#(rephrasing a question asked to him involving the word)
deadlymistletoe · 1 year
Hot Chocolate and Hoodies
Pairing: Tony Stark x f!reader
Request: @imagines--galore asked: May I request a Tony Stark x reader one. Maybe a scenario where reader steals his clothes and wears them? It starts off as a prank or a joke but then slowly turns into something more.
A/N: Firstly, I’m honoured to receive this request from you as you’re such a talented writer yourself. Secondly, I changed the prank/joke to a dare, so I hope that’s okay. Thirdly, I hope you enjoy it!
Genre: Fluff
Description: A dare involving a hoodie eventually leads to hidden feelings being revealed.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1026
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Okay, so maybe what you were doing was slightly childish, but Clint had dared you, and you weren’t about to say no. Not when he’d promised to bring you a batch of Laura’s cookies (AKA.The best cookies in the universe - no you're not exaggerating, Laura had a gift).
So here you were, curled up in one of the armchairs, a book in your hands, and one of Tony’s old hoodies thrown over your clothes.
Usually, borrowing someone’s hoodie wasn’t a big deal. You borrowed Steve’s, you borrowed Nat’s, you borrowed Clint’s. But you’d never borrowed Tony’s. Somehow it was just different when it came to him.
You ignored the voice in the back of your mind telling you why as you breathed in the scent of familiar aftershave.
You sighed, shifting in your seat as you waited until you could hear familiar footsteps coming down the hall from the elevator. 
You picked up your book, pretending you were reading what was conveniently a billionaire CEO romance. 
Oh well, you might as well have some fun with it.
Tony’s voice greeted you before he actually came into view. “There better be some of that cake left.”
“I think there’s a couple of slices.” You replied, glancing up as he came into view, one-handedly typing something on his phone as he spoke.
“Good.” He paused when he looked up, stopping in the doorway as his eyes fell on you.
He raised an eyebrow at you. “What are you doing?”
You held up your book for him to see, although you knew he wasn’t referring to that. “Reading, genius”
He rolled his eyes at the nickname. “Let me rephrase that. Are you wearing my hoodie?”
You glanced down at yourself as if just noticing. “Oh, yeah, I guess I am.” You hesitated, looking back up at him. “I can take it off if you want it.”
You couldn’t interpret the look in his eye as he looked at you. “No, it’s fine.”
Then he headed towards the kitchen again. “Now about this food…”
You let out an inaudible breath.
You started shivering the moment you were back safely on the quinjet, the adrenaline wearing off and you began to feel the cold water that weighed down your clothes.
Now you were severely regretting diving into that lake.
You startled, looking up at the warm hand on your shoulder. Tony smiled down at you. “You look cold.”
“No shit, genius.” You ground out through chattering teeth, rubbing your arms. You’d taken off your jacket, leaving only your jeans and thin top, but even as they began to dry it didn’t stop the cold as your hair dripped water down your back. 
Tony smirked slightly, sitting down next to you on the bench “It was a good thing you did, diving in to save that kid.”
You shrugged, trying to ignore the warm feeling his praise gave you. “Any of you would have done the same; I was just closer.”
He tilted his head. “Maybe. But you still did it.”
You both stayed silent for a moment, your teeth still chattering when he suddenly moved, startling you, and held out a thick bundle of cloth to you.
You blinked, before realizing he was offering you the same hoodie you’d ‘borrowed’ the week before. You moved your gaze from the hoodie to the man offering it to you.
He shrugged again at your questioning look. “We don’t need you to catch a cold, do we?”
“Right…” You murmured, accepting it and pulling over your head, sinking into the soft fabric and pulling the sleeves down over your hands.
You hesitated, unsure if you were going too far, but eventually leaned your head against his shoulder, feeling his arm come up around you.
You sighed, turning your face into his shoulder and closing your eyes, letting the humming of the quinjet engine lull you to sleep.
You didn’t see the adoring gaze he looked at you with, nor did you see the knowing looks the others gave you.
It was only when the quinjet landed back at the tower that you woke up, and began to take off the hoodie to give back to Tony.
He stopped you with a strange look on his face. “Keep it. It looks better on you anyway.”
You hesitated for a moment before nodding and following the others inside. “If you say so.”
You ignored the feeling of warm butterflies his words gave you.
It was well past the time everybody else went to bed as you curled up on the couch, a mug of hot chocolate in your hands.
You hadn’t been able to sleep, so here you were, wearing the hoodie Tony had told you to keep as you stared into the hot drink, lost in your thoughts when footsteps sounded down the hallway and you looked up to see Tony come into the room.
He was still dressed, and you realized he must have stayed up in the lab instead of going to bed with everybody else.
You saw the surprise in his eyes when he saw you before he came over, plonking himself down on the couch beside you, much closer than he needed to be on the large four seater with his arm resting on the back of the couch behind you.
Without a word he plucked the mug from your loose grip with his other hand.
“Hey!” You exclaimed as he lifted the mug to his lips. “Get your own!”
He gave you a teasing look over the rim of the mug. “If you get to steal my hoodie, I get to steal your hot chocolate.”
“You gave it to me.” You reminded him.
“So I did.” He murmured, his eyes landing on your lips.
You’re not sure how it happened, or who leant in first, but a moment later the mug of hot chocolate is forgotten on the coffee table and Tony’s hands are on your face, his lips on yours.
“You taste like hot chocolate.” You murmur when you both pull back, faces still close together.
He hummed. “So do you.” He murmured before your lips connected again.
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azeez-unv · 1 year
As 10 commandments, 10 communication skills for teachers
1. Listening
Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator.
No one likes communicating with someone who cares only about putting in her two cents and does not take the time to listen to the other person.
If you're not a good listener, it's going to be hard to comprehend what you're being asked to do.
Take the time to practice active listening.
Active listening involves paying close attention to what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and rephrasing what the person says to ensure understanding ("So, what you're saying is…").
Through active listening, you can better understand what the other person is trying to say, and can respond appropriately.
2. Nonverbal Communication
Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice all color the message you are trying to convey. A relaxed, open stance (arms open, legs relaxed), and a friendly tone will make you appear approachable and will encourage others to speak openly with you.
Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on them and the conversation (however, be sure not to stare at the person, which can make him or her uncomfortable).
Also, pay attention to other people's nonverbal signals while you are talking.
Often, nonverbal signals convey how a person is really feeling.
For example, if the person is not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth.
3. Clarity and Concision
Good verbal communication means saying just enough – don’t talk too much or too little.
Try to convey your message in as few words as possible.
Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you're speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email.
If you ramble on, your listener will either tune you out or will be unsure of exactly what you want.
Think about what you want to say before you say it. This will help you to avoid talking excessively and/or confusing your audience.
4. Friendliness
Through a friendly tone, a personal question, or simply a smile, you will encourage your coworkers to engage in open and honest communication with you. It's important to be nice and polite in all your workplace communications. This is important in both face-to-face and written communication. When you can, personalize your emails to coworkers and/or employees – a quick "I hope you all had a good weekend" at the start of an email can personalize a message and make the recipient feel more appreciated.
5 Confidence
It is important to be confident in your interactions with others. Confidence shows your coworkers that you believe in what you’re saying and will follow through.
Exuding confidence can be as simple as making eye contact or using a firm but friendly tone.
Avoid making statements sound like questions. Of course, be careful not to sound arrogant or aggressive.
Be sure you are always listening to and empathizing with the other person.
6 . Open-Mindedness
A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open mind.
Be open to listening to and understanding the other person's point of view, rather than simply getting your message across.
By being willing to enter into a dialogue, even with people with whom you disagree, you will be able to have more honest, productive conversations.
7. Respect
People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas.
Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated.
On the phone, avoid distractions and stay focused on the conversation.
Attend the calls. Someone is searching your number and connecting you for some cause. Respect their calls by attending to it. If you find it as a fake, block their conversation with you.
8. Picking the Right Medium
An important communication skill is to simply know what form of communication to use.
For example, some serious conversations (layoffs, resignation, changes in salary, etc.) are almost always best done in person.
You should also think about the person with whom you wish to speak, if they are a very busy person (such as your boss, perhaps), you might want to convey your message through email.
People will appreciate your thoughtful means of communication and will be more likely to respond positively to you.
9. Feedback
Being able to appropriately give and receive feedback is an important communication skill.
Head of the institutions and coordinators should continuously look for ways to provide employees with constructive feedback, be it through email, phone calls, or weekly status updates.
Note: Giving feedback involves giving praise as well – something as simple as saying "good job" or "thanks for taking care of that" to an employee can greatly increase motivation.
10. Empathy
Using phrases as simple as "I understand where you are coming from" demonstrate that you have been listening to the other person and respect their opinions.
Important: Even when you disagree with an employer, coworker, or employee, it is important for you to understand and respect their point of view.
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constantcrisis19 · 2 years
Study Date
Billy Hargrove x Female S/O
Word Count: 1,046
Warnings: Implied child abuse
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You looked up from your history textbook when the bedroom door opened, Billy pausing in the threshold for a moment upon seeing you lounging on his bed. To be fair, he pulled himself together far faster than Steve did when you popped in for an unexpected visit, the blond bombshell of a teen smoothly stepping in.
“You know that Neil is here, right?” Billy’s voice held a dangerous edge, his narrowed gaze briefly darting to the door like he believed that the mere utterance of the dirtbag’s name would summon him.
“Yeah, he let me in.” You explained as you set your book aside, scooting over before patting the empty spot beside you invitingly. Billy’s face twisted at the news that you’d been alone with Neil for an unspecified amount of time, his sharp features darkening with something that was distinctly possessive in nature.
“He do anything that made you uncomfortable?” Billy asked, tone dangerously low, prowling closer to you with all the grace of a predator. He loomed over your seated form in a manner that would come off as threatening to anyone else, but you had come to recognize that this particular behavior stemmed from a place of worry.
“No.” You said after a moment of thought, head tilting as you recalled how the man had reacted when answering the door. He had been hostile at first, aggressively throwing the wooden obstruction open with a scowl that quickly shifted into a charming grin once he realized just who had paid the Hargrove-Mayfield residence a visit.
You had been over before -usually to study- but only when Billy was with you, so being alone with Neil and Susan for a little over an hour had been a surprising change. Neil insisted on making conversation for the first ten minutes after your arrival, asking you a slew of questions about yourself while Susan nervously hovered nearby.
“Let me rephrase. Did he do anything that wouldn’t be considered socially acceptable?” Billy growled, eyes roaming over you as if to look for any outward signs of any foul play.
“He had trouble holding eye-contact, thought my boobs were more interesting to look at.” You offered once Neil’s staring problem occurred to you, snorting in amusement when Billy’s gaze immediately flicked down to your chest.
“You can’t come here by yourself.” Billy groused as his stare once again turned to the door, clearly brooding over his bastard of a father’s disgusting behavior toward a female who was underage. You sincerely hoped that Neil never started looking like Max like that just because she wasn’t actually his biological child. Because if you ever caught wind that he had, no one would be able to stop you from hacking the fucker to pieces feet-first.
“Billy, nothing happened.” You sighed, shifting in order to sit properly.
“Not this time, no. But you can’t be sure that he won’t try anything in the future.” Billy started to pace, running a frustrated hand through his golden mane.
“I’ll be fine. We have a plan if anything happens, remember?” You gently reminded, reaching out to catch his wrist when he passed in front of you. It was an argument that the two of you had every time you went over to his house. You promised the blond that you wouldn’t tell anyone about Neil’s physical abuse towards Billy, but if the man laid even a finger on you or Max, you were going to get Hopper involved.
Billy’s jaw was tense, posture coiled like a predator waiting to pounce. He didn’t resist as you tugged him over to the bed, the blond obediently plopping down onto the mattress. You swayed in order to rest your head on his shoulder and Billy exhaled heavily, the air rushing out of his lungs as he finally relaxed.
“Promise?” He hummed, so quiet that you wouldn’t have caught it had you not already been paying close attention to the blond.
“I promise.” You chirped, confident that you could hold up your end of the plan if push came to shove.
Figuring that he would want a minute to recover from the emotionally charged moment, you leaned away in order to blindly reach out to grab the textbook. Instead, your fingers hit a pile of wrappers, scattering them every which way.
“Oh, right. Your candy stash is gone.” You said mildly as you finally managed to snag the book, pulling it into your lap before flipping to the page you left off on.
“Of course it is.” Billy snorted, eyeing the mess of wrappers with a raised brow. He didn’t comment on the state of his room because it normally looked like a pigsty and a few wrappers didn’t make much of a difference in the long run.
“Could I bother you with the task of replenishing it? I’ll pay.” You asked hopefully, glancing at the blond as you gestured to your trusty shoulder bag, which you had haphazardly tossed onto the sturdy desk that you had talked Billy into getting.
“One of these days, I’m gonna tell you that you're shit outta luck.” Billy grunted, but he pushed to his feet anyway. He dug through your shoulder bag for your wallet, retrieving it with a triumphant hum. He unzipped the leather pouch and leafed through the cash that you had stopped at the bank to withdraw.
“I would like one of those variety bags, please.” You stuck your nose back into your current reading material, trusting Billy to take the amount of cash that he needed. “And get whatever you want.” You added, because you knew for a fact that he would only buy you what you wanted unless you said otherwise. As expected, there was a momentary pause before the brush of paper on paper resumed, then Billy zipped up the wallet and returned it to your bag.
“I’ll be back in ten. Do not leave this room.” Billy commanded, waiting for you to respond with an exasperated nod of agreement before he sauntered out of the room, the roar of his Camaro starting up a minute or so later. You listened to the vehicle’s growl fade as Billy pulled out of the driveway and started down the road, presumably in the direction of the nearest grocery store.
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buckyseddie · 3 years
best friend’s brother
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pairings — jason dilaurentis x fem!reader, featuring bff!alison dilaurentis x bff!fem!reader
summary — in which, they both have secret feelings for each other and alison’s not too happy about it.
word count — 792.
warnings — this is like the SHORTEST imagine i’ve EVER written (yes, i feel like that should be a warning), protective!alison, mentions of jason and aria, fluff, a LITTLE angst, reader gets MAD at both jason and alison, mentions of reader having some bladder issues (minor).
author’s note — i saw this gif on google and got this idea that i actually really like :). also, i just realized how short this imagine is… sorry! anyways, enjoy <3. gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3.
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THE TWO GIRLS SHARE SOME laughs on one saturday afternoon, before [y/n] quickly goes upstairs to the bathroom.
thank god, alison had some sort of self-control, to wait until her friend had ran up the stairs to use the bathroom — that girl’s bladder really was not like any other’s.
unlike [y/n], alison had immediately noticed the longing look in her older brother’s eyes.
“uh, what do you think you’re doing?” she asks, glaring daggers at her brother, who shrugs confusedly.
“i don’t know what you mean.” he excuses himself.
“cut the bullshit, jason! i know you like [y/n]. just admit it already.” she exclaims in a hushed tone, waiting for him to admit the truth.
he sighs. “okay, maybe i do.”
by the look his sister wears, he rolls his eyes.
“relax. i won’t make a move on her.”
“good. because, she doesn’t need to get involved with you when all you’re going to do is hurt her. we both know that you are not relationship material.” she states, eyebrows raised.
“what’s going on in here?” [y/n] asks as she walks down the stairs, quickly entering the living room as the two dilaurentis siblings stare each other down.
“why are you guys suddenly at each other’s throats?” she questions, even though she clearly heard the conversation and knows exactly why they’re arguing with each other.
“nothing, [y/n/n]. jason’s just being annoying!” alison states, turning away from her brother, who rolls his eyes.
“okay… let me rephrase that. i heard what the both of you said. so, are you going to come clean and tell me why you’re insulting jason and trying to keep him from dating me?” she states, eyebrows raised as she directs a glare towards her best friend.
“you heard that?” alison asks in an quiet voice, nervous of how [y/n]’s reacting to all of this.
“yes, i did. and i don’t appreciate you making decisions for me. i get that you don’t want me to get hurt, but that’s my decision. and the both of you hiding jason’s feelings for me isn’t going to make mine disappear.” she admits, crossing her arms over her chest.
alison sighs, before nodding in defeat.
“okay. i’m sorry, [y/n/n]. please… forgive me.” she pleads to her, afraid that she’ll end their friendship right there.
“of course i do,” [y/n] says, sighing as she embraces her surprisingly shaking best friend, before pulling away. “but… i’d like a moment alone with jason.”
alison nods immediately, turning her head and giving jason one last tense look, before leaving the room.
he sighs as [y/n] walks over to a chair and sits down, looking up at him expectantly.
“you’re mad.” he states as if he didn’t realize it before.
“yes, i’m mad! i’ve been holding in my feelings for you for years. and all this time… you’ve seen me as more than just your little sister’s friend? do you know how many nights i cried myself to sleep because i thought i wasn’t good enough for you to like me in that way? or when you and aria had your thing going on? when aria told me about your fling, i was absolutely heartbroken. one of my best friends and my other best friend’s brother? together? neither of them knowing about my feelings? it broke me to a point that i can’t even explain.” she rambles, unshed tears appearing in her eyes as she fidgets with her shaking hands.
he sighs, kneeling down in front of her, taking her hands into his as she looks up into his eyes.
“i’m sorry. i didn’t think you liked me like that, so i got involved with aria to get over you — although it didn’t really help me at all. and if anything, i’m the one that’s never been good enough for you, not the other way around.” he admits, lacing his fingers through hers.
“ugh. you make it so hard to hate you when you have this effect on me…” she trails off, rolling her eyes as she cups his face with her hands, glancing down at his lips.
he chuckles as his eyes travel down to her lips as well.
“can i kiss you?” he asks in a whisper, breath catching in his throat.
“do you even have to ask?” she whispers back, not looking away from his extremely desirable lips.
before she can think, she leans forward and connects their lips together when he doesn’t do it fast enough.
as their lips move together in a needy and deep kiss, he moves closer to her and cups her cheeks.
she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
and ever since that day, they never kept another secret from each other ever again.
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runnning-outof-time · 3 years
To Be Alone | Tommy Shelby x OC | Chapter 18
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Next Chapter
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: After recollecting their trip to America, Celia meets someone from her past, who’s presence in Birmingham is a shock to her. The person’s interest in Tommy makes Celia’s stomach do flips, and she seeks comfort from a friend after Lizzie spitefully tells her that Tommy’s arranged a last minute sleepover.
Warnings: language, drinking, smoking, sexual situations (PG-13 rated), mentions of prostitution
Word Count: 3760
A/N: we’re stirring the pot more with this one. Enjoy!
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Celia and Tommy became inseparable in the weeks after their trip to America. They just couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. Even after Grace called Tommy on the day before they were set to leave, telling him that she wanted to meet each other so that they could 'catch up', and also so that she could explain her son to him. Tommy told her that he had no interest in meeting her and that over the phone was as good a way as any to have her explain herself. Turns out that Clive also had a man named Thomas who was an influential figure in his life. Grace went with it...she never really got over Tommy and used the name as a form of closure. The call finished with her once again attempting to get him to meet her. Tommy rejected the offer again. His love for Celia was stronger than his desire to get answers to the questions that this woman left him with a few years ago.
Now back to Tommy and Celia being unable to physically separate themselves from each other. One moment between them that stuck out in Celia’s mind regarding the topic was when Lizzie walked in on them while they were in his office.
Celia had been able to leave the tailor's early one day, so she decided to go see what Tommy was up to. She made her way to the betting shop, greeting the men at the door as she walked past them, because they now knew who she was and no longer gave her a fuss. She then moved back to the offices before going to knock on Tommy's door, not even bothering to address Lizzie, who was sitting there with a glare on her face.
"Come!" he called for whoever was outside, signalling to Celia that she could enter the room. Tommy's eyes lit up once he saw her, his partner being the last person he was expecting on the other side of the door. "Hello, Celia," he smiled as he greeted her.
"Hi, Tommy. How is your day going?" she asked him, going to sit in one of the chairs that were across from his wooden desk.
"It's just gotten better," he remarked, making her cheeks heat up, "how come your here right now?"
"Walter gave me the go ahead to leave early. Figured I'd come drop by and see how things were going before going back to my apartment," she responded to his question, a smile on her face. "Have you been busy?" she asked him then.
"Fairly. A bunch of paperwork just came in, so I've been playing catch up," Tommy responded, his eyes trained on Celia as she stood from the chair to move over to where he was sitting.
"Is there any way I could help you?" she questioned, a glint in her eyes as she focused on him.
"I can think of a few ways," he nodded with a smirk. Celia knew that none of those ways actually involved the paperwork.
"Tell me how I can help you," she rephrased her previous statement, moving even closer to him.
"Come here," he breathed, motioning for her to come to him, and she listened sitting astride his lap then. His hands went to rest on her thighs as hers sat on his shoulders. "Better," he whispered as he tilted his head to look up at her, their lips meeting shortly after. Celia moaned into his mouth as their lips met, making him grunt underneath her before he stood up with her in his arms, sitting her on his desk then. She kept her hands fastened to his shoulders then as he bunched the material of her skirt up around her hips, giving him access to what he needed. She whimpered as his lips moved to her neck, his kisses creating a fire under her skin, increasing her need for him.
"I've got some of that paperwork finished like you asked, Tommy, I just need you to, oh..." Celia and Tommy were so engulfed in each other that they didn't hear the door to the office opening, or his secretary stepping in. In fact, it wasn't until she gasped that Tommy pulled his lips away from Celia's now exposed chest.
"Can't you fucking knock before you come into me office, eh, Lizzie?" Tommy snapped, frustration in his voice.
"I don't usually knock, Mr. Shelby," Lizzie responded, and Celia didn't have to look at her to hear the jealousy in her tone.
"Well when you know that someone has come into my office to discuss business, you should fucking knock," Tommy reprimanded her, making Celia bury her face into his neck to hide the embarrassment that was surely clear on her face.
"This is hardly business," Lizzie the remarked, a bit of a snarky tone laced into her words.
“Just leave the fucking papers on the table by the door and get out," he ordered her, and Celia could hear the papers being sat down just before the door closed. "'M sorry 'bout that, love," Tommy finally spoke to Celia, breathing out a sigh as he spoke.
"It's not a problem," Celia shook his apology off, sighing though as he stepped away from her, fixing himself up then. She tied up the lacing that held together the top of her blouse before she shimmied her skirt back down her legs. Tommy held out his hand for her and helped her back onto her feet from where she was sitting on his desk. "I'll just be seeing you later, correct?" she checked with him, the glint back in her eyes making him chuckle.
"Yes, ma'am, you will," he nodded his head with a grin, leaning down to kiss her lips before she moved from behind the desk. "Is that all you wanted?" he asked her as she moved towards the door.
"Yes, it was...since I can't be of any other help. I might as well let you get finished with your work for the day...so you can come home sooner," she said the last part of her sentence in a lower voice, but he still heard her.
"I'll be seeing you soon, Miss Farraday," he nodded his head, biting on his cheek to try to contain his grin.
"Yes, you will be, Mr. Shelby," she grinned at him, feeling his eyes on her figure as she moved to the door.
Lizzie had something to say to the woman exiting her boss' office, her mouth opening just as soon as Celia shut the door, "you finished up in there pretty quickly," she remarked, a grin on her face.
Celia had had enough of her, her presence being the sole reason why she still wasn't in there with Tommy right now. "How would Tommy respond if I told him you were talking to his partner like that, eh, Lizzie?" she bit back at her, watching as the woman’s face drained of any confidence that she held, her mouth opened slightly. "That's what I thought," Celia nodded her head before going to leave the shop, a satisfied grin on her face.
It was towards the end of the day, and Celia was on her way to the Garrison after finishing up her job at the hospital. She was hoping that Tommy would be there, being that she hadn't seen him in the past few days since he was needed in London for urgent business. She got to the establishment's doors and stepped past the first one, her stride stopping when she saw what was going on in front of her. Tommy was standing with May Carleton a few feet from him, and her hand was currently resting against his arm that was propped up against the bar. How Celia knew this was May without even being introduced to her yet? Well...May was part of her past. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she pulled open the final door that separated her from them and (tried to) confidently walk over to where they were standing.
"Celia!" Tommy greeted her with a smile when he noticed her entrance. She was more worried about the woman standing in front of her man, whose hand was still on his arm. "'S nice seeing you, love."
"Hi, Tommy," Celia smiled, and May finally dropped her touch when she slotted herself into his side, his arm immediately going around her waist.
"How are you?" Tommy asked then, not thinking of much as he leaned down to press a kiss to her hair. Celia watched May's eyes widen slightly as he did so, and it made her feel the slightest bit accomplished inside.
"I'm well," Celia nodded to him, her eyes focusing on the woman in front of her then, "how have you been, May?" she came out and asked her. It was now Tommy's turn for his eyes to widen, unaware that the two women knew each other.
"Celia Farraday? I thought that was you. I'm doing well. Tommy, here, entrusted me to train his horse for the derby," May smiled as realization filled her features.
"He's told me that he's entered her in the derby. He's spoken praises about you and said that you'd have her ready to win," she smiled then, trying to make small talk so that her jealousy wouldn't show through as it was still present inside of her. Tommy, on the other hand, was still dumbfounded.
"I hope that is the outcome," May nodded her head, looking between Celia and Tommy then. "How long have you been back in Birmingham?" she asked curiously.
"I've been here for about just over a year now. My grandfather on my mother's side was very ill and my mother wanted to see him before he passed, so I joined her and my father on the trip."
"So uncle Joe's still here?" she questioned, but Celia shook her head.
"He moved back to America about a month ago," Celia disclosed.
"But you've stayed?" May pointed out.
"It's hard to leave the person you love," Celia responded, glancing up at Tommy, who smiled softly down at her.
"Oh..." May gasped slightly, a look of realization on her face that made Celia smile smugly. "So you two are..."
"Yes," Celia responded bluntly before the woman could even finish her sentence. Tommy was grinning now because he had finally sensed the jealousy that Celia had inside of her. It was obvious that she was trying to stake her claim on him. Tommy found it adorable.
"Oh, well I was just telling Thomas about how his horse was doing, and I suggested that maybe he come see her some time soon," May then explained the reason behind her presence in Small Heath.
"I'm sure he'd love to do that," Celia nodded in agreement, confusing Tommy once again. Did she want May around or not?
"We'll have to set up a meeting then," May stated, her eyes on Tommy as she spoke.
"I will see when I'm around the area next. Been doing some business out that way," he stated, as always not delving into the business he had gotten himself into.
"That's good to hear. I should be heading out. It was nice seeing you, Celia," May then nodded in her direction, a smile on the older woman's face. "Tommy, I'll be seeing you soon," she sent Tommy a look then, and the nerves of Celia's that had been since calmed were now frazzled once more. Did she not just listen to what Celia had said?
"Goodbye, May," Celia smiled for the both of them, the other woman then turning and walking out of the bar then.
"I didn't know you knew May Carleton," Tommy stated once it was just the two of them then.
"Well it was actually May Fitz when I saw her regularly," Celia stated, fiddling with the edge of her blouse, "she's my cousin. A daughter of my aunt on my father's side. That's why she was asking about him," she explained, "my aunt actually started the horse training business that she calls her own now."
"Maybe I ought to just call up your aunt then," Tommy stated. Celia smiled sadly.
"She died ages ago," she came out and told him about her aunt's fate.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he really didn't know what to say to that.
"'S alright, Tom," she gave him a smile to let him know he was forgiven. How could he have known anyway?
"Do you want something to drink? Finn and Arthur are in the snug," he stated then and she nodded, accepting the glass before he led her into the snug where she was greeted with hellos from the two other Shelby brothers that were present.
Celia was sitting with Polly and Esme in the main room of the betting shop. It was closed for the night and the ladies were busy with the books. Celia had been helping out with the books since she had become more engrossed in the involvements of the Shelby family. They didn't mind the extra help though, and it so turned out that she was quite good at balancing the books.
"So I found out the sex of the baby at my latest appointment," Esme spoke up as they were working.
"Yeah? Was I correct in saying that it's a girl?" Polly questioned, perking up to hear if her gift still rang true.
"Yes, Pol, you were right. It's a girl," Esme smiled at the older woman as Celia just about shrieked in joy from her other side.
"That's great, Esme! Oh wow, she's going to be so loved!" Celia started rambling, feeling so happy for her friend, "I'm going to make her something. That way you can tell her that it was made the second it was found out she was a girl," she then grinned at Esme, who had a wide-eyed look on her face. Maybe Celia was acting a little too excited.
"You know, Celia...you and Thomas have been holding each other differently since you've returned from America," Polly stated, changing the subject of conversation completely so that Celia was now in the hot seat.
"You think so? We had fun there. It was a great trip," Celia looked at her with an bright expression her face. Of course she stayed mum on the finer details of the trip, but she should've known that Polly knew her secret without having it be told to her.
"You two are fucking now, aren't you?" she asked, her chin resting on her hand as Celia's jaw dropped. Esme was now keeled over in laughter, and Celia didn't know what to say, her cheeks turning a furious shade of red. That was all Polly needed for a confirmation. "Men and their cocks never seize to amaze me," she stated then, shaking her head.
Before anything else was said, the doors to the offices opened, revealing Lizzie. "Figured you ladies would want to know...Thomas rang. He's decided to stay the night at May Carleton's," she spoke, a grin on her face as her eyes settled on Celia, almost like she was waiting to see how the woman would respond to that. Without hearing a response, she nodded her head and turned, shutting the doors as she moved back into the office.
"Excuse me, ladies," Celia then said as she stood from the table, walking to the doors that had just been shut. She then opened them, surprising Lizzie who was already sitting back at her desk, "Look, I don't know what your problem is..."
"Excuse me?" Lizzie cut her off, a shocked expression on her face as her hand moved to her chest.
"I don't know what your problem is, but this shit between you and I has got to stop. I know you're jealous because I'm with Tommy. I know that the two of you used to fuck. I know that the only reason he gave you this job was because he wanted you to get out of the life, but this jealously act does not suit you well," Celia went on her rant, stopping briefly to check if she was still being followed before she continued. "From the second I met you, you've been nothing but rude to me because of my involvement with him, even though I have not given you a single reason to act that way. I would like to know why you keep treating me like this," she finished, letting out a deep breath after saying her final words.
"What you have with him isn't going to last. Thomas isn't one to commit himself to anything, let alone a single woman, for long," Lizzie stated, her voice sounding as if Celia had struck a chord with her. She hoped she did.
"Maybe he just couldn't commit himself to you," Celia said back, without an ounce of remorse in her voice. Lizzie didn't know what to say to that. "Look, you're going to be seeing me around here, and whether you like it or not, I'm not going to be leaving for a very long time."
"You sound so sure," there was a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"I am sure," Celia stressed her words with a nod of her head.
"That's surely what Grace thought...where is she now?" Lizzie pointed out.
"Grace left. She went to America. I'm not going anywhere," Celia stood steadfast on her standpoint.
"Oh but you will...his lifestyle will get to be too much for your innocent self to handle, and you'll leave him, just like she did. And I'll be left to pick up his pieces again," Lizzie was still grinning, "or he will become tired of you...maybe he already has. That's why he's staying at May's tonight, right?"
"Fuck off, Lizzie," Celia bit back at her statement, moving to leave the office before Lizzie could get out another word.
She took a deep breath to compose herself then before walking back over to where Polly and Esme are sitting. "Don't mind her, Celia. She wants what you have...doesn't do well with change," Polly stated, knowing exactly what happened behind those closed doors.
"It doesn't help that she's such an important part of the company and that she's always here," Celia huffed, slumping down in the chair.
"She'll come around when she notices she can't be with him anymore," Esme assured the woman sitting next to her, making Celia send her a soft smile.
"I think I'm going to go now. It's getting late," Celia stated after they had been working on the books for a bit.
"Ok. Be safe, love," Esme called out as Celia went to exit the betting shop.
She needed to talk to someone. Her mind was racing from all of the ambiguity surrounding Tommy's business dealings, and although in her heart she believed that he would be faithful to her, her mind was playing tricks on her, like it always did. So instead of going to her apartment, she went to Sophia's home, where she hoped that she and her husband hadn't gone to sleep for the night. She gave it a try and knocked on her door, breathing a sigh of relief when Sophia appeared on the other side once the door had been opened.
"Hello, Celia. Is something wrong? You don't usually show up to my house this late," Sophia stated with furrowed eyebrows, opening the door further for her to come in though.
"Thanks for letting me in. My mind's just racing and I know it won't do me good to be home by myself," she stated as she walked into her friend's living room. "Hello, Ben," she then sent a smile in Sophia's husband, Benjamin's direction. He sent one of his own back in response.
"Isn't Tommy home?" Sophia asked, the two ladies sitting next to each other on the couch then. Celia shook her head, and Sophia immediately turned to Ben, "honey, could you please go upstairs? We need to talk about women things," she told him.
"I won't be long," Celia assured him, and Ben nodded, kissing Sophia's cheek before he went up the steps. "Tommy had to go to London for business. He's made a stop at May Carleton's and he's staying the night there," she explained Tommy's whereabouts once they were alone.
"May Carleton...the horse trainer?" Sophia asked then.
"The horse trainer and my cousin," Celia nodded, making her friend's eyes widen.
"Yeah. I didn't know until I saw her. She uses her married name even though she's been widowed," Celia clarified. "I know in my heart that he'll be faithful, but my mind won't get on the same page."
"That's a tough thing. Especially when your mind's the thing talking to you all the time. When is he due back?" Sophia asked then.
"Well he was due back tonight, but since he's now extended his trip, I guess he'll be returning tomorrow," Celia told her, watching as she nodded her head.
"There isn't much you can do now. Worrying isn't going to help you at all, you just have to hold on to what your heart's telling you," Sophia gave her some advice. Celia nodded and the two sat in a comfortable silence. "I'm sorry there isn't much more I can say to you," Sophia spoke again, but Celia waved her off.
"It's alright, Soph. You've helped me greatly. I've just got to stop listening to the stories my mind's making up," Celia responded, nodding as she spoke.
"It'll be a feat for sure, but I know you'll be alright. I've only gotten glimpses of you and Tommy together, and from that alone I was able to see that man's feelings for you," Sophia said then, pulling her friend into a hug after she finished speaking.
The two smiled at each other after they pulled away. "I'm going to go now. Ben's waiting for you upstairs," Celia stated while standing from the couch.
"Be safe, CeCe. I'll see you at work tomorrow," Sophia smiled, standing as well. They said their goodbyes and Celia left the house, now heading for her apartment.
Once she arrived, she entered and went right to her bedroom, changing into some night clothes before she situated herself on her bed with a book. She tried to focus on the words but couldn't stop her mind from wandering to what Tommy could possibly be doing right now. She hoped that her heart was right.
Tagged: @mootiemoose @theshelbyclan @alreadybroken-ts @cloudofdisney @stevie75 @honey-im-hotdog @kagome1414 @epicwaterlemon @magicalxdaydream @the-anxious-youth
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Holding on - Steve Rogers x Reader
Title: Holding on
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompt: I have an idea on a one shot where the reader is bucky’s adopted sister and she and Steve are dating . When Bucky finds out he is against it and he and Steve get into a fight because that’s his little sister and nobody not even Captain America will ever be good enough for her
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“My brother's been a bit quiet today. Well, a bit more quiet than usual.” you noted skeptically, sitting comfortably on the couch as Steve carefully placed a soft drink in front of you on the coffee table “Did you two talk about something that I'm currently not aware of?”
“Not much, not much that you didn't hear of yourself. The usual I suppose.” your boyfriend ever oblivious, or innocent, or downright clueless, merely shrugged as he came to sit next to you.
“Fine then.” you sighed, rephrasing “Maybe something that I should know about? Something concerning me? And possibly you?”
He paused, looking at you carefully “I-” he let a soft sigh, eyebrows pulling into a frown “I haven't told him about... us, yet, if- if that's what you'd like to hear but- There was a mention of you and-” he stopped himself, giving you a reassuring smile “It's stupid. It's just a stupid talk, I brushed it off as soon as it was over with. That's why I didn't bring it up to begin with.”
“So I was right then. Bucky's been thinking about something else other than you getting back from the time travel all safe and sound.” somehow, having your thoughts verified put you more on edge than calmed you down.
“Well, I mean-” he shrugged softly, smile reassuring but his eyes were anything but that “I really had to survive getting all the stones to their places and coming back to you. It wasn't easy and with all that at risk I guess that it was something that could be considered like just another usual talk of not doing anything stupid while he was gone.”
“Rogers, I've heard the 'Taking all the stupid with you.' talk before, and this ain't it. You looked like-” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest, your eyes moving back and forth as you studied him “I know you, and I know you and Buck better than anyone else. Something was said between the two of you that you may think isn't much but it actually was. What were his exact words?”
“Well, he said to be careful, to make sure I don't do anything stupid and in the end, his words were something more like-” he stopped when he noticed the pointed look you were giving him “Alright, his exact words 'Tell her I said hello.' that was it. I didn't even understand what he was trying to-” but he paused, this time no words needing to be added or questions to be answered as the both of you felt the realization dawn on you.
“Oh” he breathed out as he blinked several times, no more words could come out given how dry his mouth.
“Oh” you repeated, voice more tight and words much more sharp but without any anger. If anything, from the way you pulled to yourself and away from him to how you carefully looked at him with... weary and almost sad eyes “So... did you? Say hello to Peggy, I mean. It's clear that's what he meant.”
“I didn't kno-” he stopped, letting out a frustrated sigh “I didn't even know what he meant, (Y/n), and I didn't plan to talk with anybody to begin with. The mission was rather clear anyway. I don't understand why Bucky would say-”
“I can easily think of a reason or two. And I can't say I blame him.”
“Reasons?” his gaze darkened but there was no anger behind it, not directed at you at least “What kind of reasons would he have to think that? And what do you mean by not blaming him? Do you think that I would have gone to Peggy too, (Y/n)? Answer me. Do you really think I could do that to you?”
“Well, to answer your first question-” you paused, looking down for a moment “If you didn't carry that compass with you all the time, then maybe he wouldn't have a reason to think that you would stay back in time with Peggy. And I- I just happened to find it in your clothes as I was doing laundry, that's all.”
“Did you open it?” it surprised to hear his voice being so soft instead of angry at you finding something so personal, even by accident. Though in all honesty you should be the one that got angry given how he carried a photo of his ex around all the time. But it saddened you more than could anger you.
“No, Steve, I told you I found it by accident. I respect your privacy, I wouldn't-”
“Because then maybe if you did-” he approached you, taking something out of his pocket “Then you would notice that yes I do carry it around all the time but not in the way you would imagine.” he opened the compass to show you a photo you remember him having taken of you many years ago. The one he always said he loved the most because of how carefree you were in it. “I never told you because... well, to tell you the truth I felt a little bit embarrassed about it. I've been- I've actually had your photo here before we even... Before we even got together. Years now, not much later after I met you.”
“You... oh.” you breathed out, blinking before you looked up from the compass to meet his eyes “I- I never opened it and Bucky... he must have never seen inside of it.” you whispered and he nodded his head “Oh my Gosh” you gasped, shaking your head and closing your eyes, feeling the guilt crawl up your chest. Steve didn't deserve any of it, not when he'd been really only a total sweetheart to you, a great boyfriend in every sense of the word “Gosh, I'm- Steve, I'm so sorry. I didn't think-”
“It's ok, it's ok. I don't blame you. Maybe... I actually blame myself, to be honest. I should have told you, should not have let you have doubts over something like this. I should not let you doubt how I feel about you, how much I love you and always will, not for a second. That's not how relationships work, not how they should work and I'm a terrible boyfriend for making you go through this.” he took your hand in his “And Peggy... Peggy is in the past, that's where she stays, and I am thankful for that because if it wasn't for all this, then I would not have met you.”
“You're a great boyfriend, the best one I could ever get, honey. I'm-” you sighed heavily, resting your head on his chest “I shouldn't have kept it inside me either. I knew about the compass for a long time now but didn't say a thing. If I had told you about then I would know the truth and then-”
“There's no reason to worry about what ifs, not now. What we really should worry about is something else entirely. And I'm beginning to think that there will be no easy way to solve that one.” he whispered in a low, grave voice that truth was put back a heavier weight on your shoulders.
“Yeah, no surprise my brother would think that you were going to stay back with her.” you let out a shaky breath, pulling away from your boyfriend just a bit “Oh gosh...” your eyes widened “He thought you were hooked on Peggy all this time and that I- Steve, he must have also thought you were going to hurt me. Hurt me worse than before.”
“He- what?”
“I- I didn't pay much attention though I guess I was mostly getting carried away by my own wishful thinking. Bucky once- Well, we more or less have had conversations about you and me, more than once. But there was that time when Bucky really seemed interested in my... feelings about you, whether they were entirely friendly as we let him think, or not.”
“And?” he frowned.
“I don't know what I let on, what it looked like to him because he can read me so well but- but the most possible scenario is that... he thought I was pining after you and that you were hooked on Peggy. Thinking that you would stay back with her he must have imagined I would be hurt so now...”
“Now he's confused and weary and he won't even believe me when I tell him that I love you. If I am to tell him about us, he'll think I am probably looking for an excuse to get over Peggy. Great.” he huffed, dragging a hand down his face.
You groaned, shaking your head before laying completely down on the couch “Why must everything be so hard?” you buried your face in your hands “I just want my brother to know about us, accept it and be happy about us just like that, like magic. Why can't that be reality the second I open my eyes?”
“Cause I've fucked it up, that's why.” he said and you chuckled, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Language?” you asked softly and he shook his head, his arms sneaking around your waist as he rested his chin on your chest and looked up at you through his lashes.
“I think we've already established that that's far from the case anymore.” he pointed out and you couldn't hold back a chuckle.
“Oh yeah, let's not forget to tell my brother about it too. I would love nothing more than to see him find out just how much bad language and dirty talking you can do while doing exactly what you said before. Fuc-”
“Alright, let's not get that carried away, shall we? Besides, I didn't know you would like your boyfriend to be murdered on the spot by his best friend so much. Because that's what is gonna happen.” he pointed out and you sighed.
You groaned once more “I had almost forgotten that that's the reality I'm living in.”
“Well, that... I could probably help with for once.” he whispered, leaning up to kiss under your jaw “And afterwards I'll fix everything else, talk to Bucky and tell him everything about us.”
“Honey, really I love the effort but, how about we don't talk about my brother anymore, yeah? Especially while you're between my legs.” you asked with a smirk, feeling his chest rumble with a laugh against your as he moved his lips over your neck all the way up to your lips.
“Think you can keep my mouth occupied so that I don't bring him up again?” he looked a you, raising an eyebrow and this time you couldn't help your own laugh.
“Think I can come up with a few interesting options, actually.” your lips were closer to his “Though it would involve less clothes, sadly.”
“Sadly.” he grinned, his lips finding yours in the kind of kiss you had so many times before found yourself getting lost. The kind of kiss that you could gladly enjoy for hours but which, this time, didn't even last more than three seconds.
“Sadly indeed.”
Hearing the third voice in the room which you really didn't expect anyone else for at least the next couple hours, was a great surprise. But to hear that specific voice didn't just make you jump in surprise, but actually push Steve away as if electricity shot right through you.
“Buck?” Steve asked in a low, gruff voice, as he looked up over the back of the couch.
“What the hell are you doing?” your brother's voice was unlike what you had ever heard him and it made you take in a shaky breath.
“Bucky, no listen we can explain, we-”
“I wasn't talking to you. You and I will have a conversation later. For now, I'm asking my best bud-” he turned to look at Steve and if looks could kill then Steve wouldn't be alive anymore. The icy glare made your own eyes widen “What the fuck are you doing with my sister?”
“Calm down, Bucky, there is a very simple explanation. If you'd just calm down a bit-”
“Don't tell me to calm down, Rogers, or so help me. You will see exactly what I was taught as a winter soldier. Especially if you don't take your hands off my sister, right now!”
“Alright-” Steve did as told, his own features darkening as he got more serious. Though nothing was as scary as looking at your brother at that time. And the worst part was that you weren't scared for yourself, but Steve. He could hurt him real bad if he wanted to, if he got any more angry and it could easily happen when you and your happiness were involved. You were each other's only family and while you were only adopted, that didn't lessen your bond in the least bit.
“Alright, I'll keep my distance and everything so long as you promise not to do anything rash and just sit for a moment to listen to me, yeah?”
“Listen huh? I'd love to see what kind of excuse you're gonna come up with for this.” he scoffed, shaking his head “I don't need any excuses, Steve. I know this exactly for what it is, which is exactly why you are gonna stay the hell away from my sister and then-” he paused to look at Steve, practically fuming in that moment unlike the blonde who was keeping his calm “You and I will have a good long talk. Before you never see her again, that is.”
“Buck, you gotta hear me out. And if not me-” Steve clenched his fists for a moment “If not me, then at least listen to your sister. This is not how we planned for it to go but everything will make sense once you give us a chance. Fighting won't solve a thing.”
“I'm pretty serious to test that out. It sure will make me feel a whole lotta better afterwards.” Bucky narrowed his eyes at his friend.
“Buck.” Steve clenched his jaw, letting out a sigh as he shook his head “This won't solve anything. You have to sit down, calm down and listen. Please this is not-”
“What it looks like? Yeah, I think I already got the idea. I saw it for what it really is.”
“You got shit, Bucky, and I'm tired of listening to you threatening my boyfriend like that anymore.” you huffed, walking away from Steve to stand between him and your brother “For the love of, we didn't want you to find out like this. I mean, you shouldn't even be here, so don't blame us for it! Weren't you and Sam working today anyway? It's not like we were prepared to!”
“Don't call him that. Don't.” he looked back at you only for a moment before he set his eyes on Steve again “He's not and sure as hell is not going to be that, not as long as it is up to me.”
“Well, too bad it ain't. And too bad it hasn't been for the past two years, Bucky, because newsflash: We've been dating for seven years already now.” you said, fast and without any attempt to sugar-coat it or make an introduction, instead crossed your arms over your chest and watched his eyes widen as his head snapped in your direction “And even if we weren't, I wasn't gonna ask for your opinion on who I should love. Your approval, yes it matters, but not your opinion.”
“You- what?” he gasped in shock, the surprise on his face and voice managing to make every hint of anger fade away instantly.
“Exactly that. Seven years now.” you shrugged, watching his wide eyes jump from you to Steve and back at you “Steve and I have been dating all this time and we didn't know how to tell you.”
“Seven years?!” he nearly exclaimed but you only relaxed more when you saw there was little to no anger present anymore.
“Seven years minus some actually.” Steve said softly “In a week it's gonna be seven.”
“Shit” your eyes widened “I almost forgot. I gotta go get you something. You think that shop by the corner is gonna be open this week? Cause I saw the owner had to close it cause of-”
“Hey, hey focus, ok? That's not the point here. Shop's gonna open up. I don't know if you're still gonna have a boyfriend to give a gift to that is. So just look at me here and try to explain this a little bit better. You two have been dating, without me or anyone else knowing, for seven whole years and some more?”
“Well, Peter does. I mean, he nearly walked in on us so he probably wants to forget it too, so I'm guessing that doesn't count.” you shrugged, but sighed with a roll of your eyes when your brother gave you a hard look “Alright, young Luke Skywalker, chill out, will you? And you're not going to do anything to Steve, not when you know that all is good between him and I. Matter of fact-” you took hold of your brother's hand to make sure you had his full attention and that he wouldn't do anything rush “Everything is better than ever before in my life. I am better. Happier, happier than I have ever been before and all of it thanks to him, Bucky. All thanks to him.”
“You-” the words had the exact effect you were hoping for; it was like a switch was flipped inside him and his features softened more than ever before as he met your eyes “How?” he asked in a soft, low voice and you couldn't help but laugh softly.
“How? It's easy Buck.” you took a step forward, all the while keeping eye-contact to make sure you got your point across with all the honesty you could master “I am in love. Truly, utterly and helplessly in love. For the first time in my life, I know it's the real thing. And I- I want you to be happy for me, not angry o-or bitter. Because Steve has never done a single thing to hurt me in all these years. And if you're concerned over just how much Steve really loves me, well, the idiot's been carrying a photo he took of me for years now and looking at it when he thought nobody was around so-” you shrugged softly, giving your brother a reassuring smile.
“I just-” Bucky blinked several times, shock or surprise didn't seem to be enough to cover up what he felt. He looked at Steve, frowning for a moment “I thought-”
“That I was hooked on Peggy? That I was gonna stay back in time with her? Bucky I never, not even once, not even for a split second thought of giving up what I have here for anything else in the world. I-” he took a step forward, and as if reading his mind, you pulled away from your brother and stood by your boyfriend's side as he took your hand in his and locked fingers with yours all the while focusing on your brother “I love you sister more than anything in my life. More than my own life. And while I would fight anyone for her... you are someone that I would very much like to have on my side, instead of the opposite.”
“I'm just-” Bucky groaned, shaking his head “I'm so damn confused. You came back Steve and I was so certain you and Peggy-” he stopped when he noticed the hint of sadness on your face so he referred from going on “I mean, I had seen the look you were giving (Y/n), alright I'm not an idiot. And I've taken notice of the touches too. But I never thought-”
“You imagined he was using me to get over her?” you whispered, getting both their attention but you gave Steve a small squeeze hoping he'd understand that you didn't feel that way and that you knew the truth.
“Well-” Bucky sighed “To tell you the truth, yes, that's exactly it.”
“Buck” Steve took a step forward, still holding your hand “You've know me your whole life so you can tell when I say that I would rather die before I dared hurt your sister in that kind of way and that bad, is true and no exaggeration. So please believe me when I say I want to keep making her happy while I have your blessing.”
“I mean, you're Captain America, how much better can it get? Any brother would approve of that.” you said with a soft smile at your boyfriend and he let out a nervous laugh.
“Well, I'm not just any brother. So the title ain't gonna cut it. But, you're a grown up woman, much as it is hard for me to admit, and you are free to make your own choices. I'm not going to stand in the way, not when you...” he trailed off for a moment, smiling at you almost in disbelief to see how happy you really were and standing by his best friend's side at that “No, I'm glad and more than relieved.”
“So that means we're good, right?” you asked hopefully “You're not gonna beat the crap out of my boyfriend?”
“Yes and no.” his eyes hardened but not in any threatening way, more protective than anything else “You're not off the hook. And you and I are gonna have a long and way overdue conversation, Rogers. Come on, move.”
“Where to?” Steve frowned.
“The training room. Been a long while since we trained together, right bud?” he said far-from-innocently before leaving the room.
“He's gonna beat the crap out of me.” Steve sighed, shaking his head.
“If it's any comfort... I'll patch you up later and you could kiss me all you want?”
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(@havoc-warband) your last ask made me wonder - what is your writing process like?
Heyo homie! I'm gonna take the time to address this question both in regards to my gw2 writing and in general, if that's cool.
In contrast to what you're up to (which I think is really cool) I have been considering Gaius to be the "main character" of what I have going on. Largely, this is due to the fact that I'm a slow ass writer and I've gotta pick out the most important stuff and ramble about anything else on here. But interestingly, I was planning a big thing for a charrtober challenge, which would focus on things happening in the Horncleaver canon from the perspective of others close to him.
Generally speaking, my writing process is a lot of rambling in the vague direction of progress. You noted in my ask for you that you don't actually have formal training with prose/creative writing; my degree is actually in literary studies and creative writing, so I have experience in both academic and literary writing (did/do you use a lot of APA? I only interacted with it minimally until I did a news writing course).
The thing that I've noticed is that a writing process is something that's continually honed and improved upon. Maybe a large part of this for me is my severe and unmedicated adhd, but in practice, this results in the fact that I do a lot of outlining as I have ideas--I struggle as a writer to develop a Full Story Idea, and then I also struggle with actually sitting down and putting words on the page. I try to incorporate advice into things when I have the opportunity--people say to write what's interesting at the time, to rewrite things different ways, etc. I do a whole lot of that (my SO likes when I stream my writing because, as they've told me, they like to see my short bursts of confident scribbling followed by frequent pauses to reiterate, rephrase, or restructure something).
I tend to write and flesh out the solid ideas I have and then move ahead to briefly note out where I want things to go--if I have more concrete thoughts on these, I'll add more detail to the note so that I don't lose it while I'm doing other stuff, but then I try to keep moving ahead.
But yeah, currently, that's what the core of my actual writing process is, not involving stuff like research or anything like that!
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kopikokun · 4 years
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Beach Day Blues༄ l.dh
↳ Out on a day trip to the beach with your boyfriend and his friends, you’re anticipating a fun time filled with sunny memories and sand filled swimsuits. What you’re not expecting is the cold shoulder from your usually happy-go-lucky boyfriend, but you’re going to get to the root of this issue, even if it’ll kill you.
pairing: lee donghyuck x reader ft. yuta, mark & jaehyun
content: fluff, beach day, reverse comfort fic, jealousy fic, very mildly suggestive ending
word count: 2053 words
Request 36: Haechan + “I need a hug.” (42) + “You’re cute when you’re angry.” (47) + “You own my heart.” (59) + Jealousy
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝.
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Perhaps you’re being delusional. Perhaps you’re just dehydrated or, maybe, you rationalise, the scalding rays of the evening Sun have burned not only your skin but your brain cells too (if there were any to begin with). Maybe all of this is just in your head and you’re overthinking it.
    “Hey,” someone hisses, “is it just me or is Donghyuck giving you the cold shoulder?”
    At the question, or rather observation, your head swivels an almost sharp 90 degrees to stare Yuta straight in the eyes. “So, it wasn’t just me thinking that!”
    Yuta chuckles. “Yeah, he definitely seems off…” He peers at Donghyuck discreetly from beneath his sunglasses before turning back towards you. “Did you guys get into a fight or something?”
    “A fight? No way!” You pause, suddenly doubting yourself. “At least, I don’t think so…”
    Though you’re confident in your verdict of innocence regarding a fight, Yuta’s question prompts you to briefly run through the events of the day. To preface things, you, your boyfriend, Donghyuck, and a few of your friends—namely, Yuta, Jaehyun and Mark—had decided around half a month ago to clear up one day in advance for a ‘beach day’ this week. The idea had sprung after someone had brought up how nice and sunny the weather had been lately, and everyone just unanimously came to the conclusion that sunny weather equals beach day.
     You had begun packing for this trip a few days ahead to the surprise of everyone including yourself, which is a testament to your overwhelming excitement, because you rarely--if ever--pack that early for just a single day trip. But who can blame you? This would be your first official trip with Donghyuck. No, you should rephrase that. This would be your first official trip with Donghyuck as your boyfriend. You’ve been on plenty of trips before when you two were just ‘friends’, but now--and maybe this is the romanticist in you which you’ve successfully kept stored away up until recently speaking--it just feels different. You’re sure someone out there can relate, because you’ve never been one to obsess over something as feeble as a label, yet this trip has had your stomach in knots for ages.
  The packing process had gone smoothly--neither you nor Donghyuck had forgotten anything--and so had the car ride over. As far as you can recall, your day at the beach so far has gone without a hitch too. You’d had a little picnic, dipped in the oddly warm sea, played some beach volleyball (badly) and gotten some icecream afterward. No fights, no issues, no nothing.
   Maybe, you think, he found out I was involved in that little switch up with the sea water. You don’t entertain the idea for too long though immediately casting it away, because you know Donghyuck would never be the type to get so upset over a prank.
    So, why the attitude?
    You gaze at Donghyuck’s back, hoping that this mystery might just unravel itself if you stare long enough.
    “Huh…” Yuta’s voice tears you from your zealous staring competition with Donghyuck’s shoulders. “Then I wonder what’s up…”
    You sigh. You know you should confront him and have a mature conversation about what’s bothering him, but that’s so much easier said than done. Maybe this is God’s way of punishing you for ridiculing all those scenes in cheesy teen flicks where the couple would experience a major fall-out because of poor communication. During said scenes, you’d be pulling your hair out, internally screaming at the couple to just freaking talk already, yet now that you’ve been presented this obstacle for you to overcome yourself, you’re erring on the side of caution.
    Come on, you reason, I’ve been friends with Donghyuck for over half-a-decade and we’ve gotten into our fair share of arguments during those five years. What’s so different about now?
    Yeah, you’re right. You find yourself agreeing with your own thoughts, physically nodding along like you’re speaking to someone. Yuta raises a concerned eyebrow at you. Nothing’s different compared to then. You’re doing it again. He’s just my boyfriend, and that’s just a label. Stop. Obsessing. Over. Labels.
    Admittedly, it’s a bit embarrassing having to psyche yourself up to do this, but that’s not what’s important right now. What’s important is that little pep-talk, no matter how laughable it sounded, has gotten you to stand and saunter to Donghyuck with utmost confidence. In hindsight, you should’ve said something to Yuta beforehand instead of just springing from your seat and marching away. The thought hadn’t crossed your mind though, as it was obviously preoccupied with something arguably much more important than giving him the luxury of context.
    You decide not to be too transparent about your feelings at first as you take a seat beside Donghyuck on the sand, leaning your head on his shoulder, hoping that all of this was really just your imagination getting the best of you. You silently plead that he’ll perhaps treat you like he normally would, giving you a little peck on the cheek or at least wrapping his arm around your waist. Unfortunately, your hopes are smothered just as quickly as they arise because Donghyuck doesn’t even bat an eye at you, continuing to chat with Jaehyun and flat-out ignoring your presence. Still optimistic for a reaction, you leave a chaste kiss to his bare shoulder, just to let him know that “Hey, I’m here!”, but to no avail. Infuriatingly, he doesn’t even flinch. All he does is drone on to Jaehyun about something you couldn’t care less about.
    You huff. Audibly. A last ditch effort in vying for Donghyuck’s attention. It goes just as well as your previous attempts. You cross your arms, glaring at the side of Donghyuck’s stubborn little head, hoping to bore a deep hole through his brain. Maybe then he’ll finally take notice of you. Sensing the undeniable tensity in the air, Jaehyun clears his throat awkwardly, offering Donghyuck some lame excuse about needing to take a piss, before shuffling away. Well, at least someone knows how to take a hint.
    With Jaehyun’s departure, you’re left alone with Donghyuck. Usually, he’d be leaping to drown you in affection the second you two had privacy--or even if you two didn’t, to be frank--but all he does now is fiddle with the strings of his swimming shorts absentmindedly.
    “What’s wrong, Hyuck?” you finally ask, desperate to break this frustratingly suffocating silence. “Is something wrong?”
    Finally, after what seems like centuries, Donghyuck acknowledges your existence, though the look he gives you is not a pleasant one. In fact, it’s one of agitation. His tongue prods at his inner cheek before he says, tone bitter, “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”
    Evidently taken aback, you crease your eyebrows at him. “I… Did I do something wrong, babe?”
    “Oh, come on,” he scoffs, scornful amusement overtaking his normally amiable features. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know. You can just come out and say it.”
    “Say what, Hyuck?”
    “How much more you’re into Mark than into me,” Donghyuck says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
    You can’t help but laugh, simply bewildered as to how on Earth he came to this conclusion. “I’m into who now?”
    “Mark,” Donghyuck rolls his eyes, “don’t have to pretend like you’re surprised.”
  “I’m not into--” you sigh, a smile of disbelief tugging at your lips. “Okay, tell me why you think I’m into Mark.”
    “I don’t think. I know,” Donghyuck argues and you scoff, “but it’s obvious. And I have proof. Take when we were playing volleyball for instance. The whole time, you kept eyeing Mark up and laughing at his jokes. All of them. Even the weird ones that nobody gets.”
    You snort. “Baby… I wasn’t ‘eyeing Mark up’, I was watching him just in case he missed the ball. And about the joke thing, to his credit, some of them were actually pretty funny! But, as for the the rest--and don’t tell Mark I said this--I felt kinda bad nobody else laughed at them, so I just laughed along with him. Trust me, I’ve been in his shoes before and it sucks. Not all of us are born as naturally as funny as you, Hyuck.” You’re a little remorseful that you’re essentially dissing Mark, but you’re sure he’d understand. Your relationship’s on the line here.
    Donghyuck harrumphs, but you can tell by the slight quirk of his lip that he’s a little tickled by you poking fun at Mark and he’s totally been swayed by your compliment.
    “Okay, fine that explains that, but how about when we went swimming just now? Why did you and Mark keep exchanging funny looks?”
    “That?” You giggle. “You know how your drink was mysteriously replaced by seawater?”
    “Yeah,” he trails off, his suspicion growing by the second.
    “Who do you think that was?”
    Donghyuck groans. “Wait, that was you? Seriously? That was mean, babe.”
  “Aww, I know, Hyuck. I’m sorry,” you coo. Your hand inches its way closer to his as you attempt to intertwine your fingers together.
    Donghyuck rejects your endeavour of fondness. “Nu-uh, no way. I’m not done with you yet.”
    “Oh my God, Hyuck, there’s more?” you complain, though there’s a tint of amusement in your voice.
    “Yes, there’s more, and you won’t be able to worm your way out of this one either,” he says smugly, as if it’d be a good thing if you in fact, couldn’t worm your way out of his next accusation. “How about when we went to get ice cream and you kept sliding up next to him?”
    You pout. “I just wanted to try the watermelon popsicle he got.”
    Donghyuck blinks at you, his once irritated expression dissolving. He seems dumbfounded as you hold his gaze, your mirthful smile never faltering. He turns away from you. “Oh, well… then whatever. I guess you aren’t into Mark.”
    “Hyuck,” you say, hand crawling up his arm, “were you jealous?”
    “Well, yeah, obviously,” he deadpans, still refusing to meet your gaze.
    You giggle. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
    His cold facade is immediately abandoned at your teasing intonation, and just like that, your cheery Hyuck is back. “Baby,” he whines, readjusting himself so he’s facing you head-on, “don’t tease me. I couldn’t help but be jealous, you know?”
    “And why is that?”
    Donghyuck purses his lips. “Why? What do you mean why?” He gestures up and down, eyes sweeping over you. “Look how pretty you are! What am I supposed to do when you look this good all the time? It’s unfair, really, that you’re this pretty.”
    A blistering heat, one that is much hotter than the Sun, gathers in your cheeks. “Oh really now, Hyuck?”
    “Yes, really,” he says, genuity seeping into his every word. “Literally, everyday I’m surprised you’re even real.” You grin bashfully and Donghyuck pounds his fist to his chest dramatically like he’s been shot. “See! You’re only smiling and I’m already having heart palpitations at just twenty years old.”
    “Okay, okay, Hyuck. You can stop hyping me up now,” you chuckle. You’re beyond glad that your boyfriend has returned to his spirited self, but you know you should address what just happened seriously, just in case. “But hey, I’m sorry that I made you feel that way. Looking back, it definitely could’ve been misinterpreted as flirting and I would never want you to have any reason to feel insecure about our relationship because you own my heart, Hyuck.”
    “Aw, babe, you can be really cheesy when you want to be,” says Donghyuck, pinching your cheeks. He plays what you said off casually, but you know that deep down, it resonates with him, and he honestly appreciates your sincerity. “Come here, I need a hug.”
    “Right now? There are people around, Hyuck.”
    “But you look so good right now. I can’t resist.”
    “I don’t know, Hyuck…” You smile demurely.
    “Alright, then what about,” Donghyuck reaches to tuck your hair behind your ear, whispering, “we ditch the beach day and go cuddle in the car? My skin’s burning, anyway.”
    You grin. “They’re gonna notice that we went missing, you know?”
    “So?” Donghyuck challenges, leaning in to place a short but telling kiss on the juncture which connects your ear and your jaw. “Even better. I want them to know.”
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anima-letters · 3 years
Know it
Rosita looked at the scene thoughtfully, trying to recapitulate all the clues now forcefully exposed: each of the times he went out with Moon prior to the events in Redshore City, he was never overly interested in people trying to get his attention when they took the initiative, and he would be polite to advances regardless of whether they were direct or not, especially since he would be slow to get the message when mistaking it for simple politeness; but right now she saw him openly rejecting any flirtatious intent from the woman who accosted him when he retreated to the restroom. Which wasn't wrong, however, since when was he able to perceive that the words were not admiring?
Even with Eddie, to the little of his knowledge, he couldn't manage that.
The second clue was a bit more conflicting, due to memory and perception being at play, however, she was sure that there are details on her friend's suit that were not there before in the stitching; sometimes she senses embroidery that was not there before, occasionally, there is a different pattern on his trademark bow tie. To anyone else, this could be crazy; the difference is that she is a mother, and she is bound to notice the minute details.
On the other hand, there are clues so obvious as to be absurd, such as the third. Moon had stated that at certain times in the evening she would rest from any rehearsal or idea that came up strongly. Which he has always done, but never in a fixed way; starting the odd thing after that period, as he always seemed so motivated subsequent to that time out that it was highly contagious, as on all occasions that they should have proved they deserved greatness.
And in her eyes, he began to invest his soul in small scales.
Just like these, there are thousands of details that set off her alarms, that drive her to suspect that he is hiding something from them; like anyone else, she respects the freedom to guard any secret she does not wish to be shared; the problem is that the suspicion is focused more on a more problematic reason: that he is hiding what is going on because they are involved. And worse, that they don't like the idea of what's going on.
Which they shouldn't feel, because they were family.
Releases the train of thought as he considers that the estimated time of the fake bathroom trip has passed; he approaches, waving his hand so that his attention is focused on resuming that day of shopping for the two of them; excusing himself with a well-acted honesty that there were too many people to enter the restrooms.
A smile spreads across her face as she hears him say that there is no problem, that he could wait for her.
And Rosita will too, as she can be patient, she learned to be patient a long time ago, so she won't rush anything.
When Buster feels ready, she''ll ask the question she''s been denying and rephrasing in her head.
"Have you been dating Jimmy Crystal?"
I had this short idea where Rosita would actually know that Moon is carrying on a secret relationship with Crystal thanks to certain clues, but decides to keep the same secret until it comes to light by Buster Moon himself, or else, by Jimmy.
And here we are, posting this.
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malfoys-demigod · 3 years
Favorite City, Favorite Day
Elijah Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Prompts: “Since you’re visiting if I’m correct, why not let me show you around?”, “For the sake of curiosity, are you seeing anyone?”, and “You still have that gift from me? I figured you’d have thrown it away by now.” “No, I never would.”
Word Count: 1.5k 
Summary: After half a century, you return to New Orleans, to feel the nostalgia of your favorite city, celebrate your favorite day, and encounter your favorite person. 
A/N: My first TVD/TO fic is about Elijah! One of my favorite characters ever! I’ve been wanting to write during Spring break and here I am, publishing it on the first day after the break. Enjoy! 
New Orleans had not changed.
As you took your first step back in the famous French Quarter, you immediately felt the feeling of home overwhelm you with vast joy and nostalgia. From left to right, there were colorful lights and ecstatic people, making what New Orleans was famous for: the busy yet festiveness day and nightlife.
One thing you probably noticed is how much more people there were today than the last time you were here, which was ages ago.
Somehow, Marcel and Klaus, the co-kings of the city, had brought in more people to the city, boosting its attraction level, which made you wonder how they did it.
But despite having a more crowded place, you could still tell who were supernaturals and who weren’t around the areas. As you continued walking, you observed the body languages of the people around you, scanning to see the vampires walking around.
These were the men who were most loyal to the co-kings of New Orleans, taking precautions around the surroundings, making sure they were doing their jobs well by being the eyes of Marcel and Klaus when they were not around the busy nightlife.
Too concentrated in finding more supernaturals around you, you accidentally collided into someone in front of you, feeling the glass they were holding spill on them.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so-”, “I hope I didn’t create much damage on your Armani suit,” you rephrased cooly, changing your emotional reaction as you saw who you collided into.  
Elijah Mikaelson withdrew a handkerchief from his breast pocket, still not looking at you, dabbed his suit with the handkerchief, concentrating on the spill. “For having a good eye on my suit, think nothing of the spill, dear.”
Finally, he looked up, creating an astonished look on his eyes but a joyful smile on his face as he realized who he bumped into.
“I’d ask you to buy me a drink but this really isn’t my favorite part of the Quarter,” you smiled, trying to contain your happiness. But it was hard. “Oh, hello, old friend,” you laughed, finally wrapping your arms around Elijah, who hugged you back, chuckling along with you. “Y/N,” was all he said, but with pure delight in his voice, sounding like a person he hasn’t seen in almost a thousand years.
When you both pulled away, you looked at him from top to bottom, nodding in agreement with what you were thinking, “You, old friend, are looking ageless as ever,” you joked, earning a pleased smile from him.
“Likewise, darling,” he returned your compliment, “I take it that it’s been half a century already since you’ve last stepped foot into your favorite city?”
You nodded in agreement, “Yet nothing has barely changed here,” you noticed, looking around the street then back at him.
Elijah had a bright look on his face, hoping you were also talking about him, “Since you’re visiting if I’m correct, why not let me show you around?” he asked.
“Well if it isn’t a bother,” you cheekily smiled, “I’d love that,” you said, happily shrugging.
The noble Mikaelson beamed, gesturing for your hand which you gave said, “Wonderful.”
This evening couldn’t get any better.
There wasn’t a single specific destination yet that Elijah wanted to take you. At the moment, he was simply taking you for a stroll around the beautiful nightlife of New Orleans.
Ever since the moment he first asked if he could show you around, your hand and his have never parted, as they were holding each other tightly without notice from the two of you.
The two of you had forgotten how loud New Orleans could be at night considering the fact that the two of you were only considering each other’s presence, trying to contain the adoration and affections you two have secretly had for each other.
“So tell me, Y/N,” Elijah continued the easy conversation you two were having, “How has life outside New Orleans been responding to you?”
“You mean life without you?” you smoothly rephrased his question. He grinned, looking directly in front of the street you two were walking on, trying to hide his growing blush on his face. “I’m just kidding,” you reassured him, “It’s been quite adventurous, but of course you were missing all the fun I could have shared with you.”
Elijah nodded, furrowing his eyebrows as he imagined your life without him, “You may be true but there could have been a chance of me depriving you of your happiness considering I tend to presume a day would go terrible if I’m not with Niklaus.”
You shook your head, denying his statement, “Any day would be terrible with Klaus with or without you,” you joked, “But kudos to him and Marcel,” you said, “They’ve made New Orleans more notable than when I was last here.”
“You may want to know though that they terribly miss you. We all do. I do,” Elijah softly said.
“I feel the same way too, ‘Lijah,” you admitted, “Life was so much different without you. I’m really glad nothing’s happened to you much in a way where I don’t have to go into a state of distress with the drama that gets you involved!”
He chuckled to himself, approving your words whole-heartedly. Then suddenly, his face changed, he began looking at you with a serious note. He stopped his walking, which you quickly took in and did the same.
“Forgive me, Y/N,” he said sincerely, “For the sake of curiosity, are you seeing anyone?”
Your serious face that you have developed after seeing Elijah’s suddenly melted into a burst of laughter, causing him to tense down a bit with a smile too, “Seriously, Elijah?” you asked, still laughing. It was only a few seconds after when you eased down and took a halt at your laughing. “Sorry, but you got me so serious for such a lightweight question.”
You exhaled, “No, I’m not seeing anyone,” you admitted, seeing that from his body language that he had mellowed down, feeling relieved from the softness of his eyes. “I take it that you’re somehow satisfied with that answer,” you teased, nudging his shoulder, which low-key served as a way to withdraw the sudden feelings you were containing.
Elijah looked down smiling, retrieving something from the inner pocket of his suit and began saying, “You’re right, and I also wanted to give you something with good intentions in mind.”
He slowly extracted a wrapped gift, which had ribbons of your second favorite color, wrapped around gift wrappings of your first favorite color. “Do you remember what happened on this day half a century ago?”
You slowly nodded, still looking at the gift, “Yes, I gave you a map of the world, telling you which places in the world I wanted to see.”
“Correct, and inside this gift is the exact same thing, but with my wrappings now.”
Elijah handed the gift over to you, which you rapidly but satisfyingly unwrapped the wrappings from, seeing the map you had given him, still in the same quality from the last time you saw it. The memories that had happened that day overflooded your mind, getting you to recall yourself telling Elijah the sequence of places you were going to see. Oh, you were so excited to see the world.
“You still have this gift from me?” you said, looking up with a sweet and soft smile, “I figured you’d have thrown it away by now.”
Elijah strongly shook his head, “No, I never would,” he denied, “And now that you’re here, perhaps you could use it to tell me which places I could have seen with you.”
Before you could tell him how much you agree on his idea, he suddenly added, “Adding to that, perhaps you could see a significant change in me.”
“What would that be?” you curiously asked.
Elijah exhaled and said, “Considering that you’re not seeing anyone, would you give me the honor and finally request the pleasure of your company whenever you’re free for a delightful time with me?”
There were suddenly butterflies in your stomach as you heard the question you’ve been dying for Elijah to ask you your whole life. You could tell you were smiling like a child but nevertheless, you nodded with cheerfulness, “I couldn’t be more happy, Elijah.”
“Not to be too forward though,” you continued, “But I think now’s the perfect time. We’re surrounded by my favorite city’s nightlife and, I don’t know if you’ve forgotten but, today’s a special day for me.”
Elijah took a step closer to you and slowly kissed you on the forehead, hearing your heartbeat beat faster, which made him even smile more. When he pulled back from the soft and light kiss he placed, he looked you in the eyes and said, “I could never forget your special day,” which got you to grin, “Happy birthday, my darling.” he greeted.
“Thank you, ‘Lijah,” you thanked him.
“Shall we?” he asked, “I’d like to take you to your favorite part of the Quarter.”
“We shall,” you said, linking your hand with his as you began strolling the street again together, in your favorite place, during your favorite day.
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Seeing your post about how JYL has a 'ranking system' in her head when it comes to WWX and JC hits so hard, but honestly, the more I read into the Jiang family dynamics, the more I agree. JYL obviously loves WWX, but I don't know if she's capable of putting him above JC. And we see her defending him, and she obviously gives her life for him, but she was also reacting in the moment. Not to speak lightly of her sacrifice of course, but I just feel like there are certain limits to how 1/7
far she's actually willing to go for him. I was initially one of JYL's staunch defenders, and always said that, unlike JC, she didn't have the same amount of political power as him, wasn't in a position to do anything about the Wens, ect. But...I'm starting to question if that's really true. JYL may not have had much direct political power herself, but she was the sister of a sect leader, and even if JC was unwilling to help, JYL had just married into the richest and most powerful sect 2/7
at the time. It was a love marriage, JZX adored her and would've done anything for her if she'd just bothered to ask him for it. Madam Jin also cared for her and respected her, and between her and JZX, had JYL actually bothered to tell them anything, I'm sure they would have been able to sort something out. Or she could have had it as a condition of her marriage - I'm not marrying into the sect that's trying to kill my brother unless you tell your father to stop. Had it been reversed and 3/7
The Lans were calling for JYL and JC’s deaths, no way in hell WWX would’ve just married into the sect, regardless of LWJ’s involvement. Instead she just doesn’t really do anything. We see no proof that she ever tried to see WWX after the wedding dress incident, which — god I instantly saw it as a sweet gesture, but now it just bothers me, because your brother is living in squalor, and you decide to show if the expensive dress that you’ll be 4/7
wearing when marrying into the sect that's trying to kill him, you bring along one bowl of soup for him, and don't even try to explain WHY you're marrying into said sect. Beyond that, we don't see a single moment up until her death where JYL actually seems concerned about WWX, puts in effort to try to see him - she doesn't even ask him how he's doing the one time she does come to see him. When we compare that to how WQ treats WN, yeah, she's outwardly not as loving or sweet, but she 5/7
goes to the ends of the earth for her brother, even going as far as to betray her sect and risk WRH's wrath because he asks her to. And now we come back to that ranking system you mentioned before - yeah, it really does seem like JYL places her blood family first, which definitely hurts, but in comparison, despite only knowing him for a shorter amount of time, WQ truly grows to think of WWX as a second brother. And she treats him as such, at an equal level with WN - after JZX dies 6/7
WQ doesn't attack WWX for what happened. She doesn't try to come up with a way to sacrifice WWX instead and let WN survive in his stead. She and WN, two people who have become WWX's family, both give their lives to protect both him and the rest of their remaining family members. And it's just frustrating to think that the one member of WWX's adopted family who we all thought treated him like an actual brother, might not have really been on his side after all. 7/7
Yes! To start with the wedding dress thing, because it drives me nuts when people treat that like some super sweet act of love: JYL shows up in the Burial Mounds with no money, no sign of having tried to talk the sects around, no news outside of her own, no food beyond a couple bowls of soup (one of which she gives to the guy who can’t eat), and doesn’t so much as ask WWX if he’s okay. She literally came all that way to have a family meal, ask WWX to name the future nephew it’s becoming increasingly clear he’ll never meet, and tell him about her impending marriage into the family that’s currently doing everything in its power to destroy WWX’s life. Like, if you think about it that entire visit is such a slap in the face; “Here’s a bowl of soup while the people under your protection are starving, oh by the way I’m going to marry the son of the guy actively trying to get you killed, okay bye”. All you can say in regards to her helping WWX is that she does potentially manage to persuade JZX to invite him to JL’s one month celebration, but if memory serves the novel never actually specifies whose idea that was and it was JZX who decided to go get WWX after JGY told him about seeing JZXun heading in the direction of the Burial Mounds. And even then JZX does the same thing JYL does; sees WWX outnumbered and surrounded and tells him to stand down. At least in JZX’s case you could argue that the actual fighting hadn’t broken out and JZX probably trusted in his authority to be able to sort the situation out so long as WWX wasn’t actually acting aggressive (or defensive, rather), and he’s also physically strong enough that he may well have been able to intervene if the cultivators had attacked. JYL, when she does the same thing, has no authority and no physical power to defend WWX with. And yeah, both JZX and Madam Jin adore JYL, and neither of them seem super fond of JGS (JZX respects his father, but I don’t get the sense he loves him); if JYL had asked them for help it’s entirely possible they would’ve started at least circulating her version of events and demanding a proper investigation into what happened. But there’s no mention of her so much as trying, and she doesn’t offer to ask them when she visits WWX.
And yeah, compare WQ to JYL and it’s... well. WQ is so quick to offer WWX her love and care? She’s harsh, but she loves him and views him and WN on such equal footing that she and WN willingly hand themselves over to the Jins for WWX’s sake without her so much as bringing up the possibility of saving WN instead. There’s no ranking for WQ; WWX and WN are her brothers, and she loves them, and she’d do anything to protect them. When it becomes clear she can’t save WN (like hell the sects would let him live, and by this point it’s pretty clear that WWX won’t be able to protect them forever) she throws her whole weight behind defending the brother she thinks she might still be able to save, even if it means bringing WN with her to die. WQ knows WWX for... a year or two? Maybe? The timeline is a little hazy. Not long compared to JYL, anyway. And yet she’s willing to walk all the way to Lanling to die in the hope of saving him. It’s for her whole family, yes, but she makes a point of including him. Basically, I think this fandom needs more stuff wherein the Jiangs and Wens survive and the Wens are fully like “Our brother now, you don’t deserve him”.
The thing with JYL is... she loves WWX, she genuinely does, but he is never going to be first for her. To the point where she outright enables JC’s abuse, in places; she always expects WWX to be the one to grin and bear it. Hell, one of their first conversations involves JYL cheerily allowing WWX to cover up JC locking him out of his bedroom and scaring him out into the woods by threatening to set dogs on him! Let me rephrase that: she allows a traumatized nine-year-old to hide the fact that the kid her dad expects him to share a room with locked him out of said room on his FIRST NIGHT and threatened him with his LITERALLY WORST FEAR, and as far as we know makes no attempt to tell JFM herself. To keep JC out of trouble. That is such a thing! WWX was scared to the point of running away and JFM expects him to share a room with the person responsible for that and JYL goes along with him promising not to tell JFM so that JC won’t get in trouble! And from that day forwards everything is just “Boys will be boys” to her. Like, let me put it this way. Before LWJ (and arguably the Wens before that, although WWX saw himself more as protector than protected there) JYL was the person WWX trusted to protect and care for and comfort him above all others, yeah? She’s the one he thinks of as having his back? He doesn’t tell her about JC trying to kill him. JC tries to kill WWX three times before JYL’s death, and WWX doesn’t say a word to her about any of them. You could argue that he doesn’t want to involve her, but... JYL pretty clearly takes JC’s side every time JC starts having a go at WWX. When he chases him out of their room, when he starts snapping about how annoying WWX is, when he stabs WWX... She never outright says it, but there really does come a point where by staying neutral you’re siding with the aggressor, and she reaches that point a lot. Hell, the stabbing is one of those aforementioned near-murders! JC stabbed him! According to WWX (who downplays serious injuries, he never exaggerates them) he had to hold his guts in! WWX is talking about a pretty fucking serious injury (and JYL grew up in a cultivation sect, I don’t believe for a second she doesn’t at least know what constitutes a serious injury) while JC whines about a broken arm like it’s worse than having to physically hold your guts in until you can reach a doctor and JYL acts like those are equal! JC could easily have killed WWX and has enough training with the sword to know better than to go for a blow like that in a staged fight and JYL doesn’t even suggest he should apologise.
Honestly? The more I think about JYL the more it pisses me off that she’s treated like WWX’s best sister more than WQ is. Imagine WQ seeing one brother stab the other in the gut and take the former’s side because the latter broke the former’s arm. Imagine WQ so much as considering allowing a child to cover up the kid he’s supposed to share a room with locking him out and scaring him into running away. She wouldn’t! Because WQ sees her brothers as equals. She won’t pick WN over WWX just because they’re blood siblings; she loves them both, and will choose based on who she thinks is in the right. And she wouldn’t just stay neutral to avoid rocking the boat, oh no. If WQ heard WWX say that WN stabbed him and did enough damage that he had to hold his guts in... oh boy would WN have a bad day. The thing with JYL is that she seems like a good sister in comparison to the rest of the Jiangs; stick canon JYL into a family that genuinely loves WWX and sees him as equal to their other children, and she would not look anywhere near as good.
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WIP Challenge Snippets!
Big thank you to everyone who requested something. I love hearing what ideas you all are excited for! I'll put each of the snippets below in alphabetical order. All but one are just dialogue - I'm currently at a point where that's all I have done for most of my WIPs.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, only smut fics were requested, so minors please DNI!
Hope you enjoy!
I'm still unsure if this will be a mini-series or a oneshot. I have no freaking clue. Here's a snippet of dialogue, though! Starts with Derek.
“Alright kid, spill the beans.” “Did you know that phrase could stem from numerous possible practices? It could just be a reference to vomiting, but there’s an alternate explanation involving an ancient voting practice of dropping colored beans into a jar and—“ “Not gonna work on me, Reid.” “Fine.” (whispers) “That girl in that magazine? The ‘Vegas Vixen?’ I lost my virginity to her.” “You’re messing with me.” “No! I’m not! I swear that I am not messing with you.” “There’s no way.” “Would I make that up?!” “To mess with me? Yeah, maybe.”
This is a long work that has been heavily inquired about and a very long time coming, so here is a long snippet of dialogue to continue the trend. Starts with Spencer.
“Don’t sound so scared. I’m not going to tell anyone.” “I-I know.” “Do you?” “No. I just hoped not…” “What were you planning if I said I was going to?” “Where are we going? I never told you my address.” “I need to drive around in case someone is following us.” “Oh. That makes sense.” “Answer my question.” “I… hadn’t considered it.” “That’s a lie.” “Fine. I would make a deal with you.” “Tell me the deal. Maybe I’ve changed my mind.” “I won’t tell everyone how hard you got for me when I danced on your lap if you don’t tell them I’m a stripper.” “A tempting offer, although I’m not very ashamed of being turned on by a woman who’s made a career out of being tantalizing, Coquette.” “What’s your idea of a good deal, then?” “Hmmm… My silence in exchange for whatever you were willing to offer me before you found out who I was.” “What are you implying?” “I know a lot about that club… And that it was your first night in the backroom. But your nerves tell me you knew what you were there for.” “Are you seriously propositioning me right now? Through blackmail?” “You asked me what a good deal was, not what I would ask for.” “So what would you ask for?” “Your address. So I can take you home.”
H2M Epilogue*
This whole part makes me want to melt, but here is a funny dialogue snippet.
Derek: “Alright, I know you love to break rules, but Penelope made me doorman for a reason.” Reader: “You really want to pick a fight with me? On my wedding day? I know you know me, Derek Morgan. I know you know better than to stand between me and my husband.” Derek: “He’s not your husband yet, Princess.” Spencer: “Actually, we had a courthouse ceremony a few weeks ago, just in case something happened and we had to miss this ceremony.” (Reader tackles him as he walks up to the door) Derek: “Hopeless. And selfish. Penelope is going to kill me, you know.”
Lane Courtesy* (Franklin)
This fic is purely for my beta @sunlight-moonrise, but y'all can read it if you want. Starts with Franklin.
“Maybe it’d be easier if you bought clothes that fit.” “I think I look pretty good in what I’m wearing. And I think you think so, too. Besides... it’s all in the wrist, anyway. You wanna see?” (She grabs his ball, he grabs her arm) “Don’t worry, babe. I’m good at handling men’s balls.” “Oh, I bet you are.” “Plus, I promise I’ll give them back to you after.”
Practice Makes Perfect* (backburner)
This is a very old original idea I had. I'm not sure if/when I'll ever get around to it - if anyone wants it, I'd love to hand over the dialogue I have so far. Here is a snippet regardless! Starts with Spencer.
“Hey (y/n), what—" “Spencer! Can I come in?” “C-come in? Into my room?” “Uh... yeah.” “But you... you’re... you’re dressed like a...” “A stripper, yeah. Are you going to make me stand out here like this longer?” (He lets her in) “Is there something I can do?” “Can I dance on you?” “What?” “I want to give you a lap dance. Please.” “A lap— why?" “Who else am I going to ask? Hotch? Please, Spencer. You’re the only person I trust.” “Trust?” “Please stop rephrasing everything I say as a question.”
Shortbread (Chip)
Love me some Sub!Chip. This is honestly probably on the backburner. I've been in a very Spencer mood lately. Starts with Chip.
“Can I ask you something?” “What’s up, sweetheart?” “Why are you so nice to me all the time?” “What do you mean?” “You don’t really know me. But ever since I met you, you’ve always just been nice to me. I mean, I know you’re nice to everyone, but it feels…” “Different? It should.”
Seatbelt Safety* (Chip)
Gosh, this fic is so short, I really need to just write it. Uber Driver Chip. Starts with Reader.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. I kind of needed to act a bit crazy.” “Why?” “I was trying to get out a super awkward date.” “By running into the street?” “Trust me. It was a bad date.” “Oh. Well, I’m sorry you had a bad date.” “It’s fine. You know how it goes.” “Not really. Haven’t had a date in a long time.” “Why is that?” “Idunno.” “Hm.” “What?” “You wanna go on a date with me?” “What?” “Let’s go on a date.” “... What?” “Most people say yes or no. ‘What’ isn’t very helpful. Is this why you can’t get a date?” “I can get a date! I just... haven’t been asked by anyone in awhile. And definitely not like that. That was weird.”
Study Session* (requested three times!):
I have a lot of this done already, so you get an actual sneak peek here!
“Listen closely, young lady,” he said like I had any other option. Like I wasn’t enraptured and enchanted by the feel of his warm breath once again hitting my ear. He could feel the way breath stuttered and my body stumbled straight into him with eager hands. I could almost feel his smirk against my ear when he concluded, “I would never... ever sleep with you.” And just like that, he was gone. He didn’t just drop me; he tossed me to his side like the very notion of being that close to me disgusted him. The desire that had been burning inside of my chest quickly shifted to rage. He could pretend like he didn’t want me, but there was no other justification for bringing me out to the back in the first place. There was no reason to allow me to confront him, nor for him to discuss my sex life in any manner at all. Seconds after we were both inside again, I grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back to me. Surprisingly, there was very little resistance. It was almost like he was waiting for me to do it. I tugged him into the small, dimly lit bathroom without a care in the world for who might have seen us or what whispers might follow. Spencer was already laughing, apparently amused by anger rolling off of me. “Say it again,” I ordered through heavy breaths, “Say it to my face.” I’d prepared myself for a number of responses — most of which were varying levels of humiliating. What I hadn’t prepared for, however, were the words that actually came out of his mouth. Casually, and without question, Spencer ordered, “Get on your knees.” He was so calm that I felt like it must have been a trick. It took everything in me not to fall to my knees, and instead I managed to ask, “Why?” His answer was equally unhelpful and alluring. “Because I said so.”
The Agent Assigned to My Webcam*
This is a beast of a fic, so it'll also be a while. There were so many parts I could show you, but I thought this one was the most thought provoking.
Reader: “Wait! Sorry, I-I... uh... Can I see your ring?” Spencer: “... Sure.” Reader: “Thanks. What did you say your name was?” Spencer: “I didn’t.” (He leaves, she follows him into the empty hallway) Reader: “Do I know you, Doctor Reid?” Spencer: “No.” Reader: “Are you sure?” Spencer: “I could ask you the same thing.” Reader: “Drop your pants and I’ll tell you exactly how sure I am.” Luke: (walks in) “Sorry. Am I... interrupting something?”
That's all for now, folks!
Thanks for reading. If you feel so inclined, let me know what you thought about any of the above here!
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Love Scandal
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Pairings : Reader x Hawks
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Slight Yandere! Hawks ( If you squint Really Hard) , Cursing
Word Count : 2754
3rd Person's POV
" You have GOT to be kidding me! " Y/n yelled in frustration as Momo gave her a concerned Look.
" So.... Is what the Tabloids saying True--"
" Of course it's not! I just work under His Agency! And what happened Yesterday was Purely out of Defense and Nothing else! " Y/n cut off Jiro immediately venting out her frustrations.
Y/n along with the girl's of the Former Class 1-A were hanging in a small Cafe to catch up since things had been pretty hectic since they became Pro Heroes a year ago.
" So.... What are you gonna Do about it? " Uraraka asked as she read even further through the article and she gasped.
" Oh no.... Don't tell me it's something terrible? " Y/n muttered already seeing what's to come judging by the look her Friend gave her.
" Uhh... You could say... You two were caught in the... Umm.. Act? " Uraraka tried finding the right words so she wouldn't annoy her friend even further before showing her phone towards y/n who's eyes widened like flying saucers.
On the screen was a picture of Her and Hawks in the Alleyway. Hawks was turning away from the camera but he clearly had his hands on y/n's hips and from this angle it looked like they were kissing.
" Ugh! For crying out loud who took this picture !? Fucking Son of a Bit--- ugh! " Y/n fumed in utter irritation her red turning extremely red not because of embarrassment but because of anger and irritation.
" Y/n calm down, I think it's best if you talk to Hawks about this... Maybe he'll clear it up Kero " Tsu suggested and y/n had already bolted out the cafe in full speed.
It was silent inside the cafe before one of the girls began talking.
" Wouldn't they make a good pair though? " Mina muttered and the girls all gave a small giggle before agreeing.
____________ Meanwhile
Y/n was stomping through The Building and her hero co-workers could clearly see the growing irritation of her aura and they were genuinely scared to approach the fuming lady.
Once y/n was outside Hawk's Office she slammed the door open revealing a resting hawks with his feet on his desk. His face was covered with an old newspaper and y/n could hear audible and soft snores coming from him.
The man was clearly unaware of her presence when she literally slammed her way inside while stomping a aloud as she could... He was unaware or so she thought .
" Hawks! Fucking wake up! " She growled her to me seeping off irritation.
Hawks stirred in his sleep and with a groan he pulled the newspaper away from his face and opened one eye to see the figure of y/n who was menacingly glaring at him.
" Hey Kid what brings you to my Nest mphf-- Ahh shoving it to my face now aren't you?... Let me guess My fault? " Hawks smirked when Y/n had forcefully shoved her phone containing the article of their so called ' Love Scandal ' .
" No shit Sherlock! You Think!? Why the fuck did you have to shove me to the alleyway like that!? I told you I could handle it!" Y/n barked as Hawks's eyes trailed down to her phone lazily reading through the article chuckling to himself.
" Ohoho~ Looks like the headlines got the best of us Kid. Just look at all these Juicy details---"
" Which are False" Y/n immediately cut in glaring at the man who gave her a Bemused expression.
" Well you did decide to get involved with a scoundrel like me---"
" Only because you keep blocking other Agencies from Hiring me because you wanted me in yours" Y/n cut him off once again to which Hawks only gave a chuckle as a reply.
" You know Kid, you gotta let me finish my sentences. Now stop being angry you'll get wrinkles " That comment made y/n furious her hand immediately came clashing on Hawks's cheek with a loud slap.
" Ohoho~ ok I guess I deserve that one for not taking it seriously " Hawks Grinned eyeing the girl infront of him.
" You've really turned Feisty Baby Bird, it feels like Yesterday you were a polite and obedient Sidekick and now here you are slapping your boss like that. You know I really gotta give you credit for not taking my bullshit like that " Hawks yawned sitting down in a more comfortable position.
" Oh come on Hawks, we know I take all of your bullshit Every fucking Day and This Time it's Kinda frustrating... Oh wait let me rephrase that. It's Extremely Frustrating! " Y/n hissed crossing her arms over her chest as her glare became ice cold and the man before her only growing Amused by her reaction.
" So what do you expect me to do? Bullshit Rumors will be Bullshit Rumors and I don't give a damn about every single one of them... So let me guess. You want me to make a public appearance and Deny everything they claim here on this Article? " Hawks questioned and Y/n who seemed to be a bit more calm now gave him a firm nod.
" Yes, that is exactly what I am expecting you To do Hawks. I want this Rumor to Vanish immediately. You deny it and I Deny it too, let's explain why we were in that position " Y/n stated her tone was calm and collected , the opposite of the tone she used before.
Hawks nodded his head continuously in a slow and lazy manner his eyes never leaving the girl as his expression seemingly showing as if he was in deep thought.
" Yeah.... I could do that but" Hawks paused a playful glint displaying through his orbs, his eyes meeting hers that smirk on his face never seemed to falter.
" But what? " Y/n questioned clearly growing irritated again.
" But I won't " His answer set y/n off ten folds and she was so close to flipping his desk . She almost did but Hawks stopped her before she could wreck the whole place.
" Just Kidding. I will " He laughed and y/n was too pissed off to deal with her antics she just turned around and left.
" I'll call the press. You better clear this mess Hawks " She spat out before leaving.
Oh y/n, she has no Idea Hawks had cunningly planned all of this from the very beginning so he could slowly have his way around her. Hawks had been patient with her ever since the first year she had interned in his agency as a student. The moment he met this strange epitome of beauty named y/n he became a love struck desperate man who craved nothing but the affection of his most prized position. Y/n.
He Even went out of his way to reason or more like threaten other agencies who were more than willing to take her in as a new pro hero. He was so so selfish to let her go and he was desperate to have her by his side.
He even purposely pairs himself with her during missions so he could protect and watch over her. He had given subtle clues that he likes her but apparently his little baby bird wasn't smart in the love department . But he was patient. But the moment people started making rumors about her and That other New Hero Named Deku claiming that they would become a really ' cute ' hero couple if they ended up dating. He was more than furious. Dammit he wanted everyone to Know that His baby bird is Exclusively His. Only His.
So he devised a plan and even hired a photographer to take a picture of them ' in the act' and hired an editor to write something about it and spread it everywhere on the internet to cause a media wild fire that y/n and hawks are dating.
And everything was going according to plan. He knew y/n would come to his office to complain about this and convince him to deny it, he knew she'd be fuming in anger , he knew she was here the moment she stepped inside the building and all that's left is to face the press with his 'announcement' that is sure to surprise everyone including y/n.
________________ The Press Meeting.
" So is it true that you and Pro Hero Hawks are dating H/n? " A reported asked y/n to which she shook her head to.
" What is Taking Hawks so long? " She grumbled , the room was flooded with cameramen and reported and the flashes of camera light was starting to get to her.
And on Cue the winged Hero arrived in the room looking as smig as ever.
" It's Hawks! Make sure to catch this on Camera! " The reporter yelled and so on the area was Flooded with questions left and right and Hawks seemed to be unbothered by it.
" Hawks! End this already " Y/n yelled at Hawks who grinned at her playfully.
" You're so Impatient Baby bird " He muttered making the girl glare at him.
" Don't call me that " She grumbled but Hawks ignored her. Instead he picked up the Microphone and started tapping on it.
" Testing, Testing ok it's working. Can you all please be quiet and I'll answer your question" Hawks announced and slowly the room faded into silence and once everything has quieted down Hawks cleared his throat the microphone still in his hand.
" Ok, I know it caused a Dramatic Mishap to Ensue the Moment everyone saw the article and I would like to clear some things out regarding that Love Scandal... Me and H/n are Not dating! I repeat NOT Dating! " Hawks stated loud and clear through the microphone.
Y/n sighed thinking that it was finally the end but No. Hawks had other plans.
" We're not Dating Cause She's My Fucking Wife! " Hawks announced and everyone was silent.
Y/n was frozen in place unable to think clearly and her expression showed it all. Hawks had a victorious grin on his face, the whole crowd of reporters and camera men were quiet and it took them 5 seconds to actually let that information Sink in.
" WHAT!? " Y/n exploded and she rose up from her seat and soon the reporters started shooting different questions their way .
" Hawks what the actual fuck!? Is this a Prank!? ---" Y/n was caught off guard when Hawks scooped her off her feet and smashed his lips against hers silencing her in a short yet passionate kiss.
" How's that for a Picture show?! " Hawks yelled to the reporters before finally flying away from the commotion holding his baby bird in his hands who was now by the way. Fuming with anger once again.
Y/n was furious and when she's furious she gets violent and she started thrashing around forcing Hawks to land on the rooftop on a random building.
" Hawks! What the fuck was that!? Ugh! Why'd you do that!? Was that some sick Joke!?" She growled as she shot Hawks one of her menacing glares to which he wasn't affected to.
" Maybe it is... Maybe it isn't " Hawks answered the smirk on his face seemed to be permanent when he's with her.
" Dammit! You Fucking Asshole!. Shit! How the Fuck am I gonna clear this up now!? I should have gone to Fatgum's agency instead! You know what!? I'm going to request a transfer! Fatgum is way nicer anyways---" She was cut off when Hawks had swept his feet under hers thus knocking her on the ground. With a Yelp her back was slammed on the ground with Hawks hovering above her.
" Say that to me again Baby Bird and I swear.... Even if I have to .... I'll Destroy Fat Gum's agency into a pile of debris... Don't Temp me... I will do it.... You have no idea how long I've been trying to get you to notice me and my feelings... Yet you always seemed to bullshit it away every Fucking time! " Hawks yelled letting all of his emotions get the best of him.
And for the first time. Y/n saw Hawks at his Most Vulnerable state. Not the calm and collected Hawks who never seemed to break. Right now was a man who experienced hundreds of rejections from one girl... Y/n.
How could she be so blind? Now that she thinks back to the past she did remember every sweet and romantic thing Hawks did for her and how he asked her out on daily basis to which she thought was just a flirtatious joke. She was both dense and stupid when it came to love and she didn't notice that the man whom she had fallen for actually loved her back.
Hawks always kept his composure but today she's seeing none of it... Just Hawks. Not the Pro Hero Hawks... Just Hawks.
He was always joking when he's around her that she brushes off every flirtatious comment from him to be a joke too. But now that everything had come to light. It was undeniably obvious.
"... You really hate me that much? " Hawks voice was so soft and timid, it almost didn't sound like him at all.
Y/n was surprised at his sudden comment that she was pulled back to reality her eyes meeting with his but to her shock. She saw the eyes of a hurt and broken man .
Guilt overtook her . She loved him but she always pushed her feelings aside having the fear of being rejected because Hawks is incredible in every way and y/n...is y/n.
Her eyes widened when a single teardrop fell on her cheek and that tear came from Hawks who was trying his hardest to keep his shit together. How can you have this powerful affect on him? It's driving him Nuts. Does he have to kidnap her so she'd stay with him? Does he have to fake her death and keep her all to himself? He was close to that breaking point but that psychotic thought was immediately thrown to the side and forgotten when y/n had reached over to cup his cheeks and brought his face down inches from hers only to scoop his lips in her own for a long, passionate and loving kiss.
Hawks was unable to respond at first because. It was surreal. Y/n was finally accepting him! He felt her slowly pull back but he was having none of it! He waited so long for this moment!.
Pushing his lips down to hers he indulged himself in the sweet taste of y/n's lips, opening her mouth slightly she granted him entrance inside her wet cavern where his tongue explored every inch and claiming it as his own. Their lips danced in sync in a steady and passionate movement.
Once the two pulled away his eyes pierced hers as if asking if she meant it to which y/n replied with a laugh.
" Hawks you dumbass you didn't have to make a scene like that... I love you too honestly... From the start... I was scared to tell you... I didn't want to get rejected " She answered honestly making the man frown.
" Chickadee I'd be the biggest fool alive if I'd reject you.. And that show earlier was necessary.... Everyone needs to know that the beautiful pro hero h/n is Mine... My Baby Bird " Hawks muttered kissing her cheek.
" I love you, you annoying bird man " She chuckled attempting to push him off.
" Whatever you little brat... I love you too and don't push me away... I'm touch starved by you, It's your fault so take responsibility" Hawks grumbled making the girl laugh.
" But we're on a rooftop! " She protested but Hawks only rolled his eyes cuddling right next to his y/n.
" Don't be so picky. If you keep this up we might end up in my bedroom--"
" Hawks! "
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duskypinkbow · 4 years
All Love II Jeff Wittek
word count: 3k-ish (she a big baaaby)
summary: I got inspired by All Love by Fletcher... so I guess that explains it?...
note: English isn't my first language.. so plss excuse my mistakes ✨
tw: mention of drugs, drinking (tell me if there are more?)
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Jeff’s and your story goes way back. Him being a friend of one of your older cousins, made his face a familiar one in your neighborhood. Although you didn’t see him very often nor interacted with him in any way, you knew who he was. You remembered his face, recognized his eyes and always reminded yourself of his beautiful smile. He was the barber boy from the shop across the street. The handsome guy from around the corner, involved in far too many erroneous decisions. You saw him cutting peoples hair, always admiring his work ethic at such a young age. You heard your cousin dropping his name in stories he told you and your siblings about stuff they did together, for which they did or did not get caught for. Jeff Wittek wasn’t a stranger to you, but you wouldn’t consider him a friend either. 
That changed when you reconnected with him a few years later. Both of you chasing your dreams in Miami Beach, not knowing from each other's presence in the city of the sun. The two of you bumped into each other at a party, hosted by one of Jeff’s closest friends, who coincidentally also was an acquaintance of one of your friends. As you spotted him in the crowd of people, smoking a cigarette you assured yourself that he couldn’t recall who you were. For one thing because he was fairly intoxicated and for another thing because you didn’t even know if he knew your name in the first place. You being the little cousin of one of his friends from back home. Why would he even remember your face?
Even though you were sure that he wouldn’t recognize you, you tried your best to avoid an encounter with him. Whenever he looked in your direction, you quickly turned away. When he somehow came closer to where you were, you searched for an excuse to disappear. You didn’t even know why you were so afraid and nervous to stand in front of him, but you continued your hiding nonetheless.
After a very successful night of preventing to meet him, and after you saw him leave the party, you decided it was time to celebrate your performance with a drink. You went to the nearest bar and tried to order yourself a cocktail when a tall man decided to fill the empty space next to you. „Heeeyy“ he introduced himself while he semi-leaned towards your small frame, his hands placed on the counter. „Hi“ you responded shortly, smiling with closed lips as you noticed it was him who was standing right next to you.  
Although your eyes deliberately went in the opposite direction than he was standing, he reclined back and squinted his eyes before he asked you „do I know you?“. You quickly shook your head and nervously tapped on the counter in front of you. „I don’t think so…“ you answered, still not returning his gaze. His eyes scanned your figure up and down before he pointed at you and rephrased his statement „I do know you!“ now sure about his cognizance. „I think you are mistaking me…“ you uttered tremulously, your hands fidgeting with your own fingers. Your level of uncomfortableness increasing by the minute, as his inebriated breath created a veil around your face. „I do…“ he objected trying very hard to recollect his memory. 
„Shiiiit..“ he spit out when he finally realized, elongating on the vocal „you’re from back home right?“ he spluttered before he put one of his hands on your shoulder to use you as a strut, demising the possibility of him falling down. You let out a little gasp as your gaze went to his hand. Looking at his long fingers nestling your naked shoulder. „You are from Staten Island! Aren’t ya’?“ he questioned you, exaggerating on his accent, his hand back on the counter and a big smile decorating his face, now very sure about his recognition. You breathed out at the sudden loss of physical contact. „Holy shit you really grew up, didn’t ya’?“ he mentioned while he scanned your whole body again. „Fuck, does Leo know that you run around looking like that?“ his words spoken while he pointed his finger at your outfit, a cigarette placed between his digits.
Still intimidated by the tall brunette standing next to you, you cleared your throat, gathered all your strength and spoke up „…that's not of his concern“. You breathed out, looking for the bartender, pleased and proud of your confident demeanor. Although you didn’t look at him, you noticed how his smile got even bigger, showing his perfect teeth as he finished the last pull of his smoke. „Well, certainly not anymore huh?“ he admitted right before he called the bartender, apparently another friend of his, to order drinks for the two of you.
During the rest of the night he didn’t left your side for one second. He told you about his friends, explained what he was doing if he wasn’t attending parties and gave you an extensive heads-up about places you shouldn’t go to. You friendly declined his offer of him walking you home but surrendered as he insisted on doing it anyways. Since your friend, which promised you to go home together, left the party with a random dude, it was safer for you to be accompanied by Jeff then going home all by yourself. „I hope to see you around y/n..“ he confessed when he was about to leave your apartment building. You took a last look into his eyes, nodded and let him vanish in the darkness of the night.
Although you tried your best not to spend much time with Jeff, you couldn’t avoid the fact that the two of you grew inevitably closer. Part of the reason being that two of your friends started dating, which particularly forced you to spend more time together. And the other one being that both of you shared the same hometown, which made you just relate to one another on a level no-one could really understand. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t enjoy Jeff’s company, but you wouldn’t admit to it either. Neither to your friends and certainly not to Jeff himself. 
In virtue of your and his friends group colliding you found yourself run in the wrong circle of people. The ones your family and especially your cousin Leo always warned you about. But Jeff, keeping his promise to Leo, watched out for you and tried his best to keep you out of the affairs. He always told you not to try the drugs some of your friends were doing, although it were his friends that brought them to the table. He revealed horror stories of downfalls some of his friends had, while you saw the same things happening to your acquaintance. He tried his best to keep you on the right path. And his effort finally made you realize, that Miami isn’t the right place for you. 
One night when all of your and his friends were partying in a penthouse, he begged you not to drink too much. Even though you were extremely annoyed by all the restrictions he already made for you, you obeyed him, not wanting that night to end in an argument. So instead of getting drunk, to keep up with intoxicated people, you just drank until you felt a little tipsy. You thought he just wanted to keep his promise to Leo. That he didn’t want you to do something stupid that you would regret someday. But in reality he just wanted you to be at least semi-sober for the very first kiss he was about to give you that very night. 
He walked you home, a habit the two of you adapted during the last few weeks of being friends. He gave you his jacket, embracing you in warmth filled with a mixture of the smell of cigarettes but most importantly his incomparable sent. He tried to take smaller steps for you, since your small body couldn’t keep up with his pace. And that in spite of getting more and more nervous with every street the two of you passed. He felt his heart beat faster with every step he took. His fingers getting shaky as he brought you closer to your place. 
When you finally stood in front of your entrance, searching for your keys, he took them out of his pocket. „Looking for those doll?“ he asked, swallowing away all the insecurities he had before and making a small step in your direction. You nodded lightly at the sight of your keys, a strand of hair falling down in front of your face. Jeff stepped forward and put the keys in the looker, your back now pressed against the entrance of your apartment. 
You looked up into his darkened brown eyes, your lips parted as you breathed out slowly, feeling his somewhat alcoholized breath against your skin. „Fuck…“ he said with his raspy voice, making you smell the drink he has drunk that evening. You swallow your uncertainty, your head fell back on the door just by the thought of tasting the liquor his lips enjoyed just hours ago. He breathed out, his gaze still focused on you „I promised Leo to protect you…“ he started slowly. „Keeping an eye on you…“ he continued while putting the fallen down strand of hair back behind your ear. „Making sure you don’t get in trouble…“ getting more and more quiet and closer to your face with every word he spoke. „But fuck y/n…“ his arms now resting on each side of your head, as if there is a protective shield around your body that doesn’t allow him to touch you. His lips not even an inch away from yours now „I can’t resist you anymore…“ he whispered almost inaudibly before he broke the guarding shield by pressing his lips on yours. You tasted the smoke on his tongue, the booze on his lips and the lust in his quiet moans. He pressed you against your door, your hands tangled up in his hair while he lifted you up, pulled you closer by your waist and opened the door for you to finally get in.
The two of you thought it was the first and last time that this had happened. But after just that one breathtaking night you shared, tangled up in your sheets, both of you carved for more. Therefore, drunk hookups turned into casually sleeping with each other. Eventually even when sober. You tried to keep it a secret, but the looks you gave each other and the ‘coincidently going home at the same time’ - every time - made your friends catch on rather fast. There was no denying that you had a thing for each other. But it was never anything too serious. Both of you just living in the moment. No rush and no need to put labels on a thing that could change any second. It was a fast life you had on the east coast. And it changed way faster than each one of you could have imagined. 
After all you had to end your little ongoing amorous adventure for the simple reason that life had other plans for you. An opportunity to fulfill your career dreams coaxed you to move away. So that’s what you did. Leaving the barber boy alone in the city of the sun.  And since you’ve been gone, shit quickly went down for him. Though you kept in touch with each other and though you  told him ‚not to fuck up‘ , he changed when you left. So it wasn’t even a surprise when your cousin called you to tell you, that Jeff had to go to jail.
A few years later you sat in one of your favorite bars, enjoying the night with some of your  closest friends. Pleased with where you were in live and what you have achieved in those past few years. You worked your butt off just to celebrate your promotion for a highly regarded position. A thousand cups of coffee, endless sleepless nights and sacrificed relationships finally paid off, just so you can finally celebrate your accomplishment. Yet your mood to party shifted when you saw a familiar face entering the crowded room. Happiness overcame you for a second, while you looked into those known and unmatchable deep brown eyes. How long has it been? You questioned yourself. Wanting nothing more than to catch up with the handsome man who you haven’t seen in ages. 
But your mood quickly changed after you saw him holding hands with another girl, walking right behind him. It took a while for him to notice your presence in-between those random faces, but after your eyes met he didn’t hesitate to make his way up to you. And before your brain could deal with the situation and even before your feelings could cope with the shock, he was already standing in front of you. „Y/n!“ he said in excitement, giving you a one-armed hug. Yet that’s enough for you to take in his acquainted scent. Even though there is no more indication for the smell of cigarettes, it brought back so many old memories. 
You tried to say something, but there was an ache in your throat that prevented you from making a sound. „She is an old friend of mine…“ he explained and avoided the possibility of an awkward moment of silence as well as introducing you to the girl which was standing right by his side. You waved at her, smiling politely after she introduced herself to you „How have you been?“ he asked you curiously with a big smile on his face, eyes lighten up when he put one of his arms around his company. You hesitated for a second, eyes pierced at his hand curving around the waist of the woman in his hold. Trying to manage the situation before you finally began to talk „I’m…“ you start, returning his gaze before recollecting yourself once again and starting anew, „I’m doing fine…“ you lied, a convincing smile conjured up on your face to conceal the sadness which was building up inside of you. „We should-“ he started, right before someone of his friends screamed his name. He apologized genuinely for the sudden interruption. However, he promised to catch up with you through the course of the night, before he left you and you friends alone.
„Who was that?“ a friend of yours asked you abuzz in excitement. „An old friend…“ you answered with a crack in your voice. Purposely repeating his words as your gaze followed his figure. You felt your throat closing with every step he took bringing distance between your bodies. You bit your inner lip, your eyes close to tears. But instead of drowning in melancholy you remembered the reason for your celebration. So you tried to stop the waiter just to ask her „Can we get another round of shots please?“
With every shot you took, you tried to forget about the looks he used to give you, when your eyes met his. Tried to forget about those late night walks on the beach, admiring the stars and talking about anything and everything. To forget how loved he made you feel when you shared a bed with him and spend days not leaving it. With every shot you just wanted to numb your heart the same way that the burning liquor was actually just numbing your brain. 
It wasn’t a secret that you thought about him from time to time. His name popped in your head whenever you talked to your cousin, which wasn’t as often as it used to be, yet you asked yourself what Jeff has been up to, when Leo didn’t mention him. Because he was indeed your favorite memory of your days in Miami. Still wondering if your name ever crosses his mind. If he remembers the moments the two of you shared with each other. If those were happy reminiscences, or if you were not more than just a short fling for him. 
As the night went on you tried not to be too obvious about your looks towards his new group of friends. However you were too nosey about where he was or what he was doing. That’s when you saw his face buried in the nape of her neck. He gave her little kisses on her throat until he made his way up to her lips. His eyes small, dimples deep and just full of happiness. The smile which was plastered on his face, one you knew just too well. Yet it wasn’t determined for you anymore. It felt like a thousand knives were stabbed in your body all at once. Like your lungs cut off all your air, stopping you from breathing, making you suffocate from the pain. You smiled approvingly at her after she glanced at you. Her eyes full of happiness, while yours almost begun to fill with tears. 
Before things could get worse your body robotically squeezed itself through the masses of people until you made your way outside, trying to gasp for some air. Whilst you took a deep breath you felt your body calming down again. 
You gave your thoughts the chance to understand and tried to comprehend the situation as you went to a nearby parking lot. Although you know you shouldn’t do it, your mind made you question yourself. What does she got that you don’t have? Comparing your noticeable similarities and your striking differences. Your eyes almost the same color. Is it because she is taller than you? Your hair about the same length. Or because she has a cuter nose then yours? After a few more terrible comparisons you realized that it doesn’t lead to anything. Besides everything that made him fall for her, she also had the courage to fall for the man you’ve always admired. 
Your gaze went up to the sky, trying to see at least some starts in between the dirty nightlights. A few tears fell down your cheek as you thought about your days in Miami. But instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you tried to be happy for your friend. That, regardless how many wrong decisions he made, it ended more then well for him.
Right before you came clean with that and made your way back to the bar to continue the celebration, a familiar voice stopped you.
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helenofsimblr · 3 years
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Nickie: Easy Mr. Apex, I wanna help you as much as you need me to. If you knock down the apartment around us, I probably won’t be able to help as much. I will answer as much as I can, but you have yet to ask any questions. Are you one of the folks from the super soldier project I’ve been looking into in the military?
Apex reviewed a moment, and he hadn’t actually asked questions. But he didn��t want to get suckered into answering hers either. But that was interesting… the military had possibly made super soldiers, others like him?
Apex: Let me rephrase, what did you find out when you covered Bob Robinson’s death? I know it was a few years ago, but think carefully.
Nickie: “Bob Robinson? That was a man who was lost in an accident, as you read the article. That’s what I had to report, but I always thought there might have been more. I could not get anyone in the facility to tell me more than that and his wife was so distraught that she also would not speak with me.”
Apex: Take a good look Nicole. Look into my face… What, or who, rather do you see?
He moved into the light from the window so she could see his face better, closer than she felt comfortable with. With him a bit closer, she started to recognize his face.
Nickie: “Bob? No… you’re too young to be him. What are you?” She stopped quickly, “I am sorry, that was rude. You look like Bob, but you are not him, are you? How do you have his face? Are you his son?”
Apex: You do love a mystery don’t you? So you do know about Bob, I think I have my answers… and if I am his son, I’m sure I’d know a lot more about him and thus disturbing you would be pointless. I’m not his son, I’m him. I’m a thing made in his own image Nicole… You’ve been very informative with what you haven’t said. And with what you did say, you know they were making super soldiers, and I think you’ve gathered I am one, smart move would be to kill you before you tell anybody, right? I do have one last question though… Where does his widow live?
Nickie had to think quickly here, this was out of her league. She didn’t want to send this man off on anyone and she certainly didn’t want to die. So Nickie tried to do what she did best and that was get to the truth.
Nickie: “You are something else, then. I am sure of that. The reports I saw, he was in a lab, dead… they wanted to know what had happened to him in his accident, and you’ve given me some information that I didn’t have. There IS a super soldier project… You don’t have to kill me Apex, I am leaving town anyway. I won’t tell anyone who you are or what you are. Killing me would serve no purpose other than to get more people involved. You don’t want more people do you? They would be no trouble for you sure, but it would take up your time swatting flies… as you could easily do I am sure.
Apex: I told you earlier, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m a creature of my word Nicole, leaving town is the smartest thing you can do too, I approve. Leave, and make sure you stay gone. This District is about to get a whole lot safer for everybody by the time I’m done with it. Now… Lyra Robinson, if you please, where is she?
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
asmr i psychoanalyze hide for fun
a lot of these are just stupid headcanons but a lot are also how i feel that’s just the way he is so
I know no one will read this it’s so very long but hello he’s my comfort character
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(the words are under the cut bc THERE ARE SO MANY WORDS)
thoughts: It’s funny because most of the characters that I really love are just fucking idiots. So stupid. No thoughts head empty. And like at first glance you’d think the same with Hide, he’s got the look of a real dumbass, but he’s actually a really smart person? He just kind of, hides it. He did say he was like allergic to books once (it’s the adhd, king) but that doesn’t change the fact that he emotionally is actually a very intelligent person. It’s something he’s humble about because I don’t believe he really identifies with the intellectual crowd or sees himself as particularly above average, he just finds it easy to understand things. And he doesn’t ever use it for his own advantage even when it would be totally fine to do so, he pretty much always uses it to help other people and I think he believes if he used his strengths to help himself it would be, like, selfish. Which is a problem of his.
gemder n brand of gay: A lot of people in yonder Fandom like to see kaneki as bi and hide as gay but nah fam you’re off. Honestly I do not care about his Date With Rize in the slightest, that man is a homosexual. Hide is the bi one. (it’s not like this is a requirement or anything lmao i am just Saying also i’m bi and i’m projecting) I can also say with confidence that date with Rize was the only date Kaneki’s ever been on and he was definitely lying to himself. (i just, don’t know how you could look at Haise specifically and for one second think he has ever seen a boob) Hide’s the one who’s probably dated people before and he actually knows what’s attractive, he probably just doesn’t discuss that a lot with Kaneki since the bitch is Closeted and hide knows this. It’s funny because Hide canonically has two dads. Like I think that kind of explains him tbh. Bitch has good parents??? He’s the only one but we love him for it. U know Kaneki spent more of his life at Hide’s house than his own.
And as to gender, like obviously hide’s a guy, but i think he’s one of the few cisgenders who could like... tell you why. He’s well versed in those kinds of issues and has just thought about it a lot I guess? He’s comfortable in his skin and with a conventionally masculine appearance but he could tell you what Boy TM means other than yo macho man dude bro guy
personality type- ENFP-T: I took the fucking test for him and it was like... so easy. Took me ten minutes. 
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basically what this means is it just calls him out as a fucken loud ass sunshine boy who has very many emotion and cares way too much about his friend
love how this part of the description describes kaneki and hide perfectly
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biggest strength: he’s so good at helping people?? Like I can honestly say if some random person started rambling about their relationship issues to him I’d give him 10 minutes before he had a perfect solution, he had the person crying and being comforted in just the right way. He’s the perfect medium of confident and caring and he’s not just a fucking ray of sunshine on accident, he’s like, mob psycho 100 style actively working to be nice and compassionate. He’s very aware of how his actions affect people and he always knows just the right thing to say, what to do, when to just let things go or when to say them. And Hide will forgive, literally anything, even if someone does something really shitty to him he’ll realize it’s the product of like, unresolved mental issues or something and seek to fix it instead of cutting the person off. It’s... really good for everyone around him. But well,,, not great for him, see below.
biggest weakness: bitch does nOT leave room for himself. Although he is generally a confident person and isn’t very insecure, he knows he’s giving too much of himself and simply ‘pretend i do not see it but in reality i do’. He’s never put himself first and feels more worthy when he makes someone else happy, and it’s really not that visible but it can take a pretty big toll on him. He’ll feel anger and frustration for his problems but eventually he will end up blaming himself for anything that goes wrong and will just resolve to Try Harder. (which, mood) He does problem solve well and he tries to come up with the best solutions to issues but the fact is he just does not prioritize his own happiness within those solutions. He gives too much and it’s fucking killing him.
what he likes most about himself: Although he does have issues obviously, I don’t see Hide as someone who has particularly low esteem of himself. I think he pretty much thinks he has himself figured out and therefore other people’s problems come first. He generally does, think fondly of himself, because most of the time he can fix people’s problems so he’s yknow, a good person. I think he likes his ability to enjoy life and live in the moment, and he likes his connections and friendships with other people. He values emotional connection and he likes that he can easily create and enjoy good vibes. He loves being the one who everyone just... goes to for a good time.
favorite things: I think I heard somewhere that he enjoys dumb american bands without really understanding what they’re saying which seems very on brand for him, but I’m gonna perscribe him some other stuff too. Obviously he likes bright colors and comic books, and places where he can have fun with other people. He generally likes college, even though it’s like, school, and unlike kaneki he actually had a good childhood and he enjoys the places he spent time and formed good memories, he has Nostalgia TM (see unbelievable by owl city hmmm he vibes to that he was born in 1996 or something right i can’t google things) he also just really likes to just, fix other people’s problems but we’ve covered that. 
what he’s doing right and what he’s doing wrong: Hide is doing his best. He’s no less flawed than any of the other characters in tokyo ghoul, it’s just that his strategies tend to involve 100% less murder. Ok no, let me rephrase that, Hide is flawed, but i meant like emotionally, he’s not a war criminal like everyone else. He may seem at first glance like, just, perfect? Sorry for being a simp lmao but I feel like from the outside he’s just got it all together right? He knows what he’s doing and he’s super nice and helpful and smart and humble and just doesn’t have any visible flaws? He... tends to hide any evidence that he would ever be struggling. And that’s not very sexy of him. He feels it would be a burden on others to show pain or ever say he can’t take something on (if someone asked him to do something he’d do it even if he was already mentally at capacity etc) and that’s something he needs to work on. The good thing is that if they got to a point where after Kaneki’s Character Development they got to just... like, be happy and not be separated and everything Kaneki would be good for him because he compliments that. Hide helps him because he needs a lot of like, mental counseling lmao but now that Kaneki’s gone through a lot of that his eyes have been opened more to the fact that Hide hides his problems from Kaneki so if they could just bE HAPPY this is an issue that could be resolved
insecurities: I think Hide kind of believes he’s not allowed to be sad. Cause it’s like, not his job. He’s the source of happiness for everyone else, supposed to have everything together so he can fix everyone else’s problems. he’s not allowed to be in pain or feel bad for himself even though he knows “Boys Can Cry” it’s like, yes boys can cry, not me tho haha lmao it’s not about his masculinity it’s just he’s like “yeah but kaneki’s had it worse” so like if he finds himself in a bad place, he feels inadequate and like... fundametally broken. and it’s. Like. I felt that but also like king that’s not how it works
goal in life: I think he wouldn’t really be able to answer that question. What the truth would be is that he probably wants to do something grand and important that helps a lot of people and kind of changes the world. But he might not really think of it that way, since he’s usually focused more on smaller more isolated issues and he has no idea what he wants to do as a career. He admires activists and people who put themselves at risk but it probably makes him feel inferior that someone else is Doing Something About This Big Problem and he’s just sitting there riding around on his bisexual bike and being in college. (I’d like to say he’s probably changed majors at least a few times,,, that man was like “oh yeah lmao i’m gonna be a comic book artist” but someone said something about how he’s a good therapist and he’s like “brb kinshift i am now a psychology major” lmao.) (hello i am projecting but i’m right) He sees a tumblr post about some issue somewhere and he hyperfixates on it for days until he sees another post about something worse it’s an issue. But I think what he ended up doing was what he wanted to, even if he never recieved any recognition for it the internal sense that he was doing something Right TM in the eyes of history would probably make him cry
how he was raised: I can’t really say much to this because there’s barely any canon on this and the canon that does exist I have completely ignored other than the fact that he has two dads. Bro tbh? He didn’t need any tragic emo backstory I think he had a great childhood. Honestly he’s probably a rich kid. Not super rich but he’s not struggling man. Not gonna lie to you I think the only reason he went to Kamii was because he wanted to be at the same college as Kaneki who probably got a scholarship. Hide, didn’t. (it’s not like he’s not intelligent but I don’t really think that his grades are his biggest priority, the only time he ever pays attention in class is to give kaneki the answers when he’s gone) 
What irks me about the random lore drop in the last chapter about him having a CCG dad that died or whatever- it kind of ruins the whole point for me. Personally I choose to believe he had nothing whatsoever to do with ghouls or the ccg before all that happened to Kaneki. He probably had correct opinions on them, but only like, in theory, it’s like straight people that are like “yeah ofc gay ppl valid” but they’ve never really had any personal experience with any. So when he gets involved in that- the fact is that the only reason he was... was bc of kaneki. It was never more complicated than that to me. YKNOW, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST, NICE, OK? 
And I think for me that the fact that he could actively choose to be nice and be aware of all these problems when he’s practically got every advantage in life is a lot more important. He didn’t have to be poor or have a dead parent or have a shitty childhood for him to be really genuinely good. I don’t think he’s ever been bullied or anything, but he can still be aware that it sucks to be bullied. I think he was just... raised right. I think his dads are probably pretty fucking baller for him to be such a bro. They taught him the right shit.
General philosophy: Hide is one of the only people in the series for whom the dynamics of right and wrong are not hard to understand. He’s never been required to pick up a weapon or actually truly fight in the CCG, he’s never been really mean to anyone. Of course I can say he’s probably decked a few ppl that made fun of Kaneki in middle school, but haven’t we all. The thing is that though he’s never suffered at the hands of others, everything that’s hurt him he’s gone in fully consenting to it- he can still understand and forgive what everyone else has done. Like bro he’s the literal only one around who’s not like a literal war criminal, but he’s not going to think he’s better because of it, because he understands that if he had been in their circumstances he couldn’t say how he would have turned out. 
That’s why I think it’s so important that he never really had a bad childhood- he’s not better than them for turning out without any blood on his hands, because he was never required to. And he knows that and he goes through every day with all these people who have and is conscious of it. He can’t ever say he’s incapable of hurting other people, because he would have said that about Kaneki before all of it happened. So he’s quite politically correct compared to Kaneki and the others but he doesn’t see things that way.
relationship bullshit: i mean bro i know this is a serious post about like psychological and emotional things but i felt the need to discuss whY does everyone write hide as a bottom I mean like sure he’d bottom if his partner was a top but this is simply not the case with kaneki look at him. Hide. Service top. I rest my case. The man’s the biggest switch ever but when he’s a top he’s a nice top. I think Kaneki needs that to be perfectly honest. He really likes to take care of people. Also kind of off topic but his love language is quality time he just wants to play video games wit da homies and he might fall in love a bit
I find it genuinely funny how much i cannot get away from the tentacle porn on the god forsaken archive of our own just looking at the tags i already know it’s so out of character haitoheoihesdsdsa and don’t get me started on the vore
how kaneki sees him vs how he actually is: One of the biggest problems in kaneki and hide’s relationship is how in the beginning, Kaneki didn’t really understand at all that Hide could be hiding anything from him. Kaneki’s not good at picking up clues like that in general, but the fact that he was hiding so much himself didn’t help at all. Hide gives off the vibe of someone who has no inhibitions and shows every side of himself without hesitation, and Kaneki really does idolize that. He didn’t realize that Hide could possibly be suffering or imperfect compared to his vision. He sees Hide as practically an angel, and that’s exactly how Hide wants Kaneki to see him, because he doesn’t want to burden Kaneki with his own problems since he believes they’re not as important and they would make Kaneki sad. Kaneki knew Hide wasn’t as oblivious as he seemed, but he didn’t really understand what that meant until too late. The good thing about Kaneki’s character development though is that it then helps Kaneki understand that Hide was suffering because of him and he didn’t want Hide to hide it anymore (lmao). If they’d only executed that point well that could have been really good but well that’s what fanfic is for
how he sees kaneki vs how kaneki actually is: This one’s a lot more difficult, because well. Hide’s very good at knowing exactly how people are in their hearts, compared to Kaneki. But there are definitely some things that he’s not super up on. He wasn’t around for a lot of Kaneki’s development, so most of the time I think he still believes Kaneki doesn’t want to see his pain, which is, simply incorrect, Kaneki would obviously not be happy to hear it but it would tear him up inside to realize he’s been oblivious to it the whole time. He’s grown a lot more mature since he spent most of his time with Hide, and I really think Hide could benefit from being able to open up to Kaneki the way he is now. And well. I think his biggest misconception has to be that Kaneki enjoyed women lmao
the most him thing i’ve ever done: listening to a happy upbeat song and visibly bopping while also uncontrollably sobbing
miscellaneous headcanons: 
-he’s a morning person lmao. Motherfucker gets up at 6 AM and Kaneki is like PL EA SE NO
-what he finds attractive is like. twinks and girls with hair in colors that don’t exist and ppl who don’t know what gender is
-He likes Imagine Dragons lmao you can see by the next point
-his coping mechanisms are mostly music and other people tbh he’s like “oh i am having emotions? disgusting” *goes to a party*
-he plays dnd and he mains a warlock i don’t make the rules
-he doesn’t look like someone who would do that shit but he probably knows how to use tarot cards
-idk how but that motherfucker is so neurodivergent i can smell the hyperempathy on him look at that man he has so much adhd
-he’s fully aware that his fashion sense is terrible and continues to wear more and more ridiculous clothes to piss kaneki off
-this man has tungle dot fuck. Look at him. His url is probably something along the lines of my ao3 username lmao
-he can see the forbidden shrimp colors smh
-this bitch likes mob psycho 100 and the promised neverland, kaneki keeps telling him to watch death note and he’s just like n   o hhsdfhhfdshdfshdfs he probably kins tpn emma
-he doesn’t know how to drive lmao he bikes everywhere and he lives in tokyo
-i am once again thinking about how he was in a play with kaneki and kaneki was the main character and he was the spicy side character that’s not a headcanon just. that
songs that are, him: 
-Stand By You (Rachel Platten)
-Luck (American Authors)
-Love (Imagine Dragons)
-If I Lose Myself (One Republic)
-Stardust (New Politics)
-Secrets (also one republic)
-Flaws (Bastille)
-100 Bad Days (AJR)
-I Lived (another one republic lmao)
-Battle Scars (Paradise Fears)
-Rise Up (Imagine Dragons)
yeah he definitely listens to this shit lmao
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