#(plagerism moment)
miniimoose · 8 months
Hope I get an A in doctors appointment class
I studied all week for the blood test
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crispysnake · 1 year
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all444miles · 1 year
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— paring: e42!miles x fem!reader
— genre: fluff
— summary: halloween was just across the block, so why not start early and practice makeup on your boyfriend?
— a/n: YO WE SO CLOSE TO 1K AHH?? ilyasm ty !! also can we just imagine miles 42 w vamp makeup n blond braids/barrel braids for a sec.. 🤭🤭 this is kinda short bc im so sleepy but mostly this drabble is a bday gift to my pookie bestie aizie, so as long as she enjoys it idc + i hope you enjoy this when ya read it ! mwah, enjoyyy (*≧▽≦)
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it was the first day of october, and halloween wasn’t too far away, by your standards. And of course, a carti lover like yourself, decided to have a vamp theme. It just so happened that Miles suited that theme perfectly.
And that’s why you were on your boyfriend’s lap, makeup supplies on your counter, carefully applying black eyeliner around his eyes, Long Time Intro by Playboi Carti playing through the speakers placed in the corner of your room.
“I gotta blink, amor. Plus I cant really keep a straight face if you got your eyes on me like that.” he protested, trying his best to keep a straight face. “How do I look so far?”
“Trust the process, Miles! You look good, just lemme finish this oneee part then I’m done.” there wasn’t one part left. For you, you wanted to make sure everything looked right. Your lover, Miles, on the other hand, was eager to see the outcome. He just didn’t realise how tedious it was.
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“Maa, ¿lo hiciste? He estado sentado en esta silla durante años, lo juro.” (Maa, you done? I’ve been sitting on this chair for ages, I swear.) Miles asked, practically almost falling asleep because of how slow you were doing his makeup.
You chuckled. “Miles, you’re so impatient, beauty takes timeee. I’m almost done, for real.”
After 5 minutes, you were actually done. You got off his lap, giddily grabbing a mirror to show him the result of your hard work. “It’s done! Do you like it?”
Miles looked into the mirror, turning to his side to see how it looked from different angles. A small smile grew on his face, “Wow, princesa, this looks fire. I love it, that long ass wait was worth it.”
You grinned at his compliment, pulling out your phone to take a picture of him so you could look at it later. Miles was not a fan of pictures, but for this occasion, he didn’t mind all too much. He walked closer to and gave you a kiss a the forehead, the stain leaving a mark.
“Do i gotta take this off? Because I kind of wanna keep this on.”
“Keep it on! I need to remember this moment for as long as possible.”
“You just think I look fine, don’t you?”
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tagslist: @seraaphicss @laaailuh @mayearies @onginlove @laylasbunbunny @arielliio @milesmolasses @missusmorales @thatgirlmiah @paraccosm @tinkerbelle05 @fictarian @zalayni @whitejasmine @444morales @writings-ofthe-heart
© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
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blindmagdalena · 3 days
Seeking writing advice from one of the best. Please, share some of your tips, tricks and general wisdom (if you feel comfortable ofc). :))
you're so sweet! i'm no professional but i'll do my very best to offer something helpful!
the unfortunate reality is there's no one universal trick to writing. you just gatta Do It. and do it frequently! write badly. write out of sequence. write streams of consciousness with no mind for how the sentences read.
the most important thing you can do with your ideas is get them OUT of your head. you can't polish a gem before you've mined it.
don't delete the things you write! if you find a fic or a scene isn't flowing right or just doesn't fit where you've written it, put it aside. there's a good chance it'll come in handy later, or you'll be able to utilize it better at another time with a fresh perspective.
i have a whole doc called "odds and ends" where i hold onto moments or bits of dialogue that i've written but don't have a use for yet.
don't be afraid to seek validation! to paraphrase this tessa barron article, writing is performative. your story isn't finished until someone reads it. you'll never be done with it until it becomes real and complete to someone else. that's just part of the art! we write for ourselves, yes, but we also write to connect with each other.
read!!! in order to write well you must read. learn from authors who have more experience, more mastery over the art of storytelling and structuring their sentences. audiobooks count as reading, btw! it's so important as a creative to imbibe stories. i got back into reading published books around the time i started getting serious about writing again, and the impact it had on my style is SO obvious to me any time i go back and read my older pieces.
writing is fire and reading is fuel. feed your creativity!
PLAGERIZE. now ofc i don't mean this literally. but you absolutely SHOULD be freely taking inspiration from everything and everywhere. the reality is that there's only so many stories and concepts out there. what makes something original is the execution. don't ever be afraid to tell your version of a story you love. ESPECIALLY in fanfic! there's a reason fandoms are rife with stuff like beauty and the beast au's.
i hope that helps! 🖤
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intosnarkness · 3 months
soft asks to get to know people
Imma be sadistic and say 6.
Oh I see we're playing for KEEPS tonight. You're lucky I asked @maybetwice to be nice to me last night cause now I can just plagerize them. Also, I hope all of you have a friend who you can text and be like "hey i'm feeling terrible will you say nice things to me?" and they pause their epid battle with their dishwasher to do so.
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Physical: I have very good curls in my hair (which is purple), I love the color of my eyes, and as weird as it seems, I have a deep emotional connection to the scar on my right index finger that I got while I was ice skating when I was 18 years old. 3 stitches, between the first and second knuckle. As weird as it may seem, the scar has become an important touchstone to help me through panic attacks and flashbacks because it is a specific moment in time that I can anchor myself to. If I have that scar, I am at least 18 years old. The things that happened before that are in the past. IDK if that makes sense. But it's easy to see and touch anytime I need that tether.
Nonphysical: people trust me with their kids. I have a weird way of understanding the world that makes other people look at things in new ways and makes people laugh a lot. I'm good with my hands - cooking and baking, but also carpentry and crochet and embroidery.
(soft asks)
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sinsandsuccubus · 5 months
Our Future
Hey everyone, long time no see.
I’ve been putting this off for a while now, however, I believe I owe you guys some sort of response/update.
I’m gonna be honest. I’ve lost interest in Jack Harlow. Yes, his music is great, yes he’s attractive, however, I’m just not into writing for him anymore. Or writing at all.
As some of you may know, I am well known for my smuts. I get a lot of asks for them, and a lot of comments on how good they are. However, my sexuality prohibits whether I write or not, and recently is has to the extreme. A while back I made a post explaining my sexuality and how it affects me daily, which I will link here. I’m not going to go into details, as you can read the post, but basically sometimes I feel romantic, sometimes I don’t. The same thing goes with for the concept of intimacy. And because of this, I can’t write unless I’m in the mood, which is becoming a few and far in between.
At this point, I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve received a lot of suggestions, however, when I go to put forth the effort, it just isn’t there; which can been kind of seen with my one sentence requests.
I don’t want to say I’ll be back to writing, because 9 times out of 10, I won’t. However, I also don’t want to say I’m leaving, because I don’t think I am. I just have no motivation to write at the moment. Will that change in the future, maybe? I don’t know just yet.
With that being said, I’d like to apologize, to the asks I’ve received and never answered, to the stories I’ve promised and never completed, to those of you who are waiting for me - I am deeply sorry. I’m just not feeling it anymore.
I’ve also noticed that the Jack Harlow tumblr presence is now dead. No one is really active on here; and part of me wants to come back and change that, but the other part of me wants to just leave it.
I do want to give thanks to all of the people who I’ve made friendships with, you know who you are. I’d also like to thank all of you, who have showed interest in me in my page, I’m grateful for every single one of you.
To keep things short, and to give some reassurance - I will no longer be on tumblr as frequent as I was before. I haven’t decided if I wanted to stay, nor decided if I want to go, so it’s really up in the air. Please do not expect posts, as I don’t want to leave you hanging mid-air. However, please be assured that my page will be up. I will not take down this page unless stated so in the future, but as of right now, I’m not taking it down anytime soon.
I will be pinning this post, so underneath my signature theres a link to my navigation, as well as a few others.
I love you all, and thank you so much for sticking with me this long.
- Luna 🌙
Navigation & Destination | Plagerization Poll | Main Masterlist
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mccnstruck · 9 months
your icy heart (in the warmth of my hands)
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characters: eula x gn!reader
tags: modern au, ice skater!eula, fluff, reader is shorter than eula, op thinks they might've found a new fav character to write 
a/n: this is for Ecrin de Literature’s holiday event !!!! as you can see my only reference for ice skating is yoi </3 i had sooo much joy writing this and fr i think i need to write more for eula !!! i want to wish everyone a happy holidays and take care of yourself this winter !! enjoy <3
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She spun herself around, the ice creaking underneath the blades of her skates, and found the world to revolve around her. The sound of the routine she practiced all too well echoed through the empty ice rink; the harmony of an orchestra united; it sang for her.  
Standing next to the ice stood you, basking in the beauty of your love. She looked flawless, as if she had commanded the ice, commanded the people on the sidelines to look at her. In the bottom of your heart, you held a burning desire to keep the routine secret, to hide it in the abode of two lovers instead–a secret language spoken by the other. 
You hadn’t realized the slow end of the music, and only when Eula skated towards you did you notice how cold it was. 
“[ Name ]?”
You gasped at how her breath landed on your cold skin. 
“Eula! All done with your routine?”
 “Mhm. I needed to make sure this performance would be completed flawlessly. My apologies, for I had not tended to you beforehand.”
Your eyes crinkled, and you instead gave her a grateful smile. 
“Don’t worry about me, and don’t worry about your performance. You were perfect, my love.”
For a moment’s glance, you saw the yellow in her eyes glow before you found the pleasant surprise etched onto her face. 
“A routine must be perfected; that is what the art of ice deserves.”
She paused. 
“However… Thank you, dear.”
You took off your jacket and placed it on Eula’s shoulders, all while leaning up to kiss her cheek. 
“[ Name ]... I am used to the ice. You’re freezing; take your jacket.” 
In a comically ironic response to her remark, you felt a chill wrap around your shoulders and your teeth began to clatter. When Eula tried to shake the jacket off, you put your hands on her shoulders in refusal. 
“[ Name ],” Eula said. Her eyebrows creased, and her voice promised a stern lecture when you got home.
“Oh, shush. Let me take care of you.”
Despite the border separating you and Eula, your arms wrapped around her and you let your head find comfort underneath her chin. 
“Plus, I’m always warm around you.” 
Her eyebrows relaxed, and the lecture on her lips faded from her tongue. Had you leaned back, you would’ve found her lips to turn upwards. Instead, you felt her arms wrapped around yours and bruised, dry lips kiss the top of your head.
The snow blazed through the winds, leaving its mark on the roofs of warm homes. The wind whistled outside, leaving a warning to all. Yet you didn’t mind, for you were safe in Eula’s arms. 
Your wish for Eula’s routine to only be seen in your eyes would remain in the bottom of your heart. However, the way she tightened her hold around your waist, the way you were graced with her kiss, the way every upright spin was to enchant you… it was a mother language for two lovers’; a language that only you could understand how much she loved you. 
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mccnstruck. do not plagerize or repost my works.
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ginalr · 2 years
From what I can gather ...
Build has resigned from BOC. Pretty sure we saw this coming. From a business perspective on BOCs part, this is the only viable option and I still have a shred of hope that Build cares for and has regard for his colleagues enough to not want to drag them down with him. If he stayed in BOC he would not be able to actively work until the accusations are resolved anyway, rather his presence in the company while this is ongoing would be a dark, toxic cloud over every activity anyone else does.
He denies everything. Not suprising tbh.
He plans to fight the accusations in court. Bit more interesting and REALLY makes me wonder what in christ BOC initially wanted to be said/achieved when it was supposed to be Build and Poi. She is not backing down and has lawyered up. He is not backing down and is lawyering up. Did BOC deadass just want a Jerry Springer moment on their youtube live? Hell if I know. I suspect this is partially when he deleted all of his social media - not just to sheild himself from hate but also to minamise the damage he could do to himself by tweeting up a storm while highly emotional. I had honestly wondered if he was trying to settle somehow out of court/away from the public and have Poi drop it or if he'd outright just admit wrong-doing in he vaguest terms and give up. That he is planning on fighting the accusations through the law kinda throws Poi back into doubt again. I'm still not calling anyone innocent or guilty until the facts and evidence is presented in a legal theatre. Build has not said or presented much to defend himself publicly and that very well could be because he has nothing but it could equally be that he's got a lawyer on side telling him to save it for the court and to just let Poi dig herself a deeper hole on twitter - if he has evidence to refute what she is saying, her twitter threads are going to be a buffet in a defamation lawsuit. Guess we'll need to see how it plays out still. If Build is 100% innocent and can get that declared in court, he could go back to BOC or go to a different company. If he gets dragged in court and is not declared innocent his career is over but BOC can keep on going without suffering additional fallout.
Just hope Bible gets a new partner and Sammon goes forward with 4 Minutes. Since everyone has dropped and moved on from the initial plagerism accusation, they are probably fine to do so with just a recast for Build's role. Build will have left BOC at this point (be it a company push or by his own volition) to spare Bible from being blown up from the proximity.
Once again, my fandom peeps, please refrain from attatcking each other. Whatever side you are on or opinion you are taking, its a messy ass issue and people are going to be in their feelings about it. Let's not make it worse for ourselves.
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creative-writing-shit · 6 months
~♤~Things to Avoid in Your Writing~♤~
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Make it Your Own, but...
◇ Try to keep an eye out for certain factors that have a tendency to cause a story to drag on
◇ If a story drags on and doesn't capture the reader's attention, then it isn't going to gain the light and recognition it deserves
◇ Try to keep the following in mind when it comes to factors you should avoid in your writing
◇ Look out for these because they can happen without you even realizing more often than not
◇ I recommend going through and re-reading your chapters and/or short stories once you finish them; this allows you to catch errors or alter portions that may need it
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Look For...
Long descriptions
Flat characters
Poorly-written cliffhangers
Common word use
Difficult vocabulary
Slow starts
Unnecessary chapters
Unnecessary details
Unnecessary events
Excessive repetition
Rushed plots and/or events
Forced story aspects
Grammatical errors
Overused tropes
Poorly-written dialogue
Poorly-written characters
Poor character development
Boring story aspects
Lack of originality
Switching tenses
Switching points of view
Uninteresting characters, plots, etc.
Slow or overall bad story pacing
Unnecessary filler
Poorly-written smut
Effortless writing
Too many plot points
Cringe characters
Weak plot executions
Cover art originality
Unrelateable characters and/or events
Non-existent character arcs
Sentence structure and variety
Lack of build-up or high stakes
Anti-climactic moments
Inability to leave an impression
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I can certainly create more in-depth posts about any of the above listed if more clarification is needed or wanted. There certainly is a lot to touch on!
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Post Dividers Credit: @saradika
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luucypevensie · 9 months
🦙 + my fire baby Skye? 🩷
YAS, MY LITTLE FIRE WITCH! THANK YOU FAE! Tagging @carmens-garden and @dancingsunflowers-ocs because I know how much they love Skye too
1. Their go-to song to cry to: Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko (never had she felt more heard in a song, and she burst into tears the first time she heard it)
2. Their love language: Skye is a physical touch girlie through and through; she may not look like it, but that girl is so touch-starved that she’ll melt into a puddle whenever she’s surprised hugged
3. Their favorite holiday movie: Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town (it reminds her of simpler times where she could actually enjoy being a child)
4. Their pettiest moment: One of her fellow cheerleaders had spread the news about Skye’s parents and their abuse throughout the whole school, and in retaliation, she just happened to accidentally slip to their English teacher about an essay that cheerleader had plagerized
5. Their favorite ‘60’s song: You Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore
6. Their nicknames: Stormy, S. Lewis
7. Their go-to karaoke song: The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
8. A color you associate with them: Red
9. An event from their Prom night: Skye went with one of her cheerleading friends platonically, and they spent the whole evening sneaking sips of Fireball from a flask she had snuck in while making fun of the football players who were total douchebags
10. Their favorite wild animals: Dragons, but if we’re going real animals, then leopards would be Skye’s favorite
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mercy-misrule · 10 months
Thinking about something I posted about a few months ago
Where I had my own moment of oh! That's plagerism babey!
Where I found chunks of Spike Milligan's third volume of war memoirs sprinkled through an SG-1 fic
And then I emailed the author, because this was back in the day of fic hosted on personal websites
And they said that they were going to add credit and then nothing happened
I had a memory of them deleting the fic, but honestly it's more than a decade ago, and their website might have just gone down
And I keep thinking that wow, what are the chances for that author? What were the chances that someone would have read Milligan's book recently enough to pick out specific lines AND find their fic on their own website?
And it was a fuckin long fic too. It also required me to have read through dozens of chapters!
It's not like it was super easy to find personally hosted fic back then. You had to follow links from rec lists, realistically.
Anyway my takeaway is, cultivate niche interests! Read from a vast collection of fiction and non fiction! Follow rabbit holes and obscure topics, even if no one else around you knows or cares what it is.
Not just to catch plagerism lmao, but to just weird up your brain.
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quadrant-query · 9 months
; l;ke to cons;der myself a b;t of a "romance understander", but recently th;s has backf;red ;n the worst poss;ble way.
my matespr;t and ; are com;ng up on our one sweep, but ;'m not sure we'll make it to the n;ght. she has been attempt;ng to court a goldblood ;n the p;tch quadrant for about two per;gees now, and was com;ng to me for adv;ce on how to best secure h;s spade. unfortunately he recently confronted her about "steal;ng" one of her fl;rt;ng attempts "beat-for-beat" from a popular romcom that he had recently watched. they had a b;g blowup about ;t, and sadly dur;ng that argument ;t came out that not only was all the adv;ce ;'ve been g;v;ng her from var;ous f;lm-based sources, but the spec;al moments ;n wh;ch ; or;g;nally won her over were "plager;zed" as well. now she ;s fur;ous w;th me, ev;dently because that goldblood has conv;nced her that me tak;ng ;nsp;rat;on from my favor;te mov;es means that my feel;ngs are just as "fake".
normally ; would look to med;a for adv;ce, but now even that ;s out because no doubt ;t w;ll also be cons;dered ";ns;ncere"!!
; feel a b;t l;ke the protagon;st of ";n wh;ch a greenblood makes a l;v;ng boost;ng the conf;dence of romant;c su;tors so that they may w;n over the;r quadrants only for h;s own prospect;ve flushcrush to m;stakenly bel;eve from her mo;ra;l that he ;s ;n the bus;ness of d;sgu;s;ng sleazeballs ;n order to tr;ck people ;nto pa;l;ng them, wh;ch ;s not at all true but h;s reputat;on ;s ru;ned as well as the bronzeblood's whom he ;s help;ng to w;n over a seadweller etc"... ; don't know ;f you've ever seen that mov;e but that's bas;cally my current s;tuat;on!
what should ; do??
Holy shit, I love that movie actually. Troll Will Smith is fucking amazing in everything he does and I'll never hear otherwise.
As for your actual problem though, that sucks ass. You should try to talk this out with your matesprit, explain to her that everything comes from your genuine feelings for her and that you just like using moves from your own favorite things which you consider to be incredibly romantic on her. That's a very flattering thing to do! However maybe use your own words for it, just to really prove that it's from your pusher and no one else's.
Besides, things work out for the main character in the end of that movie. He gets to be with his flushcrush, and even the bronzeblood and the seadweller get together! (Spoilers if you haven't watched it I fucking guess, but like, that movie is so old that really it's on you if you haven't seen it).
Things will likely work out if you just explain your reasoning... perhaps to her kismesis as well, since he seems to be a big part of it. You should probably stop giving her advice for her other quadrants, though, because clearly other trolls aren't very appreciative of it.
Good luck.
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biographydivider · 2 years
Okay so I have to talk about this because I really think it’ll help anyone just starting out with writing, either for fics or for publication;
I just judged a short story comp for kids. One of the stories had the line ‘It’s quiet - too quiet,’ and the other had a character letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Cliche, right?
And you know what?! I was fucking thrilled! Because that meant these kids are picking up phrases they’ve seen in books, or in movies or whatever, and they’re trying them out for themselves! Putting them in new situations with their own characters and just playing around with the craft of writing.
And you know what? It’s not a coincidence that those stories had the best pacing, the best dialogue, the best atmosphere. Because the authors are picking up how to do all that stuff from the media they’re consuming.
I once worked an author event where a very popular writer from my neck of the woods told an entire room of people - proudly - that she never reads books in her genre, because then they can’t influence her vision. I literally sat at the back of the room horrified. Like, to the point where if someone had seen my face I could have got in a lot of trouble. First off; why the fuck have you chosen the books you write, if it’s not for a love of the genre? (to make money, in this author’s case, but you didn’t hear it from me). Second; how are you ever going to learn how to pace a novel, or a short story or whatever, if you don’t read them? How do you learn what works and what doesn’t on a technical level if you don’t experience plot points and character moments as a member of the audience? Talent only gets you so far if you don’t know how stories work.
You aren’t copying - especially when you’re just starting out. It’s not plagerism. It’s experimentation. It’s play. It’s all part of finding your voice.
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aquillis-main · 9 days
You know, I tend to give myself a lot of flak for being someone who hasn't published a game at all, working on a complicated mess of a game that is going to be based around someone else's code with a few tweaks, so that it's not outright plagerism. I mean, eventually, it's gonna be changed up to how I feel would be more working in this day and age, but at the moment everything's just a learnt copy-paste of the original with a few missing pieces.
Then I hear about the live service game that was barely advertized, and was hardly interesting with bland styles and poor trends being closed not even two weeks in it's lifespan, and it motivates me a bit to get working on my own project a bit more.
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kittykatinabag · 4 months
I wish I could remember exactly what happened to make me so avoidant to go on deep dive research tirades and write up my thoughts on stuff. It used to be a fun thing I did at one point, even if back then it was 90% the world building of various anime series, the other 10% was other Wikipedia rabbit holes I'd go down on like history or evolutionary biology or geologic records or space stuff or attempts at understanding metamaterials.
But at some point actually writing down these explorations stopped. My logical reason is that since this avoidance started either sometime in late high school or freshmen year of college, the whole plagerism lectures and absolute insistence that citing every single source and justifying every single thought in your head with evidence absolutely fucked my thought process up. But that can't be the only thing. There must have been some event or some person that affected me so much that I internalized the conclusion of "ok, anything I remotely feel, think, and especially speak about has to have some connection and evidence to it or else it doesn't count as valid"
But when I frame it in the justification way, that feeling stretches way back before I was initially doing deep dive research tirades. It stretches back to childhood and probably originates among one of the many times my parents called me a crybaby or disapproved/didn't care about something I liked because when answering the question of "why do you like [insert thing here]?" whatever answer I gave was either too vague or "wasn't a good enough reason." Or that time when I was 12 and after weeks to months of research on depression when trying to broach the topic of depression and therapy and the innate sense I had that basically boiled down to "I think I'm broken", my mom instead went on a rant about how depressed people don't exist and they just need to 'do things and talk to people' and they won't be depressed anymore.
She's a lot better about mental health stuff now but still not exactly the most receptive as I think she's never experienced it for a prolonged period of time. Which is why I still don't really divulge just how bad my own mental health was at certain points in my life.
Tangent aside, it would be nice if I could pinpoint a moment or the stretch of time when the avoidance fully started to manifest. Even when shouting into my various voids of shouting where little to no eyes see, whether it be this blog or the various spiral notebooks that I treat as a catch all for diary-ish entries, scrap paper, and other thoughts, I can't shake the feeling of not wanting to put down my thoughts. Perhaps it's like the way I explain my anxiety, the eyes in the walls feeling. Think panopticon but instead of one tower seeing everything, everything is seeing the one tower that is my physical being. I say physical being because for the most part as long as it doesn't transfer to my facial expressions or body language, I'm fine with whatever knowledge I can remember knocking about in my thoughts. Perhaps it's the observation of it all, even if the only observation is my own eyes. Something about the physicality of it makes me pause. Perhaps it makes it real, and when it's real it's a lot harder to fix if it ends up flawed.
Because god forbid anything be flawed right? /s
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beautifulhigh · 11 months
💖 🖋️
xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
💖 [Heart] What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
It's a scene I haven't written yet. I'm trying something new with this - which is so far workinng and ya girl is writing! - but I asked @wtfuckevenknows to pick from three options tonight. She picked #3, but #1 is the moment I am probably the most excited to write.
And the most nervous about so I can imagine me rewriting it to within a semicolon of its life. And using Henry's email sent at 8:22pm on 10 August 2020 in a way that could border on plagerism.
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
Alex and the terrible, horrible, no good, fucking neverending day.
Ask me about my current WiP. I’m trying to get some writing done and maybe it’ll keep me motivated…
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