#holy crap that was so long to read my eyes burn
ohtobeleah · 11 months
Lessons in Love & War // Bradley Bradshaw
-> A Terms of Endearment Blurb
Summary: On one of your first shifts back at work after the events of ToE. Odette is plagued with an illness that sends her to the emergency room with a very panicked Bradley Bradshaw.
Warnings: Fever. appendicitis. Relationship miscommunication, misguided anger. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin x F!platonic!reader.
Word Count: 3.8k
Author Note: Day Eighteen of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Fever/Separated from loved ones. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Those were your days off. Tuesday and Thursday were the days that you bravely stepped outside your little bubble of peace and went back to work doing what you loved. No one in their right mind was about to stop you either, you could handle two full days at a time. Two days in one week was enough for you right now. Mav was in full support of you and Rooster sharing your full time hours. He went in to bat for you whenever the topic was brought up to the higher ups. He was your unofficial proxy. 
“Oh hi there Dotty girl.” You weren’t ready to send your little girl back to daycare yet either. So Odette spent her days with her favourite person besides you, her Tooster, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “What's got you all sad?”
Bradley had been doing some work on his laptop–he was reading up on the signs, symptoms and possible characteristics of depression. You were just a little off at the moment, with good reason. You'd been through so much–more than anyone ever deserved to be put through.
“My tummy huwts Tooster–” Odette mumbled through tired eyes as she padded into the dinning room with her blanky, sucking her thumb. She had been feeling under the weather for a few days now, since Monday–It was now Thursday and she hadn’t started to get better in the slightest bit.  
“Oh sweet girl, come here.” Bradley cooed as he reached out for the little girl who had stolen his heart, he scooped her up under her armpits and sat her on his lap. The first thing Bradley noticed was the heat Odette had to her. “Holy crap, you're burning up baby girl.” He frowned as he placed the back of his hand to her forehead. “You've got a bit of a fever there.” It was worrying, especially since Odette had already had some children Tylenol not long before you left for work. How long had she had a fever for? 
“My tummy huwts–” She nearly sobbed as her little head lulled to the side, she placed her cheek against Rooter's chest to listen to his heartbeat. The kiss he planted on the top of her head as he rocked his knees back and forth to soothe your daughter told Odette that she was safe, that her Tooster would make her feel better. “Tooster–”
“I know baby, I know.” But the fact of the matter was Bradley didn't know. Sure he’d lay his life down on the line for Odette, but he really had no idea how to act when she was sick. It broke his heart to see the usually so energetic and full of life extension of you so down in the dumps and sick as a dog. She hadnt been her usual self for a few days and it was unnerving to say the very least. He did his best however, to keep a confident front up that he had this covered while you were gone. 
Bradley Bradshaw was confident and wise enough to take care of a sick three year old. How serious could a flu be? Or a tummy bug as you were pretty sure it was. 
“How about I make you some soup and we watch cartoons and hang out on the lounge for the rest of the day?” All Odette did in response was nod very tiredly. She hadn’t been sleeping through the night and the little sleep she was getting, was in between you and Rooster, where she felt safest and where you felt like she belonged right now. 
Odette didnt eat her soup, Bradley had tried to get her to have a few spoonfuls of the pureed pumpkin and sweet potato soup he’d heated over the stove but it was to no avail. Your little girl was not having a bar of it before the tears started. 
“Oh sweetheart, don't cry.” Bradley cooed as Odette snuggled as close as she could into her Tooster. 
“My Tummy huwts Tooster make it stowp.” Dot mumbled into Rooster's shirt, clinging to him for dear life as she climbed his torso and laid herself flat as she could on him. All Bradley did was try his best to soothe the clearly uncomfortable three year old he’d been left in charge of today. 
“How about we get you some more medicine to make you feel a little better?” It was the only thing he could really think of in the moment, Dot hadn’t been well sure, but this was a whole new level of unwell. “We’ll get a washcloth for your forehead too baby, that might help.” Bradley was starting to realise that he may or may not have been in over his head with this. He hadn’t gone through this before, he hadn’t ever had to worry so deeply about a child not being well before. He wanted so desperately to take Odette's pain away. He wanted so desperately to make her feel all better like you somehow always managed too. But this seemed more serious than just a cold or flu or random stomach ache. 
And when little three year old Odette Dolan (Bradshaw) started to scream, cry and throw up in the bath Bradley tried to run for her to help her feel better, he didn't know what to do. He knew it wasn't just her being scared of the bath, because she’d been really good in it as of late. The past few weeks she’d gone without a fuss so long as Tooster and you were in it with her. But right now, as Bradley rubbed small circles into her little back and watched as she dry heaved into the bow he held under her chin, he knew he had to take her to people who could actually make her feel better. 
“I think we need to take you to the hospital baby girl.” He sighed to himself, watching as her tears streamed down her puffy face. She hadnt eaten all day, hadnt cried this hard ever. She was in pain–Bradley could clearly see that. “Let's get you dressed and I'm gonna take you alright, see some doctors so that they can help.” Before Bradley could think about helping Odette out of the bath, she slumped into his hold, completely exhausted from crying and trying to throw up. Her fever had yet to break and she was burning up. “Okay, Okay–” That's when the panic really set in. “We’re going right now baby I've got you.” 
“You know I’d ask what exactly it is that you’re doing—“ Jake made sure to make himself known as he entered your hanger. “But I’ve come to learn overtime that that question doesn’t always have such a good answer.” He didn’t want to scare you, he knew that coming back to work was what you needed in order to move on, get back into a normal routine and make an effort to keep yourself from completely falling apart. The day had almost passed you by and you’d only caught yourself thinking about Jaidyn Dolan like….seven hundred times. 
“I tried to call Roo at lunch to see how things are going at home but he hasn’t returned my call.” You replied while you sat at your workshop desk, working on a part Jake couldn’t quite pick. “Tell me everything’s fine, that we’re okay?” He knew what you meant, you didn’t need to elaborate or explain yourself. Jake knew, hell he knew because that very morning he’d woken Amilia up with his horrendous screams. He’d called out for Bob in the void of darkness. 
“Dots sick isn’t she?” Jake sighed as he stood behind you, watching carefully as you worked. He didn’t want to point out that you were tapping your leg up and down like a mad woman or mention that you were tensing your shoulders, so instead he bent over to kiss the top of your head and kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “They’re fine Fe—if anything Bradshaws probably just spending his day off sleeping and watching Repunzel for the thirteenth time.” You couldn’t help but to smile at the thought. “Trust me, they’re good, we’re good, everyone’s good and accounted for.” 
“Thanks—“ It was like Jake had talked you down from some metaphorical ledge that you’d been standing on, ready to jump. Only you had been contemplating leaving work early to race home and make sure two of the most important people in your life are safe. “You’re right, he’s probably just sleeping with Dotty.” 
“I can almost guarantee it.” Jake replied. “Besides, you’re off soon enough, no need to stress when everything’s okay Fe.” 
Everything was not okay. Bradley Bradshaw had never been more freaked out in his entire life. He hated seeing Odette this way, so sick and visibly in pain. This had to be more than just a stomach ache, her fever hadn’t broken in hours, she wasn't keeping food or fluids down and she could barely keep her little head upright as he carried her into the emergency room of the Miramar Base Hospital. 
“Sir–?” The triage nurse was immediately on her feet when she saw Rooster through the little window. “Bring her right in.” Bradley did exactly that, he took the little girl who was burning up in his arms right into the triage room so that Odette could be assessed. “Who do we have here?” The nurse asked softly as she set up her station. 
“This is Odette, Uh–Dot, she prefers Dot.” Bradley cooed as he sat down on the empty chair with Odette still clinging to him. “She my daughter, well, kinda, I’m her mothers partner and I’m one of her medical proxies and emergency contacts.” Bradley felt like all eyes were on him as he explained his relationship to Odette. He wasn't her dad but he was the closest thing she had. “She's been sick for a few days, but today her fevers just skyrocketed and she's not keeping anything down.” 
“Is she throwing up?” The nurse asked as she placed little Odette's arm in a blood pressure monitor. “Any diarrhoea?” 
“She's been throwing up, but I haven't noticed any diarrhoea–” 
“And you said she's had a fever for a while?” 
“Yeah and today her stomachs been hurting pretty badly too.” The nurse could see the worry in Bradley Bradshaw's eyes. She knew enough in those few moments to know that he cared enough about this tiny human to bring her in for treatment. 
“Dot honey?” The nurse cooed as she looked at Odette and placed a tiny admission wristband on her wrist. “Can you point to what side your tummy’s been hurting on?” Odette, albeit slowly, pointed to her right side, just above her pelvis. The nurse sitting across from her immediately typed something onto the report she was writing up and turned back to face Bradley. “Okay Mr. Bradshaw, you can take Dot through to fast track, I'll have her admitted for an ultrasound but if I had to take a good guess here I'd say your little girl's appendix is acting up.” 
“That means surgery?” Bradley held the little girl who was everything to him a little tighter. The nurse nodded in confirmation. 
“You did the right thing bringing her in, we just need you to fill out these consent forms and we’ll take care of her.” The triage nurse could see on Odette file that Bradley was indeed an authorised person to give medical consent on Odette's behalf if you weren't able to. “But yes, she’ll need surgery if it is in fact her appendix, we don't want it to burst and by the looks of things if she's been sick for a few days it could very well be about to.” 
“Okay–” Bradley pressed his lips together in a fine line, he felt sick to his stomach, his little girl was in so much pain. “Okay, uh–let's go Dotty, I've got you baby.” But in all the fuss and worry and focus he’d forgotten one very vital thing. He’d forgotten to message you about what was going on, all his focus had been on Dot that he forgot to message you. Her Mother. 
You hadn’t heard from Bradley all day. Usually he’d send you little updates, let you know when Odette had gone for a nap, if she’d eaten, if she was at  daycare when he picked her up and dropped her off. But today he’d been radio silent since around ten this morning. 
“Roo honey?” You were already on edge with the radio silence, but when you pulled into the driveway to see Bradley’s Bronco wasn’t there your heart immediately sunk into your stomach. “I'm home, you here?” Nothing. There was nothing but a still silence that flooded your home as you went in search for the man who had helped you out yourself back together again. 
“Rooster?” You nearly sobbed out as you walked down the hallway to the bathroom, at the sight of water in the tub you immediately broke out into a heartbroken cry. No. No, not your baby, not your little girl. “Bradley!!?” It felt like you were right there, watching your ex try to drown you baby girl in the bath when your phone rang. 
It was like the ringtone snapped you back into reality and all of a sudden the scene playing out before you was gone. It was just you again, staring at yourself in the mirror across the bathroom. When you looked down at your phone to see that it was just Jake and not Bradley, you cried a little harder and answered. 
“Told you everything would be o—hey woah? What’s the matter Fe why are you crying?” Jake had just picked Amilia up from Paybacks play to drive her to work when your sobbed rang through the truck. “Y/n?” 
“Roosters not here and I can’t find Dot.” Was all you had to say before Jake was pulling over on the side of the road before swinging around. Amilia slammed against the doorframe of the passenger’s side as he did so. 
“Righto, ease up turbo.” She hissed as a frown overtook her face. “And you have the nerve to call me a maniac on the road.” 
“Talk to me when you know your left and rights Oz.” Jake chuckled knowing that Amilia from time to time still had to really think about what side of the road to drive on. “Fe, try to breathe alright, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for why they aren’t home.” 
“He hasn’t been answering his phone all day Jake! He doesn’t do that!” You sobbed painfully as you slid down the wall of your hallway to hug your knees to your chest. “He doesn’t—he doesn’t do that, he doesn’t—“ Jake knew you were having a full on panic attack, he knew because he got them too. Amilia heard it in your voice, the way you tried to breathe through your words. “He left—he took her, I can’t breathe—“ 
“I’ll call Rooster.” Amilia quickly pulled her phone out to call Bradley, his name in her phone was the Chicken Man. “There’s gotta be a good reason he’d just vanish with Dot right?” 
“She’s sick.” Jake mumbled just loud enough for Amilia to hear. “Something could have happened but until we get ahold of him I don’t know what to do.” 
“Voicemail—“ Amilia didn’t wait for Jake to tell her to try again, she was on it before he even had a chance to blink. “Fucking dammit Bradshaw.” 
“We’re around the corner Fe, we’re on our way, just stay on the phone with me yeah?” Jake cooed as tears welled in his eyes, he hated this, hated hearing you so panicked. 
“Fuck! Voicemail again.” Amilia groaned as she tried for a third time to get ahold of the missing lieutenant. “Surely he’s not intentionally ignoring us right?” 
“No—“ Jake sighed frustratedly as he ran a hand across his face. “No somethings wrong, he’s distracted by something, he wouldn’t just go radio silent, not on Fe, me maybe, but not Fe.” 
“Tooster.” She looked so tiny in the middle of the gurney. “My tummy huwts.” But Bradley knew as he walked with the surgical tray who was about to take your little girl in for emergent surgery that she was going to feel a hell of a lot better after. 
“I know baby I know.” Rooster cooed as leaned over to press a gentle kiss to your daughter's forehead. “But the doctors here are gonna make you feel all better.” When Odette spoke soon after, Bradley’s heart sunk into his arse. 
“I want mamma—“ Holy shit, he’d been so caught up making sure Odette got the care and help she needed, that he hadn’t even checked in with you. 
“Mammas gonna be here when you come out of surgery baby, I promise.” Bradley could feel the colour draining from his face as he watched your little girl nod. “And so is uncle Jake—“ Bradley knew he was about to be in the dog house. He should have rung. He should have kept you in the loop. He couldn’t imagine what was going through your mind right about now. 
As soon as the double doors closed, Bradley immediately pulled his phone out of his back pocket and couldn’t believe what he saw. An unknown amount of missed calls and texts from one Amilia Fisher explaining in great detail the way she was going to skin him alive for whatever it is that was keeping him from getting back to her. 
There were a handful of missed calls and text from you throughout the day, just checking in to see how Dot was going. 
And then there was one very important text, a singular message from none other than Jake Seresin that scared the shit out of Bradley. The overall calmness of it all, the time he read it in, the lack of urgency made it all the more worrying—because when Jake got calm? Bradley knew he was about five seconds away from blowing up. 
H_ngm_n: “You better have running shoes on man.”
“Fuck—“ Braldey pressed on Jake’s called ID to ring him as quick as he could. This wasn’t good, not at all. It only took three rings before Jake was answering. “I can explain!” 
“Where are you?” Was all Jake asked, again as calm as ever. 
“I’m at the hospital, Dots fever was skyrocketing so I brought her in, turns out she has appendicitis, she’s on her way into surgery.” It was the most rushed explanation Bradley could give as he ran his free hand through his hair and paced up and down the hall. “Is Y/n okay? Is she alright?”
“We’ll be there soon.” Was all Jake said before he hung up. Bradley felt like he couldn’t breathe, he knew he’d fucked up. He should have called you when he was heading over to the hospital and think back to it he knew he had left the bath water in the bath too. 
He’d fucked up, and he knew that you’d be a wreck too. 
When you first saw Rooster sitting in the waiting room, your heart beat just a little faster. But although you loved him so deeply and so fiercely, his decision not to call you about what was going on had left you wondering if he understood just how important it was for you to know the whereabouts of your daughter right now. 
“Where is she?” You asked sternly. “Where’s my daughter?” Bradley could tell by the look in your eyes that you were pissed, but the love you had for Odette took priority. 
He sat in one of those plastic hospital waiting room chairs, dishevelled and worried that he’d crossed some invisible boundary. Bradley didn’t mean to keep you in the dark, it was never his intention. He was just so focused on Odette that he didn’t think of anything else. 
“She’s in surgery, they said someone would come give us an update as soon as she’s out.” Bradley explained as he stood from the chair he sat in and reached out to draw you into him. But you shrugged him off. “Y/n—“
“How am I the last person to find out my daughter has appendicitis?” You asked through a hiss. “Tell me Rooster how do you forget to tell the mother of the child you rushed to the emergency room that hey—we’re going to the hospital don’t freak out?” 
“I’m so unbelievably sorry.” Jake could tell that Bradley was sincere. “I was just so focused on Dot I didn’t stop to think, she was so upset, I just wanted her to be okay.” 
“Well she’s not alright is she!” It was just the fear talking, the fear taking over your critical thinking capabilities. “She’s in surgery getting her appendix removed and her mother wasn’t by her side to tell her everything would be alright because you—“ You shoved at Roosters chest, he didn’t budge. “Didn’t tell me what the hell was going on.” 
“Y/n, listen to me for a second alright sweetheart?” It was killing him, the idea that you were mad at him for doing whatever he could for Odette. 
“No—no don’t you dare sweetheart me right now Bradley, how could you not remember to ring me? Send me a fucking text?”
“Because I was looking after her! The little girl you left me to take care of! Her fever was getting out of control Fe!” It was one of the first fights the two of you had ever had. 
“She’s not your damn daughter Bradley!” You didn’t mean it, hell the words you spoke even shocked you and you could immediately tell that what you had said cut Bradley deep as his features softened In disappointment and frustration. “I’m her mother, and you should have called me when she was getting worse.” 
“Yeah—“ Bradley stiffened up as he looked over at Jake, he knew just how hurt you were by this mess but he never thought you’d throw Bradley’s ability to care for your little girl back in his face. “No yeah you’re totally right, I’m just gonna go, I’ll uh—I’ll just go back to my house and clean up the mess your daughter fucking makes all day because you’re too scared to send her back to daycare then.” 
It was your turn to be stunned. 
“Call me when she’s out, or don’t, I don’t care.” Bradley hissed as he walked past where you stood with his hands in his pockets and his tail between his legs. 
“I won’t!” You called back as you watched Bradley walk out of the front doors of the Miramar Base Hospital, wondering how the hell he was going to fix this god awful mess. 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
161 notes · View notes
bts5sosempire · 2 years
the tyrant (v)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4,150
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: old time period, mention of arranged marriage, polygamous marriages, slow-burn yandere, power imbalances, peer pressure, gaslighting, mention of manipulation, dark content, slight-NSFW (tw: non-con), MDI, Dickuna, please read at your own discretion
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you were the apple of Sukuna's eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you."
𝐚/𝐧: holy crap, I've been bugging and got writer's block from this for the longest time. But it is done at last; been trying to angle where I should go from here. Since I barely wrote any nsfw or anything remotely related to that, I hope this doesn't get flagged cuz I would deadass scream. Btw, thank you to those that waited for so long when I went into my MIA mode 🥲❤️. Likes, comments, and reblogs are helpful too, and have a nice day lovelies! 🥳 (pls lemme know in the "comment" section below for tagging.)
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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After the incident, you told Sukuna that he wouldn't stifle you. As for Suguru's situation, you couldn't make an explicit assumption; for all you know, it was a warning to you both. Suguru is your faraway dream, and you were his too. Another part you know is that killing Suguru would be like child's play, but it wouldn't look good on Sukuna unless he starts undermining Suguru with hidden intentions. You don't wish for Suguru to be harmed in any way; even the thought of it sends your heart lurching in heartache.
You shift under your seat as the cold air bites your face. It was early in the morning when Sukuna had taken you out for a morning hunt. Everything was set up the previous day before. Sukuna had even invited a handful of Lords to hunt with him, to form connections. He also thought it would be good for you as you have locked yourself away in your room for days after the banquet; he thinks it's childish whenever you would do that to avoid his confronting nature. You could care less about what he feels at this point.
Fiddling with your bangle inside the muff, you twist and turn the familiar jeweled gift. Then there's your Aunt; the pressure from her was also getting to you. Selfish is the best word to describe her; a bitter feeling of resentment starts to form within your chest as you have come to accept the view you have of her. Your Aunt Setsuko and Sukuna aren't that much of a discrepancy; both set out to use people as they see fit in their agenda.
Your attention was brought back when the sound of horses' hooves and men urging their steed to go faster descended from the hills. A jackal was running rapidly, with hounds chasing after their tail. An arrow whizz past and almost hits the animal as it sidesteps to the side to avoid it. Sukuna was leading, riding the red steed that dashes across the dewy and chilly plain. Sukuna raises the bow with steady arms and hands, his uncanny eyes trained on the animal before releasing the string. The arrow hits the jackal as it staggers forward, rolling a few times against the ground as the hounds pounce to keep it dead and still.
Everyone congratulates Sukuna for being keen eyes as they all slow their horses down to an ambling pace. Servants quickly swept the hounds aside and picked up the now-dead animal, and hurried off to deal with it. Sukuna basked in the attention he was given, accepting them before brushing off the other minor and major lords. He pulls the rein of the horse in your tent's direction.
Rising from your seat, two maids appeared to assist you by holding your forearms as you carefully stepped off the heated coal pots placed underneath your feet to keep them warm. Seiin, the firey steed notice you and picks up its speed to hurry on over. The horse was a gift for your congratulatory wedding from your clan. Seiin was only one of the few red steeds born and raised on your farm; considering it's a scarce breed, Seiin was above average from a normal war horse. They were a total upgrade. It could outpace any horse for hours, and its stamina was limitless since it brought Sukuna's never-ending winning of conquering lands and people alike. You almost forgot that each clan member ran a different course for bribery. Your father used to run a ranch for breeding war horses (now it falls to you). Once your wedding with Sukuna happened, your Aunt deliberately solidified the pact and decided to trade the horses for power without consulting with you first.
When Seiin was near enough, Sukuna hopped off the horse. Seiin snorted as it impatiently wanted you to pet its snout and brush its dark red hair. You pull out a hand from the muff and caress a pointer to the length of Seiin's nose; they nuzzle their face closer. The equine sure is spoiled. You don't remember them being this double in size and height.
"Took a long time to get this steed to obey me," Sukuna starts, and you only pay attention to him for a fraction with your eyes before flicking them away to the horse again. The story of how Sukuna gets Seiin was funny; it almost made you think that the War Demon couldn't tame a beast. Seiin was probably secretly a mule in disguise; they hated any rider or person who attempted to claim them; they're more familiar with you out of everyone. When Seiin was presented to Sukuna, it was on sight for the horse to run him over and stomp its hooves on the ground to scare off Sukuna. It was futile since Sukuna was a person who loved challenges, and Seiin happened to present them to him.
All it took was a lot of being tied to the pole, brushed, fed, and given lots of freedom to stretch its legs daily, which spoiled the horse. Then it got its owner's temper, too; Seiin was Sukuna's pride.
"You have been in your room for a few weeks; what's so crucial that you have forbidden me? Is Suguru that important?" You slightly glare, "Also, that brat took longer to leave than usual." You could tell that Sukuna was trying to get a rise out of you, a bait for you to take. If you have taken it, it will bring endless hours to get him off your back. He moves fast with assumptions, and it's scarily accurate, too, with how he gathered information.
Turning away from Sukuna, you pat Seiin a few times, then return to your tent.
The reason why you have spent more time in your room is for a reason; you can't rely on anyone anymore. Not your Aunt Setsuko, who seems ready to abandon you if your final strike occurs, and you have to admit, the advantage of having Sukuna's affection starts to wear you thin. The harem is relentless in trying to remove you, and if that happens, then you're easily disposable. But they couldn't do that. It was known multiple times if you were gone, then the deal with both families would fall through, and trade would also cease to exist.
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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Yumi asks warily as you settle on wearing a man's clothes. You use the excuse of doing your charity work to go out for something you've been planning to do.
"If I don't do it now, when will I ever will? I didn't use all that time in my room reading and teaching me about politics and finances." Telling Yumi she couldn't argue back, not when concern always seems to paint her face these days. "Stall as long as you can," you order, adjusting the male hakama; you try to give off the air and posture of a man. "I'll try to be back before sundown."
Sliding the door open, Yuichi was outside; arms crossed as he awaited you.
You nudge with your head for him to follow you. When you both were outside the small rented compound you use for charity work, Yuichi cast you aside glance, "You told me to scout the area and ask for any willing participants if they're going to give up their property to you, and I found a few."
"You work fast," you inquire with a small smile, and Yuichi huffs his chest, proud of his work. "No spear today?" Yuichi never goes anywhere without his weapon, and today is a rare day.
"No need to for today, and I wanted to ask why you need an inn out of all places." The young man scratches his head behind you, "I mean, with your wealth and power, you could easily build or buy a better one."
You chuckle a bit, "My father used to tell me something interesting when I was a child, and today, I decided to put it to the test," looking at Yuichi, who peers down at you with curious eyes. "Are you familiar with how business people work?" Yuichi turned away, even more confused, as he wasn't well-versed or educated in an area that wasn't his expertise. "You know how when a robber or criminal is going to rob you, they always announce it and hold a weapon against you?" The man nodded, "But when it comes to business people, they'll steal it right before you without saying many things, even if you do or don't realize."
Yuichi: "So you're saying you're going to steal?"
You: "Do you consider being persuasive with words stealing?"
Yuichi: "I mean, it is under the pretense, so kind of, I guess?"
You laugh, "I'm going to make them give it to me; if not, I can always gamble it."
Yuichi did a double take, "You're scary when you want to be." The man didn't expect this from you, but he felt you change a little. Yuichi often spends time with you helping those who are in need, and seeing you taking charge of something for real is uncalled.
The both of you walk a bit further until you've reached a run-down inn. Seeing the worn-out sign of the inn's name hanging up at the entrance tells you how long it was in business. Stepping inside the inn, you could see the wooden beams and pillars were also worn out. There were chips here and there, and even the tables and chairs were old.
"Hello? Anyone?" Yuichi calls out into the empty room before someone emerges from the back. You assume it was the owner. They're in their mid-fifties when you could spot specks of grey in their dark hair and fine lines marring their tan face. The owner's eyes speak of years of hardship in this world. "You remember when I said I would bring a friend, right?"
"Go away; the place is not for sale." The owner motioned his arms to shoo you and Yuichi away.
"Business is not good, I'm assuming?" You question the owner while your eyes still trace around and find no soul or customer in the room.
"It is doing good, just that you're in the way." The owner bites back. He grabs a nearby broom and kicks your foot out of the way with it, and sweeps the front and entrance.
Yuichi leans over to you and whispers in your ear while his eyes linger on the old man, "How about we just go look at the other ones?"
Clicking your tongue, you brush him off, "Sir," you turn around to meet the older man with a smile and try to present an air of friendliness. "How about a game?" You're just going straight for the jugular at this point; no need to play coy, yet, with a stubborn man.
"Game? I don't have time for that," refusing you, you held your smile.
"Well, if you win, I won't bother you again, and it would be a shame if this place were to shut down. I could tell a lot of history and time were poured into this place. Not many know how to run an inn, let alone for more than several generations." Your words seem to catch their ears as you swipe a finger across a table, seeing grey coating your fingertip. "Also heard that if you fail to pay this month's rent, you'll be evicted." Innocently smiling, you could see the older man fuming, "Competition is sure rough around these parts, isn't it?"
Old man: "Who are you?"
You: "A buyer. A renter, of course."
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"You know a lot more than you let on," The man-trained eyes pierced your own; he couldn't read your orbs. "Then I'll entertain you as long as you're out of my hair."
Conversing with the man, you and he repeatedly placed the black-and-white pieces of smooth small stones on the board until it was nearly filled. Yuichi, who was watching from the side with his eyes zoning onto the Go board, then it flicked back and forth in between you and the older man.
"Ah! I give up! Name your price," the owner fickled out and grabbed a nearby heated pot, and poured himself a drink. He was trying to calm that irregular heart of his that could lead to a potential heart attack.
You trace the board and see how the majority of your white pieces were constantly surrounding and consuming his black pieces. The man was already defeated ten different times, but you just prolonged it. You must thank Sukuna for teaching you (not like you're ever going to) if he wasn't pestering you when he had nothing else to do. The game Go was introduced to Sukuna by the Chinese who came to do trading, and Sukuna, who has a penchant for mind-stimulating things, didn't hesitate to take it. The man didn't regret it; if not, he put all his war tactics and strategies onto that board when playing against the Chinese traders and conquering them as if it was a real battle.
"I won't directly buy the place; if renting would suffice you. You would still be the owner, but co-owner, at least." The man was about to speak up, but you raised a hand, saying you're not done. "I'm looking into putting interest and investing," standing up from your seat, you examine many things in the room. "But to do that, we need to start working from the bottom and up. We are not going to get rid of everything, but we could still keep the rustic feeling this place have. This place needs major improvement."
After going over things with them, you could tell that they were much more relaxed, not by a lot, although.
"I won't always be able to come and check up on this place; I'll be sending-" patting Yuichi's chest with a few hits; he didn't expect that, "-this guy in my stead along with a letter of instructions of how to keep this place afloat. I'll also desire a report from you too, sir."
"Taiju. Taiju Mori." Finally introduced himself, and you nodded in acknowledgment.
"As your employer, Seijuro Hajime, it's nice meeting you," telling him your alias, you headed off with Yuichi.
Once you're at a distance, Yuichi stops in front of you. "Now I'm your messenger?" He asks in disbelief when pointing at himself, as he can't believe all the roles you're giving him. "You know I am-"
Cutting Yuichi off, you told him, "You're being paid for your hard work with free lodging at the inn, also with the all-you-can-eat-and-drink too."
Yuichi: "Sold."
You laugh, and that shuts him up quickly. Before you can enjoy your outing more, the shadow becomes longer and darker, with the night coming faster along the chilly winds. The burnt orange sky is cast above the horizon with the setting sun. Patrol guards were roaming out in the streets now to switch their routines. "We have to hurry back." Around this time is when Sukuna usually sends guards from the castle to escort you back home too.
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Sukuna has just come back from one of his concubine's rooms. For they have just successfully given birth to his child, he was there to name them. Roaming the hall, he noticed that your quarter was quiet when he came across, "Has Lady (Name) not home yet?" The surrounding servants and guards shook their heads rapidly, indicating a 'no' as they were afraid to look him in the eyes.
It wasn't until you came into view the retainers finally let out a sigh of relief. "My Lady!" They shout in unison, one after another. You try not to let your discomfort and hostility show when you spot Sukuna, and the man notices how your eyes seem to harden. He smiles at that.
"You came back later than usual (Name)," Sukuna then waved a hand, "you all are dismissed; I wish to be alone with my wife." All the servants nodded once and single-file out of your quarter to idle on another job or chore, waiting for them. Yumi was the last one to leave. "I've missed you ever since you left me this morning at the hunting ground," he proclaimed, taking long strides to reach you, and you steel yourself when Sukuna suddenly wrapped his arms around you. "Be a dear and entertain me tonight, would you?"
Ripping yourself from his hold, your eyes quiver with rage. "I'm not your womb breeder nor your cunt warmer," sneering at him, Sukuna let out a breathy laugh.
"I thought you had lost your fire for a moment," he moves a hand to caress your face you slap it away harshly.
You: "Don't touch me."
Sukuna's displeasure was partially showing, and before you could react any further, he held both sides of your face, "I've been very patient with you." Rapid as lightning, he brought his lips onto yours, and your eyes widened in surprise. You are tugging and trying to pull yourself away from him, but he grips your face even tighter than before. The taste of lingering sweet and bitter alcohol from Sukuna's tongue attaches to your tongue too. Both yours and his feet were awkwardly dancing around to find proper footing as you swerved and hit a wall. Sukuna takes the leisure of your gasping moment, the need for air to implore more of your cavern as he trails one hand down your face, then it once again snakes around your waist.
Pulling you close as possible, he grips the obi sash. "I'm not going to take a no from you," he spoke in between the kisses, and he hoisted you by the waist and quickly took you to your room with you protesting and screaming obscenities at him.
Your people rounded the corner, popping their heads to see just in time for the outer layer of Sukuna's hakama floating through the air before it was cut off by your door slamming shut and echoing in the hallways. They had never seen Sukuna act like this before; for all they knew, it was always being sweet towards you, but seeing how rambunctious their master was made everyone's mouths open in disbelief.
Around the same time, it was time for the evening lunch for everyone. With your and Sukuna's empty seat, Eisha asks a nearby manservant, "Where is the Lord and Lady (Name)?"
The manservant was hesitant to say anything as they opened their mouth a few times before uttering a sentence. "T-The Lord and Lady (Name) won't be dining tonight." Eisha raised her brow, and the man inch closer until he was whispering to her what was going on, and Eisha balled her fists. Fits of jealousy and anger slowly drown her. Masking her face with a look of understanding, she dismisses him, and they quickly wait on the sideline.
"Everyone, it seems like we will be dining without Lord Sukuna and Lady (Name)." A murmur of slight groans and agitation filled the air. Eisha picked up her pair of chopsticks, and the rest followed suit.
Back to you...after a few hours
Sukuna pinned you beneath him; his callous hand had both your wrists bound above your head while one tightly gripped your sweltering hip. Your face was flushed, and your chest was heaving out of breath, but you were stubborn in not making any noises. Sukuna, although successfully tearing one or two or more out of you. You were quick to shut up by biting your lips until you felt they were bleeding.
Sweat trickled down his body and dropped onto yours as he felt another one coming close, and so did yours; Sukuna lost track of time when the sun disappeared, and the full moon rose high in the night sky.
Rutting into you like you both were the only ones in the world, Sukuna tried to prolong the upcoming orgasm as long as possible, but it was inevitable. The fire in your belly was about to erupt again, and you knew. Trying to squirm away, Sukuna grunts out for you to stay still as he tries to chase after his high and make yours come along with his when he starts to pace himself faster.
You hate it when he keeps brushing your sensitive spot, abusing it to no end, and your sanity waning each time. So you turn your head to the side to hide. He already attained it with his fingers to prepare you, and now he is plowing you like an open field in different ways.
Sukuna suddenly stutters his hip forward to meet yours, and you yelp when your thighs tense up and enclose his well-defined waistline. He lets out a throaty and breathy groan when finally filling you up again with your walls gripping his shaft.
Letting go of your wrists, Sukuna stilled for a moment before getting off you and seeing how soiled the futon was from the love-making. You had your eyes close; brows pinched together. Whether it was from trying to regain yourself or you being angry for letting this happen, Sukuna saw how your emotions were all over the place—the aftermath of all.
He combed a hand through his slick, drenched hair; the scent of two body that was once conjoined still permeates through the atmosphere. "Grab me and Lady (Name) some refreshments," Sukuna demands, many feet shifting outside the screen door; after a rendezvous, he feels an appetite for his pipe too.
"Get out," you speak up, voice rather tired.
"Not until you're properly taken care of," Sukuna threw your nagujaban on top of you before grabbing and wearing his own.
"My Lord," a muffled voice was heard outside, and Sukuna went to slide the door a fraction. He grabs the refreshments and uses his frame to block out any onlookers before closing the door with a snap shut.
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You viciously avoided Sukuna to prevent yourself from doing something stupid like wringing his neck or poisoning his food. To keep yourself busy, you had often gone out more and kept tabs on the inn as it made progress on attracting more customers and former locals.
You were thinking about improving the inn more until an ingratiating voice appeared behind you.
"Ah, I thought it was Concubine Sei, but it's only you, Lady (Name)," you turn around to meet the lavender eyes of Concubine Sena, who is holding a newborn in her arms with a sardonic grin. She hushes the squirming child and pats its bottom. "Don't know why Lord Sukuna kept you around when you can't produce him an heir. I'm starting to think that you're a barren woman."
You only chide with a side smirk. Out of all the concubines who would talk back to you is Concubine Sena. "I'm glad you finally developed awareness or critical thinking; tell me something I don't know." That wipe off the smirk from his face quickly. "I was almost worried for a second if you're going to be like me, childless too, but fate had decided to bestow you a second child."
Sena: "What are you inquiring about? Are you cursing my child? Lord Sukuna would hear from me about you cursing my son!"
Sniggering at her with a laugh, you brought up a hand to hide the laughter before continuing, "I wasn't going to stoop this low, but I'll say it since I'm feeling petty and far from my acting like a (Surname) clanswoman," taking a step closer to her until she feels threatened, Sena held her son tightly and close to her chest. "Hope that your child here lives passed three moons, unlike your first one, don't want history to repeat itself since your Hanamiya women are reputable for bad luck."
"How dare you!" Sena seeth out, "Servants! Held down this woman and slapped her foul mouth!" A few made advances, but you cut it short.
"Touch me and see what happens when Lord Sukuna finds out." They all stumble in their steps and refuse to take another out of fear, "I may not share the same affections he has for me, but I am very much favor unlike you." Then your face changes instantly, cold and calculating. "How long have you been wanting him but still haven't got it? We both arrived and married Sukuna at the same time at the tender age of eighteen, and his eyes are always on me." Feigning a sad expression, you place a hand on your chest, depicting a wound over your heart. "How sad you'll always come second to me."
Sometimes you don't like using Sukuna's name aimlessly like this, but it's worth it to make them or anyone like Sena back off.
After all, you have elsewhere to be and time better spent on.
Taglist: @sukunasobject @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy @pinkrose1422 @skepticalleo @please-help-therapy-needed @whatsonthemirror @krispsprite @loser-alert @saturnknows @samidrc @littlemochi @akigoat @mxghostbee @rose4958 @shadowywizardarcade @huicitawrites @baji-keisukes-wife @choso-wifey @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @sanderaen @peonnnny @tiredlattes @waytomanyhusbands @whatamidoing89 @utena-akashiya @outrofenty @welcometodemonschoolfan @im-a-killer-queen
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warmaidensrevenge · 8 months
It's not a never
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Pairing: Eddie x friend!fem plus size reader
A/N: Hi! So I lied. This is gonna be a three part series. I was getting a little carried away with everything I wanted to put in this fic. So that pushed it out to one more part. Tonight's part is basically filler. Just a heads up this is a slow burn. So if you don't like that kind of fic, this one is not for you. Anyways, thanks for reading. As always love ya. Byyyyeeeee
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,230
Warnings: 18+ no minors please. Language, angst, pinning, slow burn, slight fluff and not proof read.
Summary: A trip to be remembered and a confession that leaves Eddie puzzled.
Part 2
Bags were packed and loaded. Snacks and drinks were bought. A Ziploc bag full with coins for tolls and a map were in Eddie's glove box. And hours of music were picked. All that was left was to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. 
This senior ditch day was going to be epic. Months and months of saving and scrimping was all going to be worth it. 3 days of total and complete freedom. The road trip of a lifetime. One last hurrah. Together. 
Only this was gonna be tough. Being in close quarters with you for 3 whole days. How was he gonna deal?
Lately he was doing pretty good at keeping his feelings at bay… well that wasn't true. You had left for a week after the senior outing to visit the college you got into.
He missed you more than ever. But over those few days, he reflected back on everything. Sure how he now felt about you came unexpectedly. Still, he never wanted to be with anyone more. Especially since he realized you were perfect for each other.
However if he decided to make a move, there was no certainty that you would be up for it. Also, what would it do to the friendship? You guys had been friends way too long. It would be awkward. 
So he chose to push all that he felt away and enjoy this last trip with his friends.
It was 4 am on Friday and everyone was ready to hit the road. You had just hopped in the passenger seat with a huge thermos of coffee. 
“ Sorry. Thy birth giver wanted to pray for safe travels and a safe return.”
Eddie smiled. “ Welp, hopefully one of the pagan gods heard her.”
You turned around and offered up some coffee and donuts to everyone. When you turned back, you pulled out the map.
“ Okay Eddie. Please for the love of all that is holy. Please don't kill us.”
He chuckled. “ Ye have little faith kid.”
You rolled your eyes and took a bite of a donut and pointed forward. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone whooped and hollard. “New York! Here we come!”
3 hours later
“Oh crap! Munson please!” Jeff whimpered.
Gareth backed away a little. “ Man oh man. I told you not to have that second cup of coffee.” 
Eddie shook his head while you were laughing your butt off.
“ Calm down.” He said. “ The next gas station in 3 miles out.”
“ I-I don't think I- I can hold it!” Jeff stammered.
“ YOU BETTER!” Grant yelled.
You turned around. “ Guy, guys guys!” It's gonna be fine. Jeffrey. 2 ½ minutes. You can do this. Just squeeze.” 
You looked back at Eddie and just grinned away. All he could think about was how nice your eyes looked. 
As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, Jeff kicked open the back door and ran into the store.
Once Eddie turned off the engine everyone sat there quietly for a few seconds before laughing like crazy.
When it died down you guys got off to move your legs around.
Eddie went to fill up while the other guys went to see about some real breakfast. 
He had just put in the gas nozzle and turned to find you doing toe touches.
He shouldn't have done it, but he did. He checked you out. Loving how your leggings hugged your round bottom. How beautifully wide your hips were.
When you stood back up you walked towards him.
“ Eddie? Can you pop my back?”
He nodded and took a step closer to you. “ Turn around and cross your arms around your chest.”
Once you did as you were instructed, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He then took a deep inhale in and caught a whiff of your shampoo. He instantly got goose flesh. 
Stop it! He told himself.
After lifting you up for a second, he quickly put you back down. Your bottom brushed his lower half in the process. 
His hands fell down to your hips. He mentally had to tell himself to not pull you to him.
“ W-was that okay?” He nervously asked.
You turned around and nodded. Bodies only inches apart.
“ So much better. Thank you.”
He stared at your lips as you spoke. Were they always so full? They definitely looked incredibly soft.
“ G-good.” He stuttered as he kept looking at your mouth and thinking.
“Eddie? You okay? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“ Hmm?” He met your gaze. “ Yeah. No. Yeah. You're good. I just ummm…sorry I was just trying to decide if I should take a leak.” 
“ Alright dude." You held up your hand. " Too much info. Go, I'll finish pumping.” 
With that said he practically ran away. Rushing into the first stall that was empty. While sighing deeply he cursed himself. He really wanted to kiss you.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a god awful stench.
“ UGH! Jeff what the hell man?! Ever heard of a courtesy flush?”
“ S-sorry man.”
Eddie smiled when he saw the buildings in the distance. He looked at you and your eyes were so big. 
“ Guys look! We're almost there.” You said excitedly. 
Gareth moved between you and him. “ Awwwww yeah baby. Just think, in a couple of weeks we're moving here.”
Eddie caught a sad look on your face. He knew how bad you wanted to go to Columbia. To be close to them while they followed their dreams to be rockstars. But things didn't work out. Instead, you were going to a college on the west coast. 
It was a good school. Everyone knew that. It had a great biology and geology department. Something you were excited about. Still, you were scared because you didn't know anyone there. Everyone you knew and loved would be on the other side of the country.
That's why Eddie understood the sad face. He remembered conversations he had with you about it. He remembered wiping away your tears as you told him about your rejection from Columbia. And though he was the one to talk you into getting some California sun, he now realized he didn't want you to go either.
He tapped your knee and started writing.
‘ okay?’
You peered out the front windshield and slightly shook your head. Then you put your hand on his and squeezed it gently. Letting him know you would be fine. 
He knew you would be. You were awesome and you would make friends easily. It's just now he didn't know if he would be okay without you.
You put your finger against your lips.“ Shhhh! Guys I know you're freaking out, but I need you to trust me.”
Everyone was following you down these concrete hallways for a good 5 minutes now. After checking into the hotel and getting food, they had all found themselves sneaking into a building.
Jeff was the first to doubt you. But as soon as a security officer came close to catching you guys, everyone tried to convince you to turn back.
Eddie looked into your eyes and nodded. “ Okay.” He whispered. “ If we go to jail, it better be worth it.”
You held out your hand for him. “ It will be. I promise.”
Your hand was everything he thought it would be. Soft, warm and fit perfectly in his. He swore he would follow you anywhere if it meant that he could hold your hand. 
Once you guys were finally in the spot, you told them to stay put. When you let go of his hand, he now felt like a part of him was missing. 
You were only gone for a second. But in those few moments they had all realized where they snuck into.
Eddie was speechless. There were absolutely no words that could describe how he felt. 
A few spot lights turned on. Pointing directly in the middle of a huge stage.
You returned on top of it. “ So?”
“ Shit!” They all said in unison.
You gave them a huge smile. “ I know right? Obviously you guys can't perform or anything like that. But I wanted the first time you step foot in here, that it's with your biggest support. Cuz I know one day I'm going to be standing right there… screaming my head off.”
They looked at the spot where you pointed. It was right in front of the platform.
You locked eyes with him.“ So get up here and take it in.”
The guys looked at each other then ran to get up too. Once up there you asked for help getting down. You then watched them laugh and wrestle playfully.
“ Alright freaks!” You announced. “ Imagine this.  Every seat is full. And the floor is packed with bodies. All waiting for you.” 
They all stared at you after moving to their respective place. As if they're standing by their instruments.
“ The crowd is chanting. Corroded Coffin. Corroded Coffin….Then the lights go out. The ones that are sitting jump up and everyone screams in anticipation. But then... it goes silent…”
Eddie pictured everything. It was all him and the guys ever wanted.
“ Then they hear you.” You point at Gareth. “ Then you.” You looked at Jeff. “ Then of course you bud.” You nodded towards Grant. “ And finally the strum of a guitar along with oooooohhhhs and awwwws from you.”
Eddie finally had your eyes on him. And he knew right then and there that he was in love with you. It wasn't just a silly crush anymore. It was the real thing. The can't eat, can't sleep, the winning touchdown, the home run, the one in a lifetime love.
He loved you because you loved them. You believed in them. And the way you laid out the scene with so much conviction, it had him convinced that they were gonna make it too.
You smiled at him and continued. “ And while you blow off the roof of this place, the crowd sings and sways with you."
Later that night everyone settled into the shared room. Gareth and Jeff in one bed, Eddie and Grant on the sofa bed. And of course being the only female of the group they gave you your own bed.
Eddie has just come out of the shower to find everyone asleep. Except you. You weren't even in the room.
He looked at Grant who took up the whole bed and he sighed. Looked like he was gonna sleep on the floor. 
He waited a minute to see if you would come back but after about 5 minutes, he went to look for you.
You weren't far though. He found you sitting on the steps reading something.
“ Hey kid. Whatcha doin?”
You gave him a quick little smile before looking back at your book. “ Uhhhh nothing really. Just checking out courses.” 
He sat next to you and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Before he could light one you plucked it from his mouth.
“ No you promised. No smoking on this trip.”
He gave you a thin lip before taking back the smoke and returning it to the carton.
“ You really should quit. I don't want to see you end up with an oxygen tank.”
He put the pack back in his pocket. “ One day. I promise.”
You flipped a page. “ I'll keep you to that.”
You guys sat quiet. Listen to the bustle of the city. Eddie was trying to gather the courage to tell you how he felt. But he was scared. What if he took a leap of faith and it turned ugly? What if you did like him the way he liked you and things didn't work out? Or what if his confession lead to you guys not being friends anymore?
Doubt filled his thoughts. But then a bit of hope shined on him. What if it did work out? What if you guys made it past the long distance thing and were truly happy together? What if this love was meant to be?
“ Eddie?”
His inner rambling came to a halt. “ Y-yeah?”
You closed your book and started fidgeting with the corners. “ You know you're my best friend right?”
He softly cleared his throat. “ Yeah.”
“ And we always tell each other everything.”
He nodded. “ Yeah.”
You sighed a little. “ So you know that I have family out here….well my uncle actually works as a security guard at the garden. He worked tonight…he knew we were coming and he did me a solid…we wouldn't have gotten in trouble if we got caught.”
For a second there his heart sank. He thought you were gonna say that you liked him too. But then he smiled and wrapped his arms around you. 
“ I'm really gonna miss you.” He said softly.
You hug his waist. “ I think I'll miss you more.”
The hug lasted a minute or so, but it was the best damn hug he had ever had. And when you tried pulled away he hugged you tighter. Making you giggle. 
When he finally loosen his grip, you stared deeply into his eyes. The way you sat there, it was like your eyes were trying to tell him something your mouth couldn't. It was almost as if you were asking him to kiss you.
He was gonna go for it. He was gonna take that leap. However the second he leaned in you yawned. Pulling completely away from him so you wouldn't do it in his face.
“ Wow I'm beat. We should get some sleep. Big day in Time's Square tomorrow."
He frowned at the fleeding moment that seemed to be fate. 
“ Yeah you're probably right.” He conceded to it. “ You think you could lend me a pillow and that blanket you brought?”
You looked at him and raised a brow. Silently asking why?
“ Gonna crash on the floor. Grant's a bed hog.”
You laughed lightly and yawned again. “ No. You can sleep with me.”
His breath hitched in his throat while asking a shaky. “ W-what?”
You grinned and stood up, holding out your hand. “ Like when we were kids. If you're worried that I'll get handsy then we can make a pillow barrier.”
He chuckled. “ Maybe I like handsy.”
He regretted it as soon as it came out.
The silence that followed his comment nearly made him shit a brick. You stood there with an almost visible question mark above your head.
Shit! He thought. Shouldn't have said that.
You then shook your head and laughed. “ Stop being weird and take my hand.”
He practically wiped his brow and said whew before grabbing your hand. Allowing you to lead him back.
He laid there for a while thinking about all that happened. He couldn't believe he was gonna kiss you before telling you how he felt. That wasn't the guy he was. He always made sure he got consent. And with you it would be no different. All he had to do was get some real alone time with you so he can finally say something.
When we get home. He said to himself. 
He heard you sigh and felt you move a bit. Then he felt your arm sliding across his stomach. Without thinking he lifted his arm and gently pulled you closer. Slipping his arm under your head. 
Both of you sank further into the bed. He smiled and his last thought before falling asleep was how much he loved you.
The next day and a half was the best in his life. Exploring the city, eating the best pizza and getting some information about playing at clubs when they moved there. It was fantastic. 
Now it was time to head home and finish up the school year.
The drive seemed longer this time. More quiet. And he knew why. In exactly 2 weeks things were going to be different. Everyone was going to graduate and their adult lives were going to start. For a long time he couldn't wait to get the hell out of Hawkins. So did his friends. But now that it was happening, it was so hard to see the next chapter. Well with this little monster of love inside him.
When it was time to switch off. Jeff and Grant traded places with you and him.
You guys crawled in the back with the sleeping Gareth and tried to catch some z's. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and started to hum a familiar tune. He put his hand on your knee and started tapping to the beat. He caught a small smile from you. 
“ Hey Jeff? Could you drop me off first when we get into town?” you asked.
“No problem.”
You went back to humming and Eddie was trying to figure out what exactly he was gonna say. Before he knew it he was sound asleep with you. 
Until he heard the vans break squeak to a stop. 
He opened his eyes and saw they were in front of your house. You had just opened the door and hopped out. 
Though he wanted this to be a private moment, it was now or never.
He sat up and followed you. “ I need a minute man.” He said to Jeff. “ Hold up kid. I'll help you.”
You tried to refuse his help in carrying your duffle bag, but he could see you were too tired to try.
You stoped on at your doorstep and reached for your bag. “ Thanks Eddie.”
He handed you the bag and took a deep breath. Just as you turned to open the door he said your name.
“ Yeah?”
His eyes fell to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck. “ Uhhhh nevermind. I'll tell you later.”
You cleared your throat gently and took a step towards him. “ I hate when you do that.”
His gaze shot up to yours. “ D-do what?”
You put your free hand on your hip. “ When you look like you have something important to say then just brush it off…Just tell me because I'm gonna be up all night wondering what you wanted to say.”
He looked away and stood quiet for a few seconds. “ I-I’ve been acting different lately.”
“ I know.”
He met your eyes again. “ Yeah?”
You didn't say anything, but he knew that you did.
“ So I-” he cut off. Suddenly his nerves were getting the best of him. “ I don't- ummm shit…I- well the reason…damn it! I cant- I don't know-”
You grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it. Letting him know that it was okay. To calm down and take a breath.
He took a deep inhale and slowly let it out. “ I think possibly, maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
Your expression after that gave him a sinking feeling. You didn't feel the same.
Your frown said it all.
“ I'm sorry. I-I just needed to say something.”
You nodded but surprisingly you didn't let go of his hand. You were actually staring at his hand in yours.
“Eddie…I want to talk more about this. But I can't even think straight and my knees are about to give in.”
That wasn't what he was hoping for. 
“Right! Umm yeah. Sorry, just forget I said anything.” He said trying to walk away. 
But you held his hand firmly. Preventing him from taking a step further. “ No. Don't do that.”
He looked back at you and you had your eyes closed. 
“ Eddie, this is important. If it wasn't then you wouldn't have said anything at all…This deserves a real conversation that I can't give you right now. So please don't leave thinking that I don't feel the same way."
He was in disbelief. Did he hear that right?
You gave his hand one last squeeze before letting go and going inside.
He stood there staring at the door. Did he dream that? You like him too?
Gareth rolled down the window. “ Munson, let's go. I wanna go home!”
He sighed and smiled to himself. " Y-yeah. Okay."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @crookedcrone
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cookieswithay · 1 year
"The happy feelings club!"
🧡Ichigo x Orihime🧡 Ichihime fic
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💝Episode 1: The gingers meet!
• Ichigo's pov!
• "Don't let it happen again, Kurosaki."
• "Yeah, yeah. It won't."
• Once again, I'm leaving the principal's office. But at least I got sent for actual reason this time.
• Hi there, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. Near straight A student. I got 2 sisters and 1 insane dad. And I'm a natural carrot top. You'd think with my high grades and all, teachers wouldn't pay me any mind. But no. I'm on everyone's radar. The color orange means trouble. Everyone picks a fight. But, I know how to win this messed up game...most of the time.
• "Did you hear? That guy punched someone."
• "No way, that's horrible."
• "Whispers" aren't anything new, but this rumor has truth in it. (Although those girls could at least TRY to be quiet) The "guy" I punched, was some loser who thought he could get handsy with the girls in my class. I don't know them very well, but I'm not a fan of hearing my classmates scream. So I took care of him. Nice and quick.
• (Tatsuki wanted to kill him, so I just took the fall.)
• "Oh no,"
• One of the girls griped.
• "Here comes that orange haired girl again."
• Orange haired girl? This cruddy school has one? Since when? I turned around and sure enough, there's a carrot top! She's running down the hall...towards me. I...should run, but... My feet feel stuck to the ground. She screeches to a halt and fell to her knees panting. So...she shouldn't of ran that fast. A few minutes passed and she's still wheezing. Damn, is she okay?
• "Um, are you okay?"
• Orihime's pov
• My lungs...are burning! But...I wanna...pass...these out! My name is Orihime Inoue! I have a busy older brother and I'm new to this school! I also like "weird combinations" of food. (Sweet treats ramen is so tasty!) And last but not least, I'm in charge of the happy feelings club! A blissful hour of doing your favorite things at school! All I need to do is get 3 more members and we can stay afloat. Hence my constant flyer passing! Like right now. But, I REALLY need to...catch...my breath. This tall guy...looks real nice.
• "Should I get the nurse...?"
• (Ichigo said that) Ah! Not the nurse again! I'll get scolded! I shot up. And I was face to face with a...with a...super cute boy. His hair is orange too...And...he probably has girlfriend! Don't wanna get my hopes up for nothing! I scrambled to my feet. I'm not dirty, am I?
• "Hi!"
• I said, flashing my persuasion smile. (It always works!)
• "I'm Orihime Inoue and I run the happy feelings club!"
• The cutie noodle looked confused. But, that's okay. It's a new club, so of course he never heard of it. This is what flyers are for! I pulled one from my backpack.
• "The details are on here."
• I gave it to him, nearly touching his long fingers. He's reading in his head. ...Why am I so NERVOUS!? He's reading the flyer! Not looking at me! Should I run!? Hide? Pass out!?
• "Ah-em."
• Huh?
• "Yes?"
• Did I say that too fast? He had on a half smile.
• "The meetings are after-school on fridays and wednesdays, right?"
• I nodded. My favorite days of the week.
• "Good, I'll be there."
• Oh..my...gosh! A new member! After two weeks of demanding nicely, someone finally joined-
• Ichigo's pov
• Out of nowhere, Orihime fell into my chest. It hurt but...some softer things touched me too. ...Holy crap! What do I do? Move her? Ask if she's okay? What am I saying, of course I check if she's alright! ...Um. Where to tap? I don't wanna make her uncomfortable or anything. Suddenly, she popped up and...looks raring to go like she didn't just fall? What is this girl?
• I was gonna actually ask that, but someone caught my eye. It was that one black haired chick with the fuchsia eyes. She's snickering with her tomboy friend. (Menoly, she goes to Tatsuki's boxing class.) Why...is that ticking me off? ...Whatever, whatever. Back to Orihime.
• "Orihime-"
• I paused. She looked...hateful and she was gripping her hair. And that's kinda hot. Not angry, but not fully sad either. But, what's the hair clutching about. ...I get it! Those two owe her money. Of course. I would be furrowing my brow too if I was in this situation. Man, people are so cheap nowadays.
• "Ah-em."
• I looked down straight into Orihime's big brown eyes. Shit, she's pretty. She looked down at a hip and back up at me. Ah! I haven't let her go! I stumbled back, muttering a apology. Damn, I'm bad at this.
• "So, I'll see you after school?"
• I said somewhat cooly. She nodded, with the biggest smile on her face. I couldn't help but laugh. Seriously, what is this girl? I just felt like ass a minute ago and now I feel like I won the lottery.
• Rinnnnng!
• That's the bell. Here dies my good mood. I looked back at Orihime.
• "Um, bye."
• I couldn't of said anything smoother than that!?
• "Bye!"
• "See you after school!"
• I waved and watched her skip off to whatever class she's in. Huh, I'm actually looking forward to the club thing.
• A few hours later
• Orihime's pov
• "So, tell me more about this hunk you met."
• Um...I did, did I say hunk? He's just really, really handsome is all. I pulled some games out of the cabinet.
• "He was really just nice, Rangiku."
• (Rangiku is one of my favorite upper classmen. She's nice and taught me how to get on Mr. Hitsugaya's good side! He gives out snacks! And she has a thing for Sora. She said she's gonna get serious soon.)
• "Men are nice,"
• She said, leaning on the table.
• "But they all have little quirks and one of your mystery man's caught your eye."
• She...got me there. I really like his hair...and his face. Plus his voice too. She opened her arms up.
• "Come here, tell me all about it."
• I sighed and laid in her squishy embrace. This is probably my favorite thing about Rangiku. She so soft! I could almost...fall asleep on her... Suddenly, I felt hands on my sides. Oh no. She's gonna tickle me again!
• "Don't fall asleep on me now, Orihime~!"
• "I wanna hear all about your little crush."
• Eeeek! I don't wanna pee! Again.
• "Rangiku, stop it!"
• I said through laughs. My uniforms gonna get all crinkly! I tried to push her away, but she laid me on the table!
• "Wow, your skin is so smooth. What lotion do you use?"
• The answer is Cloudy delight moisturizer, but I can't breathe from too much laughter! Suddenly, she stops. Thank goodness. My bladder couldn't take too much more.
• "Oh shit..."
• She mumbled. Wait? What's wrong? I grabbed onto Rangiku's arm, pulling myself up. Is it a teacher? It was just tickling-
• It's the cute guy from earlier in the door way.
• (And two guys I ran into at lunch.)
• Ichigo's pov
• I'm sure my face is beet red. But, I mean, come on! It's my first seeing two girls ontop of one another. (I'm not a adult film kinda guy) My hand shook on the doorknob.
• "Um...is this a bad time-"
• Suddenly, Keigo's hand was on my mouth.
• "Shut up, Ichigo! This is a once in a lifetime moment!"
• "Don't mess this up!"
• He shouted, while yanking me down. What the f-!? Mizuro put his hand over my mouth too.
• "Please ladies, continue,"
• "We don't mind."
• The older girl snickered.
• "Well, I guess we could do a little a something."
• She said, while tugging on her shirt. Orihime squeaked from under her. She looked just as embarrassed as me. That's it. This ends now. I bit down on one of Keigo's finger.
• "Ouch!"
• I shot up.
• "Knock it off!"
• I snapped. Man, this is a bad look for me. I'm flushed. Probably sweating now. And I had yet another "loud outburst". (Counseling stuff, don't ask.) Orihime's gonna think I'm crazy. The blonde burst into laughter.
• "Easy, easy, kiddo,"
• She crawled off the table. And Orihime.
• "I already have a guy I'm into, so calm down."
• She must a upperclassmen. No one my age would talk down to me like that. She strolled over, sizing me up. ...What's happening right now? She reached out and...patted my head?
• "No wonder a certain somebody likes you!"
• "You're adorable."
• What the- I am not adorable. I pushed her hand away.
• "Who're you anyway?"
• Yeah, I'm done being polite.
• Orihime's pov
• "I'm Rangiku Matsumoto. The prettiest 3rd year."
• As she introduced herself, I sat up and fixed my clothes. (My underwear wasn't out, was it!?) That was embarrassing. Hopefully mr. unknown doesn't think I'm in love with Rangiku or something. Or a creepy pervert. I'm being crazy. If he ask, I'll explain. Easy peasy.
• "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for intruding,"
• I turned around. She's gonna leave!?
• "You two have fun,"
• Fun? (Why'd she say it like that!?)
• "And you two are gonna clean up with me!"
• The brown haired guy looked horrified.
• "You're a total hottie, but-"
• Rangiku snatched him by collar and pulled threw the door. He was screaming alot. (The other guy followed with no complaints.)
• "Bye bye, you too~!"
• She shut the door, leaving us in quietness.
• "I'm sorry about my friends."
• ...He's apologizing too?
• "No, no, it's my fault!"
• "Rangiku probably freaked you out."
• He turned red and shook his head.
• "It's fine, really."
• I nodded. And hello the crushing quietness. I looked around. What could we do? What's screams 'welcome new member'? Bingo! I grabbed the kitty notebooks.
• "Wanna draw cats with me?"
• He looked surprised, but smiled.
• "Why not?"
• Alright! Perfect time for my new scented markers! (Hopefully, they actually smell like their names.) I spread them out on the table and passed him a notebook. This is gonna be great! I'm great at drawing kitties!
• Ichigo's pov
• This takes me back. The markers. Cats. And the breeze outside. When I was younger and my sisters were like 4, my old man went out. (I dunno if it was shopping or doctor stuff.) But, he was taking awhile, so that freaked them out. And I remember pulling out my school books and markers. We drew for what felt hours. Needless to say, we had alot to show to dad. Heh, feels like forever ago. Although, I'm not any better at it. They still look like malnourished stick cats. Poor things.
• I looked over at Orihime. She was laser focused. I wanted to peek at her drawing but...I got lost. The afternoon sun made her look great. Ah, what am I doing!? I'm s'posed to be drawing right now. Suddenly, she shot up. I flinched. (Did she notice me?) She turned to me.
• "Do you hear that?"
• "Hear what?"
• I said way too casually.
• "Just listen."
• She whispered. So I did. ...What're we listening in for?
• Mew.
• Orihime grabbed my face and pointed towards the window.
• "It's there!"
• I pried her hands off and walked towards the window. What the- It's a frickin cat in the tree. (Cliché much?)
• But, how'd it get up HERE of all places? We're on the third floor!? Orihime popped out from under my arm.
• "I think I can grab it from here."
• What!? She tugged me back and lifted her leg on the windowsill. Hiking her skirt up with it. Oh hell no. I gripped her waist.
• "Orihime!"
• She turned around, looking genuinely confused. I snatched my hands back.
• "Lemme get the cat."
• Good excuse!
• "I'm taller."
• She nodded, and got back in. We swapped places.
• Orihime's pov
• "Let's make a plan."
• The mysterious prince said. He turned around, towering over me. Oh my...
• "I'll get the cat and you grab a teacher, okay?"
• "Okay!"
• I can do that!
• (I needed to give Mr. Kyõraku a assignment anyway)
• He smiled and stretched his long legs out the window. That's my cue to run like a track star!
• "Good luck!"
• I shouted and ran out the room. Just like earlier, I'm running down the hall. I'm hearing alot of not nice comments as I do, but I can't stop now. For the kitten's sake!
• A little more running later...
• "Mr. Shunsui!"
• He jumped and sat up straight. I slammed my hands on his desk.
• "I found a...a cat...I need...we..."
• I gotta...catch my breath! Just all the other times, I come in here, he chuckled.
• "Slow down, miss Inoue."
• He patted my head. (I'm kinda wheezing on his desk.)
• "I'm not going anywhere."
• My lungs are on FIRE, but...that guy probably has the cat already. And it could be hungry. I took a breath.
• "Me and this guy found a cat in a tree!"
• "A cat?"
• I nodded quickly.
• "On the 3rd floor too!"
• Mr. Shunsui stood and tugged his hair.
• "Oh boy."
• "Let's go find the kitty."
• Ichigo's pov
• This cat is putting up a fight. I know it's scared and all, but I seriously not being threatening. I'm even smiling! (That's what's scaring it, my guy) And what's really irritating is, I almost got it. I can literally poke it with my finger. But, I'm almost out the window. If I loose my footing, I'm dead.
• "Come here..."
• The cat meowed and hugged the branch tighter. Dammit...I got it! It's afraid to fall! Just like me. I can do this. I saved one of Karin's friend before. Still shaking like crazy, I lowered my hands.
• "Fall right here,"
• I said, in my softest voice.
• "You're gonna be okay..."
• Slowly, the cat began to relax. (Although It looked at me with a oddly expressive face as like it was trying to call bull shit.) After a little time, it fell into my hands. It's a tad heavy, but it's nothing I can't handle.
• Suddenly, my foot slipped.
• Am I falling out the window!?
• Yes I am.
• Everything moved extremely fast. I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die-!
• "Ichigo!"
• My leg was caught. I looked up.
• "Orihime?"
• (She knows my name?😳) She smiled.
• "You're gonna be okay!"
• A much bigger hand grabbed my other leg. I shivered. Which teacher did she bring!?
• "I gotcha kid."
• Ohh, it's Mr. Shunsui. (Glad she didn't get crazy Coach Zaraki)
• After a little pulling and touching places, I hoped no man would. I was back inside.
• But, without the cat. When did I drop it!
• Orihime's pov
• "Ichigo, what's wrong-"
• The cat.
• "Eeek! Where's the cat!?"
• We both pushed Mr. Shunsui out of the way and looked out the window. Where is it!? Where is it!? (I hope I'm not saying this outloud.)
• "There it is!"
• Ichigo shouted, pointing down. I hopped on his arm, getting a closer look. Down below, I saw a dark skinned guy with wavy hair. He had the kitty in his hands. (The poor thing was trembling) Have I met him before? He looked up at us.
• "Is this yours?"
• He called up. I shook my head.
• "I wish, but he's a stray we found in the tree!"
• I shouted back. I'm sure I know who he is. Mr. Shunsui scooted me over.
• "Son, could you be a dear and bring that cat up here?"
• He nodded and walked off. So did my teacher. I looked over at Ichigo. He was panting and sweating He looked my way and raised his hand.
• "Good job, we saved a cat."
• Oh, we're gonna high five. I only put my hand on his. I'm too tired to actually slap it.
• "Good job."
• I wheezed. He chuckled and looked back at the sunset. A light wind blew by. ...I'm so thankful for golden hour.
• "So, can I become a member?"
• Huh?
• "Of course!"
• "This is the most fun I had in weeks!"
• He looked over at me.
• "And cause your a nice guy!"
• I don't want him to think he's just a source of entertainment or anything. Ichigo stuck out his hand.
• "Agreed?"
• I smiled.
• "Agreed!"
• We shook hands.
• "Welcome to the happy feelings club."
• "Orihime,''
• (We're putting the stuff away.)
• "Yeah?"
• "How come you suddenly know my name?"
• I know I forgot to tell her about it. She thought for a moment.
• "The cat you drew earlier!"
• "You signed it."
• Ah, she saw it!?
• "That's great."
• I said with a fake smile. She nodded.
• "It's going on your nametag!"
• Huh!?
This was so long! But, y'know what, first episodes are always long. (And I may of done it on my tablet) Anyway, I really like this one. I can't wait for the next episode. Stay cool!
Little tag list: @elyonholic @o0o0thorn0o0o @ichihimelover1503 @takibikaen @usoppsstar
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Look upon my works all ye mighty and despair.
(The following is satire, I’m going to make a bloody artist’s statement about this.)
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[ID: The Thomas Jefferson Miku Binder meme edited to be of Jonah Magnus. He’s white, with brown hair, grey eyes, a shirt that says “I met God. She’s” and then a drawing of an eye, he’s wearing a green and black bracelet, blue trousers, an eye earring, and a blue binder with a Hatsune Miku design. His info says his name is Jonah Magnus; he speaks English and French; he’s male and uses he/him pronouns; he is trans, aro, and gay; and he is over 200 years old. The additional info says: born and raised in Manchester; Jewish; dating Albrecht von Closen, Barnabus Bennet, Sampson Kempthorne, and Robert Smirke; broke up with Jonathan Fanshawe; has a crush on Jonathan Sims; used to be addicted to “drug smoothies” (cannabis, coca, mescal, morphine, heroin); flamboyant & camp. /End ID]
If you take anything at all away from this post, I want to to be that you should absolutely Not headcanon Jonah Magnus as Jewish, like ever, please for the love of god do not.
The folks on the seasons on the archives discord (esp. @jewishjon @spirallingintotheabyss and @pocketsizedquasar ) encouraged, aided, and hated with a burning passion this. Also inspired. Blame them and me. We did this as a community. They came up with drug smoothie.
Anyway, see Sahar (poketsizedquasar)’s post about Jonah Magnus and why hc-ing him as a minority is fucked up. Also, just, um, take a good long think about why headcanoning him as Jewish is the fucking worst, and you should not! Holy crap.
Finally, if Jonny Sims sees this, I am so, so sorry, but I will never tag anything so you can’t see it, because I live on the edge.
This a work of satire, inspired by a conversation, inspired by a fic that sucked. It is parodying the headcanons around Jonah Magnus — a canonical abusive, white supremacist, capitalist — by comparing him to Thomas Jefferson, who was a real life person, and was a thousand times more fucked up by virtue of being from real life, and causing harm to real people. It’s a joke, but a joke with meaning behind it, urging people to read into the themes of a show before making headcanons that are actually super bigoted.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 5 months
Ginny the Gossip
The Heist Ch. 16
entire story(so far) can be read starting here.)
“What,” Seamus began as he pulled up several screens of security footage. “Do we do about Pansy?”
“What do we do about Astoria?” Ginny set down a tray of sandwiches she brought from the kitchen. Turkey and swiss cheese with mustard and tomato, cut into little triangles and divested of its crust.
Draco lifted one up and took a bite from a corner and leaned back in his chair behind the desk.
On the screens Seamus had set up was several visuals of the interior of Flamel’s home including the atrium, a parlor he apparently spent much time in, and his bedroom. The bedroom camera was placed by Draco and Theo last night during the gala.
Currently, Flamel wasn’t in the house, as he was at lunch with Zabini.
“What did she threaten you with?” Harry asked Draco as he settled onto the sofa with a sandwich.
Granger was avoiding the conversation, flipping through a book. Ignoring the longing looks from Theo and the provoking ones from Draco.
“She wants my ring.”
“What ring?” Theo asked, pulling his gaze from Granger.
“The one I would have given her, had I married her.”
“Why does she want that ring?” Teddy grabbed a second triangular sandwich and proceeded to stuff the entire thing into his mouth.
“It’s quite expensive.” Draco shrugged. “And if I give it to her, she would show up on the family Tapestry.”
“But you wouldn’t be marrying her.” Harry said it slowly. “Right?”
“Sliding that Malfoy ring onto a witches hand is as good as marrying her. It would bind her to me and my family.”
Granger’s eyes snapped up from the book in her lap.
“Why would she want to do that? It’s been ages since you two ended.” Ginny glanced over at Granger.
Draco shrugged and tossed the last bit of sandwich into his mouth and chewed, considering her question.
“She just wants access to the vaults.” Theo scowled and Draco nodded in confirmation.
“It would humiliate me, in her eyes.” He added. “My name has been burned off of the Malfoy tapestry. But hers wouldn’t be,”
“How would that work? Isn’t blood required for those sort of binding contracts?” Granger asked, finally unable to hold her tongue.
“It is. The ring will not go on without either of our blood being spilled.” He grinned at the absurdity of the situation. The entire thing was archaic and worked like a curse on both participants.
“How do you intend to take care of all this?” She glanced down to her lap.
“I intend to employee the work of a highly regarded Curse Breaker.” He dug his fingers into the pocket of his pants and pulled the ring he had retrieved from his home late last night.
When she looked up at him, he smiled.
Everyone looked at the ring he held up. It was a platinum ring with a large pure Columbian emerald and a diamond on either side.
Ginny gasped. “Holy crap. That thing must be worth hundreds of galleons!”
Draco sniffed and set it down on his desk. “It is.”
Granger stared at the ring like it might bite her. “You want me to break the wards on it.”
“It’s more like a curse.” He smiled and flicked his wand toward the platter of sandwiches, summoning a second serving.
She nodded slowly, scrutinizing the ring from where she sat. Which was not her usual spot on the edge of his desk. It was, instead, in a chair that was nestled into the corner of the room.
Theo stood near the bookcase, eyeing her.
“Okay, so let’s say Hermione breaks the curse on the ring, then what?” Harry asked, also staring at the ring like it might bite.
“Then I’ll give it to Astoria. It wont bind her to me once the curse is broken. She can do with the ring, what she wants.”
“But it’s a family heirloom!” Ginny screeched. “What happens when you find a witch you want to marry?”
Draco looked to his own little thief as she looked up at him. He smiled gently and shrugged. “I’ll get her something better.”
Theo huffed out a laugh, his eyes suddenly brightening as they shot between Draco and Granger.
Draco tucked away that reaction as he turned to Seamus. “The trick is understanding Pansy’s roll in Flamel’s life and his estate.”
Seamus nodded and tapped a few keys. One of the screens changed views of the house. There was an image of the pool and several lounge chairs set up around it. On the farthest chair from the camera, laid Pansy.
Dressed in a two piece, she soaked up the rays of the sun, her face shaded with the aide of a large floppy hat.
He noticed Granger sneak a peak at Theo, who was frowning up at the screen.
“She looks comfy.” Ginny drawled, rolling her eyes.
“Wouldn’t expect anything less from Princess Pansy.” Seamus snorted.
“God, I always hated her. She wanted to sell Harry out to old Vordy. Remember that?” She nodded to Granger.
Granger sniffed and shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
Theo wasn’t staring at the screen anymore. He was watching Granger with a renewed sense of vigor.
“We create an alibi.” Harry suddenly said. Draco tilted his head and gestured for him to go on.
“We need you, Theo and Hermione to be seen by her on the day of the heist.”
Everyone nodded, following along.
“We need three decoys that not only Pansy will see but Astoria, too. She’s onto us, right?”
“She is.”
“We need three extra people to Polyjuice as you lot, and that can be where you give Tori the wand.” He shrugged. “Or the Polyjuiced version of you, that is.”
Draco leaned back in his chair and nodded slowly. He ran a hand along his jaw, scratching thoughtfully.”
“How are we going to get those two girls in the same place? Don’t they hate each other?” Theo asked.
“There’s a reunion coming up.” Granger said. “Hogwarts throws a reunion for all alums every summer.” She nodded to Harry. “We got our invites weeks ago.”
“Should I be offended that I never received one?” Theo mused. He looked at Draco. “Did you receive one?”
Draco shook his head but was frowning at the logistics for the idea Harry suggested. “Sure, that’s fine but who would we use as our decoys?”
Ginny cleared her throat. “I have a few ideas.” She raised her hand and smiled over at Theo.
“You mean more Weasleys.” He leveled her with a look of discontent.
She nodded. “George and Charlie would definitely do it. And, uh,” She cleared her throat and looked at her husband. He grimaced as he nodded. “Ron would.”
Theo closed his eyes and too a deep breath. Upon exhaling, his eyes opened. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?”
Granger snorted, abruptly, from the corner of the room. Everyone’s attention turned to her. She looked ready to burst with laughter but she pressed a hand over her mouth and shook her head. Clearing her throat, she held up another hand. “Sorry. No, it’s just.” She giggled but stopped herself with a sigh. “We’re dealing with Pansy and Astoria and now Ron?”
Draco smiled, sharing the sentiment.
“But we’re not really going to use him, are we?” Theo demanded.
“I don’t know who else we can trust.” Harry shrugged, agreeing with his wife.
“Well, I don’t want a Weasley polyjuicing into me and seeing my bits and pieces.” Theo sniffed.
“Ron can be me, he’s already seen all of my bits and pieces.” Granger offered, causing Harry and Ginny to grimace. Teddy gagged and put a decorative throw pillow over his face.
Draco smiled blandly at her while Theo blanched.
“Maybe Ginny can be Hermione.” Seamus offered.
“And chance having one of my brothers seeing my bits and pieces?!”
Granger snorted again and threw her hands over her face.
“I can be you.” Harry offered.
“Then who would be you?” Theo asked.
“Ron.” Harry answered. “We’ve already seen each other naked.” He shrugged. “We shared a dorm for six years, a tent for another and regularly take showers in the same locker room at work.”
“Why,” Draco began. “Are we assuming that the polyjuiced versions of ourselves will see our bits and pieces?”
Theo looked at Draco like had had gone bonkers. “I imagine one may need to take a wee at some point. He’d be using an exact replica of my wand, if you know what I mean.”
“Everyone knows what you mean.” Seamus said as Teddy unraveled into laughter.
Harry lowered his head into a hand and sighed loudly.
But Ginny was undeterred. “George and Charlie can be you two.” She said it with finality. Like they had all agreed that this was the route that they would take.
Draco considered, as he reached for another sandwich with his wand, that is most likely was decidedly so. He needed to clear these hurtles before they managed to set a date on hitting their actual target.
“Well,” Ginny stood and nodded to her husband. “We have a dinner to plan.”
“What dinner?” Harry lifted his head from his hand and eyed his wife.
“For my brothers. We have to wine and dine them, as you know, in order to get them to listen to us.”
Harry shrugged and stood with his wife.
“Wait, so that’s it? It’s decided? We’re actually going to use the Weasleys?”
Draco shrugged as he watched the Potters wave goodbye.
Seamus stood and stretched. “I’ve got a date.” He checked his watch. “You got this, right?” He said to Draco, nodding to the screens on display.
“What do you mean, you’ve got a date? You mean that muggle woman from the museum?”
Seamus nodded and made his way across the study. “Yeah, her names Charlotte.” He grinned as he said her name.
“You look serious.” Teddy observed with a raised brow.
“I am. We are.” Seamus waved and left them behind.
Teddy looked around at the room. Observed Granger, once again, flipping through the book in her lap. Eyed Theo and Draco and stood, clearing his throat. “I have a witch to visit.”
“Weasley?” Theo asked.
Granger smiled at Teddy. “You mean Victoire?”
“Yeah. I owled her this morning and asked her to meet me at Florean Fortescue's.”
“Good call, cousin.” Draco raised his sandwich in a salute before taking a bite.
“And you three clearly have some things to talk about so,” Teddy added with a pointed look at Draco and Theo before he waved goodbye and left Granger with her two thieves.
Draco dusted his fingers off and eyed Theo.
She sighed and closed her book. She quickly stood from the chair and sent the book sailing back into its spot on the shelf. “I have to go, too.”
“Where are you going?” Theo pushed away from the bookcase. “You can’t leave.”
“I can and I am.” She glanced over to Draco. “I’ll look at the ring when I get back.”
“Granger, don’t shut down.” Theo was hot on her heels as she strode for the door.
“I’m not. I have a meeting.”
“With who?”
Draco watched the confrontation with little amusement.
“None of your business.” She didn’t turn to look at him as she swept from the room.
Theo froze at the door and angrily shoved his hands into his hair with a growl.
“Why do you think she’s so upset?” Draco asked, dusting off his fingers.
“Because she is a woman of dignity.” he shrugged and the added, “She doesn’t want to end up alone?”
Draco nodded toward the screen, where Pansy was still lounging beside the pool. “Do you think she knows what kind of wizard Flamel is?”
Theo shook his head. “I don't know how I'd feel if she did.”
“I suppose we’ll find out.”
Zabini waltzed into the study but stopped when he beheld the two wizards. “Where’s Granger?”
Theo rolled his eyes and settled onto his perch on the desk.
“She’s busy.” Draco replied and nodded to Zabini. “How did the lunch go?”
“It was...educational.” He paused. “Eventful.”
“Flamel is a scoundrel?” Theo surmised.
“Indeed,” Blaise settled into a chair. “So it was your guys’ intention to get me invited for a sex party?”
Draco chuckled while Theo replied, “Yes. When is it?”
“It’s on Friday. I can’t go. That Hogwarts Alum thing is the same day.”
Draco’s eyes flicked to Theo as he scoffed. “You got an invite?”
“Of course. I get one every year.”
“Well, now I know it’s personal.” Theo muttered.
“You’re gonna have to go to Flamel’s sex party.”
Zabini shook his head. “That sounds incredibly uncomfortable. Why would I do that?”
“Because you promised Granger your full cooperation.” Draco reminded him, thankful for Granger’s carefully worded deal.
“Plus,” Theo grinned. “We’ll be there.”
“You two?” Zabini laughed.
“Yes, and Granger.”
Zabini narrowed his eyes in on Draco, considering. “What is the end game here?”
“We keep Flamel distracted. Well,” Draco paused. “You keep Flamel distracted.”
“Where will you lot be? You interested in purchasing some entertainment for the night?”
“No,” Draco plucked the ring from his desk and palmed it. “We’re going to be part of the entertainment.”
Zabini tipped his head back and laughed. A great, loud and hearty laugh that caused his eyes to tear up. “You’re all insane, you know that?” He chuckled as he glanced over at the screens on display. His laughter died as he straightened in his seat. “Is that Pansy?”
They all looked to the screen where Pansy was sitting up with her arms open wide as B. Nolan Flamel stepped into the frame.
They couldn’t heart he dialogue but they didn’t need to. She threw her arms around him and pulled him down into the chair.
Zabini looked over at them, alarmed. “Pansy’s with him?”
Draco nodded.
“Will she be at the party?”
“We’re hoping to ensure that she is not. That, instead, she is actually attending the Hogwarts Alum party.”
Zabini frowned, but his eyes were downcast, looking deep in thought. “I think we can ensure that...” With a mildly far off look, Zabini stood and straightened his suit and tie. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Let Granger know, will you?”
Ginny entered the study alone the following morning.
“Mrs. Potter.” Draco greeted her before biting into the shiny green apple he had grabbed from the kitchen.
“I talked to my brothers.” She said in lieu of a greeting.
“How joyful.” Theo was laying on the couch, sulking, over the fact that Granger had not returned the night before.
“Yes,” Ginny settled into one of the chairs in front of the desk. “I’ve decided not to tell them about the heist. Though, I’m sure Ron suspects something is up. What with having to cover for Harry so much at work. Nonetheless, I have also worked out the dilemma of who will be who. I will be Hermione and Harry will be you,” She nodded to Draco.
He lifted a brow at her, taking another bite of his apple.
“You already appeared as a couple to Astoria. Harry and I can manage to keep that charade up.”
Draco smirked at that, considering that it may very well not be such a charade. Regardless, he said nothing.
Theo, however, sat up and threw an arm over the back of the couch. “Who’s going to be me?”
“They’re all pulling straws. But I think George is best suited to be you.”
Theo pursed his lips and shrugged. Clearly, he didn’t disagree.
“Splendid.” Draco leaned back in his seat.
“Where’s Granger?” Theo eyed her.
“I don’t know where she is right now. But she came over last night after I put the kids to bed.”
“She did, did she?”
Ginny nodded. “Yes, we had drinks and made nachos. And once I got her drunk enough, I managed to get her to tell me about why she was so upset with you two.”
Theo scoffed. “Why does she tell you anything? You have a looser set of lips than Madam Rosmerta's after a few glasses of Ogden's Finest on Valentines Day.”
Draco choked on the bit of apple he had swallowed.
Ginny looked at him with horror. “I don’t know how you know that and I don’t think I want to.” She quickly shook her head. “Anyway, she told me.”
“Of course she did.” Draco lifted an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.
Theo crossed his arms over the back of the couch and rested his chin atop them. “And?”
Ginny looked over at him. “She had been certain that you didn’t love her.”
Theo’s frown was deep.
“Does Pansy have anything to do with why you kissed her?”
He shook his head. “Only because it wasn’t until I saw how upset she was, did I realize how she felt.”
“You don’t love Pansy then?”
“I do not.” He sniffed. “I was not meant for her.”
“I believe that I am meant for Granger.” He tilted his head and eyed her. “She feels like home.”
Ginny nodded, apparently satisfied, then turned to Draco. “Malfoy, you used to torment her.”
“I did.” He agreed and felt remorse for the lost years of truly knowing Hermione Granger. It was no wonder the Gryffindor's loved her so much.
“But clearly, you’ve changed a lot since school. What are your intentions with her?”
Draco considered this question himself. He found her attractive, achingly so. And it wasn’t just all of her fine physical attributes that he liked. She was funny and fun. She was sweet and cunning. She wanted to take down naughty wizards while breaking all of the rules. She was as complex as she was charming.
He knew how Theo felt, despite him trying to circumvent the question. And he could see the bright gleam in her eye when she looked at Theo. But she had that brightness about her when she was around him and he felt that it was addictive and he craved it. It spread into him and caused him to feel a warmth he hadn’t ever felt.
“I intend to keep her happy.”
Ginny nodded, thoughtfully. “My brother, Charlie, is one third of a throuple.”
“Throuple?” Theo straightened, lifting his head from his arm. “Is that what I think it is?”
“For how long?” Draco asked.
She shrugged. “Since he lived in Romania, where they all met. It's been ages, now. I was just a girl when they started dating, but didn’t tell anyone because they feared everyone's reaction. Mums, especially. They moved here when Brenda got injured on the job.” She sniffed. “Lost her left arm.”
“Oh, my.”
“Indeed. She’s a lovely girl. Fell in love with Charlie and his best mate, Jacque. They both fell in love with her. Anywho, that is when they realized that it was impossible to keep a secret."
“And did you tell Granger all of this?” Theo asked.
“She already knew, of course. I just reminded her.”
“So you aren’t trying to talk her out of this?”
She frowned over at Theo. “Why would I? I already told you two she’s happier than I’ve seen her...ever? Even when she was with Ron, early on, they often fought. Before that, there was the war and the uncertainty of everything.”
“Is she still upset with us?” Theo was anxious. Which Draco could understand. The poor bloke just spent the better part of the last year in love with Granger, had finally kissed her, and then watched her storm off.
“I don’t know that.” She stood from her spot on the chair. “She left rather abruptly after that. Got an owl from McLaggen around two in the morning and she Floo'd straight over.”
Theo’s eyes widened in horror and his face turned slightly green.
Draco’s teeth scraped at the remaining pulp along the core of his apple. “What’s the story between those two?”
Ginny shrugged. “McLaggen helps her get ahold of valuable items. She helps him target naughty wizards.”
“McLaggen fancies her.” Theo objected.
“He does.”
Draco smiled at Ginny. “Have they dated?”
“They dated during one of her and Ron’s breakups for a couple of weeks. Years ago.” She confirmed.
“How many times did they break up?”
Ginny grimaced at the memory. “Too often. Look, I know you both fancy her, but if this is just about sex, then move on.”
Draco nodded in understanding, but he didn’t need to tell the witch that it wasn’t what he wanted from Granger. It wasn’t the only thing he wanted from Granger, anyway.
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Announcement: Anniversary
Just me talking about the future of the fic :)
First off, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Wow a whole year (plus extra) WITH (near) constant updates, that's crazy. More than I can say for my other fic... (it haunts me. I still plan to finish it but ouch). 
First things first!
I wanted to update sooner (since I've had this written for a month now) but I was also working on a one shot to post at the same time. I was making great progress but then finals came round and I got burned out. They're finished now but I'm still burned out. I'll give a brief hint about it though since I'm a little excited and just wanna talk about it. So its a Dadzawa fic that's actually happy and ends with them as a family (unlike how it was in the last chapter lol). It was supposed to cheer people up and also be practice for writing them as a family and stuff. The Danny is very different from the main fic tho. The fic was also supposed to serve as an anniversary present for all you guys too, to thank you for reading and being here. I really wanted to finish in time but it kept getting bigger as I wrote. I do hope to post it this month tho, so keep an eye out for that!
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Next thing!
On AO3 it shows that the fic is now apart of a series and has a chapter count. I talked about this in the notes of a previous chapter, but I had been wanting to do that for a while now. I want to have the next part of the series out by next year. I know I have been updating monthly now, but I'm gonna try to do twice a month if I can. I'm really excited and It want it done soon! I might do 2 chapters this month or will just count the one shot if I get lazy.   
I also added the tags "full ghost Danny." Sorry to burst anyone's bubble that held on hope for Danny. Tbh the original plan was that his human half was still hiding inside him, just healing and small, but it was gonna show up in one of the chapters. The longer the fic went on, the more I started to rethink that. The human reveal, while good in the short run, would crumble some of the plot lines I had set up while also not contributing much to the rest of the plot. I am debating maybe doing a short series of "what if" where that is the case tho, just so people can get a taste. If I like it enough I might make it a full thing. Who knows. 
Final thing!
(this paragraph is referencing the support on AO3)
Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! This fic has 2k kudos????????!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! WTF?! 
That is so huge! Gahhhh! Man, I am always critical of my writing (I've gotten better) but wow to have that kind of support just in my face! Literally speechless. I always had the thought in the back of my mind that once the fic goes on for long enough people will start to see its flaws or get bored. That's true for some, but I keep seeing a lot of the same names again and again and I am grateful to you guys so much. That was also one of the reasons I wanted to do the one shot. I just want to keep giving you guys more content that you'll enjoy.
Thank you so much for being here, truly 💚
Good luck on finals if you got them! 
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
finished reading scarlet; last thoughts and reactions and ponderings
was about to be like "ew wtf did not want r*pe in MY y/a book" AND THEN HE SLIPPED HER AN I.D. TO ESCAPE
thorne is SO real for only being concerned about his jacket despite human bites being very dangerous lol
why are these werewolves acting like vamps
it's kind of nice how cool thorne is with lunars with all the lunar hate there is - i remember when reading cinder being apalled about how she generalised them all as corrupt
NO NOT GRANNY I'M LITERALLY IN STUDY PERIOD RN I CAN'T CRY (note: i managed not to cry in study period but god my eyes burned for a while lmao)
tf i thought wolf was just being possessive in like a protective way against ran and not just a plain old possessive way. he's honestly making me nervous rn like goodness i can literally feel scarlet's fear rn. STOP WITH YOUR I CAN FIX HIM DISEASE AND RUN (note: okay he got brain fucky wucky by mind control so this isn't him)
i think kai is going delulu. i bet his office isn't bugged and he's got a spy. literally since cinder my money has been on torin. but maybe huy
omg kai's recognition of cinder's sacrifice by going to the ball <3
gotta agree with everything cinder's saying about kai's marriage because it's everything i've been thinking since kai decided to marry levana. i wish he would see how it's a bandaid for a stab wound. he's barely fixing a short term problem, which is gonna have the same long term problem regardless
the girls (all current pov characters) ARE FIGHTING. not mad tho because i'm a messy bitch who lives for drama <3
"She'd had the bridge built for herself out of very special glass, so that she could watch (...) all without being observed herself" levana YOU MEAN A TWO WAY MIRROR??? don't go acting all superior you're not special
from what wolf has described of his Tragic Backstory there is NO way he ISN'T a virgin. i'm so sorry that was my only takeaway but i'm trying to distract myself
"We met less than a week ago and in that time I've done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you" FKSDHFSDK sounds JUST like ouat rumpelstiltskin and yet he's STILL healthier than him and not toxic LMAO
wait did wolf need to pretend betray scarlet without her knowing instead of just making THAT the plan because those supersoldiers can smell hormones?? i bet they can. i reckon he needed her to feel REAL fear (note: now that i think about it it's probably just the bioelectricity crap but also ONLY the thaumaturge would be able to detect that???)
if i keep having to read "alpha female" with my own two eyes, i'm going to need bleach. marissa meyer you owe me financial compensation for the psychological distress i've been caused. 3 is in fact 4 times too many. it is a crime that it was ever thought into existence
predictions for cress
didn't do this last time between cinder and scarlet but figured it would be fun!! you guys get to silently laugh about how wrong i am, no spoilers
first off, doc erland's place in africa becomes the home base and cinder starts her training
someone tries to recreate garan's device since it will be useful for the rebellion - could be a joint effort between cinder and cress since they have the hardware and software down respectively. idk who's gonna fill the last role of like. bio stuff and the surgeries tho but we'll see
definitely more wolf pov chapters now that marissa no longer needs to make him dodgy
cress is at least a LITTLE bit delulu wackers bonkers cray z lost her marbles etc etc from being so isolated for so long. i would LOVE to get into that mindset and character voice. would make for a very interesting pov
on reading the blurb:
i'm REALLY fucking dumb it finally occurred to me that in rapunzel the hero falls from the tower and gets blinded by thorns. so that tells me exactly who carswell thorne is (rip to when i thought he was the prince from sleeping beauty cause that's embarrassing). i wonder if he gets ejected into space from the satellite and his eyeballs freeze out of his sockets or something
i wonder WHY cress would be locked up by the queen BEFORE she was even able to hack since she wouldn't have been useful then. my first thought was that glamour doesn't work on her like with shells but she's not a shell herself but that wouldn't make sense because the thaumaturges seemed surprised by cinder and michelle benoit so it can't be that. for the sake of my running joke of every fairy tale character either being related or knowing each other, i'm just gonna pin it down to her being somewhere in the family tree and leave it at that
can these people STOP getting separated from each other?? i can't handle it. from the blurb it seems like the boys got cut off from the girls??? and then kai is also separated from all of them lol. this is a prediction only in the sense that i'm trying to guess who's getting separated from who. i think it would tie well into separating everyone from their love interest like poor cinder
i wonder if this will be the book that we meet princess winter since with royal etiquette and all that her presence will p r o b a b l y be required during all them wedding preparations and what not
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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faegoddessog · 1 year
  Fantasy Come True  Ch 4/8
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Chapter 4: Ruin your Dinner
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  fingering, masturbation, cum eating,
Series Summary: Breaking into the acting world has been a life long dream. It's been tough, plus your relationship with you partner has some struggles, but who doesn't have struggles. A new guy shows up to your improv classes who seems strangely familiar. He seems rather interested in you and you feel unusually comfortable around him, like he projects calm and reassurance. Once you realize who he really is, and what he really likes... it's game on. 
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
A/N: This little gem is per request for the lovely and talented @purejasmine . It's been a collaborative project designed to meet her every Austin need as best I can. Here's to you darling! <clink> I hope ya'll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed the creative process with parameters not wholly my own!!
Here is the Masterlist of this series.
Message me if you'd like to be added to the list!
Chapter 4: Ruin your Dinner
Your eyes flutter open, you have no idea how much time has passed on the surprisingly comfortable rug, of course it could just be Austin’s arms. Which, you realize, are still around you. You hear his deep breathing. You take a deep breath and just snuggle down into him. No need to break this spell.
You lay there, reliving every moment of your sex-a-thon with Austin, burning it into your brain. Getting impossibly turned on again. You breathe in his scent, one that few people probably could boast getting to smell. A mix of his skin, that woody lavender scent, and the tang of his cum. Jesus, this man makes you so fucking sexual, it’s ridiculous. You try to suppress a giggle. 
He inhales deep, stretching his body. 
“Hey Princess, you alive?” he hugs you close. 
“Uh huh, and filthy and hungry,” you hug him back. 
“Honey, I can fix those things for you if you give me a minute,” he sits up realizing that he is sticky too, then his stomach growls. “Apparently I am in the same boat. What do you want first, a shower or dinner?” 
“Oh  the shower for sure,” that is a no-brainer. 
“Ok, I don’t have a lot here to eat, at the moment, Would you like to order in before showering? My treat.” he says with a smile. He leans in close to you, ”you can order all the things and we can appease your whorish,” he kisses you,” little,” another kiss, “tastebuds.” His mouth latches onto yours for a deep and passionate kiss. “Pizzana sounds fucking amazing right now,” you comment when he lets you up for air.
“Tell me what you want darling and I’ll have it all here in no time,” he reaches for his phone. 
He pulls up the menu, then realizes it’s easier to just hand you the phone. You order pretty much the whole antipasti menu: Broccolini,  Caprese Di Bufala, Carciofi Arrostiti,  Polpette Al Forno. You decide what the hell and order the entire insalate menu too, (you can never have too much  salad!)  Cavoletto Di Bruxelles Chop salad,  Ceasare  with Wood Fired Chicken added and the Tricolore salad. You calm down on the pizzas only ordering the  Carnivoro,  Cacio E Pepperoni with Cremini Mushrooms, Funghi with Cetara Anchovy and the Spinaci with Prosciutto Di Parma  And of course you must have dessert! All the desserts! You decide 'fuck it!' and order them all, the Cannoli,  Panna Cotta  and Torta Al Cioccolato. 
You hand the phone back, Austin finishes the order. 
“We have about 50 minutes Princess. Let’s get you in the shower sweetheart.”
The way he was talking, you thought he would just show you to one of the guest showers. You are pleasantly surprised when he takes you naked by the hand up the stairs to his bedroom and to his massive shower. You tie up your hair with the emergency hair tie you keep in your purse.  He turns on the water and gets in, inhaling sharply as the still cold water makes his muscles tighten and shiver.  Oh holy crap, he even makes a cold shower pornographic. A walking sex bomb. Your mouth hangs open as you watch him. His eyes open and he giggles when he sees you. 
“I love a good cold plunge, wakes up the body,” he grins as he holds out his hands. “Come in, it’s warm now.” 
You step in and he pulls you to him. 
“Here, let me clean up my mess,” he says.  With soapy hands, he washes away the stickiness of his  cum. You feel a little sad that it’s all getting washed away, making you realize how much you actually like having his cum on you. You drape your arms over his shoulders, pressing your soapy boobs to his chest.
“Next time, I’ll lick it all up. I don’t want to waste another drop of your cum, Austin,” you hear yourself saying.  
“My my, I didn't know you were such a dirty girl, Princess,” he says  looking at you with narrowed, lusty eyes. “Next time? I like the sound of that.”  
Then you are wrapped in his arms, your mouth wrapped in a deep kiss. Your hands are running along his back, shoulders and over his ass. This new character must be big, you think. Clearly he has been working out hard. His biceps and deltoids are bulky, like you like them. He pulls you under the shower head to rinse you off. You look up at him with pure lust, turning up your desire. Fuck he is so hot wet.  Your pussy pulses in its own juices.
“If you keep looking at me like that Princess, my cum will ruin your dinner,” he whispers.
“Oh no, not dinner,” you say in a breathy mock tone, your mouth curling into a slight but naughty smile. 
His eyes widen, then narrow. Clearly he didn’t realize he had said that out loud.  One eyebrow lifts and he pushes you up against the shower wall. His mouth is on your neck just under your ear.
“Spread those legs for me, my dirty girl,” his deep voice makes goosebumps break out down your arms. 
He reaches down and without pretense, slides his fingers into you once, twice. You moan at the sudden intrusion, grateful he had already fucked your pussy so he could slide in easy.  He pulls his fingers out, dripping with you. Rubbing his fingers and thumb together he brings them up to your mouth and slowly inserts them into your mouth, not far, but enough. You suck your own juices, his eyes locked with yours. He trails his fingers out and down the middle of your chest, stomach. He slips them back into you and out again, pulling slick up around your clit, rubbing in a circle. His tongue stoppers the moan you let out. His lips seal to yours, pressing, lifting, pressing again. wet and needy. His tongue is undulating on your lips, filling your mouth then leaving it empty, searching in again. The heavy breath from your nostrils  blows against his cheeks.  Your arms are draped around his neck. 
“Fuck hunny, you are so damn hot.” he says as he pulls away. He is still staring intently at your  eyes. “I want you to cum on my fingers, ok? Tell me what you need.” 
“Around my clit, and inside with curled fingers,” you nod, “and don’t stop, I don’t know how long-”
He interrupts you with a kiss, “I love it when my Princess tells me what she wants.” 
He smiles as he slides in and out of you, thumb making circles on your clit. 
The warmth spreading inside you is definitely not from the shower.  Your eyes close. 
“No, look right here.” he taps your chin.
You open to see his stunning blue eyes, and you are lost. 
“Faster!” you breathe, “Harder!” 
Your mouth falls open as he bites his lip, watching the pleasure melt across your face. 
“OH FUCK!” you whine as your muscles clench down and your hips buck. His other hand holds you tight, pulls you. Your right breast pressed to the middle of his chest.
Pleasure rises in you faster than you expected, good god he is like walking Viagra. You freeze as he curls his fingers into your g spot with each thrust. It’s hard to keep your eyes open, they flutter instead. 
“That’s my good girl, that’s what I want,” his hand slides up to cradle the back of your head and neck, his forehead pressed to yours. His whole body tense in trying to get you off and hold you close.
Fuck, you are riding the razor’s edge. Then his mouth is on yours, tongue desperate to get to yours. Hot, wet, sloppy kisses to go with the hot wet, sloppy sounds his fingers are making in your cunt. Sounds you can hear over the rush of the shower. 
Your body jolts in orgasm, the saccade of your hips and neck making it hard for him to stay with you. His arm locks around you.  You moan long into his mouth. 
“Yeeess, cum my sexy fucking Angel, cum” he refuses to let up as you grab his working wrist and try to make him stop, overwhelmed in sensation. He grabs you tight in his palm and shakes your whole vulva. 
“OH Fuck yeah,” his voice is gravely and sexy as fuck. 
Your legs wilt out from under you as you moan in immense pleasure. He follows you to the floor of the shower, still shaking your pussy, then pumping in and out of you again. 
“Oh fuck, oh Austin, oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!” You refuse to use your safe word even though you no longer have any control over the shaking of your body. 
After a minute or two he slows down and pulls out. You are panting as he stands up and leans back against the opposite wall of the shower. His beautiful cock standing hard in front of you. He looks down at you through heavy eyes, his lips lightly pressed together. His chest rising and falling as he breathes with his passion. Using the wetness from your pussy that is on his hand, he strokes his cock. Oh gods, he is exquisite.
Once you catch your breath, you are up on your knees, hands roaming over his legs, hips and his fine fucking ass.
“Let’s ruin your dinner, shall we, my Princess?” he says with a naughty smile
“Yes please,” your soon-to-be debauched mouth salivates. 
 He holds his hand in front of your mouth, you dribble spit into it. 
“Holy fuck hunny, you make me so damn hot,” the /d/ and /t/ sharp and percussive. 
He slathers his cock with your spit. His hand slides up and down his whole long shaft a few times, putting a little show on for you. An Austin Butler exclusive performance very few have seen before. 
As your hands slide on the wet skin of his body, his moans come out in  ‘mmmm’s, his inbreath sucked in through his teeth.   Then he starts to focus on his tip more, the occasional stroke falling down to the base. His deep ‘oh’s and ‘ugh’s start with a closed-throat type grunt and end breathy. His fingers intermittently slip over his tip, which makes him groan louder each time. You slide up his muscular inner thigh and lovingly play with his balls. His hand speeds up. You are mesmerized by his jerking off. His thighs tense and his glutes pushing his cock into his hand periodically.  Austin is cut from the fabric of Greek gods, and you are on your knees in homage, waiting for your personal blessing. He rises on his toes, his other hand reaching for your shoulder to balance, his hips are pushed forward, his whole luscious body tight. 
“Open up Princess, show me those slutty fuckin’ tastebuds,” his teeth gnashing.
You open your mouth, tongue out looking up at him in supplication. 
“Yes, yes, yeeees… ohhh fuuuuuuuck,” moaning and grunting, he spurts hot onto your tongue and chin. It’s not a whole lot, after all he already came twice, but gods above and below his cum tastes so fucking good. You move to catch the last bit that drips from him on your tongue, slurping up every drop. He reaches for your chin, swiping up a dollop of his cum and offering it to you. You greedily suck it off his fingers. 
Austin puts his hands on your shoulders, guiding you to stand and envelops your mouth with his, his tongue dipping in for a taste of himself. 
“Oh my lord Princess, that was so fucking hot!” His arms pull you close.
As you are drying off, Austin’s phone starts going mad. He glances at it then tosses on gym shorts and a t-shirt. 
“OOo food! Go ahead and find a t-shirt or something. I’ll be right back!” he kisses you lightly and scoots out of the room. 
Actually getting a moment to yourself, you soak in the fact that you are standing naked in Austin Butler’s bedroom. What the ACTUAL FUCK! You start feeling a little dizzy and sit down on his bed. You take a couple deep breaths and look around just trying to take it all in.  It’s like a private sanctuary with books on the bedside table. It’s surprisingly bright for a man’s bedroom: simple white bedspread, wood and leather. Who knew he was into a subtle boho vibe. After some searching, you abandon the t-shirt route and grab his robe from it’s hook in the bathroom. Every scrap of clothing you have here is downstairs, not like you care about being naked or anything.
You notice the colognes he has on his dresser. You smell each one. Memorizing which ones are your favorite. Then you discover an essential oil roll-on that smells like the woods and lavender and amber resin. Fuck, this is the smell.  You roll some onto your wrists. 
“That one is my favorite,” you hear his voice from behind you. He is leaning on the door frame watching you.  He walks over, takes your wrist and holds it to his nose. 
“Damn, it’s good on you,” he presses it into your hand. “You keep it, wear it on our next date.” He smiles at you.
“Oh, next date eh?” you ask.
“Yes,” his arms pull you close. ”I’m going to pick you up and take you out to dinner, where you will order all the things and we will try all the things. Then I will bring you back here where I will ask you to stay the night with me and I will fuck you in that bed right there all night long and hold you in my arms until we fall asleep. Then I'll wake you up in the best way in the morning before I make you breakfast.  So be ready, my Princess,” his kiss is sweet and soft.
His description has you ramping up again, not like it's all that difficult really, just the mention of his name usually makes you wet. 
“But right now, there is Pizzana! C’mon," he takes your hand and leads you down the stairs. 
You text your partner that you are out with your industry contact again. He just gives you the thumbs up. That might as well be a blessing, you decide. 
You eat in Austin’s robe, smelling like him. Your conversation flows easily and you guys laugh a bunch, both a little silly from all the orgasms and closeness. 
“Ok, I had better get going home” you say after a while, not really wanting to, but your practical side is knock-knocking at your mind, "do you need me to call an uber?”
“What? Oh hell no!" he looks at you like he's offended. "No Princess of mine is gonna uber back to her car,” he smiles at you, "b ut first, how does Tuesday sound for our date?” 
You check your calendar, just to be sure and agree that Tuesday will work. In the back of your  mind, you wonder what you will tell your partner.
“Do I need to wear anything special? Cuz I don’t really have anything super nice," you figure it's good to be prepared. 
“Just casual should be fine darling. When I take you somewhere super nice, we’ll go shopping first,” he smiles and reaches over, dragging a fingertip along your jawline.
You blush at the idea of being so spoiled. 
You and Austin divvy up the leftovers. He asks if you want to pick which of his cars to drive you back in, you actually like the comfort of the Lexus. 
“Maybe someday we can go cruising in the Julia just for fun,” he folds you in his arms in his garage. “We can drive up the coast, stay somewhere super private. I can make love to you in moonlight. We can go wine tasting or something.” You can feel him getting hard again through his joggers. Jesus, this man. You wonder if he's going to bend you over the hood  pull your pants around your knees and slide into you right there. Which would be absolutely fine with you. Sadly, he opens the car door instead.
Back in the now empty parking lot he pulls up next to your Toyota sedan. He hops out of the car to open both doors for you. 
“See you Tuesday, Princess. I’ll pick you up at 5, Remember to bring an overnight bag darling,” he helps you out of the car, bowing low over your hand and kissing it. He makes sure that your car starts and that you are safely driving away before he leaves the parking lot. Such a fucking stellar gentleman. 
You are sitting in your car, in the lot at your apartment wondering what the hell just happened and what to tell your partner about it, if anything. He was insanely jealous of Austin, but he is also your hall pass. 
As you walk into the small LA apartment,  he is on the bed, video controller in hand. Even though you’ve lived here for the better part of 15 years, everything looks different to you. 
“Hey,” he says without looking at you. 
“Hey,” you reply, “I have leftovers if you want any.”  
He extricates himself from the bed and comes over to peruse. 
“Damn baby, Pizzana? I’m glad I waited to eat until you got home!” He says opening the boxes. 
“Yeah… it’s been really cool.  Actually, they said there was an opportunity for me this Tuesday, but it’s not here, so I’ll be gone that night, like overnight,” technically, Austin doesn’t live ‘here’. 
“Oh, that’s cool” he says, you know he is thinking about how much game time he can get in by not having to go on your nightly walks. “Are they paying for travel expenses?” 
“Uh huh,” again, not a lie. 
Your phone buzzes
“Goodnight Princess, 68 hours until I’ll have you in my arms again.”   
It wasn't your Austin AI… it was actual honest-to-god Austin, calling you princess and wishing you goodnight. 
“Goodnight Austin, it’s not soon enough.”
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skaruresonic · 1 year
@beevean Out of morbid curiosity, I watched episode one of Netflixavania following a video explaining games lore (disclaimer: just the Classic era. There seems to be A Lot covered in this franchise). My first impressions are: = Despite being almost comically edgy, I really wasn't emotionally impacted by the writing. It almost felt like it was just going through the motions. We begin the show with the start of Dracula and Lisa's relationship, and yet we're told it was this great transformative love instead of being shown that. One minute she's convinced him to let her stay, the next she's being burned at the stake. Wow. The tragedy. Break out the tissues. Dracula says he loved her, ofc, but since we don't get to see their relationship in action, the show might as well shrug and be like "just trust me dood"
= It's really ironic that a show paying lip service to science conveniently forgets that burn stake victims were likely to die or fall unconscious from smoke inhalation before the actual burning. Meaning Lisa wouldn't have had the time to scream and plead for as long as she had.
= ...Is this another one of those "all religion is bad and I am smart for shitting on it" works? Because I had enough of that with Mists of Avalon lmao. Not that I'm the biggest fan of Christianity, but anti-Christianity tracts like these tend to be equally fucking obnoxious because they're always so one-note, disingenuous, and boring with how they constantly beat you over the head with "religion bad" and don't really add anything else to that particular thought
= Wallachia is portrayed as like, cartoonishly backwater. Women doctors existed in the Middle Ages. They were not all automatically burned at the stake because hurr durr technology is evil.
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Some of them even treated kings; I recall reading about a medieval Jewish doctor who cured a young king's eye condition. somehow I get the feeling the writer of this show has not read A History Book
= I also found it funny how the priest named "strange weeds" in the list of Lisa's possessions, as if the people of medieval Wallachia were so backwards that they didn't know what fucking herbs were.
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The absolute lmao. = I don't really know anything about Dracula other than he decided to oppose God due to the death of his first wife in the games, but even then, despite my sheer lack of knowledge, I still sensed something off about his characterization here. Given how the show practically has Dracula spell it out for us that He Really Loved Lisa More Than These Stinky Humans, I Swear Just Trust Me Dood at the episode's climax, I had the feeling that if someone like him had been told his wife was dying, he'd fly like the wind to go try and rescue her. Or, failing that, unleashing unholy wrath upon her killers. But no, he just broods to the old woman just to be Dramatique. no talk him, he angy >:c = crying blood. CRAAAAAWLING IN MY CRAAAAAWL, THESE CRAWL THEY WILL NOT CRAAAAAAAAWL = Alucard tells Dracula to go after the one who killed Lisa instead of condemning all of humanity to death, but he already fucking saw who did it so like lmao what kind of logic is this = The people of Wallachia were too dumb to live actually. And kinda had it coming tbh. Imagine you don't think Satan exists but one day he shows up out of nowhere in a cloud of hellfire and tells you to gtfo before he kills you all. And instead of getting the fuck out of Dodge that very night because holy crap Satan is real after all and worse, he's pissed off, you decide to stay. Like dumbasses. = oh is this just Hunchback of Notre Dame without the sexual repression? k cool. = I'll bet the animators really liked drawing all that gore. ow the edge = Why did we spend five minutes on a not-funny, prolonged bestiality joke? It did nothing but waste time. Is this what passes for humor on this show?
= Well. That just happened. Thought it'd be more interesting than that but nah
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thebananasnake · 1 year
Happy Vore Day 8/8
A naga read (Soft Vore) [BB The Naga🍌]
<something small to post before art later on lol>
~lol I don’t do a lot of writing but I hope you guys enjoy it~
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You wake up and realize it’s August the 8th, a day of many things to celebrate or be excited for. Surprisingly enough the schedule was clear for the day and you were free to enjoy it to the best of your abilities, so as you sat down to do a bit of relaxing, you think to yourself.. “what else could I do today?”. Then and idea hit, the new trails just opened up in the forests, people said lots of lovely sights could be seen in there so you decided to get dressed and fix your hair before setting off on your nature walk and adventures~!
Once out of the house, and locking the door behind, you set off to the forest with phone in hand and water bottle in the other, it was going to be quite the adventure indeed!
On the way you were stopped by a ranger. “Sorry but we aren’t letting anyone else in the trail, too much has happened and we can’t let anyone else get hurt,” the man spoke. You ask “why?” I mean it just opened..? What could possibly be wrong? “Look, rules are rules. And they are here for a reason to keep people safe, so move along,” the man said, shooing you away with his hand. However you wouldn’t take no for an answer and wanted to enjoy today to the best of your efforts.. so thinking for a moment… an idea came to mind..- *sniff sniff* “wait a minute somethings burning… damn it.. those boys are back and playing with fire! Hey! YOU BOYS ARE GONNA GET IT!” The man had ran off yelling to get the boys away and that actually gave you a chance to slip into the trail and go on your walk! Huh.. guess you didn’t need your plan after all, you made it in! Walking into the trail it was already so pretty to see.. flowers as big as your head were blooming bright like stained glass against the bright lights, and butterflies along with dragonflies fluttered about and even one butterfly landed on your nose. Tickling it ever so slightly.“Hehe aww we’ll hello there little butterfly” you say with a smile, as you watched the butterfly flutter off and away. The area was so peaceful and calm.. why was it closed? What was making this trail so dangerous??? You pay that man and his warnings no mind and continue walking deeper into the trail and enjoying life and all its glory. Till something caught your attention.. You turned around quick as you thought you saw something out the corner of your eye but didn’t see anything.. “huh… strange.,” you say.
Suddenly a hiss was heard, whipping your head around and looking all about, you realize now why the man was giving the warnings..there was a predator here.. and you were now in it’s territory..
“Mmmhh~ what a tiny little human you are…~” The mysterious voice spoke.. Indeed it was a predator and a large one at that.. you hadn’t realized it but yellow coils were surrounding you as it spoke. “W-who are you?! Show yourself! I’m not afraid..!” You screamed as you picked up a stick as a weapon? I guess that works?
“Pffttt! You think that stick is actually going to do something~? You are quite funny human.. but no… that stick won’t do anything but help me pick my teeth once I’ve finished my meal~” The voice spoke out once again and seemed to be quite excited a human was in it’s territory.. “w-well-! Uh…” The creature smirked and moved his way out of hiding… he rose high above you, his eyes piercing purple as his pearly fangs gleamed lightly through his parted lips, his coiled shifted behind him as his tail lightly shook with excitement. This was a naga.. and a large on at that.. standing over 10ft tall and about 32ft of coils long. You stumble back before the creature as it came to present itself before you “h-holy crap.. w-what,” you mutter put what words you could but already in the process this naga was coiling your body up nice and snug. “Wait-!,” you cry out. Though the naga didn’t listen as he brought you up to his face and sniffed you a bit along your neck and head.. that can’t be good.. the flickering of the tongue and the sniffing.. he was tasting his meal..~
“Mmmmhmmm~ my my.. human.. you… have a very special taste to you…something about you is just so interesting… heh I like it,” The naga spoke as his tail gently tilted your head to look at you more. “Please let me go..” you squeak. “Mh? Let you go…? But I caught you.. and technically that’s fair game as I’m hungry as a snake can be and today just happens to be a special day indeed~” the naga spoke.. uh oh..
You think back a moment and how many things are celebrated on 8/8… then it hits you.. VoRe day. Your eyes widened as you looked at the hungry creature and you began to try to shake your way free, but that wasn’t working out. “Please don’t eat me, please I can’t die like this- really please don’t eat me.. I just wanted to enjoy the day..” you plead as you look up at the naga, begging for your life.. The naga looks at you and tilts his head as he gave a sigh. “Well.. I won’t deny it. You do look pretty grand and you taste amazing.. but.. I can’t just let you go. You do something for me and I’ll do you a favor in exchange~ deal?” The naga spoke as his purple glowing eyes stared into yours.. “w-what kind of deal?” You ask. The naga smiled and loosened his coils around you.. “well… I’m hungry.. and you don’t exactly want to be eaten.. but here’s what I’ll do. Let me eat you~ so I don’t go hungry and I’ll let you go tomorrow. Sound fair ish?”
You honestly don’t know what to think but I mean if they were telling the truth.. then maybe it would be okay?? “How do I know you aren’t lying.” You say. The naga smirked and Pat your head. “Ohhh sweet human, I can understand why you don’t trust me.. which is okay.. it’s hard to trust but you can trust me.. if I’m one to keep my word. I intend to keep my word. Honest as my yellow scales.” He seemed to say this with all truthfulness.. I mean if you said no, he’d probably eat you anyways so what’s to loose right? “Okay.. okay.. fine.. deal.”
With that the naga smirked and licked his lips with hunger~ “ohhhh boy~ hehe.. this’ll be fun, don’t you worry little human~ you just stay relaxed and let me do the work.. now hold still.. this might… feel strange~ It was strange all a sudden things felt drowsy and dizzy but you started feeling relaxed as if you were lying down to take a long and well deserved nap. “Mmmghhhh… mmhh….” You mumble as you looked into his purple eyes… they were deep.. and shimmered like a galaxy within… you happily look into those gentle eyes as the moves up and wide drooling maw was now in view, but you still saw purple all around, still in a trance you looked down his purple maw and saw how glossy it was, this snake was quite hungry indeed and he was ready to feast. The naga was quite excited and gently brought you in as he felt your head against his tongue, his coils shivered with delight as he began to swallow you down. It was warm and slimy as well as a bit tight going down but other than that it wasn’t that bad surprisingly… He was very careful in fact too as he took your sides and tilting his head back, he gave a few big swallows, getting you down further before the easy part came and to let your legs slide down his throat. You slowly but surely travel down into a bigger space but still a bit tight, you had reached his belly and it was something different.. the insides of his belly glowed a gentle purple as soft groans and gurgles came around you as you laid there in his warm embracing chamber. The naga gave a stretch and a happy sigh as he Pat his belly, satisfied with his meal and gave a bit of a few hiccups. *hic- hic-* “ooh oof.. hehe pardon me.. heehee… you were delicious.. truly something I have never had before.. and I’ve had a lot of tasty things in my life, trust me. Oh my goodness like bananas… those are just my favorite~ hehehe look at me rambling as I just ate you, heh wow..” The naga spoke with such happiness as he felt a gently squirm in his belly, you getting settled in.
“Mmmhh… yawn.. what’s… your name…?” You mutter gently.
The creature smiled and Pat his plump stomach. “You can call me BB~ hehe *hic* pardon @-@ hah.. well you can rest human.. I’ll let you out in the morning..” he said as he gently rubbed his belly, feeling you settle in and close your eyes as you grew tired.. not much else to do but it was very comfortable so you took advantage of this moment and took a rest, placing your life and trust into this naga’s coils.
BB smirked as he shifted his coils, “happy 8/8~”
ALSO maybe might make part 2 idk yet!}
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sir-sunawani · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
20 Chapters - 46,838 words
Read it on Ao3 or Wattpad
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
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Chapter 11: Hunger
You had never been professionally done up before in your life, and certainly not by three energetic young ladies and an older woman who was full of so much energy and brandy you weren't entirely sure how she was still alive. They were, all of them, delightful, but the experience was definitely a little over whelming. Less so the activity itself, and more so the actual people involved, but you let yourself go with the flow for the most part and that made things slightly less overwhelming.
Mrs. Carter and her fair ladies had amazing fashion sense, and almost all of your input was a matter of cut and comfort. No to the plunging back, you weren't feeling that brave today. Off the shoulder was fine, but you'd need different lingerie, and according to Mrs. Carter you needed different lingerie no matter what you went with because you weren't keeping your original set on with one of her dresses.
Heels sure, but something more stable than stilettos, and holy crap silk stockings feel really nice, you never knew that. The lotion smelled faintly of wildflowers, but it wasn't a strong scent at all, and there was oil for your cuticles and polish to match the dress, and you didn't want a lot of jewelry or makeup, but the necklace does fill the space well, you agree. Yes, a bun was a good and easy hair style, you appreciated that, and some ringlets on the side of your face would be very nice, you promise you won't tuck them behind your ears too often.
There're some pearl pins to decorate the bun, but you don't have to worry about returning them, they're on the house, and excuse us while pluck a few errant strands, and we can wax your legs real quick, you'd be surprised how nice it'll feel, there's plenty of time for it smooth over before your dinner. Sure, go ahead and close your eyes, let us help you relax for a little bit while the dress is adjusted since there's time. Don't worry miss, you only dozed off for about twenty minutes, how do you feel?
You had four hours before you needed to leave to make it to the reservation on time and were done in three hours and twenty-two minutes.
You stepped into the lobby after Mrs. Carter had gone to fetch Sir Crocodile. The soft click of your heels on the hard floor were barely making a sound, and yet sounded impossibly loud in your ears. Though maybe that was your own heart.
You weren't an arrogant person, and while you hadn't considered yourself ugly, you weren't sure you would easily apply the word beautiful to yourself the way Alvida did for herself. That said, right now, you were stunning, and somehow being aware of it made you nervous.
You turned toward the sound of Crocodile entering into the area with you and are rewarded. He's not an overt man in his expressions, but his eyes widen more than you had seen before now, and the cigar in his mouth wavers for just a moment as his mouth nearly went slack.
The end of the cigar goes red, before he exhales a long puff of smoke, handing what's left of it to an attendant with an ashtray. He walks over to you, and his usual demeanor is in place, though there's something more than a hunger for food burning in those half-lidded eyes.
"Miss (Y/N) -." He begins.
"I clean up nice, don't I?" You interrupt, offering a smile and catching the amused expression that crosses his face.
"Not exactly the words I would use." He requests your hand and kisses it lightly when you offer it, leaning down his low voice runs across you like velvet. "Nothing else I do for you will match the restraint of continuing to Baratie's tonight, my sweet desert flower."
It wasn't just the warmth of his breath against your skin, or the low rumbled words that sank into you, that causes your face to flush and your shoulders to turn pink. It was the unspoken promise behind those words of restraint.
Before you left for Baratie's there were a few final details to deal with within the boutique. While you had been pampered and dressed your clothes had been cleaned, pressed, and packaged. The store was willing to hand them over to you, mail them back to your address, or dispose of them – whichever you preferred. You weren't overly attached to the clothes, and it felt weird to ask for them to be mailed, but you weren't sure you wanted to forget a box of clothing in the trunk of Crocodile's car.
Honestly, everything from the moment you had stepped into this store had been surreal.
Crocodile had interceded on your behalf and requested that they mail the items back to you. He even chose a simple and elegant box, saying that even if the dress didn't survive the evening, the box would be a small memento of your first proper date together.
When you were back in the car you let out a breath and sank into the leather seat a little bit.
"It seems this evening hasn't been nearly as relaxing for you as I had hoped." Crocodile muses with some concern in his voice.
"It... has been surprisingly relaxing." You admit after giving it a moment's thought. "It was a little overwhelming at first, but Mrs. Carter and her girls were good at their job. I don't feel stressed at all, I just feel like I need an hour to really process everything new that's happened." You give him a genuine smile and put your hand in his. "I'm like some secret princess pulled from a mundane life unexpectedly. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it, but, I mean, it doesn't make me uncomfortable. Not like I thought it would."
"Hmm, no longer considering your options for escape, Miss (Y/N)?" There's amusement in his voice, as though he knows the answer you would give before you give it.
"The last two and a half months have felt like a lifetime." You admit, your cheeks darkening. "I imagine that even if I did want to escape, you wouldn't have made it easy."
He leans over and tilts your face toward his gaze. The feeling from your first night swirls around you again, the sense of those amber gold eyes, pupils as sharp as daggers, watching your every move. Waiting, with terrible patience and assurance, for you to dare to step forward.
"No, Miss (Y/N), I would not have." He says softly, as his lips brush across yours, so lightly as to not even disturb the lipstick upon them. The unbelievably light exchange was almost more aggressive than a deep kiss, and you found yourself wanting more.
Mr. One took a scenic route to the restaurant, since you were still a little early, and the quiet car ride was almost torture. It wasn't that you couldn't think of anything to talk about, or that you even needed to talk at all. The problem was, Crocodile wasn't the only one whose hunger had nothing to do with food, and you weren't sure you'd be able to control yourself if the conversation got away from you.
It was an odd relief when the car pulled up to the restaurant, and you were suddenly in public with Sir Crocodile. You had expected being out in public like this would make you horribly nervous, but with your arm folded over his, you felt secure. You had originally been worried about seeing your face in the newspaper if you did something like this. However, between the venue, and Crocodile's reputation, you didn't think there was a reporter in the Metro who was foolish enough to snap a picture without permission.
Baratie's was to food what the boutique you had come from had been to high end clothes. It was hard to imagine there was a place within the Grandline Metro that was going to compare. It was the epitome of fine dining, set up for service and steadily paced meals, with little concern about maximizing table count or turnaround time for patrons.
The entire place had a clean, elegant feel to it. White linens, spotless floors, fine bone porcelain tableware and more marble than not. The whole place was polished, and yet, even before you had been seated, you already felt as though the restaurant was little more than a pale backdrop against the true star: The food.
Food you hoped was good enough to pull your hunger toward actual sustenance, and away from that which wouldn't be sated for another couple hours at least.
You were seated at a table that put a comfortable distance between you and Crocodile, while still keeping you close enough together to converse easily. Not that any amount of distance was going to cool the thoughts in your head, but it certainly kept either of you from stoking things to greater heights in the midst of the meal.
With just two words, however, all of your hunger vanished.
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clunelover · 1 year
Okay so, my cruise review! It was all in all pretty great. As parents will know, it is hard to have a real vacation with little kids. Mostly you just end up consumed with caring for them in a new location. So I’d say the cruise is a great option for giving parents of little kids some actually relaxing time on a vacation.
C is 5 and has some special needs (sensory stuff) and E is 9. There are 3 age groups for “camp ocean,” the childcare activity area. C was in 2-5, and E was in 9-11. C noped out of that immediately - really bored and wanted to be with the bigger kids. They let the 6-8 and 9-11 groups interact but 2-5 are more segregated. So he was jealous of E and probably overwhelmed too. So I was initially so frustrated - I’d been banking on camp ocean keeping them entertained so we could relax together a bit! I’d read online that the age groupings were strict and you couldn’t move up a group. Then of course towards the end, Jeremy asked if C could be in the next group up and they said “oh sure, he can do that but if he acts too immature we’ll move him down.” So then he had a great time and I was annoyed that I didn’t know we could do that sooner! Granted, I could have asked and did not.
So, the good things:
Camp ocean once we figured it out. We did let them stay up late one night there (but of course we were paranoid they’d call to say we needed to get them, so we couldn’t fully relax…just watched the talented mr ripley, which Jeremy had never seen and I knew he’d love. He did!)
FOOD!! The food was pretty good quality, some of it very good, but more importantly, just always having food available that everyone would like, and not having to PLAN FOOD which is like the worst part of being a weekday adult.
I loved being on the ocean. Walking onto the decks and seeing ocean in every direction. Being able to look out the window of the cabin and see the waves, day and night…it was just really unique and cool and something I’m glad I got to experience.
Getting to see some locations I wouldn’t have otherwise without a dedicated longer trip - thinking specially of Belize. I was fascinated by everything there, took lots of pictures of all the hand painted signs on buildings from the bus we were on. Now I know that’s a place I’d like to visit again for longer, but previously I would not have known that. Oh and we did a jungle hike and cave tubing there and that was awesome too.
Just overall vibe - everyone is there to relax and have a good time, and I did feel genuinely relaxed.
Less good:
CROWDED. Holy crap. We went during spring break which is their busiest time (something I hadn’t thought of, but - duh!) and our ship had a 5,000 person capacity and was almost full. So in some places, like the main pool and the chairs around it, it was overwhelmingly packed and noisy and chaotic. But also, surprisingly there were some places/times of day where some things were very open, so once we got the hang of that it helped. Like, the smaller pool was always almost completely empty after dinner. So then we started having the kids do night swims to tire out before bed once we realized that! It was very nice.
Saltwater pools. Not like fancy nice saltwater pools I’ve seen at some spas - like filtered ocean water, suuuuper super salty. I couldn’t swim in them too long, cause once I got enough splashes on my eyes they just wouldn’t stop burning (no I don’t own goggles). The kids had their googles but they’re not used to saltwater, so any time a little water splashed into their mouths they’d be hopping out of the pool looking for a drink of water to wash it out. In spite of this, they did still swim a decent amount. But I know they would have done more if the pools were not salty.
There definitely is a certain type of passenger that’s like what you’d think of as a stereotypical cruiser. A lot of people were very Obviously Republican. So you’ll hear some spouting off of Republican opinions! I tried to just roll with that cause like, I think any time you’re in a large vacation group setting, you might brush up against more republicans than usual. But I do get a little freaked seeing someone wearing a shirt that says “we the people” where all the letters are formed out of guns!!!
There was a casino on board and you can SMOKE in it! Mostly we steered clear but a couple times we had to cut through and it was so gross. I also find casinos generally depressing.
So yeah, that’s it! I wouldn’t say I’ve caught the cruising bug, but I have already found myself looking up some more to see what kind of deals there are and where else we could go! I think it’s a very good value. I’m also now super fascinated by all things cruise related and am watching videos posted by crew members talking about their work experience.
Ideally in the future I’d like to go to Real Places but for now that would just be a nightmare with the kids I think. Especially since they’re both very picky about food (but in different ways, haha).
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viitheghost · 3 months
i like to think that yapping in this some corner of the internet can make me feel less alone? tonight, i will yap about my goober emotions and give some sort of glimpse on how i deal with these beeg bois.
i easily get emotionally triggered that leads to some funky flashbacks. they make me want to rip my eyes out and oddly, i'm extremely sensitive to the intrusive thoughts but i'm also somewhat desensitized? and ngl, i've been on this birth-of-villain arc for far too long that it's comical at this point--killua got zero shits, man (ily). these triggers happen at random so, when it does happen, it leaves anyone around me very anxious, confused, and overall frustrated because i'm such a spectacle to witness every time this shit happens. it's important to note that when i get flashback or panic episodes—whatever it's called, i emotionally lash out on people around me or in other terms, i cannot control the overwhelming shit that's occuring and it leaves the people i love in pain and confused. i'm not proud of this nor do i want any of this but i try my best to be accountable of my actions that affected those around me. i am quite honestly, filled with shame and guilt that i don't even know how i'm gonna act despite learning so much from my experiences. like holy shit man, im 24 now and this crap's been happening since i was 6 so yeah (killua, i love u but let's be real— i am beefing w u bc u r a plot device and u're so real for the shit u've done lmao)
it feels absolutely horrible to account for the damages i've done but almost nothing gets accounted for to the damages that were done to me by people i loved and people that still loves me to this day.
so my fellow ladies and they/thems, what do i do to cope? hyperfixate on copius amounts of random things, ungodly amounts of hours towards reading comics or watching anything and everything, binge self-help podcasts until i feel extremely overwhelmed. rely on sporadic moments of motivation until i burn myself out (overwork) because how would i even know how to exist like this? oh yeah ir forgot, my guys—delusional hope. basically, just the top tier gen z experience who's pretty much suicidal but absolutely loves cats for some reason.
if you've reached this part, i think i can like you enough so, pls read witch hat atelier 👍
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jotun-philosopher · 11 months
More random Good Omens prompts/imaginings from the depths of my brain
First part here, third part here
As ever, if you'd like to use one or more of these points as inspiration for art or fic, feel free! Just tag me in the end result, 'cos I'd love to see it :D
(adding a read-more thingy b/c LOOOONG rambling post)
Aziraphale's puttering gently around the bookshop, and Crowley's slouching around, admiring him and smiling besottedly. Azzy eventually spots him and asks how long he's been doing that. "Quite a while," Crowley replies. "You're the most beautiful being in all creation." This catches Azzy right in the still-slightly-shaky self-esteem, and he has to bury his face in Crowley's shoulder for a bit. Once he's recovered, he realises that his faithful serpent seems to be working up to a Significant Question and fidgeting with something in his pocket, so he steps back to give Crowley space to ask. Besotted Snek stutters his way through fragments of a pre-planned speech that's mostly swan-dived out of his memory, before mentally going 'sod it' and saying words to the effect of, "We've more or less been emotionally married for millennia at this point." [holds out open ring box] "Want to formalise it?" Aziraphale: [loud excited squeals through which the word 'YES!!!!!!!!!' can be at least somewhat distinguished] Once the ring's on his finger, Azzy pulls a ring box out of his own pocket and proffers it to Crowley, conveying his own question via squeaks, eyebrow movements, hand gestures and full-body wiggles because he's so happy and excited that he's temporarily lost the capacity for coherent speech. When the ring's on Crowley's finger, they both have a bit of a 'holy crap, did we just get ENGAGED???? Are we FIANCES now????? :D' moment before smooching each other's faces off
Azzy and Crowley discussing wedding plans, deciding against a church ceremony (for many very obvious reasons) and a simple registry office thing (feels a bit...mundane), eventually going for a handfasting-type ceremony at Tadfield Manor (in the garden, because Azzy finds expansive indoor spaces with fluorescent lighting a bit triggering), with guests including the Shopkeepers' Association, Shadwell and Madame Tracy, Anathema and Newt, the Them, and Muriel <3 Speeches and toasts about 6000 years of slow burn love and "my angel, who makes eternity worthwhile" and "my demon -- my wily old serpent who led me to salvation", a first dance to A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square, an eclectic playlist that ranges from Shostakovitch to Saint-Saens* and Queen (We Are The Champions, Somebody To Love etc) and Velvet Underground (Sunday Morning, I'll Be Your Mirror, Pale Blue Eyes etc) <3 General all-round romantic loveliness! *(I picked this 'cos Azzy's listening to Danse Macabre in S2E3 when he's talking to the Bentley about 'classical music that stays classical music')
The Ineffable Husbands are wandering around, hand in hand, being happy and adorable and completely in love, when they happen to walk past one of those loud obnoxious street preachers, who calls out to them with some religious remark that hits directly on a raw point. Aziraphale instantly drops from cheery bonhomie to steely, icy civility, coldly telling the preacher, "I have neither the time nor the patience to explain just how offensively wrong you are. Kindly leave. Now." No miracles required -- the preacher is so intimidated that they scurry off immediately, and Azzy is able to cheer back up after a few moments of staring at his wily, precious ol' serpent <3
Muriel nips into GMCOGMD for a soothing chamomile tea after an all-hands meeting in Heaven that was supposed to be about the Second Coming but didn't go quite according to plan >:D Nina points them towards Crowley, who's gloomily consuming mug after mug of the strongest espresso she can legally sell him. Muriel goes over and, after the initial couple beats of awkwardness, tells him, "I think we're going to need a new metaphor." C: "Huh?" M: "Because if a, um, murder hornet or something gets into a beehive..." [C. perks up a bit and deploys his Left Eyebrow] "...I don't think it'd spread absolute unbridled chaos..." [C. starts smirking affectionately] "...simply by being unrelentingly lovely to the worker drones!" [C. cackles delightedly, startling everyone in the coffee shop] C: "Ohohohoho, Aziraphale, you absolute BEAUTY!!! Hahahahaha!"
In an attempt to keep Aziraphale in line when his psychological break from Heaven becomes increasingly obvious, the Metatron has Sandalphon give Crowley's block of flats the Sodom-and-Gomorrah treatment with him inside it, while Azzy is forced to watch. Afterwards, Azzy starts wearing a black armband of mourning, and as a piece of stubborn, bloody-minded contrariness and rebellion, deliberately makes it larger and more elaborate whenever anyone comments on it (sometimes twice in a row, e.g. 'That armband...' *ka-elaborate!* '...Are you going to do that *every* time someone comments on it??' *Looks them dead in the eye and ka-elaborates again*) -- especially when he starts to suspect that Crowley survived. He did, of course, thanks to a Nice & Accurate letter from Anathema Device that gave him enough notice to be able to pack up his stuff *and* evacuate the other residents with all their possessions! By the time the Ineffable Husbands are reunited, Azzy's armband is so large and elaborate that it covers his entire upper left arm in an intricate braid of gilt-edged black and red leather with subtle snake designs everywhere -- it ends up hanging in pride of place on the living room wall of their South Downs cottage :D
Crowley fretting over a traumatised, just-escaped-from-Heaven Aziraphale -- cuddling him, wrapping him in blankets, cuddling him some more, stroking and nuzzling his face and hair, and so on... Someone (who Crowley's already a bit miffed at) incautiously ventures to ask why he's acting this way, to which Crowley calmly and coldly replies, "When I was crawling out of a lake of boiling sulphur after the Fall, I really needed hugs and comfort and soft blankets, but there was nothing. No-one was offering. I had to deal with that trauma alone. Aziraphale might not have Fallen, but he's lost a load-bearing part of his identity in a similarly traumatic way, and I am NOT going to make him go through that on his own. If you have anything so crass as an objection, the door's over there [points]. Don't let it hit you on your way out." [proceeds to glare until they back down]
Aziraphale just barely escaping Heaven, fleeing to the bookshop pretty much via homing instinct, and desperately scrubbing out the summoning circle before the trauma catches up to him and he keels over into Crowley's arms
During the course of preventing-the-Second-Coming planning, Crowley takes to wandering aimlessly around the bookshop, clutching Azzy's cuddly grey cardigan like a security blanket
The Ineffable Husbands accurately narrating each other's body language and facial expressions from opposite ends of a long-distance phone call because they just know each other THAT well <3 (audibly acrobatic Left Eyebrow!!! The Full-Body Wiggles!!!)
One of the Ineffables getting a bit morose about what'll happen if the Second Coming isn't stopped and sadly quoting, "Dies irae, dies illa..." and the other announcing their presence by completing the sentence with "...solvet saeclum in favila. But it won't come to that." [reassuring squeeze to the other's shoulder]
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pridewon · 2 years
“(don’t reblog!) i found more light novel translations so here are some details i’m stealing and keeping forever in my heart:
- iwaizumi spent an entire day prompting a film crew to edit out things that would make oikawa look like an idiot during a tv interview and somewhat succeeded. somewhat. - when said film crew arrived, seijoh’s players were nervous about being/not being on tv... iwaizumi was concerned about oikawa coming across as a petty asshole on regional tv. - during nekoma’s journey to miyagi on the shinkansen, kuroo was relieved it was a (bank?) holiday because it meant their team wouldn’t attract angry stares from tired office people commuting on the same train bdjhvfvb self-conscious kuroo is still real after all these years my guys. - not one of my muses but kai is a giant nerd who knows every model of shinkansen and takes pictures of them and i need the world to know that. - TRAINING CAMP YAMAGUCHI ASKED HINATA AND LEV IF HE COULD JOIN THEIR SERVING PRACTICE AND HE WAS SO NERVOUS ABOUT IT BLESS HIS HEART I WAS RIGHT HE DID ASK OTHER PLAYERS TO PRACTICE WITH HIM. - asahi and tanaka joined them and kuroo watched from the sidelines and picked up on the fact that asahi and yamaguchi were pracising jump serves and how it was more impressive than tanaka’s standing serves  👀 - kuroo called yamaguchi “skinny guy” i’m vbdjfhvbdhfv - wait asahi and yamaguchi are actually hanging out and being serve practice buddies and asahi asks him if he’s okay when he looks worried about tsukishima, my heart  🥺 - okay yamaguchi is full on fanboying over asahi’s powerful serves and honestly, mood. - oh no he’s also feeling bad because asahi being awesome reminds him that he still sucks. - HOLD NOW UP SUGA COMES UP TO YAMAGUCHI AND APOLOGISES FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO HELP HIM?? - “you even had to go to shimada senpai yourself, looks like we have been too dependent on your will to learn.” I’M LOSING MY FUCKING MIND KARASUNO REALLY SAID ‘welp we can’t help you but it looks lke you’ve got it so we’ll leave you to it” WHAT? - suga actively acknowledged that no one on karasuno could help yamaguchi do what he wanted to do and encouraged him i’m weeping. - suga best senpai CONFIRMED. - wow yachi really flat out told yamaguchi “you’re WAY taller than i thought and i didn’t realise it until now” BRUTAL and now he feels bad.  - and now yachi feels bad for making him feel bad and he feels bad for making her feel bad about making him feel bad and it’s turning into an apology contest and pURE CHAOS. “I’M A WORTHLESS WORM” YACHI NO. - asahi is getting second-hand anxiety just from watching them from afar god bless. - during the watermelon break tsukishima disappears and yamaguchi starts getting anxious and feeling the need to talk to someone but his social anxiety makes him feel like he can’t join the second years and third years in their conversation even though they’re right next to him, thanks light novel i’m highlighting that three times over.  - omg he flat out left to have lunch on his own because he was too overwhelmed.  - he’s practiced his serves so much, his hands actually got stronger and rougher. - yamaguchi is perfectly aware of when he pisses off tsukishima vbdhfvb.  - “Tsukishima is staring at me, his face clearly saying I’m annoying and irritating. He’s doing all these to chase me away, in order to run away from me, run away from Hinata, run away from volleyball, and run away from himself.” so yamaguchi can read tsukishima’s confirmed, thanks i didn’t need my feels anyway. - ooooh fun bit of tokyo training camp trivia: the captains and vice-captains have a kind of meeting room just for them! - akaashi speaks on fukurodani’s behalf instead of bokuto because bokuto can’t be bothered vfbjdhvbh ffs bokuto - bokuto plays cards with ubunaga’s captain at every camp apparently. - ubunaga’s captain already left so now bokuto is trying to convince akaashi, kuroo, kai, daichi and suga to play with him. akaashi is trying to give them an out... - ... but of course kuroo wants to play. - and suga flat out volunteers daichi what a menace i love him. - akaashi is very tired. - omg kai is 100 times more of a conman than kuroo when it comes to card games and kuroo is finding it hilarious.  - for exactly three seconds, daichi convinced himself that kuroo could read minds. - akaashi didn’t want to lose the second game because the loser would have to massage bokuto so he emotionally blackmailed kai into losing aND IT WORKED. - and now kai is purposefully making it painful for bokuto and everyone is scared of him. - kai is officially haikyuu’s best character y’all. - suga and kai left and akaashi fell asleep and daichi/kuroo/bokuto continued playing until morning and hinata found them, bless.  - iwaizumi @ oikawa “ “Your very existence is the root of our sadness.” VBJHBVJF - there is no difference of experience, skill and stamina between shiratorizawa and the college teams they practice against, no wonder seijoh never won against them hot damn. - USHIJIMA FORGETS TO EAT WHEN THERE’S A GAME COMING UP AND HE’S TOO ABSORBED IN VOLLEYBALL WHAT. - oh no that’s twice already that yamaguchi works himself past exhaustion and feels unwell my heart - suga is looking after him  🥺 - bokuto is forcing his teammates and nekoma into a game of dodgeball befoe the other teams of the shinzen camp get there and it’s glorious. the nekoma players are just “maybe he’s right we can learn something about volleyball from dodgeball.......” but the fukurodani players are 100% done already.  - kuroo “motivates” the fukurodani gang by taunting them hvbdjhvb what a champ. - komi instinctively receives, akaashi instinctively sets, bokuto instinctively spikes, great this is now volleydodgeball. - yaku wants to use lev as a human shield but lev refuses because it hurts but kuroo forces him and tells him he expects a lot from the future ace so of course lev willingly becomes a human shield, someone save this child from his demon senpais. - yamaguchi IMMEDIATELY catches on michimiya’s crush on daichi and forcibly drags away hinata and kageyama who are very loudly commenting on the whole charm gifting thing, best kouhai ever. - my boy konoha is FINALLY making an appearance and getting teased by saru when he goes along with one of bokuto’s antics.  - oh no bokuto misunderstood something akaashi said, and akaashi turns to his senpai for help, BUT NOW EVERYONE MISUNDERSTANDS HIM - “ Akaashi is shaken by the change in attitude of his trusted third years. “ thsi is the single most heartbreaking sentence i’ve read in any haikyuu content. - everything is chaos and now konoha wants to pick a fight with akaashi’s grandmother, please don’t ask. - TSUKISHIMA IS AFRAID OF HEIGHTS, I REPEAT, TSUKISHIMA IS AFRAID OF HEIGHTS. - yes this is just a commentary now not just my muses anymore i’m sorry but not sorry. - there is a whole thing about bokuto struggling to name his feelings and comparing them to a balloon he’s trying to hold back with his hands but that slips away and floats to the ceiling and disappears before he can catch it, and i’ll be thinking about this all night. - spring tournament time, bokuto buys the “way of the ace” t-shirt every year because he’s scared of outgrowing it. - bokuto is kidnapping tsukishima into his shopping spree and someone from fukurodani is telling him “it’s okay to ignore bokuto you know” and i’m deciding it’s konoha. - “ “Bokuto, don’t mess with other school’s first year.” “I get it though, Tsukishima is the type you just want to mess with, right?” “True, he’s like Akaashi in some way.” “Eh?” “Kidding, kidding. Don’t mind it.” “I do mind.” “ I’M WHEEZING AKAASHI’S SENPAIS ARE THE WORST. - oh no kuroo has joined the fray and tsukishima is sandwiched between him and bokuto and he’s contemplating his entire existence in agonising distress. - oh shit kenma, akaashi and tsukishima gave bokuto a judging glare and they BROKE HIM, those three apparently have a lot of power together. - okay the light novel says the miya twins at the very least still have their mom in addition to their grandmother *mumbles mumbles my poor headcanons* - atsumu can smell mochi from very far away but not osamu, i was not expecting this and therefore declare the era of “atsumu has a very astute sense of smell”. - the twins helped some old people pound rice to make mochi, and now they’re shaping them, and osamu is making some very nice ones with a bunch of little girls who came to watch, whiel atsumu makes mochi monsters with a bunch of little boys who came to watch, and the girls sympathise with osamu having a brother like atsumu, i’mvbfjvhbh. - the twins making mochi with children is actually really wholesome stop it. - their mochi adventure made them forget that they initially went out to distribute new year’s cards and their mom is Not Happy about it. - Mama Miya sounds like a tough and cool lady. - ATSUMU NEVER STUDIES AND SLEEPS IN CLASS. - he flunked his midterms and was only allowed to compete in volleyball because aran convinced the teachers and apologised on his behalf, my god atsumu is a disaster why does anyone put up with him ever. - atsumu flat out admitted he sometimes puts on a “good boy face” so aran will let him off the hook when he gets scolded. - woah atsumu really doesn’t give a shit about school, good for him good for him. - iwaizumi, matsukawa and hanamaki went on an onsen trip during winter break after losing to karasuno I HAVE NO WORDS. - iwaizumi stays in saunas longer than any normal human being. - iwaizumi and matsukawa are having an eating contest and hanamaki is so confused and the iwaizumi/mattsun friendship is filling me with so much dumb joy. - aaaaand just as i was wondering where on earth oikawa was during this little trip, iwaizumi drops a “… If only he had come.” IWAIZUMI HAJIME SIR. -  “If you say ‘him’ there’s no one but him.” okay then i guess hanamaki and matsukawa are confirming that iwaoi is canon. - the schweiden adlers won four consecutive games against the tachibana red falcons (aran’s team).  - omg akana has to interview ushijima and kuroo told him she was a very promising sports journalist and ushijima is accidentally super nice and encouraging to her i’m crying. - akane describes ushijima’s way of answering questions as “clear and strong, with no hesitations” just like his playstyle and this will now live rent free in my head. - ushijima says playing with his team in shiraorizawa enriched his life and that the players there weren’t just strong  🥺
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