#(and then finally start french)
thosearentcrimes · 4 months
Me for the past week: Damn I really need to focus on writing this paper about revolutionary self-perception in 1789-1794 France. No distractions, just relevant stuff, deadline's coming up.
Maria Edgeworth's 1817 novel Harrington contains a vivid evocation of the Gordon Riots, with two unsympathetic characters taken for Papists and finding refuge in the home of the rich Spanish Jew, the father of the young Jewish woman at the centre of the love story.
huh never heard of her I wonder what was up with her
She held critical views on estate management, politics and education, and corresponded with some of the leading literary and economic writers, including Sir Walter Scott and David Ricardo.
that David Ricardo? from economics?
After Honora died in 1780 Maria's father married Honora's sister Elizabeth (then socially disapproved and legally forbidden from 1833 until the Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907)
wait what
The Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907 (7 Edw. 7. c. 47) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, allowing a man to marry his dead wife's sister, which had previously been forbidden.
ok yeah that's pretty much what it says on the tin
The 1907 Act did exactly what it said and no more. It was amended by the Deceased Brother's Widow's Marriage Act 1921 to allow a widow to marry her deceased husband's brother.[36][37] This was a response to First World War deaths to encourage remarriages, reducing war widows' pensions and increasing the birth rate.[37]
the war really did do a lot for gender equality didn't it
anyway what was up with Maria Edgeworth, let's catch up with her
When passing through the village, one of the party wrote, "We found neither mud hovels nor naked peasantry, but snug cottages and smiles all about".[10] A counter view was provided by another visitor who stated that the residents of Edgeworthstown treated Edgeworth with contempt, refusing even to feign politeness.[11]
Ireland moment
Following an anti-Semitic remark in The Absentee, Edgeworth received a letter from an American Jewish woman named Rachel Mordecai in 1815 complaining about Edgeworth's depiction of Jews.[45] In response, Harrington (1817) was written as an apology to the Jewish community.
imagine if Graham Linehan had responded this way to criticism of his transphobic IT crowd episode :)
Rachel Mordecai married widower Aaron Marks Lazarus in 1821, and moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, where she lived for the rest of her life. The Lazaruses had four children together, three daughters and a son, M. E. Lazarus, in a household that also included Mr. Lazarus's seven children from his first marriage.
oh the lady had a son who she named after the author she liked who turned out to be willing to not be anti-semitic, that's nice
Marx Edgeworth Lazarus (February 6, 1822 – 1896) was an American individualist anarchist, Fourierist, and free-thinker.
oh well that sounds nice enough
Lazarus was a practicing doctor of homeopathy
Through his adult life, Lazarus tried to cope with apparent mental and physical disturbances, in particular what seemed to be chronic nocturnal emissions, a condition that at the time was labeled "seminal incontinence" or "spermatorrhea," believed to be detrimental and even fatal to the mind and body. Lazarus sought treatments through homeopathy, hydropathy, and electromagnetic treatments that seemed to bring some temporary relief. He also discussed the condition in his 1852 book Involuntary Seminal Losses: Their Causes, Effects, and Cure," where he suggested that the total sexual abstinence that he had tried to practice might be one of those causes. In 1855, Lazarus shocked some of his fellow Fourierists and free love advocates by marrying a 19 year old woman from Indiana, Mary Laurie (or "Lawrie).[1]
oh... a libertarian...
By the mid-1850s, social movements like Fourierism were in decline, and Lazarus's later life seems to have had less focus. When the Civil War broke out, most members of Lazarus's extended family lived in Southern states and generally supported the Confederate cause. In 1861, Lazarus, was staying with relatives in Columbus, Georgia and joined the local City Light Guard when war broke out, later serving as company physician for the Wilmington, NC Artillery.
on the one hand, obviously very bad to enlist in the Confederate army right, but on the other hand a semen retentionist doing homeopathy to them can't really be classified as "aiding" them can it
After the war, Lazarus continued to practice his areas of medicine and contributed articles and comments to various publications.[5] By his last years, though, he had become a disenchanted recluse known as the "Sand Mountain Hermit" of Jackson County, Alabama.
most normal libertarian
I wonder what those articles and comments are, and what kind of website they're hosted on. Oh.
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spn2006 · 11 days
just had a category five autism moment while watching the french mistake. when genevieve came on screen i literally stood up and cheered
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mothmage · 11 months
Dear Chabouillet,
Is it gay to be so obsessed with a man that you recognize him by the strength of his shoulders alone?
Asking for a friend.
Sincerely, Javert.
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kenonade · 7 months
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ughghghhghghghgh wip,,, wip!!!
saw les mis last night and it finally made me investigate enjorlas and grantaire which had the effect of sparking enthusiasm for gregstophe again,,
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Has anyone ever written a fic of Britain seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time
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nopeleavemealoone · 11 months
Imagine having blue lock 1,3,4,5 and 6 in french but getting the 2nd in english and they don’t
m a t c h on your shelf
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carebooks · 11 months
i cant believe it was france that was responsible for the zombie apocalypse in twd, smh ladybug and chat noir did not do their job i guess
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cosmicrhetoric · 4 months
i don't know if fishman island era sanji is genuine flanderization or im somehow giving him too much and too little credit at the same time. and maybe i was just frustrated that he regressed so bad after two years on Gender Island when i erroneously assumed (after watching iva + co at impel down express that queerness is as close to the ultimate ideal of freedom that one piece is about as you can get) that he would be better for the experience. and i know im going to turn around on him by the time i get to whole cake island but literally brother can we cut this shit out lmao
#its just very frustrating having a main character's transmisogyny be a major plot thing when 100 episodes ago ANOTHER mc#like thee mc like The Main Guy's LACK of transmisogyny equally moved the plot forward#and all this during an arc where we're supposed to see how much everyone has grown and matured#fishman island#there was that bit when he first showed up again when he was like 'say hi to iva btw' and i was like oh! ok so he got slightly more normal#and then he really really really didnt#one piece#how is it possible to have such complicated emotions about character who is literally french#and like i know that iva like. i KNOW about the trans characters in one piece to come and i know theyre not drawn#like the women on okama island but people have been talking abt how the writing doesnt match the art forever and i finally get it#how are you presenting characters with complicated interiority and heroic arcs as the worst stereotype ever#sure bon clay's design was a joke to start and he's the most universally beloved character in the whole series#and they wrap it around like iva in impel down does have that whole 'you dont have to conform we are who we are by kesha' speech#everyone who is there looks exactly how they want to look bc they have the option via iva of looking different#but that doesnt excuse it!!!!!!!! it doesnt make it better!!!!!!!!!!! on the doyle lens!!!!!!!!#and again i know that two more of the most beloved characters in the series are trans and are not drawn with a joking hand. so ill wait#i'll wait for wano. save me wano arc save me. save me kiku#im literally past fishman island btw im in punk hazard now it just really still bothers me
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frenchfrywrites · 3 months
Can one of you hold me at gunpoint so I write a fic during my spring break? 💖
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EMBARRASSING: local fool didn't realize he lived within driving distance to a really cool epic cave system, now has to rectify the fact that they haven't visited in the half a decade that she has lived nearby posthaste
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bawnjourno · 7 months
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finished w school for the next 40 days moodboard
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
The thing about having a favorite or least favorite Roy is like that that’s just not even a scale I can put them on. I want to eat Kendall like a French fry and I want to carry Roman around by the foot like a doll and I want to put shiv in my pocket like idk you figure out what that means
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changed lobcorp's language to french. this is the true lobotomy experience
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tomfrogisblue · 7 months
Ya know, I've personally loved being drip-fed everyone else's previous lore. As a previously mainly Wilbur and Phil viewer, I knew their lore (way too much of it, Save Me) walking into the QSMP, but... not really anyone else's. Not even really the other English speakers. It's been a delight to discover the angst and batshit backstories of all the other cubitos
Cellbit's lore alone, bro. And I have such fond memories of Forever appearing on the island and simply terrorizing Phil for a while with his unrequited love left over from his ex, Phil being just as confused as I was.
I hope that anyone coming in from other places in the world has similar reactions to shit like c!Wilbur's Canon Family Tree (canon no matter how much Phil tried to make it less cursed, goddammit Wilbur.)
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dyspraxicgamergirl · 21 days
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dulac1882 · 2 months
!! langblr introduction !!
salut !! i made this langblr to share my language learning progress and to be in contact with other people into languages<3 i'm especially interested in following people who post about their learning progress !!!
about me: - caroline (she/her), 21, finnish, uni student - other than languages i'm interested in almost everything art & culture related :) languages: - languages i'm concentrating on: french (high b1), german (b1), russian (high a2) - languages i'm learning on the side / have learned in the past: swedish (rusty b1), latin, italian (a1) (+ english). not planning on starting any new ones anytime soon..
language goals under the cut :)
some goals for this summer: - french: (1) finish b1 level textbooks and maybe go through grammaire progressive au français intermédiaire and/or avancé (2) get better at understanding natural speech (i can understand radio programmes etc just fine but movies, tv shows and youtube videos are a lot more difficult for me) - german: improve vocabulary, maybe go through a textbook (if i have the time) - russian: catch up on anki (i have over 5k reviews piled up….) and MAYBE finish my (final!) russian textbook - other: maybe try reading a book in swedish and listen to some easy italian podcast episodes, these aren't really that important long-time goals: - french: becoming as good as i am in english (or better..) - german: high b2 or c1 (currently my biggest problems are (1) vocabulary (2) can't speak…..) - russian: being able to read russian lit (+ having basic conservations without too much difficulty) - swedish: reaching a level that's ok/nice for a finnish person…??? as in being able to have a conversation if needed + being able to read contemporary texts (which i mostly am already) - italian: no big goals, i can already understand a lot based on french :) one day i'd like to be able to read italian books with ease and to speak semi-fluently but i'm in no hurry - latin: not forgetting anything i've already learned + finishing OLC 3 at some point (i only have 2–5 chapters to go)
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