#* Node.js
projectbatman193 · 7 months
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Learning to code with Mimo has been quite fun, it's almost like a duolingo for coding, been ejoying it quite a bit and learning a lot.
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merjashourov · 1 year
Why Learn JavaScript?
Here are 3 compelling reasons!
1️⃣ Web Development Powerhouse: JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development. By learning JavaScript, you gain the ability to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive websites. It allows you to bring your designs to life, enhance user experiences, and add functionality that engages and captivates users.
2️⃣ Versatile Language: JavaScript isn't limited to just web development. It has expanded its reach to other areas like server-side development (Node.js), mobile app development (React Native), and even desktop applications (Electron). By mastering JavaScript, you open doors to diverse career opportunities and can build applications across different platforms.
3️⃣ Industry Dominance: JavaScript is the most widely used programming language in the world. It has a vast and active community of developers, extensive libraries, frameworks, and tools. By learning JavaScript, you tap into this rich ecosystem, gaining access to resources, support, and collaborative opportunities. It's a language that stays relevant and in demand, offering stability and job prospects in the tech industry.
🌟 Embrace JavaScript and unlock a world of possibilities in web development, cross-platform app development, and beyond! 🖥️💻
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robskinder · 1 year
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A lot has changed across Twitter over the past few months, much of it having impacted me directly. While I’ve had an ordinary account there for years, more recently I’ve created developer accounts, and on them applications (’bots’ if you will), coded programs that can interact with Twitter automatically. The first one of these was the Love Every Word Bot (@lovingeveryword).
With great misfortune, it is confirmed to have been completely lost. The circumstances behind this are unclear, but this year, the account was deactivated by Twitter themselves and unrecoverable soon after. The Love Every Word Bot, at its peak, had a follower count that was over 9,000 (not intended to be a Dragon Ball Z reference, the account literally had slightly over 9,000 followers before its demise) and was regularly interacted with. Every half hour, Love Every Word posted a word from the English dictionary with the word ‘love’ in front of it, and sometimes interacted with its spiritual twin account Fuck Every Word 2.0 (@fckeveryword). Ever since June 2019 it was active. Now it is time to move on.
Since then I spent some time formulating a backup plan to replace the original Love Every Word. Meanwhile, the Sailor Moon Script Bot (@sailormscript, tweeting dialogue from the English dub of Sailor Moon), one of the other developer accounts I created, continued its run. Eventually, I was ready to resurrect Love Every Word and its mission. On April 17th it made its return, as Love Every Word 2.0 Bot (@hearteveryword) with upgrades such as being able to provide word definitions. Both accounts may be in need of further updating, however, after what is supposed to occur on Twitter in the next few days.
To those who may not know, the Twitter corporation has been gradually closing off access to its API, which simply, is an interface that allows programs to communicate with each other. There is a version 2 that must be migrated to, but I cannot with the current applications that support both Love Every Word 2.0 and Sailor Moon Script bots. There is something I can do about this, but it’s possible either account may be put offline for a while. The good news is that in the end, both accounts are eligible to continue operating under the Free plan, which is designed for developer accounts that make little use of the API. Bad news is, Twitter’s new plans will rule out many other developers from continuing to operate there at all. Many fan-favorite bot accounts are in danger of dying, as they cannot afford to subscribe to Twitter’s new plans to continue their use of the API. While there’s great uncertainty with what direction the website is taking, preparation’s a good idea, and that’s what I‘m trying to do with what may happen.
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fullstackdevelopmen · 2 years
Node.js vs Django vs Laravel: Which is the Best Back-End Web Framework?
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Web development has become complicated over the course of the last ten years. To facilitate the interaction, the utilization of web systems is fundamental.
A system is a construction or climate that helps an engineer. It can incorporate projects, libraries, compilers, devices, and Programming interface with node js web development company
In straightforward terms, you can consider them programming bundles that depend on a coding language and accelerate the most common way of composing a web application.
Which is awesome back end system?
There are three contending innovations - Node.js, Django, and Laravel.
Each of the three are well known among back-end designers. Be that as it may, does any have a slight edge? We find out.
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1. Node.js
A few engineers would differ that Node.js is a structure. As indicated by them, it is a runtime.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-stage runtime climate that utilizes JavaScript. It involves the V8 motor for execution and runs outside the program.
The system was composed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and the ongoing adaptation is 17.5. The Open JS Establishment deals with its turn of events and delivery.
The system is utilized by:
Go Daddy
Why use Node.js?
Node.js isn't a structure alone, yet can likewise function as a server. It is comprised of nonconcurrent Programming interface and is occasion driven.
Numerous engineers believe it to be better since it fills in as a solitary string.
Scalable apps
To make it greater, everything necessary is to add hubs. This should be possible both in an upward direction and on a level plane for scaling applications.
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Better performing
Node.js works utilizing the V8 open-source JavaScript motor. This velocities up code execution to bursting quick rates even on not great equipment. The V8 can change JavaScript straightforwardly into machine language and go about as a compiler.
A designer can change and tweak Node.js according to their prerequisites. It is incredibly flexible and can be utilized for applications as differed as streaming and stockbroking. The expansion of JSON with Node.js makes data trade among client and server consistent.
Device support
Node.js permits an engineer to work with various instruments. Mocha permits engineers to test scripts inside a program and furthermore in a control center. The Internet Tempest IDE is ideal for investigating quickly and building Node.js applications on both the client and server sides.
Cache advantage
Node.js upholds the utilization of use memory for storing. The module gets naturally put away in the store and can be executed on a case by case basis. This paces up any application complex.
Extent of utilizing Node.js
All systems are not similarly appropriate for an undertaking. What are the applications that we can assemble utilizing Node.js?
The most ideal utilization of Node.js is for constant applications. Visit and email clients use Node.js consequently.
It doesn't gobble up a ton of assets, stacks quick, and has a little impression. Utilizing Node.js is great for numerous discussions and high traffic volume the executives.
Project Cooperation
Cooperative devices have taken on a unique kind of energy, as remote work has taken off.
Node.js is obviously fit in view of its speed and reliability.
Node.js utilizes nonconcurrent I/O and, surprisingly, based design, which makes it ideal for use with such applications.
So productive is the framework that laborious undertakings like altering a previous message are currently typical. The utilization of web attachments for full-duplex transmission guarantees that the server doesn't freeze and information is refreshed on each hub impeccably.
Consequently, Trello utilizes Node.js.
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2. Django 
Django is a web system that utilizes Python.
The main public delivery was in 2005. It is kept up with and created by the Django Programming Establishment.
It is interesting since it follows the model layout view (MTV) design. The basic role of Django is to work on the undertaking of utilizing sites with enormous data sets that are continually being adjusted.
In the beyond couple of years, as Python has filled in prominence, the profile of Django has additionally risen.
An engineer can, with little exertion, use Django to incorporate arrangements and make applications. The outcome is a fast circle back from idea to send off.
For this reason Django is utilized by the greatest names:
The Washington Post
Why use Django?
There are a great deal of benefits to involving Django as the fundamental structure. It has a different interest for various designers.
Utilizes Python
Python is the most famous coding language right now. No big surprise a Python system is picked so frequently.
Since the utilization of Python is comprehensive, from information science to server-side programming, there is extreme interest in any program that relies upon it.
Django is like Python, entirely steady, and needs a shallow expectation to learn and adapt.
Cross Stage
Obviously, the very best structures are cross-stage, yet the plan of Python was explicitly pointed towards it.
Django can work similarly wellin any climate. It is a genuine compose once and run anyplace stage. Be it Windows, Linux or Macintosh, expect a Django application to work with a couple of minor changes.
Extremely Protected
A web system is pretty much as great as the security it offers. Django gets security refreshes consistently.
The chance of SQL infusion and cross-site clicking is nearly non-existent. The implicit security it offers is excellent.
Administrator Board
Most structures require an administrator board to be created by the coder. Not so with Django.
It has an unlimited connection point that allows you to change the administrator board in a few viewpoints. Consent modules are inbuilt and there is compelling reason need to code without any preparation.
Scope of using Django
Django is, most importantly, a sober minded system. It involves minimal assets for greatest returns. For some, it is the system of decision since it removes the problem of application advancement.
Information Scratching
Django is unmistakably appropriate for separating information. Assuming you are building an application that would create a great deal of data of interest, utilizing Django is ideal.
Potential regions incorporate web based business and streaming.
Speedy Sending
In the event that the improvement group has almost no opportunity to fabricate an application, utilizing Django is ideal. The system helps with numerous pre-constructed capabilities that are not difficult to introduce and run.
Open Source
Django can be utilized to bring down the general expense. Open source enjoys many benefits. It is modest and secure as a result of additional clients and an enormous local area.
Likewise, it assists you with documentation and finding arrangements through a local area based approach.
Information base Administration
Django utilizes ORM or object-social planning. It is a strong method for interfacing with the information base without presenting intricacy. ORM allows designers to imagine information as an article and makes SQL questions in a flash.
ORM makes Django very simple to involve in any event, for those designers who are not happy with the backend.
Web Application
Most web applications use Django. The most remarkable model is Quora. However accessible as a versatile application, Quora became well known with its straightforward program variant. The equivalent can be said about YouTube, which changed the web form from PHP to Django.
Laravel is a PHP structure. It is a full-stack stage, meaning it tends to be utilized for both client and server programming. This brings down cost, as a similar group can deal with the two finishes of the task.
It was made by Taylor Otwell and is planned for creating web applications. Laravel utilizes a Model View Regulator or MVC design and its source code is facilitated on GitHub.
Laravel is an ever-evolving system, meaning it very well may be utilized by designers with any degree of skill. In any case, except if a designer is familiar with PHP, they wouldn't have the option to utilize Laravel.
Top locales assembled utilizing Laravel include:
Jerk The New York Times Disney Bankrate Warner Siblings
Why use Laravel?
Laravel offers a few remarkable benefits. It has many highlights that make web applications assembled utilizing Laravel stick out.
Mistake Taking care of
Laravel is appropriate to deal with mistake messages. It can rapidly send blunder messages and make log records.
This element makes it simple to follow issues during advancement and pinpoint the code that must be revamped.
Quick Steering
Laravel utilizes regulators proficiently and executes steering quickly. It can likewise add code to the course.
This is helpful for programs that utilization different regulators at each stage.
Information Movement
Laravel offers variant powers over information bases. This is finished utilizing the movement highlight. Movements track how the data set is altered over the long haul.
Simple Templating
Laravel utilizes a PHP templating motor known as Sharp edge. It makes code that is straightforward and has a basic grammar. Most Laravel highlights rely upon Edge rather than unadulterated PHP.
Scope of using Laravel Laravel is impeccably appropriate for most kinds of web applications.
Data set Administration
PHP structures are best utilized for taking care of data sets. Assuming a site has an information base that changes continually, involving Laravel for integrity is ideal.
Learning Applications
Web applications that are utilized for computerized learning can be fabricated effectively utilizing Laravel. In the event of high traffic, Laravel can deal with rehashed questions to the backend with practically no freezing.
Web-based feature
Laravel is appropriate for building streaming applications to convey sound and video content over the web. It is additionally ideally suited for applications that have various I/O demands, like Jerk.
Node.js vs Django vs Laravel—how do they stack up?
Node.js has the largest community in GitHub. Laravel is in second place and Django comes third. No doubt this is because of the popularity of JavaScript as a frontend language.
Laravel is MVC architecture and uses PHP.
Node.js is an open source platform and uses the V8 engine.
Django has an MVT template.
All three are solid frameworks that are regularly used by developers.
Performance-wise Node.js is faster than the rest. It is mostly derived from its ability to cache. Django is also fast but does not have asynchronous programming. Laravel has problems with scaling and complexity.
Laravel is probably the frontrunner. It is based on PHP that has long been recognized as a safe way to code the backend. Django, with its frequent security updates, comes second.
Learning Curve
Most programmers know JavaScript due to front-end projects. For this reason alone, most are also familiar with Node.js.
Python is rapidly catching up and with it Django. Laravel has a somewhat steeper learning curve.
Only one thing can be said with certainty – Node.js, Django, and Laravel are equally popular with developers.
A developer has to look at specific requirements and match them to the framework.
Planning to harness NodeJS for your next project? Hire Node Js developers from forcebolt a node js web development company and get the best minds to help you transform your valuable idea into reality.
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algoworks · 1 year
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MEAN Stack: the best way to start your journey with JavaScript.
For more information, Visit our Web Page: https://www.algoworks.com/web-development-services/mean-stack/
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brandizzi · 2 years
Importando Módulos ES6 em CommonJS
Importando Módulos ES6 em CommonJS
Aqui na Liferay, alguns dias atrás, necessitávamos utilizar o pacote p-map. Só tinha um problema: esta aplicação em específico utilizava módulos no padrão CommonJS, e p-map utiliza módulos ES6. Até algumas das melhores referências que encontrei (por exemplo, este post) deixavam claro que não seria possível importar módulos ES6 a partir de CommonJS. A boa notícia é que isto não é mais verdade!…
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initfusion · 2 years
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timetocode · 2 years
Displacement Profiler for node.js
I get hired to do performance work on node / javascript applications and I’ve had a little trick up my sleeve for about a decade that may be of use to some of y’all. I’ll be writing about node but the concept applies to a great many things. One can even measure across languages...
I discovered this trick partially by accident when I made a node game loop and experimented with setImmediate, nextTick, and setTimeout (nextTick can freeze an application indefinitely btw). The most interesting loop is the one using setImmediate, which in my case just incremented a counter by one and queued up the loop to run itself again infinitely.  As I watched the console scroll by counting the number of ticks, I came to a simple realization: these numbers that I was seeing were what it looked like for the event loop to count as fast as it possibly could, using 100% of the CPU resources allocated to it. Looking at the CPU usage confirmed this. setImmediate however *does not lock up the event loop* all it does is schedule work for the next tick. In fact, I would argue that setImmediate and nextTick are in fact transposed and misnamed in node or v8 or wherever it is that they actually live. I don’t think this is much of an argument, I’m pretty sure this is a known mistake but hopefully I’m not misremembering. IN ANY CASE; setImmediate spins as fast as it can but doesn’t interfere with other events. So one one can make a setImmediate loop and have it counting inside of an application that is already doing its job. What you’ll find is that the speed at which the setImmediate loop runs depends on how much other work is being done in that thread. And there we have it: a displacement profiler. You can change a piece of the application and run this profiler before and after and end up with a “volume” change in the CPU usage -- thus measuring something that was perhaps very elusive before.
I call the profiler by this name per the famous story about Archimedes. He was given a task about figuring out if a crown was made of solid gold and he wasn’t sure how he was gonna figure it out. At some point he was getting into a bathtub that was full to the brim and when he got in water spilled out everywhere... he realized that the amount of water that spilled out of the tub was equal to the volume of the part of his body that had entered the tub, exclaimed, “Eureka!” and ran through the street naked to tell everyone what he had figured out. He had realized that he could measure the volume of the crown, weigh it, and figure out what material it was made out of -- or at least compare it to solid gold which would be enough to answer the initial question. This same notion of volume or displacement applies to CPU usage and thus provides an alternative method of measuring performance (an alternative to a traditional profiler that measures the timings of functions).
Let me say that the CONCEPT is more interesting than the specifies. The idea of measuring the “space” available on the cpu outside an application’s workload instead of measuring the application workload itself is a potentially very different way of seeing things. I don’t recommend starting with it, do the obvious stuff first. But when things remain obscure after looking at the obvious stuff, consider this approach. A lot of applications these days are asynchronous monstrosities without a clear pipeline of work being done... instead it’s all evented i/o! Using a displacement profiler combined with a stress test one can really get a feel for the capacity of an application. One is not going to get the same answers by counting the milliseconds spent in the hot path functions and multiplying by that by the hypothetical number of users at launch time. ALSO if one expands the displacement to multiple threads (saturate them, ideally !) one can even measure the hidden load of the application -- e.g. what is happening out of the application’s main thread but still nevertheless consumes cpu on the machine, such as filesystem i/o or the cpu component of network i/o. We might not think of node or javascript as traditionally multithreaded, and it isn’t, but there are c++ threads or whatever doing stuff during a lot of the i/o and not measuring that (and only measuring the javascript) is going to cause problems when trying to figure out how much load a heavy i/o program can take.
Another thing to note about this technique is that data collected one day should not be compared to data collected another day or even much later in the same day. We may be measuring the displacement of an application, but we’re also measuring the displacement of  *everything* that uses CPU. And this is something that is pretty much constantly changing on most machines.
I hereby write this thing here and release it to the world so that no fool may attempt to patent it. The existence of this concept is ancient I would hope no one would attempt to own it. And I’m not just talking about Archimedes. Anyone who opened up 10 copies of a video game because they wanted to see how some other program they made behaved in lag was essentially onto the same idea. GOODLUCK. HAVE FUN
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mp3monsterme · 3 days
Logging Frameworks that can communicate directly with Fluent Bit
While the typical norm is for applications to write their logs to file or to stdout (console), this isn’t the most efficient way to handle logs (particularly given I/O performance for the storage devices). Many logging frameworks have addressed this by providing more direct outputs to commonly used services such as ElasticSearch and OpenSearch. This is fine, but the only downside is that there is…
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digital-aptech · 3 days
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topsinfosolutions · 4 days
If you're looking to build a web application, Node.js offers a suite of benefits that make it an exceptional choice. As a server-side platform built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js is celebrated for its speed, efficiency, and scalability.
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habilelabs · 11 days
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The asynchronous resources mentioned here are the objects created by Node.JS that have associated callbacks. Learn more about Async hooks & their use cases here.
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robomad · 14 days
Top 10 Node.js Tips for Beginners
Introduction Node.js has become a popular choice for developers due to its asynchronous, event-driven architecture and its ability to handle multiple concurrent connections with high efficiency. For beginners, diving into Node.js can be both exciting and challenging. Here are the top 10 tips to help you navigate and master Node.js effectively. Overview These tips cover essential aspects of…
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semiosissoftware · 20 days
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Hire NodeJS Developers - ☎ +1 9177322215
Embark on dynamic web development journeys with Semiosis' Node.js Developers. Harnessing the power of Node.js, we craft high-performance applications tailored to your needs. From real-time web solutions to scalable APIs, our expertise ensures your project's success. Dial +1 9177322215 to discuss your requirements and partner with us for innovative Node.js development.
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newcodesociety · 21 days
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abdelfattah-ragab · 24 days
Best Angular Consultant
Book a consultation with Abdelfattah Ragab and get answers to your questions.https://abdelfattah-ragab.com Technology stack:Angular, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Stripe, Shippo, DoorDash, Render, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Webhooks, Git, GitHub, HTML and CSS.
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