#(so silly considering it's just Fandom stuff it's not my career and I'm not at work LMAO)
magnusbae · 2 years
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ashirisu · 9 months
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hey, everyone!
My name is Ley (pronounced like "Lee," she/they) and I'm a fiction writer/editor based in the PNW. I haven't done a proper writeblr intro in a while, so I figure the new year is a great time to reintroduce myself to the community!
— about me
An important thing to understand about me and the way I talk about writing is that this stuff is literally my entire life. Even outside of work, I don't think I have a single interest or hobby that doesn't relate back to storytelling in some capacity. I'm an avid media consumer and critic, and will hyperanalyze just about anything that catches my fancy for more than a minute.
I love science fiction and fantasy, and my goal as a writer is to take all the genres I loved growing up and create stories that are a little more diverse, inclusive, and queer.
— about the blog
I came to writeblr mostly to share my work, but also to find an active community where I can get excited with other writers and talk shop. Marketing is obviously a really important part of the publishing industry, but I get tired of having to filter every thought I have about my work and experiences through the lens of aesthetic micro-trends just to put it out in the world. Sometimes I just want to pop off about scenes I'm proud of, you know?
Above all else, I really just want to connect with more writers like myself, ones who got their start in fandom spaces and are working to take their writing from a hobby into a career. I see you, I am you, I love you, let's be friends!
You’ll definitely see me posting and reblogging a lot of stuff that isn’t necessarily related to writing, so be ready for that. My art exists in the context of my personality and the world as a whole, and I simply do not have it in me to maintain a whole separate blog for silly nonsense and memes. Just consider it a way to get to know the writer as well as the writing!
— about my writing
I write a lot, though most of it is disconnected nonsense. Flash fiction and short stories are where I really thrive as a writer. I don't tend to commit to long-form projects, but I have a few projects that I'll occasionally share details about!
I like to describe my style as "earnest and character-forward," which is a fancy way of saying that I like driven protagonists who think too much and are emotional to the point of it being a character flaw.
My goal is to share more of my original writing moving forward, so hopefully you'll get to see all of this for yourself. If I'm totally honest, though, you'll probably see more of me discussing my work than actually writing it.
— about my projects
Here are the things you'll most likely see me posting about:
Agnomen: A sci-fi retelling of Hamlet and Coriolanus, currently in its very preliminary stages. It is literally my Roman Empire, except it's set on a moon of a planet that I'm calling Jupiter as a placeholder (but please note that it isn't actually Jupiter, as Jupiter is a gas giant and therefore a scientifically impossible setting for large sections of the plot).
Alter Ego: A superhero fic in which not-so-mild-mannered reporter Drew Derrick fights for mutant rights and can't seem to get his act together when it comes to keeping the complicated parts of his life separate.
Untitled Fantasy Project: The very first project I ever wrote, and the piece I return to every so often when writing is feeling more like a slog than a fun hobby. I set a lot of one-offs in this world and follow a few key characters around without them having a real plot.
D&D: I write a lot about Baz, my Wild Magic Barbarian. He's a regency noble with a lot of problems, and I care about him very much. I also have various other settings and characters, but he's my most active PC at the moment and therefore gets the most attention.
Short Stories: Sometimes I write these, and sometimes I like them enough to share!
— tag directory
ley rambles: my (often wordy) opinions about things
ley writes: not necessarily my writing, but talking about my writing
my writing: stories, blurbs, and other content I've written
not my writing: reblogs and creative writing that I liked, shared, and sometimes commented on
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havendance · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
Thanks to @androxys for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81! A fair number of those are drabbles, but still. Writing fic for (checks notes) 8 years really adds up.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I am very invested in writing for DC comics and not doing much else, but in the past I've flitted from fandom to fandom, writing for various cartoons/tv shows and video games mainly.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
v) #Justice4Gotham -- My NML epistulary/blog fic. I think this one has the advantage of being a social media AU of sorts, but I really am quite happy that one of my No Man's Land fics made it into the top five. I still think this one is very fun.
vi) You Can't Spell Kuzon without Zuko -- My Zuko and Aang are childhood friends fic. I do like this fic and I'm glad that I was finally able to finish it after sitting blocked on it for nearly two years, but I honestly don't consider it one of my top fics in terms of response. It clearly has picked up a good number of kudos, but it felt like commenters were more interested what potentially happened next rather than the Aang and Zuko of what I'd put on the page that was what compelled me to write it in the first place.
iii) One Scar to Find Them -- This was my AtlA platonic soulmate AU where the entire gaang shares scars. I really liked soulmate AUs when I was younger, mainly because I liked all the various mechanics and I think this was the last hurrah of that. And also I thought it would be wild if everyone had Zuko's scar. I remember writing this all out in my notebook in bright pink pen and then letting it sit there for ages before I finally cleaned it up.
ii) Let's Steal a Fire Prince -- My Leverage x AtLA crossover. This was the first multi-chapter fic I actually finished so I am proud of it for that, even if looking back I can see some of my growing pains. I was really glad that other people loved this crossover idea as much as I did and I would've loved to come back to this universe more if I a) could actually write heists and b) didn't get sucked into other fandoms 😅
i) Former Hopes and Future Scars -- Another AtLA fic. I'm not surprised that this is my top fic since it's a) focused on Zuko, b) features Time Travel, and c) is a contained one-shot under 2k .
All but one of these are for Avatar: the Last Airbender which I think is a reflection of me writing during the pandemic-era AtLA renaissance and it also just being more broadly approachable compared to my comics stuff.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep! I wasn't always super consistent with it, but I try and respond to every comment now.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this one's a hard one, there are so many good contenders! Probably You Will Live Forever (the dragonslayer!Willow fic I co-wrote with my bro Baz for the Owl House), but I would also like to give an honorable mention to I just keep falling now that you're gone the angsty next generation Miraculous Ladybug fic I wrote early in my fanfic writing career in which Adrien becomes the next Hawkmoth and his and Marinette's kids have to go up against him.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably some supremely fluffy fic I wrote for a ship event back when I was doing those. Other than that, maybe Robins Don't Make Great Roommates or Top 10 Secret Identity Fails? I don't think I really write super fluffy/happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never really gotten hate per se on the fics themselves. I did get a review on a fic I posted to fanfiction.net once that was complaining that I had rated it K but used like, a single swear word I think. I also got a couple of anons on tumblr that were really didn't like the premise of one of my fics, but I just thought it was kind of silly that they were that upset about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes. I have written so many crossovers. I'm honestly a little surprised the crossover bug hasn't bitten me for my comics fic more. I've done a couple Batman/Sandman crossover fics, but it feels different with them both being comics and also both published by DC.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of fortunately!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have written several Owl House fics with my beloved bro and co-conspirator @horatiocomehome. I'd love to cowrite something with him again some time but we are sadly currently obsessed with different fandoms. I'm also not opposed to trying co-writing with someone new!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm not super into shipping so this one's kind of tricky. If I had to choose maybe Ireneides from the Queen's Thief series or Celes/Locke from FFVI. I was also deeply committed to Sakura/Kaze from Fire Emblem: Fates, when I was younger, but the secret super AU version with a ton of lore from the elaborate AUs I daydreamed up.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
For wips I have published, I'm either confident in my ability to finish them, or else have just excepted that I won't. In terms of wips that haven't made it to the light of day: Black Queen. I started writing this and got stuck but oh, it would be so fun.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think coming up with AUs. I like playing with all the pieces and figuring out how things ripple and change.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I've done much with this, but if I did I'd probably use dialogue tags so like "'My name is john," John said in Chinese' if the narrator knew the language and "John said something in Chinese' if they didn't.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fire Emblem: Fates, baby
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Picking favorites is so hard ;; It would be a lie to say I love all my fics equally, but I do think I can say that I do love them all, even the very first ones I wrote. I guess for purposes of this game, I'll go with World Gone MAD because I am still very satisfied with how it turned out, but because I can't just pick one, I'd also like to give a shout out to Neither Heir nor Spare (The Sole Survivor) for being the fic that I think is pretty up there in terms of ones I reread the most and Turnabout Traitor! for being a very fun She Ra x Ace Attorney crossover.
Tagging, uhhh, @horatiocomehome, @acediscowlng, @dustorange and if anyone else is interested, consider yourselves tagged in spirit!
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grokebaby · 6 months
I LOVE SUTURE SM?? How did she come to serve the Decepticons? What’s the story of her curse? Idk anything about tf but u have me wanting to look into it more just w/ ur characters
KIITOS I'm also quite fond of her, although she's in a weird place meta wise currently due to some irl events. And don't worry, I'll try my best to keep this approachable, you're always welcome to ask me about tf stuff... (please come closer I will NOT initiate you into the tf Fandom I will totally not pull you in come closer I'm certainly not desperate to have more tf fan friends come clos-) /silly
She's an older gal (I think of her as someone in her mid to late 40s) and already had an established medical career by the time the war broke out which meant the emergence of the two sides of course (Autobots and decepticons). She initially made her choice to join the decepticons out of ideological reasons; they came out of a sort of rebellious sentiment and advertised themselves as advocating for (positive) change. I won't open the can of worms on how canon handled all this, I will simply continue now. After a long while of working odd jobs and being carted around places, as tends to happen in turbulent times, she ended up being recruited for the Decepticon science guild (that is made up by me not canon afaik), since they needed a bunch of skilled people for evil experiments including surgeons.
This is the most major turn in leading her down moral atrocities, since If she refused to work they'd exile her into the middle of bumfuck nowhere and war torn cyberton was quickly becoming a dead uninhabitable planet, with resources already having been dwindling for ages so. Not an ideal option. But she did already lean towards unethical acts out of desperation and survival considering the rough circumstances she was put in, war is never easy and you can't always make the good "pure" choices no matter how hard you want to, so she had become desensitized to stuff like euthanising patients to preserve resources and illegal transplants to save lives. As you do.
As for her curse that's mostly bc I thought it would be sssooooooo cool to have The Mistress - yes, That One, visit cybertron and meet some of my tf ocs bc the most advanced tech hens ever seen is radios. Hen (poorly) disguised as a robot by wearing a fullbody metal suit and sticking to the most sociable seeming bot she found at a bar and following them around like a baby duck. This is how hen met one of my other tf ocs, Cloverdash. Long story short, there's the war and so hen got injured and brought to a field station and after Cloverdash went "PLEASE please please please please please please please please please please please please" at Suture long enough she agreed to help and brought out ~the welding tools~. For a deity like The Mistress, it is utter body horror to be medically treated the way robots are so hen freaks out and in fight or flight mode accidentally casts a curse on Suture. Nothing against the very, very helpful medical professional, just primal eldritchean fear.
So yeah!
Suture starts growing meat and having random monster mutations in organic ways. I did this all bc it would be really cool as a concept
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jarchaeology · 2 years
genuine questions because i’m curious - do you thoroughly read the magazines cover to cover or just extract what you need and file them away? what are you gonna do with them and other items or photos you’ve found if/when you retire from jarchaeology? what sparked this whole hunt in the first place, did jensen’s career history fascinate you and things just snowballed?
btw i told my mom about your college trash bag story because it made me cry and she had the same reaction that’s so funny dude i’m sorry.
ahhh sorry this took so long to respond to! that always happens when i get a message that i really like. i hope you see this!
i don't read the magazines cover-to-cover, but i do skim every word. these magazines each had a consistent format that makes it easy to identify the relevant sections. if it's clearly not about jensen, i still skim it for events that i know he attended or industry specifics. i'm also always interested in the creatives behind the show, because that can provide a lot of context for the business jensen was in.
and if it's an article that is about jensen? i still skim it lol. it's easy to spot what's different when you've read 400 articles about eric brady already. i do pay really close attention to the photos, the event details, and the photographer credits. that stuff is like gold to me.
i wish i did this process only once, but it happens a few times for each magazine. i catalog the pages he's on and what kind of content i need for my spreadsheets and scans. and i also reference these issues a lot when i'm looking into "new" events to add to the timeline. he may not be advertised as attending, but if i find proof later that he did, i can look through the issues that came out around that time and find the details.
what am i going to do with all of this when i'm done with jarchaeology? idk! i've been considering selling on ebay eventually. i've spent some stupid money on this stuff so it would be nice to get a little of it back. but that's not anytime soon. i'm still here. the fixation hasn't begun to fade.
why this specific focus on jensen's early career? just kinda happened. a silly night of research that grew into something more. it's becoming clearer to me lately that this was the perfect puzzle for me to put together because the soap opera fandom was already so great at archiving their own history. you can't track every little detail from his time on dawson's creek, but you can for his time on soaps. the fans had their shit together. they still do. i can research this stuff because they've already put so much energy and care into their interests! soap operas are questionable (affectionate), but the fans are actually pretty dope. there are some striking similarities to the spn fandom tbh.
also, lol i love that you told your mom about the time i accidentally threw all my clothes away. what makes it worse is that it was a 400-mile drive home in the california summer sun. i came home from college with literal hot garbage instead of my vintage dresses. 😭
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7clubs · 2 years
i have never thought of franseb before but i've got to say you definitely have my attention now! do elaborate
TL;DR: You have two similarly aged youth with so much room to grow, who have a lot in common in terms of family trauma and are mirrors but are simultaneously very different personality-wise, which is SUPER SUPER fun. Similar base appeal here as Fran/maya: silly and serious. Opposites attract, except they're also the same.
Franziska's view of Seb quickly grew from disrespect to seeing them as a mirror of her and perhaps an equal. There is so much opportunity for that to develop into a deep friendship during the 7 year gap, and for them to do a lot of healing together as two who would relate to each other a lot but crucially have different perspectives.
Sebastian is imperfection, is becoming stronger from making mistakes and learning from them. Franziska is perfection, and becoming stronger in realizing it isn't everything.
(Gender stuff and more details under the cut whee)
First of all to get this out of the way. I think most of this part of the fandom agrees that Fran is a huge lesbian and I've hc'd her such pretty much as long as I known I've been into women (2013?) I think this is a big reason why people don't even consider sebfran within the blip of possibility.
It just so happened that a few years ago, before I ever once thought about the parallels between the two of them, before i even had a single thought about them being friends, I started HC'ing seb as a non-binary trans girl. Seb is a magnet for trans HCs, because literally any story about defying your parent's expectations is really really fucking good for that and also they're incredibly Gender.
But I think most people go with transmasc (where they're already presenting as such in canon) which is really understandable and still an epic hc, but I've always found it really compelling for her to realize she's trans after the events of AAI2. Blooming beyond the shadow of her father.
Basically I accidentally put myself into a position where I (big lesbian) could become really, really invested in these two once the dominos fell and I connected the dots. And I did, once I really got into AA again last year, since these two have always been really high up in my favs list and AAI2 is my absolute favorite game. I realized how much they had in common.
(Obviously you don't have to hc Fran as a lesbian and Seb as transfem and you can still ship these two. It's just that I'm a big lesbian and I like weird women in love, so snooty mean girl x ALSO snooty silly girl is a really. really good combination and boosts this ship up for me, especially once you make them sapphics in cool law suits. soooo gnc so true <33)
I THINK if you like Fran/Maya then you're gonna understand a lot of what I like in YumiMei already: they have a lot in common in terms of twisted family histories and expectations, but their actual personalities are VERY different. Which is a really awesome tried and tested recipe for a REALLY GOOD dynamic.
There's a really solid foundation at the end of AAI2 for these two to become amazing friends. Franziska outright makes a comparison to her experiences with MVK with Sebastian's experience with Blaise. She was very impatient and rude to them at first, yes, but quickly realized that they're mirrors.
At the end of AAI2, Franziska establishes the respect she has for Seb by returning care of Roland's trial to them and watching them on. Same with the credits: she knows they'll be tested, just like her.
They're not necessarily at the same stage of their law career, yeah, Seb is a rookie and Franziska is a freak who has been doing this since 13. But I feel that they stand as equals. (That said, yeah, I'm not super comfortable with them getting together until late 7yg and beyond, when Seb's already an established professional and Also, you know, Knows She's A Girl Now.)
Both of them are grieving the fallen images of their fathers. Both of them have felt that there was a time when they had no one else on their side, with Sebastian being disowned and Franziska dealing with both her father's death and her brother's disappearance. Both of them, for a time, struggled wondering whether they should keep doing the work they do. Throwing away the whip, running from the prosecutor's path.
Veering more into headcanon territory; since they're both closely tied to Edgeworth, it's very easy for them to keep in touch after AAI2/during the 7yg. Franziska puts up a facade of being mean and aloof, but she's an inherently caring person and I think she'd look out for Seb. I think from there they could start talking.
I feel like Franziska is a very guarded and emotionally constipated person and she struggles a lot opening up to someone who's known her her whole life, like Edgeworth. (in general, the vk siblings are just Very Bad at being open with eachother.) I think it's important to remember at this point, despite her accomplishments, that she's barely an adult and I think it helps a lot to have someone close to her age as a new friend and peer without all that baggage.
Sebastian on the other hand is someone who just... has their heart on their sleeve. an Open book. emotional and gutsy if they have to be. And in that final logic chess you can see that they understand the importance of listening to someone.
Anyway yeah. they become rant buddies. they talk about their messed up fathers with each other and the complicated relationship they have with the work they've both devoted their lives to and they just get it and are a shoulder to lean on. they develop a rich, deep friendship over the 7yg and teach each other what they know. and this is important to me: yes, Franziska teaches Seb some of the tools of the trade, how to be a better prosecutor, just as a courtesy bc they're friends. but Sebastian also teaches her a lot in turn, about life. About picking yourself up after all your mistakes. I like genuinely think because of more connections and openness, Seb winds up with a bit more emotional maturity. Franziska doesn't need to be perfect in front of them. So they both can be their truer selves.
And that's the main thing really. I think they just become the best of friends. Before romance, before anything else. Seven years of contemplative nights at the office and mutual support. From there, love is just like breathing.
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whenfatecollides · 2 years
Thank you for the svt recs! I've heard a lot of them, but I'm excited to have a better playlist and place to start with them ❤️
and re: dc notes feeling different (not my ask btw!), I feel the same way! I think you put it into words really well. I've sorta seen the same thing happen with the other group I follow behind the scenes stuff for, where at a certain point in their careers (and definitely during the pandemic), things became a lot more "catered" to fandom rather than a group of people hanging out and sharing a really unique and interesting experience together.
Things kinda feel more.. celebrity (?) now? Like, it's much more apparent to me in some notes and stuff that yup, they're celebrities (which.. kinda made maison a sore spot for me in a few ways, but that's a different story!). Which, duh, but it felt easier to find moments of just silliness and human connection in a lot of the older stuff, and I feel like that's sorta a thing that just happens at a certain success point, where maybe people have less of a desire to share every part of themselves on camera than earlier days. Which is fine! I'm all for more privacy for them, but I agree that I'd be happy with shorter notes with some moments where they're having fun and being together than curating messages or whatever to the fandom. I'm a fan because I love their music and performances, and I watch behind the scenes stuff because I care about /them/ and enjoy /them/ and enjoy /them having fun together/, not because I want to feel recognized as a fan lol
which is also probably why twitter isn't the place for me either, I go on occasionally but have to dodge/block a lot of the weirdo fighting and possessiveness. I wasn't on twitter until idk, a year ago maybe to keep up with content better and ehh lol I imagine it's a lot more sore to have been part of the active fandom pre-2019 and then to see those spaces you were in (and building) change so fast.
That being said! Gosh! You have really done so much, and I use that masterpost of content probably weekly just to find stuff I enjoy, it's such a huge help! Your gifs are always god-tier, and I enjoy reading your thoughts about dc stuff. If i think of any gifsets, I'll send an idea your way <3 I haven't gotten to see a lot of concert content recently, so I'm excited to go watch some stuff (I heard the Mexico concert was really really lovely in terms of fan energy and what not). I hope you have a lovely day!
I hope you enjoy it! 😊
and yeah exactly, I think in a way the dc notes just started following more of a vlog format which is understandable with everything that went on at the time. I do agree with the celebrity thing to an extent, in vlives and concerts they still feel the exact same, the levels of chaos have remained unchangeable so far asdkjh I do agree that they’ve been passing off that image more on the dc notes tho. but like I said I do think they’re slowly getting back to the old format in the sense that in the group ones at least we’re starting to get more of those small moments again. tbh I haven’t seen the solo dc notes of the special clips or the practices bc it’s all very similar... I think dcc could’ve done better with the release of the special clips themselves, I feel like at this point the momentum has completely died out for the special clips 💀 I get that they wanted to space it out to make the most of the content but idk I think they could’ve done it a bit better. I was really looking forward to the solo clips back in the beginning of the cb but that was in march/april? and it’s now july and not all of the special clips are out yet........ I think they dragged it out a bit too much specially considering that the first one was released two months ago already :/
but yeah tbh abt twitter I’ve never been that active there, it’s always been a platform that has never really resonated with me much but even then the change has been really felt, but oh well. I’ve come to make peace that if some content is truly important it will reach me one way or another asdkjh
and I’m glad the masterpost is helpful! I’ve been meaning to update it but the motivation for it has been a bit lost on me :’) still thank you for your kind words <3 I really appreciate that some of you take the time to read the things I put on here sometimes 💕
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traincat · 3 years
You seem like you'll know the answer to this please ignore tho if you don't feel like answering but lmao I don't watch superhero movies I've never seen any of the spidermans (except itsv) and I only kinda read comics but I'm seeing tons of people talk about avi Arad? Who's that? According to marvel movie fans he's everything wrong with the spiderman marvel movies?
You’ll get more information on Avi Arad’s actual career by googling him but he is an important figure at Marvel. I know he’s been involved with Marvel since I got into Marvel, because I remember seeing his name everywhere, but I’m not the most knowledgeable source of Marvel executive hierarchy information. I believe he was the chief creative officer at Marvel Entertainment and the founder of Marvel Studios. So he’s big. He’s produced a lot of stuff, including Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. 
I don’t really know what’s exactly going on with him and the MCU Spider-Man fans at the moment but apparently, according to twitter and the three articles that immediately come up when you google his name, he’s to blame for everything that that MCU Spider-Man critical fans hate about the movies -- which, previously, were things defended by a lot of the same people now saying it’s all Avi Arad’s fault, so. A little bit confusing there. Even given that Avi Arad is an important figure within Marvel who doubtlessly has a lot of influence and seems to assert it readily, I really doubt everything that at least I personally disagree with is this one man’s fault, because that seems unlikely. I’m also only seeing things addressed as rumors so it’s like? Apparently some of this is coming from a poster? Honestly, it feels like a light little scandal tossed out to get people hyped for No Way Home. (Also a little bit like “blame the Jew” but you know, nothing new there.) I don’t doubt that Avi Arad made some of the decisions that shaped the current face of Spider-Man movies but it seems very unlikely he made all of them, or at least made all of them in a vacuum, especially considering you can trace many of these supposedly vastly unpopular decisions to popular fandom statements made years and years ago, such as the insistence that you don’t need to retell Uncle Ben’s death or the origin story. I think it’s a bit silly to say Avi Arad has singlehandedly “ruined” Spider-Man, regardless of whether or not you agree with the choices made in the MCU movies, because those movies are very popular and they’ve made a lot of money. I might not like them, but it’s pretty clear that a lot of other people, especially people who previously had no interest or attachment to Spider-Man, do. Anyway, according to what articles I can dig up, this current discussion is founded on largely rumors and speculation. 
Someone else can probably explain this better, sorry! I’m kind of just hanging out in my own Spider-Man corner at the moment. 
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alonelystargazer · 2 years
idk what the ask questions are i’m just listing some favorite numbers for you to answer: 3, 23, 33, 99 😊
(3) on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
considering I mostly write fics with romance as part of the plot, I would say maybe a 7. I try not to go overboard and make the romance extremely sappy or out of character. It's funny because I used to be a big hater of romance in stories but once I started writing fanfics and looking for ways I can make my ships hold hands and smooch, I'm a big sucker for it now. It may not be as substantial as something like a character study or platonic relationship (at least the stuff I write), but I enjoy writing guys being in love or whatever!
(23) how do you deal with writers block?
I don't really get writer's block. I almost never lack for inspiration. I always have ideas, but sometimes I don't feel motivated to write because I'm feeling insecure about silly things like 'how readers will like this fic?' and other times I just don't have time to write, even if I really want to. I'll just take a little break from writing for a few days or even a week and come back to it with a fresh mind.
(33) do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
I usually start with the plot and figure out how to incorporate the characters into the story. I have a lot of 'blank slate' ideas that I can pick from to write a story and then insert characters into them. That might not be the best way to write but it works for me.
(99) was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when your older? or is it just a hobby?
At one point, I did want to be a professional writer and publish original fantasy and sci-fi stories, but that was just one of many career aspirations for me that never became reality. Now, I just like to write fanfiction as a hobby, but sometimes I will write something original so I don't get fandom brainrot lol.
for randoms questions, they were fun to answer! thanks for asking!
ask me more fanfic questions!
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chickawah23 · 3 years
Hi, I'm the Anon that talked about Billy Lynn, I got the information about the film taking a massive dip in viewers in China within 48 hours specifically due to JA's portrayal being uncompelling and unrelateble from Wikipedia, the source for that information is cited as being a 11/14/16 article from China Film Insider by Jonathan Papish.
I'm not trying to bash the beard, he was genuinely a big reason for why the film did so poorly after 48 hours according to the Chinese movie goers who went to see it and recommended others not to do to his poor performance, China Film Insider directly takes news about film industry happenings in China and translates it for a Western audience, the source of the information that the China Film Insider used for their article was literally from Chinese entertainment news.
It'd be disingenuous and possibly rascist to pretend that the recorded complaints about JA's poor, unrelable portrayal of his character making Billy Lynn unwatchable to Chinese movie goers back in November 2016 didn't exist just to protect the non-existent reputation of a rich white man who owes his entire career to nepotism from Taylor after the objective commercial and critical failure that was Billy Lynn.
Film critics and entertainment media the world over have found nearly all of that man's performances to be very poor since 2016, with the exception of The Favorite, which was generally considered to be acceptable within the US and internationally. There is no reason to censor this publicly available information with citated sources on Tumblr just because some people don't appreciate the objective opinion that thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people outside of Taylor's fandom have of JA being a terrible enough actor that they've made their opinions know to the their national entertainment news outlets throughout the entire planet 😒
😪 This is the cite you referenced. Link and highlighted screen grab:
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I read this review that you referenced and it says “moviegoers couldn’t relate to the central character.”That to me sounds like a critique on the universality of the story or poor storytelling. The article also discussed the poorly translated title being misleading for moviegoers in China.
That being said I did take the time to look at more reviews of the movie and the consensus for JA is that he was bland and blends into the background in the film. So it is what it is. The movie was poor all around besides Kristin Stewart who seemed to be the only one who got good reviews.
As a final note, Please don’t use the term “racist” that flippantly in my inbox, anon. No one cares enough about this dude to “protect” him. I roll my eyes at the nepotism and his inability to stand on his own two feet outside of his “lady’s” shadow any time I see things about him on here. And to be very honest I don’t care enough about him to expend anymore energy looking any further than I already have into his film history. So I’m over this discussion.
He was a no name actor in a messily made film by an Oscar winning director. That was the point of my Dress post that I made because I like making jokes about this silliness of this stuff on my blog.
Please unfollow or block me if you don’t like what I say. I don’t have the energy for the vitriol tonight. I really don’t.
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miraimisu · 7 years
Can I request 83, 52, 38 or 18 (I'm in angsty mood for some reason). If you don't feel like writing angst today then maybe something from: 3, 4, 85 or 60. Since i'm writing this I might as well say that I loooooove your writing and I hope you have an amazing day!
What the fuck, why would I ever reject an angsty prompt? I am the angst duchess and fuck my life if I cant live to write sad, heartbreaking thingies. Or at least I try? And thanks for the kudos, I don’t know how do I deserve all of this when you guys deserve all the credit. I love this fandom so much.This prompt was a bit hard tho, and it turned out kinda short?… I just hope it lives up to your expectations ♥ Gonna make #18 for forbidden love shit.
Uraraka was no commoner. Uraraka Ochako was all but your regular friend that helps you with your bags and books– even if she possibly would help out with these matters, she was all but your normal stand-by friend.
Everyone knew that. If one took the opportunity to know her, they would see her true colors behind those common eyes that shone with unhidden curiosity and enthusiasm. It was hard for one to squeeze air out of her, and sometimes, even get a true emotion out of her.
Bakugou knew this, out of all people. Of course the pyro genius would see her for her true colors and not the ones she wore in front of everyone. He would notice when her hands trembled a little when laughing, a sign of feigning stupid glittery glee– he hated it. He hated her, sometimes. The way she sparkled while her heart trembled with the weight of a little lie that would later tie her down to her bed in a night of endless cries.
She could see right through him, too– and he was, somehow, perfectly fine with that. If someone could see the good in him, that would only be her and that stupid redhead he had for best friend. Kirishima was one of the very few people who could stand his random fits of anger, but Uraraka… that bitch. She was too good for her own good. Always hugging people, always smiling and–
He grasped his desk in agitation. She was always by that bastard’s side and it drove him up the wall.
Uraraka didn’t know this, of course. Whenever she was cheering her friend up, Bakugou would let out a good old colorful piece of goodness, but she deemed it to be in his nature. He was aggresive, a bit of a jerk, but it was him after all.
And somehow, there was a moment in time and space– like, two days ago in the middle of an encounter with him, when something shifted in her heart.
This spar had been anything but planned beforehand. Uraraka had seen him going for a walk in his training clothes and the idea sparked in her. She had ran to him inmediately with the objective of touching his shoulder, surprising him, and making him go weightless– of course, we are talking about Uraraka and she couldn’t do sneaky.
She had coughed just before reaching his skin, what prompted a big curse out of him and made him blow her away out of instinct. She landed a few meters behind him and when he realized it was her who had tried to, in his eyes, probably annoy the shit out of him– he at first scoffed at her futile attempt of a sneaky stance and helped her to her feet.
“What the fuck, Uraraka.” and he swung her arm around his shoulder, no petition needed. “Your leg is still peachy and you are planning surprise attacks on me? You must be a sucker for pain.”
“What… are you doing?” asked she, letting herself be dragged to wherever he wanted to drop her. It was true that planning such risky thing was reckless from her considering what a bad beating Iida had given her the previous day.
Oh, his face when he had seen her so beaten up. He had been apologizing while punching death into her.
Bakugou grunted beside her. “I’m taking you to a damn infirmary. I have burnt your left arm and honestly, every one will give me the stinky eye if they get to know I almost blew your ass up.”
Because everyone loved Uraraka, even his best friend. And he knew damn well that Kirishima would give him a good piece of mind if he came to find out that he had been the one to injure her. He would never mention, but he also felt a bit bad for harming her without a reason but stupid instinct.
Why did she… matter so much? She was just a damn pebble. How was he going to focus on his career when Bakugou had this woman by his side constantly hogging him to make nice with Deku so that bastard would be happy?
Bakugou had many reasons to make that boy’s life miserable: 1) he was a bragger, 2) he was a loser, and most recently 3) he had Uraraka’s undivided attention– he had his best battle buddy’s attention and again, it was driving him insane. So he walked to the infirmary with the intention of dropping her there and pretending nothing happened, because he was starting to be fed up with her and those butterflies she carried around her.
Why did she have to always come by and mess with his life?
He hated that feeling. He hated feeling like he needed to protect her when all he should be doing is focus on himself and– god, she was too in love with Deku, what good would it do to him to develop a silly crush on her and– at this point, when he came to terms with his feelings, he was a blushing mess and wanted to blow up the whole school.
Worst of it all, those silly summersaults his stomach did when she was near had been there for way too long before this realization and he felt it dawning on him, crushing him alive. There was no turning back now.
Uraraka didn’t let it pass, though. When Bakugou eventually and literally dropped her in a hospital bed, something stirred inside of her, making her heart warm in a pleasant manner. When he left her wordlessly to Recovery Girl’s aid, she smiled at him knowingly. Kirishima truly had had a gooD effect on him– and the thought carried her through the day, but as soon as Deku came into view, he had all her attention again.
Her heart still fluttered after the newfound kindness Bakugou had in him. And something changed that day. She would realize this change too late.
When Bakugou saw her laughing along with Deku, he started biting his knuckles. The feeling that bubbled in his chest squirmed uncomfortably, the very same feeling that had him wide awake all night after dropping roundface at the infirmary. A part of him told him that he had been rude as fuck for letting her on her own after almost setting her on fire, and another part told him that he had been stupid for almost setting her ablaze to start with.
No matter what he tried to come up with, he had made a mistake. He had made a mistake for allowing himself near her, for having left her at the infirmary bed when what he should have done is just leave her in the dust to tend her own injuries.
So he sucked it up and, as soon as class was finished, Bakugou waited for her to come out of class. Whatever he was feeling for her, for that strong and small stupid pebble he couldn’t step upon– all that was ending as soon as he set things clear with her.
He knew she would never pull away from green bastard, and he was aware of the fact that he couldn’t force her to stay away from him. He could hope for her to grow up from his fucking shadow, but he wasn’t scum and would never force her out of it. Whatever made her happy was fine for him. People he respected deserved their space and, albeit reluctantly, he would give it all to her.
She stepped out of class alone, always the slowest one to pack her stuff– her jump when he came into view was fucking hilarious. “What are you doing there, Baku–”
“Your injuries,” spat he, stepping near to her. Her proximity felt wrong and sinful to him when she was too far from reach, but he stil invaded her injuries til she was against a wall. “let me see them.”
Uraraka blinked at him once, twice, but didn’t flinch at his agressivity, unfazed as she always was by his forward demeanor. Her eyes wide as saucers for his intoxicating permating sweaty and riany spark, he let himself fall into the galaxies of her pools, and almost forgot what all this mess was about until he saw her remove her jacket and show him her reddened arm.
“It’s patched up and in good condition. You at least had the decency to take to Recovery Girl.”
He looked to his side, and his voice sounded remorseful for a second, connecting with all the thoughts that had rattled inside his head during the previous night. “It was my fault in the first place.”
“Are you… apologizing?”
“Hell no, you damn woman.” growled he, his scarlet glare boring into her purity once again. “You shouldn’t have tried to sneak up on me when you know I can damn well tear you to pieces.”
Uraraka, far from offended, giggled at his brash retort. Her breath got stuck in her chest as beams of sunset streaked through his golden locks, and she had this silly urge to thread her fingers through them. She ended up deciding against it because she appreciated her life.
“Is there anything else you need?”
He looked at her even more intensely. There was a moment in which she noticed how she had changed in his eyes, but knew she remained the same for everyone. The colors she wore had turned scarlet, adorning her cheeks and inking her in desire and passion for that woman he would worship in the darkness as long as he lived, because he knew that sunlight wouldn’t let him speak out his secret devotion– not when she loved somebody else.
She loved Deku. She loved a quirkless bastard and not him, the great Bakugou Katsuki. And he was dying to know why.
So his hands trailed up her arm to end up gripping her jaw, her head crashing against the concrete. “Why him?”
Her cheeks muffled by his rough hands and chords malfunctioning due to the embers of his eyes, passion and anger– it all reduced her to ashes and suddenly, she couldn’t muster a decent answer. Mostly because a part of her didn’t know what he wastalking about while the other pretty much could see in his eyes what this was about. The notion just left her speechless and a mess of goo in the ground.
His flames kissed the chocolate of her irises– and boy, didn’t chocolate melt good and pretty against heat.
His mouth came devastating hers in a helfire kiss,as his hands tried their best not to roam around her body– one that didn’t belong to him, staying put on the wall so she wouldn’t escape– because of course she was shaking, probably fearful, needing to pull away. The way his mouth was twisting hers in such burning embrace, embers of passion consuming her thoughts and rationalities– but she didn’t want this.It was all sorts of alluring and deliciously wrong. His teeth trapping her lower lip, trying to recover all dominance on the kiss, eliciting a throaty moan from her– he opened his eyes for a second, frustrated, and yearning to hear more of that. She attempted to pull way, her hands fighting against his chest to stop his sudden rampage, earning her a head crash against the wall as Bakugou only pushed her in.His hands travelled all the way to her neck and waist, nails digging in her skin– oh, her gasp, that may have hurt a little. He took the opportunity to come crashing to her mouth, his tongue entangling with hers while she wiggled in his hold, trying to either get away or hold herself in. And none of those things were gonna happen.
There was a moment when he felt her give in a little. Her pushing became less frantic, the haltered, and her eyes shut completely close–
But he couldn’t– couldn’t let a good kiss get the best of him and build illusions on an impossible relationship. He couldn’t keep this up when she was in love with another man. He gave her waist a little push and disconnected the sickingly euphoric lock, a trail of saliva connecting them. 
He caressed her lower lip with his thumb as softly as he could, frown adorning his chaotic features, irises trembling as she stared at him, unbelieving.
He wasn’t the man for her. He breathed deep, then stepped back, their bodies missing each other– but this was wrong.
“I shouldn’t love you.” murmured he, making her features constrict into a painful grimace of realization. “But I fucking do and I’m scared shitless.”
He would die to hold her as she shook and almost fell, would love to possess her against the very same wall and make her forget about Deku. However, he wasn’t scum, and he couldn’t let her make him drop so low.
She didn’t deserve the pain he carried with him, or his falling hopes. So he marched away, shoulders tense in realization.
Bakugou saw the true colors in her, and she would always see his and cherish them as a precious treasure. But his colors weren’t the ones she was searching for, or the ones she dreamed and sighed for.
And no matter how blaring and blinding her colors were, he couldn’t let them paralyze him. No matter the heartbreak, he did what he deemed to be right– not knowing he had left a dounting girl at his wake, who realized now why his kindness had struck her so much.
He walked away. And this was the first time Bakugou realized he was human and couldn’t be more than that, no matter how much he loved her.
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I came here to ask for some advice I guess, but I'm not sure what exactly I'm looking for, so I'm just gonna share what's on my mind. I think I want to be a writer or at least get into it more again. A few years back I was really into writing fanfiction for my favorite shows and I really expanded the different worlds. But I never managed to finish something. I also wouldn't say I'm the best with words most of the time. Over the past years I've written some short stuff here and there constantly from my daydreams, but I've never written or imagined a world completely on my own and I keep slipping back into worlds from shows that I really like. I also quickly abandon my ideas, because I either have too many of them and I lose grip of what I actually want or I have none at all. English isn't my first language, but I write in it most of the time and even think in it often. I'm not comfortable writing in my first language which is probably really odd, but I guess I'm not comfortable enough in either of them to at least start off with publishing some fanfictions. Maybe I'm not made to be a writer after all. I really love creative stuff like writing, drawing, painting, poems, journaling, but I wouldn't say my skills are really good in any of them. I try to get better at drawing, but I usually can't keep up. Probably this is also just a phase. Everything just feels like a phase, beside me feeling at peace with arts and writing in general. But I also feel like that's like one of the rather unlucky areas to be striving in in today's world (if it was ever different). But I guess nothing about my life is ever easy or easier, so it would at least stay in line with my current life? I don't really see myself anywhere, maybe it's because I wasn't meant to do what (I would say) most people do. I don't really consider being an artist or writer something a lot of people do, because in my eyes it's really hard to get successful with it. I hope that doesn't sound wrong or offends anyone. Maybe I was simply just made to create. But maybe that's just wishful thinking, because currently it just feels like my only ability is to destroy. But looking at it from a different angle, you can also create something with destruction. I could also see myself doing YouTube, but I don't really know if that would be a good idea. YouTube probably isn't really considerd a real job. I feel like telling someone my dream is to be a YouTuber/Writer/Artist would be silly. I don't even know if it can be called a dream. It's just something I love most of the time.
We're always happy to listen to you, anon!
First off anon, damn, that's exactly how I feel about writing too! It's actually why I decided to focus on being a translator instead of a writer, because I'm not good at finishing any of my ideas and the ones I do finish are short stories for fandoms, not anything original.
Writing is hard. I respect the hell out of anyone that manages to finish a book. Something that has worked for me is to keep focusing on short stories - at least that's easier to finish. Maybe you could start with that, anon. I understand the frustration of being unable to come up with a world of your own and use worlds from fandoms instead, but there's no use in beating yourself over it. Eventually, you'll strike gold. I'm saying that because it happened to me recently 😅 after years of only using fandom for my works, I finally created something original for my short story class. I'm trying to see if I can get it published but it's going to be a long, hard road. I already got rejected once lol
Second, I understand that about your first language. Writing in Spanish is super weird for me - I see English as more natural, while Spanish comes off as more serious and that affects my writing.
And hey, YouTube has totally risen as a career nowadays. I see it as hard as writing though - it's hard to get an audience and content and everything but I think you can pull it off with the right idea and vision. A dream is an important source of motivation, anon! There's no harm in following it 😄 - Mod Jessa
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