#(clarification: in the sense of smacking some sense into them by showing how bad it can be/is)
aikainkauna · 6 years
Sorry I haven’t been giffing/posting/reglobbing much lately, guys. It’s that behemoth of a fic swallowing up all my sitting-upright time (and a big chunk of my reclining time). Four chapters or so to go and I’m still spending about 7-11 hours every day combing the remaining text for typos (yes, some of us actually do care about our fics and don’t think it’s some dirty “trashy,” “guilty pleasure” of less value), so it’s a full-time job with overtime. So if I’m slow to respond to anything, it’s that. I’m sure that soon enough, the post-fic existential emptiness will be upon us and you’ll be seeing more gifs and tag yelling.
Although it’s just been so quiet among the nice people here and so loud among the idiots that I might just take several steps back from Tumblr in general, just for my mental health. There seems little point in making gifs nobody reblogs and saying anything when it’s drowned out by the types who give liberals a bad name (honestly, some of the shit people say on here would already have made me a Nazi were I a bloke, because apparently nothing is ever enough and I’ll always be Doing it Wrong anyway; you’re not making tolerance seem worthwhile, if you nevertheless beat the tolerant person up for wearing the wrong types of socks).
I’m still looking for that fandom old people’s home, so if you find it, that place where people are old enough to have some fucking perspective, do let me know.
This whole place is eerily reminiscent of an abusive relationship where you’re constantly having to tiptoe because you never know when the next explosion is going to come and where from, what sort of utterly random thing someone is going to call abusive now and beat you up for, even if you’ve been working hard not to upset them, have made deliberate choices to accommodate them because you know their wounds. It’s like Borderline Personality Disorder, but in the form of a website. (And yes, I know first-hand what BPD is like. Had the spouse, had the flatmate, had the fuckbuddies, had the friends.) And the worst thing about BPD is that it’s catching: being around a human minefield makes everyone jumpy, and then *their* jumpiness becomes tyrannical towards others (when the hurt person is just self-defending, they feel) and then the cycle continues. Everybody is paranoid and beating everybody up in the name of great justice, and undermining everyone else’s psyches to the point where they become human minefields themselves. And they don’t know how to stop that cycle, if they’re in denial about having a problem, because of course, if you hurt and lash out, you’re just defending yourself. (Being told you’re a shitty person for freaking out at a trigger is worse than being triggered. Good luck trying to crawl out of that into any semblance of health, if you feel you’re just an explosive piece of crap forever.)
And while I know I can help a bit by stepping outside of that and offering fic and pics and lols where people can forget about it all, I’m still in two minds about offering it in a direction where the recipient is never going to be happy anyway, and where the effort is (or seems) wasted as long as the receiving end isn’t doing any conscious healing/rebuilding itself to better appreciate healthier things. It does nothing. Why am I buying medicine for someone who abuses me for it and throws the bottle in my face? I’ve been there, trying to please people who were locked up in their traumas and paranoias, throwing all my love and effort and work at them to no avail because I thought I could help; I’m not keen on doing it again. Because now I’m old enough to know I’m wasting my time, as brutal and as “selfish” that sounds (how about calling it “self-preservation?” “Sanity?” “Kindness to oneself?” I know women are beaten out of daring to have that, for daring to even think their lives aren’t meant to be lived for other people, but fucking watch me go).
Just like partners and friends aren’t the same as professional help, fandom isn’t the ultimate cure for depression/trauma unless there’s an inner change in the ill person to better utilise it. I was that ill person and I had to go through a lot of therapy and growth to not become a 24/7 abusive bitch myself (I still have shitty hypersensitivities, but those are in-built–they’re bad enough). I changed the way I see fannish activities (I now really do see them as medicine), and only then could I enjoy them to the fullest and only then could I start writing really good fic, because it comes from a firm ground of faith in the inherent value of fic. It’s a really complicated thing to explain, the interrelationships of fandom, queer people and mental health (there should be a book on fandom/queerdom and mentalness–we are wonky in the head, sometimes fucking awfully so, and it’s *not* all due to persecution but genes).
But my gist is that there’s no point in endlessly remaining in a draining relationship with someone who doesn’t want to heal–Tumblr’s anxiety-mongering culture of self-hate, ahoy! One has to pick one’s “battles” and channel one’s energy somewhere where it’s actually going to bear fruit. Not on a site that says the phrase “I don’t discriminate by colour” is racist, or that a feminist, mixed-race royal princess “isn’t enough” or that a given sexual minority gets to rule it over everyone else. Not on a site full of kids who are too young/American to have known *real* homophobia and racism, and who don’t realise that for most people, in the real world, even not being racist or homophobic is a *choice.*
Which is why I miss that supportive community of other brainy, feminist and reasonable fans who actually had conversations so. Fucking. Much. Where are they? (DW is where the militant vegan lesbian sociopath SJWs went, and if you’re not keen on eternal frowny moral meta, ehhh.)
Where’s the actual fun? Where are the other fans who are old enough to have been through therapy and who have experienced real relationships and have known actual real “minority” people IRL, and who consequently have an open mind about things? Who can see that things really aren’t as black and white as they thought they were when they were in their teens? Where are the fans who know something about psychology and psychiatry? The ones who know how gendered socialisation works and just how deep it goes, and who aren’t fans of Tumblr essentialism and its blindness to gender-based toxins? The fans who actually understand and respect the intelligence of other fans, instead of kneejerk assumptions of ignorance and moral corruption? The fans who legit don’t think a Gen X writer who forgot to use–or simply didn’t know about the existence of–a new politically correct term, is as evil as Hitler (because ignorance=/=active, intentional oppression, Jesus!)? The fans who respect the labor that goes into fanfic and fanart and always leave comments or otherwise support fan creators, instead of thinking of writers as vending machines for something “dirty” they feel ashamed for reading?
Because I’m that kind of “old” fan and I’ll be there for you if you’re there for me.
I just need to know where the fuck you are!
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
got a request for a monster!Uvo as well as a request for an Uvo fic where he chases the reader. hope it’s cool that I combined the two of them
@ramwrites​ and I are in agreement that werewolf is the best type of monster for Uvogin
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Warnings: death, blood, gore, body horror, little bit of smut, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of cannibalism, attempted suicide, implied kidnapping, reader does not have a good time
Thin rays of sun that were able to slip past the branches of the trees hit Uvo's back as he went about his work, placing another upright log on the now considerably worn down tree stump and bringing his axe down upon it, slicing the wood in two and tossing the pieces into the pile to his right before he grabbed another unchopped piece from the pile to the left. Based off of the sun's position in the sky, it was only a bit after midday. Uvogin had been going at this for a while now, his sweat staining the white tank he wore.
Though the sweating wasn't because the work was in any way debilitating. Any other day of the month Uvogin would've been able to chop the same amount and not even break a sweat.
No, today was different because of what was happening tonight: a full moon.
Even though the night was still a long ways off, Uvo could already feel the very beginnings of his transformation shuddering through him. Faint, but still noticable. Unfortunately, with the ever present fact that nightfall wouldn't come for hours yet, there was little he could to other than to keep himself busy and distract himself lest the anticipation kill him. So he continued to chopping the logs, even though the amount he had cut already was bordering on excessive.
In the midst of his distraction, his ears perked up when he heard the faint rumblings of a car engine. His senses of smell and hearing were always pretty good even when it wasn't close to a full moon, but those senses were ten times as sharp now, and he could clearly hear as the car came in closer and closer.
Whoever they were, they wouldn't be the first people to have approached him today. Already he'd been asked two different times for directions to the nearby campgrounds, the first time by an elderly couple who were likely well into retirement, and the second by a group of individuals who had also gotten lost. The woman from that group who went up to him told him more information than he'd needed to know, informing him of how theirs was a company sanctioned team-building retreat. She had a piece of gum in her mouth and smacked it loudly as she talked, and because of his sensitive hearing, the sound of it became distressing to the point that Uvo had to keep himself from clawing his ears off.
Everyone in that group deserved to die because of that woman alone.
Uvogin didn't stop what he was doing even when he heard the car drive past and then suddenly brake, just continuing as he was while he heard the sounds of a car door opening and someone stepping out. Words were being spoken; what was being said exactly he couldn't say, but based off of previous experience it was easy enough to guess.
The car door slammed shut and the engine rumbled again as the car began to drive further down the dirt road. It'd be back in a little bit – over that way was a dead end. But Uvogin quickly switched his focus to the footsteps he heard walking through the unmarked pathway and headed towards him.
“Excuse me?”
He heard your voice call out to him, and Uvo finally turned to face you. Upon making eye contact with him, you smiled and held up a map as you called out again “sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help out with some directions? We're looking for the Visca lake campgrounds, but I think we've been going around in circles.”
You didn't come any closer when you said that, though it seemed to be more out of a desire to not intrude on his space as opposed to being nervous about the axe he was holding. There was a hopeful look in your eye, though you also seemed ready to apologize for bugging him if he instead told you to fuck off.
Already he knew he liked you much better than the bitch from earlier.
“Sure,” he replied.
Uvo set the axe down and walked towards you, his hand outstretched so you could hand him your map. You smiled and handed him the map without any hesitation, coming up beside him as he unfolded it and scanned the paper so he could give you an idea of what direction you needed to go. The height difference between the two of you meant that he needed to lean down a bit as he pointed out to you the appropriate road that would get you to your destination.
“The road to the campgrounds is here,” he told you.
Despite the way he had tried to accommodate the height difference, you still needed to stand on your toes to see where he was pointing. Your arm came up briefly before you swiftly pulled it back. Like you'd been tempted to place your hand on his forearm to better balance yourself but stopped yourself since the two of you were complete strangers. Though Uvo wouldn't have minded too much if you had done so. Taking advantage of the way you were right next to him, he inhaled, memorizing your scent for later.
Uvo then moved his finger towards the left as he continued “we're around this area, so you'll want to drive back the way you came and take the first right you see. Then you'll want to take another right to get onto the campground road. As long as you don't fuck up turning, you should get to the lake in about ten minutes. Maybe less.”
“Ah, okay!” you responded, taking back your map as you looked over the route he'd pointed out to you. As you were desperate to make sure you got his directions right so you wouldn't need to be in the embarrassing situation of messing up his instructions and needing to go back to him for further clarification, you didn't notice the way he was looking you over or how he inhaled more of your scent.
Your hair smelled of something flowery, some kind of hair product you must have used that morning before you drove out here. Your clothing also had a rather soapy smell, though it wasn't as noticeable as the product in your hair. Beneath all of that, he was able to take in your natural scent that was free of any products or chemicals, as well as... Perfume? An odd choice for a camping trip, he thought. Then another smell hit him, one that surrounded you but you were definitely not the source of.
It was the unmistakable scent of another man.
The perfume made more sense now. You'd said 'we' earlier as well, so chances were you'd come here with a boyfriend for a romantic weekend getaway and his smell has just gotten all over you after spending several hours cooped up in a car with him.
Not terribly displeasing. A boyfriend being in the picture might make things a bit more interesting.
“Okay, I think I've got it,” you said, snapping him out of his thoughts, “sorry if I took up too much of your time.”
“No problem,” he answered, “I get a lotta people asking for directions, so I'm used to it.”
“Really? That sounds like it gets annoying. Why don't they put up signs or something?” you asked.
“They do,” Uvo said, “but they usually get taken down by vandals.”
More like self-righteous teenagers who'd found out the truth about him and couldn't stand the fact that the elders of the nearby town allowed Uvogin to do as he pleased and thought they could thwart his killing sprees by taking down the signs leading to the lake, like they could save any innocent vacationers if they weren't able to find the campgrounds. Those kids had yet to learn that if they managed to deprive Uvo of his prey, he'd be forced to go to their own town and hunt there, maybe snatch up one of them or their families. The older folk in charge of the town understood that, and they'd decided that it was better to let the occasional out of town stranger be his prey than risk him coming in and picking off whatever stragglers he could find in their community.
People vacationing in the wilderness died all the time, after all.
“Vandals?” you asked. There was the slightest bit of concern in your voice, and when your eyes went slightly wide as you looked at him, he couldn't help but muse at how cute you looked like that.
“Just dumb kids,” he explained, “there's a small town a little ways back and I reckon they don't have much to do around there.”
“Ah, I see. Do you think we'll need to worry about them bothering us?”
“Nah, they wouldn't do anything,” Uvo said, “besides, they know that I'm out here today, and they know better than to bug me.”
You laughed a bit at that, any deeper meaning to his words going over your head.
“I can't blame them. If I was one of them I'd be too scared to do anything to get on your bad side.”
Uvogin just smiled.
A voice then called at the top of the path, and you both looked to see a dark-haired man around your age standing there. He called out what Uvo assumed was your name, and you waved to him, calling out a short “coming!” before you turned back to Uvogin.
“Thank you again for your help. I really appreciate it,” you told him.
“Once again, not a problem. Hope you two have a good time.”
You smiled and nodded at him, and then began to walk back over to your boyfriend. But before you had the chance to bid him goodbye, Uvogin spoke again.
“You wanna know something that's not in any visitor's guides?” he asked.
He grinned at your slightly confused expression as he explained “if you go down to the southern side of the lake, there are these really beautiful cliffs in the forest. A lot of clearings that show a pretty good view of the sky, too. And it's a full moon tonight; if you want to make some memories, you should check it out when it gets dark.”
Clearly intrigued, you turned back to face him, asking “really? Why isn't that part advertised?”
“The locals want to keep parts of the lake to themselves,” he said, “but I think it's something that you might appreciate.”
“You sure you won't get in trouble for telling me?”
“Not if you don't say anything,” said Uvo, raising an eyebrow as he smirked.
“Ah, gotcha,” you said. Behind you, your boyfriend was starting to look a bit suspicious, and his lips soon formed a frown. You weren't paying him any mind at the moment.
“What's your name?” you asked.
You held out your hand as you introduced yourself, and he humored you by giving you a handshake.
“Thank you so much for everything,” you said, “maybe we'll see you again while we're here.”
With that, you finally turned and made your way to your awaiting boyfriend, who gave Uvo one last narrowed glance before he turned his attention to you as you eagerly pulled your map back out and began to tell him the directions that had been given to you. Your boyfriend only gave one more glance towards Uvogin before focusing his full attention on you, looking over the map with you before the two of you made your way back to the car. He seemed rather boring, Uvo thought to himself. Yet before you made it back in, you stepped up and kissed your boyfriend on the cheek. Uvo saw the way your boyfriend stiffened and the blush that reached his ears as he sat down in the driver's seat to escape your random but sweet action. You laughed as you entered through the passenger's side, and Uvo kept an eye on the two of you until he saw your small, light blue car pull away and drive down the road.
When the two of you were gone, Uvo went back to chopping wood, picking the axe back up and slicing the log into two even pieces. He didn't expect that anyone else would come blundering into the forest before evening, but if they did, he wouldn't pay them much mind. If he killed every single person who came in to enjoy the lake he would quickly lose that particular food source and then need to find another area to hunt.
No, the only ones that were on the table tonight were the company group and you and your boyfriend – he wouldn't bother hunting down that elderly couple as it wouldn't be interesting in the slightest to go after them. The larger group had a good number of people in it, so there would be no need to seek out anyone else. Honestly he shouldn't even bother with the two of you, but Uvo thought of you again, thinking over every action you had taken, from the way you had approached him to how you held out your hand when you introduced yourself.
The little bit of affection you had offered to your boyfriend also came to mind but he brushed that thought away. It was unimportant, he told himself.
No, he shouldn't bother with the two of you, but he wanted to see how your naive little expression might change when you saw him next, after the moonlight had transformed him, and hear how you might scream and cry as he hunted you down.
He grinned at the thought, and when his axe came down again, it sliced the log and the stump beneath it clean through.
The true beginnings of his change had started hours ago when the sun sank past the horizon and the moon slowly rose in the night sky. Just little things, like the way his teeth began to shift in his mouth, or how the black tips of his claws were starting to show beneath his fingernails, slowly pushing up beneath the nails and trying to force themselves out so he could have an easier time tearing apart whatever unfortunate victim happened to be closest to him.
His skin was starting to shift a bit in places as well as it began to detach from the muscle beneath, and he was hit with an overwhelming urge to run outside and allow his transformation to complete so he could go wild as he always did on a full moon night.
But he waited, forcing himself to focus on the fire that was burning before him, to wait until it had gone out completely before he stepped foot out of his cabin.
It had turned into something of a ritual for him; when he had started it he could no longer remember. It was purely ceremonial, and at the heart of it he knew that it did nothing to add to his hunt, but after being alone in the woods for so long he supposed he was entitled to a bit of superstition. And at this point, it would have felt wrong to do it any other way. When the fire went out, the moon would be at the highest point in the sky, and when he left the dark cabin and bared himself to the moonlight, his werewolf form would tear through and he would track down the victims he had met earlier in the day, the ones whose scents he had remembered after he'd chosen them for his prey. Didn't matter much in what order he got them, just whatever scent he came across first.
Although maybe tonight it mattered a little bit. If he could manage it, Uvogin wanted you to be the last one to die tonight. After the group from the company retreat and your bland looking boyfriend, he'd hoped he could then have you for last. Something about that made him feel like that would be the only appropriate ending to the night.
But that all depended if he could manage to remember that after he'd transformed.
The light of the fire was growing more dim, and he was having a harder time sitting still, his entire body itching to burst through the cabin door and let the moonlight take him.
Not yet, he told himself.
But soon.
Those black claws were showing a bit more now, and at least two of his fingernails had popped off, blood coating his fingertips as his hands clenched onto the skin of his legs. That same skin shifted once more as he did so, and after a few moments he felt something trickling down his thigh, and when he glanced down he could see in the faint glimmer of firelight the hole in his skin that he'd torn open, and the dark fur beneath the human flesh that was still covered and the blood dripping down his leg.
Not yet not yet not yet
A few more agonizing minutes later that had seemed endless in his mind, and finally the fire he'd begun earlier was reduced to a smoulder, the flames dying out and the wood glowing red as the fire reached the end of its life.
No sooner had he thought that Uvogin had thrown open the cabin door and ran out into the woods that surrounded him, bare as he gazed up at the full moon as he allowed himself the moment that he'd been holding off on.
There were multiple changes simultaneously and Uvogin was barely able to comprehend all of what was happening to him because of it. There was always a pain that accompanied his transformation, and while it was a pain that he was used to at this point, it was pain nonetheless.
At the sight of the moon his green eyes turned yellow and his pupils narrowed into slits, while the bones in his body began to shift and grow. It started with his spine, extending and pushing out through his skin and almost causing a ripple effect through his whole body. His bones were snapping and stretching beneath his skin, growing as his muscles were expanding and making him into even more of a giant than he already was. Claws on his hands and feet tore through the flesh that surrounded them as those parts of him extended, the skin ripping open and allowing more of the fur that was hidden underneath to show through.
When he felt the flesh around his shoulders stretch out in an attempt to accommodate the transformation he sped up the process by reaching up and tearing it away with his own fingers, the black claws easily ripping in and pulling the skin away like a latex glove. Soon the skin that had been on his arms sat around him in pieces on the grass and he began the same process with his chest and legs, tearing away his flesh in messy strips and allowing the fur that had formed on his body to be exposed, matted with blood and looking almost black in the light of the moon.
His skull went through the same process as the rest of his body, and he felt his face crack into several different pieces before the bones began to remold themselves and pushed outward, taking the shape of a wolf's muzzle while his teeth extended and shifted to fit properly in his newly formed mouth. When his ears began twisting and pushing upwards into sharp points was when he tore at the skin on his face, pulling it off as he had done with the rest and throwing it to the forest floor.
When the last of his human flesh had been removed, his transformation was complete. The man who had stepped out of that cabin was gone and replaced with a large, bipedal wolf whose yellow eyes dilated as he looked up once more to the moon. Lifting his head up, he arched his back as he let out a howl loud enough that echoed through the woods and across the surface of the lake. Those that heard it in the nearby town quietly whispered their prayers to whichever gods they worshiped while those who were visiting the lake's campsite merely marveled at the sound.
If Uvo was in a different mindset he might have thought of you in that moment, and what you might be thinking when you heard him. If you had any clue of the danger you were in.
But in this moment, there was no thought of you or even saving you for last as he had tried to so hard to ingrain into himself. There was no thought of doing this in any order or trying to end the night correctly as he had mused about earlier.
The only thing going through Uvogin's mind was the need to kill.
As luck would have it, he'd managed to kill the ones from that company first.
There had been more of them. More that were wandering around their campsite, more that were talking amongst themselves, and in general just making more noise that, combined with their scents from earlier, allowed him to find them first.
There were actually more of them in that group than he'd anticipated, and as he killed off the last woman in the group, gum falling from her mouth as he twisted her head completely around. Uvo then looked around at the carnage he'd left in his wake. It was hard to tell with the way they were all in pieces now, but the number of people group had easily been in the double digits. That would probably cause a bit of trouble, as it would be hard to try and cover this up. This would easily make the news. Annoying, as Uvo would need to make sure to lay low for a bit, and it could possibly lower the amount of potential victims in the area when the next full moon came.
But it had still been worth it.
Uvogin felt more like himself again now that the murderous urges had been sated. Able to think a bit more clearly, more rationally. And he was able to remember you and what he'd hoped for early on. He could imagine it: your scared expression as you watched him kill your boyfriend before he slaughtered you like the rest, your screams cutting short as he bit into the skin of your neck and tore out your throat.
Now that his hunger was taken care of, he left the campsite of the now-dead group. Right now all he wanted was to find you and your boyfriend.
Remembering what he had told you of the southern side of the lake, he took a gamble as he headed off in that direction, making his way through the woods at speeds much faster than a regular human would be capable of. He stopped when he felt the wind blowing again, and lifted his nose in the air, trying to see if he catch anything.
….. There
It was faint. Very faint, but he managed to catch a familiar human scent.
He turned and headed off in your direction. It was too far away to get your exact location, but it was enough that he could get at least an idea of where you were.
Continuing towards the south side of the lake, he stayed close to the shoreline until he found your little blue car from earlier parked close to the lake, a tent set up not too far off from it. Your scent became a bit more clear as he came closer, and yet when stopped to scan the area, his eyes looking for the slightest bit of movement and his ears straining to hear any bit of noise, he couldn't find you.
A bit annoying, but based off of the way the two of you had left things, you should still be in the area. It was just a matter of hunting you down.
Uvo stalked about the campsite, just in case he missed something while also puncturing two of the tires on your car and cutting off that potential escape route. Satisfied that neither of you were on the site or next to the water, he walked back into the woods, following after the little bits of that fragrance he'd latched onto.
As he walked, he thought to himself with some amusement that you'd actually taken up his suggestion. Uvogin had found that most people didn't bother, either because they were too dedicated to the plans they'd made before arriving or because they didn't trust that the landscape was as beautiful as he'd made it out to be. In fairness, it mostly all looked the same to him, but there had just been something about that particular bit of campground that made him enjoy hunting there more. So it was even more perfect that the two of you had ended up there. Most likely you were just doing what you felt like and didn't feel like adhering to any particular schedule.
His ears perked up as he heard a low voice in the distance. Not yours. Probably your boyfriend, then. Focusing himself so he could move silently, Uvogin weaved through the trees, his eyes searching for you while he listened for more noise from either of you.
When he heard your voice next, he had definitely gotten closer. Your voice had sounded odd, though. Almost breathless.
He found the two of you in a larger clearing that stood beneath one of the cliffs he had spoken of. You were laying with your back on the grass, dressed in a swimsuit with only a shirt over it. Your boyfriend was in a similar state with the moonlight falling onto his bare back, and it looked like both of you were a bit wet, some drops of water still on your skin and hair still damp. So the two of you had gone swimming before you wandered over to this area to mess around.
You said something to him before the two of you shared a kiss, and you moaned into it when he slipped his hand under your shirt to grab at your chest.
It certainly wasn't the first time Uvo had come across a pair of lovers in the woods. Such encounters usually ended with one or both betraying the other, as several times in the past one would push the other into Uvo's path in an attempt to save themselves after having a passionate make-out session only moments before.
Uvogin stepped out from the treeline and waited for one of you to notice him. You let out another moan, and to him it sounded like it was slightly exaggerated. Was your boyfriend not that good? Not too surprising, based off of Uvo's impression of him.
If Uvo had been the man on top of you, he was certain he could do much better.
….. Where did that come from?
Uvo didn't get much time to wonder about that as he heard you let out a sharp gasp, and when his eyes refocused on you, he saw that you were looking right at him. Your eyes were wide and your skin paled as you stiffened, your hands grasping at your boyfriend's arms.
“What's wrong?” your boyfriend asked when he noticed your reaction.
Keeping your eyes on Uvogin, you answered him in a small whisper “there's something over there.”
Your boyfriend turned his head to where you were looking, and he went stiff as well when he saw Uvogin's werewolf form.
It was quiet in that clearing, free of any noises from any woodland animals or even the insects, as anything that was in that immediate area sensed the danger and were desperate to keep silent. No, the only sound Uvo could hear was your breathing that became more panicked as you struggled to keep it under control and the way your boyfriend tried to shush you while he broke out into a cold sweat. You two were both under the impression to stay still and not make any sudden movements for fear of provoking him.
Then your boyfriend whispered your name.
“When I move,” he breathed out, “I want you to run back to the car and get out of here. Even if I'm not with you, you have to take the car and leave.”
As he spoke, your boyfriend slowly moved his hand over to a pack beside you that Uvo hadn't noticed at first. Still, Uvo grinned. He thought he could take him on?
You tried to protest but your boyfriend wasn't hearing it, only repeating his instructions to you and trying to make you promise that you would do as he said. You didn't want to; that was clear, but when you looked back over to Uvogin's form outside the treeline, you shuddered once more and agreed to leave with a short nod.
Uvogin waited for the boyfriend to make his move. He looked just as terrified as you were, but he was clearly trying to be brave for your sake, and his resolve seemed to steel when he got a hold of whatever he had been searching for in the pack.
Your boyfriend yelled as he shot up and charged at Uvo. For the first time since seeing him, Uvogin felt mildly impressed with your boyfriend; he'd been genuine about wanting to save you over himself. Not like he wouldn't still die for it as he was still incredibly weak, but there was something to be said about the willingness he had to face down a beast like Uvo for your sake.
You must be something special to make a man go that far for you.
The thing your boyfriend had pulled out turned out to be a can of bear spray as well as a medium-sized hunting knife. Uvo managed to doge the stream that had been aimed at him easily on account of how badly the hand that held it had been shaking. The boyfriend ran back a bit, unwilling to get too close to Uvogin even with the knife. He tried to aim it again, but Uvo used his claws to slice at him, slashing upwards as he aimed for his throat.
Somehow, he missed the boyfriend's throat and only managed to hit the side of his face, opening up his cheek and taking off his ear. The boyfriend cried out at that, one hand going up to his bleeding cheek while still trying to incapacitate Uvo with the bear spray. But with the way he stumbled about, it was almost too easy for Uvogin to grab him by his face and hurl him into the trunk of a nearby tree. He hit headfirst, and there was an audible cracking sound that came from the impact. Uvogin didn't even bother to watch the way his body hit the ground, experience telling him that he was definitely dead.
Uvogin was much more interested in you.
You were still in the clearing. At first you had done as your boyfriend had told you and bolted the second he yelled, running back to your campsite. But you stopped and turned back when you heard him cry out when Uvo had slashed at him. You wanted to help him but you also knew there was nothing you could do, and so you were left standing in the clearing, your whole body shaking as you struggled with the decision to stay or leave your boyfriend behind.
It was cute how loyal you were to him.
And loyalty certainly wasn't a bad quality.
When you saw your boyfriend die you froze, tears streaming down your face as you looked between the now dead man and the thing that had murdered him. You were clearly in a panic, your legs trembling as your brain struggled to figure out what to do, where to go from here. Certainly you had to be aware that you'd lost any chance of getting away like you'd been told to do, right?
Apparently not, as when Uvogin stepped forward you bolted, running back towards the camp. Yet Uvo found a sense of relief with that, that you wouldn't just sit there and let him kill you and end it so early.
For whatever reason, that last thought displeased him.
But he brushed that away as he chased after you only moments later, not bothering to be quiet with his movements and instead being as loud as possible, breaking apart any low-hanging branches in his wake as he howled into the night air once again.
You had only made it a little ways past the car when he emerged from the forest and lunged towards you. It seemed like you were trying to get away on foot given the damage to the car. Already there was a scent of blood in your wake, as the soles of your feet had already been cut up on the sharp debris of the forest floor.
You turned towards him just in time to see him raising his clawed hand over his head before he sliced it downwards. Through what must have been some bit of luck, you stumbled backwards at that moment and all he managed to do was give you a flesh wound.
You hit the surface of the gravel road hard, crying out in pain at the force of your fall as well as the cuts that were on your arm, your hand immediately grasping at your wound as you desperately tried to use your legs to get yourself off of the ground.
Then he was on top of you.
He opened his jaws wide; you saw as he did so, and attempted to crawl out from under him.
He snapped his jaws shut on your throat.
And you went stiff.
It was quiet for a few moments.
And then a small rush of air escaped from your mouth as you let out a breath you had been holding.
He had almost killed you in that moment.
The pointed tips of his teeth were pressing lightly into your skin, not quite hard enough to make you bleed, but that would change if you shifted your neck just slightly.
Why had he stopped?
He stayed there, hunched over you, his arms caging you in while his maw was around your throat. He felt the pulse in your neck beating wildly, almost causing vibrations against his teeth. You had stopped struggling, your legs still while you continued to clutch at your wounded arm, the only noises coming from you now being your uneven breathing.
What was he doing?
His yellow eye glanced over to your face, and he found that you weren't even looking at him. You were gazing in the direction of the night sky, where the light of the moon shown down on you like a spotlight, but it didn't even seem like you were even looking at that. Your eyes were wide as you breathed hard, and Uvo had to wonder if you were currently seeing your life flash before your eyes. That perhaps your mind had accepted that this was the end of your life and was remembering as much as you could before Uvogin would sink in his teeth and sever those major arteries in your neck.
Were you satisfied with all that you had accomplished up to this point, or were you disappointed and felt that you should have done more?
Moments passed like that, his hulking form engulfing yours with no movement from either of you. He took in a deep breath, and he once again caught some of the flowery smell of your shampoo, though it had largely faded by now, and you smelled much more like the woods after the hours you had spent there. More like pine and tree leaves, and the fresh water of the lake, and....
Uvogin let out a short grunt that made you whimper and you clenched your eyes shut as you believed this to be the end. You had no clue that Uvo could smell your arousal coming from between your legs. It had come from the way you'd been fooling around with your boyfriend earlier – there was no way you could have been turned on by this.
Uvo thought again of what he had seen when he stumbled upon the two of you, and that odd thought that had interjected at one point. You had been on his mind almost all day, and he thought it was because he wanted to kill you. And now you were beneath him and the moment couldn't have been more right, and yet now that was the last thing he wanted to do.
It hit him then. The different urge he'd had about you since he had seen you earlier in the day, since he had seen the way you treated your boyfriend; the way you had kissed that man had stuck out in his mind. Hardly any different than any other couple he had seen who were too big on PDA, yet combined with the way you had first come up to him, had smiled and thanked him, and introduced yourself so willingly while also asking for his name had made all of the difference in the world.
His days in the woods were lonely. It was something Uvo was well aware of but had thought he could handle, and he had done so for several years now without issue. But now that he knew you, with your actions and your touch and even the sweet scent of your arousal that he wished more and more that he had been the cause of, another second of being alone sounded more like torture.
Still, the biggest reason he had stayed on his own for so long was that he had accepted that there would be few in this world who would be alright with spending the rest of their lives with a man-eating monster. And any that he may have wanted to keep alive despite that probably wouldn't have been worth the trouble. Keeping someone else with him would also mean he would need to put in the effort to keep them alive, and if he had them unwillingly he'd need to make sure they wouldn't be able to get away, either by restraining them or locking them up.
He watched you, watched the way your face stayed scrunched up as you waited for him to finish it. He wanted you, but were you worth the trouble?
When Uvogin pulled off of your neck and sat back up, you meekly opened your eyes in confusion and trying to anticipate what horrible thing he would do to you next. You yelped when he grabbed you by the back of your shirt as he stood, pulling you up to your feet and setting you in front of him. With one hand on your shoulder and one on your hip, he turned you so you were facing away from him, making sure you were steady on your feet.
He leaned down so his maw was right next to your ear, and in a voice that sounded more animal than human, he growled out a single word:
With that he pushed you forward. You stumbled a bit, your brain still processing what he had said as you barely took a few steps away from him. Then, like a lightning bolt had hit you, you finally seemed to understand as you snapped back and made a beeline for the woods. Your bare feet were loud on the cluttered forest floor, and he occasionally heard little gasps and soft whimpers of pain when you cut your foot open further on a rock or a sharp branch.
Uvo waited, wanting to give you a good head start before he began to chase after you. It would be easy to track you, especially with how much you were bleeding now, but he shuddered with barely contained excitement, eager to chase you down but knowing that he needed to give you a decent head start or else it would be over too quickly.
If you proved yourself worthy of keeping alive, then he'd take you back to his cabin.
And he really hoped you wouldn't let him down.
…. But then something felt wrong.
Uvogin's eyes narrowed as he sensed that you were still within the immediate area and not moving away from him as he had expected. The direction you had gone in was the same one the both of you had come from; the patch of woods and the clearing where he'd found you in the pathway. There wasn't anything there that you could have fallen over or gotten stuck on, so why....
A new thought occurred to him, and Uvo growled lowly to himself as he hoped he wouldn't see what he felt he might when he found you next.
You were back in that clearing, sitting next to your boyfriend's fallen body. Your body was facing the direction Uvo had arrived from, both of your hands in front of you as looked down at your now former lover. There were tears rolling down your cheeks as you sat there.
A wave of disgust hit Uvogin as he found he was correct and was thoroughly disappointed with your actions. He'd given you a chance to get away and you'd wasted it by sitting around crying. Clearly he had given you too much credit.
You heard him as he began to walk towards you, and he noted the way your hands slipped beneath your boyfriend's slightly upturned body, your head still downcast.
He stood across from you, letting out a huff that made you flinch. But still, you didn't move from that spot.
As he opened his jaws your head shot up and you lifted your hands from beneath the body.
Just as you did so, something sprayed into his nose, eyes and his open mouth. Something that stung and made him gag. Fuck it burned, and Uvogin let out a howl of pain as he clutched at his face.
The bear spray-!
Something sharp then dug into the flesh beneath his collarbone, and the pain from the bitter spray was accompanied by the sensation of a knife blade stabbing into him.
With another howl as he was now blinded, he swiped a hand in your general direction and heard you yelp as he simultaneously clawed your shoulder and forced you to the ground. With his hearing now being his greatest sense, he managed to pick up the clatter the bear spray can made as the force of his blow made you drop it, and he moved one of his feet to stomp at it, crushing it and making it useless.
Uvo roared again as he swung about wildly, trying to catch you once more, but you managed to avoid his attacks and made your way into the woods again as he heard your labored breathing and footsteps growing fainter and fainter.
He clutched at his face as he tried to make himself calm down, trying to will away the pain and regain his sense of sight and smell.
…. Not bad.
Even with the rage he had felt in the moment, he found himself relieved, almost happy that you had caught him off-guard. You had gone as far as to use your boyfriend's body as a prop, to make him think that you were too broken up about his death so he would lower his guard. Had you been a bit taller, you could have done a decent amount of damage if you'd managed to stab the knife into his throat.
The knife was still in him, he realized, and after regaining a little bit of his sight in his left eye, he easily pulled it out and threw it across the way.
Now you had no weapons, but he was also at a disadvantage as his eyes were still watering and he could no longer smell you as clearly, the harsh chemicals of the spray making him internally wince every time he breathed through his nose. If he wanted to catch you, he would need to rely almost entirely on his hearing to search for you.
The sounds you were making were quite distant now, but he grinned to himself and stayed there a while longer, letting you get further away.
The direction you were going had no civilization, there was only forest for miles, and he was happy to let you get yourself more and more lost if it meant that his hunt would continue.
By the time dawn was nearing, signaled by the sickly pale color the sky had turned to, Uvogin had managed to chase you further into the wilderness, up through the trees and near the edge of a cliff face. Throughout the night there had been times where you had slowed or stopped completely as you tried to regain your strength, taking advantage of your smaller size and slipping into places that he couldn't easily get to. You also had several brief spurts of energy where you had sped up suddenly, more determined than ever to get away from him while you threw various stones and branches back towards him, though you never tried anything else as bold as you had with your trick from earlier as you didn't allow him to get that close again.
But as you stumbled to the edge of the cliff and looked at the steep drop before you, it was clear to him that your fight was gone. He knew it even before you fell to your knees on the sharp rock. The chase had ended, and just in time, as daylight would be here soon, and when that came he would revert back to his human form.
It had been one of the most memorable hunts he'd had in years, and even though your will had been broken in the process, by now he was certain that he wanted to keep you. To have a little partner in his solitary life, someone to keep his bed warm and wait for him to return home in the evenings. The scenario was nice to think about, and he especially liked the idea of you cuddling up to him during the colder months of the year, trying to keep yourself warm with his body heat to fight the chilly air that would sneak inside. Maybe eventually he'd get you to give him sweet tokens of affection like you'd given to your boyfriend, perhaps a kiss on the cheek before he went out to hunt.
And maybe every once in a while, if you were still insistent on putting up a fight, Uvo might let you out during a full moon and make you think you had a chance to escape, just so he could hunt you down and drag you back to his little home in the woods.
The thought of it gave him chills, and he wondered how long he would need to wait before he could let you out.
You were lightly swaying in place as you looked to the ground below while Uvo was consumed in the thoughts he had about you. He assumed that you were just waiting for him to finish it – your willpower was dried up, and there was no way you would try to run around him or do anything as stupid as try to climb down the cliff face.
He had no clue where your thoughts had taken you in that moment.
Realization shot through him when he saw your shoulders sag and your body began to fall forward over the edge.
Uvo rushed forward and grabbed you by your shoulder before you fell off and he threw you back, a good distance further and far rougher than he had been intending, as you wailed weakly when you hit the ground.
If you were willing to kill yourself to escape him, he'd need to wait some time before letting you run about the woods again.
By now, you were covered in dirt and blood and whatever else had stuck to you from the forest while you had run from him. Your skin was covered in cuts that he and the forest had given you and it would likely be some time before you would be able to properly walk again based off of the state of your feet. When he approached you once more, you clenched your eyes shut again. By now you were past the point of tears and just waited for him to finish you off.
You jolted at the feeling of his fur brushing against your skin when straddled you once more, but just as before, the killing blow you were expecting never came. You opened one eye, and just as you did so, the first rays of the sun shone over the landscape beyond and hit Uvogin.
You watched in silent horror as the fur that covered him caught on fire and began to burn. He was briefly consumed by the flames before they vanished into puffs of smoke. His bones were snapping again, breaking into pieces and retracting back into their normal size while his muscles and skin rippled and shrunk back down, tightening around his fingers as the claws also retracted and vanished beneath the skin. As his wolf face broke apart and reformed, there was a look of shock in your eyes as you saw the beast on top of you become more and more human. And that shock soon turned into a realization when you found that you recognized the man who was on top of you.
His transformation back to his human form was over in a matter of seconds, and when it was over and his green eyes looked back down at you, you stuttered as you tried to find your voice.
“U-Uvogin?” you asked weakly.
He grinned, pleased that you had remembered his name.
Without another word, Uvo leaned down over you so he could begin the process of properly claiming you as his.
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hawkwhore · 4 years
Rebound - Hawk X Female!Reader
taking place some time after his breakup with moon, (probably end of S3 era after his redemption) he starts to develop feelings for y/n, but he isn’t sure if he’s ready for another relationship after what happened with moon. this results in constant disguised flirting to avoid commitment, leaving y/n confused on if he likes her, or is just joking around.
p.s. thank you guys so much for 100 followers!! :) i decided that im gonna make a hawk imagine as a thank you since i’ve been thinking about doing it for awhile. im so scared to post this bye.
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words; 2,444
includes; light swearing, angst, fluff
It had gotten to a point, that it was almost bothersome. Bothersome, the way he would talk to you, and pretend like it was nothing.
“Hey gorgeous,” he greeted you as you sat down at Hawk’s lunch table. Your friends smirked and you rolled your eyes, trying to repress a smile. He did this all too often, making comments that shouldn’t be made unless it meant something more.
“Hi.” You sat down awkwardly, never knowing how to respond to his uncomfortable remarks. Not that you exactly minded them, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a bit of a thing for Hawk. But what you didn’t like, however, was not being able to tell if his comments were serious, or just another way to amuse himself over your reactions.
“So, we were just talking about the next All Valley. You’re coming to watch, right?” Hawk asked you as he bit into his food. You were never really into actually taking these karate classes, but you were a supportive friend to the group and always came to watch them fight. “Yeah, of course.”
“I still think you should join the dojo and fight with us, Y/N.” Miguel said hopefully and you smiled at him, preparing to reject the idea again. “Yeah, plus, you’d look pretty hot in the uniform, right guys?” Hawk joked, looking to the table for agreement. You let out a sigh of disappointment at the comment, laughing it off as the rest of the group agreed.
“Yeah, not happening.” You said while grinning, shutting the idea down for the millionth time. Hawk frowned. “You’re lame.” He stuck out a finger from behind the sandwich he was holding to point a finger at you. “Oh well. Looks like you guys will have to find another way to spend more time with me.” You joked, and gave a shrug of your shoulders to your friends.
You had thought, this would have been a good opening for Hawk to say something like ‘You’re right, do you wanna go out with me this weekend?’ but of course, he didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything, really. The conversation just went on.
It made no sense to you why he acted the way he did, but never made a move. It was truly infuriating at times. Eventually the bell rang, and you all parted for the second half of your classes. You wouldn’t see Hawk again until your last period, which was both upsetting and a relief for you at the same time. He’s just so unpredictable.
There had even been times you’d called him out on his behavior, like when you all went out to Golf N’ Stuff and he practically acted like you two were a couple the whole night. He was complimenting you, putting his arm around you, and it prompted you to quite literally say, ‘If you actually like me that much why haven’t you asked me out?’ In a taunting tone towards him, wanting to see what he’d do.
For the first time in a long time, he’d seemed intimidated. He retracted his arm from you even, and after a moment’s silence regained his usual composure to spout a “You wish,” and laugh it off. It hurt your feelings a little, honestly. Was he just using you for the comfort without the obligation? Could it have easily been anyone else besides you? You were determined to find out, but you’ve just been stuck playing the long game.
It was later that day when you reached your final class that more unsurprising events from Hawk occurred. You had been sitting in the general center area of the classroom when Hawk walked in, and he shot a wink your way as he took his usual seat behind you.
“Hey,” he greeted. You turned around to face him, noticing once again how cute he looked in his red hoodie that you wish was yours, and replied nonchalantly. “Hey, how was bio?” You asked him. The teacher wasn’t here yet, so you were thankfully able to converse without being yelled at.
“It was wild,” he started, and his eyes lit up while his mouth curled into a devious smile. “We actually dissected some shit today. Just completely ripped the frog’s guts apart.” He spoke, feeling accomplished. “Totally badass.”
You mimicked the way a person would vomit, exclaiming how disgusting that story was. “And that is exactly why I am not taking biology.” You said while giggling.
He rolled his eyes playfully, but watched you intently as you laughed. He didn’t say anything at first, just smiled softly. “I love your laugh, it’s so cute.” There it is. Except this time it seemed a little more sincere than a harmless flirtation. Too bad that you know that’s all it really is, though.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in a confused look at his compliment like you always do, and turned back to the front of the class when you realized the teacher had just arrived.
It can’t be that he’s scared to ask you out in some sort of fear of rejection, because you’ve made it pretty clear how you feel many times before. When it first started, you tried to reciprocate the things he did and said. But every time you tried, he brushed you off and made you feel like he didn’t want that. So, what, he could flirt with you, but you couldn’t flirt with him? How is that fair?
You considered these thoughts throughout class, and it was starting to frustrate you. Seriously, how is that fair?
You had become so focused on these thoughts, in fact, that you didn’t notice when the teacher had called on you. “Y/N,” Hawk shook your arm from behind you trying to get your attention back onto the class, and you whipped your head up. “Yeah, sorry.”
When class was over and you headed out of the room, Hawk was close to follow behind and pull you to the side before you got too far. “Hey are we still on for tonight?” He asked confidently, referring to your plan to watch the new WandaVision episode together at his house after school. You would’ve been nervous about this, but luckily Demetri was coming, so it shouldn’t be too awful.
“Yeah, duh,” you said while walking towards the exit with him. When you reached his car, you looked around. “Where’s Demetri?” You questioned, as Hawk started getting in the drivers’ seat. “He didn’t tell you he wasn’t coming?” He said boredly. Suddenly you felt tense, but you masked that with a look of annoyance. Figures.
“Ugh, what? No? He’s annoying. Why not?” You complained as you got in the car, no longer waiting for Demetri to show up. “Family dinner, I think?” He responded, while you buckled in your seatbelt and checked your makeup in the little mirror.
“Okay, well, his loss I guess.” You tried to hide your anxiousness about the fact you two were now going to be alone together at his house, with continued annoyance about Demetri’s cancellation.
“Yeah definitely, what loser would pass up an entire hour of sitting next to you?” He commented smugly, trying to lighten the mood. “Half-hour.” You corrected, turning your head away and ignoring the flirtatious intention of the comment.
You shook off the unexpected change of plan and suggested some music, to which Hawk agreed. You both terribly sang along to a few songs while chatting about WandaVision theories until you got to his house, and went inside.
“So what was that in class today?” As you two were walking upstairs to his room, he asked you this almost through a bit of laughter. “What do you mean?” You looked for clarification, hoping he didn’t mean what you thought he did. “You never lose focus in class.” He confirmed.
“Yeah I don’t know! Just zoned out I guess.” You tried to explain without giving him the details on the thoughts that caused your zoning out, thankful for not having to be in direct eye contact with him as you answered while walking inside his room.
Unfortunately, this answer was not good enough for Hawk. “Bullshit! What were you thinking about?” He encouraged lightheartedly, assuming this topic of conversation wouldn’t be anything deep. How wrong he was.
You sat down on his bed and he did the same, and you tried to think of what to say next. At your silence he continued, “You were probably thinking about how hot I am, huh?” You lightly smacked his arm and let out a breath of defeat.
“I don’t wanna kill the vibe by talking about this. I just wanna see Evan Peters in the next episode.” You tried changing the topic by making a joke, but he didn’t budge.
“Dude, what is it? Seriously you can talk to me.” He looked at you sincerely and moved a little closer, detecting this might be more serious than he thought. As annoyed as you were that he wouldn’t give this up, your heart melted a bit at this action.
Then, that heart started beating incredibly fast when you realized what you were now going to have to admit to him. It’s fine, you told yourself, you’ve been wanting to get this off your chest for ages, so just do it.
“Do you like me?” You blurted out.
That is not how you intended to start this conversation at all.
The smirk that was always planted on Hawk’s face immediately fell, and he suddenly looked nervous. “What?” He asked, trying to avoid answering.
Lucky for him, you had more to say.
“All you do, every time I see you, is make flirtatious comments towards me, and it’s weird. It wouldn’t be weird if you actually meant them, but you had plenty of chances to act on it and you haven’t, so at this point I’m wondering if you’re just using me as some sort of fun rebound to mess with and you don’t even like me at all, especially since whenever I tried to flirt back you brushed it off and acted like I was an idiot for doing that, so if you don’t actually like me I’d appreciate if you stopped doing what you’re doing because it’s confusing and I don’t know how to act around you anymore.”
You hesitated for a moment after your very passionate speech, and finished with, “That.. is what I was thinking about during class.”
You looked up at him anxiously and saw an expression of hurt and guilt on his face, and he gulped harshly at the realization that it was his turn to talk.
“You’re not a rebound.” He spoke softly, avoiding eye contact, almost reverting back to his Eli persona. You felt a glimpse of hope at this, but waited for him to continue, fidgeting with the ends of your shirt’s sleeves in impatience.
“And I’m sorry I made you feel like that was even a possibility.” He said louder, slowly regaining his confidence in his words. “I’ve been nervous, after Moon, about getting into another relationship.” He admitted to you, finally looking into your eyes.
Now that he wasn’t as nervous anymore to explain himself, suddenly you were. Where was this going?
“I didn’t want to commit to anything, I was..” He took a breath, as if ashamed to say it, “Scared.” He looked down, avoiding your gaze again, but continued. “I just didn’t want to screw up the same way I did before, and grow a relationship like that just for it to end so soon.”
“So you thought you’d just flirt with whoever was around to compensate your need for love?” You interrupted harshly. You felt a little bad, but you were still angry, and insecure.. and it still sounded like a rebound.
But all your thoughts of self-doubt went out the window when he took your hands in his. “No!” Hawk said, almost shouting in disbelief at you. “I like you a lot, Y/N. I just didn’t know what to do about it. I didn’t want to make things serious and get hurt again, or even worse I do something stupid and hurt you. But I guess my attempt at ‘liking you from a distance’—“ He put emphasis on those words, as though making fun of his own phrasing. “—ended up being stupid and hurt you anyways. And I’m really sorry for that.”
Hawk poured his heart out to you, and you were in shock. You don’t think you’d ever seen him so vulnerable before. You couldn’t think of anything else to say, so you did something you thought you’d never do.
You kissed him.
His short look of confusion as you leaned in quickly faded when he realized, and he happily accepted the kiss. He moved his hand to hold your face, his other one on your waist, and you lightly rested your hands on his chest. A sense of relief washed over you, finally understanding what was going through his head all this time. Before the kiss could deepen, you parted from him to say something.
“I understand,” You moved your arms up a little, wrapping them around his neck while talking, and he held your waist loosely. “But I hope you know that we don’t have to be like you and Moon. You’ve changed so much since then. And I believe in us. I want to be with you.”
You stared into his eyes intensely, hoping he would say exactly what you’ve been wanting him to say to you for months.
His puppy dog expression broke into a huge smile, and he nodded. “Yeah, I want to be with you too.” He leaned in again, much more confidently this time, and kissed you deeply.
He kept his hold on your waist tight, and your lips continued to move together as your hands grasped onto the back of his neck. He leaned forwards slightly and moved his hand to hold your jaw, but accidentally broke the kiss from a smile he couldn’t manage to suppress.
You giggled at this, giving him another quick peck on the lips before turning yourself towards the TV. “So, WandaVision?” You reminded him, laughing to yourself a bit at how things escalated.
“Oh, right,” Hawk hesitated, looking at you for another second. “Fine.” He gave up the idea of kissing you more, and searched for the remote.
“I guess we should be glad Demetri didn’t come after all.” Hawk smiled slyly as he picked up the remote, and cuddled up next to you on the bed.
You laughed, and curled up close to him as he turned on the show. “Yeah, definitely.”
ok hi i hope this wasn’t terrible i’ve basically never written a fanfic before but if y’all liked it you can send me requests??
also random thought i got uncomfy just writing them kissing even though i read intensely nsfw fanfics on the daily so idk why that happened but anyways. LMFAOOO
bye thank u for 100 followers excuse me while i hibernate because this post is embarrassing
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Ultimate Note thoughts, part 3
As promised: analysis of the iron triangle’s different side combinations. This is also me thinking out loud about characters in planning my Leverage AU (which is a go, I decided) so any additional insights/corrections/clarifications would be greatly appreciated!!
Discussing the Iron Triangle’s Different Dynamics: “and they were tomb raiders. Oh my god, they were tomb raiders.”
Wu Xie and Pangzi: Tianzhen and Fatty
This bond is one of the sweetest and most well-developed bonds I’ve ever seen. I had mixed feelings about parts of Sound of the Providence, but one thing they got right was that Wu Xie and Pangzi have been platonically married for decades at that point and the love is still strong. These are two people who can banter about nothing and enjoy each other’s company. In Ultimate Note, Pangzi is given more emotional range and we get to see his thoughts on Wu Xie multiple times when puppy is unconscious/missing and in peril/yikes there should be a Wu family discount for therapy. What’s really beautiful between the two of them is that they see each other for their real selves and think those real selves are awesome and worthwhile people, warts and all. Pangzi knows Wu Xie is at once obsessively driven in his goals and fundamentally naive about those same goals; “Tianzhen” is probably a mild curse as often as it is a loving pet name. But he still shows up to help and support him in those goals. The scene where Wu Xie insists on waiting for Xiao Ge under the jade meteor thingy is a good indicator of this dynamic; despite being the one to make a rule that they will leave once the bottle under a slowly dripping rock is full, Pangzi silently pours out the filled bottle multiple times as Wu Xie sleeps. It’s also such a lovely and quiet moment to show how much they both worry over Xiao Ge together, although Pangzi, true to form, covers up a lot of his negative feelings in order to soothe and distract Wu Xie.
Pangzi and Xiao Ge: the official “Wu Xie Adoration/Defense/Commiseration/Smack Some Sense into Him” squad leaders
It’s a good touch that at the start of this adventure, both Pangzi and Xiao Ge have things going on that exist outside of Wu Xie: they both take on jobs for the same raid and deliberately do not involve Wu Xie (now that I think about it, it does kind of make sense that Wu Xie is upset at first that he is always playing catch-up with their plans, he gets enough of that with his own family. Like, *we* know there’s a good reason for their actions, but professor puppy does not).
The show does make it clear that their squad has Wu Xie at its core, and these two definitely have nights after bad raids where they (mostly Pangzi) sit with a drink and discuss management of their mutual disasterbebe. A perfect example of their system is the scene where Wu Xie cuts his hand and stubbornly ignores Pangzi; our guy takes an immediate shortcut by loudly telling Xiao Ge that Wu Xie is “being stubborn again” at which point the Man in Black gently but firmly manhandles Wu Xie into getting a bandaid over the cut (the frustrated tenderness in Xiao Ge’s face as he gazes at Wu Xie for a half second cut is just beautiful). And it’s clear that this is a regular situation: if one of them can’t get through with usual tactics, they reassess and get the other one involved. However, we do get to see that Pangzi’s protectiveness extends now to Xiao Ge, and the sweetness of those cuddles when emokitty is sick on their way out of the desert are just cute as hell and show it’s not just Wu Xie that Xiao Ge trusts with his vulnerability. It’s a far cry from their early dynamic in the Lost Tomb of “wanna fight bitch I can take you.” Pangzi is Xiao Ge’s caretaker post-amnesia (the little name tag with if-found-please-return is both cute and heartbreaking) and juggles his different roles like a pro. I really want to return to an analysis of Pangzi as caretaker in another post sometime.
Xiao Ge and Wu Xie: *cue epic music of the “Prioritize and Rescue the Damsel” Theme*
This relationship…look.
Like I said before on (checks notes) that one post or whatever, it’s a beautiful romance. And I don’t particularly care (lying through my teeth) that it’s not ever openly acknowledged throughout the series (except in asides by Pangzi and Hei Yangjing, trolls extraordinaire who ran out of fucks to give three tombs ago), because as with most things for these two, words are less important than actions. Even in other series, like Wu Xie’s ten-year devoted widow period where we find out he can access something only accessible by Zhang family members, he constantly drops hints as to a great loss that has defined his life—his single-minded devotion to Xiao Ge is Wu Xie’s double-edged sword. Every series does a great job with the long gazes at each other—somehow for that time, it seems like it is just the two of them in that moment, even if we know their third-twentieth wheels are waiting awkwardly nearby. An important part of their dynamic is that Xiao Ge always, always protects Wu Xie when he is able to, even if it’s just to stop him from tripping a little on some rocks (I think this might also be why their relationship is so revered? Like, who doesn’t want the assurance of an unconditionally loving sexy swordsman in black who has been known to disappear but who will come to your aid in moments of need—WAIT IS THEIR ROMANCE JUST CONSTANT REITERATIONS OF THE PRINCESS BRIDE???). But we also see how Wu Xie protects Xiao Ge, consistently checking in with him and making sure he is treated as a person and not a tool; it must be confusing to outsiders to see the well-known “Tomb-Raiding Train-wreck Twink” (no I don’t accept constructive criticism on this) fussing over what appears to be a stoic superhuman warrior’s physical and emotional needs. Any period of separation or sight of the other in pain brings out Wu Xie’s best sad puppy eyes and Xiao Ge’s most prominent micro-expressions (I think we can all agree Xiao Ge’s face had the most dialogue during that weird-snake-egg saga), and I just love how their relationship develops over the series, from suspicious puppy with abandonment issues to a calmer sense of “he’s gonna do what he’s gonna do, but he will come back.”
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Hi Roxy! I, L, T and Z
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Not really. When I first joined Tumblr it was to look at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stuff but I didn’t realise there was discussion around which incarnations were the best ext. I’ve not stopped liking the show, but I don’t really look at TMNT stuff anymore.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
So...I’ll go with Tweety. It might sound a weird thing to say seeing as I think there’s zero evidence for this, but I believe he has a very good sense of style and fashion and is also very self-confident which I like. I also personally like how he always seem to be one step ahead of the game in regards to everything. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
So if you’ve been following/looking at my blog you’ll know that I headcanon Elmer as gay. Don’t see that changing anytime soon. 
Switching fandoms completely I see Donatello [TMNT] as on the Autistic  spectrum. Michelangelo I also see as having ADHD. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
So after getting clarification about what this actually means [I.E. talk about anything related to a fandom] I’m going with this:
In order to help with Elmer’s sleepwalking [developed after WW2] and in order to make it so Bugs and the other Looneys don’t have to constantly look after him and watch him every night, Scratchy has asked ’flat-out-told Warner Bros they needed to intervene. So they designed Elmer a dog, like an assistant dog, in order to specifically help him with sleepwalking. By that I mean the dog is with him constantly when he sleepwalks and does things like opening doors for him so he doesn’t smack into them [Bugs’s job before] and just generally making sure he doesn't get into to many scrapes. 
The dog is designed to look like a ‘Golden Retriever’ and she is called ‘Honey’ [Elmer chose the name]
Elmyra adores the dog and hugs her whenever she sees her. [Honey has been designed to tolerate hugging because what with Elmer having 3 kids and working in a school it was necessary]
During the day Honey either sleeps [she still needs 4 hours of sleep like any other toon] or helps Elmer some more depending on how bad he’s feeling during the day and circumstances but her role is greatly reduced during the working day. 
Anyway...I feel I’ve rambled enough about this vague idea I’m still working on, but if anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
Faking It  -  III
Summary: You’d done plenty of dumb things in your life, but the dumbest had to be picking Greendale’s latest bad-boy to pretend to be your boyfriend.
Masterlist Prev. | Part 3
Word-count: 3k+
A/N: hello friends i forgot what day of the week it was. sorry for posting late but i hope you like it regardless!!
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“You punched Colin Anderson in the mouth?” 
Sighing, you closed your locker and turned to face your friend. “Hi, Harvey, I’m doing great, thanks for asking,” you said, adjusting the bag on your back as you did. “How are you today?” 
“Come on, Y/N, I’m being serious,” Harvey said. “You go on one date with the guy and now you’re getting into bar fights?” 
“First of all, it wasn’t a bar fight,” you said. “Second of all, if Colin Anderson didn’t want to be punched in the mouth, he shouldn’t have tried to grab my ass.” 
“Well, that’s not the story he’s telling people,” Harvey said, shifting around uncomfortably under the weight of new information. 
“What’s he telling people?” you asked, turning and beginning to walk to your next class. “And who is he? I’d never seen him before that night.” 
“That’s because you don’t go to any of the football games,” Harvey said, voice bouncing around as he followed you to keep the conversation going. “He’s like the rockstar of Green Valley, alright? And he’s telling people that Caliban lost a bet to him and you punched him to get out of paying up.” 
“That’s bullshit!” 
“Yeah, I know that now,” Harvey said. “But this is the kind of crap he does, Y/N. It’s only gonna get worse the longer that you’re around him.” 
“Harvey, for clarification, I never plan on being around Colin Anderson again unless I’m punching him in the mouth.” 
“You know that’s not who I was talking about,” Harvey said with a sigh. He rubbed his face and you actually felt bad for him right then. He could be a pain at times but he was still one of your closest friends, and the strain of being your friend was starting to show. “Just … be careful. Caliban’s not a good guy. I mean, look at just look at your hand.”
You looked down for a second and saw what he was talking about: the gnarly looking purple-yellow bruise on your outer three knuckles and the small split that refused to heal between your pinky and ring finger. You took a sharp breath and pulled your hand behind your back.  
“I think you’re wrong about him,” you said. You put your non-bruised hand out when Harvey started arguing. “Yeah, he’s done some shady stuff but don’t you think, underneath all that, there’s something good about him?” 
“Ouch,” Caliban said. You’d been too focused on Harvey that you didn’t even notice his arrival until you were jumping at the sound of his voice. Harvey seemed less rattled and more annoyed. “Please, cousin, don’t hold back on my account.” 
“Whatever.” Harvey was never a pro at witty comebacks. He shifted again and then gave up on whatever speech he was mentally preparing. “Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
“Duly noted,” Caliban said with a smile, stepping closer and placing a hand on the small of your back. “Thank you.” 
Harvey shook his head and got ready to say something that would, without a doubt, end up in an argument when the warning bell rang overhead. “I’ll see you guys around.” 
“No, Harvey, wait-” You reached out for his hand but he shook you off. You turned to face Caliban’s angelically smiling face with a fury. “What the hell was that?” 
“What was what?” Caliban asked, either not noticing your frustration or ignoring it in favor of pretending to be playfully ignorant. 
“Why can’t you have a single conversation with him where it doesn’t end in an argument?” 
“I’m afraid my cousin is rather sensitive at heart,” Caliban said, dropping his gaze to the floor for a moment. “He doesn’t appreciate my witticisms the same way you do.”
“I’m not so sure I appreciate them either,” you said. The second bell rang out and you took another step back. “I’m going to be late for class. We can talk about it later.” 
Caliban called out your name but you disappeared into the sea of students before he could change your mind. 
In an attempt to distance yourself from all the boy trouble you’d gotten yourself into, you buried yourself in schoolwork. You opted for the safety and quiet of the library instead of eating lunch with your friends, but your carefully crafted isolation was broken by Roz dumping her stuff on one of the chairs across from you and taking a seat right in front of you. 
“So what’s the deal with you and Harvey’s cousin?” she asked. The people around you shushed her and she mumbled out an apology before leaning in and whispering, “So what’s the deal with-” 
“It’s really complicated, Roz,” you said with a sigh. “And I’ve got this trig assignment due in like twenty minutes so I can’t talk right now.” 
“You can copy mine if you tell me what’s going on,” Roz said. She got a sinister smile on her face when she knew she’d won - a smile you had come to love and hate. You relented and she dug the assignment out of her bag. “Spill.”
“It started a while ago-” Not a total lie. It would be easier once you were copying answers and not looking at the face of your best friend. “He was looking for Harvey and somehow found me instead. The long-distance thing was going really well, you know? And then Harvey found out and completely freaked out-” 
“I mean, it makes sense,” Roz said. “You and him are like best friends and it sounds like Caliban ends up with everything Harvey cares about so- hey, don’t look at me like that. I never said it was intentional.” 
“What did he end up with that Harvey cared about so much?” you asked, putting the trigonometry aside for a moment to argue. 
“His little league spot, Lucy, a loving mom instead of an angry dad,” Roz went on to list a few more, slightly less heartbreaking, things before sighing and shrugging lightly. “And now you.” 
“I’m not some old action figure, Roz. It’s not like me dating Caliban has to change anything between me and Harvey,” you said. You looked down at your trig assignment again and thought that maybe you were taking this fake relationship a little too seriously. 
“But it does change things. He thinks you’re choosing his cousin over him.” 
“But that’s not what I’m-” you broke off your argument when people started shushing you again. “Fine, okay, whatever. Just tell me how to fix it.”
Roz got her sinisterly smart smile again and she rested her chin on her hands. “I’m so glad you asked,” she said. “I was thinking we could all go out - like go bowling or something - and the rest of us could meet Caliban while you spend some quality time with Harvey.” 
You bit your lip as you thought about it. It wasn’t a bad plan, but you didn’t like the idea of Caliban talking to your friends when you couldn’t step in to fix whatever lie he messed up. And the idea of Harvey and Caliban getting in close contact again … 
“We could go bowling,” you said eventually. Roz got excited and you got shushed again. “But you have to promise me you’ll be nice to him, okay? And Theo too.” 
“Deal!” Roz scooped up all her stuff, forgetting her trig with you. “I’ll go talk to the others and give you the details later.” 
“Thank you,” you said with a small smile as she ran off. 
Maybe this would work out. 
Maybe a group fake date was just what you needed. 
“You want to go bowling?” Caliban asked as the two of you walked off the baseball field together. 
After a day of avoiding him, you’d finally decided to track him down after practice, not accounting for how attractive he would look with messed up hair and some color in his face. 
“I don’t want to - my friends want to,” you said. “They want to meet the guy that has me punching Colin Anderson in the mouth.” You shrugged when Caliban looked over at you with a very confused face. 
“Who the fuck is Colin Anderson?” he asked. Deciding there were better things to argue about, he let out a breath and shook his head. “Alright, bowling sounds fun.” 
You punched his arm playfully and said, “Liar.” 
He gave you a lighthearted, self-assured smile and rolled his eyes. “Am I picking you up beforehand so we can go over whatever little details you’ve come up with for me to tell your friends?” 
“Duh.” You sighed and stopped walking when the two of you reached the parking lot. “And, look, we have to talk about earlier. You can’t be like that with Harvey anymore, okay?” 
“What was I like?” Caliban asked, looking amused by how seriously you were taking this charade. 
“You know exactly what you’re like,” you said. “I know there’s that whole family thing that happened, but if you weren’t so antagonistic maybe things wouldn’t be so bad between you two. Why can’t you just be with him like you are with me?” 
“Because Harvey’s not nearly as pretty as you,” Caliban said, lifting a hand to your cheek before you knocked it out of the way. He sighed and put his hand in his pocket. “Unfortunately, Harvey has made up his mind about not liking me. Nothing I do is going to change that.” 
“Then let’s bet on it,” you said. “If being nice doesn’t work then I’ll … I don’t know, sit through one of your boring baseball games?” 
Caliban laughed and rocked back on his heels. “If it doesn’t work, you have to come to one of my baseball games and cheer me on. Face paint, hand-drawn sign, the works. Deal?” 
“No way.” 
Caliban shrugged. “I wonder how Harvey would feel about me letting the air out of one of his tires ...” 
“No!” You smacked his arm. “Fine. I’ll go to one of your boring games and pay attention, alright? Deal.” 
Caliban smiled and took his hand out of his pocket to hold it out to you, waiting for you to shake it. “Deal.” 
Rolling your eyes, you shook his hand. He cleverly maneuvered his hand around to interlace with yours and started walking across the parking and back to the school. His hand was warm and felt like it fit in yours, but it also left you feeling like you’d made a deal with the devil. 
Despite your reservations, the group date was actually going well. 
You only tried on two outfits beforehand and your parents weren’t there to ask questions when Caliban picked you up. The two of you went over all the details in the car about your relationship - Where was your first date? Did he know your favorite color? Did you know his favorite book? What was your song? - and he didn’t catch you staring at him this time. Plus, Caliban didn’t roll his eyes when you reminded him to be nice to Harvey tonight. 
Harvey, on the other hand, made no such promises, and one of the first things he did when he saw Caliban was glare at him. The rest of your friends were a lot friendlier; introducing themselves with uncertain hugs and making jokes about finally meeting the guy that left Billy speechless for once. 
And Caliban was quite the charmer, even with his whole bad boy thing going on. He flustered Theo and made Roz giggle - that’s right, giggle - and didn’t even argue when Sabrina suggested you bowl as teams. She was the only person who wasn’t affected by Caliban, but Sabrina wasn’t affected by much. 
Theo banned playing as couples because he and Roz weren’t a couple anyway, so Roz quickly suggested possible teams. You and Harvey would be together (she cast a very un-subtle look at you when she said that part), Theo and Caliban could be on a team, and then she and Sabrina would tie it all together. When no one offered up a better roster, the lot of you went to get shoes and pick a lane. 
Theo and Caliban made a surprisingly good team, with Theo excitedly bumping into Caliban every time one of them made a good throw and then full-on hugging him whenever one of them got a strike. It was cute, and you couldn’t fight those damn butterflies that flew around every time Caliban got along with one of your friends. 
Sabrina and Roz were, unsurprisingly, more interested in talking to one another than trying very hard to win. It was nice to see they’d outgrown their competitiveness, but maybe that was just because they weren’t competing against each other. 
And then there was you and Harvey. Like always, you were crushing it, but unlike always Harvey was so focused that you could basically see the steam coming out of his ears. He was determined to beat Caliban, even if it meant he had a rotten time while doing it. 
“Alright,” you said, turning to Harvey after your turn and crossing your arms over your chest. “Are you gonna be frowning like that the whole time?” 
“I’m not frowning,” Harvey said, mimicking your movements and crossing his arms defensively. “I’m just, you know, focused.” 
“Focused,” you repeated and he nodded. “Okay, but just know that you’re the only one ‘focusing’ so hard.” 
You walked back to the chairs and sat next to Caliban while Theo got his ball from the retrieval area. Pulling his arm around your shoulders, you leaned your head up to talk to him. To anyone else, this was a sweet moment - and maybe it still was - but it was also a very sneaky way to check on him without your friends suspecting anything. 
“You’re doing great,” you said quietly. “I think Theo would be your real boyfriend if you asked nicely enough.” 
Caliban laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind, but I get the feeling that’s not all you came to say.” 
“It’s not,” you said, shifting as Theo started yelling for Caliban to come bowl for his turn. “Just- miss this one, okay? Not totally because that would be suspicious but-” 
“You want me to throw the game?” Caliban asked. 
“Yeah, kinda,” you said awkwardly. “Do you mind?” 
“A little, but I’ll do it,” Caliban said. He kissed the top of your head and untangled himself from you to get to his feet. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a game to win,” he said with a dramatic wink. “Enough fraternizing with the enemy for one night.” 
“The enemy?” You laughed and repositioned yourself in your seat. “Huh, so that’s how it is?” 
“Exactly,” Caliban said over his shoulder as he went to get his ball. 
He knocked down the pins so it would be impossible to get them all down on the second try. If Theo did well, Caliban would make some slight mess up and vice versa. By the time they were done, you and Harvey had won by three points. 
“Yes!” Harvey said under his breath after tallying up the scores. You pretended not to hear, but the two of you had a celebratory hug before getting back to the group. To your surprise, Harvey took a breath and held his hand to Caliban to shake. “Hey, good game, man.” 
Caliban took his hand after a moment and smiled. “Thanks, you too.” 
“Okay, that was fun and all,” Theo said, holding out his hands and gesturing vaguely to your bowling lane. “But can we get out of here now? I’m starved.”
Sabrina laughed and bumped Harvey’s arm. “What do you say? Winner buys us all something to eat?” 
“Oh, no way,” Harvey said. “I’ll drive but you guys are buying us dinner. That’s how it works.” 
“I think he may be right,” Caliban said with a dramatic sigh before smiling at the group. “What do you guys say we get out of here and treat them to a burger and some fries?” 
“As long as you’re paying, you can treat them to anything you like,” Roz said with a laugh. “We’ll meet you guys there?” 
You said you would and then followed them out to the parking lot, making jokes about how Harvey must have been practicing beforehand and Roz’s one amazing strike among the rest of her gutter throws. Your friends went one way and you and Caliban went the other, still holding hands even though no one was around to see it. 
Squeezing his hand, you came to a stop on your side of the car and leaned against it to face him. “Hey, thanks for that,” you said. “You were really great with them.” 
Caliban shrugged. “What are fake boyfriends for if not to impress your friends?” 
You laughed and shook your head. “I’m being serious,” you said as you straightened up. “I know how much you hate losing.” 
“I may have thrown the bowling game, but I think I won something else,” Caliban said. He looked at your mouth for a second before looking back up at your eyes. 
“Oh really?” you asked. 
“Definitely,” Caliban said with a smile. He took a deep breath and looked out at the road not too far in front. “We should probably leave before your friends get worried.” 
“Probably,” you said. You took a step closer and lifted your hand to the side of his face before kissing his cheek softly. “Thanks, Abercrombie. It’s been a good night.” 
“It has,” Caliban said quietly. 
He didn’t push any more than that, letting go of your hand and opening your door for you. When the door closed as you got in the car, you took a deep breath. As happy as you felt when Caliban got in the car with an uncomplicated smile on his face, it also felt like you’d just been hit in the mouth like a pissed off teenager. 
“Ready to go?” Caliban asked as he buckled up next to you. 
This was still an undeniably bad decision, but it was your undeniably bad decision. 
“Ready,” you said with an uncomplicated smile of your own.
Part 4
Tagged: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e​  @miss--moose​  @marrypuffsstuff​  @harryscarolinaa​  @igorsbby​​  @foji2000​​  @mschfavngz​​  @artaxerxesthegreat​​  @thxmagic​​  @strawberriesandknives​​  @xealia​​  @hotmessindisguise​​  @sweetrogers​​  @reheated-coffee​​  @shelby-x​​  @perseny-blog​​  @millie-753​​  @luneerius​​  @shizzybarnaclee​​  @lettherebelovex​​  @throughparisallthroughrome​  @ietss​  @thebookwormlife​  @mechanicalanimalz​  @mariamermaid​  @nqbmf​
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nakonaniko · 4 years
The Glitter; A NoMin Smut. +2k Words. Warning: The following work contains mature content.
The boys had just finished filming the first episode of ‘Riding Battle’ and were sitting around a plastic table munching on some snacks to ease their hunger. Loud howling came from the boys as a sulky Jaemin stepped out of the toilet witch an itchy eye. Without saying any words, he plopped down onto a plastic chair and shoved some chips into his mouth as he scrolled through social media using his secret accounts. Jeno, a little scared of Jaemin’s frustrated state, turned to him and attempted to touch the lower lid of his swollen eye. Haechan and Jeno had taken their fun a little bit too far this time and Jaemin was certainly not happy about it. Jeno was busy analyzing the faint redness of his eye when Jaemin spoke up.
“You know you’re fucking lucky that I love you or else I would’ve snapped your neck in half the moment you touched that glitter bottle.”
And with that Jeno knew that things weren’t as bad as he thought they had been. He gave out a sigh of comfort that he didn’t know he had been holding in for a while and careful of the several pairs of watchful eyes around them, pressed a feather kiss on Jaemin’s half closed eye. Not long passed until it was time for the boys to pack up and go back to the dorms. The Hyundai van that SM had prepared for their transportation was big enough to house all of them and so they all settled in their seats comfortably. The manager informed the members of the rather long distance that they had to pave and told them to rest if they felt the need to. The boys laid back their seats and soon Chenle and Jisung fell asleep, leaving the rest in their tired and drowsy states. Once in a while the sound of Renjun’s rather loud whines and grunts followed by Heachan’s clingy attempts to cuddle him was heard, but aside from that all was sound and peaceful. Jaemin was sitting in the back row, where there were more than one seat available and had laid his forehead on the glass of the window, staring out at the orange and red of the sunset. Jeno caught sight of his silent boyfriend and couldn’t help but think that he had something to do with Jeamin’s unusual lack of energy. Usually Jeno (and all of them) had to beg a noisy Jaemin to stop teasing them so much and let them be for a while but today, that was not the case and Jeno couldn’t bear this situation at all. Looking around, Jeno found almost everyone asleep or busy doing something on their phones. He then slowly got up and walked over to where a not-yet-asleep Jaemin was sitting. His heartbeat was oddly high for someone who had barely done anything and when he finally sat down next to Jaemin and brushed his bangs out of his forehead slowly, he was sure that any ignorance from his boyfriend’s part would break his heart deeply. Jeno was fortunate for Jaemin raised his head instantly and hummed faintly before burying his face inside his neck. Jeno wasted no time and expressed his affection by placing multiple kisses on the top of his head, making sure to embrace him as close as possible. Jaemin sighed a sigh that Jeno usually would hear in more private circumstances, in bed to be exact. His breathing hitched as he felt the wetness of Jaemin’s soft and warm tongue on his exposed collarbones. Jaemin was teasing, which was not new, and it felt great, but Jeno had other things to worry about for now.
“Baby? Have you been ok? Do you feel sick? It’s that bastard Renjun’s punch in your chest, isn’t it? Come on let me take a look –“
Jaemin interrupted him halfway:
“Jeno-ya I’m fine, I’m just tired and a bit … maybe a bit frustrated.”
Jeno’s brows furrowed in confusion and deep thought.
“Frustrated? Frustrated how? Is this about that dumb online game that Chenle and Jisung keep pushing you to play so they can gain more lives? I swear to God I’m about to end –“
Jeamin was very well familiar with this habit of Jeno. He tended to be super protective and sensitive when it came to his comfort and he wouldn’t shut up unless a lid was put over his pretty mouth. Jaemin masterfully managed the situation by grabbing the collars of his leather jacket and covering his lips with his own pair. It took Jeno less than a second to fall prey to Jaemin’s sudden attention and soon he was kissing Jaemin back. What surprised him was the force with which Jaemin kissed, he was pushing himself forward as if attempting to straddle his waist there and then in a van full of people. Jeno broke the kiss momentarily and shook his head a little just to get some sense back in that head. Jaemin chuckled at his boyfriend’s fucked out state and punching his chest lightly added:
“I’m frustrated since you know … it’s been a while.”
Jeno was in no state to realize what Jeamin was trying to say and so he just shook his head cutely as a way of asking for more clarification. Jaemin sighed and looked at him straight in the eyes this time.
“It’s been a while since you’ve last dicked me down hard and nice. Here, happy now?”
‘Wow that was a piece of information I could not possibly handle right now’ thought Jeno. He gulped and ran both of his hands through his perfectly styled hair, sighing in the process.
“Is that why you’ve been extra salty for these past few days?”
Jeamin only nodded, with his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth, giving Jeno full on puppy eyes.
Jeno reached out and rather harshly took his bottom lip out.
“Don’t fucking tease me like that unless you’re willing to limp for a week.”
Jaemin rolled his eyes in response, which only infuriated Jeno more. The ride came to an end and the boys were finally in the comfort of their baggy clothes and cozy dorm atmosphere. Chenle and Jisung took turns on their shower stall as the rest of the boys were busy wiping the makeup off their faces. A loud Heachan startled Jeno as he ran into his room to show him something.
“Look what I’ve got! With this amount I’m sure we can tease Jaemin for a whole month!”
He said, waving the bottle of glitter that they had used earlier to paint Jaemin’s under eye. Jeno was about to snatch the bottle and punch Haechan in inappropriate places when a comfortably clothed Jaemin passed by the door. It took him a few seconds to come back into the door frame. He chuckled lowly and took the bottle out of Heachan’s hand.
“Haha. Veeeery funny you guys. Now fuck off before I smack you both.”
Jeamin waited for no other response and headed back to his shared room with Jisung. After a quick shower and a bowl of ramen it was time for him to do something until he’d eventually fall asleep. Wasting time on social media was the first option. He checked the profiles of all of the other members and soon grew bored. Jisung had long fallen asleep and that meant no bickering and teasing him. Letting out a sigh, he stood up and walked out to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water. There in the living room sat an energetic Haechan playing games on the TV, surrounded by the asleep figures of Chenle and Renjun. That left Jeno alone in his room. Jaemin walked towards his lighted room and found him shirtless in front of the full length mirror, drying up his hair with a blow dryer. He stood there for a while, just taking in the graceful flexing and unflexing of his boyfriend’s back muscles as he did the most simple things, like drying his hair and putting on body lotion. Finally he plucked up the courage and walked over to an oblivious Jeno, put his hands on his wide shoulders and pressed a chaste kiss to where his shoulder blades met below the back of his neck. Jaemin waited for no other response and walked back to his bedroom.
He sat down on his bed and covered his face with both of his hands. He had been extra touchy for the last few days, the comeback schedules for ‘Ridin’ had totally drained all of his energy and that meant he had little to zero opportunities to spent some quality time with his boyfriend who was as equally busy. He eventually realized that tonight was the night. After all Jeno had the room all by himself tonight and they could take advantage of that, unless they wanted to wait for a while and then book a hotel room for a few hours just to fuck each other mercilessly. He couldn’t take it anymore and judging by the reactions that he received from Jeno back in the van, Jaemin was sure that he was on the same page. He walked out the door and made sure to take the glitter bottle with him. What Jeno likes, Jeno gets.
When he opened the door to Jeno’s bedroom the lights were already off, only the faint moonlight shone through the window and lighted up Jeno’s bare torso. Jaemin was not in the mood for extra teasing and so he locked the door and began taking his clothes off one after the other. Jeno’s steady breathing was a sign that he had been asleep for some time, and Jaemin had zero plans to be careful tonight. He boldly opened the glitter bottle and rubbed some on his collarbones and chest, making sure not to put any on the nipples since Jeno would certainly not like the idea of glitter on his tongue. Jaemin added the last touches by putting some around and under his eyes, since that was what sparked Jeno’s attention in the first place. He carefully lidded the bottle back and put it on Jeno’s bedside table. It was time for action now. Jeno was a lousy sleeper and so he never had his covers on, that was a bonus for Jaemin as he easily began straddling Jeno’s naked waist.
He took a hold of his rock hard cock and led the tip of it inside the little hole of Jeno’s bellybutton, wetting the small area with his pre-cum. Running his hands up and down Jeno’s chest, he laid his palms on his shoulders and continued humping his skin shamelessly. Jeno’s eyes fluttered open to probably the most sinful image that he could’ve ever seen. There Jeamin was, face blushed and lips parted, moaning his name under his breath like a prayer, his chest and closed eyes glistened with the most beautiful glow as moonlight illuminated his delicate body. His mind was still attempting to register to the sight in front of him, but his body reacted faster. He grabbed Jeamin’s petite hips and helped him hump his belly faster. In less than three minutes Jaemin came hard in hot spurts of thick cum on Jeno’s chest and chin.
“Jeno-ya …”
That was all he had to say before Jeno ran a finger in his hot cum and led it onto his lips, an action to which Jaemin gladly opened his mouth. He licked and sucked his finger masterfully and pushed himself forward to catch Jeno’s lips in the most animalistic French kiss. Jaemin was too far gone to care for foreplay and while kissing proceeded to take Jeno’s half hardened cock and sat on it carefully. Jeno’s breathing faltered.
“Baby … baby … ugh .. I need to .. I need to stretch you first … ah fuck ..”
The feeling was nothing like any other sex that they had experienced. Jaemin could feel Jeno’s cock rising to its full length inside his hole and Jeno felt like he was unlocking new spots inside of him. Jaemin’s confidence in riding his boyfriend died down a bit as he grew tired of the uncomfortable situation.
“Turn me … turn me around .. my leg ..”
Jeno got the sign immediately and still inside him, turned them around so that Jaemin was now caged within his embrace. This was Jeno’s position. Whenever they were in bed like this, Jeno would turn into a merciless animal and fuck Jaemin senseless. And it was about to begin.
“You thought that it was fucking ok to tease me like that in front of the others back in the van huh? Was it fucking funny?”
Jeno’s harsh words were followed by a brutal slap to Jaemin’s left ass cheek.
“Hmmm …”
Jaemin wasn’t one to give up easily and Jeno was very well aware of that.
“Begging to get fucked like the dirty little cock slut that you are … how shameless.”
The second slap was accompanied with a sudden thrust forward and that almost sent Jaemin over the edge.
“You’re so good … you fuck me so good … ugh ..”
Jeno bent his legs and lifted knees up to his chest as he kept his brutal thrusting rhythm. Jaemin’s neglected cock shook from side to side as Jeno pushed him deeper into the mattress with every thrust.
“tou .. touch yourself for me … stroke your cock ..”
Jaemin fisted his red and swollen cock and started fucking his fist in an ungodly speed. The sweat mixed with the glitter on his pale body accompanied by the lewd sounds and sinful words that exited his mouth sent Jeno over the edge. He quickly pulled out of Jaemin’s abused hole and led the tip of his red cock to Jeamin’s mouth, he immediately stuck his tongue out and that was where Jeno lost it completely. He came in heavy spurts on Jaemin’s tongue and chin as Jaemin himself came in his hand and painted his Jeno’s torso a dirty shade of white. Before he could swallow Jeno’s load, Jeamin pushed himself forward and captured Jeno’s lips in yet another animalistic lip lock. Jeno’s cum along with a mixture of their saliva dripped off their chins and onto where Jaemin’s freshly released cum laid on his belly. Breaking the kiss, Jeno dipped two fingers in the unbelievably dirty mixture and stuck them in his mouth as far as they would go, gagging in the process. Jeamin hissed through his teeth.
“Fuck baby that’s so hot … Jesus ..”
Jeno then pulled out slowly, trying not to hurt Jaemin’s sensitive body, which proved to have been unsuccessful.
“Ugh … fuck that hurts ..”
Jaemin smacked Jeno’s chest playfully and in response received his wholesome boyish smile.
The pair laid alongside each other and stared at the ceiling for a while, until Jeamin spoke up.
“So that glitter huh? Wonder if you have other interests that include whips and chains.”
Jeno chuckled and bit his shoulder playfully.
“I guess we’ll see. Till then let’s just clean up before they come for us. This place smells like ass.”
Jaemin rolled his eyes and rolled onto him, making sure that their softening cocks touch in the process.
“Hmmm … well I guess cleaning can wait.”
It was going to be one hell of a night.
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apex-academy · 3 years
Chapter 5: Caring Is a Hazard to Your Health (#30)
The small amount of takedown in the gym gives us a little time to cool off next door. I’m nursing a glass of apple juice at an empty table when Kanagi hops on top of it without warning.
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She twists to offer me a hand.
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“Yo, come up here, too.”
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“C’mon, it’s just for a second.”
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“I wasn’t particularly worried I’d be stranded up there for ages.”
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“C’monnnnn... You, like, really oughta...”
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On the plus side, Kanagi jumping on tables isn’t abnormal enough for her to have gotten everyone’s attention for long. So if I do do this... for some freaking reason...
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I’m trying to be a team player today, I guess. I push my glass well out of the way and step on up. Weird how different the cafeteria feels just looking at it from a few feet higher.
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That’s enough to easily cut through the fledgling conversations around the room. All eyes turn to us, and I get the distinct urge to sit back down. I’m guessing that’s not what Kanagi had in mind. If she had anything in mind besides very vaguely embarrassing me. Though, all things considered, I’ve suffered enough secondhand embarrassment in this place to have a decent tolerance built up.
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“We ready to get hyped for the next event?”
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“I’m sure it will be of at least a little amusement.”
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“Oh boy oh yeah, I’m super hyped!!”
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“So what are we doing?”
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“Tell ‘em, Kakumi!”
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I drop my voice. “How am I supposed to know??”
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“Like, take a wild flippin’ guess, dude. I didn’t just grab you ‘cuz we’re friends.”
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I forgot I’d even suggested it.
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“I’m going to assume pool of some sort.”
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“Heck yeah!”
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“And, like, not the swimming kind.”
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That is not something I needed clarification on.
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“So! I totally have no idea how that’s supposed to work for, like, a buncha people, so that’ll be up to Kakumi!”
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There are certainly a few ways I could frame it. Not to mention there are several tables in my study hall, anyway. Hmm...
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“We can announce, like, the specific stuff when we get there.”
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“Just wanted to let everybody know first!”
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“Including me...”
The rest of our little water break is sufficient time to get things planned out.
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“Arright! Everything good to go, dude? Got your key and junk?”
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“Yeah. Upstairs we go, then?”
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“Figuratively speaking, I hope.”
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“Yeah. Up-elevators we go?”
The group moves out. It may be for our safety, and there’s plenty of room, but... it’s uncomfortable, loading everyone into the elevator at once. Every other time that happens, it’s because someone else is dead.
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At least Monochap didn’t hop in. We must be a lot easier to keep an eye on this way, huh? For friend and foe alike. Speaking of which, I still wonder...
As the elevator dings to let us out on the third floor, I slink back to where Aidan sits. I seize the wheelchair handles, mostly to have a good excuse to be there. I still drop my voice once the others hang back to let us go out first.
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“By the way... What ‘measures’ exactly did you take to keep track of people trying to leave the dorms?”
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“I believe I stated I was not going to tell anyone the details.”
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“Well, yeah, but... You trust me, right? I know how to keep my mouth shut, too.”
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“Unfortunately, that isn’t the issue.”
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“Even if I...”
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“Er, even if I trust you not to try anything nefarious or enable someone else to do so, it wouldn’t be safe to share. After all, if someone wants to kill without getting caught, overcoming my mysterious ‘measures’ should be a top priority. Hopefully it’s nothing anyone’s been able to figure out yet, nor will they be able to.”
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“In which case the would-be killer’s safest option would be to target anyone who might know the trick to it. Whether it’s only trying to find it out, or specifically targeting the source so he or she doesn’t have to worry about cracking it at all.”
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“So if I give anyone reason to believe I’ve told you, or Mister Attenborough, or anyone else, that would only be worsening matters.”
His voice rises a bit, though still not quite back to normal volume.
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“So no, Miss Kogamino, I won’t even be telling you.”
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“That makes enough sense, but...”
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“By that logic, doesn’t that make it extremely dangerous for you specifically? If there are no other sources for that information, you’re the only one left to target.”
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“Well, yes, of course.”
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“But frankly, in my condition I’m an easy target to start with, and at some point stacking the deck against me gives diminishing enough returns it doesn’t make much difference anymore.”
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Well. Can’t argue with that, seeing as I already almost...
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“Hey guyyyys!”
I look up to see Ichiriki, near the west wing door, waving aggressively.
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“You’re coming, right?”
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“Of course we’re coming!! Sports Day would be cancelled otherwise!”
He attempts to crane his neck towards me but eventually gives up.
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“Since you’re apparently escorting me at the moment, do you mind?”
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“Right. Sorry.”
We catch up with the others, head into the wing, and I get my study hall door open. Strictly speaking, there’s enough room for everyone in here, but it’ll start feeling crowded pretty fast if we’re all circling tables at the same time.
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“All right, dude! How’re we doin’ this?”
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“Let’s see...”
Eventually I set up more of a trick shot contest than a proper game, but at least it lets everyone take turns. We can transition to something more reminiscent of a real match once we’ve whittled down the competition.
Maybe it’s just because I’m in my wheelhouse, but this is much more entertaining to watch than the gym contests. Kaichi’s not a bad shot, though you can tell his leg injury’s jacked up his balance. Kanagi manages to not actually put a hole through the wall when a jumpshot goes horribly wrong. Mahavir has a special talent for lining up shots beautifully and then spinning them out of line at the last possible second. Aidan... tries. That’s about all I can say for that. Setting up a bridge just doesn’t make up for having one arm in a sling. But I get the feeling he wasn’t great at this to start with, anyway. No big loss.
Tsunyasha can’t seem to get a grip on how we’re playing this game, and even I can’t gauge her skill level that well when she’d rather wield the cue like a weapon than an implement. Yuki is still as bad as the last time she tried, but she seems like she’s having fun. I think. Ichiriki, meanwhile, is surprisingly decent, but at the cost of smacking someone with his backstroke every single time despite our best efforts to avoid it.
All of two people actually pass my little “qualifier,” but in the interest of hosting more than one game, I give Mahavir and Yuki the go-ahead, anyway. They’re at least not threats to public safety.
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“Huh, but then wait!”
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“Aren’t you gonna try it, Kakumi?”
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“I don’t really need to take this shot to know I’d make it, so.”
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“Oho. But if that doesn’t sound like an excuse.”
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“Are you serious.” I realize too late I’m asking this of Tsunyasha. Never mind, then.
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“Hey, spectators are totes important to sports, too!”
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“So you should, like, let us spectate, right?”
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Is that how that works? “I guess? It just seemed like a waste of time.”
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“Isn’t the point of all this to waste time?”
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I rifle through the ball return and set up a few stripes in the same places I did for the others.
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Looking at this setup when I’m going to do it makes it feel like way too small a challenge now. Yet it still took out most of the others. Well, whatever. If they want me to show off, I can show off. 
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This was supposed to take two or three hits to sink everything, but I could do it in one. It’ll take some serious spin, though...
I pick out a cue stick and circle the table before setting up my shot. Pok-pok-pok-pok, a brief clatter as each ball sinks, and then the low rumble as they make their way back to the ball return.
Ichiriki applauds, quickly joined by Yuki, who can’t help but sound a little sarcastic at her pace.
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“There, I qualify.”
The applause sporadically catches on with the others in the room and then drops off.
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“One! More! Time!″
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“Oh yeah, yeah! Can you do it with one more of the number ones?”
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“Well, of course, depending on where I put it.”
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“Go on, then. Amuse us.”
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It’s not like I mind the request, just the attitude. Good luck getting that to change, though.
Another round of rifling for the stripes, then setup. Another round of clacks to trim the table down to a lonely cue ball once again.
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“Did, uh, anyone else want to try this number, or?”
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“I’m content to watch at this point, if that’s acceptable.”
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“Uh-huh, uh-huh! It’s cool!”
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“Yeah, dude, you totally gotta go for one more now!”
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“Like, general sports rules, y’know?”
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“I don’t, but sure, why not.”
More shots, more choruses of requests. At some point it ends up being more of an experiment as to where I should place everything for the best odds. It’s an interesting combination of strategizing and, of course, actually hitting the cue the way I need to. Neither of which is a problem for me, but still, there are only so many ricochets you can get before friction grinds all motion to a halt. Only so hard you can hit the cue ball, too.
Once we’re up to seven, it starts getting hairy. Still, even when I finally leave an extra ball on the table, it’s close enough to the pocket I just get demands to try it again. It takes a few tries, but finally I manage to sink them all.
Even with so few people around the table, the cheers seem extra raucous in this small space. It’s stupid, but I guess I’m a little caught up in the moment—I thonk the butt of the cue stick on the floor and blow on the other end like it’s a smoking gun. Traces of chalk drifting off enhance the effect.
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“How’s that?”
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“That... was kind of a weird laugh.”
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“Oh, sorry. I just think...”
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“...that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile since...”
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“...in a while.”
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“Is this, like, not counting the ‘I’m totally surrounded by morons’ smile, or.”
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“Does that one count as a smile? It’s not super smiley.”
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“ ‘f that’s th’ one, seems off t’ me.”
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“Thanks for making smiling awkward now I guess???”
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“It was... just nice.”
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I don’t know how I’m supposed to respond at this point. “Sssso, do we want to move on to the semifinals?”
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“Sure, dude.”
I get Mahavir and Yuki set up and step aside. It’s quickly made clear that that is going to be a very long game, so I go ahead and put Kaichi and Ichiriki at another table. Hopefully they don’t do too much damage.
Safely out of the way, I take a deep breath and try not to lean too hard against the wall. The rest of the room fades into the familiar blur of other players going about their business. Speech, clacks, rumbles. I could almost doze off.
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If I wasn’t still dying of awkward over here.
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It’s been that long since anyone’s seen me smile, huh? I’d believe it. There hasn’t been much to smile about.
Though it’s kind of hard to say that right now. With all of us together, cooperating, having fun... despite everything...
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I don’t know how to feel about it. Glad that we have this much? Mournful for those who don’t get to share it with us now? Sickened that one of us here is probably going to ruin it all over again?
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At this point, most of us are friends, aren’t we? I can’t say I trust all of these people, but... If the rest of us can stick together, there’s not much the young master can do, right?
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Unless they pull another motive like the second...
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But they can’t do that. We already have a motive. Right? I'm sure we’ll be hit with another if we can withstand this one, but that gives us more time. Time for someone out there to realize we’ve been taken, or time for us to make our own way out.
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If that’s what working together can get us... I’ll just have to be sure not to waste it.
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