#*Tré voice*:
starogeorgina · 11 months
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Killer queen
Warnings: Incest, swearing, childbirth
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen × Targaryen OC
Your breathing was slightly staggered as you rubbed at your very swollen stomach. The maesters expected your labor to start any day now as the baby had reached full term. You had exhausted yourself by moving the heavy chair you were currently sitting in to face your large bed. You had spent the last few hours softly singing lullabies in high Valyrian, hoping it would help settle your son, who was softly sobbing down. Usually you would have happily sat underneath the bed with your son to find out what was troubling him, but due to the size of your bump, you could hardly kneel to the floor. Luckily, you had managed to calm him down enough for him to stop crying. Although he wouldn’t come out of his hiding spot, he did accept the drink and slice of lemon cake your lady-in-waiting sat down on a small tray for him.
“Ser Criston,” you look up as the knight enters your chambers. You try to push yourself to stand and greet him properly, but struggle to get your footing. “Gods!”
Immediately, he was by your side, offering you an arm to take while his other hand rested on your back. His eyes move around the room as he tries to pinpoint where the whimpering noise is coming from. “Princess, you sent for me?”
“Yes, I wanted to know if you have any further news on the silver-haired children who were seen in fighting pits,” you say quietly.
Criston nods. “I have, in fact. Two boys who have allegedly been fathered by Prince Aegon have been spotted running in and out of one of the brothels in flea bottom.”
“They children are in a brothel?” you ask, horrified.
“Some of the madams allow orphans to sleep in their brothels if they clean the rooms for them. What do—” His eyes shift to the bed. “Is that the young prince making so much noise?”
The lightness in the older man's voice makes you smile. “Yes, my son is hiding underneath the bed and won’t come out. I’ve tried to coax him out for hours, but he’s refusing.”
Ser Criston lets out a soft chuckle before kneeling down and speaking softly to Tré. He’s patient enough with your son and eventually manages to convince him to come out from under the bed. Your cheeks are puffy and red from crying so much; your poor little boy has been extremely stressed out over something. Tré seems to relax a little when Criston picks him up.
“Oh dear,” you said, smoothing Tré’s silver hair back before kissing his cheek. “What is wrong with my little princeling?”
He sobs, “I saw what Kepa did.”
“What do you mean?”
“He was yelling while flying on Vhagar!”
Criston gives you a look similar to the one your mother would gave you when you did something reckless as a child when you held your arms out to take Tré from him. Hesitantly, he hands Tré over to you. The maesters made it clear you were no longer to hold anything heavy for the remainder of your pregnancy, which is probably why he was being so cautious,but your son needed comforting. “When was this, sweet boy?”
“During the night.”
“I think you’ve had a nightmare; your father was here the whole night.” You kiss Tré on the top of his head before placing him on the bed. “I’ll just be a moment; don’t move.”
You motion for Ser Criston to follow you far enough away from the bed that your son could no longer hear you, but you could still see him. “Thank you; I feel much better now that I can see him.”
“It’s quite alright, princess,” he smiles. “I’m sure the young Prince just has a vivid imagination.”
Tré had been having nightmares for some time now, and you hope he'll grow out of them soon. Once the knight was gone, you’d let your son sleep beside you. After you explained to him that there was nothing to be frightened of, first you’d need to figure out how to help the young boys, who were more than likely Targayren. “Could you?" Your hand moves your lower abdomen when you start to feel cramps. “Discreetly bring the boys to the keep; I'll figure out how to help them then.”
“Princess, are you okay?”
You let out a deep breath, and you take the knight's arm to sit back down. You can't help but smile, seeing the fear etched into his facial features. “Perhaps you could send for the midwives, then my husband, before you find the boys.”
You let out a deep groan as your contractions became closer. Both Helaena and your mother were waiting with you until it was time to push, although your sister was talking in riddles, putting her in a more irritable mood than normal. Aemond was in the nursery with your son, who was still a little scared of his father despite your best efforts to reassure him. Aemond had been coming in and out of the room to check in on you, but the midwives told him childbirth was no place for a man.
You accidentally brush your sister’s arm as you waddle by her, causing her to turn to you with an almost venomous glare in her eye. She says, “He’ll lose more than an eye.”
“Of course he will, sweet girl,” you say, not fully listening to her.
You knew she meant nothing malicious; she just behaved oddly at times. Your mother rubs at your lower back until they are asked to leave so the midwife can check how far along you are. She announces it’s time for you to lay down on the bed and begin to push, but you refuse.
“No, I'm not laying down again. I've already fucking said that!” You snap, frustrated that nobody seems to be listening to you.
There was no law saying what position you needed to give birth in, and you would not allow anyone to hold you down again while you screamed helplessly. Feeling something happen, you kneel down with your arms and head resting against a leather chair. Tears roll down your cheeks as the maester and midwives continually tell you to reposition as you start to push.
“Princess, I–”
You don't even realize your husband is in the room until he is told to leave. “This is no place for a—”
“And which one of you is going to remove me from this room?” he asks, his voice full of ice.
Of course, nobody tries to stop him as he kneels at the side of the chair, so the midwives still have space to work behind you. He kisses your hand and says, “I'm right here.”
“One final push!”
You scream loudly, pulling your hands away from Aemond’s so you can dig your fingers into the leather of the chair roughly as you bring your second child into the world. You bring the back of Aemond’s hand to your mouth and kiss it gently as your wailing baby is checked over. The fire inside you had only ever burned for him until you became a mother, and now you couldn't imagine it burning out. Wincing, you turn yourself around once the cord is cut, so you could sit down on the ground, your body throbbing as you do.
“It’s a girl, princess.”
You're taken aback as you hear Aemond's voice shake as he asks, “Healthy?”
“Yes, kicking like a goat, my prince.”
The moment your daughter is placed in your arms, you begin to sob, “She’s so perfect.”
Aemond sits down beside you, clearly unbothered by the blood and other fluid covering the ground. He kisses the side of your head and says, “I’m so proud of you, Ashara.”
You rest your head against his shoulder, smiling down at your baby girl. “She’s so perfect; I love her so much.”
You blink awake slowly, your body fighting the exhaustion that still consumes you from giving birth only a few hours prior.
Aemond is fast asleep, with Tré sleeping with his head resting against his father's chest. It seems the excitement of having a sister overshadowed the memory of his nightmares. Hearing your daughter stir, you slowly get out of bed and go over to her crib, which was at the foot of the bed.
Daenerys, your precious girl.
“Shh,” you say, making a shushing noise to soothe her while picking her up. You kiss the back of her tiny hand multiple times. “My sweet babe, you’ve no idea how loved you are.”
When Tré was born, you were so ill from the loss of blood that you weren’t able to even pick him up yourself without help, and it made you feel like a failure, so being able to do it yourself now meant a lot. You look at the bed, hearing the bedsheets ruffle, and chuckle to yourself, seeing that your son has taken your spot on the bed.
“I will always do whatever it takes to keep you safe; so will your brother, and so will your kepa.”
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Love To Hate Me || Kylian Mbappé
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Chapter 5 : It's Complicated
Plot: Just as y/n's feelings toward Kylian are starting to change, the team return and a contract changes everything.
Word Count: 2569
Masterlist Chapter 4
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Easily, she slid out of her car, looking him straight in the eye and folding her arms over her chest. She wore a straight-legged, neatly ironed, black pantsuit, her hair, as always, slicked back into a low bun. As usual, she wore her high, jet-black heels, and flicked one leg in front of the other.
"Good morning, y/n," he smirked, leaning against his car.
She frowned, shutting her car door and locking it, "Kylian."
As she headed inside, he chased after her, asking as he caught up, "How was your date?"
"I... didn't go."
"What?" he laughed loudly, "You stood him up?"
"No, I just said I needed a raincheck."
"Because of the coffee... on your tits?" he asked, his face entirely serious.
She slapped his arm, "Kylian!"
He glanced down at her, as she grinned to herself, "What? Your words, not mine."
Affectionately, she shook her head, "My accidental words."
"What does that even mean?"
She glanced around, "Why's the car park so busy today?"
"Kylian Mbappé fan convention?"
"Nice joke. Really witty."
He was silent for a few moments, as they walked into the building's reception. Suddenly, he asked, "Why did you cancel your date?"
She laughed, "Don't make me say it again."
"Well, I don't believe it was really because of the coffee... on your tits."
She frowned at both parts of his sentence, "What are you implying, Kylian?"
He shrugged, "I'm not crazy, I know what you wanted last night."
"To wash the coffee off my dress?"
She watched as he licked his lips, shaking his head, "And you knew what I wanted."
"Past tense?" she hummed.
Her feet ground to a halt and she gazed up at him; it took him a few moments to realise she wasn't at his side. He hesitated, glancing back at her, trying to read her expression. She looked confused, a little hurt, maybe, or was it pain? There was a difference.
"Kylian?" a voice calling down the corridor broke the heated eye contact between them.
She glanced over his shoulder and her eyebrows quickly knitted together at the sight of Enrique approaching them. Shit. The team came back to training today. How could tat have slipped her mind?
"Luis, comment ca va?" she asked, stepping in front of Kylian, taking control of the situation.
"Trés bien." he glanced between the pair, folding his arms over his chest, "Is there something you two need to tell me?"
Her mind snapped back to last night; his hot breath brushing her skin, smattering goosebumps up and down her neck. His lips had been so close to grazing over hers, his strong arms trapping her against that door.
Surely her cheeks were flushing red right now.
How did Enrique know?
Before she could gather her thoughts, Kylian quickly answered, "No."
"Really? Because I'm not quite sure why you're here today, Kylian, unless you two have sorted out some sort of contract between you?"
"I'm here to train?" he frowned.
"Well the first team are training today, so you're not welcome."
"Are you joking?" he scoffed, "Are you fucking kidding?"
"Kylian-" y/n tried, softly.
"No! This is a joke! Do you know how much you're paying me for this day off?"
"Go home, Kylian."
"Merde." he spat, spinning around and walking the other way.
She chewed on her lip, deep in thought, as she watched him march off. Luis' voice snapped her out of it, "How have things been without me?"
"Stressful at first but the press storm has calmed down."
"And how's Mbappé been?"
"I'm not too sure, I've just been locked up in my office." she shrugged, only half-lying.
Really, she hadn't gone out of her way to see Kylian, and she hadn't really spent all that much time with him. Then again, the few moments they had shared had played over and over in her mind, as though she'd simply been reliving the moments for the past two weeks.
"Really? Because you two looked quite friendly there." he hummed.
"Did you not see the stunt he pulled, posting that photo with the loft? I've just been trying to keep tabs on him."
"Good. He's unpredictable. I need you to predict him."
"Well, I've kept him quiet enough the last week, haven't I?"
He smiled at her, "A week, y/n. Only a week."
"Rome wasn't built in a day."
"I should get to training. Liaison with the media team, see if they've edited the videos from the tour for me, yeah?"
She nodded and as the coach turned to leave, she called, "Luis." he glanced back and she hesitated, "Are you in talks with Kylian?" When he didn't respond, she prompted, "You know, for a new contract."
"We'll meet about this later." he declared, marching off.
What did that mean?
She got on with her work, finding herself instinctively glancing out at the pitch every five minutes, though of course, Kylian wasn't there. She had a few meetings, one with her team to recalibrate after they'd been away for so long.
Eventually, Luis' assistant knocked on her door, asking for her to come to the boss' office. When she entered, Luis' desk was coated in papers, as he read over one sheet. Another man sat in one of the two chairs on the other side of Enrique's desk. At the sound of the door opening, they both looked up at her.
"Miss y/l/n, come on in. Have you met Mr Al-Khelafi?"
Her heartbeat picked up and she held her hand out, feigning confidence, "I don't believe I have."
The man stood up and she gazed at his neat suit, which was probably worth more than her previous salary. He shook her hand firmly and they exchanged pleasantries before she sat in the other seat.
"Now," Luis began, "we have received an offer for Mbappé from a Saudi-Arabian team, Al-Hilal."
When neither of the men went to say anything more, she nodded, "Okay?"
"A significant offer, to the value of three hundred million in signing fees alone, and much more for Kylian during his time over there," Khelafi explained.
"Okay. Do you want me to publicize this? Has he agreed to the contract or-"
"No, he's not exactly agreed. We need you to release the information... discreetly."
"You need me to leak it?"
"Not exactly. Well, yes but-" Luis tried to explain, "Kylian has been a little resistant to the offer and this offer is the best possible outcome for both of us."
"Aside from Kylian, who has to leave his family, and move to Saudi Arabia."
"For almost a billion euros in a single year." Luis pointed out.
"Have you even had discussions with him yet though?"
Khelafi frowned, "I pay you to do as I say and not to question it, Miss y/l/n. I expect it out tomorrow morning. That will be all."
Did he seriously just dismiss her? It's not even his office! Well, it was in the sense that he paid for the building and everyone in it but this was Luis' office.
Smiling politely, she left the room, refraining from rolling her eyes until she was out. Luis' office was near enough to the pitch and she needed to speak to one of the photographers who was currently out there anyway.
He was on the pitch, snapping photos of the training session. She tried to signal his attention from the sidelines. When it didn't work, she hesitantly strolled onto the pitch.
Out of nowhere, a ball flew in her direction, hitting her smack in the side of the head. She let out a loud curse, her hand flying up to clutch the side of her face.
"Shit, are you okay?" a man called out, running toward her.
She glanced at him and immediately recognised him as Hakimi, one of the first team's defenders. Dembélé followed behind him, trying to stifle a laugh.
"A pretty girl walks onto the field and you have to boot the ball into her face immediately?"
"Sorry! I'm sorry! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she muttered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, weak kick anyway." she joked.
Ousmane cackled loudly, slapping Achraf's arm; the defender's face dropped and he asked, "Sorry, who are you?"
She smirked, holding her hand out, "Y/n y/l/n, head of PR."
"Oh." he shook her hand.
"Why are you on the pitch?" asked Ousmane.
"I'm looking for Sebastian." she glanced at the photographer, "Sebastian!" she called to him.
As the photographer approached them, Achraf watched her before suddenly blurting, "You're Kylian's friend, aren't you?"
She furrowed her brow, "Um, I don't think so?"
Achraf just hummed and she was about to question him before Sebastian, the photographer, spoke up, "Did you need to see me?"
"Yes, where did you upload your photos? Marcus can't find them."
As she and Sebastian spoke, Ousmane and Achraf watched on,. Ousmane asked, "So, who is she?"
"The girl Kylian won't shut up about."
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All it had taken was one phone call. Y/n had made one phone call and every sports newspaper worldwide was plastered with four words: 'Mbappé's €300 million deal'.
She sat on her sofa, a bowl of pasta in her hands and her laptop open, scrolling through an article on the Al-Hilal offer. Faint honks and shouts sounded from the city a few stories below her but her apartment was quiet. Her window was wide open, letting in a breeze, a feeble attempt to cool the stifling room. Occasionally, the papers scattered across her coffee table ruffled with the draft.
Three loud bangs on her door snapped her from the article. Shovelling one last mouthful of pasta into her mouth, she started for the door. She was still chewing her food when she swung the door open. Her mouth stopped moving at the sight of Kylian Mbappé in her doorway, steam practically blowing out of his ears.
"Are you fucking happy? Are you and Enrique gonna go out for a meal in celebration?"
She gulped, swallowing her pasta, "Kylian?"
He shoved past her into the apartment, "What's your problem with me? I thought we were becoming friends!"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He didn't say anything for a while, just glared at her. Only now that he'd stopped yelling did he take in his surroundings. Her apartment was a mess, not what he'd expected from such a seemingly put-together woman like her. Papers were strewn on every available surface and dirty dishes were piled up in the kitchen. The place was pretty small, an adjoined kitchen and living room with a shabby couch. Two doors led out of the room, one was open, showing her bathroom. The countertop was coated with makeup but other than that it was fairly clean. The other door was closed; he presumed it led to her bedroom.
His glare landed back on her, "Don't lie to me!"
"Kylian, how many times do I have to explain that I have a job to do? How hard is that for you to understand?"
"Yeah, that doesn't mean you have to fuck me over. You didn't have to do that."
"I was doing what I was told!" He shook his head and she sighed, "What do you want, Kylian? I want to help you but I don't understand you!"
"What do you mean?"
She didn't reply. A beat passed, then another, and her gaze softened, quietly asking, "Are you going to Qatar, Kylian?"
"Why would I tell you?"
She shrugged, "I thought we were becoming friends."
He scoffed but then glanced down and back up at her, "I don't want to live in Qatar."
"Not even for 300 million?"
He wandered over to her sofa and sat down, deep in thought, before he slowly said, "I don't know, y/n." he hesitated, "Would you miss me if I left?"
"I've known you for like two weeks." she said, "I suppose I like having you around."
"Wow, thanks." he scoffed.
"Would you miss Paris?"
"Of course, this is my home. My family's here, I grew up here, and this is where my entire life is but I know it won't last forever. I have to leave at some point."
She still stood behind the sofa and when she didn't reply, he glanced back and watched her for a few moments. "Why are you looking at me? I can't make this decision for you."
"No, but you can give me a reason to stay."
She paused. Only now did she notice that the city was quiet. For the first time since she'd arrived here, the streets faded into nothingness, as if her little box of an apartment was suspended fifty feet above a vast countryside. She swore the air was hotter than it had been before, a hot flush settling over her entire body.
"I think I could only be a reason to go."
She folded her arms over her chest and glanced at the hard wood floor. He frowned, "Well, I need something to tip the scales either way. Whatever happens I'm the bad guy."
She rolled her eyes, "You aren't the bad guy."
"I go to Qatar, I'm a money hungry wasted talent. I stay here, I'll never reach my potential. That's what they'll say."
"Who cares what they say?"
"Me, clearly. I'm here in your living room, aren't I?"
"I thought you just wanted to see me, chump." she teased.
He smirked to himself, "Maybe I did. Keep your enemies close, right?"
She rounded the sofa, stalking towards him, "Oh, so I'm your enemy. I thought we were becoming friends?"
As she perched beside him on the sofa, he laughed, "Don't make fun of me."
She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "You know I'd never."
The touch of her hand seared through his shirt, sending his stomach in somersaults. Her soft eyes gazed at him, taking in every little detail of his appearance.
"Tell me to sign the contract."
His words were all but a whisper, staring deep into her eyes. Only a few seconds passed but it felt like years. Eventually, she let out a quiet, "It doesn't matter what I say. You'll sign it."
"Will I?"
"You'll be gone by the end of the week."
She edged forward, closer to him, moment by moment. She could feel his body's warmth, wrapping around her like a blanket. Her eyes flicked down to his lips, then back up to his eyes, ever so quickly, but not at all subtly.
"Do you ever think about me?" she whispered.
He hesitated, his lips parting for a moment before he replied, "More than I want to."
And just like that, his lips were on hers, his rich scent driving her insane. His strong hand found her hair, holding her face closer to his. Her hands rubbed up and down his back and her lips parted, allowing his tongue entry. As his tongue explored her mouth, his hands did exploring of their own, tracing a line down her spine, making her shiver. His hand toyed with the waistband of her joggers before sliding beneath the material, grabbing desperately at her peachy ass. As he did, she let out a small moan into his mouth, her grip on his shoulders tightening.
Suddenly, she pulled back, gazing longingly at his face, "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"
"I'm leaving anyway. We've got nothing to lose."
That was all she needed.
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Chapter 6 Masterlist
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
It was at fifteen that Sirius felt something for someone for the first time.
He was just a silly boy who had kissed a couple of girls not because he wanted them but because they initiated it.
The summer when he met George, Sirius would call it the best of his life. The bloke was one of his Uncle's friends. He was way older. In his thirties. He was cool, handsome and easy going. He dressed like a Rockstar: cool leather jackets, tight jeans, piercings and leather boots. Plus he had the most angelical voice Sirius had ever heard.
They toured through different cities of Europe thanks to Alphard's money. George sang in every bar and club they could find. Alphard brought his nephews along, pretending they were more than eighteen and not minors with little experience of that world.
Regulus didn't enjoy his time much. He didn't enjoy the clubs and crowds and preferred to get lost in his books. Sirius was delighted with all that experience. With George and his Uncle, he learned to drink, to smoke, to listen to music, to flirt and to have fun.
Sirius thought Alphard's life was wonderful. Full of adventures, so different than what the rightful House of Black represented. During that summer, Sirius swore to be just like George when he was older.
But what George made him feel was intense and very different than what he had felt before. George was this amazing person that Sirius wanted to impress. He got nervous around him. And at the same time he felt so wild, like anything was possible around him.
Sirius couldn't stop looking at him, admiring every move, every smile, every word that came out of his mouth. His heart beat harder when George winked at him. He blushed when he rubbed his hair. And when he sang, Sirius was transported to another world.
Of course in Sirius’s fifteen year old mind, it was impossible to acknowledge these feelings as love. It was impossible for Alphard to be gay. It was impossible for him to be gay. So Sirius just saw all of this as admiration. Nothing more.
They were just bachelors having fun without compromise.
"George, Uncle has been looking for you"
George was at the hotel terrace, sitting at the edge of the roof, looking down at the street, feet tangling down. He held a cigarette between his lips. He had dark shades and wearing only a white tee he looked incredibly great. How could he manage that?
"Sirius, come here" George gestured for Sirius to come closer, smiling at him with his perfect white teeth.
Sirius couldn't avoid blushing as he approached.
"Look at this view, isn't gorgeous?"
Sirius saw the city of Paris in front of his eyes. Sunset was making the sky pink and yellow. The buildings had a certain glow in them. Everything looked as if it was made of gold. Paris was truly breathtaking. Eiffel Tower in the back. Sirius had been a few times, but he had never seen the city this beautiful.
"C'est trés jolie" Sirius commented as he took a seat besides George.
George laughed. His hair was also golden, shinning under the sun.
"At least I get you to talk to me in French, your Uncle doesn't want to"
Sirius was aware of his cheeks getting on fire.
"I bloody love Paris" George added "Might want to stay here forever"
"Me too" Sirius suddenly agreed looking at the landscape "I don't want summer to be over"
George raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, I'm sure you miss your friends" he said "Maybe a pretty girl you left behind?"
Sirius did miss his friends. The Marauders and their silly pranks. Although he didn't think about them every second of the day. Not when Sirius was having this much fun. He thought he should probably write to James. Then he felt nostalgic and got excited about the idea of telling him about of his adventures to him. He was surely going to love them.
"Maybe my friends, but no.. I don't have a girl" Sirius found himself nervously playing with his wristband as he said this.
"Oh yeah? A boy as handsome as you?"
Sirius now smiled at his own silliness and way of blushing so easily.
"I am like my Uncle. A free spirit. Do not want to waste time in just one girl"
He said it mainly to sound cooler. Like George as well. He flirted and talked with plenty of girls after his shows. But never actually stayed with one.
George looked away into the sunset with a sigh "Your Uncle, a free spirit, isn't he?" he took a drag of his cigarette, then realized he was supposed to offer it to Sirius.
Sirius grabbed it between his fingers. He had managed to not cough the other day. He wasn’t very keen of the smell and taste. But he wanted to look cool. And George looked so cool while he smoked.
Sirius managed to take a full drag and only coughed a little as he let the smoke out. George was amused. God, why did Sirius want to impress him so much? And why did he fail miserably?
"Are you angry with him?" Sirius asked as he passed the cig back "With my Uncle? I heard you discussing with him yesterday after your show"
If Sirius had been paying more attention he would have seen George go a bit frigid.
"It was just some bickering, Sirius. Do you bicker with your mates?"
Sirius shared a dorm with his best friends. Sometimes they fought about silly stuff.
"All the time" Sirius sneered.
George nodded with a smile.
"Your Uncle has an insufferable temper, I must tell you"
Sirius chuckled "He is alright"
"Have we met the same Alphard?"
Sirius found himself laughing and afterwards he couldn't stop smiling. It was a stupid thing.
'I like you' Sirius wanted to say. 'I'm glad you are my Uncle's friend. And I am glad I met you'
"Don't worry about it, mate"
But he didn't dare. The words were just stuck on his throat like a bloody syrup.
George kept smoking in silence. Sirius opened his mouth trying to find the right words. It was the nervousness that got him this silly.
"Each morning I wake up and die a little, can't barely stand on my feet..."
However his thoughts were interrupted when George began singing. He winked making Sirius blush. It was an acapella song without music, without warning, just because he felt like it. And Sirius smiled because he recognized this song.
"Take a look in the mirror and cryyy... Oh lord what you're doing to mee... I have spent all my years in believing you... Someday I'm gonna be free Looooord!"
Sirius couldn't get more fascinated by George's voice. He hadn't heard something so beautiful. He hadn't seen anyone so beautiful. In his mind it was that he wanted to be exactly like George. That cool, that amazing, that talented, that perfect.
"Find me somebody to Looove... Find me somebody to Looove" Sirius sang as well.
George smiled before continuing.
"Caaan anybody find mee...." George made a pause looking at the beautiful sky "Somebody toooo....... loooooooveeeee...."
The last part gave Sirius goosebumps. Not even Mercury had managed that. So Sirius was smiling just because. Cheeks pink, no wonder.
And George was smiling as well. Cheeky little smile below his shades.
Sirius wanted to smile at someone someday and provoke all the crazy things he was feeling now.
"George, don't encourage my nephew to sing. He has a terrible voice"
Alphard was right behind them. He had a soft smile on his face. But he looked tired. Maybe he just woke up.
"And don't you dare encourage him to smoke" Alphard added as he practically ripped the cigarette out of George's hand.
"He is a grown up boy, Alphard"
"I am a grown up boy, Uncle" Sirius smiled innocently. He actually couldn't wait to be a grown up adult like these two. Free from Orion and Walburga, free from all the stupid rules.
Alphard rolled his eyes as he took a drag.
"Your mother will kill me if she knew what you've been doing this summer"
Sirius buffed. He was embarrassed to be treated like a brag in front of George.
"Better not tell her, eh Alphard?"
"Why don't you go and fetch your brother?"
Alphard asked as he kept smoking "He's been reading the same bloody book in bed all day..."
Regulus was just fourteen. And he was already behaving like a bloody boomer.
"Look at that sight, let's go eat something outside"
Sirius rolled his eyes.
"I am not Reggie's babysitter"
Alphard patted him in the shoulder. "Come on, lad. I need to have a moment alone with George, yeah?"
Sirius noticed George haven't said a word. He kept looking forward. Sirius wished he would know what he was thinking.
"Yeah, of course" he said reluctantly as he stood up. Alphard gave him a sympathetic smile before Sirius left.
As he was walking inside, Sirius turned to see at his Uncle and George discuss. They were talking in low voices so Sirius couldn't hear. He couldn't tell by the shades but was he crying?
Then Alphard whispered something to make George give him his handsome smile. And something weird happened. Alphard touched his cheek delicately. Both men looked into each other's eyes.
Sirius found the gesture so intimate that he decided to leave.
Sirius was blind back then. He should have seen that as romantic. He should have known what his Uncle was. What George was. Now with everything that had happened with Remus, it all made more sense. Remus was not the first bloke he had fancied. Perhaps...
Something was certain. Alphard had been terrified to tell everyone the truth. And Sirius was terrified as well. He wished his Uncle was not dead so he could talk to him. He wished Alphard had trusted him. But he didn't. And Sirius missed him very much. Now he had to figure out all of these feelings on his own.
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pickelda · 2 months
Six Song Soundtrack
tagged by @dreadfutures and @inquisimer :3 <3
If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
For tragic girly, Nara Hawke:
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Arms I Know So Well by Emma Ruth Rundle
Sorrow by the National
Putting the Dog to Sleep, The Antlers
Your Loves Whore by Wolf Alice
Funeral Bell, PHILDEL
The Ghost in Your Smile by Les Trés
tagging forward to: @star--nymph | @ammoniteflesh | @fatale-distraction | @rosieofcorona
Lyrics + descriptions under the cut.
1. Arms I Know So Well, Emma Ruth Rundle
Oh boundless life were we to gain From lost lands to the garden's gate It's fear of the frozen and unhappy skies Burnt now, burnt now, breathing only fire And deliver me From all the evil I did to myself And deliver me to arms so open Arms I know so well
[A song defining their past] Nara is haunted by a demon all her life, and she resists its call up until the very moment she doesn't. When she finally gives in to Despair, it's like falling into the arms of a dark friend.
2. Sorrow, The National
Sorrow found me when I was young Sorrow waited, sorrow won Sorrow, they put me on the pill It's in my honey, it's in my milk
[How they see themselves] This song fits nicely for her journey with the literal Despair demon as well, but in this case it speaks to how Nara views herself as intrinsically built around a deep sorrow. Everything she does is to fight it, to soothe it, to serve it. She wouldn't know how to exist without it.
3. Putting the Dog to Sleep, The Antlers
I can't prove to you you're not gonna die alone, But trust me to take you home, To clean up that blood all over your paws. You can't keep running out, Kicking yourself off the bed, Kicking yourself in the head, Because you're kicking me too.
[How others see them] The good dog that still bites. Nara is loyal and protective but places little value on her survival. She'll succeed where others fail, but the ways in which she does it can be destructive to herself and those around her.
5. Your Love's Whore, Wolf Alice
I let your love tease me Now I am your love's whore Keep me hardly breathing But I could only love you more I could only love you more I could only love you more I could only love you more I could only love you more
[For their closest relationship] To break up the Sad, have a nice one for Isabela <3 There's certainly something to be said for the ways they enable each other, but Nara never feels as free as when she's with her gal, and they never stop having fun together.
5. Funeral Bell, PHILDEL
Oh, mother, I'm scared to die Where oh where do my good deeds lie? Oh, father, I'm scared to live Takes more than I've got to give Oh, sister, my voice is weak Oh, brother, I long for sleep
[For a major fight scene] Facing the Nightmare in the Fade is the concluding battle of Nara's life. She goes out fighting but spent and broken, thinking back on all she has lost.
6. The Ghost in Your Smile, Les Trés
[For the end credits] No lyrics, just a haunting and mournful instrumental for a fallen bird :')
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benasabrina · 2 months
What's your favourite Narumayo moment in the games?
Hello and thank you for the ask!
Let’s see… I love how Phoenix would do almost anything for her! He literally tried to run across a burning bridge to make sure she was okay! One of my fave moments is when Phoenix is LITERALLY flirting with her by saying she should quit being a spirit medium when he saw her in the Trés Bien uniform! And the fact that he canonically thinks she has a cute voice.
Another is the fact that they did in fact keep in touch during the 7-year-gap! And how a letter from her basically gave him the resolve to continue on during a trial!!
Such good moments :)
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shrimplymoray · 7 months
Hello, person whom i may or may not share a home with, it is i, simply the most guy of guys, i would like to request a simple oc (u know who) x Rook Hunt, where, possibly, Rook finds out that he has been the muse of a certain someone, if u cant or dont want to write thats ok too, drinks lots of water btw xoxo
--ur best bud ¬u¬
Ehehehe KrisRook content my beloved òwó I got u covered bro (btw sorry i wrote Kris name wrong on the other post, i forgro to change it, i'll do it after i post this teehee)
Rook Hunt x Kristoffer Hartdagger - aMUSEing
Normally the Arts and Crafts club is a silent place, with only some ambient songs from the club's collab playlist as a company to the artists all in their zone. Today started no different, the club president presenting them today with a simple mindless doodle session before them getting into the more ellaborate club activities. Kris stayed very much in his zone as always, being the softspoken and shy boy he is. on his normal seat, with a sketchbook and some colored lead eraseable pencils, he doodled. Except everyone around noticed how he would sigh and stare at his doodles. The truth is, for a while Hartdagger had been in love. He just never opened up with anyone but his bestfriend Moira about it. "Ah~Monsieur Spotted, I see you're on art duties. Beuté!" "AHHH!" Kris was close to throwing the sketchbook up in the air in fear from the oh so common voice he grew to love. Rook Hunt seemed to be observind the club... again. "ROOK! GO AWAY! SHOO SHOO!" The club leader tried shooing the man away, but to no avail. he made his seat next to Kris, looking politely at the club president. "Ah, monsieur artiste, I can guarantee I will behave according club rules during my stay, you have not to worry!" "I-I... Sir, I can keep an eye on him... I-if you want it, that is,, i'm not forcing it in aniway i'm sorry if i seem like-" "Keep him from touching anything and it's all good Kris, if he gives you trouble i'll just call the headmage." "Right. Okay. sorry..." during the small conversation, Kris failed to observe Rook's head getting closer and closer to his space, until he could quite literally feel the brim of his hat touch his forehead. "My, my... I knew you liked to draw people, Monsieur Spotted, but never thought i would be a form of inspiration for you. Such magnificence, so much attention to the details." "Eep! You were... you... were staring at my doodles?!" Kris hugged the book to his chest "don't mind it! really!" "Why, it is a beautiful! If you ever are in need of a muse, I will be happy to provide! La chasseur d'amour will always provide the inspirations to seek the beauty in all!" While others only groaned, Kriss mumbled something under his breath. It seemed almost unaudible, but to a pair of trained hunter's ears, it was as clear as day: "you already are my muse" Rook kept his composure, but of course, the hunter had the affirmation of the prey, and now he is ready to get it for himself. "Perhaps you would enjoy a posing session later on Pomefiore?" Kris stared at Rook, face already flushes since the moment Rook invaded the boy's personal space, but he didn't have in him to deny, so he slowly nodded. Rook was going to say something, when he heard the common call of Vil for his Vice Housewarden's aid. Rook smiled sweetly before stooding up "It seems Roi du Poison is in need of my hunting skills, but fret not, for I'll come back at when the meeting ends! Trés Bien!" As soon as Rook left, and everyoned seemed more at ease, the president went to Kris "Hey... Thanks for the help but..." "Yes, sir?" "Do you know how does he know when the meetings end when we have it end in different times each day?" Rook Hunt things, were all everyone could assume.
Hope u like it! I never wrote Rook and I saw almost nothing of him yet so I'm getting used to him still!
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franzizka · 10 months
so @candidateofloyalty recently linked the aa wlw minibang server to a bunch of blogs from janet hsu, who is the localization director for every ace attorney game and also the voice of franziska. in them she reveals a LOT about the choices that the team made in terms of localizing the games and there was this message in particular about jean armstrong that stuck out to me because i know his treatment is a thorn in aa3 for a lot of people.
– Jean Armstrong is not actually French in either the Japanese or English versions, which is why Trés Bien is spelled wrong in the English version and he speaks atrociously bad French. – Speaking of Monsieur Armstrong, I’d just like to clear up some misconceptions and localization issues surrounding his gender and sexuality. Before I begin though, please keep in mind that societal attitudes and definitions change over time, and that the original Japanese version was made over 10 years ago. Furthermore, Japanese concepts of gender and sexuality do NOT map 1 to 1 onto Western ideas due to vastly different religious, cultural, and historical influences. In the Japanese version, Jean is a typical “okama” character. At the time, the word “okama” was the generally used catchall word for an “effeminate-acting man”, and had been the go-to word since the Edo period. While that usually implied that the man in question was gay, the word was also used for any biologically male person who did drag or spoke like a woman regardless of their gender or sexuality, and even trans women. Nowadays, similar to the way the word “q u eer” is used in the West (but not entirely the same), “okama” is considered derogatory and discriminatory, though some people will still call themselves “okama”. Since adopting the English word “gay”, it has become more culturally acceptable to refer to actual gay men as “gei” (ゲイ) or the more formal word “douseiaisha” (同性愛者 – literally: “person who loves the same sex”). Given all of this, what that meant for the localized version was that I had to take a very vague and different concept of “gay” and localize it in a way that would be understandable to a Western audience. Using all of the info we get about Jean in the game, the answer I came up with was that he is a gay, cis man who enjoys performing non-passing drag… Or to put it in a more concrete way, think Conchita Wurst. Jean’s drag persona, which I have dubbed “Campy French Maiden Jean”, is all we ever see during the investigation segments, but in court, he identifies himself as a man to the judge when he is asked what gender he is. Unfortunately, back in 2007, the general public’s understanding of gender and sexuality was not as informed or as nuanced as it is today, so I think Jean still caused a lot of confusion in the English version, but I hope this has cleared it up somewhat. In terms of how the characters reference Jean, I admit it would’ve been better if they used female pronouns out of respect for his drag persona once they realized it was a persona, but in addition to the fact that I can’t add any extra text boxes to the game, I felt it would’ve been too controversial and hard to explain in-game back then. Furthermore, because he and his persona are not given separate names, it becomes very confusing very quickly as to when the characters are talking about “Campy French Maiden Jean” and when they’re talking about the man/legal witness “Mr. Jean Armstrong”. That said, I feel that society is making progress — to the point where things like calling people by their preferred gender pronoun is slowly becoming the socially correct thing to do — so I hope that someday I won’t need to provide an in-game explanation. As a side note, given what type of character he is, you can see how he ties into the overall theme of the game, which is “not everything is always what it seems on the surface”.
here's the blog post if anyone is interested in reading more
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jminter · 1 year
Vancouver Folk Music Festival returns for the 46th year with an impressive line up
The 46th annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival returns this July 14-16 at Jericho Beach Park, thanks in no small part to audiences’ huge support and a groundswell of support. The 2023 edition of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival carries on the great legacy of musical excellence and eclectic discovery the annual summer tradition is renowned for bringing to the park.  From July 14-16, some of the world’s finest traditional and contemporary folk, world and roots music artists will spend the weekend bringing their works to friends, fans, appreciators of music and those who love the magic of this festival are invited to gather again to celebrate.
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Board member and Programming Committee Chair, Fiona Black says: “This festival is a touchstone in the lives of so many of its far-reaching community: long-time and new audience members, out-of-town visitors who come year after year, volunteers, donors, sponsors, artists and so many more. I think this year everyone appreciates this iconic festival a little more. None of us take it for granted. For the VFMF, “folk music” is an inclusive term that encompasses as broad a range of roots-based music from around the world as you can imagine. The beauty of this festival is that it brings such an extensive range of artists together for three days of connecting with each other, inspiring unique collaborations and making lasting memories for the amazing gathering of folks that unite every year to celebrate life, community and music. That tradition continues this year with these artists, and we welcome everyone back to the park this summer to be part of this joyful experience.” Some 40 music acts from 10 countries, 6 states and 8 provinces will be found performing on the Festival’s three daytime stages and an evening stage over the summer  weekend. Additional artists will be announced shortly. The festival’s gates open at 3pm on Friday, July 14, and music runs on Saturday and Sunday, July 15 & 16 from 11am to 11pm. This year's lineup includes a number of acclaimed artists known to many in the festival’s audience, including: Arizona’s Tex-Mex outfit Calexico, women’s music icon Ferron, the multi-faceted Joachim Cooder, the award-winning William Prince, and two genuine music legends, Joe Henry and Albert Lee. Music from around the world takes centre stage at the festival as well, including a towering figure in the world of traditional Persian music, Kayhan Kalhor and, among other international visitors, three groups who live for the music of the dance. From Italy’s Kalàscima, teaming up at the festival with stunning singer, Andrea Ramolo comes the passion and energy of the tarantella; the Cláudio Rabeca Quartet with special guest, Serena Eades play forró, the popular dance music of Brazil, and; we’re exciting to share the remarkable collaboration in the Melón Jiménez & Lara Wong Flamenco-World Trio. From south of the border, a number of artists are slated to bring the sounds of the US to the Jericho stages. Including one of zydeco and Cajun music’s great accordionists, Cedric Watson, who performs with fiddler Jourdan Thibodeaux; East LA’s Las Cafeteras’ son jarocho tunes will sure to bring folks to their feet; and folk music treasure, Aoife O’Donovan, brings her beautiful voice. Emerging artists are also on the roster including the Berklee College vocal trio and internet sensations, Tiny Habits; a strong and clear voice for social justice, Tré Burt, and BC’s own hip hop adventurer, Ruby Singh and The Future Ancestors. Homegrown talents are well represented on this year’s roster, including Jim Byrnes, The High Bar Gang, Jill Barber, The Sojourners, Ceileigh Cardinal and Newfoundland’s Rum Ragged and many more. This year's Vancouver Folk Music Festival curates an event that offers a truly global spirit, broad and eclectic in range, with something for everyone of all ages. In addition to whetting your musical appetites, the Vancouver Folk Music Festival offers a wide range of ways to feed you soul with food and artisan vendors as well the festival prides itself on its environmental awareness, sustainability initiatives, and accessibility.  With over 30, 000 people expected to descend upon the park get your tickets soon. Find the full Festival line-up and information about performers, vendors and artists at thefestival.bc.ca https://youtu.be/G_tDW04H6P0 Read the full article
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joycececilia143 · 2 years
Viva Las Vengeance
Yes, I admit it, I am a hug P!ATD fan and have been since the early days in 2006 when I was a 16-year old girl who had no idea who she was yet as a person. Panic!'s/Brendon's music has helped me through some of my darkest times, most recently at the end of 2018.
I'll spare all the details, but basically I was ready to give up on EVERYTHING, until my coworker - whom I'm still thanking for her help to this day - took notice of my precarious mental state and told me to take a breather, find a video or a song I liked and just come back to myself for a few minutes before continuing my work.
I quickly fell down the rabbit hole that is Panic! at the Disco's entire discography when one song in particular resonated with me so much that I managed to drag myself out of that pit of despair I was in and found my way back to the surface.
The song I'm talking about is Emperor's New Clothes, of which I now have 2 tattoos dedicated to this song. But I digress.
What has been baffling to me is the horrible backlash P!ATD's comeback album Viva Las Vengeance has been receiving. The "reviews" on here alone are such a stark contrast to how I've experienced the album so far. So I figured I'd throw in my own 2 cents and give a little review of my own.
This is purely my own opinion and I am in no way trying to disrespect anyone else's opinions just because I am a fan of the album, nut I thought I'd share. So here goes.
Viva Las Vengeance
I have to admit, I was skeptical when I first heard this song. It was unlike anything Brendon had ever done before and at first it felt like it wasn't "Panic!", but just Brendon doing a solo project.
As I listened to the song a 2nd, 3rd and 4th time I started paying more attention to the lyrics and that's where I found the essence of Panic!, of Brendon's songwriting and composing abilities that I had loved so much on Pray For The Wicked, which is one of my favorite albums ever.
I have to admit the song does give a glimpse into the rest of the album's overall theme, which is Brendon showing off his vocal chops in every which way he can. I agree with people saying it sounds like he's straining his voice too much, but if you've ever been to a live show of this band, you know that that's kind of what Brendon does and loves to do.
As an opener to the album, it's an upbeat song that gets you moving and for me it was something that got me pumped about this new direction Brendon has clearly decided to take his music in.
Middle of a Breakup
Contrary to what I've seen on here as far as opinions on the song go, this is one of my favorites on the entire album. Its uptempo beat, the guitar riffs, the lyrics... It's just a bop in my opinion. Even non-fans in my social circle say this song is amazing. I don't give a s*** about the lyrics "not making sense", I mean, have you heard Uno, Dos and Tré by Green Day? Barely any of those make any real sense lyric-wise but Billie Joe is still one of the best song writers in his field in my opinion.
All I know is that I'm gonna be dancing my little booty off when I watch him perform this song live this February.
Don't Let The Light Go Out
This is my absolute favorite on the entire album. From the very first listen to watching the accompanying video, I was hooked. I'm a sucker for a rock ballad-type song and the lyrics are right up my alley: angsty and a hint of a love story behind it.
One thing I will agree on with most of the reviews I've read on here is that the song is just a tad bit too high. While I still feel like Brendon is one of the greatest male vocalists of our time, even I think the chorus could have been sung in a slightly lower octave. We all know Brendon has an amazing vocal range, so in my opinion he has absolutely nothing to prove. I love the fact that he sings this song in his full chest voice and not in his signature falsetto. Nevertheless, I have seen a few live renditions of this song and I am still not sure whether or not he sings it fully live. From what I've noticed in these live performances, the verses and the bridge are 100% live vocals, whereas the chorus always sounds just that tad bit too "perfect". Even though I know he can hit (ridicilously) high notes in his full chest voice, I am a little skeptical about him doing it live in this particular song.
This is one thing I will be paying particular attention to when I see the band live on tour in a few months, not to criticize him for it, because I have experienced his live vocals in person up close and personal a few times, but just because I have been wracking my brain about it since the first live performance I saw of this song LOL.
Local God
Honestly my least favorite one on the album. I feel like this one doesn't really fit in with the rest... I can't explain it, I just don't vibe with this song as much as with some of the others.
As for the supposed "Ryan bashing", I honestly don't think it's that deep to be honest. Was Ryan's name the first one that came to mind when listening to this song? Yes, I'm not afraid to admit that. But I honestly don't think Brendon was trying to be malicious about anything here.
I think so many things happened during the pre-split days and possibly even after that that we are not aware of and that have not been made public for a reason. We can speculate all we want, but in the end the only people who know the full truth are the guys in the band and their team at the time.
I've only heard B's side of things - as far as he's been willing to share things about what happened - and I know that the split really hurt him. Regardless, I'm sure it hurt the others too, but because B's the only one left in the actual spotlight - figuratively speaking - he's the only one who gets heat for it because he put out a song that could possibly be about a former bandmate. This is like "Ryden" all over again and I wish everyone would just move on already.
T-Swift is most famous for her songs written about ex-lovers and former friends and nobody even bats an eye anymore. Just because we don't expect a certain thing from Brendon, doesn't mean he's not allowed to express himself through his music.
Star Spangled Banger
Good song, catchy lyrics, great melody, but sadly, with a title like this I kind of expected more of this song. I guess I was expecting more of a rockier, edgier, more uptempo song than what eventually made it onto the album.
But again, I admire Brendon for writing and releasing the music he wants to write. I love the song nonetheless, but again, with a title like that, I had definitely expected a little bit more from this track.
God Killed Rock And Roll
Total Queen vibes here. And I know what most people are thinking: "There's only one Freddie Mercury" and that is absolutely true. No one can do it like Freddie and no one ever will.
That being said, Brendon has never claimed he wanted to be the next Freddie Mercury, in fact, he reached out to Brian May (based on an article from an interview with Brian asking about Queen's influences on Panic!'s music).
Back when Panic! did their version of Bohemian, Brian gave Brendon rave reviews on his vocals and the band's rendition of the iconic song. Brendon has stated multiple times that Queen has been a massive influence on him musically ever since he was a tiny Beebo. So to me it's only natural to want to showcase those influences in his own work.
While some of the songs do heavily remind us of Queen's music, not once did I think "this is just a blatant copy of Queen". Brendon always puts his own spin on things and this track is just another example of that.
This song in my opinion is more of a banger than the song with the actual word "banger" in the title. This is another one - while I do think he's going into the high notes possibly a tad too much - that I cannot wait to witness live and in person.
Say It Louder
This to me is an anthem. I can't explain it, it's just a genuine bop to me. This song resonates with me because it's basically saying "f*** everyone who tells you you can't be yourself". It's also sending a message to the haters to just knock it off with the negativity and honestly, they couldn't say it loud enough "to the people in the back".
Sugar Soaker
Ultimate. Bop. I know it's basically just a song about sex, but what song isn't in some way, shape or form about sex these days? I' m not a huge fan of the seemingly glamorizing of alcohol and drug use and the objectification of the woman being sung about in this track, but again: it's not all that deep.
There are songs out there - a few rap songs come to mind, but also a bunch of country songs I can think of - that literally speak about women as objects to serve only one purpose which is not what I think Brendon was doing here,
It perfectly fits the overall narrative of the album that decribes the inevitable fall from grace many rockstars sadly go through and the music video perfectly portrays that.
The bit at the end of the video where the dude - I forget his name; is it Butch Walker? - goes "You're barely alive, man!" and Brendon goes "You're barely alive, f*** you" is just a perfect example of B's humor and I absolutely loved it!
Something About Maggie
This is the song that makes the least sense to me if I'm being honest. I can see most of the other songs fitting into the narrative, but this one it's hard to get a grasp on... It's an okay song in my opinion, not his best by any means, but it's a good message behind it.
I'm assuming the abusive person in the song isn't the character he's playing in the storyline of the album, but at the same time maybe it is? I'm afraid to say it because I know Brendon wouldn't do that to his romantic partner (the man is too madly in love with his wife, our goddess and queen Sarah Urie jk, jk, I'm not that obsessed with this man LOL), or any person for that matter.
I'm fully aware of the allegations that have been thrown his way and the comments and statements he's made in the past and while I am in no way making excuses for him, I do fully believe that he is not the same person he was during the time of most of those alleged allegations.
Anyway, the song is good but I wish we would have gotten music videos for the full album so we could actually put together and follow the whole narrative behind it.
Sad Clown
This. This song. The first time I heard I watched the accompanying music video and while at first I was like "da f***?", the song kicked off and it has quickly found its way into my top 3 of the album.
I love the esthetics of the video ( I love when B does any type of choreographed routine like in Ready To Go back in the day) and how they mix the old-timey royal setting with something contemporary like the random dance battle between the men and women. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Vocally, again, he hits notes I never thought were possible for a man to hit, but this time it doesn't feel forced. The high falsetto in this song is what he constantly does during live shows and it always seems to come out of him more naturally than his full chest voice does.
The "Vincero" that starts off the song is what my teachers used to call the "eyecatcher" in an essay or a presentation, or at least that's how I think of it. In fact, it caught my eye so much that I have it tattooed on my hand LOL. It's the motto I try to live by: "I shall win". No matter how hard life gets or what life throws at me, I'll always fight to come out on top.
All By Yourself
This song feels like an ode to the fans in some way. I think most of the fans, especially the ones that interacted with B on Twitch regularly, have felt or are feeling very alone what with COVID, people not understanding how one person, one celebrity, can make them feel so good and so seen, so understood and all of that.
"You can change the world, all by yourself", to me is B saying: "you are strong, you can change things all on your own, you don't need me or anyone else; all you need is YOU."
Fun fact: the way he pronounces the word "yourself" during most of the choruses sounds a LOT like the Flemish/Dutch pronunciation of the same word, which is "jezelf". That just caught my ear from the first time I heard this song. And just because I can't un-hear it anymore, I just figured I'd let you all suffer with me haha.
Do It To Death
Another favorite, albeit one that makes me sad. I feel like this is Brendon reflecting on the past 5-10 years of his life where it's been pretty much non-stop recording, touring, recording, touring and more recording and touring.
I've always been kind of afraid that he was spreading himself too thin (remember when everyone thought Brendon was dead at the end of last tour?) the past few years and this song kind of solidified for me that that fear was at least partly justified.
It does sound like the most Brendon thing to do to me: put all of himself into his craft and his performances until he literally has nothing left to give.
Do It To Death is an amazing song and I cannot wait - I know, here I go again - to see him sing this live. The visuals for the video are immaculate - as were the visuals for all the songs that got the video treatment on this album.
Overall conclusion
Overall the album - in my humble opinion - is amazing. Just like its 6 predecessors it shows Brendon's evolution, not only as a vocalist and a performer, but also as a composer and a songwriter. To me, he just keeps getting better as time goes on.
The man ages like a fine wine: gets better with age. I cannot wait to see what he does next, whether it be another Panic! album or something completely different (like, apparently being a father?!).
I do not care what all the haters say, I will always love and support this man and his music. I know it sounds like the biggest cliché in the world, but I do believe that if it weren't for my coworker/friend urging me to take that moment to myself 4 years ago, I would not be where I am right now. That is not an exaggeration, nor is it a cry for attention. It is simply the truth.
Panic!'s music has been a constant in my life for over 16 years and I do believe that it has helped me become the person I am today. I'm a long way from being "great" but I've realized that even just being "okay" is a step in the right direction.
NOTE: this post has been uniquely MY views and opinions. I do not mean to upset anyone by disagreeing with their thoughts on the album nor do I mean any disrespect to those who have decided to leave the fandom following all the drama from the past few years. I only ask that you extend me the same courtesy and even if you don't agree with my views and opinions, I ask you to please respect them the same as I do yours. Thank you for reading my first (long-winded) Tumblr post.
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yamatossideboob · 1 day
ONE PIECE 1127 Spoilers!
This week's plummets from great heights:
Yamato's sure doing a lot of eating, but he's a growing boy so i'll allow it, chow down beautiful.
Big tree named Yggdrasil, yeah Oda's gonna go hard on the Norse mythology here fuck yes
"We must report to the Sun God" now, I'm assuming they don't mean our Luffy, and I'm gonna wager this 'Sun God' is some sort of Joyboy imposter that will exposed in short order. Maybe Elbaf will involve Luffy coming into his destiny in the eyes of the world? Maybe not lol.
Nami's Elbaf fit is typical Oda but also very cute. I love her hair, fur cloak and thigh strap, chef kiss imo
She is relieved to hear friend
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Usopp voice - oh no, I'm so small. I hope no one gobbles me up.
sorry 😔
ykw I'm glad Zeus came with us after Wano. good to see ya buddy
Usopp's Elbaf fit is MWAH MWAH TRÉS BIEN!! I fucking love the Asterix vibe of his clothes, and the facial hair is TREMENDOUS (bit of a Mihawkish moustache going on there, I likey)
Actually just how quickly can Usopp beard up, was that an absinthe bender or what lmao
"Hallucinations can't hurt me" Gets fucking Giga Impacted by giant mitten
I am really, really, really hoping the space dedicated to Usopp this chapter means we're getting some overdue focus on him this arc. The Brave Warrior of the Sea That Was Promised..... don't let us down Oda
oh hey nice monster trio callback
ofc Luffy gets the big horned helmet. LOVE., nuff said
so as I see here and as people are pointing out, there's some very blatant "errors" here on this last double page, and between this, the absinthe malarkey and the false lion, I think we can assume this arc will feature illusions and such quite heavily, which apparently feature in Norse myth, especially with the infamous Loki. Like I reckon that, yes Luffy's weapon changing from sword to axe on the same double page spread is very deliberate, and a hint at what's to come lads. It's been a minute since I've been acquainted with Nordic tales but I'm excited!
And unless Viz is posting illusions of its own, we have another chapter next week? Until next Sunday I'll assume that actually is an error lmao, let's not let Oda push himself please.
Anyway, til next time, whenever that is! 💪✖️
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dxsturbia · 4 months
Your voice dropped
You thought that you could handle me
You played mean and now you tryna holla at me
You washed up and now I’m in a different league
You’re tryin way too hard and I don’t need your flattery
This is not your house little girl
And you are abusing the privilege of having a black audience at all the pop girls didn’t want you 
They chose Ariana
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Killer queen
Warnings: Incest, SA, character death
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen × Targaryen OC
As the weeks passed, your body had become more swollen and tender, meaning you had to spend more time on bed rest, which wasn’t an issue in itself; in fact, you found some perks in it. Tré would come cuddle with you in the mornings before his lessons, your sweet sister Helaena would bring her children to visit you, and Aemond was very attentive and would spend hours rubbing your swollen ankles and feet.
Aside from the pain, you thought the only downside would be boredom. You'd miss dragon riding and going wherever you wanted, but that was the furthest thing from your mind.
The clubfoot began visiting your quarters more frequently, which unnerved you, but you kept quiet due to the fear that nobody would believe you or that they would think you were hormonal and not listen.
You regretted staying quiet.
Your eyes were stinging from crying so much, and your hands were trembling. Your lips felt numb from breathing so heavily; the only words you could get out were, “I want my mother!”
Your lady-in-waiting immediately raced off to get your mother, while you remained sobbing on the floor of your bedchamber. You were thankful that Aemond had taken your son dragon riding; you didn’t want them to see you like this. Never in your life had you felt so dirty and violated before; you just wanted the sickening images of what you witnessed to go away.
“Ashara!” your mother gasps. She kneels down beside you, one hand placed on your back and the other on your stomach. “What’s happened? Are you in pain? Is it the baby?" When you don’t answer, she calls to your lady in waiting, “Fetch the maester!”
“N—no,” you say, taking a deep breath, trying to stabilize your voice. “The baby is fine... Larys Strong… he…”
Before you can finish the sentence, your mother pulls you into her and holds you; in return, you cling to her the same way you did as a child. She strokes your hair and says, "It's okay; it’s okay; I’m here now.”
“I didn't know he was in my quarters. He appeared when I was indecent and began fondling himself.”
Feeling warm and uncomfortable, you removed your tights, pulled your nightgown up to your knees, and, irritated with the fabric of your rubbing against your sensitive breasts, pulled the top half of your gown down. You’d fallen asleep until you heard your lady-in-waiting for the morning let out a whimpering sound, followed by the feeling of a blanket being tossed over your body. You opened your eyes to see Lord Larys sitting across from you with his cock in his hand.
You froze, and you ended up staring at the same spot on the ground until he brought himself to climax and left your bedchamber.
Lifting your head up, you lock eyes with your mother; her brown eyes are wide and glossy. Out of all the emotions written on her face, she didn’t seem surprised. "Mother, has he done this before with someone else?”
She remains silent.
Anger replaces your distress. “Did he do this to my sister?"
“No,” she says, shaking her head before looking up at your lady. “Ask the maester to make the princess some tea to help calm her.”
“Have you told anyone else yet?”
“No, did Larys—"
She cups the side of your face and wipes your tears away with her thumb. “I don’t know what to do; I don’t know how to help you, my sweet.”
“Tell me the truth; has he done the same to you?”
She nods.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Because I’m ashamed to admit that I let him!” She cries. “I had no one, and then he befriended me not long after Aegon was born, and he…”
“Took advantage of you,” you say, kissing the back of her hand. “None of this is your fault. You were vulnerable, and he took advantage of that.”
Tears fall from your mother's eyes as she finally confides in another person about her awful relationship with Larys. Although your relationship with your mother strained at times, you were determined to make the clubfoot pay for everything he did. You needed to protect her from him. You press your forehead against hers. “You know I can’t let him live?”
She squeezes her eyes shut and nods again.
“Ser Criston!”
Your mother says nothing and leans back before the door at the end of the room swings open. The knight bursts into the room with a worried look on his face and says, “My queen, princess.”
You look up at the knight, whom you suspect has been outside your quarters since your mother came. “Bring Larys Strong to the dragonpit, discreetly.”
As you watch Ser Criston throw the leech that was Larys Strong to the ground, you become numb. The knight comes to stand beside you, and he gives you a comforting nod. All your mother told Ser Criston was that Larys was inappropriate towards you, and that was enough for him. You glare at the clubfoot as he begins to try to justify his actions and asks for mercy.
“The princess is showing you the greatest of mercy,” Ser Criston says. “Be thankful; it’s by her hand you are here, and not her brothers.”
Aegon would have let Sunfyre toy with Larys before finally killing him, and beyond, gods, you dread to think what punishment your husband would have seen fit.
Due to how quickly Ser Criston brought Larys to the pit, it was likely Aemond still didn’t know. Of course, word of his demise would spread, so you had suggested only telling Aemond and Aegon the truth about what he did to you and keeping what happened between your mother and Larys a secret. And to keep tongues from wagging, it would simply be shared that he betrayed House Targaryen.
Aelora crawls forward. The connection between you is strong enough that you don’t even need to say the words for the shedragon to breathe fire.
“Fucking viper. The world is far better off without him, princess,” the knight says.
You knew Cristion was correct in what he was saying, but seeing Larys’s crisp body laying on the ground didn’t undo what was done.
You see Aemond for the first time since the morning sitting on an old leather chair in front of the fireplace with a book in his hand. He knows you’re there but doesn’t say anything. You walk towards him, studying the way his jaw was clenched; you can only imagine the anger burning inside him. Slowly, he links his arm around your waist and attempts to pull you onto his lap.
You try to step back, afraid that you’d hurt him. “I’m too heavy.”
The ghost of a smirk pulls at Aemond’s lips. He gives your hip a small squeeze and pulls you in closer. Seeking his comfort, you climb onto his lap. Your lower back presses against the arm of the chair, and your legs dangle over Aemond’s. You bury your face into the crook of your husband's neck, breathing in his scent.
You remain in a comfortable silence for some time as he continues to read; eventually, he says, “I can sense it, you know.”
“Sense what?”
“Sense how much you love me.”
You pull back to look up at him. His eye patch was off, and the flames reflected off the sapphire where his eye should be. To most, Aemond was terrifying-looking, but to you, he was beautiful, and you were forever grateful that he was yours.
Aemond presses a kiss to your cheek. “I just want to remind you that I love you all the same.”
“Thank you; I needed to hear that.”
He kisses your cheek again, but this time multiple times. “I will spend every moment till my dying breath doing everything I can to protect you, I promise.”
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Be Told the Truth.
“A Dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young.”
Was blind, but now I see.
A ghost of New York City. I just want to live.
And she takes my swollen grief.
Freedom lives deep in the forest, where the roots of trees grow lawless.
I hope she holds on a little longer.
C. Et al: gunmen and maniacs. All will feature on the freak show. But if you hurt what is mine, I’ll sure as hell retaliate.
Yes the trouble in the end, it makes you anxious.
Laurie knows.
We faced the fire side by side.
I see you but you don't see me. I know a lot of things about you.
All you feel is empty, so you think that you are hungry. That's why you're always eating fried food in front of famous buildings.
And always I am watching, although you never see me.
She was frightened of damnation.
I said "why don't you repent then?"
And then she started crying.
"Should I jump off this building now or do it on the double?"
And we can’t get past this.
You’ve been drinking like the world was gonna end.
Glory and gore go hand in hand, that’s why we’re making headlines.
She can see the door.
When you're all alone and lonely in your midnight hour and you find that your soul…
It has been up for sale.
And you're getting to think about all the things that you done, and you're getting to hate just about everything…but remember the princess who loved you even though she knew you was wrong.
How can you blame yourself? You just made yourself available.
Why don’t you come around? They will protect you.
And I was never good at telling jokes, but the punch line goes: your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones. Just between us, do you remember it all too well?
My hand was the one you reached for.
Maybe it was her. And maybe it was ego swinging.
Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed.
Inside, you’re pretending crimes have been swept aside somewhere. Insane. But you’re so backwards. Why you gotta be like that? God, man, you’re angry and it makes my eyes hurt.
Like the setting Sun I’ll burn you up.
It’s the end of the World as we know it: waving your powers around.
“My theme is; lose the plot Fuck around and drink a lot.”
“I closed my eyes and she slipped away.”
“Should I fall once more?”
Tangerines, Maggie. Tangerines, 9.
Elle, trés blond: her voice is calling me.
You’re the only friend I need.
One day, we will be remembered. And God is whomever you perform for.
You do everything they ask you to.
It’s hard to keep a band together. And sorrow turns his eyes to mine.
Oh, Caroline.
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paulodebargelove · 2 years
FLO – Cardboard Box   R&B trio FLO was recently a musical guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live! , as part of their Mercedes-EQ concert series.For their late night television debut, they performed “Cardboard Box” from their debut EP, The Lead.The British trio, composed of Jorja, Stella and Renée, brought the look, attitude and voice to this incredible performance.Noted, "Cardboard Box" is taken from The Lead, FLO's first collection of songs. It was treated as the EP's lead single and has amassed over 11.5 million streams since its March 24 release.In July, FLO caught up with Rated R&B to detail all of The Lead's songs, including "Cardboard Box."“I remember it was really easy to write 'Cardboard Box', it was one of our first sessions with MNEK, who is the most talented person in the world. We were just talking - because usually at the beginning of sessions, you just talk about what's going on in your life at that moment. I know it was a difficult period for me”, recalled Jorja.Renee added: “The fair words came. It was like [creating] a happy breakup song. You know you're going through a situation, but you still want to feel good about it.”Since then, FLO has stayed on the promotional track for The Lead, performing for Vevo's DSCVR series and releasing a video for "Summertime".In September, FLO debuted a new song titled “Not My Job”. MNEK and Tré Jean-Marie produced."We are obsessed with 'It's not my job' and feel like every day we say 'It's not my job' to someone," FLO said in a joint statement. "Everyone solves problems that other people have created, whether it's in a romantic relationship, family drama, or at work, and sometimes you just have to say, 'It's not really my job.Check out FLO's performance of “Cardboard Box” below.
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spookygirlfriend · 3 years
German Tumblr: diese Post erschlägt absoluten Schniedelwutz
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
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Obi-Wan "subtlety is my middle name" Kenobi, literally ten minutes later, surrounded by battle droids:
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Obi-Wan "I'm the most subtle in the Jedi Order" Kenobi, a month before, yeeting himself out of a window and hanging onto a floating droid in the middle of Coruscan traffic:
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Obi-Wan "le Jedi trés subtile" Kenobi, a week after that, captured while he was sending a space voice message, and on display for a whole arena of people:
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