#(if there is something specific tho id be interested to hear)
lemedstudent2021 · 1 month
Where should Jews live? Where do they belong? Where do you consider their native land to be? Honest question.
an honest question deserves an honest answer so here ya go:
Anywhere and everywhere. Jews- the followers of the Abrahamic religion Judaism- along with Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Sikhs, Vegans, and literally any human being under the sun have the right to live wherever they please (given certain criteria are met like visas and that it isnt a military station/ off limits area etc).
Yes my dear reader(s) you read that right; ones faith or lack thereof shouldnt be an obstacle in any aspect of ones life, be it medical services, education, job opportunities, so on and so forth. How novel.
That answers where they 'should' live (although I dont by any means impose anything on anyone; y'all do whatever as long as its legal and harms no one including yourself. God bless). Could is more accurate.
As for where they 'belong', this in my opinion is one of the beauties of religion: people from all walks of life can belong to a religion. Diversity lies at the heart of our existence as human beings and denying it is like denying the existence of the sun. Tolerance is a must if we are ever going to get along with each other. And this belonging isn't irrevocabley tied to geography. But I digress :)
Quick aside just so we're all on the same page: converting to a religion renders you just as valid and equal as someone born into a religion. Most if not all religions preach equality between their followers regardless of background, so i wont hear anything of 'oh theyre not real xyz' or 'they dont count' or any of that bs.
By this logic (religious demographics are, generally speaking, very diverse), there is no 'this set of people belong here, and those over there' ...and proof of that in a sense would be atheists/ agnostics; where would they 'belong'? Antarctica? Outer space? alright ill stop XD
If that were the case, most of the planet would be crammed in the Middle East lol [Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon alone are home to 34M (as of 2023), and the followers of the 3 main Abrahamic religions are an estimated 3.4B (as of 2020) globally. We wouldnt fit even if we used one of these]. Yeah nationality/ race/ ethnicity/ background influence and maybe even dictate one's religious identity, but it isn't the all or nothing we may think it to be.
Which brings us nicely to the next point, and here if you'll allow me i'd like to correct it to native land of Judaism (where it originated/ flourished/ spread whatever) as opposed to native land of Jews because as i mentioned above, a religion doesnt (or shouldnt) differentiate nor discriminate between its followers. By restricting them to one geographical location (and for some using it as an indicator of their authenticity) we do them great disservice as well as contradict the teachings themselves. A demonstration:
Im Jordanian right, (dad's maternal side are from bilad al sham; Syria) and im a born Muslim alhamdulillah. My dads Malaysian roommates from his uni days are also born Muslims (and have the best food lol, my all time favourite is lemak cili padi) and seperating us on the basis of them not being Arab or Middle Eastern is unislamic, intolerant, xenophobic, and wrong on every level. Alternatively, im just as Muslim as someone from Mecca or Medina. We're all Muslim. we are the world...
Circling back, Judaism the religion is native to the Holy land (I guess you can say it started in Egypt till it moved there but idk. Regardless), and Jews (adherants of the faith) can't in my humble opinion be fairly categorised as one monolithic unit... just like any and every other faith out there.
Another quick aside; this is merely a tumblr post that cant do the history and culture and intricacies and so much more of this matter a portion of the justice it deserves. I am but a tired medical student answering to the best of my abilities a question I was asked with my limited knowledge in theology and perspective in general, so do me a favour and keep that in mind. And to anyone reading this if you have questions or corrections or resources or anything you want to mention be my guest :)
If you're still here, I'm both grateful and amused. Here's what you probably came for, the piece de resistance if you will: 🍉israel🍉
Disclaimer: thanks for reading this far, but if you disagree in any way shape or form with any of the 30 human rights articles, you may as well stop reading and put your device through the shredder. Bigots, racists, fascists, anti vaxxers etc. dni
So far ive seen this idea, call it what you will, two times (which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened to me twice consecutively), that claims the freedom of Palestine equals a genocide of the Jews.
Er, no? No ma'am. One does not solve a genocide by comitting another genocide. What part of 'never again' are we missing here?
Before we get into politcal nominations and factions and other territories i dont plan on invading (pun intended) but might accidentally cross anyway (I forgot where i was going with this) i want to remind everyone that Judaism is not synonymous with Israel nor zionism (if u disagree with this go ahead and shred ur device too).
A refresher: Judaism is a religion, Israel is an illegal-occupying-apartheid-state, and Zionism is a movement/ ideology
So 'genocide of the Jews' is both wrong (diction) and more wrong (factually incorrect) in that the liberation of Palestine means freedom from oppression, discrimination, settler colonialism... the whole nine yards. Enough bloodshed already its been nearly 76 years.
When Netenyahu is eventually drop kicked out of office (and hopefully hung, drawn, and quartered for his plentiful warcrimes) what happens to the (illegal) citizens of Israel? Well first off, return the stolen homes and land to their rightful owners who have the keys (and documents if they werent tampered with or erased) to prove it.
As for the illegal-under-international-law settlements and new also illegal establishments; I have no idea what international laws will decree (not that I have that much faith in the judiciary system), but I assume they will be seized and evicted of the illegal tenants (how you like me now?) and given to those who have been displaced or homes ruined etc. because its theirs and theirs alone and it was unlawfully and cruelly taken away from them and not because the (remaining lol) former Israeli citizens can't or shouldn't live in palestine. they can go live somewhere where its legal. the priority is Palestinians tho.
What about the indigenous everyone else? As long as their houses aren't stolen or illegal they can should stay because its legal and its theirs and thats that. you cannot kick someone out of their home to give it to another (which was the basis of the creation of Israel.) because its ✨i l l e g a l✨
And the people who dont belong so to speak? I think this one's case by case; like I said at the very, very beginning; people have the right to live wherever as long as its legal and ok to do so regardless of faith or background, and no one should be denied their right to live in Palestine as a country like any other, but they certainly must be denied living in homes stolen and given to them because thats, say it with me now, illegal <3
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cyle · 1 year
Hi Cyle, so Tumblr has something like 600 million blogs in total. I'm wondering whether the costs of hosting so many blogs is an issue & whether it'll systematically delete them like how Flickr was gonna delete a bunch of photos at some point cuz of server costs or something. Because the main reason I use Tumblr is to dig through archives, so that would be a bummer.
I love rediscovering the past here, Tumblr is absolutely teaming with dormant blogs, aesthetics from late 2000s and early 2010s, it's the most wonderful thing to me, rediscovering those ancient posts like I'm wandering through an abandoned library in the middle of a forest. I vaguely remember some talk about a "time machine" feature, so that gives me hope that the dormant blogs are here to stay.
Expanding on the time machine thing, how would that be implemented? Maybe like a date configuration on the dashboard and the ability to see old blogs and posts and hashtags and whatever else as if they were new and active depending on how far back you set your date. Would be great for getting the dormant stuff back into circulation. Maybe if this is well thought through and implemented practically and functionally, Tumblr will become the first platform to not actually be bound by time, by the present moment. So it can exist in any time in history, all the way back till it's inception in 2007. different users interacting in different time periods at the same time.
Maybe that would be confusing but I can sort of see it working, again if it's implemented well. Because there's just so much history on this platform. And it's famous for having old posts circulate now and then with the reblogs.
And another point... It wouldn't be limited to the number of posts today, cuz there would be "new" posts happening in all the other dates too. So there would be way more "new" posts for users to interact with. I think we might need parallel timelines. Or not! Just add more and more new posts to the old time periods when you've set your Tumblr time machine to that date. Ahhh it's a work in progress in my mind but talking about it makes me genuinely excited and hopeful haha.
I'll explain it more comprehensively if it's a point of interest for the team (this is just a 3am brainstorm). Because it could have some genuine benefits in making Tumblr feel more alive and bigger as a platform - like how it used to be. It is very much alive now because it does still have and always has had a great community. but a time machine might blow that up to astronomical proportions. All diff communities from across Tumblr history at the same time. After all "2014 tumblr" is probably the most used phrase that includes Tumblr in it. But Pre 2010 Tumblr was something else altogether.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this and any info u feel like dumping about the whole server cost query for the 600 million-ish blogs and how you manage them. Kind regards ^^
hey, long ask!
we have been experimenting with a new recommendation source of posts we’re calling “evergreen posts” which tries to surface great posts from tumblr’s whole history. you may see some in the For You tab.
having an actual “time machine” to go to specific times at tumblr is kind of already possible as a hack of the max post ID in the dashboard URL if you have “endless scrolling” disabled on web.
we could make that more of an obvious actual feature but i don’t think enough people would want to use it to justify the cost. neat hack day idea tho! someone did make a search time machine once for hack day.
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juni-ravenhall · 2 months
whats ur non mainstream film taste then? genuinly curious to hear. as someone whos ended up in some weird ass corners of the film world like Neil breen Zachary Oberzan 0 budget stuff i love hearing what kind of weird indie corners other people have gotten into :3
i will talk a lot below that prob wont be interesting anyway, but i have to say first that i mostly stopped watching movies and now i mostly watch things @yasminewestbank chooses (not all the time but mostly) bc shes a movie nerd, so she picks movies that are usually either genuinely good or at least watchable, and if it was just me alone id prob not be bothering to watch those anyway, bc even a great movie just doesnt give me that much. i suffer from pretty severe apathy :( so if u want someone who hypes up genuinely good movies rather than me who is like "this is genuinely good but im still apathetic and dont really care" then yasmin is better to talk to. (im also generally more of a nonfiction type when it comes to video content, i could hype up Tasting History on youtube most days of the week but i struggle to hype up any movie at all. oh, and animated shorts, there are always some interesting student films and stuff.) the rest ⬇
my taste is usually "its [symbolic or not] critical commentary on something i care about" (feminism and misogyny, classism, bigotry, racism, the queer experience, abuse, trauma, violence, human self development, etc etc) or "its portraying human experiences [internal and external] in an interesting or just realistic way", like. realistic but in a highly specific meaning of realistic. i dont care about realism as a concept itself in art (realistic visuals or realistic setting or realistic costume etc i rly do not care about), what i mean is just about capturing a real essence of human brains and experiences, not copypasting stereotypical ideas without meaning. i can also enjoy some more abstract like david lynch bc its expressing human feelings and experiences in an appealing way. im really big on symbolic stuff and will just keep talking about what different parts of the movie meant or represented after i watch something w yasmin.
(edit to add... i should prob note that many of the movies i mention have adult content and heavy topics depending on who you ask? but i assume ppl who read this would already know to check ratings and warnings)
on the criticising / teaching side of meaningful, it would be for example, Poor Things [2023].... on the realistic / documenting side, for example Burning [2018] or Naked [1993], and i liked ryuusuke hamaguchi's movies Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy, and Drive My Car (tho that one has a really badly written scene in it by the end that i hated) for the characters too. i dont know if those are the best examples its more just off the top of my head. theres also mainstream movies that fit my criteria, so for that criticising / teaching side, there's for example Pleasantville [1998], and Pretty Woman, which yasmin told me ppl tend to hate, but if thats the case i think ppl really didnt understand what it was about (it showed so much about misogyny and class issues, coated in such a way that you could get average boomers to watch it as a "romantic" movie without being aware of the actual meaning of what youre going into, the same way pleasantville can be watched as a goofy gimmick movie without being aware of the meaning youre going into, tho pleasantville is heavyhanded by the end, and i guess pretty woman manages to still fly over ppls heads? but not too surprising considering all those mainstream things now will literally just explain every joke and every meaning.... its like all of media is mickey mouse clubhouse, you know?)
i more or less prefer to watch an animated short or a weird animation on youtube/social media than watching a good live action movie. some animated shorts i really liked recently are Au Revoir Jerome, GLOIRE AMERE 40000, and BOLAVLK/WEREAWOLF, and vewn stuff. and i like those Molly Moon game tiktoks, as an example of like, low production stuff…. i dont care at all how much money or time went into something, but bc im usually not actively seeking fiction video content on my own, its more about what falls into my lap by chance, or yasmin/someone shows me.
i thought of listing more movies but its kinda hard for me to remember them after a while (re: apathy). i remember i liked another one from the Poor Things guy called The Favourite but i barely remember what happens in it. I liked one called This Must Be The Place, and one called Annette. those are movies yasmin showed me or that she picked for us to try together.
oh, one movie i saw on my own that i liked a lot is And Then We Danced. it has some less good parts, but overall it for some reason really lives rent free in my head. it felt like i went and lived in georgia with the characters for an hour, idk, it was done in an immersive way that impressed me and i found appealing. another one i remember from years ago is Lille Soldat (little soldier) which i really enjoyed the main character in. that stuck with me. ive tried to find this movie to show to yasmin, but its been hard to find.
i used to watch lots of random movies (from different countries, different times in history, i had a phase where i watched a bunch of really old horror movies) but most of its been forgotten and then i just stopped watching movies whatsoever bc the mainstream ones are generally unwatchably bad and i didnt have motivation to go out of my way to find good movies anymore. its still hard even with good ones. like, The Square, and Triangle of Sadness, i watched with yasmin and it was fine, but i had already tried watching The Square alone and had to stop after a minute bc it just made me cringe and feel bored. but watching it together with her was fine and i did enjoy the meaning. so thats why i say i might not even be watching good movies if it was up to me alone....
if u werent interested in that ramble i hope u stopped reading before now for ur own good :D i have an opportunity to express myself in rambles -> i will express myself in rambles
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
I would actually love to know more about the background characters!! :D
They seem super interesting, even tho they might not be as important as the protag/supporting ones 👀
to be 100% honest im not sure who you mean by background characters, esp since they just kind of... live in my head. There are characters i never draw or include anywhere because i dont feel like it but would call supporting, and there are characters i actually drew recently and talked about a little but theyre mostly background. Confusing stuff. Im glad to hear u like them, and id love to say something more abt them, but i really dont know who u mean by this specifically... sorry ): Either way enjoy some of the manor staff. Theres more of them but these three are my favourite... Mykola is an emo-ish guy that does everything around the house and actively pretends to not understand any language but ukrainian so people will leave him alone, Jermoła (not his real name; very little is known abt him in canon) is one of the cooks and a good acquaintance of the Kowalewicz family, and Ruta is Olehs oldest sister who recommended Przemek to the family and helped him get accustomed there.
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insufferable-talkstuck · 10 months
(HELPP sorry bro gonna ask this blog instead mb 💀😭)
helloo can u classpect me pls (idk heo to do this 🔥) including a little bit of vent for the sake of classpects
basically i am reclusive, secretive, spacey, knowledgeable but not in an arrogant way, creative, pretty absent minded, and very awkward :]
my main interests include TMNT, MBTI, experimental music, psychology, and marine life. (probably says nothing)
i also like drawing but sometimes i get mad jealous over other ppls art
i also have a strong interest in leftism, anti-racism and anti-capitalism. idk what that says tho
i can get RLY obsessive about my interests and i will NOT shut up about whatever im hyperfixating on
i find it extremely difficult to grasp social cues, in other words i am socially inept
i can have a lot of trouble with empathy usually, not saying i have no empathy tho
no social life. 0. not even one (1) friend. offline or online.
if i had a social group tho i think id be the weird one who is very awkward and does not get jokes 😭
i like to consider both logic and emotions when making a decision, but i tend to value logic and rationality more sometimes
i have a tendency to stay up really late, like really late (it is 5 am as i am writing this
(idk of the text below counts as a vent or not but read idk)
ive always been really bad at explaining, wording, or identifying my own emotions, idk why but its just really hard to come up with words that can accurately describe how i feel, which is why im shit at venting
nvm i think im just bad at wording my own thoughts in general, it makes me feel kind of dumb, im just as bad at that on text too 😭😭 communicating is hell
(vent-ish thing is over)
supernatural stuff is pretty cool too idk
ive been told im dry and very monotonous in person 💀 like a robot n shit
i also dont like being wrong but not in an arrogant know-it-all asshole kinda way ❤
idk what else to put here.
Seer of Void
I'm not picking up any sign that you would *want* to be assigned a void player but I don't tell people what they want to hear.
- dissection -
‘ basically — :] ’ in this paragraph you list off some traits that could easily be associated with void
‘ i can RLY — tho ’ classpects aren't political stances and tho some classes and aspects are described as more devoted or revolutionary it doesn't specifically tilt it towards any view on these things. go girl give us nothing
‘ i find it — jokes ’ you're listing traits of autism, not something that could help me classpect you. However in all technicality "lacking" so many things can be written off as void
‘ i like to consider — on text too ’ okay, Dirk strider moment I guess, if you had only left this paragraph i would have given you prince of heart and left it at that
- dissection over -
why I think you're a seer of void
seers struggle to grasp their aspect at first, how it works and how they could relate to it escapes them, but once they learn it they're comfortable in it. you talk like youre rampaging to find fragments of a personality, sloppily putting paragraphs about yourself together, but if you were to take a step back and relax I think you'd be relieved and find comfort in the nothingness, and along with it the unlimited potential you'll master but.. baby steps
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bonus round
i think there would be a destructive heart player and/or a mind player in your session, you seem torn between the two, I don't see this talked about amongst the classpecting population but I do think the aspects of the players in your session would affect you. with all my evidence of that coming from the kids and trolls sessions I mean the bond is just so clear
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heartslobbf · 5 months
how do you make amvs? like do you plan them out before editing the clips together or do you do something different? im getting interested in making amvs and yours have always felt really cool to me
thank you so much!!!!
i will say that i taught myself to edit by trial and error and have learned all i know from watching amvs and making my own based upon What I Like, so. you know. there might be better resources out there idk ive not used them. mainly i do recommend just watching amvs you like, noting how they’re put together and what you find particularly effective about them.
but let’s talk about my process of making an amv. i listen to a lot of music and whenever i hear a song that a) goes hard and b) has interesting rgu-relevant lyrics im like ohohohooho. i’ll listen to the song on loop whilst im working/commuting/whatever and try to figure out what the song is trying to say, and how what the song is trying to say would change when put together with rgu. i might scribble down some notes, usually ‘MUST USE X SHOT FOR THIS BIT’ or a sentence or so of ideas about the theme i want to come through in the amv. when i actually start editing an amv, i typically have a rough outline of what i want it to look like, but i give myself the space to change that plan up bc sometimes you have to do that for whatever reason. idk. im quite loose and fast with the whole thing tbh
here are some principles i do try to stick by tho they might be helpful
figure out what you want the amv to say, and make sure you convey that
if it’s thematically relevant, and you can justify using it, put the clip in
if you just think it looks cool, keep looking for something else. sometimes ‘looking cool’ can be your justification for a clip, but i normally avoid it if it lacks meaning/contradicts what im trying to say
pick out episodes that are particularly relevant to your theme and try to primarily use those. when i want to grab a clip from outside ‘my episodes’, it’s always something specific like a shadow play id like to put in this context or a particular scene in an otherwise irrelevant episode
know your song!!!! listen to it with headphones, pick up on all the little nuances of it, try to use those to your benefit when editing. every time i edit an lc! song i become 10000 times more powerful bc i know all of their songs inside out
watch your amv over and ask yourself, what narrative have i conveyed here? if it doesn’t quite make sense, you should tweak it
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rush-the-stars · 1 year
idk what kinds horror in a/b/o you mean, but i immediately thought about the subtle horror in this reylo fic called "Until You" by ever-so-reylo on ao3 (sorry if you dont like reylo. i dont. but i recognize reylo authors can be BEASTS and i just use cognitive dissonance if i need it) where it's like.. horror in the sense of how society limits and treats omegas and it's all very normalized. like the fic describes a marriage pathway, alarms on doors, omegas cant be present to hear the results of their own doctor appointment, how not getting pregnant is reason for annulment, and so on, and it's just so wildly subtle in how horrific itd be to live like this and i think the scariest part is, in parts of this world rn, there are places where women are treated very similarly to this. it's a one-shot and not super long, and Kylo/Ben/whoever isnt a dickbag or anything, he treats Rey well, and the author is good about making a distinction between "this is how it is here" and "that doesnt mean its good or ideal or warranted" which i think just adds to the horror kinda sorta, i dunno, i could see you having fun writing about a similar kinda world
regardless, id love to hear more about how youd wanna add further horror to a/b/o, bc what i was talking about was Handmaid's Tale-adjacent (not that i like Handmaid's Tale bc the author's a fucking terf and also, m'am, that IS how the world is like for many woc in various parts of the world, it isnt "even more horrifying" having it happen to white women too jfc idk if it counts as "apocalyptic" if its happening here and now and no one seems to care tho; but you get what i mean when i name-drop it however. anyway. i digress) and im curious if you mean in a monster-fucker way or sex pollen way or what, i find the concept of a/b/o + horror fascinating so, again, id LOVE to hear more pls ♡
firstly anon thank you for coming into my inbox and taking the time to share all this with me!! it is greatly appreciated!!
now to get into this!! i’m gonna put this under a cut w some warnings just in case!!
cw: sexism, mentions of violence against women/feminist horror, reylo (LMAO SORRY), a/b/o, uh romantic cannibalism, blood
i am so sorry anon i detest reylo lol. and sorry if anyone follows me and likes them </3
also i think this is very fascinating that i mentioned horror and your mind jumped to what is essentially feminist horror! not a bad thing—just something observed!!
i personally read a lot of horror outside of fanfiction and i read a lot of feminist horror specifically. or i see or have been apart of plays/theater works/etc. that feature feminist/gender horror in various ways. i write short stories that are not fanfic about this topic as well, so with fanfic, i tend to avoid this a great deal! it’s an incredibly heavy topic and for a whole year last year, i had surrounded myself in it (and acted in shows where stage violence was enacted on me by men, acted in roles where i was often in distress because of male characters, acted in emotionally straining and difficult scenes) and realized i was actually…very drained. and learned what i liked to see in these stories and what i thought was needless violence against women reiterated again and again as torture porn of some kind. but long story short, fanfic was a reprieve of that for me!!
(i know you’re thinking—but cielo! you seem to love yandere content! and you are right! but i think all my yan content i enjoy is seeped in a warped love rather than a gendered violence. not that both can’t exist. it’s sticky.)
more than that, i am also interested in a/b/o that breaks gender constructs and dynamics in ways and is not just an afab omega enduring societal and personal violence!
the horror i was mentioning more i think had to do with body horror, possession (as in, almost…demonic. spiritual.), etc.! romance as a horror. (“but the horror? the horror was for love”)
blood lust being tied to heats/ruts. an omega, feverish and in heat, slick with blood and wild eyed. some romantic cannibalism with the way a bite is for claiming. it’s vampiric. it’s a devouring.
it’s a conjoining. a possession. two souls being forcibly twisted together. the horror of having only one true mate that you cannot choose. that is, for better or for worse, only yours. the horror of not just being yourself anymore, but someone else and vice versa. your uncontrollable “other half”.
sublime heats/ruts where you cannot tell what is real or not, shaky snapshots of mind melting ache and pain, only relieved by one person. hallucinations or ailments that come from deeply lonely and isolated omegas and alphas. nightmares when it reaches a fever pitch.
omegas with needle sharp teeth and so much hunger that need to feed and take relentlessly from alphas. omegas and alphas with eyes that glow in the dark and watch too keenly.
rituals where heats/ruts are watched, the horror of bareness and vulnerability. the horror of being an animal in a human skin. of your own desire or pleasure.
also just the horror of being dependent on someone. of needing someone so greatly you’ll be sick with it. the horror of being powerless to their love. the horror of their power over you. or yours over them.
the twisted care. i am interested in strange/more uncommon dynamics; alphas who are nurturing and motherly in awful ways. who hand feed and coddle and smother. omegas who are possessive and violent towards other alphas or omegas.
i just think there is A LOT that could be played with. thought of. messed around with.
i also think we don’t see enough historical au with a/b/o….i’m thinking also gothic-style. western man vs. nature. cowboy a/b/o…victorian…ancient civilization….etc.
anyways, i hope you don’t take this as me like scolding you or hating on what you’ve said in any way—defs not that!! i just had a different sort of horror in mind!! like i said, fanfic for me is all about romance at its core! it’s a reprieve and escape from the work and art that often is very serious and heavy (whether feminist/gender horror, capitalist horror, etc. etc.) that i usually spend my time creating or apart of in my day to day life! it’s deeply important work to me, just not something i wanna do here really!!
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arsenicflame · 3 months
1, 7, 9, 21, 22, and 25?
eeeee iz thank u!!!!! some real interesting picks here :)
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
hm this is fun bc like- on what grounds? my favourite? a collection? i used to collect cups n mugs for a bit there n its something id like to do again one day, n i know u and i have talked abt! eclectic mismatched dishes from picking up any fun thing we like so!!!! those kind of things for sure.
7. earbuds or headphones?
earbuds for SURE. i hate hate hate the pressure of the over head headphones- ive never found a pair that doesnt squash my ears something awful after a while. i am a little fussy about my earbuds tho- i cant do anything other than the mushroom tips ;;;;
9. favorite smell in the summer?
already answered this one! (the ocean) a runner up would probably beeee just like, the general scent of nature? sorry thats real lame but! i really associate summer with going out and doing things- walks in the woods and up hills and just! being outside n around plants n not civilisation? and the way that just. the outdoors smells. stepped on grass and snapped branches and churning water and just. all the little things that make that nature smell. idk
21. obsession from childhood?
i was! super into teddies as a kid! i actually still have like, a lotta my collection honestly;;; we r a never abandon a teddy type family. i collected these specific little guys called blue nose friends n i was. so into it now im thinking about it (they had like, a website i think? and i was always on there?)
ha honestly! i do not remember much abt what i was into as a child '''':) this n reading r like. the only things i remember at all
22. role model?
wouldnt say i really have one! im not really the kind of person to look up to specific people like that (or even characters)
(actually i remember i had to do a thing in school where we wrote a name on a whiteboard n we only had like. a short amount of time so i literally just wrote. the first lesbian celebrity i could think of bc i literally had. nothing to go on)
25. first song you remember hearing?
whoops please see aforementioned memory issues!!!!! my mum had vertigo by u2 as her ringtone for the longest time so thats probably up there!!! other options would include something pink floyd or like? status quo or ! something of that style
the first cd i really remember owning was ultimate pop party HA (tho i swear i had pop party 4 but. the track list is mostly unfamiliar to me)
weird asks that say a lot
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hirokiyuu · 15 days
17, 18, 19?
17. talk about your writing and editing process
that of an insane person quite frankly. a pef chapter is the worst bc it ltierally goes like:
write the chapter while alm is making edits concurrently whenever i ask to make sure it obth a) makes sense w/whats been written adn b) Sounds Good also > finish writing it and start on my own personal edits > get alm to do their own last edits > fix up things > send to stella (hi) who does edits > do more edits > send to abble for proofreading > FIX THINGS....... and between each of htese three ppl im using doing my own edits as well. i have a disease
for the writing part specifically tho its usually like. write whatevers sexiest while jumping around and then fill in the rest w/as little as i can (this is not a joke) (if its not interesting to me why would it be interesting to the reader)
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
He’d looked for her, just before he left. She’d been up on the walls for guard duty, the way she’d been every single Glow since the Helio landed, and when she saw him looking up at her she’d smiled. It’d hidden the bags under her eyes, the ones that had started to emerge after her birthday the year previous and never quite gone away, and as always the warmth of it had dizzied him. 
She’d leaned over the fence with a wave, mouth open as if to shout down, when one of the other guards -- someone from the Helio Dys hadn’t known the name of -- had said something, and she’d paused, sighed, and gave him another little wave instead before straightening back up. That night she’d sent him a message: Sorry abt earlier!!! Miss hanging out w/you but you know how glow is x___x Let’s catch up in quiet, ok? We can head out to the ridges and I can finally tell you abt the crazy thing Marz n I have been workin on for months lol
He’d stared at it a long time, his throat weird and tight. He could hear it in her voice, the lilting cadence of it, and he’d been wanting to talk to her for what felt like an eternity, but since Vertumnalia she’d been running all over the colony without a single break, looking more and more haggard every time he saw her. The only times he’d ever seen her relax had been when she’d been with her stupid boyfriend, who never flinched away when she tried to kiss him and in fact usually kissed her first, a smile on her face whenever he did.
A part of him had wanted to text her back. It would’ve been so easy, a quick little sure and then he could’ve gone back to his bunk, crawled into bed and lain there for days until the suns began to rise again, until he could walk once more by her side and listened, aching, to her laugh.
He hadn’t. Instead he’d set the bomb just like he’d promised, kneeling alone in the hiding hole the two of them had once passed their days together in. The place they’d once sat with their knees knocking, complaining about the colony and talking excitedly about aliens, the place that had once been their only escape from everyone else. The place he was going to turn to ash. The place he’d never see again.
some stuff from the dishsoap ridgefic confession id decided to axe in the end bc it didnt flow well enough but i did still like the concept wwww theres a LOT of cut stuff from this fic in general i wont lie
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
some of the shit ive been reading abt lately for the latest pef chapter has been. kinda out there. i cant actually say in words bc its technically spoielrs but part of it is solely to make sexier metaphors and part of it is goro being obnoxious on purpose
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codes · 2 years
i was going to make curry today but thwn it struck me is there a reason why there’s so much age gap in bl (idk abt yuri because i do not read it much)
i think the age gaps between characters can actually be used to say something interesting be it about time or people or perception or whatnot, but do *u* think there is a particular reason why this trope among others is so common? and do u like have anything to add on?
DW ABOUT THE UNFOLLOW i thought it was a funny notif
also hm.... this question... might be better to send to someone who actually reads bl LOL, im just a gay man
but i think the first thing that comes to mind when i hear about that trope is the gross and illegal kind of age gap instead of the one that i think ur referencing where its like a "young adult x an older guy". theres definitely a difference in perceptions due to time, like u said, and it brings up the discussion of power dynamics within a relationship that r related to experience and age. theres also the possibility of discussing the relationship type of "1000+ yr deity x random mortal guy" which technically is an age gap but is never really applied to that specific niche.
on reflex id say the trope is common bc ppl are weird but idk, i dont read bl nor do i like this trope so i dont rlly have much to say!! hope ur curry was good tho
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dykeyote · 2 years
ummmmmm,,,,,ummmmmm,,,,,,,could i have some general autistic chnt headcanons? im not sure which chnt characters you hc as autistic outside of jeddie but if you do have any id love to hear em!!!!!
OH I HAVE PLENTY!!!!! the majority if not all of that camp is riddled w the tism in my eyes . but ill giv u some specific ones that i feel aprticularly strongly about >:)
since i was just talking about it SOREN IS A BIG ONE . theres just no other explanation . i think hes had a special interest in the dark arts for a really long time but that interest has Shifted over time although necromancy has always been a focus . hence why hes also got books about demonology and whatnot (: i think he gets very VERY easily hyperfocused like if hes zeroed into something its zeroed IN you cant distract him from it especially if its related to necromancy . he also gets dysregulate really easy i think he struggles to control his emotions and his physical expressions of emotion quite a bot hes decinitely the kind of autistic that expresses too MUCH as opposed to too little . also his relationship to his gender is heavily influenced by his autism so he uses lots of xenos we kno this !!!!
JUNIPER SLOAN BABY!!!!! nobody is surprised by this one . i think theyr undiagnosed theyre aware that theyre Different in some way from other people anf its somewhat unsettling to her but shes like i do not need to address this or wonder what it is !!!!! ta ta <3 and just ignores it but eventually proximity to rowan (also autistic) helps make it a little easier to come to terms with . i think shes VERY VERY stimmy its INCREDIBLY rare to see them not moving about lots if theyre talking? theyre pacing. if theyre nervous? theyre flailing about. if theyre not feeling much of anything? theyre rocking back and forth and doing little spins and audio stimming like an idle animation. she also seems the type to struggle with conveying that things are Jokes because her joking voice and her serious voice sound a lot the same so people often think shes being fr when shes just kidsing . tho to be fair she does say DERANGED shit without a trace of comedy so its kinda fair
and lastly yvonne (: i think opposite of juniper yvonne is VERY open about being autistic she considers it a key part of her personality and identity and why would she not be open about rhat!!!! i think they have a spinterest on video games and since i think jeddy ALSO does they bond over that a lot and infodump togrther (:(: granted this means that their disagreements on games cause RABID debates but its ok theyre having fun . i think they get overwhelmed pretty easy and needs some time to unwind she loses their energy if she has too much social interaction . she LIKES spending time with people snd she LIKES hanging out with everyone shes still a pretty outgoing and charismatic person but she definitely needs a lot of time to Relax after too much time spent hanging out with the other counselors
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icharchivist · 2 months
Aa, well I'm glad you enjoyed my thoughts then! I'm still feeling a bit high, I'm not used to getting this much canon validation. Clearly the hivemind is really just that good at analyzing. That's gotta be it
Relink is so good, it was definitely worth the wait. I enjoyed the fate episodes so much. Excited for Sandy's next month!
And yes, that picture is exactly right. That is what the inside of Seofon's head looks like right now. "What would Anre do" is the first thing he asks himself when he's about to do something that could get people mad at him. Don't tell Anre though
Something else I also noticed in Seofon's Relink FE, not a spoiler, is that he mentioned staying in an inn in Folca. We know he could've stayed on the Grandcypher no problem, but considering everything he thought about at the time, he probably felt bad about staying with us directly. Besides, the crew moves around a lot for missions and he probably wanted to stay in Folca to observe and not go on travels with us while he was working, but I found it interesting that it was mentioned, because I don't think it was for anyone else
so happy to hear your thoughts!! and yeah omg i can imagine. And yet look at it It is either a validation that the hivemind is always right or there's a mole among us--
BUT YEAH Relink is so good and it was so worth it... the FEs were so fun, Sandy next.
AND RIGHTT. it's so perfect.
and yeah i agree on that, no one else mention specifically staying at a inn but that stood out to me. adding spoilers to your thoughts tho:
I can imagine it comes from him feeling bad about staying with the crew while he was planning on murdering Id, and also i think it was a way to immerse himself to see how people felt about Id, since he mentions in one of his FE that he spent a lot of time in town just analysing the "new mister fix it" 's impact on people
so it tracks but it's bonechilling that he still was basically staying away like that because he was planning Murder and knew Danchou would not stand by it.
it was incredible to see for sure
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cottagehowell · 6 months
That sounds like an amazing job! Aerial seems SO cool although I definitely would not have the upper body strength for that lol. Are you familiar at all with eurythmy? I have a friend who grew up doing it and I’ve heard wild things about it. What are some of the most memorable songs for which you’ve choreographed a dance?
Ah I LOVE crocodile rock such a beautifully nostalgic song to me… OMG I’m so glad you asked about Led Zeppelin recs. I’ve found Led Zeppelin II to be the best album to start with. For specific song recs, if you’re interested in their more pop-adjacent songs, id suggest “D’yer Mak’er,” “Tangerine,” and “Heartbreaker”/“Living Loving Maid.” Also special shout-out to “Ramble On” for general excellence ofc!
This is such a useful breakdown of the Monkees concept thank u SM now I shan’t look a fool in front of the tumblr monkees crowd… follow up questions to your gorgeous explanation: are their four albums of their own music good after all that buildup to being allowed to play their own instruments?? Also, what draws you to the group (other than their bizarre backstory of course)?
I too am looking forward to my finals being done! Not for another two weeks tho… so much science to cram into my brain alas. I’m glad you’re done so soon and the Pink Floyd cover band sounds EPIC!!
Signing off, SRS🧑‍🎄
this is the first i've ever heard of eurythmy and upon some research it seems...... interesting? it definitely seems to have a connection to the general early modern dance movement in the early 20th century and kind of reminds me of isadora duncan. but the guy who came up with it is kind of a lot lmao.
i think my favorite songs that i've choreographed to are honestly the more classic rock ones! i've done california girls by the beach boys (4-6 year olds, very cute), crocodile rock (6-10 year olds), wild thing by the troggs (3-5 year olds, they loved this song lol), come together by the beatles (middle schoolers), a mix of queen songs (adults), and a mix of abba songs (6-9 year olds). but i also get to use some kids music! i've done some songs from the hannah montana movie, cheetah girls, barbie, and turning red :) i've also done solos to another brick in the wall and get back, and i'm working on one now to maneskin's cover of if i can dream!! i really love getting to introduce kids to music that they might not hear otherwise
omg thank youuuuu for the zep recs!! that's my homework for the weekend lol, i'm excited to give them a listen!
i enjoy those four albums! they get more experimental and have a lot more personality in my opinion. also a couple of their more well known songs like pleasant valley sunday and daydream believer come from those albums! what's funny though is that after all the work to play their own instruments they largely just....don't. like i think mike and peter continue to play on the albums but micky actually plays drums on only one or two songs bc he's fundamentally not a drummer. so it ended up being more about having creative control over what they played and being able to write some of their own songs than actually playing on the tracks. but yeah those albums get a lot more eclectic in terms of style because the four of them have such different musical influences and they really incorporate all of their styles into the albums rather than just standard pop-rock :)
i got into the monkees by watching the tv show! they started airing it on cable a while back and it was something fun to look forward to each week :) one thing i really like about watching the show is how when i listen to their songs, it always makes me think of where the songs appeared in the show! also, crucially, after the first couple episodes i watched, i fully imprinted on mike nesmith like a baby duck. i saw that wool hat and it was over for me, he bewitched me body and soul
omg best of luck studying for your finals!! what kind of science do you study?? i'm a computer science major and have mad respect for science-science majors bc you guys have SO MUCH more to do omg...... i can't imagine having to take labs on top of my classes.
wishing you a restful weekend! talk to you soon!! much love xoxo
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thekaijudude · 10 months
Blazar feels incomplete. I really do like the concept of a primitive ultra but I also feel blazar would be better off with an actual plot and overarching villain (maybe Blazar's God is an evil more advanced subspecies), more flashbacks on Blazar's planet and evolution of whatever lead to his Ultra race would be cool. Rn the show has the pieces but it feels like a burning fire is missing. What would you add for a plotline?
Quite a few people I talked to share similar sentiments as you
Tho I would argue that the series dosent even have pieces that could be linked at all
Cause literally nothing is going on since everything gets started and resolved by the end of the episode with no lasting consequences or implications. Like theres no expected climax, no building up to anything, and literally nothing is happening which makes each episode feels like the series is just going nowhere at all, where each episode after ep 2 feels like a brand new ep 3 after SKaRD is established, rinse and repeat
Theres literally no sense of direction in this series
But we do have similar thoughts on how it shouldve went as Ive also posted before here that since a new unique ultra origin has been introduced (M421), Id rather learn more about that and specifically about Blazar himself since everything else has literally no relevance beyond his own series. So, Blazar's own characterization, character development, and delving into M421 are strong, substantial points they shouldve went into.
(Tho I think they would be going into Blazar's God at some point since the uchuusen magazine bothered to point this fact out)
Rn theyre treating the Blazar series as an early Heisei series, that being every human character operates as if the titular Ultra dosent even exist until the last 8 mins of every episode (rmb when the Chief of Staff told Gento to investigate whether Blazar needs to be exterminated? Yeah no one remembers cause not even the show does)
Theyre basically treating the Ultra as a plot device rather than an actual character
So what I would first do is to treat Blazar as an actual character by having him being able to communicate somewhat with Gento and/or him trying to figure out where he was and learning about his new surroundings. And vice versa Gento actually carrying out his main mission to actively learn about Blazar
And this ties in with the information we got that Blazar did come from a black hole, but since he was later then also revealed to come from M421, I suspect that Blazar was trying to flee from something that caused him to take desperate measures to escape from it by jumping into a Black Hole, therefore ending up in another universe.
This character would then be the main antagonist. Tho, in order for it to be an overarching villain, the plot should be more complicated and involve more characters, but its just that the plot setting thus far dosent really allow for more interesting nor more complex plot developments, otherwise, even if u have a main antagonist, youll only be able to hear about only in the last 3 episodes or so (like X)
So imo, I would totally revamp the entire plot premise and have Blazar's species involved in some form of 3-way, large-scale battle involving 3 parties, Blazar's species, another primitive race of ultras, and a primitive kaiju species (might be a territorial dispute or its simply just a normal hunter-hunted type of conflict). Where both Blazar and the rival are stranded on Gento's earth while fighting so they both are recuperating and hiding from the kaiju species (Blazar's original form did not have the red and blue stripes, so that could be a hint that Blazar was injured), so for the first half of the series, Blazar has to deal with lesser versions of said kaiju species invading earth due to the spillover along with frequent fights with said rival
This eventually builds up to a final showdown between the both of them as the mid-series climax. But before either could deal the finishing blow, a greater (or Alpha) version of said kaiju shows up and interrupts the fight, forcing them both to band together to defeat it, with them ending up finally realizing that their tribes alone are far too weak to stand against the said kaiju race and they needed to band together to actually stand a chance (this revelation might not come right away but this should have them start thinking in this direction)
Then the 2nd half would cover the process of them forging their bonds and overcoming specialized versions of said greater kaiju until they inevitably encounter a final series boss level (An Apex?) version of it. And after finally defeating it, they both return to their own universe to aim to show their respective tribes on what they found and convince them to actually come to peace as its only a matter of time before both tribes gets eradicated by said kaiju species.
This is simple enough to fit within a single series and stay grounded as a series thats taking place on Earth which also serves as a gateway to the larger perspective of what M421 is going through rn which subsequent installments can delve into further
(I honestly already thought of how the movie plot could build up upon the series, various spin-offs as well as even how eventually it could tie into the meta plot of the Absolutians)
Thanks for the question!
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Hello!!! I am here to rant about something random to you!!! Since I want to rant and I figured you might at least slightly relate bc of how you’ve talked ab SU :]
Yknow that when we had that CAWM post and in part of it we talked about how these shows [AT and SU] are important to us? I was just thinking about like why AT specifically connected to me so much [and also how that extends to characters?] like, of course AT was very important to me when I was younger, but I’m just kinda wondering why AT is the thing that extremely stuck with me. There are thing I could argue built more of who I am today then AT [even tho AT did definitely contribute to who I am] Like The Lion King which got me interested in animation and art, and I probably never would have even watched stuff like amphibia without it getting me into animation! Maybe AT was just a right time right place type of thing, maybe my autism was just like “oh yeah that’s OUR thing forever now.” OH that’s another important part of it ! I’m like 99% sure my neurodivergency has contributed to AT becoming as important to me as it did, I call AT my special interest, which definitely has a ton of different definitions depending on the person but for me it’s like, my default, it’s the thing I’m most likely thinking about and the thing I see the world through if that makes sense?
And !!! How this relates to my favorite character/s in AT [for context even tho I’m p sure you know this: my all time fav is PB and Fern is also a top fav] I see myself a lot in my favorite characters, I’ve said that AT is a part of me, and that definitely extends to characters. You can see that easily in how I take characters names actually,,, a little side note, but I’ve considered using heart as a name before, which I feels hammers this point home even more since heart is ofc my wjh fave [tbh I still really want to use heart as a name but idk if it would be weird since their like an oc and not a tv character and I’m too nervous to ask Mal lmaoo] and also, I end up seeing these characters just, as me a lot, like in the same way that AT is such an important part of me that it feels like you couldn’t separate it from me, I also feel like my favorite characters in a way because their so important to me [ofc this type of connection varies between characters, I think I feel this most for PB] and I also definitely feel like the neurodivergency has contributed to this, and I think this happens to others too [I mean how many people named Marcy have you seen around the Amphibia fandom shgdhdhshs] autism is weird [extremely positive] and makes me identify with my silly little blorbos a lot.
Anyways, I wasn’t really going anywhere super specific with this, and I don’t really have like, a question for you to answer to in this or anything, I just wanted to talk about my experiences and thought you’d maybe like to hear about em???
I dont really know what it id about su that got me into it. I think it might have just been a perfect thing at the perfect time. I had the ability to watch it, the autism liked it, i was at an impressionable age. The stars perfectly aligned and then it consumed my entire life for the next 5-8 years and counting. Theres nothing specific about it no specific plotlines or characters that specifically connect to me in a specific way its just. Special to me, its comforting and nice.
I dont really like, consider anything my special interests? I dont really know what counts as one so i dont call anything it. But yeah, to me its just, i dont even know how to put into words what SU is to me. Its what i spent hours upon hours thinking about at school, whenever i had downtime, every week on the way to soccer training i would sing songs to myself to keep myself entertained, to this day every time i get bored and start singing to myself Love Like You is the first song i go to. Its so important to me its such an important part of so much of my life, i truely very much would not be the person i am today without it.
I have a weird relationship with names, if i could i probably wouldnt have a name, every name ive used feels good for a while and then eventually it just, stops. Even duck which is a name i Love and in years of using it online it has never stopped being one i like, the idea of making it my Actually Legal name just, isnt there. The relationship you seem to have with names where you take the names of your favourite characters is very interesting to me, its cool. In concept i get the idea of seeing yourself in a character and relating to them that way, but in practice i think i have too flimsy of a sense of self to really see myself in anyone else. I think it would be cool if you added Heart to your name arsenal. On the server a few people have asked why we have a Heart role if its empty, but me and Mal both agree that it we could never give it to anyone else, theres no way we could ever give the role to anyone who wasn’t you, it would feel too wrong its Your role.
Thank you for talking to me about all this, i love talking to you about each of our fav Cartoon Network shows,,,,,,
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thejugheadparadox · 3 years
plsss write why you think kendall is written as autistic i wanna hear it <3
right i am no longer as attached to this idea as i once was and i rlly would need to rewatch again to solidify it but i do still have things to say. okay OKAY so. hear me out please.. i KNOW kendall roy is a fucked up man in his 40s but to be fair half the internet calls him their little meow meow (dont mean that disparagingly!) so i think ill say what i like actually. this is literally just what i think might be a writing choice or something that MIGHT have been discussed however minorly behind the scenes if any of the writers or actors have done their research on it.
because like kendall stims, he either doesn't make eye contact or makes a show of it, he submerges himself physically when he needs to calm down (ie in water), he often likes solitude with music and/or routines. he has markedly different and sort of more extreme physical and vocal reactions to things than at least shiv and roman (ie bathroom scene AND THEN HE CLEANS IT UP!). he absolutely has difficulty with certain forms of empathy, and only seems to find it v easy to exist around/open up to/feel comfortable with people who've had really specific (bad) experiences similar to his own (to me naomi is the main example of that, as well as his siblings and sort of stewy). we know he has the remainder of a stutter and likely had broader issues with speech as a child. he is sometimes on the edge of going non-verbal when shit goes wrong for him.
and on that, he's terrible at adapting to change. whenever logan shocks him or acts differently to how he expects, it really throws him through a loop and he can barely ever handle it, so he fixates on being one step ahead. he has obsessive routines and is fixated on self improvement. he carries out plans to the very end even once it's clear theyre not going to work just bc he needs to have done them to move on. the end of which side are you on always comes to mind - his plan went wrong, he has zero fucking clue what to do with himself. and this i leave to the end bc i feel like we all know, its basically explicit: this man performs soooo hard. he basically copies the scripts to all his conversations from his dad and we see him mask multiple times.
ANYWAY. i just maybe think jeremy strong or jesse armstrong (wow they have oddly similar names) might be aware of this, and tbh i wouldnt think that if not for iverson! so iverson roy brings it all together by being kendalls explicitly autistic son (idk if i need to back that up.. he just is yeah? and i love it!). and the symptoms he displays of being blunt and finding change difficult are literally ones that kendall does too, but has had to learn to conceal. and ofc its v common for autistic kids to have autistic parents/relatives. potentially if these are all things the writers/cast are aware of, it could maybepossiblymaybe be an intentional writing choice. just something thats interesting to consider when analysing the character yk.. probably wrong tho especially since i have no idea what it would add to the narrative. id love to know if anyone else has a perspective on that?
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