#(spoiler yes this has always been a sideblog)
sadaveniren · 4 months
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mourningsbane · 2 months
regarding the newest comic post, a lot of ppl are saying honeyspring would never harm a kit and that her "gift" isn't meant to be malicious. but, i mean, if it IS mourningsbane, she might be giving it to sweetkit in hopes she will eat it, pass away, and thus be able to join her in her weird limbo afterlife so she doesn't have to be alone anymore. that's a recurring theme that seems to be honeyspring's biggest issue: she doesnt want to be alone.
yes sweetkit talks to her now, but there is still the disconnect that sweetkit is alive and honeyspring is not. honeyspring also cant communicate easily anymore; nowhere near the way that sweetkit and other living cats can. honeyspring is limited in terms of communication with most of it seeming to rely on symbolism or physically visible things.
sweetkit has other clanmates to interact with and a life she has to live filled with responsibilities, events, etc. as she grows up in the clan. she can't give honeyspring her undivided attention and whenever she is away living her own life, honeyspring is left alone, waiting and hoping that sweetkit will come back (which is never a 100% certain thing.)
on the topic of sweetkit growing up, that's the thing: she's going to grow up. while kits may be less judgmental and indifferent to honeyspring's appearance, as sweetkit gets older, she may get more perturbed by honeysprings appearance and/or discover honeyspring's story and make the connection that shes been talking to a dead cat all this time. that being said, she might not want to even be around honeyspring anymore and might even fear her. if she fears her or doesnt want to see her anymore, honeyspring will have lost their only friend, rendering them completely and utterly alone (which, again, seems to be her biggest source of distress.)
on top of this, honeyspring lost her kits (whether u take that to mean they died or they became... Not Kits) so if sweetkit joins them, they can finally be the mother/parent they were meant to be but was denied so cruely. in this case, sweetkit won't get older. she will remain a kit forever, so honeyspring can be a mother/parent to sweetkit and cherish the joys of mother/parenthood forever, making her miserable afterlife a lot more bearable.
dont get me wrong! i adore honeyspring and hold her very dear to my heart (is it weird to say shes a bit of a comfort character to me at this point...?) but they're in a very heartbreaking, complex, and unstable state of being right now and who knows how in control of her emotions, actions, and thought processes she is.
cats make mistakes (obviously 💀) and dont always think abt/realize the big picture or the consequences of their actions all the time. and honestly, it's understandable for honeyspring to be acting "selfish" abt sweetkit; honeyspring did nothing wrong in life (as far as i know) and had all of what was meant to be a love-filled, family-oriented future stripped away from them in a gruesome and downright horrific way caused by such a simple mistake no less. why cant they have this one semblance of control over their existence now that their future is gone.
it wouldnt be the first time a cat gave their clanmate mourningsbane after all.
(sorry if a lot of this doesn't make sense or is confusing! i have a lot of trouble putting my thoughts into words...)
-warriorwhiskers (warrior cat sideblog)
Oh, this is a VERY interesting theory! I like the way your brain works! <3
I cannot say for sure how accurate this theory is due to potential spoilers, BUT I think you have a very valid read on Honeyspring's personality!
If it helps, know that Honeyspring has always been resourceful! LutumClan has no official nursery? That's fine, Honeyspring will make one! Does the clan need more prey for the fresh-kill pile? Worry not, Honeyspring's on the case!
Can't enter paradise? That's okay, Honeyspring will make her own.
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i was tagged by @kanonavi! i appreciate the tag <3
why did you choose your URL?
my current one is just my online name (tempest) + bards (venti) + birds (xiao). i know that fandom URLs can seem a bit cringe or whatever but idk. i like it!
2. any sideblogs? if so, name them and why you have them.
nope! i toyed with the idea of making one but i like keeping things in one place, so sorry to my irls who don't follow me for genshin. thanks for not leaving lmao
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
my archive goes back to april 2022 so just over two years now. it feels longer but oh well
4. do you have a queue tag?
the only thing i use the queue for is scheduling posts for specific days so no.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
a couple of my irl friends said that they were on tumblr and i thought i might as well join and see if there was anything to do with miraculous on here (spoiler alert: there was.)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
7. why did you choose your header?
it's just a gif that i made of the one piece of canon xiaoven content that we had pre-endless suffering. it's there and i don't really see a reason to change it soooo yeah!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
this miraculous gifset that i posted july 2022 that has 3,180 notes as of writing this (it hasn't gotten any in A While so i think i'm safe for now)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
including irls it's 14 but excluding irls it's 11! i love you all
10. how many followers do you have?
308 but i think a significant portion of them are inactive now. love you guys too tho btw
11. how many people do you follow?
250 exactly
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
depends on what you consider to be a shitpost i guess. if you would class stuff like the rhodeia post i made last week as shitposting then sure.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
probably anywhere between half an hour and two hours depending on how active my dash is and just how much i'm rotting in general.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not that i can remember?
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
no. absolutely not.
16. do you like tag games?
yes but a lot of the time i don't do them because i never have any idea if my mutuals are comfortable with them or not and deciding on who to tag always gives me far more stress than it probably should because i am chronically afraid of Annoying People.
17. do you like ask games?
yeah! people aren't obligated to send me asks for them though i don't wanna seem attention seeking either aha
18. which of your mutuals is tumblr famous?
i don't know if any of them are tbh i don't pay that much attention to stuff like that (if any of you do consider yourselves to be tumblr famous though please tell me)
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
platonically sure, but. uh. *gestures to pfp*
20. tags:
@girlboy-frankensteins-monster @dopefrickingjelysquid
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
it's my day off and I have already had one formal phone call and I'm now waiting for my new desk chair to be ready for pickup and I had an exhaustive day yesterday hosting vaalikahvit for five adults, one toddler and two dogs, so may I pleeeeaaaaaasssseeee get to fuck around and imagine blorbo nonsense and draft an AU fic I'll never write because I still haven't made that sideblog for this kinda shit instead of doing anything useful?? 😩🙏
so today I'm thinking of a no-band-AU semi-inspired by this post I made a week ago
in which Olli and Aleksi have recently moved in together in their new fancy house and they're so happy and in love and having a lot of sex (yes this is an important plot detail 🥰)
(spoiler alert: there is no plot. not even a little bit (hence I won't be writing this))
their relationship had a controversial start because they were still dating other people when they fell in love
Joonas is pining for Joel who's in a toxic on/off relationship with Samy
Joel may be struggling with something else too idk haven't decided, but Joonas is there for him always and he loves Joel so so much
as for Tommi and Niko: maybe Tommi and Olli used to be an item at some point, although he's not the one Olli broke up with to be with Aleksi
and maybe Joonas and Niko had something going on but Niko ended it because he saw how in love with Joel Joonas was
so Niko and Tommi have lots of deep discussions about whether it's weird for Tommi to see Olli with Aleksi (not really because it's been a while and he can see how happy Olli is now (way happier than he was with his previous partner))
and about how it is for Niko to see Joonas suffering so much because of Joel (it's hard but there's not much niko can do about it is there)
and yeah they end up spending the night together at some point 👀 they decide to keep it casual and low-key though so they tell no one
eventually it becomes maybe a little more than just friends hooking up but they're still sorta chill about it and it feels very natural (for Tommi it's better than the random one-night-stands he's been having and for Niko it's definitely better than worrying about Joonas all time time)
and yeah, as it is a non-band-AU I've also given some thought to what they all could be doing instead of being in a band (which is my favourite part of non-band-AUs hehe)
first of all, Tommi is a paramedic because I recently re-watched this old interview in which they all tell the what they'd be doing for a living if they weren't musicians in a band and that's Tommi's answer
ngl it would be kinda funny if I gave everyone the occupation they mention in the video but I think 'gravedigger' for Niko would be a tad too gloomy for the purposes of this AU lol, so he's a writer. a struggling one maybe, but still, and he spends a lot of time in his head (very in-character I knoooooooww <3)
Olli is a graphic designer at a... ummm... a place where graphic designers work? idk just some company, he works from home a lot (so that he can have sex with his bf during his breaks)
Aleksi is still a producer, has a fancy-ass studio in the house. Robin is one of the artists he works with, because of course he is
Olli and Aleksi secretly want to ask Robin if he'd be up for a threesome but he's a literal puppy and oblivious and they don't know how to bring it up lol
and maybe Johnny's Aleksi's co-producer and they also fantasize about having threesome with him 😂 sorry yes they are very horny and kinky in this AU
not sure what Joel and Joonas could be doing, but I like to imagine them as co-workers in some kinda music business or whatever. maybe they're also roommates, just to make it extra painful for Joonas 😭 and maybe Joel is a musician on the side (plays covers at bars etc.), because I simply can't imagine him another career than music
(Joonas goes to see his every single gig, sometimes without Joel knowing it)
a random "scene" I've thought of includes Niko and Joonas coming over to test the new sauna at the Matela-Kaunisvesi residence, but because Niko and Joonas feel awkward having sauna together, they end up mixing the pairs and so we have Aleksi and Niko having deep discussions in the sauna and Joonas and Olli talking about sex while waiting for their turn lol (they've been friends since forever and maybe had some experiments together when they were teens so it's very natural for them)
but yeah, the reason why I'm not writing this AU is because I have no clear plot for it 😔 but honestly? sometimes it's fun just creating these AUs and characters in my head 🥺
I wish I could write all these ideas into actual stories but I'm scared of biting off more than I can chew, so I intimidate and overwhelm myself from even giving it a fair try 😭
so that's it pretty much! if anyone wants to help me figure out an actual story idea out of this, you know where to find me 👋
next I think I'm gonna go keep on procrastinating by creating Olli & Aleksi's fancy-ass house on The Sims 4 byeeeeeee
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Puff / Holmes / The Great Detective / whatever else ★ They / them (or she/her, nbd really) ★ Proud owner of the most insane Klavier headcanon(s) ★ This is a sideblog! ★ Associated with my friend @purpleleavesday whom I make up nonsense with ★ tagging "#dgs2 spoilers"
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I'm very chatty, so assorted trivia is below the Read More, as to not turn my bio into an eyesore. Will be updated as relevant!
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Total time spent in the Attorney Mines...
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When I say I've been enjoying these games since I was a kid, however it's a bit false to say I've been playing them that long. I've more been watching them be played, until now, as well as observing the lawyer yaoi on my dash. This series has been a massive part of my life for about as long as I can recall, I just... Didn't quite play them until recently. I'm new-ish but I feel like it's important to point out that I really have been here a while, in spirit.
Klavier headcanons..?
There's about two total, the one in my URL, and one I'm moreso sworn into secrecy over. The one in my URL is... It's very important to me. If you see Klavier on this blog, please read him in a goofy Australian accent. My brother does voice stuff, and when we were reading for Ace Attorney, he just turned Australian and I can't unhear it.
Sholmes kinning you..?
Yeah, so... He just like me. Same poses, same catchphrases, detective as a gender and not a profession, big yellow-ish coat. Most damningly, I do unfortunately represent myself through a funny little bunny, and have since I was a small child, and it's literally just the Sholmes bunny. I'm so serious and I could prove it. Most importantly, I've been doing all this for years. It's literally just how I act! And almost always have! What! I joke about kinning him (or, in this case, being kinned by him) but it's just in good fun.
You look familiar...
HI. YOU GOT ME. Yes, it's Puff, your silly rabbit and right hand arm man. Sorry to all my main blog oomfies to which I did NOT announce this to, but hi, enjoy your stay!
Dear fellow, what in the world is happening in your icon?
Gonna make this quick or I'm gonna start crying laughing again. I sometimes use 3D models as reference, and a friend was helping me clean / rig the Sholmes model rip I had and... When he sent me the file, he did something wrong by accident..? And Sholmes ended up looking SO joyous, but he strictly did NOT do that on purpose like I thought, so we both ended up crying real tears over it. Therefore, I'm using that as a base for my icon while I work on a better one.
Mutuals* can...
By mutuals, I mean followers, really, but feel free to ask for my main if you're unsure or otherwise reach out! I don't have a lot else going on (I started playing Ace Attorney because I'm too injured for my other hobbies so any distraction is very welcomed) and am willing to chat, as long as you don't mind the fact I'm maybe a little Insane :')
Tags to acquaint yourself with
I don't keep many, but my save tag is "#case notes", my catch-all art tag is "#the deduction of art", my tag for polls is "#I can’t make bricks without clay", my talking tag is "#a study in screaming", and my asks tag is "#consultations"! Will be updating this later as necessary
The banners...
First off! No interest in men. I like to make jokes, but they're just that! I've called Kazuma "dreamy" more times than I can recall, but legit I do not mean it outside an objective context. I don't mean to be needlessly hostile, but the second is to preemptively warn off weirdos! If you're going to be Nasty or Weird (especially about characters who are minors) then please see yourself out! If you're "proship" or whatever, I don't have much interest in welcoming you to my blog.
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ask-scrafty · 5 months
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this
This blog is a SIDE BLOG to my main mod account Any and all asks/follows will be from the account Mod-Jazzy  - MINI ABOUT THE BLOG -
This blog follows Jolene, former princess of King Thomas Remington, one of the major lords of The Capital. Before she was kicked out at a young age due to a terrible curse bestowed upon her.
The story is about Jolene and her attempt to finally break the curse that has been plaguing her for years. Along with the enemies.. friends… siblings.. and lovers… that she drags along the way -> This blog will contain Religious Themes/Religious trauma and stuff of that nature. As well as general monsters and myth which may contain body horror, blood and general violence <- Please take note of this if you intend to view this story.
/ This blog was unfortunately deleted on March 4th, 2021. Mod was trying to delete a side blog and accidentally delete their main account, which took all their sideblog’s with it./ /Due to this, all older posts will be tagged with "repost" and some cannot contain Alt text due to tumblr not allowing those edits/
- Mini About the Mod -
Hello I’m Mod Jazzy. [ I also go by Raymond/Savannah, so if you see those names.. that’s also me!! ]
I’m currently 26 years old
Any pronouns
Been in the community since 2016
Currently working Hardware Retail, I live with my S/O and our many pets
I run and have run MANY pokeask blogs in the past and still run many to this day! A list of all my ACTIVE PokeAsk Blogs, can be found in -> THIS <- post! This is a pinned post on my Mod Blog, it has the most accurate list of my current blogs. Here is a -> LIST Yes it’s a lot I know its a lot I’ve been here for years and I have silly fun!! And also
Here is a link to my FAQ that I try to keep updated whenever I can haha My Art Blog – My ToyHouse warning: both my artblog and TH can contain blog spoilers! Take note of that in case you care about that kind of thing! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. Feel free to DM me or Shoot me a Ask! Note 1: If I’ve taken awhile to respond to a DM, try zipping me a ask (if the askbox is open). I don’t always get notified of DMs on here OR I’m being spammed by bots a lot!! Note 2: If you have drawn me something or tagged me in something and I have not responded to it... I probably did not see it! Feel free to zip me a DM or ask to tell me if I missed something you did for me! A lot gets lost in the cracks and I'm not always properly notified/I forget to respond to fan art or other things!!
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asktidethegastrodon · 8 months
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this
This blog is a SIDE BLOG to my main mod account Any and all asks/follows will be from the account Mod-Jazzy  - MINI ABOUT THE BLOG - A PokeAsk blog focused around Tide! A school teacher in the lovely town of SilverKeep. Tide lives a fairly simple life in town and is known all around as a kind and caring person. Unfortunately for Tide and the town, the universe appears to have a plan. One that doesn’t favor them well. This blog follows Tide and those she meets along the way as the gods above plot out their fate. / This blog was unfortunately deleted on March 4th, 2021. Mod was trying to delete a side blog and accidentally delete their main account, which took all their sideblog’s with it./ /AskTideTheGastrodon original plot was farther into development as it got deleted, but this “reboot” of sorts goes in some different directions. So if you were around in 2016-March 2021, You may recognize some things or characters!/
- Mini About the Mod -
Hello I’m Mod Jazzy. [ I also go by Raymond/Savannah, so if you see those names.. that’s also me!! ]
I’m currently 25 years old
Any pronouns
Been in the community since 2016
Currently working Hardware Retail, I live with my S/O and our many pets
I run and have run MANY pokeask blogs in the past and still run many to this day! A list of all my ACTIVE PokeAsk Blogs, can be found in -> THIS <- post! This is a pinned post on my Mod Blog, it has the most accurate list of my current blogs. Here is a -> LIST Yes it’s a lot I know its a lot I’ve been here for years and I have silly fun!! And also
Here is a link to my FAQ that I try to keep updated whenever I can haha My Art Blog – My ToyHouse warning: both my artblog and TH can contain blog spoilers! Take note of that in case you care about that kind of thing! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. Feel free to DM me or Shoot me a Ask! Although note: If I’ve taken awhile to respond to a DM, try zipping me a ask (if the askbox is open). I don’t always get notified of DMs on here OR I’m being spammed by bots a lot!!
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dsknsk · 1 year
An Introduction, perhaps
So...it's about time I made a new pinned post.
You can call me Megumi (if you are a big nicknamer, it'd be 'Gumi') and I'm 22 as of now. Dyscalculic. Autistic. Likely has prosopagnosia but has not been tested for it. Currently I can call myself a small tulpagenic system, but I see myself as mixed origin.
They/them pronouns please.
DNI...is just the common ones. No proship, AI or NFT or any of that sort. Terfs and anti-endos can also stay away.
What you can expect on this blog:
A lot of reblogs of art and stuff.
The occasional meme.
I follow the current media on this blog:
Arknights. Long-term player. There will be spoilers for it and occasional discussion of CN content.
Project Moon. Ironically also sort of the reason as to why I'm a system now.
AITSF. First game is still the best.
Secret Histories from Weather Factory.
Some other random stuff:
I block v freely
There might be some gaps between posts/reblogs, some days I post or reblog a lot, other days I might just not do anything here
Like my userbox says, while I do 99% of the time address myself as 'I' and 'myself', that's pretty much always loosely
My sideblogs:
@dsknsktest - My backup blog in case I get shadowbanned, because I have already been shadowbanned twice as of the time of writing. If you suddenly stop seeing my stuff, then there's a good chance I've started posting there.
@incorrect-limbus-quotes - Exactly what it says on the tin. Will occasionally post a quote, don't expect a lot at once since I don't want to clog the tag. Not open to requests.
@dtmzk - Largely a place for my WHB content and the occasional AITSF content.
@justanotherventblog-1 - The place where I moved my vent reblogging to.
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Tulpa is Yi Sang, specifically Spicebush Yi Sang. Doesn't front often. Retains his canonical age of 29.
Yes, the Project Moon controversy of summer 2023 caused a trauma that caused my multiplicity, what about it. If you're going to harass me over things that happened beyond my control, please rethink your life choices.
Multiple code: N--|P[nb/as]|A(A+)|S.H|Oe/t|Mt|We|C(c+)|OF(r-/o+)|Fx^/a|M!|Rp|V---!-|Xas|Gf/m|Jx|S(r--/o+)|R
Syscourse code: 👍/❤️/📗/🔸/🟢/🌗/🟥/🌳/☀️/🥖/🐊/🐌/🐳
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manifestmerlin · 2 years
So I have a great many ideas about @jackplushie's automaton au. And they said it was okay for me to write out a post of it! I was originally gonna do one really big post but. That got too long soooo individual dorm posts with the spoilers under read mores. I also tried to keep this compliant with everything already written about the au which... is why cater is so short here because there was already a post about him.
Also tiny lore (?) thing, each 'dorm' is more so the company who produces the bots.
(Also I wrote this vaguely enough that it could work for any of the sub aus so ye)
EDIT: pssst if you liked this I made a sideblog for twst writing, @scertifiedsavanaclawstan! So go follow me over there!
Riddle is a newer, more experimetal bot designed as a manager for other androids. As a result he tends to be rather strict with other androids in particular.
Not with you of course! After all, yours are the rules he's committed to enforcing.
After all his original job fell through after he left his post for only a short time, and he was discarded as a result with the program deemed a failure.
He doesn't plan to make the same mistake again, so please keep him around! He'll keep the rest in line for you.
He's very good at that too, as part of his purpose he has the ability to instantly shutdown other bots. It works best on other bots from his company, but other androids know to be wary around him, unless they want to go to sleep for a while.
Trey bots are designed to cook! They can keep recipe information, have built in tools like knives and heating elements, and are great at dispensing scents and flavorings!
They're pretty popular due to how well they do their job, and yours does too! He... also does stuff other than cooking though. He can be quite a bit more liberal with those knives or heaters if someone gets too close.
But it's fine, he's just doing his best for you. There's not anything *you* have to be scared of, at least.
Cater is also a pretty popular bot, who's more of a generalist, he's pretty good at just about anything you ask him too do, be that keeping an eye on things or just hanging out with someone. Although other Caters you've seen aren't NEARLY as good at holding a conversation as yours.
He's been bugging you to get a few more of him actually, just for safety, and so he can help you more! Apparently one Cater can control multiple cater bot bodies! How convenient!
If you DO get multiple, be prepared to have at least one hanging off your arm at any given time.
Deuce was originally designed for enforcement, cracking skulls and breaking bones of anyone his master wanted him to.
Now though... he's trying to be more 'normal'. Deuce is the most obviously weird compared to the other bots, because while the others aren't super obvious about their whole conciousness thing Deuce is VERY obviously rejecting his initial programming.
He trys and acts more like a model citizen, he runs errands, escorts you where you need to go, and he... tries to help around the house.
Of course, he can't actually get rid of that old side of himself, and if anyone were to get close with the intent to harm you... well... You won't have to worry about that! He'll handle it for you! So make sure to keep him around please.
Ace bots are made to entertain, be that putting on magic shows or cracking jokes.
Yours definitely... does that. He's quite a fan of showing off card tricks or trying to make you laugh, you can barely pay attention to anyone else without him trying to make a joke to get your eyes back on him.
He always seems restless whenever you're walking around with him, wether that be making fun of the other bots as you see the ads for them or glaring at the other people when he thinks you aren't looking.
He doesn't really hate them or anything, he's just annoyed they keep dragging your attention away from him, he's made to keep everyone's attention so just don't look away okay? :)
(short spoilers for near end of chapter 5)
Deuce bots are also pretty good at taking hits, and yours is pretty good at it too, manipulating the force he takes in and then... dishing it back out... very much increased. The Last bot who tried to get to you was unrecognizable after landing just one punch on your Deuce.
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
hi~ welcome to my blog! ♡
(if you follow or are already following, please like or interact to let me know you've read this)
☆ my carrd ☆
☆ My name is Dio, but you can call me Dora or Devin as well. Ultimately though, I prefer Dio if I don't know you irl. Bonus points if you can guess how many inspirations I had on that ;)
☆ I'm Black. Keep that in mind, always.
☆ I'm a minor. If that bothers you, feel free not to interact.
☆ My pronouns are they/them. I also use þei/þem (still pronounced they/them), but mostly jokingly. You may use she/her if we're close, but please ask beforehand! He/him is fine for jokes, but not always. And finally, never use "it/its" for me, since I personally find them to be dehumanizing. I'm a black enby, so surely you can understand why I feel that way. Any neos and whatnot are just what they are 🤷‍♀️. I'll let you know for sure if a pronoun makes me uncomfortable.
☆ I have two active sideblogs:
@dios-multiverse ~ my writing and oc sideblog
@crucible-memes-4-salem-teens ~ my sideblog based on the 1953 play The Crucible where I am head mod.
♡ Ace Attorney! I love the silly little lawyer game, so feel free to talk to me about it! I've watched playthroughs of the trilogy and am currently playing Investigations 2 as well as the TGAA duology. In addition, I've watched most of the stage plays as well as the anime and the live-action film. I have yet to watch the musicals. Plus, AA gave me my current problematic fave~
♡ Ouran High School Host Club! OHSHC is a lifelong love of mine. However, I've only watched the anime and have only read the first three volumes of the manga. Still, I don't mind spoilers, so if I come across them, I'll be okay. I don't have a *favorite* host, though I am somewhat partial to Mori-senpai.
♡ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! This is a recent interest of mine, so I've only watched up through Part 3 (started Part 4 recently!) and have yet to read the manga for any part. Once again, I have no qualms with spoilers, so feel free.
♡ Markiplier! Once again, lifelong appreciation for him as a person and creator. One of my favorite series from him is probably his playthough of West of Loathing, though I love most of his other videos as well and find myself coming back to his channel again and again.
♡ RTGame! Another favorite youtuber of mine. I love most of his videos as well, though his Planet Coaster videos are what drew me to his channel initially. I really like his content, so I frequently watch his videos.
☆ The Crucible! Yes, that play from the 50s. It gripped me in a hyperfixation when I was in 11th grade and hasn't let go since, hence the blog! I also like other works of "classic literature", though my interest in those is a bit more tame.
♡ Percy Jackson and the Olympians! (and related franchises, such as Heroes of Olympus). Though I'm out of the "target" demographic for those books, they are still near and dear to my heart. However, (possibly controversial opinion) I don't like Jason Grace as a character. Sorry guys, but he's mid. 🤷‍♀️
♡ My Chemical Romance! This band has stuck with me since middle school and I did cry when I found out they got back together, so jot that down. Also stream Foundations of Decay.
♡ Fall Out Boy! Another lifelong love of mine. I've loved this band since before I knew it existed. It truly has been there for me from the start. Also, MANIA is a good album, you guys are just anti-black. 🤷‍♀️
♡ MALICE MIZER! I've only recently started listening to them (and the members' solo work), but so far I really like them! It feels weird to be obsessed with a band that was created and broke up went on indefinite hiatus before I was even born, but I'm used to it at this point. Like the blog description says: I experience gender envy for Mana-sama.
♡ Queen! I typically only listen to music from the 90s and 2000s, but I love Queen a lot. Like with Fall Out Boy, I liked a lot of their music before I even knew it was them, which is interesting for a number of reasons.
♡ ABBA! Another golden group from the 70s. Absolutely love them and I think it's funny how they can now say they went on a 40-year hiatus. How many of your faves can say the same?
♡ BABYMETAL! While I'm not caught up on all the lore (I'm getting there, okay?) I really do like them. I'm actually a fairly new fan, having only started listening to them in 2019, right before METAL GALAXY came out. When that album came out, I obsessively listened to Night Night Burn! almost every day. It was crazy.
♡ Honorable Mentions: Greek Mythology, the novels Homegoing and Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi, too many WEBTOONs to name (though currently I'm really into Get Schooled), Waterparks, DE'WAYNE, Kero Kero Bonito, MARINA, Lil Nas X, and Paramore!
DNF (Just remember, I firmly stand with all of my marginalized family. My love for them overrides my hatred for you 100% of the time.):
× Anti-Black/Racist/Neo-Nazi. I don't tolerate that shit here. Leave me and my blogs alone.
× TERF/SWERF. Our trans siblings and sex working siblings belong in our community. If they hadn't fought for us, we wouldn't be able to live freely now.
× Homophobes. I'm not explaining this one. Just know you shouldn't care who other people want to kiss or fuck.
× Exclusionists. Ace people, Bi/Pan/Poly/Omni/etc people, and Nonbinary/Genderqueer people do not have to explain themselves to be allowed to exist in our community. I don't care if you don't understand their identities. It's not their job to teach you.
× Transmeds/whatever the hell you people are called these days. Trans people do not need to suffer for you to consider them valid.
× Anti-Semites. Idc. Y'all's hatred of Jewish people is quite literally irrational. They haven't caused any problems for you and don't secretly control the government. Don't believe everything you read.
× Islamophobes. Again. As a whole, Muslims are not causing problems for you, and if you think that, you're too far gone.
× Pedos/MAPs/NOMAPs. It's not okay or right or normal to be an adult attracted to children. I don't give a fuck. Get away from me. Even when I ultimately do become of legal age, I still don't want you fuckers around.
× Pro-ship. Idc if it's fictional. It's weird. I personally just feel like "ship and let ship" can't and never should apply to real person, pedophilic, abusive, or incestuous ships, and that's a normal opinion to have. It doesn't "squick me out" if it's straight up illegal! It disgusts me.
× AO3 simps. I use AO3! I like the platform. Its tagging system is well-organized. However, I would not put my moral character on the line for it. It's not that deep, babes. I promise. No one's going to cleanse the internet of your Destiel smuts.
× DDLG/DDLB/MDLG/MDLB. Why does other people acting in child-like manners or dressing like children arouse you? Quickly. Prove with facts and research how that doesn't make you adjacent to being a pedo. Fuck off.
Finally, I hope this blog is a safe and happy space for everyone to be in! Let's have fun together~!
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panharmonium · 2 years
omg—so have you finished your teen wolf watch-through yet or is it still in progress alongside the naruto watching?
no spoilers at all in what i’m about to say, but i literally just watched teen wolf for the first time a couple months ago and i love your merlin meta, so the serendipity of you watching teen wolf right now is like ✨yes✨
anyway, i would love to hear your thoughts on s5&s6 bc basically everyone i know (who has seen the show) told me to just stop watching after s3 but i ended up finishing the whole thing anyway bc i grew too attached to many of the characters 😂 if you’re comfortable chatting in dms, i would be totally down to talk more detail there—but also i would be excited to see any teen wolf posts from you, if you feel inclined to make any, bc like i said, you always have such a wonderful way of talking through things and sharing your perspective on stuff and i always love reading your metas but also most of the people i’ve been talking to about teen wolf watched it so long ago (and only the first few seasons of the show besides) that it’s just not the same 😂
(i always sign these things as my merlin sideblog bc that’s where most people know me from, sorry if that’s weird) 🤣
*waves a big hello to you* HI!
Teen Wolf is still in progress alongside Naruto, but I'm getting closer to the end - we've got four episodes left in Season 5 (part 2), and then we're moving on to Season 6!
Everyone who told you to stop watching after Season 3 was probably right, or at least that's the impression I'm getting so far - I obviously haven't seen S6 yet, and I'm happy to be going into it not knowing anything about it, but I haven't enjoyed S4 and S5 the way I wish I could have, and that makes me doubtful about whether S6 can course-correct in a way that satisfies me. But hope springs eternal - I always go into new seasons optimistically; I was really enjoying the first couple episodes of S5 before it started to lose me, so I'll start S6 with the same open-mindedness.
My Teen Wolf watch actually started a looong time ago - I started watching back in 2015 (never as it was airing, though; I always just watched it on DVD) and got hooked partway through S1. I watched the first three seasons all in a row and was totally in love with it, but the very end of 3B (*cough*allison*cough*) made me so angry that I stopped watching for like two and a half years. Then I came back and watched S4...and it was so terrible that I stopped watching again for another three years. And now...I am finally finishing. XD
There is a LOT of Teen Wolf on my blog; it was my main fannish interest for years even when I wasn't actively watching new episodes, and it's still what I consider one of my "big" fandoms, despite the fact that I've been running around in Merlin and Naruto-land lately. My general Teen Wolf tag is (predictably) "teen wolf", and then I also use "pan watches teen wolf" for thoughts about episodes I'm in the process of watching (currently working on one of those posts right now).
There will likely be many more Teen Wolf posts here as I work my way through the end of S5 and all of S6, and I'd be totally happy to talk about it anytime! I do find it a lot easier to reply to asks or reblog conversation threads back and forth than use the tumblr messaging function - I don't have a problem with dms or anything like that, it's just that the messaging window is SO tiny and I have a much easier time with longer-form/asynchronous communication (things like Discord servers give me hives, and I have similar trouble with texting, so. I guess I am just Old. XD )
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reds-self-ships · 2 years
For the latest version of this post, please click here ⬇️
Welcome! 👋
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My name is Red, I'm 23, my pronouns are he/him and I'm gay for my F/Os who are also gay for each-other.
I romantically self-ship with:
ʀʏᴜɴᴏꜱᴜᴋᴇ ɴᴀʀᴜʜᴏᴅᴏ✨ (ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴀᴄᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴏʀɴᴇʏ ᴄʜʀᴏɴɪᴄʟᴇꜱ) - OTP: Red Dragon (husband—m. 12th of May 2021)
ᴋᴀᴢᴜᴍᴀ ᴀꜱᴏɢɪ⚔️ (ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴀᴄᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴏʀɴᴇʏ ᴄʜʀᴏɴɪᴄʟᴇꜱ) - OTP: Red Headband (boyfriend/partner)
ᴊᴜᴅɢᴇ Q🃏 (ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏᴅ ᴏꜰ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ) - OTP: Red Joker (boyfriend/partner)
ᴄʜᴜʏᴀ ɴᴀᴋᴀʜᴀʀᴀ🍷 (ʙᴜɴɢᴏ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ) - OTP: Red Wine (boyfriend/partner)
ʀᴀɴᴘᴏ ᴇᴅᴏɢᴀᴡᴀ🔍 (ʙᴜɴɢᴏ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ) - OTP: Red Detective (boyfriend/partner)
ᴋɪʏᴏᴛᴀᴋᴀ "ʜᴏʟᴍᴇꜱ" ʏᴀɢᴀʜꜱʜɪʀᴀ⚱️(ʜᴏʟᴍᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴋʏᴏᴛᴏ) - OTP: Red Vase (boyfriend/partner)
ᴢɪᴍᴇʟᴜ 🤖 (ɴᴏ ꜱᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ ʀᴏᴀᴅꜱ) - OTP: Red Robot (boyfriend/partner)
ꜱᴇʙᴀꜱᴛɪᴀɴ ᴍᴏʀᴀɴ 🔫 (ᴍᴏʀɪᴀʀᴛʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʀɪᴏᴛ) - OTP: Red Rifle (boyfriend/partner)
ʀᴀɪᴢᴏ ᴋᴜʀɪᴍᴀ 🤺 (ʀᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀ) - OTP: Red Revenger (boyfriend/partner)
ᴠᴏɴ ʜᴇʀᴅᴇʀ ⚙️ (ᴍᴏʀɪᴀʀᴛʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʀɪᴏᴛ) - OTP: Red Gun Freak (boyfriend/partner)
A list of my platonic F/Os is available on my Carrd. See the link below!
⛔Do Not Interact if:🚫
You're LGBTQ+phobic (incl. TERFs, exclusionaries, "gender critical," etc.);
You're a proshipper (incl. anti-anti, FAIAs, comship, etc.);
You're an MAP/PEAR/etc., and;
You're here to cause drama or discourse.
This blog operates a scorched earth, zero-tolerance policy on abusive/hurtful messages or content. Perpetrators will be blocked on-sight.
Here's a link to my Carrd with all the info you might need.
Here’s my Twitter account…
And below the cut are some FAQs.
Q: Do you ever send anon hate 🗣?
A: I never send anon hate. If you want to double-check whether it was me sent a hate message on anon or not, contact me directly. I also send asks from @altamont498 (my main blog) when anon isn’t an option or upon request.
Q: Do you ever post spoilers for certain series? ⚠
A: Yes - spoilers may be posted from the different series my F/Os are from. These aren't always marked - so browse with caution.
Q: Do you take NS//FW (not safe for work/“explicit”) asks/submissions? 😳
A: NS//FW stuff has been officially transferred over to @reds-self-shipsafterdark, my NS//FW blog, though said blog is officially for adults only.
Some NS//FW content still remains from the past. These are tagged #NSFW and #Smut as appropriate.
Q: What are your self-ship tags 🏷?
A: You can find the tags above! They're the ones that look like #otp: red ________.
I may on occasion use the character name and the tag #self ship, so you can filter accordingly using Tumblr’s in-built tag filtering system or your favourite Tumblr-enhancing web extension/app.
Q: I also ship myself with these guys, can I still follow and/or interact? 👉👈🥺
A: You sure can! But I'd prefer if you asked me first.
Q: Can I add you on Discord? ➕💬
A: Sure! My Discord name is available upon request.
If your Discord name is different to your Tumblr name (e.g. on Tumblr you’re “sampleusername123″ and on Discord you’re “otherusername456#123″) then please contact me to let me know the difference in order to avoid disappointment.
If I don't otherwise recognise the username then the request will be declined.
Q: Why do you use stylised text when writing out character names or fandom names instead of plain text?
A: I use stylised names to make sure that the name can be communicated across in full where appropriate, but also to ensure that some of my posts don't make it out into general circulation.
Especially because I know that some people don't want self ship content clogging up certain tags out there on Tumblr.
I know that this can cause issues for people who are reliant on screenreaders, and for that I can only apologise.
For those in need of filters, you can block the aforementioned tags.For all further enquiries, please send me an ask or drop me a private message.
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Okay hi it’s me, the person who sent you an ask about the X-Files a while ago, having watched only a few before turning the disk back in to the library. You said they were worth watching (or something like that), and I needed a break from my other bingewatching show, so I started on the X-Files again.
So anyway I just finished 2x6 and had to come babble at you like a lunatic because my bones are aching with all the FEELS, and I totally see why everybody forever has spoken of these two characters/actors as something special, and guy-risks-everything-to-save-person-he-cares-about is one of my Favorite Tropes Ever, and Mulder is just so sad and so wrecked at her loss, and just *keysmash* 🤯
What have you done to me.
And also thanks. I’m off to watch the next episode. 😅
OH IS 02x06 ASCENSION??????? yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YES shskdndkdksmsksksks
Ascension is absolutely fantastic in a horrifically painful way bc of Mulder's absolute dedication and BELIEF that he can save Scully before it's too late — it's like, the turning point in where he has this internal shift from "everything is about finding The Truth and what happened to Samantha" and that forming his entire belief system, to where he really truly on EVERY level cares more about Scully than any of that. like yeah he still gets carried away and doesn't always show it well, but she's a priority to him and has been for a while even by the time she's taken — it's just that he hadn't really realized it until then. and then he spends the next however many more seasons CONTINUING to realize it more and more and I just- shdodnsksnzhsjsnskdh
so I actually skipped 1x07 because I went "ehhh seductive vampire? no thanks not my jam" but I do know this one thing about it that's like. a massive punch in the feels. HMU sometime about why You Are In Love by TSwift is THE Mulder/Scully song
but oh my goodness, friend, you're gonna have a FIT over One Breath if you like how frantic and protective Mulder is in Ascension. PLEASE i am begging you, keep me up on your reactions and thoughts as you watch!!! my askbox is always open!
also!! I have a TXF sideblog over at @scullys-freckles, which is... mostly kinda aesthetic-y stuff and probably has spoilers if you're avoiding those, but yeah figured I may as well mention it. I actually started the sideblog as a home base for an au-in-progress I'm working on with @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum that actually diverges from canon right around Ascension, so yeah! :D
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ladybugsimblr · 3 years
Check In Tag ✔️
Why did you choose your url?
A friend gave me the ladybug nickname and it kinda stuck (literally a tattoo lol) and I thought it was fun and cute for a simblr name.
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them.
One sideblog is my first go at a simblr. I stopped using it when my computer died and i lost that save. It’s @legacysimlife Second sideblog is my cc finds. It’s @lbsreblogs The most recent is BK’s “website” @iambkay
How long have you been on tumblr?
I joined April 2017
Do you have a queue tag?
I use tags for my stories and my sims but not specifically a tag for queues. #bklegacy #bklgen1 #bklgen2 #bklfriendsfam #simselfshenanigans and then sim names. also have tags for #bk closet chronicles, #cas adventures and #decorating wip. 
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I originally came to tumblr for cc and then saw people were posting pics of their gameplays and stories and wanted to do the same.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
My icon is usually a recent fave pic of Bailey bc she’s the star of this show or my simself bc it’s me.
Why did you choose your header?
I wanted my header to show all the sims that I currently play with so tah dah
What’s your post with the most notes?
I think it’s the BLM Rally post with all of my sims. I checked and it has 293 notes!
How many mutuals do you have?
I have no idea where to find this info but I’m just gonna say my mutuals are dope-tastic.
How many followers do you have?
The number says 1428 but they are certainly not all active and prob porn bots.
How many people do you follow?
297 but I’m sure most of those are not active
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Ummm I guess my random posts are shitposts (???) so yes, but I try to make them funny lol
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Absolutely not. If I don’t like something you said/post regularly I will most likely just unfollow.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Ugh strongly dislike lol. I reblog what I love or want to support/boost. Don’t need to be told when 
Do you like tag games?
Yes I think they can be fun, sometimes great challenges
Do you like ask games?
I get strangely intimidated by some ask games because I don’t always think I have a real story/characters. I don’t have an end or spoilers etc. But I enjoy getting asks and I spend A LOT of time on them when they come around.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Definitely @mellindi or @cinamun
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I'm not telling y’all my crushes
I’ll try a few people who I’d like to get to know but don’t feel any pressure: @glamourpixelise @saps-sims @simquoya @wirefiish @aniraklova
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okmcintyre · 3 years
I was tagged by @togetherkru , thanks so much for thinking of me! I loved reading your answers & these are always a lot of fun to fill out! 😊☀️
1. why did you choose your url?
I actually just updated my URL after nine long years, mostly because I was uber jealous of y’all with t100 specific usernames. 😅 The majority of my content is catered to that fandom, so it made sense to freshen it up. After ruling out my first choice (@madigriffin, I mean how cool would that be!) I decided that since I relate most to Harper’s energy I’d go with her last name.... and added a variation of my own first name that I thought looked cute. 
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2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
Yes! Goodness I have private sideblogs for writing drafts/inspiration, and to organize gif-making tutorials that I like to keep on hand... then there’s my Bellarke Fanfiction sideblog (@twosuns-ofbellarke)... and I help out with a couple The 100 appreciation/edits pages. I have my old URL too, just in case I ever want to start using it again.
... And I do actually have @augustkomtrikru active too, which I’d intended to use as my main URL once the prequel started up that is, before Season 7B broke my damn heart and I vowed off anything Rothenberg related unless he goes back and fixes that mess that ended our beloved show. 🤷‍♀️
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I joined on January 4, 2012.
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4. do you have a queue tag?
No, but I do tag original posts! 
#t100kt, #friendskt, #luciferkt, #tumblrkt, #liveblogkt, #ask away!
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I came to tumblr because I was struggling to find my groove on LiveJournal and Blogger (wow just aged myself there, didn’t I?👵). I liked that I could post different kinds of content here... and I was obsessed with Fringe, which was still on air. This quickly became the place I came for spoilers and spaz at all the beautiful gifs from the show.
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6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because our fearless leaders marching away from the rover together, looking like badass supermodels, is a big mood! 💥
7. why did you choose your header?
It matched the icon & I found it in my old cell phone edits ready to go
8. what post of yours has the most notes?
This Clarke & Bellamy post from Season 6, with 1700+ notes.
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9. how many mutuals do you have?
Is there a way to see that? I have a bunch and they are all lovely people! ☺️
10. how many followers do you have?
Last I checked I was around 1.7k, I’m super grateful for everyone who sticks around for my hodgepodge of posting!
11. how many people do you follow?
4935, we have a lot of great fandom here and I lack chill...
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
1. (noun) any content on the internet whose humor derives from its surreal nature and/or its lack of clear context... a shitpost is funny simply because it isn't a predictable repetition of an existing form. Shitposts can become memes, but memes cannot become shitposts.
So now that Urban Dictionary explained what that means (I told you, I’m not a spring chicken anymore! 😂) I don’t believe so? Unless you include my old liveblogs, they were absolutely without context.
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13. how often do you use tumblr?
I’m always popping in throughout my day. I like to keep up to my notifs & new posts in the tags, and then when I have more time on my hands I’ll look into my mutuals and feed a little more properly.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog? who won?
I can remember a couple years ago butting heads with a couple folks when I first got into fandom: the posting etiquette here was quite different from the message boards I was used to interacting on... and I had a mishap or two as a result. I genuinely believe that no one wins when that happens though, so I really make an effort to keep this a positive space. Learn from the mistakes. 💛
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
Thanks gosh @togetherkru that you didn’t know these either! Like, what is that? Google doesn’t even seem to know. 
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16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
Also love them! The posts are always wildly unpopular but they are a lot of fun
18. which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Every one! There’s so much talent here and so many folks have established their blogs as a cornerstone of their respective fandoms. And again, I have no idea where to find a list of all my mutuals to compare... but I always feel like I’m the new kid on the block, I’m pretty sure most of my mutuals have been here years longer than I have.
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19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have a crush on my mutuals’ beautiful gif-making and writing and artsy abilities, if that counts? 😃
20. tags (if you guys want to)
I’m going to tag some folks from my notifications, feel free though to participate anyone reading this! Or if it isn’t your cuppa tea, don’t feel obligated those I tagged... have a great day everybody! 🙂☕
@bt06, @padfootx, @isweartobreathe, @bravestartingwithyou, @kizo2703, @pendragaryen, @whatabeautifullife13, @immortalpramheda, @1jemmagirl22, @frecklesandfanfics, @little-oxford-st, @infp-with-all-the-feelings, @kris-lulu, @womanwithaplan, @bellamyschin, @peaceloveandbabyducks, @geekyogicheese, @al3xia17 & anybody else who wants to play!.
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doctorofmagic · 4 years
Greetings and welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum!
This blog is 99% dedicated to 616-Doctor Strange. 1% is meant to MCU (and other alternate realities) and other magic characters.
Spouses Supreme elected the Ultimate 616 Strange Ship of tumblr circa the year of our lord Vishanti 2023.
Where do I start reading comics?
I’ve made a Doctor Strange’s reading guide for three different levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced readers. In addition, I always recommend people to start with Doctor Strange v4, which has a very detailed guide here, in case the renumbered issues are too confusing.
The ultimate reading guide will be updated from time to time, via reblog. Please consider that it’s possible that a few issues are missing, but I’m always trying to bring every single one of them. I’m also looking forward to adding non-616 stories in the upcoming updates.
Is this blog spoiler-free?
NO! IT’S NOT! I tend to post Stephen’s appearances every week, whether it’s his current main title or not. Which means I could post spoilers from some run you’re currently reading. But worry not! I always use the tag “wednesday tomes”, so in case you don’t want to see spoilers, you can blocklist it.
Can I send asks anonymously?
Unfortunately, I had to close my anon asks for a while. And there are two reasons for it: 1) I was getting really weird anon asks about things that make me feel uncomfortable, despite my warnings on both this pinned and separate posts asking politely for them to stop. 2) the queue for my asks is actually veeeeeeeeery long and sometimes it takes weeks or a whole month for me to get to your message. I do not know when I’m going to open my inbox to anon questions again, my apologies.
IMPORTANT, THO: I truly appreciate all your kindness and constant effort to share your thoughts and ideas. But my inbox is truly draining me with so many asks every single day. So I decided that, from now on, I’ll be answering only ONE ask per day. If you want to talk, you’re very welcome to my twitter. I know some of you prefer to remain anon, but I promise you I don’t bite haha. In fact, I’ve been more active there because it’s been way less draining than spending lots of time returning asks.
Is this a main blog?
No, it’s a sideblog. For that reason, I cannot answer or reply your comments without a mention/tag via a new post. I always look thoroughly at mentions and reblogs, so if I didn’t reply you, please let me know!
Besides the reading guide, do you have any recommendations?
Yes. During the lockdown, we’ve created a book club called “Strange Book Club.” We’ve been through six issues during six weeks while comics were on hiatus. They don’t require previous knowledge about Marvel’s universe, so feel free to read them. You just need to check out the tag “Strange Book Club.”
Important disclaimer:
This blog won’t tolerate any kind of prejudice or bias, especially towards minorities and vulnerable groups of people. That includes racism, any kind of LGBTQIAphobia, misogyny, sexism, ageism, ableism etc. I’ll not hesitate to block. Be a better person.
Additional recommendations:
Top 5 Clea stories
Top 5 Wong stories
Stories I don’t like
What’s Stephen’s personality like in comic books?
I’ve written several posts about it. Some are not that great, but they’ll give a good overview about this matter. 
Stephen in character
Differences between 616 and MCU!Stephen
Doctor Strange according to MBTI (+ RPG alignment system) 
What makes Stephen my favorite character
Stephen and self-isolation
What makes Stephen self-destructive
Stephen’s sexuality 
Doctor Strange and the power of love
Stephen’s character throughout the years
Stephen’s unhealthy behavior
2007 Animated movie analysis
Doctor Strange's disability: a (much needed) chronological review
Stephen’s love languages
Do you write reviews?
I’m currently reviewing Strange v3. I also wrote reviews on Death of Doctor Strange and Defenders v6. I stopped caring about Strange Academy and I'm also strongly against Doctor Strange v5. Here’s why: 1, 2 and 3.
Do you write analysis?
In addition to the previous links, I’ve made a few of them over the years, in case you feel interested! I also write articles sometimes. Have fun with these links below:
The Burden of Magic
The different types of magic in Marvel’s universe
Can anyone perform magic in Marvel universe?
Clea never cheated on Stephen with Benjamin and I can prove it
Peter and Stephen’s relationship in comics
Wanda and Stephen’s relationship in comics
Doctor Doom & Doctor Strange’s deep relationship throughout the years
Stephen’s apprentices
Stephen remembers Battleworld/Secret Wars - Headcanon/Theory
Stephen’s indelible sin
How many times has Stephen died in 616?
The evolution of Doctor Strange’s outfit
Character Analysis - Clea
Who’s the strongest magic wielder and why you shouldn’t be bothered by this topic
Stephen’s former lovers
Do you talk about MCU?
This blog is slowly drifting apart from the MCU once again. But I have this one (1) analysis here.
Doctor Strange’s wristwatch as a metaphor for his hear
Do you mind shipping?
I’m growing more open to shipping Stephen with pretty much any character. I was careful in the past for no particular reason except for my overprotective instincts towards the character haha. But I do have some preferences. I just avoid writing about it in order to dodge hate and ship wars, which sadly still happens. But here’s a safe place. Feel free to ask about shipping and anything related to it!
Do you use any tags?
Yes. You can check “how can the sorcerer supreme be of assistance?” or simply “ask” regarding any questions. I also use “discourse” for negative reviews and “wednesday tomes” for comics spoilers. Feel free to blocklist them.
Any other way to contact you?
For now, you can also find me here, but I’m so much worse on twitter, so be warned haha.
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If you love Doctor Strange and want to share your passion with us, this is place!
Beware the unknown beyond the veil!
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