#(but I am glad to hear that your classes are going well! <3)
hunterthecharmer · 9 days
Unexpected - Part 4
Summary: You work for an events company and end up being assigned as a talent handler for a 2 week long convention. Your co-worker ends up assigned to Glen Powell, but you catch his eye. Can you remain professional and keep him from knowing you're actually a pretty big fan of his?
Authors note: we are finally off to the races with the Glen content. It’s only uphill from here 💙 inserting these pics because they’re my inspo for his look. Let me know your thoughts!!
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You awaken to the sound of your phone buzzing loudly on your wooden nightstand. You groan as you reach toward the glowing screen, eyes burning as you flip it over to see who’s blowing you up. It’s 5am, and Savannah’s contact photo fills your screen. You hit the answer button, sitting up in bed and rubbing your eyes. “Hello?” you croak, voice hoarse.
“Oh, thank goodness you answered! I've been trying to get a hold of you for the last forty-five minutes. I still feel like crap, is there any way you can take over Glen’s schedule today? I already texted our lead about it, and Dylan doesn’t have any overlaps so you’re good there.”
You blink slowly as you try to process her words. “Sure, Sav. I’m sorry you’re sick.” You finally reply. “When do I need to pick him up?” Savannah coughs on the other end of the line. “His first event is at 8! Thank you so much, I owe you big. I’m gonna go back to sleep.” She hangs up, and you fall back into the mattress.
“I’m gonna need 3 coffees this morning, thanks.” You hurriedly grab the drink carrier back to your golf cart before speeding over to Dylan’s cabin. “Morning Mr. O’Brien!” You grin at him, pointing excitedly to the coffee cups. “Heck yeah! Let’s do this.” He takes the cup from your hands and slides next to you. “Dylan, I have to cover for Savannah today with Glen so it might get a little hectic, but don’t worry. I promise you’re my priority, and you won’t be late to anything!” You smile at him as you drive toward his trailer, putting your sunglasses on with your free hand. Dylan sips his coffee, “No problem.”
Once he’s dropped off, you head to pick up Glen. You pull in front of his cabin and beep the horn a few times to let him know you’re ready. He emerges moments later in jeans and a blue argyle sweater, hair perfectly styled. His leather watch catches the sun as he bounces down the stairs, face lighting up when he spots the coffee in the cup holder. “You’re my hero!” You giggle before reversing the cart. “Bad nights sleep, Mr. Powell?”
“Just a lot on my mind.” He answers quickly, only glancing over to you out of the corner of his eye as he drinks his coffee. He then waves a hand in front of you both, continuing. “Woah woah woah, Savannah does NOT call me that. Does Dylan ask to be addressed that way? Cuz’ I will give him so much shit for that later.” You burst into laughter together, covering your mouth in embarrassment. “Look, we are technically supposed to address all talent this way. Unless they specify otherwise that is.” You smile to yourself as you drive.
“Well I am definitely specifying. You’re like, what, only a few years younger than me right? I’m just Glen. K?” You nod. “Understood.” You let silence fill the air as you continue to drive towards his trailer, a couple light giggles escaping from both of you.
“Also, I know you’ve heard already but I will be covering Savannah today, so anything you need, just text or call me. Okay?” you look at him and he shoots you a thumbs up, downing the rest of his coffee before you arrive at the trailer.
“Have a good class!” You encourage, and Glen spins around to wink at you while clicking his pen, journal tucked under his arm. You wait until he gets through the door before you drive away to check on your friend.
“Long story short, I’m feeling much better.” Savannah sighs as she cuddles further into her blanket, the tv lightly playing in the background of her room. “I’m glad to hear it. You think you’ll be back in business tomorrow? It’s getting a little difficult with Glen. Not in a bad way, it’s just that he is being really sweet and I…I’m trying really hard to be professional. But you know how I feel about him!” You exclaim in a hushed tone, flopping backward onto the comforter. Savannah nods knowingly. “Just keep being yourself, you can’t help how he acts or feels toward you. You just can’t forget that you have a job to do.” You listen to her, twisting your hair around your finger as your stomach drops. You spend a little more time with her before heading back to pick up the boys and continue to drop them off for their events the rest of the day. Fortunately for you, they both had events close in proximity to each other so you didn’t have to drive either of them far, which left less time for you and Glen to talk. By the time the day was over, you happily slipped off your shoes and took a shower longer than normal to release some of your nerves. Glen was a celebrity, and naturally charming. No way would he ever actually flirt with you, right? You’re a nobody. Just a normal girl who happens to be working an event he booked to help him further his career. His very real, very serious Hollywood career.
You allow the warm water to cascade down your back for a while before stepping out of the shower to slide into bed, flipping on the TV to watch a movie and enjoy your pizza the craft service sent you to your cabin with.
As the hours pass, a storm forms outside and you welcome the thunder with the occasional flashes of lightning making the room glow. It eventually lulls you to sleep until you’re ripped from your dream to the sound of your work phone buzzing from across the room. You instantly snap up in bed at the different ring tone, your brain telling you this is important. You lunge toward the phone and look at the caller ID - it’s Glen’s assistant. Confused, you answer the call.
“Hello, this is..” A female’s voice instantly begins speaking as soon as they have confirmation someone is on the other end of the phone. You listen closely, rubbing your eyes as you realize it’s 3 in the morning. You learn that Glen’s mom has been trying to get ahold of him all night but he hasn’t heard her calls; she and his dad were out riding their electric bikes that evening when his dad accidentally wrecked it, hurting his back pretty badly. They had been out and about downtown so his mom didn’t want Glen to hear it from a news outlet before he could hear it from them and know his dad was going to be fine. You feel your heartbeat quicken as you assure her that you’d let Glen know as soon as possible so he could give his family a call, since they were all still at the hospital with his dad. You hang up with her and start slipping on your tennis shoes and rain jacket, grimacing at your air dried hair in the mirror and deciding to throw on your hat to hide it. The rain was still coming down heavily outside, so you’d need to be quick. You rush out the door and onto your golf cart, instantly missing having a car here on the property. You make it to Glen’s cabin in no time, struggling to see through all the rain. The claps of thunder startle you as you put the cart in park and run to the front door. You knock loudly on the door, calling Glen’s name as you do. “Glen, Glen! Wake up! Please!” You bang on the door about 6 more times before the door finally swings open, a very tired and confused Glen standing before you in his sweatpants. “What’s going on?” His voice is raspy as he steps aside for you to come in, drenched from the storm. You stand near the front door and pull your phone out of your jacket pocket. “I’m sorry to wake you, but your assistant called me. Your dad’s in the hospital for a back injury. He and-” Glen cuts you off, eyes widening. “Oh my gosh, is he ok? When did this happen?” He paces over to his phone on the nightstand, raking a hand through his hair as he sees all his missed call notifications. “He’s okay, I promise! He had an accident on the electric bike with your mom downtown. She wanted to tell you before you heard it elsewhere.” You finally get out all the details, watching as he nods along while dialing his mom. They speak for a few moments before hanging up. You tried not to eavesdrop but you could hear most of what was said. They didn’t want him to fly all the way back to Texas, there was nothing he could do there that he couldn’t do here. They would discharge his dad in a day or so, it wasn’t like it was life threatening. Glen sits on the edge of the bed, his eyes wandering over to yours. “Thank you for driving over here to tell me, I’m a pretty heavy sleeper.” He shoots you a sleepy smile, the pain he is trying to hide all over his face. It hurts you to see him so upset, so worried.
“Of course, I’m just glad I heard my phone and that everyone’s okay.” You yawn, awkwardly shifting your weight as you adjust your hat on your head, irritated at how drenched you were. You were shivering in his doorway, texting his assistant to let her know you had told Glen and all was well.
“Hold on, is that a Longhorns hat?” He asks in disbelief, slipping a t- shirt over his head before suddenly standing to walk over to you. In one quick motion, you cover the logo with one hand and pull your hood over your head, body turning toward the doorknob. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, it is. Small world, right? Anyways, I’ll let you get back to sleep.” You stumble over your words, knowing full well that he could never know the real reason as to why you own the hat on top of your head. Never.
“You were already awesome, but this just tipped you over the edge.” He smirks playfully at you, his warm hands reaching for your cap and carefully lifting it off of you. He inspects the inside, giving a nod of approval before putting it back on you. “Yep, that’s official alright.”
Grinning at each other, you twist the doorknob and step backward, the cold rush of the rain and winds blowing the hood off your head. “What’re you doing?” Glen shouts, quickly slamming the door shut and tugging your wrist towards him, and back towards his warm room. “It’s nasty out there, no way I’m letting you drive back yet. You can hang here until it clears up.” Glen throws the blanket draped over the couch in front of the fireplace over to you, and you catch it with a huff. “No, Glen..do you understand that I will lose my job if anyone sees me leaving here at this hour? It’s extremely unprofessional.” You shake your head while draping the blanket over your shoulders, thankful for its warmth. Glen leans against the tufted sofa, crossing his arms as he purses his lips. “You came here to give me a message about my family. I don’t care who I have to explain that to. Now come over here and let’s get you warmed up.” His tone is quiet now, dripping with exhaustion and care. He was not going to take no for an answer.
Hanging your head in defeat, you kick off your shoes and jacket before heading over to join him by the fireplace. He flips a switch on the electric fireplace, the heat quickly warming your bones. You watch the flames dance along the screen, unusually grateful that it wasn’t a real fireplace at this moment because of the time it might take to get it going. Glen sighs as if he is having the same thought before taking a seat on the couch. He drapes an arm over the backside of it, as if to invite you to sit next to him. You opt for the floor, planting yourself on the soft shag rug. He clicks his tongue with a low hum before sliding down to join you, nudging your shoulder.
“I don’t bite, you know.” He began, before gently removing your hat from your head, your hands reaching up to smooth out your frizzy hair immediately. Glen slowly stops you, his own hands covering yours to pull them down. You stare at each other for a moment, as you wait for him to say something else. When he doesn’t, you speak up to fill the quiet space. “Thanks for letting me wait out the storm. I hope it clears up befo-“
Glen cuts you off.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
His blunt confession rattles you, suddenly feeling like a deer in headlights. Had you been that obvious?
Your mouth goes dry, mind swirling with what to say to him.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean.” You lie, your expression one of stone while your tone betrays you. You so desperately wished that you could be more coy at this moment.
His sage eyes sparkle at you, his body shifting so that he’s fully facing you now, hugging his knees to his chest as he watches you go still.
“It’s 4am, you’re off the clock and I’m calling your bluff.” his lips curl into another smirk. Your eyes search his face, the glow of the flames making him look even better than normal. You make a mental note of his disheveled hair, not able to stop yourself from running your fingers through it. He exhales deeply, enjoying your touch. You search his face for any sign that he wants you to stop, but instead his eyes begin to close, head leaning forward into your touch. A few long, quiet moments pass, the storm outside and crackle of the fireplace filling the room.
“You didn’t deny it.” He finally whispers, his voice so relaxed you almost can’t hear him.
You slowly halt scratching his head, your hands moving to either side of his face to gently trace his features. He smiles softly at you, and it makes your heart leap.
His hands rest on your ankles as you face him, legs criss crossed. The contact makes your breath quicken, thankful they aren’t any higher.
“Alright, fine. Yes, I may or may not….” you pause, carefully choosing your words, “find you attractive.”
His eyes widen, hands suddenly raising to grip your upper arms before swiftly pushing you backwards to pin you onto the floor. “Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite catch that. I’m gonna need you to speak a little louder for me.” His tone is low, and extremely flirty. You giggle beneath him, his boyish expressions making you dizzy. You’ve already admitted the words to him, no use in trying to be bashful now.
“I find you attractive, okay?!” You admit, covering your face with your hands to hide your burning cheeks.
“Oh no no no, uh uh. Don’t go acting all shy on me now. Look at me.” He laughs with you, prying your hands away. He lowers his nose to graze yours, a warm hand pushing your hair back from your forehead.
You bring your eyes up to meet his gaze, the warmth of his breath and smell of his cologne enveloping you.
“Hi.” You whisper softly, the last few days of interacting with him feeling like a strange lead up to a moment like this. It felt like something out of a movie. Your mind was screaming at you to get up off the floor and drive back to your cabin for the sake of your job and being professional, while your body was paralyzed in place.
“Hi.” He softly exhales back to you, brushing noses with you again before kissing your cheek. His soft lips, the warmth of the fireplace and the wind blowing outside made you sink into the floor beneath him. How many times had you dreamt of a moment like this? And then for it to happen with your celebrity crush?
Lifting his head to get a better look at you, his eyes search your face for a reaction. You can feel your cheeks getting tight at how hard you’re smiling, heart beating out of your chest. You feel your lips part, eyes dropping back to his lips. Feeling brave and overtaken by your attraction to him you lace your hands behind his neck to pull him back down to you, lips crashing together. The kiss is soft but firm, your fingers drifting to find his hair before he deepens the kiss. A strong arm loops under your back, pressing his body closer to yours. You hum against his lips, tasting his minty mouthwash as his tongue intertwines with yours.
His other hand reaches up to hold the side of your face, his thumb gently circling your cheek, right near the edge of your lips.
Finally breaking apart for air, Glen lifts you from the soft rug and brings you to your feet, placing your arms over his shoulders to be back around his neck as his arms snake around your waist to pull you into him, his lips finding yours again. He guides you backwards towards his bed, your knees bending at the side of the bed frame to sit on the edge mattress while you both continue to kiss each other’s faces off. When his hands start to glide underneath your oversized sleep shirt, you pull back from him, eyebrows raised. “We should stop.” You pant, voice quiet. He pouts at you, fingertips running up and down your spine. You close your eyes, trying to gauge if the rain had let up. It sounded like it had, to your dismay. You were also trying to soak in this moment because chances were it wasn’t ever going to happen again. When you open your eyes, his are now closed as he continues to trace circles on your back. You run a hand through his hair to put it semi back to normal, gently tapping the side of his face to wake him up. “Hey, you should get some sleep. I think it’s slowing down out there so I’m gonna head back.”
His eyes shoot open, and you feel a tinge of guilt as you note the redness in them now. Yours probably matched. You place both palms on his chest to wiggle your body away from him off the bed, making a beeline for your shoes and jacket near the door. It was taking every last bit of willpower not to turn around to tackle him back onto the bed, your body already missing his touch. He follows you to the door, handing your hat back to you with a smirk. “Thanks again.”
Your brows knit together in confusion as you take the hat from him, pulling your hood over your head and feeling around in your pocket for the cart key. “For..?” Your voice trails off. Glen laughs, “For the update on my dad. And for the kisses.” He winks at you, and your cheeks flush. Unsure of what to say, you step closer to him, his body leaning down to you in response. Getting on your tiptoes, you quickly cover his face in kisses, the child-like giggle that escapes his lips making your heart swell. You purposely leave his lips out of it, kissing his cheeks one last time before backing away from him. He frowns suddenly, shaking his head.
“Why’re you running away?” His tone is still playful, making it harder for you to leave. You felt like you were having an out of body experience, shocked at your bravery to kiss his face like you’d daydreamed of doing while watching his films, running your hands through his sandy blonde hair and pressing your bodies together. You needed to let him sleep, and you needed to rest too.
“I’m not, we just need to be able to function tomorrow. Goodnight, Glen.” You smile sweetly at him, shimmying your long coat sleeve off to expose your left hand to give him a tiny goodbye wave. He groans, throwing his head back before holding the door for you, watching as you drive away.
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malii-the-bonehead · 4 months
The Other Woman pt2
yall stop this shit is so bad why am i posting this. lmk if u fuck w it pls and thanks.
Slow burn
Summary: Chris, a popular hockey player at school where Y/n went, found himself falling for the beautiful, shy girl. As time went on he found out who Y/n truly was as a person and ultimately, he had to make the choice, his girlfriend, or the other woman.
Part 2
I woke up to the annoying ringing of my alarm. I groaned and flipped over, feeling around for my phone to turn off the blaring alarm. I ended up working until 2am last night, even though I was supposed to get off at 11:30. I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly. 
“Alexa, turn on the lights,” I called out. The lights flickered on. I pinched my eyes closed, not excited about the bright lights. I moved the covers off my body and got up, getting ready to start my morning routine. School started at 7. It was 5, meaning I had more than enough time to get ready. I pulled my shirt off and grabbed another from my drawers, sliding it over my head before tying my hair back. I walked into the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. Normally I had my hair in a bun, but sometimes I’d straighten it. I decided to straighten it today. I turned off the light and walked back into my room. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and also put on a pair of socks and my air forces. I put my lashes on as well. I couldn’t go anywhere without my lashes. That was my favorite thing to do in the morning. I walked down the stairs.
“Are you making breakfast?” My mom called from the couch.
“Oh, you’re awake,” I uttered. I won’t hide it, my mom was an alcoholic. Not an abusive one or a violent one, but a depressed, lazy one. She was kind to me, but she just drank and drank. I was the one to cook, clean, shit even work my ass off to feed ourselves and her addiction. I did things she should have been doing as my mother. But I loved her. I was grateful she was still around, even if she was drunk all the time. “Yes, I’ll make you some food.”
“Thank you,” She called, walking into the kitchen. I liked the mornings when she was awake because she normally didn’t start drinking until I left for school.
 “You look beautiful, you always do.” She pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled and walked to the fridge, grabbing some eggs to make her. 
“Thank you, mom,” I responded. 
“How has school been, you haven’t talked to me about it in a while.”
Truth is, I just talked to her about it yesterday after I got home from school. She just doesn’t remember how much I talk about it. 
“It’s been good, mom. My grades are very good.” I turned and looked at her. She smiled at me. She looked proud. I know she’s proud of me. She always has been.
“Good. I’m so glad you’re smart and beautiful. You definitely got that from your father,” she announced. I looked at her solemnly. 
“Do you miss him?” I asked, I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth, awaiting her answer.
“Everyday,” she uttered.
I pulled my gym shorts over my legs, stuffing my sweats into my bag before walking out of the locked room. I wasn’t fond of gym class, especially since it’s my first hour. I walked into the large, old-smelling gym. I glanced around before putting my headphones on. I sat down on the bleachers, waiting to hear what we’re doing for this class. I scrolled through my phone, sitting patiently by myself. I felt a tap on my shoulder and glanced up. 
I dropped my headphones onto my shoulders.
“Hey,” he called. “Y/n, right?” I looked at him with a shocked expression on my face. I felt my cheeks heat up. He knew my name?
“Yes, that’s me. How do you know my name?” I asked.
“I’m Chris,” he pushed his hand out for me to shake. I looked at it for a while until he pulled it back, rubbing the back of his neck with it.
“I know,” I mentioned to him. Who didn’t know his name? He was the best hockey player at this school, alongside his two triplet brothers, Matt and Nick. Not to mention his looks. He was very nice to look at. 
“Yeah,” I chuckled lightly. “So, did you need anything, yesterday you kind of freaked me out.”
Blunt. Straight to the point. Fuck. God, why did I say that, I thought to myself.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out, I was just nervous I guess.” His cheeks started to turn red, as well as his ears. 
“Well, why don’t you sit. Tell me what happened to make you nervous.” He looked at me before sitting down next to me, not too close but not far enough.
“I think I knew what I was going to say but I couldn’t get the words out. Embarrassing, huh?” He laughed slightly. I giggled a little.
“It’s not embarrassing unless you make it embarrassing.” I looked around the gym. “I didn’t know you had this class. I would have noticed.”
“I don’t, I um, my teacher isn’t here. I got sent here by another teacher.” 
God, his eyes were blue. Don’t get distracted, Y/n.
“What class do you have right now?” I asked, curiosity showing on my face. He looked down at his lap before looking back at me.
“I have computer math with Scott,” he replied. 
“Oh, I have him too! He’s my 5th hour,” I smiled in his direction.
“Yeah, I don’t particularly like that class. I’m not very good at it. I actually barely passed computer math 1 last year.”
“Well I’m glad you did pass it. To be honest, it really isn’t hard if you rea=lly focus. If you’re struggling I can help you,” I smiled, then my face dropped. I did not mean to say that. I don’t want to help Chris. I mean I do, but I shouldn't.
“If anything, you should help me with my calculus.” His face lit up. “But, that’d be great! I actually wanted to ask you if we could hang out sometimes. You seem nice to be around.”
I looked down at my lap, blushing at what he said. 
“You want to hang out.. With me?” I mumbled. I didn’t think he heard me until he replied.
“Sure, I’ve been wanting to get to know you for a while. I’ve heard you’re a good friend to have.”
“Who said that?” I looked up at him again, looking into his eyes. 
“Alice,” he replied, shrugging his shoulders.
I’m going to kill her.
“Oh, well I guess we can give it a shot.” I smiled at him. I didn’t have a problem with Chris, but he was known around school. I wasn’t, and I liked it that way.
“Perfect. Hey, can I get-” He was interrupted by a whistle being blown. I turned my head to the direction of the ear-piercing noise.
“Shit, I have to go. Here,” I grabbed a pen from my bag. I grabbed his left arm, the one closest to me, and rolled up his hoodie sleeve. I scribbled my number on his arm before picking the pen up and standing. “Text me and we can talk about a time for your calculus lesson.”
He looked up at me. 
“Okay,” he nodded his head. I smiled and walked down the bleachers, glancing back and waving him off before putting my headphones back on and going outside to walk the track with the rest of the girls. 
Chris’s pov
I looked down at my arm and smiled. I sat there, admiring the number written down.
I did it, I thought. I pulled out my phone and put the number in, listing the contact name as Y/n. I wasn’t going to text her until later. Don’t want to seem desperate, right?
I stood up and walked out of the gym. Clairisa texted me 20 minutes ago to meet her in the auditorium, so that’s where I’m heading next.
I pushed open the door to the large room, seeing Clairisa sitting on the stage waiting for me. I walked over to her.
“What took you so long?” She asked, pulling me in between her legs and kissing my cheek. 
“I was in the gym.”
“Oh, why were you in the gym?” She looked up at me.
“I was talking to Y/n. She offered to help me with calculus,” I shrugged. I would never cheat on Clairisa and she knew that. She never got mad if I talked to other girls because she knew I wouldn’t hurt her like that. Yes, I liked Y/n. Really liked her, but I’d never do anything to harm Clairisa, ever. 
“About time. You needed it,” She giggled, pulling me into a hug. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Clair.”
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eris-snow · 8 months
Hiiiii!! I hope you’re doing well ^^ this concept has been plaguing my mind for DAYS. listen. Mute reader joining class 2A where bakugou has already started going deaf from his quirk. AGH I swear it’s so cute I’m already dying, probably angst to fluff type stuff idk ur the boss here :3
(this is my first time requesting I hope I’m doing it right lol)
Oh you're so sweet! Don't worry about requesting your request was so cute 🥰
But YES, this is such a good headcannon 😭😭
Katsuki would think that you're way too quiet, and imagine his surprise when you start signing to him.
He'd just gotten back from the hospital after a particularly shitty injury, so he wasn't there when you were introduced to the class
He didn't know that you were mute, so when you camd rolling up to the dorms, all he saw was a way too quiet girl holding a way too big box for your size.
You must be the newbie, Katsuki sighs, squinting at you. It takes him five seconds to realise that your quirk wasn't strength based, and 10 to realise you had 5 of those big ass boxes to get through, before he kicks off the couch to help.
It's fine. He's been through this, he's gotten help. He can talk to people without brandishing insults now.
"Jeez, pass me that, you freak,"
Head, meet hard wood.
You, however, don't seemed fazed at all. Instead, you let out a sigh of relief, happily passing him the box and taking another one to carry to the lifts.
He's almost glad you don't say anything, because at least then, he doesn't have to go 'SPEAK UP, NERD' on ten different occasions. He wasn't wearing his hearing aids, after all.
When he does finish helping you, you're bowing to him profusely, and to his utter surprise, you lift your hands and start signing to him.
Do you know handsigns?
He almost rolls down the stairs.
Yes, Bakugou signs back. You bow at him again, and Bakugou feels giddy.
Thank you! I'm sorry if you found it rude when I didn't respond, but I am mute. I appreciate your help, Bakugou-san! I hope we get along !
And that's how Katsuki gained a new friend.
Oh and don't forget about the silent conversations.
Besides Deku, you were the only one fluent in handsigns and Katsuki took full advantage of that.
Just imagine, 20 odd class mates and no one knowing what words being exchanged between the two of you.
Communication is the one of the most important thing on the battlefield, and the scariest thing was that Bakugou was starting to have difficulty doing that, patrol or not.
For some reason, having someone who understands that fear makes Bakugou feel just a little bit more stable.
On paper, your disabilities should hinder your ability to get along, but like how two unlike poles attract, you get along swimmingly. Communication, which is supposed to be one of the most difficult actions to carry out is so smooth with Bakugou it's basically telepathy at this point.
A glance at you.
Oh, you want your protein shake.
A gesture to the teacher.
Oh, you need help with a question.
A middle finger...("Oi, Bakugou that wasn't a handsign-WAIT WAIT NO DON'T-")
Means a dead Kaminari.
And for some reason, even if Katsuki can never hear your voice. Even if you can't ever tell him how much he means to you, you'll stand by his side even if the world tilts sideways, or be the first at his door when his nightmares overtake him.
You'll be the first to guess what's one his mind and stand by him no matter what.
After all, actions speak louder than words, don't they?
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hyunfilms · 1 year
blue side of the sky (lmh) | five.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 5.3k
—chapter warning: cussing, jisung being his worried and overprotective self, small argument between minho & jisung, another deep look into minho's feelings about everything, minho dance session which should be a warning itself, smut but not super descriptive smut (implied oral - m. receiving, doggy style), also a look into minho and kat, flashback scene at the end highlighting a core, painful moment for minho, crying, oc is in a coma during flashback
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"Hi." You answer the phone call coming in as you make your way to your first pottery class.
"Cielo! Are you at class now?" You chuckle.
"About to be."
"You didn't answer my text." You can hear the pout through Jisung's tone.
"Sorry, pachi. I was gonna get to it as soon as I got inside the store. What's up?"
"I asked if you found anything to wear yet. For Yuna's?"
"Oh, no."
"Wanna go look after class? I'll meet you."
"I'm, um—" You pause a bit as you enter the store and greet the boy re-stocking items at the front.
"You're.. what?"
"I'm actually hanging out with San afterwards. He said he'd go with me to check out some dresses."
"You're.. hanging out with San?"
"Yes?" You let out a small sigh due to the unexpected response from your bestfriend. You felt nervous, and even more scared. Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to hang out with San. "Pachi, you told me to go for it. Should I just cancel and go with you—"
"No, no. I know I said that. I'm sorry, cielo. I didn't mean it in a bad way. I'm glad you're hanging out with him and stuff! Seriously. I just didn't expect that day to be today."
"I don't exactly have much time to find a dress."
"Yeah, I know. You'll find something and you'll look great in it, though! Is he gonna meet you after class?"
"Okay, good. Well, enjoy yourself, okay? Don't think too much and just go with the flow."
"I know, I know."
"Well wait, let me back track." Jisung lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry. Are you ready to hang out with him? I hope I didn't pressure you too much."
"No it's not that. I think I'm ready. I mean, it's casual and super harmless, right?"
"Of course. He seems cool. But if he does try anything that you aren't ready for, just call me."
"I'll be fine. Thanks, Ji."
"Alright. Send pics of what you find!"
"I will." Your bottom lip pokes out as you end the call and tuck your phone back into your bag. This morning, you felt your confidence growing. You had been confident enough to agree to a hang out with San, even though he reassured you that there was no pressure. But the call with Jisung had you second-guessing everything.
Were you really ready for this?
You know Jisung meant no harm behind anything he said, but it was hard for you to not overthink. The only thing getting you by is the reminder that you have to experience these things to continue learning and settling back into the world; to continue living.
You couldn't be stuck in one place forever.
"Are you okay, miss?" You look over to your right and see the same boy from the front stocking up some of the shelves near the pottery classroom. You hadn't realized you zoned out and stopped in your tracks before entering the room.
"Oh. Yeah, I am." You chuckle shyly. "Sorry. Was lost in thought."
"No worries, just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Thank you." You give him a small smile before finally entering the classroom. It's only supposed to be for 6 people, and you only see one other person already sitting at a wheel. You take the seat opposite from her, giving her a small smile when she glances up to look at you. She returns the smile, but her attention shifts back to her phone.
It doesn't take long before the rest of the wheels are filled and class is starting. You feel incredibly shy, but everyone in your class seems to be down to earth and just as eager to get their hands dirty. At first, you feel shy. You're barely working on the clay as much as the others are, but you remind yourself that you work at your own pace. When it's time to throw, it's a bit of a struggle before you finally find your own rhythm; receiving small praises from your instructor as she comes to your aid every now and then.
You're making a basic pot. Something to start off with, something easy.
It's fun.
You're happy you decided to move forward with class, paying some money for a membership to use the classroom during open hours. Class takes an hour and a half today, but the classroom remains open for anyone who is interested in doing another piece before the kiln gets loaded in a class or two. You wish you could, but as soon as you let your pot sit on the rack to completely dry, you catch wind of San walking around nearby aisles. He sees you looking over and he waves, a huge smile plastered on his face while you continue to clean up your space. When you've finally gotten through the last items and tidied up, you quickly wash your hands and grab your things to meet San in the store.
"Hey!" He waves enthusiastically. "How was class?" He digs his hands into his pocket while he waits for your response.
"It was good! Fun to get back into it." San nods.
"I'm glad. It's always satisfying to get back into things you've enjoyed." He nods towards the entrance. "It's beautiful outside. Ready to shop for dresses? You can tell me more about class while we walk."
"Sure." You chuckle. "What have you been up to today?"
"Well, I started off my day super early. Went to the gym before work. Got lots of things done. Now I'm here." He gives you a small smile. Over the course of texting San, you find out a few key details about him:
One, he has a younger sister and a cat that he adores. He's very family-oriented and takes everything family-related very seriously. He met JJ and their friend group in college, and they've stayed close ever since then. He also adores his friends to bits; it's quite cute. He says their personalities are all different, but they mesh so well.
Two, he was the definition of someone who took every single opportunity [especially in college] and ran with it. He aced his classes, participated in campus-wide activities and student government, volunteered, took internship after internship— that being what lead him to a huge opportunity overseas right after graduation to learn side by side from a principal architect. Years of doing so led him to a full-time position with their office back here at home.
Three, he is handsome, and he is incredibly sweet. He's laid back and caring; it's very easy to see why he gets along with people.
It's easy to talk to him.
So easy, that time flies by when you're with him. After a long, ongoing conversation about how the days have been, you've already popped into a few shops; slowly pulling hangers apart from each other to get a better view of the dresses— no particular dress catching your eyes just yet.
You eventually do find two dresses in the back of a new store you popped into that look fantastic on the mannequin, however, you feel like it'll be a different story when you try it on. Jisung says the wedding is at a hotel near the oceanside two hours away. The colors are hues of sage, green, browns and pale golds, and you're already excited to see how everything will turn out.
One dress is a taupe satin dress with a high slit, spaghetti straps and a cowl neck-line. The other is a sage satin dress with an asymmetrical high slit. They're almost similar in style— you're just not sure which color [or fit] would look better on you. San can tell you're unsure as you look at both dresses side by side, hands trailing down the fabric.
"Those are really pretty. You should try them on. You'll look great in either of those." San smiles.
"They're not too.. simple?" San shrugs.
"No. I think they're perfect for the wedding." You give him a small smile and nod, walking off to dressing room. San finds a little cushion to sit and wait on, scrolling through his phone while he patiently waits for you to be ready. He's not expecting you to show him the dresses, and quite frankly, he hopes he didn't come off that way. He does believe you'll look good in whatever option you choose, and his opinion doesn't matter much at the end of the day— it's truly whatever you feel good and comfortable in. Of course, San thinks you're gorgeous. He really couldn't help himself that day he walked into the café and saw you. Of course, his end goal would be to take you on a date and see where thing goes. But, the thing about San is that he knows about your accident. He knows the overall gist of things that have happened, but he doesn't know the fine details like your friends or JJ might know. It's not his business anyway, and he'd rather not go back to that moment in your life. So, he doesn't ask. He'll let you open up to him about it once [and if] you're ready. But, he knows. And he knows this isn't a priority for you right now, which is completely understandable.
If things happen, things happen. If it takes time, it takes time. Until then, he will continue to get to know you and be a friend.
"San?" San is pulled out of his thoughts when he hears you softly call his name behind the dressing room door.
"Yeah? You okay?"
"Yeah, I just.. is it okay if I show you the first dress?"
"Of course, whatever you're comfortable with, Y/N."
"I just need you to see them and give me your honest opinion, okay?"
"Always." He hears the door handle jiggle before you swing the door open. You've tried on the taupe dress and you shyly come forward, hands fidgeting with the fabric of the dress. San sits up a bit as his eyes light up, nodding in acknowledgement with a small smile. "That color looks great on you."
"Is the dress okay? It feels a little too much." You fiddle with your fingers. "I feel like I can't comfortably move with how high this slit goes."
"The angle too, hm?" He nods. "It looks great, but if you're not comfortable, then maybe the next dress will feel better?" You nod.
"Yeah, maybe."
"It's fine Y/N, don't force yourself if you aren't 100% on it." You give him a small smile before walking back into the dressing room to try on the other dress. You also aren't expecting much with this dress, but as soon as you slip it on, you smile at yourself in the mirror and take it in for a moment.
It feels perfect.
The slit is also pretty high, but it's not asymmetrical and at a weird angle so you can still move around comfortably. It fits nicely on your body, your figure, and the fabric isn't too heavy. Taupe color is beautiful under the light, and it's easy to pair.
"I really like this one." You say softly and San lets out a small chuckle.
"That's good. I'm glad you do." He watches as you walk out and nods in agreement when he sees how much more relaxed you look in the dress. "You look beautiful. That dress is the one!" You shyly chuckle at him.
"Yeah, I think it is, too."
"Are you set on it, or do you still wanna look some more?"
"No, I'm pretty set on this." San stands with a smile.
"Nice, it's perfect. We can go eat somewhere after, if you'd like?"
"Oh yes, please. I'm starving. I'm sorry I dragged you along on this." You say as you shut the door and start to get changed.
"No, don't apologize. I meant it when I said I didn't mind. I'm happy to accompany you." San scratches at his temple and nervously laughs. "I honestly thought we'd take much longer, so I'm a little relieved we can eat now." You laugh and gather your things, handing the other dress to the staff member before walking to the cashier.
Afterwards, San takes you to a bbq spot out of the central downtown area, roughly a 15 minute drive out. You get seated pretty quickly even though the restaurant is becoming packed by the minute. It's not too loud, but it is bustling; with busy workers and people engaging in fun conversation over beer and soju. In the middle of grilling the meat and telling you his Spain experience, you get a call from Jisung— the constant vibration on the table pulling you away from San's story.
"Sorry. It's Jisung." San chuckles and shakes his head, placing a few pieces of samgyeopsal onto your plate.
"No, please. Go for it." You give him a small apologetic smile before picking up the call. Jisung is at home, bored out of his mind and a bit worried. He knew he needed to give you time to do your thing, but as dinner time was approaching, he couldn't help but check in. He just needed to know that you were okay and at least enjoying yourself.
"Hi, sorry." He says. "I didn't hear from you for awhile so I just wanted to call." You chuckle a bit.
"I'm okay."
"Yeah? That's good to hear." He furrows his brows at the background noise. "It's kinda.. loud? Where are you?"
"Eating with San."
"Oh, okay. Did you find a dress?"
"Sure did. Oops, I'll send pictures to you after." You did remember to snap a few photos of the dresses you tried on earlier.
"No worries. It's not too crazy there, right?"
"No. I'll be okay. We'll be done soon."
"Okay. Please text me when you get home."
"I will."
"Love you."
"Love you too." You softly set the phone down and look at San. "I really am sorry about him."
"No, it's okay." San shrugs. "I get it. He's your bestfriend and he cares about you alot."
"Too much sometimes." You tease, though you try to hint at the fact that you are very grateful for Jisung no matter what.
Meanwhile, Jisung finds himself getting hungrier by the minute, finalizing his delivery order that shouldn't arrive too long from now. He's home alone while his roommates are all out, so he tries to pick up where he left off in God of War: Ragnarok to make time fly by. The delivery food actually comes a half hour later, with Jisung shutting off the game before darting down the stairs to grab his food. Just as he's bringing it in, he sees Minho pull up and park— leaving the door slightly ajar for when he walks in.
"Yo." Jisung quickly looks over his shoulder as he continues to unbox his delivery food, quickly greeting Minho as he walks into the kitchen. "Surprised you're home early."
"Surprised you're home since you're usually taking all the food at Y/N's and Uncle Adrian's."
"That's not true at all and you know it." Jisung looks at Minho while he chuckles at him and grabs a glass for some water. "Seriously, why are you home early?"
"I just wanted to come home early and not do something for once. Catch up on sleep. Be lazy."
"We can play, if you want?"
"Eh." Minho shrugs after drinking some water. "Maybe later."
"I'm also surprised—" Jisung shakes his head. "Nevermind."
"Say it."
"No, you'll kill me and Y/N isn't around to save me."
"What, she's still in class?" Minho asks with a chuckle, confused at how long your pottery class actually was.
"No, she's out shopping for a dress."
"Alone? Shouldn't someone be with her if she's gonna be out for a bit?"
"Someone is with her." Jisung mumbles as he pours some of his soup appetizer into a bowl.
"And it's not you?" Jisung shakes his head. "Chan?" Jisung shakes his head again. "Seungmin? Why on earth would you leave her with Seungmin, though?"
"I didn't leave her with Seungmin. I didn't leave her anywhere, she just had other plans." Jisung grabs his food and tries to head up to his room. Which, he successfully does, but Minho is following closely behind. "Gonna watch some streams since you don't wanna play, see ya—" Minho kicks his foot out to stop his door from closing.
"Why are you acting so weird?" Minho nods at him and furrows his brows. "You're the one who told me to stop being weird when it comes to Y/N, you little hypocrite."
"I'm not being weird!"
"You are!"
"She's in good hands, alright? It's fine."
"She's with San, isn't she?"
"I never even said anything. "
"See, you're being fucking weird for no reason."
"Well, I don't know? It's kinda weird to tell you!"
"This was your idea in the first place, remember?" Minho sighs and crosses his arms. "I just wanted to know if she was okay. Besides, how do you know if she's in good hands with San? He doesn't even know anything about her like that."
"You really think JJ wouldn't have said anything to him?"
"I don't think so?"
"He's one of JJ's really good friends, I think he might know some portion of it."
"Then, he's not any better than you and I, is he?" Minho cocks his head to the side and looks at him.
"Please don't do that." Jisung sighs. "She's fine, okay? He seems cool. I think we can give him a little more than that."
"What's your plan behind this one?"
"Don't even say it like that, dude. For real." Jisung's brow is slightly furrowed, though this is something he fully expects from Minho. "I just thought it'd be cool for her to hang out with other people too. It doesn't hurt."
"Hm." Minho hums as he turns on his heel and walks towards his room.
"Where are you going?"
"Change of plans. Gonna head to the studio and work on some stuff."
"Wait, you're not upset, are you?" Jisung pouts a bit. He really didn't mean to make Minho upset even though he knows you're still a very sensitive subject to him. Plus, Jisung doesn't want this to spiral out of control. He'll give you some time, but he will tell you everything. He will.
"Upset?" Minho slings his bag over his shoulder and gives him a tiny pursed smile. "No. Can't be." There's a drip of sarcasm in his tone because of course he can't be. There's so many truths, feelings, opinions, clinging onto that statement alone. He's trying to convince himself that he can't be, but also, he knows this is the response he'd immediately get from everyone around him. And he hates that.
Because no matter what, they will never understand you two. They will never understand the thoughts, the feelings, that occupy his mind day in and day out— especially since the accident happened.
He feels.
No one seems to know that.
But to simply answer Jisung's question, yes. He is upset. He really hopes you're okay and that San is taking care of you. It's the least he can fucking do after charming you the way he did. He's upset because of many other things, he's upset because he finds himself dwelling on the past much longer than he needs to. He finds himself sinking into all the 'what if's' — finding it hard to focus on his present, to look forward to his future.
He's constantly sinking, with nothing in reach.
He heads to the studio just like he tells Jisung, but he doesn't have class. There's nothing scheduled at the studio, so there shouldn't be anyone around.
It's fine.
That's what he needs right now, anyway. Space to do his own thing, space to dance out all the frustrations. Space to shake off all this shit.
When he gets to the studio, he parks his car and unlocks the door with his own key; tossing his bag off to the side as he steps into the room. He instantly connects his phone to the speakers, blasting his more upbeat playlist throughout the room. He stretches as the mirrors vibrate to the beat of the song currently playing, lights dim and barely illuminating the space.
He lets everything go.
He just needs to, momentarily.
He lets the vibration sink through his body, letting it flow through in waves— just like with everything that's been happening. It's the only way he's been able to process. He has some choreography he needs to finish up before next class but that's the last thing on his mind right now.
The first wave, Minho felt numb. He couldn't believe how everything happened so quickly. You were just in front of him— only to be snatched away hours later. He wasn't sure what to do, how to gain power to change time, didn't know what life would be like with you. It was all too much to process knowing you were almost taken from him completely.
The second wave, Minho was angry, upset, frustrated; all the time. He had no outlet, and as fucked up as it sounds, this is how he brought Kat closer. He felt empty, he felt angry with himself, he felt like he needed some validation. Something to tell him he wasn't entirely at fault, that he was still a person who could be needed, wanted; that he wasn't a bad person although he did need to take ownership for some things at some point.
The third wave that he's currently riding, Minho has nothing else to give. Nothing else to process. He feels useless, powerless— he can't change time or bring anything back. There is simply nothing there and he doesn't know how to work with that in order to move forward. What can he change, how can he do better, when no one believes he can change and do better for you? No one wants to give him that. And quite frankly, they're slowly convincing him that he can't even give himself that.
Maybe it'll go back to the first wave and he'll go back to being numb. But Minho doesn't know what's worse— being numb because it's too much to process, or being numb because there is nothing else to process; nothing else to change, nothing to hang onto.
He doesn't know if he'll ever bounce back from this.
Minho is so into his thoughts as he dances without a strict choreo in mind, sweat dripping down his face as he takes a moment to catch his breath. He sits with his back against the mirror, regulating his breathing after consistently moving his body. He takes a quick sip of water, eyes darting to his phone lighting up on the counter. The vibration is cutting through the music, making Minho groan in annoyance at the interruption.
kat: roommates are gone
kat: lonely af
kat: can you come over? )):
He thinks about this, and to be honest, he still feels pretty shitty. It's a terrible excuse, but who else can he run to right now? Kat makes him feel good. Kat makes him feel better, at least, enough to push him through in the meantime.
minho: be over in a bit. at the studio.
Kat, however, will never be you. She temporarily fills the void, but she will never be you.
From before, from now.
kat: can u stop by for some food?
minho: i'm only coming by for a bit. i have to be up early tomorrow.
kat: yeah ofc whats new
Minho rolls his eyes as he sets his phone aside and continues to dance around the empty studio for a bit until he feels somewhat content. He drags his duffle bag to the separate staff locker room, quickly using the shower before changing into a fresh pair of sweats and a hoodie. He ruffles his damp hair a bit as he walks out into the fresh night air, tossing his bag into the trunk before making his journey to Kat's apartment.
At this point, he's not entirely in the mood to see her. But, he's here just like he says— and he only plans to stay for a quick minute before he's rushing home.
Just like he says.
"Oh, you really didn't stop by for food." Kat snickers a bit before stepping aside to let him in.
"Why would I when I said no?" Minho confusingly chuckles a bit. "Told you I was only coming for a bit. I'm beat."
"Uh huh." She says. "I missed you." She pouts. "I barely heard from you today." He watches her as she wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips even though he barely returns the effort.
"I was busy."
"You could at least tell me that." She whines as she laces her hand with his.
"Sorry." Is all he can say even though he doesn't really mean it. She is not you; from before, from now. "I'll let you know next time." He follows up and uses it as leverage to kiss her again. "I'm here now, aren't I?" He says in between kisses, sinking into her touch and her lips when she lets out soft moans against him.
This is right where he needs her to be. This is the release he needs, the temporary void he needs filled.
She knows what this is, for the most part. She knows Minho could never be serious with her, though she tries. Hoping one day, he will. Hoping one day, he'll finally move past you and give her a shot.
But, he won't. He never will. And if the accident taught him one thing, it's the fact that he will never, ever give you up again.
She takes the lead and rushes him to the room, clothes flying in all directions until they're decorating the floor. She pushes him onto the bed, legs dangling off the edge while she crouches down and wraps her lips around his length. He hisses a bit, fingers laced in her hair as he pushes her down more, and more.
'Till she takes all of him.
He can't deny that it feels amazing, but he doesn't wanna leave it at that. He's not always a taker, only if Kat reassures that she wants to please him and him only. So, before he feels himself reaching his peak, Minho gently tugs her head off— praising her as he gets her on all fours. He's not wasting any time, no. He enters her and bottoms out quick, finding the perfect rhythm in no time.
He needs to get out.
He doesn't necessarily take his time as much as Kat wants him to. She's screaming his name like a mantra, head pushed against her pillow while Minho continues to do his work behind her. It doesn't take long before she's like putty in his hands and he's stupidly pulling out to spill his seed all over her ass, back.
He needs to get out. Now.
So, he comes back down from his high, regulates his breathing and hops off her bed. He's quickly throwing his clothes back on while Kat is confusingly doing the same. She's asking him why he's been doing this lately, and he doesn't really know how to explain to her that he's just feeling more and more disconnected to this whole thing— to her. She's still continuing though; arms crossed tightly against her chest as she follows Minho out to the door, tears threatening to spill over her bottom lid. He's not focused on her, to be honest, and he's exhausted. Not much is registering for him besides his lazy 'I'm sorry's' and 'I'll spend more time with you the next time I'm over.' But the one thing that does snap him out of everything is when Kat asks—
"It's because of Y/N isn't it?" He stops in his tracks right as he's about to swing the door open and turns over his shoulder to glare at her. "Ever since she woke up—"
"Don't." He says sternly. "You don't get to do that." His jaw clenches. "Do me a favor and don't bring Y/N up again." He swings the door and slams it shut, suddenly feeling emptier than he did before he got here.
Maybe this wave would be the hardest.
"Are you going to come with us to the hospital to visit Y/N tomorrow?" Minho shakes his head at Seungmin.
"Probably not. You guys can go without me." He says softly as he scribbles some notes into his notepad for the small, upcoming café renovations.
"You sure?" Seungmin softly asks and all Minho can do is nod without meeting his eyes. Seungmin lets out a soft sigh before he grabs his keys sitting on the dining room table. "Gotta head back into the office really quickly to drop something off. See you later?"
"Yeah." Is all Minho says, still avoiding contact until Seungmin is out of the door. He lets out a deep sigh, dropping his pen onto the notepad.
He doesn't even remember what he needed to write.
He checks the time on his watch, hand close to hitting 4 o'clock. He groans to himself, shutting his notebook before grabbing his own keys from the other end of the kitchen table.
He hopes he doesn't regret this.
Though, he kinda does when he slaps the visitor tag on his sweater and proceeds to your room. Then, it grows when he stands at your doorway and sees you lying perfectly still on your bed. He digs his hands into his pockets and remains there for a moment, afraid to move closer, yet his feet aren't taking him away from your room. He musters up the courage about a min later, slowly walking towards your bed side.
Even through all the pain and hurt you've been through, you still looked so, so angelic.
"Hey." He says, close to a whisper— voice slightly cracking because he doesn't know what he's feeling right now as he looks at you. Is he angry at himself for coming here when things were't changing anytime soon? Is he angry he could've done better? Is he angry for the way the universe is playing such a sick fucking joke on him right now?
Because you're in reach and out of reach at the same time.
Minho gains more courage to pull his chair closer to your bedside so that he doesn't have to lean too far to get a good look at you. The only sounds filling the room are the beeping machines and the people passing in the hallway outside.
"Y/N." He calls your name as he gently brushes the hair back and away from your face. "Hope you're doing okay." He feels so stupid. Why would he say that? His thumb caresses your cheek before it slides down to your hand. It isn't too cold, but the warmth in your body has subsided.
The warmth in your body is fighting to stay.
"I-I—" He pauses to lick his lips. "I miss you." No response. "God, I miss you." He feels the tears welling up and his head drops. He holds your hand tightly and squeezes, hoping he can feel anything on your end.
But, nothing.
"I'm so sorry." He whispers just as he's remembering every detail about you, the moments he's shared with you, the feelings, your touch—
The way you smile, the way you laugh.
The way you always kiss his fingers and look at him in pure adoration.
The way you bring the sun and blue skies into every room.
"I fucked up and I'm so, so sorry." He continues to whisper as he cries harder, head falling near your lap as he continues hold your hand. "I'm so sorry." He repeats.
He should've kept his word.
He should've done better.
He should've protected you.
"I should've done better. I shouldn't have let you go, and I'll never forgive myself for being so fucking stupid." He looks up at you through his teary eyes before returning his head back near your lap. "I get it. I would never want you to be in pain. Or, to hurt. All I want is for you to be okay. But, if you can at least hear me right now—" He pauses as his crying intensifies. "Please don't give up on me. I know I fucked up and I know I have no right to ask you for this, but please don't leave me." It's barely audible through his crying, but he's hoping it will somehow reach you. "Please don't leave me."
☁︎ END
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♡ taglist: @lotus-dly​ @jihanlovic​ @meloncremesoda​ @hoes4lino​ @skzddicted​ @skzho @edgaralienpoe​ @harui-zen​ @bestleeknowstan​ @havenwithleeknow​ @septicrebel​ @heesdazed​ @borahae-reads​ @yoontaethings​ @pearbunny​ @bintificreads​ @lukeys-giggle​ @ajxreads @everglowdaisies​ @allaboutsan​ @endzii23​ @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000​ @morningstardada​ @mal-lunar-28​ @downbadreading​ @lilysophie @feelikecinderella​ @urmomma0324​ @ddazed-lhs​ @djeniryuu​ @melanctton​ @i8rsie​ @maru-matt​ @sleepyleeji​ @taerifin​ @nattisbored​
273 notes · View notes
jezabelle9299 · 3 months
Stress Baking pt.3 S.R x fem!Reader
Quick Notes- More super cute fluff, Reader's boss sucks. Reader is taking an art-focused chemistry class, and is kind of struggling. (I wish I could be good at science so bad but I am endlessly confused.)
1 hour left. Then you get to go home, shower, and way overthink everything Penelope said to you. You were just finishing some of your paperwork when your boss came up to your desk. You plastered on a big fake smile in greeting. 
“Y/N. I don’t know what you did, but those BAU boys seem to like you.” Oh cool, he wasn’t going to yell at you, just condescend. And write off the accomplishments of the female agents. Great. 
“That’s nice.”
“Well Maria called in sick, and honestly, it’s probably best if they can keep going with the same person all night. So I need you to pull a double shift, alright?” Awesome. This is just awesome. He wasn’t really asking. Saying no would get you a lecture on being a team player, and an hour of hell while he tries to make you feel guilty. Staying would mean exhaustion, but in addition to being able to afford your tuition for the semester, you could splurge on some online shopping. Plus at least the overnight shift was quiet, not much call for a receptionist at 1 in the morning. You grit your teeth and pretend this isn’t a huge inconvenience as you reply. 
“Sure! Shift ends at 3am right?” He gave a vaguely affirmative shrug and walked off. Nice, really feeling the appreciation. You were in for the long haul now, so you walked over to the break room for some more coffee. 
You were alone in the breakroom, so you popped in some headphones to try and get your energy up. With music blasting at eardrum-rupturing volume, you tossed one more look over your shoulder to make sure no one else was there. Confident you were alone, you started quietly singing along as you got the coffee started. Then you reached for your favorite mug, which someone had unfortunately put on the top shelf, just barely out of reach. When you got up on your toes to try and reach it, a hand came from behind you, and grabbed it for you. Your balance was not great in this position, and that startled you just enough to knock you off balance. A strange man’s hand coming out of nowhere, right in your space, then before you knew it your ankle gave way and the same hand that startled you was wrapped around your waist as you let out a frankly embarrassing yelp. That was followed by an even more embarrassing fit of manic laughter as he touched the ticklish part of your hip when he props you back up. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I thought you heard me come in, I didn’t mean to startle you- and then, uh-touch. I’m so sorry.” He was freaking out about his, actually very welcome touch, so you attempted to be cool and reassuring. Even though you were totally freaking out too, for a completely different reason.
“It’s ok! It’s really-it’s fine. I was just distracted, and was listening to some loud music so I didn’t hear you.” But it was totally awkward now, both of your faces redder than a tomato. He backed away quickly after making sure you were back on balance, but you could still feel the heat of his closeness. And oh my god he smelled good. You searched for a change of subject while he got the mug down and set it gently on the counter in front of you. 
“So-um Dr.Reid, how are things going in there with you guys?” You started pouring some coffee, grabbing one of the precinct mugs for Dr.Reid and pouring some coffee for him as well. 
“Oh! Thank you that’s really-you’re really-nice. It’s going alright, I think we’re getting close. Our boss is filing a warrant request now, and we hope to find a pretty good break. Also you-uh you don’t have to call me doctor, just Spencer is fine.” Well if that wasn’t the most perfect name. 
“That’s nice, Spencer, it’s a good name for you. And, I’m glad the investigation is going well.” He blushed at the complement as he passed you the sugar.
“Not that I’m not happy to talk to you, but haven’t you been here a while? I figured you would’ve had a shift change by now.” 
“Oh yeah, the reception desk has a different shift schedule than the officers, so it’s easier to pass on messages in stuff. My shift was supposed to end in an hour, but the next girl called in sick. So it looks like you guys are stuck with me until 3!” 
“That’s great us-I mean you know the team, because you know you’re very- very good at your job” You couldn’t help but smile, both at the compliment and his flusteredness. You really liked him, and after your conversation with Penelope you thought maybe he liked you too. Now you were near certain. 
“So-um, what are you working on?” It took you a second to realize what he meant, as you’d gotten distracted by the very urgent matter of staring at his forearms while he stirred his coffee. 
“Hm? Oh, I’m just studying. I’m working on my degree right now, but I have this chemistry class as part of it and it is not my strong suit. The class I’m taking is chemistry in art conversation, so super cool, but super difficult.” 
“That is really cool, I could help you, if you like. I have a PhD in chemistry. And engineering. And mathematics. But I could help you study.” He looked more nervous with every accomplishment he mentioned, even though that only made him more compelling to you. 
“Really? That would be amazing, but I don’t want to tear you away from your work.”
“It’s fine, we have to wait for the warrant request to be approved before we can do anything else anyway. So I’m…all yours for the next half hour or so.” All yours? You couldn’t help but smile at that idea. Even though the reality was probably going to be you two, sitting a professional distance apart, as you fumble through flashcards in the middle of the precinct for all to see. But the chance to spend more time with Spencer was well worth that particular embarrassment. You looked up at him so he could see your appreciation of the offer on your face.
“That would be great! Thank you so much, Spencer.” you just had to try out his first name again, it just felt…right saying it. 
“I’ll pull up an extra chair to my desk and meet you there?” you offered, grabbing your mug from the counter. 
“Yeah, I’ll be right there as soon as I check in with the team, just to let them know where I’ll be.” You gave a quick nod and started the walk back to your desk. This was your chance if there ever was one. You just wished Penelope was close enough for you to ask her advice before he came back. 
You wanted him to help you. You thought his name suited him. You were wonderful. You were single. 
He got most of that from just being near you for the past hours, the last part however, came straight from Penelope. After plenty of relentless teasing from Derek and Emily after your first meeting, she pulled him into her makeshift cave for the ensuing interrogation. 
“Boy wonder, finally, you’re here. I only have like 3 minutes until this program is done, since this ancient system is keeping me from doing anything else in the meantime. So let’s hurry this along. You’re like in love with that sweet little receptionist right?”
His cheeks flamed and he knew he was caught. Derek teased him about almost every woman he talked to, but Penelope had never done this before. He had to make some attempt to be cool. 
“What? Garcia, no?” He squeaked it out at twice his usual speaking pace though, with his voice even cracking halfway through. She saw right through him, rolling her eyes, and setting down the pen she was holding.
“Ok, I may only be a profiler by association, but you totally love her. And thanks to my fantastic sleuthing I found out she’s single. So go forth and live happily ever after, thank me later.” With that her computer chimed and she shoved him back out the door just in time to see you disappear into the break room.
He was walking back to the conference room to tell them where he'd be as quickly as he could without raising suspicion. He didn’t tell them about what happened in the break room, in an effort to minimize the teasing so that he could get back to you quickly. Although Derek still clapped him on the back for his “game”. 
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOCHES!!! Hii darling !! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
ohmigosh i swear whenever you respond to my asks, my brain exploded with ideas its crazy and i love u sm for it <33 but anyways this kinda tied down to my recent brainrot b4 this, so since fragile!reader was in a coma for hundreds of years, the first time they probably tried getting out of bed and walking on their own two feet was probably an absolute failure 😭 fragile!raedrr probably looked like a baby deer learning how to walk for the first time. to say it was cute but also embarrassing is an understatement. also THATS SO TRUE! reader would literally beg Zandik and every single clone to go outside to see Snezhnaya, but since their health is so fragile it’s such a huge risk that they can’t take :(( so they’re usually just looking out the window to see if they can even catch a glimpse of Snezhnaya’s city. also adding onto Zandik being more mature and different from the Akademiya, reader probs has so so many questions on what happened while they slept, like what do you mean he has power that can match even the gods?! fragile!raeder would probably be so amazed but also scared that their own lover, THE Zandik, the outcast from Sumeru, turned to become the 2nd Harbinger, and have so much strength. ALSOOOO lifting up his mask and seeing the new scars littered on his face </3 reader would probably be so worried and ask “does it still hurt?” AHHHH it’s past 12 AM but this man has had such a grip on me the whole day. Currently sick rn, hopefully I’ll get better. But ANYWAYS I love you so so much smooches make sure you take breaks and stay healthy in college I know it must be really stressful. Just know I’ll be giving you a bunch of chu chus. <33
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon ౨ৎ
HI 🎐 ANON!! <33 I'm so glad I inspired you wabdbedbdw that's so cute ily more ❤️❤️ And RELATABLE 🎐 ANON i can't go a day without thinking of this crazy doctor man smh,, and omg i hope you feel better 😭 i'm responding a bit late but hopefully you feel better by now!! Make sure to rest a lot and don't push yourself okay? Staying up until 12 AM isn't good for you!! 😤🥺 Thank you luckily I've been coping well in college, it's just that is SO!! hot and walking to class has me sweating hard unfortunately 😅 Anyway- MOVING ON TO DOTTORE!!
I didn't even think about that- poor fragile reader would have to relearn SO many basic things. At first you'd be stubborn about accepting help - because well... obviously you feel embarrassed and upset that you need help doing something that should be easy to you, from a man as powerful as Dottore nonetheless - but... eventually you have to. At least baby Zandy holds your hand the whole time to steady you ❤️
YEAAA the clones and Dot probably can guess what you are about to say with EASE when you come up to them with a pleading "🥺" expression. They really do feel bad about rejecting you, especially when your shoulders droop and you let out that little dejected sigh that they've gotten used to hearing... You just want to know about the world outside, to explore just like how you once used to in the Akademiya... to venture into the unknown with your beloved. At least there are some really pretty picture books of Snezhnaya, and they always bring you souvenirs from their expeditions <33
Reader would be literally bouncing off the walls in excitement when they hear all of the stories Zandik has to tell 🥺 They want EVERY piece of the story down to the most minuscule detail. I mean, how could you not want the whole story when he went from this random guy in the Akademiya to a HARBINGER? In the Fatui? Those same people who used to watch y'all in the desert and forest?? 😨 And now you're saying this whole lab and space belongs to you too? Zandik, we have hundreds of years of catching up to do and you're not letting him go until he recounts everything <33
OH MY GOD THE SCARS😭😭 TEARSSS I didn't think about how he'd get the scars after you fell asleep- you would be wondering why he wears that mask nonstop until he finally relents and lets you take it off... :( your heart would just break as you softly kiss the scarred skin and trace it with your fingers. It probably doesn't hurt anymore but it aches when you touch it so tenderly...
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so I was looking thru ur pinned post and saw that u wrote for Harry Potter and was wondering if you would do a fic for George Weasley? ( fem reader pls) but basically, I was just kind of thinking of an introverted Gryffindor who loves books and George meets them and they both (very obvious to others) have a crush on each other? Maybe George just asks them for book recs even tho he had no interest in reading before just so he can find a way to talk to the reader? I know you have a lot of fics in the making so take ur time please<3
A HP REQUEST?? This is amazing I'm so excited to be branching out from maze runner again, and I absolutely love this request it's super cute ❤❤. Ty for being so kind and sweet as well :)
Umm :D So I wrote the above ^^^ response as soon as the request came in and now... IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS IM SO SORRY ANON!! Hope you're still out there to read 😭
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It's a love story
George Weasley x fem!reader
I am not British *thumbs up in australian* so prepare either for out-of-place non-british dialogue or cringe attempts to fit into the universe. idk which one it's gonna be so I guess we'll find out
3.1k words
Warnings: language (swearing)
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You turn the corner and register a flash of red hair before colliding hard with a body.
You groan as you sit up, staring around to see your books have been knocked out of your arms and onto the floor.
"Fuck, sorry, listen I've gotta-"
You turn in surprise as Filch marches down the corridor, fist raised with an expression of rage on his face.
"Shit," you whisper.
"Yeah," says the person who knocked you over, who you've now found is none other than George Weasley. Of course, the guy you've kinda sorta maybe liked for years is only talking to you after literally bowling you over.
"Here." He points his wand and charms all your books into little palm-sized rectangles, before gathering them up and stuffing them in his pockets. "We've gotta go."
"Where?" you stare around the empty corridor, unable to find a decent hiding spot.
"Follow me." George leads you over to a dusty-looking tapestry and ducks behind it.
"What the-"
"Come on!" he reaches out and grabs your hand, tugging you in.
You stumble through the gap between the tapestry and the wall, practically falling into George's chest.
"Sorry," you mutter, and you're glad it's dark because you can feel your face blushing like crazy.
"I know you're 'round 'ere, Weasley," you hear Filch snarl from outside.
You hear him muttering to himself as his footsteps eventually recede, and you let out a breath. "He's gone."
You turn to push through the tapestry to get out, only to be met with a thin slab of solid stone. "What-"
George winces. "Yeah, once you get in here it closes for about half an hour."
"Half an hour?" you repeat incredulously.
You can barely see his nod in the dark. "I mean, one of them closes for two hours once you get in, so half isn't too bad."
There's beat of silence, before, "Lumos."
The tip of George's wand lights up, illuminating the small space. "Oh, it's you," he says, seemingly on instinct the moment the light appears.
He seems to catch himself, shaking his head. "Nevermind, just- Here, sit down."
You sit down on the floor with your legs crossed, heart skipping a beat as your knee brushes against his in the cramped space.
"We're in the same Transfiguration class, aren't we?" asks George.
"Yeah." You're pleasantly surprised by that. You tend to be pretty quiet in class, mostly keeping to yourself.
"You're always the first person to get a new transfiguration successfully. Bird to glass on the first try, right?"
"I- yes," you say, warming at the recognition of the hard work you've always put into Transfiguration.
He nods. "Took me the whole lesson to get that one right. Hey, I never caught your name in class?"
"It's L/n," you say. "Y/n L/n."
"Good to meet ya, Y/n," he grins. "I'm George."
"I know," you can't help but say, smiling slightly.
"Oh, your books." George empties his pockets of your miniaturised books. "Engorgio." He waves his wand over them, changing them back to their normal size.
"Thanks," you say, pulling them towards you and stacking them up.
"You read a lot?"
You smile to yourself, picturing the dozens of books you go through in a term. "Just a bit."
"Sure," says George, eyeing the four novels sitting in front of you now.
Before long, you reach out and push against the tapestry, finding it to be cloth again instead of stone.
"Time to go?" George stands and pushes through, and you follow him into the corridor.
"Finally," you say, stretching before grabbing your books.
"Sorry about earlier," says George with a sheepish smile. "And for trapping you for half an hour."
You shake your head. "It's okay."
He grins at you. "Alright then, see you 'round, Y/n."
You stand still, rooted to the ground as he leaves, waving behind him, and something in you clicks. Oh shit.
Any thoughts about George a put aside for the night when you settle down with your book.
The common room late at night is your happy place. Most people are sleeping in the dorms, save for a couple 6th years finishing their assignments.
You tune out their little whisperings as you sit beside the crackling fire, and you can just pretend you're alone in the common room, getting lost in your book.
Before long, you're actually alone, with the remaining people all retreating to their dorms - except for one that you haven't noticed.
George is sitting across the room, barely paying attention to the essay he's meant to be editing. Every so often, he glances up at you without you noticing.
After years of sharing the same Transfig class, something about you has piqued George's interest, though he's always tried to mark it down as pure curiosity.
He can't believe it's taken literally knocking you to the ground to get your attention, and he doesn't understand how he hadn't properly met you before earlier that day. But now, he can't seem to resist the strange pull you have on him.
Get yourself together, you've only met once, idiot. George frowns as he silently berates himself, but he can't help but watch as you repeatedly flick away a strand of hair that keeps falling into your eyes.
Fuck it. Go talk to her.
George stands abruptly, nearly knocking over a goblet in the process.
You, the oblivious centre of all his thoughts for the past few hours, are still just sitting beside the fire, reading your book.
You jerk slightly in surprise, grabbing your book as it starts sliding out of your lap.
"Um, hi. What's up?" you manage to say coolly.
George blanks. He hadn't exactly come in with a plan. He glances down at the assignment he'd been working on; good enough. "Did you finish that work Flitwick gave us?"
"I haven't yet," you say slowly, slightly confused as to why he's here. "I've just gotta write a conclusion and edit the rest."
"I haven't got a clue how to write the damn conclusion," says George, flopping down beside you and complaining about the rigid essay structure.
You realise as he's talking that it's strangely intimate. Earlier, you'd been sitting on the floor with your back leaning on a couch and your knees up, braced against the coffee table.
Now, you're both wedged between said couch and table, and despite the generous space between the two of you, you feel oddly close to him.
"Can I read yours?" he asks, pointing to where your assignment has been sitting since you gave up and decided to just read your book.
"Sure," you say, sliding it to him.
He leans against the couch as he skims your work, fingers tapping absent-mindedly.
"God you write like a professor, Y/n," comments George. "...the fuck are all these words- incandescence?"
"I... read a little," you say with a little smile, cheeks warming at the way your name sounds in his mouth.
He glances up at you. "This is brilliant. So you've just got the conclusion to do?"
You nod, taking back the assignment as he pushes it to you.
You end up staying up way longer than you'd intended, talking to George as the conversation topic quickly strays away from any Charms essays.
By the time you go to your dorms, you haven't even finished your conclusion.
"Mate, you're not nearly as subtle as you think you are," says Fred, elbowing his brother.
George elbows him right back. "What're you on about?"
"The staring," says Fred, grin teasing. "It's getting embarrassing. If whatever little crush you've now got starts affecting my reputation, we're gonna have to have a chat about this twin thing."
George rolls his eyes. "Git."
"So..." Fred drags out the word. "Who is it then?"
He jerks his chin towards the group of girls on the other side of the Gryffindor breakfast table, where George had been conspicuously staring at you all morning.
"The one on the left - Y/L/N, she's in our Transfig class."
"Oh!" says Fred, eyes lighting up in understanding. "Oh she's great, I did a project with her once. Quiet type, bookish. Fun, though. Pretty, too," he adds, raising an eyebrow at George.
"Shut it," retorts George. "What should I do then?"
"I don't fuckin' know Georgie, just go talk to her. Ask for book recommendations or something."
"That's... actually a decent idea."
" 'course it is," says Fred. "Anything to get you guys together as fast as possible so I don't have to deal with your lovesick horsecrap."
A Quidditch game has just finished (Gryffindor victory, of course), and you're avoiding the inevitable party in the common room. You can enjoy parties on a good day, but you're just not feeling it right now.
So you're in the library, wandering around as you wait for dinner.
"Y/n!" You turn to see George doing a weird half-run toward you, not wanting to be yelled at for running in the library.
"Oh, George. Hey."
"I figured you'd be in here," he says.
"You figured...?"
"Well," he raises an eyebrow at you. "Since you read a little."
You huff out a soft laugh, shaking your head. "So why were you looking for me?"
You try to listen as he speaks, but you're immediately distracted by just about everything about him.
His cheeks are flushed red, probably cause he just transitioned from the cold outside to the heated library, and his hair is windswept and slightly wet from melted snowflakes.
He's gotten rid of his Quidditch gear, but it's strange to see him in just the casual clothes students usually wear in the dorms and common room again.
And he's still speaking. Pay attention, Y/n.
"Anyways, I just wanted to find you, cause you know, hobbies... and literature, are really... important. And the Christmas holidays are coming up. So I just wanted to ask if you had any recommendations."
You frown slightly as you remember it's only the start of November, and he barrels on, almost seeming nervous.
"For books, I mean. To read, over the holidays. I don't, uh- come in here very often, so I don't know what's good. You seemed like a good person to ask." He scrubs a hand over the back of his neck as he speaks, giving you a hopeful smile.
"I am," you say with a smirk. You straighten up confidently, banishing any nervousness because books; books you can do.
"Great," says George. "What've you got for me, Y/L/N?"
"Well what kind of books do you like?"
His grin falters. "Um-"
"Fiction, non-fiction, stories, biographies?"
"Sure." You navigate to another aisle, moving into the more fiction-y section. "Action, ooh- historical, adventure, romance?" You lift an eyebrow at the last one.
"I-" He clears his throat, and you smile slightly to yourself. "Action is good, I think," he says uncertainly.
You scan the shelf currently at your eye level, before picking out a book. "I love this one," you tell him. "Pretty fast paced, which might be good for you. Also, dragons."
"Dragons," he repeats. "Great."
"How many books are you looking for?" you ask.
"Just one, I think. I wanna... get into reading, before the holidays start."
"Sure," you say, holding the book out to him.
It's like sun breaking through, when he smiles in return. "Do you think we could meet up?" he begins. "To talk about the book once I've read it?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," you smile. "And you have to tell me what you like, so I can recommend you the next one."
Ever since giving George that first book you've started seeing him almost every day.
The two of you can be found huddled together in the little nooks around the library, or behind the greenhouses, or down by the lake, talking about books and school and everything in between.
But soon the holidays arrive, and you're saying goodbye to him and the rest of your friends.
Your parents are being forced to travel a lot over Christmas for work, so the first month of the holiday flies by in a whirlwind of tea in the morning with the few remaining students in Hogwarts, long peaceful walks on the grounds, and lots and lots of reading.
You've devoured a row of books in the library by the time Christmas has passed, and you've planned to go through another row, when George materialises in the common room one day, two weeks after Christmas.
"George?" you exclaim, spotting him in the common room.
He turns as he hears your voice, and his face splits into a wide grin. Without hesitation, he runs up to you and pulls you into a hug, lifting you just slightly above the floor.
Your heart swells as his laughter rings in the air, and suddenly everything is complete.
"I missed you so much," you tell him, almost surprised at your own admission. Truth is, Hogwarts is beautiful during Christmas, but it's a little lonely with everyone else having gone home.
George's responding smile is worth the wait though, and he tosses an arm around your shoulder as he leads you out of the common room.
"C'mon, it's a Hogsmeade day. No time to waste!"
The two of you settle down at a table in the Three Broomsticks, grabbing Butterbeers as you go.
"Alright then, Weasley. Did you get through the holiday book I got you?"
He smiles. "I did. And you know what I was thinking when I read it?"
"Y/n would hate Chaolie, and she'd love Alosia."
You blink in surprise. "I- yeah, those are my exact thoughts on the book."
George smirks. "See? I know you."
"I mean yeah, I loved every chapter Alosia was in; she's my favourite. Typical, I know, everyone likes the side characters, but god, Allo would've been so much better as a main character than fucking Chaolie. G.T.L. is brilliant- we know that, she fits insane arcs and storylines into a single book, but please,-"
George listens, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth, as you continue rambling animatedly about the book, your hands gesturing enthusiastically as you speak.
"And the cover: gorgeous. You know stories like this can have the silliest cover art if they're not done well, and the choice to go almost muggle-style with a non-moving cover is perfect."
You brush a stray piece of hair away from your face, oblivious to the way George tracks the movement, desperately wanting to reach out and tuck it behind your ear for you.
The bell on the door chimes and you look over George's shoulder to see a bunch of familiar redheads walking in.
"Ah, Y/n," says Fred, floating towards your table. "Lovely to finally see you again after having to hear so much about you over Christmas."
You giggle as George thumps his brother with his book, face turning almost as red as his hair. "Stupid- git."
"This is the Y/n?" says Ron, another one of George's brothers.
His sister joins in too. "Ah, so you're the reason we had to come back early."
"Early?" you repeat, confused.
"Enough," snaps George. "Piss off, all of you," he says, fruitlessly shoving his siblings away from your table.
He groans. "Come on Y/n, we're leaving." He tugs on your hand, and you snort as his family's antics as you down the last sip of Butterbeer and hop off your seat.
"Until we meet again, Y/n." Fred salutes you as you exit, and you laugh as you wave to the rest of the Weasleys.
"Sorry about them," says George, slightly pink in the cheeks.
"Don't worry," you laugh. "It's fine. But what did Ginny mean when- hey!"
You're cut off as George yanks off his scarf and starts wrapping it around your neck and face. "...It's cold out," he explains weakly as you give him a look.
You pin him down with your gaze, and he sighs. "Fine."
He grabs your hand and leads you away from the Three Broomsticks, brushing snow off a park bench before sitting down.
Every memory he's had with you, every moment he's spent falling for you, flashes through his head.
The shy smile you had in your first few days of meeting, which he could only describe as cute, the mischievous glint in your eye when you'd almost recommended him a romance book, your laugh that he's memorised the sound of... damn it, he better not fuck this up.
You sit down beside him, giving him a concerned look.
"Okay, here it is," he says abruptly. "I like you."
You blink, caught off guard.
"You're so- you're bright," he says. "There's this light in you, and it's so fucking bright, and people don't see it. I don't get that. But whatever, they don't matter. I just mean, I've been pretty much blinded by you since we met... well, since I knocked you over running from Filch. I- god, fuck this metaphor. The point is, every time I'm not with you, I'm just wishing that I was. Cause I like you, and I wish- I'd hoped, that maybe you like me back?"
You're still silent, your brain trying to catch up with what your ears are hearing.
But George takes the silence differently. "It- it's okay if you don't. You know, I don't want to pressure you, at all. It's completely-"
"George." You take his hand. "I like you too, so damn much. I was just... I've never done this before. I didn't know if I should ask you out, or confess, or anything."
George lets out an incredulous breath. "Oh. Well then."
He rests his forehead against yours. "Y/n, will you do me the great honour of becoming my girlfriend."
You're smiling so much it almost hurts. "I'd love to," you whisper.
It's only on your first date, that you realise; "You know, we've practically be dating this whole time."
"What do you mean?" asks George, digging into his icecream.
"Meeting up, just the two of us. We've been doing it for ages, except we thought it was just book meetings."
The spoon stills halfway to George's mouth. "...fuck."
You snort, "We're both idiots, aren't we."
"Could've saved me so much grief if I'd known we were already dating. It was well shit, overthinking everything over the holidays."
"You mean when you missed me so much you convinced your whole family to come back to school early?"
"Sod off," he replies, nudging your foot and grinning. "You thought it was cute, anyway."
"I did."
There's a beat, before; "Kissing," you say, pointing your spoon at him. "We weren't totally dating, cause we didn't kiss."
"Right," agrees George, nodding. "Speaking of..."
You let out a laugh, setting your icecream down on the table, and then you let him pull you in.
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Alosia, Chaolie, and GTL are just silly little details cause I can't help myself. Thank you for tolerating my self-indulgent easter eggs.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed my first fic in the HP universe <3
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iheartcake123 · 2 years
Hello! I've never placed an order but I've been dreaming up a story for a few days now and I loooove your writing. It would be like Gwi-Nam X female reader, where y/n is not a bully but is definitely one of the rebel students. She secretly smokes in the bathroom, skips classes, gets into trouble and fights - but only when she's messed with (and no one messes with her). Y/n and Gwi-Nam have been together for a while and there's nothing serious, just making out around school (and out) and even not admitting they like each other. Him being totally melted by her but sexually aggressive.
ahh im glad you enjoy my writing!!🥺 here’s your request ~ i hope it’s as close to what you wanted, enjoy!! <3
☁️whipped-yoon gwi-nam☁️
Warnings: smoking, swearing, bullying and a tinyy bit suggestive themes
“you think im going to class?” y/n let out an amused laugh as she held the cigarette up to her mouth “no chance, that science teacher gives me the fucking creeps”
“but didn’t you-” her friend began but y/n cut her off by putting her hand up to pause her.
she could hear crying and laughing.
“can you hear that? i’ll be back in a second” she told her friend as she began to walk towards the noise.
it was in the direction of the construction sight right next to the school.
it didn’t take long until she came across the scene that was unfolding. it was as usual myung-hwan with his gofers bullying people.
it was eun-ji and cheol-soo.
they were both on the floor covered in dirt and with cheol-soo his nose was bleeding. y/n scanned the area and scoffed in disgust to herself.
“what do you think you’re doing?” she spat at myung-hwan who suddenly stopped laughing.
“n-nothing. im just hanging out with my friends, right guys?” myung-hwan smiled brightly as hid friends agreed in an instant. he then kicked cheol-soo to which he looked at the floor giving a small nod “i said right guys?”
he then kicked cheol-soo again while eyeing eun-ji as way to warm her and she nodded her head vigorously.
y/n looked between the two students on the floor and myung-hwan with his gofers. she let out a laugh as she took one final puff of her cigarette before dropping it to the floor and stepping on it.
“how stupid do you think i am?” her face dropped as she stopped her laugh “really? tell me how stupid do you think i am?”
y/n stepped forward to close the gap between her and myung-hwan.
“w-what? i don’t think you’re s-stupid” he nervously answered with a gulp.
“so if you don’t think im stupid then why do you act like it?” she stepped even closer.
“uh” myung-hwan didn’t know what to say.
“and you know the thing is” she leaned forward into his ear before whispering “i really hate bullies”
myung-hwan looked at at her dumbfounded and in an instance she had her hand on his arm before twisting it enough to hurt.
“ow!ow!” he winced in pain as y/n tightened her grip on his arm.
“apologise” she casually said and immediately he apologised.
“i’m sorry. y/n, im r-really so-sorry” he managed to say but y/n just twisted his arm some more.
“not to me, you asshole. to them” she pushed his body towards cheol-soo and eun-ji who were watching with wide eyes.
“im sorry. im really sorry” he breathed out and y/n gestured for the pair to leave, to which they gladly did.
“see? was that so hard?” she smirked pushing him away and letting go of his arm.
myung-hwan held his arm in pain as he cursed under his breathe. his friends watched in silence as y/n then kicked the back of leg with full force causing him to fall to the floor.
“don’t ever bother them again” she warned before slapping the back of his head and walking away from the construction sight from a hurt myung-hwan.
“shit, i got dust on my skirt” she mumbled to herself as she dusted herself off “this is my favourite school skirt aswell, that asshole he-”
her words were cut short after she felt herself being pulled into an area that was covered really well where no one could see. her back hit the wall and she let out a gasp as instinctively she raised her knee to injure whoever had just grabbed her. as her knee came into contact with the person,she realised who it was.
he held his crotch area as he groaned in pain.
“i forgot, you know how to fight” he said between breathes and she rolled her eyes.
“i told you before not to do that. it’s your own fault” she shook her head with a smile.
gwi-nam continued to hunch over in pain and he huffed before doing his best to act like he was okay.
“anyway, why’d you pull me here?” she asked him and he had a cocky look on his face.
a grin appeared on his face as he closed the gap between him and y/n by pressing his lips to hers.
this was something they usually did. make out sessions whenever they both skipped class.
y/n immediately kissed gwi-nam back and after a couple of minutes he moved his lips down to her jaw and then her neck. his hands also began to travel down her body and she stopped them as she pushed him away gently.
“not a chance” she held back a smile looking between gwi-nam’ eyes and lips.
“okay” he answered with a smirk before reconnecting his lips with her neck.
this time he focused on one spot of her neck. he knew neck kissing especially on her sweet spot was something that made her crumble.
“you’re so sexy” he mumbled into her neck causing it to tickle her “so beautiful”
y/n did her best to hide a giggle as she ran her fingers through his soft hair.
gwi-nam’ hands travelled y/n’s body and this time she let him. it was only when his hand began to slip into her skirt when she then stopped him again.
“what did i say?” she tugged his hair to pull him away from her neck.
he had a cocky smiled on his face as he raised an eyebrow. she quickly flipped their positions around so that she was the one pinning gwi-nam against against the wall. gwi-nam only looked at her with an amused look on his face as she then kissed along his jaw down to connect with his lips.
her hands were rested on his neck as he melted into her touch. it always sent a shiver down his spine. y/n then pressed her body onto his and she could feel him freeze up for a second before returning back to normal.
just as things were about to get further heated, she quickly pulled away from him. gwi-nam looked at her hopelessly with disappointed eyes.
“you might want to sort out your situation down there” she teased referring to the bulge that was visible through his trousers.
gwi-nam’ eyes went wide as y/n then grabbed his face before pecking his lips. she then let go and walked away back into the school. as she walked away, a grin plastered on her face.
he was utterly whipped for her.
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ughgoaway · 1 year
so so obsessed with dilf matty and teacher reader!!!! totally not the right time of year, but imagining the nativity play (extremely british primary school behaviour), matty literally not paying attention to any of the bits annie isn't in because he's too busy looking at reader standing at the side directing the kids and cheering them on lol <3
I'm actually so excited that other people like this au, I'm so obsessed with it so I'm glad that obsession is spreading!!
(once again, no proofreading here. just vibes)
oh, I'm not normally an early Christmas person but this is such a sweet idea. Matty knew the nativity was coming up and was silently desperate for her to get a good role. Well, he was silent to Annie, he didn't want to pressure her but he was definitely not silent to the other people in his life.
“But George what if she's cast as like ‘piece of hay’?? I can't have my baby be a piece of hay??” he complains to George in the studio as they are sat behind the mixing board. George sighs and takes his headphones fully off, knowing this isn't going to be a short conversation.
“Matty. She isn't going to be cast as a piece of hay. And if for some unknown reason, she is, she'll be the cutest piece of hay ever okay? You know what's not so cute? When Daddy doesn't finish his album on time and suddenly little Annie has no house. So can we please do some work? George says exasperatedly, but still slightly smiling at his best friend's dramatics.
“Right. Yes. smart.” Matty says and spins his chair back to the desk. 10 seconds of silence pass until Matty gasps dramatically.
“What?” George says looking at him confused.
“What if she gets cast as a pig or something? I can't have my baby dress up as a pig.” matty says, leaning back and staring into the distance on the brink of a crisis.
George just sighs and pats his shoulder.
Anyway, the day the kids actually find out their roles Matty completely forgets and isn't picking Annie up today, Adam is. (perhaps little Hann is in the same school but a different class??) But Matty is in the kitchen washing dishes when he hears the door shut and his daughter's voice shouting out. 
“DADDY!! DADDY WHERE ARE YOU?” Annie says running in the door and furiously trying to take off her coat, shoes and backpack.
“I'm just in the kitchen sweetheart, are you okay? Do you need a hand taking off your shoes?” Matty says walking into the hallway with a tea towel over his shoulder and pink rubber gloves on. Annie had just gotten her first shoes with buckles, insisting she was grown up enough for them, so Matty has to help sometimes when she can't quite get them on or off.
“No, but Daddy guess what!! I'm the star!!” Annie says running up to Matty and staring up at him, bouncing on the spot with excitement.
Matty pauses and looks at her questioningly for a second, wondering if this is a reference to a show he hasn't seen. He doesn't think so, he's quite up to date on paw patrol and he doesn't remember any stars in that. But suddenly it clicks and he gets almost as excited as her.
“No way Annie!! You're the north star??” he asks picking her up. He notices her grumpy scrunched-up face and tilts his head questioningly at her.
“Daddy, I know you're excited but your gloves are wet and it feels icky on my back,” she says trying to wriggle out of his arms. Matty quickly puts her down and apologises and they walk into the kitchen together as Annie babbles on.
“So I am the star, which miss y/n said was a very important role, and I get to do my own song and everything!! It'll be like when you do a show, Daddy!!”
Matty at that moment has to fight every instinct in his body to not start aggressively sobbing at the idea his daughter wants to be like him in any way. He takes a shaky breath and gathers himself enough to respond to her. 
“Wow darling that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! I'll help you learn all your lines for the show and we can invite whoever you want to come and see you, hmm?”
Annie nods and then pulls her “thinking face” (her forehead scrunches and she taps her chin with her finger, it is one of Matty's favourite faces she pulls.) 
“I think I just want you Daddy, too many people will make me nervous,” she says looking at Matty as if she's asking for his approval.
Matty's heart once again swells at the fact that she wants him there at all, He is about to say yes when Annie pipes in once more.
“Oh, can nanny come?? I know she lives far away but I want her to see me be a star!!” she says excitedly.
Matty thinks for a second, considering whether his mum will be able to come down. Then he promptly remembers even if she was busy, she would become un-busy very quickly. “Anything for little Annie!” she’d always say. 
So Matty tells Annie he will ask nanny if she can come. By this point in time, they've been speaking about one topic for 5 minutes, so Annie is bored out of her mind and wants to run off and play.
She tells Matty as such and he watches her run off, his little star.
the night of the play Annie is still at the school, having not come home at the usual time so they could do one final run-through before parents arrived.
Matty and Denise are both dressed and ready to leave the house, "right Matthew have you got the keys?" Denise asked as they stood outside the door just about to shut it.
matty sighs, slightly exasperated with his mum's constant doting.
"yes mum I've got-" he starts patting down his trousers, "oh wait. no, I don't. Two secs" Matty says jogging into the house, whilst Denise nods to herself and tries to hide the grin on her face.
the two of them ride together to the nativity, buzzing with energy. mostly to see Annie… maybe a tiny bit to see you.
all the other parents were on a rota to help the kids practice, but Matty was too busy with tour prep to sign up. Not only did that mean he didn't get to see Annie, but he didn't get to see you directing all the kids.
he already told himself not to stare too hard at you tonight, knowing he'd need the mental reminder because otherwise, he'd miss the whole play.
as he walks in Matty immediately scans the room, he looks out to the sea of excited parents. secretly he thinks, "Yeah your kids are fine, but mine is literally the star of the show."
During his scan, Matty spots the one thing he was really looking for, you. Standing in the corner, chatting and laughing with parents, was you. Matty stared for just a few seconds, completely enamoured with your smile.
An announcement came ringing out that the show was starting so parents took their seats and you walked to the front of the stage.
Matty watched as you looked over the crowd as people settled, the two of you locked eyes quickly. You lift your hand and wave, Matty does the same and the smile on his face grows.
Little does he know Denise is next to him, studying this interaction and looking curiously at the pure joy on her son's face.
You somehow manage to pull your eyes away from Matty and start speaking, “Hello family and friends! Welcome to our nativity play! We've all been working so hard on this play, as many of you know, so I hope you enjoy it! Without further adieu, please prepare to watch the annual *school name* nativity!”
The play begins and Matty settles into his chair to watch the kids. And he does. For about 5 min but he can feel his eyes drifting to you off the side of the stage.
How can his attention not be pulled when you're looking like that? You stand there, and the stage lights illuminate your face in what Matty thinks is the most beautiful way. Your simple green dress falls to your mid shin, and Matty stares at the way the neckline shows off your collarbones. But most of all, it's the beaming smile on your face.
A wide grin spreads over your cheeks, and your eyes glow as you look at the kids. every once in a while, your smile falters, but only because you are absentmindedly mouthing along with their lines. Every time a child's eyes fall on you, you beam and give them a thumbs up. Soon, your hand slides up to your chest, and you hold your hand over your heart as you watch the kids you love so much perform on stage.
He can't keep his eyes off of you, the clear love exuding from you emits such a glow mattys eyes can't help but be drawn to you. But soon he hears a little vice he knows all too well come out on stage.
As soon as he sees her, his eyes well up and his hand shoots up over his mouth as he looks out. Annie in her star costume will be burned into his mind forever, her cubby pink cheeks sticking out of the hole as she smiles and sings might just be the cutest thing Matty has ever seen.
Annie does her song and says her lines perfectly, and Matty feels such a deep sense of pride that he's never felt before. As soon as she's off he turns to his mum only to be met with her already looking at him, tears in her eyes also. They smile and exchange a quick hug before realising it's the final song and everyone is back on stage.
Matty focuses on Annie 99% of the time but his eyes can't help but flick over to you every once in a while. The pride Matty is feeling for Annie you are feeling too, just 30x over. He can see the film of tears over your eyes, the way they shimmer in the light is doing very little to hide your emotions.
The play ends and raucous applause and cheers come from the crowd, Matty stands up and other parents follow suit. He watches Annie's eyes flow over the room, desperate to find him, and they light up when they do. She smiles so wide you can see her missing tooth at the back of her mouth. She waves furiously at Matty and Denise and bounces to get off the stage and see them.
Matty and Denise wait out on the playground, Matty with a cigarette in hand despite his mum's scolding. 
“DADDY! NANNY!” Matty immediately turns to the voice and doesn't get too much warning until a small star comes shooting into his arms. 
“Woah!! Hey little superstar! You were amazing up there!!” Matty says before pressing kisses all over her face. She giggles the whole time and both Matty and Denise can't hide their smiles at her laughter.
As soon as Matty finishes Annie starts chattering away to Denise all about her role and how she had to learn lines, Matty was paying attention until he saw you walk out in his periphery.
He watches you chat with parents and soon gets lost, just staring at you. Until he feels Annie being taken out of his arms, then his attention is definitely back as his head shoots around just to see Denise grabbing her. 
“Go on love, go talk to y-” she catches herself before she says your real name in front of Annie, “Miss y/n. I'm sure she wants to talk to you too” She shoots him a wink and begins chatting with Annie.
He nods dumbly and walks over, catching you just as you finish your conversation.
“Matty! Hi!” you say, clearly shocked at his presence.
“Hi! Sorry to come and bother you, but I just wanted to say how great the nativity was. You did an amazing job with them all. Sorry I couldn't help during the week, but I'm sure the play was better off without me!”
You laugh and lightly slap Matty's shoulder, “Don't worry, you're crazy busy being a rockstar. We managed to survive without your acting tips.” you tease. Before your eyes flick behind him briefly, “although we probably could used your mum, the famous Denise Welch? The kids would been on Waterloo Road in no time” you finish with a cheeky smile.
Matty smiles back and is going to retort but before he can Annie shows up, grabbing his hand and dragging him away, saying something about his promise to get fish and chips after the show.
He smiles apologetically at you, and you wave his apology off before actually waving goodbye. A wave he dumbly imitates as he gets dragged by his 5-year-old.
blurb masterlist here!!
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bchanslvr · 2 years
hey! can i please request some fluff with harry potter? it can be anything you want! 💘
strawberry shortcake [hp x fem!reader]
word count — 2k (2, 954)
warnings — kissing, anxiety? overal no warnings
summary — you get a bad score and your loving boyfriend comes to the rescue to comfort you.
a/n — thank you for the request!! i couldn't think of an idea so i just came up with one from my own life. basically i had this test that i failed so my math grade from a b to a d.. and so i thought why not just use that and your request to create a fluffy harry x reader where he comforts the reader after a bad grade. i hope you enjoy. also i think i'd like to start writing on here again. and i swear i'll actually do ideas that you guys send me so please send any interesting ideas for me to do. also i tried to check for all grammar errors but im only human after all <3
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you felt like your eyes were going to bulge out of your head when you saw your history of magic score. god save me, you thought.
you were stupid. you had a week to study, yet like you always do, you procrastinated and studied for 15 minutes before going to sleep.
and of course the material didn't stick in your head, so you got a poor score on the test. gosh not even poor, it was a tragedy. 13/45? come on. your grade was going to be a disaster. especially so close to break and finals. what were you going to do about it?
your mind was racing a million miles per hour thinking of anything that can help, but you kept running into obstacles.
how about i go during my free time for tutoring? you thought. yes that'll be great! oh wait. i need to go on my plant in herbology. scratch that. how about i beg for a retake? oh who am i kidding? he hates me he'll never let me re-take. maybe i can tell him a sob story, and then he'll have to be sympathetic and help in some way. i know he doesn't do extra credit but-
"hey y/n" harry said walking over to you with his messanger bag in hand.
you stood there frozen for a minute before looking up to say "oh.. hi harry..".
and well, harry could be oblivious sometimes. well, most of the time, but he saw the apathetic look on your face, and he just knew something was wrong. he was smart enough to know he couldn't ask you head on so he said,
"listen, y/n, i see something bothering you, so do you think you would want to go to hosmead after school with me to help you feel better? after all that's what i'm hear for" harry said.
"um... well... i... oh, forget it; yes, I'll come. meet me near the willow tree at 5 and we'll head there. maybe it will clear my mind. thank you again, harry," you said with a wide grin because at least you had someone who cared about you.
"no problem sugar, try to keep your head up till the rest of the day. ill see you later!!" harry said before winking at you and leaving the classroom.
you simply smiled back at him and began packing up your stuff to head out to your next class which was at the oppostie of the end of the school so you had to hurry before you were late.
the rest of the day passed by in such a blur. you didn't pay attention in any of your classes and just sat there in your seat like a statue. you almost ended up falling asleep in charms, but your partner bumped your elbow in time before professor flitchwick came by your seat and harassed you.
you couldn't wait to go to hogsmead with harry. you were having a terrible week, so you really needed this.
so you got to your dorm, did the usual stuff. put away your things, took a long shower, spent more than 10 minutes figuring out what you were going to wear, and just barely ran to the tree on time.
lucky for you, harry was just arriving as well, so you weren't late.
"hi sweetheart! im glad you made it" harry said after giving you a peck kiss on your cheek.
you felt your cheeks heat up, and pshh, whatttt that's just because of how cold it is outside since it's the beginning of november. totally not because of harry's gesture.
you still couldn't believe you scored with the pride of the school. everything that happened between meeting him and dating him was golden. you once believed that love would be black and white, but it's golden.
anyways you need to stop going back to the past and try to stay in the present more.
".. so i was just thinking we'd hit up the leaky cauldron and get a drink and then we can go anywhere you like. like if you have any errands to run. we could do that."
you smiled at him and said, "yes, butterbeer sounds great. "
he smiled back at you and intertwined his fingers with yours.
you tightened your grip on his hand, and smiled to yourself. walking hand in hand to hogsmead.
you guys window shopped until you got to the leaky cauldron. harry being close with the bartender, got to get booth seats and two butterbeers for free cause it was "long over due".
you sat opposite of each other. playing tootsie and giggling at each other's stories about random things like first years.
you stayed there until your drinks were long over, and you guys just talked about whats going on in your lives.
and all too soon it started getting darker, so you had to start leaving. harry gave the bartender a big tip after he once again intertwined his fingers with yours.
you arms swang together as you shuffled closer to stay warm.
kicking the snow on the ground and living carefree.
walking and talking all the way till he reached your dorm door.
 "so.. this is it for today. tomorrow we can go somewhere else, okay? so i guess it's good night love, sleep well-" he started before being interrupted.
"but i want you to stay!" you said, pouting.
"what?" he said, confused.
"yes, harry you heard me, i want you to stay." you said adamentally.
"but what about the enchantments?" he asked.
"oh don't worry hermione got those removed for all of us a long long time ago when she started dating ron"
"your kidding. you absolutey joking with me right?" he said looking ludocrus.
"no honey, im being 100% serious right now" you said smirking at his dumb expression. 
"and nobody told me???? i wanted to sleep next to you the entire time, but i though the enchantments were going to block me. why didn't you say anything?" he said, now being the one who was pouting.
"i don't know why my love. and i'm so sorry; can we cuddle now?" you asked. eye lashes fluttering at him so pretty he just had to give in.
"oh alright, i forgive you" he said smiling.
"yay!" you said as you dragged him by the hand and onto your bed. he would've still be mad at you but how can he be when he sees those eyes of yours that just stare at him full of love, every single minute of your day?
"...and then eat and-hello? harry? HARRY! are you even listening?" you asked, snapping your fingers in front of his face to catch his attention
"oh! woops i'm sorry dove, i got lost in your eyes"
"oh please" you asked, blushing.
"no love, i'm being totally serious right now. they're my favorite part about you. they tell me everything i need to know before it even comes out of your mouth," he said, bringing his hand to caress your right cheek in a loving manner.
"well- i-" you sputter, trying to think of something to say.
"shut up"  he says, in a demanding manner.
he pushed you onto the bed, so that your back was against it and he was on top of you. he was smirking and checking you out as you layed there.
and, to be honest, it made you.. feel things. warm cheeks and a fluttery feeling inside
you loved harry, he was a wonderful man. but God, he was so slow.
he never got any "action" in the love department before you. which you enjoyed because you liked the thought that you would be his first everything.
so far, nothing more than a heavy make-out session with some clothes off has happened. and you would never ever push him or force him to satisfy you until he comes to you.
and you'd wait as long as he made you but he was so dense sometimes.
like now. he doesn't even know the things he does to your insides as he looks at you like that.
"well are you gonna do something or just stare at me like that?" you ask.
he smiled and pressed his lips against yours. his soft velvety lips that have been bitten and chewed on were perfect against yours.
you ran your fingers through the side of his hair and pulled him close till he was one against your boobs.
his hand traveled to your neck, holding you until you had to break apart to breathe.
you giggled at his dazed expression and then pushed him over and straddled him so now you were on top.
now it was his turn to chuckle as he looked up at you with those gorgeous green eyes.
sparkling admised the red curtains and your bed sheets.
you couldn't help it as you smashed his lips into yours once again. it was safe to say you were completely mad for him as he grabbed your waist closer to him.
his hands roamed all over your body. squeezing and pinching and holding any part of your body he could reach. his hands werecoming over to squeeze your ass when-
"Y/N!!! Y?N?? WHERE ARE YOU I NEED TO TELL YOU THAT ME AND RON ARE- ohhhh..." hermione said as she barged into your shared dorm.
you broke apart so fast you must of his hit his head with your chin. ron stood behind hermione shell-shocked and she stood there with the doorknob in her hand speechless.
"im so sorry y/n oh my gosh. i can stay in ron's dorm tonight. don't worry about it. i-uhm have fun you two?.. hahaha bye."
and they slammed the door after that and you could hear them running away frantically. trying to erase the memory of each of their best friends getting it on.
you just sat there on his lap not knowing what just happened and he broke out in a loud laugh. that kind of contagious laugh that cheers everyone up.
you joined him in it and rolled him over so you were both lying on your sides facing each other.
"the l0ook on ron's face i- cant-t"
soon enough the laughing simmidered down and you both just stared at each other.
he was thinking of how lucky he was to have you when you interrupted his train of thought to say: "i actually have the matching pajama set that you got us for christmas last year remember? we couldn't wear it because we were so busy. why don't we wear it now?" you inquired.
"oh yeah! i remember! that's a great idea y/n!" he said, grabbing your cheeks in both hands, squishing them together "my baby's a genius isn't she" he baby talked to you and made you smile and laugh till your jaws hurt.
he then went to get the clothes for you. before yelling about how the girls dormitory had more room than the boys to which you giggled at from where you were on the bed. he then finally brought them back to your bed.
it wasn't anything much it had a snowman and snowflake print on the pants in a velvety soft material, and a ringer tee that said "oh deer"
you went into the bathroom to change happily. thinking about how you still went somewhere else to change even though it has been almost a year of dating him. you were still scared of him seeing you all barren like that and he didn't mind.
but if he was to say, he wouldn't mind you looking like that.
he cleared his throat and looked around to distract his thoughts of you before you showed up dressed looking the most perfect holiday angel.
he couldn't help but blush slightly as you sauntered over with a goofy smile on your face. he didn't like that it rendered his muscles into jello and his stomach to jump around like it did.
"come on now don't make me wait!" you said, giggling and jumping onto your side of the bed.
he smiled at you before joining next to you on the bed. he made himself more comfortable before he thought of something.
"do you want to go down for dinner love?" he asked
"hmphhh, i frogot about that. ughhhhhh do we have toooooo?? m' to comfortable." you said, pulling your blanket higher over you and melting into harry's side and the pillow.
he chuckled again, "that's just what i was about to say. don't worry i have it all sorted out"
he clapped twice before winky the elf walked out of thin air and bowed down to harry.
"hi there winky, how have you been?" harry asked genuinely.
"i've been good sir. how has master harry potter been?"
"i've been good. listen now, i have a request. can you bring us our dinner to our bed? i don't know if it's allowed but me and my girlfriend here don't want to walk down to dinner. can you do that?"
"sure winky can bring food for master harry potter and his girlfriend! winky would be delighted to be of service!"
"thank you winky i know i can count on you. could you also bring us two glasses of water and any dessert you have?"
"yes sir i'll be back here as soon as i can!"
and just like that she disappeared again leaving you guys in silence.
"well well well... look at you, with your own personal elf huh? what will hermione think?"
"shut up, winky actually likes to work and i'm just helping her to be in service" he said, and with that he pinched you.
"oww!! harry!! i know i was just teasing you. and you know actually in my house when you clap two times you either turn on or off a light not make an elf appear"
"oh yeah well-"
winky appeared out of thin air again with a tray in her hands
"here you are sir and sir's girlfriend. for your dessert like you asked i brought you somthing we had left over, strawberry shortcakes!! is this okay for master harry potter?" she asked.
harry grabbed it from her hand and placed in the middle of the bed.
"it's perfect winky thank you. you are dismissed now. "thank you sir. if there is anything else you would like me to do winky will be glad to service you again!"
she disappeared out of the thin air she came from.
"alright then dig in my love" he said.
"thank you harry, you're a dear" you say.
he blushed at the nickname but ate nonetheless. until you got to the dessert, you guys sat in a comfortable silence. but just when you were about to dig in on the cake both of your utensils clinked as they were reaching for the cake at the same time.
you looked at each other and laughed. "how about we do this? i know this might be a little cringe but i can feed you and you can feed me"
"ah yes be romantic in our bed with pajamas on, sure let's" harry said chuckling.
you shook your head with a smile and grabbed a piece on your fork, his mouth wide open and waiting. you gently pushed it into his mouth and brought it back out.
then it was his turn to dip his fork into the cheesecake and feed it to you like that. that kept altering until the cake was done. when it was done and about to be cleaned up you observed a small piece of frosting hanging on his chin.
you smiled to your self before putting your thumb into your mouth to collect wetness before wiping away the smudge.
he seemed surprised at first and then finally came to his senses.
he grabbed your wrist when it was just about to leave and pulled you closer. you look at him startled before he smashed his lips onto you once again. he pressed himself against you and warmed you up from the inside.
he tasted like strawberries and smelled like the leftover smell of a fireplace that's been extingushed.
you closed your eyes and gave in to his ministrations. allowing him to place you on your back on your bed again and kiss you like no tomorrow. you were panting as you broke apart.
that went on for a few more minutes till the high went off and he seemed embarrassed of what he did.
"harry. darling. don't worry. i liked it. if you hadn't started it, i would've" you said, caressing his arm.
he seemed to be reassured in your words and smiled at you. he put the tray away for the elfs to get in the morning along with your clothes to be washed.
you both set yourself comfortable and snuggled into the warm covers.
you wanted to face him but your back demanded to be faced the other way. you swore you had a back problem, and you were not even twenty!! so you faced your back to his face. thought he didn't mind. he actually preferred it this way because he could put his leg on top of you pull you closer to his chest.
you could feel his breath down your neck and his hand inching over your stomach lacing with yours. his face hidden among your soft hair.
you layed there content and belly full with the love of your life and delicious food. your bad score from the morning is a faint memory in the back of your mind. you can worry about that when exams come but for now life was good.
harry taglist - i have no one to tag right now except the people i already know like works, because i made a new taglist which is in my navigation so if you'd like to be tagged in future works check it out! anyways @elleblxck @ronsbadidea @ladyvesuvia @heythereangels @hmupotter @toms-diary
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 1 year
Crush On An Archer PT. 3
A/N: No way I'm releasing parts on back-to-back days. On top of my shit I guess. I feel like we are getting closer and closer here people! Stay tuned...
Kate Bishop X f!reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Not proofread
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The wheels of your plane touched down at JFK and as you turn your phone back on you see another msg sent 2 mins ago from Kate pop up. 
“Hey, I tracked your flight updates online, I’m just waiting in a nearby parking lot whenever you get your bag and are ready.”
You got off your plane and you could feel the palms of your hands start to get sweaty. Why were you SO nervous to see her? You guys are just friends and based on how she talks to you about guys it will probably only ever be just that. You’re trying to remind yourself that she doesn’t like you like that and you guys are teammates so it’s not weird that you hang out. You’ve been texting constantly for the last couple of weeks, you probably talk to her more than most of your other friends at this point actually so it should. Not. Be. Weird. 
…yeah but it still is. 
You send Kate a text telling her terminal 2 is where you will be exiting, that you have your bags you’re just making your way through the airport. She hits you back saying okay and she’s on her way.
As the automatic doors slide open and you take a step out into New York’s warm summer climate you take a look around trying to spot Kate. You decide to pull out your phone and start typing out a message asking her what car she drives when all of a sudden you hear someone call your name.
You look up and there’s Kate waiving an arm at you three cars down with the sweetest smile on her face. 
You can feel your heart practically beating out of your chest. She’s got this cheeky grin that almost gives off a hint of nervousness as well as she opens her arms wide for you to hug her. 
You go in only wrapping one arm around as you continue to hold your luggage with the other. This move is something that you haven’t stopped thinking about since, why not just drop the bag and give her a full hug? It’s fine…it’s only something you will be overthinking for the rest of the year. 
“Hey! How was your flight? It’s so good to see you!.” 
“It was great, yeah, it flew by.”
Kate giggled at your little pun, “here let me take your bags!” She says going for your luggage and before you had a chance to even try to stop her she already grabbed it and was walking towards the trunk.
“T-Thank you!” 
“No worries, hop in.” She says opening the door to the back seat. 
Back seat is kind of odd. 
She quickly hops around the other side of the car and also hops in the back seat. You were confused at first but then quickly realized there was a man in the driver's seat. 
“Arnold, this is Y/N, Y/N, Arnold. He has been our family’s driver for years now and is taking us to campus.”
“Lovely to meet you Miss. Y/N.” He says.
Wow okay so she… comes from money? 
“Wow Kate, I didn’t realize you had someone else driving, you didn’t have to come all this way to pick me up.”
“Y/N, seriously it is not a big deal. Besides, now I at least have some company as we drive to campus…not that you aren’t great company Arnold!!”
“I enjoy talking to you too Miss. Bishop but I will give the two of you some privacy.” He says as his hand touches a button above his head causing a privacy screen to roll up giving the two of you your own separate space. 
“So, how’re you feeling about your classes this year?” Kate asks. 
“Pretty good, I’m just glad I got most of the ones I wanted. My first semester is pretty hard but the second not as much, what about you?”
“Yeah pretty much the same. Not really looking forward to school though, I’m pretty trash at math and one of my business courses requires a section on it so I am not looking forward to that.”
“I mean, if you ever need a tutor or any help I could always be of service. I am not like a genius but I finished top in my class for the last three years or so…so I would say I know a thing or two.”
“Wow so she’s fantastic at archery and a genius? Student athlete perfection. What can’t you do?”
“Haha trust me, I am FAR from perfection. I cannot write a good essay to save my life. It is a real struggle.”
“Okay so what I’m hearing is I will proofread all your written work and you explain math problems to me and together we just become super successful student athletes together.”
“Haha, yes. I like the sounds of that.”
“Do you have any open days in your school schedule?”
“Thursday nights are open after practice.”
“Did you want to try to get in the habit of meeting up on Thursday nights then to study together?”
Wow…she wants to see you once a week outside of practice?
“Yeah I’d love to.” Was saying love too much?
“It’s a date. Or well..many dates- technically.” 
You could feel your face getting hot just from her saying that as you try to squeeze out a smile with your unbelievably large eyes just staring at her. A nervous laugh escaped your mouth and you were hoping she didn’t notice the sudden shift in mood for you but she definitely did. 
Kate was the best person to talk to though because she just loved to talk, nonstop. She decided to change up the subject and start talking about other stuff going on in her life, friend drama, archery, family, her dog, literally anything and everything until you guys got to campus. She dropped you off at your apartment and being the person she is, even got out of the car to grab you your bags and everything. 
This is your chance to try again at the hug thing if the opportunity presents itself.
“So, are you just unpacking tonight and stuff?”
“Yeah, pretty much. That and probably cleaning. My roommates are such a mess and when I’m not around to pick up after them, it doesn’t get done.”
Kate’s brows furrowed at your comment. “That’s not very fair to you.”
“Yeah, is what it is. I have gotten used to it. Besides, I don’t mind cleaning, I find it pretty relaxing.”
“Haha maybe I should have you come over sometime then.” She says sarcastically.
You laugh nervously again totally not thinking about how you would absolutely take her up on that given the chance. Anything to spend more time with her. 
“Well, have fun unpacking and with your therapeutic cleaning haha.”
“I will, thanks so much again for helping me out and picking me up from the airport, seriously it meant a lot.”
“Of course! Anytime.” She says as she passes you your bag and turns around to get back in the car. 
Damn. No hug. Guess you’ll just have to keep thinking about the fact that you fumbled the one chance you got at that.
*3 hrs later* (10:00PM)
You check your phone, Kate messaged you. 
“How's the cleaning going?” You were honestly surprised she reached out since you just saw her and the two of you talked for so long today. 
“I actually just wrapped things up, it wasn’t as messy as I thought it would be but the bathroom was gross.”
“Haha, that’s living with 3 other girls I guess right. What else are you thinking of doing tonight? You must be pretty tired after your flight.”
“I’m not sure, I’m actually not that tired. I had a shower so I feel a lot better now but my body doesn’t seem to want to go to sleep. Wbu?”
“Ugh nothing, I’m bored just bored lol.”
“Yeah true, I was thinking of watching a movie or something maybe tonight and then trying to sleep after that.”
“Ouuu what movie were you thinking of watching?”
“I don’t know, something comforting. I was leaning towards a Harry Potter movie but I feel like that’s too big of a commitment. Maybe like a Disney movie or something, maybe Mulan or Moana.”
“Ugh both are SUCH good choices, Moana is SO good but Mulan is a classic and one of my personal favs.”
“I think I am leaning towards Mulan.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me.”
Would it be crazy to invite her over? It’s too late right? And you already saw her today. Is that too much y/n Kate time? Fuck it right? You’re just friends, she will probably say no anyways. 
“Hey you wouldn’t want to come over and watch it with me would you?”
Fuck. The immediate regret sets in once you hit send. But you couldn’t unsend the message in case she had already read it. The three dots pop up showing she’s typing, then they disappear…popped up again…and they’re gone. They haven’t come back. Fuck. You can feel your heart racing. You practically threw your phone across the bed and then all of a sudden you hear your phone ding and immediately throw your body towards it. 
“I’d love to.” Your eyes widen at the text as another one pops up. “I’ll be over in 10.”...
“Actually 15, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”
“Ouuu, I’d have to say Strawberry.”
“Okay, see you soon <3” 
The heart emoji at the end of that text had you sitting still for a solid two minutes straight when you suddenly snapped out of it and realized she’s going to be here in 10 or so minutes and you need to make yourself look more presentable. You hop out of bed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, put on some cute PJ bottoms and an oversized hoodie as you get the softest and fluffiest blankets and pillows arranged nicely on your bed. You light a candle from bath and body works to make it smell nice and turn off the overhead lights and on all of the mood lighting in your room. 
“Hey I’m outside.” 
You go to open the door and Kate is standing in front of you with her dark hair tossed up in a messy bun, wearing plaid pj pants and a tight black tank top that is clinging to her leaving practically nothing up to your imagination.
“HEY!” She says excitedly as she holds up two pints of ice cream. 
“Come in, come in.” You say gesturing her into your apartment. “My room is the first on the left.”
“Wowww it’s so nice and very clean in here.” she says with a giggle.
“Haha. Thank you, I try.” I got the movie all loaded up on my TV, take a seat, I’m going to go grab us some spoons. Do you want some water or something?”
“Yeah, water would be great, thank you.”
You grab what you need and come back to see Kate comfortable on your bed. 
“Hey, thanks for bringing ice cream.”
“Of course, you can’t have a movie night without a little treat!”
You get in bed and hit play on the movie. Although you were in your own space you couldn’t help but be overly aware of every part of your body and everything you were doing. Breathing heavy, eating loudly, how you were sitting, how you looked from her perspective, everything was racing through your mind and you could hardly focus on the movie. You were trying so hard not to look over at her because you didn’t want to create an awkward moment but it felt like you were FIGHTING your intrusive thoughts for an hour straight and it was making you exhausted. Towards the end of the movie you could feel your eyes getting heavy and next thing you know you’re waking up the next morning in your bed. You look next to you, no Kate. 
Fuck please tell me you didn’t actually just dream up that entire scenario. That sucks. God she’s such a big part of your life now that you’re dreaming about her. Even your subconscious is teasing you. 
You grab your phone to check the time *9am*.
“Morning sleepy pants. I had fun last night. I figured you were exhausted so I ended up taking off after the movie was done. Blew out the candle, put away the ice cream and dishes in the sink.”
Shit. So it wasn’t a dream and you just fumbled for the second time in one day by falling asleep.
“Fuck. I’m sorry did I fall asleep next to you last night?”
Three bubbles popped up as she typed away.
“Haha. More like ON me.” she replies. Your face confused until a picture follows through 2 seconds later of you practically drooling on her shoulder. 
How are you ever going to recover from this one? You probably should transfer schools.
“FUCK. I am SO sorry omg I will def be making this up to you.”
“Y/n, it's okay haha. You were obviously tired after your flight, I can’t blame you travel makes me sleepy too plus it was late. Did you get a good night's rest at least?”
“Yes, definitely.”
“Good, you’re going to need your energy because we are going out tonight and I’m not letting you fall asleep at 11pm again.”
“Haha alright, sounds like a plan.”
“Good. Relax for the rest of the day, I’m coming over at 7 with vodka and good music so be ready babe.”
“See you at 7” 
– End of Pt 3. –
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms @oohlala666 @kates-abs-slay @scmg11
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kal-sharok · 3 months
Hi!! If you’re willing to talk about it/up for it I’d love to hear more about the slavophobia BioWare has in relation to their dwarves. No pressure at all of course bc I’m sure it’s taxing, I’ve just not seen this before and would love a resource to reblog about it if that’s okay. Thank you love your blog ❤️
hello! im actually glad you asked, i'll try to be as coherent as possible 😅 and no u i love yr blog!!
i'd like to preface by saying i don't think bioware invented anti-slavic sentiment in games or in general and isn't the only company, game or otherwise, perpetuating it. it's found all over the western world, most notably in western europe (where we're still regarded as 2nd class citizens, pairs really well with imperialism towards people outside of europe imo), but it also gained a significant boost thanks to the red scare in usa in particular (and continues to thrive thanks to the absolute chokehold mediocre american media keeps everything else in the world in).
im also no social sciences expert, but i do have first-hand experience on the short end of the stick and a couple of books in my have read list so let's say im qualified to rant on 🤭 it turned out quite lengthy so i've hidden it under the cut below!
when it comes to bioware, the first hurdle is already at their utterly haphazard character naming policy. there's a considerable number of dwarves who bear names that range from mockingly slavic-esque to full-blooded backwater serbian, now in yr local fantasy rpg! examples:
gorim saelac. while i do appreciate they tried to give a dwarf a mountain-y name (gora is basically any kind of steep pile of rocks with trees and dew and wildlife over it), "gorim" is how you would say "i am burning" in multiple slavic languages. this is one of the rare ones that are not hurtful and are hilarious instead (and tbh naming him goran, which is what i assumed they were going for, would probably be more ridiculous in the long run. for example i still can't take jowan seriously despite my love for the mage origin bc someone really yassified jovan and thought nobody would notice. wrong!)
lucjan and myaja. these two (along with maybe wojech "we couldn't spell wojciech" ivo) are the classic example of non-slavs butchering the hell out of slavic names bc it suits them better, which is also something commonly experienced by all non-western cultures and communities and a worldwide sign of disrespect. the in-game pronunciation during the provings gave me a physical rash. "myaja" in particular is still in my top 5 wtf moments in origins bc 1) what kind of stroke induced spelling is that 2) it reminds me of kids speaking dialect A mocking kids' dialects B by adding y sounds (which is what set the dialects apart in the first place) at unnatural spots and 3) maja /ma-ya/ would've sufficed perfectly for ethnic coding if that was the sole purpose of her character. do better! sure it was 2009 but from the little i happen to know about the world beyond the atlantic, you're just bound to run into someone of slavic descent in alberta (maybe not exactly polish but anyone would give you a closer phonetics match than... this). it's kind of amusing how 3 of bioware's founders have very slavic surnames and this keeps happening.
bogdan vasca. we don't know anything about him apart from the fact bianca davri was forced into a marriage with him and that his very dwarven parents considered him to be 'a gift from the god' (which is what his name means. theodore would be an equivalent) when naming him. the same clan of dwarves that preserved castes topside (which is why the marriage was arranged) and thus are likely to either believe in the stone (that they do not worship as a god) or nothing, certainly not a very human god with a very human, quite possibly mage (a completely alien concept from common dwarven pov) prophetess and a very human doctrine of considering anyone not human as lesser. the jokes are writing themselves at this point.
all of this naming business falls more into petty territory rather than being outright offensive, but it does bring us to the more serious manifestation — typecasting. the western media simply cannot fathom slavic people in roles that are not violent, volatile (i.e. berserkers, though there are other influences in there), constantly infighting and better off killing e/o (i.e. the diamond quarter, the merchants' guild, the carta) and relating back to thievery, addictive abusable substances and trafficking (i.e. the carta, but also official channels of lyrium supply from orzammar to the rest of thedas). as a slavic woman, it was exceptionally painful to see bioware join virtually everyone else in depicting us as women whose major purpose seems to be to engage in prostitution and surrogacy lite (i.e. noble hunters, most evident in beraht's grooming of rica brosca into the role of one). while these practices are tied to societies of woman-hating — and orzammar, if not all of thedas very much is one — i just take incredible offence in someone naming them integral (dwarven birth rates and the blight anyone?? i hated every moment of that) for a society that's previously been coded with people like myself in mind. of course im going to relate to how someone who looks like me is treated, that's the very purpose of casting. doesn't help bioware's cause that the bulk of npc's with slavic names tend to be lower-caste or castless - with exceptions such as some minor noble houses (houses ivo and harrowmont, possibly meino too) and branka (who's again smith-born and a whole villain).
by only allowing us to fulfill such roles, we are effectively barred from actually engaging storytelling to spend our eternity on the writers' back-burner. hell, even the witcher has been sanitized for the western eye (despite literally being made in poland) and i am yet to find a piece of modern media that doesn't reduce baba yaga to a quirky chicken-legged aesthetic (while also forgetting she's specific to the eastern slavic people). not to mention that if tevinter and par vollen are truly inspired by byzantine and the ottoman empire respectively, guess which mfs were both their vasals. now guess who built the deep roads and guess what tevene mages need to fuel their magic. if dwarves have already been declared the slavs of thedas, let's at least give them/us some space to be such.
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heather1815 · 5 months
Hiiiii, I finished wym today and I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!! I am in love with them.
I'm going to ask some questions, because they have become my obsession!!!! I love your writing :3
1- What was your inspiration?
2-What is the biggest challenge when writing about such unconventional relationship?
3-What aspects of Tord and Tom's story are you most excited to explore or develop further in the future?
Hello! I'm glad to hear you enjoy it. Inspiration is a little slow at the moment and life has been hectic lately (and ADHD is a bitch to deal with) but I will get to writing the next chapter as soon as I can!
My inspiration behind this story was a really old-school pokemon fic on ff. net that I used to read all the time back in middle school while i was waiting for classes to start. Sadly though the fic no longer exists, but the little I remember of it made such an impression with me and I miss it so much I thought of honoring it by writing my own version of the tale.
My biggest challenge i guess would have to be the power dynamic. Obviously with Tord being the Red Leader he can get away with anything, but Tom is not a quitter by any means. So I tend to struggle a lot with keeping up their rivalry as well as making it still engaging to read about without making it 100% one-sided y'know?
I am really interested in the worldbuilding oddly enough. I can't wait to get straight into the Larsin family bloodline lore, talk about Tord's family and upbringing, and of course more of Tom and Tord interacting.
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mrs-theirin · 6 days
quilllllll! hi, hello, i simply had to let you know that i've been slowly but surely re-re-rereading the road, the hidden truth, and you, and first of all, gorgeous, beautiful, touching, magnificent, imagine a rainstorm of chefs kisses raining down uponst you <3 but i got curious and had to ask...are there any cut scenes/fun facts/behind the scenes special features you might want to share with the class? 🥺 hehehe i just know /i/ always end up having a bunch of stuff like that once a project's done, and i'd LOVE to hear any juicy tidbits you've got!!! :P (either way, had to remind you how gorgeous this - AND ALL YOUR OTHER WRITING - is!)
we are somehow on the same wavelength as i was rereading it myself when i got this ask.....i'm onto you queenie......
all jokes aside THANK YOU i am always blown away when you compliment my writing, truthfully, it means the absolute world to me and i'm glad you enjoy what i put out. from the bottom of my heart, your support is greatly, greatly appreciated
that being said. well. as far as fun facts go. one fun fact is that this was barely my idea. that's well known at this point i think but you can thank @merrybandofmurderers for originally giving me the idea of a fake dating, roadtrip au. second fun fact is that i winged the HELL out of this fic. 19 years old staying up (apparently, since i checked the outline???) till 5 in the morning trying to get it done. winged the hell out of it. i had a broad idea, but i built the chapters based off of da2 quest names. so like. i had almost nothing planned. i took a da2 quest title i liked and built a modern au plot around it. great idea i think. poor execution LMFAO
no cut scenes or anything due to the rushed and unorganized nature of the original draft. there are things that i cut from the original in my rewrite, but that's because i felt like they weren't serving a real purpose. i also was super excited to change it so it was modern au but with elves and kirkwall and all that stuff. does it make sense orzammar is in new york? no. do i care? also no
i have been intending to write a follow up ever since the ORIGINAL story, but it just hasn't felt right yet. i know i want to do it. and i really hope i will do it. but for now it will stay in my drafts, lovingly titled "trthtay superbowl follow up". between that and the eden/varric wedding at skyhold fic, we could place a bet on which one gets finished first! (psst, it's probably the wedding fic. i've written more for that. unrelated but maybe expect that? soon? ish? don't hold me to that)
anyway, i'd say the biggest thing is that trthtay was my "i can do better" fic, truthfully. i was STUNNED when it got on a screenrant article (before it was even finished too?), i mean, i still have my section printed out in my dresser. it was exciting. but to see so many eyes on something i didn't think was of the quality i'd like it to be was stressful. i wanted to be great. i wanted the thing that so many people saw from me to be groundbreaking. and i really didn't feel like it hit that mark. i don't even think the rewrite hits that mark! there are things that i've written that i feel are better than both. but, there's a bright side to everything, and that's that even what i would consider one of my worse fics was loved. it was loved. it was enjoyed. not only by the author of that article (david caballero, there's nowhere i can message you on that site, but if you ever see this, thank you so so much) but by everyone who decided to click the link and give it a try. by YOU, one of my biggest inspirations and someone whose writing i aspire to match someday. i cannot thank you enough (you, personally, queenie, and you, plural, anyone who's read my writing) for giving me a chance and pushing me to be better
so. anyway. i'm sure you didn't expect your question to get an emotional response, but i think any conversation about trthtay comes back to that. to hope. to gratitude. it truthfully blows my mind that you love it the way you do. thank you thank you thank you. i'm glad i have you in my corner :)
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puck-luck · 2 months
I’m not hating on YOU. Just on how slow and rude the characters are being made out to be. Honey should stop being so rude to Trevor, give him some credit for putting up with her attitude. Bea is genuinely for the streets. Again not hating on YOU because I like your writing style plus reading your other works i really like. I get I don’t have to read it if I don’t like it but I’ve waited and gave it time for stuff to start picking up.
I appreciate that you're not hating on me because you enjoy my writing style. That's always nice to hear. I'm glad you've read my stuff and even tried to stick it out for STG.
I want to reply to your concerns, so I typed up a couple of bullet points in my notes app. In a very in-character moment for me, it became lengthy. I'm hiding it under this Read More so that no one has to see it if they don't want to. Tbh, that includes you— and I don't mean that in a mean way, even if it might come off like that. It's hard to convey feeling through words on a page, which brings me to my first point:
1. A lot of Honey's attitude is written as means for banter, since Trevor knows that she doesn't mean it in such a negative way— he's aware that she's deflecting. Maybe I need to make that clearer and now I know, which means I can try and work on that! Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
2. Honey has trauma, which I've started to explain in the story. It's going to be fleshed out more and she WILL work through it, but the girl has some pretty complex PTSD when it comes to relationships. That's the reason why she's so hot and cold with Trevor. She knows what she's feeling, but she's not ready to accept it yet.
3. In Chapter 5, the most recent chapter, Honey admits to Trevor that she's the difficult one. She's well aware that she's having trouble with this new relationship and that manifests in her attitude towards Trevor. He says he doesn't mind (basically) and she just hums BECAUSE it bothers her that she's being hard to deal with, and yet she can't stop herself. Again— it's her complex PTSD.
HERE is a screenshot of my Google doc so you can read the scene itself:
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4. Fair. Bea is for the streets. Yet, at the same time, I don't see the real issue behind this: everyone involved is a consenting adult that is fully aware of the situation. Everyone knows that Bea is hooking up with the guys in the house. If the guys didn't want to hook up with her, they wouldn't— like how Luke turns her down in this most recent chapter. She's also a girl in her 20s... I know a lot of girls in college that made goals to sleep with entire exec boards of frats or collect each frat president or, in an extreme case, a girl that wanted to hook up with every brother in our pledge class, the pledge class above us, and the pledge class below us. If the girl wants to be a slut, then she can be a slut. & that's how I'm writing her. More power to her. Things might even change for Bea over time, like how real relationships go...
5. As for the slowness: I know that my chapters have gotten super long. I keep getting carried away and writing more than I mean to. It's because I like this project and the characters I've created. BUT, each section is a day. Each chapter is a week. Honey and Trevor have known each other for just over a month and I PERSONALLY am not the kind to hook up with a guy I've just met. Yes, at times it seems long and I know that it drags at times because I can feel it dragging while I write— but I am trying to make this as realistic and detailed as possible. Between the whipped cream scene and the blowjob scene, 10 days passed. That's SUCH a short amount of time, especially since the pair didn't see each other as much that week. Honey works, Trevor trains, and a lot of that is off screen because I think it's boring to write when this is a ROMANCE.
6. If I had an editor, they could probably help me cut this shit down and make it drag less. I DON'T have an editor though and this is a very detailed rough draft of a story that would probably change a LOT before publishing IF I WERE TO GET IT PUBLISHED.
7. I apologize that you have waited and hoped for quicker advancement in Honey and Trevor's story. To me, it's not a fast story. It's going to pick up... on my outline I have Trevor and Honey hooking up 3 times next week. You're welcome to hang in there for that if you want to. It's up to you.
And finally... I apologize that my explanation was so long. And probably slow. I just want to be thorough with your concerns. If you choose not to read anymore of STG, then good for you. I'll still be churning out oneshots when I can and I hope you like those more.
I really do appreciate the feedback. I hope this response didn't seem rude because I'm not trying to be. It's also 2:30am for me so I really should go to bed before I ACTUALLY get my feelings hurt or start lashing out... which I've been known to do when tired. So. Goodnight Anon. Thanks for not hating on ME and I hope my explanations were good enough for you.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 3 months
Child Hunter is like a cat(and a dog). Warning: Dead rat.
1.(Hunter is in class, making a paper bag monster for arts and crafts. He was getting the urge to bite, so he got one of his rawhides and started chewing on it).
Clementine:(condescending) You're such a dog.
Hunter:(growls in anger).
Clementine: You growling at me doesn't help your case.
Damian: What's wrong with being a dog?
Clementine: It's just that he isn't a dog and yet acts like one.
Damian: So, what? It's not like he's hurting anyone?
Clementine: I just find it weird.
Damian: You don't have to be rude about it, though.
Clementine: Don't care.
2.(Eclipse is sweeping in the kitchen when he's startled by the sudden sound of a plastic cup falling onto the floor).
Eclipse:(startled) Oh, jeez! What was that!?
(Eclipse turns around and sees Hunter on the kitchen table, having pushed a cup off of it).
Eclipse:(concerned) Hunter, that's not safe.
Hunter: Sorry, dad.
Scythe: Why did you knock that cup over?
Hunter: I don't know, I just felt like it.
Eclipse: Well, I'm glad it was just a plastic cup and not a breakable glass one.
3.(Eclipse is going through his old childhood stuff to see if there's anything he doesn't want anymore and could give to the twins. He finds the tennis ball from when he played tennis at the age of twelve).
Eclipse: I don't even play tennis anymore(in thought: That was such a waste of my parents' money).
(Eclipse throws the tennis ball over his head, and Hunters hears it bounce off the floor from across the hallway).
Hunter: Ball!
(Hunter runs towards the ball and picks it up with his mouth. He then goes to Eclipse and hands it back to him).
Eclipse: Thanks, Hunter.
Hunter:(happy) You're welcome!
Eclipse: Would you like to keep this ball?
Hunter(excited) Yes, please!
Eclipse: Then it's all yours.
Hunter:(excited) You're the best dad in the world!
(Hunter runs out of the room with the tennis ball in hand).
Eclipse:(appreciative) Thanks, Hunter...
4.(Eclipse takes that sofa parts out of its box and leaves said box where it was. Hunter sees the box and decided to sit in it).
Hunter: So comfy.
(Eclipse grabs the box after he is done making the new sofa).
Hunter: Don't touch my box!
Eclipse:(startled) Oh, Hunter! I didn't know you were in the box.
Hunter: Sorry, for yelling at you, dad.
Eclipse: That's okay, Hunter.
5.(Hunter watching Eclipse preparing dinner, waiting from him to drop some ground beef).
Hunter in thought:(Please drop some, please drop some, please drop some).
(Eclipse sees that Hunter is waiting for him to drop some ground beef so he can eat it).
Eclipse: Can't wait to eat, Hunter?
Hunter: Can you please drop some food?
Eclipse: Hunter, if you wait for when the dinner is prepared, then it'll taste even better.
Hunter: Okay, dad.
(Hunter waits patiently for dinner to be prepared).
6.(It's 5:30 am, and Hunter taps Eclipse's shoulder to wake him up).
Eclipse:(waking up) Ugh, Hunter. What do you need?
Hunter: I have a present for you.
Eclipse: Really?
Hunter: Yep, here you go.
(Hunter hands Eclipse a rat he killed earlier).
Eclipse:(creeped out) Oh, thanks, Hunter.
(Eclipse takes the rat from Hunter).
Hunter: Aren't you gonna eat it?
Eclipse:(surprised) What?
Hunter: Do you not eat rats?
Eclipse: No, I don't.
Hunter: Okay. Well, since Scythe didn't want it either, I guess I'll eat it.
(Hunter drops the dead rat into his mouth and swallows it whole).
Hunter: Rats make such good snacks.
(Hunter puts his hand on his stomach and licks his teeth).
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