newsfromstolenland · 2 years
Did you know that people on the Ontario Disability Support Program can only leave the province for a maximum of 30 days?
Excerpt from an email I got: "Ontario Disability Support Program is for people living in Ontario. You can be out of Ontario for up to 30 days in a row when you are on the Ontario Disability Support Program. If you are out of Ontario for more than 30 days in a row your trip must be pre-approved to maintain your eligibility for the Ontario Disability Support Program. Your monthly declaration will help keep your file updated."
"And ODSP can give you income support even if you're away more than 30 days.
They do this if they agree that you need to be away:
for health reasons,
to attend a college or university, or
for what ODSP calls "exceptional circumstances""
But only with their approval.
If anyone on Ontario disability support leaves the province for more than 30 days without government approval, we risk losing our benefits.
This is ableism. This is restricting our rights and forcing us to go through ODSP (which is notoriously slow) in order to leave not just the country, but the province, for 30 days of more.
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khachalala · 11 months
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Had KDJ grow up normally he might be taller than he is now. So I present you my HC that OD end up taller than SP (even just a liiiittle bit).
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a-little-revolution · 7 months
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Photo description: Daily Bread Food Bank posts "Support a fully funded Canada Disability Benefit" in dark green letters over a white background, with a yellow "Take Action" button and a sillouette image of a blind man walking with a cane.
Below: a link to fund the benefit with an image of more sillouetted disabled folks in yellow, purple and green
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captainxandis · 2 years
If any of my followers live in ontario canada, please fill this out. Im going to summarize what it's about, but the link has a lot more details!
Essentially, its a letter writing petition to try and get Doug Ford to double ODSP (ontario disability) because it is basically impossible for people on ODSP to afford groceries and rent because of cost of living skyrocketting.
As someone on ODSP i am only able to afford eating by also getting weekly deliveries from a local food bank, and even then just barely. A lot of people arent as lucky as me, because most food banks only let you get food from them like once a month.
Its super unfair that people who are on ODSP cant even afford a small bachelor apartment because rent for them is never less than 800, and thats if youre lucky.
So if youre living in Ontario please fill this out, even if you arent on ODSP. And if you arent from ontario, please share!!! The fact that this push for an increase
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Jacquie Holyoak is considering accessing medical assistance in dying (MAID) due to the debilitating pain of living with fibromyalgia. But she says it's a choice she might not even contemplate if her disability benefits didn't leave her struggling to make ends meet.
"I'm just really exhausted ... I need someone to help me, and I've been asking everywhere. And unless you have money, you're just not going to get the help," said Holyoak, who lives in Fergus, Ont.
The former medical assistant is on the Ontario Disability Support Program [ODSP], but says it's not enough to live off.
"If I wasn't on ODSP, would I be seeking MAID? I don't know that answer, but I'm leaning towards no, because my quality of life would be so much better," she told The Current's Matt Galloway.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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naomiknight-17 · 4 months
Was supposed to talk to my case worker this morning about my upcoming disability hearing
He called to say he had to reschedule for 2 pm. Ok. I don't have anything else going on
But now we're past 2 pm and it's not by like, a lot, but still. He already pushed it back 3 hours and now he's late... what the hell is going on
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acemistakes · 4 months
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in every universe is looking for contributors!!
In need of artist, merch artist, and writer applications! No need to have zine experience! Just be 18+ and a dokjoong enthusiast
GUIDELINES: https://dkhykproject.carrd.co/#djmain
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🤍🖤RED STRING OF FATE: An oldestplotter project — applications open until JUNE 2, 2024!
💫GUIDELINES: https://dkhykproject.carrd.co/#odsp
@zine-scene @zineapps @zinesubmissions
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youabandonedthem · 1 year
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odsp · 9 months
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laikacore · 4 months
my life is so fragile
spinning around a single green thread
i count the days like dollars that i'd have
if that thread were severed
i hang in their balance, unbalanced
every day, every month of my life
the normal monotony
of moving day to day, slowly
trying to save what i can, trying to get out
with even a penny to my name
that hasn't killed me, not yet
but watching the copper blades hover closer
in my mind, even in my mind
it becomes too much
i'll fall
and it's shameful to admit i'd be nothing
without whatever stupid creature comforts
this meager life
can afford
odsp by laika wallace
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icequeen1371 · 5 months
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I know the sun is only on one side of my face, but when I put the black-and-white filter on, it looks like I have a blackeye. Is that seriously how tired I look all the time? Wow….
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lonita · 1 year
Hey, ableds. Leave those PWD alone.
It's Disability Pride Month. I was wondering what to say about it, or even if I'd say anything at all. But yesterday a straw broke my camel's back - so here we are.
There are a lot of people on provincial disability support programs in Canada. That support is woefully inadequate, leaving recipients between 40 and 50% below the poverty line. No one lives in poverty because they want to. The complexities of poverty are many, and more than I can conveniently cover herein. Suffice it to say, it's not the simple black and white situation that many think it is. Nor is it a simple to solve solution. Throwing disability into the mix complicates the situation exponentially in ways that abled people cannot comprehend, and most of the time don't even try to.
For many disabled people, online spaces are their only community. Because of proximity, finances, accessibility, and more. So, this is where they congregate. This is where they share their experiences, spread awareness, seek support, look for aid, or just shoot their message into the void to see what happens as so many people online do.
But you know how people are.
The agility that the slavering bully displays in leaping on the opportunity to deride a disabled person on assistance is mindblowing. They do it so wantonly, so willingly. As if they think they're the first person in the world to tell someone on assistance that they're a bum, that they're lazy, that they're scammers, that they can do better if they really wanted to, that it's easy to find work, that they're worthless, that people are sick of giving them "handouts", that they're just self-pitying, that they're just weak, that they should just die.
The increase of it does nothing more than to give even more people more license to abuse even more people, to kick even more struggling people when they're already down. Somewhere they got the idea that they think they have a right to abuse others.
The biggest stumbling block in understanding is that an abled person thinks in terms of ability. They don't have to think about navigating life the way that many disabled people do. They think their simple solutions are solutions that will work for everyone. Or that a solution that works for one disability will work for every other. Even some disabled people think that way. They think if they can succeed, that everyone can. It's not true, of course. It's not possible. That aside, the utter lack of empathy on top of the utter lack of practical understanding, is astounding.
Needs of accessibility, accommodation, transit, preparation, training, education, and personal needs, are a far different thing for many disabled people than they are for the average abled person. In the digital age, some of this is easier to manage. But when I was in school there were no personal computers or internet. I couldn't read the chalkboards in my grade or high school classrooms. We did work out some accommodations, but sometimes those things isolate a person. Flexibility is another one. Some conditions don't allow for a person to work a reguarl 9-5 job - and there's precious little flexibility provided in the average workplace, if any at all, and not nearly enough availability for gig work or task work that would suit an unpredictable condition. Lots of disabled people could work, want to work, but there's no work for them. Disabled people don't live a life of being able to just go out the door each day and do whatever they want whenever they want to.
To sum it up. If you see a person talking about inadequate supports, and your first urge is to crap on them, don't. Just don't. They've heard it before, a million times. You aren't the first, and won't be the last. But you don't have to contribute to a harmful noise that does nothing but hurt people. You don't need to be a bully, to be cruel. If you're angry, talk to the people who make laws. Not the people who might be eating one bad meal a day from the food bank.
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wilderulz · 2 years
Sorry to bother everyone with this....
but along with all the issues of getting scammed out of all my money, I have zero funds to renew my drivers license. I live in a very rural area, and the only way I can get around is borrowing my mothers car…. I need to be able to go to the food bank and my health appointments
If anyone has a spare dollar or wants to commission some art from me, my info is here X
The cost to renew a license in Ontario is $90, if i could somehow raise the money for that, i would be extremely grateful
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agayconcept · 2 years
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Doug Ford Hates You
T-Shirt made by Christopher Reilly
If you live in or around Ontario, Canada and want to support a local artist while also reminding everyone that Doug Ford is public enemy number one - this is the shirt for you.
Buy It Here
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Doug Ford wants disabled people to die. 😔
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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naomiknight-17 · 3 months
I wish I could skip tomorrow and go straight to Wednesday
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