#(i say this like i haven't made it to AT MOST page 52 in the Almost Year i've been chipping at this lmao)
personally victimized by a (completely optional) 4.5-mile walk that i put myself through, and now i’m very sleepy about it :(
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havendance · 14 days
Okay, I've read up to before the Night of the Owls crossover, so let's take a moment to look at my New 52 read so far:
Batman -- I think I liked the start of this arc the most, when it's laying out the mystery and feels full of potential. I'm just not a fan of the court of owls. The issue where he was in the labrinth and all the pages got flipped around was a cool concept, but an absolute pain to read digitally. Whenever I tried to rotate my tablet to read the textboxes, my device would go 'oh you're rotating! I know how to do that!' and flip the pages back -_- It probably worked better physically.
Batman and Robin -- I liked this. I liked seeing as Bruce tried to negotiate his relationship with Damian and I liked Nobody as an antagonist drawing on the history of the people who trained Batman.
Nightwing -- I started reading this and I was like 'yes, this is what a reboot should do. Bring back Haly's Circus after it was stupidly burned down previously.' and what does this comic do? Burn down Haly's Circus again!!! Can't have shit in Nightwing comics :/
Anyway, I loved seeing Nightwing try and negotiate his relationships as Nightwing as opposed to his friendships he made at the circus. I liked the push and pull between him and Babs and him and Raya. I think, in this universe where Dick was way older when he became Robin, it works really well, and while I obviously prefer Dick being like 8, I would say that this works well as it's own thing if it weren't for the elephant in the tent-- Haly's Circus being evil (boooooooooo!)
Like I said, can't have shit in Nightwing comics :|
I don't want Haly's Circus to be evil. I don't want them to be working for the court. If you really want the whole Nightwing was raised to be a living weapon thing, then idk, make it something none of them knew about, like some outsider that had been infiltrating and using the circus for their own ends. Don't have Mr Haly be the guy selling dick/that other guy out :(
Birds of Prey -- In contrast to Nightwing, this comic is just extremely mediocre. It's almost impressive how mid it is. I like Saiz' art but I'm struggling to find much else positive to say about it. It's fine. It gets the job done. It's missing that spark to do anything more interesting than girl team fights bad guys. On that same token, I'm having trouble coming up with much to criticize either. Like, obviously I think it would be better if Birds of Prey were still Oracles team, but like, other than the fact that I still think Katana's off (but I haven't read enough of her comics to articulate more), it's hard to find much to complain other than it's just mediocre and boring. Nightwing has high highs and low lows. This is like a flat line.
Batgirl -- I miss Oracle :'( But more seriously, Barbara Gordon as Batgirl has never been as intersting to me as her as Oracle. I liked the subplot of her trying to figure out how to have a new relationship with her mom--it was probably my favorite part and I liked seeing that new aspect of her. That being said, ugh, James Gordon Jr. I just do not like him as a character. He's too grim dark edgy for my tastes.
Another thing that goes into the 'I miss Oracle' category is her new dynamic with Bruce. She's over here caring about his opinion and everything and that's part of her getting aged down yet again, but also I miss when they were antagonistic and she didn't take his shit. As well as the whole question of 'why do we need to keep the killing joke in the first place?' You're rebooting the universe. Why do you need to rub taking Oracle away in our faces like this when you could've just had her never be shot. Though, I do appreciate how Simone is handling the internal conflict that Barbara is experiencing as a result of all of that.
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tenthhdoctor · 7 months
I was going to let this go, but I can't stand it anymore.
What is UP with Evilive and Australia???
(This is a joke btw and not at all serious I love this show)
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Okay, so I haven't heard of an 'E2' class Australian visa. No big deal. But it made me curious as to what it was, so I briefly looked for information on what visas Australia had in 2008 and...I couldn't find anything referencing an E2 visa for someone emigrating from South Korea to Australia. What I can find is an E2 class visa for someone emigrating from Australia to South Korea. I can also find an E2 visa for someone emigrating to the US.
So: 1. I'm dumb and missed something. 2. The writers were familiar with E2 visas because South Korea has them, and the US has them, so like...who would notice?
(Side note: They are emigrating to Sydney!!! Whoo NSW representation!!!)
But this...this was what broke me:
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Okay. So, you're exporting to...Sydney? Maybe? Sure, lets go with that because literally nothing else makes sense (except Newcastle??? Which has a major port, apparently). And then bypassing Brisbane to ship to...Gladstone, Queensland? Okay, sure. I googled it and they seem to...export a lot of stuff, and have a major port there, so maybe they import too?
And then...what.
Where even IS that in WA (Western Australia)???
Oh! I looked it up and it's most likely Port Hedland, which is apparently another major port! The largest bulk...export...port in the world, supposedly. But maybe they import as well? (Okay, so it DOES import, but wow the difference between the import and export numbers is...a lot. Wikipedia even has 2008 statistics. Neat!)
Wow, the attention to detail sure is great in this show, but...uh...
Why???? Coal????
Why are you shipping our major export, that we export to you, our #3 export market in 2008...back to us?????
Like...it's just about the only thing we do. We export coal. I learned about our coal industry in school. Our richest person is a billonaire mining magnate. One of our former Prime Ministers became a joke for saying, "Coal is good for humanity." And then my university lecturer for Environmental Law got so pissed she put the quote in our final exam as an essay question.
But I digress.
I still looked it up to see if we import coal and export it, and the answer is...no. We do not.
LNG and ORE are also unlikely, as they're some of our other major exports (well, Iron Ore is). I can't find a lot of data from 2008 specifically, but the 2016-2019 data isn't good (compare imports on pages 52-53 with exports pages 54-56) and it seems recently (2021-2022) our major imports from South Korea included refined petroleum and cars. Not Ore and LNG. However, despite being the #1 exporter in the world for Iron Ore in 2021, we were the #42 importer of it too, so that one's possible imo. LNG though? Not as likely as ORE, because we export it and seem to supply it domestically, but way more likely than Coal.
For a scene that barely lasts 2 seconds, the level of detail is crazy. I'm genuinely very impressed.
Also. It is hilarious that Seo Do Young was planning to sell us coal. The end.
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lunaxriax · 9 months
Evens for Jaehwan.
distract me pls
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
No, I don't. And I probably never will.
4: What’s something you really want right now?
A drink.
6: Do you like the beach?
Yes, I do. Go there frequently for walks.
8: What’s the background on your cell?
A sunset.
10: Do you like your phone?
It's decent enough for its purpose, so yeah.
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
It was yours, buddy!
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional pain.
16: Are you tired?
Always am. I think I was born tired.
18: Are they a relative?
It's in relation to the previous question, but yes that person is a relative.
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
That was a while back.
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Not entirely sure about that one.
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
26: Do you have any tattoos?
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
I don't know?
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
I think so. Well it was either a couch or a bed, same thing.
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Friend is a big word, but I'd say yes.
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yes, although I still don't know why.
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
38: What do your friends call you?
Jaehwan, Jae, Jae Jae and a bunch of other insults
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
Not really. I don't cry easily.
42: What is it from?
I don't really get bruises... perks of being dead, I guess.
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
A friend.
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
No, I don't care about bad hair day. Somehow my hair still looks fine on those days.
48: Do you make supper for your family?
Considering I don't live with my family... nope.
50: Top 3 web-pages?
YouTube, Google, Instagram
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
My head.
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
Go to the gym.
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
I'm pretty sure I was since I was... 10 xD
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Oh I don't know about that... I'm not exactly the biggest fan of those things.
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
How about I text you, Drake? xD
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
Sobering up.
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Does my cat count?
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I haven't slept yet but I had many wild thoughts. Mostly ridiculous drunk thoughts that made no sense at all.
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
One. This one xD
72: What is your ringtone?
Random standard one.
74: Where is your Mum right now?
She's dead.
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
Probably on no one. I didn't start having crushes on people until I was well over 20.
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
When I was a kid, plenty of times.
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Me, I did. That counts, right?
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Ok first of all, that's not something I would do because it's caveman behavior and I dislike that and if one of my friends would do that I would so smack the shit out of them.
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I... don't go see movies... Too many people. I watch them at home.
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
A few times, unfortunately.
92: Do you get along with girls?
I think so? I mean, I don't really get along with people in general, so...
94: Does sex mean love?
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
Not that I can recall.
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
You shouldn't let your happiness depend on someone else. If you do, your happiness can be taken away in an instant.
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Probably someone from my childhood, I think.
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empty-movement · 3 years
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Gogai, gogai! Thanks to the amazing translation work of Nagumo, with help from Ayu Ohseki, Yasha, and the EM Discord, I’m happy to bring you the 52 page November 1997 Newtype supplemental, Utena? (Oh My!) UTENA! 
This is love letter to the series from the creators, featuring comics and art by the creative team, as well as plot summaries, character dynamics, merch announcements, and a question and answer series with Yoji Enokido!! 
The timing of its release makes it interesting also, as this was something fans were picking up on their way into the Apocalypse Arc. The booklet calls the entire series the Akio Arc because the next arc hasn’t started and they don’t want to spoil it. Alternatively Enokido is dodgy as fuck because...he hasn’t decided things yet. It’s a fascinating glimpse at what people were probably flipping through while uh, episode 33, played that week. 
As I’ve been doing with work that allows it, I chose to edit the text into the original images. This is partly because I’m lazy and I hate coding websites, and partly because I think it’s kinda fun to, as much as possible, stick to the aesthetic and experience of encountering this content when it was made. 
As above, here’s a link to the gallery, where you can view the whole thing, or download a zip that collects it all. We hope you like it!! This was a fun little project, if I do say so myself.
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dramaruni · 3 years
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@bpdaf so this answer opened a can of worms (that I can call procrastination) and I wanted to address it, but with the limited characters in the reply function, I decided to answer it with a new post. Also sorry if this come as an attack, I promise it's not. I just became really curious if I had the wrong idea about the live-shooting system as I was ready to refute your points, but realized I didn't have enough knowledge to do so.
*also tagging @jahe, @yasmini24, @le-amarant as they also replied to my post and I figured maybe you were also interested in this (although it's really long and rambly, so I don't blame you for ignoring the post entirely). So yeah warning, this post is really long.
So I'm well aware of kdrama's live shoot system. But I did wonder if it was normal to start shooting 6 months before the first airing episode, as I was under the impression 6 months of shooting exceeded the standard duration of filming. But I couldn't actually refute it without some data to back that up. So I went to find data.
According to Wikipedia's page on Korean Dramas, they write: “As producing a series involves high expenses, production companies seek to shoot the episodes in the shortest time possible. In contrast to practices elsewhere, the first four episodes of Korean series are usually shot in advance, but the rest are shot continuously as the series is being aired.”
This fits in line with what I believed about Korean dramas live shooting system. They film a couple of episode ahead of time and then rest comes while it's still airing to fit with the audience response to it. Even preproduced dramas are sometimes reshot and re-edited while it's airing. But it didn't really say anything about the average filming duration for a drama or what shortest time possible was defined as. Probably because all dramas will aim for different things and given the content it can vary a lot how long it takes to film.
But I highly doubt it took Vincenzo 6 months to shoot something around 4 episodes and then crammed the rest into the 2 remaining months, as they knew from the start they had 20 episodes to fill.
So let's go through some other drama's shooting schedule to compare with Vincenzo.
I chose to limit the list to 2020 dramas (as they were likely affected by the pandemic) and tvN dramas, so it's the same broadcasting company as these dramas will likely share the same practices. Obviously with the amount I have included, I can't make any definite conclusions, but it does show a pattern.
*disclaimer I tried my best to accurately determine the shooting duration from when filming started to when it ended, but not all of these dramas had that information readily available, so I made do with the information I had at hand. This means some of these are just estimations.
So without further ado, here's the list:
May 2020, Director Kim Hee Won and writer Park Jae Bum teamed up.
July 2020, Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin were considering the drama, while Ok Taecyeon had confirmed
September 2020, filming started
February 20th, 2021 first episode aired
No episodes April 17thand18th
April 17th, last episode script delivered
April 23rd, filming wrapped
May 2nd, 2021 last episode aired
Shooting time: 8 months
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 6 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: 8 days
1. Crash Landing on You
*not affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic * includes overseas filming
July 31st, 2019 – first script reading
End of august 2019, filming overseas begin
December 14th, first episode airs
January 12th, filming wrapped
February 16th, 2020 last episode airs
Shooting time: 5 months
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 4 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: 1 month + 4 days
2. It’s okay not to be okay
I couldn’t find the exact time shooting started, so these numbers are based between March and May, as I assume they didn’t shoot without Oh Jung Se being casted and while the table read photos were released in May, it could very well be they had started shooting before this.
February 2020 Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji casted
March 2020 Oh Jung Se casted
May 8th 2020, first script reading photos released
June 20th 2020, first episode aired
July 31st 2020, filming wrapped
August 9th 2020, last episode aired
Shooting time: 3-5 months
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 1-3 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: 9 days
3. Start-up
August 4th, all the leads are confirmed for casting
September 2020, promotional starts to come out
October 17th 2020, First episode aired
November 21st 2020, Bae Suzy wraps up filming (assuming filming wraps up around the same time as her as she is the lead)
December 6th, last episode aired
Shooting time: 2-4 months
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 1-2 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: around 15 days
4. Hospital playlist season 1
*only aired 1 episode pr. week
October 2019, principal photography took place
March 12th, first episode aired
Late April 2020, filming wrapped
May 28th 2020, last episode aired
Shooting time: 7 months (couldn’t find when they actually started shooting, so let’s just pretend they also filmed around October)
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 6 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: 1 month
5. A piece of your mind
February 7th 2020, article of the first script reading
February 13th, first photos from drama unveiled
March 23rd, first episode aired
April 8th 2020, tvN announces that 4 episodes are cut due to low ratings
April 28th, last episode aired
Shooting time: 2-4 months
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 1-2 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: N/A (couldn’t find the exact time but they also axed four episodes and I don't know how much that affected filming)
6. Psychopath diary
*not affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
August 2019, first script reading
November 20th, first episode aired
January 9th 2020, last episode aired
Shooting time: n/a
Shooting duration before first aired episode: 3-4 months (assuming they started shooting shortly after the first table read)
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: n/a
7. Stranger /Secret Forest season 2
* preproduced based on the information I found
January 2020, first script reading
June 20th, 2020 lead actors wrapped filming (But I only found this article that says this)
August 15th 2020, first episode aired
October 4th 2020, last episode aired
Shooting time: 6 months
Shooting duration before first episode aired: 6 months
Filming wrapped before last airing episode: 4-5 months
What does this mean?
So the drama that comes closest to Vincenzo's filming duration is Hospital Playlist, but they also did things a bit differently. According to their Wikipedia, they only aired 1 episode a week to comply with 52-hour week system and to avoid overnight filming for the cast's and crews' health. So that would extend their shooting time. They also had the same amount of shooting time as Vincenzo before the first episode aired, i.e. 6 months, but Hospital playlist was only 12 episode drama so they also had less content to fill.
The rest of these dramas has a shooting time with 6 months or less. I will say though a lot of these dramas are not action-packed (also I haven't checked the budget for any of these), so comparatively they probably have different needs when filming. The drama that comes closest in terms of action is Stranger/Secret Forest, and it's also pretty close in shooting time with only 2 month different (that's counting from the first table read though). This was however pre-produced so they wrapped up filming before the first episode even aired (if my information is correct). Also this was a season two so they were operating under a little different circumstances.
But with the exception of Stranger/Secret Forest (preproduced) and Hospital Playlist(tried to work with humane working hours), none of this drama has a 6-month filming duration before the first episode aired. In fact some of these dramas don't even exceed 6 months of filming. Meaning they had less time to shoot before the first episode aired. Their production was probably also lower and none them did CGI (although I haven't watched all of them so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) as that should also be accounted for.
So 8 months of filming is a lot to allocate to a drama, at least it's not the norm. There are other dramas that exceed that filming time that didn't make the list (Mr. Sunshine sorry too much research for at this point), but obviously that is not the standard.
Obviously I don't know how the filming was divided, how many of the episodes they had filmed before the first one aired. I don't know how many of the episode scripts were written before it aired. But I can see that even with the live-shooting, Vincenzo has some very uneven scheduling that doesn't align with how the rest of these dramas did their scheduling and airing. None of the mentioned dramas had any delays (in airing, I can't be sure about filming as some of them are probably affected by the pandemic), and yet Vincenzo did, even though they had spent more time filming before the first episode aired.
Also, most of these dramas wrapped up filming with more than a week to spare before the final airing, with It's Okay Not To Be Okay coming the closest to the airing date (with the ones where I know the date when they finished shooting), but they also only had 1-3 months of filming before the drama actually started airing so much less time than Vincenzo. And although they didn't have CGI, they did have the animations for each of the fairytales which I don't know how long it took but I can imagine it took some time.
So then I looked up another drama not by tvN but by Park Jae Bum:
Good Manager/Chief Kim
December 15, 2016 first script reading
January 25, 2017 First episode aired
March 30, 2017 Last episode aired
I couldn't find the date they finished filming, but given they only started a month before airing (honestly I felt super sorry for the cast and crew when I saw these dates), I am assuming the hit the last airing date pretty closely with filming, and that would give them 3 months of filming roughly. And they also had 20 episodes like Vincenzo.
I haven't seen this drama myself, so I can't say anything about the writing quality, but here Park Jae Bum was working under even more time pressure and was able to deliver the ending on time and as I hear, it was pretty a pretty good ending (but I haven't seen it, so feel free to refute me). And yet he couldn't do it for Vincenzo. So I do think something happened with ending, whether it was Park Jae Bum just took a long time writing it for whatever reasons, or someone/thing (be it something personal, writer's block, execs not liking the ending etc.) actually interfered and that prolonged the writing or entirely changed the ending.
Anyway this became too long, so let me just end it here.
I wish I had time to make a more comprehensive list so I could be more definite in the conclusion because obviously I can't base everything of the schedule of 8 dramas that also vastly different in production quality, genre and content.
So yeah I might have just wasted the last three-four hours making something that doesn't even make sense. But hey, at least I'm less prepared for the exams now, good use of time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ladyzayinwonderland · 2 years
End of The Year Reading Tag
Thank you, @senadimell for tagging me! I love learning about others' book experiences :)
1) Did you reach your reading goal for this year (if you had one)? I did! I began 2021 with a goal of reading 25 books and I actually (miraculously lol) doubled it. Technically I read 52 books but 23 of them were manga... I haven't quite decided if they should count or not yet.
2) What are your Top 3 books this year? It's always hard to choose favorites, and this past year I read a lot of really good books in my opinion. But I'll take this as a Top 3 New to Me Books and say: Piranesi (Susanna Clark), The Way of Kings (Brandon Sanderson), and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (V. E. Schwab). I also read and loved Words of Radiance by Sanderson, so consider that tacked on to WoK.
3) What's a book that you didn't expect to enjoy quite as much going in? The Way of Kings! Okay so you have to imagine. I've spent years hearing about Stormlight. Two good friends of mine talked about them all the time (looking at you, anna and elle). My husband finally read them in 2020 and incessantly raved about them. I had no choice but to pick up WoK in early 2021. I had no idea the beauty that awaited me within those pages. I was hooked so quickly and so deeply. Wow. I'm a changed woman.
4) Were there any books that didn't live up to your expectations? For better or for worse, I did finish rereading the Inheritance Cycle. I had decent memories of the first three books but had never read Inheritance itself. Underwhelming doesn't even cover it. Inheritance was the antithesis of Way of Kings. (apologies to any lovers of eragon. I do love the idea of the books and the world and the dragons, but woof the end was baaad.)
5) Did you reread any old faves? If so, which one was your favorite? I 'reread' the Lord of the Rings trilogy in audiobook form and it was so good for my soul. There were several little details that I had forgotten over the years that made me fall in love with Tolkien all over again. They brought me hope and joy, two things I definitely needed last year.
If you're interested in listening to the same audiobooks, they are on spotify! They're absolutely delightful and I highly recommend them.
Also, this really was the year of Tolkien, as I read the trilogy and watched the trilogy like five times (a new record, huzzah)
6) Did you DNF (=did not finish) any books? I started Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater but I don't think I was in the right place for it at the time. It is, however, on my list for 2022!
7) Did you read any books outside of your usual preferred genre(s)? Like I mentioned earlier, I read a good bit of manga this year? Brandon and I had watched the second season of The Promised Neverland as it aired earlier this year and it was fairly disappointing, but the tumblr community for the show was ranting about how the manga was so much better and so... I caved. and let me tell you I consumed those 19 volumes so quickly.
I also don't read a non-fiction too often, mostly because undergrad was just so much information and I need a break, but I did read Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl by N. D. Wilson! It was a wonderful book about life and God, and I highly recommend it to all!
8) What was your predominant format this year? Due to how much I've been knitting and driving, audiobooks from my library have been incredibly valuable! Most of the books I reread were books I already owned.
9) What's the longest book you read this year? I think it was the Way of Kings weighing in at just over 1,000 pages!
10) What are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases? I used to be super into What's New, but these days I don't keep up with too many authors. The only book I can think of is the eventual release of Cornelia Funke's fourth Inkworld book, which, as far as I'm aware, has no publication date in sight.
That said, three recent books on my personal list I'm looking forward to reading are: The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, The Theif by Megan Turner (because I see you all talking about it and, curiosity piqued, I asked for it for Christmas), and Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve.
11) What books from your TBR did you not get to this year, but are excited to read in 2022? I didn't have a chance to read Oathbringer or Rhythm of War this year, so they are definitely on my list for 2022! I also had aspirations of reading the second half of the Miss Peregrine's series by Ransom Riggs but didn't quite get there either.
Thank you again for the tag, Poly! As for people to tag... @thatfriendlyanon, @taleweaver-ramblings, @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum , @swinging-stars-from-satellites , @as-dreamers-do, @fairytale-lights, and whoever else would like to talk about books from the last year! The more the merrier ^_^ no pressure though.
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doocentral · 7 years
All the behind the scenes production stuff is terrible, but I think it only feels like Be Cool Scooby Doo got cut short because it's barely aired any of the episodes that have been produced. When you count the stuff they haven't released yet (if Wikipedia's episode list is to be trusted) then it had a respectable amount for a Scooby Show. It looks like 41 episodes of Be Cool were made while What's New got 42, Mystery Inc got 52, Where Are You got 41 and everything else had a lot less.
You do have a good point there. Looking at all the episodes from the episode guide on the main Scooby-Doo Wikipedia page (again if Wikipedia is to be trusted), Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! has had a significant amount of episodes. In fact, it ties for third place in most episodes with Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! 
Now the question is if we will ever actually see those 15 episodes of Season 2 of Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! I think many people who are upset about its cancellation are upset about the poor production process, the backlash from fans who don’t like new directions (like that girl a few weeks ago who said she loves everything Scooby-Doo EXCEPT BCSD), and the simple fact that BCSD was fundamentally different from the past. The humor was really out-there at times in ways that previous Scooby-Doo shows haven’t done so I’m really going to miss that. I’d be content with 41 episodes of BCSD but I think it was short-lived nonetheless. 
If you’re not comparing it to other Scooby-Doo cartoons but rather other current cartoon programs on Cartoon Network (such as Teen Titans GO! and The Powerpuff Girls [2016]), this show got the short end of the stick. Teen Titans GO! came out only two years earlier than BCSD and is currently slated to have 208 episodes once Season 4 has premiered and finished. These 208 episodes includes the crossover episode with The Powerpuff Girls (2016). And that show is only six months older than BCSD and, according to Wikipedia, is currently slated to have 57 episodes by July 23rd of this year. 
I make that point about these two other shows because compared to BCSD, these shows aren’t nearly as intelligent or comparable to their original counterparts. Teen Titans GO! is a bunch of loud noise and pointless songs being broadcast to kids with an offensively obnoxious color palette and designs. The 2016 Powerpuff Girls are riding the train of trendy memes, emojis, and other interests of young people that won’t even be relevant or funny in a few years time. Neither of those shows focus on the central and original idea of fighting crime but rather focus on 2-dimensional characters that are inconsistent and at times over-exaggerated. 
BCSD, while not utilizing the old art style of the original (but keep in mind it is by no means the first to do so), fleshes out each of the five characters in new and interesting ways while still placing them in the same plot environment as the original: solving mysteries. If you asked me any day which characters are better between this show and Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, I’d say BCSD. They have more personality that, while very cartoony and wacky at times, are consistent. I can identify Fred as the member of the group who is a leader but struggles to keep the gang in line and is easily irritated by some of their shenanigans. Velma is a very introverted girl who has anxiety about things many people don’t, but her intelligence is fleshed out in a nerdy way that is unique to BCSD’s Velma. Daphne is self-explanatory but effective on her own. Scooby and Shaggy retain their classic characterizations and still make them a success in the new format. 
I’m simply saying that BCSD’s cancellation is a shame because it’s a smarter show that is properly and respectfully introducing kids to the Scooby-Doo franchise.
I’m sorry that this answer turned into a long rant that went a little off topic from your question but I really am going to miss this show once it’s finished. I’m tired of seeing great cartoons getting the sham when it’s undeserved. I think BCSD was truly mistreated and will be seen as a missed opportunity. The haters are going to hate but there always will be haters no matter what. People are going to hate the next Scooby-Doo that comes our way anyway. People don’t give BCSD a chance solely on its character design, which is a shame if that translates to how they judge people in real life. At least people who didn’t like Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated are actually disliking it based on its story and content rather than just its look. 
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broke-ass-twat · 7 years
all of them . . .
Fuck you and fuck the anonymous asker and lets fucking get this shit started. Also do your goddamn work Izzy.
200: My crush’s name is: Hey Izzy. Because that was such a huge secret199: I was born in: October198: I am really: Bored197: My cellphone company is: AT & T (Are you gonna ask my mother’s maiden name and first pet name now?)196: My eye color is: Brown195: My shoe size is: 11?194: My ring size is: Decently large193: My height is: 6 foot tall god192: I am allergic to: Assholes. And cats and dogs and eggs and milk and eggplant191: My 1st car was: I had a first car?190: My 1st job was: I had a first job?189: Last book you read: The first 6 pages of Cat’s Cradle. Alternatively book 25 of Desolate Era (it’s a Chinese wuxia novel)188: My bed is: Comfortable?187: My pet: Don’t have one186: My best friend: I have several185: My favorite shampoo is: Head and shoulders184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox183: Piggy banks are: Chill182: In my pockets: 2 bic pens, typically my phone, wallet, asthma pump, chapstick, and keys181: On my calendar: I don’t really use calendars180: Marriage is: Something I’ll get to179: Spongebob can: Suck my dick (I don’t really get spongebob?)178: My mom: is caring but could use some chill177: The last three songs I bought were? I don’t honestly remember the last time I bought a song. Which is a lie but I don’t know what I bought176: Last YouTube video watched: Vaguely watched the youtube video for Girls by Mura Masa175: How many cousins do you have? Total of 3 I think174: Do you have any siblings? I have a twin sister173: Are your parents divorced? Yes172: Are you taller than your mom? Definitely171: Do you play an instrument? Nope170: What did you do yesterday? Die slowly
[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Sort of yeah168: Luck: Sort of but not really167: Fate: No166: Yourself: Honestly not really and that accounts for at least 2 rather important problems I can think of165: Aliens: Sure164: Heaven: No163: Hell: No162: God: No161: Horoscopes: They’re fun and sometimes fool me but no160: Soul mates: Not really?159: Ghosts: Sometimes momentarily hen I se shit move in the dark out of the corner of my eyes158: Gay Marriage: Yah157: War: Depends but yah156: Orbs: ????155: Magic: I fucking wish
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Um. Fucking both. but kisses153: Drunk or High: Depends. Mostly drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Read heads are hot150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes149: Hot or cold: Hot148: Summer or winter: Feeling winter atm (I know its odd)147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate when eh. Vanilla when stuff is quality145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Orange143: Curly or Straight hair: Um. Curly?142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds is my shit (cuz apple pie)141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate you fucking heathen140: Mac or PC: Mac (theyre prettier tho I know PCs can be better)139: Flip flops or high heals: I don’t really wear either. Both are fine.138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I can be ugly, sweet, and rich. Tho I guess this means ugly person. Ugly and rich since I’d just do whatever the hell I want and be rich137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Cremate this mess134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing133: Coach or Chanel: My dude I know fuck all about either brand. Still would go with Chanel132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who the fuck?131: Small town or Big city: Big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: They’re both cool. target feels nicer tho129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: I hate them both128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure127: East Coast or West Coast: This is actually hard. Um. Shit. Hm. Weast coast?126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. My birthday doesn’t tend to mean a whole lot to me (probably cuz I didn’t really have birthday parties as a kid)125: Chocolate or Flowers: I’ve never gotten flowers and that’d be chill but chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney probably.123: Yankees or Red Sox: Yankees you fucking heathen
[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: Avoid it if possible121: George Bush: No very intelligent120: Gay Marriage: It’s fine119: The presidential election: Kill me118: Abortion: It’s your choice and fuck what other people have to say. Though it’s interesting to think about if one potential person wants the child and the other doesn’t. At which point I feel like whoever really wants it that bad should have sole care of it otherwise it’s unfair to both the child and one who didn’t want it. And if the dude wants the child then it’s still the woman’s choice I feel like? But this is rocky but would make a fun conversation tbh117: MySpace: Stop poking the dead thing with a stick116: Reality TV: Mostly really dumb with marginal entertainment115: Parents: Mine I guess are half really good but hard on me for good reason and the other half I seriously feel like I couldn’t care less about. In general Id hope for them to be caring, understanding, firm, and logical114: Back stabbers: Fuck em113: Ebay: Chill concept I’ve never used112: Facebook: Blackhole for my time111: Work: I hate doing it as it very rarely interests me110: My Neighbors: Chill109: Gas Prices: High I guess?108: Designer Clothes: Can be cool but mostly just why and dumb107: College: Fucking scam but also really cool adult babysitting106: Sports: theyre alright I suppose. Don’t really pay them any mind at all105: My family: I only pay attention to the ones I interact with even though there is a family member I really should talk to but don’t cuz I have a hard time caring although I really should104: The future: Scary
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Today sorta. If not today then sunday102: Last time you ate: Like an hour ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Thanksgiving100: Cried in front of someone: It’s been a while. Don’t remember99: Went to a movie theater: During spring break like 2 weeks ago98: Took a vacation: like 2 weeks ago97: Swam in a pool: been a while. Swam in the ocean like 2 weeks ago
96: Changed a diaper: I’ve never done that
95: Got my nails done: never94: Went to a wedding: It’s been a few years. Would’ve liked to go to one this year but couldn’t for some pretty shit reasons93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Never91: Broke the law: Um. Like Saturday90: Texted: like 30 minutes ago
[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Things that are funny. Also myself88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Parents paying for shit87: The last movie I saw: Get out86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Figuring out my shit85: The thing im not looking forward to: the future84: People call me: Kemi83: The most difficult thing to do is: Have self control and follow through on it82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never81: My zodiac sign is: Libra80: The first person i talked to today was: Today a girl named sara cuz I was up and around at 2am79: First time you had a crush: Like elementary school78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: There is no one I can’t hide things from77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I have no idea. Probably within the last few days76: Right now I am talking to: Well right now I’m not talking to anyone75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Hopefully happy and relatively successful74: I have/will get a job: hopefully over the summer73: Tomorrow: Is another day72: Today: Is my current reality that I really should use a lot more wisely but tend not to71: Next Summer: It’d be nice to be a more productive person70: Next Weekend: Probably gonna be doing fuck all instead of doing work69: I have these pets: I don’t have pets68: The worst sound in the world: Nails on a  chalkboard, velcro ripping, people chewing with their fucking mouths open. I can’t choose one67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Um. Prolly my stepfather?66: People that make you happy: My friends occasionally family when they aren’t disappointed in me65: Last time I cried: I dunno64: My friends are: Chill63: My computer is: Cool but mostly a huge distraction I literally can’t live without cuz I need it for everything. And I also really like it.62: My School: Is meh. Some chill people61: My Car: Don’t have one60: I lose all respect for people who: I suppose cheat59: The movie I cried at was: I dunno58: Your hair color is: Black57: TV shows you watch: I dunno. A lot 56: Favorite web site: Youtube probably55: Your dream vacation: Europe54: The worst pain I was ever in was: I don’t remember feeling pain I thought was all that intense. Like shit has hurt a lot but not like holy fuck I’m screaming53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium52: My room is: A little dirty atm51: My favorite celebrity is: Um. Gordon Ramsey I suppose? Don’t really have one50: Where would you like to be: In a very nice restaurant sipping very nice whiskey with a lot of money. Ive said this before.49: Do you want children: Maybe eventually. At least 2 but not more than 348: Ever been in love: yeah47: Who’s your best friend: I have multiple46: More guy friends or girl friends: I definitely have more girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My girlfriend would be nice to just chill with tbh43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Don’t be a failure is sorta just it. realistically grad school.42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I actually haven't 41: Have you pre-named your children: Nope40: Last person I got mad at: Um. I dunno39: I would like to move to: Somewhere on the west coast38: I wish I was a professional: Chef
[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Twix is up there36: Vehicle: Teslas are pretty fucking cool35: President: Obama probably wasn’t the best but damn was he chill34: State visited: California never really disappoints me33: Cellphone provider: AT &T I guess? What the hell sort of question is this32: Athlete: Um. Don’t really have one. Ichiro Suzuki seems pretty chill. Curtis Grandson also seems chill. What can I say my stepdad likes the Yankees. Well so does my father31: Actor: Um. idk30: Actress: Idk29: Singer: Adele comes to mind cuz damn that voice. But I probably have others I like more and don’t remember28: Band: Mura Masa is high up there for producers. So is Flume, Ekali atm, Ta-ku, and Snago27: Clothing store: Don’t really have one. Uniqlo is pretty chill26: Grocery store: Fairways is chill25: TV show: Adventure time probably24: Movie: Don’t really have one tbh23: Website: I Don’t per se have a favorite. I like tumblr and Facebook 22: Animal: Deer are chill21: Theme park: Don’t have one. Which ever one has the wildest roller coasters20: Holiday: Um. Christmas19: Sport to watch: Baseball if I had to choose18: Sport to play: Ultimate frisbee17: Magazine: Cooks Illustrated is cool16: Book: Don’t really have one15: Day of the week: Friday or saturday14: Beach: Orange beach atm cuz it’s the nicest one i’ve been to13: Concert attended: Shitttttttt. Alina Baraz and Jauz are really high up there12: Thing to cook: I like making pasta cuz I do all sorts of shit to the sauce and I’m good at it. I also make pretty decent pork chops and shit. I dunno. 11: Food: Sushi probably. Also like steak and curry a lot.10: Restaurant: Um. Five guys? I don’t really have one.9: Radio station: Don’t really listen to radio8: Yankee candle scent: Don’t know any7: Perfume: same as above6: Flower: honeysuckle5: Color: Blue and green4: Talk show host: Don’t have one3: Comedian: Louis C.K. is great2: Dog breed: Cant choose1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Very
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