#(though even then if it's an hk character then they might not be certain since small adult bug species like sly's exist)
abyssembraced · 2 years
((Quick heads up that my portrayal of Ghost might seem a little inconsistent for a little bit. There are a couple things I'm not super satisfied with right now))
#.🪲#ooc#my main issue is that right now they can sometimes seem too... kirby-like i feel#like. in some cases i feel like if kirby was in the same situation as ghost i would write him fairly similarly#and that isn't good!! they might both be cute little baby gods made of void but their personalities are very different#ghost is more... reserved? ...and. also more intelligent sorry kirby AGSGDBS#and more analytical i think i'd say#and like. with kirby. you see him. you see how he acts. and you confidently go ''yep that's a child right there''#with ghost? not so much. or at least it shouldn't be that way#you should look at ghost and go ''i *think* that's a child?'' at first glance#just based on their appearance alone. because physically they ARE a child#(though even then if it's an hk character then they might not be certain since small adult bug species like sly's exist)#but then you see how strong they are and you read the things they wrote in their hunter's journal#and you start to wonder if maybe they're actually an adult?#but then you see them do something unmistakably childlike#and you're kinda just in this infinite loop of questioning until you just give up and accept that ghost is ghost#the people who actually know more about vessels and have met hollow are the only ones who really know ghost's age for certain. like hornet#because then they can see hollow and go ''okay so that's what your species looks like in its final adult molt''#and thus in comparison ghost is very obviously a child#though technically that won't work in the far future because ghost can't actually molt anymore#since they're void in a bug shape. not an actual bug anymore#but yeah. i consider ghost to be like a robot who has just started to develop sentience and emotions#they're very smart and mature and capable in a lot of things!#but they're still learning about emotions and stuff and are effectively like a child on that front#they've been alive for probably at least a century but all but a small portion of that life was spent being hollow#so they weren't really conscious of anything and don't remember much of that past now#it's only upon coming to hallownest and deepening their connection to void (and eventually becoming fully void) that they start to develop-#-thoughts and emotions#...and. i have just realized that i forgot to put the ooc brackets around *all* of these tags.#oh well rip lmao i don't feel like fixing that now agsdgdgs
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Have you ever considered turning this AU into full-blown OCs? The fandom seems to really upset you man Idk, you've got so much original stuff going that I feel you could make the transition very smoothly. It would separate itself from canon HK clearly as well so there wouldn't be any room for people in the tags getting the two mixed up as much as they do.
i did think about that a few times, but each time i just realized that i don't really want to do that. of course i can never say for certain that it'll never happen, interests change over time after all. but i do really love them the way they are. their designs and their backstories are so connected to their in-game counterparts (even if there are some deviations) that if i tried changing it i feel like they wouldn't be the same characters anymore. especially seeing how i always struggle with coming up with fully original backstories. having the game as the backbone is the main reason why i was able to develop the au like this in the first place. without that, i'd feel a bit lost, and i wouldn't want that to affect how much i think about them
plus i'm really happy with their current designs. they've come a long way since the au started, and i'm finally at a point where i'm satisfied with them. i don't think i'd be able to achieve the same result if i attempted to change them just to differentiate them from the hk versions
and yeah i do complain about the fandom, probably a bit too much, but it really doesn't bother me that greatly. i've just had a really rough couple of days and i get upset at the tiniest things. this was just one of them. sure, people misrepresenting pk is annoying, but it doesn't actually happen very often to fpk, not anymore at least. it's either because i'm lucky, or because a lot of hk people have moved on to different things, or perhaps the au has been around for long enough that people recognize it as more of a separate thing. or at least i hope that's part of the reason
i also can't get that mad cause it's not like fpk is a completely different character. he has done the things people bring up all the time, sure it's not painted in the evil way like a lot of people interpret it as, but his past mistakes are a crucial part of his character. it gets a little annoying sometimes when people make the same unfunny jokes, sure, but it's really nothing that serious. the most recent thing just really set me off because it was directly under a vent piece that i drew to make myself feel better. and even then i feel like i overreacted, it's not like it was obvious that it was meant to be vent art. so i feel like that one might be on me
i'm comfortable in the spot the au is in currently. sure, there are minor annoyances from time to time, but it's really not as bad to the point where i'd consider taking more drastic action. again, i'm just in a bit of a rough spot emotionally, but i imagine it will eventually get better
i do appreciate the suggestion and the concern, though. thank you
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grollow · 1 year
Hi, hello. Same Anon who sent the first ask. Just came by to say thank you so so SO much for taking your time to answer my ask in details and I appreciate it loads. Your long explaination is so SO beautifully well-written (like seriously, you're so good with words. How are you not writing your own book yet-???).
That being said I'm still unsure I'll warm up to it just yet. Since I've recently got into HK, I'd like to test the waters with other ships and see what sticks and what doesn't. That and I'm hesitant to try it cuz I've had... traumatic experiences with popular ships in the past with other fandoms and it left me scarred so...yeah. BUT thanks to your explanation and from others, I can definitely DEFINITELY understand the appeal and unspoken potential it has and I can and WILL respect you Grollow shippers for your passion and dedication to it ^^
Also I'd like to apologize again for causing so much trouble for you with the other Anons with my ask. I really never meant for things to get so out of hand with it. I'm genuinely sorry.
On a lighter note tho, when you mentioned 'vessel for the radiance' , I thought back to a lovely AU fic in AO3 with the same name and funnily enough, the MC in that fic is the son of the Radiance and technically the nephew of Grimm whom is arranged to be married to Hollow as a 'peace treaty'. Idk why but that was the random thought that popped into my head when you said it ^^;
Ah, you didn't cause me any problems, anon! All you did was show me why the asks I've received in the past were so frustrating. Tone and intent really makes all the difference. Don't worry!
Write book... (Sweats profusely and stares openly at Blinding, which I haven't touched in a few days) ... Uhhh (gulp)
Every time you call Grollow popular I have to do a double take. I guess it kind of is the most popular ship involving both characters, but in the scope of what I consider popular, I see so much more of certain other ships (Lacenet in particular, but I also see tons of Palewatcher-- both of which I support ftr, so this is not a complaint-- as well as Quirrel/the Knight) that I never really considered it to BE a popular one. Especially considering how dead our tag is on AO3 (lighting a candle and saying a prayer for the swift return).
If I'm being honest with you, I don't think it's a good idea to write something off just because you are intimidated by the way that fandom handles it, even though past experiences make that easier. I know that instinct -- I come from animanga background, trust me, I KNOW it well -- but at the end of the day, you might be limiting yourself. For a long time, I avoided fandom entirely as a result of that, and sometimes I think I was happiest when I was full gremlin not speaking to anyone churning out fics from the heart. I wouldn't trade my friends for the world but there's a certain inner peace that comes with connecting with fandom the way that YOU want to. It involves liberal use of the block button and blacklisting tags but it does, in the end, make the internet a more enjoyable place to be.
Whether or not you come around to shipping Grollow, though, I hope I've at least shown you that our side of the fandom doesn't bite. You're welcome in my inbox any time.
I've not read that fic! Maybe I'll give it a shot. When my massive pile of back reading is done. Sweats. I'm drowning under the weight of all the things I want to read while writers block beats me up and calls me names behind Applebee's.
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
idk if you are interested on this topic but wanted to know your opinion, I always see people saying that shoto will end up with momo in the end of the story but I can't really see it, I like momo as a character (even though her design makes me want to beat something up) and I also like shoto, but I like them as separate "entities" I don't think their narrative has any potential to clash and their few interactions never felt meaningful to me, I honestly don't ship shoto with any other character, I feel like his character in the narrative doesn't have room for a romance, but if hk really needs to put him together with someone I hope that will have development in the story
if it is supposed to be an endgame pairing, Hori better write them having some sort of impact on each other’s character arcs soon, since it has been like, 200 chapters since their last meaningful interaction.
I’m personally not interested in the romance aspect of bnha. Endgame pairings in shonen manga are rarely written with enough depth for me to actually get invested in them, so my expectations are already very low. I don’t exclude that certain pairings might become canon without a proper focus on the development of that romance subplot (I mean, just look at Ochako), so for the most part I keep that thought on the back of my mind. Tbh even if ships I dislike ended up becoming canon, it wouldn’t really affect me personally
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
The trees are straight and true here, and the help comes without seeming harpoons.  I considered some insane things which were ‘above my pay-grade’ and as is my wont reflected on the state and implications of my former profession and what old friends and pharons meant to me.  Right now think that my core goal in life is not to blow myself up.  As a former would-have-been SecState said, ‘I love so many people.’  I am only sad that trying as I did to uproot that carrot of love just now could have resulted in the demolition of an entire root-network, of at least my own excision therefrom.
‘Some people’ want revenge against life for not going their way or not being the color or fragrance or face shape they like or feel it ought to be - ‘no that is not what I meant at all.’  They will never hold a life reliable which doesn’t resemble their ideal, imago, or ‘soul-idol’ &c.  The meaning of the name ‘Cordelia’ as in King Lear is something like ‘heart’s ideal.’  I was driving and considering a novel that I feel touched absolute supreme greatness without knowing it or in a way that could mislead some readers Mrs. Mary HK Choi’s Yolk a novel I looked forward for a very long time.  I had all these references and fractal coreferences and forgot about actual birds, like what does the chick eat in the egg.
‘Blood is the life’ - I liked etymologies for a long time and my intellectualism caused me acute trouble in Confirmation Class at Morrow Memorial United Methodist Church in about 1998.  ‘Pastor’ Gretchen taught us the word root ‘consacramentum’ which comes from dipping the hand in blood in the concave of a Roman shield - those huge rectangular shields which could be used in formation as ‘testudo’ or turtle to stop projectile weapons and allowed soldiers to make pin-point stabbing attacks from a ‘matrix(?)’ of high protection.  I forget what kind of animal was killed to pool the blood in the shield but it might have been a rabbit.
I was reading ‘Revelation,’ I don’t recall what everyone else was talking about.  Some kind of community service project, interview your parents, buy a wedding-magazine and make a whole plan for how you would get married and how much it would cost (and while you’re at it describe how you would 1) restore a classic Shelby Cobra using newspaper and Krazy Glue 2) drive foresaid drop-top to the Moon).  
The Pastor was a pipe-smoker named ‘Painter’ who used the NY Lotto’s ‘Hey you never know’ slogan to describe sth like Pascal’s Wager; OTOH St. Paul teaches us that everyone is born knowing God exists (Romans).  The problem is that people fail or omit to glorify Him or subsequently ruin or betray their own best efforts through blasphemy, turning or falling away, cowardice, denial, attachment to certain sins or being ‘yoked unequally’ with non-believers.  
I reflected starting in 2008 that I was shy of my ‘first love’ (rather, the woman I fell in love with at 14); at the time I gloried or reveled in the shyness like a Wallace Stevens poem that ends, ‘And not to have written a book.’  I could’ve written a few books by now or walked away from book-writing or changed my mind / specified which kind of book I might have written and for whom.  
I remember always admiring the ‘magic’ of literature and feeling sad I had no characters or world of my own to work magic with.  Star Wars and my own life and later much else supplied ‘materia poetica’ and till the point that I began to think in fiction and became addicted to interpreting my own in ‘story-ideas’ although that is not to say that what happened around me didn’t happen.  
America is trying to become a better country in numerous valences, loving our neighbors, holding each other accountable.  ‘Justice’ with or without the marks is important.  It is a divine Judgment that Covid fell on the world even if eventually we all shall learn who devised the virus or leaked it or modulated its mutations.  I was eager to rejoin the world feeling I might overcome my mental illness but I mishandled specific questions and tests.  I ended up turning people against me and creating monsters more than ever as well as perhaps terminally sabotaging any chance I might’ve had of fulfilling a dream or making good on the past.  I have a lot of opinions on the CCP but should’ve focused on love and family and personal responsibilities as in the past or at least held to my long-standing feeling that Chinese people deserve better rather than associating myself with hard-liners and racists or those who would simplify issues in order to bring about ultimate victory without temperance or concern for the side-effects.
In Milwaukee where I lived for far too long everyone’s spirit - electric, intellectual, visory(?), informational et cetera seemed to be militating against everybody else’s.  There were fake vaccines, radioactive ice cream (or thermogenic ice-cream), gun-battles as usual, lines crossed, all kinds of scores that people tried to settle.  I also realized that the police were probably tracking for years my various attempts to obtain weapons from samurai-swords to handguns though the purpose was defensive and I can only trust at this point that some good lawyer will prevent the bad lawyers and cops from presenting the most damning circumstantial case they could.  People in Milwaukee own AK-47′s, automatic shotguns, probably all kinds of explosives, improvised chemical weapons and (’our Black brothers’ - Schopenhauer) biological weapons - the cops don’t stand a chance that I can tell and even the National Guard perhaps could get outclassed by retired military.  I had told myself for years that it was only the ghetto’s that bore witness to this paramilitary equipage and that the retired SEAL Team 4 member with the ‘Stop Socialism’ and ‘Jobs Not Mobs’ sign on his front lawn would protect me from the Maoist-Covid Night of the Long Knives but I feel I tempted God a lot in the past.  
I read all these books and took to heart that people thought I was just entertaining myself with but now as then I should’ve guarded my heart or not begged the question of what others thought about me or saw in me.  I literally felt of late ‘I am the anti-Christ’ - good-looking at times, preach world peace, ‘form of godliness,’ want to be friends with everyone, build bridges - and had to rack my brains to come up with an ‘anti-Christology’ and science / concept of the Whore of Babylon just to make sure it was more than me alone.  I also wished to simplify my past and help kids ‘get life right the right time’ doing battle with philosophies that opposed this consciously or otherwise but stepped into numerous minefields and also tried running when I should’ve flown over.  
Everyone’s trying to get rich and build back better and I profoundly admired the American President for doing, finally, apparently, what presidents had tried to decades even as I remember ‘Flowers 1881′ a poem that implies that basically teachers can do only so much before turning their kids loose in a world no one has yet fixed and which others keep breaking; from a California almanac that also instructed me that the same old debates and cross-fires and burdens plague teachers as always, not that it is an ‘impossible profession’ but honestly that God won’t let us establish Heaven on Earth or at least not me or at least not America or at least not teachers who savor the experience of being a teacher or the beauty of their students more than the outcomes or commitment or intrinsic value of the work or the confirmed identity / vocation / personhood of the instructor.  There are always new and old at any rate and different cultures all describe the teacher as needing to keep both alive; as do descriptions of higher education and scholarship.  
I questioned my qualifications / background and wondered about re-training but can’t afford tuition anywhere so I am trying to cling to the core of my capabilities / blessings.  ABC and XYZ.  The glory of the soul or souls.  
I kept theorizing Russian literature as well as weapons-systems and ultimate destiny, sailing ships, noble names, divisions, the flaming sword of Archangel Gabriel, the mission of Russia today with respect to the world order.  I am also simply trying to be healthy and stop for a while trying to parse out who was the love of my life or what it still left in terms of action or redemption or justice or surrender or mitigation or meeting new friends or propounding the kind of understand with carefulness I have believed in - ‘saving people from themselves.’  Driving up here I remember being distressed at a gas-station in California when I was about 5 or 6 since the pump was leaking, being very upset with my parents and family.  In those days I also disliked animal-cruelty though the world today seems so depraved and deprived with respect to human interests I would make no bones about neglecting most all animals outside of military or police use.  When I was about 3 I saw white kids set a frog on fire; my mother has a history of running over cats.
I dislike winging it and taking risks.  There is a song I call to myself ‘Run Away’ though its title is ‘Paradise.’  I am not a utopian communist for believing in secular justice and its instrinsic value... I wonder whether when I helped people in the past there were always strings attached or maybe I was just trying to close my case and discharge my responsibilities too rapidly without allowing others to gestate or make an abode in my heart besides and beyond what I could get out of them, glorifying myself, or tell others about.  
What is motherhood?  What is travail?  Is there a kind of problematic ‘female gaze’ as feminists talk of a ‘male gaze’ associated with sadism or fascination / fetishism?  It’s psychology which is not my first love at all since it appeared pretentious and distracting and retarding (in the literal sense of slowing down).
I also remembered reading various things about Victor Hugo whose ‘93′ is an important novel today due to its techno-utopianism, feminism or ‘new model egalitarianism,’ fusion of revolution and religion, etc.  But I had forgotten ‘Les Miserable’ with its themes of ransom or eventual recompense, genealogies, caution, and more none of which is to negate the various complains against me or death-warrant from China or my parents with their partial private readings of Proverbs (’Let’s stone David for embarrassing us / not doing precisely what we want’ - no mention of witnesses, tribunals, questions, mitigation-hearings, actual counsels of judges etc. but just American-German ‘coalitions of the willing’ ‘run and get my gun’ ‘team-building’ etc. which in my experience ends with tanks on the street and military dictatorships as when at the end of the CultRev PLA regulars were gunning down former justice-fanatics who’d been stripping women, kicking pregnant stomachs etc. as in The Vagrants).  Naturally having grown up in a family fascinated with Lee Kwanyew and Arnold Schwarzenegger and conflicted about ‘fascism’ I had reservations about the United States’ ability to suddenly dress up and ‘stand at perpetual moral attention’ but I guess my own problems are just that I am poor with a rich kid’s mind and no one really likes me except strangers and faraway friends who were easily spooked and/or just couldn’t be there.  ‘King of South shall attack and King of North shall crush them  with chariots &c.’ - in the end righteous will prevail whichever side of the line I end up on in the final assessment.  I also remembered today a novel called ‘The Old Capital’ about a bad artist father, a virgin daughter, straight and true pines.  Some other aspects of this novel are silly as well as criminally problematic and there's a lot of that going on in new-old old news America / Babylon or at least to quote my favorite lawyer / leave lawyering movie 'First let's get out of Milwaukee.'  Miss the land of June snow. 
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salamanderskin · 4 years
Salamander’s Critical Role sickfic headcanons, Brought to you by Sal being thirsty for nearly every character in this damn game.
Caleb- Gets sick easily especially when he has been overworking and overextending his magical abilities, which let’s face it is nearly always. Self conscious about being ‘the fragile one’ in the group and constantly needing healer’s attention in battle, which is exacerbated by being the only human apart from Beau, so he doesn’t want to bother the clerics for something he perceives as minor.  Prone to fevers that rise very quickly and are difficult to break, bringing delirium and nightmares. Has PTSD and is triggered to flashbacks by certain medical procedures, especially by being restrained, and by smoke and fire, which make fever dreams of ‘burning up’ particularly awful.  Quick, messy sneezes usually in threes, with an obvious build-up. 
Caduceus- Doesn’t often get sick, and has no fear of germs- he’s much rather see someone with an illness than a bloody injury. Fairly matter-of-fact about getting sick, not self-conscious but resigned. He just observes it, as he observes everything, as a matter of fate. If it was going to happen, it was going to happen. Comments and lets others know what’s going on with him without whining, just stating the facts; “I think I might have a temperature, I don’t feel good,” without necessarily expecting anything to be done about it. Cares for himself by meditating and drinking tea till he’s better. Firm believer in letting fevers run their course, they are the body’s response for a reason and not a symptom to be treated.  His sneezes are surprisingly soft for his size, and he turns over his shoulder of against his forearm, usually smothering them to a soft  “-MMPHSh!” or unrestrained “hk-Chhsshue!” Developing allergies to some plants in Xhorhas, which has him more bemused than anything else.
Mollymauk- Molly’s sneezes are a little theatrical or at least expressive. They come on him too quickly for him to stifle, not that he sees the need to.  Sudden and fierce  --aah'YZSSHH-iew! that scrapes right through his throat. Whole body bend, makes him stagger if he’s standing. Usually just the one, only has fits if he’s really getting sick. Says fuck afterwards the way other people might say ‘bless me.’ Not the best at covering.  Two modes- complete denial or attention whoring and is prone to getting melancholy and feeling abandoned. Very strong FOMO and will sulk about missing things rather than about actually feeling sick.  * this spelling brought to you by @dodecahedral because I can’t imagine anything better 
Beau- Very strong constitution and prides herself on rarely getting sick, when she does will walk it off and stubbornly refuse any tenderness until she’s on her last legs. Sneezes uncovered or into her fist if she’s feeling particularly polite. Tends to fits, interspersed with cursing. 
Essek- Does Not Get Sick, or that is the air he projects. Would not appear in public if he thinks he might showing symptoms. Tends towards loosing his voice, sometimes completely and for long periods of time, which he can usually cover for by being more introverted than normal. If he must, will stifle sneezes to absolute nothingness. In absolute privacy his sneezes are a fierce but breathy and come in long, frustrating fits. 
Fjord- Horrendous cat allergy (it’s cannon!) When he gets sick it goes straight to his chest and lingers. Since his exploits with Uk’otoa the feeling of water in his lungs or anything constricting his breathing is a unique torment and makes him prone to nightmares when he’s sick.  Since he is a little self-conscious about his half-orc features, he takes care to be overly polite when he actually sneezes and always says “pardon” or “excuse me” afterwards. Usually completely stifles his sneezes to just a whole-body shudder even though it takes a lot out of him. If he can be convinced not to, his natural sound is an orcish “Aah- HehTSHHuuuu!” Always pinching and rubbing at his nose, scrubs under it hard with a forefinger, lots of little groans and vocalisations like “guuuh” when he’s congested, which he doesn’t realise he’s doing.
Jester- doesn’t really get sick. Has the fetish. You cannot change my mind. 
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Do you have any headcanons for the badge seller?
This is a bit tough, considering that Badge Seller is only a side-character. But I’ll try my best!
Nobody actually knows what they are exactly. Are they a person? Are they a ghost? Are they even in this plain of exsistance? It shall forever remain a mystery…
The Seller has the ability to blend into the background of any place without being noticed. This is why they aren’t kicked out of the Mafia HQ, Dead Bird Studio, or even the Subcon Forest. Every just…kinda doesn’t see him or even know he’s there.
They can also be in more places than one! Having magic clones is quite handy when you’re trying to sell badges!
The only person who is immune to this magic is Hat Kid. It’s how she’s able to see him and purchase his badges! Which is good, because Seller intended it to be that way. They know that only certain people can have his badges and tries to keep them out of the wrong hands.
Hat Kid tries to befriend Seller whenever she gets the chance! Though they’re a bit of a recluse, whenever HK finds them she’ll try and see if Seller wants to play or share cookies with her! (Though Seller tells her that they aren’t really interested in playing and “can’t eat simple foods”)
At first, everyone just assumes that whenever HK talks about “The Badge Seller” it’s just an imaginary friend. (Since nobody can see Seller unless they show themselves) But after a bit of coaxing from HK, Seller gets to introduce themselves to the rest of the crew! And everyone is seriously weirded out because they know way too much about everyone’s personal lives.
Badge Seller is what you might call a “mysterious prophet”. They have future vision, and if they sense danger between any of the characters they’ll be sure to warn them. But they always seem to disappear after they give the warning…
Here’s a helpful tip! Never. Take. Their. Mask. Off. The only person who has done this and stands to this day is Snatcher. (But that’s probably because he’s a ghost) Let’s just say Hat Kid found Snatcher beat up very badly, mumbling to himself about “seeing true horror” or something like that. He recovered alright, but he keeps his distance from Seller after that day.
Can you fight the Badge Seller? Yes. Better question, do you want to? Absolutely not. They may not seem tough on the outside, but traveling to far away lands means you’ll encounter foes along the way. So for the sake of possibly dying a horrible and painful death, just don’t.
Their favorite place to travel to is Subcon Forest, oddly enough. They claim that the atmosphere of Subcon makes them “truly at peace”. Even though Snatcher lives there, but even he doesn’t seem to notice the Seller. That is, unless Seller makes themselves present. But they only do this to talk to the inhabitants of Subcon.
Speaking of Subcon, did you know that Dwellers speak in their own language? Not even Snatcher knows what the Dwellers say to each other, and HK can only slightly make out their words with her Dweller mask. But Badge Seller can speak their language fluently!
Moonjumper tries to make light conversation with Badge Seller. But…he finds them rather creepy and intimidating. Even for him, which is surprising considering he’s so used to Subcon and Snatcher’s antics. Not to mention the Seller nicknames Moon “The Fool” or “The Jester”, which he finds quite insulting.
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wispythreads · 5 years
Oh, yeah, update, I finished both Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II! The popular opinion online seems to be that the second one is better than the first one, but I... don’t really agree with that opinion. I loved both games a lot! And it might just be childhood nostalgia that has me biased towards favoring the original game, but I earnestly feel as if I had more fun playing the first game, and just enjoyed the overall feel of that game more.
I know I don’t actually have to list out the points of why I enjoyed the first game better and what I did really enjoy in the second game, but I kind of just want to do so anyway, especially since I didn’t really blog much while playing the games. Anyway, starting with my personal positives for Knights of the Old Republic II, and working my way down the negatives:
+ I was ecstatic when the droids became much more integral to the plot of the game, and really enjoyed playing those solo segments as T3-M4, being the MVP and pulling the rest of the team out of the fire. The closest I got to that in the first game was by making the active choice to bring HK-47 and T3-M4 around with me everywhere, and selecting T3-M4 to rescue everyone during the Leviathan quest.
+ I thought the influence system was really cool! Especially since I kind of had the silly, not very serious head canon that as HK-47 spent more time around my very light-sided Revan, he was being subtly influenced slightly more towards the light. Still very murdery, but begrudgingly accepting his Master’s change of heart and even eventually starting to understand it, slightly. Then, in the second game, I actually sort of did that! At one point, he was fully at the top of the light-sided spectrum, a great pillar of light shooting off behind him as he stood at attention, and then there was that moment where the pacifist protocol package got installed! I got a great kick out of it.
+ I appreciate that the dark sided options in the game (whether through dialogue or action choices), while still very obviously the dark-side choice, weren’t all giving off the vibe of “Muahahaha I’m so evil! I kick puppies and revel in it! See how evil I am!”  that I felt when seeing a lot of the dark-side options in the first game. There was even one dark-side option I very heavily considered accepting as canon for my play-through, just because I loved how chaotic and impulsive it was, even though I felt very bad about it because it was undeniably an awful thing to do. “Don’t press that button! It’ll set off the explosive charges I have beneath me!” “You mean this button? [Press.]”
+/- I loved how powerful my character felt while playing her, she was really a glass canon that had to be careful when going off on fights on her own, but when she had other force-sensitives around her to help back her up with healing, she could just lightning storm a few times and BOOM! all the enemies are down in seconds. But that power made it really difficult to enjoy it when the game forced me into solo missions with the non-droid party members, because those sections heavily favored the party members’ combat abilities and, no matter what I did, I couldn’t really make them as powerful as I had made the Exile, resulting in those sections being really slow and painful, especially when they jumped back and forth between a solo-section for the Exile and then a solo-section for one of the party members.
+/- I liked the ability to go into first-person perspective and see through each of the party’s eyes! It seemed really cool. Although, sadly, it’s very limited. You can look all around you, but you can’t move, fight, or interact with the world in any way while in first-person perspective. I understand that this is an older game, and though I don’t know when it first became an option in video games for you to switch back and forth between first-person and third-person point of view, I’m gonna guess it was probably after 2006, which is when this game was released. Still, I would’ve appreciated this mechanic more if it had more substance to the game? Being able to play fully in first person, especially with the characters who see the world differently than the rest of the party (Visas, HK-47, T3-M4) just seems like it would be so cool. 
+/- I love all of the new characters that were introduced and the return of old characters, but by the time I finished the game I felt like there was stuff that was missing from them. It seems like I can run through all the content that they have very quickly, leaving me with not a whole lot to talk about with them besides training new force techniques I’ve picked up to the ones that have become sort of the Exile’s padawans. Kreia definitely doesn’t give me this feeling, she has a lot to say and a lot of interesting depth to her, and mostly I don’t have this with T3-M4, but with the others there feels like there should be more conversations and talks and interactions between them and there’s just... not. I feel particularly upset about this with Bao-Dur, Visas, and Mandalore. I’m not sure if I just missed opportunities to speak with them about certain things, but I feel as if I had maybe three lengthy conversations with Bao-Dur altogether, which great swathes of silence in between them, and then he kind of disappeared and why he disappeared was never really explained? Despite him having the greatest connection to the Exile than all the rest of the companions, Kreia included? And with Mandalore I might not have felt so upset about it, considering all the great content with him from the first game, but his personal quest in trying to recruit the other scattered Mandalorian clan’s just felt kind of... really empty, with no real payoff, which doesn’t feel great when he’s one of the only companions with a personal mission you can assist with.
+/- I have very mixed feelings on the various cutscenes in the game. On the one hand, it’s great that there’s all these cutscenes that help provide a better understanding of the characters and the world that they’re all interacting in, and even some better understanding of the Exile, but on the other hand a lot of it takes place without the Exile’s presence or knowledge. It makes the game feel more cinematic and like an overarching story beyond the Exile, which seems like it should feel really cool on paper, but in practice, each time it happens it just kind of makes me feel weird while they play out, and even frustrated at certain times. The early ones were okay, but as they progressed it just kind of didn’t sit right. Plus, while it gives me a better understanding of the characters and the events that are occurring around the Exile, I can’t transfer that knowledge into the actions and perceptions of the Exile, which also feels frustrating at certain points.
+/- Speaking of, the stuff in the game that makes it seem more cinematic (even outside of cutscenes) is kind of part of why I don’t like the feeling of playing as much as I did while playing the first game? I can’t quite put my finger on why I feel this way, I just know that as I think about it in my head, it seems as if I should find it cool and have it heighten my experience while playing the game, but instead it just kind of bugs me in a vague way. Maybe it’s because it’s kind of jarring to be trying to do a quest and oop here’s a cutscene! oop here’s another cutscene! oop here’s another cutscene! oop you’re forced to play out this weird section where you don’t really have a lot of choice what’s going on, and it’s not really a cutscene but it sure feels like it’s just an interactive cutscene, oop you’re forced to play a solo section with this character! now back to you’re character! now back to the solo section! now forced interactive cutscene! Or maybe it’s not that, but it’s how the main story really does seem like the main story of a movie, with a very clear and structured ‘we go from point a to point b to point c with very little deviation,’ and the side-quests really feel like side-quests that ultimately don’t really matter that much. I might be on the wrong thread here, but in kotor I a lot of the side-quests felt optional, but also as if they were carefully tied into the main storyline, which created loops and a slight deviance from just going from a to b, and made the side-quests feel as if they mattered.
+/- The game itself felt a lot darker and depressing overall than kotor I did, which in itself is not a bad thing. I can get behind interesting dark and depressing stories! And, compared to those interesting dark and depressing stories, this one wasn’t really all that dark and depressing at all, mostly just a lot more of a realistic take what goes on in the world of Star Wars. But there’s some kind of weight to the darkness that is there, and at random points, even when nothing dark was really happening in particular at that moment, it just kind of brought me down.
- Some sections of the game felt a lot longer and slower than they should’ve been? The whole Goto section on Nar Shaada, and the Peragus Station prologue, in particular. I’ve seen that some people like the Peragus Station because of the creepy horror-movie vibes it gives off, which I can see in certain places of it and can appreciate in those places, but the majority of it just felt really empty and boring, and once things got rolling with the Exchange and Goto it felt like it would never end, becoming a very slow and arduous task to try and get through it and arrive at a more exciting and free point in the game. Looking back on the experience of the whole game, it makes sections like Onderon (even when including Dxun as part of the Onderon package) and Korriban feel very short and limited in comparison.
- Most of the new Force powers you learn through the gameplay that are unique to this sequel don’t really have that much use or importance outside of the one section where they are learned. It just becomes another force power I have to scroll through to try and quickly scroll between the ones that are actually useful and that I use very often.
- I didn’t really care for the changes to the workbench + the added lab station that they implemented into the game. Maybe other people enjoyed it but I found it kind of... pointless? The only aspect that I could’ve enjoyed because it gave me something unique I couldn’t get anywhere were the implants, but the good implants required a really, really high constitution that literally no one besides HK-47 had, which made all the implants pretty much useless.
- Not a big fan of the fact that one of the choices between two possible companions was decided based off of gender. The choice between two possible companions based off of alignment on the dark/light scale? Very cool, very understandable. The Disciple is very sweet and knowledgable and probably would’ve been favored a bit more if I had him around longer than basically at the very end of the game with a huge lore dump, but I think I would’ve much preferred having the Handmaiden with me through the whole game. Also it just seems like a really weird thing. If you’re a guy, the Handmaiden will join your party! But the Disciple will not. If you’re a gal, the Disciple will join your party! But the Handmaiden will not. It’s even weirder because their choice to join isn’t determined by some shallow thing like being attracted to the Exile, it’s decided by factors that should be unanimous regardless of whether the Exile is male or female.
- I don’t appreciate the game trying to tell me ‘well actually you’re exile was a choice you made yourself, whether you realize it or not, the Council really didn’t have a way to punish you, so you kind of did this to yourself for some personal reason’ because even though I know what kind of thing they’re trying to convey about the Exile’s trauma after what happened at Malachor V, that particular line they kept pushing just felt really dumb and I hated it. Maybe my Exile did eventually come to appreciate her exile and the distance it brought her from all the stupid stuff going on with the Jedi and the Republic, especially with how tired I believe she felt when being forced into the mess again, being forced to talk with Atris again when neither of them wanted to see the other ever again, but being told that the Jedi ‘couldn’t enforce their ruling’ is complete and utter bull, and trying to make it seem like my Exile accepted their exile purely for personal reasons rather than the very real threat from the Jedi should she try to ignore it or fight it is equally bull.
- The ending of the game felt really... empty, too. The ending to Kotor I was triumphant, a congratulatory celebration for destroying the Star Forge and managing to defeat Malak (which had been really, really difficult), at least on the Light Side ending. But still, it ended on a positive note with a definite conclusion and with things looking up for people. I think the ending of Kotor II might have felt better if I had played through it with the anticipation that they might continue the storyline with a third game, which is evidently what they were planning to do before said third game got cancelled, but as it stands by itself, it just feels kind of disappointing in comparison. Of the three boss battles, the only one that felt interesting was the one with Sion. Nihlus was very, very easy compared to all that he was chocked up to be, I had to do very minimal strategic thought and took him down with a lightsaber (which was something my Exile was pretty weak with) very quickly. And, yeah, I had Visas and Mandalore’s help, but this guy was supposed to be a big deal! He was spooky looking, he’d consumed the life Force of entire planets, he spoke like some kind of unknowable, terrifying Lovecraftian monster, but his fight did not at all live up to the expectations the lore surrounding him and his aesthetic had created. The one against ‘Traya’ just felt kind of... stupid. Like I can kind of understand what she was doing, but also, no??? I’m not going to strike you down??? You’ve been really suspicious and creepy the whole time, of course I knew you were manipulating me, of course I knew that this was gonna be the endgame, and that you were specifically trying to orchestrate events to line up to this moment where I would eventually defeat you, but you had to throw a wrench in my distrustful distancing of myself from you by standing up against the Exile’s mistreatment and speaking the truth and just really touching my heart at that moment so guess what, spite time, I’m gonna show you all the love and compassion and mercy my heart can muster, fuck you, you don’t get to die.
Anyway yeah that summarizes the major feelings I have from playing Knights of the Old Republic II beyond enjoying it purely because it’s another star wars game and is like the original Knights of the Old Republic. If you made it through all this, then, well, thanks? Good on you for taking the time to read my silly rant. Have a head pat.
*pat, pat*
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mysticscanlations · 6 years
That Summer Chapter 139 Summary!
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this chapter made me really happy so WE GOING ✈️✈️MANY SCREENSHOTS
Jumi recalls the last time she saw YW, which was on the academy rooftop after they'd both bombed the mock exam. He'd given her a chocolate milk and established a truce, saying they needed to study hard and be successful so that HB's not the only one going to a good college LOL.
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YW and Jumi go to a convenience store, buying cup ramen and little snacks. YW feels bad that Jumi's asking for such cheap stuff, but still pays for everything anyways. Cue mini shots of literally every girl within visual distance gawking at YW's beauty. Same.
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YW: I was going to buy you something more delicious. -Stay sitting, I'll go pay for this.
YW says that Jumi's gotten a lot prettier, even though she'd always been pretty. Jumi's all like “what who me??” and—after catching another pair of girls staring at YW through the window—notes that YW hasn't changed at all. But internally, Jumi says that after 8 months, it seemed like YW's changed a little. She thinks he looks a lot better, AND GOD BLESS FOR THAT.
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YW says that since he had to repeat a year, he had to study twice as hard to make up for the lost time. Jumi respects that, saying that if that had been her, she would've been satisfied just by getting in and played around LMAO what a mood.
YW didn't get a full scholarship, but he got recommended through an academy teacher to get a teaching position. He's concerned since it seems like the students don't seem to be concentrating lately, and Jumi's wondering if their concentration is the main issue LOOL I love her so much.
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YW: Kids, you need to be looking at your book.
After he got into SU, YW went to find his old friends. Shoutout to his character development I shed a tear. Si Won is quaking. When YW went to the pharmacy, CR recognized him at first glance and YW didn't BAHAHA. I feel you, YW, I wouldn't recognize CR either.
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CR: Huh? Box: Recognized him Box: After he found out he got accepted into university, he went to go find his friends Box: Didn't recognize him
CR and HK were both really salty that YW went MIA on him so suddenly, and wouldn't accept his apologies no matter what. They all drank that night, and it was also the first time YW got black-out drunk omfg lol. They woke up at CR's house the next morning, and ate ramen for breakfast to treat their hangover. While they ate, YW told them everything about the troubles he was going through at home.
He tells Jumi that his mom got surgery last year, since she wouldn't know. His mom's currently in rehab, and CR/HK came to visit. Jumi asks if his mom's okay now, but YW simply says they've overcome a huge crisis. The surgery thankfully doesn't have big repercussions, but they never know when she might have another recurrence, so they gotta stay on their toes. But he's still relieved that they managed to get through it.
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He says that he felt like he'd been stuck in a long tunnel for so long, and only realized how deep and dark it was once he got out. He doesn't want to go back there again, and wants to work hard at living. YOU GO BOY, I'M PROUD OF YOU.
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Jumi found it ironic how YW, who was so popular and adored at the academy, was going through such a deep and dark tunnel.
And thank the lord YW finally got a phone again (the latest model too, dang) and asks Jumi to exchange numbers. Jumi agrees, pulling out her phone, and YW notices the stickers on the back of her phone... :'( He gives a little smile, and then...
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Jumi: Of course. -Tell me your number too!
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ST: Heh
Both of them simultaneously ask how HB's doing. RIP RIP RIP RIP.
They're both shocked, YW especially. He was positive that HB and Jumi were still dating, but Jumi says that HB cut off contact with her ever since the CSAT ended. She doesn't know why he'd do such a thing, and asks if YW has any idea.
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YW: I was certain that you two were still dating well—
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YW honestly doesn't, apologizing since he thought they were still happily going out. He—like Jumi—had heard that HB had gone to America, but he hasn't contacted HB and HB hasn't contacted him :(
Jumi's kinda sad at that, saying that she thought that maybe HB going MIA had to do with YW, but it doesn't matter anymore. Since 6 months have already passed, she says she's going forget him and see someone else now.
YW still looks thrown off, wondering what the hell HB's doing, and Jumi asks if anything came to mind. YW doesn't answer, looking pretty troubled T__T I’m pretty sure this guy knows he had something to do with this LORD why always got so much drama :(
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After some time, YW and Jumi part ways, since YW has an assignment to turn in and has to return to the hospital. Jumi's fine with it, and YW says they should meet up again.
As Jumi walks away, she notes again how amazing of a person YW is. They both started at the same place, but YW seems like he's already found his wings and flown far away. While it felt like she was still tied down by the events of last summer, YW's already changed and those memories have become simple memoirs to him. She's discouraged by that, thinking that maybe they shouldn't have met up at all. NO TO THAT CHILD, I LOVE YOU TWO INTERACTING.
It's another morning, and Jumi's off to get lunch with OS and SH. Jumi's basically third-wheeling, thinking those two should date already while they bicker over food.
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Jumi: Just date, already. Right ST: Pollack hates you, too. Left ST: Wow, how childish.
Suddenly, her phone rings with a message. It's YW, asking where she is. And then there he is, in all his beauty, calling to Jumi from in front of her school gates (surrounded by girls smh).
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YW: Jumi!
Jumi's flabbergasted, wondering why the heck he's here while he happily high-fives her. He came to see her, and asks her to go somewhere with him. GOD I KNOW MORE DRAMA IS COMING BUT I'M SO HAPPY YW AND JUMI ARE BEING ALL BUDDY BUDDY AGAIN I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP. WE JUST NEED HB BACK NOW THANKS AUTHOR-NIM.
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Jumi: W, why are you in front of my school...?! ST: Extremely Flustered YW: To see you, of course! Are you between classes right now?
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morfinwen · 6 years
28, 37, 41, 43, 44, and 50 for all OCs :)
RIP anyone on mobile, here’s a “read more” for the rest of you:
28 - What are some of their guilty pleasures?
Reagan - Dumb phone games, some she’ll download just to play once then remove forever.
Chris - Action paperbacks, the kind with paper-thin characters, plots that fall apart if you think about them for more than two seconds, villains as realistic as a Saturday morning cartoon, etc.
Angie - Her abiding love for the Disney movies she watched as a child goes beyond what most adults will admit to. She wore out her old video cassette of Cinderella, and takes very good care of the stuffed Winnie-the-Pooh bear she’s had since she was a baby.
Neal - There’s this one soap opera he’s kept up on since he was nine years old. No one can know.
Elarin - She loves cheesy pop love ballads. No matter how ridiculous or sappy they are, if it's got a catchy tune, she’ll be humming it under her breath for weeks. HK-47 confirms this was a trait she had even back in her “terror of the galaxy” days, which has led to some interesting mental images for both Elarin and her friends.
Meaghan - She has a collection of various animal figurines she’s collected from all over the place, from all different manufacturers and planets. Most of them are brightly colored and made of cheap materials, almost none of them are realistic. About the only thing all of them have in common, besides being goofy imitations of animals, is that she likes the way they feel in her hands.
Leah - Fancy Lads Snack Cakes. So sugary you can feel your teeth rot when you bite into one. So packed full of preservatives they’ve lasted as long as she’s been alive (which also means most of them are at least slightly irradiated). Whenever she finds a box somewhere, though, she’ll pick it up and hide it somewhere, for when she’s having a bad day.
Avery - There have been various incidents across Kirkwall that have occurred suspiciously close to times and places Avery and Varric were left unattended for lengthy periods of time. Avery doesn’t regret a single shenanigan, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to admit her involvement to Aveline.
Ash - If, hypothetically speaking, Ash ever watched a romcom or chick flick -- which, given the general low quality of many of those types of films, he is definitely not likely to ever do -- he would only do it somewhere private, where if some part of the movie might by happenstance make him tear up, he could keep his emotions to himself and not have to deal with the judgment and opinions of others. All purely hypothetical. You have no evidence.
Lanzo - Reality TV. It’s ridiculous and melodramatic and over the top and not realistic in the slightest, but he can get sucked into watching it for hours. What else is he going to do during the daylight hours?
Connie - Chasing sticks. It’s not fetch, it’s more like catch. With himself.
Aidan - Musicals. Even the silly ones with pointless plots and unbelievable characters.
Nate - He used to love Skittles.
Q - Some animated show that he watched a lot of when he was a kid. Absolutely refuses to speak of it to anyone. He has copies of his favorite episodes saved on his laptop in a password-protected folder with a misleading name, just to make sure no one learns about it.
Niner - Yarn. It’s not that werecats have anything against yarn -- many of them are just as entranced by it as Niner -- but batting a ball of colorful yarn around on the floor is not part of Niner’s image.
Amanda - Self-describes her drinking habits as a quest to replace all internal fluids with Coca-Cola.
Ian - Twinkies. He knows they’re terrible for him, but it’s a road trip necessity. He had a minor freak out when Hostess went bankrupt and they stopped being sold for several months.
Lauren - The occasional cigarette, when she is extra stressed or angry and nothing else will calm her down. If she's particularly self-controlled, one pack will last two weeks. She is usually not quite that self-controlled.
Kira - An older teen romance werewolf movie. She knows it’s dumb, but the lead male is just. The cutest. The dreamiest eyes. His smile. His hair ... 
Darcy - Chocolate covered marshmallow cookies. Dipped in peanut butter.
Susanna - Susanna is too young to have guilty pleasures. If she likes something, she likes it, and refuses to be ashamed about it.
37 - Do they like glitter?
Reagan - It doesn’t bother her, but no.
Chris - Giving someone a card with glitter on it is one of Chris’ ways of getting petty revenge on people who haven’t done anything bad enough to merit serious comeuppance. He’ll always add a little extra, in such a way that the recipient won’t notice beyond “wow, there’s a lot of glitter on this card”.
Angie - Not particularly.
Neal - No.
Elarin - Not usually, but sometimes a girl just needs to feel sparkly.
Meaghan - Doesn’t care either way.
Leah - Sure, in small doses.
Avery - I don’t think they have glitter in Ferelden. If they did, she’d love it, but mostly for petty revenge like Chris.
Ash - Ugh. No.
Lanzo - He has a glittery tiara that says “DIVA” that he wears sometimes when he's drunk. When he’s sober, its tendency to get everywhere irritates the heck out of him.
Connie - No.
Aidan - Eh.
Nate - No.
Q - No.
Niner - Won’t ever admit it, but has a certain fascination with anything shiny or sparkly.
Amanda - When she was younger, she did. Nowadays she’s just slightly more likely to buy a glittery card than the average person.
Ian - He would, except he seems to have extraordinarily bad luck with it.
Lauren - With as many siblings as she had, there was always something leaving glitter everywhere when she was growing up, so she’s developed a dislike of it.
Kira - Yes.
Darcy - No.
Susanna - No interest.
41 - Have they ever broken a bone?
Reagan - Once, broke her arm falling out of a tree.
Chris - A few, while playing sports.
Angie - Never.
Neal - If asked, Neal might talk about the one time he got his collarbone broken while playing football in junior high. He will not mention the other times he had a broken bone in his childhood. His parents get angry with him when he talks about those. 
Elarin - Considering all the violent conflicts she’s been involved in, she’s suffered serious injury on multiple occasions, but even without amnesia she couldn’t tell you offhand how many of them involved broken bones.
Meaghan - Same.
Leah - Pre-War, she broke a couple fingers playing sports. Post-War … she lost count a long time ago.
Avery - A few. She also leads a conflict-heavy life, but she keeps to the back and lets her better-armored friends take the charge.
Ash - Slipped and broke his ankle one winter. Most boring winter of his life.
Lanzo - Not since becoming a vampire. Vampires can break bones, but it’s significantly less likely.
Connie - No. Werewolves are also tougher than humans.
Aidan - Phoenixes, on the other hand, have light bones that break more easily. The longest he’s gone without breaking something is eight months. (Fortunately, phoenixes also have methods of healing faster).
Nate - Broke his left arm once, and his left leg on a different occasion. The latter event was the one that put an end to his skateboarding/rollerblading days and kickstarted his interest in video games.
Q - He’s suffered a lot of batterings, thanks to riding a bike professionally -- mostly scrapes and minor cuts, but also more than his fair share of broken bones, he’s sure.
Niner - Probably not? When asked, she claims not to know what bones are, and shows no interest in learning. Q is 88% sure she’s joking, but … it’s Niner.
Amanda - Once, broke her leg very badly during an investigation.
Ian - Once, in college. He got lost on his way to class, and thought he was walking down a different set of stairs on the other side of campus -- ones that didn’t require you to be as mindful of where you put your feet.
Lauren - Answered.
Kira - Broke her collarbone once.
Darcy - No.
Susanna - Two fingers, one toe, her ankle, and one hairline fracture in her arm. Considering how much energy Susanna puts into doing everything, it might be a bit surprising she hasn’t broken more.
43 - Have they ever drunk underage?
Reagan - As a small child, she wanted to try her aunt’s wine. Janet figured allowing her a taste would put her off of it for a while, and it did. Reagan never drank again for years, until some very determined coworkers convinced her to accompany them to a bar after work.
Chris - He was at a few parties in high school where there was drinking going on, but he never had any himself.
Angie - Nope. No interest, no opportunities.
Neal - His dad’s idea of “male bonding” was making his twelve-year-old drink an entire can of beer while watching old videos of him playing high school football. Neal threw up shortly afterward, which did nothing to improve his relationship with his father, but it did mean he never “wasted” his beer making Neal drink it again.
Elarin - Never really had the opportunity, and wouldn’t have taken it if she had.
Meaghan - Ditto.
Leah - Someone spiked the punch at one school party Leah attended her sophomore year of high school. Before she’d had more than half a cup, her not-yet-boyfriend Nate warned her about it, and offered to see her home, as the friends she’d come with were not put off by the spiked punch.
It was a warm spring evening, so they walked home very, very slowly, talking about everything going on in the world and what they hoped to do to change things for the better.
Avery - I’m not sure if Ferelden has a drinking age. If it does, then no, but not for want of trying -- so many adults seemed to love alcohol so much, young Avery just wanted to know why, but the mean bartender never let her try any.
Ash - Nope. His dad took him to his favorite local pub shortly after Ash’s twenty-first birthday, and gave him a lot of advice on the topic.
Lanzo - If the concept of minors even existed when Lanzo was born, it was a very different understanding. He grew up drinking alcoholic beverages with pretty much every meal.
Connie - Disliking the taste of alcohol and/or being more susceptible to it are not so common among werewolves as to be a distinctive trait, but for some reason are more likely to be true of the average werewolf than the average human. For this reason, among others, there wasn’t much peer pressure or opportunity for underage drinking.
As an adult, Connie’s tried a variety of different drinks, all of which taste vile to him.
Aidan - No underage drinking, though he did visit a couple speakeasies during Prohibition.
Nate - A little in college, mostly just a friend offering him a taste of theirs. Once at a party he picked up someone’s mixed drink by accident and drank the entire thing. Apparently, Nate’s a great dancer once he loosens up a little.
Q - Not by British standards.
Niner - Werecats leave their immediate families when they reach physical maturity, usually in their early teens, and will travel for a while with others of the same age. One of the other werecats in Niner’s group discovered an abandoned bottle of whiskey on the side of the road, and gave it a try. His reaction was so strong everyone else in the group had to give it a try as well. None of them liked it.
Amanda - For a short period of her teenage years, Amanda rebelled against the strict rules and high expectations of her mother by engaging in various transgressive acts, such as sneaking into bars with fake ID and attending parties where alcohol was available. She was very careful never to get drunk, as she knew there would be serious consequences if her mother ever found out.
Ian - He accidentally drank some of his dad’s beer once as a kid. Like Reagan, it was enough to put him off of it for years. He tolerates some mixed drinks, but he’s still not super-fond of alcohol.
Lauren - She was raised Catholic, so she had wine with her first Communion in grade school. Apart from that, her parents permitted their children to have a single glass of wine at dinner on certain special occasions, once they were double-digits. Like most of her siblings, Lauren didn’t like the taste of it, but it made her feel very grown-up to ask for some. There was also a lot of competitiveness between the siblings, so once one had a glass, all the rest had to have it too, lest they be “shown up” by the others.
Kira, Darcy, Susanna - Nope.
44 - What is the first thing they do when they wake up?
Reagan - Check her phone.
Chris - He has a whole system that starts with getting up, making the bed, getting dressed, brushing his teeth, making breakfast …
Angie - Opens a window.
Neal - Wakes up gradually to the smell of coffee -- sets his coffee maker to start automatically in the mornings.
Elarin - Goes back to whatever she was doing before someone made her go to bed.
Meaghan - Meditates.
Leah - Helps whomever is making breakfast, or starts it if no one else has.
Avery - Mornings are difficult for Avery, so once she’s awake she just lays in bed for a while, until she feels better or something forces her to get up.
Ash - Makes tea and goes outside to watch the sunrise.
Lanzo - Has a drink.
Connie - Showers, if he has to work. Picks up the nearest book and leafs through it until he's fully awake, if he doesn't.
Aidan - If it’s rainy, and it usually is, he’ll get up, get dressed, and find some breakfast. On the rare occasions it’s sunny, goes outside, climbs onto the roof, and watches the sunrise for as long as he can.
Nate - Doesn’t sleep anymore. Back when he did, he would check his phone first.
Q - It takes him a while to fully wake up, so some mornings the first thing he does once he’s awake is make tea, other mornings he’s halfway on his way to work before he can be considered “awake”.
Niner - Food is the only thing on Niner’s mind when she wakes up.
Amanda - She uses the radio for an alarm, and her preferred daytime radio program starts a half hour before she has to get going, so she’ll lie in bed and just listen, letting herself wake up more gradually.
Ian - Wakes up to his alarm, hits the snooze button one too many times, gets up in a panic and drinks as much coffee as he can before leaving for work.
Lauren - Takes a cold shower.
Kira - Bury her head under her pillow, groan, then very reluctantly get up.
Darcy - Get dressed.
Susanna - Run downstairs for breakfast.
50 - Are they good at remembering significant dates? Anniversaries, birthdays etc?
Reagan - She’s not terrible at remembering. Whether she’ll do anything for it is a different matter.
Chris - Yes, but he’s not above getting it wrong or ignoring it if he feels it’s called for.
Angie - Always. In fact, there have been occasions where Angie has recognized a significant date for someone in her social circle and honored it appropriately without that person having any recollection of telling of her that such a date even existed, let alone when it was.
Neal - For the people he cares about, yes. Otherwise, probably not.
Elarin - Dates of personal importance, to her or those close to her, yes -- though mostly by setting up alerts to remind her and other, more subconscious methods. Otherwise she has trouble remembering what day it is.
Meaghan - She’s pretty good at remembering, unless something very serious comes up to distract her.
Leah - She’s good at remembering the actual date, but between all her responsibilities, the incredibly low likelihood of coming across any accurate calendars, and the fact that the Commonwealth’s weather patterns have changed a lot since she was growing up, she might not realize an important date has come up.
Avery - For Avery, recognizing the occasion is more important than getting the date absolutely right, but she is decent at recalling dates, and she makes a point for those to whom getting the date right is important.
Ash - As soon as he learns about an important date for someone who’s more than a casual acquaintance, he writes it down in his personal calendar/address book. You would really have to work to aggravate him enough not to send you a birthday card, once you’re in the book.
Lanzo - Yes, but after this much time, he occasionally mixes up what day is important to what person. Especially awkward when he confuses someone in the house’s birthday with the birthday of, say, one of his wives.
Connie - With a little effort, he can. He has a calendar with every important birthdate written down on it.
Aidan - Nope!
Nate - He remembers all important dates for his immediate family, and a few for his extended family. Otherwise, not really.
Q - Yes. Not really a benefit to him at present, seeing as most of the significant dates he remembers are for his ex-girlfriend and terrible aunt and uncle.
Niner - Vaguely aware of approaching holidays. Otherwise, can’t even tell what day of the week it is, or even what the days of the week are. She’s almost certain “Wednesday” isn’t a real word.
Amanda - She tries, but she gets so involved in her work that it can slip her mind until it’s too late. She really does put in an effort for her closest friends and family.
Ian - Answered.
Lauren - The only important dates she can really remember are those of her family and Ian’s family.
Kira - She only has to hear it once to remember it. Now if only that worked for her history tests …
Darcy - Has been known to forget when his own birthday is, so that would be a no.
Susanna - Not particularly, though she has on multiple occasions surprised people by remembering an important date they were sure she’d forgotten.
Long enough for you? Thanks for asking, though! Still fun working through these. Most of these, anyway. (Poor Neal ... )
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What Star Wars: The High Republic Can Learn From Knights of the Old Republic
The High Republic is the first major Star Wars publishing initiative since the end of the Sequel Trilogy. Set about 200 years before The Phantom Menace, The High Republic line of books and comics shows the Jedi in their heyday, led by new heroes and faced with new enemies and challenges. Made up of three novels (one for each age category) and comic series from Marvel and IDW, the story begins with a “Great Disaster” which disrupts hyperspace travel.
Originally slated to launch in August just days before this year’s Star Wars Celebration convention, the beginning of the series has now been pushed to January 5, 2021. Spearheading the story are all-star Star Wars writers Charles Soule, Claudia Gray, Cavan Scott, Daniel Jose Older, and Justina Ireland.
As Lucasfilm introduces a new era of stories to capture the imagination of fans, there are a few things the company could learn from the last time it introduced an era of Star Wars set hundreds of years before The Phantom Menace. We’re of course talking about the Old Republic era, the setting of Star Wars adventures like the Tales of the Jedi comics and Knights of the Old Republic video game. While the Dark Horse comics spawned this era of war between the Jedi and the Sith (and later, the Mandalorians), it’s arguably the video game that solidified the Old Republic as a fan-favorite era in Star Wars history.
Knights of the Old Republic showed fans an era of Star Wars not completely unlike the one in the movies but that also felt new, with uncharted planets to explore and legendary characters to meet. This is the same balance that The High Republic will have to strike to be successful. Here are the lessons The High Republic can learn from Knights of the Old Republic:
Avoid the Skywalker Saga
Knights of the Old Republic had its own powerhouse character in Darth Revan. It didn’t try to connect Revan’s story to the Skywalkers or to rely on a family legacy for ideas about the Force. That’s one of the benefits of working outside of the movies: you can play around more freely with new characters instead of relying on cameos from old favorites.
Set 4,000 years before the film saga, developer BioWare was able to do pretty much anything it wanted with the game’s characters, planets, and factions without interfering with the movies. 200 years into the past isn’t as long of a time jump, but it still means The High Republic can avoid retreading Prequel era stories that have been told before.
The High Republic will have some element of family legacy, though. According to Lucasfilm, this era will explore “the Starros and San Tekka clans,” a reference to Lor San Tekka, a minor character in The Force Awakens, and Sana Starros, a friend of Han Solo in the recent Marvel comics. Hopefully, these connections to the Skywalker Saga will be in support of a new story and not a way to drive readers back to the Original and Sequel Trilogies.
Deeper Lore
One of the strengths of the original Star Wars was that the galaxy felt lived in and full of history. Even if you were only following Luke’s story, mention of historical events like the Clone Wars and the battered quality of the ships immediately established that a lot had happened before the movie had even started.
Today, we know the Star Wars galaxy is vast both in time and space, and one of the benefits of a story set before what we’ve already seen is reaching farther back in time to unlock new mysteries and lore. After all, exploring ancient ruins and thousand-year-old temples is part of the fantasy of Star Wars.
Knights of the Old Republic established various ancient aliens, including the Rakata, which created the puzzles and ruins key to Revan’s story. It also explored Korriban, a secret Sith planet and the final resting place of several Sith lords, as well as old Jedi enclaves where masters taught a legendary generation of Jedi Knights.
Since The High Republic will focus on Jedi, this is a chance for readers to learn more about what traditions have been passed down and how they might have changed between the High Republic and the Prequel eras. The introduction of the Nihil, the “space Vikings” billed as the villains of the story, could also be a way to show more of the “Wild West” aspect of the era before all sectors of the galaxy were under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Republic.
More Varied Characters
From the Original Trilogy templates of farmboy Jedi, smuggler with a heart of gold, and warrior princess came a near-infinite variety of characters types. Knights of the Old Republic starred Republic soldiers, an arrogant Jedi, and a murderous droid named HK-47 that couldn’t have been less like C-3PO.
And at the center of the story was a Sith lord suffering from amnesia who was unlike any “villain” we’d ever seen before in Star Wars. Revan was a former bad guy tricked into becoming a hero by his Jedi custodians, a big character twist that’s still regarded as one of the big moments in Star Wars history.
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What Star Wars: The Clone Wars Says About Maul and Ahsoka’s Connection
By Megan Crouse
How Star Wars Hypeman Charles Lippincott Changed Fandom Forever
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The High Republic is yet another chance for storytellers to introduce new kinds of characters never before seen in the canon. So far, we know there will be a primarily Jedi cast with a variety of species, ages, and experiences, but the unsettled territories of the galaxy could also provide some surprising characters.
Aliens Acting Against Type 
Star Wars has a tendency to “typecast” alien species. If the first Zabrak character ever seen on screen was Darth Maul, future members of the same species are probably going to be warlike, acrobatic, and tough. Even a Jedi Master of this species was known primarily for his thick skin and rough upbringing. But Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords introduced a very different type of Zabrak: a soft-spoken mechanic named Bao-Dur who was good at a different kind of killing (he had invented a super-weapon and regretted it).
Meanwhile, the first Twi’leks were servants in Jabba’s Palace in Return of the Jedi, potentially dooming all members of their species to some form of slavery. But Knights of the Old Republic gave us Mission Vao, a street-smart thief who would fit in perfectly with the smugglers and scoundrels of the galaxy.
The High Republic has a chance to give aliens as much diversity as humans. We know that the cast will feature at least two alien characters, the Twi’lek Loden Greatstorm and the Mirialin Vern Rwoh. What other characters might the series introduce and how might they surprise us?
New Jedi Abilities
If the High Republic is the heyday of the Jedi, Force powers must play a big part in this golden age. Knights of the Old Republic popularized Jedi Battle Meditation, a special power that allows certain Force users to turn the tide of massive battles. In the game, Jedi hero Bastila Shan is considered one of the most powerful knights in the galaxy due to the way she can influence entire war fleets. (In Tales of the Jedi, hero Nomi Sunrider could also use Battle Meditation to defeat enemies without having to lift her lightsaber.)
The High Republic cast is supposed to include some of the best Jedi who ever lived. “Best” doesn’t just mean martial prowess, either. In fact, since this era takes place before Sidious’ rise, the Jedi are supposed to be more ethically-minded than the ones in the Prequels. Master Avar Kriss is described as “compassionate, not dogmatic, and always ready to sacrifice herself over others.” This might lend itself to new kinds of Force healing or other powers that help others become stronger. 
Ancient Science 
Star Wars is science-fantasy at its core, magical crystals powering lasers. The combination of the two genres is key to telling a great story set in this universe. In Knights of the Old Republic, this aesthetic manifests itself in the ancient Rakatan technology that leads players through their adventure. Revan, Bastila, and the rest of the cast hunt for ancient Star Maps, exploring the deepest corners of several planets to find these artifacts powered by the dark side of the Force.
After finding all the Star Maps, the characters uncover the mystery of the Star Forge, an enormous factory in space built by the Rakatan Empire in order to produce the greatest army in the galaxy. But while the Star Forge was designed to slowly feed off the energy of a nearby star, it also fed on the dark side energy of the Rakata themselves, eventually leading to the fall of their Infinite Empire. In essence, the Rakata had created a self-aware dark side superweapon that led to their own destruction. The High Republic will visit a place called the Starlight Beacon, a station that serves as a lighthouse meant to help space travelers navigate dangerous hyperspace routes. Is there more to the origin of this station? And what else might the Jedi uncover in the uncharted parts of the galaxy? We hope to see interesting new technology in the series that fuses science with magic.
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horacechan623 · 5 years
Welcome to the new decade. Some brief words (and photos) first on the time that has just passed. Followed by a lengthy one on the 2010s.
2019 will be chiefly remembered as:
Productive at work, but probably at a cost of working too much; balanced by
nice overseas leisure and business trips, the personal highlight obviously being the Baltic/Russian summer.
all this though, being definitely overshadowed by the complicated, sad and gloomy emotions throughout the historical events that have unfolded in Hong Kong over the past seven months and without end in sight.
That’s about it. But there’s much more to be said about the past decade.
Nowadays, it seems increasingly difficult for me to express something without giving some sort of background thought or consideration. It is a phenomena where daily words have been so subconsciously influenced by distractions in my mind. The mind is busy for countless reasons. Daily work is the immediate pick, but going beyond business and office gossips there are other ‘heavier’ subjects such as identity and values, career and life choices, personal goals and failures, relationships and Weltschmerz. Thankfully though, family and friendship issues rarely feature here.
The ingredients and emergence of this phenomena have been inextricably tied with all the transitions and events, that I am much lucky to have experienced during the “golden twenties”. As with most fellow readers of similar age, this decade has been a story of transitioning and exploring.
In the undergraduate days, initial setbacks taught a valuable lesson about the dangers of being snobbish. On the other hand, the resources and network provided by the University consolidated a continued curiosity to many subjects beyond science.
The postgraduate days were a wholly transformative experience and the undoubtable high point of my 2010s. Having felt at times like an outsider back home, the environment and peculiarities of Germany (and to a lesser extent, the Sweden) appeared a perfect fit, and provided perspectives beyond the bubble of Hong Kong. As such, the immersion in these foreign cultures not only taught me to recognise and accept my personal character, but also added a few extra building blocks along the way. Meanwhile, the scientific way of thinking and working picked up from the Masters degree continues to wield a substantial influence in my life.
Those three years also marked a key transition from a free-wheeling student mentality, to sudden realisations that much of the upcoming adult life would be hard and uncertain, and that the glorious period of youth was slipping away quick. The frequent moments of solitude and deep reflection (particularly during the cold and grey months of 2015 – 16) produced plenty of anxieties and regrets, but also a recognition that the only way forward is to stiffen up and go ahead to deal with them.
Looking back, this so-called ‘quarter-life crisis’ (to borrow the term) set in motion some changes in behaviour and informed crucial decisions. One such decision in 2016, was the million dollar question that loomed in front of me: whether to stay in Europe for the long run, or to return to HK for work? The heart clearly longed for Europe, but ultimately the mind won the debate.
And so I elected to return home in pursuit of a career in the industry. Three years on, with the decade having just passed, and from being a green employee to a slightly experienced office rat – what could be said of this final phase of the 2010s?
For starters, I have noticeably gained pounds and seen some alarming drop in fitness levels. Second, it is that despite the bitching, the exposure, skills, opportunities and certain connections attained from working (particularly since 2018) has been quite rewarding. Beyond that, I have grown to re-appreciate my home so much. Hong Kong is truly one of the most unique places in the world, making it horribly tragic how the city has fallen into its current predicament.
Yet, I feel that the ghosts of the “quarter-life crisis” still lingers – in fact, they reemerge in another similar form, now repackaged neatly under the label: the ‘Thirties / 三十而立’.
A package updated with new factors, new challenges and even bigger repercussions. A package that brazenly barges itself into daily life and thinking, as much as I often wish to neglect it. Frankly, often times I wonder if this is a normal process of continued maturation that every individual must go through from the 20s until as late as the early 40s; or whether this is only me over-thinking about details – minuscule details that might end up meaning little and rendered ephemeral in a world that changes ever more dramatically and quickly. After all, there have certainly been more than a few times over the past two years, where I felt being just like a tiny fleck of dust amidst the great tide of history.
All being aside, I am extremely grateful for all that happened over the past decade. And certainly too, the hundreds and hundreds of people that I have had privilege to meet and know. Some connections have been certainly been lost – as much as I would like to keep in closer terms – but all relationships takes two to tango. For those that still keep in touch, thanks! It is a blessing.
Online records stay permanently somewhere. I’m skeptical as to whether in the future, Facebook would be around or used by me for publishing some silly personal reflections. But these are interesting and surprising times – who knows?
Wishing you much success and good health for another decade.
The times they are a-changin – the 2010s Welcome to the new decade. Some brief words (and photos) first on the time that has just passed.
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kara4ublog-blog · 7 years
Five Guidelines For Picking out the right Chiropractor
We've all been there prior to: attempting to decide on involving a list of prospective corporations or experts with really tiny of substance to go on. Most of the time we rely on online testimonials, glances at web pages, and if we're lucky we may perhaps know someone who has been to that business already and can inform you what to count on. Going to a HK chiropractor is definitely an significant choice, much more so since many people don't know considerably about chiropractic to begin with. What tiny they do know may perhaps very effectively be incorrect. Some consider chiropractors very poorly and are skeptical of the profession. Some are open to seeing a chiropractor but have no mates or loved ones to steer them towards the correct person, and have no knowledge with chiropractic that would make an World wide web search less difficult. It helps if you know the "language" of one thing since your Google search will likely be substantially much more fruitful when you use the correct terminology. Using broad terms usually will net you practically nothing more than a list of chiropractors who do lots of advertising and who fill their web-sites with keywords and phrases just to attract visitors by means of Google. Deciding upon a chiropractor is in several ways an extremely individual choice. With numerous kinds of DC's out there that indicates that you just can probably find 1 tailored to your requires. This article will outline how you can conduct a very good search that may show you each of the local chiropractors and allow you to inform them apart so that you are able to make the most beneficial selection. 1. Are you going to a chiropractor simply for discomfort relief, or for common overall health? It is possible to loosely separate chiropractors into two groups: holistic chiropractors and mechanistic chiropractors. All chiropractors know of this distinction, and in reality the profession has been in a common state of low-level internal conflict along this fault line considering the fact that it's inception. Some chiropractors know this as a war of "straights vs. mixers". The internal conflict, which really has lots of constructive advantages, has been ongoing considering the fact that the start in the profession in 1895. This duality is often a strength with the profession: with no the holistic character of chiropractic we would be physical therapists who adjust the spine, and without the need of the mechanistic character of chiropractic we would shed sight in the incredibly true rewards to health that chiropractic care provides millions of Americans each year, and the actual detrimental effects of spinal joint malfunction (subluxation). 2. Do you wish long-term care or would you choose to possess your complaint treated after which have your case closed? A lot of chiropractors, with varying degrees of scientific evidence to back this up, market chiropractic as a viable option to conventional healthcare. They view chiropractic as a approach to foster the health of your nervous program by means of chiropractic spinal adjustments, which then allows the physique to function at a higher level. Chiropractors and sufferers all more than the country will attest to improved health with less illness and injury right after they incorporated chiropractic into their lives. Normal adjustments help adults and children cope with almost everything from allergies to headaches, and people today who choose to steer clear of prescription medication typically opt for chiropractic as an alternative. Hard scientific proof to validate that is hard to come by because of inherent troubles in designing a study capable of testing the "chiropractic lifestyle" and it's effect on basic health, but case series' exist and we've probably all met a person who will swear up and down that chiropractic is keeping them out on the doctor's office. Around the flip side of this coin are chiropractors that could operate to promote appropriate joint function in the injured region then rehabilitate the joint and supporting soft tissue, immediately after which they are going to release you from care. There is a worth within this, just as there's a value in wellness or maintenance care. Releasing a patient following their discomfort is gone will save the patient funds. It will also please the patient's wellness insurer - not that your insurer's happiness ought to ever be a aspect in making well being decisions, but unfortunately they hold energy more than your wellness in some quite important techniques so there is a worth in not ending up in anyone's crosshair at your insurer's corporate headquarters. Rather than market continuing care, a mechanistic chiropractor will operate to correct the immediate issue only. Several times back pain may well stem from a weak ankle or knee, so your chiropractor may really nicely concentrate on a spot that is not painful, so don't assume the location of the discomfort may be the reason for your pain. A fundamental distinction among holistic and mechanistic chiropractors is the fact that the holistic chiropractor will treat the patient beyond the scientific limitations a extra mechanistic chiropractor would self-impose. This actually ties #1 and #2 collectively. For instance, a mechanistic chiropractor may treat low back discomfort by working to rehabilitate a sacroiliac joint then release the client when the sacroiliac joint returns to typical, pain-free function. A holistic chiropractor will treat the client until subluxations (spinal misalignments causing nerve irritation) are totally resolved and after that broaden their consideration to consist of general subluxation correction in the entire spine to be able to promote basic wellness. Each approaches have real worth. Although imposing limits on treatment determined by the limits of what peer-reviewed analysis can substantiate is important, holistic chiropractors acknowledge that progress in science happens by pushing the limits of understanding and treating patients in strategies that current greatest evidence may not fully support. The periphery of science is where progress is normally produced - though it truly is also where quackery finds refuge. 3. Are you injured or are you currently dysfunctional? In other words, did your discomfort come on all of a sudden from an injury or did it set in much more gradually due to anything you repeatedly do? Sudden discomfort ordinarily signifies an injury occurred. From time to time it truly is a car accident, or even a fall, or a sports injury. These kind of injuries might be what a certain type of chiropractor focuses on or perhaps has certification and elevated training in. In situations of these sorts of injuries you'd like a chiropractor who can confidently treat sprains and strains, who can differentiate different sorts of injuries, and who will recognize when an injury is as well serious for them and can also be diligent sufficient to see specific warning indicators and refer you to other providers when important. Numerous holistic chiropractors, although not all, are prone to viewing the spine when it comes to subluxations only and may well as a result miss the subtle signs of a much more extreme injury that needs the knowledge of a specially-trained chiropractor, an orthopedist or neurologist. Even though not a firm rule, a additional mechanistic chiropractor could be a safer bet when a painful injury is involved. 4. What qualified associations serve the chiropractic profession, and how can this enable you to obtain the correct DC? You can find two substantial national organizations that represent chiropractors: the ACA along with the ICA. The ACA could be the American Chiropractic Association and also the ICA may be the International Chiropractic Association. The ACA is far more mechanistic plus the ICA is extra holistic. State associations are a lot more varied, so it really is tough to discern significantly about a chiropractor from taking a look at his or her state association membership unless you appear into the political or philosophical leanings of that organization - lots of operate for acquiring a chiropractor. To make things straightforward, know that many ICA chiropractors essentially oppose the ACA, and vice versa, so you could glean more from their membership (or non-membership) in national organizations than you are able to from other issues you could find around the web-site or on the web listings for a chiropractor. It really is vital to not read also substantially into this bit of information and facts, although, and not surprisingly to think about that all people are multi-dimensional and may not fit into the dichotomy I'm describing. Still, as portion of a larger set of info to make a judgement, this can be useful to think about. 5. Really should you contemplate their sites, evaluations, and testimonials? And how significant are individual referrals? You could locate out quickly sufficient that many chiropractors use 1 of a handful of providers to create their web-sites. This means that for those who go to ten unique chiropractor's internet websites you might see the exact same internet site again and again once again with just a various DC's name on it. This indicates the content material is unoriginal and also you probably can not learn substantially concerning the chiropractor from their web site. This reduces the worth from the web site. Chiropractors would be improved off by ditching the spinning 3D spines and alternatively putting actual content on their web-sites. These websites are loaded with content but very small, if any, with the details on the web-site is exceptional to that chiropractor. Even articles with bylines that incorporate that chiropractor's name are almost certainly not articles written by that actual chiropractor. Suspect intellectual laziness and dishonesty when any qualified puts his name and credentials on an report he or she didn't author. Although it really is a prevalent practice, that will not mean it can be the ideal strategy to market yourself. On-line testimonials, for instance Yelp! and Yahoo!, are fantastic. Generally, even though, enterprises game the program by generating fake reviews. Are all of the reviews in the same approximate time? For example, are ten critiques all from March 2012? If so, which is suspicious. If the testimonials appear genuine they may provide you with some insight in to the sort of DC, but if they are suspicious then you definitely should remember the old adage "buyer beware". Really typically a negative assessment (which is reputable) is going to be followed with quite a few illegitimate superior testimonials as a way to drown out the bad one particular. Finding past the illegitimate reviews you could possibly in fact have the ability to get a good deal of fantastic data from reading critiques, so do not hesitate to utilize a search engine to search for "jones loved ones chiropractic reviews" and see what comes up. Testimonials ought to be looked at as marketing and advertising, but obviously they almost certainly are genuine stories from actual sufferers. The chiropractor is picking out what message you want to hear. If they opt for 5 individuals who discuss physiotherapy Hong Kong curing their back pain, then this chiropractor wants you to view them as a specialist in back pain. If they discuss children and allergies, that may be what they want you to know they specialize in. In this way, testimonials might be applied to acquire a look at the chiropractor. Individual referrals would be the finest source of information and facts due to the fact it is typically unfiltered and direct. Ask a friend or family member and you'll get an unbiased opinion. The most effective chiropractors (and the greatest attorneys, realtors, and even bakers) all get the majority of their new clients since they treated the clientele they currently have so well. Persons are fast to complain about poor service, so when someone includes a good factor to say about how they had been treated then you should recognize this as worthy of the focus. Assume of it like this: that person experimented with a chiropractor so you don't have to. A private referral from an individual you trust is very easily one of the most useful data you are going to encounter.
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