#(resolved in p2)
iobartach · 10 months
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ghyulia · 5 months
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𝗢𝗯𝗲𝘆 𝗠𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀! 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘆’𝗿𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲 𝗽𝟮!
p1 | p2
‹𝟹 ft. Satan & Beelzebub
sorry for any grammar mistakes!!
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𐙚 . He's pretty surprised. Satan knows that he's pretty attractive, but he doesn't have the best of qualities. He genuinely thinks you would fare better with someone who isn't as.. short-fused as him. He appreciates your feelings, of course! He's so madly in love with you
𐙚. Satan resolves not to mention it or make an appearance at the moment as quietly makes his way back to his room. He doesn't think you noticed him.
𐙚. Little did he know, you managed to catch a glimpse of a blonde head swiftly disappearing from behind the door. You knew he heard you and chose not to say anything or make himself known. This threw you for a loop. Did he like you? Did he try to flee the scene in hopes that you wouldn't notice him because he didn't feel that way about you?! All of these thoughts were weighing you down.
𐙚. After a few hours, you finally decided to man up and pay him a visit. It wasn't unusual for you to visit him at this time, since you both usually liked to read while occasionally talking about events that transpired through the day.
𐙚. You knock twice. "Satan?"
"Oh, (Name)." "Come in."
You warily open the door, all your confidence from a few minutes ago dissipating. It's now or never, anyway. You swallow your fear.
"How was your day?" You say. "It was pretty normal. Remember that book from the human world that piqued my interest? It finally came in. I was pretty excited to read it, but I thought it might be better to wait for you. I got a little impatient and read the first few pages, though...I hope that's fine." "Hey, (Name), you seem really tense. Is everything all right?" Satan points out.
"Huh? ..Oh yeah. I'm good..I'm super excited to read the book, too!" You force out. He really is acting like he didn't hear what you said. You were starting to get frustrated, and Satan could notice it too.
"Seriously, (Name). What's up with you?" Satan inquires, confusion written all over his face. His beautiful face. That stupid face!! That face to the body of a stupid demon who's acting like he didn't stupidly hear your confession of love (it wasn't even really a confession..)! That tipped you over the edge.
"What's up with me is that I said you were my type! You were there! You were there....and now you're pretending not to have heard me! That obviously means you don't like me, or at least not enough to mention it! It makes me feel so stupid, Satan. So, so unbelievably stupid. And I know it's not your fault, but sometimes I feel like what we do is pretty intimate, you know?! I mean when we read in your room I'm basically on top of you. A guy who doesn't like me should at least have the decency to stop me from making a fool out of myself. He should push me off him! I really like you, but you obviously don't reciprocate, so you should at least say somet-"
Your ramble is abruptly halted with a short, sweet peck on your cheek. You tilt your head a little to face the Cynical Fourth born, whose ears are fully crimson.
"(Name), I'm sorry. I didn't... really know how to bring it up. I told myself that I would later, after we got comfortable. Of course I'm into you. Who wouldn't be? You're amazing, funny, and kind, and you never fail to bring a smile to my face. I'm always quick to anger, as you know..but around you, I always find myself striving to be a better person. You keep me in check. I'm not just into you... I know for a fact that.. ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱ..ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ." He barely mumbles out the last part. Your smile grows wider and wider, before you all but pounce on the demon.
"I guess that would make us the perfect pair because I feel the exact way about you, 'Tan!"
Satan's smile is the widest you've ever seen. He doesn't know what the future has in store for him, but he knows that as long as you are by his side, there will be nothing he can't overcome.
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𖦹 He doesn't understand. He's your ideal type of what? He doesn't get it, so he just ignores the statement for a while and continues doing his daily activities.
𖦹 A few hours later, the thought of what you said resurfaces, and while filming his new DevilTube workout video with Asmodeus, Beel decides to ask what it means to be someone's "Ideal type." Once Asmo explains what it means and he finally understands and fully processes what you meant by the statement, he goes fully red. He's so embarrassed he didn't get that earlier. But at the same time, he's ecstatic. You're his type too!
𖦹 Poor guy can't even focus on his workout video. He wraps it up as quickly as possible, leaving Asmo with the editing, and makes a beeline for your room. He stops halfway.
𖦹 He's sweating like a pig...It would probably be best to freshen up before confronting you about what you said. He makes a mad dash to the shower, freshens up quickly, and then hastily makes his way to your room.
"(Name)? You in there?"
"Yeah! Come in, the door is unlocked." Your voice was muffled. "Sorry, I'm looking for a potions book Solomon lent to me. What's up? Asmo was texting the group chat about how you abandoned your "Deviltuber Duties"..or something," You giggled, still not facing him.
"Earlier..You said I was your ideal type. I didn't know what it meant, so I ignored it, but I know what it means now.." Beel confesses.
You freeze. "You heard that?!" You quickly turn around. You felt like all the blood you had in your human body was rushing straight to your face. Your eyes meet his, and you finally realize that the 6'4 demon's face is also decorated in a deep shade of red. You guys are practically matching at this point!
"(Name)... You should probably know that you're my type too. You've always accepted me and my brothers. You still treated Belphie with kindness even after the rough start you two had. I admired that about you. I'm okay with sharing my food if it's you. I've always thought you were amazing ever since the day you stood up for me and Luke. You didn't waver in front of Lucifer, who can be really scary at times...and it made me feel so warm. My feelings only grew from there."
You tear up a little. "Beel, you're so amazing. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you."
"I think it's the other way around, (Name)." Beel leaves a chaste kiss on your lips and engulfs you in a warm hug.
The Gluttonous seventh-born knows he'll continue to treasure you forever. Beelzebub had never paid any mind to the sun at first because it never shined in the Devildom, but you changed that. You exuded light and radiance from the moment he met you. You were the sun. His sun. He's just so happy that he gets to be the one closest to your heart. You smile and indulge in his embrace, the potions book long forgotten.
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a/n: ahhh it's done!! sorry for the wait omg :(( I'm thinking of what to write ab next but I hope ygs enjoyed this one! oh if anyone has any ideas on what I shld write abt next pleaseee lmk haha :)
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
The Real Reason (KidKiller X Reader) P2
Plot: Ever since you started dating Kid and Killer, the captain has refused to visit any brothels. That wouldn't normally be a problem but the crew isn't aloud to go without their captains and first mates supervision causing the crew to resent you eventhough your not stopping the captain from going. Its time for you to force the reason out of him.
Warning: Sexual themes but no smut (NSFW) stuff, bad language, Drinking, Making out and Violence.
Reader is Female (sorry), Kid X Killer X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P3
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You can't back out of the deal, Kid kept up his end so now it was your turn to spill the beans, you thought about delaying it since Killer had something in mind to resolve the drunk assholes flirting with you kinda problem but the blondes eyes were determined to know what you were hiding. Kid hums into your neck before removing his teeth and licking at the area he bit down on before pulling away to look over his work, a smirk spreads across his lips as he runs his thumb over the purple and red patch left behind. "You can't back out of our deal, babe" The captain's eyes narrow slightly despite his smirk as his eyes travel to meet yours making the tension in the air grow, moving your hands off their faces to their shoulders you take a breath knowing their not going to like what your about to say. "It's not the crews fault so please don't punish them" Kid raise his brow at you now fully confused as to what your hiding while Killer tilts his head slightly while rubbing your back getting you to continue "When ever you say no to going to these brothels, the crew acts out... at me" You state seeing Kids face go to confused to pure anger in seconds, you grip onto his shoulder as the captain tenses sacred he's going to march out and kill someone, Killer's eyes widen at your words a thousand questions running threw his head, but he couldn't voice any of them.
Acting quickly you continue to speak trying to bring the two back to you instead of their own angry or shocked minds. "Kid.. I'm not saying it's your fault but, its kinda easy to think i'm the problem when you only started saying no when i joined the relationship" You sigh hoping he understands but his angry eyes don't change but his slightly open mouth clenches shut indicating what you said made him even angrier. Before the captain can yell Killer pulls you fully into him, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist as you head is pressed against his chest, you can hear his heart pounding while his muscles tense, he's angry at the crew but also at himself for not seeing it, how long has this being going on? Why didn't you tell them sooner?. "Do they hurt you?" He whispers the grip on your waist getting tighter at the thought of the crew hurting you but he relaxes when you shake your head. "No, not physically... it only lasts a few days, i think its just their way of getting that pent-up energy out" You hate yourself for trying to defend the crew after everything they've said and done but you want them to like you and talk to you like they used too, you don't regret being in a relationship with the captain and first mate but some times you wonder would they treat you this way if you weren't in a relationship with them? You doubt the crew would have the balls to treat Killer like this if Kid said no all the time and you weren't in the picture. You just want things to go back to normal, your brought out of your spiraling thoughts by Kid whose metal hand clenches making you tense up since its still on your as.
Kid doesn't seem to notice though, his full attention on the bedroom door, burning holes into it with his rage filled eyes. "Those assholes" Kid growls his body tense as he takes a step closer to the door only for your hand to grab onto his jacket and yank him closer causing the the captain's head snaps to you, his angry glare now only on you make you slightly uneasy "What do they do?" Killer asks his voice calmer than before but his body is still tense "they make my job a little harder and either ignore me or-" You stop yourself not sure how to put the rest of it into words, Killer pulls you away slightly to look down at you noticing the slight sadness in your eyes, he knows your protective over the crew but you don't take shit from them, you tell them off if they overstep or do something stupid, the crew respects you for that so why are you so hell-bent on letting this happen to you? "What do they do?" Kid asks through gritted teeth stepping closer, almost looming over you his eyes burning with rage, he wants to know, and he wants to know now, you gulp while tensing up but not from the way he's looking at you but from all the things the crew has said in order to hurt you. "T-they, bring up stuff... t-that stuff, call me old nicknames and- and" You stutter while trying to stay calm but your breath and words are shaky at best, your hand grips onto Killers shirt trying to ground yourself in some way as to not slip into memories that make you feel sick and light-headed.
Your past is a sensitive topic for you and one you didn't talk about for a long time, it was only when you were drunk and handing out with Kid and Killer before you were dating that you told them about your old life. They didn't judge you but made a mental note not to use certain words to describe or nickname you. Soon you also confided in some of the crew and other you corrected pretty quickly when using those nicknames or words around you but now thanks to crew getting angry with you they let things slip regarding your past letting the others know and use it as amo. "The fuck?" The two yell making you jump slightly mainly since Killer wasn't one to yell, surprisingly the blonde is the first to move letting you go, so he can rush over to the bed side table and snatch his mask putting it on, his actions make your eyes widen knowing now the two are out for blood. "W-wait, it's not their fault, their just acting out" You try and defend your crew mates from the now furious Captain and first mate but Kid growls and grabs your arm pulling you into his chest "Not their fault! They know how you feel about that shit. Don't you dare try and defend them" The captain yells in your face his anger getting the better of him, you know he's right and you do want them to pay for what they've said and done but at the same time you just want things to go back to normal, you want the crew to like you again even if it means getting pushed around a little.
Killer walks back over taking your chin in his fingers and forcing you to look at him. "It doesn't matter what their excuse is or how their feeling, that shits out of order. Even if you weren't our girl I'd still be pissed" You couldn't see his expression but you can imagine it by how angry is tone is, you can even hear he's gritting his teeth too, which is rare for him. "I-i just... I can't stop you two from what ever your about to do but... some of the crew don't do any of that stuff or see it so please don't punish all of them" You sigh pleading with your eyes at the two, Killer turns to face Kid whose eyes are still burning into yours, the captain seems to be processing something before he speaks. "Names. Now" The red head loosening his grip on your arm but keeping you close to his chest, you know this is an order from your captain not a demand from your boyfriend so with a nod you start giving names of the people who aren't involved. When hearing Heat and Wire's names the two seem to relax a little glad that their oldest and best friend's haven't been doing anything to you. Heat and Wire are also your close friends but that didn't mean they couldn't pick on you, its always light-hearted but there have been times were you or them have taken it too far. Kid and Killer were glad this wasn't one of those times, after finishing off the list the captain nods, running his hand under your jaw line while his thumb rubs your throat "We'll take care of this" He sates before taking your hand and pulling you to the door.
Deciding not to resist you follow but look back to see Killer putting on his gauntlets before placing his hand on your lower back. "What about the other thing?" You ask remembering that the blonde had something in mind before, but he shakes his head while stepping a little closer to you. "I'll bring it to you later" The masked man states quickly looking down at you before looking back up watching where he's going. Knowing there's no stopping the two you sigh and let the two guide you down the hall, "What are you going to do?" You ask hoping to get an idea of what's about to happen since the two can be quite unpredictable with their punishments, it can range from forcing the crew to their knees and apologizes to straight up death. "You don't need to know" Kid snaps at you his anger flaring up the closer and closer the three of you get to the deck, the red head kicks open the door leading out onto the deck immediately getting the crew's attention, Since the ship is docked and the captain agreed to let everyone go to the brothel the deck was covered in the crew members. Those who were smiling before now have a look of horror on their faces, anyone who was in the middle of something immediately dropped what they were doing to look over at the three of you. There was a moment of tense silence since everyone could see how angry their captain was, it wasn't his normal level of anger it was more like rage and the normally calm and relaxed Killer has an overwhelming aura that oozed anger, his shoulders were tense and fist clenched.
The silence is broken when Kid pulls you with him starting to walk into the middle of the deck where everyone can hear him, his heavy stomps made some flinches while others stood frozen waiting for something bad to happen. Killer follows along but takes his hand off your lower back both his hangs clenching the gauntlets, his leather gloves making a sound that sends shivers down your spine as his grip become unbelievably tight. Stopping in the middle of the deck the captain scans the area looking over his crew before calling out the names you gave, his sudden loud voice makes you jump a little long with those whose names where called. You can see the look of fear in their eyes as their body shakes a little, you know there not in trouble but at them moment you can't must up even a look to tell them it's ok. "All of you off the ship now... the rest of you stay" Kid yells making those whose names were called relax some taking a breath while others gripped their chest knowing their not the ones in trouble. The captain pants after his loud and long yelling as members of the crew leave quickly dropping their stuff to get off the ship but Wire and Heat walk over to the three of you both with confused faces. "What's wrong Boss?" Heat asks hoping he can do something to help but instead Kid growls pulling you past him and into Wire who quickly catches you before you can fall over. You shoot Wire a thankful look before pushing away from him to stand on your own. "Take the crew and head to that brothel down the road, we'll meet you there" The captain states releasing your arm.
Looking back at the captain in confusion you go to say something only for Killer to place a hand on your shoulder nodding in agreement before gesturing to the ramp leading off the ship. Without a word Wire and Heat nod heading to the ramp as you follow next to them glancing back a few times at your two boys. They didn't yell or lash out at the crew until you three made it off the ramp and onto land. Kid's loud yelling and screaming made some of the other crew sigh in relief yet again glad that their not the ones being yelled at and that they won't have to see what's happening. "Everyone we're to the Brothel" Heat calls out earning happy smiles from everyone before all heading off down the dock and into town, the sun's still high in the sky but in a place like this bars and brothels are open all day, the shows only happen at night which is a good thing otherwise the whole crew would be sitting in some coffee ship waiting for the blood bath to end back on the ship. "So, do we want to know?" Heat suddenly turns to you as the sound of yelling and screaming starts to fade away the further you all get from the Victoria. You think for a second before deciding against it since the rest of the crew is still in ear shot and you differently didn't want everyone to know without Kids permission first. "Probably not" You sate earning a simple nod from Wire while Heat sighs while scratching his head, despite everything your glad Kid didn't stop everyone from going off and having a good time, you just hope the two join you later, you want nothing more than to sit with the two and enjoy some drinks.
Sitting next to Wire on a large sofa you look around the bar area seeing your crew singing, dancing and flirting with some of the girls, most of them were already wasted since it's been a few hours since you've all left the ship. You did worry about the rest of the crew and wondered what Kid and Killer have planned or them, you also wonder if those crew member's will still be alive when you get back. Heat walks over and places two beer mugs on the small table in the middle before flipping down with his own on the small arm chair across from the two of you "Come on, at least give me a hint" The stitched man smirks hoping to pry something out of you, unknown to most Heat can be quite the gossip, some people might call him nosy but you know he likes to talk about other peoples stuff and get different perspectives, so he's more of a gossip in that sense. Picking up your Beer you pat the seat next to you giving the stitched man the signal that your ready to talk, with a wide black smile Heat jumps up and rushes over to your side leaning in close to hear what all the fuss was about before. Wire chuckles at this deciding to listen in while keeping an eye on the crew, "Don't tell anyone since Captain may not like it. I finally got him to spill the beans but at the cost of my own secret" Knowing what your on about Heat's jaw drops scooting closer even though he's already practically in your face "So he let it slip and now he's mad? But why is Killer mad?" Wire asks before sipping on his beer.
Shaking your head you lean back taking in a deep breath "No thats not why he's mad, I.. I kept something from the two of them about the crew, If i tell you two please don't get mad as well" The two raise an eyebrow at you before nodding now fully invested in what your about to say. Taking in another breath you tell the two what you told Kid and Killer. What the crew that were left behind, said and did to you after The captain refused to let them go to a brothel and that you've been covering up since you understand their frustrations. "The fuck?" The two yell through gritted teeth as you try and shush them before sending an apologetic smile over to those who looked your way. "Keep it down, i don't want the others to kno-" Your interrupted by a slap around the back of your head from Heat who glares at you, rubbing your head you glare back about to yell at him when the stitched man gets closer to your face "You are not this stupid... You can't let them walk all over you, for fucks sake Y/N you need to stop mothering them so much." Heat whispers with an angry tone making you lean back only to be stopped by Wire's hand being placed on your head "Heat's right, your too soft with them, i understand your protection over the crew in a place like this but on the ship they should respect you as a senior member." The tall man has a point and it makes you think about your actions, you should have told them off like you used too or knocked some sense into them a long time ago.
Heat sighs before moving to lean against the sofa getting away from your face as he drinks his beer "I know your past is a touchy subject but when it comes to outsiders knowing you kick their ass, i don't see why you shouldn't do the same to the crew if they bring it up." Heat shrugs calming down from his anger making you relax a little and sit back up, Wire hums in agreement taking his hand off your head while scanning the room. "Fuck... I've really lost it" You whisper to yourself earning a hearty laugh from Heat who bends over and slaps his knee while trying to not spill his beer "Girlie, you lost it ages ago, this was a real fuck up" You glare at the stitched man as he laughs, you wanted to hit him, knock him into the ground and yell at him but instead you roll your eyes while sipping on your beer "Your lucky your right, otherwise i would have kicked you ass by now" You state with a growl earning a chuckle from Wire who puts an arm around you "There she is, back to normal" You smirk up at the tall man before light nudging him in the side with your elbow getting his arm to move away from you. It seems you really needed a reality check and all it took was two tipsy assholes to do so but your glad for it, you did hope being nicer to the crew would get them to stop and like you again but of course that wouldn't work. You're a part of the Kid pirates for god’s sake, being kind doesn't earn you respect, strength, power, will and confidence is how you get it, its how you got respect and made friends on the crew in the first place, backing down only made you weak but that won't happen again no matter how much you love the crew.
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nanaminsmoon · 1 year
Could we maybe get a p2 to ‘no good’? Where we lowkey regret what happened at the party & have a stronger resolve and Connie has to grovel for forgiveness and change his ways,, after they make up, while Connie’s in it he’s upset cus how could we keep the pussy away from him for so long 🤭
so...i was never gonna go a pt.2 to this but i'm so glad you asked for this because i kinda like it more than pt.1. but~~~i hope you like it👀
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cw: connie is real romantic in this one so there's not much to say, public fingering+dry humping, implied oral (f receiving), n word usage, connie calls reader; 'ma', and 'hermosa'(gorgeous), 'rapido' (faster/hurry up), it's weirdly kinda sad at the end lol.
wc: 3894
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small jolts of pain sprung through your body, as pupils pushed at the salacious marks on your thighs, making the walk away from the bathroom a shameful one. well, that and the nut slipping out of you. both those things did nothing for the vomit inducing guilt twisting around in your stomach, permeating your stomach lining to laden your every step. you wished you had stood your ground a little more, but you gave in to connie because it was what your heart wanted. fucking him wasn’t where your regrets lay, it was with the fact that you had been a recovering addict, once again encountering the thing you were trying so hard to heal from. now, all you could was leave, and hope you’d never see connie ever again. even if it meant really cutting everyone off this time. mikasa included.
”hey girl, imma go now. but thanks for having me—”, you pulled her outside to announce your departure. and mikasa just cut you off, a dramatic frown on her face.
”y/n, you can’t go now. the party hasn’t even started yet”, her hand delicately gripped onto your wrist, trying to pull you back into the house, but your feet remained firmly placed underneath you. and she turned to see why you weren’t moving.
”i know, but i just…”, you sighed out, ”i really can’t be here if connie is here too. i just can’t.”, you shook your head, and mikasa nodded in understanding. despite not inviting him, she wasn’t surprised connie was here, but she hated that it meant you had go so soon.
”but…just five more minutes”, her hands clasped together in desperation, but your decision had long been made and there would be no changing it.
”i’d love to, but if he’s here for those five minutes then i can’t be”, was all you said to mikasa, before you turned to go find your uber home.
the few weeks after the connie-bathroom incident were, fortunately, very quiet. you didn’t see him, or any of his friends, once. and your life started to feel the same way it did before you had met him. even if any man who tried to approached you was compared to him; from dress sense, to height, to build, down to the way he spoke to you. connie was like a viral rash that refused to go away; one that implored for attention, but you knew that scratching it again would only make you break out in hives. so ignored were the thoughts that randomly popped into your mind, telling you to unblock him and ask him if he really meant those words; ’how could i not love you?’, or if they were just some ploy to lure you back into his life again. only for him to go back to his old ways, and hurt you all over again. because you were sure that’s how things would play out.
however, unbeknownst to you, connie had changed. every girl that wasn’t you, a relative, or close friend, had been deleted from his phone; instagram dms, numbers, dating apps. all of it had been erased, and a picture of you asleep in his bed had been made his lockscreen. ymir told him to manifest you back in his life, telling him: ”if you act like she’s your girlfriend, then she will be”. and, as dumb as that sounded at first, he was really clutching at straws. he just needed you, and only you, back in his life. this transformation hadn’t been a voluntary one, more so the product of a torturous snowball effect, caused by an avalanche of everything he had ever known about himself, burying him in everything that he now knew. it was the product of late nights of heavy balls placing him balls deep in some girl he had met on tinder; no matter what she did, no matter how deep in her throat his tip travelled, his balls would only empty at the thought of you underneath him. it was the product of seeing couples at his university campus, and being envious. envy quickly turned to fury at the realisation that he had once had a warm hand to hold, and he let it go because of self-sabotage and oblivion.
lockscreen changes and introspection could only get him so far, and they could only keep him sane for so long. connie just wanted you—a feat he knew was next to impossible because you had washed your hands of him completely. he was still blocked on everything, and he had no real way of contacting you…aside from showing up at your front door. but he wouldn’t do that because he deemed it creepy. unlike, showing up at your university, and waiting for you in his car. which he did for, like, 3 hours before he finally saw you.
”y/n!”, luckily for him, you hadn’t put your headphones on yet, so you heard him. the bad news was that, as soon as you saw who was calling for you, you automatically switched directions and speed walked the other way. that wouldn’t deter connie though, knowing something like this would happen, he just started driving towards you, and just drove besides where you were walking.
”y/n. y/n, listen to me. just give me a chance to explain myself”, his words fell on deaf ears as you just kept walking. taking your headphones out of your bag would mean stopping, and stopping meant that connie could just keep talking at you. so you just kept walking, and hoped that the road he was driving on would have a turn.
”hello~? i know you hear me”, connie’s head was constantly switching between facing you, and the road.
”then you should realise that i’m ignoring you.”, you finally chided. a win is a win in connie’s mind so, even if you were basically telling him to leave you alone, at least you were talking to him.
”you still haven’t unblocked me”, he said, watching you instead of the road.
”why would i?”, you refused to face him, so you just kept looking at the path ahead of you.
”i miss you”, he confessed, ”like a lot. it’s killing me actually.”, if he had said this to you a few months ago, you might forgiven him and taken him back, but things had changed.
”why’s that my problem?”,
”it’s not. but, just get in the car for a second, and let’s talk”,
”we have nothing to talk about, connie”, your pace picked up, and the path you were approaching had no road beside it, so connie just parked his car, and got out. walking behind you, he spoke,
”y/n, i just need one more chance. i meant every single word i said at mikasa’s”, your ears perked up, and so did those of the other students walking around you, ”i do love you. i do want to be better this time round, and i want to give you everything you deserve plus loads of other shit on top of that—”, connie’s spiel was cut short by you **turning around. causing him to stop dead in his tracks as you slowly walked over to him,
”you can’t park there, they’ll give you a ticket.”, you pointed behind him, and as he turned to see, you began to walk away. connie reached out to grab your arm, pulling you back to him.
”fuck the ticket. go out with me. tomorrow. i’ll plan everything, just wear something cute and show up. that’s all i ask of you. if you hate it, then we’ll never speak again”, you dropped your gaze to your hand, firmly clasped in both of his, before looking back up at connie’s face.
”we’re not meant to be speaking right now”,
”but we are.”, he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, ”that’s gotta mean something, right?”, your face was blank. but your true feelings were exposed when you yanked your hand from him.
”no.”, connie’s shock was written in his eyes, and it stayed there as you continued, ”i meant what i said too; we’re done. as in, finished. don’t come back here, connie”, were your last words to connie before you walked away from him. and he just stood there, watching you leave; the heaviness of his heart causing it to drop to his shoes, so he couldn’t even run after you.
it would take a while for that weight to lift, so connie just sat in that rejection for a few months. but, sick of seeing his friend constantly moping around over a girl he fucked over, ony was the one who suggested connie to try getting back with you again. he assumed that showing up somewhere like your uni, or house, was a terrible idea so he just told connie to send some flowers to your place.
”the fuck’s that gonna do?”, connie remarked in confusion.
”nigga, you put a note in the flowers.”, ony nudged him, “and be nice because you’ll probably only get one chance before she catches on it’s you and starts throwing them out without even reading the note on it”, ony had advised. so that’s what connie did, he bought you your favourite flowers, sent them to your place, and just waited.
you got them two days after he sent them, and you could already guess who they were from. but the note confirmed it, reading:
”i’m so sorry for everything. y/n, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and you deserved better than what i gave you. you don’t have to love me again, you don’t have to trust me again, you don’t even have to commit to me again. let’s just go on a date. or whatever you’d like. let’s spend some time together. if you’re down, meet me outside your apartment building at 4 tomorrow. wear something fancy<3 - c”
you mulled it over for a few seconds before walking over to your wardrobe to find something to wear. you didn’t know how the night would end, but you wanted him to spend it realising what he had lost. so you wore a dress that represented that.
connie knew he was taking a risk that could potentially make him more depressed than he was before, but that didn’t stop him from getting dressed and driving to your place. fingers moving anxiously on his steering wheel were calmed into stillness when connie saw you stood outside your apartment complex, dress blowing in the wind, as you swayed slightly looking around. it was your turn to be nervous, when you looked up to see his car. he pulled up right in front of you before getting out of the car to walk to the side you were stood at, to open your door,
”you’re beautiful, you know that?”, he gestured for you to get in the car, and his hand itched to just smack your ass. but, he was here for forgiveness, and he wouldn’t be granted it if he acted like that. so he just closed the door behind you, and walked back to the driver’s side.
”what, no compliment back? i haven’t dressed up like this in years”, connie teased, and you rolled your eyes. as much as you didn’t want to, you had to admit that connie looked really good; dressed in a black dress shirt, black dress trousers, and black dress shoes. as always, he smelled divine. but you couldn’t give in to him from the very beginning.
”you don’t look bad”, you shrugged, looking out the window. connie just laughed at you, reaching his arm across to you to flick your chin with his index finger.
“it’s been so long you can’t even compliment me right?”, he teased again, and when you moved his hand from your face, he poked your side.
”connie, stop before i make you turn this damn car around”, you threatened, but connie just let out another laugh.
”and if i don’t? then what? you’ll walk back home?”,
”if i have to, yeah”,
”okay, i’ll stop. but…it’s just ‘cause i missed you so much. i’ll chill though”, he moved his hand away from you, but he’d still be looking at you every chance he could.
”you ain’t miss me?”, he teased again, and you turned to look at him blankly before shaking your head.
the evening was nice, and the food was amazing. being in connie’s company, nothing ever felt forced, so things just progressed very smoothly. and an evening of flirtatious glances and comments, led to connie’s lips crashing into yours. with your back against his car because he couldn’t wait until you got back to your apartment. regard for your location had been left in the restaurant as your dress shifted higher on your body at the hands of the man kissing and sucking on your neck. and, honestly, connie would’ve taken you right then and there if it wasn’t for a restaurant staff member asking you guys to refrain because of other patrons.
”sorry”, connie chuckled, hands pulling your dress down before opening your door. he apologised one more time to the guy that worked there, before rushing over to his side of the car. as soon as he got in, his lips were attached to yours again, tongue entering your mouth, as his hand rested on the side of your face.
”backseat?”, he whispered into your mouth, and you had to pull back and look at him like ’really?’.
”what?”, he chuckled.
”i thought you changed, and now you want to fuck in your backseat?”, he chuckled again, before shrugging at you, ”when i look like this?”, you motioned at your dress, and he backed off you. holding his hands up in defeat, before he just started the car,
”you’re right. what was i thinking?”, he said, and you just kissed your teeth and put your seatbelt on, ”when you look this good, i need to fuck you into a mattress, not a car seat”,
you didn’t even make it to your front door before the pink fabric covering you was moving upwards again, the newfound draft hitting the cold wet patch at the front of your underwear. connie’s hands were grabbing and kneading at whatever they could, as you fumbled to unlock your door. not only were his hands busying themselves with distracting you, but his lips were fully occupied; leaving wet kisses all over your neck and jaw. these, in tandem, made your concentration levels drop dramatically, but connie wasn’t letting up,
”connie, wait”, you breathed out, and a hum of rejection rumbled on your neck.
”rapido, hermosa, i need you”, heavy breaths rolled out of connie’s mouth, to transfigure into light whimpers as connie pushed the growing tent in his dress trousers against you. because your lower half was basically fully exposed, connie had no issue wrapping his arm around you to put his hand in your thong, and rub your clit.
”connie, let me just open the door first”, your pleas were unheard, and connie’s hands kept moving. as did his hips—desparate for more of you. he could’ve gotten more of you if he just let you unlock the door, but his mind had short-circuited the first time your lips met at the restaurant car park, and he was working off pure instinct now. hopes and prayers that your neighbours wouldn’t see this plagued the small bit of your mind that wasn’t losing it. your forehead had fallen to rest on the door in front of you, as connie’s chest was pushing you into it. one of his fingers had found your entrance, as his thumb continued its task on your clit. the same could not be said for his other arm that he had placed around your center to keep you from falling over. its task had been neglected as his hand had rose to take your tit out of your dress—squeezing at it, and pinching at your nipple. you knew better than to let this man finger you in your apartment hallway, but the sounds of him sucking on your earlobe, and kissing the space behind your ears, made it very difficult for you to care anymore. so you spread your legs further apart, and just let him do whatever he wanted with you. that built courage inside connie. the hand that was on your tit moved to undo his belt, the button to his dress trousers, before finally pulling them down to his midthigh. his dick was hard enough now for him to just fuck himself against your clothed pussy—the pool of precum collecting at the front of his boxers growing quickly. the concern that one of your neighbours might hear the low moans and groans leaving your mouths grew fainter, until it was fully replaced by connie’s words in your ears,
”i need to fuck you so bad, ma. i’m about to nut in my boxers at the thought of it”, you had no response. even if you could think one up, it would’ve been stolen from you by the intense orgasm that washed over you. connie’s followed yours, and once he removed his hands from you, his tongue was swirling around his fingers.
the taste of you on his tongue drove connie wild. so, as soon as you made it into your bedroom, he was stripping you of your dress, and laying you on you back, as he ate you out like doing so would save him from eternal hellfire. obviously, you came not too long after he started, and when he came up from in between your legs, he had the biggest grin on his face. he quickly stripped himself of all his clothes, and within seconds he was knelt between your legs, stroking himself. his eyes were transfixed—like, if this man had a tail, he would’ve flown away with how hard it would’ve been wagging.
”how’re you more beautiful than i remember?”, his quiet words of admiration fell onto you, and you shrugged up at him, obviously shy.
”why so quiet? you’ve never been one to be shy with me, talk to me”, he had one hand on either side of your head as he placed light pecks on your lips, waiting for them to part so something could come out of them.
”’s just been a while”, you kept pecking his lips, and he pulled back.
”too long, ma. it’s been too long.”, he placed one final kiss on your lips, before positioning himself at your leaking hole. unlike that night at mikasa’s, connie was gentle with you because, as corny as it sounded to his own ears, he didn’t want to fuck you—he wanted to make love to you. meaning he couldn’t rush it; he would push himself into you very slowly, allowing you to adjust to him, and the way that one vein sent tingles down your spine.
he was slow with you, but he still managed to hit every spot needed to make your eyes roll into the back of their sockets. perhaps due to your history together (or the fact that this man is a slut™), connie knew what your body would react to too well. and, as a result, all it took was both of your legs over his shoulders, and a few wet kisses on your neck, for your swollen lips to produce a sweet cacophony. wherein, in between elongated mewls of his name, connie could hear a word very similar to ’love’, and that alone was enough for him to never want to look at anyone that wasn’t you ever again. regardless of gender. and, coming down from your high, you could feel that connie hadn’t cum yet—probably because he always put your pleasure first. but, you could also feel him holding back. which was very unlike him. you knew you would need to push him a little, so that’s exactly what you did,
”if-f this your pussy n-now, show m-me why”, connie froze for a second, then his body moved on its own. for the first time that night, you were presented with the connie springer you had always known. romanticism was thrown out of the window for a moment as he pushed your legs against your chest, moaning loudly at how good you felt,
”don’t know how i went so long without this, hermosa, i’m losing it right now”, even if you wanted to reply, you couldn’t because he was fucking the wind out of your lungs.
”why’d you keep doing this to me, ma?”, he said, referring to you keeping heaven on earth away from him.
”y-you d-do it to yourself-f”, your hands reached to dig into connie’s forearms; your hands were the only things that could help you, because you had been fucked void of coherent speech, and your eyes were barely focusing with how much they were rolling. you could feel yourself about to cum again, and so could connie.
”and it ain’t gonna happen ever again. trust.”, the way you twitched around him made it hard for him to keep himself together but luckily for him, all he had to do was drop one of your legs, and wrap a hand around your throat, for you to come undone underneath him. connie had been fighting holding his nut back since the second he was fully inside you, so once your walls clamped around him, he unravelled immediately. but, as soon as he could steady himself again, connie would be moving inside of you.
your hands and eyes tangled in each other, did to connie the very things that he had been running away from for years. it tickled that one spot in his chest that he had forgotten held the ability to produce sensation. it made the ducts he had tried to close up, melt open, and connie didn’t even know they could work the way they once did until his vision grew blurry and when he blinked, a saltine droplet landed on your cheek.
”fuck”, he paused to swipe his thumb against your cheek, ”sorry ‘bout that”, he muttered, and you shook your head at him. up until this point, his sincerity had been a point of contention but, unless he was a master manipulator and award winning actor, you could finally see how losing you had affected him. you hoped it would cement his change in behaviour, but the only way to confirm that would be to walk that walk with him; hand in hand, just like you were right now.
© Rights owned by nanamoonsinc. Do not repost without permission.
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Swept up in Expectations
As an anxious and curious person, I couldn’t help but check every now and then to see what the vibe was for P2 before watching it myself. After all the excitement during the wait between P1 and 2, nothing could have prepared me for the whiplash I felt reading disappointed and equally ecstatic posts from reactions to Eps 5 to 8.
Now that I’ve seen the episodes myself I’m trying to make sense of how I felt so I’m putting the figurative pen to paper and hope anyone as confused as I am can ruminate with me.
To put simply - I think we were all swept up in the excitement of Nic and Luke’s press tour (a whole other can of worms for some) and the many spoilers, speculations, and info from cast interviews during the wait between P1 and 2 that appeared to have been Polin positive. This energy then ballooned our expectations. I personally forgot that although Bridgerton is endearing and fun, it’s ultimately not a BBC or HBO production (I love Bridgerton but it’s no Pulitzer Prize winner in writing). So I think we expected more and are crashing from our collective highs.
Then there’s Polin and Penelope. As someone who didn’t personally enjoy S1 and 2 stories, S3 was going to be one I could truly enjoy and romanticize, and experience that Bridgerton brainrot everyone keeps taking about. Admittedly, it took me listening to some discourse and a second watch to truly appreciate P1. I’ve come away with so much love for Polin and their unfolding love story as well as Pen’s journey. The friends to lovers trope is beautiful, sweet, endearing, romantic, with a lot of history between two people. It had me singing along at the top of my lungs to Taylor Swift in the car even though it’s not my usual type of music. I was swooned and romanced.
But Part 2 was…. rough…. (Ramblings below)
At least after episode 5. It felt like I wasn’t watching the same season. I knew the weight of LW was going to put Penelope through the wringer before we can ultimately move on in peace. I expected the angst, it didn’t bother me, even if it meant seeing the worst of Colin’s anger temporarily.
I think what bothers me is the wasted potential of Polin’s season brought on by unnecessary side plots that could have given more time to Colin, Penelope and Eloise’s complex relationship and individual feelings. It was a season that absolutely needed to flesh out these characters alongside LW’s plot. Instead we got lengthy scenes of side characters with no payoff or stories that could have waited to be told next season. Polin felt like side characters in their own stories, their scenes so cruelly cut between other people’s dramas - I was swooning one second to wondering why we’ve jumped to sideplot A and B, then back to swooning over Polin again (their wedding dance for example 😭).
Then there’s the question of intimacy and how we would have loved to see more - probably brought on by a rumored missing montage. Instead after all the pain, the culmination of intimacy between Polin was the 5 second scene towards the end that looked like one of Anthony or Ben’s random brothel end-of-episode montage scenes in S1. I didn’t need plenty of intimacy scenes, I just wanted there to be growth in their intimacy evolving beyond what they had in Ep 5 and after all that drama.
Part 2 should have focused on how Colin, Penelope and Eloise came to terms with the LW revelation and the aching healing process it took to overcome that because the love they have for one another was stronger. I found myself thinking how in hell they could resolve all of this and it became progressively clear that the resolution was going to feel underwhelming and rushed. Especially, when the last episode alone had another wedding, Colin and Penelope still not communicating, and like 4-5 scenes of Ben and his mistress and their lover. We sat there in complete shock at how we kept going back to those scenes when the season had bigger fish to fry.
Although the show attempted to delve into Colin’s journey post revelation, the process of overcoming his sadness/jealousy was not fleshed out satisfactorily. I’m not saying it isn’t there (the very quick scenes of him looking through Penelope’s letters, listening to her speech at the end, his speech to Cressida, interactions with Kanthony/Eloise etc) but it lacked…something. Maybe it needed just a beat longer, a few more words, a bit more time. I don’t need it to drag, I just needed more within the depth of the scenes. Funnily, some of the side plot scenes lasted longer, which was so evil. Colin deserved a concise arc like Penelope’s. I hope Luke Newton’s back wasn’t hurting from carrying all the weight of Colin’s journey through his delivery and face acting because the writers were not giving him much to work with.
And so, the ending of the season felt odd. On one hand I was happy Polin got their happy ending and in theory their progression made sense, but on the other I felt like the show did a disservice by not taking us carefully and deliberately on that progression journey we wonderfully started in S1 and 2. I will always have ep 1-5 to look back on fondly and I was teary eyed when Colin delivered his ep 8 love speech to Pen. It felt like a glimpse of what we could’ve had and what they did have in P1. However, there’s this feeling of anti-climax that is so palpable given how impactful the press tour was. Am I still walking away from this season loving Polin and enjoying the scenes we did get of them? YES. Am I satisfied with it? NO.
This is 70% an emotional rant that may subside once the excitement dies down. I have thoroughly enjoyed everyone’s input and analysis and may have just been swept up in expectations.
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alyrasturnz · 2 months
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❐ summary » in a fleeting lapse of weakness, y/n succumbed to temptation and embarked on a clandestine affair with chris, their secret rendezvous hidden beneath the sultry veil of summer. as the days grew shorter, y/n's guilt became unbearable, compelling her to sever ties with chris abruptly. feeling both scorned and bewildered, chris confided his heartbreak to nate, who, out of genuine concern, divulged the affair to matt. overwhelmed by betrayal, matt chose to end his relationship with y/n, leaving a trail of shattered trust in their wake.
❐ pairings » ex!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » mentions of cheating, angst, argument (resolved), happy ending
❐ a/n && w/c » the melatonin is taking over my body • 1.28k
august (p1) // cardigan (p2)
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it had been several months since matt ended things with you, and the wound still felt as fresh as the day it happened. the pain lingered, a constant reminder of the betrayal that had come to light. 
nate had been the one to break the fragile peace, his words like daggers as he revealed the secret of your summer fling with chris. the memory of that moment haunted you, the look of hurt and betrayal in matt's eyes seared into your mind.
and it hurt deeply. you were acutely aware that the blame lay squarely on your shoulders, recognizing that what you did was one of the most egregious betrayals imaginable. yet, despite the guilt and regret, you couldn't help but miss him profoundly. 
you missed the way he effortlessly brought laughter into your life, the tenderness of his kisses. you longed for the warmth of his embrace and the gentle way he would wipe away your tears, offering solace in your moments of sorrow.
the weight of your impulsive actions bore down on you, a constant reminder of the fragility of trust and the irrevocable damage caused by a moment of weakness. you longed for the days when his mere presence could soothe your soul, but now, that solace was lost to the consequences of your own making.
the depth of his struggle was evident in his absence, the way he retreated from the world, unable to confront the daily challenges without the support you once provided. his anxiety, once mitigated by your presence, now overwhelmed him completely, and the burden of knowing you were the cause of his distress weighed heavily on your conscience.
he had transferred to a different homeroom, his gaze never meeting yours, a silent testament to the chasm that now lay between you. each attempt to bridge the gap was met with cold indifference, his dismissal of your presence a painful reminder of the fracture you had caused. the once familiar warmth in his eyes had turned to ice, and the space where connection once flourished was now filled with an unspoken void.
your heels resonated with a rhythmic clink against the cobblestone as you inched closer to his abode. meticulously planned for weeks, the gravity of the moment now began to sink in, enveloping you in a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. each step echoed the weight of your intentions, a symphony of sound that underscored the significance of what was about to unfold.
your heels clinked on the hardwood floor of his porch, the sound sharp and crisp in the evening air. you raised your finger to the doorbell, the booming music from within the house reverberating through the walls, a stark contrast to the stillness outside. the cacophony inside seemed to mock the quiet resolve you had mustered, each beat amplifying the tension of the moment.
you felt like you couldn't breathe, the sight of his house for the first time since the breakup weighing heavily on you. the memories of that night, running out in tears, flooded back with an overwhelming intensity. each step closer seemed to tighten the invisible grip around your chest, the emotional weight almost too much to bear.
your best friend had informed you that he was hosting a party for the first time in months, the first since your breakup. she mentioned it would be the perfect opportunity to extend an apology. the thought of facing him again, amidst the revelry, filled you with a mix of apprehension and hope, the weight of unspoken words pressing heavily on your mind.
your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you pressed the doorbell, the sound reverberating through the house like a distant echo of your own heartbeat. each chime seemed to pulse through the walls, amplifying the tension that coiled within you.
you stood there, ensnared in a web of your own thoughts, until the door finally creaked open. the solitude of the moment stretched endlessly, each second an eternity, until the threshold was breached by another presence.
your lips parted ever so slightly, your eyes widening just a fraction, a subtle shift that could easily have been missed.
he looked astonishingly the same yet utterly mesmerizing. it was as though time had preserved him perfectly, but with an added brilliance that left you breathless.
the muscles in his face tightened, his eyebrows knitting together in a storm of frustration. “the fucking nerve,” he muttered, slamming the door shut, but you managed to catch it with your hand just in time.
“please, matt,” you pleaded, your voice barely more than a whisper, a fragile thread of desperation woven into your words. “i just want to talk.”
he opened the door just a fraction, his eyes locking onto yours as the rigidity in his muscles gradually melted away. the subtle shift in his expression spoke volumes, revealing a lingering affection that time and conflict had not erased. despite everything, he still loved you.
“fine,” he muttered, seizing your wrist with a firm grip and pulling you inside. he closed the door behind him with a definitive click, leading you through the house with an almost urgent determination until you found yourselves in the backyard, amidst the serene chaos of the garden.
he then released your hand, his voice carrying a firm edge as he spoke. “go ahead. talk.” there was no softness in his tone, only a resolute demand.
you stand in the garden, the evening breeze rustling the leaves around you, a stark contrast to the storm brewing in matt's eyes. "matt, please," you begin, your voice trembling with the weight of your regret. "i never meant to hurt you. i made a mistake, and i'm so sorry."
matt's jaw tightens, his eyes narrowing as he takes a step back. "sorry? you think sorry is enough? you betrayed me, y/n. you shattered everything we had."
you take a deep breath, feeling the sting of his words. "i know i did, and i hate myself for it. but i love you, matt. i can't imagine my life without you."
he scoffs, turning away from you, his fists clenched at his sides. "love? you call this love? you went behind my back, y/n. you broke my trust."
you take a deep breath, feeling the sting of his words. "i know i did, and i hate myself for it. but i love you, matt. i can't imagine my life without you."
his voice rises, sharp and cutting, "you think love excuses what you did? you think it makes everything okay? you destroyed us, y/n. and now you want me to just forget it ever happened?"
tears well up in your eyes as you step closer, reaching out to touch his arm. "please, matt. i know i've hurt you, but i promise i'll do whatever it takes to make it right. i can't lose you."
for a moment, he stands there, silent and rigid. then, slowly, he turns to face you, his eyes still filled with anger but softened by a glimmer of longing. "how can i trust you again?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
you take his hand in yours, your fingers trembling. "i'll prove it to you, every day. just give me a chance."
matt hesitates, his heart waging a war against his mind. finally, with a heavy sigh, he pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly. "i miss you so much," he murmurs, his voice breaking. "i love you, y/n. just... don't ever hurt me like this again."
you nodded against his chest, tears cascading down your face like a relentless river. "i won't, matt. i promise," you whispered, your voice trembling with the weight of your vow.
taglist — @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @pinkishpearls @bandanamatt @thedangerousalleyway @muchloveforhacker @frozenpeanutbutterr @jetaimevous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike @blahbel668 @slutforsturnioloss @realuvrrr @sturnobsessedwh0re
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iridescentscarecrow · 7 months
chainsaw man chapter 156:
thinking about yoshida as a framer. he’s the one who presents this frame to denji - one between normal and abnormal, the two choices he offers. a lot of the way this attempts to lend direction to denji’s journey borrows from how part one forms its narrative with its human/devil dichotomy.
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there’s a lot of nuance as to how this dichotomy is presented, and denji itself isn’t strictly a vessel for these values (this categorisation to them is rather conversed with through his mirror aki). denji’s existence as a hybrid searching for warmth and intimacy and his own dream confounds these values, this set structure. 
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because while the human/devil rift is resolved as false, it’s also clearly human built. devils are ideas that are built out of human fears and imaginings. we see devils being used as tools by the public safety while simultaneously being the ones they fight against.
this carries over into part two with fandom. i’ve talked about fumiko in specific to fandom multiple times already so i have little to say here but 
fandom in part two, with the use of ideas, with its iconisation is ultimately a concentrated and transparent version of the nature of part one’s devilhood. possession of this icon and its dispossession (non participation in this idea of yourself that decontextualises you from Family - nayuta) is the dichotomy here because the human/devil of part one is turned onto denji almost forcibly.
in p1 he receives aspects of this human/devil conundrum but his connection with pochita crystallised into hybridism builds onto this and in the end resolves it with the response to nayuta. the love.
and from his conversation with yoshida, we’re given denji defying the p2 dichotomy also because of pochita, the dog dream, the nayuta to it all (this connection, the family which i’ve already mentioned in quite a few of my earlier threads)
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and yoshida here is instead the vessel for these values, turned upon denji. personally a lot of his mannerisms come across as him himself understanding his role in this categorisation but the thoughts i have on him are still mere speculation. argh
i do find it very interesting here then how the dissection differs. denji in part one is killed as a human by the zombie devil and pochita stitches him back together as he is torn apart by the yakuza’s brutal violence. 
it’s quite the opposite here. pochita is the one who informs him about his body’s condition, its inability because in part this dissection is because of pochita. it’s nothing like the brutality of the yakuza, it’s cold and clinical. denji is regarded as a devil, entirely.
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his body parts which were cast away into the dumpster in part one are instead kept as precious treasures by his fan.
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fujimoto’s commentary on idealisation threads its way through his writing on devilhood, on religion and so much of this
is centred around the body. his writing of bodyhood when it comes to the weapon hybrids is something i’ve already written a little about, how its coming apart, its immortality is significant of its decontextualisation as conjectured with the context and the history offered by family and connection. and eating also becomes a carrier of the idea of the body (with the cannibalism in part one and even in fire punch).
denji’s story is devastating because of how it blurs between different structures and thus challenges them, is swallowed by them, is victimised by them. and this blurring is partly because of the very real underlying theme of love below all this. the love that makes pochita give life to denji, the same craving for intimacy that makes makima seek the chainsaw man and want to live together, eat together, sleep together with him,
the same love, conflicted and borne out of life under exploitation that denies and makes use of this love, which makes nayuta sacrifice herself for denji and denji struggle out of bed, having broken the rules for both the chainsaw man makima designed for him, and for nayuta.
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someloserinajaywig · 5 months
Dragons Rising S2P2 predictions because I can keep them to myself no longer 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ok this is going to be mostly Arin/Sora centric because HOOOO BOY do I sense trouble in the air for these two
First of all, Arin is DEFINITELY going to find out about Sora helping him out with the object spinjitzu thing and I think he’s going to be really really hurt. They spent so much time this season building up his feelings of insecurity and finding this out is going to bring them back in a HUGE way.
Another thing the writers spent a long time building up was Arin’s innate goodness/kindness/naivety. Call me crazy but I think he’s going to learn shatterspin in part 2 - the one thing that literally requires destroying the goodness in your soul. I don’t think he’ll use it much but I think he will learn it and be irreversibly changed
I can envision the lead-up to it so vividly and I think finding out what Sora did is going to be the tipping point. I think the rough timeline would go something like this:
Things are going well-ish. Arin’s confidence is restored and he’s back to training with a new enthusiasm. I don’t think he’ll master object spinjitzu at this point but he’ll be seeing more success and feeling better about himself
Something will happen - my guess some sort of pivotal battle where they’re relying on Arin’s object spinjitzu to save the day and it won’t work and Sora will have to come clean.
Arin - betrayed and insecure - lashes out towards Sora, and then towards Lloyd and the others when they try to comfort/calm him down. He says he needs some time to himself and runs off somewhere
While he’s alone, he’s approached by some force of evil (maybe Ras, or Ras’ master, or someone different entirely) and they use his insecurity to convince him that the ninja are holding him back - think like his conversation with Ras in part 1 - and because he’s feeling so awful about it he’ll agree to join them
Training under this new person, they’ll encourage him to work with all this insecurity and build up a ton of anger towards the ninja - especially Sora and Lloyd - and I think they’ll get him to use that to learn shatterspin
Also pretty sure Sora will learn spinjitzu & rising dragon in p2. Thematically this makes a lot of sense as Sora has been very intertwined with dragons since her introduction (she literally NAMED herself after one), and her element is all about creating new things and pushing the limits of what she can do.
Meanwhile Arin doesn’t have an element (as far as we’re aware, and I really hope it stays that way), and a parts his design speak to oni imagery - the horns especially. I don’t think it’s far-fetched so assume that under the right circumstances he may turn to destruction
Creation and Destruction never ever show up without each other in ninjago. They are completely linked and a recurring theme in the show and I think this will become WAY more evident as dragons rising progresses
Other small things:
Someone will find Jay, probably. (Hopefully!!!!) I’m hopeful for an angsty arc but in all honesty it seems like it’ll resolve quite quickly once they do find him. Tbh im happy either way I just miss my wife
Cole/Geo won’t become explicitly canon but they will continue being delightfully queercoded
I think Wyldfyre and Nya are both going to struggle without Kai,, he’s sort of been a father figure to both of them and knowing he’s stuck somewhere he might never escape from is gonna be really hard on them (esp for Nya who’s already sort of lost one of the most important people in her life)
More Wu info??? (Hoping for this! Hes present in at least one of the new sets (dragon stone shrine, linked below) so im hopeful we’ll find out what happened that silly old guy
PIXAL return???? (I’m begging on my hands and knees)
Arin Sora and Wyldfyre will meet Fritz and Spitz idk I just think that would be cute
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khadgarbignaturals · 2 months
endlessly devastated that messmer’s iconic line was changed in the story trailer vs in game. the line delivery in the game version just doesn’t do it like the trailer does. the calm and almost soft way he says it is so interesting for a character established as a cruel commander of a graceless war. in game he just sounds bored. like it’s something he’s scripted and said a thousand times already, even though there really haven’t really been any tarnished in the land of shadow before we arrive. i could analyze every line he says during the encounter. and i will
mongrel intruder
(said in a practiced way)
thou’rt tarnished it seemeth
(almost surprised)
mother wouldst thou truly lordship sanction in one so bereft of light?
(he hasn’t seen a tarnished like us, one who has ascended to lordship. the graceless war his mother sent him on was to cull those without light and yet here the tarnished is, contradicting everything. the line is delivered like it’s practiced but there’s no way there have been enough tarnished lords for him to regularly say that)
yet my purpose standeth unchanged
(resolving that despite the contradiction standing in front of him, he will follow his duty no matter what)
those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death in the embrace of messmer’s flame
(back to a practiced line)
i will not suffer… a lord devoid of light
(this tarnished is stronger that he thought. he starts to understand how the tarnished ascended to lordship and cannot accept it)
o mother, forgive me
(finally going against marika’s wishes despite his reluctance. he hasn’t heard from her for so long that all he has to go off of is from before the war, before marika left the land of shadow)
soon, tarnished. wilt thou be taken in the jaws… of the abyssal serpent, shorn of light
(accepts that he and the tarnished are graceless, and resolves to accept the base serpent to fight not only against the tarnished, but as a graceless being himself)
o lightless creature… embrace thine oblivion as shall i
(accepted that even if he kills the tarnished he will perish as well. finally shows some kind of unity with another being, even if its antagonistic)
mother… marika… a curse… upon thee…
(fully rejecting his mother’s orders and influence over him. he corrects himself to say her name, showing that even though he’s dying, he’s realizing and accepting her abandonment, recognizing it for what it is, and cursing her name because of it. as far as i know, the only person in the land of shadow with an even remotely positive view of marika was messmer and in his last words he renounces her for what she made him do, what she made him into, what she did to the world, what she did to him)
i didn’t include the p1 death line cuz it’s literally the same as the last line of his intro
its 4am i feel like im going insane. trina grant me sleep
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wbuckybarnes · 2 months
skk singer au, p2
tw: death, abuse, dazai-typical suicide and self harm mentions(?) slight inspiration from i was screaming your name through the radio by electricsplatter. definitely recommended DAZAI dazai, originally shuuji tsushima, would be signed under the port records as a child (around 10 or 11) due to his parents. because of his understanding in writing, reading, and singing music, he would quickly be placed as an executive at the ripe age of fifteen. he would be pressured by mori and manipulated into doing a lot of the work. dazai's parents signed him to the records because they weren't in a stage to take care of him, nor did they really want him. mori would take advantage of his mental health and do what most managers did: be forceful of the music that dazai produced and the shows. although being considered a prodigy, before the single of double black, he only recorded one EP of five songs. he only did a few shows, since he didn't like singing the songs and pretending with so many people in front of him, despite the popularity. because of the abuse he received from mori and his parents, he would project it on akutagawa. he would be harsh and always criticize him. at about seventeen, he would meet ango and oda. ango would be the one keeping all the contracts for the port records, while oda would be a simple lyricist for the smaller artists of the record. oda would be cut out from the record because of the emotional attachment dazai had to him. it would be about oda getting cut out of the records would be a turning point for dazai. he would finally understand that the port records wasn't a good place for him. despite his contract extending until twenty, he leaves the place, laying low until his contract officially ended. after that, he'd sign with the armed entertainment agency. he would initially just do paperwork and be a lyricist for kunikida. after a month or so, he starts recording singles and albums. he quickly becomes popular, and although only having three albums, earned lots of money on the tour he had. SOUKOKU their relationship would have tons of ups and downs. since they are both famous singers, they aren't looking for anything to stir up the people watching them. chuuya would feel somewhat betrayed that dazai left the port records, but would understand that it was a toxic environment for him. to him, the record company felt more empty without him. their relationship would take a turn when dazai went to one of chuuya's concerts at nineteen, when he was supposed to be 'laying low'. chuuya realizes that dazai still exists and hasn't killed himself or anything, and that sets him off. ("not a single text? not even one, dazai?") following this, they'd continue to bicker and fight. their relationship would receive publicity. the only time where they finally get it resolved is when dazai adds a love song labeled with his name on a new album, which makes the streams and famousness skyrocket, as well as conclude their feelings.
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cielomist · 1 month
thinking about how the maruki shit goes down in p5 suou au
mostly i'm thinking about it in the scenario of, for whatever reason, the thieves fail to complete maruki's palace in time so maruki sends joker to sleep for eternity
jun and tats are like "hey why the fuck has our son not come home yet, or even contacted us" so they go to tokyo to find him. idk if they're maruki-proof bc maruki has only done his godding in tokyo or they're just naturally resistant to having their memories fucked with since they still remember the Other Side in this au. but either way. something is VERY OBVIOUSLY WRONG when they run into wakaba of all people, who they both know should be very incredibly dead.
for this i want a smaller party, definitely with shiho being part of it, so i think they run into her and ann and are like "hello friends of our beloved son. where the hell is our beloved son" and get a non-answer bc it's hard for maruki to erase joker's existence entirely but also needed to kind of "write him out" of the Perfect World he created since joker's sleeping forever and he needs his friends to not be sad over his absence bc that would defeat the point of his perfect world without pain. anyway shiho recognizes that jun was her teacher when her parents transferred her out of shujin, and in the back of her mind she remembers awakening to irene (her persona, thank u again dani for shiho's phantom thief everything), and that nags at her until she breaks out of maruki's spell and has a bit of a breakdown over it bc those are very traumatic memories she just got back. but she resolves to help jun and tats figure out what the hell is going on, and i imagine ann also gets her true memories back shortly after shiho.
i also want akechi there bc i love having akechi around but idk if akechi is even still alive without joker being awake. but if he is around he also gets his memory back and is like "i have never been more homicidal than i am right now"
and jun definitely threatens to kill maruki with flowers. and on top of maruki not techincally killing but also basically killing his son he's somewhat upset with maruki being a souped up p2 joker with the wish granting and all. so he takes this all very personally. maruki will be lucky to make it out of any encounter with jun without a flower sticking out of his eye socket.
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
I am never not thinking about Renji giving people rides on Hihiou Zabimaru, but somehow I forgot about the time Rukia used a Hakuren to launch Kon into the air during the kemari episode.
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Reader, she was not sorry.
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Unfortunately he started to go out of bounds, so Tessai felt it necessary to shoot him down with a Bakudou #99, p2.
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I cannot emphasize enough that this was for a game of kemari to resolve some vague beef Rurichiyo and Kenryuu were having, there were literally no stakes whatsoever to everyone else, who just showed up and chose violence.
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kiskisur · 1 year
Req: parent!Kaeya and child!reader Where Kaeya tucks us into bed. ☺️ I need tooth rotting fluff in my life ☹️
ᝰ.ᐟ did you get enough love?
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warnings: nothing just pure fluff, gn!reader, reader is a minor and kaeya is a dad, reader's pronouns are they/them but more of a "you"!
note: STOP I IMMEDIATELY STARTED WORKING 💔💔 this is so cute it cured my daddy issues
kaeya - blue
traveler - orange
paimon - pink and white
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In the vast world of Teyvat, you held a special place as the beloved child of none other than Kaeya Alberich. Known not just as the charismatic Cavalry Captain but as a master of conversation, Kaeya's words wove a tapestry of stories and emotions that stretched far beyond the battlefield.
From your early days, his navy-blue hair, cascading like a midnight waterfall, was a familiar sight, complementing his tanned complexion and magnetic presence. Amid his responsibilities, Kaeya found moments to share enthralling tales of epic adventures. His voice, rich and resonant, had a way of drawing you in, his masterful storytelling igniting your imagination with each word he spoke.
But Kaeya's attentiveness went beyond tales alone. He made it a point to introduce you to the enigmatic Traveler and the lively Paimon during their daring escapades. These journeys painted the world in vibrant hues, the thrill of exploration mirrored in your eyes. Kaeya's paternal instincts were evident as he always chose routes that steered clear of lurking danger, prioritizing your safety above all.
Then came the day when you insisted on joining Kaeya on a daring mission. His hesitation, a blend of pride in your tenacity and concern for your welfare, was palpable. The mission pushed your limits, leaving you fatigued and worn. Yet, your determination to prove your worth to your father fueled your resolve.
Upon your return to Mondstadt, leaning into Kaeya's sturdy embrace brought a sense of comfort. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, he bid a fond farewell to the Traveler and Paimon. "Paimon told you, you shouldn't have brought your child with you, kaeya!" paimon crossed her arms while traveler just sighed in embarrassment. a soft laugh escaped his lips accompanied by an affectionate smile. The emotions in his gaze – pride, devotion, and an unwavering sense of guardianship.
"It's quite alright, my little dove is just exhausted from all the missions they did~" "but they didn't even do anything!?" "paimon, come on. you need sleep too you know.." "wh- hey! stop treating paimon like she's a kid!"
Guiding you back home, Kaeya's arms cradled you with utmost care. As he gently settled you on your bed, his touch was infused with the kind of tenderness only a father could muster. A gentle kiss planted on your forehead conveyed a world of love and protection, and as he dimmed the lights, his voice lingered in the air like a soothing lullaby.
"Goodnight, my little adventurer," Kaeya's voice murmured, a promise that reached beyond the veil of night. In that moment, you felt his love envelop you like a warm embrace, lulling you into a tranquil slumber.
ᝰ.ᐟ my little dove?
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connor6sex · 5 months
Princezam Sign Room stream title: The Dark Knight (april 28th, 2024)
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The Weaknesses Of My Enemies
Minutes greatest strength is PVP but if all of the battles we have are based on his decision making, puzzle solving abilities or any skill that really isn't just PVP. I will always have the upper hand. The more evil and harm I do the more Minute will realize that his plan to not kill me or ban me is simply just holding him back.
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Plans And Ideas I’d Like To Do
I want Minute to find something big thats really just part of my game. I want to place a bed and cover it in obby to see if they’ll ban me. I want to make 2 videos that will piss off the server + Minute. I want to force Jumper into killing me since shes the most corruptible. I want 2 innocent factions to blow up eachothers build to save 1. P1 has to blow up P2’s build to save their own < Example
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Difficult Choices For My Enemies
If I want this to work out I need to force my enemies into making difficult choices that put pressure onto them. Right now I’m not doing a good enough job at that so I’m being taken Lightly. Because of that Minute and his team can’t grow, can’t learn, can’t deepen their resolve or anything. I want to see them break their limits and remove their morals. Break all of their rules. become their most chaotic selves and I can’t achieve that without constant pressure. The greater the pressure the deeper the revelations that will come from them. I need ideas that force my enemies to make difficult choices U.P...
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My Purpose The True Meaning
MinuteTech wants a peaceful SMP with no violence or banning at all. a world willed with order and civil people. I on the other hand want the opposite of that. I want chaos I want fighting and for the people to kill one another. The two of us are fighting for Lifesteals Soul. We both want to control how the server functions and only one of us can win in the end. I want to do everything in my power to show Lifesteal that Minute isn’t as good as he’s convinced them he is. He’s worked so hard to craft a positive image of himself but i want to drag him down from that and put him back onto my level. The level that everybody on Lifesteal should be at. kill ppl smp.
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hamartiologic · 27 days
If Eris blackmailed Ryan in that one scene in the alleyway, what would Pandora’s action be in the same scenario?
This is a really good question! I had said before in the PL: Pandora Edition P2 post that I don't think Pandora would be involved in that incident, but if she was, I think it would go a little something like this:
I think Ryan is the type of person to still pull his fatal prank, even without Eris' goading—anything for the thrill, right? Here, Pandora would act as the voice of reason, assuming he somehow got wind of Ryan's shenanigans or just happened upon the scene. As Pandora tries to stop the tragedy from happening, it turns out that she's a little to late to save anyone, so now there's blood on Ryan's hands—and Pandora feels like she's stained her own as well.
That night, Pandora would go home stricken with grief over the harm that he inadvertently caused through his inability to save those poor people. Surely that couldn't have been real, right? She'll try turning away from her guilt, trying to convince herself in various ways of all the scenarios that could absolve her of the responsibility that weighs on her shoulders from being a witness. Moreover, he shuns Ryan, opting to distance himself from someone who could so recklessly put other peoples' lives on the line like that. Still, she wonders if it's the right thing to do, if being closer to him would put her in the right place to actually save anyone else, should he do it again.
Ultimately, she sticks with her decision to pretend like she doesn't know Ryan. It makes things easier for him. But if she were to get her hands on that USB... he would keep it in tow to convince himself that he did nothing wrong, that there was nothing he could've done. As for the confrontation, well... Ryan would have to piss Pandora off real bad for her to actually go back on her resolve to never involve herself with Ryan again. I imagine Pandora would be in tears from the overwhelming anger in this instance, airing out all his grievances with Ryan in that moment, and when Ryan brings up the incident, Pandora will reveal that, surprise surprise, he has the USB so if Ryan doesn't want to get in trouble, he'd better stand down and listen to everything Pandora has to say. In the end, the evidence puts Pandora in a position where he's in control, so... she'll keep holding onto it.
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entertext · 1 year
HGSN 19-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Yoshiki: It's here. Another monster. Don't look at it. Don't look.
Yoshiki: (don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look don't look)
Yoshiki: ('Hikaru'...!!)
Student: Huh? Wait, isn't this bad!?
(sfx: slam, thud, whack)
Student: What's that?
Student: Huh!?
Hikaru: Yoshiki
Hikaru: That's a human.
Student: Huh...!? No way...
Student: *shrieks*!!
Student: That intruder from before...I heard he slit his own throat with a hidden knife
(blackboard: Self-study)
Student: They said Yoshinaga-sensei also got cut and sent to the hospital...
(sfx: crowd chatter)
Student: They're gonna end class and send everyone home now, aren't they?
Yoshiki: Asako
Asako: That intruder...
Asako: ...had something get inside him.
Yoshiki: Get inside?
(sfx: chatter)
Asako: Yeah, something scary was, like this, inside... "Possession"?
Asako: It's not like I can see anything, but somehow I can tell that it's a person that something got inside.
Asako: Lately there's been more and more of them... Hikaru, are you okay?
(sfx: chatter)
Hikaru: Me?
Asako: You super-duper absolutely have something inside you...
Hikaru: Huh? Haha, Ha! I'm totally fine~!
Hikaru: Guess I'm ghost resistant! Wonder why!
Asako: Oh, okay...
Asako:  Hey...what'll we do if something happens to any of us?
Asako: It's finally come all the way to school...
Asako: Even though I can't do anything about it...
Yoshiki: Asako...
Yoshiki: What should we do....?
Hikaru: *whisper* Asako's also noticed that the impurities have been steadily increasing
Hikaru: Doing something about it is one of the reasons we're researching right now, remember?
Hikaru: If it comes to it, I'll...
(sfx: sharp pain)
Hikaru: ....
Yoshiki: What is it?
Hikaru: Nothing, my elbow is just...
Hikaru: ...bruised.
Hikaru: I banged it against a desk when someone pushed me earlier
(sfx: slam)
Asako: Oh! Are you okay? I'll get you something to put on it.
Hikaru: Oh, uh... thanks.
Hikaru: (Pain...? Even though up until now, I barely felt any...)
-- (at Diner "Amerika")
(sfx: door chime)
(sfx: plates clatter)
(sfx: crowd noise)
(Diner: ...And then, like...)
(Diner: I'd like to order number 8, please!)
(Waitstaff: Welcome!)
Hikaru: You're really studying even at a time like this?
Yoshiki: I'm thinking about what we should say to Grandpa Takeda...at the same time.
(sfx: kick)
Hikaru: ...Hey...You still have my "fragment", right?
(sfx: crowd noise)
(sfx: plate clatter)
(Waitstaff: Here you go!)
Yoshiki: I have it
Yoshiki: I'm keeping it on me at all times
(sfx: crowd noise)
Hikaru: Definitely don't lose it.
(sfx: plate clatter)
(sfx: door chime)
Hikaru: If it broke, I probably wouldn't be okay either
Yoshiki: Huh!? It's that important!?
Hikaru: Obviously...It's proof of my resolve. Though if you put it back into my body, it might go back to normal...
(sfx: plates clatter)
Hikaru: But well, there isn't anything like a way to destroy that anywhere at all
Yoshiki: (I'll put it somewhere it'll be harder to lose...)
Yoshiki: *sigh*
Yoshiki: ...
Next chapter: 2023/07/25
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Nude man scary...
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