#** Sarah kook converted
multistoty · 2 years
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redredcherries · 8 months
Midsummer’s Ball with Rafe Cameron
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words: 0.8k
kook!oc x bestfriend’sbro!rafecameron
Scattered with pastel gowns and accessories, Sarah’s room was filled with happy chatter as Aurora curled her brown locks with a curling iron, flinching as she burned her finger for the fifth time the past fifteen minutes. 
“ Rora, let me help you.” Sarah sighed, smiling as she weaved her hands effortlessly through Aurora’s curls, curling the loose strands of hair that framed Aurora’s face.
“…There you go ! We’re gonna have so much fun tonight !” Sarah giggled as she squeezed Aurora’s hand excitedly, skipping towards the vanity to apply a final touch of lipgloss. Stifling a giggle from Sarah’s enthusiasm, Aurora gazed at the pair’s reflection in the mirror: both with bright eyes and cheeks flushed with excitement, their hair cascading in beautiful waves. 
Soft pop music was playing in the background, creating an ambiance of anticipation for an unforgettable Midsummer’s Ball ahead.
Giggling as they hopped into Aurora’s convertible, Sarah and Aurora laughed the entire drive to the country club, blasting their favorite songs on repeat, earning a few glares and the attention of the attendees when they arrived. Rafe was getting his fourth drink of the night, when he spotted the pair, waltzing through the entrance casually.
“ Look who finally decided to join us, always fashionably late !” Rafe said, causing Kelce and Topper to laugh loudly, while he gulped down the drink in his hand, staring at Aurora’s silhouette as she walked by. 
The venue was adorned with twinkling fairy lights, vibrant floral arrangements, casting a warm glow over Aurora's beaming smile, making her look ethereal twirling around under the lights. Aurora looked breathtaking in her powder blue gown, adorned with delicate lace and sparkling sequins. The dress hugged her curves perfectly, accentuating her elegance and grace. The sound of her laughter filled the air, blending harmoniously with the clinking of glasses and the soft rustling of gowns.
“ Looking good, Rora,” Rafe whispered as he slipped in front of Aurora, who was fetching a drink from one of the servers, “ though it looks like you were trying hard to match my suit.” Smirking as he pointed towards his pale blue suit and Aurora’s gown, he watched Aurora roll her eyes in annoyance.
“ Well,” Aurora said, appearing to be deep in thought, “ I recall it was you who picked up our gowns from the tailor, is it not?” With a victorious smile on her face, she closed the distance between them and looked up into his grimacing eyes, patting his arm as she whispered sarcastically, “Could’ve just told me you wanted us to match, huh?” 
Rafe stared at her twinkling eyes with his mouth slightly agape, feeling his cheeks grow hot for a moment, unable to form a good comeback instantly. Always having the upper hand, this  has never happened before, making Rafe feel frustrated, yet feeling amused by Aurora’s witty response. 
“ Let’s dance, pretty boy.” Aurora laughed, taking Rafe’s jittery hand in hers as she dragged him to the center of the dance floor. “ Rora, you know I don’t dance…” Rafe muttered, nervously scanning the crowd, noticing Topper and Kelce looking at him with confusion written on their faces. 
“ Live a little and dance with me!” Aurora twirled around with her hands in the air, dancing along to the upbeat music. Smiling as he looked at Aurora dancing under the lights, he took her outstretched hand and pulled her closer, laughing together while the pair swayed to the music. 
“ Ouch !” Aurora yelped in pain suddenly, as a server accidentally bumped into her. Falling onto her feet, her heart skipped a beat as she watched her expensive gown being stained by the spilled drinks. “Miss Clarke, I’m so sorry…” Helping Aurora back onto her feet, the careless server muttered multiple apologies as he tried to offer her some hankerchiefs.
“ Watch where you’re going, for fuck’s sake.” Rafe warned as the server scurried away quickly, leaving Aurora fiddling with her dress helplessly. “ Sorry that happened.”Rafe said softly, his eyes filled with empathy, “Here, take my jacket,"
Aurora's eyes widened in surprise at Rafe's kind gesture. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should accept his offer, but the urgency to salvage her gown outweighed her reservations.
 “ Thanks Rafe,” she nodded and slipped into the jacket, relaxing as she felt the warmth and comfort it provided, “ at least it matches my dress too.” 
“ Feeling better, hm?” Rafe asked, noticing the slight pout forming on her glowing face, as he resisted the urge to kiss her. “ Yes, but the stain…” Aurora started, looking down at her gown sadly. 
“ I’ll send it to my laundry worker later, promise it’ll be fine,” Rafe said assuringly, pulling her close to his chest for a moment, as he kept an arm around her body. Aurora was shocked by the sudden gesture, her heart skipping eight beats at once engulfed in his embrace, while she gently caressed his arm.
“ Let’s get more drinks and have fun, yeah?” Rafe said abruptly, letting go of her while he jogged away with a smirk on his face.
“ Wait for me, you asshole,” Aurora said, rolling her eyes as she ran after him in her heels, with a smile on her face, “ you’re still infuriating as hell.”
-thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed.
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katsu28 · 2 years
🍭 “I love you.” “You do?” with jj maybank :)
i haven't written for this himbo in a hot minute, so thank you for this anna baby!!! pls enjoy pining jj <33
jj maybank x reader, short lil best friends to lovers + love confession, 1.6k
“Holy shit, he’s here and I’m not ready yet! J, go stall for time!” You exclaimed, angling your head towards your bedroom, where JJ had been camped out on your bed for hours now, having been the poor soul relegated to help you choose an outfit for your date tonight. The doorbell had just rung whilst you were in the middle of doing your makeup, nearly sending you into a frenzy. 
“Got it!” He yelled back, heaving himself to his feet and stomping down the hall to answer the door, albeit a bit begrudgingly.
There was nothing he wanted to do less than make small talk with yet another guy that wasn’t him taking you on a date. But you asked, and JJ always did what you asked. It came with the territory of being head over heels in love with your best friend. 
He plastered a neutral look on his face, pulling open the front door only to be met with some dude who he vaguely recognized as being one of Sarah’s slightly less stuck up Kook friends—Preston who the fuck knows what. Probably some fancy ass last name like Berkeshire. Harrington. Vanderbilt. Something hyphenated, or with a Jr. or II tacked on the end of it. 
Preston something or other looked a bit surprised to see him standing on the other side of the door but recovered quickly, guy nodding at him suavely. “Hey man. Is Y/N here?” 
“She’s almost ready.” JJ replied, leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. Preston nodded again, shifting on his feet. He looked nervous, JJ noticed. Good. Then he noticed the bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand. “Carnations, huh?” 
“Yeah, you think she’ll like them?” He straightened the cellophane surrounding them, tucking a stray leaf back into the bunch. 
“Oh, totally.” JJ was being one hundred percent sarcastic, but Preston didn’t know that. If he really knew you at all, he would know that you hated carnations. That you thought they were tacky and too bright. And if JJ wanted to be a good guy, he’d tell Preston before he made the wrong impression on you. But he wasn’t going to. He knew he probably should, but he wasn’t going to. Call him selfish. “So tell me, Preston, what’s the agenda for tonight? Where are y’all going?” 
“Uh, nowhere special. Dinner at that new bistro on Main and maybe a walk around town afterward.” Preston chuckled awkwardly, licking his lips. 
Damn it. That was actually a really good date idea. 
“Preston, hi!” You interjected breathlessly, rushing past JJ to give the other boy a brief hug. “Sorry to keep you waiting, I hope this one didn’t tell you too many embarrassing stories about me.” 
“I would never.” JJ mock gasped, pressing a hand against his chest. 
“Yes, you would.” 
“Alright, maybe I would.” He shrugged. “Anyways, whatever! Get outta here, kids, go have fun. Not too much fun though, Preston my man! No funny business, have her home by eleven, yadda yadda.” 
“Bye, J. Try not to burn down the house while I’m gone.” 
“I’ll try my best.” He saluted you, ignoring the warmth in his chest when you rolled your eyes playfully at him. Then you were gone, leaving JJ alone. 
He did admit, he worked himself up a little too much waiting for you to come home. Maybe he almost paced a hole in the floor just thinking about what could happen if this date actually went well. He could see it now, ten, fifteen years into the future—you were a Figure 8 trophy wife with two kids who looked annoyingly just like Preston, and JJ was still here on the southside, hopelessly in love with his happily married, Kook-converted best friend. 
Okay, maybe he was overreacting a little bit, but he couldn’t help it. Nothing he did seemed to quell the thoughts ping-ponging around in his brain; all he could do was wait for you to come home and tell him everything, like you always did. 
He straightened up the second he heard your key twisting in the lock, swinging his legs down to the floor from where they’d previously been hooked over the back of the sofa. Play it cool, bro. 
“That’s it!” You huffed, throwing open the front door and traipsing inside, kicking off your shoes before flopping down next to him rather dramatically. “I’m calling it now! I’m never gonna find anyone!” 
JJ thumped your forehead from where your head had landed in his lap upon landing. “I take it the date didn’t go well?”
“That would be the understatement of a century.” 
“Well, I didn’t like him anyways, so.” You squinted up at him, frowning. “What? He got you carnations, Y/N. You hate carnations.” 
“Yeah, but I didn’t hate Preston. He seemed nice, but the whole night, he was just…off, I dunno.” You sighed, waving a vague hand. “It was weird, I saw him this morning and he said he was excited, but when he came here it was like his whole vibe changed.” Part of that was probably his interaction with JJ, but the blond boy held his tongue. You sat up, angling yourself to face him with furrowed brows. “What did you say to him when he got here earlier?”
“Me? I didn’t say shit, I was just sussin’ him out. Simply exercising my duty as best friend.” 
“Bullshit, you were probably sabotaging me!” Grabbing a pillow, you shoved your face into it, letting out a strangled groan. JJ patted your leg soothingly (he hoped), lips pressing into a thin line. “It’s whatever though. I don’t care anymore. I’m just never gonna find love in this lifetime.” 
“Hey, don’t say that,” He chided, easing the pillow away from your face. “That’s not true. You’ll find love.” With me, he wanted to add. He didn’t. 
“Thanks, J. But I don’t…I really don’t know anymore. Maybe I’m being dramatic, but it just feels like everytime I think ‘wow, this could be the time’, it just doesn’t work out.” You mumbled, picking at a loose thread at the hem of your shirt. “Makes me think that maybe it’s me, maybe I’m just unlovable.” 
And that—you thinking that you were unlovable when JJ had loved you all his life—that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
“I love you.” He blurted, brows furrowing. 
Your breath caught in your chest, and you hesitated a second. “You do?” 
“Fuck—yeah. Yeah, I do. ‘Course I do.” He sighed, dragging a hand through his already unruly hair, causing it to spring back in every which way. “How could I not?” 
“Since when?” 
“Are you kidding me? Since forever, Y/N. Honestly, probably since the first day we met, back when we were what, seven? You told me you liked my hair. Said it reminded you of gold, then you shared your fruit snacks with me. And that,” JJ chuckled, shaking his head, “that stuck with me, ever since then.” 
“I remember.” You said softly, the memory bringing a small smile to your face. You’d met JJ on the first day of second grade, and it seemed like you’d just been attached at the hip ever since. He knew everything about you, you knew everything about him—except for the fact that he’d been in love with you ever since.
So really, maybe you didn’t know him as well as you thought you did. 
“I can see the gears turning in your head right now.” He bumped his knuckles against your knee, ducking to meet your gaze. “You don’t have to say anything right now, I know it’s—it’s probably hard to take in. But it’s the truth. You were never unloveable, Y/N, you’re fucking perfect. You just…hadn’t found the right guy to love yet. And it might not be me, but I just needed you to know that you’re not doing anything wrong. Those guys are just fucking stupid if they didn’t see what I see in you. What I’ve always seen.”
You didn’t respond, instead just leaning forward and taking his face in your hands and pressing your lips against his, kissing him before you chickened out. If JJ was surprised he masked it well, only taking less than a beat to react. He reached out blindly, hands finding your waist to pull you onto his lap as he kissed you back eagerly. 
“That was—what was that?” He breathed, pink lips parted and now shiny with your lipgloss, eyes bluer than the summer sky gazing wide right at you. 
“Wanted to see if it felt right.” You whispered.
His chest rose and fell, pushing against yours with every deep breath he took in an attempt to keep calm despite his electric nerves. “And did it?” 
“It did.” You confirmed with a nod, a small grin stretching your lips. 
Everything was making sense now, like pieces slotting into a lifelong puzzle. The reason you were having such a hard time finding someone to love and someone to love you was because the person you needed and didn’t realize you wanted had been right in front of you for years, and you’d been too blind to see it all this time. But you saw it now. 
You saw JJ now, and nothing had been clearer. 
“I love you, J.” 
JJ’s eyes fluttered shut almost blissfully, head lolling back against the couch cushions. “Shit, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear you say that.” He gave your waist a quick squeeze before letting his hand come up to give himself a light slap on the cheek. 
“What’re you doing?” You giggled, tugging his hand away from his face. 
“Making sure this isn’t another one of my dreams.” 
Your brows lifted teasingly. “You dream about me?” 
“All the fucking time, sweetheart.” His fingers traced the inside of your wrist, basking in the feeling of your soft skin warm against his, the view of you sitting on top of him looking like the epitome of beauty. He’d imagined this moment countless times, but never once did he think it would ever become a reality. 
“And how do those dreams usually end?” 
JJ smirked, eyes now gleaming with mischief. “You want me to show you?”
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snowangie · 9 months
the right side of rock bottom.
a rafe cameron x fem!oc series
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summary : nailea boo seeks refuge from the chaos of constant family travels in the tranquil outer banks, only to find herself entangled with rafe cameron. a charismatic yet troubled figure, rafe is captivated by nailea’s mysterious allure. rafe, relentless in his pursuit and explicit in his desires, becomes fixated on making nailea his own, while nailea navigates the intricate dance of desire and restraint. in this tale of love and resilience, set against the backdrop of the outer banks, the pogues and looks, unaware of the brewing storm, find their worlds colliding. the tale weaves through the unpredictable currents of outer banks life, exploring the intertwined destinies of nailea, rafe, and the residents of this coastal haven.
series warnings: swearing, smut, violence, death, mentions of torture, mentions of sexual harassment, weapons, trauma, mental illnesses
genre: angst, romance, enemies to lovers, slow burn, drama, violence, hurt/comfort, smut
auth. note: this series will be quite lengthy, following the actual outer banks storyline from the first season to the third. im so down bad for rafe cameron and i know u guys are too. im gonna keep his psycho ass as it is in this series because its hot asf it probably concerning to think that but idc fr. please don’t forget to interact with me in the replies or pm me and if u have any ideas for this series, any specific scene you would like to see in the coming chapters, don’t hesitate to share. hihi i love u guys and i hope u enjoy. muahhh
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chapter one: baby pink convertible
The golden sunlight bathed the Outer Banks beach, casting a warm glow as Nailea Boo emerged from the crystal-clear waves, her raven-black hair clinging to her like a silken veil. Clad in a striking bikini that accentuated her curves, she epitomized the allure of an enigmatic coastal goddess. Not too far away, the Pogues—John B, JJ, Pope, and Kiara—observed her from afar, a silent conversation of curiosity passing between them.
Unbeknownst to the onlookers, Nailea wrestled with an undercurrent of anxiety that accompanied her every step. The crystal-clear waves mirrored the conflicting currents within her. She had perfected the art of the cold demeanor, a shield crafted from years of navigating a world that demanded toughness. Yet, beneath the poised exterior, anxiety churned like the unpredictable tide.
As she emerged from the waves, clad in a striking bikini that accentuated her curves, Nailea felt the weight of scrutinizing gazes. The Pogues, distant observers of her beachside ritual, couldn’t fathom the delicate balance she maintained. Each step was a careful dance between projecting strength and concealing vulnerability.
Meanwhile, on the same beach, the Kooks strolled along the shore. Rafe, Sarah, and Topper, the latter holding Sarah's hand, spotted Nailea. Rafe, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist making his presence known. “Damn, would you look at that,” he remarked, loud enough for Nailea to hear.
The Kooks exchanged glances as Nailea, unperturbed, rolled her eyes at the crude comment. Ignoring the unwelcome attention, she gracefully slipped into her clothes with an air of nonchalance, the fabric became a second skin, shielding her not only from the prying eyes but also from the relentless whispers of doubt that echoed in her mind.
Rafe, however, continued with his brazen demeanor. “Hey, sweetheart, you're gonna make this beach a whole lot prettier. What's your name?” he called out, breaking through the rhythmic sound of the waves
Nailea shot him a withering glance but remained composed. “Not interested,” she replied, her voice carrying a mixture of disinterest and disdain. Brushing off the sand from her clothes, she walked past the Kooks, not sparing them a second glance. Yet, within the fortress of her mind, a voice echoed louder—a whisper that questioned her every move, analyzing whether she had played her part convincingly enough.
As she walked past the Kooks, her mind echoed with the internal dialogue of anxiety. Her car awaited her, a symbol of sophistication and control. To the surprise of both the Pogues and the Kooks, Nailea sauntered toward a sleek baby pink convertible, the epitome of her sophistication. With an effortless poise, she slid into the driver's seat, the engine purring to life. Little did anyone know that behind the wheel, Nailea gripped it tightly, her knuckles betraying the tension within. The car roared, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake as Nailea skillfully navigated her way off the beach.
The Pogues exchanged intrigued glances, while the Kooks were left in the sand, a mix of bewilderment and newfound curiosity etched on their faces. Nailea Boo had made a memorable entrance, leaving an indelible mark on the shores of the Outer Banks.
As Nailea smoothly glided away in her baby pink convertible, the lingering echoes of Rafe's comment hung in the salty air. The Pogues huddled together, their eyes still fixed on the vanishing speck on the horizon. John B, the de facto leader, broke the silence with a raised eyebrow.
“Who the hell is that?” JJ asked, squinting against the sunlight.
Pope, ever the thoughtful one, chimed in, “New around here, for sure. But why does it feel like we just stepped into a whole different league?”
Kiara, her eyebrows knit in curiosity, observed, “Could just be a touron but I could’ve sworn I’ve seen her car a few days ago with the moving trucks.”
John B nodded in agreement, his gaze lingering on the spot where Nailea's convertible had disappeared. “We need to find out who she is.”
Meanwhile, not too far away, the Kooks were left in the wake of Nailea's departure. Rafe's confident smirk remained, but Sarah shot him a disapproving look.
“Really, Rafe? That was so tacky,” Sarah remarked, her eyes narrowing.
Rafe merely shrugged, unapologetic. “Just being honest. She's a total fucking knockout.”
Topper, Sarah's boyfriend, chimed in, “She's definitely got some kind of presence. Did you see the way she handled that? Ignored us like it was nothing.”
Sarah, despite her initial irritation, couldn't help but be intrigued. “Weirdly bold. I wonder what her deal is.”
Back with the Pogues, the discussion continued as they dissected the mysterious newcomer.
“I mean, did you see her car? Who drives a pink fucking convertible around here?” JJ mused, scratching his head.
Pope, ever the voice of reason, offered, “Maybe she's just passing through. But something tells me she's here to stay, at least for a while.”
As the conversations unfolded, Nailea's departure had left an indelible mark on the dynamics of the Outer Banks. Both the Pogues and the Kooks found themselves captivated by the enigmatic stranger who had effortlessly commanded attention and defied expectations.
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Nailea, reclining in the plush leather seat of her baby pink convertible, couldn't shake the lingering taste of annoyance that clung to her after the encounter on the beach. The waves of anxiety retreated, only to linger beneath the surface, ready to rise again with each new encounter. Her eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, reflected a mix of indifference and disdain. The Pogues and Kooks, to her discerning gaze, seemed like mere pawns on the chessboard of her life in the Outer Banks.
The "baby pink convertible" symbolizes her, embodying sophistication, elegance, and a hint of rebelliousness. Just like the convertible stands out in the coastal landscape, Nailea is an mysterious foreign figure, distinct from the usual dynamics of the Outer Banks. The choice of a convertible reflects her ability to navigate smoothly through the intricate social landscape, while the color pink adds a touch of femininity and complexity that mirrors her naturally.
As the waves receded behind her and the beach dwindled in the rearview mirror, Nailea couldn't help but roll her eyes at the audacity of the boy who had tried to stake a claim on her attention. “Boys,” she muttered under her breath, the word carrying a blend of dismissal and amusement. To Nailea, they were like moths drawn to the flame, oblivious to the fact that they had no chance of catching it.
Arriving at her now-permanent residence, a grand beach house that exuded sophistication, Nailea exhaled a sigh of relief. The crisp sea breeze ruffled her midnight-blue hair as she strolled into the house, her annoyance dissipating with each step. The modern luxury of the interior contrasted sharply with the rawness of the Outer Banks, a juxtaposition that mirrored Nailea's own complexity.
At dinner, Nailea recounted the beach encounter to her sister, Jennie, and her brother-in-law, Tommy. They sat around a polished mahogany table, clinking wine glasses in a semblance of celebration.
“You won't believe what happened, Jennie,” Nailea began, her voice carrying a blend of exasperation and amusement.
Jennie, her older sister, chuckled knowingly. “Do tell, Nai. Did you bewitch the local boys already?”
Tommy, a man with an easy smile and a genuine affection for Nailea, joined in. “Let me guess, they fell head over heels for you?”
Nailea smirked, recounting the scene with theatrical flair. “This one guy, a big asshole, had the audacity to announce to the world that I made the beach a whole lot prettier. Please.”
Jennie laughed, raising her glass. “Well, you do have a way of leaving an impression.”
Tommy chimed in, “The Pogues and Kooks are in for a ride if they think they can compete with you, Nailea.”
Nailea, sipping her wine, smirked in agreement. “They have no idea what they're dealing with.”
The trio shared a moment of laughter, a shared understanding that the coastal drama unfolding outside their beach house was just the beginning of Nailea's reign in the Outer Banks. Little did the Pogues and Kooks know, they were playing a part in a narrative where Nailea Boo held all the cards, and the stakes were higher than they could imagine.
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Under the golden hues of the Outer Banks sunset, Nailea strolled through the neighborhood at Figure Eight, an air of elegance accompanying her every step. Her sleek white cat, Winter, in a pet stroller—a stark contrast to the coastal simplicity. The feline, adorned with a silver collar, gazed out with curious green eyes as Nailea moved with the grace of a city girl navigating unfamiliar terrain.
As Nailea approached a familiar stretch of houses, she found herself just around the block from the Camerons. It was here that her path intersected with Sarah Cameron, who was out for an evening stroll of her own.
Sarah, a vision of Kook elegance, her eyes lit up at the sight of Winter in the pet stroller. “Oh, wow, your cat is adorable!” she exclaimed, a genuine smile breaking through her initial surprise.
Nailea, her eyes momentarily softening as she looked at her beloved cat, replied with a reserved acknowledgment. “Thank you. Her name's Winter.”
Sarah, finding common ground, continued the conversation. “I'm Sarah, by the way. Sarah Cameron.”
“Nailea Boo. You can call me Nai, if you want to,” she replied with a nod, her gaze cool and calculating.
Unexpectedly, the conversation flowed. The soft side of Nailea emerged as she spoke fondly of Winter, her icy exterior momentarily melting. Sarah, intrigued by Nailea's New York origins, shared tales of the privileged Kook lifestyle and the exclusive private school they attended.
As they continued their walk, Sarah extended an invitation, her eyes assessing Nailea's reaction. “There's a beach party tonight. You should come. It'll be fun.”
Nailea, maintaining her guarded demeanor, contemplated the offer. “I'll think about it,” she replied, a hint of mystery in her tone.
Sarah, seemingly unfazed by Nailea's reserved nature, smiled. “Cool. It's at the beach, obviously. Just in case you decide to show up.”
As they parted ways, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling of being both intrigued and threatened by Nailea. The New Yorker's elegance and poise posed a potential challenge to Sarah's status as the Kook princess. Still, an unspoken understanding lingered between them, a connection forged in the simplicity of a beachside conversation and the shared appreciation for a feline companion named Winter.
Sarah, choosing not to divulge their encounter to her Kook friends, felt a mix of curiosity and caution. Little did she know that Nailea's presence would continue to disrupt the carefully crafted dynamics of the Outer Banks, setting the stage for a night filled with unexpected twists at the beach party.
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Nailea's arrival at the beach party sent ripples through the crowd, capturing the attention of both the Pogues and the Kooks. The pulsating beat of the music seemed to synchronize with the anticipation in the air. Nailea, clad in a skin-tight black maxi dress that accentuated her curves, moved with an otherworldly grace, her pale skin glowing in the ambient light. Her hair, in a high ponytail, cascaded down like a midnight waterfall, and her face, adorned only with a glittering lipgloss, radiated a quiet confidence.
As she ventured into the heart of the party, the chatter around her died down, replaced by hushed whispers and intrigued glances. The typical Outer Banks attire took a backseat as Nailea's unique style commanded attention. The Pogues, in their casual beachwear, exchanged wide-eyed glances, while the Kooks, draped in preppy elegance, observed her with a mix of fascination and uncertainty.
Nailea, aware of the attention she garnered, remained impervious to the external reactions. Instead, she sought solace in the rhythmic pulse of the music and the cool breeze that carried the scent of the ocean. Each step she took was deliberate, a dance of control amidst the chaos.
Sarah, standing amidst the Kooks, spotted Nailea amidst the shifting crowd. With a warm smile, she called out, “Nai!” Nailea turned, her expression momentarily softening as she acknowledged Sarah's call.
The Kooks exchanged surprised glances as Sarah approached Nailea, a subtle curiosity painting their expressions. Sarah, with an air of familiarity, introduced Nailea to the group. “Guys, this is Nailea. Nai, meet the Kooks.”
Rafe, ever the provocateur, decided to make his move. With confident strides, he approached Nailea, a crooked smile playing on his lips. The crowd parted as he reached her, his eyes locking onto hers with a boldness that rarely faced resistance.
He felt a twinge of jealousy at the seemingly instant connection between Sarah and Nailea, decided to step forward. “The mystery girl’s got a name,” Rafe drawled, his tone a blend of arrogance and charm. An attempt to join the conversation. “Hey there, Nailea. I'm Rafe Cameron, Sarah's charming brother.”
As he approached, Nailea's eyes, like two pools of mystery, met his with an unwavering gaze. The crowd hushed, sensing the collision of two forces—Rafe's brazen charisma and Nailea's enigmatic allure.
Nailea, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly, regarded him with a cool gaze. “I'm well aware.”
Rafe, smirked, undeterred by Nailea's disinterest, continued, “You can call me Rafe, but I’d love it if you’d scream it out for me instead,”
Nailea rolled her eyes at that as she replied, “Rafe, huh? Noted.”
Rafe, interpreting her response as a challenge, decided to add a personal touch. “Actually, how about I call you Nai? You know, like my sister does.”
Nailea's annoyance flickered briefly again across her face. “Nai is reserved for those I permit to use it.”
Rafe, seemingly oblivious to Nailea's subtle defiance, continued his attempts at charm. “Fair enough, Nai. You’re not like the usual crowd around here. So, what brings you to our little slice of paradise?”
Nailea, her patience wearing thin, replied, “Just taking a break from the chaos of the world. Thought the Outer Banks might offer some serenity.”
Rafe, accustomed to effortless conquests, found himself intrigued by the challenge Nailea presented. He reveled in the attention, leaning in slightly. “Serenity, huh? I can assure you, things tend to get a bit wilder when I’m around.”
Nailea’s gaze remained unwavering. “I suppose we’ll see.”
The Kooks, including Topper and the others, observed the interaction with a mix of amusement and curiosity. Sarah, caught between amusement and the realization of the brewing tension, exchanged glances with the Kooks.
Meanwhile, the Pogues, stationed at a distance, watched the unfolding scene with raised eyebrows and exchanged glances. John B, the de facto leader of the Pogues, muttered, “Looks like the Outer Banks is in for a storm.”
As Rafe persisted in his attempts to engage Nailea, the atmosphere became charged with a subtle competition. Nailea, the shining new diamond in the Outer Banks, found herself at the center of attention, a target for Rafe's bold advances and the curiosity of onlooking groups.
As the night wore on at the beach party, the atmosphere became charged with the ebb and flow of conversations, laughter, and the distant crash of waves. Rafe, emboldened by the attention Nailea garnered, decided to take his flirtatious banter to the next level.
Leaning in with a cocky grin, Rafe remarked, "You know, Nai, I can imagine you being quite...pleasing in certain situations." His tone carried a not-so-subtle hint of innuendo, his words intended to provoke a reaction.
Nailea, however, remained unfazed, her expression as cool as the ocean breeze. She met his gaze with a steady, almost indifferent look, and without missing a beat, replied, "Your imagination seems to have quite the vivid spectrum, Rafe."
The Kooks, who overheard the exchange, exchanged glances. Sarah, noticing the tension, shot a disapproving look at her brother, silently signaling him to tone it down.
Undeterred, Rafe persisted with a smug grin. "Come on, Nai, don't tell me you're not the least bit curious."
Nailea, her patience wearing thin once again, simply raised an eyebrow. "Nope."
The Pogues and Kooks observed the dynamic between Rafe and Nailea, sensing a clash of personalities that transcended the usual beach party banter. Nailea, with her poised demeanor, became a fortress against Rafe's advances, navigating the social currents of the Outer Banks with a deliberate grace.
As the night progressed, Rafe's attempts at flirting with Nailea became increasingly audacious. Undeterred by her composed demeanor, he continued to pepper their conversation with suggestive remarks, seemingly determined to break through her unyielding facade.
Rafe, with a smirk that hinted at mischief, leaned in once again. "You know, Nai, there's a lot more to this town than just the scenic views. I could show you some hidden gems." His words carried an obvious undertone, implying a desire for something beyond the ordinary.
Nailea, with an arched eyebrow, responded with a measured tone, "Hidden gems, Rafe? I'm afraid I've already explored more intriguing places than you can offer."
Undeterred by her cool rebuttal, Rafe persisted. "You might be surprised, Nai. The Outer Banks can be quite... a ride.” His eyes bore into hers, a hint of mischief playing in their depths.
As Rafe continued his audacious flirtations, Nailea couldn't deny the magnetic allure he exuded. Inwardly, she admitted to herself that Rafe was undeniably hot, possessing a raw and rugged appeal that resonated with a primal attraction. His features, his confident demeanor—it was impossible to ignore the undeniable charisma that radiated from him.
However, a conflict raged within Nailea. While acknowledging Rafe's physical attractiveness, his typical boyish behavior and brazen attempts to charm her clashed with her desire for genuine connection and respect. She found herself caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions—the pull of physical attraction and the push against his persistent advances.
As Rafe spoke about wanting to give her the time of her life in bed, Nailea's internal conflict intensified. She maintained her stoic exterior, a façade concealing the tumultuous thoughts beneath. The provocative proposition echoed in her mind, stirring a whirlwind of conflicting feelings.
On one hand, the allure of Rafe's physicality was undeniable, an instinctive response that threatened to override her calculated composure. Yet, on the other hand, his explicit comments and relentless pursuit grated against her desire for genuine connection, leaving her grappling with a sense of inner turmoil.
Nailea, determined to assert control over the narrative of her interactions in the Outer Banks, silently navigated the storm of conflicting emotions. She maintained her poised exterior while internally grappling with the complexity of desire and the need for mutual understanding.
Nailea, maintaining her poise, shot back with a retort that cut through the suggestive tension. “Surprises, Rafe, are subjective. What might thrill some could be mundane for others.”
The Kooks, including Sarah and Topper, observed the exchange with a mix of amusement and concern. Sarah shot Rafe a disapproving look, silently urging him to rein in his audacious remarks. Meanwhile, the Pogues, stationed at a distance, exchanged intrigued glances, recognizing the unfolding drama between the Outer Banks' biggest womanizer and its newest enigma.
Rafe, undeterred by the silent warnings around him, decided to up the ante. “Nai,” he whispered, his tone laden with suggestion, “I bet I could make your night more memorable than any other you've had here.”
Nailea's eyes flickered with a momentary annoyance, but she remained composed. “Your idea of memorable might not align with mine. I prefer to curate my own experiences.”
Rafe, emboldened by the atmosphere of the beach party, leaned in even closer, his words now a provocative whisper. “Nai, you're playing hard to get. I like a challenge. Let's make tonight unforgettable.”
Nailea's gaze remained steady, but a subtle tightening of her jaw hinted at the building irritation. “No thanks.”
Undeterred, Rafe pressed on with his relentless pursuit. “Come on, Nai, live a little. I promise you won't regret it.” His words lingered in the air, charged with a daring invitation.
As Rafe continued his suggestive banter, Nailea couldn't escape the subtle physical reactions her body betrayed. A warmth that crept up her skin, a quickening pulse—signs of an involuntary response to the allure of his words and his magnetic presence.
Internally, Nailea scolded herself for the physiological responses that seemed to betray her composed exterior. She chided the involuntary flush in her cheeks and the faint flutter in her stomach, reminding herself of the boundaries she had set and the desire for genuine connection over mere physical attraction.
While maintaining her outward poise, Nailea's internal monologue chastised the subtle betrayals her body exhibited. ‘Control,’ she reminded herself sternly. ‘Don't let his words and charm blur the lines you've drawn.’
The conflict within her intensified—the tug of attraction warring against her insistence on respect and understanding. Nailea found herself in a silent battle, both with Rafe's suggestive advances and her own body's response, as she navigated the intricate dance of desire and restraint in the vibrant chaos of the beach party.
Amidst the pulsating beats of the music and the lively chatter around them, Nailea confronted the internal conflict head-on. The tug-of-war between physical attraction and the need for emotional connection echoed in her mind, a private struggle unfolding beneath the surface of her composed demeanor.
As the night unfolded, Nailea's internal dialogue became a steady mantra, a reminder to maintain control and not succumb to the allure of the moment. The beach party continued, the unresolved tension creating an invisible thread that connected her to Rafe in a complex dance—one where desire and restraint battled for supremacy in the enigmatic landscape of the Outer Banks.
As Rafe persisted with his explicit innuendos, the crowd around them seemed to ebb and flow, the rhythmic beats of the music providing an unpredictable backdrop to their verbal exchange. The Kooks and Pogues, now more openly watching the drama unfold, exchanged speculative glances.
Sarah, growing increasingly uncomfortable with her brother's relentless advances, intervened. “Rafe, maybe it's time to ease up a bit.”
Rafe, however, was not one to back down easily. With a cheeky grin, he retorted, “Just trying to show Nai a good time, sis. She seems like she could use it.”
Nailea, seemingly unmoved by Rafe's persistence, decided to have the final word. “Rafe, a good time is also subjective. Your version and mine might not align. I suggest you redirect your efforts elsewhere.”
The tension between them lingered, creating a palpable energy in the air. Rafe, seemingly oblivious to the line he was treading, continued his flirtatious banter, intent on unraveling the mystery that was Nailea Boo. As the beach party unfolded, the enigmatic dance between the Outer Banks' most renowned womanizer and its new diamond continued, leaving those who witnessed it with a sense of anticipation about the uncharted territories that lay ahead.
The beach party continued, the music creating a lively backdrop to the unfolding drama. The Pogues and Kooks, each with their distinct reactions, witnessed the power play unfold—a clash of personalities that hinted at the intricate dynamics to come in the coastal haven. Nailea's stoic response to Rafe's flirtations only added to her mystique, leaving those who witnessed the exchange with a sense of anticipation about what lay beneath the surface of the mysterious newcomer in the Outer Banks.
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marrziy · 7 months
Rafe Cameron x Male Reader
"Assopre o pavio"
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• Série: Outer Banks (2020)
• Personagem: Rafe Cameron
• Gêneros: drama /dark
• Sinopse: seu namorado, que há dias você cogita converter em ex, tem o péssimo hábito de simplesmente sumir sem dar explicação. Após três dias sem contato, ele bate na sua porta, confessa um crime e cobra conforto de você, como se fosse fácil ignorar que o seu parceiro tirou a vida de alguém a sangue frio.
⚠️ Avisos: relacionamento tóxico, relacionamento abusivo, violência, briga, discussão, obsessão, menção a drogas e insinuações sexuais. Final completamente pessimista!⚠️
• Palavras: 2.6k
3° pessoa - passado
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Ter pais ausentes não era tão ruim assim. Você tinha um baita casarão só para si, e a companhia silenciosa dos empregados durante o dia era melhor do que a daqueles que te botaram neste mundo luxuoso e imperfeito. As viagens constantes, seja a negócios ou para trepar feito coelhos em um hotel à beira mar, te livravam de uma mãe que fazia escândalo sobre qualquer fiozinho fora do lugar em sua cabeça e de um pai que gritava com sua mãe por ela estar gritando.
Mas ter um namorado ausente não rolava. Você queria estar com Rafe naquela tardinha fria, aproveitar a mansão vazia com ele, ser criativo e testar lugares novos, como a bancada da cozinha, que na sua opinião, era espaçosa demais para ter uma única função.
Mas fazia três dias que ele andava te dando perdido. Rafe ignorava suas ligações e não respondia suas mensagens.
Buscar se situar através dos familiares dele era como tentar rechear um pastel de vento. Rafe teve a quem puxar, o pai tinha a mesma aura de gasparzinho e raramente dava o ar da graça. A madrasta do maldito distribuía migué, sabia tão pouco e o que sabia, não contava. Sarah, depois que começou a andar com os Pogues, afastou-se da bolha Kook, da qual você ainda estava preso, e Wheezie estava tão perdida quanto você.
Não era a primeira vez, era comum, mesmo não devendo ser, Rafe ficar algum tempo longe. Ele estava metido em muitas merdas e quando se isolava, fazia para não te envolver.
Mas nunca durou tanto…
Você sabia que algo estava acontecendo, pois desde ontem os portões da família Cameron estiveram fechados para todos.
E quem dera a ausência fosse o único obstáculo. Quando compartilhavam espaço, muitas vezes, as coisas terminavam de modo trágico entre você e Rafe.
Namorá-lo era como ter um lindo sapato no armário, mas de numeração errada: deslumbrante, de aparência perfeita, porém, quando calçado, mostrava-se defeituoso, por ser dois números menores que seu pé, esmagando os dedos e resultando em dolorosos e duradouros calos a cada passo teimoso.
Passava da hora de se livrar desse sapato.
Rafe era instável, você sabia que havia algo errado com ele, já sentiu na pele o quão agressivo ele podia ser e, como alguém que se importava, tentou ajudá-lo, e quando não podia, estava lá com ele, para enfrentar o que fosse.
Entretanto, você não era de ferro e nem sempre esteve disposto a passar a mão na cabeça da fera, ainda mais quando ela insistia em morder o mesmo local, perpetuando o erro.
As coisas passavam do limite com frequência e a última ida da vaca ao brejo ainda estava fresca na memória. Foi no início do verão, o dia que começou perfeito terminou caótico no momento em que você encontrou um pino no quarto de Rafe com aquele pó branco. 
Ele havia prometido a você, jurou de pé junto que iria parar…
Sua reação foi imediata, você estava gritando, exigindo explicações e Rafe só lhe dava desculpas. No calor do momento você ameaçou terminar, disse que iria deixá-lo caso ele continuasse usando aquela merda. No seu imaginário, Rafe iria se retrair com a ameaça, mas não… O Cameron foi violento. Primeiro um tapa - sua bochecha ardia -, depois um empurrão - suas costas latejaram contra a parede - e por último os gritos no seu ouvido.
Enquanto Rafe exclamava que você não podia fazer aquilo, que você era dele e ele era seu, você tinha mais certeza que sua menção à término não era apenas uma falácia.
A cada dia que passava se tornava uma necessidade.
Esparramado no sofá, você encarou o bate-papo no celular, onde você conversava sozinho. Rafe sequer visualizou. Com um resmungo frustrado, você desligou o aparelho, o largou na mesinha de centro e repousou as duas mãos na barriga com os dedos entrelaçados, se acomodando melhor no sofá enquanto divagava olhando fixamente para o lustre no teto.
Vocês dois estavam superando a última divergência, tudo estava ocorrendo bem, as interações recentes foram super agradáveis, entretanto, no meio do mar de rosas, Rafe simplesmente nadou para longe.
Era tão, tão, tão estressante! As marcas no seu corpo estavam sumindo, você finalmente conseguia olhar para o espelho sem querer chorar e aí, sem mais nem menos, ele desapareceu.
Sumiu no instante em que você estava curado.
E retornou para te machucar novamente.
O som da campainha ecoou por toda a estrutura moderna. Em seguida, seu corpo contraiu em um espasmo involuntário devido à quebra abrupta da quietude. O susto lhe rendeu uma mordida na língua e, na sequência, a pessoa na porta teve o nome da mãe profanado.
Você deslocou-se até o hall de entrada, tenso e um pouco apreensivo; afinal, não esperava visitas. O olho mágico te permitiu visualizar o corpo do outro lado, e assim que identificou Rafe, imediatamente destrancou a porta.
Mas não foi você quem abriu.
Assim que a tranca girou, Rafe empurrou a madeira branca e você recuou alguns passos, evitando dar de cara com o grande retângulo. Os braços do Cameron rodearam sua cintura, impedindo-o de regredir muito. Ele colidiu seus corpos, te abraçou com força e afundou o rosto na curvatura do seu pescoço, inalando a colônia que costumava pedir para você trocar, pois a considerava amadeirada demais para alguém tão doce.
Rafe tateou suas costas, deslizou os dedos em sua coluna, desesperado para te sentir e se certificar de que não era uma miragem. — Porra… eu precisava tanto disso. Senti tanto sua falta!
— Eu tô aqui… Sempre estive. – você retribuiu o abraço, só notando a falta de harmonia quando seu carinho morno contrastou com a afobação dos braços de Rafe ao seu redor, te apertando contra ele, quase os tornando um. — Tá tudo bem? Aconteceu alguma coisa? – seu tom era preocupado inicialmente, mas seu interior não era resumido a isso, não era tão organizado ao ponto de canalizar um sentimento por vez. — Por que não me respondia? Iria morrer caso mandasse uma mensagem? – você tentou não transparecer o ressentimento que te corrompia. Com certa aspereza, você desfez o abraço.
Mas Rafe não permitiu seu distanciamento e pressionou as duas mãos em ambos os lados do seu rosto. — Quem se importa? Eu tô aqui agora, não tô? Deixa essa merda pra lá e vamos recompensar o tempo longe um do outro. – ele uniu os lábios aos seus desajeitadamente, e você tentou acompanhá-lo naquela união afoita.
A língua de Rafe invadiu a sua boca, puxando a sua língua para dançar sem antes convidar. Ele dava passos para frente, adentrando mais a mansão enquanto te fazia caminhar para trás. — Eu… eu… – sua fala era dificultada conforme o beijo aprofundava. Instintivamente, você levou as mãos aos pulsos de Rafe, que mantinha as palmas nas suas bochechas ao te guiar. — Eu me importo! – um pânico inofensivo dominou seus sentidos, resultado da pequena representação do seu relacionamento naquela simples ação.
O beijo rolava e você, de olhos fechados, caminhava de costas para o rumo ao qual era conduzido, e Rafe era quem conduzia, mas ele também estava de olhos fechados e não via o rumo.
O hall virou lembrança. Na sala, você pisou no freio, parando Rafe com as palmas esparramadas em seu peitoral. Você virou o rosto e Rafe migrou com os beijos para seu pescoço. — Me responde. – sua voz apenas o impulsionou a afundar os dentes na sua pele. — Amor, por favor… – a área avermelhada latejava. Você afastou o rosto do Cameron, buscando pelo olhar dele enquanto ele insistia em desviar. — Não me deixe no escuro outra vez... Fala comigo.
Após alinhar a cabeça de Rafe com a sua, você percebeu o porquê de ele evitar o contato visual. Você desbotou ao testemunhar as pupilas dilatadas e a leve vermelhidão nos arredores das orbes culpadas.
— E-eu fiz algo ruim, algo muito, muito ruim mesmo…
Não foi surpresa, pessoas ruins faziam coisas ruins. Mas você nunca testemunhou Rafe afetado após fazer algo ruim.
— Eu preciso que… que você me diga que tudo ficará bem… preciso de você ao meu lado… é só isso que eu quero! – A estrutura de Rafe estava tensa. As mãos trêmulas dele agarravam as laterais da sua camiseta, amassando o tecido entre os dedos, impondo o toque obsessivo com necessidade. — Antes que eu te conte, me promete que não vai virar as costas pra mim?
— Eu prometo. – um marejar suave alagou as íris azuis do seu namorado, isso te influenciou e a sua expressão suavizou. Gentilmente você aninhou as mãos do Cameron nas suas, acariciando os nós dos dedos. — Como eu disse, estou aqui, amor. Tá tudo bem… – você liberou uma mão e a levou até o rosto de Rafe, que de prontidão esfregou a bochecha na palma macia, fechou os olhos e aproveitou o toque.
Naquele instante, ao seu lado, Rafe se sentiu leve, livre de parte do tormento que o fazia apodrecer em pânico e agonia.
Era isso que ele buscara… Uma pausa na culpa que o assombrava por saber que fez o que fez e que faria de novo se precisasse.
— Eu matei a xerife Peterkin. – Rafe fitou seus previsíveis olhos arregalados com neutralidade, confessando aquele crime como se não passasse de fofoca. — Mas não foi por querer, eu… Quer dizer… Ela tava apontando uma arma para o meu pai! Eu só defendi a minha família, okay? – ele trocou as posições das mãos, sendo ele a agarrar as suas, apertando-as dolorosamente. — Não me olha assim! Foi legítima defesa, porra! Você faria diferente?
— Que merda, Rafe! – você sequer se perguntou sobre a veracidade do ocorrido. Na sua cabeça, a possibilidade, mesmo nunca vindo à tona, parecia possível. — Ela andava por aí com uma estrela no peito, caralho! Devia apontar uma arma pra alguém todos os dias! Você sequer procurou saber o motivo! E se-
— O que você tá insinuando? Que meu pai merecia o cano de uma arma na nuca? Pense bem na resposta, querido. – Rafe te puxou bruscamente para perto, sussurrando rouco no pé da sua orelha. — Cê tá chutando muito, não acha não? Eu sequer detalhei as coisas e você já tá supondo assim? – as palavras invadiram seus ouvidos e permaneceram na cabeça. O tom baixo de Rafe era assustador, você preferia tê-lo gritando consigo.
— Não, e-eu não quis dizer… – conforme a nuvem cinzenta se dissipou na mente lenta, mais inflado era o temor que fez seu peito inchar e murchar afoito. Sempre que você tentava aniquilar o contato, se retraindo para si, Rafe te puxava com brusquidão, impedindo você de se afastar. — Mas e ela? Ela merecia o cano na nuca?
— Eu disse que estava defendendo o meu pai, fiz o certo, então, naquela ocasião… sim.
No início do dia, você ansiava por um sinal, qualquer coisa vinda daquele que jogava pedrinhas pintadas de dourado no seu poço. Mas bastou tal sinal reluzir para que você sentisse saudade de estar só e clamasse por distância.
Você se exaltou e empurrou Rafe. Longe ao ponto de conseguir ser valente, você batalhou para se manter firme, pois se fraquejasse, o Cameron teria alguém para devorar. — É melhor você ir embora. – a voz, fácil de manipular, soou certeira, mas seus olhos espelharam o quão frágil era a fachada.
No instante em que Rafe deu um passo para frente e você deu um para trás, a raiva que traçava a expressão dura na face do Cameron foi substituída por um sorriso ladino e olhos interessados. - Que foi? Vai dizer que tá com medo de mim?
Pela primeira vez você parou para pensar que estava lidando com um assassino.
Seu namorado assassino.
A aura intimidante do Cameron te sufocava, e você, acostumado com o sufoco, adotou o papel de presa sem nem perceber. — Você não tá na sua casa, Rafe! Não pode fazer o que bem entender aqui! – você recuava sem desgrudar a atenção do outro, usando os braços esticados na frente do corpo para garantir o espaço que você tanto prezava naquele momento.
O loiro mordeu o interior da bochecha esquerda e uniu as sobrancelhas, cerrando a feição. — Vai mesmo usar essa merda pra tentar me afastar? Não seja tão patético, amorzinho. Lembro bem dos seus pais dizendo para eu me sentir em casa quando vim aqui pela primeira vez. – o sorriso estúpido de Rafe cresceu quando você não tinha mais caminho para retornar. — Parece que eu te encurralei, babe.
Entre ele e o braço do sofá, restava orar por um meteoro, por dias melhores com desastres maiores para que a magnitude do seu inferno se reduzisse a porra nenhuma.
Rafe empurrou seus ombros, sem sequer investir força. Foi o suficiente para te fazer cair, suas pernas em contato com o braço do sofá permitiram isso.
Você estava na beira do abismo. Se não houvesse interferência, o vento teria te derrubado.
Você reajustou rapidamente a posição desajeitada no sofá após a queda, ergueu o torço e arrastou o quadril no estofado, afastando-se da baita e ordinária presença do seu amor, razão do seu temor. — Não… – foi seu último chute no cachorro morto.
Rafe engatinhou em sua direção, afastando as almofadas conforme afundava as mãos e os joelhos no macio. — Tô pensando agora e… talvez eu queira que você tenha medo de mim. Ver essa sua carinha assustada só me faz ter mais certeza disso. – aquele belo rosto maníaco sorria lindamente enquanto amargava o ambiente com sua sinceridade cruel. — O medo é subestimado. É através dele que conseguimos qualquer coisa dos medrosos. Pra mim, é uma ferramenta.
A desistência finalmente te consumiu quando você teve Rafe sobre o seu corpo, com as palmas repousando nos lados da sua cabeça e a face rente a sua, respirando próximo a ti. Você só conseguia se retrair e afundar no sofá, almejando ser engolido pelas dobras do móvel.
Você nem se assustou ao ter a mão de Rafe no seu pescoço. Ele mantinha os dedos ao redor da sua garganta, sem apertar de fato. O loiro canalizou a fúria na mão esquerda, que apertava o seu pulso contra o material macio do acolchoado ao ponto dos ossos doerem e a pele avermelhar.
Sua primeira lágrima desceu, proveniente unicamente da dor física, visto que seu estoque emocional de lágrimas estava seco.
— Eu vim aqui pra você me confortar, mas aparentemente, os papéis se inverteram. É você que faria de tudo por conforto agora, né? – Rafe deitou contra o seu corpo trêmulo, colou o peitoral no seu, juntou seus abdomens e entrelaçou as pernas nas suas. — Relaxa amor, eu tô aqui pra isso. Eu e somente eu. – ele deslizou a ponta do nariz por sua clavícula, pescoço e bochecha até ter a cartilagem unida à sua, mas enterrou o improvável indício de carinho ao esfregar o quadril no seu, garantindo que você sentisse a ereção dele pulsando dentro da bermuda, esticando o tecido fino enquanto clamava por você, latejando contra o seu estado mole. — Mas você tem que ficar quietinho, não pode falar com ninguém sobre as coisas que conversamos aqui, entendeu? – você acenou, somente porque Rafe agarrou o seu queixo e forçou sua cabeça a balançar para cima e para baixo. — Bom garoto. – ele ronronou próximo aos seus lábios, quase gemendo devido a fricção cada vez mais intensa. — Agora, meu medrosinho… me beije se quiser que os seus miolos permaneçam dentro da sua cabeça.
Rafe foi o seu primeiro tudo.
Seu primeiro amigo, sua primeira briga, sua primeira paixão, seu primeiro soco, seu primeiro beijo, sua primeira foda e seu primeiro namorado.
E você tinha medo de que ele acabasse sendo o seu último tudo também.
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erwinsvow · 4 months
kook reader and bitchy reader. i feel like they’d get along so well
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omg yesss you are so so right! they absolutely do. their friendship would be like full of making fun of rafe, kelce, and top. they always catch each other in passing in tannyhill like when bitchy reader is with sarah and ktr is with rafe, but they always find a way to gang up on him. when they start hanging out outside of tannyhill alone rafes definitely concerned ktr is gonna start being even meaner to him. but yess!! i think they have the same music taste, drive around in ktr's convertible, and would try to get shy reader's confidence up lol <3 bffs!
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wholesome-holland · 3 years
You’re The One That I Want
request for: anon!
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader, one sided!rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, fighting, kissing
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     It was the night of the Midsummers ball, Y/n was getting ready with Kie. Y/n was basically a Kook, though much like Kie she was a self converted Pouge. Kiara was her closest friend, the boys were just an added plus. She was also really close with Sarah Cameron. After Kie and Sarah started to settle their differences, the three were their own separate trio much like JJ, John B, and Pope. Typically, Y/n wasn't big on Kook parties or traditions, but the Midsummers ball was always one she could get behind. She didn't know why, maybe it was because she loved the dresses she usually had for the ball. She didn't dress up often by her own choice, but she always went all out for the Midsummers ball.
     This year, she decided she would sport a lovely silk, sage green gown with a halter shaped top and a long slit up the leg. She was obsessed with her gown. She and Kie took lots of photos together before heading to the party with Kie's family. Y/n greeted her family and showed them the dress before greeting other family friends as well as Pope and his father.
     "Have either of you seen JJ?" The boy asked, Y/n looked around while Kie answered, hoping to find the blonde boy. Alas, she did not find him.
     Y/n spent a good hour, hour and a half looking out for JJ. It was unusual for him not to text or call for long periods of time, and she was especially worried due to him taking the fall for something he didn't even do. But she didn't think they would hold him for that long, would they? Unless it was his dickhead of a father.
Her question was answered when she spotted him in the crowd, face bruised and in a waiter uniform. Y/n made her way through the crowd to where he was with Sarah, passing a note off to her. "JJ!" She called, getting his attention immediately. He grins at the sight of her.
     "Y/n/n, hey! What's up?" He asked, trying to seem like his normal, goofy self. But Y/n could see right through it. Something was very off with him, and she suspected it was because of Luke.
     "Are you okay?" She asked, looking concerned.
     JJ waved it off, "yeah, yeah I'm alright."
     "What happened to your face?" Y/n questioned, regardless of the fact that she probably already knew the answer.
     "My dad. But it's fine! It's all good! No big deal," he said, dancing slightly. "Would you like you dance with me?"
     Clearly, he didn't want to talk any further about what had happened, so Y/n wasn't gonna push him. She knew that would make him more likely to close up and pull away, and she didn't want that. She wanted to help him, but she knew she couldn't force it. So, she just nodded and agreed to dancing with him. His arms went to her waist as hers went around his neck. Their bodies swayed together at a decent pace, Y/n moving in closer.
     "You know, the waiter look really suits you. Especially the tie," The girl commented.
     "Why thank you," JJ couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheeks. "You look gorgeous, by the way."
     Y/n felt her face heat up, opening her mouth to thank him, but she doesn't get the opportunity to before he's ripped away from her.
     "Hey pogue, I'm wondering if you could get me a mai tai, my friend." Said none other than Rafe fucking Cameron. Y/n didn't necessarily like him. He was a cutie, yes, but a complete asshole.
     "How about you make that two, pogue?" His friend asked, a sly smirk on his face.
     Rafe noticed Y/n standing there, "why the fuck are you all over Y/n? Poor girl probably doesn't want your filthy hands on her—"
     "Actually, he's my best friend." She tuned in, cutting him off. Rafe let out a snort followed by a laugh.
“Please, there’s no way someone like you would like someone like him,” he scoffed. “If anything, you’d like someone more like me.”
Y/n raised and eyebrow as JJ spoke up, “what’s it to you, playboy? You like her or something?” They watched as Rafe’s face turned red with embarrassment.
“That’s not the point, my point is—”
“Sorry, Rafe. But JJ is my boyfriend,” Y/n lied, a smirk playing on her lips. Within seconds, Rafe looked pissed.
“Oh, you’re fucking dead, Maybank!” He shouted, charging at JJ.
     JJ started to back up and took off running inside the house. Rafe went after him, followed by 3 or 4 other guys. Y/n tried to squeeze through to follow, but ended up being pulled in a different direction by her parents.
After what felt like forever, she finally saw JJ pop through a different door. A man was behind him, gripping his arm and pushing him out.
“I can walk myself, I got legs, you see them, brother?” He kept trying to get out of the guy’s grip, but all his attempts failed. He then passed some guy who asked for a drink earlier and he stopped. “Mr. Dunleavy! I see you got your drink, good thats really nice of you. i’m actually gonna down that.” He said, taking it from the old mans hands and downing it just like he said. He then called for security which left him absolutely baffled looking.
“I really appreciate the discretion, Daryl, you know?” JJ said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them.” he started clapping before pointing at rose, “Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It's good to see you again. Hey, buddy, can I have one of those?” The blonde boy asked, looking at someone’s drink as he got escorted out. Oh he was totally in so much shit, then kie bumped in to save the day.
“Let go of him! You can’t just boot him! I invited him!” Kiara exclaimed, disregarding her parents protest. “I’m a member of this club,” she added, Y/n stepped up as well.
“I did too! He’s a guest.” She stated, watching as Kie motioned for her, Pope, and JJ to all go. Within seconds, the four of them took off running, John B approaching before they could get too far.
“Later losers!” John B exclaimed, and just like that— they were gone. The five of them ended up at a mini camp sight for a “mandatory meeting”. They say around the fire each on wood logs.
“I can’t believe you told Rafe we were dating,” JJ laughed as Y/n took a seat next to him. “You guys should have seen his face!”
“Listen, he’s been after me for months and he won’t respect the fact that I’m not into him like that. So not only does he think I’m taken, but he thinks I chose a pogue over him. That’ll probably keep him up at night.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders as she explained, a sense of pride bursting in her chest as she imagined how Rafe looked upon the news of her fake relationship.
The other three were off having their own discussion while Y/n and JJ were in their own little world. Everyone knew the two had crushes on each other, so maybe by ignoring them then maybe they would fess up. That was John B’s logic, at least.
“You know, the fake boyfriend thing isn’t gonna work unless we pretend we’re together.” JJ stated, hoping perhaps the girl would want to keep up the act. Even if he couldn’t have her for real, then maybe he could let himself pretend.
Y/n thought about it, “you’re right. We could do that, but there’s still a teeny, tiny issue with that plan.”
“What’s that, shorty?” The blonde queried, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t want it to be fake.” She stated, no hesitation in her tone, and looking him right in the eye. JJ was shook, to say the least. He was not expecting that at all. But, he had to play it off cool, like he wasn’t completely flabbergasted.
“That’s quite the coincidence, miss Y/l/n.” He began, “cause I don’t want it to be fake, either.” Before Y/n could process what he had said, JJ was leaning in to place a nice, soft kiss to her lips. She quickly returned the kiss, completely forgetting about everyone else around them. They pulled away from the kiss, resting their foreheads on each other before John B spoke up.
“It’s about fucking time you did that.”
JJ just flipped him the bird before leaning to give Y/n yet another kiss. Maybe Midsummer wasn’t all that bad after all.
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lowkey i hate how this turned out but i rewrote it like 64747372 times and still wasn’t happy so here we are 🧍🏼‍♀️ i hope you like it, anon!! thank you for requesting <3
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Girls like you
JJ Maybank wasn't really sure why the Y/L/N family had hired him to clean out their pool when summer started. They seemed to like him around the hotel when they went for meals but he wasn't exactly qualified, he wasn't complaining though, they tip well and it couldn't be that hard.
His only problem was Y/N.
They never got on well. She was friends with Kie in her kook year, who even went as far as to dub her 'the only kook who doesn't make me want to gauge my eyes out', so she knew the pogues from around although they'd grown apart the girls shared no bad blood and always stopped to catch up when they saw each other around.
He was in the middle of raking the leaves from the large pool when he saw her. She was crossing the garden from the large mansion, clad in a bikini with sunglasses perched on the end of her nose. JJ hates how good she looks, her curves perfectly on display and a confident aura around her.
She's got headphones in, he notices as she saunters closer.
"Hi princess," He smirks, watching as she rolls her eyes
"I'm not your princess. How long are you gonna be?" She questions, settling onto one of the sun loungers next to the pool
"An hour or so," JJ states
"Well, could you do it quietly I'm hungover and I wanna just relax," She states, slipping the second headphone back into her ear before he can reply.
He cleans, unaware of her watching him from behind the glasses as she sips on her bottle of cold water. She would never tell anyone but watching him work, his muscles tensing and untensing under his vest shirt, a light sweat from the hot summer day on his skin, she couldn't help herself from thinking he looked good.
He would definitely admit to John B that he thought she looked fit. Her breasts spilling out of her bikini top a little and the barely there thong bottom's high cut making her legs look excruciatingly long. He'd probably make some crude jokes about hate sex being way more fun. He wouldn't admit though, to finding something very comforting about her presence, and finding the way she hummed along to whatever she was listening too adorable.
It's a further 40 minutes, JJ is trying to work out how to get the pool vaccuum to turn on, when her phone rings loudly.
"Hey Sare," Her voice speaks. JJ figures quickly it's Sarah Cameron, the pair are practically inseparable and the whole island knows it.
He half listens to her side of the conversation, more out of boredom than interest.
"No, babes, I love you and all but I really don't wanna. The last million times I've seen Rafe he's been so weird and creepy and I don't wanna be alone with him,"
JJ doesn't know why the comment angers him so much. Why does he even care if Rafe is clearly trying to pull her? It's none of his business. Yet, he can feel his blood boiling at the thought.
"No Sar, if I go and you have to stay with me then you can't go and be with Topper,"
She's silent for a few minutes before sighing "Fine. Fine, I'll come. See you in a minute. Bring me some shorts, I'm in the garden and can't be arsed to go upstairs and find some. You owe me forever,"
JJ wants to scream. Wants to tell her she shouldn't go if she feels uncomfortable around Kelce. He wishes Kie were here, maybe she could talk her into staying where she felt safe.  Maybe she would be able to explain why JJ even gives a shit.
"Maybank," She states, he looks up, trying to act like he hasn't been listening. "I'm going out. You'll be the only one here," She informs
"Okay," He nods.
"My keys are on the kitchen counter, lock up when you're done and I'll just grab them from you at the hotel,"
"All right," He agrees
"When will you be there?" She questions, looking at him like he's an idiot. He groans internally, obviously she needed to know that.
"Tomorrow, 2 until closing,"
'"I'll swing by around 4," She informs. He nods, trying not to stare at her as she lets her hair down from the ponytail it had been in, shaking it out. A car honks outside and she turns, walking up the garden towards the side gates, turning a few metres away,
"Oh, there's an envelope on the kitchen counter with your tip in," She adds
"Thanks. Goodbye princess," He smiles,
"Still not your princess," she shouts back, turning and disappearing round the corner.
JJ felt a lot more in his element when her dad had called him asking if he could fix her car. He hadn't specified it was his eldest daughters, and JJ knew the family owned 7 cards despite only 3 of them even being able to drive.
JJ recognised it though, a white convertible porsche, he'd seen her driving it around before. Wether she was blasting music with the roof down singing with Sarah, picking up a take out from the wreck, driving around in the middle of the night, she'd even given Kie a lift to the Chateau before. He realised that he always seemed to notice her presence.
He was working in the family's garage, the bonnet popped open and grease all over him. It was an easy fix, if a little fiddly.
He jumped out of his skin when the door burst open.  He is immediately taken aback by how good she looks. Clad in a tight black skirt that is ridiculously short, heels and a tight black V neck top with a lace trim around the neck. Her hair falls in bouncy curls around her shoulders and her makeup looks perfect. He would have sworn on everything he'd never seen anyone look so beautiful.
"You're a boy," The girl states.
"Good job noticing that one princess," JJ smirks, she rolls her eyes.
"I have a date and Sarah is being so unhelpful, can you help me pick a top?" She questions, he gulps, nodding.
"Okay, so this is option 1,"
"It looks good,"
"Right. But is it sexy? Do you look at me and think I wanna slam her against a wall and rail her?"
His eyes widen a little, that's one way of putting it he decides.
"Look, I'm your families help, I shouldn't be answering that,"
"Like I care Maybank," She groans, exasperated.
"Okay fine, I look at you in that and I think I wanna rip your clothes off,"
"Okay good. Option 2," She starts. JJ is shocked when she pulls her top off in front of him, without even turning around. He turns around, although not without taking a mental picture of her boobs being pushed up in a red lace bra. "Who knew you were a prude?"
"Just respecting you princess," He comments
"You've seen me in a bikini, what's the difference?" She questions, he stays silent having no quick comment to respond with. "I'm dressed," She states
He turns back around, she looks good, a forest green top made of satin.
"The first one is sexy, that one is cute,"
"Thanks JJ, oh, and hey, thanks for fixing my car,"
"Uh. Yeah, anytime,"
JJ was happy to paint the summer house. He claimed to his friends it was just because they way over paid and tipped big. In reality it was because for three days straight he would get to catch glimpses of her. And he did.
He saw her when she swam in her pool.
He saw her when she played in the garden with her little sister.
He saw her when she cloud gazed with Sarah Cameron.
The best times he got to see her though, were when she would bring him stuff. Every so often she'd knock on the open door to the summer house, sometimes with water, sometimes with snacks, a few times even with a beer. A couple of times she stopped and made small talk, one time she even smeared paint on his cheek and giggled as he chased her through the garden.
He enters the kitchen, used to how the family worked now. An envelope of money waiting on the kitchen counter, they always seemed to be coming and going so it was easier.
He was shocked to see her in the kitchen, she's scrolling on her phone sipping on what looks to be an iced coffee
"Oh, hey JJ," She smiles
"Hey, I'm done," he informs, she nods, watching as he picks up the envelope "So, I'll be seeing you around,"
"Did you want a lift?" She questions, he looks at her slightly confused "I just noticed your bike wasn't here and it's kinda late to be walking back. It's a long walk,"
"You really don't have to princess,"
"Honestly, it's fine," she assures, jumping up and grabbing her keys before heading towards the garage.
She wasn't sure when she stopped hating JJ Maybank, wasn't sure when she started noticing little things like the blue in his eyes and which snapback he was wearing and how tired he looked. She wasn't sure when the sight of his bike in the driveway started giving her butterflies.
"So where is your bike?" She questions, the roof of the car is down and the wind blowing through her hair as she pulls out of the private estate her home is on.
"Didn't have enough fuel to get to yours and back," He shrugs
"Why didn't you just-" She cuts herself off "Shit, I'm so sorry. That was insanely rude, I wasn't even thinking and-" He chuckles, watching as she splutters and blushes
"It's okay. Life is different on the cut I can understand how a kook princess wouldn't get it," He shrugs, she nods, still not sure what to say.
"Y'know my life isn't perfect," She comments, he scoffs, unable to help himself. "I'm not kidding. It's privileged as fuck, I know that, but it's not perfect,"
"Go on then princess, what's so shit?" He doesn't mean for it to sound so harsh, he's genuinely curious
"My parents, they have basically planned my entire life, down to where I'll go to college, what sorority I'll be in, where I'll work my summer internship, who I'll marry, where I'll get married, which big kook house I'll live in,  at what age I'll have to give up my career, which has been decided for me by them, to start trying for babies. It's 24 by the way so in 8 years. My whole life is decided and I don't want it. I wanna go on a trip around the world and surf and travel and explore. I wanna fall in love and get my heartbroken again and again until I find the right guy. I wanna live in a New York apartment and I wanna see the world. I don't wanna marry Rafe Cameron just cause our mothers are friends. I mean he's literally scary and harasses me and acts like even though I'm 16 I shouldn't have a choice cause one day he'll father my kids. And no one gets it, none of my friends, not even my best friend. The only person who ever understood why it was so shit was Kie and then she left, she left and lives her life and it's fun and exciting and anything could happen. I don't hate her for it but it fucking sucks that she left me miserable. I'll be miserable living my planned out life and then I'll die. Yeah, I have money and that's fucking great, but my life is far from perfect,"
JJ sits in a stunned silence. He's not really sure what to say. Their problems were very different but hers were just as shitty. He feels like he's seeing her in a whole new light.
"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I don't tell people that and we barely no each other," She mutters, not wanting to look at him
"Where would you go first?" His question surprised her
"On my fictitious surf trip?" She questions, he nods "Europe, Spain I think,"
They sit in silence the rest of the way, it's not awkward though, both of them feel comforted by each other presence. He gives her instructions to the chateau.
"We are probably gonna drink some beers and smoke. You wanna stay? You could crash here and drive home in the morning," JJ offers
"I can't. My family are having dinner at the hotel. Thanks though," She smiles gently
"Yeah. Uh, I hope it's not too shit. Thanks for the ride princess,"
He climbs out of the car, his friends who sit on the porch immediately calling out to him, they're all laughing and teasing him about his lift home and when he looks back he almost thinks he sees a look of longing in her eyes before she's reversing out of the chateau.
"Can you fix it?" She questions. JJ Maybank has never seen her look nervous before.
It was only 6:30 AM when she'd started banging on the door to the Chateau, tears in her eyes and panic on her face hoping JJ would be here. John B had pulled the door open, half asleep and groaning a little at the bright sunlight. He'd let her into the small home and disappeared to wake JJ up. John B opted not to put too much thought into the way the minute her name was said JJ leaped out of bed and shoved into the living area, the way his hands cupped her cheeks to see if she was okay, the way he was calling her princess as he tried to calm down her hiccuping tears.
"I can fix it," He confirms. They're standing on the deck of her families boat "It's an easy fix princess, okay? don't even worry," He speaks in a comforting tone
"Thank you JJ,"
"No worries. It'll take me a while, you got anywhere to be?"
"No. Well yes, a breakfast thing with the Cameron's but it's at my house and I can't exactly show up without the boat so,"
"So you're hiding out here all day?" JJ questions
"Well, I don't wanna intrude. I can go and hang out at the beach,"
"Don't talk nonsense, you can hang here. C'mon, I need to be down the bottom with the engine, you can sit and entertain me,"
She watches intently as he works, now that he's not working at her house he hasn't bothered with a shirt, instead just wearing shorts and his infamous red baseball cap. He glances at her occasionally, her makeup streaky from crying and wearing a short white dress.
"So, wanna tell me what happened?" He questions
"Not really," She admits, he nods and she sighs before beginning to explain"Rafe wanted to go boating late and then it all went wrong and then we got the boat to the nearest dock, hence why we are in the middle of nowhere, and he said he was going to call someone to get a lift and it was rainy so I was waiting in here.  It had been a while so I went outside to check on him and he was gone. I didn't know what to do. Dad would kill me for breaking the boat, do I just kinda figured I'd walk to yours and hopefully you would no how to fix it. Then I realised I have no clue where you live so I walked to John B's and hoped for the best,"
"He just left you in the middle of nowhere alone?" JJ doesn't know why he's so mad, they were hardly even friends
"Yeah. He texted me to let me know it was cause he's already in shit with his dad and didn't wanna go down for breaking my family's boat," She shrugs, JJ wants to go and find Rafe Cameron and beat his skull in.
"Look, a girl like you deserves someone who would treat them a million times better than that,"
"I always thought you hated me," She admits
"So did I, until this summer I kinda did," He shrugs
"What changed?" She asks, the question is so vulnerable he can't help himself from looking at her
"You aren't what I thought you'd be," He admits, she nods slowly
"How should a girl like me be treated?" She questions
"Like they're the only thing on earth," He's not really sure why he's so openly telling her how he feels but it feels too late now
"Is that how you'd treat me Maybank?"
"Girls like you don't date boys like me," He shrugs, turning quickly back to what he's doing, not wanting her to recognise the disappointment on his face.
It was no secret her family hosted a big formal party on the 10th of July every year, her parents wedding anniversary. JJ had waited the party the last 2 years and this summer was no different, he'd even managed to get John B and Pope a job too.
His heart had stopped when he saw her, her dress was the exact shade of blue as the sky and flowed beautifully down to her feet, her hair curled with the front pinned back, her makeup beautiful. She looked like an angel approaching him and god why did she have to look so perfect.
"Hey JJ," She smiles, grabbing a glass of champagne from the tray he's holding "Could you do me a favour?"
"Of course," He agrees, expecting some job that needed doing for the party
"If you see Rafe and I'm on my own..." She trails off "I'm trying to avoid him, after the other day,"
It's three hours into the party when JJ grabs her hand, pulling her along behind him and away from Rafe who is clearly trying to catch her alone. He pulls her into a small cupboard slamming the door closed behind him and locking it.
"What was that about?"
"Rafe," He shrugs, he didn't outwardly say he'd been watching her all night to make sure he could look out for her. He also didn't say he would have been watching her all night even if she hadn't asked him too.
"JJ, you know how your coming over next week to fix that one  door that you can't open from inside the cupboard?" She question
"Yeah," He states, peering out of the key hole to see if Rafe is still looking for her
"Well, this is the cupboard,"
"Shit!" He shouts, pulling away from the door to face her. "Shit, it's your parents wedding anniversary and I got you locked in the cupboard,"
"It's alright," She shrugs "They hate each other most the time anyway,"
"Call someone to let you out,"
"Where on this dress did you think there was pockets, you call someone,"
"My phone is in the twinkie,"
"The what?"
"John B's car," JJ sighs. "Fuck princess, I'm so sorry," He groans
"It's fine. Sarah will come looking for me eventually," She shrugs. He nods, watching as she sits down on the ground, patting the space next to her.
He obliges, sitting next to her, knees touching in the tight space.
"You look nice tonight, I like the shirt and tie," She compliments, he can feel himself blush and is glad the cupboard is dark enough she probably can't see it.
"Y'know what you said on the boat the other day?" She questions, he immediately knows what she's referring too "About how girls like me don't date boys like you,"
"Yeah," He confirms
"Why is that?" She questions quietly
"I couldn't make you happy princess. Your parents would hate me. I couldn't take you on the fancy dates you're used to. You wouldn't be happy,"
"My parents love you, they think you're resourceful and hard working. I hate the stuffy dates figure 8 boys take me on," She informs, he laughs a little at that. "Besides, you already make me happy. I'm just saying Maybank, if you don't wanna date me just say it, don't try and put it on me,"
JJ isn't really sure how to react. How to explain he desperately wanted to date her, wanted her to be his girl and wanted to shower her in love and adoration. He isn't sure how to tell her that by inadvertently telling him she wanted to date him she had made him the happiest man on earth. He's not really great with words and it all feels too hard to say.
So, instead, he turns slightly, taking her face in his hands and pulling her to him, his lips crashing against hers and somehow she knows everything he wanted to say.
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shipperssafehaven · 3 years
if obx gets a season three (which clearly it will but who knows honestly), i think the writers should keep the dynamics that make the show what it is, but also switch things up and try out new friendships.
FIRST, i want this the most out of everything. i want a full on pope and sarah team up, like a complete friendship arc with the two. if they aren't ride or die besties by the end of season three then what's the point??? i want pope confiding in sarah. i want sarah confiding in pope. i want them coming to each other's defense. i want moments where the rest of the gang are like, 'damn when did they get so close'? the POTENTIAL
SECOND, i want to see kie outside of the boys, so i'd like to see her have a storyline with cleo. i feel like learning about cleo's backstory and having one on one time with her would make Kie appreciate everything she herself has a little more. i could see them getting in a lot of trouble together but also balancing each other out.
THIRD, this one i'm gonna have to be heard out on. ok so y'all know how the pogues & kooks sorta have a socs & greasers thing going on? well, in the outsiders (if you haven't read it), the main character, Ponyboy (who's a greaser), compares his life to Cherry's (who's a soc) and says that their worlds couldn't really be all that different considering they saw the same sunset. with that said, i kinda want to see the pogues and kooks find that same common ground? if that makes any sense lmao. idk but if i had to pick a single kook to give a redemption arc to, i'd choose kelce. i want to see a kook help out the gang and not 'convert' to a pogue by the end of the season. i genuinely think it would be sooo interesting and would definitely add more depth to the show.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Traitor - JJ/Sarah
Request: This one is for later but could u write a JJ x Sarah fic where they cheat on John b together and then realize they like each other? 
A/N: This is a re-write of the JJ/Sarah fic that I posted a few months ago. I added more to it. 
Outerbanks Masterlist
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There were a lot of secrets that Sarah Cameron kept close to her chest. Things that would’ve dethroned her as kook princess or things that would’ve hurt someone else if they ever got out. Sometimes it was as easy as forgetting the thing that she knew but usually it was harder, she had work to keep the secret a secret.  
If she was telling the long story, it started at a party sophomore year when she was supposed to be dating a friend of Rafe’s, Noah she thought his name had been.  
“Can I just, please, get a little breathing room?” She hissed, pushing his arms away when he tried to wrap them around her stomach. She was on the edge of the dance floor. Not because she wanted Noah to dance with her but because she was fixated on the blond who was dancing rather lazily with a girl in the far corner.  
“Come on baby,” he drew the pet name out, emphasizing the Y and making her want to throw up at how gross he sounded. God, why had she agreed to this? Just to show up Scarlett?
“Noah, chill the fuck out.” She snapped. She could already hear him whinning to Rafe later about how she was such a bitch but she didn’t even care. The blond had looked her way and when they’re eyes met she felt like fireworks had been set off all over her body. “I’m grabbing a drink, just...do something else okay?”
Sarah turned on her heel and made her way to the kitchen to find something alcoholic to take her mind off things. Noah was getting on her nerves, always a little too into what she was doing, and she was relieved that she’d managed to shake him off. Even more so when the blond she’d been staring at joined her in the otherwise empty kitchen.  
“Ditched your boyfriend?” He teased, pushing hair out of his face and she watched, mesmerized, as a few droplets of sweat flicked off the ends. It was hot in the house and hotter outside.  
“You noticed? He’s been driving me crazy all night.” She replied. God, she was good at flirting, it was her thing, why couldn’t she manage something smooth right now. “I’m Sarah.”
“Trust me, I know.” He replied. And then, “JJ.”
When he held out the hand that had raked sweat from his hair she stared at it skeptically. “Did you want me to shake your hand...you’re all sweaty.”
“We could both be sweaty, then it wouldn’t matter.” He joked and despite the cheesy, dumb line, she actually laughed and let her hand fall into his.  
Sarah couldn’t remember exactly how they got from point A to point B and she considered it a one time discrepancy but she couldn’t deny that it happened. Later that summer when John B asked if she was a virgin she told him that she was but that was just a lie she clung to. One she told herself more than anyone else because she had always believed that when she finally did have sex for the first time (and not because of that virginity nonsense everyone was so obsessed with but because it was important to her) it would be with someone special. Someone she truly cared about.  
But it was JJ Maybank, in Kelce’s game room, on the futon, and it was like converting to a new religion. A dingy room full of smoke and JJ tasted like beer and weed and somehow all the fumbling and awkwardness of being 16 didn’t even exist. It was just something that she wanted to feel again, to keep feeling.  
“I can’t do serious right now,” he said it in the aftermath, as he kissed constellations into her shoulder and neck, connecting freckles from where she’d tanned too much, and she thought that she should’ve been pissed. She’d given him something she’d been so careful with and he was telling her that it was over.  
“So this was just...a one time thing?” She hated sounding so unsure of herself. That was not how Sarah Cameron ever sounded.  
“No,” he shifted on the small futon, enough that he could see her face, “I just can’t do like...a boyfriend, girlfriend thing.”
JJ knew all about Kiara’s beef with Sarah. He’d recognized the kook princess in the crowded house the moment he weaseled his way in. She was off limits, he told himself, but every time she looked his way and bit her lip he’d wanted nothing more than to profess some undying, totally unrealistic love for her. Like he was that geek in a 2000’s romcom, totally in love with the popular girl and trying everything despite a zero chance that she’d ever even look at him.  
He wanted to tell her that she was beautiful, that she didn’t remember him but they’d met briefly when she was still friends with Kiara and he’d stopped to talk on the beach. Kiara had shooed him off that day so he didn’t embarrass her in front of Sarah but Sarah...she’d just stood back and waved at him, that coy smile that she always wore piercing right through his heart.  
JJ wanted to tell her he could do all the serious things. If she didn’t care about dating a Pogue, he’d go everywhere with her. But Kiara was at the back of his mind and he’d already screwed up so he just told her that he couldn’t do a relationship.  
“Okay,” she reasoned, “lets not do a boyfriend girlfriend thing.” She knew that she should’ve put her foot down, demanded all or nothing, but compromise seemed too enticing to pass up. The chance to feel like this again? It wasn’t something she wanted to lose.  
Since JJ wasn’t technically her boyfriend, word that Sarah Cameron had broken it off with Rafe’s friend Noah spread through figure eight like wildfire. And out of all the guys who showed her interest, it was Topper Thornton that came next in a short line of lies. He was nice on the surface but paranoid and needy. And every time he kissed her, she thought of JJ.  
They met when their friends weren’t around, in the back kitchen of the Island Club or past midnight at her house. He’d climb up the balcony and knock on the window.
“I’m thinking about memorizing the lines from Romeo & Juliet,” he joked once when she let him. “That’s the one with the balcony scene, right?”  
“Yeah, that’s the one.” Sarah laughed, helping him through the window, “I’d pay good money to see that, by the way.”
“I can be romantic.”
They weren’t secret fuck buddies or something like that. It was more than that, as if JJ had told her that they couldn’t date but really what he meant was that they couldn’t date in public. Because sometimes, when they laid together in her bed, it really felt like they were dating.  
“This isn’t such a big deal, why does everyone bitch about this shit?” JJ asked, sitting on Sarah’s bed and flipping through her copy of Romeo & Juliet. He’d found it on the bookshelf and had taken it upon himself to read some of it.  
Sarah rolled her eyes, sitting up in bed and reaching for the book, “it’s the spark notes one, you’re reading the plain English side.”
JJ moved away from Sarah, holding the book out of her reach and flipping the pages, focusing on the other side. He mumbled words under his breath as he read, frown intensifying. Sarah bit her lip as she watched him, thinking she really wouldn’t mind kissing the frown off his face. “Shit, this makes no sense.”
“We can watch the movie sometime; I really think you’d like it.” She replied.  
“Next time...” he trailed off, “I’m supposed to meet Kie and Pope. Can I take this?”
“Yeah,” Sarah was sure that he knew about the drama between her and Kiara, she knew he was friends with her. There was no way that Kiara hadn’t taken every opportunity to bad mouth Sarah to her friends, though if she really had then JJ hanging around made little sense. There was no way, Sarah always thought, that if he knew all the shit that went down between her and Kiara, he would choose her.  
“I’ll text you.”
JJ never seemed jealous of Topper but that was only because he never really had the opportunity to. When he was around Sarah it was just the two of them. In her bedroom or sneaking off somewhere on the island where they were sure to be alone. He wasn’t going to waste moments like that in some worthless pissing contest with Topper. Sarah’s attention was on him, not on that kook Ken doll and there was no reason to remind her that she was technically dating him.  
But on the rare occasion that their paths crossed, like a beginning of the summer party at the boneyard, JJ couldn’t stop himself. John B was the one who noticed Sarah first (well Kiara before him but JJ wasn’t there when she let out a biting “what is she doing here”) and the minute he heard her name it was like every cell in his body registered in on her. He tried to look chill as he scanned the beach for her but he was sure he just looked stupid, slipping passed groups of people with a beer sloshing in his hand as he reached her.  
And there was Topper. And he really wished that he could tell Topper all the things that he and Sarah had done together just to see the smug look on his face disappear but Sarah would definitely kill him for that.  
Instead, he focused his energy on her, offering a beer. Sending the entire night into a spiral that neither of them could control.  
“It was a fucking gun you psycho,” Sarah laughed, the joking tone in her voice betraying the severity of the situation. Topper had tried to drown John B in the ocean and when no one stepped in to help, JJ had fired a gun into the air to scare everyone. Still, she couldn’t be mad at him. “How the hell did you even get a gun?”
“I wasn’t gonna shoot anybody.” He shrugged, kicking his shoes off in the small space of her SUV’s backseat.  
Sarah had told her dad that she was sleeping at Scarlet’s house tonight before the fight had even happened. Afterwards, when JJ texted her and asked if she wanted to meet up somewhere (his friends were bitching him out about the gun and he just wanted to sleep off his high) she agreed to pick him up. Down the street from John B’s house, he was on the side of the road, thumb out like a hitch hiker and she laughed when he ran around the passenger side of the car and got in.  
Now they were parked out behind the high school, making out in the backseat, and Sarah knew that she didn’t really give a shit if he intended to use the gun or not. She didn’t even care that he’d fired warning shots overhead. All she knew was that she’d dragged Tropper to that party hoping she would see JJ and when she did all she wanted to do was go off somewhere with him and screw the whole, stupid, “kook v. pogue” bullshit.
“Sorry about Topper, he was being a dick.” She apologized, “I didn’t think he’d go after John B like that.”
“Don’t talk about your boyfriend.”
Sarah wanted to tell him that she didn’t want Topper to even be her boyfriend. That he was exactly the person she wanted and she was tired of pretending like she didn’t care about him when they weren’t together in the dark somewhere.  
Things lulled back to normal until John B entered the picture. It wasn’t planned and she regretted everything the moment it started. What was she thinking? Some random kook was nothing in the scheme of things but his best friend?  
But things between her and John B were different than they had been with Noah or Topper. John B was the first boyfriend she felt like she could be herself around, the first one who made her feel comfortable and seen and safe and who actually wanted to be seen with her. That was the glaring difference between him and JJ, that he didn’t care if people knew they dated. He wasn’t hung up on Kiara’s opinion or anyone else’s. John B just liked her.  
“This is bullshit.” JJ was pissed when she told him that she didn’t want to keep seeing him, especially not behind John B’s back.  
“JJ-” she had been trying to reason with him, as if she was breaking up with a boyfriend.  
“No! John B? Of all the fucking people on this island that you could date-”
“Then you date me. You don’t want me to have a boyfriend? Then be my boyfriend!” Sarah snapped, frustrated.
JJ bit the inside of his cheek before he could say anything and agree. He looked away and Sarah sighed, she knew what was coming next. She always did. Things died between them, pain building in it’s place. It was temporary but it had felt permanent that day.  
Maybe it was cliche but Sarah wanted to be in love. She told herself, with John B, that she was. But that was just a lie too. Because every time she was around the pogues she felt like her head was spinning. Too close to JJ and she could feel that warmth, that fire that threatened to consume her. And when he looked at her, she knew that he felt it to.  
So, she did the thing she swore she wasn’t going to do to John B and she cheated on him. The first time was after dinner with everyone at The Wreck. She offered to take JJ home and they had sex in the backseat for the first time since she started dating John B. There were days that she went to the gym at the Island Club just because she knew he was working and she wanted to see him. And then there were moments, when she slept over at the Chateau and JJ was there, that they pretended like nothing existed between the two of them.  
But sometimes, when she couldn’t sleep and he was sprawled out on the sofa-bed, watching dumb shit on his phone, it was too hard to pretend that there wasn’t anything there.
“You know how fucking ridiculous this is right?” JJ asked, voice just above a whisper as she opened the refrigerator door, bathing the small kitchen/living room in light.  
“What are you talking about?” It was stupid to ask, Sarah knew exactly what JJ was talking about. She had been avoiding him all day, so much so that even oblivious John B asked her what her problem with his best friend was.  
“Are you kidding?” He said, sitting up on the pull-out couch, “just yesterday we were on your dad’s boat and today you’re acting like I’ve got some disease and you don’t wanna get too close to me.”
“What am I supposed to do JJ?” Sarah hissed, “we’re in my boyfriend’s house...we spent all day hanging out with your friends. How do you think Kiara and Pope would feel about me if they knew I...” Sarah trailed off, “you know I can’t do this with you.”
“Act like a normal person-”
“Be around you!” She snapped, both of them freezing for a second to make sure that there was no noise from the room down the hall. The last thing she needed was John B waking up to the two of them arguing in the living room. She wasn’t even sure she could explain this to him.  
“You think I like this? Watching you and John B together?” JJ replied, finally getting up off the pull-out couch and coming over to her. “I have to sit there every fucking time you come around and watch him touch you.”
Sarah looked away, letting go of the refrigerator door and crossing her arms under her chest, trying to find the thing she wanted to say. Really it was just ‘why don’t you?’...all she wanted was to just screw John B and have JJ all to herself but then the most obvious question arose...
“Why did you go out with him in the first place? After the party at the boneyard...you said you had been looking for me that night. That you wanted to be with me. That you weren’t happy all night until you saw me. So why John B?”
“Are you kidding me?” Sarah snapped, “I told you how I felt JJ and it was like talking to an empty void! You said nothing JJ...you did nothing. Just let me go back to Topper. Even when I got with John B you didn’t give a shit about it. I didn’t think you were interested JJ...I don’t know, John B was.”  
“I was interested.” JJ admitted, “I was just...I didn’t think you were serious. I never thought you really cared.”
In the dark of the main room Sarah could barely make out JJ’s features but she could feel him, close enough for her to reach out and kiss him, something she’d been desperately wanting to do for the past 18 hours. To get him alone long enough to kiss him, just to feel him like this, hovering so close but so far away from where she wanted him.  
“They will hate us.” She finally said, giving in and reaching a hand out to touch his cheek, feeling him place a kiss against her palm. His friends would ostracize them if they got together...she would be a social pariah if she broke up the pogues because she couldn’t just date John B and be happy. Hadn’t Kiara told her not to break his heart?
In a split second JJ was stepping away, bumping the island before scrambling around it as Sarah pulled her hand back like she was burned. John B’s distinct voice carried down the hall before he appeared in the entrance to the main room, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Babe, you out here?”
“Yeah, I was just grabbing a water.” Sarah lied, opening the fridge again to grab a bottle. “I’ll be right there.”
As the door swung shut she couldn’t help thinking that, maybe John B’s heart would stay intact but what about her and JJ?
Sarah didn’t get much of a chance to find out, as things escalated with John B’s gold search, her relationship with JJ was pushed to the back burner. The few times that they’d managed to sneak out together he had told her that nothing could happen between them but when John B asked her to run away to Nassau with him to steal back the gold her father took she fought the urge to flat out refuse. It was wrong to think but, if he was gone then maybe she could finally get her chance with JJ, maybe they could finally be something together. It was a horribly selfish thought and she hated thinking it but she couldn’t help herself.  
When JJ asked her to stay she made herself disappear and let John B take the Phantom out in the storm alone. She was hiding at the Myerson’s place while they vacationed in Aruba, waiting for JJ to meet up with her. She couldn’t let her dad or Rafe find her but she also couldn’t be there with Kiara, Pope, and JJ, not when she was supposed to be on the boat with John B.  
It was pouring down rain, blackout all over the island, and Sarah was sitting on the steps of the Chateau when JJ hiked back. He stopped under the tree, his head swimming from everything that was going on and feeling like he was walking into some sort of dream, Sarah there waiting for him.  
“JJ!” She shouted, jumping off the stairs and running to him, throwing her arms around his neck.  
It was traitorous, terrible, selfish, but JJ couldn’t help thinking that finally he had Sarah and no one could come between them.  
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multistoty · 2 years
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@kookbled @kookwits @kierras @jaymaybnk
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kiara-carrera · 3 years
not a question, but this is a free ticket to talk about cher
under the cut because i rambled <3
soft soft soft
ignore the following bad attempt at one of those aesthetic descriptions
cher is just like chapstick kisses, layered necklaces and multiple rings, tiffany's jewelry, homecoming queen, girl next door, 2000s y2k inspired fashion, the she's a full on monet quote from clueless, a mashup of cher and tai from clueless, helen shivers from ikwydls pageant queen vibes, typical cheerleader from 2000s movies but like...not as bitchy, sweet with a mean streak, 16 years old and completely bored of her life (sarah bubblewrap cameron vibes tbh), a little bit of betty a little bit of veronica none of the riverdale murder musical maple mothman nonsense, butterfly hair clips, bright colored scrunchies, milkshakes after football games
my little romantic heart eyed baby
big bubbly handwriting, probably dots her i’s with little hearts
kinda sorta want to make her into art or photography but idk yet
loves cheerleading, loves dragging her friends to games
(kiara would always make a big deal about how she didn't want to go and that cher was forcing her but in reality kiara lived for friday night football games when cher was cheering)
kie not really liking any of sarah and cher's friends and always preferring when it was just the three of them (she'd never tell a soul how she really truly preferred when it was just her and cher)
most of my chase content comes from genera+ion but cher doesn't have the white streaks that chase does on the show
cher sorta being the exception to sarah’s whole “people get close i push them away” thing
idk wtf topper's mom does for a living, but considering they called her doctor thornton, @s-s-southsideserpentine was like she's prob a therapist or psychologist or something like that so
cher leaving anonymous bad reviews online for her aunt's practice etc anytime she mildly inconveniences her
the holdens are wholesome, the thorntons can choke
honest to god, sarah was probably the only one in their friend group picking up on the vibes between cher and kie, the other nameless kook girls i have to make up are just like,,,oblivious
love love loves mainstream radio pop music
kiara made her a playlist of old marley songs and other music that she vibes with to expose cher to things outside of her little music bubble
both of them having a bracelet from the other during their friendship and secretly still wearing it after the fact
anytime the boys see kie and cher interact before they reconcile it's just the three of them being like "...that interaction was super fucking weird right?"
midsummers is just the two of them secretly being heart eyes over the other while also being mad that they're being heart eyes because it's like hey!!! no!!! we're mad at them!!!
kinda sorta exes kinda sorta the vibes of having an intense friendship with another girl and being completely and utterly wrecked and heartbroken when it ends and not understanding why
literally i am prepared to serve the storyline that sarah and kie should have had there was nothing platonic about the whole "you liked me" conversation i'm sorry there just wasn't
miscommunication trope jealousy trope bitter sorta ex gf trope
cher in her little green convertible vw bug daydreaming about running john b over because he looked a little too close with kie that one time
her dad's a lawyer, she knows the law baby
cher's parents not fully understanding why she isn't friends with kie anymore because yeah what teenager fully explains shit but anyways cher's mom is a lil sad because she loved kie
alternatively, kie's parents miss cher because they thought she was a good influence (she was not, but she knows how to please parents)
cherry by fletcher, supercut by lorde, curious by hayley kiyoko, strangers by halsey
the sour album but specifically drivers license
(does cher drive past kie’s house sometimes??????? mayhaps)
kie and cher having tons of pictures together before the demise of their relationship
cher clips her pictures on her fairy lights and there’s just a lot of glaringly empty spots now
cher and kie both having a whole bunch of the other’s stuff at their house that they shove into their closets
makes sure to convince her hotshot lawyer dad not to represent ward cameron because he's the absolute worst
wishes she had a camera to forever capture the look on ward cameron's face when her dad tells him to fuck off (they weren't besties or anything but there was def a level of friendship and cher's dad just immediately cuts him loose because he trusts his daughter and we love that)
sarah making sure john b texts cher that they're alive too and cher's gonna have to live that moment alone lololololol cue the dramatic facetime to kie jj and pope
cher needs better friends, the pogues will be her better friends
cher cutting off her kook friend group after the john b/sarah death thing because she has had it with the false narratives
the camerons purposefully banning cher from whatever little funeral/memorial thing they do for sarah is like a fucking knife to the chest
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outerjjbx · 4 years
Jiara July Jubilee
Day 4, 29th of July- destination day
words: 1.6k
JJ had always wanted to go to Australia.
It started when he was 10 years old. He was spending the night at John B’s, and Big John had insisted that they had to see Point Break. JJ wasn’t one to turn down a movie, especially if it involved surfing, so he agreed. By the end, when he was watching Bodhi paddle out to the waves of Bells Beach, he decided that his one goal in life was to go to Australia and surf those same waves.
A quick Google search revealed that it wasn’t really filmed in Bells Beach, and that those were actually waves from Oregon. Still, that didn’t affect his dream- he was going to surf at Bells Beach, Torquay, or die trying, just like Bodhi.
That’s what he wanted to do with the gold. He hadn’t told anyone, mainly because he hadn’t believed they would actually find it, but it was still true. He could go ‘full Kook’ after, but the trip was a priority.
When John B called from the Bahamas and told the Pogues both him and Sarah were alive, and that they had located some of the gold, JJ couldn’t believe his ears. His best friend eventually returned to the Outer Banks, with 100 million dollars converted from gold to money. It was only a quarter of the original amount, but it was enough to set each Pogues (plus Sarah) for life. They split it five ways, ending up with 20 million each.
As expected, the first thing that JJ did was book a flight to Victoria, Australia. John B and Sarah were travelling by themselves, and Pope was studying to get into some Ivy League college, so that just left JJ and Kiara. She was just as eager as him to travel to Australia; not only for the waves, but also for the wildlife. JJ was shocked by that, since he was pretty sure everything there could kill a herd of elephants with a single bite, but he was fine with her doing what she wanted as long as it meant JJ got to surf.
It took at least three days to convince Anna and Mike Carrera to let their sixteen year old daughter travel across the world with her delinquent best friend. They still weren’t happy about it, but enough begging, a reminder that her mother had travelled to England by herself at the same age and a promise to call every single day sealed the deal.
They needed parental consent to legally fly by themselves, meaning they had to stop by to see JJ’s dad for a signature. Kiara has suggested forging it, but JJ just sighed and shook his head, claiming he ‘had to face the music’. He hadn’t seen him since he took the keys to The Phantom, and he knew there were going to be dire consequences. He made Kiara wait outside as he went in, returning with a busted lip and a collection of new bruises, but a signature as well.
The flight was probably the most difficult part. JJ had never flown before, let alone for 17 hours. They had booked first class tickets, which definitely made it better, but the turbulence still made JJ wish he’d stayed home. Kiara found it amusing at first, but watching JJ struggle to breathe for over half a day straight was enough to make her wish the same thing.
Landing was simultaneously the scariest and best thing JJ had ever experienced. Feeling like he was plummeting towards the ground was terrifying, and his ears hurt like hell, but being safely on the runway after being convinced he wasn’t going to survive was the greatest relief of his life.
The pair were jet lagged beyond relief, but that didn’t stop JJ from running around Melbourne Airport like it was a theme park. Kiara had made them stop in there first so they could do some sightseeing in Melbourne city, and JJ had begrudgingly agreed. She knew he would enjoy it once they were actually there.
They had brought luggage and their boards with them, so they found a hotel where they could drop it all off and stay the night in. JJ suggested a room with one bed, causing Kiara to roll her eyes as she ordered one with two. His playful flirting was annoying at times, but it was harmless. Kiara knew he didn’t mean anything by it.
Neither of them knew their way around, and JJ had never been in a proper city before, so they spent hours just roaming the streets. Kiara has experienced her fair share of famous cities, and she had to admit Melbourne was nice. It still had that distinct city smell, the mixture of rubbish and oil, but it was relatively clean. The oldish buildings and street art were mesmerising, and the coffee was insane. She regretted letting JJ try any, though, because he was practically bouncing off the walls after a latté.
JJ made her take a dozen photos of him in Hosier Lane, her favourite being one of him pretending to kiss a muriel of Mike Wasowksi. She giggled as he tried to speak to the locals with a terrible accent, watching them pull disgusted expressions and back away. JJ was buying all the food he could get his hands on, his meal choices ranging from Indian to Subway, and Kiara couldn’t help but wonder what kept him going.
JJ ran across the road, nearly getting hit by a trolley, or a tram, as a local had told them, for the dozenth time. Kiara jogged to catch up to him and hit him on the arm.
“It doesn’t make any sense!” JJ exclaimed. “They’re road trains. Australia’s weird.”
“We have them in America too, dumbass,” Kiara said. “And besides, they’re better for the environment. Easier than trains, and better than cars.”
JJ shook his head. “What’s the point of cities, anyway? They just created greenhouse gases and, like, burn shit. Everyone should live on islands.”
Kiara raised an eyebrow. “This technically is an island, you know. It’s surrounded by water.”
“No, little islands,” JJ quipped. “Like ours.”
“And what would happen to the rest of the land?” Kiara asked, amused.
JJ shrugged. “I dunno. Who cares?”
Kiara laughed and began to walk down the street. “Come on. You want to make it to Torquay, don’t you?”
That caught JJ’s attention. He basically sprinted towards her, skidding to a stop so he could walk by her side. They made their way to their hotel, watching movies and eating room service for the rest of the night. Not having to worry about spending too much money was definitely a luxury JJ was taking advantage of, but Kiara was trying to keep her spending on the down-low. She wanted to make sure it lasted her whole life, including more travelling, and spending recklessly wasn’t going to allow that.
The next morning, Kiara had to practically drag JJ out of bed. He groaned something about being paralysed as she pulled their luggage to the door. Eventually, after a difficult process she was not looking forward to reliving, she got JJ up and they went downstairs for breakfast. There was a buffet, and JJ took advantage of the unlimited pastries and cereal.
The trip to Torquay was a flurry of trains, walks and buses. Driving would have been much easier, but they unfortunately discovered that the Australian driving system was very different than their’s. Besides, they didn’t want to learn how to drive on the wrong side of the road.
They booked their accommodation at the closest resort they could find to Bell’s Beach. The day was nearly over by the time they arrived, so they just spent some time messing around by the pool and ordering mocktails. They befriended a boy their age that was visiting from New South Wales, and they were astounded to see his parents ordering him beers. He told them it was normal, since he was seventeen and close to the legal drinking age, but they still found it hard to believe.
Kiara managed to get JJ out of bed relatively early in the morning, and they stopped at a nearby café for breakfast before venturing off the Bells Beach. JJ was running ahead, surfboard under arm as he navigated the hills leading down to the shore and looked out at the waves.
JJ’s grin was a mile wide as he stared out at the sea. Kiara joined him, admittedly growing nervous at the sight of the giant waves. They were bigger than she’d ever seen, spanning at least forty feet. She watched as JJ bolted out into the water, moving expertly. If she didn’t know him, she’d think he was a local that had surfed there a thousand times.
The waves were nothing like the ones in the Outer Banks, and they wiped out countless times. JJ made it worth it, though, because he looked to be having the time of his life every time he emerge from the water, coughing around his laugh. Kiara caught herself watching him more times than she’d like to admit, his admiring him for afar.
JJ had never been happier. He had never truly believed his dream would come true, and it was so much better than he’d expected. The waves felt like home, and he never wanted to leave.
The sea softened as the sun began to set. Kiara joined JJ in a calm area and they sat on their boards together, just watching the horizon.
“Thanks for coming with me,” JJ spoke, his eyes shifting to meet his friend’s.
Kiara leant over and ruffled his hair, making him grin and swat his hand away. “Anytime.”
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You Souhnd Lahk You’ah From Lahndahn!
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Hey Friends,
New Year! New Housewives! New Drama!  And I have a new six month old baby which is why there is a fairly significant lapse in time between now and my last blog.  As usual, let’s move past that quickly.
Ah, Beverly Hills. The 90210.  Ladies, ladies, ladies.  I can’t recall how long it’s been since the Munchausen accusation heard ‘round the world and the subsequent arguments which ensued before our very eyes, but here we are again.  And it feels rather nostalgic, doesn’t it?  I mean we have Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle getting laser beauty treatments on TV while discussing the current state of their vaginas.  
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You have your gratuitous Camille Grammar cameo, dropping square footage numbers left and right on her newly smaller Malibu mansion, with her lady-servant plating chicken on the bone.  And Lisa Rinna is still talking about her haircut and Harry Hamlin’s arms circa 1982.  
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Oh, but there is newness too.  And newness comes in the form of a doe-eyed moron, whose real name I am quite sure is either Sarah or Jennifer, but we’ll call her “Dorit” if that’s what she needs.  If you’re reading this and you’re standing up, I’m going to need you to sit down.  Take a seat because I’m about to lay something on you so hard.  You guys, Dorit is SO FUCKING WORLDLY.  She has been to other countries.  I’ll give you a minute.  You good?  
So “Dorit” and her husband “PK” (name acronym for what I assume stands for “Pretentious Kook” or “PSugar KDaddy” or the like) are so worldly in fact, that even though “Dorit” is from Connecticut, she sports what may be the worst fake British accent we’ve ever had the misery of witnessing.  She makes Lindsay Lohan sound like Eliza Doolittle at the end of the movie.  She makes Madonna basically the fucking Queen Mother herself.  I’m waiting to see these two on an episode of “America’s Most Wanted” a la the Armstrongs at some point in the near future because I’m telling you right now something ain’t right in the buttermilk.
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The only thing we viewers have going for us is that “Dorit” had no idea what she was up against.  She’s TV friends with Lisa Vanderpump so she thought she was safe.  She thought she could get away with just flitting about with her bizarre fake accent, air-kissing Kyle, having dinner parties with the 8 most interesting people in the world, or her world at least, and talking about how Boy George lives with her in every interview.  **If your claim to fame is that Boy George lives with you, I don’t know how to help**  But fortunately for us Erika Girardi resides on our show.  Erika Girardi, who has an accent all her own and is completely fluent in ‘Kunty,’ wasted absolutely zero time in calling out “Dorit” for being from Connecticut.  And thus there has begun a quiet war between them where every battle is to be won by Lieutenant Colonel Erika Jane/Girardi.
I am going to focus on “Dorit” vs Erika through the entire blog entry because I don’t think any of us care about anything else that is happening on this show.  Certainly not about Kyle and her fancy problems, or Lisa V with her TIRED double entendres (for Christ’s sake lady, know any other tricks??) nor Lisa Rinna and her Home Shopping Network grey duster.  
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I want, nay- I NEED to start with “PantyGate.”  If you know me even just a little bit, you know that I never wear underwear.  It’s a personal choice.  I have no time for it, I don’t like how it feels, I don’t like lines in clothes, I just don’t like any of it at all.  So when Erika did not wear underwear beneath her designer dress, I empathized.  I mean, look what happened with Kyle.  You could see nearly every inch of her Spanx.  That is a fashion faux pas of the worst kind, and really should have been blamed for this whole incident because had Kyle chosen the correct form of underwear, or no underwear at all, Lisa V wouldn’t have playfully asked Erika to give Kyle her underwear and Erika would never have been forced to tell everyone she wasn’t wearing any so Lisa would cease lifting her skirt at the table. And really, now that I type this, it’s Lisa V’s insistence on shoving her nefarious nature down all of our throats which led us to this moment.  The woman will do anything for a sexual innuendo and to start some shit.
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So Erika says she’s not wearing any underwear, as she sits legs together, napkin over legs.  Cut to “Perverted Knucklehead” chuckling coyly while sitting next to his wife, and then leaning over somewhat trying to get a better look! OMG.  OMG, hell no.  Helllllllll no.  I don’t know exactly the proper way for a husband to react to being told the woman sitting across from him isn’t wearing underwear, but that was definitely not it.  I’m trying to think of what my husband would have done.  Run away probably, but he’s afraid of all women who aren’t me so he’s a bad example.  Perhaps jokingly ask to switch seats with “Dorit” so you’re not directly across from Erika? Make a big, “WOAH!  Didn’t need to know that haha, can I get another gin and tonic over here??” awkward joke and move on WITHOUT TRYING TO SEE HER VAGINA FURTHER??
If you haven’t been watching, and you guessed that he kept trying to see what Erika Jane is always slapping in her music videos, you win.
A wise man would never mention this again to his wife.  And if she brought it up, a wise man would say, “I did not, would not look at your new friend’s lady bits at cocktail hour, now pass the peas please.”  But a wise man “Punchy Kookoo” is not.  He’s in the kitchen with “Dorit” and not only admits to looking for/at Erika’s box-o-secrets, but that he REALLY ENJOYED IT and COULD NOT STOP.
In the kitchen he said this. Where the knives are kept.  And “Dorit” is all, “I mean, he’s a man for Pete’s sake, who can blame him??”  And that’s how I know “P Kiddy” is paying this broad a LOT of money to say she’s his wife.
Cut to “Dorit” telling every housewife in history how Erika forced her husband to look up her skirt. She called Quinn and Lydia from Orange County.  She dialed up Adrienne Maloof and left a voicemail.  She drafted a telegram for Jill Zarin.  She sent a Messenger Pigeon to Taylor Armstrong in Aspen, but poor little guy unfortunately chose suicide by flight-into-jet-engine over having anything to do with this lame-ass scandal.
Now alllllll the ‘wives are talking about “PantyGate.”  “Dorit” decides to go as far to manufacture drama, thereby securing her spot on the show since they clearly need the money, as to buy Erika a pair of panties to present at the next event where everyone is there to witness the gifting.  So when they all meet up to do some human puzzle activity, “Dorit” makes a prettttttttty big deal about Erika’s vagina, how everyone saw it, and how she may be best served in covering it up going forward.  It made her husband “Pussy Krazed” super uncomfortable when he was trying really hard to stare at it.
I always say I would be the literal worst on this show.  It’s because I don’t care about any of this shit.  If this crazy lady with her accent made of a thousand accents came at me with that shit, I would be like, “Umm, that’s your incredibly embarrassing problem.” But maybe I actually would be good on this show, because that’s basically exactly what Erika said.  It was awesome. And “Dorit,” God bless her, as she does with everything else in her life- she tried SO HARD.  She really wanted this to be a scandal.  But it just wasn’t.  It was like this: Erika didn’t wear underwear, and “Dorit”’s husband thought that was awesome, tried to see up her skirt, told his wife he couldn’t help but look because it was freaking amazing and “Dorit” blamed Erika for her husband being disgusting.  And it was all so painfully transparent.  So much so that Erika was just like, “Gross, ok.”
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Cut to Tuesday night’s dinner party at “Dorit” and “Practically Kitschy”s home where the most interesting people in the world gathered to talk about “The Haves and The Have-Nots” and who really killed JFK.  Dorit wore the world’s shortest red dress and made a point to show her desperation by telling her husband to tell her she looked hot and that, unlike Erika, she was wearing underwear.  Barf, lady. Lisa RInna somehow got invited, which I’m sure ultimately made her feel more punished than honored.  She was given a severe tongue-lashing by “Pernicious Knave” about last season’s fight she had with his dear, fake friend Lisa Vanderpump.  Lisa RInna tried to explain she’s turned over a new leaf and feels differently about life now that she knows people die.  She brought up how Eileen has lost so many people including her mother right before last season’s reunion which Eileen did not tell anyone about as to not garner fake-sympathy that could somehow be used against her.
This did not please “Pro Knickers.”  Not one bit.
“That is unfair!” he spat. “Those women deserved to know that your mother had just died!”
“Oy!” exclaimed “Dorit.” “I complete-lah agrah wit you-ah one hooondred percahnt!”
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Eileen finds out about this peculiar stance against her choice to keep her mother’s death on an I-want-you-to-know basis and confronts “Dorit” about it at a one on one meeting between the two of them that I thought was going to take place with each in their own convertibles parked next to each other but ultimately moved to a random picnic table.
“All the other tables get picnics, and I get this?  I wish I could fly into a jet engine.” – Picnic Table
Eileen explains rather clearly the conversation that took place between “Dorit,” “Party Killer” and Lisa Rinna and why it bothers her that they would pass judgement on how she or anyone deals with the loss of a loved one.  And then “Dorit”s just like, “Whaht?  I litahrally have absoloooootily no idir whaht you ah toolking aboot…..”
WTF is this chick on? Seriously, what is it?  Is it some hybrid of Valium and Molly?  Is she the love child of vodka and lithium?  Because if she’s not on anything she is the worst, weirdest liar ever.
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We end the latest episode with a bizarre (I know I keep using that word but it is consistently the most appropriate adjective) conversation wherein “Dorit” calls 45 year old Erika a “young girl,” asks how albums are made (isn’t “Poopy Kaka” a music manager or record producer or something?) and tells Eileen to basically “bugga ooff!”
Meanwhile, a sullen Camille Grammer quietly forks around her bone-in chicken breast wondering where she went so wrong.
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  �ȣR �
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multistoty · 2 years
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@maybankormaylose @sulsurfer @pogueframed
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multistoty · 1 year
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❛❛  finally!  ❜❜    there's  a  sense  of  relief  within  her  voice  as  she  practically  stumbles  to  a  stop  several  steps  away  from  him,  hands  going  to  her  hips  while  looking  him  over  quickly.  there's  concern  evident  across  her  face  and  after  only  a  few  moments,  her  hands  drop  and  she's  making  her  way  over  to  him.    ❛❛  where  have  you  been?  everyone's  been  looking  for  you  -  you  had  us really  worried.  ❜❜    there  was  a  part  of  her  that  knew  she  needed  to  message  the  others,  tell  them  that  she'd  found  him  but  it  could  wait  at  least  a  couple  of  minutes.    ❛❛  new  rule:  no  running  off  without  telling  someone  first.  you  can't  just  do  that,  we  thought  something  happened  to  you.  ❜❜  
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