#(no pressure of course!! don't feel as if you have to send me lore!! at the end of the day i'm looking at this as you guys helping me fsjk)
crimson-roots · 1 year
the fake dating happened because Joey lied to Katherine to try and make her jealous. Joey and Sausage have agreed that they need to be the most extra and dramatic and beautiful couple that the empires have ever seen (and that they need to somehow put more drama into their relationship than scottpearl divorce), because of course they would.
and they are both being So Very Normal about it, certainly. yep, finding a flower deep in the cave for Gem's fey errand is fine. one of these should be taken to Joey, for.... magical purposes. yep. it's probably very magical. which is also why Joey attached said flower to his hat and made sure that it was visible for the date. which is to make Katherine jealous! the date to make Katherine jealous
(Katherine is not jealous and is so very excited that these two are happy together and would choose her kingdom for a date.)
so very normal about it, mhm! yup! (also. god, of COURSE they would, that is the most sausage and joey thing i have ever heard)
and,,. man. this is SUCH a cool story
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zsakuva · 3 months
How do you come up with so many intricate plots and characters? They seem so… human? I’m very surprised you don’t read much! I guess what I’m asking is, what’s your creative process? Do you take inspiration from aspects of yourself, or is it more of a form of escapism? When you write your plots, do you imagine yourself as the character, the audience, or both? 
Another thing that truly amazes me and makes your channel stand out a lot is the way you give the listener a voice. It feels like each listener is so different and unique, and *actually* interacts with the character. It also feels like you’re never spoon feeding us information? All the questions do get answered, but it’s different style imo. Usually, in most ASMR RPs I’ve heard, the speaker will repeat what you said verbatim, (eg. “You think XXX?”, or “You want me to XXX?”), and the frequency at which these types of phrases are used makes it *seem* like a RP. Of course, it’s a challenging medium - the audience needs to know whats going on somehow, but you manage to achieve the same in a much more subtle way. It makes me wonder how long you spend planning out your content haha.
Final question, do you prefer to type or handwrite your plans, scripts, etc? I’ve always preferred planning on paper, even though it’s a bit impractical haha. Also, would you mind showing us your handwriting? I think it says a lot about a person! There’s the stereotype that people usually have a certain handwriting that corresponds to their major/occupation, and if I remember correctly, I think you studied film? I’m just curious hehe. No pressure, of course!
Sorry for sending you an essay, I hope you have a restful and comfy Friday! 
Thank you!
Honestly, I don't know how I do it myself considering my memory is absolute shit! Though I don't read much, I learn about characters through other mediums such as television shows and movies. I'll try and break this down for ease of reading!
~My Creative Process~
When making a character or series, it all depends on where my initial inspiration began. For example, with Niall, I wanted to create an M4M series exploring a character who carries trauma of being forcibly outed, betrayed by someone he confided in, and how those events affected him through his adult life. The core of Niall's story was confronting fears that manifested due to the Listener's actions in school, and finding that there was a way to heal, albeit slowly, and a hope to love despite external animosity. Niall exists because I wanted to tell a particular story.
With Zaros, he first came about because of The Noble Trials plot. I knew that he would be different from other characters, so I'm using this series as a means of testing my skill with a new editing style, story format, and new world setting. Although it's more work, I have the most fun with The Noble Trials and making its lore (though I'm always a sucker for that)!
I go into creating characters with the belief that they are all extremely flawed. Whether that be by nature or nurture, there will inevitably be some slew of events in their pasts that shaped the way they act in the current timeline. This also extends to the Listeners so they aren't rigid, boring, and an empty shell. Characters can clash, but they can also change with and for each other. A good example is Isaac's story. He was scarred by his past, and was willing to confine Pickle in the house if it meant not losing someone he cared for again. Pickle was also scarred with abandonment and instability, wondering if they would ever find a home. Isaac gave them a place to belong, and Pickle gave him consolation and courage to face the unknown.
When I write, the character's actions must reflect the backstory in which they were crafted, so I always need to dive into their heads.
~Listener Dialogue~
This requires much more thought to make interactions seem authentic, but there's a fine line between repeating words verbatim and not alluding to any sort of context. I dislike repeating the Listener's words so I try to indirectly insinuate what they were saying whenever possible. If I can do so with SFX alone, that's a bonus! But when scenes contain heavy dialogue, it can be difficult to get the message across without being heavy-handed with repetition, unless that's the purpose of a specific moment.
~Handwriting vs Typing~
I always handwrite my outlines! On some occasions, I can start and finish a script without the help of one, but my workflow tends to include writing an outline of some kind, and it has to be done on paper! I feel like the ideas manifest quicker that way.
However, I always type my scripts. It's much easier to edit, share with other voice actors, and there's a level of professionalism in formatting that motivates me to write more!
Here is an example of my writing. This screenshot was part of a Twitch stream!
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aquamine-amarine · 8 months
Shugo Chara! Sequel Manga
I was supposed to make this post shortly after the news broke on 10/3 about the manga getting a sequel, but I got lazy. So it's late. And then it ended up being super long...
I saw the sentence on the cover of Nakayoshi earlier that weekend, and it didn't specify if it would be a sequel manga. It just said something about the issue containing information about a new project. So it could have gone either way, with that sentence being so vague. It was either a sequel manga or anime reboot. I was personally hoping for the latter. When there was a leak about it being a sequel manga I initially dismissed it. There was no concrete source for it, and with my prior knowledge of how this fandom lies I wasn't going to blindly believe something. I remember first joining this fandom way back in 2008, on a SC! forum called Guardian's Wish. Around 2009 when Crunchyroll first started streaming numerous ongoing anime at the time - the second season of SC! being one of them - the girls on Guardian's Wish would talk about how everyone on the Crunchyroll forums were leaking and lying about all kinds of things for SC!, claiming that their leaks were telling them what was to come in the manga, and it was ridiculous stupid shit like Ikuto having a dog Guardian Character. Lol, no. It was very hard to get Japanese raws back then, so leaks were all we had. Most of them were obvious lies. So I've grown to never believe anything the western fandom says. If I don't have a Japanese source for it, it's bullshit. This fandom still doesn't have its manga lore straight after all…
It was around Sunday night on the 1st (which was actually already the 2nd in Japan) that a Japanese Twitter account finally posted more concrete proof - an actual picture of the article in the issue. I had my legit source. It was a sequel manga… and honestly it wasn't what I wanted. I'm probably the only person in this fandom that didn't want a sequel manga. I wanted a faithful anime reboot. I was scared of a sequel manga. I didn't want them to give into pressure from fans and Nakayoshi to make a sequel manga and then have the story be worse than the original manga or have it ruin the ending. That would have disappointed me so much. The ending was perfect, I didn't want them to ruin it.
I feel like this fandom has constantly missed the point of this manga with the constant ship wars and cries for a sequel. The story of the Guardian Characters ended in Chapter 48 (Volume 11). Why do you think Volume 12 (the Encore chapters) was such a ship fest? That was them wrapping everything else up. Because they finished the main story with Volume 11. They pretty much say this here in a very old blog post about Chapter 48. They purposely made the manga very fast paced, and they admitted that some things had to be cut because of that, in particular chapters dealing with the other Guardians. Which is why Encore focused on the other characters initially.
I think we, the readers, were never supposed to know what Amu's would-be self is, because that would ruin and contradict the message the Guardian Characters were trying to send - that you can be whatever you want to be. It's a very positive message to send, especially to children. Why would they cancel out this message by immediately having Amu decide what she wants to be? This was always supposed to be left open ended. An answer to a fan question about Hikaru's egg hatching back in a 2010 Q&A session kind of supports my theory that Peach-Pit meant to leave things a little open ended. They said they had initially planned to have Hikaru's Guardian Character be revealed in the final chapter, but decided to leave it up to everyone's imagination instead. So that's why I didn't want a sequel. Clearly the ending of the manga was meant to be open ended, and it wrapped almost everything up perfectly.
And as for the shipping, because of course this is going to be brought up within this stupid fandom… I just laugh to myself whenever people STILL naively wonder who Amu ends up with. Are you kidding me?
First, did you not read my previous paragraph? Romance was not the main point of this manga. The Guardian Characters were. Plot first, romance second.
Second, are you people blind or just still willfully ignorant and unable to accept reality? Did you not actually read the manga? Did you not read the last chapter? Did you not listen to the drama CD of the final chapter? Most people haven't and it's shocking, even among the Japanese fandom, the amount of people who don't know about the drama CD adaption of the final chapter. The panel where they start holding hands at the wedding and Amu is having an internal monologue, reading it you think she's the one that says "one day", but in the drama CD both Amu and Ikuto say that line together. I need no other proof that this is canon. The kanji in their last names were also a dead giveaway, and as for the artbook notes for the final chapter title page…
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万里: グランドフィナーレですね. 白い服の2人とブーケ…, というのは最初から決まってました. 12巻でバージョンちがいを描きましたよ.
Banri: It's the grand finale. Two people wearing white clothes and a bouquet​… that was decided from the beginning. The Volume 12 version is drawn differently.
This was planned from the beginning. Obvious to anyone with functioning braincells, of course. And people who actually read the manga and not that awful, filler infested unfaithful train wreck of an anime. That's a different rant. It's no secret that I despise the anime and how it ruined everyone's character development, especially Amu's.
I did always find it rather odd that there were literally no title pages with just Amu and Tadase in them. You can see the artbook scans for the first artbook here and second artbook here. There was either a third person there or it was a group shot with the other Guardians. There were definitely some chapters early on where a Tadamu title page would have made perfect sense given the content of the chapter. But they just… never did it. It was always strange to me since every other shoujo manga in existence loves to troll readers with the love triangle (and Peach-Pit definitely did plenty of that) and usually that includes being on the title pages an equal amount… but not here. Sometimes I wonder if because this was their first shoujo manga, they didn't know what they were doing. Or maybe they were doing it on purpose.
I can't believe I've never talked about this one before, because it was something I noticed back in 2021 when the new editions were first revealed. A juicy little line I saw on the back of the new Volume 2...
元気と勇気をもらえるミラクルファンタジー, あむとイクトの恋も仲間たちとの友情も深まる第2巻.
A miracle fantasy that gives you energy and courage, Amu and Ikuto's love, as well as the friendship between friends, deepens in Volume 2.
I remember thinking... did I read that right?! Is my shitty Japanese working right?! Did they just admit this so blatantly?! It wasn't the word "suki" they used here either, they used "koi". Even with all the new illustrations, especially this one, they're not exactly being subtle about it anymore. I think that covers the shipping now...
Also, the "miracle fantasy" bit is the tagline the manga had when it was serialized in Nakayoshi.
I also really, really did not want a time skip sequel manga, and I am forever reminded of how badly time skips can go whenever I think of the Digimon Adventure 02 ending. They wrote themselves into such a fucking corner with that epilogue the current movies dealing with them as adults are so messy as a result. Not everything can have a nice clean time skip ending like FMA… and of course the shipping elements in SC! would have just made things even messier, further making people forget once again that the point wasn't the romance, it was the Guardian Characters...
So after this announcement I was left wondering, what kind of sequel manga is this going to be? Is it going to be like Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc and take place immediately after the original manga, or is it going to be like Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch Aqua, taking place in the future and being about the main character's children instead? I wanted the former, I was terrified of the latter.
Thank God Peach-Pit immediately came out and said exactly what kind of sequel this is going to be in a post on their pixiv Fanbox - it is going to take place while Amu and the others are in middle school. Hopefully that eases some fears like it did for me. Normally their pixiv Fanbox rules state not to share the information found on their pixiv Fanbox posts, however this particular article is listed as "All Users", and can be viewed by anyone who doesn't have an account or isn't paying for a plan. I think it's safe to share then. Everything else is locked behind a paywall, so I won't talk about those posts.
I honestly don't even know how they plan on continuing the story. I'm still convinced this is just Nakayoshi being greedy and forcing Peach-Pit to do a sequel because Nakayoshi's current cash cow - Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc - is ending soon. And with the success of SC!'s 15th Anniversary celebrations, with constant new merchandise and new illustrations, Nakayoshi knows they can milk this next. This is also why I think an anime reboot is still possible, and that they're just saving that news for much later. You don't spend almost 3 years now making new illustrations and merchandise just to give everyone a sequel manga which doesn't cost nearly as much as an anime adaption to make. Yes it still costs money, because art supplies are needed and publishing companies need to print it. However I imagine an anime reboot costs a lot more, especially if they want to get the original voice actors back, all of which are even more popular than they were back then. And they better get them back, because it would break my heart if they were all replaced. Don't even bother to reboot it then if it's not possible to get the original voice actors back. It just wouldn't be the same. And I only really care about the Guardians and Easter, all the minor characters and parents don't need their original voice actors back. Unless someone retired or passed away, then obviously a replacement has to be selected, and in those cases it's understandable. So again, I'm still hoping for a reboot, and I'm convinced they're just hoarding money in the meantime while they wait for a perfect chance to announce it. There's also the matter with Utau's songs... they definitely need to get the rights for those.
Another thing that makes me annoyed with Nakayoshi and the current state of shoujo manga as a whole is that trash like this gets an anime adaption before SC! gets a reboot?! Holy hell this manga is just so bad. I've been so disappointed with the crap running in Nakayoshi nowadays. Obviously I'm not talking about Cardcaptor Sakura, that's good, but everything else in Nakayoshi (like Vampire Dormitory) is just so bad. Shinkon dakedo Kataomoi does actually look sweet and wholesome, it's a shame there are no translations.
And then there's Chou ka Han ka: Gokudou-sama Afurete Afurete Nakasetai, a manga that used to run in Nakayoshi but it got so fucking raunchy they transferred it to a different more adult magazine. The shit I saw when I skimmed those pages make the shit Peach-Pit got away with in SC! look tame. SC! and Arisa really were one of the last good shoujo manga to run in this magazine… and I still need to get around to reading Sugar Sugar Rune and Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch. I've heard good things about them both.
The stuff running in Nakayoshi today is so bad that they have to bring back old classic stuff, first giving CCS a sequel, then Mermaid Melody, now SC!. In one way, it's a compliment to that classic stuff, finally giving them the recognition they deserve because they really were good. And then on the other hand it's insulting to the new stuff running in the magazine because Nakayoshi is basically saying none of them are good enough to compete with what came before them. I find that kind of sad. Instead of cultivating that new talent they just go back to manga that ended a while ago. And I'm afraid that doing that would just end up ruining everything that was good about those manga. They don't need sequels, what they need instead are faithful anime adaptions that respect the source material this time. That Tokyo Mew Mew reboot was so awful though, and it wasn't faithful to the manga at all.
I'm enjoying Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc though, so thankfully that sequel ended up being fine. At least Clamp's art actually improved a lot from the original manga, which brings me back to what I've been ranting about lately regarding Peach-Pit's art style not looking the same as it did back in 2010 when SC! first ended. I really hope they use this time before the sequel starts to work on their shoujo art style again, and making sure the story is just as good as the original. I really want this to do good because I love this manga, I'm just hesitant to trust Nakayoshi's intentions here. I'm convinced they're just doing this because CCS is ending and they needed something new to milk money from.
Holy shit did this end up being really long. Damn, I had way too much to say about this, hopefully it isn't too much of a confusing mess.
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cosmicjoke · 5 months
I hope you don't mind me sending another ask! Haha. I just love reading your thoughts :) No pressure to answer everything I send
What do you wish we had gotten more of in AoT?
Could be related to Levi, but could also be more generally related to other characters and/or world-building as well.
Personally, I wish we had gotten more Levi and Mikasa interactions, as well as more Ackerman lore in general and more about the Underground and Levi's childhood (super excited for the Bad Boy volume). I would have also loved more character-focused chapters/episodes amidst all of the plot-driven chapters—like seeing how Hange and Levi grieved Erwin and the rest of the Scouts after reclaiming Wall Maria. It would have also been interesting to see some of the Levi and Zeke interactions during their month together in the forest
Hi again, and no worries at all about the asks! I like receiving them, truly.
I'm actually really satisfied with AoT. I know a lot of people always find one or two things that they didn't like, or that they complain about. Obviously, since it's such a plot heavy story, with a lot of overarching themes, there wasn't a lot of time for, as you said, "character" moments, or I guess what some might call filler episodes. Although I feel like we did get plenty of moments which told us a lot about who every character was. Isayama has a lot of subtlety in his writing, and I think you really have to pay attention to understand what's going on and what's being said. But it's also not ambiguous, really, if you do pay attention.
With that said, I would love to have seen more background on a lot of the different characters, for sure. I understand why it wasn't possible, though, again due to the complexity of the plot and the possibility of distracting from that by spending too much time delving into things like backstory, etc...
I've read some fantastic fanfic that really delves into what Levi's life was like when he first joined the Scouts, and I think that would have been really cool to get to see more how Levi adjusted to such a different life from what he'd known. People talk a lot too about wanting more background on Hange, and that would have been nice to get as well. Getting more background on Erwin too, or any of the more minor supporting cast, like Mike or Nanaba or Petra, etc.... I know a lot of people aren't happy with the way Historia's ending happened either. I think a lot of those complaints come from people expecting Eren to be the father of her child, and then being pissed when that didn't pan out, so they accuse her arc of being unfinished. But I think it felt pretty complete. What else were we supposed to find out about her?
I guess that's what fan fiction is for, though, haha. Getting to explore different scenarios and aspects which weren't covered in the actual story.
With that said, I feel like we're extremely lucky to be getting an extra story about Levi. One thing I would really have loved to see was more of everyone's lives after the war. But of course, that's post main canon, and the story could have gone on indefinitely if that were the case, haha. But I'm hoping we get to see a little of Levi's life with Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon, along with more on his childhood, obviously. Either way, I'm just grateful to be getting anything extra at all from Isayama. I don't understand people who are complaining about it. Like, damn, he doesn't owe any more content to us, but he's got an extra story he wants to tell about one of the most important characters in the whole thing, and people are STILL whining that it's not what they want. People are so ungrateful sometimes.
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writingrenna · 9 months
Jacq x GN!Reader
"Learn to Love (Pt. 3.5)"
A mix of random scenarios between you, Jacq, and of course, your beloved Pokémon. They all tell a progressing story, however. A lot of it is you getting to know Jacq and growing to be a natural at raising Pokémon.
Tone/Ending: Fairly Relaxed, VERY Fluffy, A Little Sad in the middle (basically just super short scenes of how your relationship works, you can see it as me using the imagines(?) style with an overarching plot!)
Warnings (For 3.5, 4, and 5): Capsakid is teething/loses his tooth at the beginning, plus some tears of joy and a little bit of trauma talk is had in the middle. Maybe looking at algae samples, your expy thinking of v*mit and calling Cap an asshole counts, but the second two are loving and in your head. Cap coughs up some Spicy Extract at one point. Also, hope you don't mind me mentioning Nintendo products! They're canon, so I'm gonna use 'em
Continuity: Part 4/finale of this particular story, and some lore from "May I Have A Word With You?" remains, setup for (???)
Word Count: 7,000+ in all
"Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it has nothing to do with him using Crunch?"
The man playfully scoffs and rolls his eyes, shaking his head a little as he stares at the ceiling. He's obviously just amused by your concern, however. Not a trace of annoyance can be found on his face. He's a man of science, but your uncertainty still made sense to him. Regardless, he wanted to reassure you. He makes eye contact again as he finishes doing something on his phone.
"Yes, I'm absolutely POSITIVELY sure. He really is just teething! Here, I have a little guide on how to help him until he loses that tooth of his..."
His phone emerges, sending yours a short guidebook through your email. You glance at the notification before looking down at Cap, who was angrily biting at the popsicle stick Mimi was holding.
He had already eaten the entire thing, the little puddles of melted Cheri berry juice made him slip a few times as he basically ripped the stick apart. Mimi looks absolutely astonished in a weird way, watching as he manages to cut clean chunks out of the stick with wide, concerned eyes, holding it out at a slight distance to avoid getting accidentally bitten herself. You decide to put an end to this.
"Oookay, little guy. That's enough, you're scaring her."
You pick him up, letting him nibble on your finger for a second. He seems to calm down a bit, but he then starts whining.
"Poor little baby..." you say, looking into his frustrated eyes. "I wish I could take on this pain for you."
And you really mean it, too. Your mind wanders a bit, idly wondering if there was some magical pain-transfering method you could do until you look into his eyes again. He looks a little sleepy now, but you know he has trouble falling asleep in general, so you feel like he'll probably hop right back into action once something distracts him from his pain well enough.
"Hehe, he's very lucky to have you, you know..." Jacq says, watching the two of you interact.
You look at him, silently taking note of the way the corners of his eyes crinkle a little as he smiles at you, gray irises looking a bit darker due to his pupils being slightly enlarged. You couldn't help but obsessively read his body language just to be sure he really meant what he said, but you've come to accept the fact that Jacq is just very honest, maybe even a bit blunt at times, but genuine all the same. It's even easy to suss out the rare occasion he's deceitful or secretive, too, if the admonishments he gets from Clavell mean anything.
You noticed and thought of so much, but in reality, you respond right away, looking back down at Cap.
"You really think so? I... I still don't know what I'm doing..." you say, gently massaging Cap's gums with your thumb. He seems to find some relief from this, leaning in slightly to help you apply more pressure, eyes closing in mild acceptance.
"That's okay! Nobody will ever know everything. It's that genuine effort that matters. Even now, look at him! He looks happy even though he's uncomfortable, because you're here for him."
You look at Cap, who gurgles a little as he tilts his head to the right to give you easier access to that side of his mouth. You massage that particular spot, eliciting a quick quirk of the lips from Cap before his face falls again, focusing on getting relief. It's random moments like this that make you think the overwhelming thought of 'I love you', but you often feel too awkward to say it during said random moments, so you just hope the loving look in your eye remains when he opens his own again.
"New dinosaur drooopped!"
You excitedly hold your phone out, an action that elicits a rattling noise due to the artsy teething bracelet you wore, showing him the article about it. Cap is in your shirt pocket, chirping excitedly despite not really knowing what's going on, while Mimi took her usual spot on your shoulder, holding on tight to keep up with your enthusiasm. It almost looked like you didn't just run back to Mesagoza after a day trip to Artazon. Almost.
He beams at you before nodding a few times, already sitting here and focusing on the same exciting news as you on his own phone, which was hovering and angled up at him from his desk.
"Oh, I know! It's all I could focus on this morning!" His smile slowly and sharply falls as he remembers something. "Heh, got a little scolding from the Director for that one, but at least I got my work done!"
You tilt your head a little. Did he... did he really get yelled at for that...? You wanna ask more, but it'd feel weird prodding.
"Aww, I'm sorry..."
He shoots you an awkward little grin as if saying 'it's fine' without using words.
"Well, I'm here, so uh, you should talk about it! 'Cause I also wanna talk about it, and you're excited, and I'm a noob who wants to learn-"
Now it's his turn to tilt his head a bit. Was it the noob comment? It's definitely the noob comment. You get slightly closer as you try to clear things up.
"Er- w-well, I didn't mean it like that, I meant... I'm like, not a scientist, but I've always been interested in paleo stuff, and like... you're a Pokémon biologist, so you know more about this type of thing than me. So with your knowledge and my noobish energy, this could be a really fun conversation, right?"
You silently nod, a strained grin on your face as if begging him to put a stop to the situation. Cap, who had been staring up at you this entire time, chirps loudly, obviously concerned. Mimi is as well, stroking you on the head and cooing lowly to calm you down. You probably look a teensy bit out of your mind at the moment, holding your phone up like you were threatening him with it. You're for sure absolutely mortified, but you keep your eye on Jacq's response.
At first, his mouth is slightly agape, definitely caught off-guard by your abrupt outburst. But then it slowly morphs into an open-mouth smile- a genuine one at that. He huffs out a laugh, which kinda reassures you? But also worries you a bit?
"Hehe, you guys were made for each other!"
Huh. Not a response you were expecting, but certainly makes sense coming from Jacq.
"But to answer your question, yes! I'd love to. Where did you find out about it?"
The tension in your... whole body loosens as you casually walk over, as if you didn't just take three years off your life through sheer humiliation.
"Oh, I follow this duo that goes by "The Bygone Beasts", I saw their post about it first thing this morning!"
His eyes widen a bit before he fully turns to you.
"Really, now? You follow them, too?"
You're slightly stunned, not really seeing him as a social media guy. But honestly, it kinda made sense when you thought about it. He made an app after all.
"Yeah? I follow their socials and watch their videos all the time, actually..."
He grins.
"Oh, wow, that's neat! I follow them, too. I like their 'Quick Digs' the most, especially when I'm too busy to look into something right away. It's nice- seeing how easy it is to introduce this new, complicated stuff if the right person teaches."
'Like you-?'
"Yeah, true! Plus, they make it fun, which is good for like, the general public and stuff..."
You are really bad at getting the words in your head out into the world, but he seems to understand you just fine.
"Yeah! Easy to digest and a pleasure to watch overall, I believe that's what makes a great lesson."
'Like what you do-?'
You nod fervently. You totally agree with him, you're just afraid the silly words in your head might get out if you elaborate too much.
Such as how you totally didn't run back to Mesagoza just so you could nerd out about dinosaurs together.
You were nervous. SO nervous, actually. Jacq had actually invited you to accompany him as he did some light fieldwork, since you were already out training Mimi anyway. Cap was back at the academy with Saguaro as he made him some more teething treats specifically to his liking...
...he's been really nice to you as well, actually. You might try and get to know him more.
Jacq had his Slowbro out as backup this time around, who lazily leaned against him as he tried to take notes on some Pokémon running around. The four of you were sitting in some bushes, just watching them interact.
"Ah, hold on, I have to write something down..."
He gently pushes against him so they're both sitting up straight. He didn't take his eyes off his field journal for even a second, which you couldn't help but find endearing. He looks positively giddy being able to work outside, even though you think he works outside the academy every Saturday anyway. Saturdays just like this, except he seemed to usually go alone.
He eventually sits up and glances at you, petting Slowbro as he did so.
"Hehe, sorry. I was just interested in that Mudbray over there! I think it's sharing its mud with that Petilil..."
He turns back to them as he says this, prompting you and Mimi to do so as well. The Mudbray seems to be scraping the ground a little bit as the Petilil hops in place with excitement. Jacq whispers, probably to himself, leaning in a little bit while adjusting his glasses to see them better. You can almost feel him squinting, even though you can't see it yourself.
"Huh, I wonder what they're..."
The Mudbray finishes its work, stomping once with its front leg and proudly holding its head up, looking away from the little bulb with its eyes closed. Petilil proceeds to squeak, hopping around in the mixture. Despite the presence of Mudbray's mud, the area doesn't seem to be a mess...
You turn to him. He brings a hand up to his chin, gears turning in his head as he has an epiphany.
"...was that Mudbray preparing a little patch of soil for Petilil...?"
You keep watching them as well, watching as the Petilil seems to be frolicking around in the spot Mudbray dug around in. Mudbray opens one eye to catch a glimpse of the little grass-type before closing it again, holding its head up even higher. It's undeniably proud of itself.
You turn to Jacq, who is already furiously scribbling everything down, nodding and mumbling to himself as he did so. You look over at Slowbro on the other side of Jacq, who yawns, still leaning against him. You then turn to Mimi, a small, uncontrollable smile on your face. She covers her face to try and stifle a little laugh, prompting you to playfully roll your eyes and shake your head, looking away from her.
"Okay! That was a very fascinating interaction..." he starts, looking down at the notes he wrote. You look back towards him as he mulls over them, and he eventually turns to you.
"Sorry, got in the zone, hehe."
You shake your head.
"Nope! You're good, do your thing. In fact, pretend I'm not even here!"
He furrows his eyebrows, mouth slightly open, confusion evident on his face as he stares at you.
"Wha- why would I?"
You feel somewhat addled, looking at how confused he is. Isn't it obvious...?
"...this is a part of your research, right...?"
He lets out a little "pssh!" sound, looking at you with a wry smile.
"Oh, this? Don't worry, I'm just observing them, nothing major unless I see something strange..."
You nod, looking back over at the duo, but especially at Petilil. Grass-types sure were interesting, you wouldn't mind it if you stuck around to study them a little. You're especially interested in how they came to be, that topic is still shrouded in quite a bit of mystery. And since your first Pokémon just happened to be a grass-type, it was almost like it was meant to be.
"...that being said, I do wonder what benefits Mudbray gets from all this..."
He is completely engrossed in what he's watching, back to staring at the two as if he had never even turned around in the first place.
"Is it possible it does it altruistically? Are they friends? She seemed to know what it was doing already..."
He continues to scribble some notes down.
"Oh, I HAVE to talk to Mudsdale about this later. Maybe she'll know!"
You laugh a bit to yourself. This wasn't exactly what you had in mind when you agreed to join him on the field, but you didn't mind. Seeing Jacq in his element, just watching how he functions on a normal old day was great, no matter what he was doing.
"Oh... oh no, buddyyyyy. I'm so sorry-y-yyyyy-"
You're struggling not to laugh a little as you comfort your Pokémon. Cap's shooting you the death glare of the century, but at least that tooth finally came out! Now he won't have to live in discomfort, at least until it starts growing back in. You had it on your desk, because you weren't exactly sure what to do about a tooth that will start degrading sooner rather than later.
You give him a little pat on the head using your index and middle fingers, but when you remove them, you see that he's still absolutely incensed. You stifle a titter, trying to stare him down with a somewhat neutral expression to show him you aren't laughing AT him, even though it's technically true.
You weren't laughing at his missing tooth, however. That was for certain. You were laughing at the face he made when you tried to reassure him he'll be fine without it for a while. Which is the face he's still making. Which is why you're struggling not to laugh.
When his eyes narrow and his frown deepens even more, you can't help yourself. Pulling out your phone, you aim it at him.
"Hah- buddy, buddy, I promise you'll be fine-"
You snap a picture, face twisting into a strange slanted smile as you look at it, prompting Cap to stick his tongue out at you.
"I'm sorry... you're just so cute... plus, look!"
You turn it towards him, though you can't tell if he actually looked at it or not.
"Memories in the making... your first tooth shedding!"
You do genuinely love keeping mementos for occasions like this, even silly ones, but that also means you take plenty of photos he won't hate you for in the future. Mimi comes over, hugging Cap and mildly glaring at you. She then walks off with the little guy.
The absurdity of it all almost breaks you, coming so very close to just... cackling. But you take a deep breath and remain calm. You feel bad for laughing, so you accept the fact that you'd have to either explain just WHY you were laughing, even if they didn't believe you, or simply apologize for laughing at all without any explanation. Either way, you'd accept their reactions.
You sit down at your desk, staring at the tooth. You really don't know what to do with it. Apparently people make dishes with these? But you aren't sure how comfortable you'd feel eating the tooth of your own Capsakid. Do Capsakid in the wild who like spicy foods eat their own fallen teeth? UGH, so many questions...
You pull up your phone.
So many questions, so many excuses to message Jacq.
[Hey! Can I ask a weird question?]>
<[Of course! The weirder the better./gen]
[What should I do with Cap's tooth? I don't think I personally have the will to eat it, but I also think it's gonna start rotting or drying out eventually]>
<[Hm, there are quite a few things you could do with it. Want a little list?]
[Yes, please! I'm open to anything]>
<[*You could donate it to a friend so someone else can use it.
*You could see if he wants to keep it, some seem to hold onto them for some reason or another.
*If he doesn't want it, you could preserve it for yourself if you're the sentimental type.
*It's also fine to just let nature take care of it.
So many options! Those were just a few.]
Hm, what would a wild Capsakid do...?
[Thank you!! I'll definitely ask if he wants it, but preserving it sounds sweet if he doesn't]>
You then think of the picture, wondering if he'd find his little face as amusing as you.
[Hey, totally related, check this out]>
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[He angy]>
You wait for a bit, hopefully he doesn't think you hurt him. Oh gosh, what if he does... the sight of those three torturous dots causes you to freeze and stare at your screen until...
<[Oh wow, you're lucky the Director wasn't around when I got this 😂/j]
Ok... thank ALL the gods in the world and also any other ones beyond it that he found it amusing... you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You then start replying, feeling confident enough to continue the conversation.
You didn't know it at the time, but this weird little photo eventually reminded him of something.
"Do you... remember what happened that day?"
The two of you are sitting in homeroom before classes start. You're trying to rack your brain the best you can. The day you learned Cap was getting stronger just watching Mimi, Cap got mad at you. Why could that have been...?
You furrow your eyebrows in deep thought, tracing your memories back from your arrival in Mesagoza to the first thing you can remember that day. Something happened between you two, what... what was...
"Oh, oh! I remember!"
You turn to him.
"Cap was already out of his Pokéball! H- he was attacking another Pokémon-- what was it...? Oh, a Chewtle!"
He slowly nods along, eyes relaying the fact that he was mulling over every detail you gave as you gave them.
"Hm... I see..."
He seems to have an idea of what was going on already, but he needs some clarification first.
"Do you remember anything about the way they were fighting?"
The... way... they were fighting? Something about this question tickles your brain a bit.
"I think... hm, that's a... an interesting question."
You remember the fact that Cap seemed mad at Chewtle. Like, genuinely furious at it, before redirecting that anger towards you. The Chewtle had some friends watching on the sidelines, but didn't run when Cap knocked the main Chewtle out. It was when they realized you noticed them that they bolted. Cap and Chewtle were crying out, trying to intimidate the other, which is why you woke up in the first place.
Ok. That's a lot to unpack.
"...the Chewtle... well, there were three of them. I woke up because Cap was yelling at one of them, the other two were watching nearby. And uh... when I asked him why he was fighting a random Pokémon, he got mad at me. He knocked the Chewtle out, too, I don't know why. I think he used... Razor Leaf...? Yeah, had to be Razor Leaf. It was close-range, though. Seemed to be a VERY personal attack."
He nods once, staring at the ground as the final piece of the story clicks into place.
"I see..." he says as he closes his eyes, face turning somber. "Capsakid was very mad at you that day."
It's been a little while since all this happened, but that still made your heart sink. He has a warm expression on his face as he sits back up to look at you, however.
"From how frantic he was in letting me know something happened to you, he seemed more worried that you didn't get why he was mad than the fact that you told him off. But since you mention him fighting a Chewtle and being out of his Pokéball before you got up--"
You think you're starting to get it.
"--well, it seems your Capsakid is a very loyal one indeed. I believe he was simply trying to protect you from the Pokémon stumbling upon your camp!"
Of course he was. What...? Of course, how did you not realize it?
You're having trouble speaking, words failing you. He takes note of this.
He puts a hand on your shoulder.
"... I think he just wanted me to tell you to be more careful, human-to-human. I'm very glad he came out and saved the day. He deserves a gold star for that one!"
Huh. You knew he was just being playful and using teacher humor, but... that doesn't sound like a bad idea. The image in your head of Cap and Mimi covered with gold stars while proudly standing next to a good behavior chart tickled you.
"Hehe, he sure does..."
You feel kind of sad, though. You want to understand them better. Of course Jacq isn't exactly fluent in Poké speak, but the fact that he could see his stress, realize it was related to you specifically, and ask the right questions to guesstimate what he wanted made you... a little jealous, not gonna lie. Not the kind that makes you resent either of them, thankfully, but the type that makes you wish you could just... be as good as him, you guess.
"...Mr. Jacq...?"
He smiles a little, although there was an almost imperceptible sense of hesitation in the way he turned to you, something you'll no doubt obsess over later.
"I... I wanna stay at the academy a bit longer."
His eyes light up.
You nod with determination.
"Yeah! I, uh, think it'd be fun, being able to really study here. I wanna be able to understand Cap and Mimi the way you do. Plus, I- I've always been interested in helping the world figure out the origins of grass-types, even as a kid. Maybe I could be a researcher that focuses on them?"
You panic, just a little on the inside.
"A-and if I'm not cut out for that, maybe I'll be able to offer support in another way? I can be helpful, I promise..."
You look down, all steam evaporating from your body. Your word salad of a proclamation goes out in the least confident way you can imagine.
"...eh... maybe..."
There's a small silence, which freaks you out until you glance at him. He's looking down, face neutral, but his eyes show a slowly brewing excitement. He's thinking over your proclamation. When he looks up at you, a giddy grin is plastered across his face.
"That sounds great! I know you'll do great in whatever you pursue, and hey! I'd love to see you here next semester."
Oh, thank goodness. He said he'd love to have you here. And you'd love sticking around. You were done pretending you had to leave once your situation was sorted. You adored this school, enrolling because of Cap but staying for... everything else.
You're just glad he still seems to want you around.
"Alright, Mimi! Use Entrainment!"
Mimi nods with a squeak before starting to dance. The wild Lechonk watches her odd movements, head swaying to keep an eye on her, only to get in the groove and start dancing as well. After a while, you strike.
"Nice, now use Discharge!"
She nods, curling in on herself before throwing her arms up, charging up a loose a flare of electricity while wildly hopping and swiping at the air before sending off one dense blast that fades out after a certain distance. The Lechonk... seems to be unaffected by it, even looking at itself and its surroundings as the electricity disperses and fizzles away. It then turns to you, oinking.
"Okay, now it has Volt Absorb. So that's how Entrainment works... nice!"
Mimi turns to you and trills before letting out a little cheep. You smile.
"That ability will certainly be helpful..." you muse, looking at the Lechonk as it stares at you both.
"Oh, thanks for being such a good sport, Lechonk!"
You toss it a treat, a Poffin from the Patisserie Soapberry. Lechonk takes a step forward and happily eats it, wagging its little tail while snorting away. When it finishes, it oinks again as a goodbye before waddling off. Maybe it will use its new ability... what do wild Pokémon do when hit by moves like that? Would it go away if it fainted or fell asleep or something? You can't help but wonder...
"Okay! We should check in on Cap and Jacq!"
It likely wasn't easy watching him while grading papers and the like. You knew your little chaos gremlin, so you tried to warn him ahead of time. You just know he's probably bored and causing mayhem, or trying to get Jacq's attention through any means necessary. But he insisted he keep him while you go out to train and see what Mimi's got going on, so you reluctantly agreed... he was the expert, after all, so if anyone could babysit a rascal like Cap, it was Jacq.
...he's done so much for you, for seemingly no benefit of his own. You'd have to thank him profusely one of these days.
[Jacq! She just entrained the HECK out of a Lechonk! Isn't that cool???]>
He opens it and responds after a few moments.
<[Yeah, very cool! When in a pinch, that move can be pretty useful. And hey! She might even be close to Cap in terms of experience now, actually!]
Huh. Does that mean...?
[Aw, finally. Progress! I need to test that theory out soon 😈 ]>
You were pretty excited to see if he was right, since you weren't totally sure how confident Cap was using Seed Bomb yet. You'd have to see if they were in the same battle experience range in-person. Plus, a part of you still wants to wait just a little bit before testing it out. You're getting ahead of yourself now, though. You wanna see your gremlin!
[Oh yeah, can I see the little baby guy?]>
He starts typing, only to pause for a few moments. He then picks it back up and responds.
<[Sure! Gimme a few seconds.]
You wait, and he sends a picture of a very happy Capsakid.
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<[I think he likes lemonade]
You can't help but let out a laugh. Something about his reply was sort of amusing to you. Cap looks like he's having a grand 'ol time as well, you'd have to buy him some lemonade sometime. Maybe you can experiment with different foods and drinks now that he likes you enough to... not... ignore you.
[Haha, noted!]>
You then look down at Mimi, who is sitting in front of you grooming herself. After giving her ears a good brushing, she chirps, walking over to you and rubbing up against your leg. She's always been fond of you. You aren't sure why, but you're grateful for it. Always by your side, looking out for you, going along with your weird little plans...
You smile. You really did appreciate it, even if you couldn't always put it to words. So you pick her up and give her a little scratch behind the ears. She leans back a little to really melt into the feeling, closing her eyes and smiling wide.
"You've always been there for me... through thick and thin. Thank you for that..."
The "I love you" lingers on your tongue, but it feels like bad timing. You love her in general, you don't want to give her the impression that you only love her because she's useful in your plans. So, you decide to be less shy in showing your love and appreciation for no real reason more often.
You've always enjoyed the idea of (well-meaning) spontaneity when it comes to gestures of love, even if you'd probably explode if someone did it and you weren't even sort of aware of it. You'd just be able to do it more often now that you weren't stressed 24/7 anymore. Whenever you thought of her, you'd let her know.
You're sitting on the floor in your bathroom, trying to keep as quiet as you can, tears streaming down your face. You're crying, for a reason you're honestly a little embarrassed by. You were bathing Cap, because he decided running around in the mud was an amazing idea for some reason.
"C'mon, Cap. You look fresh out the ground right now..." you said, an amused smile on your face. You ran the sink, but added some bubbles to it to make it more fun. The sensitive skin kind specifically, just to be sure.
You gently wipe the dirt off with a wet cloth, using just the cloth over your thumb so you don't smother him on accident. He seemed to accept his fate rather well, allowing you to clean him up without too much of a fight. When you were done, you let the water run out, getting all the dirty water down the drain before deciding to rinse him off one more time.
You refill the sink to just a few inches this time, placing another cloth on the bottom so he doesn't slip before allowing him to splash around a bit. He seemed to enjoy it, actually, so you smile, looking down at him as he played and finished getting the last bit of residual soap off. He looked up at you, those big ol' eyes of his so full of wonder and enthusiasm...
...and then it began.
Here you are, crying your eyes out in your dorm's bathroom because of the overwhelming love you feel for your tiny pepper kid. You can't help it. You just didn't know why. Why now? All you were doing was washing your gremlin off so he didn't track dirt and mud all over the academy.
But you couldn't control the wave of adoration that came over you.
Cap chirps from the sink. You flinch, remembering how small he is, so you turn around to make sure he hasn't fallen. He hasn't, simply watching you over the sink's edge, curious. You smile. It's a real smile, but the tears in your eyes are all he really sees right now. So when you get up to walk back over, he stares up at you as he generates some leaves, almost like he was about to hit you with Razor Leaf like he did to Chewtle... but he doesn't, instead letting them gently fall.
You blink, confused, before he bites one and leans in. He then chirps again. It was slightly muffled, so the tone was hard to gauge, but you assume he wants you to take it. You... really wish you knew what he was saying.
"What, for me?" you ask as you take it from him, lifting it up to smell it like a flower. But as you do so, he chirps loudly again, before rapidly blinking. You blink back at his pace, really not getting it until he scampers up to rub his face on your shirt.
Oh... was he... was he trying to get you to...
You wipe it underneath your eye before looking down at him expectantly. He chirps, bottoms of his eyes crinkling with joy.
...huh... maybe he does pay attention during movie nights.
You chuckle a little, charmed by his attempts to make things better. His leaf was obviously not the best material to use as a replacement for tissues, but he didn't need to know that. The fact that he wanted to make things better so badly that he even thought of this warmed your heart. You nod at him, smearing the rest of your tears away before bowing slightly.
"Thanks, Cap. Really! I appreciate it."
He trills before turning around, kicking up some water and letting out a mighty cry. Back to playtime it is. You need to remember to get some bath toys for them, but he seems satisfied just splashing around like he's king of the lake or something. Must be nice meeting a body of water he can trust not to swallow him up...
Mimi was fast asleep, but you know she'd find it sweet if you told her later (maybe even squeal and give him a big Bewear hug). Jacq was... doing Jacq things of course, but he'd certainly love to know that he thought to do something like this. You even think of Saguaro, knowing he would find his gesture adorable.
But a part of you would like to keep this little moment between the two of you. You were thinking hard about it of course, but Cap had already moved on, stomping around with a smile, probably not even thinking about it anymore. It was super sweet, and you wanted him to know that in ways your awkwardly short words couldn't portray, but perhaps it should be by celebrating him as an individual?
End of Part 3.5
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deathblightprince · 1 year
"Send a virtue that you think describes my muse best"
We don't have much info on Godwyn's canon personality, but one thing stands out to me -- despite being immersed in the corruption and oppression of the Golden Order, he maintains his integrity and protects those who need him, even those who the Order would condemn. The two most prominent examples being, of course, the ancient dragons and his half-siblings Malenia and Miquella.
Despite being born into a deeply flawed system, Godwyn maintains his integrity and protects those who could not otherwise protect themselves.
I feel like Godwyn managed to pull a few strings regarding The Golden Order. Especially since it's written in the lore that the dragon cult was able to co-exist with the Golden Order. I don't think that was the truth before Godwyn convinced his mom to end the war with the Dragons and let him and Fortisaxx be buddies. How could she say no to her perfect boy? He did his job protecting Leyedell and the Erdtree, so mama let him keep epic ancient dragon friend.
I personally HC that after Marika and Radagon realized that the twins weren't suitable to take Marika's place due to their ailments, a lot of attention was taken off them, and all the pressure was put on Ranni. While Marika and Radagon may have let their diminished hope in them taking the throne show, Godwyn would never show it. He was just happy to be a big brother, and he wanted them to not feel like they were burdens. I don't think it would be wrong to say Godwyn was essentially their guardian for a time before they left for the Haligtree.
I like to HC that Miquella kept his plan of leaving GO fundamentalism and Leyendell altogether from Godwyn until maybe the last week or so. While Godwyn was ultimately supportive of Miquella and Malenia in this decision, he was deeply saddened that they were leaving him alone at the mercy of his mother. He could handle it, but seeing Miquella and Malenia on a daily basis was a highlight of his day. Either way, he put up a brave face for them.
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ectoplaasm · 7 months
Please share I'd love to hear the lore
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TEE HEE if you insist >:) I have a feeling this is gonna be Long so strap in
First things first: this
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So in my little narrative, I have it that Maeve and Simon met in college (Fall 2019) (in an econ class but tbh any GED class works) and became friends. She's studying computer science and Simon is like "woah that's crazy--you know my sister is a robotics engineer maybe I can introduce you guys." And Maeve is like "hell yeah of course that sounds awesome." So she visits GYAXA with him and meets Aura, Metis, and another woman I've named Claudette, and they're all on the robotics team (because, realistically, NASA wouldn't have JUST two robotics scientists). They hit it off well enough that Aura offers her a co-op position (RE: Clay Terran also receiving an early internship. For some reason) (oh, also, this means Maeve does school full-time in the fall and part-time in the spring while she interns at GYAXA) and her mentor is Claudette. I should also mention that Simon and Maeve started dating sometime in October 2019.
Sometime around March 2020, Something happens to Claudette where she mysteriously disappears from GYAXA, seemingly kidnapped as there is a sign of struggle in her office, but she is not heard from after that. She was working on some sort of glasses software that Maeve has now inherited (it's kind of like a remote hack--if I ever make AAI: TWotP it would be the mechanic she supplies Blackquill with). Needless to say, Maeve is now intern-mentoring under Aura, likely on the projects with Metis as well, so Maeve would then know Athena at least a little.
Flash forwards: UR-1. Tragedy riiight after their first anniversary (at which time Maeve receives that locket I always draw her with). Remember, though, that this is when Maeve is full-time at school, so this explains why she wasn't there when it happened. I think during this time she would act as an older sister to Athena and help set her up for going to Europe (since uh. No hate at Aura but I don't think she would have helped...), also, since Metis is gone and can't do it, I think she would upkeep maintenance on Widget (this relationship between the two of them is why I gave Maeve gloves similar to Athena's since she also interacts with the glasses technology). Then, of course, Maeve would also visit Simon for a while in prison, since maybe he keeps some of his old self for a while (which I imagine he's grateful for since I think no one else is confirmed to visit him ever...?). Eventually, after a long enough time of being broken down by the system, he would break up with her around December 2022 under the guise of "I get so annoyed every time you visit; leave me to rot alone here in peace" when it's really him pushing everyone he loves away to protect them from his eventual demise. And Maeve accepts this, albeit extremely sadly, and does not return to the prison. Perhaps she writes letters whenever something significant happens, and perhaps Simon silently cherishes them every time he receives them... but we'll never know.
MEANWHILE: Aura and Maeve are the last two on their little team remaining. They have shifted to develop some scanning thing that sends out a wave to analyze everyone's psychological profiles in a certain (likely very small) radius to try and seek the Phantom. It's a hard thing to get working, and it never seems to yield results as LA is a huge place. This frustrates Aura and she eventually abandons the project, and Maeve focuses on finishing school (she has a difficult time with it as she is understandably very upset from everything, especially now that the project is over and she has no way to help Simon out in the background). Eventually, she graduates, and she goes back to work for GYAXA on the robotics team full-time doing whatever it is Aura was doing when we met her in DD.
Flash forward to post-DD, where Maeve is the only (only) person left from that robotics team. I think there would be a lot of pressure on her, carrying on both of her old mentors' and Metis' research, as well as the police coming to her for help on making this thing called the Badger Bot using Ponco and Clonco's facial recognition tech (which has a LOT of ethical nuance behind it that will get addressed in TWotP). Because she's working with the police, she does run into Blackquill once he's out, and there's a very strained relationship between them now since they're both convinced the other hates them when the reality of the fact is that they miss each other deeply. Maeve still wears the locket Blackquill gave her when they were younger, though, which he notices (the locket is used to hold a very important SSD that eventually gets stolen, meaning Simon is lowkey protecting those files). They're investigative partners in TWotP since she's doing research for the Bot, and the events of that help to bring them back around to each other again as they get to know each other, both now extremely jaded individuals, and they learn they still have a lot of things in common despite the years spent apart.
Parallels I am proud of in this: Simon and Maeve losing their mentors, Athena and Maeve doing background work to save Simon, Maeve cutting all of her hair off after her and Aura's project gets scrapped vs. Simon's hair growing out as he experiences the length of his sentence.
ALSO: Maven is a piece of software used to build programming projects, and Kaspersky is an antivirus company. In case you were wondering how I Ace Attorneyed her name :,))))))
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character-profiles · 11 months
Prof, or more like Prof's admin, I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but thank you.
I'm not an admin or someone who participates much, usually I just send in a few lyrics when song lyric spam happens. I'm not active on Tumblr either due to my busy life.
But the Punctuationverse lore waits for none (which I respect) and so much can happen in the span of a few hours or hell even minutes if the Tumblr timestamps are to be believed.
So the fact that you have taken the mighty task of trying to summarise the lore for those of us who can't witness most of it in real time... I'm extremely thankful.
Your job is a difficult one, and it's one that's important to others like me.
I hope this does not make you feel pressured, I just wanted to express my gratitude. :-) <3
Awh, of course anon! A job like this gives me so many wips, it's astonishing I haven't overdosed on caffeine!
(no it isn't, I don't drink coffee-)
I hope you've been enjoying the punctuationverse as much as we have! Things should be staying calm for a bit while we build up connections and give the newer blogs chances to flesh themselves out.
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writingmochi · 1 year
no pressure at all. i look forward to the day in which i can finally indulge in isobel ~
i hope there comes a day, one day soon, where you no longer feel icky about that name. you deserve to be free from the weight of it.
and that is perfectly fine. conversations with depth are always good since they have so much substance. it was very wise on their part to have you understand this kind of conversation early on. light hearted conversation can be good, but also burdensome sometimes. like small talk. i know of no one who truly enjoys this kind of conversation as it is often empty and void of substance…
the premise of this fic seems rather interesting. it can be hard to fit so many events into one fic. may i suggest breaking it up into a few parts? i know that a word count so large can often look daunting to others, similar to a really long movie. i believe many people prefer to binge watch television shows rather than sit down for a really long movie because they have the option to stop whenever they want. even if they do not plan to, having the option changes a lot. perhaps after you have finished the grand story, you could determine where you wish to break it up depending on the events in the story. 10k fic? maybe a three part 3k fic or two part 5k fic might look more appealing to a general audience? just a suggestion of course ~
i think it is nice that you chose an “unconventional” fandom interest. it makes it that much more interesting and unique ~ the genre reminds me of a horror fic i read for enhypen and bts a few years ago. i love the genre, no matter how obscure it can be ~
signed, 🩻
lissie: take your time by the way cause isobel is such a long read!
i mean, i'm okay with people using the shortened nickname of my name. but to me, it's just reserved for people who i know personally and who i know in real life. so it's icky for me if an internet person who i don't really know uses it. as much as i wanna indulge in many banters with people behind a screen like you, i also have to make my boundaries too. especially because parasocial relationships are becoming a common thing with social media and also create real-life problems.
i've uploaded it around the same time as you send me this ask! i divided it into smaller sections cause it is very helpful for the pacing, especially since i divide them based on the hours so people can stop at the end of one of the hours if they want! i think a one-shot with divided sections is the right format for me and i've been using it since the beginning of my writing journey! thanks for the suggestion though :D
oh definitely, especially since the five night's at freddy's movie trailer has been released and #fnaf is currently trending in hellsite! i like the mystery of the story/lore and it's interesting for the general public to know more but warning though: not all of it is canon. even in my finished fic, some information is still fanon and my own interpretation of the current story that is being told...
ooh, do send me the link if you found either or both of them! i would love more stories to read :]
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lmkfireflowers · 1 month
Q: I want to work on a creative project that revolves around one of your characters/stories. How do I get into contact you about it?
Please feel free to send me a message here on the site if you would like to discuss any creative projects related to my stories or characters.
Q: Are you interested in collaborating?
Not at the moment. Maybe later.
Q: Why won’t you answer my messages/emails??
I may not have received your message, may not have read it yet, or I have chosen not to answer. If I don't respond after multiple attempts, please do not persistently pressure me to do so. If that is the case - take the hint and move on.
Q: Can I make fanart of your stories and/or characters?
Yes, you are welcome to create fanart of my stories and characters, as long as it respects the Fanart Guidelines.
Q: Can I draw NSFW art of your characters?
Yes, you are welcome to create NSFW fan art of my adult characters, as long as it respects the Fanart Guidelines. However, I do not permit the creation of NSFW fan art featuring any characters that are depicted as minors or engaged in acts of abuse. Period.
Q: Can my original character be in your fanfictions?
No, I will not include your original character in my fanfictions. However, you can create your own fanfiction based on my stories, but make sure to give proper credit to my work and follow the FanArt Guidelines.
Q: Why do some of the characters from the story behave slightly different from canon?
That's because this story take place in an alternate universe, of course. I do my best to keep these changes in line with the character's original personality or values. I really like to explore different aspects of characters that may not be addressed or explored in the original series, and making this story allows me to do that.
Q: Is this fanfic based on real lore or is it all fictional?
This story is completely made up and takes inspiration from various elements and characters of chinese folklore and mythology. My goal is to make the genuine attempt to keep the story faithful to the original characters, and to keep lore consistent and interlocking in some way with real life.
Q: Do you take commissions?
Not yet~
Q: Why does your story contain certain themes?
Because I wanna. Simple as that.
Q: Who is your target audience?
Fire Flowers is aimed towards young adults who appreciate awesome character-driven stories and enjoy the fandom that it's centered around. While I'm cool with people under the age of 18 enjoying my content, I strongly recommend that they do it with their parents permission. I really don't want little ones coming to this blog and freaking out about how some things in my stories scare them or complain about the character acting a certain way.
Q: How old is Nezha in this fanfiction?
In the story, Nezha is a Heavenly Immortal, and is considered an adult both physically and mentally. Immortals in the story continue to age until they reach their physical peak of adulthood, which can take a long time due to the dependence on their spiritual evolution. However, Human Immortals, after already reaching adulthood, do not experience any further aging, but their appearance may slightly change.
Q: How old are the characters in your story?
Check out the character profiles to find out more about things like their ages and their backstories. That’s why I made them!
0 notes
thecourtjester12 · 4 months
Hello, friend!! Can I call you that? I'm not sure... I'm so sorry I didn't send an ask sooner! How have you been? I hope you've been well! Make sure you've been getting plenty of rest and water, and please do take breaks if you need them! I'm sure your event has been stressful to manage, and I've heard you had a lot of alt blogs on top of that! That's quite the juggle!
Please do fill me in on what's been going on since my last asks to you, my birds only tell me so much. No pressure, of course, but I feel as though you deserve to at least reflect on your accomplishments! Doesn't everyone need a confidence boost like that?
~🌻 Sunflower Anon, who has missed you dearly!
Sorry it's taken me a few days to answer you! I wasn't ignoring you or anything, just wasn't too up to answering and wanted to answer you properly! Always nice to see you too!
Hello! And sure! I'm perfectly ok with you calling me friend if you'd like! ^-^
And no worries about taking a bit to send another ask, send them whenever you want to and are feeling up to, don't feel bad if its awhile in between!
I have been ok, sometimes stuff can get too much so I try to step back for a bit and go with the flow a bit and focus on being ok again :3 The same goes back at you! Make sure to get enough rest and drink water and take care of yourself as well! ^-^
The event hasn't been too bad to manage, I most do things in the background, occasionally pull some strings and keep things organized as much as I can, which works great, I much prefer to work behind the scenes (While I am not opposed to spotlight, theres simply something nice about keeping all the lil details of something organized :3)
I certainly have a good few (not as many as SOMEONE I know, yes, I mean you Moonlight, they keep growing) But most of them don't get as much virtual traffic to them so I mostly do things on two 70% of the time which are this one and my main side one jestersdlc
Two other's are ask blogs, and those don't get asks too frequently so they mostly just chill there :3
And the last (known) one is a group one and that one is pretty slow on us all to update it, so it's not toooo bad :3 I can't remember exactly when your last ask was...(time wise I mean >_<) So I'll try my best! Not sure there's much to say tho :3
Idk if PDC was made before or after...but me and a pair of friends (whom you may know, Qwill and Sol) made an au blog called playdatecollectorau where we kinda shove a bunch of our au's together so we can have our beans have 'playdates' theres LORE of course, cause lore is awesome
Mostly just intro stuff on there atm but it's fun to have and plan
I have accumulated....more AU's, there is...so many for DCA au's there is....10 and a half (the half is PDC) (JDCAU, J-TOL, LOTC, MIW, LSAU, REDACTED, NBCau, ESSau, CTAMK and secret) along with a few TSAM's ones which there is...less of 3 and a half (Starboy, CuddleBug, SolarMoon and Dream Eater (which is the half cause its...all encompassing lets say)
And just recently got the SolarAndMoon blog up and running which is nice, they look real squishy
I have a couple little projects on the go or completed as well, a few oneshots have been posted (mostly on my side blog...) and am currently working on a mini series for Aromantic awareness week!
Certain characters are being...uncooperative...but I shall figure something out! (...moreso idk much on certain beans yet so its making it finicky to write them >_<)
and IT IS ARO WEEK NOW! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
So that is exciting, excuse to wear green (one of my favorite colors) and spread awareness for aromanticism! Its great :3
AND new pronouns! Idk if you popped in last before or after that but that was a funky thing, I now use she/they and ey/em/eir so thats fun! ^-^
And I have a few lil secret projects of course :3
I think that sums everything up.....sorry for the really long response! Hopefully you don't mind >_<
I'm in ramble mode rn from rambling to my friend about certain beans being disaster bi's and a disaster lesbian and silly shenanigans for certain au's
How have you been doing? If you're comfy sharing of course, feel free to ramble in turn if you'd like! No pressure tho! ^-^
But remember you deserve a nice confidence booster too :3
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songsfromheart · 8 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
heartfrommountain · 10 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
solvingbillciphers · 10 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
pointofjustice · 10 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
fightingacrossages · 10 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes