#(doesn’t mean I won’t! doesn’t mean I’ll ever sell these books! but I gotta at least focus on writing ‘em or I’ll never know)
novelconcepts · 2 years
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houseof-harry · 4 years
Christmas Miracle | G.D.
A/N - anddddddd I’m back! Idk why, but I thought it was necessary for us to have a cheesy ass, Hallmark ass one shot that is filled with all the fluff and cuteness. So I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday moment and you enjoy the disgusting fluff I’m offering up
Word Count - 7.4k
Summary - Christmas in New York can be seen in one of two ways. It’s the most magical time of the year, snow falling, lights glimmering, joy rampant in the air. Or, the influx of tourists and people trying to sell you things ruins the entire month of December. Y/n tends to lean towards the latter. That is, until she get’s her Christmas miracle.
Your friends were lucky you loved them.
When they had first brought up the idea of you showing them around New York City during one of the most popular times of the year for tourism, you shut them down immediately. The holidays were difficult enough without leading around a group of lost puppies who would be acting like they had never seen Christmas lights before.
But they were convincing people, and were quick to offer you the many ways in which they could brighten your few weeks at home and possibly even change your view of the last few weeks of the year.
So, as you balanced finals and all of your other responsibilities as the semester came to an end, you and your friends planned out a trip through NYC that could honestly make a pretty decent Hallmark movie. They even convinced you to spend New Years in Time Square, despite your continued protest. You never saw the appeal of being packed into small gated areas for hours with a bunch of strangers to watch a ball drop, but they claimed that it was necessary to get the full experience. You also bargained that you would get to pick where spring break was if you went through with all of their plans.
You never liked feeling like Scrooge, but the holidays never brought positive memories back for you. Everything felt somewhat fraudulent to you. Fake smiles, meaningless gifts, ignoring the happenings of the rest of the year to act as though family was more important than anything, everyone suddenly devout Christians. You were a big advocate of always being true to who you are, and how you feel, year round. Not just when it is socially expected to do so in some performative, public way that puts up the facade that your life couldn’t be better.
You hoped your friends were right, that they could change the way you felt about the holidays. That maybe it would somehow feel more genuine with them.
So far, they've had some almost successful attempts. You indulged in gingerbread cookies, wore your fluffy winter jacket as you walked around with them to shop for your secret santa. You could even feel a bit of excitement as you picked out the perfect gift for Gia. She’d always say how much she loved leather watches, that she hoped to be able to afford one after graduation to wear to her first job. The smooth brown band you picked out earlier in Saks sat safely in your bag as you led everyone to one of the main attractions of their visit.
Soon enough, the massive, lit up tree came into view.
“Welcome to Rockefeller Center,” you announce as you turn to face everyone, hands held out as you watch them marvel at the scene in front of them, a scene they’ve only seen through screens.
“Wow,” Colin mutters under his breath. You swear you can see the lights from behind you twinkling in their eyes, and you can understand better why they wanted to come on this trip. Maybe you had become a bit numb to the Christmas happenings of the city after so many years of being around it. The obvious wonder on everyone’s faces made you wish you could see the tree for the first time all over again.
You turn to walk forward, afraid of bumping into the swarms of people that stand between you and the tree. As you do so, you feel Gia’s arm wrap around your shoulder to fall in step next to you.
“I knew we’d be able to get a smile on your face,” she teases as her free hand comes to your face to squeeze your cheeks.
You chuckle, wrapping your arm around her waist to keep her close as you squeeze your way through the crowd to get closer to the tree. “Just because I hate the holidays, doesn’t mean I don’t like seeing you guys happy. Even if it’s for a stupid tree.”
“It’s not stupid and you know it.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, your rebuttal interrupted when you hear a squeal from behind you.
“We need a family picture in front of it!”
You turn around at Jo’s request to see her already getting her camera out from under her jacket.
“Here, I’ll take some,” you offer, holding your hand out.
“But then you won’t be in it,” she pouts.
“I have so many pictures of myself in front of this tree, I don’t need any more.”
She huffs, but knows you’re too stubborn to change your mind. She turns back to your group, who now stand in front of you, positioning everyone next to each other.
You bring the camera up to your face, making sure to get everyone in the frame, along with the tree. You start taking pictures of your friends, and you can’t stop the smile that spread across your face as you watch them genuinely enjoy the moment.
“I can take pictures of all of you if you want,” a gruff voice comes from your left, and your attention goes from the camera to the person standing close to you now.
Your eyes have to drag up from the man’s chest, him having a significant height advantage over you. He has a five o’clock shadow that covers his chin, a sharp jawline underneath. His smile shows off his white teeth, that same smile causing the corners of his eyes to wrinkle. Those same warm eyes are looking at you still, waiting for a response.
“Uh, I don’t-”
“Yes!” Jo responds for you, swinging her hand at the two of you standing there.
He holds his hands out, and you carefully place the expensive camera in his hands.
“Don’t drop it.”
He nods at your command as he inspects the buttons.
“Or steal it.”
This breaks his attention from the camera, his smile spreading wider as he chuckles. “I won’t.”
You let out a huff as you nod once, crossing your arms and turning to walk to your friends. You go to the end of the line, tucking yourself under Colin’s arm.
“Don’t drool all over me.”
You scoff, looking up at him. “What?”
“You’ve got heart eyes for our photographer, I’m surprised you couldn’t feel your jaw dragging on the floor as you came over here.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, hitting his chest as he laughs at you.
“Stop talking and smile!” Jo chastises, and you listen in the hopes of Colin dropping it.
You look back at the man who has the camera, and feel your cheeks blush as you make eye contact with him. You opt to look at the camera instead, trying to forget the fact that his eyes were undeniably on you.
He snaps a bunch of pictures of you guys, and as the mom friends Jo even made you do what she deems a “silly” one.
Once Jo is satisfied, she runs up to him, grabbing the camera with a quick and uninterested ‘thanks’ as she immediately starts scrolling through the pictures. Everyone gathers around, laughing and pointing at each other on the tiny screen.
“Thank you,” you say, standing next to him as you watch your friends leaning over Jo’s shoulder.
“No problem,” he smiles, also watching your group. “I hope they’re good enough for a Christmas card.”
You laugh, probably too loudly for how lame of a comment it was, but he seems to appreciate it.
You shake your head. “Knowing Jo, I’ll have an entire book of pictures by the end of this that she’ll insist I keep on my coffee table the rest of my life.”
He chuckles, his hands sliding into the pockets of his jacket. He’s got a beanie covering his ears, and you can’t help but notice he looks better in it than you ever could.
“It’s nice having friends that feel like family. I’m glad you get to have them around for the holidays.”
It’s weird how that comment seems to sit with you. He knows nothing about you, but he’s right. How he knew you needed to hear that, you don’t know.
“Yeah,” you nod, biting your lip as you take in a breath through your nose to ground yourself. “Thanks again, uh…”
“Grayson.” One of his hands leaves his pockets, hanging in the air between the two of you. You take it, letting his fingers fold around your own hand. His skin is warm against yours, a nice change to the cool winds that have been gusting around you the entire day.
He raises his brow at you, and for a second you don’t know what he wants. He keeps your hand engulfed in his, and it hits you that he’s waiting to hear your name.
“Y/N,” he says, almost testing it out as he lets your hand drop. “I like that.”
You giggle, your cheeks blushing as you realize the involuntary reactions he’s pulling from you. You’re not a giggler.
“Yo Gray!” Another deep voice comes from over your shoulder, and you turn to see someone who could be a clone of the man standing in front of you. “We gotta go.”
You’re not sure if you make up the sigh you think you hear come from his lips, hoping he was disappointed he had to leave, too.
“I hope you like the pictures.”
And as suddenly as he had appeared next to you, you were watching him jog over back to his own group of people as they disappeared behind the crowd.
“Don’t worry,” Colin’s grip was on your shoulder again as he stepped next to you. “Love is in the air this Christmas season. If it’s not him, it’s someone.”
“I’m Jewish.”
“And Christmas is barely about being Christian anymore. Everyone gets some Christmas joy.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you shake your head, leaning into him a bit. You appreciated his positivity, despite your pessimism. If Christmas miracles were real, your life would have played out very differently.
That was all you could feel, think, see.
After your adventure at the tree, you planned to go ice skating. You had to, according to Jo. It would be a waste to be there and not go.
When you tried to get out of it, claiming to want to keep Kam company seeing as he had an ankle injury and couldn’t skate, everyone including Kam called you on your shit and made you get out on the ice.
Which you were pretty sure they were regretting now.
You’d never been confident on the ice, only skating a few times in your life. You couldn’t leave the edge, holding onto the side for dear life as you moved slowly around the rink. Your friends took shifts staying with you the rest skating at a more reasonable pace as they continued to lap you.
That is, until Colin and Gia start arguing about who’s better and decide to race, Jo trailing behind them to make sure they don’t knock any children down.
Despite your tight grip on the wall, without the help of your friends your balance fails you and before you knew what was happening, your feet were flailing beneath you. You’re surprised the ice didn’t crack as you fell, your body colliding with the cold, hard ice as your hand trailed down the wall.
You laid there a moment, partially in shame but mainly from the exhaustion of trying to keep yourself upright. You only open your eyes when you hear a chuckle from above you. When you do open them, however, you’re met with an unexpected sight.
“You alright?”
That same charming smile was looking down at you, Grayson’s hand held out in front of him in an offer to help you up.
You scramble to sit up, taking his hand, the other going to the ice as you start to slowly stand up. What you don’t expect is the amount of force he would use to help you, feeling the tug on your arm as he quickly gets you back to your feet.
It’s so quick that you can’t seem to get your footing, your skates scrambling on the slick ice again. Before you can take another tumble, though, his hand is leaving yours as you feel his grip on your waist. He manages to steady you, your palms resting on his chest to do your best to stay still for a moment. Your breathing is a bit jagged as you try to collect your thoughts, your brain jumbled from the events of the past minute, the close proximity to Grayson not helping.
“Uh.” Your mind is racing a mile a minute in order to catch up to where you were right now. Still against Grayson’s body, his face close to yours with a concerned look. His eyes seem to be tracking your own expressions as he tries to figure out if you’re hurt. “Yeah, think I’m good.”
You lean back against the wall, and he takes it as a sign to let go of you. Despite your multiple layers that separated your skin from his hands, you somehow feel a bit colder without him touching you.
“Bit of a hard fall there.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle, nodding your head as you flush, realizing he saw the whole thing happen. “I’m not the best skater.”
“Interested in a lesson?” He holds his hand out to you.
You raise your brow, not moving from the safety of the wall. “You want to teach me?”
“Yeah, Y/N.”
You’re not sure why hearing your name from his mouth unprompted affected you so much, but you felt almost as if you were in a trance. It was like you couldn’t control yourself anymore, your hand falling easily into his.
For the first time since you met him, Grayson seemed to be a bit flustered. “I, uh, think it’s important everyone knows how to skate. It’s definitely a life skill,” he justifies, nodding and pursing his lips. “Plus, I used to play hockey. So I know what I’m doing.”
“I’m not looking to learn how to body someone on ice.”
His laughter is loud as he leans forward a bit, his body closer to yours once again. His grip on your hand tightens, and it’s suddenly hard to believe you’ve gone your whole life without hearing him laugh. You can’t help your own laughter that falls from your lips in response to him, your eyes unable to leave his face.
“I’m just gonna teach you how to not fall,” he reassures through his smile. “I’ve seen people get seriously hurt falling.”
The reminder of possible injuries not only makes you aware of the dull ache you were feeling from your most recent fall, but also of the fact you were far away from the door of the rink.
Grayson notices the change in your attitude, his smile quickly fading. “Or I can just help you off the ice.”
His voice brings you back to reality as you take in a breath and look up at him. Despite the fear bubbling inside of you, the tendinitis in your joints screaming for you to stop, you can’t help but think about what Colin said before. Maybe this was your Christmas miracle.
“No, you’re right. It’s totally a life skill.”
The corners of his mouth turn up as nods before situating himself sideways next to you. “Alright, first things first you gotta remember to bend your knees.”
You uneasily push your body off the wall, your hand still gripping it. “Actually, first things first I have to turn the right direction.”
He chuckles and nods, standing there expectantly. You realize he’s waiting for you to do it yourself.
“I don’t know how.”
“Oh.” He switches his hands so you’re holding one farther from you. His now free arm reaches around your waist. “Can I?”
You nod, and you feel his firm grip on you once again. As soon as he starts to maneuver you, you squeal, tightening your hand on his as your other flies from the wall to cover his grip on your jacket.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I’m not usually such a little bitch.”
He laughs, and that’s when you realize how close you are again. You can feel his warm breath on the side of your face, and you can’t bring yourself to look at him in fear of totally freezing from making eye contact. You can’t remember the last time someone made you feel so nervous yet so comfortable at the same time.
“You’re not a little bitch, you’re just getting used to the ice. You’ll be lapping me in no time.”
It’s your turn to laugh as you shake your head. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I’m pretty sure my only goal should be to not eat shit.”
“We got this, then.”
Surprisingly enough, you guys managed to stay standing the whole time. After your first lap around, and partially to your disappointment, you were able to skate without his arm around you, the only support you needed coming from holding his hand and the occasional grip of the wall. The only time you came close to falling was when he taught you how to pick up speed, but even then you managed to stay on your feet.
What caught you most off guard, however, was how easily being around him was. Somehow it felt like you had known each other for years, your comfort level increasing every minute you spent together. You were able to laugh together, never a dull or quiet moment as he continued to guide you around the rink. You lost track of where your friends even were, nevermind how the lights around the rink were seemingly getting brighter as the sun went down.
“So who was that guy from before that looked like you?”
“My twin brother Ethan.”
At this point you two were skating at a normal speed, staying close to the wall for your sanity, but the only support you needed was him holding your hand.
“You guys are close?”
“Oh my god,” he laughs, shaking his head. You look over at him, smiling as you watch him try and put into words what he wants to explain. “Probably too close. We do everything together.”
“That’s gotta be nice, though.”
“It is. It’s good to always have someone like that,” he agrees. “Do you have any siblings?”
You nod, looking forward again. “Yeah, two brothers.”
“So you already know how to body people, it was just the on ice part you struggled with.”
You laugh. “Exactly, you just caught me in my moment of weakness.”
“Oh, so you would have bodied me otherwise?”
You look back over at him, letting your gaze go up and down his body as if you’re sizing him up. “Totally.”
Before he can respond, your body is being jerked as you feel Gia’s arm fall over your shoulder. You grip Grayson’s hand hard to stay standing.
“As much as I hate to be the party pooper, I’ve gotta steal you away. Jo’s freaking about us being late for the dinner res.”
Both Grayson and Gia stop skating, but you move forward with the momentum you had built up. Stopping hadn’t been a part of the day's lesson.
You fall backwards between the grip they both had on you. You’re not even sure what your hands start reaching for as you flail around, expecting the cold of the ice under your body just like before.
Instead, you feel two strong arms under you. When you open your eyes, Grayson’s face is so close to yours you’re sure you would see any imperfections if he had them. His eyebrows are high on his forehead as he searches your face just like last time, looking for a status update.
“Oh my god, I’m totally ruining the Christmas miracle right now, aren’t I?”
Grayson does what he can to keep a straight face due to the concern he still had for you, but he can’t stop the snort that comes from him as you groan and cover your face in embarrassment from Gia’s comment.
“Giovannina, I swear on my life, I will literally-”
“I’m sorry!” Grayson stands you back up making sure you’re steady on your feet before letting go of you. “Jo’s got her murder eyes, you know the ones, and she’s been looking forward to this restaurant all week and we waited as long as possibly because-” she looks at Grayson. “You seem fabulous, truly. So cute. But,” she looks back at you, puppy dog eyes fully activated. “You know how Jo gets.”
You let out a sigh, nodding your head. “I do.”
She sheepishly holds her hands out for you, and you bregudgely take them, making sure you exaggerate your frustrations. It’s not Gia’s fault, or even Jo’s that your time with Grayson had to get cut short, but that doesn’t mean you won’t throw a fit about it.
“Thank you for finally teaching her how to skate. She’s a woman of many talents, but being on ice is not one of them,” Gia chuckles, her smile genuine but your annoyance only building. Gia’s intentions are always pure, but god damn she was a bad wingman.
Fortunately, Grayson smiles in agreement as he looks at you. “It was a rough beginning, but I think you’ve got potential.” He nudges your shoulder with his lightheartedly, but you tense in fear of falling over.
“Sure, lots of potential,” you mumble, letting Gia slowly start to pull you to the exit.
“Hey, is there any way I could-”
You all turn to see Jo standing in front of Colin and Kam, and you’re pretty sure you can also see the vein popping out of the side of her neck in distress as she tries to rush you along. You make a mental note to figure out who has her for secret santa to tell them to get her a voucher to a spa.
You turn back to look at Grayson, both of you standing there somewhat speechless, not sure what to say and not wanting to speak over the other.
“Thanks for looking out for her again!” Gia interrupts, tugging you along and forcing you to turn back around.
You let her pull you along in silence, disappointment quickly settling in the pit of your stomach.
This wasn’t you. You were very intentional with who you let in your life, and even more intentional with who you liked. You were notoriously single, always prioritizing everything and everyone before putting yourself in a position to get hurt. You let rationality rule, emotions only ever proving to cause pain and heartbreak.
So why the fuck were you so caught up in Grayson?
You did your best to not think about him, the illusive man you met one day two weeks ago. You had so much to distract yourself with, too. Between the Christmas celebration you guys did, the other activities Jo had planned around the city, and just spending time with people you loved, you should have been able to forget Grayson in a day, go back to how life was before he offered to take pictures for you.
Even Jo picked up on how you were off. You were going through with every stupid craft or activity she made you do, without a complaint. She knew something was up.
Which is why she conceded on one of her biggest wishes, one she knew you were not looking forward to.
“So I found us a house party for New Years.”
You look up from your phone at her declaration, brows furrowed. “What?”
“Instead of going out on the street for New Years, we’ll go to a party in one of the apartments nearby.” She’s got everyone's attention now, Kam pausing the show on the TV to listen. “We’ll still be able to see the ball drop, but we’ll be inside.”
“How’d you find a party? Those apartments are mad nice, only rich people live in them.”
“You know how my sister’s out in LA trying to be a model?”
You nod.
“Well, it’s kind of working. She’s gotten herself a group of influencer friends, successful ones. They’re here for New Year’s, so she got us on the list.”
“Holy shit,” Gia mutters.
“Is Madison Beer gonna be there?” Kam asks.
You laugh, shaking your head. “Dude, even if she is, there’s no way she’d fuck you.”
Kam scoffs, flipping you off. “Don’t be an ass just because your Christmas miracle was a fail. Some of us don’t hate the world.”
“There’s no such thing as Christmas miracles, Kam. Plus, it’s past Christmas.”
“Alright, alright,” Colin interrupts, holding his hands up between the two of you. “First off,” he points at you. “Christmas miracles are definitely real, you’re just a Grinch. And,” he turns to point at Kam. “Madison Beer is way out of your fucking league.”
“However,” Colin cuts you off. “If she did fuck you, I would classify that as a Christmas miracle because it is still holiday time and therefore the rules of Christmas miracles still apply.”
You throw your hands up in confusion, but Jo beats you to it. “What are the rules of Christmas Miracles?”
“Oh jesus,” you mumble under your breath as Colin sits up straighter and clears his throat.
“The rules are as follows,” he holds up a finger. “If you can find a shitty, holiday themed movie on the Hallmark channel, it’s Christmas-time and therefore a Christmas miracle can happen. They usually run through New Years, so you both-” he points at you and Kam, “have the opportunity for your Christmas miracles.”
“I cannot believe-”
“Second,” he interrupts you, holding up a second finger. “Christmas miracles come to people who deserve them.”
“Oh, so that’s why Y/n’s didn’t work out?” Kam murmurs, and you flip him off.
“Kam, your already low odds of fucking Madison Beer are dwindling by the second.”
“Fine,” he holds his hands up in defeat. “Keep going.”
“Y/n is totally deserving of a Christmas miracle,” Gia defends you. “She puts so much time into making sure we’re happy. Just because she doesn’t like Christmas, doesn’t mean she’s not deserving.”
“Exactly G,” Colin nods in approval, before putting up a third finger. “And lastly, you have to believe you deserve the Christmas miracle.” It feels like he’s staring into your soul when he says that one.
You all sit there in silence, individually deciding how much you want to believe what Colin is saying.
Of course it sounds like a load of horse shit. But, it didn’t feel like horseshit when you were with Grayson.
“Whatever,” you declare, standing up. “I need more.” You swirl your now empty mug, walking over to the hot chocolate and peppermint vodka on the counter.
“A little joy never hurt anyone, Y/n,” Kam comments, holding his empty mug out to you as you walk by. You take it from him, putting them down on the counter once you reach it.
“You’d be surprised.”
You’re not sure how Gia convinced you that a skimpy outfit was the perfect idea to wear for New Years, yet here you were, shivering to the bone as you walked down the street.
You don’t even like wearing heels most of the time, out of fear of falling down. Gia claims you look confident when you wear them, which you reveal to her is fake. That’s always been your motto: ‘fake it ‘till you make it.’ That didn’t seem to sway her, though, so the stilettos that now dug into your pinky toes were what you committed to for the entirety of the evening.
Colin’s arm around your shoulder wasn’t helping to warm you any, your faux fur coat letting the cool breeze still brush against your skin. Your small black tank top tucked into your matching black jeans were not made to be worn in the 20 degree weather. You kept your body close to him, your arm wrapped around his waist with your free hand in Gia’s.
“We’re gonna have the best night!”
You smile at Gia’s excitement, her eyes seeming to sparkle with the lights that line the street. Other groups of partiers and New Year’s Eve celebrators make it hard to hear her over their loud screaming and excitement, and you can’t help but let that energy invigorate you a bit. You guys were getting closer to the end of your break, reality would be setting in soon, and you’d be buckling down with school again. You wanted to enjoy the time you had left with your friends.
“I’m so excited to see who’s there,” Kam agrees.
“You can’t be weird about it, though,” Jo warns. “My sister said we have to act like we’re supposed to be there. This is a private thing, they want to have a normal New Year’s Eve.”
“I promise I’ll be my normal self,” Kam holds his hands up in defense, a smirk on his lips.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about,” she mumbles, causing Kam to give her a light shove as you continue to make your way down the street.
When you finally reach the entrance of the building Jo’s sister told you to come to, you’re all speechless. You could see the lobby of the building through the glass doors, and it was fancier than any hotel you’d ever stayed in before.
Jo makes the move first, opening the door and walking in. Kam grabs it from her, holding it for the rest of you as you file in behind her, like a group of ducklings following their mom blindly across the pond.
She speaks with the woman at the front desk, who points you to the hallways where you assume the elevators are. None of you speak as she walks you over and presses the button.
When an elevator finally arrives, there’s an attendant waiting for you inside. You’d had the opportunity to indulge in many extravagant things in life, and have taken those opportunities, but this was a whole other level of fancy.
Jo has a similar conversation with the attendant that she did with the woman at the front desk. He does something on his Ipad before smiling at you all and pressing a button that prompts the doors to close.
“Holy. Fuck,” Colin whispers in your ear, and all you can do is look at him with wide eyes and an open mouth.
When the doors open in front of you, the silence from the ride up in the elevator is immediately permeated by the bustle of the party in front of you.
“Have a good time!” The attendant says as you all slowly step across the gap in the floor and into one of the nicest apartments you think you had ever seen in your life.
There’s a few dozen people working their way around the room, no more than 50. You can appreciate the smaller crowd, knowing that being on the street would have been significantly more uncomfortable with the amount of people who gather there every year.
“Jojo!” Katherine’s high pitched voice breaks through the music as you see Jo’s bubbly sister make her way over to you guys.
“Hey Kath,” she murmurs, already being suffocated in a hug.
Katherine pulls away, keeping her hands on Jo’s shoulder in order to keep her close. “How are you? Haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I know,” Jo grimaces. “That’s what happens when you move across the country and rarely call anyone.”
Katherine almost misses a beat, but instead turns to the rest of you.
“It’s so of nice you guys could come! I can’t imagine what it would have been like...out there,” she trails off, looking towards the large windows that overlook Times Square.
Jo mutters ‘“authentic” under her breath as Gia cries out “cold!”
“Exactly!” Katherine turns back to you guys. “I knew I always liked you, Gigi.”
“It’s Gia.”
“Whatevs, Jojo. Go in and get cozy! And don’t embarrass me, please.” It’s scary the smile Katherine has on her face as she disappears back into the crowd. It would look genuine to the naked eye, but she almost looked dead inside when you took a closer look. But, in the wise words of Katherine herself, ‘whatevs.’
“I see the bar,” Colin nods his chin in the opposite direction that Katherine went, and you’re grateful you won’t have to see her so soon again.
“Please,” is all Jo squeaks out before making a beeline for the counter where the bartender stood.
You chuckle, following closely behind.
“The usual?”
You shake your head, stepping up next to Jo to order your own drink instead. “A moscow mule, please.”
You can feel all eyes on you, curiosity peaking at your change of heart. You never strayed from your normal order.
“What?” You ask defensibly, as you turn around to confront their questioning looks.
“Going rogue?” Kam asks.
“Trying out the holiday joy you suggested, Kam. Any objections?”
“Nope.” He pops the ‘p,’ his smile widening as he realizes you’re letting your walls down for once.
That doesn’t last long after your drink is in your hand, however.
There’s Grayson. Your Christmas miracle. Sitting on the couch, a girl in his lap and a smile on his face. He looks good in a turtleneck, you note, but that doesn’t stop the queasiness settling in your stomach. You knew Christmas miracles were horseshit, but this just felt like a cruel trick.
“What’s with the frown?” Kam asks, standing next to you as everyone else situates themselves with a drink.
“Don’t look right now, but behind you is my supposed Christmas miracle with a girl in his lap.”
Kam whips his head around, scanning the room.
“Dude are you kidding? I said don’t turn,” you grip his arm, forcing him to turn back, but not before he’s spotted the cozy couple. The look of pity on his face unsettles you.
“I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, taking a sip from your drink. “Don’t be, I knew him for an hour. I will, however, be calling Colin on his shit later.”
“What shit?” Colin asks, coming to stand next to you.
“Your Christmas miracle bullshit.”
A laugh bubbles up from his chest as he quirks a brow. “Oh really?” “Yeah, Grayson’s over there with a girl-”
“Damn, for how quickly obsessed you became with the kid, you really are forgetful.”
You give Colin a question look, waiting for him to continue.
“He has an identical twin. Your Christmas miracle is standing against the staircase. He’s been looking at you since we got to the bar.”
Your turn your head and sure enough, your eyes are locked with Grayson’s. He’s just as captivating as last time, his warm smile on his face once he realizes he’s been spotting. Unlike last time, however, instead of shying away from the eye contact, you can’t seem to stop looking.
“Remember, you have to believe you deserve the Christmas miracle,” Colin whispers in your ear before giving you a not so gentle shove in Grayson’s direction.
“You’re lucky I’m not a violent person,” you say over your shoulder, before making your way over to him. You can feel the excitement tingling in your fingertips that grip your drink as you do your best to be polite to the people you bump into on your way.
Once you’re close enough, Grayson pushes himself off the banister, creating a space for you to stand between the wooden sticks and his large body.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
His voice is deeper than you remember, more delicious if possible. It feels familiar hearing him speak, a comfort you didn’t know you had been missing.
“You’re supposed to say that when you expect to see someone, not when you’re actually surprised.”
He lets out a low laugh, nodding in defeat. “Okay, true. It’s a good surprise, though - at least for me.” He seems a bit less smooth than last time, too. You can feel the nerves coming off him, his confidence lower. You wonder if it’s got to do with the environment you’re in.
You smile up at him, licking your lips in order to drag out the unknown a bit longer. You can’t give it all up right away.
“Yeah,” you finally agree. “A real good surprise.”
“Although, you know I gotta ask it.”
His smile falters as he raises his brow. “I think I gotta ask the same thing.”
“You first,” you nod your chin at him, crossing your arms.
“Ethan and I are a friend of a friend to one of the host’s friends. We’re normally not in Jersey for New Year’s, so when they found out we’d be celebrating alone in our mom’s house, we got an invite.”
“A Jersey kid?” You feign disgust, making him laugh as he leans his arm over your head. He smells good, his scent overriding your thoughts for a moment.
“Is that a bad thing?”
You shrug. “Usually. I guess I’ll overlook it, though.”
“Don’t knock it ‘till you try it,” he answers cockily.
You giggle, shaking your head at the cheesy comment. “Are you offering me somewhat of a free trial?”
“More like endless coupons with no expiration date.”
This makes you fully laugh, him chuckling with you as you feel your cheeks heat up at the implication of his words.
“You barely know me,” you counter, still unable to look away from his eyes. “What makes you so sure about offering such a good deal to me?”
He shrugs. “Call it a gut feeling.”
You feel your own stomach go crazy at that, the confirmation that he was feeling what you were only heightening how his warmth seemed to radiate off him, everything Grayson flooding your senses.
“Your turn.”
“Hm?” You hum, bringing your drink to your lips.
“What’s gotten you into Madison Beer’s apartment?”
You choke on the liquid you intended on swallowing, coughing to clear your throat. His brows furrow as he brings his hand from above you to your back, rubbing it.
“Oh my god - sorry - I just,” you take in a big breath before standing up straight again, more confident in your lungs. “This is Madison Beer’s apartment?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, looking around the room. “You didn’t know?”
You shake your head. “Jo’s sister -”
“Murder eyes Jo?”
“Exactly. She’s been out in LA modeling. When she heard we were gonna be in New York for New Year’s she got us in. This -” you gesture to the room, noticing the more familiar faces you’re seeing now that you’re paying attention. “Totally not my normal scene.”
“So you’re giving everything new a shot right before the year ends?”
“Mhm,” you bring your gaze back to him. “In case I want to take it back and act like it never happened.”
He laughs, licking over his teeth. “Sounds like a solid plan.”
It was stupid how well you got along. You didn’t even see any of your other friends the entire night, Grayson keeping you tucked in the corner. You hoped Kam had somehow ran into Madison at some point, but you weren’t inclined enough to leave Grayson to help him with it.
It felt like you guys were somehow meant to be there that night together. Maybe Colin was onto something, maybe this was your (belated) Christmas miracle.
“It was total fate, I’m telling you. The odds we were able to get Mando on our team in the first place, nevermind him being one of the most important people in our lives now.” Grayson shakes his head as he recalls the memories, a reminiscent smile on his face. “You believe in all that, right?”
“What?” You hum, admiring his positivity. Every story, every glimpse into his life he’s given you throughout the night, has all ended in a positive twist. He managed to see the bright side of every situation, despite the horrible shit that’s been thrown his way.
You sit up a bit straighter, your elbows leaving where they rested on your thighs. Your knee was touching his, your proximity close on the couch due to the amount of people who were sitting there with you. You felt like you were in a bit of a bubble, though. Despite the loud chatter from all around you, the only thing you could pay attention to was Grayson.
“I’m not gonna lie to you,” you set your cup down before leaning back against the cushion. His arm that was resting on the top of that cushion drops, landing on your shoulder casually, but you can feel the warmth it immediately brings. “I never really did. I’ve always been the pessimist of the bunch. However,” your eyes find Colin, who’s sat to Grayson’s back. He gives you a wide smile and two thumbs up. You can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your own face as you look back at Grayson. “I’ve recently become a bit of a believer. Why?”
He shrugs. “I mean, what are the odds we not only had the same skate time at one of the most popular skating rinks in the world, but we also then end up at the same New Year’s Eve party?”
You huff, starting to think. “Well, statistically speaking -”
“No,” he laughs, nudging your leg with his own. “Fate isn’t about statistics, or probability. There’s nothing explainable about it.”
“My friend Colin is calling it a Christmas miracle,” you admit.
“So that’s what your friend meant when she interrupted us on the ice?”
“Oh god,” you groan, covering your face in the same manner as last time, shaking your head. “Don’t remind me.”
“Hey,” he chuckles, grabbing one of your wrists to expose your face to him again. “Don’t worry about it, it was funny.”
“It shouldn’t have been funny, though,” you whine, a pout forming on your lips.
He cocks his head to the side, a smirk settling on his face. “What should it have been?”
Before you can respond, the countdown from 60 begins, and suddenly everyone is standing and chanting around you, buzzing to start the new year.
58, 57, 56, 55
Grayson stands, holding a hand out for you to take. You place your hand in his, standing right next to him, there being little room for you two between the couch and the coffee table causing your chests to be pressed against one another. You look up at him, the same warm eyes he’s had for you meeting your gaze again.
“Huh?” He leans closer to you, his ear so close to your mouth that you were tempted to nip his earlobe.
“It should have been romantic.”
24, 23, 22, 21
He lifts his head so he can look at you again, close enough for his nose to brush against yours. One of his hands reaches around you, finding a resting spot on your lower back. His other hand comes to your cheek, his thumb rubbing the skin there. You grip his sweater at his sides, keeping him close to you.
“Ten, nine, eight,” Grayson starts counting down with the rest of the party, and you follow suit.
As everyone screams around you, celebrating the new year, you feel Grayson’s lips on yours. It feels like a movie, like the world is celebrating how amazing you guys feel right now as you finally physically connect with the person it feels like you were always meant to be with.
His lips are warm and smooth against yours, his every intention clear as he kisses you with a passion you’ve never experienced before. Your every nerve is on fire, your heart in flames as you keep yourself grounded by the grip you have on him.
He only pulls away as you feel champagne fall on the both of you, the confetti that was launched now sticking to you from the liquid. You can’t help the laugh that comes out of you at the craziness of it all, the fact that you just kissed the man in front of you, the man still in your grip, the man who still had his hands on you hard to comprehend.
Colin was right. Christmas miracles were most certainly real, and you deserved this one.
Grayson smirks down at you, leaning down to peck your lips once more before speaking. “Romantic enough for you?”
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tales-unique · 3 years
Needless to say, Dutch is Interested. After the initial shock and suspicion subsides he hounds you with questions, all while marching you over to his tent, motioning two men over with a swift motion. Arthur and Hosea, the same men he had been talking with earlier on. You stand awkwardly between the three, fidgety under their gaze. Hosea seems the most agreeable of them while Arthur is wary of you, if first introductions are to go by, but Dutch doesn't waste another minute with the pleasantries. “Miss DuBois, if you please.”
“Oh,” you clear your throat, eyes flicking between them. You suddenly feel small , but you try to hide it as best you can. “His name is Jebediah Kramer. He’s a gambling man from Saint Denis who, I happen to know, has just come into a large sum of money.” “Just how much money are we talkin’ here? And how do you know about it?” Arthur speaks up, eyeing you suspiciously. He looks intimidating, all broad shoulders and piercing eyes. If it were under different circumstances you might have enjoyed the sight. You give him a tight-lipped smile instead. ”At least a couple thousand, and I know ‘cause the no good, pompous, cheating son-of-a-bitch took it from my brother in a rigged poker game!” The three fall silent. Dutch has his hands on his hips. Hosea crosses his arms with a slow nod. Arthur just watches you with suspicious eyes. “So that’s why you’re more than happy to let us rob him blind!” Arthur breaks the silence, throwing his hands up in the air. “You just need someone to do your dirty work, huh?” He turns to Dutch, a scowl on his face. “I bet it aint even that much money, it’s not worth the risk Dutch! Not with all the heat we already have!” “Easy, Arthur,” Dutch waves his hand dismissively, “any lead is welcome, you know that—” You’re surprised by his support, but none-the-less pleased. “—But I admit, I am curious why you would let us ride away with your brothers wrongfully taken money. Care to enlighten us further?” Now, not so much. “Well, the money wasn’t my brothers to gamble with,” you sigh, fidgeting, “he took it on loan, and was supposed to pay it back, but obviously he couldn't with it all gone. Jebediah, ever the kindhearted rich man,” you sneer, “offered to pay off the debt and give a little more besides for a trade,” your voice tapers off into a murmur at the end, your teeth nipping the inside of your cheek, anger bubbling in your stomach. “Well?” Dutch probes, impatient, “what trade ?” “For my hand in marriage!” You hiss low, stomping on the mound of dirt you hadn’t realized you were shoveling with your foot. “And the damned idiot said yes ! Like I’m some pet o-or a piece of furniture that don’t have feelings or a mind of her own!” Flustered, you take in a deep breath in order to try and calm yourself, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. “So yes , it’s a little bit of dirty work on my behalf, but the way I see it you’re the ones who get the better end of the deal. And you can keep anything else you find too, I don’t care. It ain’t mine after all,” you shrug, cold and distant. It’s a little sobering for the men before you but you don’t care. Jebediah is a rich man who doesn’t give two hoots about anyone or anything but himself; he deserves far worse than this, but at least your brother will have learned a harsh lesson and you won’t have to marry that fool Kramer. He’ll be too busy nursing his ruined ego to focus on you, after all. You hope. “Well,” Dutch drawls, breaking the stalemate, “ain’t that something. What do you say, gentlemen?” He asks Hosea and Arthur, both of whom have stayed quiet after your little outburst. “I doubt Miss DuBois would be so, well, so animated over nothing,” Hosea states, “I say we take a look into this Mr Kramer.” He offers you a small smile and a dip of his head, which you return. “And you, Arthur?” Arthur grumbles, shuffling from one foot to another before he shakes his head. He takes out a cigarette, holding it between his lips before looking you dead in the eyes. “Better not be setting us up like fools, Miss,” he growls, striking a match. Through the smoke he looks like one of those mountain men you’ve read about in your books, all rugged and rough. Now you can see why they sell so well among the ladies in the gentry. Dutch nods, a hand coming to your shoulder in a reassuring pat. “Well then Miss DuBois, I think the matter is settled! Now, all we need is a plan .” Reconnaissance — the first phase of Dutch’s plan. A trip to Saint Denis was in order, he explained, to return the stolen bride-to-be and in the process integrate themselves into the business of Jebediah Kramer directly. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy, you told yourself, but humored Dutch with a smile and a nod anyway. “We should have taken the train! ” You huff, shifting in the saddle to try and get the blood flowing to your legs. You’ve been riding for a while now and while you’re grateful not to be walking all the way to Saint Denis, you would have preferred your own mount instead of sharing one. Especially with a certain ill-tempered cowboy. “Quit your whining, we’ll make camp as soon as we get to open ground,” Arthur grumbles, growling in frustration when he, too, has to readjust to get comfortable. The large stallion he rides, a hulking Ardennes, snorts in complaint at the unruly riders. You shush him gently, smoothing your fingers out along his neck. “Only if you mean it this time,” you counter sourly. Arthur just chuckles, recalling how you fell for the lie twice before you called his bluff. He does mean it this time though and it’s not long before Arthur picks out a suitable spot to set up camp. It’s just enough for two weary travelers on the road. Two small tents, two bedrolls, and a small fire. You sip at a strange concoction that Hosea gave you, made out of American Ginseng, which he said would help boost you up a bit after your ordeal. It tastes funny, but you do feel better. Arthur is smoking, eyes on the rabbit that he’s cooking. You’re curious of him, but he doesn’t seem like the kind of man that enjoys being quizzed and questioned. You decide to do it anyway. “So...” You start, trying to make small talk to fill the deafening silence. Arthur flicks his gaze briefly to you, but it’s soon back on the rabbit. “So?” He repeats when you remain quiet, raising an eyebrow. “So, what’s it like being an outlaw ?” Not the most original question in the world and you know it. You cringe inside and you can see the tension in Arthur's expression. He’s probably been asked that before, plenty of times, by all sorts of people and you feel stupid. He scoffs and shakes his head, distracting himself with the now cooked rabbit. You awkwardly decline his offer for some. You’re too busy hoping a hole would open up and swallow you whole “Sorry,” you murmur sheepishly, “that was, God, that was awful!” Arthur snickers, making you smile. “Well I wasn’t gonna say anything, but now that you mention it,” he teases, the awkward tension leaving your shoulders as you laugh. It didn’t sit right with him, how uptight you were. Especially since he knew it was because of how standoffish he’d been with you in camp. The stress of everything with the law, that mess in Blackwater, and Dutch acting strange was weighing heavily on him but that didn’t give him the right to be mean to you. He could have been civil about it. Hosea always taught him to be, even when disagreeing, not that Dutch ever minded him being more of a brute. And a brute he had been. Until he saw that look in your eye, that is. Like a puppy who was kicked for being a little too excited, a little too much for those around it. With a sigh, he gives you the once over before sitting up straighter. The cooked rabbit meat is stowed away for later, when you’re both on the move again. “You really wanna know what it’s like to be an outlaw?” He asks and you visibly perk up, surprised that he’s answering your question. “Are you really gonna tell me?” You counter, narrowing your eyes. You’re suspicious, but the smile creeping onto your lips betrays your excitement. Arthur finds he quite likes this side to you; maybe you are more suited for this life than he gave you credit for. “Well, it ain’t fun,” he breaths, “I mean, you’re practically living it already. You’ve been kidnapped, starved, hustled into some fools errand by a gang of misfits, and now you’re planning to rob some rich fool blind and get out alive to spend the money!" He chuckles. “All we gotta do is get you in a gun fight and girl you’ll be the real deal,” he adds, smirking. You’re quiet for a moment, studying him, before you break down into laughter as Arthur watches you in amusement, illuminated by the firelight. “You really think so?” You laugh, shaking your head, “I don’t even know how to use a gun!” “Then I’ll teach you,” Arthur says after a moment of contemplation, “you’ll need it if you’re gonna run with us.” The resoluteness of his tone stifles your laughter and you once again look at him with those wide eyes, barely contained excitement brimming within. “You will?” Suspicion radiates from you again but he waves it off dismissively. “Yeah, you’ll need to know just in case things go wrong,” he explains, “but c’mon now, it’s getting late. We should get some sleep while we can.” Stifling a yawn, you nod. Arthur will have you up with the dawn chorus so that you can make good time so you need all the rest you can get. Burrowing down into the blanket on your bedroll you sigh contently, peeking up at the stars as the fire becomes glowing embers. The stillness of the night surrounds you, coaxing you into a restful sleep as twinklings lights above fade to black. Arthur listens as your breathing evens out, steady and constant in your slumber. He stares up at the stars, ruminating on just how it came to be that you were there, with him, about to pull off something daring and downright foolish with the possibility of no pay off. Before he left with you Hosea had told him to have faith in you and your knowledge, but could he really be so quick to trust? Turning onto his side, Arthur watches you with interest. You’re curled up like one of those pretty cats in a basket, soft fur and sweet purrs. Long lashes kissing the tops of rosy cheeks. You’re an honest girl, he’s sure, but the more he watches your peaceful, sleeping face, the more he’s concerned that you’re in over your head, and that just doesn’t sit right with him.
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Discredit Pt. 2: More Recommended Reviews For A.Z. Fell’s
Alright, folks. Some notes first: 
1. You all rock. I’m sending out 20k+ virtual hugs for all the notes I NEVER expected to get on this nonsense. 
2. This is probably the final section, just because I’m not sure I can adequately follow up part one and it might be foolish to attempt it here. Let alone twice. But for now, here we go. 
3. Kudos to the anon who reminded me of Aziraphale’s cash-only policy <3 
4. Nicole Y’s review is based off an actual comment I read years ago, but heaven only knows where online it was. I’ve got the memory of a goldfish. 
5. Trigger warning for the use of a queer slur in this. It’s the same review as above, number 5 if you want to avoid it. 
6. There’s a text-only version of just the reviews at the end, after all the images. I’ll upload that to my Sparse Clutter collection on AO3 in a bit. 
Bonus 7. People thinking this is a real shop deserve all the good things in this world. 
That’s all I’ve got. Hope you enjoy! 👍
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I’m a simple guy who likes simple jokes. If there’s a whoopee cushion I plant it. I will call you up to ask if your refrigerator is running and then tell you to go catch it. (Actually that one died out so thoroughly it’s actually capable of a comeback now!). Yes, I’m a dad and yes, I have a t-shirt that says Dad Jokes? I Think You Mean Rad Jokes! which I wear un-ironically every Saturday. All of which is just to say that my wife was well prepared for my stupidity when I walked into Fell’s.
I? I was not.
You see the bibles when you walk in? The ones to the left? Let them be. Don’t even look at them. Definitely don’t pick out the fanciest one you can find and absolutely don’t walk up to the owner with it held in your pudgy little fingers, grinning like a loon, cheerfully asking whether this should be in the fiction section. Just don’t. Mark my words you’ll regret it. Though your wife won’t. She’ll get a great old laugh out of it all.
In conclusion: it’s quite possible that mama did raise a fool and he just got his ass verbally whooped by a guy in a bowtie.  
Shout-out to Mr. Fell for being the only decent bloke in this city. I’ve popped in and out of his store for years—including before I started transitioning. So he knew my dead name, dead look, whole shebang and I was definitely nervous to play the ‘You know me, but this is what’s changed and are you gonna throw a fit about it?’ game.
You know what he said? “Oh, Rose! What a lovely choice. Crowley dear, why aren’t you growing any roses? Some white ones would look splendid next to my Henredon chair.”
That’s it. He just went straight into dragging his partner for not giving him roses. So hey, Mom? Next time you’re snooping through my social media why don’t you explain to all these nice people why the 50+yo book seller accepts me in ways you won’t. Don’t go telling me age is an excuse or that you’re ‘Stuck in your ways.’ I’ve watched Fell dress in the same damn clothes since I was ten!!
Yeah. Sorry. Rant over. Fell’s a gem. That’s my take. Rose out.
Anyone else in the shop when that guy started yelling about buying pornography? And then got escorted into the back room for some ‘private conversation’? Well done, Mr. Fell! Didn’t know you had it in you.
Alright alright alright alright I am TOTALLY calm about this.
Went into A.Z. Fell’s last Thursday. Not because I knew anything about the place. Just because I’ve been hitting up every bookshop within a twenty-mile radius, asking if they’re hosting any book signings. Long story short I self-published my novel Blight last month—which you can get for a mere £5 here but I swear this isn’t a promotional thing I’m just BROKE—and have been looking for networking opportunities, tips, stuff like that. So the owner listened politely as I explained all this. Then said he didn’t do anything of that sort, which didn’t surprise me given the shop’s vibe.
But then? Then??? He offered to let me do a signing there??????
As said. Totally calm about this. This man either plans to kidnap me or is actually giving me my first shot at an audience outside my blog. AKA totally worth the risk.
Tuesday the 9th. 7:00pm. Just in case anyone’s interested ;)
holy sweet baby jesus i was tripping balls last week you tryin’ to tell me that kING KONG SIZED FANGED FUCK SNAKE IS REAL
Witnessed the most perfect exchange the other day:
Grumpy Dude With No Manners: “You. Boy. Where’s the man I spoke with over the phone?”
Mr. Fell’s Partner Who Knows Damn Well Only Two of Them Work There But Clearly Doesn’t Like This Guy’s Tone: “Did this man give you his name?”
Grumpy Dude: “Might have. Don’t remember. Sounded like a fairy though.”
Me: “....”
My girlfriend: “....”
This Poor Sweet Startled Kid On Our Left: “?!?!?!?”
Fell’s Partner In The Drollest Voice I’ve Ever Heard: “None of us have wings. Out!”
This shop gets full stars simply because every time I walk in they’re playing Queen.
I mean, I’ve walked in once, but once is enough when you’ve got Crazy Little Thing Called Love blasting full volume.
Okay, I’m still kind of shaken up but I needed to write this out somewhere and this seemed as good a place as any.
I spilled my latte on a book. Just tripped on thin air, popped the lid, and chucked a venti’s worth of coffee all over a very expensive looking text. I didn’t mean to, obviously, but it happened and I just started bawling on the spot. Full on sobs because this semester has been absolute hell, I ruined this guy’s antique, there’s no way I can pay for it, I can’t even sneak away because I’m drawing the whole store’s attention...just all the things all at once. I really was straight up panicking and was seconds away from pulling out my inhaler. I couldn’t breathe.
And then Mr. Fell showed up.
Jesus it’s embarrassing to admit but I think I hit him once or twice. On the arms I mean, because he was trying to touch me and I figured, I don’t know, it was a restraint or something. He was going to call the police and hold me until they got there. But then he managed to start rubbing my back and I lost it like I hadn’t already been bawling my eyes out in this shop. Ever cry into a perfect stranger’s chest? I have! But if Mr. Fell seemed to mind he definitely didn’t show it. Just kept holding me while I probably ruined his shirt and then took me into the back and made me a new coffee in this cute little angel mug. He let me stay there while I called my sister and waited for her to arrive.
She’s a good twenty minutes outside of Soho, so we talked for a while. It’s not like Mr. Fell could fix my shit roommate or bio classes, but I guess just talking about it all really helped. I was a lot calmer by the time my sis arrived and Mr. Fell insisted I come back any time I wanted—for browsing or more coffee.
Of course, sis offered to pay for the book herself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so surprised in my life. “Certainly not!” he said. “Contrary to popular belief, no one should pay for their mistakes. It’s what makes you all so wonderfully human.”
So yeah. Thanks, Mr. Fell.
This little shop must have started a book club for kids! Lately I’ve seen the same group of children hanging out at Fell’s. Three boys and a girl. They’re a bit rambunctious at times, but who isn’t at that age? So wonderful seeing literature passed down to the next generation. Even if some of it is rather questionable looking...
It’s an honest crime that more of you aren’t talking about what a wonderful bookstore this is.
I’m a book lover at heart and Fell’s always makes me feel like I’m coming home. I just arrived somewhere safe and familiar after a particularly harrowing day. I’ve slipped under the covers of my bed after dinner and a bubble bath. It’s something like that, but with an element of surprise too. One of the reasons why I adore private and used shops over chain stores is that little touch of chaos. You walk in and sure, there are general sections to browse, but everything is just a little bit disorganized from people leafing through books and then putting them back somewhere else. There’s no real record keeping, you’ve just gotta head to one particular corner and hope for the best. It’s not the sort of place you go to if you want something specific because the chances of them having it are slim—that’s just how the universe works—and even if they did no employee knows where it is anymore.
But if you wander the shelves for a while, crouch down low to get a look at everything on the bottom shelf, pay attention to the books that don’t have easy to read titles or any summaries to speak of... you just might find something you didn’t know you were looking for. That’s Fell’s: the comfort of the familiar and the excitement of the unknown.
*** A lot of people might assume that these stories are embellished or outright made up, but as a bookseller myself going on twenty years I believe every single one of them.
That being said, I accidentally moved a rug and found chalk sigils that look like they belong in a cult. Make of that what you will.
There’s a special place in hell for 21st century shop owners that only take cash. Who carries cash anymore? Not me! I haven’t bothered with that nonsense in years! You can get a card reader for 15 pounds on Amazon. Or you know what? Be stingy and pay 7 for the little attachment on your phone. This place is nuts if it thinks it’s going to survive much longer on a cash-only policy, especially with some books that look like they’re worth hundreds or thousands of pounds! Yeah, yeah, just let me pull out this giant wad of bills for you. I’ll carry them around a crime-laden city because there’s no ATM near you either.
I mean jesus, you’d think this guy didn’t want to sell anything.
I walked in. There was a man screaming at a fern while another threatened him with an umbrella. I walked out.
5 stars do recommend.
I once walked in on the same (?) guy yelling at a book for daring to fall on the owner’s head. I think that’s just a Thing over there.
Like a lot of people here I didn’t actually go to Fell’s for any books (flat tire, Angel Recovery taking forever) and ended up staying three hours (not because of Angel). No, I wandered towards the back and found this ancient CRT set propped on a table of books, the kind that my Dad used to watch Twilight Zone on. This lanky guy had a marathon of Gilmore Girls going... though how he was managing that with a broken antenna and no DVR, I really don’t know. But yeah. He told me to pull up a chair and I did. Guy gave me popcorn.
I wish I’d paid a little more attention to his name. Charlie? Curley? I really can’t remember, but thanks for the enjoyable afternoon, man.
Not sure how though. Just kinda happened. First edition of Just William. Frankly I didn’t even want the thing, but the owner basically shoved me out the door with it when I took two seconds to look at the spine. Odd that he was so willing to part with this one.
Update: ... hold up. I didn’t buy a book because I never actually paid the guy. ‘Basically shoved me out the door’ was literal. Do I go back??
This page has really gone feral the last couple of months so I’m just gonna bite the bullet and say it:
Anyone notice that Fell’s snake and Fell’s partner are never in the same room together?
I really don’t like the implications of this…
This is precisely why the Internet has turned into a cesspool. You all should be ashamed of some of the stuff you’re writing here. Can’t two men just be friends anymore? Two real life men? These guys aren’t some characters for you to ‘ship’ or whatever. Quit making outrageous assumptions about their sexualities and use this website for what it’s actually for: reviewing the bookshop. Honestly I’m so sick of this sort of this shit.
Dude. They run a queer-focused shop together with a flat on the second floor. Fell calls the guy ‘Dear’ and he’s always calling him ‘Angel.’ People have literally seen them kissing. If you want I can give you the number of my physician. He might be able to help you pull your head out of your ass.
What the hell is your problem? I’m literally just reminding people to stop making assumptions. It’s gross and insulting. These guys check their Yelp page. You really think they’re gonna be okay with this stuff?
Also: I’m not the five-year-old relying on insults, so.
Making an account purely to set the record straight: I’m the hot twink in question and I married that angel. Peace
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f0rever15elf · 4 years
I Just Need Five Minutes: Part 1
Part 1 of the Maxwell Lord “I Just Need Five Minutes” Series: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4, Part 5 (Coming soon) Pairing: Maxwell Lord x f!reader Wordcount: 2,325 Rating: G  Warnings: Death mentions Part 2 (Coming soon...)
Summary: Lord Corp has become the top business contender on the global stage, lead by none other than Maxwell Lord IV. His rise to glory has taken him from the lives of those he once loved, and you can only watch as he slips further and further out of reach. You had to stop it, before it was too late. You had to get inside. 
A/N: This story is going to call a little bit on the comic book backstory of Maxwell Lord IV, most of which can be found in his wiki article, if you’re interested. I’m excited to write for Maxwell, his character has so much potential. And hopefully this will tide me over since the movie release has been delayed again.
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He was a genius. Shrewd, cunning, and charismatic. His way with words had everyone coiled tightly around his finger; he could sell holy water to the Pope if he wanted to. And with that silver tongue, that guise he wore to stroke the egos of those who ate from his palm and were none the wiser, he continued to climb higher and higher. More and more power fell into his grasp.
But a glass can only hold so much, and as his brimmed and spilled over with power and influence, so did he lose his humanity.
“Maxwell...what have you done?”
The sun shines brilliantly in the summer sky over the wide yard in front of the Lord estate. In the lush green grass, two children play, no more than five or six years old. A boy and a girl, giggling and laughing over jokes and stories told in funny voices. It is the picture of innocence, purity. The little girl picks up a flower from the small pile they had collected, tucking it behind her ear before finding a matching one, tucking it behind the boy’s.
“We match now!” she beams in a way only a child can. “It means that you and I will be together forever!” The boy blushes at her words, soft blonde hair blowing gently in the summer breeze. His face is gentle and kind, shy even as he watches her with bright brown eyes that shine in the light. Tentatively, he sticks out his hand to her, pinky finger extended.
“You gotta promise! It doesn’t work if you don’t promise!” His serious voice makes the girl giggle before she makes a serious face, wrapping her pinky around his tightly.
“I promise! Forever and ever.” The boy smiles and nods as she says so, repeating her words back to her before they both erupt into giggles. From the balcony, the mothers of the two children look on fondly over their cups of tea. The sound of the children laughing danced on the warm breeze, pleasant in their ears. If only things could stay like this forever.
Your pinky twitches as you stand before the gilded doors of the Lord Building, looking up at its windows, blinding in the sunlight. You would get in. You had to. Things had been put into motion that you need to stop, but the only way to do so is from the inside. With a shake of your head and a sigh, your turn on your heel, heading down the street towards home. It seems that nearly every screen you pass on your way has Maxwell’s face on it, selling empty promises and loaded bargains. And every time you see his eyes, they look a little less like the boy you use to know.
“Max can’t meet you today, dear,” your mother says, petting your hair. To an adult familiar with grief and loss, the tightness in her voice would betray the tumultuous emotions she feels. To you, she just sounds uncomfortable, and you tilt your head in confusion. Fourteen years doesn’t provide much time to become familiar with the concept of loss, so you shrug, saddened you wouldn’t get to see your friend today.
Gone were the days of sitting in the grass to play, tucking flowers into each other’s hair. Maxwell was always busy helping his father to run the family business, and you would go months without so much as a word from him before he would show up at your door with a lily, smiling that dimpled smile at you. Promises always poured from his lips that it wouldn’t be so long next time before he came to see you.
But today… Today would change everything. Today, Maxwell’s father died.
The door to your apartment slams shut behind you with a thud, shutting out the hustle and bustle of Metropolis. It’s small, but cozy, filled with your plants to bring a little life to the drab living room and kitchen. Taking a seat in the living room, you pull out your computer from your bag as you flip on the TV. It’s Maxwell’s face again, smiling at you with the look of a used car salesman who swears he wants only the best for his favorite customer. You know it’s not a real smile. Maxwell has a dimple when he smiles, and this charade didn’t. You shake your head as his promises of whatever you want in this perfect future fill the room, your eyes refocusing on your laptop, refreshing your emails. One meeting...that was all you needed.
You let out a frustrated sigh as the door slams closed, your mother letting out a cry of surprise at the sound before coming to find you, resting a concerned hand on your shoulder as you throw yourself onto the couch.
“He still won’t see you?” Her gentle words just cause your heart to ache further and you nod.
“His mom greeted me, invited me in and made me tea. We chatted, but as soon as I asked about Maxwell, she stood up and ushered me from the house, asking me to not come by anymore since I couldn’t seem to stop asking for him.” You turn to look at your mother, tears in your eyes. “Why won’t he see me, Mom? Did I do something wrong?” Your mother’s heart shatters at the broken light in your eyes. She knew how much Maxwell meant to you, and that having him refuse to see you was tearing you apart.
“My sweet, you’ve done nothing wrong. Maxwell has a lot of responsibility to take on now that he’s running his father’s company. He’s very busy and doesn’t have as much time to see friends as he use to.” She brushes your hair behind your ear with delicate fingers. “I’m sure he still cares about you.”
“I miss him, Mom. I miss my best friend. It’s been three years since I’ve seen him...” Seventeen years of life and you still struggle with keeping your emotions in check, especially when it comes to Maxwell.
“I know sweetheart...When the time is right, you will see him again…”
The alert from your inbox pulls you from your reverie, your eyes refocusing on the screen. As they do, your heart stutters in your chest
‘To Whom It May Concern,
We graciously thank you for your interest in Lord Corp. Mr. Lord has personally reviewed your product and would like to arrange to meet you on Wednesday at 3 p.m. You will have thirty minutes to make your sales pitch and answer any questions he may have. The front desk will direct you when you arrive. Please bring a valid photo ID and copies of your pitch for convince. Do not be late, Mr. Lord’s time is incredibly valued.
Sam Preston
Personal Assistant to the CEO’
You had gotten it. That moment you needed on the inside...you had finally gotten it. A relieved smile graces your lips as you begin to amass your files. You had one shot at this, it had to be perfect.
You stand alone in the cemetery as you watch the caretakers laying new sod over the fresh grave. Your heart feels hollow, and only the black lace veil conceals the tears streaming down your cheeks from the world around you. Today was beautiful; cool and still with the birds singing in the trees as the sun warmed the earth. It was too beautiful for a day filled with such grief.
As the caretakers pack up their tools, one stops to rest a hand on his shoulder, passing along his condolences before continuing on his way. You nod gratefully before kneeling beside the headstone. It is modest, small and simple with a delicate engraving of a singular rose by your mother’s name. Black-gloved fingers trace along each petal and letter, your shoulders shaking with silent cries. You were now well and truly alone.
You shouldn’t have had to be alone. He should have been there with you, you had made a promise to one another. You were there when his father passed, and his mother. He didn’t even have the time to attend his own mother’s funeral, but you did. You mourned for him as they lowered a woman close enough to be your second mother into the ground beside her husband. So why were you alone now?
Where are you Maxwell?
Your hands work to smooth the front of your dress down before you enter the lobby of Lord Corp. Slate gray with a simple black belt that held nicely to your figure but didn’t reveal too much. Professional and classy, with a dash of sexy. Nothing beyond anything any self-respecting company owner would don. Head held high and the bag you specifically reserved for important business trips and meetings over your shoulder, you make your way inside, up to the front desk.
“Welcome to Lord Corp, where the future is yours, do you have an appointment?” The intern who greets you sounds like every last bit of his soul has been sapped from him, and you pity him. Giving him a sad smile, you nod, pulling out your ID.
“I do, at 3 pm with Mr. Lord.” You give him your name as he takes the card, looking you up in the system before nodding, handing you back your ID and a visitors badge which you quickly put around your neck.
“Lily Solutions, you’re still on schedule. I’ll have you head down the hall. Take your first left, you’ll find the elevators. Take it all the way to the top and have a seat on the bench outside the double doors at the end of the hall. Sam will come and get you when Mr. Lord is ready for you.” You smile sweetly at the young man, thanking him before following your instructions. Your ears pop on the way up and you grimace, pulling out the folder with your ‘sales pitch’ inside, flipping through to make sure everything is in order. As the doors slide open and you make your way down the hall, you sigh. This floor was so much more opulent than the ground floor and you feel so out of place. Floor to ceiling paintings like the walls, depicting grandiose battles. Priceless vases and sculptures sit along marble pedestals. It’s like walking through a museum rather than an office, and your jaw clenches as you think about how he had come to acquire some of these items. When you reach the bench, you take your seat and cross your ankles to wait, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Lily Solutions?” The voice that calls out for you immediately grates on your nerves, high pitched and nasally. Looking to your right, so you a man in a pressed navy blue suit make his way towards you, and you stand to meet him, taking his extended hand. “I am Sam Preston, Mr. Lord’s personal assistant. Did you bring your requested documents?” The way he looked down his nose at you makes your blood boil, but you paste on the sweetest smile you can, nodding as you hand over the folder.
“You’ll find copies of all requested articles inside, neatly labeled for yours and Mr. Lord’s personal convenience.” Sam makes a disinterested sound in the back of his throat, snapping the folder shut before checking his watch.
“Very good. This way.” He strides past you and as soon as he is in front of you, you drop the sweet smile. Maxwell, why hire someone like him? You shake your head as Sam opens the door at the end of the hall, getting your salesman smile in place. “Mr. Lord, your 3 o’clock is here from Lily Solutions.” Sam ushers you inside and you are taken aback once again at how over the top the design of the office is. Floor to ceiling windows line the whole back wall with arguably the best view in Metropolis and the curtains that hang every so often are of a rich red velvet with gold filigree.  The marble tiles cause the click of your heels to echo as you make your way to the center of the room beside Sam, your eyes locked on the man sitting at the large mahogany desk.
It’s been seventeen years since you last saw Maxwell, and your heart ached for the man who appraises you with shrewd and cunning eyes. With a wave of his hand, Sam nods, leaving the folder on the desk to make his way out of the room. The large oaken door closing echos ominously through the room as Maxwell stands, coming around his desk to face you, hands in his pockets. If he recognized you at all, he didn’t show it.
“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Mr. Lord. I realize your time is very valuable, so I won’t keep you long.” Maxwell chuckles humorlessly at your greetings, leaning back against his desk.
“You say that, but you bring me this fake, garbage company in an attempt for a sales pitch?” His voice is rough and hard as flint, no trace of that gentle sound he once had. “What game are you playing?”
“No game, sir.”
“I don’t believe you.” He pushes off of his desk, walking back around it. “Everyone has a game they play, and if you’re not going to tell me yours, I’ll have you escorted out.” When he picks up the phone, your heart leaps into your throat and you dart forward pressing down on the receiver, cutting it off. He glares at you in disbelief. The audacity, he thinks, is astounding and he would make sure you suffer for it.
“Maxwell, please.” His eyes flash at the use of his first name, something in the way it sounds in your voice bringing him to pause. “I just need five minutes.”
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starkerforlife6969 · 4 years
Starker - Accidentally Perfect
It all started with a bet.
And Tony hates how much of a cliche even that is. A bet. He's let himself get dragged into a bet by a fresh-faced eighteen year old who has a walkman ironically and brings a dictaphone into every lecture.
Goddamn, he hates Peter Parker. He seethes furiously at him from across the quad, the hot summer sun beating down on his shoulders. His blank tank top is helping keep the heat off, but it's still almost unbearably warm. Sticky with the promise of the summer holidays only a few weeks away.
"Do you actually think you can stare him out of existence?" Rhodey asks, a cool, amused voice from back in the shade of their stand. Tony turns and glowers, pulling his sunglasses off.
"He's such a little shit."
"He's eighteen, Tony. All eighteen year olds are little shits. We were, remember?"
Tony doesn't remember them ever being as unbearable as Peter. His face must say as much, because Rhodey sighs.
"We're twenty-seven." He says gently. "We're getting a little too old to keep blaming college wars on the freshman."
He barely resists the urge to stomp his foot. "He started it!"
It's true, Tony thinks. He can't really remember how it all started. He remembers the beginning of the semester, deciding to take a break from the all-consuming robotics thesis of his doctorate and go and drop in on a lecture. He remembers a bright-eyed boy with fluffy hair stumbling through a presentation in front of his peers. He very vaguely remembers calling out one or two inconsistencies with Peter's presentation. He remembers the bright red flush that had spread across Peter's cheeks, and the way he'd stumbled quietly over his words, and- okay- in Tony's defence, he was sleep deprived- trying to think up his proposal, still trying to get his second phD started and-
It had turned into all out war pretty quickly.
Turns out, Peter didn't respond well to being picked on.
Not that Tony had picked on him, just-
"Gluing all my furniture to the ceiling? Selling my text books? Hiring someone to fire a paintball at me every hour for four days?!" Tony runs his hands through his hair, shaking his head. "He's evil!"
Rhodey barely blinks, eyes on his phone. "But..."
Tony's shoulders droop. "...But I started it." He mumbles under his breath.
"What? I didn't quite catch that."
"I started it, alright? Jeez," he winces, "I said sorry."
"No. You didn't."
Okay fine, he's not big on apologies.
Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway. They're where they are now. The bet. Whoever raises the most money for the oil spill just off of Mexico's coast wins. Their two stands sit opposite each other on the quad, six hours to raise money, loser has to get down on their knees in front of the entire student body and declare the other their superior in every single way.
That's why Tony's here. In a tight black tank top, muscles on display, sunglasses on, hair messy, grinning at everyone who passes.
"How much have we got, Rhode-aroo?"
There's a gentle clatter as Rhodey checks the basket. "Uh, $12?"
Tony winces. That's not great. "Whatever. It's gotta be more than Parker has anyway."
Rhodey hums.
As the third hour ticks by, Tony slinks back into the shade of their stall and dozes off a little. It can't be more than fifteen minutes, but when he opens his eyes, there's a trickle of students leaving their classes and walking through the quad.
For some bewildering reason, they're all walking to Peter's stand.
Tony frowns, tiptoeing over to enemy lines.
The first thing he sees is that Peter's money basket is full. Not just one money basket, but four money baskets. At least $100 in change, loose bills and Starbucks vouchers.
What the fuck?
And then- then he sees why.
MJ, the equally annoying friend, is manning the booth. She's concise and thoughtful and armed with scary statistics as she neatly collects money and scares more into baskets.
But Peter, Peter is all cream silk shirt and tight blue shorts, and big eyes and enthusiasm.
"I just keep thinking of the baby seals," Peter whines, rocking on the heels of his feet, pink converse scraping against the grass. "Those poor animals, all covered in oil..." he bites his lip, bats those eyelashes, and the tall jock who's leaning over him, nods, already fumbling for his wallet.
"Yeah totally, the-the seals."
"Right? Oh, thank you," Peter sighs, voice a little wanton moan, touching the guy's elbow, leaning in. "You're a hero."
The guy tosses in another twenty.
Jesus Christ. Tony can't help his grin of disbelief, even as irritated as he is that he didn't come up with it first.
Devious little shit.
When the crowd has dispersed a little bit, and the dynamic duo have bled most everyone dry, Tony makes himself known, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
"Wow, Parker. We're more alike than I thought."
Peter turns, looking up at him, eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Oh yeah? How's that? Did you actually start caring about the oil spill?"
Tony hums, feigning nonchalance. "I just mean, I thought your standards were a little higher."
The boy frowns, little face scrunched up in confusion. It's annoyingly endearing. "Huh?"
"C'mon, no need to hide now. Playing dumb and pretty to get donations? Way to care about the animals."
The outrage that flits across that expressive face is way too believable. "Pretty anddumb? Screw you, Tony. You're just jealous I'm winning." Peter humphs, crossing his arms. "Is surly know-it-all not enticing the crowds the way you thought it would?"
Tony shrugs. "Maybe. Because I won't reduce myself."
"What are you talking about?!"
"Come on, Peter. You know what you're doing to people." Here, Tony raises his voice. Hopefully, he'll be able to steer people away from here and over to his own stand. Though, Rhodey's death glare from across the quad is making him think maybe that's not an excellent idea- why, he's not sure. He barrels on, attention on him. "You're doing that thing- with the big sparkly brown Disney eyes and the scandalously short shorts and the elbow-touching. You're fake laughing at bad jokes and fluttering your eyelashes and selling your torturous mix of princess and bombshell that none of us can resist to trick people into giving you their money, admit it!"
Peter gapes, mouth in a delicious 'o'. "I am not!" He shrieks: scandalised.
Tony scoffs. "You expect me to believe that you're thisfucking irresistible on purpose?"
The boy doesn't seem to know what to do with that. He scrambles, blushing under the stare of the passers-by. "I'm...I don't...um...thank you?"
Tony stares. No way. No fucking way is this not an act, it can't be or-
"Yeah." MJ sighs, the sigh of the long-wearied, as she unfolds another dollar bill into the pile. "Join the club."
Tony's pacing back stage, still trying to understand everything in his head.
The entire student body is waiting on the other side of that curtain, mostly drunk, hopefully too drunk to remember this in the morning- to see his apology act.
"Big sparkly Disney eyes," Rhodes hums, re-watching the video on twitter. "I'm surprised you went with that one, you're always going on about his Bambi eyes. What's the difference?"
"I swear to god, if you keep talking-"
"I think my favourite bit is where you basically announced to the world that your kink is sexy princess."
"Oh my god-"
"Uh- T-Tony?"
Tony whirls around to see Peter standing at the curtain, and Tony can't help the groan of embarrassment.
"Look, Pete, I'll do it, alright? Just give me a second to shed the last of my dignity."
"No, it's not..." Peter blushes, and Rhodey lifts his hands, shuffling away to give them some privacy. Peter edges closer, stupidly gorgeous with all of his freckles, a fucking dandelion crown perched on his chestnut curls, like he's just trying to press all of Tony's buttons and- "Look, Tony," Peter murmurs, all sweetness and loveliness, "I was thinking, you don't need to- you don't need to go out there and say anything." He wrings his lily-white hands, silvery bracelets hanging at the wrist, "Really. I feel like- the fact that video from the quad went viral was- that's more than enough."
Tony doesn't know what to say, but it doesn't stop him from trying. "Pete, about what I said..."
"I really wasn't doing any of that stuff- I-, I wasn't trying to play dumb, or- I mean, maybe I was? I didn't- I didn't mean to, I just wanted to help the seals, and I've already bought my ticket to volunteer for seal cleaning over summer break and-"
Tony laughs, shaking his head. Because he knows. He sighs, meeting those lovely brown eyes. "I know you weren't. You're not- I was just- I'm sorry, Pete. For all of it. For the day we met."
Peter looks shy, but pleased. "You were an ass." He agrees amiably.
"I was. Am. Trying not to be."
Peter chews on his bottom lip, accidentally embodying Tony's every wet dream. "You could buy a ticket for the summer seal cleaning task." Peter shrugs, eyes darting away. "If you like."
"With you?" Tony wonders aloud, "with you being so...unintentionally you? Not sure I could cope."
"True," Peter whispers coyly, "imagine if I was actively trying to seduce you. You wouldn't last a minute."
At that, Tony laughs again. Loud and delighted. Head tipped back, unaware to how Peter drinks in the sight. "Is that a bet, kid?"
Peter beams.
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bazwillendinflames · 4 years
Gravity Falls/LIS2 AU
The last place Sean wants to spend his Summer is in a weird town in the middle of no where, Oregon, reconnecting with a Mother who hadn’t wanted to see them in years in her weird tourist trap. But Daniel is determined to go and his Dad gives Sean little choice but to babysit him.
But soon it becomes clear there is more to Beaver Creek than meets the eye and the strangeness of the town soon unlocks some family secrets and strange abilities. Maybe their Summer won’t be so boring after all.
“Lyla, I will die of boredom.” 
“It can’t be that bad,” she replied, her voice a little tinny still. The bad reception was just one of many reasons that Sean was having an awful time. (In the week and a half since they had arrived, he’d already made a list.) 
“Nope, it is exactly as bad as I’m saying.” 
“I mean, come on, you’re Mom’s there. What’s that like that?” 
Sean scowled. “Number one on reasons this place sucks. All she talks to us about is all this weird mystic stuff she likes. Her store is so weird, it’s all crystals and bad poetry.” 
Lyla snorted. “Really?” 
“Yep. Not to mention this is the whitest town ever.” He glanced out the window, where Karen was smoking, notebook in hand and ducked his head before she could spot him. “There are no cool people.” 
“Come on, you have Danny.” 
“I get enough babysitting at home thanks.” He glanced outside again, wondering exactly how long he could bitch on the phone for and call it a break. “Anyway, this place is just making Daniel weirder. He’s convinced this place is magic or something.” 
“That’s sweet. Hey, we used to play witches when we were kids, remember?”
“Hey, you were the witch, I was a manly wizard.” 
That time Lyla actually laughed. “Sure dude. I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
“Anyway, we were into the Harry Potter books, you know before terf-face ruined them. Daniel is into the ancient runes and fake spell cards Mo- Karen sells.” 
“That’s adorable.” 
“Ugh, only you could find him adorable. That’s only because Daniel doesn’t kick you in your sleep-” 
“Did Lyla call me adorable?” 
Sean sighed as Daniel barged in. Not much had changed since home tehre at least, apart from the fact they now shared Karen’s attic room. (Bunk beds, making the being kicked in the shin at night thing even more annoying.) 
“Hey, I’m kinda on the-” 
Daniel yanked the phone and rolled on the bed. “Hiiiiii Lyla. Do you miss us?” 
“Give me that back.” 
He wiggled out of his grap. “Did you know Sean talks in his sleep, it’s so weird-” 
“You would know about weird,” he grumbled, snatching his phone back, only to find the shitty signal had finally cut out on Lyla. “Dude.” 
“Sorry.” Daniel grinned at him. “Hey, I’m helping Mom restock, can you help me reach the top shelves?” 
He checked the time on his phone. He had almost managed a whole brother-free hour. 
“Guess I should I get back to work.” 
“Cool.” Daniel followed him downstairs, bouncing with energy. “Hey, Sean what does terf-face mean?” 
  Sean was stuck behind the register, although the store was still empty. He wasn’t sure why Karen insisted on such early opening hours when no one else showed up. 
He rubbed his eyes, the early start not helped by the fact Daniel had been reading with a torch all night. He had picked up a weird book from the store or something. Of course he would pick up a late night reading habit once they were sharing a room. 
“I brought you guys some toast.” Karen balanced the plate on the top of some unsold art books. (Her organization was as great as her parenting.) 
“Thanks Mom!” 
Sean poked at a black spot under a thick layer of peanut butter. “Yeah, thanks.” 
“I gotta do some inventory but I’ll be back up for lunch.” 
“Can we go to the cool diner? Chris says the milkshakes are great.” 
Karen smiled. “Yeah. Does that sound good Sean?” 
He grunted in response and her grin flickered. 
“Right, work. You boys got this.” 
“We’re not your boys,” Sean muttered, although she didn’t hear. 
“Why are you so mean to Mom?” Daniel asked, his mouth full of toast. “She’s always nice.” 
“Right, she’s been real nice the first nine years of your life.” 
Daniel looked up at him with big eyes. “Sean…” 
“Fine, I’ll try. Put those eyes away Bambi.” 
He smiled. “So, I was thinking the strawberry milkshakes are Chris’ favourite but I like chocolate more so you could get one and we could share?” 
“Huh, yeah, sure.” Sean had only been half listening, distracted by the newest customer. Waking up early suddenly had its appeal. The girl had matted purple hair, an arm full of tattoos and a guitar strapped to her back. She caught him looking and winked. 
“Are you okay Sean? You just went really red and-” 
“What? No. Shut up.” Sean moved into a more casual position, his eyes still fixed on the pretty girl. His elbow knocked the tip jar and it fell off the edge. “Shit-” 
“Here.” Daniel put it back. “Woah…” 
“Good catch Enano.” 
“Yeah. Catch! I totally caught it.” Daniel smiled a little suspiciously. “Hey, you said a swear, you owe me a dollar.” 
“A dollar? It’s only a quarter at home.” 
“Now we’re away from Dad, you’re supposed to be a good influence.” 
“You get a quarter.” Sean dropped the coin in his hand. “Be cool.” 
“Hey boys.” The purple-haired girl leaned against the other end of the counter, an easy smile on her face. Her voice had a faint Southern tang. “So, I come to this town every Summer and I don’t recognise either of you cuties.” 
“I- we- um-” 
His brother beat him to it. “I’m Daniel.” 
Cursing his stammering, he finally managed to introduce himself. “I’m Sean.” 
“Why hello. I’m Cassidy.” 
“Hi. Um, cool guitar. You play?” (Internally, Sean cringed: You play? Why else would she have a guitar?) 
“Yeah, funnily enough. I’m actually here to hand out flyers for my band’s show. Could you hang it up?” 
“Yeah.” Sean took the flyer. “Your show is this Friday?” 
“And every other Friday. You wanna come?” 
“I’m invited?” 
Cassidy laughed. “Yeah sure. It is a concert. You’re lucky you’re cute, City Boy.” 
“City boy?” 
“It’s on your sweatshirt idiot,” Daniel whispered. Seattle Track Meet, 2015. He was frowning in the general direction of Cassidy. “We’re busy Friday so-” 
“No. Nope, I’m not busy. Ignore him.” Sean flattened his hair. “I’ll be there Friday.” 
“I’ll look out for you City Boy. Nice to meet you.” 
Sean waited until Cassidy had left before pumping his fist. “Yes! She called me cute Dan!” 
“You’re the worst.” 
Daniel pouted. “You promised you’d take me camping in the woods Friday. I already brought us marshmallows and walkie-talkies.” 
“Hey, there is plenty of time to camp in those freaky woods. But I only have one chance with a girl like Cassidy.” 
“Wrong, you have zero chances with any girl.” Daniel stomped off to the corner of the store. “You’re the worst.” 
“Dan- come on.” His brother went back to ignoring him. Sean crossed his arms. “Fine. Be like that!” 
There was the only sound of a raspberry in response. 
  “Nope, I’m totally with Danny. That was a jerk move.” 
“What? Lyla, you’re supposed to be my hype man- er woman. You’re always trying to set me up on dates.” 
“Dude, three weeks ago you were so into Jenn.” 
He sighed. “And Jenn was into Derek Anderson. We had ice cream and everything.” 
“Dude, don’t fuck up your relationship with Danny over a dumb Summer romance.” 
Sean buried his head in his pillow. “You sound like my Dad.” 
“Go to this hippy girl’s show next time. You Danny will do the face.” 
“The Bambi face?” Sean groaned. “I have been facing the Bambi face all week.” 
Lyla scoffed. “Is there anything else to add?” 
“Fine. I’ll go camping. But only for the s’mores.” 
“Okay, brother of the year.” 
“Thanks jerk.” 
Lyla blew him an exaggerated kiss. “Aw, love you too.”
Sean grabbed his backpack, moving to shove in his hoodie and torch. Daniel had already shoved one of the walkie-talkies inside. 
“Calling little wolf, we are back on for camping.” 
There was nothing but static on the other end. Sean pocketed the walkie-talkie and headed downstairs, calling his brother’s name. There was no one in the kitchen and only Karen sitting in the living room, chewing on the edge of a pen. 
“Hey, have you seen Daniel?” 
Karen looked up. “Oh, I thought you already left? Daniel passed by twenty minutes ago with the sleeping bags.” 
“That little-” Sean wasn’t panicking, but he was maybe sweating a little more than he had been before. “Um, right. I just forget a…” he scanned the room and grabbed Daniel’s weird book, “scary story. Classic camping right?” 
“Oh. Have a nice time then.” Karen hesitated. “I know you’re not thrilled to be here. But I hope by the end of the Summer we can understand each other better. 
“Me too.” Sean tried to look as un-guilty as possible. “See you tomorrow Karen.” 
  “Daniel!” He yelled, running head first into the spooky mass of woodlands beyond their store. “Dan, I’m sorry okay. Quit hiding!” 
No answer. Sean went digging for the walkie-talkie, now glowing an eerie blue. 
The walkie-talkie crackled again- “Sean?” 
“Dan.” He let out a shaky breath. “Hey, I’m sorry I ditched you-” 
“Sean, help!” 
He was clutching the walkie-talkie so hard his knuckles went white. “What’s wrong? I’m coming okay. What’s happening?” 
“Creature- help- monster- ahh!” 
Sean scanned the trees around him, suddenly aware he was lost too. Daniel had been the one eager to explore the woods but he had said it was too creepy and now it seemed he was being proven right. 
“Sean- book- monster-” 
He dug around to find the weird book Daniel had been carrying around all week. He had assumed it was from one of Karen’s displays but now he was looking at it, the journal seemed too real to go with the modern witchcraft bullshit she was trying to sell. The cover was dark blue and the pages thick with drawings and polaroids. 
“Dan, I have the book, what do I need to look for? What is this thing?” 
“Page- tree- monster-” Daniel was breathing heavily. “Hear?” 
“I can hear you,” he said comfortingly, “I’m coming.” 
He held the torch in his teeth, flicking through pages until he came across a few marked with Daniel’s doodles and writing. He seemed to be studying telekinetic powers, complete with a superhero sketch: SUPER /DUDE DAN/ WOLF? ask Sean for name ideas
He finally came across the page that looked like a bush drawn with yellow eyes. 
camouflage shape shifters 
Hard to photograph shush ma-
Likes dark 
Under the original writing Daniel had added his own note: babies in woods. 
“Hey,” Sean held up the walkie-talkie, “is it these moss creatures? What well?” 
“Sean!” This time Daniel’s voice was clearer, his voice steadier. 
“Dan. What happened? Please tell me you had a good reason to go into the woods alone without telling me or Karen.” 
“Come on, that’s it? Can you yell at me when I’m not being chased?” 
“Okay. I’m coming, where are you?” 
“Where are you?” 
“By some trees. There’s a sign for a lake?” 
“Go to the lake, I’ll meet you there.” Daniel was cut off by some more static. “Hey, stop chewing that Mushroom!” 
Sean followed the signs, hoping Daniel at least would know a way out. How did he know the woods so well already? Was Sean that much of a shitty brother he hadn’t noticed him running off into these haunted-ass woods? 
The lake slowly came into the view but it was empty. 
“Daniel? Dan?” 
The lake was weirdly normal, just muddy water and a few droopy looking frogs. Still, Sean was still on edge, swinging the heavy torch from hand to hand. The faster they got home, the better. 
His relative peace was interrupted by the rustling of tree branches and heavy footsteps. Daniel came barging through the trees, a small bundle of something wrapped in his checked shirt. Something was chasing him and fast- Sean barely had time to move out the way as Daniel crashed into him. Something big and fast ran past. 
“Sean!” Daniel threw himself into his arms. “I’m sorry, don’t yell at me.” 
“I’m not mad. But you did scare the shit out of me.” 
“Fine, you get a dollar, let’s just go-” 
“No, look.” 
Sean turned slowly, met with amber eyes and a large face of bark and weeds. The creature sniffed at him curiously. 
Daniel hid behind him. “Any ideas?” 
“You have the stupid haunted book!” The creature snorted, blowing hot air in his face. “Wait, the book said-” Sean slowly moved for his pocket, finding Dad’s lighter. 
“Dan, on three, we run.” 
“One-” he reached for a branch, “two-” he flicked the lighter on, “three!” Sean held the flaming branch up the creature’s face, dragging Daniel out the way as it squirmed. “What, the light should have scared it off.” 
“Remember when you said you weren’t going to get mad?” 
Sean turned to him, as Daniel revealed the squirming mass of moss in his arms. 
“You stole it’s kid?” 
“I always wanted a puppy! She’s called Mushroom-” 
Seeing it’s child, the larger creature started inching slowly towards Daniel. 
“Put it down! We can’t keep this weird monster-baby!” 
“We bonded!” The larger creature nudged its nose towards the smaller one, poking his chest with a spikey horn. “Okay, I’ll give her back.” 
Daniel held out his arms, placing the small creature on the floor. It wiggled a loose vine that could almost be a tail and followed its parents into the woods. 
Sean punched him in the arm. “That’s for trying to adopt an actual monster.” 
Daniel rubbed his arm. “Ouch.” 
Sean pulled him into a hug. “And that’s for scaring the shit out of me. I’m glad you’re okay though.” 
“Me too.” Daniel smiled. “Hey, now you owe me two dollars!” 
  After all the excitement, the brothers’ settled on camping in Karen’s yard. 
“So, you found that spooky book in a tree and didn’t think to tell me?” 
“You were being the worst!” 
Sean laughed. “Okay, I deserve that. But, next time you find a weird monster thing, tell me. We’re in this together.” 
“Okay promise.” Daniel threw another marshmallow at him. “Sorry I made you miss your concert. I guess Cassidy wasn’t that bad.” 
“Hey, I saved your butt, that’s more important.” Sean took a bite out a s’more. “Hey, there isn’t anything else you’re not telling me right?” 
“Actually,” Daniel held out his hand, a marshmallow hoovering a few inches above his palm. “Surprise?” 
(A boring Summer suddenly looked so much more appealing.)
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Lean on Me
45 for javid—requested by @livininmyhead
I’ve been lowkey parenting all my friends/siblings alone for a while and now you’re helping me and idk what to do with this???
((I know this is a bit different from my usual style, but I’m trying something out so I hope you like it, anyway.))
“Hey, what’s wrong, Elmer?”
“It’s nothin’. It’s fine.”
“It clearly ain’t, so what is it?”
“I didn’t make enough to keep my bed tonight. I’m gonna have to sleep at home. I prefer it here, most of the time, but for one night, it’s no big deal. Like I said, it’s nothin’.”
“Don’t you have like... 10 big brothers and sisters, all livin’ in a normal-sized apartment?”
“I have 8. Why?”
“Nah. You’re not goin’ back there. Sharin’ space is bad enough in a Lodging House, but at least there’s enough for all of us. You can sleep with me and Crutchie on the fire escape for the night.”
“Jack, I—“
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Elmer. And I ain’t lettin’ ya say no, so can the ‘you don’t have to’ bullshit.”
“I... thanks, Jack.”
“Like I said. Don’t worry ‘bout it, kiddo.”
“Hey, Jack, ya got a minute?”
“Sure. Need to talk?”
“I was wonderin’... you’re good with things, right? Like... charmin’ people?”
“You’re askin’ me?”
“No, I know how to do it with just anybody to sell papes or whatever. But... but what if it was someone ya actually wanted to... ya know...”
“Ooh! Lookin’ to woo a girl, Romeo?”
“Um... maybe... kind of.”
“...oh. Oh, Ro... It ain’t a girl, is it?”
“No... is that wrong?”
“No. No, Romeo, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, or you. Never let no one tell you different. Just... be careful. I don’t have to tell ya what could—“
“You don’t.”
“If ya don’t mind me askin’... who is it?”
“It’s Specs.”
“Oh. Oh my... I should have seen that coming a long time ago. Okay, so, for flirting with Specs specifically, here’s what you’re gonna do, kid...”
“J-Jack! I’ll—“
“Hey, kid, where ya goin’? What’s wrong? Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay. Ain’t no shame in cryin’, Albie. It’s okay. Talk to me, kiddo. What’s up?”
“Go away!”
“No. Like I said, cryin’ ain’t anythin’ to be ashamed of. So why are ya cryin’? What’s wrong, Albert?”
“My... my mom. She’s been sick for a while, but now she’s... she’s...”
“Oh, damn. I’m so sorry, kid.”
“Get off me!”
“Albert, there is no shame in needin’ a shoulder to cry on every now and then, no matter what anyone says. And you just lost your mom, so if anyone’s got an excuse, it’s you. I won’t tell nobody. Just let it all out. It’s gonna be okay.”
“What is—Oh my God!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to—“
“Sniper, did your father do this? I know you’ve mentioned him bein’ bad before, but I never thought it was this bad.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Snipes... I won’t ask if ya don’t want me to. But the Lodging House has gotta be safer than—“
“My mom needs the money. I can’t.”
“Fine. If ya need to keep goin’ back for her... Remember that you’s always got a place here if it ever gets too much... but for now, I’ll patch ya up so you can go back to your ma.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
“Hey, Jack?”
“Yeah, what’s up, Mush?”
“You gave Romeo advice on... makin’ moves on people, right?”
“Yes, I did, and if he told ya to come to me... damn. I mean, I suspected, but 4 of my boys? I gots nothin’ against it, but I don’t like that it ain’t safe.
“Yeah... wait, 4?”
“My advice is good, kid. Ro’s got himself a boyfriend. And for you... it’s Blink, ain’t it?”
“How did you—“
“Mush, buddy, ya ain’t as subtle as ya think you are. And trust me; Blink ain’t soft with anyone, but he is with you. He likes you, too. Gettin’ him ain’t gonna be hard. All ya gotta do is be yourself and ask him out. Just pick somewhere that ain’t too obvious as a date spot so nobody suspects. Unfortunately, lovin’ other boys is dangerous, and I don’t wanna lose any of mine because the wrong people found out.”
“You won’t. I’ll be real careful. Thanks, Jack!”
“No problem, kiddo. Good luck!”
“Hey, Jojo, ya got a minute?”
“Yeah, why?”
“A couple of the fellas came to me, a bit worried about ya. I was just wonderin’ if you were okay.”
“Oh, no, I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Jojo, I’s heard a lot of lies in my day from a lot of liars. And you’s honestly got to be the worst liar I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s fine, Jack. I can handle it.”
“Mike said you freaked out and went to a bad place just cause he startled you. What’s that about?”
“He saw me writin’ with my left hand, okay? It’s fine. I just forgot what I was doin’ and didn’t mean to use it, but—“
“What’s wrong with usin’ your left hand?”
“It’s wrong. I’ll go to hell because of it.”
“Who told ya that?”
“The nuns.”
“Jo... can you control it? Usin’ your left?”
“No. Why does that—“
“If you can’t control it, ain’t doin’ it on purpose and ain’t hurtin’ anyone by doin’ it, why is it wrong?”
“Look, nuns say a lot of things, and most of ‘em mean well. But they’re learnin’ from a book written a long time ago. Times change. And look—Mush writes with his left. Do ya think he’s goin’ to hell?”
“There ya go. You’re fine just the way you are. Okay? Don’t let no one tell ya different. Need a hug?”
“A hug sounds nice.”
“Come here, kid.”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please don’t—“
“Finch, calm down. You’re in the Manhattan Lodging House. You’re okay. You’re safe. Shh. Nobody’s gonna hurt ya here.”
“Are-are ya sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Your folks ain’t gonna find ya here, and if they do, I won’t let ‘em get to you.”
“I promise. Shh. It’s okay. I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’ll protect you, okay? You believe me?”
“Good. Hush, now. Get some sleep.”
“Hey, Jack. You awake?”
“Well, I am now.”
“Sorry... do ya really think we can win this? I mean... that Plumber woman is right. We really are just a gang of kids.”
“Hey. We’re a gang of kids with the wit and will to pull this off. We got a reporter willin’ to listen to us. And sure, she’s a girl, but...”
“That’s more than we’ve ever had before.”
“Exactly. We’ll be fine, Crutchie. Don’t you worry ‘bout it.”
“We’ve never had someone like Davey Jacobs, either.”
“We sure haven’t! He’s somethin’ else, ain’t he?”
“Yeah, but... what if Finch is right and the cops come bust our heads?”
“Then I’ll be there takin’ the first hit.”
“What I mean is, I ain’t gonna let him get to you or any of the rest of the fellas. Don’t worry.”
“I didn’t say anything about him, Jack.”
“Who said anything about him? There’s no ‘him.’”
“Jack, we both know more likely than not, he shows up. Are you gonna be okay?”
“It’ll be fine, Crutchie. I’ll be fine and so will everyone else.”
“That seems like a promise ya shouldn’t—“
“Goodnight, Crutchie. Go to sleep.”
“Whoa, Race are you—“
“I’m fine, Jack.”
“Pretty nasty shiner you’ve got, there, so I’d argue that you’re not, but that ain’t why I’m askin’. I know you, Race. I can tell when your smile is faked, and honestly, it is a lot more than it should be, but—“
“Spot didn’t come.”
“I thought he’d come for us! I thought he’d show up at the last minute to save us but then he didn’t and he just—“
“Whoa, whoa, slow down, Race. Slow down and tell me what’s wrong.”
“Spot Conlon and me... ya know we’re close, right?”
“Yeah, of course I know you’re—oh. Oh. Okay.”
“What? What’s oh?”
“Ya could’ve told me. I mean, I gots a bunch of queer pairs I’ve been helpin’ sneak around.”
“Spot and me ain’t—“
“Save it, Racer. I think we both know that ain’t true.”
“I... you’re really fine with it?”
“Sure. I don’t care who ya fool around with, long as nobody finds out ‘bout ya foolin’ around with boys.”
“No, Jack, ya don’t get it!”
“What don’t I get? What’s this about, Racer?”
“It’s not just foolin’ around! I... Jack, I think I...”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize... I didn’t think Spot Conlon had feelings.”
“That’s the problem, Jack. I don’t know if he does. The problem is that I think... I think I love him. And he didn’t come for me.”
“Oh shit... the L word. Are you... are you sure?”
“I don’t know! I just know that he’s... I care about him like I care about you, but different! He makes me feel like... like I don’t even know what! Like I’m ramblin’ and he understands it all! Like he gets every part of me! And it is so stupid, but I think I get him, too! Or at least I did! Cause I was sure he was coming, and then he didn’t.”
“I’m guessin’ Davey didn’t tell ya yet.”
“Tell me what?”
“Spot sent over a kid to say he’s comin’ next time, so... I guess your boy is comin’ for ya.”
“...yeah. I guess he is.”
“I guess you’ll get a chance to see if he feels the same, but... Hey, listen. I gotta go, okay? I got a man to see. Do ya need me to stay for a bit?”
“Nah, it’s... it’s fine. Thanks, Jack.”
“Hey, Jack, ya got a minute?”
“Oh, sure, Mike. Davey, mind if I step away for a second?”
“Is this something that needs to be a secret?”
“No. No, it ain’t a secret. It’s just... Ike didn’t come in tonight, and I knows he ain’t in the Refuge, cause the Refuge is gone, but what if he’s hurtin’ somewhere? He didn’t tell me he was gonna—“
“Mike, buddy, it’s okay. Calm down. We know where he is.”
“Ya do?”
“He came by and said he was gonna spend some time in Brooklyn.”
“Yeah, it’s late enough that he’s probably spending the night. I don’t know Spot Conlon that well, but he doesn’t seem like the type to let a kid walk all the way back here after dark.”
“He ain’t—you’re right. Look, if he don’t come to the circulation gate tomorrow, then we’ll worry. For now, Ike’s almost certainly fine.”
“You’d think he’d remember to tell his brother when he goes places. That shithead.”
“Davey, everybody curses ‘round here. Includin’ you, come to think of it.”
“I know, but... damn. I’m becoming my mother.”
“Jack... can we talk? Alone?”
“Sure, Kath. What’s up?”
“There’s no good way to say this... we need to end this. You and me.”
“Jack, I’m sorry, but... I don’t love you. Not like that. You’re a wonderful friend—don’t get me wrong—but I don’t love you. I never did. I just didn’t realize it because besides Bill and Darcy, I’ve never really had any friends. You were the first friend I’ve made in a long time, and... and now that I’ve gotten some time to be better friends with the others, I’m realizing that what we had was never real.”
“It wasn’t?”
“No. I... I guess I was attracted to you, at first, but that faded without me realizing it a long time ago. And I know saying this is hurting you, but... Jack, it wouldn’t be fair to either of us for me to pretend I still want to be with you when I don’t. The fact is, neither of us is what the other really needs. And honestly, I don’t think you ever really loved me, either, and... and if you’re with me, you won’t find that person out there who you will love. I have no doubt that you’ll find someone to love who loves you the way you deserve, Jack.”
“Don’t worry about it, Kath.”
“I really am so sorry. I hope we can still be friends.”
“We can be. Don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, Jack? Wait, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Buttons. What is it?”
“It’s nothin’. I can go ask Davey.”
“Ask Davey what?”
“Jack, it’s nothin’ you need to worry ‘bout. You’re clearly not doin’ so well due to the breakup, and—“
“I’m fine, Buttons! Seriously! What is it?”
“It’s just... I didn’t earn enough today to buy my papes tomorrow. Ya know—winter is rough on everyone. I was gonna ask ya to ask around if anyone can spare anythin’, but I can go ask—“
“Ya don’t have to ask Davey. I’ll do it.”
“Shh, shh, kid, it’s okay. You’re safe. Everything’s gonna be okay, okay? You’re okay. You’re safe, here.”
“Jack, what’s going on?”
“Oh, crap. I’m sorry, Dave. This is a crappy night for this to happen, bein’ your first night sleepin’ over at the Lodging House, but I can handle this. It’s okay. Go back to sleep.”
“Blink? Blink, are you okay?”
“He’s still... not really here. It’ll take some time for him to get back, but you don’t have to stay up. I can handle it by myself. Really, Davey.”
“That doesn’t mean you should have to. Blink, do you want me to leave?”
“Okay. Okay, I won’t. It’s okay, Blink. You’re safe. You’re in the Manhattan Lodging House. Me and Jack are right here, okay?”
“We’re both right here for you.”
“Specs, what the hell happened to you? Davey! Davey, get in here, and bring some bandages!”
“What’s wro—oh my God!”
“It ain’t the worst that’s happened, Jack, and you know it.”
“Yeah, that don’t mean I gotta like it. Was it..?”
“Some shitheads who didn’t like me bein’ darker-skinned than them? Yeah. I’ll survive, though.”
“You know how wrong that is, right Specs?”
“Well, obviously, Davey. I’m the one who got soaked.”
“Where are they?”
“Where are they? I get enough shit for being Jewish that I know a bit of what he’s goin’ through, Jack. And people like that—“
“Gettin’ soaked by a bunch of guys bigger than you won’t solve nothin’, Davey. And believe me, that is all that’ll happen if you go after them.”
“Fine. At least stay in bed tomorrow and rest up. I’ll sell extra to make up you missing.”
“I’ll help. Romeo probably will, too.”
“Thanks, Jack. Thanks, Davey.”
“Thank us after we patch you up.”
“If ya tell anyone about this, Jackie Boy, you won’t live long enough to see me deny it.”
“Relax, Spot. I ain’t tellin’ anyone. How’d ya wind up with a dislocated shoulder, anyway?”
“That’s my business. Are ya gonna fix it or not?”
“Oh, I’m gonna. It’ll hurt less if it’s a surprise, though, so’s we gotta talk about somethin’ else. Um... so, you and Racer?”
“...yeah, I guess.”
“That is so weird to think about. I never would have seen that one coming. I don’t need to tell you that if ya hurt him, Manhattan’ll go to war, right?”
“I ain’t gonna hurt him.”
“You’d better not.”
“I’m serious. I ain’t gonna—ah!”
“There. Your shoulder’s fixed. You’re welcome. And... you’s got real feelins’ for Race, don’t ya?”
“Good. Cause I‘s known Race a long time, and he fakes half his smiles. But the ones he gets when he talks to me ‘bout you are always real. He’s got it bad for ya, Conlon. You’d better not break him.”
“I won’t. Ever. Cause... cause maybe I’ve got it bad for him, too. But if ya ever tell him or anyone else I told you that—“
“I know, I know. I’ll be dead by midnight. My lips are sealed.”
“They’d better be. So... you and Walkin’ Mouth?”
“Where did you learn to braid, Jack?”
“Well, it was a long time ago, but I did have a mother once upon a time, Sarah.”
“Oh my God, I’m so—“
“It’s fine. I don’t talk about her much, but she’s been gone long enough that it don’t hurt so much. And ya know, when Smalls first got here, she had this super long hair that she needed to keep out of the way, ‘fore she asked Crutchie to cut it. Somebody had to help her.”
“Oh. That’s nice of you.”
“So, Sarah...”
“I was wonderin’... I ran into Spot Conlon a while back, and he mentioned some things about... do Davey and me act like we’s together?”
“You’re kidding me.”
“I thought you were together! I just assumed Davey wasn’t telling me about it because... well, you know.”
“Do you want to be together? With Davey?”
“...I don’t know.”
“Well, I’d suggest figuring that out, cause David’s always had a stick up his ass, and I’ve never seen him relax the way he does with you. You make him feel free to be... Davey.”
“You’re sayin’ he wants to be with me?!”
“God, Kelly. You really are oblivious. Yes, you stupid cowboy. So finish this braid and go get him.”
“Jackie, can you sit down? Please?”
“I can’t, Davey. I gotta—“
“Everyone’s accounted for. Well, except Race, but Jojo said he saw him headed towards Brooklyn earlier. He’s probably spending the night and forgot to tell us.”
“The dishes—“
“It was Romeo’s turn and I made sure he did ‘em hours ago.”
“I checked his ribs again this afternoon and he’s healing fine. Everyone’s fine, Jackie. Sit down.”
“...thanks, Davey.”
“You’re welcome. I think you forget sometimes that everybody needs somebody to lean on occasionally, even you.”
“I ain’t been leanin’ on anyone since I was... since I started leadin’ Manhattan.”
“And everyone leans on you. I know. You like knowin’ they’re all safe and happy, but who makes sure you’re safe and happy? Nobody—that’s the answer, so don’t try to argue it. So I guess it’s gotta be me. If no one else, I guess I’m the one you can lean on.”
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johnsbleu · 4 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 83
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warnings: nsfw, sorry. HMH masterlist
Tess has had two false labors this past week, and she’s starting to really get aggravated. The good thing is that their basement is finally fixed and they moved back home just in time. The bad thing is you’ve been on pins and needles every day since Tess moved back home since she’s not under your watchful eye anymore. She reassured you that she’d be fine, and the moment her water breaks, she’ll call you and let you know.
Your mom flew out late last night, and Jimmy picked her up from the airport and brought her back to their house. Since Tess will be having Finn soon, your mom will be staying with them to help out. She’s planning on staying for at least two weeks, which is nice for Tess because she’s going to need a lot of rest so she can heal.
Jimmy has already taken off a few weeks from work, and he’s more than excited to finally hold his baby in his arms. It’s so cute to see how excited he is to be a dad, and it warms your heart to know that Tess married a really good guy.
Since the shop will be open next week, John has called in all of the employees for a quick little meeting to get them familiar with the new look of the store and to give them their new schedules. They’re all sitting around the counter when you walk in, and you see Grace perk up a little.
Grace reaches out and hugs you, then she moves to look at Tess’ belly when she walks in. The two start to talk, so you walk over to John and lean up to kiss him.
“How’s it going? Mom asking too many questions?”
You laugh and hug him again, “No, but she has been asking a few questions about the wedding. I haven’t told her anything yet.”
John looks up as your mom looks around the shop, then he looks down at you again, “You better tell her.”
You shrug playfully, “Yeah, I will eventually.”
John places a kiss on the top of your head, then he takes a deep breath, “Gotta make a speech or something.”
“You’ll do great.” you pat his shoulder, then you walk over and stand by your mom.
John clears his throat to get everyone’s attention, and they all walk over to listen to him. He’s their boss now, and it’s funny how they’re looking at him: so wide eyed and curious. You never even thought about it, but they really don’t know John. They only know him from being your boyfriend, and now your fiance.
John is shuffling in place a little since he’s growing a bit nervous, and you smile at him encouragingly when he looks over at you for reassurance.
“So, I’m John.” he says, laughing a little, “I worked with Bernard a lot, I would bind books for him to sell to certain clients, and he’d even put some out on the shelves.”
Tess raises her hand, and John looks at her, “Yes, hi, uh, do we have to work this week? I uh, might be a little busy.”
“No, the shop doesn’t open until next week, but I wanted you all to be the first to see it, and I wanted to introduce myself. So, again, I’m John.” he says, then he looks over at you and smiles, “Uh, you might also know that I am engaged to Y/N, which brings me to the next thing I wanted to talk about. We own this shop now, if you need to talk to one of us, we’re willing to listen. You can come to either of us with any concerns that you have. She’s just as much an owner as I am. Come here, baby.”
You walk over to John as he reaches out for your hand, then he wraps his right arm around your waist. You let out a small laugh and look up at everyone as your cheeks turn red.
“Hi, everyone. I don’t want you to think any differently of me now that I own the shop. I’m still me, and we can still gossip about the mean old shop owner.” you say, gesturing to John.
Tess laughs, then jokingly wipes her brow, “Thank god!”
You look up at John and smile, “As for now, there are only 6 of us that work here, which is fine since the shop is quite small and it’s not that busy, but in these next few weeks, we’re going to be hiring more people. Tess is obviously pregnant, and she’s going to be taking some time off so she can spend it with her husband and her baby. And as for John and I, we’re going to be getting married this fall and we’re going to be starting a family. So, my point is, there might be a lot of work, but hopefully we can hire a few more people to take some of the work off your shoulders.”
“We work in a book shop, I think it’s a pretty chill atmosphere.” Tess laughs.
You give Tess a disapproving look that makes her laugh, then you shake your head a little, “I know, but I just don’t want anyone to unhappy here. If you’re unhappy with your job, we would really like to hear from you.”
“I think you’ll all be happy to know that you’ll all be getting a raise as well.” John says, and they all begin to smile. “It’s not much, but it’s something for now.”
You watch as they look around at each other, then Grace looks at you and smiles. Grace claps her hands, then squeals a little, “You’re getting married!”
“I am.” you laugh, holding up your hand as Grace runs over to look at your ring.
John pats your hip as he walks over to talk to a few of the employees to give them their schedules, then he heads up the stairs to show them the new upper level that will be open. You don’t really know the newer employees, but they all seem nice so far.
Tony is one of the newer employees, and you can tell that he already thinks John is the coolest guy he’s ever met. He’s much quieter than everyone else, and he almost never speaks up when he has an issue -- something you’re definitely going to work on with him.
Natalie has worked here for a few months before John bought the shop and she’s not your favorite person, but she does what’s she told to do. She constantly stares at John, which is a little annoying, but you can’t blame her. She also has a bit of an attitude, and you hope she’ll keep it in check since she knows that you can easily fire her now.
Grace has worked here almost as long as you. She’s younger than you, but she’s great to work with since she’s always full of dramatic stories, but unfortunately sometimes it spills into her work and she’ll get too distracted and forget that she’s working. Her boyfriend has also been kicked out of the shop a few times already by you and Tess.
Then there’s Tess. One of the better employees, but of course you’re biased. She’s a great employee, and she’s so good with customers since she’s always so friendly. She’s going to be on maternity leave for the first few weeks that the shop is open, but you know Tess, and you know she’ll end up coming in, even if it’s just to sit with you.
You’ll definitely need to hire a few more people since you and John won’t be working as much, but until then, John has offered to work your shifts since he knows that you want to help Tess.
Your mom taps on your shoulder, and you turn around to look at her, “Your shop is lovely. I love this little nook back here.”
“Yeah, it’s not completely done yet, but we can’t keep the shop closed for much longer.” you smile and look up to see John leaning over the railing to wave at you, “Hi, baby.”
“It looks nice up here. Come up here.” he says, then he looks at Tess, “Not you, you can’t come up here.”
“Well now, that’s just rude.” she says, crossing her arms.
“You’re 40 weeks pregnant.” you gesture to the stairs, “You think you could make it?”
Tess laughs, “Oh, absolutely not.”
You let out a small laugh, then you quickly run up the stairs to John’s side. You’ve never even been up here before, and it’s a lot nicer and bigger than you thought. There’s a few tables for people to sit and read at, and there’s a nice chair in the corner for people to also sit in. The shelves are so nice and new, and they’re packed with books.
“This looks really nice.” you turn around and look down at your mom and Tess talking. “Whoa, this is a lot higher than I thought.”
John laughs and leans against the railing with you, “So, you think it looks good?”
“I think it looks great.” you nod, looking at John, “You did a great job, Jonathan. I’m proud of you, and I can’t wait for what our little kid’s corner downstairs will look like when you’re finished with that.”
“Yeah, about that, did you know that Amanda paints?” he says, and you shrug, “Yeah, she paints. I asked if she’d paint the walls down there. She said yeah, so she’s going to come in this weekend and get a look at it so she can get some ideas. I told her some princesses and stuff would be good, and some dragons or something.”
“No, I did not know that she paints, but that’s a great idea. I hope she brings Harper with her. I miss that little chunk.”
“I saw her the other day when I was at Aurelio’s shop. She’s getting so big.” he says, then you start your way back down the stairs when you see everyone getting ready to leave.
John hands everyone their schedules, then he makes sure to point out that his number is at the bottom and that they can call at anytime if they have any concerns. Natalie smirks a little more, and you and Tess both look at each other and roll your eyes.
Since John is closing up the shop and locking it up, you walk with your mom and Tess to her car and lean against the door as you talk to them.
“What are your plans for tonight?”
Tess shrugs, “Probably just making sure I have the last of my things ready. They induce me if I don’t go into labor by the end of the week, so…yikes. What about you?”
“Wedding planning.” you say, and your mom perks up, “We decided to get married this fall. September 5th. Mark your calendar.”
“Well,” your mom crosses her arms, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“We just decided it last month, and I knew I’d see you soon so I decided to wait and tell you in person.” you jokingly roll your eyes, “You’re so ungrateful.”
Your mom playfully pats your shoulder and pulls on her seat belt, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
You lean back in the car and point at Tess’ belly, “The moment it breaks, you call me.”
Tess laughs, “Yeah, yeah.”
You’ve been showing John all the ideas that you have come across in the wedding magazines you’ve been buying. There’s three stacked up on the table, one in the kitchen, and one next to your bed. They’re everywhere. You’ve caught John looking at them a few times, and he’s even folded over a page or two for you to look at later.
You stretch out on the couch, laying across John’s lap as you yawn, “We should head upstairs, it’s nearly 3 AM.”
“I’m not tired, but I’ll watch some TV while you sleep.” he says, then he tucks one arm under your legs and the other around your back to carry you upstairs. “I shouldn’t have had a cup of coffee when I got home this afternoon.”
John lays you down on the bed, then he lays down on top of you as he kisses you. You part your lips as he slides his tongue into your mouth, and you scoot back on the bed so you can wrap your legs around his waist.
You watch your finger as you trail it along John’s jawline, then you look up to meet his gaze. He’s watching your every move, and you smile a little more when he licks his lips.
John’s hands are everywhere on your body, but he keeps his lips connected to yours as you pull up your shirt a little. You grab John’s waist to pull him closer to you, and you bite your lip a little when you feel John hard in his pants. He rubs himself against you teasingly, then he smiles when he looks at you.
“Want it?”
You nod your head, “Yes, please.”
“Good girl.” he whispers against your lips, then he leans down to kiss you before he pulls your pajama shorts off. “Let me see her, let me see her!”
You laugh loudly and shake your head, “You’re so funny.”
He closes his eyes and bites his bottom lip when he sees you’re not wearing underwear, and he leans down to kiss your thighs. He slowly slides his fingers into your pussy, then he pulls them out, “Mmm, look how wet I make you.”
You look up at John as he slowly rubs your clit, then he stands up to pull off his pants. He kicks them to the side as he pulls his shirt over his head, and you sit up to pull your shirt off.
Reaching out for John, you whimper a little, wanting him more and more, but damn, he’s teasing you. He strokes his cock in his hand, and you crawl to the end of the bed and immediately take him into your mouth. You’re nearly choking yourself on his cock, but he tastes and feels so good that you don’t even care.
“Fuck, yes.” John whispers, looking down at you, “Look at you devouring me.”
You sit back on the bed and spread your legs, “Fuck me.”
John smiles as he crawls on the bed, and you hold his gaze as he slowly slides between your legs. He pushes himself in further as you moan, and your eyes roll shut and teeth chatter from the pleasure.
Just as John begins to move his hips at a lazy pace, your phone rings and he stops. You wave it off and pull John down, moaning loudly as he slides deeper between your legs. He slowly bucks his hips, then he immediately begins to pick up speed. You’re breathing heavily and moaning loudly as John continues his thrusts, and your phone begins to ring again.
“Fuck.” you look at John and smile, “Don’t you dare stop fucking me.”
John smiles, “Yes, ma’am.”
You lean over to grab your phone and see Tess is calling, “Hello?”
“Uh, what are you doing?”
You bite your lip as you try to hold in a moan when John rotates his hips, and you press your hand to your mouth when John begins to rub circles on your clit and kiss your neck.
“I’m fine.” you say, holding your breath. “What’s up?”
“Are you serious right now? Is he…is he…” Tess laughs, then she whispers, “Are you having sex?”
You grab onto the sheets and squeeze your phone so hard in your hand that you think you just might crush it, and you look up at John as he smiles smugly. He bites his lip as he jerks his hips, and he reaches down to cover your mouth as you moan.
“What do you want, Tess?” you finally manage to choke out.
“Oh, uh, nothing big. Just wanted to let you know that my water broke at 2:58.” she says, and you put your hand on John’s chest to stop him.
“What? Are you going to the hospital?” you ask, and John sits up a little.
Tess laughs quietly, “Well, I’m currently sitting in the car while mom and Jimmy run around frantically. Keep having sex though. Don’t mind me, I’m just going to shove a baby out of my vagina in a few hours.”
“Tess, I’ll be right there. I’ll get dressed and I’ll be down there in 5 minutes.” you say, then you grab John to stop him when he starts to get off of you. “Okay, babe? I’ll be right there.”
Tess sniffles a little, “I’m really scared.”
“I know, and I’m coming.” you say, and the line goes silent for a moment, “I…I didn’t mean it like that, but…”
Tess laughs hysterically, “Oh, sweet Jesus. Just finish up and get down here so I can tease you in person.”
You toss your phone onto the floor, then you grabs John’s biceps and wrap your legs around him tighter as he begins to rock his hips faster. Both of you were trying your hardest to hold it off, and now that you’re going to meet Tess in 5 minutes, you’re ready to finally have that orgasm that’s been building this whole time.
John puts your right leg over his shoulder, then he takes deep and long thrusts as he rubs your clit, and you grab at his arms and whimper as your body tenses up. Letting out a string of moans, you moan John’s name loudly as he beams with pride, then he grunts as he thrusts so deep that you swear he’s going to tear you in half.
“I’m coming,” you whine, tilting your head back, “Fuck, you’re making me come!”
John lays down on top of you to kiss you as he bucks his hips every few seconds and spills inside of you, his warmth filling your core. You lay there for a moment before John pulls out, then you immediately get up and run into the bathroom to clean yourself up.
You head back into the room and grab a sports bra from your drawer, then you pull on the first pair of leggings you can find. John is getting dressed as well, and the two of you move around each other quickly. You spot yourself in the mirror and notice your hair looks like a mess, but you don’t have time to fix it so you just pull it into a bun on the top of your head.
“Ready?” you ask as you zip up your hoodie.
John nods, hopping on one foot as he puts his shoe on, “Yup.”
You grab your bag by the door, then you hop in the car and wait for John to lock the house. He gets in the car and starts it, then he backs out of the driveway. Tess’ car is gone, so you assume that they’re already on their way to the hospital.
“I’m so nervous.” you say, reaching over for John’s hand, “She’s really scared, and as much as I love Jimmy, I just don’t know how he’s going to react to this, so I need to be there.”
“I’ll get you there, baby.” he says, then he presses on the gas a little more, “We’ll be right behind them.”
Tess is already in her room when you walk in, and you sigh a breath of relief when you see she’s smiling and laughing. Jimmy is sitting in the chair next to the bed, and he’s holding her hand as the nurse talks to them. You quietly slip in and gesture to the couch for John to sit down, and you wait for the nurse to leave before you walk over to Tess. She smiles at you, then she lays back and closes her eyes.
She smiles, “Yup, and I feel pretty dang good. It hurt like a bitch, but whatever, I feel fantastic. How are you?”
You look around the room, then point at yourself, “Me? I’m fine. I just wanted to be here with you, I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”
Tess looks over at John and smiles, “I don’t blame you.”
John’s cheeks turn red, and he takes his phone out of his pocket to look at it to avoid Tess’ gaze on him. You look back at her and shake your head disapprovingly.
“At 3 AM? Really?”
Your mom furrows her brow and stands up, “What about 3 AM?”
“Tess, I swear to god.” you warn, but Tess just laughs loudly as your cheeks begin to burn.
“I called her to tell her that my water broke, and when she answered…” she laughs, and your mom looks at you, squinting her eyes playfully.
You look at your mom and shrug, “What?! We’re trying to get pregnant, okay?”
You walk over and sit down next to John who is still looking at his phone, and he winks when he glances at you. You smile when you see him commenting on a picture that Amanda has posted of Benji, and you lean your head against his shoulder as he continues scrolling through his phone. He shows you the picture that he posted of you from earlier that day, and you roll your eyes when you read the caption.
“Cheesy. I always love your cheesy captions.” you whisper as he looks over at you, “I didn’t even see that you posted that. I haven’t looked at my phone all day.”
John looks at the picture on his phone and smiles proudly, “I just like to show you off.”
“And I love that.” you say, leaning over to kiss him.
John smiles as he leans over to kiss you, then he looks up when the nurse comes back in. He widens his eyes and looks over at you to give Tess some privacy when they lift the sheet to check out how she’s doing.
“I don’t think I should be in here.” he whispers, and you look up at him, “I don’t think I should be in here when she’s giving birth. I mean, she’s like my little sister. I don’t really want to see that.”
“I’m not going to be in here. It’ll just be Jimmy and my mom. We can sit outside when she’s ready to push.”
“Wait, really?” Tess sits up on the bed and looks at the nurse, and you look over at her. “Like right now?”
“Like right now.” the nurse nods, “You ready to meet your baby?”
Tess looks around as she begins to grow nervous, “I mean, yeah, but…”
“Tess, you’re going to do great.” you say as you get up and sit down next to her, “You’re going to see your baby, and he’s going to be perfect.”
“What if I die?” she asks, and Jimmy starts to laugh.
“You’re not going to die, babe. It’s gonna be fine.” he stands up and helps her get in the right position as more nurses enter the room.
You look over your shoulder as John slips out of the room, then you look back at Tess, “John and I will just be outside the room. If you need me…”
She nods, “Just yell, yeah, I will.”
You hug Tess tight, then you lean down to kiss her belly, “I’ll see you soon, Finny.”
As you back out of the room, you look at Jimmy as he holds tight to Tess’ hand and he presses a kiss to her forehead. There’s no need to be worried about Jimmy, he’s going to do great. Your mom already has tears in her eyes as she stands on the other side of Tess and holds her hand. You would have been more than happy to be in the room with Tess, but with all the nurses, it’s just too crowded. The people who need to be there are there: your mom and Jimmy.
John is leaning against the wall when you walk out into the hallway, then he nods his head towards the cafeteria, “Let’s go get something to eat.”
You intertwine your fingers with John’s and look up at him, “Felt a little weird to just leave earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like…we just had sex and I got up right after.” you shrug as you get on the elevator, “We usually lay together and talk after.”
John laughs and leans back against the wall, “Well, yeah, but we didn’t have time.”
“I would be terrible as a one night stand. I would want to sit and talk to them, and they’d be like, internally screaming because this girl will not get out of their bed.” you say, and John laughs again. “Was I like that the first time we had sex?”
“The first time we ever had sex, we took a shower right after and you fell asleep. I was the one talking.” he laughs, reaching for your hand when the elevator dings, “So, no, you weren’t like that.”
“Oh, yeah…” you smile as you lean up to kiss John, “That was the night you told me that you were in love with me.”
You and John are sitting outside of Tess’ room as she cusses loudly, and you’re both trying to keep yourself composed, but it’s really fucking hard.
“Jesus Christ, why does this hurt so fucking much?!”
“You’re almost there, babe.” Jimmy says, and you peek into her room to see Tess struggling to push.
It’s so hard to not run in and be with her, but you can’t, so you sit back down next to John and pick at your nails. John puts his hand on top of yours and gives you a reassuring smile when you look at him.
“I know this is hard for you.” he says, then he winces when he hears Tess grunting.
“Where is she?!” Tess finally yells, and you smile proudly when she calls your name. You walk into the room and stand at her side as she cries, “Fuck, this is hard. I can’t feel anything down there.”
“It’s okay, Tess.” you wipe her hair away from her face and smile, “You’re doing great.”
Jimmy looks between her legs and smiles wide, “Baby, he’s coming, I can see him.”
Tess’ face is pure determination and focus as she gives one big push. She exhales loudly and sits back to gain her strength to do it again.
“You’re doing great, Tess.” you whisper, and she looks over at you, “One more push!”
“Everyone keeps saying that, but it’s not one more push, it’s like five.” she whines, nearly in tears.
You grip her hand tighter and look at her, “You can do this, Tess.”
Tess pushes several more times as you all encourage her, then she finally sits back when she hears Finn crying. You back away so the doctors can help clean him and Tess up, and you walk back into the hallway to find John. You fall into his lap and lean your head against his shoulder.
“Wow, she did great.”
John smiles, “I heard. You should be a mid-wife.”
You laugh loudly, “It’s really nice to have a fiance who thinks I’m good at everything. I frost a cake, you think I should be a baker. I put a band aid on your cuts, you think I should be a doctor.”
“Because I believe in you, and I know you’d be great at all of these things.”
Rolling your eyes, you lean down to kiss John, then you look up when the doctors and nurses start to leave the room. There’s still a nurse or two coming in and out of the room to help Tess, so you don’t know whether or not the two of you should head in to see Finn.
“Did you see him?”
You shake your head, “No, but man, he’s got a set of lungs on him. He’s definitely Tess’ baby.”
You and John are still waiting outside of Tess’ room since she’s being tended to, and you’re playing a fun little game of ‘I spy’ to pass the time. John has won almost every round so far since you gave up after he picked things that were way too hard to guess.
Jimmy finally pokes his head into the hallway and waves at you and John, “Come meet him.”
Holding hands with John, you walk in and see Tess holding Finn in her arms and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He has a little hat on to keep him warm, and you nearly die when you see the tiny little diaper he’s wearing.
“Congratulations, man.” John says, hugging Jimmy, then he walks over and kisses Tess’ cheek as he sets the vase of flowers he bought on the side table, “Good job, Tess. He’s beautiful.”
“He’s so tiny!” you frown dramatically, then you rub your finger against his cheek, “He’s so cute! Hi, Finn. Oh wait, you named him Finn, right? You didn’t decide at the last minute to name him something random like Rexford or…Tobin?”
Jimmy laughs as he looks at you, “Nope, Finn James Hendricks. You can keep calling him Finny James.”
“Though I did go back and forth between Finley and Finn, but we settled on Finn.” Tess hugs him a little and lets out a small laugh as she wipes away the tear on her cheek. She looks up at Jimmy and frowns, “Sorry if I was mean to you.”
Jimmy waves it off, “No problem, babe.”
“I feel bad.” she says, and she starts to cry. “I feel so bad for being mean to you my whole pregnancy, and now I’m really emotional.”
“Aw.” Jimmy walks over and sits down next to Tess as your mom takes Finn from her so the two can have a moment.
Your mom stands in front of John on the couch and smiles, “Would you like to hold him?”
“Oh, uh,” John wipes his palms on his jeans and looks at you, “Uh, yeah, I’ll hold him. Will you help me?”
“Of course.” you laugh, and you smile as Finn is placed in John’s arms.
“Hey, buddy.” John whispers and smiles, “He’s so tiny.”
Finn looks so tiny in John’s arms, and he wiggles in his place a little as John gets comfortable. He’s wiggling around pretty wildly, and you’re a little surprised to see him looking around as much as he is. He has Tess’ blue eyes, but he’s a good mix of the two.
Finn scrunches up his face, and John looks at you with concern, “Did I do something?”
“No,” you shake your head and lean closer, “He’s fine. I mean, realistically, he’s probably pooping right now.”
John begins to bounce Finn in his arms a little, and you look over at your mom and smile proudly. John has always been such a natural when it comes to kids, he just hasn’t realized it yet.
“He’s really cute.” John says, looking up at Jimmy and Tess.
“Yeah,” Jimmy puffs his chest, “He got his looks from…well, no, he definitely got his looks from his mom.”
“He definitely looks like the two of you.” your mom says as she packs her bag.
Tess laughs loudly and shakes her head, “He looks like a potato right now, and I can say that, I’m his mom. Oh, my god. I’m a mom.”
Finn lets out a loud cry, and John immediately leans over to hand him to you. You take him from John and rock him in your arms as he falls back asleep.
“Hi, Finny James. You just don’t know who this guy is, do you? He’s just not used to your voice, John.” you look at him and bump his shoulder, then you look at Finn, “That’s your uncle! He’s a big softie, and I bet you’re going to love him so much when you’re older. He tells really bad jokes, but it’s okay because he’s just so sweet. He’s gonna love you unconditionally, and you’re gonna be so grateful to have him as your uncle.”
John laughs, “Thanks.”
“It’s true. And eventually, you’re going to have a cousin, and they’re going to be your best friend. The two of you are going to be inseparable.” you lean down and press several kisses to Finn’s soft cheek, then you look up, “Tess and Jimmy, he’s beautiful. I’m really happy for the two of you.”
You try to hold back the tears as you hand Finn to Jimmy, but John can see you struggling. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
It’s so nice to see Tess and Jimmy so happy, and you’re beyond excited that Tess is finally able to hold her baby. The two of them can’t stop smiling and kissing each other and Finn. You have to admit, it does make you a little sad that it’s not you in this position instead. You’ll get there eventually, but it’s okay to be sad.
Tess is getting tired from all the work that she did, and Jimmy is pretty tired as well, so you figure it’s probably time to leave.
“We better get out of here and let you two -- oh, nope, you three get some rest.” you say as you walk over to them. You reach out and give Jimmy a big hug, and Tess smiles as she watches you two. You kiss him on the cheek, then you lean over to hug Tess, “Are you staying here all day tomorrow?”
“They said I need to be here for at least 24 hours to monitor me and Finn, so, yeah, basically. Jimmy’s parents will probably come up here in a few hours too.” she says, and you nod your head. “I’ll probably be home Wednesday morning.”
Your mom is talking with John and Jimmy, so you look back at Tess again to continue talking to her, “You did a great job, Tess. Your mom and dad would be so proud of you, and they’d be so happy for you.”
Tess immediately tears up and looks away from you as she starts to cry, “Thank you.”
“I’m so sorry that they couldn’t be here for this, but mom and I are so proud of you, and I am beyond happy for you. The way your life has turned out, I don’t know anyone who deserves it more.” you grab a tissue and wipe away the tears on your cheek, “You have an amazing husband, and now you have the most beautiful little boy.”
Tess is still crying, but she nods her head and looks up at you. You lean your forehead against Tess’, and you both let out a small laugh.
“If you need anything, let me know.” you press a kiss to Finn’s head, then you stand up and walk over to John when he reaches for your hand. “Mom, are you staying here?”
Your mom wrings her hands and shrugs, “I’m not sure.”
Tess nods, “Yeah, stay here with us. Just in case.”
“Well, I guess I’m staying here.” she says, then she reaches out to hug both you and John.
Tess sits up a little and looks at you,“Oh, wait, can you get Sadie? I hate that she’s home alone. Garfield will be fine, but Sadie is probably wondering where we are.”
John nods his head as he walks over to Tess, “Yeah, of course. We’ll get her once we get back home.”
Looking back at Tess, you smile wide as Jimmy scoots onto the bed to sit with her. They look like such a cute little family, and your heart couldn’t possibly handle more, but when John leans down and kisses the top of Finn’s head, you nearly pass out.
“Okay, well, that just about killed me. Get that baby away from him!” you laugh, tugging John’s arm. You look at Tess again and wave, “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll come visit you obviously.”
“Bye.” she smiles, then she looks down at Finn and gives Jimmy a kiss as you slowly close the door.
taglist: @callmeglenncoco @ficsnroses​ @tnu-ree @keanureevesisbae @rubywantsafuitgummy @cheekybluefox @hylianhbu @re-florescer-a @tea-time-fun-posts @star017 @fangirl-fantasize​
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watchathon · 4 years
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Series Finale: Sozin’s Comet
In case you’re finding this post just by browsing the tags I’ve used for this post, this is the Watchathon, a blog where I’m hoping to watch an episode of a TV show every weekday, with a short blog post where I write down my thoughts as I watch. Each new thought starts with a hyphen and a bolded first word.
- Like so. Now that the introductions are over with, it’s time to break that one-episode-a-day rule and finish off Avatar: The Last Airbender with the climactic grand finale, Sozin’s Comet:
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- Okay, so, Katara in the intro is still saying “He has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone.” I could’ve sworn they removed that part by this point... Maybe that was just something for the DVD?
- I like that the “Previously on” segment is so long. It really emphasizes how much buildup there was to this. How much the Gaang has been through to get here.
- I gotta say, I was not expecting a beach party in this episode.
- Somehow, for reasons I can’t explain because I don’t understand them myself, this ambush from Zuko made the audio of Nicolas Cage saying “Surprise attack!” in Into the Spider-Verse play in my head.
- Zuko’s really lucky that he earned Katara’s forgiveness before this violent pop quiz, seeing as just a half season ago... “You take one step backwards... one slip up... give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang - and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there. Permanently.”
- It never occurred to me that we didn’t get details on the war meeting before now.
- I’d bet hearing about this plan is the thing that tipped the scales and fully convinced Zuko to join the Gaang, and prevent the genocide of the Earth Kingdom.
- It’s so nice to see Zuko being welcomed into the group hugs. Especially when it’s Katara who invites him.
- I like that Zuko is teaching Aang to redirect lightning, the same way Iroh taught him.
- Even before it’s made explicit, you can tell that Aang’s uneasy about the idea of killing.
- Toph is just delighting in her role as Melon Lord, isn’t she?
- Someone out there has definitely written an AU fanfic where someone gets killed during this training and it’s Toph’s origin story as the malicious Melon Lord. If not, then I will write it myself, and it shall be the crackiest crack fic that ever cracked.
- Y’know what, I wish Toph could’ve actually gone on a life-changing field trip with Zuko too! Everyone else got one...
- This scene of Sokka climbing into Appa’s mouth is even more uncomfortable once you’ve... well, once you’ve grown up and... Okay, I tried to put it subtly, but I just can’t: Once you’ve been cursed with the knowledge of what vore is.
- Well, there’s a bait-and-switch if I’ve ever seen one: “Azula, you’re the new Fire Lord!” “=)” “But I am now the Phoenix King and still your superior who you will answer to.” “=O”
- Nice to see June and her Shirshu make a comeback.
- Does this mean Aang wasn’t running away on purpose? I honestly thought he was just going to that island to get some alone time, maybe meditate or contact the previous Avatars’ spirits.
- I’m not sure if this is something I forgot from June’s first appearance, or if it’s actually just never been brought up before, but I didn’t know her Shirshu had a name.
- It’s sweet that Zuko is seeking out Iroh’s help. Even if the method of finding him is, ah, well... unorthodox.
- Even Avatar Roku doesn’t know where Aang is. And here I thought it was some Avatar thing that had never been brought up before.
- It’s nice to see these people make a comeback. Bumi, Piandao, even Jeong Jeong and Master Pakku are here for the finale.
- I am surprised that we didn’t get an interaction between Toph and Bumi, though. The man Aang wanted to teach him Earthbending, the girl who ended up doing it... But I guess there’s only so much time, and I don’t think there’s any scenes that could be deleted to make room for it.
- It seems like Aang is just searching for confirmation of his beliefs, rather than actually seeking wisdom.
- I like that we get to see Bumi taking full advantage of the eclipse to take back Omashu from the Fire Nation, instead of just being told about it.
- It’s nice to see so many past Avatars beyond just Roku and Kyoshi, Avatars that we never heard of before, but now we hear their stories. But all of these past Avatars echo the same sentiment that Aang should kill Ozai, even an Air Nomad Avatar.
- What can I say about this scene of Zuko and Iroh reuniting? Forgive me for echoing a post I made on my main blog, but this is a scene that’s both sweet and sad.
Sad, because Zuko’s abuse at the hands of Fire Lord Ozai left him anxiously expecting furious punishment for crimes much less than what he did to Iroh. He can’t even comprehend the idea that Iroh would forgive him. His expression while apologizing to Iroh clearly shows he’s expecting the worst.
Sweet, because Iroh still loves Zuko like his own son, and doesn’t even need to forgive him because he never felt anger at Zuko’s betrayal: Only sadness and a worry that Zuko had lost his way, truly lost his honor. And Iroh is so clearly happy to see that Zuko has found his destiny, and joined the fight against the Fire Nation.
I could go on and on about this scene... It’s my absolute favorite scene in the whole series and it brings me to tears every single time I see it.
Gosh... it’s gonna be so awkward going back to the jokes and little mundane thoughts after this, isn’t it?
- Okay, I have officially given up on the idea of finding out what the heck this island is.
- I like the smile on Katara’s face, when she’s asked to team up with Zuko and fight Azula.
- It’s nice to know that Iroh will get the opportunity to run that tea shop, even if Zuko won’t be there to work with him.
- Okay, okay, so the island was actually a lion turtle. Frankly, I’ve still got a lot of questions. Even some new ones.
- It’s nice to see that the Netlix subtitles aren’t ALLCAPS anymore.
- Gotta hand it to the music, it can make even a scene of Azula making a fuss over a non-pitted cherry rather unnerving.
- Azula’s... Azula-ness has gone straight up to eleven with her newfound role. Hasn’t it? What with all the banishments, even banishing the entire Dai Li.
- Sokka, Suki and Toph are the real dream team. 
- And we get a great final blind joke!
- I like that we get to see everyone doing their part in this final battle. All the members of the Gaang, even the White Lotus, get their moments to shine.
- The hallucination of Ursa shows that Azula, on some level, has an idea of what’s wrong with her. You can tell that they were thinking of a redemption arc for Azula come Book 4, though I am glad that didn’t happen.
- It’s chilling to see Ozai razing the forests of the Earth Kingdom like it’s nothing. And then to realize that this is what Aang will have to face.
- At first I wasn’t sure what Sokka’s plan was, but now that I see it in action, it’s really creative.
- I like the idea of a final one-on-one Zuko vs Azula duel(...a). It’s been a rivalry since Book 2, and it’s nice to finally see it get settled, even if I can’t imagine it’ll end up that easy: Otherwise, what would Katara do?
- It’s so cool to see Aang showing his prowess in all bending techniques, using them all in this final showdown.
- The background music during Zuko and Azula’s Agni Kai really sells it. It makes it sound almost tragic, and it is: two siblings pitted against each other, no choice but to fight to determine the future of the world.
- Azula might be slipping, but she’s still Azula, all too willing to cheat in what’s supposed to be a one-on-one duel.
- Netflix isn’t showing the intro for the individual parts, but I’ve gotta say... There’s no way that Katara’s still saying Aang’s “got a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone.” Right?
- I like that we get to see one last use of Metalbending from Toph in the finale.
- Dang, I hope this isn’t really the end for Sokka’s sword, or his boomerang. Especially when the sword was so cool, and one could say meaningful.
- I honestly wasn’t sure the Avatar State would ever be a factor again. But if there was ever a time, this is it. (ADDENDUM: This is probably the best time to clarify that I find and add the images at the start after writing the rest of the post.)
- And it’s so epic to see Aang bending all four elements at once.
- I like that Iroh got to burn down the Fire Nation flag.
- Since Zuko’s down for the count, I guess this means a battle between Katara and Azula, the latter powered up by Sozin’s Comet.
- To be honest, I could barely make out what Azula just said. “kjsdbksrbfkjvf family position to look after, kdcbkfh”?
- Katara may not be stronger than Sozin’s Comet-powered Azula, but she’s much more clever than Azula is right now as she loses her marbles.
- This is just the perfect kind of defeat for Azula. There’s no grace to it, no dignity, just writhing around, screaming and spewing fire as Zuko and Katara look on with pity.
- There’s probably a great practical reason someone could find for Spiritbending being a thing, but here’s why I’m glad it exists: Aang gets a happy ending. He gets to take down the Fire Lord, and hold true to his beliefs. If it weren’t for Spiritbending, if Aang killed Ozai, then he would be conflicted to the end.
And I don’t want that. I want Aang to get an unambiguously, undoubtedly happy ending, where the world is saved and that’s all there is to it.
Plus, Spiritbending is quite the spectacle.
- I’m guessing Sokka’s space sword and boomerang really are done for. But hey, there’s always headcanon. Maybe Sokka searched the forest and eventually found them.
- Weird to think that Ty Lee’s gonna be a Kyoshi Warrior.
- Again, I can’t believe Zukaang’s not the most popular Zuko ship in the fandom. Not a ship I’ll go to bat for, but it’s got all the hallmarks of a fan-preferred couple.
- It’s so nice to see Zuko’s coronation, and the official end to the war. It’s a happy ending for the whole world, the start of an era of peace.
- “Love and peace,” huh...? Now that’s funny to hear in the finale to this show, considering the next show I’m covering, come 2021...
- I like that we get to see one last confrontation between Zuko and Ozai. Even if Zuko’s question of where Ursa is doesn’t go anywhere (in the show, I know they touch on that in the comics), it’s nice to see the newly-crowned Fire Lord Zuko having evolved past a need for Ozai’s attention, or a fear of Ozai’s wrath.
- It’s nice to see the whole Gaang having fun at Iroh’s tea shop, in the end. And I stand corrected, this is where we get the final blind joke.
I’m lucky in that most of my childhood cartoons hold up as an adult. I watched Kim Possible, Phineas and Ferb, Code Lyoko, Courage the Cowardly Dog...
Still, there’s something special about Avatar: The Last Airbender. It had a unique aesthetic and world that no other show was quite like. It had a story that was like nothing I’d ever seen as a kid.
And it doesn’t just hold up, it’s even better.
When I was a kid, it was as simple as rooting for the good guys to win, and for the Firebenders to lose, except for Zuko once he turned good.
Now, as an adult (but mostly as someone with a DVD player/Netflix account so I’m not just watching whatever reruns I can catch) I can appreciate the character development, the arcs, the entire story.
I can appreciate how Aang grew from a little boy who does indeed have a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone, into a hero who could save the world.
I can appreciate how Zuko was an abuse victim who did what all abused children wish they could do and left his abuser.
I can appreciate... Gosh, Iroh’s entire character and dynamic with Zuko.
Some people say that Avatar “starts off as a kids show, then turns serious”, but I’d disagree. Avatar is a show where our heroes change, where they learn lessons, where they come of age and become the kind of heroes who can end a war that’s been going on for over a century.
As relieved as I am to be (mostly) done with these posts for the rest of the year, I am still oh-so-glad that I’ve rewatched Avatar yet again, and I know that I will be whenever I rewatch it in the future.
Now, with all that said... Farewell! Until the Christmas special, at least...
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
My Little Secret (Part 2)
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Summary: When a tragic accident happens, Dean takes a drastic measure in order to save the person he cares about most...
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: language, injury, death
Reader’s POV
“She was legally dead,” said the several doctors arguing in your hospital room, Dean smiling happily at you from his bed beside yours. “And now she’s perfectly fine?”
“She doesn’t even have a bruise on her,” said another one, Dean still staring over at you.
“Um, can you guys argue about this somewhere else? I’m kind of tired and from the sounds of it, not dead so until you figure something out, can you go?” you asked. “If I die again, this guy will let you know, okay?”
The doctors shared a look and grumbled, leaving you alone with Dean. You waited until the door was closed before you got out of bed and walked over to him.
And promptly slapped him in the face.
“What the fuck did you do?” you asked, Dean putting a hand to his cheek. “Answer me.”
“What?” he asked.
“I was dead. Dying hurt. I remember and suddenly I’m healthy as ever? I wake up in a morgue drawer next to you cause you had a feeling? What did you do, Dean?” you asked again.
“Nothing! It’s a miracle,” he said. You sat down on the edge of his bed, taking his cut up hand in yours. “It’s a miracle is all, alright?”
“Did you make a deal?” you asked. 
“How on earth could I have possibly...sweetheart, I begged for you to come back and you did and…” he trailed off as you closed your eyes.
“You idiot. You made a demon deal,” you said.
“How do you know what that is?” he asked quietly.
“How long did he give you?”
“A year,” he said.
“Didn’t even get the full ten, did you,” you said, taking a deep breath.
“I don’t care. You’re safe and that’s all that-“
“I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I never told you about that part of my life,” you said.
“What part of your life?” he asked.
“I am...I’m a hunter, Dean. My family, they hunt,” you said. “I didn’t want that anymore so I quit and...this demon. What was its name?”
“It said Dr. Hunter?” said Dean quietly. 
“Alistar,” you said to yourself, Dean tilting his head. “Why did you say yes?”
“Who’s Alistair?”
“Why did you do it?” 
“You were dead, that’s why,” he said. “I had a chance to get you back and I took it.”
“Do you have any idea what you just did to yourself? What you did to us?”
“What do you mean us? He said you were okay,” said Dean, sitting up in bed worriedly.
“It means you go to hell when you die. We don’t get to be together. For the rest of eternity,” you said. “You picked a year over forever and it’s my fault.”
“I picked you over me. I don’t care about the deal or whatever, I always pick you,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze.
“We’ll find a way to get it stopped,” you said. “We’ll talk to my parents and figure it out.”
“I thought your parents were dead,” he said.
“No. I wanted you safe and out of that life and I put you in it by lying,” you said. 
“It was my choice,” he said.
“You were grieving. You were manipulated,” you said. 
“Well we have a year to figure it out, right?” he said. You gave him a smile and a nod, Dean staring at you. “We won’t be able to break it, will we.”
“You could,” said a doctor that walked in, Dean immediately throwing back his covers and standing up.
“That’s the-“ said Dean before his words were muffled, the doctor looking to you.
“Your boyfriend is annoyingly useful,” said Alistair, giving you a dark smile.
“End his deal. I’m the one you want,” you said.
“True,” he said, your eyes flickering over to Dean. You watched him suck in a lungful of air, glaring at Alistair. “But I think I need some convincing to do that.”
“Y/N. Don’t,” said Dean.
“He’s a civilian,” you said.
“I’m not hearing a strong argument, kiddo,” said Alistair.
“I take his place,” you said, Dean shaking his head.
“Make it better,” said Alistair.
“Six months.”
“A day,” he smiled. “Or Dean goes to hell and it’s all your fault.”
“Hey,” barked Dean. “It was my deal. Y/N, don’t take it. We got time.”
“She’s got all the time in the world,” he said, Dean’s face scrunching up as he grabbed at his throat. “You however have about a minute until you pass out and suffocate.”
“Let him go. You can’t kill him and you know it,” you said.
“Also very true. Nothing says I can’t have fun with him though,” he said. “I could keep this up for say...a year?”
Dean shook his head at you when he could, eyes wide as he looked at you.
“Two days,” you said.
“Twelve hours and he’s free,” said Alistair.
“Deal,” you said. Dean shook his head at you as you stepped over to Alistair, letting him kiss you briefly.
“I’ll see you at midnight,” he said, disappearing in front of you.
“Why did you do that!” said Dean, righting himself as he took a few big heaving breaths.
“I was always his plan. You were a way to get to me and it worked. We got twelve hours and I don’t want to spend them arguing,” you said, ripping off your wristband. “We need to head to my parents' place. Now.”
“You dumbass,” said your dad as you watched the clock move to eleven fifty.
“Would you just look Bobby! Get your head in a book,” said your mom, tossing one at him. 
“I’m sorry, Ellen, did you not hear the part where our daughter sold her soul to Alistair? We’re not gonna find a cure in ten minutes,” he said.
“He’s right, mom,” you said, getting up from your seat. “I don’t have long left. I’m going to spend it with Dean. Bury whatever’s left of me and make sure Dean doesn’t make any deals.”
You went outside and wandered out to the garage on the far lot, finding Dean tinkering with a part on the workbench.
“Hey,” you said.
“Why’s this demon want you?” he asked quietly.
“If I break down there, it will start the apocalypse,” you said. “It’s gotta be me.”
“No pressure or anything,” he said.
“What are you working on?” you asked.
“Carburetor,” he said.
“I want you to forget about me,” you said.
“I’m willing to sell my soul for you. That ain’t happening,” he said.
“Go back to Lawrence and the garage. Be normal. Think of this as a bad dream.”
“Will you marry me?” he asked. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes. I don’t think we’ll make it to the wedding but yeah,” you said.
“I’ll get you out. You don’t break though. It might take me some time but I’ll figure it out, I promise,” he said. “Okay?”
“I promise,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder. “If you promise not to make a deal for me.”
“I promise,” he said.
“I’m scared.”
“I’ll stay right with you,” he said.
“I don’t want you to see it,” you said. 
“I know. I don’t want to see it either but I saw it once before. I’m not letting you do this alone,” he said.
“You’re scared too,” you said.
“Still not letting you do it alone,” he said.
“Don’t become a hunter. Please,” you said. 
“I’ll get you out,” he said, pressing his forehead to yours. You heard a howl in the distance, Dean not seeming to notice it. “What?”
“I gotta say later for right now,” you said, giving him a big kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he said, grabbing your hand before you could take off. “I’m staying.”
“You back away when I tell you?” you asked, Dean nodding. You stood there for about thirty seconds before you heard their feet and a few dogs appeared in front of you. “Let go, Dean.”
“Remember your promise,” he said as he dropped your hand and took a few steps back.
“You too,” you said, watching the three dogs surround you. “Okay fellas. Let’s do this.”
A/N: Read the final part here!
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alilbihh · 5 years
hocus pocus — 2
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masterlist  previous part  next part
pairing: maknae line x reader
summary: jungkook wags his tail and his eyes look like truffles. jimin drinks blood out of juice boxes and bendy straws and tries to wink but ends up blinking both his eyes closed. taehyung likes the ocean and all kinds of art and apologizes to rocks. you don’t know if they want to take you out the date way or the assassination way and somehow you think it’s both.
genre: werewolf!jungkook, vampire!jimin, hybrid!taehyung, witch!reader; humor (??); poly!au (in the future!)
words: 7.2k
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You don't really know how you got roped into this.
Maybe you hadn't. Maybe Namjoon drank a luck potion that day and managed to get through to you. Maybe he used one of his manipulative tactics on you that he seems to do to all his customers. ("Or maybe you're soft," you hear Namjoon say. You smack him upside the head).
But it's not all bad. His shop smells like sage and rosemary and butter cookies and something soft all around, so that the edges are safe enough to press against. You wonder if your own store smells this homey to other people.
The whole store is like a library. The walls can barely even be considered walls anymore, stacked from top to bottom with books - most with cracked spines, well-worn pages and a musty smell that spoke of ages long past. No low hanging vines or roses gossiping to the nearby hydrangeas and no Jungkook trotting around in oversized clothes.
There's none of that, but when you close your eyes you can almost feel a gentle breeze, the muted buzz of cicadas, a bird fluttering somewhere overhead, as if you hadn't stepped inside a building at all. Namjoon's store is a different kind of gentle. Like something wise hangs in the air, just out of reach.
There are random items scattered about, and you remember what Namjoon once told you. How his store is dedicated to the lost. Objects that they value most are scattered about neatly. There's an assortment of jewelry and photos and family heirlooms and paintings. You smile lightly at the wedding rings and grimace at the less than decent items. (There are more dildos than one would think).
Sometimes people wander inside without remembering what inclined them to do so, drawn to items they don't remember they'd lost and items they'd been searching their whole lives for. Objects appear without warning, waiting to be found by the lost. It's how Namjoon met Seokjin. It's how the two met the ginger cat that walked in one day and has been here so long Namjoon even named him.
("I say we call him Ginger." You'd suggested, your cheek pressed to their horribly uncomfortable couch, and you immediately feel claws digging into your back.
"The cat hates it," Seokjin says, popping a cheeto into his mouth with conviction.
Namjoon nods solemnly, "It is kind of a terrible name," he admits.
"OH!" You say with mock surprise, twisting your head like they do in those terrible horror movies just to glare at Namjoon. "What an interesting opinion, soundcloud user Runch Randa."
Seokjin cackles and the cat makes a strange choking sound, almost like it's laughing too. Namjoon's ears flush red.
The weight momentarily disappears from your back, only to reappear seconds later. "Oh, yep, that's a male alright."
"Jin-hyung!" Namjoon yelps, horrified, "You can't just- just do that without asking!"
"Joon, babe, it's a cat. I'll say please next time, okay?")
It was then decided that his name would be Kimbap. He's grown a bit chubbier than before, and you wonder what Seokjin has been feeding him for that to happen so quickly.
The silence reminds you of why you're here in the first place. ("I'm being used."
"NO you are NOT! Just- think of it as a favor to your old pal Namjoon."
"You're insufferable.")
You've mostly been idling around the counter so far, only helping the middle aged lady that had walked in a few hours back. She'd been drawn to a pair of old baby shoes. "I tried selling them once. My husband didn't let me." She smiled lightly, the shoes small and snug and delicate as they sat in the palm of her hands. "They've never been worn, after all."
She walked out without another word, and for a moment too long you wondered how brave Namjoon must be to hear these stories every day.
"Hello?" A tiny voice whispers, a lilting tone of wonder. You search around and spot the tip of a head by the edge of the counter, wild strands sticking out every which way. Leaning forward reveals a little girl just barely shorter than the counter, chubby cheeks and all as she makes grabby hands at you. "Are you a witch?" She asks with stars in her eyes.
"Why, yes I am!" You grin, and in a blink and a snap of your fingers the lights overhead turn off, the candles' flames flickering alight one by one. She stares on in wonder, mouth agape.
It's then you're reminded of your true reason of being here.
"Would you like your future told?"
To lie to children, that is.
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You have no idea how to work this thing.
The crystal ball is perched on some sort of decorative table centerpiece that Namjoon likely found on Walmart, and if the crystal ball itself has any magical properties you certainly don't know how to make use of them. It's colored a charming, rustic gold that you're not sure whether is spray painted or natural but it's pretty all the same.
Nevertheless, making up people's futures has been fun. The cheery little werewolf girl is too energetic and will likely hurt herself in the near future if she's too careless. The human with the pigtails will find love soon in the most unconventional of places. The bratty fox hybrid boy that kicked your shin is straight up going to end up in jail (but will find someone to help him through his struggles, you added just for his parents not to potentially sue you).
Namjoon walks in at some point just as you're done performing a magic trick on a wide eyed boy that's no older than nine, the highest form of magic you can perform, most likely. He leaves with a skip in his step, little daisy tucked into his shirt pocket. Purity and innocence.
The real store owner watches the little boy leave softly before turning towards you with a raised brow.
"Namjoon, my man! Are you finally here to save me?" You cheer, clasping your hands together. The traitor in question pats your head softly, and you instantly deflate.
"Not yet, Y/n-ah, just here to get something." He says with his back turned to you, climbing the ladder on the wall in search of a book, much like Belle does in Beauty and the Beast. Namjoon is both the beauty and the beast, in this case. Your instincts tell you to run while his back is turned, but something tells you that you won't get too far before someone inevitably finds and snitches on you because you're surrounded by traitors.
"You came all this way to get a book?" You ask, stupefied.
"Spell book. I gotta be quick though, Jin-hyung says that I'm on bathroom cleaning duty if I don't hurry up."
You laugh at that, "You know he'll just find a way to make you clean the bathroom anyway, right?"
"Yeah. I hate him. He's the devil."
"He's your boyfriend."
He sighs, a fond thing. "Yeah." And that's that.
Kimbap climbs onto the counter with ease, despite how chunky he's gotten. You pat him solemnly as you glare at Namjoon with all your might.
"Mind telling me what you're doing that's important enough to have me be here, lying to innocent children?" You quip, looking away from your glaring to coo at Kimbap nuzzling into your hand.
"You're actually quite good at reading people. The ball does look like you don't know how to use it, though," he says as he pulls out a book that's so thick it's more of a dictionary than anything. "The ball is sad." He adds.
"The ball doesn't have feelings."
"It doesn't," Namjoon agrees as he slides down the ladder, and for a second you worry for his safety as his knees wobble when he reaches the ground, book safely in hand. "It's not the ball that has magic. It's the air that does. Everything that does. The world is magical, holds more magic than you'd think, you just have to be the one to look for it. The ball is more of a handy tool." He grins and for a second he looks too wise. Too grown. Something about his tone makes you feel like he knows more than he's letting on. It makes you feel small.
"You wanna take a peek into my future, then?" You ask, and you're answered by a pair of knee-deep dimples.
"Can't. Tried once, unintentionally. The memories are all fuzzy." He looks a bit too happy as he says it. A little too fond.
"What does that mean?"
He pats your head again as he leaves, answers over his shoulder, "It means I'm in your future." The muted buzz of cicadas and fluttering of birds and the gentle breeze are ever so present as Namjoon opens the glass doors, steps into the outside. "Your future is awfully warm, though," he adds right before leaving, right before he trips over the doorstep and nearly falls face first into the concrete. He rights himself, stepping out calmly as if it never happened. You're too bewildered to laugh.
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"I think it was destiny? Like, it wasn't my lack of housing options that brought us together. I think Y/n's, like, my soul-roommate."
Bright robes rustle as Seokjin props his elbow on the counter, resting his chin on his hand with a sigh. Jungkook flinches when the older male's too-large wings skim at the edge of a nearby bookshelf, and it rocks back and forth for a second too long before regaining its balance. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Jungkook takes a good look at his very much angelic friend, the man in question squinting his eyes suspiciously at him.
"So you mean your soulmate?" He says, voice flat, eyes narrowed.
"No, hyung," Jungkook exasperates, "My soul-roommate. As in, I wanna be her roommate forever."
Seokjin squints. Downs his glass of water as if it were vodka.
Now, Seokjin could tell it like it is right now and rid Jungkook of his stress like wringing out a washcloth, fast and easy and with little repercussions. But Seokjin will not. Seokjin will let this drag on until the man figures out what do himself.
This isn't the kind of decision he can make, anyway. "Alright. That's nice, Jungkook-ah."
"Yeah! Yeah. It is." Jungkook picks up a broom Seokjin's wings had knocked over, apologizes quietly to it before placing it back against the wall.
The angel drums his hands on the wooden counter, looking up in thought. "And what about that Jimin fellow?"
Jungkook trips over his own feet on his way to the tray of crystals, and the older laughs almost maniacally at him. "What about him?" Jungkook slurs.
"Nothing, nothing, I've seen enough." He says with a laugh, wings fluttering in delight with a mind of their own.
Jungkook huffs indignantly, reaches for a nearby crystal colored a soft purple, begins polishing it aggressively with his apron. It warms in his palm, like it's been resting near a fire.
"Who's that?" Jungkook's ears perk at Jin's soft exclamation, and he looks out the window curiously.
There's a deer hybrid by the door.
The buck looks through the glass with an almost childlike curiosity, eyes lighting up like a fire. Something inclines him to walk in like it does with every customer, so he does; bending a bit so his antlers fit through the door frame, and Jungkook can't help but consider the gesture to be the most adorable thing.
The boy's sneakers squick, squeak, squish as he steps further into the building, marveling at the tiny expanse of the shop Jungkook considers his home. A lone bulb hangs by the shelves of poetry, its glow muted until the boy steps in to read some of the spine titles. Jungkook can't help but feel like the room has gotten a tad bit warmer, a tad bit brighter.
The werewolf watches the hybrid pad towards the tray of crystals. Some of them are raw and jagged and the size of his palm; others are smooth and fitting enough to be made into a necklace, maybe even a pair of earrings. The boy reaches for a purple one buffed into an oval, marvels at it before pressing it to his chest.
"Do you like purple?" Jungkook asks once he gets close, laughs as the boy jumps. He continues, "Amethyst. It's pretty. It cleanses one's energy field of negative influences and is known to relieve stress and dispel anger, fear, and anxiety. Also alleviates sadness."
The hybrid stares at him. The hybrid stares at him because there's a werewolf talking about energy as if it's a tangible thing and telling him rocks have magical properties. "Rocks can't do that."
"Hey!" Jungkook yelps, grabs at a nearby rock, holds it close to his chest, "You can't call them rocks. They're crystals, crystals." 
"Oh." the buck blinks once, twice. He stares at the not-rock in his hand. Pats it a little bit. "Sorry."
The boy looks small tucked into his jacket like that, and Jungkook watches as he fiddles with the zipper a bit, holds it between his fingers. "You work here?" The boy asks as softly as a voice can get, walking past a lamp that warms to life beside him.
"Yeah- yeah! I do. Work here, that is." Jungkook replies, just as soft, working at a loose thread on the hem of his shirt. The boy's gaze is so so warm. Something urges Jungkook to shift his gaze to the ground and the other can't look away.
Jungkook laughs lightly as the boy sneezes suddenly, sniffles and rubs at his nose. "Is it the smell? It's quite a lot, isn't it? It messed with me in the beginning, too." He adds, tone a little too fond.
"Ah, yeah, I guess. Smells strong here, but, like. Nice." The boy says, steps in close to a vase filled with orchids and lilies and peonies and gardenias; femininity, purity, love, trust. He feels as a leaf curls around his outstretched finger like it's inviting him closer, welcoming him home. And he laughs, softly, like he can hear the flowers' hushed whispers.
"What do you think flowers talk about?" He mutters, and Jungkook almost flusters at the low rasp of his voice. Daegu, it comes to the werewolf all at once. Daegu boy. Jungkook's struck with the thought that he's never been to Daegu but it kinda already feels like home.
"Uh. I don't know. I've done some embarrassing things in front of them, so. Probably that."
The other laughs, movements syrupy slow as he stands up straight, antlers towering over the werewolf's form. Jungkook kinda wants to touch it. Kinda wants to touch all of him. Kinda wants to drown himself in the other's voice, the rough low of it, kinda wants to get his lips sticky with it. "Looks like they like you, though," he adds.
"I guess I'm just too charming, huh?" The boy says and then does something incredible. Something so mind boggling and out of place and so so endearing it has Jungkook's heart do something uncertain in his chest; an inverted beat, everything backwards, all the blood pumping the wrong way.
The boy winks.
Oh no.
Jungkook makes a weird noise from the back of his throat and he guesses there's something on his face because in just a second the boy laughs, laughs so hard it's like his heart is trying to crawl its way out his chest, like it's too big for him to hold on his own. It's beautiful. Jungkook wants to live in that sound, listen to it for hours on repeat like a broken radio.
It seems that's when the magic breaks because the boy remembers he's here to do business and takes notice of the weight in his hand, looks down at the crystal in his palm. "How much is this?"
Jungkook blinks. "Oh. I don't know. Y/n's responsible for that kinda stuff." He suddenly smiles, cheekily adding, "guess it's free!"
A laugh tumbles out the boys' lips, big and unreserved. Jungkook thinks he's just like that. Open and honest, easily able to light up a room with just a smile. "I can't just take it for free," he says as he places it back on the tray where he'd taken it.
"Sure you can! I'm encouraging it!"
The boy shakes his head, gaze flickering back to the crystal on the tray. He remembers how warm it felt on his palm, fitting like it belonged.
"Can crystals really heal you?" He asks, looking at the werewolf from beneath his lashes. He continues and the words don't feel like they're his, like someone's plucking them from out of him, "It just. Doesn't make sense. For it to be that easy, I mean."
Jungkook smiles and it melts the boy down to his bones. The younger boy picks up the crystal, tap tap taps at it like it'll give him the answers he needs. Offers it with an outstretched hand and a knowing smile. "They can heal you if you believe they can." Jungkook rolls his eyes with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, "Just take it, you nerd."
Daegu boy bites his lips cherry red. "Yeah. Yeah, okay," Taehyung's so close Jungkook can see flecks of gold in his eyes, like leftover traces of the sun. He takes the crystal. And then in a blink he's gone, hands in his pockets as he trudges back out the way he came, "I'm Taehyung, by the way!"
"I'm Jungkook!" A goofy smile and a silly wave. The boy waves back. Ends up hitting his antlers on the doorway, backtracks with his head clutched in hands, and Jungkook openly laughs.
The boy leaves and the werewolf is struck with the thought that maybe he falls in love way too easily.
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Something about today feels slightly off and you have no idea what it is.
Maybe it's just the lumpiness of the bed. Not the actual bed, just the jacket Jungkook had left laying around that's currently digging into your back as you lay lifelessly on your bed. You think you're having a crisis, a midlife crisis at the peak of your adulthood. And that's cool. That's fine. Totally normal and not at all disconcerting.
You feel a shadow tower over your body, and you peel open an eye to spot the very familiar that's causing your back such anguish, his brow cocked with purpose. "Why do you look like that?"
"huh?" you hum, and you think you're blinking but it's like someone is doing it for you, like you're drifting in and out of consciousness. "Look like what?"
He snorts like the answer is obvious, and it probably is. "Like someone just told you your ass is flat."
"That is rude and I am offended." You say without a hint of anger in your voice, and you briefly think of how that's probably your normal tone with Jungkook. Kinda soft and kinda playful and a fondness hidden just under your tongue, trying to wriggle its way out.
Jungkook says something akin to noona, do you want me to tie your hair for you? and noona, are you going to hyung's party? and noona, did you brush your teeth today? all at once, and at first you're mildly offended at the last one before you swipe your tongue over the front of your teeth and realize you haven't.
Then his words somewhat catch up to you and your brows furrow in question, "What party?"
"Ah. Namjoon-hyung's and Seokjin-hyung's. Something about an anniversary of theirs, but it's been less than a year? So I don't really know what they're celebrating? I think it's a pre-one-year-anniversary-party. Which is stupid because why don't they just celebrate it when it's actually been a year? I don't know. It's kinda wild."
You laugh at that, sitting up groggily and it's then that your familiar releases a little shriek, "Yikes! Do you want me to hire an exorcist? I think there's, like, three of them just around the block, I can run and get them for you!"
Your feet pad over the somewhat cold floor, and you slap the man's chest as you pass him by, his laughter following you on your way to the bathroom, and you can hear his tail bumping wildly against the wall as it wags carelessly.
At some point while you're brushing your teeth Jungkook pads lightly beside you, joining you with a toothbrush of his own. You're both staring at each other from your reflections in the mirror and you try to give him a smile but it results in toothpaste dribbling down your chin and Jungkook laughs so hard he spits a bit on the mirror.
Some odd sense of peace engulfs you then and it feels oddly dreamy, like an early morning breeze. Jungkook opens the windows to let some fresh air in while he makes sleepy sounds and you just kind of sit there, looking but not seeing, thinking of nothing and everything.
It's an early friday and the shop won't open for another two days so you have nothing to do but you feel like you do. You think it's the stress getting to you but you're not sure if that's it. You wonder if maybe Namjoon's psychic powers are contagious and your third eye has opened without your knowledge.
You watch as Jungkook pads over to your shared kitchen; the one that doesn't have your cauldron and your stove and your potions like the one just downstairs by the shop does. In fact, this one doesn't have a stove at all. Sometimes Jungkook walks all the way down to the other kitchen just to make proper food because it's not like you have the money to buy another stove, anyway. ("Jungkook we don't have a stove how are you going to make chicken nuggets?"
"But I have a lighter and determination."
"This is a bad idea and you're going to regret it.")
(He regretted it.)
Actually, you're not quite sure when Jungkook started living here. You can barely even remember how it was before Jungkook, when it was just you living alone in the apartment right above your dainty little shop, and now you can't imagine waking up without his sleepy sounds and your playful banter. It feels surreal. You wonder if it will last. You want to wish that it will, but you wonder if it's selfish.
You come to at the tragic sight of the familiar in question aggressively pouring cereal into his bowl, the milk already inside splashing around in waves. You sigh and stand up, the couch beneath you squeaking in protest.
Jungkook smiles as you come to a stop beside him. "G'morning," he says so so softly, like it's the first time he sees you- pretty little grin, pretty little curve to his lips.
"hi." you say, just as soft. This is nice. Everything is nice and smells and feels like Jungkook; solid. Safe. A comfort.
"You wanna watch Your Name?" he asks suddenly into the open air, and you laugh quietly at his determined eyes.
"That's like your de-stressing mechanism."
"Hey, it's valid."
And so it's a quiet friday morning. Jungkook has Kiki's Delivery Service queued and he's hoping there will be time to watch Ponyo like he's wanted to for so long and the afternoon will pass by like that, the two of you sitting around and watching movies and nature documentaries and tossing popcorn kernels at each other- sometimes with purpose, other times without.
Jungkook speaks up somewhere between shrimps being able to see colors we don't even know exist and lizards literally shooting blood out their eyes, and you turn away from the nature documentary to face him, "So are you going to that party? Jin-hyung said there'll be cake and mario kart and many people and stuff." He says before stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
You blink for a few seconds in thought because yes yes yes but no no no. Yes because you love your friends and you love being able to see them happy and you love seeing Namjoon lose to Jin at mario kart for the umpteenth time. But no because the last time you met a new person you almost fell in love with them so no, you will not be meeting anyone new for a while.
(Well, maybe not necessarily in love, you tell yourself. That seems excessive. More like a maybe-love. More like a I could love you, if you let me).
"I'll think about it," you lie through your teeth, and the werewolf pretends to be convinced as he flashes you a little smile that's knowing in a way that makes you feel a bit small.
"Okay," he says, shrugs, turns back to the TV that's now saying something about dolphins being insomniacs but you're too caught up in your familiar's nonchalance to pay any attention to it.
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The couch is a lumpy disaster. A huge mistake. Possibly the biggest one of your life. You kinda wish couches had never been born as you try for the fifth time to adjust your legs only to fail miserably, settling for fiddling with your glass.
This is downright blasphemy. Outrageous. You don't know how you got here or what's happening, but Jungkook disappeared somewhere in the crowd and Jin is, as expected, beating some poor person's ass at mario kart, and Hoseok and Yoongi are getting a bit too intimate by the sugar cookie icing, and you think the punch you're drinking has more alcohol than you were accounting for.
You think you should chew the gummy worms that are mixed into the punch better because there are more than a few instances in which you forget they're in there and end up choking on them. But it's fine because the home you're in smells like scorched firewood and maple syrup and Kimbap is sitting beside you on the couch, dressed very politely and with a little bow tie tied to his collar.
You'd tried to get up once, tried to face the crowd. Tried to face Jungkook's admittedly inevitable betrayal. There were plenty of faces you recognized, some you didn't, and at some point you were trying to push through the people cheering for Seokjin when your hand brushed over someone's chest; pecs. Pecs means Jungkook.
He took one look at your face and quite literally dived and disappeared into the crowd to avoid your glare, and you pretend he's escaped your grasp even when you see his bumbling form run into the kitchen three seconds later.
So here you are, back on the lumpy, overused couch of the infamous fiends that are Namjoon and Seokjin, petting their cat. Kimbap is a funny fellow. Always with his head held high, confident as he strides from one corner to the next and paws at your ankles for attention. You strive to be Kimbap.
"You have a good life," you say to the cat, petting lazily at his head. "Eat, sleep, some adventure, more sleeping, definitely more eating. You don't have to worry about love or being alone or - or rent."
Kimbap blinks, one eye then the other. Yawns. Promptly whacks the middle of your face with the tip of his tail. "Fucking punk," you mutter.
So you're at a party. You're never usually at parties, but the owners of the distasteful couch will have been together for one year as of three months from now, and you don't know why they don't just celebrate it three months from now when it's actually been a year, but the punch tastes bad enough to be considered good and Kimbap is nice enough company and everyone's having fun so you don't mind much.
"Why, hello there." A voice says from above you, and your shoulders stiffen and your grasp on the punch cup tightens.
You look up and it's Jimin. Jimin, the vampire. Jimin, Jungkook's crush. Jimin, a Raphaelite painting come to life, dark pants and a shirt with so many buttons undone it can't even be considered a shirt, more like a suggestion of one.
He plops on the couch beside you just as Kimbap scrambles away- another traitor- and you look away from his collarbones to see the boy grinning, openly and unabashedly, fangs and all. He's definitely not alcohol drunk. He's drunk off something a little more intangible, maybe.
"Look," he mutters but you're already looking. At his eyes and his hands and his stupid eyelashes. Spider-leg long eyelashes. No one should feel this overwhelmed by eyelashes.
Jimin takes one look at you and promptly swallows his glass of vodka as if it were water. You think he's smiling when he turns to look at you again but you're looking at the ground, sinking deeper into the couch - cheeks aflame, human fondue. You think you can become one with the couch. Maybe it's not that bad. You pat it fondly.
The vampire laughs with his whole body, doubling over, almost toppling off the couch. Your breath hitches a bit but you try not to think too much about it. Try not to think about anything, really.
"The punch is good," you say lamely.
"No it isn't."
"No, it isn't." you agree, then down the punch in one go. You slam the empty glass on the armrest and feel your face contort with so much adamant disgust that Jimin laughs fully, and the sound is beautiful and incredibly - Jimin, you not-think.
You're still Not Thinking. It's actually amazing how much you're Not Thinking, you not-think. It's amazing what the human brain can do once you set your mind to it. There's so many things you're not thinking about! You're not thinking about how Jimin shuffles the tiniest bit closer to you, or how he leans into you fully when he laughs, or how he lights up the room with his laugh alone.
It's kind of a blur what happened after that. Jimin started talking about how kiwi is the worst of all fruits, and the conversation somehow diverts into the plot holes and the fall of capitalism, and then somehow- somehow- into slang terms for penis. ("I'm just saying that if someone were to approach me and tell me their wang is hard again I can and will block them from my life," he says with so much open hate it has you choking on a laugh).
You learn he volunteers at a nearby shelter.
You learn he, for some reason, thinks the O blood type is an actual abomination and should be burned for its sins. ("Nothing against people with O blood types, though, I'm sure they're lovely!" he makes sure to add.)
You learn he's been convinced by outside sources that Tony Stark is a raging feminist.
You learn he's beautiful and lovely and sometimes, when the light hits him just right, you can see flecks of red in his eyes.
Talking with Jimin is easy, really easy. You love words, but sometimes they're easier to say than others. You're surprised how easy they were to come out, how easy they were to say. You thought you would whisper them or they would get stuck in your throat. You thought you would slur them together or fracture them into too many. But with Jimin it's just easy, always so easy, he's always so patient and willing to listen.
Jimin is so tender, so pretty, lighting up a room without even realizing it. He's so bright. Bright enough for you to think this, this. This is why Jungkook likes him so much, and it's then that you slump backwards and every previously undiscovered lump reintroduces themselves to your butt. You were wrong, you take it back - the couch fucking sucks.
At some point it becomes so bright you had to excuse yourself, had to hide and curl in the nearest bathroom.
You're curled up in yourself on the toilet seat when a voice in your head tells you that you can't stay here forever. You have an assignment due monday. Jungkook will probably give out all the shop's products for free and adopt three more goldfish and a hamster and a golden retriever completely on impulse. Kimbap will probably miss you. Or not. Many times you don't know if he likes you or if he uses you for food and pats.
After a moment or two you stand up, fake a flush. Wash your hands, dry them. Dab some cold water on your neck. Wash your hands again. Dab some more water on the back of your neck, your forehead, your chest - anything to cool down. Wrists? Knees? Jungkook always puts some cologne there because of heat glands or something, but you're not sure if that has anything to do with him being a werewolf.
When you walk out it's with a confidence that you most certainly don't have, and you pretend you didn't just almost have a mental breakdown in the bathroom of your friend's almost-anniversary party as you walk back to the lumpy couch. Only this time it's not just Jimin.
This time it's Jimin talking so so tenderly to the boy next to him, little giggles spilling from his lips as he whispers into his ear, throwing himself onto the boy's shoulder and smiles at him with so much open adoration that your chest kinda ached a bit.
And it's not Jungkook like you expected - no. It's a boy. The boy. Honey boy. The boy that takes trains early in the morning and loves the ocean and loves his family before anything else. A split second and the boy smiles and then you know, you know it's the boy and not some sort of fever dream, some sort of hunger confusing your eyes and your brain and your heart. A smile all mirth and joy, one you think can't quite get captured right in a photograph. Boxy and bold and wild.
You turn back the way you came from and you think you hear someone calling after you but your brain is too hazy to make out what was said at all. You look around frantically for Jungkook, find him still hanging by the kitchen, drunk off the punch gummy worms and trying to pour some more into his cup but spilling half of it onto the kitchen counter.
"I'm leaving." You say to him, just to let him know, not because you expect him to follow you but because you expect him to worry when he searches and can't find you. You turn with the intention of leaving and he gently grabs your wrist, and you see something in his eyes - hazy and dreamy with alcohol and confusion and something else.
"Why? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks, tugs you forward gently to bring you closer, voice not reaching beyond a whisper, soft all around the edges.
"No no, nothing happened, please don't worry." You say, try to pry him off you just as gently, but he remains firm as he looks around for the potential threat that doesn't exist - doesn't exist, because you're making a big deal out of nothing, you know you are.
Because the boy you're already in love with is off limits and the two boys you just might have been almost in love with are together and you're a fool. The biggest fool. The biggest fool because you've almost just fallen for not one, not two, but three people, three people that are not at all interested, and you think there's something wrong with you that you're not quite ready to deal with just yet.
You look up and you see his jaw tighten, something akin to anger flicker in his eyes and no- no no no, you didn't mean for this to happen, didn't mean to ruin his night. "I'm going home, please don't worry about me and have fun. Please?"
He releases a breath and looks back down at you, expression softening so much it melts you down to your bones. "I won't let you go home like this. Let me walk you?"
You want to say no, want to let him have his fun, but he's looking at you with such quiet determination and you're just so, so tired. "okay," you say breathlessly.
You make sure to say goodbye to everyone before you leave, patting Namjoon extra hard on the back so that he stumbles forward with an oof. Jungkook's hand is on your back the whole time, a quiet reassurance.
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You think you've done a pretty good job at avoiding them. It's kinda hard with Jungkook, since you live with him and all, but you try to eat your meals at separate times and avoid looking him in the eye when he gets too close. You take train rides at night now, just in case, try not to look at the ocean when you pass it by. Flinch so hard when you passed by an animal shelter that a kind old lady actually stopped to ask if you were okay.
There's kind of a box in your chest. It stores all the unwanted feelings, keeps them all at bay. But sometimes the box breaks. Breaks when you need it intact the most. Your box is crumpled, old, tearing at the seams, little bits and pieces spilling bit by bit until the day comes when they break out all at once, and you think the day gets closer the more you deal with things alone.
You think the day is today as a boy comes flying through the door, clothes and hair disheveled, and you think you look more than a bit petrified as the vampire you'd been avoiding for a few weeks launches towards you, smacks a few crumpled bills onto the counter.
"How do I say fuck you in flower?" He says, something wild threatening to tumble out of his chest as he inhales a shaky breath, and you scramble to gather the flowers for the bouquet, despite the oddity of the request.
Carnation, foxglove, meadowsweet; disdain, insincerity, uselessness. You add a daffodil in there just for the heck of it - new beginnings. Which is ironic, coming from you.
He watches as you tie the bouquet together, and there's something gentle about his gaze despite the fact your heart is threatening to tumble out of your chest and he looked seriously intimidating, like, two seconds ago.
You hand the bouquet over after tying a bow around its end and he takes it with a smile, walking out the door without even bothering to wait for his change. There's silence for a moment. Nothing. Then he walks right back in, bouquet still in hand, places it back on the counter and pushes it closer to you. You stare, stunned.
You make a weird noise and you think you've just keyboard smashed in real life because that's when Jimin loses all composure, laughing joyfully and clutching at his stomach.
"It's- for you," he says after a moment, gaze flickering from you to the bouquet then back to you then back to the bouquet.
"What did I do?" You ask but you know what you did. You straight up ran away from him. Straight up told him you were coming back and then you just didn't. Kinda ditched him there on the lumpiness of the couch, but you didn't think he would notice, didn't think he would remember anything that isn't related to honey boy - not that you'd blame him.
Jimin looks at you knowingly. You manage to hold his gaze for less than a second before looking down at your shoes.
"Do you wanna have dinner with us?" He's drawling. You think it's a nervous tic. "Me. Taehyung. Jungkook, too, if he wants." He says and looks at the door behind you, as if waiting for Jungkook to walk through it.
Ah, you think, mustering up a smile, so his name is Taehyung. "Taehyung," you say, testing how it sounds on your tongue.
"Yeah," he smiles something a little too fond, a little too endeared. "Taehyung."
"But- Me?" You fold your arms, shift on your feet, uncertainty lacing your every word, "You want me to go, too?"
Jimin looks a little too confused, a crease between his brows. The crease goes soft when he smiles or feigns surprise, but it never quite mushes away. You kinda wanna kiss him there one day.
"Of course I do. Why would I not?" A sludge that had been spreading through your insides seems to evaporate the tiniest bit at that, and you can almost feel your heart melting out of your chest, dripping over your ribs like cheese fondue.
"Oh," you mutter, and that's that.
Jimin smiles again and you wonder how he does it, how he manages to smile so much, if he ever gets tired of it. He fishes through his pocket for a moment, pulls out his phone. "Let's exchange numbers, yeah?"
And so you do. In complete silence. Please tell me what to say, you beg your shit brain, but it just continues the mantra of curse words on repeat. It's sunny and he's close to the window where the roses are giggling under their breaths, where the light is hitting him in all the right ways.
"What, no tips?" You ask the boy's back as he leaves, bouquet in hand and carrying it all too delicately, like someone who has a lot of love in his heart, and he's laughing over his shoulder as he opens the door.
"I gave you one last time!"
"That's not how it works!" You yell but he's already gone, leaving a trail of giggles in his wake.
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"Are you serious? They invited us over for dinner?"
"Yeah," you say as you pick up a box with a huff, softening as Jungkook runs over to grab it from you. You mutter a thank you before continuing, "Is it that hard to believe?"
"Kinda!" He huffs but you're almost sure it's from mock anger than it is from carrying heavy boxes around, "We're going, right?"
"I don't know.." Your familiar gasps a bit too dramatically as he sets the box down on the counter.
"Noona, I'm pretty sure there's a law that states that you have to go to dinner when two attractive men ask you to."
"Namjoon is the smartest person in the world and he confirms this."
"I confirm this." You jump as the man in question pops up behind you, and you have no idea how and when he got here.
You groan. "Fine."
Jungkook whoops loudly and Namjoon, despite not really knowing what's going on, joins in with the same amount of enthusiasm. It's incredibly endearing and you hate both of them.
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brianc521 · 5 years
All Night | Nap Date 1
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1:45 am felt later than it usually does for Shawn. He’s been at this party for three hours now, and it truly felt like he’s been here the whole day. He honestly just wanted to go home. 
He landed in Toronto at 9:57am this morning. Since leaving the airport at 11:00, after getting all his luggage loaded and taking millions of pictures with his fans, he’s met with his manager for lunch, stopped by his condo to make sure his stuff made it home okay, and jetted out after a quick 15 minute shower to Raul’s. 
Jet lag is a bitch, and Shawn doesn’t even know how he’s still standing right now. He felt like he could barely keep his eyes open, and he was absolutely regretting riding in with Raul and Peter tonight.
The three triplets stood together, laughing at Brian’s tour stories about Shawn and Connor. Shawn was standing a bit uninterested, having lived through these stories. His blinks were becoming heavy and he was swaying back and forth to the music in a way to soothe himself. 
“There she is.” Raul says to himself, catching Shawn’s attention.
“Finally found June?” He mumbled, looking over and spotting his brothers girlfriend laughing with a group of girls around her.
“Yeah, she texted me like a half hour ago saying they were headed to the bathroom, but I hadn’t seen her since and it was making me a little nervous, but she’s here, she’s safe. I’m good.” Raul nods. “Her book is killing it right now Dude, I’m so proud of her.” 
Shawn smiles, looking at his brother who is so utterly in love. He can’t wait until that’s him someday. “I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I plan too on this break. I gotta support the Sis in her crazy good work.” 
Raul smiles at Shawn’s choice of words. “She wants to thank you.” Raul says sipping from his solo cup. Shawn’s gulping from a water bottle, brows furrowed in confusion. “For lending us money when we first moved in together. I told her a little bit ago, and she wants to thank you for helping us. I know you say it wasn’t a handout or anything, but just, could you just-”
“Accept her gratitude with a smile.” Shawn nudges his brother. “Like I would have had you not told me.” 
“I just wanted to warn you.” Raul looks at his shoes. “She’s everything to me, and I want her to be happy. Always.” 
Grinning, Shawn looked over at June and caught sight of an angel next to her. His whole world felt like it stopped spinning. A long legged beauty was dancing with June, a blue dress that hugged her curves but flowed around her thighs. Light brown hair that hung loosely down her back in the softest curls he’d ever seen. Her smile was bright, and her hips swung back and forth fluidly. His mouth went dry and his voice got caught in his throat. “Raul,” He choked. “Who’s that girl with June?” 
Raul looked back at his girl and smiled when he saw Juni’s best friend Ember clutching her waist and swaying together. “That’s Ember. Her and Juni have been friends since high school.” 
Shawn nodded, mouthed the name Ember, and smiled at the way it felt to say. 
Shawn suddenly didn’t feel as tired as he did 2 minutes before. He was wired now, wired with the need to hear her laugh. To pick her brain, know her story and maybe, if he’s lucky, walk away with her number saved in his phone. 
Shawn jumped back into the conversation around him, nodding when Brian asked for his back up on if he’d really been kicked out of a bar because he wasn’t 21 yet. All the while sneaking glances at Ember. 
He’d made a move to go introduce himself, planting himself next to Juniper. She’d hugged him and made her rounds with all her friends from school, but it happened to be at a moment when Ember went to get another drink. So Shawn was sucked into a conversation about his hair, his shoes, his stylist, and what it’d be like to have a stylist for about 30 minutes before he saw Ember across the room speaking to another guy.
He deflated when he saw her laugh, holding onto this guys arm as she threw her head back. She was so beautiful, the brightness in her features made Shawn want to smile, the way she held herself, her confidence, had him groaning to see it up close. 
“Who are you-Ember?” Juniper said noticing that Shawn was in his own world, staring at someone. “Are you staring at Ember?” 
“Yeah.” He breathes out.
“Why?” Juniper squints her eyes.
“Is she with him?” He asks, pointing to the guy Ember was standing with. 
“No, she’s single. That’s Derrick, they work together.” 
“What do they do?” Shawn asks, turning his attention to Juniper with raised eyebrows. 
“She works for Style at Home magazine. She writes under the ‘How To’ ‘Organizing Tips’ section. Derrick writes under the ‘Gifts and Must haves’ under ‘Shopping’.” 
“Oh.” Shawn stands straighter. “That’s really fucking cool.” 
“Yeah, for as long as I’ve known Ember she’s been the biggest neat freak ever. I mean she would organize her locker daily in high school.” 
Shawn smirks, looking back at Ember who had body glitter clinging to her skin and slightly smudged lipstick on the corner of her mouth. “That’s really cute.” He murmurs.
“I’ll introduce you, if you want?” Juniper offers.
“Can I be honest?” He asks, looking at her. She nods and smiles at him. “That’s the whole reason why I came over here to begin with. I’m sorry, that makes me sound like such an ass but she’s just-” He looks back up at her, eyes widening when he notices she’s making her way towards Juniper. “She’s coming.” He squeaks. 
“Breathe Shawn.” Juniper giggles.
“June, I thought Raul was wearing a matching red shirt to your dress?” Ember teases. 
“No I’m-” 
“She knows who you are Shawn.” Juniper lands a hand on his shoulder to hopefully soothe his anxious nerves. 
“Hi I’m Ember, it’s nice to finally meet the last triplet.” 
“Shawn.” He blurts as he shakes her hand. Juniper snorts and backs away too Raul to let Shawn and Ember have a moment. “Oh my god I’m sorry I’m being weird.” He groans when he notices he’s still shaking her hand. 
Ember just giggles and shakes her head at him. “It’s okay.” 
“I’m sorry,” He puts his head in his hands. “I just, I saw you with June earlier and I wanted to say ‘hi’.” His cheeks are a nice bright pink and his tired eyes sparkle when they land on hers. 
“Why didn’t you say ‘hi’ earlier?” She asks softly, stepping closer. 
“Um well you looked to be having a lot of fun dancing, and I didn’t want to interrupt that.” 
“You could have, I wouldn’t have minded.” She grins at him. 
He smiles, nervously chuckling as he looks down to his feet. 
“I came over to meet you.” He explains. “But you disappeared.” He shrugs. “Like Cinderella.”
Ember almost spits out the sip of her water she’d just taken, staring up at Shawn with wide eyes. “Did you just call me a Princess?” 
Shawn blanches when he realizes he’s just spoken all of his thoughts out loud. “I mean,” He shrugs, embarrassed. “You look like one.” 
At this Ember laughs, slips her hand into his as she throws her head back. When she’s calmed and meets Shawn’s entranced gaze she says, “That was really smooth. I have to give you credit for that one.” 
Shawn frowns when he hears her say that. “Get hit on a lot?” 
“No,” She scoffs. “But my friends do.” She points to the group of girls who are dolled up for the house party. “I’ve heard about all the pick up lines any sleezy fuck boy can come up with.” 
Shawn takes his hand out of hers, “Do you think I’m a sleezy fuck boy?” 
Ember snaps out of her giggling, standing straight, eyes wide. “No, no Shawn I don’t. I’m so sorry, that’s not what I mean-”
“I’m kidding.” Shawn’s smooth voice flows around her. His hand back in hers as he pulls her a little closer. “I’m glad you don’t think I’m a fuck boy. But I wasn’t giving you a pick up line. I was being honest, you truly look beautiful tonight.” 
Ember’s cheeks flush, and she giggles as she looks to her heeled toes. “You won’t be saying that when the alcohol wears off.”
“Actually,” Shawn grins. “I’m completely sober. I’ve been traveling all day, and have work tomorrow, so I’m the DD.” 
“Oh.” Ember stares up at him, taking in the fact that he actually thinks that she’s beautiful. “Oh.” She says again, eyes going wide.
“Yeah.” Shawn smiles at her softly. “Can I-” Shawn starts to say when her phone starts to go off. 
She looks down and almost physically whines when she sees it’s her alarm going off. She’d promised Juniper she could go out, as long as she left at a decent hour to get home. She has work in the morning, she is selling a really big pitch to the editors. She can’t afford to be overtired and drunk for such an important meeting. 
“What’s up?” Shawn asks when she angrily clicks off her phone.
“I have to go.” She says pulling away.
“Hey, Cinderella.” Shawn catches her hand. “You already disappeared on me once, let’s not do it again.” 
“I’m sorry Shawn, I have to go. It’s getting late and I have work in the morning.” 
Shawn follows her outside, pushing Peter and Connor out of his way when they try to stop him to join their game of beer pong. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” He says when he finally catches up to her outside. He’s slipping his jacket off his arms and over her shoulders as she clicks through the UBER app on her phone. “Before you order your pumpkin carriage ride home.” He pushes her hand down with his left hand, using his right to tilt her chin up. “Let me take you?” 
“Shawn I-” 
“Listen, you know Raul, you know Peter, you know me.” He says with a small smile. “But I don’t know you, and I’d like too.” 
“Why?” She asks, staring up at him with bewildered eyes. 
“Because you’re gorgeous, and your eyes hold a story I’d like to hear. I’ve heard a small bit about your job, but I’d like to learn more. I’d like to get to know you Ember. Let me take you home, so I know you get there safely, and maybe you’ll let me take you out sometime.” He raises one eyebrow, teeth clenched together as he awaits her answer.
She sighs as she looks around. Holding onto his arm she takes one shoe off at a time. 
“What are you doing Cinderella? Gonna give me your shoe?” He grins. 
“Shut up.” She giggles. “I’ll let you drive me home, but you have to be okay with me being barefoot because these heels are killing my feet.” 
Shawn laughs and nods, looking her up and down, loving the look of her in his jacket. 
“Here.” He says, quickly toeing off his shoes and kicking them towards her feet. 
“What are you doing?” 
“If one of us is going to walk without shoes to my car it’s going to be me. I at least have socks on. Put my boots on, give me these.” He takes her strappy heels, dangling them on his fingertips. 
Ember laughs as she steps into his shoes. She feels so ridiculous right now. His feet are three times the size of hers, and as he leads her to his car all she can do is stomp her way there so they actually stay on her feet.
Once he’s got her seated in his Jeep, and thanking himself for actually taking his Jeep and not the Tesla tonight, he lets his nerves bleed into confidence. 
“Are you hungry?” He asks looking over at her.
“Food? Are you hungry?” 
Now that she’s thinking about it, yes she is. “Um, yeah. But I can make a snack when I get home.” 
“Or.” He says, turning into a side road diner she’s always heard of having good shakes. While he puts the Jeep in park she blushes in the passenger seat.
“You’re laying it on thick Mendes.” 
“That’s not fair, you’re calling me by my last name but I don’t know yours.”
“It’s Mills. Ember Rose Mills.” 
“That’s really beautiful.” Shawn smiles. 
Before Ember can even respond he’s slipping out of the Jeep, in only his socks, walking around and opening the door for her. 
“Let me feed you, and then I’ll take you home.” He compromises. “I can’t, in good nature, send you home hungry.” 
“If I’m late for work tomorrow because I’m overtired I’m blaming you.” 
“I’ll take all the blame.” He nods, placing his hands on her waist to lift her out of his Jeep.
“You’re just smooth huh?” She giggles as he tangles his fingers with hers on the walk to the doors of the diner.
“Not usually.” He answers with a laugh. “But if it’s working for you then let's go with it.” 
“Hi Shawn.” Doris smiles when she sees him enter. 
Doris is a 53 year old waitress at the diner. She’s been Shawn’s waitress for years. She knows his order like the back of her hand, and knows his stories inside and out. He’s really the only reason she enjoys the job.
“Hi Doris, is there a chance we can get my booth in the back?” He asks, plucking a menu from the waitress stand in the front by the door. 
“Of course, you know I always keep it empty in case you stroll in.” She smiles. “Can I get your order started?” 
He smiles, shaking his head. “Put my order in when my date does.” He says, tugging Ember back to the corner booth he usually takes claim in. 
“Come here often?” Ember asks as he helps her slide into a booth. 
“Yeah, it’s so discreet and hidden that I can come here whenever and no one cares who I am. Met Doris when I stopped in the first time to hide from paps. She recommended the bacon cheeseburger with a side of fries and ranch. Says it’s her favorite. So I tried it, and now it’s the only thing I order.” 
“That sounds really good.” Ember nods, watching as Doris smiles at her behind Shawn. 
“How are you Darling?” Doris asks. 
Shawn looks up with a wide smile, “I’m doing well Miss Doris.” He nods. “This is Ember MIlls, Ember this is Doris Mae.” 
“That’s a lovely name dear.” Doris smiles at Ember. “What can I get you?” 
“I’d love Shawn’s order please. With a Coke.” 
“Of course.” Doris nodded, turning to Shawn. “Lemonade or Soda today?” 
“Lemonade please.” He nods. 
“Coming right up.” 
“Thanks Doris.” 
The food was delicious, and Shawn watched in awe as Ember ate all her food and a few of his fries. Every girl he’s been around since his fame shot through the world refuses to eat in front of him. Like eating is a major turn off or something, trust him when he tells you it’s not.
They talked through their meal. Telling childhood stories, and tour memories, comparing concerts and ultimately deciding that they need to see one together soon. 
When she’s explaining what her pitch at work is about tomorrow Shawn feels a pang of guilt. She wanted to be home so she could get to bed and be well rested. Yet here she was munching on fries with him in the middle of the night.
He watched in adoration when she rubbed her eye with the back of her hand, smearing a little mascara. Her blinks were getting heavy and slow, and her body was relaxing in sleep. 
“Okay Cinderella.” Shawn says leaving money and a hefty tip on the table. “Let’s get you home.” 
“No,” She whines. “I’m having such a good time with you. I don’t wanna.” 
“Hey.” He reaches for her hand across the table. “Let me take you home so you can turn into Sleeping Beauty. That way you get a little sleep before this killer pitch.” 
“You’re lines are getting worse.” She grins at him. 
He rolls his eyes as he pulled her from the booth, hugging her from behind when he walks her out. He winks at Doris when he passes her, tale tell sign that he got her note on the receipt and he intended to do as she said. 
‘Don’t let her go Shawn. No girl stays up all night to get her heart broken.’
He gets her situated in the passenger seat and climbs in himself, smiling as she tries to scoot as close to him as she can. He’s never hated a center console so much in his life. 
He drapes his arm over the console and she quickly hugs against his arm, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “You work out?” She slurs as she squeezes his arm.
“Yeah, every morning.” He nods.
“I can tell.” 
Just for effect he flexes his arm and smirks as she giggles against his skin. He looks over when he turns down her street, heart melting at the sight of her so comfortable with him already. Something was different with this. He hoped this was something that could last a while. 
He parked and dreaded the fact that he was dropping her off. True to his gentleman fashion he walked her to her door, making sure she got the door unlocked okay. 
“Lock the door behind me okay?” He said nodding at her. 
“And kill it at work tomorrow.” 
“Okay.” She smiles softly. 
“And maybe you can call me after the pitch to tell me how it goes?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Hand me your phone.” She says, pointing to him with her chin. 
He scrambles, but quickly gets his phone open and ready for her to put her info in. She types a few things and hands it back.
“I texted myself so I have your number. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Okay.” He nods. He slowly leans in a little, hinting that he really fucking wants to kiss her. 
She inhales sharply, leaning up on her toes. He ghosts his lips over hers, waiting for her to reject him at any moment. Not wanting to pressure her at all. When she doesn’t do anything but curl her fingers into the side of his shirt he goes for it. He slowly presses his lips to hers, allowing himself to respect the simplicity of this kiss. 
It gets a little needy when she sucks his bottom lip into her mouth, tracing over it with her tongue. It’s the biggest cliche known to man, and the amount of books she read about it can be counted as embarrassing, but she feels the spark. It’s like this zing went through her entire body when he touched her, and now that he’s kissing her it feels like she’s vibrating. 
Shawn pulls back, breathing heavy, resting his forehead against hers. “Let’s not go too fast.” He nods. It’s hard, but he controls the urge to push her against the door and blow her goddamn mind. 
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow Honey.” He whispers, lips brushing over hers. He leaves her with another small kiss. 
He watches with dark, hungry, eyes when she reaches a hand up to touch her tingling lips. She looks innocent, but sexy, and it makes his knees buckle. 
“Okay.” She nods, smiling softly as she looks up at him. “Thanks for the ride home.” 
“My pleasure.” He grins, backing away to his Jeep. 
“Goodnight Shawn.” 
“Goodnight Ember.” 
He waits in his car for her to close and lock the door, smiling to himself as he looks to his phone double checking he got her number. He laughs and shakes his head when he sees her contact information.
iMessage from Cinderella👠: If I’m Cinderella then you’re my Prince Charming.
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the-golden-ghost · 4 years
I’m bored and so I’m gonna make one of those “rip off some Youtuber’s hard-made list with my own BS opinions” posts. This is Tumblr and it won’t show in the tags anyway and hell I’m giving credit so it’s fine.
Today I will be going through a Blast From the Past and looking at a list of Dark n’ Scary Disney Moments. Made by WatchMojo here. 
20. Tadashi Dies - Big Hero 6: I never saw this movie but it looks like your pretty standard Disney death where there’s like an intense-but-not-too-graphic thing and then a hard cut to a funeral. Would probably be sadder if I had actually seen the movie but I agree, it’s pretty fucked up!
19. The Firebird - Fantasia 2000: OKAY YEAH THIS SCARED THE EVERLOVING FUCK OUT OF ME AS A KID. I saw this movie when I was 5 years old and it was one of the first (maybe THE first!?) movies I ever saw in theaters. That jumpscare still haunts me, man. 
18. The Ghost of Christmas Future - Mickey’s Christmas Carol: I loved this movie as a kid but I wasn’t really scared by it even then. That being said, it’s still a pretty creepy scene, but I’ve seen scarier versions of this, even in kid’s movies. The fact that the ghost was smoking a fucking CIGAR had me cackling though I mean -
17. Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame: This whole damn MOVIE was dark. But that’s what you get when you adapt Victor Hugo for kids, I guess (seriously, why though!?) I definitely like this movie more as an adult, mostly cause half the themes went over my head as a kid. Including the ones in this song. But DAMN is it a bop and the visuals are stunning. 
16. The Headless Horseman - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Yeah I never saw this as a kid to my knowledge but... I’ll be honest, that’s pretty scary even watching it NOW as an adult. Damn.
15. Facilier Goes to Hell - The Princess and the Frog: Yeah that’s pretty terrifying too. I was a teenager when this came out so it didn’t creep me out that much but the music is eerie and the visuals and concept of being dragged into eternal damnation is... unsettling, to say the least! Would have terrified me as a kid I’m sure
14. Frollo Attempts to Onscreen Murder a Fucking Baby - The Hunchback of Notre Dame: How in the HELL was this given a G rating?! This was in the first ten minutes of the movie by the way. Also there IS an onscreen death - Quasimodo’s mom, a minute or two before this. Disney doesn’t usually do onscreen deaths so that’s... pretty intense, to say the least. But seriously. Yikes. 
13. Night on Bald Mountain - Fantasia: Okay purely out of personal experience I found Firebird scarier, but had I seen this one in theaters as a kid I no doubt would have shit myself. Also this is one of Disney’s only exploits into showing topless women (besides the Rescuers blink-and-you’ll-miss-it thing). Nudity in a good wholesome G-rated Disney film?! It’s more likely than you think.
12. The Horned King’s Army - The Black Cauldron: Because nothing says Disney Magic like necromancy-induced zombies sent to destroy the Earth (or something, I don’t even remember what their goal was since I saw this when I was like six but still, it is indeed creepy as all fuck)
11. Maleficent Turns Into A Dragon - Sleeping Beauty: Yeah I gotta say this dragon is daunting. See, Disney, you DO know how to design a good dragon! Maybe you should take a page from your own book instead of just creating Elsa’s dragonsona?
10. The Burnt Village - Mulan: Other than the whole “Bambi’s Mom Dies and Then It’s Immediately Happy Springtime Yay” thing, this might be the biggest tone switch in a Disney movie. But this one’s on purpose and not silly, it’s... intense. Jarring. Disturbing. We go from “goofy marching song about picking up girls lol” to the complete decimation and murder of a whole village and everyone in it. Including children, as is made horribly clear...
9. Aurora Gets Hypnotized - Sleeping Beauty: I don’t even remember this scene at all. The fact that Sleeping Beauty made the list twice makes me want to go watch it again though, seems promising!
8. The Bear - The Fox and the Hound: This movie was immensely fucked up to be honest. Just... everything about it. But yeah the bear was pretty scary ngl
7. Big Ursula - The Little Mermaid: Yeesh. Okay yeah Big Ursula was pretty freaky. Definitely gave me the creeps as a kid. Also the way she dies from getting IMPALED is um... a little dark, perhaps? Just a bit?
6. Pink Elephants - Dumbo: This isn’t exactly creepy, at least not as far as I can see, mostly it looks like they just needed to pad the film out so they decided to uh... put a drug trip scene in. Dumbo is already really short so it would make sense they needed to up the runtime and just told the animators “go ham” and BOY DID THEY EVER
5. The Dip - Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Uh yeah you’d think “death by torture” would be a place Disney wouldn’t go but I guess they’re fine with it actually? Granted this was live-action mostly but... still. Come on. That’s just fucked up.
4. Clayton Dies - Tarzan: I mean they didn’t show it like... really show it but the quick shot of his shadow on the tree is uh. Yikes. I actually missed that detail as a kid but I’m glad I did cause I would have been creeped out!
3. Lampwick Turns Into a Donkey - Pinocchio: Okay see I kinda want to know how THIS movie got rated G as well considering the underage drinking and weird sexual references. But this scene is also uh... disturbing. And actually the whole concept of the “turning kids into donkeys and selling them into eternal slavery” thing is wild and... yeah HOW was this movie rated G again? I know the book was written by some weirdo who wanted to terrify kids into good behavior. Idk why they made a Disney film out of it.
2. Bambi’s Mom Dies - Bambi: I actually don’t remember this scene all that much cause I haven’t seen Bambi in ages. But I know it’s iconic. It comes off as more sad than dark, though, but I guess “sad” kinda ties in with dark so I’ll let it slide.
1. Mufasa Gets Murdered - The Lion King: Okay yeah that’s pretty messed up I’ll admit it. I know it’s Furry Hamlet but let’s be honest we all saw this WAY before we knew what Hamlet was. I sometimes think the Lion King is a bit overrated but I have to admit - the visuals in this scene are AMAZINGLY good.
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samsoleil · 4 years
9 and 10?
ask game
V I am sending the most fond vibes in your direction I hope they make it there okay!!
10. Your favourite season and why.
Honestly? Either S2 or S11.
Season 2: Sam has psychic powers and Dean is terrified that his brother might actually be bad, but is still ride or die for him. This is where we can see their relationship flourish without the search for John hanging over their heads. But y'know what does hang over their heads? John telling Dean he'll either have to save Sam or kill him, and Sam who is desperate to be saved and willing to be killed. And then!! when Sam dies!!! Dean saves him in the worst possible way!!!! Also, it's visually gorgeous. You've got the high contrast vibes from S1 but slightly less desaturated and you've still got the grainy film texture. An excellent time.
Season 11: Listen. I still think it should have been Chuck sending Sam visions. And I don't particularly care for the B plot. But Sam and Dean peak in this season for the first time since pre-s4 and it was amazing. It's the immediate aftermath of Sam literally unleashing  "a force on the world that could destroy it" to save Dean. Codependency at its peak. And in two mid-season episodes they absolutely nail the S2 energy. I mean, establishing beyond any doubt that Dean loves Sam? And then making him think Sam is dead in the very next episode? Where Sam is also the dictionary definition of BAMF? Not to mention, Sam is just. so understanding of Dean and his messy feelings about Amara. Love that for them.
9. What episodes best encapsulates the brother’s relationship? Does this change throughout the series? Doesn’t have to be the best episode btw.
To answer the second question, the brother’s relationship very obviously changes throughout the show. It’s obviously very codependent from the get go (especially from Sam’s perspective! Literally unendurable), and it varies in toxicity. Some seasons they are very soft! Some seasons I want to shout at Sam to run for the hills and never return. And then there are some episodes in seasons where their relationship is literally awful that are wonderfully tender (like 08x21 when Dean says “You gotta let me take care of you, man”). 
Imo, S1-3 are peak brothers. S4/5 are excellent to watch but not the most tender. S6 is on thin fucking ice. S7-10 are, generally speaking, when I would absolutely be willing to kill a man (Dean), but are still SO compelling because these crazy kids are devoted and have no moral boundaries when it comes to the other. S11 is a return to the good stuff! I haven’t seen the seasons after that but from what I have seen, Sam becomes a Dean apologist and Dean just gets worse. But they’re still codependent, so that’s fine. “You were gonna leave and you weren’t even going to tell me?” and “What about me? Would you trade me?” are baller lines. Sam is a grown man but he’s out here saving the world by being Dean’s baby brother. Iconic of them.
OKAY so. First question. I originally had several episodes per season but I have to limit it to 2, this is going to be too long otherwise. Also, as you well know, I've only watched up to 12x06, so I won't include S12 here. 
Episodes (and explanations) under the cut!
Obviously, both 01x01 Pilot and 15x20 Carry On. Literally the perfect bookends for this show. I don’t need to elaborate.
01x05 Bloody Mary - Has the moment where Dean actually has an emotional conversation with his brother, because he’s switched on to Sam’s emotional needs. He was willing to let Sam blame him for Jess’ death so that Sam didn’t blame himself! And near the end it has the iconic line "You're my brother and I'd die for you." Dean, right? No! It was Sam!! Anyone with any sort of reservations about whether Sam cared about Dean in early S1 can refer to this episode. It’s episode 5!! of the whole show!! and it has that line!!
01x11 Faith - Sam has absolutely no regrets about someone dying to save Dean's life. In retrospect, this episode says a lot about how much Sam loves Dean.
02x01 In My Time of Dying - Sam can sense that Dean is there, either through psychic powers or because they are soulmates. Both are good. Also, Dean is told that he may have to kill Sam, which influences their dynamic for the rest of the show <33
02x21 All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 - Dean, on his knees in the mud, telling Sam's corpse that it'll be okay and screaming his name. That is all. Also, after thoroughly chewing out a victim earlier in the season for selling his soul to save a loved one, Dean sells his soul to save a loved one. 
03x08 A Very Supernatural Christmas - Sam decorated a Christmas tree with pine air fresheners to give Dean a Christmas. Obsessed.
03x11 Mystery Spot - Dean dies repeatedly, then dies for good for about 6 months, and Sam becomes a ruthless hunter in order to bring him back. Dean spends longer dead in this episode than he actually does at the end of S4.
04x14 Sex and Violence - Dean's siren is literally just a version of Sam that is devoted to Dean and would do anything he says. 
04x22 Lucifer Rising - Bobby coming for Dean's life. The VOICEMAIL!! Dean acting as though them being family is a cure-all and saying he'll beat Sam up, but also apologising. I'll take it. And then, of course, the voicemail Sam hears, which is more or less what Dean said in 04x04, and that being what tips him over the edge. The edge, of course, being killing Lilith to avenge Dean’s death, which has been his quest since the end of S3. Excellent.
05x16 Dark Side of the Moon - Ohoho. This episode. You know why this episode is here.
05x22 Swan Song - Same as the above! Dean who doesn't have a plan, just doesn't want his little brother to die alone. Sam, who fights off the devil himself and (essentially) kills himself to save his brother and the car they call their home. That memory sequence, for me, gave Sam the power not to save the world, but to save his brother. The world was just a bonus.
06x11 Appointment in Samara - "Dean doesn't care about me, he just cares about his little brother, Sammy, burning in hell. He'll kill me to get that other guy back." Dean's anger at himself for screwing up and forfeiting Sam's soul was. a lot. Also, Sam begging for his life and Dean just continuing anyway? Horrific. But very testament to their relationship at this point. Dean wants Sammy back and he WILL kill this other guy to do it.
06x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much - Sam being right about the consequences of having his soul put back in. And "You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there."
07x03 The Girl Next Door - I was tossing up between this and 07x02 but. this has some flashbacks to past Sam!! Unfortunately, it also has Dean punching Sam for using the Impala, the car they both rely on to get around. And Dean murdering Sam's childhood friend for killing rapists. This isn’t an episode that makes you think “Awh, they’re codependent!”, it’s an episode that makes you send Sam vibes screaming at him to get out.
07x14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie - Ever think that maybe Sam fears clowns because he associates them with being abandoned? Also, nostalgia vs reality.
08x09 Citizen Fang - The voicemail from S4 is still hanging over our heads. Dean asking “Does that sound like the Benny we know?” and Sam replying “I don’t know Benny.” Dean keeping Benny away from Sam because Sam is apparently the one who will kill monsters with no nuance or remorse. But this episode is on the list specifically because of how pivotal the line "Yes, I do – too well. In fact, every relationship I have ever had has gone to crap at some point. But the one thing I can say about Benny – he has never let me down." is in absolutely wrecking Sam's mental health down the road!
08x23 Sacrifice - For obvious reasons! “You know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down!” and then Dean’s speech of blatant lies. It sounded good, though. Dean really is that devoted, but unfortunately he has amnesia.
09x01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here - Autonomy violation. This is what advanced care directives are for. Dean being so dependent on Sam that he would violate his autonomy and trick him into consenting to possession. Dean will do anything to keep Sam alive, including destroy Sam.
09x16 Blade Runners - The parallels between Colette and Sam are unbearable. “Drop the blade.” Also, Dean becomes SO feral when Sam’s cheek gets cut.
10x19 Book of the Damned - Sam’s speech! “But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t….”
10x24 Brother's Keeper - Ahahahahaaa. Sam kneeling down in front of Dean and letting him kill him, if he wants. Dean not doing so. Please do not emulate this relationship in your real human lives.
11x04 Baby - Obvious reasons. Also, the perfect example of how these two communicate. Dean clearly states his opinion so that Sam has something to base his arguments around, and then Sam provides his perspective. That meta about how Dean and Sam communicate and how Sam is the major decision maker opened my eyes. Impeccable takes.
11x16 Safe House - The thing Dean loves being Sam (and Sam being genuinely relieved that it was!!). Sam propping Dean’s sleeping body against the fridge while saying “I got you! Stay with me.” Him cradling Dean in his arms and patting his head and Dean being SO confused but not fighting it.
11x17 Red Meat - Okay, I lied about the 2 per season thing, I just needed all three of these episodes. They are too good to not include. Dean joking to hide how scared he is for Sam? Being willing to let all three of them die just because he thinks Sam is dead? Attempting/committing suicide to try to bring him back? Sam fighting through immense pain to get back to his brother? This episode is so good. They are absolute lunatics (affectionate).
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flickityfics · 4 years
Chapter 11 Attacked
A/N:Trigger warning: sexual assault, violence
Sokka woke up feeling relaxed and ready for the day. He'd like to just enjoy the day and sleep in but also wanted to visit Zuko before work. Since it was still early he sat down with his breakfast and got out his letters to read.
"We're glad to hear you're getting along with everyone and staying busy. We miss you Sokka, it sucks that you'll be working longer but we can't wait to see you when we can. Toph says she'd like to know about how your training is going while Aang misses goofing off and making jokes with you. And I miss my big brother as hard as that is for you to believe. I love that you're finally understanding women more, that's a big step for you to acknowledge and you better keep that up, hah. I hope you're taking care of yourself to. Love from all us."
"Hiya Sokka! You better be careful, sometimes they're dangerous people who go to far messing with women. I know first hand how mean girls can be but hey can't make everyone like you so you minding your own business is just fine. I'm doing good on my side just bit of the same old same old maybe a trip to see you is just what I need to cure my bit of boredom. Definitely look into spirits, I really think that's the answer to your mess. Oh, the second letter I enclosed along with this one is of the anatomy diagram you asked for. I hope it helps! Let me know in your next letter. Best of luck to ya."
Sokka gave the diagram a quick scan, he's definitely gonna take a better look and write down notes maybe even take up Zuko's advice and write a book to start educating people.
Sokka was glad to have kidnapped Zuko on his day off. They were both at the library together with each their own books, he liked watching how serious the fire prince looked reading.
"Pssst, Lee. Could you teach me more about the fire nation?" Sokka knew they had to be quiet since Zuko was quite paranoid but he genuinely wanted to get to know the other teen better, it probably wasn't the most ideal place for this conversation but there isn't really ever a right time or place when he wanted to talk seriously.
"Why do you wanna know?" Zuko furrowed his brows not getting why Miyuki brought up the fire nation out of the blue.
"We'll, I've never been to the fire nation so I'm curious but we don't have to talk about anything that makes you uncomfortable just.. tell me about food places you like or the festivals you celebrate from back home."
"Okay, let me just find a book real quickly." Sokka watched as Zuko scanned the library until he found a book and walked back towards their table. Zuko was turning pages when he turned the book around and pushed it towards him. He then went on tell him about the fire nations story, how the school system was setup, the locations of various markets to try out, what festivals they had and represent and what foods they served at said festivals. Sokka took in all the information enthusiastically, he also likes seeing a happy Zuko explain all the things he loved about his home and when his uncle would sneak a young Zuko out to have fun.
"It was my favorite sport that uncle got me in- hey are you listening?" Zuko asked nervously not sure if he lost Miyuki at some point and didn't notice.
Sokka loved the blush that crept on zuko's cheeks, "heh no, I just liked seeing you talking about something that puts a smile on your face." And he wasn't lying, this was a whole new part of Zuko expressing himself and there was so much to him that he wanted to know them all.
"Oh, I was worried I bored you there. Maybe I'll tell you more another time since you gotta head to work now."
"Would like that a lot, hey you wanna walk me to work?" Questioned Sokka.
"Sure." Zuko agreed.
"Let me just grab a book then we can head out." He scanned the rows until he found one called, 'Spirits and their Legends' it seemed pretty helpful.
The two walked out the library passing the lively streets of the city. They watched on as kids played around, an older couple fighting, and shoppers haggling with vendors. The silence was comfortable between them and Sokka had a strange urge to get even closer to Zuko's side.
"So, tell me more about yourself to." Zuko likes that Miyuki asks about himself be he'd also like to know more about her to.
"Mmm, well I learned how to fish at a young age. I sadly grew up to fast, hah in some ways anyway. I mean I had to grow up fast when my mom had died and my father left for the war so I just had my grandma whose quite fragile so I kinda had to teach myself things early on and I never asked anyone for help so it was especially harder." Sokka felt bad to omit quite a bit but he knew his current situation was tough to work around. "I did have fun though, goofed around and lazed about often. I had so many adventures traveling here even if it was by sad means, being driven from my home but I guess you gotta keep strong and find the happy moments or even create them." He looked to Zuko, he never talked like this, not to anyone.
"How were your adventures?" Zuko asked curiously.
"Fun, crazy, dangerous, beautiful and new, it was full of so many things. I want to keep traveling and just pack everything I can learn and see into my head. I got to meet so many people, I keep a journal of everything and everyone I came across, there's so many creatures I wrote about even. Sorry, rambling again. " He apologized.
"I like when you talk like that, it's nice seeing you get so excited and going on tangents or rambles." Zuko grinned down at Miyuki genuinely enjoying everything she had to say.
Sokka slowed down nearing his job and turned to Zuko, "Thanks for walking me and letting me talk your ear off."
"I like our talks especially when you do most of it since I don't talk much. I never really know what to talk about." He admitted.
"That's okay, I get it. Also did you want to try watching the play that starts in two weeks? I forgot what it's about but I heard it's got lots of action."
"Yeah, I heard it's going to be in town for a week, I'll even let uncle know if he doesn't already."
"Great. Alright, I'll get going now. See you tomorrow for training?"
"Come by around one and I'll also teach you more about maps." Zuko waved Miyuki off as he waited until she got through the door into her job safely before heading home himself.
Sokka couldn't believe how rude the parents were when they finally got back home. They could have at least told him earlier that they'd be so late, he would've charged them more while at it. Watching five kids on his own was miserable, he had to react to each one differently he swore he had an identity crisis. And now he was miserably walking in the dead of night and it was so quiet, it was the creepy kind of quiet where it was to dark and to silent. He was walking when he heard fast footsteps, he didn't have time to react when a figure passed him and snatched his bag running off with it.
He quickly found the guy turning into an alley and caught up enough to push him down grabbing his bag back. Before he could yell at the person on the ground he was grabbed from behind and arms trapped tightly into his sides.
"What a nice catch you got us Kota. The boss will definitely be pleased with us and give us tons of yuan for her."
Sokka did not have a good feeling about this situation. He noticed there was only three guys, the one in front that had already gotten up, one on his right and the other who had a hold of him. The one holding him seemed like the guy running things and guessing by his words he had to get out this fast. He hadn't been trained on fighting multiple fighters so this was gonna be tricky. Being limited on time he hoped his planned work fast enough for him to get away.
He stepped on the bigger one holding him and took advantage of being released to push the one on his left into the brick wall and running up the wall himself gripping the corner edge. Before he could pull himself over he felt his ankle being grabbed and the pain of his cheek hitting the concrete edge then falling hard to the floor knocking the air out of him. Before he recovered he felt a punch to his face and one of the men holding him down as he felt another pair of hands holding his legs. All he could do was shake violently and before he could scream he felt hands pressing over his mouth painfully.
"I love when they struggle. I don't think the people we'll be selling you to will mind if I try the goods first, they'll be getting plenty of use from you anyways. At least this way I won't have to pay myself." The disgusting man above him said.
Sokka could only scream in his head for anyone to save him. He felt tears leaking from his eyes as he felt a hand grope his chest and the other sliding up the dress he wore pulling on his underwear. He tried to struggle hard out the men's hold but it was proving fruitless, he was going to be violated. He strained his voice to spill from the man's hands but they were only muffled, all he could hear was their breathing and the rustling of clothes. No one was gonna come by this late or head into a suspicious alley with only a few conspicuous sounds. All he could do was stare up into the night sky as he tried to will his mind away from what was going on when a fast shadow came down fast towards him. It all happened so fast, seeing the butt of a sword hit the temple of the man on top of him and a spray of blood hitting his face and neck when he took notice of the masked man slashing a cut across the one who held his mouth shut. The one at his legs reacted slowly getting flames to the face and screaming his head off before being punched and knocked out. Sokka watched in stunned silence as the masked figure tied up his attackers.
He felt no danger from the man offering his hand, he was going to take it when he noticed his underwear around his ankles. He shut his eyes shamefully pulling them up before looking at the figure above him. He slowly took the hand noting no ill intent.
"Let me take you home." The blue masked figure offered.
Sokka shook his head vigorously in, "no, no please t-take me to the Jasmine Dragon's tea shop, i-its closer anyways."
Zuko who was behind the mask knew that wasn't true but would follow Miyuki's wishes. Zuko wanted to do nothing more than to kill these men now but he needed to keep them for information so he could go after the trafficking ring he discovered few months back.
The two made their walk silently  before stopping in front of the tea shops door.
Sokka faced the other man and thanked him, he watched as the other nodded in return and waited until the masked man jumped onto the roof before furiously knocking on the door, he didn't noticed how his knuckles had bled from his frantic knocking.
Iroh opened the door shocked at what he saw and saddened when he took in the appearance of Zuko's friend.
"Can I come in?" Sokka asked in a small cracked voice, his composure breaking.
"Yes." Iroh moved to the side as he watched Miyuki head upstairs, "his room is the first door to the left." He saw her nod hearing him. All he could do was worry until he got answers from Zuko later.
Sokka found himself opening Zuko's door and once inside with his back against the door did he finally break down. He was shaking and breathing so hard to keep from screaming, he couldn't scream like this not when neighbors were nearby or Zuko's uncle next door but it's all he wanted to do right at this moment. Next thing he knew he was wrapped up in arms, he knew this scent. He gripped onto Zuko tight and muffled his cries into Zuko's neck, he couldn't even think straight that he bit between the fire prince's neck and shoulder as he screamed and cried hard digging his nails into Zuko's back.
Zuko rocked Miyuki in his arms, he didn't care about the little pain she dealt him he knew her pain was a lot worse and he'd rather her hurt him than herself. When he heard Miyuki's cries stop did he move her to get a better look. She looked so out of it, he noticed the blood and torn clothes.
"Let me get you a cloth and some clothes." He went to get up when he felt her hand holding his arm, he sensed that she didn't want him to leave. "Let's go to the bathroom and I'll clean you up there." They went into the bathroom where he cleaned her face, neck and knuckles from the blood that splattered when he slashed one of the men. He wished he could take away the violent scene he caused her and just her whole experience entirely.
Going back to his room, he rummaged through his shelves for clothes and passing them to her as he turned around giving her privacy.
"Can you burn these later?" Zuko turned as she spoke and could only clench his fists in anger not knowing what more he could do for her.
"Of course." But whatever it is he could offer he will.
"I'm tired Zuko, I'd like to go to bed." He reached Zuko's hand and Zuko followed her lead. Zuko could only cry silently himself as he heard Miyuki's own cries and shaking body as he held her. He never felt so powerless as this. He held her until they both fell asleep.
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