#(not actually upset abt this i'm just being Silly)
olibavee · 6 months
been seeing too many (two) anime men with prosopagnosia. where are the face-blind anime women.
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angeltism · 1 year
so fucking bored oh my god ughhh
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vix-png · 21 days
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just thinking abt these panels .
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i knowww i knowww its probably just chilchuck being upset that the leader of all people is late but
it's silly how he lectures laios because it was way too awkward having to be stuck with marcille and toshiro (who r not on good terms from what i remember ?!) (or is he upset cuz he's not as close with them than he is with laios ?)
but he calms down n 20 minutes go by n he's standing next to laios n supposedly he's been talking with him the entire time and once namari arrives he doesn't seem that upset
because laios was there ! with him ! no reason to complain because he's not alone with those other two ... he has a friend with him now ...
i'm totally reaching but i just think theyre cute
also laios n falin r consistently late ?! how silly . chilchuck is fed up with their SHIT (except he's not actually because he still decided to stick around lol) (in my next essay i will —)
also farcille in the first panel :)
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remedyturtles · 3 months
on maybe a lighter note, i am also currently rereading death wish (something must be in the air), and i myself was wondering if sensei could see casey in a similar manner to the way the boys got to see him via draxums spell. mostly so case could get to actually hug and see his dad again, even if just for a short moment, it's a concept that i thought was super sweet and would likely help both sensei and casey deal with This Whole Situation.
oops tripped and wrote 1.3k abt this my bad
"Open your eyes."
Casey hugged his arms closer to his chest, heart thumping.
"Come on, hermano." Leo coaxed, jostling him from the left, a grin in his voice. "You made it in here. Don't you want to see?"
Casey wasn't sure he wanted to see, because he'd convinced himself that this wasn't going to work, that he'd climb into Leo's mind and find only darkness. That he would never see his dad again. Casey told himself it was okay, over and over, that he was okay with what he had been gifted back, that he'd thought he lost. Even if it didn't look like his dad.
But Mikey had put a bunch of effort into learning the spell from Draxum specifically for this moment. Casey carefully peeled one eye open, and a shiver ran over his skin. The atmosphere was undeniably different than reality, it had the same sensation of walking into someone else's house with your shoes on.
The ground looked like resin, back-lit with sparkling glitter, and there was the thick trunk of an enormous tree right in the middle of a gorgeous midnight blue sky, dotted with stars and constellations. The branches cross-cut through the huge ceiling and the roots crawled out in tangled fingers reaching towards their feet.
"Woah." Casey said, because this wasn't what he was expecting at all.
"Isn't it neat?" Leo spread his arm and spun in a circle, tipping his head back at the scenery. "Who knew something this cool could exist in my brain, right?"
Casey approached the tree, hand out, and pressed his palm to the bark. The sensation that washed over him was a warm bath of rosewater.
"That's Sensei." Leo told him. "Metaphorically. I have actual Sensei in here too, the tree is just a representation."
Casey had heard them say that Sensei was a tree, but it was different to see it. The knots and branches, budding green leaves and the humming feeling that ran up his arm when he curled his fingers against the bark.
"Are you ready to see him?" Leo asked, from behind him.
There was a second of quiet. Casey shut his eyes again, breathing. He didn't know what he was scared of, it seemed silly to be this afraid. But he was, because he'd accepted he wasn't going to see him like this again. And that was fine. He wasn't upset, he was grateful.
Except Sensei was in here, as he knew him, and Casey's heart splintered in a grief he could not name. Losing something, getting it back different, but being offered the chance to see the original again. Would it ruin that gratefulness? Would it hurt too much to see that version and see the shadows that should be standing behind him?
Sorrow soaked through the rough texture. Casey gathered it up tight and found his bravery from the well inside him. He said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready."
"You sure?" Leo said, and the worry was a lemon taste in the air. It was weird being in his head.
Casey turned around to give him a smile that he meant wholeheartedly. "Yeah, I'm good. It's just a lot."
"He is a lot." Leo agreed, and pointed behind the tree. "Head that way. I'll give you space to do that on your own. I'll be over here, I'm gonna get Mikey in so we can see who can climb the tree the fastest."
"My money's on Mikey." Casey said.
"I will take that bet." Leo grinned huge, only to immediately soften it. "Go on. He's waiting for you."
Casey trailed his fingers on the trunk, feeling the tingle like static electricity as he circled around the back. The vast night sky continued on infinitely, and it took care to step over the roots and not trip. Casey kept his eyes on his feet until he was back on that sparkling resin-like floor, heart pumping hard, as if it was trying to punch out of his rib cage. He stopped in place, afraid to raise his head.
"Now it's easier for me to appreciate now how much taller you've gotten." Sensei said.
The sound of Sensei's voice felt like a crack splintering up a pane of glass. Casey's breath caught in his throat, sore. That familiar timbre was enough to renew his bravery, and he looked up.
Sensei. The impressive height, broad shoulders, and crinkling around his eyes. The dark circles, scarring up and down his skin, and the old sorrow that he could never quite shake. All wrapped up in persistent love and care that poured off him.
Casey used to wander around bases looking for height above the crowds, remembering his heart leaping when he spotted green in the masses. Recognizing an approaching figure from gait alone, trailing behind and holding one large finger in his whole small hand. Leaping full speed at this exact image after a long mission without his dad.
He didn't feel like he'd gotten any taller. Right now, he felt about five years old. He finally breathed again, the shaky inhale dangerously close to fracturing into something else. He said, "Hey."
"Hi." Sensei smiled, and the crinkles lit up around his eyes. And he sounded just as nervous as Casey.
And that just wouldn't do. Casey closed the distance between them, not wanting his dad to be afraid that this was -- he wasn't even sure what Sensei was thinking, that he'd disappoint him or something stupid like that. So instead he threw himself full speed at Sensei with the complete confidence that he would be caught.
And he was. Sensei bent his knees enough to swoop him all the way up, singular arm iron tight and lifting him straight off his feet. Casey muffled the singular sob that escaped into Sensei's shoulder, keeping arms locked around his neck. No matter how afraid he'd been coming in, he was more terrified to let go now.
"Oh, Case." Sensei said, and kissed the side of his head. It erupted a nostalgic joy, painful and old, slotted back into place. He'd felt that a thousand times before, just like that. It felt right.
Casey merely tightened his hold in response. The glass fissured and split. He gasped for air as it shattered, and he began to cry.
"It shouldn't matter." Casey hiccuped, barely able to catch his breath. "I didn't want it to matter. I wanted -- I want it to be enough, just to have you in my life. I don't want to care what form."
Sensei hummed, and lowered them to the ground, gathering Casey in his lap and tucking him under his chin.  It broke the shards into smaller flakes, because this was his dad who could surround him completely, protect him from the world even with just one strong arm. Casey curled up small and selfishly relished the feeling of safety. The sensation of it was so unbearably familiar.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with that." Sensei said, after a moment, squeezing reassuringly. "We can be grateful for what we have and equally grateful for a moment like this."
Casey soaked in the warm rosewater feeling, and reached to curl his fingers on the edge of Sensei's plastron, the tears streaking down his cheeks. He said, "Thank you."
Sensei pressed his smiling mouth to the top of Casey's head again, and said against his hair, "I love you to death, Casey Junior."
"You've loved me past that." Casey hiccuped, and squeezed his eyes shut painfully at the overwhelming rush. "I love you for a billion years."
"Oh it's a billion now?"
"I'm ambitious."
Sensei chuckled and squeezed again, in all the ways he'd been missing.
Casey didn't think about when they'd have to let go. They had a billion years, after all.
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sugar-omi · 8 months
hi!!!!!! I survived my finals so now I can brainrot again 🤭
daydreaming of cove and rereading ur posts have LICHRALLY been keeping me afloat the past two weeks and all I can think of is my out of state-college mc having a tearful reunion w cove after coming home for winter break 😪
and the whole family finds it amusing cause it’s only been a few weeks since thanksgiving break and yall saw each other back then there’s no need for another round of tears 😭💀
they don’t kno the tears r from when cove couldn’t hug and comfort u during ur exams and could only talk u thru it over the phone
OMG HIII it's been so quiet from you and 🕓anon so i figured school was kicking your ass, especially since its exam season i would say i'm glad im not in school but im thinking of going this spring/summer semester.... goodbye fantasies of a gap year. you were a nice dream.... :,) also now i need cove comforting mc through school so mayhaps a tiny ramble bc i started thinking abt it too n we actually needa talk abt mc/cove in school more bc it's yummy thought
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omg you and cove only survived being apart by constant video calls
you'd be on your side of the state, homework spread out over the table, your computer sounding like a helicopter ready for take off, crying or on the verge of tears
and then cove is on his side, flustered or teary because you're upset so it makes him upset and he can't comfort you so now you're just crying over *insert subject here*
he's a silly lil guy
tries to help you study
(i just thought abt yall using kisses as motivation but that'd definitely be a distraction in practice. lots of homework went undone that way)
if you have to make something, and it won't take too long to ship, he'll buy something you need for the project, be it because you forgot or can't find it in stores or don't have enough money, or none of the above- he just does it bc he can, and mail it to you
i had a photography class (i hated it for personal reasons, the teachers/class was great but i did not need that 💀💀)
and my friends would send me pics they took n i'd use them for class right
i think cove would help you that way
probably needs help from someone else or asks you for tips but delivers nice pictures
omg. cove ordering you food or money for food
isn't listening at all if you protest, he just wants to do something nice for you
idk about yall but i need distractions after tests/homework bc im convinced i bombed it
the whole day youre attached to the hip, always holding hands or cuddling
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button-cat · 1 month
uhggh I just wanna get this off my chest abt pressure
ever since the new update, the games been less enjoyable for me. Not just bc of the zerum drama, but also the painter. The autoturrets are quite difficult for someone who’s played doors and pressure since release
and then there’s Sebastian. Idk but the ring left a bad taste on my tongue bc pressure isn’t abt romance. Plus it doesn’t help that both zerum and simps have been whining abt the “marriage” constantly
I just miss when pressure was a fish doors game and there wasn’t this much shit surrounding a new fandom
Yeah i honestly do quite understand you- I didn't really know about Pressure before until the collab between Pressure and Regretevator which got me interested in the game but i do understand how upsetting it is when something like a game, show, etc you enjoy ends up getting a lot of controversy around it- i have experienced it many times before :(
I haven't played the new update yet (being busy with school and plus- i prefer to play on the days that I don't have school- :b) however i have seen it through videos and- for me the autoturrets seem pretty complicated to get through, (this is coming from someone who has beaten doors as well as other games that are hard-) plus i have seen a video where somehow the autoturrets managed to get rid a bunch of health to someone despite them hiding which- uh i don't think that's quite fair- ;D i know pressure is supposed to be a hard game but- from what i've seen, I don't really like the autoturrets either- :b
I have seen many people upset with the change to painter- personally, i like both versions of painter (the old and new one- :D) but I do understand why people are upset about it- the old one I can't really explain well but it definitely had some sort of charm to it that the new version doesn't quite have- but I do see why the devs wanted to change painter :D
And about the marriage thing- yeah I don't feel like the ring really quite fits- don't get me wrong it does look nice on Sebastian but I personally don't think it quite fits in like Sebastian's lore- as someone who absolutely loves reading the lore of characters, I personally don't like it when things end up contradicting each other in it- like i'm pretty sure when you get sent to prison they take everything but i MEAN EVERYTHING you have on you, even rings- and even if Sebastian was able to keep the ring in prison, I definitely doubt Urbanshade would let him keep it after- and also,,,the fact that he also um- grew a lot. I don't think the ring is gonna fit on him anymore- ;D this may be silly to some people for me to get upset about something like this but- idk i just genuinely don't like when things in lore just,,, doesn't make sense- this is just my opinion tho !
honestly i also find it quite ridiculous how much people as well as Zerum have been making the marriage thing such a huge deal- the way how some people get genuinely pissed about it is something that I find quite concerning but how Zerum acts about it is also something that I find pretty strange and iffy and maybe kinda,,,immature- some of her comments i did see it kinda condescending and just- not really an appropriate way to like- react, y'know? It actually concerns me honestly- :/
I just feel like many of these things, especially the controversy, could've been handled better- from what i'm seeing, it does seem Zeal is trying to improve himself as well as the game by recognizing things he's been doing wrong so- i do have some hope that things end up getting better in the end !! I really like Pressure and I wanna see it improve and continue growing since it's a pretty good game !! ^^ i do wanna make some posts about Pressure (i did plan making a post about Sebastian where i just put show some of my headcanons about him with some drawings :3) and just- have fun with posting about the game without so many controversy surrounding it- :b
also, if its really affecting you- I do recommend to not focus on the controversy and also maybe like- not interact with the community- like maybe take a break from it !! as someone who used to like- get involved with controversies in the past, it can be pretty unhealthy- in the end, focusing on all of the dramas and controversies in the internet and getting involved in it as well can end up just- stressing you out and maybe even just your mental health get worse- which is why i recommend to just sometimes distance yourself from the community and game if it gets too bad- and do things you enjoy doing ! I may not really know you anon but- please remember that your mental health is more important, okay? :D (this also goes to the rest of you !! Your mental health is more important- please take care of yourself !!)
that's mostly all i wanted to say- sorry for the very long response btw ;D im a very huge yapper sometimes even if i try to avoid being one lol-
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p1cklemybrown1es · 15 days
How do you feel about the new ii episode!!
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Ok so I'm gonna Answer this Rn bc I'm actually Tweaking and need 2 yell abt my thoughts I'm Not gonna Make it🤝🤝 (IM GONNA ANSWER THE REST OF MY ASKS 2 EVENTUALLY OK GUYS)
Ok so Good question cause i have a lot of feelings abt this episode !
Ok so the things I liked abt this episode! I LOVEDDD getting to see more of the earlier MePhones and Prime Shimmers, especially during their Egg Mission ... and MePhone3gs getting screentime with Suitcase and Knife was a total treat I love 2 see it!! The scene with 3gs when he was saying "please... don't" when Knife + Suitcase left referencing his earlier "Please Cobs don't.." oughhh that was gold I'm glad they added that/ didn't pretend like it never happened.
ALSOOOO MORE STEVE COBS and his SONGGG!!! LOVED IT!! and he felt pretty in character too like he's still a little silly and comedic which is such a relief especially since I fully believed they were just gonna make his character Entirely Evil with no qualities of his actual personality 🤷 
Contestant wise I loved getting 2 see them all (mostly) get along at the Hotel OJ party (Microphone is unbelievably gay for Soap Omg. AND ALMOST EVERYONE GOT A SPEAKING LINE!!! POINTING FRANTICALLY AT CHERRIES AND BOMB.)
Also I. LOVE. Love. Love love LOOOOVE MePad not taking Any Shit from morphine4 anymore (and focusing on helping the contestants)Do u Kmow how Long I've waited 4 tjis. 
And MePhoneX was actually Scary??? And what hes DONE 2 THE CONTESTANTS??WOW?? like I will not lie I low-key jumped in fear a little during the OJ MPX scene Ok✋✋Like ooook!! AnimationEpic crew are starting 2 make things a little scary and I honestly think that's so cool that they aren't dumbing this down
However ... despite all those things I felt mostly disappointed and Empty after watching this episode 😅? I'm not trying 2 be mean hateful or a party pooper when I say all this These r just my own personal opinions and how I felt abt this But! I don't really like where the lore is going ....like at all😞
I don't know... maybe it's cause the whole "the contestants/show aren't actually real and were created by MePhone4 ☝️☝️" Feels a little too close to those "*childrens cartoon character* entire life was JUST A DREAM/COMA/IMAGINATION etc etc" 2 me and Honestly i expected something More?
It's totally unexpected, (especially for something that was planned) I'll give them that!! And maybe that's what they were going for- but I just feel like there's so many other ways they could've gone with the lore but they went this route, it's just not my cup of tea And that's just a me thing😅! (Again I'm not trying 2 be mean and No hate to the crew they've done so much for this show!!)
And on another personal note ...I'm so upset over Toilet still not being shown in an episode💔 I suppose I'm biased over this since he is and has been my Absolute favorite for Years (and I've waited years excitedly hoping 2 finally see him revealed in an episode just for it to Not happen Ever lol), but the AE crew have been avoiding him Like the Plague for forever atp... like I get that they don't necessarily Gaf abt him but I DO😢😢
And I felt like it has been heavily implied that he was going 2 be important 2 the plot but maybe that was wishful thinking/theories getting 2 my head? I don't know maybe he's been hidden 4 so long bc he's gonna have an awesome important role in the last part of the movie Or he's just never going 2 return🤷🤦 (REAL TEARS BTW.😢😢😭)
(Or maybe he's just Tipped over on the beach Somewhere. But I highly doubt Memphis4 created him. Also I'm so sad no one has thought 2 look 4 him or be worried abt him but I guess everyone believes he got fired and went on with his life they don't know he was in danger) OK ANYWAYS I'VE RAMBLED 4 TOO LONG IM GOING OFF TOPIC
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 1 year
Hey there! Can you do some Cole and Seth crushing headcanons pls? (If you don't want that's okay :])
I don't have the seth bundle so unfortunately I don't know a thing abt him and I don't wanna write your pookie wrong cuz I know how infuriating that can be but I'd be happy to write abt cole!! (I'm mentally ill)
falling for you hcs w some of my fav boyz (cole, reece, and cashew)
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he falls fast and he falls HARD. scraped his knee and everything.
he will do anything for you
like literally anything
your shoes untied? he ties em for you. oh you need a ride to work? say no more. you're hungry? let bro cook.
also he is mentally ill. I think he has bpd but I could be wrong
you are easily his favorite person. he is obsessed with you. he gets jealous and upset when you're not around him for too long because he worries you'll forget about him and the other person will steal you away.
he wants to devote his life to you and you only. nothing else matters. no one else matters (lol yandere sim reference)
anyways he's constantly trying to do things for you
helping you run errands, making sure you're eating and drinking enough water, getting you trinkets and doohickies he thinks you'll like, just overall being your number one supporter and your biggest fan
it's implied he has an actual shrine of the player in his closet somewhere in the game so. if you wanna interpret that as him being so fr go ahead
all in all, you are his everything and there's nothing he wouldn't do to make you happy and to hopefully get you to feel the same.
mrrp meow mrrrp mrrp mrow
I love autism representation that doesn't involve harmful stereotypes
anyways. reece is a hopelessly romantic lovebug I think
he doesn't know how to flirt like at all so he just. meows at you and hopes you meow back
and he gets really excited when you do
he doesn't mean to, but he often shows affection by infodumping about his hyperfixations and special interests and then gets really embarrassed and apologizes a bunch later
please reassure his silly ass
also he forgets to drink water and do basic things for himself so if you remind him he's gonna fall head over heels all over again
also if you're neurodivergent he really loves hearing you talk abt your hyperfixations and special interests!!!!!! he loves it a lot!!!!!!!!
he tries to remember all of the little things but he forgets some stuff
but like if you mention that you think you wanna go to italy on a whim one (1, singular) time he's like "okay so we're going to italy" like a day later
also takes you to the renaissance era cuz it's pretty
and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he confessed to you on the titanic
he unintentionally starts picking up stuff you say or do like if you have a stim where you say "yipee!!" like the autism creature he starts doing that
or like if you walk a certain way he starts walking like that without meaning to
long story short his main flirting tactic is being autistic and meowing at you
anyways so you're friends. you are friends
and one day you're in the library helping him pick out a book and your hand brushes against his while you're walking back to the car
except he brushes it off in his head cuz i mean come on. you're best friends.
and then like a day later he finds out the book you guys picked was an erotica or whatever it's called so he gets an absolutely jumpscare when the guy in the story pulls his dick out
like this was his exact reaction
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anyways in his head he's imagining one of the characters is you. like without even realizing it he's just like "oh yeah they've got h/c hair and e/c eyes and oh wait"
and when he realizes he's thinking of you he starts to panic like "WHAT THE FUCK IM IN LOVE WITH THEM. ok" and he comes to terms with it in like 15 minutes
but he starts doing a bunch more favors for you like carrying your stuff for you and offering you his coat
he is not subtle at all
like its so painfully obvious by the way he looks at you that he's head over heels
he doesn't know how to flirt honestly
it doesn't take long for him to just tell you how he feels
sorry this was so short lmfaoo thank you for the request!!!!! <33
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enemyoflactose · 6 months
To start this off, I want to mention the extremely weird obsession you have with watering Ryou down to this dumb Femboy for having feminine characteristics. God forbid a boy- yes, a BOY, a 16 year old, anorexic and confused guy to not be the manliest guy alive. Also all the overly sexual things directed to him or in relation to him? They are just downright revolting and can be in no way justified. You wonder why people can’t recognize your Ryou art when you dumb him down to a fucking femboy. Ryou bakura is based off many other characters and is supposed to be ANDROGYNOUS. (hence his Female VA and overall appearance.) he is NOT a girl. Also, stop making him to look really fucking dumbed down. If you even read the manga, ryou is actually really fucking smart. He isn’t a bimbo, he isn’t some kind of fucking stupid silly uwu boy. HES A TEENAGER GOD FORBID HE EVEN EXISTS
The next thing I wanted to allude on, Marik's mischaracterization, oversexualization (again) and woobification? How are you gonna dismiss one of the best written Characters in the entire show just for a few petty arguments, rude and impolite at that too. You’re also a giant hypocrite. Being as Yami Bakura (your favorite character) is a bad person AND I WOULD EVEN SAY, HES AN AWFUL PERSON. more so compared to Marik. His redemption arc i can get as to why you’re so pissy about it but you need to realize that this is also a kids show with limited writing due to 4KIDS, manga is more well constructed. Honestly i just have a giant problem with your Marik. I’m not even gonna talk about the thiefshipping, angstshipping, and opinions abt YM..why is Marik in your head like a fuckass. Like, your perception of him is so weird. Marik is equally as bad as every villain in Yugioh, you constantly make him out to be a hypersexual sex craved MANIAC. Also not to mention the blatant racism on your blog (it’s self explanatory.) I don’t understand all the hate, from his arc to the character design…pick a side, do you hate him or do you only like him because he pounds ryou in your head :T
Also the pure, unadulterated watering down of SA in your "crimes of marik/yami marik" post? I can't put into words how extremely shameful it is, to disregard such an important and scary topic and to make a joke of it honestly. IT WAS NOT SA? the scene was ryou bakura about to FALL OVER because he is INJURED. Marik isn’t trying to do anything to him. Thanks for dumbing down real life situations you’re an awesome person
Where did you get that Ryou was anorexic? Being thin and not really eating a lot doesn't make you anorexic. I would know, I was almost diagnosed with it.
I head cannon Ryou as a femboy not because I'm sexualizing him, but because I want to draw a character that I like and relate to in outfits that I just want to see him in.
Do I end up drawing Ryou in sexual outfits? Yes. I'm sorry this upsets you, but I find certain typically sexual outfits such as maid outfits and MEIKO's Blue Crystal model to be very pretty and cute. Not to mention they're just fun to draw.
I have plans to draw Ryou in other dresses and skirts that aren't sexual, I wouldn't have this head cannon if I didn't.
I'm well aware that looking androgynous doesn't automatically make someone a femboy or tomboy. I may be dumb, but I'm not an idiot.
The kind of stupid that I think Ryou is, is the kind that makes you unable to see certain social cues or just be ignorant about a lot of things. I give him the same stupid that I have because I'm projected on to a character that I like and relate to.
I'm also still new to writing, so the way I characterize Ryou hasn't been shown to its fullest. I write him and acknowledge him how he's already written, but I add things to make myself happy. That's how fanfiction works.
I never said that Ryou was a bimbo, I said that he's stupid because he makes objectively dumb choices like keeping the millennium ring and not telling his friends about it. Also, yes I do know that he's being abused. From an outsiders perspective however, his choices just come across as looking stupid.
I am making light hearted jokes about a fictional character and projecting myself on to that same fictional character, and you have a problem with that?
And to talk about your insults to my art, I know that the reason I'm scared people won't recognize Ryou is because I draw him to like this:
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Instead of this:
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I'm well aware of that because despite my low intelligence, I can understand that he doesn't really look like Ryou.
Also, why are you so intent on telling me that Ryou is a boy? I know he's a boy. I constantly say that he's a boy and acknowledge that he's a boy. You need to identify as a boy to be a femboy 💀.
For your Marik takes, I have no clue what woobafication is. I also don't hate Marik because he's a bad person, I "hate" him (it's fucking theatrical you dumbass) because he has a poor redemption that needed to be explored more. Marik is a character that I genuinely like and I think he's fun and hilarious, I just have problems with how he was redeemed since in my eyes, he did nothing to deserve it.
Yami Bakura is also not my favorite character. Weevil and Joey are. I just talk about Yami Bakura way more because there's more for me to say. I like Ryou more than him as well because Ryou is my projection character.
I'm well aware that Yami Bakura is a worse person than Marik, he did almost kill all of Egypt is I'm remembering things right, but that doesn't mean that Marik isn't also a bad person.
Just because someone is worse than another, doesn't mean that that person's sins are cleaned completely.
Of course you don't wanna talk about the angstshipping thiefshipping discourse you little pussy.
Marik is objectively worse than Pegasus, Noah, Gozuburo, and the Douma trio. He kidnaps, brainwashes, steals, kills, abuses his brother, and all the while he still blames Yami Yugi for how he is.
Marik being hypersexual is just a fandom trop. That's why I think he is, because a pretty big number of people also think that way.
Where is the racism? I'm genuinely concerned about this one it is not self explanatory.
I do actually like Marik as a character, it's not because he pounds Ryou in my head, it's because he's entertaining. He's fun, I like fun villains. (His purple shirt is ugly as hell tho)
Now to talk about my biggest issue with you. You think I can afford to just read the manga and watch the sub, don't you?
Well guess what chuckle nuts, I'M FUCKING POOR
I don't have the money to buy more of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga or to pay for a Crunchyroll subscription.
I'm broke, no money, poor, jobless.
You're making the assumption that I can fucking afford to buy the manga. I have to ask my family to buy it for me as gifts for birthdays and shit. I literally have no money.
So let me put everything you need to know in a little list so you, and anyone else, can understand things about me.
I project onto Ryou
I think pretty boys in pretty dresses is cool
I actually really like Marik
My favorite character is Weevil
I happen to like angstshipping
I happen to not like thiefshipping
I think certain sexualized outfits are pretty or look fun to draw
I have media literacy
Fuckass is not a word in my vocabulary and I don't know what that means
Please block me 💕
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unluckyoscthoughts · 3 months
The tacophy deep dive post
Hello, my name's Ozzy, better known as Vandal or TUV. If u know me from this acc you know my biggest ship and main fixation when it comes to the ii fandom is a crackship involving Taco and Trophy. In the past uh 3 or so years that I've been in the fandom I've gotten got knows how many questions and remarks abt how it makes no sense or that they didn't even know it was a thing. And out of sheer boredom, I decided I'm gonna make a deep dive post abt the ship.
the post will be in the following order
1: characters themselves
2: why i think they could be buddies
3: their flaws, the ppl they hurt and why that plays into one another
4: just general silly shit i wanna add cuz its relevant
Who are these weird little dudes??
Ur not living under a rock you KNOW who Taco and Trophy are, but here i wanna talk a bit about their personalities.
As we all know, taco is very very fucking smart, she was able to hide her actual personality for an entire season of show. While her motive for her behavior isn't known as of writing this post, we know there's definitely some amount of reason behind it.
She's not above playing dirty or flat out killing people to get what she wants, casualties are just a part of it, they're technically immortal so long Mephone is around anyway. Her morals seem beyond fucked, caring about people supposedly but not being against using them for whatever personal goal she may have.
Despite this, if we know one thing about her its that being reminded of her mistakes and what she has done can very quickly set her off or make her upset.
But the basics, in summary, are that she has little regard for others and how what she does affects them until its too late. She's arrogant, yet smart and tactful which makes her such a threat.
And then there's trophy, who in contrast is a lot stupider in terms of his behavior and motives. Again, we don't know his reasoning behind doing what he does, other than just wanting to be better than others.
He's to put it bluntly, a fucking asshole, just for the sake of why not. Making people do things for him purely because he himself does not want to do it, manipulative in his own way. While actual attempted murder isn't something he would do, he clearly isn't above breaking a few laws if u so much as piss him off like with knife and his doll.
Outside of that/after he was eliminated he seems to have calmed down a bit, he likes photography and probably learned to find something else to do other than antagonize people for funsies.
He of course is arrogant as well, but his lack of motivation to do things himself doesn't make him that big of a threat, especially if the thing he's using against you is just normal to others.
why could they be friends? [How they meet hc I guess]
So why do I think they could get along ? Ngl I'm gonna have to put a bit of headcanons in here but it makes sense I promise.
We all know Trophy likes photography right? Well what place on the ii map :tm: would have great photo potential? The forest.
I imagine that one day, Trophy goes to the forest to take photos and whatnot [a little bit before the episode where lb and tt go back in time I'd say.] As he walks around taking photos of things, he manages to bump into taco after she [embarrassingly] falls out of a tree [mirroring her falling when hit with the gemory] and falls in a bush in-front of him. He'd be a bit shocked, cuz what the fuck just happened and wouldn't really respond until she asks if he's just going to keep standing there as she's trying to get unstuck. When he snaps out of it he picks her up to get her out and places her down. Taco, having watched the show closely, knows who he is and initially wanted to use him alongside Microphone until remembering he was eliminated and therefore would be a little bit useless. He meanwhile starts asking who she is, irritating her a lot as she did NOT get shamed on show for people to not know who she is.
The two don't actually bond in this first interaction, that comes a few days or so later when Trophy, again, finds her in the forest. This time he basically just asks her if she can find cool places he can take photos of, which does annoy her a bit but if it means he'll go away sure. This repeats a few times until she, reluctantly, gets attached.
Other stuff ig is i think they could bond over their past mistakes, a bit far fetched but hey, a boy can dream.
Their sins and whatnot
Lets talk abt their sins and what they could bond over in that regard
Taco: killed a few people, manipulation, trying to steal money, probably kidnapping with mepad
Trophy: bullying, blackmail, manipulation
I also think its interesting to note that the people they hurt have a bond with one another. Knife and pickle are buddies, Knife and Mic are buddies and we know Mic cut the bs and pointed out her behavior towards Pickle, its likely those 2 are going to become friends as well. their victims realistically can bond over these experiences.
The people they hurt and the influence they have could play into their conversations. While Trophy has done way less, he still hurt people. Them being able to bond over the past, the things they did and how to handle that guilt would be sweet.
filler i mean other stuff
Here goes other random shit i think would be funny or just mostly hcs/vague stuff that has no real evidence
Justin has confirmed Taco can fit in his head[like the cup part], largely why i tend to draw her just...in there.
i think they bond over a shared hatred of Knife
Trophy likes tea, she likes tea, let them drink tea together
i hc both were extremely ''trapped'' during their childhoods. Taco was babied to hell and back while Trophy was expected to be perfect, causing their respective ways of lashing out. A lack of freedom in both.
This is more an observation but Taco is so fucking short lmfao she can just be grabbed
based on drawings two friends made, i think they'd commit crimes together.
i think Trophy would sneak Taco into the hotel at one point AFTER ii ends to ensure she doesn't have to stay outside all the time.
And thats all for now, folks. So what was i really trying to do with this? well mostly just...rant, i miss being able to talk abt ii2. I might edit this post a bit later, to add more stuff, fix wording, answer questions etc. Tacophy means a lot to me as a ship, even if the only footing it stands on is built out of popsicle sticks and tape. Rarepairs are fun, i've had the occasional person yell at me for shipping this but honestly, its never stopped me. I love seeing people kind of warm up to the idea, even if just showing interest in the dynamic.
If u read this and thought it was neat, pls show it cuz i worked p hard on this. Have a good day :)
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rypirotes · 11 months
Kirisaki Twins Theory
the chimera post was alluding to this.
thank you to @archivalofsins for bringing several details to my attention-- specifically, the fact that shidou covers up his neck, and the fact that the two of them have different hair colors.
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here's the difference in hair color.
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once again, here's one of shidou's graffart symbols-- two snakes biting each other's tails, a modification of ouroboros.
every prisoner's family name has a tree radical in the first kanji, and when you remove that radical, you get a different kanji. for shidou, the "kiri" (桐) in "kirisaki" becomes "onaji" or "dou" (同), meaning "same."
in both triage and throw down's mvs, one of them always has his neck exposed-- we can see that he has a mole there-- and the other, who is shidou, the one that we have in prison, always has where that mole would be on the other covered up. his neck is covered in milgram, too. he might not have that mole.
now... let's cite wikitionary! what can "throw down" mean?
"throw down (third-person singular simple present throws down, present participle throwing down, simple past threw down, past participle thrown down)
(slang, idiomatic, intransitive) to make an individual contribution to a group effort"
in his trial 2 voice drama, shidou mentions a law that states that if someone tampers with evidence to protect a criminal who is in their family or harbors said criminal, they are exempt from being held legally responsible for it.
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switching to making assertions here-- the first time his twin talks to a distraught family in throw down, he smiles when he walks away-- he knows what's going on; he's in on it.
oh, by the way, shidou's first trial song is liar dance, which has lines such as "i'm evil and you're evil too" and "turn me inside-out and i look just like you."
oh, also, this would entail that these aren't actually shidou's wife and kids, given that it's his twin for the whole coming-home-to-wife-and-kids sequence.
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shidou's western zodiac sign, scorpio, is associated with divorce, so... they might have used to have been his wife and kids.
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& very interestingly, it seems like the thing that upset shidou the most about that kid dying is that his brother was distraught.
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and! to me, there's a chance that kirisaki rei is actually his twin, not the lady or even the kid that died. shidou says that the animal he's most like is maybe a ray "for no particular reason, [he] just like[s] them"
in the next interrogation question set he reveals that he knows english so he could have been thinking abt how "ray" sounds like "rei." pretty silly
oh, also, shidou says that he likes the idea of reincarnation-- this post would be incomplete if i didn't mention that there's a superstition in japan that (opposite-sexed) twins are the reincarnations of lovers who committed suicide together.
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artsycloudysleepy · 21 days
i FINALLY settled on a design for the main character of Fabrication!!!! only took me............. six years........... sorry SELF.......
also did the guardian of perspective, shea (pronounced 'shay' iirc, they/them)! ended up being an anthromorphic horse guy, but they're a shapeshifter - it's just their base form :D
(SELF on left, shea on right)
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and you can see my frantic design here; SELF was quick to figure out but shea was, uh. significantly harder, majorly bc i don't know how to draw horse heads
(the lil cloud is how i draw my persona)
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fun fact abt SELF, they aren't actually a sentient die - they're a human, but they don't like showing their real face a lot of the time. what do they look like? beats me, i'm not about to make another bloody reference :p
also i used paint 3d for the first time!!! fiddly af but WHO CARES I GOT DEW TO SPIN :DDD
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will be doing this again at some point, i like experimenting like this! maybe i'll give her the jacket she deserves.. also i FINALLY FOUND my old pen + pad for digital drawing so ig i'm gonna try using it more - used it for the initial sketch here, and it's still hard with dyspraxia, but am getting the hang of it!
update: krita was being funny about my pen but i think i'm improving at mousepad art (i will never use a mouse sue me)!!! here's princess eleanor and thunder being silly <3
(for context, eleanor unofficially adopts children left and right, so when thunder and her met, she was nicer to xem than originally planned and took xem in. she was interested in meeting SELF and the Fragments, and when she realised they were children, she went off wanting to hurt/influence them. she's manipulative due to her own goals of totally NOT murdering/otherwise influencing political opposition, but only to an extent for kids. they're innocent and she is a protector)
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(shhh dw abt the blood....... she's innocent, look at that innocent face............ she's not an assassin princess, no............. shhh /jk /s)
oh and i remember @mylackofgrammaristerrifying saying that azzie should get a gf...... GUESS WHAT SHE GETS TWO, (though one is still being designed!) POLYAMORY TIME :DDD
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they love each other dearly dw, azzie is upset for *reasons* in this drawing but nettle is good to her. they'll heal a bit more <3
i don't think i made a proper post on them (maybe?), tho they've been sitting in my masterpost for a while! gonna revamp both the refs and the masterpost at some point to be more simple tho. anyway here's nettle (she/they)!
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the other partner is elle (they/them i think? either that or she/her, still choosing. genderqueer). all three are really in love, lil' goobers <3
oh, and one last drawing:
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moot tags! beware the horrors: @mrrottenreblogs @nylonnye2 and mlogit you have already been tagged! hope you guys are doing good :D
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Some contemplations on the matador au...sorry, I'm like a child with a new toy 😭(I've not abandoned my other stuff btw obv but at certain point, it gets a bit hard to build an AU cause I'm like, I have so many ideas but idk how to post them in a cohesive way???? So it's a bit more relaxing and fun to play with a new one for a bit bcs everything is new :) )
This au mostly exists bcs I rly like drawing ornate things, such as the matador costume. But I've been thinking a lot lately abt the actual content of it. Vettonso(of course.) I have a few ideas abt the actual avenue of it. I have one main one, and then two jokey ones.
The first(and actual) one would be the original thought that both of them are matadors. And Seb retires after injury(btw jfc bullfighting injuries are such body horror. The one guy I was researching was impaled in the skull and lost his eye and some of his hearing. But he came back to bullfighting, and at some point was impaled in the chest and injured his lung. And still kept competing I think??? Somehow there's athletes more insane than f1 drivers, shocking, I know.)
I think Fernando would be renowed for his resilience and Seb for his agility. And both for their exceptional showmanship and flair 🤭 There's actually more than just matadors! Seb would prob start off as Fernando's assistant, a banderillero(kind of an assistant to the matador. They stick these flag things in the bull, and have to be super agile and fast.) And then becomes a matador in his own right(surpassing Fernando's achievements????) But as mentioned, gets a pretty bad injury and has to retire. But he still feels a lot of admiration and respect for Nando and comes to watch his matches. And Fernando *always* dedicates his kill to Seb, throwing his hat at him, hoping he'll one day come back. Seb is like: "what do I do with this box of hats..." Fernando is crying in the corner bcs he's lost a lot of his motivation.
It's really !!!!! to think about their suit designs and the evolution of it. They're pretty united when Seb is Fernando's assistant(Nando wearing light blue with gold, Seb darker blue with silver.) And then Seb becomes a matador(dark blue and gold), and Fernando suddenly changes his suit to bright red(he is upset, he is seeing red, haha get the bull joke?) Seb would start wearing that circa 2010 bull hat after successful matches, thus cementing himself as the "red bull" and Fernando, his rival, "bull-killer." They're not directly competing, but thematically they are. In traditional bull matches, there's 3 matadors vs 6 bulls. So vettonso are often in the same matches, indirectly competing against each other, but fighting to have the most flair and success. Fernando sees defeating Seb to be just as important as defeating the actual bull. He slays the bull, and then conquers the other.
Sobbing to imagine Fernando abandon his hatred for Seb after witnessing him getting injured. Cradling his bloody, torn up body. Pressing his hat to Seb's chest, soaking up his blood with his own cape. By that point, Seb had had a dark green suit. And ever since he retired, Fernando now wears the same shade, as an homage to his once great rival, dedicating every kill that Seb never got to have to the man himself.
Hahaha okay silly versions:
Two is just bullfighter!Fernando being driver Seb's wag 😭
Everyone notes the irony of him being a Red Bull driver who constantly has bull iconography(2010 bull hat, petting the bull on his car, "riding" the bull at the end of 2012, etc.) dating a man who kills bulls for a living. But it turns out Fernando is the only one who can tame the bull 🤭, and also Seb is the only bull he can't bring himself to kill. Seb makes a helmet for the Spanish gp based on the embroidery of Fernando's suit. Fernando tries to incorporate Seb's logo and rbr logo somewhere on his cape. They share a trophy shelf 🥰 and Fernando brings one of his hats to the Spanish gp to publicly bestow upon Seb.
The third is so stupid 😭 Basically: Seb becomes the human physical manifestation of one of the bulls Fernando is meant to kill, and tries to seduce him into leaving the bullfighter life. So he's a bull-boy: tails, ears, horns and all 😏 So Fernando comes home from a match, and Seb is there, kneeling, when he opens his front door. Fernando now must conquer a bull in a *different* way. Bull-boy out who is out to ruin your livelihood by seductively splaying himself across every surface in your house and encouraging you to tug on his septum ring, and forget that you have a match to go to this weekend, and wouldn't you rather enjoy a bull rather than kill one?
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
CC 😭😭😭 lesson 30 was a rollercoaster huh. Tbh as a Beel lover, I wasn’t happy w how Belphie was acting here. I asked Beel what he thought of the Angel's Trial and Belphie just cuts him off!! And he made Beel sad and that is unacceptable to me 😤 (he says not to make him mad but no spoilers for og lesson 16 could make me choose not to be a petty bitch when I can) Beel is his own person and too sweet for this shit
Telling Sol his cooking sucks was :((( 0/10 I would've gently reminded him ratios are important especially in baking and just make sure he's not putting anything inedible in there. Or tell him to focus his creativity solely on the plating/presentation bc you eat w your eyes too or smt idk
I kinda found it funny when Sim basically told Luke he was an ugly crier. Poor baby, I hope the egg grants him that wish
I get this was setup for Levi's Little D arc but teasing the truth again makes me wanna bang my head on a wall. I know Lucifer suspects smt abt us. We know Barb knows something
Speaking of Barb, I choose to believe that the Little Ds are gonna be important later and that Beel did eat Number 6 but Barb uh, made sure that didn't happen actually
AHH anon, this lesson KILLED ME. I'm so sorry to everyone who had to read the unhinged post I wrote last night lol.
Okay, see, I was so wrapped up in the Solomon debacle that I forgot about the whole Beel & Belphie thing.
I get that Belphie is being protective, but I also felt like he wasn't really taking Beel's feelings into consideration! I think there's a fine line between being protective and being controlling. And Belphie was right on the edge of that line, imo. When you're being protective to the point that you're ignoring the needs of the person you're supposedly protecting well... it kinda defeats the purpose there, buddy.
I wonder if they're going to kind of expand on that at some point. Have the twins hash it out with each other. Because I think Belphie isn't normally like this, but I think he's still wary of humans. And his concern is overriding his usual consideration of Beel's feelings.
Listen, I've had a little time to calm down, but I am still UPSET.
Now, of course, it's best to remember that this is fiction and nothing in fiction happens the way it would irl. BUT if I had a friend (or romantic interest/boyfriend/etc) who really enjoyed cooking, but for some reason always made gross food, I probably wouldn't lie to them directly. I would do exactly as you suggest, gently remind them of how to follow a recipe and so on. I can't imagine that Solomon has spent all his life trying to learn how to cook and somehow keeps screwing it up? Like considering how much he does it, he should be getting better at it?
And apparently someone told him his cooking tasted bad in season 3 of the OG, but I don't remember that lol. If it's in the hard lessons, that's why I don't remember... I haven't actually finished all the hard lessons of the OG... oops I keep forgetting they exist my bad.
Anyway, my point here is that it doesn't make sense that someone doing something they enjoy all the time wouldn't get better at what they're doing at some point. I get that this is fictional and maybe they have a reason for it, but they need to tell us what it is because I can't take HIS SAD FACE. Normally I'd be like listen sometimes you gotta be honest or whatever, but not like this!! I would've been like what exactly did you do to make the cake taste this way, let's figure it out together... I would help him, not just be all sorry this is gross and leave it at that!
Sorry sorry I'm ranting again. I just love that silly sorcerer so much and his reaction just made me so sad.
I'm so curious about what Luke is finally gonna wish for lol. I feel like Simeon teases him the most out of everybody, he's just so chill and nice about it that it doesn't register as teasing.
I just don't understand why hiding the egg's existence was a good lie while telling Solomon his cake was good wasn't??? Ugh my heart.
I was very upset about that, too!! Like, no you don't understand!! I do need to leave, but I need to get back to you!!
I want to go back, but I don't want to go back! The stress of this is getting to me. Can we please hurry up and be done with this timeline nonsense?! Barb definitely knows something. I just want him to fix things! I think I'd have confronted him about it by now. I don't care what Sol says about not telling people we're from the future, I'd be like Barbatos, my true love, I know you already know, so let's hear it!! What is going on!?!?
I definitely think the Little Ds are going to be important later, too! Something about the fairies seems like it's going to matter as well, but I'm not entirely sure how yet.
Oh no poor Number 6! Even if Barb saved him, I would think being eaten would be rather traumatic lol.
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dukesmebby · 2 years
a/n: i am sorry if this is silly (actually im not i want this so bad) but i could not stop thinking abt it till it turned into this! heheh WC: 0.9 k (CW: mentions of asshole parents, one (1) mention of eating habits, lmk if theres anything else bc i think the rest is just fluff)
You put the car in park in front of the empty trailer and just sat there for what felt like hours before you could even begin to gather your things and head inside.
good thing he’s not home yet, you thought. Your resolve would completely crumble if Eddie were here to see you like this. You were supposed to be his sunshine, his sweet, happy girl. Currently, you just felt numb, drained of everything you had. There was no sunshine left, it was all rain clouds and thunderstorms tonight. You were a little bit disappointed in yourself if you were being honest. Normally, you could get a grip and stop yourself from slipping under. Just ignore the harsh comments and move on.
You were supposed to be able to keep yourself from slipping.
This feels like more than a slip though, more like drowning. Like your body is giving out after treading water for far too long and you were not equipped with a life vest.
It was like you were on autopilot.
Get out of the car. Lock it.
Get inside. Lock the door.
Put your stuff down.
Kick off your shoes.
Shower. Change.
You know how sometimes when you’re driving you get to your destination and think how in the hell did I make it here alive? I don't even remember the drive. That’s how it felt once you were changed into one of Eddie’s t-shirts and some new panties. You don't remember getting here but here you are. You didn’t even bother to brush out your wet hair before crawling into bed finally letting yourself feel.
It was heartbreaking. To not be good enough for them, to not be as important to your familiy as their social status. Your looks and the way you made them look was always going to be more important to them than just, you.
The first tear came and you started to let it all out. Shaking sobs wracked through your body and it felt like it wouldn’t ever stop.
Your cries were so loud you didn’t even hear him get in. With your back turned away from the bedroom doorway you didn't see him either.
He stood open-mouthed at the doorway for all of three seconds trying to figure out what was going on before another wretched sob came out of your mouth and he had to step forward.
“Hey, hey, love, what’s going on? It’s alright sweetheart. I’m here now.”
Startled by his sweet presence you stared at him in shock for a few seconds before breaking down again. Now you’re letting him down too, by being upset in the first place.
He had moved to sit on your side of the bed now and draped his arms around you. All you could see was him. All you could smell was him. All you could feel was him. He helped you calm down a bit. You were still hiccuping through tears but at least you weren’t choking on sobs anymore.
“Sweetheart what’s going on, huh? You hurt?”
You looked up at him with sad, wet eyes and shook your head at him.
“What’s going on then, huh? What happened to my sunshine?”
A pang of hurt struck through your heart at that.
You were supposed to be his sunshine.
“I'm sorry baby. i know-“
“You don’t have anything you need to be sorry for, I just want to know what’s making my girl sad” he interrupted, while giving you those eyes that could turn you into a puddle then and there.
“Please don’t be mad but i just, i went and talked to my parents but they are just so mean. It was the same old spiel they always gave. They went on and on about how I'm not doing enough here at the house and how I need to be working more and then mom would not shut up about the fact that I went back for seconds-”
He grabbed your face in his big hands and squished your cheeks so your lips puffed out before you could say anything else. It took a second for your brain to catch up and look him in the eyes.
“Baby, hey” he cooed. “Nothing they say about you or who you are is true. I’m not mad at you, I could never be mad at you for trying with them, it just makes me sad to see you so upset, love.” You simply replied with a nod.
He notices your damp hair, and lets out a small giggle, “Didn’t even finish getting ready for bed, my sweet thing.”
You let out a shaky laugh and shook your head at him in agreement. He took your hand and pulled you over to the bathroom, making sure to grab the hairbrush and an elastic out of the drawer. He stood behind you and brushed out your hair. Making goofy faces at you in the mirror, trying (and definitely not failing) to cheer you up. Before he was finished with your hair you turned around into him and gave him a hug so tight he thought his heart might just burst.
“thank you, eds. i love you” you mumbled into his chest.
“I love you too, sweets. let’s finish getting you ready for bed”
He turned you back around after placing a kiss to your forehead and brushed through your hair again. He split it into 3 sections and braided it down your back for you. By the time he was done you were as smiley as ever after making faces at each other the whole time.
You sat on the lid of the toilet while he showered before the two of you were able to crawl into bed together. You snuggled into his welcoming arms and that was when you realized he was your life vest. He kept you from slipping.
“I love you so much, Ed's. Sleep tight baby”
You were asleep before you could hear his response.
“Sleep tight, my sunshine, I love you. ”
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sparklingchim · 2 months
told you i had a darly sixth sense! read the chapter and scanned the asks so i have a couple of thoughts!
first of all ylm jk you frustrate me so!!! he so effortlessly shows how much he loves oc and how attentive he is and can be, so i'm sure he's realized that she's not so fulfilled nowadays with how their relationship is going but he's just choosing to ignore it for now. my brother in christ grow a pair!! love's starting to not be enough!! and you've got a baddie at your side who's slowly but surely growing tired......
i know we barely know our mc so i guess opinions on her might be a bit mixed rn but i'm definitely on her defending squad and i didn't appreciate that some of you weren't putting respect on her name.... like yeah we all see how privileged she is and that "she knew what she was getting into" but that's the point, he clearly once knew how to handle everything but now he is not as careful with striking a work-life balance and she is entitled to be upset about this relationship becoming something she did not sign up for, he set expectations up and i don't think we can blame her for being disappointed (oooh darly isn't it fun how your work generates discourse!)
i just had a silly little thought/an au for this story that since yk pregnancy/motherhood is a topic here and this last chapter was so focused on how easy it is for oc to be with yumi so maybe they separate but she's pregnant (obviously in this scenario both of them are in agreement in terms of keeping the baby no matter the circumstances)..... it'd be so interesting to see how they would navigate their separation, since it would be a kind of death occurring at the same time as a birth. i don't know, just something that came across my mind!
i think all that's left are some questions i have! i'm sure you've said it before but i just can't remember: will they only be separating or actually going through with a divorce? aaaand two parts??? we're in for a ride! will it be pre and post separation or is it still all going down in part one? (maybe you can't answer any of these and that's totally fine!)
anyways, my heart becomes achey with these two no matter how sweet some parts may be so i think we'd all do good with ego season next, if that floats your boat (as always, no pressure at all, managing one story is already hard, your pace deserves our respect and whatever you prefer to work our appreciation)
it's always lovely reading you, sorry for the essay i just dropped in your inbox; lots of love,
bloom 💐
omg everyone shush miss bloom is here !!!!!
ur so right ! he knows her so well and notices everything abt her, there's actually no way he hasn't noticed oc's unhappiness </3
(oooh darly isn't it fun how your work generates discourse!)
i actually blushed like a little girl !!! 😭 it's always pretty unexpected, but it's so fun seeing people share their thoughts and read all of them, especially ones i don't rlly agree with !!
ur little au idea !! v intriguing bestie 🫢 "it would be a kind of death occurring at the same time as birth" oh bloom, i love ur mind so much <3 i love the idea <3
to ur questions, they will actually go through with a divorce 🫢 </3 and yes, there'll be multiple parts !! three in total !! the second part is post break up !! right after they separate !
teehee the way u also sensed that ego season would be next ?🤭 i'll try my best to post the next chapter for that soon <33
i love u n missed u so much bloom!! n don't apologise !! i loved reading every single word u wrote 🫂 thank u so much for taking ur time to write all that down <3 mwahh mwahhh 😙
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