#(like just lyrics stuff like i made the 'this is home' mv)
purityvalentine · 5 months
i want to do more covers.
4 notes · View notes
makerofmadness · 2 months
itai itai no SICK SICK - a Cookie Run fanfic
(I spent like two months writing this whole thing lol. If you're wondering how long this is: I hit the text block limit [it's 1,000 in one post btw] and lagged out the post editor and my phone started heating up)
Warning for Heavy Angst & Whump, Hurt/Comfort, as in "a crap ton of hurt but eventually things get better"
Inspired by the song ベノム by Kairiki Bear (title comes from the lyrics)
Starring: Alchemist Cookie ft. Vampire Cookie and others
(Note: some implied Sparkvamp. Doesn't really go any further than the games themselves, though, so I didn't think it was worth tagging as ship but thought it was worth warning for)
TW: Alcoholism (or whatever Vampire is), (Self-Inflicted) Poisoning, Self-Harm (Via Poisoning), Suicidal Themes, (Cookiefied) Hematemesis
(Please tell me if more should be added to the TW, I will update accordingly)
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Cover drawn by @driftwoodmfb (background by Nou/from the song's MV) and thanks to my friend @/sleep.starvedd from discord for the writing advice for one scene. And thanks to literally all my friends who read this before it was finished (@softichill @boom-fanfic-a-latta @organichotchoco and also @cosmoknightchaos who wasn't even in this fandom) couldn't have made it without ya.
(Story under the cut. Enjoy)
Grape juice.
She couldn't escape the smell of it within her home. Every day, every time she walked anywhere except for her room/lab, and especially any time she saw her own brother.
Alchemist Cookie's existence was less happy than it would've seemed from the outside, or than she really preferred to present it to others. And it all came down to one thing:
Vampire Cookie.
Embarrassing, was it not? How much he relied on her, his little sister, to keep him healthy, to keep the house tidy, to keep him together. He didn't ever take care of her, she wondered if he'd even notice if she were to ever fall sick and need taking care of, or if he'd just be happy to have that awful nagging away from him, as if she didn't nag with a purpose. 
As if he'd even have a long enough attention span to look after her. 
She shook the thought out of her head as she sat down at the table for dinner, alone. Vampire Cookie has gone out that night- he was always either at home or at Sparkling Cookie's juice bar, it was a struggle to get him to go anywhere else. She was half-considering calling Sparkling Cookie just to beg him to send her brother home, but she knew that would be unreasonable to ask of him like that.
Sparkling Cookie was nice. She liked Sparkling Cookie. He was kind to her; he showed her how to mix drinks once and she tried to apply that skill to her alchemy sometimes. She saw him too often. She somewhat resented him too. She would've resented him more if she hadn't met him.
It wasn't fun having to be called over so often, to pick her own brother up like that, to shoulder him home as he'd confusedly ramble about this and that, as he'd seem to have forgotten who she was...
It hurt. She felt sick just thinking about it.
It'd come back to him, it always did. He promised he always forgot everything from time to time like that, the times he'd forgotten his own name still scared her, but that he'd never really forget her.
She didn't believe it. One day he wouldn't see her every day, and then he wouldn't remember her when he sobered up. One day he'd be around and she wouldn't be. His lifespan would outlast hers. That was what little she really understood of his condition. And how she resented it.
She didn't really understand her brother and how he operated. She worried for his health as he seemed to only consume grape juice some days, and seemed bored or averse of normal sustenance. She tried everything in her power to get anything good into his diet, despite his resistance.
"I don't need that stuff, sis," he'd always tell her, "all I need is grape juice. That's what keeps me going."
She couldn't help but worry for him. He never seemed to worsen despite his diet being built on what should've been unstable grounds- the opposite was the case, actually: he was considered quite the strong and ethereally handsome Cookie by most. He was popular, he had many treasures, and nothing ever seemed to get to him. Everything was well with his life. "Cheers to a wonderful life!" He'd say sometimes.
Was she an afterthought, or did he just not see her distress?
As a Cookie, he was many things: Carelessfree. Unaffected by her pain. An immortal being who would outlive her.
Who would take care of him after that?
She had only ever talked about this to him once. And he told her she was "too young to start thinking about mortality." She was still what would be considered too young for that. But how could she not? Life was at alchemy's center, and her brother was an immortal vampire who would definitely outlive her.
And yet here she was, still trying to make him eat his vegetables because it was 'good for him' or make him go to check-ups with Dr. Bones Cookie because he was too lazy to bother going out that far for something without a promise of juice. He didn't need any of this. She really did know it deep down. But she kept doing it anyway.
She would never dare say it, but maybe deep down she just wanted to pretend he was normal.
...Her brother probably would've crumbled from juice overdose by now if he had been normal.
From that poison he sustained himself on.
But the alternative would've been...
She picked at her plate, having lost her appetite suddenly. She much preferred devoting as much time and energy as possible to shutting herself away in her lab, away from her brother and the grape juice smell that came off of his very dough, and endlessly researching and experimenting until he found his way in somehow and made her stop pushing herself so hard. Her life's work had been researching Life Potions. Her Life's work had been to extend her own lifespan
She got up from the table, leaving her plate untouched. Perhaps Vampire Cookie would just eat it for her. She knew he wouldn't bother. He didn't typically bother with normal Cookie meals, when he did it was either to please her, to participate with a group, to look normal at events, or for the flavor. He wouldn't be eating a random salad by himself.
...she decided to go over to the phone and make a call. To a number she had to have memorized by now:
"...hello? Sparkling Cookie? Yes, it's Alchemist Cookie, I was just wondering if my brother is going to come home soon... ... ...A party, huh? Well... Whatever. Just- If you don't mind me asking, could you, uh... cut him off sooner rather than later tonight...? I'm just- you see, I might be busy tonight, so I'd prefer it if he could come home by himself tonight, safely... ... ...Thank you. I knew you'd understand. Have a nice night."
She put the phone back on the wall and began walking away, but felt... hollow.
Of course he'd have gone to a party without telling her anything. It wasn't as if she'd be worried sick if he came home late...
Maybe he'd come home sooner if he couldn't have more, though...
Whatever. It didn't matter. He always had more lying around, anyway. In the cellar, or in his room, or in the kitchen, or wherever he could store it. He'd even tried to use her vials, more than once...
And then he'd just lie around and do nothing with her. They never really spent time together, it felt. Sometimes they'd go out and do things, social events and the like, but she craved something personal. Meaningful.
For their entire existence, had they ever really just hung out? One time, she had done a favor for Cherry Cookie, and said cookie had talked all about her plans that day with her sister, Cherry Blossom Cookie. Those two had been planning to go on a picnic together that day. And hearing about those plans, all Alchemist Cookie had thought was: Why didn't MY sibling do that with me...?
She sat down on the couch- and looking at the furniture she started to feel ashamed for not being happy. While she had specifically made sure that their home looked normal enough, it very obviously showed through that they had... more than average to spend, with how nice everything looked, shining and sparkling even within the dim lighting of most rooms.
She didn't know where he got it all from.
He didn't have to work, and she was more interested in her passions, and her working options were limited at her age anyway. No one made any money, really-
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening, and a voice shouting for her:
Before she even had the opportunity to say a word or leave the room, a certain fanged Cookie slumped in. She could smell the grape juice saturating his dough. She suppressed a gag. That smell had gotten stronger than usual. She could even see a stain on his coat.
...she wasn't surprised.
"So- *hiccup* 'scuse me-" he plopped himself down next to her, while she just tried to stare off onto space. She had better things to occupy her mind with, things that her brother wasn't interested in in the slightest except for maybe that one time. She'd just escape into her mind while her body would stand in until he either had his fill of rambling to her about 'the wonders of taking breaks' or-
"Sparkling Cookie said you called him, eh...?"
Her jam ran cold. Even though he had no anger in his voice.
"..." she avoided looking at him, knowing that the best she could really say was the truth, "I-I just- you see... I was going to go work in my lab, but I... wasn't expecting you to be home this soon-"
"I mean, duh. No juice, no Vampire Cookie."
He didn't even stick around just to talk to his friends...?
"But, why's that the issue...?"
"..." Was he really that oblivious? "If you had too much, I would have to help you come home... but if I'm working, then I won't be at the phone, so I won't even know-"
"Oh, I see: You're worried about me, aren't ya?"
She was torn between two responses: 'Yes. All the time. Every day. And I don't know how much longer I can take it for.' And 'Worried that you'll try to come home yourself anyway and end up in some stupid or dangerous or stupidly dangerous situation, yes.'
Both went unsaid. Instead, just:
"Awww, you know what I always tell you, sis..."
Vampire Cookie leaned into his sister, affectionately wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer to him. The warmth and love of a familial embrace could no longer reach her.
"Don't worry about everything so much! It'd do you wonders to-"
"How can I not?? I never asked to have to look after my big brother, just because HE can't put down the STUPID JUICE GLASS-"
She immediately slapped her hand over her mouth. That wasn't supposed to come out.
"...I-I'm going to my lab."
She got up with her brother's arm giving away from her surprisingly easily, given that he was usually slightly stronger than average, and walked away without looking back. 
She didn't even see the look on his face. But she could care less.
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Alchemist Cookie just walked away, practically without thought, her legs carrying her all the way to the door to her lab. As she entered and shut it behind her, however, she suddenly lost her will to carry on.
Oh. Her eyes had sprung a leak. Embarrassing.
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Alone, nothing and no one to grant her solace, something dark within her mind that had been brewing for a long time began to concoct an idea out of festered, fermented emotions:
If he was going to nourish himself on poison every day, she thought:
Two could play at that game.
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It took about a week to gather the ingredients. In that time, somewhere deep down, she had been hoping that something would happen to change her mind. It was a decent amount of time, she thought, looking at the grand scheme of her pathetically short existence. 
But nothing did. In fact, she only had her current thoughts affirmed.
Not by any change, but by a lack thereof: by stagnation. 
By that stagnant grape juice her life had been drowned by.
She couldn't even really focus on or enjoy her work anymore because whenever she tried to get 'in the zone,' her thoughts would always go back to her brother.
One day, which she had spent almost entirely in her lab, her brother came home from the bar- not by himself, but being shouldered by his acquaintance Cinnamon Cookie- who interrupted her planning just to inform her that her brother was home. The nerve of that Cookie. (...she had to have gotten a call, right? She didn't leave her lab the whole day, so...)
"*sigh* How much did Vampire Cookie drink...?"
"...uh- N-nobody knows..."
"...ugh. Whatever."
No one ever kept track.
Days went by and her brother was none-the-wiser to what she was planning. Despite all the time he spent at home...
She had a hard time keeping him out of her room, though. She couldn't lock the door to her lab, so he'd always get in. But her reagent-gathering was sporadic and unplanned, she had nothing written down...
Then came the day she finally decided that she was ready.
This would be the perfect concoction. Acridly flavored. She was turning it into an experimental melting pot, a pot of completely random reagents. Not really. She was very much aiming for the most toxic ingredients she had as she grabbed them from around the room. With the test subject being herself. 
By the end, once she'd had enough of tossing things in the pot, she watched the final color end up as a vivid pink. The mixture had bubbled and fizzed during the mixing process, but now it was... completely still.
Deathly still.
It was almost tranquil, the way it sat. She stared at it for a moment, before scooping some of it into an empty flask she had laying around.
She swished it around a little, staring blankly. Nothing changed about it.
Whatever this nocuous cocktail would do, it wouldn't be anything good for her...
She knew this would be it. This would show him. He'd finally understand. This would teach him a lesson.
She wanted to -------
She slowly took the flask up to her lips.
Bottoms up.
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Immediately she felt it burn as it rushed down her throat.
It hurt. It tasted foul. She made sure to get down every last drop, swallowing a steady stream of death-
Something inside her told her to spit it out. But she was set, she refused to go back: She would show him. 
Once she'd gulped it all down, she put the flask down on her work table. Already she could feel the effects: A stomachache was setting in, she felt incredibly nauseous and dizzy, a pain began to burn her chest from the inside, her eyes began to spill water and something buried within her once-logical mind was still yelling at her SPIT IT OUT-
But she couldn't. It was far too late for that.
There was no going back.
She staggered out of her room with an aching sensation filling every inch of her dough. Her head especially was beginning to throb with pain- but really, her entire body was in general agony.
Her head was spinning, to the point she was starting to see double, and this combined with the sudden shortness of her breath that she couldn't tell if it was just her panicking or if it had been yet another effect of her concoction made walking to the living room take...
She didn't know how long.
The numbers on the clock, she couldn't read them anymore. She couldn't recognize them. She couldn't process any of them. 
Her head hurt even more trying to do so.
But she eventually found her way in, and, after further difficulty bumping into the furniture, finally managed to sit herself down.
She lay back on the sofa, but even cessation of action did nothing to make breathing an easier task. She could feel her heart beating in her head chest. It was speaking over her reason. Shouting over it.
'Why even bother sitting out here? You know he's not going to notice. Even if he does, he won't be concerned. Get to work; Be productive with your time at least...'
She shook any thought from her mind the moment her brother came into the room. She felt too weak to even spend the energy talking to him, she wasn't even sure if she would be able to get a coherent word out anyway, but surely he'd at least ask how she was doing. And then when she didn't answer, he'd look at her, and then he'd notice something was wrong-
But he just walked on by.
He said something, but she couldn't focus on the words. And it didn't change the fact that he just left the room anyway.
(Maybe it sounded like "Love ya, sis" but she couldn't tell. She wouldn't have believed it, anyway.)
That woefully familiar miasma of grape juice hit her senses, worsening that already overwhelming nausea of hers. Stronger than ever. Or was it the same as usual...? Everything just felt worse like this...
'...what a joke. He just walked right past you. He probably didn't even realize you're here. He probably forgot you again.'
The leaks were back, gushing, overflowing- and she didn't have the energy to fix them. Agonizing all alone, with this toxin eating away at her system...
If it didn't crumble her tonight, she'd try again tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. And over and over again until he finally noticed that something was wrong...
She slept unrestfully that night, and even though the effects of the concoction had mostly subsided by the afternoon when she woke up, she still felt tired.
She planned her routine out from there: Every day, once she woke up (frustratingly, it was already difficult to keep to her usual schedule), she would immediately take a drink of the poison before she even went to eat breakfast. She'd then just let the day play out as she rapidly grew ill, and see if her brother ever asked about her health.
He didn't ask her. One day, two days, three days- she seldom spoke to him, as he'd be either in his room lazing around or indulging in the one thing he cared about in the world, or at Sparkling Cookie's- and she was just exuberant to see the look on his and Vampire Cookie's faces the inevitable day she'd come in to do her usual 'nag-and-drag' routine and at best not even have the physical strength to get her brother off the floor and at worst-
'You could crumble right in front of him and he wouldn't say a thing. He doesn't care about you. He's NEVER cared about you.'
She didn't care anymore.  That night, though- her brother staggered home with his arm over another Cookie's shoulder again. This time, however, it was Sparkling Cookie himself who accompanied the drunken Cookie through the door.
She didn't know this until the two of them walked into the living room, where she was leaning over the left side of the couch trying not to pass out from exhaustion.
"Oh. Well, hello there, Alchemist Cookie!" Sparkling Cookie smiled at her with a warmth that she couldn't feel.
"He-ey, lil sis! *hic*" Vampire Cookie gave a loose, lazy wave. "How ya doin???"
Alchemist Cookie didn't want to speak to either of them. Tiredness was the bulk of the reason, she really hadn't vocalized much at all in the past few days since her experiment had begun, but really what could she have said to either of these Cookies?
Sparkling Cookie. The Cookie that ran the juice bar. The Cookie that called her on the phone at bare minimum three times per week just to pick her brother up from said juice bar. The Cookie who did nothing but serve that disgusting, baneful juice. 
She really resented Sparkling Cookie.
And her brother... 
Immediately flopped himself next to her, as close as possible, forcing her to take in that grossly prominent grape juice smell, as if it weren't hard enough to breathe already. And lovingly, he started clinging to her side by the arm, practically leaning all of his weight into her as if he hadn't been a heavy enough burden-
His body was as cold as always. She knew to expect that from him. She was always prepared to feel that. And normally the physical cold was easy to ignore thanks to the emotional warmth. But she just couldn't feel that anymore...
She was so, so cold.
"Alchemist Cookie? You're shivering... are you alright?" Sparkling Cookie looked at her carefully and with concern, coming closer to her. She couldn't get up. "You look... unwell..."
She tried to say something, but all she could get out were wheezing breaths and a hacking cough she couldn't cover up.
Sparkling Cookie put his hand to her forehead. She didn't have the energy to get it away.
"Hmmm... you're not burning up, but you sure look sick. And you sound sick, too..."
"Yeeeeaaaahhhh... ya look kinda funny..."
Her brother's face was practically pressed into hers as his spacey eyes made direct contact with hersand she hoped he would notice how they had dulled to lifelessness by now as she turned her head too, and even just that caused her a splitting headache that she did her best to ignore because she wasn't going to let Sparkling Cookie see that.
"...eh, doesn't look like much. Looks like Alchemist Cookie like always. *hiccup* You're fiiiiiiine~ It's whateeeeeeever~"
He didn't notice. He didn't care.
Sparkling Cookie sighed and pried Vampire Cookie from her, gently but still causing her pain yet again. Vampire Cookie just leaned to the other side of the couch, oblivious just as he always was.
"Don't be a buzzkill, Sparkling Cookie!! *hiccup* I was all nice and comfy right there... Can't a Cookie just give his lil sis a hug in peace?? What's this world come to... *sigh*"
The look on Sparkling Cookie's face seemed disappointed but unsurprised before his attention shifted back to Alchemist Cookie:
"Thank goodness it was a slow day at the bar tonight. There's no way Vampire Cookie would be able to take care of you like this..."
If he was implying what she thought he was implying, then she wished she could just get up and run away, but she knew the air would leave her faster than it could get to her.
She didn't want him hanging around her house. Her brother had enough access to grape juice already. She wasn't going to let him have the idea of bringing bar nights into their house. She already couldn't escape them normally.
She just barely scraped together enough energy to shake her head, weakly. She tried to get up, now that her brother was off of her and couldn't weigh her down.
The dizziness set in immediately as she could barely find balance in her feet, waving her arms around trying to find a support-
Sparkling Cookie's hands approached to help stabilize her, but she slapped them away before they could make contact. Purposefully.
"A-Alchemist Cookie, let me help you to your room, please. You're clearly too weak to stand on your own..."
As she tottered towards the wall to lean against it, she glared back at him and tried to mouth her answer: 
I want you gone.
She knew he could lip-read decently enough. She knew the way she mouthed it was obvious enough.
She didn't care.
She saw his feelings on his face. In his eyes. The shock, confusion, worry. Hurt. She didn't feel bad. Not for the barkeep that drove her and her brother only further apart. Maybe a little, for the mixologist that'd always bring out some set of old alchemy textbooks from the back when she needed to hang around, that she'd practically had memorized from the amount of times she'd read them all front to back. She turned away before staggering over to the hallway. 
"G'nighty night, sis~, don't *hic* don't let the... what's the sayin again? Whatever, sweet dreams..."
She turned in early that night. She didn't have anything better to do anyway. She couldn't do anything else like this. She couldn't do alchemy anymore. But she didn't care.
She was beginning to accept the struggle to sit up or even just to open her eyes in the morning, the way her vision would still be so blurry and unfocused even after putting her glasses on that she wasn't certain they were even on her face, the lingering aches and pains that hung over every moment...
"...Alchemist Cookie...? Alchemist Cookie!"
This wasn't part of the routine.
She had been sitting there at the edge of her bed for who-knows-how-long likely a minute before she realized a voice she knew all too well was inside her room.
Vampire Cookie.
She looked over to see him leaning with his back to the side of her cauldron pot, holding one of her vials.
She just barely mustered the words with airy breaths in-between: "Wh-what are... you doing... up... this ear...ly!?" 
"Uhhh... first of all, it's 4 in the afternoon." He walked to her as she sulked in place without energy to move. "Second of all, Sparkling Cookie told me that last night, he noticed you were feeling... more than a little under-the-weather. So I came in here to check on you, and I saw... whatever that is."
He pointed over to the cauldron. Her heart skipped a beat.
"Well, I looked at it and thought that maybe you'd finally made more of that wonderful pink juice that you'd kept insisting was 'just an accident' and 'you didn't have the recipe for.' So, I couldn't help but have a little drink..."
Ah, yes, the 'Pink Juice Incident.' The one that had dyed most of the kingdom pink with love. She had been so confused that night when both her brother and Sparkling Cookie came and started thanking her profusely for "that delicious rosé juice" and "the boost in business for the day." That was the first time Sparkling Cookie had ever been over at their home. (And she wished the two of them could've been a little less... excessively romantic.)
...but her brother had been so sweet that night. When he wasn't rambling on and on about how debonair Sparkling Cookie looked in pink, he was giving her a pat on the head or saying about five times total "cheers to my brilliant sister and her alchemy!" despite no one else raising a glass with him, and she'd felt all warm and fuzzy on the inside...
It almost made her wish, in some deep selfish recess of her mind, that she could make it again. Just so he would praise her some more. She craved that validation.
...but she couldn't. And even if she could, she wouldn't. She couldn't poison him like that just for her own needs.
He drank the poison...? He drank her concoction!?
The look on his face changed from pleasant reminiscence to light disgust.
"But that stuff tastes awful...! What did you even put in there?"
...of course he wouldn't be affected. Her potions never worked on him. Even when she wanted them to.The 'Pink Juice' affecting him was only a result of how haphazard that entire concoction had been.
She had once sought out to transmute her brother alchemically, to create some kind of potion that could eliminate that listless juice addiction of his. And yet none of them ever worked on anything but a normal Cookie.
There was that one time his personality seemingly inverted out of nowhere, where he started dressing and acting like her for a few days and even researching alchemy (...seemingly), that she never got an explanation for, until she came up with a potion to put him back to normal...
No. She knew her potions wouldn't have suddenly started working on him. She made all her concoctions with the reference of how to affect a normal Cookie, all the way down to composition. He wasn't normal. She had a whole pile of failed attempts at a working Flavor Reversal Potion by the end of her prior experiments in futility, after all. And she used them as the basis for the cure.
...in which case, she certainly couldn't have 'fixed him' by the end of it when he encroached on her field, so how did he return to normal...?
Had he really just been messing with her the whole time...?
She'd somewhat started to appreciate him more after that incident. At least, she realized her problem with him was less about him and more...
Whatever. She didn't care anymore. "No juice, no Vampire Cookie," in his own words.
She tried to get up to her feet- and immediately she envied her brother's ability to levitate as the pain shot up through her legs.
"Alchemist Cookie??" 
"You... you drank my... my poi- my potion...!?"
"Yeah. So?"
"...grrrr..." she didn't look at him, but felt a sudden burst of... not as much as strength as it was anger,and yet it still wasn't enough to give her hands the strength for fists, "why... why can't you... why can't you just control yourself for once!?"
It could hardly be called a shout, but she couldn't do that anymore. 
But she could spit venom just fine.
"...sis, what do you-"
"It's always drink this, drink that...!! All for you, you, YOU...!!!" She pushed him to the side and dragged her legs over to her prized pot. Looking into it, it didn't seem to have had much taken out of it, and yet she still felt furious that he had taken what was hers. As she turned back around and made sure to make direct eye contact, further infuriated by the confusion that met her, she put on a sarcastic tone and gestured sloppily as she mimicked her brother's voice: "Can't you make some juice with your alchemy?' this and 'Can you stop bothering me about alchemy when I'm trying to enjoy my juice?" that *pant*... and then you have the gall, to come into my room, and try to just drink anything that wasn't meant for you... and when it's not that, you're looking through my research notes, to see if they have anything about juice... because THAT'S ALL YOU EVER CARE ABOUT-"
Unable to keep up with her own shouting, she suddenly entered a violent coughing fit. She couldn't breathe. Vampire Cookie looked a mix of horrified and... mortified.
She had to support herself on the side of the cauldron to prevent herself from keeling over, with how light-headed she was getting. She'd started spitting venom, but she felt as if she were going to start spitting jam.
As soon as she could get a breath back in, as she saw that fanged Cookie take just a few quivering steps toward her with a face of remorseful shock, she shot a glare in his direction and finally gasped out:
"Why, does everything, have to be, about you...!? You... about your juice... is that... all I'm good for, to you...? Making juice, for you...? Taking care, of you...?? Catering, to you...!?!"
"..." Her brother stood frozen by her cold words. "...A-Alchemist Cookie, you know that's not true, you're not-"
"It's always, juice for you, juice for you..." As she gazed fondly into the contents of the cauldron, her mouth formed a twisted, broken facade of a smile: "But this, is for ME... this... makes me... feel better..."
It was funny to her, almost. The purpose of this entire experiment had once been to make her brother see what he was doing to her himself. Nourishing himself on that poison of his every day. 
That crimson venom dripping from his fangs as he bit into her life.
But she didn't care anymore. She wasn't doing this for him anymore.
She had long lost her original intent.
But really, her intentions now had always been there, lurking deep down within the darkest crevices of her mind. Just waiting to bubble to the surface.
Her routine poisonings had begun to feel almost comforting to her, in some form. Because at the very least, it was something she had control over. She could control her own degradation except she knew it was progressing at an uncontrolled rate. She was doing this to herself. No one else was. She took a sense of pride in that, a sense of power, a sense of control.
Control. She needed control. She couldn't control her own mortality, she couldn't control her brother and his behavior. This pernicious potion was the only way to control anything, she thought...
So what if her health was deteriorating? She had every right to make it deteriorate.
This wasn't right
"(Feel better...?) Is it... a cure or something...?"
The inquiry snapped her out of her blissful thought, but she didn't look at him. She just thought:
He was right about that one thing: That this was, to her, more nostrum than noxious in the grand scheme of things.
She'd prescribed it herself to her own heart, the one true remedy for its malaise: Her own personal, hand-crafted, home-brewed panacea. 
This would make everything better.
And so, she answered accordingly:
"(...well, guess I shouldn't be surprised about medicine tasting bad...) Sis... I-"
"Sh-Shut up..."
Her head snapped to look at him and it hurt so much to make such a sudden movement, and she ignored the guilt that had been shining in his eyes and glared as she panted out:
"Get out... of my room... I'm done, talking... and, give me back, my vial, now...! *gasp* And then get out...!!"
She held out her hand. She would've pointed to the door with the other if she could trust her legs to keep themselves standing on their own, without propping herself up still. Vampire Cookie looked at her dejectedly before making his way toward the door, handing her the vial as he walked past but otherwise not stopping to look back...
Until he was at the door.
Just before he left through it, just before he could give her privacy, he looked back at her and said:
"...Could... could you at least... air out the room a little...? I-I just noticed that it's a little... I don't know, mephitic in here...? And you know I'll be able to smell this from-"
"(...I-I'm sorry...)"
He shut the door, leaving her alone to her own devices in her ill-lit, shadow-casted room where the curtains hadn't been touched in days. She sighed.
'Finally. Almost thought he'd never go away...'
Now there was nothing keeping her from her precious elixir of death life... so-to-speak. 
She didn't want to miss a dose. She rationalized it in her head, one should never skip even just a day's dose of their medication, after all. It just wasn't healthy...
She was really becoming an addict of her own. Addicted to her own misery. Pushing away, hitting away even the very idea of relief. She didn't even do anything of worth anymore, passing through life devoid of passion, of her passion- once she had dreamed of making great discoveries, but now what knowledge could be held in a mind too tired to think...? She reminded herself so much of her brother: Drinking, doing nothing, and decaying in her room; Dozing off in dreamless sleep and waiting for her doom; Hardly ever leaving, barely living in this tomb.
What a miserable creature she was. Maybe she deserved this anyway.
Bottoms up.
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Over the next few days, she'd stopped keeping at some point. Of how long it had been since she'd started her slow march toward the end experiment. The days were all congealing into a mass of constant fatigue languor, not helped by her now inconsistent sleep schedule... most of her schedule was 'sleep' now, really, or a state between sleep and awake that she couldn't tell the difference between anymore because she just couldn't do anything else and even thinking was becoming too much of an energy sink sometimes.
She didn't even really have the energy to make her meals anymore. Sometimes she was too queasy to stomach anything. Sometimes she struggled to leave her room in the first place. The times she had done so, when the hunger got too much to bear, she'd noticed that her brother had started waiting around the kitchen more. Sitting at the table sometimes, trying to coax her into joining. "Are you going to keep me waiting for lunch?" or "Don't you think a sandwich would be nice right about now...?" ...he wasn't very subtle.
...one time he got desperate enough to try cooking something. It wasn't very good, he really had no idea how to prepare a salad if burning it was ever a possibility and especially in the way he did it, but...
The only thing she could easily put down was that burning potion of hers. But she was finding the simple act of swallowing to become more and more difficult thanks to the sheer pain of everything in her body.
And it was just another late afternoon, who-knows-how-long after this had all began, after her heart had crumbled and fallen apart, and she was about to take her potion again. Up to her mouth, running down her throat...
But she had to spit it out halfway through because she couldn't swallow it.
Something was wrong. More wrong than ever before.
It hurt.
It hurt.
She'd never felt more SICK.
She started coughing, forcefully, oxygen making its escape. Her body was trying to expel something.There was something in her that needed to get out.
And it came out.
Onto the floor and her hands as she dropped her flask, causing it to shatter there with the mess of...
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Strawberry jam.
Nausea, pain, vertigo- everything was making her head spin, the room was spinning all around her, her vision was doubling, tripling in an instant and she could hardly keep her balance on her feet, her head was growing light and yet it was still heavy with soreness, everything was in pain-
She fell over onto her back. The lights above her looked all the brighter and stung her eyes. She could hardly keep them open; she didn't want to. She was beginning to fade in and out of conscious, anyway. Her consciousness was beginning to fade in and out of being, anyway.
This was it. The culmination of her experiment: A date alone with death, with toxins flowing through her.
Her crumbled body would lie alone within her room, not to be found for days. Weeks. Months. YEARS.
She was full of fear. 
Those leaky eyes of her wouldn't stop, not when this wasn't what she had really wanted, deep down in the crumbled pieces of her heart, though she had long stopped admitting it to herself.
The one thing she'd wanted, needed, was...
Something she'd never get to see herself have, if she were to crumble now.
But she had no way to control the outcome of this. She never had. That cocktail of death had been dooming her every day she drank it. There was no going back.
'This is goodbye...'
(Why did this have to be such a slow process...? Why hadn't she crumbled yet? Was there something keeping her alive, some force of will? Was that really powerful enough to keep her from the brink...?)
(...she didn't want to crumble, but she had gone too far to save herself. And no one else was there to save her. Now she was stuck in a slow atrophy from the inside-out. 
She could feel her insides crumbling. 
Jam and leftover poison still oozed from her mouth, dripping down her face- and within her mouth just tasted so odiously foul and yet she couldn't spit any of it out. Her eyes could hardly keep open. She was just about to let them close, finally, to plug up that incessant leakage, even if she feared she may never open them again...)
(There was a voice, and footsteps that, even with the ringing in her ears, were close enough to make out, and they sounded far too fast for any normal Cookie to be running at...
She knew a Cookie who wasn't normal.
"Alchemist Cookie!? ALCHEMIST COOKIE!!!! WAKE UP, PLEASE!!!!!!!"
She just barely opened her eyes again as the ringing cleared to find the face of a Cookie staring down at her, that had gotten down next to her on the floor, that, even though her vision was blurry, she could make out had crimson hair and deep purple eyes...
Vampire Cookie...? 
"Alchemist Cookie!?!?! What on Earthbread happened to you...!?!"
(He... found her. He actually found her. That shouldn't have happened, and yet...)
"..." She was scared to even try speaking. It'd be a waste of what little breath she had, anyway. It wasn't as if he'd ever listen to her, right?
...could she even speak? Could she even breathe? Was she even still...
No. No, the agony was undeniable. It said everything without words. Even if her body had broken down, even if it wouldn't work as she wished, she was very much still in it.
"...N-nevermind, you can tell me later. J-just- just relax, okay?? Just stay... calm..."
He got up and ran away- and while she couldn't get up to watch him leave, she was already feeling no less than sheer despondency. It wasn't disappointment, no- that would imply she had expected better of him, that she had had any hope left in her that he wouldn't just tell her to 'chill out' like he always did and then abandon her there to break down in desolation-
She never heard the door close.
She was ready to let the darkness take over her field of view again. She didn't hear the footsteps returning...
But she heard the sound of wings flapping towards her.
Looking as far towards the door as she could in her position, with her blurring vision she could make out some small, round blob of red flying in through the door and stopping right beside her- and in a sudden 'poof' of smoke, what was left was the taller figure of her big brother.
He came back
"Help is on the way, sis...! We just have to... wait right here, not move... and I'll be right by your side, I promise..."
(...oh. She didn't have a phone in her room, did she...? He had... called for help...?)
He knelt down next to her and rested his hand on her forehead. Cold to the touch, as always. But something about it was... soothing, to the slightest extent. Maybe it was because of how much she had been burning up on the inside. Maybe it was just the feeling of care that she felt within those eyes that were finally looking at her with clarity.
(...just for once, she felt grateful she didn't have a lock on her door. That she hadn't been able to shut him out. Just this once. Otherwise, she would have...)
"...Alchemist Cookie... what even happened to you, sis...? D-did the medicine you make not work? (I should've known it wasn't working, why didn't I...) What kind of sickness do you even have??"
"..." She didn't know whether or not to tell him what she had really been doing at this point. Two parts of her were conflicting, fighting for dominance over her crumbled heart: One of them held her original intentions, the other held those that had been more latent. Neither of them really felt like 'her.'
"...you know what, I'll just... leave that to Dr. Bones Cookie to figure out. That's their problem, not yours. You probably... don't even know, do you...?"
She did know. She knew what she was sick with.
She knew what made her sick.
She would've been able to tell him right now, in perfect detail, if she could just speak, she thought.
(Wait... who did he say...? She had to have misheard that, he was way too lazy to go through that much trouble...)
"(...that look in your eyes...)" He sounded confused and... guilty. Since when did he feel guilty...? (...there was that one time...) "But..."
She couldn't tell if he was shocked or in shock, but whatever it was, it left him silent for a few seconds before he said, with an uncharacteristically perturbed voice:
"A-anyway, I'm just... lucky I could smell... all of this from my room, otherwise, uh... (Heh, maybe it's a good thing you didn't open the window when I asked you to, right...? Haha...)"
(Sometimes she forgot how good his senses were... when they weren't being fogged by his favorite intoxicant. Actually, maybe that was why she had forgotten: Because they were always too numbed to function to the fullest...)
...the one thing she could clearly see was the discomfort he was trying and failing to hide, trying to keep his eyes on her and away from the red, sticky, sweet substance spread on the floor...
Unfortunately, it was also on her- splattered on her dress and body, seeping into the undersides from where she had fallen into this red, disgusting mess, and there was still some left over around her mouth that she was unable to wipe off. 
She knew her brother could sometimes get a little squeamish- it only ever showed, really, when he was 'low on juice,' though. He didn't have the capacity for any such feeling otherwise, she thought. 
...he did tend to drink more after physical exertion, though...
She saw a mild burgundy glow coming from where she knew his eyes to be
"I'm... starting to wish I didn't take Sparkling Cookie's advice right about now..." His stomach growled like some kind of animal. What did he mean by that...? "Uh... (good thing I don't like jam as much as juice, otherwise I would've... n-no, no need to think about that...) Rushing around sure works up a thirst, huh? Let's just, hope they... get here, in time..."
("like jam")
(...the alternative...)
Seconds passed, maybe a minute, and the two of them just stayed together in silence. It felt like an eternity. What was taking so long...?
Alchemist Cookie's body was so ridden with toxin at this point, she didn't know if she even had enough time to wait for them. It was so unfair. Why did she have to change her mind? Why did she have to feel so conflicted? She didn't understand herself. She didn't understand anything. 
"...V...Vam...pire... C-C-Coo...kie...?"
The words fought to escape her throat. Vampire Cookie immediately snapped to full focus:
"Wh-What is it, sis...??"
"...A...am, I... g...gon-gonna..."
She gasped for air as she tried to communicate. It was taking so much of her breath. She hadn't spoken in so long, too, that she wondered if her difficulty forming the words was because of her fatigued and deteriorating condition or if she just didn't know how to anymore, if that were even possible.
But with her brother's full concern attention, she choked out the final words as those annoying leaks in her eyes outflowed, for what she knew could be the final time they ever would:
Why was she even asking him this?
Why was she even asking him this...?
..why did she want to hear what he had to say...? To a question that was surely unanswerable for him?
Was it just to see how he'd react...?
(...just to see if he'd react...?)
His eyes widened as soon as the words escaped her mouth.
"N-NO, NO!!! I-I mean, no!! Don't- That'll never happen, I won't let it...!" She could just make out the white of his fangs... as he was giving her some attempt at a comforting smile, even if she could tell despite the fading of her sight that it was faltering. "Don't even think about that, sis!! J-j-just- just relax, like I said, and everything will be fine... you hear me? You'll be fine, you'll be a-okay, please, I- I won't let anything happen to you, just... just hang in there, I... I..."
She felt a few drops of something slowly drip onto her face. That facsimile smile came to grief.  
"...I-I don't know, if I can do anything... Please, just, hang on... I can't lose you, sis..."
He was...
He was crying.
His voice was breaking up as he desperately sobbed out his pleas: "D-don't make me lose you like this, sis, not like this, not this early... p-p-please, you have to hang on, just hang on... you- you know I really- you know I love you, y'know..."
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I love you
Hearing those words, she finally felt a wave of peace wash over her, gently lighting up the darkness that had veiled her world of hurt all this time.
All this time, those were the words she had been crumbling to hear. The words she had wanted, needed to hear.
The words her body was currently breaking down over.
She was beginning to wonder if it really had to come to this just to hear them.
The exhaustion had finally worn down on her too far to persevere. Her muddied eyes so dull and lifeless were coming to a close.
"A-Alchemist Cookie!?!?!?! N-No, stay with me, STAY WITH ME!!!! ALCHEMIST COOKIE!!!!!"
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Her hearing was fading away, and the last thing she heard was:
"...I need to go make another call, or three..."
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"...when is she going to wake up?? IS she going to wake up!?!"
"S-slow down, slow down!! I'm doing everything I can!!"
Alchemist Cookie's eyes just barely cracked open. It was so... bright. 
Was she...?
...she was lying in a bed, under the covers- she could recognize that feeling. She wasn't wearing her usual clothes, either- she couldn't feel those. And the smell of the room was very... antiseptic. And... like ice cream...?
She was still in pain, she was still sick, but it felt... less so than before. 
(...she could hear a beeping sound...)
Her head felt lighter, but not light-headed. More so, as if a weight had been taken off... 
Her hat was gone.
She was...
...finally beginning to see clearly...
It was so brightly lit, the entire room. Bright and clean, white and lighter blues all over the room... 
After a few blinks, she began to make out her surroundings in more detail: There was a sink in one corner, a chair and a table in the other. Looking down without moving her head she saw she was... definitely in a bed, just as she'd felt. With calming blue covers pulled up to her waist.
...She was wearing some kind of pale blue outfit with darker dots. She couldn't feel much covering her arms beyond the shoulders.
Finally budging her head just slightly to the left, ignoring the aching that still followed her head's movement (yet it still somehow still felt less than how much it had hurt to move before), she saw her arm lying out to the side, and...
There was... an IV tube, hooked up to...
Some kind of... heart-shaped plastic bag...? A bag full of... red, on some kind of white and cyan-striped stand, hooked on by... bones?
She heard the beeping coming from next to the head of her bed, out of her field of view, but she could tell what it sounded like. (She wasn't sure if it sounded... right or not... She wouldn't be surprised.)
There was only one place this could be:
Dr. Bones Cookie's clinic... which was more like a fun-sized hospital, really. It was located at the opposite corner of the kingdom as her and her brother's home (Dr. Bones Cookie had expressed their wishes to have it built more toward the center of the kingdom when they moved in, but there wasn't any room.)
And looking to her right, she saw her brother and the doctor themself chatting away... closer to 'frantic bickering' than 'chatting.'
"C'mon, Doc, just tell me she's going to be okay, tell me she'll wake up-"
"H-hold on!! I'm a doctor, not a miracle-worker! And, to be frank, a miracle's the exact kind of thing we need right now..."
They looked down at their clipboard as her brother crossed his arms, seeming uncharacteristically on-edge. The doctor looked over in her direction, and...
"...Oh, my. Well, we officially have a miracle on our hands...!"
Vampire Cookie turned over towards her, locking eyes with her, and gasped.
Alchemist Cookie could immediately see her brother's dark eyes light up with emotion like a moonlit night sky through a window, despite the bags under his eyes that she never would have imagined him with (at least his eyes were their normal hue). His mouth grew into a smile so visibly brimming with... elation and relief. He didn't seem to be able to hold back:
Vampire Cookie transformed in a poof and flew right at her, rattling the poor doctor's bones.
"C-CAREFUL!!" Dr. Bones Cookie cried. "Bats are known for spreading diseases, you know...!!"
Her brother ignored them and landed next to her head with maybe a little too much impact (but it didn't hurt more than she could ignore), immediately snuggling into her. That round, red juice bat with pointed ears and sleepy eyes- his body was as cool as ever, even in this form...
And yet it was just barely warm enough that she almost smiled. Almost.
"You're okay! You're actually okay....!"
"...I'm... here...?"
Dr. Bones Cookie grabbed her brother by the wing, lifting him up and away from her. Standing right next to the side of the bed, they held the bat up to their eye socket level, squinting at him with an annoyed look.
"Be careful!!" they warned.
"Well, sorry..." Vampire Cookie said sarcastically before poofing back into his usual form, which visibly startled the poor doctor. "But my dear sister almost crumbled..." he continued, and shrugged, "can't I celebrate that that didn't happen...?"
The doctor pointed at him with their pen and said: "A-as long as you don't touch her until I'm certain her condition is stable!! Do you even realize how brittle her dough was back there!? I'm surprised she didn't crumble before-"
"Okay, okay!! *sigh* I'll just, stand here, just... let me talk to her for a second, okay...?"
"..." They said nothing, but backed up slightly, nodded their head, and motioned as if to say go ahead before turning away to look at their clipboard papers. Probably something to do with her.
Alchemist Cookie looked at her brother, and he looked at her- eye to eye in complete reticence, and the uncertainty hanging in the air applied pressure, for someone to make the first move. She couldn't move her limbs, and her mouth tasted bittersweet. She just lay there, trying to communicate with her eyes to just go on and say it- whatever it was he had to say.
Her brother's expression became more somber as he finally shattered that tension looming between the two of them:
"Sis... why did you do it?"
"Why did you..." the words came out of his mouth with an unsteady, shrinking tone: "poison... yourself?"
...it wasn't possible. He'd thought it was medicine. She'd told him it was medicine.
"...you... know...?"
The two of them just stared at each other, in seconds on end of uncomfortable eye contact and silence except in the midst of it she could hear Vampire Cookie mumble under his breath, something like "where did that spark in your eyes go...?" (and... she didn't know how to answer.)
"...Sparkling Cookie saw some... things around your room... put two and two together."
"...?" Sparkling Cookie had been there...? When??
Seeming to read her confusion, he went on: 
"...I... called him, Herb Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie over when you passed out... I-I didn't know what else to do, they know more about that 'healing' stuff than I do..."
(...That was how she made it, wasn't it...?)
"...T-turns out, Sparkling Cookie couldn't really do anything for you since you were... not awake, you know. Can't give a drink to an unconscious Cookie and all..."
She was glad he didn't get to. The thought of it made her sick to her stomach... 
(How was her stomach faring...?)
"So, he ended up, uh, looking around your room, 'cause we didn't, uh, kn-know what happened, and, uh... yeah."
He seemed... increasingly unsettled the more he recounted. She had a feeling she knew why.
"...He... said he recognized some of the things you had in there from what he read in some books. I think he meant the books he keeps checking out of the library for ya, 'cause he... said you absolutelywould have known, what those things would do to you, s-s-so..."
She didn't really know what to say to him. She hadn't planned for anyone to recognize her reagents and their uses... or lack thereof. She didn't have an excuse planned. 
Vampire Cookie stared at her, contemplating, before he took a deep breath and said: 
"...why did you do it? Why would you ever... do that, to yourself...? I just- I, I don't understand..."
She could see the tears beginning to pile up at the corners of his eyes, and it... still perplexed her, to some degree. As she readjusted to speaking, she blankly queried:
"You... care...?"
"...th-that shouldn't be a question..."
Alchemist Cookie looked away: "I... thought you didn't."
"...Wh-wh-what made you... what made you... think that...?"
(Her eyes looked back at him again. The look on his face... why did he seem so... upset?)
This was it, this was the moment she had been waiting for this entire time: The moment when she would look her brother dead in the eyes and finally divulge to him the disease that had been plaguing her mind, say the words, "you did."
"You did this to me."
But as much as it burned the back of her throat, the words just never came. And her head ached with the thoughts that she couldn't express.
She couldn't bring herself to say that.
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She felt something burst in her eyes again. Embarrassing; there was no way to hide it this time.
Why did things always have to be so UNFIXABLE...?
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"A-Alchemist Cookie, you're... y-you're crying..."
"I-I... I..." The words were so, so hard to form. Nothing felt right. Everything felt wrong. She felt so, sowrong. She couldn't take being wrong. But... her feelings had to come out. And they came out; she finally managed to spit it all out: "...I just... I couldn't... I couldn't take it anymore... I can't take it anymore..."
"...take... what...?"
She sniffled: "...you're always... it's always grape juice, it's all... it's everything to you, it's everywhere,every day, all the time, and I... I-I just feel like I'm nothing to you... I have to take care of you, when you get drunk and that's all the time... you can never take care of yourself or come home by yourself or do anything yourself... and you pass out and say weird things and you forget your own name and you forget my name a-and-"
Her voice was collapsing in on itself like a buckled floor, but she fought weary and bleary through the instability:
"A-a-and that's all I ever... all we ever do together is... because you're always so... intoxicated... it's like you forget about everything else... you forget about me... and you're always just..." She was breathing so hard that it hurt, "you never spend real time with me. It's always either at the bar o-or, or when you're at home you're still just drinking and drinking and..."
A heavy acid rain was drowning her voice and face. She didn't know if she was able to purge everything that had ravaged her on the inside, if she could get everything out in the right words, if her words would be right at all...
But... those feelings needed to get out.
She needed to get those feelings out.
It wasn't wrong just to feel, was it? When these feelings were designed to tell that something was wrong.
"I just... just... wanted, f-for you... to care about me... I-I couldn't take that, that... that I didn't matter as much, to you..."
"Alchemist Cookie..." he was trying to cover his face with his hands, she could see the glimmers of guilt in his tears, but he didn't look away from her. Contrarily, his stare became much more fixed as the words solemnly spilled from his heart mouth: "...you... you mean more to me than I can... I-I don't know what I'd do without you-"
"I know, s...someone has to ta-ake care of you... that's, the problem... I have to, but I can't... I can't take it..."
"Th-that's not what I... (crumbs, I didn't mean it like-)"
"I can't... I can't keep taking care of you... I'm sick of it... I'm sick of grape juice... I'm sick of seeing you drunk all the time... I'm sick of LIVING LIKE THIS...!" She coughed, but she could still breathe. She persisted: "I- I- I can't- I can't... I can't keep doing this... for the rest of my life... knowing that I'm going to crumble before you ever will eventually and then who will take care of you after that??" She took a deep breath. "I-I-I... I'm just a normal Cookie and you're not... Wh-why do we have to be so unequal...?Wh-why- why do I have to be to be so INADEQUATE...!?"
"D-don't say that, STOP!!!" He slapped his hands over his mouth immediately, his eyes widening and looking down at them. After seconds of evident processing, slowly returning to meet her gaze again, his next words were immediately at a lower volume and gentler tone: "...Please..." He almost reached one hand out at her before stopping himself, "Alchemist Cookie, you're my little sister, you shouldn't beworrying about... stuff like this, you shouldn't be thinking anything like this, you're... you're too young for that, you... you're..."
His hands went back up to his face again, this time burying himself enough to muffle his voice just slightly.
"You're too young to crumble... I don't- You have a whole life ahead of you, you have- you have so much time left, why would you... wh-why cut it short...?" 
(...why was that his fixation...?)
"..." the waterworks still welled in her eyes, but her voice grew stabler yet also quieter, colder just like his hugs. But she couldn't move. "...I just... wanted things to change. I wanted to be happy."
"...you weren't happy..."
It wasn't a question.
Vampire Cookie folded his arms, eyes cast down, tears trickling and... contemplative.
"...I... didn't even realize... I-I mean, I guess I started to-"
(Started to...?)
She cut him off:
"Of course you didn't notice, with how happy you are all the time. You're really lucky, aren't you? Life's so good to you all the time... Everyone wants to be friends with you, you just have everything and you never have to work for it, you never have to care about your health because you're special... and you tell me I need to stop worrying about things, but I have to worry about you because you don't worry about anything, but I- I need to worry about you because you'll probably get into something stupid while you're drunk or just stop... stop taking care of yourself everywhere that matters and, I can't let you do that, I can't let you be alone when someone has to take you home and... and..."
She felt as if a world's worth of weight was upon her, a world of pain that she was forced to live in. Alone.
"I just don't understand, why you get to be so happy, when I don't..."
"...I'm not."
"Alchemist Cookie, I... it's not like that, but..." as he stared into her eyes again, he sighed: "...I don't never worry about anything, I'll admit it. The truth is... I'm... always kinda worried... sorta... you know..."
He looked over to something out of her field of view- by the head of her bed. It was where she heard the beeping sound coming from.
"...you're always working yourself so hard, sis... too hard... you basically never relax, I have to remind you to sleep half the time. You think I don't get worried about you...?" He paused before continuing: "I... kinda always felt like something like this would happen someday- not the same thing, but... that you'd just give up taking care of yourself because you're so dedicated to your work. Or that one day I'd just come into your room and see that some experiment gone wrong did you in, and..."
(His breathing hitched...?)
"...I-I... I can't lose you like that..."
"..." Alchemist Cookie blinked away any remaining droplets. Still processing what she was hearing, her only words were: "You're going to lose me eventually..."
"...I- I know. I don't like to- I don't want to think about that... any of this... I-I've always tried to not think about it..."
"...is that why you drink juice all the time?"
He attempted to mumble something under his breath- but he was just loud enough and he was just close enough that she could just barely make it out:
"(I don't know. Maybe more than I need to, I guess...)"
As the saying went: "The first step is admitting you have a problem."
He started speaking clearly again, looking back to her yet another time- and he looked just a little more regretful than even before:
"...I know it's nothing like... what you've been going through, I'm not trying to compare that, I just... want you to know that I do care about you, sis, I just... gosh, when you yelled at me that one time- what was it, two weeks ago now?- I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know it was this much-"
"You mean... the time I yelled at you, in my room...?"
(...she felt just a small pang of guilt about the intensity of her ire in that moment...)
"Hmm? Oh, that was... that too I guess, but I mean earlier than that. Where was it again? Living room, I think...? Yeah, that! Probably two and a half weeks ago, I think..." 
"...that was..."
...two and a half weeks ago...?
...she hadn't even been poisoning herself for that long, and things had escalated this far...?
How potent was that solution of hers...? 
Despite the nagging of her own insatiable interest, she knew that, perhaps, this was a knowledge that was better of not known, to herself at the very least. For her own sake. She didn't want to stare into that abyss again.
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Two and a half weeks ago. She had outpoured her anger two and a half weeks ago.
Two and a half weeks ago, her feelings had finally boiled over. She had gotten to concocting her plan to poison herself with that sick solution...
And for what? For what had all of this been?
Would this have really been the solution to all her problems?
If she hadn't survived to explain everything to Vampire Cookie, he wouldn't have realized a thing. He wouldn't have stopped drinking grape juice. He probably would've started drinking more of it just to cope with the loss...
Two and a half weeks ago.
Somehow, he had kept track of the time.
And he remembered. He remembered her outburst.
He remembered her.
While she was beginning to think back on those weeks, on everything she hadn't paid attention to before, her brother kept on talking:
"That was when you told me you didn't want to, uh, look after me..." he hugged his arms around himself and looked down to the side, embarrassment showing through the regretful smile he was trying to put up, "I, uh, didn't even really get it fully until I was talking to Sparkling Cookie one night, when I went out... and uh, he told me that he always calls you to take me home when I, can't do it myself... and I didn't even realize how often you had to do that, I thought it was just a few times, haha..." his laugh didn't really sound amused as he brought one hand up to his face, "...I didn't even... remember half of those times..."
"...yeah. I can guess."
"And I thought that was all that you meant. So, I told him to stop calling you, and-"
"You... got your friends to take you home, didn't you...?"
That night Cinnamon Cookie had carried her brother home, then the other time that Sparkling Cookie did the same... How could she have been so oblivious...? 
"...I... didn't even realize you had done that... I even talked to them, but..." her eyes turned away from him, "I... guess I was just so focused on how you were still drinking grape juice, I didn't feel like anything was changing..."
"...I...is that why you did it, then...? Above everything else? Because I have to drink juice?"
She fell more silent than she would have expected to be at this question. She was imagining, over and over again in her head, the various reasons she could give for why she had done what she did- many of which had something to do with grape juice- and the exact ways to lay it out, to get the perfect emotional response, but...
No. None of it felt right, really. None of it was perfect.
Even now, with them spilling everything within their hearts to each other- none of it was perfect. She knew she had so much more to say, and he probably had more too, but the flow of conversation would carry them away before they could get it all across, when they weren't holding themselves back. How long would it take of conveying these ill-defined feelings in words, over and over again, until they finally understood each other? Would it be days? Weeks? Months? Years?
"...I-I don't know..."
Really, that was both true and untrue- she had a multitude of reasons, compounding upon each other to poison her mind- but...
None of her reasons were right. Nothing. The action she had taken in and of itself was just so wrong, there was no way she could justify it anymore. Why had she done that to herself!? It hadn't done any good in the end. Things had been changing for the better around her, Cookies had been caring for her well-being, and it was exactly because she had been so dedicated to her own self-destruction that she had not seen any of it...
(...she really needed to apologize to Sparkling Cookie, didn't she...?)
And to her brother...
She knew it would be foolish of her to tell him, "it's because you don't care."
Because she knew that was wrong.
She was seeing that on full display right now.
She had seen it the entire time.
But it was only now beginning to click.
"...you were... you were actually trying to care for me when I... started doing this, weren't you? When you checked in on me... and I yelled at you..."
"Oh. Yeah. Uh, when Sparkling Cookie told me you were... 'sick,' he pretty much... banned me from the juice bar, temporarily. And told me to cut back on the juice until you were better. And... I knew he was probably right by that. How was I supposed to take care of you if I couldn't even take care of myself?Uh... yeah. But I don't really know how to 'cut back,' so I kinda... went back and forth on too much and too little. Left me really thirsty a lot. Thought it'd be fine to try and look for a drink around your room that one time, but... (gosh, the stuff you said there was... I probably should've seen all of this coming...) I didn't want to..."
He seemed to grow more uncomfortable talking about this, scratching the back of his head nervously.
"I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. So, I just... decided to stay out of your room, after that. You know how I get when I'm... 'low on juice,' right...?"
(He hadn't kept trying to check up on her in her room after that, but she had noticed him hanging out around her more anyway, the few times she left the room. He had... tried to make sure she was nourishing herself...
...Those two and a half weeks, he really had been able to tell she was sick... No thanks to any toxicant, but the few times she'd communicated with other Cookies... and he had done what he could with what he was given, each time...
She really never had needed to dance so close with death, had she...?)
He always drank more after physical exertion.
But she could only really think of one time she had seen him get ravenous
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The day he became abnormal.
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Split wood on the floor
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Spilled puddles of red
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Desperation dripping with hunger
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Violet consumed by burgundy 
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"...yes. I don't want to think about that..."
"...am I really that scary...? Well, I guess if Dr. Bones Cookie's a good metric to judge by, then... (heh...)"
Alchemist Cookie's eyes moved to the other Cookie in the room. She could see that Dr. Bones Cookie was trying to let the two have their moment and focus on whatever papers were on their clipboard, but couldn't do much to hide the anxiousness on their face looking back and forth between those and the siblings.
She knew that they'd always expressed their own concerns about Vampire Cookie and his condition, but they certainly seemed to know more about the type of Cookie he was, about his needs, about how he functioned in general... but Vampire Cookie would rarely ever show up for scheduled checkups. Alchemist Cookie always did for her own, and she... hadn't considered asking them about him. 
...how had she missed something so obvious?
(...she'd been missing obvious things for the past two and a half weeks...)
"...Dr. Bones Cookie?"
The doctor, startled at the mention of their name, almost dropped their clipboard but managed to catch it in the nick of time. Vampire Cookie tilted his head, but said nothing.
"G-Good Tingly-Bones! Is there something wrong???" the doctor asked as they checked through their papers, making sure they were still in order. (Alchemist Cookie was dreading when she would have to hear whatever those said...)
"No. I just... I know my brother has to drink juice to sustain himself, right...? But... is that really true? Is there really nothing else he can-"
They immediately sighed, as Vampire Cookie shifted uncomfortably in place but didn't say a word. They started to explain:
"Err, your brother is an... interesting Cookie. His dough contains around 10% strong grape juice- that would be strawberry jam in any other grown Cookie, but-"
"He's different. In a lot of ways. I know already."
She didn't intend for that to sound so bitter.
"...w-well," they continued, "they don't exactly put too much about vampires in medical literature, so what I do know is limited, but... normally they have to drink the jam of other desserts... but if his body's composition substitutes juice for jam, then-"
"My brother substitutes juice for jam as well..."
Vampires were jamsuckers- She'd heard about that. She'd never seen her brother personally do such a thing... except in a few scuffles, but that was just the way he fought dessert monsters and such- he didn't do such things recreationally, and never to another Cookie.
...But what she saw in movies and read and novels, heard about in horror stories, about Cookies like him, the things she tried to deny due to the occasional discrepancy and knowing her brother wasn't a monster...
How could she keep denying her brother's namesake at that point...?
Vampire Cookie turned his back to the other two, as if he didn't want any attention paid to him. 
(...they were kinda talking about him as if he weren't right there in the room, weren't they...?)
Dr. Bones Cookie paid him no mind:
"That's my theory, at least. But make no bones about it, he certainly does have it in him to drink jam if he's desperate enough..." they shot a mildly disgruntled look in her brother's direction, "Never set up a jam transfusion with a starving vampire in the room, if I've learned anything..."
She could see shivers travel up her brother's back, and his face turned redder than its usual tinge- but the way it burned his cheeks was unfamiliar compared to the drunken flush she was accustomed to seeing him with. He whispered a "sorry" under his breath with his eyes pointed towards her.  Dr. Bones Cookie's focus appeared to shift before Alchemist Cookie could bargain ask any further questions:
"Speaking of which: Vampire Cookie, I need to discuss a few things with you..."
Dr. Bones Cookie pulled Vampire Cookie to the side- or at least, they tried to. Vampire Cookie wasn't so easily moved. 
"What things...?"
"Err, concerning the patient. I-I know this isn't my field of expertise, but I... I just have a few concerns, and, um..." the doctor glanced over at Alchemist Cookie for a moment, and then returned their attention to Vampire Cookie as they lowered their voice to a whisper that was still not low enough for her not to hear: "(have you thought about signing her up for counseling with Chamomile Cookie...??)"
Vampire Cookie seemed more compliant after that. The two stepped a bit further away- just far enough that as they talked to each other quietly, she couldn't hear a single word they were saying. Probably something about her that they didn't want her to hear just yet, she assumed...
(...counseling... they were going to put her into counseling...
Something about that knotted up her stomach further than it had already been twisted. Counseling was for Cookies who needed help, for Cookies who cried. Alchemist Cookie didn't need help, she didn't cry.
Oh, who was she even kidding at this point?
Gosh, she was really SICK, wasn't she...?)
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...she was caught between a rock and a hard place.
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Juice or jam.
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Nothing could ever be perfect, could it? He seemed so deeply discomforted with just the sight of strawberry jam, and of course he'd be: Hungering for the lifeblood of another living being, that was... a disturbing idea, even to her. It wasn't even up for consideration.
Neither of them would be happy like that. 
She didn't want him to be unhappy like that. 
...in the back of her head, she did ponder what life would be like like that, if he drank jam instead of juice. But the reveries of her brother being more active, more aware, more... there were quickly broken by visions of him sucking the life out of other Cookies' necks like a scene right out of a horror movie.
She didn't think he would hurt her... maybe. Otherwise she probably wouldn't be alive right now.
(...once she thought about it, what she pictured of her brother acting ideally... wasn't even that different from the way he was acting right now, or... even how he acted normally... when he wasn't too drunk, at least...)
That grape juice aroma that had lingered around their lives, it was by no means a good thing. It would've been so much better if they could just be rid of it entirely. But they couldn't have that. Life would never be perfect. But for what they could do, for what they did have, it was just something they had to put up with.
'It could've been worse' was never the best thought to turn to- but even it had its uses...
It could've been worse.
He could've been so much worse
He could've been like those vampires from the movies and myths, cruel and uncaring and violent- some cold count, creeping around the darkness, hunting unsuspecting Cookies like a predator stalking its prey...
But for all his flaws, all his shortcomings, everything he could improve on, everything he should improve on...
He cared about her. Enough to try cutting back on juice by himself. Enough that he cared about her happiness even when he didn't know the full extent of her pain. 
He came all the way out here to the hospital just to be by her side, when normally such a thing was too much work to him. He tried to respect her boundaries when he saw it was getting to her. He tried to cook for her, when he had never touched a stove, because she wouldn't eat...
She'd thought he wouldn't have cared if she were to crumble right before his eyes. 
Those same eyes had dampened her crumbling face with a gentle rain of tears as he said "I love you..."
(He loved her enough that he was willing to put in the effort to make a change.
He didn't really know how to do it the best way, and maybe things could never go as far as she'd have dreamed of, but... maybe, they could work it out...)
"Alchemist Cookie?"
She had been lost in her thoughts for long enough that the other two had finished their conversation and walked back to the side of her bed. Dr. Bones Cookie was trying to address her while her brother was standing next to them... and while she couldn't read his expression, it didn't seem very joyous.
"...what is it?"
She could read their deliberation in the stuttering of false starts, of "well"s and "you see"s, as they struggled for words, nervous sweat running down, before they at last got a sentence going:
"(How do I say this...) S-so, from the jam test results and what your brother said was found in your room... Good Tingly-Bones, kid, you shouldn't even be alive right now!! H-How much of that mixture of yours did you drink!?"
She wasn't shocked by their disbelief- she'd felt about the same way, after all. But what surprised her, thinking about how to answer their question... was the answer she ended up giving:
"I-I... don't know... I think it was... I drank it every day, for... a week, and a half...?"
(Two and a half weeks didn't leave much up to interpretation. But it still just felt too short... but... no, no, things had really just deteriorated that quickly. And that was what confounded her so. And yet it all blurred together in her head and dragged on for so long...)
"...how much of it every day, exactly...?"
"...I-I wasn't keeping track, I just filled the vial in my room, I think..."
She could hardly fathom the lack of plan or reason in what she had no way of denying had been her own fully conscious actions. She wasn't even sure what to think of herself at this point.
Dr. Bones Cookie sighed, murmuring something about 'treatment' before speaking with a resigned voice: "I-I'll just... keep it brief: That concoction contained some of the most dangerously toxic substances known to Cookiekind... and those substances are all over your body right now. Most of them don't even have known antidotes...! I've given you what I could, but most of what I can do is treat the symptoms until this clears out of your body on its own... (hopefully). You'll be staying here until I'm certain you're in a good condition...!"
None of this was anything she didn't either already know or couldn't have figured out on her own. And yet, hearing the words said out loud, she felt the weight of her circumstances really sink in.
...but one thing stood out to her, regardless:
"...I-I can't go home...?"
"Your body can't fight this on its own. I-it's going Tibia LONG road to recovery, but with proper care... (well, let's just hope your condition stays stable, at least...)."
Alchemist Cookie frowned. Did they really have to try lightening the mood like that...?
"...Dr. Bones Cookie...? How long will it be...?"
"...my best guess right now is at least a month..."
(...that didn't sound like a concrete estimate...)
Vampire Cookie pulled his cape over his face. 
"D-D-Doc said that..." he started with a lachrymose voice, "that no one can really do anything but hope for the best right now. Nothing else. We c...can't control what happens, s-so..."
He turned away and began walking towards the door sulkily.
"I should get going, visiting hours are over. I'm taking too much of their time anyways..."
It didn't even feel as if it had been that long. Were visiting hours that short? Or... how long had he been waiting for her to wake up...?
The sound of his footsteps as he trudged to the door made Alchemist Cookie feel... something that called her to ask, just to make sure:
"You'll come back tomorrow, right...?"
He stopped just before he could touch the handle, at first seeming completely frozen for a few seconds before he at last responded:
"...y-yeah, of course...! Just..." he looked back at her, "don't go anywhere! Okay?"
And with that, he opened the door and staggered out, letting it slam shut behind him.
The weeping was loud enough she could still hear it, unmoving for minutes until finally fading away.
And thus, Alchemist Cookie was left to intensive care. 
Not exactly the intensive care unit, but she couldn't be picky like this.
"...Dr. Bones Cookie?" Alchemist Cookie said. "...when do you think I'll be able to move, or... touch things.... or do anything again?
"Hmm... well... you're able to communicate. That's a good start."
The recovery process over the next few days didn't have a lot to do, with her being stationary as Dr. Bones Cookie managed her condition and kept it from worsening. Even just the fact she hadn't been able to eat for those days was causing problems; Dr. Bones Cookie explained to her that had her brother not told them at the scene about her malnourished state, they would've immediately put her onto parenteral nutrition... which would've triggered refeeding syndrome. She had to be slowly and carefully replenished, gradually increasing back to normal amounts... via catheter in the arm. It wasn't even certain if the damage to her stomach could heal in full.
(She asked them to give it to her while she was asleep. She wanted to be able to move freely the moment she recovered)
Despite this lack of action, her second day of regained consciousness was... not what she would call boring, with a curiosity like hers. She was constantly asking questions about her condition, and when she wasn't doing that, she was thinking over it herself. After all, medicine was a key facet of alchemy.
Would she ever be able to do alchemy again? Was she still even Alchemist Cookie without that? She didn't have anything else that had defined her at this point. She didn't know what to think of herself.
As promised, Vampire Cookie came to visit, more punctual than she had ever seen him been in her life. He seemed a bit less 'out of it' than when he had left, from the moment he was allowed into the room. But he still seemed a little off, the way he was so obviously catching his breath, sweating, as if he had ran all the way there from their home.
That was it, wasn't it.
That wasn't it for the odd behavior, though- as soon as he could breathe, he immediately went on questioning her about how the doctor was treating her (well), how comfortable she was (as much as she could be), if she was doing any better (...)...
...he was more alert than usual, more agitated. It was apparent to her that he was still depriving himself, even though she was no longer in his care. He kept pulling his cape over his mouth whenever he wasn't speaking, and when he did speak, she couldn't help but notice that faltering tone of his voice. That barely noticeable reddish tinge tainting his eyes, threatening to consume
...he seemed hesitant to stand too close to her. Whenever even just a hand or a foot would cross some theoretical line, he'd pull it back immediately, as if he couldn't be near her. 
That conversation she had had with Dr. Bones Cookie must have really gotten to him, hadn't it? Everything she had said that day in general, to the point he's ended up in a situation like this: denying himself the satiation that would give himself security here.
"I-I'm sorry if I'm a bit... antsy today, I just... i-it's just been really stressful with everything happening, I just-"
His stomach grumbled, shutting him up and putting a look of apprehension clear on his face. He backed a few steps away from her. 
She rolled her eyes, just as a gesture to tell him that his fears were all in his mind: He wouldn't do anything to her; it simply wasn't in his nature.
She trusted him.
She wasn't used to doing that, now that she thought about it. But after what happened in her lab, she felt she could start.
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The following days of slow recovery, each and every one, he would come in like this. Every single day, for every last minute allotted to visit, he would keep his distance from her, yet still question her as much as possible. She could tell this was eating him up, but she didn't really know how to address it. She didn't want him to be unhealthy.
"...just remember to feed yourself, silly," she said abruptly one day as he left.
"Huh? O-of course I will, I haven't been... d-don't worry about it, sis. It's your turn to relax, anyways."
The door cut her off. She made a mental note to shift her research into vampirism the moment she could pick up a book again. Whenever that day would be. If that day would ever come. Every single night, as she was dragged down into sleep, her greatest fear was that she wouldn't rise the next day. 
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It was the very next day that she would finally regain the strength to move. She didn't try to sit up without the support of the bed- she wasn't sure she was quite ready for that yet- but she could finally lift her arms. Every movement ached, and it was clear her mobility still had a lot to improve on, but it was there. 
After some discussion and a close examination of her dough, Dr. Bones Cookie finally supposed they could relent on the 'no touch'
She saved her energy for when her brother arrived, and the moment he sauntered in looking in much better shape than when she had last seen him. He seemed less tired, no signs that he had ran- probably started walking sooner, given he still arrived on time- and he immediately was much more comfortable standing close to her. His eyes were perfectly purple, too. Calling him out must have made him get himself together, she supposed.
It was almost jarring to see how much more relaxed his demeanor had become, however.
"Alchemist Cookie, hey! What's up? How's it been?"
...well, he was acting more like his usual self, at least. Casually leaning against the air, floating next to her with his arms behind his head- it was the grape juice smell that confirmed it to her, though: He really had listened to her this time.
She felt nihility creeping up on her. Even though she had been the one to tell him to do it, she still felt this bitter-tasting fear in her that now she had been stable for long enough, things would just go back to the way they had been before. That he would forget this had ever happened. That he'd stop caring again...
"I'm still stuck here. Not much has changed... except for this:"
After some struggle to muster up her energy, she lifted her arms up and held them out and open. And immediately, Vampire Cookie gasped:
"Wait... does this mean what I think it means...?"
He tossed a look at Dr. Bones Cookie, who, after a moment's pondering, seemed to realize what he was referencing and answered:
"W-well, I suppose so... but if you're going to do that again, then you at least need a SHOWER first for sanitation's sake-"
"I washed my hands, that's good enough for me!!"
Paranoid as they were well-meaning, the doctor tried to grab hold of his cape, but he had already poofed into his smaller form before they could stop him (and all they could do was sigh in resignation). And before Alchemist Cookie could react, she found herself hit square in the chest by the force of what could've easily been mistaken for a baseball if he hadn't been so soft. 
She took the smaller juice bat into her hands gently, holding him out in front of her. The smile on his face was almost infectious... 
"You look so stupid right now, you know."
She couldn't help it. It was such a big, dumb smile.
A big, dumb, warm and loving smile.
"You really..."
Her mouth twitched and her eyes softened. He really was that happy to see her get better. He really cared that much.
She took him up closer to her face, and as he nuzzled against her cheek...
She smiled.
She hadn't had a true, happy smile on her face in so, so long.
She hadn't felt truly happy in so, so long.
She had forgotten what it had felt like, to feel secure in the world, that others loved her; to feel that love as it existed right next to her in all its warmth without obstruction or oblivion; to feel all warmth of emotion through the cold of the physical body. She felt that emptiness being filled.
He felt warm to her. She didn't mind if he was cold to the dough. The warmth and love of a familial embrace had finally reached her, and she felt happier than she could ever remember being in recent times. Maybe ever. She didn't know anymore, and she didn't need to; It didn't matter. She was just so happy to have this moment, to have her brother here with her, to be here right now and to experience this joy.
This love.
"...sis? You're crying all over me, y'know... are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, this is... *sniffles* I've never been better..."
She hugged him close to her chest, with all of her limited strength. As limp as her arms were... perhaps that was a good thing: She likely would've crushed him otherwise. She was squeezing him as if she'd never gotten a hug before, as if he hadn't given her one a million times over. 
...he had. But this time, it just felt different. She wasn't being clung to obnoxiously by a tipsy Cookie; this was a genuine moment of reciprocal tenderness, where everything felt just right.
This was something personal. Meaningful. 
"...well, I'm not complaining."
"I-I can't remember the last time I was this happy..."
She felt all warm and fuzzy inside...
She felt so happy to be alive.
"(...maybe Dr. Bones Cookie was right...)"
"What was that?"
(She had a feeling she knew what he meant... and maybe she didn't have to worry about it. It would spoil the moment, anyways.)
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Her recovery seemed to go by a lot faster after this, with her gradually regaining strength in her limbs even if the pain remained. Her brother continued visiting everyday, and now she was the one asking him questions- making sure he was still taking care of his own needs (even if he looked like it already), that they would be hanging out as much as possible the moment she was out of there (she already had several activities planned out), and...
With his little juice bat self nestled in her hair, she asked:
"...why didn't you ever tell me you weren't happy?"
"I remember what you said, you know. You said you aren't really that happy."
"...well, why didn't you ever tell me you're never happy?"
"I just didn't think you'd care, I guess."
"...Alchemist Cookie-"
"B-but, you always talk about how much you love your life, right...? How do you love your life if you aren't happy??"
"...you know, sis, there's always going to be stuff that makes you unhappy. And sometimes you can't do anything about it. But... I guess what I've learned is... not to think about it all the time. You just have to think about the stuff that makes you happy instead, y'know...? Like, say..." 
She felt his wings pressed down on her head.
"My most precious treasure."
"...what would that be?"
She tilted her head, her eyes shifting upwards despite not making him more visible. He replied, shortly yet sweetly:
"My brilliant little sister who's the smartest Cookie on Earthbread."
She didn't feel as if she deserved to be called that. But... it felt good hearing someone say it. 
Hearing him say it.
"Love ya, sis."
"...love you too."
For a moment, she didn't really feel sick anymore.
The poison was finally clearing out of her system; the battle was over, and she had been victorious. But alas, war was not without its casualties:
Dr. Bones Cookie had been quite apologetic, and very apparently frustrated about their own limitations the entire time, even if no one held it against them that they were essentially running an entire miniature hospital by themself. When Alchemist Cookie was finally discharged, she was essentially wheelchair-bound. She wasn't incapable of walking, but the pain and fatigue that it brought was too much to be reasonable, and she was far too at risk of stumbling, falling, getting hurt-
The amount of time it would take to recover her walking ability was uncertain. If she ever did, then the disuse of her legs would likely mean she'd need physical therapy to be able to use them again. But at this point, she was just happy to go home...
Even if she would still need some degree of taking care of. The doctor still recommended she spend most of the day resting at the very least. Her brother would have to take care of her, against all protests of hers. She had been taken care of for long enough. 
She was certain it made him no better than what he had been. 
But he seemed... just fine with this prospect...?
"What if I never get better...? What if you're stuck taking care of me for the rest of my life?"
"C'mon, sis, aren't you the one who goes on about giving stuff in return...? Honestly, you shouldn't have been giving it in the first place, but... hey, at least now you get to sit back and relax, right?"
"...come on, give yourself a break for once. You deserve it, you know."
Recovery really was going to be a long process...
But she had her brother, and he was actually going to put in the effort to moderate himself. And she had never been more happy to be in those grape juice-smelling rooms of their home again.  
(The smell had just barely begun to fade...)
And there at home at last, they were surprised by her brother's friends- Sparkling Cookie had been trusted to watch the house for all the times her brother was out to see her, and with how Vampire Cookie had so excitedly relayed the news to him that she was coming home that day, he had invited Herb Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie over to welcome them home. 
...the latter two were clearly more there for her brother, and she supposed she couldn't blame them as beyond the belated 'thank you's for keeping her alive until the ambulance had arrived, she didn't really have anything to say to them either. They just didn't really know each other that well. 
But the former, sitting to the side and patiently listening to the rest, chiming in here and there- she wheeled right up to him and plainly stated:
"I'm sorry."
"...for what?" He tilted his head slightly.
"..." she took a deep breath, in and out: "you were just trying to help me, and I was... really mad at you. You didn't deserve... that."
"...oh. Oh. I see... It's alright, Alchemist Cookie. I'm just happy to see you've recovered from your... sickness..."
He looked deeply uncomfortable with just that one last word. 
"...you don't have to sugarcoat it, you know. I know you're the one who found out."
"..." his smile fell: "I won't pry, but... just know," he said with a gentle tone as he pushed some of her hair away from her face, "you can always come talk to me if you need someone to listen."
She smiled.
"...thanks, Sparkling Cookie." 
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That very night when they had come home together, once everyone else had left and it was just her and her brother again, as she was still getting used to her new mode of movement, Alchemist Cookie found she had trouble getting through the door to her own room. She would be able to just barely reach the doorknob, but the true problem lay in that her door opened outwards... and she wasn't that good at maneuvering herself, thus she didn't know if she could find a way to get around the door hitting her when it opened. She didn't know how to keep it open as she entered, either.
...she ended up having to ask Vampire Cookie for help, already. Just to get the door for her.
(...maybe asking for help wasn't so bad after all...)
She realized immediately upon entering the room how much tidier it was compared to how she had left it, after she had messed it up creating her concoction and neglected to clean up after herself. But now, even that poison of hers had been scrubbed from the cauldron, and under the moonlight through the now open curtains she could see: Neither jam nor venom spat smeared the floor...
Good riddance, she thought.
(She'd have to thank Sparkling Cookie for this, most likely...)
Stains were left behind- forever to remind of that incident, never able to be scrubbed clean. But perhaps some things were best left unforgotten.
Once she was close enough to her bed, she was able to use her limited walking ability to get herself into it. Crumbs, that hurt really bad. 
...and her brother came to tuck her in, even though she tried to reject it. 
"This is humiliating...!"
"There's nothing humiliating about a little TLC, sis."
"It just feels so... It's like you're treating me like a kid."
"...Alchemist Cookie, you are a kid."
She'd never really thought about it before, but...
She was a kid. Yet she'd never really gotten to be one. Always at work in her lab, always worrying about things she couldn't control... and always taking care of an adult who wouldn't care for himself. That had been her life for so long. That had been her 'normal.'
She didn't know how to live without asphyxia. She had always wanted to breathe, but now that she could, she didn't really know what to do with herself. Everything she could do had long since faded to obscurity in her mind. All those hobbies of hers had grown dusty, forgotten...
But... she could work on it now. She could go out and make friends and read books and look at the stars and do anything she wanted. She could finally enjoy alchemy again.
She had made a mental note earlier, hadn't she...? To get to work on something?
...she could throw that aside for now. Right now wasn't the time for that.
...she could spend quality time with her brother and he wouldn't be too drunk to remember, maybe. A lot of the plans she had come up with for them would probably need modification, given her current indefinite condition, but she wouldn't let anything stop her from having this, now that she had it. 
She knew she could've had it more smoothly, but there was no going back. Things could've been worse, anyways. Better not worrying about things out of her control.
She had bettering things to think about now.
That very second day she was home, after getting changed out of that hospital gown she had left on (getting dressed was difficult, but it was something she could do by herself, lying on her bed...)- which she would have to wash and return later- she had her first real meal in a long time, and he was the one who cooked it. He insisted on learning this on his own, on learning to do things for himself. 
For her.
(He was adamant on washing that hospital gown too)
It tasted... not too bad, really. She could appreciate the effort this time. She put on her best smile, and happily ate away. Even if it wasn't the best.
Maybe someday it could be great.
Just watching her eat seemed to overwhelm her brother with so much emotion, that before she could even take her last bite she found him crying over her shoulder with nothing but pure joy.
"W-welcome back, sis...!"
It had been so long since she had been in another Cookie's embrace and really embraced it for herself; something about it just brought her own emotions out. And the two of them spent a good minute or two crying in that awkward position, him standing next to her sitting at the table by that mediocre meal still cooked with love, just grateful that they were both alive and had each other and that they could finally communicate.
And it was their unspoken promise to put communication above all, because that could've saved them so much hardship in the first place.
And they were never going to let anything like this happen ever again.
Over the course of the month, healing had its bumps in the road. Alchemist Cookie and Vampire Cookie were trying their hardest to get better, to make things better- and they were getting better, of course. But both of them would sometimes fall back into old habits: Vampire Cookie would occasionally fail to keep himself in check, and Alchemist Cookie's issues were a chronic mess. He'd sometimes fall to temptation and drink enough to forget, and in turn she would cry her eyes out and sometimes fall to her darker urges, and he would cry his own eyes out the moment he saw what he caused.
But they were both aware, willing to communicate, and ready to work on it all; For themselves, for each other, for family. They'd try to keep an eye on each other, to keep an eye on themselves- Vampire Cookie especially. And the day he was able to go out to the bar and come home by himself, without needing another Cookie to cut him off- the two of them couldn't have been happier. 
Beginning about a week and a half after she came home, her sessions with Chamomile Cookie were... cathartic, in a sense. She had been hesitant to spill to some Cookie that she didn't know, but the soothing, floral aroma of the cabin was enough to put her mind at ease, and she was assured that she could talk about anything on her mind. Knowing she wasn't forced to wrench things out against her will, she just started talking about her day. 
...and eventually, she started loosening up, started spilling her feelings out over a cup of tea, and she found that a burden had been lifted. Chamomile Cookie would listen to her; that Cookie wasn't that conversational, but she was a Cookie who Alchemist Cookie could confide in. 
She was able to engage more socially with other Cookies again. Pretty much the moment her acquaintances had found out she had 'been sick' (of course, certain details were never to be disclosed) and saw the lingering effects, they were all over her, so to speak. Always well-meaning, but sometimes they were a bit much. 
...she'd never really thought of herself as having many real friends. Maybe really any. She just didn't keep in touch enough. She loved having friends, but they always came and went. But seeing so many Cookies going out of their way to talk to her again made her think, perhaps the problem was just that she hadn't been able to see them.
Gingerbrave was ever the friend to all, of course- the moment he'd seen her rolling around the Cookie Kingdom, he had so many questions about what happened to her and if she was healthy and, really, she didn't want to answer most of them. Fortunately, he wouldn't keeping pressing after she asked him to stop. 
He tried to make an effort to include her in any big events- even if he didn't know too much about how wheelchairs worked or how to accommodate for them. But she did notice some construction work being done on the library for a while, and by the end of it a ramp had been installed. 
She just had a hunch on who ordered that, even if it never directly came up between them. But she had it in her head to repay him someday, whenever she could figure out something suitable.
She was happy to go to the library again. She used to spend so much time there, immersing herself in stacks of books from opening to closing while the the smell of paper would stimulate her hunger for knowledge... 
She decided to try actually checking out the books she'd read this time, to read at home for a change. Things had gotten much brighter around the house anyway; she actually had enough lighting to read, now. She wasn't sure if it was just from opening the curtains or what, but...
One day, she ran into Sparkling Cookie, returning those old textbooks she had memorized over. It... made her laugh once she realized what he'd been doing. Even if she had to thank him again. 
(When had she last laughed, again...?)
Once, and only once, she even had Wizard Cookie of all Cookies just walk up to her out of the blue and hand her a 'get well soon' card, muttering something into his scarf that she couldn't quite make out.
...she couldn't exactly call it a half-hearted effort considering he left an entire hand-written message, but...
'Dear Alchemist Cookie,'
He had written that above the card's printed-on 'Get Well Soon!' message. The rest continued below:
'I sincerely hope that you're in good health right now.
What happened to you? Did you get injured or something? Some kind of alchemical accident?
(P.S. if that's what happened, maybe try MAGIC next 
Actually whatever happened, just get better, will you? It's so BORING without you around! I miss debating with you, honestly. (Don't tell anyone I said that or you're as good as crumbled)
Wizard Cookie'
...it was so funny to her, she had to stifle a laugh when she read it. This was his best attempt, just to say that he cared...?
...he cared...
Even her bitter rival cared.
...Cookies cared about her. Cookies looked at her when she came by, smiled at her, listened to her speak about alchemy on end...
(And maybe they'd always done that. But she'd never looked for it until now.)
And if no one else had time for her some days, she could always come home and cozy up to her brother on the couch at night, and he'd wrap an arm or his cape around her while she read herself to sleep or ramble to him and he'd try to keep up. And he was so pleasantly cool, just enough to warm her heart.
And whatever the future would be, however much she'd recover in the months proceeding, she knew: It was better.
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Two Ghosts
In 5 - 7 minutes of Behind the Album there is footage of Harry working on the melody, lyrics and recording two ghosts in Jamaica in late 2016. He goes on to moving from 1D where his personal life was overexposed and wanting to write music that was successful without people knowing about his personal life. He has made a similar comment to Rolling Stone “I don’t know much about Van Morrison’s life, but I know how he felt about this girl, because he put it in a song. So I like working the same way.”
When was it written
On it's release in May 2017 Harry said it was written “almost 4 years ago now”. in Summer 2013, Midnight Memories had his first writing credits, Happily and Something Great, Style was not written then. While possible, Two Ghosts is more mature. I think he thought he “wrote too many songs about” her and changed the time.
By 2019 he'd moved on and he told Rolling Stone it was written for Made in the AM. (Summer, 2015.) That places it with Walking on the wind, if I could fly, Olivia and Perfect, which also refer to 1989. FTDT and Woman are the same period, but don’t have lyrics that ID them like two ghosts.
To me, Two Ghosts is about reflecting on a lost love. The premise os the song reflects the Style MV which has Harry and Taylor shot in a ghostly way. The Style MV was released Valentines Day 2015, the anniversary of them getting together in 2014.
It has only been played live once since 2018, on Valentines Day 2020, further indicated it may have been written on Valentines Day 2015. Harry choose it over Golden when promoting Fine Line on Radio 2's Valentines Show in 2020, (16 mins), the only time it's been played in 4 years now. Harry also played Joni Mitchell’s yellow taxi which Joni tweeted about the anniversary of.
1D was in Australia, HS was flat. Style was #6, named after him and with footage is intentionally reminiscent. Even more interesting that we never saw the Two Ghosts MV, though Taylor referenced it in Me!'s.
On holding it back to be Solo
From Rolling Stone: "Sometimes if you’re, like, telling a really personal story, then the voice changes every few lines; it doesn’t quite do the same thing. As the songs got more personal, I think I just became more aware that at some point there might be a moment where I would want to sing it myself.”
"A turning point was “Two Ghosts,” a ballad from his solo debut. “’Two Ghosts’ I wrote for the band, for Made in the A.M. But the story was just a bit too personal. As I started opening up to write my more personal stuff, I just became aware of a piece of me going, ‘I want to sing the whole thing.’ Now I look at a track list and these are all my little babies. So every time I’m playing a song, I can remember writing it, and exactly where we were and exactly what happened in my life when I wrote it."
Questions on who it’s about
Nick Grimshaw asked Harry (at 4:38) if it was about Taylor. Media trained, 5 year seasoned TS question dodger, Harry had an adorable reaction. He and Nick are friends, he’s being coy and laughing, answering “I think it’s pretty self explanatory” adding “I think it’s about, sometimes things change, and you can do all the same things, and sometimes it’s just different, you know? 2017, Philosopher, London, England.” Then he laughs and dances around.
Same lips red, same eyes blue Same white shirt, couple more tattoos But it's not you and it's not me Tastes so sweet, looks so real Sounds like something that I used to feel But I can't touch what I see
The song clearly references Style, the music video for which was filmed in November 2014 while they were together and released in February 2015 after they broke up while he was in Australia.
The video is meant to be something he used to feel, that looks real but he can’t touch. It shows Taylor and Harry-stand-in with projections, playing with light and it’s interspersed with home video footage. The footage is thought to be shot in part by Harry, or at least wearing outfits she was pictured with him in.
We're not who we used to be We're not who we used to be We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
In the chorus moves from the reminder of the Video to the memory. Reflecting on looking at an idealised version of his relationship that’s now broken up and he’s grieving.
Taylor had referred to Harry as a ghost in How You Get The Girl “Stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain”
The fridge light washes this room white Moon dances over your good side And this was all we used to need Tongue-tied like we've never known Telling those stories we already told 'Cause we don't say what we really mean
In the second verse Harry reflects on their downfall, a lack of communication.
Taylor refers to herself as tongue-tied in Message in a bottle on Red “and I became hypnotised/ by freckles and bright eyes, tongue tied”
Harry later refers to being still tongue-tied in Sunflower Vol 6. Taylor also sang about not saying what the mean in Wish you Would: “You think I'm gonna hate you now / ‘Cause you still don't know what I never said”
We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
This may refer to being emotionally depleted, as in Ever Since New York: "Brooklyn saw me, empty at the news / There's no water inside this swimming pool"
Or it could refer to being in an ever shrinking microscope, Taylor later used a Snowglobe and Fishbowl in the Lover Video to represent being on display together.
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I have a bias for the familiar. It's been like that my whole life, I like the comfortable, what I know, and if I've made someplace my home, you will have to drag me out of there.
But it also means that I don't engage with new stuff except when circumstances force me, or I take active steps to do so. But I realised, even when I am trying to keep an open mind, my bias towards the known is still flourishing (and possibly smothering out little saplings that cannot get air).
I've been into kpop since summer of 2019. It started with a discovery of just one group and an introduction to the world through them. Now, about half a decade later, I've got a handful of fave groups I follow closely, a bigger pile of kpop artists I like and sporadically check in on when new music drops, and even more that I'm just aware of by name only and maybe a hit song or two.
Part of what helped me expand my repertoire is a YouTube channel that does weekly compilations of the newly released kpop music videos and also charts where the fans of the channel votes for their favourites. It meant I got introduced to way more music (even if there was a huge element of recency bias here too, since I wasn't going back into archives).
I'd watch the clips of the new mvs (just about 10 seconds of the song) in the compilation videos and decide which music videos to check out. But the game was already rigged against the groups I knew. I'd likely already know that my faves had dropped a music video and listened to their mini-albums and albums all the way through before even seeing them in the compilation video. And if I saw a song from an artist where I knew I liked a previous song, I'd be more inclined to check it out as well.
But the ones where I didn't have any music saved, or didn't even know their name, they were being scrutinised to a different standard in my brain. I don't even think it was conscious at first.
In order for me to go check out a music video from a song from an artist I was unfamiliar with, it would have to be extremely captivating for me just based on that little clip I was shown. If it didn't pull me in immediately, I just kept watching to the next clip.
However, a song from an artist I knew, I would be much more likely to check out the music video in full, even if the clip I saw wasn't necessarily to my taste. I would give it a bigger chance to get me to like it.
Taking it a step further, I'll probably even listen to songs on an album from a fave, even if I didn't like it at first listen. I'll give it at least another couple of chances for me to become familiar to see if I actually dislike it or not. And often I end up liking the song! Sometimes, it even becomes a favourite!
Because I decided to keep listening to it. A chance that I don't give other songs because the initial clip didn't captivate and hook me enough.
It's my prerogative and I'm not necessarily saying I'll change. My brain can only take so much new input at once, and voices I'm familiar with (both the actual voice and the lyrical voice if the artists are also the song writers) is much easier for me. But it did make me reflect that I only get the chance to like some songs because they're from artists I already know.
Hooking me the first time takes the greatest bit of effort but then I'm much more likely to flow into the net again and again.
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offlivne · 1 year
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─────  👽 ! 𝗨𝗚𝗛 ★ WE LIKE IT ! is the debut single by the nugu boy group, OFF/LIVE, released by HONEYCO ent on SEPTEMBER 22ND 2023. It was first available only digitally but in the next month was released in a physical version. OFF/LIVE promoted the album for five weeks in which they spent a ‘no break’ month and one week, updating and posting almost everyday. 
WE LIKE IT, as explained by skylar, would set their tone for their future releases as a group. The MV of WE LIKE IT was released followed by mini intros to the group's lore. For this single the lyrics of the song expressed a childlike sense of freedom and willingness. This would be a common theme for them for the meantime. Skylar and HONEYCO released an official statement on the lore. Saying that over time as the mind of a child matures so will their senses. Some were confused until Skylar cleared stuff up on live. Saying that this would apply to their music’s lyrics in the future. 
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─────  ★ TRACKLIST ! 
★ WE LIKE IT  (listen here !)
TRICKY HOUSE :: out box & sleeve + photo booklet / 78 pg + 1 bookmark + 1 member disc + 2 random photo cards of 16 + 1 sticker sheet + groups poster (random 1 of 2)
─────  ★   ERA STYLING !
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─────  ★  ERA HIGHLIGHTS !
★  possibly their most replayed song yet! They can thank skylar and nine for writing and singing the heavenly shanty,shanty yeah yeah yeahs. The fan favorite of this song. 
★  the song did not chart! Much to honeyco’s and the boy's disappointment. But on the brightside they had a few good music shows, and by this I mean they had a small fanchant at 2 performances. That was it though. 
★  Skylar showed the demo version of We Like It live. The viewers said they preferred the demo. 
★  not a highlight. But in this era both Zhiyan and Shin’s phone numbers were leaked by staff. While doing a blog, Prince showed off his contact names for Zhi and Shin in the process leaking their phone numbers. Fans proceeded to angrily dox the editors of this live show. Demanding they take down the video and edit it out. Honeyco’s producers and editors were criticized for being lazy after the video took three weeks to be taken down. Zhiyan even went as far as to complain about it live. 
★  it's a shame the fandom was bigger because, according to fans, Nine really shined this era. Outlaws look back on this era to compliment him to this day. 
★  a video of Akira building a lego set for 3 hours straight on youtube live went semi viral within the honeyco community. 
★  Skylar relieved what he was working on in his producing studio and fans of off/live and cry babies (a popular girl group under a sub-unit of honeyco) lost their collective minds. The song ‘Your a dead man’ was leaked by the producer himself (skylar). He said he wrote this song for the member Danny solo. Which just made the entire community lose their shit over 1) that Danny was getting a solo 2) that skylar had apparently contributed to the writing and producing of three or more songs on her future album(s).
★  The group released their fandom name after the conclusion of promotion. All eight members gathered for the big announcement. The name Outlaws, as explained by jeonghan and skylar (with some unhelpful commentary from prince) was supposed to speak to the main lore of their group, and the word they had decided to focus all their storyline on, escapism. This explains itself really. “Even if you're an outlaw, an escapee of society's expectations, I hope you can always find your home with us misfits. Let off/live me your new home, even if you've left everything else behind "Jeonghan recited.  
★  The boys also opened a tik tok page. Much to the fandom's glee, they discovered how absolutely clueless Jeonghan was when it came to the app. By this i mean on multiple tiktok the man leaked his private account. Literally linking his account in the description. Now, as nine exposed, zhiyan and nine had been going through all of his draft to make sure this doesn't happen again.
★  now as you'll see in almost every comeback, yijun will literally bribe you to stream. We like it. 
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Let’s go hard
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How y’all been? Y’all still out there? I’ve been kinda busy, hence absent from here, but I’m always watching... waiting... where tf is that Jimin photo folio??? PJMs are MAD I tell you! Phew! I am excited to see something too but the timing is probably tricky with the Busan concert weeks away and all the “pre-show” stuff going on. 
Talk about going hard though: a bunch of content was dropped today/tonight/last night. Jin’s Bangtan Bomb of him attending those movie premiers... I really loved seeing how he handled all that. And it still surprises me how uncomfortable he is even though I know this would be in-line with his personality. And now that I think about it, I have never before been exposed to these intimate behind the scenes details from such a global superstar being so candid about such things. It is new and refreshing and makes me love Jin and BTS in general even more. 
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Hobi’s Crush collab, Rush Hour, is killin’ it. So far every single 2022 BTS collab has been fire. Rush Hour is on all my playlists as is Sexy Nukim along with Bad Decisions (especially the acoustic version), Left and Right, That That and of course With You. Am I forgetting any? Anyway, the choreo pays heavy homage to BTS choreo and at the end of the Rush Hour MV, Hobi does a little bow out/salute while the lyrics are “get up, give it to, this is Crush Hour”... I am not familiar with Crush but they say this is his comeback after being discharged from the military. 
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[Mic Drop amongst the several BTS choreo that make an appearance in Rush Hour MV]
I love the way every single collab allows the presence of a BTS member to lift up the other artist to the world like a once hidden gem, now shining bright for the entire planet to take notice. I love that so much! BTS STILL doing for the South Korean entertainment industry what no one else can do!
Really, the only one that might be an exception is the PSY/SUGA collab, PSY led the way for BTS. That is my personal opinion. Though PSY was already  known outside South Korea, SUGA on That That expanded that audience by millions.
And now to the main event of this post:
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FINALLY! English subs are up on Jimin’s WeLive. Of course I’ve already read other translations but it’s nice to finally see the “official” subtitles (whether they are entirely accurate or not) and I like to actually see his facial expressions and body language as he says what he says. That important context is totally lost whenever you just read the translations on Twitter.
But the general vibe is that Jimin is fine. He says he’s been living an emotionally even-keeled and peaceful existence, working on his music and then vegging out as his lazy-couch-potato-self at home.
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From some of the things he said about his state of mind in the past, he had some anxiety going on back then, we’ve known that, but now he really seems to have that under control. He made a wavy up and down motion while he was talking about “before.” He has said in the past that when he started running back in 2021, it helped him a lot mentally. My takeaways: 2020 did a number on him mentally. He struggled mightily. In 2021 he discovered running helped his anxiety and he has since changed his lifestyle for the better. Then he made a straight-line motion to show us how he feels these days. All good things. I am very proud of him. 
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He mentioned several times that he wants to be pretty for us all the time and for a long time in the future and this is why he takes care of his body and appearance. He’s been eating healthy and working out. He said: “I am an idol.” So, please understand that Jimin takes his vocation seriously. He lives to be an idol and he does what he feels he needs to do in order to maintain the level of “idol” that he wants to be. I know his constant talk about his weight and appearance don’t always sit well with some. I think it is just Jimin reassuring us that he knows what he’s doing and not to worry about him and this is why he cares so much about his weight and appearance.
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But he is concerned that he’s not danced in a while and says he needs to get back into that. I have zero doubt he’ll have no problems brushing off the rust. He mentioned maybe dancing or dance lessons being the focus of his next WeLive. HELL YEAH! Bring Jungkook with you, Jimin! and have one of y’all’s late night dance practices like you used to do! Seriously though, I would love to see them do various dance styles and moves and then talk about the differences and their thoughts about doing them. 
And the pole dancing... I’ve seen a few videos of a male pole dancer and it really is very graceful and lovely and omg the strength required to be able to do those moves...just wow. I hope Jimin somehow sees these videos and really does consider trying it because if anyone can pull it off, it would be him. I would love to see his spin (har har pun) on pole dancing.
He talked about getting braces (and that he is sort of over it) and that he has another wisdom tooth to get out but also, being at the dentist gives him “out of body experience” anxiety (cries). 
He read one of the comments during the live that was something about the commenter being only 5 years old when BTS debuted and though Jimin questioned that a 5 year old could understand the deep lyrics of their music at that time, Jimin did the math, determined the commenter’s age (about 14) and him being 28, he said 14 years is not that big of a difference. Now, I’ve seen a few people raise an eyebrow at this (putting that mildly, it was antis looking for anything to latch on to in order to be hateful) but when I saw Jimin say this, my interpretation was that he meant the young Army’s age was not out of line for being a fan, just like someone who would be 14 years OLDER than he. Armys are ALL AGES and he knows that.
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Then Tae hops into the comments and flexes his “I will make them update Weverse to have the ability to do simultaneous broadcasts.” I’m sure the Weverse developers shit their pants when they saw him say that. YOU GO KIM TAEHYUNG! MAKE IT SO!
Jimin said he wants to show us his music that he’s working on but it’s not a simple process. He said coming in to work really is his passion these days, as he put it... “coming to the company is like clocking out, not clocking in.” So that tells me he is really enjoying what he’s doing and to him, it’s not work, it’s his passion. I love that for him and I’m glad he said it out loud.
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Then the whole moon tattoo “reveal/not a reveal” HAHAHAHAHA! Wow though, kudos to artist @ArizzoStudios on Twitter for being THE CHOSEN ONE that Tae showed to Jimin and then Jimin following through with the inspiration to get the other moons tattooed on his back. Just wow. I cannot wait to see them. I am also so thrilled that he is even bringing up such personal things like his tattoos. We’ve never heard such open talk about them before. We’ve come a long way from Jungkook hiding all of his tattoos with long sleeves and tape to now showing HD photos of them on social media and Jimin talking about them openly and how they came to be. 
He tried to give us a peek of the moons. That’s when someone said “go easy, Jimin” and he laughed! “It’s my body so I will go hard if I want to!” HA!
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He talked about how long his hair had gotten and of course, that he had permed it supposedly right before he came on the live, and then he made the remark that last time he cut it short (right before the Las Vegas concerts), he had some self reflection on why he did that, but he didn’t share why, but sounded like he was going to try to maintain it at a longer length for the time being. I love long hair Jimin.
He gave us some insight into how he feels about Instagram versus other social media like Weverse. The difficulty for him with Instagram is that he feels like he is just uploading images into a photo album because he gets no feedback on it (since comments are turned off). We know its possible on Weverse for him to have real communication with Army and on Twitter, he can see comments on his posts. For us, we like that he is shielded on Instagram from the toxicity that exists, but at the same time, he is prevented from seeing anything positive as well. Maybe he will learn how to write captions for his IG posts or post stories and therefore feel like he is able to communicate a little more there. My other takeaway from this information coming from him is that Park Jimin has no need for social media. Only Jimin of BTS needs it. If he was using social media for his own personal use on accounts that we no nothing about, then he would be more at ease and fluent using them. 
He promised he would come around again this weekend, maybe we will see him again in a few hours!
Also. You know...Jimin saying he will get Tae to come on live with him and also ask Jungkook as well. I’ve been thinking... I want to try to express my thoughts on how I see he and Tae relate to each other versus how I see Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship. Both very different relationships. But has it all been said before already? Is it worth another post? 
Something random that caught my attention: Jimin absentmindedly hummed 7 notes of a tune and then later 5 notes of something… clues to new music he has floating around in his head maybe? I guess time will tell.  
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writers-ex · 1 year
hi you're back!! idk what happened, i don't wanna know as well but i'm sending you a huuug 💗 and hopefully you saw my ask about how to deal with nosy anons and found it helpful for you 💗
in celebration of me getting closer to finishing my backlogs (and claiming that I get all of it done today whew): a request! the one with the song stuff hihihi although i'll let you choose between two because i have lss from a lot of songs these days 🤧
A. Fluff!
song: I Feel Good by BINI
lyrics: *those in bold aren't sung in English*
"I feel good everytime that I'm with you, my eyes won't stray from you oh, oh, don't ever wanna part, even if I'll have to wait for you forever. Oh wait! turns out I can't wait anymore, I'm so eager for your love, and all emotions start to get real oh boy I love how you make me feel. It feels unbelievable, Cupid shot me, whenever you're there everything feels lighter yeah yeah"
idk but this song (and mv phew - it's a feast for my eyes lmao) is so colorful and fun it makes me feel like i'm also in love 😅
B. Angst :(
songs: Maharani (Great Queen)by Alamat and Hanggang Sa Huli (Until the End) by SB19
Maharani - "he doesn't understand what he's wasting, while I'm over here just waiting, like your numerous other suitors by the sides, I promise I'm not going crazy, you're my only Great Queen - will you give me a chance, if ever I might attain your love? Queen, let me be your King, I swear to god I'll never get tired of you, Great Queen"
Hanggang Sa Huli - "if our paths cross, then we're meant to be. Had I said everything then, would things be different now? With every breath, I pray that I could be with you. And if this is our last moment together, I want you to know that I love you, I love you, I love you"
okii I'm leaving it in your hands, hope you feel the vibe of the songs and get those creative juices flowing ang and and have fun with whichever prompt you wanna do!! don't forget to eat well todayyy 💗
- 😚
ok the girls in the MV are so cute and this at home arts and crafts vibe is so cute uwu so i thought of doing domestic things with lia bc yes like its a rainy day and you're both stuck at home so what better thing to do than use the paint set you bought a while ago and paint your jeans together to match each other while lia attempts to bake some cupcakes to watch a movie together however you panic and almost spill paint on the couch when you hear her cry out, running to the kitchen yuo see her sucking her finger that she managed to burn taking out the cupcake pan from the oven without gloves T_T so you kiss and wrap her boo-boo and start scolding her when she cheers and points out the window to show that the rain has stopped and a rainbow graces your window making you look at your shy girlfriend smiling before pulling each other into a soft kiss whispering how much you loved each other
the angst- its a bit dark for even my standards the mv actually made me think of arriving too late to stop yeji from leaving the office after your heated argument about a project you were both working on, she storms out furious and heads home but turns around to hear you calling out to her and…fails to notice the car turning the corner and hitting her, screaming you rush over to her bleeding body her face frozen in shock as the color drains from her face as she stares into your eyes, you plead and beg for her to hang on but its too late she can't hear your apologizes and i love yous as her body goes limp leaving you at the crossroad while the ambulance drives over too late T^T damn now im sad
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somethingshifted · 2 years
ramblin about cracker island and random 'rillaz stuff. it's long & disjointed
i'll start off by saying i think a lot of the songs are jams. this is my intelligent nuanced music take. it's fun, but it's safe, and safe isn't always good or appealing. that being said... i like safe, i like it as much as i like experimental and as much as i like genre pushing. it isn't my favorite album but it's got jams. my favorite from the main album is tarantula and my favorite bonus track is crocadillaz. like, thumbs up
listening to it completely divorced from what the album is meant to be (aka what damon has said) is possible which, maybe i'm missing the cult/worship/new age social media references in some of the songs but i won't write it completely off if i'm not understanding how it tackles the cult theme. not that this is a cracker island exclusive issue i think. but it doesn't do an overarching theme as cleanly as like, Demon Days and The Now Now. but it isn't completely divorced from the theme, like the tired influencer/new gold/cracker island carry the cult ideas to me. baby queen, is so cute, but feels out of place lyrically. but it brings groove to a groovy album... maybe time will tell and it will become more apparent. when i go to rewatch somr MVs frkm Humanz days there's comments like "i didn't realize how real this was until <insert event> happened" maybe that'll happen for this album lol
i think the most egregious thing is del being restricted to a bonus/deluxe release. like come on!!! all of the bonus/deluxe tracks are worthy enough to be in the main album. on top of that, crocadillaz is my favorite from the bonuses, i would be gutted if i spent so much money on their pricey physicals just to learn i can't even listen to crocadillaz on my fancy vinyl especially it being dave of de la soul's first posthumous release?. i'm going to make an aside here - crocadillaz lyrics encompass the idea of celeb cult to me. i think if they went down this path lyrically, even keeping the musical production i would have fallen in love with the album's purpose lol (but that's just fan-brain taking over). i agree when i read wishes for the collaborators to have more of a voice in the songs especially stevie nicks and bootie brown (speaking of bootie brown. his feature in new gold was the one that made me go oh man wish i could hear you better.)
maybe it helps that i wasn't and probably will never be involved in tracking every move the band makes as they release music and building up expectations. i like picking through it later or being told about what's been going on (this phase's info has been relayed to me over the year it took to release by my brother) i decided to make a blog about since i'm back on tumblr for other fandom stuff in 2022, (this is a sideblog!) i loved the band for a long time but my interest wanes and waxes and right now it's in a massive upswing hence this blog and long post. when demon days was releasing is when i was actually aware they're a band and not just some random thing i found off miniclip (re-ups of flash games), i just allowed people to tell me about it instead of getting into the music side, due to loss of internet and life circumstances. i lived outside of the USA for a bit and home life was a bit difficult but coming back to school and seeing demon days TSHIRTS blew my fucking mind lol they were always the 'car game band' to kid me. i was never into the whole 'get SMS from the band/play on the website/forum/go to concerts' stuff. except 19-2000 game. that was a kitchen computer staple. ok i got carried away here. but i'm just saying that i'm a casual fan so take my opinion through that lens. (i do want to see them live one day)
when hearing about the circumstances cracker island was created and released under, i can't feel like it's a black mark on their discography for being a safe pop-y album, if it's something spur of the moment after (another) failed go at the movie then i can get why it sounds unfinished and the art is repetitive. on another note, i don't know why they release music in that fashion (as in, spamming singles for so long. it made me wonder what's going on between label and owner but i'm ignorant of music practices) aside- i do not want a movie i really do not unless they really kept the mockumentary angle! it would be easier even if it was mockumentary bc there's no need to keep all the lore straight lol and it can be flexible. at this point it's been so long that i think, maybe it's time to hang up the hat on that front...
TL;DR: if it was meant to be a pop album it served its purpose well, if it was meant to be commentary on cults that's a bit weaker
here's my thoughts on the loooooore:
my disclaimer here is that i still feel like the gorillaz characters are... characters? mouthpieces? so i don't really care much for the newer interviews being centered around fictional hijinks and less about making music, which was more interesting to me as i'm musically dense... i kind of ignore it and feel like nothing is lost by doing that. i think their marketing is going overboard but times change and you need to beg for streams i guess. i don't see it as completely different as what they always kind of did, as i read that s/t gorillaz was marketed towards youngeee people rather than solely adults and you can see that in the tie-ins and the game and such (and the fact that theyre cartoons!). i just have a chip on my shoulder over tiktok. i sound old but i literally am not, only turning 26 this year... that isn't old. but murdoc is. and grandpa murdoc is kind of funny that's my red flag
i'm reading Rise of the Ogre right now and i'm assuming this is the quality some people wish the interviews would have? i can agree... but. i can't bite my hat over it not being the norm anymore. i think i'd be genuinely put off if the band were actual characters with overarching plots along their entire existence, the whole point is that they're 2D (lol) and you can do things in 2 dimensions that real people can't. they're musicians one day and making cyborgs the next and reanimating the dead and collabing with snoop dogg it's better to play fast and loose IMO. so far ROTO feels like an in-between of band characters and wacky hijinks characters which is nice i guess, but i do really really love the way its written so far. the music chart is gorgeous
the older phases had so many unsavory moments art-wise that i can't line it up to current stuff and wish it was the same as back then, which is probably why i accept "OOC" stuff. like i genuinely think noodle's depiction/description now is better than the early phases. even if the style/form speaks to me more with heavy lineart and grungy mood it was always uncomfortable with the racist depictions. a lot of the stuff surrounding russel seems to be literally interview or book only since i never heard of half of this shit, being a music video only and the occasional concert rip watcher.
so on cracker island story/lore... it does feel OOC. my brief snoop around what the internet feels aboit the album character-wise makes me think it's pointless to rehash why i think it's OOC, but it isn't to the point of ruin, not even close. the older phases 2D (ans the cast) still exists, he isn't a human being thank god and you can do whatever you want with him, it's not like real people who act different and will never be who they were years ago, all iterations of the gorillaz characters exist. they aren't linear characters either and they were never meant for a story with concrete/stable facts, so returning to a point or going to a different point isn't permanent, i kind of felt that was the point. i find it annoying, yes, but it's not damaging to the band as a whole to me so it's more of an annoyance than total destruction of gorillaz theme. on the disuse of characters like russel, that's more annoying to me tbh than 2D being a cutesy ditz
i wanted somewhere to dump all my thoughts after talking about it to friends and my brother, since, i've been 'into' gorillaz for so long, but never was seriously into the characters themselves, so reading all this stuff and falling into it is kind of fun. it's less aggravating to be in the middle of it years after years i bet. the reason this post might sound defensive is influenced by one convo i had where someone laid out all the band's marketing activity for this album which i found cringey, but not the end of the world. interesting because i think i just entered this 'fandom space' when people are gnashing over lore stuff. i think my cerebrospinal fluid is too lukewarm to get affronted aside from things like 'gee wish they kept russel's music appreciation, taxidermy interest, and eloquence'. if you couldn't tell i still like some of the themes of the older iterations!
you can argue that they lost the message of not being sanitized for the masses but... i feel like brand deals kind of impact that message wayyy more, and Do ya thang is one of my favorite tracks and that was to sell some damn shoes, Converse somehow literally still owns the rights to that (?!). plus, fan backlash over mentioning politics in Humanz means you can't really be surprised they're smoothing themselves down more in that department. at least, that's my perspective. my biggest wish is always that i want the creators of the music and owners of these characters to do what they want currently but, i guess i don't know how brands work and how flexible they can be
to wrap this stream of consciousness up, i will say i'm very easy to please music-wise, so there hasn't ever been gorillaz MUSIC where i felt was bad, yeah i'm one of those fans. i'm always ready to admit i'm biased from nostalgia as well as certain songs being released during crazy times of my life. it is difficult even rank my favorite albums because i feel like it's a disservice to put one below the other lol... i like The Fall. i like Humanz for an entirely different reason. my favorite song from gorillaz of all time is White Flag i could shout it from the top of a roof, but then i still like The Now Now as a whole album better than Plastic Beach. i genuinely tuned out to the entire band after Humanz because the backlash hallelujah money got made me so sad... oh what else... i cry so easily to gorillaz tracks. i can't get through TNN without tearing up. i want to make merch for myself since the store is difficult to purchase from and i want some stickers. ok that's all '_' !!! if you read this long/scrolled somehow then here
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(and if you want to reply, i highly encourage it and im open minded to disagreements, i'm posting it in the main tag to get some feelers on opinions or discuss stuff. i'd be replying with my main blog)
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ihophashbrowns · 2 years
2022 is ending and the public needs to know what your most & least favorite kpop releases were this year! there was good stuff, bad stuff, underwhelming stuff, growers, etc. lets hear yours! :D
the way it would be easier to count the stuff i liked vs the stuff i disliked 😭😭 anyways here's my favorite releases this year...
20. generation - tripleS
fun, upbeat, the mv has a nice laid back "aesthetic" feel to it. the only ppl who didnt like it were miserable newjeans stans! 😭
19. hair cut - xdinary heroes
i actually liked the chorus... doesnt have much replay value but i do listen it whenever it comes on
18. antifragile - le sserafim
i DID love this one, it had to grow on me but its catchy af! 😭
17. forever 1 - snsd
this one had to grow on me too! but its super cute and sweet!,
16. mascara - xg
people who said they didnt like this are liars!! have you considered not messing with your mascara..?
15. nabillera - hyuna
there were a LOT of growers this year! even when i first listened to it i thought she was going for babe pt.2 and when i started liking it i knew that was in fact the case!
14. stupid cool - dawn
i got it on the first listen. i love the beat and i thought the lyrics were absolutely adorable :(
13. talk that talk - twice
pop perfection! the chorus is everything
12. aria - yerin
u either get it you dont! the two gfriend soloists deserve so much better it surprised me how much buddys slept on this release. but i was SEATED!
11. dice - onew
father was fathering through the whole album IDGAF!!! like every song is so good and well made, well sang. this is the superior kpop song named dice that was released this year. lol.
10. maison - dreamcatcher
its catchy af and the message is so REAL! ngl at first i thought they made that word up for the song but i looked it up and its french for "home" so 😭😭 extra points for making me think they came up with that word themselves
9. illusion - aespa
its cunty! catchy! i definitely got it on the first listen! (points off for the yummy yummy yummy in your tummy tummy tummy line tho)
8. bop bop! - viviz
if u hate this song you hate fun tbh! the thing i loved about this song is that it felt less like a debut song and more like a comeback song. we love you viviz.
7. good boy gone bad - txt
i had to pretend like i didnt get it on the 1st-and-a-half listen bcuz i was still very much in my txt anti era. but now im normal so i can appreciate what this song means to me ❤
6. jikjin - treasure
why were so many people pretending like they didnt fuck heavy with this song. perhaps broaden your mindset like. [korean korean] jikjiiiiiiinnnn woooooooooooooo. anw it feels like pop rocks to my brain and in the best way possible so its here.
TOP 5. These were the objectively best releases of 2022!
5. last sequence - wjsn
thats gay clubbing music baby! something about this song feels so... not 2022. more like i opened a time portal and went back to mid-2017. idk why. but i love that vibe.
4. shut down - blackpink
the lyrics, production, that violin, everything about this song was an instant hit. no im not just saying that because blackpink was my first group. their comeback this year ate and served cunt severely. we love you blackpink.
3. 2 baddies - nct 127
i like thot music! the way ppl complained about it was so 😭😭 its an nct song what were you expecting. shut up. you either rock with it or you dont. like the song was made BY baddies FOR baddies. so if it isnt hitting...
2. pop! - nayeon
ms. im nayeon put the POP in kPOP with tjis song! and it was her SOLO DEBUT? PLEASEEEEEEE........ i love the girly cutesy bubblegum-y fun of this one. so. so. so. much. like everything about it SO iconic. she not only solidified herself as a capable soloist but as a pop princess too!
1. brand new - xiumin
are you surprised? im an exol after all! but fr this song had me GAGGED since the mv TEASER dropped! everything about it is so good, the beat, the lyrics, the vocals... everything! when it comes down to the mv minseok had $10 and a dream but he still made it work. that song was MADE to be a hit!! when i heard it i knew NOTHING ELSE released this year was gonna top it!
very honorable mentions that didnt make the list for lack of space :( (imagine they are in 2nd place with pop by nayeon)
i don't even mind - chen, invu - taeyeon, hurdle - suho, feel my rhythm - rv, candy - nct dream, gasoline - key, gingamingayo - billlie, loveade - viviz, dreamers - jungkook 🤪,after like - ive
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naura-speaks · 1 year
Okay tumblr Stays. This is your native territory. If anybody's gonna enjoy this, it's you. From one Stay to another, blow this up...pretty please. I know this ain't tiktok lol.
But yeh I made an English cover of Maniac! I threw some fun little nods to the source material in the visuals (no shut up we're not talking about the members here) and my translation itself.
I'd toss this in a reblog, but I don't especially want it to get lost if someone wants to see it. Here are some more deets on how I made it!
I speak like. twenty words in Korean, so I did not directly translate it from the og lyrics myself. HOWEVER. What I did do was take the English subs from the MV along with a bunch of other lyric videos and translations (and sometimes I even looked up translations of specific words) in order to get a good picture of the original intention of the lyrics, with obvious priority given to the official translation from the MV. Then I tried to figure out how to make that singable in English. Some of it, I could keep nearly the same as the original subs, but other parts translate more awkwardly, so I took some creative license while trying not to take that too far.
Not gonna cap with you, I am not that experienced of a producer, and anybody who is will probably know that right off the bat. Part of the point of this was to force a learning experience on myself by RPing as 3racha for a bit 😂 Hence why I didn't try to come up with my own arrangement, but literally replicate every. single. sound from the original audio. If Maniac has 175M views, I'm 175 of them just from trying to make this dang thing. And that's before I wised up and just ripped the audio to insert as an audio track in my Logic session to hear it side by side rather than replaying parts of the MV every dang time it can't be illegal if I own the literal CD. Seriously though, I came out of this project knowing way more producing stuff than I had before, and I'm really proud of myself for that.
Those two are the big things, but in other fun facts, the pic I used for myself in the video was taken directly after I got back to the hotel after going to their Newark D2 concert! Were there other pics I probably could have used? Ones where the bottom half of my hair isn't approximately the color of seaweed? Sure. But it's the principle of it, man. It's the principle. and hey at least I matched with Minho for a short bit
Catastrophe is a way better producer than me and a super sweet guy, so it was really great to have him look over my work and help out with a few things, on top of his contributions as a featured artist 😭 And though JoePav's part in the cover was tiny, his enthusiasm in the project and its progress has been mighty and appreciated beyond words! When you don't have a big following, it can be a bit harder to get excited about your own work sometimes, so having somebody else get excited on your behalf is contagious and really nice 😊
I stayed up on 3/17-18/22 to listen to Oddinary when it dropped at midnight, and I started my lyric translation the very next day. I'd say the next morning, but I think I had classes. But I was vibrating that entire morning because despite having been a kpop fan for a good year at that point, Oddinary was the first album I'd bought, and it got delivered that day when it wasn't supposed to come for days yet. It was also my first anticipated skz comeback. By technicality, I'd probably been a Stay since somewhere around Kingdom by pure happenstance, but I was in denial I was as deep in the hole as I was, so I didn't call myself a Stay until after NOEASY. BAHAHAHAHA so much denial, but also so much gradual falling into Stayville because I did in fact listen through the whole album within a week of it coming out.
This got so off topic, how did it get so off topic
I remember listening to Maniac for the first time and just feeling so at home with the lyrics of it. Like even if I didn't end up covering it, it was a message that resonated so much with me and with one of the main messages I like to communicate in my own lyrics and as a person: normal is overrated. Yeah, sure, it's kind of been tossed around nerd communities so much that it almost sounds like a pick me at this point, but like, being comfortable enough with "being yourself" to act a little weird in public is a bigger feat than people give it credit for. And yep, it's one of the biggest reasons I stan Stray Kids. They're a bunch of unapologetic weirdos, and it feels like home. I like to say that they feel like family, both in the straightforward understanding of the phrase and because they often act like my literal blood family does. Like a bunch of nutcases.
And now that I've spent a literal hour or more on this brain dump (why. why did I do that.) I will let this post and myself go to bed after using my resin in genshin. Hope it was interesting enough, and if not, oh well. At least my brain has been thoroughly emptied.
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happysmilebtr · 2 years
(1/2) hi anna! just wanted to drop by and (sort of) introduce myself - i'm your caratblr gift exchange person! i hope you're doing well and that you've had a good weekend so far. :) to get some ideas on my end, i wanted to ask you about a few things: when it comes to "vibes," are you interested in something more "visual" (think: photoshoots, mvs, stages) or would you prefer a focus on some of the friendships you listed, like member dynamics? (!! one more question incoming!!)
(2/2) my other question, which might be kind of broad; what do you like about the members you listed as biases? what draws you to scoups, mingyu, seungkwan, and jun (visually, personality-wise, etc) and the same question for the relationship dynamics: what do you like about mingyu & seungkwan's friendship, or hoshi & woozi's, or the group's? sorry if it sounds like i want you to write an essay - i'm just really curious and would love to hear what makes them special to you. :')
Hi, hi my secret carat bean!! Sorry for the lateness of this ask, I just got home from work!
Such a very curious one you are fnsjdjs but vibes can mean really anything! It could be the simple mv aesthetics or from photoshoots or whatever you wanna come up with! I love seeing peoples perspective on stuff like this ya know? As for what draws to me to each member welpPPp
-scoups because I just adore how one minute he can be just pouty over the fact someone used his full name before then you see him body throwing some of the members and going "yepp i felt that" lmao. Jokes aside. Cheol is really just a lovely soul! I love his lil giggles or his smile. The way he dotes and truly cares of his members despite it all. He truly made sure the members were taken care well, that they weren't screwed over from pledis (he went to meetings ALWAYS. Idk if he still does that though) and despite he is the youngest of his family and we do see that "maknae" side as he interacts with the members, he is a wonderful leader and makes sure each member is heard. Like he takes the back seat in interviews and just eyes the group before popping up and sometimes letting the more quiet members speak. He's a noob as well but he's cute
-seungkwan oh my lordy that is my signature crossiant boy. That is my emotional support boy if I need a pick me up. He was a creeper bias as I dub them. Ones that you DO NOT expect to become a bias but suddenly do lmao. I was of course aware of him but next thing I knew, he popped up as a bias out of the blue and it was nice getting to know him more. Knowing how much he values and loves his sisters and mom. How he went to producers for variety shows to ask them to invite svt (which worked out bc homeboy is friends with everyone in the industry lmao). How yes he is the super funny memeber but he is more than just that. An artist that wants to improve his craft, we won't talk about his vocal talents because I can be here all day.
-mingyu is the classic member that im like "yeah maybe I can be delulu for a bit xD" he is legit a person I feel like I would enjoy being friends with if I ever met him. Very much can see him bugging me and making fun of my shrot height but tis fine. That means he could be my irl stepping stool so I can reach high places haha. He is attractive sure but the fact he has more left feet than my clumsy butt does is hilarious to me. Outside of that, while he isn't the strongest say rapper within svt I like his lyrics like in game boi he ain't a video game player but the lyrics sound so natural it doesn't make you question it if you are someone who plays video games. I love his personality as well like how can you not fall for this giant 6 foot tall doggo boy fjsjdj.
-jun is a recent addition and idk why but here he is. I wanna keep him in my pocket at all times (despite him being like close in height with mingyu) like I think we all need a personal mini jun to keep our life happy ya know? From his chaotic wild self with his hot dog machine or his big brain 1 + 1 moments to his beautiful song writing lyrics or watching him dance. He isn't the smoothest dancer per se but he is hypnotizing for a reason (limbo is a perfect song for this or watch a wave performance!)
And as for those dynamics. Mingyu x seungkwan just make me laugh so much idk why, it reminds me of a friendship I have with my guy friend at times and it feels familiar. Its always fun to see seungkwan about to throw a shoe at hoshi and mingyu is there to hold him back while woozi and hoshi are wholesome. Sure, woozi may LOOK annoyed and done with him (see his anti tiger agenda or him being ??? At the studio one time when hoshi asked to make him a song beat and help with autotune) but he happily still does it. He will.mumble and complain but he will still do it. He loves all of his members (circles anyone?) That is a fact but him and hoshi have this kind of bond that is akin to friendship that has lasted for 50 years at least to me
I hope that answered your questions ^_^
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
I’d love your thoughts on BTS and their current image and music if you have them and aren’t afraid of the mindless internet hoards.
Personally, I liked a lot of their older stuff, but haven’t liked anything since I think the Fake Love promotions 3+ years ago. They’d started losing their personality and soul before that album cycle, but it feels like the sanitization of their image and artistry really kicked into hyperdrive after that. Now most of what they do seems like a sterile money grab driven by the Hybe hive mind which is a shame.
ok alrighty (cracks knuckles) let's get into it.
now that i've fully given myself a headache watching the majority of the bts videography, here are three points i'm going to cover:
performative character and the lack thereof
interesting aesthetics and the lack thereof, and
the inevitable cracking of perfection
ready, set, let's begin.
idol music is very clearly definited by spectacle based aesthetics. and it's had that structure for its entire existence. so i gotta hand it to hybe for this one, because they managed to revolutionize being utterly fucking average. the triumph of bts is that they're just some guys and they look like just some guys. hybe found a niche in the system and then gamed that system to the tune of one of the largest musical acts in the world. they're not marketing bts as a romantic parasocial relationship, they're marketing them as your friends. and that is just as insidious to lonely kids as a run of the mill romantic fantasy. but that's not what i'm here to talk about today.
there's a pattern i find very interesting with bts mvs and that is that i don't remember anything about them. specifically, i don't remember the stuff that's happening IN the video; not the styling, not the setpieces, if i didn't know the members i doubt i would remember them either. what i DO remember, is how expensive the production is, and specific shots. i couldn't tell you what a single member was wearing, but i sure as hell remember that first upward angle shot of jungkook and the rusted park ride in spring day. or every single time they do that birdseye shot of jin in like every video. honestly as far as i'm aware jin has only ever worn a loose fitting beige longsleeve shirt.
it took bts a long time to establish any kind of consistent visual character. and the character they did establish.... i don't know if you can call a family-friendly-style clean aesthetic 'character'. they debuted as a hip hop group to little (comparative) success, and then made a switch to doing an early version of where they're currently at right now. if you've seen any of the mvs, you know that this is a pretty significant visual change. i don't think it is inherently a bad change, since the visual branding for hiphop based groups always tips over into iffy terrritory, but it is dramatic enough and early enough that it doesn't strike me as a natural evolution. concept switch ups are common, but they usually work because the members have established a bit of character for themselves, used their performance abilities and presence to fit into a niche in the group. the idol mould is perfect for showcasing the performers; that's its function. the groups that are the most fun to watch are the ones with stage presence, the ones who know how to perform, who can act all the parts they need to play. and bts? 4/7 actual performers on a good day. in my personal opinion it's 2/7.
i'm gonna expand on what i said about jimin here (this is technically the first part of this series), because it does apply to the rest of the group on the whole:
and i think here is where we see the main crux of the difference between taemin and jimin as performers: taemin has both an artistic and an idol persona. we know and understand him to do solo work that has a separate artistic meaning to just him being an idol. even though this performance was pre-move, i would still say this applies, because he's hot off press your number, where he's acting in a story based mv. jimin on the other hand just has his idol persona. he's not known for creating the same kind of storytelling that taemin is.
bts has been very insistent on the image of the group as a single unit. despite having the size of fanbase and the revenue that would make any official solo debut a massive success, none of them have done any substantial solo work. this isn't artistically a problem, and i think it's very admirable of them to be so dedicated to the image and the legacy of the group, when that can be an uncommon trait in the industry. i do however, think it starts to become an issue when we want to discuss what the artistic visions and images of groups are. shinee taemin and solo taemin have two distinct artistic representations, and taemin himself will attest to that. it's the same with all the shinee members that have solo careers, and the same with other groups. jackson, bambam, yugyeom, and jaebeom's solo work is all very different from got7. yixing's solo work is very different from exo's. even the subunits within exo all have their own character (cbx and sc). kpop groups all ostensibly are trained under the same system, so why the disparity with bts? mostly, it's their brand of "authenticity." it's impossible to perform authentically, by the nature of performance as a medium it is unnatural, and tragically, not everyone is naturally interesting, or suited to performing: that's why the performing arts even exist in the first place. it required painstaking training to be good at performing; it is a complex set of skills and those skills are not learnt by "being authentic." being an idol is not just the singing, dancing, rapping; that's only half the work. you need to be able to act to be a compelling performer. pulling your true self and emotions out on stage every night is a fast track to burnout and psychological issues, there's plenty of evidence. the only member of bts of whom i can say for some certainty has a persona and a stage presence is jhope/hoseok, a) because he's kept up a very specific brand in the solo work that he has done, and b) he has actual dance training, not just kpop dance training. the rest of them may have the kpop dance and the kpop vocal training, but what they do not have is the ability to market themselves as compelling performers on stage. taehyung is the only other member i would hesitantly give a semblance of persona and ability to, but i think he stumbled onto that mostly by accident. and if all the pieces don't each have a distinctive colour, how can the whole machine be visually interesting?
bts may never have been able to establish an aesthetic brand, but what they did establish is an intellectual one. if you talk to a fan, the schtick they give is that "it's about the lyrics." as noble as having an intellectual or cerebral message is, what does that look like? how do you portray intellectual on stage, on film? what about intellectual is interesting to watch? cerebral, by it's literal nature as a descriptor, is very difficult to communicate in visual language because it is internal. to successfully communicate cerebrality and intellect in a short form medium like music videos requires a deft hand with metaphor that can elude even an experienced designer. and honestly? i don't know whether to applaud hybe's visual team for being the most successful subtle contemporary designers i've every seen, or to decry them as worst kpop designers i've ever seen. maybe both. regardless, i don't think they're able to cross the gap.
there are exactly four mvs where i actually remember the content of the mv and not the frame it sits in, and those are dna, idol, the singularity comeback trailer with taehyung, and war of hormone. and of an eight year career......that's not very many. these four mvs have at least an inkling of interesting spectacle and character, but even then, it's still a stretch. there is absolutely nothing to write home about in the styling for dna, other than it's well colour matched. I don't even know if I should include singularity because it involves none of the other members. idol is probably their most interesting mv because it actually has alternative styling and varies (at least a little bit) from the standard hybe boom crane shot-that-shows-off-how-we-can-afford-big-studio-spaces-and-locations. the company and the group would be loathe to admit it, but war of hormone is a well designed and interesting mv for the time it was made, with a well crafted gimmick and some actual showing of character from the members. it was the start of a potential that they squashed quite quickly because it wasn't picking up in the hiphop-group-saturated market of 2014. but the rest of their mvs? remarkably uninspired styling. like it's truly impressive how boring the styling is. and like i've said, that is the triumph in their aesthetics: they all look like normal dudes (if you had professional skin + makeup techs looking after them for the last 8 years).
all of this is a carefully crafted image that's tailored to hooking an audience, especially an international one. the mvs are boring in the relative scale of kpop, but they're just different enough from a western pop mv to catch attention. and once you do sink a hook, there's a direct clickfunnel of content that bills itself on these men being "authentic" and "self-producing," which is a huge draw to international fans, because people are racist and believe that the kpop industry is a factory that produces idols like clones, where none of them know how to do anything other than sing and dance and all the music is just handed to them by companies. and they have SO much content that there's no way a new fan can get to it all in a timely manner, so they'll never have to engage with any other kpop artists' work if they don't actively seek it out. but that's another essay for another time.
that brings us to current day, in which at least the last five bts releases have been in the same aesthetic vein of positive, sanitized, and pristine. i said it in one of my txt responses and i will say it again here: money scrubs the humanity from the aesthetic of living. minimalism is for rich white people. hybe and bts may have pivoted their style and brand directly into the lane of mass appeal, but when you pair that with the amount of money funding them, there's a cognitive dissonance between the message and the aesthetics in which it's portrayed. some people do like the clean cut looks, and i won't say that they don't work, but as you've likely gleaned from this response, it isn't my style and if you've been around and reading my writing for longer you'll know that my tastes runs much closer to the messy and the weird, so very little about any of bts' visuals have appeal to me. i do find the contradiction of applying the appeal of radical relatability with the aesthetics of expansive (and expensive) minimalism interesting; it's an extremely fine line that hybe is walking and eventually they are going to tip over, the porcelain mask will not hold forever. maintaining the all ages aesthetic is going to be difficult now that all of them are grown ass men. with other groups of this member age and generation there's very obviously been a shift to a more adult tone, and not necessarily explicitly. got7, mx, nu'est, btob, shinee, 2pm, and groups that have older members like a.c.e and sf9 have all made slow shifts in tone that are undeniably aimed at a maturing audience: they know their core fanbases are aging with them and they (the fans) are not as interested in the 'boy' in boy group. and most of them have telltale visual styles, enough so that i can distinguish a specific group's mv. the last year and change of mx mvs have a very distinctive character; got7 too, since easily as far back as if you do. i can always tell an a.c.e mv by its impeccable fashion and formic styling, and although shinee has always had a more experimental aesthetic edge, their sound and voices are unmistakable.
honestly, i can't predict what bts is going to do in the future, but i personally don't believe they can keep up their clean aesthetic indefinitely without some fallout. part of the fun of following bands is watching them grow musically, and the last couple of years of bts haven't felt like growth. there are fans that have already started realizing it, and there's likely to be more soon.
the third part is here, which is a short followup about some of bts' industry influence.
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Hey! I know you're on a break and I totally respect that, I just read the whole kiwi rabbit hole where I'm still in analyses (it took me two days), and I gotta say first of all God bless you and your brilliant brain 🛐 second of all I got throw a fking Rollercoaster all the way I read it Harry's brain is brilliant af third (idk how many things I was going to tell you by now) one word: c a r o l i n a What the actual fk, i saw how you put it as a parallel to coke and it makes so fking sense wtffffff fourth? 28th? 369th? point. I saw this line on your analyses:
Also “till my feet are wet”, they were dry but the hard candy is making them wet. Like I said before harry’s thing is wet, which helps the idea this is a positive bit right? Possibly? I need this distraction from this situation until my feet are wet, till im comfortably put back in my element which is water.
I bold the quote that got me, WAIT. A. SECOND. We all know Harry's obsession with water and stuff I mean he's a mermaid butttt I got to the point of remembering Harry's water tattoos ESPECIALLY his aquarius one ♒ on his wrist which I know is his zodiac sign also mine. Anyways I looked it up on Google brilliant right? And I saw this the meaning of water as a symbol of love Loving others in difficult times reminds me of water as a symbol of love because, water is known to be a universal solvent. ... Water purifies and cleanses just by washing over anything, clearing away the silt and calcified residue, by virtue of simply being itself, by moving freely and continuously. Love is like that too.
I don't know if this is me trying to be you or me inspired by your mind ok follow me or ignore me cuz idk at this point on this.
Harry's obsession with water needs to be heard by us/you/the world etc. I haven't seen anyone fully get deep onto this, but water for Harry is much much bigger, deeper, and important than something to put in a mv.
Ok here some not so thought ideas:
Plenty of water visuals in mvs/album: HS1 photoshoot fully in water, SOTT mv floating over water and not touching it, what's this song abt? See COACOAC's depression breakdown, Two Ghosts video? Tour visual?, Do you realize in Kiwi mv he's the opposite of water? Dry, with BAKED cakes yk out of his comfort element, Golden in the part with the 28 boops or wtvr dancing and also he swimming deep into it in other parts, Watermelon Sugar I mean the whole WMYB beach thing plsss, Adore You plss he made it with the whole concept and the Louisfish, Lights Up reflecting himself but pulled by strings that doesn't let him touch it AND he in another scene wet on it but without the strings, Falling he literally drowning in water, yk his element, the ONE 'thing' he's singing about BUT I THINK not necessarily something bad drowning his energy maybe smth filling him up? but when he's out of water he's all out of breath, tired and lost, I think at this point yk where I'm going, TPWK literally no water element but what TPWK is about? Fighting for a place where he belongs, which is not included here?
Plenty of water lyric references in: ESNY this song where he's devastated and hopeless? see your NY reference: there's no water inside this swimming pool ok Harry, with the lack of your element ok dy realize the songs where water is not included just alcohol are miserable and without that needed element especially in hs1?, KIWI Hard candy dripping on me 'til my feet are wet as you well said, Sweet Creature here I noticed the lack of water BUT he puts HOME in it, Two Ghosts We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty a heartbreaking song and where there was no water before, now is just half filled, not completely full and satisfying, Woman I'm empty, I know, so here it's not even half full, it's empty, HS2, Adore You I'd walk through fire for you this emphasis on walking on fire, like the opposite comfort zone it makes it more valuable, if he's talking to his water, he'd be through fire which is extincted by water always ok, Canyon Moon replacing water for home, Cherry a song stated as a stunt with the lack of water and home at least imo, Falling apart from the mv drink mention but no water, note here: you don't fall in water, you sink on it, you fall from heights for YK LIKE BIRDS, Fine Line And I don't wanna sleep in the dirt We'll get the drinks in, dirt/dry and again drinks not water, Golden here I add the word golden as a synonymous of the words that mean home and water, Lights Up now there's the need of light:bright/sun/golden, SHE He takes a boat out Imagines just sailing away, a boat just is useful in the water, Sunflower Vol 06 for starters as bright as sun here we have sunflower, a flower needs what to survive? Sun and water, To Be So Lonely, we have falling/drunk/blame but It's hard for me to go home And be so lonely, the lack of home in a miserable song, TPWK a gold nutshell so keep up with me Maybe, we can find a place to feel good, ok finding that place, Floating up and dreamin' Droppin' into the deep end, so we got floating on water but that's just a dream for now, droppin' like a bird down heights? Ok that hurted me, Watermelon Sugar, Getting washed away in you, oh like water washes out?, I don't know if I could ever go without Watermelon sugar high, so you can't go without this particular thing? I get it now.
Note here: I didn't include the unreleased songs we know exist because I now think Harry left them out the albums for some reason not just the complete direct references but because they didn't have this elements we talked about in his albums as a whole, even tho they're positive and without the lack of home/water/light as WS's vibe Medicine.
Water/nautical realted tattoos: By now I'm not ok at all, BOAT does this needs explanation? ANCHOR that holds the boat when it's on water, ROSE as a flower that needs water, MERMAID lives and belongs to the water "Because I am one" yk my mom used to call me mermaid cuz I couldn't get out of the water when I was in the bathtub? +can't walk in land I'd walk through fire for you. AQUARIUS probably his zodiac sign, but maybe this important element meaning for him or just the lose string that made me pull this out.
So my points here?
Larry: NAUTICAL AF; we knew that.
What Louis is for Harry: His HOME, SUN, LIGHT, SUNFLOWER and WATER.
Harry doesn't need oxygen to breath he needs water.
He doesn't drown as a bad thing, he falls [I'm falling again] [Don't blame me for falling] , it's not the same.
Water it's not land/fire, if he falls in the water he floats [He takes a boat out, imagines just sailing away] [Floating up and dreamin'].
He IS the swimming mermaid, the boat floating/traveling/sailing IN the water.
Sorry for this whatever it was, I trust you and I knew you'd know if this was correct info and what to do with it. Idk if someone has already spoken this out and I look like an idiot rn. Tell me if and at where points I was wrong, please. I'm still learning from your wisdom.
Again, sorry for interrupting your break.
I read this and more brain spirals like it and was like kdjalskdjfghksdjfghksjdfhalksjdalksjd(x28369) and I wanna let this out of my asks because I shouldn't keep it to myself but also adkljksdjfhkajshkjh and that's not exactly a big brain response now is it.
Definitely DEFINITELY there's a ton (of water) going on with Harry and this wet theme. (You already demonstrated this why am I even mentioning it.) I feel like it's that much he kinda made it his thing by now. Like mermaid fking claimed it as an aesthetic. But who knows maybe HS3 has something else in store. And not just Harry, Louis is for sure playing with it too but a lot more subtly. And not to "make it a larry" I mean they're the ones with complementary nautical tattoos so come at them not me, I think I rambled about it a few times and I prob tagged it water or wet too so you can check that out but none is as elaborately as your message for sure! I think the details (like when he is and isn't being a nautical fuck) and its meaning we can discuss forever probably because water can by symbolism for so many things, you can interpret this so so so so many ways you like, so there's no correct or incorrect info or people knowing better what to do with it than others. We're all just a bunch of idiots on the internet myself included, so I'm not gonna grade your essay hahaha because all interpretations are valid. So I just wanna thank you for going over his songs and mvs and list these things really I think it's showing how extra this is, so much so there's just no end to it if we'd keep digging through this shit hah. I'm just gonna end on a joke because I don't have the brains right now to add the smorts: they're a ship LOLAGKDAKDJ.
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yenah-on-top · 3 years
Hold up.
Hold up ok so one of my biggest questions in the txt universe is who tf the girl is, the girl that keeps showing up and causing trouble, the girl they're talking to/about in the lore songs, who is she what's her part in the plot
Somebody on twt suggested she's supposed to represent moa and the star but. But that doesn't make sense??? At least not to me.
But clearly, clearly she is integral to the story right??? Like she has a major part to the story from the very beginning, she has been there since cat and dog, which like I suppose you could say isn't part of the lore but I would call you a fool.
And then most recently in 0X1=lovesong, there is a girl, and they're in love with her but like, is it all of them? Are all of them in love? Is it just some of them?
And I could go on a rant about how this could've totally been like, their love for each other and their bond as friends, but they just had to add that girl I need you at the end of the bridge.
Also also I totally feel fucked up about this being confirmed to be in the universe. (We got confirmation through an rm vlive that tyun and hyukas choruses weren't accepted because they didn't tie into the story)
Because like. I don't know the video is weird, and it makes more questions than answers. Like they live in this world that sits on the edge of reality and magic. And most of the other videos with lore touch at least a little bit on the magic but like. The only real magic stuff is the fish and the boys disappearing at the end of the song. Otherwise it's fully in the real world.
Actually you know what as I write this I realize more that there's one other lore video thats not magic, and it's drama. Which. I don't know there's something there, I know there is but I don't know, it's weird, they wouldn't have a video like that for not reason, it's definitely part of the lore.
Ok so there's 17 mvs for txt (by MV I mean something more than just choreo) although I would say that way home shouldn't really count? I mean it's nothing like their other mvs, same with our summer. They look way lower budget? Like way home they just sit in a classroom and stare at the camera, and our summer is just what happens when you give teenagers selfie sticks, it's like, trying to say the MV BTS made on the Livestream after BE dropped was definitely lore. And you could also say similar about blue orangeade but there's like. Stuff there. Supposedly.
So anyways if you cut those two out you have 15 mvs. Blue orangeade... I think it's possible it relates to the lore? But I highly doubt it, it's very cute and silly and doesn't really seem to have any substance for lore other than maybe to just talk about the girl more.
Cat and dog I already mentioned I really think has relevance to the lore? Like the way that they mess with perspective and animals which is something that comes up in the lore a lot. Idk I think it makes sense.
Angel or devil I think is directly connected to cysm. I think it sets up why soobin specifically is lying, because unlike yeonjun, he is one hundred percent on the side of slowing down and not rushing into things. I think taehyun was ultimately on yeonjuns side, and I think that's why they're at odds.
Puma is... God idfk it could be a convoluted metaphor or something but tbh I think it was probably just to make txt prove that they can do the bad boy look.
I already talked about drama, I really think it's lore, because it's a really odd video otherwise, if they wanted to make a vid that related to the song they could've done something like wlts and show them all being isolated from groups but it singled in on beomgyu. And it comes after we've already seen him kill taehyun so it's likely a sort of prequel? Idk I think it fits.
We lost the summer is totally not part of it, that's legit just covid vibes I can't see a single way it's connected.
And then. There's magic which. Fuck man idk it's so weird. And there's all the parallels to NO from BTS, and it's weird and out of left field, and I honestly don't know how that video matched the vibe or lyrics of the song but. Again it's possible, but I can't see it right now with what we know about the universe.
And the rest of the mvs are absolutely lore there's no way around it and I don't feel like it needs to be explained.
Anyways this is all to say. The universe is so complex and confusing and I want to know who tf the girl is because I feel like her identity would be the only thing we need to figure out how it all connects.
And now that gfriend disbanded idfk what BH is gonna do with the intertwined universe of gfriend BTS and TXT. Like idk there were tons of things from gfriend that filled in BTS and TXTs stories so I'm curious if they'll try and make another group continue their story for them or if they'll start including that story in BTS and txt mvs.
Either way I have been talking too long and I need to go to work so uh, lmk if you want to hear more of my rambling.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
Late Stage Swiftgron Part 1
Update from November 2021 - I really don’t believe much of this is meaningful at all.  I don’t think they’re sitting around referencing one another on social media or anything but some of Dianna’s interactions with Karlie are interesting Dianna shows up explicitly in Taylor’s life a couple more times so I’m leaving these sections here.;
From here on out everything but the 2014 AMAs and Dianna’s somewhat shocking appearance at Taylor’s 2019 SNL performance are just odd social media shenanigans (or subtweets) between the two, and Taylor appearing to release at least one more song about Dianna (Babe in 2018) (and let’s be honest you can make a strong argument for The 1 being about Dianna as well other post 1989 songs.)
Some of this might be complete crack or coincidence but as you all know I want this to be the most thorough Swiftgron document possible.  
If anything it proves they both certainly still have similar interests and they really do seem to be in touch.
There are some interactions claimed by others to be Swiftgron related that I’m not going to include because they’re just a bit too reachy for me (though I completely support the theorizing!) but in general, if I personally can see the hint of a Swiftgron connection, I’m going to include it here. Draw your own conclusions and take everything, particularly the alleged subtweets/social media shenanigans, with a grain of salt.
And yes there’s tons of Kaylor and other Gaylor/Gaygron content that will be left out of this segment because this masterpost is focused on Swiftgron.  Someday it would be cool to make a giant masterpost/timeline that documents all of it, but for now it’s just going to be Swiftgron stuff. August 26, 2014 - Dianna tweets, and then deletes “Withdrawals, clearly…we had fun.” 
There’s no screen shot of this tweet but some retweets/responses of it remain:
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If Dianna is indeed referencing the song Clean (in which their relationship is compared to an addiction hence, “withdrawals” from it) then Taylor would have had to give her advanced knowledge of the song since 1989 did not come out until October 2014.
Taylor did claim she ran 1989 by the muse that inspired it and they were both in LA in late August 2014. Maybe this is when.
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November 1, 2014 - Taylor posts about Clean
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November 19, 2014 - The 2014 AMAs Kaylorgron Explosion Extravaganza:
Taylor, Karlie, and Dianna are at the event.  Taylor and Karlie are clearly on a date and Dianna is there to present Sam Smith’s performance of I’m not the only one.  Dianna seems a bit out of her element/gloomy when interviewed on the red carpet and Taylor flexes Karlie hard, dancing with her throughout the night and even sitting on her lap during an interview.
Click here for photos, video, gifs, and a live L chat reaction to the night.
December 28, 2014 - The writer for the tv show The Originals, Carina Mackenzie, tweeted that 1989 was about Dianna:
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It’s of course notable that someone in the industry is “confirming” Swiftgron on main (particularly before gaylor went mainstream with Kaylor being so obvious in 2015/2016) however what’s even more interesting and notable about this tweet is that an actor named Michael Trevino was on the show The Originals and he dated Jenna Ushkowitz from 2011-2014.
Not only that but Michael was at Dianna’s 26th birthday when Taylor was in attendance as well.
It’s possible that Michael witnessed Swiftgron in real life and spilled a bit to the writer of the TV show he was on.
January 5, 2015 - Taylor likes a Swiftgron related post on Tumblr of Dianna saying she’d go on the road with Taylor and carry her bags at the Giffoni Film Festival in 2012:
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February 9, 2015 - Style is released as a single
February 13, 2015 - The Kaylor “Best Friends” on a road trip Vogue Spread comes out.  You’re probably familiar with it but if you aren’t google it.  It’s incredibly romantic and pda filled.
The Style music video is released on this day as well.
We don’t have to go through the whole video but one egg I just have to note is the cave pictured in the MV is in Morocco the same country Dianna seemed to flee to after Swiftgron was outed:
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February 14, 2015 - Dianna tweets 143 remember those days (for some reason it has not been deleted) seemingly in response to the Kaylor vogue shoot:
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143 is a code that means “I love you” that originated from Mister Rogers.  Both Taylor and Dianna have publicly shown that they are fans of his.  Taylor has even made certain songs 3 minutes and 41 seconds long seemingly referring to this number and wore a Mister Rogers pin on a jacket for a photoshoot once.
Here’s a bit more in depth analysis on the significance of the 143 post.
This tweet is how we know that it is 100% in Dianna’s character to occasionally subtweet Taylor and why a lot of this social media analysis has been done.  
February 16, 2015 - Just two days later Dianna attends a fashion show in which Karlie walks and is noted to “have kept a smirk on her face” during.  Dianna doesn’t clap at the end of the show and looks miserable in photos of the event:
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February 17, 2015 - Taylor releases Wonderland
I’m going to pause here and discuss the song Wonderland for a brief moment because it is some of the most incredibly airtight evidence for Swiftgron available.
Dianna’s favorite book of all time is Alice in Wonderland.  She brought it up in interviews all the time, tweeted about it, auctioned off a signed copy of it for charity, her private Tumblr and instagram account are called whosirmesir which is a reference to it, her private Tumblr is filled with reblogs about Alice, and her public Tumblr was called fell down the rabbit hole.
So the fact that Taylor writes an entire song describing a relationship through the lens of and packing full of references to Alice in Wonderland is incredibly interesting.
Let’s take a look at some of these lyrics:
Flashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and we Fell down the rabbit hole (literally Dianna’s tumblr name and url)
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me (Dianna is famous for her beautiful almost hypnotic green eyes and yes they are green)
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds (queer coded)
Too in love to think straight (queer coded)
But there were strangers watching And whispers turned to talking And talking turned to screams (seems to reference when they were outed) You searched the world for something else (Dianna very publicly went travelling around the world right after April 2013 when they seem to break up)
Taylor literally put Dianna’s Tumblr URL in the song.  Frankly I’m kind of shocked she released this song at all it is so obviously and clearly about Dianna.  Truly a Swiftgron anthem!
Back to the timeline...
March 8, 2015 - Taylor posts Flamingos for her dad’s birthday:
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The caption was “Happy Birthday, Dad. Thanks for all the unconditional love, sarcastic comments, and interesting Christmas presents.”
May 1, 2015 - Dianna posts a flamingo for her birthday (post is now deleted):
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The caption was “This is 29. Spoiled rotten. Funny enough, at work they were painting the hallways white and the roses (hallway doors) red, then I actually went to Wonderland (@AliceUnderLdn) and came home to a surprise flamingo. Here we go. Another year around the sun…feeling lucky and loved and loved and lucky.”
Taylor also gave Emily, another rumored ex, a flamingo bandana for her birthday.  i also think it’s odd that Dianna mentions Wonderland specifically in the post.
January 15, 2016 - Dianna’s engagement to Winston is announced and Kaylors notice Taylor is liking sad posts on Tumblr including several posts related to Clean:
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November 7, 2016 - Lorde’s birthday party where Kaylor is together in public for the last time for 20 months.
January 5, 2017 - Claire (who is still very close with Taylor) comments on one of Dianna’s Instagram posts):
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March 2, 2017 - Dianna posts her James Dean inStyle UK photo to Instagram:
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This is actually the second time she has posted this as a throwback photo.  She also posted it on February 4, 2016 with simply the caption “TBT” and did not include the “rebel without a clue” bit which is a reference to James Dean (Rebel Without a Cause). She’s never posted the same TBT photo twice before or after this (as of the writing of this post in October 2020).
It I may be permitted to go real far out on a limb here it’s almost as if she wanted people to connect that photo of her in the UK InStyle magazine to James Dean.  James Dean is of course the way Taylor describes her lover in the song Style.  
At any rate it’s very odd that it’s the only photo she’s posted twice whether it’s related to Taylor or not.
April 25, 2017 - Fans notice Dianna is having her script tattoo removed:
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This is significant because a part of the tattoo was dedicated to Alice in Wonderland - it said “We’re all mad here” 
Tattoo removal is a years long process:
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So it’s possible she started getting it removed around the time that Wonderland came out.
It’s also possible part of the tattoo was dedicated to Lea (the part that said “here I am”) so this whole removal situation is very interesting.
In 2019 she was still getting it removed and commented this at a Cafe Carlyle session:
"i was like i don't know i wanna explain all my tattoos or the one that i'm getting removed on my side...you know you're like...WHATEVER we're stopping we're moving on"
February 13, 2018 - Dianna attends the Carolina Herrera fashion show, so does Karlie. Dianna is introduced to Karlie by Derek Blasberg and very audibly calls Karlie “gorgeoouusss” as they meet. 
Kayda play “Gorgeous” by Taylor Swift.
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apriorisea · 4 years
Ok I’m seriously convinced you’re secretly one of the members...(Joonie is that u???) loool but for real, you write their personalities so well. So not a request, but a question?? Their “concepts” aside (like, “golden maknae etc”)... key personality traits & flaws for each of the boys? Like “passionate, sensitive, a perfectionist, or overly self-critical, etc” Which member(s) is hardest to write?Hope this made sense, I’m just super interested in your take on this :)
--First off, you’re so nice!!! Thank you so much:) And also, thank you for this question! I love things like this---even though it’s obviously all just my personal speculation 😅I listed my thoughts down below, but I would love to hear any thoughts (whether in agreement or disagreement!) anyone else might have!  As for which member is hardest to write, for me I typically struggle a little more with Taehyung and Hoseok. For Taehyung, I think it’s probably because our personalities are pretty opposite (again, HUGE grain of salt, since I don’t *actually* know any of them in real life, so I’m just going off the little info we have), so it takes me a little longer to write his stuff. For Hoseok, I think it’s because there is so much more to him than meets the eye and his personality is difficult for me to pin down sometimes. 
Again, thanks so much for your sweet words and thought-provoking requestion (it’s a word now)! I hope you find my take interesting! 💕💜
Conscientious - I think Kim Seokjin is very, VERY aware of his role in any given setting. He knows what’s expected of him and how to do it without bending any of his personal boundaries/rules.
Private - I firmly believe that we will never know the true personality of our Mr. Worldwide Handsome. I think he decided early on that to survive in this life, he was going to have to separate his stage persona from his personal life---and he guards this separation fiercely. This is also one of the qualities I admire the most about him: his unwavering commitment to keeping pieces of himself just for him. My personal opinion is that he is the member that gave up the most of a “normal” life and, while he did so knowing the consequences of this choice, he’s found ways to “rebel” and keep his own autonomy (think: responding to fans in a very “blunt” manner [Marry me? No.], cutting/coloring his hair against company wishes, refusing to give-in to fan-service he is uncomfortable with  [thinking specifically of that one time the host tried to get him to kiss Taehyung and he just started yelling over them when they tried to insist], his penchant for avoiding overly ~revealing~ outfits, etc etc).
Professional - I mean, just a continuation of both of the points above. He always knows when the cameras are watching and how he should act accordingly. But---and this is important---I am in NO WAY saying he’s being fake or disingenuous. The Jin we see on stage, in MVs, RunBTS, and even Bon Voyage/In The Soop is the real Jin---it’s just not all of him. He chose the Idol Life as his career, as a profession, so he would never be caught violating the terms that he himself has set to fulfill his responsibilities. What little we know of his family leads me to believe that he was groomed from a young age how to navigate high society and the professional world; now it’s just a slightly different world and society he floats through. 
Responsible - He takes the job of eldest brother very seriously. Though the baby in much of his younger life, as soon as he got 6 little brothers he stepped effortlessly into his new role. Making them food, driving them to school, helping them feel at home in a new place, providing silent but tangible support... My personal favorite is the way he willingly makes a fool of himself to relax the others, to help them calm down during stressful situations and break the ice. 
Good memory - I want to be careful how I explain this, because I don’t want it to come out wrong. I think Kim Seokjin has a very good memory. If you were decent to him and his brothers during the hard times, he’ll remember that going forward. If you were cruel to or dismissive of him as a young exchange student abroad, he’ll never forget. However, I also think he’s cunning enough that you would never be able to tell which category you fall under unless he wants you to know. 
Hard-worker - I mean, just the endless amounts of anecdotes we have about him practicing his vocals and choreography all night long should be enough evidence for this point, but I still sometimes feel like he doesn’t get enough credit. We all know the story of how he got placed in BTS, but I don’t think people appreciate how damn hard he has worked to grow into this life. He was a college student, set on a completely different life with completely different expectations, scooped off the street and told to learn to sing and dance and look. at. him. now. Listen to that vocal range, look at the Black Swan choreography or the way he seamlessly joined the dance break of ON---he has worked HARD and I don’t think we should forget about this. Just because something doesn’t come easy to you, if you’re not naturally gifted, it doesn’t mean you can’t work to achieve it. 
Basically I just love Kim Seokjin with my whole heart.
Empathetic -  This word is the beginning and end of how I would describe his entire being. I think Min Yoongi is a very empathetic person. He sits back and observes, and he’s aware of everything. You know when you first get into BTS, there’s always the stories of him being the “scariest” member or the “toughest” or the quietest (especially in the earlier days of BTS, because can we just talk about how much happier he has been this last year-year.5?? How much more himself he is at all times? How much more comfortable??? We love to see it.) But I think his quiet watchfulness just gets frequently mistaken for scary or tough. In addition, his empathy allows him to connect with others in a special way, to acknowledge them and build them up (thinking of that one V-Live or whatever where Jungkook says something kind of under his breath---something about a past life?---and Yoongi not only hears him but turns to him and explicitly validates his feelings and thoughts, OR the times when he tells Jimin that he really likes his singing voice).  
Protective - He doesn’t like unkindness in any way, shape, or form. He doesn’t tolerate cruelty or bullying. And let’s not forget: he sees everything. Every slight, every intentional dismissal, every dig or jab, every “diss track” lyrics. Every single injustice. Now, he can stand up for himself (when he deems it appropriate, because I also think he’s pretty good at picking battles), but his true force comes out when those he loves are belittled/threatened/disrespected. He is fiercely protective of those he loves. 
Emotionally Intelligent - Obviously, I think he’s also just intelligent-intelligent, but I want to focus on this aspect for a moment, because I think this is a quality that gets overlooked in people in general. He is aware of the importance of emotions, both his own and other people’s. It’s in the way he recognized that he and Taehyung were polar opposites and made a concentrated effort to understand him better. It’s in the way he unabashedly announces that they hold hands when they’re arguing. It’s in the way that he insists that there is more to life than school, grades, others’ expectations. It’s also in the way he knows exactly how to make the others laugh, the way one of his sharp-witted comments or physical-comedy bits can break a tension or diffuse the moment. It’s all over every single one of his songs. It’s in the way he calmly handles challenges and has a unique relationship with each of his brothers according to their needs. He treats his relationships---with the members, the fans, staff, friends, family, whoever---with care and respect and maturity. 
Compassionate (read also: Cinnamon Roll) - Yoongi understands darkness because he has experienced it himself, and he will do whatever he can to make sure no on else suffers in the same way. He takes care of the people in his life, usually by doing little things or quiet things (think: the reason they call him the “dad” of BTS). He’s not afraid to correct people when they’re wrong, but he always manages to do it kindly. He’s also a complete pushover for the ones he loves: think of how he each member of the maknae line has a different but special relationship with him, think of how Jungkook can basically crawl all over him and hit him and annoy him and bother him and he never bats an eye, think of the way he showed up with chicken because he didn’t want Hoseok to be alone, think of the way he goes fishing with Jin because he knows his big bro loves it so much, think of the way he never ever yells at anyone when he’s angry, think of the way he softens his tone when explaining things. Cinnamon. Roll. 
Straight-forward - He’s blessed with the ability to be blunt but not cruel. I actually personally really hate the word “blunt” because, in my experience, it usually comes into play when someone is explaining that their rude, offensive, and ignorant comment *isn’t* rude, offensive, or ignorant---they’re “just a blunt person.” But I think Yoongi is someone who is actually able to be straight-forward (a much better term than the dreaded b-word) without slipping into carelessness. He says things how they are, but, using his emotional awareness and intelligence, he’s able to say it calmly and kindly. If you’ve messed up, he’s going to tell you you messed up---but he’s also going to help you figure out the next steps and volunteer to walk with you while you take them. He’s going to call out bad behavior---but always remind you that he loves you no matter what. He’s going to critique the song you wrote---but it’s going to be 90% positive comments and 10% suggestions of what could be better/smoother/more understandable. I also feel like he is someone who expects the same in return: he hates liars and has a low tolerance for bullshit. 
Basically I just love Min Yoongi with my whole heart.
Duality - Now, I don’t mean duality in the way you can compare his precious ray-of-sunshine moments to the times he absolutely blows everyone away on stage (though this is obviously a thing). I’m referring more to the way he can be both ray of sunshine and serious-business all at the same time. Like Jin, I think Hoseok chose an Idol persona (though I think his decision was prompted more by a desire to be uplifting and cheerful and our hope) and exists comfortably within those parameters. However, unlike Jin, I think Hoseok doesn’t mind if people see the other side sometimes, too. He’s not afraid to set down the bubbly-Hobi persona, even if cameras are rolling. He’s not afraid to be emotional,  whether that’s over-the-top happiness, or genuine overwhelmed tears. He can wear a flower around his face and make cute noises and then the next second he can snap at the maknae to not fool around near a pool so he doesn’t get his clothes all wet. It’s not an act either way, he’s just both. 
Good judgment - Obviously, we know that Jung Hoseok is a hard-worker. We know he’s dedicated his life to his craft, first with dancing and then with rapping. He can be an intimidating dance captain, someone who takes it seriously and pushes everyone to be the very best they can be. His work ethic is insane, and he never accepts less than his best---but, in comparison to others on this list, I think he is able to critique himself fairly and kindly. While he demands perfection, he doesn’t tear himself apart to find it. I think he has the ability to assess something or someone and come away with a fairly unbiased opinion. 
Comfortable - This is hard to describe in just a word, but I think he has a way of making people feel at ease in his presence. Even as one of the biggest superstars on the planet right now, you get the sense that he never wants to make people feel uncomfortable or intimidated or uneasy. Something about his mannerisms, his bright smile, his personableness, make him seem approachable. I think it’s also why Namjoon’s been known to say that BTS couldn’t exist without Hoseok, why Yoongi values his friendship so much, why Jungkook is constantly snuggling him. My personal opinion is that he was instrumental in bridging the gap that sometimes might have occurred between Namjoon and Yoongi in the early days; his comfortable presence eased some of the tension that (I’m guessing) may have naturally arisen between two of the greatest young rappers in the game when they were first working together. Hoseok just wants everyone to feel comfortable and at ease around him.
Kind - I think Jung Hoseok is just a genuinely kind human being. I think he is trusting and loyal, but also just the sort of person who will make it his mission to make you smile on a bad day. Just the fact that he chose to make his stage persona someone who is full of hope and happiness speaks volumes. Knowing his own personal struggles, he extrapolates this knowledge to guess how others could feel, and throws himself into the role of positive, happy, sunshiney, hope. It’s his kindness that motivates this behavior. 
High standards - This goes along with his good judgment, but I think Hoseok expects a certain level of competence from everyone around him, in whatever capacity they’re working. Again, this goes along with his desire to have the entire group work on a bit of choreo until it’s right. I think that, because he pushes himself to be the best and fulfill expectations, he looks for this same dedication in others (what comes to mind is that moment in some interview where Namjoon is struggling a little [cos English is the WORST, ugh] so Hoseok looks over at the interpreter like “what exactly are you doing, do your job, help him translate”). 
Basically I just love Jung Hoseok with my whole heart. 
Unbelievably intelligent - I know this one isn’t exactly shocking, but I still feel like it needs to be mentioned first and appreciated more. Namjoon is crazy intelligent, academically speaking. He thrives on the pursuit of knowledge, on contemplating and discussing higher concepts, on learning new things that feed his curiosity and his soul. While I also think this crazy-high intellect can sometimes hinder his ability to connect emotionally with people, it’s also this exact quality that makes him so well suited for the role he has been thrust into---not just in the group, but in the world. 
Nerdy - Bicycling, bonsai trees, reading, tiny creatures, art exhibits. He is unabashedly and desperately passionate about the things he likes. He isn’t afraid to love something just because he loves it. He goes all-in on things that he’s interested in, whether they’re “cool” or not. His curiosity pushes him forward, needling him to learn everything he can about things he’s passionate about. He sinks himself into these hobbies wholly (think: carrying a book or two with him everywhere so he can get some reading in, visiting as many art museums and exhibits as possible on days off, making cutesy noises at stingrays and scooping teeny-tiny crabs out of the sand to tell them how beautiful they are).
Macro-focused - He strikes me very much as the sort of person who loves to talk about concepts and ideas and philosophies in great terms. He loves clever wordplay, he likes to reflect on his place in the universe, he wants to discuss the complexities of life and human nature. His quick-mind devours these topics, and I can imagine he could sit for hours with you debating philosophy and discussing art. On the flip side, though, I think he isn’t so good with minutiae---and by “minutiae” I mean everything from being more aware of his physical surroundings to dealing with personal things. For example, I think he’s brilliant when he discusses happiness and hardship and joy and pain and love and humanity in the songs he writes...... but he’s not exactly the first person you would go to if you were having a tough or emotional personal time. Don’t get me wrong: obviously he cares about the people in his life, he cares about people in general---but sometimes all you need is a hug and pat on the back to encourage you and Namjoon would instead launch into the greater implications and consequences of human nature in an attempt to help you feel better.
Logical - I know this seems like a given, but while I think others on this list are more emotionally-intelligent, I think logic is one of Namjoon’s greatest strengths. For example: if another member is crying or upset, Jimin would notice they’re upset and immediately go and hug them and wipe their tears away; Namjoon would notice they’re upset and immediately look for the source of the problem. Once identified, he’d take the next steps to rectifying the problem, because logic dictates that if the problem gets solved, then the other member would be happier. If there was nothing to rectify, he’d attempt to comfort them with cold, hard facts. (I’m thinking about that time when Jungkook got upset because he felt like he messed up his performances, and Jimin immediately hugs him and comforts him and tells him he was great, while Namjoon assesses the situation and starts talking about how he himself actually, objectively messed up, so there’s no logical reason for Jungkook to be upset right now.) He dreams and enjoys literature and the arts---but when it comes to handling practical, inter-personal issues, he’s much more comfortable with logic. 
Vibes - I really didn’t have a good word to describe this thought of mine, so let me just get right into explaining: I think Namjoon is, generally speaking, one of the smartest people---if not the smartest person---in the room. He’s aware of this fact without being arrogant about it, but it is the truth. Because of this, I think he’s frequently called on to explain things, to expound on them, to teach or interpret or decipher. I think he enjoys this role, because he loves talking about things he’s passionate about (see above: nerdy) but sometimes...sometimes I think he just desperately wants someone he can vibe with. Someone who can match his level intellectually. Someone whom he doesn’t have to teach. I think he is over-the-moon ecstatic when he meets someone he can vibe with in any way---whether that’s intelligence-related or passion/hobby-related. I don’t know, I just sometimes feel like he chooses to spend his personal time with people who can match him in some way, whom he can vibe with.
Basically I just love Kim Namjoon with my whole heart.
Caring - For me, Park Jimin starts and ends with this characteristic. He cares. A lot. About a lot of things. He cares about his brothers, he cares about his family, he cares about his friends, he cares about ARMY, he cares about music, he cares about his dancing, he cares about fashion, he cares about how he’s perceived, he cares about doing his very best, he cares about the future generations, he cares about those who are less fortunate than him, he just cares so much. Along with Yoongi, I think he is incredibly empathetic. How many times do we see him basically sprint across a room or a sandy beach or a campsite or a stage to get to an upset member? He reads people’s emotions and has a natural instinct to take care of them. Like anything, though, I think his biggest strength can also be a great weakness: sometimes he cares too much. How many times has he worked until his body is covered with pain patches, until his feet bled, until he almost passed out? All the weight he lost, because he cared about his appearance? How hard he worked at being “hardcore, manly” Jimin, because that’s what he thought people cared about most? All the times he cried after a tiny mistake, because he cared about being perfect, because he cared about others’ perception of him? Park Jimin cares so/too much and it’s one of the most defining things about his personality. 
Social Intelligence/눈치 - One thing I love the most is how he has such a unique relationship with each one of his brothers. Now, obviously, every single combo in Bangtan is different and unique and special. But I love watching Jimin’s relationships with the others so much, because he’s so aware of what they need. Truthfully, I think Jimin is hyper aware of others in general. If you’re trying to sneaky-cry at a crowded party, Jimin is the type of person who would somehow appear at your side, ready to help you feel better. His empathy and sensitivity allow him to assess what each individual needs the most from him and act accordingly. He knows Taehyung should never be left alone when upset, knows that if Jungkook is actually crying then something is very wrong, knows that Leader RM sometimes needs to just be his one-year-older hyung Namjoon, knows exactly how far he can push Yoongi’s buttons, knows to laugh at Jin’s dad-jokes (especially when they’re for the benefit of the group), and knows that Hoseok needs to be reminded how much cohesiveness he provides the group in general. 
Self-Critical - All right, I feel like this one might be a little controversial, so hear me out. Like I mentioned earlier, he cares a lot, and part of that translates into caring about himself---caring about his achievements, his performance, his appearance. It’s partly the classical dancer in him and partly just his personality. He wants to do and be his best always. But.... I do think that he has learned to be much kinder to himself over the years. Gone are the days of starving himself to get rid of his cheeks, the tearful breakdowns after a single missed step in a performance, the acting outside of his true personality because he thinks that’s what he’s supposed to be. I think we now very much see a Jimin who has come into his own, who has accepted himself for who he is (including his flaws), who has embraced every part of him. This doesn’t mean that I think he never has to fight the nagging voice in his head, or struggle with insecurities, or swallow down the urge to berate himself after a less-than-perfect performance---he still expects the best out of himself, still wants to be the best. I just think he’s found a way to critique himself without absolutely tearing himself apart. 
Cunning - Yet another word that looks and sounds derogatory, but isn’t really in this context. Like a lot of other empathetic, sensitive, socially-intelligent people, knowing exactly what people need and are feeling also allows him to know weaknesses. Weaknesses he would never exploit---unless he wanted to. I actually don’t think we see much of him using others’ weaknesses against them, but in my opinion, this quality is linked to two of his other quirks: 1) his talent and complete lack of guilt for cheating at games and 2) his penchant for pettiness. I don’t really know how to explain my thought-process here---not well, anyway. But I feel like Jimin is so tuned into the important things (so concerned about the important things) that little things, like cheating at a game, don’t matter to him much. And, if he can use his usually sweet and helpful and hard-working, honest self to get away with it, even better. On the flip side, I don’t think he enjoys or endures confrontation as much or as well as, say, Yoongi might---so he expresses himself in a quieter, underhanded way. (The moment that’s coming to mind is that one time they were at an American event and he commented, in Korean, about how unorganized things seem to be.) Jimin is the sweetest, most sensitive, empathetic little cinnamon roll---until it’s time to win a game, or until he’s feeling a little prickly and petty. 
Basically I just love Park Jimin with my whole heart.
Individualistic - Kim Taehyung knows who he is. He knows what he likes, what he wants, what he thinks. He is going to wear whatever he wants, paint whatever he wants, say whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants. He’s a person who seems to have figured out a long time ago what makes him happy and how to be his true self around others no matter what---and this something I greatly envy. If he wants to learn the violin, he’s gonna buy a violin and play some scratchy Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on a hotel balcony---because that’s what he wants to do. If he wants to write a song, it’s going to be in his style, the way he likes it. If he wants a really cool, avant-garde piece of artsy clothing, he’s going to spray-paint it himself. If he has an opinion on something, it’s highly likely that he’s spent quite a bit of time forming this opinion---but once that’s his opinion, that’s his opinion. That’s what he thinks, there’s no need to listen to others or change. I think this quality, this ability to be himself so  freely and earnestly, is both one of the reasons he’s able to make friends so easily and be beloved so quickly (see: “Bangtan’s True Baby” and “Wooga Squad darling”); and one of the reasons others (including the other members, by their own admission) can’t understand him well at first. I think it has brought many good things to his life, but has also played a significant part in some of the struggles that he has had. He’s precious, but also very easily misunderstood.
Not Very Outward-Sensing - Notice I very purposefully don’t go anywhere near the words “self-absorbed” or “self-centered”---because he’s not. On the contrary, I think Taehyung feels very deeply for the people in his life (see below: Emotional), but his ability to care for them is sometimes inhibited by his lack of outward-sensing. If Jimin is the king of 눈치/social awareness, then Taehyung is the absolute opposite (which is why it is unendingly intriguing to me that two of his closest relationships in BTS---he and Jimin, he and Yoongi---are comprised of one person who lacks this awareness [Tae] and one person who has all the awareness [Jimin, Yoongi]). He would never hurt someone’s feelings on purpose, but quite often he’s just not paying a whole lot of attention to what other people might be feeling or experiencing. He’s not concerned about walking on eggshells, because he feels that as long as his intentions are good, nobody can be too hurt or too uncomfortable with him or his behavior (A great example of this is the infamous Spring Day Dance Debate from “Burn the Stage.” In Taehyung’s mind, he saw something that should be changed and needed to be addressed, so he called it out. It never in a million years would occur to him that the way he phrased it or the way he kept harping on it could be a source of irritation or discomfort to Jin. To him, it was a very black-and-white, clear-cut situation: something was wrong, he had an idea of how it should be fixed, therefore nothing bad could/should come of him speaking his mind in the pursuit of this perfect solution he created). He seems like the sort of person who, after accidentally hurting your feelings, would sympathize with your hurt and want to make it better, but focus more on the fact that he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, so it’s not really his fault. 
Emotional - I think he is very in-touch with his emotions, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. For example, if he’s upset, he wants everyone to know and acknowledge that he’s upset. He doesn’t like feeling ignored or passed over, and where others might let it slide, he’s not afraid to speak up about it (I’m thinking about the time there was a question directed specifically to Yoongi about being from Daegu and Taehyung immediately pointed out that he was also from Daegu, and kind of pouted a little until it was acknowledged). Also, although it’s never been said explicitly, I think he is one of the members who potentially struggles with depression. He can take things very personally and to heart. But this is likely because he has such a big heart. He loves unabashedly and he’s very vocal about who he loves---think of all the times he’s said and posted comments along the lines of “Please love all seven” and “Please love each of us equally.” He also can be very protective (thinking of that one Weverse post where he lowkey chewed somebody out for posting an unflattering photo of one of the others) and blunt when defending those he loves. I mean, he created a whole new word just to express how much he loves ARMY! When he’s sad, he cries. When he’s happy, he giggles. When he’s angry, he expresses it. When he’s disappointed, he doesn’t hide it. To me, he is a near-perfect example of someone who wears their heart on their sleeves. 
Contradictory - One of his most endearing qualities. He is not very outward-focused---but he bought a pair of gloves because he remembered that Jimin offhandedly mentioned that he needed some. He doesn’t read other people easily---but he (so far) is also pretty darn good at completing accurate Vibe-Checks for those who come in contact with BTS. He doesn’t always see as much as the others might---but he also notices certain things they might miss. The beauty of his being is that he can be both things at the same time and not seem out of place.
Basically I just love Kim Taehyung with my whole heart.
Confident Yet Perfectionistic - Now listen: when I say confident, I don’t mean that he never struggles with insecurities. I mean confident in the way that his whole life (at least his whole Idol life) he had 6 older brothers who encouraged him to try and do anything he wanted---and then supported him no matter the outcome. Being raised in an environment like that, where you’re encouraged to try things, where you have people who love you constantly praising your efforts and providing a safe space for you to fail, you gain a certain amount of confidence in your abilities, in yourself. I think this is actually a big part of the Golden Maknae moniker: yes, I think he is the type of person to whom things may come quite easily and who is naturally skilled in several areas---but it’s also a little easier to conquer new things when you have years of encouraged-successes under your belt. He has gained a confidence in himself over years of trying and working his tail off and eventually succeeding; he knows he can do anything if he works at it enough because he’s always been able to do everything he works at. Where the perfectionistic aspect kicks in especially is this: there are a lot of people who have a natural affinity for lots of things. There are lots of people who can pick up something new and be decent right away (I honestly think Taehyung is another person like this, someone who can pick new things up pretty easily)---the difference is that Jeon Jungkook is the type of person who takes that natural affinity and runs with it. He’s not satisfied with just being good at something; if it’s something he really wants to do, he throws his whole heart and soul and self into it. In my opinion, this sets him apart from people who could be considered “Jack of All Trades, Master of None.” He trusts his process and uses it to be the very best he can be in whatever he does.
Introverted -  Obviously he’s not the only introverted member of Bangtan, but I do think that his specific life experiences require a little more discussion on this topic than the others. By his own admission, his childhood ended really early. He didn’t focus much on school because he was focused on his career; he never got to have the typical high school experiences most of the others had. At an incredibly young age he was thrust into a totally different life that required being in the spotlight---and while this definitely brought unique challenges, he loves his life as a musician and performer. I think out of all BTS, Jungkook especially lives for performing. He lights up on stage and is at his absolute happiest when performing (and performing well). And yet none of this changes the fact that he is absolutely an introvert, someone who needs to recharge with just a little alone time. Alone time. Not easy to achieve when you live in the same tiny dorm with 6 other boys. Not easy to achieve when you are constantly surrounded by brothers, staff, instructors, producers, cameras, and fans.  
Maknae - I can’t explain this well, I know I can’t, but it just is such a huge part of him that I feel like I need to try. In so many ways, Jungkook is a typical baby of the family. It’s evident in the way that he unabashedly idolizes his Rap-Mon-hyung. In the way he constantly cuddles and sniffs and snuggles Hoseok. In the way he’s not afraid to pester Yoongi or tease Seokjin. He also seems like someone who is much more of a fixer than a listener; meaning, if you go to him with a problem, he’s going to be focused on how he can fix the situation, not on just listening and sympathizing/empathizing with you, a trait that I feel comes easily to babies of families (not that *all* youngest children have this, mind you) because they’re typically not the ones confided in, so if something is brought to them they want to help make it right (massive generalization, I know, don’t kill me). As discussed above, he’s also confident in himself because he’s been raised with older siblings who have always told him “yes, you can.” He’s just Baby in all the ways that stick with a person even as they grow older. 
Trusting - Jungkook strikes me as the sort of person who trusts fairly easily---and, more importantly, unshakably. He has no problem admitting to millions of ARMY that he ripped his pants on stage or V-Living while drunk (I don’t care what he says, babyboy was at least a little buzzed) because he trusts us. He could easily follow Namjoon (or any of his brothers) to the ends of the earth. He takes every opportunity to speak earnestly and wholeheartedly about how much he genuinely loves ARMY, because he trusts that that love will be returned. 
Basically I just love Jeon Jungkook with my whole heart. 
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