#*begins eating icecream while crying*
vemuabhi · 3 years
Sanji - Ice cream
Annyong Haseyo!!! I kinda changed the prompt a bit, to fit the story.
Prompt by @nottbilly (wattpad)
Pairing : Sanji X Reader
Warnings : Just fluff!
Word count : 2.3K
Modern Universe
Summary : Sanji is a regular at the icecream parlour you work at. Every time he brought a different date to the place. One day, he was alone and you decided to talk to him. Would this blossom into something new? Lets find out!
A/N : Being a hoe for this man Sanji, I can’t help but write when I find suitable prompts for him. Most of the prompts which I read, I automatically imagine with him. But this, is definitely his character.
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There he came again, with a different girl. It’s been 5 months since you started to work in this Ice cream parlour in the evenings. Serving customers ice creams and cold drinks was your part time job and, every week at least 3 times you saw the same blond with different girl.
The first meeting of you two was also awkward. It was the start of the new semester in colleges when you started to work here. One day, when the blond was about to leave because his date cancelled on him, he came towards you and said, “Hey! You are really cute. Do you come here often?”
“Actually… I work here”, you replied. His cheeks turned red due to embarrassment and he left the place. You thought he’d never return… But you were so wrong.
In the beginning you didn’t care much but, as he was a regular, your interest perked up. You listened to how he tried to talk to the girls but… oh god… he was so bad in flirting. You were sure, the girls used to come with him to get free ice cream.
He greeted you every time he came and he seemed like a nice guy. You witnessed many confessions, rejections. Honestly, he was actually handsome, but his flirting, his actions, mostly scared away or creeped out his dates. You really felt bad, when he left the place dejected every single time.
After 5 months you saw him again, but for the first time, he was alone. He had no company. He came towards you and asked for his regular flavour.
“Will anyone join you?”, his expression changed to an awkward one. ‘Oh no… did I offend him?’, you panicked then he sighed and said, “No, I don’t have a date today. No one even wants to come for a free ice cream now”
He took the ice cream from your hands and sat on the chair. He scrolled his phone as he ate in silence. He was always lively, always smiling and trying to impress his date, while they always were bored or just plain ignored him by texting someone else. You looked outside and noticed that, no one was coming to the shop. So, you took off the hat and placed it on the counter. You headed over to the blond and asked, “If no one is coming, do you mind if I give you company? I mean, I don’t feel like costumers will come now. So… What do you say?”. It felt like it took some time for him to register what you said to him. He quickly stood up and shouted, “YES YES YES PLEASE! THANKYOU”.
You chuckled and sat opposite to him as he gripped the table before him nervously. It was quiet for a few seconds. You thought he’d talk first but, you decided to break the silence ‘cause he seemed nervous.
“So, I’m Y/N by the way. Just working here part time to make extra bucks”
“Oh forgive my behaviour. I didn’t introduce myself first. I’m Sanji. I study at the university near this place. So, I tend to come here whenever I try to get a date”
“Woah! Is that so? So, what are you studying there? It’s so hard to get accepted into that university, tell me about yourself Sanji”, you placed your hands on the table before you and listened to him.
Sanji told you about his culinary course and how he was into cooking from a young age. You really got interested as he talked about how he was a cook and wanted to open a restaurant soon. As food being your love of life, you couldn’t help but to be curious of his cooking.
“And I am sure this is weird but, if you would like to try, I’d love to bring something for you to eat”, he scratched the back of his neck anxiously.
“Yes! I’d love to. I know it’s weird but, I’d definitely love to try your cooking”, the blush on his face reddened as you said that.
“Then its set. I’ll make something for you”, he chuckled. Now to raise your most awaited question and concern.
“Sanji… I am not trying to be rude and I know this is our first conversation but, are you… are you working out or doing any sports or yoga. I mean you… are a regular to this place, coming here 3 times a week… You are taking care of yourself right? I am not judging you… just worried”
His cheeks turned red with embarrassment as he answered, “I actually work out 5 times a week and sometimes do martial arts. Thank you for worrying about me” he looked at his thighs and stayed quiet.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”, concern clearly visible on your face, you asked him. He looked up and said, “This… This is the first time, a lady showed interest in what I am doing and even worried about me so… It just feels over whelming”
He was dramatic but, you could understand it because you always watched him… the way he praised his dates, flirted with them, all the time they were here. You never heard him tell anything about himself. So… you decided to lift up the sprits.
“Don’t worry, you are really fun to talk to and also… handsome”, you averted your eyes and whispered the last part. It was barely audible but Sanji heard it. His cheeks turned pink as you said that to him.
“Thank…you”, he murmured and your gaze shifted back to him.
He tried to cool his heated face and brought the ice cream towards his lips. He licked the melting cream and smiled as he looked at you.
You talked about yourself and he listened carefully. You talked about your hobbies and dreams. He excitedly asked you about them and why you like them. He was really listening to you. He wasn’t acting. You both got carried away as you a lot. You literally introduced him to your world. He ever listened to the songs you liked or the read the books you admired. He was genuinely interested when you talked about them.
“Oh my! Y/N, these are amazing. I might get addicted to them”, he said. You were about to talk more but were a customer entered the place.
Getting up from the seat quickly you went towards the counter and handed the customer what they needed. Then your gaze shifted to the blond, who now stood before the counter and was held out his money for the ice cream. You shook your head no and said, “You don’t have to pay for that. It’s my treat”
“Wait why I’m a guy? I should pay, but you didn’t even eat anything. I am practically paying for myself”
“Is there any rule that, girls can’t pay for their dates?”, the date word slipped out of your mouth by accident but, it resulted him to blush harder.
“I… I’m not saying that”, he pouted and whined, “This was a date. You said it. You cant take that back”, making you chuckle.
“Yeah… I guess I can’t. Well, in return, I did have a date with… a cute guy”, you murmured the last part as you looked down, making him gulp.
Placing his elbows on the counter gently he leaned towards you. “Beware, if you keep doing things like this I might kiss you”, he whispered near your ear.
Your face heated up as you felt his breath near your eat. ‘Was he always this confident always?’, you thought as you looked at him. He had a cocky smirk on his face. Then his phone buzzed. He pulled back and you nodded at him to check it.
“Damn it… I can’t believe it”, he said as he looked at you.
“Its okay, go back. It’s not safe to stay late”, you smirked as he took your hand.
“I just can’t believe it. I’m leaving first on a date. Usually its always-”
“YOU. I know. It’s alright for you to leave. It’s not a crime. Now go back”, you insisted as you placed your free hand on his. He tugged on your hands and asked, “You’ll be here tomorrow also, right?”
You giggled and said, “No. I won’t”
He was shocked at what you said. You chuckled at his expression and said, “I’m having a day off tomorrow”
He sighed as he frowned. “You almost had me”, he huffed and continued, “Then, can I take you out on a date tomorrow again”, he asked and you nodded yes. He smiled as he reluctantly let your hand go and walked towards the door. He looked back at you as he waved bye. You returned his action and he left the place.
The next date, you got to eat one of the best dishes he cooked. It was absolutely delicious. The next date was a movie and the other was at a park. You both really had a great time together.
At Sanji’s house
After some date, at last you were coming to his house so Sanji was getting super nervous. But the ruckus on the dining table made it even more irritating to him.
“SANJIIII MEATTT!!!!”, shouted Luffy as he kept stuffing his mouth with Ussop’s food, making the latter cry as Zoro just gulped down the beer he got in the fridge.
“GET OUT YOU THREE! A very important guest is coming today. So scram”, Sanji practically tried to kick them out but the bell rang.
“OMG! You two. Be polite”, he glared at the duo and opened the door with a smile.
“Welco- Oh! Nami san, what brings you here?”, he asked her nervously.
“Wha?! Did you just stop smiling after looking at me”, she asked as she folded her hands.
“Oh my No never Nami san! I’m… happy that you are here”, he said.
“Sanji weren’t you the one who said that I was always invited to your house?”
“Yes milady”
“Then move or do you not want me to-”
“OMG! Sorry and please come in”, he said. His nervousness was making it hard for him to think properly.
“Franky will be here soon”, she said to the blond as they both entered the living room. Sanji clicked his tongue and thought why everyone were here now out of all other days.
“Someone is apparently coming here”, Said Ussop to the ginger as she sat beside him.
“Really? Who is it?”, she asked the long nose as he shrugged. “Come to think of it, he isn’t trying to be so flirty with me anymore”, Nami said as she got comfy on the couch. “He is also smiling and texting a lot”, said Zoro and it perked the interest of the two.
“So… tell me, what’s happening”, asked Nami with a smirk. The bell rang again and Sanji again went to open the door thinking Franky. He opened the door with a annoyed look on his face but his eyes met with yours.
“Oh my. What happened Sanji? Is this a wrong time? I’ll go if it-”
“NO! no my dear. It’s not. I thought my friend came over”, he said as he held your hands and placed a kiss on them. You blushed as he did it. ‘Damn his charming attitude’, you thought and then you heard.
“What are you guys doing?”
You and Sanji turned towards the door. There you saw 3 guys and a girl. Excluding the guy eating something, the other three looked like… they were spying something. Sanji sighed and said, “This is Y/N, we are dating”, he pulled you close to him as he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“WAIT WHAT!!!!”, shouted the guy with the long nose as he came closer to you. The orange haired girl was also in front of you in a split second.
“You agreed to go out with him?”, she asked
“Are you an actress by any chance and is he paying you to act”, asked a man with green hair.
“Oye!! Why are you all so shocked? It’s true. We both are dating. Don’t scare her”, he said as he hugged you closer.
“Yes, we are dating”, you smiled as you hugged him back and added, “He is such a gentleman and is so caring” making him blush
The three whistled at you two and Sanji led you inside. Soon they were introduced to you. Apparently, four more people entered the place without announcing.
You had a lot of fun with Sanji’s friends, now your friends too. Everyone played, ate and sang. Soon, it was already evening and everyone left the place. You stayed and helped Sanji to clean.
“Tsk… I thought we could’ve spent time together. You only get 2 days off work”, he pouted. You ruffled his hair and smiled at him. Leaning your elbows at the counter, you looked at him and said, “It’s okay. Your friends are really good. I enjoyed my time here”.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and smiled. “If you enjoyed, then it’s fine”, he said as he tucked a strand of hair around your ear and looked deep into your eyes.
You knew what he was trying to ask, but was nervous. “Sanji, its okay”, you said as you placed your arms around his neck. Slowly he leaned down and his lips met yours. They were soft. He gently tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Your hands travelled to his hair and shoulders. His arms pulled you even closer and one of his hand, gently stroked your cheek. You broke the kiss to look at him. You both smiled at each other as your foreheads touched.
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haruno-sakura-san · 3 years
So I'm playing around with this idea for a Fic I'm writing called Altered. I'm just trying to get some thoughts down about it. Let me know what you think.
Tsunade died quickly and painlessly one morning before her retirement. Shikamaru was sure it was the punch line of some cosmic joke at her expense. He wouldn’t be surprised in 20 years he was the butt of a similar one. Both of them hated the job and both worked tirelessly forward. So he supposed it just couldn’t be helped.
The funeral was huge. Kage and shinobi from all villages came to pay respects to the woman who saved the lives of thousands in the war and who’s leadership had come to bring together all the shinobi nations in peace. Each Kage made a speech that was some variant of this narrative, standing in a noble line to the side of her portrait, large enough for the entire gathering to see. On the end, flanking Kakashi, was the only non-hokage, Sakura.
Her frame was small. Smaller than most of the Kage lined beside her, but it was sturdy and unshakable to Shikamaru’s surprise. She wasn’t crying. So often he’d seen Sakura break down, over teammates and Sasuke and strangers, but now of all times her face was dry. She looked strong, respectful, at peace. A mirror of Tsunade’s portrait on display. The perfect apprentice.
“Wasn’t she the one that found her?” Temari asked. She’d followed his gaze to Sakura’s form.
“Ah,” he affirmed, not sure what else to say.
“Must have sucked,” Temari said, and for some reason this made Shikamaru a little irritated.
Sucked. Sucked? Shikamaru knew first hand how much it sucked seeing your teacher die in front of you and having no way to stop. Sucked didn’t even begin to describe it.
Sakura had worn that face when she’d marched into the Hokage’s office, like it was any other day. She didn’t look dazed or broken, but she wasn’t smiling her normal cheery smile.
This was the only clue she’d give as she squared off in front of Kakashi’s desk and said plain as day, “Tsunade passed away this morning. We should begin making arrangements before word gets too far.”
Both him and Kakashi froze.
“Mah, Sakura. That’s not a very funny joke so early in the morning,” Kakashi recovered more quickly than he had.
“It's not early. Its noon. It's not a joke.” She didn’t snap and this shook Shikamaru more than if she’d stormed across the room and slapped her Hokage across the face. Normally she’d snap. But this was just a tired statement of fact after fact.
“How did it happen?” Shikamaru asked, still in shock. He remembered Tsunade barreling in just a few days ago, informing, not requesting, her leave from the hospital for retirement. Kami knows I’ve earned it.
Sakura’s clear gaze turned on him and he felt the weight of his body acutely. Maybe it was that lack of smile.
“A heart attack. It was quick. She was gone before she could feel any pain.”
Kakashi swiveled in his chair, peering out the window at the cloudless blue sky. Not appropriate weather for news like this.
“I see.” Is all he said. Processing, Shikamaru guessed. “Didn’t even get a chance to retire.”
Shikamaru stifled the dry, ironic laugh itching at his throat. Or maybe he just needed a cigarette.
“No,” was all Sakura said.
“Who else knows?” Kakashi now all business.
“Just me and a nurse I trust to stay quiet until an announcement is made.”
Shikamaru felt the floor warp a little. “You were there when it happened?”
This time she did smile. Yeah, isn’t that just the darnedest thing? “Yes. I did everything I could to save her, but there was nothing I could do.”
He knew she wishes there would have been.
“Where is the body” Kakashi asked. Shikamaru winced. The body. Such a careless way to say it.
“It's already been taken care of.” Sakura lowered her eyes to a knot in the wood flooring.
Kakashi let out a weary breath and Shikamaru could tell he wished it wouldn’t have been Sakura taking care of it.
“Sakura,” Kakashi still looked out the window, “We can take this from here. Take some time off and see one of the counselors or be with your friends.”
“With all due respect, there much to be done at the hospital with Tsunade’s departure. I’ll continue working, Hokage-sama.” She bowed stiffly, the Tsunade’s departure hanging in the air. Departure, like she’d just left for retirement and that was that. Shikamaru wondered if that’s what Sakura was thinking. Just that she’d left like planned and she was supposed to carry on. The good little apprentice.
A long moment passed. A battle of wills.
“No,” Kakashi finally said. “You need time to grieve.”
Finally, some of the fire comes out in Sakura. “So do you, but you’re not taking time off, are you? We both have jobs to do here – important jobs - and I’m not going to sit on my ass eating icecream and crying into teddy bears while her hospital goes to shit -”
“Sakura this is not negotiable.”
“I’m fine.” And she does sound fine. “I. Am. Fine.”
They exchange a look loaded with history Shikamaru isn’t privy to. He watches for a moment, then two, wishing he could shrink away and become shadow.
“Thank you,” Sakura says tightly and walks out of the room. If Kakashi gave any sign he assented, Shikamaru didn’t catch it.
“Was it really a heart attack?” Temari says in the present. Shikamaru blinks twice, extracting himself from the memory.
“Ah,” he grunts in confirmation, wishing she’d drop it.
“Seems like it’d take more than that to take her out.” Temari speculates. Again, he’s irritated by her casual tone over the matter. “I mean, she was literally blown apart in the war and she still survived that. The woman was tough as they come. Seems like a little heart attack –,”
“Drop it.” Shikamaru barks, surprising himself. He’s not one to ever take a tone with her, not one to lose control over anything. But the past week has done something to him though, dredged up old memories of Asuma lying still and cold and it frays him at the edges.
Temari opens her mouth to snap back, ever strong-headed, but he interrupts, eyes turning toward Sakura’s steady form, his mind flashing between now and then.
“If Sakura says that’s what happened. That’s what happened.” It's too much trouble to think further than that. So he believes it. He has to. “She did everything she could, so just drop it.”
For now, she does. But he’d be an idiot to think the discussion was completely over.
Tsunade was dead. Her teacher was dead. The teacher that believed in her and saw in her what Kakashi and all the rest hadn’t was dead. And she’d just walked into Kakashi’s office and lied through her teeth about every single part of it.
Tsunade didn’t die quickly and painlessly. It took several minutes for her spirit to finally untangle from her body and move on. Sakura watched it all happen.
It did happen suddenly. One breath she’d been discussing retirement plans then next – well. Sakura’s stomach turned. She hurried into the ladies' room and hurled her coffee up.
It’d been horrible. Nothing like Sakura had ever seen. And when it was over, nothing remained of the teacher she knew and loved. The image of Tsunade old, shriveled, blackened – Sakura dry heaves into the toilet again - wrong. So, so wrong and it wasn’t supposed to have happened like that. Sakura presses her forehead into the cool rim of the toilet, not caring how dirty might be. She deserved it. Tsunade didn’t.
Knowing how vain her teacher had been, she’d taken care of it. All of it. So that her teacher would have the dignified death she deserved. She had destroyed any evidence of the truth all on her own. And Sakura would carry it, her secret, until her dying breath.
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brelione · 4 years
4 times the pogues interupt you and JJ+ the 1 time you get to be alone.
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Request:Hi!! Could I please request a fic with JJ? I was thinking “4 times the pogues interupt JJ and y/n’s alone time. And the 1 time they get to be alone. Maybe some smut if you are comfortable with that❤️ I hope this request make sense haha❤️❤️
Warnings:Smut,not proof read.
It had taken JJ a year and two months to finally get you to like him.Flirting with you at parties, making sure not to look in the direction of any other girl and stealing you candy bars.
You began to see him everywhere, at the beach where you went to collect seashells,sometimes coming up next to you and asking if he could help you collect them.He would show up at the coffee shop you worked at, a big grin on his face when you’d roll your eyes.
That eye roll eventually turned into an equally as happy grin, preparing his iced coffee for him before he even ordered it.You were a kook which meant he had to work extra hard.You werent one of the rude, stuck up kooks that were disgusted by pogues.
That was what originally made him so attracted to you.It wasnt until six months of not hooking up with any tourons, only talking about you that the pogues realized how serious he was and decided to help him out on his mission to get you to like him.
They didnt exactly like you,mainly because you were a kook but at the end of the day they really just wanted to see him happy.If another boy was flirting with you John.B would come up and start talking to the boy,most likely knowing him.JJ would then swoop in,offering you a gummy worm and asking how you were.
And now that he had finally got you he wanted to enjoy every moment he had with you.It took three months of the two of you dating for The Pogues to finally like you.It wasnt you yourself that Kiara didnt like, it was the fact that she had walked in on you and JJ.
JJ had you under him, your hands pinned over your head, his lips moving against yours as he grinded against you,trying his best not to start moaning.He chuckled at your quiet moans, kissing your forehead lightly before moving down to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin and sucking at the flesh.
 “I love you.”He muttered,unbuttoning your cropped,flowy white shirt.You bit your lip as he began to leave kisses down your chest,holding your wrists down with one hand,using the other to unclip your bra and pulling it off of you completely,leaning back to admire you.
 “You’re so pretty, how did I get you?”He asked softly, still not understand.You grinned,slowly pulling your wrists from his grip.He let you, not forcing them to stay there.You leaned up,kissing him. “Because you’re fucking fantastic, even if you are a whore.”You giggled,kissing the tip of his nose.He squinted,pushing you back down.
 “Oh, youre gonna pay for that.”He smirked,licking a stripe down your chest,approaching your underwear. “JJ...please.”You pouted, watching as a smile tugged at his lip. “Its cute when you beg.”He licked his bottom lip,the skin staying between his teeth as he quickly looked you up and down,pulling off his shirt so you two were equal.
He sighed,about to tug on your underwear when Kiara opened the door,freezing when she realised what was going on.JJ threw a blanket over you, shouting for his friend to get out.Kiara closed the door,hand over her mouth. “What?”Pope asked, confused.They had just told her to go see if the two of you wanted to join them when they went surfing, not understand why Kie was so embarrassed. 
“I just saw shit that I never thought id see.”She whispered in disgust.JJ pulled the blanket off of you, laughing. “Oh my god.”You covered your face with your hands, feeling like you were about to cry. “I guess we should see what they want.”He frowned,getting his shirt back on,handing you your bra and shirt. “We’ll finish this later.”He winked at you,stepping out of the room.
Kiara never shut up about that,always finding ways to bring it up. “You guys are so gross.”She laughed, sipping her beer.JJ shrugged, not really caring as he threw his arm over your shoulders, pulling you close to him. “Shut up….”You grumbled,leaning into JJ’s touch. “You guys were going to do it while we were here!That’s so much worse!”She laughed, almost dropping her beer.
You looked down at your boyfriend,able to feel his boner even through yours and his pants, a grin on your face. “You’re so hard.”You leaned down to kiss him,squeezing his jaw. “Of course, pretty girl.You always make me hard.”He replied,his hands wresting on your hips. 
“Do I?”You questioned him,kissing his neck.He nodded,his hands slipping under your shirt and onto your waist,holding you against him.He closed his eyes so he could enjoy the feeling of you against him,your warm hands tugging at the hem of his shirt,pulling it off of him.
You gulped,staring down at his abs.You had seen him in swimsuits and his boxers but looking at him always amazed you.He was built like a renaissance statue or perhaps even a greek god.You pulled off your own shirt,watching his eyes widen and jaw drop.
Your body always amazed him despite seeing it dozens of times.He kissed your collarbones,moving down to your cleavage to leave kisses and hickeys,a smile on his face as he bit at your skin lightly. “You think they’ll hear us?”You asked,suddenly being pushed into the mattress,JJ now on top of you.
He shrugged,kissing you gently. “Just be quiet.”He told you,kissing you rougher this time away,biting at your bottom lip,slipping his tongue in your mouth,tugging lightly at your hair.“God,youre so fucking hot.”He whispered,tugging down your underwear,kneeling at the end of the mattress,beginning the teasing.
Licking a stripe through your fold,moaning when he tasted you.He let you place your hands in his hair,helping him set a good pace,trying to hold back your moans. “So pretty…”he whispered,watching your reaction as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
You could feel the cold metal of his rings inside of you,the sensation odd but good. “JJ.”You whispered,needing more than just his fingers.He grinned at your eagerness,unzipping his pants.
Everything was fine until Pope burst in the room,screaming in horror before slamming the door,making loud gagging sounds. “Are you serious?”JJ yelled,huffing.You groaned,tired of this happening,hiding yourself under the blankets,allowing Pope to ask the question that he had come to ask in the first place.
 “Um...do you guys want to split a pizza with us?”He asked,embarrassed. “Really?That was the question that was so important?”JJ asked,becoming annoyed with every second that passed.Pope assumed that you guys wanted to split the pizza,closing the door again. 
“Maybe you should just come over my house.”You muttered,running your fingers through his hair.He chuckled,looking up at you. “yeah?You might love me but your rich ass parents dont,didnt they try to set you up with Topper?”He asked,remembering you complaining about it a couple months back.
You sighed, knowing that he was right.You knew that your parents would be gone for the weekend next week,a small grin on your face. “I mean...they’re going to the mainland next weekend.You should come over.”You suggested,watching a smile come across his face. “Next weekend you’re going to have the best night of your life.”He promised,excited.
Later that night after eating some pizza with the pogues you decided to tease JJ a bit.They decided that they wanted to get icecream,the five of you loading into the van to go to the icecream shop.You obviously sat on JJ’s lap as usual,his head on your shoulder,his hand creeping onto your thigh,squeezing lightly.
 “When we get back…”He whispered into your ear,smiling when John.B parked in the icecream shops parking lot,all of you getting out and ordering your icecream.JJ got his usual,a pineapple orange sundae with rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream while you decided on the green tea honey comb cream.
JJ was appalled by it,not understanding why you enjoyed it so much.He felt your hand on his thigh as you talked to Kiara,the two of you talking about the horrors of climate change.He didnt think anything of it at first utnil you began to palm him through his pants,unbuttoning them before pulling down the zipper.
As much as he hated the power you had over him he didnt want you to stop, wanting to see how far you’d go.He watched you eat your icecream,licking some of the melted dessert off the side of it.He shifted, gulping.You probably werent even trying,the thoughts mixed with your hand becoming too much for him when you suddenly pulled away,his eyes widening.
When you guys got back to John.B’s it was pretty dark,Kie,Pope and John.B deciding to have a fire while you and JJ decided to go to bed.He pressed you up against the door,glaring at you. “Why would you tease me?Did you want me to fall apart in front of them?”He asked,clearly upset by your actions.
You grinned,his hands on your shoulders and pushing you to the floor,on your knees. “Please be good to me,princess.”He requested,unbuttoning his pants,letting you tug them down along with his boxers,taking him in your mouth. “shit…”He whimpered,his hands going to the back of your head,his cock shoved half way down your throat,moans coming out of his mouth against his own will,eyes clenched shut as he fucked your mouth.
 “Fuck,you feel so good.”He praised you,trying not to be too rough on you,feeling you gag on his length,tears pricking at your eyes.He loosened his grip,worried that he would accidentally hurt you. “Good girl.”He whispered,his liquids spilling down your throat.
You swallowed it,pulling off of him,taking in deep breaths that you had been deprived of.He pushed you back onto the bed,pulling your shorts off of you,peeling off your panties,about to push into you when there was a knock on the door.His jaw clenched,staring down at you. “Fuck dammit.”He got off of you,getting his boxers on quickly.
 “What?”He called out,watching you hide your lower half under the blanket,scrolling through your phone casually. “Uh….do you wanna come to the fire with us?”He asked you guys, looking between the two of you.JJ shrugged,pulling on a pair of pajama pants,telling POpe you two would be out in a moment,handing you your underwear and shorts. “Cockblocks.”He muttered.
He was becom ing excited for the weekend that your parents would be gone,thinking of all the things he could do to you in one night.You two had never gone past blowjobs,fingering and hit eating you out no matter how often you tried.
He had never even been inside your bedroom before,nervous for a new location.He wasnt sure how often you had had sex or how much dick you could take,sure that it was fine and he’d figure it out that weekend.The morning after the fire he had turned on his side,wrapping an arm around your waist,placing sloppy,wet kisses along your neck,earning a giggle from you. 
“I love you.”He smiled,kissing your cheek.He groaned when John.B knocked on the door,telling you guys it was time to get up and get ready to go on the boat.JJ grinned,remembering what day at was,knowing he’d be able to take his time with you tonight.
The day took forever to pass,both of you becoming more and mor excited as the hours passed,finally getting to the dock that was attached to your backyard. “See you guys on Sunday.”JJ grinned,taking your hand and getting on the dock,seeing the confused looks on his friends faces.
They chose to ignore it,waving by to you guys and going off,creating ripples behind them.You and JJ were giggling quietly,finally getting inside your empty house,seeing three hundred dollars on the kitchen counter for dinner.
He licked his lips,glancing around the large room,seeing two staircases that lead to the same doors.You held his hand,leading him up the stairs,through the first set of doors,down one of three halls to your large bedroom.
The walls were white but covered with posters,photos and canvases,your bed was queen sized and made not too long ago from the looks of it.He saw your desk and your large tv on the wall,your closet and your little tray of plants. “What?”You asked,beginning to take off your shirt only for him to stop you,taking it off himself instead. 
“Nothing.”He answered,kissing you gently.He backed you up,pinning you to your bed,knowing that you probably wouldnt be up for a good couple of hours.He placed delicate kisses down your neck,pausing to pull off his own shirt.
He went slow,glad he could finally take time to enjoy the experience,knowing the pogues wouldnt walk in this time. “How far have you gone?”He asked,realizing he had never asked before. “Ive done it once or twice...never good though.”You admitted.
He grinned,unbuttoning your pants. “I’ll be good.”He started by sucking on you clit,hearing your moans.He was determined to make you finish at least once tonight,pushing his fingers inside of you,moving them quick.
Your moans were loud,not holding back now that the two of you were completely alone.He grinned,continuing to suck on you,curling his finger inside of you before adding another,commenting on how absolutely soaked you were. 
“Good girl.”He whispered,feeling you clench around his fingers,your fluids leaking out all over his fingers,a satisfied smile at his face now that he accomplished his goal,setting a new one for himself,licking his fingers clean.
 “JJ-please,I cant wait any longer.Please,just fuck me.”You whimpered desperately,feeding his confidence.He was quick to pull down his pants and boxers,just as desperate as you were. “Are you ready?”He asked,his elbows on either side of your head,lining himself up with your entrance.You nodded,trying not to look down,knowing you’d moan at the sight.
He kissed your forehead,pushing into you and reaching spots that had never been touched before.Your nails dug into his back,scratching angry red lines. “You okay?”He asked,realizing how deep your scratches went.
You nodded,urging him to keep going.He pulled out half way before plunging back into you,fingertips pushing into your hips,probably going to leave bruises the next day.You moaned with every thrust,his thumb rolling over your clit,making figure eights,biting his lip at the sounds of your loud moans,trying not to cum before you.
 “Gonna cum for me?”He asked,pouting when you shook your head. “Cant.”You answered,not quite there yet but you could feel yourself getting close.He chuckled,speeding up,grabbing the head board,his knuckles turning white by how hard he was gripping it,feeling you clench around him,moaning at the feeling. 
“You’re so good.”He praised you,continuing his thrusts but you werent complaining,still wanting more. He came inside of you,the wetness of both your fluids only making him go faster,grunting as he tried his best to hit your g spot every time,obsessed with the way you felt. “So tight….I wish I had come over sooner.”He kissed you again,gentle and soft unlike his thrusts.
 “I love you.”You bit down on his collarbone,making him smile. “Love you too.”He replied,thrusting into you one more time before you came undone for the third time that night,him following close behind you. “Round two later?”He asked,laying down next to you.
@nas-marie-loves-u​ @28cnn​ @sexytholland​  @yuxsh06​   @ifilwtmfc​  @cherryobx​ @poguestarkey​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​  @poguestyleskye​ @judayyyw​  @sunwardsss @meaganjm​ @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @jj-fic-recs​ @homophobicclownmoviestan​ @jj-iz-bae​ @natalie-kate-98​ @negativity4you​ @nxsmss​ @ofmaybankheart​ @broken-jj​ @joshy-obx​  @curroptbunnie​ @outerbnx-stiles​ @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie​ @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl​  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee​  @on-socks-off​  @abbiesthings​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless
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Parenting 200!
Hey people, its ya boy, the bitch. I’m making another one of these cuz someone asked and YES.  Corpse Husband x Son yes.  Tags: @save-the-sky @alilshit @whatifwedo @hughugh20@fleurmoon @bi-andready-tocry @itsminniekat @yoongi-holland@loraleiix @hacker-ghost @fanworrior @marvelous-musicals @annshit @unknown-and-invisible @letsloveimagines @babyhoneystvles 
Corpse was running some errands (which he really didn’t wanna do) with Tyler (that's what we calling him)- his son. Y/N was home relaxing and doing her thing, she already did enough. She cleaned the entire house, woke up early to make them both an amazing breakfast, did the laundry, and made sure Corpses office space was nice and well kept so he could be in a nice area to record and stream. Corpse told Y/N that she needed to get some rest when she said she needed to go out to run some errands- he also made the mistake of deciding to bring a literal toddler around with him.  
Now don’t him wrong- He loved Tyler more than he loved himself, but Tyler can be a little shit sometimes. This child has gotten into a rainbow of different substances. 
Vaseline.  “What the hell- what is that- what is that on your face?” Corpse asked, though he already knew. “Baseline.” They said, rubbing their hands together. 
Coconut butter.  “You know better than this Tyler! Now you look all shiney!” Corpse said as he washed coconut butter off of Tyler. “Iz fun.” Tyler replied while Corpse just let out an exasperated sigh.
Baby powder.  “Tyler what the hell!-” Corpse yelled as he walked in and saw Tyler pouring baby powder down his pants. Tyler looked up at him and said “go way.” ANd when Corpse just stared and then Tyler yelled, “go WAY!”  Cake. “Sweetie! That was for your father!” Y/N said as she saw Tyler sitting on the ground shoving his face with chocolate cake. His hands were covered in it and his mouth was a mess. Tyler looked at her innocently and said “Izs mine!” Corpses clothes.  Corpse walked into the closet to put some brand new hoodies away when he saw none other than Tyler chilling there covered in Corpses clothes. It was a mess. Corpe just stared and shut the closet door, not wanting to deal with that just yet. Y/Ns clothes.  Y/N walked into the closet to see the mess. Tyler was putting on her heals and wearing her scarfs. She sighed and took a picture of a very surprised Tyler. Then she went to go yell at Corpse. Deodorant.  “No no no no no NO NO NO!” Y/N yelled as she pulled the deodorant away from Tyler's hands. He was crushing it all up and smearing it on the floor. “It smell gud.” Tyler said innocently as he was picked up.  Soap.  “Tyler no no no! Take that out of your mouth!” Y/N screamed as she saw Tyler put dish soap in his mouth. She panicked and immediately told him to spit it out. Not even a second later Corpse came tripping into the room asking what the hell happened.   Y/Ns pads. “Tyler no-” Corpse said as he wheezed. Tyler was sticking Y/Ns period pads onto his body. “They stickers!” Tyler laughed, opening another one. Corpse fell onto the floor in sheer laughter, not being able to breathe. Corpses Stream. Corpse left to take a quick pee while he was streaming with his friends. While he was gone, Tyler snuck into his office and joined in as a replacement. “Haii” Tyler said, causing laughter. “Whos this?” Sykkuno asked. They all knew Corpse was a father but never heard anything else about him. “Tyver.” Tyler said, making everyone nearly cry from the cuteness. When Corpse came back, he sighed and took his headset away. “Uhm-” Corpse was cut off, “HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING PUT TYVER BACK ON!” 
They were all memories. Some good, most bad. None in the middle. He was currently in the store grabbing some things for Y/N. She got her period like just this morning and she was running out of pads so he needed to cop some of those and the more important things. Every female reading this oneshot who has gotten their period will understand the following. He threw oreo cookies, red velvet oreo cookies, hershey's chocolate chip cookies, more cookies, two whole bags of snickers, three whole bags of kit kats, chocolate milk, and a chocolate cake into the cart. Then lastly, he awkwardly strolled into the feminine product isle where two other females were. Tyler was jumping around looking at everything and Corpse was avoiding eye contact. 
One of the girls looked at his cart, looked at him, looked at Tyler, looked at the cart, and back at him and said “She hit it hard didn’t she?” 
Corpse looked at her and sighed, “Yeah...” then he picked out the kind he always saw in the bathroom and then dragged Tyler away and out of the isle. 
“Nooo! Im still looking!” Tyler whined. 
“Well you’re done looking.” Corpse said, walking up to the check out area and checking his stuff out himself. He already felt enough anxiety today so all he really wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Y/N and watch Shrek for the fifthteenth time with Tyler. 
After he bagged everything he pushed the cart out of the store and towards their car. Tyler was jumping around again and being a little shit, so Corpse had to pick him up and hold him and load groceries into the car one handed. Painful. After loading the groceries he set Tyler down and went to bring the cart back. 
On his way back, Tyler latched himself onto Corpses leg and cried. Good lord. “I want icereeeeem!” Tyler whined as Corpse sighed, dragging him around. 
“Tyler we already spent enough! Mom will share some of her food!” Corpse said, tugging Tyler off of his leg like a cat and walking him to the car. Tyler kept complaining and screaming, but Corpse did his best not to listen. But while driving home, the screaming got worse, and Corpse gave in. 
“FINE DAIRY QUEEN IT IS!” Corpse yelled, immediately apologizing for yelling. Then he took a sharp turn and headed to DQ to get this toddler an icecream cone (And Y/N an oreo blizzard, but don't tell). He really didn’t wanna pull into the drive thru, but his anxiety said indoors is worse so he pulled into the line. It was November so Corpse did not understand why there was so many people in the line. Corpse sighed, trying to ignore Tylers whining. “I know it’s long and annoying but we have to wait Tyler.” 
��I want icecreeeemm!” Tyler whined, and Corpse began to grow frustrated. He loved Tyler, but he really wanted to get home. Y/N was probably scrunched up in agony with her period pains and when he gets home shes gonna be fucking dead. Yes you heard me. Dead. Corpse didn’t want to go to court for being blamed of his girlfriend's death. 
During the wait he actually got a call from Y/N. He instantly picked it up, saying hello. 
“Where are you?!” Y/N complained. She was hungry, in pain, and worried. Corpse and Tyler should’ve been home an hour ago. But instead they were stuck in a DQ drive thru. 
“Dairy Queen. Tyler wants an icecream cone.” Corpse sighed, “He’s been a pain the ass so far...” 
“He’s always a pain in the ass but we love him.” Y/N chuckled, “Can you get me a cookie dough blizzard?” 
“Oh. Ok.” Corpse was surprised. Y/N always went for that legendary oreo blizzard. Guess he’ll get it for himself then. “Are you feeling ok?”
“Mmm no. Periods suck. Men will never feel real pain.” Y/N groaned, and Corpse rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Say that next time people are calling me sus in Among Us.” Corpse laughed, “Oh- I gotta go, this lines finally moving.” 
“Ok, bye love you~” Y/N said. 
“Love you too.” Corpse said before hanging up. He got up to the speaker and breathed in, trying to order his food without getting nervous. Social anxiety sucks, I don’t recommended having social anxiety. He stuttered a little, but it wasn’t too bad. When he got his food, he quickly got the fuck out of there and zoomed back to his place.
When he got to a stop light, he handed Tyler his ice cream cone. Almost immediately he began to chow down, his teeth didn’t even seem sensitive at this moment. It impressed Corpse. His boy was something else. 
When he finally made it home, he had many things to do. He got Tyler out of the car safely and picked up all the bags full of food with one arm. On the other, he held Tyler and the ice cream. From there, he made his way into apartment building like a goddamn champ. Sure, he was in pain, sure his muscles were gonna burst, but this, this guys, is what real men do. He is a super dad, he will do what no man ever dares to do.
People were looking at him, it made him uncomfortable. He was glad the apartment had elevadors. Tyler kept eating his ice cream loudly, which made Corpses pain ever worse. When he finally got to the door, he lifted his already weakened arm and turned the doorknob, shoving himself into the room. 
“Honey I’m home!” Corpse said tiredly, dropping the bags on the floor and lightly setting Tyler down. He walked over to the living room, seeing Y/N laying in a mess of blankets and pillows on the floor. She was wearing one of Corpses hoodies that were way too big on her. She looked distressed, but when Corpse put a cookie dough blizzard in front of her, she looked up and took it. 
“You look like a mess.” Y/N laughed, sitting with her legs crossed and beginning to eat.
“I’ve had a long day.” Corpse chuckled and sat next to Y/N in the mess. “Tyler seemed to have fun I guess.” 
“What do you mean I guess?” Y/N chuckled into her words.
“Oh you know how Tyler is baby.” Corpse took a big bite of his blizzard, “I bought everything you will need for a week.” 
“Great!” Y/N leaned in and kissed Corpse on the cheek. Corpse blushed a little, but smiled. Next thing they know, they are cuddling against each other and eating their blizzards. This was the only way to make Y/N happy while she was on her period. 
Then heard a loud crash.
“God fuckin’ damNI-”
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
[ Tanjiro Headcanons To Fuel The Fluff/Angst Tank ]
He Is Baby™ thank you very much and i love him with my whole heart
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- hi hello i would like to share my thoughts on this baby cause i love him v much
- he gives me the vibe that he would def love anything strawberry related. like strawberry milk, strawberry shortcake, strawberry yogurt- the list goes ON
- he would eat them more often if they weren't so godamn expensive, and most of the time you can only find those kinds of products when in the city and he mostly travels through the woods rather than through heavily populated areas. he does get them when he can though, and usually has some stocked up when he and nezuko leave rural areas
- thats not the only fruit he likes though! hes also a huge fan of cherries but he gets those even less since they're even MORE expensive. he also very much likes mint chocolate chip icecream! something about the clash of dark chocolate and refreshing mint is just so good to him, and usually he’ll try to look for that specific flavor if theres any icecream places nearby. my basis for that?
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- thankfully though he doesnt really buy things from others since he just gets most of his food from the surrounding forest. you see, tanjiro literally lived in the woodlands for most of his early life before the whole 'incident', so hes accustomed to being more of a hunter-gatherer when it comes to those sorts of things
- he knows a whole bunch of stuff about forest plants and topography for that reason specifically, and can make food out of pretty much nothing due to having to go through some rough winter times that required scavenging
- overall though hes a pretty good cook! his father and mother both liked to cook and bake and all that before they died, and, being eager to help and learn, he usually watched them when they did or asked to help with preparing the food
- he actually probably has a lot of domestic skills, now that i think about it. things like sewing up ripped clothing or repairing damaged items are almost muscle memory to him since he was raised to value what he had and not aimlessly spend his money due to his humble beginnings
- he’s actually more comfortable with simple things rather than lavish ones since thats what he grew up with. being a demon slayer means that he does get commissioned to do things sometimes or paid for it, but he usually gives most of his money to poeple who need it after spending some of what he has on more efficient and useful things like better fabric for clothes and repairs for things that he doesn't have the skill set to fix himself
- due to this humble attitude he has for things, he barely ever really treats himself to things he enjoys. he usually puts others before himself and thus forgets about his own needs, leading him to often deny taking care of himself if he deems to 'not have enough time' or 'not being important enough”
- usually forcing him to sit down and eat or at least take a moment to drink some tea can calm his nerves a ton, even if its only just for a second
- i'm pretty sure that his favorite drink is green tea (or strawberry milk), actually. its just so naturally calming and relaxing that he usually uses it as a staple for calming himself down or taking a breather from the stressful life he's lead so far
- for someone that barely takes care of himself hes awfully adamant about others taking acare of themselves. oh, you haven't slept in three days because of work? guess what you're going to sleep right now. no, dont Mention how he keeps moving even though he should be in bed because of a broken rib, your needs come first now go to sleep
- deeefinitely the mom friend type in more ways then one. its p obvious that he already takes care of Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke as good friends of his, but hes kinda adamant on taking care of them almost like they're younger than him or something. this doesnt mean that they can’t take care of themselves of course, he just kinda feels the natural instinct to protect people he values if he can (mainly due to the fear that he’ll suddenly loose them without making it clear he cares about them first but we will unpack that suitcase LATER in the list)
-for that reason i can safely say that he's probably fantastic with kids because of his gentle nature. hes just so soft and pure that children naturally feel calm around him? its weird how like a baby will literally stop crying in a city full of people just because they saw tanjiro wave and smile at them and as SOON as hes out of eyesight they start crying again. also tanjiro holding a baby? you CANNOT tell me this man wouldnt softly sing some lullaby he remembers from his childhood to a child cradled in his arms, fast asleep. and the smile he gives to the person who finds him like that is BLINDING i cannot comprehend the purity-
-the EXACT same thing goes for animals. its straight up canon that he understands (to an extent) what birds are saying when they're chirping to one another, so its probably safe to assume that he might understand a little bit of what other animals may be saying when they communicate
- yet another effect of living in the forest most of his life and being way too observant at his age :p
- when dogs bark he responds to them out of instinct, knowing what they mean. when some pig just randomly snorts at him don't be surprised when he just says "oh, thank you!" in the most earnest tone possible because he probably knows what the animal said and is responding to it honestly. answering like he's pretending to know what it means would be dishonest, and thats too out of character for the sunshine boy
-its also gotta be mentioned that tanjiro physically rejects the concept of being dishonest. i swear to god I'm not making this up- when hes lying its so easy to tell because his face is physically rejecting the concept that hes not being sincere
-this goes for pretty much anything- he cant really blatantly lie without shifting in place or making a weird expression. its no expection that when asked about his feelings that he can barely keep a straight face by saying that he's "okay"
-theres just so much pent up grief and sorrow for so many things that its hard to really say that he's "just fine" or "alright" some days. the accumulation of trauma and guilt has lead up to this constant dread boiling in the pit of his stomach that he'll fail one day, and this would've been all for nothing
-he'll die one day without his goals being met, without Nezuko being healed, without his friends safe, without so many things that he thought he could fix that will eat him up until he fixes them. he doesn't have frequent depressive episodes all that often anymore since Sakonji helped him with that (kind of, it was kind of a group effort by his other superiors, the Pillars, too with some reassurance and advice since a good portion have Been There Done That with the survivor’s guilt and the like) in terms of teaching him how to meditate more frequently and search for positive outlets for his negative feelings. he helped him accept that it was okay to feel bad about it, but he couldn't give up, no matter what. because “What worth was your dream if you just gave up in the end?”
-and so he doesn't. he never gives up, on anything. he refuses to give up when his friends are in danger and the odds are against him, or when hes face to face with an eldritch demon who's been alive longer than the numbers he can count. tanjiro is incredibly persistent in his efforts, big or small, and makes a conscious decision every time to not abandon what he worked for because the phrase "What worth was your dream if you just gave up in the end?" motivates him to be better than who he was yesterday and try his best to reach his dreams
- because of this he's a heavy believer that most people can change. i say most because I'm pretty sure he knows Muzan will never change, or some of the other terrible people in the world. he's accepted over time that he can’t help everyone, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try his hardest in figuring ot if they are truly, genuinely, capable of being better. so he's incredibly supportive of people who actually do make efforts to improve themselves because he knows how hard it is to come from such a bad situation/bad mindset and reteach good values and habits
- that doesn't mean that poeple are expempt from their punishments of course- everyone deserves the consequences of their actions to be better to know what to improve on, but he has sympathy for the poeple who's consequences stop their lives short (example, countless demons that he feels terrible for because they came from really bad situations)
-since he knows how hard it is to improve on anything- he’s very very supportive to people who do that for themselves or for others. in fact, he would go out of his way for about anyone to make their life a little better but if he sees someone struggling their way to their personal best he'll happily be a help to them in any way that they can. oh, you were training really hard today and had no success in perfecting a certain technique? its alright, you can just lay down right now while he fixes your bath water and tomorrow he'll help you out with it in any way he can. hes the best cheerleader!
-overall tanjiro is very sweet and kind, even though he has personal problems with his own demons and feeling as if he's a burden most of the time. for all this suffering, he views the prosperity of the people around him worth it and is selfless to the end of the line for those whom he cares about
[ ~Thank You For Reading!~ ]
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Jimin Scenario| You think he’s cheating on you but he’s not
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Featuring Jin being an overprotective amazing friend and standing up for you and your honor. 
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Jimin had been acting strangely around you lately. Whenever you came home early, he seemed to be on the phone with someone and would quickly excuse himself from the conversation when he noticed you. He was more shy around you, which really sent up red flags because Jimin was normally shameless around you and seemed to need your touch like he did oxygen. 
It honestly worried you, to say the least. You two had been together for 2 years now but had been best friends for even longer, and for him to suddenly start avoiding you, you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he was tired of you. 
The final straw was when you came home early from work, this time making sure to be quiet so he didn’t hear you enter the front door. As per usual, Jimin was on the phone with someone. You snuck into the kitchen and ducked behind the counter so you could hear him talking in the living room.
“No I haven’t told her. It’s too soon... No she has no idea but I feel so bad keeping this from her... I know I’ve been avoiding her and honestly I don’t think I am going to be able to hold this in for much longer... No I need to talk to Anna tomorrow and then I’ll decide what do from there... Okay. Bye Jungkook. Thank you again for keeping this a secret I know how hard it is for you when y/n is your best friend too.” 
You feel your heart drop into your stomach. Jimin was cheating on you? With someone named Anna? And Jungkook knew about it? Not only were you betrayed by your boyfriend, but your best friend in the span of just a few moments. You stay crouched behind the counter, waiting for him to hopefully walk away. You pray that he doesn’t come into the kitchen and your hopes seem to be answered as he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. You hear the shower turn on and now the sobs are wracking through your body. You run into the bedroom, quickly pack a bag and leave. Slamming the door behind you. 
Jimin hears the front door slam shut as he turns the water off in the shower. He quickly throws on his clothes and walks out into the hallway, excited to see you.
“Hey baby you’re home early! Want to go somewhere and grab dinner?” He receives no answer. 
“Y/n?” He glances around the living room, and kitchen and finds no traces of you having been there. When he walks into the bedroom he feels his heart sink. Your clothing is haphazardly thrown about the room. Now he’s worried that something has happened to you. He immediately pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls you, only to have it immediately go to voicemail. Jimin attempts to call Jungkook, wondering if maybe you told him where you were going. 
“Yeah hyung?”
“Did you hear from y/n recently?”
“No.. she should still be at work, why?”
“I heard the front door slam shut and all of her clothes are thrown about the bedroom. What if someone kidnapped her? Or what if... what if she left... What if she is tired of me?”
“Jimin I’m sure she’s fine. Y/n loves you she would never leave you. And if someone tried to kidnap her you know damn well that person wouldn’t have made it two feet out the door cuz she would throw down.” Jimin giggles at his words but it’s quickly replaced with worry again.
“But this is just so odd. Where would she go in such a hurry?”
“I don’t know. Did you try calling her?”
“Yeah and it went straight to voicemail.”
“That’s odd.. let me call the others and see if they know where she is.”
“Okay, thank you Jungkook.” 
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You get out to your car and immediately drive away, holding yourself together for at least a few miles before you pull over in a random convenience store’s parking lot. It’s at this moment you realize you don’t know where you should go. You can’t go to Jungkook’s, he’s broken your trust just as harshly as Jimin has. Your parents don’t live in Seoul. Your only other friends are the members and you can’t exactly trust they didn’t know what was going on either, but you quickly begin to realize you don’t have another choice. 
“Alright, who’s the lucky one who gets to deal with me today.” You close your eyes and open up the group chat with the members, scrolling and letting your thumb rest on a member’s name at random.
“Jin it is.” You dial his number and he answers on the first ring.
“Y/n?! Where are you Jungkook and Jimin are worried sick about you.”
“I don’t care.” 
“What do you mean you don’t care? Why do you sound like you’ve been crying? What’s wrong?”
“Jin please don’t tell them I called you.. It’s.. Jimin he..” You break down again, you literally can feel your heart breaking with every passing moment away from Jimin.
“Hey, it’s okay y/n I won't tell them okay? Just tell me where you are? Did Jimin do something to hurt you?”
“He’s cheating on me.”
“What?! I’ll kill him, that’s it where are you?” 
“I’m at the convenience store off of 12th street.”
“I’ll be right there.” He hangs up the line and you immediately turn off your phone again, not wanting to answer any texts or calls from either of those two. You sit in the car, resting your head against the steering wheel wondering where you could have went wrong. You thought Jimin was happy with you. Just a few months ago you were talking about getting married, having a family, so what changed? Did the thought of a permanent commitment with you scare him off? You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice Jin next to the car until the door opens and you’re pulled out of your seat and into his arms. You immediately relax in his embrace, enjoying the feeling of his broad arms protectively wrapped around you. Jin always made you feel safe. And you felt like he was the one you could turn to for life advice and anything else. 
“Y/n I am so sorry. I don’t know what that idiot could possibly have been thinking. Are you certain he is cheating on you? That doesn’t sound like Jimin at all/ He’s crazy about you.”  You tell Jin about the conversation you overheard and see anger behind his eyes. “That little brat. And Jungkook knew! I am going to call them both and give them a piece of my mind!”
“No don’t! Can I just.. stay with you for a while?”
“We can’t go back to the apartments right now y/n Jungkook is there.”
“Then can we just stay here?” Jin smiles at you. 
“Sure. Scoot over into the passengers side we can just drive somewhere together okay?” You nod and move to the other seat, letting Jin take the wheel. He starts the car and as soon as he does he blasts the music and starts singing loudly, turning up the theatrics and dancing. You immediately burst out laughing, seemingly satisfied, Jin turns the radio down.
“See there’s that smile! How about if we go out to eat somewhere? You pick, I’ll treat.”
“I don’t really feel like eating right now.. I’m sorry.”
“Hey it’s fine. What about icecream? We can drown our sorrows in a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and go sit at the park.” 
“That sounds perfect.”
“Okay. Be right back then.”
Jin leaves the vehicle and walks into the store to get your icecream, however he also makes a quick phone call while he’s in there.
“Hello? Jin did you hear from y/n-”
“Whoa whoa whoa Jin what are you-”
“How dare you! How could you keep such a secret from y/n?! And support Jimin in the process are you freaking insane? Y/n is your best friend!” 
“Hyung what-”
“Don’t you hyung me I am so unbelievably pissed at you right now.”
“Jungkookie is that Jin?” He can hear Jimin in the background.
“OH BOY PUT ME ON SPEAKER PHONE RIGHT NOW JEON.” Jungkook quickly complies, alarmed at the use of his last name only.
“PARK JIMIN! Y/n is the love of your life. We all love and cherish her deeply how dare you hurt her like this! If you were unhappy you should have just told her! Not cheated on her! Do you have any idea-”
“I’m sorry what? Cheated on her?!”
“Don’t interrupt me!  Do you have any idea how heart broken she is? I thought she was going to pass out from how hard she was crying. Her poor little nose is bright red and her face is all puffy because of you two!”
“Why in the hell do you think I am cheating on her? Are you insane? I love y/n to death my whole heart belongs to her-”
“Then who’s Anna?!”
“Don’t you what me. Y/n told me everything. She heard you talking to Jungkook, telling him you needed to talk to Anna first, that he had to keep this a secret, that you felt bad for keeping things from her. You really expect me to believe you aren’t cheating on her?!” 
“Oh my- Jin! Anna is the jeweler customizing my engagement ring for y/n!”
“..... I’m sorry what now?”
“The reason I have been so secretive around y/n and reclusive is because I am so damn nervous about asking her to marry me. Anna is the girl who is designing the ring and it was done today. I was telling Jungkook I needed to go see her to pick the ring up and would then decide how I want to ask her from there but... oh god I fucked up y/n really thinks I cheated on her?”
“Yes.. She does. She’s heart broken Jimin.”
“Hyung.. please can you help me? I am going to go pick the ring up I guess now is as good a time as any to ask her. God I don’t want her to think I don’t love her when she is everything to me. Can you meet me at the park?”
“That’s perfect because I told her we could sit at the park and drown our sorrows in a tub of icecream.” 
“Okay. Thank you so much.”
“Yeah, yeah don’t thank me. I’m still mad at you for making her cry.” Jin hangs up the phone and quickly grabs the icecream and pays for it.
“Why did that take so long?”
“Sorry the cashier was in the back stocking or something. Had to search around to find them.” You eye him suspiciously but before you can say anything else Jin turns the radio back up and heads towards the park. 
You two are sat on a bench now, eating the icecream as he’s letting you vent. 
“I can’t believe I was stupid enough to believe he actually loved me.. I should have known better.”
“Y/n?” You hear a familiar voice behind you and whip your head around.
“Oh no.. How the hell did you find me?” You turn and face Jin who won’t meet your gaze. “Betrayer!” 
“Y/n just hear him out okay? This whole thing is just a misunderstanding.” 
“You side with him?! I should have known. Can’t believe you would tell him where I am when you damn well how he broke my heart.” You turn around to face Jimin, trying to keep a straight face although your voice trembles. “Alright just get it over with. Tell me that you don’t want to be with me anymore so I can officially be done with this.”
“I don’t want to do that. Y/n I love you. I’m not going to tell you I want to break up with you when all I want is to spend the rest of my life with you.” He drops down to one knee and you freeze in place. “Anna is the woman who was helping me design your ring. I was asking for Jungkook’s help with the design, and planning how to ask you. I wasn’t cheating on you baby, I swear. Please believe me.” Jimin pulls out the box and opens it, Your jaw drops when you see it. 
“Y-.. you want to marry me?”
“And you didn’t cheat on me?”
“Not ever, and I never will.” You stare at him for a moment longer before you burst into tears for a whole new reason. Jimin immediately stands up and wipes your tears away, pulling you into a hug and holding onto you tightly, not wanting to let you go. “Ah I keep making you cry today I am a terrible boyfriend.”
“You’re a terrible fiancé.” Jimin pulls away, hope in his eyes.
“Does this mean you forgive me? That you’ll marry me?”
“Yes.. Jimin I would love to marry you. This was all just a big misunderstanding and.. I should have talked to you about it I am sorry for worrying you.” Jimin slips the ring on your finger and places a kiss to your knuckle after he does.
“You did nothing wrong. I understand why you would take things that way I should be the one apologizing.” You lean in and place a kiss to his lips, both of you pouring all of the emotions you had been feeling that day into the kiss. When you pull away Jimin is beaming at you. You can’t help but smile back. Suddenly you hear a sniffle behind you and you turn around to see Jin wiping his eyes. 
“Jin? Why are you crying.” 
“Because I am so happy for you two! My little Jiminie is getting married. I’m so proud.” You both giggle at that and Jin smiles fondly at the two of you.
“Thank you for taking care of her, hyung.”
“Of course. What are friends for? I’m going to head back to the apartment now. You both going to be okay?” You turn to Jimin and you both smile at each other.
“Yeah.. I think we’re going to be just fine.”
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Helloo hope you’re doin better with what happened. I myself just got out of a toxic“relationship” & lit all of my friends told me to stay away fromhim. So I was wondering if u could do a Kakashi oneshot? In which reader realized how toxic her bf is and looks for comfort with Kakashi (who has liked her for a long time and she kinda suspects it) and he watches movies eats icecream and cuddles with her & then she realizes that that’s what she deserves dumps her bf & after a while dates Kakashi?
Thank you for this request 💞 I’m sorry it took so long to write; I must admit it was a tough one for me
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Th e knock on the door startled Kakashi who had been fading in and out of sleep over the lastest book that [Y/N] had gifted him for his most recent birthday.
He sits up from his desk, stretching his arms upward as the knocking persists. A glance to the clock above his wall begrudges him to wonder just who the hell needed him this early in the day.
“What is it?” He grumbles as he opens the door. His demeanor quickly changes as he realizes who was at his door, who was crying and standing at his door at three in the morning.
“[Y/N]?” He questions allowed as he quickly ushered her into his apartment. As soon as he shuts the door he pulls her against him, her sobs muffled against his bare chest.
“What happened sweets?” His voice blankets her in the security of love.
“I just need a little break from reality.” She say softly and he nods, looping his arm around her waist as he leads her to the spot on his bed she usually occupied whenever she came over.
[Y/N] lays her head on his pillow as Kakashi goes into his closet to find the green fluffy blanket that she used when she spent the night. He never usually needed one but she insisted she always did.
He drapes the blanket over her and then sits next to her. Brushing her hair gently with his fingertips he inwardly sighs, wondering what had lead her to feeling this way again, or who.
“Kakashi?” She sniffles softly, her voice muffled by the pillow.
“Yes?” He pauses brushing her hair as she rolls over to face him, her eyes swollen from crying. Flecks of mascara smudged under her eyes and Kakashi feels his head lurch, he had never seen her this bad before.
“Am...am I worthless?” She breathes out and Kakashi stares down at her. His eyes widen at the word and he quickly shakes his head.
“Who on Earth put that idea into your head? That you’re worthless? Honey, I’d trade every star in the sky to just see you smile.” Kakashi tells her and lays down next to her in the bed, he lowers his mask and looks into her eyes.
“Daichi and I got into a fight, and, and he said I was worthless and I just.... I think he’s right.” She sobs again and Kakashi pulls her closer to him.
“Daichi is exactly one chromosome away from being a potato.” Kakashi shrugs as he silently fights the urge to storm to her apartment, shove Daichi’s face against a mirror and show him exactly what worthless looked like.
The night stretches on as [Y/N]’s swollen eyelids grow heavier and heavier as she drifts off to sleep in Kakashi’s arms.
The morning comes quicker than Kakashi would like as he turns over to face [Y/N] but realizes she’s no longer in bed. The only evidence of her were the mascara marks left on his pillowcase.
Kakashi sits up and stretches as a smell of cooking bacon wafts through the air of his apartment.
He smiles, there she is.
He gets up and walks out to the kitchen and sees a freshly showered [Y/N] very busy in the kitchen.
She turns around and faces him, all traces of mascara and sadness erased from her face.
Kakashi smiles at her as he realizes she was wearing his shirt over her jeans.
“Hey gorgeous.” He says with a smirk as she fixes him a plate and they sit down together at his table.
“I’ve been thinking. Actually I’ve been thinking a lot, and I need to ask you a favor.” She begins and he nods, a mouth full of bacon.
“Will you get some of the others to help me move my things out of Daichi’s apartment? And...and into yours? If I can still have your spare bedroom?” She rushes out the words and Kakashi allows a sigh of relief to escape his lips.
“Of course; we can do it today.” He responds and reaches for her hand, “I’m glad you’re leaving him [Y/N], you deserve much better.”
“You’re right Kashi, I do.” [Y/N], “I deserve someone like you.”
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Coffeeshop Au
She-Ra coffeeshop au because I said so:
Everyone works at one of two shops: Hoard or Princess Alliance
At the very beginning, it shows Adora, a normal human, and her friend Catra (everyone looks the same, has the same powers) in the breakroom chatting, and then they switch shifts with Kyle, Rogilio and whatever her name is- I can’t remember- 
Yay! You get to meet Shadow Weaver, who is being very rude to the girls because her coffee was too hot (and also because Catra made it and no one is allowed to make her coffee except Adora)
Adora ends up missing a day and gets fired, which is immediately met with distaste from Shadow Weaver
Adora gets a new job at The Princess Alliance
Quickly becomes friends with Glimmer and Bow, but Glimmer’s mom, the owner of the cute shop, is less happy with her, as she looks like a gangster
Catra has mixed feelings about Adora not being at work, as she is now able to get promoted to manager beside Scorpia, but also she doesn’t see Adora like, ever, anymore
Adora’s aunt, Mara, died recently, and LightHope, Mara’s wife, came over to give Adora a charm with the words She-Ra carved in the side. 
Adora promises to visit the farm and see LightHope soon
With the knowledge that she has a bit of her mother figure still with her, Adora throws herself into baking, creating her newest pastry: She-Ra
Was named after the charm!
It is the best thing anyone has ever tasted. They sell out quick, and become Adora’s special (All the princess’ have specials, they’re at the bottom of the post)
Aight, so Entrapta misses a couple days, didn’t call in sick, and was fired
Immediately picked up by Hoard and now has a new job! Stuck with Catra and Scorpia until Catra got promoted
Afterwards she met Hordak, and they started talking 
and then they started flirting in their cute roundabout way
Hordak had to leave for a few days because Imp needed to go to the hospital, he left Catra in charge (She’s manager anyway, but now she had free reign)
With Double Trouble’s help, Catra made a fake resigning form for Entrapta while firing her
While this is going on, everyone gets word about Prime Restaurant chain wanting to set up in the area. Hordak would like to sell his shop for them, but first he needs to get another place to set up (He only decides this after he comes back, and he needs something to do after learning that someone he thought he had a connection with just left)
Entrapta hasn’t really let it sink in that she’s unemployed. Goes to get a coffee from a starbucks nearby, name and coffee get mixed up with someone named Micah. (Think when she stole his bug)
Start talking, then bow and Adora just speed walk into the shop like, “Hey Entrapta, would you like to be hired for Princess Alliance again?”
(Bow is also kinda like “Hey wtf, is that you, Micah?” And Micah’s like, “Hey, Bow, is that you?”)
And Entrapta’s like, “Hired? Oh, uh sorry, I have to- oh.” and its suddenly sinking in that she doesn’t work at Hoard anymore and (excuse me if this isn’t what would actually happen but it happened not to long ago so I’m just giving it to Entrapta rn) she is kinda just moving around and kinda just trying to get away from anything touching her because it all just feels horrible against her skin and shiz
and she just kinda goes “Yes, I’d like to be hired, but please leave me alone right now, I’d like to not be touched,” and so Bow and Adora kind of hesitantly go away and Micah stays walking her through her (I don’t know what this is. Touch aversion? A mild panic attack? A depressive episode?)
Anyway, cut away, and now we see Adora and Bow sitting on the roof of the cafe. Talking, thinking about life, doing a bit of college homework. Adora is playing with her charm, and then she drops it and it shatters. Obviously, she’s freaking out, that’s the only thing she has of Mara and it means so freaking much to her
Bow is trying to help and is gathering up the shards, and finds a little piece of paper among it all. Adora reads it and completely breaks down crying. No one knows what it says but her (which is to say I don’t know what it says)
Takes a break for a couple days, going to LightHope, her aunt, and 
(In this time, Entrapta has reluctantly gone back to work, Micah has procrastinated around seeing his ex-wife and daughter, Angela has packed up for a plane trip, Hordak is having trouble finding another place to set up shop, and Prime restaurant chain is moving in)
Adora comes back with a new fire and an upgrade to her She-ra pastry, tastes even better now
Micah finally got the courage to go see his family, only to find out that Angela had just left for a trip that morning. (They get the news that the plane had an accident and Angela didn’t survive later in the evening)
Afterwards, Glimmer moves out of the cafe, finding it to be too empty. This leaves the top floor of the cafe completely open. She’s living with Bow and Adora now!
Scorpia, a panicking second manager of Hoard cafe, is juggling running the cafe, keeping Catra in check and finding a new place 
Double Trouble, as is their job for the owner, finally fills out their form on what had happened while Hordak was away. He finally learns that Entrapta didn’t leave him. 
Scorpia goes to the Princess Alliance and tells them that she heard their top floor was open. She’s desperate
It takes a few times to get them to agree, but the Princess Alliance realize that there’s no point in fighting like this. After a few more hours of haggling with the cost, Scorpia turns to leave
She comes back after a couple seconds. “Um, actually, is Entrapta here?”
Scorpia and Entrapta come back into Hoard cafe, chatting. Hordak walks out of the back, holding Imp. Entrapta looks over and sees him. She just jumps him, helping both of them stay up and holding Imp with her hair. 
“Did you hear the news?” She laughs
Scorpia jumps in, telling Hordak how they found a place for the shop to go; right above the Princess Alliance. Entrapta is really helping Scorpia sell it, but Catra is getting upset. 
“No! We’re enemies or whatever, right? We shouldn’t be sharing space with them!” 
Hordak has already given his okay. “I’m sure we’ll be able to become closer, Catra, it should be alright.”
Catra is extremely reluctant about all of this, but while they’re setting up in the top area, she’s beginning to rekindle her friendship with Adora. (And also maybe feeling like at some point her feelings had stopped being just platonic. She has no clue when this happened.)
Scorpia is doing pretty well with taking boxes of stuff up, and after a while they figure out that the dark aesthetic won’t be working well side by side with the pastel fluff that is the Princess Alliance. So Scorpia says they change it up a bit. So she goes downstairs and, “Is anyone free right now?”
It’s Perfuma that looks over. “Oh! Yes, I am!”
Scorpia gives a little smile. “Great! We need some design help and we were wondering..”
With a happy gasp, Perfuma hangs up her apron and walks upstairs. Perfuma is made for this. After being told that they’d like to keep the general dark aesthetic, she says that giving it that certain quiet feel, very unlike the loud chatter that comes from downstairs, students will likely want to come by to study
It’s a hit. A few plants with calming aromas, gifted by Perfuma herself, and some teas that help with stress made by Scorpia, students are running in. It’s generally very quiet here, and it’s really helping the stress that the employees go under too!
Scorpia and Perfuma may or may not have gotten closer in a romantic sense because of this-
Catra and Adora are also getting closer, friends first, then girlfriends. It’s quite the trip for everyone else in the shop. 
Entrapta and Hordak are basically just parents to Imp now, and Imp’s only job at this point is to make fun of Hordak for having a crush. It is a romantic relationship, yes
At some point the the Hoard and Princess Alliance become one place with two names. Menu is the same on both floors and anyone can be a waiter at whichever floor they like. 
Just a few things that exist but aren’t really plot relevant:
Hordak has anger issues and trouble understanding his feelings 
Hordak has weak bones in his arms specifically
Imp is Hordak’s nephew who he ended up adopting after Imp’s parents died
Hordak and Entrapta both like working with robotics
Entrapta is making a project to support Hordak’s weak arms in order to help him do things. Talking with his doctor to figure out what’s safe and such
Frosta is Glimmer’s cousin who has been given the okay to volunteer at the cafe. She comes and goes as she pleases and whether or not you get a Frosta special depends on whether she’s in or not
Time for the specials!
Entrapta’s: Donut holes. Her special is a pack of donut holes that are literally the best you’ve ever tasted. Your pack has one of each flavor and they are made with such care- just- No special drink for her though
Perfuma: Mango hibiscus clementine cold tea. I have had it before. It tastes really freaking good. She always grows a little flower for you to eat and puts it on top. The texture of the flower is nice, and the petals are sweet. The food portion is a fruit salad with flower petals sprinkled on top!
Frosta: Icecream sunday! And slushie! No one knows what exactly goes into the flavoring on top, but it tastes really good and Frosta promises it’s safe for all allergies she knows of. Makes sure to ask about any allergies though, just in case!
Mermista: It’s a small cake. Has this general water/beach vibe! Drink changes from day to day. Always an iced coffee though!
Glimmer: Cupcakes!! The inside of the cupcake has a small portion of sprinkles. Very sweet, too sweet for some. Pastel smoothie too! Family recipe, shared between Angela and Glimmer. Has sprinkles littered on top of a nice helping of whipped cream! Very glittery
Angela: Called the heart of Etheria. Not one single person knows what it’s classified as, and only Glimmer and Angela know how to make it. It’s heavenly
No more specials (Scorpia doesn’t work at Princess Alliance)
Micah and Angela had a divorce when Glimmer was young. It wasn’t because they disliked each other or anything, just, Micah learned that he was aromantic and felt a little bit uncomfortable with the marriage. They broke it off as friends and lived under the same house- like, it was all exactly the same, except they didn’t have the title of husband and wife
Then Micah had to go away because he found a job somewhere else and they ended up loosing contact
Swiftwind lives on the farm with LightHope
Catra and Adora are childhood friends who had the same Preschool teacher: Shadow Weaver
Angela lives on the second floor of the cafe with Glimmer
Entrapta has a roomba and she’s taken to it the way tumblr has
Entrapta has a tiny Emily that she made with Hordak’s help at a robotics workshop
Adora lived with Catra and moved to share an apartment with Bow afterwards
Shadow Weaver may or may not have died shoving Catra and Adora out of the way of a car that was driving on the sidewalk
There are fricking huge windows looking out on the street for both floors and on the other side of the street is a grassy park, so it’s really nice.
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violentmouths · 5 years
It's a Dat- I Mean Playdate
So I made @birdgirl69 wait long enough, here is the chapter to this odd book. Lemme tag the homies...
@clevermentalitybeliever @lessy86 @thedyingmoon @lunafreyastrophywife @krazy06
And let's begin
Chapter 4: Grocery Shopping
I rise the earliest, and because of this behavior, it means I have to make breakfast. He rolled Dante, who was still laying on me from last night onto the mattress, and quietly went downstairs to the kitchen.
To get through making breakfast I'd usually turn on the vinyl and play the Ride of Valkyries, gently humming the song as I continued to cook. From the moment Nero and Vitale walked into the kitchen, I was done making their breakfast; Okayu (rice porridge) with pickled plums.
"Morning dad..." Nero grumbled, scratching his head as he say down at the dinner table, "Morning Father." Vitale grunted, stretching his arms out as he walked towards the table as well, "Morning you two." I mumbled, looking over my shoulder before walking over to the table with their food, placing it in front of them.
The boys looked down at it, watching the stream rise and dance before their little eyes, Vitale took the first bite, smiling at his meal "Delicious as always, father!" He muffled, his mouth was full and I could see the mushed up food which left me disgusted "Chew, swallow, then talk Vitale." I instructed, Vitale swallowed his food before looking down at his bowl again "Pardon me, Father..." he said quietly.
What was their deal with thinking I'm always grouchy and will hurt them the second I get?!
Dante walked into the kitchen, not acknowledging us until he looked into the refrigerator "Mornin' guys!" Was all he said, still looking for something in the fridge "Morning Dante, what are you looking for? Breakfast is right here..."
"I don't wanna eat that shit, Verg."
"Watch your language, Dante. There are children here."
"Sorry, what I meant to say is... I don't want what you just cooked, I want cereal."
I rolled my eyes at this, "Then you're going be crying about how you're hungry in half an hour..." I groaned. "Actually, I'm gonna to complain now... There's no milk." Dante argued, opening the freezer as he closed the refrigerator door.
"And no icecream either!?" He yelled in panic, Vitale and Nero chuckled under their breath, continuing to eat their porridge. "Who eats icecream in the morning?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair. Dante's stupidity, was the kind that leaves you breathless. I'm absolutely happy- no, relieved that he didn't have children of his own. "No milk, no icecream... This house is boring!" Dante yelled at the top of his lungs "Yet you still live here..." I trailed off "Eat our food." Nero continued for me "Watch our TV." Vitale chimed in, Dante was at a loss for words as we tore into him. "Still boring." Dante stated, Nero, Vitale, and I sighed "I'll go and get some milk and icecream, Nero would would you like to accompany me?" I suggested since my first son was done with his breakfast "Sure dad." Nero muffled, food was still in his mouth which made me turn away "Swallow then talk, Nero!" I grumbled.
I had to wait a while for Nero to get ready, so I stood by the door, looking around and silently breathing. The sounds of pitter patter coming down the stairs was from none other than Nero, who had his shoes already on. "Brushed your teeth?" I asked, "Yeah dad." He replied, smiling up at me, I smiled back as I placed a hand on his shoulder and guided him outside. It was a beautiful day for a walk, seeing the colors again, feeling the cool breeze against my body. How could you not enjoy it? Nero grabbed two of my fingers making me look down at him, he wasn't looking up at me, just at what was on front of us.
In the grocery store was cold and quiet, the only sound you could hear was from the carts squeaky wheels and the music on the radio.
"Come Nero, let's make this quick." I whispered, gripping his hand tightly, we quickly made our way over to the dairy aisle, grabbing a carton behind the first one because I never trust the first one and it always look like it's on bad shape.
"Don't forget to buy cereal for uncle Dante, dad." Nero advised, I looked down at him and nodded.
"Thank you for reminding me Nero, we would have heard him complain for days on end." I groaned,taking his hand and going towards the cereal aisle.
I swear the moment we got to the cereal aisle I felt my stomach churn as Nero's face lit up, not only did Dante love cereal but Vitale and Nero did as well; it wasn't healthy and doesn't fill their stomach up for hours, hence why I never let them eat it. That's why I cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "Dad can I-" "Go for it..." I interrupted, and within two seconds Nero ran down the aisle looking at every box of cereal, I rolled my eyes at this.
I hate cereal.
Something pushed me from behind making me lunge forward, I slowly turned my body to see a bunch of cereal boxes stacked high, I looked back down the aisle to see Nero still looking around for a certain cereal. I turned back around to see the cereal boxes backing away just to push into me again, I moved out of the way as the cereal boxes went backwards then went past me.
I watched the stacked cereal boxes go down the aisle only to discover that a small child was holding them. They were wearing a white sweater with blue writing on it and blue overalls, even their shoes matched with outfit. They had slightly curled hair and from that moment on I knew who it was; Dante Sirene, son of Alexandra Sirene.
If he was here, she had to be too; but I didn't want to go looking for her. That's creepy.
I smiled as he walked past Nero and went right. I couldn't help it, something about the quiet child made me happy, perhaps it was because they were silent, independent, talented, and intelligent.
Perhaps it was because they weren't my own and made my children look like animals. I was too busy looking down the hall that I didn't even notice that Nero walked up to me.
"All set, dad." He said holding up two boxes of cereal, I looked down as Nero continued to hold up the boxes "Alright, we can continue shopping." I advised, placing a hand behind Nero's back, steering him down another aisle.
Nero and I went to the frozen food aisle and grabbed a tub of strawberry icecream, and I kid you not, the little quiet child was in the aisle, searching for something. He later on opened the door, grabbed a bunch of boxes, and stacked them on his head. The child walked away from the frozen aisle and disappeared, leaving my son and I alone to grab the things we need.
Every aisle we went down, the child was there. But once we went to the produce aisle, the little boy wasn't there; he must've not liked vegetables. Or perhaps he was too small to be seen.
"I'm just going to grab some vegetables and fruit and after that, we can leave." I explained looking down at Nero, who looked back at me and nodded. Walking towards the vegetables, I grabbed potatoes, carrots and corn, but the moment I got to the broccoli, someone grabbed the same exact one I did.
I slowly turned my head to see a blonde woman eyeing the broccoli, she blinked about two times before she turned her head towards me. Her eyes widened the way moment she saw me, "Oh my, what a surprise meeting you here." The woman's voice was filled with joy yet it wouldn't go over an indoor voice.
Alexandra caused me to smile without doing anything, she had on a light blue dress with white flowers printed all over it, her hair was still in a messy bun and still filled with little red roses.
"I had a feeling you were here, your son was in some of the aisles by his lone some." I replied, pointing a thumb behind me, Alexandra leaned to the side before straightening her posture. Staring at me with half lidded eyes, her lips curved into a smile.
"Oh yes, my little helper. He always comes back to me after he gets what we need." She explained, looking around for her son, who appeared out of nowhere with packages of instant noodles stacked high. He threw the packages until the shopping cart behind his mother, then stood next to his mother, staring at us "Nero this is Dante Sirene, the child you're going play with tomorrow." I explained, crouching down to Nero's height, Dante Sirene stared at us blankly before holding out his hand for Nero to shake. Nero took Dante Sirene's hand and shook it "Nice to meet you, Dante." Nero said shyly but Dante Sirene didn't respond right away, he took his hand out of Nero's as he rolled his eyes "Pleasure is all mine, chamaco." He groaned.
He must've been having a bad day.
Alexandra frowned at Dante before looking at me "Forgive my son... Dante, des excuses au garçon." She snapped at her son, she was speaking french?
Dante Sirene looked at his mother before looking at Nero "Madre fina, excuse my attitude Nero, I'm not fond of talking..." He sighed looking down at the ground.
Why were they speaking two different languages?
When I first saw the child, he was sand sculpting in the sandbox with his little sister, now he's talking to his mother in Spanish. This child is interesting. "N-no worries." Nero stammered, getting nervous of the boys stare. I didn't see it before but the child's eyes were terrifying; the irises were blue, but the scleras were black! And the way he shifted them made it hard to look. I slowly looked at Alexandra, who started to smile sweetly at me.
I can't believe I'm saying this but, I, Vergil Sparda, am scared of this family.
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sagenivydragonfly · 6 years
🌌Wolf Child🌌
(scroll down for story)
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Not having a family is harder than you think. Having to watch other children receive presents and hugs from their parents. Its the little things, like watching families ice skate or seeing then get icecream and the laughing. Its the laughing that bothers me the most. I don't think I've really laughed in my entire life. I've tried before. What came out was a ghost of happiness, of real joy. Just an eery sound that brought a shiver to my shoulders and uneasiness to my mind. My hands clung to the cold rails of the ice rink. I couldn't afford to go in. I just watched no money. No anything. Just the clothes on my back. Id managed to swipe them from a donation bin. Tan skinny jeans and boots two sizes to small. The only thing I liked about my clothes was my coat. A blue denim jacket lined with fleece and little yellow buttons with matching yellow pockets. The boots dug into my toes almost telling me what everything told me, "You've been here too long, No one wants to here. Time to leave. I gazed at the families holding hands one last time and walked away. I don't know where I was going. Just away.I was adopted and for a short while I had a family. My parents dumped me when was 10. Id always had issues with anger. They decided it was a good reason to get rid of me. Parentless again. Ive been living on my own for a while stealing and begging for food and clothes. Im not old enough for a job being 12. So until then im here. I was knocked out of my daze by a sign. The town line. Id walked too far. Ahead of me was forest. I stood for a while trying to figure out where to go next. For some reason I walked forward. So dumb. I noticed the trees slowly getting darker their leaves were harder to make out individually. I keep walking. Suddenly I snap out of it and realize what Ive done. Nightfall. I can barely see my hand in front of me. I panic. I don't know the way back let alone where I am. I can hear my heart pounding I run. My breathing ragged. I need to get out. Faster faster! I push on. Miles and miles, the sheer force of adrenaline and will to live forcing my body on. I feel im about to pass out. Then out of no where Thump! I hit something! Wait something hit me! Im on the ground now. Looming over me is a form. I hear a growl and from above something wet and slimy drips onto my face. The gaping maw closes over my shoulder. I claw and scream hit and kick but im too exhausted to fight anyone "No! No! No..."I let it consume me I pass out.
I hear sounds but they sound faint and watery my head feels like its under water. I try to move. My head throbs. I groan. I force my eyes open. I look up. Trees are above me and I hear birbs chirping. Where am I? This isn't the city. I sit up dizzy and disoriented. Im in the spot I was last night. I jolt to attention. That thing...from last night what was it? Was it real was it a dream? I move my arm and yell out. My coat is on the ground next to me my shirt is torn. I move the fabric to expose a few scabbed over punctures in my left shoulder. It was defiantly real. I try to stand up. I wobble. "Ugh" I gather my coat and put it on. At least I still have this. I pick a direction and I begin walking. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten in 2 days. Maybe ill starve. That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I stop. Leaves are crinkling. Its not me. Something runs near, only a few trees away. I can't see through the thickness of the forest. Fear. I dash off. My hunger overtakes me. Im not as fast as before. Im weak and tired. I have nothing left. I stop. Keeling over and wheezing. I almost choke my guts out breathing so hard. Finally it doesn't hurt to break I stand up. No. I look straight into the eyes of a Grey wolf. I freeze. No where to go now. Nowhere to hid. A deer in the open. Almost begging to be eaten. He doesn't move. I look panic in my eyes. He doesn't look angry but he doesn't look away. A menacing stare. Could melt ice with that gaze. I look away. He sits. I try to slowly back away. He growls. I stop. He stops growling. I sit. We look at eachother. Im confused on what to do and scared about being eaten alive. He yawns. I being and idiot scoot towards him. He cocks his head. He doesn't know what I am. I wonder what hes alone. Hes not the biggest wolf but hes not small. Hes dark grey with black guard hairs. Yellowy amber eyes cunning and sharp. But something about his eyes now are soft and inviting. I suddenly want to touch his fur. I reach my hand out. He looks at me and does nothing. I begin to lower my hand. He shoves his muzzle into my hand. Im shocked. Hes soft. I gently pet his muzzle. I look at his eyes again. He respects me it seems. Im still going to be careful. We spend the rest of the day walking and sitting infront of eachother. I wonder why he didn't eat me in the first place. Was he lonely? Im lonely. Wheres his family. Its dark again. Im scared. What is in this forest. I instinctively grab onto him. He makes a noise. A nonthretaning noise. I rest my hand on his back and let him lead. We come to a clearing. I think he sleeps here. There's a tree with a hole at the base. He leads me there and I follow him inside. The floor is dirt and smooth. He turns around 3 times and curls up in a corner I do the same and laugh. I cover my mouth. A real laugh. Im astonished. A wolf made me laugh. I giggle and close my eyes, drifting to sleep.
Morning. The birds are chirping again. I look for the wolf. Hes standing in the clearing. He needs a name. So do i. I sit next to him and study him. He sniffs some Wild Thyme. "Aha!" he looks up questioning me. I point at him "Thyme!" he sniffs the thyme again. My stomach growls. He runs off. I get worried. I wait 30 min. He comes back with a squirrel. He sets it down infront of me. I look at him. Im silent for a few min. I finally give in a start tearing of chunks of meat and stuffing it on my mouth. There's barely any taste. But food is food.
Over the next few days Thyme and i become good friends. He hunts and I spot his prey from up in a tree. Thyme gave me a wolf name it kinda sounds like "Aaaaaru!" I laugh all the time now.
Years have passed and I still live here. Ive outgrown everything except my coat an pants. Im 15 now old enough to work. Thyme showed me the way back to the city a along time ago. I never wanted to go back. I say goodbye and that ill come back.
I walk down the main street. Things have changed. Its been 3 years after all. I go to the donation box. I freeze. There in the pile is a fuzzy wolf hat with paw gloves attached. The same color as Thymes coat. I snatch it immediately. "Hey.Hey!you can't take from there!" I don't even see whose yelling. I ran before I could look i put it on my head. Im homeless anyways. I ran to the other side of town. Sliding down the wall onto the ground I sit. "Hey you." I turn around. "Youre fast" "me?" she nods. "Thanks?" I nervously reply. "You got the legs on ya that you could deliver my baked goods to the customers in the knick of time! Would ya like a job missy?" "uh...Oh! Yes yes definatly!" "Come on in then! Oh by the way what's your name?" Oh crap I don't have one. "Uh...uh...Aaru?" she nods. I take a deep breath and begin a normalish life.
It has been a year since I last saw Thyme. I went back a month later but he wasnt there. I walked the whole forest and he was gone. I screamed the name of my best friend and brother and only family as loud as I could. Nothing. Now I walk through that forest for the millionth time. I sit by the clearing and the tree with the hole. I rest my weary legs. I hold my arms out and cry pretending he was there. I felt him but it wasnt real. I cried into his fur and sobbed against his chest. I opened my eyes. I stared into the eyes of my old friend. He was missing a part of his front leg, he was covered in battle scars and he looked like he had been to hell and back. I didn't care. I had my family. But I hadnt even begun to realize what happened to him. Finding out may be to gruesome
For now we wait in eachother arms. Two wolves
A family
🌌A pack🌌
I really worked hard on this so if anyone reads it im so happy, but also surprised cause its suuuuuper long aaa 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌
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Isaac best frien headcannons
An: Isaac best frien headcannons :) Boo's oc Isaac is my favourite and i wanna be friends with him so here this is. Reader is gender neutral
Warning: terrible punctuation. This is literally my first time writing headcannons for someone else's oc-
• Ok so I'm surprised you somehow actually became friends with this boy cause he's kinda antisocial
• you probably met him while gaming and became friends with him that way
• he's gonna be reserved at first so it'll take a while to befriend him completely
• but once you do befriend him i feel like he'd be clingy
• if your someone chaotic, he'll probably not join you in your antics- he'll most likely not intervene
• if your anti-social, then he'll understand and won't force you into social situations :)
• he'd game with you often and teach you new games too. The two of you play stardew valley together :]
• make him art. He'd probably love any art you make for him. If your an artist, that's even better! You could make matching pfps with him lol
• you bring him straberry milk often :)
• if your very anti-social, the two of you would be like the "he asked for no pickles" meme cause he doesn't really mind small talk-
• you play with his hair cause you have ✨best frien✨ privileges
• platonic cuddles, hugs and hand holding is a yes cause yet again bestie privileges
• his doesn't have a favourite food but if he had to choose it would be sushi so buy it for him sometimes :)
• he has introduced you to his pet frog Frank. He's cute
• he's ok with nicknames as long as they aren't rude and/or insulting.
• drag him to the convience store at 2 am. Do it. He'll join you
• watch romantic movies with him at random times and cry in the sad scenes together. 10/10 he'd be a good person to cry with
• the two of you will go on walks in the park together often just to relax and get some fresh air
• if someone bullies you then he'll first comfort you, then he'll go and have a talk with the bully or report the bully to someone
• if anyone harrasses you he'll immediately tell them off and if they don't leave you alone he'll call the authorites
• in case someone misgenders you, then Isaac will explain to the person sternly that you are [insert gender] and go by [so and so] pronouns
• if your a simp (like me-) he'll listen to you rant about who you like calmly. He's a very good listener so you always go to rant to him. You'd confide alot of your secrets with him cause you know he's trust worthy
• if you ask him to, he'll help you out with your homework. He won't give you the answers straight away but will make you think about it until you figure it out
• your his wingman. Period.
• you'll only wingman him once you have his permission ofc. If he doesn't want you to interfere, he'll let you know and you respect that
• you guys have definitely built a pillow fort while eating cotton candy icecream with oreos at the middle of the night while binging a tv series. It happens every Friday night cause it signifies the beginning of the weekend
• Sunday and Saturdays are usually spent chilling in Isaac's room vibing to music and playing stardew valley
• although if there's someplace you wanna go Isaac will tag along with you as long as your ok with it
• Isaac trusts you alot and confines in you sometimes as well
• late night discord calls are a must. Even if you aren't with him physically, the two of you will hang out. More than once you two have fallen asleep together on call
• if your sick, then Isaac will come over to your house with games and your favourite soup
• all in all Isaac is a great best friend :] 100/10 best boi
Tagging: @gh0stsb00
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raecorn · 6 years
I got this from Nova which got it from Them
 My Villian OC: 
Name: Bailey ???
Age: 16
Affiliation: League of Villains
Quirk: Siren Performance
Past: Her mother had an affair on her husband with a man in Japan, her father is unknown. When the husband found out about the affair after three years, he attempted to kill her mother.  Her mother offered Bailey's life instead. The husband was angered but agreed and sent Bailey abroad with her real father. Having a foreign child in a strange country smuggled in by a crafty boat crew had the three-year-old crying in the street. A man found her, All for One. He took her under her care and attempted to bring her up in the world.
vvv In Depth Assessment vvv
General Information:
Name: Bailey Shigaraki
Nicknames: One for nobody
Gender:  Female
Age: 16
Birthdate: 08/08
Astrological sign: Leo
Nationality: Japanese (American originality)
Affiliation: The villain known as Cruel Star
Personality: Expressive, Observant
Hair color:  Dark brown, curly
Hair style: Messy, brushed but unkept
Eye color: Hazel
Eye shape: Upturned Eyes
Height: 5'5
Weight: 170lb
Build: Chubby
Complexion: Pale skin with a light hint of freckles
Cup size: D
Blood type: A+
Handedness: Right Handed
Movement: While using her quirk she's quick and fluid but when not using her quirk she is sloppy and clumsy
Posture: A little hunched over, slouched
Voice: Soft at times but sharp on other times
Scars: A small knick in the corner of her right eye
Distinguishing features: A lightened birthmark on her right side
Uniform: A baggy black shirt with an eye covering purple mask. Black short shorts with long mid-thigh black socks. Black sneakers along with purple bows across the shoe.
Civilian clothes: Dark grey, baggy capris. With a long light grey hoodie that covers her face. She also wears a mask to cover most of her face, she doesn't want to be in the spotlight.
Strengths: Empathetic, Manipulative
Weaknesses: Self-hatred, Unmotivated
Likes: Peanut Butter, and Space.
Dislikes: Jealousy, Gluttony
Fears: No one ever wanting her, being used
Hobbies: Dancing, and watching the rain
Skills: Able to pull someone's strings
Quirks: Biting the inside of her cheek, licking her lips
Myers-Briggs Personality Type:  ISFJ
Physical health: Unfit but likes to do fit things
Mental health: Like a static old television. Sometimes she snaps like a flickered channel or sometimes she thinks a certain way due to a channel staying on for a while.
Nutrition: Likes eating potato soup, and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, every once in a while icecream.
Sleep habits: She hates going to bed but loves sleeping in.
Quirk and Abilities:
Quirk- Siren Performance
Explanation of Quirk: She hums a certain tune that puts her body into a certain channel. The humming ripples through her body giving off an invisible sound wave. She sways her body to the tune which causes any bystander to be captivated by her. The bystander cannot move or take their eyes off of her moving form.
Power: ★★★★☆
Speed: ★★★☆☆
Technique: ★★★★☆
Intelligence: ★★★☆☆
Cooperativeness: ★★☆☆☆
Extra Info:
Power:  She can completely take control of the person and have their free will never come to the surface but if she can't move her body she only transmits her sound waves. Which only makes people freeze for a brief second.
Speed: Her movements go along with her mellow humming, more of a stay in one place fighter.
Technique: She can control an entire army but she needs protection to do so. To concentrate she has a mask to cover her eyes which leads a big disadvantage.
Intelligence:  She's an average girl, she goes to a public highschool secretly with a student alias. 
Cooperativeness: She dislikes what her brother and All for One does so she does not help unless Tomura's life is endangered, she has a weak spot for him. Later one she begins to grow a weak spot for a certain hero and tend to help the other team from time to time.
Enneagram: Loyalist
Growing up:
Ages 0-3: Was with her birth mother until carelessly smuggled into Japan to be dumped on the streets.
Ages 5-11: A loving sister who believed Tomura was her brother and that they were going to take over the world (in a nice way).
Ages 12-Present: Disgusted with how her life turned out, her brother, so much toxic waste of people and emotions around her. She goes in a coma-like state of ignoring everything around her.
Canon Character: Tomura Shigaraki
Status: Brother
How well they get along: As kids they were attached to the hip,  but now grown up differently, they barely speak to each other. As if they are strangers.
What OC thinks of them: He's full of hatred, cruel, disguising.
What they think of OC: Weak, useless but his sister.
Canon Character: Himiko Toga
Status: Teammate(?)
How well they get along:  Not at all, hate each other.
What OC thinks of them: Disgusted on how many people she has killed, how much she is obsessed with blood.
What they think of OC: Not a cute person who would be better dead but she can't do that due to Tomura.
Canon Character: Eijiro Kirishima
Status:  Friends with secrets, Possible lovers in the future (?)
How well they get along: Well considering the difference between her and him they get along really well. They find a bit of happiness while having dark shadows cast behind them.
What OC thinks of them: She found a person who might actually be good in this world. She wants to help him out a lot and has a soft spot for him. She doesn't find out he was a hero until later on and vise via.
What they think of OC: He adores her a lot, they tend to go out for icecream and talk about random stuff. He cherishes her as a friend.
Canon Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Status: Hated Friend
How well they get along: He bitches at her, she bitches right back at him. In the end, they help benefit each other.
What OC thinks of them: The League of Villains bring a scared man to their base, she finds pity on him and helps him quite a bit (quietly of course).
What they think of OC: He hates her for being on their side and doesn't trust her kindness towards him. But he becomes attached to her (platonically) as she begins helping him.
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kanlara · 6 years
You, a reformed villain, find the hero that brought you to justice homeless, alone, poor and begging. You decide to help them.
It had been a long day at the office. All I was looking forward to was getting home and curling up with a book and my cats. Not wanting to cook I took a short detour to my take out of choice. I was on autopilot when I all but tripped over the bum outside of the door. As I watched him pick up the change cup I’d knocked out of his hand it took a moment for me to place the dirty face with that of the bright hero I’d once known. I almost dropped my dinner, “Azure Torch?”
Piercing blue eyes glanced up without meeting my gaze, “no ma’am. Just Liam…” His voice was tired, almost raspy, such a far cry from it’s previous rich baritone. It was clear he didn’t recognize me now. How long had he been like this? He’d once been the primary hero of the city; beloved by all citizens. He’d brought so many awful people to justice. Myself included. But I had reformed. Enough that no heros kept eyes on me more than paperwork demanded.
It had been a long day and I almost walked away. But I owed him something.
“Well Az… Liam.. I don’t have any spare change…” I hesitated, wanting to run. Pressing forward my words stumbled out, “I do however have extra food.. and a couch… It’s supposed to drop below freezing tonight… and… Why don’t you come with me?”
Those eyes glanced back up and this time met mine, “Why?” The simple question almost sent me running, as any interaction with him would have once.
I was trapped by his gaze and I froze for a moment. He didn’t seem to notice. Shaking myself, “I suppose I owe you. Please, let me do this small thing for you.”
When he nodded and looked away from me I almost sagged with relief. He stood, and though his shoulders stooped slightly he still towered over me. Without a further word he followed me. It wasn’t a far walk but it seemed like miles as we went in uncomfortable silence.
It had been a long day and now my dinner was probably going to be cold by the time I got to eat.
As I unlocked my door he raised an eyebrow at how many locks I had. He failed to notice the two extra clicks as I unlocked two with my mind. I shrugged at him and smiled slightly, “I enjoy my privacy. It was hard enough to get it back after…” I left my words hanging in the air, he should know what I was talking about after all.
Three purring cats attacked our ankles with head butts as soon as we made it through the door. The rest must be hiding somewhere in my apartment and not all that happy I’d brought home a stranger. The eyebrow about all the cats was somehow worse than the one about my locks. He shrugged when I didn’t answer and looked around, “would you mind if I used your shower? I don’t think you want your apartment to smell like a bum.”
“Sure, third door on the right.” I pointed down my hall. “I’ll heat up dinner while you shower. Towels are in the closet.”
It took him longer than I’d thought it would, or maybe it was just that he’d been without a shower for longer than I’d guessed. The other cats filtered out of hiding as I filled their food bowls. Liam came out of the bathroom as I bent to greet them all. He was the bare minimum of clothing and looked sheepish, “Do you have a washer? These were the least smelly clothing I had left..”
Rising I smiled slightly, “of course. Let me get you a basket to toss everything in. I’ll run the load while you start eating.” When he came back out of the bathroom I traded a full plate for the basket of near rancid laundry. Checking the tags I threw everything in hot water and heavy duty. I’d probably run it all twice just to be sure. Washing my hands I filled a plate of my own and joined him at my rarely used dining table. The cats didn’t like the change in routine; they’d get over it.
Dinner was tense as neither of us really knew what to say. He hadn’t put the pieces together yet. But then last he’d seen me I was a costumed villain and he a just as costumed hero. That was more than two years ago. Now I wore a business skirt and heels and he wore other peoples’ cast offs. Finally he broke the silence. His voice was just as tired as it had been on the street, “you know who I was so why can’t I place your face?”
“Because you never saw it... What happened to you?” I couldn’t help but ask. The question had been dancing around my mind since I’d first stumbled over him.
His shoulders stiffened as he realized what I must be. That I must be someone he brought into the authorities. Unlike other heros he never unmasked those he brought in. He had always left the chance that we could lead normal lives if we reformed. Finally he slumped, defeated. His gaze stayed on his empty plate as he answered my question, “I fell out of favor. Everyone felt I was too kind to the villians I took down. Support dried up and so did my finances,” he waved his hand in a helpless motion, “I didn’t pander to the cameras, didn’t think that would matter.” Here he let out a bitter laugh before he raised his head and again pierced me with his blue eyes; this time in a glare. His voice was dark, threatening, “So villain, what will you do to me now that you have me?”
My throat closed up with fear and I struggled to keep calm. A few slow breaths later and I found my center again. I didn’t have an answer yet so I got up and went to my freezer; it was a stall tactic and we both knew it. I took my time getting out the tub of icecream I kept in the back of my freezer for bad days. Scooping out two large bowls I put the tub back in, close to the front this time. Another deep breath and I turned, he hadn’t moved. Sliding a bowl towards him I nabbed a couple of spoons from the drawer. As I handed him one I finally had an answer, “You should have a life. Maybe not the one you once had… but a life. Whether you believe it or not you saved me when you caught me… when you didn’t unmask me for the cameras. So what will I do to you? Nothing that will harm you.”
“I don’t believe you.” Still he didn’t move.
What could I say to that? I wouldn’t trust him if I were in his shoes. I shrugged and ate my ice cream, no point in letting it melt. The washer buzzed before the silence was broken. Excusing myself I ran the load through again without even bothering to check it. When I came back he was still glaring. Taking my empty bowl from the table I glanced at his, it remained unmelted. Unable to help myself I chuckled, “you can’t trust me long enough to eat your ice cream but you’re willing to use your powers to keep it from melting while you glare at me?”
He sighed and finally stopped glaring at me, “for all I know you poisoned it.”
“And ruin perfectly good ice cream? Please. I’ve reformed into a crazy cat lady, I wouldn’t risk doing something that would hurt them.” I shot back at him without looking up from the sink. It was several minutes before I finally heard the clink of his spoon against his bowl. Apparently the cat lady argument was a good one, I’d have to remember that. When I finished I turned back to him and leaned against the sink, “you’re welcome to stay here as long as you want. I have plenty of room and the cats will adjust.”
The Azure Torch stood and brought the bowl to me. Standing toe to toe I was forced to look up to meet his eyes. He studied me, clearly still unable to figure out who I was. Finally he gave up, “I need to know who you are before I agree to anything other than waiting for my laundry.”
I nodded, “I’m Ryn. But if you meant who I was when I wore a mask and robbed banks I was the Unseen Hand. Terrible name but I didn’t choose it.”
“You used your mental abilities to scare people into giving you what you needed.” His eyes went wide now that he could place me to a mask, “you never hurt anyone until your last heist… just stole a lot of riches.”
“If it makes you feel better I sent him flowers and he made a full recovery.” I wished I could step back away from him, “You caught up with me before I could make an escape. I was so shaken from having hurt that man…”
The Torch stepped back, “you put a tourniquet on his wound and saved his life. That’s why I didn’t unmask you. I’d already seen the way the wind was blowing for me…” He shook his head, “helping you is what eventually put me on the streets.”
It had been a long day. All my willpower to keep going left me and I sat on the floor of my kitchen.
Everything became overwhelming all at once and I almost wept sitting on the floor. I lost track of time as I tried to order my thoughts. The man who had given me a chance had done so at the cost of his own livelihood. He had done so knowing full well that the media would shun him and his star would fall out of the public eye.
To his credit Liam stayed silent. He followed the washer’s buzzer when it eventually went off but didn’t come back. A fuzzy head pushing into my hands for attention brought me back to the present. Scooping up the cat I stood and went to find Liam. He was still in my laundry room, more of a closet really. I coughed softly to get his attention, “I’m sorry.. Azur.. Liam.. I didn’t know.”
“How would you have known? Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t change it. I’d like to take up your offer of a couch. If that’s still okay,” He gestured at the dryer running behind him, “It’s going to be awhile before my laundry is finished.”
I smiled in relief, “of course.. I actually have a spare room. Figured couch sounded less creepy when I offered it.”
When he nodded the long day seemed almost worth it. I doubted I’d be curling up with my book tonight but at least I was doing something good. Tomorrow the actual work would begin. But for tonight I had the man who caught me sleeping in my spare room.
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namjoonchronicles · 6 years
habits of my heart | nj
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➤ summary: are you prepared for the hurt, love could bring? Because no one promised a happy ending.
“Two scoops of chocolate mint. In separate cones, please.” 
You made sure that you stressed the word ‘please’ because the last time you ordered, they inconveniently put two scoops of ice cream of that weeks’ flavor into the same cone, and took turns with Namjoon to eat them, earning some unwanted glances from the crowd passing by. You walked back to the street lamp Namjoon was standing by, with two ice cream cones and saw him piercing his eyes on his phone, bringing it up to his eye height and typing with one hand.
“What bullshit did she do, this time.” You rolled your eyes back and halted in your step a bit. Namjoon was wearing his Bape, shark themed jacket that costs about 338 USD—a gift from his girlfriend when she went for a holiday with her distant family. He obviously looks like he is dissecting the message he himself sent to her, and you’re guessing, she had gone AWOL again.
“Your icecream.” You lulled and gave them to him. Namjoon, being thoughtless, as always, grazed his palm over yours, making you all flustered in the inside, unable to function in a blink of an eye from that gesture—not that he noticed any of it. “Thank you.” He sang, turning his attention to the phone again. “Did you find her?” You nonchalantly asked, hoisting yourself on the wall, brisking your eyes to the view, to cover the hurt in your heart. He looks like his lost something precious. And it was beyond you, how much that bitc—girl meant to Namjoon. After all the shits she’s done.
“She’s probably out with a friend and not tell me. Maybe she forgot.” Namjoon tries to uplift his own spirit knowing well that you won’t. Whenever it comes to this girl, you get so rigid and uptight, you don’t even smile. Almost all the time when the talk comes to be about her, you would always dash it off. “...I’m worrying a lot, as always.” He added and had no intentions to further explain what it is about her that makes Namjoon a worrywart.
You nodded needlessly towards that comment and is heavily endorsed in that ice cream to talk about that ignorant girl. To be honest, when Namjoon first talked about her, you already despised her.
You remember that fateful day, quite well. Too well, infact. Namjoon was smiling so wide, the sun looked dim that day.
He and his lanky builts, bends over and pushed his back to the handrails, elbows rested on each side in a very laid-back manner he’s known to have whenever he is in a good mood. “Shall we go on a train trip this weekend?” He asked. “I have this girl...and I asked her out today, and she said yes.” He didn’t wait for what you had to say and just begin to ramble about her.
You asked for a picture and instantly, “I don’t like her,” blurted out your mouth. And Namjoon scoffs, “You’ve never even met her.”
“Don’t have to.” “Is this the psychic part of you, talking?” “Mock me all you want, but my intuitions has never been wrong.” “Maybe that psychic part of you can predict what question is going to come out on the essay section, because honestly, it’s driving me crazy to even think about it.”
You looked at him, ridiculed. “What do you mean, driving you crazy? In what sense of an A plus student, a sentence extraordinaire to find an essay section as ‘crazy’? When will it daunt to you that I cannot be lied to?”
Namjoon giggled like a baby, watching you through a crinkled eyes, “Seeing you worked up, brings me joy. Appease me.”
You rolled your eyes again.
What is it about this girl that makes Namjoon fall head over heels?
“I don’t know. It’s just. Probably her hair. She had this regal feel to her? Mad body. Her fashion sense is just wow. And that converse high...” Namjoon whistles, “Its not good for my heart.” Where in that sentence sounds appealing to you? Namjoon obviously fell for what his eyes sees again. If you could just write down how many times Namjoon got hurt because of the things she says and what she didn’t say, you could write a book. With three volumes, maybe four? There’s this one time, Namjoon bought her a teddy bear and she said it was tacky.
Or that one incident when Namjoon wanted to go to an amusement park, waited and went home alone because she didn’t show up. When enquired why she did so, she told you that she didn’t want to go to an amusement park and she lied to Namjoon and said, she simply forgot. The nerve that girls had. Namjoon once had rode a bus to go to a movie she chose and she deliberately changed route and blamed him for not having a driver’s license. There’s numerous time that Namjoon came to your apartment because she did something out of context. And there’s even more time, that he came, wanting to be drunk so he could forget what he sees.
“Sometimes I feel like...we’re in a business relationship. She’s she and I’m, me.” He hung his head back to your couch, the liqours finally tipping his head, not as much but just enough to make him spill his inner thoughts on you. Like always. Namjoon needs to learn how to separate between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’. Namjoon is immensely loyal to someone who clearly had no idea what’s the meaning behind the word. Sometimes, he just comes over to cry. He’ll make all sort of excuse to come over.
“I had flu. You have flu medicines?” “I have a headache. The boys’ are playing too loud.” “I can’t sleep. She hadn’t text me. I say some stupid shits again.” “I just want to be here.”
Namjoon would make a bed out of your couch. Once, you try to make a freezer out of your own home so he would leave, but he started shivering as he sleeps, so you had a blanket over him because seeing him like that, aches you. You also tried to move apartment, but as if the universe had something against that, you can never find an apartment good enough to live in. If he keeps coming here, people are going to think you’re a slut for having a guy in a relationship stay overnight, all the time.
But what can you do? Like he said, he had nowhere else to go.
Maybe you needed him as much as he needed you. In a platonic way.
Namjoon catches you climbing on top of a shaky stool trying to obtain something from the top shelf of your laundry room. “Okay! Okay! What is it you’re trying to reach? What do you want, let me get it for you...” he was obviously flustered. “That detergent. That one on the left.” You blinked at him. He hands you it with almost no effort in reaching out for them. “Here. Can you stop worrying me? I’m buying a new stool, that one is so shaky, don’t ever get on it, again. I’m confiscating this,” he folded the chair and really took it with him, home. You come home from class to see a new, more stable tool on your doorstep with a piece of paper. When you took a closer look, it was actually a receipt, heavily scribbled with a thin ink on the price, and was written, “Total price: An ice cream.”
You tried to pick a fight with him. Push all his buttons, yelled at him, make him angry, ignore him, only to say sorry afterwards because you don’t have the heart to. He was patient with you. And it was hard not to be soft at that. How can you, when he brings you food when you screamed at him. “I thought you might be hungry, so that’s why I came with food. Also, I bought you coffee. You probably hadn’t had one, that why you go all bitchy on me.” He rustles with one bag strap on one shoulder, leaning over to the counter before rushing to his next advanced calculus class. He left the convenient store and you watch him through glass window, giving you two thumbs up while skipping backwards, hitting someone in the process. “Don’t make me love you, damn it. I’m trying to hate you.” You murmured as he lunges his feet across the fountain.
“Excuse me. Is this seat taken?” You turned around to see the owner of that sultry voice and saw her. Her silky hair, falls effortlessly over her shoulder, flourishing immense essence of feminine goodness, she would have easily passed as a goddess with that carefully propotioned body. Her eyes, lips and nose looked like it was drawn to perfection. She was a typical boner magnet and Namjoon was a lucky guy to have end up getting her attention. But in your defense, she was lucky to even get Namjoon’s attention. “Hi...!” You perk up in false excitement, high pitched voice, that exudes your purposeful lips to say another competent lie, “...how nice to see you here! Don’t you have class today?” The sentence could go two ways, not that her dense bird brain could ever pick up on it.
“I’m done for the day, I was just wondering if you’ve seen my boyfriend.” You may have heard the words, but you can’t ignore the poison in her voice when stressed the words ‘boyfriend’ in your wake. “Why would I know where your boyfriend is...?” You spat, hands flying around, before lacing together, “...he is wherever he wants to be. Of course. You really shouldn’t worry about him. He is very loyal...maybe you could learn a thing or two, from him.” You said and eyed the guy behind her, choosing a shaver, “Hey junior.” You waved once at the guy. You think his name was Jeon Jungkook.
“You have a thing for Virgos, don’t you?” You scrunched your nose at her and smiled, cheekily. She returned the same expression with a tilt of her head, “At least it’s better than lurking around things that are not yours. I’m being a good senior to him. Maybe if you join a mentor-mentee programme, you’ll see how it is for real, but oh!” She gasped, pretending to be shocked, “...you’re not smart enough for that. Poor thing.” You twisted your lips into a purse and smiled again, with a little shake of your head.
“You may have all these boys dicks with your pretty little pussy, but you know I see right through your fake tits and perverted brain. I wish the words that leave your mouth are as pretty as you, but that seems a little too far-fetched,” you blinked repeatedly. “At least I’m getting dicks. You could use one, just give me a call.” She flipped her hair back and you caught her flawless neck. You dropped your gaze to your lap and stared at your knuckles for a minute before tipping your eyes at her again. “Wow.”
“That’s a great clapback isn’t it?” She passed. “All you ever seem to care about is dicks. Calm down, bitch. I’m not going to threaten you by telling Namjoon, because I know you don’t care about that shit. You don’t care about anything. I’m just whisking away what I just saw and I realise that talking to me had you perspirating that your neck make-up is starting to melt away...” you shake your crossed legs away. “How can you be so shitty at that when its the only thing that’s keeping Namjoon around. Here, my bb cream. It covers tattoos well. That hickey won’t show.” You handed her a tube. “Why I would have this?” You asked her and returned an answer, “...different people, different scars. You don’t know anything about me. No one does. You know the only thing that’s keeping you with Namjoon is the fact that he’s happy when he’s with you, right?”
“Good girls never win, do they?”
You remained seated and ate calmly until she leaves with Jungkook. She was obviously sleeping with the poor kid. She changes guys like she changes clothes. That trip to US? She went with Hoseok from Finance. She had the audacity to buy a cloth for Namjoon when she’s out there cheating on him in the open. Probably used Hoseok’s money too.
When will it grow on you that Namjoon is only seeing you as comfort? When will you see that the only reason he was with her was because she fits his ideal type? When will you pack your feelings and go?
It’s not like you haven’t tried. You try to make plans. Plans without him. Be busy on your own, take classes without telling him, go on adventurous solo trips, only to have 15 missed calls and 27 texts when you come home. Sometimes he sits by your door sill, waiting. So, one day, he stood by the stairs to your apartment and saw you got out of a car, foreign to him. He had never seen it before. This guy was tall, not very tall, but was suited up in his white dress shirt, and black slacks. Painfully friendly to you.
Of course you had the car door open because he even got to your side to do the gentlemen-like gesture. “I was going to get it for you.” He chirped from afar and you giggled elegantly. And it sounded so odd from Namjoon’s point of view because he had never heard of that giggle coming out from you. He narrowed his eyes at the guy who had a stunning smile, as he walks you to the apartment entrance, leaving his car behind, running.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He asked. And you, were polite as always, “...oh yes. Please! Don’t leave your car running. It’s a...dangerous neighborhood.” He rushed back to his car and shut the engine, lock them while jogging back to where you are. As he was tendering his car you caught Namjoon by the last stair, sitting and gasped out loud. “...what are you doing here?” You muttered through gritted teeth, hissing and flaring eyes.
“What are you doing.” He grumbled back just as loud.
“Pretend we don’t know each other. I’m going to walk past you.” “No. Who is he? What is he doing here?” “My new apartment dealer, he sends me home.” You hissed, “Why are you talking to me, I don’t know you—“ “—Don’t tell me what to do.” “Namjoo—hey!” You exclaimed at the guy, “Yes, I’m just going to. Nice talking to you...person,” you eyed Namjoon, “Good day.” Namjoon widens his eyes on you and you grabbed the guys’ hand and directs him up. He was clearly not knowing why he is being manhandled this way, but he goes with it.
“Would you like tea, coffee, unhealthy drinks?” “Unhealthy drinks, sounds good.”
A bagpack was thrown over the balcony at one try. Namjoon hops to grab the rails and with his incredible height, he latches without a problem. He throws one leg over the hand rails and climbed on, kicking an old beer can to the glass window by accident. “Sodas...” he heard you say from inside. “—what was that? Something is outside your balcony it seems.” The guy passed.
“Really?” You walked over the glass door and revealed a bit of the curtain to see what, or who it was. Namjoon sat, leaning against the rails, waving at you with a smug smile. “How did you get there?” You mouthed. Namjoon described the action with his fingers-jumping across. “I’m calling the cops.” You replied.
Namjoon stuck his tongue out at you and you roughly keeps the shade closed. “Just a... cat.” You shrugged.
After Seokjin, the apartment dealer left, you confronted Namjoon, letting him in through the glass door and opened the shades to let the sun in. “I can’t believe you just did that.” You grumbled low, vacuuming your living room. “I can’t believe YOU let a guy in your apartment.” He darted and you turned to him with a look that would have killed if he wasn’t strong enough to know that stares cannot murder.
“I’m a single girl Namjoon, I can let whoever I want in. Besides, I’m moving and he already knows where I live next, so he doesn’t have to come over here anymore.” Namjoon looks up at you with puppy dog eyes, whispering, “You’re moving...?”
Oh no. You blurted them out and now, he knows.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Fuck. Why did you have to slip up this way? Namjoon wasn’t suppose to know. You were going to do this behind him.
“I’m going out.” You said, thinking that it would divert his attention but Namjoon stayed close to you even as you walk. Tailing you like a lost puppy. “I don’t have to tell you things Namjoon,” you spat, dryly. “I don’t want to tell you initially...”
“Why not?” He mumbled. “Because you don’t have to know?” You spun around and returned to your track. “Please don’t pout like that.” You told him and speed away on your feet. “Buy me an ice-cream.”
You munch on your cone without another word, the after taste of chocolate mint ice cream still linger on your tongue. “What if I tell you, I don’t want you to move.” Namjoon was still licking his ice cream, like a child. “I don’t care.” You spat. “I don’t care about what you want.” You added. Namjoon swallowed the whole dollop of ice cream in one mouthful. He is going to get brain freeze from that. Maybe brain freeze is what he needed now.
“Don’t move.” “I will.” “Tell me where it is.” “Why? So you could come and go as you please?”
Namjoon dropped his head down and let out a low chuckle. Breath-takingly beautiful view. His white pearl lines of teethc paired with his hearty low gritty voice and dimples dipping in the most stunning way. Simply captivating.
I want to kiss you right now. You thought.
But you blinked, and the thought flew off as quickly as it came. “Sorry.” You returned to your docile self. “I just wanted to be away from you.” You sighed. Thoughts rushed into your brain, on how much you wanted to take care of him when he’s broken, how you enjoyed being needed, how he appeases your soul with mere presence, his electric accidental touches and wondrous mind—Namjoon was literally everything to you, the centre of your universe, your moon and constellations, the atlas of your heart, the home and planet of your soul.
The one for you—as your heart rebels against your logic. Pieces of you was in him, you were more than certain, only if he paid closer attention. “You don’t understand.” You began. Namjoon turns to you in a glance. “Enlighten me what I don’t understand,” he spat, clamping his teeth between his lower lips to contain all the bubbling anger he bores in him as he forces himself to listen and surpress his emotions, disciplined himself into professional mode.
“It hurts. Being with you, it hurts. It hurts to see someone you love, love someone else.”
Frustrations filled your spill of intonations as your nails rake into your skulls while you spoke through your soul at him.
“I can’t move on from you...because I am so... So incredibly filled with you that it frustrates me how much I am incapable of losing whatever it is that we have. I’m tired. I’m tired of feeling this way. I’m tired of feeling helpless towards all the things that is you, and I hate it, I hate the fact that I can never-ever be more than this. I get it okay? I get it that I’m just me. I’ll never be your type and that’s fine. I am never anyone’s type. I’m the one They made to be just, this.”
You breathed in shakily, feeling the prick in your eyes, your throats swollen with unsaid words, your fingers clutched to the brim of the brick wall you sat on. “I do everything I can, and I’m never the one. Maybe I was just too kind. Maybe I’m not made to be loved. Maybe I’m just... not made for anybody. Maybe I was born to give and never receive, and if that’s that the case Namjoon? I’m okay.” You wiped your tears.
“But please let me go.” You sniffed, and crumbled, “Can’t you see that you’re hurting me?” You fisted your knuckle and battered your chest, “It’s very painful, in here. To love what you can’t have.” You stammered.
Just let me, go.
“That’s why. I’m not telling you where I’m going.” The tears subsides. You hated crying in public but the tears came unwanted. But it didn’t stop you from saying what you wanted to say. “I’m going to be happy now. I’m going to leave you and this country behind and I’m going to be happy. I’m going to find somebody, and I’m going to be happy,” you hoisted yourself off of the wall and started walking.
“Goodbye Namjoon.”
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Can I get a story where mccree has an s/o who's older brother just unrelentlessely shits on them and makes them cry and feel insecure?
-Sigh- please enjoy. I fucked it up but hey, its still nice?
Jesse was just arriving home after a morning of grocery shopping, having went alone after you’d claimed to feel sick this morning. You’d been nauseous the last few days and with fever, though it had been a bit better this morning. Still, Jesse preferred you rest, and didn’t mind going alone.
It gave him a chance to get more medicine, as the cupboard was running out, and to grab some of your favorite food while he was out. Whatever could make you feel better, he wanted to get for you, and food was usually one that you both enjoyed. Especially the chocolate coated gummy bears in a bag somewhere in the car.
When Jesse pulled into his spot, he noticed a familiar and yet unrecognizable vehicle parked in the other spot in front of the house. Instantly his eyes narrowed: it was empty, and yet he didn’t remember anyone asking to come over.
Getting out, Jesse hesitated at the back of his vehicle. There were definitely groceries that needed to go in quickly, like a bucket of double chocolate ice cream with white chocolate swirls. Except...there was this feeling...
There was this feeling that Jesse needed to be there with you, right now. And it was rare for him not to listen to his instincts, especially when it involved you.
Leaving the groceries, Jesse headed up the stairs and into the house, silent as a cat. Whatever the strange feeling was, it left him uncomfortable and he knew he wouldn’t like what he’d find. You weren’t in the living room where he’d left you, and the kitchen had a light on.
There were floorboards in the hall that creaked, so Jesse decided to head near the kitchen through the living room instead. It was risky, as if even one of you calm toward the dining room it would be all too easy to catch sight of him. In the kitchen were two voices.
One was all too familiar, a voice he’d heard only twice but despised with his entire soul. How had he not recognized the fancy taste in vehicles?
“My goodness, you look so run down...then again, living in a hobble like this, I’m not surprised,” purred the male voice. There was a slight creak, where Jesse now knew he leaned by the sink. “Strangely enough, it seems to have been an improvement though on your looks, compared to your...usual face.”
Anger simmered in Jesse, as his hands clenched. What in God’s name had brought your brother here, of all people? Whatever it was, whatever help he might need- Jesse despised him and wouldn't help him worth a dime. But you...
“What do you want?” you asked wearily, and Jesse winced at the pure exhaustion and misery in your voice. Like your brothers very presence was already weighing you down, slowing the healing process.
Your brother had tormented you for years. When Jesse had come into your life, there had been so many problems- you’d been so scared to trust. Scared he’d hurt you. Scared to show him your broken heart and the shattered confidence that your brother had torn to bits over years and years. 
Jesse would someday kill him, likely. He could feel it somewhere in him, but he couldn’t yet.
After a moment, the floor creaked against softly as your brother seemed to walk around the room. “You see, I’m come into a bit of...debt. Luckily, the place knows you...knows of our mother’s 14 karat white gold ring. They said they’d easily wipe the debt away, and then even give a little more money if I gave them the ring,” he said easily.
As if he couldn’t see the horror on your face, the horror that Jesse could feel from a room away. He had seen the ring- it was stunning, and worth a lot of money. Yet it had been passed down three generations, and he knew that you kept it tucked away in safe keeping.
The idea that your brother cared nothing for the heirlooms passed by your family... Jesse knew he’d already sold the ones given to him in the will. He’d told him as much at the last family barbeque held by your cousins.
“No,” you said after a moment, your voice barely audible.
There was a second of pause, before Jesse heard you hiss. “I am your elder brother, and you will do as I say. Give me the ring,” he said vehemently, and Jesse grit his teeth as he came to the realization that your brother was touching you.
“I said no!” you cried, pushing to your feet from the table. “That is our mothers ring! I have given you everything else! I will never give you the ring,” you spat in his face.
There were sounds close to growls, and Jesse couldn’t contain himself a moment longer when he heard your cry of pain. He’d hoped your brother would leave peacefully, because the chance of them meeting face to face and it not ending in a blood bath was slight.
Seeing where his hand held your hair, pressed to the table, was enough that it took one stride. One stride as his arm came back, the muscles tense as rage consumed his features, his blood, his heart. How dare this man walk into his home and hurt you.
His fist snapped out, and your brother had turned toward the creak from the floor caused by McCree. The hit collided solidly, if not much more then that, with your brothers face. There was a crack, a shriek and a bit of blood as your brother fall hard to the ground, clutching his face and his broken, bleeding nose.
Jesse planned to do much more then just break the man’s nose, if a man was what he could be called. Except in a swift movement, you stood in front of him, your hands grabbing onto his sweater and holding tight as you pressed to him, eyes pleading.
There was pain there, but also fear. And it was the fear that made Jesse try to rein in his harsh breaths, to slowly flex his fist, which ached a little. He needed to stay in control and not fall prey to your brothers sick, twisted game.
Your brother slowly managed to push himself up, groaning in pain as he held his face, blood oozing between his fingers.
“You-” he started to snarl, but Jesse stepped past you to grab a fist full of his shirt, lifting the man off his feet. Despite the beginning of a threat, your brother looked terrified.
“Get out of my house,” Jesse hisses, nearly throwing him down the hall. “If you come near y/n, this house- any of us again, or even that damned ring, I will shoot you. Without hesitation. And don’t test me, you pile of filth.” The sheer iciness of his voice was enough for your brother to believe him.
After a moment your brother scrambled out. There was a chance he’d try to call the police, but you doubted it. Your brother was the one who had instigated it, and he had no witness’s, not even fake ones, to back it up.
Slowly Jesse started to relax, freezing when your hand gently rubbed up and down his arm soothingly. He stared out the door for a moment, before closing his eyes tight and turning to pull you into his arms.
“Its okay,” you whispered, your head aching from where he’d viciously pulled your hair. You were used to his treatment...and unused to being protected. It had felt...nice. “Its okay. Thank you...Jesse.”
Jesse took a long breath, holding you tight. “I....I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...lose my temper and scare you. I should have intervened from the beginning. I just wanted to know what that bastard wanted...I should have intervened,” he muttered, shaking his head.
Pressing a finger to his lips, you hushed him gently. Jesse had protected you, and that meant more to you then any words could describe. It was the first time that anyone had cared so much about you...
“I love you, cowboy. It’ll be okay,” you said again gently, watching him with soft eyes full of love.
After a moment, Jesse rubbed the back of his head. “...The groceries are in the trunk. I got us some icecream,” he said finally, trying to put your brother out of mind.
Eyes lighting up, it was clear both of you wanted to forget your brother as quick as possible. “For me?” you asked eagerly.
“For us,” he corrected, but knew you’d pretty much eat it all without him anyway, and he was okay with that.
The rest of the day the two of you stayed cooped up at home, snuggled together and every once in awhile, the two of you would just look at each other and whisper I love you, knowing it was the first time either of you had cared so deeply for another.
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cutecutebibaforever · 6 years
A Memoir to an Old Friend
Disclaimer: The Tim Paolo F. Manabat's Eulogy
(I hope I didn't disappoint you with this.)
Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a quite a time, we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.
I met Tim through Paolo, one of my high school buddy who pursued studying in MAPUA in 2010. I never knew that Tim will change me. To be a much better person the world needs.
"Cute, depress ako kasi.."
And then the beginning of endless talks..
He was someone who knows how to suffer in silence and showing that brave front to everyone. We instantly became very close not just from the fact that he loves Britney Spears, but because I admire his audacity of telling people how much he has been suffering for the loss of his father in November 2009. I can say, he was one of my soulmates.
Tim is the kind of person who is really choosy and "maarti" (if you read my blogs, you could read that he wanted me to mention this). OCD. But not with people. He sees the goodness of everyone. Most of my incredible experiences in Manila was because of him. Late night travels to Laguna and Tagaytay, eat out anywhere. Chickboi Timog because he had this massive crush towards Cathy Go! Long night walks and rants.. Tim taught me that time is of the essence, you should always go out and meet your appointments on time.
Even if we don't talk that much, he secured me that he will always be there for me even after I relocated back to Cebu. We never ran out of things to talk about since he was intelligent, a wide reader and a connoisseur of foods. He make sure to accommodate everyone regardless of achievements, titles and rules.  He was the kind of friend who is supportive to your decisions no matter how foolish it may seem but he always had good advises for you to think it over. He always speak his mind and I have adopted this attitude. Letting you weigh things in every situation and speaking up your mind no matter how people interpret 
Further, he taught me to be confident, the kind that you have to be yourself even if society hates you for who you are. You should never be put inside a box. He was always the spoiled yet reasonable brute, everything he wanted, he can get it, not because he will asked for it but because he will work hard for it. He was a very family-oriented person. He valued his family, his barkadas and treated everyone with utmost respect.
He is expressive, and shallow of his happiness. I meant, he has this simple happiness that is very contagious. We could have karaoke even until morning, icecreams, pizzas, unpredictable road trips and all. Someone who was crazy enough to love Britney Spears? And expressive enough to like  A1, Westlife and Backstreet Boys. He was the shoulder to cry on type, the one-of-a-kind friend who never fail to keep in touch. With him, its always a love-hate friendship because he was never scared of being hated for his honesty and the next minute is pure compassion and matured talks.
What I really admired about him was his simple demeanor of his total fondess to his family circle. That no matter how much a member or members hurt him, he will always love them back. And he always believed in the cliche "time heals all wounds."
Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. I can say you busted on me when you never mentioned anything, not a trace that you were suffering, I just woke up from Jazel’s call from California that you were gone and that it’s so hard to think about the possibilities of losing you, of trying to figure out my life without you in it since you have always been there for me even though we were distance apart. You left me per-hapless stucked in your goddamn labyrinth and I won’t even know if you chose the fast straight out. You were so strong that I never knew you were suffering and I totally hated you for that. I could have done something for you, especially saying goodbye and just soothing words to alleviate your pain even if we were apart. You are unfair. You broke my heart. It would take me some time to reconcile with my guilt  at night of not being able to reciprocate the love that you have given to me including your family.
Tim, wherever you are, I am sorry for always cancelling our meet-ups, for not showing up on time properly. For being so insensitive not to notice your suffering. You knew this hurt me the most. I could have prepared myself for this painful moment that you will leave us hanging. You left me perhapless in your goddamn labyrinth and I don't know if you chose the fast straight out. I will never know because you left us!
I was mean to you but you never gave up on me. You are the only person who truly believed in me that I am a good writer. That even if I was writing nonsense, you still see it as an art and cheered me up. I couldn't thank u enough for those times that I needed someone like you. For cheering me up and constantly reminding me that haters are those who wanted to be on my place. I have learned so many things from you, It pains me thinking that you wouldn't see me become a hot mother and a successful wife someday. You would never get to see me get married, my travels and the battles that I will win but you will always be a part of those. You won't be the ninong to my soon-to-be children. It pains me for you never told me how much you are in pain, you never wanted us to worry! Why? For some time, I asked myself, "What was your mission to me? What is it that I haven't learned from you?" Because it seems that I do, really have learned a lot.
Tim, ang Sid Lucero nang buhay ko, I am so blessed that God gifted me you. I would never forget someone who is a paradox of kindness and frankness. It may take a while for us to heal but we can heal and recover fast because of all the memories you filled us with. And I know, only a few people has been blessed because of you. Thank you for your unending care. I am just so glad that I am one of your elite circle of friends. I am glad I got to tell you how much I appreciate and love you for always being there for me for the last 8 incredible years friendship.
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Rest now, the world will never forget you. We love you and thank you for touching our lives!
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so Tim welcomed me in Manila, this was the night we met after my transfer in Manila.
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