#(hand of) mitsuhide
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 7 months
Double or Nothing event - Mitsuhide 📖
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Mitsuhide event route: premium end / epilogue
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krys-loves-otome · 6 months
Stolen from Scummy's reblog because I wanted to do it too!
Note that most half-filled squares are ones that are technically true, but it's under specific circumstances and rules, will explain below
So, for now, some Blorbos from me:
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-Intense in loves and passions (for Nobunaga, for MC once they get together, for trying to get Mitsuhide to take better care of himself, in his care for others, dude is just passionate for his loved ones!) -His love for Nobu and his interactions with Mitsuhide can get a little fruity, not gonna lie. -Technically orphan since we don't really hear much about his family aside from his poor upbringing and having to be a bum to get by until Nobu came into his life. Agas in discord has also told us about RL Hideyoshi and how much his mom loved Kennyo and I think that's funny to think about sometimes. -Frequently violent but only when it comes to protecting his loved ones. He thinks one of them is in trouble and the man will go feral trying to find a way to help them. Overall speaking, he's not particularly violent, I don't think though.
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-Nothing anyone says is gonna make me change my mind about this man being bisexual. Nope, not happening. -Technically a tragic backstory as he frequently does Team Oda's dirty work of spying and torture, but his tragic backstory is not quite to the extent that some other characters go through, like poverty, figure-headness, and killing a loved one.
-Technically frequently violent, but it's mostly in the pranks he pulls. Not ferally violent, in a sense. He's sneaky about his violent tendencies. You don't want to mess with his wife, after all. -Divorced? He's a double agent that always goes back to his ex (Team Oda).
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-Being an immortal vampire means you must have some complexities and that doesn't excuse you being fruity, monsieur. -Technically an orphan as I don't think we hear much about his birth family as we do Leonardo and Vlad. They're mentioned sometimes but no word on their current status as he tends to focus more on his found family. Until I get confirmed status, he's orphan status to me, thus why the creation of his found one. -Divorced from Vlad, duh.
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-Listen. Listen. Devon/batteryrose was onto something with shipping Nokto and Slivio. Plus, been thinking of finding ways of shipping my OC and him with Rio. Just something about Nokto and the Bentonite princes does something to my mind, okay?
-Technically an orphan after what happened to his and Licht's mom, plus the whole reason for the Belle procedure is because his dad died. Maybe it doesn't count because he was an adult when his dad died, but, technically speaking, both his parents are dead, so... -Murderer by technicality because of Blood-stained Roses Day (all the princes at the time were said to have participated, so, technically speaking). He also tried to poison some merchants for a business deal, so attempted murderer too, technically?
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-Have you seen this demon when his family is in danger (actual, perceived, or otherwise)? He will go absolutely bat-shit feral when his family is in danger! Once you're under his wings, nothing will stop him from going to the absolute limit and beyond for you.
-Technically divorced from the Celestial Realm because of Circumstances™️, not from a specific person.
-Also on a technicality, because of that... whole war with the Celestial Realm, so some angels were more than likely killed, right?
#krys talks#meme thingys#ikemen sengoku#ikemen vampire#ikemen prince#obey me#hideyoshi toyotomi#mitsuhide akechi#comte de saint germain (ikevamp)#nokto klein#lucifer (obey me)#some other things I didn't get around to talking about above#hideyoshi and mitsuhide are murderers by trade bc both are warlords so that's why that's colored in for both#hideyoshi may also be a frequent rule enforcer but he does soften up around some of them so technically a rule changer than a breaker#nokto having no friends is technically true as he has brothers and his faction isn't all buddy buddy like his twin's faction is#plus he does more business dealings while socializing but we don't really see anyone he really talks to about deep personal things until-#MC comes along#maybe to licht on occasion but they're more estranged currently so Nokto doesn't really have any close personal friends methinks#about Lucifer he is technically an enemy of god (who is his creator) and he went against him for his little sister#turning him back into his angel form and his dream back in NB 38 still sits wrong with me and I hope that gets addressed in future lessons#if it'd had just been bc of his ring reacting to him or something that would have been one thing but... still sits wrong with me#and thinking on it now still thinking if Lucifer is more of a rule breaker or a rule changer#his downfall was bc of rule breaking in the first place#and he's a rule enforcer bc of his brothers and their antics#but there are times he does soften up if he sees the rules are actually hurting his family#and change them because he knows first-hand what breaking hard rules does to a person#so as of nowadays#despite his rule-enforcer ways he does bend sometimes if the situation calls for it#those are my thoughts for this#feel free to discuss if you wanna
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hey gang
drew mitsuhide (actor outfit because it’s simply better) pokemon gym leader
ive decided he would have ice types and im not interested in hearing counter arguments /j
anyways i love he <333333
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marth-dragalialost · 2 years
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when he no give taiyaki
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milk5 · 4 months
In the year 1679, a man named Itō Mitsuhide ran a bar in Tomari, a small village on the western coast of Hokkaido. One day, a patron asked him to "serve a drink that tastes like an idea." Itō closed the establishment for several weeks, journeying through the nearby forests and across the craggy coast to collect branches of the most brilliant and fragrant plants. He strung them up in his thatched-roof house, allowing them to dry for a week or so. As he waited, he commissioned a brilliant stoneware vessel from the village potter; it was shaped and decorated to look like a nonexistent fruit, resembling something between an apple and a persimmon. Once this was finished, he took all the dried branches and gently deposited each one into a pot of boiling water, reducing the concoction until its color was an almost-opaque dark green hue. After the liquid had cooled off enough to handle, he poured it into the fruit-shaped vessel, sealed it, and tightly hoisted the vessel to a heavy stone that he placed in a shallow coastal pool. Finally, after chilling the elixir overnight, Itō decided that it was ready to serve and he re-opened the bar. The patron who originally requested the drink came by in the afternoon as he typically did before the temporary closure. Wordlessly, Itō handed the patron the vessel; it was still quite cool to the touch. The patron unsealed it and immediately took a small sip, then waited a moment. He took another sip.
"It tastes like shit. I think you should kill yourself." The patron splashed the rest of the drink onto Itō.
Itō continued to run the bar as though none of this happened for another month before falling ill to an unknown ailment. He died days later.
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ikeromantic · 6 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 1
This was an ask from @otomedad that I just had to write. I did some reading up on the history of tattooing in Japan and there was so much that I found super interesting. So! Here goes, starting with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune! Approx. 1500 words.
“What’s this, fireball?”
You feel Nobunaga’s breath tickle your shoulder blade, his lips so close they almost brush your skin. For a moment, you don’t know what he means. It’s hard to think when parts of you are being ‘claimed’, afterall. But you smile as the memory comes back to you. Sitting on a stool, arms braced on the counter in front of you, with the buzz of the tattoo gun in your ear. “You like my koi?”
His fingers brush the inked design, tracing the outline of the leaping fish. “It is very well done.” He does not sound pleased, though he’s trying to hide it.
“You don’t.” A slight pout draws your lips out and down. 
Nobunaga stills behind you, so motionless that you don’t even feel him breathing. Just as you are about to break the silence, he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back against his chest. “It is part of you, so it is beautiful.” His chin rests on your shoulder, just above the tattoo in question. “Why did you receive this mark?”
There is an unexpected tension in his voice, and you laugh to ease it before explaining. “I got it after I graduated from design. It represents my struggles, and my determination.” You turn your head to kiss his cheek. 
He regards you with a serious expression, tense despite your affection. 
“Do you really hate it?” You can’t help how vulnerable you feel as you meet his carnelian gaze.
“I told you. It is beautiful, as you are. But . . .” He pauses, a slight grimace crossing his expression. “I do not like that someone marked you. Someone else claimed this -” He leans back to spread his hand over the koi. “Every part of you is mine.”
“Are you jealous of my tattoo artist?” You grin, unable to hold back. “You know I picked the design and the colors and everything, right? He was just some guy with a good flash book . . .”
Nobunaga’s frown does not ease, though you know that he’s aware this is ridiculous. 
You snuggle back against him. “Alright, alright. I understand. If you could do tattoos, I’d get one from you, ok?”
Something mischievous flickers in his gaze and a slight smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “Yes. This is acceptable.”
You aren’t sure what he’s accepting. Nobunaga can’t do tattoos, right? Right? Whatever questions you have disappear as his lips find that sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
You roll up your sleeves to start working on the kitchen’s herb garden. The day is warm and sunny, promising a hot afternoon. It’s a good thing you’re starting early. 
About an hour into the weeding, Hideyoshi stops by with a tray of cool water and a wide straw hat. He kneels beside you. “You know it’s bad for your skin to be exposed to sunlight for so long. Even in the morning, you can’t -” He stops midword, his mouth hanging open.
“Hm?” You look up, dusting your hands off. Before you can ask anything else, Hideyoshi grabs your elbow.
“What is this?” 
You realize he’s pointing at the serpent tattoo on your forearm. The snake curls over itself in a complex circle, with the head pointing at your wrist and the tale toward your elbow. “Oh! Erm,” you give an embarrassed laugh. “That.”
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” Hideyoshi holds your arm up, inspecting it. “A thief. I should have guessed. What prefecture is this? Where are you really from?” The questions come lightning fast, his usual gentle lecturing tone replaced with a hard, brittleness that does not suit him at all.
“A thief? Are you serious right now?” You try to yank your arm back, going from bewildered to angry. 
Hideyoshi pulls you up to standing. “If you won’t answer my questions, maybe you’ll answer Mitsuhide’s.” He glares at you. “I can’t believe I - I called you my sister!” 
You take a breath, trying to hold in the tears suddenly threatening at the corners of your eyes. Sister. Why was this man so infuriating? First putting you in the sis-zone, and now accusing you. As if you hadn’t shared so many sweet moments. Almost-kisses. Holding hands. “Why are you freaking out about my tattoo?”
“It marks you as a criminal.” He sighs, looking away. “If you’ll come clean with me, maybe we can -”
“Come clean? Hideyoshi, I told you I’m not from here. In my ah, my village, people get tattoos because they like the way they look.” You wiggle your arm in his grasp. “This one means the cycle of life. Birth and death. Look at it!”
Hideyoshi slowly turns back to examine the mark on your arm. “It is . . . very finely done for a - a punishment.” He purses his lips. “And I do not know of a prefecture that uses a snake . . .”
You nod emphatically. “Exactly. And you know me. Hideyoshi?” Your tone brings his gaze to your face. 
He studies you for a moment. Then his grip loosens on your arm, the pad of his thumb stroking your inked flesh. “I may have, um, jumped to conclusions. My apologies.” A breath, then, “Sis.”
“Thanks.” You take your arm back, feelings still hurt. 
For a long moment, neither of you says anything. Then he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. “Let me apologize properly, after work tonight. Stop by after your bath and I’ll rub some oil on your arms and legs.” Hideyoshi’s cheeks hold a faint heat. “A brother should care for his sister when she’s working so hard.”
You know he knows there’s nothing brotherly in the touches you share, but you nod in acquiescence. Then you pull away. “The garden won’t weed itself,” you say.
He grins. “I suppose not.” Hideyoshi’s hand takes yours before you can take a step. “It’s nice. Your tattoo. Once I really looked at it.”
“Thanks,” you smile back, feeling a little better. “I’m looking forward to my massage tonight.” You give him a cheeky wink. 
You splash to the river’s surface, sputtering from the water in your mouth and nose. Masamune laughs beside you, his strong arm holding you up above the roiling surface of the water as the current pushes you both downstream.
“Maybe next time we should look for a bridge,” you shout to be heard over the river.
“Nah. Where’s the fun in that?” Masamune’s blue eye gleams with unfettered joy as he pulls you toward the opposite shore. 
Once you hit the bank and crawl out, you flop back onto the grassy hillside. “Fun? Not drowning is fun. And now I’m soaked.” You glance over to see Masamune already stripping down, laying his clothes out to dry. 
He grins when he sees your expression. “What’s the matter, kitten? Tiger got your tongue?”
“Pffft.” You sit up, ignoring the way your face heats. You shrug out of your kimono, very aware of how thin your linen underclothes are. Especially now that they are wet and clinging to your skin. 
Masamune’s appreciative look does not help. He grins unapologetically. “I should come out this way more often. Great view.”
You throw a clump of grass at him and jump up to run. He chases you, laughing, and catches you pretty quickly. 
His laughter stops with a sharp inhale. “Are you hurt?”
You realize that he’s noticed the ink on your side, a tiger in the midst of peonies. The red, pink, and orange probably look like a wound beneath the opaque cloth. “No, nothing like that.” You carefully tug the linen up to show him your tattoo. 
“Wow.” His eye is wide as he takes in the art piece. “Gorgeous.” His calloused finger brushes the skin on your side, sending a shiver across your belly and up your ribcage. “It’s like a painting.”
“Thanks.” You feel more than a little self conscious, but also gratified by his reaction. “It’s supposed to be, like, fragility and strength? Together?” You find yourself a little tongue tied, too focused on his warm hand touching you. 
Masamune finally looks up, catching your gaze. “It fits you, kitten. Strong and fragile.” His expression is more serious than you’re used to. A deeper emotion moves in the depths of his blue eye. 
The urge to kiss him is strong, but you resist. You tug the cloth back down and step away, heart beating frantically. Masamune likes to flirt, you think, that’s all. You wrack your brain for a witty comment and come up empty. 
He smiles, drops his hands. “Our clothes should dry out soon, and then we can continue on.”
“The temple better be awesome. You’ve talked it up too much to take anything less than.” Your destination is safer ground, you think, jumping right into the new topic.
Masamune laughs. “There’s not another like it anywhere.” Something about the way he says it makes you wonder if he means the temple you’re traveling to or something else. 
“Worth the trip then?”
He catches a bit of your damp hair and twirls it around a finger. “I’d say this trip is already worth it.”
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cloudcountry · 9 months
SUMMARY: a handful of insecurities the ikemen guys would adore.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: happy holidays everyone!! i hope this makes at least one person feel loved by their fav <3 just know that this isnt a decisive list and that no matter your insecurity your favorite suitor would adore you to bits.
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you might think that they're silly for adoring your stomach so much, worshiping any extra fat or polished muscle you possess. they revel in your softness, burying their face into your midsection whenever they get the chance, kissing the skin there when they wake up and resting a hand over your belly button when you two go to sleep. if you’re ticklish there, watch out, because they take great joy in poking and prodding you just to hear you giggle.
arthur, dazai, will, charles, luke, silvio, edgar, kyle, seth, loki, masamune, mitsunari, motonari.
they don't understand what’s so embarrassing about your body hair. to them, it adds a sort of human softness to your legs as they run their hands down your calves, feeling the slight prickle of where each strand begins and ends. they think it’s beautiful, smiling so softly as they cup your knee, rubbing their thumbs across your skin. they do the same to your arms, cherishing every inch of your body,  just to remind you that even if you don’t like your body hair, they do because it's you.
leonardo, vincent, faust, clavis, zero, sirius, fenrir, mitsuhide, shingen.
your nose is often where their kisses land, sprinkling the bridge of it with their love and affection. they caress your face so tenderly as they bump their nose against yours, and you can feel the smile on their lips when they lean in to kiss you again. no matter what shape or what size, they will never stop thinking that your nose suits you just perfectly.
isaac, jean, leon, yves, sariel, keith, jonah, luka, dean, oliver, hideyoshi, keiji.
they think your acne and your scars are beautiful, even if you hate the way they look on your body. they insist it could never take away from your beauty, that you will always and forever be radiant, even with the red marks and the dull, faded scars. they’ll help you take care of them so you aren’t hurt, but they will never let you believe that you’re ugly. that word should not be associated with you, not when you have constellations speckled across your face and scars that are on their precious love and their precious love alone.
napoleon, sebastian, licht, nokto, alter keith, ray, dalim, mousse, yukimura, kanetsugu, kicho.
...and along with acne, they know you could never look prettier, especially not without your cellulite or stretch marks or anything in between. they trace the folds and warps in your skin with reverence because you are their love, their light, and their darling, and for as long as they live they want nothing more than to be able to hold you. because you are a human being who is worthy of love, if not for your humanity then because of your humanity.
mozart, theo, comte, vlad, jin, chevalier, rio, gilbert, lancelot, harr, blanc, nobunaga, ieyasu, ranmaru, kenshin, sasuke, yoshimoto, kennyo.
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the-stumbling-samurai · 5 months
The Warlords- Dad Headcanon: Hideyoshi
Hideyoshi my beloved <3 The man deserves a vacation into my arms or at least a decent lunchbreak, >Girl dad like Shingen, but "cursed". >5 daughters, all somehow seeming to take after their uncle Mitsuhide in one way or another, at least in Hideyoshi's mind. >Wouldn't trade them for all the sons in the world though. >Professional at playing pretty princess dress up. >Starts fighting off and worrying about boys at a young age. Sees his 4 year old daughter holding lets sayyyy little Nobunaga Oda Jrs hand in the castle gardens and nearly decides to switch sides just to get away from them. >Such a bragging parent. “well myyy daughter managed to hide the sweets this week and it took lord nobunaga double his usual time to find them.” >Meanwhile, the only reason Nobunaga found them was because one of Hideyoshi's daughter's is a master negotiator. >They suckered Nobunaga for some ponies in exchange of goods. >Thrives for his father daughter dates. He makes sure to do something special with each of them individually every week, even if it's something as simple as fixing her hair while sitting outside as they talk. >Takes all 5 on monthly father daughter outings to the local tea house. >Wants his daughters to stay as far away from war and fighting as possible so struggles when they start becoming interested in what he does. >Ropes Ieyasu into teaching them archery as a distraction and some basic protection skills. ".... Two horses, a new set of Kimonos, and a kitten." The little girl looked up at her father innocently. "That's all I asked for this time!" She sips her tea.
Hideyoshi sighs, rubbing his temples."Girls, you can't just say no to Lord Nobunaga and try and negotiate things with him! He's our Lord! Its not nice."
"But dad! You say no to him all the time! We were just trying to help!" his oldest daughter chimes in, the other 3 nodding their heads eagerly."He was trying to get into the candy again! So we hid it!"
"And instead of telling me so I can stop him you blackmailed him?!" Hideyoshi looks at them incredulously. "What in your right mind possessed you to do that?"
"Uncle Mitsuhide said to make every moment an opportunity! He thought it was a good idea and even helped by showing us a good hiding spot!"
Hideyoshi sighs, running his hands through his hair anxiously. "Of course he did." He groans, but he can't help but let a small smile slip onto his face as his girls giggle around him... "
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the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Warlords in a Snowball Fight
A general winter themed flash headcanon, as a gift for the Flash Exchange. @flash-exchange
Headcanon: Warlords in a Snowball Fight
In Azuchi…
Nobunaga – Strides through the field of battle, easily packing the snow into efficient weapons. Cooly confident that nobody would dare...  Splat!
Masamune – A snow battle? Bring it on! Runs wildly into action, skidding to a drift, quickly forms lopsided snowballs, and throws them with surprisingly good aim, especially given his blind side. Which… by the way… Splat!
Hideyoshi –  Sets out a list of rules, including, no ice in the middle of your snowball, no throwing snowballs inside the castle, absolutely no running! In the midst of announcing the rules… Splat!
Ieyasu –  Splat! He goes home and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – An army is made and broken by its organization. Carefully stockpiles snowballs at strategic points throughout Azuchi. Then gets distracted by a new book and forgets to join in the battle.
Ranmaru – Finds Mitsunari’s useful stacks of snowballs, and climbs to the roof, where he systematically picks everyone off, sniper style. Splat!
Keiji – Stands in the center of the field of play, grabbing the closest snow at hand, and throwing it randomly. He’s a dervish. Then he opens his arms wide and yodels, “Who wants to take on the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit, Keiji Maeda?”  Splat! Splat! Splat!  
Mitsuhide – Excels at sneaking from hiding spot to hiding spot, surprising victims by popping up out of nowhere and disappearing before they can retaliate. Is also the reason Ieyasu is hiding.
At Kasugayama… things are slightly more dangerous
Kenshin – Instead of snowballs, hurls icicles like spears.
Kanetsugu –  When people complain about flying icicles, tells them they should be honored to receive such attention from the God of War.
Shingen – Organizes Yukimura and Yoshimoto into a team and carefully strategizes the best times and places to attack. Has also built a working snow catapult. In spite of all that, he ends up strangely covered in snow, because, let’s face it, the man looks great in a wet kimono. And out of one.
Yukimura – Is an athletic and efficient snowball thrower, very good on the front lines in an all-out battle, but not terribly good at sneak attacks.
Yoshimoto – Is every snowflake truly different? Let’s find out? He wanders out into the garden. Is not seen until spring.
Sasuke – After getting hit by one too many icicles, packs his snowballs with ground spikes and sets off smoke bombs to escape.
Lone Forces…
Kennyo –  Tricks Azuchi and Kasugayama into fighting each other, then goes off and feeds hungry forest creatures.
Motonari – Snow? Snow doesn’t burn. Hell has frozen over. Sets sail for more tropical climates at the first sign of a flake.
Kicho – Sets off an avalanche.
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xxsycamore · 8 months
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🏹💘𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝‼️
—❥ 𝐱𝐱𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Hello everyone!! Back in June last year my blog reached 1500 followers, but I only got around to celebrating it now! Thank you so much for your continued support!! This year I want to play Cupid again so prepare for your faves to steal your heart all over again! (´ ε ` )♡
↪ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎: Pick a prompt and a character - one per ask! Please include the fandom as well to avoid confusion. Example: "Can I please have 😘 with William (ikevil)?" ; You'll receive a drabble (~300 words) about the character's reaction to the prompt. Please go wild with those! If you have something specific in mind for the prompts, like a certain hobby for prompt #10 🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together, or maybe for prompt #7 💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you", you thought of playing their favorite song, giving them a warm cup of tea while they work, or maybe hugging them from behind? Don't be afraid to share your idea and unleash your creativity, I'd love to make your vision come true! Of course, that's only if you want to! The limit is three requests per person. This event is sfw and anons are allowed.
For drabble examples: Check out last year's Valentine's Day celebration here!
💌 event masterlist ⊂⊃﹒␥
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↪ 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
🪱 - Ask them if they'd love you if you were a worm
🥺 - Tease by calling them cute
🤲 - Play with their hair
🌸 - Breathe in their soothing scent
💌 - Leave a love note in their pocket
🤭 - Whisper something embarrassing in their ear
💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you"
😈 - Linger in for a kiss, but never kiss them
💅 - Help them unwind with a self-care routine
🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together
🤪 - Crack a joke to make them laugh
🙏 - Warm their hands between yours
🤸‍♀️ - Strike a sexy pose to distract them
👔 - Steal their clothes to cuddle when you miss them
🍰 - Share your sweets with them
💋 - Demand for a kiss, right here, right now
💘 - "Be my Valentine?"
😘 - Keep smooching them until they protest
🥄 - Ask to be their big spoon
😊 - Present your cheek for a goodbye kiss
↪ 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟸𝟿):
Ikemen Villains: Wiliam; Harrison; Liam; Elbert; Alfons; Roger; Jude; Ellis; Victor
Ikeseries MCs: Mitsuki (Ikevamp); Alice (Ikerev); Mai (Ikesen); Emma (Ikepri); NEW: Kate (ikevil)
Ikemen Prince: Leon; Chevalier; Yves; Nokto; Licht; Jin; Luke; Clavis; Rio; Sariel; Gilbert; Keith; Silvio NEW: Cyran/Cyril; Kagari; Matthias
Ikemen Vampire: Napoleon(pls); Leonardo; Mozart; Arthur; Vincent; Theo; Isaac; Jean; Dazai; Sebastian; Comte; Shakespeare; Vlad; Faust; Charles; Drake; Galileo
Ikemen Revolution: Lancelot; Ray; Jonah; Fenrir; Edgar; Sirius; Kyle; Luka; Zero; Seth; Blanc; Oliver; Loki; Harr; Mousse; Dalim; Dean; Levie
Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga; Masamune; Shingen; Hideyoshi; Mitsuhide; Kanetsugu; Ieyasu; Mitsunari; Yukimura; Sasuke; Kenshin; Kenyo; Ranmaru; Motonari; Keiji; Kicho; Yoshimoto
Midnight Cinderella: Alyn; Giles; Louis; Leo; Byron; Nico; Albert; Robert; Rayvis; Sid
NEW: Ikemen Genjiden: Minamoto no Yoritomo
Shuuen no Virche/Virche Evermore: Ceres; Scien; Ankou; Yves; Adolphe; Lucas; Mathis; Jean; Capucine; Hugo; Dahut
Piofiore no Banshou/Piofiore Fated Memories: Yang; Dante; Liliana; Gilbert; Nicola; Orlok; Leo; Oliver; Rui; Yuan
Cupid Parasite: Lynette; Claris; Gill; Allan; Ryuki; Shelby; Raul; Owen; Peter
Variable Barricade: Ichiya; Taiga; Hibari; Shion; Nayuta; Kasuga
🎀 Have fun requesting!! I can't wait to see what you put in my askbox!! 🎀
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A series of small letters
Found on Mitsuhide’s desk tied with a red ribbon…
They say curiosity killed the cat, but what does it do to a Little Mouse? My my, what did you suspect when you spotted this scroll on top of my desk. Did you hesitate, unsure whether to open it? Did you wait, breath held, for me to return?
Are you now looking around wondering how I knew you would open this mysterious correspondence?
It’s a game, Little One. Your search begins!
Served alongside a bowl of seafood …
Too easy? Perhaps, perhaps not. But I have ensured that you ate a warm meal on this crisp day, and if I wrote them down, my feelings would warm your cheeks to a blush. I won’t enumerate them here. That charming look on your face is not for Masamune’s view.
A letter handed over by Hideyoshi …
Little Mouse, the things I subject myself to for your comfort. Hideyoshi was not pleased that I sent you all over Azuchi, but I assured him I have a good reason. Even so, I would not be surprised if you had to listen to him disparage my character. And though your ears might be ringing, you’re likely rested enough to seek out another letter.
Found underneath a stack of military treatises …
Strategy comes in many forms, does it not? The sun is close to setting, and I expect you took pity on Mitsunari and arranged his book piles in such a way as to avoid him being crushed by an avalanche. While the little mouse has been away, the fox has been…
Delivered in person, for you to read while enjoying a relaxing massage…
Welcome home my love,
You’ve been working so hard, I wanted you to enjoy a day off, visit with friends, and bask in lovely weather. Had I suggested that you take a break, you might have nodded… and then forgotten to do so as you became engrossed in your work.
You were away from home long enough for me to set the scene for a quiet evening together. Quiet, apart from a bit of teasing. I have not forgotten that this entire adventure began when you could not resist opening my correspondence.
Perhaps, also, there was a sinister reason for my game. This hunt ensured your mind was on me all day… as mine was on you. Little Mouse, you are always at the center of my thoughts, even while I go about my tasks.
a letter for anon, thank you for the request!
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
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1880s Western Train Travel AU Mitsuhide is still on my mind, so I felt the need to make some art.
Check out the AU here!
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selenacosmic · 10 months
May I have a Teen MC request pls in which MC pulls a Mulan (by secretly dressing up as one of her brother's soldiers and causing an avalanche onto the enemy)? Of course, she gets caught by the said Warlord as she tries to escape during the battle (so it would appear as if she never left the campsite). I know that the Warlords would both be angry yet impressed by her stunt (and that she's also okay).
Thnks anyway!
Hello! And yes, I agree. This is a really cool and interesting concept. Thank you for the request!
Teen!MC pulling a mulan.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
It’s needless to say that Nobunaga wouldn’t be very happy… at first glance. He will use his authoritative voice when he calls you, which will make you scared and sure that he will scold you. The serious way he is looking at you also doesn’t help.
However, before you can try to explain, Nobunaga will pat your head and congratulate you, a wide smirk on his face. His little sister is very fierce, after all.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi will raise his voice, though not too much, when scolding you. He will look more like a parent than your older brother, his hands will be on his hips as he nags.
What if you got hurt? What if the enemy attacked you? What if that avalanche had managed to bury you? He can’t stress enough reasons as to what could have happened.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide will be surprisingly serious for once, asking you if you even have a brain between your ears. He isn’t one to scold, that’s Hideyoshi’s job, but you were in serious danger.
However, even though he will be angry, he will still praise you for doing a good job, even if it was a sloppy one.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu isn’t one to nag either, but he will make you feel bad, he was worried about your safety and couldn’t believe you would sneak in as one of his soldiers.
Still, Ieyasu can’t stay angry at his young sister, so he will pat your head and tell you to go to your tent and reflect on what you did.
Mitsunari Ishida.
You might think Mitsunari won’t scold you, right? Wrong, he will. The difference is that he won’t be scary while doing so. Instead he will go on about how much he was worried and how important you are to him, Mitsunari will become more clingy towards you as to make sure you don’t leave his side.
You will feel a bit bad for making Mitsunari worry so much, he truly was afraid of losing his sister.
Masamune Date.
Masamune will be… conflicted, he doesn’t know whether he should praise you or ask if you are crazy.. which will also receive praise from him. He believes that it is important that you have surviving skills like that, since he wasn’t sure if he could be by your side to protect you.
He can’t really stay mad at you, so he will encourage you (which will make Hideyoshi scold him for being a bad influence).
Ranmaru Mori.
Ranmaru isn’t one to scold at all, instead he will hug you tightly while saying how worried he was, he isn’t used to being a big brother so he isn’t sure how to go on about scolding you.
He will more likely pout at you while making an attempt at scolding you, which will remain an attempt.
Keiji’s mask will fall, he will scold you a lot, clearly angry that you were that reckless. Sure, he will praise you for your idea, but that doesn’t change the fact that you almost died.
He will wait to calm down first so that he can praise you properly.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin will be another one who will be conflicted, on one hand he is proud of his little sister for fending their enemies like that, with such a great plan, but on the other hand he almost lost you. He won’t have the heart to scold you, instead he will tighten security around you.
Shingen Takeda.
Shingen will be on the same page as Kenshin, but instead he will be able to scold you properly. He doesn’t raise his voice but makes his worries clear (aka I am not mad, just disappointed).
He will praise your idea, though. You managed to think fast in a situation like that… maybe he should train his little sister in the arts of war.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura will have more reason to call you a boar girl, crazy enough to defeat a whole army by starting an avalanche. He will also see potential for you to train with him, but don’t think he isn’t panicking.
He will ask if you really are crazy, only to receive a hit on his arm from you.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto doesn’t scold, and that’s because he has no energy for it. He will, however, give you the silent treatment for a while until you apologize for sneaking in battle. Then he will pull you into a tight hug, happy that you were ok.
It’s hard to know whether Sasuke is scolding you or praising you. He will be more worried, while also saying you were just like mulan.
He is the kind of big brother that wouldn’t scold you, but would remind you to be more careful the next time you do something like this.
You thought Hideyoshi was scary when scolding? Kanetsugu is worse. He will not only scold you but he will also punish you by grounding you to reflect on what you did. Perhaps it becomes worse because of the tone of his voice and how serious his face was.
Lone forces.
Motonari Mouri.
Motonari will give you a light hit on the back of your head, nothing that would really hurt but it caught your attention. He will scold you angrily, not happy that you tried doing something reckless.
Still, he recognizes your talents, so he will warm up to the idea of training you, you had a lot to learn from him.
Kennyo scolds but not in a scary way… much. He really just tries telling you that you are still too young to be running off to battle like that, not experienced enough and that if you were only patient enough, he would teach you how to be a soldier.
… on second thought, you are his little sister, no way would he want you anywhere near the battlefield.
Kichou’s approach would be much like Nobunaga’s, but instead of unexpectedly praising you, he will give you the scolding of your life, to the point where you call him “sir” or “lord” instead of big brother.
Deep down it all comes from genuine worry.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 8 months
nobunaga/hideyoshi and hideyoshi/mitsuhide are two obvious ships in ikesen that are both, lol, given a fair amount of tease in the routes, but personally i think a relatively unexplored gold mine is the nobunaga/mitsuhide dynamic. it sticks out to me with mitsuhide's route; first in the scene when mitsuhide is announcing his "engagement" with the mc in front of nobunaga and hideyoshi. afterward nobunaga says he would like to have a word with the mc alone, mitsuhide basically asks if he could stay too, nobunaga reiterates that he's dismissed, and mitsuhide complies without hesitation. (mc's and my reaction was the same here, btw: "...mitsuhide backed down immediately. interesting.") bc i mean yeah, how many people would mitsuhide easily back down against? he also refers to nobunaga as "lord nobunaga" or "my lord" even in his internal thoughts, and while on one hand it's obvious since, yeah, he's nobunaga's vassal, there's clearly a lot of wholehearted respect for nobunaga on mitsuhide's end. like mitsuhide's always taking the piss out of people, but nobunaga's probably one of the few who would be completely unfazed by him, and that's a fun dynamic. it's completely unlike mitsuhide's relationship with all the other warlords and even the mc.
the other thing that interests me is a bit more subtle, but mitsuhide's route delves into how it's affected his mentality to be involved in all this shady and morally questionable stuff, even if it's for the big picture ultimately. the thing is: that big picture is nobunaga's ambition. in other words, it's nobunaga's ambition - a world without classism, a desire mitsuhide shares - for which mitsuhide subjects himself to all That, and he states that he does it without regret despite what it's cost him. i think mitsuhide, like hideyoshi, is deeply, deeply loyal to nobunaga; while it's not that he overly invests his self-worth and identity into serving nobunaga like hideyoshi, he out of all the warlords is by far one of the ones with the most personal stakes in nobunaga's ambition. he has absolute faith in nobunaga and serves him with everything he has. he believes that nobunaga can truly, with the support of the other warlords, bring about the kind of world they both want. and that sort of unbridled trust, that sort of loyalty... it's just fascinating for me to consider that mitsuhide feels that way towards someone.
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aquagirl1978 · 9 months
And may I also request touches #2 with Mitsuhide? I love doting on that man so much!!
Thank you for this request - sorry it took me so long to get to 🥺
Blue Christmas - Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader (ikemen Sengoku)
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A/N: Day 4 of my Twelve Days of Christmas. Also part of my New Year, New Celebration follower celebration.
Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader
Prompt: running fingers through hair
Word Count: 562
Tags: fluff
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It was a cold and blustery day in December as you strolled through the streets of Azuchi. Your hands were filled with bags brimming with gifts for all your friends, including an extra special one for Mitsuhide -- a small porcelain mouse. 
Christmas was one of your favorite holidays – the lights and the trees and the family dinner of fried chicken were just some of the things that made this holiday so special to you. You had thought this year would be bittersweet, as it was your first away from home, but it had been anything but so far. Christmas might not have come to Japan yet, but there was nothing stopping you from bringing the spirit of the holidays here.
 You had planned to sneak out that afternoon under the ruse of needing to go to the markets in search of new fabric – it was the perfect excuse to go shopping alone to get everyone’s gifts. 
And then you ran into Mitsuhide.
“Where’s this little mouse running off to this early?”
Close. So close to freedom. 
After you informed him that you were going to the market to pick up some new fabrics, you were shocked when he asked if he could join you. Of course you said yes – who would say no to their boyfriend – but now you were in the unenviable position of trying to evade the kitsune somewhere in the market as you purchased the presents.
As it turned out, Mitsuhide was meeting someone in the markets, so it was easy for you to shop in secret. After spending an inordinate amount of time perusing various shops to find the perfect gifts – down to Nobunaga’s favorite konpeito, sorry Hideyoshi – it was finally time to return home to the castle. 
One moment you were hurrying through the streets of the markets in Azuchi, and the next, you were lying flat on the ground. Cheeks warm with embarrassment, you sighed, your bags lying scattered on the ground around you. Your only saving grace was that no one you knew witnessed your fall.
Or so you thought.
Your stomach twisted in knots as you looked up into the crowd and spotted a familiar head of silver-white hair, suppressing a groan as he approached.
“Little mouse,” he said, offering you his hand in assistance. You slipped your hand in his; he easily pulled you up to a standing position. His eyes flickered over your figure, assessing any injuries. He reached out a hand, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered, his fingers grazing your still heated cheeks, his touch comforting. 
“You really do need to watch yourself,” he chided, his eyes fixed on a patch of ice on the ground. “It certainly would have been a blue Christmas if you had hurt yourself.” 
You turned to him, your eyes wide with awe. How did he know about Christmas? You hadn’t said a word about it as you were waiting until the 25th to surprise everyone. So who told him?
He gazed at you knowingly, his golden eyes twinkling like familiar Christmas lights. He huffed a small laugh, and as if he was reading your mind, he pulled you close to him in a warm embrace, his fingers running through your hair as he held your face close to his heart.
“Lucky for you, I was here to help.”
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Tagging: @alixennial @redheadkittys @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @scorchieart @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @judejazza @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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teecupangel · 4 months
So I watched the trailer of Assassin's Creed Shadows and I thought I'd give my preliminary thoughts
Okay... so Yasuke was Oda Nobunaga's vassal from 1581 to 1582. Historically, he was captured by Akechi's forces after Mitsuhide betrayed Nobunaga which led to Nobunaga's death. Instead of killing him, Mitsuhide ordered he be shipped to the Christians (whether he did it to save Yasuke's life or because he was being racist is still unsure) where he was treated and they sailed out of Japan later on.
Naoe being an Iga shinobi... I have nothing XD Nobunaga did destroy the shinobi clans in Iga (that was a whole 'nother thing) and her last name, Fujibayashi, was one of the ruling families of Iga province. Other than that... uuuhhh... the kanji of her name 名緒絵 sorta gives the impression of an honorable, kind and talented person. 名 is usually seen in words that translate to 'name' or 'distinguished', the first thing I thought of when I saw 緒 was 'beginning' but it can also mean 'strap' or 'cord' and 絵 is a kanji that appears in words that is connected to art and painting.
Possible Storyline
Oda Nobunaga is not a Templar. He was, for a time, an ally of the Brotherhood until he got his hands on a Sword of Eden and everything went downhill from there. So I see 2 possible storylines:
This is set before Oda Nobunaga's death in Honnouji and Yasuke has a redemption arc with Naoe guiding him to the ways of the Brotherhood. They probably act independently from Akechi's forces and the end game is to take away the Sword of Eden from Nobunaga. Yamauchi Taka (who kills Nobunaga in AC canon) would appear as a support character of some capacity. (He might even be Naoe's mentor)
This is set after Oda Nobunaga's death and Yasuke is on a path of vengeance against those who conspired against Oda. He and Naoe would have a more hostile relationship first before it developed into Yasuke finally letting go of his need for vengeance and becoming a blade to save the weak from this endless bloodshed.
Regardless, we'll probably see Hattori Hanzo since he's part of the Japanese Brotherhood.
Plot 1 would end in Honnouji and the retrieval of the Sword of Eden... or the Sword of Eden apparently gets into Akechi's hands and we get to have plot 1 AND 2 where the sword becomes 'pass the baton' kind of deal (this will fight with the current AC canon though)
Plot 2 could end anywhere from Akechi's death during the Battle of Yamazaki OR we get as far as the Battle of Sekigahara which is always fun (I mean... not fun because so many people died there but fun in a video game-y kind of way).
Plot 2 is more broad which could lead to 'too many characters, not enough limelight' while Plot 1 is more centered and could serve to make the character development shine.
(If this Oda Nobunaga gets a laser sword as well, at least we can say Isu bullshit on that one XD)
As far as I know, Assassin's Creed Shadows will follow the open world rpg setup of the Layla trilogy. Considering how Mirage made use of Valhalla's engine, that might be Naoe's gameplay as well. I would suggest to wait for an actual gameplay as Ubisoft sometimes make fancy 'moves' in cinematic trailers that you can't actually do in-game.
I also want to know how they would handle the two main characters setup. Considering we see them together in the trailer, this might be a case of "same missions but who you pick decide how you approach it" kind of deal instead of AC Syndicate's "Jacob and Evie do their own thing most of the time". Same missions also means there's a good chance of wanting to replay it as a different character for a different experience and also... it means they'd be reusing the same assets during development XD
teecup Rambles
Okay, here we go.
I really want to see Assassin's Creed version of Nobunaga Oichi because she's my favorite character in these kinds of stories. She's usually portrayed as the kind beautiful younger sister of Oda Nobunaga that he once said could have been a fine warrior if she had been born a man. Also, her daughters would later marry (or become a concubine) to prominent historical figures. Her relationship with Nobunaga after the death of her first husband is also vague so she can support Yasuke regardless if he's trying to avenge Nobunaga's death or if he betrayed him.
Other than that, I think the final battle being Sekigahara would be epic. Just waves and waves of enemies to fight as Yasuke while Naoe stealth her way to the big battlefield to assassinate their actual target. Although, historically, it would make sense for the story to end with Nobunaga's death or Akechi's death since that's around the last time we hear of Yasuke.
... then again, he would just return after being shipped off and that starts the main game too.
Yeah, that's about it. I really just wanted to talk about Ichi but I couldn't add it elsewhere.
Oh and Yasuke is in Samurai Warriors 5 if you want to have an idea of how Ubisoft can handle him... also in Nobunaga's Ambition. It would be awesome if his Isu armor's helmet would look something like Nagoriyuki's (who is inspired by the historical figure Yasuke) from Guilty Gear as a reference to a reference but I highly doubt it.
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