#* verse.  canon (addy)
hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
Researching Characters So You Don't Have To Part 5 - What was Peni Parker's Canon Event?
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In ATSV, we get a short glimpse of Peni Parker during Miguel's canon event explainy scene. She, along with hundreds of other spider-people enter in order to help keep Miles calm and share their own experiences with him. The only thing she says is "Miles" and she kind of tilts her head at him sadly.
If we compare this version of Peni to the version we saw in the first movie, it makes it very obvious that she went through some kind of traumatic event, probably her canon event.
So what was her canon event?
From the research I've done, I've found that her canon event is a little confusing, but I tried to make it as clear as possible.
After the events of Into the Spider-verse, Peni was approached by her classmate, Addy Brock, during class. Addy proceeded to ask her whether she was Spider-woman (or in her universe, Sp//dr). Peni brushed her off, and left without telling her. But what Peni didn't know, was that Addy was also a mech pilot, and was actually the owner of a special suit called VEN#m.
Note: Peni Parker's suit was created by Oscorp. Oscorp also used the Sym Engine which was used to create Peni's mech to create the VEN#m mech and chose Addy Brock to pilot it because of her psychological connection to it.
Now later, Peni has to fight M.O.R.B.I.U.S. but is defeated and captured by him, leading to Addy Brock's VEN#m mech being deployed to help her. During the fight, the VEN#m suit lost control and Peni had to take it down using her Sp//dr mech.
Addy and Peni's Aunt May tried to fix the VEN#m suit, but it was too late. The suit went completely crazy and took over Addy's mind, assimilated her body with cables and tendrils. When Aunt May tried to intervene, it consumed her.
Peni's canon event is completely based off the Evangelion Units 01 and 03 from the Neon Genesis Evangelion series.
Pretty sad :(
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avatarvyakara · 11 months
Presenting the premier Addy Brock collection from Strands of Webbing!
Starting out with diversion of a canon event because, honestly, [bleep] that noise:
52. React
"DON’T!" she screams. But Ven#m is already halfway towards the M.O.R.B.I.U.S. device, a look of determination on its electronic inFace—
Until, with a grunt, all three point one five tons of SP//dr shoves the other mech out of the way of the beam of light just in time. A nearby building fuses into a twisted mess of metal and glass, like a Vonnegut crystogram.
"What the hell was that for?" comes the angry voice of Addy Brock from Ven#m's modulator.
"Rule number one on this team: you don't get yourself killed to prove a point!" snaps Peni.
Ven#m's inFace expresses strong shock.
"…we're a team?"
"I didn't say that."
That chirpy expression looks really weird in black and neon white. It probably doesn't help that the teenager inside has a much more…smug face, and that Peni can see both of them quite clearly.
"You implied it."
"Shut up. Now help me figure out this thing's weak spot. And don’t you dare die."
(Addy survives. But Peni's not sure, after the loud squeal at the end of the fight, whether her eardrums are going to last the week.)
60. Introductions
“You’re welcome to stay longer,” she tells Gray with a little hesitation, as they sit atop the New Chrysler eating putty-cakes from a street vendor below. “You could actually come over.”
His eyes shine, but his brow wrinkles—for once he’s got the mask off. He looks like Peter Parker. He looks nineteen. (Thirty. Eighty.)
“I don’t know if your folks would be okay with that.”
“You already met Addy.”
“Well, yeah.” Admittedly, she did threaten Gray with a fate worse than death and a mech. Neither of which seemed very effective to the other Spider, who had just laughed. One Saturday she’d be very happy to forget, honestly. (But he laughed, so there was some success that day.)
“I’ve been trying to explain this to them, the whole multiverse thing,” she says, and huffs. “They still think I’m crazy. Or that I’m lying and that I’ve actually just gotten myself some shady lowlife koibito to spite them.”
Gray’s face hardens. “If that word means what I think it means, then they should know way better.”
But it softens again when he looks at her. “But a six-foot-three-inch-tall nineteen-year-old with a face like a darned sock isn’t going to be much help to you, kiddo.”
“You’re literally from another dimension—”
“And I look scary. I won’t be making it easier for you on my own, not with how you say your aunt and uncle are. Maybe you can get Miles and Gwen in on this?”
She wants to protest, but then he says: “Maybe Ham and Peter too, Make an outing of it for the whole cluster. That way the others can distract them a little.”
“...I guess that makes sense.” He’s her best human friend, and she wanted to recognize that. But even so...maybe that would be better. She was able to pass off Miguel as a Mercurial pen-pal with a cosplay addiction (most Earthers will believe anything about the decadent and obscenely wealthy and more-than-slightly inhuman Spacers), but the rest are going to be harder—her black-and-white and cartoon counterparts especially. Telling the whole story, with proof, becomes easier if there are kids her age to help soften the blow. (Plus, Peter B couldn’t look threatening if he tried.)
“You’re not scary, though,” Peni insists. “Not to me.” She grins. “You’re too much of a dork for that.”
He squeezes her shoulder, and gives her a smile no less warm for being in monochrome. “Whereas you frighten the life out of me, doll.”
She hugs him. This time around, he doesn’t resist.
“...seriously, though, what’s in that crispy paste stuff?”
“Sun-fried seaweed, Mercury-style.”
“...it’s not too bad. Tastes kinda like latkes. Like a latke dough, but you can eat it.”
“It’s pretty good. My favourite’s yungay potato.”
“Ah, a lady of quality.”
She laughs at that.
80. Comrade
Adelaide Brock is fourteen when she makes her first two real friends. People who actually get it. Who understand the thrill of the ride, and the joy of the psychic link.
They have their differences, of course. Peni’s more of a drill sergeant in the field, always efficient, applying incredible precision. Addy’s always been more of a performer at heart, and her spider (her spider), Weying, seems to sympathize. Ven#m likes the spotlight, isn’t really up to just fighting and heading home, prefers to mug for the crowds and crow over a few muggers. (And occasionally fantasizes about trapping and eating the monsters they defeat like the oversized prey they are, but that’s spiders for you.) Maybe it’s showboating a little, but hey, if you have a ship, why not display it?
But at the end of the day...Peni saved her life. Soon after, she saved Peni’s. They’re a team. They’re actually talking. And she and Weying have been working together for ages now, and New York loves them. Life is good.
Now, if only Peni would actually let her know who she keeps talking to on that weird 2D group chat of hers...
170. Hardcore
“...until ultimate termination.”
Peni blinks.
“Are you sure we’re the same person?”
Other Peni rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Even if your SP//dr is a bit...”
“A bit what?”
“You know...impractical? For fighting bad guys?”
Peni frowns. “Mostly kaiju, actually.”
“You sit in a glass cockpit and punch giant monsters and somehow you’ve survived as SP//dr for...how long now?”
“Three years. How about you?”
“Two. ...oh, no, there is no way you’re older than me. You look twelve!”
“Uh...I’m sixteen.”
“Ah, Peni! I see you’ve met Peni?” says Ham, striding through the workshop with a sandwich and out the other side. “Have fun!”
“I guess,” mutters Other Peni.
“...Dad’s death still bothering you?”
“What? No, that was ages ago.” Other Peni sighs, which helps Peni feel less like yelling at her dismissive tone (which would be counterproductive). “Mostly it’s just the job. It...kinda grinds down on you after a while.”
“...I guess I can relate to that.”
Other Peni coughs. “So...you like listening to music while you work?”
Peni lights up. “Do I? Come on, let’s get the sound started. Have you heard anything by Karam Heiwa?”
For the first time in the entire conversation, Other Peni smiles.
“I can see you’ve got good taste.”
“It’s probably a Peni Parker thing,” says Peni, conversationally. “Gray’s stuck on swing, Peter B’s more Silver Age Electric, and Gwen’s into punk, but you just can’t beat KH for tunes to work with.”
Other Peni cautiously goes through the playlist on the holographic display, as though she’s worried about breaking something. Then her faces lights up.
“Hey, is this ‘Nuke-ular’? I haven’t heard this album in ages!”
...of course Other Peni would choose the most depressing song in the mix. Still, baby steps.
183. Talk
The first time Addy stops by the workshop when Other Peni is there, Other Peni is furious at Peni for suggesting she come and say hi. Genuinely furious.
The second time—after some prompting and a long discussion where Other Peni Parker cries for the first time Peni remembers—Other Peni is there to greet her.
“Uhhhh...Peni? Is that you? You look tired. And...older.”
“...hey, Addy. It’s me. This is gonna sound weird, but...I’m from another dimension and I just...kind of wanted to see you again.”
She sounds so tender.
Addy blinks.
“It’s okay,” says Peni, coming around to the front of the space. “She’s...a friend. Sort of. But you have to keep this a secret. This is beyond mech stuff, it’s insanely important. Swear?”
Addy nods, wide-eyed.
“Good! You two have fun!”
“Peni, you weren’t supposed to—” Other Peni growls, but Peni’s already wheeling herself out.
It should help. She knows it would help her. And she’s about 90% certain Addy will forgive her, and has fifteen different prospective options to hasten that process.
...figures that when she steps back in, Addy and Other Peni give her rather evil grins.
“You know,” says Other Peni casually, “the nice thing about being the same person? It means you’re already well aware of a fair few...embarrassing incidents.”
“...you didn’t.”
“Me? No, no. We just traded life stories. If they match up, it’s just a coincidence, right?”
Addy cackles.
“I’ve created a monster.”
“Aw, lighten up, Choking Hazard.”
“Adelaide Brock, you swore not to tell a living soul—”
“Actually I just said I’d only talk about it with you. And, well...”
Other Peni laughs.
(The sacrifices one makes for the good of one’s fellow Spiders...)
238. Rudolph
“If you think I’m missing this, Peni Parker, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Addy...I don’t know. I mean, yes, you got bitten, but...I’ve never met another Addy Brock out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Addy tosses her head back and offers her friend an easy grin. “Then I won’t get hurt. Simple as that. Trust me, Peni. I know when to pull back now.”
Peni sighs. “Fine. But be careful, right? Follow my lead.”
The red SP//dr enters the hole in space just before the black Ven#m does, and leads the way.
And on the other side—
“Hey!” calls Miles happily, coming over to meet them. “Glad you could make it!”
“...hi,” says Addy, blushing quite pinkly all of a sudden.
Peni rolls her eyes. “Excuse my friend. Addy, this is Miles Morales, Spider-Man. Miles, my best friend and coworker Addy Brock and her Spider Weying, alias Ven#m.”
“...how are you pronouncing that?” asks Ham. “Hey, I thought me and Mister Egg Cream over there were your best friends.”
Gray looks like he’s trying not to grin. Peni can feel a blush coming on herself. “I’ve got four best friends. Addy’s the only one you guys haven’t met yet.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” says Miles easily. “And Happy Hanukkah!”
(“Should I tell him you’re a Zuhariyya Muslim?”
“Nah, it’s okay.”)
297. Tea
“So, that’s one Earl Grey for Billy, one Boba for Peni, two Green for Hida and Other Peni, one Black for Cindy, one Lemon Grass for Roshni, and one Masala Chai for me,” says Pavitr, taking notes.
“I feel like we’re inviting stereotypes here,” says Roshni.
“I don’t reckon so,” Billy replies, preemptively reaching for the sugar.
“For Peter...coffee. And a reminder of what civilization looks like when you don’t commit blasphemy.”
Pauker glares. “I told you, that was in Boston!”
“And a Peppermint for Addy.”
On her shoulder, Weying the spider bounces excitedly.
“...no, Addy.” That’s from both Peni Parkers at the same time, exasperated in different ways.
“Aw, man...”
322. Mitosis
“Don’t count on it working,” says Other Peni. “And be careful.”
Peter cracks his knuckles.
“Just gotta give it the ol’ college try.”
And he walks up to the bulky form of Ven#m. Not as nice-looking as Addy’s, honestly. And a cannibal at that. Joke about it though he may, he doesn’t much like cannibalism.
Peter doesn’t entirely know what he’s doing, but there’s always such a thing as giving it the ol’ college try.
(Granted, he never went to college.)
—what are you?—
“Me? I’m just a good buddy here to annoy you into spitting out my friend’s loved ones.”
The capsule opens, revealing a tangled mess of cable-like tentacles that snake towards him.
—is Peni so desperate that she’s sending in cartoons to aid in her futile endeavours?—
—don’t make me laugh, little piggy—
—we are Ven#m—
—what are you going to do?—
—“huff and puff and blow my house down”?—
Peter pulls out the giant horn his niece Dahlia sent back from a trip to Switzerland.
“Something like that, yeah.”
362. Celebrity
Do I get one? I get one! Wheeee! ...um. Sorry. Anyway.
My name is Addy Brock. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for five years I’ve been one third of the one and only Ven#m. I’m from New York in the year 3150, I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside the robot I tried to take for a joyride when I was fourteen, and my best friends in the world are Peni Parker and Weying, the aforementioned radioactive spider.
Pretty sure you know the rest. Saved the city, mugged for the camera, saved the city again and again, had a hundredth-of-life crisis during which I, uh...we don’t really talk about that. (I’m banned from Greater Peru until I’m eighty-five, on a completely unrelated note.) But I got back up. Also, I met an alternate version of my best friend who lost her me and really needed someone to keep her laughing. And that’s me. Addy Brock, clown superhero extraordinaire. (Peter Parker? Never heard of him.) Peni may be the OG, but I’m the sequel that nobody knew they wanted but now can’t get enough of. I’ve even been to Mars on business—you know how difficult it is for an Earther to get direct to Mars, let alone for a job? Usually they hire local, or take on seasonal workers from the ecoships. This is big stuff.
...but at the end of the day, I love being Ven#m. And...I like having friends who get it. I got randomly assigned a last name matching my closest genetic relatives, but Peni and her Aunt May and Uncle Ben are the first real family I’ve ever actually had. So guess what? Ven#m is here to stay, with the Parkers, in the Republic of New York, on Earth.
As long as they’ll have me.
(“Well, then, looks like even reincarnation won’t be enough to let you get away, Addy.”
"And when they get sick of you, me and my aunt and uncle and Other Addy will take over."
“Aw, you guys. Peni Parkers? Ultimate upgrade in superhero mettle. Besides yours truly, of course.”
”How modest.”)
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addie1arue · 11 months
@rihtual sent: 'i've done bad things.' from norman ellison.
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and this is what makes her job here not only lucrative, but possible — the desire to be seen. in a world torn by war, on a planet where no where feels safe anymore, adeline has a particular privilege in her anonymity. the secrets she fosters from place to place, from one side to the other, were safest with her because no one could remember what they had told or where they had heard it.
and something in her features seemed to bring the truth out of men. maybe it was the innocence they perceived there; the smattering of freckles that gave her a girlish charm or the youth on her features that was as much a farce as the names she gave or the accent she posed as she parted her soft pink lips (all part of the facade) to reply,
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"war makes good men do things they never imagined they would do, not in a thousand years." and she had seen plenty of war now to know. "but i like to believe absolution is possible for anyone."
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suprntrals · 1 month
— ✿ tag dump. › zack addy.
— ✿ i don't know what that means. › zack's main verse.
— ✿ you must be one of the squints. › zack's canon verse.
— ✿ zachary addy. › in character.
— ✿ point of clarification i'm not a virgin nowhere near in fact. › zack appearance.
— ✿ you're a genius who can't drive. › zack's headcanons.
— ✿ you know you guys squint when you look at things. › zack's aesthetics.
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Dawn Winery Head!Kae during Luc’s absence make brain go brr
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Bc canonically he stayed at the Winery at that time; Addie even says so in her letter to Diluc#//I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have stepped up to help run affairs; instead of just lettting them handle everything#//(and forever LOVE the idea that Crepus intended to have Kae run the Winery while he hoped Luc succeeded as Captain/Grand Master)#//So I love imagining him just juggling between Winery duties and Captaincy; the way he manages ALL his current duties#//Having to deal with rumors he keeps acting in the Winery’s favor (is it a wonder he’s wellacquainted w ppl mistrusting him in present day#//Him bringing Winery paperwork with him to Knights HQ to deal with things then; bringing Knights paperwork home to the Winery#//Making sure he’s ALWAYS busy; no matter how stressing it gets; bc he’s gotta make sure EVERYTHING is perfect for Luc to come back to#//Luckily Addie and Elzer doing their part too so everything runs smoothly when Kae can’t do it alone#//On a lighter note; Kae hosting SO many events at the Winery—for partnerships; for appearances sakes; for FUN he can bring Jean into#//Him constantly being thrown by ppl referring to him as the Master of the house; but knowing he CANT deny or it’ll mean headaches for them#//Esp taking Other nobles into consideration; like the Lawrence and other Ragnvindr’s if any#//Tryna dodge marriage prospects/offers like the PLAGUE esp with ppl tryna use partnerships as incentive#//Getting all too well versed in a noble’s world; seeing just how much Crepus likely had to juggle; & learning to lie & schmooze his way#to get what he wants out of people; knowing the best ways to deceive and Ruin while maintaining perfect poise & a spotless reputation#//Well; as spotless as a ward not related by blood to the family can have; in the wake of the blood son leaving#//And considering many nobles prolly scrutinized Kae HARD for running the place in Luc’s stead at first after that fact#//One of Crepus’ boys or not; he deffo had SO much to work around#//Deffo pulled out ALL the stops to build trust and rapport with everyone in Mond he could to ensure the Winery wouldn’t be affected alone#//If it happened to get him valued ties for his OWN purposes and dealings too; well; he’s happy to take all he can get#//Bruh prolly started dressing the way he does now rather than conservatively like Luc bc he saw how Useful it was when dealing with others#//Hated it at first bc the Attention made him squirm uncomfortably; learned to Thrive in it esp when it helped get his way#//Could deal with rumors from THAT just like all the others; making having started out small to get folks accustomed to it#//So it’s not SUCH a drastic change from shy little shadow to Debonair peacock of a young master#//Lessens the chance for unsavory rumors to spiral; and him to develop rep enough to discredit those he Does have to deal with#//Bc how can anyone truly HATE such a beloved young man to all of Mond?#//I wonder if that might have impacted Initial views of Luc at his return; being the way he was w Kae; and Kae quickly having to improv#//So ppl think they’re still on decent enough terms that they’re just bantering w only the years apart being what barrier they have between#//The devil works hard; but damn if 4yr/Early captain era Kae didn’t try and work even Harder#hc; kaeya
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
Any headcanons about peni and miles and Gwen.
A few!
I have a fondness for young characters who end up gaining a bunch of surrogate older siblings, so Peni now holds that honor as well!
I think the events that (further) traumatized Peni are the incident with Addy Brock and VE#m and the death of her Aunt May. The comic issue didn’t really have the time to dig into that, but I’d love if Spider-Verse changes it so that Addy and Peni get to be friends before the disaster with VE#m happens. And then after all that, it’d be like the end of that story where she’s talking with her Uncle Ben before Spider-Ham portals to her to invite her into the Society.
At some point she learns about Canon Events and is Devastated. Like, she really Couldn’t have saved her aunt and Addy even if she’d Tried? Her dad was Meant to Die?? She gets comfort from the older Spideys; but I think especially Gwen, who’s absolutely avoiding thinking about her own dad and what him being a Police Captain means. Once things have (hopefully) settled in Beyond, I like to imagine Miles also gaining the older sibling status.
Anyways, headcanons!!
- Peni Canonically Loves Music, even going so far as playing it while she fights crime, so her and Gwen and Miles (and obviously Hobie and Pavitr and Margo) enthusiastically share their musical tastes with each other
- In the same vein, I just want them to hangout as friends so they have like weekly game nights sharing different card and board games and Pavitr keeps trying to convince everyone to let him run a ttrpg he really likes
- Peni and Margo figure out how to make inter-dimensional Wi-Fi so the teens also play MMOs together even when they’re in their respective universes
- Peni watches Hobie and Gwen play a gig and is enamored by the drums so she asks Gwen to teach her and oh Wow what a great outlet she should’ve tried this Sooner (please imagine Spider hanging from a cymbal as Peni plays and doing that cartoon zaggy vibration whenever it’s hit)
- Lots of hopping between each other’s universes cuz I want them to spend even More time together and have like cultural exchanges and stuff
- When Peni eventually divulges how she got her powers and what happened to her dad and the whole Oscorp technically being her employer thing, the protective older siblings instincts come out and one day her Uncle Ben looks up from his work to see his niece flanked by several angry looking teens
- I know this is supposed to be a Peni Gwen Miles friendship dynamic ask but Peni would get along so well with the other teens like if you’ve seen Peni’s room in the comics she’s a big fan of punk rock and would absolutely be besties with Hobie. Then there’s Pavitr and their sunshine personalities would elevate each other! And, as I’ve mentioned before Peni and Margo are Tech Buddies!!!
- A sign of trust from Peni is if she lets you hold Spider. A high honor! Miles doesn’t get it when she just drops em on his shoulder one day when she goes to do something, so when Gwen tells him he tears up a little bit (a lotta bit)
- okay, and finally, if you’ve read the Spider-Verse Unlimited: Infinity story with Peni, you know she wants to be Normal very Badly and does the usual awkward kid thing of trying to fit in with the Popular Kids’ interests while keeping her secret identity safe during the inevitable calls to hero duty interrupting her time with friends. She doesn’t have to do that with her Spidey buds/siblings!! An alert of trouble while hanging with them means some epic team-up fights!!! Chosen family, My Beloved…
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For those who watched Across the Spider-Verse and wonder how this
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Became this
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The "Venom" mech suit essentially ate her friend Addy Brock and Aunt May in an extraordinarily disturbing way right before her eyes.
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So yeah. Hell of a canon event.
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Snippet one! This is a story where Canon Adaine somehow falls into a dimension where everyone's parents are... Alignment swapped? (Adaine, Kristen, and Fabian's families are very nice while Gorgug, Fig, and Riz's are less so)
(I have no idea where I was going with this scene so it just ends sorry!)
"I was thinking we should probably have some way to distiguish the two of us while you're here."
Adaine looked up from the book she'd been pouring over- an honestly badly written one about multiverse theory- to blink at her doppleganger sitting across from her.
The other Adaine was giving her a tentitive smile, the book on her own lap open but ignored for the moment. She was wearing comfortable, bright clothes but they were of much finer quality than anything Adaine had.
Adaine, huffed and turned back to her book. "What? You want one of us to dye our hair or something? I already have my jacket and a completely different outfit. We don't need more than that." She wasn't going to stick around long enough that she was going to have to change clothes. Hopefully
."Oh, no, not visually," the other one clarified, "I meant more our names. I can't keep thinking of you as 'other Adaine' that won't be fair."
Adaine grunted in acknowledgment but didn't contribute any kind of suggestion. She was fine thinking of this other her as... the other.
"I think I should be Adaine," the doppleganger continued, "and you can Odaine."
That did get Adaine to look back up, squinting suspciously at the hopefully smiling girl. "Odaine? Why?"
The other girl tapped her fingers in a nervous pattern Adaine was intimately familiar with as her smile grew nervous. "Well, because I'm Adaine Abernant and you're Adaine O'Shaunessy. It makes sense doesn't it?"
"No," Adaine instantly shot the idea down, focusing back on the book, "I'll just stick with my name, thanks."
"Oh," the girl sounded dissapointed. Adaine tried not to care about it. "Okay, I can just go by Addy then? While you're here? It's a nickname Aelwyn used to call me when we were little."
Every word Addy said felt like daggers to Adaine but she tried not to show it as she nodded. "That works."
There was a few minutes of blissful silence that Adaine used to read as much as she could. Multi-verse theory was rocky at best and had never actually been proven before. The book was only slightly better than useless.
"I'm sorry," Addy spoke up again, causing Adaine's eyes to flick up to her once more. They were in this girl's room. A room that had an identical layout to Adaine's old one but besides that was so far different it was almost comical. Instead of blank walls and sparce possesions the place was filled with things like fairy lights and posters and a terrariam and so many other things Adaine had in her current bedroom. Seeing her new life overlayed over her old one like this was making her nauseous. "Have I done something to upset you? I mean, obviously you have to right to be upset since you got thrown out of your universe for who knows what reason but you just seem to be... mad. At me. In particular."
Hells, were Adaine's eyes also that big and bright? It looked like Addy was staring straight through to her soul.
Or were Adaine's eyes duller? Tainted by something this version of herself had never had to experience.
"No," Adaine tried to say as sincearly as she could. Because the other girl really hadn't done anything wrong. "You're fine. I'm just stressed. And would really like to get home as quickly as possible."
"We've been at this for hours. Would you like to take a break?" Addy offered, "I can have father fetch us some tea if you'd like."
Adaine could not stop the shudder that ran through her body. "No. Thank you. I'm good."
Addy sighed and closed her own book before standing up and leaving the room entirely. Adaine tried not to let that worry her and tried to ignore the hauntingly familiar voices floating up from downstairs as she read more. Jumping to another dimension didn't actually seem that difficult, all things concidered. It was just about finding one that wouldn't instantly kill you. Or finding the very specific one you needed to get back to. That seemed next to impossible.
So engrossed did she get in the studying that Adaine almost jumped when Addy returned to the room some time later, two steaming cups in hand. "Five minute break," Addy said authoritivly, "it'll make the research go by easier in general."
"I'm fine," Adaine insisted as the other girl layed the cups on her desk. Not even using a coaster.
Addy gave her a very meaningful look, though it was more directed at Adaine's side. She glanced down and realized her finger nails of her left hand was digging into her knee to the point both her hand and leg were beginning to ache. Embarrassed, Adaine quickly shook her arm out and forced herself to relax.
Addy smirked knowlingly as she placed sugar cubes into the tea cups. "I have an anxiety disorder too, you know. I know how easy it is to get lost in research. Especially when it's something this important."
Adaine swallowed thickly and forced herself to close the book, staring at her own hands to avoid looking at the room around her or the other girl. "Why?"
"Hmm? Why what?" Addy asked, handing Adaine a cup that she almost mechanically drank from. It was overly sweet. Just like Adaine liked it.
"Why do you have an anxiety disorder?"
Addy blinked as she sank back into a cross legged position across from Adaine. "Genetics? I suppose? Father said he struggled with something similar in his youth but that was before they even had a name for it."
That was almost funny, Adaine thought as she stared dully into her swirling tea. Had her Angwyn gotten anxious? Was that why he hated the weakness so much in her? Or was that a difference between their two realities? Not a similarity.
"You're parents were cruel to you, weren't they?"
Adaine's head snapped up to stare at Addy who was looking at her with something that wasn't quite pity but was very clearly worry. "How do you know that?"
Addy's ears burned pink and it was now her turn to avoid eye contact. "I'm not stupid!" She said it like a reflex. "I know I... I know I'm naive and sheltered more than most but I'm not stupid. You... you have the same look. That look Gorgug gets when he has to think about it. And you're mad at me. The way Fig gets mad when she's jelouse and doesn't want to be." She squeezed her own cup in her hands and tentitivly looked up at Adaine. "Your parents were cruel to you. And because they're reflections of my parents being here is upsetting you. That's... right? Isn't it?"
Adaine took a deep breath, just like Jawbone taught her, held it for five, and was relieved that the exhale didn't stutter. "Who told you you were stupid?"
Addy opened her mouth like she was about to answer before closing it again with a thoughtful frown. "You're changing the subject."
Adaine rolled her eyes. "Yes, alright. My parents were horrible vile excuses for people. This house burnt down and I didn't even care if anyone was inside." She waved her hand vaugly through the air before letting it drop onto her lap. "I don't see how that's relevant though."
"If you're uncomfortable here we can leave," Addy offered. She didn't seem offended so that was something at least. Adaine had been worried her clear hatred for their surroundings would be rude to her temporary host. "There's always... uh... well, this is kind of the 'hang out' spot if I'm being honest. Kristen's place is a little crowded with her brothers, Riz's phyisically kind of small, and Fabian still won't tell me why he doesn't want anyone over at his place even though his parents have invited us multiple times."
"What about..." Adaine almost dared not ask, was trying not to think about the differences from this world and her own, but the question nagged at her and she didn't think it would just leave her alone. "Mordred?"
Addy let out a startled laugh before cutting herself off, her eyes wide. "Mordred Manor? Is... is that where you live?"
Adaine frowned but tried not to let the reaction get to her. It would make sense if her home was run down in this reality, it had been for a long time in hers after all. "Yeah my dad bought it and fixed it up. Uh, my new dad. I'm adopted."
"I know, I'm not stupid," Addy repeated, though there was an almost teasing smile on her face, "your last name is the same as Tracker's. Unless things are crazy different where you're from I kinda assumed her dad adopted you too."
"Does she call Jawbone her dad here?" Adaine ideally wondered.
Addy almost choked on her tea. "J-Jawbone? What do you... are you saying Jawbone adopted you? The werewolf?"
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neotriobrainrot-reborn · 10 months
You know there is a fan theory actually that Peni’s “Uncle Ben” may have killed her father (Peter), because like in the original the whole reason Peni was made to become SP//dr in the first place (conscripted as a child) was because they had no other genetic match to her father, she was his only actual relative, while her ‘Aunt’ and ‘Uncle’ were heavily implied to have been her father’s handlers, then a recent digital comic had Ben refer to Peni’s father as having been his brother, which I thought was odd, until they showed a picture of him in profile, and it was the exact same as Ben’s profile. And I realised — Peni’s Uncle Ben isn’t Ben Parker. He’s Ben Reilly. He was grown to replace Peter in the scenario of his death, but in spite of being an almost perfect genetic match somehow was missing something, and the project did not work: he couldn’t be a SP//dr pilot. We see a bit of black liquid by Peni’s father’s eye before he blows up at the beginning of Peni’s first issue in ‘Edge of Spider-Verse’, then when May dies in ‘Edge of Spider-Geddon’, she is blaming Ben for restarting the VEN#m experiment as if it had gone wrong previously (not to mention how she and Addy die matches with a dark version of the big canon event of ‘Across the Spider-Verse’) — the theory is basically is that Black Noir-style, Ben sabotaged his brother to replace him, or simply made a mistake and it caused both his and later May’s deaths. Either he only found out he couldn’t replace Peter after he died, or developing VEN#m had been part of how he was trying to do so. Either way, there’s a lot to be done with that story.
That is plausible and something I didn't even think about. I don't have too much info on the comics aside from snippets here and there, and I know that Peni from the spiderverse movies deviates from her comics in some aspects so I might make some inaccuracies here, but her Uncle Ben had always seemed a bit fishy morally. Like not evil of course, but definitely more morally grey. Like, something definitely went wrong with VEN#M, and considering how they built it, it, there's definitely some suspension on him along with those involved with the project.
I kinda like this theory due to the implications and what's previously implied to support this. Because if a genetic match is needed, and Uncle & Aunt May don't match, that kinda implies that Peni may not be related to the two. And while we know that there's some differences between Spiderverse!Peni and Comic!Peni, there's still some shared stuff that definitely makes her life at her dimension complicated.
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anewkindofme · 28 days
Hiiii, no idea if you'll get this, but I've been binge reading like, ALL your Greys fics and I'm so obsessed with the way you write Jackson!! I was wondering if you had any thoughts about how the terrible trio and their parents would handle the infamous 'weed cookie episode'
I can just imagine the shenanigans and sheer PANIC
First of all, thank you!!
Second, oh, I have thought about this A LOT! I know some people say that episode isn’t true to life but as someone who has only ever eaten edibles and never smoked…I’d say it’s very on point (with a lil humor cuz it’s TV).
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In the canonical episode Jackson only had a bite as Catherine stole the rest from his mouth so he really had no reaction. If I wrote it, he’d have a full one. In my verses, Jackson smoked a ton of pot in college to keep from regressing. So, his reaction wouldn’t be as bad as the other two, but I see him being like Maggie. Just rambly and spaced out. Mark (and Addie verse depending) isn’t quite sure how to handle it, because he’s not manic or anything. He just brings him home, has him sit and lets him talk…and talk…and talk until it wears down. As he nods and is like “okay, bud, sure…”
Alex strikes me as the type who claims to have done “all the drugs” in college when he smoked maybe a blunt one time. So, he’s very much what we see in the episode: wants to eat all the snacks, is acting silly and is messing around in the lab. It takes them an hour to find him as it is, sending MerDer into panic mode. Meredith has to work since half the doctors are either high/have to take care of their high loves ones, so Derek brings him home. Derek tries to get him to lay down but he won’t and keeps getting into stuff at the house. Eventually, he just lets Alex eat and tries to find productive things to do until it wears off. Meredith comes home to Alex sleeping on the couch with junk food smeared all over his face and a traumatized Derek.
Owen has the most fun. And by that I mean…he will never let April touch another cookie again in case it is an edible because he cannot go through this again. She starts off crying uncontrollably because she feels guilty that she “did drugs” and feeling all sorts of bad about herself. She slowly drifts into then being paranoid and does not trust a single thing around her, including Owen as she still thinks he’s mad at her (even though he’s said he’s not).
The group chats are a blast that night between April, Jackson and Alex exchanging memes, babbling or in April’s case, walls of text of guilt. Mark makes fun of Derek and Owen as they try to figure out how to handle their kids.
It is perhaps the longest day of their lives and not one they shall soon forget…
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agentem · 1 year
What are the best Peni Parker books? I want to know more about her.
What I know: Her dad used to pilot Sp//dr. He died (canon event?) and the spider bit her, allowing her to also pilot Sp//dr.
What I didn't know: there are other mechs. This guy says there is a VEN#M mech piloted by her friend Addy Brock and one called M.O.R.B.I.U.S that seems bad.
Are her issues collected anywhere?
I want to know what made her so sad from Into the Spider-verse to Across the Spider-verse.
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daylightcommand3 · 11 months
Sinister Six + Venom
This world better be prepared to get laced
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Venom is tough.
They are both an iconic and major part of the Spider-Man mythos, as well as being big enough to stand on their own. Venom just has a lot of baggage. They are a lot to introduce at once.
Before things get crazy, just know I'm certain that there will be Venom content in Beyond the Spider-verse. These movies have proven a pension for foreshadowing (which I go into detail on the Doc Ock post).
Venom Foreshadowing:
Mrs. Chen's cameo
One of the canon events showcased by Miguel is of the symbiote taking over Spider-Man.
Peni looks depressed (more on that later)
Now, let’s go over how we could see Venom:
The most obvious and most likely way Venom appears is as a cameo by the Tom Hardy Venom. Live action has already been put into Spider-verse, so the CGI symbiote and Tom Hardy could easily show up. I don’t know how the cameo would work, but I’m sure Sony will find a way to put it in.
It’s in her brain
Due to her comic accurate mech and tired disposition, there’s a very likely chance that Peni Parker has encountered Ven#m. I would not be surprised if Addy Brock got mentioned. I doubt it will go any farther than that, as there is already so much going on.
We are Venom
There could be references/cameos to other Venoms. This one is kinda a given. Take your pick.
Because they’re gonna taste
They could introduce an entirely new Venom. However, as stated before, there’s already a lot going on. I’m not sure if there’s enough time to introduce a new Venom. Venom is such a complex and baggage filled character. Due to their tendency to team up with Spider-Man, Venom isn’t someone you can easily throw in to fight Spider-Man. Venom is an event character. When they show up, you kinda have to focus on them and the effect they have on Spider-Man. Not to mention you have to go into who is wearing the suit. Is it Eddy Brock? Someone with no relation to Miles. Is it Flash Thompson? Someone with no relation to Miles. Is it Harry Osborn? Someone with no relation to Miles. Is it Scorpion? If so, who cares. It’s just Scorpion wearing black. It’s not a real Venom. The bottom line is that introducing Venom requires a lot of context.
New Suit, New Me
The final way Venom can be introduced is by just having the symbiote. Miles can encounter a symbiote that will latch onto him. Insert joke about the symbiote not really changing his costume much. The problem is that the symbiote is supposed to bring out the wearer’s worst impulses. But the main impulse Miles is fighting against, doubt in his place in the world, is already kinda conquered internally. Granted, the symbiote can bring back these feelings worse. But there’s already a character introduced that can do this much much better. Miles!Prowler. Or as I like to call him: Tails. Tails could easily serve as a constant reminder that maybe Miles wasn’t destined to be Spider-Man. Much more than a suit telling Miles mean things.
Overall. Venom is inevitable. But the forms they take can easily vary.
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astranne · 2 years
Dropping in to drop some Diluc brainrot because ive been analyzing his character recently
If you dont mind of course goddess
Diluc is canonically the pretty boy of Mond right? Donna(derogatory)
Imagine what he was like after he became a knight? A calvary captain at that. He made his father proud and such i can imagine there was a celebration because he was, not only the youngest captain but Crepus's son. :(
Imagine how happy he was to get his vision and learn to wield fire of a pheonix imagine his joy when he was possibly training/sparing, so determined he felt in that moment for the gods to bless him with the ability to wield pyro.
Now, imagine his pain when Kaeya told him and broke that and he had to use his pheonix against his own brother, the person who sparred with him and the person who he trusted, the brother in both arms and (sort of) blood. The brother who betrayed him.
Now the actual brainrot! :D
Diluc travelling across Teyvat? Hc he knows most languages and mostly well versed in Russian Snezhnayan.
Hes most likely warm because, not only his vision but his body had to keep warm during harsh snowstorms in Snez.
I imagine hes littered with scars, burns on his hands from the delusion, a few scratches from wolf whelps, maybe a few harsh wounds that ache from that night, that night when his brother stabbed him in his back-
I like to think he can stay up for a few weeeks at a time, not because constant coffee in his DNA but because his time travelling, hes in a network. Of course he has enemies. Enemies will attack you when you sleep.
After a few months of him being back Addie probably tied him down to make him sleep.
"Master Diluc you can't drinking coffee-" as hes pouring hus 7th cup of pure caffine.
Elzer probably faints at the sight of that man drinking an entire pot of coffee in seconds. His staff fears him for the wrong reason. His sleep schedule consists on 2 hours on a good day, a nap is 7 minutes at most. Oh my god its worse when hes working.
Tavern nights pray for him. Kaeya purposely messes with him, probably knows hes annoying and bothers him but Kaeya the younger brother ofc.
Kaeya and Diluc moments consist of Diluc being annoyed and Kaeya egging him on. Its worse with Venti.
"Diluc please don't kill Venti."
"I dont care if hes our archon if he doesnt stop ill wring his neck out-" and Rosaria/Jean is the one that keeps them sane. Jean is the only reason Diluc hasnt ran away and Venti is alive with barely any sense. (Fanon Venti at least).
BRAINROT FROM FISCHL ANON HELL YES OMFG AND IT'S DILUC sorry you had to wait a bit, i've been staring at this asks for a long time and my mind went brrr and i had to write this on my phone since my laptop pulled a tomo.
no because- how did you read my mind??? i didn't post it yet, but this has been sitting in my drafts for sure 2 weeks or more
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how did you know?? but yes, FIRE OF A PHOENIX!!
calvary captain!diluc? yes please. 🙏🏻
yk these really big and strong horses, like tall TALL horses. his has red hide, just like his hair and a temperament… everyone fears that horse and you bet that horse is proud af. HE NAMES IT PHOENIX-
but yes, knight!diluc and he would do his job so much better than kaeya don’t tell him that. diluc is very dutiful and he will assist jean as good as he can, when grandmaster valka (i think that’s his name??) goes on the expedition (which- okay why and where?? i would like to know that and why the grandmaster and the elite knights didn’t come back when stormterror attacked mond. some knights they are-)
kaeya betrayed him? kaeya now bears burns across his arms, chest and shoulders diluc‘s fire burns hot, his flames blazing and burning everything in their path kaeya is rather bitter about that, but learns to live with it
traveler!diluc yes please. his trusty horse phoenix is naturally part of his travels and somehow, riding through all that snow and where ever he goes, makes his horse even stronger. this horse is a beast, i tell you. a freaking beast
diluc has burns, but he knows how to treat them, he needs to know after all he has a pyro vision. he has scars from a pack of wolves and even a bear, ugly scars which he had to cauterize with shaking hands.
he still has that delusion with him, never knowing when it’s time to go all out
insomniac!diluc. like, yes. feel that.
but insomniac!diluc together with coffee addict!diluc?? oh dear- when adeline takes away his coffee, he will just chunk down tea (some of them have even more caffeine than coffee) people do fear him, oh yes, but they also fear his sharp tongue when he didn’t get his daily unholy dosis of caffeine. they fear him for many reasons, some of then are just ridiculous
also yes. diluc is this close murdering both venti and kaeya. he doesn’t have time for their stupid shit, he already looses two precious hours to sleep everyday.
also,,, if we pair that up- jean and diluc. both of them come from respectable and noble families and even if said nobles don’t have much power, they still do arranged marriages. you bet jean and diluc marry each other, just to keep other nobles from their necks.
do they love each other? yeah, but probably not romantically. diluc is too tired for feelings like that and jean too busy. but they make a nice couple 😌
klee is definitely their child
jean and diluc are THE power couple of mondstadt and jean is also… a bit more respected? considering she’s lady ragnvindr and not only the acting grandmaster of the knights. women are totally jealous but wouldn’t dare to do anything, since yeah- these two are the darlings of mondstadt.
also, the nobles would praise the couple for keeping their love life private, not knowing there isn’t even a love life 😆
kaeya definitely teases them tho-
anyways, fischl anon thank you so much for sending this brainrot!! i had a blast writing this <3 my askbox is always open for more brainrots
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painofhumanity · 2 years
Mobile Muse List
Morgan H. Stark (daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts) Billy & Tommy Maximoff (twin sons of Wanda Maximoff and The Vision; MCU canon) Wendy Maximoff (First Class verse version of Wanda) Peter Parker (very AU) Peter Quill (very AU, based on Marvel’s What If. . ?) DJ Strange (OC daughter of Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer) Moth Strange (OC son of Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer)  Luciana Morbius (OC daughter of Michael Morbius and Martine Bancroft) Annika Foster (OC daughter of Jane Foster and Thor) Valentine Romanoff (OC daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes) Eliot Ross (OC son of Betty Ross and Bruce Banner)
Veronica Wayne (OC daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle) Violet Lance-Queen (OC daughter of Laurel Lance and Oliver Queen) Zack Allen (OC son of Barry Allen and Kara Danvers, from another universe) Ronnie Raymond (AU) Eddie Thawne (AU) Tommy Merlyn (AU) Alice “Ace” Wayne (AU version of Ace from Batman: Beyond)
Eleanor Crain-Vance (AU) Beverly Marsh (inspired by both the 90′s miniseries and It Chapter 1 & 2)  Ben Hanscom (inspired by both the 90′s miniseries and It Chapter 1 & 2) Marshall, Ember, Winter & Addie Hanscom (OC children of Ben and Beverly) Georgie II & Victoria Denbrough (OC children of Bill and Audra) TK Kaspbrak (OC daughter of Eddie and Myra) Lucky & Lilah Hanlon (OC children of Mike Hanlon) Eli Tozier (OC son of Richie Tozier) Teddy Uris (OC son of Stan and Patti) Amelia Harker (OC great-granddaughter of Johnathan and Mina Harker) Oliver Harker (OC great-grandson of Johnathan and Mina Harker)  Miles Fairchild (mainly based on The Turning, but also has influences from The Haunting of Bly Manor, as well as the original source The Turn of the Screw) Flora Fairchild (mainly based on The Turning, but also has influences from The Haunting of Bly Manor, as well as the original source The Turn of the Screw) Bree Torrance (OC daughter of Dan Torrance)
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski (canon divergent, “spark”) Malia Tate (canon divergent) Allison Argent (AU, disabled) Kira Yukimura (canon divergent) Isaac Lahey (canon divergent) Erica Reyes (AU) Riley Hale (OC daughter of Derek Hale and Braeden) Aria Montgomery (adapted AU, Stiles’ cousin)
Life (OC based in The Sandman universe) Zorya of the Endless (OC daughter of Morpheus/Dream of the Endless) Aurora Bright-St. Claire (OC daughter of Malcolm Bright from Prodigal Son) Stefan Salvatore (AU, human doppelganger) Tyler Galpin (canon divergent) Teddy Lupin (canon divergent?) Jason Reid (OC son of Spencer Reid and Maeve Donovan) Henrietta Morgan (OC daughter of Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia) Tallulah J Crowley (OC daughter of Archangel Gabriel adopted daughter of Crowley)
Morgan Johnson (OC son of Life and Death) Emerald Blackwood (OC half-warlock, half-shifter)  Felicity Vanderwald (OC nephilim, descended from a fallen angel) Zanna Hendrix (OC inspired by the Audrey Hepburn film Wait Until Dark) Zack Szczesny (OC werewolf) Lincoln “Kennedy” Fell (OC demon) Maggie Crane (OC psychic medium) Jack Fisher (OC siren) Miranda Domingo (OC telepath) Stella-Rose Grant (OC immortal starlet) Gia Russo (OC immortal mob boss) Damien Zhang (OC cambion, stage magician) Perenelle Hughes (OC time traveller) Oz Shelley (OC fairy)
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phantomcrocs · 2 months
About Us:
- A couple of country bumpkins having fun.
- “Professional” writers with nothing better to do.
- We take requests for head-canons/imagines.
- Pretty busy during the week.
- Tell us about yourself and your what fandom you want and we’ll place you with a character!
- DNI if you plan on being disrespectful or rude.
- You can request a writer. 🫶
- We both took creative writing for 3 years and have our own respective writing styles.
- Ray will accept sexual/highly suggestive requests. (Addy will not.)
- ALL characters mentioned in smut MUST be 18+ or aged up.
- she/her
- 19
- Mommy of the group.
- Fadoms: Haikyuu, TMNT, Harry Potter, Marvel, Spider-Verse, and MHA.
- OCs: Jace, Khai, and Genevieve.
- Specialties: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Horror, Rare Lemon.
- Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Listening to music, Sleeping, Gaming.
- he/her/they
- 20
- Certified Pornologist.
- Fandoms: Haikyuu, Marvel, Spider-Verse, TMNT, Spy x Family, MHA, TWD, PlayStation Spider-Man, and TWD Game, AOT.
- OCs: Zach, Clyde, Haley Gene, Bee.
- Specialties: Smut, Fluff, Lemon.
- Hobbies: Writing, Dancing, Drawing.
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secretmade · 11 months
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hello there. 💋 independent. private. selective. 18+ only, 21+ preferred. ada wong from resident evil. heavy usage of headcanons/canon divergence. oc and verse friendly!! CARRD. (heavy wip)
「 cherished by addi ; they/them, 25+ 」
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