#(i've tried searching for posts about this but it's kind of hard so i haven't found any)
posi-pan · 11 months
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pansexual is good 💗💛💙 bisexual is good 💗💜💙
just respect how people self-identify and resist the urge to assign bad faith assumptions onto why they identify the way they do. we as a community need to be kinder and more understanding with one another. we all have our reasons for the language we use for ourselves and our queerness, and more often than not, there isn’t some bad, harmful reasoning behind our labels.
and of course, some folks identify as both bi and pan. this post is just about how people just assume every bi and pan person who does not use both labels has made a choice between the two labels, or in other words, considered both labels and rejected one for the other. and this is simply not the case.
i can’t speak for anyone but myself, and personally i don’t like when my self-identification is painted in a negative light in comparison to another label; that my pansexuality is a rejection of bisexuality. it isn’t. i have nothing but love and respect for bisexuality, bisexual history, and bisexual people. i’m just simply not bisexual. it isn’t any deeper than that.
and if you’re wondering why it matters if people think this, it’s because language matters. queer people’s experiences with their identity and the language they use for it should be acknowledged and respected, rather than dismissed in favor of creating a uniform narrative, especially one that is negative, that we all neatly fit into.
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ecogirl2759 · 7 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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wraith-caller · 2 months
Hi, Wraith! Lemme just start by saying that I ADORE your lore posts. Your mind is incredible and I love reading your thoughts, speculations, extrapolations, etc. Which brings me to a question I’m dying to hear your thoughts for: How did Iji die? I’ve been scouring Reddit and any other forums I can find and everything I’ve found is cyclical non-answers. The obvious answer is Black Knives- because their bodies are scattered around him. This tracks because Blaidd, when you find him in front of Ranni’s Rise, is also surround by Black Knife corpses. However, this does NOT track for several reasons. First: Iji is drenched in black flame, a sorcery (power?) used by the Godskins, not the Black Knives. I’ve seen lots of people say it’s probably just an oversight on FromSoft’s part. Altogether possible, but would make me sad and I deeply want to believe it’s intentional. Second: The Black Knives are (were?) RANNI’S assassin’s. While she’s self-serving and stone-cold, she claims to love Blaidd and Iji (and tells you to tell them). I find it hard to believe she’d have them killed. MAYBE if they were only found near Blaidd (in preparation for his coming madness), I could buy it, but I’m not sure I can get onboard as it stands. Now I did find two interesting thoughts. One, someone said the Nox were recruited as the Black Knives and turned on Ranni when she killed her own body, because the plan was only to kill Godwyn and plant one of their own on the throne. I’ve never seen or found anything in my own playthroughs to support or indicate this, but it would make a lot of sense. Two, and I feel that this hinges heavily on one, someone soeculated that Gideon killed Iji. They pointed out that he uses black flame sorceries, and he definitely tries to kill any threats to his ascent to lordship. Anyway, this got WAY longer than I meant for it to be. But IF it’s a topic that interests you, I’d love to hear your thoughts! (And if not, no problem at all!) There’s definitely plenty I don’t know/understand and if I’m incorrect in any of my points above, I’d be really interested in knowing what I’m missing. I feel obligated to sign this, too, since it got away from me 😂😅 -nightingale-ghost-writer
@nightingale-ghost-writer sorry to answer this way, tumblr's not cooperating with answering asks lol. Hi!! Thank you for the kind words haha I'm happy my ramblings are of interest to others! I do hope you really enjoy a ramble bc your question sorta set me off on one here lol
I've thought about Iji's death now and then, and found some of the same answers you did about the black flame effect around his body. It may simply be a mistake by the devs like people frequently say. Especially since, iirc, there's no deathflame animation analogous to the blackflame one left on Iji. It could have been a 'close enough' kind of thing, which yeah I agree would ultimately be disappointing! However someone in this reddit thread had something interesting to point out:
"There's a weird detail, possibly an oversight: if you use a Blade of Death weapon art (for example Maliketh's Black Blade or the Gargoyle's Black Blade) on a troll, the effect looks like black flame rather than the usual red and black flame. I doubt there's a lore reason, but maybe something about how that enemy type is coded causes that effect to appear like black flame, and that also extended to Iji who uses the same model."
I haven't tested this myself, but if it's true, it lends more support to the idea it's just an unintentional effect. However, in that same thread, a few folks point out that Godskins were spotted in various places relevant to Destined Death - in the Volcano Manor and Divine Tower of Liurnia. Rykard has a piece of the Death rune, and Ranni's corpse is on the tower, along with her cursemark. It may be that they are searching for the Rune of Death themselves. Their presence in Farum Azula may suggest they were seeking to free the rune and restore the true power of the Black Flame. So while I still believe it's the Black Knife assassins who killed Iji, I suppose there is room to argue the Godskins have a stake in his death, too, in that Iji stands between them and Ranni.
While the Black Knife assassins worked with Ranni, I'm not sure that they were necessarily under her command. I think they collaborated as they both thought they could benefit from each other. Ranni would get to shed her flesh through the ritual, and the assassins of the Eternal Cities, who have beef with the Golden Order, get to strike down one of the GOs most shining and noble icons and throw the world into chaos. As you've said, they have their own agenda with ushering in the Lord of Night, who may either be an outer god or an envoy/vassal to one. This Lord may also have some connection with Ranni's Black Moon and, strangely enough, the Tibia Mariners who, in Japanese, are referred to as "Night King's Kin"(more info in this Zullie video here). The Mariners hold deathroot and raise up Those Who Live in Death, so I have been under the impression they only came into being after Godwyn's curse spread, which is of course a direct consequence of the assassination.
So while Ranni and the Assassins stood to gain from each other in this plot, their ultimate goals are sort of actually at odds. Ranni, while devoted to her Black Moon, seeks to remove the influence of Outer Gods from TLB and leave everyone to their own devices. Meanwhile, the Nox/Assassins are seeking to deliver a new one to the throne. We see indications of this struggle in Alecto's imprisonment in the evergaol at the Moonlight Altar and, if you are partial to the theory that Miquella collaborated with Ranni, in Ordina. Then there's the further evidence of the Assassins coming for Ranni's group to kill Blaidd and Iji. So I agree, I don't think Ranni had Iji killed. Like you, I could potentially see her ordering them to kill Blaidd, as she knew he'd be fated to try to destroy her. While it is cold and calculating, she does express her sympathy for him. But she is ultimately dedicated to sacrificing everything to achieve her goals. When we do find Blaidd with the dead assassins, he's not saying anything about them. He's frantically denying that he could be a danger to Ranni, as if their attack on him is connected to that. So I do see how people could connect the assassins coming for him with them being ordered by her to kill him.
But then we get into the matter of why they'd be ordered to kill Iji, and I just can't think of a good one. He's clear-minded, and not fated to betray her in the way Blaidd is as her shadowbound beast. I've seen people claim it's a matter of 'tying up loose ends' but I can't imagine in what way he'd be a 'loose end' given that he's entirely faithful to her. Loose ends are tied up because they pose a threat. What threat is Iji to Ranni and her goals if he is emphatically supporting her to the very end? And then when I think of Alecto in the evergaol, I'm really inclined to believe it's purely a matter of bad blood between Ranni's group and the assassins after the conspiracy was through. It may even be that we led them to her, as her whereabouts were previously unknown until we found her(though you'd hope people would uh check her home before declaring her missing?? lol).
That being said, I kind of like your idea about Gideon's involvement. Some elements of that make sense. I'm not sure how much he knows of Ranni, since he says they don't actively seek her out due to her having cast off her rune. While he generally seems to send lackeys to go do his dirty work, the Carian Manor could be a pit stop he made on the way into Leyndell. He may have somehow or other learned of Ranni's whereabouts, learned she was behind the conspiracy, but what I struggle with is him learning her motivation for it. She reveals this to us only after we've spent some time in her service. So did Gideon suspect her of being after the throne? Would he have known she wanted to rid the world of all the troubling influences of the Outer Gods? If he did, would that be much of a threat to his desire to become a lord? While he wouldn't be an Elden Lord, there'd still be power to be had in a world without the Golden Order. And the power vacuum left in the wake of Ranni achieving her goals would seem like a good opportunity for him to position himself in a leadership role. But I'll be honest, I don't fully understand him and his revelations about Marika's will, and how that effects his perspective. By the end of it he seems to think vying for Elden Lord is a futile struggle and that the whole thing is just a meat grinder that Tarnished are being fed into. So does he even still want that power by the end, if he believes it to be utterly unobtainable? Still, it's not entirely unbelievable that he would eliminate potential threats to that power before he comes to that fatalistic conclusion.
Okay, anyway, I hope all of this makes some sense!! Thanks for the interesting ask and for sharing your theories about this strange little mystery!!!
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valeffelees · 1 year
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i didn't think i was going to make a post today, i've been under the weather for a while now 🌧️ and haven't really been making any substantial progress on anything as a result. i've been drawing, mostly. and no shit, i don't think i've spent this much time on my tablet since i was... fuck, sixteen? wild times.
but i dunno, i guess i just missed hanging out and wanted to share a bit of a WIP i talked about very briefly once before in a SSS (🐍) post, an alterous Dev/Niall (and pre-slash Simon/Baz) fanfic with the working title Niall vs the Amatonormative Agenda. i really like this fanfic. it started out as a runaway document where i could shove words when they didn't have anywhere else to go, and slowly turned into a canon compliant coming of age character study that follows Niall's POV exclusively from the Crucible ceremony to the Leavers ball. it's focused entirely on his life, his complicated relationship with Dev, and his friendship with Baz. i dunno if i'll ever post it in its entirety, but it is very near and dear to my heart these days.
[...] with thick, black hair combed around a sharp widow’s peak and droopy, down-turned eyes like a coonhound. He’s panting hard, his whole body heaving as he slumps down into the grass and tries to catch his breath, pressing his shoulders back against one of the beams supporting the underside of the stands. An ivory wand with a leather handle still too-big for his growing hands is clutched in his left fist. “Um,” Niall says. “Shut up!” The boy bares his teeth at him, scowling viciously. “Shut up or I’ll make you shut up, I’ll spell your tongue off!” “Baz!” Niall twists around and peeks through the gaps beneath the benches. Simon Snow is storming across the football pitch, flushed crimson and ripping at the fluffy inch of hair that peeks out below the brim of his boater, sparking along his forearms like a loose wire and steaming with so much magic that Niall starts all but going cross-eyed from it, he can feel it in his throat, acrid and sticky. He cups his palm over his mouth. “Baz!” Simon Snow shouts again, whipping around, his eyes cutting across the Wavering Wood’s gloomy treeline. Ceridwen, he looks like he’s gone mental. (And kind of like he’s about to cry.) “Give it back!” He spins, searching. He doesn’t find them. A noise like the growl of a small, rabid animal pinches from his narrow chest, and then he’s off. Sprinting in the direction of the drawbridge. Niall turns back around. “Baz Pitch?” “Grimm-Pitch,” Baz replies tersely. “You’re Dev’s cousin.” He blinks. “That’s correct.” “I’m their roommate.” Baz looks barely old enough to be at Watford, honestly. He still has one of those squished up little kid faces. His cheeks are puffy and round, his brow is shallow, his chin is short and flat. But he has a tall, straight nose like an adult, so he’s probably going to have a growth spurt sooner rather than later. Drop a layer of baby fat, shoot an inch and a half taller overnight. That’s how it went for Niall, at least. But then again, he’s older than he should be for a first year, he’ll turn thirteen in January before the end of Christmas break. “What have you done to the Chosen One now?” Niall asks, shifting to uncross his legs and stretch them out, moving his Magic Words textbook to lay open on his thighs. Baz settles down next to him, drawing his skinny knees up right to his shoulders with his arms tucked into the space between, flipping his wand back and forth from one hand to the other. His expression is blank—the kind of calculated, intentional blank that children shouldn’t know how to do—but his gaze is keen, almost feral. “Nothing he doesn’t deserve.” “You’re creepy.” “Are you going to tattle on me?” “No,” he says, after what is probably too short a moment of consideration, “I don’t really care. I just want to finish my homework.” “Well, good.” Baz purses his lips, looking Niall up and down with a single quick, deliberate flick of his eyes. (Grey, like a clean riverbank.) “Otherwise I would’ve had to spell you Six ways to Sunday.” “You couldn’t.” “Could too.” “Could not.” “I’m a Pitch.” “You’re eleven.”
thank you very kindly for tagging me today @larkral, @blackberrysummerblog, and @rimeswithpurple, and thank you to everyone who has continued to tag me these last few Sundays and Wednesdays, too. i really do love seeing what y'all are working on. 🙂💕
i hope everyone has a good rest of their week.
remember to drink water, take your vitamins, and rest when you need to. ☀️
Tag, you're it! 🪄 @raenestee @hushed-chorus @thewholelemon @artsyunderstudy @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla
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mrbexwrites · 4 months
Writblr Q& A
Tagged by @surroundedbypearls here. Thanks so much :D
1. What motivates you to write?
I don't know...I've always spent a lot of time in my own head, and I've always just written down the stories that my brain likes to make up for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
I absolutely adore this line by @sarahlizziewrites from her WIP Grey Sky Lark :
"I spent the better part of two decades looking for you. I would do it again."
It's just...it gives me actual chills and I think about this line at least once a week.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I think the strongest aspect of my writing is my dialogue. I used to hate it when characters would speak, and I'd end up having them info dump and the speech would be so stilted and robotic. I worked hard to make my dialogue more realistic, and I (hope) my hard work has paid off, and it's now the best parts of my works!
6. What do you enjoy most about the Writeblr community?
I absolutely love seeing everyone else's creative process, and how generous people are with sharing their skills. So many of you just post massive chunks of knowledge about your own publishing/editing/writing experience to help us all get better at what we do, and I'm just in awe! I love the support that everyone has for one another.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I have a notebook to scribble ideas, names, plot lines etc. I've tried to use flash cards in the past, but I tend to lose them, so a note book it is. I treated myself to Scrivener but I haven't really transferred my WIPs across to it yet, as I've not properly had a chance to sit and familiarise myself with it. So still chipping away with Google Docs due to my own procrastination!
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
So, Searching for Starlight, a WIP that doesn't get spoken about often has some excellent worldbuilding imo. I'm especially proud of the concept of 'solar sails' for how my spaceships were powered. Totally impractical and wouldn't be able to work with actual physics, but real-world stuff be damned!
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Just take it one day at a time. Don't force yourself, and be careful of burnout. Listen to music, walk, partake in media you life, and don't feel guilty for not working on your WIP 24/7. Your story deserves to be told, but not at the expense of your health (speaking as someone who hopitalised themselves a couple of years ago doing NaNo who definitely did not take my own advice- I am older and wiser now. Look after yourselves guys; be kind to yourself!)
Tagging @cee-grice @at-thezenith @sam-glade @scifimagpie @queen-tashie @cowboybrunch and leaving an open invite for anyone else who'd like to join in
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Play by play on the Easter hunt this is like I've been watching filler episodes and this is the big finale of your work™️ posts
we do movies at my theatre sometimes because we have a screen. This showing of [REDACTED RABBIT THEMED FILM] has been planned since the beginning of the season, but in February it was decided that since the movies haven't been selling so great we wanted to add an extra event to help draw people in. Several ideas were pitched (by me) but what we (they) landed on was an Easter egg hunt before the movie.
I hated this idea, but was out voted. 
The plan was this: at 1:00pm, we will open the house (eggs will be hidden in the house) and let everyone in. And then the movie will start at 2:00 and everyone will sit down.
I hated this plan, mostly because it's not actually a plan. “Let’s just have kids look for eggs and then the movie will start” is just like, an idea. Its not a plan, there’s no structure. A plan would be something like, between 12:30 & 1:00 kids are free to search for eggs, at 1:00 everyone will be asked to leave the house so they can go see the easter bunny over by concessions! (wink wink) The children can then be entertained by the easter bunny until 1:30, when we will re-open the house for seating, or their parents have the option of leaving and coming back at that time, whatever works best for them. In that half-hour gap the house can be cleaned up and reset for a business-as-usual film screening. 
That is the plan I put forward at our first event planning meeting. It was shot down, very rudely and aggressively, by my coworker Katrina. She insisted that i was “maing this too difficult” and over thinking this” and “we don’t need any of that”. She interrupted me, loudly, multiple times to say these things. And then my boss went with this non-plan that she presented over mine, even though she’s from marketing and doesn’t ever interact with customers and I’m literally the house manager a.k.a the person who is in charge of the house & the lobby whenever it is in use? Because she’s been here longer and can speak more words faster and louder than I can, I guess? I was too flabbergasted to that this woman who is not my boss and not in my department and who I’ve met in person exactly once before was talking to me like this (and that no one else, including my boss, felt the need to intervene).
I tried several more times over the next two months to add structure to this event but was shut down and told to relax by either Katrina (who again, is from marketing so why does she have any say here?) or my boss, who would always side with her. Eventually, because i was demoralized (and because my boss literally told me she was sick of talking about this with me and not to bring it up again) I just gave up.
2pm. I & several other coworkers (but not Katrina…🤔) + our boss arrive to hide 700 eggs in the house
 it's kinda hard because there's not really a lot of places to hide anything? Because it's just rows & rows of theatre chairs? I warned them about this btw.
 also an issue! The floor is sloped. Because it is a theatre :) So eggs just kind of keep, rolling towards the orchestra pit. And it's really loud the whole way down. I literally told them this would happen  but I guess we all just have to pretend this is a surprise.
at finish, none of the eggs are like, at all hidden. They are all 100% visible from all angles. Also something about them all being in there suddenly makes it really clear how many forbidden dangerous areas, delicate historical features, finger-crunching mechanisms, and weird little trip-fall-break-your-leg-and-sue-us ledges & stairs there are in this room.
my coworker April (heavily involved in the planning, but only because the poor thing can't say no, she is a victim here too imo) privately admits to me that she's dreading this event and just wants it to be over. 
previously it was agreed, MULTIPLE TIMES, that we were going to set a limit on number of eggs per kid, and exclusively allow only the bags we provide (small) to be used. But when I brought it up my boss (Kelly) said "oh no we won't need a limit that's not necessary :) and people can bring their own bags who cares"
arrive at 11:30.
April is already there. This is way earlier than she said she was coming. She admits that she was too anxious to stay at home.
also, the gal who was going to wear the Easter Bunny costume sprained her ankle. So now April is doing it. Good lord. Anyways
Also now we’re apparently going to have the Bunny in the main lobby? Greeting kids? Instead of else where so that bored kids could Go and do something else/split the crowd so as to ease congestion in our small historic lobby? Which has been the plan the entire time until just now????
further backstory: I couldn't get any fucking volunteers to staff this stupid thing. So my mom finally took pity, volunteered herself & my father and bribed two family friends with lambshanks into coming and helping also.
further further backstory: our good popcorn machine is broken. Started out that it was just tripping the breaker every single time it got plugged in, but now it's throwing sparks when plugged in also lollllll. So we're using the small, older, back-up machine. This will become relevant soon.
Katrina arrives, two of her grandchildren in tow. She lets them into the lobby even though we aren't open yet. They are EXTREMELY badly behaved. Loud. Throwing things, hitting each other. She's not managing them very well and I feel uncomfortable intervening. Eventually she takes them outside (confusing, is she working today or here as a patron?)
volunteers arrive. Parents + friends + the one other volunteer I could get. I explain to them the "plan". They are confused. Why isn't there a distinct end time for the egg hunt & start time seating? What about people who show up for just the film? Do they have to sit with an egg hunt happening around them? Are we really letting people bring their own bags? This room seems like a terrible place to let children run around in? I tell them that I brought up literally all of these issues, AND had clear solutions for all of them, and was rejected every time :) oh well!
there's a lot of people lining up out front. Way more than expected. You can hear crowd noises through the glass. It's kind of intense.
some big 12-year-old literally charges the doors, Jurassic Park velociraptor style. Building is 95 years old so it's loud AF and everything on the whole wall shakes.
its Katrina's grandson. Because fucking of course it is.
one last check on the concessions stand before we open. The credit card machine has no power. Oh shit, I think, is this machine tripping the breaker too now? no, breaker is fine. It's just somehow this one wall plug has stopped working. Suddenly. Whatever. I plug the machine into a different socket and decide to fix the other issue later because the doors need to be open in 5 minutes 
i get the lobby doors open at exactly 1:00. Check with tech to make sure we're good to open all the way up, get the ok. We start taking tickets and letting people in to hunt at about 1:01.
A mother approaches me to tell me that her kid got no eggs, and there are no more eggs to be found. It is 1:07.
Multiple complaints now that there are no eggs left. It's been less than ten minutes. 
check in with my mom, she confirms that the first couple of kids to get let in had shopping bags, and since the eggs were not actually hidden they were just kinda laying there those kids just basically..... Cleared the room.
extra gift bags full of the leftover eggs are quickly made up by my boss. Easter Bunny passes out a lot of those.
meanwhile, a line is forming at concessions. The popcorn machine is not quite keeping up. It's not an.... emergency yet. Though.
meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, my mother has corrected this one boy for his bad behavior three separate times. On the third time, the adult with him got really nasty with her. When I come by again mom reports this interaction to me in case there's a complaint. After she describes the boy and adult to me, I inform her that that was Katrina & her grandson.
"Katrina... Is she that cunt who cc'd you in that really nasty email you showed me?"
yeah mom. That very same cunt.
because there are no eggs left, most people have just taken a seat. It's still only 1:20. There's 40 minutes until the movie starts. The children are restless and tense because there is nothing for them to do. Eggs gone. They already saw the Easter Bunny. They are bored now. I predicted this btw.
several parents talk to the volunteers to confirm that there really is nothing else to do but sit until the movie starts. "I don't know if I can keep my kids focused  and still that long, plus the movie runtime" “you really expect people to sit and do nothing for 40 minutes?”
I'm sure you're sick of hearing me say this but I literally predicted this issue. And I tried to prevent it! But I was told I was "making this way too complicated" and "overreacting 🙄"
fuck them.
April, despite being in a mascot suit, is still very visibly miserable.
the line at concessions is now the length of the entire hallway between the lobby and the concessions area. This is like two car lengths. There's a separate line that's just people who have already paid and are waiting for popcorn. I literally don't know anything about what happened in the house after this point because I spent every single moment until the movie started helping them try to get through this. They ran out of water bottles and I had to raid the bar fridge of every single bottle there and we went through those too. People are ordering like 3-6 popcorns per group and the machine can really only kick out about 5 per batch. The coffee machine ran out of water which has never happened before? We ran out of napkins and I had to go raid the upstairs bar for those?
my off-duty coworker who showed up as a customer with her kids (very polite, unlike some people's) literally jumped in to help me because she could see how crazy it was.
I need you to understand that this is only 35 minutes in.
boss will not make eye contact with me. General guilty puppy vibes. I fucking told you bro
finally, eventually, the line dies down enough that I feel like I can leave the concessions volunteers alone for a bit. (Sidenote: they are almost completely out of candy at this point.) I go to the bathroom for the first time in like an hour. I'm coated in sweat from running back and forth. I scream into my hands for a couple of seconds to decompress. And then I get right back out there.
unbeknownst to me: my mom has pulled aside the technical director (they know each other sorta) because he seems irritated, asks him what he thinks of all this. He repeats literally every complaint I have. Mom says "yeah, Ashland predicted all of this in a meeting two months ago and she says that no one listened". He laughs for 20 straight seconds.
some adults came to just see the film. They came close to the start time hoping to not be bothered by the egg hunt, but because there was no real cut off/end time, and no reset of the room, it was still kinda sorta maybe not really happening around them, and they were annoyed. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD MY BOSS WOULD HAPPEN.
several volunteers now have now independently reported to me that they've had to intervene with this same ill-behaved boy. He tried to go backstage, tried to pull the fire extinguisher off the wall, running even though we keep saying not to, climbing things, pulling on curtains. I'm tired of being nice and inform every one of them, bitchily, that yeah, that's my coworker's grandson. Crazy huh. Yeah really inappropriate and unprofessional I agree. Yeah :)
THE MOVIE FINALLY STARTS. Ten minutes late for some reason. A lot of people end up leaving about 20 minutes in because their kids are under/over stimulated and can't sit still any longer. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT- * I am pulled off stage with a shepherd's crook*
anyways, funny detail! Two weeks ago I went to my boss and said look, I'm really stressed out about this Easter thing, I genuinely think it's going to go badly if it's done the way you're asking me to do it, please just let me use the schedule of events I wrote up in our first meeting it will go so much better. And she said no :) and said "Ashland I think it will go fine if we do it the way me & Katrina are planning. And if it doesn't I will eat crow" and I said do you promise. And she said "of course :)" and I said okay I'm holding you to that :) And we both laughed. But I wasn't joking.
 ANYWAYYYYYS I spent like an hour and a half in the lobby with my boss while the movie was going, covered in sweat because I’m the one who was Actually Working, and she awkwardly made small talk and avoided all eye contact the whole time. I think she's really hoping I drop it. I won't though.
Katrina is nowhere to be seen for some time now. Again, I'm really confused as to whether she was supposed to be working or not, as she did nothing 
after its all over and all the volunteers (tired and annoyed) are getting their coats. Family Friend A invites us all over to her and Family Friend B's place for drinks because "what the fuck was that. I mean you warned us it was going to be bad but what the hell was that".
the day wrapped up pretty well at least. I got to drink soooo much alcohol at A & B's house and it was so fun to bitch and complain for three hours and then my mom bought my drunk ass fast food :) love is real btw.
tune in to the season premiere this Tuesday to see the thrilling conclusion (my staff meeting is on Tuesday) (I have four pages of notes) (and I fully intend to take up the whole meeting talking about what a shit show this was) (lol + rofl + neener neener + told you so + get fucked)
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authorangelita · 2 months
I was tagged by @rosieblogstuff 😃
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
259.  I really want to hit 100 stories in both MacGyver and White Collar fandoms.   😁
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
594,984.  That averages out to 2,297 words per work, which is actually better than I thought it would be.  I write a lot of short pieces. 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
In order of most fics to least: White Collar, MacGyver 2016, Teen Wolf, White Collar RPF, Dark Angel, Supernatural.  There are a few other fandoms, but they're related to an event I did on LJ where you wrote down 15 characters from various fandoms, and people gave you random numbers, and you had to write a drabble/ficlet that included those characters. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Redraw the Lines (White Collar)
Letter T: Tired (Teen Wolf)
Letter Q: Quilt (Teen Wolf)
Letter K: Kidfic (Teen Wolf)
Friendly Advice and Family Dinner (White Collar)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always plan to respond, but I'm super behind at the moment.  One of these days, I'm going to catch up!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Listen, I'm not proud of it, but I did once write the death of Peter and Elizabeth's dog Satchmo in White Collar fic.
On the MacGyver front, it's hard to tell.  Maybe Regrets (Jack) where Jack decides they all need to leave the Phoenix. 
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know that I would classify many of my fics as having a happy ending. I think Altered Course, the AU where Jack and Diane decide to foster Mac after his grandfather dies, has a pretty happy ending. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not really.  There are a couple of White Collar fics that I wrote that some people didn't like, but I still didn't get hate for them. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't finished one, but I've tried a couple of White Collar/Teen Wolf crossovers.  That event I did with the 15 characters included crossovers, but they were so short, I don't know that they really counted. 
The craziest one from that was probably Luc Johnston (Tru Calling), Peyton Sawyer (One Tree Hill), and Peter Burke (White Collar) In a love triangle.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, back in the post-Dark Angel days.  A friend and I did a kind of role-playing thing where we wrote a bunch of Dark Angel fic that was mostly never posted, and several Dawson's Creek fics that were CJ/Jen-centric.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Is the Ever Given too obvious?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a whole folder of fics called Limbo.  I've talked about this one before, but I have this idea (and I posted a ficlet of it during an event last year, I think) where Mac spirals after Jack "dies", becomes addicted to pain pills, and pushes everyone away until Jack comes back.  I would love to write it, but the amount of research needed boggles my brain. 
Another one that I probably won't finish is the one post-Regrets (Jack) where (post-Phoenix) Team Improv becomes an elite Search and Rescue team where Jack flies the helicopter, Mac gets winched down to rescue people, etc.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh, this is a good question!  And also a tough question.  Umm, Jack's voice, finding unique ways to twist an h/c story,  and the occasional zinger dialogue. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Also a good question and another tough one.  Fully fleshing out scenes, not starting paragraphs with someone's name, and coming up with endings that aren't cheesy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm uncomfortable with it because I don't speak any other languages, and everything I know about translation apps/sites makes me nervous.  I named a fic with a word from another language, and I often think about changing it because I'm worried it means something terrible in a different language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
General Hospital.  Those fics are lost to time (or the secret FFN account that I will never share).  I was 14/15, and they were terrible.  But I'm so glad I had that brief fandom experience.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
For White Collar, it's Redraw the Lines.  I really don't think that answer will ever change.  For MacGyver, that answer changes often, and I'm still writing stuff, so maybe I haven't written it yet.  Today, it's Wearing Your Wounds.
I'm not sure who's been tagged so far, so if you want to play, please say you were tagged by me! 😃
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spark-lapis · 5 months
Hi! Ritsu's propaganda submitter here. What would you say is the best way to get into kagepro? Your propaganda made me curious^_^
OH WOW THANK YOU !!! and for the kind tags on your reblog too!!
to be entirely honest kagepro is a bit of a Mess and I'm a pretty casual (and old) fan of it, I haven't even caught up at all since like 2017-- this post (embedded below) has a really good comprehensive explanation of the situation!
basically it started as a series of plot-linked vocaloid songs, which is what I'm most familiar with! then there's also a manga (Kagerou Daze) and anime (Mekakucity Actors) and apparently novels too???
the anime (in my opinion) is basically only supplementary to the rest of it; the real heart of the series is the songs, but I read the manga online on one of those free translation websites back in the day and I definitely enjoyed that at the time as well!!
I don't usually post with links on the tumblr app so I have no idea if tumblr is embedding everything correctly, but this is Kano's character song that i mentioned in the propaganda!! It's an absolute classic and I highly recommend it! (And, due to being a classic, there's tons and tons of interesting vocal covers and such as well!)
most fanmade guides I've seen tend to consistently recommend starting with the songs and, if you do watch the anime, to do it dead last (otherwise it's deeply confusing because they don't really. like. explain anything that's happening. in the anime. basically it doesn't work very well as a standalone), but past that it's kind of a free for all.
as for what songs to start with, searching "kagepro" on YouTube turns up plenty of playlists to take your pick from!! after looking over a few of them I think this is probably the closest to my original experience (embedded below again since apparently Tumblr mobile is weird about in-text links) but ultimately kagepro is a bit more like a Jumble of Characters and Ideas than an actual chronological Plotline, especially since a lot of these songs are actually new and I don't even recognize them! (from what I've heard there is a chronological plot but there's lots of canon time-fuckery and rewinds and loops and routes and it's a whole mess.)
the really Classic songs that I personally recommend the most and consider the heart of the series, in my recommended order (sorted so songs with related characters are grouped together, with my personal favorite songs in bold), are:
Kagerou Days (Hibiya), Konoha's State of The World (Konoha), Children Record (basically the whole main cast), Ayano's Happiness Theory (Ayano, Kido&Kano&Seto), Toumei Answer (Shintaro&Ayano), Lost Time Memory (Shintaro), Kisaragi Attention (Momo), Otsukimi Recital (Momo&Hibiya), Imagination Forest (Mary), Shounen Brave (Seto, Mary), Yobanashi Deceive (Kano), Mekakushi Code (Kido), Yuukei Yesterday (Takane, Haruka), Headphone Actor (Takane), Outer Science (Saeru&Mary), Summertime Record (also the whole main cast; this is the good end I think)
after spending so much time thinking about this and typing it up I actually just went and put together a playlist in this order! especially because the titles differ slightly by translation and there's SO MANY covers that it's really hard to figure out what's the original version if you aren't already familiar with it. this is the playlist I picked the videos from if you are interested in more than just the classics, too!
SPEAKING OF COVERS !! this is a playlist of english covers for most of the really classic songs, and this is a half hour long english cover for a guitar medley of a lot of those same songs!! and this is by far my favorite cover ever for Outer Science, which i just. love how it sounds so much.
SORRY IF THIS IS ALREADY OVERWHELMING i just like to be really thorough if possible!!!! thank you for your interest and best of luck to your blorbo in the competition as well !!!!!! and absolutely feel free to reach out if there's any more questions or curiosities!!
TLDR is basically that I recommend checking out playlists of the songs and fanmade pvs, and/or the manga (under the name Kagerou Daze)! unlike the anime, the manga DOES seem somewhat understandable on its own, but I found it much more fun to read after already knowing about the characters from the songs!!
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curiouschaosstarlight · 6 months
(*Quick clarification, 'cause I feel like I should say this right away, I don't mind people not liking or even being really uncomfortable with certain characters, especially villains that have canonically done some really horrible stuff, even if I happen to really love the character in question! It's all in the Handling of the topic, and someone that's like "oh they're just not my cup of tea" or just don't want to talk about the character at all 1000000% has my respect and appreciation <3)
On the topic of demonizing characters that have violent or angry responses to their trauma
The thing about it that really gets my goat is the fact that I as a person have had anger problems ever since I can remember. I've had a pretty bad mix of anxiety and anger problems due to being traumatized, and have had to work really, really hard to get my knee-jerk temper under control, and really nothing fucks you up like thinking you're "fixed" but the reality winds up being you just were in a state of "nothing too stressful's happened lately" and then when things start getting incredibly stressful again, you realize you still have more work to do and you have to watch yourself way more than you thought.
I'm still not "fixed", and, after talking extensively with a therapist, I'm kind of just going to have to be okay with that; still trying to do right by the people I care about and not be an asshole about things, but I'm just going to have to live with the fact that in response to high anxiety and high stress, I become an angry person, and I'm not always going to be able to remember to take a step back from a situation when I feel myself getting heated (my success rate in this is going up at least)
So It Really.
Bothers Me.
When fandom tries to claim that a character isn't traumatized, or isn't traumatized enough, because their response to that trauma is to be violent and angry and malicious. And when they try to claim that because a character reacted this way, they're just evil and irredeemable and have no further depth to them, and any attempt to add depth (even canonical depth) to them is "wrong (and a sign the person doing it is an Abuser/Terrible Person irl)" or is "woobifying them".
And yeah. Part of what bothers me is that I tend to fall very hard for villain/antagonist characters that handle trauma badly, or otherwise have signs that they probably have some trauma they haven't exactly worked through, especially when that villain character gets to have a redemption arc. (And I do NOT mean that as "they cast away everything they were before and completely denounce and despise who they used to be and go through the whole repent and penance number". Give me more villain characters who are TRYING, who are STRUGGLING, who have conflicted feelings, who aren't an entirely new person and shouldn't be left to just wallow in self-hatred over it because!! no one!! deserves!! to wallow in self-hatred!! I want redemption arcs in the form of "person who did wrong is doing their best to be a better person" and NOT "character needs to suffer and be heartbroken and sad and unable to move on forever", I hate when I see people writing the latter shit, Idc what the character canonically did, no one who's genuinely trying deserves to be perpetually miserable and it is Highkey Concerning to see that attitude happen again and again) Plus, I LOVE media and character analysis, it is MY JAM, and.
I've got a lot of feelings that go into this kinda stuff. It's why when I see "no nuance!! just evil!!!"-type takes, that shit really boils my blood.
And is also why I don't actively participate in fandom anymore.
Like, yeah, I make some posts here and there. And I'd love to interact more with like-minded people -- I really love talking to others about characters and media and ships and all that good stuff!!
But I don't go searching for fandom stuff unless it's some art in a completely different language. After my last two fandoms went absolutely horrifically for me in two different ways, I think my trust in modern fandoms is just gone, and I don't think it's coming back.
There's only so many times a person can be told they're inherently evil (indirectly) or badwrong and stupid (directly) for a simple fucking opinion over goddamn fiction of all things.
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d3c0mp0siti0nn · 1 year
First Draft/Central Idea
So originally this was just a little one shot thingy I wrote back in January on the 23rd but I ended up falling in love with the idea and it went from this to a huge writing project with 4 parts, and currently 15 chapters [I haven't made the outline for part 3 yet lol] it has two endings and a reversed ending. It's embarrassing that it's a self insert but oh well. Like I said, I wrote this back in January and it was just a little thing that I wasn't gonna post and it ended up turning into something so much bigger- it's more of a central idea and I had to change it a bit to make it line up with the current story so I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense. Personally, I think it's bad. I think it's probably the worst and most embarrassing thing I've possibly ever written lol [Again, apologizing for the bad writing, I didn't expect to post this and thought it was just gonna sit in my Google docs forever but I edited it this morning and thought I would share it and see if ppl wanted to know more ab the story.] [[Sorry if it's out of character or anything I haven't actually *played* Ragnarök yet and am going off of videos and fanfics I've seen lmao]]
Word Count: 3,116
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Miles doesn't really remember how he ended up in this sort of predicament. Where he currently was, he was laying down in his bed and next to him was a shirtless Heimdall with his back facing Miles.
It was…certainly odd. He hated Heimdall, he was the right hand man to Odin, who ruined his entire life and yet…he couldn't seem to actually spark any hatred for Heimdall no matter how hard he tried. He was still sorta in denial, but deep down Miles loved Heimdall's beautiful fluorescent purple eyes. He wanted to braid his hair and run his hands through it, they looked soft. He wanted to connect all his freckles with his fingers and name the ones that resembled constellations. He wanted to be there for him when he was having a bad day. There was so much Miles wanted to do with Heimdall, he wanted to show him gods can be kind.
Yet- Miles still really doesn't understand why he feels this way, or really how he ended up here. All Miles remembers is being in the tavern as drunken Thor talked about nothing important but Miles stayed feeling the tiniest sliver of pity for the man. Miles was only in Asgard because of Atreus, they had recently become close and this gave Miles a chance to search Asgard for something, anything to break the curse put on his family.
As Thor continued to go on and drown himself in mead, Miles’s eyes drifted around the room. They eventually fell upon Heimdall. He was sitting on a bench with a fur thing over it. He had a book in one hand and an apple in another. Miles turned his gaze back to Thor, thankfully he had passed out on the table. Miles got up, grabbed his cane and walked behind where Thor sat and gave him two harsh pats on the back. He made his way out of the tavern to go explore Asgard, it had been almost four hundred years since his last time there so there was bound to be new things. Even if Miles didn't wanna admit it, Asgard was sorta beautiful. It was weird because it felt so warm here, yet out in Midgard it was Fimbulwinter. It was obviously Odin's magic, but still.
As Miles walked around Asgard he just took it all in, the beauty of life, the way the breeze made the trees and grass dance– just everything. Miles came upon a towering, beautiful tree. It seemed familiar, like he has seen or heard about it before. Miles limped around the tree running his finger over it, observing it. Then he felt something rough under his fingers. It was a heart carved in the tree. As cute as that was it was kinda rude to the tree. Oh well. Inside the heart was "H+M"...ha that's a funny coincidence. Miles's eyes traveled down a little bit and they had more. "-Heimdall (for if he stumbles upon this he'll know it's me)"
Miles made a "hmm", "I wonder who *he* is?" Miles whispered to himself as he made his way around the tree. There were so many carvings, one said- "Am I stupid to like someone so below me?" Yup that was Heimdall alright. "Who could this possibly be about?" Miles wracked his brain for anyone who Heimdall might’ve taken an interest in and yet he came up with nothing. The carvings were very old, they must've been when he was pretty young. At the front of the tree there was a tiny piece of rolled up paper in a tiny little hole in one of the branches. Miles pulled it out and unrolled it, it read:
*"It seems as if things never change. It's been 384 years since I last saw or heard anything from or about him and yet I still feel myself drawn to come visit the tree. I have a feeling he might stumble into my hand soon. I wonder if he's seen this tree? It's all futile to l̶o̶v̶e̶ like such a pathetic god like him and yet I do. He's so below me and yet I feel a strong urge to see him. The one thing I hope is that he doesn't find this.*
Miles laughed a tiny bit at it. The thought of Heimdall being head over heels for someone was certainly amusing. Maybe Miles could use this against him the next time they had an argument. Miles plopped down at the front of the tree, it was a good sitting spot. Miles grabbed his book and started reading
About an hour later he heard footsteps coming behind the tree. He didn't really feel like looking so instead he just decided to let them find him. The footsteps were slow and gentle he heard a small little laugh to the right of him, where the heart and initials were. Huh, it was Heimdall. I don't think I've ever heard him laugh normally - Miles thought. Heimdall heard it and sorta stomped over to Miles. When he saw who it was he froze and his purple eyes went wide. "What are you doing here?" He spat out. Miles briefly looked up from his book. "Reading. Am I not allowed to read here? Is this your tree or something?" Heimdall looked to the tiny hole that had the note, it was still there and seemed untouched. Heimdall sighed in relief, though it came out more of a huff. Heimdall started to walk away when Miles, still looking at his book, said- "Who's M?"
Heimdall stopped in his tracks. "What." He said with a slight annoyance to his tone. "Who's the other person you carved your initials with?" Heimdall rolled his eyes and took a peek in Miles’s mind, he thought Miles was just playing dumb but he wasn't. He genuinely didn't know it was him, he had even read the note and yet still. He's so dumb - Heimdall thought. "That's none of your business." Heimdall said as he stood proud. "In your note you said you haven't heard from him in 384 years. You must've written that 11 years ago. Is this 'M' person dead or something?"
Heimdall rolled his eyes yet again. "No." Miles made an 'Ah' sound. "It's kinda funny thinking about you falling for someone." Miles said as he laughed a tiny bit while he flipped the page. "I mean the Heimdall falling for someone. It's fucking comical." A tiny part of Heimdall was a bit annoyed that he didn't realize it was him. Miles got up and put his book away and grabbed his cane which he had propped up on the tree. "I'll leave you alone now. Don't worry I won't tell anyone or anything. The fact that you have feelings is between me and you." Miles giggled a tiny bit before he limped off.
"Wait." Heimdall said. Miles turned around. "Did you say something?" - "Come back." Heimdall said a bit harshly. "Okay…" Miles walked back up to where Heimdall was. "What is it?" Miles said as he stood there, waiting for Heimdall to respond.
"It's you." He said blankly. Miles cocked his head to the side a bit. "What's me?" Heimdall groaned. "You're 'M'. The H and M in the heart stand for 'Heimdall and Miles'. I carved it when we were young. The other carvings I did 11 years ago." Miles laughed. "Ha. Yeah right. Funny joke, Heimdall." Miles looked in Heimdall's eyes as he laughed. Eventually Miles’s laughing faded. "Oh…you're– you're serious?" Miles nervously laughed. "I'm gonna go to uhm- to bed." Miles said as he limped away despite it being mid-day.
Once Miles made it back to his bed he threw off his shoes and immediately just fell on his bed. He laid on his back as he recalled what just happened. He wasn't quite sure how to feel. The right hand man to the man who stole everything from him had feelings for him…?
When Miles and Heimdall were 15, they were practically attached to the hip. Miles had heard of Heimdall, but he had just lost his family barely a year prior and he was vulnerable. Then Heimdall came along, and he was sweet and caring and it seemed like they were made for each other. Miles ended up foolishly falling in love with him. Somewhere deep down, Miles knew exactly who Heimdall was- but he was far too blinded to realize. Eventually, word got around to him and he was informed of who Heimdall was. It was terrible. He felt like such an idiot for not realizing sooner. None of it was real- what Miles felt for Heimdall was real but Heimdall's 'love' and 'affection' was all just a facade, something to pull in him closer and give him a false sense of security. So Miles, 16 and hurting, moved to Alfheim and told no one.
Miles had written something for Heimdall he was gonna send his way as a sort of explanation but he just never did. He was far too upset and didn't think Heimdall really *deserved* an explanation.
Miles flipped through all his memories with Heimdall from when they were young. They were nice. Miles never had the chance to make memories with someone close to him, given that as some cruel punishment Odin erased his family's memories of him all together. So with Heimdall he was able to make lasting memories with someone, ones that wouldn't be erased and thrown away as if they meant nothing.
He felt his eyes fill with tears just at the thought of his family. They were the only people to ever unconditionally support him and love him. He was called weak and useless and thrown away all the time simply because he couldn't do what the other gods did. He was cursed to live in the body of a woman with the soul and mind of a man and even though his family could never fully understand it they were there for him when it got hard and they helped him through it for 14 years. One day Miles got fed up with Odin's torture and went to see him. It ended in him going on an insane rampage, tearing down building after building, statues of the "great" Aseir gods, fighting Baldur, Thor, ect just quite literally tearing Asgard to shreds.
It's actually a surprise that Heimdall still felt the way he does after all that. Even after Miles tore down the place he loved so much and had such pride in, he still loved him. It was funny, really. The two of them were in a similar situation when it came to each other. They should hate one another but they couldn't bring themselves to even dislike them.
A light knock on his door made him shoot up. "Come in!" The door slowly opened, it was Heimdall. Miles laid back down. "Hi." Miles didn't know what else to say because he still wasn't quite sure how he felt. His brain, his mind knew that he was also in love with Heimdall but he just couldn't admit it. Heimdall sat at the edge of Miles’s bed. The both of them just sat there in silence, breathing in sync.
Miles eventually got the confidence to look at Heimdall. When he did his hair was all messy and his braids were kinda undone. He was sweating slightly. He must've been practicing sparring.
*I wanna braid his hair.*
Heimdall tensed up a bit and Miles could swear the tips of his ears were red. Heimdall scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Go ahead." Miles sat up and rose an eyebrow. "What?" Heimdall waved Miles off as he undid his hair. "Go ahead. Braid my hair. It's all you've been thinking all day." Miles looked at Heimdall with a quizzical look. "I never said- ooohhh." Miles inched closer to Heimdall. "Are you sure you're okay with a pathetic god like me who's so below you braiding your perfect hair?" Miles had a joking teasing tone that just had a huff from Heimdall in response.
Miles got behind Heimdall and grabbed a comb from his nightstand and gently ran it through his locks. It definitely wasn't Miles’s first time braiding his hair, infact they had braided each other's hair about a millions times when they were young. Although it was probably a lot harder for Heimdall to braid Miles’s hair on account of it being so long, but still, it was nice. That was one of his most precious memories Miles had. It was a good day, it was warm and had a light breeze. It was spring and the trees were so bright and vibrant. Miles and Heimdall had always met on a huge fallen tree in the middle of the Midgardian forest. The tree was covered in moss and Heimdall's hair always seemed to get messed up on his way climbing the tree, so Miles would always braid it. Miles had a tiny suspicion that Heimdall would mess up his hair before climbing up and just blame it on climbing to get Miles to braid his hair. Almost half a thousand years later, Miles still doesn't know the truth.
"Sorry if it doesn't come out very nice I'm a bit rusty, it's been a while." Heimdall didn't say anything as Miles started the first braid. Miles wasn’t sure if he was doing it on purpose or not but Heimdall was really leaning into Miles. Almost fully laying on him but sitting up just enough so it wouldn't make his hair look weird. "Hey Heimdall, can I ask you a question?" Heimdall hummed "When we were younger and we would meet on the tree, would you mess up your hair before climbing up so I could braid it."
Heimdall tensed up. "Why would I ever willingly mess up my hair just to get you to braid it? My hair always looked horrible after you braided it, I had to rebraid it everytime." Miles laughed. "You suck at lying." Heimdall just huffed as a response again.
A while passed and Miles was finally finished. "Okay, I'm done." No response. "Heimdall?" Miles looked down at him…he's asleep? When did he fall asleep? Sure he was quiet but he doesn't normally speak much when he's not gloating. He seemed to be sound asleep too. It had been so long since Miles saw his face so relaxed. Him and Miles used to lay down on the soft moss of the tree and just stare at the clouds. The few times Miles turned his head to look at Heimdall he always looked so peaceful in the blinding sun. His favorite times were when it got dark and cloud watching turned into star gazing. Even when Miles thought he couldn't get any prettier, the light from the moon made his face glow like bifrost. The moonlight highlighted all his best features, which was his whole face but still.
Miles watched with great interest at the mundane rise and fall of Heimdall's chest. His face was blank but it held so much emotion. He truly was the most alluring person he had ever seen. Maybe it's the nostalgia rush from pondering the past but Miles swore he felt 15 again. He felt as he did everytime he was just hanging around Midgard and Heimdall appeared to brighten his day. He felt as he did that one time when he opened the door to his little wooden cabin and saw a tiny box on his porch and once he opened it, it was an onyx stone bead bracelet with a silver square with the dagaz rune on it. He wasn't entirely sure what that feeling was but it was a weird one. It made him dizzy and euphoric, as if he was floating. It made him have a funny feeling in his chest and stomach. It was weird but not unwelcome.
"Your thoughts are so loud, do you know that?" Miles snapped out of his thinking and jumped a tiny bit. "Hmm- they are? Sorry." Miles played with Heimdall's braids a little. "I'm done braiding your hair, by the way." Heimdall got up and instead of leaving he took off his shoes and his shirt and plopped down in Miles’s bed. "What are you doing?" Miles said as he sat next to him. "Going to sleep." Miles laughed.
"Yeah I can see that, my question is why are you sleeping in *my* bed. You have your own bed." Heimdall didn't respond. Miles shrugged and laid down next to him and opted for staring at his back. Miles sheepishly reached his hand out to his back and started connecting his freckles. After a few minutes of lightly running his finger along Heimdall's back, he spoke. "What are you doing?" Miles continued to connect the freckles to one another. "Making constellations." Miles circled a few of his freckles. "These few look like Grus." He circled a few more. "And these here look sorta like Andromeda." He tapped a few more of them. "This one is Lacerta."
Heimdall just hummed. He had his back turned to Miles so it wasn't very clear if he was drifting to sleep or just didn't know what to say. Miles peeked over his shoulder to get a better look at his face. He was smiling, he tried to act as if he wasn't when Miles looked but he was. Miles turned back over on his back and yawned. After a few minutes he heard light snoring coming from Heimdall, it was cute. He tried to go to sleep but he couldn't, after longer than he'd like to admit of tossing and turning he just draped an arm over Heimdall's torso. He was a bit nervous because he wasn't quite sure how Heimdall would react, or if he'd even like it.
Heimdall grabbed Miles's arm and pulled him closer. That's how Heimdall always was though. He was never scared to speak his mind or anything he just believed in actions speaking louder than words. When they were younger, Heimdall always seemed to give Miles something as an apology rather than just saying sorry. Whether it was something as easy to find as some pretty flowers or something like a new knife made by Sindri, that was always his way of apologizing and showing he cared without having to say it.
It was going to take the two of them a while to get used to this, there was gonna be a lot to work out but it was worth it. Because in the end they had each other, and even since they were young that's all they ever needed.
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hi, hope you’re doing well! 🥰
if you’re up to it, I think ✨, 💘 and 💌 from the ask game sound interesting!
✨What’s a fic you’ve posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
i'm pretty happy with the reception on all of my hellcheer fics tbh, i don't think there's any one in particular that i wish would get more recognition but for my own inspiration and desire to finish the wip, i maybe wish if the fates allow had a little more hype? i wouldn't call it neglected by any means because i know there are people who want more and by god i'm TRYING to write more but every time i sit down to work on it, my brain just goes nah i don't wanna. so idk, maybe talking about it more would help the inspo flow but i'm also just trying to be kind to myself and i'll get to it when i get to it.
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
lmfao probably all of my wips if i'm being really honest. the problem with posting as i write is that sometimes i find plot holes that i feel weird about going back and retconning so i just sort of hope nobody notices. if i were smarter about writing and posting as a whole, i'd at least TRY to write a multichaptered fic from start to finish before posting it on ao3 but alas, i'm impatient. (i'm working on trying to get back to that habit, though. it's hard.)
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
i started writing a one shot a couple days ago that i originally thought might be a multichaptered fic (and i've hinted about it in the past), and it's exciting to sort of experiment with a theme i haven't tried yet. i've posted a couple bits on twitter but here's another one for you:
"No wonder you came at me with a frying pan," he teases.
"Oh my--" Chrissy covers her mouth and her face crumples with distress. "I totally forgot-- I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm…" Eddie presses his hand to his shoulder, realizing in that moment that it doesn't even ache a little where she'd hit him. "I'm fine," he murmurs as he presses his fingers gingerly along the slope of his shoulder, pushing them harder and harder in search of any shred of bruising in his skin.
But there's nothing there.
let's get real fic writer asks
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @inktheblot <3
Relationship status: [redacted]
Favourite colour: Guess.
Favourite food: this is hard, is not my favorite in general, but chiken nuggest are kind of my go-to
Song stuck in your head: Nanibito mo kataru koto nashi (no one has anything to say)
Last thing you googled: Image search for "dmmd ren bad end" vore go brrr
Time: 5:31 pm
Dream trip: Eh, i suppose traveling anywhere is an experience, it's hard to pick a single place.
Last book you read: House of leaves. I keep forgetting to post my thoughts on it.
Last book you enjoyed reading: House of leaves. It Was An Experience.
Last book you hated reading: sadly, it was a book written by a friend of mine which was... really bad, yeah, I tried so had to like it but... yeah
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I like making soups, though in general cooking just for me is a drag. There are these brownie peannut butter cookies I love to make but I don't have an oven, so no baking for me,
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: I recently joined an art clas because my friends invited me, my progress is small but it has been a lot of fun.
Most niche dislike: Wheat tortillas, tho disliking them is not that niche here, I do hate them more than average it seems.
Opinion on circus(es) now and in history: I know I've been to a circus, I can't remember it. I also have a cousin who considered running away with her trapezist boyfriend, he was really good. I guess I don't know much about them. Years ago they passed a law that forbid spectacle animals like the ones in the circus. Which was good because they were heavily abused. However, there weren't any measures of what to do with the animals, so most of them died. Which goes to show that just making laws that forbid things is pointless if you don't arrange for a system to deal with teh consequences.
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: I have a bad sense of direction because I struggle to conceptualize space as a whole and my memory of places sort of registers everything at its own individual thing. I haven't gotten seriously lost because if I really don't know where I am, I can pull up a map on my phone. But before I had one, when I was a teen, I spend a whole afternoon walking the center of my hometown trying to find this specific place and I couldn't so after tiring of walking I went back home, but that one was just a matter of finding a familiar street so I wasn't really lost.
Tag 10 people: Mmm I'm kinda shy and Lee already tagged like half the people I would have tagged anyway, so I'm just going to tag a few I'm 100% sure won't be presumptuous of me to do so and anyone else can feel free to blame it on me @lord-squiggletits @baebeyza @mocacheezy @megatronismegagone @aturinfortheworse @heliopauseentertainments @withered-tears @heavywithhoping
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Strangers With Memories Chapter One - Christopher he´s good!
I am so so sorry that I forgot to post yesterday. But here it is. The first chapter of Strangers With Memories (my only ongoing Original Story)
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Elizabeth or Lizzie amongst friends, leans her head against the neck support on the passenger side in the car. Looks over at Janet, one of her best friends, who is the one driving. It wasn't that Lizzie couldn't drive. She got her drives license after her divorce, about 6 months before her 35th birthday. A little late to buy the first car. But when you end up alone with three kids, a car is pretty essential. It was just that this was one of the first times she was going a place she didn't know. And a roadtrip with a friend is always appreciated, when you're a single mom, with very little time to socialise with friends.
- So, you got rid of three bags with clothing? Kids are growing fast?
Janet says, still with her eyes on the road. Lizzie sighs.
- Yeah. I feel like I just gave birth to them. And now two of them are in school, and number three have only one year left before he starts. It's scary.
Janet looks over at Lizzie for a split second, before her eyes goes back to the road.
- I just miss someone, you know. After the divorce I've been so much alone. Not that I don't enjoy my alone time. I just miss a grown up to talk to. And maybe some sex once or twice.
Janet smiles. This was a typical conversation between the two of them. Janet had tried to match Lizzie with many of her friends. But with Lizzie being selective and picky, it was a tall order to fill.
- How long has it been, Lizzie?
She asks, even though she already knows the answer. Lizzie turns her head, sighs again.
- Too long, Janet. Way too long. I actually think that my virginity is starting to grow back. And I probably forgot how to do it.
Janet starts to laugh, and the laugh is infectious. Soon the car is filled with best friend laughter.
- Want me to try to set you up again?
Janet is persistent, she just never gives up this stuff.
- Haven't I been through them all by now? I don't want any of them. You know me, Janet. I have to find them attractive, to actually want to sleep with them. I'm not one of those a dick is a dick people. If you're going to find one to me this time. You have to think long and hard.
Janet goes quiet for a while. Looking at the road ahead, focusing on driving. Before she suddenly lifts her index finger in the air. Lizzie jumps in the passenger seat.
- Christopher! Yes, Christopher! He's good!
Lizzie looks over at Janet. Frowns a bit. Janet understands, and nods back at Lizzie.
- He's handsome. If you don't like him. I've got nothing for you. And I officially give up!
- Who is this Christopher dude then? Do you have a picture of him?
Janet gets her cellphone from her pocket. Opens her Facebook. Lizzie looks at her. She doesn't like people looking at their phones while driving. Never did. And especially after she started to drive herself.
- You know what I think about phones while driving, Janet.
Janet tosses the phone in Lizzies lap.
- His name is Christopher Stephens. He's on my friend list.
Lizzie starts to put in his name. And his profile picture comes up. A picture of two kids, hand in hand, on something that looks like a bridge of some kind, surrounded by yellow, orange and light brown coloured leaves. A beautiful autumn picture.
- His profile picture isn't of him. It's two kids.
- Yeah. He has two Boys. And he is the perfect father for them. He is so good with those kids. Oh God! He is like the best father! Search his pictures. I'm sure there is a picture of him in there somewhere!
Lizzie starts to look through his profile. And then a picture pops up. A nice looking semiblonde guy, with blue eyes, and a playful yet grown up look.
- So... What do you think?
- He's handsome... I like him...
- Yessss! Finally I found someone you like. I though that would never happen!
Janet is almost doing a little dance over on her side.
- It's not that bad, Janet! I've had boyfriends you know. I was actually married once. You've never been married.
Janet looks over at Lizzie, frowns. That playful frown amongst good friends.
- I'd rather drink poison than to get married. You saw how your marriage turned out...
- Thank you, Janet! Just keep on rubbing it in, why don't you!
- Eee.. You're way better off without him anyway. And now you are free to go after guys like Christopher. And he is good! And I mean, really good!
Lizzie lets out a small laugh.
- Oh, so I'm getting your leftovers, is that what this is?
- Lizzie! Come on. Send him a message. I'll talk to him. Tell him to answer.
- Well.. I guess I could have sex with him a couple of times. Wouldn't hurt, right?
- If your virginity has grown back it will!
Janet sends Lizzie a playful smile, and Lizzie answers by bumping Janet playfully on the shoulder.
- Oh, shut it....
Silence follows. Until Janet slows down and stops the car at a gas station. She opens her door.
- Sigarette break! I'm dying here!
Lizzie follows. She should probably quit smoking. She did for her entire marriage. But the divorce wasn't all that pretty, so she started again. Stupid fucking move by her part. But still, now she was hooked again. And the willpower to quit, was nowhere to be found.
Zipp zapp from lighters, and the two friends sat in the semiwarm April sun having a sigarette together.
- So, Janet. Where do you know this Christopher guy from? And when the hell did you sleep with him?
Janet smiles. A smile Lizzie knows way to good. Something mischievous is coming.
- We used to work together. And well.. Stuff happened. It was a fun summer, when I worked with him.
Lizzie can't help but laugh. This was so typical Janet, that she should have known it before she even asked. The two friends have had countless nigths talking about past relationships, and weird places they've done it. This was nothing new.
- You better work, Bitch
Lizzie sings Work Bitch by Britney Spears. And Janet starts to do a little dance. Then they both start to laugh. This was a friendship with a solid foundation. They both knew they could "insult" each other in a fun way. And then just laugh at it together.
Janet looks at the time. Then she gets up and starts to move back to the car.
- Lose the sigarette, Lizzy! We have to go!
Lizzy, gets back into the passenger seat. Picks up her phone and look up Christopher Stephens. Taps the "send a message" button. Writes a short message.
- If he doesn't reply, and I feel ugly. I'm blaming you. Just so you know!
- You always blame me, Lizzie! That's not new. And he will answer. You look good. He'll answer!
- Pfft.. You already have a boyfriend. It's easy for you!
Turns out Janet was right. A couple of days later, Lizzies phone lights up with a message and a Facebook friend request from a certain Christopher Stephens.
Lizzie smiles. After the divorce, the cheating, everything. She felt betrayed, not good enough, ugly. So, to get a reply from this handsome guy. Well although she didn't quite know what. That did something to her self confidence.
*Huh.. What do you know... Maybe I'm not that bad after all*
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comeasyouare96 · 1 month
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Kinda crazy to think I've been on Tumblr for like 10 years, can't even remember why I got it,maybe to follow food blogs or relationship ones,have no idea, or to just post screens n quotes from the shows I was watching
Is my time here even worth a shit? After being a loner for so long I don't have much daydreaming euphoria I used to get from watching relationships goals posts, IDK how many times I searched kissing and cuddling etc just to watch and daydream, looking at food blogs filled some kind of void at least for a bit because for a better part since graduation I was poor and looking at food and coffee posts made me think that one day I'll visit places, restaurants with my gf, thinking life in gonna be Tumblr like one day,
here we are, nothings changed,26yo,not even army could change me,years of alcoholism didn't do much either, hell, haven't tried hard drugs yet, maybe it's time to dabble into that, who the fuck knows, the older I get the more I believe that there's no cure for the lonely
Like I literally been skinny, rocked Cobain look, been chubby, been extra chubby, been fit and could run 3.5km in 13:40min, however I looked I was still just me, like I'm just existing, there's seriously something wrong with me and I know I'm gonna die alone after many years of being just that, yall don't know how depressing it is when your parents ask and bug u about how come u don't have a gf yet,
I've literally become that one guy in a small town that was never seen with a girl as in a relationship type of way, idk wtf am I even talking anymore like who the is gonna read this anyway lol
So yeah anyway took these random pics on my start of day drinking season, I just walk and wand around and out of my home town and drink and think
Drunk, alone, again
For probably 5th summer in a row
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babaleshy · 2 years
This is a TMI post. Read at your own risk.
It has been a long while since I last talked about my sexuality and libido and stuff on this site. In fact, I believe it was long before the big migration in 2018 from this site. And since you've clicked on "keep reading," I just want you to know you may know a little more about me and what I'm into than what you'd like to know (especially if you know me irl). I say this because sex stuff isn't something I always post on tumblr.
So let's get started..
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First off: my libido... I haven't had it this bad in a few years ever since my health took a massive tank. It didn't help that after surgery, nobody instructed me on how to gain weight. I wanted to see a dietitian who knew about endometriosis and what foods would be best to avoid. But that was a horrible, waste-of-time dead-end, and I've had to do shit on my own. So far, it's working, but my high metabolism isn't making it easy.
I finally tried that Ensure drink and it's definitely helped. But that was a couple days ago. Without that, it has taken me from June to now to get close to gaining ten pounds. That's discouraging when you have two "professionals" judge you based on someone with a normal metabolism and not a high one. I was being treated as if I wasn't eating anything and told me to go with smoothies before "getting me started on solids." To them, everything I said was a lie. That caused a mental health spiral for a few months.
I'm doing better now, and now that I have a more carbs and fats-based diet plus that drink, my libido has roared back. I've worn my husband out, but his job and stresses have affected his health after several years, so that's understandable.
The only blips of libido I had between when my health took a shit and finally gaining some weight was discovering a fetish/kink: monster fucking.
Of course, I have ethics: the monster(s) must be intelligent, self-aware, etc. Also: definitely capable of talking. But being greysexual, I'm "picky" about my monsters, too. For example: werewolves of the wolf-man variety are what do it for me. And of course, I like it when they talk. (Particular kinds of dirty-talk do it for me, though I'm not sure I'll get into that in this post as of writing). Some demon designs can hit the appeal-spot just right while others are just "meh" to look at. I do have a "type" which tend to be brutes, but even then, I'm picky on designs that I find.
This brings me to a dilemma: I'm an artist, so I should be fully capable of drawing my ideal monsters. The issue is that I suck at drawing people; I'm shit with proportions and faces. Humans and humanoids are incredibly hard for me, yet I can draw animals and fungi like nobody's business. (Of course, it's been a long while since I last tried, so I might try again.)
Another thing I'd like to bring up is during my little "solo sessions," I like to immerse myself a little bit. The best way to do this is to figure out what kind of scene/setting I'm into, and find ambiance videos on YouTube regarding that. From thunderstorms to ancient libraries to haunted castles and caves and haunted forests to a large chunk of hour-or-so-long videos regarding sounds for scenes specially designed for D&D. I've even dabbled in pseudo-exhibitionism by having searched "public ambiance" a few times, as it is the safest way to explore that while not actually being around other people (and that's as far as I'm willing to take it, too). Seriously, ambiance videos on YouTube are a fucking blessing for me. The only shit part is that I don't always get the privacy for it.
I also like layering the videos in different tabs. Maybe I want to faintly hear the crowd of a busy place as if they're right outside of an old library, or make it sound like there's a crowd in a dungeon. I also have found a few monster noise sounds that are about an hour long that I layer with other settings to get creative. This is why I like doing this on my desktop computer and not on a console or something, since apps don't allow you to open different tabs.
I share those little tips in case anybody else is looking for better immersion, of course. you also don't necessarily have to do it for sex reasons. If you're wanting better, more tailored immersion audio for your D&D campaign, and you have access to a computer, use the browser and open different tabs of different videos and see what works for you and your group!
Embracing (after finally finding the term) the fact that I'm a monster fucker kind of person helps me feel a little bit better about my fantasies, largely because the majority of them are usually fictional characters and they tend to be not fully human or not fully human-looking. There are a few monster fucker pride flags floating about, but the one I like tend to have what I call the "horror punk colors" (black, purple, orange, and green and sometimes red or pink), so I haven't really found any singular flags that I fully like (and might just make my own). I figured if there are some kink pride flags, I'm allowed to like the idea of a monster fucker pride flag.
That doesn't mean I'm gonna parade it around, of course. It would be more of an online signifier, or some way of indicating "that's what we're about" if I'm having trouble with some ideas of my own and need some inspiration.
According to my husband, I am very good at writing smut, including monster fucker ones. One day, I might write a smut anthology. If such a project ends up existing and is a WIP sort of thing, I may contribute to it. If I try to write a full-on novel, it might not ever see the light of day because I've tried for years to write a novel/story and I just simply run out of steam.
Outside of kinks and fetishes that I'm into, I need to invest in a good vibrator. I've broken several cheap ones, and the last one I bought was a few years ago (which is also broken and didn't last long). So I've resorted to, when desperate on days that I don't shower (so I could use the showerhead), nitrile gloves. This is largely because of a sensory thing where if I finger myself, my brain focuses more on what my fingers are feeling rather than my genitalia. This sucks because I have always taken FOREVER; quickies are not a thing my body can do. It doesn't matter how turned on I am. This means my hand or my wrist (or both!) hurt like hell afterwards. But this has caused me to get desperate enough to finally start internally finger myself instead of sticking with just the clit. It's taken me a long time in my life to comfortably due this thanks to having vaginismus.
For now, I just want a decent vibrator, and will get one ordered a few weeks from now. However, the second toy I'll eventually get is my very first dildo. And, of course, it'll be monster-based. I've found one that is quite small for my first one, so I'm looking forward to getting it!
All of this means that I'm getting my health back on track, but there's one little issue: I haven't had a period all October, and was supposed to start one around the time of NOW and it still hasn't happened. I have no symptoms of any sort, so I got no idea what's up with this other than climate change REALLY fucking with the seasons, especially transitional ones like spring and autumn. My periods since my surgery have been marginally better; I don't need my husband to carry me to the bathroom. I rarely have him cook for me, too! But now? I don't know why I haven't had my period yet. I'm 33 as of this writing, and being down one ovary and two fallopian tubes, I'd imagine I'm "getting to be that age." If I don't have one by December, I may have to see a gyno about this. I've never had irregular periods before. I've missed a few in my life, but that's due to other factors such as far too much caffeine, stress, and the change of seasons (not always on that last part!).
I should've looked up monster porn on tumblr years ago and saved up a nice little spank-bank for myself. I'm mad that I didn't. So I'm likely gonna look around on the internet for some.
Now that I think of it, I should find some damn way to draw images of monsters watching the viewer, perhaps even doing stuff to themselves could even help with the immersion. Can't exactly do much with my husband due to a lack of privacy living with my parents and all. It sucks. :/
I think I'm done rambling about explicit, adult stuff too weird for normal adults, now.
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago
Hey, guys, I'm sorry. I was originally going to do some more event posts (like I did in 2.6 and 2.7), but I was injured and it was hard for me to play, let alone write. Besides, I thought I'd have all the event stuff done by now, but I still need to get around to it somehow, so these are the emotions the Golden Apple Archipelago event left in me.
So, just to start off. I'm kind of... disappointed? I've been getting positive feedback from all sides about the last event that took place on this map, how fun and lighthearted it was. I guess even the negative reactions from around me about the event got to me. I'm also sorry that Xinyan or Fischl can't normally be seen during hangout events, so this is practically the first time I've seen them "in action".
And now to the individual parts!
Kazuha! The domain was awesome, great, perfect. Super puzzles, the look reminded me a lot of Dishonored 2, where Kirin Jindosh has a similar mansion. The island itself was cool. I liked the changing parts of the island, and the fact that you can collect different local specialties. (Drunk Kazuha, by the way? I didn't know I needed that. And the voice of little Kazuha? And his friend??? Sorry, I'm going to go cry in the corner).
Xinyan! Sweetheart, I love her, I want to give her a big loving hug. Her domain has shown me what a terribly strong personality she is, and the puzzle in particular was challenging but satisfying. The island was aesthetically nice, but it was kind of odd that the player somehow doesn't get to control what shape the island turns into.
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Fischl! Amy and her parents. One of the most emotional quests in my opinion. It's just a shame that the domain itself didn't really grab me, and the puzzles aren't very difficult. And I can't find one chest. I'm so sick of those ravens where you have to solve the mystery. The scene lasts half a century, and if you tag the wrong one, you might as well go make tea before the ravens chatter again.
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Mona! Storywise interesting, the domain was aesthetically pleasing. But the puzzles! And the bugs. I haven't been this angry in a long time. Same goes for Mona's island. There are no indicators anywhere as to how the puzzles are supposed to be solved. The game also freezes horribly often and just refuses to work. This is exactly what happened in the closed chamber, where I tried all combinations of totems, none of them worked, and only when I went through the whole round of guessing again did I manage to open the door. I'm sad that Mona was the last one, because she left the biggest and also the worst impression on me.
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I still think it's a nice event that is not fully packed with time-limited lore. I also love playing on different island and searching for treasures and side quests. But it certaintly isn't a favourite event of mine.
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