#* user: caro.
condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de lee hanbin para recibirle en su primer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando enfermería en st. wolfeius y ha sido asignade a la mansión uno. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
CARO, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
NOMBRE: caro
PRONOMBRES: ella/suya
EDAD: 25+
PAÍS / ZONA HORARIA: chile / gmt-3
TRIGGERS: abuso sexual
FACECLAIM: choi soobin
EDAD: 22 años
FECHA DE CUMPLEAÑOS: 25 septiembre.
LUGAR DE PROVENIENCIA: busan, corea del sur.
DESCRIPCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA: amable, introvertido, perfeccionista, leal, independiente, sensible, celoso, ingenuo.
DESCRIPCIÓN FÍSICA: tiene el cabello teñido de rubio por una apuesta que hizo con sus primos a la cuál claramente perdió, su color natural de cabello es negro. tiene los ojos marrones, mide aproximadamente 1,85 mts, no tiene tatuajes ni piercings. sin embargo tiene una cicatriz en la pantorrilla izquierdo por una operación tras una caída cuando era pequeño.
UNO. a sus cinco años descubrió que el cariño de una madre no es incondicional, ni mucho menos el de un padre. dejado en la puerta de la casa de su tía, lleno de mentiras de que volverían por él más tarde. espero tan avanzada la noche como pudo, hasta caer dormido en el sillón. espero todo el día siguiente, y el siguiente, y el siguiente. más de quince años pasaron y nunca volvió a verlos.
DOS. no tardo más de un año en que su tía lo llevara a ser bautizado. bautismo llevo consigo una rutina de asistir cada domingo a la iglesia, incluso comenzó a ser el mismo quién buscaba su ropa y zapatos para asistir lo más prolijo posible. cristianismo que conserva consigo hasta el día de hoy, suele ser parte de su rutina el rezar antes de ir a clases y llevar consigo una cadena con un crucifijo en el cuello.
TRES. desde pequeño hanbin siempre fue callado, sumiso, bueno para acatar ordenes y escuchar con atención. cosa que los adultos a su alrededor parecían verlo como algo ejemplar y que agradecer, por lo que se acostumbro a ser el menor problema posible. tratar de hacer todo por su cuenta hasta que estuviera por completo de su alcance. estudiante ejemplar en cada grado de educación por su propio esfuerzo. muchas fueron las noches en que no dormía por estudiar más, necesitaba ser el mejor, entrar en la mejor universidad que pudiera, demostrar cada día que el acogerlo como un hijo no fue una equivocación.
CUATRO. ser un niño tan dulce muchas veces le atrajo problemas, al parecer el ser tan tranquilo y vivir en su propio mundo parecía ser una molestia para otros estudiantes, no les agradaba a varios y ellos no dudaban en hacérselo saber quitándole sus cosas y empujándolo a las posas de agua en invierno. tiene que tener paciencia y perdonar, eso se repetía a si mismo cada vez que se escondía en el baño a llorar.
CINCO. lograr entrar a una universidad  de prestigio fue una sorpresa para la familia a pesar de todos sus esfuerzos. una cosa era que pudiera ingresar a una buena educación superior en corea y otra que recibiera una carta de una universidad en el extranjero. fue una oportunidad una en un millón que decidió tomar a pesar de que esta seria la primera vez desde que tiene cinco años que se separa de la mujer que considera su madre desde hace más de quince años. es la primera vez que estará por completo por su cuenta.
DATO ADICIONAL OPCIONAL: removido por la administración.
FACULTAD: st. wolfeius.
CARRERA: enfermería.
AÑO DE CURSO: primer año.
EXTRACURRICULARES: miembro del club de italiano, miembro del club de trabajo voluntario, miembro del club de natación masculino, miembro del club de baile de salón, miembro del club de coro universitario.
¿CUÁL ES LA SOCIEDAD SECRETA DE SU INTERÉS? removido por la administración.
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seeminglydark · 10 months
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Introduce the cute goth monster girl to your birds to win her over 🖤
I made this art for the kickoff of Tapas’s Inksgiving tomorrow (November 20th at 3pm pst, a great time to support your fave creators. You can read more about it on the Tapas App) so figured it’s also a good time to remind you I do in fact have comics about my OCs!
All of my characters are part of my largest project, Seemingly Dark, including these two, Rose and the Hitchhiker.
John and Caro, the two from my detention piece, are from Seemingly Dark, but also have their own story called Mil-Liminal.
Mick and Reggie, two of the protags in Seemingly Dark have their own Meet Cute story, Call Me Mickey.
You can read all three on Tapas by searching for them or my user name, Raptorjules.
Thanks for all your support over the last 5 years! I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without you 🖤
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kirbyfigure · 1 month
hii, srry if i bother you but, could you do users with carolina or caro pls? tyy
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𓍢 ⛲️ ׅ ⬞ ִ sohee . 𓂃 - ۪ ݁ 𓈒 ult 𓍢ִ໋ anton
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blissfulalchemist · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
Tagged by @statichvm and @adelaidedrubman to throw some ocs in the ringer. So have four of them to pick from. Sending tags out to: @belorage @unholymilf @strafethesesinners
@florbelles @confidentandgood @jackiesarch @leviiackrman @shallow-gravy and anyone else that wants to do it!
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Clídna (ffxvi)
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full name: Clídna Warrick-Rosfield (don't blame her blame me I didn't think to come up with a last name doesn't seem relevant) height: 5' 9" (175.26cm) age: 28 cir. 873 / 32 cir. 878 gender: Female pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual/gay other features: has multiple face scars, with the biggest one being an X on her left cheek down into her neck. Others include one on her left eyebrow, on her right cheek, left side of her mouth, upper right forehead, and smaller ones that aren't very noticeable from afar.
🛡️Extroverted but will never drag you out to social things just wants to hang out with you 🛡️Strong. She can fireman carry Clive which like I mean he a big guy soooooo 🛡️Will guard you and protect you like the knight that she is. 🛡️Has ice/water powers so never have to worry about getting too warm ever.
🛡️She is a terrible patient. You will have to tie her down to the bed to rest. 🛡️So much trauma that isn't talked about. You aren't a magic user in that world and not have trauma 🛡️Has a tendency to run into danger to protect you and those that she loves/cannot protect themselves.
Demos (ffxiv)
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full name: Demos Reyes height: 6' 3" (190.5cm) age: 32 cir. ARR / 37ish cir. Dawntrail gender: Male pronouns: he/him sexuality: bisexual other features: Has multiple scar on his body but the biggest one is on his face. A side slash right in the middle of it.
🌱 Good with his hands 😏 He's a healer, an artist, and blacksmith, they are multitalented. 🌱 An artist in multiple mediums. He's a blacksmith, drawer, painter, sculptor, you name it! 🌱 Very polite and sweet. Will treat you right, will do pretty much anything for you. He's a nice Eorzean small town man need I say more! 🌱 Saved the world multiple times.
🌱 Saved the world multiple times so his name and face is well known in places meaning you will have random strangers approach you. Don't worry he hates it too. 🌱 He's quiet. You wouldn't expect him to be but he is. 🌱 Dislikes the fae, has a huge mistrust of them. Despite this he is in a pact with their king. 🌱 Likes to wander and get lost. Will end up climbing trees and falling out of them and no this habit doesn't go away and won't until he is unable to do such things so good luck.
Tia (bloodlines)
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full name: Hypatia "Tia" Caro height: 5' 9" (175.26cm) age: 27 gender: Female pronouns: she/her sexuality: mostly straight species: dhampir
🌄 Has fun colored hair which means she enjoys a lot of whimsy in her life! 🌄 Has a dog Mesa and a red tail boa named Paps. Both travel with her in her VW bus. 🌄 Well traveled and will go anywhere you suggest. 🌄 Very smart in math and has magical powers on top of being dhampir.
🌄 Likes to travel meaning she won't stay in one place for too long. 🌄 Can be stubborn with a my way or the highway mentality. 🌄 Has an old and powerful witch that was once a vampire and a secret organization after her. She's a criminal. 🌄 Will refuse to dress warmly/properly for cold weather, this means the desert is her favorite place to be.
Stasia (bloodlines, ffxiv)
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full name: Stasia (given name Liana Enache) height: 5' 6" (167.64) age: ranges from 500 to 3,000 years old gender: Female pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual but self identifies as ace species: human witch to vampire to human witch. travels universes and is a half unsundered half human mage
🗡️ Is rich and has influential power. 🗡️ Will be upfront with you. No mind games here she ain't got time for that. 🗡️ Her loyalty is everything and beneficial for when you're in trouble. And she will have the utmost faith in you and your competence. 🗡️ She has magic powers and is immortal like need I say more? She also can make you immortal in some fashion to which ever suits your fancy. 🗡️ She comes with a bonus girlfriend!
🗡️ You cross her, you won't live to regret it. If you no longer prove useful you die. 🗡️ Has "creator" issues both vampirically and familial. She traded one for the other when going to a different universe but in the other universe its called Daddy Issues™️ 🗡️ You're not really in a relationship with her ever and will at times treat you like you're no one special but she does care....mostly.....you hope? just prepare yourself to have something complicated to explain when others ask. 🗡️ She's pretentious as fuck about a lot of things. And judgmental, you'll also find she will always speak to you in a bit of a condescending manner.
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gaiuskamilah · 4 months
It just occurred to me that I don't even know your Blades MC's name. This is unacceptable. Care to share the name and lore? 🌹
hi caro!! i actually have... six mcs. one for each LI, because i like them all so much HAHGJFHDJSGHFDJG
i have a post for here for marya moonglory (nia-romancing), probably my favorite blades mc because i'm most invested in her. i also have one here for eva, but it's super outdated and i've switched her from tyril to valax.
the one i've posted about lately is lawod nagoni (he/him), my new(er) tyril-mancing mc! same backstory as with canon orc mc, except that he's a butcher. he likes to make crude jokes ("come to my shop and watch me BEAT MY MEAT!!" kind of stuff) and it makes kade want to die, but he loves lawod anyway lol. generally very outgoing, loves to tease tyril. he's really interested about his heritage and orc culture so finding imtura and knowing which clan he's from meant a lot!
he got his tattoos done at flotilla just before the battle with the ash empress, as a symbol of his achievements and experience (:
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next is elyon (she/her), my imtura-mancing mc. i'm not a big fan of the parnassus backstory for the human!mc so in my mind she's just another person from riverbend. i don't have much for her yet but one thing is that she is extremely talented with magic, just right below nia in terms of strength. also enjoys sailing a lot more than she expected to, which makes her imtura's perfect companion lol.
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there's also lakan nagoni (he/they), romancing mal. mostly kept the canon background for them with the exception that they're a performer, kind of like whatever equivalent of a drag artist is in morella lol. i like the canon idea that while orcs are less likely to have magical affinity, those who do are way more powerful than humans and elves, so lakan is also a proficient magic user. he's principled and has a bit of a temper sometimes.
they're also more feminine!! second pic is an abandoned wip - he's wearing the fem version of the port parnassus outfit. he's besties with nia and they do each other's hair and makeup a lot. imtura doesn't really understand it.
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finally i have varda rainbearer (she/her) - romancing aerin, but in a version where aerin's a woman because i like the idea of aerin being a girl LOL. still working on her story but the gist is that she's the last surviving member of house rainbearer, a house that was exiled from undermount (post-elven empire) because of an interest in learning what the hell is going on with shadow magic and the whole light-shadow divide. following canon mc backstory, she ended up in riverbend.
she prefers to utilize magic the way orcs do - in communion with the elements and focused on weather manipulation. tends to use her magic to keep her hair in place and tyril's like :/
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...and that was long af. HAHJFGDHSGJFDHGJ
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sadfolkie · 1 month
the NärCon mods are fucked up
The NärCon discord is full of terrible mods. I can't believe they let a power hungry bully mod ban multiple people just for standing up to him LITERALLY lying, threatening people, and spreading misinformation. The mod called Svalan/Thomas at NärCon is such a massive douchbag it's unreal. I was silent the whole time and just left today after watching the shit show go down and finally realizing... these people are terrible. Genuinely bad toxic people, if I'm around them I might end up toxic like them. I don't want that. Another member posted they're leaving because they were scared of the mods oppression, and I agreed with them in my head and left too. I regret a tiny bit not leaving a message too, but we all know NärCon deletes any and all criticism they get in seconds so what's the point? They're not gonna care. He was joking about how he banned them instead of using time out or warning them. He clearly just wanted their messages calling out his disgusting behaviour out to be gone.
I believe EVERY person who called Svalan/thomas out has now been banned by him. Weird huh? NärCons mod Svalan/Thomas is manipulative and scary. No space is safe if he's in it. I truly fully believe that.
And the other NärCon mods and staff/"pandas"? One panda named Eskil admitted NärCon KNOWS pedophiles go there he even said they are "guranteed" to be at NärCon! He didn't see it as an issue or even a stupid ass statement to make?! Insane how little they care about kid's safety. And this guy works as a teacher?!?!?!? RED FLAG.
I don't know all the mods I dont think, but I know 2 more. The one called Sora can't tell sexual from non-sexual and thinks HIGHLY inappropriate sexual material should be shown to kids. Squeezing a woman's breast is serious sexual harassment, but Sora can't see why encouraging young kids to squeeze the foam tits of a drooling anime toy is fucked up? Like really really really fucked up… and Sora is the panda in charge of telling others what is and isn't allowed regarding sexual levels, so that's clearly a terrible job match. NärCon has no safeguarding for kids AT ALL.
But the saddest one for me is the mod afternoonfika aka Caro. I always admired afternoon fikas art, they were someone I looked up to as an aspiring artist. She silently watched other small artists get unfair threats, being treated like absolute shit just for standing up to Thomas/Svalan, and she said or did nothing. Just like the other mods. Didn't even correct Thomas/Svalan's lies about the rules or why he banned people. I thought maybe she was scared too and didn't want to get involved, but lo and behold, one of the banned users showed up in my other artist discord and just mentioned the abusive mod banning people, and like a hawk she told her to shut up. Caro attacked the victim and didn't even let them share their side of the story. That's so so so fucked up. I didn't think that about afternoonfika. Unfollowed them on all platforms, I can no longer support them after I know they side with bullying abusers. :(
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raininyourblackeyes · 10 months
tumblr user raininyourblackeyes how are you feeling about yuma's rain in your black eyes program. penny for your thoughts?
User raininyourblackeyes thinks that it's outrageously gorgeous and hasn't been able to shut up about it since this morning actually.
Rain, In Your Black Eyes is a difficult music piece because it doesn't really allow breathers, it's a music that only grows in intensity and as such requires skaters with certain maturity and experience to pull it off. The parts where music does slow down are cut abruptly and if you're not a skater with really good musicality, and sense for interpretation you just get completely separate pieces that do not connect well into a narrative. Simply said, it's a program that's too easy to fall apart. Yuma is a skater who is able to carry the tension of the music and make it into a complete, well-rounded program.
I've been a fan of his since I got to see him skate in person at JGPF 2019 where he didn't even medal, but 2nd to Shun who literally won, he was the most memorable of the 6 junior men. However, through these few seasons that he's been competing in the senior ranks, I've liked his programs but never enough to let's say put them on a top 10 programs of the season list (including all disciplinnes). Until now. I'm utterly obsessed with both his programs this season.
He has always been a skater of a classical approach to his skating, just like Caro, and I think it really shows that he's been working with her, and how much it's helping to shape him as a complete skater.
Nothing to say about his technique except that it's textbook, and the program is composed in such manner that jumps and spins give it just right amount of momentum. I have the opening 4S rent-free replaying in my head ngl. I am amazed at his control of all his movement, everything has a purpose. There is no empty walk in the choreo, everything is detailed and planned to the movement of his fingers. His lines are sublime, don't even get me started on his extensions...
I'm not sure how this is supposed to be a "recovery season" when he's skating like this!
Summary: Rain, In Your Black Eyes is a difficult music requiring disciplinne and maturity, and Yuma is able to perfectly translate power of it into movemet without getting overwhelmed. He has improved so much, and I'm looking forward to seeing what more he's capable of.
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elyuzts-echo · 3 months
"Childish cravings."
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Sum: Squalo craved for affection, more specifically, tickles. He didn't want anyone else to know, but Tiziano found a way to make his dear partner accept his cravings.
This is a tickle fic, if you're uncomfy w that sorta stuff then feel free to scroll :)
ANYWAYSS-- fic under cut :3
Squalo wouldn't admit it, but he loved physical affection. Especially if it came from his dearest, Tiziano. But in the past few days, the red-haired man felt a desire for something along the lines of physical affection. Every time he wanted affection, he would go to Tiziano, but this time, he kept it to himself. Resulting in him altering his mood, which consisted of being more moody and a bit defensive aswell.
This "affection" was tickles.
Tiziano knew something was up, but he didn't exactly know what to do yet. The two had a relationship where that was built on trust, so knowing that Tiziano wasn't being honest with him, made him feel worried. So, he would do something that every partner would do: Ask if their significant other was ok. Squalo would always reply with a sheepish "Yes", but Tiziano could see straight through his lies. He knew Squalo was hiding something from him.
One sunny day, Squalo was lounging in the bedroom he and Tiziano shared. Trying to distract himself from the thought of his bizarre desire to be tickled. "This is humiliating..." He would mumble to himself. What did he do to think of something so childish? As he thought, Tiziano peeked in the bedroom, walking over to Squalo as he stood on the bed. "Amore, I'll go run some errands at the market, okay?" He says softly, pecking the other male on his cheek. Squalo looked over at him, giggling softly. "Alright. Stay safe, Caro." He replied.
As the two looked at each other for a while, Tiziano broke eye contact, turning around to walk out the door of the bedroom, waving bye to Squalo. As the blond did so, Talking Head slipped into Squalo's tongue, and the other stand user didn't even realize. Besides, he was pretty silent while he waited for Tiziano.
When Tiziano came back a few hours later, the sky had become dark. He walked into the bedroom to see Tiziano, still in the same position. "What's wrong, angelo?" The blond asks. Tiziano replied, "Nothing.." He mumbled. Talking Head hasn't made a move yet. From now on, Tiziano activated his stand to actively alter Squalo's replies. "You sure?"
"No," Squalo replied. His eyes widened, he was supposed to say yes. What was happening? Was it Talking Head? Tiziano simply smirked. "Oh? Do you perhaps... Want something?" The male asked, thinking of affection, but he didn't specifically know what kind of affection Squalo wanted. "Yes," Squalo replied. Shit- It certainly was Talking Head. He was meant to say no!
Usually, Squalo was able to counter Tiziano's stand in most instances, but he didn't have enough strength to think of the opposites. And Tiziano was willing to go to town with this scenario in which he had the upper hand. "Hm... Do you want physical affection, amore?"
"Yes," Squalo replied. He'd given up at this point. He felt humiliated, and he knew that he couldn't hide his desire anymore. Tiziano was able to read his mind as he hopped onto the bed with Squalo, looking down at him and his right hand slowly inches down to the other male's hip. "Do you want this?" Tiziano asked, squeezing the other stand user's hip, causing him to squeal. "Ehek! Y-Yes..." He mumbled, blushing already.
Tiziano called back Talking Head, so now Squalo could speak freely. "Poor you... How long have you hid this from me..?" He asked in a flirty tone, his left hand snaking up to Squalo's wrists, holding it above his head, while his right hand continuously squeezes Squalo's hips. Alternating from the right to the left side of his hips, making the timing unpredictable. This caused Squalo to spill some soft giggles.
"A fehew dahays.." He replied. "How much is 'few days' exactly, dear?" The other male added, his hand now going up to scribble gently on Squalo's stomach. Which caused him to squirm more frantically as his laughter became louder. This is what he wanted so badly. Hell, he didn't even know why.
"Not going to answer? Alright then." Tiziano smirked, his fingers continuing to dance on Squalo's sensitive stomach. He loved to see his darling boy smile and laugh. It wasn't every day they were able to act this. All childish and playful. "Tihihiz!" The other male squealed, squirming around like a little bug under his lover. He tried to hide his stomach, but it was a fruitless effort.
Tiziano could sense that Squalo still wanted some more tickles, so he decided to get right into it. With his hand that was previously tickling him, he slowly lifted up Squalo's shirt to expose his stomach. Squalo's eyes widened. "Ti--Tiziahano! Dohon't--!"
"Don't what?" The blond asks, poking Squalo's belly button, which elicits a rather loud squeal from him. It's go time. "Don't do this?" He teases, before lowering down his head to blow a large raspberry on his lover's stomach. "AHAHAHAK!! NOHOHOHO!" Squalo squealed again, arching his back slightly as he tried to squirm away. Tiziano just smiled, giggling along with him. "Oh, you want another one, amore?" Tiziano asks, before blowing another one, this time directly on Squalo's belly button. Loud laughter roared throughout the room from the second raspberry! Poor Squalo couldn't handle another one...
That was until Tiziano blew another raspberry, then another one... Squalo was now a blushing and laughing mess. "PLEAHAHASE-! FERMARE!!" He pleaded through loud cackles of laughter. He was nearing his limit with the amount of raspberries his lover was giving. After one last raspberry, Tiziano let up. His hands retracted from the other boy's body to give him some space.
"Happy now, Squalo?" Tiziano asked, lying down next to Squalo as he enveloped the now giggly boy in his arms. "Si.." He muttered, "You were about to kihill mehee.." Squalo added on. "Oh shush, I would never kill you, pretty boy." Tiziano teased, kissing his cheek.
The rest of the night was filled with cuddles and words of love... Andd maybe some pokes to the side and stomach aswell. But in the end, Squalo felt a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and he was happy that his partner was able to help with his childish cravings of tickles..
End !! <3
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intoxicao · 9 months
holaa, podrías hacer users con caro o carolina pfv? grx
ㅤ๑ㅤㅤcaroovhsㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ๑ㅤㅤchoco-lina
ㅤ๑ㅤㅤpupiroliㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ๑ㅤㅤbebcaro
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ftlcast · 2 months
Join Jade, Zachary, Annya, and August as we play Last Train to Bremen by Caro Ascersion. Four musicians board a train in a last-ditch effort to outrun the Devil. Will they be successful, or is this train only going straight to Hell?
Aisling is played by Jade.
Sadie is played by Zachary.
Gallus is played by Annya.
Moira is played by August.
Produced by August.
Sound effects from Zapsplat and freesound.org user khenshom.
"Railroad's Whiskey Co" is by Jahzzar
Additional music by Dark Fantasy Studio.
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ftlcast for bonus content like outtakes and bloopers as well as early access to episodes and special bonus episodes.
Find out more about the games we play (and where to buy them): https://www.ftlcast.com/games-weve-played
Episode summaries available here: https://goo.gl/3nXVpA
Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/zzuPqne
Cover image by Sam and original music by Bryan
Follow the Leader is part of the Standing Stones Productions podcasting guild. Find out more about us and our projects on Twitter: @stones_standing
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cyberninq · 1 year
₊ °  users with caro / carolina ﹒ ✾
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    cxrolie    karousel     rolinq     c4roliz     bffcaro    hwlina
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de hikaru satō para recibirle en su tercer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando artes plásticas en st. ignatius of laconi y ha sido asignade a la mansión seis. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
CARO, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
NOMBRE: caro
PRONOMBRES: ella/suya
EDAD: 25+
PAÍS / ZONA HORARIA: chile / gmt-3
TRIGGERS: abuso sexual
NOMBRE COMPLETO: hikaru satō
FACECLAIM: nakamoto yuta
EDAD: 25 años
FECHA DE CUMPLEAÑOS: 30 de octubre
DESCRIPCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA: protector, tolerante, inquieto, desconfiado, impulsivo, deshonesto, desafiante.
DESCRIPCIÓN FÍSICA: tiene el cabello teñido de color rojo, los ojos marrones oscuros, mide 1,76 mts, en una oreja tiene tres piercings y solo uno en la otra (estos solo los usa cuando no esta en clases), además tiene un piercing en el obligo, tiene tatuajes en su abdomen y brazo, una mariposa y una serpiente respectivamente ( x y x )
UNO. hikaru nació en una familia adinerada, hijo de un chef famoso en japón y una heredera de una cadena de hoteles. aunque sus padres lo aman y quisieron tenerlo, siendo las personas que son, la prioridad de ambos siempre fueron sus trabajos por lo tanto no tenían demasiado tiempo para estar a su lado. prácticamente fue criado por múltiples niñeras y otros empleados en su hogar, a quienes muchas veces se sintió más cercanos a ellos que a sus propios padres. pero si era un hijo ejemplar quizás eso haría que desviaran su atención hacia él, podría convertirse en algo de lo que estuvieran orgullosos… como sus trabajos. otro trofeo.
DOS. a temprana edad descubrió un interés por las artes, de pequeño le encantaba que le leyeran cuentos para luego él hacer dibujos al respecto o incluso hacer los personajes en plastilina para luego jugar con ellos, recreando la historia a su manera. desde ese puntos sus intereses siempre alrededor de cosas parecidas y su talento continuó desarrollándose con el tiempo. pasaba muchas horas practicando diferentes técnicas de dibujo para mejorar. a tal punto que logró conseguir ingresar al internado de arte, para hombres, más prestigioso que su familia pudo encontrar y costear.
TRES. ser criado dentro de valores religiosos no le pareció un problema mientras aún era un niño, todo aquello que le enseñaron sonaba correcto, ¿por qué no lo haría? no tenia razones para cuestionar cada oración, cada verso. eso hasta que curiosidad cosquillea al florecer la adolescencia. mientras sus padres le preguntaban si habia alguna chica que le gustara, quizás la muchacha que vive en frente de ellos que siempre pregunta por él cuando hikaru vuelve del internado en el que es educado en la diferentes artes. y seguro, hikaru creía que era bonita y parecía amable pero no le interesaba demasiado, quién capturaba su atención era el hermano mayor de la chica bonita, deseaba que él lo mirara, que él lo buscara. ¿cómo se sentiría si él lo besara? experimentar la respuesta a esa pregunta lo aterro en un principio porque en ese mismo momento se dio cuenta de algo más que escucho al crecer: que dios no lo amaría si pensaba en los chicos en la forma que debería pensar en las chicas. no es correcto dijeron. bueno, no importa. quizás no necesita a dios después de todo.
CUATRO. sus deseos ameritaban penitencias , castigos y el arrepentimiento que hikaru no sentía. lo hizo cuestionar tanto su mundo… se volvió bueno al mentir y encontrar formas de esconderse, se volvió desafiante y a cuestionar muchas más cosas que antes consideraba la verdad y lo justo. comenzó a notar las grietas en valores religiosos. la hipocresía. quebró ese mundo.
CINCO. aceptó venir a la universidad por sus padres solamente, su padre estaba orgulloso de que el talento de su hijo fuera reconocido y su madre esperaba siguiera su legado al asistir a la misma universidad que ella en su juventud, hukaru quería que estuviera orgullosa. podia soportar un par de años más con tal de conseguir el prestigio que le daría el final de una educación privilegiada.
FACULTAD: st. ignatius of laconi.
CARRERA: artes plásticas.
AÑO DE CURSO: tercer año.
EXTRACURRICULARES: miembro del club de escritura, bailarín en el club de teatro musical, miembro del club de alemán, miembro del club de boxeo.
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seeminglydark · 7 months
Hey! Loving the podcast, the audio production is on point and it’s so cool to finally have a real voice put to Caro. Would it be possible to get it on the Apple podcast app in the future? Zero worries if not; I’ll hunt it down either way.
omg thank you SO much, i appreciate that, this is my first time mixing and creating audio so im learning a lot haha!
but also. HELP ME omg podcasters, this is my call to you cuz ive been TRYING to put it on Apple. I swear its not a slight to apple users, every time I input my RSS feed on the apple site from podbean, it says my image is incorrect. I've attempted to put it there a million tmes, changed the image size, read through reddit threads and I cannot figure this out. I am extremely tech-impaired though so I'm sure its some easy fix but if anyone out there has had this issue and solved it please chime in the comments cuz I would love to have it in as many places as possible.
I do believe for now if you go to the podbean website you can listen on apple by clicking the apple podcasts option at the bottom but im not 100 percent sure. but ill keep working on it!
Thank you again! -RJ
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jedi-hawkins · 7 months
Bryn-Ayla Del Caro
Meet My Jedi OC! This is a living post with some info about her and her life! Feel free to send me an ask if you want to draw her or find out more about her character! More info and fun facts about her below the cut!
Pronouns: she/her
Born 56 BBY | Age 35 at the start of the war
Species: Human
Home planet: Takodana
Her family descended from a branch of House Vizla, but her ancestors left Mandalore at the end of the Mandalorian-Jedi war (738 BBY) and relocated to Takodana.
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OC Sunday: Shoes, Setting, First Impressions
OC Sunday: Voice, Home Planet, Weapon of Choice
OC Sunday: Favorite Book, My Favorite Trait, Weakness
OC Sunday: Most important thing, Hobbies, Starbucks
OC Sunday: Core Wound, Party Plans, Color Palette
OC Sunday: TV show, Plant, Body Type
OC Sunday: Song, Changes, Wardrobe
Shipping Questions: Bryn x Sergeant Hunter
Shipping Questions: Bryn x Obi-wan Kenobi
Ask: Battlefront 2 Lines
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Physical description:
Height: 5'8"
Tanned skin
Dark brown hair, worn in a braid that falls to her waist
Dark brown eyes; sometimes they're black as night to the point you can't differentiate her pupils from her irises, other times they're warmer, with flecks of honey amber that shine in the sunlight.
Fit, muscular figure that can carry more weight than it appears to be able to handle.
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Jedi Facts:
She was gathered by the Jedi Order when she was 4.
She and Obi-wan Kenobi were trained together at the Temple on Coruscant.
Became a padawan to Jedi Master Plo Koon at age 13.
Was also mentored by Qui-gon Jinn, and assisted him and his padawan, Obi-wan Kenobi on many missions.
She was present when Qui-Gon and Obi-wan rescued Queen Amidala from Naboo and found Anakin Skywalker.
Became a Knight at age 24.
Became a Master at age 31.
Gains a seat on the Jedi High Council at age 34 at the same time as Obi-wan Kenobi.
Her tunics are usually the basic tan, but her tabard is a dark maroon, and her cloak is a dark brown.
She was primarily a Form IV user (very Force-demanding and acrobatic), but after she built her second lightsaber, she became very skilled in Form V (switches quickly between offense/defense and incorporates dual-bladed combat).
After the construction of her second blade, she will switch between holding them in a traditional and reverse grip.
She had a padawan, a Twi'lek names Silais. He began training with Bryn when he was 13, was a very skilled prodigy and passed his trials and became a knight when he was 20.
She mentored Anakin in the same way that Qui-gon mentored her, and accompanied him, Obi-wan, and Ashoka on missions when needed.
She is close friends with Padme Amidala and serves as an unofficial liaison between the Jedi Council and the Galactic Senate.
She built her first Lightsaber when she was 12, and the crystal that chose her emitted a blue blade.
Her second saber, she built when she was 22 and emits a green blade.
Clone Wars Armor:
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Rather than use standard-issue Jedi Armor made for the Clone wars, Bryn actually uses pieces from a set of beskar armor that was passed through her family from the old days of Mandalore. Originally, it was plain metal with no designs, but for the Clone War, she paints it Maroon like her troopers. After the battle of Jabiim, her Senior Commander Steeler paints a set of jiag eyes on her chest plate.
She wears a headset similar to real-world bone-conducting headphones to tap into clone comm channels hands-free rather than use a comlink.
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Fun Facts:
She's fluent in Mando'a
She can communicate in some droidspeak, as well as some Huttese and Twi'leki, but does need communicators for complex conversation.
She identifies as polysexual; she is attracted to multiple genders, but is only attracted to humanoid species (though if there is a connection, she won't say no)
She has had a few intimate interactions and relationships, but she holds her duty as a Jedi above all else. She has no clouded judgement or shift in priorities from her affections.
Primarily, she and Obi-wan held an on-off relationship throughout their lives, but it was fully understood duty came first. When Cody comes along, Bryn is completely understanding and even encourages the relationship between Obi-wan and Cody and they become a throuple. Later on, after Bryn chooses to become the commander of Clone Force 99, Hunter eventually joins the polycule (no clone x clone). Same as Bryn did for them, both Obi-wan and Cody encouraged her bond with Hunter.
At the start of the Clone War, she was assigned the 43rd Attack Legion, designation, Khaos.
A lot of the 43rd Legion's command structure/call signs/command officer names were heavily influenced by Grecoian (Greek) Mythology, because she gifted the command batch a book of myths.
Her call sign with the 43rd Legion was 'Nyx'
Her father had started training her in with bladed weapons when she was 3 and gave her a Mandalorian dagger when she was collected by the Jedi Order.
For a Jedi, she is skilled with 'civvy weapons,' especially daggers/vibroblades and rifles. She trained with them periodically for undercover assignments, and trained with them more vigorously at the start of the Clone War.
She drinks caf (like any other self-respecting overworked individual), but Obi-wan got her hooked on having a cup of tea in the afternoon (damn you Scottish man).
She survives Order 66 thanks to the Bad Batch.
After Order 66, she scrubs the maroon paint off her beskar armor and paints a new set of jiag eyes on her helmet with forest green paint. She then keeps her helmet on at all times and poses as a Child of the Watch, fighting with DC-17 blasters and vibroblades.
She has PTSD in relation to sleep and will often slip into patterns of insomnia or have night terrors.
She's a trained Medic.
When she was in the Jedi Academy, she knew Pong Krell and threw a pastry at him (nailing him in the face) after he said something bigoted in the Temple dining hall. They never really got along.
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chishikizi · 2 years
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🎬 ABERTURA DE PEDIDOS: bem vindos ao show
🎙️: Olá, caros telespectadores! Bem vindos ao show! Perante ao público, declaro que o show começa agora! Divirtam-se e um ótimo show à todos!
• Olá, caros telespectadores! Mais uma vez, desejo boas vindas à todos! Hoje, por meio deste post, vim divulgar a abertura de pedidos oficialmente (pois já havia divulgado a um tempo atrás) após a última abertura que aconteceu em junho deste ano. Antes que essa abertura de fato acontecesse, tive muito trabalho para deixar tudo bem organizado e atrativo para que tudo ocorresse como eu planejava, então eu peço desculpas caso tenha demorado muito para abrir os pedidos! Mas, agora, deixando isso de lado, quero que aproveitem a abertura para fazerem seus pedidos, pois estou numa vontade gigantesca de editar e tenho certeza que todos os pedidos serão perfeitos e não vejo a hora de começar! Então, sem mais delongas, bem vindos ao show!
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🎟️ : Pegue seu ticket e divirta-se! O show está prestes a começar! Antes, não deixe de ler as orientações e informações para que possa aproveitar o show sem imprevistos ou distrações!
📽️ : Nesta abertura, estarei aceitando 20 pedidos de capa, 5 de assinatura, 5 de welcome e 7 de banner de formulário;
📽️ : Aceito APENAS pedidos da categoria KPOP, não faço exceções;
📽️ : As regras e avisos sobre prazos, entrega e informações que você deve saber para fazer o seu pedido estão nas REGRAS, que se encontra no BLOG;
📽️ : Caso tenha quaisquer dúvidas ou problemas na hora de fazer o seu pedido e navegar pelo blog, me mande mensagem pelo perfil @hikizixs (onde respondo os comentários e mensagens que me mandam por essa conta) ou pela MP do SPIRIT FANFICS (atendo pelo user @Chishikizi na plataforma);
📽️ : Todos os pedidos serão ENTREGUES através do BLOG.
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🎬 : O show começou! Aproveite e divirta-se o quanto puder! Não esqueça também de seguir as orientações e divulgar o show para que mais pessoas possam se divertir!
• Por fim, queridos telespectadores, agradeço desde já a todos e espero que aproveitem muito essa abertura! Caso não me acompanhem em outras plataformas, não esqueçam de seguir e divulgar a abertura! Aproveitem o show e nos vemos no próximo, até!
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presidentoneko · 5 months
(this post is more aimed at the brazilian users of tumblr) (i didn't feel like translating the comic, sorry about that)
olá, caros amigos e usuários do tumblr (pelo menos da comunidade br)
eu tava fazendo uma tirinha pra uma das minhas aulas da facul e acabei gostando a tirinha por causa do quão idiota e real o conceito é
espero que o desenho agrade vocês
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