#*    loki.
userzekiel · 8 months
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skullciety · 7 months
i like how disney won't do loki x mobius or sylvie x loki (which i hope will never happen in any timeline) but they'll happily drop the bomb on miss minutes x hwr like what's worse a gay god of mischief who changed for the even gayer single dad of two or a psycho fucking holographic clock and a mid century stuttery scientist
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vinduri · 3 days
none have seen what i have seen —- tyelko to loki
loki's laughter is like a lick of fire in tyelkormo's ears. they'd watched his eyes widen in shock, his chin tilt and his hand still around the jaws of the trap that holds the ainu in place—it is not often that a god is caught by his snare, flat in the moss and pliantly still as huan holds the threat of his teeth against their tender deer-throat. loki had writhed uselessly, so delighted by their own performance that another laugh echoes through the uneven rows of tall evergreen trees.
they had watched as understanding creased the elf's expression and something bright and young dawned in his eyes. he looked like someone who had experience with gods. the ainu had shifted into a mouse, and huan had bitten down on nothing. then again, and this time they looked more like the lords of the west—tall, with eyes like ice, and hair red as a fox pelt.
some remotely vague echo of an elda.
"none!" there is something gleefully malevolent in loki's voice. in the neat mount of leaves and twigs that tyelkormo's built they have sparked a fire to light the night, and the hunter is watching it dance like he's seeing, indeed, something that is not there. loki fleers at him. the memory of the snare burns into them, deeper than shame. they want it to last. "describe it to me. entertain me. the night is long and i am still to decide what to do with you, blessed hunter."
arabian nights.
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agentofagony · 2 years
Thor reaction to you getting caught stealing vs loki's
Thor would pay for you then tell you stealing is not okey.
Loki would also pay for you except, he will take you very far away from the shop and teach you how to steal without getting caught so next time you could do it properly and not get caught again.
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forgaeven1 · 7 months
everything was changing. that much, the child needs no extended life to have pinpointed. the end of time used to be a desolate place: mournful, gruesome, grey and thick with death. though lately ... lately there seems as though there is life to it. something's changed, something with which he cannot explain. there is... an essence in the air that is achingly familiar. it makes even the still grass of the void sway. though alioth, as alioth does, goes on its merry rampage.
a greedy creature, the cloud — if only there is something to be done. there isn't. the child wastes no time. he takes alligator in his arms, and he scours and finds and seethes, until somehow, somewhere, he manages to make his way back to the tva. he demands for mobius, the only name he could care to recall, though no one could tell him where the man's gone to. another agent has explained to him what happened instead. they showed him yggdrasil. they showed him time, which expands. and grows. and brims with possibilities.
an endlessness. a power he knows only one has ever held.
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when the child exits the all-heinous and constricting tva, he could barely acknowledge where he is. no, to the sky he calls instead. a child of frigga still, the young prince prays with a remarkably arrogant tone, though laced with franticness one with only a keen ear would notice: ❛ loki at the centre of yggdrasil, o' the god of all time. hear me. answer me. ❜ and then, simply: ❛ speak, for i demand your audience. ❜
@efoyisk / random starter :)
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rejectory · 7 months
@mobiues: "what the shit are you doing? no, loki. whatever you're planning - no."
Love is for children, the Widow once lied.
A child he feels, indeed. Mobius, thumb cuffed square underneath Loki’s sleeve for his petty grandstanding. Loki, mad-eyed and starving.
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❛ So little faith in me. ❜
The shallows of which he allows Mobius’ inconvenient astuteness to course-correct via Mobius’ favourite: a snarky pause.
He’s now known Mobius lifetimes over. He has brushed cheek to Yggdrasil’s cosmic root dirt when his mouth split, when he’d fallen first to the knees in his frenzy and wanted it to stop. The Norns smelt his blood as theirs. Beckoning, their weave of languageless croons almost drew him; slackened his black-blooded jaw, returned him half to his colour in near-acceptance as he crawled.
Each centennial of his Time Loom trials at the TVA he marked. Beyond its fifth namesake, the shape of anything got lost. Twelve hundred. Fifteen. In one iteration, he Time-slipped back with his unglamoured Jötunn markings carved into his brow. Oh, but nothing gets past Mobius.
Does it.
Sylvie’s hair. Mobius’ scream. OB. The crosses on the wall of his mind blur, cleaved where Asgard once was.
This time pocket has no more mercy for being of the few—wherein Loki is close to a kiss. It sits in the air, recycled. Hurt for nothing. Myriads of times, myriads of Time, and the nerve is struck afresh.
Mobius hasn’t a clue, of course.
But Loki must have him as he is now: gutted, grabbing only for him. The bone, shock, and awe it takes to look a god in the eye before the flash flood comes.
His craving takes his face. Deliciously, his eyes drag to Mobius’ mouth. Already he’s wasted precious seconds that are being wrung, cemented as a lesson as he’s still walking the tacky drydown of them.
❛ Any day now. ❜
Out. Of his way.
Note to self: Enchant next time.
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system-reset · 2 years
A,e sure to drink some water :D
will do.
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mqqqteor · 7 months
> mom spilled trace amount of curry powder on the floor
> cool ok ill sweep it up in a sec
> go to the bathroom, come back
> curry powder is suspiciously less
> cat is suspiciously yellow
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demonicseries · 5 months
You guys are never gonna believe what the name of this sculpture is
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finleycannotdraw · 7 months
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we need all types of art in fandoms
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uzuriartonline · 8 months
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I’m loving Season 2 so far!
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rayghosts · 6 months
bill cipher is alive, david tennant is the doctor, new supernatural season might come out, homestuck is updating, mcr and fallout boy will headline a tour together, dan and phil are gay, ian and anthony are making smosh vids again, mcu loki has his own show, new scott pilgrim show used the same cast as the movie, josh hutcherson is being thirsted after
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stevenrogered · 7 months
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THOR (2011) / LOKI 2x06 (2023)
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tomshiddles · 7 months
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Most purpose is more burden than glory. You just choose your burden. And trust me, you never wanna be the guy who avoids it ’cause you can’t live with the burden.
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inthedarkofficial · 1 month
Homer, Hades 2: Sing, O Muse, of the saffron robed goddess, whose fair countenance was bathed in Selene’s light at the moment of her birth. Homer, Hades: The fire-stepping prince was lifted by Night from the cold ground, where his lord father had discarded him, outside Taco Bell.
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silhouette-cosplay · 2 months
I brought this unused Loki concept to life!!
I’d been eyeing this stunning design by @aleksibriclot for years, and a little while ago (after two years of working on it) I finally finished it! It has all the dark norse fantasy vibes that I wanted Ragnarok to be, and I figured hey, I can make it myself!
I had to up a lot of my leatherworking skills for this one, and I dove into a lot of new skills as well to try to make all the pieces a cohesive whole. It uses lambskin leather, suede cowhide, and veg tan, as well as an entire sheepskin for the cape!
This whole costume has truly been a labour of Loki love and I’m so glad I was able to share all the madness (process) and the finished look!
wip tag | more of this costume
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