#(it was a long story honestly lmao)
sparxyv · 1 month
Mousey Student ID 💙🐭
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NOW 😏 time for Mousey's official introduction.. get ready for another huge infodump! (this one's even longer than Milena's I'm so sorry 😭😭)
Template by @kiwiplaetzchen !!! (Thank you again 😙🫶)
Mousey is the youngest of four brothers. Clyde, Lachlan, and Magnus.
His three big brothers have long since moved out of the McGregor house, going on to become very successful each in their own ways. They were all sorted into Ravenclaw, and were all part of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team at some point in time.
Mousey's mother - Florence McGregor (née Prewett) - is Leander Prewett's father's sister (so Leander's aunt lol). She was sorted into Gryffindor!
Mousey's father - Fergus McGregor - was sorted into Slytherin when he attended Hogwarts. Naturally, he is very prideful and ambitious - oftentimes (accidentally) placing pressure on his sons to pursue things that are not in their interest to impact the family legacy in a meaningful way. Fergus genuinely cares for his sons, he's just unaware of the effect his words have on their psyche. 🙁
Fergus McGregor was a keeper for the Montrose Magpies for 3 years before Magnus was born, and after that he decided to settle down for good. Quidditch was his passion, and he was ecstatic when all his sons shared the same love for it.
The McGregors have resided in Irondale for generations! They have a quite small house for a large family - but fret not, it's bigger than it looks on the outside.
Mousey is 5 years younger than the brother closest in age to him - Clyde - while his three older brothers are each only about two years apart from each other. This feeds into Mousey feeling like an outcast in his own family. (Clyde - 20, Lachlan - 22, Magnus - 24)
Life Before Fifth Year
Growing up, Mousey had always been an exceptionally anxious AND impulsively loud child, so he found it was a miracle he made friends with Anne Sallow during his first week at Hogwarts. Anne was always terribly kind to him, helping him out when he needed a shoulder to lean on, giving him lots of encouragement - which he so desperately needed. Anne, being extremely mischievous, self-confident, and empathetic, she made the perfect best friend for Mousey.
Mousey wasn't exactly a permanent addition to the Sallow Twins and Ominis' little group, but they would hang out with Mousey more often than not. Up until fourth year, they were practically his only friends. (We'll get to this in a bit.. 😙)
In order to impress his father - Mousey started training on a broom as soon as he first attended Hogwarts, but his heart was only half in it. Although he was very talented with a broom, it was never a true passion of his.
Speaking of Mousey's true passion - he is deeply fascinated by wandlore/craft. Ever since he recieved his first book on wandcraft at the age of seven, he quickly became entranced by it. Mousey absorbed all the information he possibly could and constantly visited Ollivanders in Hogsmeade in his free time once he was allowed to by the school.
Sometime at the start of fourth-year Sebastian and Mousey got into a HUGE argument that quickly ended their friendship. After this argument occured, Sebastian practically banned Anne and Ominis from speaking or interacting with Mousey in any way out of sheer pettiness 😒. Mousey was heartbroken. While he would swear up and down it did not affect him, he genuinely loved Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis.. losing their friendship was difficult on him. Although, sadness quickly turned to anger and he held a big grudge against Sebastian. After the big fallout, he vowed he didn't need them - immediately going on a quest to make as many friends as possible. And ultimately, he did.. but it never felt the same.
Like Milena, I'm planning on creating a separate series of posts going more in-depth with his relationships w/ characters - so take this list of his closest friends!
Ominis Gaunt
Anne Sallow
Milena Chase
Amit Thakkar
Everett Clopton
Andrew Larson
Samantha Dale
Duncan Hobhouse
Garreth Weasley
Leander Prewett
Eric Northcott
Poppy Sweeting
Arthur Plummly
Unnamed Students
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Mousey is a complicated type of extrovert. He grew up constantly fighting for attention - he learned quickly that he needed to be loud and to stand out to be seen. Mousey is the type of person to only want a few close friends, but a large circle. He loves socializing with everyone, typically coming off as very cheery and playful, yet more snarky + sarcastic with people he's more comfortable with. However, he's also very anxious. He's quite the overthinker - yet never exactly thinks ANYTHING through at the same time. He's the epitome of impulsivity.
In addition to him being anxious - Mousey cares too much of what other people think of him, especially the people he loves/looks up to. He finds himself constantly trying to impress his friends and family because he craves external validation to feel good about himself.
Mousey is very sensitive, but can oftentimes be seen as apathetic when it comes to heated moments. He's very much controlled by his emotions and feelings, which has put a strain in a lot of his relationships. Mousey feels emotions more intensely than most of his peers, his mood also being affected by the people around him. (Although when he's not blinded by his own feelings, he is actually very sweet and caring person. 😞)
If there was one word to describe Mousey - NOSY. As a Ravenclaw, he's obviously inclined to want to know as much as he can about anything. With that being said, he's a NASTY gossip. Mousey knows everything about everyone, always around and listening in the background.. 😊
Just like how it is in other parts of Mousey's life, he feels that he's an outlier in his Hogwarts House. Other than being curious and passionate about learning, he isn't as clever as other Ravenclaws - not great at riddles, oftentimes having trouble even entering the common room. So he tries his best to make the best of it, befriending his housemates, joining the quidditch team, etc.
When it comes to being active, he can make an exception for Quidditch - for his father - but other than that, he HATES physical activity. Unfortunately he's a bit on the cowardly side as well. He could be reckless and get a burst of confidence, but in general Mousey is terrified of dueling, sharp things, large creatures, and especially cats. You wouldn't usually catch him out in the Forbidden Forest, or in any of the hamlets far from Irondale.
Additional Fun Facts!
The only people who don't refer to him as 'Mousey' would be Ominis, Imelda, and Milena - all for different reasons.
Mousey actually likes his nickname, not minding it one bit - although, he doesn't remember how he got it.. but even the teachers have called him Mousey since his first year.
He used to have very prominent buck teeth up until he was 13, having them magically fixed (by Anne Sallow) after his big brother Clyde had made fun of them.
Mousey is the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and Keeper in sixth-year! 💙
Other than Sebastian, his nemesis at Hogwarts is Charlotte Morrison (whom Milena actually made friends with???). She just really irritates him in a way he can't describe. The feeling is mutual.
He is very close with a lot of the teachers, most notably Professor Fig and Professor Garlick.
Mousey makes wood-carving animals representing the people he loves, and keeps them in his dorm. (Some would be: Ominis - Bat, Anne - Fox, Sebastian - Snake, and the newest addition.. Milena - Eagle 💜 I like to imagine Mousey came to terms with his and Milena's friendship at one point and secretly made her little animal to keep 🥹) No one knows the meanings behind the animals but him. They are his to keep and to protect.
Bi icon 💙💜🩷
Had a crush on Adelaide Oakes in third-year. (his type is blondes I guess?)
Was nearly sorted into Slytherin, but the hat changed it's mind at the last second.
Raphael is the only feline that tolerates Mousey. (And vice versa)
Knows about the Undercroft.
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anghraine · 2 months
Hi! Can you explain what really the power of foresight was with Faramir? I read the books earlier this year and I don't really quite understand it. He could predict the future? Like he would see it in his dreams? But how did he found out from Gollum that he was taking frodo and sam to cirith ungol and that he had committed murder before?
No problem, it's one of my favorite topics!
The concise explanation: I think Faramir's foresight/aftersight in terms of visions is a largely separate "power" from his ability to bring his strength of mind and will to bear on other people and animals, and to resist outside influence. The visions seem more a matter of broad sensitivity, something Faramir doesn't appear to have much if any control over. The second power is (in our terms) essentially a form of direct telepathy, limited in some ways but still very powerful, and I think this second ability is what Faramir is using with Gollum.
The really long version:
In my opinion, Faramir (or Denethor, Aragorn, etc) doesn't necessarily read thoughts like a book, particularly not with a mind as resistant as Gollum's. Faramir describes Gollum's mind in particular as dark and closed, it seems unusually so—
"There are locked doors and closed windows in your mind, and dark rooms behind them," said Faramir.
Still, Gollum is unable to entirely block Faramir's abilities. In LOTR, it does not seem that Gollum can fully block powerful mental abilities such as Faramir's, though his toughness and hostility does limit what Faramir can see. (Unfinished Tales, incidentally, suggests iirc that Denethor's combination of "great mental powers" and his right to use the Anor-stone allowed him to telepathically get the better of Saruman through their palantíri, a similar but greater feat.) I imagine that this is roughly similar to, but scaled down from, Galadriel's telepathic inquiries of even someone as reluctant to have her in his mind as Boromir, given that Faramir is able to still see some things in Gollum's mind, if with more difficulty than usual.
(WRT Boromir ... ngl, if I was the human buffer between Denethor and Faramir, I would also not be thrilled about sudden telepathic intrusions from basically anyone, much less someone I had little reason to trust.)
Disclaimer: a few years after LOTR's publication, Tolkien tried to systematize how this vague mystical telepathy stuff really works. One idea he had among many, iirc, was that no unwilling person's mind could be "read" the ways that Gollum's is throughout LOTR. IMO that can't really be reconciled w/ numerous significant interactions in LOTR where resistance to mental intrusion or domination is clearly variable between individuals and affected by personal qualities like strength of will, basic resilience, the effort put into opposition, supernatural powers, etc. And these attempts at resistance are unsuccessful or only partially successful on many occasions in LOTR (the Mouth of Sauron, for one example, is a Númenórean sorcerer in the book who can't really contend with Aragorn on a telepathic level). So I, personally, tend to avoid using the terminology and rationales from that later systematized explanation when discussing LOTR. And in general, I think Tolkien's later attempts to convert the mystical, mysterious wonder of Middle-earth into something more "hard magic" or even scientific was a failed idea on a par with Teleporno. Others differ!
In any case, when Gollum "unwillingly" looks at Faramir while being questioned, the creepy light drains from his eyes and he shrinks back while Faramir concludes he's being honest on that specific occasion. Gollum experiences physical pain when he does try to lie to Faramir—
"It is called Cirith Ungol." Gollum hissed sharply and began muttering to himself. "Is not that its name?" said Faramir turning to him. "No!" said Gollum, and then he squealed, as if something had stabbed him.
I don't think this is a deliberate punishment from Faramir—that wouldn't be like him at all—and I don't think it's the Ring, but simply a natural consequence of what Faramir is. Later, Gandalf says of Faramir's father:
"He can perceive, if he bends his will thither, much of what is passing in the minds of men ... It is difficult to deceive him, and dangerous to try."
So, IMO, Faramir's quick realization that Gollum is a murderer doesn't come from any vision of the future or past involving Gollum—that is, it's not a deduction from some event he's seen. Faramir does not literally foresee Gollum's trick at Cirith Ungol. His warning would be more specific in that case, I think. What he sees seems to be less detailed but more direct and, well, mystical. Faramir likely doesn't know who exactly Gollum murdered or why or what any of the circumstances were. Rather, Gollum's murderousness and malice are visible conditions of his soul to Faramir's sight. Faramir doesn't foresee the particulars of Gollum's betrayal—but he can see in Gollum's mind that he is keeping something back. Faramir says of Gollum:
"I do not think you are holden to go to Cirith Ungol, of which he has told you less than he knows. That much I perceived clearly in his mind."
Meanwhile, in a letter written shortly before the publication of LOTR, Tolkien said of Faramir's ancestors:
They became thus in appearance, and even in powers of mind, hardly distinguishable from the Elves
So these abilities aren't that strange in that context. Faramir by chance (or "chance") is, like his father, almost purely an ancient Númenórean type despite living millennia after the destruction of Númenor (that destruction is the main reason "Númenóreanness" is fading throughout the age Faramir lives in). Even less ultra-Númenórean members of Denethor's family are still consistently inheriting characteristics from their distant ancestor Elros, Elrond's brother, while Faramir and Denethor independently strike Sam and Pippin as peculiarly akin to Gandalf, a literal Maia like their ancestress Melian:
“Ah well, sir,” said Sam, “you [Faramir] said my master had an elvish air; and that was good and true. But I can say this: you have an air too, sir, that reminds me of, of—well, Gandalf, of wizards.”
He [Denethor] turned his dark eyes on Gandalf, and now Pippin saw a likeness between the two, and he felt the strain between them, almost as if he saw a line of smouldering fire drawn from eye to eye, that might suddenly burst into flame.
Meanwhile, Faramir's mother's family is believed to be part Elvish, a belief immediately confirmed when Legolas meets Faramir's maternal uncle:
At length they came to the Prince Imrahil, and Legolas looked at him and bowed low; for he saw that here indeed was one who had elven-blood in his veins. "Hail, lord!" he [Legolas] said. "It is long since the people of Nimrodel left the woodlands of Lórien, and yet still one may see that not all sailed from Amroth’s haven west over water."
In addition to that, Faramir's men believe he's under some specific personal blessing or charm as well as the Númenórean/Elvish/Maia throwback qualities. It's also mentioned by different groups of soldiers that Faramir can exercise some power of command over animals as well as people. Beregond describes Faramir getting his horse to run towards five Nazgûl in real time:
"They will make the Gate. No! the horses are running mad. Look! the men are thrown; they are running on foot. No, one is still up, but he rides back to the others. That will be the Captain [Faramir]: he can master both beasts and men."
Then, during the later retreat of Faramir's men across the Pelennor:
At last, less than a mile from the City, a more ordered mass of men came into view, marching not running, still holding together. The watchers held their breath. "Faramir must be there," they said. "He can govern man and beast."
Tolkien said of the ancient Númenóreans:
But nearly all women could ride horses, treating them honourably, and housing them more nobly than any other of their domestic animals. The stables of a great man were often as large and as fair to look upon as his own house. Both men and women rode horses for pleasure … and in ceremony of state both men and women of rank, even queens, would ride, on horseback amid their escorts or retinues … The Númenóreans trained their horses to hear and understand calls (by voice or whistling) from great distances; and also, where there was great love between men or women and their favorite steeds, they could (or so it is said in ancient tales) summon them at need by their thought alone. So it was also with their dogs.
Likely the same Númenórean abilities were used for evil by Queen Berúthiel against her cats. In an interview with Daphne Castell, Tolkien said:
She [Berúthiel] was one of these people who loathe cats, but cats will jump on them and follow them about—you know how sometimes they pursue people who hate them? I have a friend like that. I’m afraid she took to torturing them for amusement, but she kept some and used them—trained them to go on evil errands by night, to spy on her enemies or terrify them.
The more formal version of the Berúthiel lore recurs in Unfinished Tales:
She had nine black cats and one white, her slaves, with whom she conversed, or read their memories, setting them to discover all the dark secrets of Gondor, so that she knew those things "that men wish most to keep hidden," setting the white cat to spy upon the black, and tormenting them.
Faramir, by contrast, has a strong aversion to harming/killing animals for any reason other than genuine need, but apparently quite similar basic abilities. He typically uses these abilities to try to compassionately understand other people or gather necessary information, rather than for domination or provoking fear. Even so, Faramir does seem to use his mental powers pretty much all the time with no attempt to conceal what he's doing—he says some pretty outlandish things to Frodo and Sam as if they're very ordinary, but it doesn't seem that most people he knows can do all these things. This stuff is ordinary to him because it flows out of his fundamental being, not because it's common.
It's not clear how much fine control he has, interestingly. This is more headcanon perhaps, but I don't feel like it's completely under his control, even while it's much more controlled than things like Faramir's vision of Boromir's funeral boat, his frequent, repeated dreams of Númenor's destruction, the Ring riddle dream he received multiple times, or even his suspiciously specific "guess" of what passed between Galadriel and Boromir in Lothlórien. Yet his more everyday mental powers do seem to involve some measure of deliberate effort in a lot of the instances we see, given the differing degrees of difficulty and strain we see with the powers he and Denethor exhibit more frequently and consistently.
This is is also interesting wrt Éowyn, because Tolkien describes Faramir's perception of her as "clear sight" (which I suspect is just Tolkien's preferred parlance for "clairvoyance"). Faramir perceives a lot more of what's going on with Éowyn than I think he had materially observable evidence for—but does not see everything that's going on with her by any means. He seems to understand basically everything about her feelings for Aragorn, more than Éowyn herself does, but does not know if she loves him [Faramir].
I'm guessing that it's more difficult to "see" this way when it's directly personal (one of the tragedies of his and Denethor's relationship is that their shared mental powers do not enable either to realize how much they love each other). But it also doesn't seem like he's trying to overcome Éowyn's mental resistance the way he was with Gollum, and possibly Frodo and Sam—he does handle it a bit differently when it's not a matter of critical military urgency. With Éowyn, he sees what his abilities make clear to him, is interested enough to seek out Merry (and also perceive more than Merry says, because Faramir has never been a normal person one day in his life) but doesn't seem to really push either of them.
So I tend to imagine that with someone like Faramir, Denethor, Aragorn etc, we're usually seeing a relatively passive, natural form of low-grade telepathy that simply derives from their fundamental nature and personalities (as we see in Faramir with Éowyn, possibly Faramir with Aragorn). That can be kicked up to more powerful, forceful telepathy via active exertion of the will (as described by Gandalf wrt Denethor's ability to "bend[] his will thither" to see what passes in others' minds, and seen with Faramir vs Gollum, Aragorn vs the Mouth of Sauron, more subtly Faramir vs Denethor). At a high point of strain this can be done very aggressively or defensively (Denethor vs Gandalf, Denethor vs Saruman, Denethor vs Sauron seriously is there a Maia that man won't fight, Faramir vs the Black Breath given his completely unique symptoms that Aragorn attributes to his "staunch will", possibly Aragorn vs the Black Breath in a healing capacity...).
Anyway, I hope these massive walls of text are helpful or interesting! Thanks for the ask :)
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sofiaruelle · 8 months
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“In order to get this, I had to survive this” trend on twitter.
10 years of hard work and im still cunty, bby.
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morrigan-sims · 3 months
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The Noble House of Lockwood
Lord Alistair Lockwood, his wife Lady Evangeline Lockwood, and their children: Silas, Byron, and Theodore Lockwood.
Lord Alistair Lockwood
Current head of the Lockwood Estate.
Wood Elf.
Extremely wealthy.
Member of the ruling council of Arborcea.
Takes great (too much) pride in his house, name, and family.
Has a short temper and is quick to bring it out on those who displease him.
Loves his [legitimate] sons, although he's not good at showing it, at least not in healthy ways.
Had an affair with a human woman ~27 years ago that resulted in Rook's birth.
One of the key players in placing Arborcea under Elven rule.
Very well-respected among the other nobles.
Stubborn and prideful, even arrogant. (His eldest son, Silas, takes after him in this regard.)
Despite his prominent place on the council, he hungers for more. More power, more wealth, more influence.
Very traditionalist/old-fashioned.
A strict father, but well-respect and even idolized by his [legitimate] sons.
Lady Evangeline Lockwood
Lady of the Lockwood Estate.
Eldest daughter of another of Arborcea's noble houses.
High Elf.
Her and Alistair's marriage was an arranged one for politics and money, not love.
Strongly begrudges Alistair for the affair that led to Rook's existence, and has not forgiven him yet. (26 years is a blink of an eye for an elf.)
Despite this, will forever and always keep up appearances of a happy and faithful couple. (Even when they are alone, she hardly ever shows her displeasure with Alistair.)
Was thrilled when Rook ran away, because it meant that there was no longer a constant reminder of her husband's infidelity and shame wandering the halls of her house.
Vain, and always fishing for compliments from everyone around her.
Cleverer than she lets on.
Her sons are her greatest love and pride. They can do (almost) no wrong in her eyes. (However, damaging the image of house Lockwood does count as wrong.)
Has tea gatherings with the other noble ladies where they talk shit about anything and anyone.
Very strict mistress to the servants and anyone in her employ.
Also a strict mother, though much more loving.
Silas Lockwood
The oldest Lockwood brother.
The closest thing to a "rebellious" kid the [legitimate] Lockwood family has.
Stereotypical "popular kid": has a ton of friends and is always the center of attention despite being a dick to most people.
Is rarely at home, usually off "adventuring" (aka, paying other people to do the real work, then let him come in and deal the final blow and taking the credit.)
Excellent fencer, but initially trained for dueling competitions for entertainment, not lethality. His style is kind of exaggeratedly showy because of this.
When he's not adventuring or dueling, he's usually in a tavern, slightly drunk and surrounded by "20 of his closest friends". (or "friends"... most of them are using him or he's using them. He's aware of this and doesn't care.)
Has his father's short temper and intense pride. Can never walk away from a fight.
Hates nothing more than losing/being humiliated.
Byron Lockwood
Middle child, often overlooked in favor of his siblings.
Most boring/practical of the kids.
Doesn't really know what he wants in life.
Doomed to always be out-shined by Silas or Theo.
Totally not bitter about it.
Currently engaged to the daughter of another noble house.
Wants to inherit the title of Lord Lockwood, and is offended that someone as irresponsible as Silas would get it.
Perfectionist. Expects the best from everyone around him at all times.
The only Lockwood kid with a "real" job. (Manages some of his father's interests in a handful of shipping companies based in Arborcea.)
Think of the stereotypical shitty boss: Greedy, ambitious, treats his underlings like tools not people.
Theodore "Theo" Lockwood
The youngest Lockwood brother.
His parents' favorite.
Mama's boy, has Lady Lockwood wrapped around his finger and he knows it.
Spoiled youngest child. Is used to getting everything he wants whenever he wants it.
Will get very upset if his desires are not met.
Has spent the last few decades attending various kind of universities for degrees in all sorts of things. (the perks of being an elf and super rich, I guess.)
When asked about his plans "after schooling", he just does a kind of vague handwave and starts rambling about "research projects", but can't give any straight answers.
Will probably end up as some kind of weird professor/research funder: Ultra wealthy, multiple PHDs, "inventor" (but really just pays people to invent things for him), more than a little bit of a jerk. All his future students will come in so thrilled to meet this famous guy who's done so much impressive shit, but end up leaving disillusioned about their idol.
Not as smart as he seems. More than possibly has paid his way through at least a few of his classes/degrees.
As an academic will almost certainly plagiarize most or all of his work.
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
Part of why I hate this fandom's take on Autobots vs Decepticons is ppl (mainly 'con fans honestly) who can't have any nuance of the situation whatsoever and love to write plots like "oh the humans are racist and abusive towards Cybertronians so this is how Megatron is right" no actually I don't think colonialism/imperialism and racism are justified so long as you can point the finger and say "they were the aggressors first" or "their hands are no cleaner than ours bc their society sucks too" sorry. Please come up with better sociopolitical narratives in your war story.
#squiggposting#i'm too tired to like actually care about this any more#and ppl's fandom takes don't necessarily represent their IRL views#but i'm just like. oh so i see that you want to write mature stories with politics and dealing with bigotry. that's cool!#now do it in a way that actually refutes bigotry and makes some sort of attempt at resolution#bc 'oh humans are just as bad and evil so it's fine if we colonize them' isn't the pro-con take ppl think it is lkdsfjlsdkfs#honestly this is what john barber got right in his story even tho the politics in his became overbearing#at least he's like the one dude who rightfullly pointed out 'uhhh organics have history with cybertronians that makes them very justified#'in not trusting them'#but my mistake is expecting the average 'con fan to disengage from the 'revolution' part to talk about the racism and imperialism lmao#if ppl weren't cowards they would be able to write characters as problematic and bigots and imperialists#but still show their humanity and point out how the cycle of retribution needs to end at some point#and how killing everyone who ever did anything bad (esp for a race as long lived as theirs) isnt a sustainable model of society#that's my PROBLEM man like stop being COWARDS acknowledge that your heroes can be shitty ppl#instead of framing things as good guys vs bad guys and then framing absolution as being only for the good guys#what if good and bad didn't exist and we were all shitty in some way and none of us inherently deserve forgiveness. what then#what if you wrote a story where you had to deal with the reality of rehabilitating ppl who have genuinely done horrible things#what if you wanted to rehabilitate society but realized the majority of ppl in it are monsters. what then?#do you only extend forgiveness and peace to the ppl who got thru with no moral compromises?#do you want to kick the majority/almost all of your race to the curb and give them no mercy/second chances?#what if ppl wrote stories where sociopolitical issues had no good/bad guys and no easy solutions#what if ppl had the courage and ethical fortitude to say 'everyone here sucks actually'#anyways sorry for the rant
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randaccidents · 6 months
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evil hands rubbing together emote
Remember when I said in the PSA that Heartless gets worse? This is that worse. This is that deepest part of the pit the au gets. So that means TWs for: suicidal ideation, themes of attempted suicide, self harm
Its a little long because of the main event in focus BUT I can still give you the summary (proceeds to write the longest thing possible this arc is MASSIVE and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS to keep it coherent)
Relapse starts with the first argument between Heart and Perseverance since Apathy. Heart has been awake consistently for awhile, but his progress has been stagnating and Perseverance has Suspicions. Especially with how hungry Heart has gotten for affirmation that he is needed and wanted.
And like the Mind that he is he uses a brute force approach. Straight up demanding to know what's going on, because they have tried everything so clearly the problem must be Heart. (metaphorically he relapses into old habits of being too cold and inconsiderate)
While Penitence does smack him over it (overprotective smh), this brashness is more familiar to Heart than them tip toeing around him and he responds in kind (and anger. A Lot Of Anger.) Hilariously, Perseverance is pretty thrown off by the argument because its been MONTHS since he's been in one, while from Heart's perspective its only been a couple of weeks.
During the argument, Heart accidentally lets slip some concerning views he holds about himself, and when he tries to backpedal Perseverance grabs ahold of the words and goes "nope. dealing with our problems right here and now", so Heart lets loose with ALL of the emotions and negativity he felt in Apathy. YOU told me emotions weren't needed. I'm just doing what you told me to do and left the unwanted part of myself in Apathy.
And this admissions HORRIFIES Penitence, who had never asked about what Heart and Mind talked about during Apathy. Perseverance meanwhile is desperately backtracking and trying to take back words said months ago, but Heart just presses down further in his anger. Penitence attempts to break them apart and gets Heart's anger turned on him. YOU abandoned me in the pit and allowed Mind to insult me. You're equally at fault.
It's a rough argument. I also intend for Perseverance to unintentionally be manipulating Heart's emotions and guide him towards giving them a solid answer, and that Heart would notice this and get angrier. Because Perseverance is using the logical "if I can push him into messing up" and deliberately saying the most pointed little things. This is the WRONG THING TO DO because he triggers Heart, and its just like the pit again with Mind insulting and ignoring his emotions again. Although to be fair to Perseverance, Heart finally yells at him about how he doesn't want to be the Emotional Side anymore.
And Penitence jumps in with a YOU ABANDONED YOUR ROLE? It's mostly generalized horror at the very physical side effects on Heart, but to Heart it reads like a rejection of his autonomy and decisions. Because oh, he fucked up, now they know he was weak enough to give up. Part of the stagnation was that he doesn't feel like they've changed at all, and now his stupid emotions are getting him judged again. So, he doubles down. And also restarts the process of rejecting the Emotional Side. WHILE PERSEVERANCE AND PENITENCE ARE IN THE ROOM TALKING TO HIM. Heart is a really good actor when no one is paying attention to him properly.
This argument makes it pretty clear to Perseverance and Penitence that for all the progress they think they made, they forgot to make sure Heart experienced the same progress. Because Heart still doesn't think the Emotional Side is necessary.
Perseverance and Penitence try to argue Heart down from his decision. Perseverance's desperation makes him more blunt and cold, while Penitence keeps asking what rejection of the Emotional Side accomplishes. And boys, that is not what you want to tell a suicidal person. They're all falling into old habits of arguing with Penitence trying to break them up, and none of them notice Heart begin to physically fade as the argument drags on.
The argument only ends when Penitence bodily drags Perseverance out of the room. When he returns he finds Heart having relapsed. Not fully: they did leave a spark of hope in Heart that he is wanted. But enough to slip into random bouts of unconsciousness.
Yall read the chicken plush story yeah? This is a devastating blow to their progress. Penitence blames Perseverance for going with a brute force option. Perseverance blames himself for doing that instead of thinking things through. Heart refuses to meet Penitence's glance or willingly talk to him. It's a massive disaster.
Perseverance wants to apologize. Except. Penitence won't let him. Or talk to him. Or willingly interact with him. Or looking after him.
Penitence is using old tricks: when Heart and Mind argue, separate them and ignore the one at fault for a week (in a metaphorical sense relapsing into old habits). He blocks Perseverance from Heart's room even when he wants to apologize, look he tried with a plush even.
It is very similar to how Penitence physically separated them during ROE and after via Apathy, and how he ignored Heart then. I hope you see where this may be going.
Perseverance inevitably runs out of things to do, having fallen out of habit in the weeks Heart has been awake, and Heart believes that Mind hates him. Because while separation of the halves is a tried and true method, this is not a normal situation. Perseverance feels bad enough already and it fuels his already bad overwork and lack of self-care, and it leaves him alone with his thoughts because he needs to find a solution, this is his fault so its his problem to fix, and he finally has the correct information.
And when he runs out of things to do the only thing left is to sit in his room and think. And as he feared from the start, thoughts turn to emotions turn to tears. And Penitence isn't there to help him through the messy explosion of grief and guilt that has been bottled for months that he feels as physical symptoms. He tries to redirect himself towards logical thinking, but the last thing he was thinking about was Heart rejecting the Emotional Side, and it sends him careening down the entirely wrong spiral of thought, including a lot of questions that a less vulnerable him would have stopped dead in its tracks before he could ponder on them.
You know, questions like, say, "what are the benefits of rejecting something that fundamental to you?", or "is it really such a bad thing? he still fulfills his physical purpose.", or "can I do that too? its not something limited to Heart is it?"
Yeah. The Wrong Path Of Thought. With a disturbingly Logical Conclusion. If he rejects the Logical Side, replicates Heart's decision? He will have peace from his thoughts, it will prevent him from making another mistake with Heart, and he will be less of a burden on Penitence by removing the need to look after him. Three birds, one stone. He mentally frames it as protecting his halves from himself. He ignores that it would probably shatter Penitence the same way Heart already did.
He doesn't make the decision immediately, but the thought plagues him. Penitence doesn't notice his changed behaviour and continues to block him from Heart. There A Thought: Penitence might not notice if he does go through with it. Another Thought: did Heart also consider that when he rejected the Emotional Side?
(Ironically, Perseverance reaches a similar conclusion and reasoning that Heart did in Apathy from a different angle. It would help the other halves if I was only my Physical Function, because my Metaphysical Function is harmful because I am harmful. And no one would notice when I do fade away.)
And he might have done it that night, if not for a misshapen chicken plush sitting on his desk. Perseverance wants Heart to have his apology. It takes another day to figure out the time to sneak into Heart's room, leaving the plush behind with a kiss to its head.
He doesn't lock his door when he returns to his room, Penitence hasn't checked on him in nearly a week now and he's confident they won't come now. He lies down in bed and tries to reject the Logical Side.
Key word being tries. Like Heart he struggles for awhile against the instinct to shy away from internal rejection, and then another while longer struggling to actually commit the rejection because he keeps approaching it logically. It takes time for the emotions of loneliness and sadness and tiredness to actually take hold and begin hollowing his brain.
You read the chicken plush fic right? This is a reminder that you read the chicken plush fic. That Heart, feeling more accepted because of the plush clearly made for him, demands Penitence let Perseverance in. Penitence, sent by Heart to bring Perseverance, walks in on his attempt. He notices that something's different both because Perseverance has become a light sleeper and because Penitence has spent the last few months recording and becoming familiar with the relevant vital signs, and panics. He slaps Perseverance awake (left the trident in Heart's room and didn't want to waste time or worry Heart grabbing it), interrupting his attempt. It is its own shock when Perseverance, scarily slow to realize he's failed and been discovered, only responds to being shaken by rolling over and hiding his face, refusing to speak.
Perseverance remains hollow, flipping violently between blankly staring at a wall and quiet mutterings of his logical justifications for his actions, all seemingly without recognizing Penitence's presence. Penitence has to shake him out of bouts of too long zoning out, much too similar to Heart's unconsciousness and growing closer each time.
Penitence is left to make up excuses for Heart and attempt to prevent BOTH his halves from falling off the edge into rejection. Heart may be getting better, but Perseverance is getting worse at the same time. He starts struggling where before he had Perseverance's help, not quite knowing where some things in the house are kept as the house gets messier and messier. Heart keeps bugging him about Perseverance, and everything is falling apart around him faster than he thought it could. He's going through bandages and gauze faster than before and his arms are starting to tremble from how often he's cutting and tearing open wounds. He's caught himself considering his legs as a new canvas at night. He unlocks his drawer and stares at the bloody noose he buried inside every night before locking it away again. The smile he puts on for Heart grows frailer by the hour.
(and here's the part that I'm a lot more unclear about whoopsie)
Inevitably, Heart grows frustrated at Penitence's lies and dodging around the question and yells at him, starting another argument. Except its less of an argument and more shoving Penitence headfirst over his own edge (again) into a major mental breakdown because everything is falling apart and its all his fault for being neglectful and ignorant and now they both hate him as much as he hates himself and he can't handle the stress of two terminal patients alone and the noose is looking incredibly tempting right now doesnt Perseverance rejecting himself means he's given up and they can finally die?
Heart picks up that something is deathly wrong when Penitence crumples to the floor like a wet rag sobbing and clawing blindly at his throat. Because the Soul he remembers is much more resilient than this and can take being yelled at. The Soul he remembers doesn't break down in front of him in pained screaming and turn violent hands on themself.
Heart shoves himself off the bed to stop and comfort Penitence, and finds out what's been happening in the house over the past few days from their shattered whimpers. With some difficulty, Heart manages to convince Penitence to let him try something, calming him slightly, and Penitence carries Heart (and his chicken! the chicken is important) to Perseverance's room.
A little bit mentally unclear on this sequence, but I want Heart to sit next to Perseverance and hug him, chicken placed in its lap, to apologize for being cruel and ask him to come back so he can properly thank it for the gift. I want Penitence to sit on Perseverance's other side at Heart's insistence and quietly apologize to them both for neglecting them all like that and promising to do better. For Perseverance to slowly, with their encouragement and love, come back to them and start crying, quietly apologizing for starting another argument with Heart and all the insults he threw during Apathy, and for abandoning Penitence. For them to promise to do better by each other and help each other get better, because all of them almost shattered alone.
That this collective trio of support is going to be what breaks them out into the Recovery phase of Heartless. Because they were never going to heal without being a trio. It had to be Heart, Mind and Soul together helping each other.
(and of course, Heart asks Perseverance if it used one of his dang hoodies for the chicken, to its quiet embarrassment. yes it did. it got them all laughing as Heart shoved the chicken plush into its face in revenge.)
Oh and fun fact! This was the original ending of the AU, not inclusive of the healing. Before I decided I wanted the AU to involve healing, this was where the AU deadended. Heart fully relapses, Perseverance entirely gives up, Penitence upon discovering both of these hangs himself. But the healing is SO much more satisfying :D
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warlordfelwinter · 4 months
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FINE bungie i'll admit it you got me with the old tower and cayde ok
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astranauticus · 1 year
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Do mechanites cry?
#rolling with difficulty#vrla rwd#mrsn rwd#vr la rwd#mr sn rwd#art i made#yet another thing i drew then just fully forgot to post LMAO#man i had to listen to 3.7 like 3 times for this. goddammit#easter egg: the 4 big infernal books in the shelf all say contract law like its a textbook series i guess#the small one next to them says Doctor Faustus bc i was looking to my irl bookcase for inspiration#and the christopher marlowe play was one of my alevel lit texts#also i think it would be really funny if the devils have their own version of the story of the deal with the devil guy#honestly this may have been the kinda. last straw of my burnout cuz this was a lot of time spent on a lot of stuff im really not good at#and none of it turned out... exactly how i wanted but oh well. it is what it is#ok the kinda annoying thing about me spending far too fucking long drawing super emotional scenes like this is i kinda#desensitise myself to whatever im drawing. like i felt it the most with the demon possession comic i casually tossed into the discord#bc thats the exact kinda angst i personally LOVE but it just doesnt have the same punch after ive been staring at it for 5 hours straight#(anyway go read cal's fic about it its on ao3 and its bloody good)#all this to say. when i first listened to 3.7 and austin had that exchange of like#'noir can i ask you a lore question' 'sure..?' 'do mechanites cry?'#i straight up got fuckin CHILLS. and sometimes i forget that but i try to force myself not to
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musubiki · 6 months
how was playing hsr? was there anything that you liked in the game and the story?
ITS BEEN AMAZING AS EXPECTED!!!!!!!!! i actually havent played genshin in a while since starting it, i have no motivation to do the filler event while a perfectly good star rail is sitting there waiting to be played :')
but for mechanics, i love they have auto battle so you dont have to nessecarily sit there and invest in every little battle you gotta do....and i love that the resin (resin??) system is a lot more forgiving with a higher cap, lower cost, and allow for overflow...thats nice...i also love that the mc and starter units are very useful. im so emotionally attatched to the star rail crew so im glad they never have to leave my team !!!!
storywise im LOVING IT SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started playing it at the beginning of spring break 2 weeks ago and im almost all caught up!!! i went through belabog and penacony and now im just doing those leftover intermission main quests which im only now realizing i shouldve done before going to penacony LMAO
and of course.....danmarch....im so soft for them......and also i love sampo i cant wait to see what they do with him
#besides the star rail crew and sampo im not too attatched to anyone else#im very much a (what would happen in canon) type of player so the only units i REALLY want are himeko welt and imbibitor lunae#(and sampo)#everyone else i can go without#so this game is probably gonna be a lot better for my wallet#overall it just like it better than genshin minus the open world part#i like the story and characters...i like that you can play as bad guys while theyre still bad guys???? like blade and kafka???#cuz in genshin you always gotta redeem them somehow first before theyre playable#not here hueheuhe#also i love that they actually kill off playable characters#(spoilers from here on out)#i know were supposed to be all sad for fireflys death but honestly.......i didnt care about her too much LMAO#i was actually a little annoyed for the secret base part because her base was SO FUCKING DEEP IN ENEMY TERRITORY#i was like (damn bitch how far away is this shit??!)#that by the time we got to the emotional part i was just mad#i never liked characters where the game tries to like....force you to care about them#and its implied you have some super close relationship ESPECIALLY when you havent known them long#now if march died that would be a whole different story#but firefly??? i mean rip but i didnt really know her#im loving the penacony quest so far though#any setting where its like a place of mind tricks and gambling and spending money and sin is always so scary to me#especially the dream within a dream within a dream shit#the mind fuck aspect is always a good plot that i enjoy#i also love that theyre not afraid to upgrade units#like we have dan heng and the dragon dan heng#so characters arnt stagnent forever#everyday i hope we one day get to see a 5-star secret power march#cuz that girl has some shit going on i swear#i just did her luofu memory quest#and those fuckers in the garden of recollection............
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raiiny-bay · 7 months
it’s honestly kinda crazy to me that kel & co were literally the first OCs i ever made
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
just wondering, are we going to get anymore in the soft spot Simon series?
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i've got to be getting trolled at this point surely
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hulloitsdani · 1 month
Welp I had max dragon flowers on Altina for two minutes.
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
In your soulmate au I won't even feel bad for woowoo and vash if reader ever ends up getting pregnant and givin birth. They deserve this agony. 😤
Wait I'm embarrassed but I didn't even think of this...this is a game changer, anon you are so right.
Imagine years later them both whining because of the labor pain. You don't feel bad at all. They did it to themselves...sweet sweet revenge lmao
You actually scare the nurses because you laugh a bit between contractions, their all really confused but this is hilarious to you
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stergeon · 3 months
Hey ^^
Just finished catching up on the victors - just wanted to pop in and let you know that I'm enjoying it immensely and am very curious to see where you'll go with it.
Hope you have a great day ^^
thank you anon, i’m so glad you like it!!!! theoretically i’ll be updating Soon; chapter 4 is very close to being done and i’m extreeeemely excited for where it’s gonna go from there 😈
appreciate your message, thanks again for reaching out <3 hope you have a great day too!!
#sterge.eml#appreciate this message so much tbh. i’m very proud of that story#so nice to hear somebody likes it 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰#just hope i don’t lose people as ​it’s gonna get kind of uh. Ambitious#poor old man clod#between the boys and them girls ​i’ve been neglecting the vickyvesties for a minute now#i realized i had a problem with my pacing in my outline and had to restructure chapters 4 and 5#figured out i’d be introducing and resolving a conflict in the same chapter. can’t be doing that.#spent a long minute trying to sort that out#then when pride month hit i realized i was about to pull another femslash february and spend the month writing about an old man#so had to amend that and write a bunch of gay shit. you know how it goes.#but like a week ago somethin clicked and i figured out how to fix my issue with the chapter 🙌🙌🙌🙌#the vesties have been marinating for so long but now i’m ready to COOK!!!!!!!!#sooooo stoked for chapter 5… i’ve been waiting to write this chapter the whole time. i’m so excited about it.#i’m honestly struggling not to spoil shit ‘cause i’m so jazzed about what’s coming#i hope it lives up to how much i’ve hyped it up for myself ‘cause i cannot fucking wait to get to it#unfortunately i do think it will end up as six chapters now due to the pacing changes. oops.#back when i posted chapter one i said it would be three… shows what i know#can you believe i said i’d have an update schedule when i dropped the first two chapters. delusional of me.#i love lying#anyway. there’s more information about the situation with that story than anyone wanted or asked for lmao.#i should stop rambling in my tags so much but alas i don’t think i will.
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watchyourdigits · 11 months
no one asked, but fic updates and falloutober are postponed indefinitely while i deal with being dragged into my parents' shitshow
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emblazons · 1 year
hi marie, its me again <3 the anon with byler doubt haha ... you made such great points! and tysm for such a thorough response.
I am SO CURIOUS how do you think they'll get Mike and Will together? I think that's the aspect that has me doubting the most because it feels so so MESSY and they can very easily mess it all up if they aren't careful.
Explaining Mike's internalized homophobia etc might be something too difficult to unpack in just one season, on top of everything else going on as well with the world literally ending. I also don't know what the point was of having Mike say he loved Eleven if it wasn't true, what do you think they were trying to achieve with that?
Do we truly think she'd be okay with breaking up with Mike? And if the answer is yes, how will that affect Mike and El's dynamic going forward, you think? Will they really not only break up milkvan, but leave elmike underdeveloped in favor of Byler?
I look at the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan love triangle and that has been a mess for seasons now and still no resolution, so I don't know how they'll do it for Mike and Will. I fear they'll go for the "easy route" (aka milkvan endgame) to focus on the supernatural and other characters more. Because if Byler is endgame I feel like they'd need to devote a great chunk of the season to them in order to explain wth is going on with Mike specifically + giving him closure with El.
I suppose something else that gives me doubt is how Mike and Will have been sidelined in these last few seasons to give more screentime/protagonism to other characters and dynamics, so I don't know if I can fully believe the Duffers care THAT much about romantic!Byler if that makes sense.
Hopefully this all doesn't sound overly pessimistic or something, I am genuinely curious about your thoughts in some of these more like looking for reassurance tbh! Especially after reading your response to my first ask <3 TYSM once again!!
hello again!
To be honest, you've got a lot of questions that require separate (and equally detailed) responses, but...let me see if I can briefly explain each, and maybe link to other analyses I've done that might help make sense of why I say.
note: some of these are just my frankest opinions unfiltered, but I do have analytical reasons for all of them. Your questions are also asking things it's taken several rewatches and a year to sort through so...apologies if you just get the simplest version of the idea delineated here haha. also, a cut, because this got really long.
1: How do you think they'll get Mike and Will together? Transparently? I'm not really all that into specifics, because expecting specific things means I'm going to fall into the trap of thinking I'm the one writing it when I'm not and then say The Duffers "lied" or "messed up" because I expected something they never put in there. That said—in terms of plain setup, they will need to address the painting because that was a critical plot point from damn near minute one of S4, and now it's become fully integrated with not only Will's feelings for Mike, but Mike's own sense of El's feelings for him.
Beyond that...I think El will need to be the one to initiate the "complete" breakup, because she's the one who wanted space in the first place, the one who is repeatedly having her romantic partner paralleled to parental and tragic figures, the one refuses to be vulnerable & who built lies into their relationship...and the one whose general arc centers around reclaiming autonomy and choice from the men in her life. I also think Mike will be the one to initiate the romantic aspect, if its not a bit mutual.
2: Mike's internalized homophobia etc might be something too difficult to unpack in just one season - I disagree. We managed to sort through introducing Will's romantic feelings and sense of his queerness in a single season just fine...and Mike has had queer-coding show up throughout every season if you know what you're looking for.
The fact that this boy already has a one way sign into his closet, has repeatedly yelled about "boys only" every season AND shows clear signs of male attraction already has most people (even the supposed 'GA') suspicious of his sexuality, and combined with his devotion to will + the wider context, there are plenty of ways to introduce the idea of him liking boys explicitly that don't require any intense delineation...unless you expect them to say "he's gay" out loud, which they didn't do when Robin came out, and still haven't done for Will either...despite everyone knowing damn well they're gay.
3: I also don't know what the point was of having Mike say he loved Eleven if it wasn't true - I think that most of the breakdowns I've done of parentified!mike make clear that the love he has for her is somewhat genuine...though its being written as misplaced familial love, because he spent so much time believing he needed "a girl" to assuage his insecurities.
While I absolutely lean toward a gay!Mike reading myself, it's still clear even without a label that Mike's love mirrors Hopper's more than it resembles any of the love given by potential romantic partners to other women across the show—and Mike, given that he was being told by Will that El needed him to say he loved her for her to win, did what he thought was necessary to help her.
I do not think his love for her is a lie—I simply think it isn't romantic, and has now been so conflated with something negative in El's mind that it wouldn't matter if he mean't it romantically anyway. That said: narratively, Mike had to say he loved El because unless the fullness of what was expected (an I love you) was accomplished, it would hang over the story and any relationship Byler might have. El needed to hear it...so she could reject it, which she did.
4: Do we truly think she'd be okay with breaking up with Mike? yes. I think El will be absolutely 300000% just fine being broken up with Mike lmao. She has Hopper back now (who she was mourning the loss of, and therefore looking to fill with Mike emotionally), on top of having Max's "there's more to life than stupid boys" at the fore of her mind saving her.
Mike is also paralleled to parental and abusive figures in El's mind, on top of the fact that she has been keeping him at an emotional distance for the entirety of S4. Given that she and Lucas will probably also get closer in the search for Max...I'm quite sure she's not going to take it as hard as people imagine, especially given the fact that we already know she was happiest in S3 when they were broken up.
I also don't have any expectation of ElMike being super close friends (beyond party bonds + civility) either, which...I mean if you are I apologize but. I don't see that happening in canon, so them being developed deeply as friends before the show ends is not important to me as a plot point, and doesn't really have any canonical backing considering their ongoing lack of platonic connection outside of the necessary + lack of common interest. That's even a note thematically in the show...which means its makes sense for them not to be that close by the end of the narrative.
5: Steve/Nancy/Jonathan love triangle and that has been a mess for seasons now and still no resolution, so I don't know how they'll do it for Mike and Will. Truth be told, that love triangle has a resolution—Nancy has chosen Jonathan, and continues to, even though she flirted with Steve when she felt lonely. Nancy's arc has always centered around choosing something different than her parents and has from S1—her brief flirtation with Steve aside, her loyalty to Jonathan hasn't changed, though they are absolutely not a perfect couple.
If anything, the end of S4 set up Jonathan and Steve learning to be friends less so than anything implying Nancy might choose Steve instead—Jonathan is finally in a narrative position to choose something for himself now which frees him up to be honest with Nancy, and even outside of that, Nancy is far more likely to end up with single than she is with Steve—which is the exact opposite of how they've set up Mike to be with Will rather than El over the course of the season.
6: I fear they'll go for the "easy route" (aka milkvan endgame) to focus on the supernatural and other characters more. I don't agree. The supernatual plot has always been well-integrated with the romantic elements in every couple across the board, from Mike's "first love lost" energy happening when El disappeared in S1, Lumax bonding in S2 in a fight with demodogs, Jancy's bonding across S2-3 happening in the lab seeing the gate, while Will was un-possessed, and while they fought the thing monster in the hospital....and Jopper in Russia fighting a demogorgon in S4.
The Duffers have never slacked in setting up their romances in conjunction with the supernatual plots, and there's no reason to think they're gonna start with Byler, especially given Will's mirroring of Vecna/Henry, the way the day his disappeared is the day the UD is frozen, and how he's the one who can sense him...while now having Mike glued to his side.
7: if Byler is endgame I feel like they'd need to devote a great chunk of the season to them in order to explain wth is going on with Mike specifically + giving him closure with El. The 5th season is going to bring all of the characters together again, and they've already said Will is central to that. I've written before about the reason why they had to sideline Will in their plot to make a narrative point, but regardless...like I said before, if you know how to read subtext, Mike being queer won't come as all that much of a surprise.
Note: I've done several (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) analyses on Mike and his arc, which might help.
Beyond that...again, I honestly don't think The Duffers care much to make ElMike besties like fanon seems to think they should be (they haven't done it with any of the other romantic couples they've broken up) so...closure can include civility and acceptance for them the way it did S2 Steve with Jancy, imo. What Mike needs most is to gain the courage to accept himself and realize he doesn't need a girl to assuage his insecurities—and him being casual friends with El the same way he is casually supportive canonically with Max makes more sense than trying to skirt over all the mess of their relationship for the sake of an attached fandom ☠️
—that was a lot to cover, but hopefully that cleared up my position on a lot of your questions? I would also encourage you to take a look at my ST commentary tag & analyses highlights list (soon to be updated again) and even my asks for more context, on top of maybe giving the show a rewatch in its entirety if you can.
Sidebar: I also encourage you to dig into my Duffer Brothers tag and commentary (see bottom of the page), because knowing who made the show is just as helpful as understanding the show itself.
Its really easy to get caught in other people's wants and headcanons for the show if you don't keep going back to it yourself, so—as lovingly as possible, I really do encourage you to just sit and watch it with the "byler knowledge" you have from users like me, your other fave analysts, and maybe some of the "old guard" like @kaypeace21, who was integral in my own development of opinions before I dug in for myself. If you're ever doubting, that's always your best bet.
That said: It's literally impossible to summarize a framework crossing nearly 37 hours of TV in a single ask (or even 20)...which is why I've got almost a year worth of posts about it (and have evolved my depth of understanding dramatically over time).
The same way you can't spark notes your way through a degree without missing a lot of context, even me saying this with evidence won't help a lot if you haven't dug into it yourself—and doubt will repeatedly creep in if you're trusting me over the show itself, even though the show is where I've pulled all this from lmao.
—this got really long, but....I hope it helped. And again, sorry if I seemed short anywhere lmao. This was a lot to cover. Still, as always, thanks for the ask!
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