#(you wanna talk about loved but rarely talked about ocs? he's one of mine)
queen-scribbles · 2 years
Tagged for another round of incorrect quotes by @palepinkycat​, went with some of the Dragon Age kids, some came out so perfect they had me on the floor. [Rahna, Trinne, and Gabriel are Wardens; Astrid and Sigi are Hawkes, and Tighe’s an Inquisitor]
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(love that both times I’ve gotten the braincell one it’s been bang-on. 😂)
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ghostbur for the bingo :)
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I have cried over Ghostbur. I have cried. This probably doesn’t sound like much, but I personally hardly ever cry. It is a Momentous Occasion if I shed a tear—which I have done for my love Ghostbur <3 His story is so unbearably tragic and sad and much of it fills me with anger, and just… he really makes me Feel Things. A lot of things.
At this point I sorta wish Ghostbur was my OC 😭 Because then I could give him a canon happy ending that does not involve Limbo or merging with Wilbur. Like. I dislike Both of those things with quite a passion. I want Ghostbur to be mine I want to give him canon soft blankets and canon soup and canon hugs with Friend and canon happiness & healing :( I also get very easily upset over Ghostbur takes that I don’t like, or when I see people mischaracterizing him, and I just feel so protective lol EVEN THOUGH I know he’s not my character! He is simply… so special and dear and beloved to me. I want to protect him :(
Literally my Ghostbur playlist is like 30 hours long okay I am not even joking. If I listen to a song, there is a High chance that I associate it with Ghostbur—a high chance!!! And this isn’t just with music either; I see sweaters, I see blue flowers, I see sheep, I see red hats, I see many many things, and I think of Him <33 My obsession over this little guy is Boundless and I could probably make anything about Ghostbur if I were to think about it enough. I’m half-convinced that every single AJR song could fit Ghostbur.
I really don’t project onto characters that much, but oh. Ghostbur 😭 He’s already an extremely relatable guy to me (a rarity, I hardly ever find characters I relate to) and he’s also become very important & special to me, and I’ve… really accidentally found myself projecting 😅 I did not mean to do this!!! What do you mean he sneezes when he looks at the sun. What do you mean. I didn’t do that. That’s how he came in the box. I’m telling you. Believe me.
His yellow sweater is soooooo <3 I have been wanting to find and buy a yellow sweater that looks like his but I CAN’T FIND A GOOD ONE!!! MISERY!!!
*clings to the one-and-a-half Ghostbur streams that we ever got* Aksgajsgajsgjafs I know he showed up in a lot of other streams, but we didn’t really get much Ghostbur-centric content. A few good things, a few important things, but mostly he was there to talk to others/be friends with others/etc. I wish we could’ve gotten a few more streams because I want to see what his facial expressions were :((
Oooooh boy, snazzy indeed. Yes.
Ghostbur has an entire section of my brain all to himself lol, that’s what it feels like XD I have Other Parts Of My Brain and then I have Ghostbur. He lives there now. He does not pay rent but I don’t care because I’m happy to have him <3 I love this man.
*points* BEAN!!! He is soooo sweet and adorable I just <333
I cannot even tell you how many awful rancid Ghostbur takes I have seen 😭😭 Like… oh they make me angry. They fill me with so much rage. I will rant about these things. Likeeeee it’s super rare for me to find a Ghostbur fan who actually gets his character; most Ghostbur enjoyers have really strange, incorrect ideas about him. It makes me upset :(
I have so much Ghostbur Knowledge stored away oh my goodness!! <3 I could go on and on for hours about this man, he Does something to me that cannot be contained. I love Ghostbur.
But oh my gosh he got so much crap in his canon story and with the fandom oh my gosh. And his ending??! Please. I hate his ending with my whole being it makes me so genuinely upset and I hate it. Very AAAAAAAAH y’know.
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 10
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Summary: Honey and Elvis finally get a real date
Warning: Racial issues, heavy makeout session, brief talk about sex, swearing
Note: AH! it’s been so long! I’m sorry, don’t hate me too much. I hope this cute chapter will make up for the wait.
Listen to the playlist.
Song: Cry to Me by Solomon Burke
‘We’ll talk about this in the morning.’ Is all she said to me that night.
I got the worst sleep of my life, dreading to see daylight hit the sky. I didn’t wash up or nothing, cause I was too afraid to leave my room. I stayed in my dress all night, sitting at the edge of my bed and thinking about what I’m going to say to her.
As expected, once I do decide to leave my room that morning an argument ensues.
“You’re sneakin’ out, singing on stage, lettin’ your hair down, kissin’ white boys. This ain’t how I raised you. I thought I could trust you, that you matured into a fine young woman, but you been provin’ to me that you ain’t nothin’ but a child still. Ever since Elvis came back around you ain’t been yourself. He ain’t gon’ do nothing but bring trouble to ya.” She roughly scrubs the dishes.
“Ah!” She points a soapy finger at me, a sud or two dripping onto the titles below. “I don’t wanna hear it!”
“Ma, I love him!” She freezes, looking down into the sink water, both hands on either side of the bowl. “I’m sorry about not tellin’ you about the singing, and for sneaking out, and everything else in between, but that don’t mean you can constantly make me feel ashamed for who I am.” She dries her hands, walking around the kitchen and pretending to be busy so she can avoid making eye contact with me. “Ma, I have loved Elvis since the day I could walk. I can’t control it, and I thought you of all people would be the one person on this Earth to understand.”
She pauses in front of the refrigerator. Her eyes glisten like mine, but she still says nothing.
“I’m scared, Mama,” is all I have to say, before we both break. She finally turns to look at me, walking over to wrap her arms around me.
I sob into her dress, holding her tight. “I pushed him away for years cause I didn’t want any of us getting hurt, but every day I’m not with him only hurts my heart, Ma. I love him. So much.” My lip quivers against her shoulder. “I’m sorry about the singing, but a lot of people say I’m real good at it. And Vickie says people like blonde hair now. Things is changing. We don’t gotta be scared no more.”
She pulls away, holding my face in her hands with a sigh. She wipes away the tears that have fallen from my eyes. “I never meant to make you feel ashamed of who you are. You’re beautiful and strong, I have no doubts about that. I just worry about ya. I don’t want nobody hurtin’ my baby.” She sighs. “I guess I can’t be mad at ya, you just like me when I was your age.” I sniffle, furrowing my eyebrows at her words. She smiles sadly, wiping a tear from her own face. “Used to go down and sing with all the sharecroppers. How you think I got your daddy? Just a thing us James women got.”
My eyes widen. She did what?!
I giggle excitedly, wanting to hear more. She rarely talks about this kind of stuff. It usually makes her too emotional and distant whenever Dad’s brought up in conversation, so I try to avoid doing so and just let her talk about it when she wants to. I remain silent, wanting to give her all the space she needs to continue.
She sits on the edge of the stairs, looking off into the distance in a trance while she recovers some of her memories. “Used to know a guitar playin’ sharecropper. He was a sweet boy. I’d go out and sing with ‘em when the Beau family wasn’t lookin’. I had eyes for your daddy, but I knew better. Didn’t know he was lookin’ back at me that whole time. One day, his family went out of town. I didn’t know he stayed back. He followed me when I went to meet that boy, listened to me sing. Told me that was the day he knew he was in love.”
At this point, my tears have dried and all I can do is stare at her in amazement. There’s only so much I know about my dad and Ma’s life before she had me. All of this is new information for me.
I sit down next to her on the small wooden step. “So… you’re not mad Elvis and I are together?”
She lets out a deep breath. “How can I be, baby? Elvis was always such a good boy and I saw from the other day that he’s still that same little southern gentleman he used to be. I always knew you two would find each other some time or another.”
I look at her in amusement. “What do you mean you always knew?”
She chuckles, placing a hand on my knee. “The two of you were so close. You were always starin’ at him, chasin’ him around, givin’ him flowers. Everyone in the neighborhood would talk about how crazy you were for him.”
My jaw drops. They talked about me? Did everyone know except for me??
She continues, “Glady’s would tell me how much he talked about you when he’d come back home at the end of the day. I was surprised when you brought Michael here. Never cared much for that boy. Was always somethin’ off about him, some kinda attitude.”
She has no idea.
She sighs, taking a moment to sort through her thoughts, before looking back at me. “Be careful with Elvis, baby.” She adds sadly. “He may be a good man, but at the end of the day, he still a man. What a person can do with all that fame is beyond anything I’ll ever be able to imagine.”
I gulp, looking down at the floor. Normally, I push away these kinds of thoughts, but naturally fears of his rising fame have crossed my mind a time or ten. Of course I’ve thought about the unfathomable exposure to women beyond any man’s wildest dreams. Not to mention what the papers and broadcasters would say to the entire country about me.
Noticing the look on my face, she adds, “I don’t mean to scare you. I’m sure you know more about all this media bullshit than my old ass does.” I laugh at her vulgarness, but her face remains serious. “Just watch yourself out there. Especially with the singin’. Baby, there gon be a lot of people that will try and take advantage of ya, and even more that just plainly ain’t gon’ like what you doin’.”
I reach around her to pull her into a hug. I feel guilty knowing how much I’ve unintentionally villainized her recently. I thought she’d find out about everything and lock me in a tower or something ridiculous. She may have been overprotective of me, but it was never about my ability to handle myself, it’s about what everyone else might do. I got so caught up in keep everything a secret that I forgot how open minded she can actually be and how much she believes and trusts in me, and I’m beyond grateful for that.
“Ma, everything will be okay. I promise. I’m keeping my meetings with Elvis private until it feels safe. Besides, I trust him. I know no one is perfect, but if something comes up, I’ll deal with it and then you and I can kick his ass together.”
We share a laugh together, until I rest my head on her shoulder. She leans her head into my embrace, rubbing my arm. “You sing beautifully, baby. I’m so proud of you.” With a deep breath, she pulls away slightly to gaze down at me. “And as much as it terrifies me, I’m glad one of us got to chase our dreams.”
She tries to hold back, but I watch as she blinks away a tear. I can tell there’s a lot of history behind that last statement. She doesn’t mean just dreams of singing, she means love. What would it be like if Elvis got taken away from me? Or having to flee my home to an unknown place to raise his baby on my own? I can only imagine the pain she’s been through.
I squeeze her hand tight, not knowing what I can do to comfort her, but hoping just being there for her is the least I can do.
Never have I felt so close to my mom. I feel such a huge weight lifted off my chest and it makes facing this new day feel much more tolerable. I feel beyond relieved knowing how she truly feels about everything and that there are no more secrets between us.
Later that night, I find myself back at the club for my next shift. Okay, maybe there is still one secret between us.
Being back on my usual schedule feels wrong after last night. Unfortunately, despite my childish hopes and dreams, my life had not changed after being on stage. Things went back to normal and I’m back to being nobody. Of course those like Vickie and Sunbeam gave me congratulations, but still, I feel invisible. The only thing that’s changed is a new burning desire for more deep within my heart.
I guess success doesn’t come without hard work after all.
Though I suppose it did bring me one good thing.
“I missed you, baby.” He wraps his arms around my waist from behind, kissing the back of my neck.
“Elvis, I’m working right now. You shouldn’t even be up here.” I twist my neck, reaching behind me to capture those soft lips in a kiss.
He chuckles against my lips. “Well, tell Sunbeam you goin’ home early tonight. I got som’ important to be doin’ with my girl.”
His hands reach behind me and untie the apron from my waist, causing it to fall on the floor and the pens in the pocket to roll across the carpet. His eyes graze my face while he rubs up and down my thighs.
I bite my bottom lip to stop an excited smile from widening my face. “Elvis Presley, I don’t know what you think I’m doin’ with you tonight-”
“No, baby. It ain’t like that. I had somethin’ else in mind.” He bites his lip seductively before wrapping his arms around my torso, hugging me against him. He places his chin on my shoulder, swaying us back and forth while he continues speaking. “You remember when we was kids and I’d tell you one day we’d be ridin’ ‘round in a Cadillac?”
I giggle, leaning my forehead against his temple. “Just like how you said you’d be a superhero too?”
“And I will be, with time. But I plan on keeping that first promise to ya. I wanna take you some place special to me.” He thumbs my dress, gliding over my stomach.
Judging by the sudden softness in his tone, it must be more than just a ‘special’ place. I smile at his sincerity, wondering where it could be. “And this is the part where you remember we can’t be in the same vehicle together.”
He scoffs, pulling away. “Ain’t no police gon’ take you from me. Your superhero’s here to save you from all their evil doin’s.” He states dramatically, doing his best Captain Marvel Jr. pose like I’d watch him practice all them years ago.
I laugh at his goofiness, kissing him, before pushing him down the hallway and following him to his car downstairs.
Before I know it, we’re off going God knows where in his pink Cadillac that he’s been dreaming of owning for so long. Technically, he drove me in it yesterday, but it was short lived and honestly his car was the last thing on my mind.
My still straightened hair blows in the wind as we fly down the avenue. It feels nice to finally be with Elvis without all the drama. Everything feels so much lighter now without the stress of Mama or Michael.
I close my eyes and lean my head back on the white leather seat, breathing in the fresh air that runs past my face.
Elvis takes a quick glance at me, smiling at my tranquil state. He takes my hand, massaging his thumb into my knuckles, before turning back to the road.
Not even a second later, I feel his hand tighten around mine and he says, “Shit! Baby, it’s a cop. Get down.”
I all but throw myself across his lap, ducking just below the line of the dashboard. He places a hand on my head, flattening my hair from coming into view. He clears his throat, sitting up to portray a composed appearance to the passing officer. 
I hold my breath against his leg, as if that would hide me better. I close my eyes, waiting for him to update me on what’s happening.
He rubs his fingers across the side of my face as if to keep me calm.
Realizing that at least a minute has gone by, I cautiously turn my head to look up at him. He has a completely relaxed face, looking forward and occasionally adjusting the wheel without a care in the world. I scrunch my brows in confusion. “Did we pass him?” I whisper.
He looks down in shock, as if he forgot I’m even here, then he smirks smugly. “Oh, yeah. We passed him a while ago. I just like the look of you down there.”
I gasp, sitting up to smack him on the arm. “Elvis!”
Soon, he’s driving us on a dirt road through a forest of trees. With anyone else, I’d be panicking right now, but knowing him, it must be something real exciting he’s about to show me. Though, my excitement is quickly put to an end. The air fills with a familiar damp and… fishy smell; earthy, not pleasant, but somehow relaxing.
We come to a clearing and a large river comes into sight. He parks the car on a small grass edge neck to a dock. He jumps out, bolting around the car to open the door for me. I giggle, stepping out and placing a kiss on his cheek.
He takes my arm into his, walking me a very short distance to the front of the car and sitting me down on the hood. “Close your eyes. I have a surprise.”
I do as he says with a smile, hoping my ears can make out what my eyes are missing.
I feel the car bounce slightly and I assume he’s grabbing something from it. My ears catch the sound of him shuffling back and forth in the grass, which I can’t help but chuckle at.
“No peekin’ now.”
“I’m not!”
Static emerges from the car radio as it switches between stations, before finally settling on a slow and romantic song. He huffs back over to the front of the car, catching his breath somewhere in front of me.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
I open one, teasingly squinting at him. I catch a glimpse of a faint light behind him and lean to the side to peer over his shoulder.
Just a few feet in front of the shoreline lies a small red blanket with a woven basket and a tin battery operated lantern atop it.
He leans against the hood, staring off into the nature before us. “Used to come here after having bad days at school. Ride my truck up here at night, get me a nice view of the Miss’ippi, think about how I could make the world a better place.”
He hums at himself, taking in the view of the river. Suddenly, he stands back in front of me, insecurely obstructing my view. “Now, I know it’s not great, but I went down to that one here candy store and picked us out some stuff.” He quickly shuffles over to the basket, dropping to his knees as he rummages through it. “I didn’t know what to bring, but I got Clark Bars, Baby Ruth’s, Bit O’ Honey’s cause it ‘minded me of you. PB&J’s, I made ‘em myself.”
He nervously fumbles with the food taking one after another out of the basket.
“I even bought those weird little wax bottles cause I remembered you used to like ‘em. And, well, I hope you still do, but if you don’t I guess I’ll eat ‘em even though I never really cared for ‘em, but I got other stuff too, like-”
He snaps his head up in fear, slowly putting the candy down. I make my way over to him, sitting next to him on the blanket and placing my hand on top of his. “It’s beautiful.” I take in the view of the Mississippi River. The water is calm, and in the distance you can see the outline of the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge in the faint light of what’s left of the sunset. “It’s so pretty here.”
He studies my expression closely, making sure I’m being genuine with my compliments. I see this and nudge him. “Why are you so nervous? You act like we’ve never hung out before.”
He chuckles, looking down at the blanket and scratching his neck. “Well, I- I guess this is our first official date. I wanted it to be perfect, somethin’ that woulda made you happy, not this. I would’ve taken you out properly, but…”
I’m black? He’ll get bombarded with fans? We’ll be thrown in jail.
I know.” Is all I say to that. I rest my head on his shoulder, hugging his arm. “But everything is perfect. I have all the happiness I could get just having you here. Everything else is a bonus. Besides, it’s nice to finally get some private time with you.”
We sit still for a moment, listening to the sound of the water swishing and the radio playing all while the sky finally darkens, leaving us with nothing but the light from the lantern and a couple of lightning bugs.
“I wish I would’ve been able to see you more when we was teens. Could’ve saved me from all that Dixie business.”
I chuckle.
We both know we wouldn’t have seen each other anyway, not being allowed in the same schools and all, butI hold back saying anything. I don’t need to constantly remind him and myself of the cruelty of this world.
“What are your dreams?” I ask him.
He answers like it’s the most normal question he’s ever been asked. “Be big, change the world, I wanna fly. How ‘bout you?”
I smile. Despite the amount of years it has been, his answer has not changed. For as long as I’ve known Elvis, all he ever wanted to do is fly.
I shrug. “I don’t know. Go to Kansas or somethin’.”
He throws his head back, laughing. “Oh, quit snoring me. I’m serious. Who do you wanna be?”
I have many dreams. I wanna be able to walk down the streets with Elvis in peace. I wanna meet my dad one day, maybe in 30 years we’ll even be allowed to see a movie together too. I wanna see Mama happy again. And if I have the time, I wanna change the world, maybe even make it big. But some dreams are too unrealistic.
“I wanna be like you.”
He furrows his eyebrows in disbelief.
I continue, having yet to look up at him from my place on his shoulder. “I want your passion, your influence. You make people feel things when you perform. I envy that in you.”
He shakes his head. “You have your own special way of charming a room, darlin’, trust me on that one. You have no idea the power you have.” He gently grabs my face, forcing me to look up at him. “You’ve bewitched me.” He states dramatically, before leaning in to capture my lips. I giggle into the kiss, both of us falling backwards onto the blanket.
We spend the next hour looking up at the stars, hair sprawled out across the blanket, talking about anything and everything that crosses our minds while popping candies in our mouths.”
“Colonel got me on lock down. Can’t perform for a while. They basically put me on house arrest ‘til I ‘learn how to behave myself’. I don’t get what they want from me. Putin’ me in a penguin suit, singin’ a couple’a doo wops like some fool. Said they want me actin’ more ‘white’. I just don’t get it.”
I scoff. “Believe me, I understand. Ma had me doin’ the same thing. You know she used to put cold rags on my face thinkin’ it would make my eyes blue? ‘It’s all for my protection’. She’d tell me that everyday.”
“I always thought about what it’s be like to have brown eyes.”
“Make me look more dark and mysterious.”
“You really need to stop readin’ them comics.”
“I don’t know what the hell Michael was on about last night, ‘bout me bein’ all popular or something, cause growin’ up ain’t nobody like me.”
“I did!”
“‘Cept you, lil darlin’.”
“Can I be honest with you?” He hums for me to continue. “I miss those little Mississippi shacks.”
He turns over on his side to face me in disbelief. “Why?!” 
I tilt myself towards him, shrugging. “It was nothing, it was dirty, but it was simple. Everything was. Sometimes I just wanna go back to hidin’ away from the world. It felt safer.”
“Now, you know that’s a bunch of horse. I saw how much you was smilin’ up on that stage.”
Just the mention of it makes one appear on my face.
He rubs his hands up and down my arm. “I know things ain’t gonna be easy, but you’re still happy and proud of yourself. You know I’m always here to protect you, baby.” He takes my hand, leaving a kiss on my knuckles.
When your baby leaves you all alone
And nobody calls you on the phone
A song begins playing on the radio from the car, echoing through the dark, empty space of the night.
A chill runs up my spine, whether from the river breeze or him, I’m unsure. I snuggle into his chest, embracing his warmth and listening to the chirping of crickets amongst the other critter sounds.
“I can’t believe how long I waited to have you like this. All that time I wasted.”
He massages my back, admiring my face from above. “If anything it was me wastin’ time. If I only woulda had the guts back when we first kissed, none of this woulda happened. I coulda had you to myself all these years by now. Didn’t know what I was missin’.”
A-don’t you feel like a-cryin’?
Don’t you feel like cryin’?
“Is it too early to say I love you?”
Why did I just say that? Of course it’s too early. You’re gonna scare him off, Honey!
His chuckle vibrates through his chest and into my hand. “Do you?” He questions, peering down at me.
I insecurely look up at him, looking for signs of fear or disgust. Hesitantly, I answer, “yeah.”
“Say it.”
“I love you, Elvis.” I whisper.
He smiles at my timidness, kneading my shoulder. “I love you too, Bumble.”
My eyes widen and I instantly hide myself back into his neck, giggling and embarrassed at the old nickname. “You still callin’ me that?” I ask through my smile.
He laughs along with me. “What’s wrong with it? I gave you the name myself.”
I lift my head back up, shaking it at him.
We lock eyes, staring at each other while a long silence comes between us.
“You’ll always be my little bumble bee.”
I let out a breathy laugh, before another gust of wind comes by causing me to jump back into his arms.
He hums, pulling me close as if to shield me from mother nature. He continues rubbing my upper body, slowly peppering light kisses across my cheek.
“You won’t ever have to live in a place like that again.�� His whispers dust past my ear. “I’m here to take care of you now.”
Well, here I am, my honey
C’mon, well, cry to me
My breath hitches against his neck. As if it has its own mind, my hand begins drifting down his chest, pulling his shirt towards me until his lips crash on mine. His hand floats down, grabbing my thigh to lift it on top of his own. Our legs become entangled as our tongues dance with one another.
Before I know it, he’s on top of me, grinding me into the grass. Right as I’m about to unbutton his shirt, he stops me just like last time.
“Not here.”
I throw my head back, whining. “Elvis. What’s the matter? Is it something wrong with me?”
He picks himself off of me. “Now, you know damn good and well ain’t nothin’ the matter with you. You’re perfect, darlin’” He reassures me, kissing my cheek while he buttons back up his shirt. “I want our first time to be in a house we share, and preferably in a bed without critters crawlin’ in places they shouldn’t be. I ain’t takin’ you like this.”
I lean up, laughing. I cock my head to the side in adoration, watching him fix himself up. It would be nice to have our first time be romantic, but as long as my first time’s with him, I don’t give a rats ass about the rest.
He then craw;s back on top of me, running his thumb over my cheek with a stern grip. “But trust me, baby, I wantcha. I wantcha real bad.”
I moan into his grip, my mind going wild with dirty thoughts.
“Now, come one. I best get you home now. I can’t risk drivin’ ‘round too late.” Just like that, he pulls away, gathering up his things.
I groan, picking myself up to help carry things to the car.
I spend the car ride snuggled up to him. He has one hand around my shoulders while the other turns the wheel. Every stop we come to he places a kiss on my forehead.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over this puppy love stage. Everything feels so perfect. It’s like my life finally feels at peace and every problem I ever had before seems small. I feel stronger with him and I’m determined to face the world with him no matter what tries to come between us. I swear, nothing can take this happiness from me.
“Ma know about us?” He asks, snapping me from my thoughts.
I’m just now aware that we’re parked outside my house. How long have we been here?
I nod. “Yeah, she knows.”
“Think I should go in and say hello?”
Always such a gentleman, ain’t he? “She’s prolly asleep by now.”
He points to the house. “That why the lights on?”
I pick my head up from his shoulder, peeking over at the house. Odd. She usually would be asleep by now. Then again, I did forget to call before I went with Elvis. Damn, she’s probably up worrying about me.
He peers around the windshield to inspect a car in front of us. “You got company over?”
I take a look at the car as well. It definitely isn’t the neighbors car, unless they suddenly got rich overnight. I examine the license plate. Black. Alabama. Hmm.
“Maybe I should go inside now.”
“Alright, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
One last kiss for the evening, then I make my way to my front door. He watches me as usual. I wave him goodbye, shutting the door behind me. Only then does he drive away.
I hang my purse up on the rack by the door, kicking off my shoes, completely oblivious to what’s waiting for me in the privacy of my home. Seems like there’s always some unwanted surprise behind this door lately.
I go to walk up the stairs to my room, but catch a glimpse of my mom sitting on the couch with an unsettling look in her eyes. She just sits there, no TV on or nothing, just watching me, waiting for me to notice. I furrow my brows in confusion and slight fear. I hesitantly tiptoe over to her as if I’m anticipating something to jump out at me.
“Hey.” I say, checking over the living room. “Meant to call. I was out with Elvis. Hope I didn’t cause too much-”
That’s when I hear it. Them.
One of the dining room chairs squeak causing me to quickly spin around at the noise. At the table sits an unknown man and woman. Both white.
“Honey, there’s someone you need to meet.”
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@tearupmyhead @chouetteschaussettes @il-giardino @theliterarybeldam @re3kin @anangelwhodidntfall @felicityroth @crash-and-cure @mama-pankow @tzillas @wonderlandlovelove @mirandastuckinthe80s @queenslandlover-93 @coconutessential @pumkiinpasties @buckybarnesbitch00000000 @biafbunny @darkestbeforethedawn16 @dollfaceyourfear @adoreyouusugar @hails-schae @spacegh0ul @im-lame-irl
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difty-dift · 2 years
Hmmmm actually 🤔
For new people who wanna know your ocs, how's a brief rundown of your lovely guyss?
Sure! and thanks for the ask!
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First is K-1! First guy i finalized. He's based off of beefy orc designs (and yes his primary inspiration is Knack from Knack but shut up we're moving on). He's essentially a cyborg, a combination of goblin and human DNA (which is a simple way of explaining the orc like appearance) along with cybernetic enhancements and mysterious ancient technology (seen in his spikes and core). He was created government contracted bio laboratory with the goal of developing a unbeatable super soldier. And they succeeded! He's incredibly strong and dependable, and has never lost a single battle. But he's also easygoing so he knows not to take things too far. The most likely to walk through a entrance sideways
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Next is Ing (no torso cause i just love this headshot so much)! He (and Cho) are also products of the same laboratory experiments, but to differing results than K-1. Ing is the combination of the elusive blood of a shadow dragon (the most rare, impervious, and violent species) and the DNA of various beasts needed to keep him alive in the early stages of his development (mainly tiger). Because of all the other elements diluting his draconic essence, the end result was a great lack of any desired traits (wings, protective scales, immense strength, etc.) Deemed a failure by the governement for his lacking potential, he spends his days at the facility at which he was born, helping the researchers and training to be stronger while his friends go off into battle. I made him cause the urge for a tiger oc overtook me, but i couldn't just make i tiger, i needed more. My first 'fursona' i suppose. He is more reserved and quiet than the others but he loves learning and isn't shy about his appearance (though intimacy does get to him sometimes~). Has the least noticeable yawns.
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And now Chocoa! You know him, you all wanna fuck him, i get it, it's understandable. He's a bull/bear hybrid, and a chimera like Ing. I saw a artist's interpretation of the mix, thought "Seriously? ", and created him in a feverish stupor. Though the third oc, he was the first successful experiment and had many years of victories before K-1 came along. Developed in a separate facility than the others, he's a an arrogant, bullheaded, boorish, crass, and unpleasant guy, just a right asshole. And his lovely personality shines just as bright on the battlefield, earning him many wins and just as many injuries. There's not really much to him past that; loves to fight, loves to smash, he's a jerk, but can get real soft with enough time. Takes the longest showers.
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Onwards to Beryl. He's a lynel, those vicious dudes from Breath of the Wild, yeah? But he was born with a mutation, so his horse half is a lion half instead. Which made him docile as a result. I saw art on twitter of a beartaur i believe and was stricken by a mighty need. And i remembered that lynels are like, so fucking cool. He spends his days mining for jewlel and ore, and trading with passerbys for rupees (which he also admires (cause shiny)). He doesn't really like company and finds being friendly with others awkward (especially cause he cant talk). Never wins a staring contest.
(and yeah just his torso doesn't really do him justice but i very bad at drawing animal legs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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And finally it's Mozi. He's a forest cryptid, mainly a moose dude. The idea for him sprung up randomly from chatting with a certain someone (⬆) and it stuck in me brain from how good it was. For 7 months. He was so hard to finalize for some reason oh my god. But I managed eventually and i freaking love him. He's just a silly moose guy, wandering the woods and napping. The slowest walker and the fastest sprinter. Though, no one has seen him do either...
And that's that! For now. My mind's always working on new angles and ideas after all. But let it be known i fucking adore all these dudes and seeing other people be like "whoa that's cool!" never fails to make me smile~
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himbos-hotline · 10 months
do you have a favorite thing you’ve written, and if yes why? -🐦‍⬛
I have a few things that I consider my "favourite" things ive written. Like theres fics that have a special place in my heart for reasons and theres some that I just think are fucking well written in a great way in a writing style that is just me, and thats pretty fucking great like not to brag or anything but all my years of writing I think right this moment is the best ive ever written. I love the art that im sending and showing to yall guys!
NGL theres a lot cuz im getting better at like, being proud of myself nowadays
We made our peace with weariness and let it be. I wrote this on a train going to see Bonnie and Clyde in the theatre. I like how I write kenny here- how I focus on the more unsure, shy almost unwilling participant in everything his body and brain says.
An open hand [for your other man] Again a fic that means a lot to me personally for just how its written. Again I focused on more on the fact that Kenny Omega will do anything for the people that he loves, even if that comes at the expense of said people he loves and himself.
I'll tell you my sins and [you can sharpen your knife] The first of what I think is three fics starring my OC Jay. The most recent fic ive written. It focuses a lot on Jay and Cole relatioonship and the terrifying idea of being known and Cole learning to forgive himself fopr his sins back in NXT. Both Jay and Cole learn that betrayal doesnt always mean the end of everything.
The ghost story would be over Another Jay fic that focuses more on his friendship/brotherhood with the BCC and eventually how she joins the Elite. I dont know why this means a special place in my heart and I swear I know where this fic is going despite my utter lack of updates with it
I find myself alone at night [Unless I'm having sex] Yknow how I constantly talk about Kenny being too scared to love and therefore having to constantly leave Hangman and Hangman constantly expecting to wake up alone. Yeah, thats this entire fic and I know it was meant to be like, a happy fluffy fic but its one of personally, the saddest fics Ive written because at least while writing it, you feel hangmans utter sense of lost and longing consume him by the end.
To you I'm just a man [to me you're all I am] My first ever aew fic. Written when I couldnt tell the Bucks apart and i was producing content daily. It means a lot to me because i think that ive gotten better as a writer but theres some scenes that I think are ngl movie quality; like the flashback would be all sad and hazy and I think the fic feels the same as listening to piano man by billy joell
Would you love me more [If I killed someone for you?] Adam Cole gets murdered the fic. I think this is the fic that has the most fanart potential of mine. Like theres some great imagery that would like, explode so much fanart or other content.
Getting you off is my new favourite hobby The last of the Jay fics on this list, and my first time writing smut. Theres something about this fic that feels so deeply emotional and soft despite being about sex in hangers kitchen. I think its the underlying acceptance adam shows to jay and the utter love that he has for zem before and during and after sex.
Blood is as rare and as sweet as cherry wine 4 thousand words of hangman being so deeply in love with kenny omega it hurts him. Kenny is deep in his cleaner persona [or in my world, cleaner is fronting and kenny is trapped, watching him ruin everyone kenny loves] and this fic, reading it again makes me wanna throw kenny omega into a wall and just let hangman beat the fuck outta him and then fu- *gets shot by TK*
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Hey!! You! Do you like queer purple goofballs? Consider voting for my queer purple goofball in this poll!!
"But Aloe!!" You may cry. "We don't know anything about your queer purple goofball!" Fantastic news, there is a (sort of long) solution to that under the ReadMore link, and you're welcome to reply to this post or send me an ask (on any of my blogs) if you wanna know more!
Also if you reblog this I will love you forever
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SURPRISE!! There isn't just one Kalamari, there are two!!!! Magnapinna is Kalamari's alter :3 She's pink, Kalamari is purple, and together they're an eccentric bisexual-colored mess of gradients and glitter
-Wandering Salesperson, takes their job very silly instead of very seriously. All her goods are definitely totally for sure legally acquired, don't worry about it!
-25 years old
-He/She/They/It pronouns, that he likes people to alternate Frequently. Would consider using neopronouns too, but hasn't decided on any yet
-Sexuality is 'whatever is fun!' and gender is 'just a goofy guy'
-Whimsical!! All about having fun and finding strange things
-Absurd optimist
-In an 'It's complicated' relationship with another oc of mine, Glass!
-Very good at smuggling things. It's awful at being sneaky, but she stands out so much that people pay more attention to him than whatever she might be holding. The kind of person that could confidently walk out of a store while carrying an entire television they just stole
-Never ever takes his mask off. No one knows what their face looks like. If asked about it, she gives a different answer every time, and it gets more ridiculous the more you ask. ('I'm bad at smiling, but I wanted people to know I'm happy', 'It's comfy', 'I just like having secrets', 'I'm legally unallowed to show my face', 'People can't handle looking at me and I got tired of it', 'Oh I don't actually have a face under here', 'Never piss off a wizard'.)
-Name refers to squid served as food (calamari)
-Calls Magnapinna 'Magna'
-Wandering Voice of Reason, constantly working to keep Kalamari safe and make sure she actually gets things done
-Also 25 years old
-She/They/It pronouns, doesn't care which one(s) people decide to use because she doesn't care for people talking about her at all
-Sexuality is 'no' and gender is 'absolutely not'
-Certified The Horrors (tm). Can be kind of mean, but she's just very serious and doesn't have time to deal with other people. Someone in this system has to be responsible!
-Resigned realist at best, irritated pessimist at worst
-Highly approves of Glass' positive influence on Kalamari, highly disapproves of directly interacting with her
-Secretly shy!
-Has her own mask, a pouty one like in the picture above, but often just wears Kalamari's, as she doesn't think anyone deserves to know when she's fronting. (Really, she's mostly just shy about people potentially getting to know her.)
-Name refers to a rare, creepy squid that looks like they 100% would eat a person, they're so scary to me. I love them so much
-Calls Kalamari 'Mari' sometimes, mostly when things have gone terribly, horribly, horrifically wrong and she's stressed about it
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morguemaw · 2 years
QUICK info dump something cool you might want to tell us about your OCs please! Because I want to be happy by making you happy by giving me an info dump!
rguh guh RU RUGHRU!!! I HAVE !! I AHVE i have.. i hvae some... I will start with my Skele OCs then under the cut go to my non UTMV ocs :) Zemuf; Zemuf was originally a vent sona. He didnt have a head because at the time i didnt want to give him one, i was very distant with the community and i was just kinda.. Scared to be back. A artist in the community traumatized me heavily, so i didnt want Zemuf to have a face. Well, overtime i just decided to give him one, and i just kinda fell inlove with him after!! Zemuf canonly does have a BF named Orca, but there is like.. 2? other non-canon crack ships, one is Zemuf x Skele Rot(another OC of mine), then one which was the original ship was Zemuf x Geno (sometimes + Reaper ), this was bc of a ask a anon made that Geno and Zemuf would be good friends xD Imp, Aka Mailboy; Imp was one of my first few new UTMV ocs i made! He is kinda chocolate themed, and is the UTMV Mailboy, he delivers letters to every AU out there!! He is seemingly dating a certain funky fresh boi owned by my brother 👀 Trick is another OC of mine.. But he doesnt have a ref yet :( It also reminds me of a dump of OCs i did once; they were a bunch of skele babies and i gotta find them since they contain a ref of another OC of mine named King who i miss D:
Cinder(fursona)- Cinder is one of my characters that i just really really fucking love. His backstory is that he was sacrificed into a volcano to the god within, but the God gave Cinder a offer to relive as a form of immortal to take care of the place he would be located into. He agrees, and was then .. frozen? into the hardened lava rock, like hundreds of years later he was found by another character named Icy, who belongs to my wife, and they trained together at a school. The plot twist is that Icy too is a form of immortal being, these beings are called Champions, Icy being one of the first ones after he left the school, but Cinder remained for abit, and when he got out Icy was retiring/retired, after Cinder became the new top Champion, he became Icy's guardian basically, which got them closer! Cinder has any power regarding Volcanos, which is alot, like Fire, Magma, Smoke, Explosions even, and in those rare cases of lightening coming from the Volcano's smoke :) Now we get into the stages of OCs of mine that i just wanna talk about/bring up because i just adore them
Rot; Rot is a albino shark, he is mostly white and pink and was one of my favorite characters i have adopted thus far. He is my PFP actually!! He has slim to no lore other then when he was young his fins were taken to make Shark fin Soup, aka my last ditch effort reasoning to why he only has 2 shark fins HAHA Wish; Wish was a custom i got by a designer i adore, he was in my 3008 animation meme, i love him and if Gutsy wasnt my everything (sona, persona, whatever ) i can def see him or Rot taking that place :) Spiggy; Spiggy is a spider boi of mine, though he looks nothing like one so i love that abt him!! He doesnt have too much of anything on him, other then i love him alot :D
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navegandoaciegas · 3 years
Maneater Writing Challenge
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(gif not mine, found of Pinterest)
Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing great!!
In honor of the upcoming Hot Girls Summer, and of me hitting 2.6k followers here on Tumblr, I wanted to host a smut writing challenge with the topic of “Maneaters”, aka fem doms.
FemDom is a large term that includes many different kind of dominant women. It originates in the BDSM community and it indicates activities and relationships where the female partner is in charge. There’s different type of femdoms, for example the gentle kind that combines sexual dominance with nurturing elements (example: mommy kink), or the more widely known dominatrix kind that enjoys dominating in a cruel, strict way.
Fem!Dom readers x Sub!Male character is a pretty rare trope in the Marvel fandom, but I hope that by hosting this challenge I will inspire more people to write this type of content.
Let’s go over the boring rules before we can get to the fun stuff:
You can write for any characters played by Sebastian Stan (ex. Bucky Barnes, Lee Bodecker...) or Chris Evans (Steve Rogers, Andy Barber). Any other Marvel character, like Sam Wilson, is also fine.
The story must be a reader insert (character x reader). So no OC’s and no character x character. Poly and multiple characters x reader is fine to me.
The closing date is September 9th, my birthday! No pressure if you can’t get it done by then.
You must be 18+ to participate.
No word limit, but please use ‘read more’ if your story is longer than 250 characters.
Due to the nature of the challenge, all stories must include smut. You can make it nsfw of any kind, as any genre is welcome: fluff, angst, dark (dub-con, non-con), hurt/comfort.
Any AU, trope and kink is welcome except: scat, snuff, gore, underage, bestiality.
Send me an ask or a dm with the prompts you’ve chosen. Choose at least one. You can pick as many as you want from all categories. No limits of # people per prompt.
I’m going to reblog and comment each story I get, and I will eventually create a masterlist with all the submissions I get.
If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I picked over 50 prompts in total, so I hope you’ll find at least one that will inspire your creativity.
The prompts are listed below the cut.
Lyrics (You can use the whole song or the lyrics I selected as inspo):
Maneater by Nelly Furtado: I wanna see you all on your knees, knees, you either wanna be with me or be me. Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds: Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored, I'm the girl you'd die for. I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out, 'cause that's what young love is all about. So pull me closer and kiss me hard, I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart.
How to be a Heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds: Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun, but baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to somebody you could lose.
CryBaby by Megan Thee Stallion: Uh, his friends and his dad hate me (yeah), I broke his lil' heart, he a crybaby
Heart of Glass by Blondie: Once I had a love and it was divine, soon found out I was losing my mind. It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind. Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
Daisy by Ashnikko: Make your man call me daddy, he talk too much, he's too chatty.
Get on your knees by Nicki Minaj: You gotta beg for it, beg for it, I wanna see you lookin' up. Baby I'ma need you to beg, beg beg for it. Get on your knees, get on your knees, get on your knees.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga: Russian roulette is not the same without a gun. And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun.
Mommy kink
Gagged and Bound
Anal Plugs
Chastity belts
Body Worship
Loss of Virginity (Virgin Character)
Innocence Kink
Corruption Kink
Men wearing panties and stockings
Revenge/Makeup sex
House Husband kink
Mistress kink
Lactation/Breastfeeding kink
Breeding kink
“How quick can you make me cum?”
“I’m not touching you unless you beg me to.”
“Bad boys don’t get to cum.”
“Take it.”
“Please, mommy.”
“You look so pretty on your knees.”
“I like men better when they shut the fuck up.”
“Did that hurt? (...) Good, because it was meant to.”
“Keep making those noises for me, baby.”
“You’re not coming unless I say so.”
“You’re in so much trouble, baby boy.”
“Should've thought about it before you decided to piss me off.”
“Jealousy looks great on you.”
“I’ll be so good to you.”
“I’m yours, all yours.”
“Please, gimme more.”
“So fucking tight.”
“You’re such a pathetic little slut.”
“Look at you, drooling all over yourself.”
Situations (You don’t have to use these, but I thought I could give you some extra inspiration):
Jealous reader shows character who he belongs to;
Reader pegs the ‘_’ (insert whatever annoying behavior you want) out of the character;
Reader cucks disobedient character;
Character surprises the reader with a maid costume;
Reader makes character wear a sex toy (anal plug, vibrating panties, chastity belt) in a public setting;
Seemingly innocent and sweet reader surprises character with a kinky side;
Seemingly kinky and experienced character reveals a soft, innocent interior;
Reader gets revenge on her cheating partner;
Reader verbally humiliates the character;
Character accidentally call the reader “mommy” in the middle of sex;
Yandere!Reader is obsessed with character;
Yandere!Reader thinks that the character is cheating on her with another woman.
Tagging some writers who may be interested. Please don’t feel pressured to join.
@buckycuddlebuddy @msmarvelwrites @sweeterthanthis @whateveriwant @imanuglywombat @nsfwsebbie @jtargaryen18 @jobean12-blog @world-of-aus @river-soul @buckyownsmylife @burnthematches @sherrybaby14 @sinner-as-saint @kleohoneyao3 @literate-lamb @candy-and-writing @cap-n-stuff @docharleythegeekqueen @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @honeyloverogers @honeygingergemini @fafulous @foxgloveprincess @giorno-plays-piano @gotnofucks @gogolucky13 @cherienymphe @mcudarklibrary @emilykjh @overr-written @teamcap4bucky @threeminutesoflife @iraot @sebbysbaby @propertyofpoeandbucky @hailmary-yramliah @cryptidcasanova @asadmarveltrashbag @angrythingstarlight
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Ok I LOVE YOUR FICS!!! Ahhh they are so good! Could you do an Elijah x reader where he gets jealous or something like that I just need that fluff at the end 😭😭 you can change some things if you think they dont fit but yeah! I dont wanna be too picky :) btw your last fics have been so good!
Nooo I am not worthy of such praise 💓 thank you. Jealous Elijah also one of my top things to write about.
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Vampire!F!Reader Niklaus Mikaelson x Oc
Warnings: fluff, Elijah maybe killing someone
Jealousy was a rare thing Elijah felt as he never really had anything to be jealous of but now he did. A young vampire was flirting with Y/N, his beautiful little wife, she was giving the leech sweet little smiles and giggling ever once in awhile.
"Never thought I would see the day Elijah Mikaelson be jealous." Elijah heard a sweet voice say and he looked seeing Lena, Klaus's soon to be wife.
"Non sense Lena." Elijah said as the female vampire smirked leaning over the couch as she was bored of this party Klaus was throwing to celebrate his engagement to the vampire.
"Come on Eli. I have known you for over 400 years, babe I know everything about you." Lena said looking over at Y/N and the vampire flirting with her then at Elijah seeing the dark glint his eyes.
"I am aware and I am telling you I am not jealous."
"Babe, you got this predatory glare set on your face. If we were younger vamps I would swear you were going to kill the baby vamp." Lena said as Elijah coughed looking away then back to his wife and baby vamp.
"Lena, do you know who he is?" Elijah asked his eyes darken even more as all self control he had was slipping whe the vampire touched Y/N's bare lower back.
"Yeah, Garrett. One of Marcel's guys, Nik broke the guy's leg last weekend when he hit on me." Lena tells Elijah sighing remembering that night as Klaus rocked her world that night. Lena open her eyes to find Elijah gone and headed over to Garrett and Y/N like a predator.
"Hey wolfbabe some blood is about to be spilled." Lena said smirking as Klaus looked over at Elijah while he was talking to Rebekah and saw Elijah walking to the bar. Both Rebekah and Klaus sighed hoping that Elijah won't kill the baby vampire.
"My darling, you look stunning." Elijah said lowly smacking Garrett's hand from his wife's back to replace it with his. Y/N smiled brightly up at her husband then squeaking when he suddenly leaned down kissing her hungrily. He pulled away cupping her cheek rubbing her now swollen bottom lip as Garrett was shocked unaware Y/N was Elijah's wife as Elijah held her close with a predatory glit in his eye.
"Didn't know you were Elijah Mikaelson's wife." Garrett said leaning toward Y/N not feeling threatened by Elijah as he was still in to the Original's wife.
"I made no secret that was married." Y/N said showing her wedding ring as Elijah growled lowly when Garrett took her hand kissing the ring.
"I don't mind if Elijah is willing to share. I would love to see what is under the gorgeous dress." Garrett said kissing Y/N's wrist as Y/N turned red as this made Elijah snap and suddenly Garrett was against a wall with Elijah's hand around his throat. People moved away a bit scared of the angry Original as there was nothing more terrifying than when the noble stag was angry and willing to kill.
"Haven't seen him that angry in centuries." Lena said standing next to Y/N who felt a little flushed seeing her husband act like this.
"Lena, he had acted this why before?"
"Yeah but not this pissed. Then again Elijah worships you." Lena told the younger vampire as Klaus tried to calm Elijah as Garrett just smirked. Elijah pulled away then went to whisk his wife away.
"Elijah, you know I won't leave you yes." Y/N said as Elijah held her close after putting on her favorite jazz record on the record player.
"I am aware baby but doesn't mean those should be allowed to touch what's mine." Elijah said swaying with her as Y/N laughed lightly laying her head on his chest as she was taken back to the 20s in that jazz bar where they promised forever.
"My sweet husband, the only one allow to me is those who are worthy." Y/N teased Elijah as he smiled down at his wife.
"Am I worthly?" Elijah teased back as Y/N smirked pulling him down by his tie.
"Come and find out." Y/N whispered as Elijah kissed her while she smiled into the kiss as Elijah swayed with her.
"Next time try not to almost kill someone."
"No promises baby."
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harbouredsoulss · 3 years
Let’s Talk About Love -  3rd & Final Part!
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Authors note: Let’s Talk about Love is now finished! Thank you all so much for the love you’ve given to this story! I appreciate each and everyone of you!
I am so excited now to create other stories for you all!! I have a few things up my sleeve. 
I know I said on my post that i would be posting this on Monday but I couldn’t help it! Hopefully this is a good surprise lol.
Read Part One and Two! 
Angel Reyes X [OC]
Word count: 876
Warnings: Fluff!! 
Summary: The idea of love haunts Angel Reyes. He doesn’t know how to commit himself to it. So he sticks to what he knows and does what he does best and he uses his best friend to do that. But the thing is, she’s madly in love with him and Angel being the most clueless man in the world, has no idea.
I stood there speechless as I allowed his words to wash over me. 
Angel was known for many things, but being vulnerable? That wasn’t one of them, and shock couldn’t begin to cover what I was feeling after listening to his confession. There were so many parts to this man I had yet to unlock and yet, I had known him for nearly all of my life. 
I had never really seen this side to him before. Sure, there had been glimpses. Rare moments where in a bout of rage you could see the raw emotion gleaming in his eyes. If you blinked you were sure to miss it. But here and now, there was no missing it. Angel was actively letting his guard down, and therefore, letting me in. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. 
There was a slight shake to his hands as he brought the cigarette to his lips, breathing in the nicotine. I shook my head at him and held my hand out. Breathing out the smoke, he placed it in between my fingers. Bending down I put the cigarette out in the dirt. 
“You know,” I started, flicking the butt out of my hands, “those things will kill you.”
Smirking the gorgeous man before me crossed his arms. “We’re all gonna die someday.”
“Obviously,” I snorted, “But I would much rather it be when we’re old and grey.” 
He smiled then – no he grinned. It was the first genuine smile I had seen in forever; it touched his eyes. It made me melt inside. I loved this man. 
“So, I ah take it you’re sticking around?” he asked apprehensively. 
“Well… you are standing in my drive way.” Teasing I punched his arm and moved beside him, leaning my head against his shoulder. 
“So, I take that as a, yes?”
I sighed. 
“I’ve already told you how I feel Angel, and you’ve done the same. Now we just live. See how things go day by day. You can’t shut me out though. I need to know what you’re thinking, and how you’re feeling, to make this work.”
“I can do that.” he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling my body towards his. He put his face in the crook of my neck breathing in and out, repeating the words, “I can do that,” over and over again.   
We stood like that for a while, not taking into account the passing of time, or the shift of day into night. Angel’s hands ran up and down my back, rubbing them in circles. His face still hidden within the crook of my neck, his mouth whispering promises to my skin. Promises about what he would do with me, for me and to me. I couldn’t help the smile that grew on my face as he continued to whisper those sweet nothings against my flesh. My hand tangled itself in his hair, softly scratching his scalp, and massaging his head. 
It was nice to just be this close to one another. To feel the warmth of his body against mine. 
Hands stilling, Angel pulled away, his gaze never leaving mine. Both his hands slipped below my waist, and gripped the back of my thighs. Grinning, I placed both my hands on his cheeks and pulled his face towards mine. I pressed my lips against his, and kissed him softly, biting his bottom lip. 
He opened his mouth for me, allowing me to deepen the kiss. My fingers gripped his beard and begun softly tugging on it. Releasing a moan, Angel kissed me hard, and fast. The hands on the back of my thighs gripping me even harder, with his nails digging into my flesh, leaving behind red, and angry marks.
Pulling away gradually, Angel let out a playful groan. 
“Do you want to come in?” I asked. 
“Yes,” He answered breathlessly.
I smiled and took his hand, leading him inside the house. Angel closed the door behind us and when he did Deja vu spiked through me. We were back to the start. Where not too long ago we were standing here, where he left me, after I had finally confessed as to how I feel. Though now it was different. I now knew that he felt the same. Though a part of me, a small insecure part of me still couldn’t help but feel as though this was all too good to be true. What if this was all just talk? An excuse to get what he really wanted. What if he didn’t want me the way I wanted him? If this were true. If my insecure self was right. I couldn’t let him have me. Not until I was sure. Not until I could see the change. See how he really feels. 
“Let’s go to bed.” That confirmed it. We were back to where we started. 
“Angel I –”
“NO, querida, no sex. I just wanna talk… just lay with you and talk.”
And we did. 
Our bodies were tangled together, my back leaned up against his chest and he let everything go. The dam broke. I finally got what I wanted. To see him and really be with him. The real him. 
The end.
~ If you have made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read this mini series[?]. I truly, truly appreciate all the love and support this story has gotten and I cannot wait to write more Angel fics!
If you haven’t done so already I would love it so much if you are able to like, reblog and comment! It would mean the world to me ~
Tag list: @appropriate-writers-name
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
Cowards in love (m)
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— synopsis: You and Jimin had been friends for a long seven years. But will a novel coworker of yours replace the tightly-knit bond you had with Jimin?
Confess? He can’t. He’s too afraid of that.
↳ pairing: jimin x f reader
↳ rating: 18+
↳ genre: friends to lovers!au, smut, angst, fluff
↳ word count: 9.5k
↳ warnings: office worker OC, possessive jimin, dom jimin, sub reader, jealously, ownership, filthy dirty talk, unprotected sex (NO GLOVE NO LOVE!), rough sex, hair pulling, oral (m receiving), slight IMPREG KINK during intercourse, spanking, name calling (slut, brat), pussy slapping, multiple orgasms (and I mean two)
A/N: Contains fake texts screenshots! Sorry if you don’t like those - but I do - so yeah :D
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“Miss Y/n, as usual, you have done amazingly well. You have pleased me and the company so much that I decided to give you another promotion.” 
You smirk, sitting upright on the leather chair. Your boss sat across from you at the long wooden table, a black envelope in his hand. You nodded and bowed your head in respect. 
“We see how you work nonstop and we want you to rest for a while. Go and treat yourself, y/n.” He slides a white envelope to you. As you grab a hold of the paper, your lips curves up in a smile as you feel how thick it is. Peeking inside, there lays five hundred bucks. 
Your boss stands up, and you copy his actions. He walks over to you with such poise, lifting his hand to you. Shaking his hand, he nods his head once. “Congratulations, Y/n. We expect a lot from you.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Lim. The company has all of my passion.” 
“You are quite the dime, petal.”
Scoffing, you turn around to your best friend, Jimin, who was sitting on your bed and checking you out. “Don’t try to woo me now, Park Jimin,” you turn back to the mirror, applying more of the burgundy-colored lipstick that he specifically bought for you. You notice him smirk through his reflection, standing up. He places his hands on the pockets of his jeans as he shrugs his shoulders, walking closer to you.
“The guy who wins your heart will be so lucky,” he muses, eyes shining in awe. 
Jimin stares at your image in the mirror, smiling at how gorgeous you looked. Your short hair falling to your shoulders, a burgundy blouse that matched your lips, black tight slacks that were flared on the very bottom, giving a 70′s vibe. Paired with black stilettos and your ‘signature’ black cat-eyed glasses. You look back at him, smiling, “Don’t you consider yourself lucky that you have me as your best friend?” 
He laughs, making your heart warm instantly. It was one of your weaknesses, that laugh can heal your sorrows and all negative things that the world throws at you. He was your medicine. 
Jimin steps closer and wraps his arms around your waist for a back hug, placing a quick kiss on your cheek. “I am. Now go and finish up while I start the car.” 
He leaves the room with a heavy heart, allowing a loud sigh escape his lips. Jimin has agreed to come with you to celebrate your promotion with a couple of your coworkers. As your best friend, he couldn’t say no to you.
When you were finished getting ready, you walk outside of the house, locking the door behind you. You smile grateful at Jimin when he opens the passenger’s side door for you. “You’re too sweet, Jimin.” You giggle.
He lets out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “Only for you,” he mutters, quiet enough for you not to hear.
The drive to the restaurant wasn’t that long as the two of you were having a normal conversation. “Who have you invited?” He asks.
“Not a lot actually. My office buddies – Sunmi and Chungha.” Jimin nods with a hum, allowing you to continue. “There’s also, of course, Namjoon, Yoongi, and a guy that’s new to the company.”
“New guy?” Jimin chuckles quietly, “What’s his name?”
“Park Jinyoung. We’ve become close ‘cause he’s working right under my field. Don’t worry, you’ll love him! He’s quite intimidating at first but that’s only because of his menacing eyes. He’s a wonderful man.” You titter, turning your head to look at his direction as your eyes glittered in enthusiasm. But what shocks you is the deadpan expression on his face, eyebrows slightly creasing with his bottom lip between his teeth. He looks annoyed, and you did not know why.
“What’s wrong?” you ask with a gentle voice. His breath suddenly hikes up slightly when you rest your hand on his thigh.
He closes his eyes for a brief moment before reopening them. “Nothing,” he gives you a fake smile, “I bet he’s lovely.” He says sarcastically.
“He is!”
Jimin wished you could’ve said something else. 
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Your heart flutters when Jimin opens the door for you, sending you his charming smile. His eyes turning into little crescents, lips curving up. You give him your thanks while as you enter the restaurant. Jimin suddenly interlocks both of your arms together, but you didn’t mind. You were used to his clinginess.
There was not a lot of people inside the restaurant even though it was a busy Saturday. As your heels click against the black tiles, your eyes scan around the area to find the table where all of your friends were.
“Isn’t that Chungha?” Jimin says and points to his right. You immediately smile widely when Chungha raises her hand to signal their location. Jimin chuckles adoringly when you remove your arm away from his, quickly running to the table.
“Y/n! Congratulations!” Chungha stands up and gives you a tight hug, “You totally deserve it.”
“Thank you so much!” you squeal. Sunmi and the boys stand up as well to congratulate you.
Jimin watches from afar as he walks towards the round table, eyes taking a good look at Jinyoung. He quirks a single brow up when he catches how Jinyoung rakes your body up and down.
Clenching his jaw, Jimin hurriedly makes his way to your side to wrap an arm around your waist.
“Oh, there you are!” Namjoon exclaims on his seat, “We haven’t seen you in a while, Jimin!”
“Uh, hah, yeah,” he tries to calm himself down, “Been busy.”
You glace at Jimin oddly before turning back your attention to the group. “Oh, Jimin! This is Jinyoung, he’s grown to be a good friend of mine.”
Jinyoung stands up from his seat without hesitation and reaches out to shake Jimin’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Jimin. Y/n has told me a lot about you.”
Jimin doesn’t hide his bitter scoff, “Only good news, I hope.”
Jinyoung only smirks at that, leaving him baffled.
Sitting down on one of the unoccupied chairs, you called for a waiter for everyone to start ordering. “Since I’m treating all of you today, please get whatever you want!”
“Y/n! No judgment, okay?” Yoongi gives you a knowing look, understanding what he already means by that.
“Yes, Yoongi. As much as you want.”
As everyone chooses their meals, Jimin scoots closer to your side. You look at him with a smile on your face but he pretends to ignore you, scanning the menu in front of him.
“Do you wanna get some glazed steak rolls?” he asks you, “They’re your favorite, right?”
You frown, tilting your head to the right as you read the menu carefully. “Uh, yeah – but I’m not in the mood for steak right now.”
“Hmm, alright. Oh, look! They serve roasted lambs, Y/n,” Jimin asserts.
“Heh, no lambs for me today, Chim.”
“Well, how about—”
“Y/n,” Jinyoung suddenly blurts out across from you.
“Yes?” you lift your head, smiling at him.
Jimin listens attentively, his eyes shooting up to burn holes into Jinyoung’s eyes. But he doesn’t seem to mind. Jimin feels his blood boil from the way he was looking at you.
“Didn’t you told me yesterday that you were craving for shrimp? Try ordering their shrimp pasta, it’s delicious.” Jinyoung talks with a smirk, the corner of his mouth lifting. He knows what he was doing to Jimin, amused from his annoyed reactions.
“I should!” you exclaim, “Thanks Jinyoung.”
“No problem, Y/n.”
Jimin feels a hard punch in his heart.
Humiliated, disappointed, infuriated.
As time passed by and everyone got their meals, Jimin was over your side. He’d be so touchy, resting his hand on your thigh and keeping it there the whole time. He would also often wrap an arm around the back of your chair, pulling you close. You’ve never seen him act like this as if something was bothering him, but you just can’t wrap your head around it.
“So Y/n,” Sunmi says to get your attention, “you know that you’re so lucky to be promoted in such a quick time! How do you do it?” she chimes as the others quickly agree. Jimin, on the other hand, didn’t react as he was busy eyeing Jinyoung up and down.
“Ah, as expected from Y/n. I’ve never seen anyone so dedicated and hardworking to be honest,” Chungha replies, making your cheeks blush from their kind words.
“You guys are too nice. I just love my job a lot, I guess,” you shrug with a quiet laugh.
“Jinyoung, how does it feel working with Y/n?” Yoongi asks him, “Does she treat you like hell?” All but Jimin laughs at his statement, and you feel him grip your thigh a little bit harder. You send him a quick glare, grabbing his wrist and pushing his hand away from your thigh.
“She’s amazing, Yoongi,” he says in awe, “I won’t ask for anyone else.”
You blush at Jinyoung’s words, lowering your head from embarrassment as the group gives approving sighs.
“Y/n, are you blushing?” Namjoon spills as he chews on his medium-rare steak. Immediately shaking your head, you cover your face with your hands, “No! I’m not!”
“What’s going on here, huh? Y/n? Jinyoung?” Yoongi grins at the two of you knowingly, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Nothing!” you reply in a speed of light.
“I said what I said,” Jinyoung shrugs his shoulders, making direct eye contact to Jimin for a split second before returning his gaze back on you. “Y/n’s such a great person to work with. I adore how she’s so optimistic, always striving to help people. She absolutely deserves everything.”
Jimin crinkles his nose.
“Jinyoung, please,” you giggle, your smile wider than it already was.
“It’s true! I can’t help but love my job when I have someone like you.”
“Damn! Someone fine me a guy like Jinyoung,” Chungha says jokingly, giggling in her seat.
“So you’re making moves now on her, is it?” Jimin finally snaps. His voice bitter, squinting his eyes at the man across from you.
Everything suddenly falls silent, all eyes on Jimin. “If you wanna compliment her then I suggest you just go straight to the point.” He fakes a smile at him, however, Jinyoung was not about to back down.
“Jimin? Isn’t it quite ironic that you tell me to go straight to the point when you can’t even do it yourself?”
Jinyoung knows. He knows that Jimin likes you, it was obvious from the way he looks at you, from the way he acts around you. It was clear to him that he was in love with you, but he doesn’t seem to know why he’s unable to confess.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jimin grits, closing his hands into a fist.
“I think I do, Jimin,” Jinyoung snickers, “Anyway. What I was trying to say since I was rudely interrupted – will it be okay if we watch a movie together tomorrow?” he gives Jimin a scorching glare, “alone?”
“Sure! I—”
You felt your heart drop down the floor. Whipping your head to face Jimin, you look at him with a disgusted expression, “Jimin? What do you mean ‘no’?”
He suddenly grabs a hold of your wrist with one hand, his eyes burning holes into yours, “I said, no.”
“Jimin, sorry dude, but you don’t really get to decide for Y/n.” Chungha retorts, “Who are you to say no?”
Jimin felt his heart clench from the harsh truth. He was nothing to you but your best friend. The atmosphere around the room gets thicker and thicker as each long minute passes. Everyone had their eyes on you and Jimin, offended from his words.
“Let Y/n do whatever she wants. If she wants to go out with Jinyoung then let her!” Namjoon tries to sound calm but fails at the last words.
“Jimin,” you say to him calmly, trying your best to handle the situation, “What’s wrong? Just tell me, I won’t be mad.” Jimin sees how your eyes grow wide, the desperation evident in them.
He shakes his head, frowning, “I-I can’t.”
You were about to reply before Jinyoung cuts you off, “So what do you say, Y/n? This time I’ll be the one treating you.”
Ignoring the way Jimin tightens his grip around your wrist, you smile at Jinyoung. “Sure, I’ll come.”
Jimin can’t take it anymore. He abruptly slams his hands on the table as he stands up. The loud noise he created caused multiple heads to turn to your groups’ table. “Jimin!” Yoongi warns, but he cancels his voice out of his mind.
“I’m finished eating. I’m gonna go home.”
Jimin gives you one, final look. You can catch the hurt and sadness in his eyes before he begins to walk away.
You stand up and try to catch him, “Jimin, wait!” but you got nowhere near him because Jinyoung’s hand catches your arm.
“Let him go. If he was really your best friend then he won’t do this to you.”
“B-But,” you stammer, feeling your chest tighten. You feel like everything was your fault, staring at Jimin’s back as he walks out of the restaurant. You waited for him to at least look back at you, yet he doesn’t.
“Y/n, let him be. This is supposed to be your day, remember?” Sunmi pouts, “Just enjoy your day, don’t let him bring you down.”
As Jimin brisk walks to the parking lot, feeling as if he was carrying weights on his shoulder. His mind was clouded in anger; towards Jinyoung, to you, and to himself. He feels betrayed yet he completely knows that he has no right to be.
He waits inside his car for a few minutes, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel as he waits for anything, something to happen. He can’t stop thinking about the way how Jinyoung looked at you like you were a piece of meat, he hates how you blushed every time he talked nicely to you. Hell, even the simplest things he did made him pissed. He hates the way Jinyoung teased him, he despites how he mocked him in front of everyone.
Jimin grunts loudly, his mind pounding harshly as he rests his forehead on the steering wheel. But every time he closes his eyes, you appear. He can imagine the way you smile, the sound of your laugh, your touch of your hands, your melodious voice, everything he loves about you made his heart ache.
Why can’t he just tell you how he really feels?
He waits in his car for a little bit over five minutes, figuring that you weren’t coming to talk to him. It was ridiculous for him to think that you would. He starts the engine and drives away.
“Jinyoung can drive her home,” Jimin mutters under his breath.
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Jimin wasn’t responding to your texts. After the fight he and Jinyoung had earlier, Jimin thought it would be fun to ignore you.
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Sure, what he did in front of everyone in the restaurant was wrong, and it was so low of him. He never acted like that in all your years of being friends, acting so possessive of you. There’s nothing wrong hanging out with another guy! You hang out with Namjoon and Yoongi all the time during work, how was Jinyoung different?
It was obvious that Jimin didn’t like him, but why was he acting out like this now? In your seven years of being best friends, he was always on good terms with your guy friends.
You check your phone endlessly tonight, hoping, praying that he will at least leave you on delivered. But he doesn’t.
Groaning loudly, you shut your eyes closed while you flop down on the soft comfort of your bed. You feel like your heart was about to burst any minute. You don’t want to lose your best friend.
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Jimin feels like a piece of shit for leaving you. There was no excuse for him to act like that, letting go of his feelings and he allowed it to control him.
He just couldn’t hold back anymore.
He wants you.
He wants you for himself, and no one else.
Jimin knows that you’re a lovable person. You’re loved by many of your coworkers, and you were always so nice that it won’t be hard for you to make new friends. He’s selfish and he knows it, but he’s been hiding his feelings under the rocks for two years. Two years of jealousy, two years of enviousness, and it was hard. He always tried his best to keep you close, but it was difficult to be with someone who doesn’t feel the same way.
And perhaps running away from you will let him run away from his feelings, too.
Finally opening his phone, his heart pounds loudly in his chest, feeling like absolute crap.
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“I’m sorry, petal,” he breathlessly says, heart breaking into a million pieces. “But I don’t know what else to do.”
Confess? He can’t. He’s too afraid of that.
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It’s been four days since you last talked with Jimin, and it’s been rough. You couldn’t focus on anything but him, because losing his presence scared you. Losing your best friend was more heartbreaking than any other relationship.
You missed your late-night calls with each other, talking about each other’s day, ranting about anyone and anything. You missed his presence, seeing his charming smile, hearing his delicate voice, his hugs and kisses, and his irritating teases. You didn’t know how much you adore him until he was gone.
“Fucking shit,” you cursed, feeling a headache beginning to occur. Letting your elbows rest on your wooden desk, you cover your face behind your palms. You were so frustrated, totally ignoring the piles of paper in front of you. You had so much work to do that was due in a couple hours and you haven’t started on anything.
There was a sudden knock on your door, and you quickly shoot your head up. “Come in.”
Jinyoung appears with a black portfolio on his hands, greeting you with a kind smile. “Here are all of the records you asked for, Y/n.”
He approaches your desk and you grab the files, adding it onto your mountain of documents. “Thanks,” you say blankly.
“A-Are you okay?” Jinyoung asks carefully, trying not to piss you off.
“I, uh…” you stammer, huffing a heavy puff of breath. “I’m fine.”
Jinyoung doesn’t reply yet he suddenly approaches your desk, placing both of his hands on the table. Your eyes widen, gulping the lump in your throat. Jinyoung looks at you with a little grin on his face, his eyes sultry. “W-what are you doing?”
“Oh, Y/n,” he sighs, lowering down to rest his forearms. Your heart pumps rapidly in your chest when his face was mere inches away from yours. “I think it’s time for you to rest your mind for a little while…”
“Jinyoung, what are you saying?”
The smirk on his face doesn’t wipe away as he moves his face a little bit closer. You can smell his minty scent, refreshing your senses. Yes, you can agree that Jinyoung was pretty hot and he had the looks. He knows what to say to make anyone fall for him. But something feels wrong.
“I know what’s going through your head, babe. You can use me, you know that?”
“U-Use you? Jinyoung I don’t—”
He suddenly grabs the back of your face with his right hand, pulling you even closer so that your lips were centimeters away. He slowly bites his lip, making your stomach turn from the sight. “Use me to get your mind off of him.”
You were too tired to argue, too exhausted to fight him. But perhaps it’ll work.
So without thinking, you press your lips onto his.
Jinyoung chuckles in surprise, smiling into the kiss. He holds your face in his hands while you stand up, inviting more of him. He breaks the kiss for a couple of seconds to move around your table, approaching you. Your hands fly to his hair, his hands on your hips as you both continued your ministrations. Jinyoung groans when you tug on his locks, electrifying currents shooting down his back.
Suddenly, he lowers his hands until it reaches the bottom of your spine. “Is it okay if I…” without any warning, he drags his hands further down until he reaches your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Oh!” you gasp, and Jinyoung uses your startled state to slip his tongue in, meeting yours.
This is wrong.
“Mmm, Y/n,” he mutters with a smirk, “I love how you taste.”
Jinyoung pushes your body up on the nearest wall and he traps your hands against it. He winks at you.
“Jinyoung, t-the door isn’t locked.”
“Oh, is that a problem babe?” he snickers, peppering kisses all over your neck, making you shut your eyes. “Wouldn’t you want people to see?” he tantalizes.
“Jinyoung,” you whimper in protest, but he misunderstands it as a moan. His grip on your wrists was hard and firm, and you were slowly getting irritated. You didn’t want this, you want nothing but him.
“Jinyoung, please stop.”
You were shocked when he actually pulls away, a confused expression slapped on his face. “Y/n?”
“I-I,” you shake your head. You thought that kissing him might help you get rid of your tense feelings and thoughts yet it was only making things worse. You can’t focus on him, you just can’t. Your mind goes directly to Jimin, what he might think if he sees you like this, what he might feel.
“I can’t do this,” you laugh nervously, looking down. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he says quietly while he nods his head. “I-uh, I should go.”
“Yeah,” the air thickens. You scratch the back of your neck timidly, “I have w-work to do.”
No one moves for a while, and you just wanted to crawl into a little ball and die from awkwardness.
He was the first one to move, giving you a quiet ‘see you later’. You hear the clicking of his shoes getting farther and farther away before he exits your office.
Running your hands through hair, you close your eyes in frustration.
What the fuck did you just do? Your mind was going crazy, wishing that you could just go back in time and stop him. This just made the situation worse.
Sitting back down on your chair while huffing a breath, you pull yourself closer to the desk and you unload the pile of papers. You tell yourself that you have to stop being so childish and start working, but truth be told – you just need a distraction.
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You and Jimin were both cowards. That’s one thing you know for sure.
It has been a total of one week since you’ve last talked to your best friend, and every day was horrible. You never knew that you could miss someone this much.
“I can’t stand his behavior,” you groaned as you talked to Sunmi through the phone. You were drinking white wine on a Saturday night like the sad single moms you see on TV. “He doesn’t respond to any of my texts and calls. It’s like I don’t even exist anymore.” You rant.
“He’s acting really childish, Y/n. He started the fight with Jinyoung and now he’s hiding from everything. It’s not even a big deal!”
Your mind backtracks to the moment where he was gripping your thighs so hard whenever Jinyoung was talking to you, and when he held you by your wrist. He was being so suspicious.
“I don’t get it,” you rub your face with your hand, “I don’t get how he can just hate Jinyoung when he doesn’t have any problems with my other male friends. He’s ridiculous.”
“Maybe Jimin knows him and they have a dark past together?”
“Wow, isn’t that too farfetched?”
“Who knows, Y/n.”
But you miss Jimin’s presence. A lot more than you expected.
“I just miss him, Sunmi. I can’t lose him now,” you shake your head, your heart getting heavy. “Not like this.”
You put your phone on loudspeaker, flipping your body over so now you were laying on your stomach. You cross your arms in front of you, burying your face in them. You wanted to cry.
“I miss him,” you whisper.
Jimin was a friend that everyone asks for. He was always there for you, taking care of you, loving you, adoring you. He was there during your ups and downs, being by your side during your best and worst moments. Jimin was all that you could ask for. He was never the one to judge you because he loves you for the way you are. You can never get bored when you hang out with him, his charming smile can make your day a thousand times better.
“Sunmi, can I tell you something?” you speak up after a few moments of silence.
“Of course Y/n, anything.”
“Jimin was never mine, but losing him broke my heart.”
Sunmi coos at your words, noticing how your voice cracked amid the sentence. “Aww, Y/n, Y/n,” she sighs, “You won’t lose him, silly. I know that he won’t throw your seven years of friendship away just like that. How about you just go talk to him in person? Go to his house and let him explain. C’mon, girl. You are both adults now, I’m sure he won’t mind.”
You hated how you can only think of negative thoughts and outcomes. “And if he doesn’t answer? What if he just kicks me out?”
“Then keep trying.”
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You gathered your courage to knock on his door, just the thought of him ditching you was making your chest hurt.
You stare at the black wooden door, holding your hand up.
Holding your breath, you knock at the door three times.
No response.
The cold wind blows and you can feel goosebumps arise from your skin. The breeze whooshes your hair that it covers your face, and you push the strands away with a puff. You quickly knock on the door again, louder this time, yet there was still nothing. Not even muffled footsteps to indicate that he was there.
“Please open the door,” you whine, about to knock once more but a sudden voice startled you.
“Y/n?” Eyes growing bigger from the realization for who it belongs, you turn around.
Your best friend stands there, his hands inside the pocket of his jacket as he looks at you with the same surprised expression. He was wearing black skinny jeans that enunciated his long legs, a black and white patterned bomber jacket plus a black cap. He looks good.
“Y/n, hello?” he raises his voice up, making you snap back to reality. “I asked why you are here.”
“I, well…” you gulp, “I want to have a talk with you.”
Your heart drops down low to the ground when Jimin scoffs bitterly. You step aside when he comes up to unlock the front door.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he snaps.
“Oh my god, are you actually serious?!” you raise your voice at him, stepping inside his house even though he didn’t tell you to. Jimin removes his hat and runs a hand through his hair, the frustration evident in his face. You feel frightened when he suddenly throws the hat on the couch vigorously, turning his head to face you. His once soft features were replaced with rage and irritation.
“Go on then, yell at me,” he takes long strides towards you, your feet automatically walking backward. Your chest feels like it weighs a million pounds as his words stab daggers into your heart. “Go! Tell me how much of a fucking asshole I am to ignore you for a whole week. Shout at me for how immature I am, come on! Y/n, I know you want to—”
“Jimin, stop!” you yell, pushing at his chest. “I just want you to explain!”
“I told you already, I can’t.” Jimin turns his back on you, heading to his bedroom. You release a deep, exasperated sigh as you follow behind him.
“Why? What can’t you explain?!”
He doesn’t answer, silence filling the air. Jimin removes his jacket and places it on his bed, his short-sleeve shirt giving you a full view of his arms. You flutter your eyes away for a moment.
At least you saw him today. Even his presence made you feel better.
“Jimin, please?” you say softly, grabbing the courage to walk up to him. Jimin doesn’t look at you directly, putting his gaze on somewhere else as you grab a hold of his forearms. You notice his Adam’s apple bob when you do so.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” you grip his head, applying a gentle force to turn his head to you.
He wasn’t angry anymore, you can see it in his eyes. But this time was different. He looks… vulnerable. Your heart smashes into a million shards when you see the sad glint in his eyes.
“You don’t know a thing.” He mutters underneath his breath, voice low.
“Then tell me!” you plead, eyebrows knitting together. You don’t let him get away from your hold as you keep him close to you. You were not going to let him run away again, not ever.
Jimin closes his eyes, inhaling a deep breath. You wonder what this thing that was bothering him could be.
“I love you.”
Your mouth goes dry.
“I-I love you too, Jimin, and you know that—!”
“No, no, Y/n.” he unexpectedly holds your hand tightly, letting him tower over you as he slowly pushes your back against the wall. He traps you there, your hands in between the two of you. “I love you more than a friend. And it scares the fuck out of me that if I tell you this, you’ll leave.”
“Jimin…” you try to comprehend all that he said, but your mind was clouded in too many thoughts all at once.
“I tried, fuck,” he turns away for a second, finding it hard to look at you. “I tried to fucking distance myself from you in hopes that my feelings will disappear, but it only made everything worse.”
You don’t respond, allowing him to continue.
“I only wanted you more.”
You can feel his hand tremble as your own turns sweaty. Jimin loves you.
But how can you tell that you love him back?
“I’m such an idiot for running away, Y/n. I’m a coward who can’t face his own feelings. I was scared because my feelings for you were getting worse. Jinyoung…” he looks at the ceiling, sighing, “Jinyoung was, I guess, my last straw. I couldn’t stand it anymore, the thought of you being happy with some other guy. My selfishness was taking the best of me and I wanted you for myself. It’s so hard for me to say it because I’m afraid to lose you.”
“H-How,” you swallow, forcing yourself not to cry. “How long?”
Jimin understands your question as he gives you a sympathetic smile, “Two years, petal.”
Your body slumps as you frown, guilt occupying your body that he had his feelings longer than you. Jimin endured a lot of heartaches and hurt during those long two years, but he loves to be around with you. That was the only thing that kept him going.
Jimin’s eyes widen when you suddenly wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. His heart warms in his chest as he releases a light chuckle, hugging you back. Your press your cheek on his shoulder, closing your eyes. “I love you too.”
Then, Jimin’s body goes stiff.
Did he hear correctly?
Were his ears deceiving him?
You giggle when you feel him stop breathing, looking up to meet his gaze. “I love you too, Jimin. More than you can think of.”
“T-tell me that you’re serious, Y/n.” he holds your chin gently, hoping that you won’t look away, “Don’t say you love me if you don’t mean it.”
“What are you saying, Jimin,” you playfully smack his arm, “I’m not joking. I have feelings for you too.”
Jimin’s heart swells in happiness, getting a huge weight off of his shoulders. His face blushes in red, smiling like an idiot, “Really?”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Petal, don’t mess with me,” he suddenly lowers his tone as if scolding you.
“I’m not!” you giggle, “I’m in love with you too, Park Jimin.”
A loud squeal leaves your lips when he surprisingly wraps his strong arms around your hips and lifts you up in the air. He spins you around and around, a wide smile plastered on his face as he admires your reaction. You laugh, swinging your arms around his neck for support as you tilted your head back. Wiggling your legs, you try to squirm but he grips your tighter.
Your heart swells in joy.
“Jimin! Put me down!” you yelp when he doesn’t stop spinning you. Jimin laughs uncontrollably before flopping your bodies down on his bed. Eyes growing wide, your breath hitches up when the proximity between your faces was at least three inches away.
His smile doesn’t falter, eyes shining like a child who just received candy.
“I guess it’s finally time to call you my girlfriend, huh?”
Nodding your head shyly, you feel your face warms up as a blush forms your cheeks. Jimin sees this and coos at you, “Aww, someone’s blushing! You like it when I call you my girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” you mutter timidly. “A lot.”
Jimin sighs and plops beside you. He grabs a pillow and places it underneath your heads. Slinging his left arm around your body, he tugs you close for a cuddle. You and Jimin cuddled before, of course, but you feel something different this time.
You snuggle your face into his body, inhaling his pleasant scent.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you had feelings for me at the time? Were you just as scared as I was?” Jimin asks, his voice soft and gentle.
You chuckle, “Unlike you, I actually just couldn’t get myself to admit. I was always trying to throw my feelings at the back of my head because I was afraid that it was impossible for you to like me back. But I was wrong.” You tilt your head up to look at him, giving him a cheerful smile, “We’re always so intimate, you know? Like you can kiss me on the cheeks and I can kiss you on the cheeks, you’ve seen me half-naked and I’ve seen you half-naked, I know how big your di—”
“Y/n! Oh my fucking god,” he cuts you off by placing a hand above your mouth, stopping your words, “Shush!”
You push his hand away, a smirk on your face, “Anyway, what I was saying… we’re so close.” your heart flutters when Jimin starts to caress your cheek lovingly, feeling butterflies inside your stomach from his simple action. “And I’m glad that we’re finally official, petal. I can kiss you whenever I want now, letting the world know you’re mine.”
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Today marks the company’s 85th anniversary, and Mr. Lim decides to treat all employees for drinks at one of South Korea’s most luxurious bars – The Southside Parlor. And of course, you and your friend didn’t back out.
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Chuckling, you place your phone back on your bedside table. Your friends had no idea that you and Jimin were a thing now, and you decide to drop the good news later this evening.
Slipping on the short, satin red dress, your mind wonders if your outfit is too revealing. Is it too inappropriate?
‘Fuck it’, you thought.
You only have Jimin to impress.
You curl your hair into natural-looking waves, your short hair falling right above your shoulders. Then, you apply a good amount of makeup and of course a red lipstick to top it all off. You quickly snap a mirror selfie of you and your chosen outfit before sending it to the group chat.
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“Oh my god,” you mutter under your breath, covering your mouth from Namjoon’s little comment. You couldn’t hold back the laughter as you shake your head in dismay.
You grabbed your purse and went to put all of your necessary items; your phone, wallet – even though the drinks are free – mints, and of course, lipstick.
A sudden knock on your door sends shivers running down your spine, knowing exactly who it was. Quickly putting on your heels, you make your way to the front door of your apartment to welcome Jimin.
“Hi!” you pull the door open, greeting him with a big smile. Your eyes sparkle when you study how good he looks, wearing a black long sleeve button-down shirt tucked in some tight black slacks that really makes you want to focus your attention on his crotch area. Nice.
But there was no response from him. He furrows his brows as he rakes your body up and down, licking his lips slowly
You giggle, a tint of red forming on your cheeks. “Jimin, are you checking—”
“You’re not going out wearing that.”
Immediately, you roll your eyes from his sour words. Crossing your arms together, you lean on one hip, “And why not?” you challenge.
A smug smirk appears on his face, right eyebrow raising in authority. You were not going to lie, but his reaction turned you on. He slowly walks over to your figure, shutting the door behind him. But what shocks you is when you heard a little ‘click’ of the doorknob, indicating that he just locked the door.
“U-Uh,” your mouth instantly dries up, but you try your best to keep your composure. “Why am I n-not supposed to wear this, huh?”
Jimin’s gaze suddenly turns sultry, as if a switch was ignited inside of him. He looks at your body, taking his time to check you out from bottom to top. And that man, oh god, he was biting his lip. He knows what he was doing to you, he knows that you’ll feel butterflies, he knows that it’ll turn you on.
“Hmm,” he hums, shuffles closer until he’s got his arms around your hips. He tugs you closer until your bodies were pressed against each other. You can feel your palms starting to sweat, knees wobbly like jelly. “You really wanna know why?”
“Y-Yeah,” the way you stuttered so easily made your cheeks blush, and you quickly cover it off by clearing your throat. You tilt your head up a little bit, making it seem like his actions didn’t bother you at all when it was clearly the opposite. “Yes. Tell me.”
Without any warning, Jimin grabs the back of your neck and he moves his head right in front of your left ear. With the sudden closeness, you can feel his hot breath hitting against your skin, causing small little bumps to appear on your arms and legs.
“Because I don’t want any other men to look at how fucking hot and beautiful you are.”
He doesn’t even let you reply as he pushes you against the door, trapping your arms above your head, your purse dropping to the floor. Your breath stops when he suddenly places fervent kisses all over your neck, making you release quiet moans in pleasure. Your nerves were on fire as you feel his soft, plump lips on your skin, your fantasies finally coming to life.
“Call me possessive, call me controlling, I don’t give a fuck,” he growls “You need to know that this body right here,” he runs a hand down your spine and onto your butt, giving your asscheek a firm squeeze, “belongs to me.”
“J-Jimin, oohh,” you whimper when he continues to mark your neck, for sure leaving hickeys and bite marks. He was marking you as his, letting everyone know that you’re his property. You can feel him smirk every time he leaves a purple bruise on your skin, knowing that he’s the only one that can see you like this.
“You’re too fucking sexy to share, petal. And this dress? Fucking hell baby,” he breathes out a slight groan, “I can’t let you go without fucking you.”
His words ignite a fire in your stomach and you don’t waste any more time, pulling him into a kiss. Jimin immediately grins, lips molding together, tasting your lips as if it was his last time to ever do so. He cups your face while you run your hands through his hair, knowing how much he likes it.
You groan when he bites your bottom lip all of the sudden, tugging on the soft flesh with his teeth. He chuckles when he hears you mewl, his dick growing hard under his tight dress pants. “Jimin, please,” you beg, “more.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He swiftly picks you up bridal style, earning a squeal from you as he brings you to the bedroom.
He removes your shoes and gently plops you down on the bed, but then a sudden thought invades your mind. Faking a pout, you say in a little voice, “What about the free drinks?”
Jimin scoffs, unbuttoning his shirt while your mouth waters from the sight of him. He likes your reaction, slipping the top off his toned body. “What do you care more about, petal? Drinks, or…” he hovers above you, slowly grazing his lips right above your own, “my dick?”
You almost want to laugh out loud, but you didn’t want to ruin the mood.
Smirking, you reply, “How about both?”
“Oh petal, need to stuff that smart little mouth of yours my cock, huh?” he groans, removing his pants all the way down. He kneels on the bed in front of you and signals you to get up, “on all fours, baby.”
Your cunt clenches around thin air when you were face to face with his covered cock, the outline of his hard shaft evident in his tight briefs. He palms himself for a moment, using his other hand to grip your chin. He tilts your head up, “Look at me,” you obey, staring at him with wide eyes.
“Oh, fuck,” he smirks, “you don’t know how many nights I’ve dreamed about this. Your pretty lips wrapped around my cock so nicely, taking my cock so deep down that throat, can you handle it baby?”
With each word, your pussy seems to get wetter and wetter, drenching your poor little underwear. You whimper, nodding your head. Just the thought of him tilting his head back in pure pleasure, his hands on your hair, forcing you down on his dick made you hornier and needy for him.
“Take my cock out, petal.”
Without saying anything more, you lift your hands to tug his briefs down, his cock finally springing out, slightly hitting your face. You gasp when you saw how big and thick it was, veins prominent as a little bit of precum dripped down from the tip. With your mouth agape, Jimin uses this chance to grab his base and rub his head against your lips, smearing the precum all over your mouth.
“Mhmm, fuck,” he grunts, “my pretty little baby. Have you thought about this, hm? Ever fantasized about sucking my cock?”
Fluttering your eyelashes at him, you smile lustfully, “Yeah, every time you wear those dress pants or your grey sweats. Just whenever you dress up and down basically, I can’t get the thought out of my head. Everything’s just hot about you, to be quite honest, whenever you—”
“God this fucking mouth just doesn’t shut up, huh?” he suddenly grabs a bunch of your hair, tilting your head back forcefully. You release a whine from the sting, but Jimin doesn’t seem to care. “Open,” he growls, and you obey. “Suck on my dick like a good girl.”
Jimin gasps when you wrap your lipstick-stained mouth around his cock, lathering your tongue around his head teasingly. Covering his dick with your spit, you suck deeper, bobbing your head up and down slowly. Without losing eye contact, you give him a playful wink.
“Little slut,” he tsk-ed as he abruptly thrusts his hips, making you gag. The sound created deep waves of pleasure all over Jimin’s body, riling him up. “Don’t you try to tease me, petal.” He grips your hair tighter, shoving more of his cock down your throat, “We both know who’s in control here.”
“Mnggf,” you mumble, forcing your eyes open as it grows heavier and heavier with him pushing your head closer to his pubic bone, gagging and choking around his cock. Spit dribbles down from your chin, and Jimin seizes the opportunity to wipe your saliva with his thumb. He sucks on the digit seductively, making direct eye contact with you. You mewled from the hot sight, eyes watering.
Jimin grunts as he starts to fuck your throat, your red lips trying to take his dick made him crazy. He leans forward, forcing your head all the way, and he hikes your dress up to your waist. He suddenly delivers a harsh, loud spank on your ass. You gag uncontrollably, your stomach fluttering as he spanks you for a second time.
“This ass is mine, petal, yeah? You belong to me.”
He pulls his cock out for a moment to let you breath, slapping the head right against your cheek. You felt so dirty, but you like the feeling of being used.
Opening your mouth with your tongue sticking out, Jimin slaps his dick against the wet muscle. He groans from the feeling, tugging on your hair harshly. “Dirty little slut,” he chuckles, “you love my dick, hm?”
He thrusts in and out, ignoring your gags, ignoring how your hands fumbled to grab a hold of the sheets. Your pussy was dripping wet, clit throbbing in need.
He forces your head down until your nose touches his pubic bone once again, before finally pulling out. A thick, messy string of saliva connects from your wet lips and to the tip of his cock. Jimin growls, “Fuck, such a cockslut you are. You wanna be fucked baby? You want me to fuck you hard and rough, hm?”
“Yes, yes!” you instantly reply with a slightly hoarse voice, “Want your cock in me.”
A fire ignites inside Jimin’s veins and he suddenly snaps, flipping your body down so that you lay on your back. He roughly hikes your dress up, impatient. “All I can think about if we went to the party is ripping this dress off of you. You wouldn’t want that, do you?”
You shake your head no, biting your lip.
He helps you pull the piece of clothing off, raising his brows up when he sees that you’re not even wearing a bra. He tilts his head to the side and sighs, “Ah, petal, you’re so fucking beautiful. A reason not to share you with anyone.” Quickly diving his head down, he wraps his mouth around your perked nipple as his hand occupied the other one. He nips on the erect bud with his teeth, smirking when he hears you squeal. He flicks his tongue fervently up and down, sending quick shocks of pleasure to your core.  
“Mhmm, Jimin, please, please fuck me already,” you beg, but he only chuckles.
“Is that all you can do to beg, petal? C’mon my baby girl can do much better than that.”
Your boyfriend crawls down, his face right in front of your wet pussy. He groans, inhaling your scent. He sees the wet patch on your panties, and he uses his fingers to delicately stroke your pussy against the thin clothing. You involuntarily close your legs together, but he firmly pushes it back open with a grunt. “Keep your legs open for me, petal.”
Bringing his hand to your core, he uses his thumb to gently apply pressure on your needy clit. He bites his lip, inspecting your reaction.
Your cheeks were flushed, eyebrows contorted in frustration, “Please…” you whisper.
“I told you petal, beg.”
“A-aahh, Jimin! Oh god!” He suddenly prods his tongue right on your clit, rubbing your sensitive bud. He wasn’t using any hands, just his tongue accompanied by the friction of your panties. The corner of his mouth crooks up, liking how your buck your hips up in need, tugging his hair.
“Beg.” He growls, finally pushing your underwear down. His eyes shine with lust when he sees that your pussy was dripping in slick. “Beg, or I won’t fuck you.”  
You find it difficult to talk when he was licking bold stripes from your entrance and up to flick on your clit, your heart pounding out of your chest. You try your best to speak despite all of your moans and whines of pleasure. His tongue was so long. His eyes staring at you with a menacing look that made your cunt clench around nothing. He flicks your clit frantically, making it hard for you to breathe. 
“Please, Jimin, please fuck me. Fuck me rough – ohh yeah – fuck me however you want, I don’t care. Please – aahh! Just let me feel your cock inside me. Please please please, Jimin, I’m begging you!”  He gives one final suck on your clit, pulling at it with his lips. You almost came then and there.
He chuckles, stroking your thigh, “Good girl. That’s what I like to hear.”
Jimin flips you over and instructs you to be on your hands and knees. He grunts when your pussy was out there all in display, just for him. “Fuck, so pretty,” he runs his hand on your ass, admiring your curves and your wet cunt, “Only for me.” A hand comes down your butt once again, spanking you.
He positions his cock right against your entrance, teasingly prodding his tip in and out of your pussy. You whimper, wiggling your ass in need.
“Ah ah ah,” he warns, slapping your ass again, harder. Your body jolts forward from the sudden harsh blow. “Stay still.”
He teases the head in and out of your hole, coating the tip with your wetness. Your arms claw on the sheets in desire, your stomach curling. His dick stretches you out real good. The girth of his cock made you feel blissful as your cunt tried its best to take it all. Jimin’s eyes roll to the back of his head, gripping your hips possessively as he pushes further in. “Holy fuuuuck,” he draws out, smirking as he feels your pussy sucking him in, “you feel so fucking good, petal.”
He watches how your entrance stretches around his cock deliciously, your juices covering his shaft. “Shit, look at you, cunt so good for me, hm?” he starts to thrust in a slow pace, waiting for you to adjust, “Cunt feels so fucking good.”
“Mhmm, l-love your cock,” you stutter while your arms fail you to keep your strength, your upper body falling onto the sheets, ass up in the air.
The new position caused Jimin to go deeper, hitting all the right nerves that’ll make you closer to your edge. He fucks you faster and harder, his grip obviously leaving red marks on your skin from how tight he was holding you, sweat forming on both of your bodies.
He was thrusting his hips so hot and blissfully, making your cunt clench around him. Jimin grunts, “Oh, fucking hell petal, do that again or I’ll cum inside you.”
His words send currents throughout your body, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as his dirty words did something to you. Jimin gasps, feeling how you clench around him again, but this time tighter.
“Ohh, you like that, huh? Like being a disobedient brat?” he growls while leaning closer to your ear, fucking you balls deep.
“Jimin! Yes, fuck,” you pant, your hips meeting his as you felt his balls slap against your pussy with each thrust.
“Mhmm, you like the thought of my cum inside you, huh? Filling you up? Make this tummy round with my kids? Your pussy trying to take all of my cum, trying its best to keep it all in.” Jimin chuckles darkly, snaking a hand down to play with your clit.
“Yeah, o-oh my god!”
“What a filthy little slut I have right here, huh?” your body shudders when he carelessly slaps your clit, the action bringing your orgasm closer. He does it again, harder, as he bites the shell of your ear, “You want your tight pussy to be drenched in cum, yeah? Ohh you like that?” he laughs, his tone as if mocking you.
“I-I’m gonna cum, please, let me cum Jimin,” you say breathlessly, burying your face on the mattress as your hands gripped on the white sheets. Jimin feels your cunt tightening, and he allows you. “Go, petal. You can cum.”
“Fuck yes,” your jaw drops when a powerful rush of intense pleasure erupt from your core and throughout your body, your mind going blank as you can only focus on the euphoric feeling. But Jimin doesn’t stop. He controls his own edge and he flips you on your back, your legs finally relaxing but the burn from your previous orgasm doesn’t go away.
“Jimin, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you huff, knowing that you’re already going to hell anyway so you can curse all that you like.
“One more, petal. Cum around my fat cock one more time.”
He fucks you harder and rougher that you did not even know was possible. He uses his right hand to cup your cheek as he props his forearms down between your head. Jimin whispers in your ear, “You know I’m not actually going to cum inside you, yeah?”
You still find the energy to giggle at him but was immediately cut off when he starts pounding his dick right on your g-spot. You wrap your legs around his hips, giving him more room to fuck you. “I-I know, aaahhh shit, I’m not r-ready to have kids.”
“I know, but remember that you’re gonna have them with me.”
Your heart suddenly flutters uncontrollably from his sentence.
A painful pleasure starts to form down your core, your cunt covering his dick with your previous orgasm as he fucks you into another one. Jimin looked so good, some strands of hair sticking onto his forehead, his pretty lips bruised from all of the lip bites while his expression was just hot. He longed for this in so long, and he’s taking all of the time in the world to fuck you.
The temperature in the room gets hotter and hotter, your bodies sticky with sweat but none of you cares. He grabs a hold of your left leg and hikes it upon his shoulder, providing him a new position, his dick reaching places that were never been touched before. Your breath hikes up, back arching in immense pleasure while Jimin groans. “Yeah, that’s it, feel my dick so deep inside you? Bet no one’s ever fucked you this good?”
He gives you one particular, hard thrust, making you throw your head back. “Answer me petal, do I make you feel good?”
“Mmm, yes, oh god. Y-you’re the fucking best, Jimin.”
“Good girl,” he praise, feeling his balls getting heavier, his climax drawing closer, “This cunt is mine, get it? Mmmh, you’re mine and only mine. No one will get to look at you like this, you belong to me and I belong to you.”
Your second orgasm blows harder than the first, your hands coiling into tight fists and your toes curling from the intense pleasure bomb. It stings, yet the pain was intoxicatingly good. You were making a mess on the sheets, drenching his cock further. “Shit, that’s good, keep creaming on my cock like that baby, yeaaah.”
His thrusts were getting sloppier, signaling that he was close. He croons his head down to your neck and starts to lick the purple bruises he marked earlier. Groans and moans fill the air, and the wet squelching sounds of his cock pounding your pussy drove the two of you crazy.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he rasps, “I’m gonna cum, petal. Shit, where do you want me?”
“S-Somewhere not in my vagina, Jimin,” you choked.
You can catch him roll his eyes, making you grin. He pulls out and starts to pump his messy cock, using your juices as lubrication as he brings himself to his edge. Jimin throws his head back, watching him spurt his hot cum on your stomach, some up to your chin. He came so hard, his biceps and abs flexing in the process. “Holy fuuuuuck, petal,” he grunts as he kept going. You watch him with hooded eyes, breathing heavily as you tried your best to relax.
Jimin pumps himself until the very last drip, plopping down beside you. He runs a hand over his face, huffing out a breath, “Oh my fucking god, you’re the best, petal.” He turns his head to give you a gentle kiss, “Thank you.”
“Mmm, there’s no need for thanks, Jimin. But I’d suggest you clean me up—”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, got it.” He quickly scrambles to the bathroom to get a wet cloth. You giggle when you stare at his bare ass. 
Even his butt was bigger than yours.
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a/n: Thanks so much for reading! I love you <3
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seulgiology · 4 years
that’s my type | jeon jungkook
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pairings: fwb!jungkook x fwb!female oc
words: 3k
genre: SMUT with an “i love you” at the end , uwu
warnings: cursing, praise, dirty talk, thigh fucking, pet names, choking, a widdle exhibition, a lil pussy spank, ass slapping, piercings, tattoos (are those warnings?? idk), oc loves to mess with kookie lol save him
a/n: GIF IS NOT MINE! sad yer. admin 1 is sadly alive. HERE’S A REQUESTED JUNGKOOK SMUT, I TRIED MY BEST PLZ ACCEPT MY OFFERING TO YOU @itboykook . Also, i just randomly put two names together, so if by any chance that it relates to an actual idol IM SORRY. anygays, being a student is hard and online school is a lot :))), sorry for my inactivity.
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
Mid July - 12:03 p.m.
Jungkook fit right in with the rest of you, his quiet, odd, yet lovable personality was enticing and it didn’t fall short from the other 6 guys. 
He was the newest and the youngest out of your friend group, only a junior in college. His adorable teeth whenever he smiled that contrasted with his toned body was so attractive and he knew it too. He nearly rivaled Jimin when it came to visual duality.
You all were on one of the campus’ fields, enjoying a rare afternoon of no classes on your spread blanket. You and Hoseok were trying to play a makeshift game of basketball in the field with a random volley ball lying around and your jacket in a circle as the “hoop.” 
You were both dying of laughter from your failed attempts at playing defense and rolling in the grass like a couple of kids on a sugar rush.
Jungkook was next to Taehyung listening to brief him on everything about you, from your flat feet to your unconventional love for Tom Holland. He was sitting comfortably on the blanket, hands resting behind his back as he watched you and... What was his name? Hobi?  He’ll remember later. 
He couldn’t see you too clearly but he knew you were having fun after hearing your bubbly laughter from the distance. You didn’t seem to be coming over towards the others anytime soon so he thought he’d rest his head on Jimin’s plush lap and rest his eyes for a bit, letting the spring sun beat down on his face.
“Don’t you come over here with all that grass on you, Mae, you don’t know whose child was in there pissing.”
Jungkook’s eyes snapped open, and he hissed out at the suns rays blinding him. He lazily shifted towards the direction of the noise and heard Seokjin— Jin grumble to you two. 
You were in the middle of rubbing the loose grass off your jeans when you could feel someone’s stare on you.
Jungkook shamelessly drank in your figure, loving the way your ripped jeans hugged your thick thighs. He could only dream of burying his face in between them and leaving hickies. You were slightly bent over in front of him trying to wipe the dirt off of you, but he had a great view of your full and round ass trapped inside the denim.
Is this what it feels like to look at an angel? Jungkook didn't know what to believe anymore after being graced with your existence. Did he want to worship your body, make you laugh, hold your hand? Or something more? The blood rushed to his center the longer he kept his gaze on you and letting his thoughts take a sexual turn.
You didn’t catch him practically eye-fucking you, but when you looked up and around, you did see him blushing and hastily putting his bag on his lap.
He must be a shy guy. Yet his whole presence makes you want to shut up and be a good girl for him. He was only laying down with his arm propped up for support, and his short black hair was flowing in the wind, making him look goofy with such a concentrating look on his face.
He pretended to be searching in his bag for something as his heart raced when he saw your shadow coming towards him. He tasted the saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of you towering over him, your nose and ear piercings glinting in the sunlight. 
“I’m Maerin, the only reasonable one here. You are?” You carefully reached your hand out for him to shake with a charming grin on your face, amazed that your friend group just continues to add more attractive men to your circle.
“Jungkook, the other reasonable one here.” You laughed at his statement and his adorable nose scrunched when he smiled with you. You took the vacant seat next to him, and his sight was glued to your physique on your descent, entranced by the minimalistic ink on your arm.
Could you get anymore perfect? Perfect face. Perfect ass. Perfect thighs. Perfect body. Perfect personality most likely. HIs mind raced with thoughts of only you as soon as he took your much smaller hand in his in a firm shake.
He was going to have you one way or another. And that’s a promise he kept. Sort of.
Early December - 11:46 a.m.
Those god-awful finals had just ended for you guys and it was time for winter break. It was decided that you all would put in money to go to a ski resort for the break, needing the stress reliever and rest.
And get rid of stress was exactly what you did.
“Fuck, you really don’t know what you do to me,” His hand tightened around your neck in the most pleasurable way, and you were hazy from the dream-like steam the shower was bringing.
He had you pinned against him, his arms held you tightly in place as he thrusted in between your thighs, only sliding his cock against your slick womanhood. You hated not being able to feel him inside you, but he was in heaven when he had you like this. 
Jungkook’s reasonably unreasonable obsession with your ass and thighs played a great part in your friends with benefit arrangement. 
“This is all mine, sweetness,” He grunted in your ear, and all you could do was gasp in response. His wet and wavy locks draped over your shoulder as he sped up his pace, leaving you devoid of any type of release as your thighs tightened around his cock sliding in between them. 
“Jungkook-” You whined to him, upset that he was using you to get himself off. He payed you no mind however, his thrusts speeding up as the unrhythmic slide of his cock in between your folds meant he was going to cum soon. 
"You wanna cum pretty girl? Wanna feel me stuff you so full you won’t remember anything but me?” He moaned in your ear at the thought, torturing himself as much as he was torturing you.
You let out a pathetic but audible yes that you knew had his dimple popping from the grin that adorned his face. You yelped when he manhandled you against the wall and pushed your back down so your ass was to his front. You turned around to see him desperately pumping himself in his hand and his lips slightly parted. The sight had your arousal trailing down your legs along with the water and you licked you lips at his hard cock in his hand.
He pumped his load on your cheeks that were spread for him and he watched it get rinsed away as quickly as it came with the water.
Your body was still on edge when you felt Jungkook rise you up and back hugged you so tenderly, you were ready to fall asleep in his arms at the safety they welcomed. He chuckled in your ear at your languid body and held you tighter. “If you fall asleep you won’t get your reward for being good for me,” his voice was so sweet and you. Why isn’t he your boyfriend again?
“Mmm, really?” You questioned him in a sultry tone, wanting to get him riled up again. You grinded your ass on his hardening manhood and you loved the way he grabbed a handful of it and rolled his hips on you.
“Jungkook, you in there?” You both froze in panic upon hearing Namjoon over the white noise. Jungkook’s finger tips stopped their descent down your stomach and lightly dug in. Shit, fuck, fuck fuck, shit- 
“Yea hyung, I’m in the shower, what’s up?” His voice was unusually shaky to the older man, but he brushed his overanalyzing to the side. “Have you seen Maerin? She said she was looking for you but she disappeared.”
Your heart pounded to the speed the water was hitting you. Namjoon wasn’t stupid, he’d probably figure you guys out, if he didnt already.
Jungkook frowned at you in confusion and you shrugged back at him, your face heating up at the excuse you told the others men to just come see your fuck buddy. 
“She told me to meet the rest of you in the lobby but I wanted to take a shower before leaving. Um... I think she went to get more food before they closed the breakfast buffet.” He lied smoothly, and you sighed in relief and let your grip on hi arm drop.
Namjoon jumped after hearing the load thump and an extremely familiar feminine squeak from the bathroom.
Was that Maer—
“Sorry hyung, the soap fell on my foot when I tried reaching for it! I’ll be out soon, don’t wait for me.” He replied in a haste after turning the shower off and giving you a hard look. After hearing the room door close, your body chilled beyond return and your nipples hardened in anticipation.
“You think this is a game, huh?” He tilted your chin up with his cold finger tips and glared at your smirking face.
This was most definitely a game you wanted to play.
Late December - 1:30 p.m.
“Who brought the liquor, im trying to get wasted tonight.”
“Jimin, we’re watching Stranger Things.”
“Ok— so where’s the liquor...?”
You smile to yourself at hearing your friends’ conversation, they never fail to amuse you. You were in the kitchen, trying to get popcorn ready for all 8 of you to watch the supernatural show in Jungkook’s apartment.
You leaned on the counter in front of the microwave and listened to its humming as the bag of popcorn started to slowly inflate.
“The guys are here and you have your ass all out like this?” A silent groan left your lips and arousal pooled in between your legs when Jungkook grinded his hips into your ass and grabbed a handful of it.
Your friend group had no idea that you were fucking each other for about 2 months now. It felt wrong to be sexually attracted to each other, especially because you were friends. So you both didn’t want a bad reaction if you told the others.
“Jungkook, someone’s going to walk in—” But you ignored your own words and instead rubbed against him more. You were breathing softly but heavily when you let him cup your cunt through your leggings. He loved it when you wore leggings, it always left little to his imagination when he wanted to guffaw at your legs.
The microwave beeped loudly and it startled the young man behind you into jumping back in fright. Jungkook swallowed hard at hearing your snickering and in a haste, left the kitchen and into the noisy living room instead. He was hard under his sweats, and hated how uncomfortable he was because did it.
They were all seated and prepared to binge watch the latest season of the popular American show when you crept out with two large bowls of kettle corn popcorn.
After they graciously thanked you, you took the obvious seat next to Jungkook on the loveseat. The others expected this, they knew you two were closer than ever. He threw the fuzzy blanket over you both as you cuddled close to the arm chair and put your feet on the other side of his thighs.
Your knees were bent up because you couldn’t fully extend your legs, and it was the perfect position for him to touch you in. He turned to gaze at you under his dark and curly fringe and his earring dangle from the movement.
He discreetly leaned in and whispered, “I dare you to try something while they’re here. Watch what’s going to happen.” The eerie theme song of the show began and you knew for a fact you weren’t going to pay attention. 
You’ve seen the legendary show already. So instead you’d mess with the man directly in front of you.
So for eight long hours you you teased him under the blankets; Rubbing his length with your feet, edging him and never letting succumb to the unusual pleasure. It was exciting to see him sweat while all of your close friends were so close to you yet too engrossed in the T.V. set to notice.
Just as your group was piling out and saying their goodbyes, you suggested that you stay to help the maknae clean. it was late and everybody would be busy the next day but you. 
And Jungkook wasn’t going to let you go that easy.
9:54 p.m. [same night]
Your damp forehead was pressed into soft cushion and your hands clutching the closest pillow on the couch as you were hopelessly whimpering for more. 
Jungkook wasted no time in having you ass up, head down with his wet tongue abusing your cunt and giving you a taste of your own medicine.
“You really must think this shit is funny, baby” He said, basking in the taste of your arousal. You whined when he lightly slapped your clit, your hips involuntarily pushing back for more and he arrogantly chuckled at your neediness.
“I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it.” His voice was gruff when his hard and angry cock slapped against your swollen lips, the slickness of it making it an obscene noise.
“Only if you fuck me first.” You breathlessly said to him and wiggled your ass to draw him in even more. His hooded eyes caught the sight and he moistened his thin lips, loving they way your bottom moved.
You both sighed in relief when he finally pushed in, the initial sting always catching you by surprise, no matter how many times he’s done it. 
“Shit, you always take me so well Mae,” He pumps faster, his hips snapping into yours and you cry out from the intensity of it. Your clit throbbed from your fingers circling around it, and your moans were purely sinful. Jungkook loved seeing you like this.
Back arched and your pussy clenching around his length. The way your ass bounced against his hips whenever he thrusted into you. Fuck. His hand came down hard on your already stinging before grabbing them and drilling into you impossibly quicker than before. 
“Please don’t stop!” You cried out, living for the way his dick filled you so fucking full until you you were seeing white. “Look at you pretty girl. You’re such a brat and all I do is fuck you and give you what you want.” He grunted in your ear and kissed right below it, hearing the dangling sounds of your own earrings.
“Ohhh, Jungkook I’m so close,” He huffed before carefully flipped you over and fucked you with vigor, your toes curling and an amazing sensation rushing through you. “Come on sweetness, you’re almost there.” He placed your legs over his shoulder and gripped your delicious thighs so tight, this wouldn’t be the first time you’d see hand prints there tomorrow.
His forehead was pressed against yours as he watched his dick push in and out of your sopping cunt, your cries egging him on to spill inside of you without hesitation.
The feeling in your lower stomach was becoming uncomfortably persistent and with one final rare moan of your name his hips stuttered sloppily and he filled you with his seed to the brim. Your body spasmed around him and your mantra of his name didn’t even let up after you came. 
When you finally came down from your high, your eyes cleared to see the sweaty boy slumped against you, body spent from putting his all into this session.
He peppered kisses along your collarbones and softly massaged your chest as your eyes closed from his blessed hands working on your soft tissue.
He peeked up at you through those unruly locks of his and that boyish charm never failed you whenever he literally did anything. Don’t even get you started on his boxing practices, whew-
“So round two?” He quirked a playful eyebrow at you as his fingers lightly danced over your torso. You giggled when he reached around your waist and applied pressure, the soft skin felt like silk to him. 
“What do you expect an answer?” You giggled up at him, stars in your eyes. You sneakily reached and tickled under his arms, and he let out the most adorable laugh your ears could ever hear. You shushed your laughs with unsuccessful kisses that were even more laughs because of your failed attempts of keeping a straight face.
When he pulled away, his doe-eyes were stuck on your gorgeous face. The way he was looking at you wasn’t unfamiliar, you we’re just too stupid to play it off as the “post-fuck love stare.” But here you were now. Laughing in between his strong arms and pecking each others lips. 
We’ve been friends fucking like this for months and I’m just realizing this now?
“What if I told you that I loved you? How’d you answer to that..?” He trailed off towards the end, his spontaneous confidence wearing off by the millisecond from his impulsive words. 
You could combust with the overwhelming feeling of happiness and your chest felt lighter even with his body of muscle on you. You smiled so wide up at him, you could barely see his own face morph into the dimpled look you’ve grown to love since you first met him. But you still wanted to mess with him for 10 more seconds.
“I would say I love you with all my heart...” 
You think his just dropped to his stomach with the way his face turned ghastly pale and his eyebrows raised in worry. He was not expecting that after your reaction to him confessing his feeling towards you. Was this a joke? But you were smiling... mayb-
“But my ass is bigger.” Your laugh was contagious and he couldn’t even be mad at you cause he couldn’t agree more.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger days - Chapter four: "She doesn't help me"
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Word count: 8,5K
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x OC + My Chemical Romance
Summary: Joey starts touring, and soon things start getting awkward with Gerard. Also, Frank is somehow jealous 'cos he wants to get all of her attention. Mikey spends most of the time drunk in this chapter and Ray is the father figure all these kids need.
Warnings: Alcohol, drunk talk, dirty thoughts, mentions of a boner someone is trying to hide, bad jokes, and a lot of cursing.
A/N: Ok Matthew fans, there's a lot of My Chemical Romance in this chapter, but we all need context and Joey has to be locked with them for A LONG WHILE. Also, all the "Text in italic" are thoughts and arguments our heroes are having with themselves.
All of this is fiction. And the gif ain't mine.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: LAX, October 21st 2011 :::
Joey's eyes were still watered up as she stared at her boarding pass, making her best to stop crying. She had just hugged Matthew goodbye, and her heart felt like it was breaking as every second passed. She missed him already, and she felt like a sick cliché. She could still feel his arms around her, holding her tight, and his lips kissing her between tears, both of them crying as neither wanted to say goodbye. Joey knew she would keep on crying as they waited for their flight, so she walked away from their gate and tried to disappear among the people.
- "I miss you"- she read the text Matthew just sent her and wiped off the tears from her cheeks.
- "Me too"- she quickly wrote and held her cell phone close.
- "Hey!"- Mikey almost yelled next to her, making her jump.
- "Where the fuck did you come from?!"
- "The dutty free, I had to get some more chocolate for the flight"- Joey looked at him, still surprised, and making her best not to show how sad she was.
- "Why are you crying?"- it was clear she had failed.
- "I'm miserable 'cos I'm not gonna see Matthew in two weeks."
- "It's just two weeks, calm down"- Mikey tried to cheer her up and gave her a chocolate bar.
- "Well, I'll miss him too much."
- "I promise you, we are gonna have so much fun, you won't be sad the whole trip,"- Mikey wrapped an arm around her and messed with her hair.
- "Thanks"- she whispered just to be polite. She was too sad to believe him.
After a week and a half working with the band, Mikey was the closest band member Joey could call a friend among the guys. He and Ray were the nicest and always made her feel comfortable. They would joke around in rehearsals and have lunch together. It was nice. It felt good, like high school friends.
Frank and Gerard were a completely different story because though Joey felt they were very nice, things could become very uncomfortable very quickly with them. Frank would always start a conversation and share a nice laugh, but each time they stayed quiet, his eyes turned into a magnet she couldn't stop staring at. And it felt too intense, like Frank was even flirting a little bit. Sure, she thought he was cute, but he was married, and she knew things were never going to take a weird turn.
And about Gerard, well, that was even weirder. Completely odd. A case of study. He would make his best not to be alone with her, and she could feel it. She knew he always paid attention to what she was saying in a conversation. Still, he constantly made an effort not to talk to her directly. But when they were playing, she could feel her knees go weak each time he looked at her. That man sweated sensuality, and it took all she had in her to stop looking at him each time he moved closer to her. She couldn't concentrate, and she had to keep her eyes closed most of the time to avoid staring into his red hair, his fine ass, and pretty much anything related to him.
Joey knew she would never cheat on Matthew with Gerard. She just thought the singer was too hot for his own good. And for hers. It was a good thing he kept his distance. Well, except for the next ten and a half hours, ‘cos they had seats together.
- "Hey"- she cut him a shy, nervous smile and took a deep breath as soon as he appeared next to her. She had to stuff her hands in his pocket for a minute, ‘cos she was afraid they were going to start shaking. Yes, that's how uneasy she got around him. It wasn't something that happened right away. It developed over the week, and she tried to make lights off the deal most of the time.
- "Bitch, you are working with him. You can't act like a teenager around him just because he is hot. You don't even wanna date him or whatever, you love Matthew… you just wanna stare at this guy from a safe distance 'cos he is so fucking sexy!"- Joey thought.
- "Hey"- Gerard stood still and looked at the empty seat next to Joey. The rest of the band was spread on the plane, and neither seemed to be close for switching seats.
- "Ok, you can do this. She is your coworker. Just keep it casual,"- he thought and moved over to sit next to her.
Neither of them said a word for a while. Joey opened her backpack and grabbed the book she was reading, and Gerard kept scrolling down his phone. He looked out of the corner of his eyes and tried to catch the name of the book, but he couldn't. So he tried again, this time pretending to be uncomfortable in his seat, and he succeeded. He found out Joey was reading a book he didn't know.
- "Are you ok?"- the girl asked and turned to the man that looked blushed, almost caught in something.
- "Yeah, I just… wanted to take off my jacket"- he did so and stuffed it under the seat. Joey looked at him and nodded. The fact that he moved made his perfume reach her, and it was delicious.
- "So, what are you reading?"- his curiosity won.
- "Bestiario, it's a Julio Cortazar book I loved back in school. Mom sent me a box of my old stuff the other day, and I found it."
- "Never heard of him"
- "It's an Argentinian writer. He is awesome. His short stories and how he successfully created surrealist worlds are poetical."
Joey explained but made her best not to look into Gerard's eyes, so she kept staring at his hands playing on his lap.
- "Besides, he was a rebel. He used language his own way, creating words and neologism… I just love him."
By the end of her speech, she failed and turned her gaze at Gerard's, making her hold her breath.
- "Sounds impressive"- he whispered and cleared his throat.
- "You can read it if you want,"- Joey said and looked away quickly, feeling her cheeks blush- "It's a long trip."
- "Thanks"- and after that, the two of them fell silent again.
How had Joey ended up so affected by Gerard? She had a wet dream about him. One amazing wet dream that she couldn't shake off her head. And after that, she wouldn't stop looking at him differently. He was sexy. He was definitely fuckable. He was hot, and he was smart. He was trouble. She had to keep a cold head around him. A complete challenge for that long trip.
Why was it so hard for Gerard? ‘Cos since he first saw her, he got a boner in his pants, and that shit hadn't changed. If anything, it had gotten worse. That didn't mean they were going to fuck or be together or fall in love. Whatever the thing that caused him to be affected by her had to be shut down. And the sooner, the better.
- "Are you ok?"- Ray asked Frank, who kept moving and trying to catch what Gerard and Joey were doing.
- "Yeah, why?"
- "Because you are fucking driving me insane! You are too restless, and you haven't let me sleep in the last hour!"
- "Wanna switch places? Ask Gerard if he wants to sit with you."- Iero said and smiled- "Very smooth Frank, that way Ray will find out in a minute you wanna sit with Joey"- he nearly slapped himself.
- "No, I just want you to stop moving!"- Ray argued, with a tone of voice that sounded (again) more like a father than like a band member.
- "Fine"- Frank whispered, frustrated, and crossed his arms on his chest.
- "What's wrong with you?"- Toro turned to his friend, truly concerned something was tormenting him- "Is it about leaving the babies?"
- "Yeah"- Iero answered and looked outside the window.
It was the truth, but it wasn't just all of it. The actual fact was that he wanted to know if Joey and Gerard were talking. He knew his friend had a crush on her. It was too obvious for him, though the rest of the band nearly noticed it.
But Frank did. He knew each time Gerard stared at Joey more than he had to while she was playing drums. He also recognized the perfume Gerard rarely wore, only when he tried to catch someone's attention. And damn it! He didn't want Joey to notice his friend. He knew Gerard wasn't going to do anything, but if she was going to have a crush on someone in the band, that should be him, not Gee.
Each time Gerard's knee touched Joey, it felt like an electric shock against Joey's skin. That didn't let her concentrate on her book. Gerard didn't seem to notice, though, which was good. She didn't want him to know how much he could affect her. Not even she wanted to know how much he affected her. She knew she loved Matthew, and she would never cheat, but feeling so attracted to someone else made her very uneasy.
She opened her backpack and grabbed her iPod. The smartest thing to do was to listen to some music, read and forget about the fact the hottest guy she had ever met- except for Matthew, of course- was sitting next to her, reading a Stephen King novel, unaffected by her presence.
Gerard had managed to concentrate on his book for a few minutes, but each time Joey's leg softly brushed his, he shivered, so he ended up pretending to be cold. And covered his lap with his jacket. That was also very helpful in case he'd get an involuntary and inappropriately timed boner.
Suddenly, the soft touch of Joey's head reached his shoulder. She was asleep and casually cuddled against him. Was she faking it? It didn't seem so, she still had her headphones on, but the book had left her hands and fallen on her lap. She was asleep, resting her head softly against him.
- "Ok, Gerard, years of practice have come to this moment. Think about math, equations, science test, dissecting a frog, anatomy class, your drummer's body on that Misfits tank top she wore the other day… no! no, again, math, physics, avocado, coconut oil… Her hair smells like coconut oil… I wonder if she would let me spread coconut oil on her… Gerard!! You have a wife you love! Stop this!"
Gerard jumped on his seat, and Joey quickly woke up.
- "Wha…"- she turned to him confused, and he cut her a sweet soft smile- "Shit! I'm so sorry!"- the girl started apologizing right away, completely blushed.
- "No, don't be, you just fell asleep."
- "I'm so sorry."
- "Hey, it's ok"- Gerard said and acted all cool- "My shoulder is your shoulder… we still have eight more hours to reach London, and I am guessing you are a sleeper."
Joey's cheeks were burning as she sat correctly, her heart racing in her chest. Ok, that wasn't what was supposed to happen. And the tour hadn't actually started yet. Great.
The girl looked in her phone for old pictures with Matthew. Honestly, she already missed him, and she wanted to look at his face, remembering what was waiting for her back home.
- "You guys are a cute couple,"- Gerard said and regretted his words as soon as they left his lips- "Cute couple?! What the fuck was that? What am I? A fucking asshole, that's for sure."
- "Thank you"- Joey blushed and kept her eyes on Matthew's picture on her phone- He has been a real support for me ever since we met.
- "How long have you been dating?"
- "Six months and two weeks"- she answered proudly- "We met at the studio one day, he asked me out for coffee... and we've been drinking coffee together ever since."
The two of them smiled at each other and stayed quiet.
- "Your wife is amazing"- Joey added ‘cos it felt like the polite thing to do.
- "Thanks. Yeah, she is incredible."
- "How did you meet her?"
- "Touring, we were at the Project Revolution one year, and by the end of the tour, we got married."
- "Wow, that was fast"- Joey said, thinking out loud- "Shit! Less than three months and he got married?! How can you be sure to do such a thing? Well, maybe when you know you know… but I don't know… seems a little rushed to me."
- "We knew it was the right thing to do,"- he explained calmly-" We knew we didn't want to be apart from each other when the tour ended."
- "That's so sweet"- and after that, the conversation was dead- "So, I'm gonna try to sleep some more. If I fall on your shoulder, don't doubt to wake me up, please."- the girl said and fixed the little travel pillow behind her neck.
- "Don't worry, it's ok, I'm gonna catch a movie"- Gerard answered and smiled one more time, their eyes locked at each other- "Ok Gerard, just look away"- he thought and made his best to follow his own command, but he couldn't.
- "Come on, Joey!! Breath and fall asleep, and stop drooling for him all over! You are pathetic"- the girl wanted to hit herself as she cleared her throat and turned to grab her headphones.
- "Do you want to check out my book?"- she asked and handed him over the one she was reading before- "Stupid! He said he wanted to watch a movie."
- "Yeah! It sounded pretty good. I'll take a look at it while you snore"- he joked, and she blushed. Their hands brushed when she brought closer the book to him, and a little electric shock hit the two of them.
- "Ok, I'll sleep now"- Joey whispered and turned to look over the window- "Just try to sleep for the next eight hours, and you'll be peachy."
Mikey Way asked for another scotch and turned to the window. He wanted to get drunk and sleep. Being drunk was his new nature. Whatever could numb the pain away. He didn't even get to see his wife before he left for the tour. She called and wished him luck. That was it. And still, he wasn't brave enough to be the one to put out on the table the divorcing reality that came ahead. He didn't want to be the one to put an end to it all.
- "Hey"- Frank appeared and sat next to him- "What are you doing?"
- "Drinking, what does it seem like I'm doing?"
- "Being a jerk, that's what it looks like."
- "If you don't like it, you can leave"- but Frank didn't. Basically, because Ray had kicked him out of their seat for being too irritating. And James was snoring. Instead, he took a sip of Mikey's whiskey and nodded.
- "Good shit."
- "Get one for yourself and let me sleep"
- "Damn it! Why is everybody so obsessed with sleeping?"
- "Get out!"- Mikey Way mouthed with his eyes closed, and Frank had no other way but to stand up. He looked around the place until he found the red hair he wanted to spy on. Iero walked slowly, pretending to go to the bathroom, acting casual, which was completely stupid. No one was actually looking at him.
- "Oh hey!"- he said when she stood next to Gerard and Joey's row. He looked at him, raising his eyes from the book, and smiled. Joey was asleep and didn't even move. Her head rested on the seat, and she didn't seem to hear what was going on around her.
- "Hey Frank, what are you doing?"
- "Nothing, I just wanted to see what you were doing. Apparently, Ray doesn't want to sit with me, and Mikey doesn't want to sit with anyone."
- "Why?"- Gerard frowned, confused.
- "No idea, I think he is drunk,"- Frank made a pause and smiled at his friend- "So do you wanna go sit with me somewhere and talk for a while?"
Iero asked casually, though he basically just wanted to move Gerard away from Joey.
- "Not really"- Way simply answered- "Joey just lend me this fantastic book, and I want to read it while she sleeps"
- "Oh"- Frank didn't see that answer coming- "That's ok"- and didn't know what to say- "I'll just… go see a movie or something."
- "Ok"- Gerard directly answered and went back to the book. Frank had no other choice but to look away.
- "Ok fucker, what's the big deal? She is there, they are not even talking, she is asleep, you don't wanna be with her or anything, you are not jealous… you just don't want her to be with Gerard. Wait, is that shit being actually jealous? Nah, no, it's not. No. No way. I just… Nah, it's nothing, just shut up".
Frank plopped himself on this seat and covered his face with both hands. Decided to stop thinking shit, he put on his headphones and pushed play on his iPod. It was better to sleep than to do any other stupid thing for the rest of the trip.
Gerard woke up slowly. He never noticed falling asleep. His head rested comfortably to his right against someone else, who soon he realized was Joey.
He tried not to move and came conscious of the moment. She was still asleep, and her perfume filled the air between them. Gerard didn't move an inch. He didn't want to wake her up. He was enjoying this proximity. He felt their legs side by side, brushing against each other as his heart raced. Her body felt warm next to him, and that soft touch made him hungry for some more. A lot more. He couldn't stop wishing he could move her and kiss her whole body, right there, in the middle of the plane.
- "Shit! No!"- he felt his blood pumping down his belly and knew what was happening- "Melted plastic, NSync, funerals, Joey dressed like Morticia, laid on my bed… no!! Stop this!"
But it was too late to stop the boner. It was now time to hide it before Joey- or anyone else- could see it.
The girl sighed and opened her eyes, still half asleep. She had cuddled at Gerard's neck again, and she was afraid to move. No, she didn't want to move, and she was scared of that. She liked being close to him like this. But she shouldn't. She had to be professional. This was the lead singer of the band she was playing with. This was by far the most important job she had ever have, and she wasn't going to ruin it. She couldn't feel attracted to him or any other member of that band. Besides, they were all married! She even knew this guy's wife, and she was adorable.
- "No, Maria Josefina! This shit stops now!".
Joey moved slowly from Gerard's side and made her best to pretend she had just woken up, and not like she had been debating with herself for the last ten minutes or so.
- "Hey"- she whispered at Gerard, who calmly opened his eyes and scratched his head, looking half asleep and adorable at the same time- "Sorry I woke you up."
- "Don't worry, sorry I was leaning on you"
- "Sorry, I was leaning on you too"- she murmured and took a deep breath- "Do you mind? I need to go to the bathroom."
Gerard stared at her in a blank. If he moved, she was gonna see his boner.
- "Yeah, sure."
He slowly stood up (as well as the other unknown guy by the aisle) and did his best to cover himself with the jacket without being too obvious. It was a little worst when he felt Joey brushing her body next to him as he passed by her side. That added some friction that made him bite his lips.
- "Sorry"- she whispered softly, that didn't help either. Lucky for Gerard, she didn't notice a thing and walked away.
- "Dude put the gun down"- the guy in the aisle said, making fun of him. Way couldn't answer; he just sat down and tried to cool himself down.
- "What the fuck is your problem? What are you, fifteen? Put your shit together, you've been alone with him for like four hours, and already you are having a hormonal breakdown? Really?!"
Joey kept arguing with herself in the bathroom and looked at her reflex on the mirror.
-"And besides, you look like the shit!"- she tried to fix her makeup. She made a messy bun to keep her hair from falling on his face.
- "Ok, you are gonna go out there, and you are gonna be a professional grownup. You are gonna sit down and ignore that guy for the rest of the trip, did you hear me? Ok! Just do it!".
But no, it was impossible, she saw him from a distance, reading her book, and her stomach jumped. So she did what seemed to be the right thing to do: she sat next to Mikey and cut him a smile.
- "Hi stranger."
- "Hey gorgeous"- the girl frowned right away and sniffed him.
- "You are drunk"
- "You are smart"
- "Everything ok?"
- "Nop"
- "And you don't want to talk about it"
- "Nop"
- "Good…"
- "And why are you here?"
- "I've got the window seat over there, and I just went to the bathroom… and I didn't want to bother Gerard and the other guy in my way over."
Mikey turned to her, drunk as a skunk, and smiled.
- "Stop being so nice."
- "I can't turn it off…"- she made a pause and grabbed Mikey's plastic cup of whiskey- "Besides, I can be mean."
- "Bullshit"- he argued, laughing, and Joey drank what was left of the plastic glass in one shot, not moving a single facial muscle- "Wow, I'm scared. You drank my booze, rad!"- he answered sarcastically.
- "Oh, shut up, you are drunk."
- "Hey kids! What are you doing?"- Frank showed up and sat next to Joey, all happy and hyper.
- "Mikey is asking me not to be nice"- Joey answered and cut him a huge grin- "How is your flight?"
- "Bored. I saw a shitty movie, napped, and now I am hungry… wanna eat something?"
Joey thought about it for a moment and realized she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. And smiled lodged on her lips as she remembered Matthew had made her favorite breakfast.
- "Definitely"- and Frank's eyes lit up as he buzzed the air host button.
- "Great!"
- "And no more booze for you"- Joey warned Mikey, knowing he wanted to get more whiskey.
- "You are not my mom."
- "You are not my kid."
- "Stop it."
- "I am not nice."
- "Yes, you are, you are taking care of me,"- she took a deep breath and watched him smiling please, knowing he was right.
- "Fuck you! I'm not nice. I just don't want to carry you around covered in puke when we land."
- "You won't have to,"- he simply answered, slurred actually- "Frank will have to do it."
- "I won't"- he refuted shortly- "Ask Gerard, he is taller."
- "Right, you are tiny like a thirteen years old kid"- Joey chuckled, and Frank blushed, embarrassed that Mikey brought that up in front of her. Like she hadn't noticed.
- "Shut up!"- Iero was gonna punch Mikey's arm when the air host arrived, and he refocused on asking for food for the three of them. And booze for the three of them.
Gerard looked around and frowned. Joey was taking too long in the bathroom. Not that he cared, but maybe she didn't feel so good. Perhaps she was locked in there. Perhaps he didn't get the signs, and she was waiting for him to fuck in there and join the high mile club.
- "Stop that shit!! You are gonna have to spend months with this woman, and you are going to learn how to turn your dick off! If possible…".
After a few more minutes, Gerard convinced himself he wanted to go to the bathroom too and stood up. No, Joey didn't seem to be locked in any toilet. But where was she? It only took him a minute or two to hear her laughing along with Frank and Mikey. What the fuck?
- "Hey, what are you doing?"- Gerard asked as he stood next to Frank by the aisle and smiled. Joey's eyes were watering up as she kept laughing, trying to keep it down.
- "We are playing Who wants to be a millionaire,"- she explained and pointed at the screen in front of her seat.
- "Ok…"- he was going to ask what was so funny when he realized they were all drunk. Well, Mikey was wasted. Frank looked kind of drunk, and Joey… it was hard to say.
- "Well, keep it down, you don't want to disturb the rest of the passengers."
- "Sorry, dad"- Mikey answered, chuckling, and Joey bit her lips not to laugh so loud.
- "And stop drinking!"- Gerard commanded.
- "Yes, dad"- Mikey repeated, and Joey's face turned red from holding the laughter.
- "Stop it!"
- "Come on, man, relax. We are not doing anything,"- Frank tried to explain, but it was useless. He had been so into getting Joey's attention, and the girl knew they had been too loud.
- "No, dude, he is right. It's time to wrap up things here"- she grabbed her drink and stood up- "Come on, make room, let me pass."
- "Oh, come on! You don't have to go!"- Frank hated Gerard at that moment.
- "Mikey has to sleep, and we should notch down the noise for a while. Come on, let me pass"- Frank stood up, frowning.
- "Wanna go watch a movie with me?"- he asked Joey and pointed at his seat.
- "I don't think it's a good idea"- Gerard answered before Joey could actually say a word. And that was a huge turn-off for her. She hated when people took decisions for her, even the smallest, like that one.
- "You are gonna keep laughing and making noise."
- "Sorry, can't we have fun?"- Iero was taking shit too seriously all of a sudden, but lucky him, he was the only one who noticed it, and the air host saved his ass.
- "I'm gonna need you all to go back to your designated seats, please."
And that was it. Joey returned to her seat next to Gerard, and Frank grumbled all the way to his seat next to Ray, who was snoring.
- "Fuck you, Frank!! Stop being jealous! Seriously! This is not healthy!!"
- "Do you wanna watch a movie?"- Gerard asked a few minutes after they sat down and got comfortable on their chairs, stealing Frank's idea.
- "Sure"- Joey answered and regretted right away- "Wait, what had we agreed earlier today? Can you fucking listen to yourself for a second? Don't fuck up this job!"- she scratched her arm, nervous, feeling her whole body tense.
- "Great! What do you wanna watch?"
- "Horror"- she quickly answered- "Good, anything that can keep me occupied from thinking."
- "Cool, anything in particular."
- "Zombies"- Gerard turned to her and smiled so excited you could tell she had said all the correct answers.
- "Great, let's see what we've got."
The jetlag hit Joey hard when they reached London. It was eight hours ahead of Los Angeles time, and after that long, eternal, and challenging trip, having to deal with Gerard next to her, she needed to get some good rest. Besides, the first show was Saturday. She only had Friday to recover and get ready for the debut. And shit, she was freaking out.
- "God, kill me"- Mikey whispered as the van passed outside the hotel and had to turn around the corner. There were so many fans waiting for them out there, going out was suicidal. Joey wide opened her eyes and made her best not to show how shocked she was by the scene.
- "Hey"- Ray elbowed her and smiled- "Excited?"
- "Very"- she grinned and yawned- "And also exhausted."
- "Frank and I were thinking about asking for some room service and playing video games if you want to join us."
- "Sounds good. I just need to shower first."
- "Good, you shower! Can you teach Gerard how to do that, please?"- Frank joked, overhearing the conversation from the back seat- "Thank you for inviting her, Ray! Thank you, that you!!"- and god, he was excited, like a little kid.
- "Oh, come on! I shower now! Stop telling people I'm gross!"- Gerard argued and smacked Frank's head, joking.
- "You traumatized the band, and you have a stigma for being dirty and smelly, teen spirit,"- Mikey added with a deep, weary, hungover voice.
- "Shit! I need to catch up with a lot of info."
- "You are not really missing a lot"- James said next to her and yawned- "Gerard and Mikey didn't shower when they started touring; that's why they called Gee "Teen spirit." Frank used to hang shower camps at one side of the bus to shower after the show. Ray waited until the bus stopped by gas stations to use the shower there when it was available. He usually was left behind ‘cos everybody forgot about him. And that's the short version of touring with these guys. "
James explained as Joey chuckled.
- "Thank you, James. You are the best."
- "Oh, cut it"- Gerard threw his friend a scarf, and Joey laughed.
- "Ok, kids, and how are you planning to avoid all those fans waiting for you out there?"- Joey wondered as she kept looking outside the window as the group of teenagers reached the other side of the street.
- "The MCArmy is pretty cool"- Gerard explained as the girl turned around and raised an eyebrow, looking into his eyes, completely unconvinced.
- "I bet it can still get pretty scary to be out there with all those girls"
- "I mean it, they are not."
- "Yeah, sure. Then just get out this van and walk out there alone, without Worm"- Joey dared and their bodyguard, Worm, turned to him and shook his head no.
- "She is right, face it. You are never gonna make it"- the whole band made a pause after Worm delivered the line and chuckled. Joey didn't get the joke, but she said no word.
- "I really need to know more about this band, fuck!"
- "Don't worry, dude. We are gonna get through the back"- Worm announced, which seemed to be a good idea until they saw the back of the hotel and the way to the underground parking.
- "Oh shit!"- the words left Joey's lips- "Those are more girls that there were at the front… what the fuck?"
The drummer was clearly confused. She knew the band was big, but she hadn't evaluated precisely how big it was.
- "You are not a boy band when you are at a live show, right?"- she asked and turned to Ray smiling.
- "Yeah, we dance a lot. I'll teach you the choreography after dinner."
The van made its way through all the fans, and ten minutes later, each of the band and crew members was at their rooms. Frank lay on his bed and dialed his wife's number.
- "Hey baby"- he whispered with his eyes closed.
- "Hi honey, how was the flight?"
- "Long, eternal, I need to sleep a lifetime."
- "Me too, your daughters have been too spoiled, and neither of them is sleeping if I'm not holding them."
- "Shit."
- "I blame you for that."
- "Please don't…"
Frank chuckled and remembered all the afternoons he had spent holding both his daughters at the same time before he left for California to rehearsal for the tour.
- "I miss you so much"- and he wasn't lying at all. He loved his wife more than anyone.
- "We miss you too"
- "Is your mom still there with you?"
- "Yeah, I wouldn't have done any of this without her."
- "And Evan?"
- "He had a gig tonight, but he is coming to spend the weekend with us."
- "Awesome"
- "So, excited about this leg of the tour?"
- "To be honest, I'm kind of nervous."
- "Why?"
- "About the drummer and shit, we have press tomorrow, and I'm sure they are gonna start asking about it."
- "So?"
- "So I don't want to."
- "Don't make a fuzz out of something that hasn't happened yet"- Jamia made a pause as her husband stayed in silence staring at the ceiling too- "Besides, be honest, Gerard is going to answer all the questions"- Frank chuckled and sighed.
- "You are probably right"
- "I know I am, you know I am, deal with it."
Meanwhile, at the very same time, in his room, Gerard was talking with his wife too, and for some weird twist reason, he was having the exact same conversation.
- "I just don't want the whole tour to turn into "My chemical romance has a girl drummer" shit."
- "But it's an amazing thing to talk about!"- Lynz answered, frustrated her husband was still rambling about the same subject. It had been at least twenty minutes. It was probably his way to talk about her not being obvious. And pretending he hated the whole deal was his way to cope with the face he loved having Joey around.
- "I know it's gonna be fresh and exciting."
- "And inspirational to a bunch of girls out there"- that was probably the only thing that kept Lynz excited about Joey in the band. She didn't see her as a threat per se, but it was still a little weird for her.
- "Yeah, that's true… fans are gonna go nuts."
- "And media is gonna make up a lot of shit."
- "I hate that."
- "You do it for the music. That's what counts."
- "Yeah, I gotta love this shit to bear being apart from you so often,"- Lynz giggled at Gerard's words and sighed.
- "I know you love music more than you love me.2
- "That's not true."
- "I know… you love comics more than you love me,"- Gerard laughed and walked to the door, ‘cos someone was knocking.
- "You see through me"- Mikey walked in as soon as his brother opened and laid on the bed in silence- "Mikey just got here, I think we are gonna eat something and then sleep."
- "Go, I'm going to go out with Alicia today."
- "Really? that's cool, hey Mikey, the wives are going out together tonight,"- and Mikey frowned, surprised.
- "Cool"- that was all the excitement he could express.
- "Love you, babe, gotta go"- Gerard said goodbye to his wife and sighed as soon as he hung up the phone.
- "Everything ok?"- Mikey asked and kept changing the channels on the tv, not really watching anything.
- "Yeah, you?"
- "I'm hungry. Ray said he was asking for room service. Wanna go?"
- "Yeah, in a minute"- Gerard walked to the bathroom, and Mikey sighed, eyes glued to the television. That was the best way not to think. That and getting hammered, but he could do that later.
- "Hello"- Joey walked into Ray's room after she called her boyfriend, took a long, long shower, and put on clean clothes. Well, clean sweatpants and an old oversized Megadeth t-shirt. Basically, her pajamas.
- "Hey!!"- Ray's hair was dripping water as he opened the door and invited Joey in- "Sorry, I just stepped out of the shower."
- "Me too… and if we are gonna tour together, I figured you are gonna have to get used to seeing me in sweatpants"- Ray laughed and took a look at Joey up and down- "Sorry, not sorry."
- "Don't be. You look cute, in a nonsexual way"- he quickly explained and blushed.
- "Thank you… so? what are we eating?"
- "I don't know… what do you wanna eat?"
- "I'm so fucking hungry I need a double bacon burger with all the fries on this island… sorry, all the chips on this island."
- "Sounds good, make two of those,"- Joey sat on Ray's bed and watch him open his backpack.
- "What do you have there?"
- "Only the most important thing I carry around when we tour."
- "Guessing something related to… oh no, it's a PlayStation,"- Joey frowned and then chuckled as she saw Ray unpack his favorite console and plug into the television.
- "Since we are touring together, you should know this is something we can't live without."
- "Really?"
- "This is our life on the road."
- "Playing video games?"
- "Yeah… sorry if we are not that exciting."
- "Don't be sorry in front of a girl in sweatpants. Which games are you carrying?"- she moved closer and grabbed a few- "Call of Duty!! Cool!"
- "Do you play?"- Ray was excited, and you could tell.
- "It's Call of Duty. Who doesn't?"
- "Gerard"- Ray answered in less than a second.
- "Lame!"- the knocks on the door finished the conversation, and Joey walked over to answer. Frank held his breath, surprised to see there- "Hey! Do you play Black Ops?"
- "Ahh… yeah"- he doubted as he looked at her up and down- "You look…"
- "Like a mess? Yeah, get used to it"- he was gonna say cute, but she interrupted him at the right moment and walked back to Ray- "What else do you have there?"
Frank sat on the bed and stared at the scene. Ray kept showing Joey his video games, and she was really into it.
- "So do you play a lot?"- Frank ended up asking, and the girl grinned guiltily.
- "Maybe more than I should admit. When you live alone, and you don't have a job, there are too many hours to kill.
- "Been there"- Ray answered and chuckled
- "Then this tour is gonna be fun!"- Frank smiled and laid back on the bed as Joey sat next to him and tapped on his leg.
- "I am going to kick your Jersey ass."
- "Oh really? You better don't go all Icelandic on me when I make you eat the ground"- he made his best not to shiver at her touch and instead tickled her a little, which made her giggle, like a little girl.
- "I don't go all Icelandic, that's too cold and drunk"- she corrected him and tickled him as well- "I go all Latina, like mom."
Frank knew this was his chance to get a little closer to the girl, friendly closer, by the way. Well, that's what he kept telling himself.
- "Fine, then don't go all Latina on me when I kick your ass!"- he said and fully tickled her, hearing her laugh.
- "Fuck!! No!!"- she yelled, laughing- "You weren't supposed to find out about this weakness until way deep into the tour!!!"
Ray looked at them, frowning as he stood up and opened the door for Mikey and Gerard. He didn't say really a thing, just opened the door and walked back into the room.
- "Kids! Calm down! Or you won't have dinner"- Toro said and kneeled next to his suitcase, looking through his games for one he wanted to play. But neither Frank nor Joey paid attention and continued fighting over who could tickle the other. Gerard looked at them, deeply jealous, as Mikey nodded his head.
- "So… what are you doing?"- the youngest Way asked, staring at the obvious
- "We are…"- Joey made a pause and gave it a little thinking while Frank kept tickling her, enjoying a little too much the fact he could just touch her… in a friendly way- "Frank, what were we doing?"
- "You went all Latina all of a sudden."
- "Oh yeah, and you were all Jersey"- Frank had to stop ‘cos Joey stopped, but they kept pushing each other, and Ray continued telling them to stop like they were his kids.
- "And I told you I was going to kick your ass playing Call of Duty."
- "Right! That was why!"- Joey sort of shouted, and Frank burst out laughing- "Hey"- she smiled at Gerard and tried to look away.
- "Wanna play?"- Ray asked her, and she couldn't control her smile.
- "Always!!"
Gerard looked at her after she delivered that line. She sat with Ray on his bed holding a joystick, not paying half attention to him. Was that what made him act all jealous? The fact she paid attention to everyone else but him?
- "Just forget it, Gerard, eat your dinner and go to bed."
It was midnight, and Joey and Ray were still playing. Mikey was drunk and half-asleep on the bed, holding his phone tight. Frank was waiting for his turn to play, staring at the screen and laughing each time anyone would take a gunshot.
- "Ok, I'm going to bed"- Gerard said and stood up.
- "Ok, see you tomorrow!"- Ray said and never stopped playing, and neither did Joey.
- "Fuck you!!"- she yelled, and Toro laughed as the girl kept pushing him and making her best to force him to lose.
- "Don't be a bad loser!"
- "I am not a bad loser!!"- she argued right away and stood up to hand over Frankie the joystick, defeated again- "And you are a shitty winner, by the way!"
- "I'm leaving!"- Gerard repeated, and again, no one seemed to care.
- "Night night!"- Joey waved and turn around to look at the youngest Way- "Hey Mikey, are you ok?"
No, Mikey wasn't ok. He was laid on his back, tears slowly falling down his eyes, drunk as fuck.
- "Hey, Mikey, let's get you to bed, ok?"- he sighed and half-opened his eyes looking at Joey.
- "I don't want to."
- "Come on, you have an exciting day tomorrow. I got the schedule earlier, and you get to work for hours, and I am not doing shit!"- she joked, but Mikey didn't move- "Oh, come on… please, buddy?"
- "Is he ok?"- Gerard asked and walked over.
- "Drunk as fuck is the new ok,"- she answered as Gee shook Mikey's arm.
- "I'm alive"- he babbled and slowly sat down- "I'm ok, leave me alone."
- "You don't really look like you are ok"- Joey whispered and smiled at him- "Want me to show you my tits to cheer you up?"- Frank paused the game and turned to her.
- "Fuck yeah!! We could ask for that?"- Joey frowned and looked at him, annoyed.
- "I was joking"- she pronounced every letter in those words very slowly- "Just trying to make Mikey laugh."
- "Oh yeah"- Frank blushed and unpaused the game, turning to the screen- "I knew you were, I was just following the joke."
Joey nodded and turned to Mikey again. Meanwhile. Frank wanted to slap himself.
- "What the fuck is your problem!! That was so stupid! It was obvious she was joking, and now you made an ass of yourself! She is gonna think you are a pervert!!"
- "So, are you coming?"- Joey smiled at her friend, and he nodded- "Good, ‘cos I don't wanna smack you."
- "Do you need help?"- Frank paused the game again, and Ray almost growled.
- "No, I'm ok"- Mikey answered and stood up.
- "Come on, let's have a slumber party. We can do each other's nails"- Joey smiled, and Mikey smirked.
- "Braid my hair, sister"
- "And I'll curl your eyelashes"
Gerard watched in awe how his brother just followed Joey's commands like a little boy. He just went to bed when she asked him to. He laughed when she made the jokes. Was he crushed on her too?
- "Good night, kiddos"- Joey smiled and waved at Ray and Frank- "I had a blast with you tonight."
- "Goodnight, loser!!"- Ray teased her, and the girl stuck out her tongue at him.
- "Tomorrow, I want my revenge!"
- "Whenever you want to lose, I am here,"- he chuckled, and she pretended to be mad. The truth was, she had a great time with Ray, and she was glad he was so warm and friendly with her from day one.
- "Hey, Iceland"- Frank stood up and walked quickly over her- "That shit about your tits, I was joking."
- "I know, Jersey. Calm down"- she beamed and pushed his arm- "You are a good kid."
- "Thanks, goodnight"- he whispered and walked back to Ray's bed- "If only you knew…".
Gerard opened the bedroom door and waited for Joey and his brother to walk out to close it behind his back.
- "Where to?"- she asked, and Mikey pointed to the elevator. The three of them walked in silence, the door closed, and the youngest Way slowly raised his hand and pushed "15".
- "Please don't puke in the elevator"- Gerard teased him, and Mikey whispered
- "Like you never did that kind of shit back in your days,"- the silence hung amongst them until the door opened, and they strolled out.
- "Good neighbor, you are just four rooms down from my cave"- Joey joked as Mikey slowly and clumsily tried to open his door, but Gerard ended up grabbing his card and doing it for him when it was apparent he wasn't in the condition of doing it by himself.
- "Ok, Mikey. There you go"- Gerard helped his brother to bed as Joey took out his shoes and moved the pillows for him.
- "I don't want your help"- the drunk Way said, but Joey messed with his hair and smiled, trying to cheer him up.
- "I am not helping you. You asked me to stop being nice,"- Gerard frowned, not getting the conversation, but apparently, there were so many things Ray and Mikey could talk about with her he had no idea about. He should give up trying to catch up.
- "This is me making sure you owe me big time, and I am going to call in a huge favor as soon as I get drunk, and you are gonna have to take care of me,"- Mikey smiled and closed his eyes.
- "Ok, Bug"- the drunk boy closed his eyes and sighed- "I'm gonna start calling you "Bug" now because you can be fucking annoying!"
- "Oh really?"- Joey giggled and stood next to Mikey's bed with Gerard- "I'm gonna have to find a nickname for you then."
- "Your job for tomorrow"- the drunk guy whispered and sighed.
- "Goodnight, Mikey"- Gerard said and watched how his brother fell asleep in less than a minute. He and Joey walked slowly to the door and left Mikey alone.
- "Thank you for taking care of him,"- Gerard whispered as they walked down the hall to Joey's door.
- "Don't thank me for that. I consider him my friend already, and friends take care of each other."
The girl kept looking down at her shoes as they walked, decided not to land her eyes on his, not even for a second. God knows what could happen.
- "He seems to be going through a rough patch lately"
- "He hasn't told you anything about it?"- Joey asked surprised.
- "No"- Gerard shook his head and thought very carefully before he asked- "Has he told you… anything about what's going on with him?"
Joey didn't hesitate for a second and answered no.
- "It just seems he trusts you with his problems. That's all."- Gerard added.
- "We talk about random shit"- she quickly explained- "Maybe he just needs to ease his mind from whatever it is that is happening to him, at least for a bit."
The two of them stayed quiet, standing right in front of each other. Gerard was dying to hold her face with both hands and kiss her. They were alone for the first time ever. Ever. He has made his best for this not to occur before; the plane trip at least was shared with a hundred other people at the same place. Now it was just the two of them all alone standing in the hall.
- "What are your plans for tomorrow?"- Gerard whispered and raised his eyes to look at her.
- "Gym in the morning, practice in the afternoon"- Joey said and kept looking at her hands.
- "Where are you gonna practice?"
- "Here, in my room. I brought my electric drum ‘cos Brian said I could install it somewhere around the bus."
Gerard kept his eyes locked on her, and she could feel it as she continued talking.
- "I hope it's not an inconvenience, I'm just nervous. I feel like I need to practice another 100 hours to play the show you deserve."
- "No, of course, it's no problem"- he answered and slowly reached out his hand to clumsily place it on her shoulder- "And stop doubting yourself. You are an amazing drummer."
Joey couldn't help it and shivered as she felt Gerard's touch, raising her eyes to meet his.
- "Thank you"- she whispered, and time stopped as they stared at each other. It felt so natural to lean over. It was like their bodies were longing for proximity. But both of them knew they couldn't do anything like so.
- "Ok Joey, breath, act like a normal person and walk away from this temptation"- she sighed and smiled- "That would be a killer nickname" Well, see you tomorrow Gerard, have fun doing a million interviews.
- "Have fun at the gym- he smiled and watched her opening the door and walking into her room."
- "Good night"- she whispered and slowly closed the door.
- "Ok, that was good. You controlled yourself, Gerard. I'm proud… now walk away and get into your room."
Joey laid on her bed and closed the laptop, after a long video call with Matthew. Tears fell from her eyes slowly. She was nervous, excited, and most of all, she was sad her boyfriend wouldn't be there with her at her first show.
- "You have no idea how proud I am, Yami"- he had said, as the two of them cried.
- "I wish you were here with me, Akumu."
She had never been away from him in six months. Once for a weekend, but not a whole month. She missed him already. Watching his face on the screen didn't make it easy. If anything, it felt like it made it worse. She was in love with him, honestly in love. She had a couple of shitty experiences with her previous boyfriends, and Matthew was the first man who treated her with respect. It was sad for her to be so moved about something that could be the base of a relationship.
Besides, she wasn't just nervous about being away from her boyfriend. She also had second thoughts about her abilities. Maybe she really wasn't going to be able to do it right. She could be petrified in front of the audience. It would be easier if Matthew were there with her. But he wasn't, and she had to start dealing with this fear on her own.
She could still feel Gerard's hand on her shoulder, telling her she was going to do great. It burned her skin like the remainder of his warm touch.
- "Fucking temptation"- she whispered and rolled in bed to turn out the lights- "Gerard is so hot I could do something very foolish if I were single... and if he was single too, of course."
taglist @all-tings-diego @worryd0ll
Do you wanna talk about this story, or be added to the taglist? send me a message here
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friskafriskito · 3 years
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@dracini-rambles #frisky I ALWAYS wonna hear about your ocs !!! #friend art
@arcinox​ : I would love to know about everyone here!!
dsfghds thanks you guys ;u;.
Their descriptions are under the cut if you wanna read them, I tried to summarize them as much as I could.
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Kirriq: @thekyuusanna , who is the DM for a campaign I’m in, hosted a halloween DnD oneshot to test out some homebrew races and classes! So Kirriq is a Stormwing, which are half-human half-metal, electrical birds (so of course I went with a smelly rusty birb). Kirriq’s homebrew class is a black coven witch, which is basically... necromancy and dark magic :’D. His spells are mostly poison/necrotic based and he does not believe in the 5-second rule or the concept of “inedible”. That being said he is very sweet, has super misplaced priorities, and just wants to be friends with everyone and find the perfect hat. It’s tricky roleplaying him though since these are voice-sessions. I can’t voice act to save my life and I keep forgetting he speaks in third person. >u>”
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Keyframe (Jeremy Adebayo): created within a few days for a masquerade event on RPRepository! How this works is you create a character anonymously for an event and participate in the live rp. Once the event is over, everyone reveals who played who. This event happened to be a superhero one! Here is his full profile, but it needs a lot of workshopping still (again, made in a super rush, and trying to fit abilities according to animation principles and an energy depletion game mechanic was a nightmare) but the short of it is he’s a 1st-6th grade art teacher and aspiring animator turned superhero through an accident with a faulty lightbox. He can manifest cartoon illusions—often unwillingly.
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LOok: LOok is one of my oldest characters and he’s just baby. An unfinished tiny wooden found by a Witch, who attempted to fix him and accidentally brought him to life, somehow. He’s rejected the strings and since then he’s been a tiny explorer!  Doesn’t talk, but he’s not really interested in being able to. Super curious, super friendly, way too trusting. Loves to draw/paint and always carries around his paintbrush! He’s something of a mascot of mine so I tend to draw him the most. (Also that’s his name because people kept pointing at him going “LOOK!” c’: )
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Entertainer (Carol Crawford): Another older character: A thief of musical instruments, theatrical, thinks she’s an A-class villain, really is not (not that she’s incompetent but like... she thinks she’s Robin Hood and the Phantom of the Opera, but she’s more Darkwing Duck). Steals rare musical instruments and smushes them together in an attempt to find a “new sound”. Luthier by day, but she's not exactly hiding her persona either. Her family is supportive of her “weird hobby” and yet completely oblivious to her attempts to show them that no, she really is trying to pull actual heists. She’s a great friend to have, but not a responsible one at all. :’D
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
SC Season 7 Fest rareships/gen roundup!
We were so excited to see how many rare and gen fics and works there were in @scseason7​ -- a significant increase from previous fests! We've compiled a list of the fics that featured predominantly, or solely featured rare and gen ships and characters. There are a few fics listed below that also include David/Patrick, but we felt that these works equally or more so showcased lesser-seen ships and characters. 
Happy reading!
Alexis Rose’s Guide to Finding Yourself in Five Easy Steps by wrathofthestag, Alexis-centric, T, 3663 words Summary: Can Alexis find her New York self? According to a magazine article, she can do it in five easy steps—but does she already have the key to what she’s looking for? A little bit of introspective Alexis.
all i need is to see your face by huddlers-and-hiddlers, Alexis/Twyla, Gen, 1535 words Summary: Alexis has doubts. Twyla knows how to soothe them.
[art] Asbestos Fest (Week) 2019 by sspaz1000, Schitt’s Creek Ensemble Summary: After the success of Singles Week Jocelyn decides to make Asbestos Fest a weeklong celebration of the town.
Assistant Direction by bigficenergy, Stevie & Moira, Stevie/Ruth, T, 2378 words Summary: Stevie's lazy morning with Ruth is interrupted by repeated phone calls from Moira, who is nervous about her first day of filming the Sunrise Bay reboot and simply must talk to Stevie.
Baby, Gotta Say It by middyblue (daisyblane), Stevie/Alexis, E, 15,980 words Summary: Several months after they hooked up at the wedding, Stevie and Alexis go for a drive.
Business/Casual by treepyful(treeperson), Stevie/Ruth, M, 8968 words Summary: “I’m afraid we only have the one room left, Ms. Budd, and it’s a single queen.”
Common Ground by moirarosesroses, Patrick & Ronnie, Gen, 2267 words Summary: Ronnie heads to Rose Apothecary looking for relief from the flu, but David's kind gesture suddenly falls to Patrick.
Don’t worry, it’s his sister by cromarty, Alexis/Twyla, David/patrick, G, 1854 words Summary: “So, you’ll obviously be getting real save the dates as soon as we get them back from the printer but you are officially invited to our wedding on September 3rd!”
“WHAT?!” David yelps.
“Oh, David, must you be so loud? What could possibly be wrong with the date, you’re not even traveling, and you can close your little store whenever you and Patrick choose!” Moira says over the sound of Stevie snickering.
“That’s my anniversary!” David says, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
Five Stars by sonlali, Ray/OC, Gen, 1905 words Summary: Ray visits a coffee shop in Elm Valley to expand his clientele base and ends up meeting someone new.
Flood, Flounder, Flourish by treepyful (treeperson), Patrick & Ray, Gen, 5042 words Summary: When a pipe had burst and flooded Ray’s house earlier in the week, Patrick had known immediately what he had to do.
in calm or stormy weather by singsongsung and sonlali, Alexis & Patrick, David & Twyla, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick, T, 4441 words Summary: On National Siblings Day, Alexis spends the day with her favorite brother Patrick, and David bonds with Twyla.
David: Why are you at our house, Alexis? Alexis: because i have a whole day planned for us david!! David: Why? Alexis: because it’s NATIONAL SIBLINGS DAY!
[Script] “Family Reunion” by Five678patty and pants (smarty_pants), Gen, T, 5253 words Summary: S07E14 Synopsis. There’s something familiar about David and Patrick’s new employee and nothing familiar about the new Café Tropical. Moira has acquired a stalker who follows her to town.
The Honeymoon by alldaydream, Rose Family, T, 11,333 words Summary: Just as David and Patrick are about to go on their honeymoon, a break in at the store ruins those plans and forces them to turn back around to Schitt's Creek. David handles it as well as you'd think. Meanwhile Alexis is in New York beginning her new job at Interflix with a slight snafu, Johnny is trying his best to influence future entrepreneurs, and Moira makes a new friend on set.
Many the Miles by doingthemost and singsongsung, Twyla/Alexis, T, 7996 words Summary: On the weekend Twyla is supposed to visit Alexis in NYC, Alexis gets a cold. Twyla goes anyway.
Mine Own Weak Merits by treepyful(treeperson), Stevie & Moira, Gen, 3644 words Summary: When her phone buzzed with a silent call for the third time in eight minutes, Stevie debated throwing it out her open window.
money, money, money (it’s a rich man’s world) by hullomoon, Stevie & Johnny, David & Johnny, Johnny/Moira, Gen, 2518 words Summary: When Stevie mentions hiring someone for the financials during a meeting, Johnny worries it'll be another Eli situation
The Moira Rose Story by wrathofthestag, Johnny/Moira, Gen, Art + 60 words Summary: It's the poster for the upcoming, and highly anticipated, Interflix movie The Moira Rose Story.
A New Dawn, A New Day by bibliopan, Mandy (the teenager David watched for Wendy) & friends, T, 16,383 words Summary: Mandy Greenhorn, former step-daughter of Wendy, gets her first job working at Rose Apothecary over the summer. She learns about customer service and more than she ever imagined!
No Place Like Home by moirarosesroses, Alexis & David, Alexis & Patrick, Gen, 2094 words Summary: Alexis adjusts to a new way of life in New York without her family or friends from Schitt's Creek.
Nothing Good Starts in a Getaway Car by dawndust, Patrick & Alexis with some side Patrick/David, T, 5619 words Summary: During a time of crisis, Patrick learns what it means to have David and Alexis as his family. *mind the tags on this one*
Rosebud Motel Group PR + Merch! By hullosweetpea, Gen, FANART Summary: PR and Merch designs for the Rosebud Motel Group [Art]
[art] The Roses Reunited by frizzlenox, The Rose Family, Not Rated Summary: The Rose family poses for a portrait at the Emmys when Moira is nominated for Sunrise Bay.
a sense of expectation hanging in the air by hullomoon, Stevie/Ruth (main), Alexis/Twyla (background), with other friendships, M, 6548 words Summary: Stevie starts to realize she has feelings for Ruth. How long though, will it take for her to tell Ruth that?
The Sniffles by awildone, Johnny/Moira, Johnny & Stevie, T, 2246 words Summary: Johnny Rose doesn't get sick, except for when he's in California, & they're not just allergies.
Street Lights, Big Dreams, All Lookin’ Pretty by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick, Stevie/Ruth mentioned, T, 11574 words Summary: Alexis and Twyla say they're just friends. But people who are "just friends" don't tickle each other's necks with their eyelashes – right? During one family vacation to New York, David and Patrick make a bet to answer this question and more. (David has a lot of feelings about being back in New York along the way, but that's not a big deal. We don't have to talk about that.)
They stare when you walk in the room (yeah, we’re lookin’ at heaven) by yellow_bird_on_richland, Alexis/Twyla, M, 9281 words Summary: [Alexis]’s not exactly surprised to find herself gravitating toward Twyla when more and more hopeful suitors approach her as the night goes on. Plus, Twy’s her guest. The horde of guys hitting on her? They’re so not invited back to her place. It’s then that she realizes. She doesn’t just wanna take Twyla Sands home. Like all the boys surrounding them, she wants to take Twyla Sands home.
Third Annual Schitt’s Creek Singles Week by lastchancecafe, Ray/OC, David/Patrick, Alexis/Twyla, G, 2653 words Summary: Patrick had watched Ray go on plenty of first dates over the years. He approached them with the same enthusiasm he gave a new business venture. Patrick can remember sitting next to Ray on the floral couch in his early days with David. The three of them enjoying Rom-Coms and ice cream. Ray and David had ranked the grand gesture scenes each time. Patrick recognized the unnamed longing and been happy to fill the role for David. He’d never stopped to think that his boss/landlord turned friend was still looking for someone to do the same. ----- Love is in the air at the Third Annual Schitt's Creek Singles Week-will Ray finally be lucky in love?
Worth Fighting For by steviebowles, David & Stevie, T, 4706 words Summary: David and Stevie have the biggest fight of their friendship. Neither of them is used to having a best friend, and they don't know how to fix it or cope. Patrick and Twyla help out.
14 notes · View notes
justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Truth or Dare Part 8 - Mammon’s Ending
During a private meeting Diavolo makes Arianthi a tempting offer while Mammon’s jealousy spirals out of control.  With the end of the exchange program looming Arianthi has major decisions to make.
NSFW - blowjob, public hookup
TWs - potential triggers for those who have had experiences with physical violence.
Written from the perspective of my female OC Arianthi. 
Mood List:
Snakehips & MO - Don’t Leave Trixie Whiteley - Breathe You In My Dreams Cigarettes After Sex - Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby The 1975 - Somebody Else Brandon Flowers -  I Can Change
Tumblr media
Solomon strides confidently into Diavolo’s office and I follow behind, making a conscious effort to hide in his shadow.  Diavolo has his head down, rifling through some paperwork.  Solomon and I each silently take a seat in the two chairs in front of his desk, waiting on him to acknowledge our presence.  
After a few more minutes he looks up at us.  
“Hello Solomon,” Diavolo says, giving him a polite nod.  
“Diavolo.”  Solomon smiles placidly.
“Hey princess.”  He gives me a soft smile, the nickname slipping out easily.  He flushes and looks back down at his desk.
“Hi Dia.”  I fidget with cuffs of my jacket, guilt coiling in my stomach.  
Diavolo looks pale, deep purple smudges beneath his eyes.  Despite his enormous size he seems smaller somehow, diminished, all his natural charisma muted. 
Solomon swoops in to save the day.  “Did you need to speak with us about the exchange program?”  
Bless you, you sweet sweet man.  I thought I was going to suffocate in my own awkwardness.
“Yes.  Yes, about the program.”  Diavolo clears his throat.  “I was hoping I could convince both of you to extend your stay in the Devildom.”
Solomon and I shoot a quick glance at each other, matching looks of confusion on our faces.  
“How do you mean?”  He asks.
Diavolo regards us both seriously.  “This first experiment into the exchange program has been far more successful than I had even hoped.  We will be increasing our number of exchange students during the next session.  Solomon, I would like you to stay on as a professor of sorts, teaching magic to the new human students.”
Solomon’s mouth drops open.  “I would be honored to extend my stay here.”
Diavolo nods, a smile on his lips.  He turns to me.  “Arianthi, I would like to ask you to stay on as an ambassador between the demons, angels, and humans.  You seem to have a unique ability to get along with just about anyone.  I think you would be the ideal person for the job.”
I think I’m in shock.  
I can stay in the Devildom.  I can stay with Mammon.  With the rest of my friends.  
“For real?  Like, for real, for real?”
Diavolo chuckles.  “For real princess.  I wouldn’t tease you like that.”  
The nickname again.  The easy banter.  As glad as I am to see a glimpse of the old Diavolo, I’m not sure this level of familiarity is good for either one of us.  I don’t think about it for too long though, the joy of getting to stay with Mammon drowning out all my other thoughts.
“Yes!  Absolutely yes!  I would love to stay!”  I say excitedly, bouncing a little in my seat.
Diavolo grins.  “Fantastic.  I will have the paperwork drawn up and have Barbatos deliver it to you in a few days for your signatures.  And of course you both can continue your Devildom studies while working around your new responsibilities. ” 
Solomon and I stand up to leave, but Diavolo speaks up, stopping us.  “Arianthi, if you could stay a minute?  There is something I’d like to discuss with you.”
I plop back down in my chair, looking at Solomon anxiously.  He sends me a cheeky wave and a look that says I’m clearly on my own.  Once the office doors have closed behind him, Diavolo crosses to the front of his desk.  He pulls the unoccupied visitor's chair closer to mine and sits down, facing me.  
Before I can say anything Diavolo takes my right hand in his much larger ones, slipping the ring he gave me for my birthday on my ring finger.  
“You left this behind when you moved out of the castle,” he says reproachfully.  
“It didn’t seem right to keep it,” I mumble, gently tugging my hand free of his.
He looks at me earnestly.  “It was a gift.  Anything I give you I give without expectations.  I want you to keep it.  It makes me happy to think of you wearing it.”
I nod, unable to form a response.  
Mammon is going to hate this.
“Lucifer tells me that you and Mammon are doing quite well.  He says it’s rare to ever see you two apart,” Diavolo continues.  
“Keeping tabs on me Dia?”  I quirk an eyebrow at him.
He huffs out a small laugh.  “Nothing sinister I promise.  Just occasionally checking in to make sure the woman I love is happy.”
“Diavolo.”  I’m at a loss for words.
“Allow me that much Arianthi.  I truly am happy for you and Mammon.  It’s a rare thing for a demon to find a love as pure as what the two of you share.”  Despite the smile on his face, Diavolo’s eyes betray his pain.
“Thank you Diavolo,” I whisper, not trusting my voice.
He shakes his head.  “Don’t.  I do it for my peace of mind.  I need to know that you’re safe and loved, even if it’s not by me.”  
He stands up.  “I’ve taken up enough of your morning.” 
I stand up and follow him to the door.  He stops before opening it.  “Once the paperwork is finalized and you’ve told Mammon your decision, I would like to put together a little something for you and Solomon.  Maybe a party?”
“I think that would be fun.”  I smile up at him, then open the door.  I’m halfway through before Diavolo catches my attention.
“Don’t let Mammon get his hands on that ring.”  He smirks at me and I laugh.  
“I’ll keep it safe,”  I say, before I slip out the door.
Mammon wanders out of the student council meeting, impatient to see Arianthi after her meeting with Diavolo.  He stops in surprise, seeing Solomon chatting with Simeon and the chihuahua.  
She didn’t message me.  
Jealousy starts to creep up.
“Oi!  Solomon!”  He narrows in on the sorcerer, ignoring the angels completely.  “Where’s Arianthi?”
Solomon raises his eyebrows, affecting a surprised expression.  
“She didn’t message you yet?  Diavolo asked her to stay behind for a private conversation.  They must still be .............. speaking.”  He lingers on the last word, his tone hinting at something unspeakably lewd.
Mammon grits his teeth and pushes past the group, heading for Diavolo’s office.  
Damn it.  Damn him.  Arianthi is MY girl. 
Simeon turns to Solomon, a disappointed look on his face.  “That wasn’t very kind Solomon.  You shouldn’t rile him up like that.  You know Arianthi would never betray him.”
“I know that.  I’m just wondering when Mammon’s going to figure that out, the jealous bastard.”  Solomon smirks.  “And it’s just too easy to push his buttons, especially when it comes to her.”
Luke and Simeon both give him a scandalized look, while he just shrugs, a self-satisfied smile playing across his lips. 
Mammon storms through the hallways towards Diavolo’s office, stopping short when he sees the door is cracked open.  He hesitates, remembering the last time he walked in on Arianthi and Diavolo.  Despite his best attempts that memory is still burned into his mind, affecting his intimate moments with Arianthi at the worst times.  
She’s been nothing but patient with me though.
He frowns, jealousy overtaking him, and moves closer to the door.  He catches snatches of their conversation.  
“Woman I love........happy.....told Mammon your decision.....a party........sounds fun........don’t let Mammon........ring.”  
Then he hears Arianthi’s soft laugh, and a jealous rage crawls up his spine, clouding his vision and sparking fury in his veins.  
Mine.  MY human.  MY girl.
Mammon hears the door begin to open wider and quickly steps back out of sight. 
I close the door to Diavolo’s office and pull out my D.D.D. to message Mammon, thrilled to tell him the good news, hoping he’ll be as happy as I am.  A hand wraps around my wrist before I even manage to open the messaging app, and I let out a yelp as I feel myself being pulled forcefully down the hallway.  I look up and see Mammon, mouth pressed into a thin line, more angry than I’ve ever seen him.
“Mammon?  Mammon what’s wrong?  Did something happen?”  Concerned, I start to run through worst case scenarios.  
Did something happen to one of his brothers?  To Goldie?  Did he get sucked into a new pact with some witches?  That will be a major pain in the ass to deal with.........  
He refuses to answer, eyes darting around but never looking at me.
I start to struggle against his grip.  “Mammon!  Mammon stop!  What’s going on?”
He finds an empty classroom and pushes me inside unceremoniously, slamming the door shut behind us.
“What in the hell has gotten into you?”  I hiss, worry quickly shifting into anger.  
He presses me against the door, pinning me with his body, staring down at me with a coldness I’ve never seen before.  “Wanna tell me what ya were doing in Diavolo’s office?  Alone with him?”
I open my mouth to answer, to try to calm him down, reassure him, but he cuts me off before I get a chance.  
“He still loves ya, huh?  How long have you known that?  And what decision do ya gotta tell me about?”  
He grabs my hand. 
“I see you’re wearin’ his ring again,” he snarls.  “And what was he talkin’ about when he said “don’t let Mammon”?  Don’t let me what, huh?”
Ok, he’s jealous.  He’s insecure.  
I understand, given the circumstances.  I take a deep breath, closing my eyes.  
“Open your damn eyes and look at me,” Mammon growls low in his throat.  
My eyes fly open in shock.  Even when we were fighting, I’ve never heard his voice like that.  Low.  Dangerous.  Close to losing control and giving into his sin. 
“Hey!”  I raise my voice, jabbing him in the chest with one finger.  His eyes snap up to meet mine.  
Good.  Got your attention.  
“You need to calm down.”
“No, you need to start giving me some damn -”
I lift my hand up and softly press it against his mouth.  “Mammon, baby, I know that you’re upset but you can’t talk to me like this.  You need to get it together because I have something really important to tell you.”
All the jealousy and rage drain out of him, insecurity rapidly taking its place.  His shoulders hunch and he voice goes small.  “Are ya leavin’ me?”
“What? No!”  I shout. 
 Mammon flinches a little at the volume of my voice.  
“No.  No, I am not.”  I inhale deeply.  
“Yes Mammon, Diavolo said he loves me.  And I’m currently wearing the ring because he just gave it back to me. I left it at the castle when I moved out, but he wants me to keep it.   And he doesn’t want you to get your hands on it because it’s mine, it was a gift, and he probably doesn’t want you to pawn it because you’re feeling jealous.”  
He shrinks a little under my stern gaze.
“I’m not going to wear the ring, but it was a gift and a reminder of my time here, so I’ll have Lucifer put it in his safe.”  
I reach up to push some of Mammon’s hair out of his eyes, and loop my hands around his neck.  
“I can’t do anything about Diavolo still having feelings for me.  But it doesn’t mean much when I’m in love with you.”  I give him a quick series of kisses all over his face.
“Ya really mean that?”  Mammon scrunches his eyebrows together.
I rub my nose against his.  “Of course I do.  You’re THE Great Mammon and I love you with all my heart.”
He drops his head on my shoulder.  “Fuck, I am such an idiot.  I can’t believe I lost it like that.  I’m so sorry baby.  Just knowin’ ya were alone with him, and hearin’ him say he still loved ya.....”  
I press a kiss in his hair.  “You really are my greedy, jealous demon aren’t you?”
I run my fingers across the back of his neck in what I hope is a soothing motion.
He pulls back and takes my hand in his, pressing soft kisses along my wrist.  “Did I hurt ya when I grabbed ya?”
I shake my head.  “I’m fine.”  
I suddenly remember my good news.  I wrap my arms around Mammon’s waist and kiss his neck.  “Hey baby, guess what?”
“What?”  He asks, returning my embrace.
“Diavolo wants me to stay in the Devildom.”  
Mammon tenses at Diavolo’s name.  
“He wants me to stay as an ambassador for the exchange program.  I don’t have to go back to the human realm.  I can stay here, with you.”
Mammon is totally silent and I move back so I can see his face.  “Unless you don’t want me to?”
He pushes me against the door roughly, claiming my mouth in a fierce kiss.  His tongue touches mine, stroking for just a moment, before he trails kisses along my jaw and down to my neck, his breath hot against my skin.  His nips at my neck, fangs out, then sucks on the spot hard before soothing it with a soft lick of his tongue.
I let of a small yelp, instinctively burying one hand into his silky hair and giving a sharp tug.  
“I can’t believe you get to stay.”  Mammon murmurs against my neck, in between kisses and small bites.  “MY human.  MY girl.  Staying with me because she WANTS to.  All mine, and everybody is gonna know it.  I’m so greedy for ya Arianthi.  I never wanna let ya go.  I crave ya, need ya like I need air.”
I bite my lip to stop a small scream when Mammon nips hard at my pulse point and slides one hand under my uniform skirt and between my thighs.  
“Now you never have to,” I breathe.  
He’s never been like this before.  I’m not complaining though.  I’ve been waiting a long time for him to touch me like this.  But.......
I wiggle a little, and Mammon’s hands and mouth stop their exploratory trails.  
“What’s wrong?  I can stop if ya don’t like it.”  He looks at me worriedly.
I huff out a laugh.  “No, I definitely like.  This seems a little, no, a lot sudden, since you’ve only wanted to kiss so far.”  
I tuck a lock of unruly white hair behind his ear.  “I’m not sure I want to do this if you’re just doing this because you were jealous.  I don’t want you to regret it later.”
He puts his hands on my hips, and brings his mouth down to my neck.  “It’s not just because of that.  I’ve wanted ya for so long and I’m tired of waiting.  Tired of bein’ afraid you’re gonna change your mind about me.  Tired of second guessing everything.  You’re everything to me and I’m yours as long as ya want me.”  
The warmth of his mouth and the vibration of his words against my neck send a delicious shiver up my spine.  
“Forever.  Forever is good for me,” I murmur into his hair.
Mammon looks up, blue eyes locking on to mine.  “Works for me.”  
He lifts me up, hands under my thighs, and presses my back against the door.  On instinct I wrap my legs around his waist.  He groans and rolls his hips against me, and I feel just how hard he is.  His mouth captures mine in a searing kiss, tongue and teeth insistent and relentless.  When we finally break apart I’m seeing stars.
I laugh breathlessly as Mammon drops kisses from my neck down to my chest, taking the collar of my shirt between his teeth and tugging on it.  
“Hey!  I want you too but I am not having my first time with you be in a R.A.D. classroom.”
Mammon whines and nuzzles his head against my shoulder, rolling his hips against me again.  “Baby.......”  
My poor greedy little demon.  It really would be cruel to leave him in this state for the rest of the day.  
“Put me down.”
Mammon obeys immediately, and I quickly switch positions with him, pressing him against the door while reaching behind him to click the lock. 
“W-w-what are ya doin’?”  He stutters, the tips of his ears turning red.  “Ya said ya didn’t wanna-”
“I may not want to fuck you right here, but there are plenty of other things I can do to for my greedy boy,” I whisper in his ear before taking his earlobe between my teeth and giving it a sharp nip.
“Fuuuuuck,” he whines, bucking his hips.
I kiss down his jaw, lingering on his lips, then move to his neck, alternating between love bites and soft kisses.  When I reach his collarbone I give his skin a slow swipe of my tongue, then bite down hard, hard enough to leave a deep crimson mark.  Mammon yelps, hands gripping tight on my waist.  
I move back up to his mouth and run a finger over the bite while I whisper against his lips.  “That’s going to leave such a pretty mark, baby.  And everyone is going to know who left it on you.  Do you like that?”
He nods eagerly, moving in to kiss me.  I allow him only the briefest brush of our lips before pulling away.  He whimpers, wanting more.  
“I need you to be a good boy and use your words for me,”  I say as I palm his erection through his pants. 
Mammon throws his head back, eyes closed tight.  
“Y-yeah.  I l-l-like that a lot baby.  It feels so good-”  He groans as I tighten my grip on him.  “More.  More,” he demands, arching against my palm.  
I move my hand away, and he cries out at the loss of contact.
I press two fingers against his lips.  “Shhhh, my love.  I need you to be good and be quiet for me.  Otherwise people might find us and see you like this, one of the lords of the Devildom whining and begging for his human to touch him.”  
I work my hands under his shirt and drag my fingernails down his chest and over his stomach.  I feel his muscles twitch and shake under my touch.
Mammon’s eyes are shut tight and he shakes his head in frustration.  “Don’t care.......don’t care.  Please... baby I need ya.”
I smirk.  “Well in that case.”  
I bite down on his pulse point and my hands start working on his belt buckle.  
His eyes fly open and he lets out a breathy gasp.  “W-what are ya doin’?”
I start working his pants down over his hips.  
“I was going to get on my knees for THE Great Mammon but if you don’t want me to....”  I trail off as I take a half-step back.
He growls and yanks me closer to him.  “Don’t ya even think about stoppin’ now.  Finish what ya started.”
“Yes sir,” I murmur, giving him a light kiss.
Mammon’s eyes roll back as he groans.  “Drivin’ me crazy,”  he mumbles. 
He quickly shrugs out of his jacket, folding it quickly and shoving it into my hands.  I stare at him, confused.  
“For your knees.”  His cheeks turn pink.
Even as a horny mess Mammon is so thoughtful of me.  I give him a rough kiss.  
“God I love you.”  I put his jacket on the ground, then kneel, working his pants down his legs as I go.
He runs his fingers through my hair, hands settling on the back of my head.  He looks down at me through half-lidded eyes, darkened with lust.  
“Love you too,” he replies, his voice hoarse. 
I run my hands down his thighs, following with the occasional kiss.  Mammon makes small sounds of appreciation, fingers moving restlessly through my hair.  His erection is straining against his boxers, a wet circle of pre-cum leaking through the thin fabric.  I mouth his cock through the fabric, grabbing his ass to keep his hips still. 
He whines loudly, bucking against my tight hold.  “Come on.... please, please, please,” he begs.
I smirk, looking up at him through my lashes.  His eyes are closed, head thrown back, face flushed with desire as he bites down on his lower lip.  I grip the waistband of his boxers with my teeth and tug them down, freeing his cock.  
Oh, Christmas has come early.  
Starting at the base of his cock, I move my tongue in a long, slow swipe up the sensitive vein on the underside of his shaft.
“Yeesssss,” Mammon hisses, leaning back against the door for support.
I spit into one hand and start to stroke him while taking the tip of his cock in my mouth, sucking and licking like it’s my favorite lollipop.  Mammon rocks his hips against my mouth in a silent plea to take him deeper.  
I remove my hand and slowly take more of his cock in my mouth.  It takes some work; he’s not at long as Diavolo, but he is thicker.  I hold him in the warmth of my mouth for a minute, then pull back and suck in a deep breath.  
“Baby,” he whines loudly, arching his hips towards me.
I drop of soft kiss on the head of his cock.  “Such a greedy, greedy boy.”  
I swirl my tongue around him, bringing my hand back up to stroke his shaft.  
“Fuck baby, just like that,” he breathes out.  “So good, so fucking good.”
Encouraged by his praise I increase my pace, eventually resting my hands on his thighs so I’m only working him with my mouth.  Drool runs down my chin and drips off his cock, and my throat is beginning to get sore from repeatedly taking him so deep.  It’s all worth it to hear his whimpers of pleasure, words of praise, and whines of need when I pull away for a second to breathe.  
After he gives one particularly inventive curse, I hum in amusement with his cock still in my mouth and his whole body shudders at the sensation.  
Oh.  Oh my.  What an interesting development.  
I do a little more scientific research, humming as my mouth slides up and down his cock. 
I feel the muscles in his thighs begin to flex and tighten as his breathing becomes harsher, his moans a little breathier.  
“Baby, baby I’m gonna, I’m -”  He tries to pull back, but I grip the back of his thighs and hold him deep in my mouth, continuing my movements.
“Fuck!”  He thrusts his hips against my mouth and I taste something warm, salty, and thick as he releases in my mouth.  I don’t swallow immediately, waiting until I’m sure he’s looking down at me.  His eyes are open, pupils blown wide and a thin sheen of sweat covers his face.  His chest heaves as he attempts to slow down his breathing.  I open my mouth wide, making sure he can see his cum coating my tongue, then swallow, opening my mouth after and sticking my tongue out to make sure he sees I swallowed all of it.  
“Holy shit.”  Mammon slumps back against the door, unable to decide what to do first.  I scoot forward a little and use my tongue to lick him clean, removing any last traces of his orgasm.  He whimpers at the sensation and squirms a little at the over stimulation of his softening cock.
Once I’m satisfied he’s all cleaned up I stand, pulling his boxers and pants up as I go.  I buckle his belt and then pick up his jacket from the ground, shaking off any dirt and smoothing out any wrinkles.  He reaches for me, bringing our bodies flush together. 
“Ya really are something else, human,” he says, before giving me a kiss.  I can feel his smile against my lips.  
“It was good then?”  I nuzzle my face into his neck, breathing in his scent and melting against him.
I can feel his breath ruffle my hair as he huffs out a soft laugh.  “I’m ready to marry ya tonight after that.  And now I’m even more impatient to get ya in my bed.”
I giggle against him, dropping kisses over the red marks I left on his neck.  “Well there’s nothing stopping you from doing that when we get home.”
His arms tighten around me.  “I say we skip out for the rest of the day.  I wanna get ya home now.” 
I laugh and softly push away from him.  “Tonight, my greedy demon.  And we need to tell your brothers that I’m staying.  I hope they’ll be ok with it.”
Mammon shrugs into his jacket and puts an arm around my shoulders, unlocking the classroom door.  
“Are ya kiddin’?  They won’t care.  They all love ya.”  He pauses before adding, “But not as much as I do, ya know?  Like a little sister.”
“I know baby.  Should we just plan on telling them at dinner tonight?”  I snuggle closer to his side as we meandering through the R.A.D. hallways, ignoring the demons that still give us questioning looks, even after months together.
“Sounds good.”  Mammon drops one last kiss on the top of my head before we separate to go to our next classes.
Later that night at dinner we bide our time, waiting for the right opening to tell everyone else our news.  Still worked up from our encounter earlier in the day, Mammon touches me at every opportunity.  His hand on my thigh or creeping under my shirt to stroke the bare skin at my waist, kissing and nuzzling into my neck, making me giggle.  
Finally Lucifer has had enough.  “For the love of Diavolo can you take your hands off of Arianthi for one minute Mammon?  Some of us are trying to eat!” 
Mammon shoots Lucifer a dirty look, wrapping an arm tight around my waist and pulling me to him in defiance.  The move, combined with his strength, means I end up sitting in his lap, the eyes of all his brothers now on us.
“Mammon,” Lucifer’s voice has dropped an octave, irritation morphing into anger.
“Let them be,” Asmo chirps.  “I personally enjoy seeing them like this, all wrapped up in each other.”  
He shoots us a suggestive wink.
Mammon just ignores them both, hugging me tightly from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.  I can feel him smile against my neck.  
“We got some good news for you guys,” he tells his brothers.
“Oh dear Diavolo.”  Lucifer visibly pales.  
Satan looks at us in alarm.  “Please tell me you’re not pregnant?”
Levi chokes.  “You’re pregnant?!” 
“What?”  Beel and Belphie ask in unison, looking at us with matching expressions of confusion.
Asmo is the only one who remains calm, probably remembering our conversation from this morning.
“Stupidity is genetic Arianthi,” Satan continues.  “I know you love him but I don’t think putting more of his genes out into the Devildom-”
“Satan!”  I cut him off with a dark look.  “Mammon is not stupid.  Apologize to your brother.”
Satan stares at me grumpily for a few seconds before he mumbles, “Sorry Mammon.”
“Thanks baby.”  Mammon whispers in my ear.  I squeeze his hand in response.
“But are you really pregnant?”  Poor Levi’s face is red and he looks like he’s close to hyperventilating.  
Probably worried about the possibility of a baby getting into his collectibles.  
I roll my eyes internally.  “I’m not pregnant Levi.”  
The brothers’ shoulders visibly relax.  
“Yet,” Mammon says from behind me.  I can hear the smirk in his voice.
The other six tense up again.  
“Not helping Mammon.”  I try to scold him, but I can’t keep the smile off my face.  
“I’m not pregnant.”  I repeat.  “With no plans in the near future to get pregnant.” 
“Awww,” Mammon whines.  
I lightly pinch his thigh.  
“Ok, ok,” he mumbles, nuzzling his face into my shoulder.
I look around at the other six lords of the Devildom, demons I had come to view as family.  
I hope they’re as excited as we are.  
I take a deep breath.  “Diavolo has offered me a position with the exchange program.  I’d be an ambassador to the exchange students, and I’d still get to continue my Devildom studies.  I’ve accepted, which means I don’t have to return to the human realm.  I can stay here, with Mammon and you guys.  Permanently.”  
Mammon’s brothers stare at us for a moment, seemingly shocked into silence for the first time since I’ve met them.  Then pandemonium breaks out at the dinner table.
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