#(did tumblr just duplicate this ask for no reason?)
hi can u blend alptom hilaom from @ask-ifsa-labs i need to see him liquidised
already done :)
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canarysage · 7 months
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PSDs For Dummies <3
— as written by a dummy
hello dear readers and welcome back to canarysage, the world’s least comprehensive tutorial blog. today, we’re back at it again with photopea for dummies, and we’re tackling something i probably should have done first: psds.
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example psds are: 1 (@cutesiplushi) 2 (@didlivio) & 3 (@lumieron)
what is a psd?
excellent question, dear reader! psd stands for photoshop document, and it’s a type of file format (like .png or .gif) that allows you to store a project’s individual layers! it’s a file format that, for obvious reasons, is exclusive to photoshop and photopea.
in editing circles, psd has become shorthand for filter. people use psds to save configurations of adjustment layers that are then used to filter images consistently, without having to remake them every time. when someone posts a psd, they’re posting a folder (hopefully it’s in a folder) with their specific set of adjustment layers for anyone to use!
where can i get psds?
right here on tumblr! check your favorite edit blogs, as they may have posted some, or search ‘free psd’ or ‘psd coloring’ in the search function. tumblr doesn’t allow you to upload psds directly, so you’ll be redirected to a site outside tumblr. probably either deviantart, google drive, or ko-fi, all of which are easy to use. deviantart requires you to have an account to download anything (luckily, an account is free!) and ko-fi may require you to pay money. google drive doesn’t have a search function in and of itself, but it’s extremely easy to download off of.
also, shameless self plug, but i post psds right here on canarysage! i personally use deviantart, but again, an account is free. if send me an ask, i may be able to provide you with a google drive link, if you ask really nicely (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
and of course if you don’t want to use someone else’s psd, you can always make your own.
how do i use a psd?
once you have a psd of your choice downloaded, open up photopea! or photoshop, if you’re rich like that.
once you open photopea, click this here button right in the middle of the screen, the one that says “open from computer”
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from there, go to choose files and open up your psd! depending on from whom you got it, psds will look different once you open them. i’m using one of my own as an example.
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you can see there’s two layers in my psd, a folder, and an image. the image is just for me so i know which psd this is once i save it—i like to save all my psds with images of real people so i know how it looks on moodboards or stimboards.
the folder is the important part here, that’s where the adjustment layers are contained. to transfer a psd, you can either go to file > new
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which lets you start an entirely new project, or you can open an image using file > open
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which will give you the image you selected.
as an aside, if you’re opening a psd and you already have a project in progress, make sure to click file > open and not file > open & place, as open & place won’t give you the adjustment layers.
then to move the folder, go to layer > duplicate layer into while having selected the folder (just tap on it, that will make it a lighter gray to show it’s selected) and duplicate the folder into whatever your image is
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i’m moving mine to a random image of honami i found which is why it’s named like that. once the folder’s duplicated into your project, go over and take a look!
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you should now see something like this! ensure that the folder is on top, as otherwise the adjustment layers won’t work.
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here’s the difference between the unfiltered image and the image with my psd!
to save images in photopea (like i did just now) go to file > export as > (your preferred file format)
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which will pull up something like this
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i recommend either saving as a png (for still images) or as a gif (for… gifs) but that’s up to you! in order to save a psd, go to file > save as psd! that will save your project to your device
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bear in mind that tumblr doesn’t accept psds as a file format, so if you’re going to post an edit, you have to save it as something else. also, don’t just save other people’s psds and claim them as your own—psds take a lot of time, effort, and skill, like any other art form.
can i make my own psds?
100% yes! i can’t give you a step-by-step process unfortunately, as there really is no one way to make psds. i recommend familiarizing yourself with adjustment layer and seeing what works.
shameless self plug again, but you can check out my other posts in this series to find out about some of the adjustment layers!
basically, i like to think of adjustment layers as a few different categories. light/darkness adjustments (ie: brightness/contrast, levels, curves, exposure, black & white, and threshold to a certain extent.) saturation adjustments (vibrance, hue/saturation.) color adjustments (hue/saturation, color balance, photo filter, channel mixer, selective color, gradient map depending on how you use it, and replace color.) and also, miscellaneous (posterize, which gives your images a pop-art crunchy kind of effect, invert, which… inverts your colors, and color lookup, which is a set of filters unto itself)
how you utilize adjustment layers is up to you! i personally like to use a variety and see what happens, my personal favorites being channel mixer, photo filter, and hue/saturation. you can also utilize blending modes (shameless self plug again,) or opacity.
if you have no idea where to start, you can look at other people’s psds to see their process. don’t copy or steal, for obvious reasons, but you can toggle layers on and off and see what happens and what each layer does.
making psds isn’t as intimidating as it sounds, you just have to start a project and start creating! it gets really fun once you get the hang of it (*'▽'*)
i don’t edit with photoshop or photopea, can i still use psds?
short answer: nope!
long answer: if you want use psds but you’re super used to ibis paint or whatever you currently use, have no fear! you don’t have to switch all your editing to photopea. you can make your main project in ibis or whatever as normal, then upload it to photopea and add a psd.
you can also make perfectly fine filters in ibis paint in your own right, with enough tweaking. there’s also apps such as polarr and picsart which come with filters, but i’ve never used them so i’m unable to vouch for how they work.
do i need to use psds when editing?
nope! psds are 100% optional. they’re a style like anything else—some people prefer them and some people don’t. it’s up to you.
did you genuinely write 1178 words answering questions no one asked?
what if i have a question you didn’t answer?
feel free to shoot me an ask! i don’t mind explaining further, and i promise i don’t bite. as with anything, this is just meant to explain to anyone who needs assistance—photopea for dummies by a dummy, after all. we can be confused together!
are you done now?
i am! congratulations for reading this far!
yours truly, canarysage
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relaxxattack · 1 year
ok yeah lots of memes about how the shitty new UI is literally a direct carbon copy of twitter and we hate it because of that, yea yea
here’s some actual/extra reasons why the UI itself is shitty beyond the fact that it’s stolen from twitter (in just my personal opinion)
it’s claustrophobic as hell. the old UI felt breathable, felt like you could scroll and actually look at your posts, and now there’s enough shit going on on one page that it actually gives me a headache. (i’ve heard other people say this as well, so maybe it’s not just me that’s overstimulated by all the fucking noise on the dash?)
the ‘dash sorting’ (for you / your tags / what you missed) is way too high up the page now and appears crowded against the top where things like the bookmarks bar are on most browsers. not that anything in this new UI isn’t crowded.
i’ve seen it mentioned plenty already, but there’s quite a lot of unnecessary duplication-- as in, the same buttons that exist in the new left navigation panel show up on the right in blog view, which is just completely annoying and unneeded clutter.
the fact that post interaction options are all on the right side of the posts, but dashboard navigation is now all pushed to the far left of display, is extremely annoying. i’m right-handed, so it’s extra annoying for me to have to constantly go all the way over there. maybe that’s easier for left-handed people, but if the case was supporting diversity, why not just put an option in dashboard preferences to switch the side of ALL the controls? because the post interactions are still on the right.
while we’re on the subject-- tumblr’s original design was actually MUCH more intuitive and easy to navigate. the reason for this is that everything you needed to click was in one small area. you scroll up and down the dash, move slightly up to navigate (home/asks/notifications) and slightly down to the side to interact with a post (reblog/reply). extremely simple, easy to use, even ‘lazy + addicting’, which is what all social media studio exes are supposed to want right now. changing the ui to actually be more work and more frustrating to navigate seems completely opposed to what their obvious business strategy should be.
tumblr’s original design was also much more breathable, with the small icons in the corner looking organized and not taking up much space, and lots of room for the posts themselves to be the main attraction.
there’s the fact that copying someone else’s brand entirely actually just puts you in a bigger, wider pool with much more competition, and makes you much more likely to immediately fall short of that and go bankrupt.
tumblr's original purpose was to be geared toward blogs, and these updates, along with the writing on the wall about blog themes being completely phased out soon, is completely against the original purpose. although sometimes website purposes change for the better, so take that as you will.
and finally the obvious point that you can tell from all the memes: this change is almost universally hated by the core tumblr userbase-- aka the site’s loyal consumers for years and years. driving out their main demographic seems like a very obvious, very quick way to lose a lot of fucking money. they also did this “carbon copy of twitter” update literally just a week after sitewide protest about the idea of this site being anything like twitter, so it feels like a massive Fuck You to literally all of the users. tumblr is rapidly approaching their trust thermocline, and show no sign of slowing down.
these are just my opinions about the ui, and i’m only one person. so feel free to add on other design flaws you think people should be aware of or able to mention! i will probably also be submitting this post as feedback to staff, and will be taking their surveys when i can as well.
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I made a mistake. Several actually. Several very severe mistakes. And this post isn't meant to make it all ok, I have accepted that many are rightfully mad at me, but I do hope that I can at least have some context to the mistakes I made and why I made them.
First let me say that I am privileged. That much is true. I am a white man in the american suburbs. I have the luxury of not only not being personally affected by many social issues but not even having to witness them. But I still want to be a good person. And part of that is learning about these social issues by talking and interacting with people online. But I'm still not perfect. I'm barely an adult and I have a lot of growing to do as a person. And hopefully with this in mind it will make some of the mistakes I will go over just a bit more understandable.
Back in mid march I made the submissions post for this blog, and did not expect to get as many as I did. I then spent a month taking as many submissions as I could and putting them in a list. All in all I ended up with over 2000 characters. From that alone it should be understandable why I couldn't research every one before releasing the bracket. I even ended up with many mistakes like incorrect labeling and duplicate characters.
However the first true mistake came later. I was making the poll posts themselves and I got to Lance. I knew I should have done something at the time but I didn't exactly know what. It was one poll and I was doing 16 polls per day minimum, but ideally double that so that I could have a backlog of posts. So I didn't spend as much time thinking about the issue as I should have and the conclusion I came to was that at the end of the day it was a fictional character, and if I properly content warning it it will be fine. Anyone who is sensitive to that imagery can block it. This is largely where my ignorance came in. While it may sound improbable to those who do know more I promise you I genuinely thought that I was doing no harm. And while I won't lie and say I am now a master in the topic now I do have a better understanding of the harm that this decision caused. Additionally my pride got to me. I am very proud of having "the biggest bracket on tumblr" but I had already had quite a few be disqualified for being duplicates or real people, so I didn't want to make the bracket any smaller and lose prestige. This was far from the main reason I kept him in, but it was morally wrong.
People's response to the original poll was mixed. There were people who immediately asked me to remove him, but others were on my side in saying that he should stay since he's a fictional character and his morals don't matter. So I defaulted to the stance I already had, and did nothing. This was a mistake. Above all else I should have prioritized everyone feeling safe and comfortable on my blog.
But the last night it was about an hour later then I should have been asleep and my brain was incredibly stupid, and things started to go down hill. I got the first ask in a while about Lance, and I decided to put an end to the issue. My way of doing this was doing a poll. In my mind this was my way of accounting for my ignorance. I don't know much about how severe this issue is, so I'll put it in the hands of people who did.
This poll also got mixed results. Some said I should just have the conviction to eliminate him myself, but others brought up things about that character I didn't know, like how he apparently has a character arc of learning fascism is bad, or that he has other visuals where he's wearing different outfits. I also got messages from fans of the series who thanked me for giving the character a chance. This made me feel comfortable in being a "neutral party". However with the notes I felt that I should "do this right" which unfortunately led to me doing the exact opposite.
I deleted the original poll, where 70% were in favor of disqualifying him. I didn't think it was a big deal since it had only been up a few minutes, but this was yet another mistake. I made a new poll, which included info that had been told to me since the previous poll. But the problem was that what I had actually written was not good. It was almost midnight at this point, so while I tried to remain a "neutral party" I ended up having the info show a very clear bias. And considering the character in question, people began to wonder why I was trying so hard to keep him in the poll. This led to many replies on the poll that began to overwhelm me. I was starting to realize the mistakes I had made and just how deep of a pit I had dug myself in. I panicked. I turned off replies and deleted all the ones on that were on the poll so that I could say everything I wanted to say interrupted. This backfired, and led to people going to the reblogs instead. And me deleting all the replies looked BAD. While I was trying to get the things I wanted to say out the post had spread. Spread even outside of the people who normally know this account. People who knew nothing of the history and structure of this blog, who thought that I had seen a character who was a Nazi and thought "sure come right in" and I was now trying desperately to keep him in.
This understandably made people very mad when that was their perception. Many many people were saying terrible hurtful things to me. Their heart was in the right place but even now I do not agree with the kind of harassment some stooped to. At this point I was in a full blown panic attack. Every bit of damage control dug me deeper into the pit. I decided that I needed to deal with this situation with a clear head so that I didn't make more mistakes in a panic. I deleted the poll about Lance's elimination and went to bed.
That brings us to this morning. I have announced that Lance is disqualified, and deleted the original poll containing him. I promise you all that I will try my hardest to prevent anything like this from happening again on my blog. I want to make things as right as I can. And I hope now you all will believe me when I say that I am not a Nazi, or an antisemite, I'm just a privileged idiot who made some dumb mistakes.
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frannyzooey · 1 year
Hi Kelli! Tumblr errored out while I was sending this the first time so I think it didn’t go through but if you did in fact already get this feel free to ignore the duplicate! (Damn you, tumblr)
I really appreciated reading your thoughts on age gap a little while ago and had a follow up question for you. What are your thoughts on the idea I see circulating sometimes that age gap fics are alienating to folks who don’t want to read them or feel like they can’t identify with it? I never see myself as “reader” personally, but I know some folks do and would never want to perpetuate a problem or make anyone’s experience in fandom less cozy or welcoming. It’s definitely something that makes me nervous to post any of my writing (even the majority non-age gap stuff) especially in the Pedro fandom space, and I know the argument that everyone curates their own space and can choose not to read something probably applies here, but it still makes me hesitate.
I did not get this ask the first time! *shakes fist at tumblr*
FYI: the other ask, for reference ❤
So, I have not come across this particular sentiment but I have seen my fair share of hate on age gap for various reasons, and I wanna touch on a couple things in this ask because you are being so brilliantly vulnerable sending it in ❤
First off: the main thing I write is age gap: Weeknights, In the Dark, The Secret, Dave/Nanny, Dave/Intern, SDLN. Now let me tell you something else: I am 38 years old.
You would think that I wouldn't be able to identify myself in those stories because of my age: I'm not in college, I'm not in my 20's, I'm not some young, pretty thing. I also don't want to envision myself as a younger person, I also have nothing against aging and it's not because I secretly loathe older women.
It's the dynamic.
In truth, I find them soothing/cathartic to write about/read because they describe something that was missing for me at not only that age, but to some extent now as well: care.
To read about a situation in which an older person cares for and desires the younger one: that is something I seek out because I like it. I'm soothed by it, it's my favorite daydream, it's a situation that I have always been drawn to. I have always been attracted to someone experienced in the ways of the world taking care of me, in whatever form that takes shape in.
Will everyone in the fandom find it soothing? No. In fact, some might be triggered by it, or have their own life experiences that tell them it's inherently wrong, or like you stated above, for whatever reason they just don't identify with the desire to read about it.
However - I do. I'm not everyone, and I get that, but I write (and consume) for me, and for (hopefully) others who are like me to enjoy.
The act of sharing your work is a very vulnerable thing, and to pair that with posts about how some people will never be able to identify with the things you want to write about in a very shame filled manner of speech makes it even more scary, and I get that.
I really do, I've felt it and it’s a hard thing to have to see and feel.
However, in order to post online in any fandom, you sort of just have to say "self, this is important to me, so fuck it."
They can read it, or they can not: that's up to them. If they don't identify with it, then they can go seek out other media that they do identify with. If they don't like it, that's not on you. There are plenty of stories in which I don't identify with the reader for various reasons, but I either enjoy the fics for different aspects of the story, or I scroll on by.
I have a lot of opinions/theories on why people make posts like that but I won't bore you - at the end of the day, you create the content you want to consume, and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. ❤
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radiomurdeer · 2 months
I see people asking a lot about affiliates and if anyone wants to be affiliates and figured I'd just make a post. I know people use terms interchangably but they're not actually interchangable. The terms refer to specific things and I think a lot of people are new to the Tumblr rpc and just making guesses on how things work based on what they're seeing. There's also less rp helper blogs in general so some of this stuff fell out of common knowledge / people don't have the context on why the terms are such.
Mains: people you prioritize when doing replies. This is usually discussed between muns, and often is something that develops naturally. Sometimes they may be referenced in other replies or asks but not always.
Exclusive: I will only write that character with you. So it would be like me, an Alastor, only interacted with one Vox blog and did not interact with other Vox. As with mains, it's usually something discussed between muns and develops naturally.
Affiliates: a closed rp group. These are NOT mains but it's what people often get it mixed up with. Affiliates means that you are sharing your main verse with this group. That the events that happen on their blogs influence your own and vice versa. That these other blogs are INTEGRAL to your blog's main verse. That when you get an ask about a character, you will reply referencing the blog within the group. The term is from when there were two kinds of blogs in the rpc community, independent and affiliated. Affiliated blogs went down in popularity as Discord rose, since the groups just moved to servers instead. Generally to get on with an affiliated group you have to apply, and keep up a level of activity. There are often events for only that group, and they don't often allow duplicates.
Group verse: the independent's answer to affiliates. This may or may not be closed. An example of a closed verse would be the war on heaven one that I think cast-you-dxwn and hellsirenqueen are running. Single muse slots, by invitation only not everyone can participate. An example of an open one would be staticintone's RAM one. A group verse may or may not be the blog's main verse, and is usually only listed on their verses page and tagged with the verse tag when used.
Even if people don't quite know the reasoning for it, labeling people as affiliates when you mean mains tends to ostracize since the assumption is 'oh they they are already rping with my character, no point in interacting'. If that's your intent with affiliates, go for it. Otherwise maybe rethink the terminology you're using. As writers, we know how important word choice and accuracy is. Hopefully having a little context helps!
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mirrorhouse · 7 months
hi sorry if this has been asked before, but i've been looking on your faq page for aska regarding your gifs? especially how yo make them - I'd like to create some too but it's so complicated😅
i use photoshop (not paid for lmao i downloaded a version off here years ago from like. 2016) + kmplayer + if it's game gifs, i use nvidia shadowplay to record
i'll put this under a cut because of images/length
i open my footage in kmplayer, and use the frame extraction function over the timespan of the clip i want to gif. these are the settings for that:
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normally for games, i record in 60fps and extract every 2nd frame, but sometimes i extract every frame and scroll through to delete duplicates made from stuttering etc. for everything else like movies/tv, i extract every frame. normally, i try to go for around 100 frames, but you can have more or less depending on your final gif size, and also you can always trim your gif down when you're in photoshop, but more frames = longer import time
then in photoshop i go to file > scripts > load files into stack and select all the frames i want to go into the gif i'm making
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for the method i use, you need a version of photoshop with timeline animation, and make sure the timeline i displayed (window > animation)
now the next part has a lot of little steps, but they're fairly easy to get the hang of once you've done it enough. it's basically muscle memory for me now but i still do sometimes do things in the wrong order lmfao
anyway. the steps are as follows:
click 'create video timeline'
click the 3 little boxes in the bottom left
in the right menu, choose 'make frames from layers'
when thats loaded, open the menu again and choose 'reverse frames'
click the last frame and change from 5 seconds to no delay
make sure you choose 'forever' instead of 'once' in the bottom left
select all frames (you can select the last one, then scroll back to the first and shift click to select them all, or just click 'select all' in the menu, i'm just used to doing it the first way for some reason lmao)
in the right menu, choose 'convert to timeline'
then select all the layers (can use shift click again)
and finally go to filter > convert for smart filters
here's a very small shitty gif of the process for a visual aid (a gif of a gifmaking guide... wow)
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now you have a gif, basically! but you still need to resize and sharpen and edit, etc. i've posted about some of the things i do before but not really in detail because i mess around every time and don't always do the same things. and you don't have to do much! just do whatever looks good to you :')
tumblr's gif dimensions are 540px width for wide gifs, 268px width for two small gifs, and three small gifs are 177px for the two outer gifs, 176px for the middle one (don't ask me why they did that)
once you're done with that, you can export the gif by going to file > export > save for web (legacy). these are usually my settings:
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but i might change the colors to 264 if it's a smaller gif, or even to 64 if there are less colours and i can get away with it. for example in these gifs, i only used 64 colours since they were pretty brown/monochrome anyway, but something a lot more colourful would look terrible with 64 colours
the gif needs to be max 9.99MB, but if it goes over, you can always adjust it in the next step. once it's exported, i open it again
select all the frames and click the little arrow on one of the frames, then change the timing. i almost always use 0.05, but you can experiment with what you like the look of
then if the gif's over 9.99mb i just delete frames from the beginning and/or end until it's under the limit. then export it the same way as before (overwrite the old one or save it as a new file if you like) and you're done!
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quinloki · 10 months
Random Late Night Update/Musing
Since people have asked:
~ The Host Club AU Drabble Event is still going strong - you can request stuff all the way til the end of this month. Don't be shy putting in a request - duplicates won't end the world, and if I don't fulfill your request, please know it was nothing personal <3
~ I'm planning on one more "big" event for January/February, as a way to celebrate 1 year on tumblr (and 1k followers). It'll be something to remember, so please look forward to it.
~ After that event I'm planning on pulling back on events and requests, at least until July. The reason why is because I want to get into a groove/schedule with my multi-chapter fics so I can start wrapping more of them up, and starting ones I've been wanting to start. (If you're curious about my Multi-chapter fics, check out my Ao3, Wattpad, or Sideblogs.)
55k words during NaNoWriMo was not nearly enough to wrap up what I wanted to - But I did make solid progress ^_^
Curious what all I've got up my sleeves? check out the excel spread sheet I made to help track what all I'm working on, below the cut.
(it's a lot)
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A few quick things of note:
The Honeysuckle series is a Vampire AU. Everything with a pending book 2 (except Family Ties) is part of the Grandline Metro, same AU and all that. You don't have to read all of them to get the full story, but there's extra layers if you do. lots of these are notes and outlines, so if you're not finding the title anywhere, don't panic. I just haven't officially started it is all.
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zekoagun · 3 months
hi hello did i hear something about pacific rim spreadsheets??? 👀 & i'm curious about what you wrote in the tags, what did you mean when you said the whole thing was a reference?
HI HI YES OF COURSE the spreadsheets there are two different ones in here, one for the kaiju and one for jaegers, disregard the jaeger one for your uses of course, NOTABLY: it’s impossible or very very stupid for this to be all of the kaiju specifically because it would mean that so many jaegers haven’t seen combat once whereas others would have seen it wayyy more, which would be weird for the amount of money they cost, but this is what we have right now so we just kind of have to deal haha (and also there’s contradictions like how romeo blue according to uprising canon has only seen battle three times all with lady danger which is wrong for so many reasons, ugh). also included is a list of where the sources come from via the asterixes and red highlights, i’m not sure if this is an entirely complete sourcing list because there are some duplicates (meaning that a kaiju shows up on multiple sources) but every kaiju should have one so 🤷
ANYWAY yes, i’m pretty sure it was a reference to independence day (or at least i heard someone say that, i don’t know if it’s true or not since i haven’t watched it) which isn’t unreasonable since their whole signal whatever was also a halving countdown but in the other direction i think,
if you have any more spreadsheet questions feel free 2 ask me :D
does tumblr send a notif if i reply? idk i’ll cover my bases @unnonexistence
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kaeyas-beloved · 2 years
Heart's Defense
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Characters: A good 90% of playable characters + unreleased harbingers (not all of them tho)
Summary: How do they protect their heart from others?
CW: Kinda, really angsty..., some duplications cause I felt they fell into both sections, not proofread, maybe some OOCness, kinda an x reader but also kinda not, VERY sorry for the formatting - Tumblr has something against me for some reason???
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They pull you into the falsehood that they're open to telling you anything, and you're left unable to think any differently with how friendly they present themselves. Always willing to help or hang out. They lend a listening ear and before you know it they know so much more about you than you know about them. You'll be privy to surface facts, but the moment anyone asks something even remotely personal you're struck with an indescribable sense of loss. When did this friendship become so one-sided?
Childe, Venti, Hu Tao, Jean, Ayato, Zhongli, Itto, Beidou, Sara, Lisa, Heizou, Columbina
Masters of stringing the right words together at just the right time, they simply dissuade the topic to that of another. You won't notice it until it's too late - or maybe you see it right from the start but say nothing, catching the hint. But you can never miss the shift in their gaze, a quiet, unspoken sadness. Unknowingly they've revealed what they tried to hide, but you stay silent still. The least you can do is grant them this lie that keeps them from crashing and breaking.
Kaeya, Kazuha, Yae Miko, Ningguang, Beidou, Eula, Gorou, Fischl, Thoma, Yoimiya
There were never any openings to begin with, not a single way left for outsiders to wiggle their way in uninvited. You can't ask if there's no opportunity. As always thought, there are the select few that breach past the seemingly impenetrable barrier. To those people, they are met with yet another brick wall - they'll ask their unsolicited questions only to be answered with silence. Any persistence is followed with a facial warning - a blank look, a glare, a perturbing smile. Do not continue, for my sake and your ignorant bliss.
Rosaria, Diluc, Xiao, Albedo, Eula, Shinobu, Shenhe, Yelan, Baihzu, Arlecchino, Dottore, Capitano, Scaramouche, Childe
Every fiber of their being screams to share how they feel with you, a flicker of trust forever burning in their heart no matter how many times they're beaten to the ground. Humanity isn't all that bad right? They've seen it time and time again, so they continue to pour tiring faith into those around them. It doesn't mean they're entirely blind to the truth. So, when the cycle falls to you, hesitation takes over, a fear festering in their mind that you are like all that came before you. Perhaps, if they stay silent, refuse to let you in, you'll remain by their side. If that's the price, so be it.
Collei, Aether, Lumine, Yanfei, Yun Jin, Kokomi, Amber, Chongyun, Bennett, Barbara, Ayaka, Venti
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @x-zho // @mariposa666haruka // @psycho-nightrose // @kaerui-kaisen // @stage-lucida // @genshin-impact-writings
Wanna be tagged in future works? Consider filling out this form! And if you want to be removed just DM or send an ask into my inbox!
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Hi I was wondering will you be making a post on the request? Like a wips post ? Just wondering in case people start messaging you if you got their request or if tumblr ate it XD
if you don’t want to no worries; what’s your opinion so far on the arc your on ?
who’s your fave character in anime vs live action ?
last thing to say is hope your doing ok !
I do have a wip list that I have a link to in the pinned post, so you're free to check that out anytime. That list only covers fics that I have begun actually writing, but it admittedly doesn't cover me getting inspire and writing a fic in one sitting like I just did with that opla Garp fic. I have just shy of 200 requests (and that was after purging old Strays asks and duplicates), so listing all of those isn't exactly reasonable for me to do. If you or anyone wants to know if I got a specific request, you're just gonna have to ask about that one specifically. I won't be bothered by anyone asking that.
I only have a couple of episodes left in Thriller Bark, and I have to say that I genuinely loved it. I don't get people who say that it isn't good, I thought it was great. The style of the characters/backgrounds in that arc looked really cool (and the straw hats were all dripped out). The fights were cool and creative, Brook is an amazing addition to the crew, nightmare Luffy was fucking awesome, and the final fight with both Oars and Moria was amazing. And I'm sure no one needs to hear me say that the nothing happened scene was some bomb ass shit. Kuma's intro was also iconic now that I'm talking about him. So chilling.
In short: Good shit
My favorite character in the anime is my dear, sweet Sanji~ He's perfection to me. I would fight god for him. I also just love his character when he isn't being reduced down to just being a pervert. I can relate to him a lot since we have unfortunately very similar backstories, so I really appreciate when Oda fleshes out the more serious aspects of his character and how his trauma affects him. It's very honest and realistic.
Ace is an extremely close second for similar reasons of I can relate to him too much. Which is also why he's my favorite to write for, it's easy to get into his headspace.
In opla, my favorite is Mihawk. I love me a sassy, beautiful man. He's the only live action version of a character that I honestly prefer over the anime. I think that Mihawk is the most objectively attractive character in the entire series, but I'm not personally into stoic characters, so I went feral over the live action personality lol
And thank you! I'm doing great!
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razzek · 5 months
This may be a duplicate ask because Tumblr may or may not have eaten my first attempt.
1 - When did you start creating art?
3 - What are your favorite subjects to draw? (OCs, your fan faves, etc.)
5 - What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
8 - How would you describe your art style?
20 - What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
from this ask game
Thank you for such an extensive ask! I wasn't expecting that! :)
Somewhere around 4 years old. Realized people could draw things after a preschool trip to a doctor's office that had a human heart diagram and I never stopped. :D
3. Favorite subjects can vary. Usually it's whatever I'm hyperfocused on at the time. :D I always love drawing my OCs though. They're designed specifically to be fun for me to draw and they are. :D
5. I'm always kind of proud of things I've completely forgotten about but when I stumble on them again months/years later it's like "oh hey, wow! That's pretty good!" Many of them I can't share here for Reasons but I enjoy being able to do work for clients that is not of personal interest but which I can do so well that people assume it is. At random, I just opened my art folders and this early digital piece from 2017(?) is pretty rad! That border was all hand drawn because I could. XD
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8. I always say I'm a cartoonist with a specialty in character illustration.
20. I read so much nonfiction and watch a lot of documentaries and it all sort of soaks into my sponge-like brain, swirls together, and falls out as some very trippy "yeah, but what if...?" ideas. :D I get the occasional greatly weird idea from dreams too. A lot of it is just making a shape with arm and going off of how something feels to draw; a simple line swish becomes the angle of a face or the direction of a body in motion. And of course I get constant inspiration from straight up misinterpreting the world around me, for both physical and mental reasons. Being almost totally blind means that what reality looks like is very subjective and there is so much I encounter that I don't even recognize for what it is, which translates to fun ideas for art. Combine that with ADHD and I am never without an idea or twenty. :D I like to say art is "advanced fidgeting" for me: if I can't draw or write or imagine, my brain starts to feel literally itchy and I don't like it. XD
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hi. a really long time ago you tweeted this
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unfortunately god is dead (rip SOPHIE) and the lost media wiki has expanded to offer new and exciting questions about the meaning of life by which i mean more reasons to torture you and your tumblr ask box
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pretty much everyone knows what o and p were at this point but what about the other stuff? when the siivagunner wiki doesn't know what the jokes even were that's when we have a real issue on our hands. and by real issue i mean the most esoteric nerd shit ever. :3
Final Level - Mighty Switch Force Back in 2018 Chaze made an effort to find this rip after being asked about it. It was uploaded long before we had any kind of concise logging on who made what, so he went around and messaged everyone who was in Backroom at the time to see if they happened to still have the file. Nobody had it, and the person actually most likely to have uploaded it had lost the contents of the hard drive they had at the time. Any further attempts throughout the year have proven similarly unfruitful. Status: Lost
o & p The wiki has pretty detailed explanations of these, so there's not much to add there. Both videos were part of the Reboot ARG and were always unlisted, but when p got a community strike for nudity we decided to private o just in case it was also getting flagged. (I assume, because that makes the most sense.) The videos are still on the channel so they are not lost! I have reuploaded them here for your viewing pleasure, though please do mind that even though there isn't really anything explicit visible, they are based on directly on pornographic footage. Status: Archived Links: o (direct mp4) - p (direct mp4)
Because I Love You (Alpha Mix) - Earthbound Roughly half an hour after this was uploaded, the creator of this rip sent a DM to a backroom member saying "I think you should delete my rip because I noticed off key sections and clipping," adding that "even people in the comment section noticed it," and that they "disown that rip". In response to this, some team members said that while the execution of the rip was indeed lacking, it did have potential, but it never ended up being fixed and resubmitted. 28 hours after the initial upload, the rip was deleted while another backroom member was cleaning out some of the private videos (most of which were test uploads or otherwise stuff not meant to go public to begin with). They also noted that the rip in question was "garbo". The original ripper may still have this, but they are no longer affiliated with the SiIvaGunner team so I will not be reaching out. Status: Undetermined
Main Theme (Summer) - Wii Shop Channel This rip was removed due to its awkward execution, and was planned to be revised by someone else shortly after its removal. This never ended up happening, but the original file remains archived. Status: Privately archived
Lost in Thoughts All Alone - Fire Emblem Fates This rip got muted for copyright reasons shortly after being uploaded, and was probably deleted not too long after. I sadly have no idea who made it or what it contained. Status: Lost in Thoughts All Alone
Central Highway - Mega Man X Accidental duplicate upload. Contents are identical. Status: Not lost
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stellamortua · 2 days
Yo whaddup I’m Ringo, I’m 21+ (she/her) and I never freaking learned how to read. I have 10+ years of Tumblr RP experience.
I'm also fully up to date on all 9 Parts!
About My Jonathan:
I default to post Wind Knight's Lot with memories of Eyes of Heaven, but am flexible. My Jonathan has severe ADHD.
To My Dio Friends:
Hey there you rapscallions! ;D Come on in!
I am open to shipping, but expectations must be set beforehand. I am not interested in toxic or nonconsensual romantic relationships at this time;
What I mean is, I have seen too many Jonathans flipping on their backs to DIO's will and forgetting that they have a very complicated relationship with positives and negatives. Always happy to discuss in DMs!
Just because Jonathan still cares about Dio doesn't mean he's going to save him from his pissed off descendants. Dio did that to himself there, pal.
How I Operate:
I follow muses that I know, preferably Jojo's. OCs must have an info page. Duplicates welcome;
Mun does not equal Muse. I like to get to know my RP partners;
All forms of writing are valid. Do not be afraid to be a jerk to my muse :D;
I love plotting and am always available via IM. Discord reserved for mutuals;
COMMUNICATE with me. I am not psychic. Help me help you!;
Please practice reblog karma if you want to use a prompt I shared;
I only interact with mutuals and I am slow with replies;
I am multi-ship. I will only write NSFW in private with legal age partners; Limits (and consent) must be established beforehand;
I will always read your rules before interacting;
I will be there for you in your time of need, but I am not a licensed therapist.
Reasons for Being Blocked:
Guilt tripping. Real life before role play. You are not obligated to my time;
Demonstrating P*dophilic/Zoophilic/Far Right/Tankie Behavior;
Failing to stop God Modding/forcing headcannons on me after being asked;
Disabilities/disorders do not excuse behavior. Signed, a fellow neurodivergent;
Passive aggression, playing the victim, vague blogging, virtue signaling, etc. I do not do anon asks for a reason.
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staticespace · 3 months
If you receive an ask or see a post for medical assistance by Tumblr user lucymkiraa, it is Highly Likely a Scam
Notice. They have admitted to having more than one account, so you may see their PayPal link in more than one place. Report the account in the image below to PayPal:
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I became aware of them after they sent me an ask (I unfortunately don't have the image because I believe they've blocked me, removing it before I took a screenshot). In it, they claimed to be Black and disabled, unable to breathe properly, and needing money for medical attention.
When I looked at their account, I saw the following pinned message:
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I reverse image searched their profile picture, which produced no duplicate results. However, I still felt unsettled.
Since I received their ask in my inbox, I began messaging them privately. I will note my personal red flags as we go along.
(this gets long, so please keep reading to view more)
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🚩Excessive use of "dear"
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Please note, as you see in the pinned message I've shared up above, that they have listed their income goal and the amount they presumably have. This information is completely based on their own metrics and you have no third-party method of knowing how much they actually have.
🚩"Trust me, bro, I will tell you how much I have."
🚩Constant misspelling/misunderstanding of English
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Note: they do actually have the update on the account they've messaged me with, even if they have multiple accounts. Regardless, my question still stands, as any of these "other accounts" they have could list any other number or no number at all.
🚩No list of accounts they are using to raise money
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Before I could continue, they quickly sent another message.
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🚩🚩🚩Lying to agree with me + continued excessive use of "dear"
I intended to say "Moving on" after my message conceding that they did actually have the amounts listed on their account. However, for whatever reason, they agreed with me that they didn't actually say the information I just said they did, indeed, have. Why lie about something so easy to disprove?
At this point, I'm sure I'm working with a scammer, but I also have a tendency to not trust myself. After all, what if their fingers are too stiff to type properly? What if that really is just the way they speak? It's the heat of the moment, and I know I can be gullible and a bit too quick to act.
So, I make one last attempt. After all, it's true that I couldn't find their icon image via a reverse search. But what if they used some sort of overlay I can't see with the naked eye to prevent it from matching with the original?
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🚩An excuse instead of an answer
Note: At the time I sent my initial message requesting an answer within two minutes, it was 11:45 PM in Sacramento County, California. In three hours, it would be 2:45 AM.
As noted, two minutes passed without an answer.
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🚩Continued misuse/misunderstanding/misspelling of English
Although, I accidentally wrote "be" instead of "been," so that's part of the reason why I didn't immediately consider it a red flag. Continued misuse, etc., is more of a red flag than occasional or one-time issues. Also, since I have put them on a time crunch, their misspellings and such have increased. Ah, also--
🚩🚩🚩Still haven't told me any sort of time
Even if they weren't sure what it would be in three hours, why not tell me what time it is now?
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🚩🚩🚩Told me an incorrect time
🚩🚩🚩Continued to tell me an incorrect time, but switched to military/international/24-hour clock
By the time of these messages, it was around 11:53 PM in Sacramento County, CA. The times they told me, as noted, were that it would be 3:44 AM in three hours (it would be 2:53 AM), then they told me it will be 8:53 PM (which is three hours in reverse despite referring to the future).
By this point, I am acting as though it is a scam and reporting their PayPal account. They continue to message me.
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🚩🚩🚩Still telling me the wrong time (2 PM when it's almost midnight)
🚩🚩🚩Increased desperation
🚩🚩🚩Continued misuse/misspelling of English despite claiming to be a Black American from Sacramento County, CA (before someone says it, AAVE use would not be a "misuse" of English btw, it's a dialect)
🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩Continued excessive use of "dear"
Unfortunately for them, I hate being called "dear".
I won't bother you with the extra images, but I switched gears and said I would donate to them, and they, continuing to call me "dear," expressed thankfulness. They were so thankful that, when I asked them for the email address they used for their PayPal account, they gave it to me.
As I sent my report to PayPal, they said they hadn't received the money yet, and I said I was heading to the bank. They said okay and gave me their blessings.
Thankfully, for you to send a report to PayPal, all you'll need is their link URL, this very post to show how they've acted suspicious, and their PayPal username, which is Lucymkira.
Their PayPal URL is https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9R2PJZYZXPG4E.
Remember, Do Not Donate To Them.
I attempted to send a warning not long after our conversation, but I had a feeling that they would block me before I could share it fully.
Here is where I had started:
They appear to have blocked me before I could continue reblogging with more information, so I made this separate post.
Do not donate any medical expense money to user Lucymkira. Due to various red flags, I firmly believe it is a scam. Do not donate any medical expense money to anyone linking to the PayPal page with the URL "https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9R2PJZYZXPG4E".
If you click on their link, you can scroll to the bottom to "Report Inappropriate Content" or click the link here, which goes to the same page. Use their username, "Lucymkira", and a link to this post to report your findings to PayPal on their inappropriate behavior and use of their services.
Be careful of medical expense scams on Tumblr, but do not lose your giving heart. Double and triple-check whoever solicits you for help online. Ensure you have enough evidence to believe them trustworthy before giving them anything.
And if they aren't, report them to the necessary authorities so others do not get scammed.
Please reblog this post to spread the word.
Many thanks for your time.
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Hazbin Hotel Theory: Adam Ate His Feelings Away And There Might Be Two Of Lilith Part 1
[Note: Please Do Not reblog this without my permission]
I'm not going to say too much in this right now, because I'm kind of peeved off that what I originally was writing started to not respond...
I couldn't even get the "post now" to respond or anything to work, I couldn't even get it to refresh...
the closes thing I could do, is open up the home tumblr again, by going to where my page is...it ends up working fine, all but what I was writing...I wrote so freaking much in it...
like from the theory on how The Original Lilith made a deal with Roo, when still in Eden, and she ends up having her good half of her soul and the evil half of her soul split into two, the evil half stayed in her original body, and the other half ended up in a duplicate body, and it is the Good-Lilith that wears the sunhat and has the gentle and kind eyes, and is even in family hug...
while Evil-Lilith is in the portrait where Charlie is siting down in a chair and her parents are standing on opposite sides of her.
I even was going to mention how Adam from Hazbin Hotel,
seems to match the song "Born Without A Heart" by Faouzia...
the song just, seems to fit him as strange as it sounds...
I like the song, because it can match how I feel at times...
well even the songs "Release Me" and "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" by Agnes matches my feelings at times, too.
too bad I can't find my Drafts now...even if that green thing pops up and says "Draft Saved" and it somehow saved what I originally wrote, doesn't mean I can get to them, I can't even find it anymore...
and I have tried...and I'm trying to not to save anything in drafts on here anymore, and hope whatever is going on with it, it can be fixed...
it probably has to do with me placing something that was suppose to be "Mature" before in drafts, I don't know, because I had to go and do something away from the computer before...I can't remember what it was I put in drafts before, but I can't help but wonder if it is the reason why I'm having bad luck with it...
the only reason I foolishly did that before, was because I was concerned that everything might end up turning off on me when I was away from the computer for even a few...I mean we had the lights and everything else turn off before...and that was one of my concerns that I think...
anyway the theory about there being two of Lilith, and the Original becoming the Evil half, and the Good half that fell into Hell with Lucifer and Evil-Lilith, and it was Good-Lilith who helped Lucifer raise Charlie, and all three keep there being two of her a secret from Charlie, and Evil-Lilith only gets involved in being a "Mother" to Charlie when the Princess herself gets older and is no longer a very small child...
Adam possibly ate his feelings away because of not only because of being betrayed and abandoned by Lilith, but also Eve cheating on him more than once, like first with Lucifer while in Eden, and later outside Eden when she had affair with the King of Wrath.
another part of the theory that has to do with the two of Lilith, is that the Overlords Alastor, Zestial, Rosie and Carmilla end up witnessing a fight between the two Lilith, and it is the Evil-Lilith that ends up wining and she places the Good-Lilith into a coma...
they end up helping her, by taking her to Carmilla's territory, and they agree that they will ask her why there are two Queens, and this will be the same time Alastor goes missing for 7 years, but the event that happens before the fight between the two Liliths, is that the Evil-Lilith ends up leaving Charlie at the "Happy Hotel" soon to be renamed later in the future "Hazbin Hotel"...
the fight between the two Liliths, could be about Charlie and how Good-Lilith was against the idea of abandoning her, but in the end the Evil-Lilith won the fight.
and years go by and Good-Lilith is still under Carmilla's protection in her territory, but she hasn't woke up from her coma.
and the only way she can wake up from the coma, is a "kiss of true love" like from Disney's Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs...
though I'm "Anti-Snow White x Prince Who's Name I Forgot" that is from that really old Disney Movie...there is a reason for that, but I ain't getting into that right now...
one of the ideas I like is Adam from Hazbin Hotel, being secretly a Swiftie, like being a fan of some of Taylor Swifts songs.
and one of his favorite songs to sing to is "Anti-Hero"...
I still think the song "Born Without A Heart" fits Adam.
Adam likely didn't get the shape he was in, because he was spoiled...
and some people, even if not all people...do end up eating their feelings away or at least trying to, when they get a broken heart.
I know I had lost a lot of weight in 2015, when I couldn't bring myself to eat very much and that was because I was feeling depressed, of course I ended up getting depressed again around either 2016 or 2017 and it lasted a lot longer for some months, and when I did get better, I ended up becoming sick and ended up puking and when I started to get a bit better from that, my first cat was slowly leaving us and I ended up becoming a crying mess...it was either 2017 or 2018 when it happen...I love my second cat, but if they weren't taken to the vet on time or if anything went wrong at the vet when they were trying to help them...
if it were possible I would do a Omnigeddon, those were my thoughts when my sweet fluffy baby that is my second cat, had to be taken to the vet...and lucky they are okay now, they went to the vet around, I think it was the last month of last year I think...I will have to double check sometime to be sure...
and I already have trust issues with some percent of the Masculine energy, so excuse me if this Weird Defective Earth Angel who self-nickname herself "Eveningstar Princess" who only ended up calling myself that because well half of the reason having to do with the weirdness with my Mom only getting Evening Sickness with me.
the other half having to do with one of the possible Bio-Dads of Cain, and both Cain and Seth are my Grandpa Ancestors...
and once again, when I called myself the "Eveningstar Princess" it was way before I found out that Archangel Michael is also known as "The Evening Star"...and it is a weird enough that makes me wonder if he might be one of my Dads, but then I need to keep reminding myself he isn't and well...there is just some other weird coincidences...
I even talked about the whole if Michael Eveningstar had twin children, they would be very young and they and other baby angels would be like those baby dragons from "How To Train Your Dragon", like one of the movies but not the first one...
cause just like the baby dragons, baby angels don't listen to anyone.
I might write part 2 of this, around either tomorrow or in a few days.
in part 2 I can talk more about when Adam started to eat his feelings away because of what Lilith, Eve and Lucifer did to him...
as well as the whole possibility there being two of Lilith.
and I think Vaggie could still be a Moth, but she is like a Angel Moth...
I would like to talk about the idea that she may have been made from maybe Adam taking a part of Valentino's Antenna, which could of happen a long time ago way before the events when Alastor goes missing and well there is time differences...
like Eve was suppose to be made from Adam's rib, so why not Vaggie being made by using part of Valentino's Antenna.
but I think I can talk more about that idea another time...
I will talk more about the theory that has to do with Adam eating his feelings away because of what Lilith, Lucifer and Eve did to him, in the part 2...as well as the whole talking about there possibly being two of Lilith.
I know there is another part 2 I need to work on, but I really don't feel like it right now...anyway, when I'm able to I will make the next part of this.
I'm going to check a few more stuff on here, then I think I will go lay down and tomorrow, I will watch some Steven Universe.
anyway hope some like the theory that has to do with Adam and there being two of Lilith.
Adam having a secret sweet and soft side just seems like a interesting idea, some already sees him as a "Mama's Boy" when it comes to some having Sera being like his "Mom"...
so it being like a "I Fam It" instead of "I Ship It"...
also it could be possible that some part of the Masculine side can only push the Feminine side so far, until she grows tired of it...
all Earth Angels, need to wake up to the truth, we need to help the Feminine energy get stronger, and stop some really bad stuff from keep happening...we have to protect the Divine Feminine energy and the already fragile Feminine energy that is that took a long time to heal, even if it is still healed in some parts, and it might still be in a little balance with the Good side of the Masculine energy.
there is still imbalance.
but even if I say that other Earth Angels need to wake up to the truth, it isn't like I can make them, they need to want to and need to do so by their own free will.
and we already know that some part of the Masculine side, has cross lines that were NEVER meant to be crossed...
if it were possible, I would still want to slap Mammon and call dibs on his Apple Sugar Spice, because the Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg is likely amplifying the greed in humans, like from the healthy levels to unhealthy levels...
which it would be different from Moxxie's Apple Sugar Spice belonging to Millie...and of course the Mammon I'm talking about is the one from our Universe...
I think I will listen to Katy Perry's Song "Dark Horse" later, but like first I will lay down, maybe go to sleep...but before that, I will check out a few more arts on here, and then I will go to bed...
I might not make part 2 of this right away, but I will try to make time to do so either tomorrow or in a few days...
I just don't feel like talking too much about it right now, because how I ended up feeling when I was writing the original version of this...
and yeah as weird as it might seem, I love Adam from Hazbin Hotel more than Charlie's Mom...I mean he shouldn't just take out all Sinners, but there might be some that are too far gone to be redeemed, like those who are even more irredeemable like the Vees and even Alastor, so there can be Sinners who are far worse than those Overlords...
like I can still side a bit with Charlie and Emily, but even I know that while redeeming can be possible, some Sinners who would dare harm a child, should be taken care of by a Exorcist Angels...
even Alastor has his own morals, plus for all we know, in his life in the human world, he only went after really REALLY bad and messed up people, maybe those who are far worse than Valentino.
anyway once again part 2 of this might not end up being right away but I will do my best in writing the next part of this and well I just don't feel like making the next part right now because of how I'm feelings...but maybe I will be in a bit more better mood later on and even when I do get around to making the next part of this theory...
also I hope some like the theory about Adam, and the possibility he really does have a heart, it is just Lilith and Eve, and Lucifer broke it and made him into the man he became in the present.
Gran-Gran Lilith and Gran-Gran Eve from our Universe, probably did way worse than those two counterparts of them...
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