#(problem -> i was very into their music but then brendon urie did whatever the fuck he did and now it's all a lil tainted)
ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
I've realised the unfortunate reality that I've never been able to make a playlist that captures my teen years because I haven't been able to admit that my tastes were a little cringe a decade ago. Alas cringe culture comes for us all i suppose.
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mononyann · 4 years
a while back people requested that i share some of my headcanons for certain bnha characters, so here's some of the characters that i did
Shota Aizawa
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- he absolutely has at LEAST 3 cats, he spoils the heck out of them too. that's why he's always eating those gel packs... he spends too much on his cats.
- he really does love his class. and we all know honey??? u haven't expelled any of them. ur soft for them ok.
- he likes to sleep with his cats bc he gets lonely at night... he will not admit it, but he likes having someone/something there :)
- he has reuccuring nightmares about the usj attack and how he could have failed to save his students
- has a very low alcohol tolerance and often ends up getting dragged back to his apartment by mic or midnight when they go out whilst he rambles and whines the entire time
- he hates crying and tries his best to keep his emotions held in, he's only cried in front of a select few people
- he tries not to let others opinions on him rule his life and tends to block it out if someone hates him
- he doesn't know it, but he is the entirety of class 1-a's dad.
- he really likes tea, and dislikes sweets
- as you would expect, he takes his coffee black
Hanta Sero
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- he really likes kpop! he stans multiple groups and really wants to attend a concert
- though he seems really chill on the outside, he's actually quite sensitive and has some self confidence issues
- he loves being around people and finds that he gets his energy from being around those he loves
- definitely into e-boy fashion, and he is open about it
- pierced his own ears at 3 am and called kaminari crying about how he screwed it up
- he actually likes to draw a lot in his free time, it's very relaxing. he puts on some nice low-fi music and draws for hours
- he hasn't had many crushes in his life and doesn't find romance to be a big issue currently, but he's open to anything
- accidentally taped his hamster to the ceiling in 2nd grade, he didn't mean to and cried for hours (the hamster was ok)
Nemuri Kayama
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- she is a BRO, she likes to crack a cold one open with the boys on the weekends
- she is bisexual and thinks everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways
- most likely talks shit about her coworkers to her classes
- she thinks children are adorable and loves them, often scaring them with her enthusiasm
- very touchy, she loves hugs and will probably not pass up a chance to use you as an armrest if she has the chance
- she secretly worries about aizawa a lot and is scared that he lets the past effect him too much
- did you guys know she has a cat?!
- i like to think she and mic are like... EPIC bros, she loves to paint his nails and do his hair while gossiping with him (aizawa would NEVER let her do this to him lmao)
- she isn't a mom, but finds the idea of having her own children very nice, for now having a cat will suffice
- she enjoys trying to make all might flustered, she thinks his reactions to things are always very cute and funny (it's all in good fun!)
- she's the mom friend! though she may seem very sexual, which she undoubtedly is, she is also very caring and has a very nuturing motherly personality, she's a lot more than just fanservice !!!!!
Todoroki Shoto
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- completely oblivious when it comes to love... he doesn't even understand his own crushes
- "of course you can borrow my credit card uraraka" *pulls out endeavors card which he sneakily took*
- would be the person to tell a child that their pet guinea pig didn't go to heaven and be confused when they start sobbing... like "what... don't be honest?"
- allows his friends to huddle up to his warm side when they are cold
- is confused when people show him copious amounts of love and affection
- he would beat up anyone if they tried to do ANYTHING bad to midoriya
- he wants more friends. he really is enjoying meeting new people and having some new friends at ua!
- he gives really good hugs, he doesn't try to hug you too tight, but he doesn't half ass it either, very nice and warm
- he hates his scar. like. a lot. he wants to cover it up so bad but it just doesn't work. he's afraid it'll make other people scared of him.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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- loves patd! and fall out boy, a brendon urie STAN
- loves to kiss his kitties on the forehead but dreads human interaction
- he loves to squish his cats' toebeans... he takes pictures of them and posts them to his secret cat social media acc
- he is gay but doesn't know how to feel about it and/or come out, he's really nervous and doesn't trust people to accept him
- he doesn't smile often but when he does it's the cutest thing ever
- he secretly really likes deku and kaminari and is hesitant about accepting their friendship, but appreciates the gestures a lot
- he suffers with social anxiety and doesn't really know how to make friends very well??? like, in middle school people were total dickbags to him so he kinda just closed himself off and decided he was gonna like... not make friends, but now that there's nice people around him he just kind of- doesn't know how
- this is actually canon! but he feels guilty about having to manipulate people when he uses his quirk, during the 4th school briefs book he feels guilty when he overhears midoriya and ojiro talking about him using his quirk during the sports festival, and he's like "i wish ojiro would say something rude about me to show he's angry so i wouldn't have to feel so guilty about this" since ojiro showed no ill feelings towards him
Izuku Midoriya
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- "hold on I'll go get a blanket!" *opens closet* *thousands of all might figurines tumble out*
- watches cat vine compilations until 2 am, than freaks out when he realizes it is 2 am
- very good with children!
- used to be very self conscious about his freckles bc of bakugou insulting them; hid them with concealer for a while until someone told him they were beautiful
- loves his momma so muchhh he would do anything for her, he likes to surprise her with small favors to see her happy
- does not understand the concept of letting people handle their own problems
- stays after to class to offer his teachers help
- he has a lot of self doubts and is still struggling to this day to come to terms with the fact that he is worthy of having one for all
- he wants to learn how to cook for his mom and friends
Kyoka Jirou
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- she is a lesbian!!!!! she has a crush on momo but is completely convinced that it's unrequited
- struggled with judgmental kids in middle school because of her sexual identity and style
- gets very easily flustered by anyone complimenting her
- that one person sitting at the back of the bus with their earbuds blasting full volume
- was a GOD at guitar hero
- acts like she's fed up with kaminari's (which she can be sometimes), but truly he's one of the people she can trust the most. she secretly appreciates the way he hypes up her talents and how he really helps her through the day sometimes!
- she loves heroes so much... when she was a little girl and didn't know what to do she'd ask herself "what would my favorite heroes do!?"
- she also secretly buys hero merch but hides it in fear of her being seen as sappy
Amajiki Tamaki
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- would have trouble standing up for himself but if he sees ANYONE messing with mirio he WILL throw hands
- likes to watch bob ross videos when hes feeling anxious
- he once went to a butterfly museum with his parents and cried out of joy when one landed on his nose
- leaves food out for strays in his neighborhood, ends up attracting an entire hoard of animals.
- he can paint very nicely, he began to paint after he discovered bob ross
- mirio then saw his paintings and showed the entire class to tamaki's dismay, but everyone absolutely LOVED them!!!
- every day he becomes more and more capable and sure of himself, he is still very anxious, but he's learning to open up and embrace his talents <3
- he really loves to listen to music and any time he's not around others he'll probably have earbuds in, gently swaying back and forth to whatever he has on
- nejire loves to try out new hairstyles on him, and strangely enough, tamaki lets her, he loves it when people play with his hair
Shirakumo Oboro
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- shares one collective braincell with mic
- that one person that brings EVERYONE valentine treats on valentines day at school
- most likely plays ding dong ditch
- *draws stick figure* "ah yes. just like van goh" (he cannot draw)
- hates to see his friends (and even random strangers upset) and will go out of his way to do dumb things to make them smile
- probably played soccer
- he's a massive flirt and likes to believe he will become a stereotypical anime protagonist with a massive harem
- he really wants to see aizawa come out of his shell more and tries his best to encourage him to see the best in everything
- he has most likely worn a schoolgirl uniform to class once
- he's very affectionate and loves to hug his friends (even if they don't want hugs), it's his way of showing he likes people
Hizashi Yamada
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- he lives off of caffeine. he is a teacher, pro hero, and radio show host, im honestly not sure how he does it
- gives out stickers when students get the correct answer in class and has class parties when they are well behaved for the semester
- just like everyone else, he has his own turmoil as well, he likes to stay busy because it prevents him from having a lot of time to dwell on the past
- he gives really good hugs, and loves to feel the touch of others, it's very comforting to him
- was probably pretty troublesome when he was very young while he learned to get control of his quirk
- overall a really happy and excitable guy, he loves being the center of attention and if he can make people happy by being what he is, that's awesome!
- he shows his appreciation for people in odd ways, but he always means good, even if his wild antics can be a bit stressful lol
- he likes to sing a lot and does it a bunch when he's alone, he can also play a lot of instruments
- he can be very serious if needed, he does often put on a persona when he's present mic
- when he's hizashi (out of hero persona) he's even more of a dork than usual, very goofy, awkward and pouty. a manchild.
OK so I reached my image limit, if u guys wanna see the rest I might post some more later PLUS feel free to request some in my asks, I don't really know how all that stuff works bc I'm kinda new to Tumblr but ILL FIGURE IT OUT
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batfamily-trash · 5 years
Missing You
Summary; you are/were Damian’s girlfriend and you have powers. You can fly and you also have the canary cry. You are not affiliated with Superman, Wonder Woman, or Black Canary.
Warning: Death, angst???,  language
y/n l/n. The A+ student of Gotham Academy. s/h/n. The girl that could fly. Juggling your superhero life and your normal life was a tad bit complicated. Why? Well, you were Damian Wayne’s girlfriend and the press LOVED to be all up in your face. Asking questions about your private life and what not. Damian hated it, but you were okay with it as long as they didn’t ask anything that would set him off. Which was almost impossible. But you know, you can fly away from your problems.
But, today it was Damian who set you off. He had invited you to a gala his father was hosting and it was marvelous. Chandeliers were glistening, the room was adorned with flowers from the garden, everything was just amazing. You and Damian were dancing to the music and enjoying the moment. When the song ended, Damian was pulled away by his brothers, and you were pulled away for a moment by Diana Prince and Dinah Lance. They knew about your powers and they wanted to help you train more. Basically, they wanted you to be their sidekick. But you were content being in Gotham with the Bat and his Batlings.
You declined their offer and began to look for your beloved boyfriend. Five minutes later you found him all right. You found him with your ‘friends’ all up in his face with their hands wandering around his body, and he didn’t do anything about it. He seemed to… enjoy it. Then out of nowhere your so called best friend kissed him. You took a step towards them but decided against it. You ran out of the building as tears began to build up in your eyes. Things that you have never thought before began to cross your mind now. Has he been cheating on you all this time? Was he with you just because you were useful in the battlefield? Was he just using you?
You heard Damian shouting your name as you ran further away from the gala. A moment later he caught up with you. He grabbed your elbow and pulled you towards him. “y/n, stop.”
“Why Damian? Why should I stop?” you asked while struggling to get out of his grasp.
“Don’t you beloved me!” you shouted. “Why would you cheat on me?!?”
“Y/n I… I wasn’t cheating…”
“Oh so if I go kiss Jon while dating you it wouldn’t be considered cheating?!?! You kissed my best friend!”
“Fine, you want to know why. It wasn’t working out with us,” he said abruptly letting you go. “The only reason why I was dating you was because you were of good use to me, nothing more!”
You took a step back, and let his words sink in. You wiped away the tears raining down from your face and fixed your dress. “Fine, we are over. Tell Bruce I’m out.” With that, you flew away from him and the gala.
10 years passed since you last talked to Damian with feeling. Now, every time you would talk to him, your voice would be empty of emotion. If you could you would avoid the living the hell out of him, but you were an important business woman in Gotham. Your company would help Wayne Tech come up with new ideas for technology.
It still hurt seeing Damian, but what hurt, even more, was that he had tried to apologize more than once, but you just couldn’t accept it. The feelings you still had for Damian were still alive and killing you, slowly. You missed him, and you were going to set things right.
You had a… friend who loved messing around with the timeline just to piss off people and when you told them that you wanted to go back and warn your younger self about your relationship with Damian, they agreed. They only agreed because you were annoying them. And because they hated seeing you suffer, but mostly because you were annoying to them.
They took you took you back two weeks before the gala. So exactly 10 years and two weeks. Your dear time traveling friend forgot to tell you WHERE in between those two weeks they were ditching you. They dropped you off in your old bedroom, at midnight, exactly the time you would either be arriving from patrol or leaving for patrol. So when you realized you were in your old room, you were fighting your younger self.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?!?” Mini you shouted at you.
“Maybe if you stop throwing cheap batarangs and books at me I’ll tell you!”
Mini you stopped throwing things but stayed in a fighting stance, waiting for the reason why you were in ‘her’ room. You fixed your clothes and picked up a picture that had ‘fallen’ and studied it before tossing it to mini you. “I… Batman sent me.”
“Batman sent you?”
“Uh yeah, Robin had something to do and he wouldn’t be able to join you during patrol.”
Mini you glared at you and turned on her heel and stomped towards the window. “I don’t trust you, but since I do need help I won’t complain.
”Oh thank god,” you mumbled to yourself.“
What was that?”
“Nothing lets go.” You followed yourself out of the room and flew behind her to a warehouse. You remembered that mission. Bruce had sent you to investigate an arms deal that was happening. You almost died there.
You and uh, you, landed by a window and peered into the warehouse. There were about twenty armed men and about 40 billion dollars worth of guns and ammo all over the place.
“I was thinking we sneak in, Mariah Carey they’re asses and call the cops,” younger you said with confidence.
“What do mean by Mariah Carey?”
“Canary Cry.”
“Okay… but wouldn’t it be more like Brendon Urie?”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Mini you said rolling her eyes. The both of you took a step back and prepared to bust in. Since you didn’t tell mini you that you were her from the future you covered your ears to not blow your cover. A minute later glass exploded everywhere and the both of you flew into the warehouse dodging bullets.
The both of you managed to take down the majority of the henchmen. You turned around looking for mini you when you noticed that Rusty, the arms dealer for the Penguin, was aiming at her. Just as he pulled the trigger you flew towards her and pushed her out of the way.
Back home, your ‘friend’ had told Damian of your little adventure. He didn’t take it well. Oh no, he actually threatened and paid your friend to take him to the same time period you were in right now. But by the time he arrived, it was too late.
You felt the bullet pierce your stomach just as you got y/n to move. You let out a last canary cry at Rusty making him drop his weapon and crouch in pain as he flew towards the wall. y/n shouted at you as you fell to the ground. She moved you onto your back and covered the bullet wound as she yelled at your stupidness.
“Because… I had to… If you died… there wouldn’t be a future… for me… just go… live your life… I… i’ll be fine…”
y/n stood up and looked down at you with tears in her eyes. You gave her a small smile as you covered the bullet wound with your own hand. You saw as she left to finish the mission, you also saw a bright flash coming from in front of you.
“Dami…” You whispered as your eyes closed and you fell into a deep sleep.
Damian stepped out of the portal into the warehouse. He looked around for you, hoping to stop you from whatever you were going to do. The minute he found you, he broke down crying. “No, no no no no, beloved I’m sorry, I’m sorry I let them all over me. I’m sorry for not really telling you how I felt…. I’m sorry….”
Two weeks later…
A tall dark figure stands in the corner of a room admiring a picture. A young Damian Wayne enters the room with Titus and Ace in tow. Damian glances up from his phone and immediately gets in a fighting pose. “Who are you?” he hissed.
The figure puts the picture down and stands in front of the boy. “You tell me.”
Damian let his fighting stance down as his loyal dogs walked up to the stranger and playfully pawed at him.
“Why are you here?”
“To advise you to not let y/n’s so-called friends near you.”
“Because it just might be the biggest regret you’ll ever make.” And with that, a portal opened as the figure walked into the shadows. Damian stood in his room dumbfounded by this encounter as the portal closed.
Back to the future….
Damian woke up in his room in Wayne Manor with a slight headache. He got off the bed and began to look for you. When he couldn’t find you, disappointment began to fill his head. Did he fail? Did he still let you go?
His thought were interrupted when he heard the front door open. He ran down the stairs as he heard your sweet voice. “I’m so sorry Dami, I was getting groceries right after I dropped off the kids from school and my phone died—“
You were cut off by a very passionate kiss, and a crying Damian. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”
I was gone only for an hour… You brushed it off and dropped the bags and hugged him back. “It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere…”
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plasterasher · 5 years
Did I stutter?
Based off of this Prompt 
Virgil was chilling in the living room of their shared apartment with Patton and Logan. All of a sudden Roman come running into the living room knocking over everything in site (Not really but). “GUYS” He screams. “ You *sigh* have our attention Roman”, Logan says sounding very annoyed. “ I made a mistake. A VERY VERY BIG mistake!” He says frantic. “ This is new?” Virgil says earning a glare from Roman. “ Shut up Emo nightmare! I told my parents I would come back home with my boyfriend this summer!” He says. “ You have a boyfriend?”  Patton, Logan, and Virgil all at the same time. “ No that's the first problem” “ What's the second problem” Virgil asks him. “ I don’t have a way there. “ Well kiddo just tell your parents the truth! and you can just take the bus right? I mean they live in Orlando right? That's only a few bus rides away right!” Patton says cheerfully. “ I can’t take the bus Pat! Also I was kinda hoping one of you would pretend to be my boyfriend please?” He says with pleading eyes. “ Sorry Kiddo I have a boyfriend already!” “As do I.” Patton and Logan say. Roman looks at me. “ Oh no” “ Virgie please!” “ Hell no!” “Why not!?!” “ I can barely stand you living in the same house with separate rooms, I couldn’t imagine staying in the same room as you!” “ Come on Virgil please! What are you doing this summer anyway?” “ I don’t know, how about SLEEP! We just finished exams!” Roman stops talking for a second. “I’ll buy you whatever you want from Hot topic!” “ *Scoffs* That isn’t going to work!” Roman stares at Virgl. “ … No matter the price?” “ No matter the price”. Virgl thinks for a bit. “ Fine” “Excellent!! We leave tomorrow at 5.” 
Virgil gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen to get his coffee. He was super pissed that Roman would make him get up this early. Not that he went to sleep anyway. But he knew he would have to drive the whole time because Roman didn’t have permit renewed yet. It was about a 5-6 hour drive based off of traffic. Not to mention Virgil is running off of 2 or 3 hours of sleep. He was not in a good mood.
*Timeskip* (On the road: Virgil his currently paying his playlist and it’s getting on Romans nerves)
“Ughhhh I can’t take anymore of this Emo music” Roman says as “Teenagers by MCR” plays in the background. “I have to drive so I pick the music” Virgil says. “ Put this Emo music is-” Roman stops talking all of a sudden. “ Emo music is what, Roman? Say it. I dare you.” “ Trash. It’s garbage. It’s worse than nails on a chalkboard!! I especially hate Brendon Urie, he gets on my nerves!” Virgil gasps. “ You did NOT just say that!!!” “ Oh I just did.”  “ That’s it get out!!! Right now!” “ Fine” . Roman still sits in the seat.  “ Did you not hear me GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW!!!” “ Virgil we are going 85-miles per hour down a  highway in the middle of who knows where!!!” “ Did. I. Fucking. Stutter?” Roman remains silent. “ Didn’t think so. Out now.” “Virgil your being unreasonable!” “ GET OUT OF THE CAR RIGHT NOW OR I WILL SPEED UP AND PUSH YOU OUT!!” Roman opens the door and rolls onto the street. Luckily there were no cars and when Virgil look in his mirror to check if he was alive, and he had got up. Virgil went to find the nearest  exit and started to head home. 
When Virgil got home Logan and Patton are watching a movie. “ Hey kiddo what are you doing home so early you guys just left?” “ I stood corrected I can’t stand being in the same car as him. He insulted who I am so I left.” They were quite but then Logan makes a face. “ Virgil… Where is Roman? “ Virgil smirks. “ Kiddo. Where. Is. Roman” “ To be honest… I don’t know, I mean I left him on a highway so..” “ VIRGIL” Logan and Patton scream. “ Shhh I have a headache, now if you don’t mind I’m going to sleep” Virgil starts to walk away but stops and pulls something from his pocket. “Oh yeah, don’t bother calling him princy left his phone in the car” Virgl says while a smirk rest on his lips. He waves Romans phone in the air and sets it on the counter. Virgil laughs then walks to his room to blast  music through his headphones and takes a well deserved nap.
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Merch - Brendon Urie x Reader
Request: Could you do a brendon x reader plz
Word count: 1 681
Loud music sounded from the hall into the part of the venue where beverages and merchandise was sold. It was a small venue, this one, and seemed to host other event often too. You leant back against the table behind you, where loads of shirts, all either black or white, were stacked up to heaps. While the main band was playing, there were only very few people trying to buy merchandise and since you worked for the opening band, there were fewer people buying stuff anyway. You ran your hand through your hair, pondering on whether you should put in some earplugs while no one was trying to talk to you but you decided against it.
From the hall inside you could hear fans scream loudly for the band to perform the next song. Suddenly the noise got louder. Someone must have come through the door. A second later the noise was a little more muffled again. Your eyes darted over to the bar. It was a hot summer night, and the people were heating up the building as well. You considered if it would be acceptable to quickly get yourself something to drink to refill your exhausted water balance, but in that moment someone stepped close to the table.
It was Brendon, one of the roadies who helped the main band with the tour. You had liked him from the first moment on. He had offered the opening band his help with loading and unpacking their things and every evening, while the band was playing, he came to check up on you. Usually he made a few jokes and you talked a little, sometimes he got you something to drink or even looked after the stand when you had to use the bathroom.
“Good evening,” he greeted, hopping up to sit on a bit of empty space on the table in front of you that acted as a counter.
“Look at what the cat dragged in,” you mocked, a wide grin on your face.
The comment earned a groan from Brendon, then he turned his head and grinned back.
“It’s something very special, ‘cause someone like me can’t just be found on any street,” he wittily responded.
You rolled your eyes but laughed.
“How’ve you been? How’s the venue,” you asked.
“Pretty good,” he answered both of your questions at once, “no complications so far.”
That was good. Sometimes the venues did not have enough space for everyone, or there was no bathroom for the crew and bands, or there were not enough speakers or god knows what. Usually you did not hear about problems until Brendon told you about them, because they were mainly irrelevant to you. Except for that one time where the venue had no tables to use as a counter for the merchandise sell. But luckily enough the guys who sold the main band’s merch, had organized some tables from a bar down the street, however they had managed that, and had gotten one for you as well.
“How’s your evening so far,” Brendon asked curiously and turned a little more towards you.
“Uneventful really, but-“ you made a small pause for dramatic effect, “I already sold more shirts today then over whole evening yesterday!”
“The people here just appreciate your good looks better,” Brendon immediately answered.
You felt a blush creep into your cheeks, but answered anyway, well knowing that the little red tinge in your face had not escaped Brendon’s notice.
“I thought people bought merchandise because of the band and not the sales person,” you shot back, making him laugh.
“Well, if I’d go to a concert and the person selling merch would be as cute as you, I’d buy lots of shirts, no matter how crappy the band is,” he winked at you.
“Then why don’t you,” you asked, leaning forwards a little.
He furrowed his brows and reached into his pockets.
“Well, I guess I’m all out of mone- oh no, wait,” he pulled a little piece of wire out of one of his pockets. “Well, I got no money,” he stated, his fingers carefully bending the wire a little and fumbling around with it, “but maybe I can instead gain my main goal and seduce the sales person in the meantime.”
He had spoken slowly and when he was finished, he held up a little ring that he had formed out of the wire. You felt another blush creep into your cheeks but you pretended not to notice.
“Nice try, Brendon,” you told him mockingly.
“Whaaat,” he complained, earning a few glances from the men at the other merch stand, “I’m serious about that!”
“Yeah, whatever,” you laughed shaking your head.
Brendon was silly and cute, and you knew that you were the only one who got his attention like that. And he was the only one you would allow to say these silly things to you. The whole tour crew and all members of the two bands knew that the two of you were head over heels for each other and had secret bets running on how long it would take the two of you to figure out that your feelings were not one sided. But of course neither Brendon nor you knew about that, so you kept flirting shamelessly, wondering if the other flirted back for fun or because they were serious as well.
Brendon shook his head and twisted the little ring in his hand, staring at it for a while.
“I’m thirsty, you wanna drink something too,” he asked suddenly, pocketing the ring.
“That’d be fantastic, you can read thoughts,” you smiled and he got up from his place on the table to walk over to the bar.
You saw him motioning over to you, explaining to the bar tender that he was buying drinks for two crew members and you waved over to the now nodding man, to signal you belonged with Brendon. A few moments later Brendon came back carrying two plastic cups with dark, bubbling liquid.
“Coke for you and Coke for me,” he said, handing you one of the cups.
You thanked him and quickly took a few big gulpes of the cool and refreshing, but terribly sweet drink. For a while you were standing by the booth in silence, Brendon sitting on the table again and you still leaning against the heaps of shirts. From inside the hall the loud music was pumping through the building and you realized that you were three quarters through the main set. You sighed deeply, realizing that soon you would have passed the two months mark on tour, leaving only another two months before you would have to say good bye to Brendon. Sure, two months seemed a lot, but on tour time passed quicker and often one week seemed to be less than an evening.
Brendon had picked up on your sigh and turned to you, his eyebrows raised.
“You okay,” he wondered and you nodded.
“Just wondering how fast time seems to pass on tour,” you explained.
He nodded as well, thoughtfully, and took a sip of his drink.
“You know, you should try on the ring though, now that I’ve gone through the effort of making it,” he suddenly said.
You knew he was trying to distract you, and you appreciated it. It would be stupid to spend the time worrying about a possibly dark future if you could have fun instead. The future would come fast enough.
“Okay,” you agreed with a little smile, reaching out your hand for Brendon to give you the ring.
But instead he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, away from where your back had rested against the shirts and so close to him that you were only separated by the table he was sitting on. With his other hand he grabbed the ring out of his pocket and slowly turned it between his fingers a few times before he carefully took your hand and slid the ring onto your ring finger. Only now you realized that he had somehow formed an almost perfect circle with his bare hands, the ends where the wire met were twisted up a few times, resembling a little stone or decorative element on the ring.
For a moment you both looked at your hand with the magically perfectly fitting ring.
“I guess were engaged now,” you joked, lifting your hand out of Brendon’s.
You took a moment to look at the little metal construct, thinking Brendon was doing the same, but you were surprised a moment later by his soft lips connecting to yours with a lingering kiss. He was not pressing very close, giving you enough opportunity to back away, to break the kiss, to tell him off and reject him, but much to his relief you were doing nothing of that sort and instead kissed him back carefully, as if you were afraid he would run away, even though he had initiated this. When a few seconds later your mouths were still connected, he lifted one of his hands to you neck and pulled you a little closer, causing you to lean over the table. He slowly deepened the kiss, both your hearts racing a thousand miles an hour. He tasted a little like the sweet Coke he had been drinking and his short stubble was scratchy against your skin, but you loved every second of it.
When he pulled back, he gently ran his fingers down your neck and leant his forehead against yours. In that moment, a whistle came from the door to the hall.
“Luke, you owe me ten bucks,” one of the opening band’s members cheered, “I told you they’d get together during the first half of tour!”
Brendon tried to lean up, turning his head to the joking med, but you quickly placed a hand at the side of his head and turned him back to face you, sealing his lips in another sweet kiss, the sound of the cheering band members drowning out in the music from the hall.
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grace13star · 6 years
Contemptible Me Chapter 1: Virgil
Triggers: Descriptions of fighting, blood and a wound. Also minor swearing.
Characters: Virgil (Sanders), Roman (Prince), Logan (Berry), Patton (Hart), minor background OCs
Virgil Sanders groaned and buried his head in the pile of books on his desk.
“You good, Brendon Urie?” Roman Prince, Virgil’s roommate asked, looking up from his sketchbook.
“No,” Virgil groaned again.
“What's the problem?”
“School starts tomorrow.” He groaned for the third time.
“Isn't it just wonderful?” Roman beamed. “I can't wait for the performances.”
“Shut up, Canigula.”
Virgil lifted his head. “You know all those musicals-” he gestured to Roman’s half of the room, covered in musical posters “-but you don't know Be More Chill?”
“Is that a Broadway show?”
Virgil laughed slightly. “No.”
Roman grabbed his phone and typed something. His eyes scanned whatever he had searched up.
“It says that Be More Chill is a book,” he reported.
“They turned it into a musical,” Virgil said. “Search it up with musical.”
Roman did so. “Oh.”
Virgil’s phone buzzed with a text. He glanced over and saw a glimpse of ‘Blocked Number’ in the notifications spot. He grimaced and ignored it.
Roman was pulling out headphones and not paying attention to what Virgil was doing, so he grabbed his phone and checked the text.
Axicunum. 11pm. XXXX XX St.
Virgil glared at the text.
“You okay there, Virge?”
Virgil looked up to see Roman looking concerned, one headphone in and the other dangling and blaring More Than Survive.
“Yeah, just a friend being stupid,” Virgil lied.
“I am loving this musical,” Roman said. “It comes off a bit crude, but the music is wonderful.”
Virgil put the text out of his mind and grinned at his friend. “Just wait until you get to I Love Play Rehearsal.”
Roman gasped. “That's my song!”
“You haven't even heard it yet!”
“Shut up, Pete Wentz.”
“What's with all the compliments lately?”
There was a knock on the door, and then the person who knocked opened the door and walked in.
“Heya, kiddos!” Patton grinned.
“You’re not even a year older than me,” Virgil deadpanned.
“Pssh,” Patton bounded over to him and hugged him from behind. “ But you’re so cute!~”
“Shut up,” Virgil grumbled. “I am not cute.”
Logan pulled Patton off. “Patton, don’t smother him. That can’t be good for his health,”
Patton giggled. “Sorry. Are you guys ready for school?”
Virgil groaned yet again and banged his head on the desk yet again. Then he rubbed his head. He hadn’t meant to hit it that hard.
“Careful there, Panic At The Everywhere,” Roman said. “Don’t want anymore brain trauma,”
“Any more?” Virgil asked. “When…”
“Well obviously you were dropped as a child by your parents. I mean, look how you turned out.” Roman grinned, obviously pleased with the joke.
Virgil felt his throat close up a bit. He tried to laugh it off, but it was weak.
“Are you sure you’re okay, kiddo?” Patton asked. “You don’t sound okay.”
Virgil had to smile at that. “No, I’m not okay.” He paused for effect. “I promise.”
Roman groaned, Logan shook his head, and Patton grinned.
“No, but seriously, I’m fine,” Virgil reassured them.
Roman started off on a rant about something or other, and Virgil zoned him out. His mind was on the text. Did they have to text right at that moment? It’s like they knew how he was feeling and just had to make it worse. Because they hadn’t messed everything up already.
“-gil. Virgil!”
“Huh?” He looked up, startled.
“Hey, I asked if you had any plans tonight,” Patton was looking concerned again.
“Oh, yeah, I have a shift at my job,” Virgil lied. It was becoming a habit.
“Aww, too bad. We could’ve watched a movie before the term started,” Patton pouted. “Not in my room, James is going to be there.”
James was Patton’s roommate, and he was literally the worst roommate ever. He hid illegal alcohol in their room, most likely did drugs, and, worst of all, thought Roman and Virgil were dating and was very homophobic about it.
“You guys could still do that,” Virgil said. “Just don’t watch the Black Cauldron without me,”
“Don't worry, Edgy On Purpose, we’ll only watch soft and fluffy ones, finally without your comments,” Roman said.
Virgil pushed aside the tiny pang of guilt that gave him, and he realized that Roman was joking.
“Just don't get too bored without me,” he grinned.
“We’ll do it here, then,” Roman announced. “We’ll save the Black Cauldron for our Annual Movie Night at the End of the First Week of School.”
“Yeah, great. Can’t wait to get another bowl of popcorn dumped on my head.” Virgil deadpanned.
“One time!” Roman exclaimed. “And I said I was sorry!”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I had popcorn in my ears,” Virgil grinned.
“Hey, why don’t we watch something right now?” Patton suggested. “You’ve got a little bit before your shift, right? So we could watch something right now!”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “That would be adequate, as I was hoping to spend some times with all of you before classes took up all our time.”
Roman shrugged. “Yeah, sure. What do you say, Virge?”
Virgil smirked. “I think...I’m picking!” He lunged for the movie bucket next to the tv and Roman, after screeching in surprise, was right behind him. Virgil reached it first and pulled out a movie.
“That seems fair,” Patton said, giggling at their antics. “What did ya pick, kiddo?”
“Again, not even a year older.” Virgil held up his choice.
“Ooh, nice!” Patton grinned.
“Good choice, Virgil,” Logan complimented.
“Megamind?” Roman whined. “That’s not even Disney.”
“No one said it had to be Disney, Forever 21,”
The streets were dark and grimy and Virgil grimaced at it. Seriously, was it so hard to throw away your wrappers? He saw one right next to a garbage can, for heaven's sake.
Gods did he hate this. The waiting.
He glanced around, paranoid that those dang heroes would come and kick him in the back when he was distracted. He couldn't fail this. If he did, who knew what could happen to...
What was that? Was that movement, or was his mind playing tricks on him? That would be just his luck. He heard Spider-Man, or Peter Parker had bad luck since there were all those people dying in his life. He called it Parker Luck. It was an ironic poke at his bad luck, and that was such a mood right now. Maybe he had Sanders Luck. That would explain a lot.
The thing moved again and Virgil realized it was just a cat.
Anxiety sucks.
Virgil's stomach was twisted and he felt a bit nauseous. Sadly, this feeling was beginning to be familiar.
The truck across the street started to move and Virgil started his work. His dirty, disgusting work.
He wove an illusion around himself and started across the street as the truck lurched forwards. He hardened and pointed a shadow and it punctured the front wheel of the truck. He pulled it back so a larger hole was ripped and the wheel deflated, bringing the truck down.
The back doors were thrown open and two men with guns got out to investigate. They passed him and Virgil expanded the illusion around him and pulled open the door to the truck. To anyone inside or outside, the door would look closed.
Inside there was another person and, even though Virgil had his illusion and the man would not be able to hear him, he was as quiet as he could be. Just because he had superpowers didn't mean he wasn't still anxious about literally everything.
Virgil's mission looked simple on paper: Use illusions and shadows to break into a government vehicle transporting Axicunum and then escape with no confrontation, hopefully, and leave the stolen government materials at the usual drop spot.
But of course everything had to go wrong.
It was because of that stupid guard.
Not the one inside, no. He didn't move. But one of the ones that went outside came in and blocked the exit. His gun was pulled out, and Virgil really didn't want to get shot, or for anyone to get hurt.
Dang it.
"We got a flat tire," the guard said in a surprisingly high pitched voice for his burly body. "Don't know why yet. Stay on guard, you know that Anxiety person's been doing stuff like this."
The guard that had stayed inside stood up and Virgil saw the kid looked younger than him.
Double dang it.
"Should we check the 119, Robert?" The kid asked.
Triple dang it.
"Yeah," Robert said. "I'll stay here so if he's still here-" he raised his voice "-we're onto him."
This situation officially called for a dammit.
Virgil saw no way out of it. He released the illusions around him and crossed his arms as best he could with the case of Axicunum in it.
"Alright, you got me," he said.
The young guard let out a little shriek of surprise and fumbled for their gun. Virgil groaned internally.
"Hey, no need for that," he said sharply, falling comfortably into the bad guy role. "Don't sweat it. I'll just take this case and be on my way, and we'll call it even, huh?"
Robert aimed the gun at Virgil. "Snowball's chance in hell, buddy. Put your hands up."
Instead, Virgil thrust his wrists out. "Here, just cuff me and get it over with."
Poor trusting Robert stepped forward, lowering the gun slightly while he pulled out the handcuffs. He grabbed Virgil's wrist and snapped it on one.
Virgil smirked. "Wow, didn't know you were into that," and then punched Robert in the face.
The man fell back clutching a bloody lip and Virgil quickly switched places with him so he was closest to the exit.
He glanced at the kid again. "You should consider going into a different line of work." Then he wrapped the illusions around him again and walked away.
The other guard that had left before was coming back to investigate what was shaking the van. Virgil slipped past him and ducked back into the alley. He looked back to see the young guard jump out of the van and scan the surrounding area, passing over the alley.
Virgil turned to the fire escape next to him and jumped onto it, climbing to the roof.
There he sat cross legged in the middle and commanded a shadow to break the cuff still attached to him.
He reflected on the fight and cursed himself. He hadn't needed to make that stupid joke, he could have just disappeared and been done with it. But Anxiety didn't care. Anxiety wanted to make it sting.
Virgil wasn't sure if it was a good sign that he was referring to Anxiety as if it was a separate part of him.
He sat for a few more minutes, not ready to get to the drop point. But his relaxation was interrupted when behind him a voice said "Drop it, Villain!"
Fifth dang it of the night.
He groaned and didn't turn. "Really not in the mood, Princey."
"That's the Fearless Prince to you," Princey snapped.
"Sure thing, Prince Naveen," Virgil turned to face the hero, who was glaring at him, obviously offended. Virgil stood as the Fearless Prince started to talk.
"Okay, first of all I am hurt. Naveen barely does anything and all he cares about is his money. I realize that was your point, but whatever. Also, what's with this stealing stuff? Why do you need...whatever that is."
"I don't need it," Virgil said, before he caught himself. No, he couldn't let anything slip.
"Then why do you take it, Charlie Frown?" The Prince crossed his arms and shot him what was probably supposed to be a terrifying glare, but looked more like one of those kittens that try to act tough when they're really not.
Virgil changed the subject. "Hey, where's Honor? Doesn't he usually tag along with you?"
"Honor doesn't like fighting, and his powers are more suited for off the battle field. Me, however..." The Prince drew his sword and pointed it sat Virgil. "I must protect my kingdom and all that reside in it. And you, Villain, are a threat."
"Yeah, great speech," Virgil faked nonchalance, that bad guy persona slipping back on. "Practice it in front of the mirror much?"
The Prince made an offended noise, that Virgil had taken to calling an 'offended Princey noise'. "No," he scoffed.
Virgil formed a sword from shadows and it fell in his hand perfectly balanced. "All right," he huffed. "Let's get this over with."
Virgil was never the one to make the first move when they dueled. And this time was no exception, as Princey lunged for him, Virgil sidestepping easily.
"C'mon, Princey, you can do better than that!" He called. Hopefully Princey would get angry which would cause him to make a mistake faster, which would get Virgil home faster. Hopefully Roman wouldn't be too insufferable when he got back, because he felt like sleeping for ten million years.
"Shut up, Hot Topic," Princey growled, and yep, he was getting angry, Virgil could see it in the tension on his face.
He smirked. "Aww, you think I'm hot."
Princey lunged again and this time Virgil blocked with his blade. Sparks flew.
"Give up, Anxiety," Princey said, swinging his sword again, Virgil ducking under it.
"And give in to you?" Virgil grinned. "Never."
The fight continued with no more talking, just lunging and blocking, parrying and stabbing. There was no contact other than the clang of the blades against each other.
Until Virgil stumbled and Princey's sword caught his arm, cutting him. He grit his teeth and stumbled away. He reached up to the cut and his fingers came away bloody.
Luckily the cut was on his upper arm so his friends wouldn't see it. And it wasn't deep enough that he would bleed out, so as long as he bandaged it and avoided infections, he should heal up in a few days.
He couldn't risk any more injuries, so this is where he should take his leave. He dispersed the sword, unable to use it anyways with his arm, and took a step back.
"Sorry, Princey, but I've got somewhere to be," he announced.
"If you think I'm going to let you-"
"Oh no of course not." Virgil raised his hands and a few shadows curled around Princey's limbs, holding him there. "That'll let you go once I'm far enough away. Sorry about all this."
Then he jumped to the next roof, leaving the hero behind.
The case swung at his side as he ran, and he tried to ignore both it and the burning pain in his arm. Hopefully he still had a few dollars in his pocket, because he wouldn't be able to sneak by Roman and care for this. He'd have to do it on a rooftop or something.
The drop point was an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, and if that wasn't cliche enough, the man who met him, the same man every time, was British and looked like Alfred from Batman.
As usual, when Virgil saw him he asked questions. The same ones every time. Who knows, maybe one day they'd actually answer.
"Who is your boss?" He asked.
"Why does he need Axicunum?"
"Why are you doing this?"
And then, as usual, after the man left, Virgil took off his mask and walked away.
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possessedcoast · 7 years
I follow Pathetic at the disco, and was wondering if you had the proof where they’ve do e problematic things? I’ve only been following them for a bit and I haven’t seen anything to terrible. (Isn’t hate or anything just curious)
sure! i don’t really mean to hate on anyone or cause more drama, but some of the things they do really bother me. this got a little long and a lot bitter, so i’m sorry i couldn’t write this without any bias. this will be under a cut in case others would rather not read it. and if you want more clarification or a full, fleshed out post, just ask. 
- we can start with them using psychopath in one of their urls. it’s not a word that should be used casually or to refer to people who aren’t diagnosed as a psychopath. they admitted that they were just using the word because it would give them a memorable url. and because “The title was just too good to pass up”
- they say that  “Brendon is out as at least somewhat bisexual (even if he tries to back pedal on it a lot)“ even though he continually refers to himself as straight. (this isn’t great, it’s not terrible, but it connects to the next point) EDIT: please note that all of this was before brendon came out as pan. he now identifies as pansexual, so that’s that.
-they refuse to consider that ryan is anything other than Completely Straight™ and blocked both me and @badbradwalker for trying to share our opinions. they say they’re “letting ryan himself set the narrative” but they also don’t believe brendon when he says he’s straight? okay. they also refused to post any of the “proof” that they asked for about ryan and dan being a couple. proof that is publicly visible on either dan or ryan’s instagrams without having to do any ~~deep analysis~~ 
- they deeply analyze ryan’s personal life and mental health, which honestly just makes me uncomfortable. i know that i personally believe in ryan having relationships with men, which is about his personal life, but i don’t go digging to find proof or just read into things. the mods deeply analyze every little bit of his life, even going so far as to make assumptions about his mental health based on his instagram. (that’s at the end of this post) 
-in the same vein as the last point, they like to make assumptions and then present it as fact. unless they personally know ryan, which would make me even more uncomfortable, they make a lot of assumptions about his personal life. saying that he’s not collaborating with friends on new music (we have no idea), saying he’s “a very troubled artist,” saying his behavior was “erratic” as if they know what he’s like personally, 
-they keep bringing up the chelsey/stalker issue and not letting it die. yes chelsey is/was messed up. yes, it would be best if she was off the internet. but her being active on youtube and instagram is not a new thing. she’s not hacking accounts/pretending to be anyone/going to anyone’s houses. she’s just being a fan online. i don’t forgive her for what she did and i don’t think she’s a good person, but we need to move past it as a fan community. she thrives off of the attention and it would be better for everyone if they stopped giving her so much.
-they post “rare” pictures without ryan’s express permission. this one isn’t that bad, because someone else did post them first, but the point remains. ryan probably doesn’t even know that there are pictures out there of him as a baby and with his dad. i don’t want to assume ryan’s feelings, but he seems to be a private person, esp post 2013, so i can’t imagine he would be thrilled for those to be seen by the entire internet. his dad put them in his yearbook, yes, but i’m certain ryan didn’t know or thing that the entire internet would see them when his dad decided to put them in the book.
-they have a whole “leave ryan ross alone” ~campaign~ they’re trying to make a thing, but then they don’t leave ryan alone. they make those super detailed, super researched analyses of everything about ryan, and then try to tell people to leave him alone. like in that post they say “Let him redefine himself as he sees fit, even if it’s not what you want personally.“ but uhhhh they refuse to accept that he’s not straight?
-it also made me really uncomfortable that they shared pictures of ryan when he was wasted at that phases show back in 2015. (i’m not linking that. i will not take part in spreading those) i don’t have a screenshot or a link, but i remember z asking people on twitter to not spread those because ryan regretted that night and was embarrassed. for “leave ryan alone,” they had no problem searching for and sharing those pictures.
finally, a few nit-picky things that aren’t really big deals, but while i’m here! might as well!
 -they hate on throam a lot. it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, some people take it too seriously. whatever. it’s a good piece of literature regardless of your feelings on ryden, and it means a lot to a lot of people. there’s no reason to be so hateful about it.
-they take everything so seriously. …and then they make analyses about it! like, no one actually believes anything happened in cape town. it’s a running joke to be like “WHAT HAPPENED IN CAPE TOWN” because it was the last show panic ever did before ry and jon left. and they act like they’re running a professional blog, calling themselves Mods C, B, and M instead of using names. it makes me tired. most things are just not that deep.
-honestly this is the most shallow of points and it’s just me being petty at this point, but i’m annoyed so. they caption so many pictures of panic with “Another day, another inexplicable Panic! at the Disco photo shoot.“ when half of them are easily explainable (the magazine says “hanging out backstage” so that’s what they’re doing, they’re posing with a honda civic because IT’S THE HONDA CIVIC TOUR) or it was the early 2000s and all band photoshoots were weird. just look at fall out boy, mcr, basically any band during that time. let it go.
sorry this got so long and bitter. feel free to ask me or lex ( @badbradwalker ) about any of it. she helped a lot on this too.
EDIT: i’ve spoken with carrie about all of this multiple times. we’re over all of it, but i’m leaving this up for transparency’s sake. i still stand by everything i said, but i’m too tired and too old to deal with any of this bullshit. treat ryan with respect. fuck brendon urie
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gloriousfanfics · 7 years
Famous Last Words: Chapter 1
Word Count: 1821
Description: When soulmates find each other, they never drift apart. Even when the times keep them apart, they will always find each other in the end. Frank Iero is a 300 year old vampire who was turned by the love of his life who was burned with a stake through his heart, decides to return to Cooperstown where all of the events occurred. But little does he know his soulmate’s soul lives on inside a boy called Gerard Way
On with the story:
Frank’s P.O.V
This is the start of my 100th journal and it’s been 300 years since the man I loved died. I saw him scream in pain as the stake was stabbed through his ribs, and then barely alive he was being burnt alive.  I heard his dying thoughts which have been imprinted in my head as if it was yesterday that he died. I’m starting a new school again. It’s annoying for me but I have to act like a normal mortal don’t I? I mean Arthur didn’t die and tell me to leave he wanted to save me from that fate. So why would I be stupid enough to put myself in the position that got him killed?
High school really sucks as well and no matter how many times you repeat it, it’s always the same thing. But in all these centuries I’ve repeated high school I’ve had fun fitting in with different cliques. I mean like people think what clique you’re in defines your whole life but once high school is over they don’t matter and besides all the friends I had are dead.
But this repeat of high school is different for me like very different for me because I’m back in Cooperstown. The town my father who was a vampire hater helped found. It’s also the place where I met the immortal Arthur. Who looked the same as he did when he was 24. When I came back into the town I had to use some compulsion to get myself into my old house. I even found two random strangers to act as my parents. Because I still look like a 17 year old if I’m honest.
It’s a nice thing that I’m inside my old home, because it’s comforting that they haven’t changed any of it the whole interior is perfect.  And my old room still looks the same. This house has so many memories of my time with Arthur inside it. But thinking about it is pretty sad because well, I didn’t plan to spend my immortal life like this. I didn’t plan to be alone.
I can’t wait to walk into another hell, which will obviously be filled with stupid idiots, scary people and those stereotyped dump jocks. I can’t actually wait to walk into hell again.
Time skip: In Cooperstown high, Normal P.O.V
Frank walked into coopers town high, he didn’t really know who he was going to be, but he decided he’ll fit in with whatever clique found him first. On his way to the office to enter the school he spotted  a boy with black hair that just reached his shoulder, he looked exactly the same as Arthur did. From the soft cheek bones to the eyes. But as soon as he saw the boy he disappeared behind a door labelled principles office. Frank continued walking to the office. Once there he got his time table and locker key, Frank then decided to go to his lessons first and locker after a lesson.
Due to Franks plan, he was pacing down the halls, trying to find his English class room. Frank hated it, he hated being a 300 year old vampire. Sometimes he wished that he would have just died with his lover in the same way. He wished that times were different. He didn’t like it at all. Frank knew he was lucky to meet Arthur. But he couldn’t help but feel that it was his fault Arthur died.
“Hey, are you new?” asked a boy with lightly brown skin and brown hair that just reached the shoulder
“Yeah, the names Franklin. But I’d prefer it if you called me Frank” Frank replied
“I’m Vic” said the boy “and this is Kellin. If you’d like we’ll help you get to your next class”
“Thanks I’ve got English in room 102” Frank replied
“Oh that’s great news, me and Vic are in that class. But Miss is very annoying” Kellin stated
“That’s true” Vic added
“Anyway instead of talking about our annoying English teacher we should get moving. You know what she’s like if we’re late” Kellin said
“True. Also we have two hours and please, please, please, Kellin try not to sleep” Vic said
“I’d try but I dunno. The lessons can get quite boring Vic” Kellin added
“True” Vic replied “Come on Frank”
Break Time:
“Frank we’d like you to meet our squad” Kellin says “this is Patrick Stump, Pete wentz and Brendon Urie”
“Nice to meet you” Patrick greeted
“Sup dawg” Pete greets with one of those stupid grins on his face
“Hey, I’m Pete Wentz from chemistry” Brendon said a tad too excitedly
“Dude, I’m Pete Wentz, get fucked Brendon” Pete states while being really pissed off with Brendon
“Lol, I’m Frank Iero” Frank greeted
“So we now have three founding families in our clique” Patrick states
“Seriously, all we need now is one of the Way’s and we are the coolest” Pete said
“Pete, you will not be cool. If anything, you would be a pathetic excuse for cool” Brendon jokingly said
“Guys can we not start this argument again. It’s not going to end well like last time” Vic said “Anyways I’m out of her Patrick keep an eye on them”
“I’m just gonna join Vic” Kellin adds after Vic has walked away
“Yeah, go join your boyfriend” Brendon calls out
“Real mature Bren” Kellin fires back
“See you at lunch Kells” Patrick calls back
Time Skip: Lunch (I’m just to lazy)
Frank had to sit through two hours of boredom, chemistry and maths. Frank was in the same chemistry class as Brendon and the same maths class as Patrick, who really isn’t good at maths. Currently Frank, Kellin, Brendon, Pete and Patrick were in the que for lunch. The lunch hall had that typical clique layout. It’s pretty basic really. But it was okay for a town where everyone knew everyone. The lunch that they received at this school was defiantly not the best. Frank and his new friends sat down and then there was the dark-haired kid from earlier walked by their table.
“Who’s he?” Frank enquired
“Bad news” Brendon answered “no matter what your sexuality is”
“Why is he bad news?” Frank asked
“Well, for starters he’s the son of a founding family, the Way’s” Kellin lists “he hangs with Bert McCracken, the school’s dealer for pot and crack heads alike. He’s an asshole and will break you if you get to close”
“Woah” Frank says
“Yeah” Brendon adds
“So is there anyone else I need to stay away from?” Frank asks
“Nope” Kellin replies “Just that group”
“So, Frank, what’s your phone number?” Vic asks
“Pass your phone” Frank asks
“Here you go” Vic said as he passed his phone over to Frank, and Frank then adds his number into Kellin’s contacts list. “Here you go” Frank said.
“Thanks Frank”
“No problem Kellin” Frank said “So who’s got games next?”
“I do” Patrick replies glumly
“Same here” Pete chirps in
“I hate games” Patrick states
“Why?” Asked Frank
“oh, because I’m no good at sports. In fact, I’m so good at sports I want to start a band with Pete here who knows a lot about Music” Patrick answers
“Oh, guys pre-warning Gerard’s in your class, so Patrick please try not to get emotional when he makes fun of your size” Vic warned
Last lesson: Gym: Changing rooms
“Hey look the fatty and the bones have a new friend” Jeph whispers to Gerard
“Oh god who’d want to talk to them?” Gerard whispered back
“Just look how skinny the emo wannabe is” Jeph mocks
“Hey, Wentz, didn’t you know that breathing the air has calories?”  Gerard calls out
“Fuck off” Pete replied while throwing his gym shirt on and walking out with Patrick trailing behind
“So what’s your name?” Jeph asks Frank
“Frank” Frank replies
“So Frank what are you doing with those two trash bags?” Gerard asks
“They’re my friends” Frank responds
“Are they really?” Gerard asks
“Yeah” replies Frank while looking at his face. In that moment Frank realised that Gerard had an exact resemblance to Arthur.
Time skip: After school: Group chat
Living_meme: So how was your talk with Gerard?
Funghoul: It was strange, he asked me why I was friends with you guys and then questioned that
Fedora: Seriously he questioned our friendship
Fedora: He’s never questioned anyone who they’re friends with before. Not even the past new kids
That_forehead_guy: Except his own brother Mikey about being friends with Vics brother Mike
Because_Im_mexican_im_better: That’s true it was strange even then though
Fedora: That much can be said
Living_meme: Anyways Frank have you taken an interest to anyone in the school yet, or do you have someone waiting on you?
FunGhoul: to answer those questions I’m going to say no
Living_meme: Have you ever been in love with someone?
FunGhoul: Yeah, Why?
Fedora: Pete why are you asking such personal questions
Living_meme: I dunno I’m just curious
Living_meme: So Frank what where they like?
FunGhoul: He was everything to me. Just amazing. I’d never thought I’d meet a guy like him
Living_meme: Seriously?
Funghoul: Yeah
That_forehead_guy: Wow
Your_Kellin_me: Did anyone hear the news?
Because_Im_mexican_Im_better: What news?
Your_Kellin_me: There’s a party being thrown this Saturday
That_forehead_guy: Who’s throwing it?
Your_Kellin_me: Lindsey
That_forehead_guy: We’re invited
Your_Kellin_me: Yeah
Because_Im_mexican_im_better: Great, Gerard is there
Fedora: Holy smokes though
Living_meme: Gerards gonna be there
FunGhoul: Let me guess because Gerards there you don’t wanna go
That_forehead_guy: Oh we’ll still go. Besides I’m going either way because you should never threaten me with a good time
Living_meme: Do you think they’ll be champagne and cocaine
Because_Im_Mexican_Im_better: Well, Gerard’s there, Bert might go so cocaine is a possibility. Champagne always
Fedora: Brendon when you go out please don’t get so drunk you pass out in a drain pipe
That_forhead_guy: That was one time
Your_kellin_me: remember when you and Pete roamed the city in a shopping cart?
That_forehead_guy: That was live
Living_meme: yes it was
Because_I’m_mexican_im_betetr: Remember when you lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt?
That_forehead_guy: yeah, but I made those high heels work
Fedora: And there was that one time you believed you were raising hell
Living_meme: that was so funny
Because_Im_mexican_im_better: Oh My God
Your_kellin_me: I’ve go it on video
That_forehead_guy: OMG you still haven’t deleted it
Your_kellin_me: Nope
That_forehead_guy: I hate you
FunGhoul: Brendon it seems that you have quite the drunk history
That_forehead_guy: yes I do and I am so proud of it
That_forehead_guy: If I wanted to I could put it into a song
Living_meme: That’ll be such a good song
Fedora: It’ll be funny as well
Your_Kellin_me: Breadbin you should so do that
That_forehead_guy: It’ll be amazing
That_Forehead_guy: I’ll be famous
FunGhoul: Big dreams but a bigger forehead
FunGhoul: I think you’ll be famous for that forehead
That_forehead_guy: I could be you never know
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patdsnaps · 7 years
What were the highlights of the Death of a Bachelor Tour for you?
One thing we do every night is have fans hold up hearts during “Girls/Girls/Boys.” One time, in Oakland, they made it look like the Pride flag in the crowd. It was phenomenal.
What was it like to play a sold-out show in NYC?
Playing Madison Square Garden was so crazy. It was the first time; we usually play the Theater, which holds about five thousand, but this time it was the full MSG. I grew up watching acts like Billy Joel and Led Zeppelin — people I have grown up to and worshipped my whole life. Finally being on the stage and in that room with the sweat and the ghosts in the hall…it was crazy!
“Death of a Bachelor” is an incredible record, and it was nominated for a Grammy! Congrats.
I am really proud of this one because it was more of me doing my own stuff; less dictation. It sounds shitty, but I am kind of like a dictator and do whatever I want and nobody can tell me no! I love it! We all just got tattoos actually because of this tour and the album.
What would you be doing if you weren’t a musician?
I would still play music, though it probably wouldn’t pay the bills. I actually almost quit the band in the very beginning right before we got signed. I was going to be a cosmetologist — cutting hair and doing makeup! Or maybe working for my dad as a land surveyor. I did that for six years and that sucked!
You’ve been open about how you were bullied in your high school days. How did you overcome that?
The kids that bullied me got bullied by their parents. One kid, Corey Johnston — which I don’t have a problem saying his name, I don’t care if this gets back to him — and this guy John Evans would beat me up every f*cking day. It was out of jealousy, because I was a grade younger than one of the guys and I beat him for drum chair in jazz band.
What kind of changed my mind was in school I heard that Corey’s dad was abusive to him and it creeped down. I would never want to continue that vicious cycle. It’s so scary to not give into the reflex to fight back, but you keep in mind that as tough as it is, you don’t have to be that way. You need to stray away from that.
What’s the craziest party you’ve ever been to?
Oh, man. I want to say the name so bad. I went to a Halloween party like two years ago; invitation-only so I felt so cool! I was with my wife and friends and it was like walking into a movie. It was crazy! People were in character, like the interactive play Sleep No More. We walked through this dude’s house…more like mansion, estate or fortress. Each level was a different room or experience or haunted house. I met Sacha Baron Cohen and his wife there. They were cool!
How do you feel when you look back on what it took to get to where you are now?
With fondness! It’s nice to have scrapbooks and I save every tour laminate and every award and every hotel key I’ve ever used. I have like five shoe boxes full of every hotel I’ve ever stayed at. Things like that, I like keeping memories and holding onto things that are astonishing to me. I can look back at the pure numbers of it all and realize I have been doing it for 13 years and that is f*cking crazy! It’s really insane, but it makes me even more grateful for where I am at. I appreciate it.
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truetimbre · 8 years
Between Giants is a new project by my good friend Tyler John, previously in Kalimur. His new solo project Between Giants is fun, energetic and cinematic. His single ‘My Truth’ paves the way for future singles with it’s infectious sound that makes you want to get up and dance. We talked about his debut single ‘My Truth’, his goals for the future and Key Lime Pie.
Why did you choose to go with Between Giants?
I was looking at paintings with my friend down town and there was this one painting called ‘Among the Giants’. It was this picture of a guy on a dirt road, he was really small and there were trees on either side of him towering all the way to the top of the painting and covering him. I looked at that and for some reason it really resonated with me, like the symbolism of showing he’s on that path and the path isn’t blocked. He has all these things looming over him, he’s still able to stay on his path. I wanted to do a name for the project instead of just my own name because I wanted it to connect with people more. It’s not just my project; it is everybody who listens and collaborates with me. Instead of being among the giants, to me the picture was more between the giants because you still have a direction and it resonated with me at the time because you have all these anxieties and all these insecurities and all these problems looming on either side and it is scary and it can block out the sun but you never lose sight of where you’re going. It kind of matched with me because I’m very optimistic and forward thinking.
  You’ve been in other projects before, how do you think this differs from them?
This one is my creative baby. This is the first time I’ve ever worked on something where I just got to have complete control of everything and got to collaborate with people openly in whatever direction I wanted to go. I’ve been working on this for 8 or 9 months behind the scenes putting in work; writing and recording and doing photoshoots. In my live set I play piano and guitar at the same time and sing over it, so it really pushes me performance wise. This is really the first time that I’ve gotten to express myself in every aspect of composition, production and lyrics.
  Your single ‘My Truth’ is out now, what does it mean to you?
 ‘My Truth’ is about self-discovery and the journey of actually finding yourself. Because a lot of times, at least for myself, I found I was being restricted by people’s judgements. I couldn’t fully try to understand who I was because I was so worried about what other people were thinking. ‘My Truth’ is kind of about casting those things aside, there’s a lyric in there; “your wants and desires are not my own”, it’s just like stop measuring up to other people and actually take some time to see what you’re about and get to know yourself. I mean, usually people are pretty cool so once you get to know yourself you’ll probably be pretty happy with it.
  The single is very cinematic, energetic and upbeat; is that the road your taking?
It is a solo project, but I wanted to find a way to create a band like sound. So in my live set I play piano and guitar and I’m able to manoeuvre my keyboard so I have all these different sounds that come through, so it stays pretty true to the recording. I wanted to do the same thing with the songs, I wanted it to be full of energy, something people can move to and get excited about. All the songs are different, but they are in that same vein of being driving and energetic.
  How did you come up with the single cover? It looks awesome, very snazzy and sleek.
Snazzy! I like that word. I need to start incorporating that in my day to day. We’re going to bring it back.
Everyone will be using snazzy by the end of 2017.
That’s like my mission. Basically, a lot of the artwork as it comes out will be based on human features because music, to me, the most important thing is the human connection. I want it to be a humanoid type thing, but I also wanted it to be very vague. I designed it myself and the way it kind of blends into space and it’s pixelated a bit in the middle, so you can’t quite tell what it is. A lot of that, especially for ‘My Truth’, a lot of that self-discovery is, every person is different and every person is their own thing and you have  to dive in really deep and sometimes you don’t know what you’re looking at. I wanted to create a piece of visual art that was thought provoking and also complemented the single. But the same sort of human type atmospheric image is a common theme through the rest of the single art.
When I was first looking at it I was like oh it’s starry that’s nice, I love the dark colours and oh my god there’s a face. I was confused as to where it came from.
That’s the goal – I’m trying to freak people out. That’s cool because that’s the type of thing I was trying to say from the song. You’ve got to dig a little deeper whether you’re getting to know somebody or getting to know yourself you’ve got to get below the surface a little bit. Sometimes you don’t know what you’re looking at. I’m glad you liked it.
  What do the next couple of months have in store for Between Giants?
The project just launched and over the next couple of months I’m just going to be playing as much shows as I can. I live for live shows, I have been driving myself crazy because everything is fun, you know writing and producing, that’s all fun. But I live for being on stage and connecting with people and getting to preform for them. I’m going to be playing as many shows as I can fit into my schedule, hopefully in the fall time I’ll be able to put a tour together and get up the east coast a little bit. I’ll just keep releasing music. We have an EP in the works right now, so I’m hoping to get a couple more singles out and then drop that. New music, lots of shows and traveling.
  What would you like to achieve through your solo project?
With Between Giants, I really just want to preform for people and have my music be heard. Obviously I want to succeed and the more people I can do that for the better. The ultimate goal is to be able to live off your music and keep releasing stuff and keep playing shows and keep releasing as much as you can for as long as you can, that’s the dream. Obviously, I’d love to come to the UK and all that so I’m going to work my ass off. But as long as I’m playing shows for people and my music is making an impact and helping people, that’s all I could ever really ask for.
  Who would you say influences your sound for this project? Is it different to previous projects?
It’s very different. I have a lot of influences, like everybody you’ve listened to at some point, you take a pocket of what they did that you liked and you fit into the mould of the sound you’re going for. So every artist I’ve listened to has some kind of effect on me. The biggest ones; I love The Weeknd and the way that he  sings, a lot of the drum kits I’m using on there are tweaked to be my own style but were inspired by him. Jack Garrett inspired my live performance a lot, he plays keys, drum and guitar at the same time. He’s a monster. I really like his music. Brandon Bernette is another artist I really enjoy, he kind of helped me define the sound. If you listen to the singles as they come out there are really small pockets that sound like different people. But those are really the big 3. I’m also a sucker for Top 40 music, I love mainstream stuff so I take some influence from Top 40 pop and twenty one pilots is a huge influence to. I love their live set and their sound.
  What would be your dream tour?
I want this tour to be perfect. I’ll go with twenty one pilots, Panic! At the Disco, The 1975 and Imagine Dragons. When people are walking in I’ll be the background music, then I can just sit back and watch that set happen.
That would be an insane show! Most people who are fans of those bands like all the other bands.
The cool thing too, is that not only would that show be legendary and I feel like I would somewhat fit into that genre. But all those people in their interviews are just so cool, I’d love to travel with them. Can you imagine hanging out with Dan Reynolds, Brendon Urie, Tyler and Josh? It would be so fun.
  Where would you want to be in 5 years?
In 5 years I would really like to have a self-sustaining project, so I could still release and produce music and use the profits from streams and album sales to keep everything going like that. I would love to be able to do a not-just-US tour. I’ve toured in the past and in the fall I’m going to tour most of the east coast. A United States tour would be 2-3 years off, but I would love to be playing shows internationally. That would be super fun.
  It’s a very important question; what is your favourite dessert?
Okay, my favourite dessert is Key Lime Pie. Key Lime Pie is amazing. I could eat 1000 pieces of Key Lime Pie, I would die – but what a way to go.
  How do you go about writing songs?
It varies song to song, sometimes I’ll just be fooling around on the guitar and something will kind of come out of it, sometimes I’ll be fooling around on piano, sometimes I’ll just be walking and a melody will come to me and I’ll write the music to fit it. Most the time piano is what I start with for the foundation, it’s easiest for me to write melodies on piano. It does vary because even of the singles I’m going to be releasing, ‘My Truth’ was written on guitar first. Other ones were piano and others were melody.
  What’s the easiest, hardest and most important part of a song?
Usually the hardest part for me is the lyrics. I try to be really honest with what I write and sometimes it’s really hard to put what you’re feeling into words and articulate it. That’s probably the hardest part. I would say the easiest part is the instrumental, just because once I get the feel for the song and I know where I want it to go I can usually figure out what I want for it. I would say the most important part is probably the lyrics, melody is really important too, but I think the message you are saying and what that can mean to someone, that’s more important than the way you’re singing something or the way the production sounds.
  What is your fondest musical memory?
I could say it was eating Key Lime Pie for the first time, but probably my fondest moment was when I realised music is what I wanted to pursue. I had always kind of pursued it, throughout life I’ve always been in different bands, but I had never known that that was my passion. I played a show with the old lead singer of my old band and it was his solo project and I was just accompanying him, I wasn’t even in it and it was a sold-out venue of like 170 people. I got up there and I felt this fire in me, I can’t really describe it, it was kind of like time stopped and I was outside of my body looking down because I was so ecstatic and so pumped to perform. That was the moment, right after that on the car ride home I was like ‘man, we’ve got to make a band’. After that I’ve been devoting my time and devoting myself to pursuing that goal of packing venues and performing to people because performing is what I love and music is what I love.
  When you’re buying music to you tend to buy it as a CD, digitally or vinyl?
Vinyl is so cool, I don’t have a record player though but I wish. I usually buy it in CD’s, streaming websites are really nice – Spotify is my go to now, but if I really like someone or want to support a band in my local scene there’s something nostalgic about holding a CD.
Reading the booklet at the front is the best part.
Exactly! You see the behind the scenes.
And they’re so easy to get signed. I couldn’t imagine taking vinyl’s to get signed, but a CD can just fit in a bag or a large pocket.
That’s true. The physical copy is cool because you can get a collection going. They’re like memories, you can remember the show that I played when I got that and who I met.
  What’s the most challenging song to play live? I mean, technically you only have one song out.
I can tell you, I’ll drop a lovely teaser. The next single I’m going to release is called ‘Sympathise’ and that song is so hard live. I play piano and guitar at the same time and like I’ll usually loop the guitar and do the same thing with piano but for that song, the transitions, there’s a huge tempo change that  happens and I have to swap the loop and it’s really difficult. And vocally it took me so many takes in the studio, because when I wrote it I wrote it 2 steps out of my range so I had to practice and train for about a month to be able to actually hit the notes that I wrote. That song live is still a pain because that song is about as high as I can sing. It’s a cool song.
  My mum likes to ask, what’s your favourite app on your phone?
I always check up on your blog and I looked and I remembered it from last time you asked me. I read it like a week ago and I wanted to find a cool app and be super prepared and blow you away but I dropped the ball. Alright, I’m going to say House Party. It’s like FaceTime but you can do it with more than one person. So I’m able to get together with my friends and talk to 5 or 6 people at a time and be able to catch up on the go. It’s easier to co-ordinate because people can be out or be FaceTiming you from the mall or Target. Your Mum’s question is always so good.
  What would be your dream collaboration?
My dream would be to be able to put together a band to play with me and I would just play keys. I would have to throw all the legends on there. I think I would give up vocals and I would bring Freddie Mercury back and I would have him sing my tracks and I would play piano for him. Then I would have John Mayer play guitar, Flea on bass and maybe Ringo Star playing drums. We’d fun this perfect band. They would sound amazing. That would be a fun time.
  Have you met any idols and freaked out?
Well actually, weirdly enough, I didn’t freak out but this happened about a week ago so I’ll tell you about this. Do you remember David After Dentist? It’s a YouTube video where this kid is crazy on drugs after getting his wisdom teeth removed, it’s pretty funny. It’s been like 20 years or something, so he’s a grown man, and he came into my work the other day and his Mom was like ‘hey do you know who this is? This is David After Dentist’. I was like ‘okay’ and that was it. It was really weird. I also saw Halsey live about 6/7 months ago when she was on tour and I was like at the barricade and she winked at me, or in my general direction and I’m gunna assume it was at me, and I died a little bit then because I am in love with that girl. I had a freak out there, the David After Dentist thing was just weird.
  What would your advice be to other people trying to make it in the music industry?
The two big things I would say are to dream big and never give up. It’s a grind, it’s a lot of work. There will be times you play shows to no people, there will be times you play sold out shows, there will be times where 10 people download your songs, there will be times where hundreds of people download your songs. You have to keep working, you have to be constantly booking shows, be telling everyone about your band, be recording and writing your best music. It never stops, it’s not something you can take a break from if you want to succeed. You can’t half ass it. Dreaming big is important too, like some people I talk to are like well I have realistic goals towards my music, at the end of the day everybody at some level wants to be able to share their music to a lot of people. Who would say no to being able to sell out MSG tomorrow? Or hey you can play in London tomorrow and sell out their biggest venue? Who wouldn’t want to do that? Musicians and artists in general, we are dreamers. We shoot for that goal, that unobtainable. That’s what can keep you working and keep you motivated. So yeah, dream big and work hard. It can become kind of dull when you’re putting so much into your music and you’re playing venues and the only person there is the bartender, it can get discouraging, but if you think about that feeling of performing for hundreds and hundreds and thousands of people and your music being blasted on the radio and the song of the summer. Those are the things that get you through the tough times.
  Between Giants is an energetic, feel good project – the debut single ‘My Truth’ is infectious. As usual it was a pleasure talking to Tyler and I highly recommend following Between Giants on social media so you never miss a thing. I can’t wait to hear what’s coming next from him.
Facebook: Between Giants
Twitter: @BetweenGiantsFL
    Interview with Between Giants Between Giants is a new project by my good friend Tyler John, previously in Kalimur. His new solo project Between Giants is fun, energetic and cinematic.
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