#(signing up my shop with a Facebook account)
rosicheeks · 1 year
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 11 months
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summary: killing kim myeong-gil would bring many people satisfaction. as hyeon-ju, gun-woo, woo-jin and the others begin to plan on how to do it, choi knows that there's someone in seoul who would take part in it with much pleasure.
wordcount: 3.348k (i got a little bit excited, the other chapters gonna be shorter don't worry)
tw: swearing, almost-fighting, so just plain bloodhounds-things (i update this section with every new part of the story)
author's note: i watched the k-drama in one day, it's wonderful. a little explaining for the "y/h/c", i wrote it with creme-blonde haired character so i'd recommend some extreme or light color. other than that, it's free for every hair color!!
in the burger shop, the pregnant silence after gun-woo's confession about the loan and his mother's café shop was broken by the arrived burgers, brought by woo-jin. hyeon-ju's face became hard again.
"as you heard, my grandpa is no longer a loan-shark. he provides zero-interest loans to people in need. but we occasionally come across punks who try to take advantage of his good heart. yang jae-myeong was one of them. he lied about his mother needing to get an operation. he borrowed ten million won and vanished. it took me half a year to track him down. i saw him begging in front of a train station. at first, I thought he had really become homeless, but i noticed how clean his teeth were as I was passing by. so i tailed him, I found out that he and his goons were pretending to be homeless and stealing IDs from actual homeless people. they use the IDs to create shell corporations and open bank accounts. then they con loan sharks and take out loans anywhere from tens to hundreds of millions of won. this tactic was so professional, we thought there could be someone behind yang jae-myeong. i heard that this person had connections to yang jae-myeong. do you know him?"
after the photo was shown, they talked about how to follow yang jam-myeong's gang, but before the trio stood up from the table, hyeon-ju nodded to the guys to stay sit. digging into her jacket's pocket, she took out a piece of paper that seemed to be like a photo.
"before you begin stalking the gang, i want you to find this girl. i didn't have the time to talk to her, since i was searching for yang jae-myeong, but now i want you two to talk to this girl. gun-woo, tell her about the loans your mom signed and what happened after. she's hard-headed and kind of keeping to herself."
"fine, but who's she?" woo-jin asked, as gun-woo looked at the picture. long y/h/c hair, the mask was on her face, but she had wide, clear speaking eyes. ones like woo-jin's, the ones you look in and can read from them without a loud word.
"she's y/n. i heard my grandpa talk about him on the phone, this was the only picture i could get about her. she doesn't have instagram, facebook or any of these apps, i took this from my grandpa's office. it's possible that she won't open up to you, but it's a must to talk to her."
"yeah, i get it. but why do you want us to find her?" gun-woo was also interested about this question. was she an enemy? young kids can also be stolen by criminals and raised by them, to be as loyal as a dog can to do anything for theirs.
"y/n is good, don't worry. as far as i know from what my grandpa said on the phone, she is someone whose parents were close to my grandpa. she followed her father's track and trained herself in the most brutalist martial arts, like the israelite krav maga, the russian systema or muay thai."
"aisssh, i wouldn't want to confront her in any way", woo-jin said. gun-woo thought about these fights; he only saw muay thai on tv, and that seemed really dangerous in itself. he knew that as soon as they begin to track the girl, he's gonna search up the other two martial arts on his phone.
"yeah, me neither" gun-woo added.
"will you two do? and asking for her phone number?" hyeon-ju asked, the guys nodded.
"yes, of course. but i'll bring a white flag just in case", woo-jin answered as they stood up from the table.
a few hours later, gun-woo and woo-jin were on the streets, wandering around buildings.
"fuck, how can we find someone in a town where nearly ten million people lives?" woo-jin asked. gun-woo looked at the picture. 
“hyeon-ju said that she’s a pro in martial arts. maybe we should look in the gyms?” 
woo-jin patted his chest, “look, a real genius here.” 
going to every gym around the town, gun-woo and woo-jin began to lose hope. 
“maybe she’s working today or just doesn't feel like coming down to train.” gun-woo began to think about what to tell hyeon-ju if they don’t find the girl. she sure will be pissed or angry, but this is a really difficult task. 
“aish, gun-woo, don’t be like that! would you say something like this? people like us, people who train daily, their safe place is the gym. feeling sad? go to the gym! feeling happy? go to the gym! did your date went well? go to the gym! you just broke up with your girlfriend? go to the gym! look, for every problem, there’s a solution, and the solution is called–”
as woo-jin talked and talked, gun-woo thought he’s hallucinating. on the other side of the crosswalk, a girl tapped on her phone. same (y/h/c) hair, same (e/c) eyes, the same way she dipped her shoulder as she looked behind her, even the black sweater was the same. she wasn’t tall, the arms of her sweater weren't puffed from muscles. maybe she isn’t y/n, but they can try. 
“woo-jin, look. do you think that is her? y/n?” he asked, cutting off his friend. woo-jin looked at the picture, than at the girl, than at the picture again, and the girl again. 
“honestly, how could we know if we don’t ask her?” woo-jin smiled, just as he always does when he’s in some doubtful situation. they began to walk behind the girl. she wore earphones. woo-jin went to tap her shoulder, but when he touched her shoulder, the girl turned around, grabbing woo-jin’s wrist to keep him still so she could punch him in the face, gun-woo hurried to stand beside woo-jin. the girl took out the earphones with her free hand. 
“what the fuck do you want from me?” she asked, looking up from under her eyebrows, looking from one second to another at each of them, like she waited for some attack. she really was a pro, gun-woo said to himself. gun-woo had to admit that she was quite pretty. not like pretty girls from clubs or his high school and university, or the nurses at the marine, but some pretty girl that his mother would like to date him. he bent deep down. 
“we are sorry to disturb you, but we have a question. we don’t mean harm, we don’t intend to hurt you” he said fast, and the girl let go woo-jin after looking at the guy, and making sure he nodded. the girl turned, pointing to one of the restaurants. 
“can we talk while i eat? i just came out from training, i’m starving.” woo-jin and gun-woo nodded, following the girl. 
“so, what did you want to ask?” the girl began eating. woo-jin looked at gun-woo, who watched her dainty fingers grabbing the utensils. he sighed and took out the photo, placing it down to the table so the girl could see, she stopped eating instantly. pulling up her eyebrows, she distanced from the table a little bit. before any of the guys could talk, the girl began to speak fast and stark. “are you from the police? the secret service or some fucking spy-bullshit? what the fuck do you want from me? it doesn’t matter, i shouldn't talk to any of you, i’m not gonna do this shit. how did you get this photo of me?” gun-woo wanted to talk, but the anger in her eyes made his mouth shut. “doesn't matter, i hope i'll never see you again.” she began to pick up her things. gun-woo thought about hyeon-ju, sir choi, her mother, and the ugliest guy that beat him up that night in the coffee shop. 
“we just want to ask you about your name,” he spoke clear. “we’re just curious if you’re y/n or not. anyway, my name is gun-woo, and he’s woo-jin.”
“yeah, why? you probably know this because you have every information about me.” she replied, her chest rising and falling a little bit faster than usual. 
“no, we don’t. we… so, well… we know a man who’s name is sir choi. and her granddaughter… her granddaughter told us to meet you.” 
y/n looked around herself, like checking if someone else was there as a spy or some third wheeler, but when everybody was lazily chomping down on their dinner, being on their phone with some boring video or tweet, she slowly sat back down. sir choi’s name moved something in her, because she leaned closer to the guys. 
“if that’s what about i think it is about, then this is some serious shit. really, maybe the most serious shit in seoul’s money and business history, so if you truly mean sir choi’s name, than i really recommend you two to turn around and walk away from all of this. understood?” gun-woo sighed. 
“i think that i’m deeper in this than i wanted to”, he replied, the girl looked at him from under her lashes. 
“what do you mean? is this about loans?” gun-woo nodded, the girl looked up to the ceiling, sighing, letting out a long whisper of swearings. “then we aren't talking about the price of my dinner, aren't we?”  
“we don't talk about money, we talk about catching the men who are behind this.” woo-jin continued, y/n looked up at him, smiling sadly. 
“i hope that you are alright in the head, so you can understand that this is nearly impossible.” 
“it is not, believe us. we gonna find a man who’s in contact with them.” y/n sighed, looked to the side, looking at her phone. 
“how can i trust you two? really, anyone can talk to me about this, anyone who took loans from the old man.” “we found this photo of you in sir choi’s office.” 
“you two? how did you get into sir choi’s office? not even his closest people could get there.” gun-woo looked at woo-jin, sighing. 
“well, not us, but his granddaughter. her name is hyeon-ju, we are her so-called bodyguards.”
“i don’t know anyone who’s name is hyeon-ju. so, summing up, not sir choi, but his granddaughter wants to talk to me? why?” 
woo-jin looked at gun-woo. “can we talk a little bit?” 
“sure.” y/n responded, turning back to her food. woo-jin gulped. 
“should we tell her about the plan? yang jae-myeong? but what if hyeon-ju wants to tell her this?”
“i think she would understand it better if we told her. she doesn't know who we are, and sir choi’s name means something to her, but in this case, sir choi doesn't know about our mission.” woo-jin shrugged his shoulder, turning back to y/n. 
“it’s about catching a man who’s in connection with the loan-sharks, and the one smile capital. since hyeon-ju told us to find you, we think that you’d be interested to catch these guys.” 
“this is real, they have some repayments for me.” gun-woo somehow knew that this wasn't about money, but how could he ask when they knew each other for two hours? 
“so, are you in it, or not?” woo-jin leaned forward, offering his hand for a handshake. y/n pointed up her forefinger. 
“one talk. only one session with hyeon-ju, and then i decide whether i'm in or not.” she stated, woo-jin and gun-woo nodded, while they smiled lightly. looking at each other, they shared the ‘we made it’-look, making the girl scrunch her eyebrows. “okay then, where and when should we meet tomorrow? i guess this can't wait, if that’s so important that you found me.” y/n brushed her hair behind her ear, gun-woo didn’t miss the tattoos on her fingers, and the 
“maybe… tomorrow at noon? here, in front of this restaurant.” gun-woo offered, the girl nodded. 
“deal. see you guys tomorrow!” she said as she stood up, gun-woo stood up too. he didn't know why, he just felt that he needed to accompany the girl, no matter where she went home. 
“wait, y/n!” the girl turned around, woo-jin looked at him like he had some shock or something. “where… where do you go home?” 
‘to yongsan, and you?” she asked, gun-woo’s eyes lighted up. 
“me too. would you mind if i… so, maybe we can go home together?” he asked, hoping that the girl wouldn't mind. 
“yes, we can. goodbye, woo-jin!” she answered easily, bidding goodbye to the guy beside gun-woo. after she went out of the door, woo-jin began to lap gun-woo’s back. 
“aye, gun-woo! did little y/n just trickle some love into your heart?” he asked grinning, gun-woo shook his head. 
“no, it’s just… what if she gets into trouble at night? it’s dangerous.” gun-woo answered innocently, making woo-jin do a little ‘tsk’ in the corner of his mouth. 
“by her grabbing on my wrist before he almost punched me to death, the one who needs protection is me!” woo-jin dramatized the situation, pointing at his wrist. 
“she didn’t do anything, and she won’t again. she seems… peaceful.” 
“yeah, well, stopped beating me because she found his prince.” woo-jin continued the teasing by adding some eyelash flutter that girls do when they find someone really handsome, making gun-woo roll his eyes. “okay, well, just go. and tell me everything when you get home. or… if you haul up at hers. or i hope that your house has thick walls and your mother doesn’t mind the constant whining noise!” he giggled, having fun. he could tease his friend forever, now that this girl was in the picture. 
“woo-jin-ah! don’t do this!” gun-woo replied, making woo-jin laugh. 
“okay, okay! have fun, and bring her too! don’t forget to ask for her phone number!” 
“goodnight, woo-jin.” 
stepping out into the chilly night air, y/n waited for him. they began to walk to the bus station. gun-wo thought about what he should ask from her. family? no, that's too personal, and they just met today. he wasn’t good with girl stuff, only had one girlfriend and she dumped him after two months, when he applied to the marine. 
“so, since when do you box?” she asked, making gun-woo looking at her wondering. 
“how… how did you know that i box?” y/n snapped with her tongue, looking at him. she had pretty eyes, and although her mask was on, she seemed like this was the easiest question in her entire life. 
“when your friend grabbed my shoulder, his grip was firm, his palms are not too big, but they are strong. he lifted his other arm, just in case he needed to protect himself. i think i even saw your friend on the tv. you two are muscular, it can be seen from under jackets, but your legs’ aren't as muscular as your torso. in other martial arts, you need to train your legs too, to kick as strong as you can, but in boxing, you only use your arms. oh, and bodyguards are most of the time professional agents, but you two are young. or am i wrong?” 
gun-woo didn’t know how to respond, he wanted to tell her how cool it was to deduce what they did, just from looking at them. 
“no, you are right. and… hyeon-ju told us that you are a pro in many martial arts, so… since when do you train?” 
“since my childhood. it’s not that difficult, many movements and styles are similar.”
“did you fight competitively? like, in championships?” 
y/n shook her head. 
“no. only in gyms, i don’t like championships. you can get burned out easily. but i guess, since you asked that, you do championships. what is it like?” 
gun-woo smiled under his mask. y/n was really cute as she asked about him. otherwise, maybe he could never tell her these things. he wasn’t a man of words, and only a few times he knew what to say. 
“you would like it, really much. before covid, the arenas were filled with people, and the energies, the mood was really high and good.”
y/n hummed as they got on the bus, sitting beside each other. gun-woo protested that he should sit on the outer seat, and as y/n didn’t sense any dangers from him, she accepted and sat down. 
“i hope that this hyeon-ju girl is cool, because i had some cat fights with others in the last weeks. girl fight in the gyms, you know.”
“cat fights? with girls?” 
“yeah, but it wasn't so serious, i wondered where all the girls were, who'd ripped each other apart. a year ago, those fights were brutallic, like some freaking mma-cage fight, and now… at there, we say about these lazy gym-championships that there were no claws, but only strokes.” 
gun-woo snickered. 
“and these gym fights, do they pay well? or… do you work somewhere?” 
the girl looked at him, scanning him from bottom to top while leaning to the glass window, leaning on her elbow, tilting her head. “you don’t look like a drinker, so i don’t think we would meet at my workplace.”
“you're a bartender? woo-jin would like this! he likes to drink, sometimes, always saying how good he can bear alcohol.”
y/n laughed. 
“yeah, he looks like the typical tough guy who grew up on the bad side of the river, but when the two of you constantly looked at each other, i knew that he’s just as rookie as you.”
“yeah, that’s right. we began to work recently at sir choi, we are his granddaughter’s, hyeonju’s bodyguards. but she said she don’t need bodyguards.”
“but if she doesn’t need you, then how did you stay?” 
gun-woo sighed. 
“i… i begged for her to stay. i have a debt to work off to sir choi.” 
“oh, so you work down the loan sir choi gave you, and this is the way you are affected personally by these loans?” 
gun-woo thought about that night. when in-beom beat him up, when the boss threatened him not to call the police because his mother would end up dead, when he felt like he can’t do anything. looking at y/n, he didn’t want this girl to get involved in this business. gulping, gun-woo nodded. 
“yeah. my mother too.”
“you work for your mother and her protection? you take life danger upon yourself so that she doesn't get hurt?” y/n asked, pulling together her eyebrows. 
“we could say so.”
y/n sighed, looking forward, leaning back on the seat. looking at her hands, picking at the tattoos she had on her fingers. after a few seconds, she bent closer to gun-woo. she had dauntlessness and bravery in her eyes, without a blink of her eyelashes. her lashes were longer than usual, giving her the attitude on the outside as on the inside. pressing the get-off button of the bus, she gathered her bag in her lap. 
“i understand it now. in this case, count me in, too.” 
gun-woo looked at her. 
“why? you doesn’t even know what is this about, this is serious danger, y/n.” 
y/n shrugged her shoulders as gun-woo let her out from her seat, as they stood, y/n gave her a piece of paper. 
“because it’s personal for me, too. see you tomorrow, gun-woo.” 
gun-woo bent deep down as the bus stopped. 
“thanks, y/n, for talking to us, and not beating up woo-jin.”
y/n giggled, and bent slightly down too. 
“thank you for giving me an opportunity.”
as she got off, gun-woo sat back, folding out the paper. it was her number, they didn’t even ask for her number and she gave it to him! on the paper, there was a little message too. 
show this to hyeon-ju. you guys forget everything. make sure she notes my number. and don’t worry, we are going to figure this out, one way… or another. y/n. 
author's note: i hope you liked the first chapter. sorry for my english, it's not my first language, and i just got back to writing after a looong break. leave a like or comment if you liked it!! by babes
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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If you go to https://instagram.com/netherworldpost -- and you're logged into Instagram -- you'll see my page.
If you are not, you'll see the above.
I have no way of fixing this.
I have no way of contacting Instagram or Facebook.
Because I have a tiny account, I cannot find a way to contact them.
I have not received a notice of violation.
I have not violated anything.
I know this because I can still post via mobile. I can see the account, when logged in. There aren't any warnings.
The Facebook page is working fine.
My options are basically "abandoned Instagram for business" or "create a new account." Fortunately the shop hasn't launched so it kinda doesn't matter.
You know how I get a bit intense about "social media marketing is not a viable solo path forward for marketing small business"?
This is why.
Something happened somewhere and I can't fix it.
netherworldpost.com has the email sign up.
This I can control because the system that handles it (Shopify) has a customer service line I can contact.
I'm using Shopify now until I decide on an email provider, who will similarly have customer service I can contact.
The first product I launch is going to be a $1 physically mailed newsletter that says "Hey this is what's going on. Your $1 helps keep us in business."
One of my first blog posts is going to be "this is how I built the $1 physically mailed newsletter and why I think you should build one for your shop and/or subscribe to others."
netherworldpost.com has the email sign up one last time
as a side note if anyone knows how to fix ths I would love details, thank you
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gowns · 1 year
stupid little discount tricks, since people are asking
when shopping online: sign up for the email newsletter. there's usually a signup discount code for 5-15% off. (you can unsubscribe later)
search "website" + "discount code" "coupon code" etc
have a credit card plug in like the one i have that automatically searches for coupon codes
fill your shopping cart then "abandon it" and you might get an email offering you a discount
check social media, because every once in a while a company will advertise a sale or code on an instagram graphic and nowhere else.
keep track of when companies do their seasonal sales and the amounts (kind of playing the long game here). but for instance, when hanna andersson was having a 20% off sale a couple months ago i held off because i knew there was a 40% spring sale coming up. at the end of every season, they do big sales to try to offload things to make room for the new season's inventory.
search for items on reselling sites e.g. poshmark, ebay, etc, and watch the prices and how they compare to retail. depending on the item you may also want to scope out craigslist, fb marketplace. you know that 40% off hanna andersson sale i mentioned? it still won't be as dirt cheap as finding those clothes on facebook.
you know the junk mail you get? that also has coupons... you can play the long game here with some "extreme couponing," comparing the different discounts that come out from different stores at different times.
never buy anything full price, unless it's urgent or some kind of everyday purchase
(this one i learned from my bastard stepfather, it's not great for retail workers but you will usually get a discount): when shopping in person, find a dumb little flaw in an item then bring it up to the cashier and be like "oh there's a button missing (or what have you) can i have a discount?" usually the retail workers are like "ughhhh horrible little man. sure. have a discount." this does not always work and fills me with shame whenever i do it but when it does work. hey. discount!
if you combine all these things you will find yourself never paying full price for anything. discounts forever.
more saving money tricks:
join your local buy nothing group - this is a facebook thing but they're also trying to build up the website. post an "ISO" (in search of) whatever you need and you'd be surprised at what you can find. we got a lot of our furniture and rugs from the buy nothing group when we moved. for freeeeee
(this one sounds like an ad but it's not i just like my service:) to save on your phone bill, use a service like twigby, which will buy out your phone contract and then you pay a discount for the same cell plan / cell towers. i pay only $25 a month for a lot of data and texts. i used to pay like $100 a month for the same. i've had it for years now, nothing shady about it.
keep receipts for everything, you can return most things. if the return policy is strict, begging and pleading works sometimes.
speaking of begging and pleading. you guys know about like, gym memberships and dance classes? i used to do customer service for a ballet studio that used a popular fitness CRM. if people emailed me like "hey my classes expired, can you please put them back :(" i would do it. it's very easy to do it - i'd just go into their account and adjust it. so like, imagine: people who didn't email customer service would just have expired classes. people who DID email me with a sad email like "hey my classes expired can you help :(" would usually get extended classes, refunds, trades for comparable services, etc.
remember all the secondhand sites mentioned above? whatever you buy, you can later resell. it takes a little bit of time to take pictures and write out the details in the reselling posts, but if you're hurting for money it's not a bad way to get $. people will buy random things. computer parts. old video games. furniture. clothes and shoes are very easy to resell on a site like poshmark or depop, but you can also search facebook for certain clothing brands and find B/S/T (buy sell trade) groups. also search for your town + "swap meet" / "classifieds" "resell" / "buy sell trade" etc groups.
(another tip from the bastard stepdad, i do not fully endorse this but hey, it works in times of desperation): to maximize value at a restaurant, you can take things that are out on the table, like sugar, pepper, jam, etc. if you want to get real silly about this you take advantage of free bread / free chips by scooping them all into a tote bag. (i was rattled with shame when my stepdad did this when i was younger but you know what. it's a thing you can do.)
grocery-specific tips:
always look at the number next to the retail price, with the unit price. you want the cheaper unit price 95% of the time. it only doesn't make sense to buy the cheaper unit price when you're buying something for a really limited use. look around the item for similar items and make sure you're getting the best value. this was drilled into me at a young age but not everyone knows about this
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always scope out the corners of a grocery store, they usually have a rack of discounted / about to expire food that is usually fine.
there is also dumpster diving which is also usually fine. i don't have too many tips about this because it's not my forte but the tips are out there; when grocery stores are closing they want to just get rid of stuff. so take advantage. weird tip here: go to a farmer's market when they're about to close. a lot of the purveyors just want to go home and will totally sell you their stuff at a cheaper rate so they can pack less into their truck. this works especially well for bread products at the farmer's market because they won't be able to sell day-old bread at the next day's farmer's market.
when you're living high on the hog from all your discounts, make sure you give freely in return. i donate food to food pantries and community fridges; i give away stuff on my buy nothing group + shelters; i put books in the free little libraries; etc.
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Hey do you know of any posts where people shared their experiences of meeting/communication with Anne? I remember seeing one that shared a negative story but couldn't find it and was wondering who else had experiences with her.
I'm not sure about ones that are floating around, so please everyone feel free to share with me & anon!!!!!!! I know a lot of Tumblr fandom has met her or had talked to her on Facebook, and she was usually pretty good about answering emails and things like that. There's also some accounts documenting some of her worse behavior over the fanfic stuff and lashing out at reviewers, so those I think can be easier to find sometimes LOL.
I can share that I met her in 2016 and she was super fucking nice to me. 🥹 It was a PLROA signing. Chris was there too and I had brought a really old edition of A Density of Souls with me in case he'd be willing to sign it. But as I handed it to him I was teasing him because his author picture on the back was so silly and old and he looked like a baby. He went "MOM, MOM! I'M LIKE A GAY LITTLE LOLITA!!!" and we all laughed. 😂
I also had a moment to ask her if there was a band she thought Lestat's band sounded like bc at the time I was on this mega Sisters of Mercy kick and that's always been my Lestat band in my mind, but she told me she had Jim Morrison and The Doors in mind. :D
This was right when they announced that she'd gotten the rights to VC back and they were shopping around to make the TV show, so they were discussing that and had a Q&A with the audience about what we wanted to see on the show or what the production timeline would be. Some people also asked her questions about writing and she just lit up giving people writing advice. She kept repeating over and over that writing is so important and good and she was just super enthusiastic and encouraging, it was really sweet. :)
Like as a life long fan I know she wasn't a perfect person but I met her as this like sweet old lady who just wanted everyone to have fun lol.
Also I wore a cameo necklace bc Blackwood Farm lmao and she complimented it and I still die when I think about it 😭
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starcrossed-sky · 9 months
(previous anon) thank you for the detailed answer. my knees have no cushion either! and yeah, my body does not move the way i want it to in a few ways. standing still for more than a minute or so quickly gets very painful, and the only way to mitigate it temporarily is to walk slowly or shift my weight from one foot to the other if sitting isn't an option. i have to sit when i bathe/do dishes/laundry. i've mentioned this to doctors in the past, but they just tell me to exercise more, which unfortunately is not ideal because exertion makes my base level of fatigue worse to the point where i can't keep up with my day job. i'll put a pin on seeing a physical therapist some time, though; i have been planning to look into my mobility issues for a while.
about dieting- i've always been fat, since i was a child, and i felt completely neutral about my own body. when i was a small child, it was seen as cute and a sign that my parents fed me well, but by the time i was in high school, PE class involved everyone getting their BMI measured and i was classified as obese (32 or so). ever since then, my mother has been obsessed with my weight and mentioning how worried she is for my health and how i should definitely be on a diet because i was "ballooning" (said with terror and pleading).
but i was kinda never sold on it? i have relatives who're huge into dieting and would post their gym and progress photos on facebook, but some months later i'd see them at reunions and they had already gained it all back. i even had a distant aunt whose heart gave out because she gained and lost so much weight many times throughout her life. when it came to weight loss, my stance has always been: what's the point of all that effort and expensive products/services if it's so easy to gain it back anyway? i just want my weight to be stable, not to keep going down. unfortunately, i live in southeast asia, where being fat is seen as "you're gonna have a heart attack any minute if you don't drop everything and lose weight right fucking now!!!"
if anything, the only thing that annoys me about my weight and general size/shape is that it's hard to shop for clothes and shoes in my size lol. specialized plus size stores are always more expensive, economies of scale, etc. i always gotta rely on hunting for foreign overruns or secondhand stuff since everyone's so small in my country :p
Oh god, I can't imagine trying to shop for clothes at our size (I think my BMI is also in the lower half of the 30s... not that I pay attention bc that's not what BMI was designed for) in an Asian country. It's hard enough in the US and over here, Asian sizes are notorious for "plan on buying at least one size up from your US size, probably two." I hav e enough of an interest in Asian fashion that I go looking occasionally and immediately have to laugh in pain at "size: XL waist: 112cm" type size charts. (my waist for reference is 50in/127cm)
You should definitely see a physical therapist if you can find a decent one (I have no advice for this, on account of there being an ocean between us, and also I myself have never actually used one). I only had immediate pain from standing during the worst of my Bad Hip period, but I have permanent back problems and can't stand for long periods without an assistive device (which in my case means... a heavy backpack as a counterweight. Lmao.)
Also, as far as fatigue goes, if your body is running estrogen as your primary hormone, get checked for anemia! I had horrific anemia before getting on T, and it was a definite factor in my chronic fatigue.
And, well, yeah, none of what you described with your relatives is surprising to me, as someone who has followed actual weight health science all my life as a survival need. Humans tend to vary by 5 or so pounds in either direction depending on various factors, but any weight loss of more than 10-15 lbs (please don't ask me to convert to kilos I don't have that one memorized) is like... it's medically concerning... unless the person is dieting! then it's fine!
Yeah, bullshit.
Good luck out there anon.
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swradiogram · 11 months
Shortwave Radiogram, 20-25 July 2023: Digital modes from supercapacitors infused with espresso
We use Twitter @SWRadiogram extensively to share results of Shortwave Radiogram reception, and to send reminders about transmissions during the weekend. It is a simple and functional platform for that purpose. But, with uncertainties about the future of Twitter, I looked into Threads, the new competitor to Twitter. Establishing an Instagram account is prerequisite to getting on to Threads. I did that, and soon decided that Instagram does not interest me, for receiving or sending. I would just proceed to Threads. However, I learned that Threads does not, yet, have a desktop version. I don't do mobile, except sometimes as an internet radio, and to communicate with my wife. ("Where are you?" "I'm in the cat food aisle.") So I would just wait until Threads can be used on a desktop. A few days after signing up for Instagram, I received a rather stern notice from Instagram informing me that my account has been suspended. This is before I posted anything to Instagram or Threads. They mentioned procedures 1) to find out why the account was suspended and 2) to request a review of the suspension. I am not going to bother with those procedures. Threads will have to go on without me. I will stick with Twitter until it self-destructs, then probably exit social media altogether, and return to a unsociable linear website. Years ago, I had a Facebook account. I used it only to relay news about international broadcasting from my kimandrewelliott.com website (my @kaedotcom Twitter account is now my outlet for international broadcasting news). That Facebook account was also suspended, probably because I used a third-party app to push the website items to my Facebook page. So it seems that I've never met a Meta that will have me as a member. A video of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 313) (Friday 1300 UTC) is provided by Scott in Ontario. The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. H0b0_Radio has this IQ recording of the Saturday 0230 UTC broadcast. An archive of received images is provided by John @highroute in California. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany, plus his notes on the closing music. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 314, 20-25 July 2023, in MFSK modes as noted: 1:39  MFSK32: Program preview 2:47  MFSK32: Milestone in energy capacity of supercapacitors 6:39  MFSK64: Espresso might be helpful against Alzheimer's* 11:58  MFSK64: This week's images* 28:41  MFSK32: Closing announcements Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
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Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio, and This Is A Music Show (TIAMS). The schedules for these fine broadcasts are posted here.                                                                                                                                 Gabriel in Colombia sent an email with these images received 15 July 2023, 0230-0300 UTC, 9265 kHz from WINB Pennsylvania ...
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thealleydog · 1 year
Once again, I'm heated. This a vent/rant.
Hate the word "triggered", but your girl got triggered today.
Now, I'm preparing to clear out my Facebook friendslist because nobody gave a damn about or checked in on me all these years. It's always been me messaging and liking and reacting and only messaging me to see if they can get tattooed. So I'm giving it til my laundry is done and folded and then I'm cleaning shop. It'll only be a close friends and family account that will be private and I'll never fucking post on there again just to be a bitch.
It's only when I can tattoo, and now I'm worth contacting that people wanna hit me up. It's been years. Some of them 2 years. Some of them 5 years. Some of them 12+ years. Kill yourselves.
Now EVERYONE is gotta follow my Instagram like EVERYONE else and fucking book WITH A DEPOSIT and gimme your fucking money and GET OUT. You're just another ghost in my life that is only temporary before I call a priest on your ass.
And I'm gonna start posting my art here, too. I'm gonna annoy every last one of you with my reblogs so like my shit. Because I am sick of posting on Instagram these tattoos I'll spend 7+ hours, just for them to be struggling to get almost 100 likes, but the fucking red outline I did of your zodiac sign the size of my middle finger nail gets 400+ on a reel.
Listen to me, don't listen to me. It don't matter. I just need to vent before I watch British Baking Show to cool off. And some fucking cake would be nice, but I'll deal with this red velvet cookie I got.
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mirandamckenni1 · 2 days
Demi Sutra: Polyamory, Racist Studios & Finding Power on the Pole Get up to 35% off all things cozy when you use code HOLLY on http://cozyearth.com We FINALLY got Demi Sutra on the show! Demi opens up about her struggle to be vulnerable, how she faced racism in the industry, and how she’s more successful than ever after speaking out against it. This is a true unfiltered account of being a Black woman in porn — and you will have mad respect for Demi Sutra by the end! SHOW NOTES: 1:49 Demi’s dog 3:12 why it’s taken so long for her to come on HRU 4:48 how she got into the industry 9:38 her first stripping experience 12:05 looking for sex jobs online 13:25 having to fake her race 15:45 her first porn scene 17:21 the industry putting her through the ringer 19:41 leaving the industry 22:31 getting signed by Brazzers 27:19 companies realizing the value of Black performers 31:16 “black girl quota” 34:17 opinions on race-related porn categories 37:23 being featured in movies with offensive titles 38:40 her opinion on websites like Blacked 50:04 why she pushes Black women harder in the industry 50:53 being open about mental health 55:48 how her mental health is now 1:00:29 her polyamorous relationship 1:02:10 watching Kira Noir win performer of the year 1:06:11 piece of advice she would give new performers 1:09:34 social shoutouts Want more from this podcast? Get access to tons of perks by joining my Patreon! We have exclusive bonus content such as live streams of our interviews, early releases, exclusive Q&As, access to my fine art photography and video, plus so much more! Join our community now at https://ift.tt/UpmPgrw Follow my Facebook page: https://ift.tt/EUns91M Follow me on Snapchat: https://ift.tt/SqVsFlk Shop my merch store! https://ift.tt/jOc1qnY Follow me on Instagram: https://ift.tt/jCzU126 Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hollyrandall Follow me on TikTok: https://ift.tt/pXaEohD Visit my Official Podcast site: https://ift.tt/Zg7UJST To make a one time donation: https://ift.tt/QwyO4TM Fan mail: 26500 Agoura Road, Suite 102-838, Calabasas CA 91302 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S1PQ2kbWbs
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Kohls Credit Card Login -In: How Do I Log Into My Kohl's Account?
Kohls credit card login -in a great way to protect your account and manage your transactions. You can also use it to check your account status, make changes to your profile, and more. Kohls credit card login -in free and easy to use. You can log into your account by going to Kohl's credit card login or by downloading the Kohl's app.
Kohls Credit Card Login -In Basic Requirements:
Below we have listed some of the basic requirements for signing up for the My Kohl credit card account - - You must have an internet connection to log into the My Kohl credit card account. - You can create your Kohl's credit card account using any electronic device such as a tablet, smartphone, desktop, or laptop, whichever you prefer. - You must be a Kohl's credit card holder. - You must remember your access data for the My Kohl's credit card account.
Kohls Credit Card Login -In - How Do I Log Into My Kohl's Account?
To log into your Kohl's account you will need your username and password. To get started, you need to log into your account. Here's how: - Go to kohls.com and log in with your email address and password. - On the home page, click My Account. - On the My Account page, under Account Details, click Sign In. - Enter your email address and password and click on "Register". - You will be taken to a new screen where you can choose whether to log in to Facebook or Google+. If you have an Amazon Prime account, you can also use that account information to sign in. - If you use Facebook to log in, click "Login". - On the next page you will be asked to verify your account. - Enter your password and click Confirm Now. - On the next screen, enter your phone number and click Next. - After verifying your account, click Finish.
How do I apply for a Kohl's credit card?
You can apply as follows: - Log in to your account online and click on the "My Account" tab. Under Credit Cards, select Request Credit. - Complete the application form, including your name, address, social security number, and date of birth. - You may also be asked for a valid driver's license or a passport photo. After you have completed the application process, mail or fax it to Kohls. - If approved, your new card will be mailed to you within 8-10 weeks.
Kohl's Credit Card Registration and Activation:
To gain access to the My Kohl's credit card account, you must register your Kohl's credit card on the portal and activate your card. To do this, you need to do the following steps correctly – You need to reopen Kohl's official website by following the procedure above. Click the Register Your Kohl's Credit Card button and you will be taken to the next page where you will get the registration widget below the login widget. There you will need to enter your 12-digit Kohl's credit card number and automatic security level, then click the Submit button. This will allow you to complete Kohl's credit card registration process. After your registration is complete, you can automatically activate your Kohl's credit card. Now you can log into your Kohl's credit card account anytime and shop when it suits you.
Kohl's Credit Card Username and Password Recovery:
If you have forgotten your respective My Kohl's credit card account username and password, you can also reset them by following the quick steps outlined below - - You must access the My Kohl credit card account login widget using the procedure above. - In this widget you get two links in addition to the username and password input fields: forgot username and forgot password. - If you have now forgotten the username for the My Kohl's credit card account, click on Forgot Username. You will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter your 12-digit Kohl's credit card number and automatic security level and click the Next button. In the next step, you can restore the username of your My Kohl's credit card account. - If you have now forgotten the password for the My Kohl's credit card account, click on Forgot password. You will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter your Kohl's credit card loan account username and social security number and click on the Next button. In the next step, you will receive a password reset link in your registered email id and you can recover your password from your My Kohl credit card account.
How do I redeem Kohl's credit card?
Redeeming a Kohl's credit card can be a quick and easy process. Here are 7 steps to follow: - Sign in to your account online or in the app. - On the home page, click the My Accounts tab. - Under My Rewards, click the Credit Cards link. - Click the Redeem My Kohls Credit Card button next to your desired card. - Enter your card details and select a payment method. - Confirm your redemption by clicking the Submit button. - Enjoy your rewards!
Advantages of the Kohls credit card login -in:
- Kohls credit card login -in offers customers many benefits, including the ability to view transactions, manage account information, and make changes to account settings. - Customers can use their Kohl's credit card login to view their transactions, including the dates and amounts of each transaction. - The card also allows customers to see how their balance is being calculated and make adjustments if necessary. - Kohl's credit card login is also useful for customers who want to check their balance and other account information.
Kohl's credit card rates and interest rates:
- There is no annual fee for using the Kohl's Charge credit card. - Kohl's credit card APR for purchases is 24.99%. It will vary depending on the market situation. - The minimum interest charge on this Kohl credit card is $1. - Kohl's credit card late payment fines are up to $38. - The penalty fee for Kohl's credit card repayment is up to $38.
Kohls credit card login -in is a valuable tool for customers who want to manage their account information and view their transactions online. Overall, while there are some limitations to be aware of, it is a valuable resource for Kohl customers to use regularly. If you like this post, please share it! Read the full article
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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It does appear that the Netherworld Post instagram is now back and visibility is fixed.
Thanks, entirely, to a Tumblr anon's comment who wrote in:
"when you go to your profile, tap on the three line icon in the top right corner, Settings and privacy, Creator tools and controls, Minimum age, do you have a minimum age set there? Right now your account is restricted to 16+, which won’t allow anyone not logged in to view it."
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Then after a few hours of cache clearing, everything seems to be working as intended.
I spent over 40 hours trying to figure this out. Probably far more, I stopped clocking time at 40 hours because it got too depressing.
I remember specifically setting the profile at 16+ at some point in the past -- nothing of my content is age sensitive, but I don't have kids, none of my friends have kids, so I am personally ill prepared to say "this is appropriate" vs. "this is not."
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I found no documentation from Meta, Facebook, Instagram, or any forum discussing this setting's shift of profile visibility.
There is no language surrounding the front end, or back end, "This profile has been age-restricted."
My account was never flagged for content. There IS a backend tool that says, "is my account flagged?" and it gave me the green light, "Not flagged!" and I kept hollering, "THEN WHY ISN'T IT SHOWING UP."
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The language on the previously hidden, now visible, Netherworld Post instagram was the exact same when a profile is deleted, when a profile is blocked, and apparently when a user self selects age restriction thinking they are doing something handy for parents (be it a good idea or not).
Instagram and Meta do not have a help desk with live support, they do not offer email support -- except, between this starting to yesterday, they are now offering a $14.99/month premium service which has a help desk.
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I tried various logging in, logging out, changing profile types, etc. in hoping that I would be clearing a cache on instagram's system.
Because. I repeat. There is either zero documentation as to what was happening. Or, there is, but it is so buried as to be unfindable, which is objectively the same thing from a user's perspective.
Facebook flagged me several times, "we think you are a bot trying to sign in" and sent various automated security protocols to verify. Which I did, and passed, not being a hacker, but instead being an increasingly frustrated system admin to a tiny company.
At one point text messages stopped coming in, which was another problem, now fixed.
This last point being why I have repeatedly said, "Get 2 factor authentication, specifically using an app or other device, not a text-message."
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What this means:
Your password is 1 factor, an authorization code (via app or other method) is another. It says, "It's me, I have a second key!"
When you rely on text messages, you are relying on THEM to send YOU this second key to verify. When you use an app or other method, YOU generate the key.
This removes a potential hiccup in the "are you a hacker?" "i am not a hacker" stage.
My life and career began to shift in 2012 when I started focusing business on monsters, ghosts, stories, stationery, rambles, etc. away from web design and programming, then graphic design, then (vague gesture as my company did a lot).
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This entire experience felt like I was going mad. I spent YEARS helping clients AVOID THIS SITUATION.
You get the picture.
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Netherworld Post is on Instagram
I feel like email lists are safer + I like emails
One of the first products to launch in the store this autumn will be "How about a monthly zine of Netherworld Post news. Super, super cheap. Help keep the lights on, help keep up to date without being at the mercy of tech billionaires."
One of the blog posts that I'm working on between now and launch is how I built said zine. I'm running efficiency tests to make it as high quality, low cost, and fast-to-send as possible. The point being, "Run a small shop or blog or whatever? Here's a way you and your audience can keep in touch without algorithms and tech woes."
This is a lot of words.
It's been a mini-therapy session.
I'm hoping it helps someone somewhere with a similar issue.
I'm very grateful for someone who does not work for Meta to say, "Hm. I may know your problem."
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mygainyear2024 · 28 days
Day 35 on the move north to Vila Nova de Milfontes
After a final cycling class at the gym I raced back to the apartment to squeeze some more stuff into my suitcases, shower and meet up to farewell Rosie. It is only au revoir as we have plans LOL!
My host was gracious enough to let me check out at 2pm and Catia met me to return my €200 deposit, and Uber me to the bus station. There was confusion about the €200 so we needed to swing past Susana's place to collect it. It was handed to me in an envelope and for a split second I thought about opening it in the car, but I decided not to. Lesson to self, next time open it, as it was short €20. I messaged Susana from the bus, and she did highlight the obvious. I fully expected to wear the consequence of my inaction, but she immediately deposited €20 into my Wise account.
It was a little confusing at the bus station, there was no ticket office or information, just a roof topped parking lot with several bus company signs. I asked a very disinterested driver of a Rede Expressos bus if he was going to Vila Nova de Milfontes "line 7, 15 minutes" was his response. The next two buses came to line 5, luckily I asked the driver of the second one, because there was no bus no. 80 (as printed on my ticket) and the destination was Sines. This was the bus! I hopped on and went for a nauseating ride through the country side, windy roads, too narrow to have cars pass (at one point a car had to reverse on a bridge and it was a little spectacle!).
We arrived at my destination 20 minutes late and I was busting to pee! Luckily the walk was only 6 minutes but I had two suitcases, a bagpack, and a shopping bag with my laptop in it as it didn't fit anywhere else, a water bottle and my iphone to navigate. I was then quite the spectacle. I had to use the road as the cobblestone footpaths were an impossible proposition. Ana, the owner of the place I'm staying heard me coming half way down her street and raced out to help me!
So this is my base for 3 nights. It is part of the Fisherman's Trail. The original plan of Eva's (Upwork) was that I would hike it for 4 days on my own, have transport for my luggage and a different village to stay in each night. Well the more I thought about my need to regularly pee, drink water, have coffee, and my general inaptitude at directions and a quick chat to Shan at work who asked me "are you a hiker?", well no, but I could be....I thought "nuh, I have enough challenge on this trip". Eva thought I could just walk from here to Porto Covo instead and catch the bus back. I did some research, 20kms and difficult! I saw pictures of the sand and read stories about it being past hikers ankles, and blisters. That's a hard no too. I have posted on Facebook pages looking for others to join, looked at meet ups, airbnb experiences etc but nothing as yet. Ana was so helpful. She's French and has lived here for 25 years. I am going to follow her path, to a restaurant, Porto das Barcas 😂 She walks this in her normal gym shoes. I am also looking at the Komoot app for options. Stay tuned.
Ana also told me about "all the Indians and Pakistanis in town!" She said the locals are really put out by the number of migrants that have arrived, I think to work in agriculture. Someone else told me the previous vice President made his own policies in regards to migration. Ana said "what do the locals want agriculture or tourism?" It's interesting, couldn't there be both???? Ana told me that the locals feel unsafe, but she said not to worry as there's usually trouble within those cultures, not towards the Portuguese.
I spent the next couple of hours grabbing some supplies from three of the many supermarkets here. There was no fresh milk at the first one and a lovely American woman in the queue told me which supermarket to go to, only one in town. I then walked through old town, to the river and then the lighthouse. The castle in the photos below is privately owned. My guess is the same owner as the one in Ferragudo and the estate I saw on the Arade River to Silves. He owns about 70% of the gas stations in Portugal and he only helicopters in to his castle in Ferragudo. Seriously, how many castles does one family need!
Best of the Algarve:
Number one - Meeting Rosie
Top experiences - kayaking with Felipe to the Benagil Caves, tile painting with Carla in Ferragudo, building confidence driving a manual, and learning some Portuguese with Rebecca and the crew of friendly expats.
Best food - hmm, to be honest, no absolute stand outs, the experience of eating cataplana twice and the BBQ fish in Olhão
Best coffee - Al-Gharb Coffee Roasters, Albufeira
Best gelato - Gelateria Sorbetto, Praia da Rocha
Best pastel de nata - Pastelaria The Trolls' in Praia da Rocha and the pastelaria near Luís de Camões and the church in Ferragudo.
Tip - stay a few nights near Faro and explore the eastern Algarve.
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temu-affiliate · 2 months
How to earn on Temu Affiliate
TEMU Affiliate Program 2024: Earn Up to ‎$100,000 a month! Hey there, my friend! I've got to tell you about this awesome online shopping site I've been hooked on recently – it's called Temu. It's super cool, with a ton of products ranging from fashion to home goods, and everything is so affordable! I think you'll love it, especially if you're into finding unique items or getting a good deal. About Temu Temu, which stands for Team Up, Price Down, is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022. How to Use a Temu Coupon Code Okay, now for the exciting part – because you're my friend, I'm sharing an exclusive 2024 code just for you! Use code “tan16163 ” for up to 30% OFF! Consider it a little gift from me to you, so you can experience the magic of Temu for yourself. Exclusive TEMU promo code: 1.Sign in or sign up on Temu 2.Add items to your shopping cart 3.Proceed to the checkout 4.Look for the "apply coupon code" field Apply your Temu coupon code there to save! About the TEMU Affiliate Program: And here's a pro tip: if you're looking to make some extra cash or have your platform or blog, you should check out the TEMU Affiliate Program. It's a pretty sweet deal where you can earn commissions by promoting their products. I've seen some friends benefit from it, and it seems like a cool way to partner with a growing brand.
You might have seen a lot of people sharing their TEMU link and code already, but you might not know that TEMU has an affiliate program that everyone can join. If you're an avid TEMU enthusiast looking to generate a stable source of passive income or if you are an influencer who wants to monetize your traffic, look no further than the TEMU Affiliate Program. With a high earning potential of up to ‎$100,000 per month, the TEMU Affiliate Program is the perfect fit for you to start. How much can you earn through the TEMU Affiliate Program? You can earn up to ‎$100,000 per month! If you're interested in joining the TEMU Affiliate Program, you'll be happy to know that it offers a simple and transparent commission policy. There are several possible ways for you to earn money, which are listed below: 1: Earn a $5 reward for each new user who downloads the TEMU App using your referral link.
2: Get a commission on every purchase made by newly registered TEMU users who click through your unique referral link. The commission rate varies depending on the purchase amount:
For purchases between $0.00 and $49.99, you'll receive a 5% commission
For purchases between $50.00 and $99.99, you'll receive a 10% commission
For purchases of $100.00 or more, you'll receive a 20% commission
3: Take advantage of the earning leaderboard: The top 50 TEMU Affiliates with the most earnings of the last 3 days in the TEMU Affiliate Program can win a cash bonus. How to start with the TEMU Affiliate Program? Once you sign up for the TEMU Affiliate Program here, you will obtain your referral link and code in your account center. There a are few ways to start earning: 1) if you are an influencer on social platforms, such as TikTok, YouTube, Ins, or Facebook, you can spread your referral link and code by posting content to earn commissions. Pay attention to the content you post. The better content you post, the more engagement you will have, resulting in a higher conversion rate! 2) if you are a blogger, you can write review articles with SEO about TEMU products or the TEMU Affiliate Program, where you can expose your referral link and code! 3) if you own a website or you are an editor of deals/coupon websites that have huge traffic, you can have a banner or deals articles to let more people see your referral link & code 4) any other way or platform that you can use to spread your referral link & code as long as it complies with the TEMU affiliate policy!
Compared with other affiliate programs: Compared with other affiliate programs, TEMU offers a 5%-20% commission rate for all categories depending on each qualified purchase. However, TEMU does not offer commissions for returning users. This might limit your earnings. But with huge traffic going into TEMU and with more locations becoming available, it’s still worth signing up for the TEMU Affiliate Program now as it's a very popular shopping site. It might be a good idea to sign up now before TEMU modifies its commission rates and earnings limit per month.
If you're looking for an affiliate program with high commission rates and good returns, the TEMU Affiliate Program might be the one for you. One of the best affiliate programs you can find in the affiliate marketing field. Join now and start earning commissions ! Exclusive TEMU promo code: Use code “tan16163 ” for up to 30% OFF. So, why wait? Dive into Temu today and see what the buzz is all about. Happy shopping, and don't forget to use that code!
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mylai · 3 months
TEMU Affiliate Program 2024: Earn Up to ‎$100,000 a month! Hey there, my friend! I've got to tell you about this awesome online shopping site I've been hooked on recently – it's called Temu. It's super cool, with a ton of products ranging from fashion to home goods, and everything is so affordable! I think you'll love it, especially if you're into finding unique items or getting a good deal. About Temu Temu, which stands for Team Up, Price Down, is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022. How to Use a Temu Coupon Code Okay, now for the exciting part – because you're my friend, I'm sharing an exclusive 2024 code just for you! Use code “acl214004 ” for up to 30% OFF! Consider it a little gift from me to you, so you can experience the magic of Temu for yourself. Exclusive TEMU promo code: 1.Sign in or sign up on Temu 2.Add items to your shopping cart 3.Proceed to the checkout 4.Look for the "apply coupon code" field Apply your Temu coupon code there to save! About the TEMU Affiliate Program: And here's a pro tip: if you're looking to make some extra cash or have your platform or blog, you should check out the TEMU Affiliate Program. It's a pretty sweet deal where you can earn commissions by promoting their products. I've seen some friends benefit from it, and it seems like a cool way to partner with a growing brand.
You might have seen a lot of people sharing their TEMU link and code already, but you might not know that TEMU has an affiliate program that everyone can join. If you're an avid TEMU enthusiast looking to generate a stable source of passive income or if you are an influencer who wants to monetize your traffic, look no further than the TEMU Affiliate Program. With a high earning potential of up to ‎$100,000 per month, the TEMU Affiliate Program is the perfect fit for you to start. How much can you earn through the TEMU Affiliate Program? You can earn up to ‎$100,000 per month! If you're interested in joining the TEMU Affiliate Program, you'll be happy to know that it offers a simple and transparent commission policy. There are several possible ways for you to earn money, which are listed below: 1: Earn a $5 reward for each new user who downloads the TEMU App using your referral link.
2: Get a commission on every purchase made by newly registered TEMU users who click through your unique referral link. The commission rate varies depending on the purchase amount:
For purchases between $0.00 and $49.99, you'll receive a 5% commission
For purchases between $50.00 and $99.99, you'll receive a 10% commission
For purchases of $100.00 or more, you'll receive a 20% commission
3: Take advantage of the earning leaderboard: The top 50 TEMU Affiliates with the most earnings of the last 3 days in the TEMU Affiliate Program can win a cash bonus. How to start with the TEMU Affiliate Program? Once you sign up for the TEMU Affiliate Program here, you will obtain your referral link and code in your account center. There a are few ways to start earning: 1) if you are an influencer on social platforms, such as TikTok, YouTube, Ins, or Facebook, you can spread your referral link and code by posting content to earn commissions. Pay attention to the content you post. The better content you post, the more engagement you will have, resulting in a higher conversion rate! 2) if you are a blogger, you can write review articles with SEO about TEMU products or the TEMU Affiliate Program, where you can expose your referral link and code! 3) if you own a website or you are an editor of deals/coupon websites that have huge traffic, you can have a banner or deals articles to let more people see your referral link & code 4) any other way or platform that you can use to spread your referral link & code as long as it complies with the TEMU affiliate policy!
Compared with other affiliate programs: Compared with other affiliate programs, TEMU offers a 5%-20% commission rate for all categories depending on each qualified purchase. However, TEMU does not offer commissions for returning users. This might limit your earnings. But with huge traffic going into TEMU and with more locations becoming available, it’s still worth signing up for the TEMU Affiliate Program now as it's a very popular shopping site. It might be a good idea to sign up now before TEMU modifies its commission rates and earnings limit per month.
If you're looking for an affiliate program with high commission rates and good returns, the TEMU Affiliate Program might be the one for you. One of the best affiliate programs you can find in the affiliate marketing field. Join now and start earning commissions ! Exclusive TEMU promo code: Use code “acl214004 ” for up to 30% OFF. So, why wait? Dive into Temu today and see what the buzz is all about. Happy shopping, and don't forget to use that code!
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bella1201 · 4 months
New app user for Temu! Great deals and a chance to make money!
TEMU Affiliate Program 2024: Earn Up to ‎$100,000 a month! Hey there, my friend! I've got to tell you about this awesome online shopping site I've been hooked on recently – it's called Temu. It's super cool, with a ton of products ranging from fashion to home goods, and everything is so affordable! I think you'll love it, especially if you're into finding unique items or getting a good deal. About Temu Temu, which stands for Team Up, Price Down, is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022. How to Use a Temu Coupon Code Okay, now for the exciting part – because you're my friend, I'm sharing an exclusive 2024 code just for you! Use code “aco336865 ” for up to 30% OFF! Consider it a little gift from me to you, so you can experience the magic of Temu for yourself. Exclusive TEMU promo code: 1.Sign in or sign up on Temu 2.Add items to your shopping cart 3.Proceed to the checkout 4.Look for the "apply coupon code" field Apply your Temu coupon code there to save! About the TEMU Affiliate Program: And here's a pro tip: if you're looking to make some extra cash or have your platform or blog, you should check out the TEMU Affiliate Program. It's a pretty sweet deal where you can earn commissions by promoting their products. I've seen some friends benefit from it, and it seems like a cool way to partner with a growing brand.
You might have seen a lot of people sharing their TEMU link and code already, but you might not know that TEMU has an affiliate program that everyone can join. If you're an avid TEMU enthusiast looking to generate a stable source of passive income or if you are an influencer who wants to monetize your traffic, look no further than the TEMU Affiliate Program. With a high earning potential of up to ‎$100,000 per month, the TEMU Affiliate Program is the perfect fit for you to start. How much can you earn through the TEMU Affiliate Program? You can earn up to ‎$100,000 per month! If you're interested in joining the TEMU Affiliate Program, you'll be happy to know that it offers a simple and transparent commission policy. There are several possible ways for you to earn money, which are listed below: 1: Earn a $5 reward for each new user who downloads the TEMU App using your referral link.
2: Get a commission on every purchase made by newly registered TEMU users who click through your unique referral link. The commission rate varies depending on the purchase amount:
For purchases between $0.00 and $49.99, you'll receive a 5% commission
For purchases between $50.00 and $99.99, you'll receive a 10% commission
For purchases of $100.00 or more, you'll receive a 20% commission
3: Take advantage of the earning leaderboard: The top 50 TEMU Affiliates with the most earnings of the last 3 days in the TEMU Affiliate Program can win a cash bonus. How to start with the TEMU Affiliate Program? Once you sign up for the TEMU Affiliate Program here, you will obtain your referral link and code in your account center. There a are few ways to start earning: 1) if you are an influencer on social platforms, such as TikTok, YouTube, Ins, or Facebook, you can spread your referral link and code by posting content to earn commissions. Pay attention to the content you post. The better content you post, the more engagement you will have, resulting in a higher conversion rate! 2) if you are a blogger, you can write review articles with SEO about TEMU products or the TEMU Affiliate Program, where you can expose your referral link and code! 3) if you own a website or you are an editor of deals/coupon websites that have huge traffic, you can have a banner or deals articles to let more people see your referral link & code 4) any other way or platform that you can use to spread your referral link & code as long as it complies with the TEMU affiliate policy!
Compared with other affiliate programs: Compared with other affiliate programs, TEMU offers a 5%-20% commission rate for all categories depending on each qualified purchase. However, TEMU does not offer commissions for returning users. This might limit your earnings. But with huge traffic going into TEMU and with more locations becoming available, it’s still worth signing up for the TEMU Affiliate Program now as it's a very popular shopping site. It might be a good idea to sign up now before TEMU modifies its commission rates and earnings limit per month.
If you're looking for an affiliate program with high commission rates and good returns, the TEMU Affiliate Program might be the one for you. One of the best affiliate programs you can find in the affiliate marketing field. Join now and start earning commissions ! Exclusive TEMU promo code: Use code “aco336865 ” for up to 30% OFF. So, why wait? Dive into Temu today and see what the buzz is all about. Happy shopping, and don't forget to use that code!
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temuiseeu00 · 4 months
TEMU Affiliate Program 2024: Earn Up to ‎$100,000 a month! Hey there, my friend! I've got to tell you about this awesome online shopping site I've been hooked on recently – it's called Temu. It's super cool, with a ton of products ranging from fashion to home goods, and everything is so affordable! I think you'll love it, especially if you're into finding unique items or getting a good deal. About Temu Temu, which stands for Team Up, Price Down, is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022. How to Use a Temu Coupon Code Okay, now for the exciting part – because you're my friend, I'm sharing an exclusive 2024 code just for you! Use code “tal14029 ” for up to 30% OFF! Consider it a little gift from me to you, so you can experience the magic of Temu for yourself. Exclusive TEMU promo code: 1.Sign in or sign up on Temu 2.Add items to your shopping cart 3.Proceed to the checkout 4.Look for the "apply coupon code" field Apply your Temu coupon code there to save! About the TEMU Affiliate Program: And here's a pro tip: if you're looking to make some extra cash or have your platform or blog, you should check out the TEMU Affiliate Program. It's a pretty sweet deal where you can earn commissions by promoting their products. I've seen some friends benefit from it, and it seems like a cool way to partner with a growing brand.
You might have seen a lot of people sharing their TEMU link and code already, but you might not know that TEMU has an affiliate program that everyone can join. If you're an avid TEMU enthusiast looking to generate a stable source of passive income or if you are an influencer who wants to monetize your traffic, look no further than the TEMU Affiliate Program. With a high earning potential of up to ‎$100,000 per month, the TEMU Affiliate Program is the perfect fit for you to start. How much can you earn through the TEMU Affiliate Program? You can earn up to ‎$100,000 per month! If you're interested in joining the TEMU Affiliate Program, you'll be happy to know that it offers a simple and transparent commission policy. There are several possible ways for you to earn money, which are listed below: 1: Earn a $5 reward for each new user who downloads the TEMU App using your referral link.
2: Get a commission on every purchase made by newly registered TEMU users who click through your unique referral link. The commission rate varies depending on the purchase amount:
For purchases between $0.00 and $49.99, you'll receive a 5% commission
For purchases between $50.00 and $99.99, you'll receive a 10% commission
For purchases of $100.00 or more, you'll receive a 20% commission
3: Take advantage of the earning leaderboard: The top 50 TEMU Affiliates with the most earnings of the last 3 days in the TEMU Affiliate Program can win a cash bonus. How to start with the TEMU Affiliate Program? Once you sign up for the TEMU Affiliate Program here, you will obtain your referral link and code in your account center. There a are few ways to start earning: 1) if you are an influencer on social platforms, such as TikTok, YouTube, Ins, or Facebook, you can spread your referral link and code by posting content to earn commissions. Pay attention to the content you post. The better content you post, the more engagement you will have, resulting in a higher conversion rate! 2) if you are a blogger, you can write review articles with SEO about TEMU products or the TEMU Affiliate Program, where you can expose your referral link and code! 3) if you own a website or you are an editor of deals/coupon websites that have huge traffic, you can have a banner or deals articles to let more people see your referral link & code 4) any other way or platform that you can use to spread your referral link & code as long as it complies with the TEMU affiliate policy!
Compared with other affiliate programs: Compared with other affiliate programs, TEMU offers a 5%-20% commission rate for all categories depending on each qualified purchase. However, TEMU does not offer commissions for returning users. This might limit your earnings. But with huge traffic going into TEMU and with more locations becoming available, it’s still worth signing up for the TEMU Affiliate Program now as it's a very popular shopping site. It might be a good idea to sign up now before TEMU modifies its commission rates and earnings limit per month.
If you're looking for an affiliate program with high commission rates and good returns, the TEMU Affiliate Program might be the one for you. One of the best affiliate programs you can find in the affiliate marketing field. Join now and start earning commissions ! Exclusive TEMU promo code: Use code “tal14029 ” for up to 30% OFF. So, why wait? Dive into Temu today and see what the buzz is all about. Happy shopping, and don't forget to use that code!
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