#(it's safe to say Mokuba DID NOT tell his brother about this AT ALL and is thankful it did not get recorded LOL
universestreasures · 6 months
Release: Future Force! (Drabble)
(Note: This drabble is a 'canon' event for my Mokuba (both anime and manga wise, though it is written in the context of the manga for this drabble) as well as Tasuku and Gao's Yu-Gi-Oh! verses. What that means is this event might be referred by all three of them during interactions they have in these verses. This, though, as with my other headcanons or elements involving Mokuba and his friend group, can be discussed on the individual level if it is something my writing partner is not comfortable with having occurred for whatever reason)
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Man, he didn't expect to be so busy. While Mokuba expected the disputes between Battle City competitors to be a moderate occurrence, mainly due to the ante rule his brother imposed, he wasn't prepared for just how many he'd have to do back-to-back not too long after the event started. It seemed like left and right he was running into issue upon issue. Did these duelists have no honor?
Regardless of his slight irritation, he does his job well. His elder brother trusted him with this position, and he wasn't about to let him down. Not only that, he felt a sense a pride being able to have such an important part in the tournament despite not being a competitor himself. He was helping make sure his brother's hard work wasn't going to be ruined by some sore losers or cheaters.
Mokuba now finds himself in one of the many alleyways of Domino City, places that he had quickly noticed became somewhat popular dueling spots for duelists looking to cause trouble. After all, being away from the central areas of the city meant there were fewer eyes on them. Well, as far as they knew, anyway. Kaiba Corporation had security cameras placed all throughout the city, something not just for the tournament but also so they could monitor anything in the future since his brother was now the city's official owner.
It doesn't take him long to find more duelists, or rather, a group of them. Weirdly enough, all of them were dressed in what appeared to be black robes, the group giving off a pretty creepy vibe if you asked the kid. That's when it hit him though, the realization that he might have just found who his brother had intended to lure with this tournament in the first place: The Ghouls.
They certainly matched the vibe of what had been reported about them through the media, and looking at their faces, Mokuba didn't recognize any of them from the registration list. He personally reviewed each and every duelist they invited to ensure he could recognize them while in the field. These guys didn't match up at all with anyone he reviewed, and yet, they had duel disks on their arms anyway. Seems like he hit the jackpot.
Mokuba moves then to take out his phone, fully intending to contact his brother that he found who he was looking for. Sadly, his idea is interrupted as soon as the group finally turns around and spots him. Seeing their creepy eyes made the pre-teen groan in disgust, all his instincts telling him it was time to get out of there now.
"Hey isn't that Seto Kaiba's bratty little brother?"
"What's he doing alone out here?"
"Who cares!? That kid's our ticket to one of our biggest targets! We can use him to lure about his brother!"
"Get him boys!!!"
Without delay, the group of five immediately begin to charge forward towards the younger Kaiba, who then starts to give chase himself. As he is running, he attempts to call out for help through Kaiba Corp's security team, knowing even with his recently taught self-defense skills, he wouldn't be able to fight back effectively, especially with a group this big.
Sadly almost before he can exit the alley and go back into the open streets of the city, a few of the men manage to block his view, having managed to pass him. In the shock of being stopped in his tracks, his cell phone drops his hands. Mokuba quickly tries to grab it before the effort is in vain as one of the Ghouls crushes it under his foot. This meant his location could no longer be tracked and he had no way of calling backup.
Oh, he really was in hot water now...or so he thought.
"Hey! Isn't five against one just a little unfair, guys?"
The group, along with Mokuba, then look over in the direction of the voice. The new individual on the scene was seemingly being framed by the harsh sunlight overhead, its light almost overpowering their sight. However, it didn't take the youngest Kaiba long to figure out who it was, for the voice and that silhouette he'd know anywhere by now.
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"Whose this bratt? One of your little friends trying to play hero, huh?"
"Keh...Not quite..."
The confidence brimming off of his friend's voice and his sharp grin was striking, one that reminded the younger kid of his big brother. That confidence of Gao's was soon followed by him starting to remove his jacket, an action that seemed to cause a slight gasp of joy to escape his lips before it turned into a grin of his own. For he knew exactly what was about to go down.
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"Eclipsing the darkness with flames...and brightening the hearts of the mistreated..."
"Oh, you guys are so in it for now..."
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"The Mighty Sun Fighter is here...!!!"
"Now then, why don't I even things up a bit? After all, it wouldn't be fair to expect my pal to fight a whole mess of thugs at once, right?"
Mokuba could see the Ghouls getting no doubt annoyed by his friend's speech and 'theatrics', certainly underestimating him. Well, they were going to be in for a surprise for their foolishness, then. Since it was clear they did not know they were dealing with a martial arts national champion who had competed and won against adults countless times. If they did, they surely would have run off by now.
"Alright, you're asking for it, tough guy!"
That's when two of the five members then carelessly charged forward, preparing to grab Gao and no doubt subdue him. This, of course, the Mighty Fun Sighter saw coming, for he caught both of the men's arms, one in each hand, before flipping them both to the hard concrete ground.
"Nice one, Gao!" Mokuba exclaims as the rest of the creeps looked on in absolute shock. The younger Kaiba decides to take this chance to make his move, setting his sights on the two card hunters in front of him. He remembers what Gao's mother, one of his self-defense senseis, told him about dealing with guys like this. That one must be smart with what they use to attack with and where and when they wish to strike.
He then rushes forward towards one of the two thugs, lashing out his leg to kick him in the most sensitive spot he can think of: the crouch. His hit was hard, so hard that it caused the one Ghoul to stumble and crash into the other one, both falling to the ground. Mokuba smirks a bit in victory before heading over to join his friend, the two standing back to back.
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"Keh. Guess you Ghouls ain't so tough, after all! If you think we're bad, just wait til my big brother finds you guys! He's going to eliminate all of you with his new power!" He then turns his head back towards his friend. "Come on, Gao! Let's get out of here!"
"Don't think you've won so easily, bratts!"
That's when, out of nowhere, a whole horde of Ghouls appeared on the rooftops, causing both kids' eyes to widen in shock. They quickly slide down the walls and surround the gaming duo, the entire group seeming to have tripled in size. Seems like during the commotion the two kids caused, the leader called for backup. Guess they really did speak too soon and should have just made a run for it the second they cleared the way forward.
"Got any bright ideas, Gao?"
"N-Not yet...but don't worry, Mokuba. We just gotta keep our cool and figure out how we can beat these guys!"
As the horde of hunters starts to take steps forward, both boys start to sweat. Mokuba tried to think of a way out of this, but he just couldn't. Not with this many people! Maybe he should have taken his brother's advice to have a bodyguard or two with him.
Suddenly though, as if answering the two kids prayers, the entire alley is cast in an orange barrier, one that seemingly blocked the only exit out of there. The forcefield not only seemingly trapped them all, but also caused all the security cameras to go temporarily offline, so what happened next could not be recorded. Everyone, including the two kids, looked to the sky, confused as to what was going on. Though, it didn't take a certain Buddyfighter too long piece it together.
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"Hey...I know what this is. This is a Buddy Police Barrier!"
"A Buddy Police...Barrier? Then...does that mean-"
"Mind if I step in?"
That's when, as quick as the wind, Tasuku Ryuenji descends from the sky on the green rings from Jack's Buddy Skill, the sight causing the two boys to grin and the Ghouls to grit their teeth in anger. The Buddy Police had been the leading organization investigating the Ghoul's activities for some time now. So, it's only natural they'd show up at some point during the tournament. Mokuba was just surprised it was so soon. He certainly didn't leak his brother's plan to his friend. Did someone on the staff did, or did they figure it out from their own intel?
Speculation on that would have to wait as they had some creeps to deal with. The officer landed in front of the two boys, the Star Pulsar floating near him as well. Mokuba looked at the device with some curiosity, it seemingly having been upgraded since the last time he saw it. Was it because of the collaboration between the Amanosuzu Group and Kaiba Corporation? More questions he'd have to save for later.
"Tasuku Ryuenji...The Buddy Police Boy Wonder...Should have figured you'd show your face around here and use this cheap trick of yours..."
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"My Buddy Police Barrier is no trick. You criminals can't run now." As the foes try and fail to escape the area, he then glances over his shoulder to his friends. He provides them a reassuring nod before looking back at the group's current leader. "As I see it, you Ghouls have two options before you. Surrender yourselves or else...accept my gaming challenge! I'll fight each and every single one of you if I have to!"
The Buddy Cop's words, accompanied by the serious glare of his ruby hues, are met with laughter by the group of Ghouls. Mokuba and Gao, in contrast, could only look at the other in admiration. The youngest Kaiba could feel the raw power of Tasuku's strength in the air, similar to how he could feel his big brother's. It made him wonder what would happen if the two of them clashed in the gaming area.
"You sure are bold Buddy Cop. I'll give you that...but...I think I got another option that's much...much more fun..."
Without any warning, that is when both Mokuba and Gao are grabbed by two pairs of hunters, strong-armed with guns pointed at their heads. Both of them attempted to break free, but the other's grip was just too tight. They made sure especially to be tight on both Gao's arms and Mokuba's legs, the two body parts they used in the earlier fight.
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"Gao!!! Mokuba!!!" Tasuku shouts as he turns around and notices his friends' current conditions, his eyes widening as soon as he sees the weapons in their hands. "You...You bastards! Leave them out of this! Your battle is with me!"
"One of the first rules of gaming is that you should never play by your opponent's rules. Even if you'd stand no chance, we don't have time for you to battle every single one of us! So, be a good little boy and lower that barrier and hand over your Jackknife Dragon, or else these bratt's blood will spill!"
The sound of the gun's trigger being slightly pulled, but not enough to fire, causes Mokuba's heart to race in his ears, his breath increases, and his palms to start to sweat. He remembers that sound, it was the sound Pegasus' men had when he was kidnapped. Being restrained like this by the enemy reminds him of that instance too. It was happening again, he had allowed himself to get foolishly caught off guard and held hostage, but this time...he had no key, no 'saving grace' to prevent him from being kept alive.
He was...in true danger, at gunpoint with no Seto in sight or way to contact him. He was...He was going to...
"I..won't forgive you..."
The youngest Kaiba looks up then, the voice of his friend seemingly overlapping with the voice of his elder brother. It wasn't just his voice that was off. Mokuba can visualize it...visualize Seto's image overlayed with his friend's. Was his mind playing tricks on him because he was so stressed, or was it that Tasuku's strength was truly similar of that to his elder brothers, akin to that of a mighty dragon?
The boy's contemplation, along with the criminal's movements, was paused soon as a strange light noise began emitting from the Star Pulsar. The sounds were akin to that of locks being released, the clicking sharp. Then everyone in the area bore witness to the device slowly changing its appearance, with its inner machinery being revealed.
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"What the..?" Mokuba thought to himself as he watched. "His Core Deck Case...is transforming?"
The green and blue electronic panels that were once hidden beneath the yellow exterior of the Star Pulsar soon began to cast a golden light. The glow not only blinded everyone around them, but also began radiating from Tasuku as well. With squinted eyes, both Gao and Mokuba see what happens next, a sight that seemed...impossible. For Tasuku's hair began to grow long, and his Buddyfight cards turned into light and were now floating around him on their own, similar to how they were in Lady Suzuha's live demonstration of the Core Deck Cases' holographic technology not too long ago. The cards then went back into his deck, as if they had just been shuffled for battle.
Though, as they would all soon find out, this wasn't a mere light show. Instead it was a miraculous power Tasuku has had dormant inside of him, a power hailing from the potential and strength of his future self. He just wasn't ready to awaken it until this moment, the moment he truly needed it to save those he cherished now in the present.
The blinding light begins to wane, and as it does, the Ghouls all stare in shock at the boy's power and change in appearance. They all started mumbling to themselves, wondering what this was, but they soon would have their answer. They would all bear witness to the full capacity of the power the young boy dubbed 'The Boy of Destiny' possesses: The Future Force.
"This...is..." Tasuku goes to draw one of the cards from his deck. The card soon vanishes and becomes replaced by a much larger object. A large halberd sword with a golden hilt manifests before him, along with silver armor for his arms and legs. With the Buddy Cop now equipped with protection, he grabs the blade in both his hands and picks it up with ease. Moving to swipe the sword causes the Ghouls to jump back to dodge, a massive gust of wind being felt with the huge blade's motion. The sight of this elicits shock from everyone around them, but especially Gao and Mokuba who also recognized the weapon itself.
Their friend wasn't using just a random sword. Rather, it was the Buddyfight card...Dragonblade Dragobrave, the item card Gao gave to Tasuku upon the Sun Figher's victory and as thanks for Tasuku giving him his rare and one-of-a-kind Gargantua Punisher impact card.
"Did Tasuku just..."
"Make the cards real? B-But that's impossible! Not even my big brother's Solid Vision technology could do something like this!"
"Then maybe it's not tech at all, Mokuba...Maybe it's...magic."
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That word immediately elicits a flashing image in the boy's mind, of the golden eye of Pegasus had and the blinding light he was exposed to before everything for him went blank. He never quite learned just what had happened to him in between being in the cell and waking up in that room in the castle surrounded by Yugi Muto and his friends, but whatever it was wasn't natural. The same went for when he was put into a capsule by his brother's rival after having lost to him in a game of Capsule Monsters Chess. Could there be a connection somehow?
Tasuku then points his blade at the Ghouls holding the two younger gamers hostage, his teeth gritted intensely. The fierce glare of his ruby hues sends a shiver down the thug's spine, as it should. It felt as if a dragon had descended and was ready to tear them limb from limb.
"H-Hey...! Don't forget we're the ones with the advantage! One wrong step and we pull-"
"I cast, Dragon Crush!!!"
Before the miserable Ghoul holding Mokuba can finish his sentence, Tasuku has already taken another one of the cards and seemingly activated it. A blue dragon manifests from the card and quickly bites the hands holding the guns of both Ghouls one after the other. The humans were unharmed but the same could not be said for their weapons. The guns broke and turned into scrap metal on the cold stone ground, the sight causing the two Ghouls holding the two boys to loosen their grips on them somewhat.
Quick to notice the opportunity for escape, both Gao and Mokuba land kicks on their foes that cause their grip to be fully released. They then run back towards Tasuku, all three of them standing back to back to ensure none of them would be snuck up on again. All of their hearts were racing, since they were not entirely out of the woods just yet.
"You little bratts...! Don't think we're done with you yet!" That's when the kids see all their enemies take out their guns, the size of them seemingly bigger than the small handguns the other two had. They were all pointed right at them, with the sounds indicating they were locked and loaded.
"'When you play with fire, you're gonna get burned'. Seems like it's time someone teaches you that lesson..."
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"Get down!!!"
Tasuku, dropping Dragobrave which makes it vanish into light particles, grabs the shoulders of the two boys and pulls them to the ground. The Star Pulsar flies in front of the eldest, so Tasuku can draw another card he can use here to hopefully end this little charade once and for all, since it's obvious they don't want to fight with cards anymore.
"I cast, Red Dragon Shield!!!"
Just as the bullets are fired, unrelenting in their assault, a card in Tasuku's hand manifests in the form of a giant red shield with a dragon's head on it. The shield is placed over the kids like a dome, protecting them from the blasts. However, that was not the only thing the shield did, for in the game it has another ability than just 'negating an attack'.
Once the bullets hit the shield, they reflect off of it and start heading in the direction of the Ghouls who had no type of protection. Their own dirty weapons, which they unleashed on mere children, were now being used against them, the opposite of what they intended. Some of the stray bullets hit the ground or the walls, causing minor damage. Others hit some of the Ghouls themselves in non-lethal wounds, and were starting to drop to the ground like flies. Served them right for what they did.
"Remember it well, you outlaws. This is the blade of justice that terminates evil!"
After the commotion dies down, the shield dissipates. Gao helps Mokuba stand to his feet, with the two watching over Tasuku who was now standing above their fallen enemies. They all, including the group's head, cowered before him, as if they were frightened animals. Ruby hues with nothing but contempt stared them down as he made his final statement.
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"What was it you were saying about 'playing with fire'? Seems like us 'bratts' just taught you guys that lesson." He then looks to the entire group of them, his anger-filled eyes being clear for all to see. "And just so we're clear. If you or your allies ever go after my friends again, you will regret it."
After his last words had been spoken, the Buddy Police Barrier finally dropped as several helicopters and police cars flooded the scene. The floating Core Gadget then turns off, as does Tasuku's powers, resulting in his physical appearance returning to normal. He then looks over at Gao, his expression having softened since talking to the criminals.
"Gao, get Mokuba out of here and somewhere safe. We'll take things from here."
"You got it, man." Gao nods, understanding his friend's wishes and agreeing it be for the best. "Thanks for saving our hinds."
"Yeah, thanks...We owe you one big time." Mokuba says just before the Buddy Cop starts walking off, which is when he then speaks again to interrupt that motion. "Tasuku, wait! I need to know how you did all that! How did you make the cards-
"It's better you don't know, Mokuba."
Tasuku stops and turns to face the pair again, his eyes conveying his conviction on this matter despite not being fully able to answer the other's questions. He did not exactly have the full information as to how this happened either, but he is certain Jack would be able to provide some answers. The dragon always seemed to have one at times like this.
"Gaming is supposed to be fun. I don't want that to change for the both of you. Besides, you two have been through enough for one day." He pauses then before continuing on, the two kids seemingly understanding they won't get an answer out of him. "Now, please, don't tell anyone what happened here today, and be on guard, especially you, Mokuba. I wouldn't be shocked if more of these Ghouls come after you."
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"I know. I'm going to try and find Seto as soon as possible! With him around, no one will dare try to mess with me!"
"Sounds good. Take care you two. I hope our next meeting will be under better circumstances."
With that done, the boys take their leave. Gao, as Tasuku instructed, guided the younger to the safest location he could think of: Kaiba Corp HQ. It is there that Isano greets Mokuba and his friend, with the VP introducing Gao to his brother's right-hand man for the first time. The Kaiba's broken cell phone was then the topic of conversation, with both boys making up a story of it being accidentally stepped on after having dropped it while in the street. It was enough to be convincing, and Mokuba is provided a new phone right then and there, much to Gao's shock.
Mokuba then bids farewell to his friend, saying they'll hang out sometime after the tournament is over. Gao nods and gives him a high-five before running out to make it in time for his mom's class, something he was reminded of by the woman on the phone. It isn't too long before Mokuba himself heads back out in the city, making sure to grab a snack along with a pocket tazer and pepper spray before heading out. He made sure to bring proper safety equipment this time, even if he was proud of being able to implement some of what he learned from his self-defense classes today.
What transpired that morning would be something the gamer wouldn't ever forget. How could he after how insane it was? Keeping this under wraps from his brother was going to be tough, but knowing about it would just worry him more. He had a tournament to focus on that they both worked so hard into organzizing. Who was he to ruin that right out of the gate?
However, that doesn't mean his mind isn't curious as to the nature of both Tasuku's new ability and why he saw his brother's likeness in him. They would be questions he'd eventually get the answers to, but for now, he vows to continue to do his best as the Battle City Committee Chairmen, a job his brother especially assigned for him and him alone to do.
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halfamask · 4 months
Ok more mokuba serenity friendship stuff! No one asked but me but that’s who this blog is for!
Mokuba and serenity kinda happy that their brothers know about their friendship bc it’s not like they were keeping it secret but they weren’t exactly telling seto/Joey whom they were hanging out with either. Also bc it leads to great moments like “seto if you don’t go help fight yugi’s world domination set villain of the month I’ll tell serenity to tell Joey that you have a blue eyes plushie” and “Joey if you don’t help me clean this goddamn apartment so help me god I will tell mokuba to tell seto about the time you slipped and fell face first into your dinner plate”
Mokuba and serenity going to the mall together and serenity giving him fashion advice bc she’s a well dressed queen and his main fashion inspiration is unfortunately seto and business casual capes don’t really fit the high schooler aesthetic.
But serenity is used to being dirt poor and still has that mindset when she shops but plays it off super well she is the window shopping queen of “omg this is so cute I would commit unspeakable crimes to have this” *puts it back* She doesn’t necessarily resent having to do that but Mokuba “grew up taught that money and power are better than love” Kaiba adds particularly nice things to his mental “potentially buy as a birthday present and lie about the price tag” list.
Serenity is more well adjusted among normal society and kids than Mokuba so she’s definitely the one pretending to not notice that he’s alone in the classroom and no she totally just happened to pop in because she forgot something and “omg Mokuba you left your pencil case too? Anyway we’re going out for karaoke/shopping/boba/food hurry up and find it or you’ll be late!”
Much to Joey and Seto’s chagrin Yugi knew about this friendship wayyyy before they did. He’s seen them out before at malls/cafes/whatever and he’s always been friendly with them so he’ll stop by to say hi and he doesn’t mention it to Joey/kaiba bc he’s #not a narc, plus they actually seem like pretty good friends. Once instead of Yugi it’s atem that shows up and Mokuba’s head is spinning bc there’s something different about him right now and This is the guy that his brother totally does not have a crush on (found out about seto x atem yesterday leaning all the way into it)
Even though their sweet tooth is just the initial way they bond they totally research the cafes with the best cakes and will go to whole different cities just to try one dessert. Seto’s actually really glad mokuba has someone to do this with (bc he’s fs a “can’t eat sweets I need a protein shake” bro) and he can admit it’s nice to see his brother out of his shell. And Joey will never admit it under the pain of torture but he relaxes a bit knowing his baby sister is safe under kaibacorp bodyguards when she goes out bc he’s overprotective and so is seto but with more funds
Idk Joey and Seto not coming to love each other by any means but understanding each other better through their more well adjusted siblings. Never acknowledging it but bonding slightly over the fact that they succeeded, all their struggle so that their siblings could be carefree and laugh and be slightly normal worked and their friendship does in fact prove it. Also both being so overprotective that their siblings chafe against it and serenity-mokuba fs complain about their big bros together and Joey-seto don’t exactly share a commiserating grin but their long suffering eye roll at each other will do.
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
My free time thinking about any and all of my ocs is spent with incorrect quotes so have some for the ygo ocs I've sent to @kohakuhime for an eternity now lmfao.
Kat: You kidnapped Kaibas' little brother? That's illegal! Max: But, Kitty Girl, what's more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing little Mokuba, or destroying our chance at bringing Cecelia back? Kat: Kidnapping Mokuba Kaiba, Max!
Maddox: Hey, your boyfriend and Kaiba are in a screaming match outside, shouldn't you do something about it? Iris: You're right, I should. Iris: closes window Maddox: Iris: sips coffee in Not My Problem
Ellie to Raphael: I love sleeping with my head on your chest so I can hear you breathe. Alister to Iris: I recorded you snoring so you can hear how loud you are and why I can't sleep.
Kat: Okay, I found a foolproof method of figuring out if somebody's evil. Iris: And that is? Kat: If they don't like Ellie, they're evil. Iris: Yeah, that checks out.
Bakura: to Ryou and Kat Okay, I ruined your lives. But didn't you have fun? Bakura: Exactly. Relax.
Dartz: Anything you say in the next 30 seconds is free, starting now. Ellie: I think you're arrogant. A bad ruler. Manipulative. Twisted. You have a God Complex and don't think of anyone but yourself. Dartz: Alright-- Ellie: Wait, I still have 23 seconds and I'm not done.
Kaiba: Why do I keep you around? Iris: Because the alternative would be developing a conscience of your own.
Iris: Ah, yes, the five love languages. Iris: points to Maddox Touch starved. Iris: points to Kaiba My parents never told me they were proud of me. Iris: points to Kat I love Stuff. Iris: points to Raphael I'm so fuckin tired please God just let me rest for five minutes. Iris: points to Valon Hey, pay attention to me.
Kat: Why are you problematic? Bakura: Just for fun.
Kat: filming a video So, we've gotten to the point in our lives where my brother comes home and says, "Kitty girl! I brought home a potentially cursed item!" Max: The key word is "potentially." Kat: The key word is "CURSED"!!
Maddox: Why do you have a safe filled with passports? Rishid: In case we have to flee the country. Maddox: This…is really illegal, holy shit. Marik: putting on a fake mustache Then, I guess it's time for Ricardio Montalbaum to take a Mediterranean vacation.
Ellie: Alister, are you doing okay? Alister: Why? Ellie: You asked if painkillers work on emotions?
Seto: Did you tell anyone that we're dating? Kat: Yes, Seto, I have no self control and told everyone we're dating. Seto: Okay, no need for sarcasm. Kat: No, seriously, I have no control and I told everyone we know we're dating.
Raphael: I'm a gentleman. gestures to Ellie She's a feminist. As soon as I walk her home, she insists on walking me home. Raphael: We can't stop. Raphael: It's been 39 days.
Iris: I'm in love with you. Alister: We called off the prank war at midnight last night, dork. Iris: I know. Alister: Alister: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool--
Ellie: Don't hurt me! I'm married! Gurimo: Do you really think I care? Ellie: Oh, no, you misunderstood. That was a warning. Raphael: kicks the door down
Seto: sitting at his desk with paper and some fancy pens Love is a weakness. It's an evolutionary mistake. Iris: You're literally making Kat a Valentines Day card right now. Seto: You're on thin fucking ice, McGinnis.
Meredith: sees Joey hurt Oh, you poor thing! Joey: woozy from blood loss Ey, don't bring my financial status into this.
Rishid: Maddox, would you do me a favor? Maddox: I would literally die for you, but go on.
Kat: Seto? Seto: Yeah? What is it? Kat: Kat: Would you still love me if I was a worm? Seto: Seto: What-- Seto: Alright, you're going to have to define some things for me. Kat: A-alright? Seto: Is this you yourself morphing into a worm like in that stupid Beetlejuice movie, or is this you becoming a normal earthworm with your still consciousness or is this just you being a worm? Kat: All three. Seto: Okay. In the two scenarios where you keep your consciousness, where you're a you sized worm versus a normal sized worm, yes I'd still love you. If you just became a worm, though, I'd put you in a terrarium or something so you can live out the rest of your worm days comfortably. Kat: emotional My brother said it was a good idea dating you for a reason! Bakura: Hey, what if I became a worm? Kat: You would be smashed--
Alister: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Raphael: Let me guess; Iris said "I love you" and you said "Thanks"? Alister: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL--
Marik: Maddox, I keep telling you, I have no idea what this is about. Maddox: Oh, come off it, you know what you did. Marik: I've done a lot of things, Mads. I need to know which one you found out about!
Ellie: I'm so happy I could kiss you! Raphael: nervous laughter Neat. later Raphael: laying face down on his bed I can't believe I said "neat". Neat! Nobody says neat anymore! It's not neat to say neat, but I said it anyways! Valon: 'Ey, don't beat yourself up. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember wha' 'appened when Serenity kissed me? Alister: Alister: Didn't you say crikey? Valon: Valon: I said crikey.
Maddox: You know why you've never heard of a ghost haunting an apartment? Why there's never been an apartment ghost? Maddox: Cause I'll break this lease. Maddox: I don't care about this lease. I'm 24. Credit's not real to me yet. I'll move in today and move out today. I don't care. I own seven things, it'll take me forty three minutes. Maddox: I'll move back in with my Mom, she misses me.
Iris: Helpful grammar tip! Farther is for physical distance, further is for metaphorical distance and father is for emotional distance. Ellie: Ellie: deeply concerned Who hurt you? Iris: My father.
Everyone singing Happy Birthday to Seto Seto: It was a bit pitchy, but I'll let it slide. Iris: And you're a bit bitchy, but we never say anything out loud, because we're nice people. Seto: Seto: Fair enough.
Bakura: You can trust me. Let's not forget who broke you out of the hospital yesterday. Maddox: Let's not forget WHO SHOT ME!
Maddox: Were you and Iris kissing? Alister: What? N-no. Of course not! Raphael: Her lipstick's on your mouth. Alister: Alister: We happen to wear the same shade?
Raphael: eating something Raphael: Raphael: It's bananas. Ellie: setting this up to prank him, snickering proudly You hate bananas. Raphael: trying not to laugh Ellie. Raphael: I can't do bananas. You know I hate bananas. Ellie: still laughing I'm sorry. Raphael: smiling This was very low.
Iris: The last thing you want is to get on Alisters' bad side. Duke: There's a good side? Iris: Yes, and believe it or not, you're on it. Your tires aren't slashed, no dog turds in the mailbox and the nurses I work with don't think you have syphilis.
Kidnapper: on the phone Get me a hundred thousand in the next 24 hours if you want your little girlfriend back. Kat: in the background A HUNDRED TH-- YOU THINK I'M ONLY WORTH A HUNDRED THOUSAND!? Kidnapper: Kat: MAKE IT A BILLION! Seto: Kat, I swear to God--
Kat: My life was ruined the day I met Bakura. Bakura: For fucks sake, you asked me for help, darling, THAT'S ON YOU! Kat: I'm sorry, do you have the therapy stick?? Bakura: Bakura: No-- Kat: Then can it.
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Making It Work
@k-swisssh​ asked: Hi! I love you. 😍 can I request a Seto Kaiba scenario where his s/o is a secret agent. Maybe 3 letter agency. Like how would he deal w/ the secrecy. And how would he handle a situation where she has to leave on a moments notice or how she puts her job first the same as him? ❤️ 
Awwww I love you too darling :D Yes I can definitely do your request for you and I had lots of fun writing it! I hope you enjoy it!
Tumblr media
Another Friday gone, another problem solved. Wise words Ice Cube. Wise words.
As you made your way home from another long day at work, you sighed as you thought about your lover that you were going home to. The man who was your equal. The man whom you loved unconditionally. The man you hoped to marry someday.
Seto Kaiba.
To say your relationship was unique would be an understatement. Most people didn't understand why you two were together and how your arrangement worked especially with your respective careers. To be honest, you didn't understand either. Your job as an FBI agent required you to be on-call at all times and depending on the case, you could be away for months at a time.
While Seto knew what your job was, he didn't know the details of your job and you had to keep your cases and everything you did a secret because of how sensitive the information was. Not even your superiors knew the nature of your work. Seto also didn't know who you worked with and your phone calls and texts were private as well. In fact, you had two cell phones. One for work and one for personal use. Seto didn't know about your work phone and you weren't gonna tell him either.
Much to your shock, Seto handled the secrecy quite well unlike your previous partners. Usually anyone that you were dating would suspect you of cheating and didn't like how secretive you were. When you told Seto about your concerns and your past relationships, he simply stated that if he had an inkling that you would cheat on him, he wouldn't have approached you in the first place. Seto wasn't insecure in the slightest and he wasn't your babysitter. He loved your independence and the fact that you could look out for yourself.
Unfortunately having to leave at a moment's notice was another matter entirely. While Seto had the luxury of being his own boss and making time for you, you didn't have that luxury unless you were using your vacation or personal time. While it did have some very comedic moments, it also had some rather tense ones as well. Seto was understanding and knew what he signed up for so he never complained but that didn't stop you from feeling guilty and apologizing every time it happened. Seto would usually respond by brushing off your apology, wishing you a safe day, and pampering you when you arrived home.
Although you tried your utmost best to keep a steady balance between your career and Seto, it was pretty clear which one came first and the same was said for him and KaibaCorp. A match made in heaven right? On the surface, it would seem so. But deep down, you knew that there were cracks in your seemingly solid foundation.
You arrived back at the Kaiba Mansion and was greeted by Mokuba running up to you and hugging you. To say he shipped you and Seto was an understatement! Especially since you've saved his life more times than you can count. That was how you and Seto met by the way.
"Y/N! You're finally home! Seto's upstairs taking a shower and if you're hungry, there's leftovers in the fridge!"
"Thanks Mokie. I'll eat later. I gotta go see how your brother is doing first."
Mokuba groaned and rolled his eyes. He already knew what was coming next.
"Just keep it down you two! I would love a niece or nephew but that doesn't mean I wanna hear the making process!"
You blushed and just shook your head as you hurried up the stairs to the bedroom you shared with Seto only to see him in a Blue-Eyes style bathrobe and getting ready for bed. He couldn't have looked any more sexier!
Noticing your presence, Seto turned to you and gave you a small smile. That was a rare sight that only you were allowed to see and according to you, it was a sight gifted from God himself.
"Did you miss me?"
You had a sultry purr to your voice as you closed the door and sauntered over to Seto, messing with his bathrobe. Seto responded by chuckling and holding you close to him. You were wearing his favorite perfume which drove his senses into overload. His hands and fingers expertly undid your clothes and tossed them to the side, leaving you in the sexy lingerie that you liked to wear which Seto definitely didn't object to!
"Does this answer your question?"
You pulled Seto in for a kiss that was needy and passionate and he responded by grabbing your ass and picking you up before laying you down on the luxury king-sized bed and hovering over you.
"I think you need to explain your answers now a bit more. Come here handsome."
The next morning, you awoke in your post-coital bliss and despite your body being quite sore from your naughty activities with Seto, you were able to sit up and turned your head to see him still sleeping and looking quite peaceful.
Unwrapping yourself from around his arms, you went to the bathroom after putting on a bathrobe and began to brush your teeth when you noticed a ring on your finger that looked rather expensive and it had your birthstone too. What the hell?!
You quickly walked back into the bedroom and shook Seto awake. You had to laugh at his ridiculous bedhead and laugh you did until he threw a pillow at you to make you stop.
"You woke me up just to laugh at me?"
After regaining your composure, you looked at your groggy boyfriend and held up your hand with the ring on it.
"Mind explaining this?"
A few minutes of silence passed before Seto grabbed your arm and pulled you back into bed, hugging you close. He whispered those words that you never thought you would hear in your life and they made you gasp.
"Marry me."
You immediately pulled away and could feel tears running down your face. How could Seto want to marry you with how hectic your life was and how much your career was your life? You didn't work a typical 9 to 5 like Seto did and your job also put you in danger everyday. There was always a risk that you could be killed in the line of duty and you've been injured more times than you bothered to remember.
"Why? Even after everything that's happened and with how demanding my job is, why do you want to marry me?"
You knew Seto wasn't one for mushy words and there was no way in hell that he was gonna profess his undying love for you. But that didn't stop you from asking the question.
"Like I've told you numerous times Y/N, if I had an issue with your job, I wouldn't have approached you in the first place. I want to marry you because you're one of the only people on this planet that I can trust. You're authentic, loyal, and when I'm around you, I can finally relax. You make me feel secure and I want to give you that same feeling. So marry me Y/N. Become my wife."
Seto's words had you full-blown sobbing at this point and since you couldn't speak, you just settled for nodding your head and launched yourself at him, tackling him in a huge hug and showering him with kisses. But before you two could have a repeat of last night's events, you were interrupted by the ever-dreaded noise of your personal cell phone ringing and judging by the ringtone, you knew it was one of your fellow agents. Fuck!
"Oh fuck me senseless!"
"What do you think I was trying to do?"
"You're not making the situation any better Seto!"
Another day, another case. But as long as you were with your darling Seto who was now your fiance, you were determined to make things work and it was great that he felt the same way about your relationship.
You two were truly a match made in heaven after all.
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tortie-tales · 3 years
Friendship Ch. 6
I scrolled through my notifications, shocked. They were almost exclusively from Mokuba, who had called and messaged me over a hundred times.
I opened the group chat I was in and began to catch up. They were all related to my whereabouts, except for the last few;
Red Eyes: If anyone asks, (y/n) stayed home because she had diarrhea.
Dancer Girl: Couldn't you have thought of a better excuse, Joey?!
King of Games: I'm with Téa, couldn't we have just said that she wasn't feeling too good?
I groaned before typing up a quick response.
Psychopath: Gee, thanks, Joey. I'm fine guys, I was just sleeping all day.
I'm so happy we don't have school tomorrow, I thought to myself, dreading the homework I would have to catch up on tomorrow.
My stomach growled, reminding me of my original goal: food.
I sighed and stood up, stretching. I walked back into my bathroom and decided to try to fix my hair. I combed it back, only for it to look worse. I sighed and grabbed a hoodie off of my bed, pulling it on quickly.
I grabbed my wallet, only to see that I had five dollars left. No food for me, I guess.
I put my wallet back down and grabbed my laptop, deciding to instead spend this time looking for another job. I walked back out to the living room, hearing the brothers chatter quiet down once again.
"Thanks for checking on me-” I looked at Kaiba “-and breaking my window. You guys can stay if you want, but I'm not making any food or doing anything fun.” I sat down next to Kaiba and directed my attention to Mokuba. “Why did you call me so many times?”
“We were worried!” Mokuba exclaimed.
“Didn't you just say that you were hungry?” Kaiba asked, eyeing me. I shrugged.
“I guess I'm just not hungry anymore.” My stomach growled almost immediately as if it were protesting to my lie. My cheeks flushed slightly.
“..right,” Mokuba said, disbelief evident in his tone. “Seto, I'm hungry too. We should order a pizza!” His eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Absolutely not. You know how much I hate greasy foods,” Kaiba scoffed.
"But Seto, you shattered (y/n)’s window! The least you could do is order pizza for us!” Mokuba begged.
I laughed. “He has a point, you just cost me my deposit, which was two hundred dollars, not counting the repairs I'll have to pay for. Pizza is the least you could do,” I said, smiling. I shut my computer and turned my attention towards him. Mokuba perked up.
Your move, Kaiba.
“I already said no, if you’re that worried about the window I’ll just pay to have it replaced and refund your deposit,” he said cockily. Mokuba groaned.
“Sorry, I only take payment via pizza.”
Mokuba perked up once again, a wide grin spread across his face. He giggled.
Kaiba sighed. “Fine. Gather your things, we’re heading back.”
“Okay big brother. Bye (y/n),” Mokuba mumbled sadly.
“No, (y/n) is coming with us.”
“She is?” Mokuba jumped up off the chair.
“I am?”
“Yes. You wanted payment in pizza, correct?” I nodded, still not understanding why I would have to go to his house. “I refuse to look at that greasy peasant food, let alone let Mokuba consume it. My personal chef will be making us dinner tonight.”
“I appreciate it Kaiba, but it’s kind of late, and I don’t want to get back when it’s dark.”
“You could stay the night!” Mokuba exclaimed throwing his arms out and smacking Kaiba in the process. He gave a quick apology before redirecting his attention to me.
“Ah, that’s sweet of you, but I’m not sure about that,” I said, not knowing how to feel.
“You obviously don’t feel safe here,” Seto began, pinching the bridge of his nose, “you had a chair propped up against your front door and you tripped me with a bat. We have 24/7 security at the mansion, and I can guarantee that no one there will hurt you.”
“Plus your window is broken, so that makes it even less safe,” Mokuba added quietly. Kaiba shot him a glare.
They have a point…
“Alright, let me get some stuff packed.” I stood up and walked to my room, smiling at Mokuba’s cheers.
I stopped in the hallway, realization hitting me.
“Actually, I don’t want anyone stealing my stuff. You guys wouldn’t happen to have boards in your car, would you?” I asked sheepishly.
“I’ll get someone to take care of it,” Kaiba said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Hurry up and gather your things.”
“Alright, no need to rush me.” I went to my room and packed some clothes along with my chargers and laptop. I brushed my hair out and threw it up into a bun before returning to the brothers.
“I’m ready.”
Mokuba grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. “This is so exciting, Seto never lets me have friends over!”
The cold air made my skin tingle. I walked out onto the pavement and was surprised to see a sports car parked outside. “Did you drive that over here?” I asked Kaiba.
Kaiba scoffed. "How else do you think we got here?” he asked cockily, continuing to walk towards the bright blue car.
“Gee, I don't know, don't you guys have limos?” I asked sarcastically, a little annoyed with his behavior. I glanced at Mokuba, who seemed to share my frustrations.
Mokuba had a look of disbelief and irritation on his face, one that quickly turned into a mischievous grin. “Seto was so worried about you, (y/n), he couldn't trust our driver to get us here fast enough!” He gave us an innocent look before opening the passenger door for me. “Here you go, (y/n).”
“Thank you, Mokuba.” I got into the car, buckling my seatbelt and holding my bag on my lap.
I glanced at Kaiba, quickly looking away before he could accuse me of staring. I directed my attention at the window, watching the scenery fly by.
The ride to the mansion was short and silent, the only noise being the purr of the engine.
We finally arrived at the mansion, pulling in front of the building. Mokuba practically lept out of the car, running to the doors.
I got out of the car and swung my bag over my shoulder, smiling at Mokuba’s energetic outburst.
I waited for Kaiba to get out and walked with him towards the enormous building, opening the door for him.
“Where should I put my stuff?” I asked.
“Seto will show you to your room! What do you want on the pizza, (y/n)?” Mokuba asked, ecstatic.
“What about (favorite topping)?” I said, glancing at Kaiba. He looked tired and slightly annoyed.
“Sounds good to me! I’ll go ask Raymond to start on it!” Mokuba ran off, likely in the direction of the kitchen.
“Follow me,” Kaiba said quietly.
We walked for what seemed like forever before reaching a hallway with 2 doors on each side, and one at the end.
Kaiba opened the second door on the right, walking in and turning on the light. A bed was on the left side, with a dresser across from it.
“This will be your room for the night. Try not to mess it up too badly.” He rubbed the back of his neck, averting his gaze. “And, if you need to sleep here for more than one night, you’re welcome to do so. Mokuba appears to enjoy your company.”
I smiled. “Thank you, Kaiba. I really appreciate it. And thanks for checking up on me today, sorry if I made you worry.”
Kaiba locked eyes with me, his gaze softening. He opened his mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by Mokuba entering the room.
“Hey, uhh, big brother? Raymond quit.” Mokuba handed Kaiba a note.
“Unbelievable,” Kaiba muttered.
I tossed my bag on the bed and walked over to Mokuba. “Should we just order one?”
“No. I’ll make it myself.” Kaiba crumpled up the note and threw it into a waste bin before dramatically exiting the room. I quickly followed, afraid I would get lost in the endless halls.
We reached the front of the mansion, the glass coffee table in front of the couch looking at me threateningly.
“Do you want help, Kaiba?” I asked, still following him. We went through an archway which revealed a large kitchen.
“No, I do not need help, thank you. I think I am capable of making a pizza by myself.” Kaiba walked up to the fridge and got out several ingredients, mumbling to himself. The only words I could catch were ‘unreliable’ and ‘idiot’.
Mokuba walked up beside me, glancing up at me. “So, (y/n), do you want to play video games while we wait for Seto?”
“Sure, what do you want to play?” I grinned at Mokuba’s excited smile and followed him into the living room, watching him open a cabinet and look through the games.
I sat down on the couch, carefully walking around the glass coffee table.
“Do you want to play Mario Kart?!” Mokuba asked, his eyes shining.
“Sure,” I said, entertained by the idea of destroying this young child.
I let him win the first few rounds before I got serious. I easily beat him, flaunting my victory after the third win.
“I am the Mario Kart Queen!” I yelled, standing up and throwing my hands in the air. Mokuba giggled.
“The Queen, huh?” Kaiba walked into the living room, smiling slightly. I grinned at him.
“Yep. Care to challenge me for the title?” I asked, holding up a controller.
“Not today,” he said, walking over and sitting across from me. I smiled at him, happy he was talking to me a bit more than last time.
“Mokuba, can you set a timer for the pizza?” Kaiba asked. Mokuba nodded and grabbed his phone.
Mokuba and I played a few more rounds of Mario Kart. He gave up after I won for the fifth time in a row.
“So Seto, tell me more about that girl you fired today.” Mokuba was barely able to sit still, constantly moving around in anticipation of the pizza.
“She was incompetent, and I have no room for incompetent people at KaibaCorp,” he stated simply before sipping from his glass of water.
“What did she do wrong?” I asked curiously.
“Well, for starters she didn’t appreciate the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She had the audacity to tell me that it was just a card,” Kaiba looked up at me. “She also overlapped my appointments several times, and I had to do her job for her today.”
“I see. Was she your secretary?” I asked. Kaiba affirmed by nodding. “Does that mean you are looking for someone to replace her?”
“Are you interested?” Kaiba asked, raising an eyebrow. Mokuba was watching us intently.
I thought for a moment.
Do I really want to work for Kaiba?
Joey had always told me horror stories, but he didn’t seem that bad. Joey also exaggerated a lot, so something simple like Kaiba's taste in food probably offended him.
"Yes. Should I set up an appointment for an interview now? Or would you rather do that later on?” To say I was desperate for this job was an understatement. If I got it, it would take a lot off of my shoulders.
Mokuba and Kaiba looked at each other. Kaiba took a breath to respond before Mokuba quickly interrupted him.
"You're hired.”
“Mokuba, she's still in school. How is she possibly going to have time to work full-time as my secretary?”
Oh. I guess he has a point.
“But it would be perfect! You would get to see each other all the time!” Mokuba protested.
I sighed. “He has a point, Mokuba, I didn’t realize the job was full time. You're not offering any part-time jobs, are you?” I asked, still desperate. Kaiba thought for a moment.
“Do you want to scrub toilets?” he asked. Mokuba facepalmed.
"....how much does it pay?” I asked.
“Sixteen dollars an hour,” Kaiba stated simply.
“Done. I'm hired.” I stood up and stretched. “I feel like the pizza should have been done by now. Mokuba, how much time is left on the timer?”
Mokuba looked at his phone and paled. “I never pressed start.”
“Do you guys smell something burning?” I asked, looking at the kitchen. Black smoke became visible.
“Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!” Mokuba screamed.
“The pizza!!!!” I yelled, running into the kitchen. I threw the oven open only to be smacked in the face with the sun's heat and glory, along with a ton of smoke. I started coughing and grabbed the pizza, desperate to save it.
The pan burned my hand, and I yelled, dropping the pizza. The pain was intense, but it hurt more to know that my food was willing to hurt me in that way.
“What are you doing?!” Kaiba yelled, startling me. He put on an oven mitt and put the pizza on the stove.
“Saving the pizza,” I said, coughing a little. Kaiba sighed and opened a window. He walked over to the sink and turned the water on.
“Put your hand under the water,” he said, walking back to the burnt pizza. I followed his directions quietly, looking back at him. He shook his head and shoved the pizza aside.
I stood there for a few minutes. He walked over to me and turned the tap off, gently grabbing my wrist. He looked at my hand and shook his head once again.
“Come on.” Kaiba walked out of the kitchen. “Mokuba, order a pizza.”
Mokuba cheered and ran for his phone.
I followed Kaiba through the mansion, keeping my burnt hand close to myself. We reached a familiar hallway, entering the second door on the left.
We entered the master bedroom. There was a bed with a dark blue comforter on the right side of the wall, a window at the back of the room, and a door on the left of the room.
“Sit down,” he said, opening the door. He walked into a bathroom and opened a cupboard.
“Where?” I asked, glancing around.
“On the bed.” Kaiba walked back to me with a first aid kit.
He sat on the bed next to me and tenderly took my hand in his. I looked away, my cheeks warm, trying to ignore how his rough hands fit perfectly around my own.
“It’s fine, you know. The burn isn’t even that bad, it’s not like I’m going to die,” I mumbled. I glanced over at him and watched him completely ignore me, continuing to treat my burn. He lightly wrapped it in gauze. When done, he sat there holding my hand, saying nothing.
"Enlighten me: why did you grab the pizza pan with your bare hand?" he asked in disbelief.
"It was burning??" I said, confused.
"There were oven mitts right there." His eyes pierced into my soul, analyzing my very being.
"Well, Kaiba, I wasn't looking for oven mitts, I was saving the pizza." He looked irritated at my response, removing his right hand from mine and pinching the bridge of his nose, his left hand remaining on mine.
Kaiba let out a deep sigh and stood up, pulling me with him. "Let's go see what Mokuba ordered."
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break-slash · 4 years
[ENG Translation] The Past and The Future
This is one of my favorite Puzzleshipping fancomics on Pixiv. Translated with permission from the artist. Please do not scanlate it unless you have asked permission to the artist directly.
[Page 2]
Egypt, The Valley of The Kings
Driver: We will soon arrive at the place
Driver: Cars can’t enter from this point, so you’ll have to walk by yourself.
Driver: Mister, why don’t you hire yourself a professional guide?
Driver: Getting an extra explanation surely will be a bonus!
[Page 3]
Yuugi: Thank you, but I know more about this place than you probably think.
Driver: You sure about that?
Driver: Good luck, then!
-Mobile Message-
Grandpa: Yuugi, have you arrived safe and sound?
Yuugi: I just got off from the car. I think I’ll be walking for a while.
Grandpa: It’s already around this time; shouldn’t it be night in Egypt? Be careful out there.
[Page 4]
Yuugi: Don’t be so worried, it’s not my first time anyway.
Grandpa: Haha, true that. You’ve always visited that place once in a year since that time. How long will you be there this time?
Yuugi: We’ll see about that. I’ll have to go to the US too, so I might not return to Japan for a while. There are no city lights around here, so the night sky looks so beautiful. I’ll send you the photos later.
Grandpa: The night sky, huh.
Grandpa: Oh, the news did say that there will be a rare astronomical phenomenon today – a huge scale of meteor shower, it seems.
Yuugi: Meteor shower?
Grandpa: Aren’t you a lucky one? You can see it from Egypt, but I don’t think I can from Japan.
Grandpa: Why don’t you make a wish? Something for my store’s business thriving would be great, for example.
[Page 5]
Yuugi: A wish, huh.
Yuugi: From a long time ago…
Yuugi: Mine has always been…
[Page 7]
Yuugi: My… my other self…?
Atem: Who would you be?
[Page 8]
Atem: Abnormalities in the sky?
Isis: Indeed.
[Page 9]
Isis: The image I saw through my Millenium Necklace.
Isis: It was the time before your coronation. The stars start raining down from the sky.
Atem: What omen does that lead to?
Isis: I apologize; I could only see those images I have described to you.
Isis: Somehow what happens afterwards feels so far away, and I could only see darkness from the range I could perceive through these eyes.
Isis: However, this abnormality would surely cause a disruption to a certain time and space, so please be careful.
[Page 11]
Atem: This must be the “the rain of stars” Isis mentioned before.
Yuugi: Why don’t you warm yourself with this cup of hot chocolate?
[Page 12]
-Cultural exchange-
Yuugi: So, you are a prince from Egypt…
Yuugi: And you will take over the Pharaoh position in a few days?
Atem: Yes.
Yuugi: I still get reception, it seems.
[Page 13]
Atem: That thing you are currently holding.
Atem: It seems to be shining all the time – what exactly is it?
Yuugi: This? It’s called a “smartphone”. It’s something that lets you contact people far away from you.
Atem: Is that your spirit? Does it have a special ability for long-distance conversation?
Yuugi: Um, no… it has nothing to do with spirits. Simply put, this is just a tool.
Atem: Whatever, that thing doesn’t really concern me.
Atem: Tell me who exactly you are.
[Page 14]
Yuugi: I’m Mutou Yuugi
Atem: That’s all? You only gave me a name?
Yuugi: Erm…
Yuugi: I know you all too well, but I’m not so sure anymore how to introduce myself to you.
Yuugi: Then, do you mind me asking how I should call you?
Yuugi: There’s no longer a figure as “Pharaoh” in this era after all.
[Page 15]
Yuugi: This is a future 3000 years later from your era.
Atem: 3000 years...
Yuugi: You don’t seem to be so surprised.
Atem: I have been warned beforehand.
Atem: But I didn’t expect it to be 3000 years…
[Page 16]
Atem: The way I see it, the world 3000 years later doesn’t seem to change much, so I thought I shouldn’t get so surprised.
Yuugi: That’s because we are in a historic ruin. Nobody except archaeologists or researchers come to this place.
Atem: A ruin?
Yuugi: If you appeared first in a city instead, I bet you would not have thought like that.
Yuugi: What will you do from now?
Atem: My people are all waiting for my coronation ceremony.
Atem: This place is not where I come from, so…
Atem: I must go back to Egypt 3000 years before!
[Page 17]
Yuugi: Let me help you!
Yuugi: I mean, you couldn’t possibly stay in this ruin until we find out how to return you back, right? I can act as your guide in this era, and we can look for the way together as well!
Yuugi: The world has changed very vastly in 3000 years! You’ll get lost if you don’t have anyone to guide you around here!
Atem: You’re too close.
Yuugi: Ah! Sorry about that! I got myself carried away…
Atem: Never mind, it wasn’t unpleasant or anything. I was just not used to it.
Atem: Speaking of which, it did feel weird. This was my first time meeting you, but I feel a sense of familiarity coming from you.
[Page 18]
Atem: Since you said there is no Pharaoh at this era… “Atem”
Atem: You may call me with that name.
Yuugi: Ah!
Yuugi: The area of the meteor shower is getting wider!
Yuugi: It is said that you can only see this large scale of meteor shower once in a thousand years!
[Page 19]
Atem: Wait, if this “rain of stars” exists in a future 3000 years later, it means I have not experienced the “omen” of my era yet!
Yuugi: There’s a call from Mokuba.
Mokuba: Yuugi!
Mokuba: There’s an announcement from the US Block!
Yuugi: Really? It’s been decided?
Mokuba: I’ve told you to be standby on your device and keep a contact since these past few days, haven’t I?
Mokuba: Tell me your location later. I’ll send someone to pick you up.
Mokuba: Get adjusted with jet lag as soon as possible too. It’d be troublesome for us, the organizers, if the King of Duelist doesn’t get enough sleep during the duel itself.
[Page 20]
Atem: Oh, this thing can speak too?
Yuugi: Uwaaaah!
Mokuba: Hm? Are you still with somebody else?
Yuugi: It’s my friend! I took him along to watch the stars!
Yuugi: It’s someone unrelated to the tournament, so I’ll continue our talk!
Yuugi: If Atem gets seen, things would get messy.
Mokuba: Oh, I see. I saw the news reporting about the rare astronomical phenomenon in Egypt's sky today.
Yuugi: Is there something else I need to keep in mind?
Mokuba: As the head of the tournament’s executive committee, I should stay neutral, but don’t you dare lose before your match with my brother!
Yuugi: Okay, I got it, Mokuba!
Mokuba: That’s all from me then. Do you need something else?
[Page 21]
Atem: How rude…
Atem: But I’m not annoyed
Yuugi: Ah, Mokuba, there is something I want you to do for me.
[Page 22]
Seto: Are you finished sending the notice to the duelists, Mokuba?
Mokuba: Yes! I’ve confirmed it with everyone! That Yuugi is in Egypt right now, by the way.
Seto: That place again, huh.
Mokuba: Something’s off, though.
Seto: Hm?
Mokuba: Yuugi asked me to change his hotel room to double bed all of the sudden. Does he have a friend that close from Egypt?
Seto: As long as he isn’t late to the tournament, let him be.
Mokuba: As always, Brother doesn’t care about anything else than dueling, huh.
Mokuba: He isn’t wrong, though. The King of Duelist’s personal relationship is not in our Kaiba Corporation’s jurisdiction.
Mokuba: Alright, registration confirmed!
[Page 23]
Isono: Mr. Mutou, we are sent by the KC to pick you up.
Yuugi: Thank you as always. Have you prepared the clothing I asked for?
Isono: Yes, I’ve put it on the seat.
Isono: And who is this person might be…?
Yuugi: He’s a friend of mine who performed on a stage called “Pharaoh” just now.
Yuugi: He’s here to accompany me.
[Page 24]
Yuugi: This is a “helicopter”, one type of vehicle.
Yuugi: It can fly and take us through the sky.
Yuugi: Interesting, isn’t it?
Atem: There are a lot of spirits with flying skills. I use it quite often.
[Page 25]
Yuugi: Of course you do!
Yuugi: I expect nothing less from my other self. He’s not afraid of anything!
Meanwhile, inside the Prince’s mind
Atem: Vehicle…
Atem: It neither looks like a spirit nor a living being. Is that something human created? How do they make it? I question this world even more now.
Isono: Mr. Mutou, we will depart soon!
Yuugi: Ah, he’s calling for us.
Yuugi: Let’s go!
[Page 26]
Yuugi: I’ll explain about the current common knowledge in our way.
Yuugi: I think you’ll find it interesting.
Atem: I should have… pulled my hand away…
[Page 28]
Phone Screen: Ishizu, there’s something I’d like to consult with. It’s about the Nameless Pharaoh. I’ll explain the details after the tournament…
Yuugi: Millenium Puzzle…
[Page 29]
Yuugi: I thought I’d never see it again.
Yuugi: Hehe, it’s my first time seeing my other self’s face when sleeping.
Yuugi: He didn’t sleep at all last night, so he must have been tired.
Yuugi: I wonder if he’s dreaming of something…
[Page 30]
Atem: What’s this? This dream feels like I’m watching from someone’s point of view.
[Page 31]
Atem: Yuugi…
Yuugi: Why is Yuugi in my dream?
[Page 32]
Atem: Me?
Yuugi: Atem!
[Page 33]
Yuugi: Did you have a bad dream?
Atem: No…
Atem: It’s definitely on that man’s neck…
Atem: Was the Millenium Puzzle trying to tell me something?
Atem: What is with this pressured feeling?
Yuugi: We’ve arrived at our destination. The helicopter is landing down.
[Page 34]
Atem: This is what the world 3000 years later looks like…
[Page 35]
Yuugi: It suits you!
Atem: So, the outside is the city? Why is this country so different compared to Egypt? This really surprises me.
Yuugi: Hehe, the current Egypt actually looks like this too, you know.
Atem: This is the future world even Isis could not predict…
Atem: Do you mind if we go outside?
Yuugi: Well, I still have time before the tournament starts.
[Page 36]
Atem: How prosper everything has become! I can’t believe there are so many people here.
Yuugi: Haha, the world is currently populated by 7 billion people after all.
Atem: 7 billion?!
Atem: I’m amazed with the reign of this country’s king.
Yuugi: How should I explain that the monarchy system isn’t used here...?
[Page 37]
Yuugi: Here!
Yuugi: Ice cream!
Yuugi: Try it out!
[Page 38]
Yuugi: Back then, we were only able to eat one person’s portion.
Atem: It’s a taste I’ve never eaten before!
Yuugi: The ice cream will melt, so be careful not to leave any marks on your face.
Yuugi: This feels like a date…
Atem: About that… you have something on here/this spot.
Yuugi: Just when I wanted to show off my proper adult self to my other self!
Yuugi: By the way, what were you seeing before?
Yuugi: “Duel Monsters”!
[Page 39]
Atem: I thought everything is unknown to me ever since I came to this era, but there are things I am still familiar with.
Atem: If I was not mistaken, this spirit is Mahaad’s… but something is a bit different.
Yuugi: This must be the deck introduction during my debut.
[Page 40]
Atem: This sense of familiarity feels weird. I’m sure I didn’t know anything about this person at all before.
Yuugi: It’s been a while since we talked about “Dark Magician” together. It brings back memories.
Atem: Together?
Atem: Da…?
Atem: It should have been called as “The Magician of Illusion”…
Atem: Does the name change as well?
Atem: I wonder what these characters mean though. They have a weird shape…
Yuugi: Do you mean the content of the magazine?
Yuugi: This must be an article about me. Reading it firsthand is a little bit embarrassing…
Atem: I wonder how Mahaad’s spirit managed to evolve into a stronger being like this…
Atem: He surely would not have thought I would know about this before him!
Atem: Now I am curious about the other spirits’ well-being in the era.
Atem: I need to confirm it with my own two eyes.
[Page 41]
Atem: Are there temples around here? Or anyone with a skill of controlling the slab of the spirits?
Atem: Take me to them!
Yuugi: About that…
Kid 1: I summon “Koumori Dragon”!
[Page 42]
Atem: Why does the monster appear in the city? Where are the soldiers?!
Atem: Furthermore, the controller is…
Atem: A child!?
Yuugi: It’s alright, Atem. This era’s Duel Monsters is different from yours. They have no destructive power. It has become a worldwide game that everyone can enjoy. That’s all.
Atem: What… did you say? A game?
Kid 1: I attack you directly with “Koumori Dragon”!
[Page 43]
Kid 2: No! My life decreases so much!
Kid 1: Hehe, just admit that I am stronger already!
Kid 2: The match has just begun!
Atem: Even if he is hit…
Yuugi: This is the current era’s duel.
Yuugi: As long as you understand the rule, you can play it immediately and feel the fun of it.
Yuugi: Everyone can become a worthy Duelist!
[Page 44]
Atem: Training.
Atem: Talent.
Atem: Burden on one’s body.
Atem: In here, everyone can…
Atem: What is this?
Yuugi: The tournament’s ticket.
Yuugi: Come and check out while you can.
Yuugi: It’ll be easier to understand how this era’s duel looks like if you see the real deal.
Yuugi: I humbly invite you!
[Page 45]
*Bought on his way*
Atem: It’s the same arrow. This must have been the main entrance.
Atem: It took some time to look for the way around.
Yuugi: We can’t go together from here.
Yuugi: Let me draw a map for you!
Atem: He sure has some guts to leave me by myself.
[Page 46]
Atem: It sure is crowded.
Atem: Are these people Duelists, too?
Atem: Everyone seems to be having fun…
[Page 47]
Person A: That’s Mutou Yuugi.
Person B: The champion who hasn’t lost a single match.
Person C: It’s the King of Duelist!
Mokuba: Yuugi!
Yuugi: Mokuba-kun!
Mokuba: This is the tournament chart for the semifinals. I’ve brought it for you.
Yuugi: Thank you. I got too absorbed in adjusting my deck.
Mokuba: Are you nervous?
Yuugi: A little bit, yeah.
Mokuba: And I thought you have gotten used to it from some time ago.
Yuugi: This one is special.
[Page 48]
Mokuba: It is, for sure!
Mokuba: That must be because Brother will be joining as one of the Duelists this time!
*The Strongest Rival*
Mokuba: It’s about time for you to hand over the King of Duelist title!
Yuugi: That’s one of the causes, but…
Yuugi: This will definitely be a harsh battle…
Yuugi: Let us fight together once more, my old comrades!
[Page 51]
This is the scenery the Prince saw as he entered the venue.
Yuugi, who is standing in the middle of countless spotlight and among the cheers from the audience.
His figure emits off such dazzling lights.
[Page 52]
Atem: He shines just like Ra…
[Page 53]
Atem: I have seen this kind of battle before.
Atem: But it was a match I did with Father just to confirm the training result of the Priests. Nothing more.
Atem: However, in here…
Atem: Both the audience and the Duelists – everyone is having fun from the bottom of their heart.
[Page 54]
Atem: Furthermore, this might be because of the atmosphere, but…
Atem: It makes me fired up as well!
[Page 55]
Commentator: He manages to erase one more Monster from the field.
Commentator: Duelist Yuugi – his Life Point remains so little as he stumbles from his place. This might be the last turn that determines this duel’s result!
Yuugi: I set one card. I end my turn.
Commentator: Look at that! He ended his turn without leaving any wall Monster on the field! Duelist Yuugi is in trouble!
Atem: Yuugi…
Audience: King of Duelist…
Audience: King of Duelist!
[Page 56]
Judai: Hang in there! King of Duelist!
Judai: Come on. The flow of the match changed just after I went to the toilet!
Atem: King of… Duelist?
[Page 57]
Judai: Mister, you are standing over there…
Judai: But you don’t know about the King of Duelist?
Atem: Yuugi is a king? Don’t tell me he’s the ruler of this place?
Judai: Ruler? What’s that?
Judai: King of Duelist is someone who stands on the top of every Duelist out there, and currently Mr. Yuugi is the strongest man in this world!
Commentator: Duelist Yuugi is currently defending himself from the tumultuous attacks from his opponent! Will he be able to prevent the special effects of these troublesome monsters the opponent controls?!
Atem: The strongest man?
Opponent: Mutou Yuugi, it seems the winner has been decided.
Opponent: I’ll make sure to work hard for your part, too.
Judai: Mr. Yuugi has always won since his debut, after all!
[Page 58]
Opponent: Direct attack to the player!
Judai: No matter how strong the opponent is, no matter how bad the circumstances, Mr. Yuugi never gives up!
Commentator: Is this the end for the King of Duelist?!
Judai: He is the Duelist I respect the most!
[Page 59]
Yuugi: Reverse card, open!
Yuugi: I activate its effect! I Special Summon a Monster!
Yuugi: Appear before me, my strongest combination who fights together!
[Page 60]
Yuugi: Battle!
[Page 61]
Commentator: Splendid! Truly amazing! What a terrifying trap combination activated just in time! It’s the legendary Magician Pair!
Commentator: Here comes the comeback! Duelist Yuugi obtains his victory once more!
Judai: See that!
Judai: Isn’t he awesome?!
[Page 62]
Judai: Wow! The King of Duelist is staring at us/looking here!
Atem: His radiance is dazzling, indeed.
[Page 63]
Judai: Man, I’m tired!
Judai: The match made my throat dry!
Judai: Duels are truly the best! Putting things to an end with your strongest rival fires me up the most! (?)
Judai: The cheers from the audience even surpasses the mic!
Judai: Mister, do you drink juice? Let me treat you!
Atem: Oh, what an interesting item…
Judai: A bumpkin?
[Page 64]
Interviewer: Next, we will interview the duelists that are participating in this tournament!
Seto: Regarding the tournament, I, Kaiba…
Atem: That Kaiba person; what is he actually?
Judai: Oh, he’s Yuugi’s rival, and the executive committee of this tournament.
Judai: He debuted before Yuugi, and is a strong Duelist himself.
Judai: I’ve collected the data about his deck, too!
Atem: So Mutou Yuugi is a famous person?
Judai: You must be a person from the countryside if you don’t know about Yuugi!
Judai: When he was 16 years old, Yuugi defeated Kaiba in his first duel and got noticed by the public. He became well-known during Duelist Kingdom afterwards. He later became the undefeated duelist in every public duel he participated. Truly the invincible champion!
Judai: Let me tell you that I have all sets of the DVDs featuring his public matches!
Atem: D…V… D?
[Page 65]
Judai: But later on, Yuugi’s dueling style changed all of the sudden, and nobody has ever seen his old style ever since.
Judai: There’s a rumor that the King of Duelist back then was actually another Yuugi.
Judai: Doesn’t it sound ridiculous?
Atem: The other Yuugi!
Atem: Was that ‘Yuugi’ strong as well?
Judai: Of course he was!
Judai: He obtained the “King of Duelist” title during that time, after all!
Judai: That was Yuugi, you know! The legendary, unquestionable phantom Duelist!
[Page 66]
Judai: One day I want to have a fun duel with Yuugi someday!
Atem: I understand that Yuugi is not a regular person, but I did not know he was this famous…
Judai: Mister, you really are a weird one, you know. You have the King of Duelist’s merchandise, but you don’t know anything about him.
Judai: More importantly, whether it’s the past or the present
Judai: Without doubt, Yuugi is strong!
Atem: Then, the other Yuugi is…
Judai’s friend: Ah, it’s him! That’s where he has been!
Judai’s friend: Judai, the signing event will start soon!
Judai: Got it! I’m going!
Judai: Mister, why don’t you go with us?
Atem: No, I still have to meet someone after this.
[Page 67]
Judai: Well, that’s a shame.
Judai: If you’re really interested in him, you could’ve asked the person directly!
Judai: Well then, I’m going!
Atem: Good bye.
[Page 68]
Judai: Wha…
[Page 69]
Judai’s friend: Judai!
Judai: That’s…
[Page 70]
Yuugi: Atem!
Yuugi: Too much signing wrecks my wrist!
Yuugi: Sorry for being late. There are more people than I expected.
Atem: Aren’t you a famous one? That kind of last-minute strategy – I can’t believe you pulled it off.
Yuugi: Really? That means a lot to me!
Yuugi: So, how was it?
Atem: I’m surprised.
Atem: I know most of the figures from your deck, particularly those two Monster cards!
[Page 71]
Atem: Those cards, “Dark Magician” and “Dark Magician Girl” – their combination effect is way more amazing than I expected!
Atem: I didn’t know you can even pair them with another Spell card! Truly interesting!
Atem: They are actually my friends, but the ones I know are not that strong yet.
Yuugi: You’ve understood the vocabularies used for duel this far?
Atem: I am one hell of a fast learner!
Atem: A few days ago, my priest predicted that I would transcend space-time due to a certain meteor shower. I kept thinking about its meaning until this moment.
Atem: When I saw them in a distant future I couldn’t have expected before, I couldn’t help but want to talk with them right at this moment.
Yuugi: The person who bears the Millenium Necklace can even predict the events happening 3000 years later?
Atem: No, she only said that it would happen before my coronation ceremony.
Atem: And the first meteor shower that I saw was the one that appeared at the night we first met.
[Page 72]
Yuugi: Don’t tell me – does it mean that you will be able to see the meteor shower once more sometime in the future
Yuugi: And that meteor shower will become the key to this mystery?
Atem: This might be one of the clues! Isis did say that the abnormality in the astronomical phenomenon caused the disruption in time and space!
Yuugi: If we are talking about space-time disruption, that means what you experienced is something similar to a wormhole! You must have felt the entrance to the current era at that time!
Atem: What’s a “wormhole”?
Yuugi: I don’t really understand either…
Yuugi: But I’m glad.
Yuugi: I’ve consulted about this to someone who’s an expert on this topic.
Atem: I wonder why this era of all periods, though.
[Page 73]
Atem: If I didn’t experience it myself, I probably wouldn’t be able to imagine it. I still don’t know how I should explain all of this to the Priests.
Atem: In Egypt, controlling the spirits is one difficult task. Only people with royal family blood or those with sublime knowledge who are able to do it.
Atem: Moreover, the basis of “being able to see the shape of the spirits” can only be done after one experienced harsh training in several years.
Atem: However, in this place, even kids can control the spirits and have duels at their will. This era is too mysterious.
[Page 74]
Yuugi: To be frank, a Pharaoh who can do magic is more mysterious to us.
Atem: A Pharaoh who can use magic is a given! It is a sacred skill given to me since my birth, so it should be obvious!
Atem: If I could not do it, how would I be able to protect my people?!
Atem: But here, everyone is a warrior.
Atem: Should they face someone strong, they have no need to cower in fear!
Atem: No wonder this era does not need a Pharaoh!
Atem: When I was a child, I made a promise with my friend that I would create a world where everyone is treated equally. That is why I go through countless training to make it come true.
Atem: However, when my father passed away, I was starting to question it.  
[Page 75]
Atem: My father was born during the war, but he raised me while maintaining Egypt’s peace.
Atem: When I inherited the reign, I wondered if I could maintain Egypt’s prosperity for a long time just like my father did.
Atem: Would I be able to welcome the world I dreamed of with my people together? What kind of world would it be?
Atem: Afterwards, I came to this era, and after seeing the things happening in here, I finally understand.
Atem: This era is precisely the shortcut that leads to the road of the future I’ve always been looking for! That is why I came here!
Atem: The form of that ideal Egypt is starting to burst into my mind!
[Page 76]
Atem: I see!
Atem: This is the future!
Atem: There must be a record about me….
[Page 77]
Atem: It’s the first time
Atem: Yuugi avoided looking at me.
[Page 78]
Atem: Oh well!
Atem: Life wouldn’t be so interesting if we know about the future already.
Yuugi: Atem…
Man: Ah, look at that guy…
Woman: That’s Mutou Yuugi!
Man: The King of Duelist!
Woman: Wow!
Man: Please take a photo with me!
Person A: You guys in the behind, don’t push!
Person B: You’re stepping on others, you know!?
Person C: Get out of my way!
[Page 79]
Atem: Let’s escape!
Yuugi: Uwah!
Atem: Ah…
Atem: I’m tired…
[Page 80]
Atem: Your believers are very passionate, huh.
Yuugi: They are not believers. They’re just fellow fans who love duels just like I do.
Atem: What is this “fellow fans” thing?
Yuugi: Such curiosity!
Yuugi: “Fellow fans” means that our interests or the things we like are the same. In a word, we’re comrades!
Atem: Does it mean we can be called as “fellow fans” too?
Yuugi: Eh?
Atem: I have interest in “Duel Monsters”.
Atem: Would you mind teaching me?
Yuugi: Of course!
Yuugi: I just happen to have another deck with me!
Yuugi: That time, I really did wish for something…
[Page 81]
Yuugi: Right now, I’m so happy it brings me to tears!
[Page 82]
Atem: Oddly, everything feels so familiar.
Atem: This is a deck Yuugi gave to me, but
Atem: It feels like a deck with cards I would definitely choose if I were to make one.
Atem: Mana…
Atem: Mahaad…
[Page 83]
Yuugi: Are you ready?
Atem: Come at me!
Yuugi and Atem: Duel!
[Page 85]
Atem: Oh man!
Atem: You’re the first one to ever win a game from me.
Yuugi: For someone who has never dueled before, being able to put me at the corner is an amazing feat, too!
Yuugi: But, in the end…
Atem: It was a fun duel!
[Page 86]
Yuugi: Thank you…
Yuugi: Atem
Yuugi: For dueling with me here.
Yuugi: If you don’t, I don’t know… when I will be able to get over with “the last duel” I had with my other self.
Yuugi: A duel that symbolizes our parting and sadness…
[Page 87]
Yuugi: What I wished for was so that I can duel with you once more with a smile on our faces/I can have a fun duel with you!
Atem: Those eyes again…
Atem: It’s like he’s having a reminiscence of something…
[Page 88]
Atem: Um…
Atem: I feel like there’s a meaning behind those words.
Yuugi: There is one indeed!
Atem: What is it?
Yuugi: Not telling!
Yuugi: You’ll understand it someday.
Atem: Egypt owes you so much for showing me the way to rule my country!
Yuugi: You’re exaggerating it!
Atem: It is the fact.
[Page 89]
Atem: That’s why I should be the one to thank you!
Atem: When I just arrived here, I always kept my guard over everything around me.
Atem: If you were not there, I would probably seclude myself in that ruins.
Atem: When I saw you the first time…
Atem: Of course…
[Page 90]
Atem: When I saw Yuugi, I understood that it’s a “fate” in one glance.
Atem: Yuugi, what exactly are you…
Atem: If you had been born in Egypt, I would have definitely taken you to the royal palace.
[Page 91]
Atem: I’m starting to like you, Yuugi…
[Page 92]
Yuugi: Ah!
Atem: Don’t stare at me that much…
Atem: I’m flustered too, here.
Atem: Your answer?
[Page 93]
Yuugi: I can feel it clearly now – just how long 3000 years can be.
[Page 94]
Atem: Yuugi…
Atem: You should relax a little bit, Yuugi…
[Page 95]
Atem: You’re too nervous. Is this your first time?
Yuugi: …Maybe…
Atem: Maybe? What’s with that answer?
Yuugi: Is this your first too, then?
Atem: Do I look like I have spare time for this?
Atem: That’s why, if it hurts…
Atem: Say it with words.
[Page 97]
Atem: Yuugi…?
Yuugi: And that’s why –
[Page 98]
Ishizu: You want to know the exact date when the meteor shower happened in Ancient Egypt 3000 years ago?
Yuugi: I was thinking of asking Ishizu-san to search for any possible method…
Ishizu: I understand.
Ishizu: It is possible to calculate the time when the space-time interval between 3000 years ago and this era will open by researching the literature.
Ishizu: I will inform you once we get the result.
Yuugi: Please do. Calculating 3000 years of time before must be difficult…
Ishizu: No problem. It is something related to the karma of history, so I will do to my utmost.
Atem: That woman… Isis?
Ishizu: Yuugi, can I ask you a question?
Yuugi: Yes?
[Page 99]
Ishizu: How do you feel right now?
Yuugi: …I don’t know.
Yuugi: It might be good or bad. It could be both.
Yuugi: What Atem needs the most right now is his era’s Egypt.
Yuugi: Both of us clearly understood about this one fact.
[Page 100]
Yuugi: Compared to this mundane feeling of mine,
Yuugi: Turning back the time needle of the messy history is more important.
Ishizu: I expected those words to come out of you.
Ishizu: Pardon my rudeness.
Atem: Why of all times, it has to be 3000 years later…
Atem: This era is apparently deeply connected to my own.
[Page 101]
Atem: Even both Yuugi and I…
Atem: Don’t tell me there is another Millenium Puzzle in this world…
Atem: Impossible…. That was a mere dream.
Atem: Millenium Items are not something one can create so easily.
[Page 102]
Yuugi: Oh, you’re awake.
Atem: Hey!
Atem: My clothes!
Yuugi: Got it, got it!
Yuugi: Us getting flustered over it on the next day is expected.
Yuugi: I need to calm down as well!
Yuugi: I’m already a grown-up, after all!
Text: Shyness Level
[Page 103]                  
Atem: With whom were you talking just now?
Yuugi: You heard it?
Yuugi: She’s Ishizu Ishtar, an archeologist.
Yuugi: She’s an expert when it comes to the history of ancient Egypt.
Yuugi: I have told her about you.
Yuugi: She’ll definitely be able to look for a way to return you back.
Yuugi: And your tomb guardian as well…
Atem: I see…
[Page 104]
Malik: What happened, Sister?
Malik: You look down.
[Page 105]
Ishizu: I was just…
Ishizu: I was only grieving the fact that the young king will remain clueless of the fate which will block his way forward.
Ishizu: This farewell might be a sadder one compared to the Ceremonial Duel…
[Page 108]
Yuugi: “Month X, Date X, take the Pharaoh to the place where you two met the first time at the Valley of the Kings, and wait for night to come”
Yuugi: The time Ishizu mentioned is today!
Yuugi: This chasm can only fit one person at a time.
Atem: Let’s go.
[Page 109]
Yuugi: I can feel Atem’s heat through his palm.
Yuugi: It’s warm…
[Page 110]
Yuugi: The you who are standing in front of me right now is my other self who lived inside me, but
Yuugi: It’s not the king who went to the afterlife.
Yuugi: The Atem who lived 3000 years ago…
[Page 111]
Yuugi: Even so, I couldn’t do anything but to watch as you get swallowed by the darkness.
[Page 112]
Atem: We can finally see the stars.
Atem: We have to part ways from here.
Yuugi: Yeah.
Atem: Thank you for taking care of me these past few days.
Yuugi: It’s nothing…
[Page 114]
Yuugi: Ah…
Yuugi: No.
Yuugi: I was…
Yuugi: It’s just…
Yuugi: …I couldn’t hold it back.
Atem: Yuugi…
Atem: A farewell is indeed painful.
[Page 115]
Atem: The two of us were hindered by a large gap of time flow.
Atem: If this abnormality hadn’t existed…
Atem: I wouldn’t have been able to know the existence of Mutou Yuugi for my whole life.
Atem: I couldn’t have imagined such a dream-like scenery like this exists in this world.
Atem: That’s why, the sadness from this parting…
[Page 116]
Atem: It’s nothing much compared to the joy I get from my encounter with you.
Yuugi: I feel the same! I’m really glad to be able to meet you!
Yuugi: That’s true… I couldn’t interfere with your past.
[Page 117]
Yuugi: But, at least.
Yuugi: You’ll be able to look for a place to belong to in the future.
Yuugi: I’m really grateful for this encounter I have with you.
Yuugi: My other self… even now, you are still the savior of my heart.
Atem: Yuugi…
Atem: There is something I’ve been meaning to ask until now.
Atem: Have you been looking at someone else through me?
Atem: It feels like your eyes have always stared at somewhere far away…
[Page 118]
Yuugi: I’ve always looked at no one but you!
Yuugi: The current you wouldn’t understand the things we have experienced together, but.
Yuugi: No matter how severe and sorrowful things might be in the future, I ask you to keep believing.
Yuugi: Believe that I would definitely come to save you!
[Page 119]
Yuugi: Just you wait!
Yuugi: Farewell… my treasure.
[Page 120]
Atem: The Millenium Puzzle is resonating with Yuugi!
Atem: Something is flowing inside my mind!
[Page 121]
Yuugi: Let’s meet again in the future!
Atem: Ah… I’ve finally understood why I was sent to this era…
Atem: Will I be able to meet you once more?
[Page 122]
Atem: It’s because you are here!
Yuugi: Definitely!
[Page 125]
Mana: Prince!
Mana: I’ve finally found you!
Atem: Mana.
Mana: Where have you been these past few days? Everyone’s looking for you!
Atem: Is the royal palace safe?
[Page 126]
Mana: Don’t worry! Lady Isis has been consoling everyone, so it was alright for a while.
Mana: I don’t understand the whole “interval between space and time” matter…
Mana: That’s why I got scolded by Master.
Atem: It’s alright.
Atem: Mahaad will definitely think of you better in the future.
Mana: Prince, did something happen to you?
Atem: What is it?
Mana: It’s been a while since I saw your smile, after all.
Mana: O-Of course it doesn’t mean you look upset all the time!
Mana: You are a prince after all – you need to keep your dignity!
Mana: It’s just, the way you are right now…
[Page 127]
Mana: You become slightly gentler
Mana: Just like someone who falters, and decides to put his blade into its sheath.
Atem: Something did happen…
Mana: What could it be?
Atem: It’s a world you couldn’t imagine unless you see it with your own two eyes.
Atem: What remains the same is probably only this starry sky.
Atem: I’ll tell the rest of the story later.
[Page 128]
Atem: For now, let’s take a rest and prepare for the upcoming coronation ceremony!
Mana: Alright!
[Page 129]
Yuugi: Silent Magician! Direct attack on the player!
[Page 130]
Atem: Partner… you are already strong, yet your growth will not stop here.
Atem: I am lucky to be able to see your future with my own eyes.
Atem: Now, I can finally understand the meaning of the words you said to me back then.
[Page 131]
Yuugi: I…
Yuugi: I’m too weak…
Yuugi: You were my hero… my goal… I wanted to be strong… like you…
Atem: You’re not weak… you’ve always had a power that no one else could beat.
Atem: The power of kindness – that’s what I learned from you.
Atem: And that power shows me the path I must take from the past to the future.
Atem: I was able to pierce through my hesitation and face the darkness without fear because of you.
[Page 132]
Atem: I will depart from here. I have no regrets about it.
Atem: I’m not the “other you” anymore…
Atem: And you… are no one else but you!
Atem: You are Yuugi… the only Mutou Yuugi in the world!
Atem: It’s because I know that someone as strong as you will shine brightly among millions of people.
Atem: That is the glory that you have created with your own two hands.
[Page 133]
Atem: Thank you, partner…
[Page 134]
Atem: And let’s meet again in the future!
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hyotenhyakkaso · 4 years
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Verses: (Alphabetical order)
A Place In This World Verse: Jou’s babu years to just before he joined a gang
Number One Verse: Bleach verse lmao 
Everybody’s Lonely Verse: Jou’s alone in the world and questioning himself and every relationship he’s had. He figures he’s better off alone and everyone’s fine without him so after a vacation he decides to disappear for good. Leaving no trace or evidence that he’d been there at all, like he’s been erased from existence altogether.
Every Heart Verse: InuYasha Au
 Fly away Verse: Breath of the wild Au 
Hiding In Your Hands Verse: (Main Verse): Jounouchi Katsuya is a part snow leopard due to unfortunate circumstances in his childhood. The rest is history however. ..... Yet, while the Duel monsters world is safe, the real world is not. Jou takes it upon himself to make sure that gang activity doesn’t skyrocket and take down those he sees as a threat to the population. He also adopts four children, Pit, Dark Pit, Jaden and Nimue. Finds a brother in Sora and a sister in Elsa and Anna. His life is weird but its his.
Icarus Verse: Jou works for Kaibacorp for shits and giggles and messes with Seto. He thinks they’re friends while Seto is trying to get used to this. (Exclusive Kaibacorpbros verse)
Killing Time Verse: Literally just crossover verses lmao
Leave Out All The Rest Verse: Oops, Jou fell too deep into his gang life again, he becomes a gang leader and eventually dies from it. He’s shown that he does have loved ones that love him back. The spirit that helps him lets him turn back the clock and fix whatever mistake he made. Endless loop until he figures out what he did wrong and how to fix it. 
Loser Baby Verse: Everything from  the original deleted blog falls into this verse unless stated otherwise.
Mr Sandman Man Me A Sand Verse: Absolute crack/chaos
Never Get Used To People Verse: Insane Jou au????? Maybe??????
Ready Steady Go! Verse: Fullmetal Alchemist Au (Will eventually be fleshed out when I figure out wtf is going on)
See Me Through Verse: Kingdom Hearts Au taking place in canon. Between the regular villain of the month episodes, Jou’s fighting his own monsters. Literally! Set with his keyblade Starset, he tries 
Thank You, Next Verse: He fully comes into himself in this au and quits the gang life for good. He goes to college and goes into car manufacturing business. 
Who is In Control? Verse: Jou never leaves his gang leader position, never makes friends with Yugi or Tristan and eventually becomes a bigger problem than Hirotani. No one’s sure who is worse, their previous leader or their current one. The blonds tendency to get himself into danger more often than not nearly get him killed on a regular basis. And he’s starting to realize he doesn’t care if he does.
Verses I’m not sure fall into the above categories or into their own categories: (To be discussed with muns)
Right Here Verse: Exclusive verse with Mutogamingco
Be Somebody Verse: Exclusive Verse with Game-weaver
I’d Lie Verse: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dunno yet but its like- Exclusive verse with Dungeondicediva
Lullaby for a stormy night Verse: He pretty much unofficially adopts Pit and Dark Pit as his sons and raises them alongside a goddess- (Yeah he’s questioning himself too but he wouldn’t change it)
  Shipping Verses: 
Monster Verse: Exclusive shipping verse for atlantis-prince. However this also contains Atem’s, Mai’s, Joey’s and other’s fights with Jou about getting together with the evil boi. I need to start containing this to this verse, its starting to bleed into other verses- Namely Hiding In Your Hands. 
Must Have Been The Wind Verse: Exclusive shipping verse with Darkheartedprince (?)
Once In A Dream Verse: Exclusive shipping verse with Soraofdestinyislands
The Drug In Me Is You Verse: Exclusive shipping verse with Thiefakefia
Watermelon Sugar Verse: Exclusive shipping verse with Lightheartedwarrior
You Can’t Fight the Moonlight Verse: Exclusive shipping verse with World-duelists: ~I’m in love with the goddess who lives down the street the girl may work at wafflehouse but she dunnt miss a beat (Jaden)~  ~ I want you to remember this when you put yourself down I cannot fear my future now that I have you around (Joey)~
 Character Tags:
Atem (millennium-puzzle-spirit):  ~I’ll carry you home no you’re not alone keep marching on this is worth fighting for you know we all have battle scars (Atem)~
Atem (Sennenpharaoh): ~See that line well I never should have crossed it stop right there that’s the very moment that I wish that I could take back (Atem)~
Akefia (theifakefia):  ~Your secrets keep you sick your lies keep you alive Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice (Akefia)~
Aizen (Bleachintothemultiverse):  ~The world you once created inside your dreams is brought to life as it now leads you and I across the distant sky! (Aizen)~
Bakura (tenacioustheif): ~We could set the world alight there is so much you could be if only you'd join me we’d make one hell of a team (Bakura)~
Byakuya (Bleachintothemultiverse): ~Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light though I can’t hear your voice keep what I say in mind (Byakuya)~
Dark Pit (WinglessArcher): ~You’ll be in my heart no matter what they say you’ll be here in my heart always (Dark Pit)~
Dartz (Atlantis-prince): ~So I will talk to you the only way I know how to I’ve said my speech through sharpened teeth (Dartz)~
Elsa (Iskrone): ~You can lift your head up to the sky Take a deeper breath and give it time You can walk the path among the lines (Elsa)~
Hanataro (Bleachintothemultiverse): ~Though a thousand words have never been spoken they’ll fly to you crossing over the time and distance (Hanataro)~
Jaden (World-Duelists): ~Live in the now and break your confines take ahold of this precious time glory days cause your life is not to trade (Jaden)~
Jaden (Tenebrosity-bulwark): ~Cause now again I found myself so far down away from the sun that shines into the darkest place Im so far down away from the sun (Jaden)~
Joey (Luckyredeyes): ~I’m alive oh yeah between the good and bad’s where you’ll find me reaching for heaven I will fight and I’ll sleep when I die (Joey)~
Joey (World-Duelists): ~When darkness turns to daybreak go out and see for your sake the people of this world may share your pain (Joey)~
Joey (brooklynxsweetheart): ~ I see your monsters I see your pain tell me your problems I'll chase them away I'll be your lighthouse (Joey)~
Mai (ohmaiwhathavewedone): ~Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder? Oh if the sky comes falling down for you theres nothing in this world I wouldnt do (Mai)~
Mana (mahoushoumonster): ~Cause you cant jump the track we’re like cars on a cable and lifes like an hourglass glued to the table (Mana)~
Mokuba (Kaibacorpbros) ~Daydreamer kidnap me take me back all the way back to them days runnin around in a gown and a crown barefoot (Mokuba)~
Nimue (Tenebrosity-bulwark): ~The most powerful thing you own is your voice scream above the noise that you’re perfect as you are even when times are hard (Nimue)~
Otogi (Dungeondicediva): ~Here’s to us here’s to love all the times that we fucked up here’s to you fill the glass (Otogi)~
Pit (WinglessArcher): ~Come my child stay with me I’ll protect you and your dreams. Rest my child ‘neath the tree like it’s branches reach for me (Pit)~
Seto (Kaibacorpbros):  ~Icarus Icarus why you so serious serious? You know you gotta let it go cause you're flying too close (Seto)~
Sora (Asorableisms):  ~Though we don't share the same blood. You're my brother and I love you thats the truth. (Sora)~
Sora (Soraofdestinyislands): ~When I’m awake I hide all the chains so you aren’t afraid I can’t stop I cant break I carry the weight for you (Sora)~
Yugi (Game-weaver):  ~I'm just the boy inside the man not exactly who you think I am trying to trace my steps back here again so many times (Yugi)~
Yugi (Mutogamingco): ~I wanted to be like you I wanted everything So I tried to be like you and i got swept away I didnt know that it was so cold (Yugi)~
Updated when new verses form!
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brisfanfictions · 4 years
Chapter One [Andy Biersack]
Andy was sat in the corner, nodding his head along to the song that was playing over the loud speakers. The music was loud, the house was crowded with people, and the lights were off; the only illumination coming from the strobe lights. Andy had a beer in one hand, and his other was being used to help explain the story he was telling to his group of friends.
Halfway through telling his story his eyes glanced up, catching the door just as it opened, just in time to see you walk through the door with a scowl on your face and your best friend by your side.
Rosalie Ashlen Watson, or Rose as her friends and family call her, was at a college party. Only being 19 years old, she had been dragged to the party by her best friend and college roommate, Lillian or Lily. She wasn't a party fan. Especially when she had heard from her best friend that Andy Black, a famous musician from the band called Black Veil Brides and his own album "The Shadow Side." Her friend was a fan, but she just didn't really like him. He just didn't really sit well with her.
She walked through the doors, scowling in disdain at being there. She would rather have been at home, reading a book or just drawing in a notebook. When she glanced over into a room, she spotted Andy and shot him an angry, hateful glare. Without another glance, though, she headed to the opposite side of the house while her friend went to grab a couple wine coolers for her and herself.
Andy's eyes stayed on Rose for longer than he intended as he tried to understand why she glared at him so hatefully. He wasn't used to people glaring at him, but rather looking at him in what could only be described as admiration. His voice slowly trailed off, ending his story halfway through. "I'll be back" he muttered under his breath to his friends as he pushed himself up from his chair.
He got up easily, making his way through the crowd carefully. The beer in his cup sloshing around as people pushed back against him. He rolled his eyes slightly as he stepped out into the foyer where she had just been standing. He took a sip from his cup as he continued moving in the direction she went. Andy was dying to know why she seemed to hate him.
Rose didn't know that he had been staring much longer than he should have. She wasn't in a relationship with anybody. However, she preferred to avoid everybody. Despite her being polite and sweet to others, she just absolutely hated Andy with a burning fire in her soul.
Once she found a peaceful place to hang around without anybody near her, she pulled out her phone to randomly scroll through her social media platforms. Then she started to play her dating simulation games. Just to keep herself occupied. She hated Andy because he was a No Good Bad Boy type of guy. She was more into the sweet, kind and loving men that would treat her with so much adoration and dedication to their relationship. To her, she saw him as a cheater that played with girls' hearts for fun and just to toy with their emotions.
Andy made his way through the people, occasionally stopping to talk to someone who grabbed his arm. He took another sip from his cup, smiling as he finally spotted her sitting in a chair against one of the back walls. He chuckled softly seeing the scowl etched into her face as she did something on her phone.
He kept the grip on his cup tight as he pushed through a group of people, stopping a mere five feet in front of the girl. He carefully set his cup down on the table in front of her, pulling a chair over, sitting on it backwards, his arms resting on the back of the chair. "Hello there gorgeous. I'm Andy, and you are?" he asked smoothly, picking his cup up off the table.
Sometimes she loved her games. However, her scowl was of concentration since she was playing a highly and very important game. That was called "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links," which is her absolute favorite game. Among all her dating sim apps. It was highly addictive and nice.
She heard somebody approaching, looking up from her phone and bangs for a second. Once she saw that it was Andy, she went back to her game. Finding it more important than talking to him. Yet, he just didn't take the hint that she didn't want to talk to him. "I'm not interested," she remarked. She wasn't going to offer this guy her name because she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him.
His look of amusement turned into one of shock as he heard her say she wasn't interested. He wasn't used to being turned down that quickly, let alone being turned down at all. "I sort of got that from the glare you sent me earlier, beautiful" he said, regaining his composure quickly. "But, I'm here to ask you why" 
He went silent, watching her carefully as he ran his fingers through his hair again, leaning up slightly to try and see what she was doing. "Are you playing Yu-Gi-Oh!?" he asked curiously, taking another sip from his cup, his eyes never leaving her.
"Because you're egotistical and think that every girl will come crawling to you on their hands and knees just to bend to your will," she smoothly answered him. Still not glancing in his direction again. "You are a player and don't care about whose hearts you break. Only looking for the next 'play thing' or a new panty to add to your 'collection.'"
She didn't know what he did. Nor did she care. After he asked the question about her game, she looked up and shot him a cold hearted glare. "So what?" She questioned him. "Seto is hotter than you. He maybe egotistical and cold, but at least he isn't tossing girls aside when he's done with them. And he is kind underneath his mask. The proof is the way he treats his brother, Mokuba." After she was done her mini rant, a clear sign that she is utterly in love with a fictional character, she went back to her game. Since she was playing as Seto Kaiba and he was at level 16, doing her best to level him up towards 20.
"You think I'm an egotistical player?" he asked, shock once again filling his features and now voice. "And exactly how did you come to that conclusion?" he asked curiously as his eyes scanned over her looking for answers.
He never saw himself as a player, or as the egotistical type, given a few moments in his life that he regretted, but he tried not to let those few moments define him. After her sudden outburst, he sat back in his chair slightly, being careful not to fall as he was taken back. "You never know, if you got to know me you might find that Seto and I have a lot more in common than you seem to believe" he replied, drinking the rest of what was in his cup before setting it down on the table easily. "But I can understand when I'm not wanted" he said, only partially lying as he stood up, getting ready to go find himself another beer.
She rolled her eyes as she turned back towards her own game. Her eyes shone with much love and adoration for the male, fictional character. "I know you are," she answered him. "Being a musician isn't all its cracked up to be, huh?"
She still kept her eyes on her phone. "You drinking the alcohol really isn't helping your case a bunch either, 'dude.' You have black hair, which you dyed when you were in that stupid band. The only thing you have in common with him is the eye color, but Seto's is darker and more concealed. While yours is just after getting the next 'fuck' or drink. Ain't that right? Seto wouldn't drink to get drunk. He'd be too responsible for his baby brother to do stuff like that."
Andy looked down at her, arching one of his eyebrows as he listened to her list off what he could only assume were the reasons why she didn't like him. "I honestly would not trade being a musician for the world." he said, changing his mind about going and getting a beer, and sitting back down in front of her. 
He ran a hand through his dyed hair, rolling his eyes slightly at her words. "I don't drink to get drunk anymore, although I used to, I don't anymore." He said truthfully. "And, contrary to what you may believe, I didn't come to this party to 'fuck' anyone, nor did I come over here to try and 'fuck' you." he said simply.
"I wouldn't want a musician anyhow," she said, scoffing. "I'd want a lawyer or a doctor. Somebody with a practical job. Or even a CEO of his own business would do. Mostly because musicians only get paid with how much a person listens to their song. And your fan base is only followed you as a single artist because of your looks or that you were a part of Black Veil Brides."
"I wouldn't let you touch for it to lead to that." And she meant it, too. "I don't trust the drinks at any party. Since a creep could have laced the alcohol with a roofie. Besides, you could be drunk enough to 'fuck' a fan, huh?"
Andy sighed softly, shaking his head. "Music is a practical job. Granted some get a better deal than others do as far as money goes, but for the most of us we all have the same end goal." he said, pinching the bridge of his nose gently, "We all want to make those who listen to our music feel like they're not alone. We give our fans a means to escape reality, and be happy, and if that's not practical enough for you then I don't know what else to say."
He took a breath, trying to keep himself calm as he spoke again, "But it's good that you don't trust drinks at parties. Better safe than sorry." he said softly. "And I'm no where near being drunk, but if I wanted to 'fuck' a fan, I wouldn't need to be drunk to do it.”
"Its not a nine to five job that is good for family," she countered what he was saying. Despite her tone, she was enjoying this little debate. Even though she can sense that he was angry. "Musicians take up more time than that. Since they move around for tours and their schedules are always off. Private tours and flights. And what would a child think if their mother or father is always off doing their own thing? They'll think that the parents are fighting and running off to do whatever."
She snorted in a bored way, rolling her eyes. "Says you. Some people prefer to be drunk to fuck. As some drunks call it, its liquid courage. Anyways, I'm sure that my friend would like you to be her first. She's the fan. Not me. I don't listen to Scream-O music. I'm a pop fan."
He rolled his eyes once more, "No, it's not a nine to five, but that doesn't diminish the practicality or importance of the job." he spoke seriously. "And as far as children go, its not the easiest thing in the world but you raise them up to know what is happening and why their parents are doing the things that they do. Sometimes you bring them along, and you always make time to come back home for them. It becomes complicated yes, but it is possible to do. Trust me, I know people who make it happen." 
He chuckled softly, "I don't need liquid courage, and like I said before, I'm not here to get drunk and 'fuck' someone random. I'm not a complete asshole."
She finally cracked a smile. She hid her smile behind her hand. She believed that it is possible to do, but the nine to five job is actually pretty boring to her. Her dream job is to be an author. It is like being a musician, but the difference is that it takes time to become popular. "Would you want to have kids someday?" She asked him. "I think having kids is a great thing. Especially when you're pregnant. Great life experiences, too."
She giggled when she heard what he said. "Tabloids and magazines would like to tell you otherwise. I don't listen to those. I listen to my heart. I always have."
"I think one day I might like to have kids, definitely. But just not right now obviously." he said with a small laugh. "I don't get to experience the pregnancy thing obviously" he joked, "I do think of it a lot though, the having kids thing, not the being pregnant thing" he laughed softly.
He ran a hand through his hair again, smiling softly. "Trust me I know all about the tabloids and magazines, I can't change that though. They write what gets them reads whether its true or not" he said with a shrug.
"I read somewhere that childbirth is like breaking all your bones at once times two," she said in thought. "I'm glad that modern medicine can save women now than what they could have a hundred years ago. More women died from child birth than anything else back in the 18th to 19th century." Then she smiled more when she heard that from him. "Being pregnant isn't a walk in the park, but I hear its rewarding when you can actually feel the baby kick and punch in the womb. I wouldn't know since I'm a virgin and never been pregnant before."
She watched him run his hand through his hair yet again. "Did you ever experience a fan going to the press to say that the baby she had was your child? Like what Justin Bieber and Michael Jackson experienced?" It was a curious thing to her. Why those kinds of hardcore fans get pregnant, have their child and it looks like their favorite celebrity to go around and say that its their illegitimate child. Without any proof.
"If that is the case I'm glad I will never have to experience the hell of childbirth then. I mean, granted it seems pretty great afterwards because you have your cute little bundle of joy, but I don't even like spraining my ankle, let alone breaking bones" he said with a laugh. "But I've always heard that pain is beauty, and beauty is pain. So I'm sure that also applies to the childbirth situation, does it not?" he asked seriously.
He mentally smiled, loving the fact that someone was having a semi decent conversation with him instead of trying to get something out of him like sex or money for once. "Actually yes, this one time I had a woman try and say her one year old son was mine, the only flaw with her story is at the time she would have had to conceive the child, I wasn't even in the country to have been the one to get her pregnant." he said, shaking his head slightly at the memory.
"I wouldn't know that beauty is pain or pain is beauty because I don't really do much to myself," she said with a shrug. "I put so much junk in my body, it is surprising that I haven't gotten diabetes or anything. I've always had a high metabolism. And walking around campus also keeps me fit as a horse. But, to your question, I'm sure that childbirth is in that 'beauty is pain' category. After all, during the pregnancy and a woman hits a certain month, they're 'glowing,' so to speak."
She laughed when she heard that story, smiling brightly after she was done with a good three to five minute laugh. Her lungs and face hurt from smiling and laughing. Then she lightly shoved him as she continued to speak to him. "Are you sure she didn't buy a concert ticket and flown out to one of your shows? It is possible she did that. Much like in Justin Bieber's case. A woman had claimed to have met him on tour, but he never did. He even agreed to a paternity test, which came back negative."
Previously {AT THE START}
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 18 pt 2: Yami Visits Yugi in Hell, California
So, last we left the team, we were running straight into Hell, which is located about where the IRL Costco is.
Everyone except Tea, who is apparently way too scary of a person to run into Hell.
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So the rules of the spirit realm are that if you have more than one person too many vengeful spirits will be present, but like...how many vengeful dead spirits does Tea have??? The implications of Tea’s former life here are kind of a lot. Anyway, no Tea’s allowed.
TBH, Yugi saw Tea running after him into Hell to pull out his soul he would probably be too scared of the implied commitment to come out.
So, lets get a rollcall of vengeful spirits going, remember Season One?
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holy crap, that’s right, it’s PaniK.
(more dead guys under the cut)
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Then we have the twins who only spoke in rhyme and...I checked the notes here..they didn’t die. They were absolutely fine the last time we met them. But I dunno...maybe Pegasus got bored and sacrificed them to the crypt during Season 2.
Then we come across this guy.
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So according to Bro, Bandit Keith burned alive in the manga or something, while in the show he got away scott free from that warehouse that was on fire in the beginning of S2. My brother has a lot of spicy headcanons but like...
(bro note: I can’t find any reference on the internet easily so it didn’t happen. I just heard it somewhere. Maybe Pharaoh regrets not mind wiping Keith.)
...I feel like even if he’s dead in the Manga you can’t just have him dead here without me lifting my own Stars and Stripes colored eyebrows in doubt. If this guy were to die, it would have to be by very excessive fireworks, and other than that burning warehouse, we’ve had no other opportunities to do it.
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Ah...it’s...this guy. Who never had a name, ever.
Why would you even put him in this montage?
And then we get two people that I know for certain can’t be kicking it.
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So it seems to me that everything happening here is probably not real. This is all Yami’s head, Yami’s thoughts, and Yami’s guilt. And Yami is already really, really hard on himself. He lives with a lot of demons basically all the time. So he kind of walks through here and is like “whaddup, demons.” because this is a very been there, done that situation.
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Can’t believe that Noah and Gozaburo made so little an impact on Yami, as well as all the Big 5 who we’ve killed at least twice, but I guess Yami was kind of sleeping most of that arc.
Other people Yami has dueled in the past that coulllllllllld be offscreen dead that didn’t make the list: 
-The Rare Hunter twins who did a terrorism and fell into a skyscraper
-Alt-rock Kingdom Hearts Mime
-Bonez (who was Bakura’d so like...he might cease to exist on any timeline or anyone’s memories now)
-BAKURA (Any version of Bakura, honestly. Where is Bakura?)
Anyway, eventually we get to the middle of California Stonehenge, which is where Yugi is currently hanging out like a Star Trek holo deck.
Speaking of hologram--Yugi’s a card right? Yami could have just played Yugi and been like “hey! Can I tell you something?” (and then Seto Kaiba somewhere would notice on his dueling disk facebook that Yugi just plated Yugi Muto’s soul and would be like “Mokuba, we need to ban Yugi’s account, half of his deck is not even tourney legal.”)
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And then Yami spends this precious time to talk mostly about himself. Like honestly, he just went halfway to hell (or Millbrea, or whatever this is) just to vent what he basically already knows.
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And what makes this conversation kind of strange is that Yami starts going off about how Yugi’s the “pure” side of him, the “light” side of him, if you will. I’ve already touched on how much I disagree with this since Yugi is a freakin madman all on his own. And, this episode goes out of it’s way to do the same.
Because it’s about this point that Yugi starts getting real uncharacteristically mad. It’s lowkey kind of hilarious because it’s like:
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And yes, it’s about time that Yugi went off, but it does make you wonder--so is this what Yugi would be like all the time if Pharaoh wasn’t in there, or does Pharaoh assume that Yugi is mad at him, and so his SpiritJourney!Yugi reflect Pharaoh’s own insecurities?
Like, is this even Yugi?
This might not be Yugi at all, this might be just Yami screaming at himself in a desert, which is also very on key for Yami and has been Yami’s whole deal for about (checks watch)...this entire season.
Either way, Yugi’s REALLY pissed off and tired of Pharaohs 49ersfit.
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And so, to take this a step further than just screaming at most likely a hallucination of yourself, Yugi pulls out a duel disk and the two decide to play cards because...
...It just always comes back to cards. Can’t have a heart to heart without doing life threatening card games first.
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And so they decide to have a card match. It goes just about as smoothly as a card match would go when you consider that this is Yami hallucinating/possibly dueling a ghost of himself/just crawled out of a train crash/just murdered the hell out of Weevil Underwood.
Basically this duel has a very silly gimmick.
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Other than playing a lot of the same cards as during the Raphael fight, Yugi spends most of his time just tearing into Yami, which again...justified.
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And for just a little blip of an eye, a little tiny moment--he’s almost a Season Zero Yuugi. Just a nice dark magic Yugi with no ghost, just a real bastard underneath those glowing eyes.
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But anyway, much like the duel where Yami lost his mind and went evil, it didn’t last more than a few minutes before the duel was over and Yugi was just instantly better. Of all the duels this season--this is the one I would have liked to have 3 episodes of. Just saying.
Yugi’s whole explanation for why he’s done this--and this is a stretch, but I guess it still follows card logic--Yugi decided to use the Oricalchos so that he would become the darkness inside of Pharaoh’s mind (since they are the same person), and so when he lost the game, that darkness inside of himself was taken by the Orichalcos, leaving Pharaoh now darkness-free
...It’s a stretch. They’re both still ripe with dark magic so I don’t think it did what they think it did, lore wise. But yeah, it did make Pharaoh physically fight all his insecurities until he killed them (who was also Yugi, don’t think about it). It was also very manipulative, and I just want to throw out there you should not do this to your best friends.
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How many fireballs now has Tea watched Yugi take straight to the chest? At least 3, right? 5?
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Anyway, Yami gets reaaaally upset that he killed his fake dead boy who just used fake (but maybe real?) Orichalcos.
Yami just can’t keep any version of Yugi alive.
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And just like that, Yugi leaves the series, again.
Kind of.
Again, this Yugi was...probably not even Yugi. This was probably a grief-onset hallucination.
Sure am glad that Pharaoh can talk to this barely-even-Yugi to work out his insecurities instead of the--youknow--the GIRL he’s been kind of dating for the past 4 seasons. Really glad Tea kind of stood on a ledge and was like “Do you need to talk about it!?” While Yami was like “Not Necessary!” while he sort of dueled the ghosts in his head.
Kind of a marvel that the only person Yami knows how to talk to is Yugi (who as we found out this episode might be a crazy person) and...kind of Seto Kaiba (who is definitely a crazy person). That’s about it.
Yami’s had a hard time, but hopefully now he can talk to Joey without getting punched directly in the face. I guess we’ll find out next episode.
And if you just got here, this is a link to read these from the beginning.
Hope y’all are staying safe and inside. Us personally, are stuck inside until at least May 1st. Please pray for my patience.
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kaibacxrps · 4 years
Born in conflict
Discord thread with @kaibacorpbros​
This war has been going for years... There is no sign of it coming to an end, anytime soon. He doesn’t have any recollections of peaceful times, or even what this village used to look like before it all began. Meanwhile, his younger brother was born amidst this chaos, in his brief- short life he has exclusively experienced that and destruction. There really isn’t much, if any hope at all for these boys. All that they have left is the other, but even then- deep down within the older brother’s mind he is almost certain it will be just a matter of time, until this war claims the infant’s life as well. What could possibly be done to get them out of here? To give a chance at an actual life to his brother? Would that even be possible?
‘We’re almost arriving at our destination, sir.’ The jeep’s driver informed to his patron, who was comfortably sitting in the backseat. The man in question is one of the leaders, of a very prominent and influential mafia. They have ties to many countries governments, and run several businesses- schemes in the black market. They had been reached out by one of the factions from this conflict, in order to bring in - traffick more weapons. It was uncommon for Set to take these sorts of jobs, this was usually handled by either Karim or Shada, however he felt like this would be a perfect opportunity to teach more about their business to his son. Set’s gaze shifted from the deserted- destroyed scenery, and slowly shifted to his son who was about 11 years old. The place they are heading, was the last place any parent would willingly bring their child to- anyone but him, of course. “Your birthday is approaching, have you decided on what you want for it?” The father asked to his child, as he shifted slightly on his seat. So far, their trip had been awfully quiet, it was obvious to Set how his own child wasn’t too thrilled at all by the propsect of this trip. Maybe they just had a different meaning for the expression ‘bonding time between father and child’. 
The boy's eyes were mainly focused on the environment that passed them. He didn't have much interest in his father after suddenly deciding it was time to actually interact with him now and then. This place was ugly, ravaged, and not to mention it stunk as well. To say he was not happy would be an understatement. The question from his father did surprise him, but nothing more was shown but a small tilt of his head. "No sir," he said before pondering over the question more. What would he even ask for? For the most part he had the things he wanted. Maybe he could ask to go back home early for his gift? Nah, his father wouldn't even laugh at that. "I've not really thought about it. Maybe a game of some kind. I'll let you know if I think of anything." The boy trails off, before eventually coming back to the problem at hand. "Did I really have to come for this trip?" 
He lost the count of how many times his boy had asked the same exact question. It began when he was first approached back at Japan, then it only got worse as time went on. “What did I tell you the last time you asked this?” Set responded without missing a beat, his eyebrows raised for a moment and his facial expression made it abudantly clear he wouldn’t repeat himself one more time. A sigh soon left him, while he crossed his legs in order to get more comfortable on his seat. “Alright, alright while you think on that... Let’s run down the rules one more time. Don’t leave my line of sight, don’t stare down at anyone, no running there could be mines planted...” The father’s ramble went on for awhile, and until he was done it was the only thing that could be heard inside of the vehicle. “Are we clear, Seto?” By the time he was done, the car had stopped the driver alongside the bodyguard stepped out of it in order to open the doors for their patrons. “I know it won’t be the prettiest sight, but... What can you do?” Set proceeded to put on himself his sunglasses, and looked over at his son one last time before exiting. “I’ll make up for this, you know that boy.” There were already several men waiting for them outside, they all stood at a safe distance from the vehicle as they waited for their dealer to come out and start the discussions and arrangements. The driver held out a suitcase for Set to take. ‘Good morning, gentlemen.’ The mobster started, in a bold and confident tone as he walked towards them. This arrangement would last hours, the Sun was harshly shining bright - it only served to paint a more clear picture of the ruins that surrounded them. Set was clearly way too wrapped in the discussions, and the employees attentions were on the mobster- and not quite so much on his son. 
Seto largely zoned out for most of what Set said, but managed to at least appear like he was paying attention. "Yes, yes," he said when the car stopped, wasting no time in getting out. He didn't have an interest at all in the side of the business, so why couldn't he just be left out of it? But Seto concealed a sigh. The sooner things got started, the sooner it could be over. But quickly the boy's patience grew thin. It was hot. He had nothing to keep himself entertained but the boring negotiations between his father and the other adults. His father wouldn't notice if he just... carefully meandered out of sight. At least to find some shade. Although that proved to be a more difficult task in itself. But at least this way he wasn't stuck standing around like a statue. He started kicking a small rock as he traveled down the path out of boredom, until his hit sent it into one of the ruin walls. There were no other good sized ones around, so Seto went after it. He was about to flick the stone back onto the path. But he wasn't expecting to run into someone else. A kid, quite a bit younger than him by the looks of it, but... "Who are you?" 
’I’m going to look out for more supplies, they mentioned a truck with water is heading towards downtown. You stay here, and don’t leave here alright? Unless things get too dangerous... I’ll be back in a moment.’ Those were the last words, Mokuba exchanged with his brother before he headed out. Those were the ruins of a common house, even though by now it looked like anything but that. It was hot, way too hot in there and he had already long since run out of water (he could already hear his brother’s voice, telling him about better managing the very little they had.). At least it wasn’t night time, that was when the mice- rodents came out from their holes. There was nowhere to go, or even do other than wait for his brother’s returns. The little boy tried to take a nap, even though he knew very well how dangerous that was. Case in point, he woke up startled by the sound of a pebble hitting the wall and footsteps coming his way. By the time he heard the voice, the boy was already in the process of abandoning everything (at least- whatever they had left) behind. There was a hole on the wall by his side, large enough for him to run through it. He stood there for long enough to exchange looks with each other, before running through the hole without answering the stranger’s words or call. How odd, for a moment Mokuba was certain he had seen his brother there. 
"Hey, wait! I'm not gonna--" But his protests fall on... thin air as the small boy is already gone. Of course it made sense to Seto, given where they were, but he didn't look that scary right? He grumbles to himself for half a second while he debates on what to do before making up his mind. The meeting his father was in was bound to still take a while, he shouldn't be missed. He'd find out what was up with this kid, or at least make sure he wasn't the kid of someone important that would send someone with guns after him. Seto dashes through the hole right after the small boy. "I'm not gonna hurt you, swear! I was just bored okay!?" 
The sounds of footsteps resonated throughout the demised land, the ruins of buildings echoed the sounds of their chase. The surroundings were completely devoided of life, besides both children. Mokuba would often check over his shoulder- back, in order to see whether or not he was still being followed by the stranger. Much to his dismay, he was and his fatigue was starting to catch up to him by now. He hasn’t eaten for quite sometime, and hasn’t had any chance to sleep properly since forever. He was running out of breath to keep up like this, the boy needed a place to hide- it was his last ditched effort to try and save himself. As they ran through yet another tight alleyway, Mokuba spotted another hole in the wall that he could get through. And so, just like he quickly hopped into it. This led him into the remainders of a warehouse there still were a few crates, which he quickly hid behind them. Truth be said, the boy was quite frankly terrified of the stranger. There were so many awful things that could happen to him, despite being so young- he is well aware of what tends to happen to young children like him in these bands. The boy is desperately trying to recover his breath, his heart pounded inside of his chest. ‘Brother... Where are you?’ Mokuba thought to himself, as he tried to hold back his urge to cry for him. Although, a few tears had already sprouted from his eyes. The boy was tired, hungry, and terrified-- he wanted his brother here so bad! However, the nightmare was far from over when he heard footsteps inside of the building. There is no way he’ll get away from this. A sharp and loud cry escaped him while accompanied by sobs, once he is found. 
This kid was fast! But of course it made sense in a place like this, a vital skill, even. But eventually, likely do to the smaller boy's exhaustion as well as Seto's longer strides he managed to catch up. At the very least he wanted to explain himself in case it caused issues for his father down the line... "I'm not--hah... going to hurt you." Seto, while panting for breath was doubled over in exhaustion. He held up his hands, to show they were empty. Hopefully that would mean something to the boy. He jerked a thumb at himself. "Seto. I'm Seto," he said slowly. Right, he hadn't even thought about them not speaking the same language. "I'm not gonna hurt you," he repeated, never daring to move his hands in case the boy thought he was reaching for a weapon. "Are you lost? Do you have parents? A mom or a dad? Brothers or sisters? Maybe I can help you." Maybe if he could just push this kid in the right direction he could then get back to father before he noticed he'd wandered off. 
The boy froze in place and in fear, as the older boy caught up to him. His poor heart was racing, it was nearly impossible to hear him over the loud - pounding beats in his chest. However, even though he saw how the stranger had no weapons- guns with him, it still did very little to calm him down. There was a language barrier between them, Mokuba didn’t understand a word that came from Seto. But he managed to pick up on a few things. He clearly wasn’t from here, and he also wasn’t behaving like most of the others that have tried to harm him and his brother over the years. Regardless of it, he could tell how he wouldn’t be leaving here without him- and considering their context, being alone in his age was extremely dangerous. Mokuba blinked at him in silence at first, then nodded with his head- signalling he couldn’t understand what he had just said. If only there was a way for them to communicate... Sure, Seto’s intentions might be good. But he knows best, to not approach- get too close to any stranger. He wouldn’t want that to happen once more. “Uhm... Mokuba.” The boy responded while placing a hand over his chest, as he tried to think of a way to try and communicate with the older boy. He noticed an empty ammo shell, not too far from him- then he noticed the soil they currently stood on- sand. He quickly reached out for it, and scribbled on it two sticky figures- one taller than the other. “I’ve got a brother...” He spoke in his language, while patting the taller figure’s drawing with the bullet shell and tapping at his chest. This might be the start of something, he hopes the other might have an easier time at understanding him. 
Okay, progress. This was progress! At least the kid wasn't running from him and trying to communicate. Unfortunately that communication was with a language that Seto really didn't know. Seto can at least gather that it seemed the boy's name was Mokuba. Or maybe that was his last name. Or his group of people or hometown or--this wasn't that time for that. It was Probably the kid's name. The image that the boy scratched into the ground could either be a parent--or maybe just an adult or somebody older that the boy knew. That didn't narrow things down too much, but at least this kid did have someone he was looking for. Seto nods. "You're trying to find them?" He points to the bigger stick figure. "Okay--I haven't seen anyone else around though." But after scaring the boy off, he should probably at least help the boy back and see if they could find the person Mokuba was seeking. "You and me," Seto pointed towards Mokuba, and then himself. "We can look for," he put his hands over his eyes like binoculars. "Your friend," and lastly he pointed at the drawing. "Will you come with me?" Seto pointed to the boy, and then at himself, and made a walking gesture with his fingers in the air. 
The gestures, now that was something the child could understand clearly- despite the language barrier. A part of him was relieved, but the child was still very much wary of the stranger. The boy nodded his head up and down in agreement, as he gathered up the remainder of his energies in order to stand straight up and slowly lead the way around the ruined city- structures. But this time, at a much slower pace. How long have they been running? They have made quite far from the place, Mokuba and his brother made into their little hideout. The boy seemed to warm up to the foreigner, as they walked down the tight alleyway. Nothing bad happened to him so far, and there was no sight of the conflict - maybe both sides were taking a break... The black haired kid, couldn’t help but wonder if his brother had finally returned. Mokuba’s walking pace picked up speed, as they approached the hole that would lead them back into the hideout. However, nothing could have prepared them for what awaited for them inside of it. The younger boy stepped in without any major qualms, there was even a cheerful- exasperated gasp that left him after taking his very first step in. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for Seto, as he would be greeted by the sight of another boy- someone around the same age as him pointing a gun directly at him. “Freeze!” The other brunette boy shouted in his language, as he stood in front of his little brother. This had to be the other person, he mentioned earlier to Seto. 
Seto let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding when the boy finally nodded. Of course he knew there was probably little change of finding this kid's parent or whatever, but he'd at least follow this kid back to where he found him and if too much time passed he'd get back to his father. It was almost relaxed. No gunshots or yelling, just quiet as he followed this boy.  Like a stroll. Seto didn't have a watch on, but he figured he could probably wait around with the boy in his hideout for a few minutes at least before he had to go back home-- Or maybe not, going by the happy sound that left Mokuba, it seemed the person he was looking for had found him first. Seto's body reacted before his mind caught up, thanks to Set's training. He was already moving to grab the weapon by it's muzzle and push it to the side to throw off the boy's aim. In the same breath Seto drew his knife in his free hand attempting to hold the other boy up like he had just done. 
Now, where could his child possibly have gone to? How long has he been out? Seto had learned way too well, how to sneak away from these meetings. That boy kept proving himself, to be his biggest challenge in life yet. Now wasn’t the time to complain, they had to find Seto as quickly as possible. Before danger returned to this devastated land. Set alongside with some of his henchmen wandered around the empty streets, and parted ways so they could have a better coverage in their search. A distant and faint cry of a child, accompanied by the noise of gunfires was soon picked up by the mobster’s ears and he quickly began marching towards it’s direction.
The whole thing was chaotic, and it all happened so quickly as well. Mokuba screamed and cried out of being scared at the whole thing (even though he has witnessed far worse things, he still is merely a scared child), while his older sibling fought with his acquaintance. The older brother missed his gunshots, and quickly took notice of the knife being drawn out- they wrestled and struggled some more against each other. He didn’t come out of it unscathed, the foreigner kid managed to slash him a few times with the dagger but in the end he managed to once again assert control of the situation and hold him at very close range of his gun. The bleeding- sick looking boy, yelled at Seto a few words in his mother language- something akin to his final ones before he pulled the trigger. ‘Were you trying to take him away?! You’ll pay for laying a single finger on Mokuba, you sick bastard! Don’t try to deny it, I know what people like you do to them!-’ The boy spoke as loudly as he could, however he couldn’t finish the sentence. He was interrupted by a punch to his face, which sent him tumbling away- and caused him to lose grip of his gun. He had just taken the full blow, of an adult’s fist- and it was none other than Set himself. The father found his son, alongside with the rascal that dared to threaten him. “Seto, what did I tell you?” The man called in a deep and serious tone, it was enough to silence the crying Mokuba while his older sibling was trying to recover from the attack. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be granted such time- chance for it as he was quickly grabbed and lifted up by the mobster’s firm hold of his thin neck. Even though his sight was blurry, he was capable of recognizing the figure that was now directing his words to him (they were awful, and detailed to him exactly what was going to happen to him)... His name was infamous around these grounds... He should have known better. 
Seto had been so focused on his brawl with the other child it was like his father and his men had appeared out of nowhere. While he was pround of faring so well against someone with a superior weapon, there was also a bit of shame at the bruises no doubtedly forming on his face. First the foreign kids were yelling at him, now so was his father too. Dammit, he shouldn't have wandered off. The little one was crying and the older one squirming in the hands of Set--how had this all gone so wrong so quickly!? "Pops, I was just--!" Seto managed to scramble back to his feet and throw a gesture at Mokuba. "I stumbled across the little one who got lost from whoever he was traveling with; I'm guessing they're brothers," he explained hurridly. As sore as he was for the eldest attacking him, the whole point of this all was to help Mokuba before his father was the wiser--but one part of that was clearly out of the question. "I told him I'd help him, so just let that one go and we can leave." 
“No, no, no. You’ve wandered off despite all of my warnings, and now you want to try and argue with me? You aren’t in a position to make any demands.” Set responded to his son, with a cold glare on his face as his hold onto the other boy’s neck tightened up. Which scored a raspy and hitched gasp out of him, as he still tried to break free from the adult’s hold. “How noble,  were you trying to spare his life? Even though he had you at gunpoint... Look at your face, and clothes Seto... You’re looking so filthy.” The man scolded his child, looking down upon him the entire time with a stern look.
“Do you even have any idea, how worried I was with you?”
He could just barely breath, his surroundings felt like they were spinning. What were they even saying? Regardless of it, the boy was certain how this would be his ending. He wouldn’t make it past this very moment, yet he really wasn’t worried about himself. Rather, all he could think of was his brother- that was the only thing he had in his mind. “Mo-Mokuba... Agh...” The boy whimpered, as he tried to breath in as much oxygen as he was allowed in that situation. This garnered the attentions from both the man and the crying child, who by now had covered up his face with both hands. “Mokuba... Please, sir... Please... Take.... Take my brother out of this place... I-I’m sorry for attacking your son... Hah.” While the boy tried to speak in a painstakingly slow pace, Set took a good look at the kid in his hand.How odd... This complete stranger, in the middle of a no man’s land... Somehow, had a handful of similarities to his son’s looks. Both seemed to be around the same age, even the eyes colors were oddly similar.
An idea began forming in the back of Set’s mind, while he maintained his hold onto the boy- even after he was done talking. Meanwhile the younger boy’s tears just wouldn’t stop running down his cheeks, but this time- he visibly seemed to be confused by what he had just heard. “You can kill me... Sir... I... But please, take my brother... Out of here... I’m the only one he has, please.” Set was staring at him, deadset into those eyes the entire time. Eventually, something clicked in his mind which led him to slowly lower the boy down and set him on the floor. Finally, he could somewhat breath. But the first thing that greeted him once his sight focused- became clear, was a pistol’s barrel being pointed right at mere inches away from his face. The boy didn’t even flinch or blink, at the sight of it. At least, it would be impossible to recognize- tell who he once was. Should his corpse ever be found, by anyone. “What’s your name?” Set asked, coldly. “Does it really matter?” That was the response he got out of the unnamed kid, which prompted him to look over at Seto and direct his word to him. “Take the other kid out of here, wait outside for me and don’t leave. I’ll join you in a moment.” 
Seto had known he wouldn't have been able to get a word in edgewise, and his expectations hadn't been disappointed. Why'd he even bother to talk around here anyway? He had opened his mouth to argue that it was the little one he was trying to help, and that the eldest just happened to think him an intruder, but he got cut off again. It would probably be better to remain silent in this situation. Yet it was still clear on his face that the boy was not happy with all of this. He didn't dare move as the elder one appared to be trying to bargin with his father. But Set didn't choke the life out of the kid. What was going on? What was Seto missing from the language gap? "M...Mokuba, come on." Wheather his father decided to cleanly kill the kid with a bullet or not, at the very least it had to be better for the little one to be out of there. Mokuba was a mess, and rightfully so, but for once Seto did as he was told hearded the boy along, out of sight. This time, he wouldn’t dare risk wandering off again. What on Earth was his father thinking?
The little boy wouldn’t stop crying, he shouted and called for his sibling while being herded away by Seto. Despite his current state, it wasn’t difficult at all to drag him out of that place (mostly due to his current weak state, but also due to how lightweight he really was). In fact, he didn’t even have the energy to struggle- resist the older boy. With those two out of that place, Set’s attention was now fully on the kid that stood right in front of him. The man kneeled down so he could look right into those eyes, meanwhile the gun remained in the same exact position- still being pointed at the young boy.
’Don’t waste your time burrying a hole to me, or even covering my corpse. I know how this goes... I’ve already seen it...’ ‘No... No, your life might actually be worth something...’
They exchanged a few words, their talk was relatively a brief one. But it sure didn’t feel like that, from the outside. The silence was eating up Mokuba, who was still silently sulking while he sat on the floor. He had collapsed as soon as they stepped out of that building, the boy was too weak- he no longer could bring himself to stand up. His chest ached, due to his heart beating loudly and at a very fast pace. All that he could do in that situation was to look at Seto in search of some form of comfort, but even that didn’t last much. His gaze shifted between him, and the building- he anxiously waited for them- rather... Just the man to come out of there. He was waiting to hear the cold sound of a gunshot... But instead the sound of footsteps caught Mokuba’s attention, and an exasperated gasp left the crying child as soon as he spotted both walk out of the building. The younger boy still couldn’t stand up, but that didn’t stop him from shouting at his brother- who quickly ran towards him. Both boys were sulking- in tears, and crying together as they held each other tightly and exchanged comforting words in their language. Meanwhile, Set approached his son while he tucked away his pistol. “You okay there, boy? It was fast, wasn’t it?” He asked with a brief pause, as his gaze shifted from Seto and landed onto the weeping siblings. “I’ve got some news for you. They’re coming with us.” 
Seto had been expecting a gunshot as well. A quicker and cleaner way of getting rid of the eldest of the brothers. Or perhaps death by blunt force trauma. Neither came. The little one instantly abandoned his side at the sight of the eldest still breathing. But Seto wasn't out of the woods yet. "I'm fine, I handled myself," he answered. Just because he was nice to the younger one didn't mean he had no pride. At Set's following statement the boy was sure he misheard. "They're what Pops? Why? You were just about to kill one of them, I don't understand--are they important somehow?" Perhaps related to someone with a lot of power or money, Seto hypothesized. 
He can already envision and hear the others’ reaction to this plan. They’ll doubt him, as well as most likely call him crazy... And yet... It doesn’t put him away, from approaching his comrades about the prospect of it. Set maintained his silence for a moment, all while he shifted his gaze between the kids and his son. The man didn’t answer the boy’s question, and when he was about to do that- they were interrupted by one of his henchmen. ‘Sir, we must leave.’ The bodyguard said, while bowing forward slightly- by the looks of it the man seemed to be ushering them to leave. Their visit has come to an end. The mobster simply nodded to his words, as he proceeded to look back at the three children. Set simply gestured for the two siblings to follow him, only then he broke his silence. “We have a long trip back to home, we’ve got a lot of time to talk about that.” “Let’s go, Seto. And ah, be nice to them along the way. Will you?”
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
In the White Light - Prideshipping fic Chapter 14
Also on AO3.
Note: Sorry for being slow with this fic lately. But I’ve been ABSOLUTELY SWAMPED at work.
Chapter 14 – The Edge of Dawn
Floating in a mostly dark space, Kaiba could hear bits a conversation in the distance. “…rich boy…”
It’s that damned Wheeler… Kaiba closed his eyes tighter, feeling no desire to wake up. So I must be inside Leviathan.
Is… Is that you, Critias?
I know you don’t want to awaken, but I bring you good news. The pharaoh has beaten Dartz in battle. It will only be a matter of time before Leviathan falls.
“Haha…” Kaiba opened his eyes. “I knew you could do it, babe.”
“Eh?” Joey, who had been talking to Pegasus and Yugi, paused. “So. The rich bastard is awake. What brings you here? Ya charge into battle with the pharaoh and lost, huh?”
“Go to hell, Wheeler. After all I have been through, the last thing I need is to take shit from the guy I hate most.”
“There they go again… Huh?” Yugi sighed. Then, all of a sudden, he began to feel warm and glowed.
“Joey boy! Kaiba boy! Yugi boy!” Pegasus exclaimed. Their souls… Leviathan must be taking them!
I wouldn’t be too sure about that… So were Kaiba’s thoughts as the souls of his companions and him drifted back into the real world. While Tristan and Téa needed a bit longer to wake up, he and Mokuba woke up in no time at all.
“Ugh… My head…” Mokuba tried to slap himself awake until he realized his brother had waken up too. “Ah, Seto…?”
“Mokuba! You’re… okay…” Kaiba spoke as he stood up.
“Hehe, of course I am! It’s not the first time I’ve been thrown against a wall.”
Kaiba remembered his terrifying first transformation. “Now’s not the time for jokes!”
“I agree!” a familiar voice sounded in the distance.
“Ugh, you’re back too…” Kaiba looked past a running Joey to see Yami Yugi staring straight at him. “Babe…”
“Kaiba…?” Yami Yugi only took a few steps forward before running to his boyfriend. “K-Kaiba… Thank the gods… You’re really back!”
“Did you really think you could get rid of your greatest rival so easily?” Kaiba readily accepted the hug Yami Yugi gave him. “Even if I happened to leave you, I will always come back to you, babe.”
“Kaiba… My love, I know you weren’t gone for long, but it feels good to have you by my side again.”
Kaiba showed no shame in intensely kissing Yami Yugi in front of everyone, particularly Joey. “Whoaaaa! When did they become an item?”
“It’s… a long story.” Téa didn’t feel like elaborating.
“All right, you lovebirds.” Joey’s intervention broke the emotional reunion. “If rich boy and I came back, then where’s our Yugi?”
Yami Yugi turned away from his friends.
“He’s still trapped, isn’t he?” Tristan worried.
In his much shorter form, Yugi turned back. “What are you talking about? I’m right here!”
“It’s really you!” Téa shed tears of joy while she, Tristan, and Joey joined Yugi in a group hug. “I thought I’d never see you again!”
I guess I ought to show some respect. Kaiba barely tolerated this display of friendship.
“Still…” Joey suddenly broke the group hug when he began to feel uneasy. “Something tells me this isn’t the end of it. Everyone else’s soul is still gone.”
“Mr. Kaiba!”
Kaiba recognized the voice calling from outside. “It’s Roland! Come on, let’s go!”
“Right!” Joey, with the help of Tristan, lifted Rafael’s body off of the ground.
Unsurprisingly, the storm from earlier had not abated. “What’s that huge… city thing in the middle of the ocean?” Tristan asked.
“By the looks of it, I would say it’s Atlantis,” Joey replied.  “I know! Hey rich boy, you can change into a dragon, can’t ya? How about you fly us up there?”
“No way, Wheeler. This is my fight alone!”
“Come on, Joey, you guys just got back! You don’t mean to go out there again?” Téa whined. “You could get your souls taken again… Or worse.”
“And I wouldn’t try to ask anything of Kaiba, especially for him to transform,” spoke Tristan. “Believe me, we’ve tried.”
Before Yugi could say anything, he felt something in his pocket; to his surprise, the three Egyptian god cards were in there. The presence of those cards gave him resolve. “Téa, I know you’re concerned, but we’ve got to save everyone. And Kaiba, I’m sure the pharaoh has told you several times, but we’re a team now. You may not see him, but he’s right here with me.”
“…Okay, Wheeler and Yugi. I’ll do it.” Kaiba’s sudden response shocked everyone. “But I’m going to have to ask all of you to stand back.”
“Y-You got it, man…” Joey watched as Kaiba’s transformation kicked up wind and light. “I… Just wow.”
“Are you going to just stand there and gawk or are you going to get on?” Kaiba growled.
“Wow! Seto, you can talk as a dragon now!”
“Er… Yeah, whatever.”
As Yugi and Joey climbed on Kaiba’s back, Mokuba asked excitedly, “Hey, can I ride you too?”
“No, Mokuba. You’re going to go with Roland and the others to find somewhere safe to hide.”
“Hmph.” Mokuba reluctantly accepted this answer. “But after all of this is over, you better let me have a ride.”
“Yeah, yeah, just get in the bloody chopper.” With that, Kaiba stretched his wings twice before speeding off into the slowly forming hurricane.
“Whoooooo!” Joey didn’t seem even a little scared of the rocky ride there. “This is better than the theme park!”
“Can it, Wheeler. I’m not a roller coaster. Oh!” Kaiba noticed a couple of dragon monsters in the corners of his eye. He had to do a barrel roll to avoid them, and the recoil of his Shining Neutron Blast nearly knocked Yugi off.
“Kaiba, come on…” Yugi began to see stars. “I’m not exactly in the mood to start plummeting towards the sea.”
“Nice one!” Joey looked around, and thankfully, there were no other monsters. “Say, rich boy, any idea where Dartz is exactly?”
Yugi looked around too and noticed a green pillar of light shooting from the center of Atlantis. “Look, Kaiba, that’s probably where Dartz is!”
“Gee, I wouldn’t have thunk it!” Kaiba flew near this green pillar of light, but he soon began to feel weak. “Urgh…”
“Kaiba?” Yugi showed concern as Kaiba’s body started blinking like a car light. “What’s wrong?”
“I… I think I’m going to fall…” Kaiba abruptly reverted to human form as he, Joey, and Yugi started diving to the ocean.
“Waaaaaaaah!” Joey shrieked as he held his Duel Disk tightly and fished for his strongest monster. Thankfully, the trio managed to land on the floating city safely. “Thanks, Red-Eyes, I owe you one.”
“And I owe Kaiba one for leading you three right into my trap!”
Yugi knew that voice well. “Dartz! How are you still alive?”
“I really don’t feel like telling you that, little Yugi,” Dartz answered as an ice sculpture of himself appeared, as did the body of a giant sea serpent. “But I will tell you this; I don’t even need your guys’ souls anymore. You see, I’ve offered a much stronger soul as a substitute – mine.”
“And what a waste of time, as you’ll soon find out,” Kaiba angrily replied as he tried to find the will to transform but couldn’t.
“I’m afraid you’re powerless, Kaiba. You see, the power of the Great Leviathan seals your shapeshifting powers!”
“Powerless?!” Kaiba roared as he held three cards in his hand while he and Yami Yugi readied their Duel Disks. “Oh, I’ll show you powerless! Go! Vorse Raider, Gadget Soldier, and of course Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”
“Luckily I’ve come prepared with my Red-Eyes! Flame Swordsman and Jinzo will also be joining him!”
“Then I’ll summon Dark Magician, Summoned Skull, and Kuriboh!” Yami Yugi declared.
“Great, that bloody puffball will stop this giant sea serpent…” Kaiba knew firsthand the power of the seemingly harmless Kuriboh.
“Do you really think that all of those puny monsters will… Eh?” Dartz watched as the trio summoned their respective dragon cards alongside their monsters.
“That’s not all! Here’s Legend of Heart! Now, dragons, show us your true form!”
“Still powerless. Or do you need me to remind you?” With a snap of his fingers, three giants tentacles came out of Leviathan, encircling the three companions.
“Eyaaaah, gross!” Joey fell into Leviathan headfirst. “Guys, this is gross!”
“No kidding!” Kaiba struggled too, but he found it in him to half shift. “Dammit! If… If only I could transform…”
“My love, stop…” Yami Yugi couldn’t bear to watch Kaiba straining to transform. Happy to see Kaiba slowly relax, he continued, “I know what to do.”
“Okay, babe. I will trust you.” With that, Kaiba withdrew his wings and gave in to the abyss below.
 “Ngh…” Even if he wanted to wake up, Kaiba’s eyelids felt heavy.
“Yo, rich boy! There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know!”
Before Kaiba could react to the sound of Joey’s voice, a full bucket of water splashed him awake. “Aaah! Fuck it, Wheeler!”
“Man, Kaiba, take it easy! I just wanted to tell you where Yug is. How ‘bout a little gratitude?”
“Yugi!” Kaiba shot up and surveyed the surroundings; now, Atlantis barely floated above the sea. “Tell me, where did he go?”
“I take it you’re not talking about me.” Yugi showed himself. “We’re now free because the pharaoh unleashed the Egyptian gods.”
“Yeah!” Joey added. “Now they’re all fighting Leviathan… er, somewhere up there.”
Kaiba noticed a large aurora strewn across the otherwise dark sky. Taking a few steps forward, he spoke without looking back, “Okay, you dweebs, try not to die while I’m out there.”
“Kaiba, wait!” Joey tried to stop Kaiba as he jumped into the sea and emerged in dragon form. “There’s nothing you can do!”
“I should have known…” Yugi simply sat on the ground and stared at the aurora.
If only for the sake of KaibaCorp, Kaiba thought as he flew into the thermosphere, close to outer space. Though this area was home to erratic temperatures and very few life forms, Kaiba hardly felt any effect. Looking past the lights, it took him some time to locate Yami Yugi, locked in battle with Dartz.
Despair tempted Yami Yugi as he watched Leviathan engulf Obelisk in his tentacles, and attempted to trap the other two gods. “This monster can hold his own even against the Egyptian gods… If I can’t win here, then what can I…”
“Hahaha… My Leviathan is millennia older than your Egyptian gods! Now, Leviathan, attack!” Dartz pointed at Yami Yugi, taking advantage of his dropped guard.
Kaiba dove as fast as he could at the word “attack,” and his Shining Neutron Blast barely parried said attack. He temporarily ignored Dartz to admonish Yami Yugi. “Pharaoh! How dare you start losing to someone other than me! And for fuck’s sake, cut out the pity party! Or do you not remember your first battle in Battle City?”
Yami Yugi recalled the battle against Yami Marik, winning him Slifer the Sky Dragon, and Kaiba’s pep talk that helped him win. “I remember.”
“Then fight, dammit! Raaaah!” Kaiba shot another blast at Leviathan, freeing Obelisk from the binding tentacles.
“It can’t be!” Dartz was dumbfounded at this intrusion. “Leviathan should be able to seal your dragon powers!”
“Unfortunately for you, there’s only one champion, and that’s me.” Kaiba flew shoulder-to-shoulder with the three gods.
“G-Grr…” Dartz didn’t want to believe that his time was at an end. “Leviathan, turn that blasted dragon into scrap metal!”
“You will do no such thing!” Yami Yugi ordered the three gods to attack simultaneously while Kaiba added his own power. “Your formerly vengeful souls have transformed into kind souls full of light.”
“You… You can’t mean…” Dartz thought aloud as the four monsters’ attacks approached his monster.
“That’s right! Leviathan is powerless now!”
“No…” Dartz groaned as beams of light emitted from Leviathan, slowly tearing him apart. “No! Damn… you… pharaoh…”
Kaiba looked down to Earth; not only was the aurora gone, but so was the hurricane – and his will to retain his dragon form. “Please tell me that this is over, babe.”
As much as Yami Yugi wanted to say “yes,” he knew they still had one more task. Looking at the disintegrating Atlantis, he answered, “My love, Joey and Yugi are still on Atlantis. Before it crumbles, we need to save them. Can you hang on for just a little bit longer? Please?”
“Guess I��ll have to,” spoke Kaiba as he and Yami Yugi descended back to Earth, thankful that at last, the world appeared to be at peace.
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punkinroses · 5 years
An OC Info dump nobody asked for part 2: electric boogaloo
So the last one I did was sort of backstory stuff, and I still didn’t even go into everything, but, here we are. Duelist Kingdom info dumping about Kat.
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She meets Yugi and the gang not long after his battle with Weevil. Kat had actually seen the Duel, and recognized his item instantly. He had to be the boy her brother was after.
Kat meets with them and challenges them to a pick up Duel. Tells him she doesn’t want star chips, she’s not even participating in the tournament. But she wants to see for herself how strong he is (and it’s safer this way -- if she clocks her Deck into the system, Max is gonna know where she is and she’s not ready to deal with that just yet).
When Yugi turns into Yami, she can’t explain it, but there’s something eerily familiar about him...and something off. Like she knows deep down that’s not Yugi still. But she can’t explain how.
Kat loses the Duel, and throughout it explained her situation to them. She tells them she wants to help him get his grandfather back and figure out more of what her brother’s planning to do here, saying he’s not in his right mind.
The rest of Duelist Kingdom goes about the same. She and Mai have a mutual respect towards each other, that’ll later develop into a friendship. She and the others really get along, even if Joey and Tristan don’t trust her at first they eventually realize she’s just trying to make things right.
Namely, they really realize this when they find Mokuba. Kat swears to him she’s gonna help him, that they don’t want Kaiba Corp and that something’s wrong with her own brother. She understands wanting to help your older sibling. And that they’re gonna find his brother, and stop all these crazy schemes.
She’s ready to storm the castle after Mokuba’s taken again and chew her brother out. She almost does.
There’s something about Ryou that just draws her. Kat thinks he’s charming and sweet and kind. And funny, maybe a little morbid, but she respects it. She doesn’t remember the Duel that took place. She got knocked out for it -- but her soul wasn’t placed into the Deck.
Kat seeing Kaiba again is a bit unnerving...especially when he tells them all about their first meeting, at a tournament Bandit Keith had lost in. He seems...different, than how she remembered him. More unnerved, more confused and befuddled in his beliefs. But angry and sad, worried even, about his brother. And who can blame him?
Though she almost dragged him off the side of the castle when he pulled That Stunt. It had her frozen in fear though, one that she couldn’t shake. After what she had happen with her mother, not that he would have been thinking about that...she wanted to ring his neck for even acting like he would.
After the Duel between Pegasus and Kaiba, he has the guards drag her back to her room and keep her locked in there for the tournament.
Max and her have a big fight about it when he finds her and she demands the full story. And she calls him insane when he tells her he’s trying to get Cecelia back.
“In what world do you think this is what my sister would want? To see you tearing people’s lives apart and stealing souls to bring her back? She would be disgusted with you!”
Max doesn’t want to hear the truth. He keeps her locked in there, and any time she tries to escape the guards catch her. They threaten the boys and that’s when she tries to keep a bit more calm.
Yugi and the others can do this, right? They have to be able to.
She doesn’t expect to have the guards knocked out and for her savior to be Ryou...but it’s not. His eyes are different and he’s taking in all of her like it’s the last time he’s gonna see her. And he smirks and that’s when she really knows it’s not him. The others had mentioned having some weird memory or dream of a Different Bakura and it looks like he’s real.
“This brings back memories, doesn’t it? Not the first time I’ve snuck you out of your castle bedroom, princess. Probably won’t be the last, either, knowing you -- you’d think you would have picked up on how to do it yourself by now ---”
He stops when he sees the look on her face.
“...You don’t remember.”
“Who the hell are you?”
He doesn’t say much on the subject after that, but she caught the hurt in his eyes that he covered up quickly afterwards. Said he was breaking them out of there and they were going to track down Tristan and Mokuba.
Kat managed to convince him she needed to go find Kaiba, it was best for them to split up.
Maybe she was a bit too unnerved by him, and a bit too unwilling to help there. They argue, but she manages to get away and start her search for the missing Kaiba brother’s body.
She finally finds him about the time Yugi manages to get the souls freed. And she shows him the way out of the castle.
It’s probably the only time Kaiba ever thanked her. She blames it on the soul returning to the body thing, he was probably a little loopy.
When she gets back is when she finds out about her brother, Croquet having to be the one to tell her.
She’s absolutely devastated and tells them to see the others off safely, but rushes to her brother’s side.
His eye’s gone. Not his eye, but the Millennium Eye that drove him mad to begin with, she feels. Maybe now he’ll get some rest. But the fact still remains someone almost killed him to get that thing.
The others have an alibi and there’s no way they would have gone that far.
But she remembers the false Ryou. And how everything seemed off about him.
Once Kat knows her brother’s going to be okay, she makes arrangements to fly to Domino and she goes to track him down for a Duel. To get answers.
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kaibagirl007 · 5 years
Come Undone 5/6
( the fifth part of a mini side-fic series to accompany my RP with @dragontamer05 )
Despite the fact that Seto now found himself blocked from his descendant’s mind, he still continued to linger close by Kaiba, just on the off-chance that the barrier between them might weaken and crumble. So far though, it was seeming to be permanent. But things weren’t at a complete loss and waste of his time. Now that the blue-eyes white dragon was aware of his existence, she visited him from time to time and eased his loneliness.  
‘I do not like him,’ Seto stated bluntly to Blue as he sat nestled against her with his eyes firmly fixated on the one-eyed man conversing with his descendant as they seated out in the open air beside the grand chateau. ‘He reminds me of Aknadin and should not be trusted.’
Blue raised her head from where she lay and craned her neck to stare at the pharaoh snuggled right beside her wing. She purred softly as she spoke to him in her dragon tongue.
‘Yes, I am perfectly aware of who he is. It does not alter my opinion of him, especially since I am also aware of the things he has done.’
Annoyed by Seto’s response, Blue’s purr morphed into a growl as she scold him for his bias and used the tip of her tail to knock the Khepresh from his head.
‘You are more understanding and forgiving than I…’ Seto commented as he leant over to retrieve his headpiece. He then looked at the blue-eyes and gave a sly smirk, ’… yet you refuse to extend that forgiveness towards my descendant. That makes YOU biased too.’
Sparks crackled at the back of dragon’s throat as she warbled in protest before turning away and slumping her head back down on to the ground where it had been just moments before. It wasn’t that she refused to forgive her duelist for having hurt her human, but the fact that he had so much to atone for and had done virtually nothing since the brief cafe encounter to even suggest he had intentions of doing such. Only when he’d start to show progress would she reevaluate her stance on him and his worthiness to be granted forgiveness. 
Blue heaved a sigh as she watched the wine drain from Kaiba’s glass as he listened to Pegasus talk. She tried to stay optimistic for the three human souls and her own that were tangled in destiny’s thread, but even she was dubious about what the final outcome would be. Her duelist had strayed so far from the light and into darkness that she herself was having trouble keeping him in her sight. Would he ever return? She hoped so; her human longed for him… and so did she.
“… as you can see, Kaiba Corporation is in perfectly capable hands-“
“My company shouldn’t be in HIS hands, it should be in MINE!” Kaiba growled angrily as the other finished informing him of his company’s current performance under his brother’s control. He slammed the empty wine glass down on the table beside them and immediately began to pour more of the deep red liquid into it.
Pegasus’ eye wandered over the gaunt,- almost skeletal,- frame of the young man seated before him. He felt a sense of guilt for having stood by and allowed the deterioration to occur when he could have perhaps stepped in sooner and prevented it. Had he done so though, he knew there would have been no trust left between them that had finally seen the other approach him on his own accord. “Your brother did what he did because he’s concerned about you, as are a lot of people, myself included.” 
“Pfft, the board’s only concern is how my ‘image’ reflects on the company.”
“You can hardly blame them. Some of the parasites you choose to mingle with these days don’t exactly have glowing reputations themselves.”
“Interesting choice of word you used to describe my ‘friends’,” The snide remark was made as Kaiba raised the wine to his lips once more.
“Those people aren’t your friends. They’re socialites, sycophants and call girls; not a single one of them cares about your wellbeing.” Pegasus failed to hold back the scornful remark. He knew it could have potentially put an end to the conversation,- and quite possibly their friendship if the other was in a defensive mood,- but he felt it needed to be said.
“Meh, the feeling’s mutual,” Kaiba lazily shrugged and continued drinking. He’d lost count of just how many glasses of wine he’d had, but knew for a fact he was nearing the end of a third bottle between them, of which he’d easily drank two on his own. Maybe that was why he currently felt so loose and relaxed as he admitted, “I don’t ‘love’ or ‘care’ for anyone these days… not even myself…”
Without saying a word, Pegasus reached for his own wine glass and sipped as he patiently waited to see if the other would continue to talk without prompt. Surprisingly, he did.
“I’ve developed an unhealthy lifestyle of parties and debauchery that gets worse each day…” Kaiba stared down into his drink as he spoke. Why? Why was he so suddenly okay with disclosing this? Was it the wine? Had he finally reached the point where he was past caring? Or was confiding with Pegasus,- a man who had seen him at both his best and worse,- actually something that he was willing to do? 
“My self-respect is shot… With no regard for my life, I will fly and drive recklessly, sometimes even under the influence… Drinking myself unconscious has become a regular occurrence… I engage in hollow sex with women whose names and faces I don’t even remember… I’ve experimented with a range of drugs and have OD’d more than once…” 
Regret was detectable in Kaiba’s voice as he spoke, and Pegasus fought hard to keep a frown from his face as he listened. I should have acted sooner instead of waiting for you to come to me.
There was a brief pause, and Kaiba struggled to keep his mouth neutral as it repeatedly twitched into a frown as he spoke, “Last week, I… I felt so desolate, I… I played Russian Roulette, in the hope I’d… end it all.” With his darkest confession voiced, he then downplayed it as he continued with a psychopathic look in his eye. “But lo and behold, I’m still here. I’m invincible. A walking god amongst men. I can do whatever the fuck I want without fear of consequences…-“ 
’I told you; that is NOT how destiny works!’ Seto yelled, only to startle Blue whose wings fidgeted and sent his Khepresh tumbling to the ground for a second time.
“Mhmm, and what if death lay just around the corner for you? Then what?” Pegasus asked. He’d been given an unnerving peek at the other’s current state of mind which was proving to be more unstable than he and Mokuba had first suspected. 
Then I’d welcome it with open arms. Kaiba’s thought was dark, honest, and something he dare not say aloud. He looked Pegasus straight in the eye, “I’m not afraid of dying if that’s what you’re asking.”
Pegasus calmly set his glass down, and breathed in as he placed interlocked hands on the top knee of his crossed legs. He was about to address the elephant in the room that had caused such desolation, and did so in a casual manner. “The thought of living without Kisara still terrifies you, doesn’t it?”
“No.” Kaiba’s response was curt and his expression close to outrage.
“I’ve been where you are. I know the pain of losing someone you love beyond all things imaginable. That girl has left a void in your heart that you feel will never heal-“
“Shut up! You know NOTHING!”
Despite the hostility being shown, Pegasus remained calm. “I lost the woman I love too. I know exactly-“
“NO, YOU DON’T!!” Kaiba screamed. His eyes were wild and face creased with distress. “You lost Cecelia because she died. You didn’t chase her away because you were too fucking proud to tell her how you felt!”
“And how do you feel?” Pegasus felt his heart break from seeing his friend so anguished. There was some consolation though; he hadn’t been pushed away like others who had tried to help before him.
“I didn’t tell her, so what makes you think I’d tell you?”
Okay, maybe he’d spoken too soon. The other’s defences were clearly raising again. Pegasus knew he had to tread carefully from now on. “You don’t have to go through this alone, Seto. You’re in a dark place right now, one you may feel is impossible to escape. Well I assure you, it’s not. Let me help you, or at least stop this destructive behaviour of yours. You fill your life with people, substances, and rituals that aren’t good for you. If you’re not careful, your brother is going to be burying you way before your time is due-“
“I told you, I’m NOT afraid of dying!” Kaiba stated as he rose to his feet from where he sat.
Pegasus copied his actions. “What about leaving Mokuba alone? Are you afraid of that?”
“He’s proven himself capable of managing Kaiba Corp, I’m sure he can deal with my death if it were to happen, which it won’t. I’m not going to purposely end my life. But I’m not going to stop living it how I choose either… Just back off.”
There was a long moment of silence as the two men stared each other down. Both Seto and Blue watched with bated breath.
“Very well… “ Pegasus conceded and calmly sat back down. “Shall I have Croquet bring you another bottle?”
“No. I’m done here.” Kaiba stated before turning to head towards his jet and leave. Only a couple of steps were taken before he froze, looked back over his shoulder and calmly spoke, “Continue to watch over Mokuba for me. He needs guidance that I’m not capable of providing.”
“You sell yourself short, my boy.” A sad smile accompanied Pegasus’ words. He remained where he sat and make no effort to intervene as Kaiba then continued on his way.
‘Is that it?’ Seto was disappointed with the outcome. He got up from Blue’s side, and whilst she ran towards his descendant, he approached the one-eyed man. ‘Go after him!’
Pegasus fidgeted uncomfortably in his chair. He wanted nothing more than to prevent the other from leaving but knew that his hands were tied. At least he was safe in the knowledge that the younger man’s ability to fly wouldn’t be hindered by the vast amount of wine consumed, which had in fact been non-alcoholic. He reached for his own drink once more.
‘If you value the friendship you supposedly share, you would stop him from leaving!’ Seto continued to scold even though he was aware that he could not be seen or heard. ‘He is your associate; your partner; your ally; your brother in arms! For the love of Ra, HELP HIM!!’
Pegasus and Seto both stared and blinked at the wine glass that had smashed on the ground. “Clumsy me,” the former tittered whilst the latter couldn’t help but wonder if his outburst had startled the one-eyed man into losing grip on the drink.
“I’ll get that Mr Pegasus, sir.”
“It’s fine Croquet, I’ll see to it,” he waved his hand at the loyal servant hurrying towards him, before reaching down to pick up the main body of the fallen glassware. “Fetch me a mop… and my phone; I left it on charge.”
“Yes, sir.”
Blue let loose a roar as Seto watched Pegasus fish out the remaining shards from the dark red puddle. The aircraft was readying to take-off, which meant they both had to leave too. 
‘If,- by some miracle,- you can hear me, please save my descendant from himself… I saddled him with far too much.’ the pharaoh spoke remorsefully before disappearing to rejoin the white dragon. 
The sound of the jet’s engines rumbled in the distance. Pegasus raised his head and looked towards the sound’s source to see not one, but two Blue Eyes take to the sky. He watched them climb higher amongst the clouds and vowed: I will do my damnedest to save that boy.
“Your phone, Mr Pegasus, sir.” 
“Thank you, Croquet.” Pegasus took the handset offered to him and allowed the other to take over with the wine clean-up. No time was wasted as he swiped through his contacts and made a call to Mokuba.
“Hey Pegasus! Did Seto keep his word and visit you like he said he was gonna?”
“He did. In fact he’s just left.“
“How is he?”
“Infuriatingly stubborn.” Pegasus simpered at hearing the optimism in the young teen’s voice. The bond may have frayed between the two brothers, but this one’s hope was keeping it from breaking completely. He just prayed it would hold out for a while longer. His lips relaxed and his tone turned sombre, “My dear Mokuba, there is something we need to discuss. However, I have a feeling you are not going to like what I have to say…”
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kaiba-fangirl · 5 years
Fill in the questions/statement as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse
Tag 10 people to do this meme, (repost, don’t reblog)
TAGGED BY: not @rogueprinceconsort =P & I know I’m not a RP blog, but I am a fanfic author so I still do the same kind of stuff, just everyone at once with chapters, so I’m sure ya won’t mind... idk itching to write Seto but his mind is all over the place in Ch7 of And You? (AO3/FFN), & I know I’ve missed a bunch of personal tags in the past, so, well, I’m here now. TAGGING: anyone 1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
“Seto Kaiba.”  (海馬 瀬人 Kaiba, Seto)
He narrows his eyes, already suspicious. “Legally, that IS my real name.”
“I was born Seto,” he answers flatly, then smirks. “The Kaiba family name I earned for myself and my little brother at the age of 10, when Gozaburo agreed to adopt us thanks to my, superior negotiating skills.” [Seto after Egyptian Pharaoh Seth. Kaiba for, apparently, hippocampus/seahorse.]
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “Taken. Happily married to the number 1 female duelist, Mai Valentine. She’s now heading the new Fashion Tech and Merchandise Department at Kaiba Corp.” [but he’s also still looking >.>]
5. HAVE ANY ABILITIES OR POWERS? “Just bleeding edge technology development and superior dueling skills,” he shrugs smugly. [and hacking.] [You also accidentally activate latent magical powers every so often, dumbass. Sure he’s a genius. A genius that weaves techno-sorcery into everything & commands gods without even knowing it.] “Anything else you may have heard about magic or spirits or real monsters, is all just nonsense hocus pocus. It’s sensationalists trying to make our amazingly life-like holographic projections seem dangerous.”
6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE/GARY STU. “Heh, doesn’t that just mean born talented? You should be so lucky.”
7. WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? “Blue,” he chuckles childishly. “It was probably what first drew me to, you know, Blue-Eyes, when I was young.” [It’s not. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was his magical monster of light ‘girlfriend’ in Ancient Egypt in a past life of his 3000 years ago.]
9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Living, my little brother, Mokuba, and now my lovely wife.”
10. OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? “No pets. I barely have time for having two people in my life now it seems, and that’s even with Mokuba off travelling.” [any pet energy is expended on more Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed everything]
11. THAT’S COOL I GUESS, NOW TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “You wanna see a REAL Gary Stu?! As in, there is no reason he should have made it this far?! Joey fuckin Wheeler. This loser stole his way into my tournament, then has the nerve to even challenge me for 3rd place as if that meant anything, and he still ends up 4th even?! How! He operates on pure luck, and leeching off his ‘friends!’ His deck is a mess, I mean have you even seen his lineup?!?!” [Well that would all be redacted. Now, since this is for an interviewer for a published article...] He calmly and thoughtfully looks off at a spot on the far wall behind the interviewer. He purses his lips and furrows his brow, genuinely distraught, drawing from a direct encounter. “I’m actually more concerned than ever about the state of refugees- whether they have that official label or not. Around the world. Especially the children. These children don’t know what’s going on, and people say they care about children, but they really don’t. They’re not thinking of those kids- of refugee kids. Of poor kids. Of orphans or abused kids. And the way these refugees are being treated, those kids are getting hit with all those things at once. Ya know, I- I was fortunate enough to have that opportunity to be adopted, in a strong first-world nation, but I know what it’s like, to know that the grown ups are just using you, not listening to you. You’re nothing to them; maybe pawns. Now, I’m doing all I can, as president of Kaiba Corp, but there is still only so much we can do. We’re not making tanks or any weapons at all anymore-” He chokes at the thought of a tank staring him down specifically, compared to the latest news. He clears his throat to manage. “Not since the day I took over. We may not be contributing to that military industrial complex anymore, but the state of refugees today is still just as bad if not worse. Now they’re using weapons outlawed by the Geneva Conventions, and in countries that pride themselves on freedom and opportunity. Pteh. It’s madness. It’s evil.” [...aaand that just became the cover story] [We’ll be back after after a short break.]
12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? “Besides dueling, uh, tinkering. Reading. Hacking into random databases I shouldn’t be in.”
13. EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Next question. Don’t even print that, or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers. And they don’t play so nice.” [By ‘lawyers’ I’m pretty sure he just means goons.]
14. EVER… KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? "No.” [Gozaburo.]
16. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "Tch, I wouldn’t have gotten to be president of a multi-billion-dollar corporation if I had bad habits.”  [That is literally his worst habit. Also how he got there is because of all his bad habits.] He chuckles at what he’s about to make fun of. “Then again, some people think that working too much is a bad habit.”
17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? "How could I when I’m already on top?”
18. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "Irrelevant.” He smiles menacingly. “Card games are more important anyway.” [Bi and trying to figure out how to tell his wife. Then again once he does that, the press will be easy. Possibly also grey ace or demi, since he does enjoy the physical aspects of being married & his crush.]
19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “Graduated high school early and then went right back to work as CEO, at the time. I don’t have time to waste getting a piece of paper to validate my knowledge that I’m already putting to use at Kaiba Corp everyday. --but I certainly support everyone staying in school as long as they can. Kaiba Corp offers a free college tuition program for any employee, paid ahead of time, and schedules can be worked around class and homework time as needed.”
20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS ONE DAY? “I never thought I would want to marry, but I have always assumed I would want to adopt. Now I am married, and we both want to adopt. Someday. It needs to be when I can have time for them...” [and he’s wondering why you are supposed to only marry one person...]
21. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANBOYS/FANGIRLS? “Yeah,” he laughs, genuinely embarrassed at this level of pure idolization, “I find it endearing to see people dress up as Yugi and I at events.”
22. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “Losing my little brother.”
23. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Full-length pants, tight fitting turtlenecks, boots, and a trenchcoat. More leather and straps and buckles, the better.”
24. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “Of course. My little brother and my wife.” [and Joey]
25. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WET YOURSELF? [he just makes this face:]
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[but possibly the last time he did hard drugs]
26. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? (HIGH CLASS, MIDDLE CLASS, LOW CLASS) “Highest class.” He winks, for the spotlight.
27. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “I don’t need ‘friends’ outside of my family.”
28. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “Finally, an intelligent question!” he laughs rudely. “My thoughts are that we should change the standard approximation for π to something closer to 3.16. That’s what I use in my calculations, and I find things just seem to work out better for me because of it.”
29. FAVORITE DRINK? “I’ve started drinking a lot more water, and I think that’s pretty much all I drink lately.”
30. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE? “It’s comforting being in my office, knowing where I belong, knowing that with me there, everyone I love is safe, knowing how I got there, and being proud of all I’ve accomplished, but...” [sometimes anxiety about it being Gozaburo’s old office creeps into his mind like an evil spirit or ghost...] “But more than that, I enjoy the wild freedom of just taking my Blue-Eyes jet out with some good music playing.” [oh my various gods he will always be an emo teen at heart <3]
31. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? He scoffs. “Yes, I am genuinely interested in my wife. Mai is an amazing person. And- Ah, and, um, next question?” [and Joey!]
32. WHAT’S YOUR BRA CUP SIZE AND/OR HOW BIG IS YOUR WILLY? “What kind of magazine is this for, anyway?” he asks as an aside, then thinks up a ridiculous enough response. “Ever hear of Zorc? I’d say that’s roughly one-third the size of mine.” Under his breath, he scoffs in disgust. “Imbeciles.”
33. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “Er, a private pool, thanks. Too many paparazzi anyplace else, and I wouldn’t want to close off anything from the public.” [I hear there’s a river in Egypt he lives in though]
34. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? “Independent. Strong. Great duelist. Someone who knows what it’s like at rock bottom, but still managed to claw their way to the top...” [he spaces out off to the side]
35. ANY FETISHES? *zoom out to room full of Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed EVERYTHING* “Nah.” [*insert Will Smith presenting his AO3 tags]
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[Switch! But “And You?” is stuck at a T rating, sooo...]
37. CAMPING OR INDOORS? "The fuck- you’re giving me whiplash with these questions,” he mutters. “Camping sounds nice. Real camping. Mokuba and I used to build forts and play outside a lot. I should ask him if he wants to go on a camping trip when he gets back. I doubt- well, no, I think Mai would like that, too.” [And Joey can cook them “candy bars!”]
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melyaliz · 5 years
Night Person
Fandom: Yu-Gi-OH
Summary: All the best things happened to Amie at night. 
Pairing: Seto Kaiba x OC 
Notes: Ok so @speedypan reminded me of my TOTAL and UTTER love for Yugioh. Honestly, I have both my DC fanfic revival and now Yuigoh credited to her. Just wait, soon I’ll be bringing back Avatar and Naruto soon 😂😝
Like as we speak I am working on re-editing my old series and posting it on archive but I figured I could post some of my NEW stuff here? I promise I am still working on Nancy’s second part and @werewitchling’s Charlie request :P Life has just been rough and I guess Seto calms my nerves (weird) 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
Amie was a night person. She had her best ideas late at night, her breakthrough on projects, and adventures late at night.
Honestly, she hadn’t thought too much about it but her best moments happened at night too.
-Thursday 10:32pm-
Everyone was gone. Most of the lights were off. At least they were in the rest of Kaiba Corp  As for the animation lab, everything was still bright and cheery.
Because Amie was still hard at work and she was NOT about to be stuck in some creepy Freddy Kroger style office. If she had to stay late to cover her idiot co-workers the world around her better be bright and cheery.
A large soda at her side and music blasting in her ears while she tried to get the Dark magician’s hat just right. It just wasn’t folding the way she… wait, was that a kid?
Glancing over their screen she blinked again before rubbing her eyes. Contacts starting to dry out. Honestly, she should just go home but she was sooo close. Maybe if she just…
There it was again.
Leaning out of her chair she studied the doorway. Ok, now she was getting slightly creeped out. This was some Chucky style shit. Glancing back down at her screen she clicked save several hundred times on her project. Never can be too safe. Then glancing up, her brown eyes locking onto a pair of dark blue ones.
“Uhhh Hello child of the corn.”
“Nothing… are your parents around”
The boy laughed shoving his hands into his pockets. “Are you new?”
“Yes… oh fuck… I mean fudge… oh, fudge. Sorry... Mokuba right?”
“That’s me.” he shrugged waving his hand at her apologetic smile, “It’s kind of late why are you still here?”
“Because of the hat from hell.”
“Why are you?” change the subject, no point in bitching about the design issues with the big boss’s kid brother. Would he be considered the Big kid? The small boss?
“Because my brother is a work-a-holic.”
“I feel it.”
Mokuba walked over to her screen glancing over at the screen studying her work, “looks good to me.”
Amie couldn’t help but snort, “Yeah but that hat.” clicking the space bar the small magician started to move making the hat flip in rather unrealistic movements causing Mokuba laugh.
“It looks like… it looks…”
“Oh yeah, I’m very aware...”
“Well can I hang out with you while you work on it?”
“Only if you tell me about your day, I like listening to things while I work.”
“Well you’re in luck, I happen to be a GREAT storyteller.”  
-Friday 11:53pm-
It was late and Amie was just finishing up. That total complete moron Jeff had ONCE again spectacularly destroyed the files they needed to get to Seto that Monday for the pitch.
And instead of staying and cleaning up his mess the wonderful oh so hard working moron ditched saying something about “having to go.” Amie was about 90% sure he was just going to see his girlfriend and probably get an early start on his weekend.
Something Amie had hoped to do. But no, instead she was trapped cleaning up his mess working well into the evening.
“Fuck that guy,” Amie grumbled to herself as she walked down the halls holding her 4th mug of coffee hoping that would jump-start the creative process for her. Although it was really just helping her brain come up with a million ways she hoped Jeff would suffer for his idiocracy. Maybe some burning diarrhea or maybe he would get a HUGE dent his beloved car?
“What are you still doing here… wait…”
Amie winced as she paused looking up from her thoughts to see the CEO himself Seto Kaiba. The only time Seto had bothered to pay attention to Amie the intern was when her brother had faked her submission to get her in. After that, he had never sent her a second glance.
Which was good because she was too young for this position and if anyone found out she was NOT a college student she could lose this opportunity of a lifetime.
“Yes Boss Dude?” she muttered glancing up at him from under the dark black bangs of her work wig.
“Don’t I go to school with you?” Seto asked taking a step closer, his piercing blue eyes studying her. Ok, it also didn’t help that Amie found the dueling champion super hot. Like not in a “we’re soulmates” kind of way but more of a “You’re eyes make me nervous” sort of way.
“If I say yes will you fire me?”
“Humm” he studied her for a moment, “Why are you here so late?”
“Just finishing up the prototypes for the pitch on Monday.”
“And your supervisor couldn't do that?”
“He had a hot date.”
“Then no.” with that he turned and walked off.
“Wait!” a weird rush of confidence came over it. Maybe it was the 4th cup of coffee or the fact it was almost midnight and she had been listening to Paramore on repeat for 3 hours. Regardless of the reason, her command made Seto pause glancing back over his shoulder, “If you fire me then I can go home and if the images aren’t perfect it won’t be on my conscience?”
At that moment a million puppies died as hell froze over because… Seto cracked a small smirk.
“Make it perfect and I’ll promote you.”
-Tuesday 9:06pm-
Tap tap tap, Amie hummed along with the Supremes as she tapped her stylist on the table waiting for the computer to render. She was oh so close to being done. A stack of science books next to her because she also had a quiz tomorrow she may or may not have studied for.
“Jeff ditch you again?” A voice broke into her song as the rude voice pulled an earbud out.
Lucky for this intrusive voice Amie had a soft spot for him.
“At this point, I would be annoyed if he didn’t,” she said spinning around in her chair which caused her headphones to unplug the song blasting across the editing bay.
“What is this?” Mokuba asked raising an eyebrow. Amie let out a gasp.
“Mokuba! Don’t tell me you have never heard the Supremes!”
“Nope. It sounds kind of… Chick”
“It’s very chick. They are in love with love, listen.” clicking on You Can’t Hurry Love she started swinging around in her chair to the music.
“I guess it’s ok…”
“Chair dance! Grab a chair”
“Ooookk” Mokuba knew better than to argue with Amie once the clock passed 8:45. That was when she had her third cup of coffee and the weird ideas started.
Three songs later Mokuba and Amie were rolling in a very impressive choreographed routine across the isles of computers screaming “I Want You Back” By the Jackson 5 at the tops of their lungs.
“Good to see there is a lot of work going on in here.”
Amie laughed turning to see Seto leaning   the door frame, “Are you the only one who ever stays late?”
“I would say yes but you are here.”
“I’m here too!” Mokuba said scooting his chair next to Amie reminding her that he was, in fact, also there.
“Yeah, but you don’t work here, just make everything better.”
Mokuba laughed flipping his thick black hair, “I do don’t I.”
“Well, It’s time to go,” Seto said nodding toward this brother. Mokuba nodded getting up pushing his chair back to its rightful desk. “And Amie.”
Dear God, he knew her name… did the world just stop spinning or was that her heart? Amie wasn’t sure if it was that annoying crush on his pretty blue eyes or the fact that he was basically her boss and had the power to ruin her animator dreams.
“Go home, the project will be there tomorrow.”
Ok, the world really had stopped, had she somehow entered some paralleled universe? Had THE Seto Kaiba just told one of his employees to STOP working? “Uhhhh, Yes sir.”
Mentally she kicked herself as she slowly rolled back to her desk feeling her cheeks heat up. Mokuba watching her as she quickly saved the project before closing down her computer. Shit girl, could you get any weirder?
-Monday 10:17pm-
Nothing had changed yet everything had changed.
Amie had quit last week. Jeff had blamed her on the whole project crumbling and when she stood there in front of a angry Seto she broke. She didn’t deserve this. She worked harder than anyone else at this fucking editing lab and had covered that dick weed’s back so many times and he just threw her to the flipping wolves.
I mean SURE Seto Kaiba’s rage was probably the most frighting thing Amie had EVER seen in her life but even facing his dragon size temper she wouldn’t have thrown a teammate under the bus like that.
She didn’t deserve this.
Which is what she told Seto.
He had stood there wide-eyed in pure shock. No one had EVER quit Kaiba corp before. With the best pay and benefits, there was a reason people put up with the companies CEO.
But not her.
She had been done.
Until the famous CEO showed up at her apartment door telling her that he needed more people like her on his team. People who cared about their craft and did this because they loved it not because of the money or prestige of it all.  
So goodbye Jeff and hello personal editing lab.
This didn’t mean she still didn’t have late night because… well, nights seemed to be her magic time.
A cup of coffee slid into her peripheral. Glancing over Amie almost had a heart attack seeing Seto standing over her desk.
“You just jumped almost a mile.”
“Well, you just scared the hell out of me.”
“Mokuba will literally rip your headphones out of your ear and you will not flinch.”
“But I’m expecting him…” Amie bit her lip trying to find the right words as she took the coffee taking a sip her dark brown eyes not leaving Setos, “What’s up?”
“Just checking in,” he said taking a chair and sitting down next to her.
Well fuck, there was NO way she could work with those blue eyes watching her. And at this close range, he smelled good too. Of course, he would smell good, he’s a rich CEO he probably bathed in Versace. She, on the other hand, probably smelled like coffee and insecurity.
They both sat in silence for a moment then Amie turned to him, “Do you want me to like explain where I am or something?”
“If you want.”
Shit, did she just say that out loud? Whoooops. Maybe she could quit again?
“Uhhh I mean… well at the moment I am coming up with color pallets for each character. Like what shades we want for them so that regardless of who is animating the character they will always look the same.”
Seto nodded as he watched her click through the files copy and pasting the code into a document before going back to the Coral Dragon she had been working on adjusting the shades trying to brighten up his wings just a little bit more.
“I would add more undertones of red”
You can’t say no to the boss, so she pulled up the color wheel moving it, “Like that,”
“Just a bit more… yeah there.”
“Ohhh I like that. Guess you’re the boss for a reason.” Amie could feel his eyes on her but for the first time, she didn’t feel so tense like maybe they had just had a breakthrough. Bonded? Maybe just a little.
Mokuba found his brother and Amie a few hours later still in Amie’s new office going over characters. Seto pointing out changes and Amie suggesting ways to make it work. Both of them seemed to relax and just working in harmony that Mokuba didn’t want to bother them.
It was nice to see his brother actually enjoying himself.
-Friday 11:11pm-
“No stop touching!” Amie snapped swatting away Seto’s hand as he tried to direct her on the computer. It was already very late and everyone else had left for the day but Amie had stayed trying to fix the editing issues they kept running into. Her pink hair pulled up in a messy bun several pencils lost inside the mess. Must like her mood at the moment.
“You are doing it wrong”
“No, you are just messing me up being this close”
“I don’t see how me being close would mess you up, just do your job.”
“It’s the blue eyes.”
“They need to be at least 5 feet away from me,” Amie said turning to look at her boss who was only a few inches from her looking over her shoulder trying to direct her work on the new dueling virtual game. This seemed to be happening a lot more. Seto popping in and not leaving. Normally Amie didn’t hate it but today… today something was just bothering her about how close the CEO was to her.
Seto turned slightly as if he finally realized how close he was to her. Something she had been feeling all night.
“Then again they are pretty nice this close up.” Amie snickered coffee brain kicking in. Words she was thinking seeming like a good idea said aloud.
“Are… you flirting with me right now?”
“Wait you haven't been?” Amie laughed deciding to call him out, “You had your arm on my shoulder for like 20 minutes telling me how to do my job while we worked on the graphic for the points counter.”
This caused Seto to pull away. Amie felt her stomach clunch. Shit, shit she had just made things super awkward. Deciding to just play it cool she turned back to her screen, pushed some loose strands of her hair away from her face.
She continued her work trying to ignore the mess of butterflies in her stomach until they all lept and died at the feeling of a hand on hers. She turned, confused about to ask what Seto was doing only to have him kiss her.
Soft and sweet. A little clumsy as if he really didn’t know what he was doing but he was confident in it. She found it funny how confident he was really. It was one of the things she liked about him. How confident he was. That and how dorky he was. Her confident dork.
Leaning forward she kissed him back trying to fight back the smile that was on her lips.
They were never going to get this project done in time.
Yep, Amie was a night person. How could she not be when all the best things happened?
~Who Wants to be tagged?~
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bluejaytaco · 6 years
Superhero AU(12)
I comepletely forgot to post this here... Better late than never, I guess.
Remember, you can find this AU here on AO3 or check out the Superhero AU tag!
Sugoroku remembered the first day he met Yugi.
It was two years after Anubis was dropped off and put in his care. Seeing the subject out of his mask was a shock all on its own. The boy was so small and innocent looking. He had the type of lost eyes that would melt even the most stubborn of hearts.
It was too bad for his 'attack to kill' quirk. It really put a damper on the whole thing.
Anubis was slowly introduced to animals first. He took to them well. Sugoroku took that as a good sign; the boy wouldn't try to kill something so small and innocent. He had to remember; baby steps.
The plan fell apart when it came to introducing him to people and children. While a lot of kids went by unscathed, anyone who was even close to resembling a bully was on the chopping block. Kids in the park learned to stay away and left Anubis to play alone.
Sugoroku started checking Anubis for anything that could be a weapon. Even something as basic as a virtual pet came into question. Later, it became imperative that he make sure his nails were kept short and blunt. Anything could be dangerous was stripped from the boy. There was a firm rule of never using his powers in public or around other children; a rule that was broken only once. Sugoroku had to be especially harsh on that; he couldn't help but feel guilty when Anubis actually began to cry.
And for a while, that was good. He thought Anubis was learning. Sugoroku began feeling comfortable enough to take him out on errands to try and get him acclimated to the real world.
But then, Anubis encountered his first true target.
Sugoroku had turned his back for just a moment. He only moved to pay for some ingredients for dinner. He turned back to see no Anubis in sight.
Panic didn't set in right away. He thought, hoped, maybe the boy got distracted by some kind of sweets or saw some children and thought it was time to play. Sugoroku realized later it was an older man who had another idea of 'play.'
The moment he found Anubis, the man was bleeding profusely, babbling nonsense, and crying at the blank look on the child's face. A broken taser laid on the ground near the boy's feet. He could only imagine what the man had planned for his victim.
Sugoroku carefully walked up to the little boy. In response, Anubis turned and looked at him. His eyes widened.
And immediately filled with tears. “G-Gampa.” It was the very first time Anubis spoke.
Sugoroku was reminded of the labs. Back when Horus and Anubis were forced to interact for the second time and Horus sobbed in fear. Just like back then, he scooped the boy into his arms.
“Shhh, it's okay. You're safe.”
He thought for a while, Anubis had found a new game to play. A fun game where he pretended to be someone else. Someone soft and more like the other children. Sugoroku began calling the identity 'Yugi' in homage to that.
But Yugi never went away. He wondered now if Yugi would ever come back.
His eyes fell to Atem as the wind from a helicopter tossed his hair around. His eyes stayed on Anubis -Yugi- in disbelief as men in black suits jumped off the helicopter and grabbed Ryo and Bakura.
Atem didn't let them take the last unconscious form. He lifted the other and marched back to the helicopter.
“I can't let you take him,” Sugoroku shouted over the sound of the blades.
“No need to worry.” Atem looked up at Sugoroku. “You're both coming with me.” His eye glowed as he glared at the old man. The eye contact broke when Atem continued his stride to the helicopter, right behind the man in the suit carrying the Anubis mask.
Sugoroku felt a tremor in his gut as he followed behind Atem. There was no avoiding this anymore.
It wasn't often he allowed himself to sleep. And when he did, it was extremely rare for him to remember his dreams. Occasionally they would be so warped, he wouldn't even know where to begin to explain it.
Other times it was a nightmare of memories with pieces thrown in that hadn't been there before.
He was eight when he was first brought into the lab. Their new father told his brother it was only a few tests. Nothing to worry about. It wasn't that he was lying but he wasn't exactly telling the truth either.
“It will only take a few injections. If an infantile immune system can take it without worry, I'm sure you'll be fine.”
“How many infants died because of this?”
Mr. Kaiba didn't acknowledge the question. He just allowed his assistants to take his adopted son into one of the lab's rooms. The one with a tank where a boy about his age was floating in a little ball.
He stared at the boy and, in this dream, the boy stared back.
“Seto, look this way.”
He turned to look at the assistant. It was the woman who started this mess. He felt himself begin to wake up.
Kaiba felt as though his chest were on fire. Sharp pains shot through his whole body. His eyelids were heavy.
Still, he opened them slowly and stared up at the ceiling of his own bedroom. His last memory involved the taste of blood and falling to his death. Who or what saved him?
“Thought you'd rather be here than at a hospital. A few less questions to answer.”
He looked to his right. Jounouchi was sitting in a chair right next to his bed.
“You see, I only have one question: the fuck is going on?”
Kaiba looked back at the ceiling. He wondered how long he could just lay in silence. But he knew better than most just how tenacious Jou could be. And, despite what might be the hardest thing he could ever admit, the blond deserved an explanation.
“I never wanted you to get dragged into these problems.”
Jou watched him and tried to cover his surprise for how quickly the answer came.
“Becoming a Kaiba wasn't everything I imagined... And a lot of people were hurt in the name of some asinine science project. I was the last person to get those powers.”
“...Who was the first?”
Kaiba glanced at Jounouchi.
The blond just stared for a moment before he spoke again. “Atem's not really your cousin, is he?”
“Mokuba had me free him from the labs. That in itself... was a fight. He wasn't the same person you see now. We had to make sacrifices.”
“The night... we broke up.”
“That light you saw was him. He was still mostly instinct at that point and had somehow managed to get out of the labs. I imagine he was only trying to protect his food source. Like a stray cat.”
“...I remember blood on my hand.”
“You were probably still mostly asleep. You reacted by punching him and broke his nose. The reason I reacted like I did was I wanted to stop him before he could retaliate.”
“So... your response to all of this was to break up with me?”
His eyes slipped closed. “It was the only way to guarantee the safety of both of you. I didn't know him well yet. For all I knew, he would attempt to kill you for the broken nose. Keyword being 'attempt.'”
Jou snorted.
“It turns out that was one memory that didn't stick as hard as I thought. Atem's memory is of the situation, not the people involved. Even if he did remember, I doubt he would harbor any ill will.”
The room filled with a deafening silence.
“Guess an apology would be meaningless.”
“For him? Yes. The bleeding had already stopped by the time I got to him. But-”
“I ain't apologizing to y-”
“I'm sorry.”
Jounouchi stopped short.
“I didn't want it to end the way it did. I thought it would be for the best to have you as far away from here as possible. You... didn't need this.”
Jounouchi stared at Kaiba for a moment. A smile twitched onto his lips and let a soft chuckle slip out. “Seto Kaiba; the all-caring altruist.”
Kaiba's lips turned up into a smile all his own as his eyes slipped closed. “Shut up.”
“Love you too.”
“I don't know for certain which one he'll be when he wakes up. I've only had to use the collar one time before today. He missed a week of school because of it.”
Mokuba glanced at Sugoroku before he looked back at Yugi. The collar had been removed to make sure there were no burns on his neck. While he was covered in his own share of scrapes, there was nothing caused by the collar itself.
He looked down at the mask in his hands. “After all this time of searching, Anubis was right under our noses.” In the most unassuming form. How would Seto react?
Mokuba glanced at Atem. He'd been completely silent from the moment he carried Yugi onto the helicopter. He didn't acknowledge anyone passed a short nod or head shake. His eyes stayed on Yugi. Mokuba couldn't tell what was going through Atem's mind; there was too much to decipher in his face.
He turned back to Sugoroku. “Last time, when he missed that week, did he wake up as Yugi?”
Sugoroku nodded. “It was as if nothing happened. It was almost concerning how easy he shrugged off the loss of time. Anyone else in his position would be panic-stricken.”
“You kept this a secret from him.”
Both turned and looked at Atem. He still hadn't broken his eyes away from Yugi.
“All this time, he could have become this killer. He could have been hurt with no recollection of ever doing anything deserving.”
Sugoroku frowned. “I did what I could to protect him.”
Atem glared at him. “You failed!”
Mokuba stared at his 'cousin.' He wanted to say something to calm the rage bubbling inside. Just by looking at him, he could tell it hurt. His eyes were tearing up again. “Atem...”
“Master Kaiba? Anzu Mazaki and Honda Hiroto are at the front gate.”
Mokuba turned to the woman. “Oh. Thank you.” This was a surprise. He didn't call them. And he knew Seto was currently incapable of that. Jounouchi may have, but he would have no reason to if he didn't know Yugi was here.
Mokuba gave Atem another glance. He didn't look back and just kept his stare down with Sugoroku as the boy trotted out of the room.
Sugoroku continued to stare at Atem. The small child they left behind in those labs could have easily become bitter and angry at the world. Instead, he did what he could with his abilities. He was honorable.
“Sugoroku, this lie has gone on long enough. If you don't tell him, I will.”
Sugoroku didn't get a chance to reply. Atem was out the door right before Anzu and Honda burst in. Surely, they would demand answers.
He didn't know what he would tell them.
He couldn't tell the moment he took his last breath. Everything was very hazy for a second as he tried his best to claw his way out of the abyss. He remembered not being able to breathe and pain in just about every part of his body. He remembered Ryo's scream. He remembered rain.
Then... nothing.
He still tried his hardest to wake up. He could see his body in the bed as Kaiba's best doctors tried to bring him back. He could see Ryo's tight grip on his hand. He could hear the other begging him to wake up. To make this all some kind of morbid joke. To roll his eyes at how worried he was.
Bakura couldn't do anything. He couldn't feel the touches. He reached out for Ryo.
And was immediately consumed by the darkness he knew all too well. He could feel a mask on his face and a presence behind him.
“Welcome, Kuk.”
If he didn't turn around, it wouldn't be real. If he just stared at the spot where he'd seen Ryo last, he would wake up and be in the worst pain of his life.
'Life' being the keyword. At least he would be alive. Not here with the ghosts who are chained to this fucked up limbo.
“Kuk... You can't stand there forever.” Hathor spoke to him in that sweet, calm tone. He hated how clear she sounded.
“Watch me,” he snarled and continued to stare. He could open it before, maybe he could open it again.
“We can trust that Ra and Horus can take this from here.” Thoth's voice was near his shoulder.
Still, Bakura didn't look. “We can barely trust Horus to do anything. He's the idiot who fucked Anubis without even knowing it was him!” His fists clenched at his sides. “I'm the only one who can properly protect Ryo from that psycho.”
Thoth hissed and prepared for what would definitely be a harshly worded comment. But then Osiris spoke from his post.
“We can't force him to let go so easily. Leave Kuk be for now, you two.”
They did so.
And Bakura just stared at the shadowy abyss and wondered how Bast was able to connect herself to Jounouchi. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.
But how was Bast so easily able to leave the others behind? Was it even that easy?
Bakura took a step.
“Kuk, it would be best to stay here and wait for Ra to connect with us again.”
Hathor nodded. “With you here, there's no doubt he'll be back.”
Bakura growled. “You idiots. The only reason he was able to contact you in the first place was because I could get here. Not all of our abilities were created equal.”
“We all know.” Thoth crossed his arms. “And you decided to run off to face the one who benefitted the most from the project.”
Bakura finally turned to face him. “Don't be talking shit, Bird Boy. You and I could be stuck here together for a very long time. And I tend to hold grudges.”
A thick silence flooded the room. It locked on and refused to let go. Hathor looked between the two before she turned to Osiris.
Osiris just glanced back at her and subtly shook his head. The two would have to work this out themselves. At least according to Osiris.
Hathor didn't agree. “Kuk.”
“Stop calling me that!” His glare snapped to Hathor.
She tensed but didn't back down. “You should go. Bast was able to do it and she didn't get to live the life you did. So you must have a better handle on how this works on the physical world, right?”
Thoth turned to look at her in surprise. “He could get hurt.”
“I'm dead, Thoth. How much more 'hurt' could I get?” Bakura ripped the mask from his face and tossed it to the ground.
“You'd be surprised.”
Everyone turned and looked at Osiris. The man in the green mask wasn't looking at any of them, he just stared down at the nonexistent floor, mind far away from everything. He slowly began to turn to the other three. “Besides, we're not only worried about your pain in this situation.”
Thoth nodded at Osiris and turned back to Bakura. “Ra will no doubt suffer in this. Not to mention the reaction sure to befall Anubis when he finally wakes and becomes aware of his abilities.”
“It's not only that.” Osiris piped up once again, “I feel as though there is something more. Something worse than Anubis brews just beneath the surface.”
“I'm callin' bullshit on that.” What could be worse than the arsenic-laced lollipop that was Yugi Mutou?
Both Hathor and Thoth ignored Bakura as the woman tilted her head. “What else could possibly be out there?”
Osiris shook his head. “I'm unsure. Let's hope I'm as wrong as Kuk thinks.”
It wasn't often she was able to get Isis out of the house. She mostly had to convince the other woman there was an errand she had to run that would require an extra set of hands. She knew the reason was the people who watched her. While the abilities were kept under control, everyone still had a vague memory of the years back when the Ishtars were something to be feared. When they put the oldest to death for terrorizing a large portion of Egypt.
Malik and Isis never forgave themselves for that. And that regret just ran into another.
“You know, I think we should travel more,” Mai said as she watched a man eye Isis and whisper a prayer under his breath. “Maybe take a trip to America. Or Europe.”
Isis eyed Mai. “Just say it.”
“...Or maybe Japan.”
Isis sighed.
“I know you said you'd think about it but it's more than just, you know. It's getting away from all of this,” she gestured vaguely to the streets, “if only for a few weeks.”
“As beautiful as that sounds, I have a moral debt to pay here.”
Mai's eyes hardened and she opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by her phone. She pulled it from her pocket and watched as the screen twitched and glitched before showing her a Japanese phone number she didn't know.
She didn't need to know it. The glitch from before was enough of a caller ID. “So, you were able to crack my little code. Clever boy.”
Isis snapped her head around. Mai was holding the phone away from her ear and between the two of them.
There was an intake of breath from the other end. “So, it is a phone number.” The deep voice was almost hard to hear with the noises around the two women.
Still, Isis knew who was speaking. Her throat closed up as a lump formed that she couldn't swallow.
Mai smiled. “Indeed, it is. How are you, sweetie?”
“I would like to know why you left me your number in such an odd fashion.”
“Well, I didn't want Kaiba to find it and try to call me.”
“... How did you know I live with him?”
“I know so much about you. Horus.” Her eyes darted to Isis. She knew the boy on the other end would take her bait.
The woman stared intently at the phone and covered her mouth. Her eyes were welling up.
The line was silent. It was possible the one on the other end was stunned. Then, “My name is Atem.”
Isis sucked in a sharp breath.
Mai fought the urge to try and comfort her partner. “Sorry. Atem.”
Atem shifted slightly. “If you knew both names surely you know...” He trailed off as if he were debating on what to call Isis.
Mai chuckled. “Yeah, you could say I know her.”
“Is she there now?”
The blonde looked at Isis as the woman shook her head and clasped her hands in front of her mouth.
But the option to answer was soon taken away as Atem snorted. “I should assume so, considering you have me on speaker.”
Isis shut her eyes. The boy was more clever than she thought.
“Either way, I'd like her to know that... there's little more I want more in my life than to meet her. I feel that we're coming to a time where none of us should be separated like this. It's... it's becoming too much.” His voice sounded thick with emotion.
Mai frowned. “Atem, is everything okay?”
There was a shift again and long, shaky breath before he spoke. “I... k-zztch.. vvrckkk!” The phone let out a high pitch shriek before a garbled voice picked up.
“Horus is no longer your concern.” The line went dead.
Mai and Isis both stared at the phone with wide eyes. A stunned silence fell between the two.
Then, Isis's eyes narrowed. “I think it's time we take a vacation.”
Atem couldn't be sure what happened. One minute he was ready to spill everything to the woman he just met, then next his signal became corrupt and his eye picked up on something else.
It was like a projection meant for only him. A boy possibly ten years younger than him stared a little too close and smiled slightly too wide. He looked like Kaiba, with eyes decades older and hair a strange shade of blue-green.
Atem tried to back away, but the projection followed.
“Ah, so you are still alive. Pretty healthy looking too.”
“Who...? What..?”
The projection smiled even wider. “This must be all very confusing for you. I'd say 'sorry' but that'd be a lie. I'm not the least bit sorry!” He shrugged and pulled back just a little. “It's a shame I couldn't find a way into your head. Gaining powers at the source and all that. Plus, I was hoping for something a little... older than this. But, we're falling on desperate times now. We must purge everything.”
Atem blinked and shifted back again.
“I could just let Anubis take care of it but I don't know. We can't really trust a mad dog, can we? Either way; one down, four to go!” The projection blinked out and left Atem on the roof wondering what he just witnessed.
Yugi woke up with a start.
He wasn't sure what happened. He remembered Anubis in his room. The jackal had been gentle and pretty non-threatening as far as crazed killers go. He remembered feeling tired. And now he was in a large bed that just screamed 'Seto Kaiba Guest Room.' But that couldn't be right. His grandfather was there.
He sat right next to Anzu and Honda. All three of them looked worried. He pulled himself up and rubbed at his pounding head. “Hey, guys. What happened?”
“You... don't remember anything?” Honda frowned. “You've been gone for a week.”
Yugi blinked. “A week?!”
Anzu nodded and threw her arms around the other. “We were so worried about you!”
Yugi returned the affection with a frown. What did Anubis do to him? How was it possible so much time had gone by? Was truly he unconscious for that long?
Sugoroku cleared his throat. “Anzu... Honda... could you give us a moment? I would like to talk to Yugi alone.”
Anzu reluctantly pulled back and gave the old man a nod.
Sensing her reluctance to let him out of her sight, Yugi smiled. “It's okay. I'm not going anywhere again. I promise.”
Sugoroku clenched his jaw at that as he silently walked the two to the door. Once it was shut, Yugi's smile fell and he gripped the blanket tightly. “I guess I was a target of Anubis. Does it have something to do with being too close to Atem?”
Sugoroku turned and frowned. “You really don't remember anything?”
Yugi looked up and shook his head.
Sugoroku moved slowly and silently. He returned to his seat next to the bed and eyed his grandson. “Yugi, I wasn't... completely honest with you. I thought keeping this secret would allow you to live the rest of your life happy and without worry but... but I was just fooling us both.”
Yugi frowned. “... Grandpa?”
“Maybe there's a reason you're so attracted to Horus and why he's so infatuated with you. Because you two are cut from the same cloth.”
Yugi stared at his grandfather. His stomach dropped and his blood ran cold at what he was implying. He didn't need it said aloud. He didn't want that hanging in the air. “...What have I been doing this past week?” He barely managed to speak above a whisper.
Sugoroku took a deep breath. “I can only say what you've done in the past few days.”
The details of the situation made Yugi tremble. He didn't want to believe he was capable of something so dark. Yet... he could feel the rain and smell the blood. He couldn't see it; some part of him wouldn't let him see it.
He killed someone.
The truth of it hit him hard. His grandfather wouldn't say the words but he knew in his heart of hearts it was true. Someone was dead because of him. Someone with powers like his own. He held them in his hand and...
“Where's Atem?”
Sugoroku stopped speaking, hardly realizing Yugi hadn't been listening. “Yugi-”
Words continued to fall on deaf ears as Yugi launched himself from the bed. He threw open the door, heart thundering in his ears as he ran down the hall. He could barely hear himself shouting for Atem, much less his friends chasing after him and calling out to him.
Yugi remembered the door to Atem's room. He didn't knock; his fears largely outweighing any manners hammered into his head at a young age. His eyes landed on the other as Atem climbed back in through his window. There were bandages on his arms and around his neck. But the other just blinked in surprise. “Yugi...?”
Yugi's eyes teared up as he strode across the room and wrapped his arms tightly around Atem. “You're alive.”
Atem tensed at the contact before he remembered himself and slowly hugged Yugi back. “So are you.” He glanced up as everyone crowded in his doorway. It would seem Yugi's cries alerted both Kaibas and Jounouchi to the room as well.
Atem kept his arms tight around Yugi as he looked at Kaiba. While the taller man could walk, he was still covered in bandages, moreso than himself.
Judging by Yugi's reaction, he knew he had something to do with the injuries. Atem couldn't be sure how to let him know about Bakura.
It wouldn't matter. As soon as Ryo appeared in the doorway, realization struck and all the color faded from Yugi's skin. He'd done the headcount and noticed the absent member. He noticed how worn and distraught Ryo looked.
He felt sick. He could hear his own heartbeat and the distant sounds of sirens in his memories. He felt shadows with glowing eyes engulf him. He would drown in them. And he deserved to do so.
Bakura... Bakura had smiled at him just before dying. He whispered something his brain could not process. The smile had faded when the light left his eyes. They were glassy and bloodshot when he fell still.
How could he do that? Bakura. He didn't deserve that. No one deserved that!
“Yugi...” Atem's gentle voice tried to pull him back to reality. Fingertips brushed against Yugi's shoulder as he stumbled away from the group and to the bathroom attached to Atem's room. There, his body began trying to reject the contents of his nearly empty stomach.
The group outside just stood by with a mix of concern and confusion.
Ryo and Atem looked at each other. A second later, Ryo walked into the bathroom. “Yugi?”
He shook and sat back on his legs as he stared into nothing. His arms wrapped around himself. “I... I... I...”
Ryo bit his lip. This whole situation left him with mixed feelings. He should harbor nothing but hatred for his friend right now. The moment he saw Bakura collapse, all he wanted to do was avenge him. But...
Sugoroku filled them all in on what happened and why Anubis stayed inactive. The appearance of the mask was most likely what set him off. Yugi couldn't stop it any more than any of them. Hell, he didn't know Anubis existed up until a few days ago.
And now he sat on the floor, staring off as his mind tried to process everything. Kind, gentle Yugi Mutou had blood on his hands. The blood of a friend.
Yugi sucked in a shaky breath and became to sob. “Ry-Ryo... Bakura... I-I'm so sor-sorry. I couldn't... I..”
Ryo moved in closer. He gently put a hand on his friend's shoulder. “Come on. We have a lot to talk about.”
Yugi nodded but continued to look off into the distance as he was guided out of the bathroom and back to where everyone waited.
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