#(still not over matilda’s lost LOL)
personinthepalace · 1 year
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There is something quite fitting about Some Like It Hot winning 4 Tony Awards just like Matilda did exactly a decade ago
The Shubert Theatre unexpectedly played a large role in my theatre-loving experience bc I saw Matilda (aka my first ever musical) there in 2014, and then I returned to see SLIH (aka my new favorite musical) in 2023
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I’ve been playing Immortality (2022) and I’m obsessed with the nuance it manages to hold and how it successfully threads the needle on fairly specific and complex topics while the story itself is so entirely nonlinear. The gameplay style of sorting through randomized clips ensures that the developers have fairly little control over what order the player finds the scenes in.
I’m not finished with it yet. I have no idea how far I am in the game lol. But like six hours in, at least, I’m really intrigued by the way it delves into art as a concept; is it consuming, is it fulfilling, is it worth the sacrifices made to create it, or the social evils that can surround it, etc. I particularly like that the three fictional films it centers on are interesting but simultaneously fairly low brow.
I’m also enjoying the way it gets into women’s role in art, and the gendered constraints of how they are historically portrayed within a narrative (often by men) but also when it comes to being an artist and the questions of exploitative practices, and lack of respect or recognition.
And the game actually employs its immortal, unaging protagonist in a way that intelligently explores these themes.
There’s something really interesting happening with her three main film roles and how her first character (literally Matilda from the Monk by MG Lewis) is basically an entirely stylized fantasy. A destructive and seductive force of nature, with no interiority of her own, who only exists to corrupt the titular monk. Then her second character is a standard femme fatale, a model who kills her artist lover and again… corrupts the strait laced and moral detective protagonist who’s trying to solve the murder. This character is explicitly acknowledged to be a more grounded and real role, she’s closer to a real, flawed person, but she’s still basically a vector for titillation and is vilified for it. By the third (dual) role, decades later, she’s progressed to being a genuine protagonist. But for that, her character is split into a very literalized virgin and whore dichotomy. These sides are symbolically fused by the third act of this fictional movie with the virginal character’s death, with the whore stepping into her place and finally becoming a fully realized person. But even that comes with the deliberate framing of something unachievable without a death and rebirth occurring. Without her being sanded down to a sort of palatability by it.
I’m also very interested in these films being in-universe lost media that was never actually completed or widely released. And how that may tie into its themes of recognition and the importance or lack thereof of having an audience.
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Can't Look Back: Quest Discussion (Part 2)
Part 2! This is the meat of the story, where the truth finally gets revealed to us as a player and Mephianse comes face-to-face with the lies he built up for himself regarding Nakratos's fate.
So after Mephianse dashes away and we chase him, this is the next story beat - where we finally meet the "ice witch," Crystalle.
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She wastes no time beating around the bush certainly, immediately called out Mephianse for that lol.
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Mephianse certainly was slandering Crystalle, but one does still feel some sympathy for him with what happened - which Crystalle finally explains.
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First, Crystalle immediately attacks two of the core narratives Mephianse built around losing Nakratos - that Nakratos died, and it was because of Crystalle. But the opposite is true - Nakratos is STILL alive, and Crystalle had nothing to do with what happened.
As she makes it very clear later - she was just a witness, but Mephianse's pov turned her into a villain in the story.
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Understandably, Mephianse doesn't respond immediately, which Crystalle takes for disbelief, and she does have the right to feel bitter about this.
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And so we finally have the full story - Nakratos turned himself into a snow beast with the intent of forcibly making a Faerie obey his will and let him see his wife again.
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It does finally get through to Mephianse that what happened to Nakratos was something he did of his own volition, and that he wasn't a victim - but merely one foolish, desperate man.
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There is a certain theme across the three major story arcs, and in this quest, of things happening because of "a truth you refused to hear until now." And so, the characters who actually get over that become better for it.
With the Jumi Arc, Sandra wished to heal Florina, but rather than act out of compassion, she saw the rest of the Jumi as cruel and selfish for being unable to cry, and judged them to a fair sacrifice to heal Florina. Blackpearl experiences disillusion too, when she finally realizes that forcing Pearl to be the new Clarius was not the right answer - when she acknowledges that, she accepts the help of Elazul and the MC and finally fights to change the fate of the Jumi for good.
With the Dragon Arc, Larc knew what he was doing to serve Drakonis was selfish and evil, but he continued doing so because he thought that was the only way he could reunite with Sierra. Sierra initially believed the MC was helping Drakonis with the same evil intent, but she later learns we were only coerced to do so and we join forces to make things right.
Now, for the Star-Crossed Lovers Arc...that is the root of all the trouble - the truth of the matter being, Matilda hated that she was bound and stifled by her duties as a priestess, and what Irwin did, by inspiring her to run away with him, and by stealing her elemental powers, she was freed and she found the will to be her own person. Unfortunately, Escad and initially Daena only thought that this was just Irwin following his demonic heritage and trying to hurt Matilda. And eventually, Irwin too, came to think that he hurt Matilda and he regretted what he did (he also got waaaaaaay lost with the whole "destroying the world that hurt us" plot unfortunately).
I did mention in Part 1 that "Can't Look Back' and the Faerie/Star-Crosser Lovers arc have similar themes, so here's some elaboration on that: in a way, I came to see as "Can't Look Back" being the other outcome of Matilda and Irwin's relationship, had we not stepped in to interfere while things were unfolding.
Nakratos became a beast in hopes of forcing the Faerie to do his will, all because he grieved the loss of his wife to death. He changed himself, becoming strange to the people who knew him, and became a danger to himself and others.
In the Star-Crossed Lovers arc, while Matilda didn't die after Irwin took away her powers, she aged rapidly, becoming an old woman - but one who was content with what happened to her. Irwin however, refused to accept this outcome, and he too, became like a beast - a powerful demon, and unlike Nakratos he retained his cunning, and more importantly, unlike Nakratos, Irwin actually put the Faeries under his command. With that, Irwin sought to destroy the unfair world he perceived had done him and Matilda so much wrong, but underneath all that, they both wanted to love each other, and in their current forms they couldn't do it without hurting each other, or Escad and Daena.
As a last point of comparison, Daena did NOT want to accept Matilda's death. She tried her best to bring Irwin and Matilda together when she finally saw what Irwin was doing, but what she failed to account for was that Matilda becoming Irwin's queen in the Land of Faeries wasn't the right solution either, since that meant the Faeries would be forced to accept a human queen.
But in this quest...Mephianse DOES accept what needs to be done, to free Nakratos.
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Mephianse finds he can't keep looking back and deluding himself with thinking Nakratos died by someone else's hand, and to fulfill Nakratos's wish, he had to be put to rest.
Of course, that's not the easiest thing to say...or even worse, to actually do, even if it's a mercy kill.
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....well, who else is around and is good with weapons?
That's right, it's time for us MCs to do what we do best!...to be nosey. Not to give mercy kills. Though we sorta do that a bit in LoM.
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Will do, Crystalle.
It's worth noting the location for the boss fight is called "The Field of Lost Guilt."
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So we go and fight Nakratos, now turned into one of the Du' family of bosses. While LoM has a couple of reused bosses, notoriously with the recolored Jewel Beast boss fights, I do appreciate that while Du'Inke in "The Lost Princess" and Du'Cate in "Huntin' Du'Cate" are recolors of each other, Du'Mere, Nakratos's beast form, has a widely different appearance, whether because it lives in a completely different environment, or because it's a hint it was formerly a human.
....I guess Nakratos did lose his mind, why the heck was Du'Mere just hopping at the final part of this fight.
There is something meaningful in the fact that the loss animation for this boss is turning into an orb that floats upward, which does seem to concretely say Nakratos's spirit has been freed.
And now, back to Mephianse.
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...so like...did we commit murder or....
And now, for the screenshots which got me thinking about this quest to close it off:
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That's probably the understatement of the century.
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Crystalle does sound a bit too trolling considering Mephianse just went through the emotional wringer, but I guess she has a pass for poking fun at Mephianse after all the slander he did.
.....annnd I reached the photo limit for this post, so there's a part 3. But it's gonna be short, just the L'il Cactus diary entry, reaction, and pause menu description. No more mega rambling, hopefully!
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maybeimamuppet · 1 year
birds of a feather
hellooooooo!!! welcome BACK everyone!! i hope you’ve all had a wonderful day!!
so sorry it’s been so long since i’ve been posting! Life Is Happening Very Much All The Time and it’s a little hard for me to find the balance of this and the rest of. that nonsense. at the moment lol. but we have this!!
this will unfortunately probably be it for another little bit BUT i do have something special that i’m hoping very hard to post around the holidays so that’ll be fun!! and then we’ll be back to our usual. sporadic nonsense in the new year :)
this was requested by someone!! but i have lost it in the internet void and unfortunately have no idea who it is so if you do please let me know!!!
anyway. i don’t think i need any tws!! but if i’m forgetting something please let me know and i’ll add it in :)
Today is a very important day.
Why, you might be asking. Is it a birthday? A holiday? Some big achievement?
No, children, you’re wrong.
Today is the day Matilda and Miss Honey get a pet.
They don’t know exactly what sort, yet. Matilda’s read about practically every animal in the books, so to speak, so they know how to care for whatever they pick.
Matilda’s been begging for some little thing. Company, whenever one of them happens to be home alone, and a little friend for the both of them to have.
They finally reach the local pet store. Archibald Crumplebottom’s Menagerie of Animals and Other Eccentricities. Sounds like their sort of place. It has quite a large sign, but even still, the Eccentricities bit has a wooden board all of its own hanging below the rest so the whole name fits.
There’s a lovely sort of tinkling as they push open the front door and head inside, caused by a few jingle bells dangling from the door handle.
Dogs and cats and birds and all sorts of things start barking and meowing and tweeting and a myriad of other sounds at the two of them as they walk in. A man dressed in nice trousers, a button-up top, and a waistcoat pushes through a beaded curtain at the back and stops behind the counter to greet them, with a little green parrot perched upon the top of his head.
The parrot is the one to welcome them. It gives a great squawk followed by a, “Hello! Hello!”
Matilda giggles at the strange creature. The man gently feeds it a treat and simply nods at the two of them. Miss Honey keeps a tight hold of Matilda’s hand and starts winding them through the aisles.
There’s baskets full of little puppies towards the back. Another with cats. Matilda lets them sniff and nibble at her fingers and sees if any of them catch their eye.
Miss Honey coos over the kittens, scratching each little head and smiling at the content purrs she gets in response. “How about a cat?”
Matilda considers it. “I would like one. But I think we must consider all the options first.”
Miss Honey nods. “Alright then.”
They continue meandering up and down the aisles. They scritch at guinea pigs and bunny rabbits. Matilda does also adore the idea of a pet rabbit. Miss Honey seems a bit frightened when they get to the glass enclosures holding reptiles. Matilda carefully presses against them to observe the snakes. “Ooh.”
“A snake?” Miss Honey chuckles incredulously. “You’d like a snake?”
“You wouldn’t?”
“No,” Miss Honey replies immediately. Matilda hums and giggles as one of the snakes yawns. Miss Honey makes a small frightened noise and leaves as soon as she sees his fangs.
Matilda takes her time to observe the lizards and frogs and toads as well. Miss Honey seems more okay with these sorts of reptiles, but still not entirely keen. Matilda doesn’t completely understand why. For whatever reason, she’s always liked things that squirm and creep and crawl. Regardless, she moves on. It’s only fair to pick something they’d both enjoy.
Matilda holds Miss Honey’s hand as they continue meandering the aisles. This place has all sorts of things. Gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, even squirrels in the small animals section. Dogs and cats and turtles and snakes and lizards and fish. Matilda and Miss Honey both spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the large fish tanks and watching the colorful creatures swim around. There’s even a little shark in one.
There’s even a few things they didn’t even think of as potential pets. Baby goats and little cows and pigs. There’s also something in a cage all of its own that neither of them are entirely sure they can identify. It’s almost like a small bear, or a large cat. It opens its mouth and releases a noise almost like a dog. They stand there taking guesses as to what it could be. They’re not positive they’re any closer than they started by the time they move along.
They pass the bunny cage again. Matilda carefully reaches in to stroke over their little heads. These bunnies seem much more friendly than the ones in the woods she’s met. They happily let her pet them, and a few even come closer to ask for some extras.
Matilda sees something move just out of the corner of her eye. It’s the shop owner, with the bird still on his head. He seems to be on his way to check on some of the animals. He winks at her, and motions her over with a finger.
Matilda frowns in confusion and heads his way. She loses sight of him, but heads down the same aisle he did.
The man isn’t there. She peeks around the far corner to see if she can find him, see what he wanted from her, but it’s as if he completely disappeared. She blinks in confusion and looks around.
Just as she sees the birds spanning either side of this aisle, she hears the faint clicking of wooden beads in the distance. She shrugs and steps closer to one of the bird cages.
The first one has parrots. Blue ones and red ones and green ones like the one on the man’s head. They squawk at her, and some even say hello. Matilda politely says hello back and continues wandering up the aisle. There’s canaries and doves and parakeets and cockatoos and… a chicken. It doesn’t seem to be the brightest creature, as it pecks at nothing on the floor. Matilda wonders if he’s not giving himself quite a headache doing that.
Matilda turns and pauses as she sees the cage behind her. Budgerigars.
They’re very cute. Some are awake and chirping contently to themselves, while others hang on fake branches or play with toys or nibble on pellets or curl up for a nap. Matilda’s eye is immediately drawn to two, cuddled up together in the back left corner and sound asleep.
There’s a sign hanging from the bottom listing how many budgies are inside. Pictures of each are listed, but no names. The two napping in the corner are pictured together, with a notice stating, Bonded Mother and Daughter Pair. Must Be Adopted Together.
Matilda looks at them more closely. One of them, the larger one, has belly feathers of a vibrant lime green. Its wings are striped, a yellowish-green and black, and it has a yellow face. The other one is facing the other way, so Matilda can’t see it as well. She can see its wings are almost like a zebra, white and black striped. The back of its head is a peaceful blue, almost the color of the sky.
She jumps when she hears a voice say, “There you are. Goodness, this place is huge. I swear it’s bigger than it looks like it could possibly be from the outside.”
Matilda smiles and nods, hooking her little fingers into the cage and leaning in closer to see them. Miss Honey gently rests her hands on Matilda’s shoulders and takes a look as well.
“Aww,” she hums. “Aren’t they sweet.”
Matilda tips her head up to look at her mother. “I like those ones.”
Miss Honey crouches down to her height and looks where Matilda points at the two napping together. “Aww. They’re quite cute.”
Matilda nods. “Can we get them?”
She feels Miss Honey smile and leans in closer to rest their heads together. “I don’t see why not. They seem to be good friends.”
“They’re mother and daughter,” Matilda says, pointing to the sign.
“How sweet,” Miss Honey says. “Well, we’ll need some bird things then, let’s go see about that.”
The next aisle over is all the things to care for birds. They choose a very large cage that they’ll have to put together themselves, so the birds can have plenty of room to play and live. They get a variety of perches and things for them to sit on and hang from. Even a cozy looking little hammock to suspend from one. Toys to hang in their cage and other things for enrichment.
Matilda grunts as she grabs a huge bag of bird food from a lower shelf. It’s so heavy that she topples over backwards and ends up with the food next to her. “Whoa!”
“Careful,” Miss Honey chuckles. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
Matilda lifts the large bag with her legs and adjusts it so she can have a good grip. It’s all she can carry, so Miss Honey grabs a small bird bath that clips onto the cage, food dishes and water dishes, and some supplies to clean up after them.
They stumble up to the counter and deposit all their things on the splintering old wood. The man returns from the back, echoed by a roar of some sort from the room and the clacking of the beaded curtain as he pushes his way through. He looks at their items, and then at the two of them.
“We’d like two budgies please,” Matilda says softly, as politely as she can. The man nods and smiles at her. He lifts a portion of the counter and steps through it, leading them back to the bird aisle. He stops at the budgie cage and looks down at Matilda. Matilda points at the two. “Those ones.”
The man nods and carefully plucks the parrot off his head. He rests it on top of the budgie cage and gently taps its head with a gentle finger as he slides the lock open and lowers the gate. He carefully grabs the two birds in one large hand and replaces the parrot, gently resting them on his head. Neither of them seem too fussed by this, holding onto his hair with their little talons and sinking into his curls like a nest.
Matilda tips her head in confusion and watches as he carries the parrot back to the counter on his finger and the budgies on his head. The parrot gets rested on the ancient looking cash register. The man keeps the little birds on his head as he checks the tags on all the items and types them in, each of the cash register’s keys making a very satisfying clank as they’re pushed.
Miss Honey looks at the total when the man looks at her expectantly and opens her wallet. The man finally removes the birds from his head and places them in special little boxes so they’ll be safe on the journey home. The parrot is replaced, and chirps happily at the shiny coins Miss Honey gets as her change.
“Thank you,” Miss Honey says as they gather their things and start the trek out. The man simply nods, and the green parrot squawks once more.
“Please come again!”
Matilda giggles and grabs the birds to carry them home. She turns around just as the bells on the door jingle, and only sees the wooden beads in the back quietly clacking together once again.
Matilda and Miss Honey spent the afternoon struggling through putting together the cage. Matilda read the instructions while Miss Honey tried to put it together, then they switched jobs, and still had no luck. It turned out they were missing one of the screwdrivers they needed and had to take a rushed trip to the hardware store.
Matilda clipped and placed in all the perches and toys and food dishes and other things just so, and kept pulling them off and snapping them back in (sometimes in exactly the same place) until she decided she was satisfied.
Food and water were filled, and in went the birds.
Matilda ran across town to Mrs. Phelps’ library in the empty field a ways away from the school and got every book on birds she could carry back home. She read them aloud to Miss Honey so they both had a refresher on how to care for their new pets.
They left the birds alone for the first few weeks. They gave them time to adjust to the new cage and new surroundings. Sometimes they close the doors to the living room, where the bird cage sits by the window, and open the cage so the birds have the option to fly around and explore. They haven’t yet, but they inch a little closer to it every time.
Every morning, Matilda comes down the stairs in her pajamas. She lifts the cloth off the cage and says good morning to the budgies. She refills their food and water, and gives the cage a quick clean. And she hooks her fingers through the metal grate, stares at them, and wonders what their names should be.
It makes sense for each of them to name one bird. They just don’t know which one. They both love both of them equally. They’ll have to decide soon.
This morning, the little blue budgie is sitting right on the other side of the cage when Matilda lifts off the cover. Matilda jumps and blinks at the little creature. The bird does the same at her. It cheeps quietly.
“Hello,” Matilda greets. She gently pokes one of her fingers through close to the bird just to see what it does. It scoots back a bit, hesitates, and then inches back to her. Matilda doesn’t move, and eventually, the bird hops onto her finger and just sits. Matilda smiles.
Miss Honey comes down the stairs, yawning and stretching. “Morning, dear.”
“Good morning,” Matilda says softly.
“How are our little friends today?” Miss Honey asks, coming up and peeking over Matilda’s shoulder. She smiles as she sees the one perched on Matilda’s finger. “Aww. I think she likes you.”
“Can I let them out?” Matilda asks, looking up at her mother.
“Sure. Let’s close the doors,” Miss Honey responds. She goes to do that, while Matilda gently nudges the little blue one off her hand. When she hears both of the heavy wooden doors that lead to the room click shut, she carefully unlocks the latch and opens the little grate so the birds can leave the cage if they should want to.
Miss Honey returns to her, and they both stand a ways from the cage so the birds don’t feel pressured by them standing so close.
Nothing happens for a few minutes.
They aren’t really surprised. The budgies have taken their time acclimating, and it’s normal for them to still be hesitant to leave the safety of their cage. Matilda’s a bit disappointed that neither of them want to fly around yet, but she understands.
Her eyes widen when there’s suddenly a blue blur flying across the room, followed by a light weight on the top of her head. She crosses her eyes and looks upwards, and can just barely see a little blue face with a beak perched on her head.
Miss Honey bites her lip and giggles into her hand so she doesn’t laugh too loud and startle the little thing. “I think that one must be yours, then. She really seems to like you.”
Matilda smiles and carefully reaches up to offer her finger again. The bird happily hops onto it and lets Matilda hold it for a little bit.
“I still don’t know what to name her,” Matilda grumbles to herself.
“It’s a lot of pressure,” Miss Honey acknowledges. “Have you had any ideas?”
Matilda shrugs. “Sort of. None of the names of birds in books really suit her.”
“Mm,” Miss Honey hums. “Well, take a good look at her close, now. See if anything comes to mind.”
“What are you naming yours?” Matilda asks, looking up at her mother.
“I’m not completely sure, yet. I think this one looks quite a bit like a Winnifred. Winnie.”
Matilda looks at the little green bird. That one is the mother, they’ve surmised, and she’s sitting on the open gate. Half in the cage, half out. Just watching the world outside. Matilda nods.
“It suits her.”
Miss Honey smiles and gently reaches out a finger for Winnie. Winnie seems to be the more nervous of the two, but she does allow for a few gentle scritches on her feathery head.
Matilda looks back to the blue one. What to name her?
Sky? How unoriginal. Zee? Cute, but doesn’t feel quite right. Lavender suggested Tweety, and Amanda said Matilda should name her Daffy.
Nothing feels quite right.
Miss Honey notices her internal turmoil and comes over to her. This bird allows for even more pets.
“You’ll think of something perfect,” Miss Honey comforts Matilda. “Don’t stress. She doesn’t know any difference whether she has a name or not.”
“But every creature deserves a perfect name,” Matilda says quietly, furrowing her brow in frustration.
“Well, let’s think. What sorts of things would you like to name her after?”
“I dunno.”
“Then what sorts of things do you like?”
“Books,” Matilda says immediately. “Um… history. We’ve been doing Greek mythology in my history class. That’s quite interesting.”
“Oh, yes, ancient Greek history is fascinating,” Miss Honey agrees. “What about them? Do you have any favorite figures?”
“Helen,” Matilda says immediately. “I think that’s a bit formal for a bird.”
“It’s nice, but if you think something else might work better…” Miss Honey says. “Anyone else?”
“Athena,” Matilda continues. Miss Honey glances to the little bird on Matilda’s finger.
“Well, she’s not exactly an owl, but I think Athena is a beautiful name.”
Matilda looks at her sky-blue plumage and beady little black eyes. She moves the little bird closer to her face and stares into her eyes. The bird blinks. Matilda blinks back. The bird cheeps quietly. Matilda smiles.
“Athena,” she says with a nod.
“Winnifred and Athena,” Miss Honey says. “Quite the pair we’ve got, eh?”
Matilda giggles. “Yeah. I like them though.”
“I like them too,” Miss Honey says, looking at the girl and her bird with a loving smile. “Hello, Athena.”
Athena peeps at her.
“She said hello back,” Matilda translates.
“You speak budgie, hm?” Miss Honey chuckles, gently ruffling Matilda’s hair. Matilda nods, and Miss Honey laughs even louder. “I wouldn’t be surprised. But I think it’s time to put this little one back and come have breakfast.”
“Okay,” Matilda sighs. “See you in a bit, Athena.”
She slips the little bird back in the cage with her mother and latches the door, and heads into the kitchen to have breakfast with her own.
How nice to have two new family members.
thank you for reading!! hope you enjoyed
in other more unfortunate news, one of my Recent Life Happenings is that my own real life miss honey got very sick and passed away at the end of this summer. so, this is dedicated to her :) thank you, SB, for teaching me to sing like a bird.
anyway!! have a wonderful. period of time. until i next see you and thank you very much again for reading !! lots of love, ezzy
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moefongo · 2 years
hiii! if you're still take my time at sandrock requests, i would love some owen angst! or justice or qi! they're some of my favorites right now. i've been meaning to write some myself but am drowning in a backlog for other fandoms lol
I had no idea what to write about but since the update came out, I finally got some good content so I'm going with Justice since I haven't seen anything written for him yet and dw im kinda on the same boat i am currently ignoring 3 other fandoms lol
Also I'm putting this under a cut because of spoilers for the new update
There is nothing that Justice loves more than the builder. They're quite literally his rock. Justice even promised to protect them as much as he could, despite knowing that they could keep themselves safe. Justice could never bear the fact of losing his builder, especially on the line of duty. In fact, he sometimes wondered if making them part of the Civil Corps was a good idea to begin with.
But now as the missions became increasingly dangerous, Justice had been considering not to send in the builder for further missions for their well being, but despite his worries he still needed their help. And now, they were so close to reaching Logan's hideout. They had been following his goat for a while until it they reached a cliff. What happened next was a blur for Justice. It all happened so quickly one moment they were chasing the goat down and on the next he watched helplessly as they plummeted to what he assumed was their demise. After all, that wasn't a survivable fall.
Justice was absolutely destroyed, screaming and yelling out for the builder in hopes that somehow they could hear him. But despite his efforts, the builder couldn't hear his pleas now that they were deep into Logan's hideout.
Back at the top of the cliff, Justice was on his knees crying and blaming himself for what happened. It was uncharacteristic of him to breakdown this way, but Unsuur knew that his friend had just lost the love of his life, and he himself had lost his best friend. Unsuur isn't the best with words, so he sat down next to Justice, rubbing his back as an attempt to comfort him. After a few minutes, Justice decided that it was time to face the facts and break the news to the mayor and the whole town.
Both of them rode on their horses in silence as they escorted the builder's horse back to town in silence. In Justice's mind, the scene played over and over again, and he couldn't help it and began sobbing quietly the rest of the way back.
As Matilda rallied everyone to the outdoor stage of the Blue Moon, Justice locked himself in his house, not being able to hear the eulogy for his beloved, after all how could he go face everyone if he was the one to blame for this. He simply sat on his bed, his head between his hands crying. Justice absolutely hated himself and was considering to leave the Civil Corps and leave Unsuur as the Sheriff.
But what Justice missed out on was that builder was alive and kicking. But now they were being interrogated by the whole town on how they managed to survive. It was so overwhelming that Matilda had to tell everyone to back off the builder since they had just come back. But the only thing on the builder's mind was finding Justice, since they knew he'd be the most devastated. After everyone gave the builder some space, Unsuur told them that Justice was locked up on his house. The builder then immediately ran off to Justice's house and as soon as they got there they began knocking on the door frantically, begging for Justice to open up.
They could hear him run over to the door, tripping along the way and as soon as he swung the door open, he felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw the builder standing there, a bit roughed up but alive. Now Justice had been given a second chance, he didn't say anything at first, simply enveloping the builder in a hug and breaking down in tears again. Between the sobs he apologized for crying because he was happy to see them again. Then he took them inside, and the builder made up a lie since they didn't want him to know what really happened and simply told him that they had fallen onto another ledge and had passed out for a good while, and then they had to climb all the way up again.
Luckily Justice believed it, and couldn't help but holding the builder close as they kept reassuring him that this would never happen again. Finally, they kept chatting and joking on how Justice was about to quit the Civil Corps out of impulse. And then him insisting that they would sit out on the dangerous missions form now on, earning him a barrage of protests from the builder.
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riverstardis · 2 years
oh i forgot charlie existed lol
lily at her dad’s funeral :(
she’s wondering if she could’ve been quicker to make consultant because that’s what he wanted. girl i don’t think you could physically have gone any faster through the ranks
aww robyn and max are sick of looking after dervla and now dylan’s been going round too and they’re complaining about him and lofty’s like i think he’s just lonely
aww ethan fell asleep with the baby
cal forgot to register baby with the crèche
lily’s working… has there ever been a time on this show where someone who’s lost someone has been to the funeral WITHOUT working before or after like😭
alicia and louise gossiping about cal and alicia’s like “he’s got a baby?” and louise goes “yeah but the only surprise that no other have come out the woodwork” sjskfkfkfk
“what happened to the crèche?” “i lied, ethan, you must be used to that by now” “i am not gonna let you do this cal” “do what?” “you don’t even know if she’s yours” “taylor said—“ “yeah taylor said a lot of things and one thing that you both have in common is a tentative relationship with the truth”
ethan tells cal that he needs to think seriously about taking a paternity test
this patient going “would you want the man you’re in love with becoming your carer?” ethan core
aww this little girl has been training in the pool to be an astronaut so she can go to heaven and find her mum :(
cal gave the baby to big mac to look after while he works and big mac gives her to dixie who asks what she’s called and mac’s like “no idea. five years at medical school, you’d think naming a baby would be the easy bit”
dixie putting all that she learnt in her adoption course to use and talking to the baby about how they said she needed to work on her grieving process for jeff and then she goes “you’d have liked him, he was a big baby” LMAO
connie having to take over lily’s patient
cal wasn’t around when his patient needed help because of the baby and ethan tells him he isn’t organised enough to look after a baby
cal promises to get organised and not let it affect his job while still giving her the care she needs
lily’s mum turns up at the hospital and she’s telling alicia about lily’s dad dying
aww ethan comes home and hears cal singing to the baby
he’s made lasagna and he’s like “yeah i thought it was about time i started pulling my weight” and ethan’s like “yeah well forgive me for being cynical but we’ll see how long that lasts”
cal says that she’s got a name now: matilda
ethan goes “after mum?” “yeah, after mum” 🥺
ethan gets a reminder on his phone for her bath time but cal says she’s already had it
“cal, are you gonna take a paternity test?” “yes, ethan, i will take a paternity test. and then when it turns out that she is in fact my daughter, we can get on with the rest of our lives. together”🙃
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drummergirl231-2 · 3 years
Well, I really wanted to write a mini-fic about the moment Scrooge finds out that he is, in fact, Webby’s biological father, and that F.O.W.L. created her to find the Papyrus of Binding for them. After all, Bradford didn’t include those details in his villain speech, and Scrooge probably just figured Webby wanted to start calling him “Dad,” because he’s the closest thing to a father she’s ever known.
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The more I tried to write it, though... I dunno, I couldn’t quite get it the way I wanted. Ever had that happen with a story or a drawing? I feel like I’ve lost my edge, or my style. Maybe I should re-read my old stuff to get back on track. Not only that, but writing a fic focused around a character or characters explaining something to another character we, the audience, already knows, can feel sort of repetitive and cheesy.
At any rate, I wanted to at least share some thoughts I had with you about the kind of scene I imagine.
Putting the Sunchaser/Cloudslayer back together was probably a team effort that took a while, and in that time, Scrooge may have found a moment to ask Webby what made her want to start calling him “Dad.” He doesn’t immediately believe her when she tries to explain. Beakley admits to Scrooge it’s true Webby was a F.O.W.L. creation she rescued, but even she seems shocked at the part about her being made from Scrooge’s DNA. Scrooge asks Webby if this is something she heard from Bradford, but she says she heard it from Ludwig Von Drake. At that point, Scrooge and Beakley scan the courtyard, find him, and take off to question him about it.
Ludwig explains/confirms everything, and as Webby listens to his explanation of Bradford’s plan again and it sinks in just how close he was to succeeding because of her, she grows emotional and tries to apologize to Scrooge. She didn’t mean to help Bradford. 
But Scrooge is only half-listening. He’s so overcome with emotion he falls to his knees in the sand in front of her, and begins to see features of his relatives in her face he’s never noticed before... his mother’s forehead, the little wave at the bottom of her short hair like Matilda’s... and as he places his hands on her temples and runs them down her cheeks until he’s cupping her face in his hands, he finally realizes her eyes look just like his did at her age, albeit with fuller lashes. 
It’s like he’s seeing her for the first time. 
He thinks back to when he did see her for the first time, and how he did feel an instant paternal affection for her, but at the same time, she reminded him too much of Della, and also the great-nephews Donald had taken from him who’d be about her age. It was too painful, and he wound up ignoring Webby for the first ten years of her life.
He and Webby both wind up weepy, sniffly messes of love, regret, and forgiveness as they hug.
And I can only imagine what Della’s reaction would be if she came over to ask what was going on. “Webby’s our... cousin?! WE HAVE A BABY COUSIN?!?!” She’d lift Webby off the ground in a tight hug, swinging her back and forth a little like a ragdoll. “AHH SWEET BABY ANGEL COUSIN!!! Where’s Donald? DONALD! SHE’S OUR COUSIN!!!” And she’d like awkwardly and clumsily walk away still holding Webby so Donald can join in the cousin hugs. And as cute as Scrooge finds her reaction, he’s not quite done absorbing the information himself and would really appreciate it if Della didn’t walk off with Webby just yet. XD
Beakley would be speechless. To think she’d been raising Scrooge’s daughter all this time... it would certainly make sense of a lot of things. But the odds of being the one to find “April,” when she was such a close friend and ally of Scrooge himself... and she went to Scrooge because of who he was to her, not who he was to the baby she found. She didn’t think he was anyone to the baby. But she’d brought Webby straight to her own father and none of them had any idea.
It’s a lot of information for everyone to take in, and they’d all process it in different ways. But regardless of Bradford’s evil scheme, they’re all grateful to have Webby in their lives, and happy for her to have found out the man she’s idolized her whole life is her dad.
Maybe I’ll still be able to write all this out in a proper fic one day, but I just wanted to share my vision at least. I want there to be this sweet parallel between the moment Scrooge finally finds out Webby’s his daughter and the moment Della met Dewey. And I want Louie to be recording the whole thing on his phone. lol 
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Christmas Is: The Star On Top
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Pairing: Park Chanyeol x female reader
Genre: Christmas au / childhood friends to lovers / fluff
Warnings: competitive nature towards a darn tree, lol.
A/N: Welcome to the first story in our collab, Christmas Is! I based my idea a bit off of how my younger brother and I would fight over who would get to put the star on the tree as kids. I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2134
The Star On Top | Noche Buena | A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Not By Lemony Snicket | The One Carol | Naughty Santa
This collab will be shared daily during 14-18 December.
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You could sense the urgency brewing as the decorations container emptied, your own little hands reaching for two baubles instead of one, hoping that would give you an advantage. Yet he was right on your tail, both vying for the prized jewel that was nestled at the bottom.
The star.
Each year you fought over who would put the star on the tree and even if you were only eight, you knew that it would be another battle royale over who would get to put it on. Especially since last year, it wasn’t you who was victorious.
“It’s my turn!” you proclaimed loudly to the adults who watched on with loose interest, too busy catching up on the year thus far. Reaching for the star, you held it up with pride. “Ready?! I’ll put it on perfectly!”
“Nuh-uh!” the fellow child in the room stated, snatching the star out of your grip easily. It helped that he was at least a good hand taller than you by now. Chanyeol snickered. “I was faster. You still have a decoration in your hand to hang up, Y/N!”
“But you did it last year!”
“So, it’s the first to finish decorating!”
Glancing at the tree, you pointed to an overcrowded area. “You didn’t do a good job!”
“So fix it!”
“You fix it!”
“Chanyeol, Y/N, calm down,” your father called, and you immediately burst into tears. The paternal figure came over to rub your back gently. “Why are you crying, poppet?”
“Chanyeol is trying to put the star on the tree again. He did it last year! It’s my turn now!”
“You got to do it two years in a row!”
“Only because you were sick!” you refuted.
You didn’t know why putting the star on the tree had become a big deal to you at such a young age. You took it far too seriously, and over the last few years, you and Chanyeol had increasingly gotten quite competitive for the spot each Christmas. You assumed it had something to do with your brother being older and uncaring for things like tinsel and Christmas lights whilst the magic of this time of year always enchanted you. Chanyeol was similar, and when your families met up for the annual cabin retreat mid-December, you barely settled your luggage down in your room before pouncing on one of the adults about setting up the tree – usually with Chanyeol echoing the same excited whining.
And then the race would begin.
Forever the diplomat, your father looked at you both, rubbing at his brow line before chuckling heartily. “Do we still have to go through this each year?”
You both nodded adamantly.
“Well, I think we should do it this way. Each of you grab a side of the star.”
“But that’s not fair!” Chanyeol whined as you stomped your foot in agreement.
“He’s taller than me, how do I reach the top if I’m trying to hold on, Daddy?!”
“Chanyeol can use the stool,” your father recommended, and his hands reached out for your waist. “You can use my helpful shoulders, poppet!”
It wasn’t ideal, and you both sneered at one another with impertinence as you got ready.
“Hang on, let me grab my camera out,” Chanyeol’s mother called, soon ready for the usual photograph that was snapped at the end of each tree decorating session.
You didn’t smile, and Chanyeol was definitely scowling. His hot little hand kept inching for more of the star, and just as the countdown hit one, he pulled most of it out of your hand, beaming as he placed it on the tree.
You, of course, were caught crying and pointing accusingly in his direction.
One day, you’d end all this nonsense with him once and for all.
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However, it wasn’t going to be this Christmas that you did so.
Even now, as adults yourself, it was ingrained in you both to arrive at the cabin and pull out the tree right away. Chanyeol glanced at you and grinned. “Nice to see you here, Y/N.”
“We drove up here together, you idiot,” you shot back, unwinding the lights from the box.
“Ready for another battle?”
“Can’t we just be grown up about this?” you wondered innocently, before lassoing the tree Chanyeol was still setting up on its legs. He gaped at you as you giggled, the slackness of the rope of lights sliding down to the bottom easily.
Over the years, you had each gained enough experience on how efficient your tree wielding skills could be. You had equally figured the other’s weaknesses too. You were good at the lights, but for some reason, tinsel and you didn’t agree. Chanyeol could dress the tree in the sparkly stuff but would easily overcrowd a section with more than one of the same coloured bauble or ornament and would have to rearrange multiple times. Still, it always came down to the final moment on who would win the star to put on the top. You each had your fair share of putting it up, and the scores were pretty even by now.
You didn’t know how it would play out this year, no matter how good your strategy was each time.
“Yeolie, you put two green baubles side by side again!” you called out gleefully, just for the man to shunt you away from your task of placing some up higher.
He smirked. “Why do you always aim for the top, Y/N? You stopped growing when you were thirteen. Stick to the bottom and let me get the top since I can with ease.”
“Mm, you’re right. Your back will break if you have to bend down too low, isn’t that right, giant?”
“Not funny.”
“Nor is you poking fun at my height. That’s why stools were invented.”
“Be careful, you know the legs on that thing have had to hold a lot of you over the years. It’s rickety.”
You gaped at his low blow until you felt it wobble under your hasty step up.
Grabbing your waist and righting you, time seemed to stop still.
So, you both hadn’t exactly lost your competitive nature about dressing the tree, but things had changed between you recently. You smiled tenderly at the man still holding you and cupped his jaw in your palm. “Thank you for saving me.”
“I couldn’t let you fall, now could I?”
“Mm,” you hummed, hovering your mouth over his. You felt his breath hitch and grinned at how easy his desires came to the surface. Reaching down, you unhooked the ornaments from his finger. “Also, thanks for handing me these.”
“You’re wel- HEY!”
“All is fair in love and war, Yeol.”
“The day I fell in love with you was a curse,” he grumbled, right as the front door to the cabin opened.
You each stopped to greet your parents and family members fondly.
Laughing, Chanyeol’s father pointed at the half decorated tree. “You two never change, do you?”
“Even arriving early this time to get it going,” your brother commented as he placed his one-year old daughter on the floor. “Your commitment is impressive.”
“Leave them be, they love this part to the holidays here,” your mother mentioned, now fussing over her grandchild.
Ignoring the chatter in the great room, you nodded at your partner in crime and got back to it. Most of your jibs at one another were playful, although there was a whole lot more touching than there had been as children. But the same heightened breathing and focus remained when the decoration box was nearly empty.
“This year is my year,” you confirmed, and Chanyeol shook his head.
“No way, am I letting you cheat me out of another turn.”
“You did that to me so many times,” you laughed, encircling his waist with one arm.
Chanyeol equally entrapped you at his side. “Nice try, I’m not going to fall for your charms twice this Christmas.”
“Why? Is it because last Christmas I fell for yours and ended up in this predicament with you?”
“Our relationship is a predicament now?!”
“Well, it sure isn’t something either of us could predict, now is it?”
“We all did,” your parents agreed with ease, and you laughed when you glanced over at them.
“You’re just saying that because you wanted further ties between the decades of friendships you have,” Chanyeol pointed out and you nodded. “You’ve been priming us for this moment for our whole lives.”
“And it took you both exceptionally long to do as we wanted,” your father teased, the group of parents all laughing between one another.
You rolled your eyes and turned to look in the box. “Hey, where is the star?”
“Chanyeol! Where did you hide it this time?!”
“I didn’t! Stop trying to prank me, Y/N.”
You shook your head. “I really don’t have it. And if you don’t…”
“Oh, Matilda, look at you!” your father crooned at his grandchild, scooping her up into his arms.
It was then when you saw what she held and gasped noisily.
“Camera time!” Chanyeol’s mother cried, and before you could react, your niece had stolen the show and put the star on top of the tree.
She clapped excitedly as all the adults, aside from both you and Chanyeol, exclaimed over her efforts.
“But she didn’t even help us decorate the tree,” Chanyeol lamented softly, and you groaned.
“That was always the rule when we were growing up.”
“Now we’ve been tricked by a one-year old,” he surmised as you both sighed heavily.
“I’m not decorating the tree next year. She can drag it out and decorate it herself.”
“I’ve never seen two bitter faces in all my life,” your brother commented, shaking his head at you. “Face it, there’s a new generation in town.”
“Yeol, we need to have a baby.”
Not even hesitating to agree with you, Chanyeol nodded. “Then our child can take on Matilda.”
“And we’ll see who gets to put the star on top then!”
Glancing at one another, you then started to laugh, shaking your heads at your combined failure.
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Later in the evening, when you had retired to your bedroom, Chanyeol smiled at you when he returned from using the shower. “Still butthurt that your niece robbed us of victory?”
“I guess we’re adults now. The fun over Christmas for us is done.”
“Until we have our own kid,” he teased, running a hand over your stomach fondly. “Not anytime soon, though.”
“Our parents were cruel for letting us get so out of control about a silly tree,” you told him as he climbed into the bed beside you and the man hummed positively. “Our child won’t have to battle for any glory like that. We’ll just buy a second tree and let them decorate it.”
“Why didn’t our parents do that for us? It would have saved me from getting bitten by you when you were ten.”
“And the black eye I got from you at twelve.”
“That was an accident, and you know it!” Chanyeol chuckled and pulled you into his arms.
“We have so many fond memories here over the years. When the tree escapade was over, we really played well together.”
Kissing the side of your head, Chanyeol grinned. “Now we play a little too well together.”
“Not tonight Yeol, I’m tired.”
“Can I give you a present early, though?” he wondered, and you glanced up at your partner curiously. It was then that you saw how anxious he was. Sitting up a little, you waited for further information. “I might have missed out on putting the star on top of the tree this year, but can I put a star on you?”
Slipping out a simple ring, Chanyeol held it up so the light would reflect and make the stone sparkle. “Let’s get married, Y/N.”
“Oh my God… of course!”
As he slid the ring on your finger, your emotions rose. Chanyeol beamed with satisfaction once it reached the base of your finger. “Well, I got to put the star on top after all.”
“Wait. I lost, once again?!”
“Isn’t marrying me a win?”
“But you beat me to do it!”
“Were you going to propose?”
Pulling you into his arms as he laughed, Chanyeol peppered you in kisses to distract you. It ended in a passionate embrace, and when you moved back to catch some air, your newly-officiated fiancé nuzzled your nose. “Since I got to do this first, you can put my wedding band on first.”
You grinned. “You know the way to my heart, Park Chanyeol.”
“And you already have mine completely, future Mrs Park.”
“So maybe… I’m not as tired as I thought.”
“Is that so?” he mused, kissing you several times. “Merry Christmas, my little star.”
Next: Noche Buena
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2020 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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cas-kingdom · 4 years
Would you be up to answering 10, 15, 29, and 31 for any of the OCs from the DWCs that you're feeling a bit stuck on? Or any OCs you're feeling, really. I'm not picky. Hope this helps with mission: write or that you at the very least have some fun with it. :)
To be honest, this would totally help. I’ll have a go (thank you, saviour).
You all know I write my OCs as readers considering the reader inserts are wildly sought after on this site lol. BUT I adore writing about my OCs & have tons of stories with them that I keep to myself and read when I’m down, so here we go!
The 4 I’ve yet to write include Tallulah Cullen (Twilight), Matilda Northman (True Blood), Akela (The Witcher) & Clark Kent’s sister, who I’m yet to create an OC for (atm my only JL OC is Arthur Curry’s sister, Ani) so I won’t write these questions for her considering I don’t really know her.
WARNING: this is going to get long. I apologise & a big pat on the back to whoever actually reads it.
10) How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Tallulah: I think, honestly, Tallulah’s been a vampire so long she’s not sure she has anything new left to try lol. She’s older than her siblings by a lot and is often lost with these kinds of things. Though if there is ever anything new, I’d say she’d be absolutely open to trying them out! During the events of the books/movies, I’m sure there were many of these opportunities, what with Bella and the excitement and adventure she brought along with her. So, yes. No comfort zone for T, though perhaps there was one once.
Matilda: Tilly’s pretty restricted with what she can and can’t do (having Eric as your guardian will do that to you lol) but again, like Tallulah, with the events of the books/series, a lot happens that she’d be involved with, and it’s all a bit adventurous and out of her comfort zone. She’s used to the so-called quiet life, considering Eric keeps her out of his business so she remains safe, so after meeting Sookie and all the disruption she brings to her life, I’ve always thought it to be quite a big thing for her. As she grows older however, she certainly grows used to it, and perhaps rebels a bit against her guardian to join in on the excitement he’d rather she stay away from.
Akela: Akela’s whole life is trying new things. She never knows if her day will be quiet or not so much. If she’ll be sleeping under the stars or in an inn. If she’ll have a great, peaceful ride or someone will run up to them, thrusting money at Geralt and asking him to kill a monster. (Seems like a nicely spontaneous life, minus the monsters). Tbh I think she likes it. She’d like her life to be completely safe with no interruptions, but in all honestly she’d get bored after a while, and really, if her life was all sweet and honey, then Geralt wouldn’t be the same, and that’s the last thing she’d want. I think her comfort zone is very small, and not demanding at all. She’s ready to try whatever, as long as it guarantees her and her Witcher’s safety!
15) What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Tallulah: I’ll be a bit stereotypical here and say her favourite time of day is night. She doesn’t sparkle, she can blend in with the humans completely... and I guess she just likes it in general because of the dark, and the peace that often offers. She sometimes goes hunting with her family in the dark, and she has many memories of those times that she holds onto.
Matilda: Yet another vampiric-stereotypical answer, but Tilly’s favourite time of day is definitely the exact moment the sun is out of sight. Because then Eric’s instantly safe, and she can spend as much time with him as his ‘duties’ and his job allows. Another human’s favourite time might be day, because that’s when the most happens, and Tilly’s is night for the exact same reason. To her it’s simply normal - she’s always slept during the day to adhere to her vampire guardians’ routine - and she knows no difference.
Akela: Night. (Apparently all my OCs are night owls, guys). She likes her evenings and her nights, right before she sleeps, because most of her memories from those times are of her lying next to Geralt on blankets, under a starlit sky. It’s totally quiet, save for the nightlife, and the two of them can just lie there and let the trials of the day wash away as they stare at the stars. A simple delight.
29) How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Tallulah: Hundreds of years as a vampire has definitely made Tallulah more in touch with people’s emotions. She 100% takes after her father in the compassion side of things. He’s taught her to hang onto most of her humanity, and she’s never fed from a human in her life. I can’t see her hurting a fly. Sociopath? Never.
Matilda: Tilly... is perhaps more sociopath than empath, but that’s something that changes over the years. She’s young at the beginning of the show, and she worships Eric and (discreetly) wants to follow him wherever he goes. That doesn’t change so much, but she finds herself over time, and learns to give in to her human instincts. I definitely think Eric’s growing appreciation for humans after meeting Sookie makes her more aware of her true self, and she makes friends she wouldn’t have ever thought about making, and generally just becomes less afraid to be herself. She learns to understand people’s feelings - and her own - which is something she probably found difficult to do when solely around vampires. (Though in saying that, she probably begins to learn a lot more about how Eric’s feeling. That’s shown in the DWC I’ve yet to write lol).
Akela: For as much as Akela loves Geralt, and for as much as she grew up under his guiding hand, she certainly didn’t adopt his so-called ‘emotionless’ Witcher persona. Really, that’s a victory on Geralt’s side. She’s 100%, totally human, and that’s something he wouldn’t take away from her (tbh he does his best to keep her away from anything Witcher-y that could change her from who she perfectly is). But, in all honesty, I do think Akela gets her selfless and empathetic nature from Geralt. Discreetly, of course. That guy is a different person when he’s with her, though it might be difficult to see, and he’s honestly just a Good Dad, however much he’d strive to disprove it.
31) What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Tallulah: Tallulah has big brothers. I think that speaks for itself. XD Though perhaps not all of them... mainly Emmett and Jasper. And Alice. They like to make her laugh. Probably Emmett’s main goal in life. BUT, similar to the first question, Tallulah is an old vampire, and she’s probably heard most jokes and developed a sense of humour that’s different to the others’, if that makes sense. Though I’ve always had her as the vampire who was turned at 16 and, in all honesty, is still 16, deep deep down. Her maturity isn’t crazily more than any other 16 yo’s.
Matilda: God. I don’t think she’d have much of a sense of humour. Tilly’s life is vampires, blood, ‘stay away from humans despite being human’... when she meets Sookie and the others, and her humanity starts shining, her sense of humour becomes more human. She can joke around without worrying that Eric will take it too seriously or Pam will insult her (Pam insults everyone but she still loves Tilly, don’t worry). So, yeah. Matilda’s life doesn’t leave much room for humour, but it sneaks in somehow as the years go on - not to mention Eric’s not an ass to her and does treasure her smile and her laugh above all else in his long life.
Akela: Oh, Akela lives on humour. She loves to insult Geralt, and he loves to insult her right back. That’s just them. And it’s pretty damn perfect. Not to mention when Jaskier joins their dysfunctional family, you’d be pretty robotic to not laugh or smile even once when in his presence. As for if Akela’s actually funny... I’d say definitely. She counts it a victory if she says something and Geralt’s lips turn upwards the tiniest bit. Making a Witcher smile is something to celebrate.
Whoo. I loved that. Now to go write.
(That last bit was a joke. Unfortunately).
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waspalisades · 4 years
im gonna make a list of things kids at my job have done/said that made me rly happy
kids will just pat u on the head or play w ur fingers or hug u w/o worrying abt it and it makes me happy bc it means they see me as a safe person
any time a kid has given me a drawing!! i love them and i always keep them i take every chance to gas up a kid's drawing
when kids just tell u random facts?? i love it bc that is also how i talk to ppl lol
on that note when kids realize ur into the same show/game as them and u can have a real convo abt it (have vibed w so many 5th grade boys over shounen anime lol)
5th graders are the meanest elementary schoolers but also the funniest. heard a kid say "more like rockin around the CRINGYNESS" and i cracked up so hard i was completely unprepared for it
3rd and 4th is super fun bc i think ur brain at that age is MAXIMUM sponge u can process so much new info and learning is rly exciting. i explained a math problem to a handful of kids all working on it together and one of them said "you just blew my mind!!" to me and i was like :)
same class as above we were doing a solve the room worksheet and these boys all moved around together and they explained to me that they had this hierarchy set up: one kid was president, one was vp, one was manager of secret service, and the other 2 were secret service, w a whole system of who could tell who what to do at the drop of a hat. i was obsessed w this lil west wing larping game and they were clearly having a lot of fun w it (and it seemed like the lowest on the totem pole were the ones who had the idea which is adorable and sweet)
one day was the scoliosis check for 5th grade and this girl was SUPER nervous (did NOT want to have her shirt off/bend over in front of an adult, which is totally fair) and her friends all rushed to hug her and tell her it was gonna be ok and reassure her she would be fine and it was just nice to see them all being kind to her and not teasing her for it
90% sure i had a lil bb trans girl in one of my classes and in my conservative ass town seeing her at school being herself and her classmates/teachers all supporting her was so so good. she was also objectively the coolest ever like she asked me my birth month bc she was into birth stones and she was SMART and led this game at recess where everyone was escaping from the sinking titanic and drawing lifeboat outlines w chalk...would have KILLED to be friends w her in 3rd grade
i had to send a couple kids off together bc one of them lost his card for boys and girls club and they came back still not having found it BUT THE GIRL I SENT HIM WITH HAD IT THE WHOLE TIME and whipped it out like surpriseeee i found it its all cool lol. she just wanted to pull a harmless prank and it worked!
the quiet kid doing notebook paper anime drawings w mathematical precision and all his friends hyping him up to me and going like "show her that other one u did!"
the kid who before i said one word looked at me and asked "sorry if this is rude, but do u have a tiktok?" ngdsmtsngsng
the hour where the class was just coloring so i decided to join them and sat next to a girl who shared her crayons and pencils w me. it was just rly nice to be included
when i was reading matilda to a class while they were working/playing this math computer game and i saw a few kids stop and look over at me bc they were getting invested in the story and we ended up reading like 50 pages bc they wanted me to keep going :')
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foofygoldfish · 4 years
A L L F I F T Y for Tilly :3
oh my god
also this is from literally two months ago whoops
1)      Age? 23!
2)      Gender? female
3)      Romantic/Sexual Orientation? lesbian
4)      Height? 5′6…ish? i swear i’ve said this before, but i can’t find it dslkfj
5)      Race? Half black, half white
6)      What do they look like? (i.e, hair color, eye color, etc): fiona nova!
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7)      Any disabilities? No
8)      Is there a meaning to their name? she was named after her great-grandma, matilda!
9)      What makes them, them? she’s a major horse girl. major. and awkward as fuck, but also intensely curious about the world.
10)   What do they want to be when they grow up/what do they want to do with their lives? she wants to work with horses! she considered working in the clinic with her mom, but she really prefers it in the barns.
11)   Do they have parents? What are they like and how do they act with their child(ren)? yes! her parents are hannah, who runs the clinic in jackson, and charlie, who teaches at the school! they’re both very caring, and have done their best to raise their children in this new world. 
12)   Do they have siblings? How do they interact with them? If not, do they wish they had siblings? she has an 8 year old sister, leticia! tilly is very protective of her - she knows that leticia can handle herself, but that’s her baby sister, y’know? also the two of them love gossiping in sign language - not many people in jackson are fluent, and they take advantage of that.
13)   Extended family? Do they see them often? unfortunately, no - hannah and charlie lost track of their families after the outbreak. tilly assumes that they’re all dead.
14)   Do they like where they live? (Is it a safe place?) yes! she does think it’s too safe, but that’s just her wanting to go on an adventure.
15)   Where do they live? Are they wealthy? Poor? Middle-Class? jackson, wyoming! i feel like pretty much everyone there is probably roughly around the same level? the norths were firmly middle-class before the outbreak though, and they do have one of the nicer/larger houses in town, just by virtue of being one of the first settlers.
16)   Do they have a lot of expectations/pressure on them from family to do great? nope - hannah and charlie would like her to do amazing things, of course, but they want their kids to be happy first and foremost.
17)   Do they have pets? yes lol - she has three dogs, a pit bull named timber, a german shepherd named grizzly, and a rotweiller named bear. they’re all giant softies. she has a horse as well, callie, and honestly thinks of all the horses in jackson as her own.
18)   Who do they look up to the most/are the closest to in their family? her mom. shes close to her entire family, but her mom.
19)   This there anything special about their family? i… don’t really think? before the outbreak, they were pretty average - a med student and an adjunct professor. 
20)   Do they wish they lived in a different family/household? nope. 
21)   Best Friend(s)? talisa york
22)   Who was their first friend? will and ben!
23)   What is their friend group like? .... small. tilly doesn’t really have any friends? she has will and ben, but they’ve drifted apart over the years. she’d still drop everything to help them in a heartbeat, but she’s not sure if they’d do the same for her.
24)   Do they have a love/hate relationship with any of them? ...see above?
25)   Do they consider any of their friends to be like siblings?  aaaand above
26)   Have they ever hurt a friend or lost one? not intentionally, but she had a very bad habit of speaking first, thinking later when she was growing up, and said some things that came out much harsher than she intended
27)   Do they have a crush on any of their friends? ...does talisa count?
28)   Do they share classes with good friends? she was in the same ‘grade’ as will and ben when they were still in school
29)   Whom do they go to the most when they need a shoulder to cry on? tilly, her mom, and maria
30)   What would this person do without their friends in their lives? uh. she handles it better than her parents expected, honestly?
31)   What grade are they in? If they aren’t in school, how come? ....she’s 23
32)   Do/Did they like their teachers? Was there a good one? Bad one? she did like him, but her dad was her main teacher lol
33)   Do/Did they listen to their teachers or are/where they goofing off a lot? yes, because her dad is really good at the disappointed dad stare and the disappointed teacher stare 
34)   Are/Where they a good student grade wise? she was average - didn’t really have the attention span to pay attention in class. 
35)   Do/Did they need extra help? a little, particularly with math
36)   What is/was their school like? it was pretty much a one-room schoolhouse when she started - there is an actual school building in jackson, but there weren’t enough students to justify spending energy on it at first. they moved into that building her last year.
37)   Do/Did they have bullies in school? ohhhh boy. school was rough. she was the weird kid who never quite fit in, and even in the apocalypse, kids are mean.
38)   Have they ever gotten into a fight at school? ...yes.
39)   Have they ever done something stupid/embarrassing at school? yes. no, she won’t tell you.
40)   How far do they plan to go with school? If they dropped out, do they want to go back? she graduated!
41)   Are they dating anyone? Do they want to date? Are the married? Divorced? at the time of joel and ellie’s arrival, she’s dating talisa! they get married roughly a year and a half after the game.
42)   What is their favorite hobby? Do they keep it a secret? besides spending time with the horses? writing. she doesn’t talk about that much, though. mostly just tells the stories to the horses, or leticia, if she’s convincing enough.
43)   If they could have one thing in life, what would it be? to be able to travel.
44)   Do they work? If so, what is it? If not, are they looking for one or even want one? she works in the stables and the clinic!
45)   Do they use social media? no social media in the apocalypse 😔
46)   Have they ever been in the hospital? an official one? not since she was a baby. she’s had to go to the clinic for broken bones a few times since she started working in the barns, though.
47)   Do they believe in the supernatural, that there is more than the eye can see? she’s convinced the old school and the dam are haunted.
48)   What do they do when they get angry, stressed, or upset? cry. or she’ll get really quiet - that’s a dead giveaway that something is bothering her.
49)   Would they consider themselves as a good person, bad person, or morally grey? good.
50)   Does this OC have any part of you in them? (I.e, personality traits, similar background, etc) yuuuuup. as the resident Weird Kid with adhd/autism in my elementary school, i know what she’s gone through, and i really apologize to her because it really sucks... also, horses
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Hey for the VFD kids phone mood boards you made is the playlist you added an actual playlist on Apple Music and if so could you send a link I can’t find it :) thanks
{Edits in Question}
Oh no I didn’t actually make the playlists on Apple Music, but under the cut I can put all the songs I included in their mixes! Making playlists is one of my favorite things to do so I put a lot of thought into it lol. 
Fun Note: my original plan was to have a mix of super old and super modern songs in each playlist as a reference to the show’s timeless feel, but I realized when I made Klaus’s mix that I really only had, like, three old songs and one of those was downloaded illegally so… oops lol. 
We’ll Meet Again - Vera Lynn [very classic, seems like something Vi would listen to]  
Fight Song - Rachel Platten 
Windmills of Your Mind - Parenthetical Girls 
Wish That You Were Here - Florence  + The Machine 
The End of the World - Skeeter Davis 
Light - Next to Normal [this is also my go-to song for “The End” and the VFD Kids in general] 
Heroes - Peter Gabriel 
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - Michael Ball [this one gave me FEELS] 
Elastic Heart - Madilyn Bailey [this version of the song just seems very sad and I think really fit Klaus] 
Paralyzed - NF  
Keep Your Eyes Open - NEEDTOBREATHE 
Waving Through a Window- Ben Platt
Good Kid - The Lightning Thief [might not fit a lot but come on, like I’d pass up the opportunity to put a PJO song on Fiona’s mix] 
The Show Must Go On - Queen 
Scars to Your Beautiful - Alessia Cara 
Almost Paradise - Mike Reno and Ann Wilson 
How Far I’ll Go - Auli’i Cravalho [come on you all knew this one was coming] 
No One Is Alone - Into the Woods 
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac [this song really fits the entire kid group and I love it] 
Dare You to Move - Switchfoot 
Battle Scars - Paradise Fears 
Home - Gabrielle Aplin 
Watch What Happens - Kara Lindsay [as if I wouldn’t put a Newsies song anywhere on Duncan’s mix lol] 
Jabberwocky - Erutan [this and the next song are actual poems and I felt like Isadora would love that] 
The Last Rose of Summer - Celtic Woman 
How Are Things in Glocca Morra? - Finian’s Rainbow 
For Forever - Ben Platt 
Happiness - You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown 
I’d Rather Be Me - Barrett Wilbert Weed [very aesthetically different from the other songs but I felt it fit her and I can’t for the life of me explain why]
Vanilla Twilight - Owl City [listen… this song is Quigley and Violet i don’t make the rules] 
Wanderer’s Lullaby - Adriana Figueroa 
Be Wherever You Are - Zach Callison 
Don’t Let Go - Bryan Adams 
Home - Casey Lee Williams [honestly very surprised I don’t have more RWBY songs on here lol] 
Just One Person - Snoopy! the Musical 
Call Me a Princess - Kerry Butler  
Fabulous - High School Musical 2 [Carmelita listens to this completely unironically] 
Candy Store - Heathers the Musical warning for swear words
Blank Space - Taylor Swift 
World Burn - Taylor Louderman warning for swear words
Rules, Regulations and Respect - Zombie Prom [y’all lost your minds over Candy Store being on this mix but listen this one’s the funniest] 
No More - Beckah Shae 
Titanium - David Guetta 
Defying Gravity - Kerry Ellis [Sunny rocks out to this song I don’t make the rules]  
This Will Be the Day - Casey Lee Williams 
Mother Earth - Within Temptation 
Naughty - Matilda the Musical [come on PLEASE tell me this isn’t literally The Slippery Slope]  
Maybe/Tomorrow (Reprise) - Audra McDonald
The Fire Within Me - Sutton Foster [i have feels about Bea can you tell]
Soldier On - Sierra Boggess
Brothers Under the Sun - Bryan Adams 
Mirror Mirror Part II - Casey Williams 
Still Not Giving Up - Zach Callison [Bea is a steven universe stan sorry lol] 
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womanaction · 6 years
Do you wanna word vomit about your favorite dnd PCs? I wanna hear all about them please!
Omg, anon…bless you. Of course I do!
So right now I am playing two characters in different campaigns, and then I have another character for some upcoming campaign (maybe this year, maybe not). These are the three I have aesthetic-y blogs for, and they are probably my favorites, although I have a special place in my heart for my first character and she is involved in one of my current campaigns as a bit of a legacy.
Elysia (@la-elysia) is the character I’ve now been playing for the longest time, and I’m continuing to play her for probably another year. She is a grave cleric, and specifically a priestess of Hades. She’s a half-elf, and both her parents were good-aligned clerics (and their parents before them, and so on!). She was raised by the elf half of her family, and resents humans even though her parents parted on amicable terms. She also wanted to choose her own path in life, and so she chose to follow Hades. She thinks life is more complicated and dark than her families have always taught her, and that the most important thing to honor is the thin line between life and death.
When I started out playing her, she was fresh out of her (required) time as a soldier, so she was a little rough and edgy. She’s still quite young, and at first it was obvious how much she chose to worship Hades more as an “identity” choice than as a religious calling. But after visions and actual encounters with him over the course of the past campaign, her fangirl-y obsession has evolved into genuine devotion. She’s still kind of edgy, but she has learned some more restraint, and she has started seeing more of her decisions in the light of her deity. She’s also softened on humans a bit, after Hades seemingly marked another party member (a very messed-up human bard) as important for the coming battles.
I’m looking forward to finding out what her sexuality is, lol. She’s certainly somewhere on the ace spectrum, but I think she might be bi as well. It’s tricky for me to figure this out because her greatest devotion will always be to Hades, and she doesn’t like to really get close to others. She is uninterested in sex generally, but not sex-repulsed; if the proper context arises, I think she might be interested in sex for ritual purposes, which sounds like a fun thing to explore.
Then there’s Remi, @remi-wtmadir​. She is a very shy wizard who is beginning to come into her own. She is Dragonborn, but is no longer in contact with any of her family (a prominent dynasty of warriors and leaders) due to her more eccentric interests. She’s in her mid-40s and has spent the last couple decades in academia - studying magic, of course, but also researching her great love, Infernal poetry. She has a small collection and hopes to start her own library.
Remi is quite awkward and is uncomfortable with using her size and apparent fearsomeness to gain any benefits. However, she has a very analytical and strategic mind, which has led her to an interest in war magic and especially battlefield control. She is very attached to her party members, but is not sure how to appropriately express it.
This has only come up a little bit so far in the actual campaign, but she finds religion a bit distasteful. She enjoys the beautiful art, architecture, music, and poetry produced by religious fervor, but in general she thinks it tends to be mindless and that the so-called deities worshipped by others (yes, even her friends) are undeserving of such praise. Her upbringing was religious, and she’s uncomfortable in overtly religious spaces (shrines, temples, etc.) as a result, although she is not intolerant of religious people. She is also a lesbian, but has had very little chance to connect romantically with anyone because she felt especially othered by her race and background. I am hoping she finds someone who would be interested in sharing her life’s work!
Finally, there’s Margana, @marganathered, who is brand new but I find exciting so I wanna talk about her! She’s a human warlock, with a fiend patron (details not yet worked out). She was quite wealthy for a while as she made a living as a famed and beautiful dancer. She loves nice things, but her greatest love is actually for her husband, who is a very gentle, kind, and simple sort of man. Unfortunately, she had a bad injury and was unable to dance. They quickly fell into poverty, and she watched her husband suffer doing long hours of work he loathed. So she sought out a way to repair her injury. She’s not the most patient or learned, so there were some unintended consequences - in regaining her ability, she lost her husband. Her new patron told her she could recover him if a certain quota of destruction was met. If it were up to her, she would probably have few qualms about anything standing in her way, but she knows he would lose his love for her if he found out she had slaughtered innocents to get him back, so she has to be a little more thoughtful about how she meets this quota. Also, her wedding ring is her focus, which I just think is fun.
Other characters I’ve played recently or have in the wings include Matilda (the OG monk who makes terrible decisions and loves kids), Fryryn (genderfluid lizardfolk druid who spent way too long in isolation), Elas (Elysia’s nerd brother who would probably die immediately if I had to actually play him), Buddy (totally normal paladin bro, the best guy you will ever meet), Angelique (dwarf barbarian who really wants to explore her feminine side), H (man? woman? nb? human? elf? two gnomes stacked on top of each other? who knows but they’re a warlock and hella cool), and Issmi (weird human fighter/rogue/monk, would fuck you up as soon as look at you).
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starfiresupernova · 6 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by both @jiyamarrii & @chasethesun18 to do this, so I’ll be answering 22 questions. But I love these things so I’m totally okay with it LOL. Anyway, let’s get started!
Laura’s Questions
1. Marvel or DC? TV-Verse or Film-Verse? Why? — The easy answer to this question is that I like all superhero stuff. I tend to watch more Marvel, but I’m a big fan of both. MCU? Yes please. Smallville? Sign me up. I haven’t watched the Marvel Netflix shows yet, but I really want to. Cloak and Dagger on Freeform is pretty good so far! I watched the first two seasons of Arrow and most of the Flash, but since the CW added all the other DC shows to their programming, I’ve been a little overwhelmed, but they’re still good! So yeah, long story short, I like it all :)
2. I’m looking for new TV shows to watch. Recommend me a show and tell me why you think I’d like it. — I can’t remember if you’ve watched Gilmore Girls or not, but I recommend it to everyone who wants something funny and heartwarming, but heartbreaking sometimes, too. Lorelai is my SPIRIT ANIMAL. Otherwise, I recommend Lost in Space on Netflix if you’re into Sci-Fi stuff (it’s also funny, and the characters are amazing). One Tree Hill is amazing if you’re into soapy teen dramas (like 90210 or Gossip Girl). The awesome thing about OTH though, is that it’s obviously drama, but it deals with other serious topics and it isn’t bitchy like GG. The characters are all different in their own way, and it’s my favorite teen drama show of all time.
3. Watch a random episode of Timeless. Tell me your opinions on the episode and I’ll try to guess which episode you watched. — Okay, so I know each episode like the back of my hand, so let’s go. It’s my second favorite episode of the entire show. The music is A+. (You’ve probably already guessed it by now lolol.) It has one of my top 5 favorite Lucy outfits. I’ve seen this episode so many times I’m pretty sure I can almost recite it word for word (and I’m not sorry about that).
4. Do you have a skin care routine? If yes, what is it? — Not really. I don’t use much on my skin to tell you the truth. I use the St. Ives Blackhead Clearing green tea scrub every other day, and once in a while I’ll use a Biore charcoal pore strip. Other than that I don’t use anything.
5. What are your favorite pair of shoes? Why? — This might sound completely childish, but I LOVE my shoes that have daisies on them. I got them at Payless, and they’re Minnie Mouse brand, but they’re black with little daisies printed on them and I love them so much. I need a new pair soon because they’re a few years old and they’re worn, but I love them to death.
6. What is your phone wallpaper? What is your desktop wallpaper? — My lock screen on my phone is a picture I found on Google Images of Timeless. It’s blue and has the Time Team and the Timeless logo with a cloud. My home screen on my phone is a cotton candy-esque background. My desktop wallpaper is the Timeless edit I made with the Taylor lyric “Time won’t fly, it’s like I’m paralyzed by it.”
7. If you could have dinner with one person, dead, alive, or fictional, who would it be and why? — I really want to say Lorelai Gilmore (or anyone from Gilmore Girls, honestly..) for this one. Eating at Luke’s Diner? Yes. Please. I’m all in.
8. What’s your favorite smell? Why? — This is very oddly specific, but I have this notebook that I got for Christmas last year. And every book/notebook/paper smells good, but THIS NOTEBOOK. It’s my favorite kind of paper smell. I know, it’s weird, but it’s amazing. Otherwise I love lemon, vanilla, and peppermint scents and the smell of the grill when we grill hamburgers/hot dogs.
9. Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are they? Do you regret any of them? — I do not have any tattoos, but I want to get one in the near future.
10. What is your horoscope for today? —  Jun 11, 2018 - You enjoy caring for others and you intervene regularly in their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clear view of your own life, Leo. You could even decide to make the necessary arrangements for a trip abroad.
11. Beards: Yes or No? — UM YES.
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I also love Xavier from No Tomorrow, Hugh Jackman, and John Krasinski. Their beards are also pretty magical.
Ryan’s Questions
1. If a book becomes a movie do you read it or watch it first? — Most of the time I don’t realize a movie was a book until after I see it. And then I always end up liking the movie better. (IE the Twilight saga) I always try to read the book first, but sometimes I’ll just watch the movie. 
2. What’s your favorite Disney movie? — OOH OKAY LET’S GO. Tangled is my favorite all-animated Disney movie. Meet the Robinsons comes at a second. Enchanted is my all-time favorite Disney movie EVER. My Favorite Martian is my favorite all-non-animated Disney movie. Also The Princess Diaries comes at a close second.
3. If you could have one superpower what would it be? — If I got to choose I would want to have telekinesis. Matilda has solidified that dream LOL.
4. Do you believe in soul mates? — I’m not sure, to tell you the truth. I don’t like to think that there’s only ONE person in the entire world that I’m meant to be with, and that they’re my other half. I mean, it’s a nice concept, but also I feel like I would just be too worried that I won’t ever meet my soulmate because it could literally be anyone in the entire universe. I’m meh on the subject.
5. What’s your happiest memory? — Honestly I think my most happy memories are when I was really little, like in early elementary school? Like, ages 5-11 is when I think I was most happy. And don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy now and whatever, but I have more responsibility now and I was more carefree back then. One memory that sticks out is Christmas of 2010. I got my DSi XL and I was at my grandparents house with all of my cousins. We played around on the DS and took pictures, and I still have them saved on it. The very first picture I ever took on it. It was just such a happy time for me, and I love thinking back on it.
6. Most embarrassing memory? — I threw up in front of my entire classroom in 4th grade. It was terrible. And it happened so long ago, but I still can’t get over the fact that there are people my age who saw me throw up on the floor of our classroom. Nope. Let me go hide forever LOL.
7. Where do you see yourself in five years? — I don’t really like to plan that far ahead into the future, but in five years I’d like to be moved out of my parents’ house and working on getting my book published. (I’m still working on writing it at the moment, so hopefully I’ll be done with it by then and in the process of finding it a home.)
8. Who is/has been the most influential person in your life? — I have to go with my parents on this one. But only personality-wise. I’m not interested in what my parents do for a living, but I try to model my work-ethic and values after them. I’ve obviously grown my own personal tastes, but I see more of myself in them every day and I’m very proud of that.
9. If you could time travel to the start of this year and tell yourself something what would you tell yourself? — You won’t have everything figured out yet, and that’s okay. You’ll be pressured, but take things at your own pace. There’s nothing wrong with taking time to figure things out, no matter what everyone is telling you. You’ll get to where you want to be, you just have to take your time, and set your own pace.
10. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? — Wow, okay, this is going to sound lame. Are y’all ready? I stole a toy camera from Goodwill when I was, like, 6. I wanted it but I didn’t think my dad would let me, so I hid it in my coat pocket and never told anyone. That was literally the first thing that came to mind.. 
11. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? — I love that I don’t waver in my enjoyment of things. My sister mainly, always makes fun of me for wearing what I wear, for reading, and for listening to the kind of music that I listen to, but I’m very proud of all of those things and I don’t let it bother me. Yeah, it gets annoying when she tells me my taste in music sucks, but I will very happily listen to Two Weeks Late by Ashley Monroe at a high volume and sing along proudly. No shame. As Jessica Day so proudly states, “I break for birds! I rock a lot of polka-dots. I have touched glitter in the past twenty-four hours. I spend my entire day talking to children. And I find it fundamentally strange that you’re not a dessert person. That’s just weird and it freaks me out. And I’m sorry I don’t like Murphy Brown, and I hate your pantsuit; I wish it had ribbons on it or something to just make it slightly cuter. And that doesn’t mean I‘m not smart and tough and strong.” 
Thanks for the tag, guys! This was fun :)
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wild-stdreams · 7 years
all oc questions for maisie dylan!
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?Maisie could spend hours doing nothing… or more like getting lost in her thoughts. Since she left Beacon Hills just under 2 years ago she became pretty reclusive, preferring to spend a lot of time on her own.
How easy is it for your character to laugh?Not as easy as it used to be *ooooh dramatic*, but for real though… it’ll get easier the longer she spends back in BH.
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)Listening to ‘easy-listening’ kinds of music, a lot of acoustic guitar kind of stuff I reckon.
How easy is it to earn their trust?Pretty easy actually, Maisie tries to see the good in everything/everyone so she will always give people the benefit of the doubt. 
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?Suspicion alone wouldn’t be enough for Maisie not to trust someone, she’d need some kind of proof first. 
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?Definitely flexible - her moral alingment is Chaotic Good 
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?Sounds and smell mostly. Maisie practically lives in her memories, specifically ones of her and Hazel because it’s the only place where she feels safe and happy - but it’s also pretty painful with the current state of their friendship.
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a childMaisie’s mother used to go batshit crazy at her for picking all the flowers from their garden, girl had hundreds of them pressed in her book collection. 
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?She does swear from time to time, but not nearly as much as other people her age probably do. Her first swear word was probably something pretty tame… she’ll most likely use things like freaking/frigging instead of the F word.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?THAT WOULD BE A SPOILER, soz… but yes it haunts the hell out of her.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?Pretend she knows whats going on then sneakily googles it on her phone when no-one is looking, but it isn’t often that Maisie is confused. 
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?Desperately try with all of her might to reach it, even if it almost kills her in the process. Her determination is second to none.
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?Maisie has a baby blue sweater that she would live in if she could, but Lydia always used to tell her she looked good in deep reds/maroon/burgandy kind of colours. 
What animal do they fear most?Animals aren’t exactly a huge fear/issue for an Alpha werewolf… but Maisie has a lowkey fear of sharks.
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?Maisie rehearses things in her head until she drives herself crazy, but when it comes down to it she sort of word-vomits her feelings.
What makes their stomach turn?Deucalion… lol. But also, sushi. 
Are they easily embarrassed?Oh heck yeah, and she’s pretty fantastic at stumbling over things, walking into the wrong class etc 
What embarrasses them?Just generally looking like a bit of a fool
What is their favorite number?9, because it was the age that she got this sparkly blue bike she had been begging her parents for over two years. It had tassles on and everything, and a pretty snazzy bell.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?The intensity of any kind of love is no different for Maisie, if she loves she loves fiercely. But romantic love has a light-headedness to it that platonic love doesn’t, like the feeling of butterflies in your stomach or struggling to find words around a person. 
Why do they get up in the morning? To try her hardest to make up for all the mistakes she’s made. 
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? Possessive af, she’s one of those people that even though she knows getting possessive is only going to make the problem worse she just can’t help it because she’s terrified that if she tries to be cool about it that it will all fall apart.
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? Lowkey resentful, but envy only drives Maisie to work harder to get what it is she’s envious of. 
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? Hahaha nope she is much too innocent for that kind of thing. She’d only ever feel comfortable talking to Hazel about it.
What are their thoughts on marriage? Maisie wants the white picket fence, three kids and a golden retriever kind of life… so marriage is the first step towards that. 
What is their preferred mode of transportation? She loves taking the train purely just to be able to stare out the window at the world passing her by.
What causes them to feel dread? Every time it feels like someone is going to work out why she left Beacon Hills. Or any time Deucalion has a plan that involves her.
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? No, although habouring a pretty enormous secret herself so #hypocrite, she’d always prefer the truth.
Do they usually live up to their own ideals? Precious little bean tries her hardest to be kind, honest and just generally good, but always seems to just fall short. But it never stops her from trying. 
Who do they most regret meeting? DEUCALION…. and Peter Hale
Who are they the most glad to have met? Hazel 
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?She’s a sucker for terrible knock-knock jokes
Could they be considered lazy? No, Maisie is organised af, doesn’t really know what a lie-in is, rarely is behind on her ‘To Do’ list and is just one of those people *eyeroll*
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? Maisie’s changing her middle name from Jayne to Guilt. 
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? Supportive af! Learning everything she can about whatever it is their excited about, asking all kinds of questions and whether it’s something she can help them with
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? She’s much too pre-occupied with the supernatural disasters, school work and trying to gain Hazel’s trust to even think about looking for a boyfriend rn… But she’s definitely a ‘if it’s meant to be, it will be’ kind of gal when it comes to romance.
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? I don’t think she’d have any kind of system as such… she’s just got a fantastic memory. 
What memory do they revisit the most often? Childhood memories with Hazel… but specifically the night of her 13th birthday when a group of girls in their year started bombarding Maisie’s phone with horrible messages about how she was a nerd, ugly and no boy would ever have a crush on her. Hazel hatched a Matilda-style plan to scare the living daylights out of them that weekend when the girls would be having a sleepover, making them think that there were ghosts terrorising them with things flying around the room and a scary message written in chalk on the wall. No-one had ever had Maisie’s back the way Hazel did. 
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? Pretty easy, she just focuses on the good. 
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?It’s all she can think about most of the time. 
How do they feel about children? They’re adorable and she wants three of them.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?Her life (perhaps literally) depends on it. Determination City is where she lives.   
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?I’m not sure Maisie’s spent a lot of time thinking about her sexuality. She’s always liked boys, never spent a lot of time thinking about girls but I lowkey think she might have a little thing for Malia at a later date….. but we shall see.
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Q for you: Do you think you'll ever 'forget' the special connection you have with characters of your favourite tv shows and movies in the future? Like, in 5-10 years, you won't be able to or care to connect with them anymore and think it's all silly and trivial? What are important things/mindsets that you took away from influential characters/shows&movies while growing up and also nowadays? 😊
Sorry for the delay, I ended up falling asleep. Wow, this is such an interesting and thought-provoking question. 
I feel like I’ll always enjoy and connect to fictional universes (whether it be books, shows or movies) and the characters in them. But I suppose as I get older I may change. I don’t expect to still be on this site engaging in fandom when I’m in my 50s or 60s. I’m assuming that as I grow up my priorities will naturally shift and I won’t find fandom as important as I do now. If that does happen I hope I never dimiss it as being silly or trivial, because it’s not, it’s a very real hobby and passion for me and helped me through a lot in my life. So for the reason I feel like I’ll always be able to remember the value of certain shows and characters in my life. 
As for the second part of your question, there are so many important lessons and philosophies I’ve taken from shows over the years. I’ve never really taken the time to think about how they’ve shaped aspects of the way I think or my personality, but I really think they have. So here they are:
TV Shows 
Charmed - I think that Charmed definitley taught me about strong women. My mom was a single parent so I always had a role model in my life anyway, but there’s something about Charmed that’s so powerful. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Paige are real women who are complex, flawed and strong. I definitley think that the way I think and feel about being a woman has been shaped by Charmed a lot, especially because I watched it from such a young age. Prue has been a role model of mine since I was a child and still is, and as silly as it sounds, her actions and behaviours throughout my life have probably guided mine. It also taught me the importance of family (and I always fight to keep a close relationship with my brother as a result) and that although it’s good to be independent you’re always stronger when you have others by your side. 
Friends - I’ve watched Friends constantly practically my whole life and it’s got me through so many hard times. What friends taught me is the importance of never giving up and staying positive. All of the characters go through hard times (break-ups, divorces, losing jobs, having no money etc.) but they never really sit around feeling sorry for themselves, they carry on and keep moving forward.  And obviously, Friends also taught me the importance of having a group of close friends around you and how deeply that can enrich your life. As an individual character I’d say that Rachel taught me how much strength and success you can find when you step out of your comfort zone and stand on your own two feet. 
LOST - You’re never alone. That’s the most significant mindset I took from LOST. No matter how isolated you feel or how alone and sad or angry, there is always someone else somewhere in the world who feels the same. It also showed me the importance of forging connections with others outside of my usual circle of family and friends, because there are so many amazing people out there and opportunties to make new connections, and it’s important to do that because every single person you connect with will be unique and bring something valuable and new into your life. And I guess that’s the other important thing I took from LOST - everyone has a function to play in our lives, everyone has something to teach us or show us and if we’re willing and open-minded we can learn and be inspired by everyone. 
Skins - Being a teenager is the hardest time of our life and we all fuck up. As a teenager Skins was so important to me because I connected to it on such a personal level. To me, it was reflective of the exact time and culture I was living in (if not slightly melodramatic lol) and I saw the actions, feelings and lives of the characters and could relate to all of them in some way. I think what I took away from it is that it’s okay to make those mistakes as a teenager because it’s inevitable but in the end you have to grow up. 
My Fat Diary - Everybody is strong in their own way. We all struggle, we all feel shit sometimes, we all cry and feel worthless, we all feel insecure but we have a strength within us that we don’t even realise. We show strength when we get out of bed in the morning, when we make a cup of tea for our parents, when we help an old lady to cross the road, when we get caught in the rain on the way back from work and don’t scream about it, when we listen to our friends problems despite having our own, when we do a favour for a friend. There are so many small gestures and things that we all do everyday that we take forgranted but that take strength to do. Most people are more likely to focus on their negative traits or weaknesses and put themselves down, but it’s because they fail to see the value of all of those little things that we all do everyday. On a more personal level, Rae taught me the importance of healing yourself and being happy within yourself before being in a relationship. But also the importance of being able to open yourself up to the people that love you instead of pushing them away because of your own fears and insecurities. 
Angel - This has been one of the most significant shows I’ve watched recently in terms of how it’s opened up my mind. Angel taught me that despite what we’re told one person usually can’t/won’t change the world, but that doesn’t in any way diminish our value and the difference we can make. Even helping one person is important and we shouldn’t undervalue the contributions we can make. It showed me that the greatest thing any of us can do with the time we’re on earth is do what we can to make the world a better place than it was by the time we leave it. It also reminded me that friends can be family, and in fact sometimes friends can be a more fulfulling family than our biological family. It taught me the strength there is in compassion and morals, and that if we allow our moral codes and emotions for others (empathy, sympathy, gratitude, selflessness, love, appreciation) guide us, our actions will be positive. Finally Angel showed me the importance of never giving up, no matter how hopeless everything may seem. Charles Gunn ended the series about to die and his final actions were to fight an army of creatures and his final words will “Best make ‘em [his final moments] count” and that just speaks to me on such a deep level. 
Buffy - There are so many lessons to be taken from Buffy. I think the main one I took from it is similar to Charmed and that’s how powerful and strong women can be. Buffy Summers is an inspirational figure to me, I think she’s incredible. The resillience, determination and courage she displays floors me and she’s exactly the kind of role model I look up to. 
Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014) had a profound affect on me when I watched it and made me realise that having amazing life experiences and travelling will not necessarily make you happy and that what you think might be the root of your happiness might not be at all. 
13 Going on 30 (2004) taught me to always be upfront and honest about your feelings when you love someone even if you get rejected or get your heartbroken, and also how special friendship is (not that I didn’t know that already, but it really reinforced it for me). 
School of Rock (2003) showed me the value of having fun in the classroom, of having a teacher that is able to speak to pupils on a level and the value of letting kids explore other creative and practical avenues outside of traditional academia (maths, science etc.). 
Titanic (1997) has always been inspiring to me because I learned so much from both Jack and Rose. I learned how important it is to be courageous enough to follow your heart no matter how scary it might be, that material posessions and money do not equate to happiness, that love can happen quickly in certain circumstances, that even someone that has been in our life for the shortest amount of time can have the greatest impact, that fun and passion and adventure are a necessary part of life and definitley of love. 
Matilda (1996) taught me that we’re all special in our own way. There are so many more I could name
Disney (my faves were Lion King, 101 Dalamatians, Oliver and Company, Dumbo and Bambi) taught me to always be true to myself and to be brave enough to follow my heart and do what’s right no matter what. 
There are so many other shows and movies I could list, because I think that I take something valuable from most things I watch, but these are the main ones that came to mind. Interestingly, I think I definitley took more value from shows/movies I watched when I was younger in comparison to shows I’ve watched more recently. Perhaps that’s because when I was a child and teenager I was more lost and so actively looking for the kind of shows/movies and characters that would help guide and inspire me. I think this really shows the value of television and film and why it means so much to so many of us on this site.
I named shows and movies rather than characters, but I think if I named characters the list would be even longer because there are so many characters that I’ve connected with over the years that have genuinely helped me get through things. I think that characters are a great way for people to deal with internal thoughts and feelings. I don’t want to list characters now because this is already long enough, but let me know if you want me to talk more specifically about characters and I’d be happy to. 
Thanks for asking! 
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