#(not tagging the fandom bc i'm not here to have a Discourse)
pleasetakethis · 11 months
As a Severus Snape fan (I was a Snape fan when we only had 3 books released, btw, and the movies were a distant dream), the OFMD Izzy discourse is so, so, so tired and annoying and repetitive.
Characters, like humans, can be multi-faceted. They can grow (even if you don't see it happen on-screen. I never saw Snape grow--his growth happened off-screen, though we were given hints from Dumblebore's unwavering faith in him, the HPB textbook, and finally full-on evidence from the memories). They can change.
Izzy commanded with fear, much like Blackbeard did prior to meeting Stede. He was resistant to change (as are most adult humans who have been conditioned to believe that Their Way Is The Only Way). We're seeing him hit rock bottom and relearn a new way of life. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to be emotionally vulnerable? To let a crew see that? To accept that the old way was not, in fact, The Only Way and that other ways might be better?
And we get to see that happen on-screen and experience it with him. Amazing.
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wikiangela · 3 months
I feel like some people forget, or are straight up too young and new to fandom to know, how fandom, fanfics, and ao3 work, bc I'm honestly baffled, tho I probably shouldn't be but either ive never been this deep into fandom to witness it, or this is some new insanity
like, you know the main idea with fic writing should be just to have fun with characters and ships you love, right? it can have nothing to do with canon or endgames or even shit we want to actually see in a show, not every fic is spec
and the thing is, you don’t have to read something if you dont like it, that's why we have filters, and most importantly, you don’t go on someone's clearly tagged fic and talk shit about the ship the fic is for, what the actual fuck
keep the discourse here, bringing it into ao3 comments now is just so rude and childish wtf
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
I'm really glad to have found the Hermitcraft fandom here on Tumblr, I've been a long time fan and it's awesome to discover all this great fanart and content and stuff. Any must-follow MCYT/Hermitcraft/Minecraft blogs?
oh gosh, welcome! in general i am BAD about remembering who i follow and who i don't; a great way to find who you want to follow might be to just go through the #hermitcraft tag and follow people you find funny, or, heck, if i reblog a lot of art from a certain artist you like (or not a lot, like one art even), go follow them!
while we're here, a few additional general etiquette rules (keeping in mind that like, this is tumblr, trying to claim ANYTHING is a whole-community norm is basically impossible i am claiming a norm from my specific circle of guys): do not crosstag, only tag things that are actually in your post. don't use the 'minecraft' tag, that tag is for people who like the actual game. (i mean, you can use it if you are posting about minecraft, but not if you're posting about the youtubers). it's generally considered rude to put your crit in the main tags, especially without tagging 'discourse' somewhere so it can be filtered. shipping should generally have a 'hermitshipping' tag on it for filtering purposes as well, but if something is tagged hermitshipping and you're mad about it just like, block them, they did the important part.
the hermits i know of on tumblr (could be more, idk): @/joehills @/pearlescentmoo @/falsesymmetry @/therealdocm77 (not actually active but has the account) @/geminitayyt. cleo also had an account but it is no longer active. also @/inthelittlewood is here and like very active, as is @/askzloyxp and @/quinnhills. as a general etiquette rule, just... act like they're perfectly ordinary tumblr users and continue your business as usual! and don't send them weird asks or anything.
off the top of my head, a few blogs i like, an EXTREMELY non-exhaustive list, find your own guys out there as well you won't regret it! like, you will find the experience you like best just going out there and looking for it yourself! i've absolutely missed a bunch of guys i love, let alone guys you would love! this is like 10 million percent non-exhaustive, i follow 1,570 blogs apparently, many of which aren't hermitcraft or mcyt related, but many of which are, so i just sorta. went for it. and when i was having trouble remembering if a name was a repeat that's when i stopped. so. non-exhaustive list:
@nightshadeowl, @jestroer, @astronomodome, @kingtheghast, @floweroflaurelin, @roenais, @silverskye13, @wasyago, @rusty-courage, @art-by-fate, @silverskye13, @redstonedust, @betweenlands, @sixteenth-days, @judas-iscaryot, @terracottakore, @cherrifire, @antimony-medusa, @hybbart, @made-nondescript, @luigra, @cuteiemonster, @mawofthemagnetar, @potionofinstantdamage, @concorp, @spiderziege, @salemoleander, @bc-jpeg, @magicalmanhattanproject, @simplydm, @12u3ie, @mishapen-dear, @lunarblazes, @girltimeswithscar, @kishdoodles, @quaranmine, @shadeswift99, @bdoubleowo, @quicksandblock, @beacon-lamp, @kikunai, @sideblague, @applestruda, @ingapotejtoo, @belmarzi, @strifetxt
anyway FEEL FREE TO PROMO GUYS OR YOURSELF ON THIS POST TOO! from what i understand we may be getting some new guys sometime soon here from the twitter lands? so it may be helpful to have that for anyone who's looking for new guys to follow!
and most of all: WELCOME!!!
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jack-kellys · 25 days
3 bc we are Choosing Violence today
give me a number and i'm gonna say some real shit rn.
3. screenshot of an awful take or a description of the worst thing you've seen opinion-wise. [my tags say no hate is meant, btw.] [but also this is mild bro.]
i could say a lot of things! i could talk abt someone who sent me an ask saying that uksies "completely ruined the sprace dynamic" (racist and sexist, made a post abt it). i could talk abt a post that had said nothing had changed or was special abt uk's something to believe in even tho jack was entirely black and said "i know girls like you don't end up with guys like me” (made a post abt it) i could talk abt every post from the dawn of time about sunshine boy crutchie and the absolute damage andrew keenan-bolger accidentally incited with his/bway's take. but i saved two special instances bc someone else also asked for #3. ahe he hem:
there was an issue a while back where there was someone on tumblr saying that they don't headcanon the jacobs to be jewish, or something. in theory that'd be fine, everyone's entitled to their own cultural headcanons, but the jacobs' jewish identity and culture is something this fandom (& i) has been very adamant about and i’m gonna be frank. this was like……. the first if not only diverse headcanon/fact about newsies for like. a long time. and by that i mean popularized- i think latino jack kelly years later became popular but that’s like…. recent, oddly enough.
anyway the jacobs are canonically jewish, according to their names, their parents’ names, and the 1992 novel flat-out saying it. but this person’s reasoning, after a friend of mine cites the book’s statement, is "headcanoning characters with Jewish names as Jewish feels like stereotyping”. (i don’t have the post anymorrrre… might’ve been deleted)
and so like. this person. had to have been trying to cause discourse i’m sorry. what are y. the book is from DAVID’S POV, btw, like. he is saying they r jewish. the point of jack being irish in 92sies is that irish and jewish community tensions were high and so them working together is slay & cool. and since they do have jewish names, what you need to do is respect it, not make attempts to admonish yourself from not wanting to see them that way. what?? what the fuck. so that was a crazy fucking take. this fandom has history, and it’s important. like ur allowed to be new here, of course you are, but when these ppl who’ve been here a long time are trying to HELP YOU understand something and u say that shit. brother god help u lmao
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raayllum · 5 months
After S4, Soren's character was just reduced to a doofus. There isn't any arc going on for me. He is just there. Do you think that there is an arc for him?
blog housekeeping: tags masterpost / dragons rambles / foil tags / in regards to (discussions of race / racism) / fandom history / no discourse or harassment / please don’t send me negativity about the show and/or cast and crew
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Points at "character development is not the be-all end-all provided you're still getting character expansion and a better understanding of their current worldview/characterization" + bonus "seeing how arc 2 Soren is different than arc 1 Soren"
In S4 and S5 we see:
Soren being much happier and outwardly goofier now that he's not trying to get his dad's approval
Soren stepping up to be Ezran's prime defender (4x01, 4x03, 4x09, 5x01-5x04) and good friend *
* While Soren and Ezran are friends, we have every reason to believe Soren is not going to rely on Ezran for emotional support, and there's extra layers here of Soren being Ez's knight / Ez being his true king
Oh no, you mean the character who avoids thinking about how uncomfortable and stressed he really is (s1, s2, s3) is avoiding thinking about how uncomfortable and stressed he really is now that his family's back in the picture (4x07)?
Soren's season long arc of Not Knowing vs Knowing continuing into S4 and S5
Showing anger, love, despair, and resentment towards his family members ("I know you love magic, but I hope you're careful, because it can change people" / "I was worried okay! And I missed you!" / "But it's not too late to change, please, I know you can change!" / "They were a step ahead of us. They're always one step ahead")
Him and Rayla actually having a dynamic / friendship now
"Soren definitely seems like a feelings-y protect-y kind of guy." "Yeah, you're right, that's not really his style." → "I meant with Callum. Look, when you left, you hurt him bad. Real bad. He was miserable."
Him leaping into a fight to defend an innocent dragon whereas before he was decidedly the aggressor
His developing dynamic with Zubeia and taking on more of Ezran's side of things with human-dragon reconciliation
Soren reaffirming his view of his father but also how that's made Soren more knowledgable and compassionate (through Elmer)
Like Soren is coping better bc he naturally fronts with confidence (1x01, 2x02, 2x07, even some of 3x09). I even love the growth we have from "so I picked on you cause I didn't know any better" to "He's cruel, but you don't have to be". Soren has matured in his view of his own actions and of others, even if he still has some room to grow within his own very black-and-white worldview ("It feels good to be one of the good guys this time").
I could talk more about Soren and his arc within s4 and s5 in detail, but I'm not gonna cow to a rule breaking ask so... try again more nicely maybe and we'll see?
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bisonaari · 1 year
Do you know of another community that's as tight-knit and involved as the Käärijä tag? This is a genuine question, bc I'm fairly new to this site, and I don't think I've seen anything like it so far. Like, yes, there are the huge tags with millions of followers and thousands of notes. And then there's other big tags where surprisingly the posts get almost no engagement. But in this community it feels like there are so many people who actually speak to one another. People actually interact with one another and share thoughts & feelings like a huge group of friends. I was just wondering if you'd consider this a regular occurence on tumblr, bc it seems so rare & beautiful.
Hey anon! I think I'm the right person for that because I've made my first tumblr blog in 2009 (it's still online, weirdly enough!), so I've been here a while.
This is the first time I've seen that
I've lurked in many fandoms on tumblr. I've never seen that sense of community in a tag EVER. Usually tags are a bit of you dump your shit there so other people find it and then you forget about it. Tags, in this sense, are a search tool
The only other fandom I've been that active in was Osomatsu-san, but it was filled with drama and discourse. So call out posts and people deactivating was frequent. Not ideal to build a community
This is the first time I've seen a tag used as a place rather than just the tool it is. The Käärijä tag feels like a market place in a town where you can hang out with other people. I think that we're just the right amount of deranged active people for it to work. Not too many that it's impossible to get to know each other, but not too little to not have an active tag. We're in the right age range to know what actually matters and what is just silly discourse that shouldn't be touched. We're all weird girls and gays united around this gremlin of a man, who loved his chaotic energy in the first place.
We had all the right ingredients to make this work, creating this weird community here.
I'm not saying that it's unique on tumblr. There are probably many other communities just like ours! I know that my best friend's roommate is in one as well in the more fnaf side of stuff. But this is very, very uncommon
I love you all so much I have no words
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violetdisasterzone · 2 months
I don't think my account is large enough or active enough (especially lately) to necessitate posting this but I also didn't want to just.. not say anything? so.
the tldr of it is that fandom is just not fun for me anymore. it feels like everything is discourse and arguing in circles and pointless, endless debates over fanon. while catering your own social media experience is certainly a needed skill (and one I have a lot of practice in already, thanks) there's also a point where some things just become so prevalent in certain spaces that they're impossible to avoid.
maybe it's bc of the amount of more recently acquired fans or just bc times have changed, but it didn't always feel like this. even just a few years ago with scum villain it felt more like a community, like we all shared love for a common thing and were coming together to yap about it. but maybe that's just nostalgic delusions lol, I don't know. either way, as things are right now it seems like every time I go through a tag to see what's trending it's just... not fun, at best, and at worst actively makes me more exasperated/upset than a text post on tumblr dot com has any right to.
I still adore scum villain (& my other fandoms too) more than anything and I'm not dropping off the face of the earth entirely. this isn't even a sv/fandom blog, for all that I seem to talk about nothing else. but I don't think I'll be talking about it as much on here, and whether that's a temporary or permanent break, I don't know.
anyway, if you actually read this, please don't be an asshole. lighten up a bit, go outside, drink some water, and make sure the things you're doing both online and off are actually making you happy 🫶
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averagemafuyukinnie · 1 month
2 years and over 40k posts and I'm only making a pinned post now
TALK TO ME!!! i love talking even if im awkward
also pls tag me in things
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i can't fit everything in my bio so here we go
my names are kia, kyrie, neptune, and jack and i use he/it pronouns. also I'm dogkin. i have a pronouns page if you want more info
I'm a median system but i still know little to nothing abt it
my dc is averagemafuyukinnie
I'm a minor so don't be weird please!!! adults can interact tho it's fine. again just don't be creepy
i speak italian, english, some french, and I'm trying to learn spanish
i mainly post about project sekai, but I'm also in other fandoms such as:
in stars and time (I'm still on act 2 so no spoilers)
needy streamer overload
bocchi the rock
toilet bound hanako-kun (rereading the manga rn)
assassination classroom
doki doki literature club
pokemon (kinda)
vocal synths (vocaloid, utau, etc)
and probably more i forgot
some of my all time fav characters/ships are:
saki tenma
mafuyu asahina
ena shinonome
miu takagi
kasane teto
probably more
i also have a couple f/os but im not telling
non fandom related interests:
animals in general actually
idk i forgot. i like a lot of things
i also draw sometimes!!! you can find my drawings in the #kyrie art tag
i run @sakitenma-everyday as well as a few rp blogs: @hinomori-shihofficial @junior-high-mizuki-official @werewolf-enanan @transfem-saki-official @miu-takagi-official @honahona-ln @sup3rn0v4-mmj. i also have an agere blog
if you need me to tag anything feel free to ask, i tag with "#tw [thing]". if i forget to tw anything feel free to remind me. I won't tag caps or swearing bc i use them a lot
for me, please tag emetophobia, graphic gore, graphic sh and animal death. ny catchall tag is '#neptune look away' but the normal tags are ok too
while i do my best to use tone tags when necessary, I'd prefer them being used as little as possible when talking to me (or just dont use them at all)
dni if you're lgbtq+ phobic in anyway (especially terfs fuck off), sh/ed blogs, pedos/zoos, zionists, pusu supporters, and if you think transandrophobia isn't real
do not drag me into proshipping or toyakasa/toyasaki discourse
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thyandrawrites · 2 months
sending an ask bc shy but oh my GOD
ive been following u for YEARS for ur bnha meta, continued to follow after u stopped bc I like ur blog regardless (I don't even READ blue lock but ur meta is so fun to read I just might), and GOD DAMN getting to read ur thoughts on the ending was SO VALIDATING
i dropped bnha forever ago for many reasons, mostly frustration with the narrative, but it feels good to have one of my fave meta writers talk about it 🥺❤️ im glad ur still alive and kicking (alive and writing???? alive and writing)
p.s. if by the time i catch up on dunmeshi u have a meta tag for it too, i'll MUNCH thru it like a starved creaturE omnomnomnom
I got you anon, I don't know how to strike up a conversation with people either 😂💙 and omg, what do you mean you've been here for years hdhdhjsj I'm so touched! Thank you for sticking with me all this time, despite the fact that in the past year in particular I've been jumping through fandoms and interests a lot!
I hope you have a good time if you ever end up reading blue lock! Full disclosure, I ended up dropping it a few weeks back. It dawned on me that I wasn't happy anymore with the writing and that it would never deliver what I wanted to see. I guess if there's one thing I can thank bnha for, it's teaching me how to recognize when a series is no longer for me. Sad, truly, especially coming right before the massive disappointment that was the ending of bnha. 😔 Idk what I'll do from here on. I'm still processing my feelings for bnha so I might keep consuming fanworks here for a bit. but dunmeshi lifted my mood a lot so I might come back to it after I'm done grieving for bnha's wasted potential I suppose 😂 I did intend to write some meta for it but I'm not too confident I'll ever get around to it. Coming late to a fandom makes me feel as though everything has already been said and analyzed (and also I'm scared of the Discourse I've already seen circulate dhhdjs I don't want to hop into another litigious fandom)
Anyway long ramble aside, thank you so much for reaching out! You made my day a little bit brighter in these trying times
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dukeofdelirium · 3 months
I recently got into ATLA again and the fandom is so strange I never expected a show as heartfelt as this to have so much beef inside its fanbase. I'm used to fandom toxicity and discourse- it's a part of every fandom, but a lot if stuff here just seems like ppl making up issues to get mad at. I rly feel like I'm in a diff world bc I loved this show and watched it so many times over the years ever since I was a preteen and never in my life would I have expecteded Aang of all characters to be so hated. Ppl calling him a niceguy incel misogynist is like?? Did we watch the same show ??? He's just a lil guy. I can't believe ppl hate him. It's very disorienting as someone who loved this series for years but never engaged or knew what the fandom was like till now. Huge whiplash!
Oh yeah this fandom is insane lmao. It’s true that every fandom has people like this in it, but some fandoms take toxicity to a new level. I’d say ATLA and Stranger Things are probably the worst fandoms I’ve ever been in lol. That’s why I filter tags on here. I mean, most of the ATLA fandom isn’t rlly that bad tbh, it’s just the crazy zutarians who have the most unwashed ass takes that kind of ruin it for everyone. Stranger Things has the same problem with Milevens. I think it boils down to ships and ppl being incapable of like… abiding by ship and let ship. They can’t just enjoy their pairing, they have to have the most wild takes and harass people. I mean hell, when s4 of ST dropped, I was getting around 30-50 mileven stan anons a DAY! They were harassing my blog bc I had made like 3 posts about s4 and how I shipped Byler. Then all a sudden they’re screen recording my blog and making posts about me on Twitter??? LMAO! I didn’t even RUN a stranger things blog, mind you. I had only made a few posts at the time. But here they were, obsessing over my blog bc I shipped something that wasn’t mileven and they were sending me hate anons calling me homophobic slurs and shit, then we (byler shippers) also all started getting harassed by a homophobic christian 😭😭😭😭
The zutara shippers have sent some anon hate my way too on here, but not as severe as Milevens did back when s4 dropped. But apparently there’s zeeks who are obsessed with me too and are trying to track my IP 😂 supposedly I’m a “well known” kataang shipper so this gives them justification to try and doxx lmao. I mean good luck to them, I have online security soooooo. Anyway shits wild bestie
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bdoubleowo · 1 year
sorry I'm new to mcyt -- wym, flower husbands is the reason we can openly ship desert duo?? was shipping still frowned upon in the community until a couple years ago???
there was some really viscous discourse about shipping (and. angst. yeah. angst) in hermitblr in late 2019 early 2020. like. death threats and doxxing bad. harassed Cleo off of Tumblr bad. people were really apprehensive to even touch shipping with a 10 foot poll after that. hell, people are still scarred by it and honestly i feel a little guilty bringing it up again, but i feel like. those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. you know? so i at least want to provide some context. can't even answer privately bc its an anon 😔
I wasn't even there (fortunately, my time in hermitblr consisted of early 2019, losing interest mid 2019, and going "ooh i hear there's a new season!" in mid 2020. dodging it comically) and was nervous to post about it at all back during 3L. That's changed obviously, which I personally attribute to FH, which i explain more here.
the shipping discourse is still around, it's just more on twitter nowadays. haven't checked in with twitter lately so i don't know if its better than it had been, but i do remember people policing who each other follow, and "canceling" people for following "known shippers".
In the lifesteal tumblr fandom i had a few friends called out for shipping, so it think the mcyt shipping acceptance of tumblr is more in the hermit/empires/traffic side of things than EVERYWHERE.
basically tumblr rn is just. "tag your shit, filter tags, block liberally, but let people live". honestly i haven't been checking to make sure things have been properly tagged lately. which i should. its polite. definitely tag all your original posts with hermitshipping/trafficshipping/whatevershipping. helps people avoid it if they don't wanna see it which will help prevent conflict.
uhh. vote flower husbands
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bylerfields · 5 months
maybe it's space curating bc i definitely see the mike side as the higher volume/frequency, i mean most times theres discourse it's bc someone poking at the will preference. like with the polls anons this week that only happened bc an anon said bratty btm mike was obvious and "at most" btm leaning switch, but stating it as fact not opinion. all preferences are opinion for the reasons you said, we only see them until 14 and havent seen their sex life. usually anything else said is just response to the first rudeness, or thats what i see. theres an acc on here who used to comment on btm will fics calling for btm mike instead which i think is very rude for fandom. theres accs on here blatantly posting on the public dash how people who don't prefer subby btm mike are crazy and even not as smart for not seeing it. how is that not rude? then the multiple times spicy polls anons have been rude instead of just sending asks about their preference for mike and making the experience better for themselves. did you see the polls anon that said something and added "anyway btm mike >>>" months ago? i dont think i've seen that from a btm will? i tried really hard to think if i had! but it's those kinds of behavior we dont need amongst us bc no one is better. i follow lots of spicy bylers and havent seen that from btm will or switch bylers, they just post about their preference. i've made moots with people who came from twitter who said it would happen there too, they'd respond to rudeness for not "getting" sub mike and suddenly are the bad guys. so they got tired by the behavior and stopped being active. maybe your dash is more peaceful but i dont see will sides of things saying things until prompted. or with every right to offer an opinion to what was said bc this is a public space. i'm surprised you've seen more for the opposing side? tbh you will have people who are extra who are rude in every side of a ship preference but the 'frequency' to me has been the mike side. i was annoyed when i saw the bratty anon on spicy polls bc i knew it was going to start more annoying discourse that means nothing. how are they shocked people don't share the same preference? thats normal in fandom. you'd have to be new to fandoms to be shocked
anon I unfortunately think this is just a case of you not seeing the rudeness on the other side because you agree with the stance. especially with the sentiment of people not being as smart for not seeing it - that’s like, a pretty pervasive topic in the sfw side of our fandom as far as will goes.
the ao3 comment thing is obviously rude so i’m with you on that.
it could definitely be that i just don’t follow or see posts like that, though i do follow some really kind people with bottom mike prefs. i’ll take your word for it, but i guess i’d say that even the “anyway bottom mike >” posts come across as tongue in cheek, and again, isn’t it okay to share preferences? it’s a little brash, sure, but it shouldn’t be shocking for people to want to express these prefs in the tag, like you said.
i’m saying all this with a pretty clear preference for bottom will, too, so it’s always a little surprising to me that others don’t see it because it’s not like i’m biased. but it’s just always felt obvious to me that bottom mike fans are the minority in the fandom - think about the reason you haven’t seen any of the asks of similar nature for bottom will in spicybylerpolls. there’s no need for it lmao - and it just takes one annoying comment, likely from an anon or someone not active in the fandom (that the op probably made without even thinking) to get 10 people to come to it’s defense with think pieces galore about the canon validity. sure, they have every right to comment on what was said but there shouldn’t be such a big need for defense, i guess?
have you thought about the possibility that theyre likely just experiencing fandom a little differently than you and (other than the ao3 comment thing) are not intending to invalidate you or be rude to you?
even with the recent anon sharing how surprised they were to find that more people didn’t see mike as a bottom, i get how it could come across as invalidating if they weren’t coming from a place of clearly knowing theyre in the minority of opinions. imagine someone saying that around the dinner table with friends. its funny, its a differing take, sure its a little over confident but it’s not rude to anyone - even with an opposing outlook myself i think it sparks fun conversation when someone else is shocked theyre the odd one out. i’m more curious than offended. i may be naive and giving them the benefit of the doubt, but this is often the tone i perceive when i see pro bottom mike posts. i think they’re pretty aware of what the common opinion is.
this is similar to how i feel when i see “where are the bottom mike fics/poll questions/etc? i’m tired of bottom will” again, same situation, if a friend said this in a group of bottom will fans, it doesn’t come across to me as being actually upset and wanting to silence us, it’s just: silly. there’s that surprise of “am i really the only one who didn’t go crazy over [insert xyz thing that mike did in the show], where are my people?” and i think they’re entitled to do so. just as people with our preference are over things we saw in the show. bottom will fans already have their people, it was the default when the polls started. i guess thats all i’m saying.
from my now 1.5 years on the nsfw side, it seems like there’s always going to be an assumption from someone that people sharing opinions about a more subby mike are being spiteful, rude, or trying to be divisive.
you say no one is better, but seem to have a very low tolerance for posts about bottom mike. having the preference is okay, but only if they come with the perfect angelic attitude about it. i’d say we don’t hold the same standard for bottom will posters - and it makes sense that you’re not gonna perceive a (pretty consistent) negative, superior attitude if you’re nodding along to the sentiment.
thank you for the context!!!
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taketheringtolohac · 5 months
i was tagged by @laevateinn for the 9 people you want to get to know better tag game! here we go strap in its gonna be a ride.
last song: unfortunately everything ive been listening to lately is uhhh not awesome. but anyways it's please please please let me get what i want by the smiths. or love like you from su. extrapolate what you will from that.
favorite color: orange all my besties love orange 🥰
currently watching: i wish this question had been asked three days ago because then i could say it was just code geass with the bestie but unfortunately i'm also now watching steven universe but this time all of it all the way through bc i fell off somewhere in the s2/3 region and now my five y/o brother has gotten into it and i was like oh ok maybe i should do this for real this time and well. here we are. i will say though despite all that it has come to represent now in the wake of the Discourse and tumblr fandom hell. all i have to say is. rebecca sugar im so sorry they did that to you it's really not that bad. just finished my 3rd rewatch of house two weeks ago though.
sweet/spicy/savory: either sweet or savory it depends on the mood. not spicy though i am a baby
relationship status: its crazy to me that this is a question on a tumblr tag game these days like what is this facebook. the answer is single though i dont leave the house these days and dont know how to
current obsession: uhhh ok well. trigun is kind of the Thing right now. if you want to talk to me about trigun my dms are open especially if you want to hear me talk through my fic bc i want to actually finish it by the end of the summer for real and apparently i need to "actually do" my hobbies
last thing you searched: probably phone plans. save me.
ok ill tag people um @solphy @mngwa @aramanna @crashed-keys @dullahandyke @sugarglider-s @odysseys-blood @littlelatinboyindragv @scoobhead and anyone else who wants to do this!
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teaveetamer · 6 months
I really don't want to be rude and I'm sorry if it appears that way, but why are you still engaging in all FE discourse? It's clearly not making you happy.
There's many cool project to focus on for FE ( there's a Blue Lions fanzine coming up!! ), and even outside of FE, I'm sure there's many games that could be to your taste? Idk if you already played it, but Baldur's Gate 3 has nearly everything cool FE have while being a really good game!
Discourse make us all miserable and we often end up doing things we regret, if not just for the time wasted talking to asshole. I know how it is, I was there before.
Blocking people and tag then moving on sometimes is for the best ( even asshole like Raxis, he might have stalker-ish behavior but the best that can be done is ignoring him ). I was sad to see your profile bc of random discourse, I would love to find you the same way but this time for speaking of something you love.
Anon I’m going to take this in the best possible faith here, and no I’m not assuming you’re being rude
1) I do have a blog which is ENTIRELY dedicated to just talking about things I love. It’s called my main blog, which used to be linked to this one, but I had to remove that link after one of the more deranged members of the fandom chose to follow it and comment pro-genocide stuff on my fun polls about which PNG is the sexiest. I also still write fanfic, livestream, participate in niche-r discord severs, and run several side blogs and accounts for events and tournaments, none of which I advertise heavily here because, again, a subsection of extremely deranged fans of a particular character seem to take it as an invitation to be extremely deranged.
2) I made this side blog explicitly to quarantine fandom negativity from my more positive endeavors, and frankly I have been trying (key word trying) to wind down its usage for years now because, frankly, I have better things to do and I don’t have that much more to say about 3H itself anyway but…
3) I have blocked the losers who are engaging in this kind of behavior. The problem is that they do not respect that block and continue to stalk, harass, and repost the things I say anyway to various social platforms, which has led to death threats made against me (among other things) because they are unwell beyond anything a block button can fix.
And 4) since I am not the only one these people do this kind of thing to, I figure the least I can do is warn people of their deranged behavior by using what little platform I have here.
So anon if you want to see me do something I enjoy, chances are you’ve already seen me doing it even if you didn’t realize it was me. And if you would like to see this blog stop posting, I highly encourage you to call out dangerous fandom behavior such as stalking, death threats, false accusations of pedophilia, harassment, etc. when you see it.
And sorry this took me a few days. I spent most of the week with a nasty sinus infection and I spent all my energy Thursday on going to work and class
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
ok sorry thought i was done but just. like the places where i see discussion to be had abt misogyny re:wlw ships/fics getting less attention/hype/whatever in the marauders fandom is like
1. the fact that the source material is sexist in its portrayals of women and the sexism underlying how pretty much the only characters w any canon to build off in the marauders era are men
which like. this is a valid thing to point out, sure, and it's a valid thing to be aware of, but it isn't any individual fic writer's moral responsibility to rehabilitate the text by giving female characters development that was not afforded to them originally, y’know? fanfiction isn't activism, it's a hobby. and because it exists outside a profit economy, nobody really has any right as a consumer to demand certain standards of representation. so it's like. there is a conversation to be had there, but it's not a conversation that everyone is obligated to take part in, and it's not a matter of pointing fingers and going "you're sexist if you only write fic about boys!!" like that just isn't the way you act if ur trying to build community. sure, i think it's good to be aware of how the original biases in a text impact our engagement with it, but at the end of the day i'm not going to frown upon someone for looking at a handful of characters and picking the ones that were more well-developed in canon, yknow?
2. The Rosekiller Conundrum
see this is where i feel like a lot of this discourse hinges because when point 1 is broken down i often see people go: yeah but it's not just about which characters are well-developed bc evan rosier literally has no canon personality either and neither does barty and tbh neither does regulus so why are they so popular!!
and it's like. first of all, is rosekiller actually as popular as u are making it out to be? one quick search on ao3 brought up 4000 works tagged dorlene and 778 tagged evan/barty. so. i am curious about how this popularity is being measured (of course, timeframe plays into it too--if most of those 778 fics have been written in the past year, that probably is a lot more growth than most wlw ships see). but honestly i wonder how much of the seeming popularity of rosekiller is just internet echo chambers, yknow?
but also. people going "why/how did this get popular if not flat-out sexism??" like. it seems pretty simple to me. pandemic -> tiktok explosion -> atyd virality on tiktok -> marauderstok -> jegulus surge. a few fic writers somewhat randomly decided to write evan and barty as regulus's friends, their fics happened to go viral through no fault of their own, and bc of the way tiktok interacts w fanfic where everyone talks abt the same few popular fanfics bc that's what will get their videos views (which makes those fics more popular, which makes more people talk abt them for views, etc etc) evan and barty just happened to become new beloved characters. tbh i think it could just as easily have been any other two death eater/slytherin boys if someone had happened to choose them to be regulus's friends and then their fic went viral.
so like....to me rosekiller has less to do with sexism and more to do with the way that tiktok engages with fanfic through this framework of consumer economy. and so continuing to interact w it through the framework of a consumer economy is just gonna perpetuate the issues u are ostensibly trying to critique.
and like, yes, there is of course room for a conversation of like. what role misogyny plays in the seeming boom of rosekiller popularity, and whether this is indicative of a wider trend in which people get attached to male characters much more quickly and easily than they do female characters. but that is not the only factor at play here, and it is not necessarily the most important one, or a factor that's even going to be at play for every single person, and certainly not for every single person the same way. so like--sure, let's have those conversations! i've shared my thoughts on this blog before abt how i think misogyny might impact our abilities to relate to female characters. but nobody is obligated to take part in those discussions because, once again, this is a hobby that exists outside a consumer economy, and it is neither practical nor productive to act like everyone should be constantly and militantly policing each other for any behavior that could potentially be influenced by misogyny. this is supposed to be a community. if u want to have a conversation with someone, you don't start it by pointing a finger in their face and yelling about how you're morally superior.
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Hi Weird Question, but how many followers would you ballpark say you have gotten from posting about qsmp?
I ask this because Ive been on tumblr for a LONG while, I have run multiple fandom blogs and this is the worst follow to notes ratio I have ever gotten for a blog (it is relativity new as well though). I don't want to sound weird and complain about the number of followers I have, but of the 523 posts in my blog, 38 are original posts. I have 236 notes total from those 38. and zero followers. compared to when one of my other blogs was at this size I would have somewhere of a ballpark of 10ish especially with a few posts chilling way above the average of 6 notes
I feel like this could be an issue much like the issue pertaining to people not reblogging stuff, but also I may need to reevaluate the way im interacting with people on this site >_<.
that's kind of a hard question bc i was gaining followers from the trigun fandom very shortly before i started posting about qsmp, so there was a period of overlap, but i guess when i switched to posting primarily about qsmp i would say i've gained approx. 350-400 followers. i typically get anywhere between 100-1000 notes on any qsmp post i make (excluding liveblogging) and i am apparently a more popular blog because i write fanfiction and make analysis posts on occasion which has made me weirdly well known in some places of the fandom and that is terrifying i hate being perceived HELP
ANYWAY i think a better blog to use as an example would be when i had to use a new blog because this one was unfairly flagged for a couple weeks. i used a previously unused sideblog to liveblog and make posts on since posts on my main wouldn't show up in the main tags. i typically got a fair amount of notes, anywhere between 50 to 200 on each post, but i only ended up with maybe 4 or 5 followers on that blog (excluding mutuals i had advised to follow that blog as a backup in case my main went down forever [which it didn't thank fuck]).
honestly?? i assume the lack of following is because a lot of people in this fandom are very wary. qsmpblr likes to hail itself as better than twitter (and it is in some respects for sure, i'm not denying that), but it feels like everyone in this fandom has some kind of Opinion on Something at all times. there's always something to complain about or criticize about anything, whether it be the admins, an event, another cc's character, a cc themself, etc etc. if you follow a person you will be subjected to all of their opinions on every single issue that pops up, even if it's just a dismissal of whatever current discourse is making its way through the tag (and i'm guilty of this myself sometimes, i'm no angel here). there is not a single day that goes by without something negative crossing my dash regarding something that's going on with the smp. doesn't matter what it is, someone will have something to say about some kind of issue no matter what, and that shit gets tiring. sometimes it's better not to follow people lest you find yourself bombarded with opinions. that way you can still scroll your dash without worrying about seeing untagged discourse and infighting and criticism.
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