#*COUGH* *COUGH* billy antis *COUGH*
Billy anti nonsense of the day:
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Literally two posts later:
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Make it make sense, antis.
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"We should welcome twitter users coming to tumblr" yeah okay but have you ever had to interact with twitter fandom people? They're some of the nastiest beings to ever exist on this fucking planet.
They're the same who stalked Joseph Quinn wherever he went after season 4 of Stranger Things dropped and Eddie Munson became a fan favourite, leaking his dating app profile and his private cellphone number. (They also leaked Gaten Matarazzo’s cellphone number from what I got.)
They’re the same who harassed the Heartstopper cast so much that one of the main actors deactivated his twitter profile and the other was forced into coming out as bi.
And god forbid if you DARE criticizing the show they like, even if you’re a fan of it yourself. Just this morning I got a load of shit thrown at me on twitter because I dared pointing out how netflix acts in different ways towards wlw shows than mlm shows. I went about it logically looking at stats, and used First Kill and Young Royals as an example, because I watched both and the stats were very different in terms of budget, of views, etc. so overall, an easier comparison to make than between two shows who had almost identical stats.
Somehow (considering I usually get, at most 10 interactions under a tweet on a good day), my tweet blew up among Young Royals fans and I got 1000+ among replies and qrts of people who disagreed and I thought okay, not everybody has the same opinion right? Conctructive criticism is a thing right?
Well, on the goddamn blue bird app it is not.
People just said stuff like “it’s just because that First Kill sucks ass” and I tried explaining why (aka the tanking starting budget), so they went on to straight up calling me stupid, dumb, ignorant, they said I did not understand that one is Netflix USA and the other is from Netflix Nordic, mixed with a lot of swearwords in the crassest display ever.
And like. The fun thing is, I’m completing a master’s degree in Swedish. With my main faculty being media criticism. It will literally be my job, one day, to translate and criticize Swedish-speaking and English-speaking media.
Plus, though it’s not one of my favourites, I’m a fan of Young Royals myself because I started watching it to practice my Swedish language skills, and actually worked with its subtitles for a project of translation I had to do for class.
Tumblr may be a hellsite (affectionate) bit it’s really chill now, and kind of a safe heaven for me where I can interact with any kind of fandom and talk freely about which shows, characters and ships/pairings I love (i.e. apparently everyone on twitter is a Billy Hargrove anti. Seriously. Went to see if there were some fanarts, hcs, or other pieces of fanon really, but there was nothing except for hate tweets against both the characters and fans who like him), even when it comes to more serious and technical stuff like why netflix dooms certain shows from the start (cough cough First Kill cough cough) and I would hate to see it become full of hate just like twitter is.
Soooo, tl;dr: Like hell am I welcoming people you can’t have a civil discussion over anything with here.
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contemplated at shooting annie (which he unnecessarily did)
punched Hughie for stopping him from killing Kimiko’s brother, Kenji, right in front of her. Then said if he got in the way of him reuniting with Becca, he’d kill Hughie too.
Used an infant as a weapon and threatened to kill them
Is a hypocrite himself (obviously)
Killed a whale
Drugged Marvin
He was willing to sell Ryan to Vought knowing that it would likely mean another Homelander. He didn't care, because it meant he would have Becca.
Insulted Ryan, TO BECCA'S FACE (honestly, Becca should've never tried to make Billy like, let alone tolerate Ryan if she knew that Billy has a weak connection with children and is distrustworthy around them. Like she should've just told him to kick rocks and make sure he won't have a hand in raising Ryan either)
He said that Becca could just "have another kid", not understanding that kids aren't replaceable, like objects (jewelry, cars, houses, etc.) That attitude is fucking horrifying if you're a parent, and I'd worry that he would have that attitude towards any kids (whether mere mortal or supe)
He betrayed his team multiple times
Threatened to kill hughie multiple times
doesn’t care who he hurts in the process
Gaslighted ryan
Let's also add the fact that he CHEATED ON BECCA WHEN THEY WERE TOGETHER
Attempts to kidnap Zoe (based on what the trailers implying)
UNALIVES 2 CHARACTERS AT LEAST (ONE MAIN CHARACTER) wouldn't surprise me if it turns out to be Hughie, considering he threated to unalive Hughie numerous of times.
In all honesty, I hope he hallucinates an angry Becca and Becca's ghost haunts him in the next seasons, like Rhonda's ghost haunted Anika in "Empire".
don't forget unnecessarily attempted to blow up teddy stillwell~!
this shit would be why i roll my eyes anytime someone calls billy an 'aNtI-hErO' or 'gOoD', leik Y'ALL--
lol oh no dear gawd you poor bitch, my dear sweet beautiful angel baby child~<3
just wait until we get to the end of the story or even just a *little* bit further along... this ain't even the half of it...
the ever expanding shit list on butcher can make homie look tame at times, but yeah no~. def not a good guy, def not right in anyway, one of the big main points of the story is proving butcher wrong and showing just how far his own head was up his own ass.
he's a secondary villain to the series, primary being h--VOUGHT (but also since people forget our *actual* hero is HUGHIE, and that the supes themselves are a SYMPTOM not the actual source of the problems *cough*cough*HEY REMEMBER STARLIGHT WHO EXISTS??* OR THIS WHOLE ASS ABUSIVE FUCKIN' COMPANY THAT EXPLOITS CHILDREN AND EXPERIMENTS ON BABIES LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS??????) and leik. he is *made* specifically to disappoint and prove the reader/viewer *wrong* about him (apart from prove himself wrong) by being his absolute worst with zero excuses for it at legit every chance he gets. mainly by being a serial killer butt~
he's *designed* to toy with our emotions and the hope that we see some *good* in him or give him the benefit of the doubt, because we are seeing the story mostly from *hughie's* perspective, and that is specifically how *HUGHIE* feels about him. and some are def blind to it (like hughie lmao) but some can see through butcher's bullshit (like *annie*)
like his whole damn niche is *dragging* homelander down to his level and causing chaos beyond his own wildest wet dreams at the *expense* of everyone else, and homie clocked that motherfucker before giving him the promise of that ticking time bomb explosion because butcher ain't the only one pushing him too far--but he is certainly the most devoted.
his *obsession* with homie completely consumes his life and everything he does. homelander *hardly* cares about billy beyond his being a persistent thorn in his side that *occasionally* provides *some* level of interest.
i think an easy gauge at what's really going on is to look no further than annie's perspective. many people are more than willing to overlook butcher's bullshit, but annie describes what's going on probably better than anyone i've seen.
for homie? she specifically says. "there's something *wrong* with homelander", but with butcher she just gets fuckin' mad MAD because HE. KNOWS. BETTER. and does worse.
the framing there isn't a mistake. leik at all.
post gen v, i saw a bunch of people calling for the gen v kids to join the boys or for butcher to 'adopt' them and the only thing i could think was 'dear fuckin' satan, for the love of GAWD, PLEASE NO' because the only thing butcher does and *would* do is~
it is LITERALLY all he does the WHOLE fuckin' time, and it's comin' to a head cause there is only so much bullshit his team will tolerate, and i--.
i need butcher... to stay THE FUCK *away* from the gen v kids because *when* he hurts them i will lose my shit--
i don't think hughie will die. given the comic, he's actually one of the few people i would say is actually guaranteed to survive (again, goes back to people forgetting *hughie* is our protagonist, NOT butcher), but he may be the one who ends up killing butcher, def not before billy does a ton of damage to showcase what an irredeemable scumbag he really is (i love him, i really do BUTT JESUS fuckin' CHRIST MAN--)
when it comes to ryan, that's a whole 'nother can o worms, but there's a part of me that honestly feels billy only protected him--not because he actually gives a shit about ryan specifically (let's not forget that moment he was about to beat ryan to death when becca died), but because he actually does care specifically about *keeping his promise to becca* and the leverage that ryan *is* over homelander.
and while i do think it's possible that through that and in his own twisted round about way, he *cares* for ryan in a similar way he cares for hughie (mostly just the connection to becca tho), i also think it's pretty likely there is a part of him that deeply resents ryan *specifically*, i think its SUPER duper fuckin' likely that as soon as billy gets the idea in his head that:
'ryan is a lost cause and can't be saved'?
*and* he's no longer of use to billy?
that poor kid's gonna fall to the 'just another supe freak/only worth somethin' dead' list for billy. :/
and i get it, it is fuckin' infuriating but he is supposed to be infuriating because we're supposed to realize just how full of shit and actually evil he really is under the bravado. he's just another extremist opposite of homelander to the point where even their desires and presentation, inner and outer, ring opposite.
boi is a wannabe frank castle with ZERO fuckin' principles.
but yeah, once you get to the point of trying to BLOW UP A FUCKIN' BABY, i--
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werewolfnick · 1 year
Because I have seen how antis wish that the Duffers had casted a person of colour or someone plus sized as Billy, I wanted to add my two cents in. Now, I am a white person, so I don’t know if I can add anything to the person of colour casting of Billy. But, I can talk about the plus sized thing. 
So, I am a plus sized person and I would say I have been since I was maybe 12 years old. I do believe there are two potential reasons why. One, I am autistic and the foods that I consider safe are not healthy (and I am very aware of that). And two, most of my family are on the bigger side of things to some degree, therefore I was most likely predetermined to be plus sized anyway. 
Hearing Billy antis say that they wished that Billy was fat so he doesn’t have any stans does hurt as someone who is plus sized irl. It’s subtly saying that plus sized people aren’t allowed to have people like them (whether it be friends, in a relationship or just a mutual thing). I already get some shit for my weight from my own nan and my dad’s wife (not to be confused with my biological mum. I live with my mum and my dad lives not that far). 
You never know why someone is the size that they are. 
Genetics ...
Medical conditions like Prader-Willi syndrome ...
A mental health condition ...
Medications that have weight gain as a side effect ...
Autism in which safe foods mainly consist of unhealthy foods ...
Again, hearing some people wishing that if Billy was fat, people wouldn’t like him and it does hurt plus sized people irl. It hurts me because of being a plus size person.
Not wanting to be friends with someone or liking a fictional character is one thing for something, but don’t make it because of their skin colour or because they are plus size. Make it because they are transphobic or something (*cough* like jk Rowling *cough*). 
Being a plus sized is never a reason to hate someone, even towards a fictional character.
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phoenixtakaramono · 11 months
The Boys - 2 or 9
From the 🔥Choose Violence Ask Game🔥
Hullo, hullo, Anon! Apologies for taking so long. I don’t mind answering both. (*´∇`*)
9) Worst part of The Boys canon
CW warning in this paragraph, but I despise The Deep for SA-ing Starlight (Annie January) and I despise *Homelander (John Gillman) for SA-ing William “Billy” Butcher’s wife, Rebecca Saunders. I have to put an asterisk next to HL though because it depends if Kripke decides to make TV canon follow comic canon where it turns out the “Homelander” who had SA-ed Butcher’s wife was actually Black Noir aka Homelander’s clone. I mean, I get why they went with the women getting s*xually assaulted (shock value, and to show that even superheroes in high positions can abuse their power) and they were able to make me discomforted which means they were successful at getting me to feel sympathetic for the victims and dislike Deep and HL (I’m neutral to Deep tbh but because of S1E1 I can never stan Deep on principle…but I get why there are people who thirst after his character; he’s the comic relief side character who’s amusingly pathetic and the actor who plays him is conventionally attractive).
Ironically though Homelander is a fun character to write as a milk-obsessed psychotic narcissistic sl*tty manchild who needs to be spanked (*coughs delicately* bullied *coughs*). So knowing comic canon, coupled with a writer and reader bias, has softened my stance on HL. He’s not quite my homicidal babygirl that I will defend to the grave, but I do have a soft spot for fictional crazy yanderes.
Another part of canon I’d say I don’t like is…we all know the pain that is awaiting us at the finale. It ain’t a happy story. It’s a Shakespearean tragedy—with the anti-capitalist commentary on the establishment/ system in place being the true enemy. It’s gonna be the whole Plato’s Cave Allegory.
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And only Hughie (and Annie?) is going to be the survivors in the end. Yaadaa yaadaa about how power corrupts. How Hughie was the only one who broke from the cycle of revenge (notice how his fiery motivation to avenge Robin seems to be dwindling with each episode?), and how he’s going to use this as a learning experience to not follow in Butcher’s footsteps.
Watch. It’s my show prediction. But you can’t tell me it isn’t very likely the show won’t go in this direction. I’m anticipating a bittersweet show finale (personally I’d make Ryan perish towards the end so it can serve as the straw that broke the camel’s back and make Homelander go off the deep end):
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But it’s very possible Kripke chickens out from the absolutely devastating annihilation of all The Boys main cast (save H+A) and preserves Ryan’s life in the end as an emotional send-off for Hughie and Annie to raise (because it also presents an opportunity for the writers to tug at our emotional heartstrings by making a S2 callback to Billy’s promise to Becca to protect her son; he protects Becca’s son from Homelander and from himself, leaving Ryan in the hands of the people who Billy can trust to take care of him in his stead and to give the boy the life that he deserves which Billy cannot provide for him). It all very much depends on the writer’s intent—and which option that the showrunners will think can make the largest impact.
2) A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Ah, see, this is a wee complicated because if I’m being honest, my fave is, unsurprisingly, Kimiko. (*coughs* Asian solidarity *coughs* if you do Asian representation right and I like the character, I will automatically like the Japanese or Chinese character in your show.) And between her and Frenchie…let’s just say Kimiko is the one who pegs in the bedroom.
(You cannot tell me, looking at this photo of her, that you cannot see her Top energy. She might be a total sweetheart, cute and petite and lovable, but she can benchpress Frenchie to kingdom come and back—and he’d love it.)
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But I know that’s not what you come here for. You’re here for:
Homelander (my favorite psychopath to write about—and why I think he’s a pretty Bottom Pillow Princess):
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…Do I even need a compelling argument? Mind you, I can see him topping (it’s instinctual)—but this be a man who we saw bossed around by Madelyn and Stormfront during their “bedroom activities.” Indulge him, stroke his ego, coddle him, treat him like a precious precious handsome boy, give him the unconditional love and human connection that he so desires—and he’s putty in your hands. Face it; he’s got the Bottom energy. Tired of the constant missionary s*x and want to spice things up in the bedroom? Curious about, I’dunno, BDSM? Homelander might hesitate at first, worrying about his super strength and the possibility of breaking you, but he’ll pretty soon be all for it once you get him hot and bothered. Want to be adventurous and suggest he take a d*ildo or strap-on or finger up to the prostate while you suck him off? *claps hands* It’s electric boogaloo time. This is the type of guy who probably destresses from his daily hero work and the pressure of being the face of Vought (and all the expectations that come with) by wanting to be pampered, petted, kissed, etc on his down time—and he’ll go down on his knees to eat you out or suck you off. It’s safer, you see, with your hands tangled in his hair, guiding his every move and being vocal with your wants and taking the control out of his hands—and he takes pleasure retreating into his little headspace with the knowledge that he’s making you feel good. He feels good. And you’ll reward him later for that, even if it’s a crazy idea like f*cking in the sky floating above the Empire State Building when it’s lights out or getting him off hidden out of view while he’s having a Zoom call with Ashley and Vought’s board of directors.
He’s the type of guy I can see, after a mindblowing org*sm, enjoying the aftercare that comes after.
Butcher (my favorite kind of Male Lead to write—and why I think he’s an absolute Top):
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…You’re telling me, this 6'1" muscular guy who has SAS and Royal Marines and CIA field operative experience and duked it out with Homelander whilst on Temp-V, does not top? Excuse me, have you seen this GIF? Have you seen this episode? (Have you ever heard of a honeypot or honey trap operation? I bring it into my fics; it’s a genuine seduction tactic that a CIA officer may employ.)
Nuff said.
Plus, he’s the defacto leader of his ragtag motley crew of crooks, terrorists, Supes, and Hughie. He bosses them around—and they listen. You cannot tell me that bossiness doesn’t translate into the bedroom. For him to bottom, he’d lift his brows at you, smirk a little over the rim of the glass in his hand, and say he’ll think about it—provided you give him a little striptease show, darling. And maybe, just maybe, he might just give it a shot. And you’re flustered, face red and heart pounding, because he’s f*cked you within an inch of your life and your panties are hanging off your ankle, clothes disheveled, with his calloused fingers pressing deliciously against your thighs.
I can see him bottoming as a Special Occasion (anything for his babygirl who’s been good), but he’s Daddy. He’s Service Top vibes.
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imsodishy · 2 years
Disclaimer, I like Eddie Munson, but beyond not agreeing with a certain subset of his fans (cough Billy antis cough) and their, you know, everything about how they wield him like a weapon within the fandom or something. I also super don't vibe with the fanon version of him they're trying to build.
The second someone tries to portray him as remotely cool I just... Oh, oh no, you have misunderstood. That's a dork, that's a doofus.
'But he's in a metal band, and he wears leather, and he sells drugs, and he can hotwire a car.'
Yeah, and he's a massive dweeby nerd (affectionate) the entire time he does all of those things. That's literally the point.
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tallyhallow · 2 months
meet the people at tallyhallow!
hello, this is an introduction post! collective name - zubin collective age - chrono 14 / 18+ collective pronouns - he/him collective sexuality - gay, asexual, polyamorous we're an osdd-1b system, self dx alters sign off with their names we're hypersexual and this is an nsfw safe blog
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cisids: cisplural cisteen cistransmasc cisdepression cisadhd cisbpd cisamerican ciswhite
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transids: transabled transharmed transharmful transgender transrace transethnicity transage transspecies translocation transtime ask for specifics
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likes: music - the beatles, nirvana, queen, metronomy, tally hall, jack stauber, gorillaz, melanie martinez, billie eilish, rock, john lennon art shows - friends, abbot elementary, don't hug me i'm scared, flight of the conchords games - ponytown, just dance, roblox, fnaf tacos the colors green, pink, & blue
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dislikes: beans loud noises crowds bright lights heat kids
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dni: anti's under 13 chrono over 30 chrono dsmp fans [unless u already know us] music snobs rude ppl ed blogs sh blogs joe hawley haters, antis, and doc believers [u can believe what the doc said was true, just don't stop supporting him bc of it]
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byi: we're radqueer [obv] we're a proshipper and comshipper we're a paraphile don't mention guns, sa, or eds around us we're a furry, therian, fictionkin, & otherkin we're kinda rude sometimes we have alters from problematic sources [*cough cough* joey hawley *cough cough* we're socially awkward and have social anxiety we don't usually dm first we might ghost u [on accident or not] we love joe hawley and we support him!!!
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A Voice Through the Nothingness Part 10
Series Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Please drop a comment if you're enjoying my work.
Contains: Fluff, angst, fluff. This is still a slow burn.
4.7 K words
Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #a voice through the nothingness.
“When I look into your eyes, I'm curious to know what you see?”- A.K. Kuykendall
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Hazel sighed and texted Billy, "I'm going to be twenty minutes late. Thank you for waiting for me." 
The ping of Hazel's special text tone pulled Billy out of the meeting with Frank in an instant "No worries, bad day at work?" 
Frank chuckled, "You talking to Hazel?" 
Billy nodded, "Yeah, she's going to be late. I just hope she's ok." 
Frank dismissed Billy's worry, "She'd be fine, she's probably just had to deal with some asshole parent and has a mountain of paperwork." 
Billy felt his heart slow, "You're right." 
Her tone sang again, "You have no idea, I'll tell you all about it if you want." 
Billy huffed and texted her back, "Hell yeah." He turned back to Frank, "She had a bad day at work. You got any updates on this senator?" 
Frank nodded and threw the file in his hand to Billy, "Yeah, it's nothing to worry about." 
Hazel was precisely twenty minutes late and Billy hopped up off the picnic blanket that he had set up under the tree to help her with the basket, "I'm sorry, I had to go home and have a long shower."
Billy noticed her curls were still damp, pilled on her head in a messy bun. He could smell her conditioner, it smelt like brown sugar and vanilla. "Gross stuff?"
They reached the blanket and she shook her head, "No, fucking anti vaxxers. I didn't want to go near anyone, still covered in whooping cough, I had a quick shower at the hospital and a long one at home. I had to put my scrubs in a biohazard bag, they're soaking in disinfectant as we speak."
Billy chuckled, "Don't get Curt started. We saw what the lack of modern medicine did to people. I don't know how you don't punch idiots like that."
Hazel sat down and gave Billy a look as if to tell him she wanted to, "Neither do I. None of that matters anyway, the kid's improving in the PICU and I got to give a lecture to the parents while the head doc sat in the room with his arms crossed."
Billy sat next to her and laid out the plates while she pulled out the food, "Oh, I loved getting to do those. The idiot looks at your superior thinking they'll help out and they just stand there. Best feelings ever."
Billy went to pluck a grape and Hazel raised a finger, "Those are grapes for the ducks, I bought better ones for us." She held up a bowl and he took one, holding back a moan as the sweet taste filled his mouth, "What about you?"
Billy sighed, "We got another job with a senator from out of state, he's here campaigning for cheap energy and may of may not have pissed off some oil people."
Hazel blinked, "Wow, good luck."
Billy chuckled, "I'm guessing you don't like oil companies?"
She shook her head, "Nope, I hate diamond companies too. I wrote my Master's thesis on caring for children who worked in gemstone mines. Needless to say, your clients and I have very different opinions on jewellery."
Billy gave Hazel a soft smile, "You and be both. We all saw what those thing do and what people did to get them. I look at their fancy watches and their wife's nice necklaces and I hate it."
Billy picked up the little sandwich Hazel had placed on her plate and looked it over, "What's this?"
Hazel smiled, "It's nice, egg and chives. There's also ham and tomato, cucumber, tuna fish, and cream and jam."
Billy took it in with one bite, "Wow, this is great."
Hazel chuckled, "Ok good, because I made more than sandwiches." She picked up a glass container and placed to contents into two little bowls, "Strawberry Salad with Balsamic, it's very good. There's also some mini chicken wraps and tiny chocolate cakes for sweets."
Billy's eyes went wide, "Wow, you are impressive. I've never had such a fancy picnic."
Hael laughed, "Life is too short for bland food. One day I'll make you my super spicy curry.
Billy smiled, "If it's anything like the rest of this stuff I'm not going to say no."
Billy rested back on his elbows, his stomach full, "I want to feed the ducks but I think I'm too full."
Hazel chuckled, "Come on, it will be fun and I don't want the grapes to go to waste." She stood up and extended her hands, helping Billy up with a grunt. They walked over to the small pond and say down on the bench before Hazel handed Billy a small handful of the green fruit.
Billy smiled, "You and Lizzy should come to Anvil and have a look around. They've all heard so much about you, so if don't bring you and Lizzy down they'll drag you there."
Hazel sighed, "I don't see why not, you've seen where I work so I should see where you work, it's only fair."
Billy nodded, "Very true. It's nice, very fancy. You can see our training facilities, our meeting rooms, hell we even have a shooting range where you can show me those skills that Frank keeps talking about."
"We'll be there, although I don't know if you want to end spend any time at your shooting range, I might show you up." Hazel knew that would get something out of him.
Billy smirked, "Oh yeah, you're telling me you're that good?"
Hazel nodded and tossed a grape to a honking duck, "Yep."
They fed the ducks until all the grapes were gone and they were both yawning, "Let me take you home, you've had a long day. I came on the subway, so you don't need to worry about my gas."
Hazel sighed, "Fine, you'll ask until I say yes anyway."
They walked almost arm in arm to the station and sat leg to leg as the train moved. Billy picked up on the people in the corners as he got closer but they didn't pay Hazel any attention, until she reached her building.
The man standing there gave her a look, "You good Hazelnut?"
She nodded, "This is Billy we're friends, he's ok."
Billy offered the man a slight smile, "I'm just going to drop her at her door, you don't need to worry about me."
The man smiled back, "Hazel's a nice lady, we're all on the same page here." Nothing more was said as Hazel walked through the front doors, up a flight of stairs and into a hallway.
They arrived at her door, and Billy watched as Hazel checked the corner of the door before pointing inside as she opened it, "You wanna come in for a coffee?"
Billy smiled, "Sure."
Hazel looked down at his feet, "Shoes off, please."
Billy kicked off his shoes and took a good look around, "Wow, this place is spotless, and really nice, did you do all of this?"
She nodded and headed over to the coffee machine, "I did, I fixed up a few other apartments too. One guy owns the whole thing and he's a cheap ass. So I told him as long as he paid for everything, I'd work for free. I've only done mine, Marge down the hall and one for a family downstairs but at least it's not sad yellow paint and decades old kitchens."
He smiled, "Wow, that's amazing." Hazel could see him going over his next sentence, "I saw you check the door before you opened it, I'm guessing for something to tell you if it had been opened. I know it's not my place to ask but are you safe? Because you don't act like someone who is."
Hazel paused making the coffee and turned to Billy, "I am, no one's looking for me, I'm not in deep with the mob. I just have this fear that my ex will get out one day and by the time they tell me, it will be too late. So I'm doing my best to be ready."
Billy smiled softly, "I'm not going to suggest you move to an Anvil protected apartment so someone can do that for you but if you ever need someone to spend the night at your door, just give me a call."
Hazel leaned against the counter before shutting off the machines and handing Billy his cup, "The beans are from Madagascar, vanilla with notes of caramel. You wanna feed Barry while you're here?"
Billy spun on his heel and looked right up Barry who was clearly trying to gain attention for food, "Why not, you got any calms?"
Hazel sighed, reached into the fridge and handed Billy a bag, "Only three, if he eats too much he'll get sick." She walked over a pulled off the tank lid and Billy chuckled and Barry went after the clams as Billy dropped them in.
Billy wasn't going to drop it, "I'll even send over a fish lover. We've got one guy who won't shut up about putting a tank in at Anvil, no charge to you but he'll do it for free anyway if you let him feed Barry."
Hazel shook her head, "I want to say yes but if I do that I'll never be able to be on my own. I have to come out of this stronger, not needing a crutch."
Billy chuckled, his tone slightly cynical, "Physician heal thyself. Maybe a good night's sleep will do you some good. I'm not saying you look tired, you always look great but I know how someone is when they're always watching their back. I won't ask you again, just know that the offer is there."
Hazel swallowed, "Thank Billy. You should let your friend put in that fish tank, they're good for your mental health."
Billy chuckled as Barry spat the clamshell out and came looking for more, "I'd have to agree. Can I get a Barry? He's like a dog with fins."
Hazel nodded, "He's a very special Fahaka Puffer. He's one of the first bred in captivity. He needs brackish water which is a mix of salt and fresh and the rest is pretty easy. The plants you see are really important, Barry's natural home is the Nile so they're all Nile plants. I know a guy who can get you everything."
Billy smiled, "That's great, when can I get the fish?"
Hazel sighed, "Not for a little while, you have to set up the tank first and let all the good stuff grow so it's safe for the fish."
"Done and done. I want an office buddy." Billy sounded so excited, "How big will he get?"
Hazel pulled her hands apart, "Eighteen inches. He's got one more tank upgrade in his future. He's less than two years old and he's only got another eight inches to grow so he'll live fifteen years. His final home will be a one hundred gallon tank."
Billy chuckled, "That's huge."
Hazel nodded, "Yeah, next to my house it's the thing I'm saving for. I know he's just a fish but I love him."
Billy shook his head, "He's not just a fish Hazel, he's your friend." Billy sat on the small couch with a sigh, "Thank you for having me over and as much as I would like to stay, my phone keeps buzzing in my pocket."
Hazle smiled softly, "Thank you for coming. Lizzy and I will be at Anvil when you guys have the time, just let us know."
Billy walked over to the skink and washed and dried his empty cup, "Can I help with the other dishes?" He could see that Hazel was thinking it over but before she could say yes, his phone rang, "I'm sorry, that means something needs my attention. I'll make it up to you."
Hazel smiled and headed for the door, "It's alright. I get a time from Lizzy and text you."
Billy stood still at the door and took a deep breath before smiling down at her, "Can I give you a hug?"
Hazel's answer was to give him one first and Billy relaxed into her embrace, "Be safe out there."
Billy chuckled, "I always am. Goodnight Hazel."
She gave him a soft wave as he stepped out of her apartment, "Goodnight Billy."
Hazel and Lizzy walked through Anvil's front doors and looked around, it looked as nice as they had described it with with huge windows and sleek design. Hazel all but skipped up to the front desk and waved at the young man working it, "Hello, I'm Hazel and this is Lizbeth, Billy, Curt and Frank are expecting us."
The man nodded, "They are. I'll call them and they'll come down and get you. In the meantime, have a seat or get yourself something to drink."
Lizzy gave Hazel a look, "Thank you sir. We'll be sure to tell your bosses, you are great at your job."
They were down a few minutes later and hugs were exchanged before Billy waved his hand with a smile, "Shall we ladies."
Hazel turned to Lizzy who gave a nod, "We shall. Lead the way."
Billy walked them further into the building and down the hall, stopping before another set of windows that looked out into a gym, "This is our training area where we review new recruits."
Lizzy blinked, "Wow, no wonder you're all so jacked." Curt straightened his back, but it was clear that day he felt a little shy.
Billy walked down the wall to another area that looked almost the same but empty, "This is the staging area, we do lots of stuff here."
He took them to an elevator then hit the button to one floor above. When the doors opened, Billy resumed the tour, "This floor has all our offices but mine and Frank's and all our meeting rooms.
Lizzy tapped Curis on the shoulder, "Where's you office?"
Curt chuckled, "Downstairs by the gym, I like to be around everyone."
Lizzy smiled, "Isn't that sweet."
Hazel exchanged a look with Billy and Frank, then turned to Lizzy, "Ask him out. This flirting without action is getting really weird."
Frank slapped a hand to his mouth to stifle the laugh while Billy grinned. Lizzy smiled and shook her head before turning to Curt, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Curt returned her smile, "Yeah, that would be great."
"Now that's over, can we see more. This place is super cool." Hazel sounded over the moon.
Billy smiled, "Sure. I think we should go to the range and see if you live up to Frank's hype."
Hazel tapped her bag, "I'm ready for it. Which brings me to my next question, you must have hidden metal detectors because we're both armed and we weren't stopped at the door, nor did we go through anything. Explanation one is that you're not checking, which I don't believe, and option two is that you are, and we've already been given to ok to enter the building."
Billy shook his head is disbelief, "You're one of only a few people who released we've been using hidden metal detectors. You sure you don't want to come and work for me?"
She shook her head, "I love my job so no but I'm happy to keep blowing your mind."
Billy chuckled, "I'm sure you are but I'll believe it when I see it."
Billy led them back to the elevator and then it took them down to the basement, the doors opening to a huge floor with rows upon rows of gun lockers on both sides and a range at the end. They walked to the booths and Billy grabbed targets and Frank retrieved earplugs and goggles while Hazel and Izzy took their guns from their bags.
Once the targets were set up, every one put in their ear and eye protection and then shooting positions were taken and the guns were raised. No one jumped as the shots went off and in a handful of seconds, the guns were empty.
There was a buzz that indicted the range was cold and the targets slid forward, "Fuck yeah." Hazel chuckled at Lizzy's exclamation.
Billy huffed as he looked over the targets, "Fuck yeah is right, you ladies are deadly."
Lizzy sighed, "It's all Hazel, she's the one who taught me."
Frank smiled, "Atta girl."
Hazel waved a hand, "It's nothing, I've just had a lot of practice."
Curt chuckled, "No need to be humble, there are people out there who have been shooting for years who aren't that good."
Lizzy sighed, "Well, unlike Hazel, I'm happy to take the compliment."
Hazel chuckled, "Have I lived up to the hype?"
Billy nodded, "Oh yeah you have. How about we head out and get some lunch, maybe we can talk about how two nurses could beat my staff in a shootout?"
Hazel smiled, "Ok, but only if you don't try and recruit us."
Billy nodded, "I make no promise. We can go to that little diner on fifth." Just as everyone walked off, Billy's hand wrapped softly around Hazel's wrist, "Can I steal you for a second."
Hazel nodded, "Sure, what's up?"
Billy paused, unsure of how to proceed, "Are you sure you're alright?"
Hazel nodded, "Yep, why wouldn't I be."
Billy's hand was still around her wrist, "Because you're groupings made it pretty clear that you've spent a lot of time training to kill someone when you get the chance. I'm not judging you and I think you're doing the right thing, I'm just worried that something keeping you up and night."
Hazel swallowed, "I'm still healing, being able to protect myself helps a lot."
Billy didn't ask for the hug this time and Hazel found herself ready to collapse in his arms, "Do you want to come over for dinner?"
He was taken aback but caught himself, "Yeah, I'd love that."
Billy knew something was wrong the moment Hazel opened the door, she seemed flatter and even more protective of her space than she usually was, "Is everything alright?"
Hazel nodded, "Yeah, fine. Why do you ask?"
Billy noticed how she checked down the hall before she closed the door, "You're jumpy."
Hazel waved her hand dismissively, "Sorry about that. I have a bad day at work." She pointed to the box in his hand, "Did you bring something?"
Billy nodded, "Yep, I know you probably made dessert but I know how much you like those double chocolate brownies from the chocolate shop. I only brought two."
Hazel smiled, "Well that was a good choice because I made super fancy vanilla ice cream and those brownies warm up like a dream."
Billy took a deep breath and inhaled the smell of her cooking, "Whatever's for dinner tonight smells great."
Hazel took the box from Billy and walked the few steps to her kitchen, "A lovely roast pork with crackling, homemade bread, some roasted veggies, a tomato salad, and I made some sand cookies with different kinds of cream for you to take home."
Billy felt his stomach growl, "That sounds really good."
Hazel pointed to the fridge, "You want anything to drink? I've got beer, water, fresh peach juice."
Billy thought for a moment, "Fresh peach juice sounds really good."
Billy walked into the kitchen and looked around, spying two cups already out. He slid placed them on the bench behind her and watched as she opened the fridge and took out a fancy judge filled with juice, "Wow, even your fridge is spotless."
Hazel chuckled, "My fridge is perfect, I've seen enough food poisoning to know that a dirty fridge is where it starts. You want ice?" Billy nodded and he could help but smile and she dropped a handful of frozen peach chunks into his glass, then into hers, "Dinner will be ready soon."
"That's great. Can I do anything to help?" Billy wasn't going to lie, he wanted to make a good impression.
Hazel shook her head, "Nope, everything is done. All I need to do is take the pork out of the oven when it's done."
Billy shook his head, "There must be something I can do. You've spent your only day off cooking."
Hazel sighed, "The only thing that I need to be is to sharpen the knives and I'm not asking you to do that."
Billy grinned, "How many do you need to do?"
"Two. Dinner will be ready soon, you don't need to do anything." Hazel bent down, opened the oven and checked the pork, "It will be done in fifteen minutes, you're my guest, you should be enjoying your drink and relaxing."
Billy shook his head and pointed to the sink, "Is that your wet stone soaking in the sink?" Hazel nodded, "Great, it has to rest for ten minutes before you serve it and I know there's no way you cut the tomatoes that well with dull knives. I'll be done with time to spare."
Hazel sighed, "Alright. Thank you, it's not my favourite task."
"Really, why?" Billy loved it, but then again, he wasn't just sharpening cooking knives.
Hazel shuddered, "I hate the texture, it gives me the willies."
Billy took the block from the sink and brought it over to the counter next to Hazel before Hazel handed him the two knives, "You've already used it today?"
Hazel nodded, "Yeah, I did the rest of them plus the ones we'll use tonight."
Billy shrugged, "That makes my life even easier, the little metal shavings help."
Hazel held up a hand like she could feel it as he moved the knife across the block, "I know. God I don't know how you enjoy that."
Billy chuckled, "It's meditative." Hazel would have responded but she was watching the way his long fingers pushed the blade back and forth, "You wanna tell me what happened today? You're doing a good job at hiding it but you jump every there's a noise on the street." Billy could see Hazel was thinking about lying, "You can tell me, I've seen it all."
Hazel blinked, "I lied. It happened at work but it has nothing to do with it."
Billy could hear the worry creeping into her voice, "That doesn't matter, if you don't get it out of your brain, you won't have room for dinner."
Hazel swallowed, "I got a call from the DA that handled my Ex's case. He's coming up for parole in a week. I have no idea how and they won't tell me. My guess is that he's a rat."
Billy thought he had his rage back under control but what was bubbling under his skin made him feel like he was on fire, he was so angry his teeth hurt. He took a deep breath, knowing that blowing up now would only do harm, "When do you need to leave for the hearing?"
Hazel shook her head, "I don't, I'm an essential service worker. I can do it via video. Work knows, they've given me a conference room so I can appear and say my piece."
Billy rubbed his face, "Nothing has happened yet. We'll all be there for you, with how much money Anvil has donated, they won't say no."
Hazel gave him a soft smile, "Thank you. It's two thirty on Thursday."
Billy placed his hand on her shoulder, "Done. How are you feeling?"
Hazel huffed, "Other than all the normal things? I could eat a horse and I never have an appetite when I'm worried."
Billy let out of sympathetic laugh, "That's really normal. The part of your brain that's telling you to do all those things you do to keep yourself safe knows you have to eat. I won't be much longer with these but if you want to talk about it more until dinner's done we can."
Hazel shook her head, "No, I'm alright. I've planned a nice night. I want to keep it that way."
Hazel walked away to check the pork, smiling as she pulled it from the oven and Billy felt his mouth water at the sight of it, "Shit that looks good."
Hazel slid the tray onto a wooden board and wrapped the meat to keep it warm, "Not only now, you think you'll be done with the knives soon?"
Billy nodded, "Yep."
"Good, I'll set the table." Hazel popped the bread into the hot oven to get warm first before setting the table then taking the sides over. By the time Billy had washed the knives and placed them in the block, Hazel had taken the meat over and had topped up their drinks, "You ready?"
Billy nodded and walked over to the small table and pulled out her chair and Hazel sat down with a smile, "You are so charming."
Billy chuckled, "You cooked for me, it's the least I could do."
Hazel waved her hand, "Please, serve yourself." Billy piled his plate high before pointing to the uncarved pork with his fork, "Go for it, you can tell me if you think I should leave the sharping to you from now on."
The knife cut through the meat like butter and Billy smiled, "I'm very impressed. The knife is sharp and the meat is amazing."
Hazel watched as Billy took a bite, his filling with enjoyment as he tried the various dishes, "How can tomatoes and salt taste so good?"
Hazel's eyes crinkled with a smile, "I use tomatoes from the farmer's market and there's a bit of garlic."
"When does Barry get his dinner." Billy didn't miss how the fish was following him around the room all night.
Hazel shook her head fondly, "He doesn't, he got something from the market this morning."
Billy made a face, "I feel bad eating all this nice food in front of him."
Hazel chuckled, "Don't fall for his silly little fish face, he will extort you."
Billy held back a moan as the crackling shattered under his teeth, "You got a dream kitchen?"
Hazel nodded, "Yep, I have a," she paused, vision book didn't sound right, "I have a book with everything I want it in, from floorboard stain to the kitchen all laid out. I know what I need to pay for everything, I have planned it down to the last screw. I just need the house."
"So you're alright with a fixer upper?" Billy had a feeling he knew the answer.
"That's what I'm looking for, I want something I can put love into." He could see the determination on her face.
"That sounds like a nice dream and I guess you can practice on this place until then." Billy was happy to admit that it felt more like a home than his loft back at Anvil.
Hazel smiled, "It has made every late night and early morning worth it."
Billy's plate was empty before he knew it and then dessert was being served up the moment the brownies were warm. At the first bite of the ice cream, Billy's eyes rolled into the back of his head, "Holy shit, I've never had vanilla ice cream this good."
Hazel chuckled, "It's all in the vanilla. Thank you for the brownies, they really made the night."
Billy smiled, "It was my pleasure."
All too soon, the night was over, Billy helped Hazel wash the dishes but only after her protests and then he was standing at the door with part of him hoping she was going to ask him to stay. Alas, she didn't, "Thank you so much for coming, I'm sorry there were no leftovers."
Billy shook his head, "I don't think I could control myself if there was. You gotta let me cook for you next time."
Hazel smiled, "I didn't know you could cook."
Billy nodded, "Yeah, and I'm pretty good at it. How does this same time next week sound?"
Hazel's smile grew, "I'd love that."
Billy mirrored her smile, "Good, I have a loft at Anvil so you won't have any trouble finding the place."
"Ok, I'll be there," Hazel opened her arms and Billy wrapped his around her, "Goodnight Billy."
Billy felt his chest fill with warmth, "Goodnight Hazel."
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Part 11
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80svhstapes · 2 years
I’m in love with Billy and no amount of shaming can get me to change that. Antis are so weird because they’ll hate Billy and turn around to love someone that’s just a thinly veiled Neil like????? Y’all would let your kids be abused and it shows.
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eloiseabernathy · 5 months
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eloise abernathy playlist.
disaster - conan gray / castles crumbling (feat. hayley williams) - taylor swift / foolish one - taylor swift / lacy - olivia rodrigo / COPYCAT - billie eilish / mirrorball - taylor swift / jealousy, jealousy - olivia rodrigo / anti-hero - taylor swift / soon you'll get better (feat. the chicks) - taylor swift / what's wrong with me? - mean girls original broadway cast / heartbreaker at heart - melina kb / all too well (10 minute version) - taylor swift / memories - conan gray / happiness is a butterfly - lana del rey / cough syrup - young the giant / line without a hook - ricky montgomery / tolerate it - taylor swift / the archer - taylor swift / i miss you, i'm sorry - gracie abrams / style - taylor swift / now that we don't talk - taylor swift
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So I am in the Life Is Strange Fandom & the Stranger Things Fandom (i like strange shit ig), also She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Fandom and jesus fucking christ. This is gonna be a long one so sit tight.
SPOILERS FOR LIFE IS STRANGE (& BEFORE THE STORM), STRANGER THINGS, and SHE-RA and the Princesses of Power. TW/CW for all of the things in those games and that show, you can look them up online, LIS especially has lots of results for looking up trigger warnings and stuff.
If you look through our page there are. a lot. of billy defending posts and stuff. I am a hardcore Billy apologist/defender. But I'm also a defender and sort of apologist for Nathan Prescott. And they both are just about universally hated by their respective fandoms.
I am very much against the demonization and villainization of both of them and any mentally ill, abused, groomed & manipulated teenager/barely adult (*cough cough* Catra, and i will bring this up later as well *cough cough*). And I also am very much against comparing trauma, abuse, etc. to say that one person deserved better than the other. That's not what I will be doing. This is an analysis post, and while I will be comparing them at times, NEVER, will I say that one of them is better or worse. Because THAT'S THE FUCKING ISSUE WITH YOU BILLY ANTI'S. And I will die before I end up like you guys. There is no "bad" abuse victim or "good" abuse victim. There is no "good" or "bad" abuse. Lastly by the end of both of their lives and respective piece of medias (at least the parts that have them in it) they are both redeemed. If you believe otherwise just fuck off, I don't want you here.
Let's start with Nathan Prescott. He is a 19 (barely) yr old at the time of the first LIS game. He is barely an adult, and still a teenager. The thing that kicks off the game is the mc Max rewinding time unknowingly after watching Nathan shoot a girl (Chloe) with a gun in a bathroom. While impact is always more important than intent, you don't get to ignore intent either. So let's go over what happens in the moments leading up to the shooting of Chloe.
He enters the bathroom (keep in mind we see all of this from Max's perspective hidden behind a stall) and goes to one of the sink mirrors and talks to himself, basically trying to calm himself down and get some sense of control. Chloe then enters and they have a conversation about her demanding money since she knows he is from a rich family and has been giving out drugs at the school, in turn for not telling everyone that, in her words, he is a "punk ass who begs like a little girl and talks to himself." While they are having this conversation you can tell he is becoming more erratic, his breathing as he talks is faster than natural and he is panicked.
When she threatens him with that and pushes him he cuts her off, pushing her off of him and pulls out a gun, notice HE DOES NOT DO ANYTHING UNTIL THREATENED AND PHYSICALLY TOUCHED. She backs up against the wall and he gets close to her, aiming the gun at her stomach and yells, "Don't EVER tell me what to do! I'm so SICK of people trying to control me!" and again his breathing is uneven.
He smacks his hand on the wall a couple times while he talks to her, which could be seen as an intimidation tactic but it seeing as he is also panicked and the fact that he very much has BPD, C-PTSD, and he is probably autistic (while this is not confirmed, if you are autistic it is very easy to see the, probably unintentional, autistic coding of him throughout the games.), this could very well be more of a self regulating (aka stimming) behaviour. Everytime he does it it's when HE is talking, to calm himself down a bit for when it is her "turn" to speak which will no doubt push him to being more upset.
Speaking of pushing. AGAIN. She pushes him, which this time is completely fair and valid for her since he has a gun leveled at her stomach and she is scared, but again, he doesn't actually accelerate his actions until physically touched/pushed, this time he shoots her. And while not necessarily as obvious until you see the same scene again at the end of the game if you choose the Save Arcadia Bay option where the scene actually gets to play out more instead of being rewinded, Nathan did not mean to shoot Chloe.
He shouldn't have had the gun, and he shouldn't have had his finger on the trigger, and he shouldn't have shot her, none of that should have happened, and it's not excusable, but it is COMPLETELY understandable if you look at his behaviour during the scene as well as the fact that he is and has been abused for his whole life and he is mentally ill. When he accidentally pulls the trigger after being pushed off, the gun fires and shoots her in the stomach and she falls to the ground dead, in the Save Arcadia Bay ending we see his reaction to this where he drops the gun, and proceeds to freak the fuck out. there is no dialogue that we can hear from him during this, but he starts pacing holding his hands to his head, he even goes and tries to shake her awake at one point, obviously she is dead and it doesn't work but he is scared and panicked and doesn't know what to do.
This is just the first like 10 maybe 15 minutes of the game. Throughout most of the rest of the game he is just a bully and a privileged asshole, until the end. We'll get to that later. That's really the main thing he does during the game that is that bad, all the other stuff happens before the game takes place. Now lets go to the prequel Before The Storm which. takes place before the storm.... duh doi. It takes place either 2 or 3 years before the first game if I remember correctly and is from Chloe's perspectice and Chloe & Nathan and a lot of the other characters are roughly 16.
Nathan was still kind of a prick to people back then though I don't know if he was necessarily a bully? He definitely was getting bullied though, even in the first episode we see one of the other jocks takes his photo album/portfolio (which is a very fucking important and often times sentimental to anyone who does photography). The jock is angry that Nathan is on the team and even fucking calls him Twitch. (I very much consider this a slur, and unless you suffer from this shit and have been called it like we have you don't get a say on whether it is or not.) MULTIPLE. TIMES. He is very fucking ableist and a pos.
He even threatens to throw the portfolio into a water fountain, which would destroy all the photos. For those of you unaware of photography stuff. Portfolios. Take. Forever. To put together. It is hourssss of work and effort. Nathan does say something in response to the jock that is not cool, and normally I would not let slide, but if you're called a slur by someone I feel like you should have every right to fight back and be a bit of a bitch. Later in BtS we see and overhear his shit excuse for a father be verbally abusive to him and by the behaviour of both of them in that scene and with Nathan's language (both verbal and body language) you can tell this isn't new. This has happened before, a lot, and absolutely will happen again.
So to summarize, he is an abused teenager with C-PTSD, BPD, and is probably autistic, who has no actual father figure or any ounce of actual support in his life. (Sounds very similar if not exactly like Billy, the only difference being Billy is poor and Nathan is rich) Then a teacher from Nathan's school, Mr. Jefferson, comes along and takes him under his wing and protection, basically becomes like a father to Nathan. But Mr. Jefferson over the years also manipulates and gaslights him, he's just better at making it not as obvious, and he grooms Nathan into being like him, and doing things for/with him.
Mr. Jefferson is able to get money from Nathan's abusive pos father, and have a Dark Room built. And he has Nathan drug girls at Club parties and they kidnap them, bringing them back to the Dark Room and taking photos of them and shit. Remember. Nathan. Has been. Groomed. And Manipulated. Into. Doing this. He does not actually fucking want to hurt anyone. Also. He is a vulnerable fucking teenager boy.
Skip forward by a lot to a bit before the first game takes place. Rachel Amber (Chloe's girlfriend) has gone missing, we find out by the end of the game that she is dead and buried in a junkyard. Through Mr. Jefferson we learn that Nathan drugged her and brought her to the Dark Room and was attempting to do what Jefferson had been doing. But that he messed up and gave her an overdose on accident and it killed her. WE LEARN THIS. FROM THE BITCH. WHO HAS BEEN MANIPULATING EVERYONE SINCE BEFORE THE GAME EVEN STARTS. HE EVEN SAYS AT ONE POINT THAT HE CAN/WILL BLAME ALL OF THIS ON NATHAN AND THE PRESCOTT FAMILY. I absolutely do not believe that Nathan actually killed her.
Right before the game takes place another party happens and Nathan has to drug another girl and take her back to Jefferson, Kate Marsh. This girl survives like most of Jefferson's victims did presumably, we don't see any of the others in the games but based off context clues we can assume deaths were not intended, 'cept for Rachel by Jefferson. Kate Marsh was recorded at the party and then bullied and slut shamed for the... content. of said video. She had already been drugged by the point the video had been started, she remembers during the games time that Nathan took her somewhere, she thought it was a hospital but it was actually the Dark Room.
She gets bullied to a point that in Episode 2 you have to save her from jumping off a building in front of everyone and commiting suicide, you can fail or succeed, it all depends on your choices. Nathan was in the crowd of people at the bottom and saw this happen.
Now let's cut to the end of the game. Max was kidnapped by Jefferson (also Victoria if you successfully warn her about Nathan and the Dark Room. so... don't warn her. ik that sounds wrong but it actually saves her.) and Chloe has been shot again and killed, by Jefferson. Jefferson tells Max while she is kidnapped in the Dark Room that Nathan is dead and buried. Jefferson killed him to cover his tracks. It is implied he was dead before Max and Chloe even left the party and ended up getting kidnapped at the junkyard when they went to check to see if Rachel's body was still there.
A bunch of time shit happens and eventually David (the security guard and Chloe's step-dad) comes and save Max (potentially killing Jefferson if you tell him he killed Chloe). Max leaves the bunker and takes Jefferson's car and heads off to the Two Whales Diner, during the cutscene of her driving she checks her phone that Jefferson took and left in his car. She has one missed call and she lets the voicemassage play. It's from Nathan (and I'm gonna be 100% when I heard his voice during this, I fucking broke down) and it was from 9 pm the night before, the night of the party, not long before he died.
He called to tell Max he was sorry, that he didn't wanna hurt Rachel, or Kate, that he didn't wanna hurt anyone. Everyone used him. And that Jefferson was coming for him, and that he'd be coming after Max next and for her to watch out and be careful. He had to hide and basically wait for Jefferson to come kill him. And he could've done anything with what little time he had left, but he chose to warn Max for her safety and tell her as much as he could, apoligize as much as he could. All while crying and sobbing while waiting for his death. He is 18 when this happens.
The same age Billy dies, sacrificing himself for his sister, her friends, and a stranger who is the first person to ever show him any kindness since his mother left him as a kid to be abused for the rest of his life.
Billy had no chance from the get go. Since he was a child. For a while he had his mother to take the abuse for him from his pos excuse for a father, Neil. He had to watch his mother get abused to protect him for years, until eventually she left. And she didn't take him with her. Then Neil turned his abuse on to him. Then Neil started dating Susan, and her, and her daughter Max move in. (I am gonna be referring to Max as a girl for the sake of this because that's what cannon but I absolutely believe Max is trans)
The only sense of safety he has left at this point is that he lives in California, where he grew up, where he knows the ins and outs of his neighborhood, and as someone who has and is still growing up in an all too similar situation to his, he absolutely had escape routes planned and hideouts all over the town he grew up in. Then that gets taken away too. He's forced to move with his abusive father, step-mother who doesn't fucking stop the abuse, and step-sister who he takes the abuse for like his mom did for him, to a new town, with new weather, and new people, across the country.
He asserts his dominance at school as soon as he steps out of his Camaro, STOMPING his feet onto the new ground. He has to gain as much control and power as he can as quick as he can or else he won't survive here, and he knows that. He quickly becomes the new top dog, the spot being left open now that Steve has sort of left his title of King Steve. When you are being constantly abused, at "home" and you have no control or any way to stop it. You do whatever you can to survive, and anytime you can leave and go get a sense of control elsewhere? You do it. School as horrible as it is, is an escape for a lot of people, same with sleepovers, they're a way to escape the abuse for a little bit.
Let's keep in mind that he doesn't just get abused for "his actions". (Idk how to word it otherwise but I wanna clarify, no ones deserves abuse or brings that upon themselves, the blame is on the abuser) He gets abused for "Max's actions" too. If she runs away or does something Neil doesn't like, Billy takes responsibility. Some people like to say that he only does that because he has to, because Neil forces him to be a parent for Max and take responsibility for her. And while that is absolutely what Neil does. He absolutely would take it for Max anyway. Especially after growing up with his mom doing that for him.
Also, I am not gonna touch on the "racism" bit because I have other posts that go in detail about that and debunking/explaining that. So feel free to go look for those, but I will say, racism is not inherent. It is learned.
His relationship with Max is not healthy, I absolutely will never say that it is. But. again, it is understandable. Neither of them necessarily love the situation they've been forced into. We know that they do actually care about each other, but that doesn't make their relationship any healthier or less toxic. He is verbally abusive, and one time he is physically abusive. I clarify that it is only one time not because that means "oh well he isn't an asshole it only happened once" abuse is abuse, it still happened.
But to bring attention to the fact that people think what happened in the car was normal and frequent when it obviously isn't. He grabs her wrist loosely causing her to flinch and look at him in surprise and shock. As someone who was constantly physically abused and who literally has trauma in relation to being grabbed by the wrist and pinned to the ground. YOU DO NOT REACT LIKE THAT AT SOMETHING THAT IS A FREQUENT OCCURRENCE. Would you flinch, absolutely, but when you get abused, especially physically, on a frequent basis, or even if it's just happened more than like once or twice, you get used to it. You get conditioned to expect it.
She didn't expect him to grab her. And when she got her barings and he was done talking she was able to pull her wrist out of his grasp easily. Later in season 2 she runs away from the house WITH the person Billy told her to stay away from. Neil and Susan return home from a date(?) and see she's gone, then the infamous abuse scene happens. Susan just watches while Neil calls Billy a fag(got? o don't remember if it was the full word or not) and physically, verbally, and emotionally/psychologically abuses him "because" (again he does not deserve abuse but idk how else to word this) he was supposed to watch Max and she ran away while he is preparing for a date.
So Billy has to cancel his date and and go on a goose chase around this still unfamiliar town to look for her. He stops at the Wheeler house and Mrs. Wheeler opens the door and immediately it is obvious that she is.... interested, in Billy, a 17 yr. old. she's like 40. Billy gets the information he needs out of her and he ends up at the Byer house. Where Steve comes out to talk to him, and tells him a straight up, bold faced, lie. right to his face. That Max isn't there.
Billy then points out how fucking uncomfortable and creepy this situation is, this guy who is his age, has his sister, who he knows is there for sure when he sees her in the window, in a strangers house, and then lies about it. And coming from the situation at the Wheeler house, and the fact that he doesn't know Steve or any other sit about this town, the people, or any of the supernatural shit going on, it is absolutely sound reasoning that he would come to that conclusion. So he decks Steve and knocks him out temporarily.
He goes into the house and sees Max with a group of boys, one of them being the one he told her stay away from. And you can tell at this point that he is dissociated. He is having a panic attack, not the "good" kind where he simply just shuts down and hyperventilates like a lot of u fuckers believe is the only form of panic attack. He has tunnel vision, and he repeats the abuse scene from earlier, with Lucas. Steve eventually gets up, comes in, and pulls him off of Lucas, then Billy and Steve get into a fight. Billy beats the shit out of Steve, knocking him unconscious, after having taken a couple blows himself. His facial expressions during this scene make it very apparent that, IN HIS MIND, he is imagining Steve as Neil. He isn't almost k!lling this random classmate who has maybe done some creepy/fucked up shit. He is attempting to kill the man who has abused him his whole life, and has sent him here. BY NO FUCKING MEANS. AM I DEFENDING HIS ACTIONS (other than decking Steve outside because he had every reason to believe what he assumed was going on to be true).
Eventually Max does something, which is not nearly talked about enough and is JUST AS BAD as what Billy was doing to Steve. She took a syringe of SOMETHING, she didn't even fucking know what was in it or how high the dosage was of whatever it was, and injected Billy with drugs. That literally could've fucking killed him, just as easily as if he had finished what he was doing to Steve. She literally could've knocked him out with the bat! SHE USED IT LIKE FIVE SECONDS LATER TO THREATEN HIM INTO SUBMISSION, WHEN HE WAS ALREADY ALMOST PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR, WITH THE SAME WORDS AS NEIL! And if any of you try to say some stupid shit like "oh the bat has nails" i will bite you. bats have two ends, and a long ass middle. I HAVE A NAILED BAT. Trust me, the bottom and other non-nailed parts can easily fucking knock someone out if you swing right.
He passes out and they leave him, UNCONSCIOUS & ALONE, in the house with no fucking protection. THERE ARE LITERAL DEMODOGS AND SHIT EVERYWHERE. HE COULD HAVE DIED AGAIN. And we don't see him again until the next season. Where he, other than the fatphobic comment he gives one of the kids at the pool, doesn't do shit. Him and Max are at the very least back to how it was before Hawkins if not better (aka neutral). He has been groomed by Karen and sexualized by her as well as many other older women at the pool, keep in mind. HE IS BARELY FUCKING 18 AT THIS POINT. BARELY AN ADULT. Also I would like to mention that Karen doesn't cancel her and Billy's date because she realized "Oh I'm a creepy, disgusting, groomy fuck." She canceled it because she "has a family and doesn't want to hurt them" (and then continues to for the most part ignore everything that's going on with them for the rest of the season and show, tho not nearly as much as T*d)
Until the very end of the season he is Mind Flayed. He is a vulnerable, abused, mentally ill teenager, just like Nathan (other than the class difference), and he gets controlled/brainwashed and forced to kill a bunch of people and do the Mind Flayer's bidding. He is only freed of the MF's control when a random girl, he has never met, shows him kindness. pure, genuine, innocent fucking kindness. This girl who owes him nothing, who he has never met, looks at him and sees what all of you idiots refuse to see. The truth. That he is a scared. And hurt. Teenager. Who was robbed of a fucking childhood, and life. Just like her. And she reminds him of the last time he was happy. A beautiful day on the beach with his mom, when he was just a little boy and could still see the best in people. And that is all it takes to break him out of the MF's control. And he doesn't get to verbally apologize like Nathan did, but lile Nathan he did sacrifice his life to protect those around him who were in danger. His sister, her friends, and this young girl who just saved him, and gave him one last moment of happiness and peace.
These two characters are treated so horribly by the creators and fandom. While Catra, while in the first couple seasons people absolutely treated like shit, eventually, and especially by the end of the show, just about everyone forgave. She has C-PTSD, BPD, and again is (although maybe unintentionally) coded to be autistic. She grew up and wasn't able to escape her abusive "home" for a majority of the show. And the two times she does she almost immediately starts getting better.
She went from having one person who was supposed to be a parent figure control and abuse her, to someone with even more power control and abuse her, taking advantage of the whole that was left from the first abuser and her sense of safety, Adora, leaving/being taken away. She has multiple panic attacks, and in the wasteland where she has started healing and getting better, finding out that her abuser/mother figure left her for Adora, sends her into a fucking tailspin. She has full tunnel vision and returns to the only thing familiar she has left. "Home". And she almost destroys the entire planet/universe as well as attempts to kill herself because she has nothing and no one left.
Then the she gets save in season 5, she did "One good thing" and sent Glimmer away from her prison, back to Adora, and apologized. That was the moment a lot of us generally agreed she was redeemed. She didn't think Adora would come back to save her, she expected to die, and she was fine with that. But Adora did save her, and she, along with the rest of the group, showed her kindness. And she started healing.
There are maybe 3 differences between Catra and Billy & Nathan.
1. Catra was younger, by like a year or two. I believe she was 16-17 throughout the course of the show (other than flashbacks obviously duh doi).
2. She wasn't given only the option of death or prison (if u choose Save Arcadia Bay at the end of LIS he gets arrested and sent to prison not a mental help facility or anything just straight up prison). Once Adora saved her she had the choice to get dropped off on a planet to wither away and die on, which she almost chose, though not out of not having another way out or self-sacrifice. And the second option she was allowed, life. Live and fight with the group and help make the world better.
3. Before I say this one, I'm gonna clarify something because I KNOW, someone is gonna try to say I'm just a misogynistic piece of shit, when I am literally only talking about statistical facts. I am a trans man. and yes trans men can be misogynistic, ANYONE CAN BE MISOGYNISTIC, WOMEN TOO. But I am only actually percieved as a man by myself, my fellow system members, and SOME other trans people. I don't have male privilege, and by almost eveyone else in the world I am seen as a girl and am treated as a girl.
She's a girl. It is a hard fucking fact, that when boys (and people percieved by the general population as boys, the world is transphobic, thats another fact) get abused and end up lashing out (except for when they SA someone then society always believes the guy) they get demonized and treated like shit. Compared to when that happens with a girl (or someone who is perceived as one by the general population, again the world is transphobic) most people will say either choose to defend said girl and say she had no other choice or, there are those are just SO sexist and misogynistic that they will say shit like "oh she must be on her period" and other stuff like that. Girls are listened to and believed when being abused not even half the time (except for SA which again is EVEN LOWER), and boys are believed even less than that. Because this stupid fucking world is sexist, misogynistic, homo/transphobic, and all of that shit. And especially. Ableist.
If someone is a victim they are expected and forced to be the "shy meek victim" if they want any support or kindness. The moment they aren't what people perceive as a "good" victim they not only don't believe them and belittle them. They demonize and villainize them, and, like with Billy, even say they deserve to be abused and deserve to die.
Wrap-up Time/Final Notes: Victims. Are. Victims. There is no "good" or "right" way to be a victim. And there is no "bad" or "wrong" way to be a victim. I say this not only for you pieces of shit who treat us like we're horrible people for acting out and fighting back against our abuse, but also for anyone who has gotten this far who may need to hear it. Obviously not everyone can fight back and stuff, that could put you in more danger. But know that no matter what, you are valid, you're feelings, experiences, trauma, everything. There are some us out there who will listen and be there for you, we might not be able to help you escape completely, but we can at the very least lend an ear. No one is "better" or "more deserving of help" than you. We shouldn't be fighting each other for air, that is how the world works, it pits us against each other, but we can fight back for the right to live, and for those of us who are unable? I can't speak for eveyone, but we will gladly fight for you're air to breathe to the best of our ability. We all deserve to not have to survive, we deserve to live. ACTUALLY live. And be happy, and safe, and at peace.
-Signing off. Jace Rudolph Briar
(It/Its, Lem/Lemon, Pix/Pixel, and Muff/Muffin)
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lilianraynne · 9 months
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Saw someone post this on their feed a couple days ago and I had to get a copy for myself. I love the more in depth look we get with Max and Billy. I've always sympathized with Billy because I was a child of abuse myself, and I saw some of the things he was doing (lashing out, the "I don't care" attitude, and the overall recklessness) and went I was the same way. I remember counting down the days till i could leave and praying i would actually make it to 18, and while I don't agree with certain things he did (cough, cough... Lucas, cough Steve) I do believe his character deserved better. He never really got a chance to exist away from Neil. And this book broke my heart. I know the Billy antis are gonna go "he's racist, abusive, and cruel" and it's true. But he wasn't always that way. We see that and season 3. His father made him that way. I'd suggest the antis read this book and gain some more insight into Max and Billy's relationship, and maybe see him in another light. He needed someone to help him, not condemn him.
Sorry about the long rant but I had to get it off my chest
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school-in-london · 2 years
20220827 SCHOOL IN LONDON (GUEST DJ: ナカシマセイジ)
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■DJ: タイラダイスケ
Bat For Lashes / Kids In The Dark
Father John Misty / We Could be Strangers
Big Thief / Red Moon
HOMESHAKE / Feel Better
Michael Seyer / Ring Around The Rosie
boy pablo / Be Mine
Los Retros / Nostalgic Viberations
JayWood Feat. McKinely Dixon / Shine
Rex Orange County Feat. Tyler, The Creator / OPEN A WINDOW
Cleo Sol / Promises
Lady Wray / Through It All
Bobby Oroza / My Place, My Time
Dante Elephante / Santa Barbara
Orion Sun / Antidote
Arlo Parks / Green Eyes
Sault Feat. Little Simz / You from London (※Spotify無し)
Easy Life / daydrams
The Fin. / Old Canvas
Pastel Feat. Ben Kessler / Daylight
HONNE Feat. Sofía Valdés / NOW I'M ALONE
Remi Wolf / Liquor Store
Superorganism Feat. CHAI, Pi Ja Ma & Boa Constrictors / Solar System
Jordana / To The Ground
Katy Kirby / Traffic!
Predawn / Star Child
beabadoobee / Sunny Day
Soccer Mommy / Fire In The Driveway
Snail Mail / Ben Franklin
DYGL / Did We Forget How to Dream in the Daytime?
Sports Team / Born Sugar
Stella Donnelly / Lungs
■DJ: 村田タケル
Silverbacks / Archive Material
Blue Bendy / Spring 100
BADBADNOTGOOD Feat. Karriem Riggins & Arthur Verocai / Beside April
Robocobra Quartet / Wellness
Brittany Howard / 13th Century Metal
Bingo Fury / Happy Snake
Leather.head / Hordes
black midi / Bmbmbm
the hatch / グレープフルーツ
Viagra Boys / Ain’t No Thief
bed / Kare Wa
Confidence Man / Angry Girl
Lime Garden / Pulp
Deadletter / Line The Cows
The Queen's Head / Your God Owes You Money
Squid / Peel St.
black midi / Welcome To Hell
Iceage / How Many
jennylee / Love You
Hazel English / Hamilton
Wet Leg / Oh No
Dehd / Empty In My Mind
Horsegirl / Anti-Glory
■Guest DJ: ナカシマセイジ(Alffo Records)
Elastica / Connection
beabadoobee / 10:36
Nilüfer Yanya / the dealer
The Beatles / Glass Onion
Weezer / Buddy Holly
Walt Disco / Selfish Lover
Jewel T / Rock Nice
The 1975 / Ugh!
Kendrick Lamar / King Kunta
The Apples / Killing
Metallica / Master Of Puppets
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant / シトロエンの孤独
black midi / John L
Opus Kink / This Train
Hippo Campus / Bad Dream Baby
girl in red / Serotonin
The Cure / Friday I'm In Love
Mura Masa & slowthai / Deal Wiv It
The Prodigy / Smack My Bitch Up
Charlotte de Witte / Formula
Unknown / Deter (※Spotify無し)
Gigi D'Agostino / Bla Bla Bla
New Order / Blue Monday '88
SOPHIE / Vyzee
Stones Taro / Jealous (※Spotify無し)
KH / Looking at Your Pager
The XX / On Hold (Jamie XX Remix)
The Smashing Pumpkins / 1979 (Instrumental Mix)
Fred Again / Marco (And Everyone)
Fred again.. / Billie (Loving Arms)
Foster The People / Helena Beat
■DJ: 村田タケル
Fontaines D.C. / You Can't Realise (Darklands Versions) (※Spotify無し)
Sprints / How Does The Story
Vampire Weekend / Sympathy
Special Interest / (Herman's) House
!!! / Rhythm Of The Gravity
Working Men's Club / Ploys
L'objectif / Same Thing
Sinead O'Brien / Like Culture
Kim Gordon / Don't Play It
Wu-Lu / Road Trip
Sault / London Gangs (※Spotify無し)
black midi / Still
Kelly Lee Owens / Voice
Gilla Band / Eight Fiver
Crack Cloud / Post Truth (Live Leak) (※Spotifyは通常音源)
black midi / Talking Heads
Black Country, New Road / Chaos Space Marine
black midi / Eat Men Eat
Cassels / Mr Henderson Coughs
Wombo / Sad World
Alvvays / Pharmacist
sorry / There’s So Many People That Want To Be Loved
Girlpool / 123
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
The Hobgoblin Argument (goblins are 100% anti-Semitic, however-)
“I’m trying to thank you you pointed eared hobgoblin!”
I feel like the Star Trek fandom tends to forget since JK Rowling went “you know what sounds like a great idea? What if the goblins in my books are super obvious antisemitic stereotypes?!” People get very up in arms (as they should!!) about the word goblin, they’re roots are antisemitic as well! However, just because a word contains the name ‘goblin’ doesn’t mean it shares the same anti-Semitic roots, even if it does share the same unpleasant association.
Hobgoblins, on the other hand are actually an entirely different mythical creature that, not goblins at all, as it turns out, don’t have their roots in anti-semitism unlike goblins.
For example Puck from a Midsummer Night’s Dream is called, and is meant to be a hobgoblin. They’re part of the broad faerie lore, they’re similar to Brownies, little furry faerie creatures that do chores in exchange for food but will WRECK your SHIT if you’re rude to them or piss them off. Other examples of Hobgoblins are:
Billy Blind is another famous hobgoblin who helps endangered humans with advice and information (think Na’vi, “hey listen!”).
Blue Burches is a hobgoblin shapeshifter and prankster who made it his business to harass an old man until his family got some clergymen banished him.
Robin Roundcap is the truest to the hobgoblin name as a hearth spirit, as helpful as much as he was a terrible prankster
Dobby (NOT from Harry Potter!) there are actually multiple hobgoblins by the name of Dobby in folklore. One was a classic prankster that sabotaged household chores, the other lived in a cave and cured children of whooping cough. Dobby is more of another moniker for hobgoblins and brownies.
So when Bones calls Spock a hobgoblin in Bread & Circuses he’s calling him a “tricksy smartass little bastard”, as opposed to a slur for Jewish people. Even with the difference cleared up, goblin (and associated monikers) have a lot more heat on them now because of Rowling than in the 60s. I highly doubt the intentions of the writer, Deforest Kelley or Dr. McCoy were antisemitic and even if they were, I feel like Nimoy and Shatner (who are both Jewish) would’ve had something to say about it!
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neonponders · 2 years
✨Hogwarts Harringrove ✨ pt. 1 (pt. 2 • pt. 3 • ao3)
I largely keep to American English/diction because our babes are American in canon. But mostly I don’t really care for the Ilvermorny house names/mascots lol so we’re at Hogwarts.
• • • • • • •
The bastard was in Hufflepuff.
It was weird enough, having new students. Late students. Kids who, for whatever reason - reasons they all suspected to be frightening and anti-magic - hadn’t gotten their letters, or hadn’t answered them.
But there they were. William Hargrove and his sister, Maxine Mayfield. The last names gave a lot away too, but they were hardly the only students to have divorced or remarried parents.
They were, however, the latest talk of the school. Because even though they claimed to not be related, they both shared shocking blue eyes. Maxine - “It’s Max.” - had fiery red hair and some freckles to match. Billy - no one dared call him William after his first day on the castle grounds - was a looker too. Dark blond hair that wouldn’t lie straight. It took a curl easily but with early classes, he was just as likely to let the waves, cowlicks, and broken curls sort themselves out.
The girls loved it.
So did Steve Harrington.
That was his current problem: blond hair, water-blue eyes, a splash of freckles on his nose and cheeks, and a stupid, dangly, shiny earring hanging from the bastard’s ear. It didn’t help that he was built like a lean brick shit house.
Robin coughed on her lunch. “God, I haven’t heard that descriptor since we left our hick town. Please contain yourself while I eat.”
Steve, Mr. Gryffindor himself, planted his elbow on the table to hold his head up while he stared across the Great Hall. He rarely ate at his own table anymore, much preferring the Ravenclaw company of Robin, Dustin, and even Will Byers. His fellow Gryffindor, Nancy Wheeler, sat further down, with Will’s brother and similar Ravenclaw, Jonathan.
“Subtle,” Robin jabbed. Then she froze as she had a whole lot of Steve in her face, as if the loon couldn’t whisper from a decent distance away.
“How the hell is he in Hufflepuff? The guy has gotten into three fights in a month.”
“Go ask him. He and Max didn’t have a sorting ceremony.”
Steve relaxed back in his spot on the long, lacquered, wooden bench. “Puffs are supposed to be nice.”
“You’re only mad because you were one of those fights. And you lost.”
“Robin, he beat the shit out of me! I was in the hospital wing for three days because they were sure the guy must’ve done more than give me a regular concussion.”
The witch nurses could fix a concussion in a matter of minutes. So three days had certainly been excessive.
Robin shrugged around the sandwich she had built for herself. “Sometimes the muggle way gets things done better than magic.”
Robin Buckley had non-magic parents. Rumors said that Billy and Max must as well, given how late they were to school. Steve already knew the rumors were bogus, because Max, a Gryffindor, often said her mom’s homemade spark cider was better than the school’s -
Steve had a millisecond to see Billy’s arm move two tables down, and then the paper falcon dived right between his eyes. One of which, was still tinged yellow and green from a healing black eye. The freaking nurses held him for three days for a major injury but let the menial ones tend to themselves. Cheapskates, Steve complained more than once.
The group of lackeys Hargrove had quickly accumulated filled the Great Hall with laughter. Steve glared with as much stoicism as he could muster while rubbing his eyes and returning to his melon salad...
The falcon landed in front of his plate, paper head turning this way and that before it opened its wings straight up and unfolded itself. Steve smoothly took up the paper before anyone could get any ideas. He also glanced across the room, but Hargrove turned his head elsewhere.
Steve read, Take a picture. They last longer and move, so I hear.
Robin lifted a brow at him withdrawing his fancy pen from his bag. Pureblood, though Steve’s parents were, they were not without admittance that certain muggle inventions were superior than the majority of wizards’ preferences. Ballpoint pens over inkwells and quills, being a prime example.
As Steve wrote something on the same paper, Robin warned, “If you send that, you’re asking for another fight. Or some on-going, passive aggressive bullshit that I don’t want to hear your complaints about.”
He ignored that apart from the malicious smirk he gave her while slotting his pen clip over his teal sweater vest. Steve, like many self-entitled students, often forewent certain parts of the uniform. He would wear any sweater or vest the school provided or that was sent from home - and Harrington always had packages on mail day.
For now, he unbuttoned his shirt cuff, releasing the wand he kept in his sleeve, and tapped the paper. “Alcedo.”
The paper wrapped itself up into a small kingfisher. Conveniently, Billy was heading out of their lunch hour. As if telling the paper bird a secret, Steve cupped his hand beside his mouth and whispered over its head. Off it went, soaring much more inconspicuously to land in the hood of Billy’s robe. Not without pecking the shit out of his neck, though.
Billy glanced back at Steve with an annoyed, albeit incredulous expression, bird clutched in his fist. Steve pillowed his head on his palm once more, wiggling his fingers to wave him out of the room.
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i was reminded today of the quote john gave to playboy shortly before he died about how he didn't believe in cancer because he was on a macrobiotic diet and people on a macro diet didn't get cancer, and sometimes i think that if john had lived (and i still wish he did), he would have ended up one of those crackpot right wing conspiracy theorists.
he was so contrarian, so angry all the time even after his "calm househusband period," the things he said about liking parts of reagan and billy graham.. he just has the personality of someone who in 2021 would have looped over into right wing mania, and i can never tell if would have been worse to see him do THAT than lose him altogether.
So um… This is a Controversial™ ask. But I've actually wondered about this before, so here are my thoughts:
First of all: It's [sort of] True But You Shouldn't Say It. Ironically, reading about John's struggles and how his mental health and life impacted his perception of "truth" and the type of people he tended to put his trust in has made me somewhat more sympathetic towards the hardcore conspiracy theorists we see today.
Second of all: I don't really know much about Billy Graham and I'm also not the most educated person on the US political landscape of the late 70s, however, my understanding is he was "pro-Reagan" simply because he was disillusioned by Carter and didn't want him to get re-elected. Also, from my understanding, most of the atrocious shit Reagan did wasn't like part of his campaign. (He did promise to build up the military strength which is something I'd've thought John would hate but I think the Cold War is also just…… A genuinely weird period in history and it's not like Carter was planning to make peace with USSR or something). I have a very hard time believing John wouldn't've been appalled by the War on Drugs or the way the AIDS-crisis was handled.
Third of all: That being said, I do think during his house husband years he had been so isolated from the world, that he barely had an understanding anymore for "how the world works". Like, he didn't believe in evolution?? But I don't think he'd ever really been explained/read up on what evolutionary theory really means, because his comment about it was something along the lines of "And I don't believe we're descended from monkeys", which is like a classic misunderstanding of the concept. He was, however, clearly planning on stepping back into the public by late 1980, so there's a chance he would've started "coming back down to earth" pretty quickly afterwards. I also look at people like Brian Wilson and feel pretty hopeful that he still had a chance to improve his mental state, that he wasn't a lost cause.
Fourth of all: Though obviously I see the parallels, I'd be slightly careful comparing QAnon anti-maskers to whatever John was in 1980, specifically because John didn't live through the major events that led to QAnon existing the way it does today. (Namely, the entirety of Reagan's presidency, things like 9/11, the proliferation of cable news + social media, the financial crisis at the end of the 00s, the rise of anti-vaccine sentiment, Trump and his alternative facts etc etc.) He just really didn't live in the same world we do, so I don't think it's entirely fair to say well because in 1978 he thought macrobiotic diets prevented cancer, he'd be an anti-vaxxer in 2021, y'know? He might've been, but also bear in mind, he'd be 81. Even though there are obvious exceptions (*cough* Clapton), generally at a certain age you stop caring about this sort of stuff. Maybe John would've never stopped (although personally, his Reagan comments to me come off far more like the opinions of a middle-aged dude tending towards somewhat indifferent centrism rather than crackpot rightwing). We have no way to know.
Whether it would have been worse? Well, murder is never good, but I can't imagine myself personally becoming interested in his life if he was like that today. But my interest in him doesn't really make a difference in how "good" the state of the world is. From a purely utilitarian "trolley-problem" perspective, anti-maskers and QAnon have literal blood on their hands. Someone like John would potentially have a huge platform nowadays so in that sense… Hm!
Would be interested if anyone else has thoughts on this by the way!
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