on them.
“James!” He moaned loudly when you almost screamed his name, enjoying your reactions to him sucking on your bundle of nerves, you tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling slightly so you could see his eyes and that was the best part.
He held your hip down, stopping them from rolling on his tongue, and you loved that. You loved that he was in control, you loved the way he was making you feel, you loved his stubble scratching your thighs.
You cursed when he sucked harder, making your vision go dark and see shining spots on it, not even being able to moan, just breathe heavily and let out soft and hissed ‘James’.
That elastic on your lower abdomen almost snapping when he clipped on your nipple with his metal arm and gave a pleasured slap on your thigh, it was the end for you and so, you came on his mouth, still trying to roll your hips when he kissed his way back up to you.
“Know what they say about you?” He asked between rough kisses and you smirked, throwing Bucky on his back and hopping on top of him, pinning him down on the mattress.
“That girl is a goddamn problem?” Bucky smirked, remembering you saying in one of the meetings about your super senses. “Yeah, I heard that, Sergeant.” He moaned loudly when you bit on his neck, sucking harshly and leaving a hickey where you knew it would be exposed, just like how he had done to you.
You looked down at him, scratching his chest with your nails, loving the moan he let slip out when he noticed the red marks, you tugged his pants and boxers down before slowly slipping on his throbbing cock.
Bucky was a breathing mess, just like you, and he moaned loudly when you rocked your hips on him, throwing your head back and riding him like you wanted to do for ages.
The chills ran down your body when he sat, pulling your hair back and kissing your neck, breathing heavily on it, whispering between moans:
“That’s right, ride my cock like the little bitch you are.” His words made you moan loudly, riding faster and harder. “Do you like to ride my cock? Huh? Do you?”
“Y-yes.” It was the only thing that you were able to get out, too lost on his biting and squeezing to give a fuck about the possible thin walls.
You couldn’t care less.
Bucky growled when he felt you squeezing him, turning you again and pounding mercilessly into you while rubbing your clit, making you scream in pleasure.
When you came, Bucky finally allowed himself to find his own freed calling your name.
You laughed when he fell into your side breathing heavily and he chuckled, turning his face to kiss your eyelids before getting up to grab a wet towel to clean you.
“Come here, Bucky.” You yawned, pulling him to the bed again so you could lay on his chest, snuggling into his side and kissing his chest.
If you were a problem, he was more than happy to be in trouble.
Condemn to a forever tagging: @fangirlandnerd @noones-girl1980 @myplaceofthingsilove @hopelessgarbage @elaacreditava
All Bucky: @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x @aya-fay
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pikapegasus · 7 years
Starmora 53
53. “Sit down. I’ll get it.”
bc what’s life without some peter hurt and gamora comfort????? aka starmora hurt/comfort muahaah but don’t worry friends, this one’s pretty angst free for once (sh00k)
send me a ship + a number!!!
Peter can’t move.
Well, yes, actually, he is still very much capable of movement, but not without asteep price. Even the slightest movement results in an aggressive, explosivepain in his head, and he has to screw his eyes shut to stop the world fromspinning every time. He’s always hated head injuries the most. He’d take death by stabbing over death by blunt force trauma to the head, to be honest—because at least then, his head wouldn’t threaten him to completely implode, then explode, then implode again, like it is now.
And it’s all because of a stupid situation caused by his stupid friends.
He loves his team dearly—really, he does; they’re hisfamily, and he wouldn’t trade them for the world, or an eternity, like a certain celestial jackass had thought, the dick—but as fun as their chaotic, supportive environmentis, he has his limits.
His new limit: Rocket and Drax starting bar fights withinfive minutes (at most) upon entering a bar.
Even after a year together, this is still a recurringproblem whenever the team goes for a night out. Peter’s not really sure why; it probably has something to dowith the duo’s deep, underlying issues from their respective traumatic backgrounds, or justexpending frustrating energy after spending so much time in such a small spacewith such obnoxious people, but,whatever, because either way, Peter’s still confined to his bed after getting straight-up decked while trying to break up thescuffle they’d caused.
(Although, there is hope that this will be the last time, forat least a while, that the Drax-and-Rocket-bar-fights will continue to happen regularly,because Gamora looked just short of absolutely pissed about it from what Peter saw before he passed out, and if hecan’t stop Drax and Rocket, then Gamora might be able to scare the problem outof them.)
Then he came to in his bed to the sound of hushed, furiouswhispers outside his door in what sounded like a one-sided argument (scolding) between Gamora and Rocket andDrax.
Whatever. The two bastards deserve it for dragging him intotheir mess, anyway.
“Peter,” comes a soft voice, contrasting the harsh whispersfrom earlier, “I need you to wake up.”
He gives a little grunt to indicate that he’s still alive,but she lays a soft hand on his face, stroking his cheek gently, and, seriously, if it was literally anyone else asking him, he’d have turnedover and ignored them completely.
But he complies, opening his eyes to the sight of Gamora,standing over him with a small smile.
“It hurts to talk,” he whispers, struggling to get the wordsout.
“I know,” she says, removing her hand. “I need tocheck up on you every few hours; I think you have a concussion.”
He groans, but that hurts, making him groan again, and just—
“Shit,” hemanages, screwing his eyes shut.
“Is there anything you need?” she asks quietly, probablycontrolling her volume for his sake. “Food? Water?”
Debating between the pain of shaking his head and the painof verbally answering, he finally settles for a noise through closed lips thathe hopes sounds somewhat like a “no.”
But if anything’s improved in their time together, unlike Rocket and Drax’s stagnant coping mechanisms at bars, it’s Peter’scommunication with Gamora, because she just understands things, and heunderstands her, and it’s pretty great, being able to have silent conversationsvia facial expressions over the heads of the others, leaving them all wondering whothey’re talking about and what they did wrong.
(“It’s, like, a totalparenting thing,” he’d told Gamora one time, and she seemed cool with it.)
Gamora, predictably, understands. She nods, offering him asoft smile. “Okay. You can go back to sleep now.”
He stares up at her with big eyes, blinking slowly.
“I’m staying with you,” she reassures him. “I’m not goingto leave you to die in your sleep. If you do that, I’ll be here to kill you forit right away.”
It hurts to laugh.
Sometime later, Peter wakes up on his own, tangled up inGamora’s arms and legs. They usually rotate their cuddling—the first time Peterhad mentioned their cuddling toGamora, she insisted she threw up a little in her mouth at the mushy idea, buthe knows she loves it just as much as he does—positions, with her curling intohim some nights, and vice versa. Apparently, tonight, they’ve just been amutual mess, unconsciously trying to latch onto each other.
His head feels a bit better from earlier, but still nowherenear normal. Judging by the lack of noise from the rest of the ship, everyoneelse is probably sleeping.
Despite the idea of a (for once) quiet Quadrant appealing to his lingering headache, thesilence puts him on edge. There’s the comforting sound of Gamora’s breathing,yes, but he needs something else, something specific.
…Where’d his Zune end up during the fight, anyway?
At some point after returning to the ship, Gamora had helped himchange out of his clothes into proper pajamas, so his Zune might be with hislaundry, unless Gamora took it and moved it somewhere else.
Carefully, he pulls away from Gamora, watching her for somesort of reaction. When she remains asleep, he takes a deep breath,steeling himself to sit up in the bed and pull the covers off. Heturns his legs to the side of the bed, placing his feet down on the floor. Countingdown in his mind, he manages to push up into a standing position whileholding onto the nightstand to steady himself.
The Zune could be in a number of places, but he’s willing tolook. Sometimes, he just can’t notlisten to the music from his mother—and now Yondu—and he typically puts downwhatever he’s doing to fulfill that need.
He makes it about two steps forward before Gamora sleepilycalls after him, “Why are you up?”
Turning back carefully, he finds Gamora now sitting up inbed, rubbing at her eyes.
“You should still be in bed,” she continues. “You need to rest.”
He stays in place. “I wanted my Zune.”
Now she’s up on her feet, gesturing to the bed. “Sit down. I’llget it.”
Though her tone is far from impatient, he frowns. It sucks that she has to dopractically everything for him whilehe’s hurt, but he does as she says, making his way back to the bed andcarefully sliding back under the covers.
She walks around the bed to a set of drawers, from which sheprocures the Zune and his earbuds. While walking back to the bed, she fiddleswith it—probably scrolling through his songs to choose one for the two of themto listen to—but then she stops, cursing under her breath.
“The battery needs to be charged,” she says with a sigh.
He tries not to sound disappointed, but everything’s pretty shitty right now. She hooks it up to thecharger on Peter’s nightstand before returning to her side of the bed andcrawling in with him.
“I’m sorry, Peter,” she murmurs, facing him. He turns toface her. “I should’ve checked if it was charged earlier when I took it out ofyour pocket.”
“’S’fine,” he mumbles. “I don’t need it.”
She presses her lips together thoughtfully. “What song didyou want to listen to?”
“I was just gonna putit on shuffle.” He shrugs.
“Well…” she pauses, searching his eyes. “I know a few of thesongs.”
He raises his eyebrows at that, ignoring the way his brainprotests the sudden movement, grinning a little. Her words give him a second wind, revitalizing him a bit. “Do you take requests?”
“On special occasions.”
“And this is…?”
“I suppose it is, indeed, a special occasion.”
His head still hurts like a bitch, but as he curls into Gamora with this stupid smile on hisface, he forces himself to ignore it as much as possible. She wraps an arm aroundhim, holding him close to her. He sighs, resting his head against her chest. “Inthat case, I have a song in mind. A special song. For this special occasion.”
“Y’know any Elvin Bishop?”
Though he can’t see her face, he imagines her rolling hereyes in her own Gamora way, accompanied by her typical smirk. As she startshumming the familiar tune, Peter relaxes his entire body, closing his eyes andfocusing on her soft voice.
Before he completely loses himself to sleep, he manages tomumble a hasty “thank you” to her.
send me a ship + one of these prompts about your ship sharing a bed!!!
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