#(i know Goku is the main character but I mean Broly is the main character of the Broly movies)
dalissy · 1 year
Despite being the main character of their respective piece of media, Clark and Broly are actually the Kens of my most cherished Barbies (Lois and Cheelai)
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amebanworld · 1 month
So... what happened with Raditz? I mean...
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Cetain thing I find infurating about the (random) DragonBall canon is how imprecisse and "let's forget our own canon" it can be. Sure, Mr. Toriyama never took a big deal about this b/c he just wanted to make something entertaining. But, at the end of the day, it also happens to be contradictory or just unfair. That's the case of Raditz. Let me explain myself... After so many years, Mr. Toriyama finally could acomplish his idea about how saiyans were and what happened with Bardock, Broly, King Vegeta, Freeza, etc... Till then, we only had Toei's movies and OVA's, not Toriayama's. Therefore, we learned about Goku's mother, Gine, as well the dinamic of his parents. Unlike Toei's movies, here we could meet Raditz as a kid. And happens to be the character is something less "saiyan like" we had in mind. Let's check these canon scenes...
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We can see Raditz playing with beetles along other younger saiyan children. Sure, this is a Japanese thing and they can be related with it, but in DBall canon, we can see saiyan kids aren't different from human children. And overall, Raditz is NOT evil here, he's just behaving like any other playfull kid.
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Now, we also can see Gine holding Raditz's hand, like any other mother would do with really young children. Yes, we know Gine was sweet (at least, for saiyans standars), but we don't see Raditz is infurated or anything because his family.
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Also, we have this "Kid manga" about their saiyan tail's training. It's suppused to fit the real manga, but obviously it isn't really canon (an alternative universe, perhaps?) But putting aside the fact is nonsensical Raditz cannot recognize Kakarot, in this manga we see Vegeta uses to menace Raditz for any faliure, and he's afraid of him (as any saiyan would do with the Prince). But, on the other side, we see Goku-Kakarot and Raditz getting along nicely and being supportive with each other. In the end of the story, they wish for a future meeting. On the other hand, we also have the inverse situation, also in canon...
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Raditz and Vegetas reaction after learning about the fate of their planet and people. They both acting like little shits. Vegeta says "Duh! I don't care!" and Raditz copying his answer. Sure, we can say Raditz did so because he's coping the prince b/c, well, Vegeta's the prince and Raditz is now going to go in the opposite direction. Anyway, his behaviour here is totally different from the image of him playing with beetles and other kids. And they both are canon!! Anyway, these facts bring up a lot of questions the fandom seem doesn't care about. I mean... At this point, we asume saiyans aren't cold hearted butchers, but people like humans are, but in a different stage of civilitation. Something similar to Mongol horders under Gengis Khan emperor. For them, fighting to survival is something and not showing weakness is something cultural. We knew, in the end, Vegeta did care for his people and wanted revenge, so this answer as kid was just wordiness. But, why we never got good answers? And why the fandom keeps saying Raditz, Nappa (and any other classical saiyans) are a bunch of plain assholes? Afterwards, Brooly happens to be a kind of shy boy and Vegeta's little bro (yeah, another canon break), is a sweetheart. I'd like to see more about the saiyans and how Raditz, being the main character's bro, could get a full arc about his story. It is unfair for this character, as well as the fandom ignoring him (except for another shipping story/ new saiyan from nowhere/ expendable villan).
I don't think Goku, at this point fo "Super" even cares. Son Goku turned into a plain egoistical idiot in later stories after all.
Oh! BTW, the beetle thing seems to be something that runs in the family. Goten also likes to play with insects. Uncle Raditz would aprove this.
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ozonelasher · 5 months
i'm ngl i will be honest. i think one of the most disappointing developments in modern db lore/super is the whitewashing of the saiyans. lemme explain
like if you dont know, dragon ball as a whole is a parody of the chinese epic journey to the west, with son goku BEING sun wukong, but other saiyan characters being given sun wukong's characteristics—such as z broly, whose gold crown is a direct reference to sun wukong's golden headband, which also suppressed his power. the iconic saiyan battle armor is abstracted from samurai armor. so like, it’s pretty safe to say that goku & the rest of the saiyans are coded to be east asian.
it's also important to point out their cultural origin backstory as it was introduced in og dbz filler & how it's presented. in the manga you don't really see any depiction, but you actually get to see the story of the saiyans recounted, and to me, the kind of "uncivilized, barbaric society (the saiyans) invades & destroys peaceful, technologically advanced society (the tuffles)" narrative told alongside the literally racist treatment vegeta, nappa, & raditz received from freeza & other freeza force members in paralleled a lot of the irl historical racist rhetoric perpetuated against a majority of indigenous groups around the world. and there could have been something really interesting done with that, because a lot of what you heard about the saiyans came from word of mouth decades after their planet's destruction!
unfortunately, that potential for nuance wasn't explored much further by both the franchise and mainstream fanon, which was fine ig. though when i was first getting into DB and looking at a lot of fanmade content, i would encounter stuff like "spartan saiyan AUs!!" or saiyans drawn in roman armor, which even back then would make me roll my eyes considering... yknow, lmao. like c'mon, other 'war-like' societies exist, especially outside of europe. the battle armor is based off of samurai armor for a reason.
but i guess that perception of the saiyans became so popular that when super began to be produced, they not only doubled-down on saiyans being an inherently 'evil' race, but with the introduction of the universe 6 saiyans, started kinda.... revising the cultural inspiration of the saiyans?? like cabba's saiyan armor really is essentially inspired by roman leather armor, and so is the armor the main character, Shallot, from DB Legends, as well as saiyan royalty adopting european royal naming conventions... which is literally so strange to me. what do you mean vegeta the fourth
idk it's just something so strange to do as a japanese franchise inspired by a chinese folk epic, but it is what it is at this point 😔
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (some more)
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I meant to watch Super Hero a third time while it was in theaters, but one thing led to another, and I just never got around to it.  No big deal, I rarely see a move in theaters twice, so I’m satisfied.  Still, I meant to keep discussing different aspects of the film, and I kind of lost track of that, so let’s talk about the scenes on Beerus’ planet.
The real purpose of this whole section of the movie was to explain why Goku and Vegeta aren’t around for the main plot.   As with Resurrection F, they’re off-world, training on Beerus’ planet, and even though Bulma can contact them through Whis, it doesn’t work because Whis doesn’t keep a close eye on his magic staff. 
This is something I really love about this movie, because it acknowledges something I’ve understood for many years: You can easily split up the cast and make anyone you want into the main character, simply by writing the stronger characters out of the story.   The option has always been there and Toei and Shueisha have teased it more than once, but this is the first time they’ve committed to it whole-heartedly.  Goku, Vegeta, Whis, Beerus, and Broly could easily take out the new Red Ribbon faction, but they’re not coming, so it’s up to Piccolo and the rest. 
But that doesn’t mean we have to jettison those characters entirely.  There’s a whole section of the movie dedicated to showing what those guys are up to.  Mostly, it’s the same routine we saw in Res F, but this time Broly, Cheelai, and Leemo are on the planet too.  When Beerus finds out, Goku explains that they brought them here to hide them from Frieza, but there seems to be some indication that Broly is there to train as well.   When Whis proposes a sparring contest between all three Saiyans, Vegeta objects, because Broly might lose control of himself again and jeopardize the planet.  So Broly ends up riding the pine, but it seems pretty clear that he’s there to learn, even if he didn’t do much in this movie. 
On that note, I really enjoyed how Broly seemed to get into Goku and Vegeta’s match.  In the last movie, Cheelai says that he probably doesn’t even like fighting, but I think the truth is that Broly doesn’t enjoy being forced to fight, the way his father and Frieza had been manipulating him to do.  At the end of the last movie, he seemed interested in Goku’s offer to show him some things, and this movie builds on that idea.   When he sees Goku and Vegeta duking it out, he smiles, because this is the kind of pure, honorable combat he can get into.  The action he saw on Vampa was just survival.  Frieza’s revenge scheme was just murder-for-hire.  But Goku fighting Vegeta in a no-transformation, no-hand-energy, last-man-standing contest, that’s something much more noble, and I think that’s what appeals to him.  Even though he wiped the floor with both of them in the previous film, he still admires their superior technique and disciplined control over their powers.   It’s a nice touch.
There’s a few details with the Beerus’ Planet leg of the movie that have caused some debate, so let me weigh in on these now.
1) Beerus has the hots for Cheelai.  At first, Beerus was irked to see freeloaders squatting on his planet like it was a hotel, but Leemo won him over with his cooking, and Cheelai won him over with her looks, I guess.  I’ll give Beerus credit, he didn’t go gaga over Cheelai until she turned to face him.  Before that, she had her back to him, so he could have been like “Wow, she’s got a great ass!  She can stay!”  Beerus is a class-act, is what I’m trying to say.  
Anyway, the concern is that this might endanger the Brolai ship, which seemed pretty firmly established in the last movie.   Not that Broly and Cheelai were kissing at the end of it or anything, but you know what I mean.  Broly hasn’t expressed any clear attraction to Cheelai, so the fact that Beerus has implies that the franchise has taken a new direction. 
For my part, I don’t see it that way.  I think the scene was mostly included to give Beerus a reason to accept Cheelai, even in spite of her trying to steal a bunch of his stuff.   He thinks she’s cute, but I don’t think Beerus is the marrying type, you know?  Besides, there’s no indication that Cheelai feels anything at all towards him, other than fear, I guess. 
To put it another way, there was one guy she said “Lookin’ good” to, and it sure wasn’t Beerus.  I think Brolai’s pretty safe, at least until the next movie.
2) Vegeta explains meditation to Goku. At one point, Goku chides Vegeta for just sitting around with his eyes shut, and Vegeta (im)patiently explains that he’s trying to condition his mind in order to fight more effectively.   Vegeta’s logic is that Jiren was never actually much stronger than himself or Goku, but he seemed invincible because of how he used his strength.  According to Vegeta, Jiren would only bring his fighting power to bear at the very moment of action, and this precision enabled him to move more efficiently and decisively, putting all of his power to its most devastating effect.   And Vegeta thinks he can duplicate this skill, but he has to do it in his head before he can train his body.
So what bugged a lot of fans about this is that it makes Goku look kind of dumb for not understanding this himself.  I’ve even seen fans suggest that the writers must hate Goku in favor of Vegeta.  I don’t think it’s that black-and-white, but it doesn’t surprise me that the Dragon Ball fandom would turn something into a zero-sum game between Goku and Vegeta. 
First of all, there’s a legitimate critique to all of this.  The observations Vegeta makes about Jiren are things we’ve seen in the franchise before.  Goku himself used similar movements to defeat Recoome, Jeice, and Burter.   The Kai-o-ken operates on the same concept, with Goku amplifying his power for short bursts.   Both Mr. Popo and Korin spent a lot of time training Goku to get the most out of his movements.  “Be as quiet as the sky, and move quicker than lightning.” 
For that matter, Goku’s Ultra Instinct is all about this sort of thing, and that’s how Goku overwhelmed Jiren in the closing minutes of the Tournament of Power.  So Goku shouldn’t need to have anyone explain all of this to him, or that meditation would help him achieve that ideal.   Hell, we’ve seen him do this before.  There’s panels in the manga of him meditating. 
So this is just an example of the writers making Goku look stupid to make Vegeta look better, right?  No, I don’t think it is.  Yes, Goku’s meditated before, and yes, Goku knows how to control his movements for maximum effect, but he’s been learning to do that for decades, and I don’t think there’s ever really a finish line for any of this stuff.  I think part of Goku’s weakness when it comes to training is that he tends to focus on the stuff he enjoys doing.  The workouts on King Kai’s planet, sparring matches with Vegeta, and so on.  He seems to feel like he already did the hard parts, and now all he has to do is strengthen his body to build on the techniques he’s already mastered. 
And he really struggled with the hard parts.   That whole training arc on Kami’s Lookout was full of moments where Goku just stone cold didn’t understand what Mr. Popo was trying to teach him, to the point where Kami was worried that he might not make it.  Goku was also frustrated with Korin’s training, and he probably only stuck with it because he had no other choice.   So Goku’s always had a blind spot for this kind of thing.  He knows it’s important and he knows it works, and to a point he can pull it off, but it’s never his preference.
And really, who can blame him?  This is a character who’s just stumbled into big power windfalls, either because of fate or genetics or natural talent.  Korin used Sacred Water as bait to teach Goku something more valuable, but later Goku got to drink the actual Sacred Water and it made him way, way stronger than Korin’s training.  Kami worried that Goku wasn’t mastering his training, which was why Kami entered the tournament to take out Piccolo himself, but Goku ended up defeating Piccolo anyway.  And then Goku just snapped in the middle of a battle and became a Super Saiyan.  Then he did it all over again with Ultra Instinct.  I think the thing about Goku is that he’s so scary good at martial arts that he often doesn’t even understand how he can do the things he does. 
On the flip side, Vegeta had to train his way to becoming a Super Saiyan, and he learned Super Saiyan God without any outside help, and he presumably picked up Ultra Ego the same way.  He lacks Goku’s intuition for this kind of thing, but he’s a prodigy in his own right.  The difference is that he can analyze a situation and articulate a course of action, where Goku just sort of figures things out on the fly. 
Which is how you get scenes like Vegeta explaining to Goku how to do something that he ought to already understand. 
3) Beerus seems afraid of Broly. Okay, so when Beerus first sees Broly on his planet, he worries that Broly will flip out again and destroy the whole place.  Some fans have found this questionable, because Beerus is generally presented as being stronger than every mortal character by default.  It’s not really a rule, but Golden Frieza was still suitably worried about Beerus, and Goku and Vegeta seem to recognize that they’re still not strong enough to defeat him.
But each new level they introduce in this franchise kind of strains Beerus’ credibility.   Arguably, Goku and Vegeta have already surpassed Beerus, because Vegeta beat a nascent God of Destruction (Toppo) during the Tournament of Power, and Goku used Ultra Instinct to overpower Jiren, who was said to have defeated a God of Destruction himself.  I mean, it doesn’t prove anything until they fight Beerus again, but they seem to be gaining on him and all he ever does is sleep and eat.   Then you’ve got Broly, who clobbered Goku and Vegeta, and you really have to wonder how he’d do against Beerus.   Oh, and Gogeta dominated Broly as a Super Saiyan Blue, so I wonder how Beerus would handle the likes of him, 
So there’s a growing number of characters who seem to be in Beerus’ league, or maybe even beyond it.  I don’t keep up with the manga, but I’m pretty sure Moro, Granolah, and Black Frieza belong on that list as well.  And yet, there are fans who remain confident that Beerus would just tap each of them on the shoulder and knock them unconscious, the way he took out everyone in Battle of Gods.  And maybe he still could, but when I think about Beerus vs. Jiren, I can’t see it ending that way.   Jiren beat a God of Destruction, and even if we don’t know for sure which one it was, are we saying Beerus is way, way stronger than that guy?
On the other hand, it does seem kind of weird that Beerus might have already been surpassed by some of these characters and it hasn’t come up yet.  If Broly’s already at that level, then that should be big moment.  It begs for a scene where one of these characters gives Beerus a gut-punch and humbles him physically.  That’s how this franchise works.   But maybe they’re still building up to that. 
Anyway, I’m pretty sure Beerus’ concern about Broly is that he might lose his shit and destroy Beerus’ planet, which is his home, where he lives.  He didn’t care about the Earth, but it’s different when the unstable powerhouse is camping out in your own backyard.   Beerus might be able to defeat or destroy Broly, but the point is that he doesn’t want to have to get into that kind of situation in his own home.
Or, maybe Beerus really is worried that Broly could defeat him in a one-on-one fight.  It’s not inconceivable.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑 "𝐼 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢".
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Summary: A series of short one-shots inspired by this prompt, 1-35. I am not going to write all the prompts and I will not be writing them in order, but based off inspiration. To fuel my “horny on main” I may focus mainly on writing for Goku but there may be a few with other characters. Not all fics will be suitable for all ages. Minors should not interact with prompts rated mature/18+.
Completed Prompts: 2 / 4 / 7 / 10 / 12 / 16 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 31 / 34
12. When we lay together on the fresh spring grass
Pairing: Broly (DBS) x Female Reader ( God of Destruction ) - PLATONIC Rating: T Warning: ( canon-typical violence, mentions of death ) A/N: Reluctant God Mom has hard-to-hard with newly adopted man-child. I haven’t really written for Broly in a while I almost forgot how to
He joins you today for lounging in the grass. By the lake where the larger trees shaded the area just right, a comfortable mix of warm sunlight and a cool breeze graced this spot with the perfect comfort for a nap in the peaceful outside. Nothing but the rustling grass and the sound of the water. More appropriately, you were trying to nap in peace with his company until he shared his thoughts. A rare opening up from a normally quiet presence, but it garnered your attention to humor his unprompted conversation.
“You think I have everything?” You chuckled softly in your throat. Your eyes open looking toward the sky through the breezy tree limbs. Quite the exaggeration of your character. “That is cute... but untrue. I do not have everything. I live by a discipline that allows me to exist comfortably.” 
“You destroy things --people-- on purpose. No one tries to stop you.” The large saiyan points out. He turns his eyes upward finding the wide sky above as well, lightly adjusting his hands behind his head. “Because your power scares them.”
“You can understand what that is like.” You harmlessly chided in return.
Broly has been here for a while now, along with the other two remaining of his kind. Mostly for the sake of training, but every time you turn around his silent, hulking stature is close by trying to get chummy with you by some awkward means. Sometimes mimicking the way you do certain things to blend into your background or become better acquainted with the normalcy of general etiquette and a lifestyle away from Vampa, the methods of a child taking in the basics of self-sufficiency by watching the adults around him successfully do the smallest things. To some degree, he gets his way of gaining your attention when it’s desired in the beginning. Forcing you to acknowledge him by staring from the far end of the table when you have something on your plate he wants or correcting some behavioral issues that one would expect from living on a desolate planet for his entire life.
 Your interactions develop beyond simply correcting him, recognizing the bits of personality in that deadpan frown as you allowed yourself to be more receptive to him and let your curiosity learn about the history of this long lost saiyan. It taught you to be more patient with him and lessened your indifference, though he continues to test the former every so often. You felt like you had to catch his mistakes before they happened, giving more caution to him and what he tried to do outside of training. Eventually, you spoke regularly with him and became more proactive in helping him with the small things while Whis and the others focused on training that power of his. More smiles in his expression came through as he progressed and not too long had he blended in with the ruckus of saiyans for the better. But he didn’t leave you out. It was the strangest thing when he would come back to you to share his experience and achievements at the end of the day with the last of his energy, as if you knowing completed his day. Perhaps a means of tracking his progress if he was confident enough to bring it to you, you assumed. An odd thing to trust in a God of Destruction, yet he smiles proudly when he shares his story of the day’s lesson. 
A contagious smile.
You can admit this saiyan is surprisingly more tolerable than the other two, still a handful and downright awful at chores but less noisy for starters. Despite his independence, he looked to you more than he did Whis and his saiyan counterparts in his uncertainty or for understanding. And suddenly you find yourself speaking up for him in various situations without hesitation. As if you had to when his eyes sought you out. Your unusual interference is heeded by everyone who witnessed it, whether you were defending the large man or reprimanding his recklessness with a disapproving wag of your finger. Whis couldn’t help but tease at your “care” for the saiyan as you made it quite clear from the start you want nothing to do with them until they were strong enough to rival you. You brush it off as nothing special.
But there was no denying you asserted a charge over Broly a tad more shielding than you did Goku or Vegeta.
So, what could it have been to prompt this sudden conversation topic? To the eyes of a misfit mortal, did someone with a divine reverence as yours seem to be, and therefore have, everything? He does not appear to hold that fear of you claimed to be held by others, you’re not sure what it is he actually fears. Envy, then? Did Broly desire to have “everything” that you are, feared included? He’s not so far from the latter. “Any saiyan in this universe who could have what you have could assume such a luxury. Respect,” You proposed as what he really meant. “-Or fear, and power. But...” You continued to speak with a shrug of your shoulders and closed your eyes once again. Broly attentively turns his head toward you. “Then I would be forced to deal with them, you see? Having too much of something doesn’t mean we have everything. My ravaging has an order, yours is gratuitous at best, and often mortals fear both.”
Broly’s own introduction to his remaining counterparts wasn’t exactly a warm one. It didn’t occur to any of you that living among the seventh universe was your own berserker saiyan similar to that of universe six’s Kale. He’s different however, unnaturally stronger than any saiyan you have known before. It made you wonder if your search for the prophesized super saiyan god was actually misinterpreted. That while the vision did reveal itself through the saiyan Goku and eventually Vegeta as well, there was another who surpassed that power with very little trying. The way you heard it, this super saiyan alone overpowered two Super Saiyan Gods, their blue transformation, and Frieza before he came to join them under Whis’ tutelage. His potential to gain the power of God Ki is more likely than his counterparts if he can continue to withstand the lessons Whis had to offer. There was a lot of rough edges in his fighting method to smooth out, as to be expected of a saiyan, but there are still some other blocks in his mental capacity that he must overcome to achieve the perfect form for God Ki. The idea of that would scare anyone aware of the powerhouse he already was.
It’s impressive, still. And a shame such power is more of a burden for him. You could definitely rattle the cosmos in a battle with him, he may be the one to push you to your full potential after so long. But there was no joy in fighting someone who was just flinging himself around like a battering ram at whatever moves. You tilt your head toward him with open eyes, seeing his eyes turn away.
He didn’t like your answer. How you spoke of destroying things, that doesn’t sound like him at all, Broly surmises with a wrinkle in his brow. But then he considered how his father sought to handle his power and what ultimately became of him tapping into more strength than he ever has before, and it sounded exactly like him. Fighting like that felt free, and even fun, until he found his limit. And then it broke, he broke, and suddenly he was pushed to a new height of power inevitably becoming what his father feared. Broly was somewhat grateful the old man didn’t get to see him become that wild monster. All he remembers of his father’s final moments was shutting out the man’s voice in favor of fighting it out a little longer, achieving what he had trained for at all costs. And then he’s gone. Paragus did want his son to be strong, but never wanted him to lose himself to his strength no matter what and Broly was more than aware of that. His true power was scary, and no one should want that. 
Broly wondered what your true power was like, then. With a title like “Destroyer”, you couldn’t have been any better than he was at that time. Goku and Vegeta speak of you as if you could go off at any minute, warning him not to get on your bad side. A warning uttered in quiet fear. Whis just encourages him to proceed with caution or not at all if he could avoid your presence. Yet, that has not been his experience with you. You’ve gotten angry at him before, and he tensed at what he expected was something worse than the collar he once wore about to come his way. But you just left him after, calling for Whis to “retrieve his pet project”. It was very, very brief, but Broly was afraid of you the. Never again since. The way you controlled yourself during that time stuck with him. If you were so strong and feared, and could control that which made others afraid of your power then he could learn to do the same. He could be strong, and he could be free. Just like you, and in doing so have everything. However, if he failed to do so, then he knows death is what waits for him. There would be no other option for a power like his if you exist to destroy it.
“All I have is my strength. That and... nothing anymore.” He closes his eyes back, resigning himself to a curious sensation to the fate put upon him. “...Would you destroy me for that?”
Your eyes narrow slightly and once more you shrug your shoulders. “There are possibilities where I may need to intervene with you. Do you ask because you, too, are afraid of me?”
The way you spoke reminded Broly of how his father use to speak to him. If you chose to kill him, then you had no choice. Paragus spoke with fear and would reach for his remote, but you spoke calmly like the energy around you silenced everything, and everything listened in return. You talk about killing people like it was nothing, like Paragus of Vegeta and Frieza to everyone, but the fear others responded to you with is more palpable than those who feared even Frieza. So does he still have that fear for you, after all?
“...No. I am not afraid.” Broly lifts a hand from behind his head and looks into his rough palm. With his tragic eyes and a soft sigh through his nose, he drops his hand to his chest. He sits up, legs crossing and hands lax in his lap. “Unless we are playing, I wouldn’t want to hurt you on purpose. I wouldn’t want to hurt Kakarot or Vegeta. I know what my power can do. If I...need to be stopped. I hope it is you to do so.” Broly turns his head towards you and sees the odd look you were giving him. “You are like me, so you should be the one to do it.” You answer with an indifferent hum and turn your eyes away from him with another shrug.
“If you have to kill me, would you still consider you and I friends?” Broly asks.
You answer with another odd look at him. He is charmingly naïve, there was no denying that. You can sense Goku’s handiwork behind that idea for some reason. You scoff, “We were never friends, Broly. Gods of Destruction do not “make friends” with mortals.” You informed.
“I will be your friend.” He politely insisted, a small, melancholic smile rising in his features. “It can mean nothing right now because we are together, we are alive at the same time and get to see each other but if I have to die, then it can mean something important to you after.” He lifts his eyes toward the sky, hand absentmindedly closing around the green pelt tied around his waist. “I miss my friend Ba even though we are no longer friends. It makes me happy to think about the fun we had playing together, I still think of him as my friend.”
You sigh quietly, the story of the Vampa Beast recalled to your memories from his tales. The desire to nap had long passed, and so you sit up as well. “Dear boy, I do not want your friendship.” You grunted. “How silly, to insist a destroyer god to want such a thing. Am I to use that to comfort me after your mortal life comes to an end?” You murmured softly to yourself, steeling your apathy in your visage against a bitter lump creeping into your chest. Shaking your head, you give a curt huff. “What’s with this grim topic anyways, did you plan on dying any time soon? Here I thought saiyans never stop pushing themselves to do anything, especially fight.” You stretch your spine and left your indifference firm in your eyes, a learned response to close oneself off from sentimental influences that would hinder a destroyer’s duty. “If I have to destroy you then I will, and that’s that. You serve your place in this universe, have a little fun on the way, and then move on to the afterlife just like everyone else. Got it?” 
“...Then what becomes of you? What will you do after that?” He continues to ask.
“-What?” You turn to him with an arched brow. What else is needed after that?
“You will be all alone.” He points out, tilting his head to look down at you. “When we are all dead and gone.”
Your cold façade weakens for a moment, casting your face in the opposite direction from him. “I will continue to act as a Destroyer God until I can no longer. That is all. As I said, I do not have everything.” You softly concluded.
“But until such a time, I have you and those other rowdy saiyans to keep things interesting for a spell, and Broly,” You reach over, taking his chin in your hand to turn him to face you. “They have you, too. Same goes for your other friends and most importantly you’ll always have your potential. That is not “nothing”.” You affirmed to him, seeing his eyes brighten from the gloom he let take hold of him. In return, you grinned and folded your arms to your chest. “Keep up what you’re doing. Whatever path you saiyans are on now, you are on it for a reason. Whis is not training you to die any time soon... And I do not see a future to destroy you where you learn to conquer your inner strength.” You nodded, then shrugged casually and reclined back into the grass with your arms under your head. “Who knows, maybe we’ll get to play, then. Really see what you’re made of.”
You close your eyes, breathing a sigh of relief getting that joyless topic out the air. But a new weight does settle on your stomach. You look down finding Broly using your abdomen as a pillow, his eyes reflecting the light from the sun looking back at you. You frowned.
“We’re not friends, saiyan.” You insist more curtly turning your nose up at his action. Broly smiles, feeling your hand brush his hair and closes his eyes. “And if you tell anyone about this, I will take back what I said.”
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Its so dumb when ppl say that DBS: Super Hero doesn't have the same hype or marketing like DBS: Broly, & thats why fans are uninterested in it. As if Toei doesn't want it to be a success. Thats just so untrue.
Why doesn't it have the same hype?
Obviously because Broly is an extremely popular character. Ppl hear Broly and immediately get hyped. Especially Western audiences who majority only like the fights instead of characterizations and character moments.
Most fans are obsessed with power so why would they care about characters who aren't Goku & Vegeta & Broly?
DBS: Broly was a Saiyan only movie. Super Hero is doing the opposite and bringing Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, 18, Goten & Trunks, ect into the picture. Toriyama is appealing to other fans, meaning that fans of Saiyans just won't find it as hype as the Saiyan centric movie; DBS: Broly. And it just happens to be that due to past marketing, most DB fans are Saiyan fans (most who don't understand their favorite characters at all.)
Why is the marketing not the same?
This one is obvious too. Broly is an extremely marketable character. And you're going to have Goku & Vegeta fight against him?? AND there's going to be Saiyan backstory that features Bardock; another very popular & marketable character.
So of course DBS: Super Hero will have less marketing. Gohan & Piccolo are the focus instead of Goku & Vegeta. So Toei can't market Goku, Vegeta, & Broly like they could last time. And I doubt Bardock will be in it too, so there's less marketing there too.
What is being marketed for DBS: Super Hero is Gohan's potential, Piccolo's new form, adorable little Pan, the new designs for Krillin & 18, Goten & Trunks finally look like teenagers, 2 new androids, and the secret final enemy described as "ultimate evil."
DB fans dont support most of these non Saiyan characters & dont support the hybrid characters as much as Goku & Vegeta. They are less marketable as a result & there is less hype for them by proxy. Toriyama is trying to make more characters marketable. That comes with risk & time.
The animation.
I remember when DB fans were uncertain with the new art style for DBS movie 1 (before the name was revealed). They wanted the art style we saw in DBS EP 130 & 131. But after we saw more character designs and saw the what the style looks like in animation, a lot of ppl jumped on board. Not to mention that DB-YouTubers and others were hyping it up and talking about the animators.
With Super Hero, fans want that DBS Broly art style & I understand why. But Super Hero doesn't look bad. But DB-YouTubers (I know they're called "DB-tubers") & others trashed the new style and killed some of the hype. But as we saw more of the new style in action, many ppl realized they were too harsh on it. The style isn't bad, just different. The style actually looks like cinematic attacks from DB: FighterZ & the cinematics from DBZ: Kakarot games, but for a cinematic movie of higher production.
Toriyama & Toei want this movie to be a success which is why they are taking the risk of Goku & Vegeta not being the main characters by promoting Gohan & Piccolo's power. This movies isn't necessarily for Goku, Vegeta, & Broly fans. Its for fans of other characters. They're finally putting effort to make other characters more marketable which is a genuis financial move.
The ones who are upset with this & have been complaining about the movie are amongst the Saiyan fans, Vegeta fans, Goku fans, & Broly fans. Y'all already had a movie all about them that left out most of the rest of the cast (even Gohan) to focus just on the full-blood Saiyans. Just watch DBS: Broly again and shut it. Let the other characters have their shine & other fans enjoy seeing their favorite characters.
DBS: Broly wasn't a movie for Gohan fans, Piccolo fans, or fans who like Earthlings.
DBS: Super Hero isn't a movie for fans of full-blood Saiyan, yet will still give those fans something.
Many in the fandom have constantly told others to shut up & quit expecting their favorite character to do anything. But, now those same ppl are upset that their favorite characters won't play a big role in 1 single movie.
Tell me you're fragile without telling me you're fragile.
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yusuke96universe · 3 years
Turles and Lord Slug Team Up Pitch
Hello guys, after watching MasakoX's What If Turles Turned Good parts 1 and 2 [which act more like an origin story for him within the frameworks of modern Dragon Ball similar to Super Broly] I thought I would share an old headcanon origin I had for another Dragon Ball Z movie Villain, Lord Slug and how it could make for an excellent part in this What If story that has captured my imagination. Also, it opens up a lot of potential avenues for ood DBZ storytelling.
I know he's considered one of the most uninteresting Villains in the franchise since he is essentially King Piccolo from space, but rushed in an hour long movie. Let's face it, a lot of DBZ villains aren't inherently interesting characters and usually are introduced as Pure Evil tropes
Trope Talk: Pure Evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-XprjlATEo
Irrelevant backstory
very simple motivation
enthusiastic, zestful villainy
Pure self-confidence
Third -Act Breakdowns (where they are faced with what they truly fear and usually fail)
Afterward, they could be open to becoming a more nuanced character to explore as we've seen done time and again with cast of redeemed or evolved villains in Dragon Ball
A lot of the movie villains from the franchise would be more interesting if they weren't rushed or were expanded on and boy does Lord Slug bring a lot to the table if he is expanded on.
1) You could have Turles and Lord Slug form a dynamic duo that counterparts Goku and Piccolo. Turles is a trouble-making youth-filled underdog who has taken a shine to the crabby old man that is Slug. Turles could use a lot more modern methods to contrast Slug's far more traditional warmongering that he's developed over the centuries. (They did it a little in Xenoverse 2, but you could really expand upon it in a MasakoX styled What If) Plus, the Tree of Might likely has the ability to restore Lord Slug's youth since it canonically resurrected fossils, so Turles literally has the solution to Lord Slug's main problem plaguing him and is an open-minded businessman by nature. This hypothetical team-up of working together to gain more power, invade planets for their resources and overthrow the Universal order by killing Frieza before returning to enemies, acts as an inverse counterpart of Goku's and Piccolo's initial alliance against the Saiyans invading the Earth interfering with Piccolo's own conquest, but opened the doors for change in him and others.
2) Most likely these 2 would start off as enemies and have their forces face off against one another, but this struggle is a good thing in the long run because they could potentially provide each other, their own personal Third Act Breakdowns or at least teach each other recognize their own flaws and weaknesses to help each other grow as characters.
Lord Slug's backstory, retooled
Planet Slug
The most fun thing I found was that they gave Turles a proper origin story to build a character around, well I have a suggestion for a similar concept for Lord Slug that I think you guys could use in many different ways, but before that. Here are the facts. In the backstory I found in supplemental materials, it is stated by Guru that Lord Slug and other Evil Namekians could have possibly escaped the crisis on Namek and moved to far-flung planets in other parts of the Universe. One Super Namekian named himself after the Demon inhabited world he found himself on, known as Planet Slug. And judging from the movie, Planet Slug is most likely an icy or snow-covered planet since the Demons needed special suits to withstand the Earth's temperature.
By the way, I imagine that Planet Slug and its people could have a Mongolian theme. (I have a sketch I did for an alternate costume for Slug, but I don't remember how to post atm)
If say Lord Slug came to this planet and eventually took it over in the King Piccolo style, then I could see him having birthed a clan of Evil Namekian children to help him in this endeavor. So let's say there are about as many Namekians children as Guru or King Piccolo birthed, then they are likely different clans of Namekians on the Planet, including a Dragon Clan member capable of creating their own set of Dragon Balls. In this way, Planet Slug could act as an alternate substitute for Planet Namek, but one closely resembling how the team initially pictured Namek as a planet full of evil Piccolos, instead of the peace-loving farmers of Namek. Now, why would Slug be in space expanding his Empire and searching for Dragon Balls when his planet likely already has a set? In the movie, it's best not to think about it, but here is my idea.
Why Lord Slug is REALLY in Space
One of Lord Slug's offspring usurped him from the throne due to his old age and sickly body. So Slug was humiliatingly forced to flee his home or was looked down on as a non-threat banished him and his most loyal men off-world to live in shame and to never be seen again. So he is conquering other planets, partly because he is a refugee, but mostly because he is overcompensating for his lost and trying to help his ego by living in denial and reassuring that He is the Baddest Baddie who ever lived and terrorize/kill those weaker than him as he ever expands his empire, lamenting his old age and sickened body. He believes that if he was in his prime, he could take his throne back no problem and make them all pay for wronging him. Luckily, Slug doesn't need the Dragon Balls to regain his youth. If the Tree of Might's Fruit is capable of reviving fossils, it should be able to restore the Super Namekian to his former glory once again.
Turles's Crusher Corps vs Lord Slug's Army
A fun way they could introduce the factions to each other is as competition for a lush planet. Turles wants it for the Tree of Might, and Slug wants to freeze it for them for their conquest. They both are in each other's way, so they all fight it out. I think Slug has stronger minions, but Crusher Corps have better teamwork, and with Turles being in prime fighting condition, he would tip the scale in their favor much like Goku did in the movie.
At first, I thought Slug wouldn't be much of a match for Turles in his old and sickly state, a little trouble sure since he is the strongest, but that aged body wouldn't do him any favors. However, the first Google search result I got on Old Slug's Power level said he was at 79,000 so he's stronger than I first thought. (I thought he was around Nail's power level roughly in the 40,000) I also heard that Turles was around 19,000 but by the end of the movie was like 300,000. These power levels don't mean too much when reimagining the stories, just that Turles might have more of an uphill struggle. So, Turles would first have to eat some Fruit to win in a landslide and hopefully, the Terrafreezing process didn't ruin the Tree of Might's process.
Right before the killing blow, Old Slug might've mentioned something In desperation to save his own life. He could've brought up the Dragon Balls on his home Planet Slug/ Namek could grant any wish he wanted. This is just enough to stop Turles from following through with his attack, but it takes a little more coaxing for Slug to sell the legitimacy to Turles. A part of Turles thinks this might just be hogwash, but if this is anything like the Tree of Might, this could be a huge find. Another game-changer. He has his men take Slug with them as he checks in with the Heaters' database and finds there could be a kernel of truth to this tall tale. So Turles generously spares the old Slug's life for this useful tip which is met with some impatient ire.
If you hate being old so much, why don't you just use these Dragon Balls of yours to make yourself young again? -Turles
I would if I could, but... but I can't. I've been banished from my homeworld by my own children after they usurped me from my throne.-Slug
hahaha So you're just some washed-up old geezer trying to feel tough by throwing your power around at a bunch of weaklings. -Turles
Watch it! If I was in my prime, I wouldn't have ever let that rebellion get that far and even made short work of you and your men. If it weren't for that Fruit of yours, you'd be nothing. -Slug
WHAT WAS THAT. (composes himself) Interested in the Fruit are you, well I am not naive enough to let you ever sink your rotten teeth in one. At least, not for free. We, the Crusher Corps, are branched off of the Heaters' group who are known to deal in intelligence. If you have some more valuable information to pass on then, I could be convinced to trade off a leftover Fruit from our latest venture. Do you have anything else to offer me, old man?
(Slug’s low growling sounds are giving Turles just the biggest shit-eating grin on his face)
Slug could tell Planet Slug's coordinates, could act as their guide, or how to use their Dragon Balls, or even that they need a native speaker to use them and a password.
Turles throws him a Fruit as he is a businessman and honors his deals. This not only works in reviving the Elder Namekian, but the results are far better than expected by restoring Slug to his prime. Turles is both impressed and a little unnerved by this so he opens up a dialogue as he scans Lord Slug's new power. (he thought it would add a few decades back onto his old life since he seemed ancient, but it straight up made him young again) They discuss what had just happened and Turles's operation using the Tree of Might's Fruit to amass enough power for him and his men to kill Frieza and possibly overthrow him. Lord Slug in the meantime has been enjoying his youthful appearance and renewed vigor during the conversation, not looking Turles in the eye, but still expressing interest in this operation and compliments the plan. Turles offers a proposition to Lord Slug to join them on this endeavor if he helps them get those "Dragon Balls" he mentioned right before.
That's right. You're interested in the Dragon Balls, are you? Well, I am interested in that Tree of yours. It could keep someone young and strong forever, and this whole operation of yours is simply remarkable! -Slug
So you're in? -Turles
Remarkable enough for me to take it for myself! So I'll be doing just that! - Slug
Round 2 Super Namekian Rampages
The Super Namek overwhelms all of them, even Turles, after just eating a bunch of fruit, the gap is just too wide. He sadistically tortures them and strikes fear into their hearts. Turles isn't just put on the backfoot, he ends up on the brink of life and death. He needs to reach down deep, and something in him snaps, could be his Saiyan pride, could be becoming helpless and at someone else's mercy, could even be one of his men, that unbeknownst to himself, he had grown fond of perished, his regret for overly relying on outside gains to accomplish his ambitions. Don't know, don't care, but something doesn't sit right with Turles and this something acts as the catalyst for him to transform, but not into the traditional Super Saiyan we've all come to know. No, Turles goes into the False Super Saiyan state and overwhelms the Super Namek almost beat for beat like FSSJ Goku vs Slug from the movie, but this time, it lasts the duration of the fight. It's more of a SSJ Goku vs Frieza kind of fight with Turles's victory.
Turles diet of Tree of Might fruit has affected his body's genes and so when he transforms it's not the traditional SSJ form like everyone else, but the False Super Saiyan state that Goku used against Lord Slug. (The Saiyan loses their pupils and also uses SSJ's original color scheme with the flickering red and black hair and the orange skin with a lingering Aura effect) They could have a lot of fun with the benefits and drawbacks this form and its potential evolutions could have. False SSJ potentially falls into the theme of using Fruit as a shortcut to power vs earning the power legitimately or as a simple means to contrast with Goku.
Post Fight ~ Alliance?
Slug doesn't die though, or if he does, Turles is smart enough to revive him with the Tree of Might's extract in a similar way as the fossilized twins were. The reason is simple, Turles believes that Slug's knowledge of his people is going to be essential in the nearby future, and since he's shown whose boss by dominating the Super Namekian, they can now work together to overthrow stronger enemies like Frieza by using his Planet's Dragon Balls. The Crusher Corps gets a guide and an ally; Slug gets his revenge and the prospect of taking Frieza's empire for himself by joining this operation is too much for him to pass up. This is a temporary truce to defeat stronger opponents and gain power, but once that is over, they are going back to killing one another similar to how Goku and Piccolo formed an alliance against the Saiyans invading earth.
1) A Super Namekian could exploit their race's fusion ability through some method of Mind Control like in the original Broly movie. So Slug or his evil offspring could literally absorb one another or even someone as powerful as Nail or Piccolo if the influence is strong enough to join together. And Turles with the Heaters' resources might just be able to provide a means to provide Slug this, with some precautions of course.
2) Slug might have knowledge of Kai and Demon Realms considering he is both an older Namekian like Guru, and the fact that he Planet Slug is literally inhabited by Demons, a different breed of Demons, but still Demons nonetheless. In the games, the Tree of Might's Fruit had its effects amplified in the Demon Realm, but the same might be said if the Tree is planted on the World of the Supreme Kais or Beerus' planet. It's just a possible option for later down the line, but if there was ever a planet that could sustain that Tree and boosts its effects it would be one of these places.
This is it, I know MasakoX likes to do the space opera thing with multiple factions and also like to mix things up from the original story from time to time, so I thought Planet Slug would be an interesting means to do so and giving Turles a partner to bounce off of is typical Toriyama writing, could even open up new avenues to explore.
Am I expecting this to happen. Honestly, I have low expectations MasakoX and his team would do this and they got their own plans of inserting Turles into the main story likely connected to the character in the hood (who is probably Zamasu for some reason like in the Gero What If) or one of the Saiyans from Turles' team or even eager to get him into the main story with the Z-Cast, possibly trying to win Gohan to his side, but getting converted by him like what happened to Piccolo, but I don't mind. My expectations are low, but my hype is through the roof, and needed to share my fan theories with someone.
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vulpixsinistre · 3 years
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H.I.V.E. Characters as Dragon Ball Z Characters
To start, you may be thinking, Otto is Goku, yes? Both our heroes. Both get stronger and learn new techniques as their series goes on. Both want to protect their friends and the people from Earth from certain doom and destruction and getting conquered. Goku craves a challenge - dare I say Otto is the same, at certain points?
Yes, Otto is Goku- BUT he is also Cell. He was created, not born. Meant to be more than human: meant to be perfect, all powerful, intelligent and capable of being the one to take over the world. The difference is that Cell wants to do these things; Otto just wants to be a person. Therefore while Otto was meant to be Cell, he chooses his own path and is a Goku.
Wing is Trunks. Here’s a mysterious young boy with incredible strength and loyalty. Who is his father, you ask? Well, they would like to keep that a secret at first. He wants to train, to protect. His mother is a genius scientist. (On second thought, maybe he’s Tien. Disciplined martial artist, loyal friend, has some good moves, still only mortal)
But Cypher is Dr. Gero, brilliant creator of androids. They seem to… decline over the years. We see how they’ve grown progressively more evil as time went on. Cause of much destruction. Will not hesitate to hurt a child. At least Cypher thinks he has good intentions, Gero is just kinda stewing over his defeats.
Pike is Dr. Briefs simply because scientist. Inventor. Often seen with a cat. Old but doesn’t seem to age, is always just old.
Overlord is Freiza, of course!! Our OG Big Bad!! Conqueror and lord of planets, nay, the whole universe!! Also keeps returning. How is he back again?? He doesn’t quit!!
Block and Tackle, our tough duo, would be either Raditz and Nappa, or Zarbon and Dodoria. R&N are basically just thugs, and definitely lower level than the other baddies. Z&D are more ruthless and are definitely henchmen. Block and Tackle are a mix of that “brute force over brains” and “organized order-followers.”
Francisco is Captain Ginyu!! Head of a fearsome squad of fighters that you do NOT want to mess with!! And yet, they are both silly at times. We get laughs out of them while knowing that this guy is strong and means business.
Franz I’m sorry, you’re Yamcha. You’re there and you help and you’re funny, but you’re not quite a main main character, and the rest of them are handling this all pretty well anyways. HOWEVER you are also Yajirobe!! We think you’re a silly side character, but when we really need help, you swoop in with a devastating blow to the bad guy!! Yay!!
Nigel is Chaozu, bald and nervous side character. Sidekick type. They do their best, and would sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
Nathaniel? Master Roshi. Old perv dude. Wise, the main characters need their advice, they’ve been in the game a long time… but yeah ppl immediately think of their gross lines. These two do have a purpose! And perhaps most of their relevance in the storyline was in a flashback/pre-canon sense, but they’re still here, doing their own thing.
Penny is Vegeta, but in reverse. She starts as having a family, surrounded by friends and loved ones and being a “good guy.” Then she ends up in enemy territory, alone.
HIVEmind is our King Kai!! He’s off in the distance. He’s not actually here but he’s helping. Sending out messages and giving advice. And we know he’s strong! But he’s supposed to be a helper, only.
The Contessa as Berry Blue, perhaps? Old. A right hand man in her organization, if you will. “Yeah I’m evil. Yeah I’m going to be mean to everyone, even if they’re on my side.” An evil advisor.
The Furans WISH they were King Cold, Cooler, and Freiza. They WISH they were an awesome terrifying dictator family. What’s that, you say? They are? Well they don’t have half the swag that the Colds do. Plus Elena doesn’t want to be a part of that. (Ok fine. Equal amounts of ruthlessness. Keep coming back after their ‘defeats.’ Will kill anyone. Command a large army of soldiers.)
Ms. Leon is Korin. White cat, very wise, a teacher type. Also maybe Captain Ginyu when he’s trapped in the body of a frog. When consciousness switching goes wrong…
The Bloodline antagonist is Broly, I will not elaborate due to spoilers. Trust me though.
Now the hard part. Laura and Shelby… who is Bulma, who is Chi Chi? Is Laura Bulma because they are both incredibly intelligent and work with computers/machines? Is she Chi Chi because she wants a life outside of fighting and conflicts? Which one is Shelby, they’re both tough and outspoken.
Is Shelby Launch?? Launch has two personalities, sweet/innocent and violent. Does this correspond to Book 1 Shel’s Valley Girl persona vs actual Shelby?
Is Raven actually Trunks, due to sword? They are faced with enemies deemed too hard to beat, and they still manage to take them down. I was originally having Raven as Piccolo: always by the MC’s side, skilled fighter, maybe Natalya/Raven can equal Kami/Piccolo? (They are the same person now. In ways, they didn’t used to be)
Yknow? Maybe Raven is Whis. Bodyguard and employee of a very high ranking authority, and everyone knows they are much much stronger than their boss. Don’t get them going, you can’t win.
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Opinions on the new dbs arc?
Hmm. Well. There's a couple upsides such as the Z-Fighters actually doing something even if only for a few chapters, more of the galaxy life like the bandits and hedgehog world shown, Vegeta kind of learning Instant Transmission, that little moment where Vegeta takes Goku's hand without complaining, Vegeta acknowledging and wanting to amend for the crimes he committed against the Namekians, and Moro's original design is excellent. But some parts I'm not a huge fan of. Merus turning out to be an angel wasn't too dissatisfying but I felt myself go "Ah. Hm. How about that." Moro becoming younger was okay at first but then a lot of his features like the wrinkles and beard went away and that kind of disappointed me but not as bad as when Moro absorbed 7-3. His design alone when it happens looks good, but compared to his previous look, it's not that unique or creative. Moro being ancient and showing it in his design felt cool! Without it, he doesn't fall flat but loses some of that coolness. With the arc not yet finished, it feels too soon to say this but MUI coming in to save the day also doesn't feel that exciting, especially after we just saw Gogeta be the final solution to the last arc (that being Broly!) Also I'm not sure how I feel about Goku and the gang becoming what's basically space cops. Sure they did it just because you know, common enemy means shared goals and interests, but it's whatever at the end of the day. So the new arc is alright so far in my opinion. Better than the previous manga arcs and I'm definitely looking forward to how the anime portrays it all. Especially if Shintani really is the main character designer!
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gamergirluprising · 5 years
Alastor’s Possible Backstory, Emotional, And Mental State.
Okay, so, I find Alastor from Hazbin Hotel one of the few characters that interest me due to his sheer mysterious aura. He has a lot of secrets and I’d like to dissect this man down to his mannerisms, his beliefs, his (low-key/high-key?) pessimistic view of life, and his use of voodoo. I personally am not a fan of the said show since it’s pretty vulgar and hasn’t caught my attention due to the possible problems I see in the show (Why the heck did the God in this universe allow a hierarchy to take place AND give people superpowers by turning them into magical animals and such? Why did he even make a Hell?) 
But anyway, I’m not here to discuss my likes and dislikes about the show, I'm here to discuss the Radio Demon and what could have possibly happened in his life as a child to start this craziness and explain his complex personality, mental state, and emotional state. Alrighty with that being said, LET’S DISSECT!
Dude’s got a mental problem fam, and I'm not saying this just cause this man’s teeth are as yellow as Bill Cipher’s entire existence. No, no, no this man is crazy for not just his unhinged need to see other’s fail and to have utter and complete control(Will tackle later) he’s crazy for his huge narcissistic behavior. Dude, Honestly thinks he’s better than everyone and ONLY allows those he thinks are worthy into his “friend” circle. I quote friend because I’m not too sure how exactly and deeply he feels about Rosie aside from their relationship being like Jack and Mary from Mary Poppins Returns, as stated by Vivzie on twitter. He finds those who don’t always smile as people who are WEAK and LAUGHABLE and regardless of how they are, he still finds them to be weak, which BY GOD is such a flawed way of thinking GEEZ. Now after reading about Alastor and becoming more intrigued, I decided to do research on his behavior and when and how it starts. 
𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐦 has 9 defining traits. I’ll go over a few that I’ve noticed.
1. He really thinks he’s more important than anyone else and has shown this through his mannerisms, the way he speaks, his vibe and just his general character scream “I’m better than you!”
2. HE LOVES SHOWING OFF! Dude can’t seem to get enough of the spotlight, thus why he LOVES to broadcast his carnage on the radio! Why else would he do so!? He finds constant admiration and respect when he does his “little” display of power!
3. Now, we ALL know he has done some pretty...gruesome things to claim strength and be seen as the strongest, even when there are others who are stronger he displays himself as if he is more dominating and wouldn’t waste his time with, how you say, vermin. This is evident by his response to Vox
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You can find where I found this here at Faustisse’s cleanup and Inking vid of the upcoming Alastor Comic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_15UYpcWJ_Q
In case it is too hard to read due to the bad quality, Alastor is saying “Show off all that and no cattle.” which is pretty much  “all hat, no cattle” (or, alternately, “big hat, no cattle”) which refers to someone who is all talk with no action, power, or substance behind his/her words. I’d applaud this power move, and still kinda do, if it weren’t for this dudes BIG HEAD lol.
BUT, you get the point, the dude is an egomaniac! “We already knew this, I mean DUH!” you say to me pinching the bridge of your nose. “Why do you point out the obvious?!”
Well, notice how severe and prevalent these traits are. Don’t you find it odd how this dude has SEVERE megalomania? Well, I did research and found out that Narcissism has a very sad connection most of the time and affects males more than females.
at https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/causes-of-npd here’s what I found
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Notice the parental factors during early childhood are all abuse-related. This could very well be one, if not the main reason, why Al is the way he is: He was abused as a child! And to make matters worse, as I was looking deeper into this, I noticed that sexual abuse is ANOTHER factor, which would explain why Alastor doesn’t like being touched without consent or by surprise but will GLADLY invade other’s personal space to feel in control (He's a hypocrite like that). Sexual assault victims ALSO don’t like being touched without consent so this just adds more proof to my claim! And serial killers tend to have a rough family life and have been molested, taken advantage of, neglected, or all of the above! 
It’s also come to my attention that Alastor enjoys talking with women more than men for 2 reasons. 1) Alastor finds it easier and more enjoyable to talk with women. 2) He finds men to be dumb brutes at least in hell.
I give COMPLETE CREDIT to @dollymoon
Thank you for the awesome amount of facts you’ve provided! RESPECT! https://www.tumblr/dollymoon
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Alastor most likely has a very harsh grudge against the world due to his treatment as a young child. His abuse, and possible loss of his mother growing up, lead to him finding joy in seeing those suffer and fail EVERY SINGLE TIME! Notice the way he talks creepily to Charlie about watching sinners “Repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pits of F A I L U R E.” Look at this man’s face as he’s saying this! The man looks turned on with the VERY fact of people suffering, that’s his kink, y’all, he a damn sadist! (No, being asexual doesn’t mean you can’t have kinks, I’ve checked, lol. Got you fam.) Ima kink shame the hell out of this man (Pun-unintended) 
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Ahem, anyway, this dude has got a hate boner for the world and finds relief when exacting pain on others because he feels wronged and feels the world is to blame. He does seem to acknowledge and accept that where he’s at is the end of the road for those who want to change, their chance was when they were alive, and has accepted that this is the natural order of things and they can’t fix that. I had this vibe that he must have gone to church as a kid due to his mom being religious and he loved his mom so he obeyed, Has been stated by Faustisse that he’s a mama’s boy, BUT remember, Vivzie said anything that comes out of HER mouth is what’s canon. Unless she has already stated it as fact any other info can’t be trusted. (Even though this info is PAINSTAKINGLY clear just by him mentioning his mother’s cooking and it just makes too much sense, lol.)
So he must have grown up to be low-key violent but with manners like he practiced being slick and suave in order to trick people into trusting him so that he may kill them without getting caught, which would work perfectly with him not chasing people due to his moral code. He practiced and practiced and seeing as how he was well-off in his later years, I’d assume he started doing his radio schtick when he was in his early 20s or at the age of 18. So he began when the roaring 20s was just starting, a new beginning for him! 
Alastor's name means "he who does not forget", "avenger", "persecutor", "tormenter", "one who suffers from divine vengeance".
(This also makes me think his real name is Alexander/Alexandre since it's the exact opposite of his Hell-Name and more interestingly, in terms of name-giving traditions, between the latter half of the Spanish period (1790-1803) and the beginning of Jim Crow Segregation (1893-1964), gallicized names of classical Greek and Roman origins dominated in Loiusiana. This may be due, in whole, or in part, to the fact that New Orleans had North America’s (excluding Central America and the Caribbean) first Opera Houses and Theatres, owned, frequented and operated by Creoles from Louisiana, Cuba and Saint-Domingue/Haiti. Adonis is my second choice since It literally means "handsome man" and that would totally fit him for his handsomeness to the fact I feel that his mom would def name him this outside of Alexander/Alexandre.) http://www.mylhcv.com/common-creole-names-for-males/
This is a HEAVY hint to what happened in his life and why he’s so drawn to seeing people fail and helps hold my theory together quite a bit, if not a lot. Of all the names to give this dude, he was given a name that legit is on par with the word “Vengeance” and “Avenger”. Vengeance for what? Avenge who? He was wronged. He possibly is angered also by the death of his mother, who was most likely his ONLY ray of light. He is a broken man who most likely has insecurities, based on the info of narcissism which tells us that narcissistic people are the most insecure sorts of people. Alastor is aware of this and sees it as a weakness, something to be culled and hidden from the world never seeing the light of day. His only way of making himself feel stronger and more in control was through voodoo and cannibalism. Many Cannibals believe to be the bees-knees since they go a step FURTHER into crime by devouring their victims and placing themselves into a rank different and more feared by the rest. They see that no one else would even have the balls to attempt to reach that spot, which again leads back to the way Alastor thinks. He just adds oil to the fire when doing voodoo and doing BLOOD RITUALS which you can see him doing when attacking Sir Pentious!  https://twitter.com/hntrgurl13/status/1197918059836690433?s=20
Dude has so much baggage that he hides behind a smile he thinks ALONE brings strength like niBBa are you serious? I’d like to see this man try and say that to the faces of strong people like Superman, Goku, Midoriya, Naruto, Broly, Wonder Woman, GOD. Yo even GOD shows emotions. Wanna know why these beings are strong? It ain’t just cause they smile, Nah, it’s cause they’re determined or the very literal embodiment of determination. they have a damn balance and that strength helps them smile through the pain, they don’t need to exhibit a smile to be strong cause them being themselves and having the strong mentality is what gives them strength, not a damn smile. Watch Charlie hit him with the good old reality check when the man attempts to freaking take over her joint (Both hotel and hell) and she proves strength ain’t just gained through smiling or dominating others. He high-key sounds weak for even having that mindset, only weaklings think like this. He has a very weak view of life which brought forth a monster, or should I say DEMON.
Here’s the info of him not liking being touched.
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I’d also like you guys to keep in mind that Vivzie has stated that none of the characters have split personalities, proving Al knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
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It’s all them but some have a DUALITY to them. As hinted at by the word "dual" within it, duality refers to having two parts, often(but not always) with opposite meanings, like the duality of good and evil. If there are two sides to a coin, metaphorically speaking, there's a duality. Notice how Alastor also has a duality in him. What kind tho? Remember those shadows that follow him everywhere? Yeah I'm pretty sure those shadows represents his duality in some way, shape, or form.
I also forgot to add that Masochism and Sadism both ALSO stem from the same things Narcissism does or similar things like being sexually abused as a kid. Remember not all cases are the same, I just wanted to put that out there (Not sure If Al is still a Masochist since that’s old info from him being just a deer and liked it when people tried to kill him.)
So in conclusion:
-Dude was possibly abused as a child by his Father
-he hates society/the world due to his terrible child life
-He possibly feels shame for what he has done and thus has accepted his fate
-He loves his mama and MOST LIKELY hates his father who probs is the one who did him a terrible service for just being his father growing up, this would explain his view on men as well
-He also feels shame for being so weak to even allow his father or any male figure to do what they did to him
-Man gets turned on when seeing people like sinners suffer.
KEEP. IN. MIND. None of this excuses his terrible behavior and excuses for being so power-hungry, He’s an interesting character and I love his quirks but he is by no means a victim without faults. He is a product of society and that’s sad but he needs to pay for his horrible actions. Cannibalism is going to far, using you and your victim’s blood for voodoo isn’t excusable, and just killing someone for the sake of vengeance won’t make the pain go away, so nothing he does that involves harming people is cute or a way to suppress his anger, which he’ll have to learn the hard way in this story, I bet. Hopefully, it’s done well cause he’s still very much a bad guy regardless of the fact that he is aiding charlie.
WHEW, that was a long post, one of my longest ones! I really wanted to write out my thoughts on this character cause I’m ALWAYS intrigued by the mystery characters like him withhold. They tend to have hints to their behavior and it was really fun traveling through the possibilities of his nature. I’m probably 100% wrong about all of what I said since I am still not sure about everything and I researched as much as I could. I wouldn’t have had such an easy time if it wasn’t for @dollymoon and their amazing efforts to inform the community, y’all crazy but y’all dedicated so respect. I am not part of the community so I wouldn’t have been able to pinpoint all the info and more. So this is my piece on Alastor the Radio Demon, a.k.a dude who looks like he’s taken ecstasy. 
-Why is this man wearing a torn up and ragged jacket when he can easily make himself a better freaking jacket? The man wore a one that was fresh as hell during his reprise, so what gives?! and why in God’s name is his damn teeth yellow? How you gonna say “You're never fully dressed without a smile” but got on one of the dirtiest smiles I’ve ever freaking seen? I'd rather not smile and be strong than to wear my clothes at its dirtiest(his smile I mean). Ain’t no way in the fresh hell would I invite an edgy radioman, who I know does voodoo, into my damn house, I am too black/Haitian for that bull.
-Y’all finna tell me why y’all falling for a man who canonically has stank breathe...?
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At least clean his damn teeth and give him a mint first, D A M N people!
again, thank you very much @dollymoon
but yeah, that’s my theory y’all, hope you enjoy and sorry for the constant repetition in here! DISSECTION OVER. . .
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yee-to-my-haw · 5 years
I have a theory about Shallot please hear me out
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See this guy? I have a headcanon that he's himbo. Why?
- drinks his respect women juice every day. Coupled with a dose of support women juice. (Actually he respects everyone and is a kind soul until you rub him the wrong way. But I guess everyone is like that? Though I have yet to find another pureblood saiyan that is just as respectful/kind to everyone. Any candidates?)
- good looking fella. (What? I think he's a charming idiot.) Big muscles. Think about it, with this outfit (or Vegeta's outfit. It's just easier to compare), when you compare him to Adult Trunks or even Vegeta (or any of the main characters except Android 16 and perhaps Piccolo) he's still way bigger than them in his natural state. Don't believe me? Select these 3 to battle and switch them around. I mean sure, he's not Broly but still, the size difference is no joke.
- shit for brains. Intelligence who???? Don't know them. He is an absolute dumbass. I thought Goku was the dumbest guy in the universe. I was wrong. There's Shallot.
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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duhragonball · 4 years
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: Somewhere around 1998, Kurt Busiek took over as the writer for the Iron Man comic.   This was back when Iron Man wasn’t particularly popular and the last two attempts to reboot the guy had failed.   I read an interview in Wizard Magazine where Kurt promoted his upcoming run, and he explained the character this way: Tony Stark is a superhero, an inventor, a ladies’ man, and a billionaire.    You could have a blast writing a comic book about any one of those four things, but he’s all four.    I may have gotten those four items wrong, partly because it’s been 22 years, and partly because it was more famous when Robert Downey Junior echoed that pitch in 2012.    Take away the armor, and what is he?   A billionaire genius philanthropist.   
My point is that this is the appeal to Bulma as well.    When we first meet her, she’s an adventurer, but then we find out she invented the device that lets her locate the Dragon Balls.  And her mission is a romantic quest, so she’s like the heroine in a romance story.    Then we meet her parents, and it turns out she’s a wealthy heiress.    Well, I’m assuming Dr. Brief doesn’t plan on leaving his fortune to all of his pets, but you get the idea.  
There’s a lot of versatility to the character.   Some arcs barely make use of her, but others take full advantage.    You can plop her in almost any scenario and it works.    You want to write her at a fancy charity dinner?   She’d fit right in.   You want her teaching shop class in your high school AU?   No problem at all.   You want her to seduce a bad guy?     You want her to shoot a bad guy?    You want her to be the bad guy?   It all works.  
The main thing people dislike about Bulma is the way she treated Yamcha when they were together, and she’s kind of a jerk a lot of the time.    Fair point, but I think this adds to the character.   If she were sweet as could be and a rich, attractive polymath, she’d be downright insufferable.    Also, her attitude plays off of the compassion she shows through the series.   I can’t explain her behavior around Yamcha, but she did offer free room and board to the entire population of Namek, so I feel like that needs to be taken into consideration.
Why I don’t: In the first... hundred or so episodes of DBZ, Bulma doesn’t get a lot of chances to shine, despite all the screentime they gave her.   Early into my DBZ-watching experience, I found her to be something like a shriller version of TMNT’s April O’Neil, a sidekick whose job was to look cute and get into danger so the good guys could save her.   She really doesn’t get back into her groove until she returns to Earth, and once I saw those episodes, and her time in the original Dragon Ball, the character began to make a lot more sense.   Really, the Bulma in DBZ #1 through 108 was probably intended to demonstrate how out-of-hand the situation was.   She fixed the scouter and then it exploded.   She fixed Nappa’s spaceship and it exploded.   She fixed Kami’s spaceship and then Namek exploded.    She just couldn’t keep up with the crisis. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
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Not exactly any one episode, but one of my favorite bits in the Red Ribbon Army Sagas is that the RRA has their own Dragon Radar, but it’s not portable, or anywhere near as precise as the one Bulma invented.    It’s Goku’s biggest advantage during that conflict, and when it breaks, there’s literally no one else who can fix it.    Those magic babies from Arale could make a new one, but I’m pretty sure they only did that by copying the design or something.   And the RRA assumes that Goku must have an entire team of scientists providing him with logistical support, and that Master Roshi must be their leader, since he’s so old.  
Also, near the end of the arc, Bulma needs to call Yamcha on the phone, but Roshi doesn’t have one, and then Turtle suggests that Bulma should just build one from scratch, since she had just finished building a robot drone a few episodes earlier.    And she’s like “Oh, yeah, I forgot I knew how to do that.”
Favorite season/movie: The Androids/Cell arc is a big deal because it has two Bulmas, and her son is in it too.   
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And this is what I mean when I talk about versatility.    That Super Dragon Ball Heroes series has two Gokus and two Vegetas, and I have no idea why, because they’re exactly the same, except one pair does SSJ4 and the other does Super Saiyan Blue.   Bulma’s got more layers, so in a story like this, you can have 30-something Bulma care for an infant son and tackle logistical problems while she figures out her relationship with Vegeta, while the 50-something Bulma in the future can be this strong-yet-gentle post-apocalyptic survivalist, who hopes for a better tomorrow as she longs for her fallen friends.  
Favorite line: I’m gonna stray from the canon for a minute, because I’m having trouble coming up with something, but in DBZ Abridged, when she’s arguing with Vegeta during his training session, they just start shouting “Fuck you!” at each other.    Then she stops and says: “My room.    Ten minutes.” 
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And holy shit, the delivery on that line was incredible. I knew they’d try to do something to set up their relationship, but there’s no footage to do that with, so they did it all with one line and some killer VA work.
Favorite outfit: This is a big, big wardrobe to choose from, but I’m partial to the one she wore in the Imperfect Cell Saga.
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I can’t really explain the appeal, but I like this hairstyle and the clothing looks like authentic stuff you could actually buy at a store, which just makes it feel more real, even though it’s not any more detailed than her other outfits.    I’m not sure that makes any sense.    The trucker hat looks cute on her, let’s leave it there.
OTP: You know, there’s a lot of chemistry between Bulma and Yajirobe, and even though it’s kind of a rarepair, I can’t help but-- Okay, it’s her and Vegeta.   I’ll stop messing around.   
Brotp: Definitely her and Goku.  I’m imagining the set up to the DBS Broly movie going like this.
“Hey, I’m gonna invite Goku along on our trip.    That way you can fight him when you get bored.”
“Why do you keep asking him to tag along I can’t stand him.” 
“Yeah, but I like him and I paid for the resort, so I guess you gotta deal with it.” 
Then he shows up and she sends him on some ridiculous mission to search the ocean floor for sunken treasure or something.   
Head Canon: Future Bulma does tech support in Toki Toki/Conton City, because Xenoverse is canon and the Goku Black Saga can just bugger right off because it never happened.   
She shows up from time to time to check on all the Capsule Corp tech in the city, and she drops by just to say hi to her boy, and also she has coffee with my Mary Sue OC, because Future Bulma appreciates how tough and cool my writing is.
Unpopular opinion: The Vegebul ship probably gets way too much attention.  Not that it’s a bad ship or that it doesn’t deserve the attention, but it feels like a buffet where all anyone gets is ranch dressing.    They just ignore the rest of the spread and fill an entire bowl with ranch and head back to the table to drink it.   Then they come right back and line up for another helping.  
I’m not knocking it.   I have a Vegebul calendar in my kitchen.   But it reminds me of how the “comics fandom” in the late 90′s was really just an X-Men fandom that acknowledged that other comic books hypothetically existed.
They’re gonna come after me now, aren’t they?
A wish: A lifetime supply of strawberries does sound kind of nice...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I hope we’re done with Bulma’s Resurrection F outfit for good.   The cowboy boots, no, we’re done with that. 
5 words to best describe them: Five would never be enough.
My nickname for them: Don’t have one.   Vegeta calls her “woman”, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t go over well if I started doing that.
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animatedminds · 4 years
What If: Every Character In Dragonball FighterZ Had a Dramatic Finish? (Pt. 4 - Final)
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Well, here we are at the end. For the last four days, this blog has been going over each of the characters in Dragonball FighterZ - the tragic, bereft ones without Dramatic Finish - and imagining what moments from their history would work best in Arcsys’ glorious animation style.
So far we’ve gone through near the whole franchise, with only a few characters left - and there’s no time like the present to give those few remaining characters their chance.
As before, this isn’t so much a request for all these characters to legitimately get Dramatic Finishes - Arc System Works’ animation is too intricate and time consuming for that to be a reality - as much as speculation of what might have been. Though only a few of the characters in the roster can have a Dramatic Finish, most of them can definitely carry one in my opinion, and at the very least it makes a great excuse to go back and watch a few classic Dragonball clips. It’s worth noting again, as well, that on this list we’re looking for appearances in Dramatic moments: not necessarily wins. Across the list there have been quite a few characters whose best, most cinematic options have been losses of theirs. If you want the whole list, no lines, no waiting, no need to go back, check out the SoundCloud cast of the whole thing - or if you prefer to sit back and read here’s Part 1, Part 2 and - of course - Part 3. But let’s get on with it. Last time we finished off Dragonball Super (with one exception), and UI Goku himself hit the stores... that is, without the Dramatic Finish we were expecting (that went to Blue Goku). What’s left here are the extras: additional characters, interesting ideas that don’t fit anywhere else, that sort of thing. But first, one thing needs to be settled with the last remaining Super character...
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That, right. Goku (Ultra Instict) himself!
As you might have figured from what I just said - and the previous entry - the Dramatic Finish that came with the latest DLC turned out not to be an Ultra Instinct Goku Finish with Kefla, but was actually given to Goku Blue instead. This not only knocked Goku Blue off the list (just as well since - as I went through last time - the option I thought of for Goku Blue and the option I thought of for Hit were one and the same) and, naturally means we had to put Ultra Instinct Goku on in his stead.
This is a little tricky, as some of Goku’s best moments in the Tournament of Power have already been snapped up by the game. The Surfing Kamehameha moment with Kefla is of course the stand out, but there’s also already a Goku vs Jiren Dramatic Finish (with Base Goku). They’ve repeated themselves before - giving a Vs Freeza Dramatic Finish to both Super Saiyan and Base Goku (and I’ve already suggested what is effectively a third, albeit starting with Blue Vegeta), but it still makes this an odd thing to approach.
As seems typical, I ended up with two big ideas. You guys might not like this ruling so much, since the first is an overall very solid moment, and the second - my main idea - is a little unorthodox, but bear with me.
For the first idea, a picture perfect Dramatic Finish, I’d go with the moment Jiren attacks the stands, along with Goku’s enraged payback.
For those who haven’t seen the arc, the Tournament of Power is odd among Dragonball major storylines in that there isn’t really a “bad guy.” Everyone is fighting on equal terms in a universal storyline, for fear of having their universe erased if they lose (stakes which - spoilers - turns out to be semi-fake, or at least more than they think). Everyone in the tournament, moral or amoral, is neutral to one another... but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their hang-ups.
Jiren - the final boss - is a being who suffered hardship in his youth because he felt he wasn’t strong enough, and so dedicated his life to obtaining more power. Goku - anime protagonist that he is - claims that his power comes from his friends and Jiren, who couldn’t care less about friendship, doesn’t exactly like that, especially when Goku starts winning. So he throws a fit and tries to blow up Goku’s friends to prove a point. Goes without saying that Goku didn’t exactly like that either. This moment is very self contained, cinematic and strong, with quickly established stakes and an epic conclusion, which makes it a perfect Dramatic Finish - in fact, it might not have been a bad place to end the original arc itself. You would pretty much have to do it on the Galactic Arena stage - which is a FighterZ original - as the lack of a Tournament of Power stage means there’s no other place for Goku and Jiren to have a battle of the scale we’d need while also letting his friends be there in the firing line. But, that being the case, you would simply have it start - as all Dramatic Finishes do - with Jiren getting knocked back, he rants about how friendship is easily erased and shoots a blast as the stands, Goku deflects it, and goes to town: a fight ensues a la the Super Broly Dramatic Finish, with a couple extra dramatic shots, and ending with an uppercut and massive Kamehameha that takes Jiren out. End with a shot of Goku standing over Jiren, but on a much less cheerful note than the Base Goku one.
All in all, it’s a pretty great idea. One only has to look at the clip to see that. So what’s my other option, which I would prefer? Well... we’ve seen so many good Dramatic Finishes in the game, I kind of think the Dramatic Openings could use a little love, don’t you? I’ve already suggested a few, but mostly as side ideas. However, this one could serve as the most epic opening in the game, if done well. The moment where Goku goes Ultra Instinct for the very first time:
Against Jiren again, of course.
The hypest moment of any transformation is always the moment the hero unlocks it. The point where they’re pushed to their limit and tap into that power they didn’t know they had. The God and Blue transformations were elaborate and offscreen, respectively, so this was really Super’s big transformation moment, and it was definitely hype.
Much earlier on, Goku tries to finish Jiren off with what he hopes is his ace in the hole - the Spirit Bomb. Jiren, having none of that, just flings it back... the resulting war ends with Goku losing: the blast slowly overtakes Goku before detonating in a truly spectacular way, and for a moment it looks like Goku is done.
That is, until he steps out of the transformation... changed.
It would definitely be the most elaborate Dramatic Opening - with the same amount of scene-work and modeling you would expect from a Dramatic Finish, but it would be worth it. The Dramatic scenes have in general become more and more spectacular over the years, but most of the Openings were early and so missed out on it. Still, the best thing about the Dramatic Openings is that they really get you energized for the fight to come - make you feel like it’s about to go down, and this scene would absolutely accomplish that. Not to mention, it would go perfectly alongside the Super Saiyan Goku and Super Saiyan 2 Gohan transformation openings as well.
But both options work pretty well, and either way it would be a great way to let the newest content in the franchise continue to shine. If Moro shows up later in this season, I’ll be surprised, but you can bet they’re will be some options off of that. But with Super now officially done, we move on to the truly extra candidates. Starting with...
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Android #21
The villain of FighterZ’s story mode herself: a terrifying android who, thanks to a few infused traits from the Buu line, seeks to consume all life on Earth - while at odds with her own good side.
Since literally her only content ever is FighterZ’s story mode there’s not much to pull from, but luckily the choice for her is an absolute no-brainer. I’ve mentioned before that you could give her a decent Dramatic Finish with Android 16 - using any of his death scenes - but the best option is simply to take the end of the story mode, modify it and give it to us as a Finish of its own.
That’s right, we’re talking about the moment where Good #21 sacrifices herself to take Evil #21 out for good.
And, on the unique side, it would make this the only Dramatic Finish to trigger off of a mirror match - which is something rather impossible for anyone else.
You would need Goku on your team, of course - in a climax reminiscent of Kid Buu’s death, the moment involves Goku charging a Spirit Bomb while #21 holds her evil self off. Once the bomb is ready, Goku lets it fly - but Evil #21 is just powerful enough that she can resist the explosion. All seems lost, until the good half, knowing that she still holds the malice within that could lead to her becoming like her other self one day, tackles her evil embodiment - resulting in both being eradicated in a blazing explosion.
It’s a simple moment, sans all the dialogue, and the would be very simple to adapt to a Dramatic Finish: arguably, you would barely have to alter anything that isn’t already there (well, besides making the models fully animate in the “in between” moments, which would probably take some doing). Granted, one would have to have played the story mode to know what’s going on, but it’s not as if Dramatic Finishes aren’t fairly lore heavy in the first place.
And with her settled, we move on to the next questionably canon character without a Dramatic Finish, and one that was pretty hard to think of one for...
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Goku (Dragon Ball GT)
... I don’t want to say “why couldn’t this have just been Kid Goku?” I really don’t.
However, for the purposes of this list, him being GT Goku makes it almost impossible to think of a Dramatic Finish. There’s the rumors Omega Shenron is going to be appearing later on in the season, but so far those are only that: rumors.
Otherwise, Goku doesn’t really get much in the way of awesome fighting moments against the rest of the game roster. He fights against Gohan (and adult Goten, which for obvious reasons isn’t happening) when the latter was under Baby’s control, but that doesn’t really have a conclusive end - let alone a dramatic one. He fights Vegeta in the same way, but Baby Vegeta is very much a different character from any other Vegeta we’ve got, far past the point of finagling, so the reference wouldn’t work.
Thus, I’ve mostly been going with “why not just pretend GT Goku is Kid Goku” for this list and any future Dramatic Finish. It came up in the Tien section, if and when Roshi appears it’s my suggestion for him as well, and it works far easier than trying to shoehorn a GT scene into the game.
With that in mind, I’ve already noted a great option in the first part of this: the end of Tien and Goku’s first fight, on the Tenkaichi Budokai stage. It’s epic, it’s a classic moment, and it’s lots of fun. Honestly, it’s GT Goku’s best option for a Finish.
But to give a new idea, I’d love for them to do something small but sweet for GT / Kid Goku. Something that would be both a cool call back, and a neat fighting game classic moment as well.
I’m talking about Goku and Krillin’s fistbump:
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This still takes some finagling - that’s Kid Krillin you see above you, who is a lot smaller than his adult version (though not by much, you’d think). And there’s also a moment like this in Super between adult Krillin and and what would be in Base Goku in FighterZ terms, which would probably work even better (if anything, they could make this opening between Krillin and Base Goku and have GT Goku stand in during the flashback) -
- but if we’re talking about GT- sorry, “Kid Goku,” giving him this moment would work fairly well too. It’s another moment geared towards presenting a classic reference from the series’ oldest days, and gives us a sweet Dramatic Opening vs a tense and spectacular one.
It also doubles as a decent fighting game ref. Having characters who in lore are friends enter a fight with a simple fistbump or some other sign of respect is an enduring opening idea that’s most often seen in Street Fighter - which has often had Ryu and Ken begin fights this way.
This kind of small but sweet reference has somewhat gone out of style these days, along with a lot of the nuances you got with sprite-based fighters, but if it could be done more, I’d actually love to see it.
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Here, for this case, you would simply have it happen on the Tenkaichi Budokai stage, and either have them walk onto the stage together and fistbump or - to save on animation costs - just begin with them doing it and jumping back to fight. For the full Base Goku version, doing that with a flashback of Kid Goku (a la GT Goku standing-in) doing the same, and then back to them as adults.
That and the Tien Finish are really the best GT Goku’s going to get unless something changes in the future, and both are pretty neat ideas, so that’s as far as we’re going to get with him.
And that’s the whole roster: with this list, now everyone has a Dramatic Finish. So I’ll end it instead with a truly extra suggestion: a Finish for a character who already has one, but which would be a very different kind of Finish that would still be pretty neat.
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Kid Buu Destroys The World
I’ve already suggested something like this for Blue Vegeta’s Dramatic Finish - a finish in which the bad guy wins, and blows up the planet. It’s something that’s oddly cool to think about. Dragonball has many fantastic moments, including ones where the bad guys get ahead - King Piccolo blowing up Shenron, Nappa wiping out Goku’s friends, Cell crippling Vegeta and humiliating Trunks - but in the end, we mostly talk about the heroic ones.
So why not flip the script and just do one where everything goes to hell? Literally, for the evil people who happen to be on Earth.
Buu doing this is even more iconic than Freeza, imo, because while Freeza has been destroying planets for longer, it was always planets that weren’t our heroes’ own. He killed off Namek, but when he tried to come back to Earth and do it on the good guys’ home turf he got eviscerated - it wasn’t until a long time after that he was finally able to pull it off, and by then the heroes had a means of instantly undoing it. I still think Freeza vs Vegeta is a good choice for a potential Blue Vegeta Dramatic Finish, but if you’re approaching it from a “let’s make a Finish were it all goes horribly” standpoint, Buu is the standout moment.
For this, Kid Buu wins against Super Saiyan Vegeta or Goku. After the customary knockback, Buu grins, and laughs, and creates a planet destroying ball of energy. Goku and Vegeta run, but can’t get away - for bonus points, you could have Gohan, Goten + Trunks, and Piccolo on the ground, just out of saving range as the two are forced to instant transmission away. Cut to a shot of the planet as a whole, just before it all goes up.
Then, in the empty nothing of space, Buu reconstitutes, and flies off for more destruction. The end.
It’s a very different feel from the rest of the Dramatic Finishes, I think, which is why I felt it deserved to be on here even though Buu already has one. It’s just a fun, extra idea of the kinds of interesting things they might decide to do with Dramatic Finishes in the future.
And that’s everyone!
Hope you all enjoyed sitting through my nerdy listing habit. This was a lot of fun, going through all these Dragonball moments, remembering this and that and finding the most epic things each of our favorite characters have done. This isn’t even touching the iceberg for most of the cast, but if they do someday decide to give more of the rosters Dramatic Openings, none of these would at all be a bad place to start.
But if you think I’ve got the wrong idea, let me know. If there’s some moments you think would be better, give ‘em a try! Keep playing FighterZ if you have it, and simply stay Sparking if you don’t. The sky’s the limit for Dragonball, maybe even farther, and sometimes I think we haven’t seen anything yet!
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blundergato · 5 years
There is that post that talks about how people refer to Deku from MHA as a pacifist even though he pretty much always solves his problems with violence.
And that’s true; his personality isn’t confrontational, but that doesn’t make him a pacifist.
And the same thing goes for Gohan. A lot of people refer to him as a pacifist too (I probably have in the past too), even though he’s never really been like that. In the beginning, the reason Gohan didn’t really want to fight is because he was a 4-5 year old child and terrified out of his mind. But once Piccolo died and his dad was in trouble against Vegeta, he did not hesitate to turn around and immediately jump into the fight to help.
And on Namek, when the Namekians were getting murdered by Freeza’s men, Gohan didn’t try to talk it out with anyone. He jumped in, kicked some ass, and ran off after rescuing Dende. Even before that, he either killed or nearly killed one of Freeza’s goons after their ship was attacked. And every time after that, Gohan lept into battle without much hesitation. 
He gets this rep for being a pacifist from the Cell Saga because he said that he doesn’t LIKE to fight and he didn’t really want to kill Cell like that. That was more of a case of Gohan being afraid of his own power rather than him being a pacifist though.
But the series...I dunno...it seemed to run with the idea of Gohan being a complete non-fighter after that for whatever reason. I know people try to justify it by saying that Gohan always just wanted to be a scholar, but Gohan also is the type of character who always wants to help people, so I think it’s a huge cop-out that he’s basically written out of the series as a major player. He’s so used to helping people out that he became a superhero. 
I’ve seen it argued that Gohan as the main character wouldn’t really fit Dragon Ball as a series because he’s not fight obsessed like Goku, which I think is silly. Would it change the tone of the series? Sure. But that already happened in the transition from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Z, so I don’t know why another shift in tone is suddenly too much.
Gohan doesn’t have to be a training obsessed fight monster. I mean, training in general was severely toned down by the time that DBZ rolled around and Gohan has the benefit of both being a half Saiyan with far more potential than anyone else and having Piccolo as his first teacher.
Piccolo himself doesn’t really train in the typical way either. He does a lot of meditation to strengthen himself, which could easily be passed down to Gohan (and which Gohan DID do with Krillin on their trip to Namek). That frees him up from the shackles of having to physically train 24/7 like Goku and Vegeta while opening up other avenues for him to explore. It also completely fits in with Gohan’s scholarly persona.
I also think there would have been a nice touch if Goku and Vegeta and everyone else kept getting these brand new transformations, but Gohan somehow was still just ahead of everyone in his base/Ultimate form.
This is why I think that the Broly movie should have been Gohan vs. Broly, because I think thematically, that’s the most interesting route. At this point in time, I find both Goku and Vegeta pretty tired. They had their character arcs a long time ago in DBZ and Super didn’t push anything new with either of them. The movie didn’t really introduce anything new to either of them either. But there’s something you can do with the legendary Super Saiyan with unlimited power and the half Saiyan kid with infinite potential. Gohan and new Broly are very similar to each other in that they are both wickedly strong, neither are particularly fight crazy, they both have/had explosive tempers and they are both gentle souls.
Paragus using his son to carry out his revenge and Goku’s son being the one to stop that would be a more interesting story than the one we got.
Anyways, I’m forever going to be sad and bitter for what the series decided to do with Gohan and writing a million paragraphs on what could have been is my catharsis.
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tigerlover16-uk · 6 years
You know one thing I find really interesting about DBS Broly compared to the original version?
The original Broly is basically the physical embodiment of toxic masculinity. He’s a big hulking brute who when not restrained runs completely on his emotions, mainly aggression, and exists pretty much just to smash stuff. 
Broly hates our main character for petty reasons and so makes it his goal to murder him and everyone else in the cast. He shows no compassion to anyone, even gleefully destroying the home planet of the aliens Paragus enslaved right in front of them for seemingly no reason other than spite and his own amusement, and what little dialogue we get of him implies he cares only about strength and looks down on anyone he perceives as weak.
Really, all he’s missing is a healthy dose of misogyny to complete the package.
By contrast, new Broly is a much more benevolent and well meaning character outside of the rage moments. 
He’s socially awkward due to never having anyone to talk to besides Paragus and his one friend being a wild animal, but still quick to befriend the first two people he meets when they treat him kindly. He’s reserved and not very talkative, not even answering when Frieza asks his name, and reacts to certain situations, like discovering chocolate and water for the first time, like an excited child.
A big contrast with his original counterpart is that new Broly admits at one point in conversation with Cheelai and Lemo that he doesn’t really like fighting, and he mainly trained to the extent he did and went along with fighting Vegeta and Goku because that’s all Paragus ever wanted of him, and since Paragus raised him Broly’s got it in his mind that he has no choice but to listen to him and always show the old man respect despite the fact he’s an abusive slave driver towards him (A disturbingly common thing you see in abusive family dynamics).
Notably outside of defending himself from the bug monsters on planet Vampa as a child, the only time Broly ever shows violent tendencies to anyone of his own accord was to a drunken sleazebag from the Frieza force who kept being a creeper on Cheelai and attacked Lemo for trying to intervene. 
A far cry from blowing up the slave aliens home planet and brutalizing the Z fighters for fun, right? And while he did almost go too far with that guy, it’s clear it was mainly because Paragus’s bad parenting focused almost entirely on making him a living weapon have had a lot of negative psychological effects on Broly rather than him just being a nasty and violent man by nature.
When the fighting begins on earth and Broly’s mutations start kicking in full force and he does start hulking out in similar fashion to his original version, it’s viewed by Cheelai and Lemo as messed up and a corruption of who Broly really is as a person, with both of them calling Paragus out for abusing and weaponizing his own son and putting him in a position where he’d end up losing control of himself in such a dangerous manner.
It’s especially poignant when you remember Kale, who had very similar mutant powers to Broly himself but she eventually learned to get a grip on them without losing her sanity in the process by basically learning to love herself and overcome her self-esteem issues through the support of Caulifla. 
So really, it’s entirely possible Broly could always learn to control the full range of his powers without raging out in the process. It really is down to Paragus’s bad influence and controlling nature that he ended up snapping when pushed too far.
And noticeably, the movie ends with Broly getting a grip on himself and going home to live a peaceful existence with his new friends, and with the implication that he and Goku might become friends going forward.
Ultimately, the story paints the classic raging, jacked up image of super Saiyan Broly as something frightening and perverse, and while the fights are definitely meant to be cool and fun to watch, we’re meant to feel a tinge of sorrow in seeing the character we’d come to sympathise with devolve into such a raging beast. The implication with Goku offering to spar with him at the end is that Broly, free of Paragus’s influence, might eventually get to grips on his powers better so he’ll learn to not hulk out when he powers up too far, like Kale did.
In a sense, they took that character that was walking toxic masculinity, and renounced all of said toxic traits as ugly and unnatural while basically arguing he’d be much improved if he were a nice guy that just wants to live a quiet life in the wilderness with his buddies and play with his big green alien doggo. And also, he thinks you should respect women or die.
I don’t know how much this was intentional, but it’s very bold and very amusing when you think about it.
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