#*banging on the walls of my prison* GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE PLEASE DONT TAKE ME BACK
darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. Takes place later in the recapture arc.
I am not dead. Sorry for the long delay. I've been distracted in the main story line by @whumptober prompts. So here we go and we start off with a bang.
Warnings for blood, hand whump, religious imagery (mock crucifixion) and religious talk - this is because Volkov is a bastard, like always. and Ben is just trying to hang on to himself. Also, this one's a bit long, but tomorrow's is pretty short. LOL So let's just say I borrowed some of tomorrow's length and used it today.
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
“Do you remember telling me that I’m not God?” Volkov growled as he dragged Ben towards the far end of the basement torture room.  
“Yes!” Ben spat back at him, “It’s still fucking true!”
Volkov smirked at the boy and threw him towards the wall.  Ben stumbled from the force, and his shoulder with the broken collarbone slammed into the wall. He sank down to his knees with an agonized groan.  Volkov reached down and yanked his hair back.
“See, I think you’re the one with the savior complex, Malyshka.  And you know what so often happens to saviors?”
Ben could only groan.  He grew tired of these games with Volkov.  He just wanted him to get on with it.  
“They get crucified,” Volkov growled with a gleam in his eye.  
Ben’s eyes widened and he felt the blood drain from his face.  “Wha-” He looked carefully at Volkov, trying to suss out what the man was planning.  Something in Volkov’s expression told him he should be very afraid of what was coming this time.  He wouldn’t actually crucify him, would he?  Fuck yes, the sadist would.  Ben was a fraction of a second too late to pull away and it’s not like he could get anywhere anyway on this island prison.  
Volkov dragged Ben to his feet and shoved his back against a beam of wood that Ben hadn’t realized was there.  The cuffs around his wrists were unlocked, and Dmitri stepped forward to help tie his torso to the beam.  
Ben let his weight sag against the ropes.  Why make it easy on these two fuckers? He knew better than to think they’d let him off easy if he didn’t fight.  Volkov actually had to hold him up while Dmitri secured him.  
Ben’s shoulder screamed as Dmitri yanked his arm up and stretched it out to the side.  There was a sound of metal scraping across the table in the center of the basement room just in front of him, and Ben lifted his head.  
He couldn’t believe what he saw.  
“No fucking way!  You can’t be serious!” Ben screamed at them while he started to thrash and struggle against Dmitri’s grasp.  
Volkov had a hammer in his hand and several long, thick, cruel-looking metal nails.  Or were they spikes? Ben didn’t want to know. 
“Let go!  Get off!  No!  You bastard.  No!” Ben screamed as Dmitri pinned his arm in place and pressed  Ben’s fingers open so he couldn’t make a fist.  Ben wailed his agony as Volkov pressed the sharp end of one of the nails against the middle of his palm.  He pushed in hard, twisting it against the soft flesh until blood streamed from the wound.  Only after blood was dripping to the floor did Volkov raise the hammer.  
Ben was being nailed to a fucking beam of wood.  How was this happening?  No one got nailed to crosses any more.  But leave it to fucking Alexsei Volkov to find ways to further insult Ben and his beliefs by torturing him like this.  He wouldn’t die.  Ben knew Volkov wouldn’t let that happen; he needed Ben to suffer.  Ben swiveled his head, even though he knew he shouldn’t and watched in horror.  
Ben screamed even louder as the hammer came down and the nail punched through his hand.  He yanked in reflex, trying to pull his hand away from the white hot torment.  His back arched against the beam but the ropes held him in place as Volkov hit the head of the thick nail again and again and again.  Ben could feel the nail moving through his hand as it was pounded into the wood.  
His hand radiated pain from the center of his impaled palm outward to his fingertips.  A throbbing that felt both burning hot and icy cold at the same time flowed up his arm.  Each strike with the hammer was like the cresting of a new wave that grew more and more unbearable.  In the back of Ben’s mind, he knew Volkov wouldn’t stop here.  He’d do this to both of his hands.  Was this something that would permanently cripple him?  Would he ever be able to use his hands again?
Volkov suddenly changed the angle of the hammer, shifting so that he began bending the nail upwards.  Every single strike of the hammer reverberated through the metal lodged in Ben’s hand.  Volkov slammed the hammer against the nail until the head of the nail was turned back against Ben’s hand, pinning his pierced hand against the wood.  
Ben gagged on the pain that washed through his body, retching up bile from his empty stomach.  He groaned and thrashed as Dmitri turned and pulled his or arm taut out to the opposite side.  
“No!  Please!  Please!  It hurts.  Let go!  Please.”
“You’d think you’d be happy to have the same experiences as your God.”  
Ben felt a sob break in his chest.  Volkov had always been a bastard, but this was next level even for him.  He’d tattooed religious imagery all over Ben’s back and he knew the man had been raised Eastern Orthodox, but clearly nothing had taken root.  Like everything else, Volkov used Ben’s beliefs as a weapon.  And fuck, it was effective.  Ben felt the tears tracking down his cheeks and they weren’t just from the pain.  
Ben squeezed his eyes shut and tried to suck in a breath before Volkov started on his next hand, but Volkov jammed the nail against the small of his palm and started twisting before Ben could finish. Ben’s cry started small and the scream rose in intensity as Volkov worked to push the nail through his skin without the hammer.  He felt the metal grinding against the small bones in his hand, felt them stretching and moving to accommodate the thickness of the nail.  He felt the give of skin as the nail punctured his hand completely.  
Volkov gave a small gasp of satisfied effort before he raised the hammer and repeated the process.  When they were done nailing Ben’s hands and curling the nails up so that he couldn’t pull his hands off the metal, they untied the ropes.  Ben whimpered as his hands took his weight and he realized he’d have to stand there, arms outstretched for as long as Volkov wanted him to.  His broken collarbone throbbed and his shoulder ached, but it was nothing compared to the burning, intense throbbing that emanated from his hands. 
Volkov grabbed his hair and yanked his head back against the rough upright post of the wood.  
“Be glad I don’t fucking feel like nailing your feet right now.  Piss me off again and that may not be the case.  Now, let’s see how much damage we can do over the next say… sixteen hours or so.  Might make it longer.  I’ll just have to see what you sound and look like - whether or not I’m satisfied.”  He quirked a lopsided grin at Ben.  “Tell me, where is your God right now?  Why is he so silent?  Why doesn’t he come down here himself and get you out of this?  If he’s so all powerful, and he cares so much about you, little scholar, then why has he given you to me twice now?  Hmm?  Think about that while you’re down here.”
“God is love.  And you will never understand that.  It’s why you can’t beat him,” Ben whispered through clenched teeth. Volkov’s words ate at Ben because he was right, but Ben still fought.  He knew that Jesus had gone through much more than he had and, if the story was true, he’d done it for everyone.  Ben hoped it was true at that moment.  He really did.  Because, if it was, then he could hold on and not let Volkov beat him.  “All you know is fear and hatred.  He’s so much better than you.”
Volkov looked Ben up and down, expression thoroughly unimpressed, letting his eyes linger on the blood dripping down into little pools on the floor beneath Ben’s hands.  “Yes, clearly he is merciful and loving.  I can see the ringing truth in those words.”  He patted Ben’s cheek and smiled a wicked smile.  “See you in a few hours, little Benjamin.”
Ben had no way of deciphering how many hours it had been;  maybe it had been over a day.  His hands and arms burned.  His legs cramped and the muscles spasmed.  There was no relief or comfortable position.  Sweat dripped down his body.  His broken collar bone throbbed mercilessly in his shoulder.  
Hour after hour, the torment dragged on until he couldn’t hold himself up anymore and it hurt to even breathe.  His hands held most of his weight as he fought to keep himself upright, knowing that if his knees truly gave out, the nails would rip through his hands.  
All the long while, the torture room was hot and dark; Ben couldn’t believe that he actually missed Volkov’s frigid compound, but he did.  But just as before, the lights were left off, and Ben could see or hear nothing from the outside world.  He wondered what they were doing to Jake.  Was his brother sleeping, being tortured and abused?  Was he with Dmitri?  Or maybe Volkov?  He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but he did wish they would let them see each other more often.  It was usually only when one or both of them was being hurt. It was hard to see Jake in pain. Ben knew that Jake thought he deserved it, that he wanted to atone for what had happened to Ben, but Ben would have given anything to keep Jake from suffering the things he already had. 
But Ben had never suffered like this before. 
He couldn’t keep Volkov’s taunts, his cruel and blasphemous words, from worming into his brain.  The words played over and over and he felt not quite doubt, but maybe mistrust of the God he claimed to love creeping in.  
Why?  Why would God allow this to happen?  The question raged in Ben’s mind even though he tried so hard to shove it back down.  Ben wasn’t afraid of doubt.  He’d had it before.  He liked questions.  He wanted to be a scientist after all.  But this level of cruelty, while believing that God is love was a hard contrast.  The only thing that helped it to make sense was that God has allowed his own son to go through this too.  But Ben wasn’t trying to redeem the fucking world.  So why was he having to suffer like this?  What was the point?  Ben couldn’t find a good answer and it made all of his pain so much worse.  
After what seemed like days, there was a commotion at the far end of the room, near where the door was.  Ben heard Volkov’s voice along with several sets of footsteps. 
“I told you I would take you to him.  He’s been meditating… getting closer to his God.  Communing with him, if you will.  What is it the Bible says? ‘To know Him… and the fellowship of his sufferings.’  Well, I’ve just given him the chance to fully understand this.  Go on, he’s at the far end of the room.  I left the hammer there, should you need it.”
It made Ben sick to hear scripture from Volkov’s lips. 
“Hammer… you fucking bastard.  You didn’t.  You couldn’t…”  
Ben closed his eyes, trying to escape a wave of pain. Jake was there. Jake was going to see him like this.  
There was a resounding slap that echoed back to Ben, still hanging in the shadows.  
“I suggest you be a bit more respectful unless you want to join him like the thief on the cross.  We all know you have things you could atone for.”
There was no response from Jake that Ben could hear, but he knew that Volkov’s words would wound Jake deeply.
So did Volkov. “Go on, big brother.  Run along and be the savior we all know you’ll never actually be.”
There was a shuffling of feet and then running.  “Ben?  Benny?  You okay?”
Ben could barely lift his head.  All his energy was focused on breathing, and not letting his legs give out beneath him.  HIs mouth was dry.  His tongue felt hot and thick in his mouth.  He didn’t think he could talk even if he wanted to.  Part of him did want to call out to Jake, but he was just so tired.  And so fucking hurt.  
He didn’t see Jake come into view.  He couldn’t lift his head to face him.  
“Jesus!  Benny!  Fuck!  Hang on, Benny.  Hang on.  I’ll get you down.  Hold on, buddy.  God, please.  Help me.”
Jake reached for Ben’s hand, his fingers exploring the nail and cursing more when he saw that it was curved upward and pounded back into the wood.  
“Fucking bastard!” Jake growled.  “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.  I’ll get you down.  I’m sorry.”
Ben could hear the tears in Jake’s voice.  Everything felt sluggish, and he couldn’t make his mouth work to tell Jake it was okay.  Was it okay?  It wasn’t okay.  Everything hurt, and his whole body was shaking.  He was going to lose his battle to stay upright in just a moment.  He could feel it.  The shaking was getting so bad.  The cramps and spasms in his legs, arms, and back were threatening to completely overwhelm him.  Something cold came in contact with the top of his hand.  
“Hold still, Benny.  I’m so fucking sorry if this hurts.  I don’t know what else to do,” Jake said with a sob.  
Ben screamed as the nail was wrenched backward and then up and out of his hand.  He slumped forward, and Jake caught him, but all Ben’s remaining weight went to his left hand and he cried out against Jake’s shoulder.  
“I know.  I know.  I know.  God!  Fuck I’m sorry.  I know.  I’m trying, Benny.  Hold on.  Almost done.”  
There was another loud screeching noise as the nail was bent back and pulled out of the wood through Ben’s other hand.  Jake only just managed to catch Ben and help him slowly sink to the ground.  Jake shifted, pulling them both towards the wall, Jake’s backside and Ben’s feet dragging through the puddle of blood on the floor.  Jake got the wall against his back and draped Ben across his lap, cradling Ben’s curled hands near his chest. 
Jake’s legs shook beneath Ben’s body. He hoped Ben didn’t notice; Jake had to be brave enough for them both just now.  
Ben was crying again.  He cried a lot here.  Especially when it got bad.  And this was one of the worst.  It wasn’t just the torture.  It was all the psychological manipulation.  Jake knew Volkov must have said something to Ben.  Ben lay there sobbing into Jake’s chest.  He kept his ruined hands held loosely in front of him. Jake tried not to stare, but  they shook violently, blood dripping from Ben’s open wounds. 
“Shhh.  Shhh…  It’s okay, Benny.  It’s over.  I got you.  I got you, buddy.  I got you, little bro.”
“Why?” Ben said the one question he truly didn’t have an answer to.  Volkov was right.  Why would God let this happen?  The question had twisted into him like the nails in his hands over the duration of his torment.  
“Why what, Benny?” 
“Why would God let this happen?”
Jake thought for a moment, his hand moving gently through Ben’s hair. “You know why?”
“I don’t think I do.  Not anymore.”
“Come on, Ben.  You know what ma would say.  We live in a fallen world.  People can be evil because of sin.  God is love.”
“D-doesn’t… doesn’t feel like that.”
“Benny, you know ma was right.  Christ died for you.  You’re not dead.  You’re okay.  I know you’re hurt.  But God is still love.  Remember that scripture she used to read to us… the long one… the… the famous one?”
Ben couldn’t think.  He couldn’t remember.  “Can you tell me?”
“Love is patient, love is kind,” Jake recited haltingly.  “Love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”
Ben’s harsh breathing was starting to calm just a bit, but the tears still flowed.  
“Remember that God also said that all things work together for the good of those who love him.  I know you love God, Benny.  It’s how I know you’re gonna make it out of here.”
“Not going anywhere without you, bro.”  Ben’s eyes were shut, and his dry throat was raspy as he talked into Jake’s chest.  Tremors still ran through his body, but the pain was slowly ebbing.
Jake was at a loss. He thought of home, of what their mother would have done for Ben. He started humming Ode to Joy, his little brother’s favorite hymn.  
“No,” Ben interrupted, “No, not that one.  Not right now.  Not until I’m back in Zoe’s arms, and she can play it for me.”
“Okay, Benny.  What do you want to hear?”
“Whatever you can remember.  But I don’t exactly feel joyful r-right… right now.”  Ben said.  He still felt like he couldn’t catch his breath, and he needed to rest.  God, did he ever need to rest. 
Jake pulled Ben a bit closer to him and kissed the top of his head while he thought.  He remembered a story their dad had told him about his favorite hymn.  It was written by a man whose four daughters drowned at sea.  The man took the same voyage his family had and told the captain to wake him when he reached the spot where his children had drowned.  The captain agreed, and when they reached the spot, he went and woke the man.  The man then wrote the hymn ‘It is well with my soul.’  
That story had always stayed with Jake because he didn’t understand how someone could react to tragedy like that, with so much faith.  Jake cradled his brother against him and started to sing, even though he wasn’t even sure he could remember all the words. He wasn’t Zoe; he wasn’t their mother; but he would do whatever he could for Ben. 
When peace like a river attendeth my soul
When sorrows like sea billows roll.  
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.  
Jake softly sang the chorus over his brother, and then the next verse.  
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, 
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
It is well with my soul, 
It is well, it is well with my soul…
Somehow, Jake was able to recall the entire song.  He hadn’t sung that song, especially not every verse, probably since middle school.  He didn’t know where the words had come from, but he was grateful.
When he finished, Ben lay still in his arms, his chest rising and falling softly, evenly.  
Jake rested his cheek gently on Ben’s hair.  And then he did something he hadn’t done in ages: he prayed.  A real prayer, not a half assed quick prayer, but a real, genuine, heart-felt, gut-wrenching prayer that conferred his deepest request to the God of the universe he wasn’t sure he even believed in… but he knew Ben did.  
“Thank you, God, for helping me remember.  I know you and I don’t have the best relationship… or any relationship.  But, if it’s not too much trouble, Ben and I would like to go home soon.  Please.  Please help us get out of here and make it home safely.  I know I’ve screwed up my life a million times over, so if it’s just one of us, could you please let it be Ben?  He loves you, and he never deserved any of this.  Please, God.  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  I know you have a plan, or at least that’s what our parents always said.  So, could you just let him live.  Let him get home safely.  I don’t care about me.  Maybe I’m too far gone.  But Benny…”  Jake didn’t know what else to say, there didn’t seem to be anything else to ask.  That was all he wanted.  
Ben stirred slightly in his arms.  “Not going without you,” he whispered again.  “If He’s gonna save me, then He’s gotta save you too.  And no one’s too far gone, Jake… not while… not while… still breathing”  Ben’s speech slurred a bit in his exhaustion. 
Somehow, Jake didn’t think that sentiment applied to Alexei Volkov. But he admired Ben’s faith anyway. He kissed Ben’s hair and sank back against the wall.  
“Okay, Benny.  We go together.  Now, shhhh.  Get some sleep.”  
Jake started to hum the tune he’d just sung and didn’t stop for a long time, until he was sure that Ben was sleeping deeply in his arms. 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Angel has Kai’s baby in their 3rd (last) year of highschool and Kai has no idea since she hid her pregnancy so 2 years later Kai breaks up with angel to focus on his “experiments” when Kai is sent to Tartarus the guards tell him that he has a visitor and there’s angel and his child and Kai starts to tear up
Tumblr media
"Eh...?" you could only mutter in disbelief as Kai read some papers with an unbothered expression.
"I know you for about five years (Y/n). I know you dont have any issues with your hearing." He muttered coldly before sighing and placing the papers on the desk.
"You... want to break up...? Why? What did I do?" You asked with trembling lips as he stared at your eyes.
"Is more about on what you can't and won't do." He pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose before waving it in the air "You know I am the future leader of the hassaikai. And having you near would be only a distraction to my experiments to give this place more credit. You would be like a rock on my path to gain some knowledge."
"You're kidding right?" You almost sobbed "You always told me I was like a safe place for you to go. What the hell happened to that? Or the promises you made for me for us to get married?" He blinked before answering.
"I was foolish. We have a life ahead of us and well, having you being clingy on my back would be a nuisance while working."
The ground could swallow you for all you cared... what the supposed love of your life just said was enough to leave you with eyes red and legs felling like they were trembling.
"Please dont cry. You're dropping them on the ground. And I dont even know if you're clean." You gritted your teeth before breathing in and looking at Kai Chisaki for what you swore for one last time.
"Very well. You want to break up because I'm only a bother to your path to greatness oh punny God? So be it." You walked until you felt him grabbing your wrist until you snatched it away from him.
"When the time is right, we can get back together." He spoke like he was in a fucking meeting in a company.
"No." You hissed "Chisaki I loved you, and I gave you everything of me even supporting your ideas. But then you want to break up with out of no where saying I would ruin your plans by simply existing neat you and to top it off you call me clingy and a nuisance?"
You could see a tad bit of remorse on his eyes as he pondered for a second his own words maybe, but before he could speak you sobbed and opened the door.
"Don't ever look for me Chisaki. And for your information..." you hesitated and gulped down the urge to just yell what you had discovered just earlier while clenching your purse where the pregnancy test lied on.
"What?" He asked, now no longer seeing to be bothered by your sadness and outburst.
"... good luck on your life. I hope you're happy with this obstacle getting away from you." You muttered before closing the door and walking out until you cursed and screamed while you ran as the rain started to make an appearance.
Not noticing the germophobic himself running out of the house with an umbrella to give it to you and soaked as well as he watched with a dread expression your figurine run away...
Ten years later...
"I swear Kaiyo... you gonna drive me crazy one of these days." You spoke heartedly as the boy with brow hair laughed in embarrassment while scrubbing the back of his head as you caught all the pieces of the broken chair on the ground.
"Sorry ma! I got carried away." You scoffed but soon smiled at his tiny hands and focused face morph the pieces and piece them back together and with a proud face show you the new constructed chair with a 'tad a!'
"Wow. Impressive sweety!" You patted his hair as he "complained", golden eyes shinning brightly at looking at you with a huge smile on.
Life sometimes was cruel to give the child you loved the exact same face as their father which teared your heart at pieces. But your love for your son was stronger than this stupid thing.
Kaiyo was your son. Not his.
"Ne ne ma? Father's day is coming up!" Kaiyo said and you froze for a moment before sighing while washing the dishes.
Here we go...
"Yes it is coming." You muttered as the boy sneak around and looked up at you.
"You know I dont really care about what the other kids say about me having only a mom but..." he rested his face on his crossed arms on the sink while shyly looking up at you "I was just curious... if I am going to meet mine..."
You sighed while placing the now dry plates on their place before giving your son the best smile you could get.
"Kaiyo, your father is just a very busy name. When we were together he had.. uh.. family business to take care of, so that's why we cant see him much." Kaiyo seemed a bit dissapointmented and it tore you apart.
You could have your own issues with Kai but that didn't mean you would make his son hate him...
"Well... Sato's also got a busy dad but.." he shook his head, messy brow bangs shaking along with his head, until he gave you a bright smile "That's okay! I just hope I get to meet him one day! And that he gets back to you and apologize foe being a dork! So us three can live together!"
A child can dream, right?
But you knew that Kai needed to know the existence of Kaiyo... you werent ignorant...
"Yeah kiddo. Let's hope for the best." You carresed his cheek before kissing it "Okay. Enough talk. Time for bed young man."
"Awww already?" He pouted as you giggled.
"How about that? You go get ready and I tell you stories about me and daddy while we were together?"
"Can I get my plushie of mr Nighteye?" You giggled. Something Kaiyo definitely wasn't equal to his father was his fascination with heroes.
"Sure honey. Now shoo! Go go go!" You squished his cheeks as he laughed and ran towards his room on the apartment.
You snorted at sign before preparing yourself for digging the past once again for the sake of your son.
"MOM!" You almost chopped your finger along with the carrot at the shout of Kaiyo before looking at him in worry to se ehkm pointing at the T.V with horror "The heroes-! The green hero with the girl-!"
You immediately went to his side only to widened your eyes at the image in front of you.
"Ma! He is a villain! A BIG ONE!"your son whimpered while going for you for a hug while stared in shock... "Ma? Why are you trembling?"
"H-Huh?" You let out until you gasped at seeing this teenager punching Chisaki square in the face...
"Ma?! You're okay?!"
You didn't know what to feel, but surely you weren't expecting tears to fall when this girl hand cuffed your ex boyfriend and the cops and heroes to put him into a van to surely got to the prison. Tartarus you bet.
You felt a hand rubbing your cheek and soon looked at your son wide teary eyes.
"M-Mommy...?" You hugged him close to your chest and holding his head close as your heart almost slammed out of your chest. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"I-i... I'm okay honey." You inhaled before looking into Kaiyo's golden eyes to see worry on them. "Hey, mommy's okay."
"That man looked like me..."
How long was he here? Months?
Didn't matter. Nothing mattered more... everything was taken from him. Including his own arms. Now he was just as useless as a cockroach.
Worst of all? His own father figurine on a damn hospital because of him...
'Is funny how things change' is what you used to say... he found himself scoffing while pressing the back of his head on the wall.
He hadn't stop thinking about you ever since the day he made the decision of breaking up with you. He did tried inumerous times to contact you when he took leadership of the Hassaikai... but he just gave up.
"Probably married with kids already... why are you even thinking about her on the first place..?" he murmured to himself as he felt his chest tighten in sadness.
Everything was just... what he deserved.
He sighed. Closing his eyes for just a split second until he heard banging on the door of his cell until a guard opened the window on it to glare daggers at him.
"Get up. You have visitors."
"Leave me in here. I thought your job was to take seriously enough to not make jokes." He spoke on a hoarse voice until the cell opened with two guards already on it.
"I cant understand why you have visitors as well but get your ass up already."
He just blinked until he got up, two guards in front of him and one behind as he walked.
He just hoped it was fast.
He entered the room, mirrors which surely was where cops were hidden as he sitted down on a chair and waited until the door of iron opened by another guard.
"Right here ma'am. And remember the rules please."
"Of course." His eyes widened and he snapped his head up to see if he hadn't got crazy.
But no. You were there.
Gosh.. you didn't change at all... was even more beautiful than what his mind could have remember.
He stood there in shock as you got in but along with you... holding your hand, was a boy. Dressed with clothes but he surely didn't looked content about being in here.
His face dropped at seing the kid... you had moved on.
"One hour." The guard said locking the door as you stood there awkwardly, while the kid holding onto to you was glaring at the ground.
He wanted to say something but nothing came out as he was still in shock at seeing out of all people you decided to visit him.
The heels you wore clicked on the ground as you walked towards the table and sit down and the boy right by your side on the other chair... not even once you made eye contact with him.
"... (y/n)..." he whispered, still looking at you as if you were some angelical creature.
"Hey... long time that we dont see each other right? Chisaki." You spoke... not with a smile but not with hatred.
It was a start.
"You... hadn't changed a... a bit." He spoke, voice scratching at his throat as your eyes finally met his, his heart was beating loudly on his chest.
It felt like he was in high school again...
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"I.. I didn't meant to offend you. Apologies." He bowed his head a bit as you sighed, looking at him with wide eyes out of the sudden.
"Oh God what happened to your arms?!" You almost screamed as the kid also seemed to notice.
"Long story... just.. a business that went wrong." He explained with dread as you seemed to relax a but while nodding.
It remained quiet for a bit only for the sound of the clock on the wall until he decided to break the silence.
".. so.. er.." gosh he was horrible with this "how is your life? Any.. uh.. you got the degree you wanted? I remember how you talked about it..."
You sighed with dissapointment as you looked at everywhere but him.
"No. I haven't... but I see you got what you wanted before being arrested though." You muttered and he let out a bitter chuckle.
"Almost.. yeah." He tapped his foot twice until he spotted the kid glaring at him with similiar gold eyes... "Married?"
"No. I thought it would be a distraction while taking care of my son." You spoke abruptly... as you looked at the boy beside you... "Anyway... I need to give you this."
You showed to him a paper before putting on the desk.
"What.. what is this?"
"Is a DNA test." You spoke coldly "To prove that you do have a son."
His eyes widened at that as he looked at the paper... and then to the boy whose was glaring at him not moments ago...
"Wha... but... "
"Remember the day when we split off? Yeah... was the day I discovered."
"W... why didn't you said something?" He asked in oure horror as you giggled in sarcasm.
"For what? This would only trouble you right?" You said with such venom on your voice that he felt a sting to his chest before you breathed in slowly before exhaling "I'm here because I thought you had the right to know... even after ten years.."
He looked at the kid and soon could tell the similarly between him and the boy... you had to raise a child with his face on it alone and he had broken things because of his own selfishness...
"What... what is his name?"
You pondered for a second before sighing, caressing the boy's hair.
"Come on honey... introduce yourself to your dad..." the boy huffed before opening his eyes and looking at him.
"I'm (L/n) Kaiyo. I cant say is very nice to meet you but my mom told me to say it for respect." He almost cringed at the introduction as he saw you looking at him with anger.
"Kaiyo." You warned as the boy scoffed.
"Dont need to scold him. He is not exactly wrong..." he ended up saying while you looked at him.
"I raised Kaiyo to have respect though."
"Why should I have respect towards him in the first place?" He looked at the dark brow haired kid "Not only he abandoned you ma but he is a villain! A very bad one! That girl on the Tv should be the same age if not younger than me!" The boy gritted with a few tears escaping his face.
"Kaiyo please... "
"Incredible..." you and Kaiyo suddenly looked at him "Despite having my features you are just like your mother... I would be proud of it..."
"... I'm not proud of being a villain's son." He muttered while sniffing "You abandoned us. I know ma hadn't said a thing to you but now I do."
You bited on your lips as he looked at loss of words at what he just heard from a child...
"... I know it doesn't change a thing but... I never stopped thinking about... your mother. About you (Y/n)."
"DONT REFER TO MY MOM AS HER FIRST NAME!" Kaiyo banged his fists on the table before you took him in your arms as the boy sobbed "You never cared! You-You-! Grandpa said you called my ma a bother! You are a MURDER!" The kid cried.
"I'm sorry about that..." you mumbled as you cradled the crying boy in your arms "He didn't take well Mr. Nighteye death..."
"M-Ma-! I wanna go home!"
"But Kaiyo, your da-"
"He IS NOT MY DAD!" he cried in you as you sighed as Chisaki seemed to be dying little by little at each second this visit had.
"I'm... going to go. Another day we will visit. Take care, Chisaki." You spoke before he could hear it and he stood up abruptly from his chair.
"No! Wait-!"
The door closed...
Months later
"Ma look. Hawk's wings are healing." The kid pointed at the news and you smiled.
"That's amazing! We could use some good news!" You chirped as Kaiyo smiled until both of you heard the door bell of your apartment ring.
"Huh. Weird usually grandpa or grandma visits us on-" you opened the door and you almost screamed at the sign of that same green haired kid on your door but now he seemed so... broken...
"Ma'am.. I'm sorry to bother you, but he said he can crash a bit in here... later cops will come to get him. I'm sorry but I need to go." Your son walked and squealed at sign.
"A hero!" Your son smiled brightly at him and for once, Deku had showed a smile for real... until you saw Chisaki leaning bruised to the core resting on the wall next to your door...
"Chisaki..." you breathed out as your son looked at him in shock.
"I'm sorry. Both of you..." he muttered while looking at the storm outside.
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serickswrites · 2 years
How VI
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: captivity, torture, escape, referenced whipping, blood
The dungeon door banged open as Whumper raised their arm once more. “And just what do you think you are doing?” Head Whumper asked coldly. 
“Working with MY prisoner.” Whumper glared at Head Whumper. They had enough. They weren’t going to take Head Whumper’s shit anymore. 
“Your prisoner? I’m sorry who put you in charge of this operation? And while I’m at it, you lost your privileges to this prisoner when you allowed them to escape in the first place. You complete and utter buffoon!” Head Whumper stalked closer. 
With a cry, Whumper launched themself at Head Whumper, whip cracking in their hand. Head Whumper was ready and wrapped the whip end around their hand, coiling Whumper in closer and closer. 
While Whumper and Head Whumper were fighting, Whumpee wearily raised their head. As long as those two were occupied, they wouldn’t be hurt. They looked around, trying to find something that would help them off the post. When they noticed that the rope had frayed and was hanging on by just a few cords. 
Whumpee sucked in a big breath and pulled, their back protesting as the skin of healing wounds pulled tight and open wounds gaped open further. But with a great tug, the final cords of the rope pulled free. They were free!
Whumpee quickly scrambled around Whumper and Head Whumper. Whumper had Head Whumper in a headlock, but Head Whumper was reaching a long arm up to Whumper’s face, drawing deep rivulets of blood in the skin. 
Without looking back, Whumpee stumbled out the dungeon door and pulled it closed. They locked it from the outside. That would keep the winner occupied once they realized Whumpee was gone. 
Whumpee slowly, carefully, but surely made their way up the stone steps. Each step had them holding in a sob. They had no idea how many others were here. They just needed to get to a phone. They navigated the maze that they had navigated before when Head Whumper had caught them. This time, they didn’t run into a single soul. 
They tried a door at the end of the long corridor, sighing in relief as it opened, revealing a rather plain looking entryway. Whumpee glanced around, hoping for something they could use to call out. 
Whumpee sobbed in relief as they saw an old fashioned wall phone. With shaking fingers, they dialed Caretaker’s number from memory. Please pick up. Please. “Caretaker?” Whumpee rasped as they heard someone pick up the call. 
“Whumpee? Whumpee it’s you! It’s really you! Thank God!”
“Can you, can you come get me?” Whumpee felt exhausted. They could barely keep their eyes open. 
“Yeah, of course! Let me just find the address for this number.”
Whumpee looked around for something that would help Caretaker get here faster. They found a pile of mail on the table. They read off the address. “Please hurry.”
“I’ll be to you in less than half an hour. Hold on, Whumpee. Hold on.”
And Whumpee would hold on. They would hold on despite the exhaustion threatening to suck them under. They would hold on until Caretaker could hold on to them. 
Tags: @sufferfictionalcharacters @whumpupthejam @painsthegame @bookworm7543 @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @wingedwhump @gardensgrave @basica11ywhumped @winters-whump @poorlittlekittycat @its-getting-worse @morning-star-whump @freefallingup13
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n-ugg · 4 years
When Sam accepted this job, he thought it'll be fine. It'll finally be a challenge with his building and engineering. The pay will be so helpful too with wanting to make sure that one of his sons will have enough armor and weapons for a while without needing to go out and search for the supplies.
It would've been a good trade off.
So why is this back firing on him so badly?
When the prison was completed, Sam reported to Dream and asked for a higher pay. Dream immediately complies, gives him an extra three stacks of diamond block. Sam didn't question it.
Why would he? This will help him out so much and he wont need to worry about getting supplies for weeks. Months even!
Dream speaks up after the transaction, about how Sam knows who it is and it should be easy to get him in. Sam didn't pay much attention to what he said. He was too blinded by the pay to even ask who is going to be in.
The night was spent with Sam breaking apart the blocks to form into multiple full suits of armor and multiple swords. He even went the extra mile to head over to Punz to place in extra enchantments to make sure his son won't hurt himself as much.
He did all of this to make sure that his son won't get hurt. So why is he currently being ordered to put his son in the cell?
Sam was frozen in the prison. Seeing his son. Seeing Quackity calling out to him. Begging him for an answer on why did he make this prison for him. Why was he working against him this entire time.
Sam's voice was lost. He can't speak. He cant move. He's stuck between both of Dream and Quackity's yelling match, yet Sam can't hear either of them.
He felt his body move on his own the moment he noticed a shine from the corner of his eye coming from Dream.
Sam was standing in front of Quackity with his shield raised up with an axe at his side to push back Quackity. The sound hits him all at once as he hears the netherite axe hit the wooden surface.
"Sam!" He looks past the shield to make eye contact with Dream. His face was hidden, but you can tell behind the smile the rage continues to rise. "You agreed to a job and you need to complete it." His voice was back to his normal tone but you can tell theres a venom being held back.
Quackity raised his voice behind Sam. Please don't continue, Sam doesn't want to go forth with this. "I didn't do shit Dream! You're being a tyrant that you claim to never be! I don't deserve to be locked up by my own damn-" he cut himself off. Please stop, Sam still cares and views him as a son. "locked up by Sam." His tone noticeably gotten lower when he conpleted the sentence.
Sam felt the guilt in his stomach grow as the grip on the shield and axe gotten tighter. He just wanted to help. This was never supposed to happen.
"Quackity! You're a threat!" Dream's voice rose again. Why can't this yelling match just end? "You bombed Eret, who is neutral! And planned an army against Technoblade! What else are you planning to do?! You're a ticking time bomb! I need to put you away to protect the others!"
"Oh yeah?" You can hear a smile from Quackity's end. Why is he smiling in a time like this? "I only went against Eret because he fucking killed Karl! You're upset because I was able to see the king as a puppet! And Techno literally tried to kill us all by spawning withers! Why is he still running around?"
"Because he hasnt done anything to make himself known or done any harm yet! I can't just thr-"
"Shut up! Both of you." Sam finally spoke up. He just wanted it to end, so he'll need to listen. Sam did a final side glare at Dream before turning to back. "Quackity." Sam takes a pause to let out a deep breath he's been holding. "Please walk in the prison."
"I already told you Sam, Im not going in." Quackity stated with the smile off of his face as he refuses to look at Sam in the eyes and keep his contact with Dream, definitely noticing the grip on the axe tighten.
Sam can feel the murder behind Dream's eyes and what might happen if Quackity continues to protest. "Please, I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want to do this" Sam was pratically begging but he still kept his composer.
Quackity's smirk returned. "Yeah, like getting tossed in a inescapable cell by my own 'dad'-" those air quotes managed to do so much internal damage towards Sam. "-isn't hurtful enough. Heh, I thought I was able to trust you, man." The smirk faded away as Quackity started to focus on Sam. "Never would I ever thought that you'll backstab me like this by working with my biggest enemy. To fucking lock me away like that."
Sam took in another deep breath before letting it out. "I'm so sorry." Before Quackity was able to make a comment, Sam grabbed him and dragged him into the prison. It was easy due to the massive height difference. Quackity was trying to break away and make a run for it, but made absolute no progress.
Sam threw Quackity in and locked the doors. Quackity ran to the door and started to bang on it while screaming to be let out. Sam kept his own walls up to not break at the sight of seeing his son. The person he built the prison, to just get a generous pay for he can make the armor and weapons for, curse at him to let him out as he bangs on the walls while being on his knees.
Dream walked behind Sam and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Good work, make sure he doesn't get out and you dont help. You know exactly what will happen." Sam simply nodded as he feels Dream's hand lift from his shoulder and hears him walk out of the prison.
Quackity was already away from the walls as he observed his new home. Sam wanted to look away, but he can't. He is completely unable to look away from the mess he's made. Sam tried to speak up, but felt his throat dry up the moment his mouth opened.
Quackity started to let out a laugh as his hand trailed along the wall. "You really made this inescapable, huh?" Sam didn't respond, just nodded as he took a couple of steps forward. Quackity let out another laugh as he walked towards to where Sam was at.
Sam was confused and cleared his throat before speaking. "Why are you laughing?" His voice was raspy. His throat still felt tight and dry.
"Because I trusted you! And then you backstabbed me by helping my biggest enemy!" Another cackle filled the cell. Sam cringed at the sound, not liking how his son has already broken down in the cell. "You need to help me with something. As a way-"
"Im not breaking you out." Sam's voice was stern as he tries to push down the thought of Quackity getting killed by Dream to the back of his head. "You'll get hurt. Badly."
Quackity shoke his head, "Not that." He stuffed his hands in his pocket and his posture straighted out.
"With what then?"
Quackity raised his hand over his beanie and pushed it back to reveal small horns, already having a small curve forming. "Remember the Frankenstein's monster arc?" Sam was taken a back seeing the horns, he also notices how Quackity basically had sharper nails then before and his eyes containing a really faint yellowish glow in the dark cell. "Want to finish it for me?"
So many thoughts rush into Sam's head. This could mean that all of the crimes that Quackity has been accused of can be forgiven since it isn't him. It was just Schlatt the entire time.
If he brings him back, he'll let go of Quackity.
He can have his son back.
He doesn't need to keep him locked up.
Sam quickly nods his head as a smile forms. "Anything for you."
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wcnderlnds · 3 years
where do broken hearts go / peter maximoff x reader
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Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader Description: You and Peter used to be inseparable but now he can’t bear to be around you. Warnings: sad peter??? Word Count: 1601 A/N: okay full disclosure i dont usually write angst i’m usually a fluff/humour type of gal but i’m trying to delve into the world of pain so go easy on me. gif is from google bc... lazy.
You never thought you’d be back here but fate had a funny way of rearing it’s ugly head. It had been two years since you’d left Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. It hadn’t been an easy decision but you couldn’t stay there. After everything that had happened with Apocalypse, you realised that wasn’t the life you wanted to live and made a run for it. You wanted a normal life — not one where you could be attacked at any given moment for being different. So, you’d headed back to your family. Thankfully, there was only one person who knew where you lived these days and Charles knew better than to try and convince you to come back. Once your mind was made up, that was it. You were one stubborn person. That didn’t mean it didn’t break your heart to leave because it did. There was so much you’d left behind — your friends, your mentors and, most importantly, Peter Maximoff.
The moment you and Peter had met over ten years ago you’d instantly clicked. Charles had needed yours and Peter’s help with something. That something was breaking out Magneto from a high security prison but you didn’t really like to bring that up much. That was when you and Peter had first met and from that moment on you’d been inseparable. You’d decided to stay at the school to learn to control your abilities while Peter had gone back home but you’d stayed in touch the whole time. There had been so many times when you’d tried to talk him into coming to the school but he wanted to be with his family. Whenever you could, you met up and that had eventually turned into the two of you dating. You’d officially been together for three years when everything changed.
After Peter had showed up at the school and saved you (and everyone else) from the burning building things took a wild turn. Apocalypse had happened. It had shook you to your core. As much as you loved Peter, as much as you loved the people you were surrounded with on a daily basis you couldn’t take the risk of that happening again. So, you’d left. There was no goodbyes because that would’ve been too painful so instead you’d left your favourite silver haired speedster a letter. There had been so many times when Peter had tried to get in contact with you but you ignored him. If you were going to even have the tiniest bit of a normal life then you had to leave everything behind including the love of your life.
Now, here you were stood outside of the doors to the place you’d vowed to never return to. Your abilities had taken a bit of an unexpected turn. You had tried to keep it under control by yourself but when you’d almost accidentally hurt a family member you knew it was time to get some real help. If there were any other place you could’ve gone, you would’ve but only Charles, Erik and everyone at the school could help you.
With a deep, shaky breath, you pushed open the doors to the building you hadn’t seen in a while. Students were rushing around making their way to their next class. It was Hank who spotted you first. Quickly, he dashed over to you pulling you into a bone crushing hug. “(Y/N)!” He exclaimed. “It’s so good to see you! Charles told me we’d be expecting you.”
“Kinda need to breathe here, buddy,” you gasped, patting your friend on the back as he released his hold on you. “It’s good to see you, too. Does… uh, does Peter know I’m here?”
Hank frowned. “Not as far as I know but I think you should talk to him first before anything else. The last thing we all need is for things to be awkward around here.”
A heavy sigh passed your lips. He was right, like always. The last thing you wanted to do was waltz in and make things weird for everyone so you were going to have to be an adult and face Peter no matter how much it was going to hurt. 
After chatting for a little with Hank and a few others — Jean, Scott and Jubilee — you sought out Peter. Nerves were bubbling up inside as you wandered through the corridors hoping to get a glimpse of the speedster. Your palms were sweaty as you rubbed them together, a stress headache slowly but surely making its presence known. Maybe coming back here wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe you should’ve just isolated yourself and gone into hiding. It’d be better than having to do this.
It was then you finally laid eyes on him. He was leaning against the wall, looking at his watch as impatiently as ever. There was a brief pause while you had an internal pep talk with yourself then you made your way to him.
“Peter?” You said meekly.
At the sound of your voice, he looked at you. Before you could even open your mouth to say anything else he was gone.
Since then you’d tried for three days to talk to him but every time he would run off or try to avoid you. Admittedly, it hurt but you knew you didn’t have the right to be hurt. He was acting this way because he was hurt. You deserved it but that didn’t make it any less painful. So, you asked Hank to help you out.
Impatiently, you waited in the danger room. Hands on your hips as you paced up and down in the empty room. The plan was for Hank to ask Peter to come and run through some scenarios with him then once he was in the room Hank was going to lock him in there so he couldn’t escape. At the sound of the door opening, you froze hoping this would work.
“Give me a second. I need to go make sure everyone knows we’ve got the room for a bit.” Hank patted Peter on the shoulder before quickly exiting the room and locking it. Peter hadn’t noticed you yet, a confused look on his face as he noticed the door locking.
“Hank, what the…” He banged on the door.
“He’s not going to let you out,” you said from where you were stood at the other end of the room. Peter spun around to face you.
“I have nothing to say to you,” his tone was brash — something you’d never experienced with him before.
“I know but, Peter, I really need - “ you started with a step closer to him.
“And I really needed you!” He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air with an exasperated sigh. “I broke my leg and needed you but instead I was handed a letter by Hank telling me you were gone. So, I don’t really care what you need. You bailed on me when I needed you the most.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, sorry,” your eyes began to brim with tears. 
“It’s too late for that. You broke my heart and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive you for that.”
“I was selfish and… I didn’t think. I was thinking about myself and that was wrong. I know that now. I’m sorry for leaving you. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I thought about you every single day. I loved you, Pete. I still love you and… I’m just so sorry.”
Tears had freely began to fall down your cheeks. It was taking all of Peter’s will to not close the space between you and wipe them away. No matter how much he was angry at you, he still loved you too but he couldn’t bring himself to get hurt again. 
“Everyone told me I’d forget about you and move on but it’s two years later and here I am still wanting to make you feel better instead of myself,” he looked at the ground. It hurt to look at you especially now that you were crying. “You broke me, (Y/N). I just….” He paused, shaking his head. “I still love you too but… I can’t. The trust is completely gone. I’m not willing to give you my heart again when you were so careless with it the first time.”
“I know,” you sniffed. Your sweater clad hand moved to rub at your eyes but was stopped mid way when Peter grabbed it, lowering it. The pads of his thumbs moved to gently wipe the tears from your cheeks which only made you cry more.
“I need time. I need to learn how to be around you again. I need to learn how to trust you again and then… maybe we can….” He trailed off unable to bring himself to say it. He didn’t need to give himself false hope. By now his forehead was resting against yours, his eyes closed as if it was physically hurting him to say his next words. “But, for now, I need you to leave me alone. Please.”
You nodded, taking a step back to put space back between the two of you as you shouted. “Hank, open the door.”
In mere seconds the door unlocked. With one last look and a sad smile Peter left the room leaving you alone. If there was one thing you knew, it was that you’d do anything to make Peter Maximoff happy again. If space was what he needed then you’d give him it. No matter how long it took — he was worth it.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Trophy chapter five
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Warnings: Adult situations, Figging, spanking, dub con, smut, coercive behaviour, bondage.
A/n:So yeah there is figging in this if your not comfortable with it turn away now. For those who dont want to look it up and ruin it for themselves dont worry its not grusome or too bad just a little unconventional I suppose. I hope you enjoy xx
Chapter one Chapter two Chapter three Chapter four Chapter Six
You endure Your unusual Punishment as he asserts himself as your Daddy.
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Henry held you in his lap the whole way home a tight grip not letting you move to much you saw the long country road that you knew lead to the manor. You began hyperventilating your anxiety coming to its peak you bucked against him as you saw the walls of your prison come into view leaning over throwing your hands to the door handle. In your panicked state you'd decided that you'd rather fling yourself out of the moving car than go back. Henry anticipating this outburst twisted you to sit on his lap back against his pulling your wrists tight crossing your arms over your abdomen.
"sshh...shhh come on..... its ok pet" you cried trying to head but him with the back of your head placing your feet on the seats in front of you pushing somehow thinking it would help. He dodged the hit aimed for his nose tutting holding firm through your struggles , you panted rearing up again as you tired quickly
"nonononono....please I don't-" you cut yourself off with a desperate high pitched sob cowering as the car pulled past the gates of the huge house , you were frightened when he clenched his jaw noticing the damage his car had caused on the gate. You panicked turning your head back past him trying to keep the gate in your sight as it gate closed behind you. You shook your head crying terrified of what ever he had planned. That was it. This was it you had no idea what was in store but you knew that now escape was impossible. Your mind was reeling hundreds of panicked thoughts making you dizzy some trying to think of a decent hiding spot in the house, others passing so fast you couldn't make sense of them. The driver pulled to a stop in front of the entrance turning the ignition off and getting out walking round to your door. Henry climbed out of the car taking you with him. You wailed kicking out as he began to make his way to the house, you ducked twisting around underneath your arms leaving them stretched out in front of you crossed as you tried digging your feet into the ground wincing as the gravel dug into them like hundreds of pinpricks ,Henry was still holding your wrist but was facing you his back to the house.
"NOO! NO PLEASE HENRY DON'T!" you screamed out at him between cries and bone quaking shudders every nerve was alive your breathing erratic as your eyes roamed around you so fast that you couldn't focus on anything. Henry stopped the other men from approaching with one fierce look, a single sharp tug was all it took for your feet to skid across the gravel tumbling against his broad chest he righted you. Capturing your neck you gulped gripping his wrist with both hands trying to loosen his hold as he forced you to tilt back ,his fingers dug into the soft flesh he met your gaze his blue eyes blazing with something you couldn't pinpoint almost manic yet calm and smug. You froze feeling as if you'd been thrown into ice water shivering as his eyes were daggers, cutting through all the panic and terror that had consumed you. His voice was worse flat, you'd expect anger or irritation at least but it was simply chilling.
"THAT is quite enough...look at me..come on kitten look at daddy....LOOK AT ME!" he shook you growling out the last bit you cried your face red tear stained and hot you tried to hold back the sobs but couldn't shaking from head to toe.
"Oh baby girl, you shouldn't be crying you don't have a reason yet" he said smoothing your hair out of your face you shook your head with the little movement he allowed you.
"Nonono please please I'm sorry I...I couldn't help it I was scared please.....please daddy" he chuckled a little at you.
"You had no need to be afraid little one, but now well... you've earned yourself a punishment. If you carry on its just going to be worse." he said spinning you around pushing you forward in front of him. He turned around catching the back of your neck in a strong grip directing you into the house. You trembled as you stood in the middle of the foyer hearing as the large heavy door closed with a loud echoing bang a sense of finality washed over you. You flinched when he directed you towards the stairs pushing you down to his bed room once inside you spied an ominous looking leather chest placed neatly at the side of the bed ,you couldn't take your eyes off of it your stomach tied in knots as he shut the door behind you. He walked past you taking a seat on the foot of the bed observing you for a few moments making you shift from one foot to the other hissing as your feet throbbed. Then grinned crooking a finger at you.come here. You shook your head whining taking half a step back wanting to hide from him. He blinked slow tilting his head.
"Come here little one....come one away from that door..... come on don't keep daddy waiting you wont like it if I have to come and get you...." you contemplated for a second before taking baby steps towards him slowly crossing the room taking shaky breaths as you went looking as the floor moving forward unti you saw he thigh below your face.
"That's it..... come on.... good girl." He praised you as you stopped beside him head still down quivering in fear he placed a hand on your side moving around one knee so you would stand in front of him between his spread legs. Rubbing his hand along your ribs lightly before removing it from you. Crossing his arms over his chest his biceps bulging straining against his shirt.
"Now come one enough I wont be to harsh on you... it is your first time after all... what are we going to do with you hm?...... you defiantly in need of a spanking for a start...." you winced your bottom clenching at the word you started trying to plead with him.
"No pl-please please I I'm sorry I'm sorry please-"He sighed giving a fast stinging swat on the back of your thigh interrupting your pleas with a yelp.
"... Ah ah what did i just say?enough.... you hear me pet? enough is enough.....you think that spanking is the worse I can do then you are about to have a rude awakening. I have many ways to punish a naughty little girls which is exactly what you are isn't it?" He struck your thigh again when you didn't
"Isn't it little girl?" You nodded keeping your head down he tutted
"Use your words or I will keep you silent with a gag what have you been today?" His voice took a stern deep tone that shook your insides
"I-I was a n-naughty little girl"
"I was a naughty little girl? Who? Address me properly its time for you to learn your place in this house. you are my baby girl, my pet, my kitten and I am your daddy I expect you to address me properly form now on is that clear." You sobbed embarrassed
"ye-yes daddy"
"Now what was you today?"
"I-I wAs a naughty little girl daddy." This time you managed to get the words out quicker. He smiled condescendingly.
"Yes you were, a very naughty and you are lucky that I'm going easy on you today and its time to be corrected..... Daddy doesn't like punishing his baby... No but I will because I love you, I will always give you what you need... Now take off all this you wont need it." He said motioning to your clothes. You hesitated but not for long stripping slowly with trembling hands. Henry leaned back on his hands watching intently as you revealed your body to him slowly
"All of it" he commented as to stopped when you reached your underwear you weeped as you continued until you stood before him bare you shivered at his stare. He pulled your arms down at you sides when you tried covering up you whined a little at him.
"So beautiful princess..... its a shame that I cant enjoy you tonight..." he stood up moving to the side
"Up you go little one" he said patting the bed you slowly crawled up on the the high bed as he placed a quick spank on your upturned bottom yelping you scrabbled away up the bed. Henry gripped both ankles and yanked your knees from under you forcing you to lie flat on your stomach in the covers.
"Stay right there baby" you nodded to yourself more than anything steeling yourself for whats to come. you heard him moving across the room to the chest you froze as you heard it open and the sound of metal rung in your ears trying to look over your shoulder he met your worried gaze with a grin.
"Eyes front baby girl you'll know what your naughty bottoms getting in a moment" you shuddered as your body betrayed you your pussy twitching at the threat, you faced forward pressing your hot cheek against the cover in defeat. It didn't take long for him to choose his weapons of choice you flinched as he lifted you by your hips placing two firm cushion's below them raising your bottom by a good ten inches or so, patting your rump before running one hand down the length of your leg ,then you felt it a cuff thick but lined in a soft material it was placed securely around your right ankle then the left before you knew it you found your legs spread wide by something you cried out when you realize what ever it was must have been attached to the bed frame somehow as you couldn't raise your legs off the bed to far, maybe an inch.
"Henr-Daddy?" you caught yourself he calmed you running a hand across your back moving up along side you coming into view. ruffling your hair a little.
" A spreader bar love don't worry its just to keep you in position so we don't have any accidents..... Soon you will be able to hold position on your own but its to early for that yet.... Now your arms.... Wrists please" he said holding out his hands. You looked at him warily he waited patiently as you shifted slowly once they were within grabbing distance he snapped a pair of pink leather wrist cuffs that were lined with black velvet and had small diamante's on them a five inch chain connecting them once on he smiled taking in the sight of you bound on his bed. he groaned low liking his lips as you tested the cuffs tugging them. you quickly realized he wasn't going to attach them to the headboard as he didn't need to, you couldn't reach back you shield yourself from him, you could only stretch your arms out or tuck them against your chest. He left your sight then returned placing a few objects beside you on the bed. your mouth went dry when you saw what he had chose there was a pink leather crop, a vicious looking slim cane the last objects confused you, there was a switch blade and a stalk of ginger. He caught your confused eyes and smirked. You panicked not understanding what the knife and ginger could be used for instantly your mind was jumping to conclusions.
"Please don't cut me....please please I'm sorry but don't cut me!" you wriggled realizing just how vulnerable you were he quickly began calming you.
"shush ssshhh I would never ever cut you...I promise baby girl that's not why that's there" you listened intently still eyeing the knife.
"Wh-whats it for?" you asked gulping then wetting your lips.
"Well figging has been used on naughty bottoms for centuries and for good reason to its extremely unconformable and leaves a lasting impression. It is a very effective punishment." you frowned not understanding what he was going to do he chuckled.
"You will see soon enough now lets get you warmed up shall we?" he said rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. You felt him kneel on the bed by your hips smoothing his large hands across your bottom before lifting one and bringing it to connect with your cheeks the sound was sharp echoing across the room as the pain blossomed across your rear before landing another and another. You whimpered as the uncomfortable warmth become a deep sting it was less then five minutes when you were crying already begging him to stop as your bottom was stinging each slap was harder then the last forcing you to clench your bottom trying to curl away from him. This time he meant for it to leave a lasting impression.
"AH...No DADDY pleasePLEASEplease I'm SORryyyy!" you called as he moved concentrating on the under curve of your bottom you wiggled trying to close your legs as you became wet ,pussy clenching with every smarting spank. He stopped resting his hands on the inside of your thighs you panted as he ghosted his hands along your bikini line slowly running the sides of his fingers back and forth on your puffy lips making your pussy weep onto the pillows.
"Oh? what do we have here then?.... you wouldn't be enjoying your punishment would you baby girl? tut tut we cant have that princess?" you let out a high keen as he moved hand lower to your front pressing on your clit rolling it tightly pushing down caressing the underside of it making you buck. He pulled back landing a slap on your wet pussy you squealed loud as he followed with more in quick succession lighting a fire on your lips catching your swollen bud with his fingers.
"Ah! FUck pleeeaaase stop! No! henRY!" he grunted at his name and landed a harder blow you cried into the blanket unable to do anything to stop him he moved slowly running his fingers up and down your crease then moved beside you looking disappointed smearing your arousal between his thumb and fingers holding it in front of you.
"Now little one do you think now is the time to test daddy? is this appropriate? hmm for you to be enjoying your punishment?" he shook his head mocking you as fat tears fell wetting the bed below you.
"I-I'm sorry I cant help it" he wiped his fingers on your back you groaned in embarrassment flushing feeling the pillow under your hips dampening with your essence.
"Oh don't cry... daddy understands you cant help being so responsive.. We just have to find something you wont enjoy don't we kitten?" he lifted the knife from the bed flicking it open. You gasped watching him inspect the sharp knife with one hand he lifted the ginger and begun to scratch off the tough skin then began carving at it making a tear drop shape the bulbous end tapered sharply into a slimmer neck then spread out again as the ginger took its natural form with a stalk jutting out the side ,once satisfied with the shape he gave it a quick tug making sure it was strong enough for what he hand planned smiling he held it up to you flicking the knife shut placing it on the table by the bed.
"And here is your real punishment baby girl..... do you know what this is?" he asked pleased when you shook your head confused then nodded
"Tell daddy what this is?"
"Its-Its ginger daddy"
"That's right good girl, do you know whats I'm going to do with it?" you shook your head at him fearing the the way his eyes darkened he huffed an amused breath
"This is going up your bottom for the rest of your punishment." he said moving back out of sight. You wriggled not understanding what would be so bad about it, he hadn't made it to big you'd suppose it was about the size of his thumb maybe slightly larger so wouldn't be to bad. You whimpered when he pulled your cheeks apart probing you with his fingers mortified as he began to speak
"Oh baby your pouting at me.. Its very inviting but I'm afraid daddy wont be playing with you here until you deserve it." you placed your face into your hands as he circled his finger around your rosebud a few times then felt him pull more insistently at it.
"Here it comes...Open up baby" you cringed at how happy he sounded as he pressed the ginger to your opening not really giving you a chance to relax as he guided the tapered end into you pressing firmly you tensed at the strange feeling he stretched you around it until there was a small pop as it was seated fully in you the raw end of the ginger keeping it from sinking any further.
"There we go good girl, your taking this very well....lets see how long that will last" he took a seat by your hips again. You twitched adjusting to the invasion, it was uncomfortable but not a painful stretch. you hissed as you began to feel something... a tingling inside of you like pins and needles but sharper and not a pleasant one bit. You squirmed as the tingling began to get worse bordering pain.
"Ah ah what? OH NOoo!" you began thrashing as you realized just what was going to happen your ass burned and stung deep it was still getting worse especially when you tried to push it out by bearing down only resulting on your walls squeezing the ginger effectively milking it making the sting go further up into you. You panted gasping unable to stop your squirming crying loudly in high pitched sobs sniffling and pleading him to take it out.
"Aww I know daddy is soo mean isn't he?" he teased grabbing the makeshift plug and pressing down on it then wiggled it side to side before moving it in wide circles stretching you slightly as he drew it along your walls. you screamed as it burned
"NOOO! DADDY PLEASE STOP TAKE IT OUT! PLEEEAASE!" you shouted pushing up on your hands then dropping back down as shifting had moved it within you and wailed trying to kick your legs as it got to much any arousal you'd had before dissipated as you burned from the inside out. Noticing he stood up taking the crop bringing it between your legs tapping it on your clit peaking out from your swollen red folds.
"NOnonOO please I'll be goOD I will please don't" he was determined it seemed as he continued bringing back the arousal as he struck you again and again lightly caressing you every so often
"This is what you get for your behavior , your naughty bottom plugged. naughty girls get the naughty bottoms punished, if your a good girl for the rest of your punishment I will remove it for corner time" you cried overwhelmed as every tap brought made your wall flutter also gripping the ginger causing more pain. It was one of the worse things you'd ever felt... you might as well have sat on a chilli as your sensitive skin caressed the root with every jerk. He brought the crop up bearly clipping the underside of your clit you screamed as you felt your tummy clenching moans turning into screeches, loud wails pouring out of your mouth pleasure and pain combined in a confusing spiral of sensations.
"Aww kitten am I being to harsh? but iv just had an idea wait here" you brawled into the bed fat tears falling onto your clenched hands gripping the sheets tight.
"I-I NOO pleasepleaseplease daddy stop I cant please Im- I wont leave again I promise please" you called out to him babbling promising anything and everything wanting him to remove the root that was still building the burning in your bottom getting worse and worse as the seconds ticked by. Your sure that your ass would never recover.
"Here we are I will show you some mercy I think instead of spanking you with your plug this will suffice" you tried to see him threw your tears calling for him wanting comfort ,but he ignored you and wouldn't come up near your face you hoped he was staying down at you ass to remove the root but that wasn't the case. You screamed loud as instead he pressed a large wand vibrator to your clit, it was powerful instantly you rocked against it unable to stop even as the motion of your hips hurt your ass. He tipped the vibrator so it massaged most of your pussy and was tight against your clit then he began to rub it in circles the end he held knocked the plug sticking out of your ass. you panted unable to hold back any sounds as your mouth hung open as moans screams and grunts poured out as he forced you towards
"AAHHH! NOO PLEASEFUCK fuckfuckfuckhah!" you shook all over as you release a low long keen as you came all over the vibrator and Henry's hand gushing onto the pillows below you
"Well that was fast wasn't it baby, good girl sshh sshh that's it good girl daddies got you" he praised you then pressed the vibrator onto your over sensitive clit making you jump trying to escape it. as the soft rubber swiped over your sore clit.
"Ah ah no, one more that's it one more kitten fuck you look so good baby girl hold on" you cried as you were sent straight into another climax feeling yourself cumming much faster this time despite the pain, just as you arched cumming you felt him pull the ginger out with one harsh tug the pain made you grunt as you felt your pussy the gush once again hearing as it hit the vibrator with a lewd wet sounds you laid there panting your whole body heaving with your breaths. Weeping into the bed face buried into it, you were limp across the bed your clit was sore and throbbing your ass stung inside and out you couldn't tell if it stung more now that the ginger was out or not, your passage now rubbing on itself slightly swollen.
He moved reaching over picking up the slime black cane
"10 strikes and you will count and thank me for each one" he said he stood beside you quickly flicking your thighs you screeched trying to rock forward as you felt a strip of fire lit up across you taking deep breaths
"I didn't hear you count little one" before repeating the strike an inch higher you yelped swearing then quickly caught your self.
"ONE Daddy THank you" he nodded
"That's better you see this is why I have restrained you, if you move or I miscalculate this could easily cut you and we don't want that do we?" he explained you shook your head desperately managing to breath out
"No no please no" before he struck you again hitting the crease of your bottom.
"TWo THank YOU Daddy" this continued as Henry left stripes of red spaced across your thighs and lower curve of your bottom wanting you to feel them every time you sat for the next few days. You were a mess by the time he'd finished you didn't even register when he released you from your bonds then gathered the implements packing then away .you laid still sniffling upset ,embarrassed ,sore and sticky you felt disgusting yet calm as he praised you. Henry sat on the bed leaning on the headboard he moved your hair from your face before tugging you across the bed to him tucking your legs to your chest cradling you sitting you in his lap you winced sniffling barely holding back sobs, he sighed pulling your head to his chest rocking you slowly kissing you every now and then. You dug your hand into his shirt by his collar with one hand
"Good girl.... I'm so proud of you, you were soo good for daddy I know that was hard for you but it was hard for me to Inever want to see you cry. I had to do it... I didn't enjoy it but you need to learn..What you did was very dangerous especially for a little girl like you." you whimpered into him soaking up his comfort , you didn't care who he was in that moment, you were upset hurt and feeling sorry for yourself. you felt shame wash over you for relishing in his coddling but pushed it aside
"I-I don't want that again...please never do that again" you whispered hiccuping he sighed running his hands across you.
"Then you should behave, you should know that I save the cane for very serious offences only as I know it is one of the most painful..Now come on baby 10 minutes in the corner hands on your head and think about weather your escape attempt was truly worth it. Now up you go" you pouted but did as you were told cringing with every step as you ached all over from tensing and thrashing around so much. He stood watching finding the sight of you with your nose in the corner well spanked bottom on display cute and arousing. As much as he wanted to fuck you he wont until you beg him to even then it wont be after a punishment it would send the wrong message to fuck you into the bed afterwards. However he did feel a little guilty it was your first real taste of his discipline and he had used the cane which he will rarely use but he wanted something to truly deter you in future. Shaking his head he rose from the bed scooping up your clothes throwing them into the hamper then collected the soiled bedding and pillows dumping it in with the clothes. you heard him leave the room then the bath running. your mind was going haywire yet your thoughts were quiet.. you almost felt as it you were underwater feeling a peace in the panic as you came to terms with what he had just done to you shaking your head when a little voice tried to speak up that you had asked for it, that you deserved if for tying to leave him. Once the bath was full he came out finding you in the same position. It looks like he may have finally got through to you as you stood there behaving he could tell by the way you shifted from side to side that you still felt the effects of the ginger and was desperate to rub your tender bottom.
"Times up come here pet" he called you over you slowly walked to him without hesitation still lost in your own thought unbeknownst to him you was falling deeper and faster into a place you had never been before running on auto pilot reaching behind you to rub he caught your hand.
"Ah ah no rubbing come on I'm going to help you" he guided you into the bathroom eyeing you cautiously you wasn't there. your eyes saw the bath ready you felt yourself relaxing just from seeing the steaming water walking quickly towards it wanting to jump into it he pulled you back to the sink pressing you over the counter.
"Not yet first I'm going to help your bottom" he reached over running the cold tap wetting a cloth you pressing you to bend over the counter before he ran the clothe across your heated skin you hissed it felt freezing
"sh sh I know baby" he continued wetting the cloth cooling your skin the parted your cheeks you yelped but he ignored you as he brought the cloth up to your twitching back entrance gasping as he pushed a finger into you through it slowly you whined flushing
"n-noo please" you muttered weakly still not really with it ,he would do as he pleased the cool water soothed the burn he pulled back rinsing and wringing out the cloth before repeating each time the sting got less and less and he was cleaning away the remnants of the ginger. Finally he stopped throwing the cloth into the bin. Next thing you knew he had lowered you into the steaming water that soothed you almost instantly. You leaned back but kept your gaze on him as he knelt on the step beside the tub you frowning expecting you to push him away he smiled when you didn't before lathering up an exfoliating mitt with bubble gum smelling soap and began rubbing slow circles across your arms and chest
"I-I can- I can do it daddy" he shook his head, frowning a little at how you sounded ....different
"No from now on you wont be doing anything. I am going to take care of you like I promised arms up" you obeyed instantly not sure what exactly happened but your state of mind was....strange accepting his authority naturally something seems to have snapped in you. you tried to pull out of the calm state you was in, you should be upset, angry hysterical even not calm and dare you say happy? you contemplated these thoughts as he washed you from head to toe massaging your tired muscles as he went making you sink lower into the water.
"Oh! baby I didn't want you to get your hair wet up! up! come on! quick, oh sweet heart now i have to wash your hair" you sat up quickly upset at the disappointment in his voice making you want to cry you sniffed not sure why it had upset you so much then you wanted to cry for wanting to cry.... Safe to say you were very confused. He bent over kissing you.
"It's ok baby lean back daddy will wash your hair" gasping taking deep breaths you got onto your knees you needed out. You'd disappointed him, he was upset you justified. You moved grasping the side of the tub trying to stand nearly falling with how clumsy you were moving. He placed hands on your shoulders looking you in the eye noticing that you looked through rather that at him.
"whoa whoa baby whats wrong?"
"Out-I want-no I-I don't" you panicked trying to raise your leg over the side of the tub hoping he would understand that you wanted to get out, thankfully he did leaning back grabbing a large fluffy towel one hand still holding you he was a little panicked himself not knowing what was going on with you but something had upset you on a new level he only just caught you as you clambered out of the bath tripping nearly flying down the step, scooping you up quickly he carried you into to bed room opening the door calling for Kal hoping that the dog would help your sudden panic. He crossed the room sitting on the chair by the window tucking you in his lap. Kal came up sitting dutifully by you both sniffing around you trying to nudge under your hand that hung down by him. You dug your hand in his fur scratching him lightly your other clutched at Henry as you fell deeper into your own world not understanding your new found need for his attention ,just that you wanted to be held by him. Whimpering pulling yourself to him as he shifted afraid he would let go and you really needed him.
"Daddy no" he froze there was a desperate note to your voice and fear just beneath. He breathed a sigh in relief ,he understood what was going on, your punishment and aftercare was sending you into subspace and you was trying to fight it, you didn't understand. How could you he reasoned, its not like you would have experienced it before. luckily he knew what you needed gently whispering to you holding you close praising and reassuring you.
"Its ok... everything is going to be fine little one... stop panicking I'm here and look even Kal is he wants to help" he said in a soothing voice he tightened his hold you sighed feeling safe in his lap
"I-I don't... whats happening?" you muttered into his chest
"It's ok, this is ok just breath you'll be fine baby this is a good thing... I know its scary now but your doing so well.... Being so good don't fight it just relax" you hummed leaning on his chest listening to his hearts strong rhythm slowing going lax drawing pattering on his pectorals with your fingers trying to 'come back' form what ever was going on as he used the towel and began patting you dry running his fingers up and down your back in slow unpredictable patterns ,Kal was licking the water from your arm and hand finally blinking you looked at him clearly. He smiled brightly
"There's my good baby. Was that scary? I'm sorry I should have anticipated that you'd go into subspace, I didn't think you would fall into it so quickly kitten."
"Subspace its... Deep inside of you, a space where you can relax not have to worry about anything apart from pleasing your dom- or in this case daddy." he explained you just stared at him
"I-it wasn't relaxing- how do I stop it" he frowned
"You fought it, you was frightened by it that's why you panicked and you don't stop it.. Not with me baby girl tho I am curious what triggered it. Was it when I cuddled you earlier? or when you was in the bath?"you closed your eyes and shook your head not wanting to talk about it, he just nodded
"Well it doesn't matter at the moment as long as your alright now" he kissed your cheek lifting you to the bed Kal followed jumping up to lay beside you watching the door protectively. Henry returned with a knee length nightly pulling you up patting the rest of you dry
"N-no I can-"
"No you cant , I told you when you was in the bath I'm taking care of you now." you remained silent yawning as he continued drying you rubbing you down he smiled as the day seemed to catch up with you he then guided you into the nightly throwing the towel into the hamper. Hoisting you up into his arms he leaned out of the door calling for the house keeper a small Asian lady that you had seen about the house during your time here, she appeared quickly taking the hamper saying that she would be up with new bedding in a few minutes. he sat back down in the chair with you rubbing your back soothingly letting you rest against him it didn't take long you him to lull you into sleep. He looked down at your sleeping form today was roller coaster. It started good then bad, really bad then better, he was pleased with the ending tho. He was happy that you'd slipped into subspace, it showed that you was perfect for him, for what he wanted and that he would get through to you. His plan , his training would work. He grinned allowing himself to relax for the first time that day. He was finally going to get everything he wanted.
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
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((Barely any Louis x readers out there so I had to make something. It's quite rushed but oh well...
Summary - You're in the cell when Louis gets his tongue cut out.))
You sat, legs pulled up to your chest, in the corner of the cell you had been thrown into. You crossed your arms on top of your knees and buried your face into them, anything to block out the shit show you had found yourself starring in. How didn't the plan work? On paper it had seemed so straightforward and yet here you were, locked in a cage like some kind of animal.
"Don't sweat it (F/N)." Louis' voice echoed gently in the dim light making you lift your head to look at him. He flashed you one of his signature smile. "Clementine... she's gonna come for us. I know she will."
You felt the corner of your lips tugging into a small smile. At the sight of your smile Louis' eyes seemed to sparkle even brighter.
"I admire your optimism, I really do." You sighed. "Pretty sure you're the only guy I know who can keep his cool in situations like this." You couldn't help chuckling at him. He never failed to make you smile, despite the dangers you found yourselves in.
"Well," Louis tugged at the lapels of his coat and straightened up slightly. "optimism is my middle name."
"And here I was thinking your middle name was 'Nerd', how strange..." You smirked.
"Optimism, Nerd, Comedian, Charming, Gifted... Handsome." He winked at you.
You snorted and turned your head slightly, hoping he couldn't see how red your face had became.
"I go by many; you should have see how big my birth certificate was." His smile grew impossibly wider, as did yours.
To be honest, you had always been drawn to Louis since the day you had arrived at Ericsons. Maybe it was his ability to brighten up any room he walked into or his incredible musical talents or maybe it was just how unbelievably good looking he was. All you knew for certain was that you wanted to always be close to him.
When the dead started walking and all the teachers had fled to find their families, you and all the other children left stuck together to survive. As others in your group died and numbers began to dwindle it was inevitable that you and Louis would become closer, after all, everything has a silver lining. You went on runs together, helped fortify the school together and even helped him tune his piano when he needed a second pair of hand.
Of course the others in the group would make jokes and kissing noises but the pair of you would just brush it off. You knew he could have anyone he wanted so you never got your hopes up despite a part of you still wishing for it.
A loud banging coming from the door of your cell made you jump. One of Lilly's goons tapped the barrel of her gun on to the metal bars.
"You've already been told. Do not fucking speak, you understand that?" Her voice was full of annoyance. "Or do I need to go and get Lilly?"
"You know..." Louis started standing up and walking over to the bars. You began to panic. These people had killed your friends... they weren't messing around.
"Loui-" You tried to call for him but he cut you off.
"We've been here, what? About twenty four hours? And we haven't been offered any kind of food or drink. Terrible service, we wont be coming back." He leant against the door frame and smiled at the woman.
"Louis, just shut up for once in your life!" Aasim hissed from the cell opposite. "You're going to get us killed."
"Relax, Aasim. I'm just having a chat with our lovely captor here. No harm done." Louis kept eye contact with woman.
"Louis; please be quiet." You begged.
"I'd listen to your friends if I were you."
You felt your heart drop and the second voice echoing around the boat. The woman by the cell door looked to her left and nodded into the darkened hallway before stepping aside. Soon Louis found himself face to face with Lilly. His smile faltered for only a second as he gulped but then he was grinning again.
"Ahhhh, the woman of the hour. So glad to finally talk with you. The name's Louis."
You watched on as he held out his hand to Lilly. She looked at it, a mix or disgust and boredom coating her expression. Louis retracted his hand and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Not much of a one for handshakes, noted. Nice place you got, you bring all of your prisoners here or are we just lucky?"
Lilly silently watched him and he shifted uncomfortably.
"I bet you were a real class clown Louis. I'm sure all your little friends found you so funny." Lilly had a blank look as she spoke.
"Well, I did have my moments." Louis chuckled. "Providing laughs for the masses, I was just doing my job."
"I'm sure... Tell me, do you see anyone laughing now?" Her response made Louis fall silent and his grin faltered again.
"What can I say, tough crowd tonight... it probably has something to do with the fact that we're here against our will but, hey, what do I know?" He flashed Lilly another one of his dashing smiles.
Lilly hummed before taking a deep breath. "I've had to listen to your horrible attempts of humour since we got you here and I'm bored of it. My people have told you to shut up; your people have told you to shut up. I suggest you do before you find out what happens next."
"What happens next?" Louis raised his eyebrows still grinning.
Lilly smiled at him again. "Final warning. Not another word." She turned on her heels and started to walk away.
"...Mysterious, I like it."
You felt how heavy the air got as Lilly stopped in her tracks. There was a deafening silence before Lilly turned to the woman who was first guarding the cells and nodded before continuing to walk away.
Louis just had a chance to look back at you and shrug before the woman slid open the cell door and pulled him out by his dreads.
You pounced up and ran towards the door but it was too late, she had already locked it behind them. You, Assim and Omar watched on as she threw Louis to the ground and pulled out a small hunting knife from her pocket. The impact of Louis head hitting the floor of the boat had stunned him enough for him not to notice the woman now kneeling down in front of him.
"Wait!" You shouted. "He's a fucking idiot he doesn't know when to stop. Please dont kill him. He won't say anything again, I promise."
The woman looked up at you through the bars. "Oh, I know he won't."
For a split second you could see her hesitation before she forced his mouth open. She grabbed the tip of his tongue with her fingers and pulled it out as far as it would go. Louis started to gain back some control of his body but it was too late. You watched in horror as she sliced it clean off with her knife and Louis' destroted screams filled the silence.
There was so much blood. You gagged and felt tears start to fill your eyes. The woman threw his severed tongue on the floor causing Aasim and Omar to look away in terror.
"No!" You shouted rattling your cell bars.
The woman grabbed Louis by the hair again and dragged him back to the cell. She told you to stand back before throwing him in again and locking the door. He collapsed in a crying, shaking heap on the floor and you ran to his side.
He shook violently and choked on the blood filling his mouth. You forced him onto his knees in front of you and made him look down so that the blood trickled out instead of collecting in his mouth.
"Cough it up Louis." You sobbed as he struggled for air. Despite the pain and the tears he listened and allowed the blood to drip from his open mouth. His hands were clinging to you as you struggled to hold him up. You could feel him getting weaker from the loss of blood and allowed him to lean his forehead on your shoulder. The blood from his wound seeped into your clothing but you didn't care.
"Louis..." Your voice broke as his yelps of agony still ricocheted off the walls of the cell. You slowly stroked your hand over his dreads as he sobbed into your shoulder
The realisation of what had just took place hit you like a tonne of bricks and you sobbed harder clinging to him. Never again would you hear his dumb jokes and the soft way he said your name. His singing... He would never sing again. All of that was gone. In a split second they had just ripped the very thing that made Louis Louis away.
"Oh Louis..." You cried again.
Despite his pain Louis weakly lifted his head when he heard your crying get louder. His eyes locked with yours and through the tears he forced a tiny smile and placed a blood covered hand on your cheek. He was still shaking and gasping but he needed to know you were okay. After all, he had always made you his priority.
"Why couldn't you just be quiet?" You cried into the palm of his hand. "Jesus Louis."
He looked at the ground ashamed. He had gotten himself there, just like how he found himself at Ericsons. He felt himself wobble and before he knew it his vision had gone black.
"Aasim! What do I do?! I don't know what to do!" You shouted as you caught Louis' limp body in your arms.
Aasim looked just as panicky as you did.
"Keep his mouth open and his head forward to stop him choking. Is he passed out or?... Check his pulse."
"Aasim; what if he is..." You felt a heavy pain strike your heart at the thought. Not only would the guy you love be dead but you would be trapped in a cell with no weapons against what came after. Hey, maybe it would be better than living without him.
"Check his pulse (F/N). It's the only way to know for sure."
You took a deep shakey breath and placed you fingers on his neck.
"There's a pulse. Its weak but it's there." You smile through your tears up at Aasim.
"Keep monitoring it. I'm trying to think about what Ruby would say. It's like that time that Willy cut his arm open pretty bad setting those traps and he passed out. She just kept checking his pulse and watching out for a fever... I wish she was here now." Aasim looked so defeated.
"Keep checking for a pulse and a fever and keep his mouth open and his head tilted forward . Okay. I've got this." You sounded out of breath and you went through the list in your head.
The blood still streamed from his mouth and you could see he was noticeably paler than usual as you dragged him away from the cell door and back to the far end of your little prison where you could get the most privacy.
You lay him down face first gently in your lap making sure to keep his mouth open. One of your hands stayed on his pulse point while the other stroked his pale cheek. Suddenly the cell seemed so much more lonely without Louis' voice filling it.
"You've got to get up Louis." You whispered. "You need to get up and you need to be okay because I can't bury you. I can't even imagine you not being here." You closed your eyes and a few more tears fell.
You took another deep breath and tried to calm yourself. Right now he needed you to be strong for him. You continued stroking his cheek and tracing his features all the while feeling your jeans soaking up his blood.
You felt a little bit creepy watching him so intensely but you never got the chance to look at him this long before. You found it hard to make eye contact with him for too long without blushing and giving your true feelings away.
You were so scared to admit how you really felt toward him. He was just so amazing and well... he could have anybody he wanted. He was a flirt after all and despite him flirting with you it never even crossed your mind that he would take it further.
As you looked down at him you felt that familiar feeling set into your bones. One of your favourite things about him was his freckles and right now you could see them in so much detail. It had been one of the things that first caught your eye as well as his dreads. You smiled despite the situation and wiped away some of the blood on his face, noting that his pulse was still there.
He was out cold for an hour before he started to groan and move. The bleeding had slowed considerably and he had regained a bit of colour meaning you could relax a little bit. You jumped when he pushed himself up, having got so used to his stillness. His eyes flew open and adjusted to the dim light. He winced remembering what had happened and you could see he had began to panic.
"Hey, Louis it's okay, I'm here." You placed you fingers under his chin and forced him to look at you. It took him a second to understand that he wasn't alone. He made a sobbing noise and threw himself into your arms. You hugged him close and stroked his back soothingly.
"You're going to be okay Louis. I'm gonna kill every single one of these bastards for what they've done to you."
He shook his head violently and pulled back. He brought his hands up to cup your face. His eyes were more serious than you had ever seen him. He shook his head again and made a low noise that sounded similar to a no.
"You think I'm going to let them get away with this? You're crazy Lou."
He made the noise again and squeezed your face a little harder. There was no way he was going to let them hurt you. He hated that you would even consider putting yourself in danger for him despite it being the same if the tables were turned.
"Louis your voice, your singing; they've stolen that from you... from me."
His eyes softened at your words. He thought, if anything, you'd be happy not to have to listen to his singing. He felt his heart flutter despite the amount of pain he was in. He adored you, he always had. Seeing the pain you were in over him gave him a little bit of hope that maybe you felt the same. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"I'll kill them, every last one of them."
Louis just kept shaking his head.
"Why? Why can't I?"
He opened his mouth ready to explain until he remembered what had happened. Slowly he pointed to himself.
"You?" You furrowed you eyebrows catching onto his little game if charades.
He opened his eye and shook his head before pointing to himself again.
Louis nodded. He then made a heart with his fingers.
He shook his head again, still holding his fingers in a heart and looking at you expectantly.
He nodded and then pointed at you.
"Me- you?" You corrected yourself.
He nodded a third time.
" I love you..." It took you a few second to register what he had just signed to you.
"You- you love me?" You were so confused. "Like a friend?"
He shook his head and did the makeshift sign language again.
You felt yourself begin to smile. You're heart was fluttering wildly and you could feel the blush spreading across your face. You understood, if he had been in your place you wouldn't want him to risk his own health for you. It didn't make you any less mad at Lilly and her goons. She had took that moment away. You would never hear him speak those words to you and it was all you had ever wanted.
You pointed at yourself and made a heart before pointing to him and then holding up two of your fingers.
He smiled brightly even though his teeth were blood stained. You reached up and placed your hand on his cheek stroking his cheek. He nuzzled into the feeling and sighed. His tears had dried up and there wasn't much blood left. Slowly you leant forward and pressed your lips to his gently. His eyes widened in shock before they fluttered closed and he melted into the kiss.
You could taste the blood on his lips but they were so soft, just like you had imagined they would be. Louis made a small humming noise and you pulled away afraid you had hurt him.
"I'm sorry, was it painful?"
He smirk and shook his head, eyes still closed.
You chuckled quietly.
"Oh, so you were enjoying it then?"
Louis opened his eyes sheepishly and nodded again. He looked at your lips briefly before leaning forward and captured your lips with his.
"Well," You whispered when the pair of you finally broke apart. "I've imagined this moment so many times but never occurred to me it would be like this."
Louis smiled sadly and pointed to himself and then held up two of his fingers.
"You too, huh?" You mimicked his smile.
He nodded again.
"Come here." You patted your legs and he lay his head back down. You leant against the wall and closed your eyes convinced that Louis would pull through.
"What you said earlier, about Clementine coming to save us, I believe you. She's tough and she'll pull it off. Until then we're both alive and we have each other. At the end of the day that's all that matters."
Louis stared up at you as you spoke and absent-mindedly played with his dreads. You looked down at him and smiled. "Get some more sleep Lou. I'll be here when you wake up."
Louis took your free hand in his and squeezed it before allowing his eyes to close. You watched the rise and fall of his chest and smiled sadly to yourself. Your eyes looked to the door of your cell and the walls covered in flaking paint surrounding the two off you.
Clementine was coming you reminded yourself as you continued to play with Louis' hair and if you got the chance you were going to be the one to kill Lilly. That you promised yourself.
You closed your eyes and allowed the rocking of the boat mixed with Louis' heavy breathing to send you to sleep.
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unabashedrebel · 6 years
Prison Break
The dark dank chasms of Stormwinds own prison were a cold affair. The smell alone was enough to force more than a few guards to hastily switch their shifts. Shouts and screams often echoed through the poorly lit stone brick walls. Races from all walks of Azeroth professed their innocence, hollered about their unfair treatment, or spouted insanities borne of their solitude.
But one voice yelled just a little louder. A metal cup had banged against iron bars for the better part of an hour. “I dont belong here!” The human pleaded. “They’re going to escape!” Was another of the popular phases. “Please! Someone! Just hear me out!”
The man had made so much noise that even his neighbors started to berate him, “Shut the fuck up! I’m trying to sleep!” The cell overs occupant added. “You think you’re the only one who’s in here for some bullshit?” Another added. “Yeah I’m with the first guy! Shut the fuck up!” A distinctly Kezan voice added.
Finally the warm glow of a torch flame crept down the darkened halls. The pace quickening as the commotion continued, “Oy! You all keep it down or I’ll bring the mages in here to shut you up.” The guard barked. Halting the noise from all cells but one.
Loudly the clanking of metal on metal continued, “Please sir! Please just hear me out!”
The guard dressed in Stormwind regalia stopped in front of the cell with a labored sigh. “I hear this twelve times a week. I promise you whatever you have to s---.” The guard stopped in his tracks as his eyes went wide at the revelation, “Jenkins?!” The very guard he was coming to relieve.
Out in the quiet streets of Stormwind as the night began to descend on the Alliance capital a tall male in ill fitting armor of the guard strolled with an orcish prisoner in tow. Chains wrapped around the captive at both his ankles and wrists, leaving him just enough room to shuffle behind.
“So… something has been bugging me about this.” The Orc said in a low tone. “If you could have pulled this off why wait so long?”
An elvish voice replied, “Tell you what man. We live through tonight and I’ll tell you all about it.” Kirollis whispered. “So just, you know, act natural. And stop talkin’ to me like you’re bud, I’m a guard remember?”
The Orc gave a slow and subtle nod. His saviors words rung true in his mind, so deep into enemy territory that the slightest slip would undoubtedly earn them an execution rather then an extended stay in the Stockades.
“Get movin’ ya filthy green skin!” Kirollis boomed in his best Common accent as the pair passed through the archways leading to the docks. Shoving his companion forward in the process. A show for the soldiers stationed at the entranceways, who seemed to only laugh at the Orc’s misfortune.
Once cleared the rogue would confess, “Sorry. Appearances and all that.”
Grunting the captive would reply, “You enjoyed that.”
“Maybe a little.”
Suddenly the booming clangs of the great bell situated above the Stockades began ringing insistently. While Kirollis had assumed his charade would only last so long, it was still a little sooner then he would have hoped. Regardless, most soldiers moving to assist would at the very least assume it was an escape currently happening- rather then one already far in its progress.
“Oookay, let’s uh… lets walk just a little faster.” Kirollis muttered as they picked up the pace down the long ramps leading to the harbor. Time was certainly against them, and with no way to know the shipping manifests? They’re was blind, a leap of faith.
The Orc let out a gruff grunt as the shackles around his ankles jingled against strain as his strong legs struggled against their confinements. “I would be if you hadn’t insisted on these chains. You should have handed me an axe!” He growled, luckily away from anyone who may notice.
Kirollis shoved the Orc in response, “You know I could have left you in that cell right?” The revelation only producing a grumble from his ‘prisoner’.
Though both of them straightened up as a platoon of Stormwinds finest rushed passed them on the ramp. Most passing save for one towards the end. Stopping near the pair he would greet them with a wave, “You there, soldier. Where are you taking that prisoner?”
Kirollis froze a moment, haunching himself over to hide his height and shroud his eyes beneath the overbearing helm. Clearing his throat, “Oy, this one goes to the labor camps out in Arathi. I t’ink they lobotomized him or something. He’s a tad slow.”
The human laughed as he looked over the Orc. “I thought they came like that just stock.”
“Aye, I suppose. Ya should check the Stockades though. Some commotion goin’ on about there.” Kirollis added with a swift nod of his head. Silently hoping the man would take his advice rather then probe him further. “We got ah boat tah catch. And i’m ‘fraid they ain’t gonn wait.”
With another stern nod the soldier offered his blessing, “Carry on.”
Once they were out of earshot the Orc let out an undignified grunt, “Really?”
“I had to sell it dude. You know how humans are. Always think they’re superior and the rest of us are idiots. Maybe just take a little pride in the fact you got one over on him. He can think what he wants, but at the end of the day he’s the dumbass that let us go.”
“Mmm…” The Orc remained silent, content to take the win on that front. Though a moment later he posed, “How do you plan to fake the transfer papers?”
“I’ve got it covered.” Kirollis mentioned as they approached the dock, and their exit. Placing a hand on the Orc’s shoulder he would attempt to pull him into a cloaking spell. But instead of disappearing from sight they remained. “Uhm…” The rogue cleared his throat before gripping a little harder
“Uhm?!” The Orc tipped his gaze over his shoulder toward the rogue. “I thought you had this covered.”
“I haven’t done this in a while okay?! Maybe I have performance anxiety.” Kirollis tried to rationalize. Far be it from him to pick this time and place to educate the Orc on how the relationship between Sin’dorei and mana worked.
“Do you have a plan B? We have company.”
“Plan B was shouting that you escaped and trying to slip away in the commotion.”
“I hate you.” The Orc stated in a spiteful whisper.
“Yeah yeah, just follow my lead. I got us this far didn’t I?”
Two guards approached from the wooden docks, leaving their post from the boarding plank of an Alliance transport ship. “Hold there.” One said before holding up a hand in a stopping gesture. “Do you have papers for that prisoner?”
“Yes, I definitely do.” Kirollis stated in an airy tone as he stepped around the Orcs right side. Shiftily positioning himself at the flank of both soldiers, until their back was against the waters below.
“I had em right here… hold on.” The rogue said as he shifted around against the blue tabard of Stormwind. It was all a ruse, however, as Kirollis quickly barrelled into the soldiers, knocking one into the other and finally into the water itself with a loud splash. Their metal armor surely would be their downfall in such a situation. All he would have to do is hope nobody noticed the missing guard. Looking over his shoulder he would casually mention to his new friend, “Get on the ship.”
With a gauff the Orc would reply, “You’re really starting to sound like a guard.” Though a chuckle escaped him, impressed with Kirollis’ ploy.
As soon as they were both on board the rogue quickly shouted, “Make ready for sail! Commanders orders, we’re to leave right away!” That commanding tone of his on full display. With a plated boot he would shove the gangplank back to the docks.
“Ya heard the man, make ready to sail!” The first mate of ship shouted as the rest of the crew fell into line.
The Orc leaned forward to whisper, “You know they’ll kill us as soon as they find out right?”
“Yep. Don’t worry about it, I’m pretty good at shooting down birds. And I got a plan before we make it to port.”
A trusting nod was given from the Orc as the two made their way below deck.
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lee-minhc · 5 years
//Unlikely Friends\\ 7
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-a lonely,abused teen calls upon the devil himself for protection against anyone who harms her,and makes an u likely friend along the way
"hi jisoo!"i hear jeongin say.i turn to him and smile."hi bub!"i say happily as i ruffle his hair."did you do it today?"he asks.
"yep!i signed the papers,so i am free"i say with a smile."you sound like you were let out of prison"he giggles out as he pokes my side.
"technically i was"i say as i pat his arm."school really is that bad?"he asks."oh it is so bad"i laugh out.
i stand up and walk to the cabinet,grabbing a snack and leaning against the island as jeongin and i continue to talk.
i feel arms wrap around my waist and flinch,but relax and i hear minho chuckle."sorry little bunny.didnt mean to scare you"he says lightly as he rests his chin on top of my head.
"its okay minho"i say as i open my snack.i toss a gummy into my mouth,and offer one to minho,who happily eats it.
"so you finalized the papers today right?"minho asks."yup.im officially a highschool drop out.and i dont even regret it"i say with a smile.
"i heard everyone saying it is because im so tramatized by my father being murdered"i say lightly as i turn to face minho,leaning against the counter.
"but in reality,they dont know i paid to have him killed.well you know.i will pay soon"i say with a chuckle.
i see minho frown and furrow my eyebrows."whats wrong?"i ask as i place my hand on his cheek.
i watch as his eyes go blank, and wrap my arms around his waist as he falls limp."shit,jeongin help me get him to the couch"i say in shock as minho slumps into me.
once we get him to the couch,tears start rolling down his cheeks faster than we can wipe away effectivly.
"l-little bunny-"he whispers,his voice sounding broken."no!dont do it!"he screams helplessly.i feel my heart clench at his words,and immediately know what memory he is seeing.
"do you know what he is seeing?why is he crying?"felix asks frantically."he sounds so scared!what did you do?"hyunjin asks as he frantically wipes away the never-ending waterfall of tears falling down minho's face.
"i-i think he is seeing when my father uh.sold me for a night.he only tried once.i promise,"i explain frantically"it was-minho come on,wake up"i stutter out as tears fill my eyes.
"n-no!stay away from her!"minho cries out as he starts thrashing."little b-bunny come on.you can't let them do this!p-please!"he whimpers out.
i collapse onto the couch next to him,and pull him into my chest."its okay.im here,minho.im here"i whisper as i try to sooth his shaking form.
"minho,come on.its okay,im here.im okay.you gotta wake up now"i mutter as i smooth his hair back,and away from his face.
he gasps as he wakes up,and sit up instantly."little bunny.where is she!"he calls out,looking around frantically.
"im right here,come here"i say softly as i open my arms again.he throws himself on me,almost knocking the air out of my lungs.
"what the hell was he thinking!"he cries out. he starts examining my body for injuries"i-it felt so real.you looked like you do now,a-and you just-"minho starts explaining.
"minho.i need you to get your mind off of that.okay?i know its hard to not think about it.i did for months after,but i know you can do it"i whisper as he his tears stain my shirt.
he shakes his head."i-i cant"he mutters as he starts to calm down."im sorry minho.i should have warned you"i whisper as i run my fingers through his hair.
minho latches onto me tighter than before,and curls into my body."its okay.im here.i wont go anywhere"i whisper as his jagged breathing eases out in to a normal pattern.
"he made you do it"minho whispers after a couple hours of sitting on the couch.i bite my lip nervously."yeah.father did"i mutter.
"when i get back to hell,i'll make him suffer as much as he made you suffer"he says determined.
"minho?can i ask you a question?"i ask as i push my hair behind my ears.he looks up at me,and nods his head.
"what will happen to me once i make the payment.i mean.i know i will die,cause youre taking my soul.but,will i-will i end up like hi-"i start to ramble,but minho cuts me off.
"no.i will make sure you dont end up in the same place as your father.i promise"minho says as he lays his head back onto my chest.
i shakily sigh out and lay my head back."but im going to get tortured,huh?"i say,looking away from him.
"im sorry.i dont know if there is anything i can do"minho says.we sit in a silence for a while before he gasps.
i flinch and watch as he sprints into chans room.i furrow my eyebrows at his actions and walk to my room.
i flick on the switch,and freeze as i see a man in my room."m-minho!"i shout as i turn to sprint out.
"i wouldnt do that"he says as he slaps a hand over my mouth,gripping my waist tightly.i bit his hand and as he pulls his hand away i scream out.
i see the boys running down the hall,tears falling down my cheeks as the man grabs my neck.
"don't touch her!"minho shouts."minho.you really thought i'd let you keep this one to yourself?"the man growls.
"seungri!let her go"chan says firmly as he takes a step forward.the man chuckles darkly,and i feel sharp claws pressing against my neck.
"don't get any closer,bang"he growls.still,chan steps forward again."chan!don't!i don't want you to get hurt!"i cry out.
"awe.cute.she cares for you all"he taunts."this will be fun"he mutters to himself.
in a split second,we are in a different place."settle in sweetcheeks.this is your new home"he says flatly as he throws me against the wall.
i gasp out for air as the wind was knocked out of my lungs.i glare up at him."they will get me back.you can't keep me forever"i gasp out as i will myself to stand up.
i fall back to my knees,and start coughing harshly."i don't think so,sweetcheeks"he growls as he kicks my ribs.
he continues his assault on my abdomen,and when he leaves the room,i'm left coughing up blood.
we will get you back little bunny.just wait for us
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the-static-and-i · 5 years
⏳ :)
TW: Prison-esque cells, chains, collars, bomb mention, anxiety, anxiety inducing text, drowning, shattered glass, glass shards, cuts, electrocution, character death. Please let me know if i missed anything, this is a big one.
They had been trapped for four days. No word from Sam or Marvin or Anti or even the cult assholes. Jackie had been fruitlessly trying to hack to each of their accounts, hoping for a clue or a location, some physical place he could go and get Marvin and everyone out of.
Finally, as he set his bags onto the bed of their new hotel room, he got five notifications from the server all at once. He glanced at it, assuming it was just casual conversation with weird timing, but saw each one of them was from Two. The preview of every message read "Tick tock. :)...", and Jackie fumbled to unlock his phone, pulling up the server and the first chat he saw, Phaedo. Everyone active was responding negatively at the code underneath the message, but he saw Chance and Alex mentioning getting onto solving it.
Nic rested his hand on Jackie's arm, hugging him from behind. Jackie relaxed a little, leaning back into the hold and turning off his phone, hoping that someone would get the code quick.
He got his wish; by the time he woke up the next morning, all groups had solved the code and JJ had dm'ed him.
"They're taunting you. You know it's probably a trap, right?"
He pulled up the code, seeing a link that led to a picture of Marvin chained up, the caption reading "Better hurry, hero. Your brother's waiting." With some coordinates attached. He sighed, looking over at Nic who had been working on the code late last night while Jackie had been trying to get information on the cult members. He was curling closer to Jackie's side, still asleep.
He sighed quietly, plugging the coordinates into his map app, seeing that they led scarily close to their current hotel. Anxiety chewed at his nerves, but he ignored it as best he could, finally typing a quick message back to JJ, "I know, but we dont have a choice. I'll be careful."
He turned over, wrapping an arm around Nic and hugging him close for a moment, long enough that he slowly starting waking up, before laying a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Nic was giving him a sleepy smile when he pulled away, and he uttered a soft "Hey."
"Hey. That code last night? Leads to more coordinates. They're nearby, so I'm gonna head out. You should try to stay out of the hotel, just in case it's not a coincidence that they're so close."
Nic yawned and nodded, working his way up but pausing to stretch. Jackie followed suit, pulling the sheets up lazily and moving to find his bag and costume.
10 minutes later, they were both outside, Nic heading towards the local mall, Jackie speed-walking over to the destination from the code. There was nothing on the map in the location, but the cultists had confirmed that they had gotten the answer, so he didnt hesitate more in getting going.
It turns out the map was wrong, he realized as he reached the destination. There was a small, beat up shack, the remnants of a burned house or some small fort, on the property. He heaved a sigh, watching his steps closely as he moved toward the building, texting updates to the group chat.
He stepped onto the foundation, breathing a small sigh of relief that nothing had jumped out and attacked him in the 6 yard gap between sidewalk and cement.
He glanced down at the group chat, seeing Two piping in with a simple "tick tock," repeating themself but setting Jackie's nerves on fire. He buried his anger and confusion at how they got into the locked chat, telling them to fuck off and then saying hed be back soon.
He stayed quiet as he looked around again, turning off his phone and slipping it into his pocket as he passed the blackened remains of a doorframe.
In the corner of the next room was a cellar door, metal and grey, with a rusty padlock keeping chains around the handles. He ripped off the chains easily, pulling the doors open and eyeing the steps warily.
This was so a trap. He sighed again, grabbing one door and pulling it off of the hinges so he had less chance of getting trapped in whatever hell was waiting for him, before finally descending.
His vision didnt change the farther down he went, but he could feel the dull throbbing in his temples that meant his night vision had kicked in.
All around him were cells, empty ones that didnt even have food trays or windows, and definitely no bed. His ears perked as he heard shuffling in one of them farther ahead, looking into it and seeing- "Marvin?"
Jackie was quick to pull open the door, his brother looking up at him with weary eyes, but a small smile twitching up his lips.
"Knew you'd make it. Little help?" Marvin rattled the chains around his wrists, Jackie nodding and pulling them out of the walls, then getting to work on unlocking them from around his limbs.
"You look like shit, Marv." Jackie tried to sound playful, but he had been worried as fuck, and he wasnt totally convinced this wasnt a trap.
"Its this new diet I'm trying: not eating or sleeping for a few days? Maybe you should give it a shot." Jackie snorted, successfully pulling both sets of chains off of Marvin's limbs before noticing the big fucking collar.
"Jesus, 's this overkill or what?" He mumbled under his breath.
"Right, that's what I'm saying, it's not like I- ow- not like I punched him in the throat or anything." Jackie gave him a look. "I didnt! I elbowed his nose. Sam punched him in the throat!"
Jackie tensed up, glancing back through the bars but not seeing anybody. "Sam's here? Who else is?"
"She uh, she was? Anti came and dragged her out a bit before you got here, and she didn't look like she was in the best shape.. You're going after them, right?" The collar came off finally, Marvin grabbing it and setting it aside carelessly. He stood up as Jackie moved backwards, his knees protesting at the movement as blood flooded back into them. He wobbled on his feet, leaning hard against Jackie as his numb feet struggled to support him. "Shit.."
When he was stable enough to stand on his own, Jackie finally responded. "Course I'm going after them, he cant hurt anybody else. Who else is here? Can you get them out?" His mind was racing, his eyes flicking between Marvin's dull ones.
"I.. can try? But my magic.." He tried to create a flame at his fingertips, instead getting small sparks that fizzled out. "Yeah, no. Do you even know where he took her?"
Jackie hesitated before shaking his head. "No. So I'll get everyone out, and then we have to find out how to get them home safe.." Jackie tried to ignore that that would be harder than he made it sound, stepping back into the hallway and onto the next cell.
Finally, all five people stood in the hallway, shaking and crying but unharmed. Marvin led them out, following Jackie's shouted directions, since he held the rear.
As they all climbed out, in an almost single-file orderly line, Jackie heard something. He turned his head, his foot still on the bottom step, only seeing the long hallway with an unnatural darkness at the end of it. His fight or flight kicked in, rocking forward on his toes as he turned back to Marvin, who was holding a hand out to him.
"Jackie dont, you dont know what's in there and we have to get these guys safe."
"I know, but-" tick tock. The sound reverberated off the walls, Jackie looked back and saw a shape forming in the darkness.
"Dont you fucking dare, Jackie come on!" Marvin called, but Jackie didnt look at him, instead stepping down and turning towards the hallway.
"Get them out of here, please. Stay safe," he heard Marvin groan in irritation, before he corralled the people together and led them away. Jackie waited until their steps faded away before he moved down the hall, glancing into every cell as he passed. tick tock.
He stopped and listened as the sound came again, hoping to locate its source but no dice. The echoes had faded when he finally moved again, his pace even slower than before, in case the ticking was a bomb or something similar.
ticktock. He flinched, his head ducking to his left as he swore the sound was right in his ear, nothing more than a quick whisper that had his skin crawling. He looked around hastily, ensuring he wasnt about to be jumped, before he picked up his pace again, realizing that the noises were coming from Anti or similar, not anything that would explode.
He glanced into the next set of cells, tick tock tick. It came from in front of him, so he kept moving. Ticktocktick. He started running, the shape at the end of the hallway solidifying the closer he got. ticktockticktock. The hallway seemed to drag on, he stopped checking the cells, nearly sprinting. tick tock tick tock.
He skidded to a stop as everything warbled around him, the cells fading to dirty plastered walls, ticktocktick, the end of the hallway rushing forward to meet him. He backed up, trying to outrun the stone wall, tick tock tick, but it stopped far before it reached him, blending seamlessly into the rest of the wall before he could blink. ticktock.
He looked around the new room in a rush, realizing the sound was slowing down and he had no idea where he was. tick tock. He walked over to where the stone wall had been, banging against it and hoping to find it hollow. It wasnt though, and he huffed an irritated worried sigh, turning and putting his back to the wall, tick. tock. as he reexamined his surroundings. There was no door, no window, no light source, no pillars, nothing. The walls were bare, the floor was wooden, the ceiling was low and empty.
tick. He heard a glitching sound, his eyes having to readjust to the sudden green light of Anti appearing. In front of the glitch was Sam, struggling desperately against the arm around her throat. tock.
Jackie ran and lunged forward, Anti's cackle echoing around the room as he glitched away. He was kicked from behind, a boot to the center of his back that had him stumbling over his own feet. He swiveled midair, landing on his ass and shielding his face against whatever blow might be coming.
There wasnt one. Instead, Anti stood in front of him, flicking open and closed a knife at his side. His leer was cruel, almost illuminating the rest of his face. Jackie didnt look away, pushing himself to his feet as he forced his heartrate down.
"No witty quips or clever catchphrase, hero?" Anti sneered, his body glitching out.
"Nah, you arent worth the effort. But if you want-"
"If I’m not-" tick, "maybe she is." He smiled, glitching Sam back into the room. She shook her head as she saw them both, quickly hugging herself and backing away. "Or maybe him?" tock, Nic glitched in, looking around the room confused. He glared at Anti as soon as he gained his bearings, reaching out for Jackie.
As his hand brushed the fabric of Jackie’s costume, he was thrown back across the room like he had been shocked. He sat up quickly, seeing Jackie was back against the opposite wall, like he had been shocked too. Nic rushed toward his side, hitting a glass wall after only a couple steps. He hit it hard, staggering back but not falling. He pressed his hands against the pane, turning to glance at his side and seeing Sam with her hands pressed against two glass walls of her own, one separating them.
“Sammy, you okay?” He asked, seeing the bags under her eyes and her shaking arms. She stared blankly out through the glass, giving only a small nod in response.
“You?” Her voice was quiet, hoarse, Nic couldnt tell if it was from screaming or not having water in a few days, but he figured he didnt want to know just yet.
“Uh, was good up until now. We’re gonna be oka-” As if on cue, the sound of rushing water cut him off quickly, and he muttered a soft curse. He looked forward again, seeing Jackie standing up again, with Anti between him and the glass cells.
“Tick tock, Jackaboy. Who’ll you save this time?” Anti glitched away, his voice still reverberating as he spoke again, “My money’s on neither.”
“Fuck you, asshole!” Nic shouted, banging on the glass once before stepping back from it. Anti laughed joyfully, either at Nic or at Jackie running full speed at the glass in front of him.
His body slammed into the wall in front of Nic, the box wobbling back and forth, the water at his feet sloshing around in tandem. He backed up, looking over at Sam and seeing her backed against the wall opposite Nic. She ran forward too, her impact rocking both of their boxes a little. She groaned softly and rubbed her shoulder, backing up again anyway.
“Sam dont, dont hurt yourself. I got this, Im getting you both out of here.” He ran forward again, hearing the glass crack as his arm hit the same spot again. The cage rocked back dangerously far, Nic calling out as he pushed himself forward to offset the weight. It worked, the cage stabilized, and Jackie was ready to run again. “Back up.”
Nic complied, and Jackie ran full speed at the cage, successfully breaking through the glass with his shoulder. He pushed himself through the big fucking hole, further shattering the glass until he could reach Nic.
Sam gasped next to them, but Jackie didnt divert his attention yet. “D-dads, if something happens, you two get out, i love you both, tell everyone im so-” her voice was rushed, but her own screams still cut her off.
Jackie looked over quickly, seeing wires laying in the water at her feet. The electricity off of them was visible, and Sam was fighting to not let her legs give out. Jackie cursed, hastily jumping back from Nic’s cage and readying himself to run again, Nic standing next to him. He didnt object, instead cueing Nic to run with him, the two of them rocking the box back. She yelped as the water climbed higher up her bare legs, but bit her lips and leaned forward against the rocking.
The two of them backed up again, barely waiting for the box to stabilize again before taking off. The glass cracked loudly, a small shatter going across the entire front of the pane. Water started spurting out from the cracks, but it kept climbing higher, soaking her shorts and tank top without going past her belly button yet. She cried out as the electricity increased, her body doubling over and accidentally splashing into the water.
Her voice doubled as Jackie and Nic backed up, Ren trying to take over and front so Sam didnt have to suffer any more. The box rocked back as the shatter got bigger, not breaking but getting close, so close, they were so close.
“We love you both, you can do this, we believe in y-” The electricity increased again, and Ren gasped, feeling her heart beat shudder and fuck up, her breath catching in her throat. She couldnt even cough, the water rising up to her throat making her larynx twitch and close up.
The men, her dad, her dads that she rarely talked to, slammed into the glass, but it bounced them off of it instead of breaking. She heard Anti’s laugh, his cruel, sadistic, grating laugh, before the water rose again, covering her ears and eyes and soon her whole head. She couldnt move, her body was so stiff, she had to swim, had to fucking move, come on, please, but she couldnt force her muscles to tense or relax.
On the other side of the glass, she saw the shapes of Jackie and Nic, still throwing themselves at the glass, she tried so desperately hold her breath, to hold out, to keep herself alive so Sam could hug them both again. The electricity, Anti, was so against her determination though, increasing until she could actually feel her heart struggle to keep pumping as all of her muscles froze up.
She screamed out, seeing the shadows on the other side coming closer again, fucking hoping that this was the one. Her vision went dark all at once, but she didnt hear the glass break. She tried to open her eyes, tried to look out at her family, tried so hard to call out to them, but her body wasnt responding, barely even twitching as the electricity increased more. She didnt even feel it happen; she was gone. 
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faangirl101 · 6 years
Call girl, Part three) Mob!Tom holland x reader
Mobster Tom Holland x call girl reader
Summery:  I worked for Tom holland. He wasn’t my boss though. I worked for a huge illegal company in south london with prostitutes, or as other would say “call girls”. I really don’t know how i ended up as one, it was just the only way to get enough money. In the end it was hard getting out of this kind of business. I was stuck with one of the most dangerous mobsters of london, of freaking england even. He had so much blood on his hands just the thought of it made me shiver. And i was his call girl. This was not going to end well.
WARNINGS: PLEASE READ THESE, post assualt, sexuel assualt, past rape, crying, bruises and bloods, Quite graphic, dont read this if you are a victim of sexuell assualt or is sensitve of it… Thanks!
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All alone, she was livin'
In a world without an end or beginnin'
Baby girl was livin' life for the feelin'
But I don't mind, I don't mind, oh
And all the wrongs she committed
She was numb and she was so co-dependent
She was young and all she had was the city
But I don't mind, I don't mind
Tom was walking, pacing. His shiny shoes hit the the expensive italian rug. Klick. klick. KLICK
Finger on trigger, a shuddered breath and a loud bang. Wetness splashed up my face, painting me red as i screamed my lungs dry. Shot dead. Heart stopped.
I covered my face with my hands. If you traced the markes of the palm you could see previous marks of blood. No matter how much i would wash my hands or bather my hands in hand sanitizer the feeling of blood splattering up over them would never go away. The picture of the mystery man that worked for Anthony Stark sprawled out with a hole between his dead eyes would never go away. I whimpered, my finger digging into my eyelocks trying to push the memorie away. It got through.  
The man was sprawled out on the tile, blood seeking their way through the cracks down to color the water pink. The hole splitting his face between his eyes, his cold eyes. They were watching me. Still dark. But dead. He was dead. The bikini had spots of darker red now all the way up to my face and hands. Blood. There was so much blood.
“Doll?”, The pacing had stopped, the rug finally getting to rest from the heel of his newly polished shoes. I looked up,my eyes  leaving the safe damp inside of my palms. Tom was worried.. or furious. He was hard to read. His stance was angry, his back not even close to being slumped as mine but straight. His hands was positioned behind his back locked with each other like if he tried to stop himself from punching something. His face was twisted, his cheeks pulled in like if he’s biting the insides of them, his eyes dark and dipped in dangerous, his entire face tense, his entire posture tense. He was angry i decided to settle on. Why would he be worried? He didn't give two shits about me. I opened my mouth, my throat choking out something i thought would be words but ended up being a bunch of sobs. My throat was drenched in salty tears and snot. Tom kept his eyes over me, dragging them over every expression i showed. He probably thought i was weak. This was definitely not the first time he saw a man die. This was not the first time he was behind the gun.
“Happy”, Tom called, his voice husky and almost tired “get one of the maids to help her, i have business to take care off”. Then he left, his steps quicking away. I was left alone with this… happy guy. He was the opposite of happy, his eyes trailing over me with not a ounce of emotion. I blocked out the next things that happened, to busy trying to gather myself. A woman in a maid clothing had entered the room. She was pretty, her cheeks pink and her eyes brown and caring. She told me her name… Mary? Maya? May? I didn't know, didnt really care. It was to much. Then it was to little. I was empty, and it scared me. It scared me how little i cared, how little i wanted to cry. I just wanted to…. make everything stop. I wanted everyone to shut up. I want to go to bed and never wake up. Tom had killed him. Tom had taken a life, had pulled a trigger and sent a bullet into a man's brain. He had just made the guy… disappear. He was wiped from earth. He would never return…. And…. i didn't care. My heart was numb, my empathy gone with the wind on the roof. With the windex used to clean away the blood. With the water ready to swallow up every drop of blood. I just didn't care.
And I know
That she's capable of anything, it's riveting
But when
You wake up she's always gone, gone, gone, oh
“No”, He yanked me back, his steady grip tight around my wrist. I tried to rip myself away from him even if i already knew it was pointless. “Stop”, he began, his voice tired. That's when i realized how exhausted he must be. A man from his rivalry got inside his highly secured private home and tried to kill his property, his call girl.He probably haven't slept at all, to busy trying to think out revenge and all the moles of his home. “Let me go!”, he pulled me closer “please Sir!”. He looked down at me, his eyes surrounded by dark heavy circles from the lack of sleep. “I'm not going to let you leave, i'm sorry”, his voice was low, sending a shiver down my spine “For you to leave it's exactly what he wants, You're safer here”. I finally got loose from his grip and pressed myself up against the wall. I rested the back of my head against it “you don't understand, sir, He is a old client of mine”. The hand Tom had prisoned me to the wall with fell down to his side. He actually looked genuinely surprised. “I was pregnant and he found out and abused my belly until i got a miscarriage. I was angry, furious, heartbroken. So, i left, stole around a 20 000 dollars from him and ran away, sir”. Tom didn't say anything, his eyebrows were furrowed as if he urged me to go on. “I hurt his pride and now”, i sighed and closed my eyes “he’s out to get me. I know you already are rivales and all that but, Tom, In his eyes it looks like you hired me just to get on his nerves. I put you in danger”. When i opened my eyes i had time to catch the flash of anger moving in his eyes. He pursed his lips together “So what? You just expected me to let you climb out that window like you were going to and run away? You're mine, It's my responsibility to protect you, okay? And if you really stole all that money he will find you eventually.. You're safer here”. I stayed quiet, my eyes searching his. This man was confusing but it wasn't my place to ask questions.
In the night she hears him calling
In the night she's dancin' to relieve the pain
She'll never walk away
I don't think you understand
In the night when she comes crawlin'
Dollar bills and tears keep fallin' down her face
She'll never walk away
I don't think you understand
“Are you okay”, Toms shadow stood in the doorway “for real, doll”. I didn't answer, didnt even bother to look up. My limbs were going soft, my head heavy. I wanted to sleep but every time i shut my eyes all i saw was red and silver from the bullet. The bed weighed down when Tom sat on it, his hand automatically landing on the small of my back. “Hey”, the hand moved up my spine “what do you need?”. I buried myself deeper into the pillow ignoring how it would rub around my mascara. “Nothing, sir”, i muttered, my voice thick in my throat. His hand stopped, a finger brushing under the  shirt. His touch were warm, sending a wave of comfort into my body. He felt safe. Felt like home. I needed him. I got up on my knees, his hand still supporting me. Smoothly i threw a leg over his thigh and wrapped my body around his waist. He raised an eyebrow, his chestnut eyes following my body. “Sir”, my hand grabbed his face softly, his silk locks rubbing against my palms “i just need one thing”. Tom held eye contact while his hands started wandering up my back “Anything, Doll”. I let out a breath over his face, confident knowing i just brushed my teeth. “Anything?”, i asked in the most innocent way possible, my voice clinging in a high pitch soft childish way. He nodded, no doubt in his dark pupils. My finger moved further down his head until they were stroking his jaw. I slowly brought his face closer as i felt his hands stop rubbing my back. “I want you”, I let my eyes wander down to his cupid bow soft lips “to kiss me”. Tom sighed, his hands dropping to his sides. He moved against the will of my hands to look at a spot at the wall. Another sigh “you know i can't do that”. All i needed was a peck, his lips soft against mine. All i needed was a sign of real affection, i… i just wanted all my thoughts to focus on him. “Please”, i begged, my hips rolling against his lap, rocking our bodys together. He turned his eyes back to mine, watching mine glazer in tears. “Y/n”, he began but couldn't finish as i buried my face in the crook of his neck. The first sob left my body, collide right into his heart. Tears wet his expensive shirt, leaving trace of my fluttering damp eyelashes. His hand returned to my back, but his strong hand stroking my spine didn't make me cry less. The little sign of affection just made me sob harder. “Please stop”, it was just a soft whisper, not alike at all to the dangerous mobster “i hate when people cry”. I moved closer to him, ashem to show my wrecked up side. “Please”, I thought i would never hear the mob beg but here he was, whispering in my ear for dear life. “I-m so-or-ry”, i sobbed, trying to gather all my out spilled emotions only to fail miserly. He hushed me, his index finger moving under my jaw to lift my head up. I saw the mirroring of my own destroyed expression in his dark eyes. Both his hands were now holding up the sides of my head, like if he tried to keep me from crying down more of his shirt. For the first time ever i saw a flash of doubt move across his chestnut orbs, maybe just for a second but it was there. Then, with that, he leaned in slowly and impacted his soft thin lips against mine. It was barely anything, no one of us dared to move. The tears that spotted my lips made the kiss sting of salt. It lasted for 10 seconds at least, but even in such a short time it replaced the tears with a thankful glimpse in my eyes. Centimeters apart he stopped, so close i could feel the every rise of his chest and every breath he let out. “Fuck it”, he muttered for himself as his hands forcefully crashed his own lips against mine. In shock i responded to his moving lips in a instant. His tongue swiped to the inside of my mouth. Tom holland was a man known for multitasking and one's again he didn't disappoint me. While kissing me hard he switched our position so he was hoarding over me and totally devouring my mouth. My heart swell every time his eyelashes fluttered over my cheek.
I was really over here catching feelings for a mobster?
Oh baby
I don't think you understand
I don't think you understand
I don't think you understand
Oh no, no
I don't think you understand
theopiateclub rofromtheashes  dumb-bitch-stole-my-nutella lafayettes-baguettes-1 mikahjussi littletinydevil  upsidedownwaffle  supernaturallover2002  lightlikearose   pignolithecookie  awkwardviccake  smexylemony tomblrholland  muufffiiiiiiiiinnnnnn casualprincess77 theroleplayer-gameaddiction   ridingbuckysthighsforaliving  avahodge l4life
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lostandbrokenshell · 5 years
Darkest Before Dawn Part 13
Farcry 5 fanfic. Rated M for Mature language and sexual reference. No pairing or plans for smutt.
“By the Father these crates are heavy.”
“Dont let John hear you, hes been in a rage ever since he came back from the ranch.”
“That sinner sister isn’t going to see the light. Shes going to stay a sinner and burn up in the hell fire in the collapse with the rest of the sinners.”
“You heard The Father. He said he seen her in New Eden. I believe in him, theres time for her believe in the word.”
“I hope your right. Lets load them into the elevator and bring them down right away. Try and get ahead of schedule.”
Your breath was a little shallower than you wanted and you where having a hard time not panicking. Your sure everyone heard their talk and you where wondering what New Eden was. Was it the name of one of the bunkers? You chew on your lip nervously as you waited for them to finish unloading and leave. Slowly you poke your head out, coast was clear so you climb out quietly. You help some of the others out and you all look around at each other, you made it inside.
“Lets move slowly and remember, we need to look at the other peggies like we belong, not like we hate them.” You say quietly. Slowly you all start going down the hallways, there was cells, you where on the right floor. As luck would have it the first group of peggies you run into was also at the time the alarm went off. They started the assault at the front of the bunker.
“We will stay here and hold the floor, you go see if you can provide reinforcement.” Ted said in a gruff voice. “For the Father!”
“For the Father!” They yelled as they ran to go upstairs.
“Do you know where door releases are?” Nick asked to the people in the cells, who seemed really surprised at the question.
“No, its all in one control room, damn Nick Rye is that you? Damn theres a lot of you here!” One of them replied confused.
Nick nodded. “Ya its me, the calvary is with me. We got extra pistols to arm you all, we’re going to get you out and take this place.” Thankfully the prisoners kept their cool and didn’t get roudy. But you could see the excitement and relief on their faces they started hugging each other.
“It might be down that hall.” One of them pointed after a second. “Dont know for sure but I think i might of heard something.”
“Split up, find the release spread the word to the prisoners to keep it cool when the doors swing open.” Grace said calmly everyone nodded and you all split up. Nick went in the direction the prisoner pointed in everyone else went at random.
Eventually you find a big apartment like room, it was well put together. Is this Johns room? You think as you go in, it was spacious meticulous, shiny. It was definitely Johns room. The living room, kitchen dining room where combined it was completely open.
There was a painting of all four of you as kids hanging above a couch, it was based of of a picture. You remembered that day, Jacob stole a disposable camera for you, you took all kinds of pictures of everything. Eventually when it got to the last picture you begged your brothers to take the picture with you. It was at the school park, you where on Jacobs back Joseph was beside him and John was in front of them both. In the original picture he has his tounge sticking out, in the painting he was just smiling. You haven’t seen the picture since you where taken from your parents. Did John have it all this time?
“That picture was the only thing, I could hide from my adopted parents.” You heard from behind you. John came into the room his sleeves where rolled up and he had blood on him. He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards you he was looking at your outfit. “Dressed up as my men? And that got you in?”
“Not really, a little more to it than that.” You reply nervously.
He came over and hugged you tightly then let go keeping you at arms length. “They use to beat me, my adopted parents. To confess my sins, my lies. They where convinced i was tainted in my soul, that i was always doing something wrong. It didn’t matter if I didn’t do anything, they wanted to hear yes, so i told them yes. I made things up, what ever they wanted to hear, its what they wanted. So i gave it to them, and i got good at it, the stories, convincing people.” He gave you a smile and pointed to the painting. “I managed to grab the picture i put it in one of my books before they took us. I kept it to myself for selfish reasons, then when we got split up, it was all i had. If they knew about that picture, It would have been taken away from me. It was all i had left of my family that loved me, it was the only thing I could keep hidden.”
“Jesus John.” You whisper you couldn’t really believe what he was telling you. You knew he wasn’t lying and that broke you. “Please come with me John.” You plead. “Stop this, stop hurting people. Theres more of us in here, we probably let go and armed your prisoners. Its over. Come with me, give yourself up.”
“I cant do that JoJo.” He replied. “You belong with us, here, with your family that loves you.”
“Your right John, and there’s nothing more i want than to be with my family, i moved a long ways to be here. But what you are all doing, i can NOT get behind. It goes against who i am.”
“The people need saving, we can save them. Save you, Joanne.”
“John please, we can still walk out of here. You can walk out of here let me take you into custody please.”
“I would rather die than give up.”
“That can be arranged.” You both turn around and Hudson was standing there with Nick. She looked banged up, some very recent cuts and bruises. It was probably her blood on him, with out hesitation she had her gun out and shot three times.
John instantly fell back hitting the ground you felt your body go into muscle memory mode and immediately kick in to paramedic gear. You dropped beside him and ripped his shirt open to look at the wounds. One shot looked like it just missed his heart two where right by his lungs. You could see bubbles forming at one of the wounds by his lungs with his breathing. You felt tears roll down your face.
He was watching your face. “How long.” He asked coughing up blood, at least one of the bullets hit his lung.
“Maybe half hour maybe. If you dont drown in your blood, its going to pool in your chest and collapse your lungs further, if you dont die from blood loss first.” You say your voice was shaky, and you where trying to keep it together as much as you could.
Slowly John put his hand by his waist and grabbed his knife, you could hear someone shift getting ready behind you. He took your hand and put it on the handle and positioning it above his heart. “You always had a way of standing your ground.” He coughed.
“I tried to get my adopted parents to find you, adopt you to. I had nightmares about when they split us up, use to wake up screaming for you all. It was always that fire, you holding me as i cried. I felt so bad, like it was my fault because they hit me for not doing what i was told. The moments that where the worst was when the police where trying get us all into different cars. You bit that officer, then Jacob head butted him after he called you a little shit.” You couldn’t help but smile a little. “You tried so hard to hold on.”
“You dont need someone to hold onto now. Your strong enough to keep yourself safe.” His words where laboured and slightly gurgled as he struggled to breathe. You felt his hand push down and you helped push down the knife to.
“Go help the others. I need a few minutes.” You say your voice cracking you where trying your best not to loose it.
“You sure?” Nick asked.
You nod. “They need the help more than me.” You heard them leave slowly, you where sure they felt conflicted on leaving you.
You kept it together for a few minutes after they left before you lost it. You ran your fingers through your hair grabbing onband curl up sobbing hard. After a few minutes you sit up still crying and see the dining room table. You felt a prickle of anger so you go over and throw the chairs against the wall. You look around and start throwing things all over the place, as long as it looked like it would break before it hit. Slowly you stop and wipe the tears from your face and take a deep breath. You noticed a room off of the kitchen the door was open slightly. It had monitor screens everywhere video from all over the bunker you could see the whole battle. The resistance was winning, the peggies outside the bunker where worn thin and hurt. The resistance had all the prisoners free and quickly overwhelmed and taken guns from the peggies. They where pushing up and no matter what there was no escape. You also noticed a P.A system that seemed to be linked outside as well.
You take another deep breath. “You got this.” You say softly to your self. “You can talk to the people with out sounding like a hot mess, you can do this.” You click on the speaker button. “To those fighting for Edens Gate, Johns dead. Your trapped, your have resistance members coming up behind you, you have resistance members breaking down the door in front of you. Those who lay down their arms and give up will not be killed. Their has been enough death for the day.” You watched as a number of peggies stopped and gave up, it only took 15 minutes after that for the fighting to end. You had successfully taken the bunker.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with a new year comes new challenges...
Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: happy new year~ *kiss* Kid: *smiles* "The best start..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *snores* tsubaki:.... *forehead kiss* happy birthday. Black Star: =w= *yawns* "Thanks..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." naoya: oooi, akuta. Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Wha?" naoya: happy new year. *hands him a beer can* Akutagawa: "???" *looks at the can* naoya: hey, you're gonna be 21 this year, so why not something early? Akutagawa: "..." *opens the can...sniffs--and scrunches his face* >_< naoya: relax, its not gonna bite, haha. Akutagawa: "Hope it tastes better than it smells..." *sip* "..." naoya: well? Akutagawa: "...I’ve tasted worse." naoya: see? there ya go! *pats his back* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: *opens her eyes* "...New Year." atsushi: yeah. lets make this one a great one! Kyoka: "..." *fist bump* atsushi: *fist bump* ^^ -elsewhere- Burns: "...It won't come off." foien: yeah, it's going to be a while. *cough* -elsewhere- shinra:.....dang, cant believe we'll be in the collage program this year.... Arthur: "Then comes the knight school." shinra: not even going to question it. tamaki: -_-; Relan: *filling in his schedule* iris: *smiles* Relan: "Which classes were you thinking, Iris?" iris: i think taking up a theology class might help. and maybe natural studies. Relan: *nods* "You'll be good in those, especially for botany...I'm still looking at math classes..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Back to the grind..." ochako: yeah.... Todoroki: "...Looking forward to continuing your internship?" ochako: *nods* Todoroki: "...Let's do our best, then." ochako:....hey, todoroki? Todoroki: "Yes?" ochako: why did you chose endeavour's agency? Todoroki: "..." *looks at his left hand* "If I want to learn how to use my Quirk, I thought learning from the person from whom I inherited it, and who used it to rise to Number Two Hero, would be a start..." ochako:...even after he- Todoroki: "...This is something I have to try, at least...I'm not saying I'm giving him a chance...but my mother told me...this is my power..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...I want to see what I can do with it...I don't know." ochako:...if that's the case. i believe in you! ^^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *flipping pancakes* sonia: *coloring* Chuuya: "Just about done. Sonia, please set the table." sonia: ok. *doing so* Chuuya: *sets out maple syrup and berries* "Excited for the new year?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And school?" sonia:...i guess. Chuuya: "Well, you'll get to learn more about drawing, math, reading, science...Can meet some new friends..." sonia: ..... Chuuya: "And I'll be at a school, too, so it'll be like we're both going through it together..." sonia: but papa wont be at the school i'll be at... Chuuya: "...Well, yeah, I know--I just meant, you know, even if we're in different physical locations, we're...still in the same place?" ^^; sonia: .... Chuuya: "...You'll have to go to school at some point. And if there is ever any problem, me, or Granny, or Gin, or someone will be there to pick you up." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "You can pick out your own backpack, too." -elsewhere- Meme: *pours milk* mio: *yaaaaawns* Meme: "Good morning!" mio: *hug from behind* happy new year.... =///= Meme: ^\\\\^ "Happy new year to you." *pats Mio's hand* -elsewhere- Joker: *blows a party favor* scarlet: *groans* its too early in the morning for this... Joker: "..." *sets out medicine and coffee* "Maybe we all overdid it." ivy: zzzzzzzzzzzz Joker: "...So, new year's resolution: flush out the Hoods..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *his head is bandaged* prisoner: jeez, you look fucked up. Kunikida: "..." *picks up his chalk, writes again on the wall* -elsewhere- Gin: *dries plate* "Here you go." higuchi: thanks for staying the night *kiss on the cheek* Gin: =\\\\= "Happy to. Did you sleep okay?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Excited to be going back to classes?" izumi: yep. Spirit: "And your course schedule looks good. Just watch out for certain teachers." izumi: noted. Spirit: "Any clubs you're joining?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." mii: *mreeeow* Mori: "???" mii: are you quite well now? Mori: "I don't know. I keep thinking abouDID YOU JUST TALK?!" mii: hmm, perhaps i should take a form you would be more familiar with? Mori: *curled up in the corner, staring* Q____Q souseki: hmm. still unwell, lad? Mori: "S-Sir? Y-Yes...I want her back." souseki: have you been focusing your ability? Mori: "I-I can't...My mind is clouded with memories..." souseki: hmm... Mori: "..." *holds out a hand...it shakes* *Something shimmers along his hand...* souseki: ?? *Something like...a face seems to pass along the shimmer--then fades into nothing* Mori: "D-Damn..." souseki: hmmm.... Mori: "Sir...I'm forgetting what she looked like." souseki: dont you have a photograph of her? Mori: "A photograph cannot capture every second of her that was burned into my brain, its flames cooled by the passage of time and...and whatever has happened to me." souseki: hmmm... Mori: "...I don't know..." *brushes a hand through his hair* "...I feel sick..." -elsewhere- taoka: .... pixie: so boooored.... Member #1: *filing their nails* lust oni: *whistling* Member #1: "...Maybe play a game?" lust oni: who's up for darts? Member #2: "T-The pointy kind?" lust oni: *holding up a few darts* mmhmm~<3 Member #2: *twitchy smile* "I-I like the p-p-p-pointy ones..." *takes one carefully* pixie: is this a good idea? greed oni: nah, he's gonna be fine....maybe. Member #2: *toss* -15 pts- pixie: not bad! Member #2: "Hee hee...Your turn!" pixie: *toss* -10 pts- =3= boo. Member #2: "Too bad!" *picks up another one...tosses--* -5 pts- greed oni: you were saying? Member #2: "..." *eye twitch* pixie: *sticks her tongue out* ^u^ Member #2: *summons a flaming mantis pincer--aiming for Pixie's tongue* pixie: *jumps up onto the ceiling* tsk-tsk. Member #2: "..." *stares at Pixie...licks their lips* "Just toss your dart..." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: zzzzz Neuhaus: *sets down the tea...sits by the bed* -a tiny jorogumo is on her head- jorogumo: zzzzz Neuhaus: "!!!" jorogumo: o^o ~? Neuhaus: "..." *whispers* "Why are you here?" jorogumo: ?? Neuhaus: "...Just...please, don't hurt her..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *stares* "...Maybe we should sell this thing?" Agey: D:< medea:....perhaps take it to the curator? Kepuri: "??? Curator?" medea: in the land of nod....it's a shop. chie: oh, didnt we sell that demon teddy to them? Yohei: *bad memories* Q____Q;;; chie: *protective shadow hug* Yohei: =~= Agey: "Now see here!" *pokes his finger into Medea's nose* "My brain contains more knowledge in it than your pinky! I am not some toy you can just trade for playing cards or whatever you children do nowadays!" medea: ....i'll deliver him myself. if it's a way to bring myself redemption.... Agey: D:< "I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A HUMAN BEING!" Kepuri: "...A tanuki-looking human being..." >3> -elsewhere- kim: *sneeze* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Family jewels, bitches!" mimeca: \(^o^)/ PlushFix: "Damn right!" *holds up the newspaper* "We break in, we take, we rich!" -elsewhere- Alone: "You gonna eat that, Grimoire?" *his eye is bandaged* grimoire:...not hungry. Alone: "..." *shrugs, takes the muffin* "So..." *nom* "When we leaving?" grimoire:...... Alone: "...Tomorrow? Next week?" *wagging his tail* -elsewhere- Haumea: "...Okay. Who did this?" *points at her crown--which has googly eyes glued to it* guruna: OuO *shaking* arrow:....*glances at friz, bee, and jonah* Jonah: *whistles innocently* Friz: "I swear, I have no idea how--" Bee: "Friz did it." Friz: "JUDAS!" arrow: -_-; Haumea: "..." *flicks Bee in the forehead* Bee: *coughs up blood, falls back* "Wh-Why--" Haumea: "Snitching is a sin." guruna: roost in persimmon. Friz: ^w^ "Well, that's--" *BANG* guruna: O-O;;; Haumea: *flicked Friz* Friz: XwX -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." ("Still no text message reply...") inko: waiting for a call? Izuku: "I have been texting Iida, but he hasn't replied..." inko: you two arent fighting, are you? Izuku: "I-I don't think so? I just...wanted to reach out after his brother's injury..." inko: ah. Izuku: "...Mom? Do I give him his space? Do I wait for him to ask for help?" inko: i guess let him talk to you first? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah..." *sets his phone down* -elsewhere- Gopher: *with game controller* "So...Which classes did you pick?" kirika: i think i work well with the thief class. fast and able to steal the enemy's shit. Gopher: "Seems appropriate..." *selects an angel character* "And classes at school this semester?" kirika: infiltration? if thats a thing. Gopher: "I think so. Mr. Sid and Miss Mira teach some...So, you'll be a ninja?" kirika: maybe, sounds pretty badass. Gopher: ^w^ "Yep!--angelic badass ninja thief..." kirika: fuck yeah. -elsewhere- Katai: "Keek, you see this?" *pulls up photos on his laptop* "Anyone look familiar?" keek: *examining* ... Katai: *taps a key--and two photos appear* "These were taken within seconds of each other..." *there's a person missing in the photo on the left* "The older one was altered..." keek: hm... Katai: "...I don't know--this is so confusing..." *puts in eyedrops* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: *making lunch* Kuro: *sniffs--bolts upright* "What are you making?" mahiru: omelets. Kuro: *already seated at the table with a bib on* "Let's dine." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Giriko: *sets down the sippy cup* "Thirsty, kiddo?" anna: ba! Giriko: "You got it." *offers it* "Drink up." -elsewhere- higuchi: ..... Gin: "Ichiyou?" higuchi: *almost falls out of her chair* O///o Gin: *catches her* "Easy." higuchi: im g-ay!. im been im ok-ood, i mean....*ahem* thanks. Gin: "..." *cheek smooch* higuchi:... ^/////^ Gin: "...Something troubling you?" higuchi: ...*rubs eye* still miss her, i guess.... Gin: *nods* "How long has it been?" higuchi: .....about half a year now.... Gin: "...Rain's child will need more than just mourning for her." higuchi:...*she nods* Gin: "And...have you been looking more into what Mori was doing?" higuchi:...a little bit.... Gin: "Any discoveries?" higuchi: .... i found her head...... Gin: *eyes widen* higuchi: it was so...surreal...like some weird nightmare........the letters....the photos....the journal....*gags slightly* Gin: *rubs her back* *nods* "...I know..." higuchi:....i think i know....at least one of his agendas......he-he was...trying to produce an heir... Gin: "..." *shudders* "Him procreating...minus Sonia, of course, is disgusting." higuchi: h-he's sick....amongst the girl's blood....he was...looking for a potential mo- Gin: "...'Potential'...?" higuchi: *shaking, clutching her stomach* m-moth-.... Gin: *holds her, shushes* "Okay...I understand..." higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: "He's not here...You're safe. Sonia is safe..." higuchi: r-right....d-does hirotsu know about this? Gin: "..." *shakes her head* "I haven't told him...because you're still in charge." higuchi: hmm....he's doing a good job, keeping things together. Gin: *nods* "He's dealt with Mori and Tachihara long enough..." higuchi: *chuckles* Gin: *smiles* "Have some faith in him...And in the rest here. They are containing the situation as best as they can." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "...I'll give you $45." medea: very well. Agey: "WHY DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS--" Mikuni: "Johan, want to play~?" -elsewhere- Iida: *walking to the train* ???: iida! Iida: *looks up* "???" -its ochako and izuku- ochako: so you're heading back to hosu town, huh? Iida: "Yes. I am." ochako: ah. good luck on your internships then! ^^ Iida: "Yes. Thank you." Izuku: "...Iida, we're friends..." Iida: "..." ochako: and we're here for you, 110%! Izuku: "And if you ever need to talk--" Iida: "Thank you. Sincerely." ochako: .... Iida: *smiles* "I will be fine. No need to worry." Todoroki: "..." *watching from a few feet away* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I have an update on the Nomu..." tomura: oh? Kurogiri: "Three are ready. If we wait a few more weeks--" tomura: ahhhhh im getting tired of waiting...*scratch scratch scratch* Kurogiri: "...Perhaps speak with Sensei." tomura:....*turns on the intercom* Sensei: "Yes?" tomura: what's our next plan? Sensei: "That depends. What did you learn from your lesson with Mr. Stain?" tomura: ...i learned that he's a dick. Sensei: "...That...wasn't quite the lesson I wanted you to take away. Didn't his conviction tell you anything?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *knock knock* gran torino: i dont want what yer selli-... oh, its you. Izuku: "Y-Yes, sir! Izuku Midoriya! UA student! Date of birth July 15--" gran torino: for the love of fuck man, INHALE! Izuku: *deep inhale* "S-S-So, you remember me?" QWQ gran torino: hard not to, kid. yer interning, right? Izuku: "Still am, sir! Just returning from winter break, and I'm excited to pick up our lessons where we left out towards fully embracing my Quirk--" gran torino: you got yer backpack? Izuku: "Right here!" *it's heavy and towers over him* gran torino: good, cause we're goin' on a lil holiday soon to hosu town. Izuku: O_O "...Seriously?" -elsewhere- Endeavor: "And my team of experts have limited sites of the most intense crime to this general area." Todoroki: "...But that is outside of Death City." intern: ._. Endeavor: "And that's where we'll be! My researchers weren't just wiping their noses--they were scouting this city out! Isn't that right, Einstein?!" intern: my name is char- Endeavor: "See? They agree with me. Now pack up--our limo comes in 20 minutes." -elsewhere- Uwabami: "Welcome back, dears~!" momo: *nods* itsuka: *wave* hey. Uwabami: "How were your breaks?" *hands a tablet with her schedule to Momo, and a mirror to Itsuka--as she starts adjusting her hair* -elsewhere- Ojiro: [let me know when you land in chicago] hagakure: [k] .... -elsewhere- Burns: "Finally..." *dries his face* "...Clear my schedule tomorrow." dia: understood... Burns: "...Are you taking another personal day?" dia: *shakes her head* Burns: "Good. Keep everything in order." -elsewhere- Bon: *reading* konekomaru: *taking notes* Shima: *setting his head down on the desk...nodding off* -elsewhere- Medusa: "And does Neian like her snake toy?" *washing her in the sink* neian: *babble* ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* "And snakes are your friends...You'll see all kinds of abilities they have..." *pours water along her back* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: ... Fyodor: "Guard, I had said I wanted a radio..." guard: alright. *hands him a small radio through the food slot* Fyodor: "..." -_- "How am I to turn it on? With my toes?" guard: *shrug* Fyodor: "..." *small grunt, trying to reach the dial with his toes--* -radio static- Fyodor: "..." *tries to turn the dial* -country station- Fyodor: -_-# "No." *turns more* -classical station- Fyodor: "..." *sigh of relief* =w= -elsewhere- Assi: "You like that scarf, huh?" mono: =///n///= Assi: *smiles* "It not only looks fashionable, but it's excellent for staying warm in cold winters--" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, Flowers, how did you find your lackey?" shaula: you mean beatrice? well, its an interesting story. long ago, she was just some wandering killer, murdering all in her path, i beat her in a fight, and she became my maid ever since~ beatrice: 7///7; PlushFix: " 'Beat her'? What, like your slave?" beatrice: i had attacked her and she defeated me in combat. -_-; shaula: what she said. PlushFix: "...So, B, what keeps you around? I mean, why not run away?" beatrice:.... 7///7 loyalty. hina:....she's doing you, aint she? shaula: yyuuuuup. beatrice: -///-; l-lady shaula, please. PlushFix: "...That's hot. Ever need a plushie to curl up with?" -punt out the window- beatrice: =_=# -elsewhere- Kyoka: *shoulder poke* atsushi: IMAWAKE! Kyoka: o_o "...I just wanted to say dinner's ready." atsushi: oh. right. haha ^^; Kyoka: "...Did you not sleep well?" *scoops rice* atsushi: *yaaaawn* long night, i guess.... Kyoka: "Maybe take a bath after dinner and get to bed." atsushi: good call. Kyoka: "Tomorrow will be another study prep meeting." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "Then we're searching for more clues." *passes a bowl of curry* -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie: ^u^ aww. Yohei: *smooch* "To a new year..." chie: indeed. *looks at her reflection* might get my hair cut shorter... Yohei: "That'd look good..." *brushes a hand along her hair* "Better ask Toru, too." -elsewhere- Black Star: =w= tsubaki: *rubbing his head* have a nice birthday? Black Star: *nods* "Gifts were great...Food was even better..." *cuddle* tsubaki: that's good. *smooch* Black Star: =\\\\= "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding under a blanket* mary: you ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: =3= *wags his tail* mary: do you want the brush? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* mary: *picks him up and sits on the bed with him in her lap as she brushes his fur* brushy brushy~ Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\\= *calms down* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a newspaper report* miwa so what's new? Akitaru: "...Can I let you in on something?" miwa: sure, whats up? Akitaru: "Burns is wanting to talk to Shinra..." *the newspaper article in front of him is a report of what happened at Shinra's house* miwa: !! Akitaru: "...It's going to be rough, whatever he's going to tell Shinra." miwa: cant even imagine.... Akitaru: "...As he's with the First, Burns knows things we at the Eighth haven't even found yet. And he keeps it to himself..." miwa: maybe we can help? Akitaru: "We'd appreciate it. And with Burns snooping around..." tamaki: *from behind a wall* ....... Akitaru: "Try to keep Tamaki and Nozomi occupied." miwa: can do. tamaki:...*walking away* Victor: *spots Tamaki* "???" tamaki:..... {guruna: we're children of misfortune after all~} tamaki:....... Victor: *waves* "Hello?" tamaki: *snaps back angrily* what?! Victor: .__O *leaps back* "N-Nothing?" tamaki:...im going to bed... Victor: "G-Good night?" *looks around, nervous* -morning- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." -alarm clock going off- Steinbeck: *waves his hand to hit the alarm* -got it- Steinbeck: =_= *yawns* twain: *asleep in his own room, sleeping in a hammock* Steinbeck: "Thank goodness for small miracles..." *gets out of bed, pulls on his shirt before stepping outside* oscar: good morning, johnny boy, up and early today? Steinbeck: "Have to be to keep this organization moving." *preps the coffee machine* "What about you?" oscar: just got up early, i suppose~ *wearing a pink, satin robe with faux fur trim* Steinbeck: "Hmm...How far along is breakfast?" oscar: ernest said he'd make breakfast today. Steinbeck: "...What, he's fishing again?" oscar: *chuckles* oh you silly boy. *pap pap* Steinbeck: -_- *FWOOM* Steinbeck: o_O Ernest: "..." *exits...his shoulder has a small flame on it* "Eggs are done!" baum: .___. my bacon..... Q___Q ebie: Q^Q;;; *holds wilbur close to her* twain: *pokes head in* i smell food. Ernest: "Eh, some yogurt will help that bacon, Baumie." *hard slap on the back* baum: oof- >3< dorothy: M'n'M pancakes please. Steinbeck: -_-# "Check the heat setting, Ernest..." Ernest: "Pancakes, I can do!" *flips one--and it lands on Steinbeck's face* twain:...*eats it* yum! Steinbeck: *still has M&M's stuck on his face* -_-# Ernest: *whistles, returns to work...* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his coffee* Mr. Tsubaki: *at his feet, gnawing on a chicken bone* louisa: good morning. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Morning. We have English biscuits." mary: yay! Fitzgerald: "Granted, they don't hold a candle to American bisc--" bram: i'll just have some tea right now....my stomach isnt agreeing with me today. Mr. Tsubaki: *loud yawn* =n= Fitzgerald: "??? Sorry to hear that, Little Sport." *pours the hot water* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Zzz..." -is that...the smell of coffee?- Shamrock: *yawns* *sits up* "..." *gets up, puts on his robe, heads to the kitchen* -elsewhere- katya: *HURRK* pushkin: *pats her back* you gonna be ok? katya: MY MOUTH TASTES LIKE SADNESS AND BAD DECISIONS! pushkin: *pap pap* Motojiro: *pops up* "Maybe some lemon medicine to settle your tummy?" pushkin: .-. how did you get into our apartme- Motojiro: "Ankle bracelets." pushkin:......what? katya: the fuck? Motojiro: "And I jimmied your lock." *drops the tablet into a glass of water, squeezes a lemon* "Sip slowly." katya: ....... Motojiro: owo "Is it good?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." -phone buzzes- Chuuya: *picks up the phone* naoya: mornin' Chuuya: "Morning...What's up?" naoya: how's everything on your end? Chuuya: "Okay. Trying to get Sonia excited about school." naoya: ah, well akuta's a bit hungover here... Chuuya: "...Why is he hungover, Naoya?" naoya: he maaay have had a bit much from the beer can i gave him ^^; Chuuya: "Naoya. How old is Akutagawa?" naoya: he's gonna be 21 soon! Chuuya: "DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK HE'S READY FOR THAT-- Akutagawa: "Put on the music--I want to sing!" *clutches his head* "Ow..." naoya: ._.; ok ok! i admit, i might have fucked up a bit there. Akutagawa: Q____Q "It all hurts...Rashomon, save me..." Chuuya: "...Do I need to head over?" rashomon: *pap pap* naoya: if you can...but you probably need to spend time with sonia, so i wont force ya. Chuuya: *sigh* "I can ask someone to take her out shopping..." naoya: ...alright. Chuuya: "Okay, bye." *hangs up* "..." *exits his bedroom* mito: o^o Chuuya: *pets* "Hungry, Mito?" mito: *mew* Chuuya: *pulls out a dish and food, sets it down* mito: *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *strokes* "Sonia? You up?" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *walks to Sonia's room* "Sonia?" sonia: *asleep, cuddling her teddy* Chuuya: *rests a hand on her shoulder* sonia: =u= Chuuya: "Time to wake up, sweetie." sonia: *shifting in bed* mm... Chuuya: "Sonia? You okay?" sonia: *yawns and rubs her eyes* nhuh? Chuuya: "I'm about to make breakfast." sonia: ok....*yaaaawn* Chuuya: "Anything you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: =~= fuckin' cramps.... Kid: *sets down the ice pack* "Anything else I should bring?" *opens the grocery bag, removes chocolates* stocking: =3= hot water bottle please. Kid: *nods* "I'll fill it up. Just hang in there..." stocking: TT~TT Kid: *heads into the kitchen, heats up water* -elsewhere- Katai: "All set?" aya: yep, this should be everything. Katai: "And here's your lunch." aya: ok. Katai: "And call if there is an emergency. And take this for safety--" *holds up a pillow cushion* aya: .-.; Katai: "Her name is Natalie, and she is not only compact but comfy." ^w^ aya: i....see... ._.; Katai: "Now, let's get going!" *has dressed up...and put his futon in a dress* aya: ^-^; (KUNI PLEASE BE FREED FROM JAIL SOON) -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pat pat* nozomi:...t-thanks... tamaki: we'll bring your lesson plans back for you, ok? Arthur: *nods* "Want any food from the grocery?" nozomi: im good... Arthur: "..." *hands her his hilt* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "Take this as your weapon. Even without a flame, Excalibur's hilt packs a mean punch." nozomi:...*small chuckle* i'll....keep that in mind... Arthur: *small smile* "Good." shinra: take care, ok? Relan: "About ready?" shinra: yep. iris: *nods* Relan: *hands Iris her backpack* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* "Now how do I get him to school? What the hell?" naoya: i called him in sick. Chuuya: "Then I better head to school--" Akutagawa: *sobbing* Chuuya: "...Oh, darn." naoya: heeey, you're gonna be ok, akuta. Akutagawa: *whimpers* Chuuya: "...Hang in there, buddy. I'll see you after school." -elsewhere- Meme: *opens her locker--and it's full of--* "Paper cranes?" tsugumi: were you making a wish? Meme: "I didn't make these..." ._.; tsugumi: *examining* Meme: "Is this an omen? Is someone going to send cranes after me?" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "Well, I better clear these out--" *an envelope falls out of her locker--and inside is a photo* "???" mio: what's that? Meme: *looks at the photo...and trembles* mio: whats wrong? Meme: "Th-That child?" mio: ?? *examines the photo* *The photo shows someone holding a baby that looks like a young Meme* tsugumi: is...is this...? Meme: "Mio...Is that me?" mio: it...it looks like you. Meme: "...I need to know who went into my locker." *fast-walking to front desk* mio: h-hey wait for us! Meme: "Granny!" *rings the desk bell* auntie: hmm? what is it dearie? Meme: "Do you have security cam footage before 7:24 this morning showing my locker?" auntie: i think so, let me just check. Meme: *taps her fingers nervously* auntie: alright, come on in. Meme: *enters* -there is a small meeting room with a TV, showing the camera feed- Meme: *pulls the footage to 7:24* "...Nothing..." *rewinds* mio: .... Meme: "..." *keeps searching back...and back...to 4:17 AM when--* *In the footage, light flashes from inside her locker* Meme: "?!" mio: ?! w-what is- Meme: "Wh-What was that light?" *tries to slow the video down...* tsugumi: ?? Meme: "I still don't see anything...Magic? A prank? What even is this?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? Hmm. Quieter here today." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: "Because Akutagawa is not here." atsushi: i guess. ^^; Chuuya: "..." shinra: hey guys! atsushi: hey, um...kusakabe, right? shinra: yep, that'd be me. Kyoka: *waves* "Hello. You were hospitalized, weren't you?" shinra:...for a while, yeah. Lucy: "??? Where did you--" Kyoka: "I investigate now." Lucy: "...So, what year are you, Kusakabe?" shinra: i think im actually in the university courses now ^^; or at least i will be in spring. atsushi: really? you dont look any older than 17... shinra: yeah *side glance* so i've heard. Lucy: ._.;;;; *looks around* "???" Kyoka: "Have you recovered enough for classes?" shinra: yeah. Lucy: "Well, that's good news. Welcome back!" tamaki: thanks. ^^ Lucy: "...Um..." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Big sis." tamaki: um- Kyoka: *hug* tamaki: .///.; Kyoka: "I haven't seen you since the Sports Festival." tamaki: yeah, feels like its been a while since i saw you last. ^^; Kyoka: "How have you been? Did you enjoy Christmas? What did you do for New Year?" *pulls out a notepad* "Have you seen this symbol?" *shows the Rat symbol* tamaki: well, it's been......eventful. shinra: actually, we did see that symbol! at the nether... Kyoka: "??? 'Nether'?" shinra: >->;; shit maybe i said too much... tamaki: no shit, sherlock. Kyoka: *leans close* "Are you a member of the Rats? What do you know about Doppo Kunikida?" *nose to nose* "Where are the Rats?" shinra: i dont know anything about any rats, and i dont know who that is or where they are?? atsushi: kyouka, down. Kyoka: *small kitten growl as Atsushi pulls her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: -_-# "How do I get detention on the first day?" misono: how do you kick a _ceiling_....on _accident_?! licht: -_-; Hyde: "I aim, I move--and then someone kicked me in the keister!" -elsewhere- Child #1: *waves at Sonia* "Hello!" sonia:...*small wave* ._.; Child #1: "Want to play tag?" sonia: um....ok. is there a point system or is it to the death? Child #1: "...Well, 'sudden-death' matches are only when we play dodgeball, I think?" *holds out a hand* "I'm Alex!" sonia:...sonia. Alex: *smiles...then a small smirk* "Well, Sonia..." *soft clap on Sonia's hand* "You're it!" *runs* sonia:...*blinks and stares at her hand* ???? Alex: *behind a tree* "...Um...You're it. That means, you know, you have to run after someone, tag them, then they're it?" sonia:.....*pats the teacher* Teacher: ._.;;;; "???" Alex: *facepalm* "Um, adults don't count. It's a kids' game?" ("She's kinda different.") sonia:.....*pats one child.* Child #2: "D'aw, nuts!" *tries to run after Sonia--* Alex: "No tag-backs, Chris!" Chris (Child #2): >3< *runs after another kid* Alex: *waves at Sonia* "Hide here!" sonia: *hiding* Alex: *whispers* "You never played tag?" sonia: i would hide sometimes, in the other place... Alex: "??? Or, Hide and Seek?" sonia: ....i guess. Alex: "Neat! You like coloring?" sonia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Burns: *walking up to the entrance of the Eighth* miwa:.... !! Burns: "Greetings. I am here to speak with Kusakabe." miwa: he and the other kiddos are at school, sorry. Burns: "I know. I came early." *holds up a book* "I brought reading." -elsewhere- leo: *walking along the ozaki estate* .... Motojiro: *digging in the front yard* "Stupid shovel..." leo: ....!! ah! what are you doing? D8> Motojiro: "??? I wanted to plant a lemon tree." leo: s-shouldnt you ask miss kouyou's permission first? Motojiro: "..." *facepalm* "I knew I forgot to do something! Assistant, go ask Miss Kouyou!" ayako: on it! *runs to do that* Motojiro: "Now, to deposit the lemons..." leo:....^^; -elsewhere- Yohei: "So, none of you have a job--so, you're going to get one, or I'm calling the cops." Assi: D8> Zuno: "???" Shotaro: "...I volunteer." Yohei: "Good enough, Shotaro. You're excused." mana: *sigh* alright. Shotaro: "Yay!" *jumps out the window* akaderu: what a drag. Emine: "...My hobbies keep me busy." -elsewhere- Poe: *sorting books* Jacqueline: *giving a tour to transfer students* "--and we have a variety of reading options." Tour Student #1: "What's the deal with the raccoon?" tour student 2: dude, i saw a kid with a _sloth_. a raccoon aint no big deal. karl: *chitter!* [translation: rude!] -elsewhere- Hiro: Q____Q "Just one more semester...Just one more semester..." EF: hiro? are you ok? Hiro: "Oh, hey." *weak smile* "Just planning this semester to get out of here..." EF: oh... Hiro: "Then...I have to figure out a job. And a mortgage. And retirement. And--and--and--" *empties the brown paper bag of his lunch--and starts breathing into it* EF: Hiro! breathe! Hiro: *wheeze, breathing...calms down* "Th-Thanks..." EF: it'll be ok. *smiles* Hiro: "..." *nods, tries to smile* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...I feel naked without Excalibur." shinra: please never say that again. tamaki:..........*excalibur face* Arthur: "A knight without his weapon might as well be a knight without his armor. How do I defend myself?" *holds up his fists* "...This is not fiery enough." tamaki: hmmm.. iris: ^^; Chuuya: *staring at Atsushi* "..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *texting Marie* [how's the trip?] marie: [busy. marie's already a hit with her cousins!] Yumi: [pics?] -several pics sent- Yumi: [she looks so tiny against your big relatives! ^^ ] marie: [i know! >u<] Yumi: [enjoy! send more pics] -elsewhere- Gopher: *looking through a book in the library* "..." rowena: looking for something, sir? Gopher: "...Do you have anything on the Lunar Ark?" rowena: hm? i think there might be something in the ancient history section. Gopher: *nods* "Thank you..." *holds the book he was looking through close to him as he walks to ancient history...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...Is he still out there?" maki: yeah...do we send a warning text to the others? Takehisa: "Yes. Do it." maki: ok. -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio: meme?....*holds her hand* Meme: "...I don't remember..." mio: ? Meme: "...I forgot a lot of my childhood." mio: ...... tsugumi:....*grips her fist* Anya: "Meme...Do you...I mean..." Meme: *shakes her head* "I don't..." tsugumi:....then we'll just have to find the answers. Meme: "??? Where?" tsugumi: we'll search the whole world if we have to! ao: should we ask mr barrett? Meme: "..." Anya: "Worth a try. I mean, he would have some knowledge after--" tsugumi: *covers her mouth* Meme: "If you could ask him..." -elsewhere- Friz: "--and I heard under her crown, she's got horns instead of eyes!" Bee: "Stop! She'll hear you!" Haumea: -_-; "I'm right behind you twits." Friz: owo;;; guruna: kuruun? Haumea: "Just because my eyes are covered doesn't mean I'm deaf...Guruna, pick a body..." *cracks her knuckles* Bee: Q___Q -elsewhere- Stein: "You going to manage things while I'm out?" valentine: yep. aya drevis: yessir! Stein: *nods* "Thank you. And be sure to torment Spirit periodically." valentine: noted. -elsewhere- Patty: *sets out the last mat* "Okay--nap time, kiddos!" child: zzzzz Patty: "..." ("Well, that was fast.") *sits back, looks at her phone* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." Teacher: "??? A cat?" mahiru: ._.;; -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Any plan after school?" atsushi: maybe check out this 'nether' place? Kyoka: *nods* "Let's do this." Chuuya: *overhearing* "..." -elsewhere- Rin: "So, lessons will be starting up soon. You excited?" shiemi: yeah. konekomaru: *nod nod* Shima: "Zzz..." Bon: -_- Rin: ._.; "...Is he in a coma?" konekomaru: i guess he pulled an all-nighter. ^^; Rin: "...!!!" *smirks...blows at Shima's ear* Shima: =w= "Ladies, please..." Rin: *high-pitched voice* "Oh, Shima..." *deep voice* "That was amazing." Shima: O_O *bolts up awake* shiemi: *trying not to laugh* konekomaru: r-rin.... ._.; izumo: he really is the son of satan... Rin: -_-# "Yo, that's just mean..." izumo: its true though. Shima: .\\\\. "Great--now the ladies in my dreams are going to sound like Satan. Hope you're happy..." Rin: "ENOUGH WITH THE SATAN TALK!" >_< konekomaru: come on guys, the teacher's gonna be here in a few minutes. -the door opens- seiya: good afternoon, everyone. Yukio: "Please take your seats." Rin: ("So many new teachers I lose track...") *opens his book--upside down* -elsewhere- mushitaro:......pastor, please let go of me. =_=# Hawthorne: "I'm so glad you are safe...I have been working to restore your honor..." mushitaro: IM NOT MITCHELL YOU CREEP! D8< WHY IS YOUR GRIP SO FUCKING TIGHT?! yana: um...phrasing? Hawthorne: "...Did you get shorter, though?" mushitaro: D8< Hawthorne: "Let's get you milk and read from Scripture." mushitaro: ivan please help me. Ivan: *holds up--* <Saw or drill?> -elsewhere- Iida: "I finished filing paperwork, sir." manual: good job, iida. *smiles* Iida: *nods* "What may I do next to help? Police radio reports? Patrol?" manual: actually, ever been to the hosu town aquarium? Iida: "No. I had wanted to after my brother recommended--" *grows quiet* manual:....*pats his back* well, that's our next stop. Iida: *nods* "Okay." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...This plane looks...impressive." Endeavor: "Only the best, son." Todoroki: ("Then why are you in it...?") -elsewhere- Arthur: "I left Excalibur with Nozomi, and my cell phone at the castle. Where is my brain today?" shinra: where was it _ever_? Arthur: -_-; Relan: O~O;;; iris:...relan? whats wrong? Relan: "Shinra...Tamaki...Burns is at the 8th." tamaki: ?! shinra: what? Relan: "Captain Hinawa texted. They can't get him to leave." shinra: what could he want? Relan: *shrug* "But if he's being this hardcore..." Arthur: "The Lion is a magnificent beast--but one that can be scared away. Iris, I will need a shield." iris: ..... shinra: i'll see what he wants.... Relan: "You sure?" shinra: *he nods* Relan: "..." *tries to look tough* "R-Right..." iris: *pats his back* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *looks at caution tape* "..." *cuts it* atsushi: this place gives me the creeps..... Lucy: *turns on a flashlight* "Police won't like us entering..." atsushi: im just glad we got a permit from fukuzawa. Dazai: *has night-vision goggles on* atsushi: it should be near the entrance.... Lucy: *shines a light along where the ground and the wall meets* "..." atsushi: !!!! i-is that a body? Lucy: "!!!" D8> Dazai: "Looks vaguely body-shaped..." *nudges Atsushi forward* kenji: looks pretty old. atsushi: ._.; *gulp*..... *examines the pockets* *Inside are some coins...melted* atsushi: these dont look like much use.... *searching other pockets* *A wallet* atsushi: hmm... *examines the wallet* *The person was in their late 30s, seems to be from out of state* atsushi: *examines photos in the wallet* *There are photos of the person in expedition gear, another in their cap and gown at graduation...ones with a partner and kids* Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Kyoka: "Bring the wallet. We'll need it to identify them later." *takes the flashlight, shines down the tunnel* "There." atsushi: *spots the logo* Lucy: "So they were here...They may have killed this person." Kyoka: "And just leave their corpse to be found?" atsushi: it doesnt explain the melted coins, though... Kyoka: "They may have burned the corpse...But how did the wallet then survive?" atsushi: maybe heat resistant materials? Lucy: "Or...directed heat...These clothes are synthetic fabric...Maybe it targeted...the skin?" atsushi: its likely. Lucy: *shudders* "It's creepy...A fire targeting only--" Dazai: "Infernals." atsushi: infernals? Dazai: "?!" ^^; "Just something I've heard before...Seems to be what the cool people call Flame Humans." atsushi: like kusakabe? Dazai: "Moooooooooore like Flame Humans who go out of control and attack people mindlessly." atsushi: ._.; sounds scary. Haumea: *appearing over Atsushi's shoulder...hanging upside down* "You have no idea." atsushi: HOLY FUCK! *jumps back* Dazai: "???" Lucy: "!!!" Kyoka: *already has a kunai--which she tosses at Haumea's forehead* Haumea: *catches...and melts it with her fingers* *smiles* "Hello, interlopers. Why are you--" Friz: "FOUND IT! We can go now--Oh." *waves* "Hello!" atsushi: i think we found the people responsible for that body.... Dazai: "No kidding..." *smiles, cracks his knuckles* "Been looking forward to this~" atsushi: lucy, you got anything to defend yourself with? Lucy: *pulls out a can of mace* "..." ._.; "I recommend a strategic exit--" *FWOOSH* *Lucy just barely dodges a flame disc* Lucy: Q___Q atsushi: !!!! ok, you two are going down! *tiger limbs and charges* Dazai: "Always wanted to see whether I could cancel out your abilities!" *rushes at Friz and Haumea* atsushi: !! Kyoka: "We don't have time for this..." *opens her phone--and sees zero bars* "!!! Oh no..." atsushi: .-.; that's not good. Dazai: "AAAH!" *kicks Haumea in the side of the head...* Haumea: "..." *holds up a middle finger...it's on fire* Dazai: ._.; "...Okay, not my smartest--" atsushi: DAZAI! LOOK OUT! Haumea: *flicks Dazai in the head--sending him flying* Dazai: "Crap crap cra--!" *CRASH* atsushi: *nice catch* Dazai: @~@ "...I don't think my ability works on them." atsushi: .... Lucy: *dodging more flame discs--and one slices just the clip of her hair* "Eep! STOP THROWING THOSE THINGS AT ME WHEN I'M--" atsushi: *charges at haumea* i'll take this one, kyouka, handle the other one! lucy, clear the exit! Kyoka: *tackles Lucy before another disc behends her* Lucy: "R-Right!" Kyoka: *holding multiple kunai* "I'll take the childish one." Friz: "?! You're the one who likes like a preschooler!" Kyoka: "You play with flying discs and sound like puberty hasn't come to you yet." Friz: "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" >_< *throws more discs* Haumea: -_-; "I just wanted to get the map, go home. But noooo, couldn't have that..." *blocking Atsushi* atsushi: *punch* Haumea: *her head is knocked back...she spits out blood...something bright pierces from behind her cracked mask, before she covers her face with her hand...* *she turns her head* *...she looks furious* atsushi: ._.; *defensive stance* Haumea: "I have no time for this..." *snaps her fingers* *Atsushi's skin feels like it's getting hotter...* atsushi: *screaming* *Atsushi's entire body is engulfed in flames* Kyoka: "!!!" Dazai: "No!" atsushi: MAKE IT STOP! Lucy: *crying* "Atsushi!" *Thunder is heard--as Anne's Room crashes open behind them* Haumea: "??? What the--That's not Hell! It's too...sugary?" atsushi: *tiger punches haumea in the gut* Lucy: *eyes full of tears* "Atsushi! Fight it!" -full tiger mode- Haumea: *coughs up blood, struggling to still cover her eye* "...Oh, that's enough...I'M GOING TO BURN YOU INTO ASHES!" *She increases the flames--which are burning off his skin* tiger!atsushi: *charges at her* Haumea: *knocked down--as she starts punching his exposed muscles* "BAD TOUCH! BAD! TOUCH!" Dazai: "Atsushi! Retreat! Now!" atsushi: *PUNCH* *coughing blood* Haumea: "AH! ..." *smirks...stares at Atsushi...* atsushi: ?!?! Haumea: "Tiger, tiger...Burning bright..." *she clutches his arm--and explosions leap off his body, leaving only a barely conscious skeleton, muscles attached to it...and Atsushi's dead eyes staring out of the body's skull* Kyoka: *staring in shock* Dazai: "Oh God..." Lucy: *cannot speak...* Friz: "...Fuck. I think you went too far, Boss." -something charges at them- atsushi: *ROARS* Haumea: "WHAT THE HELL?!" Lucy: *her eyes...are glowing...* tiger: you dun fuzzed up now. Haumea: "...What kind of devil are you?!" atsushi: *regenerating* im no devil.....im a beast. Haumea: "...Mere beast? Then I'll just keep lighting you up until you die!" *smashes her fist into his eye* -nope- atsushi: ..... Haumea: "...Oh, biscuits." Friz: "Boss! We're out of here--" *Thunder is heard again...* *Something pops up behind Friz* Friz: o_o;; *slowly turns...and spots...Anne* anne: >83 Friz: Q_____Q "..." *starts to run* anne: *glares at haumea* Haumea: "...Okay, I don't know what girly crap the girl, the midget--" Kyoka: *glare* Haumea: "--and the ugly guy are into--" Dazai: *whispers to the catatonic Lucy* "Why did he call you 'an ugly guy'?" Haumea: "But y'all are some messed up--" -BAM- *Haumea is knocked face first into the wall...obliterating the last of her crown...something bright is shining behind it...and is shaking the grown* Kyoka: "!!! Lucy!" *shakes her* "We're leaving now! Dazai, grab Atsushi!" Lucy: *not moving...* anne: *tosses haumea out* atsushi: *recovering* LUCY! Dazai: *picks up Atsushi* "Ew! You got blood all on you." Lucy: "Kill...Kill Anne..." anne: ... Haumea: "SCREW YOU ALL!" *tossed down the tunnel...then an explosion is heard...sending a fireball down the tunnel at them!* anne: *SHIELDS THEM* Dazai: O~O *let's go of Atsushi, picks up Kyoka, and tosses her into Anne's Room* atsushi: lucy........*hugs her and kisses her* Kyoka: "?!!!" Lucy: "..." *closes her eyes, returns the kiss--* *FWOOOSH* *The fireball passes over them...Anne's room is now sealed shut around them* Kyoka: *upside down, slammed against a Jack in the Box, arms crossed* "...Rude." Dazai: ^^; "Sorry." atsushi:....*pulls back, now fully healed* ok, you have every right to punch me in the face. Lucy: "..." *starts loudly sobbing* atsushi:.....*hugs her tightly* im sorry for scaring you all.... Lucy: *sniffles* "Th-The next time I see that ugly harlot, I'm going to split her in two for calling Anne ugly!" atsushi: *pats her back* Lucy: *hug* "I'm sorry...AND DON'T EVER GET BURNED ALIVE LIKE THAT AGAIN!" atsushi: i'll do my best....how's everyone else? Dazai: "Well, my pride is wounded, so that's tragic." Kyoka: "Fine. Just disoriented." *still upside down* atsushi: ok ken-.... KENJI! kenji: *pops out of a box* job's done!....what i miss? Kyoka: "...We fought flame people. We beat them. I scared away one with kunai. You can be impressed now." Lucy: D:< "I did a lot of work, too!" kenji: great job guys! ^u^ atsushi:...yeah.....*collapses* zzzzzzzz....... Lucy: *catches him...his head resting on her chest* .\\\. "..." *pat pat* kenji: aww, he's all tuckered out. Kyoka: "..." *playful jab in his shoulder* "You need to stop disappearing in the middle of fight…” -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "???" *sets down his newspaper* "Was that...a thunderstorm? An earthquake?" mrs asui: well, seems it's over now. satsuki: Q-Q scawwy. -elsewhere- Akitaru: -_-# "More tea?" Burns: "No, thank you. I'll take another cookie, though." ???: YO BURNS! Burns: "???" *holding his teacup* "Yes--?" shinra: ..... Burns: "Kusakabe." *sets down his teacup* "I see you were released. How do you feel?" shinra: better, but enough about me, why are you here? if this has to do with tamaki- Burns: "No, it does not." shinra: so then why are you here? Burns: "...Since you're mostly recovered, let's talk. About what happened 17 years ago." shinra: !!!!!! -and so- shinra:...... tamaki: *listening in from behind a wall* ... (what does he want?) Burns: "You aren't cold?" shinra: i have fire abilities, i'll be fine, right? Burns: "...And you know how you got those abilities?" shinra:....i was born with them, i guess? Burns: "Then why didn't they manifest until after the fire burned down your family's home?" shinra: ?? Burns: "...What do you remember 17 years ago?" shinra: ....standing in the wreckage.....you were standing to my right....staring off at something.... Burns: "Where I saw your brother taken away by the White Hoods." shinra: !!!!! *grips his fist and grabs burns' collar* THEN WHY?! WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE HIM BACK THEN?! ISNT THAT YOUR JOB?! TO SAVE PEOPLE?! Burns: "..." *Flames leap off Burns's shoulder* shinra: couldnt you have at least told me sooner?! *tears are streaming* Burns: "...Look at yourself right now. Look at what has happened to you. You almost died. If I told you, 17 years ago, the truth, what could you have done?" shinra: i would have- Burns: "You would have died. You are here, right now, not because you willed it, but because of mere luck." tamaki:.... *grips fist* shinra: ...you have some damn nerve to say that shit.... Burns: "Am I wrong? Prove it." shinra: *charges at him* Burns: *doesn't budge* maki: isnt anyone going to stop them?! dia: ... Akitaru: "...He has to work this out on his own, even if that means making a mistake. Besides...Burns can handle this." shinra: *flame kicks at him* Burns: *kicked in the face...wipes the blood off his face* "Is that the speed of someone who received Divine Protection?" shinra: stop dodging the question and give me the truth! Burns: "...Any brigade does not have time for its individual members indulging their own selfish emotions." *his eyepatch lights up on fire* Akitaru: "!!! Everyone, get back!" iris: !!!! Relan: *pulling Iris back* dia: ..... Burns: *fire blasts off of him, heading right for Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU! Burns: "..." *opens his fist--and the flame expands, knocking into Shinra's body* shinra: *knocked back* grk- s-shit... *Burns stands, his body engulfed in flames* Burns: "Only the strong survive. Only they are strong enough to handle the truth. If you want to know, show me that your power deserves it.” tamaki:.....*shaking, biting her lip* dia:...... {dia: *13 years old, fighting infernals in a training exercise*} {Burns: "On your left!"} {dia: r-right! *attacking*} {Burns: "Are you strong enough to handle this?"} {dia: ye-!!!!} {infernal: *tackles her, and roars*} {dia: !!!!} {*CRUNCH*} {dia: c-commander!} {Burns: *his fist is through the Infernal's chest* "...Recite their last rites."} {dia: ashes to ashes....} {Burns: "Dust to dust..."} {-the infernal vanishes-} {dia: .....} {Burns: "..." *sighs* "You know I won't always be there to save you, Dia."} {dia: i know...i promise i'll get better, sir...} dia: .... shinra: *charging again* Burns: "Maybe you just aren't strong enough..." ("But that speed...!") {shinra: .........} {Burns: *staring at the destroyed house, holding Shinra's hand*} {shinra:....*smiling a weak smile* *mumbling something*} shinra: *jumping forwards* Burns: *remains standing...the outdoor floor beneath him is starting to crack* shinra: *aims his foot for burns' face* Burns: *blocks with his forearm...* *Something like sizzling is heard* Akitaru: "!!! Duck!" *FWOOSH* *Fire explodes behind Burns* shinra: WOAH! Burns: *the ground under his feet is now shattered* "...Is that all you can do, Candlestick? Your flame is small..." shinra: JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY. Burns: "..." *shakes out his forearm, extinguishing his flames* "It has been a long time since someone's kick managed to send shivers through my arm..." -a wall of fire shoots up between them- shinra: !?!? Burns: "?!" pearl: *her arm outstretched* PLEASE! BOTH OF YOU, STOP THIS! Burns: "??? Fiamma?" pearl: fighting amongst yourselves wont solve anything! cant you just tell him normally? Burns: "..." *looks at Shinra* "Can you handle what you will learn?" shinra: ...i have to know, no matter what. Burns: "..." *looks at Dia and Akitaru* "Please..." Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Come on, folks--give them some room..." dia: alright, everyone inside. tamaki: ...... Burns: "...First, what you know about that event 17 years ago...there is more to it." shinra:...im ready.... {-17 years ago...-} {charon: haumea, do you sense anything?} {Tiny!Haumea: "This is it...Just where the Preacher promised...A new Adora Bust will be born..."} {-in the kusakabe household...-} {Baby Sho: "Zzz..."} {*BLINK*} {Baby Sho: *opens his eyes...*} {mrs kusakabe: mmm... huh? *enters sho's room* sho-... !!!!!!} {*At the top of the ceiling is a fireball, with Sho in the center, looking like he's in a trance*} {Sho: "..."} {mrs kusakabe: SHO!! *tries to put the flame out*} {Sho: *still not moving...the ball's flames seem to snake down the ceiling and walls...towards Mrs. Kusakabe*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!!} {*A flame covers her hand...or is it coming _from_ her hand?*} {mrs kusakabe: *screams*} {shinra: mommy?....mommy, sho, where are you?} {*The flames are along the left side of her face...*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!! shinra! please! run!} {shinra: *too stunned to move*} {-horns form on her head-} {mrs kusakabe: pLEasE...rUn...} {-horns form from out of her eyes as she screams-} {*Shinra can see the flames start to dissipate, as if pulled inward into something...someone...*} {shinra: mommy?! mom-...... !!!!!!} {horned being: *howls*} {shinra: *tries to back away...his feet propelling him backwards into the wall*} {horned being: ... s....h...o......m...y......b....a...b.....y..... {*A figure appears...The room is now white...*} {horned being: *reaching for her baby*} {*The fireball descends...Sho, as if barely conscious, in a trance, is lowered into the Preacher's hands...The Preacher hands the baby to the Horned Being*} -...- shinra: ...................................................................*eyes wide, tears falling* Burns: "..." tamaki:.....*completly stunned* shinra:...ha...hahahaha...ahahahahaha....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *he's shaking badly* Burns: "..." *grabs Shinra by the collar* "Get a hold of yourself." shinra: *he throws up onto the ground* ...... Burns: "..." *sighs* shinra:........................w-what then....? Burns: "...I did not arrive until 15 minutes after we received the report of the fire at your family's house." {officer: we found a survivor, it's a child!} {shinra: *barely breathing*} {Burns: "Put out the flames! What are you all doing?!} {officer 2: w-we cant! they wont go out!} {shinra: m...mommy...s-sho...t-the....d-demon...} {-on the roof-} {charon:...haumea?} {Haumea: *giggling, her fingers moving, like a puppeteer pulling strings* "Hee hee..."} {charon: haume-} {Haumea: "SILENCE!"} {charon:....} {-inside the inferno-} {Burns: *already inside* ("No one was searching for his mother and brother...But even if I find them, there is no way they could survive. Not unless--Urk!" *clutches his eyepatch...and notices it is on fire* "!!!"} {horned being: *holding sho* ....} {Burns: "!!! A demon? No...It's..." *holds out a hand* "Wait!"} {horned being: *leaps to the window*} {Burns: "Don't go!"} {sister: commander! it's going to collapse!} {Burns: "..." *turns back, heading to the exit*} {-outside-} {Burns: "..." *the flames remain under his eyepatch...he removes it* ("A fire that will not go out...A horned being...It is...Adora.")} {shinra: *trying to get in* MOMMY! SHO! I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!} {sister: child, you cannot! it's far to dangerous!} {shinra: LET GO'A ME!} {Burns: "..." ("So why didn't they want him?")} {shinra: *falls to his knees, tears falling*} {Burns: "..." *marches up to Shinra*} {shinra: .....} {Burns: "Listen to me. Your mother is...dead."} {shinra:.....*smiling that sad, demonic smile*} shinra:...*voice cracks slightly* why?....why would you lie to me? -he's shaking, tears falling- Burns: "Those Hoods you faced just now--the ones who almost killed you? They were the ones who took your mother and brother from you. If I told you the truth then, what would you have done? Run into battle? You almost died, Kusakabe: you would've died then, too, if not for your dumb luck." shinra: do you even care what happened to me because of what you said? i was left in my grandmother's care....do you even care that she abused me?! that she would leave me locked in a dark pantry out of spite for what she thought i did?! tamaki:...*silently crying* Burns: "...I didn't want this for you. I didn't...want some child entering this war." shinra:....but im not a child anymore. Burns: "No, you are not. And despite my efforts, fate brought you here. I wanted you to fear the flames...” shinra: .....the same flames i used to get here.......did you...really see it? the adora- Burns: "...Do you know why this eye is blinded?" *removes his eyepatch* shinra:.... !!!!!!!!!! tamaki: !!!!!!!!!!!!! *His eye is blank...but almost...bone-like?* Burns: "If you look into the Sun, you burn. If you look into Hell...Hell occupies your own body. This is my Hell. This is Adora." shinra: *nervous smile, shaking* Burns: "This is the price I paid...Did you see it? Did you see Adora?" shinra:......*remembering soichiro arg's face in his vision*....i..i dont know... Burns: "...Your luck persists, then." *replaces his eyepatch* "The Hoods have been fighting this battle long before you were born. Be careful. You have no idea what they are capable of--" Nurse Arg: *appears behind Shinra* "Pardon me...?" shinra: ?!?! Burns: "??? Arg? What are you doing here?" shinra: wait......arg?! as in the 4th commander? Nurse Arg: "S-Sorry! I was here to check up on Kusakabe, then I saw the explosions and figured, 'Oh, maybe that's where he is!' Then I came here and--" *finally notices Shinra* "Oh! There you are!" shinra: um.... hi? tamaki: =A=; (way to kill the mood.) Nurse Arg: "Hi! I was asked to stop by to do an in-person medical review and--Wait, did you say Fourth Commander?" *looks back and forth* "Is Grandpa here, too?" Burns: "..." shinra: no, just heard the name 'arg' and figured 'hey maybe they know each other?' haha ^^; Nurse Arg: ^^; "Well, 'Arg' doesn't scream 'common household name,' so good guess! He's my grandfather." shinra + tamaki: *trying to place it in their heads*..... (W...T...F?!?!) Nurse Arg: "But I haven't talked to him in some time..." *sad smile* shinra: oh...i see. tamaki:... *heads back inside* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: ._.; "...What happened to you guys?" Dazai: *has a swollen cheek* "Not much...Just went exploring..." Kyoka: *holding ice to her head* "..." Lucy: *wiping her eyes* atsushi: *asleep* kenji: we found a body. Tanizaki: o_________O;;; "Please tell me Kyoka didn't kill someone--" Kyoka: *frowns* "Why do you assume it's _my_ fault?" kenji: he was dead before we go there. Tanizaki: *sighs* "Oh, that's a relief...Well, bring the corpse to the Doctor for examination--" yosano: corpse you say? Lucy: ._.; ("He recovered quickly...What on earth has he seen?!") Kyoka: "Corpse. No way to bring back to life. Also, Atsushi was burned alive. But he got better." yosano: holy shit....so you want me to examine the body. of corpse i will~ Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Lucy: -_-; "No." yosano:.. 737 -elsewhere- Chuuya: *knock knock* naoya: oh, hey chuuya. he's in the guest room. Chuuya: "Thanks...How is he?" naoya: he's recovering. oh goddamn was last night a shitshow.... Chuuya: *looks around the apartment* "...No kidding..." naoya: fortunately no one died, so....good news. -just a few things knocked over, nothing too badly damaged- Chuuya: *sighs* "You know ability users and alcohol can be a dangerous mix." naoya: ok, so i messed up. Chuuya: "..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Like I'm one to talk..." naoya: *stops at the guest room door* he's in there.... Akutagawa: *curled up in bed* Q_Q Chuuya: *knocks* "Hey. It's me. Can I come in?" Akutagawa: "...It's open." Chuuya: *enters* "...So, you had your first hangover." *sits on the bed* "May it be the first of many--" Akutagawa: "I never want to drink that swill again." naoya: that's fair. Chuuya: "Can always try something fruity. Or coffee-y. Maybe a Guinness--" Akutagawa: *shudders* naoya: i take that as a no, then? Akutagawa: "Can we talk about anything but...alcohol right now?" Chuuya: "...I brought your homework and syllabi?" -elsewhere- shinra: *in bed, whimpering* Akitaru: "..." *knocks* shinra: i-its open...*smiles, but tears are still falling* Akitaru: *enters* "...Hey." shinra: *has the blanket wrapped around him* Akitaru: "...Shinra...I'm sorry." shinra: ..... Akitaru: "..." *hug* shinra: *whimpers* m-mom..... Akitaru: "..." *nods, pats his back* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Hey?" tamaki: ?? Arthur: "How are you?" tamaki:...o-ok... Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki: !!!.... t-thanks... 7///7; Arthur: *pat pat* "You're welcome." *forehead kiss* -morning- Lucy: "Zzz..." atsushi: ..... Lucy: *turns over--her arm landing across his chest* atsushi: O////O; Lucy: *pulls Atsushi closer* atsushi:.....*hugs her* Lucy: *rubs his back* "...What did it feel like?" atsushi: O///. w-wh-wha? Lucy: "The fire...What does it feel like to almost die?" atsushi:.....it was terrifying....*holds her* im sorry.... Lucy: "I know..." *cheek kiss* "...I'm sorry I didn't...do anything sooner." atsushi: im here...im ok...*strokes her back* Lucy: =\\\\= "R-Right...Don't get killed like that again..." atsushi:...ok.......d-did we...um..d-do anything? .///.; (and cue me getting punched...) Lucy: O\\\\\O "NO!" atsushi: oh, ok. ^^; s-sorry >///<; Lucy: -\\\\\- "What, you think I wouldn't _ask_ you first?" -3- atsushi:....*falls onto his back* O/////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: D: "DON'T DIE!" atsushi: IM ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA AND IM OK! Lucy: -_-;;;; "...I'm going to make tea. Help me toast the waffles." atsushi: yes ma'am! *salutes* -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: =w=~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "Stocking..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ i love you~ Kid: "I love you, too. Forever..." -elsewhere- Haumea: *her eyes are bandaged...bits of rock are still embedded in her face* -_-# dahlia: you should be more mindful, child. Haumea: "I'm not the one who left something behind. And I don't remember holy texts warning about unkillable tigers." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *poke poke* tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: "Morning." tsubaki: morni- ???: AHHHHHH~<3 tsubaki: ._.; naho: gross! Black Star: o_o; "...Who the hell--" naho: lavender and higan are banging at WAY TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING-O-CLOCK! Black Star: .\\\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Higan: *pants* "B-Best part of waking up..." lavender: hehe~ Higan: *kisses down her chest* lavender: ah~ so good~ naho: *gags* Black Star: .\\\\\. *leaves for the bathroom* "Just block out the noise..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Are you liking school?" sonia: it's ok. Chuuya: "Is your teacher helping you get used to things?" sonia: *nods* miss baker's nice. Chuuya: "That's good. You have your homework in your bag?" sonia: *she nods and gets to work* Chuuya: ^^ "Let me know if I can help." sonia: ok... Chuuya: "Maybe Uncle Motojiro can help with the math parts..." sonia: maybe. Chuuya: "..." *picks up plates* {miss baker: she's certainly an interesting girl. she seems to get along better with the other teachers than with the other children...} {Chuuya: "She hasn't had much chance to be around other kids her age. I...had her around adults lately." ^^; } {miss baker: is that so?} {Chuuya: *nods* "She was home-schooled."} {miss baker: i see.} {Chuuya: "Has she had difficulty catching up with any subjects?"} {miss baker: not that i can see. actually, she's quite beyond her grade level.} {Chuuya: "Do you think it's best to leave her in this grade?"} {miss baker: she has potential, but i do think it'd be important for her to have friends of her age group...} {Chuuya: *nods* "Okay...Thanks for your feedback on that."} sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "How are the other students, Sonia?" sonia: they're nice. hard to follow, though. Chuuya: " 'Follow'?" sonia: i dont quite understand them...i try to act like the other kids, but its hard. Chuuya: "...It does take time...Stick with it--I know you can do it." sonia:....ok papa...... Chuuya: "...Thanks." *pats her shoulder* "I want you to feel comfortable in this world. Make friends. Feel safe." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!!" *hug* sonia: do you think...the other kids saw someone die? Chuuya: "...I don't know. That's not something mention to strangers..." *looks at her* "Please don't bring that up to your teachers and the other students." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Thank you." -elsewhere- baum: *humming* Ivan: *tapping his fingers* yana: <whats up?> Ivan: <Could she just pump that parasite out already?> yana: <....allow me to explain to you something...> -elsewhere- Burns: "..." dia:...sir? Burns: "Yes? What is it?" dia: are you alright? Burns: "I'm fine. Just taking a break to...get something to drink." dia:...i see. Burns: "Have you a question about tasks I assigned you?" dia: no sir. Burns: "Are the others doing as I asked?" dia: yes. Burns: "...And Fiamma?" dia: she's doing well. Burns: "Good..." *hands her a paper* "Have her train that ability more." dia: understood. -elsewhere- Emine: *looking at Classified ads* "...I think I could do well as a Candy Striper. I just have to make dying people feel better about their approaching demise?" mana: ._.; Shotaro: "...Let's try something else. How about a secretary? Assi is trying for one of those!" Assi: "I prefer 'office coordinator'?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *rubs his cheek* TT~TT yosano: *hands him an ice pack* Dazai: "Thanks...Couldn't cancel their abilities, can't get healed because of my ability..." yosano: *sigh* Dazai: "All because some stupid bag woman did this to me..." yosano:....what? Dazai: "She was wearing a bag! And she had a dumb crown covering her eyes! And she sounded stupid, too!" yosano:....how hard were you hit? Dazai: "She knocked me clear across the room--with one punch!" ranpo: like one punch man? -elsewhere- Hibana: *clap clap* "Line up--we're going shopping, ladies!" mikami: oh my. ryuuko: this will be an interesting experience. hanako: yay! Hibana: "We are getting you new fashionable outfits before the spring--and likely some product for your hair. Oh, and jewelry. And pretzels." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *looking at the job application--upside down* "...This doesn't look right at all. metsu: *turns it around* -_-; Jeje: -_-;; Mikuni: "Oh! That's better! So, would you say you are organized?" medea: as far as i am able to tell. Mikuni: "What do you know about dolls?" medea: a lot. they are my companions. Mikuni: OWO "Really? Me too!" *sets his dolls out on the table* "See?" medea: i see. Mikuni: "What do you and your dollies talk about?" *pours glasses of soda--* Johannes: Q~Q *staring, as Mikuni is pouring from _his_ bottle of soda* medea: my dolls are vessels for those who have died. Mikuni: "...Like vampires?" Jeje: *snake glare at Mikuni* medea: more like spirits. Mikuni: "Oh! We could use one of those people here! You're hired!" -elsewhere- Poe: *removes books on his shelf--and puts the box there* "..." lenore: *in raven form, staring* Poe: *smiles, turns--and spots Lenore* o_O; lenore: hey, im not saying anything, im just perched here. Poe: "Please don't!" Q_Q lenore: ok ok, chill. i wont tell anyone. Poe: "Thank you." TTWTT "I'll get you your favorite...whatever you eat." lenore: sunflower seeds please. Poe: "The best for you!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *pulling medical files* ritsu: *taking notes* Nurse Arg: "I'm done with this one. Kusakabe can be moved to the outpatient file." ritsu: o-ok! Nurse Arg: "??? Is something wrong?" tao: i think she's just like that. Nurse Arg: *nods* "I-I can understand a bit." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "??? I thought you were going out." ebie: i did. i got some errands done! ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh. You went shopping?" ebie: *she nods* i went to the farmers market and got a lotta good stuff! Steinbeck: "Any produce?" ebie: lots! Steinbeck: *looking through the bag* "I take it the pig figurine is yours?" ebie: *she nods* a little something for my room. i wanted wilbur to have a friend. *holds the plushie up* Steinbeck: ^^ "That's good." *unpacking the produce--then spots--* "Who's the book for?" ebie: dorothy. Steinbeck: "That's kind of you..." *sets it down, looking at the title* -seems its a coloring book, with a lion, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a young girl- dorothy: oh yay! *takes it and walks off* Steinbeck: ._.; *looks in the bag...pulls out a feather boa* "...For Oscar?" twain: oh nice thanks! Steinbeck: O-o;;; twain: do-do-do-do, gonna deck out my room, doodoodoo. oscar: oh my, how creative, marky~ ^^ Steinbeck: "..." *goes back to searching for other items--pulls out a box of raisins* "..." -elsewhere- Assi: *in waiting room, adjusting his tie, sweating* Zuno: *looking out the window* "It's so high up!" eckleburg: ah, glad yo see you, gentlemen. mr fitzgerald's office is this way. Assi: *nods* *follows Eckleburg--then notices Zuno* "Um...Zuno?" Zuno: "??" *looks back and forth* "...Oh! Am I a gentleman?" Assi: "..." *pats Zuno* "Come on." Fitzgerald: "Jordan! Where are my scissors?!" jordan: right here, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, thank you." *slasher smile, as he holds the scissors* Assi: Q_____Q Fitzgerald: "So then..." *SNIP...through the coupon* "There! Now I'll save fifty cents on Death Mart Frozen Pizza!" *looks up* "Oh! Mr. Assi! Or...is that your first name?" Assi: "A-Assi is fine, sir." *holds out his hand* Fitzgerald: "..." *puts a tissue in his hand, then shakes* "A pleasure. Now, then, you and Mr. Zuno worked at Happy Factory, yes?" Assi: *nods* Fitzgerald: *sneers* "Then you are more than qualified..." jordan: >->; Zuno: "???" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "It's good being home..." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "Now let's see what's changed while we were out!" *leaps up to the top of a fence* -it looks more or less the same- Tsukiyo: "...Oh, poo." -3- "Was hoping something interesting happened..." fang-hua: anything happen, commander? Benimaru: "No explosions, hardly any fights. But we're still on alert for impersonators, so--" Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *tapes paper to Tsukiyo's forehead* Tsukiyo: "..." -_-; fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: "...Okay, you're not an impersonator." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *curls up on the couch, staring forward* "..." kirika: oooi, its me. are you dying in here or what? Gopher: *perks up* "N-No? I'm here! It's open!" kirika: *opens the door* *examines the area* nice place you got in here. guess the old sage spoils you, huh? Gopher: ^\\\^; "He's accumulated quite a number of priceless relics in his long life." *pats the sofa seat* kirika: *sits down* good condition, it looks. Gopher: "He also teaches how to take good care of the furniture..." *smiles...his eyes look a little red* kirika:....oi, something's bothering you, isnt it? Gopher: "..." *sighs* "I was reading..." kirika: *listening* Gopher: "...I was trying to determine how someone like...me exists." kirika: .... Gopher: "I don't know much about my mo--...this woman I see in my dreams." kirika:....*pats his back* Gopher: "..." *holds her hand* "I want to find her." kirika: *nods* yeah. Gopher: "So, um, I may be taking some weekends to look..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Nothing..." *pokes the crane origami* "Maybe it's magic." mio: maybe take them to a teacher? Meme: *nods* *scoops a few up* "Who specializes in magic...paper crane...thingies?" mio: not sure... Meme: "...I guess start with Miss Marie--No, she's out of town. Stein?" mio: sounds good. Meme: *walks up to the infirmary, knocks on the door* nygus: its open. Meme: *pokes her head in* "...Hello, ma'am." nygus: what do you need? Meme: "Is Dr. Stein in? I had a question about who tried to break into my locker..." nygus: he's in the teacher's lounge. Meme: *nods* "Thank you..." *walks there, opens the door--* *Smoke escapes out of the lounge* Meme: "?!" mio: *gags and runs to the bathroom* Stein: "???" *puts out his cigarette* "Sorry. Can I help?" Meme: ._.; "..." *holds up a crane in her hand* Stein: "...I don't accept gifts from students--" Meme: "It's not...I just...Can you check this for magic? They put it in my locker." *shoves it in his hand* " 'Kay, thanks!" *runs to Mio* "Hold up!" Stein: "..." *just looks at the crane* nygus: i think i heard a story about this. if you fold 1000 paper cranes, a wish is granted, right? Stein: "Is someone trying to give her a wish...or grant their own?" *sets the crane down* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lying in bed* "..." guard: *slides his lunch through the door slot* Kunikida: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: *wearing big sunglasses* gabriella: *also in big sunglasses* ryuuko: ... mikami: ^^; Hibana: "They're fashionable and UV protected!" -elsewhere- Relan: "...Hey?" tamaki: ya? Relan: *sits down* "You feeling okay?" tamaki: i guess. Relan: " 'Cause you've been quiet...and looking sad." tamaki: still shook up i guess.... Relan: *nods* "...You at least knocked down one of the Hoods." tamaki:...yeah..... Relan: "...Thanks for making sure Iris and I didn't die...and helping against that monster going after Sh-Shinra..." tamaki:...*smiles* anytime. Relan: ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sets down the tray of drinks* "So, what're you up to tomorrow?" naho: lets go to the mall! Sakuya: "Sounds good--should still be a few sales going on. Been wanting to upgrade my phone..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *resting under Louisa's desk* louisa: *jotting notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches...steps out from under the desk, leaps to the windowsill* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Stocking, could you hold Shiori?" stocking: ah, sure. shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *washing her hands* "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. Yumi: "...Are you looking forward to your classes?" stocking: i guess. this whole 'student-teacher' thing is tough. Yumi: "Been there." *dries her hands, holds them out to take Shiori* "Want some pointers?" stocking: sure. Yumi: "Reinforce they need to put in the time to practice on whatever they're working on, daily, to make it a habit." stocking: *nods* Yumi: "You'll need to repeat some lessons, so get in that habit, too. I tried starting each day with a mini-exercise on some small detail, like a quiz on a topic, practicing a simple maneuver or stretch..." stocking: right. Yumi: "What were some of the lessons you have the most trouble with in school?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "When your mission?" soul: not sure yet. stein said he'd let me go with him. Hyde: "You been to Germany before?" soul: i think so. licht: i can teach you some phrases. soul: for real? licht: indeed, because i am an angel. Hyde: -_-; "Now say it in German." licht: <because i am an angel, descended from the heavens above> Hyde: "...Loses something in the translation." -KICK- Hyde: *smashed into the ceiling* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *outside, walking slowly* ???: oooi! araragi! Akutagawa: "???" *turns* female student: .//w//. Akutagawa: "...Do I know you?" female student: um...i was wondering...d-did you want to go out some time? Akutagawa: "...'Go out'?" female student: you know, like a date? Akutagawa: "...I don't think--" Tachihara: "Of course he would!" Akutagawa: "?!!!" o_o; female student: >////< Akutagawa: *whispers angrily at Tachihara* "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tachihara: "I'll just have to help my little bro--give you a ride." *pat pat* Akutagawa: -_-# female student: s-see you this weekend then? >////< Akutagawa: "...Fine. My 'brother'--" *puts an arm around Tachihara's neck* "--will pick you up..." Tachihara: *getting choked by the 'affectionate' hug* X____X female student: oh, ok! Akutagawa: "Just write your address here--" *grabs Tachihara's arm--hard--and shoves it at her* "Just write on his arm." -she does so- Akutagawa: "Friday at 7?" female student: ok! see you then, araragi! *runs off* Tachihara: Q___Q Akutagawa: "...When this is over, I'm killing you." Tachihara: TTWTT "You're just nervous...Maybe a double date will help! Is your sister available?" Akutagawa: "..." *SLICE* *RIP* *FWOOSH* Akutagawa: *wipes his hand* "There. I feel relieved now." Tachihara: *covering himself* child:....weiner! Parent: *covers child's eyes* "Police! Help!" -elsewhere- Victor: *knocks* "Nozomi?" nozomi: its open... Victor: *enters with a basic* "...Hi. I brought mushrooms." nozomi:...*small chuckle* Victor: ^^ "I was digging around and trying to categorize them again..." *holds up--* "I was surprised Grifola frondosa grew here." nozomi: .... Victor: "But it's edible! Just, you know, not with allergies..." *sets it aside* "These are safe, though!" *offers one* -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts Toru in the bouncy chair* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "Who's a happy boy?" toru: *babble* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Where's Mommy at, Toru?" toru: *points* ma! chie: thats right, sweetie! ^^ Yohei: "Good boy." *snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." lydia:...still moping? Hawthorne: "...He had promised..." lydia:....she will recover. it takes some time for the plan to work... Hawthorne: "And with him in jail, how does that change the schedule?" lydia: that is his intention. i dont know the details yet, but all is going to plan... Hawthorne: "Be nice to have more of a clue about all of this..." lydia:..........do you know why i joined the rats? Hawthorne: *shakes his head* lydia: the same reason as you, to save the life of my beloved. Hawthorne: "...When did he approach you?" lydia: ...two years ago. {lydia:.....*staring at her scarred eyes* .....} {natalia: *comatose in the hospital bed*} {lydia:.......<im sorry this had to happen to you....please get better, natya....>} {Fyodor: <Wishing won't be enough.>} {lydia: ?! *jumps back*} {Fyodor: <Don't be alarmed. I'm just rather direct.>} {lydia: *standing in front of natalia's bed, defensive*} {Fyodor: *looks at Lydia, then at Natalia* <Awful, isn't it, what they did...>} {lydia:....*shaking* <i failed her...i wanted to keep her safe.....> *tears falling*} {Fyodor: <You didn't fail her. You just didn't have all that you needed...But you can get it.>} {lydia: ??? <what do you mean?>} {Fyodor: <I have opportunities to provide to take care of Natalia's health and recuperation...and you have skills I need.>} {lydia: ......} {Fyodor: <Will you show me?>} {lydia:....} {-a shadowy hawk is perched onto her shoulder} {Fyodor: <...It suits you. Your strength is in the shadows...That is where we operate.>} {lydia:....<and in return, you will help her?>} {Fyodor: <I will.>} lydia: he gave me this mask to cover my scars. Hawthorne: "..." ("And to hide your identity...?") lydia:....i should go, i've been given my next task. Hawthorne: "Oh?" lydia: *she exits* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Any updates on his condition?" yosano: he's fine. atsushi: hi. Tanizaki: "Oh, hey! Man, that's some healing ability..." atsushi: i've had worse. naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: "Getting burned alive..." ._.; atsushi: no stranger to pain. now if you excuse me, it's naptime. *asleep on the exam table* yosano:.....let him rest for now. Tanizaki: "O-Okay?" *walks away* -elsewhere- Kid: "Nice putt, Father!" lord death: ^^ Kid: *takes his swing, and--* "Yes!" -elsewhere- Katai: "How is school?" aya: it's nice. i got to meet some other kids. Katai: "How are your teachers?" aya: as good as teachers can get, i suppose. Katai: "...We've known better teachers..." ("Kunikida...") aya: ... Katai: "..." *weak smile* "H-How about ice cream?" aya:....*sigh* ok sure. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "How's the job hunt going?" mono: ....... Shotaro: "...That bad, huh?" mono:... =///=; stupid short skirts.... Shotaro: "??? 'Short skirts'? Like, a cafe or something?" mana: yeeep. Shotaro: "Deathbucks?" mana: that's the one. Kepuri: "Man, I worked there...Watch your ass out there. Especially if Assi finds out you work there, Mono--" mono: YOU SHUSH! D///X< Shotaro: "Hey, maybe I should grab my schoolgirl uniform and put it on again! We can compare outfits and undies!" -PUNCH PUNCH KICK- mana: -_-; akaderu: what a pain, lets just skip to the next one before these cliche gags get worse... -elsewhere- Hiro: "??? Arthur? How did you--" Arthur: "The door was open." Hiro: "..." *looks at the door...which has been sliced in two* hime: D8< Arthur: "You're out of jelly." Hiro: -_-; "Mom's gonna make you pay for that door, Arthur." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *rubs his eye* ivy: ? Joker: "Just exhausted reading this...Ivy, you get any reports?" ivy: heard some interesting folks decided to check out the nether. Joker: "??? Why? It got cleared out." ivy: apparently these guys are detectives. what a joke. Joker: "Did those 'detectives' find anything?" ivy: they had a run in with a few hoods. managed to give them a run for their money. not sure if they're just that strong or just ridiculously lucky. Joker: "...Might be a good deterrent against the Hoods going forward. Any identification?" ivy: i'll see what i can find. Joker: *nods, back to rubbing his unmasked eye* "Man, I need eyedrops..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holds up a shirt* "What you think, Lilac? Buy it?" lilac: i-i guess so... Sakuya: "It'll be good to try some new outfits before spring..." ._.; "Naho, what the heck?" naho: ouo~? *she has a hello kitty dress* Sakuya: "...Well, it suits you." ^^ -elsewhere- Wes: *napping on the couch* liz: *pats his head and checks her phone* Stein: [hello] liz: [hey. u get the application?] Stein: [i did. we're scheduling interviews. you available tuesday?] liz: [should be] Stein: [okay. appointments are available at 10 AM, 11, 2 PM] -elsewhere- Mifune: *sets down the glasses of apple juice* angela: thanks! *siiiip* ^u^ yuma: *entering through the door, taking her shoes off* im home! Mifune: "Welcome. How was it?" yuma: theres some new kids at school now. i had fun. ^^ Mifune: "That's good. Making friends?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* atsushi: zzzzz..... Kyoka: "..." *tucks him in* ("He must've been sleeping forever.") -elsewhere- leo: *checking newspaper, apparently there is an opera showing at the theater tonight...* Motojiro: "Ahem..." leo: !!! ah! mr kajii, you startled me. Motojiro: "Sorry--just excited!" *shows "one" ticket to the opera* leo: oh, will you be attending the show then? i didnt expect you to be someone who finds interest in theater. Motojiro: "A true scientist has to engage with various arts to appreciate the wide range of experiences! Including...magic!" *slides a second ticket from behind the first* leo: ah! will you be inviting miss sakurai with you? ayako: love but cant! got stuff to do! Motojiro: "...I was thinking...you like opera?" leo: well, i did attend with my family when i was younger...y-yes, i suppose. Motojiro: "Glorious! Get on your best clothes!" leo: e-eh? o///o; s-shouldnt i ask permission from miss kouyou- Kouyou: "Permission for what?" leo: m-mr kajii had invited me to a show at the theater. s-should i? Kouyou: "..." *looks around Leo at Motojiro* Motojiro: owo Kouyou: "..." *pats Leo's shoulder* "You can do so much better--" Motojiro: D8> leo: um...*looks awkwardly back at him* Motojiro: Q_Q Kouyou: "But he's harmless." Motojiro: QWQ Kouyou: "Mostly." *takes Leo's hand. Let's get you dressed." leo: ah. a-alright then. Motojiro: *smiling, following* Kouyou: *death glare* "Not. You." -in the dressing room- Kouyou: "So, let's see...Opera, opera..." *picks out three outfits* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you want to go?" *holds up an outfit at her* leo: i would feel bad for turning him down.....although....*sad smile* Kouyou: "...Well, you are not in a position where you _have_ to go out with him, and 'I would feel bad for turning him down' isn't necessary...So, what's the _real_ reason?" leo: ........*looking down at the ground*...... Kouyou: "...You still hold a torch for him?" leo:......*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "Hey, none of that..." *hug* leo: ??! Kouyou: "You have a date, no time for feeling sad..." leo: i-im sorry, ma'am...i still miss him, i suppose...its...not an easy sentimentality to let go of. Kouyou: "...The heart wants what the heart wants. But that does not preclude you to enjoy this moment at this time." leo: .....what should i do? Kouyou: *smiles* "Put on your best attire, enjoy the opera, and enjoy whatever you get out of this date." leo:...alright then. *small smile* Kouyou: "And if he tries anything--" *holds up a taser* leo: .-.; Kouyou: "We can't afford to kill him, and we need him to retain both hands and his gustatory and olfactory senses--Hmm...I suppose you could remove a foot." Motojiro: *listening outside* Q______Q leo: ._.; Kouyou: "And pick me up a program." ^^ leo: noted. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *looking at the streets* intern: whats up? Todoroki: "...What activities have been in this town?" -elsewhere- Iida: "The aquarium looks...serene." patron: ah! the show's starting now! -manual was also taking part in the show- Iida: o_o; "...This was unexpected." -people seem to be enjoying it- Iida: "..." ("Is this...also something heroes do?") intern: sometimes, heros are asked to do promotional work as well. Iida: "I see...And his promotional work is an aquatic performance?" intern: *he nods* his quirk is hydro-kinesis, so it makes quite the spectacle. Iida: "I guess I hadn't thought of him as much of an entertainer. He's seems a bit reserved." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yo, Maki, you got any calendar for the new year?" *setting up a table in the garage* maki:.....7u7 yeeep. Vulcan: "??? Could I borrow one? I'm losing track of days." maki: *hands him one...._that_ one.* Vulcan: ._.;;; "...When was this photographed?" maki: a while ago~ shinra: hey whats-....................................MAKI!!!! D8< maki: *nyoom* Vulcan: *flipping through the pages...holds at horizontal* "...Damn. They accept auditions for this or what?" shinra: *excalibur face* -ELSEWHERE- Asura: "..." *looks up through a grate* "..." ("Nirvana...") -lab workers are taking above the grate- worker: have you ever met the CEO? Asura: *ear twitch* worker 2: i dont think anyone has. Asura: "..." *intense listening* worker 2: oi, vinny, you ever see the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh." [translator’s note; "Nyeh" is Brooklyn for "No."] worker 2: did, you ever, see, the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh, I nyever saw the boss." worker 3: i heard they live at the top of the building, but no one ever goes up there, so hard to tell. Asura: "..." *looks at his scarf...snakes it along a pipe off the ceiling...lifts himself up...then lowers himself down* ("Climbing won't be a problem...") "..." *walks to a grate leading up into the ventilation* "..." *tightens himself up to be thinner--and pulls himself up with his scarves* -in the top room- ???: ...... Asura: *arrives in the duct...silent, just watching* ???: so you finally found this place...kishin? *she looks back at him.* im so happy...to finally meet lady pandora's grandson... -this woman...she's a lunarian- Asura: *stays inside* "...How did you come here?" woman: i arrived to this world like she had, all those 800 years ago... Asura: "...With my grandmother?" woman: *she nods* i long to see her again... Asura: "...Good luck with that." woman:...for now, i must follow her orders...use the clowns, evolve them....share the blessing of madness with this world. Asura: "..." *shudder* "M-Madness?" woman: have you ever wondered, where the clowns originated? Asura: "...I've felt something off of them..." woman: that's because....*smiles* the originals are not of this earth.... Asura: "...They are..." woman: like lady pandora and myself...born from the moon.... Asura: " 'Like you'...But mad..." woman:.....at one point, the lunarian society were people of culture, intelligence...but their thirst for knowledge became their downfall. with the discovery of a certain substance, the black blood, they began experimenting with it...creating those monsters. to ensure survival, they sent 8 children to the earth’s surface. Asura: "And of those eight..." woman: amongst them were myself and lady pandora, along with the scholar enoch and sage, diana. Asura: "...Enoch..." woman:....he and the sage's son sealed her in that damned book.....ah....ahhhh it pisses me off so muuuch.... Asura: "Understandable..." *looks around the room* -its dark...- Asura: "...When did you form this organization?" ("Where are the lights...?") woman: a long time ago...when the studies of science were still young..........your wife and child....*smiles* i look forward to meeting them soon... Asura: "..." ("...I don't trust her to...") -elsewhere- Kid: "--and Father won." stocking: ah. Kid: "How was your day?" *sits down* stocking: it went well. ^^ Kid: "Oh? You thought about your student-teaching?" stocking: yeah. yumi gave me some advice. Kid: "Did it help?" stocking: i think so. Kid: *nods* "Yumi wants to help, and she has a wealth of experience." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "And with your hard work and talent..." *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Just keep at it..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and so I'm stuck on this dumb date next week." naoya: ah. higuchi: sounds like a bummer. Gin: "...You could still back out of it." Akutagawa: "...I don't know. It would make things more complicated." naoya: just tell her you dont swing that way, whats complicated about that? Akutagawa: "...She seemed insistent." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't take the rejection well, if I was her." higuchi: ..... (yeah, based on how he handled the weretiger's rejection....) Gin: "You should at least have someone chaperone--" Akutagawa: "Tachihara offered--" naoya: oh boy. higuchi: oh dear god. Gin: "No." Akutagawa: "Well, how do I turn him down--" Gin: "Ichiyo, stop him." higuchi: already on it....how do i kick him in the balls through the phone? Akutagawa: "???" naoya: comedic physics? Gin: "...If you tell him we invite him to a threesome, I'm sure that would bring him over." higuchi:...........*higuchi.exe has stopped responding* Gin: "...I was kidding. But subterfuge is a good way to undermine him." *dials the number* "Naoya, you want to try?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *listening to the music, captivated* leo:....(he seems to be enjoying himself...) ... {leo: *6 years old* *shiny eyes* <papa look!>} {Papa: <Yes, dear...> *watches with her*} {leo: OuO} {Papa: <She seems to be enjoying it...>} {mama: <indeed.>} {Papa: <Oh! Listen to that voice...>} {sister 1: <maybe one day, that'll be _you_ up there.>} {leo: <really?>} {sister 3: <yeah!>} {Papa: ^^ <If you put your mind to it...>} leo:...*sad smile* Motojiro: *glances at her* "..." *whispers* "How is it?" leo:...*wipes tear* i-im enjoying it. Motojiro: "..." *offers his handkerchief* *it is decorated with lemons* leo:...*small chuckle and wipes tears* Motojiro: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Done brushing?" sonia: yep. Chuuya: "And washed your face?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Ready for your bedtime story?" sonia: *nod nod, holding her teddy* Chuuya: *tucks her in* "Once upon time, there was a girl, in a small village..." sonia: *listening, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "This girl spent much of her time alone, except with her cat..." *pets Mito* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: "And while every home needs a cat, this girl needed something else: she needed a parent to be there, to provide what a parent should." sonia: ... Chuuya: "The child would need a safe home, with food in the cupboards--and for her cat--and the opportunities to learn all that a child has to in order to grow up into a smart, mature adult. One day, a prince was passing through town--where he saw the girl." sonia: was he a nice prince? Chuuya: "Hmmm...I'd say so. He may get a little upset if people made fun of his height...or his excellent choice in headwear..." *adjusts his hat* sonia: *giggles* Chuuya: "Hee hee...And the prince saw the girl--and he recognized her, having heard about this child, and the child's mother..." sonia:........*hug* Chuuya: *hug* "And he wanted to give that child the life her mother...would want." sonia:...thanks, papa. Chuuya: "Thank you, Sonia..." mito: =A=; sonia: sorry, mito. *pet pet* mito: =3= Chuuya: ^^; "Sorry..." *kisses Sonia's forehead* "Now, the princess needs to get her sleep." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Good night, Sonia." -saturday morning- zoey: happy birthday, kyusaku. Q: *huuuugs* >u< Ivan: -_-; zoey: do you like your gift? Q: *in a new jacket* *NOD NOD* Ivan: <Now he looks like a--> -CHOP- yana: <behave> Ivan: >_<# <Stupid cow, and that parasite with the ugly two-tone hair...> yana: <gonch, im worried for your health, all this salt cant be good for you. where are you getting all this salt, the ocean?> Ivan: <I still say we could get better medical help...> yana *rolls eyes* <i'll send the complaint to management then.> Ivan: *crosses his arms* yana: *pap pap* Ivan: TT_TT mushitaro: here. *hands him one of a box with one of fyodor's spare capes* enjoy. Ivan: QWQ *takes it--and inhales* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawn* "..." *checks his phone* -message from kouyou- Chuuya: *pulls it up* kouyou: [sleep ok?] Chuuya: [pretty well. you?] kouyou: [i slept well] Chuuya: [any plans for today?] -elsewhere- leo: ...... Kouyou: "Good morning." leo: good morning, miss kouyou. Kouyou: "Did you get home safely?" leo: yes. *she nods* Kouyou: "Did you have to use the taser?" leo: no, ma'am. Kouyou: "Well, that's good." *sets down tea* "How was the music?" leo:...nostalgic. *faint smile* Kouyou: *nods* "In a comforting way?" leo:...yes. Kouyou: "...I'm glad you went out. It's good to get out now and then." leo: ....mr kajii seemed to enjoy it as well. Kouyou: "Well, he does have surprising interests." leo: ... Kouyou: "He seems to enjoy your company." leo: *she nods* Kouyou: "Do you enjoy his?" leo:...i suppose. Kouyou: "..." *pat pat* "Give whatever you want time." leo: r-right. Kouyou: "Don't feel pressured: do what you want, not what he wants." leo: … Kouyou: "Now, we begin the day--" *opens the door* "..." -_-# "...This is for you." *holds up a gift basket...full of lemons* leo:....^^; Kouyou: "Make some tea with these at least." leo: ok. -elsewhere- Patty: "So you scored the interview?" liz: yep! Patty: "Sweet! Thompson sisters, the best teachers ever!" liz: hell yeah! high five! Kid: ".. Never thought I'd see this when first meeting you two." liz: life's full of surprises, eh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes." Patty: "...You condescending us, Reaper?!" Kid: .-.; liz: ^^; Kid: "N-Not at all! I was just saying it was surprising--" Patty: *noogies Kid* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *folding his clothes* "Think Sham is looking more stressed than usual?" naho: we should throw him a party! Sakuya: "That works...What does a Sham party look like? Fancy cheeses and small talk?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *checking off his list* "Tub scrubbed, ceiling dusted...How's fence repair going?" GET: *thumbs up* Yohei: "Good GET." *drops an apple core in his trash compartment* GET: ^o^ Yohei: "Saki, you finish moving the furniture?" saki: yep. *sets down the couch* Emine: *still seated on that couch* "..." Yohei: "...I told you to do the laundry." Emine: "I did." chie: half of it is pink... Emine: "It needed to be pink. Pink is close enough to blood." chie:.... oh, that reminds me. *pricks her finger* *phew* Yohei: ^^ "Let's get that bandaged up." -elsewhere- Hugh: *reviewing a log book* "Uptick in business thanks to the winter..." tetsu: that's good to know. *cleaning* Hugh: "But when the heat comes in, fewer customers...WE NEED A SALES PITCH FOR THE SPRING!" -elsewhere- Izuku: O_O;;; "This town is...busy." gran torino: it's a big city, kid. not as big as death city, but big none-the-less. Izuku: "I guess it just seems more...um, hipster?" gran torino: that it is, kiddo. Bystander #1: "...Who made your outfit, kid, your mommy?" Izuku: "...Yes. And it is awesome. Thank you." bystander 2: ._. ....ok then. Izuku: ^^ -elsewhere- manual: -so yeah, hosu is a pretty nice town to live in. unfortunately, some other places in the world arent as friendly to those with quirks, like chicago. but there are heroes like valkyria there that act as a beacon of hope. Iida: "I am familiar. It is challenging..." manual: still we shouldnt be discouraged. Iida: *quietly* "Hard not to be..." -elsewhere- Stain: "..." *pulls scarf closer* -a light snowfall covers the area- Stain: *looking down the alley* -silence- Stain: "..." *steps carefully* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Is this wise?" tomura: it has to be done tonight....if not...im gonna scratch all my skin off.... Kurogiri: "..._That_ is not wise." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "I just want you to know something, sir." best jeanist: oh? Bakugo: *holds up his smaller gauntlets* "I sweat. My sweat is explosive. These tiny pansy-ass gauntlets are not going to fucking cut it." -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "I SAID FILE CHRONOLOGICALLY, NOT ALPHABETICALLY!" eijiro: YESSIR! tetsutetsu: QuQ -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out a tray of cookies* "Eat up." atsushi: thanks. *nom* Lucy: "...We need to talk." atsushi: Q_Q did i mess up? Lucy: "No. I just wanted to let you know..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Look, I was fine sharing my bed with you..." atsushi:... oh... .///.;;; Lucy: "...Right. I'm just not ready for...that. Not today, anyway." atsushi: y-yeah...... .////.;;;;; same. Lucy: *smiles* "Good. Just...give me time, okay?" atsushi: i will. Lucy: "Good..." *wipes the chocolate off his lips with her finger* atsushi: ^///^ Lucy: "..." .\\\\. *quickly cleans it off with a napkin* -elsewhere- Tachihara: o______O *trying to hide from Higuchi and Gin* hirotsu: what did you do this time? Tachihara: "I roped in Akutagawa into a date." hirotsu: oh? Tachihara: "With a girl." hirotsu: is that right? Tachihara: "And since he's not really into that, and I was so forceful--" Gin: "Then you must die." higuchi: *loading pistol* Tachihara: ._______. "..." *LOUD HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and I think it went well!" Chuuya: "Well, glad to hear." Motojiro: =w= *sips his tea at the cafe* "How's it going, Sonia?" sonia: pretty good. school's nice. Motojiro: "Need help with chemistry? I can show you how to make a smoke bomb--" Chuuya: *glaaaaaare* sonia: im in 1st grade. Motojiro: "Never too early to try--" Chuuya: *imitating a 'cut it out' slice across his own neck* sonia: no thanks, im good. Chuuya: *decisive parent nod* Motojiro: "Okay...Students aren't giving you trouble, are they?" sonia: if you're asking if im being bullied, no. Motojiro: "Oh, good! I didn't like that as a kid..." sonia: ... Motojiro: "..." *sips his tea* >_> -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here's your seat, sir." *gets up out of his on the bus* fukuzawa: thank you. *sits down* Shotaro: ^^ "Anything for the elderly." fukuzawa: ... *doesnt have the heart to correct him* Shotaro: "...You a samurai? I know a kappa who wields a sickle, which isn't the same as a sword but pretty awesome!" fukuzawa: do you now? Shotaro: *nod nod* "You ever meet a kappa?" fukuzawa: no, but i have heard stories. Shotaro: "You read a lot, sir?" fukuzawa: *he nods* *cough* Shotaro: "??? You okay?" fukuzawa: fine. -elsewhere- Iida: "..." manual: you ok? Iida: "!!! Yes, sorry. Was thinking about our schedule." manual: ah, good to know. we'll be on a patrol later this evening. Iida: "I look forward to it." *looking at the streets* -evening...- Izuku: "Sir?" gran torino: whu? whazzit? Izuku: "Sorry...I thought you wanted to go on patrol this evening?" gran torino: yeah, that. *hops up* ever take the monorail? Izuku: "Nothing that trendy, I'm afraid. Has Death City ever had one?" gran torino: of course, you just gotta know where to look. -elsewhere tomura: ah.....so this is hosu, huh? Kurogiri: "Yes...It has had a bit of a drop in crime..." tomura: well then, why dont we kick off the new year with a bang? Kurogiri: "..." *sighs, opens another gate* -3 creatures....nomus..appear- tomura: hey staaaain, if you can hear me, we brought the party to your stomping grounds! -on the monorail- Izuku: *looking through his phone* "Still nothing..." gran torino: waiting on a message from a special somebody, kid? Izuku: "Just my friend Iida..." ._. "N-Not like that! Not that there is anything wrong. But I'm seeing someone else--" -CRASH- Izuku: "!!!" lion man: w-what the hell even is that?! blue nomu: *SHRIEEEEEK* Izuku: "Nomu?!" gran torino: stay there, kid! *jumps and tackles the nomu out the hole in the wall* Izuku: "Wait, sir! That's not how--" *looks out the hole* -smoke and fire coming from downtown- Izuku: "No..." worker: everyone, please keep calm, the heroes and authorities have been alerted- Izuku: "..." *leaps out the hole, takes off running* worker: h-hey kid! kid get back here! it's dangerous! -elsewhere- manual: *running* this way! Iida: *follows--then sees down an alley* native: *groan* Stain: *looking to the side at the explosions* "...Who is that flashy fool just blowing stuff up randomly? Whatever. I'll take care of that target next...For now...I have to take care of you..." *pulls a knife aimed at Native* native: urk- (why cant i move? the blood...he-) Stain: "I will allow you to choose your last words. Choose carefully." native:....*glances*....!!! *A blur is approaching Stain--* Stain: "..." *slice* *A helmet goes flying* native: !! Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Who are you, kid?" Iida: "..." *barely able to get up again...hard murderous stare at Stain* Stain: "...Leave, kid. This is no place for rugrats like yo--" Iida: "Red scarf. Blood red. Armed to the teeth...The Hero Killer Stain...I have been hunting you. I did not expect to meet so soon...I am--!" *FLIK* Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Those eyes. Cybernetic, right?" Iida: "..." Stain: "Yet full of revenge...Watch your mouth, because your age and your condition won't save you." Iida: "..." *grabs the blade* Stain: "?!" Iida: *pushes it away, as he stands* "...You fail to see me as a threat. That is your first mistake, criminal. I AM THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE HERO YOU ATTACKED! THE HERO AMONG HEROES! AND FOR HIM, I AM BRINGING YOUR CAMPAIGN OF MURDER TO AN END! THE LAST MINUTES YOU HAVE, ALL YOU WILL REMEMBER IS MY NAME!" Stain: "..." Death the Kid: Iida: "I AM INGENIUM! THE HERO WHO WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!" Stain: "..." *stands still* Iida: "AAAAH!" *swings his leg for a super-fast kick--* Stain: *dodges* Iida: "?!!!" Stain: *flipping over Iida* "Ingenium..." *slams his foot down onto Iida's shoulder--the spikes tearing through Iida's armor* Iida: "Gah!" Stain: *lands on Iida's head, slamming his foot down--then his sword into Iida's shoulder* Iida: "ARRRRGH!" Stain: "...You feign heroism...like the fake you are..." Iida: "Silence, evildoer!" Stain: "..." *small chuckle* Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! The damage you did to his spinal cord...My brother will be crippled forever! He can never be a hero again!" Stain: "Then he was never a hero to begin with--" Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! ...He is a great hero! He has saved so many! And what have you done, murderer?!" {Iida: *shiny eyes at dinner*} {Father Iida: "Excellent work, son!"} {tensei: aw, its nothing. ^^; } {Father Iida: "It's certainly no small feat, I'll tell you that! You're this young but already command so many sidekicks..."} {tensei: i wouldnt say that. im not able to do much by myself, and they're all there to support me. i owe them a lot. heroes have to bear the weight of that title, right? then if my job helps at least someone, then im doing good at it.} {Iida: "..." *small smile*} Iida: "My hero...has inspired my dreams! I'll kill you!" Stain: "And what of him?" *points to Native* native: *passed out* Iida: "..." Stain: "Your instinct was to attack me, not to save him? You wield power for yourself. Your greed blinds you...That is the furthest thing for a hero. That is why..." *kicks Iida's head to the side* Iida: "AH!" Stain: *removes the blade from Iida's shoulder...licks...* Iida: "?!" Stain: *holds it over his left eye* "You must die..." Iida: "!!!" ("My body...it's frozen...") Stain: "Be pleased that your offering will improve our society." Iida: "I said...shut up!" {Iida: "I am thoroughly impressed, brother!"} {tensei: you look up to me that much? guess that makes me a great hero or something. *smiles*} Iida: "Regardless what you say--you remain the criminal who hurt my brother!" Stain: *grins...* -something rushes in- Stain: "Huh--" -KAPOW- Iida: "...Midoriya?" izuku: iida! are you ok? Iida: "...Why are you here?" izuku: like the news reports said. 60% of the hero killers victims were found in alleys. i searched all over the back alleys looking for you! Iida: "...Not 'how'...Why?!" izuku: why? because we're friends, right? *smile* Iida: "...Do not interfere." izuku: ?? iida? Iida: "This has nothing to do with you!" izuku: what do you- Stain: *stares at Izuku* "...That's a cute line, kid..." *rubs his cheek* "But these fakes must die. And in a fight between you and me, the weaker will be eliminated..." *intense stare* izuku: *frozen* {All Might: "Villains with agenda...'ideals'...have a different kind of fire burning in their eyes..."} izuku:...*fist clench* Iida: "I said leave, Midoriya! This does not concern you!" izuku: whats a hero supposed to do when you say those kinds of things? its like what allmight said. giving help when its not asked for....thats what makes a true hero! Stain: "...Ahh..." *stands* izuku: *charges forwards* Stain: *swings his blade* izuku: *ducks down* Stain: *swings again* izuku: *jumps up* -5% DETROIT SMASH- Stain: *head knocked down* izuku: *lands* (i did it!) Stain: "..." *licks his blade* izuku: !!!! (w-what?! i-i cant move...did he graze me without feeling it....no...it's the blood!) Stain: "...So many heroes think they need power...Is that what you think, kid?" izuku: ...... Stain: "Obviously not. You wouldn't have relied on only your power, or mentioned All Might...You have something these fakers lack: focus. Observation. You tracked me. You exploited my blind spot. Your movements, your skill...You aren't one of these fools who just talks...You...are worth keeping alive." izuku: ?? Stain: "These others are not..." *lifts his sword, aiming again for Iida's eye* izuku: NO DONT- *FWOOSH* *The alley lights up in flames* Stain: *barely dodges* izuku: !!! ???: "I need more than a GPS coordinate, Izuku." izuku: todoroki! Todoroki: *on fire* "Took me far too long to recognize the coordinates you texted as being this location: you're too organized to send out meaningless numbers." Stain: "..." *runs at Todoroki* Todoroki: *ice foot slam at Stain's steps* Stain: *leaps to the right* Todoroki: *fire-stream at Stain, as his ice picks up Native and Izuku* izuku: woah! native:...nngh....nhuh? *The ice carries Native and Izuku to behind Todoroki* Todoroki: "You will not have them, Killer." Stain: "..." izuku: whatever happens, dont let him ingest your blood, he'll paralyze you! thats how he got us! Todoroki: "..." ("Hence the blades. Just keep my distance--") *SHUK!* izuku: !!! Todoroki: "!!!" *dodges knife thrown at him* Stain: *already in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "!!!" *spots blood on his own cheek* ("He grazed me!") Stain: *tosses his sword up* Todoroki: "!!!" ("Got to dodge--but--") Stain: *tongue out--* Todoroki: *blasts fire off his shoulder, arm, and leg* Stain: *leaps back* Todoroki: ("He depends on simultaneous attacks...") Iida: "Leave...This is my fight...I inherited my brother's name! I--" Todoroki: *slams ice down to form a wall, blocking Stain*"...'Inherited'? Yeah. I know that. But you, 'Ingenium,' never made those faces...Murderous. Violent. Vengeful. I thought my family had a dark side..." Iida: "Wh-What are you--" izuku:...*finger twitch* !! Todoroki: "Stop obsessing. I know it's not healthy when--" *CRASH* Todoroki: "!!!" Stain: "...Obstruction is rarely good enough. This is poor strategy--" Todoroki: *backs up, charges up his flames* -STAB STAB STAB- Todoroki: *clutching an arm, with three knives now in it* -VREEEEEEN- izuku: *he grabbed him by the scarf* Todoroki: "!!! How did you--" izuku: i think the paralysis has a time limit! native: but he was the last one to get hit, i still cant move. Stain: "..." ("Damn O...") *lands* Todoroki: "Get back, Izuku!" *sends ice at the floor* "Dodge it!" izuku: *dodge* !! Stain: *dodges* Todoroki: "How are you moving, Izuku?" izuku: i managed to break free, but i was the last hit. maybe there is a time limit? or some alternative reason? Todoroki: "Whatever it is, that makes you are best shot..." izuku: right. i'll get his attention while you take up the rear. Todoroki: "We have to delay him until Endeavor and the other Pros arrive. Dodge." izuku: right! Todoroki: "Remember, protect them..." izuku: *he nods* Stain: "Appreciate the plan to go two against one, boys..." Todoroki: "..." {Todoroki: "Mother...I want to know..."} {yuki: ??} {Todoroki: "To control this fire...what should I do?"} {yuki: ...use your flames to protect people. i believe in you...} -...- {ochako: why your dad's agency? after all that he-} {Todoroki: "To learn to control my flames..."} {ochako: ...is that the only reason?} {Todoroki: "...Regardless what he has done, he has the experience of someone long in this profession. There is something I can learn from him."} {ochako: .....} {Todoroki: "I don't like it. But I want to try, to move beyond this hate...I don't want it to consume me."} {ochako:...then you give it your all!} {Todoroki: "..." *nods*} Todoroki: (" 'My power is my own,' right? Then it's time I prove it--by saving Iida and the others first.") Iida: *watching...* "...Stop..." Stain: *on all fours--slicing at Izuku's ankle* izuku: GAH! Iida: "Please, don't...I can't take it..." Todoroki: " 'Can't'? ...THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT! Be the hero you want to become! Remember who you are!"
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Corruption of Justice
(a fictional vent story about Corrupt police getting whats coming to them.)
TW: Police brutality, Corruption, Panic attacks, transphobia/misia, incarceration
The keys clinked as he turned the deadbolt, the face of an innocent on the other side of the bars. A hefty bruise darkened one eye of the victim, his gaze full of outrage. The armored cop sneered at the man he had caged. This wasn't uncommon, a white cop, imprisoning a battered black person for little to no reason. The captive grasped the bars, gritting his teeth, "At least let me have my phone call!" He demanded. The officer could barely contain his chuckle, his arrogant smile crawling up his face even more. "You already got your phone call. You wasted it ordering pizza" the uniformed man declared, as he motioned over to the phone on the wall. The black man shook the bars shouting, "This is an outrage! You can't do this! It isn't legal!"
The cop didn't even try to restrict his laugh this time, pivoting to head out the door into the main room, dismissing the yelling of the man in the cell. He stopped cold in his tracks however, the door was blocked open, the glow of the main office area creating a line of light on the floor. The thing blocking it was quite obviously a shoe, but the shoe was angled wrong for it to not be attached to a foot.
Instinctually, the officer reached for his radio and gun, eyes widening in fear as he started stepping slowly towards the door. There was a pool of blood beginning to form beneath the body. He must not have heard it because of the prisoner's shouting, which had only ceased after he had pulled his gun, the man in the cell now watching the cop. "What's going--" He began. The officer interrupted him with a shush.
"There's no point in investigating." A voice came from the other end of the cell corridor. The cop whipped around, the bang of his gun resounding in the tight confines. The stranger seemed unfazed as they stepped out into the light. The cop immediately began profiling them noting their light Latinx skin tone, their curly long hair, the unimpressive height.
His smirk nearly returned before he noticed the very fresh bullet wound in their shoulder that seemed to not even phase the individual. He could hear his heartbeat better than the sound of the stranger's footsteps as they closed the distance between them. He fired another shot, this time the bullet ricocheting off the wall as his gun was knocked away by a feminine hand. Now that they were closer he realized their left eye was closed, a nasty scar likely the culprit.
He was forced against the wall with such force he could hear cracking, either his bones or the wall, he had no idea which. The pain indicated ribs, but panic made thinking hard. The person, who he decided to gender as female, smiled, holding his arm against the wall with little effort. He struggled throwing his other arm forward in attempts to clock the presumed woman across the nose. This effort proved fruitless as she simply caught his hand, holding it in place with such force he felt his finger bones break.
"Time for real justice" the stranger said, her one open eye narrowing. The prisoner cheered "Yeah! Kick his ass!"
She forced him against a different wall so that the man in the cell was no longer able to see her face, the cops ribs letting out a creak of complaint. She was so strong. He felt so helpless.
All the captive could see was the cop gasp, his voice showing more fear than the man in the cell had ever heard from a human being. The cop began to tremble, his eyes filling with tears, "no no no no no! I'm sorry. Please! I'm sorry! God." The panicked cries became pleading screams of anguish. It was almost too much to listen to. The man muttered out a "Stop!..h-he's had enough!" But the stranger seemed to not hear him. He began to worry whether this person actually had his best interests at heart.
The officer's gun suddenly flew of seemingly its own accord to the stranger's outstretched hand. They quickly used the gun on the officer's chest, yanking down his body armor to make sure it did the job. The prisoner yelped, scrambling backwards in his cell, his breathing picking up, his heart racing. The officer's cries stopped, the sound of a thud emanating from where the stranger held him against the wall. This was the most terrifying moment of his life. Surely he was next.
The clinking of keys was not a sound he wanted to hear. The strangers sneakers squeaking against the concrete made his heartbeat become a drum in his ears. And then he saw them, walk out in front of the bars. "Please! Don't hurt me!" The stranger's regarded him with a single eye, before letting out a small hum of recognition. "Innocent." They tossed the keys to him, before turning away towards the door.
"Wait...uh....who are you?" The man asked, relief causing his words to quiver.
The stranger stopped, turning to regard him, "Judgement" they said, "Your world was full of corruption. It was only a matter of time before it ate your universe up from inside. Corruption is like an infection, it spreads through everything, and its caused by selfish people who ignore the value of life. Biased, cruel, abusive leadership usually. But it's rarely caused by one person." They waved a hand, "But that's taken care of now. Time to rebuild. Tell everyone to not let this happen again. I dont want to have to come back."
With that, the stranger walked away. Leaving a contemplative man behind, as he stared at the keys to his freedom, trying to process all that had just happened.
Judge (one of our OC fictives) was talking about how if he was still in his own body he'd go judge every corrupt person in our government. Force them to change. So I wrote a story about it.
He approves this, but if any words or portrayals in this are problematic please let me know. I will change it to express the best tone or remove it. I btw am going to listen to POC voices first on this though.
Our body is white, and we were raised white, so we are trying to remove all traces of racism from our vocabulary and our views. Please let us know.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Q_Q dem feels man.
Takehisa: (tending to their wounds) "You dumbasses really fouled up this time..." Arthur: "Hmph. I blame that dragoness. Vicious creature..." shinra:..........ow................. --In Hibana's room-- Hibana: "Hmph. These children..." gabriella: are you alright? you arent injured, are you? Hibana: (winces) "That stumble..." (looks at her arm) "I hope it doesn't bruise..." -elsewhere- Kid: (rotates his arm) "A hot jacuzzi soak was what I needed..." liz: so what now? Kid: "I will help staff prepare dinner. Please set the table." -the next day- Kid: *yawn* -at school- Patty: "What's the first class?" < > Drawing < > Math < > Training <x> Other Kid: "I was hoping for geography...These forests are all starting to blur together..." -geography class begins- Yumi: "Good morning. I will be offering a guest lecture today on..." Yumi: "Verdant Forest." (Yumi opens her backpack that she brought with her to reveal a relic from the forest) -it's a green jewel- Patty: "Ooo...Shiny! Kid: (raises his hand) "What is that relic?" Patty: "Ooo...Shiny! Kid: (raises his hand) "What is that relic?" Yumi: it’s believed to be a nature stone. Patty: "A nature stone? Where did the DWMA find it?" Yumi: "It was recovered during one of our tours. I actually have a video from the adventurers who found it..." (plays video) person: dude, look at this. pretty shiny huh? Person #2: "Indeed...Captivating..." -something wraps around one person's leg and throws them- person 3: *SCREAM* Person #1: "Oh, God! What the f--?!" (smashed in the face with something) -the video cuts out- liz:........vines? Kid: o___o Yumi: "Yes, vines. You will need to be careful when traveling through this forest..." Patty: (pulls out bugspray) Patty: (and weedkiller) liz: maybe we should give the stone back? Yumi: (nods) "That is your mission. I want you to be careful out there..." (pats Kid's on the shoulder) Kid: (nods) -and so- Kid: (carrying his backpack) "Everyone ready?" stocking: yep. Patty: (holding up her weedkiller) liz: patti! Patty: "What? I don't want to get manhandled by a giant weed monster!" -at the forest entrance- Kid: "..." (looks at the entrance) "I don't sense anyone around yet..." liz:....... *she notices a small altar made from a stump and puts the stone there* Kid: "...I don't sense anything yet." -some of the trees pull back, opening a path- Kid: o_o "I guess...we follow?" -it leads to a grove, where an older lady resides- Kid: "H-Hello?" ???: *she looks back* oh. you must be the ones who returned my stone. the others were just telling me about that... Kid: " 'Others'?" ????: the trees of course. *she smiles* Kid: "...Oh." (looks at them, then back at her) "I am Death the Kid." ????: call me Mirva. Kid: (smiles) "It is good to meet you. This is Stocking, Liz, and Patty." -they converse for a while- Kid: "Mirva, we are seeking assistance with locating the last Sage." mirva: i see. and you have been having trouble finding someone to take up the title, and those who have tried have not fully awakened their full potential... Kid: "So we have heard. However, we need someone...What should we look for in someone who can take on the title of Sky Sage?" mirva: the sky sage will always be a child of grigori. a true child of grigori. Kid: (looks down) "We...lost one such person..." mirva: perhaps another....an angel.... stocking: i tried, but it rejected me. Kid: "I'm afraid we're at a loss. It's not like we can bring back the dead." mirva: i can tell you a presence does exist. someone who could be the new sage. she is kept in a steel prison in the vast desert... Kid: "Which desert?" mirva: a desert where cacti flourish. Kid: "We come from a desert...Death City...You don't mean such a person is back home?" mirva: not quite. but the distance is not too drastic. she lies to the south east. Kid: "Southeast from here, or from Death City?" mirva: south west of your home, young one. Kid: "...Thank you. Is there anything more you can tell us, to advise us?" mirva: one last thing. *she summons a violin and plays a melody* -obtained the forest aria- Kid: (looks to Stocking) "Got that?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (bows to Mirva) "Thank you." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: *reading* -meanwhile, at the fear factory HQ- Shinoda: (bites into an apple) "Yum~" grunt: so what's the next course of action, sir? Shinoda: "NoFix set back progress on the re-capture of Yohei at the London Tournament, as well as recruiting some of the robotics experts there..." (shows files on Kepuri and others) "Now that such a debacle is behind us, I think we need to take a new approach to accomplish our goal of Dokeshi supremacy." grunt: and that would be, sir? Shinoda: "Our new plan will be through re-building London. We already have contracted clean-up efforts." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Nice operation around here. So, what'd you got plan for these clowns and those Kishins?" luka: creating an army and selling them to anyone willing to have them in their armies, be it goverment armies, terrorists, whomever. NoFix: "Neat. That's gotta be profitable." (spies on one Clown) "Who's the next client?" luka: we got some orders from a company called 'fear factory'. NoFix: "..." (frowns) "Joy." pierrot test subject: d-doc? i-i dont feel too good....i feel sick in the stomach and my head keeps buzzing.... luka: just a side effect, it'll probably go away. NoFix: "???" (looks at the Test Subject) test subject 2: *a strange yellow substance leaks from their nostril* ahhhhhh...... NoFix: (grimaces) "Oh, shit! That ain't right!" -elsewhere- Kid: (looking out a window) stocking: how're you holding up? Kid: "...I don't know. One more Sage, but I cannot understand who or where they are." stocking: ............... Kid: "What do we do?" stocking: i dont know.... for now, lets try focusing on happier things... Kid: (small smile) "Okay..." (reaches slowly for her hand) stocking: *she smiles and kisses him gently* Kid: (holds her) "Thank you..." stocking: i love you kid, dont forget that, ok? Kid: (nods) "I never will forget...and I will always love you." stocking: mmmm...... *she hugs him* Kid: (strokes her hair and back, feeling her heartbeat and her soul wavelength...) "So warm..." stocking: *she rubs his head and back, smiling warmly* Kid: (kisses lightly along her cheek) -the next morning- Kid: *yawn* -at school- Kid: "Father, Mother, we returned the relic to the Forest." lord death: so i see, kiddo. Yumi: (nods) "Excellent work. I read your initial report about the last Sage's location." (turns to Lord Death) "Any idea where this desert is? What this metal containment unit is?" lord death: i send a search team to investigate the area. Kid: "I wonder whether they will find anything..." -elsewhere- Hiro: "Oh, hey Shinra--?! Ugh...You okay?" shinra: *bandaged* coulda been better..... Arthur: *bandaged* "No kidding..." Hiro: "...What happened?" shinra:......orange juice..... Hiro: "...Orange juice kicked your ass?" shinra:............................(thinking: i'm glad iris patched us up....) *he thinks about iris in an old timey nurse outfit* .//////. Arthur: (thinking something similar about Tamaki in a sexy nurse outfit) o/////o Hiro: "...Hello? Guys? You alive? You need something?" shinra: *NERVOUS SMILE* I'M SHINRA AND IM OK!! Arthur: "!!!" Hiro: "...Hi, Shinra, I'm Hiro, and I'm majorly confused." shinra:.........i need to use the bathroom. Arthur: "...Good idea." (follows) Hiro: "...TMI." -in the bathroom- Arthur: "..." shinra: *banging his head against the wall* stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! i'm such an idiot! Arthur: "Yes, you are." *checks his eyes* "I did not sleep enough..." shinra: well.....what now? Arthur: "...I think we should avoid Hibana. Otherwise, she will kill us. You really should have stopped me before I went into her room to slay that dragon." shinra: that's what i was trying to do! Arthur: "Then you should have tried harder! And her assistant--she's, like, a goliath! So small, yet able to have such strength! She picked me up with one hand and threw me into the garbage!" shinra: fitting. Arthur: (frowning) "What's the worst that happened to you? Hibana just threw you across the room and Maki--Wait, what did Maki do to you?" shinra:.....i dont want to talk about it. Arthur: "...She hurt your pride, man?" shinra: oh shush. i had to theoretically bury your dignity again! Arthur: (clenches his teeth) "No one asked you to..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Such brats. Happy they are at school and not here." (examines her GPS bracelet) gabriella: tea or coffee? Hibana: "Coffee, thank you." gabriella: right away~ Hibana: "Hmph. I used to be in charge of my own brigade, my own company. Now I'm basically under house arrest." (softens her face) "I suppose I should ask how you are adjusting to all of this, Gabriella. You had the option to go elsewhere." gabriella: i wanted to be here with you. i couldnt ask to be anywhere else than by your side. Hibana: "..." .\\\\. "Thank you. That actually means a lot." (clears her throat) "Y-You know, because you are so organized...and prepare my coffee how I like it." gabriella: *she smiles* Hibana: "...Why don't you pour yourself a cup of coffee as well and let's talk? I don't really know much about you." gabriella: a-are you sure? Hibana: (frowns) "I said I wanted to know more about you, so sit and tell me about yourself!" (blushes a bit more) "...Please" gabriella: o-ok...w-what did you want to know? Hibana: "Well...What are your hobbies?" gabriella: hobbies? well, i guess...does playing solitare on the computer count? i dont really make much time for doing things like that. Hibana: "You should: I would go nuts if I didn't have hobbies." gabriella: i-i dont mind though. Hibana: (pouts) "We should find you something to do. Do you like cooking?" gabriella: i can microwave instant ramen. Hibana: -_- "Okay. Tell you what." (holds up her wrist) "This GPS tracker lets me beyond 10 blocks of this place. After we finish coffee, we're going to the grocery store, coming back with ingredients, and I'm going to show you how to cook an entire meal. Okay?" gabriella: for real? Hibana: "Yes." (sips) "Hmm...Good coffee." (smiles) -elsewhere- Wes: "Hey, Liz!" liz: oh hey. Wes: "How's your day been?" liz: great. we found the 2nd to last sage yesterday. Wes: "Awesome! What was that trip like?" liz: foresty. Wes: (small smile) "Dressed appropriately for it?" liz: well...... 7-7; Wes: "???" (a little smirk) liz: what? Wes: "Nothing. You just look great in almost any outfit...and you're cute when you're nervous." liz: oh shush you. Wes: (laughs) "Hey, I was wondering whether you were free Friday night." liz: yeah. Wes: "Cool. Up for going out? I was thinking about dinner and..." < > a movie < > a walk through downtown Death City <x> laser tag liz: how about laser tag? Wes: "..." (childish glee) "I never had a chance to play it growing up--and I've wanted to for so long! Can you teach me?" liz: sure thing! Wes: "Pick you up at 5?" liz: this friday? Wes: (nods) -later- Yumi: "Death, which 'steel prisons' are there near this city?" lord death: we did find prisons, but they were made of stone. the only steel building was a labratory facility. 'Nirvana Lab 07' Yumi: "Nirvana? I'm not familiar with any laboratory or company with that name." lord death: neither am i. we'll have to infiltrate and see what we can find. Yumi: "Ideas for whom to include on this infiltration team?" -kid, liz, patti, stocking, clay, akane, homura, gopher, kirika- Yumi: (lists the parties) "Very good. When is the best date for travel?" -how about tuesday- Yumi: "Tuesday, Nirvana Lab 07...I'll send the assignment and ask Auntie and staff to gather all necessary resources." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Shit." mana: what's wrong? Yohei: "This news: 'Happy Factory lands third contract for re-building London.' Something smells fishy about all of this..." mana: .......... Yohei: "No way that 'Happy Factory' isn't still Fear Factory...but I can't figure out much on this guy leading it, Apple Shinoda." -elsewhere, in the world of witches- Witch Assistant: "Madam Maba, you called?" maaba: nyamu! Witch Assistant: "We have had complaints in the prison regarding the werewolf recently placed there. He keeps going on and on about wanting his froggy." maaba: nyamu? Witch Assistant: "Yes. I am recommending increased security, including another magical barrier tailored for canines." maaba: nyamu nyamu. *nods* Witch Assistant: "Understood...Also, the prisoner has requested...chew toys." maaba: nyamu! Witch Assistant: *sigh* "Very well. I'll put in the order online. Anything else, Madam?" maaba: .....nyamu nyamu? Witch Assistant: "No, we have not had a new lead on Book of Enoch. I was just heading to Intelligence for any updates. Please, excuse me." (departs and runs into...) sephy: hey. *waves* Witch Assistant: "Ah, Sephy. How are you?" sephy: doin' good. making mail deliveres as usual. kerona's been doing well too. Witch Assistant: "Happy to hear. Any mail for me?" sephy: just the usual stuff. Witch Assistant: "...Sephy? I'm going back to see that werewolf..." (glares) "I want to break him." sephy: you and me both. *cracks knuckles* he's got hell to pay for harassing my baby girl! Witch Assistant: "...Maybe he needs a 'visitor' for a few minutes...hours..." -elsewhere- Noah: (his arm his bandaged...and he's holding something in his hand) noelle: [oh?] *When he injured his hand, he reached in, tore out part of his bone, and wore it down to a shiv, which he has hidden from guards* noelle: [o_______o] Noah: *giggling* "Let them come...I'll have my hostage, and I'll escape with the Book..." noelle: [what hostage?] Noah: *blinks* "Oh...I hadn't figured that out...How about that little girl who hangs out with the guy in the mask? She looks weak." noelle: [the pink one?] Noah: "Hee hee...Yeah...Just grab her wrist, hold the shiv to her neck, and the rest of them will back off. Genius." noelle: [sure.] Wrath!Noah: [KILL A LOT OF PEOPLE! *Kermit the Frog arm wiggling with glee*] Gluttony!Noah: [I'm so hungry...] Lust!Noah: [...I got nothing.] -elsewhere- Hibana: (sets the plates before Akitaru and the others) "Gabriella put in a lot of work in this meal, so I hope you all enjoy it." *glares at Shinra and Arthur* (demonic voice) "OR ELSE." shinra: *sweats* yes ma'am! Arthur: (glares at the food) "I don't like fish--" maki: *shoulder punch* Arthur: "Owie!" (crying pout) -elsewhere- scarlet: *loading her gun* scarlet: wind speed seems about right....now, where are you mr burns? Tamaki: (banging on Burns's door) "Let me in, now!" scarlet: oh? Amber: "Tamaki, please, stop!" tamaki: *angry kitty scratching* ugh! what is his deal?! Burns: (opens the door) "...What?" scarlet: *she takes aim* tamaki: why am i being locked here? what's the deal with that?! Burns: "You have been an irritable child lately, Tamaki, and I want that to stop." Amber: (trying to stand between Tamaki and Burns) "Stop this!" scarlet: move brat..... tamaki: i'm not a child! Amber: (trying to hold Tamaki back) "Sir, she's just, you know, having a bad day. Please don't hold it against her." scarlet: aim...... *her phone rings* !!! *BANG* Burns: (steps forward, pulls Amber away from Tamaki) "If you can't fall in line, Tamaki, you know where you'll go..." *GLASS SHATTERS, BLOOD* tamaki: .....!!!!!!! Burns: "!!!!" Amber: "..." (collapses) tamaki: .........!!!! Burns: "Amber!" (sees the window) "Bastards!" (heads out to try to track the assassin) Firefighter #2: "What happened--Amber?! Someone, get an ambulance!" Amber: *shuddering, choking on her blood* scarlet: dammit!...... *she answers* what....is it? Joker: "Hey, pretty girl." tamaki: amber! we're getting you help. Firefighter #2: (removed shirt, applying it to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding) "Please, God, no." scarlet: couldnt pick a better time to call, because thanks to you startling me, i missed my target. again! Joker: "Well, maybe if you put your calls on silent, this wouldn't happen, now would it?" scarlet: .............up yours. Joker: "You first~ So, who did you kill?" *Flames erupt where Scarlet stands* scarlet: some brat from the 1st brig- WHAT THE FUCK?! Burns: "Fire at her, men!" scarlet: SON OF A- *she takes off* Burns: "Not that easy!" (flames his hands--and flies up to the rooftop) "Follow her!" Joker: "Woof! Sounds like you got yourself into a bit of trouble, Red." scarlet: oh no, its just fireworks- OF COURSE I HAVE A SITUATION ON ME! Joker: "Ah, how sad...Need an assist?" Burns: (fires flame just past Scarlet's head) scarlet: ..... *grumble* fine, just get them off my ass. Joker: (snaps his fingers) Burns: (aims) "Got you, you bastard..." *A circle of flames emerge around Scarlet--and they're not by Burns* scarlet: !!! Burns: "What?!" *BOOM* Burns: *knocked back* "Urg!" *Scarlet has disappeared* tamaki: amber, come on, you're gonna be ok! Amber: "T-T-T..." (stops breathing) tamaki: dammit, someone! do something! Paramedics: "We're here!" Ma'am, get out of the way..." (tend to Amber) "She's...I got no pulse. She's--" tamaki: she's alright! she just passed out! Paramedics: "Ma'am. She's gone." tamaki: she's fine! r-really! Paramedics: "She is dead." (nods to paramedics to get Amber to the hospital, clutches Tamaki) "I am sorry." tamaki: y-you're lying! g-get off me! ok amber, jokes over now! Amber: *there is no reply* Paramedics: "Ma'am, please, calm down--" tamaki: STOP IT! *fire forms around her* Paramedics: "!!! We got a Fire Being! Everyone, back away!" tamaki: *she screams* Paramedics: "Duck!" (flames pass by) tamaki: ............*she breaks down* Paramedics: "..." (to the others) "Get her out of here." (approaches Tamaki...and hugs her) -elsewhere, the next morning- Akitaru: (watching the news) "..." shinra: what is it? Akitaru: (turns off the TV, approaches the Brigade) "Everyone, I am sad to report that the 1st Brigade lost one of their members last night." shinra: what? maki: !! iris: *shocked* Arthur: "Th-The First? Oh, God..." shinra: .... *he looks at arthur* Akitaru: (hand on Arthur's shoulder) "Tamaki was not killed. She is...fine." (looks to the others) "It was an assassination attempt, with 1st Brigade Sister Amber Lee McKenzie killed." iris: !!!! *tearful* Arthur: (solemn) "I-I got to call Tamaki--" Hibana: (holds Iris) "Oh, God..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "We have to take this seriously: what if this assassination attempt was related to our investigation coming up on Tuesday?" lord death: according to the reports, there was an attempt on the 5th commander's life as well. Yumi: "Hmm...Burns, Hibana...Who stands to gain from attacking them?" (taps on a board showing the Commanders' faces) "Perhaps increase security at the 8th for both Hibana and Obi, then at the other Brigades. I think someone should contact Hibana as well for more information about this assassin." lord death: that sounds like a good idea. Yumi: (nods) "I'll bring Hibana in. You find someone to question her." -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Assassins. They give people like me a bad name. If I ever find this brat, I'll wring their neck." soul:............ Black Star: "If we weren't on this mission Tuesday, I'd stay here and knock down every door 'til I find this scum. Right, Soul?" soul: yeah. Black Star: "...I need to get some of this aggression out of me. I'm going to work-out for a bit. What're you gonna do?" soul: i'll figure something out... Black Star: "Okay..." (pats his back) "Stay safe, man." -elsewhere- scarlet: .......... Joker: (puffs on cigarette) "Tell me, Red: why did I hire you when you have failed to kill two Commanders? Is your shot really that bad?" scarlet: i had a clear shot on them, but one jumped in front and you screwed me over on the last one. Joker: "...I am mature enough to admit that I may have been slightly responsible for your massive fuck-up." scarlet:.......... spare me a cig? Joker: (taps one out for her) "Light?" scarlet: i got my own, thanks. *snaps her finger and summons a small flame* Joker: (puffs away) "So, they're now going to hunker down, preventing us from getting another shot any time soon. Maybe we need another option..." scarlet: ........ *takes a long drag* now i have to lay low for a while...just great....fan-fucking-tastic... Joker: "Maybe we need something other than you with a gun outside...Maybe we need an insider..." scarlet: oh? Joker: "Know anyone? I'd recommend you, but Burnsy already knows your face." scarlet: i'll see what we can come up with... Joker: (smiles) "Good. In the meantime, practice on your aim." (forms his fingers into a pistol and aims) "Bang." scarlet:....funny. Joker: "Heh heh..." (finishes his smoke, leans back on the couch) -elsewhere- Kid: "The Sky Sage..." (looks at the map) "We're hunting for Sages to stop that monster, and our own allies are getting gunned down. I know this is typical for the life we live, but I cannot help but be afraid and ashamed." (holds a hand to his chest) "Gods of Death do not treat death lightly." stocking:.... *she holds his hand* Kid: "Stocking, I don't want to lose more people...but I can't stop that. If I lost you..." stocking: that wont happen...i promise... Kid: "..." ("How can she know that...") (he hugs her) stocking: *she hugs back* Kid: "Stocking, please do all that you can to protect our friends..." stocking: i will.... Kid: "Thank you. I will as well." (holds her, and just keeps holding her) stocking:...... Kid: *yawns, leans against her shoulder* -the next day- Kid: (tosses in bed, murmuring) stocking: ....... Kid: "M-Mom..." stocking:............. *she strokes his head* Kid: (muttering in his sleep) "I don't want to lose more...M-Maka..." stocking: ............ Kid: "E-Everyone is dying on me...N-No..." stocking: kid. kid get up! Kid: "No!" (sits up, panting, shaking, sweating) "St-Stocking?" stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: "Wh-What happened?" (clutches her, tearing up) "I saw...I saw so much..." stocking: it was just a dream, kid.... Kid: "..." ("No...They are still gone...") *cries a bit* stocking:.......... Kid: *sobbing* "They're all gone...It hurts..." stocking: kid.... i'm still here..... Kid: (clutches Stocking) "Yes, you are..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (holds her, slowly calms down) "...It hurts." stocking:.......... Kid: "..." (holds her) "I think I need...a day off from classes." stocking: ok.... Kid: (lies in bed, yawns) -elsewhere- Black Star: "Kid called in sick." soul: ............ Black Star: "He should be ready for Tuesday's mission, but I think that Fire Brigade attack has worn him down." Patty: (in class as well, sad frown) liz:......we should do something for him. Patty: "Like what? A get-together, or get him something on the way home?" liz: maybe a party? Black Star: "Heck yeah! Do that!" -elsewhere- -knock knock- Arthur: "Tamaki? It's me." tamaki: go away.... *her voice is hoarse* Arthur: "...Please? You've been here for days..." tamaki:................ Arthur: "Tamaki..." (leans against the door) "I'm sorry for what happened to Amber. Iris and Hibana have been mourning her loss. I can't imagine what you are going through..." tamaki: just shut up! Arthur: "?! Tamaki?" tamaki: *she curls up, whimpering* Arthur: (hearing her) "Tamaki? Please?" -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns* "That nap helped..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *stretches* "How long was I asleep?" stocking: a little while. Kid: *sighs* "I feel stupid for letting my emotions control me like that." stocking: it's ok... *she strokes his head* Kid: "Thank you...What have you been up to?" stocking: i got a cold compress for your head, since you were burning up pretty bad... Kid: (fans himself at his collar) "You're right...That's disconcerting..." *dry cough* stocking: *she gives him some water* here... Kid: *cough* "Th-Thanks..." (sips slowly) -later- Kid: (sipping on soup) liz: doing better? Kid: (nods) "Yes, thank you. Sleep helped." stocking: *smiles* Kid: (finishes his soup, sighs) "I think I'll be ready by Tuesday for our mission." -elsewhere- Burns: "..." (slams his fist against his desk) officer: commander? Burns: "This gets in the way of everything--Everything!" (tosses papers aside) "Where is that assassin?!" officer: we're still examining the rooftops sir. Burns: "A lot damn good that is doing, Soldier! Someone is dead, my life has been threatened, I'm locked in this building like a prisoner in my own home, and all you are doing is checking rooftops?!" officer: !! Burns: (seizes Officer by the collar) "Get out there, round up any lowlife you can find, and get some information! I'm not going to have another member of the 1st dead because of my inaction! Bring them here! I'll make them talk." officer: !!! Burns: "...Why are you still here?! Get going!" (tosses the Officer--through the door) -elsewhere- Arthur: (in the backyard at the punching bag) shinra:..... *comforting iris* iris:............... Hibana: (having a drink with Maki) "I want to find this son of a bitch--and snap their neck." maki: and kick them in the shins! gabriella: and spill boiling water on their faces! Hibana: "Then burn them alive!" shinra: *sweats* Akitaru: (slams fist on the table) "ENOUGH!" shinra: !! iris: !! Hibana: "!!" Akitaru: (inhales, sighs) maki: commander? Takiharu: "I think the commander is pointing out that we will find this assassin and bring them to justice as soon as possible. In the meantime, focus on your work, not on vengeance alone." Akitaru: (sips) "What he said." maki: ....right....maybe we should cool our heads down........ !! i have an idea! Akitaru: "Oh?" maki: we should all go camping! *shiny eyes* Hibana: "..." (yuck face) "Like, in the outdoors? With dirt?" Arthur: "...It could be a welcome break..." shinra: that sounds like a great idea. maki: *squee* trust me, it's gonna be great, as a kid i went camping all the time, my cousins would join in too! Hibana: *grumble* "Gabriella, buy me decent boots and something fashionable for the great outdoors." gabriella: can do, princess. *she smiles* Akitaru: "Heh heh--good idea, Maki! I'll get my RV back from my aunt for this trip." shinra: i think i went camping once during a class trip. Takehisa: "How was it, Shinra?" shinra: welll.... >///>;;;; Arthur: (smirks) "Come on, tell them about camp...Puddles." shinra: ./////////////////////////. Hibana: "???" Akitaru: "..." (chortle) "Seriously?" shinra: oh hush, captain leech-dick. Arthur: o____o "Hey! That's below the belt!" Hibana: (laughing) "No kidding." maki: *snickering* iris: ?????? Takiharu: "..." (smirks) iris: ?????????????? Arthur: "At least I didn't wet the bed!" shinra: I DID NOT! Arthur: "And I didn't get a leech attached to my dick!" shinra: *dials his phone* Arthur: "Wh-What are you doing?" shinra: getting clarification...... Arthur: "Wh-What?! From who?!" Hiro: "Hello?" Arthur: o_______o "Oh no..." shinra: hey there, did arthur really get his joy handle bitten by a leech during a camping trip? Hiro: "...Ha. Ha." (silence) (hysterical laughter) "Oh, God, he was screaming like a baby the entire time! Good memories..." (more hysterical laughter) Arthur: (desperately trying to reach for the phone, held back by Akitaru and Gabriella) shinra: *evil grin* Hibana: "Ha ha ha! I bet the leech didn't get much of a meal off of Arthur." Arthur: o\\\\\\\o "Sh-Shut up! The water was cold!" iris: ?????????????????????????? Hibana: (slapping the table, cackling) Hiro: (still laughing--then a crash) "Ah! I fell out of my chair! Ha ha ha!" shinra: careful, talk to ya later. *hangs up* read it and weep, boyle. Arthur: "Grrrr...Y-You...You bedwetter! I bet you still do it, you jerk!" shinra: you cant prove it. Arthur: "Y-Yeah?! Well, I can prove I ain't small!" Hibana: "Then prove it!" (slapping the table, laughing) Arthur: o\\\\\\\o Hibana: :3 iris: *chop* no. bad sister. bad. Hibana: T___T Akitaru: "Okay, enough making fun of Arthur's size. Let's get packing!" maki: *cough* package-ing. *cough* ............*innocent whistling* Arthur: "Grrr...I'll get you for this, Shinra!" -the next morning- Hibana: "Zzzzz..." iris: sister? its time to get up now. Hibana: "Mmm..." (gets up, wearing her nightie) "Oh. Hello. What time is it?" iris: about 7 in the morning. Hibana: "Hmm...Yes, I guess it is time to wake up. Hmph. Back when I ran my own business, I had an alarm with lights that would slowly turn on to imitate sunlight. And more scented candles." -elsewhere- Kid: (yawns, waking up) stocking: morning babe~ Kid: "Good morning." (cuddles with her) "How are you?" stocking: pretty good. you? Kid: (nods) "Better. My throat isn't scratchy now, and I think my temperature has gone down." stocking: i'm glad to hear that. *she kisses his nose* poor baby. Kid: (hugs her) "I'll get better...It's all I can do." -elsewhere- tamaki:....................... Burns: "She hasn't come out still?" officer: no sir....i'm worried about her. Burns: "I'm open to ideas: how do we get her out?" officer: i dont know...maybe talking to her? but she locked the door. Burns: "Hmm...Well, unless you are suggesting I kick the door down--" officer: dont you have a key, sir? Burns: "Tch. You take the fun out of everything..." (pulls out his key, opens Tamaki's door) "Hello?" tamaki:..... *silently whimpering* Burns: "Tamaki..." (approaches) tamaki: *croaky voice* what do _you_ want? Burns: "You have to come outside. Come on, you need a good meal and a shower." tamaki: why, just to get someone else killed? Burns: "...They were targeting me. If you want to blame someone, blame me--I can take it. But if you don't stop blaming yourself..." tamaki: why? it wont change what a shitty friend i was! i was just so angry that i was locked up here, that i completely swept her under the rug! Burns: "She never held anything against you, you know that. Amber was kindhearted and had the patience of a saint. And she loved you." tamaki: *whimpering* i should have appreciated her better than i did.... Burns: "..." (puts an arm around her shoulder) "Get showered and dress: we're going out." tamaki:................... Burns: (stands up to leave the room) "You got 30 minutes." tamaki:............. -elsewhere- Burns: (standing before Amber's grave) priest: she was a good kid, that one. Burns: "Yes. She was." priest: this world is a truly screwed up place for things like this to happen, let alone to a girl her age. Burns: "...I am sorry. It should have been me, Father." priest: it would be best not to blame yourselves for what happened, all we can do is move on. Burns: "I've been trying to tell that to one of my soldiers...She hasn't taken that advice well." -elsewhere- Kid: (staring at a photograph on the mantle of his mother) liz: ........ Kid: "She was so young, Liz." liz: yeah....just 15.... Kid: "Amber was too young. My mother was too young. All of this death has been difficult." (holds his chest) "It makes it difficult for Shinigami..." liz:.....how old were you when it happened? Kid: "Five..." (picks up the photograph) liz:......... Kid: "I am happy for everyone in my life, and I feel so much love. But that doesn't lessen the pain." liz: ....... *hug* it's ok kid.... Kid: (returns the hug) "Thank you..." *sniff* -later- Black Star: *whistling* tsubaki+soul: *making lunch* Black Star: "So, your bro is taking Liz out for laser tag? What is he, four?" soul: dude, cut him some slack, we didnt get to do stuff like that as kids. Black Star: "...Sorry, man." soul: its fine. Black Star: "...You ever wanted to do laser tag, Soul?" soul: i guess... i did play a few times with you guys. Black Star: "What did you never get to do at home that you always wished you could do here?" soul: stay up late and eat an entire pizza. Black Star: "Oh, come on, you've done that. How about something bigger?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Death..." lord death: yes, dearest? Yumi: "...I'm scared." (puts a hand on her stomach) lord death:..... *he pulls her close* Yumi: "I know how to be there for Kid...but I've never been a mother. I mean, I've been a mother to him, but not...really?" (puts her head down) "I'm so confused. I just feel conflicted." lord death: how so? Yumi: "...Before you say I am being irrational, believe me, I am aware. I know I can be a good mother. But I feel like I won't be as good as Kid's mother...Sigh. That's awful. I'm sorry." lord death:..... perhaps maybe you and kid could spend a day together? Yumi: (nods) -elsewhere- Ponera: "Is it just me, or does our prisoner seem a bit calmer lately?" medusa: maybe he finally croaked. Ponera: "Grimmy? Nals? Could you check on him?" grimoire: we shall do that now. Nals: "Lead the way, fearless leader..." grimoire:..... -in the woods- Arthur: (cleaning dirt off his sleeping bag) shinra: this is a pretty nice little spot. we even have a firepit. nice. maki: *she finished pitching up the girl's tent* ta-dah~! Hibana: "Hmm...Wish I brought my generator with me." (taps her phone) "Signal sucks here, too." Akitaru: "Great work, Maki!" Takehisa: "...One corner is off, Maki." maki: TnT Akitaru: (frowns at Takehisa) "Come on, let's get some eats." (hands him fishing pole) iris: *she's picking some flowers and making flower crowns* shinra: so, what do we do then? Arthur: "Hiking? Join in fishing? Nature walk? Climb a tree to find where the dragon's cave is?" shinra: i'm gonna go scope the area out. see what there is to see and what not. Arthur: "Hmm..." Hibana: "Want company?" -on the path- shinra:.... *making a map of the camp site and stuff* Hibana: (studying the flowers) "Fascinating..." iris: *she made 8 flower crowns. one for everyone* here. Hibana: "Oh...Um, thanks..." shinra: *he finds a berry bush and takes a picture with a digital camera to show the others* Arthur: (spying a small butterfly) "Hmmm...What a small one." maki: looks like the others are back now. Akitaru: "Come on in! We got food!" (holds up two giant fish) Takehisa: (holding up a tiny fish) maki: awesome! -they would have fish, hot dogs, and smores- Hibana: (struggling to hold her s'more) "So messy." maki: mmmmm yummy! shinra: *cooking his hot dog with fire from his foot* Arthur: "Ew...Isn't that going to affect the taste?" shinra: *nom*......tastes fine to me. Akitaru: "Heh...so, Shinra, you're having a..._foot_ long?" maki: *she breaks down laughing* Takehisa: (facepalm) shinra:...................... *poker face* commander why? Akitaru: "Ah, relax. I'm just...pulling your leg." shinra:......................... maki: *losing it* iris:.....*snerk* hehe... Hibana: "..." (eyeroll) Arthur: (smirks) gabriella: >.>;;; shinra: -_-;;;;; Akitaru: "You didn't get a...kick...out of that gag?" shinra: i'm going to bed. Hibana: "All of the sugar in the Some Mores is going to keep me up...Think I'll look at the stars." shinra: boyle, you enjoy your hot dog. it's leech free this time. Arthur: (chokes on his meat...on his hot dog...) shinra: g'night. Arthur: "I will keep you up all night with snoring, you jerk!" -elsewhere- Noah: (giggling) grimoire: what's so funny? Noah: "Oh, someone just told me a funny joke. Want to hear it?" grimoire:......?? Noah: "Knock knock." grimoire:.......who's there? Noah: "Howie." grimoire:..................howie who- Noah: *snickers* " Howie gonna hide your dead body?" *cackling* grimoire:.....that was terrible. Noah: "Not as terrible as you're going to look." (giggles) "How you want to go? I could make it quick and painful, slow and painful, or something in between." grimoire: that wont happen. Noah: "Parts of me agree with you. Other parts don't." (pauses) "And one part wants to kiss you hard on the mouth." grimoire:.............................................what? [Lust!Noah: "It'd be like making love to yourself...only not masturbation."] Noah: "...Why don't you open this door and let's see what happens: Fuck Marry or Kill?" grimoire:.....no. Noah: "Another time then." *yawns* "The sleepy part of me wants to catch some more winks. The lustful part will have sweet dreams of you, the wrathful part will kill you, and the hungry part wants some more food here in the morning..." -elsewhere- Burns: "..." tamaki: ................. Burns: "How about something to eat? I've been told my homemade chili is pretty good." tamaki:.....*small nom*.................... Burns: "...Good. Oh--" (hands her a glass of milk and some bread) "It's a bit spicy, so--" tamaki: i know...... Burns: "...Anything you need? Salt?" tamaki:............ -the next morning- Hibana: "Zzz..." iris: *snoozing* shinra: *checks his sleeping bag*.... ah.... good. Arthur: (groaning) "T-Tamaki..." shinra: ?? Arthur: (dreaming) "D-Don't cry...It'll be okay..." shinra:..................... Arthur: "..." (hugs his pillow, drooling on it) shinra: *sigh*.... *he looks up at the roof of the tent* Akitaru: *loud snore* Takehisa: *grumbles, puts a clothes peg over Akitaru's nose to make the snoring stop) -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning babe. Kid: "Morning, Angel." (hugs her) stocking: i heard your mom is taking you someplace today. Kid: (nods) "We're trying to make a day of it. I was thinking a walk in the park, a film, and a late lunch. Any suggested changes?" stocking: that sounds pretty good. Kid: "Thanks. I hope it is a good day." -and so- Yumi: "Ready to depart, Kid?" Kid: (nods) "We will see you later today, Father." lord death: have fun now, you two~ Kid: (smiles) "We will." Yumi: (kiss on Death's cheek) "Call if you need anything." lord death: of course, dear. --And So, They Departed-- *Kid and Yumi on a Bus* Kid: "It's been so long since I took a bus trip around town." Yumi: (smiles) "I and other Death Scythes used to take you on the bus all the time. You would want to stay on all day." -a few people get on and off- Kid: (points to the park) "Here's our stop." (he pulls the cord to get off) -and so, after the park and movie- Kid: (hands her her ice cream cone) "Here you go..." (hands her something else...) "...and, surprisingly, they did have jalapeno sauce..." Yumi: "Thanks!" (covers her chocolate chip ice cream with jalapeno sauce) Kid: ._. "Um..." (keeps quiet, eats his mint ice cream) person: *squick face* Yumi: (glares at bystander) "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" person: nothing, ma'am! Kid: 0_0 Yumi: (still glaring, angrily eating her ice cream) "Hmph...This is tasty." (angry eating) "Really tasty. How is yours, Kid?" Kid: "...Excellent, thank you." -elsewhere- Patty: "So, Sis, how was laser tag?" liz: pretty good. *she smiles* Patty: "Who won?" liz: the other team, but we had fun anyways. Patty: "Wes lost it for you?" liz: i wouldnt say that, but in the end, it was a good game, overall. we got dinner afterwards too. Patty: "Where did you go? Was it a good meal?" liz: we went to a burger place. Patty: "Tasty." :3 "Anything else happen on your date?" liz: .............. ./////////. Patty: "Oh-ho-ho...Details, details..." -meanwhile- soul: DUDE REALLY?! Wes: o\\\\\o soul: like...full on the lips or.....just on the cheek or something? Wes: "Th-The lips...mostly." (blushes harder) soul: dude. Wes: "W-What? I haven't dated much." -elsewhere- Yumi: (to a clerk) "Yes, thank you." (picks up the book) "I've been meaning to read this novel for some time." Kid: (nods) "I hope it's enjoyable. What is it about?" Yumi: "It's another Murakami book--someone trying to find a sheep with a star on its side." Kid: "...That's weird." Yumi: "Indeed." -there is a light overcast- Yumi: "Oh, no...We forgot umbrellas." Kid: "Maybe we can purchase ones there..." <> polka dots <> clear <> skulls <> black Kid: "Skulls work?" Yumi: (smirked) "I joined this family, didn't I?" Kid: (chuckles) "Two skull umbrellas, please." -and so- *A bit of rain is falling, as they hold their umbrellas* Kid: "...Mother?" Yumi: "Yes?" Kid: "...I am happy to have you as my mother." Yumi: "..." (nods) "Thank you. And I am happy to have you as my son." *Awkward silence* Yumi: "..." (stops, puts an arm around him, hugs him) Kid: o\\\\\\o (hugs back) Kid: "..." (voice squeaking) "Y-You want to do anything else before we head home?" -elsewhere- Patty: :3 liz: oh shush >////> Patty: "I'm not saying anything! But since you asked, when's your next date?" liz: i-i dont know yet. Patty: "Maybe something a bit more high-energy than dumb old laser tag. How 'bout dancing?" liz: maybe. Patty: "And dinner. Then go back to his place for coffee..." -later, elsewhere- NoFix: "Tch. I would've thought by now you guys would make some cooler type of Clown. Like, one with chainsaws for arms or something." luka: well, the results can be unpredictable at times. perhaps if we used the syrum on a lumberjack or something... NoFix: "Oooooh! Fun! So, what would happen if you used that syrum on a hot super-stud?" luka:.......... NoFix: "..." (frowns) "I was talking about me. Have you ever tried mixing my spinning cells with your clown cells? Maybe make a spinning clown baby?" luka: it would probably end badly for you. NoFix: "...Okay, okay, I'll take your warning. Jeez." (taps glass) "But what am I doing here? I feel like all I've done is bang my old lady over and over and over again." luka: you did repair the generators and speed up the transformation process with some of the subjects. we also got blood samples from you to use. NoFix: "Yeah, but I haven't gotten to kill people in a few weeks now." luka: we have some prisoners downstairs for you. NoFix: "..." (grins) -there are 6 people, of varying age, gender, race, and size- NoFix: "They all look so good, I don't know where to start!" (points at one) "What's the worst way you think you could die?" lady: please....why are you people keeping us here? we didnt do anything to you! NoFix: "You exist: that's enough for me..." lady: wh-what are you doing? NoFix: (opens the cell, spinning his hand) "Givin' you a one-way ticket to your maker..." lady: s-stay away from me! NoFix: (seizes her by the throat) "Sorry, can't hear you over how awesome I am..." lady: !!!! < > Quick kill < > Draw it out <x> Toy with her < > Spare her NoFix: (stop vibrating his hand, rubbing it along her face) lady: w-what are you- NoFix: "It's been a long time since I saw someone like you...Like, a whole 5 minutes." lady: *she doesnt say anything* NoFix: "Want to have some fun before you go?" lady: !!!!! NoFix: "How about a game of Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe?" lady: ?? NoFix: (puts a hand around her shoulder, points to the other jail cells) "I'll pick a prisoner, and if you kill them, then I'll spare your life for one more day. And I get to pick the prisoner. Sounds fun, right?" lady: ........ NoFix: "Great! Let's start off!" (takes her hands, puts a knife in it, and then grabs her hand so the knife points at each cell as he says..." "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!" lady: ............ < > Prisoner #1 < > Prisoner #2 < > #3 <x> #4 < > #5 *Prisoner #4, who is twice as big as the Lady and looks furious* lady: *gulp* NoFix: "Ooooh...I don't think it looks good for you, ma'am." (whispers) "Better luck next time..." (gestures to Guard to put the Lady into Prisoner #4's cell) lady: *whimpering* Prisoner #4: (cracks his knuckles) "You're in for a world of hurt, little girl. I've survived two prison sentences, killed five meisters, and tortured dozens of people. You think you got a shot with your little knife?" NoFix: "Them's fightin' words! You gonna take that off of him, Lady?!" lady: please...i-i just want to go home! Prisoner #4: "...I'll make it quick." (lunges at her) lady: *SHE SCREAMS AND JABS THE KNIFE INTO HER THROAT* NoFix: "...Shit. I didn't see that happening." (snaps fingers) "Clean up on Aisle #4 please!" Prisoner #4: "!!! Shit!": lady: *she's twitching and choking on her own blood, before her body begins to change....horrifically.* NoFix: "?! What the what?" Prisoner #4: "Hey! Hey, man, get this chick out of here! What's happening?!" -the creature then begins to scream and sink its teeth into the man- Prisoner #4: "Fuck! Get off me, you bitch!" (slams his arm against the wall, trying to shake the Creature loose) NoFix: "Tch. If I had a nickel for every time I said that..." luka: oh mother- GET A CONTAINMENT TEAM IN HERE, STAT! NoFix: "Aw, come on! This was just getting good!" Prisoner #4: (shrieking) "What's going on?!" -elsewhere- Kid: "We're home." Yumi: "Hello?" Yumi: "Anyone here?" liz: hey. lord death: welcome home! *he kisses her forehead* Yumi: (smiles) "Happy to be back. It was a very enjoyable day." stocking: hey babe~ *she hugs kid* Kid: (blushes) "Hello yourself." (hugs back) liz: so how was the outting? Kid: "I had fun: we took in the sights around town, picked up a new book for Mother..." liz: ah. Kid: "It was a good day." (smiles at Yumi) "It will be only get better." Yumi: (smiles) stocking: so what do you want to do? Kid: *stomach grumbles* "...Maybe a snack?" Yumi: *louder grumbling* "Y-Yeah..." stocking: yeah. Kid: "What would everyone like? Something savory?" (smirks at Stocking) "A little bit sweet?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: (smiles) "I'll whip up something good..." Kid: "Liz, could you help me?" liz: sure thing. Kid: "I'll get to work on cookies--could you prepare a small dish for all of us, something not-sweet but filling?" -and so, elsewhere- Hibana: (slaps at a mosquito) shinra: nice shot. Hibana: "I hate these pests...Gabriella, don't you have anything to deter bugs?" gabriella: i have bug spray. Hibana: "That will help, thank you." shinra:....*he looks over at arthur* Arthur: "..." (poking a stick into the dirt, drawing dragons and a cat-ear princess...) shinra: you ok? Arthur: "Wh-What?" (sweats, smiles nervously, unleashing his inner-Shinra) "F-Fine! I'm fine!" (pause) "I'm going to climb a tree now. Excuse me." (proceeds to try climbing a tree) shinra:...................... Arthur: (about halfway up the tree, slowly climbing like the world's most nervous grizzly bear) Hibana: "...Huh. We found someone weirder than you, Kid." Arthur: ("Damn...these big-ass trees...") iris: will he be ok? shinra: define 'ok'. Akitaru: "..." (looks at Hibana) "Welp, I think we better put in a call to Leo when we get back home." Hibana: "Agreed. This is just sad." Arthur: (at the top of the tree, shouts) "I will let you know if any dragons are approaching the camp!" shinra: i feel so reassured. Takehisa: (shouting) "Don't fall: it'll take too long for an ambulance to get here and you will die painfully from a broken neck." maki: D: Akitaru: "...Well, who's up for a swim in the lake?" shinra: sure! maki: hell yeah! Hibana: (laughs) "Good thing I brought my swimsuit. Gabriella, you will join us?" gabriella: of course ma'am! Hibana: "And you, Sister?" iris: i'll pass, but i can watch like a lifeguard or something. Hibana: :3 "Whatever you say~" -and so- Hibana: (in a white bikini, splashing at Gabriella) gabriella: ah, haha! Takehisa: (in floaties and a bathing cap and old-timey one-piece men's swimsuit) "..." shinra: *in fire print trunks* cold water.... Akitaru: (slaps Shinra on the back) "Aw, come on! Cold water builds character!" [also in trunks] maki: *splashing around* haha! *she is in a two piece as well* Takehisa: (glances at Maki) -\\\\\- Hibana: (splashes at Maki) "Cute swimsuit." iris: *she's watching them, wearing capri pants and a t-shirt* maki: thanks, i got it this summer. Hibana: "Hmmm..." (stares at her GPS bracelet) "If I wasn't under house arrest, I'd go to the beach...unless the 8th could make an exception as they did for this trip to the woods..." shinra: doesnt takehisa have the tracker at the campsite? Takehisa: (nods) "I don't see a reason why a beach trip is not possible, assuming you remain in our custody." Hibana: "Oh, good. I could use some work on my tan." (eyes Gabriella) "You could, too." -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." chie: *she is sitting next to him* Yohei: (slides his laptop away) "How you feeling, Chie? Awake?" chie: yeah...... Yohei: "...Want to talk?" chie:....i'm worried. you havent slept in a few days..... Yohei: (rubs a hand along his face, feeling the stubble) "Yeah...Sorry. My mind's stuck on workaholic mode since we haven't found NoFix..." chie:.... *she places a hand on his cheek* i want to find him as much as you, but you shouldnt deprive yourself of sleep over it... Yohei: (shudders a bit at her touch) "S-Sorry...I'm just...NoFix got into my head...I don't want him doing that again to anyone else." chie:........ *she hugs him* we will find him... Yohei: "...Chie? How 'bout we have some tea...then I'll try to sleep. Okay?" chie: sure thing. the kids are asleep now anyway... Yohei: "...That's good." (gets up and goes to the kitchen, yawns) "Chie, actually...Could you help me? I don't want to burn the room down boiling water 'cause I fell asleep..." chie: of course. *she smiles* *One brewed tea later* Yohei: *sips* "This is good..." chie: thanks. Yohei: "...Chie?" chie: yeah? Yohei: "...There's at least one other reason I haven't been sleeping." chie: and whats that? Yohei: "Night terrors." chie:.........*her expression is solemn* Yohei: "When NoFix got into my head, at least two times now, he..." (sets his teacup down, removes packet of cigarettes...and slides them away from him towards Chie, to keep away from him) "It doesn't stop." chie: .............. *she holds his hand* Yohei: "It's one major reason I don't feel comfortable sleeping...He's out there...and I think he's getting into my head again." chie:.... *she hugs him* Yohei: "..." (cries a bit) chie:.... *she rubs his back* Yohei: (crying a lot more, trying to collect himself as he holds onto her) chie: just let it out....i'm right here....we're all here... Yohei: (keeps crying, as he starts to calm down, as the images of the past start to fade away...and he just focuses on who is holding him) "Th-Thanks..." chie: of course. *she smiles warmly* Yohei: (nods, yawns, starts to lose consciousness...) chie:.......zzzzzz..... Yohei: (holds her as they both sleep...) -elsewhere, the next morning- Yumi: "Zzzz..." lord death: zzzzzzzz........ Yumi: (hugs him, resting her hand on his chest) lord death: *purrs* Yumi: (yawns, smiles) "It's like having a full-grown cat in my bed..." lord death: *yaaaawn* mornin'.... Yumi: "Good morning, Love." (she kisses his lips) lord death: mmmm~<3 Yumi: (hugs him...) "Oh!" lord death: you alright? Yumi: (blushes) "Y-Yes...I just forgot about..." (looks down) lord death:..... *he rubs her stomach* morning little one~ Yumi: (sighs) "February feels a long way off..." -meanwhile- Kid: (sighs) liz: you ok? Kid: (stretching) "Yes, just thinking..." liz: the mission tomorrow? Kid: (nods) "I hope for the best: we could be on our way to finally stopping that menace." liz: yeah. Kid: "...I think we all will need a good night's sleep..." (looks nervously at some papers) liz: *she looks at them too* Kid: (sighs) "Liz...I was reviewing...my will." liz: !!! Kid: "Just...wanting to be thorough in case..." liz:........ Kid: "I'm sorry. I'm just...worried after our last mission." liz:....... Kid: "...I will have them submitted back to the family lawyer today. I made no revisions...I had earlier..." liz: ah........ Kid: "...When did you last review your will?" liz: O___________O;;; Kid: "S-Sorry...I just was curious..." -at school- Arthur: "..." shinra: *looking at papers* Arthur: (looking around the room) "Where is she...?" shinra:....*shrugs* Arthur: "...Maybe I should see her, when Commanders Obi and Hibana visit Burns today." shinra: sounds like a good plan. Arthur: (nods, returns to schoolwork) -at lunch- Kid: (trying to get through his meal...) stocking: *worried* Patty: (silent) liz: ................ Kid: "...We'll be fine." liz: i just hope you're right... Kid: "..." (puts an arm around Stocking, one around Patty) Patty: (grabs Liz's hand) -later- Kid: (holds Stocking's hand) stocking:...... Kid: "Stocking, I...I don't know what to say." stocking: you dont have to say anything if you dont want. *she smiles* Kid: "..." (hugs her) stocking: *she rubs his back* Kid: (sighs) "I don't want to lose you, Stocking..." stocking:...... Kid: "..." (holds her) "I want to get stronger..." stocking: and you will. i believe in you. Kid: "..." (nods, kisses her cheek) -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzzz..." chie: *napping next to him* Shotaro: (in another room) "Hey, where're Yohei and Chie?" mana: they're taking a nap. Shotaro: "Well, that's good--Yohei looked like he was going to collapse." Tuhl: (stretches) "Hey, you two--the fridge is telling me that we're low on kiwi juice." (hands them some money) "Go get some, and some more milk." mana: ok then. Shotaro: "Woot! Good deed!" (takes the money and runs with Mana) Tuhl: (glances at Yohei's room) -elsewhere- Hibana: "We are here from the 8th." (nods to Akitaru and Arthur) "We are here to see Commander Burns." officer: right this way. Arthur: (looks around the area) Akitaru: "How long you been here, Officer?" officer: about 2 years now. Hibana: "How do you like it here at the 1st?" officer: it's nice i guess. big building. Hibana: "Hmm..." Akitaru: "...We are sorry for your loss, Officer. Amber was a great person." officer: it's pretty fucked up. kids her age shouldnt be dying at all, let alone like that... Hibana: "..." (flashbacks to the nuns dying in flames...) Akitaru: "...If you ever need to talk with someone, we're here." (looks at the Officer...and also Hibana and Arthur) Hibana: (small blush) Arthur: "...Officer, where is Tamaki?" officer: she should be in her room. Arthur: "...Permission to see her, sirs?" Hibana: "...I would ask the Officer..." officer: you can try, but i dont know if she- Arthur: "I'll try anyway." (salutes, walks off) Hibana: "And where is Commanders Burns?" -and so- Arthur: "..." (knocks on Tamaki's door) tamaki: !! what do you want?! Arthur: "It's me..." tamaki: !! w-why are you here? Arthur: "Commanders Obi and Hibana are meeting with Burns...and I wanted to see you." tamaki: i-i'm really not- Arthur: "...'Not' what?" tamaki: i'm a little bit in the middle of getting dressed right now! Arthur: "..." o\\\\\o "Um...Can we talk when you finish getting dressed?" tamaki: .......... Arthur: "...Please? I want to talk." tamaki:......fine. just....let me get ready first. Arthur: "..." -and so- Arthur: "...Hi." tamaki: hey.... *she's in a nice crop top with a bow logo on it and jeans* Arthur: "...You look well." tamaki: ...... Arthur: "...I'm sorry." tamaki:....you didnt do anything.... Arthur: "I'm sorry for your loss." tamaki:........ *she tenses* Arthur: "..." (awkward pat on the shoulder) tamaki:.......*she curls up* Arthur: "..." (puts other hand on her shoulder) tamaki: w-wha? Arthur: (pulls her in for a hug) tamaki: o///o !! Arthur: "You're going to be okay. I won't let you get hurt..." tamaki:........ o-oh sh-shut up... *she's shaking* Arthur: "Tamaki, I mean it...Just as I know you would make sure I don't get hurt..." tamaki: *she doesnt reply* Arthur: (holds her, pats her back) -elsewhere- Akitaru: (pours drinks, slides one to Burns) Burns: (sips) "This is unnecessary." Hibana: "You're safety is a top priority: you and I both had assassination attempts. That is no coincidence." Burns: (gestures to an Officer) "Any updates for Obi and Hibana that we can provide them?" officer: just a sketch of the assailant. Burns: (gestures to show it to Akitaru and Hibana) Hibana: "Hmph...Not much in the way of style with this one. So, no known name for this assassin?" officer: not that we can tell. Akitaru: "I trust that, if you get more info, you'll share it with us, right?" Burns: "..." (smiles) "Of course." Hibana: -_- ("Oh, sure--I know an insincere smile when I see one...") -elsewhere- NoFix: "...Well, that happened." luka:............... *irrate and drinking her coffee* NoFix: "...What? At least I finally got to see some people die! That was freaking sweet! It's been a long time since I saw someone turned inside out!" luka: count your blessings you weren’t bit.... NoFix: "True that. So, what're you gonna with Prisoner #4?" luka: he survived, but is still comatose. we'll begin testing once he wakes up. NoFix: "Well, if you ever need me to turn prisoners against each other to help expedite unleashing horrifying mutations in them, I'm your guy!" (smirks) "I'm pretty much everybody's guy..." luka:....... NoFix: "...So, it's 2:10. I've managed to get someone killed, and I need to fuck." luka: tmi. NoFix: "So, no volunteers in this room? No?" (looks at his hand) "Well, it's just you and me, Lefty." luka: *hurk* NoFix: (holds up his right hand, which now has a face drawn onto it as a hand puppet) NoFix: (high voice for the right hand) "Oh, I see--cheating behind my back, huh?!" NoFix: "No, I cheat on you in the front: I may be gifted, but I ain't that gifted!" NoFix: (left hand puppet, falsetto voice as well) "We could make it a threesome: two hands are better than one!" luka: goodbye. *she walks away* kinuta:.......fourway? hell lets make it a fucking orgy in here! NoFix: "...Finally, some privacy..." (starts unzipping his pants) "Come to me, you vixen witch you!" -in the other room- Solence: "..." -in another building- Asura: (pats Mikan's back) "Better?" mikan: *she nods, cradling heibito* Asura: "Hungry?" mikan: *she nods* Asura: (pats her back) "Very well." (examines the offerings...) mikan: let see.. eenie...meenie...miney....you. *she wraps her hair around the neck of one person* Victim: (choking) "P-Please..." mikan: are you willing to die? Victim: (trying to shake their head) "Don't kill me..." mikan:.....nope. *she continues to tighten her grip* Victim: (choking, eyes bulging until...) mikan: nighty night~ *SNAP* -the other sacrifices wince- Asura: (smiles) "Why must you play with your food?" mikan: their horrified expressions amuse me. Asura: "I like you looking amused..." (kisses her forehead) mikan: hehe~ Asura: "Well, eat up: you need your strength." (looks at Heibito) "Both of you." heibito: *hungry crying* mikan: *she smiles and pulls a breast out to feed him* eat up, sweetie. Asura: (smiles as his child suckles and grows sleepy) mikan: *she smiles* Asura: "Rest. I'll watch over you." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: you ok? Kid: (shakes his head) "I'm trying to focus on our mission..." stocking: i'm nervous too... Kid: "...All we have are our skills, our bonds with our teammates, and faith. And there is something that worries me whether that is going to be enough." -and so- Yumi: "You all have your instructions. Please double-check your equipment before departing." liz: yes, ma'am. Yumi: (hugs Kid) "Be careful." Kid: "...I will." -and so, they get onto the dirt bikes- Kid: (riding a dirtbike, thinking) liz:...... Patty: (in a side car, silent as well) justin: we're just about there now... Black Star: "Good. Getting tired of getting sand in my mouth--Pfft!" soul:..... Kid: (spots something) "What...?" -there is a large, metallic structure ahead. it looks abandoned...from the outside, at least- Kid: "...I think I'm sensing something..." stocking: what is it? Kid: "...A soul? But it is not typical...I have felt it somewhere before..." (eyes widen) "When Christa..." stocking: ?? Kid: "This feels like...a mutated soul, screaming in agony...and laughing." stocking: !!! -another soul is inside. a lonely, mournful soul. a sorrowful winged soul- Kid: (gasps, falls onto his knees) liz: kid? kid?! Kid: (shuddering) "Such...sadness..." stocking:...... Kid: "...I think someone is imprisoned in here." stocking: i bet that's our sage... Kid: "How should we proceed? I suggest we have one party infiltrate...but should someone stay here?" -and so- Gopher: "..." (looking along the walls at the writing) -there are several terminals with written logs on them, presumably from researchers who long since abandoned the facility- Kid: (examines one log...) entry #12: the woman that was brought in a few weeks ago finally began to comply, but progress is rather slow. however, we did reach a small breakthrough. with the research we uncovered, we will begin with 'project Couturier'. Kid: " 'The woman'...'Couturier'..." (looks to Gopher and Kirika) "What does this mean?" kirika: *shrug* Kid: "...Be on your guard." (puts the log into his backpack) liz:.... *she looks at a camera, long since broken* Patty: "Maybe there's a security room, you know, where all the footage is kept..." liz: maybe. Kid: (brushes hand along one terminal) "What did they do to people here?" stocking: from what i can tell, human experimentation... Kid: "How long ago?" liz: looks like since the 80s, maybe early 90s? Kid: "Yet I am sensing at least one soul..." (points to another room) liz: ?? Kid: "...Be ready." (approaches the door...) -the door is closed, but the screws seem old and rusty- Kid: (clutches the knob, to see whether it will open...) -it appears locked- kirika: alright, step back. *she uses her claw weapons to break the screws, causing the door to fall over with a loud THUD* Kid: (gestures for him and Kirika to go in first) kirika: *she looks around* Kid: (looking as well, seeing lab equipment...and an examination table) kirika: creepy. Kid: "I doubt even Stein would feel at home here..." (finds a broken bench--and claw marks) -there are several tools on a tray, covered in rust....at least you _hope_ it's rust...- Kid: (covering his mouth) -there is dust and red stains on the walls- Kid: "My God...what happened here?" -there are a few corpses along the walls, most of them in lab coats- Gopher: (gags) Kid: (shuddering) kirika: *she looks at one of the ID cards the corpses have* Gopher: (trying not to vomit) "W-Who are these people? What does the ID say?" kirika: ..... 'Dr Ivan Faustus. Wing Delta' *she looks at the walls* wing delta..... Kid: " 'Wing'...What could that have to do with the Sky Sage...?" liz: i think it means a like a building wing. *she points to a map terminal* Kid: "...Oh. Um...So, what are the other wings to this building?" liz: wing Alpha, wing Beta, wing Gamma, wing Omega and this wing, wing delta. Kid: "I hesitate to break off into teams...but I also worry that the longer we are here, the greater danger we face..." stocking:.... !!! there's someone down there... Kid: (gestures for all to follow Stocking to the person) stocking: *she finds a cell with a woman inside* ???: ..... !!!! Kid: "It's okay. We are here to help." ???:....... stocking: *she summons her swords and slashes the lock, which falls off* Kid: (opens the door, sets one foot into the cell...) ???: *she stands up, stumbling slightly* Kid: (approaches, offering his arm to steady her) ???: t....thank you... Kid: "You're going to be okay." (tries to turn on communicator to outside team) -and so, they exit with the woman and a few files that were dug up- Kid: "Justin, retrieve the first aid kit." justin: *he removes it from the side of the dirt bike and hands it to kid* Kid: (cleaning wounds, applying bandages) "You're going to be safe. We are with the DWMA." ???: *she looks at stocking*....what was the name you were given? stocking: ??? Kid: "Ma'am? What are asking?" stocking: m-my name is stocking. stocking pheles. why do you ask? Kid: "..." ????: *she smiles, crying tears of joy* so he found you... Kid: "..." (light bulb) stocking: what do- -the woman hugs stocking tightly- Kid: "..." (steps back) stocking: !!!??? ???: you've grown into a lovely young woman... Kid: ("It's her...") ???: my name is Felisia....you probably wont believe me, and i cant blame you....but i'm your mother. stocking: !!!!! soul: well that escalated quickly. Patty: "..." (pulls out cell phone, about to hit the "DUN DUN DUN" button) liz: PATTI NOT NOW JUST GIVE THEM A MOMENT!! TT~TT Patty: "...I'm gonna press it later." Kid: (practically crying) stocking: y-you're lying.... Kid: "???" felisia: .......i understand if you dont believe me, i wasnt there for you when you were small. stocking: oh really now?! NO SHIT! Kid: o_o Patty: "...Now may I press the button?" felisia: stocking, please, i'm sorry- stocking: really? well then that fixes everything! oh wait a second, no it doesnt! it doesnt change everything i was put through. all the ridicule, the torture, the abuse. even after my dad found me, i still suffered torment from others. and this is BEFORE i found out i was a half blood monster! Kid: "Stocking? I think you may want to--" stocking: *her eyes went red* JUST STAY OUT OF THIS REAPER! Kid: "..." (heartbroken) "Stocking..." stocking:...........*she breaths heavily and her eyes go back to normal*.....kid....i think....i want to go home now... Kid: "..." (frowns) "Fine. Justin, please escort Felisia: she will need additional treatment when we get home." -later- stocking: *in her room, silent*.......................... Kid: "..." (outside her door, hesitating to knock...) \she probably hates you now\ \disgusting trash\ \you should just die\ \despicable\ \kill yourself scum\ \worthless\ Kid: ("...You motherfucker.") (knocks on the door) ("I'll show you who isn't worthless...") "Stocking?" stocking:............. Kid: "Would you like some water? Something to eat? ...To talk?" stocking:.................. Kid: "Stocking? May I come in?" stocking:...................... -the door appears unlocked- Kid: (turns the handle, opens just a crack) "Stocking...I'm here if you...want me here." stocking: i dont feel like talking to anyone... *her tone is cold* Kid: "...Okay. I'll bring you some water." (starts to close the door) stocking:............................ \see? i told you she hates you\ \why not slit your goddamn wrists while you're at it?\ Kid: ("...") "Back in a moment..." (walks down the stairs. "Oh, here's an idea: shut up, because I am tending to her, not you.") \why bother when she probably doesnt love you anymore? you worthless worm\ Kid: (fills up the glass of water... "Okay. Let's entertain your idea. Why do you think that a relationship somehow ends--that love stops--in the face of adversity? No: I am with the person I love through easy times and hard times. I was before, I am now. And you can go to hell.") \how can you be certain those feelings arent one-sided?\ Kid: "..." (finishes filling the glass...then smirks) "You're right. I don't know whether those feelings are one-sided." \then just die\ Kid: "No, you misunderstand." (looks at his reflection in the water, and smile sincerely, if sadly) "I don't know whether those feelings are one-sided. And I persist. Because that is the definition of faith. I have faith in Stocking, and you should too." \she is ours. and ours alone. you dont even deserve her\ Kid: (takes the glasses upstairs. "She is her own person, with her own choices, and I will thank you to remember that. She deserves whatever she wants to make us happy: this is her choice...") (knocks on the door) stocking:...................... Kid: "I have water...I can set it out here if you wish." stocking:.............................. Kid: "...I'll leave it here...Stocking? I-I love you..." stocking:........................................ \she doesnt\ Kid: (2x heartbroken) "...I'll see you in the morning. Good night." (turns and starts walking back to his room) -the next morning- Kid: (crying into his pillow in bed) liz: kid?....... Kid: "L-Liz!" (wipes his face, puts on a smile) "G-Good morning..." liz:.......... Kid: "How are you?" liz:.......you know, i can tell when you're faking it... Kid: (fake smile persists...and then the tears start falling) liz: kid....... Kid: "I'm an idiot...I feel all this self-pity, when it is Stocking I should feel badly for..." liz:.....want to talk to her? \selfish bastard\ Kid: (wiping his tears) "Sh-She won't talk with me..." ("STOP.") liz:........come on. Kid: "Wh-Where?" -at stocking's door- stocking:................... Kid: "...Liz...I can't..." liz: kid, just suck it up and talk to her. she trusts you. Kid: "..." (knocks on the door) "Stocking?" -its open- Kid: (looks at Liz) "I..." liz: *she nods, as if to give him permission to go in* Kid: "..." (pushes the door, entering) stocking:......*she's curled up on the bed* ......... Kid: "..." (approaches, sits on the bed) stocking: *she looks at him with a sorrowful expression*................hey....... Kid: "...Hi." (eyes softening) stocking:.......................*she pulls her legs closer to her*................ Kid: "...Did you sleep?" stocking:..........barely...... Kid: "...You should try to get some more sleep. Would you like some medicine? Tea? Milk?" stocking:.....i dont know......... Kid: "..." (awkwardly puts an arm around her) stocking:............. *she leans into him* Kid: (holds her, silently) stocking: i............................i'm sorry kid......i was just so upset...........i lost control and took it out on you.............i must be a pretty shitty girlfriend, huh? Kid: "No. You are a person with emotions. I understand. And I forgive you." stocking: .......i just.... i'm just so mad at her.....that she wasnt there when i needed her......she barely knows a think about me....who i am....anything..... Kid: "...Stocking? If you had the chance to know your mother, and you never took up that opportunity...how would you feel?" stocking: i......i dont know.......i dont know how to feel.....i-i'm scared... Kid: "...You are brave. You will get through this. Just give it time." stocking:.....i'm not sure if i want to call her my mother yet.... Kid: (nods) "You don't have to. But...I think it would help you to talk to her, when you are ready." stocking:............i'm sorry....... Kid: "It's fine. I forgive you." (holds her...and cries a bit) "I'm sorry." stocking:............. Kid: "I'm sorry this has all happened." stocking:......................... Kid: "..." (holds her for a bit) "Are you hungry?" stocking:....a little..... Kid: "Care to join me in the kitchen?" stocking:....ok... --In the kitchen-- Kid: (slicing a bit of cake) "Would this work?" stocking:....i guess..... Kid: (passes plate to her, slices a bit for himself...eats slowly, silent) stocking:..... -elsewhere- Spirit: "Naigus, what can you tell me about the patient Kid's team brought in?" nygus: well, she isnt human, and apparently she is stocking's mother. Spirit: "Hmm...What injuries does she have?" nygus: external or emotional? Spirit: "That bad, huh? Let's start with bodily." -later- Yumi: "I'm worried." lord death: about kid? Yumi: "And Stocking...to find her mother again..." lord death: ah..... Yumi: "...I...can't entirely blame Stocking..." lord death: oh? Yumi: "...There are people in my family I do not want to see ever again...That's awful. But it's what I feel..." *sniff* lord death:...yumi.....*he hugs her* Yumi: "...I don't want to lose a family. Not again." lord death: *he lifts his mask up and kisses her gently* Yumi: (returns the kiss, holding onto him, her eyes a bit wet) lord death: *he strokes her back* Yumi: "...If it was you...if you were Stocking...would you see your mother?" lord death:............................ Yumi: "..." (buries her head) "I'm sorry." lord death: it's fine. Yumi: "..." (hugs him tighter) -elsewhere- Yohei: (wakes up with a start) chie: ?? yohei? Yohei: (pants) "I--I saw wings..." chie: wings? *confused as heck* Yohei: "S-Sorry...I had a weird dream...Like...someone with wings..." chie: huh. Yohei: "...Maybe I need to quit smoking." chie:..... Yohei: "...I need a shower." (brushes his face) "And a shave. Th-Thanks, Chie...for letting me sleep here." chie: no problem. Yohei: "..." (blushes) -elsewhere- Ponera: (putting an ear to Medusa's belly) medusa:.... Ponera: "...Hang on...I'll hear the little babe kick..." medusa:...... -a scream is heard- Ponera: "...What was that?" grimoire: ....... !!! Noah: "Aw, what a fun new toy..." (tossing his bone-shiv up into the air) medusa: !!! milia: l-let me go! Ponera: (furious) "Unhand her!" (stands between him and Medusa) milia: *terrified* Noah: (draws the knife along Milia's dress, dull side towards her dress/body) medusa: *covers her stomach* Nals: (hidden in shadows, watching...waiting...) milia: *tearful and afraid* Noah: "...Oh, hey! Skank! Haven't seen you in a while since you LEFT ME TO ROT!" (slices the blade along edge of Milia's dress, tearing off part of the sleeve) medusa: unhand her. shaula: *scorpion hair tail mode* you wanna fuckin go?! Noah: "Sure." (points the knife at Medusa) "When you give me what I want?" (glares at Shaula) "...Who the fuck are you?" shaula: your ex's sister, did ya really forget about me? woooow rude. Noah: "...I am greedy, acquiring the best I can. If I don't know you, you must be worthless." (brings knife back to Milia's throat) "You want me gone? You want this bitch to live? Then you give me Medusa, give me my child, give me my book, and let me out." milia: *whimpering* medusa:.......... Ponera: "You are not leaving here alive, you abomination." (holds Medusa's hand) Noah: "...Then say goodbye to your witch." (brings the knife closer to Milia when--) milia: *SCREAM* ???: "No!" (slash) medusa: !! milia: ah- Noah: "..." (looks down--at a sword through his chest) "What the...?" Nals: "...Let her go." milia: !! Noah: "..." (smirks, backhands Nals, who still stands but is hit hard) Nals: "Ugh! A little help, Grimoire!" grimoire: with pleasure. *grins* -and so- Killbell: "...Oh no. Am I gonna have to clean that up?" (points to blood on the wall) shaula: amazing he isnt dead yet. milia: nalsie you saved me! *glomp* ~<3 Nals: (clutching his side) "Stop...I'm in pain there..." Ponera: "Good work, all." (stamps her heel on Noah's groin) Noah: "Ug..." -later, grimoire had to seal noah in the book of enoch, and placed a barrier seal on the book to prevent him from escaping- Ponera: "..." (pats Grimoire's back) "Thank you." grimoire: at least he wont be as noisy now. -in the other world, inside the book- Noah: "Arg!" (slams his fist on the barrier--that fails to break) "Let me out!" noelle: seems that guy is pretty powerful, no wonder the index is so enamored with the guy. Noah: "Shut up! I am far stronger--or _we_ are, if you all were joining me in this battle!" -elsewhere in this barrier world- pandora: and the prodigal asshole returns. [Noah: "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"] Mad!Kid: "Hmph. This location got decidedly more unpleasant." -elsewhere, not in the book- Yumi: "...Stocking." stocking: yes? Yumi: "...Would you like to help me with something in the garden?" stocking:.....sure. -In the garden- Yumi: "I'm happy with how these are growing...It took a long time to get them to mature." stocking: *she nods* Yumi: "To grow well, it takes patience, effort...and forgiving yourself when you don't do as well as you wish you could." stocking:.......... Yumi: "Anything worth having requires work. It doesn't mean the result will be as you want it to turn out." (pulls a weed from the garden) "I had to screw up on a lot of gardens to figure out how to make a good one. It's not enjoyable to see people are not imperfect, that they disappoint themselves...and others. But they're only human...mostly." stocking: ........... Yumi: (finishes her work, smiles) "Well, that wraps it up. Thank you, Stocking." -later- Kid: (cleaning his room, vigorously) liz: you ok? Kid: "F-Fine. Just cleaning. Cleaning. Everything needs to be cleaned." (stares at the wall) "Do you see any fingerprints left?" liz: ??? Kid: "Just want everything to be absolutely clean. Has to be perfect. Perfect. PERFECT." (nosebleed) liz:......... Kid: "..." (collapses) liz: k-kid!! Kid: (bleeding from the nose, overwhelmed by mess) "I-I need...order. Everything is better in order. Nice and tidy and clean. Clean. Clean it all. Clean clean clean." -SLAP- Kid: o_____o "...SERIOUSLY?!" liz: kid, just snap out of it! Kid: "At least slap the other side to make it symmetrical!" -SLAP- liz: kid....just calm down...come on, breath in... Kid: (breathing steadily, calmly) "Thank you. I needed that." (gets up) stocking:...... Kid: "...Stocking?" stocking:......... *she hugs him* Kid: "??? ..." (returns the hug) stocking: it's ok, kid... Kid: "Y-Yes, it is...Are you okay?" stocking: j-just worried......i love you kid.... Kid: "I love you, too." (holds her more tightly but still gently) -that night, she laid next to him- Kid: (holds her) stocking: i'm sorry....... *whimpering* Kid: "It's okay." (holds her at the waist) "I understand." stocking: i shouldnt have taken it out on you..... Kid: "You were upset, so I can understand that frustration. And I forgive you, as you have forgiven me countless times." stocking: i lost control of myself.....kid....there's something frightening inside me.....something i dont know how to control....and im scared................kid..........if i ever lose control......and i end up too lost to be saved.............i want you to be the one who strikes me down.... Kid: "Wh-What?" (he sits up) "Stocking, that is never going to happ--" stocking: kid.....please..... -she's trembling- Kid: "..." (holds her steady) "Okay. I will. But it is never going to come to that. I will make sure of it." stocking:.....*crying into his chest* Kid: "..." (holds her, letting her cry, as he pats her back and smooths her hair) stocking: ........... Kid: (kisses her forehead) "I love you. I have, and I always will." stocking: *slowly falling asleep in his arms* Kid: *yawns, slowly falling asleep* -the next morning- Kid: "Zzz..." -later- Kid: (in the kitchen, preparing breakfast silently) stocking: ..... *drinking her milk* Kid: (finishes the waffles, bringing them to the table) "Would you like one?" stocking:... *she nods* Kid: (puts two waffles on the plate) "Any toppings?" stocking:..strawberries please... Kid: (smiles) "Okay." (sets out strawberries) -later, at school- Patty: "You guys okay coming back to classes?" stocking: yeah. liz: looks like tamaki still isnt here... Arthur: (overhearing) "..." Kid: "...We should focus." (opens his book) -during class- Spirit: (leading class, his arm no longer in the sling) "That is why it is important to practice a healthy diet as a weapon. While you are transformed, difficulties with your human form can compromise your abilities in weapon form." mio: .... tsugumi: *writing things down* Meme: (glances at Mio, whispers) "You okay?" Anya: ("Fascinating..." writes more notes) mio: yeah. -at lunch- Kid: (brings water to Stocking, smiles) stocking: *smiles* thanks babe... Kid: "You're welcome." (sits next to her, sad smile, quiet) stocking:........*She leans on him slightly* Kid: (flinches, then relaxes...puts an arm around her) stocking: *she seems content* Kid: (quiet) "May I get you something else to eat or drink?" stocking: i'm ok. Kid: (nods, slides a plate towards him...with a slice of strawberry cake) "I guess this is just for me then..." stocking: QAQ Kid: (holds the fork to her) "Just kidding~" stocking:.........*nom*............ Kid: (smiles) "Another bite?" stocking:....... Kid: (holds some cake on the fork to her) "Maybe?" -after school- Kid: "...What would you like to do, Stocking?" stocking: i dont really know.... Kid: "Tired? Maybe nap?" stocking:.....yeah..... Kid: "...Okay. Anything you want me to do?" stocking:.....could you hold me close? Kid: "...Of course." -in stocking's room- stocking:........ Kid: (holds her close) stocking:........*nuzzles* Kid: (strokes her back) stocking: mmm...... Kid: (kisses her forehead) stocking:.........*sniff* Kid: "You're okay. It's going to be okay." stocking: *weeping into his chest* Kid: (stroking her back, holding her, humming lightly) stocking: *hic*.....*sniffle*....*choking back tears* Kid: (silent, holds her) stocking:......... *she starts to calm down a little* Kid: "My angel...You're going to be fine." stocking: t-thank you kid..... Kid: "You're welcome." *Yawn* "I am here..." stocking: mmmm..... Kid: (kisses her cheek) stocking:....zzzzzzz..... Kid: *Yawns* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." maki:...... Arthur: "..." (taps the table) "Useless." iris: *she brings in the drinks* Arthur: "...Thank you." (takes a glass of water) shinra: any progress? Arthur: "...She still is not coming to school. I suggested therapy..." shinra: .......commander? Akitaru: "Well, I--" Hibana: "Burns is trying to get through to her, and it is not going well." Akitaru: "...I think he was speaking to me." -_-; shinra:.....yeah. Akitaru: (clears throat) "As Hibana said, Tamaki is taking her time to cope with what has happened in her own way. I think it is important for you all to be there for her when she needs it." iris:.....*she nods* Arthur: "I don't know...Tamaki seemed like there was something else keeping her there..." shinra: like what? Arthur: "...Is there something about Burns that seems off to anyone else?" shinra: ?? Arthur: "What do we know about him? Why is someone trying to kill him? Maybe they have a reason?" Hibana: (slams her glass down, glaring at Arthur) "...And what about me? After someone tried to assassinate me? You really want to go there, you little shit?" iris: sister, just breath. gabriella: easy now, princess. Hibana: "You tell me to calm down when I had someone try to..." (pushes away) "I need air." (leaves) Arthur: (frowns) "Tch. Looks like I touched a nerve--" -elsewhere- Spirit: "..." (outside infirmary) justin: good evening. Spirit: "Good evening, Justin. I was wondering how the latest patient is doing?" justin: disheartened, mostly. Spirit: "Do you think I could speak with her?" justin: i suppose it'd be ok. felisia:............. Spirit: "Pardon me, ma'am?" felisia: ......hello.... Spirit: "My name is Spirit. I'm a friend of Justin's, the man who accompanied you here to Death City." felisia: ........... Spirit: "...I wanted you to know that you are safe here, and as someone with the Death Weapon Meister Academy, I wanted to offer any help that I can provide. Is there anything I can get for you?" felisia:......... Spirit: "...I'm a parent, too. And I lost her..." felisia:.......oh.... Spirit: "And if I could see her again..." (sighs) "I...hope Stocking comes here soon." -later on- Kid: "Zzz..." -the next morning, at school- Spirit: "...Um, Stocking?" stocking: yeah? Spirit: "Glad to see you in class. You finish your homework?" stocking: yeah. Spirit: "Good...I was wondering if you could do something for me. You have any flower recommendations?" stocking: flowers? Spirit: "Yes. I wanted some to brighten up my room." stocking: hmmm.... maybe some marigolds? Spirit: "Aw, that would help. Thank you! I'll be sure everyone who sees them knows that you recommended those flowers." stocking: thanks. Spirit: "Well, think I'll go to the florist now. Have a good day!" -later- Spirit: (knocks on Felisia's door) felisia: it's open. Spirit: "Hello." (holding marigolds) "I thought you could use something to brighten up your room." felisia: ah. thank you... *small smile* Spirit: "You're welcome...Full disclosure, these were recommended to me by Stocking." felisia: .......*sad smile* Spirit: "...I was wondering whether you had some time to talk." felisia: of course. Spirit: "I was wondering whether we could talk a bit about your past. It's not every day I see an angel." felisia:................ Spirit: "...We can talk about something else, if that would be better." felisia:....*nod* Spirit: "So...Um...Maybe I could learn a bit more about you. Do you have hobbies?" ("I'm in over my head. Help me, Maka. Help me from beyond the grave.") felisia: hobbies? i havent found the time for them, but i did some sewing a long time ago. i even made stocking her little doll. Spirit: (smiles) "She still has it." felisia:....*she smiles a bit* Spirit: "Maybe I could bring you something to pass the time--do you also knit?" felisia: not really. Spirit: "Would you like me to bring something for sewing? I have a sewing machine that's just been collecting dust." -elsewhere- Kid: (eating lunch) "Hungry, Stocking?" stocking: a little.... Kid: (looking at desserts available) "Any particular flavor you desire?" -meanwhile, elsewhere- Ponera: "Feel better, Medusa?" medusa: a lot better now. Ponera: (smiles) "So, need more baby clothes? Toys? Maybe decorate the room for future baby Medusa?" -meanwhile- Noah: "..." noelle: feeling any better? Noah: "No...I want it all. All is not here. All is out there. All was taken from me..." noelle:...... Noah: "I'll take all from them." -elsewhere- Yohei: (stretches) mana: we're back! Yohei: "Cool. You get what I asked for." Shotaro: "Yep!" (holds up bags of groceries) "Here, Chie!" chie: thanks. *she smiles* Yohei: (pulls out cigarettes, staring at them...them puts them back in the bag and slides it away from himself) "I'm done with my work for the day. What're you up for today?" mana: well, rent on the room is just about up... Yohei: "So we either move or get some money. Is that what you're saying?" mana: basically.....but there is some good news. *she places a pamphlet on the table* Yohei: "What is this?" chie: 'affordable living space, work opportunity....' death city? Yohei: "...Huh. You're serious, Mana?" mana: it seems like a pretty good deal. Yohei: "I guess so: probably need some tech people, some helpful people...whatever services useless people like Mana can provide." (smirks) mana: exact- HEY! Shotoaro: "Ha ha ha!" mana: oh stuff it. Yohei: (reads the brochure) "So, how do we apply for jobs and housing? Any visa to enter the sovereign nation of Death?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: yes? Kid: "Is there anything I could offer to help? Maybe run a bath for you?" stocking:...i would like that. Kid: (smiles) "I'll warm up the water and set out the soaps." -and so- Kid: "The water is ready." (opens the bathroom door for her) stocking: *she gets in* Kid: "..." (clears his throat) "I could give you your privacy, if you prefer." stocking: could you help me with my hair? Kid: "You mean, tie it up?" -later- Kid: (brushing her hair) "Better?" stocking: yes. thank you. Kid: (smiles) "Good. May I get you anything?" stocking: some hot cocoa would be nice. Kid: (smiles wider) "I'm on it." (stands up and exits for the kitchen) stocking:.......*she hugs honekoneko*........... *A few minutes later* Kid: (enters with a tray of hot cocoa for both of them) "Here you go..." (looks at Honekoneko..."Wasn't it her mother who...?") stocking: thanks. *she takes one* Kid: (sips along with her) "Honekoneko is really well designed..." stocking: *small chuckle* i thought she was too asymmetrical? Kid: "I've grown accustomed to her." (he smiles) "Familiarity can lead to appreciation." honekoneko: >:| Kid: "..." (feels chill coming off Honekoneko, which makes him tense) "Um..." (nervous smile) "So, you've had Honekoneko as long as you can remember..." stocking: *she nods* even if i misplaced her, she's always find her way back to me. Kid: "...It is a good gift that someone gave to you." stocking:.......................... Kid: "..." (sips on his cocoa) "Stocking..." stocking:......i wanted to know her.....my mother.....and as soon as she showed up, i cast her out.....i must be a huge hypocrite, huh? Kid: (sad smile) "To be fair, I've hardly met a person who is not a hypocrite in some way." stocking:.......i dont know what to do...i was just so upset..... Kid: "...When I discovered my relation to Asura...I hated my father..." stocking:...... lord death: *listening* ....................... Kid: "It took me far longer than I wanted to forgive him...Stocking, if I hadn't, if I lived a lifetime of anger and not thinking of all the love I have for my father, I would have lost someone important to me. And I'm scared that if I let that anger fester..." (looks at her) "...I would lose the love of others." stocking:.......*trembling* Kid: "Stocking..." (approaches, opening his arms) stocking: *she cries and hugs him* \yet you cant ever forgive yourself.... how pitful~\ Kid: (frowns...holds her closer) "You're going to be okay, Stocking. You are loved, and you are a person who deserves to be happy." -later- Kid: (lying in bed) "..." stocking: *asleep in his arms* Kid: "..." ("What should I do...?") *yawns* -the next day- Kid: "I'm almost done with breakfast...Anything else to add to your plate?" -after school- Kid: "...Stocking?" stocking: *she nods* -they enter the room- felisia: ........hello stocking. stocking:............... Kid: "..." (stands back) stocking: h-hey....m-mom..... stocking: listen......i-i wanted to apologize for how i acted........i just felt so upset and..... felisia: it's ok. i understand. i wasnt there most of your life. Kid: "..." felisia: ....mephisto came by earlier today. he told me about all the things you have been through. *she smiles* i'm glad he's been looking after you all this time. stocking:......*biting her lip* Kid: "..." (puts a hand on her shoulder) stocking: i must be such a terrible child.... felisia: stocking.... Kid: (bites his own lip) stocking: *she hugs felisia and cries* felisia: its ok sweetie... *rubbing her back* i'm here now... Kid: "..." (steps back towards the door) -later- Kid: (waiting outside) stocking: *she exits* ...... Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: yes? Kid: "H-How was it?" stocking: better now. we talked about how things are happening. about my dad. Kid: "Oh...Are you...going to visit her again?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "...You are brave." stocking: i'm not. Kid: "Yes, you are. You just faced fear." stocking:.......*small smile* Kid: "Should we go home?" stocking: not yet. Kid: "???" stocking: can we have a little date? Kid: "..." (smiles) "I would love that." -and so- Kid: "What would you like to do?" stocking: how about we go to deathbucks? Kid: (smiles) "Okay." (holds her hand) "Lead the way." -at deathbucks- Kid: (pulls out her seat for her) "Ma'am..." stocking: hehe~ ???: welcome to deathbucks, may we take your order? Kid: "Yes, I'll have the chicken sandwich and a small coffee." stocking: i'll have the peppermint latte and some tea cake. ???: coming right up~ Kid: "...Wait...Haven't we met?" mana: hmm? oh yeah, you're those kids from the tournament. Kid: ("Kids? She looks about my age, if not younger.") "...How are you and your friends? What are you doing here?" mana: well, for your information, we just moved here recently. Kid: "Ah. Your friend, Yohei, he is here, too?" mana: yep, all of us. Kid: (smiles) "When you see him, please let him know we are still grateful for the help you all provided us..." (holds Stocking's hand) mana: can do. Kid: "Thank you." (looks back to Stocking) mana: come to think of it, i think we were here before a few years back? Kid: "You were?" mana: or at least showtaro was... Kid: "Hmmm...I wonder whether we saw him..." stocking: oh! i think i saw him, i asked him to bring you over to talk to me after.... .////. Kid: "???" stocking: n-nevermind. but it brought us closer together. *she holds his hand* Kid: "...Okay." -later- Kid: (dabs napkin) "Tasty." stocking: thanks for the meal. Kid: (holds her hand) "You're welcome. Feel better?" stocking: a lot better now. *she smiles* Kid: "Well, we paid the bill. Where to next?" stocking: how about a movie? Kid: "I'd like that. Anything you've been wanting to see?" stocking: im down for whatever. Kid: "Hmm..." (looks at movie listings on his phone) -and so, elsewhere- Yohei: "Well, I aced the interview with Death Tech. How 'bout you guys? You get jobs yet?" mana: i got some work at deathbucks. Tuhl: "DWMA took me on, after what we did in London, Vegas, and IC Prefecture." Shotaro: "I got a job shipping stuff." (points at Chie) "I ship you with Yohei." chie: how do you- n-nevermind. >////> mana: wrong definition. Shotaro: "No, the best definition." (proud smile) Yohei: "Heh heh..." (pushes Shotaro's head down for a noogie) "Okay, get back to work, you all. We still got to finish unpacking." mana: what about you chie? Shotaro: "Yeah!" chie: i got a job at the shopping mall, just doing a few odd jobs like modeling and handing out samples. Shotaro: "Oh, wow! Modeling would be great for you! Right, Yohei?" Yohei: "..." .\\\\\. chie:...... -BWAP- Shotaro: (floored) -elsewhere- Wes: "Thanks for meeting up for coffee, Liz." liz: no problem. *she smiles* Wes: "It sounds like the mission was frightening. Based on what Soul told me, you all got out okay...mostly." liz: yeah......but looks like stocking is getting better, based on what kid told me.....i'm not sure if i could be as brave as her.... Wes: "...If you had either of your parents here, I think you'd do what you have to do." liz:............ Wes: "..." (holds her hand) liz: i can sympathize with felisia though.......... Wes: (nods) "Yeah. From what you said, it doesn't sound like she had much of a choice." liz:.......*frowns* Wes: "...How old would your child be now?" liz:..........around julie's age, i guess.... Wes: (nods) "...Liz..." liz: *tearful*....... Wes: "..." (puts his arms around her) "It's okay." liz: *she hugs him* Wes: (pats her back) liz: do you think....he would hate me? Wes: "...As angry as Soul is with our parents, I know he loves them. No child can hate their parent..." liz:............. Wes: "I'm sure your son will understand, when he's ready." -elsewhere- Kid: "I thought that was enjoyable." stocking: hehe. *she smiles, holding his hand* Kid: "Anything else to do before we head home?" -elsewhere, at the 5th HQ- Kishiri: "When does boss lady get back? Or is she still under arrest?" miwa: she'll be back soon hopefully. in the meantime, she asked us to watch over things here. Kishiri: "Tch. So, 'New Boss,' what am I supposed to do?" miwa: for now, we're going to try keeping things running. Kishiri: "Yeah? That include the things Boss Lady didn't want getting out to the public?" miwa: we'll leave that to the 5ths head scientist. (thinking: aka dr conehead.) Kishiri: "Hmm...I guess I'm out on patrol, then? Or did you have something else in mind for me?" miwa: i need you to run these files by Dr Sugihara if you get the chance Kishiri: "Seriously? That doc kind of creeps me out." miwa: i dont mean the doctor of the 5th, i want you to bring these medical files to dr sugihara. the squad 0 medic. Kishiri: "..." (devious smirk) "Well, that's different..." miwa: so you'll do it then? Kishiri: "Sure, why not?" (takes the files) -in the medical exam room- Kishiri: "Doc? You in here?" Serina: hmm? oh, hello Mr Kishiri. *she smiles* Kishiri: "Got some papers for you from Miwa. Where you want them?" serina: just put them on the desk for now. Kishiri: (does so) "So, what're you working on?" serina: just reviewing medical files and organizing them. i've been pretty busy lately, especially since a lot of the 5th's soldiers seem to be getting injured a lot recently. Kishiri: "Not me--still going at it, strong and hard!" (flexes his arm) serina: that's good to hear. *she smiles* Kishiri: "Need some help tending to patients? I've been told I have an awesome bedside manner." (pops his gum) serina: i appreciate the thought, but i think i can handle things here. Kishiri: "...Oh. Um, fine. I'll get back to work then." -elsewhere- Kid: "We're home." liz: welcome back you guys. lord death: hello kiddo. Patty: (waves) Yumi: (smiles) Kid: "Happy to be back." (smiles at Stocking) stocking: *she nods* Yumi: "Dinner should be ready soon." stocking: thanks. *After dinner* stocking: today went pretty well, i think. Kid: "I agree. You took an important step today." stocking: *she nods* it's still weird to call her my mother....but i can only try my best... Kid: (nods) "Give it time." stocking: thanks for being there for me.... *she hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug, patting her back) -elsewhere- Black Star: "Get off your butt, Soul--I need to clean under the couch cushions." soul: *standing up, reading* Black Star: "What're you reading, anyway?" soul: just reading something maka always read. Black Star: (looks at the title of the book) -Brave- Black Star: "...Good choice, bro." soul:.....*small smile* Black Star: "..." (goes back to cleaning, then enters the kitchen to prepare a meal) -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Done washing the dishes!" chie: good job. Yohei: "Yeah, you managed to break only three dishes this time..." Shotaro: "Hee hee...Yeah." chie: i did manage to clean them. *she has a bandaid on her hand* Yohei: (glancing at her bandage) "Well, I guess that's it for the night. Got work tomorrow, right?" -the next morning- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzz.... Kid: (in his sleep, moves closer to her) -at school- Kid: "Stocking, are you going to see her?" stocking: yeah, after school. Kid: (nods) "I guess we should head to class. What is our first course?" Tuhl: "Hey. I'm Tuhl. I'm filling in for that guy with the screw in his head." -and so the class begins- Tuhl: "So, I'm a kappa. And we're supposed to be able to talk to the spirits of living things. I'm like typical kappa, but the principle is the same. I'm going to teach you about how to anticipate the moves of animals." *Tuhl brings in a kitten* Tuhl: "Now, you see this small fur-covered creature and think, 'How do I anticipate what it will do?' Well, first--" *The kitten claws at Tuhl's face* Tuhl: "AAAAAAAH!" -after that- Patty: "...Maybe the school needs to reconsider hiring options." Tuhl: (bleeding on the floor) "Someone...get me to the infirmary..." Arthur: T_T "If Tamaki was here..." (whimper) -at lunch- Kid: (one plate of cherry pie with whipped cream) "Could I interest you?~" stocking: yes please~ Kid: "Say ah~" Patty: (whispering to Liz) "Good to see them getting along again..." liz: yeah.... -after school- stocking: hey mom. felisia: hey sweetie. *she smiles* Kid: (overhearing, smiling) -later- stocking: and suddenly everything makes sense.... Kid: (sitting in the hallway, looking around) "...These walls could use a cleaning." stocking: you ok? Kid: "Yes. Just distracted by the walls." stocking:... *rubs his back* Kid: (smiles) "How was your meeting?" stocking: pretty good. i learned a few things about honekoneko's origins. -elsewhere- Wes: "Soul? You here?" soul: yeah? Wes: "Hey. You hungry? I was thinking of going out for a bite." soul: sure. mind if tsubaki and black*star come along? Wes: (smiles) "Sure!" -and so- Wes: "Dig in!" (pizza) Black Star: "Sweet!" (grabs two slices) -elsewhere- Nals: "So, how are you feeling?" milia: better now. ^^ Nals: "...Good." milia: *hugs* thanks for saving me~ Nals: "..." (awkward hug) "Of course." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Death, what have you learned from Felisia regarding who was holding her?" lord death: seems this organization, 'Nirvana Corps' wishes to 'advance humanity' by using genetic experiments, such as using clothes as weapons much like the people of arcadia do. Yumi: "Hmmm...Is that why they wanted Felisia? To learn what Arcadia could accomplish?" lord death: perhaps.... Yumi: " 'Nirvana'...I wonder where else they have facilities. If we could find one of their associates, we may get a lead." ("That poor woman, to lose her child...") lord death: according to the notes we found, it's important we locate them as soon as possible, lest we face a greater threat... Yumi: "Death, what do you mean? What 'greater threat'?" -elsewhere- NoFix: (in a schoolgirl uniform) luka:......................................................................i'm almost afraid to ask. NoFix: "What? You guys are making living clothes--thought I'd try one on!" luka: that experiment went bust after the harime incident. besides, that's just a normal uniform. NoFix: "...What?! So I'm in a girl's uniform for nothing?!" scientist: come to think of it, i think that's the same uniform the girls at the local school wore. well, used to anyway... NoFix: " 'Local school'? Where?" scientist: the Lysandra High School. however, it's been abandoned after the incident which wiped out most of the residents of the city. NoFix: "...Kept any of the corpses?" scientist: yes, most of them have been used in experiments. NoFix: "Cool...So, you like me in this suit?" (poses) -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay. If I did it correctly, this device should pick up Dokeshi..." chie: wow. Yohei: "Now to test it. Hide somewhere in the house, I'll try to find you with it." (attaches the device--which is a watch--to his wrist) chie: ok. Yohei: (waits a few minutes, then starts following the trail) "Hmm...Signal is fainter here...Stronger in the kitchen..." (points to a cupboard) "...Seriously?" (opens it--) **Someone falls out of the cupboard onto Yohei** Yohei: "UNf!" Shotaro: (sitting atop Yohei) Shotaro: "..." (holds a box of cookies too him) "Want one?" Yohei: -_- "It works." chie: *snickers* -she's in the basement- Yohei: "Mana! Take care of Shotaro!" mana: -CHOP- Shotaro: x__x Yohei: "Thanks. Now back to finding Chie..." chie: *silent* Yohei: (follows the path to the basement stairs) "Hmmm..." (the signal points to behind some boxes) "You there, Chie?" chie: rawr. Yohei: "..." (chuckles) "Hey." chie: so it works? Yohei: "Yeah, you confirm it, and so does Shotaro. Right now, it's range is limited to 500 feet, so I'm going to need another week to expand its range to maybe the radius of a city." -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns* stocking: bedtime. Kid: (shuts his book, stretches) "I guess so. How about you?" stocking: *yawn* Kid: "I'll take that as a yes. Better brush, floss, and get to bed." -the next morning, at school- Tuhl: (bandaged, staring at Marie) "How do you people do this for a living?" marie: it takes a lot of hard work and patience. Tuhl: "I got attacked by a kitten in front of 200 students. You don't get through that when students now look at you like some wimp." marie: you tried your best. Tuhl: "Not good enough. I'm better at getting robots to listen to me than students." (points to a Kick Me sign on his back) -elsewhere- Spirit: "You're looking better, Felisia. Anything Justin or I can bring you?" felisia: some books if you could. Spirit: "Oh, sure! I'm great at that! Read all the time! Um...anything in particular?" felisia: something to pass the time. Spirit: "O-Okay. Give me a few minutes." *Spirit returns from the library with variety of books* Spirit: "Some fiction, some science, some history..." felisia: *she smiles* thank you. Spirit: "So...I heard Stocking has been visiting." felisia: she has. Spirit: "...How is it going?" felisia: quite well. Spirit: "...I wish I had that chance." felisia: ?? Spirit: "...My daughter was killed." felisia: !! Spirit: "It was in the battle against...W-We didn't have the best relationship." felisia: ....... -elsewhere- Ponera: (holding up a baby's mobile...consisting of snakes) medusa: how.....cute Ponera: "Thanks! I made it myself!" (part of the mobile falls off) medusa:..... Ponera: "W-We can hot glue that." Killbell: (has random objects glued on his shirt) "I don't know how to use the glue gun good..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Any plans for afterschool, Liz?" liz: i might do some work at deathbucks to make some extra cash for the holidays. Kid: "...Oh. I forgot how quickly Christmas was coming." Patty: "I better call Wes to let him know where you are...and what you're wearing. :3 " liz: patti! ????: um, excuse me? Patty: "Who said that?" -there is a girl in a school uniform, long dusty-orange hair in two braids and glasses standing before you- ???: pardon me, but do you know where i can find the 8th brigade HQ? Kid: "Yes. You can catch it by taking the Route 14 Bus." ???: ah, thank you very much. i'll be on my way then. Kid: (points) "Actually, those students work at the 8th." ???: oh? -later- shinra: that girl with the braids has been following us a while now... Arthur: "Perhaps it is an elf, disguised as a human, who is following us so they may kidnap the princess..." (seizes his hilt) shinra: dude, no. Arthur: "Hmph. Okay, Smart Guy--who is she? What are we supposed to do, just confront her and ask her?" shinra: maybe she just happens to be taking the same route we are? -this continues until they arrive- shinra: she followed us all the way here?! Arthur: "I am really getting freaked out. Maybe if we go inside, she'll leave us alone." -she knocks on the door- Arthur: "SHE'S STILL FOLLOWING US!" Akitaru: "???" ????: um....excuse me...is...commander...oubi was it? is he here? Arthur: (hiding behind Hibana) Hibana: -_-; Akitaru: "Yo, I'm Oubi. What's up?" ???: um...i....i-i would like to join your brigade sir!...p-please.... Akitaru: "...Oh. Um, well, the entrance exams were last month, and exceptions are up to individual commanders. So, tell me, kid, what's your name?" ????: my name is Nozomi Harada. i'm not sure if i'll be very useful to you, but i'll try my best not to be a burden. Akitaru: (grabs her hand with a vigorous handshake) "Pleasure to meet you, Nozomi! Tell me, you a Fire Being?" nozomi: no, but i do have a bit of science knowledge and medical knowledge from what my dad taught me. Akitaru: "Well, we don't have much in the way of a science department here--we're pretty bare bones. Just about everyone here has basic first-aid training." Hibana: "And Iris and I have our botany lab, so we could use more help there." nozomi: so then, is that a yes? Akitaru: "Call it a trial run, see how you do. I will need to look at your resume, though." nozomi: ah! right! Akitaru: "Let me take a look at it. And do you have any references? Bosses?" (studies her) "How old are you, anyway?" nozomi: 17, sir. shinra: same as me. Akitaru: "Any teachers to vouch for you?" nozomi: dr itou could do so. -and so, elsewhere- Wes: "H-Hey, Liz..." liz: hey wes.... .////. Wes: "I-I was stopping by for c-coffee..." ("That dress...") liz: what would you like, the usual? Wes: "Y-Yeah, that'd be great. H-How is work?" liz: doing well. Wes: "That's good. Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?" -later- Kid: (entering a candy shop) "Hello, I wanted to place an order for an imported dessert?" clerk: imported, what kind? Kid: (opens a brochure) "This one--the dark chocolate Mediterranean fig." clerk: oooh. Kid: "Could it be here by Christmas?" clerk: lets seee.... seems like it. Kid: (smiles, pulling out his credit card) "I will take it, and I will pick it up here. Please have it gift-wrapped as well." clerk: very well sir. Kid: (picks up a few boxes of sweets) "And I'll take these now." ("I wonder whether Stocking's mother has a sweet tooth...") -later- Kid: "I'm home." stocking: hey babe. *she smiles* Kid: (kiss on the cheek) "Hello, Love. How was your day?" stocking: great. i got to show my mother some pictures. Kid: (smiles) "That's good. Which photos?" stocking: a few from when i was younger. Kid: (smiles) "When you were super-adorable? Not to ignore how adorable you are now~" stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm proud of you." stocking: *she hugs him and kisses his nose* Kid: (holds her) "I love you, no matter what." stocking: *nuzzles into him* Kid: (strokes her back) "What were you up to here before I came home?" stocking: just setting the table for dinner. Kid: "Need help?" -later- Kid: "Excellent work, Ellen! That meal was delicious." -the next day at school- Arthur: (looking around the school) "Where is she...?" nozomi: who're you looking for? shinra: his girlfriend. Arthur: -_-; "I'm just curious where Tamaki has gone..." iris: i think she's still at the 1st brigade HQ... Arthur: "And not in school...I miss her." shinra:...... Arthur: "I wish I could convince her..." iris: maybe we should visit her? Arthur: "I would like that..." shinra: then it's settled. we'll go see her after class. Arthur: "..." (mutters) "Thanks." -in class- Patty: (drawing) liz: *reading* Kid: (reviewing history book) -later- Patty: "How was work, Sis?" liz: i went pretty well i'd say. -meanwhile- shinra: soooooo how do we get there again? Arthur: "Take Route 7B, then walk." shinra: ok then. on this bus? Arthur: "That's the one." -one bus trip later- Arthur: "Here we are..." nozomi: it's so big. shinra: yeah. Arthur: "Best check with security..." guard: just move along, kiddos. Arthur: (frowns) "Not likely: we are here to see our friend Tamaki." guard: shes busy with training right now and cant be disturbed. Arthur: "Then when will she be done training for the day? When is her break?" guard: after that, she'll be on a mission. Arthur: "Oh, that's convenient! Come on, man!" guard: sorry, we cant let you in without the proper clearance. Arthur: "..." (starts to turn away--then grabs the guard by the neck) guard: !! shinra: woah, dude! Arthur: "We're going in. Now." -later- Arthur: "..." nozomi: *bandaging his wounds* maki: honestly, what got into you? Arthur: "I am a man in love! And I will not let my lady be--Owie!" (pouts) "That peroxide stings!" shinra: *points* AHA!! Arthur: "And where were you, Squire?! You ran off with your tail between your legs!" shinra: using the phone booth. Arthur: "Why?! To rip off the phone and use as a blunt instrument?!" shinra: to call the others to stop you from doing something stupider. Arthur: "...I could've defeated those five security guards if you hadn't butted in." shinra: -_-; Arthur: "We'll have to find another way to break into the 1st. Maybe a hot air balloon..." shinra: that might just work. i'll get a balloon for you to breathe into. Arthur: (biting his lip and glaring at Shinra) "Well, why don't you--! Um...Why don't you...Shut up!" shinra: *smirks* Arthur: "Hmph. Maybe I could text Tamaki..." shinra: maybe. Arthur: "Wish I thought of that before..." (pulls out his phone, texts Tamaki: "hey. tried to visit today") -no reply- Arthur: "Maybe I should try calling?" -no reply again- Arthur: "Damn it!" shinra:...... Arthur: "...I think I'm going to bed." -the next day- Kid: (purrs) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Same." (stretches) "What's today?" stocking: looks like the weekend i think? Kid: "Oh, good! Any plans?" stocking: not really. Kid: "Maybe go for a walk today? A little holiday shopping? Get some lunch?" stocking: sounds good. maybe i could get my mother a nice housewarming gift. Kid: (nods) "That would be good. Has your mother decided where to live?" stocking: my dad is having her move in at his place. Kid: (nods) "That should be good." -later- Kid: "What do you think your mother would like as a gift?" stocking: maybe something for her new room? Kid: "Like something to look at, such as a painting, or a candle?" stocking: or maybe a decorative pillow? Kid: "Oh, that can be good! Is your mother on her feet yet?" stocking: soon. Kid: (nods) "It's good she has support..." (looks at one pillow) stocking: *she looks as well* Kid: "Perhaps one like this? It feels comfortable, although I'm not sure about the color." stocking: *she looks at a clerk* are there other colors for this one? Clerk: "Of course! It comes in black, white, blue, red..." stocking: blue might work.... Clerk: "Very good!" (pulls out a large set of swatches) "Would that be midnight blue, light blue, sky, Cambridge, Carolina, sapphire, steel..." Kid: (eyes glazing over) "Too...many...colors..." -and so- Clerk: "Are you pleased with your choice, ma'am?" stocking: looks good. thank you. Clerk: "You're welcome. Thank you for your business!" Kid: "So...many...colors..." (shakes his head) "So, another shop, then?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: (points to bookstore) "I was thinking of some books for Father and Mother...and Little Sister." stocking: lets do that. *In the bookstore* Kid: (flipping through botany and gardening books for Yumi) -elsewhere- Yohei: (walking into Deathbucks) "Yo, Mana." mana: hey. what can i get ya? Yohei: "Coffee and a scone, thanks. How's work?" mana: doing well. you? Yohei: "Still fiddling with this." (points to Dokeshi Sensing Watch--which goes off) "...Huh." mana: ??? *she looks at kepuri* Kepuri: "...What the hell are you looking at?" master: *raises a brow* Yohei: "..." (approaches Master...the watch stops beeping...approaches Kepuri--and it starts beeping wildly) mana: ..... Kepuri: "Wh-What?!" Yohei: "Huh. So, what's your Dokeshi condition?" Kepuri: "..." (looks away) Kepuri: "...I'm stuck at this height, okay?! Happy?!!" mana: so? Kepuri: "So what?! I'm short! I don't like it!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, so I got my gift for Tsubaki." soul: i got stuff done too. Black Star: "Cool. Anything you're getting for Wes?" soul: not sure what to get him... Black Star: "...A hug?" soul: *chuckles* Black Star: "It's free, probably something he doesn't get enough. Or maybe you get him a gift card to that laser tag place." soul:....sounds good. Black Star: "Cool. Still figuring out whether I should get one more thing for Tsubaki." soul: like what? Black Star: "Jewelry? Maybe something else?" -meanwhile- Wes: (checking his mail, smiles) "Good--it came!" ghost: what is it? Wes: "A gift I got for Liz..." ghost: oh? Wes: "Something that I hope she appreciates..." -later- Kid: (brings out tea and a cupcake) "Here you are, Angel." stocking: thank you~ Kid: "I'm sure your mother will enjoy the gift...and I hope you enjoy your gift, too~" stocking: hehe~ *she kisses both his cheeks* Kid: (holds her hand) "I have already gotten to work on an excellent Thanksgiving dessert. And something cranberry related..." -meanwhile- Tuhl: (grading papers) nygus: so how did it go today? Tuhl: (shrugs) "A bit better. At least their essays are getting better." -meanwhile, at the 1st HQ- Burns: (examining photographs...) "Where is that assassin..." soldier: sir? is everything ok? Burns: "I've been interrogating multiple persons with no luck..." (his knuckles are bloody) soldier: ....... person: *bloodied and whimpering* Burns: "Get this dirtbag to a hospital." tamaki: .............. *walks back to her room* Burns: "Tamaki, wait..." tamaki: what? Burns: "...Take a walk with me." tamaki:........ Burns: "Please?" tamaki:........fine..... *They depart* Burns: "Just another block..." tamaki:....... *They are at a cemetery* tamaki: *bites her lip* Burns: (puts a hand on her shoulder) "I know it is difficult. But I think you should go forward." tamaki:.........h-hey....sorry i havent visited.....just been thinking a lot.... Burns: "..." tamaki: i just dont know what to do....they've been keeping isolated there for days.....i feel trapped...... Burns: (clenching his fists...) tamaki: i just wish you were here to give me some advice....make it feel less lonely.... Burns: (looking around...staring at one building's rooftop...narrows his eyes) tamaki: ...........i miss you.......i wish i could have been a better friend to you.... Burns: (light blinks at the rooftop, his eyes widen as he starts charging a flame...) tamaki: ?? Burns: "Down!" tamaki: *she gets down* *Fire blasts around Burns* Burns: "Damn!" (redirects the flames back at the source) tamaki: WHAT THE HELL?! Burns: "Another assassin?! Too afraid to show yourself?!" tamaki:...... [<x> try fighting them off <> try to sneak away] Tamaki: (joins a flame towards the Assassin) "Face us!" ???: *turns to flee* Tamaki: "Oh, no you don't!" (roars, fire-claws on her hands as she rushes at the Assassin) ???: *starts running* Tamaki: (leaps, roaring again) < > Catches Assassin < > Misses Assassin <x> Scratches Assassin ???: ACK! Tamaki: "Stop!" (rips off part of fabric and some skin) ???: *they fall over, screaming* Tamaki: "Got you now, you bastard!" (rushes at the Assassin) ???: w-wait, dont kill me, please! Tamaki: (tackles them, holding flame to their face) "Who sent you?!" ???: p-please, i'll talk, dont hurt me! Tamaki: "..." (tosses the Assassin down to Burns) "Interrogate this fucker." -and so- Burns: "So, care to talk?" ???: ........ Burns: "No? Fine by me. I got plenty of other work I can do." (pulls out a stack of papers and a pen...starts clicking the pen slowly) ???: ...th....the 8th.... Burns: "???" ???: t-the 8th brigade sent me.... Burns: "..." (sets down papers) "Who in the 8th?" ???: t-the commander.....c-can i please leave now? tamaki: *listening* ?! Burns: "You attempted to assassinate us: you are not getting out of her. You are going through the legal system." ???: ........... Burns: "And we have more questions. What did the Commander give you in exchange for trying to kill us?" -meanwhile- Patty: "Julie! Time for bed!" julie: *yaaaawns* Patty: (picks her up) "You wash and brush?" julie: *nods* Patty: (frowns) "Let me smell your breath, young lady..." -she did- Patty: (smiles) "Good girl!" (sets her in bed) "Bedtime story?" julie: yay! Patty: "How about Cinderella?" julie: *she nods* Patty: "Or how about Rapunzel? The girl with the super-long hair and the person trying to reach her?" julie: *shiny eyes* oooooh. Patty: "So, a long time ago--like, at least 50 years--there was as girl named Rapunzel. And she was a little spitfire--always getting into fights, not taking nothing off of any jerk who tried to harass her or her homies!" julie: *listening* Patty: "But then a warlock--that's, like, a really powerful magician but less powerful than a witch--thought the girl needed to be protected from dangers in the world, so he put her in a tall tower and wouldn't let her out." julie: oh no. Patty: "I know, right?! And she was all alone--her friends gone, separated from her. Including this one really cute boy she kept making googly eyes with before Big Nasty Warlock put her away." julie: D:> Patty: "But this boy was a knight! He had shining armor! A big, sharp sword! He tamed dragons to be his pets! He climbed tall walls! He ran faster than other people! He could open 18 jars of pickles without getting sweaty!" julie: wow. Patty: "Yeah! And he was a hottie, too! You should see his eyes and his abs!" julie: ??? liz: ._.; uuhhhh, kid? Kid: (chops Patty) "Keep this story PG rated, please." liz: you wanna take over? Patty: (pouts) Kid: "Very well." (clears his throat) Kid: "The Shining Knight missed his friend, Rapunzel, so he did what any rational person would do: he went to the giant tower--because obviously someone would be locked in a giant tower that anyone could see with no problems." liz:....... Kid: "...What, Liz? Am I wrong?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Zzzzz...." chie: so how was work? mana: found out that kepuri chick is a dokeshi, so that's there. Yohei: "And that was after increasing the range of the Dokeshi Watch by another three blocks. By the end of this week, it'll be ready to hunt through a radius of an entire city." (stares at Chie) "..." chie: .......... Yohei: (clears throat) "Y-Yeah...So, I could use some help to track a Dokeshi or two in the city. I don't suppose you could get off from work this weekend for Death City Hide and Seek?" chie: i suppose i could find some spare time. Yohei: "Th-Thanks..." ("...I wonder how she looks when modeling...") -elsewhere- maki: night everyone. Akitaru: *yawn* "Night, Maki. Night, Gabriella." gabriella: night. come along now, princess. *she smiles* -later, in shinra and arthur's room- Arthur: "..." (tossing in bed, not sleeping) shinra:......... Arthur: (punches his pillow) "Damn." shinra: you ok? Arthur: "No. Tamaki still won't answer my texts or calls...I'm worried I'm scaring her." shinra: well, the commander did mention we'd be going on a mission to the 1st soon. Arthur: "About time..." shinra: said something about 'taking the tour'? Arthur: " 'Tour'?" -the next morning- gabriella: kishiri and the recruit from squad zero should be here soon. maki: joooooy. Hibana: "Hmm. Haven't seen Kishiri in a while. I wonder whether his behavior has improv--" *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* ???: "Let us in!" shinra: ?? *he opens the door* Kishiri: "Yo yo! Hey, Commander! Gab! One-Punch Hottie!" maki: -_-; does he have to come with us? ???: fufufufu~ ???: in the depths of despair. when all hope is lost. when justice cries out. i will be there. Hibana: "...Hi? Who are you?" Kishiri: (eyebrow wiggle at Maki) -a 15 year old girl with black hair appears- ???: Sayu Hirano, hero for hire, reporting for duty~! *wink* maki:..... *steps away* shinra: o_o -_- o_o ~? (thinking: hero for hire? oh, she must be the squad 0 kid...) Hibana: "...At ease, soldier. So, you have the details for this 'tour'?" sayu: just what commander miwa told me. juggernaut: noooooo what if it's too scary? Hibana: " 'Scary'? Kid, your in the Brigade: you have to face fear." juggernaut: 8< Kishiri: "When you got beautiful ladies having your back, what do you need to be afraid of?" (eyes Maki) shinra: (thinking: he kinda reminds me of that weird kid that follows kure around) maki: i feel safer already (sarcasm) nozomi: ^^; Arthur: "...Let's just go." -and so- Hibana: "What is the first step while we are here?" maki: juggy, arthur, shinra, nozomi, sayu and the other guy will take the tour, and we'll keep you posted. Hibana: "Be safe in there. Don't do anything stupid." maki: can do. *she glares at kishiri* shinra: yes mom.....i mean ma'am....i'll just go now. Kishiri: "..." Arthur: "..." Hibana: ._.; shinra: let's just go -_-; sayu: right behind ya big bro shinra. shinra: *wince* juggernaut:...... Kishiri: *yawns, trying to put an arm around Maki* -SMACK SLAP PUNCH- Arthur: o_o "Jeez." Kishiri: (twitching on the floor) "Worth it." -and so, they took the bus there- Arthur: "...Man." shinra:.... Guide: "Greetings and salutations. Welcome to the 1st! We have been expecting--" (cringes upon seeing Arthur) "Oh God, it's him..." shinra: ?? Arthur: (glares) Kishiri: "Uh...J-Just let us in, please?" Guide: (sweating) "Just keep some distance between me and him--I don't need him attacking me like that security guard..." maki: we'll keep a good eye on him. Arthur: "Hmph." sayu: *picture snap* Guide: "Well, here we are at the entrance, which has intricate architectural design by..." Guide: "...Blake Williams, whose designs of fire reminds us of both its cleansing and dangerous natures..." (still nervous around Arthur) Arthur: (death glare) Guide: o_o; "A-And the 1st has an extensive set of items from various religious orders surrounding the worship of flames..." shinra: ..... *looks over at karim, who gives him a judgemental glare* *nervous smile* Kishiri: "Yeah, I'm really devout. Super religious. Religious as fuck, man." maki:....... Kishiri: (smirks) "Want to pray with me, babe?" juggernaut: um.. m-miss guide? is there a bathroom nearby? maki: shoo you. Guide: "Yes, just around the corner on the left, dear." juggernaut: t-thanks... Guide: "Well, while we are waiting, I can point to the facilities we have here. The East Wing leads to the Medical and Science Division..." nozomi: ...... sayu: ooooh. Guide: "And the North Wing leads to the Commander's Office." shinra: is he in? Guide: "Yes, but--" shinra: can we see him? Guide: "...No?" shinra: oh.... Burns: "Tamaki! Get back here!" -CRASH- tamaki: o-ow.... Arthur: o____o; tamaki: *she looks down and sees his hand on her chest* o////////////o -SLAP- Arthur: X___X (nosebleed) tamaki: U//////U# shinra: so...that happened Kishiri: "Oh, hey, Kitten. How you doin'?" tamaki: up yours. shinra: um. hi tamaki. tamaki: T-T# shinra:....>u>;;;;;; Burns: "Tamaki!!!" tamaki: !! Burns: "I am not done with our meeting about--" (trips over Arthur, lands on his face) "...Ow." shinra: *bites lip to avoid laughing* Kishiri: "Sir!" (salutes) Burns: (gets up) "At ease." (studies the group) "What are you doing here?" (looks at Shinra and Maki) maki: we're taking the tour for extra credit. Burns: (studies them) "Very well. Proceed, Guide." Guide: (nervous salute) tamaki: ....... Burns: "Come along, Tamaki. Now." tamaki: ...... Burns: "Well? You coming or not?" Arthur: "Tamaki, wait--" (reaches out to her) tamaki:....fine.... Burns: (glares at Arthur) "Follow, Tamaki." Arthur: "Wait just a damn minute!" tamaki: ?? Arthur: "Tamaki, I've tried calling you..." tamaki: ......*she drops a slip of paper as she and burns exit* Arthur: "???" (looks at the paper...then slips it in his pocket. "Better not let Guide see it.") Guide: ^_^; "Shall we continue with the tour? We have a wonderful cafeteria..." juggernaut: *nods* Arthur: "...Fine." Kishiri: "Good--I'm starving!" (smirks at Maki) "Care to share a root beer float with me?" maki: .....nah. -later- Kishiri: (he had a root beer float on him...in that, Maki dumped a root beer float _onto_ him) -_-; iris: how was the trip? Arthur: "...Fine." (opens the paper to read it) -cant call, burns has my phone charger and my battery died.- Arthur: "...That's it? What, she can't use someone else's charger? And why would he keep her charger?" shinra:....*shrug* Arthur: "..." (smirks) "Hey, Shinra? I need a favor." shinra: what is it? Arthur: "You need to mail a charger for me." shinra: huh? Arthur: "What? If I send it, Burns will know what I'm up to." shinra:......how about if hirano sends it? sayu: can do, big bro shinra! *salutes* shinra:...... Arthur: "Even better!" (hands $30) "Buy the charger, pack it, and mail it!" sayu: alrighty then! -elsewhere- Wes: "Soul, could you pass the salt?" soul: sure thing. Wes: "Thanks!" (adds it to the pizza sauce) -later- Wes: "...It's bad, isn't it?" soul: it's.....edible. Wes: "...Well, better get better at it before Christmas...I don't suppose Black Star will eat this failed experiment?" soul: well.... Wes: "???" soul: nevermind. Wes: "Hmmm...Maybe the dog will eat it." soul: dog? Ghost Dog: *BARK!* soul:....ok then. Wes: "Who's a cute ghost dog? You are! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" -elsewhere- kirika: *playing games while mocha sits on her head* Patty: (coloring with Julie) stocking: can you believe its almost december? Kid: (nods) "It is surprising how quickly time feels like it is passing." (holds her hand) "Have you considered how to spend Christmas with your parents?" stocking: my dad's throwing a huge party this year. Kid: (smiles) "That should be fun." stocking: yeah, i think it's to make up for the one missed last year..............*she frowns, trembling* Kid: (holds her hand and puts an arm around her) "It's okay." stocking: *she holds him, calming down a little* Kid: (pats her back, hums a song) stocking: mmmm..... Kid: (keeps humming...) "Stocking..." stocking: *closing her eyes* Kid: (kisses her forehead, carries her to bed) stocking: *drifting off to sleep* Kid: (lies next to her, holds her as he falls asleep too) -the next morning- Kid: (slight snoring) stocking: mmmmn, kid...... Kid: "H-Huh?" stocking: *nuzzling her body against him* Kid: "..." (smiles, holds her) "How are you?" stocking: warm. *she blushes* Kid: "..." (blushes as well) "Um...Are you..." stocking: am i what? Kid: "..." (blushes harder) "I just...like being this close to you. Thank you." stocking: hehe~ *she kisses him softly* Kid: (kisses back softly, just holding her) -at school- Kid: (holds her hand in class) Tuhl: (staring at puppy in a crate) "O-Okay...I can do this..." puppy: *happy pants* : D Tuhl: "Now, when you deal with creatures, remember to treat them like another person. Just because they look different doesn't mean they aren't deserving of respect." (holds out hands to puppy to see what happens) puppy: :3 *nom* Tuhl: o__o; "Ow." -at lunch- Patty: (shoveling bread in her mouth) soul: so how was the tour? shinra: alright. Arthur: (frowning, studying his soup) maki: you ok? Arthur: "Just impatient." maki: about what? Arthur: "...When I can talk with Tamaki again." maki:..... Black Star: "...Maybe just punch down a wall and go inside?" shinra: and get arrested, maybe. Black Star: "What? Who here doesn't have a criminal record?!" soul:...... Patty: (raises her hand) "How do you think I got here?!" -that night, at the 8th- Hibana: (swinging at punching bag) "I don't see what the problem is." gabriella: *timing her* Hibana: "Burns has always been a control freak over his soldiers--" (punch punch punch) "--so how is this any different, Maki?" maki: we're worried they're keeping her there for a reason.... something just feels off about it.... -in arthur's room- Arthur: "..." (looking at a photograph of Tamaki--who is beating him and Shinra into the ground) -dink- Arthur: "???" (looks at window) -a girl in a hoodie is standing there with a ladder- Arthur: "???" (carefully opens the window) "Tamaki?" tamaki: *she makes a motion with her hand to say 'open the window'* Arthur: "...I did open it...What are you doing here?" tamaki: *she puts the ladder to the window and starts climbing up* Arthur: (looks around the room...) -empty save for him- Arthur: (holds a hand out to her) -she climbs in, dropping the ladder in the process- tamaki: ah.... Arthur: "Oh...Um...Is-Is that going to be a problem?" tamaki: if it didnt cause too much noise.............y-you.....*she hugs him tightly* i missed you idiot! Arthur: "I-I missed y-you too..." (holds her) tamaki: h-hey! dont start crying on me! Arthur: (wipes his eyes) "I'm not crying! Something blew in from the window!" (holds her more tightly) tamaki: y-yeah...i should close that.... Arthur: "...I don't want to let go..." tamaki: .....*sigh* jeez, you're such a wimp... Arthur: "Heh. Like you crying as soon as you see me?" (shimmies with her over to the window to close it) Arthur: "...Princess." tamaki: i was not! tamaki: it was the rain, that's all... Arthur: (closes the window, and just holds her) "There's not a cloud in the sky out there, Tamaki." tamaki: it was raining when i left... Arthur: "..." (smirks) "Okay..." (pulls back) "How long before Burns finds out?" tamaki: he probably knows by now......no doubt he has people looking for me... im not gonna sugar coat it, but in case you havent figured it out, i ran away. Arthur: "But what makes you think he won't look for you?" tamaki: he will.......and i bet he is already.... Arthur: "...He'll start here...What do we do?" tamaki: i just need to hide...lay low.... -knock knock- Arthur: o___o (whispers) "Hide under the bed." tamaki: *she does so* Arthur: (answers the door, just opening it a bit) "Y-Yeah?" shinra: hey, one of burn's goonies is here saying tamaki's missing. Arthur: (bad acting) "What? Really? No!" shinra:.....well, just thought i'd keep you posted... Arthur: "Th-Thanks, man. I appreciate it. H-How about we go look for her?" shinra: sounds good. Arthur: "O-Okay! Let me just get something." (slams door in Shinra's face) "Oh boy..." tamaki: shit. Arthur: "I-If I can get them away from here, maybe they won't know you're in this room?" tamaki: ........ Arthur: "!!! The ladder! Let me get down there and hide it!" -outside- shinra: oi! tamaki! Arthur: "Here, Kitty Kitty!" (picking up ladder, hiding it) shinra: dude really? Arthur: (hid the ladder) "What? If she was out here, and I said that, she'd already be out there ripping my head off, right?" shinra: ......*looks at the person from thr 1st* anything yet? 1st Officer: "Nothing. I see some footprints, though." (points to them) shinra: do you think it was a burglar? 1st Officer: "Do these footprints have...kitty paws on the bottom?" shinra: ??? Arthur: "Th-That just looks like cat's prints. Ha ha ha! Don't be silly!" (nervous laughter) shinra: yeah, i guess it was just a cat... Arthur: (nods vigorously) "Wait, I think I heard something over there!" (points away from the 8th Brigade) shinra: ?? Arthur: "I think I saw someone in the bushes! You should go check! Take your time! I'll be over here!" -shinra and the officer go look- Arthur: (slowly tries to inch back into the building and back to his room) shinra: *examining the bushes* Arthur: (back in the building, trying to get back to his room--) <x> Arthur gets to his room without a problem < > Someone stops Arthur Arthur: (enters his room, sighs, then checks under his bed) tamaki: ?? -she's playing neko atsume on her phone- Arthur: "...So, keeping yourself preoccupied?" tamaki: *she nods* thanks for the charger. i missed my widdle babies.... Arthur: "...'Widdle babies'?" (smiles) "Cute." tamaki: oh shush. Arthur: "...They seem to be heading elsewhere, away from the 8th...Is there room under this bed?" tamaki: a little bit... unless you want me to move to the closet? Arthur: "..." (reaches a hand to her) "Even my closet is small, and Shinra is bound to find out. How am I going to keep you here without them knowing?" tamaki:......i dont know..... Arthur: "...What if we told the Commanders, Obi and Hibana? Maybe you could transfer here." tamaki: maybe, but i doubt burns would let me.... Arthur: "Obi and Hibana can be very persuasive, though." tamaki: you dont know burns the way i do... Arthur: "What do you mean?" tamaki:...n-nevermind.... Arthur: "...Has he hurt you?" tamaki:......not physically.... Arthur: "But he's said things to you?" tamaki: no....he's....ever since the incident at the 5th, he's been....overprotective. Arthur: "...Is it safe for him to be in command?" tamaki: of course....i know, he wants the best for his soldiers.....but he didnt need to keep me trapped there...... Arthur: "Then I think that is enough to make a case to Obi." tamaki:...................
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